#prince saying her trusts harvey
breakaway71 · 8 months
Monthly Fic Recs - January 2024
As well as my participation with Fic Feature Friday for older favorites, I promised myself this year that I would take a page out of my good friend @miyamorana's book this year and try to do a monthly rec post of new things I've loved. I am very very behind on keeping up with new stories right now, since I got caught up with Bookmarking Project of Doom, but I do at least have a few recent reads to share! :D
Please keep in mind, my tastes vary and fluctuate with the tide. I read across a wide variety of fandoms and ships. Hopefully if you decide to keep up with my rec posts (assuming I keep up with them, and I'm going to try really hard!), you will find something to your taste!
STRANGER THINGS love my baby like the finest wine by glorious_spoon, ~6,000 words, Steve/Eddie "Where the hell did you learn to bake?" Eddie asks, fascinated, as Steve leans down to peer into the oven, curses under his breath, and fumbles a pair of oven mitts on. "Oh, you know, here and there," he says breezily. "He ruined three batches before you got here," Robin says, ducking her head in. "Hey, Eddie." - Or: Eddie spends Christmas with Steve and Robin, and maybe it's the start of something new. A Festive Mix for a Friend by entangled_now, ~2,300 words, Steve/Eddie Steve learns that the ingredients don't have to be exactly right, it really is the thought that counts. they're going to send us to prison for jerks by greatunironic, ~16,000 words, Steve/Eddie GARETH 11.46am it’s been like five hours should we do a welfare check on him?
JEFF 11.47 am why? you think it’s possible to die from jerking it too much?
GARETH 11.47am ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
In which Eddie is TikTok famous, and his personal favorite creator just had an unexpected face reveal. THE SANDMAN Cottagecore 'verse by apocryphal, ~23,000 words, Dream/Hob The love story of a fae prince and a hedgewitch in the middle ages. <3 MERLIN like there's hope in this story by queerofthedagger, ~10,000 words, Merlin/Arthur
“Calm yourself,” Gaius finally says. “You’re alright. Gwaine is alright. Do you remember what happened?” Merlin’s brows furrow and his gaze flickers through the chambers until it lands on Arthur. He tilts his head, the confusion on his face only growing. He asks, “I’m sorry, have we met?” and Arthur’s world not only stops, but crumbles.
Things have finally been going well in Camelot; Arthur knew about Merlin's magic, their relationship had been changing, and their plans for Albion—even if for now only shared with a trusted group—were almost too good to be true.
Then an attack leaves Merlin without his memories since Uther's death and, strangely enough, of Arthur specifically, and Arthur's world threatens to come crashing down once more. SUITS many times, many ways by spqr, ~15,000 words, Harvey/Mike
The only reason he’s even in the damn registry is because it’s required when you pass the bar, like a background check, fingerprinting; he literally hasn’t spared it a single thought since he bared his forearm for the NYSSR representative and looked away while they took the scan. Soulmates are something that other people worry about, normal people, the masses, like marriage and kids and mortgages in the suburbs, and besides, Harvey’s not the sort of person who wants a life partner. 
Which doesn’t explain why he’s rushing across town right now, but – he can’t leave his own soulmate rotting in Rikers three days before Christmas. It’s a point of professional pride.
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The 2010s in the end of life
So this is where I see the end of things and civilisation as we were living in our 20s. This was the last decade. I believe since then I have felt psychologically dead. Something was going on in civilisation to distract us with these phones. On the last slides I have put the email kind of look This is everywhere this is what was all over Facebook like I’d say five years younger, they all had beehive/straight hair at the time I was going through my own shit tractive man I just feel like I’m fat decade suddenly changed slowly overtime and I feel like it started at the end of the 2000 and the beginning of the times at the top this time couldn’t go anywhere in her bubble don’t even know what they’re called was and she was all over it. It was a strong time for Kia who came out against the abuse she suffered and this is why I feel like there literally came out 14 hints Became a scandal because it too much not giving up apparently Pharrell Williams who has done some of the best songs I think years later we found out KELIS was robbed of her money or royal taste towards her songs which is wrong so what was happening is it was the start of I would say the Pluto in Aquarius generation coming into play and let’s have a look at how it slowly came out so this, it was the time with the shutter glasses the big hair as I said the short shorts and definitely the sunglasses always always the sunglasses fake tan with everywhere but mainly the shorts big hair and sunglasses. That’s how I remember it it was a happy time for me but something happened around 2016 to 2018 I wanna say I feel this is where it changed and here is where you can put it into words and how it meant something so it was the start of Epstein Weinstein. Funny how Jewish the prince, the Prince Saville, who didn’t face any consequences in his lifetime. It all came out afterwards, and all these people stayed silent, which I find despicable and wrong, but I guess this is what keeps the entertainment industry going, it was where Lindsay Lohan was still going downhill slowly hitting Rockbottom with her mugshots so what started all these things coming out? What started the Harvey Weinstein thing? How can we answer this? How can it come out because back in 2014 I read a little book called choreography by Corey Feldman, I learn about the abuse in Hollywood in 2014 and now it’s coming to like 10 years later, the amount of stuff that has come out from Epstein Island to the prince to the young girls to the modelling industry to TV companies to Miramax to Nickelodeon, very sadly how these people are treated. We even learn of Paris Hilton being sent to a can you I think it’s good and got kidnapped in the middle of the night from her wealthy parents, which I completely disagree with. She apparently grew up in a very strict household which she rebelled. Against. Of course let’s face it. Paris is a Aquarius with Leo Moon, she wasn’t one for let’s say keeping the rules, but we found out later that she was playing a character which made her feel more comfortable. She didn’t feel comfortable in our own skin, and I have la learned that her personality was much more timid than she let on and her friends said nothing, but good about her that she was a very good friend and loyal, which I believe which brings me to another person, Lindsay Lohan. She didn’t stand a chance with parents like her her mum just seems like she’s off her head on drugs. I hate to say it but she’s parting with Lindsey she’s being inappropriate with Lindsey. The father obviously had his own issues too, I know this is deep and it’s a subject, but you know I like to go in with this. I don’t feel like Lindsey is a good person and I know we should think of people in the period form of life and I said I like, but I really feel like she from what I had is not a very loyal friend. If she’s a Gemini rising, I know she’s not loyal friend sorry I don’t trust you guys I don’t like I don’t really trust air signs that’s because I don’t have it in my chart so it doesn’t feel comfortable for me and the energy doesn’t video l
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Things were slowly leaking , they do say it’s the dawning of the age of Aquarius ♒️♒️,and also I was listening to a podcast the other day with a lady on its side that things get completely wiped from the Internet so we remember things like a Mandela effect because they did happen they did happen but the celebrity has paid for that information or that article all that picture to completely disappear, which they can do same with certain celebrity to. It will never come out out of their abuse, and even if it does nothing seems to happen and then you think where’s the justice this where’s the justice in the world seems very unfair and you’ll still see these really disgusting people still working in Hollywood but I guess that’s what keeps it going. It’s the most recent one will be Josh Peck and Drake Bell, so Drake Bell said how he was molested by Brian Peck, who is basically someone who works with young boys and Hollywood or young people and he is a paedophile and he has been doing it for ages and when I said I read this book he was one of the people in the book. He’s been doing it since the 80s entertainment industry with children after the allegations and he went to prison. He was allowed to work on the Disney Channel to protect their children. I personally don’t have any children, but I would never wanna see a child harmed in any kind of way who does like it’s sick. I don’t wanna see any woman harmed in anyway I don’t wanna see any man harmed in anyway, so then what happens is obviously there has been stuff about Drake Bell being a abuser so then the abused becomes the abuser which is the most saddest part of it. All they have been shown this in doctrine nation happening on a daily basis with any trauma around women become drug addict. Drug addict will take responsibility and the fact that I did it at a time, so it was easier for me to do so, I never blamed because I was the one who is already on med so I didn’t see anything different and want something regular in your life and you are not well you will then also see it yourself is normal because that’s what it’s been around you when you’ve had all these traumas, it can become very intoxicating to then have a drug or have whatever be a part of your life because it takes you away but Drake Bell let’s get back to this. No matter what I’ve had. This happened to him and Josh Peck is now things coming out with him, but people believe Brian Peck his dad because no one is ever known who Josh Peck, his dad, not even himself. He said he’s never known him and when you look for the information on that on the Internet you also say no information but pet is a very rare last name and people and output theories out there that he could be his dad and of course as a possibility but people are going straight out on this. It’s true because when you look up the dads name also he his first name is the same middle name as Brian’s so make the logic make sense. People are getting to the point now where they are believing it because there’s so much coming forward from people and all these people who haven’t made it in the entertainment industry I have respectful because they haven’t gone through like Kat Williams might say or any other celebrity they haven’t gone through certain doors where all this stuff is now coming out with Puff Daddy, it’s very believable, I never like Diddy back in the day I didn’t. I didn’t trust him there was something about him I didn’t like I never liked his music. I just found him weird but with Tupac I always felt that SUGE KNIGHTwas to blame was that, and if I’m being honest if there wasn’t into biggie small either his music was not my cup of tea. I can appreciate it now I appreciate his music but I was never that kind of go. It was into them. The one I did like out of the whole bad boy, let’s look at the name bad boy I like Lil Kim I’ve always loved Lil Kim I think she’s a legend and she will always be queen. Fuck Nicki Minaj like is Queen of rap to me 
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Magikari au gets better if you think about Oboro’s POV:
You easily made friends with the second Prince. He trusts way too much and looks up to you easily and views you as one of the nicer people in the palace. That’s going to help you in the future.
You skip forward about a few years when the Prince has been going to Conning Creek for a while now. Vaguely you know that he’s being taught magic but you didn’t know the extent of it until he sets lightning on Mugen and starts several small fires.
Then the Palace starts getting letters from the Scholar in Conning Creek who you quickly put together is a family member who practically adopted the Prince.
You are also starting to realize that Hikari seems to be trusting you less and less. Now being wary of what he says around you. Probably a result of him going to Conning Creek often.
Kura died and Hikari now has his Curse. Inconvenient. More inconvenient is now Hikari is fully distrusting you and going to Conning Creek more so now you have to low-key change your plans and start trying to figure out how to at least get on the Prince’s good side.
It turns out nothing works because he seems to now be avoiding you and instead only really connects to Ritsu and Rai Mei who also avoid you. Your also 65% sure that he is the one who dumped water on you from above but you have no proof on that.
Then Hikari starts talking about his little sister more and more and seems to think the world of her. He would constantly talk about her and her achievements and talk about how one day he’ll have everyone meet her.
The letters keep coming and Hikari keeps talking and now your very much sure that Hikari is doing the pranks because of that one incident where the Throne Room turned into the Winterlands.
And then Harvey finally decides to frame Osvald. Great. Now that isolated Hikari more and one of Dar’Quest’s books is translated. Annoying that Osvald lives but expected.
It is also expected that Hikari would fall into grief when he finds out the fate of the family at Conning Creek. What isn’t expected though was the amount of distrust and hostility Hikari has for those in power at the Palace.
Every time a meeting is held it seems that there is going to be at least one instance where Hikari would challenge someone on their views before taking it apart himself in the most brutal way possible. You are not immune to this as the Prince seems to counter your plans with his own that is honestly…okay you have to say your impressed by them. You’ll admit that much.
Maybe you’ll admit it more if it weren’t for the fact that he seemed to grow aware that you’re using him. He doesn’t know for what but he knows and it makes things so much harder.
He seems to also stop referring to the King as his father. Something that the man surprisingly accepted.
Things go on and you follow your plan to a T. Things are changing a bit but so far so good. Assist Mugen in his Uprising, wait in Montwise for the Prince, and things will go your way.
Except they don’t because while Hikari does arrive at Montwise he is somehow more distrusting of you and Osvald for some reason is here. You thought he was dead. What. Wait no of course he isn’t dead, Harvey probably somehow assisted in the escape so he can watch the man get humiliated. Gods Harvey is annoying.
The plan in Montwise then changes 20 different times and here you are now, being threatened by Hikari as he cheerfully tells the Ringmaster of how much everything is BS. He’s threatening murder now. Oh good gods.
And then your pulled to the side and told cheerfully by him that apparently there was someone on the inside who helped with Mugen’s uprising and shit you should have burned that paper the moment you written it.
Of course Hikari doesn’t suspect you to have done anything. Because that’s ridiculous. Why would you do that Kazan? Hikari understands your angry with the crown but really helping plan an uprising when you know Hikari will be investigating it? Really? Of course you couldn’t be that foolish right? That would be absolutely ridiculous. But of course would it be okay if someone would be keeping an eye on you at all times? You know. Just in case :)))))))))))))
Oboro pov magikari au is just some guy getting increasingly scared that a teenager is going to kill him in his sleep <3
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meii-jasmine · 3 years
Stardew Valley: Bachelor flowers and headcanons!
Disclaimer: These are just some of my personal headcanons that I like to think about from time to time!
*(More bachelors under the “read more” section!)
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Flower: Sunflower. Sunflowers symbolize adoration, loyalty and longevity.
Cooking skills: Good cook! Knows all the staple home recipes from his grandma.
Height: 6'0"
Around 22-23 years old; second youngest of the bachelors, with Sam being the youngest. When with the bachelors, he seems to be the most childlike as they consider him pretty innocent or naïve for his age. This comes across as quite endearing as the bachelors help him feel more at ease with them and himself.
Worked out not just to prove his worth to his mom, but also to his grandparents. He wants to be strong so he can protect the only family he has left, and this includes the friends he ends up trusting along the way.
Isn't 100% white. Could be part / half-Filipino or half-Mexican, or anything similar. Reflected not only in how his fair porcelain skin tans from sun exposure, but also his tendency to stay close to family even as he grows older. In relation to this, he's bilingual! He may not be the most intelligent bachelor, but he can switch both languages easily. He shares this trait with Sebastian.
The person (farmer) he ends up falling for brings him great comfort. He likely sees his mom in them and doesn't want to mess this up. As a husband/bf/fiancée he is insanely doting and never misses a chance to say he loves them, or thanks them for the joy they share together. This is something he never got a chance to do for his late mum.
Initially he hung out with Haley because that's what he thinks boys should do; hang out with pretty girls and be a "manly man"! Eventually, he finds comfort with her as they seem to share similar youthful vibes. Alex is actually pretty socially awkward and often looks up to Haley and Emily, and he admires how confident they are about themselves. He tries to emulate this but ends up sounding self-absorbed instead.
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Flower: Red rose. Red roses symbolize love and romance.
Cooking skills: Good cook! Actually learning new recipes through cook books and cooking shows.
Height: 6'2"
Around 28-34; the second eldest of the bachelors, with Harvey being the eldest. When with the bachelors, he loves being the flamboyant dad figure. He could come across as the embarrassing dad, but he really does look out for the well-being of the group.
Knows French. Either he IS French, or he loves learning the “language of love” to add more flair to his writing. Willing to bet the former.
Owns a mermaid tail he wears on occasion. Jas once mistook him for Ariel and he decided to go the extra mile for her. He's even learned how to swim in it, though Harvey had to save him a couple of times from nearly drowning. He eventually resorted to swimming in the river for practice when nobody's around. Because of this, he probably wrote Secret Note 21 after swimming at midnight by the river as a note to himself never to do that again.
Related to above, he LOVES dressing up and roleplaying. He claims it helps him get the mood better for his writing. He especially loves playing the prince, but is actually good at playing any part. Beautiful singing voice too; he took voice and piano lessons as theatre play is his passion.
An extroverted introvert. Because of his flamboyant nature and desire to delight the people around him, he may come across as forward and crowd-loving. In reality, he just loves appreciating the beauty of the world around him and is eager to have a companion who sees the world the same way he does. Leah comes close to this, so as older marriage candidates they bond over their love for the wonders of nature.
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Flower: Gardenia. The gardenia is a flower that symbolizes purity and gentleness.
Cooking skills: Best cook of the bachelors. Probably took culinary classes at one point!
Height: 6'4"
The oldest of the bachelors, around 35-40. Despite being often shy and soft-spoken compared to most of the group, he does take pride being the eldest. Being a doctor only gives him more authority to watch over the others alongside Elliott; such as advising Alex not to eat too much eggs, or regulating everyone else's diet for a healthier lifestyle.
He initially wanted to be a pilot because of his father. His father used to be a flight instructor for many young aspiring pilots, and in one of his sit-ins, he was convinced that he wanted to be a pilot too!
It never happened. He has bad eyesight and a fear of heights when his dad took him out for a quick ride, despite all the safety protocols taken. He did however become a doctor because of his desire to help people; for a time, he became a doctor in the same workplace as his father before he got assigned to Pelican Town.
Has difficulty keeping up with aerobics in a group, but it's actually helped increase his stamina and strength. When hiking in the mountains, the bachelors would expect him to stay behind to catch his breath, but they're taken by surprise when they find out he has the same stamina as them! Sometimes he even moves faster because of caffeine and the others have to catch up to him... only to find he'd 100% crash in exhaustion when the campsite is finally set up.
The reason he closes up his clinic early is because of how little medical emergencies the town seems to have. Aside from taking care of paperwork for another roughly two hours before and after the clinic closes, he also wants to spend some time on a safe spot outdoors where he can watch the planes go by and reminisce his dreams.
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Flower: Lavender. Lavender flowers represent purity, silence, devotion, serenity, grace, and calmness.
Cooking skills: Trying. He's a pro at brewing 3-in-1 coffee though.
Height: 5'7"
Older than he seems to be letting on; he's around 23-25. He may appear young and socially awkward, but his emotional maturity is actually pretty developed. He just doesn't know how to express this healthily as he feels isolated; this changed when he befriended Sam and Abigail though. In the bachelors' group, he seems to be the voice of reason. He only ever speaks when he feels like it, though, and is often very passive.
Bilingual. Maybe even multilingual. Half east Asian, so his dark hair is actually natural. Could be Japanese and could explain why he loves sashimi, as it reminds him of his youth when he and his extended family would have sashimi dinners together. On the other hand, he could also be Korean and secretly loves KDramas and takes fashion/aesthetic advice from KPop.
Scared of horror movies. He grew up watching Disney films as a kid to help cheer himself up and it was Sam and Abigail who introduced him to scary movies later on.
Loves frogs because they were his companions as a child when he got stranded in school because of the strong rain. Because of them he realised that rain wasn't as scary as he thought it was, and he played in the rain with them while waiting for Robin to pick him up. He was soaked and got a cold, but that time spent with frogs was one of the happiest memories he cherishes. As an adult, he loves the rain and he goes outdoors to hang out with frogs. He can sometimes be heard croaking back to them. Only Sam heard him do this and Seb made him swear not to tell anyone, especially Abigail.
Sometimes when he works, he wears non-prescription blue light glasses. His vision has yet to worsen despite his job since he has an eye care routine he follows strictly. This is also why despite not being an outdoors person, he goes out to look at the greenery of the valley. When his hair gets a little longer (covering most of his nape) he wears a tiny ponytail on occasion.
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Flower: Yellow tulip. Yellow tulips represent happiness, cheerfulness, and hope.
Cooking skills: Like Sebastian, non existent. He's a pro at flipping instant pancakes like his skateboard though!
Height: 5'10"
The youngest of the bachelors at around 20-21, just a year or two younger than Alex. He seems to be a little more emotionally mature due to being the eldest son in their household though. No matter what group he's in, he's a true extrovert and his energy is contageous that it drives the mood of the group most of the time.
Highly empathic. He is actually more mature than he's letting on; despite appearing rather naïve. Unlike Alex, he could easily read between the lines; he can tell if someone is hiding their true feelings and knows how to act accordingly, which is one of the reasons why Sebastian found comfort in him as a close friend.
This doesn't mean he's no trouble maker. He LOVES being one; it's one of the things he couldn't seem to get out of his system! Sebastian thinks this is rather charming as he never really got to express himself the way Sam did. However, Sam does seem to know if he's gotten too far and sincerely apologises, if ever. This mostly applies to people he actually cares about.
Got a part time job in JojaMart mostly because of the free soda perk every shift. The rest of the job is boring though, so sometimes he drags Shane in some mischief. Shane used to be vocally annoyed but he has since resigned to his fate as Sam's partner in crime. It actually gets lonely when Sam isn't around to use mops as makeshift guitars.
A huge fan of Dragonball Z, no secrets there. So much that he styled his hair like a super saiyan. He and his little brother Vincent also make time in their schedules to watch it together, as quality time between brothers. They could never achieve the super saiyan body though, so sometimes they ask Alex to flex some time after befriending him. Sometimes the three can be seen pretending to be super saiyans right around Dusty's pen.
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Flower: Cornflower. Cornflowers can mean delicacy and elegance, and in some cases also symbolizes positive hope for the future.
Cooking skills: A pro at cooking instant food and simple dishes to complement your (his) beer (aka "pulutan" in Filipino)
Height: 5'5" or 5'6"
He's younger than Elliott by a year or two but older than the three young bachelors; around 28-33. When with the bachelors, he seems to be the weird or cool uncle depending on his mood.
He got the idea of raising blue chickens from Jas' late parents. They used to raise cornflowers in their garden and gave some to him for good luck in finding his soulmate, as cornflowers were also known as "bachelor buttons". He's always loved chickens, though. So the blue chicken breed is a testament of his undying bond with them.
Surprisingly good at singing; his singing voice is a little husky. When drunk he tends to have voice cracks as he doesn't care much with vocal transitions anymore. Related to this, sometimes he sings lullabies to Jas when she can't sleep.
Taught Sam how to get some food from Joja that isn't in their perks. Turns out it wasn't as difficult and sometimes they eat pizza together at breaktime when Morris isn't looking. Shane often looks at Sam in disgust when he drinks Joja cola so happily, claiming "that sh*t tastes like carbonated dishwater". Sam is shocked Shane knows how dishwater tastes like.
Found a common ground with Alex because of gridball. Alex is an aspiring pro and Shane used to play in the varsity; sometimes he even agrees to coach Alex when they're both free and willing. With video games, he is also a pretty good gamer even without cheats and this helped bridge the connection further with the younger bachelors without him even meaning to. Sam looks up to him for cheat codes and pro gamer moves.
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imaginefan · 4 years
Offer Still Stands
Caliban X Reader
Word Count: 1171
Requested: Anon
Request: Being confident and sarcastic all the time but when Caliban comes around your mood changes a little you tend to be rude to him to hide that you like him. One shot.
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You were probably the most witch-like human friend that Sabrina had, you were sarcastic and very strong-willed, you weren't easily scared so when Sabrina found out about her witch heritage you were the one that she was least scared to tell and you didn't really say too much about it, it was a shock to you but that was all finding out that all of that existed didn't make you change the way that you lived or the people that you talked to. Now most of Sabrina's problems didn't directly affect you and to be fair her latest fight to be Queen Of Hell didn't affect you either but when she came to you with her problem you were there to listen and to provide what seemed to you obvious advice.
"So what you're telling me is that there's a guy who claims that he should be King Of Hell?" You asked. "Yeah, he proposed a competition." She answered. "And?" You asked. "Well that's it" She answered. "Whoever wins rules." "Well then win." You shrugged. "Caliban was born in Hell how can I hope to beat him?" Sabrina asked. "By bringing a new kind of you to the table, I know you can do it, I've seen you do it. Remember that you have magic to use it." You said, she looked at you and you smiled "I know that you can win but I think that's what scares you."
You didn't hear anything more from Sabrina after that, you hoped that she had taken your advice on board but you weren't one to sit around worrying you asked Harvey and the rest when you saw them but it was becoming harder and harder to find them as well. One night you were sitting on your bed when Sabrina and another boy appeared in your room "Sabrina." You greeted her and then you looked at the other boy that had appeared with her, she watched you quietly. "He's the guy isn't he?" You asked. "How do you know that?" He asked as he looked you up and down. "You have the confidence of someone who wants to be king." You answered crossing your arms over your chest. "Caliban." He introduced himself and you looked at him and raised an eyebrow as he put his hand out, you didn't take it, you looked at Sabrina (mostly because you feared that if you looked at him any longer you were going to cave). "What are you doing here 'Brina, you usually stop by when you need something." You said as you leant up against your bedpost, by now Caliban had started to look around your room, you assumed this was the first time that he'd seen a human room and the wonder that took over his face almost made you smile. "Well actually it's Harvey and Theo, they need our help, they asked me to get you." She answered. "So why have you brought the prince of hell then?" You asked. "He might be able to help." She answered. "Yeah for something in exchange, this could be how he gets you to forfeit." You informed her and she sighed. "Let's just see what happened." Sabrina said and you sighed before nodding and told her that you'll meet her outside when you were ready.
When you got to Harvey's you realised that the situation was more dire then you though, Ros had been turned to stone and Sabrina had no idea how to fix it "I might be able to help your friend." You looked over at Caliban. "In exchange for?" You asked. "I have a proposal that I wish to make away from the courts of Hell, if my Queen were to entertain it then I would help your friend." He explained. "What do you know about turning stone to flesh?" Sabrina asked. "I'm made of clay" He reminded her. "I'm sorry made of clay?" You asked. "Mmm." He hummed as he looked at you again with a smirk on his face. "If he can save Ros." Harvey jumped in. "I'll do it." Sabrina agreed. "We'll need a mutual party." He looked at you and you rolled your eyes before standing up. "Let's go." You ordered.
You had taken a seat at the farthest end of the room from the two bickering royals but the moment that they started talking about the proposal you listened, you listened to them argue about marriage until he proposed something else "What about marrying someone that you can trust." He suggested. "Who do you know that I trust?" She asked and then you felt them looking at you. "No" You answered and they both raised an eyebrow. "I'm not marrying anyone."  They had assumed that you weren't listening considering you were looking at your phone. "Well then maybe we should just save your friend, your hearts may soften to me after." He said as he handed Sabrina the book. "Mm yeah sure." You muttered. A trip to the highschool and one failed offering later you were jumping in the middle of Caliban and Harvey to stop a fight "Okay I don't think this is helping anyone!" You pushed Harvey while using your body to stop Caliban from moving forward. "I should kick your ass." Harvey threatened. "Harvey I swear to god if you don't calm down, I'll kick your ass." You warned him as Sabrina walked towards Theo and Robin who you were vaguely aware of having a conversation. Robin explained that there was another way that you could try and get Ros back but there was no guarantee that he was going to work out in your favour. Sabrina decided that she was going to ask for some help from someone at the school before telling all of you to go home. "Be careful Sabrina."
You'd just walked into your bedroom when you realised that Caliban was sitting on your bed "what the hell are you doing here?" You asked. "Don't worry, I'm just here to thank you." He answered. "Thank me?" You asked. "For protecting me from your mortal friend... Not that I needed it." He shrugged and you rolled your eyes. "You started off strong there, you really did." You sighed as you dropped your bag on the floor and walked over to your desk chair. "Is there something else?" "Why?" He asked. "You hadn't shown much care for my safety before that." "Maybe it wasn't your safety I was worried about." You shrugged. "Then why threaten him and not me?" He asked. "I can threaten you if that's what you want." You informed him and he smirked. "I like you." He said. "That's nice, now if you don't mind I have things that I need to be getting on with." You informed him as you turned away from him, you heard him get up and you held your breath as he got closer. "The offer still stands." He said softly his lips next to your ear and when you turned he was gone.
Requests and general question!
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shadowturtlesstuff · 4 years
so the song dress by taylor swift screams cressworth to be, the sort of mutual pining and honest love they have for each other. so i wrote a semi canon but not at all canon peice. (4k words)
The night was lasting forever, time dragged on as people danced and drank and celebrated, despite there still being a murderer roaming the streets and slaughtering innocent women. They acted like they could never be injured by the killer just because of their class, when for all anyone knew the killer was in this room right now plotting. I hoped they started with me, just so I didn't have to experience this torture any longer; although it was highly unlikely seeing as they focused on lower class women. A pity, really, I could think of many who deserve it more. I could think of only one one person in this room that perhaps didn't deserve to suffer the fate three women already have. 
Audrey Rose Wadsworth.
Perhaps my only friend in this god-forsaken world. One that I cannot even spend time with, as one would like. It's an absurd notion but one that I can't ignore otherwise I've no job and I don't think Jonathan Wadsworth would take me on knowing I’m currently working for his rival, even if I quit myself and I did everything in my power to show off my exceptional talents and gain his trust. Especially if he finds out I'm madly in love with his niece; and have been for awhile. I must admit it was never my intention to do so, or to even be her friend, but when you are trying to solve the same crimes you tend to run into each. Often. And so overtime we became friends, begrudgingly on her part. Then, when we faced danger a few weeks back, and I thought I'd lose her over my actions and Oliver's inability to tell me the truth, we kissed. Since then we have been trying to navigate our feelings whilst also pretending to not know each other. It is incredibly difficult not to walk over to her now, take her hands and offer a dance. To then kiss her and watch her cheeks redden and her to smile at me. To know I made her smile. Each smile melts the coldness of my heart that I've spent years creating to protect myself. I believed I needn't ever need a friend nor wife. Yet, perhaps, someday Audrey could be both of those and we wouldn't need to freeze our hearts to protect ourselves.
 All night I've been trying to catch her gaze but her eyes refuse to meet mine, at least with my knowledge that is. I caught her staring when she believed I was otherwise engaged in something so that I wouldn't notice. I notice every time. It's been a fun game, the only good thing about this evening. It is someone's birthday, someone my father deems important enough to drag me along too. Even though he hates me, and I him. Even though I have no intention of finding a wife this way or taking over his business. Audrey Rose was an unexpected gift, at this party and my life. I hadn't realised she'd be here with her family but I should have assumed. Or asked, but we had only seen each other once since the kiss and most of that time was spent discussing corpses and the no longer occasional flirting. She is remarkably good at getting under my skin, at leaving me without words and making me want to just hold her in my arms for both our sakes. Her uncle and my boss would be furious if they found out we'd been sharing theories, but unlike my boss I want to solve the case to get a murderer off the streets and not the fame; Audrey Rose is utterly horrified by the grotesk way women are being violated. So the more we work together the faster we can solve it for good. 
‘You think they know more than us?’ I hear vaguely, I pull my eyes away from Audrey Rose and grimace. Mr. Douglas caught me staring but assumed it was over Jonathan Wadsworth and about the murders. 
“There's a high chance sir.” Mainly due to the man's ignorance and my inability to share my ideas with him. He takes a seat next to me so I sit straighter and force myself not to look at Audrey Rose. “I've heard the girl, what's her name?”
“Audrey Rose Wadsworth, sir.” I tell him as plainly as possible.
“Right, sure. I've heard she's helping him. I've no idea why such a pretty thing would waste her life pretending to be a detective but-”
“What?” I was going to strangle him. His complete and utter ineptitude towards Audrey Rose, to how women truly were versus what they are perceived as in society was astonishing. I would truly strangle him if I wasn't as shocked. And if I didn't have to hide my feelings for her. 
“I know I was baffled when I heard it too, she'll make herself unavailable if she keeps the way she's going.” he doesn't take his eyes off her as if he wanted to be the one to make her unavailable and not science. Even though that notion was outrageous. I rolled my eyes at him as a brilliant idea struck. 
“Hear me out, sir, what if I pursue her? I mean if she is one for science she will know about the case and I doubt she knows me so I can easily charm her and I can get whatever information I can to help us solve the case faster.” I try to explain my plan in a non desperate way. Hopefully he will think I believe Audrey Rose is incapable of figuring out deceit and that she'll just spill her guts to me; that I don't care about the case. When, in reality, I just want one dance with her. I'm exasperated in hiding my feelings and it's only been a few weeks. Maybe it would be a lot easier to try and beg for an apprenticeship with Jonathan Wadsworth than deal with this misogynistic self centered-
“Not a half bad idea. For once you have got a decent plan. Although maybe I should be the one to charm her, seen as your, well, you have as much charm as a brick wall to put it simply. So let me-”
“I'm more than capable.” I say and get out of my chair and start striding towards her before he can get there first. If he even opened his mouth to her she would berate him so heavily that he would have to hibernate until people forget. Not that Audrey Rose is forgettable in any way.  Maybe I should've let him try first just to see that. Alas, I need to at least have a conversation with her. I made my way to her table, her father and brother were conversing and her uncle looked about as miserable and irritated as I did. Audrey Rose just looked bored. 
She looks beautiful though, her pale green and blue dress offsets her darker features and highlights her dazzling eyes. The light reflects off her perfectly, showing her sharp features and illuminating her mothers necklace at her chest. When I finally reach her table her eyes find mine and red begins to line her cheeks and her brows furrow at the sight of me. I notice slightly her father and brother cease to be as they look at me as well. 
“May I borrow your daughter for a dance, sir?” I asked him. He looks confused but I'm sure he realized who I am. Who my father is. I'm sure his mind is filled with implications about what the title could do for him if we were to be wed. 
“No.” her uncle interjects. Her father looks furious, brother amused and her aunt; I hadn't even noticed her aunt was there with I assume her cousin. 
“What do you mean no? She's my daughter I suggest you-”
“No. Mr. Cresswell, what are you doing? You do not wish to seek out my niece for the case do you? If so, leave now.”
I blink at the tone. Of course he'd see through it; however he is technically wrong. 
“No sir, I can see why you'd think that but I truly wish to dance. Your daughter is captivating.” I would rather seek the end of the killer's knife than continue this conversation. 
“I shall dance with you Mr. Cresswell.” Audrey Rose seems inclined to inflict the same fate as me. Without listening to the rest of her family she walks towards the dance floor so I follow her. She hesitantly puts her arms on my shoulders and I put my own on her waist. I feel lighter than I have all evening; as though I've had many drinks of champagne and Mrs Harvey's tonic. I give her a genuine smile and feel her own tension release. 
“I'm glad you saved me. I've been dreadfully bored.” She greets me in such an improper and Audrey Rose way that I laugh.
“I'll always be the one to save you Wadsworth. I am your Dark Prince. Be sure to think about me and my heroic nature whenever you're alone.” 
“Please.” She begins as we start to sway, “I have more important things to consider than you.” She tries to be serious but it is not her strongest ability when talking to me. 
“You look beautiful, Audrey Rose.” She rolls her eyes at me despite her blush. “The dress is magnificent, compliments you perfectly, although completely unnecessary, I'm sure you are perfectly capable of rendering me speechless without a dress on at all.”
Her eyes widen at such scandalous words and her cheeks redden even more but her eyes dazzle with the promise of mischief. “You claim I render you speechless yet you still speak? Are you lying or just horribly bad at compliments? Or, you hate the dress but need to charm me nonetheless?”
“Wadsworth, darling, please, do you really think that little of me? I'm merely stating the obvious, it's what I do best. And I don't need to charm you when you are already infatuated with me. If I were you I would be. And as much as you truly render me speechless with your brilliant mind, I adore your body too, an added bonus, but I will always be able to tell you how astonishing you look.”
She focuses on my face, searching for something, perhaps a lie but she finds none and smiles at me, the sweetest little smile, and I debate placing a chaste kiss to her smiling red lips to also show her how honest I am right now but know that I cannot. Not yet. So I pinch her waist slightly and she lets out a tiny squeak and pinches me back. 
“It is a good job you are not me then isn't it?” She recovers perfectly and has the audacity to look smug at me. I press my hand to my chest and gawk at her. I'm losing the battle of wits, unsurprisingly, so I move the conversation along to try and turn it back in my favour.
“I've enjoyed the game tonight, our secret moments in this crowded room no one knows about. Each little glance at me gives my heart a rush. Makes it worth being at this blastidly boring event. I've missed you.”
We remain in comfortable silence, my last confessions washing over us both. 
“When does this get easier?” She whispers to me, her eyes finding mine, glassy as she contemplates what is running rampant in her mind. “I want to stay with you all night, but after this we must return to our lives, I go back to being judged for my curiosity and you will go back to the animatronic villain the world thinks you are. When does it get easier Thomas?” 
I keep us spinning, holding onto her waist and not ready to let her disappear. She's right. It's a horrible wait to be away from her and having to wear my armour everyday. It's even harder for her to try and have a career in science and not have someone by her side, completely by her side. There must be something we can do, I can do, to make our lives better. 
“Wadsworth, how much does your uncle hate me?” A plan begins to form in my head. One I've been debating for a while. Her eyes narrow knowing I have a plan but she must be so tired as she doesn’t bother asking what and says: 
“He doesn't hate you, at least I don’t think he does. He- he isn't a person who gives positive opinions on anyone. Even me. But no, I do not think he hates you, just Mr. Douglas. Oh but he doesn't like that you are working against us. For him no less.” 
“It's not ideal, I despise him, he doesn't care about the cases, but of the fame; it makes me near vomit whenever he speaks about the women- or any woman for that matter.”
She hums in agreement, her uncle must have told her all this. “Audrey Rose, if I were to quit would your uncle offer me an apprenticeship?”
“I think so but why?”
“There are more benefits in working with your uncle than that egotistical man. The main one being right in front of me.” The words leave my mouth before I consider the consequences. I feel her grip on my shoulders tighten slightly, her gaze fixed intently at my eyes, seeking something, and her body has stopped swaying to the music. I smile, hoping to convey the utmost truth in my words. She sees it and begins to sway again, looking away and trying to calm her heart. I attempt the same. 
“You could talk to my uncle tonight, I'm sure he'd much rather discuss the case or anything remotely close to work rather than listening to my aunt.”
“Would you want me to work alongside you Wadsworth because if not I can-”
Her head whips up to me and I cringe, I've said something wrong, I just assumed she wanted to see me. “Do not finish that sentence Thomas. Of course I want you to work with me and my uncle.” 
“My brilliance is desperately needed isn't it? I mean you cannot resist my charm.” I smile and her own graces her face and the mere sight of her happy because of me makes my heart want to burst. I'm almost certain it will. She quickly acts unimpressed and rolls her eyes at me.
“No, I'm merely the one saving you from that- that man before he rots the only decent part of your brain.” She smirks at me and it's my turn to roll my eyes. 
“If you are the one saving me, will you be like the heroes in the books, because I do recall that they always give their saved maidens a kiss once they are saved?” 
Her eyes widen and her cheeks turn a deep red as she hits my arm lightly. I take that as yes as I laugh at her. The song is ending, and we've already had two dances. I should take her back to her table, I should talk to her uncle. I should do anything but kiss her. But I want to. 
Thankfully she has more self control and leads us back to her table. I stand awkwardly until she rolls her eyes at me and pushes the chair next to her with her feet for me to sit. I scowl at her slightly before meeting the gazes of all the males in her life and I revisit my early thought to perhaps dance with the murderer instead. Her father orders one of the waiters to bring a glass of champagne but I'd rather smoke. Not that this is a place to do so. The silence drowns me as the glass is set in front of me. My hands find the base and I begin to mess with the glass. Now would not be the best time to bring up the case because Jonathan Wadsworth is glaring at me. His brother elbows him slightly and then looks at me with a plastered smile. Jonathan promptly leaves in search of food and I contemplate what would be worse. Trying to follow him or stay. I steal a glance at Audrey-Rose but she has a smile dancing on her face. 
“So Mr. Cresswell, my son has been telling me a bit about you, what is it you do again?” 
“I'm a scientist sir.” His face drops and I look at Audrey Rose. 
“Surely a man of your title would pursue something other than that?”
“Science isn't about titles sir, it's just the pursuit of knowledge. You must want to know how things work, how things are made. I enjoy learning about the body, the world and how it works.” He narrows his eyes slightly and I feel as though I'm on a tightrope; any wrong word and he will push me off. Mr. Wadsworth looks at his daughter for a second before returning his attention back to his son. Once again I steal a glance at Audrey Rose and hers in on her own glass. So her father dislikes her pursuit of science. So he dislikes me too. I try and hide my contemptment and so I tap the table trying to get her attention and she looks up at me and I give her a warm smile, just for her. Only ever for her. She returns the sentiment and all I want to do is envelop her in a hug and tell her it is okay to want to pursue science. 
We remain in silence, I wonder whether I should go back to my own table but I cannot seem to be able to. Jonathan Wadsworth returns, taking a seat beside me. He is silent for some time so I speak before I begin bouncing my leg up and down. 
“Would it be okay for me to attend your school sir?” I look at his face and it reveals nothing. 
“Yes,” I sigh in relief, perhaps if I show my abilities there he will offer me an apprenticeship. I hear Audrey Rose also sigh, but for a different reason. I assume she has had no luck in being able to attend, and all it took was me asking. “On one condition,” Jonathan interrupts my thoughts, “you must stop working for Mr. Douglas.” It's a fair condition, he cannot have someone learning his theories on the crime and have them report back to someone. I consider asking to allow Audrey Rose to join me as my own stipulation but don't want to push my luck. Yet. I will ask in the future.
“Of course.” Tomorrow I shall resign, then make sure I spend lunch with Audrey Rose and discuss helping her attend the school. Not that she needs help, but I'm sure just offering her my assistance and giving her the choice to use it will be beneficial to her.
I return back to my table, albeit very reluctantly, and give some information to Mr. Douglas. I choose to ignore the surprise on his face over the fact I have some, despite me having had it for over a week now. I choose to ignore the look he gives Audrey Rose too. That is until I follow his now frowning gaze to where she is storming out of the room. He goes to stand, as though he could ever help, so I wave a hand at him and casually walk out after her. I find her nearer the edge of the garden, hands running over her arms and tears threatening to spill. 
“Miss. Wadsworth, is everything okay?” Cautiously I stand just behind her, ready to leave her if she asks to be alone; but she lets out a joyless laugh and spins to look at me. 
“Perfect, Mr. Cresswell. I am a woman in this absurd society so I must not dare think about anything remotely masculine. I must not be able to pick who I love but have my father arrange it without informing me.” The words she spits at me bite worse than the cold seeping into my bones. 
“Audrey Ro-”
“Blackburn. He chose Blackburn. He was never nice to me to be my friend, but because of him and my fathers scheming. If he hadn't been he would not have been this nice to me. I know I am not exactly the nicest person and that my interests disgust society but it was nice to have a friend.” She whispers the last part as though it pains her too. It pains me to hear it.
“Am I not your friend Audrey Rose?” The attempt at a joke is abysmal and I curse in my head at how bad I am at interacting with people, especially those I love.
“You are but you're different, you, I don't need to try with you Thomas. I have to try with everyone but you.”  I dare a step towards her and her eyes meet mine. We needn't say a thing for us to understand each other. 
“Wadsworth, I find it easy with you too. More than I even understand. This world is cruel and I wish more than anything to make it better for you, for it to be better in general. I- my father long ago gave up trying to marry me off, deeming me worthless and unable to love, and I still cannot figure out which is worse.” My voice becomes hoarse as I take her gloved hand in mine. “You are worth more to society than they realise, so please keep fighting for your freedom. I will forever remain your friend if that is what you wish to happen, to help you figure this world out.” I'll be more than your friend if you wish that too. I fail to add. Her hand tightens on mine and I fail to breathe properly. 
“Thomas,” she breathes out, it caresses me slightly, her voice smooth and sure, “you are not unlovable, your father is a fool. An utter fool. I want you by my side always, I fear I couldn't do this without you.” Closer she comes, impossible so, and I fear I may have to think about anything menial so I do not kiss her and inevitably ruin this. “What if, what if it was more than friends though?” Her question is hesitant, and my heart stops dead. We may have kissed, may have flirted, but a part of me never considered she reciprocated my feelings. “I- I’m sorry.” She stammers, taking a step back, misjudging my silent shock. I wince and keep her hand in mine. Her own shock widens on her face and I speak before she can beat me to it. 
“Wadsworth I'd like that too.”
There is a second of silence as it sinks in. “You would?” 
“More than anything. I care deeply about you. I shall court you like a proper gentleman if that is what you wish” I return to how we stood seconds ago as she snorts at my statement. 
“You are anything but a gentleman Cresswell.” The smile returns on her face as we both laugh. “It may be my favourite thing about you.” I flash her a devilish smile. 
“I am fully aware, love, that you love the scandalousness of my words. Would you like to go back inside or return home, I am sure I can get us a carriage to share.”
“Us? Thomas you do not live with me.”
“Yet.” I add. She rolls her eyes but does not disagree. “It would be ungentlemanly to let you return home alone; and purly scandalous to be in close quarters with you.” I wink as she retreats from me to where the carriages are. 
“Very well, you may escort me home. From a distance.” She adds with narrowed eyes and I laugh at her implications but follow her nonetheless. I follow her into what seems like a new life, new hopes, ones I never thought possible. Her dress swishes around her, sweeping around her ankles at her light steps. The green gems twinkle against the lamplights, her hair cascading down her back, covering the slight cut of the dress, hiding her skin. Devastating. Utterly captivating. Her footsteps stop as she realizes I have not moved. She turns to face me, brows furrowed. I blink and brush away my thoughts to follow her. 
“Are you alright?” She asks, falling into step with me. 
“Yes of course, I get to leave with the most dazzling woman at the party.” 
We link arms, pay for a carriage and start to head towards Audrey Roses’ house. We sit across from each other, but the carriage is small, and I happen to have quite long legs that are deliberately stretched out to brush against hers. I catch her trying not to stare at me so I nudge her and slowly she looks at me. “I am still watching for that kiss, Wadsworth.”
She blinks and I raise my eyebrows at her new forming blush. She had not listened to what I said at all. “Wadsworth?” I ask and she hums a response shaking her head slightly. 
“My kiss? I am still waiting for it.”
Her brows furrowed in confusion then her eyes widened as she processed the words. I lean forward, even as doubt pricks at my mind that she doesn't want to kiss me and will throw me out of the carriage if I move any closer to her. But she doesn't allow those thoughts to take over me completely as she leans in too and her lips meet mine. Warmth fills me, as we press closer together, my hand holds her knee and tightens as she deepens the kiss slightly. The kiss is gentle, soft and somehow better than the first one. The one before had been rushed, a kiss to convey how much we were thankful neither one of us was hurt. This kiss held promise, one I fully intended to keep. I hold my best friend closely for a second longer before I pull back, I search for any doubt in her eyes but find none. I only find adoration in her bright green eyes, her flushed cheeks and slightly bruised mouth. No regret. No hesitancy. So I press a small kiss on her lips and lean back so we can regain our composure before we leave the carriage. 
“I should save you from boring events more often if it means kissing you like that.” Her answering smile leads me to believe that she'd like that too. 
(i love writing dramatic Thomas)
i am working on the asks sent, i have plans and ideas for them so watch on in the next few weeks for them. i also have a feysand idea that i want to do
tages:  @fangirling-again (thank you for editing)  @city-of-fae  @the-hoofflepooff @padfoot-sirius-black @goatahoan @kittycat2187 @loveyatopluto @goddess-of-writing @yikesitsmaddie @lovecakeandmore @boredbookwormgirl
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dailytomlinson · 4 years
1. He threw a charity ball for terminally ill children, raising over $3 MILLION dollars.
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Louis went all out with this ball. He had a red carpet leading up to a castle, and the kids who were dressed up as princes and princesses got to make a grand entrance like you see in the movies! Louis danced with them, took pictures, signed whatever they wanted, and truly gave them the time of a lifetime. Most of the kids who attended this ball will never get to go to their high school prom or other school dances, but Louis gave them a chance to while they still could.
2. He dyed his hair red for charity, and NOBODY talked about it.
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Louis dyed his hair red for Red Nose Day in support of Comic Relief. Louis also took part with the rest of the boys on the official Red Nose Day single. They also sole their clothes they wore on the BRITS, visited Ghana, asked fans to donate, and did various other things to help raise money.
3. He took part in a charity soccer game!
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Louis has played in more than one of these, but this one is the one where his character really shines through. Louis got tackled full force by a professional footballer, hurting Louis and making him sick. Despite this fact, Louis stayed and watched the remainder of the game and continued playing in more games after this one!
4. He made Harvey's biggest dreams come true.
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Before Harvey sadly passed away in November of 2015 which Louis acknowledged by tweeting a picture along with a caption saying fly high buddy, Louis invited Harvey to his ball. He arranged them a stay at the Langham Hotel and for Harvey to wear a Ralph Lauren suit. Louis then sent Harvey's family to Disneyland Paris where Louis' family joined them for the final days. After that, he invited Harvey's family as his guests for the show. He got them gifts and made sure everything was taken care of. They met all the boys, and Louis even arranged a special room in case it got too much for the boys to handle. The day after the concert, Louis sent them to a Believe in Magic Party in Hamleys toy store. Louis wanted to build Harvey a winter wonderland, but he sadly passed before Louis could make that happen.
5. The Eden Dora Trust Fund
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Louis became a patron for the Eden Dora Trust Fund which was started for children with encephalitis. He attended a tea that they held. When videoed about this, Louis said "That's by far one of the best things of the job. You can really make a difference in other people's life." Eden was able to get a picture with Louis the next day. Louis is actively involved.
6. He met Daisy who had originally picked him as her wish.
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Louis met Daisy who has Achrondoplasia and had originally picked him as her wish, but instead wanted to pick something her whole family could enjoy. Louis originally sent Daisy a video after the news got out. He met her when he visited her state in August.
7. Soccer Aid
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Louis stayed with this little girl, Summer, who is profoundly deaf. He made sure she was beside him for most of the time she was with him and that she wasn't afraid.
8. NHS Heroes Awards
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Louis kept it a secret that he was attending, so he could surprise Freya Lewis with the Young Fundraiser Award for raising over 40k for Royal Manchester Children's Hospital. As he can see by the look on his face, he loved doing it and making Freya happy.
10. The One That's Personal
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I seriously can't write about this one without crying. Around 1 am on February 15th, I finally went to bed after researching ways to fundraise and charities that would help us to get Rylee, my little sister who was diagnosed with bilateral close-lipped schizencephaly causing her cerebral palsy at birth, get everything she needs. That morning I woke up around 9 am crying, but with a different emotion. Extreme happiness, excitement, and in awe of the man Rylee and I chose as an idol. $10,000 was our goal at the time and that's exactly what he donated. He truly changed our lives and opened thousands of doors for our family. Rylee is getting a new wheelchair next week, we have a ramp, and a surgery scheduled in Texas for August 17th this summer all thanks to Louis. We are currently still fundraising, but Louis definitely took tons of weight off of our shoulders.
We have a new update! Rylee has a powerchair, her feet are flat, she has a walker, and brand new confidence. When I asked her why she suddenly decided to walk in her walker, she said something along the lines of did it for Louis. I can't remember her exact words, but I do know that something Louis did almost a year ago still makes the biggest impact on her today.
"Come on mum, let's make someone happy today."
These eight things don't even begin to cover what all Louis has done. They only touch some of the amazing acts Louis has done over the years. Go support someone who truly deserves the world and all it's given him. Buy and stream Just Hold On, Just Like You, Back to You, and Miss You on Spotify and iTune
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the-neverletmegoxo · 4 years
The Fae and the Prince
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Author: Ok people! This is a doozy! Too be honest I love a good build up! Stay tuned for the next part where Y/N and Caliban spend the night.. :)
Summary: The Carnival!! FINALLY! 
Part 6:
Your eyes quickly readjusted to the inside of the dim tent. The smell of jasmine and incense were so overwhelming, you had to hold a cough in. You glanced around the intimate room, noticing a few candles lit with some plush velvet floor cushions scattered in various places and an old gramophone with a broken pavillon.
“Hello?” you said announcing yourself.
You sat down hoping whoever was telling fortunes would find you ready to spend your tokens. You saw a book that looked as though it had been read over 100 times. Being your curious self, you reached out to turn it towards you, Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft.
‘Why would a fortuneteller have a book on—Oh no. Oh shit.’ As you went to stand up and get the hell out of there, a voice interrupted your next move.
“Here to get your fortune told?”
“Oh, uh, actually I have to leave. I completely forgot I left my oven on at home.”
“I don’t think you’ll be heading home after what happened earlier this evening.” Her voice was dripping with sarcasm.
You stopped in your tracks, slowly turning toward the fortuneteller. She looked as though she had stepped right out of a silent film from the ‘30s. Her short, curly bob was perfectly pinned to frame her face. She was wearing a velvet shawl and a shift nightie. The woman’s eye makeup smoked to make her purple eyes pop out of her face. ‘Purple?’ Normally, this would terrify you, but there was something alluring that made you walk towards her.
“What did you just say?”
“Sit, child. Let me read your fortune.” She formed a smile that caused your heart to start thumping out of your chest.
Some force made you sit back down. “Now let’s read the cards.” She laid out three cards. You had seen readings done before, and you knew this wouldn’t be a typical reading.
“The Devil. Interesting. Opposites attract they say and with where this is placed it could be very pleasurable for you. In way, though, it could mean enslavement for you.”
You glanced away from the card and looked at the woman. She had an enticing smirk on her face. She licked her lips, and it gave you the chills.
“The Tower. Now this does not seem to match, but it could coincide with The Devil in the sense of disaster. It could also mean that you may be challenging outdated beliefs. A lover maybe. Something has been tormenting you, my dear.”
You thought to the conversation you and Caliban had, about never being able to be together. Maybe, somehow, someway, you could figure out a way for the two of you to be together.
‘Y/N. What are you thinking? You ca—. What’s that?’ It sounded like a hum.
You titled your head and looked at the woman. Her grin had grown into full on Cheshire.
“Everything alright, my dear?” Her voice had an angelic tone to it, but at the same time sounded muffled. You nodded your head sleepily. “Now that I have your full attention, let us finish the fortune.” She flipped the last card. Death. ‘How perfect?’ you thought. You giggled to yourself, pulling your hands up to your mouth to try to hush the chortle.
“Yes, my dear, Death. How befitting? Now, let’s get you something to drink.”
She grabbed both of your hands and pulled you out of the chair. The woman twirled you towards the back room. The lullaby still ringing in your ears.
She pushed you onto one of the floor pillows. The weight of your head flew back. It was as if you had no support from your neck. Your body felt completely limp. You were a dead weight. With nothing to support your head, you slowly turned toward the fortuneteller, who was concocting some by her bar cart.
‘Hmm. How funny. Such a silly, silly room.’ You giggled once again.
“Hush, my sweet child, this won’t last for very long.” She walked towards you, carrying what looked like a gold goblet.
Everything was blurry now. You rolled your head back. Something in your gut told you this wasn’t right, but something else said that this song was so sweet; everything was going to be ok. Your eyes slowly rolled back in your head.
A strong scent of what you thought was bubblegum, brought you back to your “senses.” The gold glass was now directly in front of you.
“Now sip, my dear. The warm liquid will just sting a bit, but I promise, you and I will go to someplace fun.”
You tried lifting your head to take a sip, suddenly realizing how dry your mouth was. Something to drink sounded perfect.
The woman reached for the back of your neck to help lift you up. Her hand, surprisingly cold. Your bottom lip touched the stark, cold, metal cup. All of the sudden the liquid spilled all over the pillow.
The cold hand supporting the back of your head disappeared. A warm one replaced the support of your neck. You no longer felt the plush pillow on your back, but instead the cold, autumn air. Your arms were completely limp, but you could feel a body beneath your left one, that was tucked by your side. Someone was carrying you and fast. You could feel the wind whip your hair over your face and suddenly it stopped. You felt the damp grass press into your back. You heard muffled voices moving around you. You moaned and rolled your head to the side, and then everything went black.
A warm breath tickled your ear.
“Y/N. Y/N, please wake up. Why isn’t it working? You call yourself a witch?” a voice said through their teeth.
“It should work. Just give it time. It needs time. At least that’s what my aunties said.”
You could feel that same warm hand, that lifted your neck, hold onto yours. Every so often, it would squeeze yours to reassure you, whoever it was, was still there. Your mind, still groggy, recognized that hand. ‘Caliban.’ You moaned from the pain you felt in your head. Your eyes slowly blinked open, and then immediately shut. Too much. You rolled over, forehead against the grass.
“Y/N” a husky tone said, no louder than a whisper. A hand immediately went to the small of your back and then to your shoulder to help you sit up.
“Y/N! Oh, thank Satan! You’re alive!” You slowly opened your eyes and saw Sabrina, Roz and Theo kneeling in front of you. The three of them went in for a hug.
“Oh!” you yelped in pain. The three pulled back, realizing you were sore from whatever happened to you. You didn’t know what the hell happened to you. You just remember a hum. You looked up and saw Harvey, Nick and Robin standing over the group of you. You glanced behind you, remembering the hand at the base of your backside. You looked up to the eyes of your protector, Caliban. He gave you a small smile, accepting your thank you.
“Y/N. What in Lucifer’s name happened to you?” “I have no idea. I walked into the fortuneteller’s tent to get my tarot read and then the last thing I remember is hearing a lullaby and smelling bubblegum.”
Sabrina’s face drained of its natural color. “What? What is going on? What do you know?” you asked the group in an exasperated tone.
“Well we were all doing our own thing at the carnival and Nick and I met up with Roz and Harvey, when Roz saw Caliban running toward the tent you described,” Sabrina said.
Roz jumped in, “Then all of the sudden I received a cunning vision of a mermaid with a drink and she was singing. Harvey had to jerk me awake because my lungs started filling with water.”
“And then Robin and I saw Roz choking and ran over to see what was up. When she woke from the vision, she ran towards the forest. That’s when we saw Caliban kneeling over you trying to wake you.”
“A siren,” a deep voice interrupted the explanation. “It was a siren, not a mermaid.” Caliban turned toward you and went on to tell you the rest of what you couldn’t recall. “I called for Sabrina and told her what I thought had happened. You were pulled into a trance by a siren. I didn’t think you drank any of her potion, so I explained to Sabrina what happened.”
“Well you should have mentioned the bubblegum smell, Caliban. If she had, things would have been a lot worse and that spell wouldn’t have worked,” Sabrina snapped at the Prince of Hell.
“I flung all of the contents out of that siren’s goblet. And besides her color was normal” Caliban gritted through his teeth.
“What do you know about that kind of poisoning, you couldn’t even save her!”
“Enough!” you screamed at the two of them. “Please. Please the ringing in my ears hasn’t gone away yet.”
‘Sorry,’ Sabrina mouthed to you.
You gave her a reassuring smile. “Can someone just, please, take me home?”
“I will,” Caliban whispered to you.
“Caliban. Why must you insert yourself into our problems?” Sabrina snorted.
“’Brina. Stop. Enough already, the both of you. I think Caliban has proven himself worthy to be trusted by our group.” You gave her a glare and she gave in. “Besides, you guys need to figure out what the hell that was that hypnotized me and make sure it doesn’t happen to anyone else in Greendale, ok? I’m going to go back to your place, ‘Brina, and sleep this day off.”
She gave you a warm smile. With that, you hugged the group, said your goodbyes and made your way back to the mortuary with Caliban.
As the group walked away to go figure out what was going in this carnival, you still sat on the ground.
“Are you ok to walk? We can wait here for a while, until you feel comfortable to go.” Caliban looked at you with sorrowful eyes.
“I’m totally good. Besides, I wanna get the hell out of here. I never want to see those pagans again.” You went to push yourself off the ground, as you stood for a second, to regain your balance, you wobbled and knew you were head straight for the ground. Caliban immediately caught you. Your hand grasped onto his upper arm. You looked up your savior. “You always seem to be saving me.”
“Someone’s got to” Caliban said in half whisper. “I’ll help you walk, just wrap your arm around my waist.” Your eyes went wide looking back up at the prince.
“Trust me, fae. I’m not going to try anything, especially since you’re incapacitated.” You gave a small laugh. He wrapped one of his hands around your waist the other held your arm that wrapped around his waist.
The two of you walked slowly towards the Spellman’s House, for you were too weak to partake in Caliban’s “fire transportation magic trick.”
Every now and then, you would look up at the Prince of Hell. The moon was perfectly accenting his facial features. You were careful not to stare too long, in case he caught you admiring him. “Like what you see, fae?” he said in a sarcastic tone.
‘How did he know?’ you gave a small laugh-cough. “No it’s just—ha! Umm, how much longer?”
“Well at this pace, we won’t be there until dawn.” Without even giving you a chance to respond, he hoisted you up into his arms, as if you were as light as a feather.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” “What, fae? You said how long and that you wanted to get the hell out of there. And besides you’re too weak to walk, not to mention teleport.”
You shook your head in defeat.
Before you knew it, Caliban was setting you down, carefully, on the Spellman’s porch.
Surprisingly the lights weren’t on. You knew Sabrina and Nick wouldn’t be there, but were a little confused as to why the aunties weren’t. On your way in, you saw the guest house lights on. That was reassuring to know your mom was there. You sent her a text, letting her know that you were back safe, although she probably wouldn’t respond, for it was well past her bedtime.
You turned toward Caliban, not realizing his hand was still on your waist. “Thank you. I really appreciate it.”
“You sure you’re going to be ok? I’m happy to escort you inside, fae.” “Caliban, I’m fine. I promise you.”
“Ok, well I’ll be out here. I’ll see you in the morning.” “What? What do you mean you’ll be out here?”
“You think I’m leaving you in this house alone? No way, fae.”
“It’s too cold out her—.”
“Fae, I’m the Prince of Hell. I don’t get cold.”
“Ok, well at least come inside for some tea.” You went to walk towards the door, and your legs felt like Jell-O. You started swaying to the left and Caliban caught you again.
“Ok, this is getting really old…” He laughed, wrapped his arm around your waist and walked you inside. You didn’t know how long he would stay, but it was nice to know you wouldn’t be alone tonight.
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ptersparkers · 4 years
angel (chilling adventures of sabrina)
summary: as the only pure mortal in the fright club, there seems to be an influx of interesting things happening in greendale that you are unaware of. a certain prince of hell happens to find that interesting. 
warnings: typos, probably.
a/n: ummm maybe i binge watched caos this past week and maybe i’ve fallen in love. i’ll let you figure that out. also this is my first time writing for caos (and not marvel, lol) so let me know what you think!!’ pls give feedback thank u. 
add yourself to my tasglist! 
ps: this gif is mine so if you use it, please credit!  
When all was said and done, Sabrina and Caliban had come to amicable terms regarding the shared responsibility of ruling Hell.
It didn’t take much convincing for Caliban to relinquish his prior ambition after learning his rule would end within a day, as the Pagans would have defeated him and taken Earth for themselves. Sabrina’s ability to show him the time loop she was once trapped in gave him a reason to quit the fighting and rule Hell on an equal scale, no questions asked.
Plus, he started to like the bleach blonde witch.
You, on the other hand, felt like you had missed out on the most important plot piece of the greatest film of all time.
While Harvey, Theo, and Roz had known about Sabrina’s secret since her sixteenth birthday, you were left in the dust about the shenanigans that went on around Greendale. You were truly the only mortal with no magic or witch ties, but the other four couldn’t say the same. Sabrina was a witch, Theo’s ancestor Dorothea often visited him in time of need, Harvey’s family had a history of witch hunting (which he does not partake), and Roz’s ability to foreshadow the future with a simple touch proved to be more useful than she had originally thought.
You were a mortal. A regular high school student whose biggest problems were studying for four AP classes every day while balancing cheerleading and other extracurriculars.
It wasn’t until recently that the strangeness came to light. What the Fright Club had failed to mention was that Sabrina had continuously hexed you in order to keep you out of harm’s way by leaving a small bag filled with her Aunt Hilda’s concoctions in your bedroom. It worked its magic when you slept, an invisible blanket covering your eyes that made their strange disappearances seem normal.
But it seems like that hex was fading. Sabrina neglected to change it out every other week due to being preoccupied by Caliban’s yearning, the Dark Lord’s agenda, and Lilith’s drama regarding Hell. Now you sat with wonder and couldn’t help but feel left out of a great adventure that your friends embarked on.
A month had passed since Sabrina and Caliban had made amends. You grew to understand the nature of it and the four filled you in on all you had missed with a guilt hanging over their heads. It was hard to hear and understand, but ultimately you couldn’t hate your best friends for wanting to keep you safe.
You knew not to question Sabrina’s whereabouts if you weren’t able to find her because she was most likely taking care of business down below. You still had yet to meet Caliban and the only information you gathered from him was what the gang caught you up on and Sabrina’s grievances whenever she felt annoyed by him.
“You know, this is all a weird concept,” you said. “I mean, I guess I always had my faith and doubt kept me guessing about what’s really out there, and it’s really out there,” you said, stealing a fry from Theo’s plate. The five of you sat in Dr. Cerberus’s diner and decided you weren’t going to do anything that wasn’t normal for teenagers.
“It still creeps me out,” Harvey admitted. “Hell was worse than I could’ve imagined.”
“Caliban’s got things under control and Lilith’s doing just fine being an advisor,” Sabrina said. “I don’t think she’s mad about the ruling situation anymore. Lucifer’s still doing his bidding but I think they’ve reconnected.”
Sabrina chuckled. “Trust me, it’ll take some getting used to.”
“That is an absolute understatement.”
The door to the diner chimed while you fished inside of your purse for a quarter.
“I’m gonna go pick out a song, any requests?”
“You’re the music genius,” said Roz. You smiled and walked towards the front of the diner.
As you approached the machine and put the quarter inside of the slot, a tall man with sand colored hair loomed over you and watched.
“Can I help you?” you asked.
“Not really. Just observing.” You quirked an eyebrow, not recognizing his face despite knowing everyone in the small town.
“You’re not from here, are you?” you asked.
He chuckled. “Is it that obvious?”
“Greendale’s a pretty small town. It’s easy to spot someone who’s not a local,” you replied.
“Well in that case, I’m not from around these parts. Far from, actually.” He looked at your hand and then the juke box. “What song are you choosing?”
You pried your gaze away from him to look back at the machine and put the coin in the slot, choosing “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” before looking back at him.
The handsome stranger looked at you and didn’t try to hide the face that he was checking you out by letting his eyes look at your body up and down. Not that you minded.
“Very,” he said with a sail try voice before walking around the corner. “The name’s Caliban.”
“Y/N,” you replied. You raised your eyebrow before walking back to the other four and sat down in your previous seat only for the handsome stranger to approach the table.
“Caliban,” Sabrina greeted. “What a lovely surprise.”
“Nice choice,” Roz commented, hearing the song play throughout the diner.
“That’s Caliban, as in the Caliban?” you asked.
“It’s good to know you lot have been talking about me,” he said, crossing his hands over his chest. “I decided to take a break from, you know, and come see what you love so much about Greendale.”
“She knows about Hell,” said Sabrina.
“Funny how I’ve never seen her there, or anywhere with you four, as a matter of fact,” Caliban replied.
“It’s a long story,” you said, sipping on your chocolate milkshake. “Not an important one, though.”
“Contrary,” he began. “You’re the first purely true mortal I’ve met in Hell or otherwise with no ancestral ties to witches or greater magic. That’s pretty important to me.” You blushed, not knowing what to say or do next.
“Is there a reason you’re here?” Harvey asked with a slight attitude. Caliban shifted his focus from you to him, which made your body relax a little bit.
“I didn’t come here for business or to whisk Sabrina away, if that’s what you’re wondering. I’m just here to see what makes Greendale so special, though I think I’m starting to see why.” Caliban spared no expense and was not shy about looking in your direction as he spoke his last statement.
“Don’t even think about it,” Sabrina said sternly. “You are not going to get any ideas, are you?”
Caliban chuckled and put his hands up in defense. “Whatever you say, Sabrina.” He began to walk away but not before turning around and winking at you. “See you around.”
Caliban walked out the door and you didn’t bother asking where he was going next.
“Dear Satan, he’s so annoying,” Sabrina said, exasperated. “It’s like he’s made it his personal mission to make my life, well, a living Hell for lack of a better term.”
“At least he’s not hellbent on defeating you anymore,” Theo reasoned. “I think he’s trying to get to know you a little bit better.”
“And he’s doing it by flirting with my best friend?” Sabrina asked. She put her head on your shoulder and and ate a fry from her plate. “You know I love you, right?”
“I’m not saying you need to stay away from Caliban, but you need to be careful around him. At least until we’ve worked together long enough for me to trust him completely.”
“Loud and clear, Brina,” you said. “I still can’t really wrap my head around this whole thing. I can’t watch horror films about Hell and witches the same ever again.”
The Fright Club laughed.
“It’ll take some getting used to,” Harvey said. “I mean, I was pretty apprehensive at first. Remember when Brina and I broke up and I spent every day at your place after school?” You nodded. “That’s when she told me she was a witch. It was kind of hard to wrap my head around until everything with the Pagans and angels happened.” You nodded, soaking in his words. “Anyway, there’s nothing wrong with feeling like you don’t understand. I don’t even understand most of it, if I’m being completely honest.”
“In think that’s enough food for me,” said Roz who pushed her plate to the middle. “Seeing Hell with my own eyes really suppressed my appetite.”
”Oh, shoot,” you said, looking at the clock mounted on the wall. “I have to head home and help my mom. I promised her I’d help clean the kitchen and I’ve got to be home in ten minutes. Can I pay you guys back?”
“Don’t worry about it. See you tomorrow?” said Theo.
“Count on it!”
You saw Caliban not long after your first encounter with him. The idea of him being the ruler of Hell (alongside Sabrina) was still a hard concept to understand and you weren’t quite sure if you were supposed to bow in his presence or not.
“Unnecessary,” he said when you asked. Caliban sat across from you at the local coffee shop, offering to walk you when you had caught his eye. You harbored a hot latte and he held a blueberry scone in his hand. “I think you mortals like that glory.”
You shrugged. “Can’t argue with that.”
“Hell doesn’t have formalities when it comes to celebration other than referring to each other by one’s title,” he explained. “It’s just easier that way.”
“You make it seem like Hell’s a relaxed place to be.”
He pinched a piece of his scone off at put it in his mouth, smirking at your statement.
“Oh, far from it. As righteous as demons are, we’re not that shallow.”
“It’s kind of hard to believe you’re made out of clay,” you said, taking a sip of your latte.
“Why do you say that?”
“I dunno,” you said. You reached over the table to poke his bicep. “You seem so real. So human.”
Normally, Caliban would’ve been offended by such a comparison. But he smiled.
“I suppose. I don’t question my creation. I accept it and try to live as adventurously as I can.”
“I hope to,” you said. “Getting out of Greendale, I mean. It’s my biggest dream.”
“You’d want to leave this town?” he asked.
“Well, yeah,” you replied. “I have nothing going for me here. I’m powerless and there’s no reason for me to stay where I’m not needed.”
To his surprise, Caliban felt his heart jolt at your comment. He was wordless for a moment.
“Where will you go?”
“I don’t know,” you said. “Maybe somewhere on the west coast. Maybe I’ll still be in New England. College is the perfect opportunity to explore the world and come back home for a few weeks at a time.”
“This is where Lucifer fell, you know,” said Caliban. “The sacred place is hidden deep in the woods where there’s a clearing of rocks and stone. That’s why this place is driven by witches of the Church of Night.”
“I still can’t believe the Devil is walking among us,” you said, shaking your head. “My mom used to force me to go to Sunday school, and I suppose I did have faith. It’s all meta now.”
“Are you still a believer?” he asked.
“I kind of have to be, considering you’re here.”
Caliban smiled.
“Do Heaven and Hell ever interact withe each other?”
“Not exactly,” he began. “We’re on civil relations but don’t want anything to do with each other. They stay up there so long as we stay down here. I’ve never encountered an angel before.”
“You haven’t?”
“They aren’t allowed to come down to Earth unless absolutely necessary,” he explained. “Not really sure why but it’s one of their more important rules.”
“I think I have a headache,” you teased. All of this knowledge about celestial beings truly made your senses adapt to your surroundings in Greendale and you were more than aware of the fact that God was real.
“I should go,” Caliban said, standing up. “I need to escort some souls back to Hell and send some up north.”
“You mean not all souls who are sold to the Devil go to Hell?”
“Sabrina and I negotiated that,” he said. “No more soul-selling. The ones that preexist will be discussed by her and I, and we decide if the punishment is worth the crime. I don’t think someone who sold their soul for a good cause needs to spend all eternity down in Hell. That’s why she comes down there all the time.”
“Huh,” you said at a loss for words.
Caliban smiled. “I’ll see you around, princess.”
The next time you see Caliban was with the rest of the Fright Club. He was wearing a linen button down with several buttons popped open, exposing his bare chest with black slacks and white sneakers. His hair was tousled and you swore this was the most human you had ever seen him.
“Ambrose is being a little paranoid and wants me to check out the edge of Greendale for threats,” Sabrina said. “I think he’s just worried about me co-ruling Hell while living on Earth. It’s nothing to worry about.”
“You say that like it’s just another day in Greendale,” you said.
Sabrina shrugged. “I mean, it kind of is.”
“Well, do you need us to do anything?” Roz asked.
“I want you to come with me, if that’s okay. Harvey, Theo, and Y/N, you don’t need to come. I’m sure this is Ambrose being Ambrose.”
“Are you sure, Brina?” Harvey asked.
She waved him off. “It’s fine, really. Roz and I will spend a few hours making sure things are normal and we’ll meet back at my place for dinner? Aunt Hilda’s kind of expecting us.”
“Wouldn’t miss it!” Theo said enthusiastically.
Sabrina gave the group one last smile before she took Roz’s hands and teleported out of the room, which left the four of you.
“I can give you a ride, Theo,” Harvey offered before looking at you. “And you too. I don’t mind driving to the other side of town.”
“I can take her home,” Caliban said. Harvey looked at you and Caliban spoke again, noticing his hesitation. “Part of our deal was that I made sure her friends remain unharmed. That includes Y/N.”
Harvey seemed to accepted this answer and grabbed his keys from his pocket before bidding you a goodbye. He and Theo drove off in his truck before you and Caliban left in the opposite direction.
“So, uh, do you want to come in?” you asked, awkwardly standing by the front door after he insisted on walking you in.
“I don’t mind,” he said. You fumbled with the keys before opening the door with a shaky hand and let him inside. It was the first time you were letting a boy into your home (other than Harvey and Theo, but your relationship with them was strictly platonic) and you felt a little more nervous than usual. After figuring out you had liked Caliban more than you originally expected, there was nothing you could do to stop your heart from beating just a little too fast when we he was around. Him being in your house did nothing to help the situation.
As for Caliban, his usual overwhelming desire for a carnal relationship was nowhere to be found when he stepped into your house. He looked at the white walls decorated with family photos and admired the ones with you as a child. Caliban watched as you put the house keys in a glass dish and followed you to your bedroom.
It was odd, Caliban thought, to feel nothing but tranquility. He was almost always hyperaware of his surroundings and wary of demons and souls roaming past him in Hell, but it was just the two of you. Two bodies under one roof.
“My parents won’t be home until later tonight. N-Not that we have to do anything!” you added. “I just mean they’d freak out because they haven’t met you before.”
Caliban chuckled. “I wasn’t planning on making a move, if that’s what you were wondering.”
You didn’t know whether to be relieved or disappointed.
“Your room suits you,” he said. Caliban admired the photos on your nightstand and polaroids pinned to a brown board on the wall filled with memories from your past with the Fright Club and other friends and family members. He saw a stack of books beside your bed and a fish tank sitting by the window, your closet doors closed, and decorative pieces that highlighted your personality.
“Thanks,” you said, laying down on your best. “You can sit, you know.”
Caliban took this opportunity to lay next to you. When you felt the bed dip, you averted your eyes to the ceiling.
“What are you thinking about?” Caliban asked after a long pause of silence.
“How fast life changes,” you replied. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, but with all that I know, how can I keep all of this celestial knowledge a secret from my parents? The world is always doubting Heaven and Hell but I know the truth. I don’t know if being purely mortal is helping me out in this situation either.”
“You’re an innocent,” Caliban said, turning his head to look at you. “So pure and clean. Your soul has been untouched by neither light or night and it’s probably the one thing that’s going to save you in the future.”
You turned your head to meet his gaze. “I’m still powerless.”
“Maybe in one way, but not completely. You have no witchcraft magic but you have intelligence and intuition. You know not to meddle with things that aren’t of your concern.”
You were silent.
“What else are you thinking about?”
“How much I like spending time with you,” you confessed. “But it’s hard, you know. You’ll be in Hell most of the time and you’re made of clay, for crying out loud.” Caliban chuckled. “I didn’t really think you’d be around as often as you are.”
Caliban was silent.
“What are you thinking about?”
“You,” he replied. “I’m always thinking about you. I used to think morality was a disease, but it’s not. It’s a rationale, just like any demonic presence.” Caliban moved closed to you.
“I think about what love is and how I don’t know what it really means.”
“I think love means different things to different people,” you said. “I think it’s mutual respect and loyalty. It’s knowing details about someone, big and small. It’s about being together but knowing you can be independent. Love is hard and it takes time. Love is not instant.”
“You’re pretty wise for an innocent,” he said.
You laughed. “Maybe I’m just a hopeless romantic.”
“Maybe not.”
Caliban lifted his body to hover above yours, your chests barely touching as his eyes gazed right over your lips. You dared not to move and Caliban hesitantly leaned down further so that your lips barely brushed against one another, the goosebumps on your skin taking affect. Because you weren’t pulling away, he took it as a silent signal and pressed his chaste lips against your soft ones.
There was no spark. No magic and no fireworks. There was only you and Caliban, and there was no other way you would’ve wanted your first kiss to feel like. Time slowed down as Caliban relaxed by your touch and your hands roamed his neck. The cold outdoor air was replaced by the warmth of Caliban’s body and when he pulled away, he let his thumb stroke your cheek as he cupped the side of your face.
“You are, dare I say, an angel.
“That’s a compliment, considering I know how much you despise them.”
He laughed. “Perhaps I’ll make an exception.”
Caliban leaned down once more to press a tender kiss to your forehead and you closed your eyes in bliss, happy to accept the good that came with the craziness of the last month. You looked at his structured jaw and grinned at his loving gaze, letting out a tired laugh.
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
Life & Style, April 26
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Khloe Kardashian is a total fake
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Page 1: Lady Gaga in a wedding dress on the set of House of Gucci in Rome
Page 2: Contents
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Page 4: The Top 10 SAG Awards Looks -- Mindy Kaling, Jamie Chung, Amy Adams, Sarah Levy, Kerry Washington
Page 5: Kaley Cuoco, Nicole Kidman, Natalie Morales, Viola Davis, Lily Collins
Page 6: Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen celebrated their 12-year anniversary, posting heartfelt tributes to each other on social media, but their relationship hasn't always been so rock solid -- Tom admitted that Gisele has made a lot of sacrifices for their marriage and she hated living in Boston because she had no friends there and felt so alone because Tom was never around; things got so bad they sought counseling, which was the wake-up call that Tom needed -- he promised to make changes and he agreed to quit the Patriots and sign with a team in a location that was more desirable to Gisele and Tom stuck to his word and he came the new quarterback for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and since moving to Florida, Tom and Gisele have never been happier and they have date nights every week and always make sure to communicate -- it wasn't easy, but they're both really proud of how far they've come
Page 7: After multiple delays, David Schwimmer, Courteney Cox, Jennifer Aniston, Lisa Kudrow, Matthew Perry and Matt LeBlanc have finally filmed the highly anticipated Friends reunion special and they all got really emotional when they saw the set and being there brought back so many fond memories -- it's the first time in 17 years that fans will get to see the entire cast together since the show went off the air in 2004 -- afterwards, everyone went to Jen's house for dinner -- each of the stars was paid $2.5 million to appear in the special
* Throwback -- Dolly Parton in 1965
* Biggest Spenders of the Week -- Bobby Flay, Aaron Rodgers, Vanessa Hudgens, Angelina Jolie
Page 8: Drew Barrymore revealed that, after three divorces and a string of failed romances, she's sworn off marriage altogether -- Drew doesn't need a man to feel complete and she's happiest hanging out with family and friends -- if the right guy comes along later down the line, great, but for now, she's content with being single
* Becoming one of the most sought-after stars in Hollywood has gone straight to Ana de Armas' head -- the cast and crew are often left waiting for the actress to emerge from her trailer on the set of the new action thriller The Gray Man -- Ana's got a lot going on and she's juggling several different projects, as well as photo shoots and phone calls with her team and people don't stay mad at her for too long, but they have nicknamed her Ana de Diva, but she isn't upset by the scathing moniker because she's a big name now, and with that comes a lot of responsibility and the way she sees it, there are worse things than being called a diva
Page 10: The Week in Photos -- Orlando Bloom got a surprise visit from the Easter Bunny
Page 11: Jennifer Lopez in jeans at a photoshoot for InStyle, Priyanka Chopra dancing around her backyard in a bright yellow dress
Page 12: Animal Tales -- Gilles Marini posed for a pic with his African grey parrot Anya, singer Madison Beer leaned in for a kiss from a caramel-colored stallion, Kate Beckinsale's feline Clive seemed less than thrilled when Kate strapped him to her chest in a carrier
Page 13: Kaia Gerber and her precious pooch Milo snuggled up in bed, Malin Akerman and a goat
Page 16: Stars Behaving Badly -- Lisa Vanderpump let her parched dog drink from her water glass at a restaurant in West Hollywood, Maisie Williams went topless under a translucent jacket while shooting a new TV series about the Sex Pistols in London, HGTV Design Star host Allison Holker used a megaphone to give out instructions to Property Brother Jonathan Scott on the show's finale, Calvin Klein wasn't worried about stains when he shoved a pile of spaghetti into his mouth at West Hollywood's Mauro Cafe
Page 18: Say What?! Helena Bonham Carter who turns 55 in May, Chelsea Handler who admits she consumes mushrooms almost every day, Olivia Munn who is the proud pet parent of rescue dogs Frankie and Chance, Melissa McCarthy on doing her own stunts in Thunder Force, Brian Tyree Henry on Godzilla vs. Kong co-star Millie Bobby Brown
Page 20: Pete Davidson has officially moved out of his mother's home and into a $1.2 million luxury high-rise condo on Staten Island, and it's all thanks to his new girl girlfriend, Bridgerton star Phoebe Dynevor -- the Saturday Night Live star showed off his two-bedroom, two-and-a-half bathroom bachelor pad during a Zoom call -- Phoebe is a down-to-earth girl, but she doesn't want to date a man who lives in his mom's basement and she thinks Pete's mom, Amy, is awesome and says it's a great thing that they're super close, but being in a long-distance relationship is difficult enough so Pete and Phoebe need some alone time when they're together, which was almost impossible with his mother hanging out upstairs -- Pete knew it was time; he just needed that gentle nudge
Page 21: Matt James and Rachael Kirkconnell were spotted in NYC together, sparking speculation that the former Bachelor couple have rekindled their relationship -- the pair parted ways while the show was still airing after photos of the graphic designer at a plantation-themed college party in 2018 surfaced on social media -- Rachael made a mistake but she owned up to it and was willing to learn from it and it didn't change her feelings for Matt or vice versa and Matt was in love with Rachael too and he couldn't just turn those feelings off so no one would be surprised if they decided to reconcile
* Michael B. Jordan's girlfriend Lori Harvey was left reeling over photos of the actor sharing a smooch with Chante Adams on the set of their new movie A Journal for Jordan -- of course, they were just shooting a scene for the film, but Lori was still annoyed and she asked Michael about it, and he brushed it off and explained it was part of the job but Lori still has her suspicions and she's been thinking about dropping by the set just so she can keep a very close eye on them
Page 22: Cover Story -- Khloe Kardashian living a lie -- devastated by an unretouched photo leak, Khloe faces claims she's a body positivity hypocrite as she demands the viral image be taken down
Page 26: Alex Rodriguez to Ben Affleck: Back off my fiancee -- Ben gushes about ex Jennifer Lopez in a new article and A-Rod isn't happy about it (not quite Bennifer yet :)
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Page 28: Prince Harry overwhelmed with work -- Harry struggles to adjust after trading his cushy royal role for a variety of normal gigs -- though his job for BetterUp is primarily remote, added stress comes in the form of Harry's Spotify and Netflix deals, plus growing charity work -- Harry finds all of his new, non-royal titles fresh and exciting, but while he's a great person, some in his inner circle say Harry's kind of dumb and worry whether he can handle the pressure
Page 30: Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli life after prison -- reunited following months spent behind bars, Lori and Mossimo try to pick up the pieces -- prison definitely took a toll on Mossimo and he doesn't expect sympathy, but he's still struggling to adjust to what he went through; it really broke him down and forced him to reevaluate his life
Page 32: Who Lives Here? Lil Nas X
Page 34: Entertainment
Page 35: Star Review -- Jonathan Van Ness
* As Seen On-Screen -- Meghan Markle wore a dark green coat while walking through Archie's Chick-Inn during her CBS interview which was J. Crew's Perfect Lightweight Jacket
Page 36: Go Green at Home -- reduce your carbon footprint even more with these eco-chic essentials, because our planet can use all the help it can get
Page 37: Beauty Crush -- get Jurnee Smollett's look from her makeup artist Emily Cheng for the SAG Awards
Page 38: Spring Beauty Must-Haves -- these product picks aim to reign as new-season favorites -- Camila Mendes
Page 40: Diva or Down-to-Earth? Rihanna bagged her own haul at Bristol Farms in Beverly Hills -- down-to-earth, Shay Mitchell worked from home with help from her most trusted assistant daughter Atlas -- down-to-earth, during a photo shoot in Malibu Brooke Burke got a makeup refresh from a personal primper -- diva
Page 42: Social Stars Posts of the Week -- Sofia Vergara sneaking Heidi Klum a chip on the set of America's Got Talent, Neil Patrick Harris finished the first season of The Irregulars while quarantining in Toronto, Jared Leto pretended to pluck the moon straight out of the sky during a masked outing in Italy, Beyonce treated her daughter Blue Ivy to a meal at Nobu in Malibu
Page 44: Horoscope -- Taurus Gigi Hadid turned 26 on April 23
* They're Not Together, But They Should Be -- Capricorn Charles Melton and Virgo Zendaya
Page 48: What I'm Into -- Kameron Westcott of The Real Housewives of Dallas
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everyothermouse · 4 years
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Made some designs for my old superhero au for funsies, enjoy
I am going to take this as an excuse to talk abt this au, some backstories and design details under the cut :)
Tw: suicide attempt (peters backstory) and abuse (hash’s backstory)
Also, i gotta warn you that the backstory descriptions get longer as we go on, as the longer i write for, the worse i get at being concise. My apologies!
Power(s): control over the shadow realm
Power triggers: fear, depression, sadness, anger, focus
Relationships: hash (daughter/apprentice), genny (ally), ms. Garner (friend/ex nemesis), gabby (ally), prince (assistant/nemesis) princess (nemesis?)
Backstory: Tried to die in a vat of Poisonous Liquidtm but due to the nature of the experiments Done by damian at Unnamed Lab Owned By Damiantm, instead of dying his misery manifested through shadow powers. He was a shadow for a bit before he was able to start being a person again, and he was so upset about being alive that he decided he needed to consume the entire city in shadow so everyone else would have to be miserable like he was. He would be repeatedly thwarted by a superhero in the city named flower girl, who would eventually (over the course of like 3 years) forcibly found family him. He now has a job and uses his powers for good, and has recently taken up a superhero apprentice :)
Design notes: the heart clasps on peters cape and arms were originally by Ms. Garner before she retired as a superhero. They are tools used to help focus magic, making it easier to stay centered and to direct magical forces. The heart in the middle changes color based on the magic surrounding it/running through it, for peter it is black, but for Ms. Garner it was red/pink. Peters crown is made of the same material, but is not quite as strong. Peter mainly focuses his magic outwards using his palms and the soles of his feet, thus why they are uncovered. Villain peter looks a lot less alive than current peter partially because of being magically exhausted, but mostly just because he is in very bad physical health, having dipped himself in a vat of poison and proceeding to get 0 medical help, and then also not eating or bathing and living on shadow magic and depression. The boots previously used for villain-ing are now his work boots :)
Power(s): super strength
Power triggers: N/A
Relationships: nut (son), mellisa (friend), gabby (ally), Ms. Garner (friend?), hash (ally), peter (ally), damian (enemy)
Backstory: genny was a single mother and teacher living a normal life when she was caught in a catastrophic event as the city’s super villain the week was wreaking havoc in the middle of town. When a car came flying at her child, she had no choice but to rush forward and try to get him out of the way. Usually this would have ended in disaster, but thanks to a mix mothers hysterical strength and the strong magic energy radiating out of one of the destroyed buildings (it was U.L.O.B.D., because its always fucking damian isnt it) she was suddenly imbued with the strength to block the car and escape. Soon she would realize that this effect wouldn’t go away, and thus she decided to try and use this ability to help protect the city from all the dangers which threaten its safety.
Design notes: the knife on her leg is attached with a very strong magnet, it is difficult for others to remove but easy for her to thanks to her strength. Her body armor is all much stronger than the other three’s, as having armour that is lightweight isn’t a priority for her in the same way it is for the others, due to her strength. Genny doesnt actually have that much more muscle mass than a normal reasonably fit person, as her super strength is not connected to this. She wears contact lenses in her daily life, but after the event in which she got her super powers her eyes are entirely white (nut’s eyes are also lightened, but not to the same extent as genny’s, you can actually see them from more than 2 inches away.)
Power(s): control over earth/rocks
Power triggers: fear, excitement, focus
Relationships: Peter (parent/mentor), genny (ally), gabby (friend), prince (annoyance),
Backstory: Hash has had the ability to move the earth since she was born, but her parents always shunned her for it, saying it was destructive and evil, and so was she. She was forced to repress her powers and was often neglected (and occasionally hurt) by her parents, as well as frequently being forced to socially isolate herself from peers and teachers due to her being “too dangerous.” She tried to run away from home, feeling as though she was a danger to her parents, but when she was caught she freaked and accidentally used her powers towards her parents out of fear. Her parents called the police, making her more afraid and causing her to become more destructive. After a couple days of chaos and no one being able to defeat her, she would eventually be talked down by [whatever tf peters superhero name is], a superhero in the city who had previously been a villain but was changed through kindness and love and what not. It took a while after that to convince her that she wasn’t some horrible monster, and to get her a way from her previous household for good, but now shes a lot happier and has moved in with peter. She’s also started practicing using her powers, although its pretty hard for her given she spent all the time that her powers were developing not using them, and thus doesn’t know how to control them at their new level. She likes to tag along and try to help out on superhero missions, but honestly her main focus right now is trying to make friends and become accustomed to normal daily living, which is difficult when you’re constantly afraid of everything and have no idea how to talk to people.
Design notes: her small cape/cloak is an old one of peter’s. She hand painted on the rock pattern and the green inside, and its not perfect but she likes it. Just like normal hash, she cut the sleeves off of all her shirts, even the ones that weren’t damaged, back when she was at her old household. After moving in with peter though, shes started wearing more long sleeved shirts :) . Hash may lift rocks from the ground and stick them to her body as impromptu armour when shes distressed, although she usually doesn’t purposefully do this as its not actually very good armour, its just annoying.
Power(s): fire manipulation, lizard stuff
Power triggers: lizard: N/A Fire: focus, anger
Relationships: peter (ally), hash (friend/ex-rival), Dario (nemesis/enemy/rival), Akira (friend/ex-rival), genny (ally), Ms. Garner (mom/mentor), Mrs. Harvey (ally/girlscout troup leader), the other Mrs. Harvey (Girl Scout troup leader/ally)
Backstory: ever since she could walk gabby was convinced she had the ability to control fire, But none of the other kids at her orphanage ever believed her, and neither did anyone at her school. One day though these powers were put to the test, when the orphanage took fire and she rushed in to help the local super hero evacuate the other kids while the fire fighters were still on their way. It was at that moment she decided that she could be a superhero too, and that the poor superhero present at the time, flower girl, would be her mentor. She followed her everywhere being the annoying curious child she was, but all flower girl wanted was her to stay out of danger and go home to her parents (which she would eventually realize gabby didn’t have.) But when gabby proved her worth and saved flower girls life, flower girl finally caved and decided to start training her, as long as she promised to try to be more cautious, and to stop skipping school to follow on dangerous missions. From then on they were an amazing super duo! Together they fought villains and used the power of kindness and pretty flowers to brighten peoples day :) and after a while ms. Garner would even end up adopting gabby, yay!
Eventually gabby’s lizard features started growing in, which was pretty scary. But her mom showed her that they weren’t all that bad, and gabby realized she could use them to help out on super hero missions! Peter, who was flower girls nemesis, would move in with her and her momma temporarily while he was getting better, as he was very sick while he was a super villain. She decided to adopt him as her new second parent, which he never agreed to, but I mean hes never denied it so its basically true. Several villains and other hero’s have also been added (and removed) from gabby’s growing list of parents. After her mom got hurt really badly in the hash incident, she decided to retire from being a superhero, deciding that she needed to put more focus on her safety so she could take care of gabby. Gabby has continued fighting crime, now taking up a more independent role as a superhero because she’s a preteen and thinks shes mature, but she usually works alongside other superhero’s in teams or as partners, as her mom requires she have adequate supervision (bcus shes LAME.) She still gets somewhat serious treatment from other superhero’s given that she technically does have more years of experience in the field than like half the cities heroes and she has had a major role in taking down multiple big villains, but she’s still a child and is generally not to be trusted on her own, as she is minority stupid and majorly reckless.
I’m sorry that was so long,,,,,, it could’ve easily been 1 paragraph but i have failed 😔
Design notes: gabby isnt wearing shoes under the legwarmers in hercivilian design, she likes the good grip her feet give her. Sidekick gabby’s stick can make fire just like her current one can, but it does not have the other functionalities. Her stick is not just for magic stuff, she also wacks people with it, and knocks them off their feet and stuff, its quite sturdy. The thick line on her face is just face paint for funsies and to make her a little bit less recognizable (only barely tho.)
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thedisney1901 · 3 years
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Heya, Tumblr! It’s been a while. XD 
I do think Casper ‘95 is the best film based on the Harvey characters. Sure, the screenplay has some flaws and the jokes don't always work, but it does have an engaging overall story, top-notch voice acting, excellent production design, and a great score to boot. Plus, I think this was J.J. Abrams' first big success given that Spielberg brought him onboard to rewrite it. True, he was uncredited, but given the screenplay he was handed, he gave the film the dramatic boost it needed. 
Figures that I think it deserves a continuation. I've had this in the back of my head for a while (As is the case a lot. XD), but I really wanted to get all of these out. 
The basic story I have in mind is that Whipstaff has been abandoned again for some 50 years since the Harveys left and Kat pursued a career to take up her dad's mantle. 50 years after the 1995 film, Little Dot, Little Audrey and Little Lotta stumble across Casper and his uncles Stretch, Stinkie and Fatso around Christmastime, and they befriend them. Dr. Kathleen Harvey also returns to Friendship as one of Dot's dads has called her over to investigate. Casper and his uncles have a small grudge over Kat for leaving Whipstaff, but overtime, Kat regains Casper's trust and he eventually gets his uncles to do the same. Obviously, they don't love each other anymore because... well, that's just ewwy. No. Just no. 
During a Fair scene, Casper stumbles across another ghost on a Fairground built where the local insane asylum used to be - the ghost of his father J.T. McFadden. Overtime, Casper tries to get his dad to remember who he was, with some help from Kat. 
But there's another reason why Dot, Audrey and Lotta are drawn to Whipstaff. In this universe, Audrey and her sister Zoe have a familial connection to Carrigan Crittenden (Great-nieces.), and thusly are entitled to Whipstaff. What's more is that the Crittenden lines has ties to the McFadden line, and Audrey, Zoe and their mother are some of the last surviving people related in some sense to Casper as a result. What I think will happen is that a direct relative (A grandfather?) will want Whipstaff and the Lazarus for themselves and will try to kill Audrey and Zoe to get it, so they kidnap Zoe to get her to reveal where the Lazarus is and what it does. This will result in Casper, Kat and the 3 gals going to save Zoe and her and Audrey confronting their relative. He dies and becomes a ghost, but instead of having him cross over to the Afterworlds, he is exorcised there. 
In the end, Audrey, Zoe and their mom move in to Whipstaff to live with Casper and his uncles, his dad regains his memory, he and Kat rekindle their friendship, and all of them, including Dot and Lotta, become a sort of group of friends. On Christmas Eve, Casper says it'll be fun while it lasts, and even when the next family comes around, he'll still have his own to keep him company. Just then, Casper's dad finds the Primordial soup formula for the Lazarus and gives it to him. He gets excited and goes to tell everyone about it, ending the film. 
The idea for the Harvey Girls for Casper Returns is that they will be based upon their Harvey Girls Forever counterparts, henceforth why I drew them here. I know Harvey Girls Forever already has their own Casper, and I do think they did a great job with that version! This one here will exist as an separate world, so you won't see any statue of Harvey E. Harveson since he won't exist in this world. 
I think Audrey and Lotta will act as sort of big-sister figures to Casper, Audrey especially since she'll discover her relations to the McFadden line. Dot and Casper might have some affection for each other and date for a small while. Yeah, screw it. I like it, it's a fun crack ship and it'll still be a little bit before Wendy comes into play, though not too long. 
For this drawing, I wanted to visualize how Kat and Casper's uncles would look with him and the 3 gals. I drew Stretch too small, so I had to resize him. XD Still, I think I did a'ight. I think adult Kat looks cool in Katie Rice's style too. 
As far as writing goes, I want J.J. to come back to produce and help with the main story, but I want Phillip LaZebnik to do the actual screenplay. The Prince of Egypt was really good, and I want to see more stuff from him. I could probably bring in Guillermo del Toro in to co-write/produce too since he did Trollhunters and is doing a film of it soon. I'd also bring in the Brendan Hay to co-write since he helped develop the versions of Dot, Audrey and Lotta I want to integrate.
As you expected, I want Burton to produce as will everything I want to make, but I especially want the Spielberg family on board. Steven will probably have a good excuse not to, because he'll be dead by the time I get to produce this, in which case may he rest well. 
As far as directing goes, I think Peter Ramsey. He directed Rise of the Guardians, but he also has some experience in live-action doing some second-unit work for John Singleton. Plus, he was an artist on Casper '95. 
That's pretty much all I've got for now. I'll try to add more as time goes onward, but if you like what I've got so far, feel free to give some feedback if you want. 
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Batman: The Long Halloween - It's About Damn Time
Recently, I've had the time to watch the latest DC Animated Film, Batman: The Long Halloween. Being a big fan of the source material, it's safe to say I was pretty excited when it rolled out and would have been totally pissed if they managed to ruin one of the best Batman stories of all time. Luckily, that didn't happen, so if you haven’t watched it yet, I highly recommend you do. Trust me. You don’t wanna miss out on this one. So yeah. **Minor Spoilers Ahead**
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I was fairly skeptical when they announced Jensen Ackles, widely known to have played Dean from CW’s “Supernatural”, to play The Dark Knight. I mean, when I see him, it doesn't exactly shout Batman. But he surprisingly gave a solid performance as Bruce Wayne and a pretty believable Batman. I can’t say much else cause for the most part, he doesn’t really get a chance to shine, being that most of the lines are the usual gruff Batman voice. But I'm pretty sure in the next movie we’ll get to see more from him.
Naya Rivera also brought a pretty good Catwoman without feeling like she was trying too hard. There was a “hiss” from her , which I have no idea why, but yeah, it's in there. (Halle Berry Catwoman intensifies) Luckily it's just the one time or else I would be cringing in my chair throughout the movie. Overall I would say it was a satisfying final performance, and hopefully her legacy lives on.
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Harvey Dent
For me, the star was Josh Duhamel’s Harvey Dent. I think his take on Harvey was by far the best I’ve seen in a long time, and maybe even all time. He brings a significant passion into his voice which really steals every scene he’s in. And for some reason, you can feel the tension as he descends into madness.
Side Characters
Other characters worth mentioning include Troy Baker's return as the Joker. After bringing the character to life in the Arkham games, he brings the same energy and panache to this movie and its beautiful to watch. His take on the Clown Prince of Crime lends heavily from Mark Hamill's version, but in the way that it keeps it fresh, and a little nostalgic. Titus Welliver as Carmine Falcone was a bit underwhelming for me, though delivering his lines convincingly, didn't sound as menacing as he should have. Alberto Falcone is also worth mentioning, though I've never imagined him sounding like this, Jack Quaid fits perfectly with the character and I'm glad that he got the part.
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Animation / Art
I noticed that the art style was quite different from both the comic, and the usual DC Animated movies, and I love it. It perfectly captures the sombreness of the comic, and just looks way better than any animated movie I've seen from DC so far. The animaton is pretty solid for the most part, except for a few scenes where the character's movements feel somewhat robotic, or like a few frames were missing (eg. the rooftop scene with Bats & Harvey) .
Overall though, I loved this movie and I'm so happy that they didn't manage to ruin one of the greatest batman stories of all time. Verdict: 9.1/10
Credits: @jensenandtheboys
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calibansprincessx · 5 years
Hell Is Hot CH 2 - A Mortal Afternoon
After Caliban left I got undressed and got into bed. I tried so hard to sleep but the whole day just kept playing in my mind. The way I felt touching Harvey’s hand before I burned the candle. The way I found the courage to finally stand up for myself against Nick when he assumed something was going on with Caliban and I. I suppose he was right though, there clearly is something going on with Caliban other than a political alignment. Does that mean he was right about everything else? 
Before I knew it, it was time for me to get up for school. When i got up though i wasn't as exhausted as i thought id be. There was like a giddy kind of feeling in my stomach thinking about the fact that i was really gonna be married? At 16? I didn't feel too young but it just seemed kind of surreal. I got dressed in a burgundy sweater top, mustard skirt and black tights pair with black heel boots. I went down and greeted Ambrose and my aunties while sitting down for breakfast. Chugging a glass of orange juice I grabbed a butter biscuit and left for school while hurriedly waving by to everyone. 
School went by as normal and I was so happy to have Roz back. Theo and Robin were getting closer now that Robin came clean about himself to Theo and the group. School ended and we were all walking to go grab milkshakes before Roz and I had cheer practice. 
‘Hello princess.” I heard from behind me.
“Caliban you startled me!” I half shrieked.
‘Sorry my lady. I came to spend time with you. We only have about a week before the third challenge.” He said softly with a sweet smile.
The group looks confused at each other. 
“Caliban now's not a good time I have cheerleading practice soon.” I said trying to make the conversation as private as possible.
Roz interjects. “Go. I'll cover for you with the Ravenettes if it's important hell business.” 
I think real quick about how this might be as good of a time as ever to bring Caliban into my mortal world. I smirk mischievously. “No Roz it's okay i’ve missed too many practices.” I redirect my attention back to Caliban. “Caliban why don't you come watch practice and then we can go back to my place?”
Caliban smiles widely. “Whatever you wish, my lady.” 
“Perfect--” I begin before Harvey interjects.
“‘Brina can we have a second?” he says worriedly.
I nervously step closer to the group and do a little huddle up as Harvey begins voicing his concerns.
“‘Brina what is going on? I thought this guy was challenging your throne? Why is he trying to come spend time with you and why are you letting him? Is this about the proposal he was talking about?” Harvey starts saying nervous and fast. 
Roz confused asks, “Wait, what proposal?”
I take a long sigh. “Everythings fine guys, there's nothing to worry about.” 
Theo interjects. “You're hiding something.What was the proposal?” 
“Sabrina you can tell us anything.” Roz says pleadingly. 
I straighten up not whispering as much anymore. Everybody looks at me slightly confused and still a tad worried. 
“Caliban’s proposal was that we get married and rule Hell together. Before you guys freak out know first that this is the best option to ensure I keep my life here with you guys and to ensure Hell stays where it belongs.” I say confidently and knowingly.
The group begins talking all at once. 
“But didn't he want to bring Hell to Earth?” Roz says still confused.
“You're too young to get married!” Theo shouts.
“I don't like this ‘Brina. I don't trust him.” Harvey says defensively. 
I try to calm the group. “We have made an agreement signed in blood and clay, it ensures he doesn't bring hell to earth as well as it ensures i maintain my life here while still having rule in Hell. It is a political marriage but we’re trying to get to know each other so the alignment won't be so rigid. My heart has softened towards him a bit as we’ve been getting to know each other. Please don't be mad or worried guys, this is the best option.” 
Caliban walks up behind Sabrina closer, smiling. “I see you told them about our alignment.” He says as he fixes a strand of her hair. 
The group scowls as Theo mutters. “I don't like this.” 
Sabrina interjects hurriedly. “Yes i did and we talked about it and now we’re going to practice so let's go.” She turned to start walking as the group followed behind her and Caliban followed behind them. 
Practice went great, it was oddly nice feeling performing in front of Caliban. Afterwards i said bye to the gang and said id catch them later as Caliban transported us to my house. I knew the aunties and ambrose would still be at the academy so this was the perfect place right now. 
Caliban lays on my bed as if it's his own. “Your mortal friends dont like me” He states.
I sit down on the bed next to him. “My friends don't know you and they are wary of trusting really anything from Hell.” 
He looks at me as he moves another strand of hair from my face. “Then how do they trust you?” 
I sighed remembering all we’ve been through. “It's hard. For them. We went through a lot once they found out and saw who I really was. They didn't trust me and didn't want to be around me for a long time but in the end they knew that I was still me.” I sighed and looked at Caliban watching me. “Caliban, why do you want to be in a relationship with me? If you want to be king, you don't have to be with me to do so?” 
He smiled that smile. “I like you, Morningstar. You're smart, fearless and gorgeous. You’d make an incredible queen of hell. I don't want to be like your father and Lilith. I want a real queen, someone to know, love and rule with.” 
I smiled not realizing how soft the prince of hell could be. I laid back on the bed next to him in silence for a moment. Eventually Caliban slowly brought his hand over and began caressing mine. I watched him for a moment as the electricity of his touch felt so foreign to me. It is nothing like the electricity of Nick or Harvey’s touch. It was something different. Something powerful. I interlock my fingers with his. He looked up at me surprised and then his smug smirk appeared back on his face.
“Well my queen, do you happen to reciprocate feelings towards your king?” He said in a mocking banter.
I smiled, getting slightly closer to his face. “Oh your so full of yourself huh? You're not king yet Caliban.” i said back in the same mocking tone
‘Oh but I am princess, I have it in writing remember?” he said getting even closer to my face.
I could feel his breath on my face. I could hear our breaths mixing in the silence. Then he leaned in and placed his gentle warm lips against mine. Just a slow simple kiss. When he broke the kiss we said nothing we stayed just like that. I was the one to finally say something. 
“Come with me somewhere” I said in a whisper almost scared to break the silence. 
He smiled. “Anywhere you wish, my lady.” 
I hopped off the bed, walked towards the door and began walking down the path to go to Dr Cee’s. Caliban trailed next to me. I could feel him staring at me.
“Where are we going?” He finally asked.
I continued looking straight and smiled. “A place.” 
He chuckled and we continued to walk in silence until we got to Dr Cee’s. 
When we got there we sat down and I ordered two milkshakes. 
I looked at him and smiled. “Ever had a milkshake?” I said trying not to sound too excited.
He smirked. “Can't say that I have. I don't come to the mortal realm for delicacies often.” 
The waitress brings out the two strawberry milkshakes and I watch as he takes his first sip. 
“Coming from someone who doesn't need to replenish with food source, I like it.” He grins. 
We continue to drink our milkshakes. 
“You really are something, Morningstar.” He said eyes locking onto mine. 
I smirk and look down at the remnants of my milkshake. “You know there's more to you than i originally thought, Caliban.” 
All of a sudden my Aunt Hilda walks up to the table. 
“Oh Hi dearie, who’s this handsome young fellow?” she says cheerfully as always. 
“Oh Hi Auntie Hilds, this uh-- this is Caliban. Is there something wrong?” I asked trying to change the subject. 
“Oh, no honey I was just here visiting Dr Cee but Aunt Zelda does need us at the academy.” 
“Okay i'll be right behind you Aunt Hilda.” 
“Alright, darling.” She said as she walked off. 
I turned back to Caliban who was watching the interaction. 
“Hey i have to go but i actually am liking spending time with you. So tomorrow after I'm finished with mortal school I have to go to the academy. Meet me there around 10.” I said as I got up and began walking away. 
“Bye princess.” He called after me.
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A couple of new updates on older characters and one newer one. 
First we’ll start with the new one: 
Arthur Powell - Arthur was born with a cleft palette when he was an infant though after several corrective surgeries before the age of 4 he was relatively normal, aside from the scar on his upper lip. Arthur was the first born to David and Suzette Powell (guessing on the names, @fat-and-nerdygirl​ if you wanna change them, go for it) after Suzette’s husband died in a tragic car accident in New Orleans and she remarried Mr. Powell. She already had one son from the previous marriage, Rob, who decided to keep his father’s last name, Whittaker. It was never really a source of contention between him and Powell, since Robert still had a few memories of his father left and wanted to hold onto the name. Anyhow...Arthur was 9 years old when he was helping his older brother Rob, their father and his two younger brothers work on a tree house they were setting up in the yard when he lost his footing climbing down the wooden planks hammered into the tree to serve as a ladder and fell from several feet up. The fall -should- have killed him, however by some stroke of luck Arthur survived, though suffered a pretty traumatic brain injury. This caused Arthur to lose, among other things, control over his emotional reactions to situations and develop  Pseudobulbar affect, which causes him to randomly burst out in fits of uncontrollable laughing (or crying, though he seems to laugh more than anything). In the years following the accident, Arthur had to relearn most basic motor skills and ended up with the mental capacity of a younger child than he was. When he was 14, the Powells adopted Frankie into their lives and while it was a bit of an adjustment having a baby in the home, Arthur seemed to take over a very protective stance over his baby sister. 
Currently, Arthur is living in a semi-assisted living facility where he has most control over his own life but as he’s approaching 40, he’s looking to move out of the home and into an apartment building owned by his parents and currently being lived in by his little sister. He used to work in the local library but took a job shortly after managing to graduate a local art school program at his fathers’ office building where he mostly sorts mail and keeps the files organized. Arthur has a bit of a learning disability, which is to be expected, all things considered but the accident could have paralyzed him, so he’s doing much better now than most people would have given him credit for. He also has an emotional support dog named Isabella: 
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He got her about two years ago to help him prepare for moving out of his facility. In addition to his medications he also has a medical marijuana card which he uses to buy pre-rolled cigarettes, they stimulate his appetite since a few of his meds usually leave him without a lot of desire to eat, and can sometimes calm the laughter when it gets too serious. 
In looking for pictures of Arthur, we also wound up revisiting the Gotham-esque role play my wife and I came up with years ago and in doing so, brought in some of the old characters from it. I updated a few of them. 
The first, of course, is the Joker or Arthur Fleck. Following the death of Batman (supposedly at the hands of Superman but there’s some mystery around those circumstances), Fleck allowed himself to be captured, stating there was little need for him to continue as the Bat was gone and Gotham was ready to return to the state it had been in before he started terrorizing its citizens in the first place. Believing he had been the spark that had ignited the fire in the city (and who’s to say he wasn’t really?) he was willing to sit back and watch it burn. When Batman “comes back from the dead” he orchestrates a rather grand escape of himself and several of the other head villains, looking to maintain the current state of the city. “Who are either of us...the Bat and I, without one another?” From what I also know, Fleck was Bruce’s half-brother as well. 
Next up is Johnathan Crane, or the Scarecrow. A clinical psychologist and professor at Gotham University, Crane is slightly obsessed when it comes to the subject of fear as a control mechanism and of what fear does to the human body and mind. In the course of his studies he’s created a neurotoxin which when released into the air, or pushed through the waters can cause intense fear and hallucinations, often bringing an individual’s worst fears to the front and forcing them to deal with them. The effects only last a couple of hours but in that time people who have been exposed to it have often caused harm to themselves or others. Crane recently funded a so-called Psychological experiment using human test subjects where he studied the effects of his toxin on a group of 10 to 20 people, varying age and gender, to see what would happen. Each of the people involved were compensated for their time, and several had to be paid a bit more so as not to send up red flags to the University over what they experienced. 
Harvey Dent - former senator of Gotham City, he was horribly disfigured when a bomb set off by some of the Jokers’ men robbed a gala he was attending, following the “death” of the Bat (I think this was probably one of the reasons that Victoria Wayne took up her father’s mantle, seeing that the evil was still in the world, and without her father there to keep it under control it would run rampant and destroy perfectly good people’s lives) Of course, Dent wasn’t exactly a stand-up individual, having been into nuclear testing and toxic waste dumping all while having a kind smile and trusting face that lured in more people to follow his platform. He originally wanted to see the “monsters of Gotham” take responsibility for their actions and not just shove them away in Arkham Asylum but actually rid the world of them for good. When he awakens from the blast and discovers he is now a disfigured, scarred “freak” he is incensed and turns from the political side of things to a more nefarious direction, meaning to not just join the monsters he used to so fervently want to annihilate but to lead them. He and Fleck butt heads quite a bit, as he feels he is superior to Fleck, though the Joker has other things in mind for Two-Face. 
Bryce Isley - Only “son” of Pamela Isley, otherwise known as Poison Ivy. Bryce was actually created using her DNA, egg and Bane’s sperm during a testing period in order to create a hybrid metahuman. When Pamela found out what had happened to create him, she took the infant from the lab and took him to Bruce Wayne, begging her former employee to help her. Bryce already possessed powers similar to his mother’s and unimaginable intelligence like that of his father, and in an effort to give Ivy some relief at the end of her days, Bruce agreed to take the child. Until he was 15, Bryce grew up in Wayne manor, beside Bruce’s daughter Victoria, but when he started exhibiting his powers and his inability to properly control them, Bruce sent him to work with Diana Prince, so that she may help him hone his power and not use them for evil. Bryce returns to Gotham following Bruce Wayne’s death but is a completely different person from the one who had left the city. He found out the truth of his existence, that he’s not so much a human as a test subject and that’s sparked some anger in him. 
Jared Joachim - Jared always had a hunch that there was something more to Bruce Wayne and when he was about 12 or 13 he snuck down into the Bat Cave and found out the truth. Promising to keep the secret, he began pursuing a career in engineering and mechanics, wanting more than anything to work with Batman and make new gadgets for him. After his father’s unfortunate death in Wayne Manor, supposedly at the hands of Batman himself, Jared lost his way and instead started working to make himself weapons and things that he could use to take revenge on Batman. When he returns to the states from Japan where he had been training in order to become strong enough to carry out his plan he finds out that Bruce has been killed and his daughter is now in control of the family business. He assumes that she is also going to take up the mantle of Batman but since he always loved Victoria, he cannot bring himself to do it. 
Alfred Pennyworth - Alfred has been the butler for the Wayne family since Bruce was a young man and has watched him grow and change into the man he became, as well as watch over his daughter Victoria. He’s not just an “old man” as so many people believe but has been the mastermind behind the suit, the vehicles and most of the weapons, believing that it is still his mission to serve the family no matter how that turns out. When Jared rejoins them, Alfred begins using the younger man for his ideas and between the two of them, they prepare Victoria to deal with the villains “Collective” 
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royal-scandal-info · 5 years
Q&A album-only songs info
Royal Scandal’s first album comes with three new songs apart from Royal Flash (which is more or less just an intro to the series). The songs are Once Upon A Time, which introduces the premise of Royal Scandal, Magic Ring Night, a song from Alam’s perspective about his love with Olivia, and Happy Unbirthday. In this post, we’ll be going over some of the key points of Once Upon a Time as well as loosely summarizing Magic Ring Night. These are based strictly on the songs/lyrics alone as they do not have a PV currently.
Once Upon A Time
This song gives an overall view of the world of Royal Scandal. Because it does not appear to involve the characters we know, we have made a page with a complete summary only for this new song which you can find here or through the songs tab. For this post, we’ll just explain the main takeaway of the song. 
There are four different lands in Royal Scandal, those being  ♠ Poder,  ♥ Amor,  ♣ Feliz and ♦ Riqueza. Each is represented by a suit of cards and a treasure that grants a different power to each. As you might notice they are not-so-subtly named after the virtue they are granted. They are:
Poder -> Ring of Spades -> Power 
Amor -> Necklace of Hearts -> Love
Feliz -> Brooch of Clubs -> Happiness
Riqueza -> Earrings of Diamonds -> Wealth
If the items are used incorrectly, it seems they will bestow a curse upon the user. Spades will bring power and take away love, Hearts will grant love but take away happiness, Clubs will grant happiness but take away wealth, and Diamonds will grant wealth but take away power. They were initially given to four princes who misused them and after the four died, the whereabouts of the treasures were unknown. (Not 100% sure if it’s an equal exchange of to be granted the virtue, you are also cursed, but this song suggests that they don’t come hand-in-hand.)
From what we’ve seen in the series, Alam had the Ring of Spades and Rosetta’s earrings are likely the Earrings of Diamonds. After Alam dies, Harvey collects the Ring from his body. The Necklace of Hearts may be the heart-shaped key that’s been recurring in the series. Furthermore, Alam is said to be from Poder and Albert is the prince of Amor. 
Magic Ring Night
Magic Ring Night is Alam’s song and follows his perspective through his meetings with Olivia. The lyrics are written in parallel to those of Beast in the Beauty with clear references to one another, additionally playing one after the other on the album. It is influenced by Arabian Nights (specifically Aladdin) with lyrics directly referencing it and some lines being in Arabic. (I apologize right now that I do not know Arabic at all so the katakana lines are beyond me.) Most of this info is now in Alam’s section on the characters page. I won’t be making a proper page for this song until a PV is released to avoid misinformation (assuming there... is a PV...). The page for this song in the songs tab will link to this post for the time being.
Alam meets Olivia one night when she escapes from her home and after multiple meetings between the two, they fall in love. He asks her to trust him as he will make sure to grant her wishes (freedom). However, he laments that the difference between their status is too much. She is of a noble family whilst his is poor, leading him to think someone such has himself could never stand beside someone like her. To try and fix this issue, he uses the magic of the Ring of Spades to grant himself power. The phrase “trust me” is repeated, except now as a demand and using a different pronoun (Alam uses boku throughout the whole song and here ore is used instead. It could be someone else saying this line this time.) There is a line that is underlined between both his and Olivia’s song, his being “alone, atop the cold sand” and Olivia’s being “alone, in the cold rain,” each sung with the same melody. Both songs also mention seeing an unknown shadow at one point.
Ultimately, it seems that the power of the ring overcame him, his heart becoming a “beast for power(sultan).” The lyrics at the end of the song speak better for Alam than I can paraphrase, so hopefully my rough translation will do.
I still can’t grant your wish.
If, for example, you were to lose your feelings of love, I want you to still trust me.
...I love you with all my heart.
And thus, I fell in love alone.
Keep in mind that the ring supposedly grants power but takes away love so,
:,^) (this song is just really sad and beautiful... if you can listen to it I highly recommend it!!! Olivia and Alam’s story is just so much more than I expected and this song especially has so much emotion behind it.)
And so!
We’ll be leaving it at this for now. These songs both felt quite important so we thought it was best to share the information in them. It seems like Royal Scandal will be focusing on the acquisition of these four treasures in addition to the conflicts between our main cast. For a quick personal thought, I think it’s interesting to note how Harvey went to collect the Ring of Spades and based on his appearance one would think he is associated with the Queen of Hearts. I don’t want to theorize much here so I’ll leave it at that. If you can buy the album or any of the songs, I highly recommend it! Magic Ring Night has a special place in my heart now so here’s to hoping they’ll get PVs!
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