#pls read my info
miqojak · 1 year
Friendly reminder that if you're going to reblog an ask meme from someone, you should send an ask first! Or, if you REALLY don't want to interact in the RP community, reblog it from the source! It feels pretty bad to have someone come by just to take from you, when you're trying to make connections! (Plus, that's just the etiquette here: reblog karma!)
Also! Many folks have some rules, or requests at the top of their blog page - and having had someone freak out at me recently in DMs and insist she shouldn't have to read the info of every person she follows? No. You do. You should. I specifically, in fact, only really have one request of followers: to not use me as a resource blog (i.e. simply taking my OC's aesthetic posts and RP ask meme posts without interacting with me/my OC at all.) I do share some resource posts now and then! Those are rather obvious, however, and I don't mind those being shared - I want to help! But part of why I left, in fact, and am only recently back from hiatus- was that I was at a point where no one interacted and would only come by to take from my blog for themselves! It feels real bad to feel like people don't care about your creativity or the fact that you're really trying to meet people and RP... they just want the aesthetic and asks.
So be kind to your fellow RPers! Think about how the way you're interacting might make the real human being on the other side of the computer feel. And practice good reblog karma!
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lovealwayssay · 4 months
I would pay an ungodly amount of money for a Supernatural finale where Dean rescues Cas from the Empty and tells him he loves him too, Eileen comes back to be with Sam, and Jack chooses to live with the four of them in the bunker as a happy family.
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songofwizardry · 11 months
ok I'm not an expert but I'm not seeing much specific info going around here, and there's a lotta Palestine solidarity protests in the UK this weekend, so here is some (including UK-specific) protest info and resources (mostly pulled whole-cloth from Twitter)
policing is heavy at Palestine protests generally
Hamas is a proscribed org under UK law. that means "inviting support" for them or "wearing clothing or displaying articles" that implies you are a supporter is a criminal offence (if you're interested, here's the full list of criminal offences from gov.uk). Palestinian flags etc are ok*, but do not have something that could be mistaken for Hamas imagery. don't go out there looking for convictions pls.
*in spite of what Suella Braverman has implied, the London Muslim Community Forum has just confirmed that the Palestinian flag is not a proscribed flag and is not banned (apologies for quoting the "we advise the met police" group but I thought it was important to have that info explicitly)
don't talk to cops. that includes the police liasion officers in blue bibs.
particularly if you're concerned about your face ending up on social media etc, but also just good practice in general (both in terms of COVID and protest safety)—mask up. cover up tattoos etc.
have bustcards or contact details for protest legal support on you. Green and Black Cross can be contacted on 07946 541 511. write the number on your arm etc.
if you witness an arrest: check if there's a legal observer nearby and if so call them over; if not: if the arrestee doesn't have a bustcard, give them one, find out where they're being taken, and contact eg GBC or a protest support line
if you have the time and can help out, there will likely be arrestee support required after—GBC tend to post callouts on Twitter for this
other links
for particularly children and young people and their families being referred to PREVENT for pro-Palestine statements, contact PREVENTWatch and maybe also Palestine in School (newer initiative I think, I don't have an excessive amount of detail on them just FYI)
Liberty, Migrants Organise and Black Protest Legal Support have bustcards in different languages, including Arabic and Somali (also Liberty's website has lotsa useful info, including advice for disabled protesters, protesting and immigration status, and what to do if you're kettled)
GBC's thread on what to do if you see an arrest is useful, as are all their resources generally
if I've missed anything or made a mistake, lmk—as I said, I am very much not an expert. if you know people who are protesting, pass them the legal support line numbers; if you're attending, stay safe and be vigilant; and ofc carry water.
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langdonss · 1 month
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THEMES: Evil government, abduction, corruption
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The moon stares down upon you, bright and eerie, piercing through your window in all its fullness. The slight red tint of it casts a shadow on your tired face that is smooshed into your pillow. You’re off somewhere else, lost in a deep deep sleep whilst your body has sunken into the bedding, completely unaware of what’s about to happen to you… Your foot glides softly across the cool sheets of your bed, the perspiration causing messy hair to stick to your forehead in the humid summer night air.
The floors creak in the dead of night amongst the crickets chirping near your window, their singing coming to an unnatural halt which make the air feel… Eerily still…. The wall goes bump, another floor board creaks and then there’s nothing… Until, your bedroom door slowly sways open, not making a single sound.
Suddenly, two sets of arms lunge toward where you lay asleep in your bed, quickly and securely grabbing your body. You jolt upwards, your eyes snapping open in a panicked haze. Not a word is uttered, but your screams pierce through the entire house like a banshee and not a single grunt is forced from either man dressed in black while they effortlessly take control and hold of you, picking you up from your mattress. Something swiftly swoops down over your head faster than you can comprehend, and their hands work fast to tie your struggling arms into tight ropes before carrying you off from the confines of your room through the halls, their boots stomping.
❝ You're only making this more difficult for yourself. ❞
A mans deep voice speaks out as you yell and struggle, a hand clamps over your shrieking mouth firmly shutting you up. Every kick and flail is counteracted by an iron grip that makes your fighting limbs go limp.
You muffle through the fabric, but no answer is given. Instead, you're thrown against a cushioned surface, and the sound of a large car door slides shut, the sound pounding in your ears whilst the earth shifts from under you quicker than you can stomach, your body sliding against the seating as the vehicle takes off. Your pulse is pumping faster than it ever has in your entire life that you’d swear your heart could explode and give out any second now. A million thoughts race in your mind of what is happening, are you being kidnapped? Trafficked? You don’t want to find out. You scream again, your plea falling on uncaring ears. The silence eats away at you, it’s so fucking quiet in the cloth bag that’s wrapped over your head, each and every bump and creak sounds so far off in the distance, and the air is constricted just enough so you can still at least breathe. The drive to wherever the men are taking you seems to last forever, and eventually you give up, all the squirming and calling out for answers gets you absolutely no where. You lay there on your side, you can’t imagine how pathetic you look all curled up back there, a bag over your head, your arms tied at your front. Tears have stained your face to the point it’s burning your cheeks and the insides of your confinement is annoyingly moist. How much crying can you do before you run all out and dehydrate yourself?
❝ We’re heading near the base, prepare the gates. ❞ One of the mens voice calls out in the dead silence, causing you to snap out of your depressed dissociation and become alert.
The vehicle enters on a gravel path, slowing its speed as it approaches toward a giant gate in the middle of nowhere. A man, Mr. Langdon, awaits your arrival at the other side of the gates as it swings open at a snails pace. The men take the drive further up ahead and the gate closes behind them, before they jump out from their seats to walk around to either side of the car to fetch you.
The doors are forced open, and you hear another persons foot steps approaching in the gravel of the driveway.
❝ I see you’ve gathered her in one piece. Your handiwork is much appreciated. ❞
A new voice speaks out in a smooth and almost elegant tone. You stay still and silent, but your breathing hitches with anxiety at the nonexistent context of what’s going on or where you’ve been taken to. The men grab your body up, dragging you from the back seat and propping you on your feet before you begin to scream and throw your legs out just as you did earlier.
❝ She’s not going to cooperate. ❞
Mr. Langdon remarks snidely. You can hear the amusement in his voice as he watches the men pick you up and throw you over their shoulder. They begin walking off, and your body is moved back and forth with each step they take as they hold you down with a strength that is unmatched.
You sob, feeling the man carrying you come to a halt while he waits for the other to follow, his hand quickly retrieving into his pocket for a key card, sliding it into the lock of the door before where they stand. A mechanical swoosh and a beep fill the air, followed by a loud sound of something opening before they resume their walk down a dimly lit corridor of a facility.
Their stomping boots echo off the black walls, and his hand tightens on your back side. Quicker than you can understand, something sharp jabs into your upper arm, the surroundings begin to blur all into one.
You’re almost at your destination…
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…. Brightness envelops your surroundings in a quick flash, your eyes close shut tightly to block out this new harsh lighting, turning your head to look away as a groan escapes your lips. A deep breath fills your nostrils, you can breathe, you can see. You thought the time would never come. But you fail to recognize where the hell you are, and your half concentration is disrupted by the sound of heavy boots approaching against the cold floor of the dim and chilling room.
Clack.. clack… clack..
A tall, and brooding figure steps from the confines of the corner of what you can only guess is some sort of government facility. His jawline, sharp, protrudes with amusement at the distressed little sight of you where you sit, still tied in place. You squint, looking around. Your wrists burn in the ropes that hold you back.
❝ You put up quite the fuss earlier…. I’m not sure that warrants you insight on the situation at hand. ❞ Mr Langdon teases, his voice deep and mocking. He steps closer, the flourescent lights up above flicker down upon his features; Sneering lips, golden blonde hair that curls perfectly around his ears, icy hues that stare into your soul.
A gloved hand delicately reaches out down toward you, the mahogany leather on his fingers shining in the light. ❝ Poor thing, bound and tied with no idea what’s to come…❞
You interject as best you can, the effects of the injection from earlier still barring its toll on you. Lips move slowly and your words come out in a slur.
❝ What… what is this… place…? What do you want? ❞
The man only stares at you with a widening smirk, taking a moment to carefully articulate his answer in a way you will understand best.
❝ Our exact motivations are none of your concern, for now. The only concern you should have is your future here, with us. What you can give the Cooperative. ❞
You swallow a knot in your throat. Nothing could prepare you for what was coming…
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
How about Benny in SAGAU? Like a continuation with Razor?? We do not talk about your growing found family 😤
Like, how would be his 'unluckiness'? Dya cancel it or you get pulled with his shenanigans? I feel like he might introduce you to his Dads no, we are still not going to talk about it 😤😤
A little scenario kept getting into my head when Benny applies Pyro and then Razor used his Electro and y'all got yer asses pounded on the ground 💀👌🏻and just taking care of each other's wounds 🥺🥺
You better be with him whenever he opens a chest so it wouldn't only spawn veggies, but decent weapon AND mora as well! You know, actual treasures, HOYO!!
This kid also arguably needs more parental supervision just bc of his sheer bad luck, poor kid
(i adore the headcanon that no matter the person's gender, he calls them dad lol)
Like,, hoyo cursed him and he's in a world with traps, monsters, fatui, MAGIC?? 💀 bro how is Benny still alive??!!
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Okay but the fact that Benny calls so many ppl dad just proves his desire for parental/sibling affection 💔
Aight since u phrased this as a continuation of this post <3 RAZOR MY BOYYYY
That is what we shall do :) ! ! !
So ur running with the wolves still lol
Also ur symbol as the Creator reader is 🦄 or 🌈, bc ur gay and special, jk its bc elements i promise lol
Or even 😑 / 😶 for language reader shenanigans
EDIT 4/11/24: HELLA forgot to say theres a sorta Part 3, its more focused on Razor living, rather than Benny tho fair warning!
Lupical for life bro
U r chillin with the pack now
Razor now has a sweet new digs, fits, and now a crazy amount of power
Bc ur just that great 💅
You have officially moved on to purchasing some leftover amenities/new furniture etc. for him and you :D
And while u could get some stuff in Springvale, like lanterns and soap and perfume and whatnot
Ur still not rlly getting furniture like a bedframe or some storage space, like a nightstand, from them
Which u dont need bc u still got an inventory
...but Razor definitely needs to store all his goodies somewhere that isnt up a tree or buried in a hole 😃
Yes, u did have to tell him to stop doing that.
So yall (u and Razor) are in Mondstadt a lot these days, and ur routine consists of grinding domains, hunting for food, hanging with cute Lupical puppies, playing giant tic-tac-toe w/ Andrius bc poor guy is pretty bored these days etc.
So you figured you run into ppl eventually, afterall you'd already re-met Lisa :)
(who at first was kind of taken aback to Razor having made a random adult friend in the woods, but after vibe checking her , and her vibe checking you, yall were cool, tho she did start reading these new lore books you didnt recognize called "Immortal They Return: A Series of Prophesies", she avoided ur questions abt it too..)
It was inevitable that after introducing you to Lisa, he'd gotten all excited at seeing two familiar figures hanging around Kathryne one day
Fischl and Bennett !! :D the cutest adventurers in all of Mondstadt ! (besides Klee)
The two take one look at you and Razor and coming running
....well mostly Fischl,
Bennett got his boot laces tangled together somehow? And is kinda hopping his way over
Immediately the electro vision royalty launches into their quintessential speech (they/them fischl SUPREMACY)
And as u get introduced,
U watch the pyro boy hop and trip over while trying to untie the laces
And just as he's about to go down, and ur debating reaching out and supporting the poor guy bc geez this looks sm worse in person-
Bennett has finally gotten his shoes untied!
Even he looks shocked 💀
And he like, apruptly stops falling over too?
And walks over with no issue??
Theres even a few out of place cobblestones in his path which he sees and moves to avoid
You dont know who looks more shocked and kinda scared you, him, or Fischl/Oz or Razor
Fischl and Razor have stopped talking bc it was more distracting Bennett didnt fall 😭
...yall all just kinda,, stand in a circle of silence (well fly in oz's case)
Staring at Bennett.
(Even Katheryne looks impressed😭)
After a couple of shook seconds, Fischl is nearly yelling about some kind of curse being lifted?? , Razor is like, sniffing Bennett's immediate area for sus scents, Bennett is kicking rocks to see if any of them hit him anymore, and poor Oz is trying to calm them down
(none of the rocks hit Bennett btw, or anything valuable around him)
So after that fiasco, u offer to take them around to the parts of Mondstadt they weren't allowed to go to w/o at least 1 adult :)
Theyre pumped and yall set off!
At first, Bennett hangs back, as Fischl and Razor throw themselves into monster battles yall encounter, as per what seems like a routine u assume bc of his bad luck
Eh, u figure while hes here, u might as well reveal u can make him stronger, u think he definitely needs the HP...
If there were any characters youd be worried about needing more power/HP in Mondstadt that u could level up besides Razor, itd be Bennett, hands down.
Between his adventuring, unnatural bad luck, and no parental supervision..
(even Klee seems better off than him, and shes like 7 💀)
Yeah, needless to say u were worried abt the guy
So he looks adorably fascinated <3, bc turns out they can see some of ur interface!
Mostly it looks like floating magical icons and that weird Teyvat language u saw in game, like that Abyss/ruins language u see all the time?
Bennett showed u his perspective in a sand drawing, hes actually pretty good at art wow
Razor couldnt rlly find the words to describe it before which is why u werent sure what they saw before now
And with that hes called into battle last by the others, mostly to apply pyro 🔥
and he fights at the edges to be further away from ppl u notice so he wont affect their luck..
aw Benny </3 :(
But as he draws his sword and ur getting ready trying to become a cheerleader for both Razor and Fischl but particularly Bennett,
He full on takes out 3 hilichurls at once 💀
...then with the dramatic down swing he does, he accidentally launches a rock right at the bigger hilichurl's foot..
...which trips him out of his axe swing...
...which makes it let go of the axe...
...which goes flying...
....breaks the last bit of the cryo abyss mage's shield bubble...
........and smacks it on the head too.
..fischl, oz, and razor halfway thru this insanity just like,, lower their weapons and stop to watch
Even the abyss mage is looking at Bennett surprised 😭😭
Bro, an achievement pops up-
"Lucky Day!!!"
Its little description says, "As Teyvat's God, you give the unluckiest person in Teyvat the luckiest day ever!"
Bennett just sits down on the ground.
(Same Benny because, this is where I lost it all, guys. All of that writing. Gone. Forever. I'm putting this here as both a gravestone for it, and a call out to tumblr. I'm not afraid of this website or its shitty admins, meet me in my dms for a real fight you fucks 🥊🥋🧍‍♂️you took what mattered to me, I'll take what matters to you, you god awful programmers. 🥲😐)
And it just keeps happening like that for the rest of the day you guys are together.
Every chest Benny opens are way higher quality than they should be
Especially for him.
(also u have gotten so comfy from before when u were playing Genshin that u r physically struggling not to call him Benny, so when u do accidentally call him that, u try to apologize politely, but he just talks about finally having a nickname so giddy that u just stick with Benny, what a cutie)
Common chests, Razor/Fischl gets what u expect, you personally maybe get a little extra materials and money,
But Benny?
He opens a common chest and suddenly it's a secret Precious chest
The pyro boy honestly looks a little afraid
You guys have a picnic later on for lunch together, partially bc Razor rlly wanted them to try ur food !! :D
Fischl and Benny were drooling over garlic salt, jesus- Teyvat's been deprived-
The blanket u used was a custom one u got made for Razor for his bday awhile back, all diff shades of purple and some silver wolf puppies and pawprints on it, 10/10 vv cute he loves it :)
(and also showed it off to his friends, Benny in particular looks smitten by it..)
Fischl eventually gets herded by Oz back to Mondstadt bc of their parents wanting them back by dinner,
So u Razor and Benny r left to wander around :]
As u guys explore and get chests and talk,
U all begin to gather ingredients for dinner (not that u dont have an inventory but the boys dont wanna cut into ur supplies, the sweethearts)
... Benny slowly starts to find and accumulate foodstuffs
Those Phileano? mushrooms (the white toasty looking ones that r always on roofs or windmills?)
He finds at eye level on nearly any building u come across.
Benny currently has his shirt turned into a basket trying to contain them, and more are flocking to him lol
Snap dragons? Calla lilies?? Even violetgrass, those purple horsetails, lotus heads, and a few qingqin from Liyue somehow make it into his bag 💀
The real question to ask at this point is, when wasn't Bennett lucky today??
(wow never thought youd hear that one)
So its a few weeks later, and Benny is like spending, every day with yall now lol
Ur getting dinner ready for u guys, and ur hopefully gonna make enough to leave leftovers for Lupical and Andrius,
So Razor has gone off to get some water to boil,
And Benny is climbing this huge tree to reach some eggs
And as he gets farther and farther up the tree away from you, he starts to slip more often 😬
Finally as he reaches the top, u realize after weeks without even a trip from him whenever hes around yall, why he wasnt unlucky-
...the closer he is to you, the luckier he is, and the farther Benny is-
He steps on a dead branch and it snaps :0 !!
Just as he falls, he screams and yells,
U push together some thick bushes and vines to catch him luckily
(lord knows u couldnt have caught him no matter how light he is, rip benny)
..Benny is okay, but he does go red in the face, and when u ask if he wants u to get one of his dads from the guild to check him over/make him feel better?
He says quickly "NO THANKS!"
Then Razor comes back like, "You call Lupical dad now?"
Benny: "What? No!"
You: "Do u see me as a, father figure, Bennett?"
Benny: "NO- more like I see u as a BOTHER figure bc ur always BOTHERING ME-"
Lol anyways jk
what a cutie tho,
(Ur Creator vibes made him feel vv at home in a way he hasnt felt before, so u got the honors early <3)
so ur a Dad™️ now (regardless of ur gender btw)
hope u like having a pack of puppies, a wolf spirit god, a wild wolf raised boy, and another wild but adventurer guild raised boy as ur family now 🤷‍♂️
You may or may not have also gotten onto Benny for charging straight into battle at other times, bc hes so used to bad luck happening anyway, apparently its canon he will just run in???
(to the point Grand Master VARKAS commented on it??!!)
U were pissed, bonked his head and everything-
He looked sufficiently chastised, but when u originally found out Fischl and Razor were nearby,
And u just hear snickering behind u as u bop him
(U bop them later too for that lol)
Benny is also very good at treating injuries bc of this too apparantly,
So one time when you Razor and him were engaging with a couple hilichurls again on the way to Windrise,
Benny applied pyro, and bc u were standing father away than usual (there was an archer earlier u were dodging)
His bad luck crept in and when Razor went to charge up his wolf spirit electro ult-
...everyone went flying back.
...Including Benny and Razor 💀
You heard a really sick pop!
From Benny's shoulder :(
You quickly start pullin out the healing foods lol shove a fishstick in his mouth screaming IT HEALS like a crazed grandparent lmao
But Benny has already sighed and sat up, popping his arm back into place
While u do praise his healing??? skills,
U have found out thru him that apparently ur food also gives some pain killer effects
So u scold him and bop him on the head with some dango 🍡
For not waiting on u to help him lol
Which btw-
Any healing food u give him, he treats like the bandages many others give him, like Barbara, Katheryne, his guild dads, etc.
And holds onto them, rarely eating them
(Ur stuff preserves until needed bc its magical Creator powers surprise, surprise)
Benny feels like its a tangible piece of your care he can keep with him <3 sobs
"Well, since you're by my side, I guess I'm not that unlucky after all!"
proud of you son :')
Ok so youve been getting Razor and u furnishings right
And youve been asking him what he wants to add to the caves digs ! :]
(U made a more fortified "front door" to the cave entrance, its also not that deep of a cave so there r only like 3 other "rooms" besides the main entrance area)
U improved both of u guys beds (tho razor will crash urs if he has a nightmare)
Along with some new outfits for him!
And so he has requested some stuff, but as time goes on,
Slowly, Razor goes from telling Benny about what new thing u added or telling his friend abt what he wants for the cave/himself,
To asking Benny what he wants bc he stays over so often 😭
(Youve gotten Benny factored into ur finances now lol, u gave him new clothes, new gear, amenities, etc. It also helps him bc he doesnt rlly have a main caretaker, so if he needs money he has to take commissions, which can be dangerous to him alone bc if u dont know, Benny's Adventuring Team only has him as the single member of it, plus thats not good if he is too sick or too injured to work, so a 2nd source of lowkey income is good for him <3 )
U now have a coffee table as the dinner table (razor was used to sitting on the ground to eat so a high table felt weird to him)
And it has a few pillow chair thingys?
For you, Razor, Benny, and a guest aw 💘
Benny also originally wanted to help make smth for u guys as a house warming gift
but bc he would try to work on it away from ur influence, it would break everytime :(
Eventually u just coninvced the poor kid to help u pick out some nice rugs and stuff lol
He also has surprisingly good interior design tastes, huh, who knew?
(cough when benny stays over he usually stays in razors bed, but occasionally theyre both lonely had nightmares and ask to crash with u, i love these kids sm cough)
Recently youve been visiting Benny in town even w/o Razor sometimes (rare as it is lol)
Mostly bc it seems like he needs the attention too <3
U gotta make sure hes eating real food okay
U dont want him to end up like u in ur world where u ate snacks for dinner when u were his age...
And Benny gets super hype about it every time, hes grabbing u by the arm, hauling u around to talk to ppl etc.
(Did i mention ur one of the few or not at all ppl who he can freely hold onto no matter the weather/situation bc his bad luck doesnt happen to you?? Oh no??? Well there u go :)
Most notably, to talk to the other Guild Dads™️
They deadass lowkey postured at you for an hour at you before giving in bc u seemed to be the only good luck charm the kid's ever gotten in his entire life 😭
They also r rlly happy someone is able to bc of his rlly bad luck willing to look out for him when they cant :)
For his birthday, you guys all celebrated by doing a picnic again like when u first met them, and you made him a cake
Benny's face rlly said " :'D !! "
Later on, for presents, you got him a blanket matching Razor's !!
Shades of red, with some good luck symbols thruout to maybe make up for when ur not there, and puppies all over <3
And at the top, you yourself embroidered (attempted, so its kinda sloppy but still readable, its endearing you like to think)
"Benny's Adventure Team"
With your name, Razor, Fischl, and even Oz and Andrius lol, all embroidered (not by u bc u stabbed urself enough times making the title thx) as team members down below 👍
You also show him a copy of the book record Katheryne keeps of adventuring teams, telling him that you snuck into Mondstadt one day w/o him knowing and officially signed you guys together (the others agreed too ofc)
...Benny cried, straight up.
And just like held onto you for bascially the rest of the day ❤️
(you also may or may not have signed the corner with "love, dad" haha what)
I just want y'all to know.
I had like this whole thing ready to post.
Then tumblr decided it didn't like any of my writing, and deleted half of this post.
U probably saw the spot i marked where i lost it all :'/
I think it took an hour? Or at least 30 minutes to write.
Guess tumblr didn't like that I was adding so much in one go.
So now it's gone.
Doin smth ballsy bc in order to avoid that, ive just rewritten that lost half, and am just going to post it straight up rather than expecting it to save my draft 🥲
Those beautiful moments between Bennett and us, are gone forever. My memory isn't good enough to rewrite it all. ;-;
If you don't mind, I'll be crying somewhere over those lost Benny moments that I drafted on here and can no longer remember to add.
I guess that's tumblr's cruel way of telling me to go the extra mile and draft my bullshit on a literal Google Doc then come back here and deal with the formatting transition hell.
Thanks tumblr.
Appreciate the writing advice.
(Oz translation: hey its aquarius here! I hope you gods enjoyed my writing! Feel free to check out my Masterpost/Writing Rules List if you guys ever wanna request something, including non-Sagau/Isekai stuff! :] )
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
Hey not sure if yall will see this, but while this does have influences of Sagau/Isekai genshin, its still pretty just platonic genshin stuff, so let me know if thats not what u wanna be tagged for - just dm me!!)
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winteriron-trash · 2 months
pinned faq
hi, my name is roman. i used to be a semi-popular winteriron blog, but now this blog is mostly dead. so. rip, gone but not forgotten. but i still get some pretty common questions so here's a one-stop shop for most of them as well as links to the important things.
My Tumblr Fic Masterlist
My Ao3
My (dead) WinterIron Discord Server
Did you write the Tony Stark wifi tower fic?
yes, i wrote that fic! it is by far the most popular thing i've ever written and it will probably outlive me.
I found that fic on [insert site here], do they have your permission?
probably not, no. i have found that fic everywhere. and i mean everywhere. pinterest, wattpad, facebook, instagram, tiktok, mediachomp, and so on. honestly, it's been years and i can't control or chase down every single copy and i have no interest in doing so. i don't love that it was stolen from me (especially on for-profit sites) but it just is what it is. it's a fanfic rite of passage to have your stuff stolen, honestly.
can i do a translation/podfic/write something inspired by one of your fics/posts?
yes! there is always a blanket permission to do any sort of transformative work with my work, especially my older stuff. if it sparks joy and creativity in you, run wild with it. i prefer to be credited, but honestly, i'm just happy to see my stuff still inspiring people.
will you ever write winteriron/mcu fanfic again?
well, you should never say never. but in this case, you might want to say never. i have very little interest in winteriron or the mcu in general outside of nostalgia, and i likely will never write anything substantial for them again. it's sad, i miss it too, but i just don't have that spark for marvel these days. mostly i write dc comics fanfiction.
did you write [insert winteriron fic/post here]?
idk. maybe. probably. i wrote and posted a lot of things. you can scroll the tag on this blog to find all my old posts, some more popular than others. if you think it was me, chances are, it probably was. i got around a lot from like 2018 to 2020.
do you have a tagging system?
i used to but lord if i'm going to use it now. i don't even remember it, so your guess is as good as mine. tbh i just use tags as a place to ramble these days so navigating my blog is about as easy for you as it is for me. which is to say, it's not easy at all. because tumblr's search function is ass. i do know one of my old tags has my deadname in it. you'll probably find it if you look hard enough, but that is what it is.
are you going to revive this blog?
probably not consistently, no. if i have something i really want to say here, i'll say it, but i don't have much interest in maintaining this like i used to. i want to be able to, i miss posting here a lot, i just don't think it'll spark joy for me the way it used to, which sucks but that's just the way things go.
why did you leave this blog?
idk. life happened. i was an 18-year-old fighting chronic health conditions and mental health issues that led to me dropping out of high school so, tumblr sort of fell to the back burner, then got forgotten about entirely. eventually, i lost interest in the mcu as i felt the quality of it took a turn for the worst and i went back to dc, which i'm still into. i read some marvel comics, enjoy an occasional mcu project, but largely i just don't have the interest i used to. it sucks and i miss it, this blog probably kept me alive as a teenager. but now it's mostly just an archive of my past, and i'm okay with that.
can i talk to you/send you an ask/befriend you anyway?
sure, if you want, don't know if i'm good company though. but i'm always open to making friends and reminiscing about winteriron, marvel, and all that good stuff. i've gotta warn you though, tumblr fucking eats my DMs on this blog like no fucking business. i'm regularly fighting it. my discord is devilbonesofmetal if you wanna yell at me there, just say you're from tumblr.
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aiphelix · 20 days
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Hi I make art, lots of FMA stuff and tons of my OCs, too
Twitter [most active]
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Yeah DainsLumi where Abyss Princess Lumine is great but imagine where its traveler Lumime instead. Him only knowing her ghrough Aether's stories and then finally seeing for himself who she is and how yes she is exactly how Aether told him she would be but she is even more.
I'm just rambling goodbye...
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pcetstcrtured · 3 months
tentative starter call for ricky bowen
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myersesque · 2 years
as a disabled person whose disability is genetic and incurable i will never stop celebrating the fact that kaz brekker is offered a cure and Actively Refuses It. a disabled character who is powerful and complex and allowed a relationship w their own disability that isn't just cut-and-paste self-loathing... can every other author pls take notes
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"my education is my highest priority" everything returns to vocaloid
#delete later#?? idk i might keep it up. yes ik turning off rbs is a thing now technically but i always keep forgetting and also naaaah.#i might go edit proper tags in later just bc i dont this to show up in main pages but i needdddddd the organization on here#i made this a while back procrastinating on a linguistics reading and then never posted it#AND THE CIRCLE IS COMPLETE BC IM POSTING IT NOW WHILE PROCRASTINATING ON ANOTHER LINGUISTICS READING LMAOO#dudeee i gotta lock in. oh my god. its so bad up in here triple assault. i cant focus on SHIT. WHY DO I ALWAYS GET IDEAS WHEN IM BUSY AHGHH#this might be revealing a bit too much info but pls this is legit what happened LMAOO 😭🥴#we're starting ipa alphabet stuff now and im like 'hey i already know you...' from phoneme fuckery ive had to do for voca shitposts#knowing linguistics is cool cause u get to dissect what makes languages work and i thought that'd be genuinely helpful for things#like i plan to do more english/spanish translation work specifically so yuh. but also I KNOW internally in my heart...#despite trying to give the professional justifications I KNOW my stupid ass is secretly just absorbing all this knowledge for voca purposes#my brand of shitposting goes against the very origin of the word since 'shitposting' originally refers to very low effort low quality memes#so there's been a semantic shift in definition even outside of mine but i still think its really funny. i put a lot of genuine hard work#into making stupid little jokes to amuse primarily myself and maybe anyone else who finds it on the internet. so yea#no but genuinely though its unironically incredible how much shit i've learned direct or indirectly for vocaloid shitposting purposes
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saltynsassy31 · 9 months
Oh my god it is actually staring to hurt how little there is for greyghost 😭😭😭
Ao3 has over 200 fics of them, I read almost all of them already (some twice) except the ones I can't physically stomach, I went to fanfic.net cuz I thought "Hey, that place existed before Ao3, should be more, right?"
Seems like Greyghost is a recent phenomenon or something cuz fanfic net had only 33 fanfics in total, most actually being recently and already reuploaded to Ao3 and I've already read them too
Unless I fucked something up in the filters cuz fanfic still kinda trips me out a little gkdksja
I so wish this ship had more attention and love tbh 😔 and I barely got time in my hands to contribute, I wrote like one fic and that's it, I gotta revisit my DP lore cuz man some thing I do not remember happening gkskska
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rosyrosethorns · 5 months
i made those madoka magica memes to relieve my desire to share my love for the only anime i keep tabs on anymore, how am i getting so much attention from them despite being a selfship blog who reblogs/posts madoka magica and sanrio stuff only occasionally-
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rosielav · 1 year
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duskianfae · 2 years
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WILL DO: SFW, NSFW, OCs, 'sonas, RPG characters, fanart and portraits, covers, thumbnails
WON'T DO: Heavy gore, hateful caricatures, N/FTs, mecha
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Payment will be through Paypal, Ko-fi or Payoneer.
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Project will only continue upon payment confirmation.
Payment may be done 50/50 if that makes the client feel more secure.
For commercial use, an extra fee will be added. Fee will be decided upon discussion.
If you are interested, you can
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marsixm · 3 months
i feel like i bring this up all the time but it keeps being a problem but like does anyone else have the experience where u try to play games w friends irl, like dnd and mtg specifically, but everyone else uses jargon for literally every single aspect of the game, and everyone else has specific strategies and moves memorized, so no matter how much experience you have you always end up looking like the only one in the room that’s a complete noob even when u literally arent? its exhausting lol
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