#pods mermay
peapodsinspace · 5 months
what if: dio as a merman
sure thing!
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I loved drawing this! Hope ya enjoy!!!
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aussyartz · 4 months
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The Archifish
it took me entirely too long to do all those eyes enjoy !!
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vladdyissues · 4 months
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Day 21: Breaching
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nancyheart11 · 4 months
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Twilight and Four
They're talking about gear since Twilight has watched both a blacksmith and a seamstress at work while Four has worked as a Blacksmith.
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stealingyourspins · 5 months
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(Click for better quality)
Ninjago Mermaid AU- Zane.
Species: Narwhal. Chosen because of their ability to withstand cold temperatures plus their color pallet.
Zane is a Marine “spy” Robot used by researchers to record and collect data of Merfolk in their natural environment. Made in a partnership with Borg Industries and Julien Laboratories, he is a revolutionary advancement in the robotics field, going past a simple language learning model level to becoming a true AI in the 25 years of development. Zane’s expedition is simple: to help marine biologists to study Merfolk and blend in the best he can.
(Alt version with no spots under the cut and non transparent versions)
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behrjbehr · 1 month
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Forgot to post my piece from mermay
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alaritheaurora · 4 months
Made Mer pod Bolas for mermay. Love my silly guys
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Mostly blue is Carre. Green and grey is Phil. Red/brown is Cellbit. Big yellow guy is Foolish. Turquoise/grey/purple one is Jaiden. The yellow and red one sleeping on Foolish is Baghera, and next to her is Charlie.
Closeups under cut
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g4m3system · 4 months
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Late mermay post!
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missmaggiebee · 1 year
MalevMay 2023
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It’s that time of year again! MerMay is upon us and it’s high time for some Malevolent themed sea creatures. There are prompts for the Month, Weeks, and Days. Feel free to participate however much you want with #malevmay2023
Yellow (Theme of the Month)
DRAW OR WRITE ABOUT a Malevolent-themed mermaid of any sort. Congrats, you have completed MalevMay!
John (Theme of the Week)
Week 1 - Leviathan
Week 2 - Mythology
Week 3 - Eyes
Week 4 - Moon
Week 5 - Alien
Hastur (Theme of the Day)
Day 1 - Leviathan
Day 2 - The Abyss
Day 3 - Bioluminescence
Day 4 - Arctic
Day 5 - Caves
Day 6 - Arthropod
Day 7 - Mythology
Day 8 - Gods, Deities & Spirits
Day 9 - Freshwater
Day 10 - Selkies, Sirens & Serpents
Day 11 - Storm
Day 12 - Crown
Day 13 - Lighthouse
Day 14 - Eyes
Day 15 - Cephalopod
Day 16 - Jellyfish
Day 17 - Pincers / Antennae
Day 18 - Predator & Prey
Day 19 - Courtship
Day 20 - Ancient
Day 21 - Moon
Day 22 - Tidepool
Day 23 - Seashell
Day 24 - Shipwrecked / Beached
Day 25 - Pirates!
Day 26 - Ropes, Nets & Hooks
Day 27 - Camouflage
Day 28 - Alien
Day 29 - Yellow
Day 30 - Symbiosis
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I wanted to participate in Mermay for once in hopes ppl will care about my art
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The previous captain of a ship Timothy Stoker now lead was Daniel Stoker, the captain died from drowning after falling overboard during a storm that many think is due to merpeople who rule the seas
It is not related
Tim vows to avenge his brother when he takes over as Captain, hunting Merpeople and killing them mercilessly since he believed that's what they did to his brother
Jonathan Sims is the Prince of the king of the Seas, Jonah Magnus. (among other names, as his appearance is as fluid as the water they inhabit.) Jon chose the Last name ‘Sims’ to distance himself from his father, whom he was never that familially bonded to.
He learns the abilites to Know and the ability to Force people to Speak from his father, who teaches him sparingly but brutally (he abuses Jon in training sessions). He learns to shapeshift, only minutely to give himself legs and lungs if needed. His father has not yet promised to continue helping him with the rest of his abilities.
Jon owns an archival institute underwater, gifted to him by Jonah.
Jon has a friend Who is killed by the infamous pirate and Merperson hunter of the seas, And Jon turns to use his powers for once and hunt the captain down. Which results in the Captain’s crew being threatened with death and Jon forcing Tim to either die or let Them die, he uses his powers to know why Tim was doing this but it doesn't stop him from saying “you would let your crew die like you let Danny?” and Tim takes that as implication that Jon was the one who Killed Danny.
Jon is not allowed to kill humans, not publicly, as ordered from the king, so he just sets the seas to be harsh and full of tides. This results in many of Tim’s crew dying and yet Tim and some do not. They now know that at least one Merperson has these abilities and is set on killing him.
When they meet at another standoff, Tim’s crew is gone. And so is many of Jons people in his kingdom. (not from tim). Which he visibly showed little affection but still cared for.
Jon moves the ocean water to circle Tim, making him unable to escape. Tim would think Jon is going to propose he get in the water and drown like he had years ago, and instead Jon just asks one simple question and suddenly Tim is spilling his guts and then Jon looks horrified and pleased at the same time
Jon says that he nor any of his people killed Danny, to which Tim does not believe. Jon would show tim Dannys perspective of what happened, and then does he realize that Jonah was the one to have done it, and jon seems far more horrified than Tim.
They become somewhat allies on a quest to kill Jonah Magnus, who takes the name of Elias Bouchard at this Time, Tim distrustful of him rightfully and Jon more focused on how hes being hunted by the people who either want him due to his status or his attempts to kill the king.
Overtime Tim learns to Befriend Jon, who looked positively dead inside after a year of this, and eventually fall in love.
They come to a head when they are at the Kings lair, known as the Panopticon, and they have a conversation. It goes a lot differently being,
Tim: are you sure about this?
Jon: [small laugh] No. But I love you.
Tim, without missing a beat: I love you too.
(this is the first time they admit their feelings, which gives them both a sense of dread.)
They kiss, and Jon goes to kill Jonah. This crowns him as the new king, and he is flooded with Knowledge and abilites that locks him into a coma for six months due to his body's inability to process this change. Tim copes poorly.
Jon wakes up and him and tim reunite, Jon has better control over his abilities. Jon and Tim talk about Tim becoming a merperson himself, Jon explains his reasoning for this question is because Jon genuinely loves Jon. And merpeople have a far longer lifespan than humans. Tim hesitantly agrees after Jon explains that even if he does make him into a merperson, jon can teach him how to shape-shift, with the promise that “where you go, I go” and they live together happily, not without loads of ptsd tho!!
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peapodsinspace · 5 months
since it's nearly mermay, if you're still taking drawing requests could you draw Jonathan as a merman? :3
yep! Thanks for the ask!
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[Image ID in Alt text] i thought I’d draw a little scene for this one! In this, I guess speedy is a fisherman, and Erina works with him! They just fished up a real mer and have no idea what to do, and of course Jonathan is his usual polite self
anyways that’s all! Enjoy
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oblivious-troll · 4 months
Because I'm not gonna have time to finish the art for Mermay, here's a Jalim Mer idea I wrote down in an hour and didn't reread/edit. It's 4am. Don't judge me too harshly, lmaoo
Mer au idea- Siren Salim and Merman Jason
(Under cut cuz it's kinda long?)
The two demihuman sea creatures (Numbered 19112 and 10119 for short) have been seen interacting on underwater cameras and occasionally relaxing together on land, a sight very rare for the two territorial and conflicting species.
Both Marine Biologists and Ichthyologists take interest in the unlikely friendship of the two species... Until they realize through certain behaviours (modified slightly from what is typically seen in Sirens and Merfolk, changed to best suit their partner of a different species) that they're actually mated. Catching the two grooming each other on the beach via a drone camera was a huge discovery for the marine life community, it even earns the unknowing pair a fan base online of people who regularly check in on them by using sites that safely track and document them.
Jason doesn't like the growing crowd of humans that always seem to just show up whenever he's trying to relax with his mate on the beach or is sunbathing with him on a rock. Whatever happened to humans knowing the keep their distance? He feels like it's disrespectful to Salim especially, he's a siren for Neptune's sake, a creature from the deep-sea who could drown them all without lifting a claw if he so chose to!
Salim's annoyed by the humans too, but only because it irritates Jason. He's unbothered so long as they keep their distance, and a short growl or bluffed lunge is usually enough to get the stupid ones to back away again.
But of course too much attention always has a down side. People forget how dangerous they are just because they only hear reports of their domestic behaviours, the gentle side which is reserved just for each other. They don't hear how they regularly take down and eat things like crocodiles, sharks, and other large sea predators for food and to protect their territory.
It takes one guy thinking he's special enough to approach them, and of course he's attacked despite trying to talk to them with his hands out like they're going understand the human gesture and he 'means no harm'.
Jason attacks first, more awake then Salim who was half dozed off while Jason groomed his hard to reach scales. It jolts Salim awake who doesn't join at first despite wanting to, Jason growls at him to stay away, humans are far less likely to hurt a merfolk then a siren- they kill sirens for far less, and Jason's not really in any danger, he can easily take a human down.
Salim watches carefully, claws digging into the sand for leverage, ready to pounce at a moment's notice, his long tail deceptively efficient at moving across sand. He sees a glint of silver as the human falls down on his back, scrambling back and kicking up sand as he grabs the dropped metal. He swips his hand and Jason winces- The smell of his mates blood kicking Salim's instincts into overdrive.
Salim lunches forward with gnashing teeth, claws easily piercing through the armourless skin of the human. He downs the man in seconds, tail snaking around and squeezing to keep him still, biting out chunks of whatever limb flails out to try and fruitlessly get Salim off him.
He doesn't know much on how the human body works, but years of hunting large predators has taught him that most things die if you squeeze them hard enough.
Salim looks away when Jason snarls, not letting go as he follows Jason gaze behind him. More humans approaching, holding black steel pointed at him.
There's a loud booming sound and a smoke smell before Salim feels a piercing burn in his pec, two others following that don't pierce but leave deep gashes across his chest. Salim holds on, baring teeth despite the heavy gushing of maroon blood from the one wound that burns inside his body- It feels like Jason described his experience accidentally injesting poison as a young mer, but it makes no sense, Salim's species is immune to poisons.
Eventually he has to drop the human, unsure if they're dead or not, he can't keep up the strength in his tail or arms as his upper body collapses sideways into the sand, soaking up a dangerous about of blood. His vision is fuzzy, using what remains of his strength to reach out for Jason- a thin vial with liquid hitting his forearm and jamming it's way through tuff scales slowly injects its contents and moments later he's out like a light.
Jason watches with horror as Salim completely goes limp, throwing every sign of aggression he can at the humans, bared teeth, flaired fins. He snarls and hisses as he drags himself over to Salim, getting into a protective position over his mate. His forearm had been sliced pretty bad by the silver weapon in the unconscious human's hand, but he's not going down until every last bastard that hurt Salim is dead- and if Salim dies, Jason will kill every human he ever lays his eyes on again.
He's not given the chance to, taking two of those vial things to the shoulder and collarbone, whatever the hell's in those things is potent because Jason can hardly blink a few heavy times after their injected before collapsing on top of Salim
Jason wakes up in a large space that smells off, in that there are no familiar scents of the ocean. The first thing he does is scramble over to Salim, checking him over carefully, his chest is wrapped up in some human cloth, stuck to his skin and Jason's afraid to take it off. He still smells blood on him but it's faint, his heartbeat and lungs are strong though, a great improvement from the beach. When enough time passes and he knows they're alone and Salim will live, Jason explores the area slowly and cautiously, not wanting to leave Salim too far when he’s still injured. He bumps hard into an unseen barrier multiple times, explores sand that's too clean, there are only small fish and snails- nothing sufficient to eat, especially for Salim who needs a lot more for his powerful tail.
What happened? Where the hell are they?
- They've been moved to an aquarium that specializes in rescuing, rehabilitating, and eventually releasing various marine life. This isn't the first time they've had a merfolk, but it's the first time an alive siren has ever been in human hands.
The scientists would be Clarice and Eric, Rachel and Nick would be security guards. Idk what I'd do with Dar, Joey, or Merwin yet?
Maybe I'd make Dar a belligerent/annoying reporter trying to get Jason and Salim put down for attacking the man on the beach or something because there's always someone who thinks it's the animals fault (even tho they were provoked) and it's unsafe for them to be released now they have 'a taste for human blood' or some bs... Anyone feel free to give ideas
(Add this to the ever growing list of stories to one day do after 'Twisted Love' 🙃)
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ktkat99 · 5 months
Chapter 1
In honor of MerMay!!
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s0fter-sin · 5 months
Okay I'm coming out of anon hiding to say I adore your mermay ghoap drabbles,, would you allow me to write a little about them? There's something so beautiful about them coming together through veneration of gruesome acts. And im...
aksjfgshifjhsjkslf oh my god PLEASE i’d love if you wrote something with it!!!
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magicianenthusiast · 1 year
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orca mer tomura x
he lives a nomadic life with kurogiri in the open ocean, mostly in the photic zone though they sometimes dive deeper
most mers live in sedentary communities, mostly in shallower coastal areas where they can build homes
there are some mers who live on the open ocean, but they're always in much larger pods - a solitary mer could easily get lost or be eaten by sharks or other large predators
also life's just a lot harder in the open ocean, constantly travelling to find new prey
that's mostly what tomura and kurogiri do, with occasional summons to visit afo
kurogiri and tomura travel all over the world, rarely with any real destination in mind
they have each other but it's very still a lonely existance
when he was younger tomura was expelled from his home after his entire family was killed - he has only very few memories of the event but blames himself
his whole family were dolphin mers, tomura is the only one to become an orca mer and kotaro hated that he wasn't like the rest of them
his magic is very strong but he doesn't use it much
he's a very, very good hunter
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in-tua-deep · 1 year
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I drew up this merfolk character based on a pajama shark while i was at work! decided to digitally line and color it when i got home, though i did use colored pencils to do the original drawing lol
anyway i call them samira but,, don't get me started on the complex mer naming lore that has been tumbling around my brain all week
#my art#merfolk#every month is mermay if you try#pajama shark mer#mer#but yeah samira lives in my monster and magic 'verse which has its own set of magic rules and people#so yeah merfolk in that world worship the old ones which are basically big old sea monster that are created by and linked with deep magic#and because the old ones are made of magic if they are named it impacts what they are#it's super super forbidden in mer culture to name or nickname an old one because it WILL change them (almost always for the worst)#actually cold ones are just old ones who have gone mad after being named and started killing merfolk#there's an entire cultural role of merfolk who essentially kill cold ones to protect the merfolk but in return they can never be in a pod#ANYWAY that's beside the point#the point is that mer culture has weird name vibes because of this whole thing#basically strangers Do Not Refer To Strangers and they'd just say like. 'this one. that one.'#acquaintances would refer to another mer by the name of their spawning ground which at least denotes group#after that you may get a 'call name' provided by a mer which can change#they basically just get to like. decide their name of the day#FINALLY the ultimate level of intimacy is someone bestowing a name upon another mer#this step is usually pre-agreed on because it is INCREDIBLY rude to name someone who doesn't want you to name them#it's all to do with the old ones. like a 'you know me well enough that i will not be changed by whatever name you give me.'#'or if i am change it would be for the better'#this is some long ass rambles for a simple picture but YEAH#samira's name is a given name - given by their partner santino
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