#preferred partners
incognitopolls · 5 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
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Jellyfish, specifically JellyNeil has no concept of gender nor does it remotely care about its gender until a very specific series of events
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Find the mer au masterpost here 💕
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Giggling over the thought that Durge LOVES that Astarion has a slight death scent to him. Of course he covers that up with his fragrance but maybe after an especially long day when they get back to camp, Durge catches a little whiff of undeath and goes rabid. Burying their face in Astarion's neck and chest. Astarion doesn't get it but hey he'll take the attention!
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lotus-pear · 7 months
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So, the Sherlock Holmes fandom (well, the johnlock side of it mostly, but, like, we're on tumblr) has multiple ways of coping with Watson having a wife (or wives) in the stories, and I got curious which ones are more popular.
If you go with the version of there having been multiple wives, and you have different headcanons for different ones, vote for the option you have for Mary (you're obviously welcome to elaborate on others in the notes though!)
Also I tried to make the options vague enough to fit different interpretations of H/W (romantic relationship, qpr, one-sided feelings from any side, etc), but obviously it's hard to include everything, especially in the character limit for poll options, so keep in mind that the main focus of the poll is Watson's relationship with his wife, not with Holmes, and vote how you see fit. You can interpret love/feelings as broadly as you want. And again, you're welcome to elaborate!
Reblog for sample size yadda yadda
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fallout-lou-begas · 11 days
i think people get anxious about sex being something you can be good or bad at because it can obviously make people feel ashamed or embarrassed if they think they're "bad" at something that can be very intimate and vulnerable, but it should instead come as a relief that (at least in my view) being "good" at sex is maybe like 5% pure physical ability at absolute maximum and is 95% being communicative, attentive, and creative as a sex partner, especially as it pertains to treating people as individuals with their unique and bespoke preferences for and against certain things, and not assuming everybody is the same obstacle course that you can just do your single, so-called optimal route through. and as for that 5% of pure physical ability, it's not so much raw awesome fuck strength and power as it is the ability to maintain a consistent rhythm with literally any part of your body (or object that you are holding or operating, including technological ones that can maintain that rhythm for you!). i also think that people who get anxious about being "bad" at sex may have a particularly rigid view of what sex is in their minds, an ideal that they think that they couldn't possibly live up to (and no one else probably could, either!), that they could do to let go of, because the world is very large and beautiful and truly anything is possible.
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bazpango · 8 days
[WIP] Looking forward to inking these
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cringefailvox · 2 months
applemedia dynamic where vox is the hinge... mf was built to be a polyamory manager
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cerise-on-top · 8 months
hellooo, i love ur stuff and i wannted to see u write about how Simon, Price, Alejandro, and Rudy handle having a wife who is very head strong and such? Like the type of woman who was very successful and has a sharp tongue. A very badass woman in general. Thx<33
Hello! Thank you! I tried on this request as well, but people like that genuinely scare me ^^; I wrote this with a very hot headed person in mind because I'm not quite sure I understand what headstrong means, even when I googled it! It's probably a bit extreme, the way I wrote reader and it probably usually isn't that bad, but I barely know anyone who's like this!
Price, Ghost, Alejandro and Rodolfo with a Headstrong!S/O
Price: There are a few things Price is used to due to his occupation: People taking his orders without ever questioning them, and people, smart assed as they are, questioning his every move. Some differences could be settled quite peacefully, during others, harsh words had to be exchanged in order for an agreement to come between them. So it definitely wouldn’t be the first time Price had ever met someone like you. However, he can get along just fine with someone like that. You’re his spouse, not some soldier, therefore he can bite back from time to time if he needs to. However, if you’re about to do something extremely stupid where you will end up hurt, he will try to stop you, no matter how much you protest and snarl at him. He loves you for your personality, but sometimes some risks do need to be taken into consideration. He would sometimes get fed up a bit with you, especially if you keep doing what you do without really considering the consequences or yourself. At some point, he’d probably just let you do whatever it is that you want to do. If things go well, he’ll congratulate you, maybe reward you too depending on whatever it was, but if things go sour he would have to bite back a “told you so” occasionally. But other than that, he can appreciate your sharp tongue, always biting back at the people who are trying to belittle you. It shows him that you’re not someone who needs to be taken care of at all times and that you can handle yourself when it comes down to it. Don’t sass him too much, though, since he will also sass you back. But if that’s what you like, then go right ahead. 
Ghost: If he wanted to, he could insult you in a way that could destroy your sense of worth, and sometimes, when you are being a bit more difficult, he considers saying something mean himself. He never does, though, since he doesn’t want to ruin what the two of you have. While you being harsh with others and not letting them walk all over you is something he can appreciate, he will sit you down from time to time and tell you to take it down a notch or two, especially if you’re being harsh towards him. Communication goes both ways, though, so you’re also more than welcome to give him a piece of your mind. As long as you’re both being adults about it, he won’t mind. Like Price, he lets you do your own thing for the most part, unless you’re doing something extraordinarily stupid. He will try to change your mind, knowing fully well it would be futile, in a gentle manner, but if you don’t listen to him then that’s on you. He did try to help you. As much as he’d sigh at your antics, he would help you clean up your messes. Ghost isn’t much of a talker himself, saying the bare minimum when something needs to be said, so sometimes he’ll simply lean back and let you do the talking. Especially if the other person is being an idiot. You have a way with words that makes him snicker from time to time, especially if you’re a small and petite thing. The surprise on the other person’s face is such a delight, he can’t help but love it every single time. And if you’re a rather big and scary person then he’ll wordlessly watch the other person scuttle away. It’s nice, not always having to talk to people. He can be mean too, but he usually just rolls his eyes and walks away.
Alejandro: Alejandro is a rather passionate man about many things, therefore you would often come to butt heads. He used to be far more fiery when he was younger, so these days it’s not as bad as it used to be, but your arguments might end up with both of you yelling. Alejandro can be extremely stubborn and, unless you have some good arguments, it’s not very easy to change his mind either. Unless you start insulting him first, he won’t yell any insults at you either. He would absolutely never get physical with you, no matter how scary he might seem, though. Even in his heated moments, he values you more than anything and anyone else. In your eyes, you’re both right, and that might just be something you’ll both want to work on if you want your relationship to last in the long run. He is more than willing to do so, though, as long as you put some effort into it as well. May god save whatever soul has decided to wrong both of you, however. He will give them a piece of his mind, and so will you, meaning that person has twice the amount of people to be scared of. One of the many reasons you would come to argue would be you trying to do something that might be dangerous, with him trying to convince you it’s a bad idea. He’s a colonel, so he’s used to people taking his orders without very many questions. While Alejandro may not expect you to be his poodle, he does want to see you safe and sound. Ultimately, he knows telling you to not do something won’t change anything, but he’ll try anyway. Your safety comes before all else. Unlike Price and Ghost, he will tell you “I told you so”. Even when he tells you all the reasons why you really shouldn’t have done what you did, he will still patch you up and use his power to make sure you can continue being as successful as you are. So, even while mad he’s a sweetheart about and to you.
Rodolfo: Considering he’s a quiet man, he won’t usually talk back when you have something to say. Instead, he’ll force all of his emotions down. Very rarely, he might snap at you because of it, however. Again, you’ll both have to talk it out with each other, with you having to learn how to bite back something as well. Rodolfo isn’t nearly as feisty as Alejandro, so he’ll usually let you do the talking. Think the “he asked for no pickles” meme except Rodolfo could make his opinion known, but it’s more impactful when you do it. He likes to see you successful and in high spirits, even if he sometimes would wish you would tone it down a bit. Some bad potatoes at the farmer’s market aren’t the end of the world. However, he’ll barely ever voice such a thing, simply turning away instead when you’re getting too heated. He knows trying to calm you down will only make things worse, so he’ll wait it out. Out of everyone, he’ll be the most patient as far as your personality goes. If you’re ever trying something risky, he’ll make you aware of the risks, even if you do end up snapping at him, but won’t stop you. Again, it’s futile. While he may have enough faith in you to know you likely won’t end up hurt, you’re a smart cookie after all, he will sigh if things don’t end up according to plan. You’re probably too proud to do so, but you’re always more than welcome to come to him for help if you need it, he won’t mind. In fact, he’d prefer that over you getting hurt. If you’re both buying things, though, then he’ll let you be the one to haggle, you’re the most effective haggler he knows. In fact, if he ever needs something that requires him to bargain with people for anything at all, he’ll let you do it. You’re scarier than him, on the outside, so he’ll either get what he wants at a good price, or the other person will have learned a lesson. It’s a win-win situation either way.
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total-drama-brainrot · 8 months
the thing about (the most prevalent) noah ships is that he's paired with exclusively powerful girlbosses and/or cringefail men.
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hannibard · 1 year
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Not sure what the fuck that means but I'm happy for him!!!!
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natelia-aldelliz · 2 years
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They exchanged their dog tags because they're cuties
Ghost isn't sure if he prefers Johnny Riley or Simon MacTavish, though, he'd probably doodle both and draw little hearts around it as he's pondering the question
Price : okay, you've been sighing and staring at nothing more than usual, what's up
Ghost : if you had a boyfriend, or girlfriend, or whatever, and they're probably thinking about getting married, would they take your name or would you take theirs ?
Price :
Ghost : cause i have this friend, and it's happening to him right now and he's getting a little overwhelmed so he asked me but i don't know so i'm asking you
Price : *sigh* right, a friend, so you should probably tell him to ask his boyfriend about what he thinks, first off, and to consider just putting a hyphen between both names, and also chilling the fuck out because you just pulled your heads out of your arses and started dating two weeks ago
Ghost :
Price : *tired dad stare*
Ghost : so, what sounds better, Riley-MacTavish or MacTavish-Riley ?
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unrelatedsideblog · 4 months
Sanji having crush on Usopp since very beginning of their friendship but the one of the first things he hears from him is about Kaya. He connects the dots (correctly or not) that she is his girlfriend and since then suffers in silence because he doesn't want to be a homewrecker
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lyss-sketchbox · 3 months
do you have like,, any wriolette headcanons to share,, please I’m hungry,, I need wriolette food!!
Oh definitely, some of these are more wrio or neuvi specific tho but let me go off ok
Wrio has this one spot a lil far off from Meropide's entrance that he sunbathes in whenever he has the time. Its this lil cliff right here. It has a long stretch of beach, near the otter spot (TM), there's mobs to fight if he needs that, and it's not near any roads
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Perfect spot for him to frostwalker/ice skate too
Neuv in one of his walks would find Wrio in his spot and Wrio would tell him this is where he goes to relax, Neuv would sometimes then use this spot too to relax in, Wrio welcomes him whenever they happen to meet here
I think Wrio never goes to the overworld until he is called in for that first meeting as Meropide's administrator, when he does step out he underestimated how much he truly missed the sunlight, the sea breeze, and the grass. It's not a big deal, he insists
Wrio would prefer sunny weather than rain, but the coldness of rain is more lively and refreshing than the cold of the fortress
Neuv can walk on water Furina style, he just chooses not to say whenever Wrio offers to skate with him. Basks in the feeling that he trusts Wrio so much to keep him from falling in
Neuvillette is a pianist while Wrio is a violinist (and does have a violin in his office) because every pairing in my book should be able to piano-violin duet the Merry-Go-Round of Life
Wrio is extremely observant, a skill he picked up from serving his sentence, it's how he's able to study and read Neuvi's tells and body language. It's very helpful whenever neuvi is too tired to talk or unable to drop the professional iudex face.
Neuvi learns by observation and attempts to pick up Wrio's tells in turn no matter how many times Wrio insists that he shouldn't worry about him <- fuck you gets loved back
Whenever they get engaged/married, their rings are simple white gold bands. Wrio replaces one of his rings with it, while Neuvi has his hooked to his cravat pin. It's so they're not too flashy and attract attention while still being with them even in work hours
Neuvi feels over the ring whenever he misses wrio
Wrio buries his face into Neuvi's neck so that he can hear Neuvi's purr of contentment better
Neuvi can get jealous but instead of cutting the convo short like Wrio does, the next time they are alone Neuvi just rubs his cheek all over Wrio's until he's happy
Wrio is touch averse, significantly more than Neuvi. While he and Neuvi had subtle touches before, getting together had pressured him to show more affection (because it doesnt bother him, he can love, so that he can be loved) Its one of the first times Neuvi was able to tell Wrio's tells correctly and to reassure him it isn't necessary and they can begin with... what they had before
They show affection primarily with holding or touching hands (ex. : holding hands when they sleep like otters, brushing knuckles and fingers when they walk, Wrio lifting neuvs hand to bury his face in it, etc.), a reassurance that the other is there with them, and they want to hold on just as much
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longing-for-rain · 3 months
Can we please get rid of the idea that a “strong” woman with an effeminate guy is automatically a subversive and progressive relationship?
Look, I know this take comes from people whose only relationship experience is from fandom tropes and TikTok memes, but it’s frustrating. It’s frustrating to me because I am that woman, and even if it physically “looks” subversive, it often actually isn’t.
Just for context here, I’m speaking from my experience as the kind of woman I am. I’m tall; I’m 5’10”. I have a muscular build. I’m highly educated. I actually used to like the idea of being taller than a male partner, earn more, be the provider, etc. It felt empowering to me, so like a lot of you, I became interested in that idea when I thought about relationships with men. I always hated the “woman role” forced on me and I thought my stature would help me escape it by switching roles.
However, actual experience made it seem a lot less empowering. Because here’s the reality.
Despite what they say, men don’t like it when their wives/girlfriends are taller, or earn more. It makes them feel emasculated. You might notice this immediately, or it might take months for the mask to come off, for him to start acting insecure. But he will. And who will he take it out on? That’s right: you.
Sure, it will be “my girl acts like a booktok boyfriend I love her!” and “my wife is the coolest ever I love her!” at first, but in reality? There will always be some lingering insecurity. He’ll expect you to hold his hand and reassure him that he’s still a man to you and that you respect him constantly.
And that brings me to my next point—these relationships really aren’t as subversive as they seem. Sure, he puts on nail polish and flower crowns. But does he do the dishes? Does he help out around the house? Sure, he gushes about how “cool” you are. But does he support you emotionally the same way you support him? Can you truly be yourself with him, or do you find that you repress and downplay your feelings to protect his?
The unfortunate reality is, there is simply always going to be an unequal dynamic. It’s been instilled into us by thousands of years of patriarchy. You can’t undo that with some fandom tropes. It’s like painting over water damage instead of fixing the broken pipe. The fact remains that as a woman, no matter how physically strong you are, no matter how tall, and no matter how successful, that “progressive” man will still always see you as the woman. His woman. He’ll happily enjoy the benefits of your paycheck while still expecting you to do the majority of the work around the house. He’ll happily “let” you be strong because it also means you’re spending your energy coddling him emotionally. This isn’t subversive or beneficial for women.
There is, of course, an exception. Men who have fetishes—which to be clear, it is never a compliment to be someone’s fetish. I’ve experienced this as well. It’s dehumanizing. You become an object. Even a man who claims to “worship” you in the name of his fetish really isn’t worshipping you—he’s worshipping the gratification he’s using you for. Gratification which comes from the humiliation of being subservient to a woman, because to them, women are weak and inferior so therefore being the servant of one is the greatest humiliation imaginable.
So yes, I’m really sick of seeing posts glorifying these dynamics, because it’s obvious they’re either coming from people who have no experience with them or from fetishists. I don’t care if he wears a flower crown. I don’t care if he’s shorter and cowers behind his #girlboss wife while she epically stands up for him. It’s cheap faux progress and reminds me of how isolated and neglected you feel when you actually have to be that woman.
If you really want to be subversive, as a man, try actually treating your girlfriend as an equal instead of putting her on a pedestal. Try actually asking her what she wants and needs from you instead of assuming. Try sharing responsibilities with her like a partner instead of a grown child. Try defending her with the same passion she does you. Be just as strong for her as she is for you. Stand up for her against other men. Challenge other men. Learn about what she cares about and values. Focus on what you can do for her. Engage with her hobbies. Treat her like a human being and not a trope.
Now that would be an actually subversive heterosexual relationship for a strong woman to be in.
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mousehousediary · 2 months
ever think about how when louis was asking armand to witness madeleine's turning, he was basically inviting him into the family by asking him to attend his daughter's wedding/hold his hand in the delivery room. and when armand essentially replies "i will not go unless you force me to" he tells him he doesn't have to and reassures him. and then what goes on in their respective heads in that exact moment are:
louis: oh damn the maitre stuff is not just a sex thing he actually like can't hold a conversation like a human being. oh but he's so sad... there there loser boyfriend... why does nobody ever want to have babies with me :/
armand: *has just sentenced louis to death*
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