#prayer journals
usapad · 3 months
Custom Journals | Personalized Notebooks and Diaries - USA Pad
Buy Custom Journals, Bulk Notebooks at wholesale pricing, customization is also available for bulk orders on USAPAD.com.
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mental-clarity · 7 months
Customized Journals: A Personalized Path to Mental Wellness
At Calm Corner Coaching Hub, we specialize in crafting personalized journals tailored to your unique needs and preferences. With expertly curated content and a commitment to customization, we're here to support your journey to mental wellness.
In today’s fast-paced world, finding moments of reflection and introspection can be challenging. Yet, amidst the chaos, many individuals are seeking ways to nurture their mental well-being and foster personal growth. One avenue gaining increasing popularity is the use of customized journals tailored to individual needs and preferences. At Calm Corner Coaching Hub, we specialize in crafting…
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goodvibesatpeace · 6 months
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lavender--milk · 7 months
inside of me there are 2 wolves. one wants so badly to worship like 12 different deities. the other just barely has the energy to devote to 1 😭
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dropletmoth · 1 year
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The completed prayer card 🖤 The affirmation on the back is from Marie Ravensoul's book "At Satans Altar"
Please ignore my terrible handwriting >_< I tried my best.
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sabrgirl · 1 year
ten stages of a Muslim believer ♡
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"Surely, men who submit themselves to God and women who submit themselves to Him, and believing men and believing women, and obedient men and obedient women and truthful men and truthful women, and men steadfast in their faith and steadfast women, and men who are humble and women who are humble, and men who give alms and women who give alms, and men who fast and women who fast, and men who guard their chastity and women who guard their chastity, and men who remember Allah much and women who remember Him — Allah has prepared for all of them forgiveness and a great reward" (33:36)
if you think about this quote, you might see that these 10 attributes actually lead on from each other. they're almost like different stages one after the other that ultimately lead to a complete devotion to Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ and a way of living. for example:
submission to 'submit' means to accept. so submitting requires one to accept the truth of Allah through reason and common sense. for example, you look around in the world and think - 'there is definitely a Creator who made all of this'. it's common sense. so you submit yourself to Allah.
believe this submission leads to the belief in Allah. to believe, you combine your emotions and feelings with reason. you're not just accepting that there is a God, you truly believe in Him.
obey your belief in God then leads you to obey Him. He is your Lord. you've submitted, you believe and now you're attracted towards your Creator and you love Him and want to please Him. so you obey His commands.
be truthful obeying Him now means that you take on certain attributes, honesty being one of them. you face trials and tribulations but remain honest. you tell the truth even when it's hard.
be patient the trials and tribulations that you face in this life now give you sabr, a beautiful realisation that you're free from the love of wordly things and instead, understand that this life is a temporary abode. so you're patient and take hardship on for His sake as you wait for the great reward of the true life, the true home. Jannah.
be humble however, through these trials and through patience, you still remain humble. you understand that as humans, we are weak and Allah is completely perfect and have humility in prayer and are free from arrogance in your heart towards other people.
give charity being patient and humble now make you realise that you should be selfless and give to others, share your blessings with those who are less fortunate than you
fast this is also a sacrifice, a greater sacrifice than just giving money. you sacrifice your needs - food and water - to attain righteousness, be more conscious of the blessings He provides and for a reminder of those less fortunate than us. that comes with being humble and patient.
be chaste a believer also guards themselves to block out any access to sin, are morally pure in all ways - physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually chaste and pure. this also comes with submitting, believing, obeying, patience, humility and selfless acts as they make you more righteous, and in turn, make you want to be chaste
remember God through having these attributes and making these actions, you remember Allah through it all. you praise Him, you do it for His sake. not to show other people, but are so engrossed in his Bounty that you remember Him with all that you do. everything reminds you of Him. there's nothing that doesn't remind you of Him.
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a-sip-of-ambrosia · 5 months
uttering a prayer to the gods, whether big or small, in the morning to start the day and in the night before drifting off helps me clear my mind so much that it still amazes me even now.
it's like they pat my head to encourage me at the start of my day and kiss my forehead to rid me of my worries so that i get rest at the end of it.
i love my deities so much.
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lunii-tunes · 15 days
Turning to God to Overcome Nicotine
I came to understand that it was the enemy playing tricks on my mind all along, instilling fear, anxiety, and depression... But let me tell you about the power of my Lord & Savior! The same day God saved me, was the day I decided to stop taking my antidepressants. Once I truly believed that the Lord had come through, I realized I didn’t need those high-dose meds anymore. They didn’t help during my panic attack, the prayer I prayed to the Lord did! (Discloser: Not recommended for everyone—this is just what works for me. Talk to ya'll doctors and/or pray on it please! Lol.)
Since March 2024, I haven’t looked back, and I couldn’t be happier. All thanks to the man up above! Now, I’m not saying everything is all butterflies and flowers—because the enemy still tries to sneak attack whenever he can. But as soon as I feel even a hint of anxiety creeping up, I pray to the Lord right away so the enemy will flee from me. He knows better than to mess with God's anointed! Lol.
Soooooooo... As of last night, I have decided to go all in and quit vaping! I threw my vape in the trash and began praying:
"Lord, I believe with You by my side, I can overcome this nicotine addiction! I want to wake up each morning seeking You first, not my vape! I want to turn to You throughout my day and end my nights with my hands folded in prayer, not gripping onto a vape! Help me crave Your words instead of craving nicotine! I know nothing is impossible for You, so I trust You to give me the strength to break this addiction that’s not good for the temple of the Holy Spirit! Thank You, Lord! In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen!"
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
"Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s."
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muneersecstasy · 7 months
How fascinating love it would be, in which you fear your beloved.
What a fascinating love it would be if you feared your beloved. Subhan'Allah! The real love. For the sake of Allah, in Divine love, i.e., Allah's Love, The love of Allāh ﷻ also includes the love of our prophet Muhammadﷺ, and all the prophets (عَلَيْهِ ٱلصَّلَاةُ وَٱلسَّلَامُ), and the Khulafa-e-Rashideen◌ؓ, Azwaj-e-Mutahirat◌ؓ, Ummahat-ul-Momineen◌ؓ, Ahl al-Bayt-e-Athaar◌ؓ, Shuhuda-e-Karbala◌ؓ, Ashra-Mubashra◌ؓ, Baqiya-tu-Sahaba Ikram (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ), Hazrat e Tab'in Tabe Tab'in, Shuhuda-e-Islam, Mufassireen, Muhadiseen ؒ , Awliya-Ikram ؒ Ajma'in (رضوان الله أجمعين) and our parents, brothers, sisters, family, relatives, neighbours, friends, the entire Ummah and all the living beings. Subhan'Allah!
"And those who truly believe, love Allah intensely."[Al-Baqarah | 2:165] Subhan'Allah! In which you also love the other lovers of your beloved. Not like any other metaphorical love, i.e., love for Allah ﷻ's creation. In which you detest other lovers of your beloved. Well, how can one's heart not love Allah, our Lord, the Almighty, the most compassionate and merciful, to whom belong the most beautiful names? To whom you can't thank enough, even if you spend your whole life in prostration. That heﷻis not in need of our worship, yet he showers us all with his abundant blessings. Allahu-Akbar! Heﷻ is "al-Shakur", rewarding our few deeds with limitless happiness, even though he's the one who gifted us the ability to carry out those very deeds. In fact,
it is said that fear denotes abstaining not only from all that is forbidden but also from those deeds from which it is advisable to refrain. According to a scholar, fear forces a traveller on the spiritual path to hold back and refrain from displeasing Allah. Just like when you love someone, you are afraid of making them upset with you or refrain from doing anything that will displease them. Also, just like lovers who are unable to meet, they send letters, and the lover reads them over and over. Qur'an-e-Kareem is also like a love letter from Allāh ﷻ. From the beloved to you. so that we read it over and over again. Subhan'Allah! It implants fear in our hearts concerning our end. The Qur'an warns us to be steadfast in our belief and practice of Islam. May Allahﷻ guide us all. Many verses of the Qur'an cause hearts to tremble with fear and are like threads with which to knit the lace of life. "And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it."[Al-Zilzal | 99:8]
and Say: "Shall We tell you who will be the greatest losers by their works? Those whose efforts have been wasted in the life of the world while they thought they were doing good. " [Al-Kahf | 18:103-4] Allahu Akbar! May Allah ﷻ grant us all forgiveness and protection against Shaytan and his deceptions. And may he ﷻ make it easy for us to fight against our Nafs and to oppose our desires and sins. Allahumma Ameen! How happy and prosperous are those who knit the laces of their lives with these threads? With such warnings, the Qur'an orients us toward the Hereafter and encourages us to consider it more important than anything else. In his luminous speech, Allah the Almighty uses fear as a whip to force us into His presence and honour us with His company. Like a mother's reproofs to her child that draws him or her to her warm, affectionate arms, this whip attracts the believer toward the depths of Divine Mercy and enriches him or her with Allāh ﷻ's blessings and bounties that He compels humanity to deserve and receive out of His Mercy and Graciousness. Subhan'Allah! How can one's heart not melt out in the love of their lord? Indeed, One whose heart is full of fear and awe of the Almighty cannot be afraid of others and is therefore freed from all useless and suffocating fear. In His luminous, hope-giving speech, the Almighty Allāh ﷻ tells people not to fear anything or anyone other than Him: "Have no fear of them. Fear Me, if you are true believers." [Aal-Imran | 3:175] "They arise from [their] beds; they supplicate their Lord in fear and aspiration, and from what we have provided them, they spend." [As-Sajda | 32:16]. Heﷻ praises those who design their lives according to their fear of God use their willpower carefully and strive to avoid sins. Such sensitive and careful souls fly in the heavens with the Almighty's approval and pleasure. Also, those holding Him in reverence drink the sweet, enlivening water of nearness, which comes from taking refuge in Him. One who fears God sometimes sighs and sometimes weeps, especially when alone, in an attempt to extinguish the pain of being separate from Him as well as the fire of Hell, which is the greatest distance between him and Allāh ﷻ. Allahu Akbar! Why do we not fear him? Is our love for Allah just words and no action? May Allahﷻ protect us! And shedding tears is the most effective way of putting out the fires of Hell. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to put it in words. Cry your heart out to Allāhﷻ, because the thing is, even if you don’t understand it yourself, Allah does. Indeed, "whether you conceal what is in your hearts or reveal it, Allah will know it. He knows what is in the heavens and what is on the earth. Allah is powerful over everything." [ Aal-Imran | 3:29] Indeed, imagine a single teardrop that occurs whilst you’re repenting. Just one single teardrop, that rolled from your eyes down to your cheeks whilst you begged Allāh for forgiveness for your sins. Imagine that this one drop of water, was enough for Allāh ﷻ to extinguish all of the fire and torment that was awaiting you for the sins that you committed. We just have to repent with sincerity. Surely, Allah ﷻ loves to forgive. You know, every tear that falls from your eyes in repentance to Him makes your heart feel lighter, happier.Istighfaar can do that. It raises you in rank even more than when you first fell. And his mercy is greater and ever nearer to the one who comes to him with a repentant heart. So repent and allow your heart to blossom. Subhan'Allah! Lately, I read a quote: "I know of no better love story than that of a forgiving Rabb and a repentant slave." Also, you don't have to tell anyone that I cried in the love of Allāh ﷻ or I please him in alone or anything. When you love someone, you hide it. I know, love can't stay hidden for long. People around you get to know about it through your actions. But just don't express it to others with your own tongue. Yk!
However, don’t allow your emotions to overwhelm you into falling into the traps of Shaytaan. causing you to drift away from your deen, your beloved. Keep your head up and cope in beneficial ways. Sit with the Quran and recite or listen to recitations, get up and pray and make your sujood longer than usual. Find comfort in Ibaadah and know that Allāh ﷻ knows and Allāh ﷻ does not burden a soul more than it can bear. Trials and afflictions are to improve us and make us stronger. Think back on the difficult times in the past? Did you not come out stronger and wiser? Patience is key. Hold onto the rope of Allah with patience and aim for his mercy and love, which eventually leads you to Paradise. In-Sha-Allah! "Fa Inni Qareeb": 'I am near. I respond to the call' - Allāh ﷻ guarantees that he will respond to the one who calls. Subhan'Allah! How foolish of us to think that he won't respond to our supplications. "Na'auzubillah!" (We seek refuge in Allah.) Also, if someone doesn't have anyone to speak to, pour your heart out in front of your lord, may it be in Tahajjud. Subhan'Allah! Talk to Allāh ﷻ, your beloved. He is the "Al-Wali" (the Protective Friend) of those who believe. Heﷻ surely will turn the darkness of your life into light. May Allāh ﷻ grant us all patience, self-control, and strength. May Allahﷻ honour us and not humiliate us in this world and especially in the hereafter. May Allahﷻ cure all of our illnesses, our distresses, our pains and grant us the best of healing. May Allah ﷻ replace our anxieties, our worries, our fears, our depression and our problems with peace, contentment and barakah! "Allahumma inni as'aluka hubbaka, wa hubba man yuhibbuka, wal-'amalalladhi yuballighuni hubbaka." (O Allah! I ask for your love, the love of those who love you, and deeds that will cause me to attain your love.
Ameen allahumma ameen!✨
Fi-Aman-illah 🍂
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Looking 👀 for creative vibesZ cool trendy notebooks for both you and the kids?
Well I’m happy to share with you my selection, all available on Amazon 👇👇 http://www.amazon.com/author/n.de-c_1
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dimsilver · 4 months
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lemondropdew · 8 months
Writing Prayers. What do you all feel about writing down prayers instead of saying them? I am a huge fan of actually voicing out my prayers while looking around at the sky, watching the wind, dancing with the swaying of a tree, or even just looking past as I drive.
Currently, I'm at college, and it's not the safest for me to pray out in the open. Firstly, my roommate is always around. Secondly I live near a forest, in a prison town. I value my safety, so I don't go out at night to pray. And during the day, there are already people roaming around.
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vulpine111 · 1 year
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Prayed for me, Tio, and anyone else I could think of! The blessings I asked differed from person to person. I have a feeling that Tio and I will come into enough money for whatever we truly need. Especially if I remain frugal and stick with my priorities/principles. It is a pleasure serving Santa Muerte. My faith is growing.
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daught3rofyahweh · 3 months
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Starting a prayer/deity journal
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Hi! I wanted to talk about the basics of starting a prayer/deity journal and what it is.
So I tried starting a journal all the way back in September of 2023 but sucked at keeping up with it until now. I wanted to get back into writing in it because I've been wanting to work on my growth and also because I love journaling, plus I used the journal to start learning cursive. I've seen stuff online about prayer journals and I loved the idea so I began trying it, it has definitely helped me journal a lot more even though it still is rough sometimes. I've been using the journal for talking to Yahweh.
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Ok, now after my small rant about my experience, what is it?
A prayer journal is a way to communicate with whatever deity that you want to write to. Its a great alternative for people who might want to pray but are around people, busy, etc. It's basically like a regular prayer but done in a journal.
It doesn't require anything formal. I like using it as a way to talk to my deity about my feelings and about my day. It is something that still is devotional but doesn't require too much. This morning, I was tired and distracted so I didn't bother going over to my altar to sit with my prayers beads to have my usual morning prayer time, so I decided I'll use my journal today instead.
I usually just start off by writing hi to Yahweh, this is a great way for your deity to know that your journaling is directed towards them. Then you can write a basic prayer or just tell them about your day! It's basically like regular journaling but as a conversation as well.
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sabrgirl · 2 months
things that aren't inherently islamic but have improved my deen ♡
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practising mindfulness
mindfulness meditation (focusing on my breathing for 10-15 minutes a day and bringing my attention back to my breath every time my mind wanders) helps with concentration in salah. through practising this every day, you're able to bring your attention back to the moment much better as you train your brain to do so with your breath.
helps to ground myself in the moment rather than stress about the future and past - allows me to surrender to Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ much better and have tawakkul and sabr by learning to enjoy each day as it comes
shadow work
islam is fundamentally based on disciplining and self-regulating the nafs/ego. if you do not discipline your nafs, you will end up inclining towards evil: '‘And I do not hold my own self (nafs) to be free from weakness; for, the soul is surely prone to enjoin evil, except that whereon my Lord has mercy. Surely, my Lord is Most Forgiving, Merciful.’ (12:54). it was a saying by many elder islamic scholars and early muslims that 'he who knows himself knows His Lord'.
shadow work is when you address the hidden parts of yourself that we naturally and/or subconsciously suppress inside because we don't like them. the ego/nafs does this. you can find journal prompts on google, for eg 'shadow work prompts for anxious attachment' or 'shadow work prompts for male validation' etc - whatever it is you know is a problem about you. or, if you don't know where to start, just type in 'shadow work prompts' on google and you'll find something for you
through understanding in more detail what my ego does through addressing my fears in life and hardship/trauma i've experienced, i'm able to let go of those parts of myself, make an action plan to do things differently and become a better person. as a result, i'm able to make better decisions based off of righteousness and what pleases Allah, rather than acting based off of what scares my ego.
for eg - something happened when i was young that made me have an internal fear of being replaced which i had *no* idea i had. yet, i was acting on this fear subconciously, as i've always wanted to be original and i've had such distinct/original things that other people don't usually have so that i can stand out and it can become impossible to replace me. i was doing this so subconsiously but my nafs/ego was scared inside. when people asked me 'where is that from?' i wouldn't want them to know and would become very upset if they tried to 'copy me'. it wasn't until my best friend wanted to know where my perfume was from and i didn't want to tell her and ended up arguing with her that i realised i have a problem. i did shadow work and journalled about it to figure out why i'm acting this way. after doing this shadow work, it led me back to that big change in my life when i was a child and i realised that it hurt my ego a lot and resulted in me having a big fear of being replaced, with the outcome being i want to stand out and have things that are my own that it becomes so hard for someone to be me. after addressing and realising this, i've now let go of that fear and that part of me. i'm much more kinder to the creation now when they ask me where something i have/am wearing is from and, as i feel much more peaceful inside, i tell them where it's from with genuineness and sincerity. doing this can help with so many internal behaviours like jealousy, anxiety, being unhappy when other people get something you want, anger, attachments to people, love etc.
shadow work helps me get rid of attachments to worldly things and people (as the ego gets attached easily) after understanding why i am / why i act in a certain way too
gratitude journalling helps me be thankful to Allah for what he has done for me. in hardship, i'm able to recognise the good that i still have. i've written more about how this has helped my deen here.
writing my feelings when i'm angry and/or upset
helps me process my emotions better and not act on my feelings by being rude to others in the moment
prevents me from backbiting and gossiping bc i just journal about how people have made me feel. backbiting is when you slander someone behind their back to someone else. through journalling, if i'm upset, i can write down my feelings, i can call people losers and get it all out of my system because it's just to myself, no one will read it. after this, why do i need to go to someone else and gossip? i don't need to. i've already released it all.
yoga and pilates
the physical body, mind and soul are all linked. as shown in the book, 'the philosophy of the teachings of islam':
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this means that exercising our body affects our mind and soul too. science has shown that trauma and stress is stored in the shoulders and other parts of our body. having movement and especially exercises like yoga that focuses on stretching, flexibility, breathing and regulating blood flow in the body releases this emotional baggage.
islam is a religion of discipline that requires effort. when you feel good inside, you're more likely to be more disciplined and put in the effort, as opposed to when you feel bad inside which can often lead to laziness and fatigue. doing yoga and releasing my stress through exercising and stretching helps me feel positive and good inside, enabling me to fulfil my religious duties better with a positive mind and body. in islam, maintaining physical health is highly encouraged and our Beloved Prophet ﷺ emphasised having a strong and healthy body.
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