#pls take control of what's left of your ship
I love how at the beginning of Chapter 11 The Razor Crest is falling out of the sky fast enough to be on fire and the control officer is just like "sir, can you pls slow down" as if he chose the "splat into the ground" method as his preferred landing choice
Also, the Mon Calamari who is just watching looking not at all concerned by the flaming object falling out of the sky as if this is a regular occurrence
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ilguna · 9 months
Expired Medicine Pls! Bucky & #5?
☼ left behind but never forgotten (Bucky Barnes) ☼
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warnings; swearing, death, death mention, gun use, grenade use, fighting, injuries.
wc; 3.5k
prompt; 5. "I'll come back for you, I promise."
notes; spoilers for captain america the winter soldier.
 The halls of the hospital are busy, swarming with doctors and nurses. They flip through pages of documents, some of them dodging in and out of rooms. If there’s any bad time to be on a mission, it’s now. In a place that’s supposed to be secure and safe from danger. 
You told Steve that you’d come inside by yourself to retrieve the flash drive, but he didn’t trust you, wanting to make sure that he got it, himself. So, you follow behind him, letting him lead the way. He has his navy blue hood pulled up to block the view of his blonde hair and to shadow some of his more notable features. You know that he wants to avoid drawing attention, but you think it makes him look more suspicious than not. 
His pace comes to a slow pace as he stops in front of the vending machine. On the way, he told you that he put the flash drive behind three sticks of bubblegum while the employee was stocking it. He wanted it here for safe keeping because he’d gone back with some of the SHIELD members. And with Fury’s warning, he didn’t want to take any chances. 
You come up beside him, looking over his shoulder. Your eyes search the entire machine, looking for the aforementioned bubblegum. You even take a step back to get a bigger picture, but you come up with nothing. 
You glance at Steve. “This is a problem.”
“I know.”
The sound of popping behind you makes you turn to see where it’s coming from. It’s Natasha, loudly chewing the pink gum, eyes switching between you and Steve. He lets out an annoyed sigh before he steps at her, placing a firm hand in the middle of her chest to push her into the empty room across the hall.
The door opens with a slam as the blinds rattle against the glass.
“So much for not drawing attention.” You mutter, reaching to close the door behind you.
Steve pushes Natasha against the nearest wall, trapping her with one hand as he pulls off his hood with the other. “Where is it?”
“Safe.” She says.
“Do better.” 
“Where did you get it?” She counters.
“Why would I tell you?”
You glance out the window, watching another medical staff member pass by, completely oblivious of the three of you.
“Fury gave it to you. Why?” Her eyebrows are drawn in.
“What’s on it?”
“I don’t know.” She shakes her head.
“Stop lying.” Steve tells her.
“I only act like I know everything, Rogers.” She says, as if it’s obvious.
Steve looks over his shoulder at you, maybe for assurance. Or to make sure that you’re standing nearby. When he looks back at Natasha, you step in closer. “I bet you knew Fury hired the pirates, didn’t you?”
Natasha’s mouth opens, no words coming out for a second while she thinks of a response. “Well, it makes sense. The ship was dirty, Fury needed a way in, so do you.”
Steve grabs her shirt. “I’m not gonna ask you again.”
“I know who killed Fury.” She finally says, Steve’s grip loosens. “Most of the intelligence community doesn’t believe he exists. The ones that do call him the Winter Soldier. He’s credited with over two dozen assassinations in the last fifty years.”
“So he’s a ghost story.” You say, shaking your head. 
“Five years ago, I was escorting a nuclear engineer out of Iran. Somebody shot out my tires near Odessa. We lost control, went straight over a cliff. I pulled us out. But the Winter Soldier was there. I was covering my engineer so he shot him straight through me.” She pulls up the bottom of her shirt, revealing a scar on her left side, a few inches away from her bellybutton. “Soviet slug. No rifling. Bye-bye, bikinis.”
“Yeah, I bet you look terrible in them now.” Steve remarks.
She gives him a halfway smile before it drops. “Going after him is a dead end. I know, I’ve tried.” She pulls out the flash drive from her pocket, holding it up between them. “Like she said, he’s a ghost story.”
“Well, let’s find out what the ghost wants.” Steve backs off of her, moving so that you can see them both. “Are you still in?”
“‘Course I am.” You cross your arms over your chest. “This sounds like fun.”
If you’d known you’d end up in a car, squished between Natasha and a HYDRA agent, you think you might’ve told Steve that he could figure this out on his own. It probably wouldn’t have gone over well. He might’ve even begged you a little bit to change your mind, but with Sam here, there’s really no need for you to be.
“Natasha, why don’t we switch spots?” You ask, eyeing Sitwell for another moment before looking at her. “I don’t feel comfortable sitting next to him. I think this is more your specialty.”
She gives you an amused look. “I told you not to get in the car first.”
Sitwell blinks, drawing his attention from the cars passing you by on the freeway, to you. “Afraid all that training is going to fail you?”
Your eyes narrow, “No.”
He sighs. “HYDRA doesn’t like leaks.”
“Then why don’t you try sticking a cork in it?” Sam retorts, looking at him in the mirror.
Natasha leans over you to speak to Steve, who’s sitting in the passenger seat. This pushes you closer to Sitwell. “Insight’s launching in sixteen hours. We’re cutting it a little bit close here.”
“I know. We’ll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the helicarriers directly.”
“What? Are you crazy?” Sitwell asks, eyes wide. “That is a terrible, terrible idea.”
A loud thud on the roof of the car makes it cave in a little. You only have enough time to glance up, before the window shatters next to Sitwell, sending glass flying all over the interior of the car. You shield your face, feeling the glass pelt your jacket and jeans, before landing on the now-empty leather seat.
Sitwell is gone, he screams briefly as he’s thrown into oncoming traffic on the other side of the concrete barrier, where he’s hit by a honking truck. You watch as a gun appears in front of the open window, the safety being turned off, before being pulled away.
Natasha leaps from the back seat to the front, landing in Steve’s lap as she pulls his head down. A bullet pierces the leather where she had just been, you slide there as another bullet slams in your seat. With two hands on the back of your head, you duck, listening as two more shots are fired.
When you raise your head, you catch Steve reaching forward to the emergency brake, yanking it back. The brakes screech against the asphalt, slamming the car to a hard stop. The man that had been on top of the car flies from the roof, somersaulting in the air so that he lands on a knee pad and a singular arm. A metal arm.
“What the fuck.” You breathe, watching as he dislodges his hands from the asphalt to rise to his feet. 
For a few seconds, it’s a stand-off, as the cars around you weave in and out of the lanes to avoid hitting the car you’re in. Natasha tries to whip out her gun to shoot at him, but an armored truck hits you from behind, making you jerk forward, forcing the car in his direction.
He jumps, landing back on the roof. Sam slams on the brakes, trying to stop, but the truck is too strong. A metal arm comes flying through the windshield, fingers wrapping around the steering wheel, breaking it off.
“Shit!” Sam screams.
Natasha tries shooting at the roof, but the Winter Soldier jumps off, onto the truck behind you. You turn, wanting to keep your eyes on the threat, and find him on the hood of the armored vehicle. 
“He’s accelerating!” You shout.
The trunk crumples further as you’re rammed again, this time throwing the car off course. It turns, wheel running up the side of the barrier, before forcing you back on the freeway. The car begins to wobble from side to side, growing more violent by the second.
Steve pulls up his shield, placing it on the passenger door. “Hang on!” He shouts, grabbing Natasha. 
The car begins to twist, you reach for the window that Sitwell had been forced out of, grabbing the edges and pulling up as you go airborne. Steve, Natasha and Sam must escape together out of the door, because when you look down to launch yourself out, they’re gone.
And so are you.
You cross your arms over your chest with fists, holding on tightly to the body of your jacket while you’re thrown into the air. You gain several more feet, and in that time, you duck your head, ankles locked together, until you come crashing down to Earth.
With the world being one giant dizzying blur, you have to guess how far away you are from the freeway. You hesitate, waiting for the best possible moment to land without hurting yourself. Unfortunately, it’s a second too long, because when you throw out your left foot to throw you into a roll, you land on it sideways.
The pain is immediate, but it takes up the back of your mind as you hit the concrete, rolling for several feet. When the momentum is gone, you sit upright, clutching at your ankle, eyes searching for your friends.
You find the overturned car, and then Natasha and Steve, who are still sitting on his Captain America shield. Beside you is Sam, who’s eyeing your ankle, worried. You’re more focused on the Hydra vehicle, and the fact that the Winter Soldier now holds a grenade launcher.
In one solid move, you grab the front of Sam’s shirt, throwing him down as a grenade is sent in your direction. Steve holds up his shield, intending to deflect the explosion, but he ends up triggering it instead. The blast sends him ricocheting off of a car behind him, and over the side of the overpass.
You jump to your feet while you can, ignoring the piercing pain in your ankle as you try to run to hide behind the van. Sam is right beside you, you can feel his hand on your lower back, but then it’s gone, as he goes to hide behind the silver car a few feet back. 
Natasha glances at you, gun in her hand. “Got any tricks up your sleeve?”
“Not really.” You tell her.
She pops up, shooting back at the HYDRA agents that are slowly advancing in your direction. You look back at Sam, and watch as he makes a run for it down the freeway. You suck in a breath, springing up to hurl yourself over the side of the barrier. A car whizzes by, and Natasha lands next to you.
You swear the whole bridge shakes when another grenade explodes. 
She grabs your hand, passing one of her guns over. “I’ll distract him, you shoot when you get the chance.”
“Just to be clear, this is the Winter Soldier, right?” You ask.
Natasha makes a grave face, nodding. When there’s a break in the gunfire, she crosses three lanes of traffic, rolls over a car, only to be thrown off the side of the bridge when he launches a bomb.
A car comes to a screeching halt a foot or so away from you, inadvertently shielding you from the enemy. You turn to the left, climbing on your hands and knees while you try to get a better spot to shoot. It’s eerily quiet for several seconds, you slowly creep up to look over the wall, finding him aiming below the bridge.
When you’re sure that the HYDRA agents aren’t watching, you stand up, popping the safety off. You hold up the gun, aiming for the back of the Winter Soldier’s head. And right as you go to pull the trigger, a shot is fired, his head whipping to the side. When he turns to drop down, you can see that Natasha got him in the goggles.
He pulls them off, fist tightening around the black material. Then, he gets back up, spraying bullets at Natasha in response, pissed. They get into a brief gunfight, where you wait for the better opportunity to shoot.
As soon as the other HYDRA agents get to their feet, you fire. They’re solid shots on all three of them. So solid and precise, that they’re dead as soon as the bullets hit their bodies. You let out a breathy laugh, surprised that you still have that in you, but the celebration is gone when the Winter Soldier begins to turn.
You hit the cement, but you must be the least of his worries, because he doesn’t come after you. When you’re sure of this, you get back to your feet and over the barrier to retrieve one of the HYDRA guns from the bodies. You find a hook embedded into the hood of a car, attached to a thick black wire that hangs over the side of the overpass.
First, you check to make sure that there’s not an agent attached at the bottom. Then, you attach the gun to your body with the strap to keep it on you. After you’ve pulled your jacket sleeves over your hands, you slide down the wire, joining Steve, Natasha and the Winter Soldier below.
Except, there is no one.
You stand in the middle of the street, eyes sweeping the area, but all you’re coming up with are civilians running away. You head toward the anger to start, keeping a sharp eye out for any of the HYDRA agents that might be lurking around nearby. 
There’s a distant sound of gunfire, followed by an explosion. You pick up the pace, jogging down three blocks before you’re met with a busy intersection. You hoist the gun up, one eye peering through the scope before you pull the trigger.
The Winter Soldier moves, making you miss by barely an inch. Steve runs at him to keep him from shooting back at you, swinging the shield up in time to block his punch, causing the metal to sound like a gong. Steve gets kicked off of the car, landing on the road, where he covers himself with the shield. 
The enemy rolls off the car, pulling out a machine gun to shoot at Steve. When the bullets run out, Steve swings himself over the top of the car, foot knocking the gun out of his hand. You reload the rifle, waiting for the right moment to shoot, while they engage in hand-to-hand combat. 
He shoots, they go back and forth with the punches, and block. The gun is put away, Steve is twisted out of the shield, now in the Winter Soldier’s grasp. It’s placed between them to keep a distance, but eventually yanked from Steve’s rip as the HYDRA assassin uses it to his advantage.
When there’s a pause, you go to pull the trigger, until the shield comes flying in your direction.
You jerk to the side, watching as the shield lodges into the back door of a white van behind you. With wide eyes, you look back at Steve, only to find him fighting once more. You reach, yanking the shield free, and also retrieving your gun as you move closer.
Steve seems to have a knife now. He tries to take multiple stabs, but ultimately it’s taken from him, and he ends up dodging once more. The Winter Soldier makes the mistake of swinging over Steve twice, allowing him to counter with a hook and a kick. The soldier slams back into a car, Steve runs at him, slamming him into it further, causing the door to dent and the glass to break.
He goes in for a punch once again, but the Winter Soldier blocks it, backing Steve away as he tries to fight back. Steve flips him over, standing over him for just a second, before the Winter Soldier grabs Steve’s neck, squeezing.
You let the gun hang against your chest, fixing the shield in your hand. You swing back, and then launch it forward. Steve’s eyes dart to it, ticking off the Winter Soldier, so he throws Steve over the hood of a car, turning just in time to grab the shield before it hits him. By then, you’re firing bullets, watching as they bounce off of the metal.
The gun jams.
“Shit.” You pull it off of you, hurling it in his direction. He catches it in his metal hand, clenching his fist around the material, breaking it.
He turns his attention back to Steve, who’s on the other side of the car. They go back to fighting, you continue to advance, a little annoyed that he doesn’t see you as a threat enough. He pulls out a knife, going to stab Steve, but the metal pieces a grey van, slicing the paint vertically.
Steve grabs the Winter Soldier, throwing him back to get him off, and swiping the shield in the process. The enemy swings, hits metal. He swings again with the knife, hitting metal. The Winter Soldier punches Steve successfully, trying to kick but he’s met with the shield, so he swings again.
Steve slams the shield into the metal arm of the Winter Soldier, and then forces it up, hitting him in the face. Steve wraps his hand around the mask, flipping him over backward, but it's too much momentum, because the Winter Soldier somersaults.
You walk around the truck, going to join Steve, finding the black mask lying on the asphalt. The Winter Soldier rises, back to you at first, until he slowly turns his head, allowing you to see what he looks like.
The blood runs from your face, lips parting as your eyes lock on. 
He looks… different, but not in the bad sense. His dark hair is messily long, just barely reaching his shoulders. When in the past he’s kept it shorter, cleaner. There’s a shadow of a beard forming on the lower half of his face. And there’s this emotionless void in his eyes, as if he’s looking right through you.
This can’t be him, though. The last time you saw him… 
Steve stands up, panting through his teeth. “Bucky?”
“Who the hell is Bucky?” He asks, turning toward the two of you fully. 
He pulls up his gun to shoot at either of you, but Sam kicks him over, sending him tumbling over the asphalt. That small move does basically nothing, as Bucky gets back to his feet, you take a step toward him, even when he goes to shoot again, but you’re interrupted by a grenade flying over Steve’s shoulder.
A red truck explodes. You look behind you to see Natasha, barely holding herself up against a car with the grenade launcher. Bucky is nowhere to be seen.
There’s sirens approaching, presumably the police, a firetruck, a couple of ambulances, but all you see are black SUV’s approaching. Your eyes catch a figure disappearing into an alleyway.
“I’m going after him.” You dig into your pants pocket, pulling out the singular smoke bomb that you’d brought with you.
Before Steve can stop you, you pull out the pin, tossing the bomb in the middle of the intersection. In the matter of seconds, the grey haze is taking over the street, concealing your escape. Either Steve is too shocked or knows better than to go after you, because he stays there with your other two friends, letting you run off.
Your ankle is slowing you down, but that doesn’t make you stop. You chase Bucky down several streets until he jumps out from behind a car, fist swinging at your face. You catch it, fingers wrapping around his hand, eyes boring into his.
The two of you stand like this for a very long second. If he knows who you are, he’s doing a very good job of hiding it, because you’re none the wiser. If you had to guess what happened to him, you’d say Zola experimented on him. And you think that Steve would even agree with you.
He tries to punch you with his metal arm, but you block it with your forearm, holding him there for a second longer. You can’t do this, not here. He’s not stable enough to have a conversation, especially since he was trying to kill you. He is trying to kill you.
“I’ll come back for you, I promise.” You tell him, despite knowing that this means nothing to him. “I’m not letting you go so easily, Bucky.”
this was part of my 3k celebration!!
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perseephoneee · 9 months
Pls write about damon salvatore x y/n going skiing
ski cabin (damon salvatore x f!reader) {ficmas 2023}
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꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ happy day 10 of ficmas!
warnings: damon, smut (i censor it so you can skip!): fingering, blood-sharing, unprotected vamp sex
a/n: i tried writing smut. might be a failure. might not. i have no clue. i just work here. also i wrote this while watching the matrix and eating homemade nachos
↳ masterlist  ↳ ship exchange ↳ taglist ↳ ficmas 2023
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Once upon a time, your life resembled a sense of normalcy. And then you met the Salvatores. Vampire brothers who seemed to attract trouble no matter where they went, and somehow, they had clung themselves to your life. You would love to blame Elena for this. Still, truthfully, you also had a fascination with their propensity for idiocracy and probably landed in this situation alone. The situation? Being a target for whatever big bad it was this week. 
It was decided that people should split up to minimize their chances of being caught. Unfortunately, you ended up with Damon Salvatore. Damon was the oldest of the Salvatore brothers and the most annoying. He was morally grey, somewhat self-serving, and handsome in a way that should be illegal. Sometimes, you thought he might be fond of you, but then he'd say something sarcastic and mean, and you'd remember why you loathed being around him. Since everyone split up, you and Damon opted to go to one of the nearby mountains, ending up at some ski lodge that some families would use more for vacation than for hiding. It was snowy, and the ice bit your cheeks as the wind tried to push you back aggressively. You sighed in relief when you finally got to the resort lodge and could breathe warm air. Annoyingly, Damon was barely frazzled. 
"We should ski," Damon said to you. You brushed your fingers through your hair, trying to get snow out as you glared at him. 
"I don't ski."
"Quitters talk," Damon sighed, taking in his surroundings. "Besides, what else is there to do? Besides each other." He whispered that last part to you, that stupid half-smirk on his face. You slapped him in the arm. He was a compulsive flirt at the worst of times. He also loved to ignore you when you expressed disagreement with what he said. So, he rented skis (he had no money, so you guessed compulsion) and forced you to suit up. You tried biting him when he attempted to help you, but you think that only added fuel to his fire. Waddling outside was even worse, as you relied on him most of the time. Looking at the snow-capped hills made fear grip your heart. You wished that the enemy would just kill you already. "Why do you look like you're going to throw up?"
"I don't like this."
"It's fun. We could be brooding in a cabin like my brother, but instead, we're in the great outdoors," Damon laughed. You tried shifting on your skis but felt your knees lock up. "Seriously, what's your problem?"
"I like having control over whether my body is going to eat shit or not."
"You and your control," Damon grumbled. "Y/N, learn to live a little." Shockingly, Damon was weirdly patient with you as he showed you the basics of skiing. He even helped you down the bunny slopes with minimal teasing. He taught you how to pizza, and when you felt yourself start to slip, he'd grab you and hold you upright. It was one of the few times where you weren't sniping at each other the whole time and instead actually having fun. Your body was exhausted when you returned to the lodge, and you were thankful to take off all the warm and heavy gear. Unsurprisingly, Damon immediately got himself a glass of bourbon. You got a hot chocolate and enjoyed picking the whipped cream off with your finger and licking it off. While you enjoyed your dessert, Damon went to find an available room in the lodge. He came back a few minutes later with a devilish smirk on his face. 
"I don't like that look," you mumbled, sipping more hot cocoa. 
"Guess what, princess? The only room left is a single bed," Damon fell next to you on the couch, throwing his arm around you against your protests. "Guess we'll be sleeping together after all."
"You're ruining my quality hot cocoa time," you hissed, pulling away from his arm. He just laughed, as he never took your threats that seriously. Why should he? You were human. He was a vampire. It was an unfair fight. 
You hadn't packed much when you ran, so you just tossed your backpack in the corner of your room when you got there. It was a queen-sized bed, at least, with an ensuite bathroom and winter cabin appeal. There wasn't a couch, just a scratchy-looking chair. You could sleep on the floor. 
"You're not sleeping on the floor," Damon said behind you, almost scaring you half to death. 
"I didn't say anything."
"I can hear you thinking," Damon muttered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine at his proximity. He went to the lounge on the bed, laying back against the pillows, every bit emulating Adonis with how he wrapped his arms around the back as his face caught the light streaming through the window. Sometimes, you wondered whether Damon's favorite form of torture was just being the object of desire that was unattainable. Yes, he drove you up a wall, but you weren't stupid. He could be loyal when he wanted, and his body alone was sculpted by some vain artist who wished to achieve perfection. You could see his arm muscles, the sunlight dancing across his cheeks, the bridge of his nose, and his lips. His eyes were the color of the sky reflected on the snow, a dangerous blue. Like a wolf just waiting for its prey to slow enough to make its bite. "Admiring the view?" he purred, turning to look at you. 
"Admiring a view, not necessarily you." You stepped closer into the room, removing the scarf and jacket around your neck. You kicked off your boots, leaving you in just your sweater and jeans. You pretended not to notice him watching your movements. There was a desk against the wall; you sat at the chair and faced Damon, curling your legs up under you. 
"You're scared of me," Damon said, turning back to face the window. 
"Am not," you huffed. 
"You think I'm gonna bite you?"
"Yes," you answer plainly. Frankly, you had yet to learn where you stood with Damon. Sometimes, he treated you like garbage; other times, you thought he would give up everything to protect you. 
"Come here," Damon sat up, moving to the end of the bed. You look at him with confusion. He huffs in frustration, grabbing you and pulling you onto the bed with him. You fall against the pillows with a yelp, glaring at the vampire as he sits back next to you. "I would never hurt you."
"You're not always the nicest," you mumble. "Sometimes I can't tell."
"Y/N, look at me," Damon grabbed your chin, forcing you to face him. "I'm damaged goods, but don't think that I would agree to hide out here with you if I didn't care. I do care. A lot." He brushes a strand of your hair behind your ear, his touch gentler than expected. "The best thing about returning to Mystic Falls was meeting you."
Damon was never a subtle person, and he doesn't try to be one now as he leans down and kisses you. His hand cups your face, tilting your head back so he can deepen the kiss. You let out a sigh of contentment, which just fuels him further. He tasted like bourbon, and you found you enjoyed it. 
*smut!!! proceed only if you want to*
Your hand found its way to his hip, fisting the fabric as he moved to be above you. He was assertive but not rough, and it was something you appreciated. His hand dipped under your sweater, feeling its way to your waist and under your breasts. You let out a gasp as he moved his lips to your neck, leaving nips and kisses and, most likely, many marks. Your hand flew up to his hair, gripping the raven locks and causing him to growl. 
"You drive me crazy," he mumbled, helping you pull your sweater over your head. He kissed you again, his hand running over the smooth skin of your stomach. He pulled away when you shrank back, hesitant. "You're beautiful, don't worry." He dropped down, kissing over the expanse of your belly, helping you feel more comfortable. He kissed his way up to your bra, for once looking unsure. You gave him a smile as you sat up, reaching behind to unhook your bra and toss it aside. Damon wasted no time planting kisses and licks over, under, and in between your breasts. The moan you let out was embarrassing, but Damon was just encouraged. He came back up to your lips, his fingers still playing with your nipples. 
"I see you like my mouth now," Damon whispered. 
"I hate you," you kissed his jaw, leaving bites down his neck. It was your turn to smirk when he became the one making noises. Your hands ran under his shirt, feeling the muscles in his shoulders. He sat back to remove it, and you spent a second admiring his figure. The both of you feeling impatient, you pulled off both your pants, so you were left in your underwear. Damon flicked the waistband of your grey panties with a bow in the middle. 
"Do you always talk this much?"
"Only to girls I like."
You rolled your eyes, smiling at the boy as his hands ran up your thighs. You pulled him down for a scorching kiss, already addicted to his lips on your own. One of his hands ran between your thighs, lightly touching your clothed center. You hissed into his mouth, and he only smirked. 
"Can I remove these?" Damon asked, looking at you. You nodded, shirking them so you were completely bare. You felt so vulnerable and yet comfortable in his presence. You sighed in pleasure when his finger found your clit, circling it with just the right amount of pressure to make you crazy. When he entered you with his fingers, his thumb replacing the gentle motions on your clit, you let out a moan that was almost pornographic. You buried your head in his neck as he pumped his fingers in and out. If his touch was this heavenly, you weren't sure you were capable of learning what else he could do. You moved your hand to his briefs, but he nipped your jaw as a warning. "No touching." He removed his hand, leaving you feeling empty and disappointed. You were about to deliver a sarcastic retort. Still, it died on your tongue as he removed the last piece of clothing, and you were faced with his better-than-average member. Damon grabbed your calves, pulling you farther down the bed and situating himself between your thighs. He kissed you hard, lining himself up before pushing in slowly. The stretch was a lot, but the pleasure overrode it as you felt your head drop back in a moan. 
"Fuck," you swore, wrapping yourself around him as he started to move. He fit you in a way you hadn't experienced before, and you weren't sure who you'd become when he left you empty. 
"I should've done this sooner," Damon groaned, kissing your neck and shoulder. He let out a hiss of pleasure when your nails scraped across his shoulder blades. He pulled out, sitting back against the headboard and pulling you onto his lap. He helped you sit back down on him before you had time to complain about the temporary emptiness. His hands grabbed your thighs, helping you bounce on him. Both of you moaned, and your head fell back as you fell into a rhythm. 
"The sight of you coming apart on my cock, tits bouncing, is the best thing I've seen in my life," Damon smirked, leaning forward and attaching himself to one of your tits. You had no clever retort, nothing to match the sense of euphoria you were experiencing. You noticed the veins under Damon's eyes and used your thumb to brush them gently. 
"You can bite," you whisper, eyes widening at the dark overtaking his eyes, but you aren't scared. He didn't go for your neck like you thought; no, he sunk his fangs into the top of your tits. One of his hands gripped your hip, the other reaching between your legs to circle your clit. It was so much pain and pleasure at once that you raced towards a finish you had been nearing for a while. You came with a shout, head falling onto Damon's neck. He came after you, fangs detaching and a growl leaving his lips. 
*end of smut*
You separated, falling to rest next to Damon. He pulled you into his side, biting his wrist and touching your lips. You accepted the blood hesitantly, letting it coat your throat before pulling away. He kissed the top of your head, one of the most domestic things you had ever experienced. 
"Damon," you whispered, tracing his chest with your fingertip. He looked at you in question. "I would be open to being yours." You see a boyish smile on his face, something that makes him look the age he was turned and not the age he is now. 
"I think that can be arranged," he said, kissing you again. 
The next day, he took you skiing again, but you kissed at the bottom of the slope this time. 
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xxfrankiesteinksxx · 6 months
small details in the dnpc video no one is mentioning
okay, look, i'm gonna admit it, i'm a game/film theory girly and a whore for lore, so i pick at details i shouldn't be picking at, so here's some things i see in the video that i don't see being mentioned in theories/analyses. also keep in mind my brain consists of a single cell encapsulated in aspic (i know what the actual deeper meaning is this is just a bit of fun for me)
the thing underneath the piano - the camera falls off the piano in one scene and something (i still cant figure out what exactly it might be) is visible, oddly clear-looking for something underneath a broken piano in shoddy lighting (actually looking at it again it might be a corpse, is it possibly phil's old body?)
dan telling phil not to film him drawing the sigils but phil still filming - you might be able to also throw in the part where phil screams "NO" when the camera's on him sitting in the corner; they don't seem to want things to be filmed but it feels like they're obligated to record everything to some extent
phil's very explicit control over dan - this is to the point where he even has to tell dan what and what isn't food, and takes away water privileges for some reason (btw this is your reminder to drink some water) and overall very demanding tone when instructing him
SOFT AND NEAT - there's a lot of reinforcement of this, its clearly a joke but i'm overanalytical and will blatantly ignore this. there's heavy hesitation with any sharp object around them (when dan has to cut his hand, kill phil, take out phil's heart, mentioning razor blades when using the shaving foam)
dan still primarily uses his left hand - people have mentioned how he's been "fixed" but him using his right hand seems to be performative since he pours most things, mixes with his left hand, and even primarily uses his left hand to spread the blood (plus he never sacrificed himself unlike phil who seems to have died in potato stamps and been resurrected with perfect vision) there's also old superstitions that being left-handed means you're somehow cursed by/connected to satan, speaking of which...
dan has a much better connection and the ability to communicate directly with Him - he seems to be a conduit, possibly being used by phil to properly perform anything (which also probably helped with his resurrection and eyesight improvement), he has uncontrollable actions from time to time
the sigils themselves - what do they all mean? what could they mean in a bigger, symbolic context? anyone that understands them pls explain to my aspic brain
the entire place fucking burns down after the ritual is complete and they're embraced by Him - it's clear at least to me that the shed is set on fire at the end of the video, cutting off further possible footage
dan doesn't put blood on phil's forehead during the ritual - might've just been a slipup during filming but we also dont see the blood dan put on his own forehead once he arrives and theyre all standing up in the pentagram
also just a couple fun facts:
the number on the case file when converted to corresponding letters of the alphabet spell out "satan"
what dan says in his reversed clip is just "thanks!", nothing is really said in the reversed clip of phil opening the shed door its juts kinda a random noise someone made
Aaaaand some misc nonsense crackpot theories/ideas/thoughts/brain vomit that my brain keeps me awake at night with (optional reading):
if the demon taking them at the end is actually baphomet and not just some generalized idea of satan, then "mother" could be another way to refer to "him" since baphomet is portrayed as having both female and male characteristics (bobs n pennies)
personally this is scarier/more unnerving than the actual blair witch project for some reason
my bathroom sink is the one sink you cant ship
i want a dapc for those dolls they hung everywhere
is cataloguing all of the ritual setup part of the craft channel's purpose?
what was the reason for summoning him? did they bring him to our plane of existence to just let him absorb these two brink-of-twinks and then use their gay power to torment the straights?
oh that rope is just his belt thing not rope tying dip and pip together
i think this is a good wrap-up idk what they could do in a part 5 to conclude things better
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charmercharm3r · 11 months
Just devoured all your Phases content and it left me in awe, like💀💀i never considered poly! ships but the way you depicted the relationship with jisung and minho was so enticing and gorgeous (also seeing minho as the sub for once blew my mind, in the best way)
And now my mind is full of possibilities. like, now we found out jisung has a sub side not even he knew about, imagine him getting low-key envious of reader fucking minho with the strap and imagining himself in that place. jisung trying to subtitly tell reader he wants to be fucked too but can't be direct about it because he has a pride.
how would it proceed??
i love your blog so much, pls don't stop💖
i’m mad i didn’t think of this idea myself, anon u are a genius
“No, no, please don’t stop. I’ll be good, I promise!” Minho begged while clawing at your forearm to bring your body back down against his, wanting nothing more than to be pinned between you and the mattress.
He always makes it so hard to say no, sitting up to kiss your chest and neck as further pleas. You caved in and laughed, following the feeling of his lips as you laid him back down and hiked his knees up. “You have to stay like this, pretty kitty.” Minho nodded against you and held himself up by the backs of his knees.
While you shifted and made yourself more comfortable, the dildo inside him moved, nudging the spot that made him want to curl up and stiffen with pleasure. In the background was the slick sounds of Jisung off to the side, only watching. You didn’t need to see him to know his hand was wrapped around his cock and slowly jerking into the tight ring.
Minho’s breath didn’t slow, he continued to pant beneath you as your hips gently pulled back, pushing into him with almost no force and simply feeling him out. He tended to get ahead of himself, biting off more than he could chew when with you, especially. Jisung was skilled when it came to taking control of Minho’s needs in bed, he knew this side of the older like the back of his hand. Whereas you, although new to dominating with even just having the slightest bit of domineering edge over the brunette, was just the teensiest bit at a loss of what to do in this situation.
You figured it out quickly though, holding both his cheeks the way Jisung would do you to and focusing all of his attention on your face. He couldn’t look anywhere else as you wouldn’t let him, chest slowing to a steady breath and he was ready for more, once again.
It was maybe a few five minutes where you didn’t peak over your shoulder to acknowledge your blonde boyfriend, nor did you notice the quieting of the wet sounds on his side of the room. Rolling against Minho was taking up most of your mental capacity, he was so pretty to look at. You understood why Jisung loved taking him in this exact same way, the brunette was the finest picture of modern art.
Red, leaking cock sitting prettily against his lower belly, cheeks and chest flushed pink while glazed over with sweat, Minho squirmed and ached for your lips to seal him into the sub space he desperately wanted to fall into. He was more than halfway there, just needing the extra coddling push.
“Aren’t you just so handsome? Pretty kitty, you’re glowing. How does my cock feel? D’you like it? I think you look so cute stuffed full of me.” Minho nodded and whined at your words, puckering his lips for the kiss he’s been wanting so badly.
And when you leaned in and planted one firmly, lovingly onto his lips, a second whimper almost trickled out of reach of your ears. You could’ve missed one of the most glorious things you’d ever seen if you didn’t turn your head, thanking the heavens you did.
What a sight to behold, Jisung with his feet planted on the armrests of the corner chair, one hand cupping his balls as the older circled the rim of his hole. His bottom lip was caught between his teeth in effort to keep quiet, though failure not entirely something he intended on avoiding.
Jisung stared straight at you, straight at Minho— too in his own head to notice what was happening— and straight at where your bright purple strap was penetrating your boyfriend’s used asshole. You involuntarily lurched forward and pushed the dildo deeper into Minho while maintaining eye contact with the younger. In your peripheral you could see his finger dip into his own hole in time with your hip movement.
A whole new world of pleasure for you, Jisung, and Minho to explore.
Just after you finish with the first babbling baby beneath you in dire need of your attention.
When Minho gets in these needy kind of moods, it isn’t long before he’s winded himself so tight that any little thing gets him to blow his load faster than either of you could catch up to— but he always makes up for it with his short refraction periods and stamina. Minho laid at the foot of the bed to recollect himself, in the mean time, a certain blonde was awaiting his turn.
You strode tall in front of Jisung, strap hanging proudly on your hips, even more daunting because you were entirely too comfortable wearing it that it may as well been very, very real. Hell, the phantom limb syndrome told you that it was real.
“Do you want something, baby?”
His finger stalled in his hole, massaging his balls harder as if it was a comforting tactic when faced with a difficult decision.
“All you have to do is ask.” You put your hands on either side of the back of the chair, sensually kissing his cheek and back until you reached his ear to whisper, “I’ll give you whatever you want. There’s just one little word I wanna hear, first.”
“‘M not gonna beg.” He replied with no bite in his tone.
“You don’t have to. However, only good boys get to be fucked. Are you a good boy?”
Jisung bit his lip again as you pulled back to look him in the eye. A quick glance over your shoulder to look at Minho, as if the younger didn’t know what to do now that the roles were reversed. Unbeknownst to you, Minho nodded in signal to the blonde that, yes, he’s the best boy.
Whether he realized it or not, Jisung nodded, as well.
“That’s what I thought.”
Stealing his hands from himself, you carefully walked Jisung to the bed besides Minho, who only watched in entertainment. This was something new for all of you, neither of you could fault him for being interested. Plus, he was extra moral support.
As Jisung’s back hit the mattress, you crawled over his body and slotted yourself between his willfully spreading legs. “You always take such good care of us, baby,” you say as you brush his hair from his forehead, placing sweet kisses to his cheeks. “Won’t you let me return the favor?”
“Mhm,” he mumbled in search of another kiss and n latching onto the skin of your neck out of desperation to suck on something.
“That’s not what I want to hear, baby. You know.” The drag of your nail down his thigh to hook behind his knee and rest it on your hip, Jisung may have been too distracted.
“Puppy, c’mon,” he detached from your neck to plead with his big, round eyes.
You tipped his head back with a finger below his chin, “it’s just one little word. Be my good boy, won’t you?”
Jisung audibly swallowed the lump in his throat, torn between the ego he’s been holding on to and the earth shattering, mind numbing euphoria he knows you’re fully capable of giving to him if Minho covered in his own cum was anything to go by. Jisung looked over at his boyfriend, to which the older smiled at him with encouragement. You could see the pingpong ball bouncing back and forth in his head, he wants it so badly, wants to know why your boyfriend would go to unbelievable lengths to be stuffed full of your and his cock.
Teetering back and forth for a decision, Minho leaned over and pecked the younger’s cheek, “if you like it enough, who knows, maybe I’ll get to fuck you next.”
Jisung’s eyes widened, then turned to you with full confidence, “please.”
A proud smile washed across your face and reached down to cup both Minho and Jisung’s cheeks with one hand on each, “my sweet boys.” They nuzzled into your palms until you had to pull back.
“You had your turn,” you said to Minho, who happily reclined with his hands behind his head and let the younger take the spotlight.
Jisung was eager now, quick to wrap his other leg over your hip and tug you in to let the scratchy fabric of the strap rub against the underside of his thighs. “Easy. You’ve got all of me.” You assured him with a tender kiss, his arms snaking around your neck to pull you in closer. While your fingers traversed further down busy chest, beneath his belly and past his aching dick, Minho silently handed you the lube to coat your first two digits.
“Don’t worry, baby. You’ll be screaming that one little word before I’ve even put my cock in you.”
tags: @babebatter @changbinluvr @epiphanynaffit @fawnpeaks @linovely @dumplinbokkieracha @finnydraws @naturules @djeniryuu @skzhomiehopper @yesv01 @hyunjinsamdl @dazzlingligth @alexis-reads-fics @0002linoskitten @chillichillicrabcrab23 @zerefdragn33l @straycrescent @binnies-donuts @bakedlilgoonie @levanterlily @shelbyyy44 @yeetmehome @in2heartz @astroodledream @the-sweetest-rose @lilbugs-things @viviennenstan @staurdvst @alex--awesome--22 @imzenning @jeyelleohe @iadorethemskz @skyvastbunny @mamabymychem @katsukis1wife @woozarts @noellllslut @straykids5star @like-a-diamondinthesky @karivm
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I’ve been getting into life is strange and I was always curious. What if Mark Jefferson had a daughter and they moved because his wife just left him a note and ran off. His anger comes out and destroys the apartment. He manipulates his kid when this happens, wanting to maintain the little control he has. They move to Arcadia Bay and his kid adjusts well considering. Then he takes Nathan under his wing to help get his hobby going. Then he finds out that Nathan has been taking photos of his daughter when she’s not looking…….serial killer side of him comes out and makes it very clear to Nathan his daughter is off limits from their little hobby.
omg I really love the last sentence of this
I mean- I love all of this, but-
I know that it would be better if I would write an oneshot of this, but the last time when I did the same thing with a promised oneshot, the work was... pretty bad-
I hope you don't mind it! ^^"
Btw I'm happy about you're planning to join to the LiS community, or at least you're curious/interested about it! Unfortunately in my social group there aren't really people who knows the fandom, so I'm always happy about new fans! ^^
And sorry bc I didn't answer this inbox, I just wanted to get done with the Welcome Home headcanons :")
Anyway, in these hcs I will be a bit negative about Mark, but I still love him -//w//-
(I'm actually planning to write more x readers about him-)
×❢ About my work ❢×
fluff and definitely not fluff, dad moments, Mark is not the greatest father, there's also my thoughts in this, pls forgive him, this is not x reader, (bad) father-daughter realtionship, no pronouns used, but the reader is female, spelling mistakes, mention of kidnapping, mention of the Dark Room
Fandom: Life is Strange (1)
Charcter(s): Mark Jefferson, Mark's daughter|You| (Y/N) | The Reader, Nathan Prescott (mentioned), Warren Graham (mentioned), Max Caulfield (mentioned), Rachel Amber (mentioned)
Ship(s): Warren Graham x Reader (ex.), Nathan Prescott x Reader (ex.), Max Caulfield x Reader (ex.)
Type: Headcanons
𝐈𝐟 (𝐘/𝐍) 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐉𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧'𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫… (𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐡𝐜𝐬)
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𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈: Hayloft by Mother Mother
(A.n: 'Cause this is the next on my playlist and I love it so much lol)
“My daddy's got a gun
You better run”
Oki, let's start with some sweet ones:
• If he's not tired, then prepare for breakfast in bed
• "Did you sleep good, hon?"
• morning kisses 🥺❤
• while you cry on him, he would gently caress you
• "Shh, it's okay, sweetheart."
Now, some serious stuff:
• He wouldn't be the greatest father tho, I think
• still, I think he would be protective about his daughter
• 'cause of his hobby and about boys in general lol
• Seriously I think he would feel safer if you would chose girls instead
• but it's your choice ofc
• He will definitely talk about his job and of photography ofc
• If his daughter not interested, then he won't push it
• ofc, he will be a bit bitter
• but he understands it
• Although, he will mention or talk about it just a bit sometimes
• But if you are interested in photography
• be prepared that photography will be you two's first or at least second topic
• he's a real teacher, so you won't have problem to learn from him
• Actually I think he would be happy about that there's something that you both can talk about
• (at least the suspense will be less from you, and it helps him to keep you away from his crazy hobby)
• Don't mention Mom.
• You will see him less more, when you are old enough to be left alone
• He comes home late, and he does this more often
• "Dad?" you asked unsurely when he picked up the phone. You were worried, so you choose to give him call. Is teaching lasts this long? "Where are you?"
"Oh... Daddy's working right now, sweetheart. I promise, I will be home soon, okay?"
And he kept saying this after hours and hours.
• Get used to that you will be alone for a long time
• He will ask you teasingly about if you like someone
• but the real reason is that he wants to know who he has to deal with
• his reactions depends on the person
• If the person is Nathan (who is his... well, let's say partner of those insane things), he will be definitely more protective and will keep an eye on both of you for a long time
• deadly and serious threats ahead, if he still won't leave you alone
• he will be potective because he knows Nathan very well and the crimes that himself he commited, and other side bc he's a father and he wants to keep his beautiful daughter safe
• But if the person would be for example Max, he would be more relaxed
• (He would even think trough her kidnapping. There's a chance that he won't hurt her. Even if it's hard for him to conntrol his sick addiction)
• He still tests her if she's good enough for you, but he will be more easier on her
• OR let's say the person is Warren-
• "The geek?"
• He doesn't know that much about him
• and bc of this he will definitely test him
• I mean he doesn't mind that you're with smart boys
• but you know, he has to make sure
• Now, I think we're almost there at the end of these hcs-
• You sat in the can uncomfortably. You tried to make yourself comfortable, but it didn't help.
"So, was the test okay?" you heard you father next beside you.
You nodded, even if you knew that he doesn't see you 'cause he's focusing on the road.
"Dad?" You spoke unsurely, don't know how to say out loud your thoughts.
"Yes, sweetie?" He glanced at you with a kind smile on his face, but it dissapeared when he saw how stressed you were. "What's wrong, honey?"
You tried to swallow the nervousness, but it was worthless and didn't help at all.
"So, you know those Rachel Amber missing posters? They're almost everywhere."
Mark could feel how his heart skipped a beat. Now he started to feel nervous as well.
"Yes, dear?" Focus on the road. Focus on the road. Focus on the road. Focus on the road.
"Did you know her?"
He let out a small sigh. He didn't want that his daughter notice that he's nervous. He tried to act calmly.
"No, sweetheart." he spoke as he hid away the frustration in his voice.
"Okay." you said quietly. You sounded convinced.
He carefully glanced at you again.
"Are you scared?"
There was a couple of seconds until you answered.
"Maybe... I don't wanna imagine what terrible things those people did to her. But my mind keep distracting me, even if I don't want to think about it."
You could feel the gentle touch of his warm hands.
"Don't worry, hon. I'll keep you safe."
And with that you were convinced that your dad is there and you're more than safe with him.
• Why would he be a bad father?
I think his psychotic hobby would be more important to him than his own daughter. He would be definitely overprotective about you, but also he wouldn't be there for you. Like there's no movie night, cause again, he has things to do in the Dark Room.
Yes, he would care about his daughter, he would also be a good listener, but you rarely meet him. He wouldn't be there for you when you need him.
I don't think he would hurt his daughter physically, but don't test him. He's enough stressed about his victims.
And he would pay too much attention about keeping you safe.
From his hobby, from Nathan, from everything.
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darkittensniper · 6 months
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Hellooooooooooo, Mother!🙇‍♀️😌
I am humbly- not so humbly. I’m so thirsty- asking you for that one cassandra x Donna thought we had….because…we starving when it comes to this ship
Please, Mother, feed us feed me! I’m your fav-
I FUOAKIN LOVE your works. But ofc especially Cassandra x Donna🙇‍♀️ because good soup
That…sleeping one…you teased…please. Pretty please? I’ll even leave your vases alone for a day pleaaaaaaase MOTHERRRRRR!🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
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The cig break I had to take after writing this should fucking illegal.
Firstly Yes hello yes daughter. MY FAVORITE DAUGHTER. MY ONLY WONDEFUL AMAZING SMART CHILD! I have heard you and have arrived once again to deliver the food. *slams down massive ass plate* Ok so lets start with the basics. I have no right to say I had any control of this one shot once I started writing it. It took me on some twist and turns but I think I got across the what you wanted. (Cass getting touched on by Dark Donna while she is sleeping) My HC's for Dark Donna go wild and i aint sorry. More mutant and multi armed Donna yes pls...
Hope you enjoy it @muffinsin
The teacup fell from frigid fingertips, shattering completely along the polished wood floor. Cassandra’s hand loosened enough for it to have dropped. Porcelain covered in the finely ground root that had been added to this evening’s tea. An unspoken rule between the two women, Donna brewed Cassandra a special tea. Cassie knew it would make her rather sleepy, due to the Golden Pothos leaves that had been added to the lavender tea. The Lord knew Cassandra would have refused to drink the tea if she didn’t want to be taken advantage of while she slept.
Lord Beneviento found much to enjoy when her little doll was like this. She stood just shy of their shared bed; the covers having been removed. Leaving just the black satin sheets. Skin the color of the finest alabaster in stark contrast with the sheets. Dark brown hair lay fanned out underneath the huntress’s head. Her eyes were closed, mouth agape slightly. Revealing small yet deadly top fangs. The Lord reached down and angled her thumb along her lover’s bottom lip. Just light enough to were her eyelids fluttered, but did not open. It drew a shudder from the lithe Lord. The veil over Donna’s face moved ever so gently from her rather labored breathing. Just looking over the smaller women’s sleeping form made Donna’s spine cramp. The lull of her stomach as it rose and fell. The swell of her breast, the giving fat teasing the Lord. The dark patch of hair between her legs, glistening with the start of her arousal. Strong muscle strapped thighs, each as supple as they were thick. One hand dangled over the side of the bed, the one that dropped the cup. The other lay along her stomach, fingers fanned out over the raised muscle of her abs.
The veins in the Lords hands danced along the extensor tendons as she flexed them. Drawing her thumb along Cassandra’s top lip, pulling it back to bare her teeth. A small groan left the Lord as she eased her tall frame down next to her women. Her mourning dress pulled up around her hips as she straddled Cassandra’s naked thighs. A small grunt leaving Cassie’s 
The brown-haired women's abs felt like heaven, just enough brawn to press against black silk panties. Yet enough soft give of fat to make the Lord bite her lip as her hips bucked on their own. Another flutter of Cassandra's eyelids, long beautiful eyelashes kissing the tops of her cheeks. An sharp inhale, taking the scent of her women into her nose. Even through the powerful lull of this induced sleep, the feral part of the hunter’s instincts could never be fully dulled. 
Cassie smelled the finest fragrance of wildflowers and the natural musk of her lover’s arousal.
 Donna, utterly enraptured in the sight before her, the veil opening capturing just enough for her wondering eye to have time to appreciate all she saw. Taking Cassandra's sleeping form in sections, capturing each like a photo still. Imprinted and etched. Burned and seared into her memory. The sweet torture of being able to remember her like this at a whim made a small whimper leave the larger woman. Each detail would never be lost on Lord Beneviento, her obsession for her lover wouldn't allow such a thing. Her spine cramped again, this time the sheer need to have dead cold flesh in her hands, holding more life than anything the Lord had ever beheld. In the ice cold reaches of cream-colored skin Donna found a blazing inferno. 
Nails painted the color of the darkest ichor stood proud along the brawn of Cassandra's neck. Fingers honed and practiced. Long, slim and astoundingly dexterous, each individually pressed right where the Lord wanted. Palms pressed feather light along the smooth column of her lover’s throat. 
The Lord squeezed.
Only along the sides of her lover’s neck, pressure alone. No need to crush her women’s windpipe. She wanted to hear her nightingale sing for her this night. The response was instant, a perfect sleep painted groan left the brown-haired women. Donna's veil fluttered in the still air as a soundless exhale left her. Veins danced along the doll makers hands as she squeezed again, this time taking the blunt end of her nails to the frigid skin under them. Lips, void of their usual bloodily appearance parted as another, be it louder groan left Cassies mouth. Sandstone colored eyes flitted under closed lids, a few flies broke off from her cheek and landed on Donna's hand. Drawing the silver-colored eye away from her prize to land on the insects on her left hand. They were sluggish but intent to make themselves known, mouthparts quickly drawing blood. 
The Lord didn't flinch, watching as a small rivulet of black blood leaked down her hand, wrapping around her wrist only to drop down on Cassandra's collarbone. The air was permeated with the raw copper smell of the Lord’s blood, drawing a sleepy growl from Cassie. Her nose along with her flies had tasted their prize. Yet the effects of the tea were just strong enough to keep the smaller women affected. The Lord’s eye twitched at the reddening skin from where her ladies’ flies had bitten her.
 Had Donna given permission to taste her blood?
Like a switch, the Lord’s was deftly agile when she needed. She less moved, more appeared next to the bed again. A cold patience, one Lord Beneviento always carried around her, had been tested. Tested in a way that needed a swift end. Cassandra’s flies, sensing more than feeling the change of demeanor, flying lazily back to her face and returning to the smooth alabaster of her cheek. The Lord went about positioning her doll on the bed. Invisible, writhing arms coming from Donna’s back. Each strong and just as deadly as the ones who lay clasped in front of her. The red bites along her left hand had stopped bleeding but the actual process of healing them would take time. Having marred the Lord’s perfect skin without her permission.
The indent of the phantom fingers along toned legs made Donna shiver. An extension of herself, she felt every inch of cold supple skin through those hands. They were her hands after all, just unseen. Two spreading her lovers’ legs, two clasping Cassandra’s arms and pulling them above her head. Successfully pining her little doll to the bed. The final set laying claim to her hips, pressing into the cold skin until it bruised the pale skin. Cassie groaned; eyes fliting open for a spilt second from the brazen pain. Donna’s many pairs of arms kept the vice grip on her lover, though her body went ridged next to the bed. The thought of almost waking her sleeping women excited her. Under the flowing black material of the dresses hems lithe well-muscled thighs were clamped together. The friction it caused felt delightful, along with the all the other various stimuli she was getting from the many limbs coming from the Lord’s back. It only added to the itch at Donna brain that could only be scratched by the sleeping form of her lady. The hunter felt the phantom limbs holding her down, the dreamscape she wadded through left much of the sensations fleeting as best. Having to chase down the feeling, only for it to slip from her grasp. Starting the chase all over again. She. Loved. This.
Donna gave Cassie just what she wanted, her body already more than willing to be explored. Hands along the smaller women’s hips, lifting just enough for Donna to see just how Cass had started to leak, slicking clinging to her ever so pretty pussy lips. Using her own hands the Lord removed her veil from her head, the flushed face hidden under bared to the room. Silver colored scar tissue, casting forth a shimmering like that of an iridescent moon. The smile on the Lords face only grew as the scared flesh came alive, leaving room for wickedly sharp teeth and the writhing mass to grow. The right side of the Lord’s face also grew many more teeth than should have been housed inside. The smile splitting her features, what snaked out of her mouth couldn’t be called a tongue. The appendage itself was split right down the middle, making two wiggling tongue like muscles. Each dripping with a very special mix of different fluids.
Donna again, appeared before the foot of the bed, its height only making to just shy of the tops of the Lord’s knees. Towering not only above mattress, but also above Cassandra. If only yellow eyes had opened in that spilt second. Maybe the hunter would have noticed the nefarious glint in the Lord’s eye. The absolutely manic look lurking just under the dead calm awash in her eye.
Unhinged would not even be cutting it close to all the dark thoughts running rampant in the Lord’s mind. All of Cassandra at her mercy. Only madness itself could comprehend the bond these two women shared. Veil dropped from fingers dusted with growing talons of their own. Cassie’s arms flexed, legs much the same. Still chasing sensations in her dreamscape. Body unfolding before her Lord, silently begging. A hunter begging to be turned into the rightful prey she was before Donna Beneviento.
“Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine-mine mine mine.”
The word repeated like a mantra. Echoing from a mouth that should not have been able to produce any. The twin serpent like tongues growing in not only length but girth as well. Intertwining with each other as they each drew closer to the molten heat between Cassandra’s legs. Window frost-like patterns formed and danced over the scar tissue along the left side of the Lord’s face. Painting emotions the Lord could never speak aloud, never find the right words to describe the feeling of unraveling before Cassandra. Letting herself, her true self go forth and devour just what fed this dark fascination.
The keening noise that left Cassies’ mouth was nothing short of the sound of a universe being born. It drew not only a wail wrapped with pleasure, but also the unfounded loss of her dreamscape. Jolted out of the recesses of her subconscious. A subconscious controlled by none other than Donna herself, weaving her very will into it. The same way the glistening twin appendages weaved their way inside of both smaller women’s holes. The Lord could secrete a certain enzyme from the ridge covered glands along the underside of the tongues. Ones that were tailored just for her little doll here. Her own personal aphrodisiac, one that took hold instantly.
 Eyelids snapping open as hazy yellow eyes met the outside world again. Trying to focus on anything long enough. Failing in truly spectacular fashion. Her attention snatched from her very soul as she felt pressure, the sweet ache awarded her whenever her Lord took her like this. Each time somehow more wonderous than the last time. Even with most of the Lords lower jaw having been overtaken by the wriggling fleshy dark matter that made up the mutation. Seeing Donna like this, primal and in her natural form made little else matter to Cassandra. Each thrust driving home just how much Donna owned her. Controlled her. A dogged want to possessive every iota of this women.
The waterwall behind the mist covered manor could not drown out the tortured cries of pleasure as Cassandra was ravaged beyond comprehension. Each time Donna curled the appendages deep inside her women, the skin stretching to accommodate the bulging mass of tongue like flesh deep inside of her womb. Six hands going unseen but most defiantly not unfelt pinning the hunter to the bed, forcing her to only lay there and take it all. Not that Cassandra would want it any other way.
If the power the Lord wielded could dethrone a ‘God’ if she merely willed it, what hope would her precious little doll have against her? Creating beautifully terrifying nightmares, Donna was the specialist. Giving all she knew her women could take, tasting her insides with revere. She would never ger enough to each pitiful beg for mercy, knowing if Cass truly wanted mercy she would swarm. Yet she stayed, a panting sweat covered mess. Voice hoarse and used as the two women stared at each other. The larger of the two still standing as stoic still at the end of the bed, hands clasped in front of her.
Sometimes not even a finger needed to be lifted for the Lord to get ‘just’ what she wanted.
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sitp-recs · 23 hours
hi! how are you?
so I read a fic some time ago that destroyed me…… like literally. I enjoyed it but at the same time I didn’t. but now I can’t stop thinking about it bc everything on it was so revolting and fucked. how to make a fic get out of our system? is it possible 😅 not to be dramatic but this fic almost made me lose interest in the whole ship lmao I just wanted to read something I enjoy again, you know? and nothing hits :( and when it does I’m almost finishing the fic and something horrible happens (that wasn’t really tagged) and I endure it until the end 💀 anyway if you have any fic that you read recently that is very romantic and monogamous or even if they are exes but they don’t date anyone else because they just can’t move on, pls share with us!! and it doesn’t have to be drarry, it can be anything. Im going through your lists and whole blog tbh looking for something that will save me lmaoooo I’ve read almost everything that interests me and you recced. (btw your break up make up list is amazing!) still I think the spark left me 🫠 ugh sorry for yapping
I’m sorry to hear that, anon :,( I think we’ve all been there at some point, god knows how many times I felt blocked, uninspired or just unable to connect to any fic. Personally, I find it helpful to take short breaks from fandom and focus on other hobbies for a while. Those fics will always be there when and if you’re ready to return! Also, imho you shouldn’t have to “endure” any fics that you find upsetting. I don’t typically have any triggers but I certainly have tropes/topics that don’t interest me much (or at all), and I have no qualms abandoning a fic when they show up unannounced 🤣
Now, it’s a bit hard to rec something randomly without knowing more about your fic tastes, but since you’re interested in romantic/monogamous stories, I thought I’d share some recs along those lines. This is a personal selection that might not work for you, but if it does I’ll be pleased to know that you’ve found that spark again :) Take care xo
Short fic:
Take the Moon by tackytiger (M, 15k)
Harry Potter has always wanted a family of his own, and when a deadly blood curse forces him into a marriage bond with his best friend Draco Malfoy, it looks like he might just have found one. It's just a shame they’d always planned to break up after a year…
Two Zinnias and the Scent of Lemon by @the-starryknight (M, 16k)
The Ministry didn’t turn bad overnight. Harry didn’t suddenly turn rogue either. Between covert Legilimency links and Polyjuice disguises and running and running and running, Draco has forgotten what it is like to have a safe harbor that isn’t a person. If there’s an art to fighting back, then they’ll find it hand in hand.
Us, in Lieu by Tepre (E, 29k)
Teddy needs help and Harry needs funding. Draco sits in the other room and plays the piano.
Long fic:
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them by nerakrose, dustmouth (T, 96k)
Malfoy is way too interested in coroner reports for somebody who's definitely not looking for ways to die, Harry wants to be friends with him, and Ginny wants to break up with Harry.
Who we are in the shadows by Quicksilvermaid (E, 100k)
What happens when you’re forced to become the very thing you despise? Ex-Auror Harry Potter, tossed out of the Ministry for something he had no control over, has been looking for a way back to his former life.
Far From The Tree by aideomai (E, 112k)
The arrival of Harry Potter’s children—snapped back in time, the children themselves guessed, twenty or so years—was the most interesting thing to happen at Hogwarts for years.
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trickstarbrave · 9 months
vivi and steren finally escape :> ready to start their lives over somewhere else~
and the brothel madam is uhhhh not gonna get out of this one.
vivienne belongs to @mulberrycafe (go read vivi's story pls)
The moments between imprisonment and freedom were tense and stressful, Steren’s hands trembling. 
Vivienne had come in, as planned, killing Steren’s client after his own and carefully dressed Steren before covering the mark on his forehead with makeup. But they weren’t in the clear yet; it would be conspicuous to leave together when most people entered and exited the brothel alone, so they had to wait. 
Vivienne left first, as per Steren’s insistence. He’d lied, convincing Vivienne the one to leave first was the most likely to be caught, and luckily Vivienne had believed him. In truth, Steren knew the last one out would be the most likely to be caught. Honestly, he had never missed recall and intervention more than he did right now, being too weak to cast a proper spell. Still though, he didn’t want to be caught; freedom was so close he could practically taste it, but Vivienne came first for now. Steren was strong enough to endure, Vivienne was someone soft and kind in spite of all the suffering he’d been subjected to for things he couldn’t control. 
The collar around his neck had never felt more heavy as he waited, body and face mostly covered. He was counting down the seconds, before finally getting up from the parlor room to head out the door, after a few others filed out. 
Sweat dripped down the back of his neck. It was risky--very, very risky. A thought tickled the back of his mind: what if Vivienne left him behind? He could have gotten too antsy, running to the docks without him. 
Steren could hear the brothel madam yelling at the two of them to hurry up for their next clients, banging on the walls. Steren had just enough magicka to lock them before they hurried out, which would keep her distracted for a few minutes as she cursed and swore and looked for the keys on her keyring. He put all of his energy into walking correctly, not limping and hissing in pain. 
Finally, in the alley they had planned to meet, he felt some of the anxiety melt off him as he nearly collapsed into Vivienne.
“I’ve got you…” Vivienne cooed. “C’mon, just a bit more. Can you do it?” 
Steren nodded, his voice hoarse. “I can just… Let me lean on you a bit.” The brothel madam was still swearing and cursing, saying she would beat them black and blue when she got in there, as they went down alleyway after alleyway to the main strip. 
“Excuse me--is this ship headed for Solstheim? Or Skyrim?” Vivienne asked a captain who was getting ready to set sail. 
“Ah, we are heading for Skyrim, yes. If you stay on long enough we can also take you to the Illiac Bay--” The captain took a look at Steren who was sweating from exertion and anxiety. “Your friend here alright?” 
“I drank too much.” Steren lied, before giving a lopsided grin. “But we’ve already missed the last ship heading out here and need to head to Skyrim for work.” 
“Ah, I see.” the captain laughed heartily. Vivienne pulled out a bag of gold, plopping it in his hands. He looked at it, whistling, slightly, before ushering them both on board. “Don’t let the drunkard make a mess of my ship!” He hollered at them.
“I-I wont!” Vivienne reassured, before rushing them into their cabin after asking for a few directions. 
“Oh gods--” Steren hissed, finally laid out on his hammock. 
“I’m sorry,” Vivienne apologized, before Steren cupped his cheek. 
“It’s not your fault, Vivi.” Steren smiled the best he could despite the pain. “It’s the damn poison--” He groaned again. The poison plus the injuries inflicted on him from customers had really done him in tonight, but if they didn’t flee immediately he was nervous one of those councilors was actually going to kill him. If it wasn’t for the collar being in the way, they would have strangled him a lot time ago, though they nearly suffocated him on other things as well. 
There was a knock at their cabin door and the two of them tensed up. After a moment, Vivienne hesitantly spoke. “C-come in.” 
One of the crewmates came in with a potion bottle in hand. 
“Give this to your drunk friend,” He said, lingering in the doorway but not looking at them with suspicion in the slightest. “We’ll be setting sail any minute. It’s a healing potion which should hold him over.” The crewmate then pointed to the corner. “And if he does hurl, have him do it in a bucket at least. Your job to clean it.”
“T-Thank you.” Both of them were relieved as he left. It looked like no one knew they were here yet, and soon they would be out of Morrowind for good.
“Here,” Vivienne pressed the potion to his lips, letting Steren drink. It was such a relief as it immediately hit his sore throat, some of the pain quickly fading. 
“Ah, Azu--” He cut himself off. Normally he would say ‘Azura’s mercy’, but the Lady of Twilight had no mercy for him anymore. She was the one who subjected Steren to this treatment, after all. “Thank you.” He said instead, smiling. “It’s a start… Once I finally get the damn poison out of my system and rest, I’m sure I’ll be better in no time.” 
The ship began moving, the anchor raised and sails down as the rocking few more intense as they moved out of the bay. Vivienne caught himself on the wall, before Steren moved slightly. 
“Will you keep me company?” He asked, hoping Vivienne would say yes. If not, he would be happy just knowing they were free, even as Vivienne explored the ship. But, much to his delight, Vivienne quickly climbed into the hammock beside him, letting Steren wrap an arm around him. 
“We’re free…” Vivienne whispered as the two rocked gently from the waves. Steren smiled again, nuzzling into his hair. 
“We’re free.” Steren whispered back, security in his voice. “We never have to go back there ever again.” 
As much as this was punishment by Azura, Steren was happy he just wasn’t alone. There was much to be thankful for, after all, in spite of all he suffered. His parents were, at least in this world, alive and happy and in love, clueless to his suffering. Steren wouldn’t know how he would live with himself knowing his father’s ghost was watching him go through that in the brothel, after all. Instead he was probably curled up comfortably in bed with his Ata, sleeping peacefully and happily. 
And if she hadn’t sent him here, he would have never met Vivienne. Sweet, sweet Vivienne who took care of him for nothing in return, when he was already suffering. Who helped get him out of that hellhole, and smiled so warmly against his skin…
Before he knew it, his eyes slowly drifted shut, the pain finally fading from his senses for the first time in a long while.
Nelevi was not have a good day. 
Her two best whores vanished in the night and the useless guards couldn’t find them. Absolutely infuriating on its own, but to top it off they had customers who were waiting and demanded their money back when she told them they were currently unavailable, glaring daggers at her and threatening not to come back. They had to be somewhere in the city though--it was likely Steren’s idea they run away, but because of the steady diet of poison that kept his injuries from healing and how rough his clients were, she doubted they would get far. The city was large after all; no doubt they were hiding out in some rat infested skooma den in hopes of not being discovered. Despite how much money it was losing her though, that she could deal with. 
But what sent this over the edge was the Hortator showing up in broad daylight, a deadly glare in his eyes as he presented her with a ring and sword. 
“Where did you get these?” The look in his eyes was bloodthirsty, and Nelevi made a note of the fact he still had Trueflame on his belt, even with a second copy in his hands. 
No doubt he thought Steren was some strange imposter and had a bone to pick with him. If she had Steren she would have brought him before the hortator immediately, let him cut off his head for the blasphemy and insult that was trying to impersonate their king, and claim a reward. However, she might be able to use this to her advantage; if she said she thought he was in the city somewhere, the ordinators might be able to flush him out for her. She’d have to give up the money Steren brought in, but she could get Vivienne back at least. 
“I don’t know who left them here but,” She began, spinning a few lies. “It was a customer who was here, very fond of one of my boys that I had here--pretty little thing, my poor Vivienne.” She sighed, looking distraught. “He left them here and ran without even paying the bill, and then last night Vivi was missing.” She tried to look pitiful and worried. “I don’t think they got too far, especially if he is forcing Vivienne to go with him. They’re probably still in the city, but I’ve been doing everything I could to look for the--”
“An interesting story.” Voryn Dagoth came in next, the hair on the back of her neck standing as she noticed blood on him. “The others here tell a different story.” 
“What did you find?” Nerevar asked, putting the ring back on his own hand and tucking the sword away. 
Voryn however, kept staring her down, rage in his eyes as he walked towards her. “You kept him here, didn’t you?”
“You put a slave collar on my son and forced him to work as whore for any and every dunmer who was willing to pay to slap him around and call him by my name.” 
“What?!” Nerevar’s voice rose, before he turned back at her, teeth bared. 
Voryn grabbed her by the hair now, forcing her onto her knees as all the blood in her ran cold. 
“Now I’ll ask you again,” Voryn had a dagger, sharp enough to draw blood just touching her skin, her whole body now trembling. “Where do you think our son is?”
“I-I don’t know!” She shouted, hoping the truth would at least spare her life. “H-he vanished last night and took that other whore with him!” She couldn’t breathe and didn’t dare look up at him. She knew she would throw up seeing his third eye glowing unnaturally down at her. “I-I had no idea Lord Dagoth, believe me, if I had known--” How could she knew Steren was their son? The Horator and Lord Dagoth couldn’t have children as far as she was concerned, and she thought the fact he looked like Voryn was a coincidence she could use to her advantage. “I-I was just following the way of the Three, you know that Lord Dagoth--” 
“Stop,” Nerevar pulled Voryn’s hand and the blade away from her throat, making her shiver and gulp down air in relief. 
Yes! Yes she said the right thing--of course the Hortator would acknowledge that! He was head of the new temple after all, and even if he kept the sharmat at his side for some ungodly reason, he would acknowledge that she was simply being a devout believer--
“If she wants to acknowledge the Three,” Nerevar looked down at her, his eyes devoid of light, absolutely cold, “Then so be it.” With a motion of his hands, ordinators grabbed her, beginning to tie her arms. She was in took much shock to move, let alone protest, staring in confusion. “Take her to Mournhold and lock her up.” Another shiver ran down her spine. “I’ll show her Boethiah’s wrath.”
“W-wait!” Nelevi protested now, struggling. “I was just--”
“Taking as you want, as the Three teach.” Voryn finished for her. “Yet you forgot the most important lesson--” He put his blade away, standing at Nerevar’s side. “You tried to take what belonged to someone else, yet you don’t have the power to defend that decision.” His eyes were also cold, his hand tight on the Hortator’s shoulder. “You picked the wrong target. The Three have no pity for someone with half baked ideas of their faith.”
“P-Please--!” She begged, being dragged out. “Please, I had no idea! Have mercy--”
The ordinators slammed the door, as Nerevar went to the book of customers. 
“We need to round up everyone who came here,” Nerevar said, his voice and hands still trembling in rage. “Everyone who hurt Steren. Every single one.” 
“We will.” Voryn nodded. “And we’ll get our little star back.”
Nerevar shoulders then shook, a few angry tears falling. 
“It’s alright,” Voryn whispered. “We will find him.”
“I failed to protect him again!” Nerevar beat his fist on the table. “Azura brought him here--brought him to Morrowind and I--” He had been looking since he got word, even more hurriedly once he got his memories of that world as well. 
His little star was suffering here, likely with no clue that his parents were even looking for him. And then, just as they finally caught up to him, he slipped out of their fingers again. 
“You know he’s strong,” Voryn whispered, his own voice trembling. “Wherever he is, he’s safe now with his friend.” Voryn explained. “The others said the two of them were close. I’m sure we’ll find him in no time, and bring him back safe and sound.” 
Nerevar wrapped his arms around Voryn tightly, still shaking, sobbing in rage and heartbreak.  “And we’ll make every person who hurt him pay.” Voryn whispered, stroking his hair as he glared at the book, already spying a few familiar names of councilmen.
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inkykeiji · 3 months
Is it okay for me to take the 🌱 (sprout) emoji ? bc I will definitely be hanging around to ride this Sunday ship to the ends of the earth
Also also alsoooo since im already unhinged. Can you imagine the discussion when robin flies back home?? How she left two siblings and is now meeting this established MARRIED couple. I low key see Sunday in all his fanfare almost shading the siblings from each other. Like always supervising conversations and never leaving them quite alone. Bc listen he put in all this work to make you the most dutiful, satisfied and content wifey. And he loves robin yes, but she went off and made her life and he won’t let what he built at home crumble. So he sits there, smiling and comforting when robin tries to ask if youre happy and comfortable. And I imagine her getting frustrated when Sunday delves in to explain on your behalf that yes you are quite happy. And robin is just getting so frustrated and youre just smiling up at Sunday oblivious with nothing but admiration and I just. Phew. I have sooooooooo many thoughts about this man. Pls how he’s with you in bed??? Boy just the experience to tell 
absolutely bb of course you can!!! welcome to the anon club wooo 🥳🥳 hehe <3 i am v excited to have u here with me to scream over sunday!!! any sunday pieces i write will be posted over on @inkyajax! c:
tw: incest / pseudo-cest
oh robin is 100% like what the fuck sunday??? but in her polite, cordial robin terms :) it’s the absolute last thing she expects to arrive home to, and it sends her for a fucking loop initially, sputtering on her response the moment she hears her precious baby sister call their elder brother husband, quickly and efficiently choking out her surprise to be demure and discreet, just like her brother taught her. but then she takes a moment to truly reflect on it, meditating on the situation as she stares up at the glowing plaster stars still smattered across her childhood ceiling—didn’t sunday promise he’d finally have those removed?—and she can’t believe she didn’t see it coming sooner. 
she can’t believe it blindsided her. i mean, really, what more could she expect with sunday? he’s always been over-protective, over-possessive, and entirely overbearing with his need for complete control—thinly veiled ownership of his siblings. and, suddenly, robin feels immense guilt. she should’ve known better, should’ve tried harder to shield you from him, shouldn’t have turned a blind eye and gone off to selfishly chase her own dreams (and, oh, if she ever discloses these thoughts to sunday, you know he’ll agree with her, using her compassion and culpability as a weapon to hurt her more, to break her down and rearrange her views and opinions his way). 
as disgusted and disappointed as she is with her brother, robin still tries her best to keep the peace as best she can throughout these increasingly infuriating interactions, smiling and sweet even as she begins to spit certain words through clenched teeth, even as her body continues to coil with every instance of sunday cutting you off mid-sentence. 
it would be especially wise of sunday to mediate all communication between his two sisters, easily ensuring all interactions flow through him. he is, by all intents and purposes, a filter on you and your words. it’s hard for robin to trust what either of you say when you’re around each other. robin knows this, because sunday has done the same with her, several times throughout their life, overseeing her responses to reporters and fans alike. as such, you can bet your ass she’ll be attempting to devise some sort of plan to get you completely alone so she can interrogate you honestly and properly—now, whether she actually succeeds at that is another story entirely. 
what’s worse is the precedence sunday still rules over her with. sure, she can recognize this is wrong, and yes, she can feel as guilty and remorseful as she wants to, but can she resist sunday’s clever, covert manipulation? the same manipulation that she’s been eroded by, poisoned by, for her entire life? the same manipulation that has kept her unwittingly trapped beneath her brother’s thumb, tail feathers pinned under his nail? 
probably not. 
how effortless it would be for sunday to consistently and continuously chip away at robin’s resolve, at robin’s logic, to convince her that no, truly, this really is what’s best for their dear baby sister, sunday swears it. who better to take care of you, to nurture and love you, than your righteous older brother? who better to anticipate and fill your needs than your own flesh and blood, just as he always has, just as he always will? 
no one, that’s who. and robin knows this, deep down, too—sunday just has to ensure that she realizes it. 
please sprout don’t even get me started on sunday in bed i fucking black out at just the THOUGHT of that man fucking you ooohhh my god
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hekateinhell · 2 years
What are some of your fave headcanons/meta you'd give to someone who is lestat/armand curious but doesn't know where to begin with them? (it's me, I'm the lestat/armand curious one)
I didn't realize this until it was pointed out to me, but I always tend to approach this ship/pairing from a post-canon perspective. And hear me out--given that there are entire segments of other fandoms that have zines and cons dedicated to ships that have much less to go off of--I really don't think Lestat/Armand is that big of a reach, considering the obvious? For me, it's where I get to be creative and also extremely self-indulgent (but at least I'm self-aware?).
Initially, it would take some time for Lestat to admit to the feelings he has for Armand canonically. But he might find it easier to express his affections nonverbally through a telepathic communication here or a lingering touch there.
Armand says in TVA that Lestat "had given" Shakespeare to him and that he reads Shakespeare whenever he has a "bellyful of despair." Now, Lestat slips him little quotes he's scribbled out onto pieces of paper and hopes Armand likes them. It's equal parts romantic and melodramatic.
They'll eventually have to... communicate re: their Mutual Marius Issues™️, which will be excruciatingly painful but cathartic. Here's where they can actually start moving forward.
Gift-giving is a large part of both of their love languages and they treat it as a competition; Lestat does finally get to polish and dress Armand up the way he said he wanted to in MtD.
In that vein, physical touch and caretaking would also be love languages for them. Remember how upset Armand was when he saw Lestat lying on the church floor and noticed that his hair was left uncombed? Appearances are important to both of them, but especially to Armand who spent 300 years dusty, ragged, and unkempt underground. He would want to brush Lestat's hair every night and Lestat would let him. Lestat's the possessive one and Armand's the overprotective one.
Armand could use his powers to create soothing illusions for Lestat when he's feeling stressed re: court and/or having a PTSD moment (think of a therapeutic calming room for a child). Lestat would comfort Armand with physical embraces (like when Armand's crying and clinging to him after Marius is kidnapped in BC).
Given that they're two of the youngest ones in mortal age within their close circle (excluding Benji and Antoine), they would bond over their almost childlike innocence and wonder (and confusion) when it comes to modern mortal innovations.
Lestat admits in the PL-trilogy to liking Armand's taste in interior design, and I imagine their house would be the bougiest one out of all of the ships' by far.
The Fast-Food Meta
(one day I'll write a proper dissertation but that day will not be today)
In-text, they're both attracted to each other, they kiss and admit to loving each other (several times), and consider each other family. They have so much history and so much in common in terms of their early life traumas (abusive childhoods, religious influences). As much as they clash and contrast, they also complement each other very well.
A large part of the draw for me with this ship is how they would exist outside of the maker/fledgling power dynamic--it's something Armand avoids and Lestat craves, and it's why I think it would be such a surrender for Lestat to intimately bond with someone that he doesn't weld such a significant power advantage over. Armand's always given Lestat a fair fight and a run for his money and that's intimidating to Lestat (rightfully so, even though he can respect and appreciate it).
Even if they're unmatched physically, Armand can balance that out easily with his mental gifts and wisdom combined with his basic understanding of Lestat. Lestat can't control Armand and furthermore, he doesn't want to! The only control Lestat would ever have over Armand is what Armand would permit him to have. Think about it... Armand's fiercely independent. Marius tried and failed to beat submission into him and Santino, of course, took it to another level. But with Lestat, Louis, and (human) Daniel, it's still a choice of when and how Armand's surrendering his power.
Adding another layer to this is the telepathic connection Lestat and Armand have (something Lestat cannot have with any of his fledglings and the same goes for Armand with Marius and Daniel). I think it would be an incredibly healing experience--such a comfort and security to both of them--if they existed in a relationship where that mental link wasn't removed from the equation. It's something I love to explore whenever I write A/L (psychological dynamics are where I live). Somewhat related: Lestat has never "written" from Armand's POV the way he has Daniel's, Marius's, and Louis's. Either Armand keeps his mind locked tighter than a steel trap around him or Lestat knows better than to go there.
Lastly, Armand finally snapped and told that boy to grow up and Lestat started making an effort the very next day.
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shadowisles-writes · 9 months
All I have left to do is title it—which is always a challenge for me—and get copy edits back from my betas. It’s taking all my self control not to quote the entire dang fic to you right now because I’m just so excited to finally share it!
With it came a miniature figurine of a golden pegasus that pranced when exposed to direct sunlight. It now sat on the vanity next to the two ornate jewelry boxes—gilded, of course.
I just can’t wait to see all the stories getting posted. I have time off work so I’m going to try and read as many of them as possible. I was sicks and missed the event last year and I’ve spent 12 months regretting it.
Despite it being my favorite of the ACOTAR ships, I haven’t read much Elucien, so I think that’s what I’m most excited for over the next couple days. I don’t know what made me check the Elucien box on the form, but I’m so glad I did because this was an absolute pleasure to write.
Finding titles is so hard!! I just shuffle my spotify and hope it sparks an idea most of the time haha
A MAGIC PEGASUS FIGURINE???? That's so fucking cute pls I can't
Awww no you're going to have so much fun this year!! I'm super excited but still have endless hours of work before the holidays so I'm trying to get all of that done now so I can enjoy it later.
Haha I'm glad you checked it too! I can't wait to read your fic and a bunch of other stuff that will be posted soon <3
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itzjulianajj · 2 years
Ok so you know America Chavez right? She has the power to travel through the Multiverse. Wanda wanted that power so she could find a universe where her kids lived so she could be with them. Of course it didn't really go so well... But I recently saw this.
Tumblr media
And it got me thinking...
If Dr. Strange helps America control her powers to find a specific universe...
What If she went to a universe where Tony, Steve, and Nat and Gamora where alive, but everyone else is gone?
We see in What If...? 'Episode 8: What If Ultron Won?' that Nat was the last person in her universe because Ultron killed everyone else and eventually Clint sacrificed himself. So she was the last one left. And on the last episode, episode 9, the Watcher sent Natasha to a universe that lost their Natasha. And no-one would miss that Natasha because everyone on her universe died.
And so that brings me to my theory.
When America has full control of her powers, she can find a universe where Tony, Steve, Nat and Gamora are alive but everyone else is gone. It could be like, what if Thanos won and they are the only ones left. Or America could find a universe where it was just Tony or it was just Steve, or just Nat, or just Gamora and then after she gets one of them, she finds another universe where it's just one of them, y'know? We can get them all back, without redoing Endgame or Infinity War, because this can happen any time in the future of the MCU.
Now let's talk about memory. So, y'know in Endgame when Loki escapes and we get Loki back in the series Loki, the new Loki we get only has his memories up to the point of Avengers 1. So everything that happened after that, everything he's done to help save the world, everything he's done with Thor, all the good things he's done, he doesn't remember any of that. So even if we get Steve, Tony, Nat and Gamora back it would kinda be a bummer if they don't remember some things of what they all did together. So that's why I would think that the event that made everyone else besides them die, would be Thanos winning in Endgame. So they would have all their memories up to the point of Endgame. And ik it would be very sad for them to know that in their universe/s they lost, but at least they get to go to a universe where they won.
And because of this theory, all those Stucky shippers could possibly have Stucky back, all those Romanogers shippers could possibly get Romanogers, all those Brutasha shippers could possibly have Brutasha, and the Starmora shippers can possibly get Starmora back. And we can possibly have all the other ships and friendships back.
So basically, this theory could potentially come true, if Kevin Feige wishes it. But even if it doesn't come true, it's still a cool thought.
If you made it to the end, good job! Thanks for taking your time to read this, have a great day/night! (And if you like this theory pls like and reblog, if you have a question, just ask in the comments!)
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maskedmando · 2 years
I Need You Here
Part 1
Paring: Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
Summary: It's a normal day on the Razor Crest when you get shot in the stomach by the bounty that Din is out looking for. The reality of it all changes everything.
Words: 2.9k
Warnings: heavy angst, blood, injury, detailed description of wound, getting shot, talk of dying (no death), general fear of dying, smut in next part, this work is 18+ minors do not interact
a/n: pls take warnings seriously. this is my first time posting a fic to tumblr in a long time, so please let me know the general vibes. will include a part 2 later! (this is cross posted to my ao3 account as well)
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Looking back, out of all of the many days that you have spent parading targets on your back with Din Djarin, it had felt like the least likely one for you to die. But you suppose that, in reality, that’s more often when these things happen. On days they’re not supposed to.
You’ve been hit by blaster shots before. They’ve grazed arms and legs, singed hair, nothing serious. You’ve chuckled at the way that Din tenses while cleaning flesh wounds that you can’t reach.
You knew this one was different about 8 seconds after the bounty on the other end of the blaster fell in a heap at the bottom of the open ramp of the Razor Crest. He had only made it about 4 steps in before you realized it was either him or you making it out of this.
As those seconds ticked by, you were hit with a third option that you hadn’t initially considered. This outcome being that you might just die right here on a planet that you weren’t supposed to be on for more than a day, the child still locked in the bunk where you left him after being alerted to someone that was definitely not Din approaching the Crest, next to a bounty that you and Din had jokingly placed bets just this morning on how quickly he would have him frozen in carbonite.
The bounty had fired at the same time as you and hit you just left of your belly button. You knew it was different the moment you were sure that the bounty was dead and your 8 seconds were up.
Your vision narrowed rapidly as your hands flew to the fire that was starting in your midsection. For a moment, you genuinely thought that you were holding your organs in your hands, but you physically shook the image out of your head as you realized that your hands were simply slippery with an alarming amount of blood.
The bounty must have had some sort of attachment to his blaster, because the hole in your stomach was not the size of a typical blaster wound. It was bad. This was bad.
Your next choices felt like a blur. You needed to com Din. You needed a med kit. You did not know if you had time for both of those things. You stood frozen while those two options took precious moments away from you.
The child wailed from the bunk.
The noise sent your body into some sort of uncontrollable mission. You could grab the med kit and take it with you into the cockpit while you commed Din to let him know that he needed to come back immediately. A small part of your brain wondered exactly what you thought Din would be able to do for you, but the larger part knew that it wasn’t about anything that he would be able to do. It was simply about the fact that you needed him here right now.
You remember the feeling of your hand wrapping around the handle of what you truly hoped to be one of the spare med kits as you did everything in your power just to get yourself to the ladder of the cockpit. You have no recollection of how you got yourself up, all you know is that you weren’t able to stand back up after that point. You crawled the rest of the way to the controls, leaving a trail of blood that would haunt Din even after washing it all away for months.
Of course, the only way to get a hold of Din was through the communication device that he carried with him that could radio back and forth with the control panel of the ship. You reached up and fumbled around until you got a hold of the radio piece and pulled the cord just far enough for you to half-sit half-lay on the ground beneath the blinking lights of the controls above you.
You breathe in deeply and hit the button that allows Din to hear you. “Mando.” You spoke it eerily calmly considering that, to your own ears, your voice sounded miles away. You’re sure you might actually be holding your organs at this point.
Letting go of the button, you hear Din quickly respond. It’s not often that you com each other while he’s out hunting. The sound of his voice comes from the speaker on the panel above you. You close your eyes as you listen. “I know, I know. I had him in my sights about 30 minutes ago, but I lost him. Looks like I owe you 10 credits. No need to rub it in.”
He sounded so lighthearted. He was always so serious, but he was in such a good mood today. You noticed it this morning. Your eyes welled as you brought the radio back up to speak. You were about to ruin his life. “Din.” This time your tone was much shakier.
There was a pause before a much more serious sounding Din responded, “Y/N?”
You let out a sob, hearing him say your name. You register in that moment just how scared you are. You can’t die without him there. He’s going to get back to the Crest and find your dead body in his cockpit and your blood all over the place and the child locked in what is basically a closet and he’s never going to be the same. While you’ve never spoken about what you are to each other, you know that Din Djarin loves you and that you love him just as fiercely. You’ve left it unspoken to protect yourselves from this moment right here. But now that this is happening, really happening, you're not sure if leaving things unspoken will make all of this easier or harder for him in the long run. You force yourself to focus on how the tears feel running down your face.
“Y/N!” His voice snaps you out of it.
You take yet another deep breath and steady your voice. Your other hand is still holding your lower half together. “Din, I’m sorry. You have to come back to the ship. The bounty found the ship.”
“What do you mean?”
“The bounty came to the ship. I shot him, but-” you let go of the button quickly as you let out a genuine scream of pain. You don’t know if you can get your breath back.
“But what?” This time it sounds like Din is moving quickly, but you still can’t get enough air to respond to him. “Y/N, respond!”
You cry openly this time as you respond to him, knowing that the pain isn’t going to go away and there’s no point in hiding the damage that’s already been done. “I got- I got shot. I’m sorry. The kid’s okay; I h-hid him. But I got shot. T-There’s too much blood, I don’t know what- what to do. I need you to come back. P-Please.”
He responds the moment you let go of the button. This time it’s clear through the radio that he’s in the air. “Where?”
“I’m in the cockpit.”
“No, mesh’la,” he corrects gently, “Where did you get shot?”
You're sweating profusely at this point. “My s-stomach. It wasn’t a normal blaster, Din.”
He doesn’t respond right away, but you're also starting to notice that you may not be fully aware of your surroundings at this point. It’s entirely possible that he’s talking and you're just not aware of it until you start to pick up on his voice again.
You’re now fully laying down on your back, looking at the control panel above you. When you hear him again, it’s almost like he’s standing right above you. “You need to keep pressure on it, cyar’ika. I know you can do that for me. I promise I’m not far away.”
Your hand pushes harder into your stomach, and black spots burst into your vision. In the sheer amount of shock from the pain, you actually let out an involuntary combination of a laugh and a sob, your body having no idea what to do with what it was going through.
You never knew how much you didn’t want to die alone until right now.
“I-I really want- I’m sorry- I really want you to be here, Din.” You let go of the radio and let it dangle above you as you move to use both hands to put pressure on the wound.
You’ve made up your mind.
You’re not dying until Din gets here.
“I’m almost there, y/n. I promise, everything is going to be fine. I’m not going to let anything happen to you-” you know Din keeps talking, but this is truly where you start to lose touch with reality.
In pushing on your wound, you black out for an unknown amount of time. When you start to wake up, it’s because you hear someone moving around wildly below. Din basically flung his body up the ladder, and you heard him stop when he reached the top.
It’s the only time he hesitates, and it’s an image he will never forget. And there is only one thought going through his head as he has followed a clear path of your blood straight to the sight of you laying motionless on the floor of his cockpit. It’s a miracle he didn’t throw up right then instead of later that night.
This is your fault.
The thought repeats even as he bursts back into action, ripping his gloves off and kneeling at your side at a speed that makes you dizzy just lying there.
You’re confused as you see how badly his hands are shaking and he tears through the med kit you brought up with you. You watch him, almost calmly, as he spews out apology after apology. You don’t even grasp that he’s working on your wound until your brain finally catches up with what’s happening.
You want to tell him that he doesn’t need to panic, you couldn’t even feel it anymore.
Instead, you looked up at his helmet as it remained hyper focused on a wound much worse than his mind ever would have allowed him to imagine you having. He was polished and shiny as usual, which felt oddly comforting to you at that moment.
When you first met Din, you remember how uncomfortable you felt looking at him. Not because you were intimidated or scared, though, you might have occasionally been at the time, but because you were forced to look at your own reflection much more often than you had ever been used to. The hut you lived in prior to traveling with Din didn’t have any mirrors or overly reflective surfaces, and you only ever really saw yourself when you glimpsed your reflection on the surface of the well that everyone got their drinking water from. Your reflection in Din’s armor is much sharper, much more unforgiving. It had been alarming to you for longer than you would have expected after first meeting him.
Now though, as the edges of your vision blurred, you realized something that made your body feel warm. At least, you assume that’s why you were feeling warm. You didn’t care to think about what was happening to your body anymore as you were too focused on gingerly reaching up to grip Din’s elbow. He was moving so quickly, if he would just slow down you could enjoy the fact that you barely see your reflection anymore when you look at him. You only see him now. This fully fleshed out man before you that has shown you more of the galaxy than anyone before would have even bothered. You know him. You can die knowing that you got to see Din Djarin. It feels wonderful. You want him to know how wonderful it feels.
“I can see you,” your ears registered the nearly incoherent mumbling sound of your voice. Although, you’ve reached a point where your brain seems pretty sure you’re actually just having a dream. In fact, when you wake up later, you will never remember any of this. You continue to ramble, “It’s just you. I-I’m so glad it’s you.”
He began to shush you purely on instinct, “You’re fine. I’m going to take care of this.” His words seemed instinctual as well. His tone was what gave him away. You could write a book about the sound of his voice and what it all means. How it can help you see him.
Din Djarin was utterly terrified. His tone burrowed into your stomach and caused the warm feeling to bubble and turn sour. His tone did that, not the blaster wound. You’ve never felt more compelled to comfort him. How could anything be wrong when he was right there and you didn’t even feel the pain anymore?
“Din, it’s okay,” you squeeze his elbow to get his attention, but you’re unsure if you’re even strong enough at this point for him to feel it, “I feel safe. I just see you.”
“Mesh’la, please,” you don’t know what he was begging for. “I have to fix this. We’re leaving soon I promise. We shouldn’t have even come. I’m sorry. I don’t know- I- I’m going to fix this.”
The frenzy of his hands pulled at your attention. Looking down, you thought for a moment that Din had put his gloves back on, but soon realized that his hands were coated in a layer of your blood. You were becoming more aware of the fact that you couldn’t seem to blink away the blur in your vision anymore.
You needed him to slow down.
“I can’t!” Din was close enough that you could hear the panic coming from under his helmet. You hadn’t noticed that you had said that aloud and that both of your hands were grabbing at his while he tried to apply a bacta patch. Your wound was still bleeding too much, making it so that the patch wasn’t sticking correctly.
You and Din both knew that you had used the last of the bacta shots for a leg wound that he had gotten two weeks ago. He was supposed to pick up more shots on the last planet you were on, but the vendor was charging an abnormally large amount causing Din to decide that it would be better to wait and work through the easier bounties before finding a cheaper salesman.
Now this patch was the only form of bacta on the ship and, no matter how Din tried, it wouldn’t stick.
As you gently gripped his blood soaked hands, he let out a sob.
You began to shush him purely on instinct.
The child wailed from the bunk.
Din’s head shot up immediately. “He can help you,” you thought you heard him say. You were too happy about the fact that his hands had stopped moving and that you didn’t register his movement until both of those hands had moved to either side of your face, cradling you in a way that was gentle yet utterly desperate. His helmet was almost fully pressed to your forehead. He had never been this close to you. Right then, you think you were okay with dying.
“He’s going to help you,” This time as he said it, his hands forced themselves to slip away and his forehead to push away from yours as he stood and disappeared down the ladder.
Out of everything that happened, this was the most painful. While you don’t remember, Din will never forget the sound that tore from you as he disappeared from your side. Given the state you were in, your very fuzzy and disoriented mind jumped to the conclusion that he wasn’t coming back and you were about to die right there, alone. It was entirely nonsensical, but your whole body was shaking from the way you were sobbing by the time Din was back by your side with the child no more than 15 seconds later.
The child did not hesitate to close his eyes and reach out for your stomach as Din turned to focus on calming you down. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, mesh’la. He can fix this. Everything is going to be okay. I’m sorry.” His hand, still covered in blood, soothed your hair off of your clammy forehead. He positioned himself so that your head was resting in his lap. The movement allowed you to notice the child.
You smiled softly at him and reached to rub one of his ears. Din gently stopped you and you let out a soft confused whine from the back of your throat. “Let him work, mesh’la. He’s going to save you.”
You were only partially able to take in Din’s words at this point. You choked out, “He’s safe.”
“You kept him safe. You always keep him safe. You did such a good job, sweet girl.” If you weren’t dying and your blood wasn’t rushing through your ears as if you were drowning in an ocean, you might actually think Din was crying. “You’re going to be okay. We’re going to keep you safe now. You’re going to stay with us and we’re going to leave this planet soon and you’re going to be fine.”
That tired smile spread on your face again as you tried to focus on the only two things that have ever truly mattered to you. “My boys.”
You were so happy you were with your boys.
The soft smile stayed on your face as you closed your eyes and, finally, went to sleep.
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sitp-recs · 3 years
hi :) i simply adore your blog and your fic recs are so spot on, you’ve made me fall back in love with drarry and hp. I rly love reading a fic before I go to sleep but I end up picking a 70k word one and end up staying up much longer than I wanted to so could you possibly recommend me any fics max 15k words, with a happy ending pls i need the cuteness to help me sleep 🥰 Thanku so so much xx
Hi anon! Thanks so much, I’m thrilled to know I had a small part in making you fall back in love with Drarry, that’s amazing! And what a mood lol I used to pick long fics before bed too, it’s a mighty trap 😂 I’ve read many short fics in the last year so I decided to go for these delightful and not-as-popular shorts, with excellent build up and happy endings. Perfect bedtime reads in my opinion! I got a bit too excited with this list so I’ll call it 31 Bedtime Reads! One for each day of the month ;) enjoy!
The Long Fall by @tackytigerfic (2021, M, 3.6k)
It's supposed to be a simple house renovation, and maybe it's just the paint fumes, but Harry is feeling dizzy around Draco Malfoy. And what's the real meaning of family, anyway?
oxygen by @maesterchill (2020, T, 4k)
Draco doesn’t smoke. Except when he needs to breathe.
A Charitable Christmas by Alisanne (2017, E, 5.6k)
Hermione’s plans to raise money for war orphans do not meet with Harry’s approval. Fortunately, Draco steps in to help him come up with a much more enjoyable strategy.
Harmony (Left-Handed Melody Remix) by mindabbles (2010, M, 5.8k)
He is the last person Draco was expecting, but then again, this is not a place Draco ever expected to be.
Vintage by momatu (2017, T, 7k)
Of all of the vineyards, in all of the regions, in all of France, Draco's blasted editor sends him to Potter's...
Our Ordinary Days by Lomonaaeren (2012, M, 8k)
Two men, both fathers of sons, meet in a bookshop. And the rest is the kind of history that doesn't make history.
Ice Snakes, Glow-worms and Wolverine Stew by khalulu (2015, M, 8.4k)
Harry Potter apparently wants to talk to Draco about something, but odd events keep getting in the way of that conversation – and bringing them closer together.
The Page Eleven Wars by fireflavored (2010, E, 8.5k)
In a gossip-hungry post-war Wizarding World, Rita Skeeter has a wildly successful column in the Daily Prophet known as Page Eleven. Naturally, her favourite targets are the poster boys of the two sides of the war: Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter.
Blind Date by JosephineStone (2016, T, 8.6k)
Draco’s been working with Harry for years when another one of his relationships goes stale. He has to be married within a year, and though the WizNet has burned him in the past, Draco finds a new possibility in man as desperate to marry as he is.
Stories in E Minor by @huldrejenta (2014, E, 8.7k)
Draco has found his place in the Muggle world. He's got his music, he's got his neighbours and he is content. Until a certain someone from the past enters his life again.
Life goes not backward by @shealwaysreads (2020, T, 8.8k)
Harry still isn’t used to gifts, but this one is different. A story of coming home, finding safe ground, and the wild courage of putting down roots.
Til Our Compass Stands Still by china_nightingale (2018, M, 9k)
Harry and Draco eventually realise that things don't always go to plan, even if it's a plan they've been carefully crafting to keep themselves safe from each other.
The Interest Here by disapparater (2015, T, 9k)
Draco has his own morning show on the wireless, which he loves; an ambitious assistant, whom he needs; and days in The Tea Shop, where he relaxes. He also has a new caller on the show, whom he finds bloody annoying.
Tidings of Comfort series by @blamebrampton (2012, G, 10k)
When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life. Luckily for Draco Malfoy, London has places where the tired can rest and recover.
Sweet Indulgence by @the-sinking-ship (2020, E, 10k)
It doesn't matter that Marcy from Accounting is dancing on the tables, Shacklebolt is wearing antlers, and Elliot from Transportation is on his third round of Mariah Carey on karaoke because all the free champagne in the world won't salvage the Ministry Christmas party for Draco if Potter doesn't show up soon.
Settle in in my slow-burning heart by orphan_account (2015, NR, 10k)
Five years after the war Draco is working a tech developer job in the Auror Office, and it's all great except this one thing: Harry Potter works there, too.
Adventures in Truth and Texting by @fluxweeed (2020, E, 11k)
Former Death Eaters are being targeted with a Veritaserum curse – it’s permanent, and makes victims speak aloud their every thought. Luckily, it’s easier to control when writing.
fine i'll hold my breath / til i forget it's complicated by teatrolley (2015, NR, 11k)
Harry and Draco become friends with benefits, and Harry thinks it's more complicated than it actually is.
Rebuilding Draco Malfoy by khasael (2011, E, 11k)
Draco wants to do something to get his life back on track, but no-one seems to be taking him seriously – until he finds himself in an Auror training session led by Harry Potter.
Cold Like Fire by QueenofThyme (2012, M, 12k)
Head Auror Harry Potter had no problem with mandatory consent training for his team. He’d actually been looking forward to it, that is, until he discovered who the teacher was.
What’s My Age Again? by @lazywonderlvnd (2018, E, 12k)
Harry Potter has had enough of pleasing the public, and his reckless tendencies are finally getting out of hand.
Title of Their Sex Tape by @cibeewastaken (2020, T, 12k)
What are the Wizarding world's most elite law enforcers doing when they aren't catching criminals? It seems Auror Malfoy is often caught throwing food into Auror Potter's mouth when he's mid-yawn.
Kill, Fuck, Marry by @lettersbyelise (2018, E, 12.6k)
Harry and Draco unexpectedly meet again on Draco’s birthday, years after their last encounter.
The Year of Non-Magical Thinking by whiskyandwildflowers (2018, E, 13k)
“I don't know what I'm going to do, Potter. I'll think of something. So will you. But this is my journey to self-actualization," Draco managed to smirk. "You can fuck off and get your own."
Evolution by @potteresque-ire Pie (2013, M, 13k)
Draco Malfoy was condemned to live a Muggle’s life for his three-year probation. His wand was locked away, and he was forbidden to set foot in Wizarding Britain until Hermione Granger secured a job for him in the Aurors’ stock room.
Plan Alphabet by @xx-thedarklord-xx (2019, T, 14k)
After realizing that his feelings for Harry were unfortunately real, Draco embarks on a foolproof—yes, Longbottom, foolproof—plan to woo Potter.
Countdown by dysonrules (2013, M, 14k)
When the Wizarding world is plagued by random outbreaks of Dark Magic, the Ministry assigns Curse-Breakers to assist Auror teams on their missions.
All Roads Lead Home by @dracogotgame (2015, G, 15k)
Draco is strong-armed into spending the first Christmas after the War with the Weasleys. And Harry Potter.
Espresso Patronum by @tasteofshapes (2020, T, 15k)
When Draco reappears five years after the war and opens a wildly popular coffee shop, Harry’s pretty sure that Draco’s Up to Something. He just has to prove it.
An Act of Kindness for One Harry Potter by a Sympathetic Draco Malfoy by 0idontknow0 (2014, E, 15k)
Someone should give Potter a better rogering than that sorry sod had. The man had saved the bloody world—okay, mostly Europe—the least someone could do was give him a proper shag.
Turn and Face the Strange (time may change me) by @punk-rock-yuppie (2019, T, 16k)
Draco and Harry and how their relationship—and themselves—change over the course of eleven years.
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phant0mgh0ulx · 3 years
The Pirate King | Part 3
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If you don ́t like this kind of fanfiction, you are under 18 or a minor pls don ́t read it and block me but don ́t repot this/ don ́t copy my work!!!
Pairing: fem!reader x Seonghwa, sub!reader x dom!Seonghwa, ot8!pirates
Genre: smut, angst, pirate au, pirate!Seonghwa
Warnings: angst, blood, smut!, sir/daddy kink, unprotected sex, face fucking, petnames (princess, babygirl, whore), praising, degradation, dirty talk, size play, hair pulling, biting, marking, oral sex [ f receiving]
Words: 1,2k
Summary: You are the wife from a pirate captian..a really handsome captian named Park Seonghwa. You both and your crew based on 7 other pirates were on your journey through the 7 oceans and experienced many adventures.One day you fought against other pirates but suddenly you got kidnapped on another ship. Since that day Seonghwa and his crew are searching you.
Throwback: He placed a kiss on your forehead, "we should sleep now, it ́s late and tomorrow we will go back to our crew. You nooded, taking his hand into yours. After a few minutes the both of you fell asleep. Meanwhile on your ship. After you and Seonghwa escaped the rivals attacked your crew. It was a hard and intense fight, a few pirates died but your crew managed to win. The ship was covered with blood, dead bodys and water. No one was injured luckly. Now they were sealing around the island waiting for you two. Mingi was on the wheel controlling the ship, Hongjoong and Yeosang were looking for rivals, Jongho and San were cooking togehter in the kitchen and Wooyoung was cleaning the deck. All of them were worried about you two, if you are still alive. The night was really short for all of you
It was the next morning, the crew were already on their way to the island. The sun shone through the window, the ligth was warm on your skin as you woke up seeing your Husband laying under you sleeping peacefully. His skin glow and it looked so soft, like the skin from a doll. You looked at him a while, admiring his beauty, his soft lips, his fluffy, silver hair and his pretty nose. Some thoughs came into your head after seeing his nose. You remembered on the last sexy time you had with him, riding his pretty face and coming undon on it. You felt your clit pulsating between your legs. Seonghwa woke up, his eyes fell on you and a smile approached on his face. "Good morning princess, did you sleep well?" You nooded " Yes, what about my handsome Captian?" He smiled even more after hearing this name and gave you a kiss. "Yeah me too. Lets get ready i guess the boys are already waiting for us." And with this you two got up and dressed yourself. You opened the window, did the bedsheats and left the room. The old lady sat on her chair reading a book as you two came down the stairs, "thank you for letting us sleep here, have a good day." Seonghwa said and you left the house.
You looked around, the city was full with pirates and bandits. Seonghwa took your hand and walked through the side streets. Its was really loud here, some pirates were fighting, others sat in bars drinking. You reached near the harbor, seeing a familiar ship waiting for you two. Seonghwa raised his arm and waved. Hongjoong waved back and you smiled. "We are finally back, all together on the ship. I missed it so much" you said to Seonghwa. He nooded, laughing as he saw his crew. "Welcome back Captain and Y/n!!!" They all shouted as we entered the ship. Mingi run to you hugging you and the boys. "Thank god you are alive y/n, we worried about you two so much." yeosang said and the others nooded. "We are really glad to back here, we missed you guys too." Seonghwa respond. "We sail to the east" he commanded. The boys did what he said and you walked in the Captains cabin. The air was really warm, nothing had changed. You heard the door and your husband was standing in the door frame, watching you. "What are you doing down here? The weather is beautiful outside." "Ah i know but...I want some time alone with my Captain."
A smirk started to build on his face, he suddenly locked the door and you looked at him. "Oh so you want Daddy to make you feel good huh? What if the others will hear us? You screaming my name in the air while I ram my dick into your little throbbing pussy?" You blushed after hearing this last words, Seonghwa stepping forward near to you. He saw your flushed red face and laughed a bit. "Awww did Daddy made you shy hm? Don ́t worry babygirl, I will be gentle." With this his body was against yours. His hands on your waist holding you close to him, his lips brushing yours and his hot breath gave you goose bumps. He picked you up and placed you body on his desk. You pulled him in for an intense kiss, his tongue into your mouth, you whimpering as your legs get wobbly and your tummy felt like thousand butterflies. He stood between your legs that were wrapped around his waist. His hands were all over your body, massaging your breasts and undressing you. He pulled away from your lips and attacked your neck, marking and biting you. He was nibbling on your soft skin leaving purple bruises, licking over it and admiring his creation. Quiet moans left your mouth while he made your body weak.
He pulled away and took off his shirt, revealing his delicious abs. He got down on his knees, his hands wandering up to your thighs,squeezing them to tease you. His hands were now on your pants, undoing them and pushing them down with your panties. You were now sitting all naked infront of him, blushing while he scanned every part of your body. "Hmm babygirl you look gorgeous." he spoke. His hands spread your legs revealing your dripping core, his head were between your legs and you felt the cool air on your sex. He closed the gap between you two and his pretty lips started to suck on your clit. Moans left your lips and your hands griped his hair. His tongue slided between your folds, your hips began to rock up and down. He started to push his tongue into you and hummed because of the taste. "Ahh fuck- D-daddy.. " His nose were perfectly rubbing against your clit, hands on your hips helping you to find the rythm. Your hearting was beating so fast, Moans and whimpers filled the room and sweat started to build on your skin. Your first
high builded in your tummy and you felt that it got stronger with every move of Seonghwas tongue inside you. "D--Daddy i ́m c-cuming..." you tried to spoke but suddenly Seonghwa pulled away and you felt so empty. "Did i allow you to cum you little whore? No, Daddy said not you have the permission." You pouted and whined in response.
He picked you up and walked over to your shared bed, laying you down on it. You watch him stripping of his pants and boxers, his hard cock standing straight up. Your clit were pulsating at the sign of his big veiny member. The only though you had were his dick deep insind you making you a moaning mess. He smiked as he saw you staring at him with hungry eyes. "You little whore, do you like what you see hm? Did you miss my cock?" He teased you and crawled on the bed, laying himself over you and placing his member on your wet cunt. "Daddy please...fuck me already!" He smiled and without any warning he pushed his cock insind you, streching your thight pussy. "Fuck you feel so good princess" His head feel back as his hips began to snap into you in an animalistic pace. You started to moan, your hands on his back scratching it. His hands holds your little body. The air was steamy, the sound of skin slapping were heard in the room. Seonghwa groaned in pleasure, his dick brushing over your sweet spot again and again making you see stars. He slowed down a bit and commanded you to change the position. "Get on your knees and your ass up." You obeyed him and he was now fucking you from behind. "Ahh..Daddy faster.." you moaned. One hand was on your ass and the other hold your hair pulling your head back. "Thats right babygirl, be my little toy." He whispered into your ear. You felt a familiar feeling in your stumach. It was your high.
Seonghwas hips snapped into yours, ignoring the sounds you two makes that were be heard on the deck the ship. His high came near and you felt his dick twitching inside you. His thrusts got sloppier by each minute. "God be a good girl and come for Daddy!!" he growled and increased his pace again. Pleasure shoot through your veins and your vision got blurry as suddenly your high washed over you. "Fuuck Daddyyy..." He shot his cum inside you, covering your walls white. You screamed his name while he moaned several times.. His cum were already leaking out, dripping down on the bedsheats. He pulled out his member and watched his cum flow out of your hole. "Hm babygirl, we won ́t be wasteful right?" Suddenly he pushed his dick back in you, fucking his cum into your hole again. "I really wanna know how deep my cock is inside your little body" With this he changed the angel and a bulge started to build on you tummy. His thrusts were slow and you whimpered. "S-Sir please.." His hand made his way to your stumach, pushing an the bulge he made, feeling his cock deep inside you. "I will fuck my cum into you till a belly starts to build. You will be a good mommy." He kissed you on your forehead.
A/n: Heyy, I’m so sorry for not posting in a while. School started and it was so stressful i didn’t have any free time to write. I studied so much but now I finally got some free time. I know it’s not that much but I was very tired while writing it. I didn’t want to make you wait longer cuz I felt bad and I always stressed myself for writing again. I will try to write some little things the few days and when I have more time I will write a new fanfic.
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