#plus some uh... companions ?
the Doctor has a Gen Z companion
what's going to happen? will Ruby live up to her generation's humor? we've only had one episode! so far it seems like the Doctor is speaking more slang than her!
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krenenbaker · 11 months
Trick or Treat~!
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Pairing: Che'nya x Floyd (could be read platonically or romantically)
Summary: It's finally Halloween night, but Floyd is in a bit of a slump. However, the arrival of a curious companion may just make the Halloween party a bit more interesting for him.
Notes: This is my first attempt at something following a prompt - specifically, "Trick or Treat" for the 2023 TWST Rarepair Halloween event. I'm trying to get more comfortable/practiced with writing prose (which is why this wasn't posted on the 30th... oops), and only vaguely ended up following the prompt. I'm fairly happy with how this little piece turned out, though!
Tags: @dove-da-birb, @azulashengrottospiano, @inkybloom-luv, @eynnwwyjth, @officialdaydreamer00 (please let me know if you'd like to be included or excluded from future writing of mine, or only want to be included in specific types of creations)
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Floyd wanted to take a break. 
It was Halloween, and all he had done the entire week was work, work, work. Getting costumes ready, decorating, helping with their dorm's presentation, plus cooking and serving at the Lounge, all on top of normal classes? 
Sure, it was fun, especially getting to show off Octavinelle's cool setup, and 'taking care of' those misbehaving visitors. But now? Everything felt draining and boring, and Floyd simply wanted to leave, which sucked because the actual Halloween party had just started!  
Maybe he should just ditch and go back to his dorm; being in a funk when everyone else is having fun around you is not enjoyable.  He slumped down on a bench and unwrapped a sweet he had picked up earlier, before wrapping it up again. Ugh, not even in the mood for that candy he wanted only a few minutes ago. 
As he shoved the sweet back into his pocket and was about to get up from the bench to leave, Floyd heard a rustle behind him. Someone was quietly humming, and… laughing? The sound gradually moved to his side, towards the empty side of the bench.  
“Trick or treat~”
Floyd turned to face the voice. "Listen, man, I'm not in the mood to—” he froze, staring at the figure beside him. “Hang on a second, where's your body!?"
A toothy smile came to the face of the head that currently floated beside Floyd. "Oh, it's here.... or maybe it's there." A pair of hands materialized on either side of this boy's head, followed by the rest of his body. 
“I'm just kidding. Mind if I take a seat? I’d like to rest up before I keep purrowling around and startling people.”
Floyd blinked, then raised an eyebrow. “Uh, go for it.” 
This guy was... weird, and it was hard to tell if he'd be annoying, or interesting. "You don't go here, do ya? At least, I’ve never seen you before. And you’re no ghost, either.”
The cat-like boy shook his head, his jewellery jingling softly. "I'm just passing through for the festivities and collecting treats. Scaring some people, too. That’s loads of fun. And it's always nice to see my friends let loose." 
Floyd had a vague memory surface. "Ohh... you must be that RSA boy who's friends with Sea Turtle and Goldfishie." 
"'Sea Turtle' and 'Goldfishie', hey? Those are good names for my green and red friends. Cats are known for liking fish." He leaned forward, his grin growing. “Artemiy Artemiyevich Pinker. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Floyd nodded, “Floyd Leech. It's nice to meet you, too.” He looked curiously at the boy beside him, taking in his shaggy hair, piercings, and impish smile.
"You're not what I expected.” Floyd smiled, "But you seem fun, Catfish. I didn't think Goldfishie would get along with someone so... interesting."
Che'nya's eyes lit up slightly. "Catfish? Heh heh heh, most people call me Che'nya, but I guess that works. And I’ve heard some… interesting stories about you, too."
He stretched his legs out in front of him, leaning back with his arms behind his head as he sighed. "But yeah, I don't think Riddle could shake me if he tried." 
"I'm almost jealous." Floyd tipped his head slightly. "Most of the time, Goldfishie likes to swim away before I can play with him."
Che'nya laughed, "Well, if you're wondering, he 'swam off' that way." He pointed off to the side. “Just don’t be rough with him. I don’t like people mistreating my friends.”
Floyd looked off into the crowd where he had pointed, and let out a small laugh. “Alright, good to know. Maybe I’ll find him later, if I feel like it”, he smiled and sat back. “And Goldfishie’s stronger than he looks, but I guess you’d know that.”
Che’nya nodded, then leaned closer with a mischievous glint in his eye. "You know, I bet we could do something that would really surprise him.” 
Floyd turned slightly towards Che’nya, and flashed a smile. “Yeah, we probably could. I think we should talk more in the future, Catfish. You seem pretty fun.” 
Che’nya grinned, “You seem pretty fun, too.”
"Well,” he stretched his arms above his head. “I think I’m going to go and find some more treats… and play some more tricks tonight. I'll catch you around, Floyd." 
With a haunting giggle echoing in his ears, Floyd watched as the boy beside him faded into nothingness, just the same way he had arrived. 
What a weird guy.
Floyd unwrapped the candy he had pocketed earlier, then popped it into his mouth. Maybe this party was worth staying at after all.
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Hey, you could do an Edward Cullen x reader where the reader is his blood singer but, unlike Bella, isn't obsessed with him? As if he really had to work hard to win her over? (sorry if i wrote something wrong, english is not my mother tongue)
Taking It Slow
You dropped Jessica and Angela off at Jess’ car still in the parking lot of the dress shop. They were leaving Port Angeles early while you were going to meet your brother for dinner later. Sometimes you wondered why you agreed to move in with your brother. Well, you knew. It was either go live with your older brother or move to Portugal during your last years of high school. You learned French in school, not Portuguese. Forks, Washington was your only real choice. 
There was still some time before your brother got out of classes and met you. It was nice of him to let you use his car, stating he could take the bus instead. With time to kill, you decided to grab a coffee and just walk around. A gasp left your mouth when you ran into someone. 
“I’m so sorry. Oh, hi, Edward.” 
You looked up to see Edward Cullen, your… you didn’t know what to call him. You guys weren’t really friends. But what exactly were you supposed to call the vampire you knew who claimed your blood was made for them? Aside from telling him that it wasn’t exactly a compliment you were a blood singer, you didn’t know what to do with Edward. He wasn’t mean. On the contrary, he was a decent guy. But you weren’t the type to just fall for someone because they were hot and nice. Plus, you didn’t like your guys having all the girls falling for him. 
Edward scratched at the back of his head. “Hi. Oh, I wasn’t following you, by the way.” 
You pursed your lips for a moment. “I wasn’t exactly worried about that.” 
“Right, sorry, I’m kind of guessing. I promised not to read your mind so I’m not really sure anymore.” 
“You could just ask.” 
“Right, right. Uh, right, do you want another coffee?” 
“I’m actually meeting my brother for dinner.” 
“Well can I walk you?” 
The two of you were side by side with each other. You could feel Edward twitching next to you. The vampire wasn’t sure what was going on with him. He had never planned on getting close to you but he couldn’t help it. It was impossible not to want to be near his blood singer. He felt awkward and unsure about everything he did when it came to you. He wasn’t even sure if you were still single because you knew of his feelings for you or if you just didn’t like any of the boys that asked you out. 
Your brother raised an eyebrow when he saw you coming up the street. A sigh left your mouth. He was going to ask about Edward and you just didn’t have the patience to answer anything. You gave a wave to your walking companion and entered the restaurant. Like you expected, your brother didn’t stop asking questions. He wouldn’t even give it a rest when he dropped you off at school. 
You always got to school a little early because of your brother’s classes. You blinked in surprise at a very tall and rather pale man standing next to your locker. Awkwardly, Edward stuck out a hand. He was clutching a small bouquet of flowers. 
“I don’t know what your favorite is but I thought these daisies were nice.” 
You took them from him. “Thank you, Edward.” 
He nodded, walking off. You held the bouquet in the crook of your elbow as you grabbed some books. Not even a minute later, Edward came back. You watched him take in a breath he didn’t need. Edward pointed at the flowers until you got the hint to give them back. He thrusted them out in front of you once more and you had to stop yourself from laughing. How was a century old vampire so awkward in life? 
“I want to ask you out. Do you want to go on a date with me?” 
“I… I haven’t thought that far.” 
“Well, when, then?” 
“I haven’t thought that far.” 
You took the flowers back from him. “It’s a Teacher Work Day on Wednesday. You pick me up at seven, we drive to Seattle. Breakfast at the Original Starbucks and then we go to the waterfront.” 
Edward was flustered, muttering a small okay. You laughed as you watched him walk away. This was certainly going to be an interesting date. 
@venomsvl @peaches-n-sunscreen @summerellaz @supernaturallover2002 @sambucky8 @9daykrisr @thebitchinleo @23victoria @scarlets-widow @pagetpagetpagetpaget @lovexnatasha @awesomebooklover17 @1234-angelika @imatrisk @blackreaderatrisk @princess-jules47 @alexloveskili @a-marie-a @siriuslysirius1107​ @i-have-no-life-charlie
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How would the male companions go about helping/comforting a tav who’s “monthly visitor” came to town during their journey??
A/N: The timing of this ask is impeccable because guess what I just got? Lol. But seriously I would be mad as hell in the 5 or 6 days I’m supposed to stop my mind flayer parasite AND save the universe I ALSO had to deal with cramping and bleeding. Nu-uh. Nope. Sign me the fuck out. Goodbye cruel world, I would be DONE. 
TW: Mentions of Menstruation; Blood 
Tried to keep this Tav as Gender Neutral as possible so that it could apply to anyone who menstruates.  <3 
Please Like & Reblog! 
Male BG3 Companions Helping Tav w/ Their Period
⭐ Astarion: 
He probably notices it before Tav does
Of course, he offers to help “clean up” ;) (this may or may not get him a kick in the balls)
No, but seriously, if he and Tav are in a relationship, he’d have no qualms going down there himself every so often to “alleviate” some symptoms. That is, of course, if Tav would go for that kind of thing. Astarion won’t keep pushing it if Tav says “no”. He respects the hard boundaries Tav gives him. 
Of course, he teases Tav a bit. Not horribly, and it’s all in good fun. But enough to let Tav know that this matter doesn’t disgust or upset him in the slightest. It’s blood for devil's sake! What creature would be better prepared to handle it than him?
If any of Tav’s clothes end up stained or they end up bleeding through them, Astarion has just the thing to take the stains out. Turns out, knowing how to get blood out of most fabrics is quite beneficial knowledge in the vampire community. Plus he has an instinct for knowing where the best tailors and seamstresses in Baldur’s Gate are. Should Tav need an emergency change of clothes, he knows just the place! 
Then again, Astarion himself has no problem with the blood stains. After all, they’re traveling around killing monsters for gods sake! If anyone has a nasty comment about how much blood either he or Tav is drenched in, they better be damn quick on their feet. His arrows can shoot pretty far. ;P
As far as cramps or pain goes, if his previous, ahem, suggestion was shot down, he’ll make sure Tav takes a moment here and there to rest. He might even bother Gale, demanding some sort of heat pack. Scratch that. He’s most definitely harassing Gale for some sort of heating pack spell. 
If Gale refuses, he might even try and figure out how to fix one himself. Granted fire and vampires aren't the best of friends, but Tav is the only one in the last two-hundred-plus years to see him as a person. A little scorching here and there means nothing if Astarion can let Tav know how much he values them. 
🔮 Gale: 
He’s clueless, okay? Tav would have to outright tell him. I mean yes, he was raised by a single mom, but she didn’t exactly share the details of this stuff with him. And it never came up all the years he was with Mystra because goddesses don’t exactly reproduce the way other Faerun humanoids do! Please forgive him, he really does want to learn.
He immediately offers to find a spell or potion to either pause or skip this one altogether. He gets that Tav may want to opt out of dealing with it for the time being, seeing as the two of them have much more pressing matters to attend to. 
He’ll cast it himself if Tav wishes. Or he’ll find another trustworthy wizard to recommend. Although he does prefer to do it himself, he understands Tav might be uncomfortable with the thought of their new partner doing such a thing for them. His entire life has been spent studying magic, so of course he immediately thinks to use that to remedy any problem Tav has. 
Nevertheless, should Tav choose to deal with it in the old-fashioned non-magical way, he’s perfectly accepting of that as well. He’ll enquire about which local herbs are suitable for such applications, possibly even soliciting the help of an herbalist or surgeon. 
Gale wants to give Tav as many options for comfort as possible. If Tav’s concern is about heavy bleeding, he looks for answers on natural remedies to lighten the flow. Or he may even speak with a midwife about the best clothes and absorbent materials to use in the coming days.  
As awkward as he can be in social situations, he’s oddly great in this endeavor. He treats it the way he would a Weave experiment- with an open mind and curiosity. At the end of the day what matters is Tav knows how much Gale admires and respects them. And that he doesn’t think of them any less for having this bodily function. If anything, he admires Tav more for being so forthcoming. It’s an ask that actually strengthens his and Tav’s relationship. 
🗡 Wyll: 
Wyll probably shies away from it the most. It’s not that he doesn’t want to help Tav in any way he can, it’s just that he’s a gentleman, and to his knowledge, speaking of certain subjects with the one you like, isn’t something a well-behaved gentleman would do. That being said, a true gentleman is always prepared to put away their discomfort in order to aid their friends, so that’s exactly what he does. 
He enlists the help of Shadowheart almost immediately. He knows realistically, there are others he could ask (midwives, doctors, healers), but Shadowheart is an ally and a Cleric to boot. So her skills as well as her knowledge may very well come in handy. 
He’ll go along with whatever Tav decides, but he, like Gale, recommends Tav either suspend or skip this round. He thinks it wise to have all their wits about them for the battles ahead. With demons like Mizora and Raphael running about, none of them can afford to get distracted. Again, if Tav chooses to push through it, he’ll be kind and supportive, and request Shadowheart’s healing in subduing some of the more troublesome symptoms. But deep down, he’s happier should Tav decide to use magic or spells to resolve the issue for the time being. 
And then, Wyll goes all out in preparation for the next one. Once their fight is won, he can turn his attention back to his family- his Father, and of course, Tav. He makes sure his family home has a room for them, customized in many ways to Tav’s liking. Wyll has their favorite color blanket, a soft pillow, their favorite flavor tea in an enchanted flask to keep it just the perfect temperature… the list goes on and on. 
He loves Tav so much. He just wants them to be comfortable, and to feel safe to express whatever feelings they have. After all, Tav is the best thing to ever happen to him. 
🌱 Halsin: 
The nice thing about him being ‘one with nature’ is that he has no unease regarding the subject. He is an archdruid, and some three-hundred years old at that- believe me, there’s very little Tav’s body could throw at him that he’s not ready to receive. 
Out of all the companions, Halsin is the one most likely to not immediately suggest using magical means to pause or skip it. Instead, he has more natural aids at the ready- herbs, teas, heat packs, massages, and well, yes, even that. ;)
The difference between Halsin suggesting it and Astarion suggesting it, however, is that Halsin’s motivations are more focused on what he can do for Tav and their body; they’re not based on the idea of mutual satisfaction. Halsin has had countless lovers and years to understand pleasure. He knows you take turns giving, and he’s well very versed in that. 
Or if Tav isn't up for that, he'll offer to shift into a cat and rest on their abdomen, using his body heat to lessen Tav’s cramps. 
He’s also the most ‘normal’ when it comes to continuing their journey. He won’t make a habit of fussing over Tav unless they specifically request him to do so. Periods, however annoying and painful, are a part of life, of nature. Halsin believes it best to learn how to accept nature, and live in harmony with it, rather than try and prevent it. 
If Tav does want to explore other means of stopping this particular cycle, however, Halsin will help them any way he can, even if he doesn’t think it very wise to mess with the flow of nature like that. As a druid healer himself, he knows a few things or too about reproductive spells. He can make it so the symptoms lessen, or temporarily subside until their perilous journey has come to a close. 
Halsin may not want to settle for a single lover, but out of all of them, Tav seems to shine the brightest. He would do anything within his power to aid them. 
Bonus! 💪 Minsc (and 🐹 Boo!): 
He offers to fight it lol. Just straight up. 
“What is this thing causing you stress? Tell Minsc where it is so he can destroy it for you!” 
Boo basically has to be the one in charge of the situation, but then again, what’s new? 
Boo finds the supplies Tav might need, and directs Minsc to them. Boo also directs Minsc towards either Shadowheart or Halsin, because they’re better suited for dealing with these sorts of things. 
Once Minsc understands what Tav meant, he apologizes with a bouquet of wildflowers he picked. 
And by ‘picked’ I mean mostly smooshed before ripping their roots out of the ground.  
He's really trying okay, give the man some credit.
And give Boo treats to thank him for his service.
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ticklystuff · 7 months
Energy to Burn
a/n: inspired by gaming's teapot dialogue (pls ignore thoma standing there menacingly i was too lazy to remove him for the pic..)
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for some context, a lot of ppl that celebrate lunar new year will clean their homes prior to the new year! but ya i was supposed to upload this before lantern rite and that did not happen so just pretend i did
wc: ~1.8k
summary: aether has the very relatable problem of someone else doing his chores, oh the horror
Hallway clean.
Counters sheen.
Kitchen kempt.
House pristine.
Aether's eyes scanned over the entirety of his living space, taking in the now well-organized room. Sloppy would be misleading in terms of how to describe himself and Aether did enjoy cleaning on the occasion, yet a certain floating companion could easily offset his progress. Compound that with constant settled dust and dirt while being away and keeping the teapot spotless becomes a massive ordeal. He did his best, he really did, but things were never exactly how Aether liked them.
Yet as much as his own reflection in the countertops was pleasing to the eye, Aether couldn't help but release a lowly sigh, recalling a conversation from the day prior. 
"Now, I know you won't let me pay any rent while I'm here, 'cause we're friends and all, but I will at least insist on making myself useful. So, if you catch me cleaning or gardening at any point — don't try and stop me."
It didn't take a genius to deduce the "culprit" behind the state of the teapot and Aether soon found himself running through the hallways of the house, crying out to his guest, always taking a second to marvel at the cleanliness of each room, before bolting to a different area of the building.
"Gaming! Gaming!!"
A brief run-through of the kitchen area rewarded Aether with a clue for his efforts: a propped open backdoor to the garden area. Lo and behold, there Gaming was, kneeling down to feed the numerous cats Aether liked to bring home to the teapot, seemingly oblivious to the blond's nearby presence. The dancer's current attire heavily clashed with the colorful flora he stood amongst, adorning a simple grey t-shirt that gave a slight peek of his midriff, baggy shorts that fell past his knees, and his usual shoes improperly slipped on. As Aether approached the other, he couldn't help but notice the little tune Gaming hummed, bobbing his head along. Lacking the usual accessories, Gaming's disheveled hair flew about in the breeze without a care.
"Gaming?" Aether slowly approached the other, prompting him to practically jump in response.
"Oh- woah! Morning, boss!" Gaming giggled, catching himself in the moment. "Look at these little guys! They love the treats I brought them! Oh, and speaking of which, did you see the breakfast I made? It's nothing special, but I prepared some congee for you. I also found some pumpkins laying around and cut them up, if you'd like to add them to your dish!"
"Ah, I haven't eaten yet," Aether nodded, watching the cats devour their food, "but I just wanted to thank you for cleaning up the house."
"Oh, it's no problem-"
"But also, you really don't need to go through all this effort," Aether quickly interjected. "You're a guest here and you should really be enjoying your time, not doing my chores."
"Uh-uh, no can do, boss!" Gaming gave another grin, not a beat missed in his reply. "I've already told you that's not how it's going to fly. Plus, who says I'm not having a good time doing your chores?"
"Heh, don't sweat it," he tilted his head, before huffing in reassurance. "My po po always taught me that I should always show gratitude to my host for having me as a guest. Besides, it's almost Lantern Rite and it's customary to clean your home before then. I know this isn't my own place, but it's where I'm staying for now, so might as well!"
"Well, not to this extent." He couldn't help but sigh, feeling conflicted, yet at the same time, Gaming didn't seem to mind in the slightest.
"Don't worry about it," Gaming clicked amusedly with his tongue. "Just think of it as a productive way for me to burn all my energy for the day!"
"I suppose." Didn't really help him feel less bad about the whole thing, though.
"Alrighty then!" Gaming placed his hands on his hips in thought. "What's next on the agenda- Ah! H-Hehehey!" The sudden outburst took Aether by surprise, taking a moment to realize why. Now out of food, the cats Gaming had been generously feeding were brushing along the bare lower parts of his legs, some even pawing at his shins, meowing as if crying out for more food.
"N-No, get awahahay!" the brunet continued to giggle, hopping between each leg to avoid the encircling horde of kittens clamoring for their next snack. "H-Here!" Gaming quickly reached into his pocket, throwing out a surplus of treats that was enough to divert the attention of his new following.
And the whole time, Aether had been observing.. watching.. stewing the little idea that the teapot cats have so graciously handed to his brain on a silver platter. If Gaming had extra energy burn, he could certainly help with that.
"Whew," Gaming sighed in relief once the cats had dispersed. "Do you not feed them here? Why are they so hun- WahH! Hey! Boss, w-what're you-?! N-Nohoho! Nahahat you too!"
In his distracted state, it wasn't particularly difficult for Aether to bowl the other over, easily pinning Gaming to the grassy garden of the teapot. Once ready, Aether set his plan into motion, digging into the sides that were oh-so conveniently exposed thanks to Gaming's choice of current attire.
"You mentioned having a little extra energy to spare," Aether teased, pinching at the exposed sides in succession to create an erratic giggly response. "Thought that maybe I could help with that."
"Nahahat like thihihis!" Gaming shook his head with a smile, showing off the widest dimples adorning his cheeks. "I-I wahahas juhuhust trying to heheEHEHELP!"
Aether couldn't help but grin along, having just hit a particularly good spot that elicited the cutest squeals. He continued to make use of the newfound discovery, circling the area around Gaming's navel with the tips of his finger nails in repeated motions to draw out the contagious laughter. "Y'know this is your fault, right? If you hadn't started feeding the cats, I would have never found out you're so ticklish."
"Th-That dohohohesn't mahahake any sehehense!" Gaming kicked his legs and patted away at the hands that lightly clawed all over his midsection, but it was for naught, as Aether had no intent on stopping any time soon. "Ehehehehahaha! StahahAHAhahap!"
"I could," Aether drew out with his tongue, making sure to really dig into the vulnerable waist with incessant pokes, feeling Gaming's body lurch and his legs kick to escape the way Aether effectively straddled him, "if you promise to relax during the rest of your stay."
Aether shrugged his shoulders, perfectly fine with Gaming's stubbornness, if that's what suited him. His laughter was the best part, Aether soon realized; there was something softly warm to it, akin to nibbling into a slice of freshly baked bread. No matter the flavor of laughter, whether it be the sharp yelps from squeezing his thighs to the squeals Gaming would make whenever his navel was targeted, or maybe the bouncy giggles from tasing his sides, the lush vibrant undertones were never absent, satiating Aether's ears in the most fulfilling way possible. He was so content with the current situation that the reason the two were there nearly slipped his mind, until the sight of Gaming's tomato cheeks caught Aether by surprise.
"Hehe, oops," Aether giggled, giving his hands and Gaming a pause. "Well, have we burned enough energy for today?"
"Nuh-uh," Gaming finally shook his head. Breathless as he may be, there was still the faintest glimmer of vigor behind his smile. "I can do this all day."
"Hmph, me too." His hands poised once again, prompting Gaming's limbs to tense in response, yet Aether found himself stopping midair. If Gaming didn't break from everything tried so far, then it would only make sense to switch up his target, but where to? So far, nothing had worked, the boy seemingly a boundless well of laughter and energy, but surely there'd be something..
"What's wrong?" Gaming spoke up, his voice not having fully recovered yet. "Given up yet?"
"Heh, no," Aether lightly tweaked his hips, causing his arms to flail, before his arms landed uselessly on the grass next to.. a discarded shoe?? The blond blinked twice, taking a moment to piece together that one of Gaming's slippers must've flung off during all the kicking he was doing, which meant..
Aether quickly slid downwards, ensnaring the bare foot in an armlock before Gaming could make a move, creating what seemed to be panicked shaking from behind. "H-Hey, wait a minute," Gaming's voice could be heard running a mile a minute, as his free leg pressed against the grass in a last attempt to escape. "Okay, okay this is mean! No, no, no, you don't have to- NohohOHOHO! W-WahahahAIT!"
The effect was almost instant, as Aether scribbled up and down the sensitive sole, eliciting crackled laughter from its owner. He took a second to take a peek behind him, giggling at the scene of Gaming uselessly covering his face with his hands as muffled helpless laughter poured through. There was the occasional kick to his backside from the other spasming leg, but Aether made sure to reward those with a few rougher scrapes to his foot. "Surrender yet?"
"I didn't hear a yes," Aether snickered, drowned out by Gaming's wailing, feeling the trapped leg buck in his grasp. His fingers ran up the length of the sole, earning himself squeal whenever he reached the base of Gaming's toes, before sliding back down to his heel.
"Okay! Okahahahay! Stahahap! I gihiHIHIVE!"
Just for good measure, Aether delivered a few more pressurized pokes to the middle of his foot, listening as Gaming slapped his hands on the grass in defeat amongst the pleading. When he eventually released his leg, Aether was surprised to see the limb fall limp instead of being pulled back to safety, though he supposed this was a good sign that Gaming's energy was finally spent.
"Urgh, why," the brunet groaned, exhausted without a doubt. "This is what I get for being a good person."
"No, it's what you get for being stubborn," Aether chided with a shake of his head, before offering his hand to help the other on his legs. Once Gaming stood up, Aether couldn't help but ruffle the disheveled mess of brown hair in an attempt at brushing away the pieces of grass caught in the strands.
"Mmm," Gaming shook his head, before running his fingers through his hair a couple of times. "Maybe you won today, but there's always tomorrow's chores. You can't totally stop me."
Aether rolled his eyes in response. "Is that so?" he said, fingers wiggling towards Gaming's sides.
"Okay, okay!" Gaming already began giggling again, jumping back to safety. "I'll learn to chill."
Gaming sighed, almost as if he had something else to say, only to shake his head. "Fine, promise."
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krizariel · 1 year
Inspired on an episode from HIMYM - because is my background noise show:
Tim hooking up with Jason thinking he is a hooker because whoever introduced them (probably OG Bernard) was playing a prank on Tim for being a prude/too puritan and is not like Tim had much time to find a date for the wedding he had to go to. He is still friends with his ex but it hasn't been that long since the break-up and its awkward and now they have to go to the same wedding since they are within the same group of friends.
Bernard: You should totally bring a date
Tim: what? who am I gonna bring? I'm too busy as it is and I'm not going to bring a random guy from grindr
Bernard: Eh, just bring an escort
Tim: I'm not THAT desperate.
Bernard: Pfft, what's the big deal, no strings attached, get to show everyone you are doing just fine, no one has to know, you leave with your dignity AND a good time
Tim: You cannot be serious.
Bernard: Oh I'm so serious. What, Tim Drake can't hook up with a hooker now?
Tim: Just no, and seriously shut up. I'll see if I can find someone and I have nothing to prove I don't care to make Steph jealous. Plus I'm sure she won't bring a date.
Wedding comes, Tim shows up and Bernard is with his date and another very handsome man.
Tim pulls Bernard to the side because what?!
Tim: Who is that?
Bernard: Oh, you know, found you a date *wink*, thank me later.
Tim: With a hooker!?
Bernard: What, too handsome to be a hooker uh? No one would ever suspect anything
Tim: That's beside the point! I had said no-
Bernard: Geez, give it a try no one said to sleep or do anything with him? He is just a companion tonight, whatever else happens is up to you
Tim: I know that! But-
Steph: You guys ok there?
Steph and her date had joined Jason and Ariana (Bernard's date) and they had come looking for Bernard and Tim.
Jason: Hey, you are way cuter than described.
And he winked at Tim. He was way too handsome, towering the whole group.
Tim at first is kind of forced to go along but it would be awkward to reject Jason since he was already there, and it was not his fault plus damn he looked stunning. They hit it off just fine, in fact it was great, Jay was a total nerd, they spent most of the night talking, drinking and flirting, and Tim started to feel all giddy and more emboldened to just flirt back. Is not like he will see him again right?
The event was at a hotel and they were going to leave their own ways. At first Tim was reluctant because well, he has never done this before and maybe this is going to be really expensive but… what the hell, he hasn't been with anyone for some time and he really finds he likes Jason even if he is a hooker and might not actually like Tim. So he invited Jason to his room to which Jason just said: Was starting to think you were not going to ask. That would have been no fun.
They hook up, sex is amazing, 100/10 would do it again … , and Tim leaves a few $100 bills by the table and just leaves a note with his number saying call me. Tim thinks well… at least maybe this way he knows Tim is still interested to see him again. Tim feels crazy because what has his life come to… and no, is not like this will be a Pretty Woman kind of plot, Jason probably has other people to see and WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM!? He will totally not tell anyone about this and certainly won't tell Bernard how did it go.
Well, Jason never calls him, Tim doesn't have his number, so he can't call him. Not long afterwards Tim has an accident on his bike, the paramedics come get him and Tim sees Jason there. At first Tim thinks maybe he is hallucinating because he totally has a concussion but-
Tim: Jason? what are you doing here?!
Jason: My job?? Didn't Bernard tell you I was a paramedic?
Jason: What.
Jason has half the mind to not punch Tim because he is having flashbacks of having such an amazing time with this rich kid that seemed nothing like the rest but then he wakes up alone and with money by the bed table. So insulting.
Jason: I'm a fucking PARAMEDIC… now shut the fuck up before I fucking make your injuries worse and lose my license.
Anyway, they clear things up (and Tim cant look at any of the nurses in the eye because they start giggling). Bernard, Ariana and Jason work at the same hospital and Ariana and Jason are good friends. Bernard invited Jason with them, telling him he had a good friend of his who is really cute but pretty lonely and can't find a date since he barely has any time to get himself out there. Jason shot him down at first with thanks but no thanks, but Ariana (Bernard's gf) told him Tim is actually really nice. Since Jason didn't have any plans he ended up accepting.
Jason: So you slept with me…thinking I was a hooker?!
Tim: …. Listen I wasn't going to do any of it, I swear but you were so funny, witty, smart, loved talking to you and in just a few hours I found I really was starting to like you, you were amazing… and didn't matter what you did for a living. I genuinely wanted to see you again and now I'm babbling and not making any sense I'm sorry-
Jason: The fuck is wrong with ya?… after another string of curses
Tim: I- … I'm sorry, I know this is a mess and I understand if you don't want to see me again-
Jason: No, I was talking to myself because for whatever reason I find ya oddly sweet.
Jason: But first, I'm going to do something for myself and slash Bernard's bike tires :)
Tim: Oh, can I join you?
Jason: Sure. It's a date Timbit ;)
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kindheart525 · 29 days
I can’t make a Smiling Friends next gen without showing what our own Allan Red is up to! Other than paying for abortions of course /j
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Allan never really thought about having kids or starting a family. Sure, he has the occasional one night stand, but that doesn’t mean he expects them to go anywhere. Plus he doesn’t like little critters running around and invading his space, even without counting the especially bad experience he’s had with that. Once his coworkers start having kids and he’s forced to be around the rowdy little ras-cales, it only affirms for Allan that this is not the life he wants. He does not like kids and isn’t eager to get married either. In my personal headcanon he’s on the aromantic spectrum, but Allan doesn’t care to label himself like that. All he would say is that he’s simply not interested and he has better things to do.
But that doesn’t mean Allan is a total loner. He cares about his friends and enjoys a little companionship even though it’s not the kind most critters prioritize in their lives. So as the rest of his friends took on the title of “father,” Allan became a proud cat owner! But don’t call him a “cat dad” or the cats his “fur babies” or anything like that; he finds the whole thing to be pretty ridiculous. 
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To him they’re more like roommates and close friends who he happens to feed and clean up after. They’re quiet, well-behaved, and nothing like his friends’ children (who aren’t allowed to meet the cats for the most part). He finds it insulting for them to be compared to children and arguably the cats are insulted by that too. I don’t know, their faces just all look like that. 
Here are the cats themselves:
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Noodle (pronounced “New-dell”) is the Foreign Shorthair that Allan adopted when his friends’ kids were little and who he owned throughout his 30s. He fits the classic “pet looks like their owner” stereotype with his squinty, judgmental eyes, his long gangly limbs, and his unusual “honking” meows that kind of sound like Allan’s monotone voice. He’s very selective with his affection yet seems to think of himself as some kind of god; he’ll scratch almost everyone who touches him but will loudly demand that Allan carry him around everywhere like a king on his throne. Allan will argue with Noodle over who’s really the boss of the house, but oblige anyway to keep him satisfied.
Coca Cola and Pepsi (pronounced “Cokey Coh-lah” and “Bepis”) are a bonded pair of Sphinx cats who serve as Allan’s companions during his midlife. Much like Noodle before them (and most cats to be honest), they have a god complex and expect to be treated like royalty, which is amplified by these littermates egging each other on in everything they do. They’re like a sassy villain duo that you would see on TV, causing mischief in their stylish coordinated sweaters that Allan paid a lot of money for (“it isn’t a fash-awn statement, they have a medical condition-uh”). One minute they’re screaming at their owner to feed them and the next they’re looking photoshoot ready, so you can never expect what kind of mood they’ll be in.
Quesadilla (pronounced “Queue-salahd-yuh”) is Allan’s final and longest-lived cat. An ugly, scraggly black hairball since kittenhood, she was the runt of her litter and the last to get adopted, but ended up outliving all of them. Allan takes excellent care of all of his cats, providing them the best food, enrichment, and exercise he can reasonably afford, but even he is surprised at Quesadilla’s longevity. She makes it to almost 30 years old! He didn’t even have to spend a fortune at the vet to keep her alive like some critters do for their pathetic little dogs—Quesadilla would kill the vet herself if he did subject her to that. Even as she slowed down, even when she was blind, deaf, and could barely walk straight, she stayed alive out of pure spite.
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Furry Companion
welp here it is, ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce of the storyline of arc 1 written by @talesfromawannabejournalistand and @kittenfangirl20
also special thanks to @rius-cave for giving me some inspiration for the plot, and thanks to @helluvahazbins for giving me inspiration for the Hellhound character and her appearance from their own art.
@kittenfangirl20 see at end of notes
Lucifer knew there would be a day like this would eventually come. Since the moment Adam woke up in Hell as a sinner and fallen angel Lucifer had vowed have him protected and happy at all times. It was the least he could do after all he did to him. In the beginning it was easy to keep him entertained as he mainly stayed in his room. He stayed in the hotel all the time so he wasn’t worried too worried about it.
But now, especially since they officially got together, Lucifer’s been busy more with his work as King, he can’t be by Adam’s side all the time and Adam was wanting to go out more. Plus Adam needed someone, a companion. Sure he had Angel Dust but that was about it. It didn’t help that the other residents, beside Angel and Charlie, were outright hostile towards him. Lucifer swore that if it wasn’t Hell itself Adam needed to watch out for Vaggie and Alastor and maybe even Nifty but for a whole other reason.
In any event Adam needed a companion, his own hellhound, which is why they were both at a an adoption clinic with the head director walking past kennel after kennel of teens with her going on about the different potentials of each hound. Adam was growing bored and to be honest a bit annoyed at being dragged here by Lucifer. He thought this whole adoption process with Hell hounds was weird, they were treated almost like pets. Yes, they had an animal appearance but they were sentient just like the rest of the demons in Hell. As he was thinking about it in the corner of his eye a movement caught his eye.
There in the back was a young hellhound, who appeared to be female, she appeared to be 12-14 years old. She had the appearance of husky and wolf dog mixed together with dark fur and and long black hair that covered a part of her face. However, when she looked up he saw both her eyes as they flashed red and she growled at him.
Director: sir please stay away from that kennel specifically we’ve had incidents in the past where some male adopters got too close and lost a hand to her. Let’s just say she’s just too unstable to be a good guard for you
Lucifer: come on my dear I’m sure there are plenty others for you to choose from
Adam: yeah you go ahead Luci I think I’m just uh gonna go to the bathroom
Lucifer raised an eyebrow but ultimately shrugged following the lady in charge as she showed Lucifer the other hounds. Adam waited till they were out of ear shot then turned his attention back to the girl who was just glaring at him waiting for him to do something
Adam: um hi
She didn’t respond
Adam: my names Adam, what’s yours?
???: Lydia
Adam gave her a smile
Adam: it’s a pretty name
Instead of a smile she instead bared her teeth and scooted even further deep into her kennel
Lydia: the fuck did you just say!?
Adam: I said it’s a pretty name
Lydia: Get the fuck away from me before I tore open your guts for all of Hell to see!
When Adam didn’t move away from the bars she let out an intimidating bark
Lydia: what the fuck do you want!?
Adam: Nothing I just wanted your name
Lydia: well you know my name now you can go back to your royal boy toy and pick out a good hellhound, just just please go away and leave me alone
Adam stared at Lydia, even though she was telling him to go, deep down inside he knew that’s not what she wanted. Looking at her was like looking at himself when he was in a similar position not just when he revived here in Hell but when he was left abandoned over and over again in his life. Scared, confused, and lashing out at everyone because it was the only way to express how she was feeling. At that moment he knew that he couldn’t let her stay here. Exhaling he stepped away from the bars and crouched a little to make himself appear less intimidating to her. Adam: Lydia, you can say no to this, but…I can take you away from here, would you like that?
Lydia stood up from her cot and took slow small steps over to him. Adam could see her full height being at 5’7. As she got closer he could see her guard was still up until she was standing right in front of him. Lydia stared down deep into Adam’s eyes and even though she didn’t know why, she didn’t feel in danger by this sinner. In fact she felt her walls tore down as she saw nothing but earnestness in them as he seemed like genuinely wanted to help her. Tears started to form in her eyes as she looked down and gave her answer
Lydia: …..yes
alright Kitten, hoped you liked it now it’s your turn
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howlingday · 9 months
Last human au) jaune has been stuck in a cell since he was woken up and he's gonna be honest not the worst day he's ever had but not the best either although he might have just made a new friend. A robot friend at that!
Penny is sure she's managed to ingratiate herself with her new primitive charge. Poor thing probably doesn't even realize that she's not even a real human! She'll have to keep that a secret though even when he falls in love with her. For science of course. Now to learn more about the human and move him to the study area where friend ruby is waiting.
Basically jaune might be more modern but everyone around him doesn't know that yet. In order to keep him comfortable and not be cruel to the poor primitive thing they commissioned a robot companion to befriend him and guide him back to the testing area. Surely they'll be able to account for everything on the simulated escape and jaune won't outsmart them all before wandering off to the city
Tldr: jaune out smarts everyone and now they're panicking because what they think is a caveman is wandering around the city. On the plus side ruby feels validated in her idea that just because jaune is less educated than modern faunas doesn't mean he's less intelligent. And penny is getting all sorts of interesting data
Bedrock Bottom
Jaune had never been to jail before. He was raised to be polite and respectful to everyone around him, or else the police would take him away from his family. However, looking back on it, the stories he'd heard about prison were distinctly different from where he was now. These tales of horror and warning scared Jaune to know end, his father terrifying him with tales of endless gang wars, violent guards, and other inmates who would view him as a plaything to do what they would with him.
Except none of this was true from his perspective. Right now, it felt more like he was a pet rat kept in a shoebox. Food was brought to him three times a day, as well as books, puzzles, and the occasional "letter from home," which was just some girl pretending to be his mom and warning him to not stay out too late or else the "dire rats would gobble him up".
Speaking of strange girls, he wasn't alone in his room, either. Delivering these items was Penny, a cute girl with red hair that curled just above her shoulders. She would ask him questions about himself, then respond with "Oh, I know about that! That's what all humans do, right?" There was usually a hiccup between these statements.
It had been a week since he'd been tossed into his cell, and six days since Penny came into his life. He would spend most of the day sitting on his bed, reading between meals, though at some points, he would forgo the reading and do some exercises instead. Penny would sit on the bed regardless and ask him questions. Questions like...
"Why are you doing pushups the wrong way?"
"It's not the wrong way." Jaune answered. "I'm just exercising different muscles."
"Oh! I know about that!" She hiccupped. "That's what all humans do, right?"
"Not all of them." Jaune lifted himself to his knees. "Can I ask you something, Penny? Human to human?"
"Sensational!" Penny's eyes widened as much as her smile. She jumped from the bed, hopping from one foot to the other in a little dance. "I've successfully integrated with the human specimen~!"
"But aren't you human?" Penny stopped. "I mean, you are human, right?"
"Affirmative!" Penny said, then hiccupped. "I am a human meat person, just like you!" She hiccupped again.
"Uh-huh." He let the issue go for now. "Anyways, I was wondering what you did to get locked up in here."
"What I did?" Penny repeated.
"Yeah, this is a jail, isn't it?"
"...Yes!" She hiccupped.
"And prisoners are locked up in prison for doing bad things, right?"
"Yes, that is correct."
"I, er, broke out of a hospital and pushed a girl over, so I guess I got in trouble for some kind of hospital rule."
"...Oh! I know about that!" She didn't hiccup. "That's what all humans do, right?"
"No, it isn't, Penny."
"It... isn't?"
"Penny, you're my friend, right?"
"I... Am I?" She asked. She then got really close. Almost uncomfortably close. "Do you see me as a friend?!"
"I... Yes?" Penny was quiet for a moment. Then she was quiet for a moment longer. Suddenly, she beamed with the biggest smile he'd ever seen. "Uh, Pen-"
"SENSATIONAL!" She hugged him, and she was squeezing him REAL tight. "I cannot believe I have two friends, and one of them is the human!"
"Wait, wait." Jaune groaned from his strained lungs. "Who's... Who's your other friend?"
Penny gasped, then shut and covered her mouth with her hand. She quickly ran to the door, not looking back as she pounded on the cell entrance/exit. The door hissed and slid open, and a team of four, burly guards rushed in, knocking Jaune to the ground. Looking up, he saw Penny looking back. Her eyes were the saddest he'd ever seen. And then she ran away, and he was left pinned to the floor.
As she ran, he couldn't help but notice the twin antennae extending from her hair.
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vorrentis · 1 year
M Reader x Jihyo - To A New Life~ (Part 1)
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Pack your bags everyone because we're going to Jeju Island!!
Hopefully I did the sights we visited well enough and if not, please correct me.
So a quick AN about this chapter.
This will contain three smuts.
They won't be as long as previous smuts, more like the length of tease smuts, but this story will be going half on smuts/story so the lengths of smuts have been shorten for this one, but hopefully it's serviceable enough.
WORDS: 31,849
"And here we are, Lotte Hotel Jeju."
It was twenty-four minutes later from the airport when a cab slowly drew alongside the curb and came to a stop, causing its riders to be giddy, both of whom had been staring out on one side of the car's window in jovial speechlessness, one with their hands squeezed on the seat and the one close to the window on the glass.
"This is it," one stated while the other nodded.
"This is it," the second person responded, glancing out the window again, the scene registering properly with them as the first passenger looked at the second with understanding dawning in her eyes, quickly followed by delight and excitement.
The cab came to a complete stop and the first passenger left the car the second stayed to pay the driver plus tip as they thanked one another and the second joined the first and went to get the luggage from the back.
The first stretched their arms and legs, feeling the perfect warm weather invade her body as they turned to see their companion joining them with two pieces of luggage in each hand.
"Ready?" They asked as the first took the handle of their luggage and nodded as they stepped through the glass, revolving doors and into the foyer of the hotel, the first person felt strange and couldn't help but stare around at the hotel staff walking around as well as the guests themselves and two elevators, with people waiting to get on and get off.
After being so long in their work life, they would have been surrounded by bodyguards and fans alike.
You could say that person was pretty popular.
But for now, it was chatter from the people inside, minding their own business as they looked ahead to the check-in counter.
"Wow," the person murmured to themself, this was probably going to be the very best experience they would have. 
"So far so good," their companion stated as the first one nodded.
Upon reaching the counter...
"Good afternoon," the lady gave a head nod, "checking in?"
"Yes, but we were told that we had to talk to Ms. Nari before doing so?" the second person stated while the lady gave a quizzical look at first, but took a look right at the first person whose behind sunglasses and a mask.
Putting two and two together, she figured it was the VIP they were waiting for.
"May I see ID for confirmation," she asked as the pair each pulled their wallets out and showed their IDs.
(LN) (YN) 
Park Jihyo
The lady gave another look at the known worldwide ex-leader of Twice, Park Jihyo in front of her and standing next to her, the lady turned and while not as famous, was her new husband, (LN) (YN).
"O-oh my, uh, give me a moment to get my supervisor." She pointed behind her and you and Jihyo nodded while she went off.
"Hehe, reactions like that are pretty funny," you said as Jihyo nodded, "well guess you were right," you said as Jihyo turned to you, "not one camera around," you noted as Jihyo smiled under her mask.
"See, I told you~ you were worried for nothing (YN), but I don't blame you, paparazzi somehow knows everything at some points," Jihyo stated, "but seems good so far. Remember what we talked about, even if word gets out, let's not let it ruin our week."
"Yeah, sorry, I want this week to be perfect,"
"No more than I as well (YN), but don't be sorry, got it?"
You nodded and rose an arm over her shoulder, bringing her closer to you as Jihyo smiled at the feeling of your comfort.
A week ago, a beautiful June day, had been their wedding day, and the beginning of their new life as husband and wife.
It had been gorgeous and passionate, filled with family and friends and very many well wishes.
And Jihyo had mostly managed not to cry for the entire wedding.
They'd had a beautiful ceremony, and a wonderful reception, and attended several afterparties in their honor that lasted late into the night.
This morning, they'd hopped on a plane to their destination, picked up their rental car, and headed for their suite.
The time leading up to their wedding had been exciting and stressful.
It was tricky as Jihyo wanted this to be as perfect as she needed it and while you weren't one to be all 'perfect' yourself, you went along and aided Jihyo to the best that you can, even though Jihyo was the one to plan every small detail and both of them had agreed they wanted to get married where they had met, where they had fallen in love, and where their story had started.
And she loved almost every moment of their wedding day.
But lurking in the back of her mind the whole time was the thought that starting a week from that day, they'd have a week together for their honeymoon.
Seven days alone, with no disturbance, no jobs, and no anything except each other.
The entire plane ride, Jihyo had been riddled with anticipation.
That anticipation had only grown after Jihyo and you arrived at the beautiful island resort of Jeju Island where they'd be celebrating their new married life.
Then Jihyo brought it up, remembering the island of her music videos and feeling drawn to it, knowing that this was the right place for them.
That was all the convincing that you needed, they booked it immediately.
Of course, they were worried a bit about if people learned of Jihyo being on the island, but Jihyo didn't want that to be the reason to not come here.
She didn't want that to be her reason for not going out anywhere.
The two heard and turned towards two ladies: the same one you two spoke to moments ago and an older-looking one with quite a few items in one hand, "I'm Nari, I shall take you to your room, thank you Cherry," she said to the other lady while she stepped away from her and you two followed her around the counter and heading towards the elevators.
"We'll speak inside," you both heard and upon getting closer to the five elevators. 
Four of them were normal looking with buttons to press, but one, in particular, had a keycard present which was between two.
Nari then took a badge from her belt and held it against the keycard as it turned from red to green the doors opened and her badge slung back to her belt with a retractable sling.
"This is the suite-only elevator for you two along with those who are staying at them." She explained while you three headed inside as you were feeling VIP-ish, though you were sure Jihyo was used to this.
Stepping inside you turned and noticed only two buttons rather than the usual floors.
One for L and the other for S.
Nari pressed the S button, lighting it up, making the doors close and soon you three felt the shaft going upwards as Jihyo removed her disguise and placed them in her purse.
"Now that we're alone, first we're honored that you two have chosen our resort to celebrate your momentous occasion," she turned to Jihyo, "especially you," Jihyo raised her brows, "we're quite excited to have a celebrity like yourself staying at our establishment."
Jihyo was going to correct her but figured to roll with it.
"Oh, well thank you, I enjoyed it here when we filmed our videos here. While not the same hotel, it is a nice place to visit."
"Perfect if you ask me," Nari responded as Jihyo nodded.
"And let me assure you both that we're keeping your visit under wraps with fake names and as discussed on the phone, only a select few know that you're staying here plus we'll be doing our best to keep any unwanted attention around out. Although we can't say the same for the patrons already staying so I'd advise for that if you're going to mingle out of the building,"
"We know, we're gonna be out a lot so we're prepared," Jihyo stated as you nodded.
Nari stopped as the doors opened and she stepped out as you both followed her onto a foyer and then to a hall on the left that opened up left and right and you noticed four doors each down the left and right.
Ensuring no one was there...
"As I was saying, you're certainly not the only high-profile guests we had and currently staying with us, we know to keep it hushed around," she assured as Jihyo nodded.
"Thank you."
"You're very much welcome, now your rooms are the second on the left...and here we are," you three stopped in front of a silver door with a keycard reader like the elevator downstairs, "now then, I have your key cards here as well as these," she presented the items still in hand: two gold cards, on top of an envelope which was on top of a white, thin square box, "the cards are for the elevator and room of course, the envelope and box are our treats for you both," Nari said while presenting the items to you both, "they're a gift for all honeymooners who chose to reside here for their occasion. It's free of charge."
"Well that's very kind," you said and looked at Jihyo who went forward and took the items in hand.
"The letter inside will explain a planned dinner reservation for tonight, on us of course, I recommend reading it after getting settled in your room," you two nodded, "and that's it from me, please let us know if you need anything else such as room service, planning trips, information, anything at all. And welcome to Lotte Hotel Jeju," she gave a small bow as you two bowed back and she started to walk away while you turned to Jihyo holding the items.
"Let's see our room~" Jihyo was eager as you took a card from the pile and then pressed it onto the reader which turned red to green and you two heard a CLICK sound.
You turned the handle and pressed it forward while holding it open for Jihyo, and you both surveyed the room, her eyes widening in awe. 
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"Wow, it looks amazing," she gushed.
You nodded in agreement as you looked around, and when Jihyo stepped for-
"Wait," she stopped and looked at you, "I think I'm supposed to carry you inside," you smiled at her as Jihyo chuckled and set the items on the floor, and rose her arms.
"Well, then take me inside husba-ah hehehe!" she said while turning her back to you as you got your arms underneath her figure, and in one swoop, Jihyo yelped and then laughed being in your arms.
"With pleasure Mrs. (LN)~"
Jihyo hummed and had a loving smile at you.
"Say it again~"
"With pleasure, Mrs. (LN)," you said it slowly as Jihyo bit her lips, trying not to smile hard as you walked forward into the room and a couple of steps inside...
You then stopped and frowned.
"Well that was boring..."
Jihyo laughed at your monotone delivery.
"Well, what'd you expect? Fireworks?" Jihyo smiled as you shrugged.
"We are paying top price for this, maybe a sparkler or two?" You continued as Jihyo laughed at her husband's childish complaints.
"Hehe, alright c'mon, let's get our stuff,"
"No no, allow me,"
You walked forward and laid her down on the bed as Jihyo remained with you grabbed the luggage inside and then picked up the items and closed the door behind you while Jihyo watched you.
'I'm finally with my love.' Jihyo thought while you placed the luggage aside, got to the other side of the bed while placing the items on the corner of said bed, and then laid down perpendicular to Jihyo, resting your head on her lap, snugging yourself as Jihyo giggled.
She combed your hair with her left hand while smiling down at you.
"This feels nice~" Enjoying the touch of Jihyo.
"Me or the bed~?" She asked as you nodded.
"You of course, though the bed is super soft."
Jihyo gave a courteous smile and her right hand turned so that the knuckles were slowly coming down across your cheek.
"I can't believe we're married," she said with you agreeing, "We're actually married (YN),"
You brought your hand up and held Jihyo's right hand, your thumb inside the palm and other fingers out, gently wrapping it around her soft skin as you brought and kiss the knuckles.
"And we'll be married for many, many years my love~" you said to her as Jihyo hummed, "maybe we can celebrate our achievement now~" you grinned as Jihyo rolled her eyes with a smile.
"And there you go, hehe, we're here to vaca (YN), not just to have sex."
"What's wrong with making love to my new wife?" You said back as Jihyo looked down at you with an amused smile.
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"Always the horny one aren't you~"
"Me? You're one to talk," you grinned back as Jihyo, well, couldn't counter that as you had a point, "anyway," you replied, and you gestured toward the doors that led to the balcony, "Let's check out the view,"
Jihyo nodded, and they both walked over to the balcony...
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Jihyo slide the door open, and as they stepped outside, they found themselves overlooking the hotel ground.
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"Wow," you remarked, "now that's a hell of a view, look at the beach over there. That's where you did Last Wish?"
"Yeah, it was right there. Summer Nights wasn't too far from here. Another beach, but still just as incredible," Jihyo was standing beside you as she looked out into the most amazing view she's had and Jihyo's has had quite a bit in her time, "we almost did Taste of Love here too, but they couldn't let us due to the number of people trying to get in...good times."
You held her close while rubbing her arm as Jihyo leaned into you. 
Any time she talked about her time in Twice, it got her down for a bit.
Yeah, Jihyo wasn't an idol anymore, nor was any of the other eight.
The nightmare that Once dreaded... 
Six months ago.
Jihyo may not be an idol anymore, but all the girls still carried that fame with them, their names are still being attracted through the news, not as much as before, but they show up here and there with random pics of them being seen walking around.
Still, ten years on stage was plenty to go on as the girls decided that it was time for the next generation to take the spotlight and to live out their lives, though their names will be etched in one of the top K-pop groups in history.
Momo, Sana, Mina, and Tzuyu are back in their hometowns with family but promised to meet up a weekend, once a month at least.
Thought right now, it's relaxation for the girls and future stuff to worry about later and while fans would try to crowd them when given the chance to get a pic or autograph, they were glad to be in their own homes. 
However, it was very quick for Jihyo and you to get busy as you asked her the golden question a couple of years before Twice retired.
A promise ring only though as it couldn't really be done during her tenure; Jihyo agreed right away. 
And six months after at age 29 and 30, the two of you joined at the altar and established their future.
"I'm sorry," you said as Jihyo nodded.
"I know you are, you always are (YN)," she looked up, "thank you," you nodded, "but I shouldn't think of that right now, it's you, me, and this wonderful paradise," she looked out as did you, "there's quite a lot we can do. We could relax by the pool, walk on the beach, sit by the fire,"
"Hmmm," you hummed in agreement. "I'd want to do everything with you Jihyo."
"And I to you (YN). I love you~"
You smiled at your wife.
"I love you too."
She leaned in for a kiss and after a few seconds of sharing their love, she rested her head against your shoulder as they stared out at the view for a little longer.
When they walked back into the room...
"Let's unpack and get that out of the way," You suggested as Jihyo nodded. 
"Good idea. And then do you want to head down to the restaurant for lunch?"
"That sounds like a plan," you agreed.
They spent a few minutes unpacking their suitcases and putting their clothes into the closet and dresser and Jihyo took her bathroom essentials into the bathroom, which was her first time getting a look in.
"The bathroom is beautiful," she said looking around and then back to you.
"There's a tub, right?"
"Yes. And it seems like it can fit two if that was your next question," she replied with a wink, and you grinned.
She knew you well.
"You ready?"
"Yeah, let's- oh the letter," you pointed at the items on the bed still as Jihyo forgot about it too.
"Oh right," she came closer to you as you picked it up.
"Who wants the honors?"
"Me~" Jihyo offered as you handed her the envelope, it wasn't a regular white, but a fancy-looking envelope with gold engraves on the edges and your names in the middle with beautiful handwriting, "oh, fancy~"
"Ooo~" "Ooo~ you both did the fancy expression from her song without thinking as the two smiled at the other's antic and Jihyo started to open up and pull out a letter inside and started to read the text.
"Let's see...it's details of a private dinner for us...at the beach?" Jihyo was confused at the wording as you read over her shoulder, "we'll have transportation for us to a private area to dine under the stars, well that sounds pretty romantic." Jihyo finished as you nodded, "we don't have to accept, but if we do, call this number and confirm the plans three hours prior, the menu is beef tenderloin with roasted vegetables, dress warm...sounds nice." Jihyo turned the paper around to see if anything was there, but no.
"And this?" You pointed at the box as Jihyo shook her head.
"You have the honors (YN)," she said as you took the box as Jihyo quick-read once more to double-check.
You sat down and rested the box on your lap and opened it up while having a surprised expression as Jihyo turned her eyes and she gasped softly at what was inside.
"Aww~ these are cute."
They were heart-sized chocolates arranged into small containers, but the part that got you two was each one topped with J+(First Initial) in beautifully scripted white chocolate.
"Our initials too." You pointed at each one.
"I don't want to eat them," she said with a laugh, "they're too beautiful to do so."
"So leave them?"
Jihyo shifted her lips to the side.
"Hmm, let's take a pic, then we'll eat," you got your phone as Jihyo thought of what poses can be.
She asked you to take a pic of the dessert itself which you did and then Jihyo wanted to take a selfie with you as you joined her.
You both had pieces in your fingers and rose them towards one another while looking at the phone and...
You took three pics and looked through each, sliding between them as Jihyo and you found it cute.
"Alright, now let's see how they taste.
Jihyo took one to her lips and took a bite, humming contently as she tasted it while you took yours as well, closing your eyes briefly as you savored it.
"T-at's rea--y --od," you muffled, looking at her.
"V-ry much," she replied with a nod as she finished her piece, but instead of grabbing another, she looked at the letter and then the treats and then to you, "...do you think they really do this for everyone? Or because of me?" She questioned as you shrugged, "she did say it was huge of me being here."
"Is it a bother if it's you?" You answered as Jihyo shook her head.
"No, I'm not complaining about free stuff," you smiled, "I appreciate it, I do, but I don't want them to pamper me," she stated.
"I'm sure they aren't, but let's do this dinner event. I doubt they got nothing else planned, they wouldn't go out to plan out the rest of the week."
"True," Jihyo looked at the clock on the bedside table, "well, we got six hours to kill, let's eat light for dinner and walk around and get a slight tour to see we can spot yeah?" Jihyo asked as you nodded and since already dressed up, both headed out the door after grabbing their essentials.
"How do I look?" You inquired while waving your hands over your attire: a white dress shirt over black slacks and dress shoes as Jihyo came over and patted your black jacket down on the shoulders.
"Handsome as always. Me?" She asked while taking a step back and showing a nice patterned long-sleeved lavender-colored top with a white faux fur hood puffer jacket over jeans with white dress heels.
"Beautiful as always," you answered which Jihyo smiled, "so we good?"
"I think we are, let's go," she instructed as you two went out the door and locked it before Jihyo looped her arm around yours and went towards the elevators.
"Excited?" You questioned as Jihyo nodded.
"Very, I didn't think this is how we're going to start our week,"
"Yeah, plus we got a lot of information about what we can do along with our plans, I do like the photography tour. Sounds nice."
Upon entering the foyer, there was an elderly couple waiting there too, also dressed just as nice as you both.
Jihyo had her mask on so she didn't need to worry and the two waited with the elderly who were talking about dinner of some sort.
The elevator doors opened and the two pairs stepped inside and pressed the L button and waited...
You two heard a woman's voice and turned to the elders looking at you both.
"Honeymoon," Jihyo answered as the lady gave a gingerly smile.
"Ah, we also went on our honeymoon here," the women said,  "we're celebrating our 50th anniversary today." She stated as the man nodded.
"Wow," "Congrats," you two responded.
"Thank you, I'm amazed we're fifty years strong," she looked at her husband, "time passes very quickly."
"When you're with the one you love, it sure does," the elder man responded as the woman smiled, "to go back and relive it all." He said as you smiled at his words.
"And we hope to have a strong bond as you both in time as well," you responded as Jihyo nodded.
"Something tells me you will," the male spoke up, "but letting you know, with the many ups in marriage, there'll certainly be a few downs, but in the end," he looked at his wife, "it makes what we have stronger,"
"It certainly does," she responded and looked at Jihyo, "keep that in mind,"
Jihyo nodded.
"Thank you, I will, but I know I'm not letting anything, no matter how difficult, let him go," you felt her squeeze your arm hard, "he's my one and only."
"She's mine as well," you added as Jihyo's smile brightened and the elderly couple nodded to that.
The elevator doors opened as the two of you allowed the elder couple to leave first and then followed after.
"Well, we wish you both well in your new life together." The woman spoke as you two nodded.
"Thank you, we wish you both a wonderful anniversary," Jihyo said to them as they nodded back.
"Thank you as well, oh before you head off," the lady pointed at you both, "there's a bakery, Cafe Delmoondo, I highly recommend heading there, it's a very welcoming location."
"We'll be sure to remember that," Jihyo said once more as the elder couple nodded and the two pairs parted ways after another goodbye.
Them heading off in the opposite direction and you two the front. 
"Fifty years," you repeated, "that'll be us," you spoke of the future as Jihyo hummed.
"Well I don't want to think of myself old already," you chuckled, "but fifty years with you sounds pretty good (YN)."
"Aww, just good?" You taunted as Jihyo pursed her lips.
"Hmm...yeah just good." Jihyo teased as you gave a 'really' look as Jihyo bumped into you, "It'll be amazing, better?" 
"Much," you answered as Jihyo gave a heartful chuckle.
By that time, you two headed down to the front desk where they guided you outside towards an awaiting car. 
Nothing fancy, like an Uber pretty much and the driver took you and Jihyo to their destination, which was still a wondering idea for you both.
It brought you two around the main building to the back of it and headed down a long path that eventually went into a wooded area, that was much farther from the main building.
After a twelve-minute drive on the path lined on either side with trees, the vehicle reached a clearing, an open sandy area in front of a beach, it wasn't a long distance from the car to the water, but the main attraction was in the middle.
"Oh wow," Jihyo muttered as you took a pic.
"They literally meant on the beach,"
"This is it," the worker told you both as he parked near the sand and stepped out to open Jihyo's door, while you went out yours as Jihyo quickly looked back at the attraction.
"Everything has been set up," the driver told you both while turning to them and handing Jihyo a card, "please call this number if you need anything else, or if you're ready to be picked up."
Jihyo took the card while you went around to join the two and reached into your pocket and pulled out folded cash from your wallet, handing it to the driver.
"Thank you, we appreciate the drive."
The driver wasn't expecting tips for such a short drive but took it with gratitude.
"Thank you sir," you nodded, and then turned toward Jihyo, "ma'am. I'll see you soon, enjoy,"
"Thank you as well," Jihyo replied and after you both left the vehicle, both of you watched the car make a U-turn and drove off, the smile Jihyo gave you was a mixture of excitement and perplex as she turned to the table, "okay, now this is a drama scene."
You held out your hand and she placed hers into it.
"I know, what a way to celebrate the very first night, maybe taking our shoes off would be ideal," and the two of you walked towards the destination after taking off your shoes and feeling the sand coursing over their feet.
"Least it's not burning," you noted as Jihyo hummed in agreement, "probably why they wanted us to wear warm clothing, it'll get chilly by the water soon." You head nudged towards the ocean as Jihyo nodded and she looked left and right down the beach.
"Guess private is right, there's really no one around, and the only hearing around is the ocean waves," Jihyo leaned into your arm, "now this is what I wished for."
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The table was set up and beautifully decorated, having this cube outlined wood with curtains tied to the support beams in strings of lights and candles around to illuminate the location.
You both approached the table and noticed in front were two cushioned lounge chairs, each with a blanket folded neatly at the foot of it.
"For relaxing I guess," you told her, nodding to the chairs.
Jihyo smiled. 
They walked up and looked at what had been set up for them. 
The dining table was set for two, with a pitcher of water, two bottles of wine, a bowl of salad, and a basket of rolls.
Another table on the side had a metal chafing dish to keep their dinner warm, they walked over and you lifted the lid to show what they had for dinner, the beef tenderloin with roasted vegetables.
Jihyo inhaled the aroma coming from the dish. 
"Mmm, that smells amazing."
"And something for after dinner," you added, lifting up the glass dome lid on a dessert plate. "Or before dinner, whenever you want it."
Jihyo smiled. 
"After is fine," she confirmed, glancing at the plate. 
There was a beautifully decorated fruit tart surrounded by assorted cookies.
Next to the dessert plate was a beverage station: more ice water, labeled carafes of coffee and hot water for tea, along with all the necessary accouterments: tea, sugar, honey, creamer, cups, spoons, extra napkins. 
There was hand sanitizer for washing their hands and even a little garbage can for their trash.
"Wow. They thought of everything." Jihyo looked around in disbelief, taking in not only the amazing setup inside the perimeter but also the beautiful view of the water. 
"This is so lovely, (YN)," she turned to you, "I can't believe they arranged all of this."
"Wonder how lovely the food is," Jihyo chuckled as you turned to the table behind you, grabbed the bottle of sanitizer, and then gestured to the dining table. "Shall we sit and start with the salad?"
Jihyo nodded, and they stepped over to the table while you pulled out her chair for her and helped her get comfortable. 
She placed her napkin on her lap and watched as you sat down across from her.
They washed their hands, and then Jihyo started serving the salad as you poured glasses of water and wine.
As they started to dine, Jihyo looked out into the water again and around the area.
"This is so incredibly romantic (YN), it feels like a K-drama scene."
You downed your salad in your mouth while nodding and Jihyo smiled at you.
"Champagne," you affirmed. "I think we should commemorate this," you held the glass up, "To us. To our love, to the rest of our married. I hope that we will have a wonderful time."
"We will." Jihyo retorted, "to a new life!" and leaned forward to connect her glass with yours.
"To a new life!" You repeated
And they both took a sip...
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After setting their drinks down...
"It's crazy that last week, we were engaged," you said as Jihyo smiled, "and now husband and wife."
"It feels like a dream (YN), a dream I wish I would never wake up from." She leaned forward as you smiled.
"It's all real Jihyo. And for me, it's better than a dream." Jihyo hummed in happiness, "I think we're going to be perfect at marriage," you declared.
Jihyo smiled at the hint of pride in your voice. 
"I have no doubt (YN). We've known each other since Sixteen...but back then, I didn't think we'd be this far," She admitted, her eyes lessened, "I'm not saying that I was wanting to break up with you," she stated to fix any confusion, "but because of me starting to become an idol, things got tough for us."
You nodded.
"I was going everywhere besides our company, and we hardly saw each other, but you didn't get mad, you weren't anything negative. You sent messages and gifs of anything cute, supporting, or uplifting. All that got me to smile and encouraged me that no matter what, I had my group and I had you, you did whatever you could to keep me happy (YN). I can't thank you enough for all those times, I really can't." She reached a hand across the table as you laid yours on top and you squeezed your fingers around hers, ", especially our first time meeting, I didn't even know you then."
"I had to say something. That lady had the audacity to insult you in front of everyone with no shame. Still ticks me off," You spat as you recalled that day...
Jihyo was done with her photoshoot for their session of a challenge of Sixteen and now heading towards the station that showed each photo.
"I think we did okay..." Nayeon spoke up.
"It was tough though," Minyoung added while the Minor group walked towards the main camera-woman with the others behind watching the group.
The pics were going through and comments were like...
"Jeongyeon, good...good...I like this one...this one can go...Nayeon, good, nice smile...pose is nice...Minyoung...could be better...this one is okay..."
AN: this isn't how it went, but this is how it'll be for more dramatic
And as each member went Jihyo was the last one...and while she was expecting some nice comments or some slouching comments...she didn't expect...
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...with no hesitation was heard and the girls stiffened but Jihyo felt ill.
The others obviously reacted as they looked towards Jihyo pursed her lips and her hands went over her tummy. 
"Come here, turn around," the photographer stood up as Jihyo went to the front and he inspected her outfit, "no, no, this won't do, this outfit is too tight on you," The photographer informed her and with her booming voice, the entire staff heard
Hearing this, Jihyo really couldn't hide her expression as her eyes went anywhere but to anyone's eyesight, her lips quivering.
Sure, she wasn't as skinny as Momo, Tzuyu, or Somi, but she didn't think she was that bad.
"Why would they make you something that has you largened and don't puff up your cheeks," the photographer pointed at her face and then the photo, "they're too large Jihyo, like chipmunks, you shouldn't eat so much if you-"
"Okay, that's enough!"
A voice cut through and everyone turned to the source of a teen, probably the same age as the girls, walking towards the two, a staff badge around his neck. 
"What the hell is wrong with you?" the guy cut between Jihyo and the woman, who was appalled.
"Excuse me!?"
"You heard me," he nudged his head, "how does she look fat? She's healthy if anything. What type of photographer are you?" He argued for her sake as Jihyo looked at the side of the younger person's hardened look.
"What type-who the hell are you to tell me that?!" The photographer stood in front of you.
"Woah, okay that's enough," another man, the manager of the place, stepped in front of both the photographer and you, "we're not starting something," he looked at both, "or you will have to leave if this is going to be an issue," he stated towards the protector as he scoffed back, "or I will call the boss," 
"Call him then," the younger one said, "let him know how his dumbass 'photographer' is body-shaming the trainees," 
"What you say?!" The photographer lunged but was stopped by the full body hold.
"Jihyo get back," Nayeon grabbed her arm as Jihyo continued to stare at her defender.
"Ma'am! You need to relax!" He said struggling against her. 
"You're supposed to make them feel confident, not insecure!" the defender turned to Jihyo, "I don't see anything wrong with her, she's beautiful in every way," Jihyo lost her breath as the defender turned to you, "she's doing her best like the others and you should be giving her advice! Why in the world would you put her down like that?!" The defender stepped closer as others came to help back both people up, "can't believe you're in charge of-"
"Okay get him to the hall! Now!" 
"(YN), let's go! Come on!" One of them grabbed onto your arm as commanded while you glared at the photographer who was flashing back, but you complied and walked away, giving one last look at Jihyo and then you were off.
Everyone had their eyes set on the door as you walked out and the doors gave a large shut as the camera-woman huffed in frustration, now being let go of the hold.
"Ms. Kwon-"
"Who was he!?" She pointed at the door, "I want him fired immediately!"
"Relax Ms. Kwon, relax, he just started working here, but we'll make sure he's not allowed back here anymore." The producer explained as Ms. Kwon clicked her tongue.
"Calling me a dumbass, to hell with him." She said walking away in anger as the producer sighed.
"Wait!" Another voice spoke up and this time Jihyo was the one stepping forward, "you can't fire him, he was defending me," Jihyo barked back as the producer shook his head.
"Ms. Park, what he did wasn't allowed, especially to a higher-up."
"Tsk...fine, call producer-nim, we'll see what he has to say," Jihyo stated while folding her arms.
"Jihyo," Jeongyeon showed up near her, "let's not get into this."
"She's right Ms. Park, let us handle- Ms. Park?"
Jihyo didn't listen as she started to pace towards where you were escorted out, ignoring the calls for her.
Getting through the doors, she looked left and then right and saw a trio of guys standing in the hall, with you leaning against the wall.
"Excuse me," Jihyo was thankful they didn't go far as the trio looked at her.
"Ms. Park?" One of them called out as Jihyo approached them.
"I want to talk to him alone," She looked at you and then the other two, "just a few minutes," she added as the two guys looked at one another and shrugged.
"A few minutes then, but we'll be keeping an eye on you," one of them looked to you as didn't respond as both workers went towards the same door Jihyo came out of and stood near it but away enough to give space.
"Are you okay?" She asked while you nodded.
"Don't worry about me, what about you?" She nodded, "I'm sorry for what she said to you,"
"I'm okay, it's just criticism," Jihyo excused as you scoffed.
"That's not a criticism, those were insults, what kind of person says that, especially to you who's working hard," you noted as Jihyo looked away for a moment and looked back at you.
"It's the idol life, but I'm more worried about your job..." Jihyo mellowed as you shrugged.
"I'll find another, ain't the only one out there," 
"You shouldn't," Jihyo had her voice firm, "you were doing a nice thing,"
"I doubt they're gonna see it that way, I'm happy you care, I am, but don't worry about me," you countered, "I'll be-"
"What if I talk to our boss? He'll understand that you were only defending me." Jihyo took a step forwards as you shook your head in return
"I appreciate that, but I don't want you to get into trouble for me." You rejected politely as Jihyo didn't take that, "You should focus on your show."
"It's no trouble, I know him well, he'll understand. I don't want to see you go for something like this," 
You looked at her and you had a feeling that she was going to do so anyway, regardless of what you were going to say.
"...alright," Jihyo nodded, "only if it's no trouble and if he doesn't, don't blame yourself," you said as Jihyo shook her head.
"I know you'll be staying," she smiled as you did after her, "I'm gonna get him here so I'll be back," Jihyo pointed behind her as you nodded and then she started to walk backwa- "oh," Jihyo turned back to you, "and before I go, thank you for what you..." Jihyo's eyes were averted for a bit before back to you, this time with a smile, "said about me and for standing up for me," she got that first in as you waved it off.
"It's nothing, I couldn't stand there while she said those false things about you," you explained, "someone had to step in," you said and Jihyo smiled even more.
"Well thank you (YN)," Jihyo responded as you nodded, "my name is Jihyo," she said thinking you didn't know her name.
"I know who you are Ms. Park."
"Jihyo," she corrected as you nodded, "also when you do stay, maybe we can talk again? Under better circumstances?" She asked as you smiled.
"Yeah, I'd like that,"
Jihyo nodded to that.
"Great, okay now I gotta go, I'll see you with him in a bit," she pointed behind her and then headed off back into the main room as you chuckled while the two guys were approaching you.
"Jihyo, hehe, we'll see,"
Maybe you'll be hoping to stay after all.
Jihyo fondly remembered that memory as well.
"I know (YN), but without that, we wouldn't have known each other," Jihyo said to you nodding "at least everything got straightened out when JYP came in,"
"Thanks to you," you said as Jihyo remembered her long talk with the boss explaining what happened, "surprised he wasn't that mad. Actually sided with me too."
"I told you he'll understand." 
"The first of many 'I told you'," you joked as Jihyo chuckled, "and we both got our future sets with you winning and me being part of the crew full time, which was a blessing since we got to be together a lot more after. Though we couldn't do anything too serious with you kicking your idol career off," you said as Jihyo nodded.
"And you with other groups, but we made it work," Jihyo continued, "till some asshole almost ruined it."
Jihyo truly despised the paparazzi, spreading dating slash malicious slash dark rumors about her and her friends, but there was one that made Jihyo want to crush them.
The asshole she was talking about was from INSIDE the company that took pics of you two together across various weeks that got them to admit they were an item before the dating ban.
Either could have said they were really, really good friends before the dating ban but it did looked like you two were dating, especially when you two were together daily.
It was obvious to anyone watching them that Jihyo and you were enjoying each other's presence.
A year after Twice was formed, you asked Jihyo, while she couldn't really date yet if there was a possibility of you and her being something or keeping a promise to be something whenever it was best.
Shooting your shot as you liked her a lot and you felt that she enjoyed you as well.
Jihyo only needed a couple of seconds to smile and agree as she shared her feelings with you and you two made it official in private but won't say it was official till the dating ban was done with.
Though when Dispatch leaked the photos, she was not happy that they had that ruined.
Not even concerned about what the world knows, just pure anger at the intruder of her privacy along with Dispatch.
JYP had a talk with you both and thought you were gonna get fired, but since it wasn't hindering any of your jobs, only hanging out during free time and interacting at the same building only, he allowed the relationship to be still.
And as best, he could find the leaker, they weren't founded out nor any more pictures were produced or spotted after, and when Jihyo calmed down, the company released a statement saying you two were great friends.
Though being alone after, Jihyo told you that she wasn't afraid to confirm the relationship.
Sure she'll get backlash, but she was okay to let everyone know that she was with the one she loved.
Yeah, love.
She harbored saying that a months into the relationship and was finally glad to reveal her true feelings.
Now that was a heart shaker to you, but you returned the words and that cemented your relationship right then and there.
Once the ban was up, the relationship grew tenfold and the two announced their bond to the world.
It blew up with mixed reactions, half good about her being happy, half bad about dating a random nobody rather than someone popular. 
Essentially good for her and bad for you, but you didn't care what they called you, all that mattered was your then-girlfriend, now wife.
It all died down later as Jihyo nor you showed too much of your relationship to the public and soon it felt like no one really cared anymore for years...till your wedding ceremony.
Now that was a big hit, even if Jihyo wasn't retaining her idol status.
"Well we can thank Mister or Miss Asshole for pushing our relationship further I suppose, even though what they did was pretty wrong," You said as Jihyo shrugged.
"Wish they caught the person though, sucks they didn't catch the perp," she complained as you leaned forward onto the table.
"I don't know, I think they were lucky they didn't face god-Jihyo's wraith~" You joked as Jihyo winked at you, "but what's done is done," 
"Yeah, but you're right about him pulling us together. Our first 'love you' to another and now..." she stared at the ring on her finger, "nine years later and I feel like what we have keeps growing (YN), it feels never-ending." She opened while you smiled.
"It does. You've changed me for the better."
Jihyo smiled. 
"You've changed me too," she stroked her thumbs against the tops of your hands. "You don't give yourself enough credit for how amazing you are (YN). You are intelligent, generous, kind, compassionate and you make me laugh more than anyone," she continued. "You challenge me in all the ways a good partner should. We complement each other in so many ways."
You nodded in agreement. 
"It's like we were meant for each other."
Jihyo leaned in closer. 
"We are (YN)," she said softly before leaning in towards the table as you leaned forward as well, pressing her lips to yours for a few seconds before releasing the love.
You gave a content sigh as you observed your wife.
"You're even more beautiful as I said back then Jihyo,"
Jihyo gave a heartful smile.
"And you're more kind and caring as you were then (YN),"
You were staring lovingly at her smile back.
"Now, I don't want to ruin our moment, but maybe we should start with dinner?" You asked as JIhyo nodded.
And so you started to serve both her and yourself and the two dined on the pleasant meal and taking a bite of the beef and pastry, the sweet and savory blend of layers melted in your mouths.
"Oh wow, that's good," Jihyo was muffled at the meal as you agreed and untwists were being heard to cut or poke when you decided to talk about something else.
"So, what are our plans for tomorrow?" You asked after a moment and Jihyo shrugged.
"I don't know. I told you we didn't make any plans for the week,"
"I know that, but I figured you had some sort of idea that can fill the day up?" you questioned as Jihyo took a bite of her beef while thinking.
Though you were amused at the angry look Jihyo seems to always have when eating anything.
A cute, angry look.
"Well...we could do a tour of the island? We saw that on the things to do here." Jihyo suggested as you nodded.
"Sounds good," you agreed.
"But this is OUR honeymoon (YN), so what would you like to do?" she looked at you pointedly.
"Well...honestly for me, it doesn't really matter what we do. I feel like we should go for stuff that we normally can't do you know." Jihyo nodded, "but also keeping things simple."
"That's what I want too," Jihyo said quickly. "I also want to do out-of-the-ordinary activities but I want to keep things normal and simple. I'm glad we didn't have to plan every moment of every day. I think that we should just see what's there and just do it."
You understood why Jihyo wanted that.
Since her trainee days to Twice till the end, it's been almost every moment of every day in Jihyo's life planned for years. Sure she'd had free time for a week here and there, but you knew she was happy to have a relaxed life and to enjoy what she had now.
"Of course, then we'll see about that tour and let things drop the way they drop." You concluded as Jihyo nodded to that.
And after that, it was a sensual and quiet dinner.
48 Minutes Later
They chatted and drank through dinner and dessert, then moved out of the table to sit on the lounge chairs. 
They spread the blankets over themselves to stay warm and stared at the sun over the water.
Quiet through a relaxed, comfortable silence as they watched the sun get lower.
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You were on the same own lounge chair with Jihyo close to you, resting her head against you.
Your arm was wrapped around her, and they were both enjoying the peaceful privacy and beautiful view as the sun slowly set, dimming the area around them.
"Everything is perfect," Jihyo finally said, breaking the silence with her soft-spoken voice.
"It really is," you agreed.
Jihyo lifted her head to look at you. 
"I mean it (YN), everything in my life feels perfect. From becoming a trainee to an immensely successful career with Twice, having a successful after-job, to meeting, dating, and marrying you; my life is perfect and I feel like it can't get any better than this." Jihyo snuggled closer.
"Same. We've been through quite a bit to get here, but it's like you said, worth it." You added as Jihyo nodded.
"And thank you for going through all that with me," Jihyo muttered as you smiled and kissed her softly before replying.
"You never have to thank me. You know I'd do anything for you."
"I know you would." Jihyo was still for a moment, and then glanced around at the clearing surrounding them, visually confirming her intuition that they were alone, "so if I were to ask for something now, you would do then?"
"Name it." 
Right answer.
Jihyo then maneuvers herself over to your chair, pushing your blanket aside.
Whether it was the few glasses of wine she'd had with dinner, the excitement that coursed through her whenever she was near you, or just the overwhelming love she had for you, something prompted Jihyo to climb on top of you.
And even you were surprised by the move.
"What are you doing?" you asked her.
Once Jihyo knelt over your lap, she rested her weight against your legs. 
"You know~ I think you're right~" Jihyo's tone was evident as you know what she wanted.
She'd only use that voice for one reason.
"That I'm the horny one~" Your eyebrows rose with intrigue, "we're having a romantic evening on our honeymoon and we're completely alone, so..." her voice trailed off, leaving you to make your own conclusion about what she was implying.
"You want to fuck right here?" you asked, your eyes widening. "Now? On the beach?"
Jihyo responded with a confident nod as she leaned her face towards yours.
"Mmhmm~ I want this honeymoon to be spectacular (YN), we could use our bed any day we want, but to do it at a beach~ hehe~ sounds really intriguing~" Her breath wisped at your lips while giving a half-lustful look and you could tell she was at that point, "and I can't think of a better way to celebrate our first day as husband and wife~"
You rested your hands on her denim-covered thighs, and the thought of peeling them off of her right now while they were outside was incredibly arousing.
"It sure does, has this been a fantasy I didn't know~" you questioned.
"Nah, this can be the cherry on top for this day," she replied with a smile. "But the question is, are you in?"
You were clearly surprised that she was initiating this, but a good kind of surprise.
An exciting one.
This situation was definitely not on your to-do list for the evening, Jihyo was on that list, but the location was not.
You assumed they'd have a nice romantic dinner by the beach, and then back to the room.
And now Jihyo was, ready to pounce outside in the dark on a lounge chair.
A very comfortable lounge chair, but still, a lounge chair.
All that to say, you were getting turned on by the idea and were game for it if she was.
"Well when my wife says so, how can I refuse~" you answered with Jihyo grinning, "and you know someone can spot us?" you asked just to make sure Jihyo was on board.
Jihyo nodded.
"I know~"
You smiled.
"Then you're right, it would be a shame to turn down an opportunity like this."
Jihyo felt her body throb with excitement.
She had always been a spontaneous person, but something like this was far outside of her box.
However, she was discovering more and more that she wanted to try new things outside of that box with you.
"Birth control?"
"Course I am,"
Before they were pretty cautious, especially Jihyo an idol by using condoms, but late in her last Twice year, you two talked and used pills along with not using condoms to today.
Crazy, yeah, but without the rubber felt much more pleasurable and sexual to them the first time they have done without, and of course, you pulled out...most times.
But now with her being off the team, the two of you were able to have a  worry-free time.
There were talks about starting a family, but it was here and there, mostly focused on the wedding first.
She leaned forward to kiss you, and your hands ran up her back under her coat.
=======================SMUT START=========================
Her hands were cradling your face as she kissed you with every ounce of energy she had with your hands began roaming her body and you started pushing her jacket over her shoulders.
When she felt you starting to undress her, she pushed herself up and took off her jacket, throwing it onto the sand on the side, removing her jacket and shirt, pulling them off, and then taking her bra off, too and in a matter of seconds she became completely topless.
Your hands instinctively went to her breasts to caress them and leaned in and pressed your lips to her, kissing her as Jihyo managed to grind her hips a bit and work her ass over your lap. 
A little teasing went a long way with you and when they broke the kiss, your voice had changed into a moaning symphony.
"God I want to do some bad things to you~"
"Good, 'cause I need you to do bad things to me~" Jihyo ushered as your cock ached under her.
Gripping her breasts with more force, Jihyo abruptly threw her head back, giving you a clear view to run your mouth to her neck and kiss a trail downward while your hands squeeze those breasts. 
Moaning out to you in her while you kissed her neck, you pushed your face down to her breasts to smother himself in the flesh of her amazing tits as Jihyo responded by pushing her tits up for you so you could get lost inside them.
"Mmmm~ lick 'em up (YN)~ They're yours after all~"
She wanted your hands, your fingers, your lips, tongue, and mouth, on her bare breasts, on her nipples. 
She got them all as her pink, pert buds hardened smartly to your touches, your kisses, your sucking. 
They both loved you nursing her. 
Oh yeah, Jihyo was drunk indeed.
Upon her words, your mouth opened and you pushed her right nipple between your teeth to swipe your tongue over it. 
Alternating to her left tit, you slobbered all over it like a hungry animal begging for what was to come real soon, but Jihyo had enough of this teasing though, under her butt she could feel your rod stiff and hard as it was poking through your jeans.
And Jihyo was hungry for it. 
"(YN)~," she said softly as you licked and sucked on her breasts, "ohh~ god." Her fingers threaded through your hair as she began gently rocking against your lap.
You kissed up to her neck and started sucking on it, thinking about how even her neck was amazing.
Every inch of this woman was perfect, rather, every inch of your wife was perfect.
Your wife.
You would never get over how incredible that sounded.
As you felt Jihyo start to shift her body off of you, your lips pulled away from her neck. 
She slowly raised herself from your lap and stood up on the sand.
"Take your jeans off only, I need more of your touch~" Jihyo started working on your as you shrugged, "we can feast on each other back in the room~"
"Whatever you want, I'm not complaining," you began to unbutton your jeans as Jihyo bend down to pick up her jacket, but leaving the shirt and bra off.
"Pretty chilly," she said putting on her jacket and zipping it up halfway, leaving her breasts half-covered while you both pulled your lower garments down and bent to fully remove them as Jihyo had you moved to the side of your space.
She was right, it was cold as the cool air invaded and took over your warmth, but Jihyo was at your side, lying on her side while looking at you.
"You better hurry and warm me up~ Finger me~" she noted in a whisper. 
You lowered your right hand down her stomach, making her tremble with anticipation before reaching her now-exposed womanhood and started rubbing it.
Jihyo started moaning instantly and felt herself becoming hotter and hotter. 
She needed more otherwise she thought she would go crazy as she looked down at your lower body and saw your cock erect and standing at attention. 
She reached over with her left hand and grasped it, making you gasp between her moaning as she started stroking your hot cock, making you become heated as well.
Needing to do something more yourself and seeing how Jihyo was starting to get wetter, you inserted a finger into her opening, making her squeal. 
"(YN)~" she groaned but didn't stop you while humping towards your hand.
You buried your face in the curve of Jihyo's neck and inhale the sweet fragrance of her beautiful hair which is spilling across behind her, as you delight in the heavenly realization of what they are doing together.
Your strong hands hold her body to yours and you're barely able to comprehend that they are here, loving your wife as a husband at last. 
The devastating bliss is almost more than both can bear and knew they won't last long.
The sensation of having JUST your finger inside her was something Jihyo never thought would feel so damn good.
She felt her pussy becoming even hotter as you maneuvered it around inside her while you pumped in and out of her. 
She returned the favor and started stroking your shaft faster and harder, making you enflamed while Jihyo leaned to kiss you soon afterward as your tongues danced with passion and Jihyo felt her heart skip a beat when you inserted a second finger into her.
Their mutual masturbation kept going for a couple of minutes as you two kissed and Jihyo loved what she was feeling and never wanted it to stop, but she needed more.
You loved her taste and her delicate, petite, and soft hand on your shaft but Jihyo pulled her hand and her lips away.
"Stay there~" she asked as you adjusted yourself to your back, "wallet right?" you nodded as you pulled  
Jihyo got on her knees and shifted her leg over and sank those heels into the chair and began to lower herself down over your body.
She took a hold of your cock from you and began to slowly stroke it up and down.
"(YN)," your eyes concentrated on hers, "we're finally together, this is our first love in our married life,"
You leaned up to her as Jihyo lowered her head and the two shared a two-second kiss as you leaned back just a few inches.
"It is, I love you Jihyo. I can't tell you how much..."
"Then don't," she whispers and used her hand to push yourself down, "let the action do the talking."
From your point of view, you could see her body just begging to drop and that mighty ass hovering inches above.
Softly and surely, the crown of your cock hit the wet folds of her sweet loving folds, and then Jihyo threw her head back and sank her body down taking you into her.
"Ohhhhh yes~ hehe~ you ready for the action (YN)?"
Jihyo teased you, taking her hands and running them up to her hair running wild and free as she looked down and saw the smirk on her man's face.
"Do what you want with me~"
"I intend to~"
Placing her hands down on your chest, Jihyo began to thrust herself up and down on you.
Grinding her body as your cock jammed in and out of the threshold to her loving hole.
You watched her body bounce with her lovely titties shaking about as the woman took control and was riding you into this slow frenzy.
"Oh yeah, that's it~ I'm glad your cock is mine~"
"All yours Jihy-fuck..."
That comment was sure to bring a reaction out of you while she picked up the pace of thrusting herself up and down.
Your hands ran up and playfully snagged at her bouncing breasts, smashing the palms of your hands over them as you also began to pump yourself as your cock explored her tight hole.
In and out, in and out Jihyo remained in control fucking you as hard as she could.
At her entreaty, your movements become more urgent and you began thrusting your hips harder in a new, insistent rhythm. 
Jihyo sighs above you and you feel her silken arms move upward as they cling to your shoulders.
You can feel a trickle of sweat running down your forehead as you try to control your movements so as not to make this quick as Jihyo's hot breath on your skin and the sounds coming from her lips are making your hips drive into her faster. 
"Oh, (YN)~," Jihyo whispers breathlessly, gently drawing her lips to yours in a scorching kiss and moving her hips downwards more slowly as well.
"Hmmm~ I love you," your voice is a low rumble.
Then their lips are touching, but they're no longer kissing as your body is ablaze with desire for her. 
You feel her gasping breath in your mouth and Jihyo's slender legs are wrapped firmly around your body.
"I love feeling you inside me~" she breathes.
"Jihyo," you pant, dragging your lips away from hers so that you can see her face, which is flushed with want. "Oh, Jihyo~"
"I love you, (YN)," Jihyo murmurs in your ear, still clutching him tightly to her body. "You feel so wonderful~"
You feel enveloped by the warmth of Jihyo's love for you, and the sublime look on her face, as you move in her, pierces your very soul.
No words came from either mouth, only loud moans as she closed her eyes and began to grind down on you harder.
The beach lounge chair squeaked and played instrumental music for fucking.
Between the sound of her ass slapping down on your balls and the squeaking, a perfect harmony was made between their moans and heavy breathing back and forth.
"Yo-uu going to make y-your wife cum (YN)~" Jihyo urged you as you nodded.
"Yeah~ You gonna m-make your husband cum as wel-shit~"
"Good~ C-Cum with me too~"
Pound after pound Jihyo smashed into you.
She knew her breaking point would be coming soon, running her hands up and down your chest as she teased you slowing down.
You were beginning to thrust into her right on pace with her which caused her to stop.
She wanted to feel you thrust your cock into her and you didn't disappoint.
You moved your hands over her hips and thrust wild and as hard as you could as Jihyo's body still shook as did her nice breasts as she threw her head back, waved her hair around, and closed her eyes.
Softly she cried out to you.
"Yes! Yes! Harder~ Yes!"
"Oh yeah, you gonna-"
A sudden stop came from the halt in body movement.
Both of them closed their eyes and cried out together, sweet ecstasy pouring on as their bodies tensed up and hit the climax.
No words at the moment could break this sweet ecstasy between them.
When they locked their gazes onto one another with their foreheads touching, enjoying the ecstasy as Jihyo leaned in and shared a loving kiss with you while lying on top of you, your hands going to her butt, cupping each cheek as Jihyo groaned, but then...
The two shivered, but not from lust, from the chilling air that came to them.
"Hehe, now that was a cold one," you nodded with her as Jihyo laughed at her own idea backfiring you shivered once more as another heavy wind came through, "one more before we head back~" Jihyo was forward as you grinned.
"Name it,"
"Hey I rode you, what do you want~" 
"Hmm...well, since you rode me, I think it's fair for me to ride you,"
"Let's do it,"
Jihyo whispered...oh yeah, she was horny as fuck as a sinister smile raised over her lips as you moved up on the seat and Jihyo planted her elbows onto the chair to support her as you pushed in, guiding your cock to her again, making Jihyo sigh in bliss.
"Come on and fuck me (YN)~"
Her voice cooed in a seductive matter just as your cock slid in, Jihyo brought her hands over your chest and moaned looking into your eyes.
You placed your hands over her curvy hips and leaned in and kissed her passionately as you pushed your cock into her loving hole while she planted her heels right into the cheeks of your butt as you began to thrust into her now.
"Yes! HARDER!"
Since silenced by your lips, she groaned her saying to you and the chair created a commotion of rhythm beating once again.
Over and over, your cock pumped into her loving pussy as Jihyo moved her heels, digging them further into your ass and continuing to pump into her hard as Jihyo stretched herself out on the chair, breaking the kiss and you rose up, hands supporting your body and you could see her breasts bouncing.
"Oh god! Yes! Fuck me~ Love me~"
"Jihyo, honey, we can't be screaming so loud," You grunted as no doubt the screams of her voice and the sound of their lustful event could probably be heard so hopefully it was as private beach as they said.
Plus with Jihyo, her voice can be pretty damn loud.
Jihyo lost her grip on the chair and ended up falling back on it, spreading her legs out wide as you just kept on hammering that sweet pussy over and over.
You weren't strong in words as you huffed and grunted over her as you watched her breasts heaving up and down with each thrust inside her.
"Oh yes, oh yes~ yes~ yes~ oh fuck me (YN)~"
Seems Jihyo got the message as her voice was silenced with less pitch as she could feel her climax coming soon, gritting her teeth and threw her arms about on the arms of yours but nothing was breaking the concentration that you had on pumping your hard cock into her tight hole.
A soft laugh escaped her lips as you brought one hand on her lower back and began to pump into her snatch while the other hand went towards her left tit, as you fondled it for all its worth. 
Jihyo moaned and then laughed as her hands gripped harder onto your arms, nails logged in, as she closes her eyes in ecstasy. 
Your face is contorted with your efforts as your movements suddenly become more erratic and you knew you can't hold back any longer and probably neither your wife as Jihyo's hips are thrusting hard against you now and her gasping breath is becoming more erratic.
You increased the tempo of your hips, then you hear Jihyo draw in her breath sharply and her body is surging against you now.
When you hear her gasp, you watched as the bliss overtakes her.
Jihyo is panting beneath you and you watch when Jihyo opens her eyes once more, they are so beautiful that you smile at how incredible your partner is.
And there it is.
That blissful expression you see on her face in these moments and you are overwhelmed by the ecstatic knowledge that it is your touch, your love that can give Jihyo so much pleasure.
"God I love you~"
Moaning, you bend your head to place your mouth on her salty skin and he licks that drop of sweat from the delicious valley between her breasts. 
Jihyo gasps again and arches her torso upwards.
"Ohhh~ (YN)~ so close~"
"S-so am I-I can't hold it..."
"Then cum~ cum in your wife (YN)~"
Murmuring your name, you thrust your hips into her once, twice, then a third time before the pleasure washes over you and you grunt, closing your eyes in ecstasy as your entire body is consumed with your release.
"Ahh~ ohhh~"
Groaning as your body goes rigid and the pleasure of your release breaks over you like a wave; overwhelmed with the extraordinary rapture as your entire body shudders in ecstasy.
You collapse on top of her, your body spent, face buried in Jihyo's soft hair and your arms are still clutching her slim body to yours. 
"Now this...this is right..."
Jihyo grasps your body to her, continuing to murmur her love for you in your ear, with one hand tangled in the hair at the back of your head and the other wrapped tightly around your waist.
They lie there for a moment, both of them regaining breath and the sweat of their bodies mingling.
====================SMUT END=======================
A minute passed and you sat up, removing your flaccid cock from her as Jihyo groaned at losing her warmth.
"I know, but I think we should get clothed up and go back to the room before we get sick for the rest of the week. Or did you want people to find us half naked in the morning?" You joked as Jihyo chuckled.
"Hehe, exhibitionist I am not..." Jihyo sat up too, her breasts half covered still, but your sight went to her slit with you could see traces of your work still seeping out.
"Let me get some towels to clean ourselves up a bit, I'm sure no one will go through our garbage," you informed her as Jihyo watched you pull your pants up to your thighs along with the briefs as she watched you and your friend hobble towards the table while holding onto your jeans to not get them dirty.
A quick few steps and you handed her the roll before ripping a couple for yourself as you cleaned your cock with one and the other your sweat as Jihyo patted herself down as well.
Soon as you think you were decent, you zipped up your jeans and reached down to grab her clothing from the sand.
"You good?" she nodded, "here," you handed her clothes.
"Thanks," she said before putting her underwear on, covering her sex and then her jeans followed by her bra, which she had to remove her sweater as you smiled at her breasts out and proud.
"So, that complete your beach sex wish?" You grinned as Jihyo hummed.
"Very, it was romantic, in a way," she smiled as you nodded, "besides, it's always nice to try something new (YN), and this was something we can cross off. Maybe we can 'explore' a few more things before we leave yeah?" 
"I'll do anything with you Jihyo," you agreed as Jihyo nodded while you put your shirt back on, now both of you dressed like nothing happened, "let me call the driver,"
"Hehe, of course~ then we can continue were we left off~" Jihyo noted and you figured it was a joking manner, but one look at her, she wasn't...and you grinned.
Horny Jihyo strikes again. 
"(YN)~ Come on~"
"Wakey wakey~"
You felt nudged on your shoulder as your eyes blinked open to the side of your hotel room.
"Behind you~"
You heard your wives' happy tone and turned your head...
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...your lovely wife was there with a smile to brighten the entire world.
It did for you on every occasion...but...
"Hmm..." you groaned while gripping the blanket harder, "bed cozy," you muttered as Jihyo placed her hands on her hips.
"Come on (YN)~ there's no time for bed, there's much we need to do."
You pulled the blanket down to your chest and twisted yourself to wake up.
"Yeah, I know, let me wake a bit."
Jihyo nodded and sat down right next to you.
"Maybe a kiss can wake you up~"
"Maybe," you responded and Jihyo leaned forward to meet in the middle as you two shared a heartfelt kiss before Jihyo pulled away and patted your chest.
"It helped quite a bit," you nodded as Jihyo smiled, stood and pointed at the foot of the bed.
"Got your outfit," a set of clothes were folded, on top of that being briefs since you're still naked from last night's acts with her, "though you should shower first."
"Right," you pushed the blankets on you away, revealing your body as Jihyo's eyes wandered to your lower half to your flaccid, pleasurable friend, smiled, and then turned towards the bathroom.
You inhaled deeply and stretched your arms out, "when did you get up? I didn't even feel you move from the bed."
"About twenty minutes ago," Jihyo stopped at the door of the bathroom and leaned on the doorframe, "I took a shower as well and called front desk after. I guess you were pretty tired. I must have worn you out too much huh~" Jihyo teased as you scoffed.
"Well horny Jihyo does go to the extreme, especially for the beach sex," Jihyo hummed, "can't believe we did it there," you said as Jihyo nodded.
"The glasses of wine did get to me," Jihyo admitted as you pouted.
"Aww, so it wasn't my irresistible charm?" You joked as Jihyo gave a playful scoff.
"Maybe ten percent."
"I'll take it." You were quick to smile as Jihyo rolled her eyes, "But for real, I did enjoy it." You told her as Jihyo nodded.
"Good, so did I. Somehow there's that extra excitement of being out in the open. Imagine us being that daring when I was an idol." She said heading inside the bathroom.
"Well, we could have been, though the reaction probably wouldn't be so great if caught." You reasoned.
"At JYPE, no. For the fans, most definitely yes."
"Thousand percent," you followed Jihyo to the bathroom, still bare as she was fixing her hair, to which she spotted you at the door, "and just letting you know, you didn't wear me out, I'm merely getting more energy for tonight~"
Jihyo placed a hand on the counter and the other on her hip.
"Oh~ so we're going double the rounds then~" Jihyo grinned as you chuckled.
"Hehe, I guess 'we're here on vacation?' is out the window then?" You mocked as Jihyo turned to the mirror.
"You suggested it first," Jihyo pointed at you as you came closer to her.
"I recall you straddling me." You pointed at your lower half.
"Yeah, but you're so irresistible~" she scrunched her face while looking at you in the mirror.
"Can't blame you there," Jihyo hummed.
"And luckily for you," she pointed at you, "you'll be the only one who'll ever experience horny Jihyo~"
"Very lucky indeed," you replied while you looked into the shower and saw a handle for the water, soap bars, small bottles, and a sponge and then back to Jihyo.
"So you called the front desk?" You asked before heading in.
"I called for a special table for breakfast along with a trip to Yeomiji Botanical Garden."
"Botanical garden? Never been to one before?" You said as Jihyo nodded.
"Well our first will be great then, it's one of the best botanical gardens in Asia supposedly. It contains and they said 2,000 rare tropical and subtropical plants throughout areas around." She facted checked you as you were surprised to hear that, "there's even a two hour tour that shows us each one and how they maintain the area, if you want to that is,"
"Wow, that's sounds pretty cool."
"Yeah, I know it's just plants, but I thought it would be fun to walk around and enjoy the scenery." 
"Ah come on Ji, you know I'm down for anything. That sounds great,"
Jihyo loved that side of you, always willing to do whatever with no complain.
"Great, I think it's something we'll enjoy. Plus there's attractions around so we can look after too." 
"Hey whatever you want to do Jihyo, I'm all in, sounds like an eventful time." 
You watched your wife nod in the mirror while forming her hair, but her eyes caught yours as she stopped her movement, watching you walk behind her and wrap your arms around your torso and leaned your head on top of hers.
Not caring about your nudity, with one hand, Jihyo placed it over your arms.
"To think this is going to be every morning Jihyo," she listened and nodded.
Remembering back when you first 'proposed' to Jihyo, god she was as delighted as she could be.
Sobbing an ugly cry for an hour.
Hyperventilating and shaking and grasping you so tight almost knocking you over.
It was mesmerizing to see her as emotional as you, maybe not AS emotional, but you get the idea.
No one knew, not even her members as the secret was kept to the two and it was a long time coming as you two announced their engagement when her career was done and over with two years later.
Instead of a ring put on her to avoid attention, she bought her and yourself a matching set of red bracelets in the meantime though Jihyo kept the ring with her.
A reminder that after her career, there was something to look towards.
A week after her retirement, all the members of Twice each made a last video on each of their socials: thanking every Once for the decade of support and that they'll always be on their minds forever.
Jihyo did the same, though after her message, she dropped another video, one where you came and she announced her engagement to the world and it was a massive revelation, even to her members of how long she was engaged.
Why did she announce it? 
Cause she wanted to show you off.
Plus no idol means no more restrictions.
And then came their wedding: an overall very enjoyable and emotional time. 
Jihyo promised to make it through without crying, but till their wedding vows, she had to stop midway as she started doing so.
After comforting words from her members, aka bridesmaids, she calmed down enough to continue.
The only time though as the rest was all smiles.
"I know, but every moment with you (YN) is always a magical time," you shifted your head to look in the mirror at her reflection and smile, "This marriage, our new life, it's going to be special," she announced as you nodded till you lowered your hands.
But Jihyo turned her body and leaned forward as your lips became one, feeling the soft mesh and breathing of the other.
Your hands roamed downward and Jihyo smiled into the kiss as she felt your hand cupped under her butt, giving it a sensual squeeze.
In revenge, she used one hand of hers to grab your 'friend' and give you a squeeze as you groaned into her mouth, till Jihyo pulled away with a wink
"You know if we keep doing this we're not gonna leave the room~"
"I'm fine either way," you whispered as Jihyo gave a roll of her eyes.
"Course you are, hurry and take your shower," she gave a playful push as you laughed and proceeded to rotate towards and into the shower while Jihyo smiled at your back, resuming her hair as the water dropped.
TIMESKIP - Hour and twenty-seven minutes later
After enjoying a lovely breakfast, Jihyo wanted to walk around for a bit to let the food go down as you nodded and you both walked around, getting a feel for the place and slowly taking information down for later trips as well.
They got good intel of day tours, establishments, restaurants to try, etc to do and you two agreed to plan tomorrow morning of what to expect for the two.
And now, you asked to use the bathroom as Jihyo nodded and waited outside as you quickly did your business and returned to...
"Oh she is not, hehe, gotta get this," you pulled your phone out and had the recording on as you walked closer to your wife and getting to her side... 
"Wakey wakey~"
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"Ahhh (YN)..." Jihyo laughed, a bit embarrassed about being caught red-handed.
"Hmm, I seem to recall a certain someone saying 'Come on (YN), there's no time for bed,'" you mimicked Jihyo's voice as best you could and turned your phone off, joining her while sitting back on your seat on her right, "I was gone for two minutes and here you are passed out,"
"Yah, I wasn't sleeping, I was enjoying the warmth of the sun, with my eyes closed." Jihyo excused as you nodded.
"Rrriight~ guess last night was an impact on both of us then~" You gave a grin as Jihyo chuckled.
"Hehe, indeed it was, but for real, this warm is absolutely making me sleepy."
"Well we got a long tour ahead of us so don't get too sleepy." 
"Then I'll need all the energy I need. For the tour and after~" Jihyo grinned as you chuckled in response...and then her eyes snapped to the right of you. 
You noticed and turned to witness a family of four passing by, two kids laughing and tugging at the dad's arms, begging for some ice cream.
"Henry, Cam, relax, you'll get your ice cream in a bit," the dad stated as the two cheered with the mom shaking her head in amusement.
"Sounds like me with chocolate cake," you joked and turned to Jihyo who was fixated on the family as her head turned with them, "...?"
You waited a few seconds before Jihyo turned to you looking at her, slightly embarrassed at her stare at the random group.
"Sorry," Jihyo said while you shrugged.
"It's alright, you good?" 
"Yeah, just, they passed by us." Jihyo stated, having you give a thought of what she meant by that, "quite a few actually."
"...oh, without recognizing you?" You wondered as Jihyo nodded slowly, "well besides our wedding, you haven't been in the spotlight so it's understandable, that's a good thing, right?" You questioned as Jihyo nodded once more.
"Uh yeah," Jihyo shook her head, "I guess after a decade of people knowing screaming my name, it's sort of funny to not hear it, even after months."
"Understandable, I don't expect you to be used to it quickly...you are okay right?"
Jihyo smiled in response and got up from her seat, only to step forward to you and leaned down to kiss you on the lips before leaning back up.
"I'm better than okay dear husband~" She cooed as you smiled, "come on, let's go see some plants,"
She offered her hand as you rose and took hers in yours.
"Whatever you say, Ms. (LN)~" you repeated as Jihyo hummed and leaned into your arm.
You two were excited to explore the lush greenery of the Yeomiji Botanical Garden. 
As you two walked through the gates, you were greeted by the sweet aroma of flowers and the sound of birds chirping.
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(Here is the website that shows the gallery, you can see what they are really looking at with this)
The location was filled with various sections: Mystery Garden, a Central Hall, a Flower Garden, an Aquatic Garden, a Cactus Garden, a Jungle Garden, and a Tropical Fruits Garden. At the center is a 38-meter tall observation tower each showcasing a different variety of plants and flowers. 
You two started their journey at the Tropical Garden, where they saw a stunning collection of orchids, bromeliads, and ferns. 
The colors and patterns of the flowers were mesmerizing, and neither couldn't resist taking out their cameras to snap a few pictures for their memories.
As they made their way through the garden, you both were amazed by the sheer size and diversity of the plant species. 
They saw everything from towering trees to delicate bonsai, from vibrant flowers to prickly cacti, something Jihyo was fond of since she herself grew a few. 
You were particularly fascinated by the succulent garden, where he saw all kinds of unusual and exotic plants you had never seen before, Jihyo was glad to see you very interested in this.
One of the highlights of their trip was the Flower Garden, which was in full bloom. 
You two wandered through the fields of bright yellow flowers, taking in the stunning scenery and enjoying the fresh air. 
As they reached the end of their tour, they stopped at a small café within the garden and ordered some refreshing drinks and sat down to relax and take in the view. 
And by view...
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The garden was beautiful, but Jihyo was on a whole other level.
The garden was truly a peaceful oasis in the middle of an already paradise, and you two felt grateful to have experienced it together.
"I could stay here all day, just drinking coffee and enjoying the view," Jihyo said, sipping her latte.
"I'm enjoying it as well," Jihyo took a glance at you looking at her as she scoffed.
"Can you be anymore corny?" 
"I'm complimenting you, what's not to enjoy from that?" You joked as Jihyo smiled and shook her head, "you'd rather I'd insult you?" 
"As if you could," Jihyo mocked as you shook your head.
"You're right, there's nothing negative to say about you." You returned as Jihyo can't help her smile enhanced.
"Shut up..." 
"Hehe," you were happy to make her feel as such, "we don't have these places back home?" You asked detouring the moment, taking a sip of your drink as Jihyo shrugged.
"We'll have to check, but I can tell you it won't be spontaneous as this place."
"Yeah, you said best in Asia so-"
You phone rang from your right pocket.
"Sorry," you said pulling it out as Jihyo watched you look at your phone, "it's my dad," you looked at Jihyo who smiled and nodded as you answered it.
"Hey dad...yeah I'm enjoying it," you leaned back on your seat as Jihyo decided to pull her phone out to take more pics of the garden and upon doing so, she watched quite a few pedestrians strolling by. 
The laughter of children filled the air, and the warmth of their joy seemed to envelop her. 
Her eyes rested on a couple, pushing a stroller, their faces glowing with happiness and contentment. 
As Jihyo observed them, a wave of emotions washed over her, and her mind began to drift thoughts turned to you, her now loving husband, who had been by her side through thick and thin. 
They had built a decade of memories together, sharing dreams, laughter, and tears. 
Careers, travel, and various responsibilities had kept them occupied, but they kept their bond in front, communicating with another day and night.
But now, as Jihyo watched the tender interactions between parents and their children...what about her and you?
Glancing at you, still on the phone as you rolled your eyes at Jihyo with a smile, her heart swelled with gratitude for the incredible partner she had found. 
First and foremost, you're incredibly kind and compassionate. 
Your heart's overflowing with empathy, and you go out of your way to make her feel valued and loved so Jihyo knew she can count on you to be there during both joyous and challenging times, offering a supportive shoulder and a listening ear and provided a safe and nurturing environment for Jihyo to thrive. 
Whenever anything was set on a particular day, Jihyo would always wake up to texts of encouragement and funny gifs to cheer her on, even if you were there to see her during the concert, if not, you'd send her a couple more during the day.
You're her biggest supporter, always cheering her on in her endeavors. 
You believed in her talents after becoming an idol and encouraged her to reach for the stars. 
Even during Sixteen, you secretly rooted for her to win, no offense to the others, but after that whole fiasco with the photographer, you two became friends of the sort.
And what truly sets you apart is your emotional intelligence. 
You have an uncanny ability to understand and empathize with others' emotions and not afraid to delve deep into conversations, discussing hopes, fears, and dreams with an open heart. 
Jihyo, while took a bit to get comfortable with you, felt seen and understood herself in more ways than she thought.
Plus you had a knack for making her able to laugh constantly, even during the most mundane moments. Your playful banter and witty remarks fill her time with joy and reminds herself not to take things too seriously. 
She really can't help but smile when you're around.
But Jihyo thinks the communication between them is the biggest positive to her. 
Over the years she appreciated your openly and honestly mannerism, listening to her attentively, and offers support and understanding from your point of view. She trusts you wholeheartedly and that you will always have her best interests at heart.
Jihyo, rather odd, found it a safe space to express herself about current situations.
Above all, you respects her for who she is.
Knew that her job was important to her and rather than complain at the lengths of several non-interactions, you supported her. You rose her strengths, embraces her flaws (none if you had to say), and loves her unconditionally. 
With you, Jihyo felt valued, cherished, and seen for exactly who she is.
Not Park Jihyo, leader of Twice/idol.
But Park Jihyo, a lovable person.
All that equaled to one perfect man, that perfect man to be her husband.
Jihyo sighed softly as you were chatting away.
Though she didn't know about your opinion about starting a family, especially after marrying, but she didn't think you would be opposed to it. 
For Jihyo though, this has been on her mind a year before getting married, six months before Twice disbanded.
While not overthinking, it still had her anxious about their future together trailed her towards their family, their children.
A good anxious though, but now, as Jihyo watched the tender interactions between parents and their children, a longing tugged at her heartstrings. 
She yearned for the joy of holding her own child, of experiencing the unconditional love that only a parent could understand. 
The idea of raising a tiny human, nurturing them, and watching them grow into their own unique person filled her with anticipation and wonder.
Jihyo envisioned moments of bedtime stories and lullabies, of gentle kisses on scraped knees, and of joyful celebrations for milestones reached. 
She could almost hear the sound of a child's laughter echoing in her ears, filling their home with the purest melody. 
The idea of creating a family with you brought a radiant smile to her face.
However, amid her musings, a twinge of uncertainty danced in her mind. 
Doubts crept in, as they often do when contemplating life-altering decisions. 
Would they be ready for the challenges and sacrifices that parenthood demands? 
Would they be able to provide a loving and nurturing environment for their child? 
Of course raising a family would require dedication, patience, and unwavering support, but she also knew that when they tackle this journey together, navigating the highs and lows hand in hand, they would learn and grow as parents, and would offer their child the love and stability they craved.
Jihyo is confident that she'll be able to rise up for it, after all she did raise eight girls for a decade, but she hasn't heard that type of subject from you.
She doesn't think you'd oppose it, but when that time comes about the next step of their future, Jihyo for sure knew that you would be in. 
"-ay, yeah, have fun dad okay, see yah," you hung up while Jihyo kept her eyes on you, "sorry, he wanted know if we're doing fine, and informed me that he and mom will be out of town so they won't be there when we come back,"
"His brothers arranging a family get-together and the two decided to go, good for them," you explained as Jihyo nodded, "well, after this, what do you want to do?" You asked as Jihyo shrugged.
"Maybe a museum? I think there's that chocolate one around."
"Oh yeah, we read that one, good thing Dahyun isn't here," Jihyo chuckled, "what about on the other side of the island? I know it's far but there's that aquarium, that heritage site to climb, also there's tours we can book that takes us to those places right? Maybe we can book something?"
"True, but let's let it just be us," Jihyo said as you nodded, "but you're right, there's plenty to explore out there, the trip there will be long, but worth it," You nodded as Jihyo turned to the flowers.
"...maybe we can start a garden?" Jihyo turned to you, "course not a full fledge one since we're in an apartment, but maybe we can grow some out on the balcony?"
While Jihyo wanted to raise something else, plants are nice too.
"I'd like that, let's keep that in mind," you nodded while she took another sip of her latte and stood up, "I'm ready to keep walking, you?"
"Yeah," you stood up while grabbing your cup as Jihyo got hers, walked around the table, took your hand and soon you two were off to continue this vast environment.
The crowded beach scene didn't even bother Jihyo. 
The only thing she could focus on was the gentle sensation of your fingers intertwined with hers, all the while being led down the sands of Jungmun Saekdal Beach. 
Literally outside their resort, that was the first Jihyo wanted to go down, not the private area they were first night.
It wasn't AS busy as Jihyo nor you would have thought it would be, sure a family here and there, but neither wasn't complaining.
After leaving the garden and a couple of museums around, the two of you decided to hit the beach after a change of clothing from the hotel since being nearby and then heading off to grab lunch.
Both had their shoes off, carrying them in hand and digging their toes into the warm sand whenever they stepped and when she looks outward, Jihyo's transfixed for a quiet moment by the darkening expanse of the sea, stretching infinitely towards the open horizon like the entire rest of the world is nothing but restless water building and rising and falling over itself endlessly, washing gently onto the sand before retreating again, everything dyed in rosy, golden hues by the sun above them. 
She lets her eyes close for a second, taking in the sound of waves rushing against the shore and the salty tang of the wind ruffling her hair. 
Jihyo felt in like those sleeping videos of seagulls, the yells of kids around, the push-and-pull of the tides, the warm wind in her face and the equally warm hand in hers gave Jihyo a sense of calm, being able to take in her surroundings and appreciate the slower pace of the vacationers compared to the hustle and bustle of the city and job that she was used to. 
She was actually grateful to escape from the confines of workers, managers, staff, cameras and it wasn't that she didn't love living being an idol, but getting adjusted to the lifestyle there was taking a bit more out of her than she originally thought it would.
She looked up at you appreciatively, noticing you were staring out into the sea. 
A flock of gulls scatters across the opposite direction, spreading their wings and lifting up and away until they become tiny, dark silhouettes against the sky. 
Jihyo slows to watch the shorebirds wheeling and diving over the water, crying out to one another in the distance, soaring effortlessly on updrafts with a freedom she longed to feel. 
"It's a great view huh?" You commented as she turned to you.
"It is, the water is so blue, seeing it at night was something, but during the day, it's a whole new sight," she complimented the view as you agreed, "It's truly breathtaking."
"Yeah, though it doesn't compare to you," you smiled as Jihyo scoffed mockingly.
"Oh my god (YN)..."
"You love it~" Jihyo could only chuckle in return, "let's take some pics of us here," you pointed, "you know, it'll be like your 'I am' book," you reminded as she nodded.
"Expect it'll be our photobook, we can name it 'Yes, we are Mr. and Mrs. (LN),'" Jihyo suggested as you nodded.
"Unfortunately it probably won't be as good since you had a crew, a thousand dollars cameras, and lighting equipment and it's just me with my phone." You pointed at yourself as Jihyo shook her head.
"Yet it'll be better in my opinion, now come on," she patted your arm as your phone got fished out and pressed the 'camera' button, and pointed your phone at your wife.
"Alright, do whatever you want," you pointed as Jihyo started to twirl herself around...
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...while you took pics of her while recording...
"Looking good," you complimented as Jihyo kept on posing in various ways, as you decided to get on your knee and talked like... "yes, wonderful, oh you're doing amazing darling, spin that dress~ oh beautiful~" 
"(YN) stop it hehe," Jihyo was amused as your photography talk ended and you decided to take a few more pics, "no one talks like that."
"I'm sure photographers talk like that when I'm on set."
"I was in front of those cameras, no one talks like that," Jihyo placed her hands on her hips as you surrendered.
"Alright, alright, uh, let's get some with you in the water? The sea behind you will be cool," 
"Yes Mr. Photographer," Jihyo rose her dress up to her shins while walking into the waves, luckily aren't going wild as it was smooth as relaxing.
You started taking pics as Jihyo posed like an MV photoshoot, easy for her to get into the scene as you moved around to get different angles.
"That should be good, I got like fifty pics," you said, putting your phone down as Jihyo went to you, feeling the sand get sturdier with each step.
"Only fifty? Shame on you (YN)," Jihyo pointed out as you hung your head.
"I think you'll find that those fifty are masterpieces," you said as you handed her your phone and Jihyo took one swipe to see each one. 
"Not too shabby Mr. Photographer~"
"Well, having someone of your talent makes it such."
"Well a decade of experience will do that," you nodded as Jihyo slipped across each screen, favoriting the ones she-
Arf Arf
Both of you heard a high pitch sound behind you and spotted a small fluffy dog running your way.
"Aww~ it's cute," Jihyo complimented.
"Must have run away, collar and leash" you pointed as the dog was feet near you along with the leash dragging behind.
Arf Arf
The dog then jumped onto your leg, only reaching to your shin. 
"And that's the owner," Jihyo pointed forward as you looked too and saw a little girl running towards you both, along with a woman behind her.
"Daisy!" The child yelled and the dog still climbing onto your leg as the child came and took the dog in her hands, not caring about you nor Jihyo, "bad girl," she pointed at the face of the puppy, "you can't run like that,"
"Heather! You can't run off like that either!" the lady behind her caught up, speaking to her as the girl turned to, what you assumed was her mother.
"I was getting Daisy, mom," 
"It doesn't matter, it's dangerous to go alone," the lady turned to you two, "I'm sorry about that, our dog is very hyper." 
"It's fine," "Don't worry," you both said as the mother nodded.
"Put Daisy down and grab my hand," she asked of her daughter, "don't run off like that, especially towards strangers," she said while the girl followed, putting Daisy down, grabbing her leash instead, taking her mom's hand.
"Sorry Mom..."
"Sigh it's okay, just let Dad or I know before you go, have a nice day you two," she said to you both repeating and with that, the two plus dog turned back the way they came.
"Well that happened," you said and turned to Jihyo.
"..." who was fixated on the leaving mother and daughter.
You looked at the duo and then back to Jihyo.
"H-Huh?" You got her attention.
"You good?"
Jihyo got off guard once more and nodded.
"Y-yeah, I-uh, I was staring at the dog..." she said quickly as you didn't seem to think that was the reason, but you didn't want to push it.
 "Well, it is a cute dog, you want a dog?"
Jihyo shook her head slowly.
"No, Bbuyo is enough for me, just thought it was cute..." her words trailed as you nodded slowly.
"That's alright, and Bbuyo is with your sisters, but we can get him or a pup at home, I don't mind," you suggested with Jihyo giving a smile and chuckling.
"I know, thanks (YN), let's grab some lunch?" Jihyo suggested as you nodded, holding your hand out as Jihyo did the same, getting yours into hers.
"Wait? My pics?" You asked as Jihyo nodded.
"Right, oops," Jihyo pulled her phone out, "now let's see you do some amazing poses darling~" Jihyo teased as you grinned.
"Be amazed Ji," you said while getting into the water as Jihyo smiled at her husband's antics.
Though Jihyo mind was somwhere else.
Your plant idea, raising a pet wasn't one she was thinking either, but to hear you open to doing either had Jihyo assuming that you'd be open to starting a family too.
"That should do it,"
There was plenty of room in the tub to move around and the water seemed plenty deep to comfortably cover yourself.
You decided to get inside, feeling bliss at the warm contact of your skin and sure enough it landed just about your chest.
"Oh yeah, this hits the spot, and now this," you grabbed the 'BUBBLE BATH' bottle and layered it around the top of the water and some on the still pouring water and instantly it was creating suds around.
After spreading, you placed it back and then...
...you saw a dial behind you that labeled 'JETS' and sure enough, jets of air, started to blast from the outlets midway of the bath, some down, some forward and some upward that helped with the bubbles.
After a long day of walking around, you needed to wash up and you proposed the idea of the bath to Jihyo, and...
"Wow, you went in without me?"
You heard and looked to the doorframe where Jihyo...
Imagine Jihyo in that stance
...was stripped of all clothing, her arm resting on the frame while her legs were crossed.
"Well it was too relaxing not to, and it's perfect," you answered.
"Good," Jihyo started walking forward as you eyed her figure, even after years of being with her Jihyo was one of, if not, the perfect woman.
Her physical features could catch anyone's eyes with her own expressive eyes that sparkle with warmth and intelligence.
Her smile is infectious, lighting up the room and revealing genuine joy.
Her hair, no matter what style, either cascades in luscious waves, falls gracefully in an elegant style, or her famous bob hair style to frame her face and add to her allure.
Her figure is graceful, with curves that celebrate femininity, confidence, and strength.
But that's just the outside, her personality is what shines the most for you.
Jihyo exudes self-assurance and carries herself with grace and poise.
Her confidence stems from embracing her individuality and celebrating her unique qualities that radiate magnetic energy that draws others towards her.
Her kindness, compassion, and empathy shine through her actions and interactions with others.
And she may have the warmest heart around that nurtures those around her, making people like you feel seen and valued along with her positive attitude and genuine interest in others make her a joy to be around.
But the one that does it for you is her inner strength and resilience.
Of course, you knew Jihyo well that 'on-screen' Jihyo was one person, and another was 'off-screen' Jihyo where she showed her true side to you. She was still a person after all and you aided her in her troubles out of the stage of the negative effects of being an idol from mental to physical tolls on her.
But Jihyo didn't surrender.
Instead, she embraces her vulnerabilities and uses them as stepping stones to grow and evolve to be better. Her strength shines through in her ability to navigate through her idol journey's of ups and downs while being one of the best role models for kids, teens, and probably adults.
When the other members chose Jihyo as a leader, it wasn't due to the amount of time she trained, but her willpower, strength, and her in general.
Her combination of physical attractiveness, confidence, inner glow, intelligence, and resilience that makes Jihyo truly beautiful and perfect.
You don't know what deity to thank for having her at your side, but you could spend an eternity showing gratitude and it still won't be enough.
"And bubbles too, we're really gonna get messy~"
"I think it adds sexiness," you shrugged as Jihyo dipped her hand in the water.
"Perfect," she said while she got in and slowly descended on her side, facing you as she sighed in bliss as well, "now this is warm~"
"And maybe enough water," you said, turning off the faucet and the jets were creating sounds.
"Is that, jasmine?" Jihyo sniffed as you nodded.
"Bath bomb," you explained as Jihyo smiled.
For a moment they sat silently in the hot, steamy water.
Their eyes were locked onto each other. 
The scent of the jasmine was filling their nostrils.
And without giving you a warning, Jihyo moved closer to you, staying linear with the water, but you spotted her hand reaching out and landing on your stomach as she leaned in to kiss your lips.
====================SMUT START=======================
The water splashed them as you opened your mouth and danced your tongue against hers.
Running her hand back across your cheek, your wet hands came out of the water, dripping as you pushed them on her large breasts.
Your mouths moved in sync, tongues tangling in a passionate dance as Jihyo's hands found their way to your chest, feeling the defined tone of your torso, while your hands roamed over her back, pulling her closer to you as their bodies moved with a shared urgency.
Jihyo felt a fire burning within her, fuelled by your touch and the raw desire that pulsed between them.
She let herself be carried away by the sensations, giving in to the passion that consumed her.
Your kiss grew more fervent, their movements more desperate, as they lost themselves in each other.
Jihyo's body tingled with pleasure as your hands explored her curves, leaving a trail of fiery sensation in their wake.
The air was filled with moans and gasps and the sounds of the jets as they gave in to their desires, their bodies moving in perfect harmony.
Time seemed to stand still as they explored each other, their hunger for each other insatiable.
Their encounter was passionate and intense, a culmination of their love for the past eight years.
They were lost in each other, the world around them fading into the background as they surrendered to the pleasure that engulfed them.
Jihyo's body responded eagerly to your touch, her skin tingling with anticipation as you leaned down to press hot, lingering kisses to the nape of her neck, your breath sending shivers down her spine.
Jihyo's fingers gripped the your back as your hands roamed over her, your touch confident and skilled.
Jihyo's breathing grew shallow as your hands moved lower, teasing the small of her back and the curve of her hips and she couldn't help but arch into your touch, craving more of the delicious sensations you were evoking.
Your touch grew bolder, your fingers trailing over the curve of her buttocks...
...eliciting a soft gasp from Jihyo.
You continued to explore her body with your hands, your touch igniting a fire within her that she couldn't contain and Jihyo responded eagerly to your ministrations, her hips rocking against your cock in silent invitation.
With a growl of desire, you shifted your position, catching her back with your left hand and pushing her up so that both tits were exposed to the cool air.
Your lips found her right nipple as your right-hand fingers found her left, sweltering your tongue and gently sucking one, then the other.
Jihyo's body trembled the whole time as you continued to alternate between nipples and her body continued to tremble.
After a minute or so Jihyo rolled off your hand into the water and had a huge smile on her face as her arms extended and wrapped around your neck and her lips locked onto yours.
"Mmmm," she mewed through the kiss while rubbing herself on your already rigid cock that was sandwiched between her and your stomach.
You pushed yourself and her and floated her into the center of the tub, your left hand caught the small of her back.
Her legs spayed open for you and your right hand found her pussy.
Her labia were rubbery to the touch in the water as your index and middle finger probed and found her hole.
You pushed them in as you pulled her body with your left hand while your thumb landed on her clit.
Jihyo decided to join the fray with her right hand going under and her fingers displaced your thumb on her clit as Jihyo rubbed vigorously while you rotated yours.
As she rubbed her clit, you flexed your thumb and fingers inside her making sure your knuckles arched upwards.
She was slippery inside.
There was no friction.
Jihyo's left hand stroked and tugged at her nipples, from one to the other and back again.
Her fingers never let up on her clit, yours inside her didn't either.
You couldn't believe the sexual appetite she had.
It was only at that moment that you realized your prick was stiff, bobbling in the swirling water below and Jihyo figured as well as her hand felt around your torso and trailed down towards your cock and you could feel her grip as you groaned.
Though it didn't last as Jihyo pulled away from the kiss as you wondered, but...
"Since we're in a bath, we have to clean each other up~" you got the message and Jihyo stood up from the water, the suds sticking onto her body, mostly on her tits was fucking sexy as the water dripped down her body, "mind cleaning me (YN)?"
The height was enough for Jihyo's pussy to be displayed and she brought her left leg up and perched on the side of the tub, spreading her labia lips.
"I got you, I'm gonna clean you up real good,"
You looked at her deep into her eyes and placed your hands on her hips, Jihyo felt dizzy knowing what you were about to do.
Your nose was almost touching her trimmed pubic hair as you looked up at her and with a huge grin on your face, you grabbed her ass with your hands and pushed your face right in between her legs.
There was no other feeling like your tongue slipping over her clit and in between the folds of her pussy lips as Jihyo groaned out in ecstasy and grabbed the back of your head.
You weren't wasting any time as your tongue was expertly licking her pussy and Jihyo was humping your head.
"Oh god~ fuck me with that tongue~"
Your tongue teased and tantalized her, flicking and swirling against her sensitive flesh, sending electric waves of pleasure coursing through her body.
Jihyo's breath came in ragged gasps as her senses were overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment and her body reacted to your touch with unbridled desire, her hips arching towards you, silently urging you to continue.
The sensation of your tongue teasing and tantalizing her in such an intimate way drove her wild with need, igniting a fire deep within her.
Your ministrations were relentless, your tongue teasing, licking, and exploring, igniting a primal hunger within Jihyo that shes experienced many times and still always a high.
"Hmmm~" Jihyo heard your growls under her as her body writhed with pleasure, her moans growing louder with each tantalizing touch and surrendered herself to the sensations, lost in the intense pleasure that you were bestowing upon her.
"Ohhh~ Ahhh~"
Her fingers clenched your head, her body trembling with anticipation as she eagerly welcomed your every touch.
With each flick of your tongue, her excitement reached new heights, her body ached and bucking as she neared the edge of ecstasy once again.
As your tongue continued to explore Jihyo's most intimate parts, you lavished attention on her tender labia, gently parting them with your tongue and delving between them with skilful precision.
Your movements were sharp, your tongue gliding over every sensitive fold, tracing patterns and circles that sent jolts of pleasure coursing through your wife's body.
Jihyo couldn't help but moan and writhe above your expert ministrations as her body surrendered to the overwhelming sensations.
Your tongue was a masterful instrument, bringing her to the brink of ecstasy with each tantalizing stroke.
You took your time, savouring her taste, teasing her with your tongue, and relishing in the soft sighs and gasps that escaped her lips. Daisy was lost in the intensity of the moment, her senses consumed by the pleasure you were bestowing upon her.
"You taste incredible," you murmured huskily, your voice rough with desire, "I could eat you all day long."
"I m-might h-ave you-aahhh~"
Her breath hitched as she felt your tongue flick and swirl with renewed intensity, sending electric shocks of pleasure coursing through her body.
"(YN)~," she moaned, arching her back and pressing herself closer to you, she looked down and pulled upward on your hair, "I'm close, please keep-oh fuckkkk~"
Their eyes locked, and she saw the raw desire burning in your gaze.
You wanted her as much as she wanted you, and the passion between them was indescriable.
You responded with a hungry growl, your tongue delving deeper, exploring her most sensitive spots with fervour and Jihyo's senses were on fire, her body responding to your skilled ministrations with unrestrained fervency.
"Yeah! Oh god!" Jihyo gripped your head hard, "yes! yes! Ohh-...hmmm~"
Her soft thighs squirmed and squeezed your face and cheeks as your fingers dug into her skin.
You knew she wouldn't last much longer and knew what you could do to make her orgasm more powerful as you pulled back from her pussy and before she could miss you, you pressed two fingers against her glistening pussy entrance.
Your fingers easily pushed into her, parting her pussy lips so you could thrust them deep inside her, deeper than your tongue could reach.
"Ahhhh, fuck that's good!" Jihyo shrieked at the feel of your fingers stroking inside her pussy, looking up, and she was a beautiful sight.
Jihyo had her eyes closed and was playing with her exposed breasts as her mouth gaped as she moaned loudly every time you pushed deep inside her.
You continued to probe her pussy, your fingers rubbing her pussy walls with every thrust into her, and you soon found the pace which helped her get closer and closer to her orgasm.
"Yes, yes, yes," now Jihyo was just mumbling in time with the stroking of your fingers and could see her clitoris clearly peaking out from its soft protective lips.
Gradually her cries became louder and louder and you could feel her pussy get hotter and hotter from your attention as you moved your head closer to her, still with your fingers penetrating her tight pussy.
Knowing she was about to cum you suddenly flicked your tongue across her engorged clitoris and just that light touch of my tongue on her set Jihyo over the edge.
With one final, skilful swipe of his tongue, you pushed her over the edge, and Jihyo cried out as her body convulsed with a powerful orgasm.
Her muscles clenched, her back arched, and she was lost in a whirlwind of sensation as waves of pleasure washed over her.
"Ahhhh, I'm cumming, oh yes, oh yes, ahhhhhh," Jihyo finally shrieked as her climax consumed her and her body writhed under your touch, continuing to gently lick across her clit while she came although you found it hard to keep close with all her bucking and writhing.
It was such a sexy feeling to know you make your wife cum so hard and so quickly.
You latched your mouth at her opening, eager to swallow her essence as it flowed down your throat like a glass of water though Jihyo was a whole jug full.
As the intensity of her climax subsided, Jihyo stood breathless and spent, her body tingling with satisfaction with your tongue taking her on a journey of pleasure, leaving her craving for more.
Looking down, their eyes met once again, and the air between them was charged with desire once more.
You released your lips from her lips and Jihyo brought her leg down and squatted into the water, holding onto your head as she dove down for another blazing kiss, planting herself over your lap.
Amidst the warm bubbling water, she knew that your hard cock was aching under her.
You moved up to allow her tits to push into your chest as you wrapped your arms around her and kissed her luscious lips once more.
Jihyo laced her fingers around your neck, pushing her body into him further as they kissed.
Sitting on your lap, she could undoubtedly feel your cock hardening from under her.
Reaching her hand down into the water, Jihyo grabbed your cock and began to stroke you.
"My turn to clean you~ Sit up for me." She commanded while getting up from your lap and you relocated and sat yourself on the side of the tub behind you as Jihyo got to her knees, while gripping onto your cock.
"That's a lot of suds," Jihyo gave a handjob while removing the bubbles off your cock.
"Maybe I went overboard on the bubbles,"
"Maybe," Jihyo teased, "alright squeaky clean," Jihyo released her hand, "what do you think?"
"Could be better," you answered as Jihyo grinned.
"You're right,"
​​She licked her lips before lowering them, placing a wet kiss over the crown of your long shaft and Jihyo parted her lips and slipped your cock inside her delightful mouth.
"Ohhhhh, yes Jihyo, baby."
Gasping for breath, you were always taken back when feeling your cock inside her mouth for the first few seconds.
Jihyo had a way of making you moan, even when she attempted to be slow and sensual with her lips squeezing around your pole tightly and began to bob her mouth up and down.
She moved her right hand away, using it to cup your balls down below and squeeze them within her grasp.
Her eyes were closed momentarily while taking in the first few inches of your cock, sucking on it vigorously before re-opening them.
Jihyo glanced up at your face, looking eyes with you as she witnessed your relaxed expression: eyes shut and head leaned back.
She had her man right where she wanted you and the time to make you scream for her was now.
This time she removed her left hand all together and was ready to turn up the heat.
Pushing your cock back between her lips, this time she began to work her lips in motion, bobbing up and down effortlessly.
'Mmm, mmmm, mmmmm', the muffled moans between her lips could be heard among light sucking noises.
"Ohhhh, fuck yeah..."
Your words were in a low voice before a gasp was heard with Jihyo closing her eyes, taking inch after inch of your swollen cock into her mouth while you were lost in a world of pleasure and fantasy.
The sucking and slobbering noises began to echo while excess saliva was leaking from the corners of Jihyo's talented mouth.
Ready to truly make you scream for her, she pushed her lips all the way down, taking every inch of your long dick until the hit reached the back of her throat.
Your voice echoed throughout the tiled room while Jihyo's lips were pushed down to the base of your cock.
You took a deep breath, gazing down at your wife as every bit of your cock was in her mouth.
Showing true skill, Jihyo remained still in position without choking while she silently counted in her head.
You soon felt her fingers playing with your hairless balls down below.
After twelve seconds, Jihyo finally choked and gagged on your cock, forcing her to slowly pull her lips back up and release it with a loud popping noise.
Several strings of saliva dangled from her gaping mouth back to your shiny, soaked rod.
This was a mass difference from the first times of oral sex.
Even suggesting it was tough for Jihyo, but it was long enough to get to the next stage of their relationships.
The both of you were pretty lost and even nervous on how to pleasure their partners and when doing the actions, it was a ridiculous high as they were stimulated by another person besides their hands.
And as time went, experience was gained and neither was bashful or holding back when it came to having sex.
It felt pretty fucking amazing so why hold back?
"Mmmmmm~ I'm sure you're already thinking about covering my face with your cum~"
Her voice was low and sultry, her accent making the most dirty of talk come out sensual. You didn't hesitate to reply back to your lover.
"Amongst other places~"
Giving a grin, she lowered her head down to your balls, moving both of her hands to wrap around your saliva covered rod pushing her lips to your ball sack.
You felt a kiss before the sound of her slobbering and slurping drool all over your nuts were the only thing you could properly hear.
Who knew Park Jihyo would have this wild side to her.
Like you said, two sides of a coin.
You took a deep breath, but was unable to mutter any kind of words back to the ex-idol with a soft moan was heard from down below before you felt Jihyo shoving your left nut into her mouth.
She slurped and sucked on it before moaning with her tongue rolled over it.
'Mmmmm', her nearly muted voice had sent vibrations through your skin, though Jihyo released your nut from her lips while a string of her drool dripped from your ball sack.
She stuffed the other one in her mouth, giving it an equal sucking and moving her head and waited until she had properly rolled her tongue over your other nut enough times before releasing it from her lips.
Leaning back up, those big hazel eyes locked onto you once more before she pushed the head of your rod back between her lips and plunged it back in.
"Shit Jihyo..."
Taking in a deep breath, you couldn't stop yourself from gasping once more as Jihyo resumed sucking your cock.
You moved both of your hands into her hair, almost gripping it like she was when you were 'cleaning' her out.
Jihyo didn't let you interfere with her concentration whatsoever, still bobbing her head up and down that wonderful cock.
When she felt your fingers turn and grip her hair, she still refused to stop.
You panted, knowing her lips were almost working you beyond the point of no return when...
...Jihyo pulled her lips back up to the head of your cock, Jihyo released you with a loud popping noise as that resulted in you looking at her.
"Close?" She teased as you nodded fast, "I figured I should give you a proper cleaning~"
She was quick with her hands, as she leaned up on her knees, presenting her large natural boobs before you.
When she gripped you, she gave you a nod, watching you lean forward once more.
"You want my breasts, dear husband?"
Gripping her breasts among her hands, she pulled them apart, moving forward and then using her left hand to grab your cock and shove it between them.
Jihyo glanced down at her own pale skin, watching herself trap your long, veiny pole between them.
"You know I do,"
Your voice called out in excitement at the wonderful feeling of your cock fitting snugly in place between her firm, natural tits. Glancing back up at your face, Jihyo spoke once more.
"Then fuck them, they're yours after all~"
From the way you had leaned up, Jihyo knew you were in a prime position to give her tits the fucking that only they deserved.
Her voice called out to you but she didn't elevate her tone while commanding her husban.
You moved your hands down to the tub from her head, slightly bucking your hips to make the first thrust between her tits.
Jihyo let out a moan, dropping her lower lip and slightly revealing her gritted teeth.
That same look of lustful hunger was painted across her facial expression.
Taking in a deep breath, you bucked your hips harder, forcing your cock to pump through her heavenly cleavage. Jihyo appeared to be pleased now as her lips curved into a smile.
"Mmm~ that's it. Clean yourself with my boobs."
The sound of her voice was low and sensual, just enough on the sultry side to melt your heart in the midst of their heated passion.
You continued to buck your hips, driving that thick shaft between her wonderful tits.
Jihyo dropped her lower lip, letting out a moan just before your heavy breathing became louder.
"Jesus...this is incredible~"
You simply couldn't prevent yourself from uttering out a few words in excitement.
Over and over, you made harder thrusts, pumping your big dick back and forth between her tits.
Your eyes narrowed in, watching as the head of your shaft shoved up with each pump and Jihyo temporarily shut her eyes while curving her puffy lips into a smug grin.
The white of her teeth flashed, but all you could do was look into that complacent expression on her face while fucking her tits.
Jihyo appeared to be satisfied and re-opened her eyes, she immediately glanced down to view the action.
"Ohhhhh, yeah. Mmmmmmm, yeah. Thrust your cock into my tits, just like that. Keep fuckin' em, Show them some love."
Jihyo picked up that you loved dirty talk and how to drive you crazy with her soft voice, knowing you would listen to such a simple command.
Jihyo could hear your frantic breathing through the passing seconds, all while that long shaft pumped back and forth between her tits.
She was built for it that's for sure.
Adjusting her grip over her breasts, she glanced back up to see your face all curled up, lost in the pleasure you were experiencing...and then...
"Hmph fuck!!"
Your yell echoed throughout the suite as your last thrust was your last with ropes of cum producing out of your cock.
Jihyo smiled at your sperm hitting her chin and down her neck, but most landed back down onto her breasts and over your cock as you gave mini thrusts to give your last spurts.
When you couldn't produce anymore, Jihyo brought herself down in the water and rinsed off your work from her body as you sat there and taking a few breaths to recover.
"Damn...that was pretty good cleaning," you complimented as Jihyo smiled.
"Happy to help," she spoke as her hands rubbed your thighs, "ready for more fun?"
"Ready anytime," your cock twitched as Jihyo hummed.
"Get down here," she asked of you as you sat back down feeling the heat take over as Jihyo got on top of you, her legs on either side.
Using her hand to guide your cock, she was ready to feel him inside her.
Her eyes looked back into your as she guided your cock under the water, right into her sweet pussy.
There wasn't any words for either of them to speak within this moment.
Only actions were doing the talking.
Within seconds, both breaths hitched as you felt your cock entering her.
Jihyo placed both her hands down on your shoulders and forced her body down, allowing your cock to slowly drive into her.
"Ohhhhhhhh, yeah...that's it."
As her hips rocked, more and more of your cock slipped inside her until you was in all the way.
This woman was driving you nuts.
She leaned against your shoulder and kissed your neck while your hands ran up to softly grab her boobs, feeling her hardened nipples melding against your palms and soon thewater started to create waves around them as she tried to pump herself up and down on your cock from sitting in your lap.
Jihyo's body moved slow only because of the water but she could clearly feel your cock driving into her.
"Ohh (YN)~ Hhhhaaa!!! Oohh....!!" Jihyo mewled with eyes closed as she held you close.
You held her close with one arm curling underneath her backside while the other cradled her face lovingly, your hips began the rhythmic pounding of her pussy making her gasp and yelp with each upward thrust.
Again and again, you pounded into her cunt reaching the deepest parts of her and making her moan like an animal in heat.
You were getting truly lost in the passion of it all, especially after resolving to embrace the life-changing circumstance of legitimately marrying your wife.
Your hips slammed up hard repeatedly against her body, breaching her cervix each time you slid in.
Jihyo had then latched her arms fully around your neck ensuring all parts of her were locking you in place while you fucked her into oblivion.
Hard smacking sounds coupled with moans and scent of hot steamy sex filled the air, feeling as you filled her up with every piece of your warm flesh. 
Her own body rejoiced as she rubbed herself around your shaft.
Jihyo concentrated on tightening the walls of her sheath around you, feeling the friction increase even more than before. 
"Ahh (YN)~"
A gasp escaped her mouth at the same time. 
The pleasure was mounting, making her chase the reward at the other end of this lapse, she could hear that you were with her in every move that she made.
"Fuck Ji, god I fucking love you," you swore with her as Jihyo could only moan
Your hips flexed together, gasping for air, both hearts were racing.
Her breath blew hard into your ear.
It was tough to hold on.
Jihyo's gasps in your ear.
"Nnnaaaaaaaaaaghhh!" Her whole body shook and her pussy clenched your cock. 
You came immediately.
"Aagh," she clenched, your hips jerked.
"Aagh," you gasped, she clenched.
"Aagh," you jerked one last time, clenching your wife with might.
You both needed air and could feel both of your hearts race.
Your shoulders rose and fell with each breath. 
Jihyo just held on to you, holding her arms around your shoulders, kissing your skin from your shoulder and over to your face, landing on your mouth as you two spared a few seconds lip locking before she pulled away.
"You're amazing, (YN)," she murmured.
"So are you, Jihyo," you said heartily and kissed her deeply once more and this time, for a whole lot longer.
====================SMUT END=======================
"This place is beautiful,"
"Are you ready for this?" Jihyo asked you, her eyes alight with excitement.
"Absolutely," you replied, your voice brimming with enthusiasm, "you're good right, we can stop anytime you want for breaks,"
"Oh, I should be asking you that,"
"I think our night sessions answer that right~?" you leaned toward her as Jihyo grinned.
"So yes?"
"-_-" was your facial expression as Jihyo patted your arm.
"Kidding (YN)~"
As they arrived at the foot of the mountain, they were greeted by a sign that read "Seongsan Ilchulbong: A UNESCO World Heritage Site". 
They looked at each other and knew that they were about to embark on an unforgettable journey.
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 "A World Heritage Site. Can you believe it? We're about to trek on something unique,"
"It's gonna be a great memory for us," you nodded, a grin spreading across your face as Jihyo gripped your hand and headed to the ticket booth for tickets.
After being pointed at where to go, you picked up a pamphlet on the side of the stall and you two were off.
"What you got?" Jihyo asked as you turned the paper back and forth.
"I guess information of this place. Could be nice to bring back." You showcased to Jihyo as she saw half the pamphlet with a picture on the bottom half and words on the top half
"Sure, well read it while we go up," Jihyo took your arm with hers, "we got a way to go before we head up the stairs."
You went to the front of the paper.
"Let's see...this place rose from under the sea in a volcanic eruption over 5000 years ago," you read the bio as Jihyo listened on as they walked, "the crater is about 600m in diameter and 90m high. With 100 sharp rocks surrounding the crater, it looks like a gigantic crown in the air. While the southeast and north sides are cliffs, the northwest side is a verdant grassy hill that is connected to the Seongsan Village. The ridge provides an ideal spot for walks and for horse riding as well, oh horse riding."
"Uh uh, not doing that," Jihyo shook her head, "not after what happened to Jeongyeon way back then, I had thoughts for a month knowing it could have been worse, sorry,"
"That's okay, I get it, let's see...the name Seongsan Ilchulbong means a hill shaped like a castle" and "an elevated point with views of sunrise". Hence the nickname, "sunrise peak", the more you know," 
As they approached the foot of the peak, a sense of excitement filled the air, mingling with the salty breeze from the nearby ocean.
"Anything else," she asked.
"No much, the hike up from the entrance is just about 0.8 km and it should take between 30 minutes to reach the top. Just note that this is not a flat pathway, as you will have a few hundred feet of elevation gain along the way, we can see," you looked forward at the trail where dozens of people were already on it: either walking or taking pics, "uh as you head on up, you will be walking along a paved basalt pathway as well as a whole series of staircases. Fun fact, the stone material 'basalt' is only found on Jeju Island,"
"Maybe we should take some home." Jihyo asked as you shrugged.
"Imagine giving it as a gift, Nayeon would probably beat us to death with it," Jihyo chuckled, "let's see, it takes about forty minutes to walk up the Sunrise Peak trail. The trail is well marked and well maintained, I mean I would hope so, and that's it. There's a few landmarks going up the trail and other activities we can do but that's it." You analyzed the pamphlet and your eyes eagerly tracing the serpentine path that led them to the summit.
Seongsan Ilchulbong was renowned for its breathtaking beauty, and they were determined to witness its splendor firsthand.
Jihyo adjusted her backpack, making sure she had all the necessary provisions for the climb. 
Her face beamed with determination, mirroring the vibrant energy that radiated from her. 
"Alright then, ready dear husband?" Jihyo questioned as you nodded.
"Ready Ms. (LN)," you answered back as the hold between them tightened.
As you two began their ascent, the trail snaked through dense vegetation, revealing a kaleidoscope of vibrant flowers and lush greenery that seemed to have sprung from the fertile earth. 
The air was thick with the intoxicating scent of wild blooms, as if nature herself had adorned the path to welcome the climbers.
"So far so good," you noted as Jihyo nodded.
"Well we're not at the stairs yet,"
"Ah don't worry, we got this."
With each step, the duo felt a growing connection to the ancient volcanic soil beneath their feet. 
The volcanic ash, a testament to the mountain's tumultuous past, crunched softly underfoot, reminding them of the tremendous forces that had shaped this remarkable landscape. 
"Thank god for the clouds to block the sun," Jihyo looked up at the cloudy atmosphere.
"You better not have jinxed us." You joked as Jihyo smiled.
As they looked up, they could see the path winding ever higher, beckoning them to continue their ascent.
The climb started out easy enough, with a gentle incline and well-marked paths. They were surrounded by lush greenery and a cool breeze that kept them refreshed.
The air was crisp and clean, and they could hear the sounds of nature all around them.
As they climbed higher, the path became steeper and more challenging.
They had to use their hands and feet to navigate the rocky terrain, but they pushed on, driven by the desire to reach the summit.
The emerald sea stretched out before them, its waves gently caressing the rocky coastline. 
The distant horizon seemed to merge seamlessly with the sky, painting a picture of tranquility that touched their souls.
And that's when they reached a landmark in front of them.
Jihyo started reading as you looked around.
"Something about the rocks around? They seem unique."
"It's this one," Jihyo pointed at her right, "uh it's called, I'm gonna butcher this, Deunggyeongdol, I think, it says residents will bow four times to it for prosperity and well-being."
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"So a good-luck charm?"
"Exactly, lets do it," Jihyo pointed and you two did the bowing towards it.
"Well I feel richer already," you said as Jihyo hummed and the two continued on.
As they climbed higher, the landscape unfolded before their eyes like a breathtaking painting. 
The lush greenery of the surrounding hills contrasted with the dark volcanic rock formations, creating a striking art. 
Below, the vast expanse of the ocean stretched out, its cerulean waves crashing against the rugged cliffs with a soothing rhythm.
However, it wasn't easier.
As you two climbed higher and twenty mins later, the path became steeper and more challenging with steps rather than an incline.
"Whew, this is getting tough," Jihyo said, taking a moment to catch her breath.
"Here," you pulled your water flask out and handed it to Jihyo as she gratefully took it and started to sip, "don't push yourself alright,"
"I'm good, just thirsty," she felt her throat relieved after a cool drink and you looked around yourselves.
A couple passed by you both but coming up here, there were quite a handful of people around, though the trek up here, you figured they were only staying at the bottom half of the trek.
You figured you had another 15 or 20 mins left to climb.
It wasn't 'that' bad, but it did took a toll if you aren't the healthiest.
Luckily carrying around heavy objects at work made your body form pretty great and Jihyo keeping her body in check from her idol career and still after made both your lifestyle healthly.
"Well the sun coming out didn't help, thanks for jinxing us by the way," you retorted as Jihyo gave a wink mid-drinking , "let's catch our breath, besides, we got a heck of a view." You turned your head as Jihyo turned as well.
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"It's incredible, the ocean, landscape, the colors, it's pretty tranquil," Jihyo described as you leaned onto the railings.
"Ditto," you eyed the scenery as Jihyo looked at your side and smiled.
"It's quite the opposite of our place,"
"We got pretty nice buildings, but nothing like this, though I guess depends on where you live."
Jihyo scooted to be shoulder-to-shoulder with you.
"Do you enjoy it," you heard and turned to your wife, "living in the city?"
"It's not bad, you?"
"I don't mind either, but you never know, there may be a time when we'll discuss moving, maybe even somewhere in the county like Chae and Mina. I'm not saying I want to, but now married, we're going to tackle lots of life choices in time," Jihyo remarked while you smiled and nodded.
"I know that, but I'm two hundred percent confident that we'll handle any and all situations together. I don't mean to brag, but we're both smart, responsible, and level-headed enough to deal with whatever." You pointed out with your fingers.
That gave Jihyo much more encouragement for her want.
"And even if it's something with you only, I'll be there for you no matter what," you supplied as Jihyo's smile grew.
"I know, you've been there for me for a decade. And I'm right there for you too (YN)," you nodded and Jihyo leaned her head towards you as you did the same and shared a few seconds of a kiss before Jihyo parted a few inches.
"I love you," she whispered.
"Love you more," you returned as Jihyo felt the euphoria of you being with her for life and getting one look at the town...
"Hey, let's take some pics of us here." She took her phone out as you turned around and Jihyo brought her phone in front of herself and then hugged your arm while placing her head on your shoulder.
"Looks great," you noted as Jihyo took about ten pictures of you both. 
Satisfied, she scrolled through the pics with you over her shoulder.
"Not bad," you said as Jihyo agreed.
"Not bad at all," she then looked at you, "I'm ready to head out,"
"You sure?" she nodded.
"Let's get going," Jihyo brought her hand out and you took it in yours as the two were off.
The beauty of the moment spurred them on, reigniting their determination to reach the summit.
Their conversation became interspersed with exhilarated laughter and encouraging words as they continued their climb. 
The occasional huff and puff of exertion echoed through the air, another break in between mixed with the sounds of their footsteps and the distant crash of the waves, but in the end, after a challenging but rewarding ascent, you two reached the peak, their hearts pounding with a mixture of exhaustion and triumph.
"We did it!" Jihyo rose her hands up as you approached behind her...
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They were greeted by a panoramic view of the top, surrounded by shrubbery and flowers in the summer is truly a sight to behold.
The sea was a brilliant shade of blue stretching out as far as the eye could see.
They were both exhausted, but the beauty of the view was worth every step of the climb. They felt a sense of accomplishment, knowing that they had conquered the mountain and experienced its beauty in all its glory.
They stood atop Seongsan Ilchulbong, their breath taken away not only by the stunning sunrise but also by the panoramic view that unfolded before them.
Speechless for a moment, they finally found their voice. 
"Look at this view. It's like we're standing on the edge of the world." you went forward to the railings as Jihyo did as well.
Jihyo nodded, a sense of accomplishment glowing in her eyes. 
She turned to you and embraced them, a joyful smile spreading across her face. 
"Let's take some pics and sit, cause I am out of breath." She said cleaning the sweat from her forehead with her shirt, "let's get somewhere secluded."
"Gotcha," you pulled your phone out and Jihyo turned to her right after looking around.
There were maybe at most twenty people around, but two people stood out with their uniforms and sitting inside a booth on their phones.
They may have been a workers stationed up here.
"Let's go to the corner there."
Jihyo lead as you followed behind her and  found themselves captivated by the stunning beauty of a majestic cliff that overlooked the vast expanse of the ocean. 
Jihyo felt a surge of excitement as they spotted the perfect spot for a photograph and positioned herself in front of the railings, strucking a pose already, her eyes reflecting a mix of confidence and allure. 
You steadied yourself and...
"Looking good," you complimented as Jihyo kept doing other poses while you went around her, getting the good spots.
The wind gently tousled her hair, lending a touch of natural grace to the composition. 
You, with her artistic eye, adjusted her position, framing her in the lens, ensuring that every element aligned perfectly, nsuring that the composition was just right. 
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"Alright, I got quite a few, tell me what you think of these so far," you said lowering your phone down as Jihyo brought herself down from the side.
"How'd I look?" She questioned as you smiled at her.
"The answer to that will always be beautiful."
Jihyo's smile appeared with your compliments lighting her up.
"Always the charmer aren't you?" Jihyo whispered at your side now as she looked at your phone pics, "oh yeah, these do look good."
"I told you,"
"And now we need some of you,"
"Yeah, you can use-"
"Excuse me?" Both of you turned to Jihyo's left/your right in response to spot two girls approaching.
They looked to be their late twenties/early thirties approaching them in warm attire of cargo pants and a jacket with different colors on each.
"Oh my god, I-I think that's her?!"
'Guess we got Once here,' 
"Are you the Park Jihyo? You look a lot like her?" One pointed rather upfront as Jihyo gave a quizzical look as they kept walking towards her.
"See I told you it looked lik-you are her aren't you!?" The other pointed at Jihyo, phone in hand.
"Want to lie?" you muttered in Jihyo's ear.
"It's fine," she responded, "yes, I'm Jihyo, but can you keep it down please." Jihyo responded as both girls were gonna scream, "please keep it down!" Jihyo was upront as both girls kept their scream in but jumped in place.
"Gasp oh my- ahem sorry sorry, we're a huge fan of Twice," they stopped in place as you nodded.
"We can tell," you joked as one held her phone out.
"May we get a pic?"
"All I ask is you don't spread this around, we're trying to kept us being here hush." Jihyo asked in return as the two smiled harder if that was possible.
"Oh don't worry, you got our word," one said as Jihyo nodded and in a speed of light, they were was near Jihyo as you kept your eyes on them while the other took her phone and each one posed with Jihyo.
It wasn't as often now, but Jihyo was always appreciative of fans, even though a few can be...up there, but she wouldn't be were she is without them.
"Thank you so much," they said lowering their phones and looking at Jihyo's smile.
"It's no problem, thank you for supporting us," Jihyo told him as they nodded.
"Of course, your music is the best out there, it sucked that you disbanded." The first one spoke as Jihyo shrugged.
"For us too, but I'm glad that you still are fans of us, it's makes me very happy that you are," Jihyo saluted as the two nodded back at her, "but may I ask again that you don't spread that I'm on the island? At least for a few days?" She held her hands together as the two nodded fast.
"For sure," "Don't you worry,"
"Great, thank you for this, I wish you the best for the rest of day," Jihyo reached out with both hands to shake with both girls as they took it with pace and nodded.
"Thanks again!" the two thanked Jihyo as she waved back at them and saw them hopping away in joy.
"Sorry," Jihyo said as you shook your head, "kind of feel bad to say no,"
"You never have to apologize for that, besides, I know it makes you happy."
"Most of the time," Jihyo complained as you wrapped an arm around her, "but those two were cute,"
"Their reactions will always be the funny part," she smiled while being shaken by you, "still," you looked forward at the two who were in far enough distance, though they kept looking back at you both, "you think he'll keep it to themselves?"
"I think we can trust them, but hopefully it won't be that big of an issue if they don't. We knew the risk of being out. We didn't travel here to spend the time in the hotel only," you nodded as that was a critical topic you two talked about coming here, "now let's sit for a bit, my legs could use a rest,"
"Want a massage?" You asked as Jihyo looked at you.
"When we get back at our hotel~" Jihyo grinned as you nodded and you both went to sit your tired muscles. 
"Water?" You offered to Jihyo as she grabbed and took a swig, "so, where to after this? Udo Island?"
"Hmm-mph," Jihyo nodded while closing the cap, "the ferry isn't far from here,"
"Yeah, it's been a great two days so far,"
"It really has been, it was great decision coming here, it doesn't get any better than this," Jihyo complimented at the view.
"Yeah, hey, we should go to where you did Summer Nights," you suggested as Jihyo nodded.
"That'll be something, but it's on the side of the island," 
"We can plan around that, we can do the whole island if you wanted to, we're doing east now, south was yesterday, be kind of cool," you shrugged as Jihyo smiled, scooted closer to her husband and leaned onto your arm.
"It sure does," was all she said while closing her eyes. 
You smiled and looked outward at the ocean, your phone still in hand after Jihyo's photoshoot...to which you remembered you needed some of your own, and started to take pics of the environment.
Jihyo sat on a weathered wooden bench, a natural wonder that overlooked the vast expanse of the ocean. 
The cool breeze rustled her hair, and she marveled at the breathtaking panoramic view that unfolded before her. 
The cliffs and craters, remnants of ancient volcanic activity, created a dramatic backdrop against the deep blue sky.
As Jihyo relaxed in the majestic sight...
"Daddy! Get closer!"
"Alright alright, relax,"
...her gaze was opened and drawn to a nearby yells where a family had gathered, their laughter and excitement carrying through the air. 
The parents, their faces illuminated with joy, positioned themselves with their child on the shoulders of a man and a female next to them, overlooking the awe-inspiring backdrop of the volcanic peak. 
Hand held, their expressions filled with love and pride and as Jihyo observed the scene, her mind drifting to the future. 
Imagining herself and you standing in that very spot, bathed in the golden light of the setting sun, their own children laughing and playing. 
They would be a family, bound by love and shared adventures like she is with you now.
Lost in her daydream, Jihyo felt a gentle tug at her heartstrings. 
The beauty of the island and the scene before her kindled a desire to create memories of her own with you, the laughter, the shared experiences, and the deep bonds that only a family could bring.
Drawing a deep breath, Jihyo made a silent promise to herself. 
With renewed resolve, Jihyo took one last glance at the family, their smiles capturing the essence of happiness and closed her eyes once more.
Jihyo stared up at the ceiling of their hotel room.
They were back after hours of exploring the East side of Jeju Island, including visiting another island, Udo Island.
The two of you were filled with excitement as they embarked on a sightseeing adventure around Udo Island, eager to explore its hidden treasures.
They rented bicycles and set off on a sun-drenched morning, the island's gentle breeze carrying the scent of saltwater and wildflowers, Seobin Baeksa beach where they parked their bicycles beneath a canopy of swaying palm trees, their vibrant green fronds providing a welcome respite from the sun's rays, the winding coastal paths, passing by picturesque fishing villages, their quaint cottages adorned with bright flowers cascading from window boxes. 
And gorging on grilled seafood of a local eatery.
The cozy restaurant welcomed them with its rustic charm, wooden beams adorned with seashells, and faded nautical maps adorning the walls as you savored the island's culinary delights, relishing the delicate flavors of grilled fish, marinated clams, and spicy kimchi.
With satisfied appetites, you two were off exploring the island's hidden coves where they reveled in the blissful solitude of their private paradise.
As the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden glow over the island, the two reluctantly concluded their sightseeing escapade and cycled back to the ferry terminal back to Jeju Island touristing a few more locations before calling it a day and now at 8:42 PM back at their hotel where they were thanking for the AC and much needed showers.
However, after her moment on top of Seongsan, Jihyo's mind abuzz with thoughts about the topic of having children.
She pondered over the different ways she could approach the conversation. 
Jihyo wanted to ensure that her thoughts and feelings were conveyed clearly, without overwhelming you or pressuring you into a decision. 
Their bond was built on mutual respect and understanding, and she wanted to honor that in this important discussion.
Jihyo thought about beginning the conversation by expressing her love for you and their shared dreams of building a family together, to know that she saw their relationship as a strong foundation for bringing a child into their lives, and that she felt ready to embrace the joys and challenges of parenthood.
She knew that you would be a loving and devoted father, and she wanted to express her confidence in their ability to create a nurturing environment for their future family.
Taking a deep breath, Jihyo resolved to have an open and honest conversation with you when you came out. S
he knew that they might have different perspectives or concerns, but she believed in their ability to find common ground and make decisions that would be in the best interest of their relationship.
As she played the waiting game, Jihyo reminded herself that the key to this discussion was listening and underst-
"Now that was much needed," you said while drying your wet hair with a towel.
"Fresh?" Jihyo rose her eyes from the ceiling to see your waist wrapped by a towel as well, leaving your torso bare.
"Very," you draped your towel over your neck and went to the mini fridge to take out a cool water bottle, "do you think there's a mini mart around here? I kind of want some snacks," 
"...(YN)?" Jihyo sat upright, "there's something I need to talk to you about." She explained as you closed the fridge.
"What's up?" 
"It's serious." She added plus her expression made you go into that mode as you lowered the bottle onto the TV stand and then sat on the bed with her with haste.
"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, nothing's wrong or bad so don't worry," you nodded and Jihyo took a breath, something that did get you off guard and then she turned to you...
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"Okay, this is something that's been on my mind for some time, before getting married as well. I just...I don't want you to panic or freak out or want this to be off between us." 
You didn't answer for a few seconds, but nodded.
"It's not light (YN), it's serious, very," Jihyo asked biting her lower lip.
Now this was a pretty rare side of Jihyo.
"Well whatever it is, I'm here for and with you," Jihyo was happy to always have your calm nature, "what's going on?" 
Jihyo's finger clenched.
"Well...it's uh..." she started but then trailed off, "it's pretty dumb that I thought of this for a while but I'm just not sure how to start."
"Take all the time you need Jihyo, there's no rush."
You gave her time to gather her thoughts as Jihyo nodded slightly while taking another breath in and out.
Her heart was pacing with anxiety, but she wanted to get this out.
When she looked up at you, she knew that she could tell you everything and anything and you'd only do whatever you can to help, still... 
"...we've been through a lot the past decade." Jihyo starts, "Not a lot of different things, but the same over and over. The same that tested our bond, trust, and love with another and with those particular three (YN), it's over and above for you (YN)," you nodded, "I loved that we met, I loved that we became friends, to dating to husband and wife, and everything in between and now I'm looking forward to everything after. Having you by my side on this journey has been a blessing but before meeting you, you weren't something I would have thought I could have, amongst other things since being an idol was number one for me. Even during our dating times, being an idol is all I thought and breathed for...no offense,"
"I don't blame you, that's understandable," you kept on her flow, waiting to hear what she wanted as Jihyo nodded.
"But us being together, year after year, my thoughts about career first started to dwindle and you were on my mind. First with our talks and moments and as our relationship grew, it went to when I can meet and tell you this and spending time with you...and when you proposed, it overflowed. I started to think about our life together after, especially when my contract was ending...and..." Jihyo closed her eyes for this part, "there was one subject that kept crossing my mind entirely: starting a family." 
There it was...
Opening her eyes, she observed your expression of awe.
"I know we haven't discussed anything of the sort, but what do you think (YN), please be honest," Jihyo asked of your opinion as you licked your lips.
"...I-I uh..." Jihyo awaited and figured that you needed a few moments since dropping this bomb wasn't something she'd think you were ready for.
And you did as you took about a minute to process the information. 
"Well...I won't lie, it has crossed my mind as well, but I never brought it up with our with wanting to deal with the now...but I'm not opposed to it."
Jihyo heigtened at that.
"Of course, we'll have to talk bout it great details, but I wasn't ever thinking negative about us having kids. When we talk about it in better detail, I know we could handle that when we start thinking of that eventually."
And that's when Jihyo frowned and you spotted her having a small smile after your explanation.
"(YN)..." Jihyo muttered. "I wasn't thinking of, eventually."
Jihyo kept her look with your lips parted.
"L-like now?" 
Jihyo took a breath.
"I know. I know we've been married for a week only and I don't want to pressure you, but yes, I would like to start now. I think we can do it. We have a great amount of income from our careers to this point, we've got a decent apartment that we can shift things around or look for another place if we want and you got a well-paying job that's stable,"
"Plus I'm almost thirty and I read that when I get to my thirties, pregnancy gets complicated," Jihyo added and with another look to you, Jihyo frowned and looked down, "...I'm sorry...I-I know I probably shouldn't be thinking about kids so soon, but seeing the families, watching the parents and their kids laughing and making memories...I visioned us like that. Our kid holding our hand or riding your shoulders, seeing him or her chase you around and us enjoying ice cream and...and..." Jihyo paused and shook her head, "maybe I'm over my head about-"
"No," You spoke up as Jihyo felt the mattress move and watched you maneuver yourself next to her, your shoulder next to hers, arm around her back, while you gave a peck on the side of her head, "don't ever, ever say anything negative about what you're wanting, it's perfectly reasonable that you're thinking about this,"
With a smile, you gently squeezed Jihyo's hand, your eyes conveying a mix of love and determination and you expressed your gratitude for her honesty and vulnerability. 
"That's a beautiful vision. I'm sorry you've held this in you for so long."
"It's okay. I know I shouldn't be afraid of telling what I want or thinking, especially you, but this really got to me."
You leaned down and kissed the top of her head once more.
"I can imagine...well, what you said is true, we recently married, but I for one think what we have now is as strong as years back, only now we have a ring to prove it, does that make sense?" You questioned thinking your wording was wrong as Jihyo nodded, "I guess what I'm saying is I feel like we were already married a while back," Jihyo was starting to get hopeful, "and I know for a fact that I want this, us, to be forever, you?"
"Of course I do," Jihyo returned as you smiled.
"Then that's another point to your reasons as to us being in a pretty great spot. And the way you and I see it, nothing's holding us back. I love you Jihyo, now and forever. Getting married was one thing, but to have a family with you would be a blessing. There will be a things to talk about, but if you're wanting this now Jihyo, then I'm with you."
Jihyo's smile enhanced every second, feeling every describable word of positivity and joy coursing in her.
"Yeah, like I said we'll have to discuss-"
"Are you sure? This is a really big decision (YN)."
You lowered your other hand ontop of Jihyo's in front of her. 
"So was standing up for you back then, agreeing to being with you, asking for your hand; I have not once regretted any of those decisions or any in between. Nor this one," You responded as you can see Jihyo having an episode, "When we started dating, I promised you that I'll support you every step of the way of your dream, to be there through the ups and downs of your career. And that's tenfold with us being married, and when he or she comes, I'll cherish them with all my heart, warmth, laughter, and endless affection like I have been for you. Sure they'll be challenges when they arrive, but we'll be able to deal with it Ji. So yes, I am sure."
You spoke of your own hopes and aspirations as a father, emphasizing the deep love you held for Jihyo and the strong foundation they had built as a couple as Jihyo listened to your words, tears of joy welled up in her eyes.
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"(YN)...(YN)!" Jihyo jumped into your, arms around your neck, almost suffocating you, "thank you! I-I love you so much!"
You returned the hug and chuckled in her ear.
"W-we're gonna be a family (YN)..."
"I know, I know, but step by step Jihyo, but we will soon," Jihyo heard and leaned back while sniffling and you smiled at her weeping expression, but Jihyo didn't give you enough time to look as she brought you into a heartfelt kiss.
Jihyo knew that this conversation marked the beginning of an incredible journey for them both, a journey that would bring them closer than ever before.
With a heart overflowing with gratitude and love and embraced you hard, their shared agreement sealing their commitment to embark on this beautiful adventure together.
In that moment, surrounded by love and the promise of a future family, you both knew that their lives are growing for the better, and that their love would continue to flourish and grow as they will be ready to welcome a new life into their hearts and home.
But to do that, you two will have to start somewhere...wink wink
After a couple of minutes, Jihyo pulled back from you, her tears dried up, leaving trails behind while bringing a hand to your cheek.
"Thank you (YN)..." 
You took your hand and rose it up to the one on your cheek, gripping it softly and pulling it down.
"I haven't done anything yet Jihyo, there's lots to plan for this," Jihyo nodded, knowing the even with her points, it's not like it's a done deal.
"I know, hehe, I know," Jihyo let out a breath of exhilaration, "but like you said, I think we're gonna be okay,"
"I'm confident we will be," Jihyo nodded, "...so, when you said now? These past couple of days of us having sex, have we been-"
"No, no no, I'm still on the pill. I'm not going to get pregnant without you knowing," you nodded, "but I'll stop taking it; I'll still be on the pill's effect for some days, but it'll wear off if I don't take it daily."
"I see, well then," you said, "should we start talking about it?" Jihyo grinned.
"We could, but," Jihyo's free hand trailed onto your torso, "right now, I don't feel like talking~" 
You chuckled, you should have figured as much.
"Quite a drastic turn don't you think?"
"No, I just really, really love you," Jihyo whispered as you smiled.
"And I just showered," you joked as Jihyo grinned.
"We can take another bath~"
"You know, I'm starting to love horny Jihyo," you both chuckled at your response, and soon after... "but really Jihyo, I'm with you all the way," you said your stance once more as Jihyo nodded slowly, "I love you,"
"I love you too," Jihyo returned and the time for talk was over as Jihyo brought her lips to yours and your hand wrapped around her back, bringing her on top of you as she straddled you.
=====================SMUT START======================
Jihyo cupped your face into her hands, in turn, continuing the sweet slowly passionate lip-lock there on the bed surface.
She closed her eyes savoring the warmth and comfort kissing her husband provided and pulled her arms around your neck deepening their embrace, their kissing intensified with her tongue probing into your mouth and at times vice versa.
They got really heated up in their embrace with Jihyo hiking one leg up over your thighs and you instinctively roaming your right hand down her waist tenderly stroking her rear and pulling her close.
Their feverous making out session carried on for untold minutes when they felt ready to proceed to the next level.
With a pull from you, Jihyo sat on the side, shedding her clothing as you had to only remove your towel from your waist.
"No fair," 
"You should have just been naked~" you joked as your cock was standing proud for Jihyo now as Jihyo removed her bra and worked on her shorts.
"Pervert~" She countered while lying on her back and pulling her lower garments down and threw them somewhere in the room, "lie down,"
You immediately laid on your back, thinking she was going to give you a blowjob, but instead of dropping to her knees and sucking you off, Jihyo walked towards you, turned around and stood over your face.
She then went on to bend her apple shaped backside down until her pussy landed on your mouth.
Now that we were in the 69 position, Jihyo could wrap those pert lips around your cockhead, while you tried to compose yourself to wrap your lips around her clit again.
Yet you let your tongue do the work to start off, as you felt her tongue slide over your slit and all around your tip.
Jihyo soon grinded her ass and pussy against your head, which made you eat her a little faster, even as her lips were sinking down your shaft.
As you each began moaning into ourselves, your hands got back to work and placed themselves on Jihyo's naked back.
They roamed over her sultry curves and her sultry behind, while your tongue fully roamed into her pussy.
Her cock sucking got more intense as well, causing you to thrust into her mouth a few times.
In response, she popped off you and you could feel her slide her tongue down your shaft and onto your balls, although you sadly couldn't see it.
On cue, you heard Jihyo ask, "You want to see these lips on your tasty cock?"
"Mmmm~ kinda," you groaned into her pussy.
"Eat me good and you've got a deal," Jihyo offered. Before you actually said yes, she took her ass off your face and set it down next to your head instead.
With that, you had a better view of Jihyo holding the bottom of your cock.
So to keep seeing it, you quickly inserted a finger into her pussy and teased it with another one.
"Mmmm, good deal so far," Jihyo moaned, then glided her lips over your cock head, "You're gonna make me cum all over those fingers alone," she predicted before briefly sucking your head.
You threw your head back, but made yourself look back up and thrust a second finger into her.
Jihyo looked back over you as best she could, letting her beautiful hazel eyes tease you while oh so slowly sliding her beautiful pink lips up your shaft.
Once she came off your cock, she rubbed those lips up and down the side of your erection, then rubbed them over your balls without suckling them in.
"Oh fuck me~ fuck me with those lips," you called out.
The sensation also made you grip and fuck her pussy harder, which helped her moan onto you in return.
Jihyo soon merely sucked your cock with her mouth, yet her hand helped by rubbing your balls and even brushing your taint at a few points.
With the middle and index fingers of your right hand thrusting into Jihyo, you shoved them in deeper and let your thumb brush the crack of her ass in return as you made your fingers fuck her as rapidly as possible, which got Jihyo to suck and moan even harder.
Once you was done, you let your thumb go between her cheeks and start massaging the area, but that's when you quickly grabbed a hold of her wide thick hips and brought her entrance closer to your mouth. 
You gave her pussy a lick, greatly enjoying the sweet taste it had, and lapped it up a bit more. 
Jihyo seemed to approve by increasing the speed of her hand on your shaft, using the other one to gently cup your sack. 
You increased your efforts, using your fingers to open up her entrance, seeing the bright pink walls covered in some juices within, sticking your tongue in there to lap up her insides while your finger thrust in and out. 
Jihyo loved the feeling, rewarding you by taking your cock into her mouth, quickly bobbing her head up and down your shaft, using her tongue to massage the parts inside her mouth.
She was working you expertly, knowing just when to slow down or speed up, when to apply some suction, and how deep to take you, she was doing it all so well, but she held herself back just a bit as to not make you explode so soon.
You could only grunt from the feeling, your warm breath tickling Jihyo's entrance, but your pace was still good enough for Jihyo to wiggle her hips a bit around you to increase the pleasure she felt. 
But eventually your work on her was becoming too much for Jihyo, she started moaning around your shaft from the pleasure. 
She could feel her release approaching, not wanting you to be left out, she increased the pressure on her hands to hold you tighter and head faster up and down.
Feeling you twitch around her she knew you were close, as was she. 
Both of their releases were coming from the pleasure they felt as she thrusted her ass back to fuck herself on your lips as you thrusted into her mouth and it was enough for both to have a sudden release.
Jihyo's juices covered your fingers while the rest was slurped up by your tongue into your mouth as you exploded into her mouth. 
You felt drained as Jihyo drank your cum, enough that Jihyo couldn't hold it all, some of it spilling from her mouth onto her breast. 
She swallowed what was in her mouth in one gulp, pleasantly surprised by how much she enjoyed the taste, before using a finger to scoop up the drops that fell on her breast and lick them clean with her tongue.
As for her cum, you eventually brought it to your lips as it dripped off your freed fingers, then absentmindedly licked it all up.
When you were done, you closed your eyes and let your fingers stay on your lips, although Jihyo ultimately took her lips off your cock.
You opened your eyes and started preparing yourself to get up, yet Jihyo then lifted her ass up and placed it over your face again.
"Just a bit more~" you heard her command.
You put your hands on her hips and licked out the remainder of her juices and just when you were finishing up, she bent down and you felt her licking up your balls again.
Although your cock wasn't erect again yet somehow Jihyo was helping it get ready with ball play so you helped her get ready with more pussy play.
"I think that's good enough~" Jihyo hunched up, bringing her butt to your cock, propping herself in reverse cowgirl position and holding your cock just below her squirm having the head nibble her opening as you watched her bubble butt lowering to your pelvis.
Even the touch alone was enough to set her senses on fire, she wanted this as much as you did, if not more.
She quickly looked to you with a loving smile.
"Ready, husband~"
You nodded.
"Do the honors, Miss (LN)." You answered and Jihyo popped the head of your cock into her pussy inching herself down and breathing hard while she did.
She felt her body light on fire as she slid herself down your pole until she was fully immersed, your cock was sheathed snugly inside her.
The feeling was so intense and pleasing that Jihyo let out a sharp yet brief squeal as she locked her hand into yours.
Impaling herself on your dick made her feel like it was her first time again.
She ground herself on you moaning sharply with deep breaths and gasps, you were underneath her feeling a world of sensations while another sharp yelp of bliss from your wife causing her to sway her hips back and forth even more fiercely.
The tightness surrounding your length was absolute, you felt your virile organ breach her cervix poking up into her womb the moment you thrust upward to meet her motions.
Jihyo planted both hands down on your pecs steadying her position, her body bounced and swayed rampantly along your body taking your cock for a ride.
She felt so full, so stimulated, so...happy as her body rocked harder and faster.
You groaned from underneath feeling Jihyo's vaginal cavity repeatedly clench down on your dick making it harder to keep yourself in check.
She just felt so damn good.
'And she looks so beautiful...' You thought to yourself when peering up at the now bouncing form of Jihyo slamming herself down on your cock with all the fire in her soul.
Jihyo's body writhed and bounced feverishly on you, your cock nudged deep inside her cunt stretching her out to your liking and in turn getting squeezed by her inner muscles, such a sensation caused both of them to breathe and moan in ragged breaths while on top of the rocking bed.
Her body swayed and writhed in smooth motions with her large breasts bouncing up with her, you were tempted to grab each one and fondle them, but you felt it better to hold onto her hips to steady their sexual rhythm.
Fortunately, Jihyo read your mind and tugged both of your arms up to meet her chest where your palms and fingers covered up her breasts, causing you sit up, you front meeting her back as she grinding more than thrusts.
The instant she felt your strong fingers grope the tender flesh of her pussy she bit down on her lips intoxicatingly with eyes shut.
You didn't let up just yet, you kept on massaging her large tender orbs willfully causing her to let out a collection of soft moans as you did so.
Her hips swayed and rocked slower yet harder on your waist making sure to take your cock for a snug ride. 
Jihyo even reached her own hands up to caress and feel your own while they were on her breasts, together they kept at it for minutes more until she started pumping her hips in a bouncing motion.
She raised herself up to where the head nearly left her opening then slammed down hard taking you deep resulting in a deep guttural moan coming from you.
"Ah ah ah uh oohhh huuaa!! (YN)!" Jihyo mewled.
With the rhythm of hard smacking noises, she continued bouncing herself on your cock until she planted her hands on the side of your torso, clenching your skin for her orgasm was nigh, and so were you.
Were the fervent noises her from slamming down on your when her voice reached a crescendo of orgasm following up with her body curling backward as her vaginal muscles squeezed down hard on your length.
"(YN)!!!" Jihyo hollered bucking her hips violently and having her pussy convulse rampantly on your penis.
She felt it squeeze and squeeze with the intent on milking out your cock's contents, and boy did it succeed.
You tensed up and thrashed your head back when you plunged your hips upward for a surprising pump in the midst of your wife's climax.
Your cock throbbed and pulsated inside her releasing an oozing payload of sperm deep into her depths, you felt it throb heavily when it pumped each load.
The moment Jihyo felt your seed rush into her body she felt another climax come out of her midway, which in turn milked more cum out of you.
They locked hands holding them together as they finished off their unified climax in each other's warmth.
Jihyo laid herself along your chest cuddling you affectionately with her left arm reaching up to curl underneath your head.
Both were laying there like a loving newlywed couple without a care in the world and feeling exhilarating from that mind-blowing experience.
"Huff...huff...wow," you breathed with a chuckle.
Jihyo giggled softly back to you.
"I know you (YN), that's not all you got~"
"Course not."
Jihyo just playfully smacked the back of your head and went back to cuddling you with a soft giggle. 
She then peered up at you locking eyes again, this time with a ready look as she nodded and pulled herself close to cross her lips with your in a loving soft kiss.
She guided her left hand down to your length to find it surprisingly very hard despite cumming inside her earlier and continued making out with you for several minutes more until breaking off.
"How about this time you choose the position~"
You nodded and then delivered a quick chaste kiss to her lips and shifted their arrangement on the bed to where Jihyo was the one lying down.
You grabbed her right leg and lifted it up after arranging Jihyo to lay on her side as you yourself straddled her other leg.
She knew what position you were aiming for and it made her giddy with excitement.
With one hand holding your shaft and guiding it to her opening you wasted no time in plunging your phallus right back into it earning a sharp inhale from Jihyo.
"Sssttt Hhhaa!" Jihyo breathed feeling the world of pleasure once more. In this position, you had fucked your cock even deeper into her pussy, to the point where the bulbous head inside poked the spongy wombs of her womb.
It made her feel a plethora of sensations that had her body trembling in stimulation.
'He's even deeper than before! Hhuuaaa!!! It feels amazing!'
"Oooh yeah." you grunted and straightened up your posture while holding her smooth elegant leg against your shoulder.
You proceeded to start sawing yourself in and out of her tight pussy relishing the exquisite sensation of her velvet opening.
You began hammering into her cunt with rapid-fire thrusts that Jihyo mewling with her mouth agape.
Her hands clenched the sheets beneath her body as it jutted about along the bed, the resounding smacks of flesh that were your hips smacking into her rear resonated along with their moans.
"Hhhoooo (YN)!" She wailed out blissfully.
You continued fucking her like that for a few minutes, all while occasionally glancing down at her blissful and flustered face with hair strewn about beautifully.
You fell more in love with her every second.
The view of her beautiful face as you laid her down on the bed and looked into her perfect hazel eyes this was always going to be a sight to be in awe which prompted you to fuck her even harder with an increased sense of pace.
Your hips gyrated back and forth against her pussy as you straddled her thigh, the smacking sounds of their bodies became louder and so too were Jihyo's moans.
You were indeed hitting all the right spots, just as her pussy felt like a perfectly tight and snug fit that pulled on your cock with each thrust.
You then reached your right hand over to her jiggling chest and grabbed one of her breasts in your hand making sure to squeeze and fondle it with fingers pinching her nipple.
Jihyo had let out another sharp yelp when she opened her eyes to see where your hand was, thus she clasped one of her hands over your helping you reinforce the groping sensation your were giving her.
She tossed you a wink and smiled as they continued on fucking side-saddle for minutes more.
Jihyo was fast approaching her orgasm.
The tipping point became when you grabbed the ankle of the leg you held up and gently sucked on her big toe prompting a titanic orgasm wave within Jihyo.
She tensed up and felt her toes curl and her fists clench along the sheets as her body thrashed about in climax.
She let out another pleasurable wail while simultaneously squeezing your dick with her vaginal cavity.
"Grrhgg!" You grit your teeth feeling the tightening feeling of her Jihyo's snatch suck on your meat prompting you to plunge your hips all the way into her body releasing another thick potent load of semen.
"Aggghh Jihyo!!"
You held yourself there letting your pulsing organ fill Jihyo's depths, pumping her womb full of youthful semen.
Each time Jihyo felt the pulse of warmth flooding into her she felt like cumming again and again in subsequent bursts.
She waited for you to finish while still in a blissful state, which lasted for a couple more minutes until you stopped.
You sighed and relaxed not bothering to pull yourself out of her and instead let themselves rest peacefully together.
You yourself was still sheathed inside her, Jihyo felt your cock soften just a bit because it still retained its rigidity.
"Huff huff wow...that was intense." you said with a few breaths and looked up into Jihyo's eyes. "How did you like it?"
She sweetly smiled and cradled your head in her hands feeling your blonde locks through her fingers.
"It was magnificent, (YN)...very..."
You then cuddled up closer to her nestling your head at her neck with her boobs pushing up against your collarbone comfortably.
Jihyo responded by purring and affectionately stroking your head with her hands.
===================SMUT END=======================
They both rested together for a bit until Jihyo... 
"...we're gonna do this," you heard and turned to her, "we're doing this,"
"Yes we are Jihyo, we're doing this, there'll be plenty of stuff to discuss, but in due time, you'll be a fine mother."
"And you (YN), a wonderful father...I love you so much (YN), you have no idea..." Jihyo hushed as you smiled, "thank you for being mine..."
Jihyo lowered her body downward to press her lips against yours, showcasing the never-ending love that she'll have for you.
And for you, while a sudden change of direction in your newly married life, you'd be ready to tackle this monumental occasion with Jihyo.
So this story is going to be a three parter, I already have a map of what I want for the story to happen but it'll be in the back of my 'chapters to write' since I will be shifting my focus on the other sequels.
Yes, sequels will now be starting to be released so:
Momo's Incest Story
Mina/Sana Voyeur Story
Dahyun's Therapy Story
Nayeon/Jihyo Reunion Story
Chae/Jeong Stripper Story
Mina's Good Girl/Bad Boy Story (Yes there will be a part 2)
As well as eight other requests that I need to get through.
Got nothing to say so...
Thanks for taking a pause in your life to reading this! Vote/Comment if you want and thanks again! 
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I’ve been reading these for at least a few months and I’ve been really enjoying them! Can you do something where husk, Charlie, Octavia, and loona(all done separately) with a reader who doesn’t have the confidence to ask them out so they do the whole “secret admirer” thing with letters and stuff?
Your Secret Admirer~
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Now, when you first joined the Hotel, you never intended to fall for someone. And you certainly never suspected youd fall for an alcoholic, scruffy cat.
But with you spending each evening at the bar, and him being the only real companion you had, you'd quickly fall for him, especially as he warmed up to you.
Of course, you hadn't the guts to confess, especially with someone as blunt as him. As such you did the next best thing.
You wrote him a love letter.
Now the first letter was accidentally ignored, the Cat dropping it and when you'd tried to broach the subject, the cat seemed oblivious.
So, you kept it together. Keeping a level tone, never acting out. But still feeling... well, down.
But a week or so later, the Cat would find the letter, and after pulling it out and reading it he'd be a blushing mess, totally unsure of how to handle the letter.
Now, when you'd speak to him again, you'd see the letter, realising he'd finally read it, and with that your hope was renewed.
So, you wrote him another letter. Leaving it on the bar, the same place as the last.
And this time, he found it the next morning, blushingly reading it as he genuinely had no idea how to handle the affection.
And after the first few letters, and a bout of sober contemplation, the cat derived an ingenious plan.
He'd drink again, as he always did, but this time he'd go extra light on drinks, the cat sneaking by on only a drink or two.
And due to him actually being semi sober, he'd finally realise how nice it was having you around, you keeping him company much of the night and honestly, the cat was surprised at how much he enjoyed having you around.
Of course, imagine his surprise when as he laid across the bar, pretending to be out drunk, the way he often ended up at night.
And imagine your surprise when you 'carefully' approached him, placing down the letter, only to be snagged by the cat.
He'd pop up, and this wasn't a 'drunken knee jerk reaction' he'd given on other occasions.
No, this was a 'clear eyed, fully sobber standing', the cat popping up before you.
You stared at each other for what felt like hours, neither of you daring to look away.
He'd hold your wrist for several more minutes before he'd ask simply. "W-why?"
And so, after Blushing up a storm, you'd tell him. "W-well, Uh, your pretty cool. You spend time with me without treating me feel like an idiot and your funny... your nice to me."
Youd look away, scratching your cheek before adding. "Plus... your really hot."
At that the Cat would blush, scratching his neck as he looked away, commenting how he liked you too, the Cat asking if maybe you'd like to go out or something.
To which you'd beam, eagerly snatching up one of his paws, telling him eagerly that you'd love to!
The date itself was at the Hotel, the cat, with a good bit of help from Nifty, would set up a meal for the two of you.
He'd even get all clean, showering off his usual heady scent of alcohol, the cat all anxiously awaiting you.
If the cat was nervous, you were freaking out, awkwardly stumbling over yourself to try and keep it together.
Your first date would end less than spectacularly, the both of you blame yourself for its failure.
So, after half a bottle of Alastors good wine, he'd show up at your room, the two of you sharing the bottle as you spoke.
Youd both reach for the bottle, pausing as your hands touched, the two of you staring at each other before well, instincts kicked in and you began making out.
You spent the night together. Joined in hot, passionate sex together as you both poured everything you had into it.
The next day you'd wake up, groggy from the bottle of vintage you'd shared. But unlike some shameful one night stand, you found yourself comfortable against his furry form, the two of you basking in your morning glow, despite the hangovers.
Youd begin a somewhat casual Relastionship. Neither of you wanting to force anything, wanting to give the other space.
But you found you just... didn't need to.
You got along excellently, and well, that transfered naturally into your relationship.
Youd spent most your time with the other, usually at the bar, since he was the Hotel's bartender.
But you also spent most your time when not at the bar together, your relationship quickly getting deeper and deeper, the both of you coming to love each other.
Of course, it took a while for you to come to terms with this sorta stuff, particularly Husker, as he'd basically forgotten how to feelings.
But given some time, you'd develope a deeply intimate and loving relationship.
Of course, the Hotel would discover it. Angel would be upset Husker ended up with you. Charlie and Vaggie accepting it, but also kinda upset at loosing a patient.
Alastor... was an issue, as he basically owned Husker and wasn't above manipulating the both of you, so you'd just endure it, hoping to wait out his contract so he'd be free to be with you.
But I imagine you could reason with him, although Husker would probably have to play nice with the radio demon, at least till he was free.
Charlie watched as Angel looked over the letter for what was likely the seventh time
She was quite shocked upon waking up and getting ready for the day, only to find a letter had been slid under.
She was even more shocked to find the letters contents to be a declaration of aduration, the letter essentially singing her praises.
Now, she had initially taken the letter to Angle to see if it had been some prank from him, something he himself admitted was right up his alley, but after reading it once more, he'd tell her bluntly. "Well, someone wants ya."
Charlie, through a Blush, sputtered out. "Wh-what?!"
To that, Angel laughed, propping his head up on one of his many arms as he tossed the letter back to her.
"Simple toots. Someone has the hots for you but don't got the balls to tell ya in person."
Charlie just held the letter in her hands, a gentle flush on her cheeks as she wondered who it could be.
She already eliminated Angel, and she doubted it could be Alastor and Neither Husker or Nifty seemed viable options.
She doubted it was Vaggie, her best friend was too up front to waste her time writing her a letter.
So that left... you.
She blushed thinking about it.
And she blushed every morning, when she woke up, finding a new letter waiting for her.
Each one was better and sweeter than the last, and reading your letter quickly became the highlight of her day.
She would, of course, let her best friend in on the secret, Vaggie promising to keep it to herself. And when the moth would ask if she was sure it was you.
But all it took was a little snooping to find definite clues leading to you. You weren't that subtle.
Now, while Vaggie kept it together well enough, hiding her knowing it was you. Charlie wasn't so good at it, and while she was never too blatant, she did start treating you differently.
She was nicer to you, spending more time with you and generally acting more friendly.
And this went on for a week or two until, after a particularly loving letter, she'd finally act.
Now, you'd honestly expected to find your first love letter in the garbage, if not burnt to cinders.
There was no way you'd expect someone as amazing as Charlie, let alone the princess, to like you back.
But since you started writing them, Charlie had only seemed to get even friendlier, spending even more time with you.
This only fuelled your affection, and after your most loving of letters, you'd be sat in a lounge room, reading a book when Charlie walked in.
Youd greet her, happily welcoming her.
Only for her not to say anything back, the girl approaching you with rosy cheeks. Well, even rosier than usual.
And after stopping before you, she'd hold out a letter.
Seeing it, you'd instantly blush, shakily reaching out and grabbing the letter, pulling it back before looking up at her.
Youd look down, shakily opening the letter.
Youd find a heartfelt letter, the girl telling you she'd love to go out with you.
And so, through an absolutely blushing mess of a face, you eagerly agreed. Blushing even harder when she hugged you close, telling you she was looking forward to it.
Youd go out together, first to dinner, then to a movie, the girl acting as a fairly regular teenager and of course, you were a blushing mess the entire time. Blushingly following after her like a puppy, the two of you blushingly holding hands.
Youd walk her to her door. In the hotel. Which felt a little odd, not that you could tell, youd be freaking out the entire night. The two of you confessing you really enjoyed your time together.
You both agreed with the others assessment, agreeing to do it again. The both of you smiling ear to ear as you parted.
Octavia was sat in her family kitchen, the girl mid way through a bowl of Greed Seeds as her father walked into the room.
He'd be perusing the mail when he'd find one for her, pausing before walking over and handing it to her.
The girl, seeing the letter, quickly snatched it up, jumping up and kissing her fathers cheek before rushing off, leaving Stolas a bewildered lamp post.
Octavia rushed to her room, jumping onto her bed with a very teenage giggle before she carefully opened the letter.
She found another love letter.
It was beautifully written, as they all had been, the page a beautiful poem of your adoration.
The girl just laid there, red faced, grinning ear to ear.
The letter ended with your usual 'with loving adoration, ~your secret admirer.'
But this time, at the very bottom it said, 'I hope I'll be seeing you at the next gathering.'
With that revelation, Octavia eagerly awaited the next Royal gathering.
Now normally, she despised these gatherings, being stuffed in a room of stuffy and stuck up A-holes isn't her idea of a good time. But now she had you, her secret admirer, to look forwards to.
And she was looking forwards to it, after several weeks of getting love letters, she was eager to finally meet you.
So, after a few days, the gala came around, the girl eagerly dressing up, doing her best to make herself presentable.
Entering the ball room, desperately hoping you weren't some creepy old guy sending her letters.
She acted naturally throughout the night, being pulled into the occasional conversation and ignoring the teenage nobles that seemed to gravatate towards her, most smug teenegers that thought their status meant they should instantly be allowed in her pants.
It'd be as she sipped punch at one of the tables that she'd glance up, only to lock eyes with you, you breaking into the biggest Blush she'd ever seen.
You stared at each other for several minutes, neither of you looking away.
She'd stand there for another minute before she'd take the initiative, approaching you, the girl standing before you.
Now stood before you, she'd ask simply. "Are you my secret admirer?"
And after several seconds of pregnant silence, your face getting even redder, you'd nod, pulling out another letter, you holding out to her.
She'd look down at it, finding it identical to all the others.
Pulling it open she found a simple question written out as all your writing was.
"Will you go out with me?"
At that she'd smile, nodding her head before grabbing your hand, the two of you walking off, sitting in a nook as you got to know each other, the two of you turning out to have a lot in common.
Youd spend much of the night talking, the two of you friending each other on your mutual social media, just spending the time together until the gala would finally end, you and Octavia parting with a gentle kiss, promising to meet up soon.
You just blushing up a storm, eagerly nodding your head.
Now, your whole 'secret admirer' shtick really didn't last that long with Loona.
The first one, she'd chocked up to a prank from Moxxie, Loona know full well the Imp was too much of a pansy to do anything serious to her.
But then when she got the second letter, this one being far more straightforward with your adoration, the girl was left a blushing mess.
Of course, she quickly pulled herself together, and after only a few moments of thought, she realised it simply had to be you, you were literally the only person it could be.
But, upon reading over the letter again, she found it was nice having someone complimenting her like that, so she let it go on a few more days, just enjoying the praise.
But after the first week she'd confront you, and while you tried to play it off, she'd literally compare your hand writing to the letters, finding it a perfect match.
And so, faced with undeniable proof you'd concede. After that, Loona would ask why you hadn't just asked her out, to which you'd tell her bluntly she was way out of your league.
She was attractive and confident and she was the most deadly and incredible woman you'd ever met and well, you couldn't contain yourself any longer. But you hadn't the balls to tell her In person. So, you wrote it down.
After suppressing a blush, the girl almost giddy at your complements, Loona would ask if, well, if you'd eanna go out?
To which you'd instantly break into a blush, something Loona thought was cute before timidly agreeing.
The girl plaid it of, trying to keep her cool, but in reality, she was giddy inside, tale actually wagging as she left, wondering where you should go on your first date.
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preet-01 · 6 months
My feed was filled with pictures of Daniel during the post-quali media and this happened. So hope you guys enjoy!!!
With the fundraiser set for late fall/early winter, a car wash had been impractical. Not to mention that Daniel had threatened a boat load of pranks that Seb quite frankly did not want to deal with during midterms time.
So in a moment of unmatched brilliance, he proposed a kissing booth. It didn’t have to be on the quad, they could set it up in the student center of Daniel was so averse to the cold. And to be completely honest, they’d probably raise a lot more money with $1 pecks on the cheek and $5 kisses than they would at the usual car wash fundraiser. After all, a lot more people wanted to kiss Daniel than they had cars. (Though that hadn’t stopped people in past years from bringing wheelbarrows, bicycles, and any other wheeled thing just to see Daniel shirtless, in tiny shorts, and wet with sudsy water. Plus there were other guys from the frat there too, but Daniel had been the main attraction.)
“It better be in a warm place,” Daniel says when the booth is proposed. The others echo their support for Daniel’s demand, after last fall semester’s car wash fundraiser none of them had been ecstatic about spending hours in the cold air.
The rest of the meeting is spent making a schedule for who would be manning the booth during the day. It would be on a Thursday — when Daniel was the only person in the frat to not have a class. Though he had been spending a lot of his Thursdays helping Professor Button with his latest research project.
“Can you stay all day, Dan?” Seb questions.
“I know what you’re doing Vettel,” Daniel says with narrowed eyes but ultimately agrees to stay at the booth the entire day. “I want the nicest room when we have spring formal,” he demands as compensation. Not too hard of a task to be honest.
The others, who aren’t in a relationship, agree to join Daniel for two hour sessions.
If Daniel hadn’t been offered fair compensation for his efforts, he probably would be angrily grumbling about all the effort he had to put into kissing just about everyone that walked by. Rick, his companion for the past hour, had barely kissed more than three people. In comparison, Daniel had kissed three people in just four minutes. Rick was a good looking guy, he wasn’t the hottest in the frat, but he was conventionally attractive.
“How much have we made?” Rick questions as Daniel slips another $5 bill into the lockbox.
“Uh close to $470,” Daniel replies. The booth had only been open for about three hours now and they’d raised more money than the last car wash fundraiser they did.
“Mr. President!” Daniel cheers when he sees Lewis step up to the kissing booth. When Lewis had been elected frat president, there was only one way that Daniel could greet him every time he saw him. The running joke between them had somehow led to Daniel doing his best Marilyn Monroe singing happy birthday to JFK impression.
“Dan,” Lewis greets before greeting Rick.
“Care to donate to save the honeybees?” Daniel asks. Lewis pulls out a crisp $10 bill and slips it into the lockbox himself.
“A kiss for now and a kiss for later,” Lewis explains just before expectantly turning to Daniel.
“Throw in another $20 and well you know,” Daniel says, not really expecting Lewis to agree, but he does and pulls out the $20. Lewis kisses him for a full minute and promises to see him tonight before leaving for his next class.
“What’s the you know for?” Rick questions and Daniel just raises his eyebrow. Everyone in the frat knew that Daniel and Lewis would occasionally hook up and the two loved playing games with one another. “Wait, really??? I thought that was just some prank that Seb was trying to pull on us.”
Oh right, Rick was newly initiated and had not yet seen Lewis and Daniel’s hook ups or the games that preceded them. “The President is the best fuck in the frat,” Daniel says.
“Mr. Ricciardo,” a familiar voice says. They turn around to see Jenson — well Professor Button — standing there.
“Professor!” Daniel says, he’s sure he’d texted Jenson that he wouldn’t be able to make it to their usual meeting due to a frat fundraiser. So he couldn’t be pissed about that. Was it the… oh he’d be paying for that come next Thursday. Hopefully his punishment would be of the spanking variety and not the orgasm delay variety. “Would you like to donate to our fundraiser? It’s for the bees. $1 for a peck, $5 for a kiss,” Daniel questions. He’s curious to see what Jenson will do.
“It would be highly inappropriate to kiss a student, Mr. Ricciardo, but I will donate $5 for the cause,” Jenson says, “and I expect you to be early next Thursday, there are some… articles I need you to go through.” With that Jenson is gone. Kissing a student would have definitely been more appropriate than whatever it was that Jenson’s planning for next Thursday.
The next couple of hours are very boring if you ask Daniel. He’s kissing or giving pecks to whoever stops by. A group of freshmen keep coming back to the booth to get pecks and one of them is bold enough to get a kiss. And he’s avoiding people’s attempts to flirt. He’s just going through the motions until Max Verstappen appears in front of him. They have a political philosophy class together this semester. While Max was very prickly with most other people in the class due to their “very stupid thoughts,” he lit up around Daniel.
“Hiya, Maxy Taxi,” Daniel greets, happy to see a familiar face. “Come to support the honeybees?” He inquires.
“Sure,” Max replies. Instead of $5, max pulls out a $20. “You have been kissing people for a minute when they give $5, so a $20, of course, would mean 4 minutes of kissing,” he says.
“Yeah, I suppose,” Daniel hadn’t really been keeping track of how long he was kissing everyone, but Max was rarely wrong in class so he must be right.
Max’s lips are just as soft as they look. And like he does in class, Max takes the lead with no hesitation. He’s got a hand in Daniel’s curls and the other on his cheek as they kiss. Well technically make out because the amount of tongue is significantly higher than it had been with other people he’d kissed during the day.
If he’s breathless and chasing for more, then no one has to know except him and Max. “Do you want to get dinner after class tomorrow?” Max questions. Daniel, still dazed and wanting more, just nods. Dinner sounded great.
By the end of the day, they raised over $1000 which was much more than the car washes they’d done had ever raised. The honeybees better be grateful.
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therosebunpost · 1 year
Monster Mash
Werewolf! Steve Harrington x Fem! Blind! Reader
CW: Some small sexual themes (MDI)
For @lesservillain ‘s Strange and Spooky Stories prompts! This finally gave me a chance to write my Werewolf! Steve idea, so thank you so much!
You came to Hawkins for one reason, and one reason alone. You heard about the spooky shit that’s been happening, and as one amateur Paranormal Investigator, you wanted to see what all the hype was about. People didn’t like that idea. Your parents nearly passed out when you told them. “I’ll have Bernard with me!” You’d say, kneeling down and hugging the large Goldie, who barked proudly. Licking your face and tapping his feet against the ground.
Bernard was your trusty partner in crime. Trained from a young puppy, you two had a bond that was unshaken. He was more than just your eyes, he was for all purposes, your best friend. “He’s excited too, aren’t you? You ready to hunt some ghosts? Maybe get into a run-in with some monsters?” You’d gush, your trusty pup woofing in excitement.
Obviously, you were going to be careful. Sure, you joked about battling monsters, but like hell would you actually put yourself or Bernard in danger. It sucked that people didn’t expect that from you, but that’s how it was when you were blind.
You loved proving them wrong, though.
Hawkins was a nice enough town. It was small, from what your research told you. Even smaller than it used to be, after the quakes.
Bernard stayed by your side, dutifully ignoring the coos and pets of strangers as he led you away from the bus station. Guess Hawkins didn’t have a large Blind population, as you had to gently tell people not to distract your faithful companion. It was almost second nature to you, even if it got irritating.
At some point, you managed to stumble into a building for some salvation from the heat. Taking in the vague shapes and colors, it was some kind of store.
“Welcome to Family Video, if you need anything-“
“Oh! You have such a cute dog, oh my god-“
Two voices rung out from in front of you. One masculine and one feminine. You see two human shaped blobs, and one of them was already coming around the counter at record speed.
“Thank you!” You stop her, tucking Bernard behind your legs and keeping your cane in front of you. “He’s working now, though, so please don’t pet him-“
The woman stops, a sharp breath leaving her. “Oh! Oh, I’m sorry. I won’t. He’s really pretty, sorry about that-“
“It’s alright, thank you.” You relax, eased up by the sincerity in her tone. “Could you help me, actually? Do you know where the local Inn is? I’m staying for a few days and the sun is taking a toll on me. I really don’t want to wander around in it.” You giggle and the woman chuckles in sympathy.
“Yeah! Here, let me find a map. We have some water, if you’re thirsty?” You follow after her retreating form, now stationed in front of the solid mass that you assumed was a counter. The other blob, this one taller and wider in the shoulders, offered a wave before quickly thinking better of it. “Hi! Hey, uh, I’m Steve.”
Steve had a really nice voice. Smooth, and just a touch of an accent you can’t quite place. “Hi Steve.” You return, hoping you were smiling at him and not at the wall. That, and you hoped the heat in your cheeks would die down. You were a sucker for nice voices.
“So, the Inn? What brings you to Hawkins?”
“Well, I’m actually here on a mission!” You tease, giggling and leaning on the counter. “Bernard and I are going monster hunting!” Bernard woofs, but he wasn’t right next to you like you were expecting. Instead he was a little off to the side, and it’s then that you hear the tell tale sounds of sniffing.
“Oh, uh, hey big guy-“
“Bernard!” You rush around the counter without thinking, gently leading Bernard away from the confused man. “I’m so sorry, usually he’s really good at staying by my side.” Even in the midst of a distraction, but maybe Bernard was a sucker for a nice voice too. Plus, he could actually see what the man looked like.
“Oh, it’s fine, I just had some food so maybe he just smelled it on me.” He waves off the apologies, chuckling. Bernard woofs again and Steve’s laugh becomes a little wheezy.
“Dingus! Where’s the map??”
“I don't know Robin! Here, let me check, you just grab the water.”
Then, without so much as a goodbye, he was gone.
The woman, Robin, takes his place. “Here you go! I found a bowl, in case you’re both thirsty? Did I hear right, that his name is Bernard?” She chattered away, pressing the cold bottle into your hands along with a paper bowl.
“Thank you, and Mmhmm! Hey, you can pet him for a moment, if you want.” It wasn’t something you usually did, but she seemed sweet and was respectful of your No. Robin let’s out a small squeal of excitement before you hear her baby talking to the wiggling goldie. “Oh, you're so cute, oh my god. Such a good boy, working so hard, yeah??”
Bernard woofs, whining happily and Robin's giggles were just too infectious not to join in on. "Here, do you mind helping me with the water?" You ask, kneeling beside her and offering the bottle.
After the bowl was filled and Bernard was eagerly lapping at it, you take a grateful sip yourself.
"So, Monster Hunting?" Robin prompts after a moment, and you nod.
"Yeah, I heard a lot of stuff happened here. I was due for a vacation and I figured it'd be fun to look into it!" You explain, standing again. Robin snorts, and she's a blur as she shakes her head. "That's one way to spend a vacation."
"Fuck, I think I left it in my car." Steve’s footsteps come back out of the room.
"I can cover out here if you guys wanna go grab it." Robin offers, and you debate the offer. Follow a stranger to his car for a map to your Inn. Not that the map would do much, but it would at least give you something.
"Sure, come on Bern." You direct him with your leash and he falls back into Work Mode with ease. That, or he was eager to follow Steve out of the building. His lead tugged with his urgency.
"Here, uh, I think it's in the glove compartment?" Steve mutters, and you wait as he rustles around in the car. Though, suddenly he swears and there's a thump inside the car. "Whoa there bud-" He ducks out and you realize that Bernard had been inching closer.
"Bernard! Bad Dog!" You guide him away from Steve with a horrified gasp. "I am so, so sorry, he's never done that to someone before-" Bernard was a very friendly dog, but you trained him out of the sniffing thing early on. At least you thought you had.
"Its uh, it's fine! Dogs do that to me. He's just sayin' hello, yeah?" Bernard whines with apology and you try not to wilt at the sound. You rarely had to scold him, but it seems the new environment was a lot. "Still, I am so sorry."
Steve hands you the map and he tries to guide you to the Inn, but the mess of lines and colors was proving difficult.
"Its okay, I can ask for directions along the way." You offer, handing him the map. You've already taken enough of his time and you weren't excited for the next time Bernard decided to get friendly again.
"Are you sure? I mean, I could uh..drive you? It's not that far from the store and you aren't wrong about the heat."
You hesitate. You did need to check in soon and Bernard seemed to like him a lot. If there was anyone's opinion you trusted the most, it was your sweet puppy.
"Sure, yeah, thank you. I hope there's a way I can pay you back?" You asked, hearing the click of the door. You reached out a hand instinctively and he filled that space. The warm skin of his palm was soothing against yours and damn, his hands were big-
You slip into the car, placing your tingling hand in your lap in an effort to ignore it. The back door opened with a click and Bernard jumped into the backseat with a pleased bark. The sounds of him sniffing around were instant.
"You know," you admit with a giggle, "he's a friendly dog but he hasn't warmed up this quickly to someone before."
Steve let out that wheeze laugh again, hand tapping on the wheel. "He's a sweet dog, cares a lot about you." You hum in agreement, leaning your head back against the headrest and letting yourself rest for a moment.
"So…you said you were…monster hunting?"
“Yeah! I just think it’s really interesting. Really, it’s less hunting and just..seeing that they’re real, Y’know?”
“But isn’t that…dangerous?”
“I mean, sure, but I got Bern and…can I be a little honest?” You rub your palms along the fabric of your bottoms. “I don’t really expect to find anything. Part of this was just an excuse to get…away for a while. Work’s been…stressful lately and I dunno, I just wanted to do something different for a while.”
“Can I be honest?” Steve asks, and you nod. “Hawkins is kinda a weird place to run away to. Most people are hoping to get out.” You giggle, and Steve joins you.
“Do you? Want to leave?”
“…Not really? I mean, sure, I don’t want to be here everyday but…it’s my home.”
“So, you wanna stay but most people wanna leave?”
“It’s stupid, I know.”
You shake your head. “No, it’s not stupid. It’s nice. Sounds like you really like it here.”
Steve hums and you want to ask more, but soon the car comes to a stop. You slip out, running your hands along the glossy interior, and locate the handle and let out your rambunctious pup. He jumps out, pressing his body against your leg with a happy bark. You pet the top of his head, grounding yourself in the familiar softness of his fur.
“Here we go! Hey, maybe.. I’ll see you around? Sometimes? Wait, shit, I mean-“
You giggle, shaking your head and turning towards the smooth voice. “I’ll see you around, Steve.” With a smile, you settle your backpack onto your shoulders, grab your cane and Bernard’s leash. “Thanks again, is there anything I can do? I have some cash?”
“Oh- No, hey, it’s fine, honestly this was a nice break for me. Getting to sit down and uh, drive you and this guy around was a highlight. Trust me.” Bernard barks and his tail wags against your leg before leaving your side and woofing even louder. The golden blob suddenly elongates, meshing with Steve and you have to let out another gasp. “Bernard, oh my god-“
But Steve was laughing, and damn, wasn’t that a nice sound? “Yeah, I liked meeting you too, Buddy.” He giggles and it’s not long before he ushers him back over to you. “Stay with your girl though, okay? Gotta protect her from monsters.” He chuckles, and your cheeks heat up again. “But seriously, stay safe, okay?”
With one final goodbye, you walk into the lobby with a sense of relief and maybe a small bit of longing. “Bern, what the fuck?” You mumble, giggling under your breath as you pet him again. “Was he really that handsome?” You tease and Bernard just lets out one of his happy whines, nudging your hand and licking your fingers. “I’d call you a smitten kitten, but I think you’d be offended.” He lets out an indignant woof and you laugh as you head up to the front desk.
Hawkins was nice, for the most part. The people were friendly and helped you get around if you got lost. Bernard was definitely popular, with many people eagerly greeting the two of you as you walked around. Beyond that, things unfortunately weren’t as action packed as you hoped. After all, you couldn’t just waltz up to the nearest resident and interview them about all the things they’ve seen. Not that many were that forthcoming in the first place.
So, you resorted to the library. The place didn’t have a lot of braille in the first place, figures, so the papers certainly didn’t. So you had to blow up the text to nearly three times its size, and even then you had to call the librarian over to tell you any words that weren’t clicking. At some point she ended up sitting with you and reading over the entire article, along with adding her own tidbits.
“Oh, that Munson boy. You know, when he was acquitted, I was relieved. He was always a sweet kid, even if he got a little too into his ‘metal music’ that I had to sush him.” She giggles and you tap the mugshot with your finger with interest. “You said he got hurt? From the quakes?”
“That or an animal got him, dear. Poor boy, he was in the hospital for months. The picket line outside the hospital certainly didn’t help either. His uncle had to be let back in through the back door, I heard. Or smuggled in when visiting hours were over.”
“Holy shit- Oh, wait, I’m sorry-“
“No, you’re absolutely right. Holy shit indeed, my dear.”
Looking back at the formless blob on the page, wonder if that’s all this was. Not a monster as in the bogey man, but the worse. A tangible monster, going around and murdering high schoolers and pinning the blame on some guy who sounded like the town was after him.
“You know dear,” The librarian mentions softly, “things haven’t really gotten better after the quakes, why, there’s been some sightings. That’s what you’re after, aren’t you?”
You perk up at this. “Sightings? Wait, like, monster sightings?”
“Mmhmm, but I’d be careful if I were you, pumpkin. This thing…well, it’s not one to be trifled with.”
It was one time, during one of these little study sessions, that a familiar voice rang out in the quiet library.
“Fifteen library books, Dustin? Fifteen late library books?”
“Are you really going to scold me for learning? For following where ever my journey of curiosity leads? My thirst for knowledge-“
“Henderson, Herrington, what a surprise! What brings you two here, not the fifty dollar fine, I hope?”
“Fifty Dollars? Oh, you little shit, I’m going to-“
You weren’t fast enough to catch Bernard’s leash. The Goldie barked, and you scrambled after the blonde mass of fur as he came barreling over to Steve and another person, a boy you guess given his voice.
The books come crashing down, heavy thumps pounding the ground. Steve’s increasingly familiar blob joined them, covered by a wiggling, excited Bernard.
“Steve! Dude, you dropped them-“ The boy cries, and Steve just groans.
Mortified, you firmly grip at Bernard’s lead. “Are you okay? Steve, I am so sorry-“ You reach out for him, gripping his hand and tugging the dazed man to his feet. “Fuck- Yeah, yeah, just startled, hey buddy-“
“Since when were you a dog magnet, oh, hi!” The boy, now placing the stack of books on the counter, greeted you with barely contained amusement. “Is that your dog? I didn’t know they let pets in here, that’s so cool-“
“Oh, no, he’s a service dog.” You were quick to interject, feeling for Bernard’s leash to make sure it was firmly in your hand. “He’s usually very well behaved, I’m so sorry. Are your books okay?” You reach out, wincing as you felt dents in the spines. “Here, let me just pay the fine, you said fifty?”
That caught Steve’s attention, the man quickly coming to your side. “No, no, you do not have to do that-“
“I mean, the books are pretty dented, Steve-“
“Dustin, I swear to god-“
“It’s fine!” You interject, pulling out your card and handing it over to the librarian. God, you were glad you couldn’t see her expression right now. “Fifty, then?” You press and the librarian finally lets out a laugh. “Yes. Usually I’d charge for the dents, but I’m fairly certain that was Mr. Henderson’s doing.”
“Wait, hey, I-“ There was a thump and Dustin let out an annoyed grunt. You pay the fine, silently mourning what could have been. Maybe a nice dinner at that Enzo’s place, or that cute top you felt at the store, or put into another training course for Bernard because apparently he needed a refresher.
With the freshly used card back in your bag, you turn towards the two with a heavy sigh. “God, I’m so sorry Steve, I swear Bernard isn’t like this-“ His warm hand lays heavy on your shoulder, and he squeezes gently. “It’s fine. Trust me, I’ve had worse.” He chuckles and you relax just a bit. Still mortified, but at least you made amends.
“You seriously didn’t need to pay his fine though, that’s his own doing-“
The exasperation makes you giggle. “Trying to teach your brother financial responsibility?” You guess and Dustin lets out a laugh loud enough to be shushed.
“Might I remind you three that this is a library, not a social circle?”
With renewed embarrassment, you run a hand over your face. “I’m so sorry Silvia. I’m done for today. I think I’ll just grab my cane and head out.”
“Here, do you..want some help?” Steve offers, and even though you could get back to your seat on your own, you decide to nod. Offering a hand, you tell him the section you were in and let him lead you back over there.
“He’s not my uh…brother, for the record.” Steve explains as the two of you walk. He smells nice up close, like the woods and a hint of hair spray. “Could have fooled me.” You tease and he chuckles. “He’s lucky he’s not, I’d be more annoyed about that fine if I was.”
“Fifteen late books is a bit excessive.”
“Exactly! Plus, those dents were not from the ground, they weren’t your fault I promise.”
You bite your lip and shake your head, hand reaching out for where you left your cane. “I didn’t…pay it for him. I uh…did it for you.” Was the AC broken all of a sudden or were you just perpetually warm around Steve and his nice voice and warm hands, and pretty laugh?
He clears his throat and let’s out a little laugh himself. “For…me?”
“I mean, I think my dog has basically fallen in love with you, so I think it’s only fair.” You admit, realizing he hasn’t let go of your hand even when you had your cane. You kind of didn’t want him to, either. “Seriously, he does that to no one. Not even me, so I mean, I think fifty dollars is a fair enough apology. Fifty dollars and a firm promise that he’s going back into training as soon as I get back home.”
Bernard whines at that and you roll your eyes. “I know, I’m breaking the biggest code about revealing your crush, but you literally ran over the man-“ You gently scold him and Steve giggles.
“I'm flattered, but it’s fine. Though…do you think you might want to go out sometime? Bernard’s handsome, but I’d like to just be friends.” He teases and you flush under the boldness.
“You sure? He has to come with me everywhere, I’d hate to make him a third wheel.” You joke and Bernard surprises you with his enthusiastic bark. Nudging your legs and inadvertently pressing you closer to the warm man next to you. “Seems like he doesn’t mind..” Steve’s low answer tickles your ears and you fold so quickly, it’s almost embarrassing.
“…Yeah, I’d like to hang out.” You admit and Steve hums, gently patting the small of your back with a hand as he leads you out of the library. “How about Enzo’s? I can pick you up tomorrow night?”
The date was going really well. Steve was sweet, attentive, but also mindful of your space and autonomy, which was the bare minimum but damn did some people not reach that. He was funny too, and you really liked making him laugh. Honestly, you loved listening to him talk, even if his topics tended to connect in ways you weren’t expecting, sometimes. You learn a few things about him. How he like sports, how he’s basically become the babysitter for Dustin and his group of friends, how he’s lived here his whole life.
“Wait, so were you here…?”
“During the uh..quakes? Yeah. It kinda divided the town, literally. Crazy.” He admits, tapping a spoon against his plate. “Still looking for monsters?” He asks and you chuckle.
“Yeah, but I haven’t seen any. Just a bunch of newspapers and stuff. You guys have been through a lot.”
“Tell me about it.” Steve groans and you let the conversation shift to something else. You really liked Steve, and you figured you could ask him for more information later, if he wanted.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t tell you much during your hang outs after that. Just bits and pieces. The fire at Starcourt, the missing kid, the Lab getting exposed for government corruption. “Things have gotten better now though.” He insists before distracting you with a warm kiss on the temple, or the cheek, or even the mouth.
Yes, you were at that stage now. Honestly, it was easy kissing Steve in between conversations over diner milkshakes or watching a movie on his couch. It was easy to let your little mission go when his lips felt so good on your neck, sharp teeth gently scraping the flesh there to make you gasp.
After all, Steve was far more interesting. He basically lived alone, his parents often away on business. He loved dogs, or rather dogs loved him, which is apparently a new thing. He was dependable, loyal, and sweet. He got excited when you came around, often getting close to you and always keeping a hand on you at all times. He loved his friends, and thrived in social settings. He used to be on the swim team, but often just lets you use his pool whenever you want to swim. He just sort of sits by the edge, almost guarding over you like Bernard used to do as a puppy.
He had a small temper, but was good at controlling it. He was cheesy, and romantic, and maybe just a bit clingy which you honestly didn’t mind.
It was still so early in whatever this was, but it didn’t feel that way with Steve. It was like he just meshed into your life overnight. You didn’t want to think about what would happen when you traveled back home, so you just decided not to for now. After all, everybody deserved a summer fling if they wanted one, right?
So, yeah, Steve was someone to you now. His kisses were becoming familiar, his hands finding a home on your hips. You hadn’t gone that far yet, other than letting him feel along your breasts which pulled the hottest groan out of him. You would have let him take you right then and there on his couch after that, but the phone rang and Bernard whined for dinner. It ended up being a cuddle and make fun of B-horror movies night, which was just as nice.
He was protective too, and maybe it’d be overbearing if it wasn’t him. He keeps you close in new places, often leading you and Bernard around if you let him. Bernard follows him around all the time, barking and whining, and letting out all manner of sounds. Steve responded with interest, carrying the one sided conversation with ease. It was adorable, he was adorable.
You got set back onto your mission about a month into your stay at Hawkins. One night, you were awoken by a screech outside your Inn window. You were alone, except for Bernard who was sulking the whole day without Steve.
Steve had canceled your date earlier. His apology was so strained, and quick that you couldn’t even answer him before he hang up.
“I’m sorry Honey, came down with something. I’ll call you tomorrow though, okay? Stay safe.”
It sucked, but at least you were going to talk to him later. Plus, it meant you could research at the library and make some progress on learning about the horrors of Hawkins.
A different noise comes, a howling one. There was something off about it, like a mimic of a howl instead of a real one. Bernard doesn’t care though. He lifts his head, howling along with it and you’re quick to sush him. You were not looking forward to getting kicked out of the only Inn in Hawkins.
Bernard whines and you sigh. “Do you really need to pee right now?” He whines again and you slowly slip out of bed. You pull on some better clothes, gather Bernard’s leash and your cane, before leading him out of the tiny complex.
It’s a chilly evening in Hawkins. The end of summer is whispering on the horizon. You were going to have to go home soon. Away from Steve, away from the mysteries that you hadn’t solved.
There's rustling in the trees ahead of you. A heavy crunch of branches and a sudden screech that has you pulling Bernard close to your body. The forest was the only place you could bring him to pee, the receptionist having made that very clear when he saw your dog.
“Someone let their pet shit in the hallway, ma’m.” He explained and you sighed and went with it.
Bernard whines, and tugs at the leash, but it’s not away from the scary sounds. No, he wants to go towards them. “Bern, no. Look, I know we joked about monster hunting, but-“ He whines again and keeps tugging at the leash. There’s another whine out in the forest, and it’s painful. Like the creature is crying out for someone, anyone.
Bern tugs at the leash again and this time you follow at his side.
The forest was scary for a number of reasons. You tripped on leaves and twigs, branches whacked you in the face. Fuck, you stepped into a puddle and now your shoe was wet. Still, you both persisted. You trudged along the path, Bernard gently whining and barking until an answering whine greeted him.
“What the fuck is that, Bernard?” You gasp, following your puppy until the shadowy world seems to lighten around you. A clearing in the forest. There’s a shape in the middle of it. Chestnut brown against the emerald green and dull mud of the ground beneath your feet. You get closer and Bernard whines again.
The creature whines back, and you're struck with the fact that this was a dog. A very big dog. You approach slowly. “Oh my god.”
You kneel down in front of it, and the creature whines again. It shifts closer to you, soft fur caressing your palms as the big dog all but shifts his body into your arms, hands caressing the thick, brown fur.
“What the fuck-“ You mutter, and the creature tenses. It makes a move to lean away, but you're quick to gather it close again with a soft, “No, no, no, it’s okay. It’s alright-“
You rub your fingers along the top ofl his head. “Where’s your owner, buddy?” You coo and the dog just sighs. Pressing his large head into your chest with a tiny whine. You carefully run a hand along his body, tensing when you reach a leg and he flinches. Something wet and sticky glazes your fingers and you’re suddenly very grateful Bernard brought you out here.
“What happened to you, baby? Oh, you poor boy-“
A snap to your right freezes you. The dog in your arms tenses, and the dog at your side whines fearfully.
Suddenly the dog is on his feet, persistently nudging you to yours. He growls at you, and the rumbling should scare you, but it doesn’t. “Wait, I’m not leaving you here-“
The dog barks again and Bernard barks back. There’s a barking match, and you try to get a word in but they aren’t listening. There’s another crunch of branches, and another howl similar to the one that woke you up.
Suddenly the bigger dog stamps a foot on the ground with a heavy sigh, growling at Bernard before letting out a put upon whine. Bernard yips back, licks your hand amd then takes off down the pathway.
Without you.
What the hell.
“Bernard! Wait-!” You turn to run after your dog, but you aren’t sure where he’s even going.
Chestnut, the name you decided to give the injured dog because this was getting confusing, is quick to run into your hands. Nudging your stomach and pressing his fur into your fingers.
Let me help. You can almost hear him say as he rumbles. His fur bristles as the creature gets closer and closer to your spot. Let me get you out of here.
“Okay.” You grip into his thick fur, and Chestnut nudges you with his cold nose before tugging you along into the dense forest. You try to keep up with him, but your cane isn’t really doing much to help you right now. Chestnut seems to agree because he takes the cane between his teeth and whines apologetically when he takes it out of your hands. He then ducks down, swooping between your legs and lifting you onto his back in a motion so smooth, he must have done it before.
“Chestnut, dude!” You yelp, leaning forward and holding onto him for dear life. The dog tilts his head, whines in confusion, before racing away from the spot when the creature behind you cries out again.
Even with his injured leg, Chestnut is fast. The wind whips against your skin and deafens your ears. You close your eyes to protect them, burying your face in his fur which was a woodsy scent.
Breaking out from the woods, voices suddenly cut through the rushing air.
“Over here!”
“Shit! What happened?!”
“Where is it, is it after you?”
The voices meld into one and you try to answer, but that horrifying screech cuts you off. You bury your face into Chestnut’s fur while the others scream in surprise.
“Jesus H. Christ, I thought you killed all of them?!”
“Doesn’t matter, get out of the way!”
Gun shots rang out over your head and you bury yourself deeper into Chestnut’s fur. He’s quick to run away from the fire, coming to stop a ways away before depositing you against a wall and handing over your cane. Not wanting to be alone, you reach for him but he barks. Ducking away and whining apologetically.
Before you could panic, a new bark sounds beside you. Bernard whines, pressing into your leg and you all but collapse into him. “Bern!” You sob, pulling him close to you while he licks your face and whines apologetically.
War rages just a ways away from you two. Guns shot through the night, growls and screeches made your ears ache. You held Bernard close to your chest, face buried in his matted fur as the battle raged on.
"El, now!"
There was a cry, a human one this time. A grotesque ripping and shredding followed along with a ghastly cry of pain until all grew quiet.
You slowly lift your head from your dog's fur, tears pooling in your eyes while you try not to whimper. Whatever that was, you were grateful you couldn't see it.
Soft, thudding footsteps came closer to you and Bernard. The irony scent of blood hit your nose and you sighed in relief as Chestnut gently woofed. Nuzzling your cheek with a whine, you lean into him.
"Thanks Chestnut, thanks for saving us." You murmur, scratching under his chin. He makes a rumble in his throat, nose brushing your cheek.
"Chestnut? But that's s-" The voice was cut off with a grunt as more footsteps came closer.
“Are you okay?” Another voice asked, this one actually pretty familiar.
The woman chuckles nervously as she crouches down beside you. “Hey. Bernard came to my door and led me here, thank god we made it in time.”
“Bernard- Wait, what? Bernard went to come find you?” You sat up, immensely confused as more voices overlapped. In the time between running from the monster and getting out of the forest, your boy had rounded up a collection of Pre-teens, Robin, and…the chief of police?!
“That’s one smart dog of yours.” Hopper’s gruff voice broke out amongst the gaggle of teens. “Wouldn’t stop barking till I got my ass out of bed.”
Bernard barks proudly, tail thumping with glee as he’s flooded with praise. You rub at his back, also just as proud but…confused. Very confused. How did he know? Your dog was smart, but even so, how?
Chestnut nuzzles into your chest and whines, breaking you out of your thoughts. “Oh my god, your leg- We need to get him to a vet!” You shift, but Chestnut makes a discontented noise. Somehow you knew it was a protest as he shook his head against your stomach. “You’re bleeding, you aren’t fine.” You insist, nudging at him despite how big and heavy he was.
There’s a snickering until another voice cuts through. This one is unfamiliar. “She’s right *Chestnut*, that’s one fucked up bite you got there.” He teases and the younger party breaks out in a few giggles, mainly between the boys. Chestnut barks at them and you run your hands along his soft fur.
“I’m sorry! It’s just his hair looks like chestnuts and I didn’t want to keep calling him ‘The dog’ and-“
“Well yeah, that’s a wolf in your hands, Sweetheart.” The voice coos, stepping closer. The figure was wearing a ton of black, and the jingle of chains registers in your ears. Chestnut gives a warning growl at the man, and he chuckles. “Sorry, sorry. Name’s Eddie, and he’s gonna be okay. He’s already starting to heal, see? Touch the wound.”
You brush a hand over the once bitten flesh, gasping as all you felt was a scab forming. “Wait, how, what-“
“You gonna tell her, or do I?” Eddie asks, but his voice is directed to the comfortable dog, no, wolf in your lap. Chestnut sighs, letting out a small huff of an answer before slowly rising from your body. He walks away, and you sit there for a second. “Tell me what, where’s he going?”
“Just give him a minute, he kinda needs to get decent. You almost done over there man?”
“You try putting on pants over a wound, Munson!”
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decent0distraction · 6 months
*nudges a rock with my foot, turning it over, just to watch it roll over, ready to be moved again* so uh, I’ve been thinking
You know how Adam from Hazbin Hotel made the exorcists? That means he made Vaggie and Lute.
That got me thinking about two scenarios.
One involves the ship between Lute and Adam and one doesn’t.
To start, the non ship. Because if I present the Lute/Adam one first, this is will just be weird.
Lute/Adam…Ladam? Alute? Alutam? Heavy Metal? Too much? I’ll stop. (Update: I just found out people are calling the ship guitarspear?? I don’t know I feel about that)
So! Adam made the exorcists, huh? So Adam is a dad? He’s got a dad bod, right? We can at least agree that Adam is plus size, right? He’s got that wibbly wobbly physique? (Reminder to tag Centaurworld for reference credit)
So with that scenario in mind, don’t think about Vaggie betraying her father. Don’t think Lute, who has done everything their father has asked just to watch her sister run away with some demon. Don’t think about Vaggie being threatened by the people she once called family; the father who mistreated her; the sister who hurt her. Don’t think about Vaggie begging the man she once called father (shoutout to The Prince of Egypt) to not expose her, to let her just live her life.
I’d imagine that Vaggie is the sibling the other exorcists refuse to talk about. It’ll just make Dad upset or their big sister Lute angry. (Lute is def the oldest and Vaggie the awkward middle child)
When asked about her past or her family, Vaggie shrugs it off, explains that she doesn’t know anything about them, and that’s where the conversation ends. She doesn’t think about them. She can’t. She can’t wonder if maybe, just maybe, Adam is worried about her, or if Lute misses her, or even if one of the others maybe have their doubts like Vaggie did. Maybe they’re in the same room as Vaggie or just down the street, not even knowing that their sister is in Hell too.
Ok, now onto the other scenario. The one in which the exorcists aren’t born or forged, but molded. Shaped into fully grown warriors Adam hands a spear and a command to. Similar to how gems view the diamonds in Steven Universe, the exorcists are loyal to Adam. But Vaggie had her doubts prior to her “betrayal”. When she joined up with Charlie, she joined up with a cause that didn’t make her uneasy; that didn’t make her excuse herself from the after party so she could throw up.
And in a way similar to how someone might experience that gloomy nostalgic when packing up their childhood room in a toxic house, Vaggie is naive, for a single, selfish second, that her creator would not only be happy for her, but actually allow it.
Adam finds that hysterical. He doubles over, his stomach hurting as he chokes on laughter that just keeps bubbling up and pouring out of his throat.
And his creation imagines that laughter as blood. For the first time, she sees a purpose for her weapon.
Lute, however, is loyal. She would never betray the man they owe everything to. The man who gave them status; purpose; companions.
But there are those who know what’s good for them and those who aren’t strong enough.
Lute considers it a kindness, in a way - a mercy to literally rip Vaggie from her station. She wants to fall down to Hell and play house with a demon? Fine.
There is no method in this madness. Not here. There’s only order. That’s what they were created for. Or whatever was their creator asks. It’s the least they can do.
In the ground, bleeding and in pain, Vaggie has learned a hard but necessary lesson. There was no goodness, no justification, no reason. Adam was and is a monster that Vaggie can help destroy.
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themainreactor · 8 months
“The Embodiment Of Luck Is Quite Stiff To Be Lucky, Don’t You Think?”
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In which, the group's knight in shining armor has arrived… In the form of a rather uptight and quiet samurai. Though you have potential and you're strong, you're not really used to being around such chaotic people in your everyday life. Maybe this little mission would help you find out more about yourself, you needed a life and some friends anyway.
Tanjiro couldn't stop smiling, even with the chaos at the moment. Whether from his injuries or the two and a half year quest of finding the demon responsible for his family's death, he felt that there would finally be progress.
It was great news that a samurai would be joining this sudden group of people that kinda just grouped up for no reason, after all, samurai were very strong and disciplined people. The older woman was seeing a lot of pain and bad luck in the future, so she sent word for a lucky acquaintance she knew, aka, the samurai.
At the moment, Tanjiro was just standing in the doorway, Inosuke was trying to shove his boar mask onto Zenitsu to get some sort of scared reaction, all the while, Nezuko just ran around the two of them. Inosuke's laugh was a borderline sneeze, Zenitsu didn't have to scream so loud and Nezuko didn't have to run around and cause more trouble. Tanjiro swears they were all asleep when the older woman called him to talk about the samurai.
"Hey guys, that's enough." Tanjiro states as he grabs Zenitsu by the collar of his shirt to drag him back into his bed.
"Whatever! He needs to learn to stop screaming!" Inosuke responds with another laugh as he shoves his boar mask back onto his head. Tanjiro only sighs as Zenitsu starts yelling in protest to Inosuke.
"Oh by the way you two, someone will be joining us." He continues as he stares at the two fighting companions. Both Inosuke and Zenitsu just continue on bickering and Tanjiro looks at his sister who has already retreated back into her box with a quiet sigh.
"Someone will be joining us... On our missions?" He continues, staring at the two with an almost sarcastic smile... He was gonna lose his shit.
"You two! Let me say something!"
"Why are you yelling?!" Zenitsu almost screams out, startled by the sudden change of Tanjiro's voice.
"Because I'm trying to talk to you guys."
"... Oh... Well, what is it?"
"We're getting someone new in our group." Tanjiro smiles again at the thought of a new companion and possible friend, though you can't blame him, he had never met a samurai before.
The reactions that he earned from Zenitsu and Inosuke scared him. Zenitsu gains an almost rictus smile and Inosuke starts cackling and rolling around.
"Are we stealing them!?" Inosuke yells, pulling off his boar mask and somehow jumping off of the ground bed and onto the wooden floor.
"New or used?" Zenitsu asks, his smile getting a bit bigger as he also stands up.
Clearly they were both excited, which was a good thing but Tanjiro was baffled. What type of questions were those? And why were they being asked? New or used? Stealing them? What did it even mean?! He couldn't even respond as he pushed the palm of his hand into his forehead, then began looking up with a confused face as if he was asking the ceiling for help.
"Great... Wonderful responses, both of you." Tanjiro sighed out, clearly being sarcastic as he finally decided to lay down and go to bed.
So that's how you showed up the next week, being called from an important mission to do a 'favor' for that old lady in your old neighborhood... How... Interesting.
"Uh... I'm... "
You started, looking upon the elder woman with concern in your face. Why was this being asked of you? You didn't even know what a demon slayer was until just right now when the woman told you.
"Come again?" Y/N asks the woman, gaining a pleasant smile from her.
"I want you to join these three demon slayers, as a way to ward off bad luck. Plus, it will do you some good." The woman responded with a smile, her eyes closed as she lightly took your hand in hers.
"Lucky things happen to me, yes, however I don't think that means I will ward off demons or somehow bring good luck to the others-"
"Well how do you know that? It will be a favor for me if you join them."
"I'm sure but I may just slow them down, I don't know how to kill demons."
"I'm sure, but fear not the obstacles in your path, I believe that joining them will bring them peace and bring you some clarity."
You sighed, slightly annoyed with the request of this lady. She seemed so persistent but you knew that you would listen to her anyway since you had always learned to respect your elders and her being such a kind lady was also a bonus.
"Just meet them before you say no... Okay? As a favor for me." The woman interrupts, letting go of your hand before walking off, expecting you to follow.
"Alright then."
You followed her as she stood in front of the three that were arguing about something. One had some sort of scar on his face and he was carrying a box on his back, that one was probably Tanjiro like the woman told you. Another one had yellow hair, that was probably Zenitsu and one was shirtless with a boar mask which was probably Inosuke.
Once the woman got their attention, they all looked at you as if they were analyzing. They thought you looked like you would kill them if they did something you deemed outta pocket. Something you weren't expecting was for the one with the boar mask to suddenly try to attack you, which made you refrain snapping his throat as a first instinct.
"FIGHT ME!" He yelled, swinging at you as you dodged, Tanjiro and Zenitsu tried to catch him before he actually harmed you but it wasn't really working.
"Stop it! That's not okay! They're here to help!" Zenitsu screams out, getting scared when Inosuke lands a punch directly to your stomach. You had a strong core though so it was all good.
"Inosuke you're making us look bad! I'm so sorry!" Tanjiro apologizes as he finally grabs onto Inosuke, only for him do a flip out of Tanjiro's grasp.
You just decide to restrain Inosuke, catching his other punch as he runs back up to you and grabbing both of his arms to pull them behind his back. Of course, Inosuke thrashed around and protested, but he couldn't get out of your grasp which made Zenitsu a bit nervous to even introduce himself to you.
You knew that joining this group of people would probably make the old lady happy but you still felt like this was a very bad idea.
"Well... Will you be joining them?" The woman asked with the purest smile in the world, still putting you on the spot. You didn't answer for a bit as you finally let go of Inosuke.
Guess you were doing a side mission.
"... Yes, I will go with them."
Tanjiro smiled, not able to contain his excitement while Zenitsu sighed in relief. Inosuke just sulked like a child since you were a lot stronger than he anticipated.
"Well, were heading out then... Thank you for everything." Tanjiro commented, bowing his head in a polite manner to the elder woman along with Zenitsu. Inosuke however didn't do so, until you forced his head down with your hand and bowed your own head.
"Hey! Let me go!" He yelled, trying to grab onto your hand and push it away but to no avail.
"I'll bestow good luck upon you." The woman commented, ignoring the thrashing from the demon slayer next to you.
"We appreciate it." Tanjiro states, making you raise an eyebrow. He seemed to be very thankful for everything, his parents must have raised him well. As the three of you turn around, the woman does her thing and freaks out Inosuke in the process.
You were gonna knock him out if he didn't stop.
"AHH! STOP THAT YOU IDIOT!" Zenitsu yells, getting in front of the woman while Tanjiro and you grab a hold of Inoskue.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" Inosuke yells, making you sigh as he thrashes around some more.
"It's ceremonial! Were going on a journey! And making sparks is for luck!"
Tanjiro was surprised when you threw Inosuke over your shoulder so that the four of you could leave. Though he appreciated it to some extent.
"Let Go Of Me!"
"Oh quiet." Zenitsu mutters out.
"Inosuke, you deserve it!" Tanjiro yells as he walks alongside you and Zenitsu. The three of you walk out of the courtyard and you decide to place Inosuke down, ignoring the growling that his covered face was emitting. The woman follows behind and you wonder if this is really a good idea or not.
"Always live your lives in a fashion where you are able to hold your heads up high. I wish you luck in battle."
Huh, you remember the first time she said that to you when you left this place to be an apprentice a few years back. Maybe it was a sign that you were going to be gone for a while. You watch as the three start running off, you give the old lady another bow of your head before running off with them.
"So... Name's Zenitsu Agatsuma."
"Inosuke Hashibira! And don't you forget it!"
"My name is Tanjiro Kamado, what's your name?"
"Y/N L/N."
As the four of you run, engaging in small talk, the only thing you can think of is how slow they were running. If this was the next generation of the so called demon slayers, everyone was screwed.
"Heads up high? Luck in battle? What does that mean?" Inosuke asks to no one in particular.
"To be honest it is a bit difficult to explain. To hold your head high... I guess it means whatever hand you're given in this life, you're able to conduct yourself in a way that's honorable so that you're never ashamed."
Well, too late for that, you were always ashamed, even for other people.
"And wishing us luck in battle just means that she's praying for our safety." Tanjiro adds on, smiling as he looks back at Inosuke.
"Well, what about the hand you're given? We have two already, why should we be ashamed?"
That... Was actually a really good point.
""Well I guess-"
"What does it mean to conduct yourself honorably anyway? Why is that old hag praying for our safety in the first place?"
Old hag... This dude was wild. Literally. All you did was stare at Inosuke with a critical expression before looking at Tanjiro as if to silently ask him whether or not the boar was always like this.
"She has nothing to do with us! So what's her game huh!? Maybe she should worry about her own hand!"
You were goons give Inosuke a beat down sooner or later. Suddenly Tanjiro sped up, going past you in an effort to do... Something. You didn't really know.
"Is this a race!? I won't let you win!" Inosuke yells as he runs past Zenitzu.
"Wait for us you guys!" Zenitzu yells as he tries to catch up with them, you running just as fast as him so he didn't feel alone. Man this was chaos at it's finest wasn't it? You were actually kind of enjoying it.
"Does everyone act like this?" You ask with a small smile, gaining Zenitsu's attention briefly before he focuses on catching up.
"Yeah! Reckless too!"
"Do you like being a Samurai?" Tanjiro asks, wanting to make sure you didn't feel left out. You were so calm and quiet that he could almost forget you were there.
"Um... I don't know." You reply, furrowing your eyebrows in thought since you had never had someone ask you a question like that.
"What do you mean by that?" Zenitsu asks, confused by the strange response. How would you not know whether you liked being a Samurai or not?
"I mean just that, I don't know. I haven't thought about it... I don't like it nor do I dislike it... So I guess It's just something I am."
A dull response, Tanjiro could smell a scent of confusion, as if being asked that question was something foreign to you. Tanjiro didn't like it, it made him feel almost sad but it also made him feel like it was a good decision that you came. That way he could be a companion that you could talk to if you needed it.
"Well I don't care! I just want to know how strong you are! Cause I'm the king of the mountain so called samurai! And whatever you do, I can do too! Fight me!" Inosuke yells.
"I will not fight you Inosuke."
"Yes you will! Manjiro! Tell the samurai to fight me!"
"That's not my name Inosuke! And you need to stop!"
"Everyone, we need to pause here!" Zenitsu suddenly yells, gaining your attention. He looked so serious for some reason, but he must have had some sort of skill in doing so. Because how serious can you really look when you're sitting in a fetal position on the ground?
"Zenitsu, what's wrong?" Tanjiro asks.
"I'm nervous okay?! Now that we're nearing our destination, I'm getting scared!"
"Why the hell is he sitting like that?" Inosuke asks you, placing his hands on his hips.
"I have no clue." You reply, scratching the back of your head in thought.
"It's pretty weird if you ask me." Inosuke states in a surprisingly calm manner.
"Well... Nobody asked you did they?" You comment, turning to face the boar masked guy with a small smile and gaining a growl from him.
"WHO ARE YOU TO TALK TO ME ABOUT WEIRD!? You can't tell me you're not getting any spooky vibes from that mountain?!" Zenitsu yells out in a distraught manner, confusing you as to why he was a demon slayer when he wasn't mentally prepared for going up a slightly spooky mountain.
"Well... If it is spooky... I guess we'll just have be careful." You start, turning back to Zenitsu with an unbothered expression.
"Even so, we can't exactly just wait here."
"I told you this guy was an odd duck."
"I'm hungry."
You said that out loud didn't you? And now Tanjiro and Zenitsu were staring at you like you were the weird one. Tanjiro turned his attention back to the mountain with an unreadable expression. It made you a bit concerned that he seemed so stressed out about the said mountain that was making Zenitsu cry.
"Tanjiro, Is there something wrong?" Zenitsu asks, not moving from his spot in any way.
"What is this smell?" Tanjiro asks to himself before booking it, running off to get closer to the mountain. Smell? What smell? This had to be the most dysfunctional group of people you had ever been with.
"Tanjiro! Hey! Wait up! Don't leave me here by myself! Who knows what'll happen!" Zenitsu cries out, still not making any move whatsoever to get up. Until of course you grab his hand and drag him along with you and the rest. When everyone does stop, it's because there is what appears to be another injured demon slayer in front.
"Are you okay?" You ask the person, slowly walking up to him to make sure you didn't scare him.
"Help me... Please help me."
"Are you alright!? What happened?" Tanjiro questions as he runs behind you to the boy. For some reason, you had this feeling, like Zenitsu was right about the mountain.
"Don't worry, we'll help you." You reply, lightly grabbing his shoulder before something seemed to pull him and throw him back towards the mountain.
You were startled to say the least, you had never seen anything like this in anything you've ever done.
"I'm going in."
"Um... Come again?" You quietly asked Tanjiro as if he was crazy, looking at him with a confused expression.
"I'll hit it first."
"You'll hit what first?" You question Inosuke as you stand up, still not getting an answer from anyone.
"You stay behind me, trembling like a scared little animal. This is making me hungry."
Ah, so there was more than just you here that was hungry, good, you felt less strange.
"Why's he such a showoff?" Zenitsu asked, turning his attention towards you.
"I have no clue."
As Tanjiro and Inosuke started running off, you started off to follow them only to realize that you had left Zenitsu behind. You run back to grab him just noticing how scared he was. It would be a miracle if he could even stand with how much he was shaking. So you just take a seat next to him and wait for him to stop. Tanjiro and Inosuke could wait.
"Don't worry, I'll stay with you until you're ready to go. We'll catch up with them."
"... O-okay."
And for quite some tims, the two of you just stayed there, gazing upon the mountain. Although, you were a bit annoyed since it was taking too long and you wanted to help the others.
"I know I said I'd stay, but you're wallowing in self pity and it won't help you y'know."
"W-what!? Why are you even saying that?! I didn't say anything!"
"You didn't have to say anything."
You turn your head away from Zenitsu and look at the mountain again. There was an urge in you, telling you to run away but you wanted to help however you possibly could. Suddenly there was some chirping and you turned around to see a small little brown bird, chirping right next to Zenistu.
"Cute, maybe it's a sign that we'll be safe." You start, smiling at Zenitsu only to earn a shake of his head as he picked up the bird.
"You don't have a care in the world do you? All our human problems, you have no idea." He talks to the bird, as if it can understand him in some way. Apparently the bird took that personal as it made the decision to snap at Zenitsu's hand which caused Zenitsu to yell out in pain.
"You think you're being cute right now!? Well you're really not! I don't like this side of you one tiny bit!" Zenitsu yells, crying at the same time. You guess Zenitsu and this bird knew each other personally. Slowly you grab the flying bird, lightly petting it's head so that it would be less irritated before giving it to Zenitsu.
"Why can't you take some notes from Nezuko huh!? She's adorable and she's a demon!"
You listened to the conversation, faintly remembering that there was in fact a demon sister in Tanjiro's box, hopefully that wouldn't be a problem. But you and Zenitsu would have to leave soon so that you could help them. You would be angry with yourself if they died because you stayed behind.
"Ahh what?" You asked him, slightly surprised at the scream he let out.
"I just realized that he took Nezuko with him!"
"... I'm... Sorry?"
"Oh no! My Nezuko!"
And with that, Zenitsu almost immediately takes off running towards the mountain, yelling about the demon while freaking you out even more. Wasn't he just crying because he didn't want to go up the mountain?
"What is wrong with you? You're running into a godforsaken forest on a mountain for a girl?!" You yell out to him, running right after him with a frustrated expression clearly etched on your face. At least this was one way to get him with everyone else. So with that, you and Zenitsu ran up the mountain for a while, taking way too long as Zenitsu had to stop and catch his breath from time to time.
"N-n-nezu-ko, W-where are you?"
"Are you serious?" You ask him, gaining a weirded out expression with how he was acting. He was acting like the demon wouldn't be able to protect herself and somehow this scared demon slayer was going to save her? Like, how? That's when Zenitsu just falls to the ground and starts crying, whining about Nezuko and the rest of his friends. Honestly, it made you and your so called good luck kinda useless.
You felt something prick the back of your neck and immediately you smacked at it, moving your hand to see that it was a small spider. That was annoying and it didn't look like any normal species. The small sparrow lands on top of Zenitsu, you barely paying attention to the conversation he was having with the bird since the two of you might die. Finally Zenitsu stands up once you lightly grab his hand, only to shriek when a group of birds all fly away at once.
"What... Was that?"
"I don't know Zenitsu... But we'll be okay."
"Y'know this is starting to make me really mad. We're gonna find Nezuko and say goodbye to this creepy forest."
"... Okay." You yawn out, slowly following him while still keeping an eye out for whatever might happen.
"What is it?"
"Something pricked me!"
"Oh... Me too actually, What was it? Was it a spide-"
"We can't find Tanjiro or Inosuke anywhere! Where did they go!? Great! Now what?! Something really stinks around here too! Gross!"
"You didn't answer my question, was-"
"I think I'm gonna cry and the sound of these spiders running around is creepy! I'm sure their just doing their best to survive the same as me but still!"
"Why are you complaining so much? This-"
"BE QUIET! STOP MOVING AROUND!" Zenitsu yells, turning around when he hears some shuffling. As soon as you turn around also and lay eyes on a spider with a bald human head, you decided that you may be done with life itself.
"WHAT AM I EVEN LOOKING AT?!" Zenitsu yells, grabbing onto the back of your collar and trying to run away from it. Who knows, maybe it was a new species?
"I don't know Zenitsu, don't worry, we'll be fin-"
Zenitsu was clearly having and existential crisis at the moment and all you could do was run, grabbing his hand so he would follow you. You finally stop running, realizing that you and Zenitsu chose the wrong place to run into. Right in front of you, it was literally a spiderweb, with strange looking people stuck to it and a house hung up in the air.
You wanted to yell at Zenitsu to stop screaming but you can't, especially when you see a much bigger spider who no doubt made the spiderweb with the floating house and all the people. In fact, it was huge, almost six times the size of the one that you saw on the floor that Zenitsu was screaming at. This was some scandalous mischief that was taking place, and you wanted no part of it whatsoever.
"You better not start talking to us! I don't want to hear it from you!" Zenitsu yells at the spider demon, his little bird hiding in his yellow haori. Almost immediately after that he runs away, deciding that he wasn't going to try and bring you with him. You were the samurai after all.
"Where are you going Zenitsu?"
"There's no point in running away! You've already lost the bat-"
"Shut up, no one was talking to you" You blatantly remark, quickly running towards it to behead the spider before catching up to Zenitsu. However, you didn't have a nirichin sword which would definitely be a problem, you had to remember, you weren't a demon slayer so you had to be careful, it was uncharted territory.
"I told you I don't want you talking to us! I don't want to hear it so stop talking! You give me the creeps alright?!"
"Don't run off like that Zenitsu, we're a team."
"I know! I'm just scared Y/N!"
You turn around to see that the head of the spider demon had already grown most of his body back, laughing as he starts monologuing about the bite that Zenitsu and you had gotten on his hand and your neck and how dangerous it was. That must have been the prick you and him had gotten from before but that also meant that all those small human spiders were actually people and not demons, which meant that you couldn't kill them.
"Damnit." You mumble to yourself, glaring at the big ass spider. You notice Zenitsu start running and you follow him, Zenitsu climbing up one of the trees while you jump off of another. You grab onto one of the spider mutants legsand stab it in the back in hopes to immobile it. You knew Zenitsu wasn't going to be any help, however, you were sure you and him could still survive.
"Oww!! Damnit! You're a problem! Too bad you can't kill me with that sword! You can only try to hurt me! How laughable!" The demon taunts, quickly tossing the sword away and getting the web stuck around you... Well... Attacking him was definitely a bad idea.
"I'm doing everything I possibly can right now! I wish I could be braver but I'm not! I still have to be turned into one of those horrid creatures!?"
"Zenitsu!" You yell to him, smiling and briefly getting his attention.
"You'll be okay! Just hold on!"
Huh, that smile, it reminds Zenitsu of someone. He can't remember who it was but... It was a nice smile.
You try your best to get out of the webs and when you see that Zenitsu actually passed out from fear, you grab onto the big spider so that it can't get him. Even thought others might, you wouldn't want the big one near him.
"Agh! Let me go! You're so annoying! You can't even kill me so give up!"
He tightens the web around you to the point where you know it's gonna bruise but that didn't seem to be enough for the spider, like he was expecting a different result.
"What the hell?! Why aren't you dead?! That's so stupid! It's supposed to cut you! You're an annoying threat and brother won't be happy with that!!"
Quickly he moves the web in some way, but not after hitting you in the head with one of his legs. Next thing you know, the spider doesn't want you anywhere near him, in fact, he wants you as far away from the area as possible and you're flying through the air like you're some sort of missile.
"Crap, crap, crap! Zenitsu hold on!" You call out, still tied together by the web before finally hitting your back against one of the trees and landing on the ground with a thud. Damn that hurt, you may have actually broken a rib, or your back. You actually shouldn't have survived that throw since it was from such a far distance, your luck was really not logical.
You rustle with the threads, for some reason, not really being able to do anything. And you didn't have your sword, the big spider had it so that was even more of a headache. You growl for a moment in frustration before finally letting out a yell and putting all your strength into breaking the web. When you snap it, you quickly stand up and try to wipe it off before you realize that you're lightheaded and that you might pass out.
"Oh my, you must be a fighter huh? Although you don't look too good."
You feel a hand wrap around your waist before you fall and slowly help you up, it makes you a bit uncomfortable that whoever it was, was so gentle. When you look behind you, it's a woman who looks like she is also a demon slayer... Nice.
"You don't look like one of us... Hm." She starts, and just leaves it at that before smiling.
"It seems that you've been poisoned, I think this will be able to help you."
She takes a brown box out of her haori and then comes closer, she takes what looks to be some sort of strange syringe out of the box and you're not too sure if you should trust her, which she seems to be fully aware of so she's very slow.
"What's your name?" You warily ask her, carefully watching her movement as she takes your shoulder and pushes the small and thin needle into your arm.
"Shinobu Kocho, I am the insect Hashira, some call me the pharmacist Hashira."
You didn't really know what that meant, nor did you really care, however pharmacist stuck out to you and you needed her to get to Zenitsu too along with the other humans that had been turned into spiders.
"You have to help Zenitsu, he's the same way. He has yellow hair and a triangle-patterned haori, He's in that direction." You quickly state, watching as the woman looks at you with a strange expression before nodding her head.
"Alright then, just stay here and rest so that you'll be okay."
You nodded your head as she quickly jumps off like some sort of rabbit. You never really did stuff like that, it was kinda strange that you had never really thought about jumping places. You start to sit down, only to feel guilty and stand up again. You felt like you still needed to find everyone and hopefully that pharmacist woman would be able to help Zenitsu and possible those other spider people.
You started running around the forest area, noting your surroundings along with the many other dead demon slayers while trying to figure out where to go. You could have just waited like the woman said, but you should be fine since you didn't hear anything that would mean that someone was in trouble.
Scratch that, you did hear trouble.
You hear a shriek, but it isn't human, it sounds like some sort of monster, or demon or whatever. But that was nothing compared to what you were about to see. You look up towards the sky to see something fly past, which seemed pretty high. Was it a bird? What would by flying at that speed through the air at night? You strain your eyes harder and all you can see is green... And a brown box... It was Tanjiro... Tanjiro?! What the hell was he doing in the sky!? How was he flying!? He ain't even got wings!
"Tanjiro!" You yell out to him, your voice becoming hoarse before you hear that shriek again from a nearby demon, except it sounded closer.
"Oh Crap!" Someone yelled out, gaining your attention even though you were now frazzled from what you just saw. It sounded like a human and... It sounded like... Inosuke!
"Inosuke!?" You scream, trying to gain some sort of response before coughing. It seems your throat was definitely not happy with you yelling so much, or maybe it was from the poison. There was silence, then a louder shriek from the same demon. Then a louder shriek... Oh no.
"I'm here!" Inosuke yells back, gaining your attention as you run to try and find where he is.
"Over here!"
When you bump into him, you're surprised and had to stop yourself from almost running into the demon that was chasing after Inosuke. Oh crap, it might as well have been bigfoot with how big it was.
"... What is that?" You question Inosuke, quickly running alongside him whilst dodging a punch from the guy. This was pretty scary and you didn't want to be here at all, it was tiring that you couldn't do anything but run.
"A demon you idiot!"
The both of you run for a while, getting far enough before you grab ahold of Inosuke's arm and pull him behind a tree next to you. Clearly this was a big problem, you had just been recently poisoned and then cured by some random lady and you had no sword now. Inosuke looked really injured and if he kept on bleeding like that, he could probably die. What did him and Tanjiro go through while you were waiting for Zenitsu to calm down?
"How are we going to kill it?"
"I don't kn-" You cover Inosuke's mouth through his boar mask before slowly removing it and placing your finger on your mouth, silently telling him to be quiet.
"This isn't good!" Inosuke whisper yells, freaking out when he sees the demon track the two of them.
"Inosuke." You start, gaining his attention and giving him a small smile.
"It is going to be okay, we won't die alright?"
He doesn't respond, instead he just looks at you before turning his head away, almost like he was being bashful or giddy, you weren't sure.
"Damnit, hiding away like a woodland creature, how pathetic is that? I gotta find a way to turn things around. How do you cut someone who's sword proofed anyway?"
"He's sword proofed? How-"
"What should we do? What can we do?" Inosuke whispers out, having an existential crisis just like Zenitsu was before.
"What's the way for me to get in there and hurt it? Think, think, think!"
"Inosuke! Look out!" You yell, pushing him out of the way and running before the demon could grab either one of you.
"This is bad! This is really bad! We have to survive until Tanpiro gets back! Somehow!"
"Calm down Inosuke! We can figure this out! You shouldn't be thinking things like that! We'll-"
That's when Inosuke abruptly stopped running, freaking you out when he grabbed your shoulders.
"You're right! Why the hell am I thinking things like that?!"
What is even going on? This had to be some sort of fever dream right? Especially since Inosuke started running towards the danger, Like, why?
You yawn a bit, quickly following him just in case he needed help. Once you see him jump and slam one of his swords into the demons arm, you slide under the demon and grab ahold of the other arm so that the demon wouldn't be able to attack Inosuke.
"I must have gotten infected by Tantiro's germs!"
"... Who?" You ask, struggling but succeeding in holding onto the arm as Inosuke hits his sword into the demons skin.
"I can't let my guard down again! Using my head?! That kinda thing isn't like me at all! Agh!!!" Inosuke declares with a yell, finally cutting through the arm. He jumps next to your side and surprisingly hands you one of his jigsaw like swords in a very kind manner.
"You see? It was as simple as that, if you can't cut something with a sword, all you gotta do is pound on it with another sword, so don't look down on me cause I'm not weak samurai! Plus, It's just our luck that we've got the tools for the job! HAHAH! I am untouchable!"
All you do is nod your head in response to what he was saying, all the while, trying your best not to laugh. You tighten your hold on the sword, preparing yourself to be attacked by the demon... Only for it to do a one eighty and run the opposite direction.
"WHAT?!" You yell in bafflement, not comprehending that the demon would even try to run away. After all, the other spider demon you encountered didn't run, it just threw you. So you decide to run after it, harshly throwing the sword at it so that the sword stuck itself into the demons back.
"Are you running away on me samurai!? You and that demon better come back here damnit! I will win!" Inosuke yells, following the demon when you start running after it.
"Win what?! And my name is Y/N!"
"I'm stronger than you, and I'll prove just that!"
"Were not competing Inos-" You stop once you realize that you don't actually know where the demon went.
"Whatever! Where the hell did that abomination go off to anyway!?"
"I don't know..." You reply, stopping when you feel Inosuke bump into you and fall on his knees. You looked at him, worried since you got to see just how severe his wounds were.
"Inosuke... Are you okay?"
"It's just a scratch, it doesn't hurt at all! It doesn't hurt and it's not a problem!"
You stay quiet as he stands up, but you note that even though he gave you that answer, it seemed like he was convincing himself of that. You would have to try and bandage up his wounds after the both of you killed the demon.
"I've had enough of this, it's time for us to sniff him out for good."
"Agreed." Was all you said, watching as Inosuke does his weird sniff growl thing, that was until you heard a clank and saw the sword that you had thrown into the demon. Wait, he wasn't in the tree was he? Was that demon for real?
"So there you are! You dumb playing bafoon! How high did you climb?! Bastard! You're gonna force me to try and use my head again huh?! I don't think so! I-"
"Shut up." Was all you said as you watched the demon, slowly picking up the dropped sword while you were at it. You were hearing some sort of sound emit from the demon, you didn't like it.
"Huh!? What did you say to me?! He's trembling with fear and dread at the mere sight of us so what's the big deal huh!"
"Shut up! Listen." You repeat, louder this time as you continue to watch the demon, not happy that it looks like it isn't trembling with fear, more like it's convolsing or even shedding. It sounded like sandpaper grating against a rock.
"What on Gods green earth?" You mumble to yourself, slowly backing away and still keeping an eye on the demon. It screeches and the skin falls off, letting out a much shinier and bigger version of him. It really did shed, how inconvenient.
"What the hell?! Did it just shed it's skin?!"
"Yep... That's what it looks like."
And now, the new and improved demon jumps down from the tree, landing directly in front of the two of you and you have no clue what to do. You can feel Inosuke shaking next to you and you were probably shaking as well. But when you notice that Inosuke dropped his hand that was holding his sword up, you felt like you had to do everything in your power to make sure he would be okay.
"I'm gonna die... This is the end."
Inosuke looks at you, not understanding why you suddenly said that.
"Inosuke... You are not gonna die!"
He just stares at you, not liking that you seem to be someone who cares about him. Why? He's barely known you, yet you almost acted like you cared about him.
"Well then... No way am I gonna lose to you samurai! My name is Inosuke Hashibira, of the demon slayer corp!"
"Hell yeah!" You yell, hyping him up. You stood your ground, pointing the sword that he lended you towards the demon alongside him.
"Give me the worst you've got you dirt bag!"
As excited as you were for him, you weren't sure he should have said that, especially since now he was flying through the air and hitting trees from one swing from the demon.
"Inosuke!" You yell, dodging a punch but still being affected by the wind and flying back with him.
When you do land, you run to dodge another attack. Inosuke on the other hand, uses his sword to cut it's neck, only for the sword to snap.
You try to catch Inosuke before he falls but the demon punches your stomach, making you hit a tree and cracking the base of it. You groan in pain, watching the demon grab Inosuke by the head. It's so strange, you don't remember the last time you had been so mad at something that didn't even care about you.
"I'll make sure you can never hurt my family again!" The demon growls out to Inosuke when he thrusts his sword in the demons chest as a last attempt. The demon immediately screeches when you suddenly appear, using the sword in your hand to get the demons throat. You only get it halfway through before it stopped, but you could care less, as long as you hurt him, it was okay.
"I'll make sure you never live again." You reply in a dark voice, actually scaring the demon as you put your feet on his shoulders and apply more pressure to it's neck. The demon drops Inosuke, grabbing your body instead in hopes to stop you. Unfortunately your hands were slipping and the demon was slowly but surely pulling you off, you almost sliced his entire neck off before the demon finally threw you, hitting a tree once again.
"Inosuke." You groan as the demon gets too close to him, and you can't move because of the hit you just took to your back. This wasn't fair... You didn't want him to die and you couldn't help him. You already knew you were internally bleeding and you probably had bruises everywhere.
"God... Please don't let him die." Was all you could pray out, trying to crawl your way over to him even though you knew you couldn't help. You would need someone to actually help you stand up to be of any use.
Oh... The demon suddenly doesn't have an arm. Good thing someone was faster than you, it seemed like. You look at the man who had suddenly showed up out of nowhere and silently analyze him, he seemed to be just some calm dude with a mismatched haori. He also seemed to be a demon slayer, and clearly, much stronger than the demon.
You saw the demon run to the man one moment and the next, the demon was cut from the neck, forearms, legs, and waist. How did that happen so quickly? You were fast but not that fast, at least you don't think so.
"Are you okay?" You ask, gaining Inosuke's attention as you try to stand up next to him, all tired and annoyed with life at the moment.
"Do you know that man?"
"No... Not at all."
So the two of you just stare at him, admiration apparent as he puts his sword in it's holster before looking back at the two of you with a rather blank stare. Finally you can stand up, a grunt escaping your voice since your back sucked right now.
"Thank you Sir, for helping us." You start, bowing your head in respect and unfortunately being far too weak to do so as you actually fall face first onto the ground... That was embarrassing.
"Ow." You mumble as you weakly push yourself back up with your hands and sit on your knees before using Inosuke's body to stand up again, which, probably wasn't a good thing.
The man nods his head in your direction, seemingly acknowledging your bow before just turning around and walking off.
"Hold on a second! Fight me Mr. Mismatched outfit! You beat a member of the twelve Kizuki! And now, right here, I'm gonna beat you! If I can manage that, that'll make me the most powerful of all!"
Wow... So he just wants to fight everyone new that he meets huh?
"... Twelve Kizuki? And stop that, he saved us. You can't fight him because you want to." You hoarsely state, lightly smacking his hand in an attempt to scold the wild boar but still keeping in account that he was severely injured.
"I have a better idea, go train more."
That's... kinda harsh and his voice sounded soft and stern at the same time. It almost scared you. But also, when are they supposed to train? Their all in the middle of some strange demon mountain attack.
"What'd you say to me!?"
"That wasn't one of the twelve Kizuki, could you not even tell that?" The man blatantly ask, slowly pulling out a bunch of rope from his haori... Why... Why did this dude have so much rope?
"Of course I could tell! For your information, it was Tanjiro who was saying it was one of them! I was just repeating what he said to me earlier! I know that amateur couldn't have been one of those guys."
"So you're blaming Tanjiro now?" You asks with a judgemental stare as you grab the sword that Inosuke lended to you. Your body hurt so much, but you weren't yet willing to give up. You wanted to make sure both Zenitsu and Tanjiro were okay, along with anyone else that needed help.
Wait... When did that dude tie up Inosuke to the tree?
"Hey, don't do that to me! Get back here!" He yells at the mismatched guy, trying to break free from the rope.
"If you are not aware of the state that you're body is in, then you shouldn't be fighting at all."
"What type of bull crap is that!?"
"He's right though, are you good?" You ask Inosuke, looking up at him as you start to see him thrash around.
"Stop asking me stuff like that! You're not any better! You got purple lines all over your body and you got thrown around a lot!"
"What are you talking about? I'm not hurt... Oh." You look down on your arms and hands to see the blue and slightly purple bruised lines you had on your arms with small scratches here and there. That was probably from when the demon spider got you stuck in the web and tightened them too tight. That meant you probably had them everywhere, and you had definitely destroyed the inside of your body.
Suddenly you feel two arms grabbing your midsection and you couldn't tell whether you liked it or not.
"Um sir, what are you doing?"
"I'm tying you up as well."
"Hold on, I can still help." You comment, trying to get out of his grasp even though you knew the man was right.
"No you can't, you are too injured to do anything."
"Yes I can, wait, let me go! What'll happen anyway? Why don't I have a say in what happens to me?"
You were kind of a hypocrite weren't you?
"I will not let you go or do anything of the sort, you will wait here until the Kakashi come by to assis-"
"No, no, no, nope, I don't want to be tied up! I can still help!" You keep protesting as you feel some rope replace where his hands were. That was until you slipped under it, falling and catching yourself before hitting the floor and pushing off with your hands under him.
"What the?" Was all he could say as he looked at the extra rope he had and then you running off with the sword. Absolute parkour master, a bit too calm for that title but oh well.
"Hey you idiot samurai! Come back! Don't leave me here!" Inosuke yells, growling and trying his best to get out of the wraps
"Sorry! I'll come back!" You breathlessly yell, running away since you knew you still needed to make sure that Zenitsu was okay, and Tanjiro. You haven't seen him all night. You would be so frustrated if they had died and you weren't there to at least try to help them. You guess you took this favor a bit too seriously from the old lady, at least you had a sword to use.
"A samurai?" The man asks the boar covered demon slayer as he looks to where you ran off.
"Yeah, they're a really cool samurai too! A luck samurai! Definitely stronger than you!"
Giyu already knew that wasn't the case, even so, he was slightly intrigued. Why were you here and what was with the boar dude calling you lucky? He let his guard down and you somehow escaped, however tracking you wouldn't be all that hard since you were slow, probably from the injuries.
"Luck samurai huh?" Giyu comments as he picks up the rope and walks off, following the direction that you ran into, not in any hurry though.
"I said whatever."
"Agh!" You yell out, grabbing your shoulder in pain as you run into someone who was running in the opposite direction. You didn't realize that your shoulder was bleeding.
Nor did you realize that you bumped into a demon who was carrying her own head, crying and trying to run away from someone, or something.
"Hey, wait just a moment." You call the demon, grabbing onto her head and pulling it out of the hands of the decapitated body.
"Wait! Please spare me! I beg you! I have to make my brother proud!"
You almost gave in from the sudden begging since it was something you weren't expecting, however if she was really dangerous, you have a feeling she would have killed you.
"It's okay, I won't kill you... Just tell me something and I'll let you go."
"... Okay."
"Have you seen a boy with a checkered haori and a scar on his forehead?"
She hesitated, already knowing that this kind person might die if they stumbled upon her brother, but she might aloo die if she didn't answer... It's too bad, she feared her brother more.
"Where I was running from, that's where you'll find him."
"Got it." Was all you said as you grabbed the head and set it on its body the right way.
"Thank you."
You just nodded your head towards the woman, however there was something so strange about the fact that she was just running away, as if she was scared in some way.
As quickly as you can be while also being quiet is how fast you were going, following the voices of two people, one of them you recognized was Tanjiro but you didn't know who the other one was. Guess you were about to find out.
"It's alright."
Well clearly it's not, though you don't know what the two are talking about just yet. And why does the demon sound so calm and almost kind, it was unnerving.
"You don't need to worry, I'm stronger than you. I will create a bond with her, one made out of terror. She'll know what happens when I'm defied."
Makes sense, people make bonds like that all the time, but it never a happy bond as far as you know. Slowly, you walk out into the clearing, quiet enough that both Tanjiro and the demon hadn't noticed you just yet. If you could get close enough behind the demon, you could behead him without being seen.
"I've had enough of you spouting this nonsense! Using fear to keep someone shackled to you isn't the bond of a family! And until you are able to figure that out, you'll never get what it is that you desire!" Tanjiro yells, pointing his broken sword at the demon before he notices you and has to restrain from reacting.
"So irritating, would you mind not shouting?"
'Wow, what a snobby demon' you thought.
"It's clear we don't agree."
"I'll never hand Nezuko to you."
"Very well, I'll just kill you."
"Not if I manage to cut your head off first."
"Now that's the spirit, I would love to see you try it. Let's see if you can take down a being like me, one of the twelve Kizuki."
Tanjiro tightens the grip on his sword, scared but still trying to stay as strong as possible. He watched you, nervous about your injuries and trying his best not to let any hints to the demon that you were behind him, hopefully you were strong enough to defeat a demon like that.
You on the other hand weren't really ready to fight one of the twelve Kizuki, you had just heard about them like ten minutes agoand not any time before. Just how strong were they?
"That stealy look in your eyes, I don't like it-"
"Well he's only got one pair of eyes doesn't he?" You ask out loud, immediately realizing your mistake and slamming the sword you had into the demons neck before he could let out some strange thread from his fingers. The face he made when he turned around was gross, as if he was disgusted with the fact that you thought you could kill him.
The sword went about halfway through his neck and it was quite annoying, it was like the neck had cheat codes to physics. Damn... You really thought you were about to get a stealth kill. You talk out loud way too much when you shouldn't. You cleared your throat, looking at Tanjiro and clearly feeling embarrassed before you look at the demon before you. Tanjiro was ready at any moment to run up and help, but he wasn't afraid to admit that he was kinda scared.
"Just... Who do you think you are? This has nothing to do with you so answer me, who are you?"
"Sorry to offend you... I'm not any one of consequence though." You state, still in a rather strange position. You had dodged the threads that he had thrown on you so you were in a weird sort of leaning back lunge, still holding onto the sword.
"I asked you a question, who are you?!"
"... Y/N... I am a samurai."
"... Samurai? I've never heard of such a thing. The audacity you have to lie to me, you're a demon slayer are you not?"
"Nope, just a samurai."
"What are you and this demon slayer plotting?"
"Well, good sir... To kill you I believe." You comment again with a small smile, almost immediately regretting it when he looks at you as if you were a threat to his democracy... Well communism would be a better was to describe it.
"Yeah? Don't tell me that you think you'll be able to defeat me?!"
The demon hits you in the stomach, hard enough that you fly back into a tree for like the third time, your poor back. However you took the sword with you so that was good for later. Next thing you know, strings are moving and Nezuko is flying. Is that Nezuko? It would make sense since you could tell that she was also a demon and Tanjiro's box was gone.
"That's annoying." You groan out, dodging the strings before landing onto the ground next to Tanjiro.
"Nezuko!" Tanjiro yells, watching as his sister lands in the other demons hands.
"Then it's settled, I'll be taking her. You understand your role now. You give her to me and disappear, the so called samurai has no role but to die, what a waste."
"Nothing is settled, she's staying with her brother." You remark, holding onto your sword and tensing up. This would definitely be difficult and you were already really tired from the previous fights and injuries. It would be a miracle if you could actually do anything.
"Damn it." Tanjiro whispers, his arms shaking as if he was scared, but it wasn't fear, it was anger, you would even go as far as to say rage.
"Calm down, you've been fighting a lot and you're injured."
"Calm down... Why do I need to calm down?"
"Because, I'm your good luck samurai so you don't have to worry as much. I'll make sure you and Nezuko don't die." You respond, pointing to yourself with a small smile. Tanjiro just looks at you for a moment, still frustrated at what was going on. He felt almost touched by your words but there was no way he wasn't going to worry as much.
"Good, le-"
"Let her go!" Tanjiro interrupts you, trying to get close to the demon. Since his sword was broken, it was going to be harder, however you're pretty sure that you can withstand the threads if you needed to since the big spider demon couldn't cut you with them before.
"Okay then.. Let her go!" You yell as loud as Tanjiro had before joining him.
"Did I not tell you that I'd spare your life in return for your obedience? In fact, I'll spare both you and the samurai if that's better."
"I'll spare my own life thank you very much! Nezuko, fight back with us!" You yell towards her, having a suspicious feeling that you and Tanjiro weren't going to get anywhere close to the demon at this rate. Nezuko almost immediately scratches the other's face and you found a way to get closer since it shocked him for a moment.
You get close enough to land another hit on his throat, this time only cutting the skin before you have to jump over an attack and go back. Wait, where the hell did Nezuko go? She was literally just there. You look up when you see some blood fall from higher up and when you do, you see Nezuko tied up by the threads, almost in the same situation that you were in with the man spider demon from before. You growled when you looked back at the demon, the threads didn't cut you before but it was cutting through her, it was probably really painful for her.
"Quiet down, this won't be enough to kill her, she's a demon. But it does appear that I'll have to teach her a lesson, I'm going to let her bleed for a while, if she can't learn to be obedient, I'll just leave her till daybreak, and then let her-" You stop the monologuing by throwing the sword, somehow, by some sort of luck, impaling it directly in his arm. Sooner or later he was just gonna kill you from how pissed off you were making him.
"How dare you?" The demon growled at you, pulling the sword out and throwing it on the ground beneath him. Damn, you shouldn't have thrown it, cause now you didn't have a weapon.
"I won't allow it! Let her go!!"
"Please, what idiotic people you are, so-"
"You like to hear yourself talk huh? As far as I'm concerned I could care less what you feel or what you're family problems are." You respond, frustrated at this demon already as you try to grab your sword so you could cut him but having to dodge more attacks. Tanjiro keeps running, slipping when the threads hit the ground around him. You on the other hand grab onto a cut down tree trunk, which was annoyingly heavy. You kinda feel bad for using Tanjiro as a sudden decoy but oh well.
"Now-" The demon starts, only to be stopped by a literal tree trunk hitting the back of his head. He groaned and quickly turned around to get a sword to his neck, going through until half way once again. Why couldn't you cut through this guys neck?! You were so persistent it was making him angry. You couldn't even let him talk.
"Stop it! You're so annoying! I can kill you y'know that?" He yells, throwing his threads around you only for you to dodge.
"Yeah, I suspected." You reply, trying to keep a straight face since you knew damn well that you were ruffling his feathers.
"Hm... I may be mistaken here, but the two of you think that if you actually get close enough, you can chop my head off completely don't you?
You watch as the demon approaches Tanjiro, you stepping right next to him so that you could protect him just in case, after all, he was bleeding a lot.
"Well... Then here, give it a shot."
And with that permission from the demon, both you and Tanjiro swing at the same time, having to fight two on one and still get your asses beat somehow. You get kicked to the floor and for a moment you can't actually get up.
Tanjiro finally gets a hit on the demon's neck, somehow not being able to cut through. That scared him, why didn't it cut through? Yours was able to cut through the skin at least. His attack didn't even do any damage. That's when the demon knees Tanjiro in the stomach and quite frankly, you wanted this demon to just croak and die already.
"Didn't I tell you, you have no chance against me, the both of-" Once again you interrupted him, actually grabbing his midsection before pulling him off the ground and slamming his head down in the dirt. It was so quick that he couldn't react and it was oh so inconvenient.
"QUIT IT! I'LL KILL YOU!" He screams out, flipping over and sending a bunch of spider web like threads your way.
"Y/N!" Tanjiro yells, suddenly scared that you might die from the hands of that demon, then he would really be angry. You couldn't dodge the attack so for a split second, you were actually just going to accept your fate. However, as luck would have it, apparently your skin is rough enough from training that it actually broke the web as soon as it touched you, shattered it into a bunch of different pieces.
"... Ow, that hurt."
The demon, Tanjiro and Nezuko were all surprised to see this. It was probably because it wasn't the same as the actual webs that were holding Nezuko but it looked like you had just taken it unaffected. How strong were you that an attack like that didn't kill you?
"... What type of witchcraft is this?" The demon mumbled, looking frazzled before vigorously shaking his head and making another web to hit you again. You didn't stay for that one though, you immediately moved out of the way whether you would break it or not.
"Ah... You're stronger than most, I'll give you credit for that... However, it won't help you defeat me."
"Um... What do you mean by that?" You ask the demon, gaining a small but evil smile from him.
"Well, just imagine how much stronger you could be, if you became a demon?"
Tanjiro couldn't believe his ears, He recruiting you. Oh no. You were definitely strong but there was no way that you would accept that right?
"Wait, you can become a demon? So you guys aren't naturally reoccurring, you're all just human hybrids?"
"... Sure... But that's not the point. Join me, become a demon with the twelve Kizuki and Lord Muzan. He'll be happy to have someone as strong as you become a demon."
Lord Muzan, the hell was that? Not someone you knew that's for sure.
"Absolutely not."
"Are you really sure? If you-"
"Shut up, I said no."
"No. N, O, bro. Be quiet, I don't want to hear your pale face trying to offer my humanity away. I'm fine right here."
"The audacity! You're vulgar insulting will get you killed!!" And with that you dodge just a few more attacks, grabbing a rock after you flip away and just throw it at him, hitting his chest. You don't know why you do the things you do to annoy others, after all, it's exhausting sometimes.
"Are you okay?" You quietly ask Tanjiro as you help him stand, completely ignoring the monologue that the demon was having about how strong his neck and threads were, however he was still looking at you, almost concerned that you were even near. You were a threat.
You watch as Nezuko starts straining from the webs and you quickly shake your head, quietly trying to tell her that that's a bad idea, cause there's a demon there that plans on kidnapping her.
"You're noisy, if you don't quiet down," He starts, tightening the threads around Nezuko before you throw another rock at him, doing literally nothing. He glares at you, clearly done with your bullshit, not like that's gonna stop him from punishing Nezuko.
Nezuko screams and all you want to do is find some way to help her, but your feet won't allow you to move at the moment.
"No! Stop that!" Tanjiro yells as he stands up.
"As of today, I'm her elder brother and I command that she cease that noise."
You lightly placed your hand on Tanjiro's shoulder in hopes to calm him down since he was seething with anger, however, you still had to be an ass and poke the bear did you not?
"You mean as of tonight? Y'know... Cause it's not morning and... You're a demon?"
He looks at you with a disgusted expression and you just have to laugh inside so that you don't die because for some reason, you really like screwing around with this demon.
"Come on." You mumble to Tanjiro, standing up with your sword after patting his shoulder. You were just as ready to fight and end this because clearly, you were already done, especially after he harmed Nezuko.
You and Tanjiro start fighting again, tired but angry enough that you both could still fight. You were kinda tired of this demon and you were sure that Tanjiro just wanted his sister back. Tanjiro actually cut the threads at one point and it made you think that there was actually a chance. Did he have some sort of water decoration with is attack too? Nice!
"Cool! Can I try!" You yell out, wanting to do the same.
Quickly you run up to a couple of them, spinning around and trying to copy Tanjiro's breathing style before succeeding in cutting the threads. You may have still fallen on your face almost immediately after but you smiled in triumph nonetheless
"Aw, you two don't think these threads are at maximum strength do you?"
Oh no, what did he mean by that, and why were his hands getting red?!
Before you can even make a snarky remark or some sort of response, he makes some sort of enclosed red web around you and Tanjiro, it felt stronger than the rest and you weren't sure if either of you could survive this one.
"You two can die now, I have no use for you anymore, farewell."
There was nowhere for you to go. As soon as the threads started to touch you, they immediately broke skin, shredding your hands and arms that you had put in front of you to try and slow it down. Thank goodness Tanjiro found a way out somehow, cause it now looked like he had some sort of fire decoration. You'd have to figure out where he bought it from.
"Hahaha!" You laugh as you start jumping through the threads, being extra careful since these red ones could actually cut you. You could definitely feel the adrenaline of the fight going through you and you hoped that it stayed, at least until the fight is over. You focus on your breathing as much as possible, not being able to do anything that looked like cool fire or water but keeping up which was good. You were even able to cut a few of those threads with the sword, making you feel almost accomplished.
"Tanjiro, there's an opening!" You yell, being able to slide behind the demon, evading the threads and the sudden fire explosion that Nezuko make even though she was still stuck.
You flip around, pushing your sword on the opposite side of where Tanjiro's was. This was good, this meant that he couldn't escape.
You push as hard as you can, helping Tanjiro to finally cut off the demons head. The head drops back, going directly behind you and it's only when Tanjiro falls to the ground that you actually move, slowly looking around in post, I'm 'bout to die energy.
"Tanjiro... Are you okay?" You ask him, not daring to take a step yet since you would probably fall face first to the ground like before.
"Y-yeah." He mumbles, trying to stand back up.
When you do finally take a step, it's because Nezuko was starting to fall and running to go grab her was probably not the best idea. Especially since when you caught her, you immediately fell on your knees and heard a loud crack. Ow. What bone was that?
"Nezuko, we won, we did it!" He yells, trying to crawl his way over. You look down at Nezuko to see her breathing which meant that she was still alive, so you put her down and scooted yourself closer to Tanjiro to try and grab his hand.
Oh. Shit. Lord have mercy on your soul cause there was no damn way. You watched as the demons body slowly stood up and you didn't know what to do. You cut his head off with Tanjiro, so how was he even alive? You grab onto Tanjiro's hand, trying to drag him but even with your sitting position, you were too weak to move him fast enough. Not only that, Tanjiro could smell immediately when the demon stood up, the scent of blood getting stronger and not smelling like ash in any way.
"You two thought you defeated me, how sad for you. Did your delusion bring your a brief moment of joy? I cut my head off myself using my own threads before you two were able to do the job yourselves."
You were suddenly so heartbroken, right after being so happy that you survived with them. Now this was round two wasn't it? There was no way any of you would survive.
"Enough struggling, I'll kill both you, the samurai and your sister. I haven't been this incensed in a long time."
No, you weren't going to let that happen, even if you died in the process. You weren't going to let Tanjiro or Nezuko die. Though you couldn't deny that you felt terrible dragging Tanjiro farther away from the demon like some frightened prey. Tanjiro could barely get himself to crawl because of how tired he was.
"I wonder why you weren't burned to cinders in that explosion earlier? Me and my threads were the only thing set ablaze and I don't know if it relates to your sisters power. It has enraged me all the same."
"You're just sulking like a child, it's not like we killed you." You growl at the demon with a bit of sarcasm added. You don't know if this is a second wind that you felt like you could still move or if it's just luck, but you were as mad as him. You wanted that demon dead.
"I will carve you up without regret! Blood demon art, murderous eye basket!"
Eye basket? What type of blood demon art would be called that? And why was it even called blood demon art? Gross.
A whole bunch of the red threads pop up from under the ground, surrounding both you and Tanjiro and already you were committed to make sure Tanjiro wouldn't die. Maybe other demon slayers would come and help if you could stall this, you were able to do it before even though it put tiny cuts all over your hands.
"You'll get tired." You seeth, glaring at the demon with an intensity you didn't even know you had. You had to mentally prepare yourself for the pain you would feel, if no one came while you were holding off the threads, it would be able to actually cut through your body over time.
Right as you got hit by some of the strings, you almost yelled in pain. Though you were actually stopping it and the demon had to add even more pressure to push you down, you were bleeding from all the tiny cuts you gained from them. You cried out, frustrated that you weren't willing because at this rate, your hands were going to be ruined. All you could really do is put your body over Tanjiro's and pray that he and his sister would survive this.
Speaking of the devil, this is the second time you've prayed and the same guy showed up.
That guy just cut up all those webs at once. Now you owed him twice for saving your life, and you were jealous.
"Tanjiro... Somebody's here."
"Is it Zenitsu?"
"No... I don't know who he is." You reply with a saddened voice. You knew you should be happy but you didn't understand why you felt like crying. Maybe from relief, you don't know.
"You two did a good job holding out until I got back. Leave the rest to me."
You don't care to watch how he defeats this demon, you don't want to know, you never want to see the face of that demon again. Nor did you care about all the insults that he was throwing out about everyone being insects.
"Blood demon art, spiraling rotation!"
"Total concentration, eleventh form, dead calm."
"Eleventh form!?" Tanjiro yells out, apparently surprised by that even though it didn't mean anything to you. And just like that, an attack is evaded by the quiet man with no hesitation. Cutting off the head of the demon like it was nothing.
Slowly you stand up, holding out your hand so that Tanjiro could as well. You walk over to where Nezuko was, only to collapse and just lay there. Tanjiro does the exact same thing, holding his sister and then placing his hand on your back in a show of thankfulness.
"You're bleeding a lot." Tanjiro comments, looking at you with some worry. He wasn't sure what to do, especially now that you looked at least ten times worse from when the fight first started.
"Don't worry." Was all you said, watching the demons body walk towards the two of you before finally falling. You would be fine, you were sure, plus, you felt so numb that the pain wasn't getting to you. You probably damaged your senses when it comes to feeling things because you're pretty sure you can't even feel anything at all.
For some reason, when the body hits the ground, you feel a sudden feeling of dread in your heart. You don't know how to explain it because you should be happy that the demon was dead, and you were, but maybe because you felt pity for him. It was almost like you could see a small part of yourself in him and the way he acted. Maybe he thought that fear was the best way to keep people around him because no one else would stay with him. Who knows.
"I hope... That he had a good family when he was still a human." You mumble, getting Tanjiro's attention with what you said. The way you said it, was small and simple but meant so much, especially for a demon like that. You wished him well, even though he was your enemy and had no hesitation in trying to kill you. Tanjiro felt admiration for you, that and the fact that he could smell a scent of sadness coming from the demon, so Tanjiro understood.
He gently placed his hand on the bodies back and you watched, it was a kind gesture and you felt that maybe it would comfort the demon through death, even if he logically didn't deserve. You looked at his head, watching most of it already disintegrate and you sighed, at least it was over now.
Then Mr stoic and quiet guy had to come and ruin it, stepping on the clothes that the former demon was wearing when he was alive. You just sit up on your knees grabbing your sword and being careful to move since your entire body was damaged in some way.
"Don't waste your sympathy, it was a demon. The fact that it looked like a child makes no difference. It lived for decades, terrorizing our people." The man explains, still making you feel uneasy that he had to step on the clothes.
"If it's for the sake of avenging those who were killed, to make sure there are no more victims, I won't hesitate to bring down my blade on any demon's neck. But when it comes to those who felt despair and regret from their actions they took as a demon, I will never disrespect them!"
You lightly pat Tanjiro's back, hoping to calm him down since he started yelling. This must have been very important to him, as it was also kind of important to you. You would have cared more about it if you didn't feel so lightheaded and almost drunk.
"Because at one time or another, they were human, no different from me. So please don't step on his remains!"
You watch in-between Tanjiro and the man, barely paying attention to the staring contest they were having when you heard something move in the bushes. You turned to look and you saw nothing and you can't tell if the sound is in your head or real.
"There not hideous monsters at all, instead demons are hopeless creatures. Tragic creatures."
It's quiet for a moment and then you here it again, not liking it one bit as you wait some more. You wanted whatever you were hearing to leave or to come out already. As long as you weren't going crazy, you think you'll be fine. Nothing is said between anyone for quite some time, then you spoke because you felt uncomfortable with everything at the moment.
"Listen." You mumble, breaking the tension as the two stay quiet and keep their guard up. You wait and mere seconds later, a woman jumps out of the bushes to attack. You don't know who the target it but you hit your sword against hers, standing up way too fast for your own good when you suddenly feel like you might throw up. It seems that you were right about the noise and the man seemed to know that too, or maybe he knew who the woman was.
"Oh my." The woman comments, quickly flipping around and landing on her feet. You didn't know if she was expecting this or not but hopefully she wasn't mad. Oh wait, that was the woman who helped you with the poisoning earlier.
She went to attack again and you couldn't move fast enough, however it was good that the man was willing to help.
"Why would you get in my way Tomioka? And after you told me we could never be friends with demons."
Ah, that was the man's name, well now you knew.
"I have to say, this kind of thing, is exactly why no one likes you."
You look at the woman for a bit before looking at the man. He didn't look like no one liked him, he probably had a friend or maybe a lover, or at least some sort of parental figure in his life, if not now, at some point in his life right?
"Now then Tomioka, would you please move?" The woman starts, aiming her sword in the general area of where you were, your sword also aiming her way even though it was clear she didn't see you as a threat.
"I don't... I don't think I'm disliked."
You almost laughed a bit which turned into a cough, completely surprised that he was actually worried about that. That and the fact that someone should have told him he was disliked if no one liked him.
"Oh dear, I do apologize. You're only just hearing about this now then? I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to find out this way."
There was another amount of silence that was laughable. Maybe it was because you were delirious that this conversation seemed funny to you, however it was definitely odd that's for sure.
"Yes ma'am?!" Tanjiro replies, feeling on edge with the conversation that was taking place.
"What you're protecting there is actually a demon, so please move away before you get hurt."
You glare at the woman and back up, ready to protect the two still, even if your body disagreed with you. Now you completely understand why Zenitsu ran into the mountain for Nezuko, she's precious and helps as much as she can and you also want to make sure Tanjiro is okay because they've both worked so hard to survive.
"No, you're mistaken! Well, you're not mistaken, but she's my little sister, and that's why-"
"Oh my, is that really true?" The woman starts, covering her mouth and probably feeling bad for the predicament that he and his sister were in. Though you still weren't sure that you entirely trusted her... She would make a nice acquaintance.
"You poor thing. In that case, so she won't suffer, I'll use a gentle toxin in order to kill her."
She'll what?! Kinda crazy much?! And she didn't even stutter at all! What the hell?!
"Wait a moment." The woman adds on, looking at you with a strange glare before snapping your fingers.
"I helped you earlier tonight when you got poisoned, didn't I tell you to stay put so that you could rest? So how come you're here and far more injured than before? It's not good for your health and you aren't a demon slayer either right? So what's your connection with this?"
"I'm sure I also insisted on the same thing, you are too injured." Tomioka adds on just because he can, him and his annoyingly stoic self. You don't answer for a while, trying to clear the fog that was clogging your thought process. What was even worse though was that as soon as you tried to speak, a sudden gush of blood came out from your mouth and the next thing you know, you're choking and coughing on blood, probably from the internal bleeding. How embarrassing.
"... Y/N." Was all that Tanjiro could speak out, suddenly feeling guilty as he watches you throw up blood before you finally cough it all up and just try your best to breathe. He feels bad that you're this injured just by helping protect him and his sister, you really are good luck for them but he also wanted you to be okay.
"Oh no, that's not good at all. At this rate, you're recovery time will increase dramatically if you don't rest and you could actually die. I've never seen someone so beat up and somehow still standing, it's really okay to rest y'know? It's not good to lie to yourself and your body."
"Can you move at all? Even if it's difficult you need to go, take your sister and run." Tomioka states, not moving in the slightest since it seemed that Tomioka was preventing the other lady from attacking.
"Tomioka, thank you. I appreciate this!"
You look at Tanjiro for a moment, giving him a small nod since you decided that you would catch up with them soon. Hopefully you weren't going to croak and die because you felt like you could barely stand, let alone hold your sword up.
"Did you... Just break the rules of the corp?" She asks Tomioka, smiling even though it was clearly fake with the question. You don't move but instead hold your ground, you know that if she were to attack Tomioka, you were too weak to do anything and if she attacked you, you were probably dead.
"That's not good Tomioka and... Y/N? That's what the boy called you right? Really, I insist that you rest. My name is Kocho Shinobu, the insect Hashira... Do you know what a Hashira is?"
You just stare at the woman for quite some time, thinking that it's strange that she introduced herself again to you when she did it before. You just shake your head in response since you didn't want to speak all that much.
"I see, well in the demon slayer corp there are rankings, a Hashira is the highest rank for a demon slayer. The reason why we get higher in ranks is because we kill more demons, which in turn saves more lives. That's how you know someone has worked hard to protect others. So I'm sure you understand why I said that I would kill the boys sister. Because sooner or later, she will eat someone, so even though you're not a demon slayer, you should also not protect her."
You look at the woman with the same dull stare, not moving because of how dizzy you feel. Even Tomioka is a little worried about you being all broken and bloodied right next to him. If you had just let him tie you, you would have been a whole lot better off. You were just lucky that you had survived this long.
"I appreciate... That you helped me... But... I don't trust you."
"That's... Understandable actually." She smiles, moving her sword down to her side so that you weren't scared.
"I won't hold that against you. However, even if you protect her, we will still kill her. If not me, someone else. That's just the way we are in the demon slayer corp. Or the way we're supposed to be at least." She states, adding the last part specifically for Tomioka. But she smiles at you, seemingly amused by you and your choice of words. It seemed gentle, even though you couldn't tell if it was real or not.
You slowly nodded your head before deciding that it was time to move, turning around and running in the direction that Tanjiro and Nezuko went. You were good at running long periods of time and really fast when you weren't bleeding out of every orphisis of your body. But you were so you were definitely struggling right now.
Suddenly you trip and by some miracle, you land in a neatly placed pile of leaves, so thick that it didn't even feel like you hit the ground. So when you stand up, you feel a bit better, especially when you spot Tanjiro running with Nezuko still in his arms. You never really believed that you were such a a lucky person like everyone else believed you to be, but somehow things are going better than they should. You should have died at least five times over now, and the fact that you're more hyper aware of that is helping you be more cautious.
You immediately stop running when you see a shadow pass over you and when you look up, you see, well, basically a mini version of Shinobu, it was almost infuriating. She was really telling the truth when she said sooner or later they would kill Nezuko. How annoying. Well, not as long as you were alive.
"Tanjiro! Look out!" You yell, jumping down from a ledge that you were nearing that let you drop down to the same level that he was in, only to land wrong on your feet and fall to the ground with a thud. Tanjiro looked at you, only having a few seconds to react which didn't do him any good anyway. The girl jumped onto his back, getting him to drop his sister and fall into the ground.
The girl was quick, jumping off of Tanjiro's back to get to his sister, before he grabbed her haori and pulled her back away.
"Get out of here Nezuko! Run away as fast as you can! Don't get caught no matter what, hurry!"
You barely stood up from your fall, probably crying from how much pain your were feeling before. That was when you saw the girl kick Tanjiro on the top of his head to knock him out. As she jumped off of him, you immediately ran in the direction that Nezuko went, after all, she wasn't going to kill Tanjiro since they were both demon slayers.
You catch up to Nezuko, possibly scaring her since Tanjiro did tell her not to get caught. So you just follow her, watching Nezuko's back until the girl shows up. You and the girl's swords clash, surprising the girl since when she saw you yell to the boy and since you looked like you were in bad shape, she probably didn't think that you would help at all.
"I'm going to have to ask you to move." The girl states in a strangely monotone voice, like she didn't care whether you would listen or not.
"... Move? Nah... I will knock you out." You reply, glaring at the girl as you basically begin sword fighting with her, giving Nezuko enough time to get pretty far.
She tries to overpower you with the sword but it seems that you have better arm strength, so for her, kicking you is a much quicker option. Now you were behind and you weren't sure if you could even catch up, you felt like you might die on the spot.
When the girl raises her sword to kill Nezuko, she just shrinks all of a sudden, giving you just enough time to catch up and help defend. You and the girl keep fighting, you block her swings while she finds a way to kick or push you out of the way. If you weren't so injured, you would be able to keep up with her and fight easily, however you were in such pain, and you were so slow that you were just barely stopping her when she got close to Nezuko.
You see the girl suddenly jump back a few feet, noticing the crow that was flying around the three of them. Thank goodness because she had just backed you and Nezuko into a corner.
You hear the crow but are too tired to raise your head to try to look at it, so instead you just look down at Nezuko since she's so much smaller than before. You weren't sure if you should talk to her in some way, or make sure she's okay, she looked okay.
"Are you Nezuko?" The girl asked, leaning down to be at the same eye level with her. Nezuko just nodded, not making any noise or movement other than that.
"Alright then, follow me." Was all she said as she started to walk off gaining a weird sound and a shake from Nezuko's head. Suddenly she walked closer to you and grabbed onto your leg since she was so small, and you wondered what she was trying to say. Maybe she wanted you to come with her, so you started to walk with her on your leg, following the other girl who was unbothered by it.
Soon, the three of you walk right back to where Tanjiro's body is, the box only a few steps away. The girl just stood while you slowly walked over to open the box.
"I assume you're with them?"
"... Yes, I am." You reply to the girl, waiting for something else to happen since you still haven't felt fully safe yet.
"Alright, you can come." Was all the girl said, walking off and not waiting for you to choose to follow or not. You looked between the box and then Nezuko who still hadn't gotten into it. You didn't want to just leave Tanjiro behind, however, you wouldn't be able to carry him even if you tried. You were too injured so you wouldn't be able to handle his weight, but you could handle Nezuko's in her box on your back.
"Nezuko... Do you mind... If I carry you?" You ask, pointing inside of the box since you would be the one carrying her on your back instead of her brother. She looked at you for a second before nodding and started fitting into the box, but not before lightly placing one of her hands on top of your head. You guess she wanted to give you a little head pat, or maybe she was saying thank you, you don't know.
Once she fully fits, you close the door of the box, struggling but succeeding to stand once you get the straps onto your back. You're pretty sure that after this, you'll probably retire from being a samurai ever again. However, you were definitely calming down from before, so you were feeling more pain but at least you could feel all of your limbs now. You follow the girl, walking down different paths before getting to an even bigger clearing with a bunch of people in fully covered black clothes with only their eyes showing. It was interesting and they seemed to be helping everyone that was injured.
"Stay here, they'll help you down the mountain." The girl comments with a small smile, politely bowing her head before walking away to go help with something else. Now it was just you and Nezuko in a box on your back. You stood for a moment, just watching all of the people move around before you actually decided to sit.
It was only then that you had noticed that you were basically back where you started, back in the place where the big spider was before. That meant the Zenitsu was probably around here somewhere but you couldn't bear to even stand up after you sat back down, you probably should have stayed standing. After a bit, a few of them come to you, immediately grabbing disinfectants and wraps for your cuts and some ice for your bruises from a box that kept it cool.
You even doze off a bit, every once in a while thanking the people that were helping you since you knew that they were pretty busy. When they take the box with Nezuko off of your back, you decide not to worry about it since they all seemed like nice people. One of them was even insisting on carrying you on some sort of bed that four people hold but you decide that you'll walk wherever they're going and rest when they get there. Since you could still stand, you didn't want them to carry you.
So off you all go into the early morning, the sun just now shining on an entire line of Kakashi and injured people that you're following. Unfortunately you were getting just a bit too far behind and it was rather annoying to keep up with them since your feet hurt so much. Apparently that's not too much of a problem when you got two Hashira that suddenly appear behind you. Guess they were taking their sweet time too.
"Oh, there you are. I would think that the others would have wrapped you up and kept you in one of the moving beds, why are you walking?"
You turn around to see both Shinobu and Tomioka behind you and once again, you find yourself not being able to speak for some time which made you feel embarrassed again.
"I wanted to walk... Because I still can."
"Oh dear, you only think that because of the adrenaline that's still going through your body. I can just tell by looking at you that you've broken your left kneecap, your right wrist and four ribs, there's also internal bleeding and much outward bruising. Not to mention all the cuts all over your body, your hands are severely cut up too."
You look at the woman, surprised even though it doesn't really show it in your face. Maybe you should have taken one of those beds, you just didn't like the idea of being carried when you could still walk.
"... Ah."
"... "Ah", That's all you can say? You're a strange one aren't you? Not that I mind since you seem to be pretty strong. What are you?"
"... I am a samurai."
"Really? How interesting. That makes a lot more sense as to why you're still walking, samurai are trained quite differently, trained to the death almost. So you have a lot of endurance with pain huh?"
You just nod your head, not really paying attention as you just walked along the path the Kakashi were using.
"Tomioka, would you do me a favor and carry Y/N? I genuinely think that this is a really close instance to death Y/N is experiencing with all of the blood loss."
"Alright." Tomioka responds, walking just a tad bit faster before gently grabbing your hand.
"Hm?" You feel him pick you up from under your shoulders and start to carry you. You were too weak to even try to move so it's not like you could do anything about it.
"Don't worry Y/N, I think that if you sleep at least a little on the way back, you'll feel better. Not only that, maybe you can help us with some questions we have. Is that alright with you?"
You look at Shinobu, nodding your head before closing your eyes from how exhausted you were. Guess that old lady was right about you gaining some clarity from this.
You weren't going to continue being a samurai, you weren't cut out for it if fighting demons was how the rest of you life was gonna be.
Based on @yu-huuuu incorrect demon slayer quote that they made. Thank you for allowing me to write this and sorry it took so long. I lied making this a lot, even though it's oh so so very long! Like thirty minutes long! I had so much fun though so I hope you enjoy.
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andersonsbiceps · 6 months
SpecReqs 2024
OK, so I was very busy and tired this year, and I wrote five fics for SpecReqs last year, so I, uh. decided to write six fics for @spectre-requisitions-exchange this year. Don't look too hard at that math.
First up, the actual assignment! let's blow this (human) popsicle stand for @depressed-sock (thanks to Ferus for the title). I was compelled by the idea of writing ME3 Multiplayer characters per their prompt - I've sunk so many hours into that gamemode - so I set up some OCs, a heist, and a story set on Illium in the background of the Reaper War, where there's just so much space to play.
Second up, the pinch hit! From: Ashley (Ashley/Female Shepard) for @kesla. I signed up for the pinch hit around two days before the deadline, and was casting around for a story structure that packed a full-sized punch in the not-so-many words that I had the time to write. And then I thought - well, I've always loved epistolary works, but I've never had the courage to write one. So, why not? If you liked this fic/Shepley epistolary be sure to check out Connection Lost by kesla - we truly had the same braincell on this one!
And now, to the treats. Firstly, twilight (Female Shepard/Samara) and dawn (CloneShepard/Morinth). Companion fics - designed to be readable alone but better together - showing two halves of the same story. There was something about Cloneshep/Morinth as a parallel to Shep/Samara that really dug its claws into me this year. Replacements doomed to fail by the narrative, women letting their duty take everything from them vs women clawing their way to anything of their own, and I'm glad I got the chance to write these!
Second, the meaning of safe (Ashley/Liara) for celeme. I set it in that period between ME1 and ME2 where Liara's changing as a person, and Ashley's growing into herself. I can't believe Liara wouldn't reach out - she really does need loyal help on her quest. So I wrote it! There's so much potential to this ship. I'm excited to try again next year.
And finally, Vignette #14 in C Minor (Sloane/Aria) for @thedaselcor. I didn't write a full fic for this one, but I was so compelled by their prompt I felt the need to do something - Sloane/Aria is really a genius pairing idea. Plus, I wanted to thank them for the code snippet that helped me add the attachment in From:Ashley.
See you all next year!
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