#preferably hug him but I'll take what I can get haha
justme12200 · 4 months
Walton saying "God or the universe whoever SHE is." Uh yes sir! Walton also said he's not an Alpha or a Beta but a Gamma. Love love this interview! I believe he's a very genuine, nice guy among so many other things. Man deserves all the success and the world!
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henza-hex · 2 months
My Husband's Secret 3
Leo's POV (the husband)
We've been years together and only now I discovered Edward's fetish, it feels weird sometimes, but I'm getting used to.
The funny thing is that I've always been gassy, won all of the burping contests in school, cleared many rooms after mexican food, but I wasn't going all that gas ruin my marriage, I just didn't know that it would ignite it even more.
And there he was, sleeping as I had to get up for work... I want me some some quick breakfast without having any effort, so let's change that.
I always wake up with the gas that has been brewing all night, so I covered his head under the blanket and leaned to the side, just for him to wake up to the sight of my ass greeting him... and now... HNNGG...
Edward's POV
." I say, slaI'm woken up by a LOUD bang, followed by a nasty gust of wind on my face, as I open my eyes, I'm greet by two massive cheeks in front of me, as I'm surrounded by this stinky cloud of gas.
I pinched myself, am I dreaming?
"Wakey, were you going to sleep all day?" I heard him asking above me.
I take the blanket off, and he is laughing, greeting me with a shit-eating grin. Of course, that was fucking hot, but I slapped him for good measure.
"Hahaha what? Didn't you like that?" He continues to laugh, not taking me seriously.
I lay my head on his chest and answer. "Of course, you silly, but you deserved that. Just... I waited so long for this, I think I don't know how to react seeing you being so comfortable with it, even cheeky." I say, slapping him again.
"Ouch, did I deserve that too?" He asks, meeting me with some puppy eyes.
"Yes." I get up. "And some breakfast too, get ready, I'll call when it's finished."
After the table is ready, I called him downstairs for breakfast. Of course he is wearing his suit and is looking extra hot in it. Those grey trousers should be forbidden, nothing should hug my man's curves better than me, but they do.
As we sat, I didn't talk much because I couldn't stop thinking about all of this situation, I finally got what I wanted, what now? Fortunately my thought were interrupted by belly pats and a loud belch.
"Delicious, baby, I'm gonna wake you up all mornings for that."
That helped me to dissociate a little, and kissed his cheek. "With that way earlier, you can wake me up at morning even on weekends."
He pulled me close and made me sit on his lap. "So... let me put dutch-ovens on my daily routine."
"What about burp-kisses too?" I felt ridiculous asking for that, but he simply grabbed the back of my head to pull me into a kiss, opening his mouth intertwined with mine, as he...
"Haha, damn, that was deep." He joked as I gagged on the smell, things are escalating quickly. "But now I have to go, baby. Come here again, now for a real kiss." He kissed me on the lips, ready to go, but I held his hand.
"Baby, before you go. I have something to talk about."
"You know I had these... preferences for a long time, right? And before you discovered about it, I had to come out of my way to fulfill my fantasies without you, but... now, you're my fantasy."
"To deep before 10 AM, love. What do you mean?"
I had to laugh, my made me to have courage to do it.
"Hm... I mean, I fantasized about you, you know those stories I used to read? You were always the main character in my head..."
Impressingly, no laughs this time. I couldn't read his thoughts this time. Too far?
"Interesting... but I have to go now." He kissed me deeply, and went to the door.
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"Til later... baby... HNNGG..."
Of course he had to tease me a last time before work.
Leo's POV
Marrying Edward is wild, everytime he comes up with something. Gassy and teasing coworker right now, how I'm gonna make that work?
"You're so quiet today, Leo. What's up?" asked Damian, he is pretty much my best bud here, one of those BIG bodybuilder guys, tattoos, hairy, can't find many suits that actually fit his size, although, always boisterous and energic, one of the best companies in this dead office. He recently married and I was his best man. He and Alex make a great couple.
"Nothing, just some worries at home. You?"
"Ahh, don't even get me started on home. We moved together, and I'm trying to convince Alex to experiment new things with me, you know? We gotta work so we don't fall into boredom like most of the couples."
Was not expecting such a straight-foward answer but I'm... happy that there are no secrets between us? Well...
"Yes... boredom... Edward is never boring, the opposite of that, pretty wild." I didn't know what to say, those wild kinks never fit into a lunch conversation.
"Hahaha he is just like me then! I'm the one pushing Alex for new things, contracts, BDSM... even one of my secret kinks." he leaned close to whisper. "Eproctophilia."
"W-what is that?" I think I was sweating, is everybody freaky nowadays?
"You know, burping and farting... always got a thing for that. Alex acts grossed out but I think deep down he enjoys it. I just wanted to share my gas, making him sniff my farts, burp down on his throat... a distant dream" Damian finished his line of thought and we might be able to help each other.
"Uhm... Edward got this thing too, but he likes my gas instead..."
Damian boasted in a big laugh. "YOU? AND YOU DO THAT FOR HIM? How could I imagine?? HAHAHAHAHA"
"Don't laugh, I'm serious... and now he wants to roleplay..."
"ROLEPLAY? Gosh, you got a freaky fella in your house, I wish Alex was like that."
"Well... I can give you some tips to discover if he's into that, and you help me with what I can do for Edward..."
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ms--lobotomy · 9 months
Hello! You've asked for promts, I will give you some
What about something general? Like confessing, reaction to hugs, first kiss?
You can write one of these. I really prefer if it will be for every primarch,but if you can't it's ok.
Sorry for my english, it's not my native language. Good luck!
hi anon! your english is wonderful, even as a native speaker i struggle sometimes haha. i'll do your first kiss with each primarch! i hope you like it :D
LION EL'JONSON- You had to initiate this one. Not because he wasn't interested, but because he genuinely could not tell how interested you were. "Lean down, please." His breath was hot on your face, and his expression was scrunched into one of confusion. You were finally close, you couldn't afford to mess it up now. You wrapped your arms around his neck and met his lips with yours. It took a few seconds for him to reciprocate, but when he did, he pressed you against the ground and began to take control.
???- You kissed them so well they faded out of existence. Oops. Or rather, good job?
FULGRIM- You were in bed together, laying on the finest silks the Imperium could produce. You were idly chatting about something unimportant, and there was a lull in the conversation. His features weren't exactly hardened to begin with, but you could see his expression soften as he took your face in his hands. He just looked at you for a second, before pulling you in for a slow kiss. You could feel him slip into your mouth, only slightly, as you melted in his hands.
PERTURABO- He crankily tinkered with a small machine. You had no idea a man so large could operate tools so small, but he kept surprising you as long as you knew him. "Surely you deserve a break, my lord," you said. "If only so you don't get burnt out." In a moment of tolerance, he picked you up and set you upon his lap, straddling him. His expression didn't change. But he wordlessly leaned down and pulled your face up, and you were locked in a kiss in a short moment of peace.
JAGHATAI KHAN- Remote locations. Grassy planets. Motorbikes. You'd become quite accustomed to these since you began your relationship with the Fifth. You'd stopped to make camp for the night and watched the stars come out, one by one. He put his arm around you, staring up alongside you. You sat there in silence for a while, before you felt him tilt your chin towards him. And before you knew it, his lips were on yours.
LEMAN RUSS- You were arguing. It was over something dumb, something like whether a straw has one or two holes. To make matters worse, it was in front of so. Many. Of his sons. Who were throwing their opinions in left and right. Right after you made your point, he grabbed your shirt with one hand and lifted you close to him with the other. The kiss was immediate, his lips were rough on yours.
ROGAL DORN- He was working on schematics for... something, and you were idly sitting in his lap, watching as he calculated incomprehensible numbers with nothing but pen and paper. He sighed, and scribbled some of them out before turning you around to face him. He buried his head in the crook of your neck and the two of you sat like that for a second before he worked kisses up from your neck to your lips.
KONRAD CURZE- He's so emotionally stunted, he went in for it at the worst. Possible. Time. After he had erected an effigy at the foot of your bed made of... skin and bones, maybe. Tactfully, you asked him if it could reside somewhere else. And then he knelt down, folded you in his arms and went in for the kiss. It was rough and unpracticed, but at least (?) it was genuine.
SANGUINIUS- He was in flight, with you under his arm. You were high enough that you could fall to your death if he dropped you, but his grip was firm. His wings were spread out and his feathers fluttered in the air. You tilted your head up to get a glimpse of your beloved, and you could feel the two of you diving down as he gave you a short but sweet kiss on the lips. You grabbed onto him as the ground approached quicker than what was comfortable, but he steadied himself and you stayed in the air.
FERRUS MANUS- He was busy at work on his next weapon. It was still comparable to a metal rod. He was concentrating, and you wanted to rile him up. So you asked him silly questions. "When would it be ready?" "Why did it look so... rodlike?" He sighed and put down his equipment and the red-hot weapon, at a stopping spot. He said nothing, yet stared at you with annoyance and something else you couldn't quite put your finger on. The kiss came as a surprise, and it was quick, and he got back to work after.
???- Never kissed anyone in their life, and never will.
ANGRON- Oh? You thought CURZE was emotionally stunted? Lol. LMAO. He was recounting his days in the arena to you as you held his hand. If words weren't enough to tell you how angry he really was, his eyes gave it away. You put a hand on his shoulder, something you had to contort yourself to do. He sighed and picked you up after finishing his sentence, gruffly mashing his face into yours. It wasn't much of a kiss, but you would learn together.
ROBOUTE GUILLIMAN- He called you into his office, with papers messily laying around his desk. You watched him pace around the room for a few seconds, his face a scarlet red, before he wordlessly grabbed your arm, cleared a space on his desk, and sat you upon it. You could see him tower over you, feel him tilt your chin up, and you knew that he was deliberating what to do for the final time before his lips slammed into yours.
MORTARION- It started with a hug. One that you had initiated, one that he had hardly expected. You could only wrap your arms around his waist at the highest. You looked up at him. You saw the beginnings of a glare on his face before his expression softened. He knelt down to your level and sighed, contemplating... something. He closed his eyes, his face coming ever so slightly closer to yours. You decided to seal the deal.
MAGNUS THE RED- It was on a private library date. You were looking at him, wondering if you should go in for it, while he was reading an unrelated book. He kept looking back up at you, though. Smirking at you. Toying with you. Your gazes met, and his smirk became a full on grin before he stood up suddenly. He scooped you up in his arms, brushing his lips across yours before he finally went in for it.
HORUS LUPERCAL- You were idly looking out into the stars, lost in thought. Before too much time had passed, though, you felt a heavy hand on your shoulder. You looked up to see Horus, who knelt down to your level. You thought that he was busy, but he must not have been. He lingered there for a moment, taking you in before an "I love you" escaped his lips. He grabbed your waist and pulled you in, pushing a slow kiss onto your lips.
LORGAR AURELIAN- The Urizen spoke of powers above him with religious fervor. Even in the privacy of your quarters, the words bled from him incessantly. The problem was, you were in bed with him and you were trying to sleep. He held you in front of him, and you turned to face him mid-sentence. And before that sentence ended, your lips were on his. He was stunned for a few seconds, but he returned the kiss.
VULKAN- The stove was a little high for you, but you'd decided to cook a nice meal for your lover regardless. You wanted to keep it a surprise, but his large figure appeared in the doorway before you could finish. You gasped, trying in vain to hide the act from him, but he laughed and knelt to your level anyways. His breath was warm on your face, and his kiss was even warmer.
CORVUS CORAX- You'd come to expect him out of the strangest places. His presence was comforting, even when you were unprepared for it. And unprepared you were, as he stepped out of the shadows while you were getting ready for the day. He looked you up and down for a few seconds, before pulling you in for a passionate kiss.
ALPHARIUS OMEGON- You weren't sure whether this was Alpharius or Omegon, but you knew that he was one of the two because he was slightly taller than the average space marine. It became a game you played with yourself. While he was talking with you, you tried to discern which brother you were talking to. You were right... half of the time. While you were staring and thinking, he planted a quick kiss on your lips. You were too stunned to make a guess.
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pacifymebby · 1 year
Hi! i love your blog sm! i was wondering if i could request a peaky blinders preference for how they would react if they were at a party and an enemy had their s/o’s drink spiked as a way to distract them so they could attack the peaky boys? i hope this makes sense haha Tysm !
Hi lovely thank u so much for the request, i am so sorry that youve waited so long for me to finish this!!! I loved the idea and u gave me so much to work with!! I hope its everything u wanted it to be hehe.
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Warnings: spiking of drinks, violence tv level) also describe the feeling of being spiked during Bonnies which could be upsetting for some.
🌿 He'd been on edge all evening, he didn't really want to show his face tonight anyway, one of those fancy parties he knew he had to host every now and then to remain a prominent, influencial member of high society...
🌿 But these evenings are always ruined by the other guests... If he had to put a figure on it he'd say he despises about 90% of the rooms population and if it wasn't for you dancing with him and acompanying him all evening he's not sure he wouldn't have shouted that to the whole fucking room...
🌿All in all he wasn't in the mood for a party, let alone the trouble that he could sense brewing, this darkness bubbling away under the surface... He could tell something wasn't quite right, he had that warning bell ringing in his head and everyone who entered the grand ballroom, Tommy counted them, assessed them, studied them for any tells...
🌿Tommy saw exactly what they did, saw your drink get spiked... But this is Tommy Shelby we're talking about, the man never misses a trick
🌿And when he saw that young lad slip something into your drink he knew exactly what it was for... He knew that they were only trying to distract him from the bigger picture
🌿And what better way to navigate the trouble than to let them believe that they had...
🌿So he swaps your drink, accidentally knocking the spiked drink over, along with several others, smiling and laughing it off, apologising, keeps the mood light all hands in the air like "never mind eh just a few spilt drinks"
🌿Then when he rejoins you and gives you your drink he wraps his arms around you and hugs you close, rocking you side to side gently, slow dancing with you. Giving you instructions.
🌿"Need you do somet for me angel," he says, "Don't worry it won't be difficult... Need you to pass out for me yeah, just go limp in my arms as if someones put somet in your drink and its hit you all at once... Not right now yeah, just... Sip your drink - its safe I promise - just sip your drink and dance with me now eh and then, when I go over there and start talking with John, you go talk to Pol or me sister and you tell em you don't feel so good, let them take you out for some air and then you do it alright? But make sure you're somewhere safe away from all this for me... "
🌿You're a little worried, "but why Tommy whats going on?" "Never you mind about any of that eh, you just do this one thing for me eh sweetheart, I'll take care of everything else..."
🌿So you do as he tells you and you go outside with Ada and Polly doing your best to act a little faint a little frail. And to you delight you convince them so that when you pass out in Pollys arms a woman nearby screams and Ada goes running inside to tell Tommy...
🌿And as the chaos errupts and the party falls into dissaray, the fighting breaking out between the Peakys and the rival gang Tommy is safe in the knowledge that youre alright, that youre outside away from it all, safe and sound. So he can concentrate on wiping out the bastards who tried to hurt his angel, tried to use you as a cog in their nasty plan.
🌿He's so proud of you! When the fights over and he's sure there are no more threats he comes to find you, Ada has laid you down on the bench in the garden and covered you with her jacket and when Tommy sees you he smirks, chuckling softly.
🌿He gives you a little applause, "Bravo love, bravo," he says sitting down and helping you up, his proud grin painting a bright smile on your lips.
🌿Ada and Polly being confused until the penny drops and they realise that they've been dragged into one of Tommys plans. Theyre furious that he tricked them like that but Tommy isnt paying any attention to the lecture Polly is giving him. He's just looking at you.
🌿"You should be on the stage angel, when I saw you for a second there you had me worried..." "Don't be daft," you smile shyly, leaning into him as he puts his arms around you and hugs you, kissing your temple, looking out at the garden with serious eyes.
🌿"Sorry I had to drag you into all that love, won't happen again..." but you both know it probably will and he knows now that he can rely on you to be quite the little actress whenever he needs you.
🌿"Glad I've got such a clever girl eh angel..."
🐻 Fuckin hates parties, doesnt see why it cant just be you and him having a drink ans a dance cosy at home but then again, he's old, maybe you youngens still like a party... Mind you, he remembers being young (he ain't that old!) he wasn't much for parties then either...
🐻 But he can't insult Tommy Shelby by refusing his invitation and he takes a little joy from knowing that his old pal Tommy hates parties just as much, that at least at this party he'll get to do is two favourite things: dancing with his zieskiet and seeing Tommy Shelby pissed off.
🐻 So the two of you go to the party and he tries to keep his grumbling to a minimum, charming you with all his usual tricks, dancing with you and enjoying the jealous looks from all the other men in the room. He's certain that you must be the most beautiful woman any of these men have ever set eyes on and he loves knowing that you're all his. Loves being able to show you off subtly.
🐻 He dances with you and brings you drinks, he holds your hand at every opportunity, being extra possesive over you, he doesnt leave your side all even...
🐻 So when it happens he's shocked... Because how could it have happened? How could anyone have put anything in your drink without him noticing?
🐻 He's so shocked but this is Alfie and he knows he needs to keep it together, remain calm, remain unsettlingly calm. So he turns slowly with you still in his arms and he searches the room for Tommy Shelby.
🐻 Because this is Tommys fuckin party so its Tommys fuckin fault and Alfie isn't daft, he knows that this... Whats happened to you, your limp, seemingly lifeless body, is probably only the first step in someone elses plan.
🐻The thought flickers across his mind, perhaps this is part of Tommys plans, perhaps its Tommy himself who has done this to you, betraying Alfie - it wouldn't be the first time the old friends have betrayed eachother... But no, that would be too obvious and besides... Tommy has a little class, for a "gypsy" anyway...
🐻 So instead of threatening everyone in the room instead of firing his gun, putting a bullet through someones - anyones - head you know, just to relieve his frustration, just to calm his panic... instead of losing his mind he remains calm, walks purposefully up to Tommy and starts talking over the younger man completely ignoring Tommys company.
🐻 This is tommys fuckin party so its tommys fuckin problem and Alfie has already decided that whatever happens next he won't be sticking around to help his old friend.
🐻 "Alright Tommy my old pal alright have a nice night yeah cause me and my girl are goin now... I know I know we've not exactly stayed very long but you know how I feel about these fancy do's dont you... Fuckin can't abide em yeah... And anyway as you can see... As you can see right my girls taken a turn hasn't she, had a funny turn, passed out cold in my arms just now yeah like she'd just gone and fuckin died or somet..." he's getting theatrical now, those who were with Tommy are watching Alfie fearfully, they've heard about him, they know he can turn at any second and he sure as hell looks like he might be about to snap now.
🐻 "We were just dancing together just now, over there yeah by that big fuckin ugly tree someone seems to have just fuckin dragged in out the garden? What is that anyway a fuckin big ugly tree? You wanna fire whoever put that ugly thing there..."
🐻 Tommy is looking at Alfie and looking at you, putting the pieces together, trying to think quicker than Alfie is talking but its always difficult to stay one step ahead of Solomons when he starts on these rants.
🐻 "Anyway I digress I digress, fuckin ugly plant or not, it would appear that somehow, in your fine home... Yeah and that words important right cause as the man of my own house myself yeah, I like to keep my home nice and safe eh, a fortress if you will... Anyway, me and my girl we were just fuckin dancin right, she was just fuckin dancing, having a nice fuckin evenin and then, poof..." he lets his voice soften, making a little gesture with his fingers like hes snuffing out a candle, "its like she's fuckin died or something aint it... Look at her yeah, don't you agree... Fuckin lifeless mate thats what she is..."
🐻 "Alfie whatevers happened I promise you we'll..."
🐻 "Fuckin fix it? That what you're gonna do yeah?" Alfie cutting him off, trying not to lose his temper, nows not the time to start a fight, nows the time to get you home safe and sound.
🐻 "Well, you can enjoy the rest of your evening eh, gather all your gypsy boys up yeah, put your little thinkin caps on eh and fuckin fix whatever shit you've gotten yourself caught up in this time... But me an my girl yeah, we're going home now alright mate, cause I reckon when she wakes up yeah shes gonna have a pretty nasty headache, and the last thing I'd want for her now is for her to have to come round to the sight of your fuckin crooked mug... Mate."
🐻 Alfie would be suspicious of everyone, even Tommy who he has mostly ruled out.
🐻 As he's carrying you out to the car, calling for Ollie to bring the motor round, its Alfie who starts the fight, firing his gun once into the crowd, wounding one of tommys men with a bullet in the foot. He chuckles as he hears the cry of pain, hears the victim fall to the floor just as heavily as you had fallen.
🐻 His real priority however is you, now that he's let tommy shelby know theres bad blood between them, now that hes started a fight and left the party tumbling into chaos, all out warfare, all Alfie cares about is getting you home.
🐻 He sits in the back of the car with you cradled to his chest, bundled up in his arms like a baby. He'd be talking to you soothingly, stroking your hair, not sure whether you can hear him or not. Wanting to make sure that whatevers happening to you you know your alfies with you, you know not to be scared.
🐻Grumbling and snapping at poor Ollie because hes driving too slowly and then because hes driving too dangerously and you're getting jostled about in the back.
🐻 He doesnt trust hospitals and doctors but he begrudgingly takes you into one and sits with you all night, getting snappy and snippy with the doctors who he doesnt think are doing enough.
🐻 He is so relieved when you finally come round the next morning, he's not slept, not eaten, hes just sat holding you, even when his sciatica was playing up and he was in pain from sitting holding you like that for too long.
🐻 He is nothing but soft and tender with you all day, runs you a bath to help sooth your aching muscles, fussing over you and grumbling at anyone who dares disturb the two of you. Poor Ollie gets an earful when he tries to inform Alfie that Tommy Shelby phoned.
🐻 He feels so guilty that this happened to you on his watch, he doesnt say it to you outright, that he blames himself, but he does make you promises over and over again that when he finds out what happened, who did that to you, he'll be paying them a visit...
🐻 He was really scared for you, really scared that he was going to lose you, really scared that you might not wake up, that he might not get to dance with you or kiss you or see your pretty eyes awake and alive ever again and so for that reason he stays close to you for some time after that night, always holding you, always touching you. He kisses you every chance he gets. Even wants you to come into his office with him so that he can keep you close, sitting in his lap whilst he works.
🐻 "Next time Tommy Shelby invites us to one of his fancy little parties zieskiet, next time he sends us one of those fuckin little invites... Lets not bother yeah, lets stay home just me and you, can do all the dancin we like right here yeah poppet, can have all the fun we like right fuckin here yeah..."
🍂 You and Arthur always go too far at these parties his brother hosts. Tommys out there trying to make contacts, trying to lobby and charm politicians and the nations elite, meanwhile you and Arthur are racing one another to the bottom of a bottle of whiskey you've nicked from the kitchens, getting silly and letting your hair down...
🍂 And you're already drunk, both of you are really really drunk!
🍂 So when you start acting like you've overstepped that hard to predict line into "one too many" territory, Arthur assumes that thats all it is. You've had one too many, surpassed your limit and now you're struggling to stand up or walk, leaning on him for balance.
🍂 When you tell him you feel a little sick he chuckles and teases you all, "Aye my love I'm not fuckin surprised eh, when you gonna learn eh sweetheart, you can't keep up with us big boys..."
🍂 But when you collapse in his arms he freezes. The smile wiped clean off his face because suddenly he understands whats happened. You aren't just a little drunk. Something far more sinister has happened.
🍂 And of course he's terrified, pretty much convinced that youre already dead... Your body is so limp, lifeless, your head fallen back, youe eyes closed. You look so fragile, so delicate, like a feather and yet suddenly he can feel the weight of your whole body and you feel so, so real, so heavy...
🍂 He's fucking terrified.
🍂But Arthur Shelby doesn't do "terrified" he has one emotional switch and thats rage. If hes heartbroken he gets angry, if he's bitter he gets angry, if hes scared, well, he gets fucking angry and thats what happens next.
🍂 He fires his gun up at the cieling, the bullet shattering the glass in the chandelier above you so that shards rain down on the now petrified crowd. The party disintergratea, the atmosphere shattered as the band stops playing and, beyond the crying of a terrified bystander, the scuffle of panicked men, the room falls silent, all eyes on him.
🍂 He's livid, his mind already hazing with rage so that he can barely think, he's breathing heavily, shallow ragged breaths.
🍂 "Right!" he shouts into the crowd, "One of yous has fuckin hurt my fuckin wife and no one leaves this fuckin room until I find out which fucker done it... By order of the peaky fuckin blinders!"
🍂 And of course, no one argues with him.
🍂 Tommy pushes his way through the crowd to his brother, tries to reason with him, one hand on Arthurs shoulder as he tells him whats happening, explains the situation...
🍂 "You need to let her go brother, give her to Polly eh, go on brother, let Polly take her now..." Tommys trying to reason with him but Arthur doesnt want to let you go. The only reason he gives in in the end is because Tommy tells him he knows whos responsible for whats happened.
🍂 When Tommy points out the men who have spiked your drink Arthur doesnt question him, doesn't ask how he knows, instead he loses the last of his control, instead he startes trembling with the adrenaline rush, the rage, the hatred burning in his veins, his mind white and blank, tunnel visioning towards destruction.
🍂 He goes feral, launching himself at the men who are responsible, horror movie scenes ensuing as Tommy and the Peakys all go to battle, cutting men left right and center. Arthur is the most blood thirsty however, driven by the image of your lifeless body, driven by the terror he feels in his tight chest every time he pictures your lifeless expression.
🍂 He can't be stopped and he beats and cuts those men until they're unrecognisable. He has to be dragged back from the smashes in head of one of them, covered in their blood and his.
🍂 He can't calm down, he's practically rabid with his own violence, his eyes dark and changed by his anger.
🍂 But when you come round hours later, when you enter the ballroom where Arthur is still smashing things, still throwing furniture and breaking glasses, doing himself damage, when you call out to him he hears you and he turns to look at you. All the energy draining from him, all the adrenaline leaving him panting and exhausted, just gazing at you in disbelief.
🍂 And then hes just a shameful guilty stream of apologies, hes sorry he let it happen to you, hes sorry you have to see him like that, hes sorry he's too bloody and disgusting to hold you, he's sorry hes ruined your beautiful dress, he's sorry he went too far again, hes sorry he wasn't there when you woke up, he's sorry he couldn't be more help...
🍂 The only way you can cut him off is with your hand over his mouth, looking deep into his eyes, combing your fingers through his hair and his beard and pressing your lips to his cheeks, to his forehead and nose and jaw and anywhere else you possibly can.
🍂 "S'alright Arthur m'love im alright I'm here and its all alright and you fuckin got em didn't you, fuckin saved me didnt you, love you so much Arthur, don't apologise for anything please love, I'm so grateful I'm your girl..." you whispering all these sweet things to him until he's sure he's going to cry, your eyes and his eyes watering.
🍂 You cleaning him up afterwards and then climbing into the bath with him. Probably fucking in the water nice and slow and gentle to use up the last of his adrenaline and sooth him the best way you know how...
🌼 Similar to Arthur, John just thinks you can't hold your drink. You're so much smaller than him but you always forget that when you're drinking, you've been on the gin with Pol and Ada and you haven't exactly been taking your time....
🌼 He thinks you're so funny when you're drunk, thinks youre so cute too, the way you lose yourself half way through a sentence trailing off sleepily. The way you have to lean on him, wrapping your arms around his waist and closing your eyes as if you're about to fall asleep against him.
🌼 And when you do fall asleep against him he just chuckles, "whatre y'like eh flower," he says shaking his head and kissing your cheek as he lifts you up and carries you to the edge of the dancefloor, making a bed for you out of dinner chairs, lining them up in a row and laying you down on them with the little ones who have already gone to sleep on similar makeshift beds.
🌼 He shrugs his jacket off and uses it as a cover for you draping it over your shoulders carefully, crouching down and kissing your cheek, taking a moment to admire your peaceful features. You're so pretty, he's so lucky... All the while never noticing that somethings wrong. Never noticing anything at all until its too late.
🌼 The men who spiked your drink had been expecting some kind of reaction, a ruckus of sorts, a ripple of panic which would start with you and spread through the party like a wave...
🌼 But nothing happens and they're left confused and growing ever more tense waiting to pull their move, knowing that their window of opportunity is running out fast
🌼 And in the end they have to abandon their plan because all is calm and everyone js still having a good night. John is laughing with his brothers and you, well, you appear to be sleeping peacefully with the children...
🌼 So they have to start a new commotion, one of the men taking out a knife and threatening some random politicians wife so that one by one the peaky men are dragged into a fight.
🌼 John doesn't make any connections between the commotion and whats happened to you, as far as he's concerned youre still sleeping... That is until he grabs one of these trouble makers by the collar of his shirt and the cheeky fucker licks his teeth in a grin.
🌼 "Wheres your girlfriend Shelby? Hope shes alright, would be a shame if something were to..." and just like that the penny drops and although john had only intended to wound the stupid bastard, when he realises what the man is alluding to he shoves him up against the wall and pulls his gun on him, shooting the nasty git right between the eyes.
🌼 He's feeling murderous then, no longer enjoying the fight as a bit of friendly sport. But before he can take revenge he rushes to find Pol and instructs her to take care of you, to get you to a doctor as quickly as she can.
🌼 He's worried about you, obviously, but he's also really beating himself up for being so stupid as to not realise that there was anything wrong with you. He takes that frustration out in the fight however, channeling all his anger and fear and upset into beating the living daylights out of his enemies.
🌼 He's anxious to get to you however and the moment he scans the room and sees that his brothers and the lads have everything under control he leaves to find Polly, to find you.
🌼 He irritates the hell out of Ada and Polly who are trying to attend to you whilst they wait for the doctor, because Johns not the most delicate or precise at the best of times and when hes all worked up and in a bit of a state hes even worse. He just keeps gettinf in the way, he wants to help but somehow everything he does actually makes it worse.
🌼 "For christ sakes John sit down!" Polly losing her temper with him when the doctor does finally arrive and he carries on getting in the way.
🌼 But John will not be reassured and he will not listen to the doctor or believe them when they try to tell him that you're going to be okay.
🌼 He gets annoyed when the doctor tries to leave. "Where the bloody hell dya think youre going shes still out cold!" "Mr Shelby please, she's only sleeping, she's going to be completely fine... Theres nothing more I can do for either of you but you have my assurances that..."
🌼 "I don't want your assurances doc, I want you to fuckin do something!"
🌼 Ada having to intervene and drag him away, telling him that if he really wants to help he should stay with you, maybe talk to you or something so that you know hes there with you... Shes despairing with him if shes being honest...
🌼 But John finally lets the doctor leave and he sits down with you, holding your hand, stroking your hair out your face and talking to you, trying his best to calm down and talk calmly and reassuringly to you.
🌼 Worlds wobbliest restless knees award goes to...
🌼 He's a worrier at heart, even if he usually seems so laid back and when you do come round he doesnt stop fussing or being anxious, in fact Ada tells you she actually believes he's gotten worse... If thats at all possible.
🌼 He absolutely dotes on you. He doesnt want to leave your side but he doesnt want you to go without and he doesnt trust anyone else to get your drinks or to bring you food so hes constantly torn between going to get you food or staying by your side.
🌼 Isn't affraid to admit how scared of losing you he was, tells you multiple times. Keeps taking your hand in his and just holding onto you clasping your fingers tightly. He doesnt want to let you out of his sight.
🌼 Overly doting actually to a point where you think you might go insane. "John love, sweetheart please calm down, I'm fine I'm fine I promise... I can hold my cup myself see, I'm alright really love... Are you sure you're alright you're exhausting yourself..."
🌼 But he won't let you worry about him and he forces himself to tone his anxiety down because he doesn't want you to worry about him.
🌼 Again, can't get over how fucking stupid he feels, he can't believe he thought you were just drunk. He can't believe he just left you in the corner with the kids. He has such a huge crisis of confidence about his abilities as a husband/father. You needed him and he didn't even fucking notice.
🌼 He's petrified it could happen again and he does a lot of growing up. You tease him that hes growing too serious in his old age and although sometimes he laughs and jokes along, sometimes he gets this dark guilty look in his eyes and he reminds you of what happened, what could have happened. Tells you again that he isn't gonna let you down like that again...
🌼 Obviously wont listen to you when you try to tell him he didn't and could never let you down.
🍀 If he was being honest, for all that he'd told Tommy Shelby he wanted fame and fortune, didn't want to be a traveller anymore with fucking nothing to his name, seeing how Tommy lived whenever he visited the Shelby manor, made him question whether he really wanted all those things afterall. There was something about that manor that made Bonnie uncomfortable, perhaps it was simply that wherever the Shelbys were involved there was trouble.
🍀 And that was why he had had mixed feelings about bringing you to this party...
🍀Thered been so many reasons he'd wajted to... Naturally... He'd been excited to show off his girl, to have all the other Peaky Boys see you in all your beauty, for them to see that the shy and somewhat reserved Bonnie Gold, could do just as well as them when it came to women...
🍀And he'd wanted to show off to you too, show you how different the Shelby family seemed to live. The wealth that Bonnie was being introduced to. He wanted to show you it all so he could show you all the things he was going to work to win for you with his boxing.
🍀And he wanted to treat you. In comparison to the other Peaky lads like Isaiah and Michael and Finn, Bonnie led a far more simple life. The other boys were always taking their girls out to fancy parties, clubs and restaurants but you and Bonnie didn't live that kind of life...
🍀So when Tommy told him to bring a girl if he liked, Bonnie knew he would be taking you...
🍀Even if he was a little apprehensive to let you so close to the darker half of his life which so often put him in danger and could put you in harms way too if he wasn't careful..
🍀But it was worth his nerves to see you smiling the way that you were now, dancing with him, drinking and laughing with Isaiahs girlfriend and Michaels too. You looked so happy, so beautiful under the twinkling candle glow which lit the ballroom. And he was happy that you were happy. He was proud that everyone could see how you shone like a little star in that room. How you fitted in perfectly...
🍀But neither of you saw that stranger slip something into your drink. A drink that had been intended for Ada Shelby who had been talking to you by the bar, your glasses side by side on the polished marble top.
🍀 At first you just felt a little odd, a little dizzy as though you'd done ten shots of gin without realising it and they were all hitting you at once and when you found Bonnie and told him you felt strange he smiled at you and teased you telling you you'd had one too many trying to keep up with "us big lads"
🍀 He tucks you under his arm and leads you out to the terrace for some air, kisses your cheek and scrapes your long hair back from your face and neck so that the cool night air might dust you and ease your dizziness.
🍀You make the mistake of asking for some water and Bonnie makes the mistake of leaving you alone outside to go and get you some.
🍀And by the time either of you realised whats really happening its too late. Your little world is blurring and spinning and you feel suddenly so unbelievably sick.
🍀So you stand up quickly, too quickly, desperate to get back to Bonnie because you have that worrisome feeling in your stomach, that instinct telling you that something is really wrong.
🍀And you bump into a stranger who holds onto your arm for a moment too long, making you feel even more like you might be in serious trouble.
🍀You call out for Bonnie, your voice much quieter, your words more slurred than you expect them to be. And of course when Bonnie hears you he recognises that something isn't right because you sound so distance. Suddenly he feels very far away from you...
🍀When he turns and sees you he drops the glass of water, not even noticing it shatter on the floor causing a stir. He rushes to you concern lacing his brows together, his young face grey with worry when he recognises all the tell tale signs of something he'd hoped would never happen to you...
🍀 You open your mouth to call out to him but as you do you falter, stumbling forward. You're lucky your boy is a boxer, agile and quick on his feet, because he manages to catch you just before your vision fails and your body falls limp everything feeling heavier and heavier until finally you find yourself completely lost under a thick hazy quilt.
🍀 You can feel that sensation of impending doom grip you then, the fear building inside you, your heart racing as you struggle against the lethargy and confusion which is dragging you down into the dark. You want to cry, want to cry out for your Bonnie to help you but you can't even move let alone speak.
🍀Bonnie is shaking, looking down at you where you lie limp in his arms, your body slumped against his. You look so pale, so washed out. You feel cold too. Its as if you're dead but he knows youre not. He knows exactly whats happened to you because he's heard stories from Isaiah about some of the shit that goes on in the city these days. Girls getting attacked by sleazy gits. Ones who can't charm women (or perhaps dont even want to) so they use drugs to make them vulnerable, to make them easy targets.
🍀He's livid. Pale with anger. His heart beating fast because he knows how dangerous these kinds of poisons can be. How much damage they can do. He's scared for you but he's fucking livid too. Who the fucks Tommy Shelby inviting into his home these days... How the fucks a gang leader as infamous as Tommy Shelby cutting about letting young girls get spiked under his watch.
🍀He kisses your forehead, whispering to you that you'll be alright, saying a little prayer, a hail mary for you, hoping you can hear him. Hoping that it'll bring you comfort wherever you are just then.
🍀And then he surprises not only himself but everyone else in the room, all the other young peaky lads watching him astounded.
🍀Because he walks straight back into the ballroom, still holding you in his arms, bundled up against his chest, the most precious cargo hes ever had to carry. He kisses you on the forehead again and he says another little prayer for you, and then he carries you right up to Tommy Shelby himself, Bonnies eyes full of a cold determination, his anger apparent in the grinding of his jaw, the complete disgust with which he looks at Tommy.
🍀 It must be the adrenaline shooting through him, it must be the funny way emotions like fear and heartbreak show themselves when youre young and impulsive, but god knows where the confidence to do what he does next comes from...
🍀"You need to sort your fuckin men out Thomas Shelby, I dont know what the fuck kind of lowlife bastards you associate with..." 🍀his dad tries to cut in and apologise to Tommy on Bonnies behalf but when he sees you he frowns too and steps back wincing when his son carries on.
🍀 "You need to be a bit more fuckin careful about who you call your fuckin friends Tommy, cause when I find the sick cunt who's spiked my lass am gonna slit his fuckin throat from ear to fuckin ear..."
🍀 "And you say we're the fuckin savages..." he spits on the ground at Tommys feet but he doesn't wait to hear the older mans response.
🍀Instead he leaves with you immediately, doesnt stay to realise the true extent of the drama which kicks off after he leaves and even when he hears about what went down in the end he doesnt care. All that matters to him is you. When he's leaving with you all he's thinking about is how he's going ti get you home safe, how he's going to take care of you...
🍀All in all the attackers are going ro regret their mistake because had they hit Ada there might have been a bigger fight kicked off, her brothers picking any poor sod in the crowd of guests to fight with. But because they hit you its all over much quicker. Bonnie doesnt let you become a distraction, he really does just carry you all the way home where he can keep you safe, watch you through your unconsciousness and make sure youre alright.
🍀He spends all night sitting up with you, talking to you quietly, kissing your hair, cradling you to his chest, worrying about you. Saying those little prayers for you hoping that you can hear him or at least feel his presence. Hoping that you can feel his love for you, hoping you know that hes got you, that youre safe.
🍀 "S'alright little dove s'alright my girl ive got you you're safe sweetpea, won't let anything happen to you lovely..."
🍀When tou come round you wake in his lap, his hand in your hair, one hand on your wrist as he counts your pulse. He's so worried about you, the longer you've been out for the more stressed hes become. His dad came home not long after he did, Aberama had had to stick around and help when the fight had broken out, he'd also had to try and save face on behalf of his son and his short temper...
🍀 "My my bonnie that was quite the performance..." "I'm not gonna apologise so don't even try it..." Bonnies still absolutely seething and will be for some time, he's angry that Tommy would let those kinds of men into his house and he can't be reasoned with. He's definitely going to hold a grudge.
🍀But when you come round properly he drops his temper and shows you only gentleness ans care, ever so sweet as he dotes on you. Doesn't try to hide his relief, doesn't try to play it cool. Tells you how worried he was, how scared he was he might lose you...
🍀He asks you how you're feeling, tells you not to lie to him or play it down. "What do you need little dove, anythin at all yeah you tell me, gonna look after you i promise..." but you don't really need him to promise you that because you know it already.
🍀In the end you have to try and talk sense to him about the whole Tommy issue, you remind him what hes working towards, "Don't throw all that away over some stupid accident Bon, you're gonna be a star remember, gonna be my champion..."
🍀"Come in Bon, forgive and forget, what is it they say... Bury the hatchet..." "Aye I'll bury it alright... In the back of his fuckin head!" "Bonnie i mean it! Please!" and eventually he has to give in and take you seriously but not without that boyish smile, not without joking about his grudge from time to time and not without making it very clear that he isn't going to apologise for what he said that night, or for leaving before he could help thwm fight. "Alright, alright sweetpea, no bad blood i promise alright if thats what you want I'll forgive him... But am not apologisin to him... I did exactly what any good lad would do eh, got to look after my girl, gotta protect her first, shes the most important thing in the whole wide world..."
🍀He does feel like he should have done more, he regrets not realising sooner, regrets even taking you to the stupid party in th3 first place. From then on he's far more protective over you, hyper alert whenever hes out with you, doesn't ever let your drinks out of his sight, doesnt ever let anyone else buy you a drink. Doesnt ever leave you on your own, not even to get you a water when you really have had one too many. Certain he wont let anything like that happen to you ever again.
🐀 Similiar to John, Isaiah doesn't realise somethings wrong until its really really wrong and the fights already kicked off.
🐀The two of you would have been trying to outdrink one another all night. This was one of Tommys parties, one for all his legal business contacts and endeavors and Isaiah wasnt exactly expecting to be pulling his gun on anyone or getting into any serious scraps.
🐀However when a fight does break out, when some uninvited guests turn on Arthur and pull a knife, Isaiah's first thought is of vulnerable drunk you somewhere on your own in the party, perhaps off with Ada in the bathroom or with Lizzie at the bar.
🐀He only realises the depths of the danger you're in when he shoves a half concious thug to the floor and out of his way, pausing amid the choas to look for you, to see whether you've returned from the bathroom. But instead he sees Ada, sees her with tears in her eyes, her face white as a sheet. She looks terrified and although there could be any number of reasons the Shelby sister looks so scared Isaiah knows in his gut that shes crying because of you. Somethings happened to you.
🐀"Ada what is it whats wring where the fucks y/n..." and when Ada shakes her head and bursts into tears he fears the worst. Thinks something fucking awful has happened to you.
🐀He has this moment of hesitation, torn because the fights still raging and he knows the peakys need him to stay and fight. But he's terrified, so scared that you might be lying on the floor somewhere wounded or worse, dying, without him...
🐀"Ada tell me what the fucks happened," he snaps because hes panicking. Later he'll feel guilty for scaring the young lass but just then shes the least of his worries. He can think only of you. Total tunnel vision panic. When Ada manages to tell him whats happened she starts crying harder and Isaiah feels his blood run cold. He wants to run to you but he knows there's nothing he can do fir you, knows the only way he can keep you safe now is if he makes sure not a single one of these intruders gets out alive.... So he tells Ada to go find Polly, tells her to make sure she geta you help tells her to keep the both of you safe.
🐀He's in a blind panic, his adrenaline rushing him making it hard ti focus, hard to think and all he can do is launch himself at an attacker and take all his anger and fear out on them.
🐀Knowing that one of these men has hurt you motivates him and unlocks something plain sadistic inside him, he doesnt stop fighting until hes sure theyre all dead and even then with some of them he goes overboard, cutting people who are already dead/as good as dead. Kicking at their limp bodies until their blood stains his shoes and the walls, until its splattered over his body and the other bodies which now little the floor.
🐀John has to drag him away from the body of a man who's barely recognisable anymore reminding him of you, reminding him that you need him, "Come on Saiah, enough... She'll be coming round soon and when she does she's gonna need her man eh? You gotta be there for her mate, you've got to calm the fuck down, clean yourself up... Last thing she wants see is you covered in all this blood..."
🐀Then all the fight leaves him, hes stressed, can't control his ragged breathing, can't control his shaking. Suddenly he doesnt know what to do with all that fear and upset and for a minute he's scared he's going to cry in front of everyone. Isaiah definitely puts a lot of pressure on himself to be as tough as Tommy and the older Peaky men and the fact that his response when his girl is unconcious is to cry rather than rush to protect her makes him feel sick and a little disgusted with himself. Which obviously translates to more anger...
🐀So his temper flares and he can't calm down and even when Pol tells him to breath, to relax because youre going to be fine, Isaiah cant and doesn't accept that. He just gets pissed off that anything bads happened to you at all. And when he snaps at Polly all "Don't tell me to fucking calm down woman! Thats my fuckin girl there, fuckin out cold don't tell me to be fuckin cold!" he gets a hard slap off the woman in question. "Watch who you're callin woman peaky boy or it'll be you on the fuckin floor alright..."
🐀Only then does he come to his senses, suddenly apologetic and a little more meek. A little humbled by that stark slap to the face. It was what he needed in the end to calm him, to remind him who needed him and who he needed to be in that moment.
🐀And then Lizzie and Ada start wishing they could give him a slap too because he's fussing around you and getting in the way and he isn't helping at all...
🐀"Sit down for fuck sake Isaiah, fussin like that ain't gonna help her..." Ada trying to shoo him away, Isaiah straight up ignoring her and hovering around you anyway.
🐀Will be there when you wake up, will say sorry a million times, will not be able to handle the guilt. Makes a lot of very murderous promises. But youre actually kind of fine, just tired and achey, all you really want is for him to lie diwn with you and hold you whilst you rest.
🐀"saiah please," you yawn making grabby hands at him, lethargic and sleepy with little tears in your eyes, "just want a cuddle, come here calm down be alright just want... Cuddle..." him chuckling at you, a smile painted on his lips by your sweetness despite the stress he still feels.
🐀When he climbs into bed with you and holds you in his arks you hold onto him too, you can feel the adrenaline still pumping through his body, can feel his fast heartbeat and the way hes trembling. Youre not so naive as to point it out or ask him about it, instead you kiss his chest and nuzzle into his hold and you thank him for saving you and for being there when you woke up.
🐀Youre a sweet sight to behold and Isaiah is overcome with relief, a rush of emotion hitting him as he realises just how seriously he feels for you, how much you really mean to you. He loves you so dearly and as you're lying there held close to his chest he really realises for the first time that if anything were to happen to you he wouldn't be able to live with himself.
🐀So he makes a silent vow to you and himself that from then on hes going to be your protector, hes going to be there whenever you need him. That hes never going to let you get hurt again, never going to put you in harms way. He stops messing around so much, stops getting as drunk as he used to, really grows up and starts viewing everything to do with the peakys as serious, as a potential threat to you.
🐀Later you ask him to tell you exactly what he did to the bastards that gave you such a sore head and he lights up telling you about it, very satisfied to remember that he made sure they got what they deserved. And you're kind of delighted to hear it too, the kind of story that just make your stomach turn, your body cringe in empathy when he describes the injuries those gits suffered... Instead it makes you feel safe and secure knowing that you have a man who would do literally anything to protect you.
☘️ He's always enjoyed these parties, theyre so wildly different from anything he ever knew when he was living in the countryside... They make him feel like a real man, like an adult... They're so far from anything he ever expected for himself growing up
☘️And its even better now he has you to spend the evening with, to have on his arm looking beautiful, the most desirable woman in the room. He loves the feeling of entering a room and feeling jealous eyes on him, or shocked eyes. Women who look at him and see his girl and know they don't stand a chance. Me who instinctively drop the hand of their girlfriend when they see you. Michael loves to see it, the attention the two of your draw, the power you have over a room without even having to try.
☘️But that night he finally sees the flipside, the dark threat which looms like a shadow, which follows the shelby men and their partners wherever they go. The truth of the matter is that wherever you go, no matter who you're with, no matter what who is there to protect you, there always a chance that someone out there, someone nearby wants to harm you.
☘️ And tonight it so happens that that is the case. That someone in that crowd of giddy tipsy party goers, has their eyes on you, has foul plans for you...
☘️When it happens, when the 'poison' hits you don't really know whats happening but Michael does. He recognises the signs imediately, the way your eyes cloud with fear and confusion, the way your lips tremble and slope downwards as if you were suffering some kind of turn. He realises that somethings wrong but he doesn't know what to do and when you fall limp into his side, your body heavy against his, the poor lad panics. He freezes.
☘️And this panic is something he will never be able to forgive himself for. Something he'll curse himself for everyday for the rest of his life.
☘️But thats what he does. He panics. He freezes just clutching your lifeless body to himself, staggering back a pace or two, feeling like he might be about to collapse too.
☘️Honestly he thinks you're dead or dying, he thinks he's already lost you, that theres nothing to be done and when he drops to his knees holding onto your body like his life depends on it, he doesnt realise he's shouting for his mother until she rushes to him in a panic herself.
☘️ "Mum!" its that shout that stops the party, but its his next words, words which fall on a hushed and confused low murmuring crowd, "I think shes fuckin dead mum i think shes fuckin..." which cause the evenings downfall.
☘️In that sudden silence a scream is heard somewhere else in the house. It shatters the concerned murmur hum of whispers from onlookers and suddenly sobering perty guests, the scream ricochetting around the ballroom. Honestly Michael hardly hears it over the thrum of his petrofied heart beating in his ears.
☘️Tommy and the other peaky men all rush to find the source of the scream and when Michael doesnt move tommy stops and yells for him...
☘️ "Leave her Michael come on get up, fuckin get up!" he shouts to his younger cousin, no heart for you the girl passed out in Michaels lap, no consideration for Michaels world which is shattering around him in pieces on the ballroom floor. "Fuck sake Michael fuckin move!" he yells his voice carrying across the room, other guests watching in fear when still Michael doesnt move, still clutching onto you, still mumbling to his mum in a blind panic that he thinks youre fuckin dead...
☘️He's so torn because he knows he can't stand up to Tommy, he can't shout at him or put up a fight - even though all he wants to do is tell his older cousin to get fucked - but he also can't stand the thought of leaving you. Can't bare to hand you over to his mother when he really believes that if he does he'll never get to hold you again.
☘️He's so scared and he just sits there on the floor, on his knees, still holding you, your head hanging lip, your eyes shut, your body so unbearably still. He just sits there distraught looking between you and Tommy until tommys temper flares. "fuckin move michael..."
☘️ "Go on love go with your cousin," Pol tells him, "you go and you fuckin kill em for this eh, fuckin kill em... Ive got her, she'll be alright i promise you Michael, you fuckin kill em alright?"
☘️So he pulls himself together, stands up shaking, fighting back tears, a looming sense of dread and devotion, a doomed feeling taking hold of him from the inside as he follows Tommy through the house to the fight which has broken out, which is raging on.
☘️ But he's distracted fighting because you're all he can think about. He's so worried about you and it means he misses a couple of tricks, taking more of a beating than he should have done. Getting cut by a blade, getting a kicking that leaves him feeling weak and full if self loathing. He feels humiliated, even after the fight when he's had his fair share of little victories. Even when hes headbutted another lad out cold and sent his unconcious body staggering back and falling with a thud to the dining room floor. Even when hes plunged a kitchen knife into the back of another.
☘️By the time the fights over he's bruised and bloody and he looks worse than you. Hes in a foul mood, his temper thin and stretched tight because he feels that shame looming over him.
☘️He's genuinely humilated by everything, the fact that he let that happen to you, the fact that he was so scared, the fact that he didnt put up a good fight, that he's ended up battered and looking like a man who can't defend himself or his woman. A man who is only really half a man. He feels pathetic.
☘️ And that gives him a foul temper which he almost takes out on you. Earns himself a slap from his mother who tells him not to be so fucking childish, "Wipe that fuckin sullen look of your face Michael you stupid stupid boy... Y/N fuckin needs you so stop your sulking and step up for her!" "She needs you Michael, more than your fuckin ego needs you now get in there and promise you'll never let anything like that happen to her again..."
☘️And that's exactly what he does. When he returns to you he sees the little tears in your eyes and when you try to apologise to him all, "Michael I'm so sorry, I should have been paying more attention, I should have been more careful... Oh god look at you you poor thing I can't believe it this is all my fault.." he holds his finger to your lips and hushes you. "Stop that eh love, be quiet none of this is your fault... None of this alright... Don't you dare say sorry again sweetheart..."
☘️ He holds your face in both his hands and puts his forehead against yours, closes his eyes and lets out a sigh of relief. Sheds a tear that trickles down his cheek. You're alive and thats all that matters, you're alive and he's so relieved. He hasn't lost you, you're still here. That means he has a chance to make this right. That means he can do things right from now on, be the man you need him to be.
☘️ Thought I was gonna fuckin lose you angel, thought you were gonna fuckin die... But here you are, you're alright now and I'm never gonna let anything happen to you ever again, gonna keep you safe now and always yeah?"
☘️When you ask if he's crying he denies it, then he makes you swear on his life you'll never tell a soul, and that you'll never ask if he's crying ever again. You kiss his cheek where the tear is and smile whispering that you promise. That you love him. That its going to take more than a little drink to drag you away from him.
☘️ He's far more wary around you, who you talk to, where you go, far more protective. And he starts working out more, starts going to the boxing ring with Isaiah and Finn, and when he fights he tries to tap into that panic he felt, pictures your lifeless body and channels all his emotions into every punch, the adrenaline making him ten times a better fighter.
☘️ Loves to hear you tell him how strong he's getting, loves when you run your hands over his arms to feel his muscles and say things like "How could I ever feel in danger when I've got you protecting me?"
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nogenderbee · 2 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ ℝ𝕠𝕓𝕠-ℝ𝕦𝕚 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @sucodelaranja86 request: UHI DONT KNOW IF ITS STILL OPEN BUT IF YES
Rui who gives a mini robo-rui for his s/o 🙏
(yes i am still obsessed with that)
I swear I loved writing it >w< Hopefully you'll like it a bit too!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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Rui has been acting really weird recently... sure, he is a little special snowflake naturally which you loved about him, but he's been even weirder than he usually is!
Because why is he so persistant on coming into his room first and panickly runs around whenever you visit him? And one day you even caught him putting some planket over... something... you have no idea what that is, since you never got clear look at it. But you were sure of one thing... he was hiding something.
Tho one day, you finally caught something more...
It started by him casually running into his room before you even get closer to the door and covering something with the blanket, fixing it by the time you entered, as if making sure you won't be able to see anything.
"What are you hiding there?"
"I told you before, you'll get to know that soon enough!"
"You said the same thing week ago..."
"It's simply... not ready yet."
You just sighed and made yourself comfy on his couch. Whatever was under that blanket cleaerly still on your mind, as you tried to figure out what it could be by looking at whatever was inside.
"Fufu~ Don't think about it too much..."
"Why's there 2 yellow lights?"
Looking back at the blanket, he noticed 2 gold lights that were still visible through materials... and he knows he got himself a problem right here, since he has to turn it off before it overheats... but you're also here...
"Darling... may I ask you to... turn around?"
He scratched the back of his neck, a bit nervous and embarrassed he had to ask you to do something like that just because of his mistake.
"Oh no, I'm getting to know what it is. It's about time after what... 3 weeks?"
"2 and a half..."
Boy sighed to himself, letting his hands drop to his side. His eyes looking for any sign of cooperation from you, yet your crossed arms were a clear sign to him... you weren't about to back away...
"Alright... just... please keep in mind I'm not sure about it yet..."
"It's okey!"
You reassured already excited to see what he was hiding for so long!
Once he lifted the blanket, you saw... Robo-Rui? It looks like it... it's similiar to Robo-Nene from the s tyle it's built, but it looks like Rui instead of looking like Nene...
"Is this..."
"Heh~ You said so many times you'd love a Robo-Me... and since our anniversary is coming up... I thought you may like it..."
He was clearly flustered now. As if not sure if you'll thank him or call him a weirdo for what he did.
"Seriously?! I love it!!"
But luckily for him, your eyes were already sparkling with happines once you saw the robot and heard why he made it! Giving him a big reassuring hug, which he gladly took and let his arms relax.
"Hm~ Well... would you like to see few options? I can't let you take it since it's 99% safe, and... I'd prefer to not risk with that 1%..."
"Oh asbolutely! I'll gladly see whatever you have to show me!"
"Well, my dear... you already saw the lights, which I planned to be a little source of light for you at all times or even to scare off some people when you put it in the dark~"
"Haha~ Of course you had that idea..."
"Can you blame me? But! There's also like... 12 other functions of which 10 are ready, and today, I'll be showing you... 6!"
He was clearly not a lot calmer as he explained and showed you few functions of the Robo-Rui, not wanting to show you all, so you'd still have some stuff to discover on your own when he finally gives it to you!
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @bl4cktourmaline @superstar-ethereal @stellas-starry-stories13 @alicewinterway18 @hakulivesformusic @wabatle @sucodelaranja86 - come get your crazy inventor~
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quixotical-lymbo · 2 months
Hey there! I love your writing and especially with Mk, and so I'm just here to drop by and ask you if I could have some Mk angst, preferably with a female!reader, but if you want, go with a gn!reader. I don't really mind which format, do whatever's easiest for you!
What I have in mind is where reader realizes that Mk is literally- in figuratively way- destroying himself with work, hero duties, and romance. Not wanting that, reader is trying to break up with the chaos incarnate to lessen his load.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and I understand if you don't want to do this, just wanted to drop by!
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Pairing: MK x fem!Reader Rating: SFW Summary: Being in a relationship with the world's hero isn't all sunshine and rainbows. There are many responsibilities that come with it. So, making a decision like this would help you two in the long run…right?  Warnings/Tags: Post s5 spoilers YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, angst, hurt/no comfort, and breakup. Word Count: 1300+ words 🍜 - I like the way you think anon...ur evil >:)/pos
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"Can…can you repeat that for me? I don't think I heard you right." 
"I'm breaking up with you." 
"Ha..haha, hehe, you're funny! That was a good one, cutie! Really got me there," MK wiped a tear from the corner of his eye as he glanced around the park you two were sitting in. "Now, what vendor are we gonna hit today? Y'know I think I wanna try that-" 
MK grimaced before turning his gaze onto you. You took in a deep breath before letting it out and with one hand stretched to rest on his arm.   
"Did I…did I do something wrong?" MK's voice trembled as he spoke, his own hand reaching up to land on top of yours. 
"Oh goodness, no-" You reassured as you took his hand in yours. "-nothing like that." 
"Then why?"
Exactly. Why were you ruining an almost picture perfect relationship for no apparent reason? And so out of the blue? I mean, your boyfriend just got back from his nth time saving-the-world expedition and that meant he had a lot more time to spend the peaceful days with you. So…why?
You stirred the remaining noodles in your bowl, the lukewarm soup brought an unexplainable comfort to your cold palms. With a few glances toward the door, your unease grew as the seconds ticked by. 
"He's supposed tah be 'ere twenty minutes ago," Pigsy's voice grumbled from within the kitchen. "I got way too many orders for him to be messin' around wit my time-" 
"-I'M HERE, I'M HERE-...Oh! Pookie!?" MK's gaze landed on you as he staggered from the door he slammed open. You called out his name with the same amount of adoration as he walked up to your side and planted a wet kiss on your forehead. 
"I'll be right back after I finish up here," MK promised as his smile trembled from the strain of keeping it up. You merely raised a brow at the state of his messy hair, gloomy vibes, and overall…stressed look? 
"Oh, we don't have to do anything tonight if you're not up for it-" 
"-NO, ahem, no worries, my love, I'm A-okay! Just be ready for your feet to be swept when your prince charming comes back!" MK blew a few kisses and winked in your direction before collecting the orders from Pigsy and hightailing it out of the shop. You and Pigsy watched as MK almost tripped out of the door. 
"Is…he always like this…?" You glanced at your boyfriend's father. Pigsy sighed as he ran a hand down his face, his brow creased from a multitude of things causing him headaches; his son being a major contributor. 
"You don't know the half of it, kid." 
There were a few more instances where you felt like MK was speed-running for the entire duration you two were supposed to be spending time together. Whether it was on dates, hanging with Mei, or even just bumping into each other. Your interactions were sweet, short, and to the point. Sometimes, MK's love bombing was downright suffocating. One time you could barely get out of bed with how hard he hugged you during movie night. 
The following weeks were a whirlwind of craziness that you were, unfortunately, caught up in. Watching your boyfriend hop in a truck and run away from a confrontation between a celestial and…was that the monkey king? 
Whoever that was, you were already sprinting back home to avoid getting yourself in harm's way.
That was the last time you saw MK for a while until two weeks or so later. By the time MK and co had returned, you had already decided what you were going to do moving forward. The answer was clear as day in your mind and made the most sense. After all, MK didn't need anything else added onto his plate of responsibilities and he certainly didn't need you. 
Sadly, your heart was still (and still is) conflicted. 
Your gaze wandered away from him and MK hated how he couldn't see your face. He disliked it as much as the anticipation eating away at him, making his hands sweat way more than he was comfortable with. You struggled to properly find the words and when that failed you, the only thing you could muster was a few choppy sentences that probably didn't make much sense. 
"I just think it's for the best," Your voice wavered as the irritating sting in your eyes meant the waterworks weren't far behind. MK didn't seem like he could hold his back for long as he cleared his throat and nodded along with what you said. 
"Right, right, uh-...then," MK stood up from the bench and offered his hand to you. "Can I at least walk you home? It's getting late and I…" don't want to say goodbye.
A smile broke out on your face as you sniffed, happily placing your hand in his and the two of you began trekking back to your home. The stillness that surrounded you both was…oddly cathartic, cozy, and made you feel lighter than air. That heavy weight that had been sitting on your chest was finally lifted. In its place there was a giant abyss left where your heart would be. You ignored this seeping feeling of dread, at least you managed to lighten your—MK's load. 
The sight of your neighborhood caused MK to squeeze your hand from time to time with each step taken, corner rounded, and familiar sights leading to the end of the both of you. 
MK wished in the back of his mind for you to say something, to let him know that this was all an elaborate prank, a joke that you would surely confess the punchline as soon as he led you to the door of your home. 
None of that happened.
Instead, MK was standing in front of your door with you standing before him. The dim light from the nearby lamp post illuminated your skin beautifully under the moonlight.
"Thank you for walking me back..I'll..um." 
"It's no worries, I.." 
The two young adults awkwardly glanced elsewhere as the uneasiness from earlier lingered. You shook your head and opened your arms, "Hug?" 
MK looked up from where he kicked at the floor and grinned, "Hug." 
One step and the two of you were wrapped in each other's confining, warm embrace.
"I'm gonna miss you," MK admitted through choked tears that escaped him. 
"I'll be here if you need me, but we need this…you need this," You rubbed a comforting hand on MK's back, frowning at the sight of his shoulders shuddering and the sound of his feeble sniffles. After a few more seconds, MK was the first to pull out of the hug. His face was damp with tears and what appeared to be snot, the corners of his eyes already looked puffy as he quickly wiped at his face. 
"..." You wanted nothing more than to comfort him further, but you had to draw a line somewhere if this was going to work. You turned to unlock your door and stepped inside, peeking out to wish the noodle boy one final goodnight. MK simply waved as the door closed, your face disappearing from sight but it was the only thing he could see in his mind. 
No one else was there to witness MK on autopilot. The dark-haired male shuffled out of your neighborhood and somehow ended up halfway up the stairs to his apartment. MK stepped inside his room, yet he couldn't even make it to his bed before he completely crashed on the carpet. Fat blobs of water spilt from his eyes, his frown opening to release the storm of emotions that have been festering the whole interaction. 
Only after his tears dried and the sun began peaking over the horizon did MK manage to fall asleep. 
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🍜 - I do not give permission for anyone to translate, copy, republish, or plagiarize any of my written works. I provide no permission for any of my literary works to be used in artificial intelligence. sparkle banner(s) by @adornedwithlight !!
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woodle-isbae · 2 months
Pt 2 of Freudian ?
Freudian pt.2
Tayo "Tazer" Amusan x black!fem!reader
Contains: swearing , smut with plot , can be read separately, Tayo becomes a bully near the end , unprotected sex , links , loverboy!Tayo , Fluff in the start and end
A/N: I love writing for Tayo omg but this Fandom needs more fics for him (and the rest) 😮‍💨---(p/c) = preferred colour//between gold or silver
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You woke up to the smell of suger and loud banging of bowls in the kitchen. Stretching and getting out of bed , strolling down to be met with a kitchen covered in flower , the container that held it open on the floor and Tayo standing there shocked at what happened , covered head to toe in a white powder
"I don't even know how it happened"
"I'll get the cleaning supplies.."
You wandered of into the apartment , comming back with the supplies needed to clean up. Handing them over to him to clean up while you sorted the things back in place.
"It was ment to be a surprise"
You giggled at him , able to tell the sadness in his voice at how you woke up right as he was going to start. Hands cupping at his cheeks and giving a light kiss to his nose.
"I was surprised, not you how wanted it to be..but it still surprised me"
He huffed at your words , smiling a bit while avoiding your eyes. He turned back to kiss you and hold you by the waist , swinging side to side trying not to giggle into the kiss.
"What're you even trying to make.??"
"I was gonna make you some pancakes wit' fruit"
"Huh..cooking isnt your power"
"Haha." Sarcasm
You laughed at him while he held back a smile , eventually giving up and watching you laugh at the joke you made
"Y'know , we could just order something for breakfast?"
"Are you sure? Wouldn't it be more fun to cook?"
"It would be more fun to eat something , with my boyfriend and my apartment not on fire"
He gave you a wide grin at the word 'boyfriend' , almost as if it was the first time you guys began dating again. Picking you up from the floor and placing you onto the counter with a longing kiss.
"What's this for?"
You cupped the cheeks of his face , confused at the sudden affection you were being showered with.
"I'm your boyfriend..can't I just kiss my Girlfriend?"
"Okay then-?"
You let him nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck while you ordered the breakfast. You decided to make some plans for the evening.
A knock at your door telling you that your order has arrived , Tayo offering to fetch the food while you set up the table. You guys began eating , telling stories and catching up.
"We should go out to eat..tonight."
"Oh? Feeling fancy?"
"Yeah , and I wanna make a proper apology"
"Tayo..your being too sweet , honestly I'd take anything as long as I'm with you."
"But , you deserve everything , I'll be sure you get it..as long as your with me."
His words had your heart fluttering , cheeks heating up and your face scrunched into a toothy smile that you tried to suppress. Continuing your late breakfast together before cleaning up and getting washed.
Tayo had left after he helped with the dishes , saying he needs to get ready for tonight , and informing you to be ready by 8pm.
You had gotten dressed , putting on a simple but classy outfit for the evening and did your hair nicely along with makeup. Getting your purse while answering the door to be met with your Boyfriend.
He wore a white Tee and black slacks , his hair freshly cut. A Gift bag with some roses and other treats inside had been in his hand.
"What's this for?"
"My Girlfriend..have you seen her?"
"Think so , what's she look like?"
"Uhh , pretty , really smart and did I mention pretty?"
You both burst into giggles , falling into a tight bear hug and sharing a longing kiss. Locking up and heading out to explore the night. Your journey ended up in a little park with a blanket set out on the Grass , a basket and lit candles with roses around.
"All this for me , I must be that special"
"You are that special and more"
He guided you towards the blanket , sitting down next to you. You both spoke , talking about stuff that had recently happened or how beautiful the night sky is today. Feeding eachother the snacks and fruits that were placed in the basket , doing tricks and laughing when they failed.
After a while you guys had packed away and began your way back to Your apartment.
"Anything else you have in store for tonight?"
"Mabye..mabye not..who knows"
The excitement of the surprise had your stomach twirling , wondering what else he could do to top of what he did tonight.
Unlocking the door and getting inside he led you towards your bedroom , weirdly there were candles and roses placed around the room and soft Music playing in the back. A Box sat in the middle of roses made into a heart shape on the bed.
"Oh my gosh? Tayoo"
"Open it"
You felt so loved , tears swelling in your eyes when you walked closer to the bed , sitting down to grab the box. You looked up to him before looking down to the box , opening it to two necklaces. One had your initial and the other had his. There was also a little note atop of the Diamond chains
'I hope you like the gift , spent the whole day getting everything ready just for you..by the time your ready this , you'll be getting your final gift of the Night - Tayo ♡'
"Tayooo , this is so kind..ugh I love you!"
"Well it's obvious I love you more"
You rolled your eyes at his joke and opened your arms for him to go into , he fell onto you with a content sigh and kissed you all over your face down to your neck and all the way to your hand.
"What's the final gift huh?"
He trailed off , climbing onto the middle of the bed and pulling you towards him , having you straddle his lap while he removed his shirt , keeping eye contact with you as he made these achingly slow movements
"It's just a simple performance before the real show"
He took the necklace with your initial on , placing it around his neck , the silver glistening against his dark skin , a sharp contrast that had you mesmerized by his beauty.
"I think it's your turn"
He turned you over , your back facing him ,he brushed his hand over the back of your neck before taking the (p/c) chain. He gently hooked it around your neck , hooking it around and placing it properly, his touch lingering for a while against your lower neck. Moving down to your back and around your waist , you could feel his face just inches away from the crook of your neck.
Arching back your head , your eyes meeting for a split second , turning your head the other direction when he began moving his closer to yours. You began laughing when he sighed into a laugh , he grabbed your waist and stuffed his face into the crook of your neck , feeling the soft kisses he placed along your shoulder.
"Is this part of the performance?"
"Night's not young...had to skip that"
You got up off him , rolling onto your stomach and slightly turning your head to face him. A sly smirk displayed across your face as your eyes pan from him to behind you.
"Do you have a plan on how to start or are you depending on fate?"
"Very funny , and I do..you'll really love it."
He climbed over you , kissing at your neck and down your back , slowly sliding the bottom of your dress up and over your waist. Wasting no time to remove the panties you had on , he kissed on your soft asscheeks , you began slipping the rest of your dress off of your body , leaving you exposed.
He turned you over , being met with your smiling face , his own emotions mirroring yours.
"What's so funny?"
"Your trying so hard to be serious!"
"You don't like that?"
"Noo , it's better we be ourselves, no seriousness and straight love-"
He cut you off with a kiss , his fingers fiddling with his belt and shirt buttons. Your own fingers tracing the back of his neck , your legs sat next to his torso. Pulling back from the kiss to catch some air , locking eyes for a moment before he gave you a sly smirk , his body lowered down until he came face to face with your pussy.
"Let's get you ready?"
He placed soft kisses on your lips , his tongue grazing past your clit , he's teasing had your legs locked around his shoulders. Attempting to pull him closer to where you needed him most.
"Stop teasing me Tayo.."
Whining out his name when he finally locked his lips around your swollen clit , his face moving to get as much of your juices on his tongue. He held your shaky legs back , not wanting to be disturbed while he ate you up.
His tongue gliding in and out of your folds , groaning into you about how sweet you taste. He didn't hold back at all , getting drunk in your juices , completely forgetting about himself and solely on your pleasure mattered to him.
"Tay- oh fuck!- I'm gonna cu-"
Your moans were strained and choked out , you both becoming whining messes. His movements speeding up when it clocked what you said , he was determined to have you turned into cock drunk puddle by the end of the night.
Your legs fighting their way out of his grasp , locking around his head as your hips shook against his tongue , your whole body twitching while you tried to catch your breath. He placed a few kisses on your thighs , then to your clit , which caused you to shake more from sensitivity.
"Don't think that was it..there more"
The rasp in his voice was purely seductive, he shuffled back up , his face close to yours. Your eyes locking once again. His lips falling on yours , tongues dancing against eachother , your taste lingering on him.
Your legs locked around his waist as he slowly entered himself , he slid in easily with how well he prepped you. Groaning at the slick warmth he felt ingulfed his cock.
He lifted your legs up to your ears , putting you into a mating press , he slowly began thrusting and kissing at your calves. His pace quickening , each thrust sending a yelp out of your plump lips , your legs shaking from the overstimulation and stretch into your current position.
"I hope you like you gift-shit- specially just for you"
He whispered into your ear , licking at your earlobe. He pulled out of you , looking down at your clenching hole , he flipped you over and wasted no time in stuffing you full again with his cock.
His thrusts were hard and relentless, the sound of your heavy breathing and moans bounced off the walls , the smell of sex lingering on both your sweaty bodies.
"You lovin' your gift righ'now , huh?"
He knew the answer , you fucking loved it more than ever , but he also knew your too dazed to even comprehend the fact you came for the second time.
"T-Tayo..I love it...I fucking love this."
You formed those words through grace , your adoration just amplified his movements , he had your head shoved into the bed while he thrusted harshly into you. The way he whined into your ear told you that we was about to cum.
He gave a few more rough thrusts into you , bullying you into the mattress before he came , he stayed on top of you for a few second to catch his breath. Pulling out and speeding to get a cloth to clean you up with.
He got your bonnet and a night gown to dress you in for bed , along with some water and other things needed for your nightly routine. One everything was done he got into the bed with you , your head resting on his chest , listening to the way his heart beat and his breath comming out with each fall of his chest.
"I'm really glad you enjoyed my gifts"
"They weren't that bad , considering you.."
"Just leave it there and sleep"
He kissed his teeth and rolled his eyes , throwing his arm over you to switch the lamp off , kissing you goodnight and falling asleep in your embrace.
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stars-tonight · 2 months
hi ho i would like to ask for a matchup pls! i'll be using this emoji 🧺 :D
1. long matchup pls!
2. romantic!
3. agender and i go by they/them, no preference in gender!
4. not rlly picky when it comes to partner but i think the most important thing is that they treat everyone else with equal kindness no matter what, doesn't look down on ppl and ig someone who's authentic to themselves
5. i'm quite cheerful, i'm also rlly loud LMFAO and i am the world's biggest yapper‼️ like talk your ear off kind of yapping 🔥 i also am interested in a lot of things so i love talking and listening about different topics!
6. i do a lot of stuff... LMFAO i do anything that interests me so i have 28262937 hobbies and i'm always at the next one 💀 i would say the current ones i'm doing are drawing, taking walks, cooking, building gundam models and listening, discovering and curating music/playlists :>
7. love languages wise i enjoy both giving and receiving all 5 of em, tho if i had to rank them quality time would be my first and physical touch would be my last :]
8. i think location wise it doesn't matter (well except like idk near a nuclear plant of somewhere dangerous) but i would enjoy dates where we can talk about everything under the sun or just enjoy each other's presence :D whether that would be at a park, museum, aquarium or even at home! i personally think place doesn't matter as long as ur with someone u love <3
i hope i got everything down! sorry if they're not in order (my memory is failing me atm LOL)
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🥛 when you first think of kind characters in hq you might not think of tanaka because he's more known for . . . other things
🥛 but if you look into his character you can see that he's actually really nice
🥛 let's not forget that tanaka was the one to sneak kageyama and hinata into the gym for early practice at the beginning
🥛 he's also really supportive and protective of his teammates and isn't afraid to stand up to others who are mean
🥛 and he's super protective of those he like likes, like kiyoko in the series
🥛 (we're pretending like they don't get married here)
🥛 and tanaka's also not ashamed or insecure about himself
🥛 he actually doesn't strike me as a yapper even though he gets excited and fired up really easily
🥛 but once he's excited he's really energized and loud (even if it's in public, man really has no filter)
🥛 he'd love doing a bunch of stuff with you and trying a lot of things; anything you like to do, he'd gladly follow you while you do it
🥛 while tanaka may fawn over kiyoko because she's pretty, his giving love language actually doesn't strike me as physical touch
🥛 (nishinoya would be more physical touch in my opinion)
🥛 tanaka's giving love language probably something more like words of affirmation
🥛 he'd be the first one to praise you and call you hot lol
🥛 although he'd also be obsessed with giving acts of service
🥛 you could ask him to get you an ice cream and within seconds he'd be kneeling at your feet with ten different types of ice cream bars in his hands
🥛 he just wants to take care of you and do everything for you
🥛 would probably unironically call himself your "servant"
🥛 although tanaka's receiving love language is definitely physical touch
🥛 every time you touch him he probably starts screaming about how hot you are
🥛 since you're not as big on physical affection, he'd actually treat it as a sort of challenge
🥛 he thinks of it as a win or a reward when you hug him
🥛 but it's okay if you don't give him hugs because it "turns him on" anyway. . . (ew, i cringed so hard when he said this in the show)
🥛 tanaka suits high energy dates more, so think amusement parks (more specifically the bumper cars) or sports matches
🥛 but just like you said, he's happy anywhere he can be around you!
runner up for you was akaashi keiji! (two very different options i know haha)
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A/N: there you go 🧺anon, i hope you liked it!
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thefisherqueen · 9 months
Another day of my Granada Sherlock Holmes marathron I'm on, and it's time to watch The creeping man! The weirdly out of place science fiction story reminiscent of Jekyll&Hyde with the highly creepy professor
Starting with the prelude: I don't like that they changed the daughter's reaction to the figure in front of her window from frozen terror to fainting. The realistic and sympathetic depiction of a common yet often misunderstood reaction to danger - simply freeze - stood out in the story to me. I do love, however, that she treathened to end her engagement to her fiancee if he didn't believe her and contact Sherlock Holmes. You go, girl. Insist he listens to you
Holmes alone at Baker street, obviously feeling lonely and pining for Watson was wonderfully done. He just misses his Watson to talk to! Jeremy Brett's expression as he stared out of the window tore at my heart - the pained longing in those eyes and around his mouth, oh my. Edward Hardwicke's depiction of exasperation when he turns up is also really well done! I appreciate how they show Watson standing up against Holmes and telling his opinion, but still, that tension between them, kind of hard to watch! The sad "maybe I'll see you tomorrow" as Watson angrily walks out and slams the door, oh my dear, I want to hug him
"He is, after all, three times her age" *shudders* Glad the episode doesn't brush that fact aside. And even further expands on it by adding a conversation between the two daughters. It really shows how young and vulnerable the professor's fiancee still is - quite literally his daughter's age, perhaps even younger - scared to stand up for herself or even tell him her preferences. The impication that this is an unequal relationship and that he's taking advantage of her is strong
"Hardly an adress to inspire confidence" Sure, professor in being an asshole "I have never sought to inspire confidence in others, I have quite enough of my own" What a line 💙 Great expension on the canon material here
"Forgive me mr. Holmes I should have told you myself, but-" "But you didn't" Holmes being sassy:)
Loved the scene where the two rascals pull a knife upon Watson and you can see the coffins on the other side of the streets. Great visual storytelling
Poor Lestrade, having to call out Holmes and utterly failing to impress him. The way Lestrade's (played by Colin Jaevons) eyes nearly popped out :D The characterisation in this series of Holmes - as a man who, the more he is harrassed and threathened, the more he won't let go of the case, is amazing
Holmes inside of the monkey's cage to investigate, oh I love him
The professor actually calls his fiancee "my dear child" I HATE HIM
Oh she calls off the engagement in this episode! Good for her! Now where did you get that unethical monkey poison for professor? She doesn't want you! Now I hope he leaves her alone. Somehow, I doubt it...
"Are you game?" "Delighted" That's his Watson 💙
Miss Pressbury looks gorgeous in that smart suit dress in the finale, would give a lot to have that costume
The monkey professor in the tree made me laugh so much, they really went all in on that!... actually, never mind that, turned extremely creepy once he tried to get to his former bethored in her bedroom. Good dog for tearing his throat out
Glad they left the social darwinism out of Holmes speech at the end. "Well, I'll leave the philosophy to you, Holmes" "Quite the best Lestrade, I always do" Haha, good for you Watson
The racist caricature music figurine, more so than the special effects, is what really makes this feel dated. This episode is as old as I am and the makers clearly thought it cute. Jeremy Brett dancing to the music, however, is adorable
I did not like the original story much, so I'm surprised how much I liked this episode. By adding some material, changing some things around, and using the visual medium to their advantage - not to mention fabulous acting - the makers actually really made this work. It's a little corny, but in an enjoyable way
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odiesbun · 2 years
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Its just my old work, sorry.
There may be errors in the text, as my native language is not English. Thank you for your likes!
WARNINGS: fluff, mentions of sex(?nsfw?), a little weird humor from the author and your author just wants kisses.
Number of characters in the text: 4916
- Shoulders.
Chan really likes to cuddle, so when your back is against his chest while he's making music, he'll always leave a few kisses on your shoulders.
In fact, he's willing to kiss every part of your body several times, showing how much he loves you, but he still prefers shoulder kisses.
Besides the shoulder, sometimes he might kiss your neck or behind your ear.
"Haha, baby, you don't have to ask for my kisses, I'll still kiss you every five minutes because I love you soooo much."
In a demonstration of his love, he hugs you even tighter and leaves more kisses on your shoulders!
♡Lee Know♡
- Lips.
Minho would go crazy if he kissed you on the lips one more time, but he keeps doing it almost minute by minute.
If you let him, he'd kiss you every second, knocking all the air out of your lungs and making you gasp.
Plus, Minho knows a lot of kissing techniques, so he can start with a simple smack on the lips and end with a passionate kiss.
For Lee Know, kissing on the lips is most important because he considers it the most intimate thing, plus, you both like it.
"Aah, come on, your new lipstick is driving me crazy! Why can't I kiss you right now!"
- Hand brushes.
Just imagine Changbin kissing the back of your hand and you'll know what I'm thinking right now.
In fact, Changbin is a big romantic who kisses your hand every time you give him your wrist.
For example, you walk up the stairs to your apartment and before letting you in, Changbin gallantly asks for your hand.
"My lady, would you allow me to take your lovely hand? Thank you, you are so kind to me."
YES, Changbin has a probable fetish for your hand, but let's not talk about that now…
- Top of the head.
Hyunjin loves kissing the top of your head because his height is tall enough that he is able to kiss you right there!
Kisses on the top of your head from Hyunjin are always spontaneous and you don't know when to expect them.
He can just get up next to you while you're sitting on your phone, cooking or doing other things and then just kiss you on the top of your head and just walk away.
"I just like doing this, do you mind?"
And he knows very well that you will NEVER mind him kissing you.
He's a very crafty boy.
- Neck.
Well, I just think that Jisung would be a fan of kissing your neck, not only intimately, but romantically, as a show of affection.
Like Hyunjin, he makes those kisses spontaneous.
You're just watching the movie as Han starts kissing your neck and smiles contentedly.
You're like ???
"Oh, no, it's nothing like that, I just like kissing your neck because you're so cute!~"
But EVERYWHERE he prefers to kiss your tummy. It's a little weird, but yes, he LOVES doing it.
- Cheeks.
Felix really likes your cheeks, no matter what they look like or if they have freckles on them. He really LOVES them.
Kissing your cheek in your relationship is not only a welcoming gesture, but also a comforting gesture.
When you're sad or not feeling well, Felix sits affectionately beside you on the bed, gently hugging you and kissing your cheeks.
"Baby, are you feeling better? Yes? I'm glad my kisses are helping you, then I'll do it a lot more often!"
And Felix is just as okay with you kissing his cheek back. Especially on the spot where he has freckles.
- Temple and forehead.
These kisses are so sweet that Seungmin will melt every time he kisses you there and watch your reeks intently.
Since Seungmin isn't very good at expressing his love with words (well, personally I think so), he'll probably show it through actions.
You'll sleep peacefully and he'll walk around the bed whispering about how sweet you are and kissing you on the temple and forehead.
"Oh, honey, I'm so lucky to have you, I love you so much."
Well, he also kisses you on the temple as soon as you wake up.
I just want a kiss on the temple ;(
- Stomach and Chest.
Jeongin often lies on top of you, so kissing you on your chest and stomach has become a regular habit of his.
You're watching something on your phone as Jeongin suddenly falls on top of you and kisses your belly, giggling mischievously.
At first it seemed rather ticklish and you were both embarrassed, but later you got so used to it that Jeongin kisses your stomach and breasts more often than his lips.
"You're just so soft here, I can't help but kiss you… Can I call you my bun because you're so soft and sweet?"
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sydsaint · 10 months
Was this entirely self-indulgent? Yes. Do I care? No. That's my silly little guy. Enjoy 💚
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Summary: The reader gets a chance at seeing Cameron again after almost a year. And she isn't about to let this opportunity slip through her fingers like it did before.
You arrive at the arena an hour before NXT is set to start taping as usual. A few fans are hanging outside the arena hoping for photos and autographs as usual, so you indulge them and give a few out.
After taking a few pictures and signing a few signs and shirts, you head inside the building with your women's title belt proudly slung over your shoulder.
"Afternoon, Y/N. You look lovely today, my dear." Ilja greets you backstage once you've made it past security.
"Thank you, Ilja." You flash a friendly smile at him. "You're looking sharp as always, champ." You pay the compliment back. "Did you notice all of the fans lined up outside today?" You ask him. "It seems like there are more than usual this week."
Ilja nods in agreement. "I suppose that they are hoping to catch Mr. Gargano upon his arrival. Or one of the others." He shrugs.
"Mr. Gargano?" You repeat the champ. "What is Johnny Gargano doing back here on NXT?" You ask.
"Did you not hear? Y/N?" Ilja replies. "The main event tonight? It's a fatal 4-way with some of NXT's best former North American champions." He explains.
"Oh." You nod. "No, I wasn't aware." You shake your head. "Who are the other three competitors? Do you know?" You ask him.
Ilja nods and takes notice of the slight pitch in your voice at the question. "Yes. Mr. Gargano is supposed to be joined by the likes of, Bronson Reed, Cameron Grimes, and our own Wes Lee." He informs you, watching as you twitch ever so slightly at the mention of Cameron Grimes.
"Well then." Your face remains nonchalant. "That ought to be quite the match. I'll have to tune in and watch it. And how are things with you, Ilja? Baron Corbin isn't causing you too much grief I hope?" You change the subject for the moment.
"He's a thorn in my side, yes." Ilja chuckles. "But it's no worry. Baron Corbin will get what's coming to him soon enough. How are you, my dear?" He asks you right back. "I heard a rumor that Lyra Valkyria has been eyeing your title for some time now."
You laugh and nod, patting your hard-earned gold with pride. "She can eye it all she wants, Ilja. But this title isn't going anywhere anytime soon." You assure him with a smile.
"Of course not." Ilja smiles at you. "Well then, I do believe that I am about to be late for a photoshoot. Have a wonderful night, Y/N."
"You too, Ilja." You nod and watch the champ walk off.
With Ilja gone you allow yourself to finally don the eager smile that you've been trying to hide. Wasting no time, you head for the locker room area in search of your lost best friend/love, Cameron Grimes.
"Now if I were him, where would I be?" You ask yourself aloud as you weave through the backstage area.
Too focused on trying to remember what locker room Grimes used to prefer way back when you don't notice someone coming around the corner. The mystery person rounds the corner at the same time you do and the two of you collide.
"Oh! I'm sorry." You mutter a quick apology and look down at your blouse to fix it back into place.
"Awe, that's alright, darlin'." A male voice with a slight accent replies. "Wait a minute. Y/N?"
You look up from fixing your blouse and find your target man grinning ear to ear at you. "Cameron!" You are quick to match his smile.
Grimes opens his arms for a hug and you waste no time in attaching yourself to him in a much-needed hug.
"Wow, funny running into you like this, huh, Y/N?" Cameron laughs once he's let you go. "I was just on my way to come find you." He explains.
"Haha." You laugh with him. "Funny, I was just doing the same thing after Ilja told me you'd be here."
You and Cameron both laugh for a moment with one another, and it's almost like it hasn't been nearly a year since you've seen him.
"Well, look at you, Y/N." Cameron eyes the title secured around your waist. "You must be what? A three-time champion now?" He asks you.
"Mhm." You nod with a proud smile. "What about you? Mister bigshot Smackdown guy?" You tease him.
Cameron hangs his head in embarrassment. "Awe, come on, Y/N." He chuckles. "Man, it is so good to see you again." He sighs contently. "It's been too long."
"Yes, it has." You nod in agreement. "I miss seeing that larger-than-life smile around all the time." You tease him.
"Oh, it's only this big when you're around darlin'." Cameron insists.
You giggle again and head backstage with Cameron while the two of you catch up some more.
Eventually, NXT starts its taping so you part ways with Grimes for the time being. But you both promise to link up again after the taping.
You remain backstage to do a quick interview for the show and run into Ilja again who's got Johnny Gargano with him.
"Hey, Y/N! It's good to see you." Gargano greets you. "Ilja was just catching me up on some stuff. Congratulations on your third championship reign by the way." He adds.
"Thanks, Johnny." You grin and give him a small hug. "I ran into Cameron earlier, good luck on your match with him tonight."
"Yeah?" Johnny replies. "I'm sure that Grimes was ecstatic to see you." He chuckles. "You were basically all he could talk about on the way over here." He explains.
Your eyebrows raise in surprise at Johnny's little joking tidbit. "I was?" You ask him.
"Oh yeah." Gargano nods. "You know I'm surprised that the two of you never went out back when we were all here on NXT." He adds. "I mean, the two of you were so close. Always hanging around with each other and stuff."
"Yeah..." You trail off a bit.
Johnny heads off for his match leaving you with Ilja again. Ilja walks over to your side and decides to watch the match with you.
The whole match your eyes are fixed on Cameron. You'd forgotten just how much you enjoyed watching him in the ring. Hell, you'd forgotten how much you love being near him in general.
"Y/N, dearest." Ilja sets a hand on your arm to get your attention near the end of the match.
"Hmm? Yeah, Ilja?" You turn to him.
Ilja turns back to the TV monitor and nods to it when Cameron comes on screen for a moment. "You've got that glint in your eyes, Y/N." He informs you.
"Glint?" You reply. "What glint?" You ask him.
"Love, my dear. It's love." Ilja smiles at you. "You should say something before he's gone from your life again, Y/N." He informs you. "Pining isn't good for the heart, my dear. Or the soul."
You nod and look at the monitor just as the match ends. "I don't know, Ilja. How could it even work with us?" You shake your head.
"Does he make you feel happy?" Ilja replies. "Because I don't think I've seen you smile this much since I've met you." He reminds you.
"He does." You nod. "He always has."
Ilja nods and turns you toward where the curtain out to the ramp is. "Then go to him. Because if it's meant to be? Well, then everything will sort itself out." He assures you.
"You are the best friend a girl could ask for, Ilja." You crack a smile as Cameron comes through the curtain with Bronson and Johnny.
"I know." Ilja nods and gives you a small push toward the curtain.
Ilja watches you briskly walk across the room. Your brisk walk then turns into a full sprint towards Grimes once he's through the curtain.
"Cameron!" Your voice rings through the room.
"Y/N!" Cameron's stoic expression breaks into a smile when he sees you coming his way. "Oh! What are we hugging for?" He asks when you attack his sweaty body in a near-tackle. "Not that I don't love a good hug." He adds with a chuckle.
"I love you!" You blurt out for anyone and everyone in the room to hear before crashing your lips to Cameron's before he's got a chance to reply.
Johnny walks over to Ilja with a laugh. "Damn, Ilja. That must have been some pep talk you gave her." He jokes.
"It was, yes." Ilja agrees with a small laugh.
The pair watch you pull away from Cameron after the kiss, ready to accept whatever he's got to say. But instead of words, you're met by another kiss.
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mysticstarlightduck · 4 months
For the OC duo ask meme: 🐺- What animal do they most remind you of?
Thanks for the ask, @saturnine-saturneight!
(Ask Game Here)
Rules: Answer the Asks as two of your OCs talking about one another, giving their opinions about each other - those don't have to be accurate but rather should be a reflection about what one character thinks of the other.
I'll go with Arzhel and Elodie from The Forgotten Ones + Jack and Deimos from Supernova Initiative + Renn and Kane from Song of Thorns!
Arzhel & Elodie:
🐺- What animal do they most remind you of?
Arzhel - "Elodie? She reminds me of a country mouse. But not in a necessarily bad way... rather because she is very energetic, always scurrying from one place to the other, full of boundless energy that sometimes is endearing and sometimes annoys me to no end. She's also really fast, and somewhat cute, but also mischievous and can sneak into almost any place that you can think of. I think a country mouse fits her personality quite well!"
Elodie - "He reminds me of a small, feral fox that will bite anyone that comes near it but is actually just really, really scared. The kind that has been through some shit in life, and thinks everything is out to get them, even if it's just a fallen leaf. The kind of fox that I would wanna pet and share my rations with but then get yelled at by it for getting too close, even though it begrudgingly stays near me regardless. That feral alley animal energy which stems from a lack of hugs as a when that fox was a pup. In other words, someone just really needed love as a kid but didn't get it in time, and so grew up weird. That's Arzhel for me. Still love him though."
Deimos - "Jack 100% reminds me of a Golden Retriever. He just has that kind of energy. I would know, I practically grew up with the guy. What do I mean? Well, for starters: an overly selfless personality that prefers to make others happy than to care for his own needs even if it has consequences later. He is also really smart, painfully extroverted, and is surprisingly a really good swimmer for someone who practically lives in outer space. And can't forget the always flawless, somehow 'stylishly messy' (he says that in a mock of Jack's voice) hair that confuses me to no end to this day."
Jack - "Hm. I would say that Deimos reminds me of a grumpy black cat. The type of cat that wants cuddles but will hiss, bite and look pissed the entire time. He is introverted, spends way too much time indoors playing old video games, has a borderline obsessive tendency towards perfectionism and symmetry, hates loud places, and is the grumpiest, most serious guy I know. Deimos will probably hate me for this, but fun fact: when he is really pissed off, he sometimes hisses like a cat. I know it's a natural sound for his alien species but for me it sounds like a cat and will always sound like a cat no matter what he says, haha. I'm also legitimately concerned that if someone startles him way too suddenly he might get stabby. Not with his claws, but with his knives. Which is so much worse."
Kane - "Ugh, I know you're gonna say I'm being unimaginative or cliche by saying this, because yes, Dhampyr... but Renn seriously reminds me of a bat. First of all the guy can turn into a giant bat - how am I supposed to not associate him with bats after that?! Second, I don't know. He just has that vibe. Full-time night owl even though he is diurnal, hates waking up early, has that 1000-yard stare that probably pierces straight through your soul, drinks blood, and so on. He is a bat and for me that's the most accurate representation of the dude for me. I'm pretty sure one day I'm walk up to him just chilling upside down on a ceiling and I'm gonna have to accept that as a simple fact of life."
Renn - "Kane reminds me of a peacock. Proud, cocky, 'pretty boy' who wants to be admired so much he forgets to take care of himself and so I and my friends end up having to save him every damn time. Yes, he is a good knight. Yes, the King is a scoundrel for betraying him - and quite honestly for everything else. But also, for the Goddess' sake, why the fuck does Kane have to not think through a single plan in his life before doing it? He is a peacock. I'm sure of it. A very proud and handsome one, but still needs to work on those self-awareness skills urgently."
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marsbar17 · 1 year
could you do octane and crytpo sfw and nsfw headcanons? kind of an enemies to friends/fuckbuddies to lovers kind of deal? specifically with trans octane? its cool if not haha thank you
I've gotchu buddy
Also small note, everyone's requests (and by that I mean the 3 that I've gotten so far) have made me really happy! I love writing and I love apex and i love attention yknow dhdbsnja. So please keep sending requests!
Heads up, this one is pretty long cuz I got really into it
• At first, Octane found Crypto to be terribly boring, and would constantly nag him to just do something fun for once in his life
• Crypto thought Octane was annoying obviously, and a few times even purposefully sought him out in the games just to get the satisfaction of killing the lil' shit
• This goes on for a while, until one day Octane wasn't there to annoy Crytpo. He was probably off drinking at Mirage's bar or doing god knows what and Crypto just feels like something is missing
• He obviously can't be missing the annoying fucker right? All he's done is piss him off, yet when he finally has his own room to himself and he can just sit at his desk in silence, Crypto feels lost
• He would never admit it, but he realized that day that he actually enjoys the others company. It gives him the social interaction that he's been missing, and even though it pisses him off it's worse without it
• Crypto starts to agree to some of Octanes crazy shenanigans, being his lookout if he's pranking other legends and stuff like that
• Octane is over the moon, hanging out with the other pretty much 24/7
• After their first time hooking up (which I'll write in the nsfw stuff), things were a little different, but still moving slowly
• Octane nags Crypto less, but obviously still does
• Crypto starts to realize that he actually cares for Octane
• It takes a long time but eventually they start dating
• Octane probably asks Crypto out first, and it probably takes a while for him to convince the other than he actually will take it slow and not rush things
• They're not very affectionate in public, knowing glances and soft touches but nothing more
• In private they're practically attached to each other, Octane sits in Cryptos lap while he codes at his desk and hugs him from behind while he's cooking
• They move slowly, but they work. Probably the only time that Octane is slow pffff
• The first time they get together was probably due to Crypto being angry at Octane, hate sex mmmmm
• Octane does something reckless that goes too far and Crypto confronts him about how dumb he is sometimes
• "Sometimes I want to just pin you down so you can't piss me off, teach you a lesson."
• And that he does, Octane still won't admit he was wrong and Crypto probably drags him into his room and pins him to the wall, taking him right then and there
• It's consensual don't worry, but Crypto probably prefers to read the others body language and expression other than bluntly asking
• All the frustration turns into need the second that Octane whines at his aggressiveness
• It's not soft or affectionate, just all the built up emotion coming out in the form of rough sex against the door
• Crypto is surprised at Octane being trans, but doesn't do anything about it other than raise his eyebrows is shock and then move on
• He holds Octanes thighs against the door to keep him up and eats him out, Octane is desperately grasping at the others hair with one hand and covering his mouth with the other to keep quiet
• Probably makes him cum a couple times before even moving to the bed
• Tells Octane that he won't fuck him until he apologizes and begs for forgiveness
• When Crypto finally let's up, he carries Octane to the bedroom and manipulates him into doggy, pushing his face into the pillows while he pushes inside, making Octane groan
• The heat and feel of Octane around him seems to relieve all of Cryptos stress
• It's messy and rough, but it's all running off of adrenaline and the heat of the moment
• Crypto cums all over Octanes lower back and then he finally let's go, silently getting up to get a towel and wipe the other off
• They don't talk about it for a while, both still shocked at what happened
• After that they fuck casually every once in a while, but still deny their feelings for each other for a long time before they start dating
• Crypto is softer after the first time, but hate sex is something that still happens often, even when dating
• Octane is an annoying little shit alright, sometimes you gotta out him in his place
Thank you for reading!
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bruhhhh-huhhhhh · 2 years
Hello friend! Heres my info for the matchup exchange :D! I’d prefer a male killer from DBD, but honestly, if a survivor matches more with me thats cool too! (I’m a massive wesker simp but disregard this if he doesn’t match well with me, I promise I’m fine with it :D!!)
I use any pronouns :) I'm 5’6, I have very fair skin (i can't wear most concealer because im too pale :,) I have beauty marks that can be seen on my entire body, I have a slightly curly, blonde wolfcut, and light blue eyes. I have an hourglass shape, I am a little chubby though and have thicker thighs and uh... chest. I'm normally pretty careful.. but I do have a few scars on my knees from times I've tripped :,)) I'm proud of it all though!
Personality wise, l'm pretty dependent on other people's moods, if they're calm, I am too. Sad? Same here.. Besides that l'm usually very quiet and observant, preferring to watch the conversation rather than join in, ya know? l’ll only step in if someone asks my opinion or its something i'm super interested in/have lots of knowledge about. Seriously, I'll rant for hours to my s/o about my interests. I tend to be hyperactive and affectionate around people I care about though (especially my s/o), I absolutely will cuddle up next to them at any given moment, no questions asked. (I also will endlessly flirt with my partner if im feeling like an absolute gremlin-) I also love to playfully tease my partner, I will actually tackle them istg- l'm super caring and loyal too, so l'll make sure they know how appreciative I am of them with compliments and little gifts (random things I found that I thought they’d like- I’m like a crow-)!
I have bad anxiety which constantly makes me overthink things and fear that my partner is only with me out of pity.. Which only leads me to being jealous of others around my s/o. Haha clingy much ? :,))
Anyways, my hobbies include photography, knitting/sewing, playing video games, writing, listening to music, and fashion design!
Love language: Physical touch, gift giving, quality time.
Thank you so much and please take your time on this! Happy holidays :DD !
omg yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Anyways, I match you with...
Albert Wesker!
Please you two are a match made in... the entity's realm. I guess
Don't worry about the concealer, he'll have the entity make some especially for you. He doesn't care what it takes. All 4 kills every trail for the next ten trials? They're dead. A blood sacrifice? Already done. Albert doesn't really care if you wear it or not. You're still as beautiful to him either way, but if it makes you happy, he'll do anything to get it for you
This man will hug, squeeze, kiss, or even bite your curves every chance he can get. You can't blame him though! You're just so...squishy, and he loves it.
He's almost always calm, so you will be too. Seriously, this man needs to learn to express his feelings more often.
Pretty much the only time Wesker isn't calm is after an especially difficult trail. You get one of two versions of him. He's either very VERY angry, to the point where he'll excuse himself to go let put some of said anger, or he gets really affectionate. You won't be getting up for a while.
Please rant to him about anything you want. He loves it so much, even if it looks like he doesn't. It makes Wesker content to see you so excited.
He's never content
Flirt with him, I dare you. He'll flirt back so hard. It'd be funny to watch you guys go back and forth, trying to fluster the other
Albert almost always wins
He will keep each and every gift that you give him in his drawer at RPD. The entity makes it to where the drawer that he keeps them in is much bigger than it looks.
Don't worry about being jealous, Albert literally never interacts with others. He only does if either you or the entity makes him.
Please make him socialize, he needs it sometimes
Make him a new outfit and he'll love it. He may not wear it in trials, but he'll wear it when no one other than you can see it. He has an image to uphold, just not around you
If you're a survivor, Wesker will still chase you around in the trails. He won't hurt you, heavens no! He'll just get your adrenaline going
He'll also make it VERY clear to all the other survivors and killers that you aren't to be touched.
One time, Ace scoffed at you and said some...unsavory things. When you finally told Wesker about it, he made sure that Ace had a very interesting trail. He did some things that even the entity couldn't stop.
His head was delivered to the campfire on a stick :)
Anytime any of the killers even look at you for too long, let alone sacrifice you, they get an earful from Albert. And maybe a sock to the jaw if they argue back-
If you're a fellow killer, he'll sit there and let you vent about survivors being dicks and anything else you want to vent about
All in all, he enjoys your presence very much and will let you do anything you want
Treat him well :D
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hulijingemperor2 · 8 months
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Qin Su: *wakes up to see A-Yao and some attendants, who were holding trays of food.*
Yao: morning darling.
Qin Su: aww, A-Yao, you didn't have to do this. They would have delivered breakfast to us.
Yao: yes. *sits next to her* but I decided to wake up earlier and arrange breakfast for my wife.
I reminded the chefs about your food preferences too.
Qin Su: Yao Huangdi is too kind. *blushing*
Yao: haha. How did I become Yao Huangdi all of a sudden?
Qin su: my husband is too kind. Now how does that sound?
Yao: better. Let's have some breakfast.
Qin Su: what are you going to do today, A-Yao?
Yao: imperial court. You know the hulijings need managing.
Qin Su: right! But what do I do when you're busy?
Yao: you can hang out with the harem and A-niang. And I'll be back shortly.
*caresses her face* next to you.
Qin Su: sounds fun.
Tai hou is so fun to hang out with.
Yao: indeed. We got to meet her soon.
And that reminds me. The harem are coming over later.
Qin Su: to evaluate me or something? Lol.
Yao: no
Could they ever evaluate their Huanghou?
You guys would just mix and mingle, and maybe bad talk me. *laughing*
Qin Su: haha, A-Yao you're too flawless. How could someone bad talk you.
Mo xuanyu: *hiding with team d* I AGREE! I mean. I'm just a closet, Yao gege.
Yao: A-Su, you'll get used to it.
Team dimple.
Team d: *walking out*
Mo xuanyu: morning Yao gege.
Xue yang: Jiggy, you and Miss Qin look beautiful. Love you two!!! Ok.
Su she: morning Huangdi and Huanghou. *blushing*
Qin Su: Huanghou?! Just call me Meng Furen or Qin Su. It's fine.
Su she: no, if I call you Huanghou, it would remind me that you're higher than Lan lips.
Qin Su: I agree.
Su she: mhm.
Yao Huangdi. *kisses his hand* good morning again*
Mo xuanyu: *kisses his dimple*
Xue yang: *does the same* looking hot.
Yao: morning team dimple. *smiling*
Qin Su: aww, is that a cute routine?
Yao: yup. They come to give me morning kisses.
Mo xuanyu: cute right?
Xue yang: hot right?
Su she: cuz we love him!
Qin su: couple of simps.
Yao: but they're adorable.
Yao and Qin Su: *bowing*
Yao: morning A-niang.
Qin Su: morning Tai hou.
Meng Shi. Hi babies. Ah, look how cute you two look. *hugs*
Qin Su: *pours out tea* here you go. You were maybe waiting for your daughter-in-law to pour you tea.
Meng Shi: *joking* gosh, did Sisi tell you?
Qin Su: I guess it's instincts!
Meng Shi: you're so smart.
Meng Shi: Yao'er, *caresses his face* what's up.
Yao: *holds her wrist affectionately* just some work, A-niang.
Meng Shi: sweet.
Well your fox spirits need you, A-Yao.
You make me so so proud.
Yao: as I should.
Meng Shi: how's it going with the Kitsunes and Gumihos? Are they friends now?
Yao: yup. They settled their disagreements perfectly.
Meng Shi: that's nice.
Go enjoy your imperial court.
Yao: mn.
*cups Qin Su's face* I'll back shortly, dear.
Qin Su: of course.
Meng Shi: where's Dianxia? Is he going to imperial court too?
Yao: yes. As usual.
Oh, and look he's here.
Rusong: *enters, wearing a hat just like A-Yao. * hey Nainai, A-Die, A-niang!
Yao: Song'er you look so handsome. *kisses his forehead* Now where's Jingyi?
Rusong: on his way, A-Die.
Yao: I see. *smile*
Qin Su: *kisses Rusong*
Meng Shi: you look a lot like your A-Die.
Rusong: thank you, Nainai.
Qin Su: A-Yao, we have such a dashing son!
Yao: hmm yes. Now two dashing sons.
Jingyi: Diedie. I'm here. *enters* sorry I'm late.
Yao: it's fine dear. *adjusts Jingyi's hat*
Qin Su: morning Yi'er. Looking sweet as well.
Jingyi: thanks A-niang!
Meng Shi; awww. You two are really taking up after your A-Die. Very elegant.
Jingyi: I feel hot under this gauze hat. But I know i won't faint.
And Rusong gave me a hack.
Yao: really? What's that?
Rusong: you wear loose gauze hats so that the heat won't be trapped. But I would use something with fine needlework, so that tiny holes would be formed.
Yao: aw quite smart!
Jingyi: he's a genius..
Yao: shall we?
Rusong: mn.
Jingyi: heehee, after you, Huangdi.
Yao: lol.
Later that day, the harem were bickering amongst themselves.
Mingjue: so A-Yao remarried Qin Su.
Su she: Yes. And my emperor always makes the best decision.
Do you have a problem?
Mingjue: no. But what if toxic people start tormenting them again.
Sometimes I worry about him, you know.
Xue yang: since when, dage.
Mingjue: *sighs* since huaisang started his revenge plot.
Huaisang: Dageee, I told you, I have stopped being evil. I don't have any time.
Mingjue: you're a chronic villain, Huaisang. Just accept your fate.
Huaisang: now what's a chronic villain? Dage! That doesn't make any sense.
Mingjue: first you're normal, them  you get possessed by God knows what and return to your revenge arc.
Huaisang: Dage, I'm not like your Saber and saber spirits, ok. How could I be possessed.
Mo xuanyu: oh gosh. Not even the spirits want to deal with huaisang. *laughing*
Xue yang: is the dude that bad?
Su she: Huaisang, I think you need a therapist.
Huaisang: team dimple! Why are you so mean!! Jiang cheng, hold me. *hugs*
Jiang cheng: you're a grown man.
Huaisang: and you're my husband. Now shut up and hug me.
Jiang cheng: fine.
There there. If you ignore team dimple maybe they'll go away.
Su she: never.
Mo xuanyu: maybe when you turn your life around and get a makeover, then we'll leave you alone!
Xichen: *playing flute music*
Mingjue: why is Xichen so unbothered?
Xue yang: then why are you so concerned. Let him toot the flute.
Ooooo, are you worried that Jiggy have a new harem member? You need Xichen to brainstorm about ways to catch his attention.
Mingjue: *blushing* you better shut up. Or I'll knock out your teeth.
Xue yang: is that a kink? Dage.
Huaisang: leave my dage alone!! Xue yang.
Xue yang: who else do you want me to harass?! This guy is horny for Jiggy and won't admit it!
Su she: guys, did you get the gifts, for the new harem member?
Huaisang: I brought one.
Mingjue: why haven't you told me!
Huaisang: *whimpering* I thought you knew dage.
Mingjue: obviously not.
Huaisang: how am I supposed to read your mind!
Mingjue: I don't know! Aren't you supposed to be my brother?!
Xue yang: bought mine.
Mo xuanyu: yea, got mine too.
Jiang cheng: same.
Su she: mn. Same.
Xichen: I didn't get the memo!
Su she: shoot.
Xue yang: *gasps* Xichen, Mingjue. You dare disobey your chief cultivator Su.
Mingjue: he did this on purpose! He hates Xichen and I.
Su she: I didn't do anything. Now have respect.
And yes, I hate you both.
Mingjue: you're evil, and biased. I don't know why and how you became the chief cultivator!
Mo xuanyu: Dage! Watch your words!
Xue yang: yea dude. Team d looks out for each other.
If you say something like that again, you'll end up like a porkchop.
Mingjue: is that a threat?!
Chief cultivator, he's threatening me!
Su she: because you provoked him. Now let's don't fight.
Xichen: my husband Yao huangdi got everything in control.
Jiang cheng: team dimple is so damn entitled.
Huaisang: I know right.
They always feel like they're better than us
Xichen: guys, I agree.
Mo xuanyu: because Yao gege loves us more than you.
Xue yang: it's a fact.
Su she: sect leaders, don't forget the annual conference in Moling, by the way.
You're all invited.
We must discuss on the Jianghu's operations.
Mingjue: are you sure?! Is that invitation for everyone?
Su she: what do you think.
Mingjue: ohh...I'll show you porkchop!
Mo xuanyu: guys, chill! We got to welcome the other woman.
Jiang cheng: ew. Are you and Wei wuxian the same?! You grown ass men are calling someone the other woman. *rolls eyes*
Mo xuanyu: oh shut up, you purple homopbobe. You're married to three guys.
Qin su: *comes in* hey guys.
Xue yang: hey Susu. Here's your gift. *hands her some gold hairpins* I'm rich, like a prince. By the way. *wink*
Qin su: uh thanks. They're beautiful hairpins, xue yang.
Xue yang: so you like the emperor? What about me? Am I hot.
Mo xuanyu: stop it!
Qin gui fei, we're Team dimple. The best concubines of emperor Guangyao.
Huaisang: rude.
Mo xuanyu: I got you lipstick and some other makeup supplies. Welcome to the harem, Jiejie.
Qin Su: thank you cutie xuanyu.
Xue yang: hey! Why aren't I cute.
Qin Su: cuz a cute gremlin doesn't exist.
Xue yang: I love how you're savage.
Qin Su: anyways. I'm happy that you have served My Yao Huangdi, Chengmei.
Su she: here's my gift, Qin jiejie. A few poems.
Qin Su: waww. I'll definitely indulge in these.
Su she: and don't worry. They weren't STOLEN!!
Xichen: *rolls eyes*
Huaisang: Qin su. Here's some gurly fans. Since you're an empress, it would suit you.
Qin Su: thanks Huaisang.
Huaisang: if it wasn't for princess Ruhua, I won't be here. She gave me leave.
Qin Su: a 6 year old gave you a day off?
Huaisang: tough life right?
And Zixuan and A-ling weren't  around.
Qin Su: oh dear. *laughing*
Huaisang: *pouting*
Qin Su: *bursts into laughter* Jiang cheng?!!!!!
Jiang cheng: I know, I know what you're thinking.
What is sect leader Jiang doing here
Qin Su: lol.  I thought you weren't interested in being a concubine.
But I know my A-Yao loves powerful people.
Jiang cheng: yea. Yea, we co parented A-ling so.
Anyways, welcome back.
Qin Su: thank you, sect leader.
Huaisang: I wonder how you two decided to reunite.
Su she: A-Yao is an emperor. She has rich tastes.
Qin Su: I just missed A-Yao and Song'er.
Hauisang: ohh.
Su she: they always come back to by glamorous Huangdi, Huaisang.
Unlike Jiang cheng.
Jiang cheng: Minshan, I will zap you.
Su she: come at me, Pikachu!!
Jiang cheng: congrats, Miss Qin on your wedding. Look, I got you some pendants.
Congrats again.
Qin Su: lovely!
Now what's sect leader Jiang doing?
Jiang cheng: just sect affairs. And yea, I'm married to A-Yao, Zixuan and Huaisang..
Qin Su: *cracking up* all three of them! Omg! Jiang cheng, you're a cutesleeve!
Jiang cheng: don't say it like that! It was a political thing!
Qin su: are you sure?
Jiang cheng: kind of.......but I do think my husbands are kind of cute at times........and I'm doing it for Jinling!
Qin su: why are you dragging in poor little Jinling. Lol.
Jiang cheng: I ask those emperors the same thing.
But no answer.
Qin Su: but isn't Zixuan married to your sister?
Jiang cheng: yea, but that doesn't stop him.
Mo xuanyu: I guess it's elite tastes. My two geges are hella elite and regal.
Xichen: I'm so sorry Qin su. I haven't gotten you a gift.
Qin Su: then you're rude. Anyways, it's fine, Zewu Jun.
Xichen: feel right at home. We don't fight a bit. *smile* also we're the luckiest people ever, being a part of  A-Yao's harem.
Qin Su: yes we are quite lucky. And he's mine.
Mingjue: I didn't get anything for you either because I wasn't informed.
Qin Su: that's alright chifeng zun.
Su she: stop being sour.
We know that you're naturally mean.
Mingjue: team dimple want to be the only ones to look good.
Mo xuanyu: we must. We're married to Yao gege.
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pluvioseprince · 2 years
I’m not much into ships so I don’t know anything about ChiBedo… they are both my fav characters and Id love to know about their pairing though so please use this as an excuse to introduce me to ChiBedo and ramble about them as much as you want 🫶🫶🫶🫶
Ohhh!! I suppose I'll start off with the pairing itself! I simply love their dynamic - both created by the stained hands of the abyss (Skirk and Rhinnedottir) and are slowly finding meaning in themselves as people - artificial creation and a weapon. I heard someone refer to them as nation destroyers, and I love that so much! They're definitely the type to - quite literally - destroy worlds and destroy themselves for each other .. They're both a little messed up up there isn't that wonderful...
I think Tartaglias bloodthirsty nature and abyssal relations would certainly draw out an unbridled curiosity in albedo. Tartaglia would revel in sparring against such an unexpectedly horrifying power, and forcing albedo to idk...use more of it... Knowing albedo is strong enough to 1hko the both of them if he just used his true power would rile Tartaglia right up:}!
Not sure if u prefer domestic, cuter scenarios, so I'll add some here in case the prior was a little . Lame?
As someone with many siblings and a bug secret to hide, I don't think Tartaglia would have much trouble relating to albedo and klee. I bet he'd even dote on the youngin, and encourage her fish blasting and terraforming - and klee would absolutely adore him! (Albedo now lives in constant fear of Jean - and the repercussions that would come with the damage the duo have done.......)
As albedo acclimates (haha get it. Cause dragonspine is cold and you acclimate to colder temperaturs. I'll stop now) to such frequent, close human relations, he slowly learns more about this perceived "truth of this world". what it means as humans, to live for happiness and all that's good in the world!
I also bet his blunt and straightforward nature allows him to express this without much qualm, and has no problems showing his affection for Tartaglia whenever:] pulling him into a hug slowly evolves from an odd, unfamiliar gesture to second nature.
Thanks for reading! Let me know if you'd like to hear more - and I hope u take some interest in them! U can check out the fanart I made under the chibedo tag on my account:]!
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