#please..please look at the flowers...i bleed and cried for them
kittykatkazui · 2 years
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afro-hispwriter · 3 months
My Dornish Love(2)
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Aemond Targaryen x Martell!reader
Summary- Aemond might be smart, but he has no idea what to do with women
Warnings- the reader is sort of like Margeary, sort of simp Aemond, injuries, protective! Aemond
wc- 2k+
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Aemond didn’t see you for the rest of the day after that moment in your chambers. His mother said you were just settling in and to leave you be for the day. But that did not stop the Queen from pestering her son the next day to take you around Kings Landing. 
Aemond stood in front of your door, just staring at it. He was nervous, too nervous. The encounter from the previous day was locked in his brain. There were voices on the other side, yours and two males who Aemond hopes are just your brothers.
 He held a bouquet of roses from the garden. He knocked three times and the voices stopped. Then there was a clatter and shuffling, the door was ripped open and Deziel leaned against the frame.
“Oh, Prince Aemond.” He looked down at the flowers in his hands and Deziel put a hand on his heart. “Oh I'm flattered my Prince but red isn’t really my color.” Aemond opened his mouth to say something but the man in front of him got shoved.
“Leave him alone you idiot. Aemond come in.” You opened the door for him. Aemond stepped through and held out the flowers. 
“For you.” You grabbed the flowers and gave him a bright smile.
“Thank you, they’re beautiful.” You walk over to your side table where an empty vase was and you put them in there. Then grabbed the pitcher of water that was given for breakfast and poured some into the vase.
“What are your intentions with my sister today Prince Aemond?” Ryon asked as he snacked on a biscuit. 
“If she accepts, I would like to take her into the city.” 
“I think that is an amazing idea.” You grabbed Aemonds arm and he tensed but you didn’t realize as you started dragging him to the door. “Let's go now.” 
“With a chaperone I assume?” Ryon asks and raises an eyebrow.
“Yes, my mother has arranged it all.” You slammed the door shut and you let Aemond go.
“Are we actually going into the city?” You asked with amusement.
“Yes, my lady.” He puts his hands behind his back and starts walking.
“And what are we going to do?” You start walking next to him.
“Anything you want, no matter the time or cost.” You smirked.
“No matter the cost? Be careful, it's only my second day here. Don’t put the crown in debt already.” Aemond gave a small nod to your joke. 
The smell of manure got stronger and stronger the farther you went in. 
“You’ll get used to it,” Aemomd says from the other side. The chaperone sat at the head of the carriage reading a book. Your face grimaced but you kept looking out the window. You could hear a baby crying over the noises from the carriage rolling and the hooves of the horses against the floor. You tried to look for the baby but all you could hear was the cries. 
“What is done with the less fortunate here?”
“Enough to keep them from rioting.” You nodded and sighed.
“Can we stop here?” 
“The market-.”
“Please.” You cut him off and he sighed.
“Stop here.” He calls out and the horses come to a stop. You opened the door and stepped out, Aemond following close by. 
“Y/n what are you doing?” 
“I want to see the people.” You stepped over a flipped bucket. Aemond grabbed your arms and pulled you back once you approached an alleyway. The guards had gotten off their horses and were building a perimeter. 
“It's not safe.” You grabbed his hand that was wrapped around your arm making him tense.
“You and the guards will be here to keep me safe.” His jaw tensed but nodded. He dropped his hand but you didn’t let it go. You pulled the man with you through the alleyway. 
The people stared at you two and the guards. They were clearly nervous. A small child let out a cry and your head whipped around to the source. 
A little boy sat against the wall whimpering holding his bleeding knee. You dropped Aemonds hands and slowly approached the boy. You crouched down with your hands on your thighs.
“What happened to your knee?” You ask softly and the boy sniffles and looks up.
“I fell.” He whimpered and removed his hand. There was a nasty cut on it.
“Oh I'm so sorry, let's make sure that doesn’t get infected.” You look up at Aemond who stands silently behind you. “Do you have a water canteen?” He shook his head. “Do any of you men have one?” You turn to the knights. None of them responded until one fumbled with a strap.
“Here you are, Princess.” He hands his canteen to you and you smile.
“Thank you, Ser?”
“Thank you Ser Arryk, I will be sure to have a new canteen brought to you.” 
“No need.” He says. 
“Nonsense.” You smile brightly at the man then turn to the boy. “What is your name?” 
“Kenton.” He says and you smile. 
“Hello Kenton, I'm Y/n and that's Aemond behind me.” You point your thumb at Aemond and the man kept a stern face. “Can I take a look at your knee?” He nodded and lowered his leg. You gently grabbed it and inspected it. “I'm going to wash it okay, you can hold my hand if you need to.” You held out your non-dominant hand, Kenton hesitated but took your hand and squeezed it. 
Aemond watched carefully, you were so gentle with the boy. Caring just like a mother. He’s only known you for two days and he already knew you would be the perfect mother to his children. 
You poured the water over Kenton's knee and he squeezed your hand.
“It's okay.” You whisper and watch the dirt fall away from the wound. It only took less than half to clean off the wound, now you just needed a cloth to cover it with. You looked around, Aemond most likely had nothing, and the knights couldn’t rip their cloaks so you settled on your dress. 
You grabbed the bottom of your dress and ripped it. Others who were watching close by gasped.
“Why did you do that?” Aemond asks but you don’t answer. The long strip went up to your hip, revealing the under of the dress. You ripped it off then saw the mud at the bottom of it and tore that part off with ease. 
“I'm going to wrap this around your knee, keep that on for a bit.” You say as you wrap it around his knee. Kenton now sported a deep yellow piece of fabric on his knee. 
Aemond spotted two men approaching, they had hardened faces on. Aemond bent over to your ear.
“Time to go.” You looked over and noticed the two men, by then Arryk and another guard had noticed them and blocked them off. You turn back to Kenton and hand him the canteen.
“Keep this, stay hydrated Kenton.” 
“Thank you, Princess.” Kenton gave you a big smile through the tears, it warmed your heart. You stood up and Aemond placed a hand on your lower back. His hand has found itself stuck to the hilt of his sword since the two men approached. They were blocking the way to get back to the carriage. 
“I'm going to have to ask you to stay back so the Prince and Princess can pass,” Arryk says.
“And you have not told me of your business here.” The man says.
“I was helping the boy.” You pointed at Kenton. “He was hurt.” The man peered over.
“It's true, father. Princess Y/n helped me.” Kenton says. “She even gave me water!” He held the canteen high to show the man who is his father. He shot a glare at you and his fists tightened. You smiled at him but you couldn’t deny he made you nervous, even with the protection you had. Aemond gently put an arm across your body and moved you behind him.
The man sighed then he and the other with him stepped to the side. The knights in front of you looked back and nodded at Aemond and he nodded back. 
“With us,” Arryk says and Aemonds arm is behind you again. He gently pushed you forward to start walking. Once you were in front of it, Aemond stopped you. 
“Your dress is ruined.” You both looked down. It was torn, and muddy, and your shoes were destroyed.
“Oh that's alright, I have others.”
The door to the carriage opened and just as you stepped up a loud meow came from above. You looked up and saw a beautiful cat. Large cat. It was brown but the tufts of white shown said the cat was white. 
“Hello there.” You reach up slowly to scratch its head. It purred instantly and closed its eyes. Aemond slammed his hand against the sides and the cat jumped up and scurried off. “Aemond!” You hit his arm.
“Now is not the time for the creature princess.” You pouted and Aemonds nose twitched.
“But it was cute.”
Aemond did eventually get you to the markets. On the way there he pointed out places as you passed them. At the markets, he followed close behind you as you went to each merchant.
“Look at this Aemond, isn’t it wonderful?” You showed him a painting of a herd of horses. 
“Hmm.” You huffed and set it down. You went through the other options until one with black bordering caught your eye. You looked back at Aemond to see if he was looking but he was standing at another shop just next to the painters.
The contents of the painting made you smile.
“This one.” You tell the painter and they grab it.
“Good choice, your grace.” They say and take it back. “4 gold.” 
“Aemond.” You grabbed his sleeve and he looked over. “4.” You smile brightly at him. He sighed and reached into his little pouch and took out 4 coins and placed them in the painter's hand.
“Have it brought to the Red Keep,” Aemond says and the painter nods. You grab Aemonds arm and he once again tenses.
“You don’t like me touching you, do you?” You pulled him away and let his arm go.
“I don’t care.” You sigh.
“I want you to be comfortable around me, I want this to work. I appreciate you taking me into the city, I appreciate you getting me these things I do. But we’re supposed to get to know each other and doing this doesn’t do that. I want you to know me, and I want to know you. The real you.”
Aemonds breath hitched and his jaw tensed. He didn’t know how to react to your words. He’s never had to do this with any woman, this is his first solid potential betrothal. All other women take one look at him and scurry off in fear or look at him in pure disgust. 
Not you though.
You’ve been nothing but kind to him. Maybe you could be a tad bit forward but in all honesty, Aemond enjoyed it. You could have fun, but you also understood the prospect of duty. 
“I'm not asking for a heart-to-heart, but like I said yesterday. Equality. And not just in duty, this relationship.” 
Aemond mouth quirked up to a wide smile. He held his hand out to you and you looked down at it. Your hand joined his and he squeezed it.
“Tomorrow you will break fast with me in the library after my training.” You nodded in acknowledgment. “I'm taking you back to the Keep before you drain me.” 
Nightfall came and now Aemond and Arryk were back in the streets.
“Are you sure it will still be in the area, my prince?” Arryk asks as he carries the cage usually meant for a bunch of rats and a wrapped fish on top.
“We will only know if we try,” Aemond says and they stood in the section where the cat from earlier was spotted. Arryk set the cage down and unwrapped the fish. Aemond grabbed the slimy aquatic animal and started walking around and shook the fish slightly.
“Maybe you should call for it,” Arryk suggests.
“How?” The knight then started clapping and snapping his fingers, and kissing noises? 
“Ser Arryk what-.”
The two men looked over to the large cat coming out from the shadows, already interested in the fish. Aemond tossed it into the cage and the cat stopped. But the poor thing was too hungry to care and dove right into the cage. Arryk shut it and the cat snarled but went back to the fish. 
“Now what?” Arryk asks.
“Another gift for the princess.”
Aemond and Arryk stood in front of the door and Aemond knocked. He heard nothing so he knocked again. This time he heard a groan and your voice slightly. Shuffling was heard and the door opened.
“Aemond? Ser Arryk? Is everything alright?” You asked and tightened the robe around you. 
“Sorry to disturb you, but one final gift.”
Arryk brought the cage into your view and you saw the cat from earlier.
“You went back for it?” You broke out into a smile. “Open the cage!” Arryk set the cage down so it opened towards your room and he lifted the door. The cat backed out and ran into the room with half the fish in its mouth. 
��So you don’t feel lonely,” Aemond says softly, making your heart flutter. 
“Thank you.” You reached up on your toes and kissed his cheek. “You’re nothing like they say you are.” You whisper into his ear and kiss the corner of his lips. 
Aemonds face turned pink and his eye closed.
“Have a good night my lady.” He says and starts walking away. Arryk simply bows and follows after Aemond.
If one thing was certain that Arryk noticed was that Aemond was smitten already.
A/n- I wanted to rewrite this part so many times, I hate this one. Butt anyways. Comments, reblogs, and likes are greatly appreciated!!! 
Comment or send what name the kitty should have!!!
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oreo-creampie · 10 months
𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐝! 𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐬
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: heavy fluff, light angst, reader is giving birth, kento is worried about being a dad and supportive husband, you easily reassure him, twin baby girls, praise, kento is in awe of you as he should be, you're amazing, you breast feed the baby and kento bottle feeds the other baby
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧: I love your works! Could you write kento fluff, him stressing out about becoming a dad for the first time and reader is just really chill about it all!! Please and thank you🙏🙏
Oreo: I’m sick with my period at the same damn time eating chicken noodle soup, my hubby has been spoiling me so much. Brought me some Christmas themed flowers, the cutest wreath that has the house smelling like pine. Then there was running me a warm bath, making my soup this man is the best. Giving that nanami energy, cause you know he would take such good care of you. I haven’t had to lift a finger, and nanami wouldn’t let you lift one either.
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Your painful contractions, rushing to the hospital, and the epidural to ensure a painless birth. Tightly squeezing his hand, pushing out the first baby girl. It’s a blur that doesn't slow down till he hears the first beautiful cry.
Letting go of your hand long enough to cut the umbilical cord. Grasping your hand between his own, kissing the back. “You’re doing wonderful love, she’s healthy and adorable.” Kissing your cheek, weakly you smile momentarily. Gritting your jaw focusing on pushing out your second baby girl. You're sweaty and beautiful.
The second baby girl is louder, her cries quieting her minutes older sister. This time the nurse brings her close to you, offering you the back the handle. Kento gently guides your hand helping you cut the cord.
"After we clean them both of you can hold one of your beautiful little joys. So chonky, healthy with a powerful set of lungs already.” The doctor gently cleans and checks you over.
One of the nurses brings his eldest baby to him. “Congratulations on such healthy wonderful baby girls.” Gently cradling his eldest babygirl in his hands, swaddled in a soft blanket. Kento supports her hand and head with one hand. She’s so small yet chunky at the same time. Swaddled in a yellow blanket.
Her beautiful chunky face scrunched up in confusion that melts away at the sight of his face. More tears trickle down his face at the soft adoring warm love in his baby girl’s eyes. Lifting her small hand, he leads down helping her touch his cheek.
Kento’s eyes widen tears trickling down his face, dripping onto the girl he names “ He’s a dad to two amazing baby girls who he wants to give the world to along side his beautiful wife.
What if he fails to be a good father?
Grinning Docter Annie announces, “Wonderful there is no hemorrhaging, you’re bleeding normally. We will keep you overnight for observation and discharge you in the morning. When you need to go to the restroom press the call button for a nurse. You will need to eat soon and get plenty of rest.”
Two nurses on either side carefully lift you for the doctor to put a diaper on you. Laying you back down, raising the upper half of the bed for you to comfortably sit up.
You're the nurse lift your baby girl out of the bath, drying her off. “Can I try to calm her down?” Kento looks up at you in pure awe. You have always been an amazing woman. He’s lucky for you to be the mother of his children.
What if he fails to be a supportive husband?
The nurse softly smiles, “You should be able to skin-to-skin and settle her, maybe help her latch.” Lying your baby on your chest. Cradling her, resting her head on your chest. Her loud cries softening to whines.
Admiring your little girl with tired eyes and a soft smile. It's a different type of beautiful to see you cradling the delicate adorable life in your hands. It's wonderful sight like the one of other baby girl in his hands.
Warm, healthy, and finally here after nine months. Here to thrive, grow, and develop interests. Kento wants to be there for them, with you by his side, every step of the way.
Her whines quiet down when you help her latch. Letting her get mouthfuls of milk. Softly breathing, “Of course, our lil Hana is hungry after all that hard work.” Kento didn't think he could fall more in love with you until this moment.
"She will need to latch and get skin with mom soon but for now getting fed by dad and doing some bonding is good too." A nurse hands Kento a bottle of formula. "We will get the overnight room and some food ready for the mom ready." Remembering the various videos and books he nudges Himari's lips with the bottle.
It takes a moment for her to latch, once she does, she's taking large mouthfuls. Failing her hand in her attempt to grab Kento's. A feat she takes moments to accomplish. Her small warm hand on the back of his, the sleepy loving looking in her eyes. "Hana and Himari are perfect, thank you my love for working so hard bringing them into this world."
The nurse and doctor trickle out of the room, taking some of the equipment with them. Leaving Kento and You along with your newborns.
"My love I know that look in your eyes and tension in your jaw. We got each other, and I couldn't have a better man by my side to raise our babies and grow old with. You're going to be everything these girls need in a father and more, trust me darling." The confidence in your beautiful face, soothing voice and tired eyes easing the weight on his shoulders.
He takes a deep breath, shoving his worries aside. Reaffirming your comforting words, "We have each other, there isn't anything we can't do to give these girls a wonderful life, don't worry about me love relax and rest." Standing up, carefully leaning down making sure not to disturb Himari drinking, kiss you gently. "I'm so grateful to get the privilege to be your husband and father to these adorable girls."
Oreo creampie’s m.list
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cloudsandpaws · 24 days
What if MC used the Night Dagger on themselves?
I've always wondered about what would happen if Simeon showed up a second too late? An AU.
Rest assured that I will make a happy ending 🥲
Spoilers: Lessons 35, 37-38
Warnings: intense emotions, bleeding, death
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan
A/N: This pained me so much to write 😭
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Lucifer was right there when the dagger was thrusted into your chest.
He froze, shocked and saddened. He felt his memory returning, but at what cost? MC's life?
He stared down at your lifeless form at his feet, the floor spattered with red.
Luci collapsed onto his knees next to you. Tears started forming as he fought to keep them in. He looked at you and gave up, tears pouring like rain down his cheeks.
How long had it been since he cried? Why was it after MC's death?
Lucifer returned to his room after a while, eyes red from crying. MC was gone. You were gone.
He could never forgive himself. He was right there, holding your hand, but why didn't he stop you? "This is all my fault..."
The Morning Star, Avatar of Pride, Diavolo's right-hand man, Lucifer, had lost his one and only pride; you.
He couldn't bear face his brothers after what had happened, although no demon blamed him.
Lucifer buried himself in work, so he could focus on something else other than you. Or so he hoped.
He visits the underground tomb every single day, praying with all his heart that you could forgive him, and for you to find happiness wherever you go, just like Lilith.
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Mammon rushed over to your room after hearing the news.
His heart stopped when he saw you lying on the floor, red stained floor and all.
He could barely process everything. Just yesterday they were playing cards and having fun, now you were gone from his life.
"MC... MC!! No...no, nononono! This can't be happenin'! Ya can't leave me now! Ya can't! Ya just CAN'T!!"
No being in the three realms had ever heard Mammon scream so loudly. His whole body was shaking as he tried to shake you awake. As if some miracle would happen and you'd come back to life...
Nothing, you were gone.
He was devastated. He had no reason to keep making money if you weren't around. Who could he show Goldie to now? How could he be the Avatar of Greed?
Mammon locked himself in his room, the door never opened during the daytime since that faithful day.
Only at night would that very door be opened, silently making his way to the underground tomb.
He had taken your favorite flowers, and placed them beside your resting place.
"MC... I miss ya so much..."
He whispered those words every time he was leaving, after he told you about his day. Mammon puts a note in every bouquet of flowers he gives you, each one saying a similar sentence; "Please come back to me..."
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Once Levi saw in the group chat that you were gone, he immediately froze.
What happened to you? How? What? Why?!
Why did it have to be you? His Henry, his Player Two, his Normie! It isn't fair!
He went over to Henry 2.0, whispering about what happened to the little goldfish.
"Henry, MC... You know them? That human who comes over sometimes. They're, gone..."
Leviathan sighs, and stares at his monitor. The script for "With Me" is on the screen. A photo of the one he gave you.
He hurries over to your room, picks up the script, and displays it on his favorite shelf.
Placing Ruri-chan figurines next to it, he sighs once more.
"I'm just a worthless shut-in otaku, MC wasn't. Why did it have to be them?!"
It takes Levi a lot of self-control not to summon Lotan, but he leaves a short remark on the script.
"To my Henry, my Player Two, my Normie. This one's dedicated to you."
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604to647 · 4 months
Scherzo (a Barón Tovar Takes a Wife one-shot)
3.1K / Bridgerton AU Regency!Pero Tovar x fem!reader
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Scherzo - a short composition – sometimes a movement from a larger work such as a symphony or a sonata
Summary: Your husband takes care of you when you get hurt during your travels.
Warnings: None! All fluff, though reader gets cheeky with her husband cause I mean, it's Pero? Protective!Pero, Soft Husband!Pero (I NEED HIM). A little bit of violence is described where reader gets physically hurt, nothing graphic.
A/N: This was written for @morallyinept's Flora & Fauna challenge; please see #jettsflora&faunachallenge for all the other amazing works by some wonderful authors (I didn't do much with the meanings of the flowers, was just going for ✨vibes✨ - hope it's okay!). I tend to always miss my babies after I complete their series, and can't help but write little one-shots for them to see what they're up to. This is our Regency couple from Barón Tovar Takes a Wife, but you don't need to read it (although it would be cool if you did - I'm kind of proud of this one 😭) - just know our happy Barón and Baronesa are doing what they love the most, which is travelling on the high seas together.
Beautiful Bridgerton inspired dividers by @saradika-graphics 🥰
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Truth be told, Naples is not one of Pero’s favourite places to visit in Italy; the Barón much preferred the rolling vineyards of Tuscany or the cultural diversity of Milan.  At least it will be a short stay, too short to even arrange for lodging in the city; it was much easier for everyone on the ship to remain staying in their onboard quarters while he oversaw some Royal fleet business with the Italians.  It would be just three short weeks before they're set to raise the sails again, this time charting a course up the western Italian coast to the Civitavecchia Port of Rome.  He realizes the last time the two of you were in Rome had been when you said your final goodbyes in his youth, parting ways and not meeting again for over ten years; Pero looks forward to strolling the cobblestone streets together once more, this time with you as his bride.
In the meantime, he would try to expedite the matter before him – if the Italian dignitary sitting across from him would acquiesce, perhaps he can still save enough of the day to take you to do some sightseeing before nightfall.  Just as the stout man’s mustache twitches at something he’s read on the document Pero gave him, someone bursts into the office, violently banging open the door.
Recognizing one of his trusted footmen, Pero exclaims, “Miguel, could this wait?  Signor Romano and I are in the middle of something.”
“No!” cries Miguel, alarmingly, “My apologies, Barón!  It is the Baronesa...”
Pero reacts with blinding speed, his chair knocked to the ground from the force with which he stands, “What has happened?!”
“There was a commotion in the square, my lord.  Your wife was hur-”
Pero is already out the door, running as fast as he can towards the city square where he knows you and your lady's maid, Lucia, had planned to do some exploring while he was away at meetings.  Wind rushing past his ears, he can hear behind him the faint thundering footsteps of Miguel the footman trying to keep up with his master.
When he gets to the square, Pero is stunned to find it in a mild state of chaos – several shops have been vandalized and an overwhelming number people seem to be in a state of mild panic, crying.  He scans the crowd and when he finally spots you, he nearly falls to his knees.  You’re sitting on the ground next to Lucia who is crying loudly, comforting her the best you can; and while Lucia is clearly emotionally distraught, she appears to be physically unharmed - the same cannot be said for you.  Your dress is torn in several places and covered in blood; whose blood Pero does not know, but he realizes, stomach dropping, that some of it at least must be yours when he sees the long bleeding cut down your left forearm.  Your beautiful face has at least one messy scrape across your cheek that he can see even at this distance and your lip looks like it’s starting to discolour and swell.
You spot Pero when he is a but few steps away and instantly feel a wave of relief wash over you at the sight of your strong, handsome husband (though you do hate to see the look of panic and terror on his face).  Dropping down to your side, Pero immediately cups your face in his warm, bear paw hands, careful not to disturb any of your injuries, “Dulce!  How are you?”
You don’t want to tell Pero that your heart is still beating fast from how scared you had felt during the stampede, or how the cuts on your arm and face sting and that your sides and back have started to ache.  You know that doing so will only make him feel worse - but you’ve never lied to your husband in all the years you’ve known him so you simply say, truthfully, “Better now that you’re here, Pero.”  Melting into the soft tender kiss he presses to your mouth, you try not wince when his soft lips meet your bruised ones but fail miserably.  Trying not to shatter in front of you when he hears your pained whimper, Pero wills himself to pull back with a silent reminder to handle you with more care; as he starts to check over your injuries, he asks delicately, “What happened, mi amor?”
One of the sailors who had joined the footmen in accompanying you and Lucia starts to explain before he’s silenced by a glowering look from your husband; Baronesa Tovar is not a woman who needs others to speak for her.
You give the poor sailor a reassuring smile before drawing Pero’s attention back to you and recount for him what happened in the square earlier.  Noticing that the Barón's hands have been cold in the mornings as of late, you had headed out today with a mission to purchase your husband some gloves made with the fine leather craftsmanship that the Italians are known for.  While admiring the buttery softness of a pair of large leather gloves handed to you by a lovely stall merchant, a fight had broken out across the square between a mob of over twenty large and angry Italian men.  The fighting horde continued their bout while moving across the square, barreling into families and unsuspecting people just trying to go about their day.  Caught unawares, the pedestrians scattered and ran panicked in an effort to get out the way of the oncoming melee.  The fleeing crowd had ran in your direction and you and Lucia could not get out of the way fast enough – pushed down to the ground, in your attempt to shield Lucia as the two of you tried to crawl to the side of the street and away from the mob, your dress had been torn by the flurry of feet as runners stampeded, your body kicked more than once.  At one point, someone had produced a pistol and shot at several buildings; and while that effectively ended the fight, several windows had shattered and some of the errant glass had fallen and cut your arm.
Pero feels absolutely sick at the picture his mind conjures of you being physically pushed and kicked, imagining how scared you must have been; he wants nothing more than to sweep you into his arms and comfort you, but without knowing the extent of your injuries, he settles for pressing his forehead to yours and whispering that everything will be okay now.  You believe him.
With some difficulty, Pero helps you stand and brings you back to the ship; both of you agreeing that when the doctor is called, it should be to the safety and comfort of your own quarters.  Though ever gentle with you, the fearsome scowl on Pero’s face clears a path from the square down to the docks – the deep furrow of his brow accentuating the faded scar over his left eye, as if to challenge anyone who would get between his wife and her safe haven.  Calling out for medical supplies and hot water as soon as he’s onboard, Pero leads you to your chambers and sits you on your shared bed before falling to his knees in front of you.  Slumping, tension in his strong frame finally dissolving, Pero lays his head in your lap and lets a few tears fall at the relief of finally getting you back home, safe.  You stroke your husband’s soft curls lovingly, understanding all of him and letting his devotion wash over you - it brings you a calm that you haven’t felt for several hours now.
In silence, you let Pero tend to your cuts and scrapes, eyes never leaving his handsome face as you watch him concentrate on being gentle with his big, sometimes clumsy hands.  Pero washes your face and hands, wiping away all evidence of the time you spent on the hard stone streets of the square, then takes care to thoroughly clean your injuries.  When you hiss at the sting from the salve he applies to the cut on your arm, Pero murmurs, “Be good for me, Baronesa,” and distracts you momentarily from the pain with that sweet smile of his that he knows makes you melt.
Finally comes the point that Pero has been dreading; he undresses you carefully to tend to the injuries on your body, hoping none will be too serious.  Once he has you stripped to the barest of your undergarments, he takes in the bruising that’s starting to show on your legs, hips and back and thinks he might cry again; his beautiful wife, so brave and strong – he cannot believe you sustained these injuries and still allowed him to move you about as he has without complaint.  As if reading his mind, you run a finger through your husband’s scruff that you love so much and try to lighten his mood; nodding towards your discarded dress on the floor, you joke, “I do not think I will be wearing that dress again.”
Half serious, Pero replies, “I think I will bring it to the Polizia tomorrow, when I demand answers for how they allowed what happened in the square to transpire.”
“Or we throw it over the side of the ship,” he shrugs, a little bit a light returning back to his eyes when he sees your good humour is unscathed; permitting himself to hold you close, Pero breathes his first calm breath since Miguel interrupted his meeting, inhaling your soft perfume.  Seeing Pero in a better mood instantly lifts your spirits, and while in the safety of his loving arms, you give him a playful little wiggle and press your barely clad body to his. 
“Dulce,” he warns, voice dipping low at your giggles.  To show him it’s just a little bit of teasing, you straighten up immediately and allow Pero to run the warm cloth over your body and finish cleaning you up before dressing in your most modest nightgown without any more shenanigans. 
The doctor who is called leaves a short while later, declaring that both you and Lucia will be fine and that a few weeks of lightened activity and rest should heal your injuries without issue.  It’s not something you’re looking forward to, but you agree with Pero that for the remainder of your time in Naples, it would be better if you recovered from the safety of the ship.
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For the first few days, you enjoy the calm and quiet of your vessel, many of the sailors and staff taking the opportunity to enjoy some leave while docked.  But as the days go on, with Pero away for most of the day on business, you find yourself getting restless.  You read your books and write your letters.  You play your piano and even entreat Lucia and whomever remains onboard to play cards with you.  From the ship’s deck you can still see much of the city, and even though you have no particular wish to return on this trip (your experience in the square still too fresh), it unfairly beckons to you like a siren.  You’re bored.  And despite loving your ship, you’re starting to feel cooped up.
Pero does his best each day to finish up his work as quickly as possible so he can return to you, enjoying the warmth of your company and checking for himself that you’re recovering properly.  The Barón brings home delicious treats and pretty trinkets for his wife everyday, leaving no doubt that you’re ever on his mind even when apart.  And while you love your husband dearly for his thoughtfulness, you cannot help, while enjoying his gifts from within the boundaries of a ship that once represented freedom to you, feeling a bit envious at being unable to go out and procure them for yourself.  Pero can tell that you’re feeling a bit out of sorts, not your usual cheerful self; he so hates to see the wings of his pretty dove clipped – it saddens him just as much to see you try to hide your melancholy from him.  And although he cannot agree to lift the current restrictions on your movements, he deeply wishes for a way to make your so-called confinement as pleasant as possible.
The morning that marks the start of your last week in Naples, you wake to an absolute ruckus coming from the ship deck; for a moment you feel a stab of fear, unused to such loud noises and voices without having been given some forewarning.  You must still be feeling some effects of your recent scare, you think; upon listening a bit more carefully, you relax to the realization that the voices are primarily instructive and even calm.  But it’s still much too early for this level of activity from the deck – the footsteps and voices you hear must be from at least double the amount of people you would normally expect to be up at this time of day.  Also unusual is that you’ve woken up to an empty bed; every day following the incident in the square, you’ve woken up to your husband curled around you, arms and legs thrown over your body like protective amour.  You don’t think you particularly like today’s change, but it makes sense – you can’t imagine whatever is going on outside to be taking place without your Pero’s permission.  Not especially looking forward to another day of doing the same things again within the same confines of the ship, you lay in bed for a while longer, at least until the noises start to die down and your curiosity gets the better of you.
The sight that greets you as you open the door to the deck nearly knocks you off your feet.  Somehow, it’s not a wooden ship’s deck that you’re now gazing upon, but a colourful and enchantingly idyllic scene, something that could have been painted by a great master of the arts.  For a moment, you have to pinch yourself, is this a dream? 
You step through the doorway from the ship’s hold into an ethereal garden – blooming flowers have overtaken every inch of the ship’s deck: thick braided garlands of roses, violets, and peonies wrap wondrously around every one of the ship’s railings, big bright pots of lilacs, azaleas and irises line the sides of the ship and surround a makeshift sitting area where some garden furniture you’ve never seen before has been arranged.  Even the mast has been decorated to look like a spring maypole, intertwining vines of clematis and jasmine crisscross all the way down from the crow’s nest so tightly you can barely see any of the dark wood that normally centres your great vessel.  Every bow is positively dripping with wisterias, reminding you for a moment of your beloved Bridgerton House.  You walk slowly through the dreamlike scene, weaving between the lush plants and the fresh, bold flowers.   Brushing your hand over the railing as you meander, your fingertips flutter at the soft feel of the blooming petals and your eyes brighten at the rainbow hues that paint every perimeter inch of the ship.  Your nose breathes in the sweet and intoxicating floral scent that now dances lightly in the air.  You close your eyes and inhale.  Your eyes open again with a soft exhale.  Repeat.
You’re turning around slowly, trying to take in the entirety of your magical surroundings when your eyes land on your beaming husband, standing like a handsome faerie king holding an exquisite bouquet of your favourite peonies in his hand, waiting for his pretty queen to take in all his hard work.  Despite the residual pain you still feel a bit in your sides, you launch yourself into Pero’s arms, throwing your own around his neck and passionately press your lips to his.  Mouth opening, you let Pero lick in and explore, before pulling yourself up onto your toes and suck on his tongue eagerly.  Pero pulls you in tightly and when he feels your tongue stroke behind his teeth, lets loose a deep vibrating hum of want that reverberates through you, straight to your core.  With a quick nibble to your bottom lip and a few chasing flutter kisses, Pero reluctantly pulls away; he’s sure there are curious eyes all over the ship deck, even if they are currently concealed by the splendid greenery that’s overtaken the space.
When he steps back look at you, the expression on your face almost gives Pero enough reason to throw modesty and decorum out the window, grab at your enticing curves and throw you down amidst the lush fauna he’s brought onto the ship to have his way with you.  Almost.  Your eyes shine bright and twinkle, there’s a fresh glow to your cheeks, and your smile is the widest that he’s seen in weeks: you’re alive again.
“Pero,” you cry in bliss, “what is all this?”
The Barón gently cradles your head in his hand and reverently strokes the soft hair of his beloved Baronesa, “Mi amor, I could tell that staying confined to the ship has not been agreeing with you.  If you cannot go out to explore and play in the wide world, then I will do my best to bring the wide world to you.  Now, instead of a cold, dreary ship deck, I hope you will enjoy the remainder of the week before we set sail in your own private garden.”
You could cry – what did you ever do to deserve the love and devotion of your perfect husband?  He forever thinks of your comfort and the wellness of your heart – but he does so much more than just take care of you or do things that make you happy, he’s the reason for your joy, for your very being.  You cannot stop murmuring, Thank you thank you thank you, into his chest as he holds you close, not only to him but for him.
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The flowers last a week which is precisely how long you need them to last.  During those final days before your fleet sets sail, you find yourself soothed every time you enter or sit in your personal secret garden; second, by the tranquility and peacefulness of your botanical hideaway, and first, by the knowledge that you have the love of the kindest, sweetest man on earth.
Leaning now along the once again bare wood railing, with the salty sea wind blowing through your hair, you feel a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist.  The patchy facial hair of your husband tickles your cheek as he presses a sweet kiss to your temple and whispers in your ear, “Happy to be on our way, Dulce?”
Turning in his arms, you snuggle into his safe hold; tucking yourself under his chin, you sigh into Pero’s neck, “Just happy, mi amor.”
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marlsswrites · 3 months
June 29th <3
Always - @rosekillermicrofic - words: 873
TW: Character death, mentions of blood.
It was a dark night, Barty and Evan sat on the damp green grass on the edge of the forbidden forest. Above them was a tall tree, with flowers of varying colours flowing through the vines and lighting up the area.
Fireflies flew around the two boys and moonlight hit Evan in a way that made him look like he was glowing, Barty was sure he actually did glow.
This was all he ever wanted, Barty thought, this moment right now. He could live it forever, play it on repeat in his head. Always thinking of his Evan.
When he held Evan’s hand, he clutched onto it like he was going to run away. When he kissed Evan, he always made sure to leave a mark, because that was Barty’s Evan, no one else’s.
Evan lay his head to rest in Barty’s lap, his blonde hair splaying out and his long dark eyelashes fluttering shut over his ghostly blue eyes. He hummed as Barty ran a pale ring adorned hand through his hair, kissing Barty’s wrist with a small smile tugging on his lips.
“I’ll always love you Evie, you know that right?” Barty whispered in his ear.
“You will?”
Barty nodded and pushed out a hushed yes. “Of course I will.”
“I’ll always love you too Bee.”
One year later, Barty was sobbing. He was shrieking for help, he was crying, he was bawling, he was shaking and pale and pleading. “Evie no.” He croaked out as he held the dying boy in his lap, urgently running his hand all over Evan’s hair.
“It’s okay Bee.” Evan whispered, his voice hoarse and croaky like it hurt to even speak.
“No- no it’s not.” He hissed and sniffled, his cheeks flushed red and tears streaming down his face. Barty Crouch Jr never cries, never. But he was a mess right now, and even he knew there was no stopping what was about to happen.
Evan coughed, the bloodstains on his shirt becoming more prominent. Barty had found him like this, a rather injured and bleeding wizard running away from him, who just left Evan here to rot. All alone.
Pressing his hands against the wounds, Barty shrieked out a cry as he buried his head in Evans shoulder. It’s something he’s used to doing, he does it all the time, and Evan always used to kiss his hair and whisper sweet nothings into his ear.
He cried more into his lovers shoulder, his Evan, always his Evan. Nobody should’ve been able to take him away, Barty should’ve been there. That’s not fair, it doesn’t work like that- he can’t go. Not yet.
“Evie.” He muffled into his neck. “Please don’t leave me.” He choked out. “Not- not yet.” His voice was small, muffled by the material of Evans jumper. He could practically hear Evan smiling a pitying smile as he ran a hand through Barty’s hair, kissing the top of his head.
“I’ll always love you, Bee.” Evan whispered into his ear. “Always.”
Barty’s cries grew, chanting a string of no and please. “I’ll always love you too Evie.”
“Always?” Evan whispered into his ear again.
Holding Evan tighter as he felt the life drain out of his body, Barty muffled his last cry into Evan’s torn clothes. “I’ll find you, I promise.”
“Dora.” Evan shook her shoulders.
It was years later, in the afterlife to be exact. It was beautiful here, far more relaxing and lacked the horrors that were the wizarding world. Or so he thought.
“Dora, why isn’t Bee here?” He asked warily. “Why? He should be here, he-“
Pandora had tears in her eyes, she looked horrified.
Evan had sent her to watch over Barty as he took his last breath, Evan couldn’t bear to see it. He just wanted to see Bee, his Bee. “Pandora, what is it?” He asked again in a smaller voice.
“He-“ A beat. “The dementors kiss.” She trailed off, staring into oblivion. Her horror struck face stone and fixated on the ground.
“No- no he’s not.” Evan shook his head and stepped closer to Pandora. “Pandora look at me.” She looked up, biting her lip anxiously and blinking away the tears that were already streaming from her eyes.
She placed a hand on his cheek, Barty always used to do that, he thought. “I’m sorry-“ She started.
“They can’t take him from me again.” He swallowed. “No, they haven’t it’s not true…” He cried.
Shrugging Pandoras hand away, he fell to the floor. Sitting at the bottom of a nearby tree and resting his back on it, his head slammed back into the wood as he groaned in pain, but not from his head, from his love.
His sister crouched down in front of him, placing both hands on his knees. “I saw it happen, Ev.” She sniffled.
He couldn’t bear to imagine it, Barty, Bee, his love, getting his soul sucked from his beautiful body. Left motionless and pale on the cold stone floor of a cell, nobody there to mourn him, nobody left to care.
I’ll always love you Bee. He thought as he sobbed into Pandoras shoulder.
Always? A deep voice spoke from the back of his head.
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thecoolnauta · 5 months
So yeah, just some brainrot I though while (crying) doing homework
TW: gn reader, teenager reader (ALL IS PLATONIC), some mentions of bullying but not that many, maybe sm angst and a lot of spoilers abut the archons missions
ALSO VERY BAD ENGLISH, IT'S NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE PLEASE DON'T MIND IT (also I have this feeling that this is gonna be long so maybe it would be part two)
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So yeah, you are just some neurodivergent kid, trying to vibe with your especial interest but classmates are being mean like they got pay for it and not very friendly stuff
your dearest tutor (I didn't know If put mother or anything else) decided without telling you first to put you on a weird camp were IN TEXTUAL WORDS: "they will make you think inside the box"
And yeah you weren't doing that shit
Luckly you! some weird... random- CREATURE stole your (insert product of your special interest here) and ran away to a very old wood house you never notice before.
You enter no the house without actually looking back, not minding at all the fact after you cross the old door you ended up in a wild life forest.
When you tried to get back to your city you found out that the door was gone, all the freaking house was gone.
"Don't panic, don't panic, QUENOCUNDAELPANICO, maybe the house had some uhhh… halogenous spores that are making me hallucinate hehe" you said before shouting your lungs out when you bite your arm and hurt... and bleed gold.
You weren't hallucinating, you were in a real place and your blood looked like liquid stars..
Trying to find someone to help you probably run all over the forest you went trap, finding that the animals really liked you and the flowers pratically flourished faster when you were around.
"Heh, this place is kinda nice, maybe I could stay a little longer"
It was night you rested your head over a wild boar who very cheerfully offered to be your pillow, some bunnies cuddle you and a little mockingbird started to sing for you to sleep.
You actually can get used to this, felling so warm, so loved by an unkown earth who seems to let you know all it's secrets...
All Teyvat (except for you) heard the cries of the Traveler and their rare pixie
After finding out the secrets of the Hydro archon of Fontaine, they decided to get a little walk before doing missions all over again.
BUT when Aether was resting their head and body on a tree, he felt the divine power and the warm scaping of his body like an armour being destroyed after a very rough battle.
You were gone, you abandoned him.
He almost fall into the sea, if It wasn't for Paimon that grab thim of the braid with all her little strength.
After that he just started to panic and cry all loud and to attack everyting that moves a bit to close to him.
(Paimon had to kick him into his face to stop him but shhhhh)
When he managed to splain himself, It was the turn of Paimon to get panic, only after Ather giving her a berry he had on his pocket she calmed down.
"...So what we do now, Do we tell the others?" the Traveler asked
"Paimon doesn't know, maybe we could them the Archons to-"
"Paimon, look at my eyes and repeat that again"
"Maybe we could..." she stayed quite a long time "yeah maybe they won't fully help us"
"What If we tell Albedo? He knows a lot of things about the Creator!"
"You're right! But we still have some missions to do here..."
"We do them as soon we can, also, we can wrote a letter to him so he would have time to investigate this more" he decided.
"Paimon needs to know now, let's do the request now!"
The flying girl disapeard and the yound boy stayed with a frown.
He could fell Teyvat, It felt different than before, even before he got trapped by the unkown godness.
It feel completed.
Aether just hope that nothing bad happends to all the persons he had the chance to meet. He hoped nothing bad happend to you.
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steveshairychest · 2 years
Robin is Prince Steve's court mage.
She's instructed to protect him, to aid him and, although it wasn't a direct order from the King, she's to be his friend.
Wherever Steve goes, Robin is right behind him. She's there when his father makes him pick a girl to be his bride out of a line up, she's there to hold him as he cries when his mother's illness finally takes her, she makes it snow in his room when they've had a little too much of his father's expensive wine.
And she's there when Steve finds the boy in the woods.
He's been attacked by wolves, his horse lay motionless close by, and there's so much blood. Robin doesn't know what to do. She stands there shaking as Steve jumps off his horse and goes to the boy's side. He's still breathing, he reaches for Steve weakly and to Robin's surprise, Steve brings his bloody hand to his lips and kisses it.
"You're gonna be okay, Eds."
Steve turns to Robin. "You have to heal him, Robin, please." He's crying, he's crying for this boy that Robin has never seen. She knows everyone Steve is friends with, it's part of her job, but somehow Steve has kept this boy a secret from her. "I can't lose him, Robs, please!"
"Steve, I- I'm forbidden to use my magic on people outside of the royal family. You know this. Come we must go." The words hurt to say, but it hurt more to see the tears in Steve's eyes as he looked at her incredulously, like he didn't recognise her.
"Go, Steve- "
"No, Eddie, I'm not leaving you." He leans down and kisses Eddie's forehead before looking up at Robin, his eyes pleading for her to help. "I love him." He whispers, almost like he's afraid anyone but them will hear.
This is news to her, as far as she knew, Steve loved Nancy. She'd think he was lying but she can see it in his eyes, in the way his hands shake as he carefully brushes bloody hair out of the boys eyes and whispers comforting words to him.
She shouldn't do it, she'd be whipped in the town square for using something as precious as magic on anyone that wasn't royalty but she'd be hurting Steve if she walked away.
Robin sighs shakily and then shakes her head. She's sworn to Steve and everyone that he loves, which now included this boy currently bleeding in her prince's arms.
"Fuck, okay." She drops down to her knees next to the boy that had managed to steal her best friend's heart and and gently places her hands on his gaping wounds. "If I heal you, you have to promise to keep Steve safe." The guy gives a weak, shaky thumbs up. "There's no doubt we are being watched. We won't be safe." She's looking at Steve as she says this, she needs him to know the consequences, she needs him to know that if she heals him everything is going to change.
If he wants to be with Eddie they need to flee.
They both know the King would rather have no heir at all then have an heir that defies him, that goes behind his back and falls in love with a nobody.
"We'd already planned to leave tomorrow." Steve doesn't look at Robin when he says this and it hurts to know that he's been keeping so many secrets from her. They'd sworn to always be truthful with each other.
And now Steve has a secret lover that he was planning to run away with on his wedding day.
God, did Nancy know?
This was supposed to be a fun ride through the woods. They were supposed to pick flowers for Nancy and have a picnic under their favourite tree.
Now, everything is going to change because of one boy.
"Kinda bleeding out here." Eddie chokes and weakly gestures to his wounds.
"Right, yeah, sorry. This will hurt." She closes her eyes, ignores the feel of his blood on her hands, and focuses on stitching him back up. They won't have long after this.
Every use of her magic is tracked by the King's mage, they'll see this as an act of treason. She may be Steve's mage but she's also sworn to the crown, her magic isn't her own anymore.
"Will you come with us?" Steve asks, he's got Eddie's head in his lap now and he's using his very expensive shirt sleeve to gently wipe the blood off his face. Eddie winces every now and then as Robin sews him back together with her magic, she's only done this once before and it was when Steve drunkenly fell down the stairs after his engagement celebrations.
"I can't come with you, Steve." She says quietly and pulls her hands away from Eddie. He's still covered in blood but he's been healed, she even took care of the illness she felt whisper to her from within him. She needs him healthy, needs him to look after her prince. "They can track my magic, I will just give you away." She stands up and avoids Steve's tear filled eyes, she needs to be strong.
She walks over to where their horses are waiting and rests her forehead on her horse's face to hide her tears. "You may take my horse, only I can track her and that way I'll know where you are. You can send letters to my mother's house, I promise to read them all."
Giving away her horse is a big deal and Steve knows it.
The white thoroughbred is her familiar and one of the last shape shifters in the kingdom, a secret they have both kept since they were children. She's Robin's heart and soul and now she's giving her to Steve.
"I'll keep her safe."
They don't say much while they saddle up. Robin knows that if Steve even as much as looks at her with those big, sad hazel eyes, she'll break down, she'll beg him to stay or worse, she'll go with him. Every part of her aches to stay by his side but she knows it won't end well. The King would find them in a matter of hours.
Robin whispers quietly to her horse, tells her all the places they will be safe, while Steve helps a sore Eddie onto his horse, Robin forget to mention that his body will ache for a few days. "Can't believe I'm going for a ride on Prince Steve's stallion." Eddie says cheekily, his hair is matted with his own blood and there's dirt all over him, but Robin can see why Steve chose him.
She wishes she had more time to get to know the man Steve loves.
"Don't say good bye." Steve whispers into her hair, his arms crush her into an almost painful hug but it's okay, she's squeezing him just as tight. "We'll see each other again. I swear it."
"My heart will be with you wherever you go." She whispers, it's taking every ounce of control she has to not fall apart in Steve's arms. Her whole life is being tipped upside down and there's nothing she can do to stop it. She wishes there was some way for them to stay, wishes her magic was strong enough to keep them hidden in the kingdom but it's not.
She'd seen the King's mage's crow fly over head. It wouldn't be long until her treachery was reported to the King, until the King knew that his son is in love with someone that won't be able to continue his royal blood line.
Eddie would be killed if they stayed. Steve would he locked away and Robin doesn't want to think about what would happen to her.
She pushes those thoughts to the back of her mind. She needs to focus on these last fleeting moments she has with her best friend.
"Is there anything else you've been keeping from me that you'd like to share before you ride off into the sunset with your secret boyfriend?" She jokes through tears. They pull away from the embrace and rest their foreheads together, just like they used to as kids. She doesn't know when it became their thing but it soothes her aching heart to just be in the same space as her best friend.
Steve huffs out a laugh and says, "I never loved Nancy, she never loved me. She has eyes for someone else. You should comfort her in my absence." Steve pulls back fully and winks, his lips pulled up in a cheeky smile.
"Oh my god."
"She speaks fondly of you. Very fondly."
"Why didn't you tell me sooner!" Robin's smiling now, a blush staining her cheeks as she playfully shoves Steve's shoulder, but then her smile falters. "Does she know you're leaving?"
Steve nods and kicks a rock. "She met Eddie last week, she told me to go, she's packing my bag as we speak but I guess I'm not going to have time to go back and get it." He reaches for her hand and gives it a comforting squeeze. "That's why I wanted to go for a ride today, I was going to tell you everything and introduce you to Eddie but then the wolves got him." He looks over his shoulder at Eddie, who is talking to Steve's horse and sharing an apple with him. Gross. "Which I feel wasn't a coincidence."
Robin knows it wasn't a coincidence. Wolves don't live in this part of the woods, there's wards to keep them out. They'd have to be let in.
She doesn't want to tell Steve that.
So, she links their arms and walks him over to her horse. "He's a bit odd. Are you sure he's the one?" She says while watching as Eddie leans too far forward to feed the horse and nearly slips off.
Steve smiles fondly at him and nods his head, his crown glitters and catches the light that peaks through the trees. "I'm sure. You don't have to worry."
He hoists himself up on her horse and then leans down to press a kiss to Robin's forehead. "Take care of yourself, Robin. Thank you for everything. I'll see you again soon, yeah?"
They need to play pretend, need to ignore the truth that weighs heavy on them both.
That this really is good bye.
"I'll see you soon, my Prince." She whispers and steps away from the horse. "Tell me all about your adventures when we see each other again."
Steve inhales sharply and tries to hide the wobble of his bottom lip with a smile. "Until then."
And then they're off, riding side by side through the thick forest. Steve's laughter echoes around her as Eddie takes the lead and smiles back at Steve, his smile is bright and dazzling. He will keep her prince happy and that comforts her, even as she watches them slowly disappear.
She kisses three of her fingers and then blows the kiss out towards the retreating figure of Steve, her best friend, her brother, her soulmate.
"Good bye, my heart."
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rosze-v · 1 year
In his last moments, you know, that moment where your body seems so cold yet so hot, and how you could hear your heart beating in your ears. Your fingertips freezing and losing touch, in those moments where your love ones came through your mind, like a movie strip, playing in front of your eyes.
In Touya’s last moment, he saw you.
“Touya”. You called, and he could clearly hear your beautiful voice calling his ugly name. The name he tried so hard to abandon but you told him, “I’ll love your name, and call you by your name, so if you hate it, remember that you’re hating me as well”. And at that confession, he learned to love hearing his name fall from your lips. Through his dying eyes, he could see your sleepy eyes, blinking at him while you stroke his scarred face.
“You’re so beautiful, Touya”. You whispered, reaching towards him and kissing his forehead gently, the love pouring and spreading through his body. He remembered that he’s not really sure what to say when you said that, he simply kisses your lips and lay onto your chest, listening fervently to your heartbeat. How he wishes, to listen to your heartbeat again; in your embrace he’s safe and he can be Touya.
Then another scene flashes. The both of you sitting outside, at the balcony. It was summer, and the fireworks were dancing in the night sky. Touya remembered how ethereal you looked that night. In his black shirt, your eyes reflecting the beautiful lights, your mouth slightly open, squeals of excitement but when you turn back to him with the brightest smile on your face, he thought, this is where he belongs. Staring at you and admiring your beauty, holding onto your hand that reached out to him, squeezing it slightly and feeling yours squeezing his back. In that moment, in the silence, he falls in love with you all over again.
Touya’s body laid on the cold ground, the pain was coursing through his body and another scene flashes. It was the first time of the many later where he came back with blood and injuries all over him. You saw him and panicked, quickly going towards him and asking him what happened. “Work”. He said and you opened your mouth, brows scrunching in anger but your eyes went back to the gash on his cheek, and stopped. Your hands hold onto his wrist so softly, as if Touya was made of glass. You asked him to sit down and he obliged, as you took out the first aid kit and sat on the ground in front of him. You were silent as you tended to the wounds on his arms and chest, and when you looked up at him, when your eyes met his, he couldn’t understand why your eyes were filled with water.
“Why are you crying?”. Your eyes shakes as you stare into him, shocked by his words. Somehow at that time, you understood. So, you said, “Because I love you”. “How— “. “Because I was scared, and worried, because you were bleeding so much… And I love you too much, Touya, I’ll die if you die”. Touya could only stare at you, he believes that, that was the first time he understood that you love him. You’re not just someone who took pity in him and he understood, that you’re his home. So, he hugged your back, caressing your hair as you cried out.
Please don’t die (y/n). Touya thought, his breathing thinning and it was getting too hard to suck in air. Then another scene flashes.
In that scene, you held flowers to your chest, the most dazzling smile on your face. Somehow in that scene, he couldn’t feel any pain from his skin and so he held his hands up. His skin was… normal. There’s no stitches and ugly purples, and when he traces his cheeks, it was smooth and suddenly you’re in front of him.
“Thank you, fiancé,”. Ah yes, he was proposing to you and you said yes. His sister, Fuyumi was jumping around at the distance, along with his brother Natsuo. Shoto was making sure that the video went well and was ready to take pictures. Of course, Touya had planned it all with them, he wanted to propose to you at a field of flowers, with the most stunning ring; he picked it out with his mother. He remembered asking his father for permission to marry you and he agreed, and Enji took him out for a drink, told him that he wanted to have a drink with his son before he becomes someone’s husband.
Another scene flashes, and you were walking down the aisle. Another scene flashes, and you were holding onto his face, your own flushed red as he whispers his love to you. Another scene flashes, and you were showing him a positive pregnancy test. Another scene flashes, and he was crying as he held onto his child in his arms. Another scene flashes and the both of you held onto your child’s hands, walking down the street. Another scene flashes and you’re so old, and still so beautiful. You’re still smiling, that dazzling smile and you’re still holding onto his hands so gently.
“I love you”. You whispered. “Now, forever and after”. No one would ever love Touya as much as you did. And he knew it by heart, and even in his last breath. Even as his eyes stares soulless into the foggy, ugly world. Even in his last moments, your love comforted him, and held onto him, guiding him slowly and gently.
And Todoroki Touya, in his last moments, loved you and dreamt of you.
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mars-wuz-herez · 3 months
What once....was...mine....
Suggestion #1
His coat lies outside on the floor. Infinite is dead. Sonic is finally free. 
But he can't celebrate.
Sonic turns to face Shadow who is currently laying on the floor, bleeding.
“Nonononono. Shadow?”
Sonic lifts Shadow's head on his lap. Shadow coughs a few times, before his head turns. Sonic grabs his cheek and turns it towards him.
“Look at me. Look at me. I'm right here, don't go stay with me Shadow please!”
Sonic grabs Shadow's hands and puts them on his quills and starts singing, faster than normal, voice breaking as he sings
“Flowers gleam and glow. L-Let your power shine. Why isn't this working? Please work!”
“Hey” Shadow weakly says but Sonic ignores him and continues singing
“Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine”
The blue hedgehog looks at Shadow, tears in his eyes.
“You were my new dream….”
Sonic laughs tears now streaming down his cheeks. His hand squeezes Shadows.
“And you were mine”
Shadow smiles, closes his eyes and takes his last breath.
Sonic doesn't move. ‘He died’ he thinks, ‘All because of me’. He cups Shadow's cheeks and continues singing. As he is singing, memories of their adventure play out. Them visiting the Ugly duckling, Sonic singing and Shadow covering his face in embarrassment when really he was hiding his blush and smile. Memory of them barely escaping the guards, memory of them Shadow visibly freaked out when Sonic showed him his powers. (That was a funny one). And then his favorite memory of them all. Both of them on a boat watching the lanterns as they lit up the sky. Sonic remembers taking a glance at Shadow and thinking how beautiful he was. How there was no other place he wanted to be, how he wished that this moment would never end. He was thought about how much he wanted to…
but it was too late now. Shadow is dead. Sonic’s powers are no longer useful. He is no longer useful.
He puts their foreheads together and sings the final verse to the song.
“...what once was mine.”
Then he finally allows himself to cry. He cries and cries while mumbling apologies to the hedgehog on his lap
“I’m so sorry, Shadow. I should've done more to help you. This is….all my fault. I'm so sorry”
As he cries he doesn't notice a tear fall on the others cheek. That tear stays there for a minute before disappearing leaving a glowing flower. 
Sonic almost doesn't notice the bright light coming out of Shadow. The blue light dances in the air and the bright light coming from Shadow gets brighter and brighter. It forms the flower, the 
sundrop flower. Sonic watches as the blood from Shadow's shirt disappears. Then just as the light appears, it all disappears into Shadow. 
Sonic looks at his wound. It's gone! He looks back at Shadow hoping that this could've healed him.
For a moment Shadow’s movement remain still. Then he opens one eye. Then another
Sonic gasps.
“Did uh…did I ever tell you I have a thing for blue hedgehogs?”
Sonic laughs and lunges himself into a hug almost falling on the floor. Shadow cathces him and hugs him back, burying his face into the others shoulder. They stay like that for a while. 
Sonic pulls away from the hug and faces Shadow. Before Shadow could speak Sonic closes the gap between them and their lips connect. Shadow returns the kiss. As they are kissing, tears stream down Sonic’s face. 
But these aren't sad tears. 
These are tears of joy.
He's happy because he's able to do the one thing he thought he would never get to do.
He's happy because the love of his life is alive.
The End
Thanks for reading!
If you have any suggestions you would like me to write, feel free to leave a comment here or in my inbox!
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
Now a Part Two of more info on "The Monkey King and the Infant" au:
link to part one
There's A LOT of crying and emotions between characters in this fic. Like full on "imma destroy this wall real quick" tantrums from Sun Wukong *and* Macaque. They're both deeply hurt and very bad at communicating.
Macaque's death in JTTW is canon. He had not set upon Tripitaka on his own accord - he had been ordered. He doesnt remember who gave the order though - must have drank some soup in Diyu.
Macaque believes that Lady Bone Demon only resurrected him to let her out. But she also secretly needs MK for something. Macaque prays that they never cross paths. Spoilers: they do.
Before Tang and Pigsy realised who the two monkeys actually were; they managed to get them jobs in their own workplaces. Macaque assists Tang at the University library where he works as an archivist. Sun Wukong on the other hand is the pretty host/delivery boy that charms tips out of all of Pigsy's customers. Even after the reveal, the two monkeys enjoy their day jobs.
Pigsy doesnt trust Sun Wukong to run the kitchen on his own. He does trust Macaque though, which makes Sun Wukong furious.
The co-parents learned that MK has built-in Gold Vision cus he has no filter;
MK (age 4): "What happened to your eye?" Macaque: *checks if his glamour is on* Tang: "Huh? What about his eyes? They look normal to me... oh he probably just means that little scar you have." Macaque, relieved: "Oh... this. I got in my last battle." MK: "No no! I mean your WHITE eye. The one you don't squint out of. Same side as the white streak in your hair." Macaque: "...what?" Tang, slowly realising whats going on and trying to hold back a lore infodump: "Ah! :D"
Sun Wukong will start sobbing at the drop of a hat if asked how his and Macaque's last fight went. MK learned that the hard way and it caused a crying chain reaction.
It takes Shadowpeach literal years of living and raising a child together before they realise that they've fallen back in love. Meanwhile Freenoodles got express delivery within weeks of MK being in their lives.
One of the first shapeshifting forms MK was able to take on is a brown piglet. Yes, Pigsy cried the first couple of times it happened.
Sun Wukong and Macaque shared the restaurant apartment for most of MK's childhood. Pigsy used to live there too, but moved in with Tang nearby after he took in the the soon-to-be monkey parents. He claims it was to "save up on space", but it quickly turned into something else along with his relationship to Tang. In the modern day, MK still lives in the apartment above the restaurant like in canon. Sun Wukong mostly lives at Flower Fruit Mountain when he's not staying in the city - otherwise he forcibly crashes at Macaque's loft in the University district.
MK is trans masc (he/they) in this au, as is Macaque and maybe Tang. Self projection ahoy.
Demon attacks and Human threats have followed the family throughout MK's childhood, but its nothing a superpowered team of dads cant handle. Except the first time MK scraped his knee at kindergarden and Sun Wukong was convinced that he was gonna bleed out. Or when MK got his first bad cold and Macaque ruined the kitchen trying to alchemise a cure. Or MK's first run in with a bully that made Pigsy so mad that he reconnected with Sandy to pull a "scary bodyguard" act on the bully. Or MK's first school play where he played the role as a cloud, and Tang clapped a little too loudly. Or his first- (the list goes on. these dorks are so proud of their little stone egg baby).
Please add your thoughts in the tags or send asks cus my butt's gonna write a fic soon
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kairiscorner · 1 year
Hi, can I request Noir x Assassin reader?
Basically, his lover gets tasked to kill him. The reader being heartbroken by this, they eventually suck it up and go "Deal with it" and look for him. Eventually, they find him and you know the one scene in Princess Mononoke that goes like "I'll cut your throat! That will shut you up!" then Ashitaka (The guy) goes "You're beautiful"? That happened. Once Peter says the "You're beautiful" part, The reader soon snaps out of it and bursts into tears, saying, "I'm sorry! Forgive me!"
(Sorry pag medyo mahaba ung request :'DD)
HI PO ANONNNNN no, no, sakto lang req niyo po, pramis (✿^‿^) I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS !! (also omcm ang ganda ng princess mononoke ngl)
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summary: you thought you could quit this job you abhorred, finally be able to settle down with the man of your dreams and just... live. but before you're guaranteed any freedom, you're hired for your final mission--murder spider man.
word count: 1621
content warnings! mentions of guns, sharp blades, bleeding, and murder up ahead. please don't continue reading under the cut if you are uncomfortable with these topics ^^
you thought you were stuck in a vivid nightmare, and you felt cold everywhere when you heard those three words as a gun was thrown to your end on the table. those three words haunted you all the way until you headed home, wobbling, on foot. "kill spider man."
you had hoped that day when you would be tasked to do the impossible, murder the spider that has tormented your employers for the longest time, would never come. your colleagues tried their hardest to come out on top after battling him, but the masked vigilante succeeded in subduing them--time, after time, after time. though your issue wasn't with losing to the man nor your employers' trust in you since you were already nearing the end of your contract, but it was the fact that you loved the man underneath that dark mask that hindered you from accomplishing anything.
"peter..." you cried out his name as you gave in, your knees shivering and buckling as you hunched over, crouching over the pavement, your face in your hands as you released muffled and quiet sobs under the light of a street lamp. you were going to murder the love of your life... without him ever knowing it was you who murdered him.
eventually, the dreaded day came. you told yourself the whole time that, right now, you are not peter benjamin parker's lover; you are a notorious assassin that seeks freedom--he is your key to freedom, he is nothing more than a pawn.
'he is nothing more than a pawn.'
you took a deep breath as you went up the elevator alone, listening to the pulleys bringing you higher and higher to the floor where spider man was reported to be, whittling down your comrades' forces one by one, single-handedly. had you not known any better, all you'd've thought at that moment would be how gratifying slicing his head off would be–killing your allies that treated you like family when all this occupation was supposed to provide were guilty consciences and sinful people in the aftermath of it all.
'he is nothing more than a pawn.'
but what did he make you feel? what did all his waiting around for you after your cover up job, holding you close while you two walk the street because he doesn't want to be anywhere but your side, buying you flowers he was deathly allergic to–but didn't care because he believed they made you beautiful because they made you smile?
'he is nothing more than a pawn...'
what did all his 'i love you's, praises, whispers of sweet nothings–gentles caresses, soft peppering of kisses across your skin and face, and reminder that every scar and wound you had that you never explained to him where you got them from were... were beautiful still, because they were a part of you mean to you?
his voice would ring in your ears whenever you felt his presence nearing you, and it'd always have a tone of affection, such ardent, tender affection–pure, like none other. he'd always carry in his heart love that no one else could replicate, that no one else could deliver to you in such a natural way, except for–
"...love?" his voice rang out in your ears again, echoing like some long sought after melody, or some melody that you longed to forget. you didn't dare utter his name, for you were not his lover at that moment. no, you are a stranger, a stranger with a vendetta–a stranger who would avenge their fallen allies, who he defeated. you two are nothing to each other; never were, never are, never will be.
so what if he recognized you? you'll only be one of the thousands of faces he'd've met in his life,and eventually, never see again, not if you finish your job. you lunged at him, using your weapons at your disposal with the intent to kill. you fired your guns, you unsheathed your blades–you swung around and about, but you never stabbed him. most of your shots never landed a mark on him, except from when he looked at you in the eyes; you knowing it's him, and him finally knowing it's you.
you scuffled with him as you tried to take him down with your blade, feeling a whirlwind in the pit of your stomach as you drew closer and closer, wrestling with him just to cut him up a little. and finally... you swept him off his feet, literally, and most unfortunately for him. you swiftly kicked at his feet and kept him in place as you wrapped your hand around his neck and held the blade up by just a centimeter above him.
"love... please... we can–we can talk... about this..." he choked out as your grip around his neck tightened. you clenched the blade in your hand and breathed in and out deeply. you gazed into his eyes, that never left your own gaze as you two fought in close combat. "my love... m-my lover..." he breathed out as he held your wrist with both his hands, as if to comfort you, to reassure you didn't have to go through with this–trying to convince you were better than this.
you brought the blade closer to his neck, and scowled. "i'll... i'll cut your throat. that'll shut you up!" you cried out as tears welled up in your eyes, falling down from them and staining his dark suit. you heaved as the tears made your voice crack up, as you sniffled back the tears before his blood would be on your hands.
peter kept gazing at you, and unexpectedly... he smiled. he didn't grin nor smirk, he smiled–his smile was devoid of any underhanded plan to hurt you or outsmart you, or even to be released from your grasp. he was... just smiling because he'd see you in his final moments.
"...you're beautiful." he whispered out with a smile as you brought the blade up higher in preparation to cut his throat. and that... that changed something in you, in your hardwired belief that these acts could possibly offer you more of a way out of the very job that forced you to do it. "i love you, my... my lover. d-do what you must. i'll forgive you... for whatever happens." he breathed out as his smile widened weakly, the corners of his mouth stretching as he smiled.
and soon... you fell weak. you threw the blade down and it clattered against the floor, you remained on top of peter, a sobbing mess. you let go of his neck, and when he still reached out for your hand and touched you... you felt so dirty, so evil at that moment–too evil to be touched by the one man who loved you even if you had to kill him just so you wouldn't have to kill others.
"i'm... i'm a fool..." you said as you sobbed into his chest as he sat up and wrapped his arms around you. "please, don't love me anymore, peter... you can't possibly–" before you could even continue that statement, peter wrapped you in his arms, hugging you, holding you tightly, letting you know he'll never let you go again. "my beloved... i wish you told me..." he whispered as he rubbed your back as you sobbed into the crook of his neck. "i couldn't have... i didn't want to risk losing your trust... today was supposed to be my last day, my final mission–i never anticipated it would... it would be... you i'd have to murder... i'm sorry..." you choked out as peter kissed your cheek and held you closer.
"it's okay, my love... and no, you can never, ever lose my trust." he reassured you with a soft voice. "even though... i kept secrets from you?" "there are some things you'd rather keep from me in fear... that i'd never understand you." he said as he slowly pulled away and wiped a tear away from your eye. "but i'm more than willing to help get you out of this life, my dearest. i'm... still shaken that you... you could've killed me, but... i know you never wanted that, and i love you for choosing your own path, for... doing that." he said as he placed his hand on your cheek, and you held that hand of his.
"let's get out of here... and maybe, maybe we can live normally, together." he said as you got up and helped him to his feet, with you wiping the remaining tears in your eyes as you looked at your fallen comrades. "i'd... i really want that, peter. do you think i'm worthy of that life?" you asked him as he held your hand and smiles at you affectionately again. "if you're not worthy, then i'm certainly never going to be, not in a million years... because i can't live a peaceful life without you being in it, darling." he said as you wrapped your arms around his chest and held him close again. a meek thank you from you was heard by him, and that was all he ever wanted to hear at that moment.
your long overdue closure with him finally would come in the form of a peaceful, domestic life with him–like you've both always dreamed of. maybe then, just maybe... you could finally find peace within yourself when you see the way he looks at you, even after all that chaos. because when he looks at you... he can see a changing heart, one that never wanted to dirty itself nor harm the world, one that beat for him–and one that tried their hardest to amend their ways and let him love them wholeheartedly.
a/n: i was hoping to make this shorter but UUEUEUUEUEUEUEUE
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @sabcandoit @luvstarrstruck @connors-cumslurper @fictarian @ii01vq
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qiyusprincess · 7 months
Bloom Like Flowers
Summary: In the final battle against Astra, you win, but at what cost?
Word count: 950
Pairing: Rafayel x OC, mentioned Xavier and Zayne 🤷🏻‍♀️
Author’s note: here’s my brain rot for Rafayel while listening to Guardian of the Memory by Honor of Kings (literally our song with Rafayel if you guys haven’t listened to it please do)
WARNINGS: character death, blood, fighting
Manami crosses her arms above her head as Astra’s sword comes lunging towards her. Her heart pounds in her chest as she waits for the pain, hears Zayne and Xavier call out for her to move! but Astra is faster. Astra is a god and Manami’s a mere mortal, failing to protect her loved ones again and again.
She hears a grunt, eyes opening when the light dims just slightly as a shadow covers her. Her heart stops beating as she watches blood bloom through a white shirt, reminiscent of those flame lilies that he loves so much.
Rafayel turns to smile at her, blood spilling out the corner of his lips as Astra pulls their sword from the God of the Sea’s body.
“Foolish,” Astra yells with a laugh as Rafayel drops backward into Manami’s arms. They raise their sword once more only to come down against Xavier’s own light sword.
Manami isn’t paying attention anymore though, tears running down her face as she presses her hands into Rafayel’s wound, trying to stop the bleeding. She feels numb despite it, can’t process the fact that Rafayel is dying in her arms. Again.
“Rafayel,” she shouts, her heart breaking into millions and millions of pieces. “Why did you do that? How could you do that?”
Rafayel just laughs, fingers coming up to cup her cheek gently. His hand is still warm, brushing away the tears that slip down her cheeks.
“How could I not? I couldn’t live in a world where I watched you die,” he breathes out.
She can feel his heartbeat fading beneath her finger tips, his blood spilling warm into the cracks of her hands.
“And I can’t live in a world with you,” she gasps, pressing her cheek into his hand, desperate to keep him here with her. To keep him alive. She glances around, looking for Zayne. Maybe he can do something, anything, but he’s too busy assisting Xavier, fighting the God that continues to torture them all.
“Zayne,” she cries out. Just one second. She needs him for just one second but Zayne can only glance at her, an apology in his eyes that he still can’t do anything for her.
“Don’t call for another man when I’m in your arms,” Rafayel jokes, thumb slowly stroking her cheek. She glances back down at him, angry that he has the audacity to feign jealousy right now, angry that he’s put his life on the line for her.
“Is this the time to joke,” she begs and Rafayel laughs again, wincing as the pain in his chest begs him to do something. Blood spills past his lips as he chokes, body keeling forward and Manami holds him tighter, presses her forehead against his as he’s done to her so many times before.
“Rafayel please,” she whispers, but his body is going colder in her grasp. His life force is disappearing and she can’t even do anything about it.
“I love you,” Rafayel whispers through a mouth full of blood. He has to let her know, to say it again so she hears, so that she remembers. He loves her. He would never stop loving her.
“I love you too,” she tells him, pressing a kiss to his forehead. She feels his hand drop then, a chill running down her spine before she sets him gently down, fingers brushing his eyes closed.
When Manami stands up Astra turns to her, giving Xavier and Zayne just a moment to rest, a moment to breathe. Something Astra hadn’t allowed for Rafayel. She stretches out a hand and her wand appears in her hand out of thin air.
“Did I kill that God of the Sea,” Astra asks with a soft laugh. “I’ll have to apologize. My original target was you.”
Manami closes her eyes, steadying her breath for just a moment and when she opens them once more, her gaze is clear, devoid of emotion.
“Don’t worry,” she says softly. “I’ll send you his way so you can apologize in person.”
Astra’s body disperses into thin air the same way wanderers do. A blue light shines in the middle of Astra’s body and then, like a firework, it explodes, throwing all three of them back before the sparks fade into nothing.
Manami’s eyes turn to look towards where she’d last left Rafayel. She doesn’t need to look for Xavier and Zayne. They’re fine. She’d seen it for herself when they’d managed to steady themselves against Astra’s death.
When she looks though, his body is fading and she feels her throat closing up as she begins to choke on sobs. They’d won. She’d killed Astra but the gods still refused to reward her, could not even leave her lover’s body as she watched it also fade into sparkling blue flakes and return to the sea.
“Please,” she cries, crawling towards Rafayel’s body as it disappears. “Let me keep him. Let me have this much.”
An arm wraps around her waist from behind stopping her from moving forward and she struggles as Zayne holds onto her.
“Manami,” he whispers, voice pained. “He’ll return to the sea for the reincarnation cycle to start again.”
Manami shakes her head, trying to push herself out of his grasp. “No, no, no! Screw the reincarnation cycle! It’ll take forever! I need him here now!”
She watches with tears in her eyes as Rafayel fades but before he can fade completely Xavier covers her eyes, pressing his chin to the top of her head.
“Don’t watch,” he says softly. “He wouldn’t want you to remember him like that.”
Manami breaks down like that, in the arms of her two dearest friends, without her lover at her side.
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kocherry · 2 years
⟡ Truthful Adoration in False Illusions ⟡
Pierro x Isekai!Reader
(Part 2/3)
Hello everyone we're at the second part of the and if you haven't read the first half just click this -> Part 1/3 and it is also available on my AO3!
This fic is inspired by Petty Desire by @shumidehiro and Disjecta Membra by @jessamine-rose + Pierro being a soft and needy malewife husband is inspired behind the wall of falling snow we love by @pearlywritings (Please check them out first they're fantastic writers!)
TW: Murder, Death, Blood, Suicide, Mental Instability, NSFW implications, this also has some fluff don't worry xD
< 18k words under the cut for Acts: IV and V >
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⟡ Act IV: All I Ask of You ⟡
Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime
Say the word and I will follow you
Share each day with me
Each night, each morning
Say you love me/You know I do
Love me, that's all I ask of you
Anywhere you go, let me go too
Love me, that's all I ask of you
Year 0
“Khaenri'ah has fallen.”
You narrated with tears flowing nonstop while you stood by and watch as the gods unleashed their wrath to the nation.
Khaenri'ah is burning to the ground by the Heavenly Principles that was awakened from Celestia. An inevitable outcome in your perspective since you were the daughter of King Irmin. You witnessed everything in a front row seat how they have ignored the precautions. There is a particular silver haired Royal Mage that shared the same sentiments about the outcome of their continuous practice of the Art of Khemia.
The people turned into monsters, unrecognizable to the point where the Princess doubted if they were truly humans to begin with.
Cursed with immortality, you ran away from the devastation. Turning away in denial of what had transpired to Khaenri’ah, your despair consumed you. And away you go to the hill where the view of the fallen nation that humanity had prided themselves in.
On that hill, your vision is clear as day. Despite being away from the sea of flames that consumed your nation, you burn with them all. A pathetic sob is the only thing that you could hear. Your own cries are the one that is loaded than the screams of the people of Khaenri'ah.
All hope seems to be lost when your diamond shaped pupils dilated when you spot a familiar streak of silver hair and the blue cloak of a Khaenri'ahn royal mage.
With a streak of blood smeared all over.
You shout his name in a fearful voice, hurriedly running towards him. A hand is place on his bleeding chest and your vision start to blur. “Don't die on me, please, you're the only friend that I have left.”  The despair you felt is filled with a brim of an angry hope.
“P-Princess (Y/N) y-you a-are the f-future of our nation, you should r-run...” The silver hair mage started to cough up blood cutting the conversation short.
“Shut up!”
“Don't speak as if you would say goodbye to me!” You cried as you put pressure onto his bleeding chest not caring if your hands started to stench with blood. However, it would seem his bleeding had stopped, you didn't think of it any further. As long as the mage continues to breathe that's enough for him to live.
Running away from the carnage of the gods rained into your nation. A difficult choice is laid upon the Princess of Khaenri'ah. A choice to guide the remaining survivors that fled from the wrath of Celestia or save the royal mage the one you had loved the most. Lifting your claymore, you look at the weapon crafted by the finest smiths and trained by Captain Dainsleif, the Twilight Sword, how to fight.
Without any hesitation you dematerialize the claymore and chose to save your friend. The one you had loved the most.
Away from the wrath of the gods and the carnage they had left, you lead the mage into a secluded area far from the kingdom itself. Into a place, where the flower called Inteyvat, used to bloom in a vast field that seems to have no end.
Now the flowers are completely extinct and so is the Eclipse Dynasty of Khaenri'ah.
However, that didn't matter to you even if you’re the Princess, at least not yet. You already knew the cursed is laid upon you, bearing its marks on your arms. Which would mean that you are the last descendant of the royal family. At first you couldn't bear its sight but as you saw that the Mage also had the marks... somehow you could at least look at it and be glad that you are damned forever with the person you love the most.
The Mage is already conscious, the two of you sat side by side. His on top of yours that lay on his broad shoulder. Hands intertwined and gripped together tightly afraid that if someone let go of the other, they'll be gone forever.
“They’re all gone… the people… those children we took care of…” His voice is hoarse letting out a shaky sob unable to finish what he wanted to say. You could see his tears as he lets out a strangled cry, you couldn’t hear him of course because you were sobbing unconsolably as well.
The tears dried out after a few hours but the pain didn’t.
No words were spoken between the two of you and silence is better than hearing the screams of the people in Khaenri'ah.
“Why did you choose to follow me instead of going with the Alberich Clan?” The Mage is the first to speak again, despite the hoarseness of his voice he wanted to know why you chose to save him. “Anywhere with them is better than with me here. The curse laid upon us won't affect the injuries I sustained earlier so your help is quite useless on me when there are survivors out there who needed you more." Such a hypocrite he is, you could feel his hand grip yours tightly again. He knew that anywhere isn't better without you.
“Does it really matter?” You turn to him, a hand on his cheek gently caressing the skin covered in his own dried blood. “I chose to save you with or without the curse laid upon us. I would always choose you above anyone else... Khaenri'ah is already damned before I was even born and if I were to die it would be at your side.”
You feel nervous because this is practically a confession that you love the Mage. Along with the feeling comes with guilt because you prioritized to be with him rather than escaping with the survivors. Besides... What more could you lose if he did not feel the same?
The Mage held your hands that were also covered in his dried blood. He nuzzles his cheek onto the palm of your hand. His gaze never looked any more intense than ever. “I would have done the same Princess, even if I could hear the children screaming, you were always the one on my mind when the gods showered hell onto us.” His voice didn't waiver like how yours did earlier, his feelings is clear.
The Mage loves the Princess as well. You then both pressed your foreheads against each other. Closing both of your eyes and relishing that you two are still alive.
However, that moment of serenity between the two of you didn't last long.
An overwhelming cold presence made you shiver. The mage's gaze widens at the sight of the one who disturbed the two of them. With his catalyst summoned he protectively stood in front of you blocking your whole view.
A figure of a woman who is enclosed in the power of cryo stood before you two. This one is a god, her clothing is filled with human blood. Yet her eyes are filled with an emptiness as the lines of her dried tears are imprinted on her soft cheeks. The look of someone who had lost everything, the despair in witnessing everything, and the rage that started to stir within… she had the same expression as you and the mage.
“How dare you come before us goddess...!” You could feel the pits of your stomach swirling in anxiousness as the Goddess of Love and the Cryo Archon stood before the two of you.
“I know I have no right to ask this of you but perhaps we can come to an agreement, Princess and Royal Mage of Khaenri'ah.” Her tone sent shivers down your spine as it is as cold as her gaze.
“What do you want from us?” The mage asked despite feeling enraged by the presence of the Cryo Archon.
“Let us burn the old world together.”
Her words are ignited from the flames born from the burning nation of Khaenri'ah.
You look at the mage, both of your eyes had looks of determination. Or rather had the gaze of vengeance. If the Cryo Archon herself sought the both of you out. Then it is fate that she would choose specifically the ones who are cursed with immortality. The ones who failed to protect their fallen nation. The Princess and the Mage, the two souls who bore a deep grudge against the Heavenly Principles.
The ones who would burn... burn away the Old World with Her Majesty, the Tsaritsa.
Year 5
“Princess if you truly cared for your people, you would not have abandoned us for a mere Royal Mage.”
“Sir Ivaan Alberich, I did choose my people. He is one of my people too... I tried to save many survivors that day but everyone had turned into the monsters of the Abyss.” Of course, that was the complete truth of the matter. When you said that Khaenri'ah had fallen, the people were already forming into monsters of the Abyss. That was when hope didn't seem lost when you had spotted Pierro alive. “Lord Harbinger may be a royal mage of Khaenri'ah but we formed the Fatui in order to strike back against Celestia.”
As of this moment there were only the founding members of the Fatui Harbingers which is the Cryo Archon herself, the Royal Mage who calls himself the Jester, the Princess who calls herself the Scapino, and Columbina who is the one they call the Damselette. You four were the pillars of the Fatui along with the newly recruited soldiers that hailed mostly from Snezhnaya.
Although as good as your proposal it sounds, the current head of the Alberich Clan isn't so pleased with the former Princess of Khaenri'ah. You had come back with a much more dignified influence and a mere royal mage becoming the most powerful man in a nation that wasn’t his homeland. Yet for Ivaan Alberich, he doesn't want anyone from the Eclipse Dynasty to lead them again.
“Princess, I'm afraid I cannot accept your proposal to join forces with the Fatui. Why should we place our hopes to one of the descendants of the Eclipse Dynasty? Was it not your father's shortcomings that our nation had fallen?” Ivaan's words stung, every word he uttered is a jab towards you and your self-worth.
His reaction to be an expected reaction but you slowly realize that there is more to his refusal. And by the tone of his voice, it would seem he bears a grudge against your family.
Pierro remained silent during the entire exchange despite his efforts to negotiate, the Alberich clan wouldn’t even recognize him. Let alone hear out his proposal that’s why all efforts were shouldered onto yours and now you were burdened with it. All he could do for now is stay at your side, watch your back so that you may be able to lean onto him if you would ever need his assistance.
Under the negotiating table, your hand unconsciously grabbed Pierro’s pants tightly. Your hands were balling into a fist not knowing how to respond to this cold shoulder they were all giving you. Now this was the reason why Pierro chose to come because he did anticipate the scornful words from the survivors and he’d be damned if you faced them alone. The other reason is because he too is to be blamed because he did not gain the sages’ favor enough which lead to the nation’s downfall.
His large gloved hand intertwined itself with yours squeezing them gently, “We only act what is best for Khaenri’ah’s interests and so we are obligated to act against the Heavenly Principles so that our nation may rest knowing that we had ended the reign of the gods. The Princess and I would shoulder this burden for centuries until it is time to bypass the checkmate of this chess game against them.” You could tell that this was a closing statement.
Ivaan's heart had already closed itself the moment he saw you walking towards their poorly built houses even if you both had provided aid to them for the past few years. “It is best you would leave now Lady Scapino and Lord Jester.” The title came off from Ivaan's lips with a clear mock in his tone. “You both are no longer welcomed as a respected figures within the remaining survivors of Khaenri'ah.” He only shared the same sentiments with the people, and they desire to no longer be held in the decision of anyone from the Eclipse Dynasty.
You were utterly shock by how the atmosphere suddenly changed. In all honesty, you blamed your own pride for hoping to reconnect with the survivors. Along with being blinded also by the fact you thought they thirsted for vengeance.
The second mistake is mentioning the Tsaritsa and addressing Her Majesty with respect.
The third mistake is going in full of yourself that they would listen to a descendant of the Eclipse Dynasty.
And the very first mistake which you had overlooked is that you openly turned your back to the survivors just to save Pierro.
But you wouldn't change the decision you had made 5 years ago. Without Pierro at your side, you would not have endured the harsh and cruel build-up of the Fatui. The Tsaritsa had a plan and you wish to be part of it as well. You only wanted to share such objective to the survivors of Khaenri'ah.
So, without the help of the Alberich Clan, Pierro would have to recruit interesting figures such as the heretic scholar expelled from the Akademiya and the Crimson Witch from Mondstadt.
Now that negotiation had been declared a dead end one sided. You stood up thanking the entire Alberich Clan. You put up your mask that is the same as Pierro’s but yours only covered the eyes, which is a good thing so the Khaenri'ahns won't see the devastated expression you had.
Once your back is turned, Pierro place a hand on your back looking at Ivaan with a disappointed glare but it is already expected of him. Five years had passed since the fall of your nation and he would understand why the surviving Khaenri’ahns would hesitate in joining forces with the Fatui who had a goddess as their leader.
You and Pierro pass by the makeshift houses of the surviving people, yet despite some of them being glad to see you, most were shooting you with looks of disappointment.
“Is that the Princess who abandoned us for that Royal Mage?”
“Why is she here anyway? Shouldn't she be ashamed of what her father had done?”
“After the gods destroyed our nation, she allied herself with one... disgusting.”
“What a despicable woman she is.”
“Look how the last of the might Eclipse Clan had fallen!”
The sound of the hatred and disgust didn't go with deaf ears. Every one of them didn't shy away in expressing their hatred towards the Princess. It’s not like they had anyone to blame, of course you knew that they have a point. Even with 5 years had gone by the wounds of what Celestia had done hasn't healed.
As the matter of fact, you doubt it would ever heal at all.
Your ears may have heard their furious words, your eyes may have seen their utter look of disgust, but your soul absorbed it all. What they said continued to play in your mind even when you had returned to Snezhnaya empty handed. Despite the comfort Pierro had offered you continued to wallow in your self-pity as he reported to the Tsaritsa about what had transpired.
The Zapolyarny Palace looks desolate as ever and your expression is solemn. Her Majesty is merciful as she had anticipated the resentful response of the survivors. Although despite her forgiveness to your failure, you continued to torture yourself with the Khaenri'ahn's resentment.
“Your soul is tormented Lady (Y/N), do you continue to blame yourself?” In truth Columbina looked worried she holds your hand as she came to your comfort while Pierro is talking to the Tsaritsa inside the throne room.
“Oh~? Are you not going to talk? That is fine I understand why you are sad." Columbina tilts her head looking at you with closed eyes. “Shall I make those people cry before they die?” Then her eyes dangerously open itself slightly, there is a glint of murder in her gaze.
Sometimes Columbina could be adorable but other times she scares the living hell out of you. Despite the fact she treats you like a friend, it can still be unnerving to hang out with her.
“Hush now Columbina, they are Khaenri'ahns, they lost their nation of course they would naturally pin the blame on me and besides we still need them when the time comes.” You scolded her with a frown on your face.
“You finally spoke~! Heh~ Fret not dear (Y/N) I just wanted to hear your voice~!” Columbina closed her eyes again as she lets out a soft playful giggle.
Again. She is scary.
Thankfully for your sanity, Columbina never spoke again, the soft hum of a comforting tune is the one that replace the silence of Zapolyarny Palace.
After a few minutes of waiting, Pierro came out from the two giant doors, Columbina pats your head as she hands you over to him, the two silently nodded at each other as if you were the topic of their nonverbal communication.
“Come (Y/N), you should rest in our quarters.”
Pierro suggested as he accompanies you to your shared bedroom that Her Majesty provided temporarily until an estate could be built. You two always had shared a bed ever since Her Majesty took you both in Snezhnaya, it was mostly out of fear that you would lose each other. The other reason is because of the nightmares that plagued both of your minds. Sleeping in each other’s arms were the best comfort the of you could offer each other.
Now you lay on the soft mattress of the soft bed. Hot tears streamed harshly from the sides of your face and soaking the soft pillows. The cold air of the harsh winter gave you some sense of comfort. It reminded you that you didn't burn with the fallen nation.
And yet the resentment of the people is what let you to burn yourself in deep sorrow.
After all it is your first time to fail a mission.
“I do not need your lectures.” You said pulling the comforters over your head not wanting him to see the disappointment look he would have, he did witness the entire exchange after all.
“You are mistaken my dear (Y/N).” Pierro pulled down the comforters and his gaze only soften when he saw the wet pillow. “I only wish that you would not shed your tears behind the mask.” He slowly removed the mask that covered your tear stained and puffy eyes. “It is only I who is here with you and there is no shame showing your tears to me.”
You let him strip your mask away from your face, “I know.” He also sheds away his own mask granting you a view of his handsome face.
Both masks that represented how you viewed yourselves is place gently onto the table beside the bed.
“I was there too (Y/N),” His tone is soft and calm as he gently wipe the tears under your eye with his thumb. “I saw them scrutinize your decision to save me. “I heard them voice out their blames towards you even when the fall of our nation is not your fault.”
Knowing you, he already could tell that you continue to blame yourself for what had happened to Khaenri'ah. “They are fools who allows themselves to be blinded on the greater good of our endgame.” The sharp gaze of his blue eyes and the way his diamond shape pupils dilated, you could tell Pierro is furious... But not at you, never at you.
“Then I am a hypocrite too Pierro because look at me...” You sat up and gestured towards yourself, a pathetic powerless Princess of a fallen nation. “I couldn't handle such harsh attacks of mere words towards me. I am glad that I named myself Scapino because I did escape my responsibilities as the Princess.”
“If you are a hypocrite then so am I, behind this mask is another foolish man." He reaches out for the black mask that covered half of his face to prove a point.
“Yet despite the fact that our nation had fallen.” He hovers his mask over his face covering half of his handsome features. “We do not dwell on the past but towards the future on where us humans would no longer be at the mercy of the gods.”
Then he places the Mocking Mask back to cover his face. “Do you understand me (Y/N)?” Pierro asks as he gently caress your cheek wiping the tears that kept flowing. He admits he lacks the emotional capacity to utter sweet words. Yet those are anything but illusions to cover the real truth.
“You are strong woman and despite our initial hesitation we built a new organization that would lead us to a checkmate against the Heavenly Principles.” Now his words were not kind nor they were harsh, they were just realistic. “Without you at Her Majesty's side... and at my side we would not have gotten so far in our progress for the past five years.”
Pierro lets go of your face, he then grabs your own Mocking Mask, the one you call The Escapist, despite all the cowardice you still try to be a good-hearted and help everyone. “Cease your crying and stand tall, you are not going to be held down by their falsified blames.” Now this time he was back with his strict and harsh demeanor.
You let out a fond chuckle as you lean onto his palm, your cheek could almost cover his entire hands. “And here I thought this wasn't a lecture...” The sheer size difference between the two of you is one of the factors that contributed why you let him continue with his lectures. You held his large calloused hand with your smaller ones you grab the mask and put it over your eyes.
“Thank you…” You utter his real name which surprises him as it had been too long since you have called him by his name.
Pierro presses his forehead against yours and closed his eyes. He could feel your erratic heartbeat starting to relax. With a smile on his lips, he is relieved that he made you feel better.
“I may be the Tsaritsa's right hand but I am your royal mage and most loyal friend first. I would not watch this world burn without you at my side.”
There is comfort in his words, at the very least someone is there to keep your mind and soul to continue setting sights on the grand scheme of this game.
Year 15 
Dead people everywhere and their blood splattered on the ground, it dripped from the claymore that you had held. A cold chill in the air not only froze the dark cave but also your compassionate heart. You had just murdered punished those who had tried to betray the Fatui and it all started because a certain Doctor could not keep his laboratory well protected.
One way or another, someone is about to be dismembered. Bless the soul whoever had gotten to one of the projects. Some of it unimportant but one of the projects involved a certain papers related to an abandoned puppet and the tree of knowledge, Irminsul. The other papers were already recovered by the other Harbingers, and if one were to decipher those research papers… Snezhnaya would be done for good if other nations were to open their eyes about the Fatui involving themselves in acts of blasphemy.
You turn to the soldier who had started this ordeal, “Had you not stolen those papers we would not have this unfortunate turn of events Lieutenant Dominik.” You dematerialize your claymore since Pierro and Dottore had specifically requested to have a survivor to interrogate them.
“Lady Harbinger, you may as well kill me.” The fatui soldier clench his jaw as he replied with spite.
“I will let the Doctor deal with you, he and his other selves holds a grudge.” You brush off his threats not wanting to have a conversation with a traitor.
“Do we mean nothing to you?” His question made you finally look at him, “All of us were once under your care and yet we make one mistake, you would kill without hesitation. My child was with the Doctor and he demanded a sum of mora to be able to pay for my son’s surgery. I brought all I had and when I got there? I found out that he used my child as a test run for the delusions that you Harbingers had manufactured.” His voice started to shake not out of fear but out of anger that despite the fact that he would be at the receiving end of your wrath. Yet all his hopes were placed onto his son, a son that you knew very that was used for testing the delusions.
When you saw the lieutenant mourning for the loss of his child, you wanted to just die with the rest of the soldiers right then and there. “Your child served Her Majesty.” Your voice starts to waiver but you cannot bring back every blood you had spilled.
“And you call stealing a mistake? You know very well that those papers would cost Snezhnaya’s future, if it would reach outside this nation, they would awaken once again. The alchemy on those papers… they were once the reason why a great nation once fell at the hands of Celestia.” Your words were so cold but your tone is hollow you started realizing the grave sins you had done to others and the pain that you had inflicted to them.
“Does your grand scheme of plans would be able to save Snezhanaya? Or are you… the Jester… and the Tsaritsa trying to save yourselves instead?” The soldier clenched his fist, his teeth grit as he had heard this explanation before you had killed the soldiers in this cave.
“I think we linger in this cave long enough Lieutenant Dominik.” In all honesty you had started to smell the stench of blood and the rotting of the dead corpses, you had gone too far this time and now it was suffocating you.
“Kill me yourself, I’d rather die fighting than be left at the hands of that mad doctor.” He replied determined to fight you as his cryo vision strapped on his belt started to glow.
“No.” You answered.
“Then you’re a coward, Princess of a Fallen Nation.” Your eyes widen as icicles began to form on his back ready to attack you, “Perhaps it was your own cowardice that led to the destruction of your own nation. I would gladly not see Snezhnaya fall because of a foreigner, it was nice serving the Tsaritsa before you and the Jester had arrived.”
Your claymore materializes itself and blocked the attack.
Blood splattered on your face as Lieutenant Dominik had killed himself using his own cryo vision, the ornament on his belt glowed bright and it was quick to die down. The icicle pierced his own heart as he choked on his own blood, scattering it in the dark murky cave with all the blood of his comrades that you had killed earlier. He saw the despair and horror in your eyes as you watch him breathe his last breath.
He had the last laugh at his death and forever cursing your mind that you led him suicide as his only escape for the Harbingers’ wrath.
The incident left you running away from that cave and into the nearest abandoned adventurer camp, the trail of blood followed after you until you throw your boots and strip your armor burning it. But that wasn’t enough to clean the blood, there were still some on your face and arms.
You spot a river stream nearby.
“Please disappear…” You whisper at the dried blood of your comrades that stuck itself on your hands, you started to sob as the water won’t wash it away. “Please disappear… disappear… please… please… disappear, disappear!” You scratched your palms violently your blood started to seep out of your skin yet you did not flinch at all.
“Disappear, disappear disappear disappeardisappear disappear… DISAPPEAR!!! PLEASE GET OFF!!!” 
Roaring in pain as blue wisp surrounded your hands stopping from inflicting the wounds that you were causing to yourself. You didn’t use your power so it must be Pierro who used the blue wisp since he may have been looking for you since the rendezvous with him had passed by an hour ago.
“Princess (Y/N)…”
“Pierro help… I couldn’t wash it out.”
You were utterly a horrid sight, there were blood stains all over your inner clothes now, your face still had the dried blood but your arms and hands were already cleaned from the moment you had dip your hands into the running cold water.
Once your tears stop you could make out the figure and the man who called out your name wasn’t Pierro. “Captain Dainsleif… please help me.” You whimper out a cry for help.
Dainsleif had a lot of questions from why were you here in the outside borders of Snezhnaya, to why were you covered in blood that wasn’t your own, and most especially why were you crying. He knew you were the one who created the Fatui with Pierro and the Tsaritsa.
Yet he could not help himself to rush at your side. Despite of his disapproval in your journey to fight against Celestia, all he saw right now is not an infamous Fatui Harbinger but a child princess who once asked him for help when she couldn’t lift up her claymore.
Dainsleif’s hands were warm on yours, he had cleaned the blood of your skin, the injuries you caused to yourself already healed but what he could not clean is what you have done so far. His gaze is mixed with pity, disappointment, and compassion. Although you may have changed for the worst, he could not unsee the innocent small little girl he had once met.
He scavenged of what was left in the adventurer’s camp and luckily for you, there are some spare clean clothes he had found. “Here you should go change Princess (Y/N).” You didn’t accept the new clothes.
“It’s okay I think I’m okay Captain, you should not have seen me like that.” You try to compose yourself but despite smiling your eyes looked so sunken.
“May I ask what happened Princess? So that I may understand what transpired you to hurt yourself like this.” Dainsleif places the clothes down and his hand were on your shoulder rubbing it gently to soothe you.
“I killed them…” You whisper. “I killed those soldiers because they were going to betray us… One of them hated the fatui so much and he took his life right before my eyes.” Your voice quiver as your tears started to fall again as the scene of Lieutenant Dominik using cryo icicles to stab himself to death played in your mind over and over again.
Dainsleif’s eyes widen as he was taken aback, he did not expect that you had done all of that only to regret it yourself. He grits his teeth and he is furious at you, “So that’s why you were crying? You killed the people who were under your orders and you blamed yourself for their deaths. How far had you gone Princess (Y/N)?” But are you really to blame for all of the bloodshed that the Fatui had done? “Or did your mage force you into this life?”
Both of his hands were on your cheek afraid that he might’ve been overlooking the Fatui too much unaware of the pain it caused to his dearest apprentice. He basically had done more than your father to season you into the Warrior Princess that Khaenri’ah had come to admire and look up to. Now you were a Harbinger that humans were afraid of, because instead of protecting them you had started to use them.
“What? No, no he didn’t, we started the Fatui together with Her Majesty.” You began to get defensive, many Snezhnayans had thought about that way because despite the fact that you were ruthless, people see you as the opposite of the Jester.
The children loved you, teenagers look up to you, and the adults wished to be like you. The only ones whom saw you as a monster were the ones you had killed, they could not spread that rumor because they were dead before they can send the message.
“Do you truly think you have no way out of this?” His question surprised you.
“I do but Captain… despite this guilt I would not leave the Fatui.” It was true, this was probably the first mentally exhausted experience so far but quitting was not on your mind.
His hand was on your hair, he softly brushes them with his fingers as if letting you remember that you could trust the man who was like a father to you. “What if I ask you to come with me?” Dainsleif became clearer with his intentions now, he didn’t have any ulterior motive all the man wanted was to give you an option, and the safest one was to be under his care once again.
Oh, dear Tsaritsa, the offer is so tempting to accept, you really missed the warmth that his hands offered. You could vaguely remember the nights you two had camped together after a long day of training, he would brush your hair as he hums a lullaby to help you sleep.
“Dainsleif. I think it is time for you to leave.”
A familiar voice came behind you, but before you could whip your head to see Pierro, Dainsleif pulled you back as he stands before you, he was now an obstacle that the Jester must face.
“The timing of your arrival is not coincidental, you only showed yourself when I would take the princess away from you.” Dainsleif’s eyes narrowed at Pierro who had a scowl on his expression.
Rarely you had seen him using his catalyst these past decade and he now materializes it in his hand “I advise in refraining from touching what is mine Dainsleif.” Your eyes widen at that because your relationship with him had never been official. “You may have been her teacher but she is no longer requires your protection.” Pierro had never been more furious, he is fully aware of the carnage you had left in that dark cave and what had transpired is already clear. What he didn’t expect is how you had handled the mental toll on it, when you had started screaming earlier at your bloodied hands, he was running as fast as he could only to find Dainsleif at your side first.
He watched behind the trees and could not bear how his heart clench when he saw you contemplating in accepting Dainsleif’s offer.
“Princess (Y/N) will have to decide that for herself, if she chooses to come with me, you would not let us leave without a fight but do you think you can win against both of us?” Dainsleif materializes his longsword in his hands as he bends his knees down slightly and his other hand glowed with blue wisps. “She would not be forced to do anything at my side and all I ask is that you would let me guide her that she would not give up on herself.” He tells Pierro as if asking him to be your guardian once more.
Pierro didn’t seem to like that at all, “If you ask her to betray the Fatui, she would not have peace at your side. Her Majesty would order for her execution and despite the fact that I love (Y/N)…” He looks at you with a hardened gaze, “I will not hesitate to let her perish at my hands.”
Despite the fact Dainsleif comforted you, it was surprising to say that despite the fact you had become a monster he would still stand by your side. Pierro on the other hand… You had cried for strangers and yet this man would not hesitate to kill you if you would betray the Fatui. The way he would not give up the goal for you somehow made you blush.
The two were ready to fight each other and you haven’t really thought about your answer because why should you even think about it? You had started your training to protect the people of Khaenri’ah with Dainsleif but you failed… So you started the Fatui with Pierro to destroy the gods for the ones who you had failed to protect. It had been a mentally, emotionally, and physically tiring as it all took the last remaining peace of mind you had. That is why you already have an answer in mind and it was answer that you would probably regret later on.
Pierro’s breath hitch because you had not uttered his name first because that would mean-
“I’m sorry and thank you for taking care of me and comforting me earlier but like I said I would not quit the Fatui.” You could tell Pierro had relaxed now, you turn to Dainsleif.
He had a neutral expression, he already knew the answer of course, though let his glare linger a bit longer towards Pierro as he turns to you. “You haven’t changed little one, when you set a goal, you would always push through it despite the hardships. I would fight you on this one but I will not win against both of you.” He pats your head and smile sadly.
“Farewell Dain… I think… this may be the last time we would ever see each other.” You wrap your arms around his shoulders and hugged him tightly.
Dainsleif notices you had grown taller now, last time he received a hug from you was when you were a teenager and you could not reach his shoulders. He nuzzles his cheek onto your hair as he wraps his arms around your waist and closes his eyes. “Goodbye Princess (Y/N).” And just like that he lets you go after he kisses your forehead softly.
The Twilight Sword never looked back because once he did, he would not hesitate to fight you and the mage if it meant saving you from the pits of hell that you would swim with Pierro in the future.
Snow had once again started to fall from the sky, you let out your hand to catch a snowflake, your palm had been wiped clean of blood. Although the same could not be said for your inner clothings. You were about to look down when a larger coat is wrapped around your smaller figure.
“Thank you Pierro.” You snuggled onto his coat inhaling his musky scent, slowly forgetting why you didn’t have your armor on. “You know… you could have seduced me to come with you and not start by wanting to kill me. Because what if I did come with Dainsleif huh?” You teasingly ask while raising an eyebrow at him.
“Do you think I would have let you?” He still seems frustrated base from his tone.
“You just said you would let me and then kill me after… wait a minute did you just get jealous because he hugged and kissed my forehead?” Although you were pretty sure he definitely would have killed you if you had defected, he would be way past that now since you didn’t end up leaving the Fatui. “Kidding aside… I heard what you said earlier.” You place your cold hands on his arm that is about the size of your thighs, oh… you definitely wouldn’t mind getting choked to death by them.
Leaning your forehead as it touches his chest, your lips quirk up, “I love you too.” For the first time since Khaenri’ah had fallen, Pierro had seen you smile again.
This time you smiled because you genuinely love him and that is something he would want to see everyday when he wakes up in the morning.
Pierro removes his mask with his hand as he pulls you close with the other, your lips finally met after two decades of pinning for each other. The kiss is searing hot and far from being innocent despite this being the first time you two had kissed each other.
All those declaration of love throughout the years came to act. His kiss is domineering as if he wanted to devour you whole and you would let him as your tongues clash passionately and desperate to taste each other. The kiss is so overwhelmingly intense that you had to pull away, your arms were still wrapped around his neck. Pierro could tell that he might’ve gone a bit overboard so he instead kisses the tip of your nose.
“Staying at my side is something you would surely regret, I am asking you to stain blood with your hands again, if not us then who would cleanse this world anew?” He leans down to your height pressing your foreheads together his eyes closed as he let himself drown in your arms as you embraced him tightly.
“Anywhere you’ll go I’ll go too, forgive me if I would cry sometimes but I’ll share one loving relationship and one lifetime of damnation with you.” And that was true, the two of you would continue to love each other as you both watch the old world burn itself to the ground.
You two share another kiss but this time it was just a small peck on the lips.
“If that is the case then I suppose our marriage would not pose any problems, we already share the same estate so you have no reason to object.” After mentioning the word marriage Pierro pulls himself away from your embrace, he balls a hand into a fist as he covers his mouth over it while he places his mask back to cover half of his face. “Regarding the matters of your next mission I believe it is time we have to open business trades in other nations so that we may be able to establish bases of operations.”
He immediately debriefs you of the next mission not even letting you recover from the overwhelming emotional rollercoaster you had just experienced in one day.
“Ye-” You were surprised at the change of topic because you had just started to process that he was already asking you to marry him. “Hey don’t change the topic you just asked me to marry you-wait are you embarrasses is that why you’re not looking at me?”
You let out a series of giggles as Pierro purse his lips trying to contain himself from blushing too much but alas you already saw his cheeks darken. “Alright please continue with the mission debrief my dearest husband.” You didn’t tease him any further and let yourself indulge with the fact that you’re marrying your royal mage.
“As you wish my wife.” He replies with a softer tone leaning down to your height as you two shared a short and gentle kiss.
Year 25
The day after the proposal, your marriage with Pierro became official, at that point both of you didn’t bother to have a ceremonial marriage. Nothing really had changed much between the two of you, from the beginning you have always shared an estate with him. Along with sharing a bed sometimes because of the nightmares from what happened during the Cataclysm. And the only comfort you could feel when you’re with Pierro.
His presence always reminded you that you haven’t lost everything. And though he may never verbally say it, you’re fully aware that he too finds comfort in cuddling you to sleep.
Now that the papers stated you two are married, there is a difference in sharing a bed to cope versus sharing a bed with your husband. You really couldn’t get used to it, because despite being burdened with being the heads of the Fatui and the unforgettable tragic incident of your homeland… you were still able to find serendipity in marrying the grumpy royal mage you always pinned for.
Your cheeks became red again at the thought of what had happened during the officiality of your marriage 10 years ago and the night that preceded it. Instead of reading the reports for this week’s accomplishments in improving Snezhnaya economy and the other are reports for the underground work of the Fatui along with the files of a newly recruited woman that hailed from Mondstadt… you were giggling like a teenager in the small office that is connected in your shared bedroom with Pierro.
Aside from the papers another proof of marriage is the diamond shape earrings, you had a pair and you gave the other piece to Pierro who wears it on a daily basis. As for your husband he had a chained brooch that had a pair of a diamond shaped jewel, he gave the other jewel to you and crafted it into a necklace. You both had a piece of each other as proof of your union in marriage.
The necklace hanged around your neck and you always had the habit of gently caressing the jewel.
“If you would be so generous enough to lend me my shirt back, I have urgent matter’s to tend today.”
At this point you were really used to Pierro suddenly appearing when your back is turned. That's why you weren’t really surprised when he suddenly waltzes in without knocking. He always seems to be so light on his feet despite being huge and having a well-built body.
Needless to say you were quite embarrassed this time because you were wearing nothing but his dress shirt exposing your body with littered bruises and hand marks that he imprinted himself last night.
Your cheeks darken when you saw how his eyes stare at you with heavy lust and you unconsciously rub your thighs together out of anticipation.
“Don’t you have a lot of similar shirts? I wanted to keep this one for myself.” 
Pierro strides forward his hands slamming down his hands onto the desk trapping you in between his arms, you were surprised by how energetic he is so early in the morning. “I want to wear this one.” He whispers leaning close to you and kisses the tip of your ear, his hands were slowly unbuttoning his shirt slowly revealing your naked body to him. When your skin is exposed, he lowers his lips kissing the space above your breasts, his hand is on the diamond shape jewel he held it in between his fingers as he continues to nip your soft skin.
“H-Haven’t you gotten enough of me last night?” You slightly whimper as he began to nip at your exposed neck that still had bruises from last night’s session.
He lifts you by your hip and places you on top of the desk, he maintains eye contact as he kneels down while grabbing your thighs with his large hands. “Blame yourself for walking around wearing my dress shirt and nothing underneath.” He slowly spread your legs open and you complied your breath getting ragged as he kisses your inner thigh trailing his lips upwards.
You let out a soft whimper as his beard tickled your soft skin while lips touches the litter of love bites he had left on your thighs last night. “We’ve been married for a decade and yet you are so easily flustered.” He smirks as he saw how you were already shaking with just kissing.
“That's because I'm still sensitive from last night!” You cover your face with both of your hands embarrassed that he would see you again in such lust-filled daze.
He stands up and grabs your wrist prying them away from your face. He softens up when he looks at your blushing cheeks then kisses your forehead sweetly. Although seeing you in his dress shirt that is too big for your size that it reached down to your thighs. He really couldn’t be sweet and gentle to you after that.
“Perhaps you just need to get used to this.” Pierro hotly whispers into your ear as he grabs your wrist and pins them down on the desk slamming you down onto the wooden surface. His knee kept your bare legs open and his lips found its way onto yours kissing you with much passion.
Needless to say, your morning has gotten so better, although the same can’t be said to the desk you two copulated in.
Humming in delight, you drape your cape with golden plate shoulder pads around your body, your inner clothing has three layers to compensate for the harsh winter. Though it isn’t really that cold since the estate is regulated with the right temperature and your office in the central city has a fireplace in it. You went downstairs and saw your husband talking to the newly recruited woman from Mondstadt.
From what you can see she is holding out her cryo delusion most likely to suppress her flames, and her expression looks frightened. Pierro is somewhat scrutinizing her for coming into the estate without notice. And to ease her mind you place a hand on Pierro’s shoulder which halted him to stop talking.
“Finally, we meet at last Rosalyne, I am (Y/N), did you come here because the delusion hurting you somehow?” She is surprised to have met the Second of the Fatui Harbingers who immediately know the reason why she had come “Forgive us but it is not a power we can so easily tap into, if you would like I can help you get used to it and the pain will numb.” That was quite true because the Delusion is something only a few possess since it's quite difficult to manufacture.
Rosalyne pursed her lip, she didn’t expect that you would treat her so kindly she more or less expected you to be like the Jester. “Thank you, Lady Harbinger, but if I do lose control, I would not be held responsible for what could happen to you.” She replies firmly.
You already like Rosalyne because she has some bite in her words. When you sat beside her and rest your hands onto hers, she still held the delusion tightly as if afraid of letting it go. “I heard from Her Majesty that you were quite eager to start working and what better opportunity it is to come with me, you might pick up a few skills and I can take you down if it comes to it.” Giving reassurance that you could fight made her sigh in relief.
“Rosalyne,” Her head suddenly jerked up to the Jester, “You are quite adept in numerous languages since you hail from Mondstadt and studied in the Akademiya. Having to learn the art of Diplomacy from my wife, you would gain valuable skills that would be needed in the future.” His tone is rigorous as ever, everyone could be easily intimidated by his voice but for you, it's like music to your ears.
“Then I am in your care Lady Harbinger.” Rosalyne replies as she eases her mind that she would be under your care. Her stiff shoulders began to relax, at the very least it would seem she had immediately become comfortable around you.
Turning to Pierro he gives you a nod of approval at stepping up in having Rosalyne under your care. “I shall see you for another few days Dearest, have fun with the Doctor.” You bid him farewell while smiling and holding his hand.
Starting the morning with a great exercise Pierro is eager to work. He wanted to kiss your cheek but you both had no privacy at the moment. He could only offer his thumb gently rubbing your forehand then left without so much saying a word. Your touch is enough and besides you both have long centuries together before the plans would be set in stone.
When your husband left, you turn to Rosalyne holding out your hand for her to take, “Come I have a lot of things to teach you.” She takes your hand eagerly as you were delighted about that. Today is a good day and you hope that it would continue until the day of the rebellion against the divine would come.
Present time
You open your eyes and saw a familiar dark blue ceiling, your entire body is resting on a mattress that is soft as a marshmallow. She must’ve moved you to a bedroom but the bed is too large to be slept with one person on it. It was obvious that this bedroom is the one you had shared with Pierro where the nights you two had spent is now encased in a small container of memories.
“I think we should take a break for now (Y/N).” Columbina stated as she places the container on the tableside.
“Columbina… how could I have dare to forget this memory?” You just noticed that you were crying as you touch your cheek.
Her eyes were still closed as she lets out a small sigh, “Should we continue, you would find your answers later on which is precisely why I stopped.” She puts a warm wet towel on your forehead to let the soothing feeling of warmth relax your mind to let the blood flow correctly. “I know you are a cursed immortal and won’t easily die but that doesn’t mean your soul would not forget how it feels to be in pain.”
Columbina did have a point, the consequences of immortality is trying to stay sane now look where it had gotten you? Reduced to being a damsel without realizing she is in distress.
“Where is he?” You asked.
“Outside the bedroom door, would you like him to come inside?” She tilts her head wondering if it’s a good idea to ask that.
“Not yet, I don’t want to face him only remembering a fraction of our lives together.” You purse your lips because you definitely want to see him so badly because you had caused him to feel solitude upon your disappearance.
“Very well (Y/N) after I hum a lullaby to relax your mind and we will continue putting back your memories.” Columbina sits beside you as she picks up the container again slowly caressing it as she lets out a soft chorus of hums as if it was sung by an angel.
Outside the bedroom door, Pierro leaned back closing his eyes, he could not stand seeing also. What you had done hurt him as well but if you were willing to try again, he would have no reason to deny having him in your arms again.
If you do accept these memories then he it would mean you would still be willing to continue playing the chess game against Celestia.
Yet right now all Pierro could think is he would once again ask you lead him and save him from solitude, he hopes that you would say you want him, beside you once more, that’s all he would ask of you.
⟡ Act V: Point of No Return ⟡
Past the point of no return
No going back now
Our passion play has now at last begun
Past all thought of right or wrong
One final question
How long should we two wait before we're one?
When will the blood begin to race?
The sleeping bud bursts into bloom?
When will the flames at last consume us?
Year 35
Pierro is experiencing a migraine, you could tell from the way his hand would often press against his forehead. He had been in that state since last month but of course knowing him he would not disclose his predicament. He would brush it off as something trivial and unnecessary to worry about.
After speed running the necessary work for today and tomorrow’s agenda, you hurriedly went back to the Zapolyarny Palace and invaded yourself in his office. He didn't acknowledge your presence as he continues with his paperwork but it’s alright you already know he’s quite busy. You then place a picnic basket on another table nearby. You quietly prepare him a cup of coffee and pastries that you baked at the orphanage. After preparing him an afternoon snack you place it to his desk then stood behind his chair.
Arms wrapped around his neck as you kiss the side of his head. “I hurriedly went back but don't worry my work is finished earlier than expected. I'm quite worried about you, your headache has been recurring non-stop this month.”
He turns his head but before he can say anything you already jumped to it. “Don't be ridiculous (Y/N)—what? Surprise I can guess what you want to say? You do realize that even if we're immortals we can still feel pain, right?”
Your husband glared at you clearly not amused with your scolding mixed with teases, “I'm fully aware, now leave.” And once again you beat him to what he wanted to say.
“Are you done mocking me?” He asks with clear annoyance.
“Not if you would just give me your time for just one hour and let me take over your paperwork.” You were now serious this time and Pierro could tell that you were no longer be playful if he wouldn’t listen to you.
Pierro sighs heavily he wasn’t in the mood to argue back so he caved, “One hour.” He grumbled dropping his pen onto the table and let his head rest by leaning onto his soft chair.
When he finally gives in to your request, you dim the lights in his office to set a relaxing mood. You brewed him some coffee and prepared the pastries you had baked earlier in a small plate. Eyeing Pierro you saw him dropping his mask placing it on his desk as he closes his eyes. It made you smile in relief that he actually listened.
“Caffein will help ease your migraine and I also baked pastries earlier.” You those to him and he hurriedly took a sip of the warm beverage.
Your husband stares at you with a much more relaxed expression, his hands were on top of your squeezing them gently. “Thank you, I truly need this.” He brought your hands to his lips and kissed each tip of your bare fingers, “(Y/N), you truly are the only good thing in this world.” He sweetly says those words with one final kiss onto the side of your wrist.
With a flustered expression and eyes widen at the 180 degrees turn of the rigidness if the Director of the Fatui Harbinger to your loving mage husband. You squeeze his hand back, “You’re welcome, now let me take care of these they only need your signatures, right? No one would even bat an eye if I forged it.” You tease your husband but he just garnered a confused expression.
“Your signature wouldn't pose any problem, you have much authority as I have in the Fatui.”
Well now that your joke is soiled you pouted, “You’re no fun did you know that?” You tell him but he just let out an amused hum as he takes a bit of the crisp snack you gave him earlier.
As you let Pierro rest, the stacks of paperwork were an easy task to do since that was mainly your job as the current Mayor of Snezhnaya. You were sitting on top of his desk signing non-stop but of course you also read the contents of what you were signing. The paperwork caught your eye is the incident involving a tragic accident regarding the new batch of recruits fresh from the orphanage that was sent on an expedition to investigate an archon residue detected in an inhabited island.
This happened a year ago and you could vividly remember the faces of those new recruits. All because they were the one who often helped you in the kitchen when you visit the orphanage. You purse your lip as you currently over their files, it turns out that they all survived the god of that island because they were spared but they were all subjected to help in Dottore’s laboratory.
“Pierro why didn’t you tell me all of these?” You ask your husband with a shaky voice.
His migraine started to attack again as his finger rubbed his forehead, “They were under Pulcinella’s care, it isn’t relevant since you do have your own subordinates.” He nonchalantly stated as if he didn’t care what happened to those children. The ones you would bake pastries with or occasionally train, he just discarded them because the delusions needed to be produced massively for the growing ranks within the Fatui.
“I watched those children grow up and their lives were just used for an experiment?” Your voice began to break as you remembered the smiles and giggles of those children, now you won’t be able to even see or hear them again because they had perished.
“Indeed, but their sacrifice contributed in making sure the delusions to perfect the Cicin Mage’s prototype.” Your husband’s tone changed, it’s as if it was the Jester speaking to you, not him.
“Did you ever regret it █ █ █ █ █ ?” You asked in calm anger.
“Regret what?”
“What we became.” When you replied that, Pierro’s diamond shape pupils dilated as if studying your facial expressions because your question poses a threat to everything you had built for Her Majesty, the Fatui, and Pierro. Your anger turned into a fake smile not wanting the argument to escalate any further.
“Ah never mind don’t answer that just rest, okay? One hour and I’ll finish all your task then go to my office because Rosalyne is returning today from her mission.”
You quickly change the topic but Pierro grabbed your arm before you could even stand up. “What do you suggest to do then?” He wasn’t going to let this go but he would like to know if your stomach could handle the blasphemous acts of the Fatui.
“Use the criminals or traitors then, we have no need for prisoners they take up a lot space and resources.”
And he will take your word for it.
You were going to regret this but for the sake of those poor children in the House of Hearth you have to pay blood with blood. Pierro is surprised that you have suggested that in the first place. Although it would indeed be practical, if the traitors would plot against or even think of leaving them… what better way to put an end to it by subjecting them to Dottore’s care instead?
How horrible you had become, you bit your lip and rested your head onto his shoulder. “Pierro I’m sorry for lashing out perhaps I shouldn’t let myself get attached to those children.” You wrap your arms around him hoping a hug and an apology would be enough for him to forgive you.
“I will look for a new headmaster who could train them at a very young age so your attention wouldn't be divided.” Pierro didn’t condemn you nor did he verbally say you're forgiven and you’re afraid to even look at his expression since you really didn’t want your husband to be cross with you.
“Alright but do that after another hour of rest.”
The topic has ended and you kiss his forehead softly while you gently brush his hair with your palms and let his head rest onto your soft chest. For a while you let yourself enjoy the serendipity of your married life. You just begin to imagine that your husband is different to the Jester. After all, it was easier to delude your reality into an illusion just to give you a false sense of security. Perhaps this would at least retain your sanity until the rebellion against the divine would come.
Year 50
Your entire body is aching.
How could it not when you had fractured your ribs?
A gaping wound on your stomach could also be added to the list along with multiple bruises on your entire body. Defeating a god with little followers on a secluded island was no easy feat, especially when Pierro wasn’t here to assist you but then again mission success so you had no right to complaint.
“I suppose you have my gratitude.”
Okay maybe you have one complaint since you hate to go on missions with Dottore’s most arrogant segment, the Omega build. He held up an archon residue container that sealed the body of the dead god inside. You didn’t dare look at it because you would remember how that god begged for mercy… not to himself but to his followers.
“This amount will suffice until my experiment is a success. You were the one who killed this minor god right?” Dottore grinned which made you feel uneasy.
“A fine observation Doctor, is the blood on my claymore not enough proof?” Your blood pressure is rising and you were itching to kill this annoying little shit with your own weapon. The adrenaline from fighting earlier hasn’t died down yet, as the matter of fact being provoked made you twitch.
The Doctor chuckles deeply, he put a hand on his chin as if thinking of something, your diamond shape pupils narrowed down at him. You ignored the people on the background crying in hysterics mainly from the miasma they had inhaled when you killed their god. Though they were all rendered helpless as your subordinates sedated them one by one.
“Oh no no, I'm just curious since you do know the consequences of killing a god. The people are plagued with madness already so I thank you for saving me the trouble of finding new test subjects for the archon residue you had collected.” You already know that but his sarcasm made you angrier.
“Do not test me Zandik. Get to the point.” Every word you had uttered, especially his real name is a warning, you were already gripping your claymore to the point the veins on your hands were protruding.
Dottore suddenly laughed, “Hahahahah! Hah. It's just amusing that you once called me a monster but are we really so different Princess (Y/N)?” His words hurt more than the minor god’s attacks, he was calling you a hypocrite and right in front of your subordinates no less.
But he was right, to deny such accusations is laughable on your part. You have done unspeakable things for this rebellion against the Divine. You were a monster.
Now you will show Dottore what you can do.
A claymore enclouds in sharp blue wisp is swung right at him, the tip of your claymore is then stopped by a white gloved hand. A booming sound is heard as the hand stopped your attack before it could truly behead Dottore. Your view is blocked from him none other than your husband who just arrived in time to save a fellow Harbinger.
“Move Pierro, I want to give more results to Zandik’s wonderful conclusion.”
Pierro didn’t flinch when you scowled at him, the claymore is still moving but with his strength he is able to subdue it easily. He turns to the one who pissed you off, “Doctor, I suggest you take the archon residue and your test subjects to your laboratory before I lose my temper as well.” He ordered impatiently.
“Of course, Jester.” Dottore lowers his head a bit, base from his expression, he didn’t expect that the Jester would actually come and see the conclusion of their raid in a small island not far from Snezhnaya. “I will send my child segment, the Zeta build, to tend to the reports he gets along with your wife.”
Pierro then grabbed your blade not caring if the blood from the god you had killed stained his glove and sleeves. He then flipped your claymore so he would be the one wielding it, “Are you done with your tantrum? I hope you realize that petty words are not worth to eliminate such an important asset.” Considering his reasoning you were indeed on the wrong side of this argument, you should have not lost your temper. Then again you and Dottore do get along fine but when it comes to philosophical ideals you two never get along.
“When we return to Zapolyarny Palace I will thoroughly remind the Doctor about overstepping his boundaries.”
Okay you were satisfied with that for now.
The claymore dematerializes from your husband’s hand as you feel relaxed at least this is settled you really didn’t want to stay any longer. Not when the sight before you are a devastating carnage you had left when you killed these people’s god.
“Let’s just go-nnghk!!! ” A sharp pain attacked the gaping wound on your stomach.
Pierro hurriedly caught you in his arms, “What are you standing there for? Get a medic.” He shouts at the nearby elderly female soldier who hurriedly called for help but you didn’t miss the way she smiled when you coughed up blood.
You groan in pain as you rest your head on your husband’s shoulder clutching your stomach to put pressure on the wound. As your breathing became ragged you try to calm yourself down to concentrate on the wounded spot and to let the curse of immortality heal your wounds.
“Eyes on me (Y/N).” His gloved hand was on your cheek while the other is pressing onto your wound to put pressure on it because the more you bleed out the more your body gets affected by the miasma.
In all honesty, you deserved this. Oh, how you were careless in fighting just so you can feel a deserving punishment. The god who lets the flower bloom in the harshest weather was a weak opponent but you let yourself get wounded. You were sure that the miasma is based from wolfsbane flowers that the god grew on the island.
An island that’s full of green lush and colorful flowers despite the winters of Snezhnaya reaching far beyond the borders and now all of those beautiful plants and flowers became brown and withered.
You can endure this pain, it will heal slowly and with time your body would forget what the wound looks like. No wonder Dottore scrutinized you earlier, he had seen through the fake façade you put up. You could have easily ended that god but chose to harm yourself in exchange for what you would do to the people of this damned island.
This is karma for what you had done and you hope you could still stay sane until rebellion against the divine.
Year 65
Ever since the incident of battling the god of that small island, you never had been assigned missions outside of Snezhnaya. Pierro had every reason and right to ban you from expeditions, you were putting yourself in danger deliberately. And your relationship with him started to strain but with time you try to make it up to him.
Although your husband will always trust you as wife… but the Jester isn’t able to do so but a decade and half passing by, he is able to trust you as the Scapino again.
At present, you were currently on an inspection because there are reports of sighting that there's a spiraling darkness lingers in a forest east from the capital city.
“My lady once this inspection is over, I would like to formally hand over my resignation letter, I am far too old now.” The subordinate who navigated the area is an elderly woman who had always been under your care for 50 years.
Her timing is really poor since you both were in front of the Abyss portal.
“Alina, I’m sure your family would be delighted so of course I would let you retire.”
“My Lady they have been dead for 50 years.” She replies coldly sending shivers down your spine.
“Oh… I’m sorry to be so insensitive.” You slightly bow your head apologizing for your carelessness.
The elderly female soldier smiles hollowly, she had been your subordinate for the longest time, though you never did grow close like friends. She seems too formal and kept her distance, you respected that and she was the one who help you recuperate from your injury from the god you had killed some time ago.
Now you begin to understand why she kept her distance. “Why do you feel sad My Lady? Do you have any right to feel that when you killed my husband, Dominik?” That person is someone you could never forget and even his loved one never did, now she's here to avenge him.
That man killed himself because of you.
Your legs began to wobble as you suddenly see blood around you and the gaping hole of Dominik's chest open by the power of a cryo vision. And his eyes that is filled with so much hate that if it could kill, you would have been slaughtered mercilessly.
Your heart began pounding loudly against your chest as the old lady grab your wrist, “Why are you so kind and empathetic to your subordinates knowing you lead them to death? Do you know how hard it was to endure 50 years to serve the one who killed my family?” She began shaking you while your head is floating in the clouds trying to keep yourself remain conscious of what was happening in front of you.
“I didn’t mean to… I… didn’t know he would…” Your voice trembles as you close your eyes shaking your head like a child guilty of candy theft.
“You didn’t know that he would kill himself? Is that what you want to say? But who was the one who lead him to take drastic measures?”
‘Me… It was me…’ You whisper to yourself and your eyes bulging while you grip onto your hair and your entire body started to shake.
“That’s right and you’ve been doing these to many families.” The old lady caresses your cheek while wiping your tears away. “What’s worst is that you set sights on an orphanage to produce soldiers for the Fatui. How many of them reached my age? How many died in glory? In battle? In vain?”
You feel lightheaded and nauseous.
“Can you make it up to me? To us? The people you have caused nothing but pain?” The old lady never stops staying condemning words and you made no effort in stopping her because she had a point. You were the mayor of Snezhnaya and it would do your reputation no good as you had vowed to listen to every citizen’s problem. “Will you let me push you into the Abyss so that my soul would finally be at peace?”
Then you shakily inhale because if you were to fall into the Abyss, there’s no telling how much time would pass on the outside world. “But my husband… he would worry…” You whimper as she digs her sharp nails onto your skin.
“What about my husband? Lieutenant Dominik and I could have been living peacefully with our son but you took that away from us.” She pulls you closer to the portal as her nails teared the surface of your skin causing you to bleed.  “And your own husband… I’m sure Lord Jester married you so that the Fatui wouldn’t fall early since you are after all, a founding member.”
Your heart stopped at her words.
Little did you know that it was the nail to the head when Anila started to talk about Pierro, her 50 years of labor under your lead began to grow into a delicious fruit. The look of despair in your eyes when she had finally start to break your soul. She would relish it until the day she dies.
“Stop lying… he always had loved me… before Khaenri’ah fell… he told me himself.” 
You sounded so helpless.
“Poor Princess (Y/N), your own husband lied to you so please…” Her grip onto your wrists loosens up, “Let me relieve you of your pain.” She didn’t used much force to push you into the dark spiralling portal.
And now… you were falling into the Abyss.
The last thing you ever saw is Alina laughing until the darkness of the Abyss consumed your entire body. You close your eyes as you brace for the impact of your fall, perhaps this was for the best. All those people you have caused so much pain and loss, they did deserve some comfort in their lives that their vengeance had been fulfilled by the loved one of the first person who cursed and hated you.
And as for Pierro… ‘Is his love all a lie to keep me around?’
You deserved a punishment such as this and when you landed, you could feel every bone in your body shattering. Having multiple fractures wouldn’t kill you anyway so you might as well try opening your eyes. And when you did the first thing you ever saw is a series of events that hasn’t happened yet…
In the land of Freedom, one must force its way to get what is needed.
The oldest of the gods can be persuaded through the honor of contracts.
The Crimson Witch of Flames turned to ash, Rosalyne’s sacrifice is worth the cost.
To obtain something of equal value must be lost, Dottore knows no bounds after all.
Justice is inevitable but is it honorable when it is only served in favor of the most powerful?
Fire fueled by the blood spilled, the most powerful Captain lays his life for the rebellion
The endless neverwinter is desolate and harsh but as this nation endured for all time, every lives that were lost would have a final resting place in the entirety of the old world.
A female blonde traveler dressed in all white is accompanied by her little fairy guide is now face to face with their net obstacle. Me.
“Are you satisfied now Lady Scapino?” Lumine’s tone is cold towards me unlike her soft-spoken tone during the time we spent together for a short while. “Does your rebellion against the divine truly worth the lives you took. All of these bodies, they are the Fatui… are their lives meaningless to you?”
I grip onto my claymore but I had no more reason to fight, the game against Celestia had reached its conclusion.
“They were not meaningless to me at all, if not for their sacrifice we would not have come so far. If I were to be reborn again, I would have chosen your role Lumine, a traveler who sees the world with hope and a little companion would also be nice… but alas I was born a Princess of Khaenri’ah. I was doomed from the beginning and therefore I accept my eternal damnation.”
Before Lumine and Paimon could reply you were pulled back into the light.
Pierro is the first thing you ever saw since he held your semi-conscious body, you could feel his hands shaking as he cups your cheek. His one visible eye glistened in painful relief as he stares at your battered body.
“I thought I lost you to the Abyss, my love.” He hugs you tightly but you were confused as to why is he relieved.
Wasn't he the one who lied so that you wouldn't abandon the Fatui?
“Where is she?” You refer to the elderly who pushed you down.
There is a flash of anger in his expression, “She died after you fell, she planned it all so that we may never find you but she failed.” He seems to be hiding the whole truth but you didn’t dwell on it as long as Pierro didn’t admit he tortured the poor old lady as punishment for your disappearance.
“I see… at least she didn’t suffer any longer.” You sigh in relief.
“Why are you concerned about her? You should take a look of yourself my love, your eyes are sunken and your dress is ruined, you’re also filled with scratches and bruises.” Pierro is back again with his soft tone, it’s always that loving and gentle tone whenever he’s with you but not to others. Now… you were also beginning to doubt his sincerity.
“Do you truly love me?”
You had to ask that above anything else, you were stuck in the Abyss for an hour and all you saw is how horrible you had become. Because of what Anila had said you just need to know if what Pierro made you feel is real. If it proved to be true you don’t think you can ever go on living again.
“Did Anila tell you that I only married you so that I can continue to use you?” Pierro places you down gently, he was sitting on the snow and you were sitting on his lap. He cups both of your cheek and kisses your forehead. “She couldn’t be more wrong, like I said before, I would not rebel against the divine without you at my side.”
Base from his breathing, you knew he wasn’t lying and that made you tear up because Anila probably only told you those lies to catch you off guard.
You could feel his lips peppering kisses all over your bruised face, it didn’t hurt as his lips only put light pressure. “That and you are the only good thing I have left, we’ve been through so much and though it pains me that you doubt my love for you.” He brought your hand to his lips, his one visible eye stare at you with a loving expression that he only shows when you two are alone. “My heart and soul always belonged to you ever since the day you fell through the muddy garden of the palace.” That made you giggle because you could vividly remember the day you asked Pierro when was the first time he realizes he loves you too and it was one of those nights where you both sneak out to spend time together.
Although your smile died, ‘But Pierro, what if I don’t want to be at your side anymore whether you love me or not?’ That’s what you had wanted to ask but kept your mouth shut, it’s the least you could do after he confirms that he does indeed love you.
“Ahem… this is a very touching reunion but we need to move Lady Scapino to a much better facility.” Dottore coughs as he awkwardly stood with his child segment Zeta and Columbina who were watching the entire time. Signora is surprisingly there as well but she remained silent as her expression is hardened but her eyes express great relief.
‘What the hell I didn’t even notice they were there?’ You were shocked because your senses were usually sharp but then again you just fell into the Abyss and came back.
“When is it my turn to hug her Jester?” Columbina pouted as she crosses her arms.
“Yeah! Don’t be greedy you’re only her husband but we’re her friends!” Zeta frowned as he pointed a finger at Pierro.
Your husband glares at them both as his arms wrapped itself around your waist, “I was her best friend first and she doesn’t need you both.” He scowls at the two who then look at each other then at Pierro but before they can even run towards your direction, Dottore grabbed them by the back of their shirts.
Signora steps forward as she wraps a coat around your body, “Welcome back Lady (Y/N).” She gives you a rare smile as she steps back again to respect Pierro’s wish to give you some space. And your heart feels warm knowing that your comradea do care about you.
If you could just close your eyes for the sacrifices being made, you could try and be blind for all you care… All for your husband and friends. At the very least you can still fulfill your role in the Fatui until rebellion against the divine.
Year 75
Two decades had passed ever since you fell into the Abyss you had an obsession with the memories of the future and what better way to know everything through experiments? Having spilled too much blood you subjected yourself to be the lab rat instead of using who would tamper with their mind. And Pierro is once again furious about your recklessness in using the Art of Khemia to play with your brain.  The proof of it is by locking you up in your shared estate and letting all your things from the mayor’s office to be delivered here.
“Have you lost all senses? Do you know how dangerous it is to tamper with your own memories?!” Pierro saw the alchemy notes you had drawn into an orb-shaped capsule made from an automaton and it contained your memories of your time in the Abyss. “Your obsession with the Abyss is dangerous, the darkness tapped into your darkest fears (Y/N).”
“If we could avoid making mistakes then maybe there would be less casualties, those people who we killed for this ridiculous plan against Celestia-”
“You dare ridicule our entire lives’ work?!”
Pierro raised his voice at you, he grabbed your shoulders and tightly gripping them making you wince in pain. He shook you slightly not hiding the fact that his anger towards you. It was the first time you had ever seen him lose his temper and you were the one who caused this.
But his wrath is far more acceptable than the ones you had seen in the Abyss.
What you saw in the future were all fragments but you could put together of what had happened, the Fatui had all the Gnosis but at the cost of many comrades’ lives. Having to witness a vision such as that became your newest curse as you couldn’t bear to see your comrades dead. And they were all gone because of you… and you didn’t even finish the outcome of the future because Pierro pulled you back.
“After all these years why have you begun to regret what we had done? Do not forget that you were the one who started this with me.” His grip onto your shoulder started to hurt and you were sure it will leave bruises for days right there.
You purse your lip not wanting make him angrier but Pierro doesn’t understand because he turned a blind eye to the blood that the Harbingers and the Tsaritsa wrote.
“I wish I did forget all of this.” How you wish you could have prevented yourself from ever seeing those memories from the Abyss but it does also count as a blessing.
“It’s time to end these foolish theatrics (Y/N), if you wallow in your delusional fantasies then you will truly succumb to madness.”
Pierro scolded you as he lets go of your shoulder, he gives you a harsh glare as if daring you to oppose him. He had enough of your games for the past few weeks, you were really believing in the Abyss when such memories can be a reality but it’s the Abyss who showed you those memories and you were not going to risk it by thinking it was all fake.
“Then so be it, █ █ █ █ █.”
You don’t think you can stay sane but you were past the point of no return now, at the very least you had to fulfill your role in the Fatui until rebellion against the divine.
But you don’t think you could continue to bear to see the blood you had written for this to happen.
Year 85
A decade had passed ever since the huge argument you had with Pierro, it took you both five months before starting to talk again. Your memories of the time in the Abyss started to fade, without the help of Dottore and Columbina you could no longer tap into that spectrum. Pierro had strictly forbidden you from ever using the Art of Khemia to tamper with your memories and preserve them in a capsule.
You did wonder what happened to those memory capsules that you did create.
No matter, you were far too busy being occupied by a new hobby aside from baking, it was reading fictional novels. You absolutely adore the way it perfectly captures your attention since is vastly different from reading mission reports or those educational books about Teyvat. Though, Pierro once expressed his distaste with fiction but you quickly jump into defense that it helps you sleep when he isn’t home… and of course he caved in as usual.
“Lady Scapino, are you listening?”
“Yes, I am Pulcinella.” You set down what you were currently reading after being broken from thought by a fellow Harbinger. “About those noble families, of course it is given they want to expand their influence to the Fatui. They are deluded with the mere fact they once had power over Snezhnaya. However, we could use their ambition and turn it against them, Her Majesty is the reason why they haven’t even tried to usurp the Harbingers.” You were incredibly tired at the internal conflicts happening within the nation it’s really been difficult to handle which is why Pulcinella being promoted into a Harbinger really relieved some of your burdens.
“I must admit it is rather adorable of them to think they can usurp us it just takes a matter of little persuasion to my end to stop their stupidity from spreading.” He disappointedly shook his head since it’s a waste of time to handle childish conflicts but for the sake of Snezhnaya’s prosperity, he will do what must be done.
“You know Pulcinella you could be mayor instead of me, you’re rather good dealing with the people.” Suggesting this wasn’t a joke on your end, he would be a better mayor than you, besides setting this up would be easy on your part once you depart.
“Hoh hoh. I might take your offer one day Lady Scapino,” Pulcinella then stands up, his eyes stares at the doors of your office a bit amused. “Did you know the Jester is standing behind you all the entire time of our conversation.”
You manage to let out an amused huff, “I know he’s always been like that, always there behind to support me when needed and vice versa.” You look at Pierro who was leaning against the door frame with his arms cross as he waited for you to finish talking with Pulcinella.
“Ah young love…” The elderly small man lets out an amused laugh.
“Aren’t we older than you though?” You tilt your head in curiosity.
“Hoh hoh hoh, I shall tell you the truth some other time Young Lady Scapino.” Pulcinella’s teasing made you pout, “I believe your husband waited long enough.” He leaves your office still amused with your husband’s odd antic of always standing behind your back.
Pierro is still leaning by the door frame and without anyone that could disturb both of you he smiles, “You look divine tonight.”
Suddenly all your walls shatter as you became shy because when you look at the mirror on your desk, you look really horrible. Eyes sunken, hair slightly messy, hands stained with ink, and poor posture. Yet despite looking like that Pierro remain by at the door frame looking at you as if you’re the most beautiful thing he had laid his eyes on.
“I truly don’t know if you’re just being a tease or telling the truth.”
“A bit of both.” Pierro closes the door and strides forward to grab your hand and place a kiss on your knuckles. “How are you faring these days? You haven’t gone home for three weeks now my love.”
You were absolutely but nor really shocked about that the evidence is already your messy appearance, “Shit really? No wonder I look like trash.” You held Pierro’s hand tightly and squeezes them. “Darling, I’m really sorry I thought that if I go home, I wouldn’t finish any work done and my perception of time is incredibly poor.” In all honesty you just didn’t want him to see how you had grown mentally and emotionally unstable.
“Do you even sleep?” He asks worriedly.
“Sometimes I do but…”
“The nightmares.” Pierro finishes your sentence, he already knows how the nightmares never stopped because the same could be said to him. He pulls you into a tight hug as he rubs circles onto your back and you sink into his touch as his beard tickling your forehead as he leans down to your height to properly cuddle you.
“It’s not really that bad anymore, ever since those memories of my time in the Abyss started to disappear, I feel lighter...” ‘Best to avoid telling him that I still feel like I want to disappear crap, he seems too happy to see me right now.’ “Anyway, did you really miss me that much that you would personally come and fetch me?” You pull away from the hug poking his cheek .
“Our bed feels cold without you there.” He replies seriously which made you pout.
“Ah you just miss my body?” You ask teasingly.
Pierro place another kiss on your hand, “I miss your presence at my side (Y/N)…” Then another kiss on your cheek, his lips trailing up to your ear. “And you’re right I do miss seeing the look of your face curled in ecstasy.” He huskily said while blowing warm air onto your ear causing you to turn extremely red as you step away from him flustered.
“Damn it I’m suppose to be the teasing one in this relationship.” Grumbling under your breath you grab the novel you were reading earlier then covered your blushing face from his gaze. “I think I would rather have this book between our faces you don’t get teased so easily anymore.”
“Take it from experience of being married to you for 70 years now.” He gently pushes down the novel as he gently flicks your forehead.
“You say that as if it’s a bad thing getting married to me.” You stick out your tongue at him.
Pierro removes his mask while placing a hand under your chin moves closes to your lips, “On the contrary, I truly have no choice because you truly have bewitched me.” You both share a sweet kiss and he pulls away a bit curious about the book you were holding. “Now would you kindly tell me what you have been reading lately? I look forward to your questionable taste in novels.” He raises an eyebrow in amusement as he is rather intrigued with your poor taste in fictional literature.
“Here I’ve been reading this one and it’s a comedic adventure story~!” You held the book up once again and showed him the title.
Pierro had to double take as he grabs the book clearly bewildered by the lengthy title of the novel. “Isekai? Reincarnation? That is ridiculous and it definitely doesn’t seem to be well written base on its title.” He had a look of disgust in his features which made you giggle.
“It isn’t so bad and besides I think it’s funny that the title of this novel is ‘This is a story after I died in the real world then getting isekai'd into my favorite board game but why the fuck is the Demon Lord who greeted me instead of a cute fairy guide?!’ It’s creatively eye catching.” You grab the novel back feigning offense to his reaction.
“I would close my eyes.” He firmly stated.
“Ugh come on don’t you find it funny?” You held novel back up again to his face and clearly trying to annoy him.
Pierro sighs as he shakes his head and closes his eyes, even though he disapproves of your choices in novels he still lets you read it. Baking is a hobby you once developed to stimulate your senses and keep your brain active. And now with your newly discovered hobby, which is reading, it really did improve your mood for the past few years. You weren’t prone to hysterics and you slowly discarded the memories you had of the future.
They were a curse after all.
But little did your husband know that the heavy burden you felt remained despite the memory being gone. Can you truly be with Pierro until the day of the rebellion against the divine?  
Year 100
The past few years were torture as you were allowed to have missions outside Snezhnaya, Her Majetsy had interfered with Pierro to let you out in the field. It did improve your mood sometimes but most often you didn’t want to go because it will lessen the time you had left with Pierro. And as much as possible you want to be with him until everything would be settled when the day comes of your long absence within the Fatui.
Which is why you were here in his office.
“Don’t you have a diplomatic mission in Sumeru?”
Pierro wonders why you weren’t on a carriage ride to the harbor and wasting your precious time in going to his office.
You purse you lip guilty of what you were about to do, so you pretend to shy your head away. “Ah… well I just want to see you one last time my dear husband…” There weren’t any lies to your voice but the way you spoke seems to alarm Pierro as he immediately stands up from his chair to come to you.
“Is that why you came to annoy me so late in the evening? You know you could have just asked, we’ve been married for decades now and you’re still shy as ever (Y/N).” He tested the waters of your mood but you just hugged him really tight and your face is buried on his chest.
Your grip around him tightens, “Yeah… I know… I just really wanted to see you, █ █ █ █ █ .” You whisper to him as if you were afraid to leave him all alone.
Pierro isn’t really sure about why you’re suddenly so clingy but he won’t complain if you embrace him like this. He removes his mask along with yours to place a kiss on your forehead, “I know it’s been a long time since you would be sent on missions outside our nation.” He then place both hands on your cheek pinching them slightly while kissing the tip of your nose. “Maybe getting out in the field is a good exercise for your battle instincts…” Then another kiss on your right cheek. “And having a high ranking member in handling diplomacy would surely give us a presentable image.” Then another kiss on your left cheek.
You sigh dreamily as he finally kisses you on the lips, “I will miss you too my lovely wife.”
“I hope you don’t miss me that much though~” Despite your tone being playful, you could tell that Pierro oddly feels like there’s some implications of your words and odd behavior lately.
And he was right.
Five months had passed since your farewell to your husband and you were sure that the Fatui is looking for you ever since you disappeared in Sumeru. The secret establishment of a base of operations within Sumeru, Liyue, Inazuma, and Mondstadt along with gaining connections to people with high position in their own nations. At the very least you could leave a great gift of compensation for what you were about to do.
You do hope that every trace of your journey wouldn’t be easily recognized since you were sure that the spies Pierro had sent had been tricked into going to Fontaine and Natlan.
Although you did wish Pierro never loved you and just used you. It would be easier that way because as you stood in Starsnatch Cliff, you were hesitating to erase your memories once and for all. How poetic it is to seek your own freedom in the land of the Anemo Archon… you weren’t a worshipper of gods but every time you see people who do… most of them were living a life of bliss.
A novel is being held by your right hand and the other held an orb that could contain an archon residue.
“I guess this is cheers to my new life.”
A bright light engulf the orb and the novel’s printed pages began to disappear, your eyes were widen open as markings of an alchemic formula surrounded your forehead. Much to your relieve the process is really was starting… You couldn’t handle the burden of being one of the ringleaders in the Fatui just to plague the lives of others. You saw the outcome of the future, and though you may forget most of it, you couldn’t forget the way you hated yourself.
The Tsaritsa and the Fatui would be much better without a thorn to their side.
Pierro could do so much better if he wouldn’t worry about you 24/7, he’s more of leader than you and if you could turn back time you would have chosen to die during the Cataclysm with the other people. But alas you couldn’t die… so what better way to end your misery by erasing your entire memory and replacing them with new ones?
A roaring voice startled you but the process of ending your misery can’t be stopped because you made sure of it.
“I see you really worked hard to find me huh?” You turn to Pierro.
Expecting to see him angry is a mistake because you saw the tears of agony streaming down the side of his uncovered face. That made your heart clench, you weren’t the only one hurting yourself, you were also hurting him. ‘It’s okay he can live without me… he did mention if I ever defected, he would personally kill me…’ You try to reassure yourself as you dropped the novel and the orb.
Then you lost balance and one step backwards you were once again falling.
‘But how come I don’t feel free of my burden?’
‘Oh, that’s right my thesis…’
‘Wait… Why is the house burning?’
Your vision is being flooded of unfamiliar images of infrastructures that reaches the skies, transportation boxes that uses wheels, and a small rectangle gadget. They were unfamiliar to you… a faint voice could be heard… yelling at your name… but you could see your feet running towards a sea of flames that engulfed a small unfamiliar house.
When you gasp for air, you realize that you were no longer inside the burning bedroom and your injuries were non-existent as you look at your hands. Although between the spaces of your fingerds you see a figure of a man standing in front of you.
‘But why does he look in so much pain’
“You're—wait wait don't kill me I'm not a threat!” You yelled at him with a groggy voice as if you had just been crushed by an overwhelming weight.
“Princess (Y/N) I advise that you remain calm as you had just woken up after falling from Starsnatch Cliff.”
‘Why do you look like you wanted to say something Pierro?’
You choose to ignore the gut feeling of something being wrong because how could it feel that way when you’re finally inside your favorite game? And the rebellion against the divine is but a forgotten memory… and so is the years you’ve spent with your husband Pierro.
The fake memories in your mind could never erase the feelings of your soul. Despite having thought of meeting the Jester for the first time your truthful adoration towards Pierro already started to seep through the false illusions of your lies the moment he opens his hand towards your direction.
Present Time
When you woke up again Columbina is longer at your side, she already had suspected all your memories had returned. At first you didn’t respond to her but eventually she lets you gather your own thoughts and left you alone. Well maybe not alone… Pierro had finally entered your shared bedroom but he kept his distance as he stands by and watches you from the edge of the bed.
“I truly am pathetic, aren’t I?” You bitterly chuckle and he didn’t respond to that. “I don’t want to live knowing I ruined lives, maybe if I were just a mere traveler, I would not hate myself this much.” You began to sob desperate of wanting to hurry the process of wiping your entire brain clean of everything. “I couldn’t do it anymore █ █ █ █ █, I’m not like you…  I can’t pretend to be cruel for the sake of our goal.”
Pierro didn’t step forward just yet, he tore away his mask as you both look at each other’s exasperatedly tired expressions.
“You always had a kind heart Princess (Y/N), you care for everyone even though not many had love you back. You always love the people of Khaenri’ah that’s why you learned how to wield a claymore for you to be able to protect them. Though you may act like a princely knight in shining armor, you were always fascinated with domestic bliss such baking and always wanted to open your own store.”
As he began to recall his own memories of your time before the Cataclysm, you find it surprising that he actually remembered all of it. He treasures the time you both had spent together as much as you did as well, your kindness was always your weakness. You know that but Pierro talks about it as if it was your greatest strength.
“Not only you were kind you were also the brightest light in my life, which is why I always loved you since the day you fell into a muddy soil and demanded me to call you ‘Your Mud-jesty’.”
The sudden confession surprised you because that incident happened months after you both had just met, it would seem that he was the one who had fallen for you first. You remember making that bad pun when you tripped into the mud after sneaking out with him late at night to play chess in the gardens. And despite feeling numb of your senses and emotions, Pierro managed to tug your heart from his admittance.
As fast as his fondness came, his face is pained with lament of the past and mourning to the people you both once were. “Those joyful days cannot be taken back now (Y/N) but those memories are there for a reason, it’s what kept us going.” He moves closer to you his hand on your cheek wiping your tears. “We’ve crossed the threshold and past the point of no return, no matter what you do we can’t change the past. Isn’t that why we’re working with the Tsaritsa to once and for all end their control in this world?”
Despite everything that happened, you could feel that his wrath hasn’t been quenched… And neither did yours.
The thing that held you back is you directed that wrath to yourself which led to your almost downfall. But still you couldn’t turn blind eye for what you have done. “What then? What happens when dust settles and Celestia had fallen… can we really go back to the way we were?”
“The bridge is crossed, so let us stand together and watch it burn.” Pierro is finally able to hold both of your hands, he really does have some odd way of proposing to you. “We cannot go back to the way things were, we’ve already decided that didn’t we? At the very least we would still have each other by the end of everything we had done.” That was he always had envisioned back then and even now, letting the entire world collapse so long as you watch it happen with him.
When he implies that he wants you back at his side you were taken aback, “You would still want me despite what I have done to you?”
“You have no idea what you had done for me before all of this, I truly adore you (Y/N), like I always said… you are the only good thing I have left in this world.” With that Pierro had said his spiel, these were his genuine feelings, you could even see the traces of the royal mage he was once. He never shows that side to anyone else but you, for what reason could he even show them his soft side? His heart always had and always will belong to you.
“Will you let me earn your forgiveness before you could accept me again.”
You couldn’t accept his willing forgiveness without penance for hurting him by almost killing yourself in the process. What’s worse is that you deliberately erased your memories with him and replaced them with fake ones. Someday you would want to hear why he loves you to the point he would forgive you almost immediately.
“Of course.” And Pierro wishes to honor your decision.
As for the Fatui and Her Majesty… Their forgiveness will be a challenge to earn as well and it won't be an easy road to walk into. There is still some lingering darkness on your mind directed towards yourself. But if your husband isn’t one to give up, you shouldn’t either. You decided it was time to stop being short sighted because if you do… it would dishonor the promise you made that day when the Tsaritsa found the both of you huddling in a hidden location.
As for the people you and Pierro had used and will sacrifice… you both vow that their final resting place would be the entirety of the old world. Beyond the past the point of no return, Pierro is standing there with you as the world will soon plunge into chaos that you two would start in a few centuries.
Although you save those thoughts for tomorrow because for now all that matters is in front of you.
“And if you truly insist on asking me for forgiveness, would you join me for a round?” Pierro asks holding out his hands to yours.
You happily intertwined your hands together and finally look forward on the days, months, and years ahead of you both.
~ End of the Second Part of Truthful Adoration in False Illusions
So yeah uh about the rankings with reader being number 2 instead of dottore, it will change for canon reasons just let it be for now xD I hope you all would look forward to the Interlude chapter where the story is told from Pierro's POV and the Epilogue!
Also im sorry if this got delayed i accidentally deleted part 2 and when i retyped it i feel like I messed up but I still tried to replicate my lost work :<
Again sorry for scamming everyone thinking this would be an isekai reader when it's most definitely not XD Also should I post what Princess of Khaenri'ah Reader what I imagine would look like? but id rather not cuz i want you guys to imagine yourself suffering like that with pierro /j
Anyways that is all I hope you guys enjoyed the fanfic and look forward to the 3rd part~!
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hopepaigeturner · 4 months
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Learning Lessons
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Between Ep 4 flashbacks we see Sophie getting ensconced in Bridgerton family life. Sophie utterly able to stand up to Eloise as shown when she accompanies Eloise through Bloomsbury and through the whole: “Eloise as a maid” saga.
However, we do see Sophie being ostracised by the servants. I explain more here. In particular, the Queen Bee Helene. Helene is jealous that Sophie does not want to be her friend, is getting ‘special treatment’ from the Bridgertons by sitting with them at tea.
Furthermore, we also see that the Bridgerton brain cell does not reside in Benedict’s brain as he constantly harries Sophie with flirtations. E.g. turning up on the servant stairs, flirting at tea, leaving flowers etc. He is utterly ignorant of how his actions are further fuelling Sophie’s ostracization.
✨Flashback ✨
It is an afternoon where the Bridgertons are out. The ladies at some luncheon/garden party, the boys getting ready to go to Mondrich’s. Sophie is walking down a corridor.
“Yes?” Sophie walks along and finds Helene with her head in a cupboard. Another maid is next to her.
“Mrs Wilson says that there is some spare thread in this cupboard, but I cannot find it anywhere.” Helen turns to her with a sweet smile, “Do you mind having a look?”
Sophie, with a sceptic look, peers into the cupboard and searches.
“Helene, this is a linen cupboard—”
Helene shoves Sophie into the cupboard.
Sophie is plunged into darkness with a click of a lock.
“Helene?” she calls, turning to the door and testing the hinges. All she hears are giggles. “Helene, can you let me out?”
“Oh, so sorry Sophie, I am ever so busy…I might be able to spare a second before supper!” Helene calls before laughing and walking off with her accomplice.
“Benedict, are you coming?” Michael Stirling calls.
“I, uh…” Benedict looks up at the stairs. “I shall be with you anon,” he calls over his shoulder, “I just want to check something.”
“Alright, but do not tally too long—otherwise you shall miss all the fun!”
“Of course!” Benedict calls back again, but still wholly focused on the staircase. “I just feel…” his face turns grave, “I feel that something is wrong,” he whispers.
Sophie steps back and takes a deep breath.
“It shall be fine. It is just a cupboard,” she says to herself in a measured tone. “It is just a cupboard.” Her hand returns to the doorknob twisting it with a little more force. “You can get out….you will get out…” she rattles the door harder, breaths escalating, “It is fine,” her voice squeaks slightly, “You are not trapped, you are not—” her voice breaks off.
“Helene?” Sophie’s voice strains. “Helene? Are you there?”
Her voice sounds heartbreakingly childish. Upon hearing no return, she snaps.
“Helene!” She bagns her fists on the door, rattling the doorknob, shaking the door on its hinges.  “Open the door! Please, please, open the door!”
Her cries escalate, movements becoming frantic, sobs choking her throat as she becomes hysterical. The camerawork is chaotic, cutting between different close-up angles, juxtaposed with shots of Benedict rushing along the corridors as if something within him senses her distress.
“Please let me out! Please!”
The chaotic camerawork adds a third element; sounds of historic slamming doors, a woman’s voice
“You shall stay here until you learn your lesson…”
An image of a grown Sophie bloodied and bleeding as the light is extinguished from the shutting of a cellar door.
Sophie closes her eyes as her fists pummel the door—another memory ripping forth.
“Please Araminta, please let me out, I am sorry!” cries 10-year-old Sophie, still in the threadbare coat we saw in the prior flashback with Posy. Sophie is curled in a ball, the only light in the dark cellar being the light from the door, blocked by a shadowy figure. “I was only defending Posy,” she sobs.
“Posy is in her room in tears after what you did.” The figure looms in the doorway. “You have made her miserable, as you make all of us miserable. So, you shall stay here until you learn your lesson.”
The doors starts to close as little Sophie sobs,
“No! No! Please, I am sorry, please do not leave me, please—”
“—let me out!” a grown Sophie screams against the cupboard door. Her frame shudders, legs buckling. “Let me…let me…” her breaths stutter, the panic attack winning over. “Please—Ben—Ben—"
The camera cuts to Benedict, running down corridors, propelled by the sickening sensation in his stomach.
Sophie is sliding down the door as the panic attack takes hold.
“Ben…Ben…” her voice mere puffs of air.
Benedict turns down one corridor.
Sophie is almost on the floor, her throat choked, fingers clawing at the door—
Benedict turns a corner, reaching out—
Suddenly light floods into the cupboard and Sophie collapses into a pair of arms.
She is cradled to the floor, back against the wall. Her saviour’s voice is muffled, but commands her through the 5,4,3,2,1 technique.
Once her breaths steady out, she breaks into tears and clings to the figure’s waistcoat.
“Oh Benedict, it was so horrible—so, so horrible. It was as if I was—I was—back—back there—I do not know…I do not know—oh Benedict!”
“Err, Sophie?”
 Sophie looks up, horrified.
The camera shifts. The audience find Benedict hovering around the corner, breaths still panting, the straining of his heart clear on his face as he watches the scene…
Benedict watches footman John comfort Sophie.
“Oh god, oh no, no, no.” Benedict hears Sophie say, her panic escalating again, breathing laboured with tears in her eyes. Benedict’s fist clenches as John takes her into his arms and soothes her hair.
The camera changes focus back to John and Sophie.
 “John, I—I did not—"
“Hey, hey, it is alright,” John replies, hushing her and resting her back on the wall. “Just breathe deeply for me. In, out.”
Sophie follows his commands, but her eyes still tremble.
“Apologies for not being the knight in shining armour you wished for,” John replies with a playful grin. Sophie huffs with a small smile. “Atleast now we are even.”
“You know…at the carriage…” he trails off, referring to earlier in the episode when, on her first escapade with Eloise, she had spotted his intimacy with a printer’s boy.
“Oh,” she replies softly, lowering her voice. “I do not think it is my business to decree whether someone’s affections are worthy. Love is love.” She smiles reassuringly. “Regardless, I would never have held that over you.”
“Yes, I should have expected that, but still…” he gives her a friendly smile. “Your secret is safe with me.”
“Thank you. Although there is not much to tell.”
“You know I can understand the appeal.”
“You have no idea the fantasies I have had about the Bridgerton brothers since working for them. Just wait until they start fencing.”
Sophie bursts out laughing, clapping her hand over her mouth to muffle the sound.
Benedict, far enough to see but not close enough to hear, looks pained.
“I guess you must have seen a lot since you started in this household,” Sophie replies with a smile.
“Indeed, if you think Eloise’s excursions are chaotic you have merely scratched the surface.”
“They are a peculiar family…”
“They are kind, and they mean well. Although sometimes they can be a bit naive.”
They both know John is referring to her invites to tea.
“Uggh,” Sophie put her head in her hands. “Yes, that same naivety prompting this whole debacle.” She lifts her head up, eyes distant “Ofcourse being invited to tea is…nice…very nice—but problematic.” She turns back to John, “Thank you, for saving me. I did not think I had many friends.”
John shrugs.
“It is nothing. I overheard Helene giggling about something and knew it could be nothing but nefarious.”
“She is intolerable.”
“Indeed, although do not on any account tell her I said so.”
“My lips are sealed.” Sophie imitates locking her lips together.
“Indeed. But this is passes the line, we should tell Mrs Wilson—”
“No.” John startles. Sophie draws herself up. “I will not give Helene the satisfaction of knowing she unsettled me.” She holds out her hands and John helps her stand. “Petty jealousy will not silence me.”
Benedict, still hidden, grins.
“Further, I have faced far worse at much harsher hands.”
Benedict’s grin drops.
“Yes, it seems you have.” John’s eyes drift from Sophie to the cupboard. Sophie swallows thickly.
“Thank you, once more.”
“Ofcourse, and do not worry—my lips are sealed.” He imitates the same locking motion that Sophie had. Sophie nods, quietening slightly.
“I can assure you there is nothing, that is, nothing untoward occurred between—”
“You do not need to explain.” John smiles. “We might wipe their floors, but that does not mean we do not have the same capacity of emotion than they. Also, you are not the first maid who has been pestered by men hovering around the servant’s staircase.”
Sophie groans.
“He does not listen. And even though he does not mean to, he makes it so much worse.”
Benedict, flinches back, pressing himself against the wall.
“You never know I could put a discreet word with Mrs Wilson.”
“No, no. That would just make it more obvious.” Sophie sighs. “Sometimes I think I should have stayed in the country.”
“And abandon me to manage Eloise Bridgerton’s reckless behaviour alone?” John tuts. “Come Sophie, I thought you were not so cruel.”
Sophie chuckles.
“Well, I suppose for your sanity I should stay.”
“Indeed, come on,” John offers her arm. “In ten minutes, the cook brings out the biscuits for tea and you can usually grab a couple straight from the oven.”
Sophie smiles and accepts his arm. The pair walk off, in the opposite direction than Benedict.
Benedict is left on the wall, his eyes a little hollow, as if his thoughts are elsewhere. He looks over in the direction of Sophie and John’s retreating backs. He turns back, face contemplative, but brow furrowed with conviction.
This flashback is supposed to hint at some of the destructive messages Sophie has faced that resurface.
This scene also teaches Benedict that ‘no means no’ and shifts his ‘wooing’ of Sophie as I describe here to be more respectful, considerate and focused on her wellbeing.
As always I’d love to hear your ideas/corrections/opinions and always open to chat or requests!
So, check out the list here, for more of my ideas.
Or check out the general arcs of my prospective S4 here.
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searchingsomewhere · 4 months
Wolf and Flower, Part 1
Giyu Tomioka x OC
Giyu saves a young woman and their paths continue to cross until, fearing for her life and struggling with unfamiliar emotions, he asks her to work as his maid.
CW: Blood.
Giyu Tomioka wondered, as he darted through the shadows, how it came to be that he would save so many people.
Moonlight lit the snowy forest path below him like day, bright and unrelenting. The Water Hashira paused for only a moment to adjust the weight on his back before taking off again. He had to hurry. The woman he was carrying would bleed out if he wasn't careful.
The empty shack he was camping in was just ahead. Really, any shelter was fine, as long as he could get her out of the cold. Giyu glanced over his shoulder quickly before going inside and shutting the door.
The embers of his last fire were still warm. They staved off the cold just enough to keep the inside marginally more comfortable. He carefully laid the woman down on his pallet, pulling the blanket from her shivering body. She was around his age and clad in a tattered brown kimono. Long white hair framed a pained expression. She hissed in pain as he moved her around, her hands instinctively gripping her side. Blood darkened the fabric there, almost black in the low light.
"I have to remove your-" he began.
"Just do it," she begged, "Please. Just make the pain stop."
Giyu paid no heed to her anguished cries. He quickly began untying her kimono and peeled the cloth from her side. He kept her susoyoke in tact, adjusting it to keep her modest. Her wound was swollen red and puffy, just the beginnings of an infection. The small medical package Shinobu had given him was unfurled next to him as he worked. He pressed damp herbs into the cut.
"Fuck," she whimpered, her hand gripping his arm until her knuckles turned white.
"Emiko," he said suddenly, "that's your name right?"
No answer. Giyu looked down at her. Her body had gone limp, her hand resting in the crook of his arm.
She didn't die. Thankfully. Giyu sat back, eating his rations. The woman had regained consciousness at some point in the night, only to lose it again to a fever.
A small voice in his head asked him why he was putting in so much effort to save her. There was something in her face, he reasoned, that reminded him of the Kamado boy he had saved. Indomitable will, perhaps.
He had caught her luring in the demon he was hunting. It seemed her small village had gone unnoticed by the corps and was overrun with demons, so she started making traps. Since she couldn't kill them with blades, she trapped them until the dawn did the job for her. Of course, her luck had run out. Luckily just as he was passing through.
He watched her sleep. Long white lashes rested against her pale skin. If he remembered correctly, her eyes were a dark purple-blue.
The storm outside was raging on. The wind whipped around the small shack, but it's walls held strong. He had no idea what the weather would be the next morning. Which left him with the conundrum of what to do with her when she woke.
Emiko groggily opened her eyes. The ceiling above her spun and marbled. A dull cramp had started in her side, right where that wound was. She tried to sit up. Pain spidered up her side into her ribs and she sucked in a breath. Emiko turned her head.
The Hashira sat just on the other side of the fire. He was watching her silently. In the darkness of the previous night, she hadn't gotten a good look at him. His deep, blue eyes peered at her carefully, face completely devoid of any emotion. Dark hair was pulled back. He wore the typical corps uniform and a split patterned haori.
Emiko gritted her teeth and pushed herself into a sitting position. Her hair fell over her bare shoulder and she froze. Her gaze drifted downward. Thankfully, she still wore the susuyoke. Emiko quickly readjusted the garment to better cover herself. A black kimono fell into her lap. She looked up.
He was already walking out the door, gently closing it behind him.
Emiko quickly dressed herself. By the time he came back, she was sitting politely on her knees by the fire. When he closed the door, she bowed low, pressing her hands and forehead against the floor.
"Thank you," she said quietly.
He said nothing, only moved to grab his sword. He motioned for her to come along with one hand. Emiko hesitated, staring up at him with wide eyes. When he looked at her over his shoulder expectantly, she scrambled to her feet and followed him out of the shack.
Part 2
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