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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
Current Series Mini Masterlist
Please note that I am currently on hiatus until further notice. Thank you.
✨ Drabbles Main Masterlist
❤️‍🔥 The Feral Drabbles
🥀 Fight or Flight
🌇 Hotel California Mini Masterlist - Book One
🌸 Paradise Gardens Mini Masterlist - HC Book Two
🌘 Lethal Protectors Mini Masterlist
📚 Library of Illusion Mini Masterlist
🐉 Morning Mist Mini Masterlist 
💐 One Love
💐 Permanent
🔪 To Tempt Fate Mini Masterlist
🏙 Until Your Lungs Give Out Mini Masterlist
💐 What About Me?
💫 Written in the Stars Mini Masterlist
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Why Did Mint-Yooxgi Block Me?
🍷 Member of the @cultofdionysusnet​ 🍷
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krisluxxeeempress · 6 months
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Pile One:
your haters are mad because they are broke, busted and disgusted. Now i am not one to relish in people being down bad financially, i know how it feels however, this energy is coming from people who are mad at you for being in a better financial situation than them. For some, that may not even be the case. You may simply make things look effortless. You can have less and it appears like you have more. This anger may even be coming from haters that have more than you, actually and they are mad you are happy and content with less. You make less look good. You have people who are mad that they are materialistic, boujie, and live their life to impress others. They are superficial and living in debt because of it. We all have debt but their debt could have been avoided. They are mad they live their life trying to look rich and and you don't. Imagine having it all materialistically and still being miserable and mad!? On the flip side, you may very well be well off and living your best life and that's why they are mad. You are minding your business, happy, flourishing and making s&^% happen for yourself and they are mad. They fail to realize they can make s&^% happen for themselves if they would 1. get out this negative, hating and low vibrational energy 2. stop watching you & projecting 3. Nike vibes, just go out and do it- Instead, they rather be mad while your creating and working for reasons to be glad. I see that you have haters who are mad you are educated! This could be due to college or being self taught regardless, knowledge is power and you have haters who are mad you have power. Again, this is something they can work towards themselves but no. Some of you may be highly skilled and informed in a subject or multiple. You may have a lot of Gemini, libra, or Aquarius placements or houses in your natal or progressive birth charts. You may also have a lot of Taurus, Virgo and or Capricorn. The earth elements in your chart contribute towards the hard work you put in that they acknowledge and are mad about. Intuitively, it just seems like they are mad you have knowledge or skill or BOTH that can make you a lot of money- if you are not financially well of as of yet. They are mad at your potential, basically. They are mad that you have endurance and perseverance against all odds, basically. They are mad you invest a lot of time in studies to improve your craft or area of expertise and they do not, more than likely because they are overly concerned with what you and others are doing expect themselves. They have an addiction to FOMO and you are sober haha. Lastly, they are mad you are LIT. You have a nice personality, you are creative, physically active, attractive, funny, multi talented, versatile, down to earth, intelligent and ultimately everything they are NOT and NEVER will be.
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Pile Two :
This pile feels like you have Ex's, Baby mama's or daddies who didn't make the cut. It looks like you have moved on into a new relationship that may be publicized, and these ex's see that you are treating this new person better than you ever treated them. You have ex's that are mad because you are giving everything to a new person that they themselves used to beg, plead and cry to receive from you. You have ex's who are mad they you never officially committed to them whether that be engagement, marriage or fully giving your heart to them- meanwhile this new person is getting all the above. I see you may be planning or going on vacation with this new person and the ex's are mad. Some of you may even have started a new family with this new person and the ex's are mad! They are mad because you never had children with them or you did, and now you have a new family and the focus is no longer on them. Their manipulative tactics are being exposed at this time and that's why they are mad as well. Your ex's are mad that you can afford designer or simply you have disposable income whereas, before you may have been struggling financially- but it's not like that anymore for you and they are mad. Basically, you are doing better without them and that is why they are mad. It hurts them real bad because it's also exposing that they were the problem and responsible for blocking your blessings. With this clarity in mind, they are mad there's no way in hell that you would ever spin the block and return to them. At this point, they are real sad because you see past the mad. You see they are real sad and going out real bad without you! For my ladies, if you did have a baby with this ex, they are mad you snapped back after the baby! I find it interesting they would be mad about that which is again another thing being exposed. They had children with you for the wrong reason, it was a trap and they are mad the trap baby didn't trap you. They are really mad someone else is eager to commit to you, baby and all. ( what a POS) I also see that they are mad you didn't have to f**% your way to the top meanwhile, they are a pass around. They are for the streets and you earned your lifestyle with integrity and hard work. Your ex's really wanted you to be struggling so bad, it's baffling. They are mad your work speaks for itself and any attempts they make to devalue you, fails, miserably. Looks like you have ex's mad that they couldn't ruin your life another day, month, or year more. You have met someone new at work and this explains further why they are mad you didn't f*&^% your way to the top. This new person at your job may hold a high position and authority however, you still worked hard and didn't use your relationship as a means to get ahead. The job energy feels like Virgo, could be dealing with a Virgo or they have those placements. This can even indicate someone you met at the gym, store, or someplace you frequent often. This new person is financially stable and in a position of authority and they want to provide for you, and if you have children, your children as well. This has your ex's mad. If you have no children, this new person wants them and you guessed it- this makes your ex, or their ex LIVID.
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Pile Three:
You have a specific person here that is mad that you are the one the got away, first and foremost. I am showing that this person had you in a breadcrumbing situation where you were their convenient text buddy, cuddle buddy and f&^% buddy. I see they never made time for you unless it was on their time and for their selfish needs and desires. ( WOW!, the audacity) The fact they are the mad you are the one that got away confirms that you have successfully detached and cut them and this TRIFLIN situation away. They may be making attempts to get back into your energy to either continue their TRIFLIN and selfish behavior and or to RIGHT THEIR WRONGS, however, i do not see this as being successful. You are not making time for them to right their wrongs or to continue their diabolical behavior. it's a lose lose for them, and that's why they are mad. Now, if they have not made any visible attempts, they are mad because they are trying to plan how to come back and they see no way to do so. ( I AM PROUD OF YOU) It's clear to me and them that you have a strong protective shield around your energy and ultimately your life.
Now, you have OTHERS MAD because they cannot use you as a convivence. They are mad you learned a harsh lesson with the last person or history of persons and you are no longer boo boo the fool. You have people mad that you have high standards especially in comparison to before and what you allowed and tolerated. ( NO DISREPECT) the last situation was the straw that broke the camels back and now your healing. The pain you feel is being used a motivation and fuel to NEVER allow someone to play you again. I feel like Pile two may resonate with you. If so, it's like the moment you release breadcrumbs you are offered a feast. You are in a era of having your way, MIGOS vibes- go play that song. Everybody is mad that you are no longer making yourself small for others or accepting small s&^% in all aspects, ha- ladies if you know what I mean. Some of you were getting played by small d*%$ men, WOW . . . Fellas, some of you were getting played by stank p#%*^ women ( EWW) Everyone is mad you refuse to chase them, past , present and future. You have the same sex mad because they thought they were important until you showed up. They thought they were somebody until you showed up. They are mad that their relationships are under threat WHEN YOU SHOW UP. If you resonate with this pile, it's like you went from being a doormat and RAT accepting breadcrumbs now now a BOSS, doing the hiring and firing- ON PERIOD.
Lastly, you have everybody mad that you will not change for them. Let's speak about change, TUHH WHERE IS MY MONEY?! is your new vibe that will not be changing until further notice. GLOW UP.
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hayatglobe · 8 months
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Most memorable moments from Yali Çapkini season 2 till now....read here at Turkish Love Gallery
Join discussion on your favourite Tv shows and movies at Hayat’s community
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mysticdragon3md3 · 8 months
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I've previously heard advice from other artist alley artists, to always make for whatever series you're into. Not just because someone who likes the same niche will find you, but also because your genuine love for a series will show more through a fandom you're genuinely a part of, making your fanart for that series better than "obligatory" fanart for popular series.
But I also recently heard this video by Rafi Was Here:
He discusses artist peers advising him which art subjects are popular around whatever regions he was in at the time. But he proposes that maybe certain subjects only seem popular---appear to be the only subjects selling---because it is the ONLY option artists are offering to their customers. If ALL the artists at a show are only offering paintings of lighthouses, then of course lighthouse paintings are going to sell well---Customers literally don't have a choice. It's not popular, because it's the only thing that sells. It's the only thing being sold, so it seems popular.
Not that I don't think series like Jujutsu Kaisen, Once Piece, or Genshin Impact are popular. But it's not the only thing that will make sales with an audience. Artists have to be willing to take a chance and make fanart for even our niche interests, because there might be fans just waiting desperately to find some merch for it in artist alley. Which is why, a while ago, I decided to invest more seriously into my Kamen Rider fanart. ^-^ It's not an issue of shaming artists for genuinely being fans of a popular series. It's an issue of artists who do have niche or nostalgically old interests, to actually take the chance to make merch for those (now) niche IPs.
Also, as someone who systematically checks each table and each aisle in artist alley and exhibit hall, OP is correct. You really can't just identify one series at a table and assume that's ALL they make, even if it is a lot of their merch. Those are the tables that'll have great finds, tucked into a corner! ^u^
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witchee1014 · 1 year
Blogging A to Z: Day 18 - Romance and Cozy: How romance plays a role in cozy mysteries
In this post, we explore the role of romance in cozy mysteries, discussing why romantic subplots are a natural fit for this genre, the different types of romantic subplots found in cozy mysteries, and how balancing romance and mystery is crucial for a suc
Photo by Asad Photo Maldives on Pexels.com Hey, y’all! Before we get started, I just wanted to let you know that this post contains affiliate links. That means that if you decide to buy anything through my links, I might earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. So, if you’re feeling generous and want to support a struggling blogger (aka me), feel free to use my links! Hey there, fellow…
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link-is-a-dork · 1 year
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banjolandsblog · 10 months
DAMPYR - Official Trailer (HD)
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seriesnadia · 11 months
Ver Series Online Gratis | SeriesNadia
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En el sitio encontrarás todas las categorías de películas online, así como todos los géneros de cine y televisión que se pueden encontrar en sus páginas, con una clasificación muy detallada de películas antiguas y nuevas del 2023, ordenadas alfabéticamente y por año. Los visitantes pueden seleccionar una película antigua y buscarla por año de lanzamiento o usar la categorización para encontrar producciones de acción o drama, por ejemplo. por ejemplo. Además, están disponibles varios géneros, como cine en español, documentales, novelas románticas, thrillers, ciencia ficción y muchas otras categorías por descubrir
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angst-is-my-solace · 5 months
Sorry not sorry but Lin Manuel Miranda ate being Hermes
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justafriend-ql · 10 months
reminder to all gifmakers that your work is always a unique, valuable contribution to the community. even if someone has already giffed that scene. even if you're not 100% happy with the coloring. even if it doesn't get many notes because sometimes people only look at the 'top' posts in the tags (which are usually just the first posts on the scene after an episode drops).
frankly, the culture of expecting gifs to be made within 15 minutes of an episode airing and only reblogging posts made within that timeframe is stressful and unsustainable for creators, and it prevents people from discovering and appreciating the wonderful diversity and abundance of work that can be found here.
follow your favorite gifmakers, reblog generously, and have some compassion for people that devote their time to making beautiful things <3
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batri-jopa · 1 year
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I love my life highly satisfied just being myself
(Check the OTHER VERSION too✌️)
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choccy-milky · 1 month
I can imagine Clora reading the "Final Problem" where Sherlock "DIES" and being depressed for like a month and sending hate mail to Conan Doyle while Sebastian tries to cheer her up.
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seb would 1000% find clora crying during their seventh year when "the final problem" is published LMAOO and he'd freak out wondering whats wrong. and when i read about how tons of doyles' fans sent him hate mail and were outraged i was like yup, clora would've been one of them BAHAHA. ["Obituaries for Holmes appeared everywhere. Petitions were signed and “Keep Holmes Alive” clubs were formed."] CLORA WOULD HAVE FORMED ONE OF THOSE CLUBS TOO LMFAOO
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all the outrage made doyle resurrect sherlock a decade later, so that also means when they're older + married + have kids, clora's just gonna burst into the room one day and be like "HES ALIIIIVEEE!!!!!!!" BAHAHHAA clora's hate mail to arthur conan doyle is what brought back sherlock, CONFIRMED!!💯💪✨
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beatcroc · 1 year
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listen i love these two being besties as much as anyone, but i'd like to also propose the possibly funnier alternative in which the noise Did Not Know about fake peppino before, and is very perturbed at this guy who suddenly isn't nearly as easy or fun to torment. 🔥🔥🔥2024 DISCLAIMER: this was made a whole ass year before we had playable noise do NOT come at me for blatant mischaracterization it didn't exist yet🔥🔥🔥
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hey! it's a series! fake peppino world tour: [noise]<-u are here [noisette] [peppino] [gustavo] [gerome] [noisette again]
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trekkie-polls · 6 days
What’s your dream cannon scene?
There’s no way I could get them all - I’m sorry if your favorite isn’t here. Please don’t yell at me.
I excluded newer shows because they haven’t been as limited about who they write as queer.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 1 year
Recently, I've been seeing Fire Emblem fans more frequently complaining about FE3H monopolizing most of the new Fire Emblem news of the past few years. And after previously being into Persona 5, I can confidently say, please just let FE3H fans enjoy it.
Because before I was into Persona 5, I was into Sengoku Basara. And it is a sad, sad thing to be into a dead fandom. Sure, in Japan, they were having Sengoku Basara live stage shows every other month, every year, and Basara was still releasing games and spinoffs, and included in every Capcom special event and crossover collaboration… But American Basara fans like me only experienced a dry well. ;_; It was such a relief to get into Persona 5 and finally be in, not just an alive fandom, but a POPULAR fandom. I was SO SO THANKFUL. Everywhere I turned, there was new Persona 5 merch, more figurines, more collaborations, new content, and a continually active fandom. ;u; I was so happy to be in a living fandom for a popular series.
So I say, let us FE3H fans enjoy FE3H being everywhere. You can advocate for your older Fire Emblem characters to make appearances and get merch, without dumping on FE3H. Because having a series with more merch, new content, more collaborations is not something to be complained about.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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It's the 2 month anniversary of this blog! Here's all the main MTXT couples to celebrate.
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