#prob won't reach anyone anyway
chaotictomtom · 2 years
tonight no silly lil drawings, brain too much consumed by the horror. tomorrow who knows
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3gremlins · 5 months
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wanted to participate in @storybookhawke 's DA met gala themed thing so here's a quick merrill piece (i kinda forgot until the reblog reminder went around so this was a pretty quick sketchy painting :3). haven't done DA art in ages so this was fun in the story ( the met gala theme is based on a j.g ballard short story called "the garden of time", which you can read here if you want!) the characters are trying to push off their inevitable downfall by picking the flowers that briefly stop time. the more flowers they pick, the sparser and less beautiful their garden looks- until eventually doom reaches them as there are no more flowers. i thought it did sort of fit with merrill's character arc a lot of her character arc is partially in her trying to balance the use of blood magic with her personal magic and how she's always tempted by demons (and how even success is tainted and doomed). She's always pulled by two sides- a more innocent, noble side that just wants to preserve her people's heritage and the other where she's willing to make deals without fully understanding the consequences. Every thing she does in the story line kind of pushes her closer towards the inevitable conflict (she can't push off the demon forever/will run out of time)
ALSO i really liked the flower theme and wanted to draw merrill in a pretty yet kinda sexy dress and it fits with her skill tree aesthetic (which is all about plant growth and nature magic). prob not the most avant garde thing but w/e. I know she's usually more associated with daisies but I liked the drama of roses and then contrasted it with the floatier lighter skirt on the other side (in the story the flowers are crystalline so this was a bit of a nod) here's the 15 sec time lapse if anyone's been interested
anyway this was really fun and i might do more but i def won't finish them in time (obvs). it was nice to do an au fashiony design again too, i've missed it
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psychelis-new · 1 year
pick a pile: "Yes or No?"
take a breath and think about a question of any type; then choose the photo/number that calls you the most to read your answer.
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
answer: yes both if you're asking about a relationship of any type or career, yes. it's time for a change in your situation (mostly so if it's a new/first relationship or job). So take a step back (you're trying to rush things?), breathe, relax, take your time, learn from the past and reach further. don't settle for something you feel it's not for you. you can have what you want, just let it reach you as well and give it/yourself time.
song: nowhere fast (instrumental) | ateller (meditation/introspection highly needed)
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pile 2
answer: maybe (yes) there's something you cannot control in this situation and you just need to let things be and let fate work/trust (prob. a new relationship). things will very likely turn to a better outcome the moment you stop this continuos inner/self battling, find your balance and learn to stand up for yourself (boundaries! don't let others take the best of you, do not gift yourself away: you won't be alone forever).
song: once upon a time | down low
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pile 3
answer: no, atm. I feel you are in pain but for now, you need to work on yourself and find your own happiness and not let it depend on anyone else. be aware of your worth: it doesn't depend on anyone else's opinion of you and... do not give up on your wish anyway. even if this is not the answer you'd like to read, nothing is lost. find your strenght. this is a moment to recollect for you, things will improve after this time. take care, clarity will hit you soon too.
song: lauren | men i trust
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pile 4
answer: maybe there's something you need to learn, also about yourself (it could be your abilities to be more focused/organized or it could be you need to go away/travel). whatever is blocking you or scaring you, challenge it, don't let it stop you from reaching what you want. I feel you already have a feeling, but you don't trust yourself and keep asking for confirmations. let yourself believe by starting to understand you are worthy and deserve what you want (drink your water!).
song: got it in you | banners
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pile 5
answer: yes you may misinterpret your feelings/intuition at times, but that's okay. it happens especially under stress and when our wounded ego comes in between with all their doubts and fears/insecurities. try to take a breath and regain control over yourself (mind). learn how to differentiate your intuition from your false beliefs (intuition is sudden and you have no clue of its reasons, false beliefs come as a reaction and you can find reasons for them). stay positive cause sometimes the bad moments are needed but they pass soon and... keep on dreaming!
song: release | editors
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pile 6
answer: no why do I feel relief though? is this something you're asking something you're kinda worried/scared about? I think so, prolly related to love but not for everyone (career/school too). yeah, your emotions are running high at this time... try to focus on something else. take a moment for you, take a break, rebalance (breathing techniques or meditation are suggested) keep your hopes high and just... let things work out the way they are supposed to. don't worry, don't stress. it's gonna go well.
song: a thousand years | christina perri
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gamerbearmira · 8 months
Guys i had so much to do this week. But I PUSH TRUST I GOT Y'ALL 🦅🦅
So this is for the vampire au. One shots I have planned are Housebroken, Protective (likely Cutthroat), and Giant Siren. Gonna try and do art for them too 🤭
"Who are you?" The man whipped around, spooked by the sudden voice of a child. This house was ancient, no one had been said to live in it for years. The village around it was lively and bustling with activity, especially during the day, but it just didn't make sense why anyone would be in this house.
Standing there, was a girl. She couldn't have been older than 5 or 6 years old if that. She had on dark blue clothing, a dress that covered most of her body. Her appearance was clean and well-groomed. So she wasn't a beggar's child or anything of the sort.
"Why are you here?" Mirabel asked, her round green glasses reflecting the moonlight and shielding her eyes. Her face looked conflicted, though he couldn't truly tell because the rest of her face was concealed in darkness.
The man shifted, moving his bag out of sight from Mirabel. He didn't know if she lived here, but if she did, he didn't want her to try and stop him. The antiques he found were quite valuable, and he intended to get some money for them. He stared at Mirabel before scoffing. It was just a little girl. She couldn't do anything.
"None your business. What's a little girl like you doing here? It's dangerous at night," the man scoffed, and Mirabel giggled, confusing him.
"I'm always awake at night. Abuela says if we go outside to play in the day, we'll get sunburned," she said, looking at the man curiously. The man was about to respond when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He jumped, turning around, but no one was there. He turned back around and saw the girl, Mirabel, standing next to a boy. The two were digging around in his bag, which he noticed had been missing.
"What...? Hey! Give that back!" He said, reaching for the bag, but the two young children moved at an impossibly fast speed, evading him easily.
Camilo dug in the bag before pulling out an ornate chalice. "Hey, isn't this Abuela's?"
Mirabel stared at it before nodding. "Yeah...yeah it is," she looked at the man, who realized he had been caught. Camilo dumped the bag's contents on the floor. All of it was Alma's, or someone else's. "Are you stealing from us?"
The man backed away. Mirabel's voice was weirdly calm, but it was...unsettling. Something just wasn't right. She walked closer, and so did Camilo. "Hey, back off."
"You stole from Abuela. She's not gonna be very happy," Camilo said, the man found himself being stared at by the two kids. They inched closer, and he noticed a strange red glow coming from their eyes. He began to slowly back away, his unease growing.
"I...I said back off," the man repeated, this time with more bass in his voice. But Camilo and Mirabel were persistent. They were getting closer, and he didn't like the eerie look in their eyes.
"Won't you stay for dinner? Maybe you can apologize. Abuela is very forgiving," Mirabel asked innocently, though the man could sense a much darker, sinister intent to her words.
Creeped out, the man turned, rushing down the hallway, his bag of valuables forgotten. He needed to figure out how to get out of this house. But as he ran, back the way he came, he became confused. This...was the way he came right? It was only a few turns he took. But suddenly the house was like a labyrinth. Constantly changing, the hallways and corridors growing longer, imposing. He slowed, realizing he wasn't being chased, looking around. He could hear the faint sound of thunder rumbling in the distance. He rather not stay, he didn't want to meet those kids' grandmother.
As he walked, looking for the staircase, or an exit at least, he felt a force stop him. Stumbling back, he looked around, then down slightly. A girl stood there, she was rather tall, though she was probably only 9 or maybe 10.
"Who are you?" The girl asked. Once again, she was clean, her dress neatly pressed and her brown hair pulled into a bun. Unlike the two younger children he encountered though, this one seemed much more...intimidating in a way. He couldn't explain it, but the look in her eyes gave him the same creeps as before.
"I...I'm just trying to get out. I don't want any trouble," the man stammered out; he didn't think that would happen. He sounded much more confident in his head.
The girl, Luisa, then smiled. It looked like she was trying to come off as warm and welcoming, but it wasn't working. Maybe it was the dim light from the candles across her face, or maybe it was the way she stood, but he got the opposite feeling of feeling welcomed. "Won't you stay for dinner?" she asked, her voice deceptively sweet.
That question again. Once again, it just sounded...off. Something wasn't right, these children were not normal. The man carefully walked around her, though she kept her steady gaze on him. As he walked away, he felt her grip his hand. Luisa was now staring at the man. "L-Let go," he said, trying to tug his hand away, but her grip was inhumane.
"Stay. For dinner," she repeated, her voice much lower now, and her smile was gone, replaced by a determined look.
Thoroughly scared, he pulled away with a hard tug, running away. This time he could hear her chasing after him, her footsteps surprisingly quiet compared to his. His lungs were burning as she raced down the hall. He quickly turned the corner, running into a room and shutting the door as quickly as he could. He could hear the sound of footsteps fading.
Turning around, he looked around the room. It was a shocking and rather drastic difference from the rest of the house while the walls were still a darker color, most everything else was light. White curtains were draped over the window. There were toys scattered, among other strange things. Baby items. His eyes fell on the white bassinet sitting by the window.
This was a nursery.
"There's no way..." The man drew closer and finally was hovering over the crib. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. A baby. It was a baby. It looked like a boy, swaddled in warm, pale yellow, almost white clothing. Compared to the other kids he had encountered he looked innocent enough.
The man stared for a moment, noticing what was in the baby, Antonio's, hand. It was a cup, an ornated bejeweled one. And the gems look real. The man carefully reached into the crib. The baby seemed unphased until the man started prying the chalice away. It took a moment, seeing that Antonio seemed to have a grip on it, but he got it away.
"These...these are real emeralds..." The man mumbled, admiring the stones. This would go for a lot of money. "What's a baby like you doing with something like this?"
The man paid little attention to Antonio, who began to whimper and whine. The man was too busy to notice the door opening quietly. Antonio rolled over, using the edge of the bassinet to stand up. His eyes drifted from his stolen chalice to the door, and he broke into a smile, giggling as he reached for whoever was at the door. The man noticed and turned to see what the babe was so excited about. "What are you...!"
The man froze when he saw an elderly woman standing there. There were two younger girls, different from the ones before, though they looked like they could be related. But the man was more focused on the woman, who was holding what looked like a bottle in her hands; it didn't look like milk though...
"I ask again," the older said, her eyes narrowing. "Who are you, and why are you in here with my grandson with his cup?"
The man seemed to realize she had asked him a question, stuttering as he dropped the cup, the sound of it clattering on the ground filling the room before he spoke. "I...I uh...he..."
"The man watched as the three previous children from before walked up behind the woman, the younger two hiding behind her dress while the one who was chasing him before stood next to the older girl with long, black hair. "That's him," she said, pointing to the man.
The older woman looked at the man before moving towards him. He tensed up but relaxed when she walked past him and to the bassinet. She picked up Antonio, who giggled as his small hands grabbed at her shawl. The older woman turned to the man with an ominous smile.
"How rude of me. My name is Alma, and these are my grandchildren," she said warmly, and the man relaxed a bit more. "Please excuse their behavior. They don't see many people, and certainly not in recent years."
"I-I...uh..." The man looked at the children nervously, though they seemed to calm down in the presence of who he assumed was their abuela. "A-All good..."
Alma cradled Antonio, her hand carefully hovering over him. He attempted to grab the bottle in her hand, babbling and seemingly occupied by the promise of food. Alma looked towards the man, her smiling widening. "You should stay for dinner. I insist."
They're so silly (they haven't eaten in 3 days).
No but like. It's insane how bro tried to rob them and then copped an attitude when they confronted him. Like what did you expect 💀💀 anyway. Alma is very forgiving <333 (she's not)
This what bro looked like the whole time Alma was talking to him btw
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krash-and-co · 10 months
hey krash, i wanted to reach out and say that i'm so sorry that you got such a hurtful reaction from one of the l&co servers for speaking up about something that genuinely needed to be addressed. i won't badmouth anyone in particular but this is not the first time this fandom has dogpiled someone over a misunderstanding, and when it happened to me i had severe anxiety over it for about a week even after it was resolved, and eventually left because of it. it left a pretty bad taste in my mouth for the fandom in general, so i mostly just stick to my small group of mutuals now lol. i wish this fandom truly was different from other fandoms, but this kind of thing is unfortunately inevitable once something reaches a certain level of popularity. but that certainly doesn't make it okay, and you didn't do anything to deserve the reaction you got. i hope you can feel peace about it soon, and i'm sorry again that it happened at all. 🫂
(please don't feel pressured to answer this if you'd rather the matter be left alone, i totally understand. i just wanted to send you an ask because i didn't know if you're comfortable with dms.)
hi im so sorry i forgot to answer!!! thank you so much this means so much to me. 💙💙💙 i read this for the first time when i was feeling pretty attacked and it really cheered me up <3
hmm other people have been telling me about how they got attacked in this fandom too. and maybe this shouldn't have surprised me as much as it did. but it's something fans never talk about and claim doesn’t exist, so i thought it didn’t. i was horribly fooled lol. as, uh, i am about to rant about; do you mind? u don’t have to read it, i won’t be offended, but halfway thru answering this ask it turned into a rant i wanted to release into the world lol, so sorry about that 😭😭😭
very important disclaimer!!! this is NOT about everyone. ABSOLUTELY NOT. most of you are absolutely amazing people, and i assure you if ur worried this is about you, it’s prob not lol
im kind of feeling i was betrayed?? ig? i rlly believed everyone was so kind, and look what i know now. it genuinely seems like people are gaslighting themselves. how else do they only see our ‘harm?’ yeah, our fandom is known for being passionate, but saying we’re known for kindness is starting to make me sick. maybe we were, i know a lot of us still are, but throwing that out there in the middle of your hypocritical hate post seems like justification for the shit things people have been saying. you can say no wrong so long as you’re here. only people who don’t agree with you. so yeah, fuck krash and ljc and anyone else who doesn't agree!!! that totally shows how kind you are and how much you loved the fandom before we messed it up. nobodys visibly mad, cuz we're too scared to say shit!!!
i’ve seen too many examples of the contrary from the “victims,” wailing about how cruel we are the second they disagree with someone. (in a highly hypocritical manner, at that.) “everyone was so happy before this!” no, they weren’t, that’s why i brought it up. “stop bringing hate to this fandom! now let me fucking berate you!” do you even hear yourself? “nobody even cared before, we were all content!” we weren’t all content, we were just silent. it sometimes looks the same.
someone even declared they were leaving the fandom because ‘one person wanted to stop show saving efforts entirely because it traumatized them, and this is no longer a safe place.’ like, what? where did you even get that? for one, there were at least two of us posting together, and that’s just barely knowing anything about what’s happening. thats not even touching on how one of us (idk who the op of that post was talking about, it’s a 50/50 lol) made the fandom an unsafe place for our personal gain. what?
hella kind. hella safe on their part.
another said they saw only old fans agreeing about this so it’s just us being pissed about change. it’s us hating the show. me and ljc being upset about not being the only “big blogs” any more. our fandom is only for the elite, etc. fuck us. yet ljc is getting blackmailed. we’re getting hate replies. friends that try and help get attacked. misinformation spread. how did that even happen? we never once tried to hurt anyone; thank you to those who understand.
but to some, WE’RE the ones in the wrong.
do they SEE themselves? how hypocritical all of this is? or are their heads that far up in the ass of their petition and beloved fake idea of this fandom that they care about more than all of us?
now, this is where i add another “not everyone” message. not everyone is like this, this is not me saying i hate the petition or people who support it. hell, i signed the petition. twice. and once more from my mothers email.
i don’t regret the i love you posts i made, because i still do love this fandom, i am still absolutely here for the rest of yall. but DAMN if we weren’t hiding something under happy Save The Show, I Love Locknation! messages. perfectly smiling faces until they bite. i was surprised to see how many people did.
as if our previous problems weren’t enough, now it turned into this lol. no, that’s a lie, it didn’t. it already was, and i HATE THAT.
ig im kinda spoiled, i never really experienced hate like this from this fandom before. but now i know it happened BEFORE too, and that just pisses me off. it hurts coming from a group who says they love us. genuinely wacko (not the fun kind) behavior :[
i know this isn’t everyone’s experience, but it is mine, and enough others to make me wanna say this. and this is ofc me and @lucy-j-carlyle 's brand of hate, not yours. but it does happen and the constant chant that IT DOESN'T IT DOESNT IT DOESN'T isn't helping anyone. and now I know.
idk what im even saying anymore lol, sorry for ranting. what i mean to say is, thank you, and i wish things were better. and i love you kind people. im happy it’s most of you.
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ilovehotnights · 3 months
so basically does anyone even fucking like me
time to whine time to shine time to rhyme. I love my brain because of the stuff that comes out of it, and I also hate it in equal measure for the very same reason. I always leave the hang or sign off the group chat and wonder if anyone even fucking likes me. My therapist says I'm codependent and I have toxic shame. But my life is honestly fab so idk where that even comes from, would like for it to crust up and fall off like a scab—revealing the true and awesome me that lies underneath. Is that my problem? That I believe that under the shit there lies a great, shiny person, a person who cannot be embraced until they can reach their true and beautiful potential? I'm so bored of the way I think. I just want it to go away and I can choose from a list of all quality traits that a person can have and live the rest of my life with those traits, rather than having to learn from that ones I have and evolve naturally. Can AI do that? My kids won't have toxic shame that I pass down to them because by the time I have my test-tube baby in 20 years I'll be able to choose for them to have no mental illness or hang ups and they will be smart and not have trouble focusing their energy into the things they care about, it will come so naturally to them. And there will be no toxic shame that talks them down for pursuing their passions on a daily basis. I know I am capable of change though for god sakes my whole life has changed in a year. Crazy is last year I didn't want a boyfriend and now I want one so fucking bad. That means I will have to wait another year to get one if the universe is doing what I think it's gonna do. Which again, it never does. Anyways, my ex has a girlfriend. Boooooo. Lame af. But hope they're happy and I mean it. I want to keep doing my thing though. As much as a boyfriend sounds nice, I'm not fully cooked yet. And tbh, when I have a BF I become so focused on what they think of me there is no room for me to pursue what I care about. What I care about is another topic that confounds me. When I think about what I want to be there is currently 2 camps. 1 is song writer. The other is writer. The other is singer songwriter.
Idk if this stuff is out of reach, I fear that it is and that's why I have never tried. I used to write poetry in HS and then I took a hiatus for 10 years to focus on being a codependent girlfriend and then slut for a few months. Being both of those things should have given me fuel artistically but my heads so far up my ass, and so deep in my instagram feed that I don't do anything creatively for pleasure now. I have been saying this for years. Part of me truly believes living with my parents and being alone for awhile will open me up artistically. I don't hope that I'm sad, but I hope that if I do get sad, instead of scrolling hinge while listening to tiktoks about how men are ruining the world, I could write a creative story or a poem or draw my cat doing something cute. Or plan a trip. And instead of listening to how all men suck I should go up to the guy I can't take my eyes off of at the grocery store instead of pretending I don't see him every time he looks up at me. I should probably also just have fun. and stop being so hard on my every move and others, because I think I want to have fun for awhile and. want to welcome that into my life more and want to welcome new kinds of people into my life.
Online dating is such a trap. It's a numbers game ad you have to participate to get dates. I am so tired. I just want to meet him inn real life. i would like a slow burn exciting fun amazing beautiful relationship with someone who is really inspiring to me.
But anyways, probs won't happen. I just DO NOT want to meet someone in Houston. I am not getting stuck there again. If I was to meet someone there he would have to be there impermanently and have plans to move somewhere badass after.
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a-weird-cryptid · 1 year
This is about my personal experience of Tumblr so far. After being on it for a month, as somebody who's never been here before. If you're not interested about that, feel free to skip this post.
So... One month has passed since I started to be active on Tumblr and actually "get into" what this app is all about. And I must say, I'm still as lost as I was at the beginning.
More on that can be found in this post.
One thing I've noticed so far is that Tumblr's based of finding a community and mostly dedicating your blog to it, if you want to reach as many people as possible. Quantity, nor quality play the biggest role.
If you don't know what you're looking for, the chances of you finding a (new) community are rather rare, making it hard to actually connect with people. Since this app doesn't really has an algorithm that suggests things to you that you might like.
Personally, I found most of my interests and hyperfixations for fandoms due to some kind of algorithm suggesting it.
I still don't know where I actually have a place in all of this. I still haven't found a community I feel like I belong to. Especially because I don't want to dedicate most of my blog to just fandoms, but focus on original stuff.
Doing reviews or fandom based stuff can be fun sometimes and I like doing it. But I want to stay true to why I came on this app in the first place: to share my own, original, creative work with others who think alike.
It rather feels like just "media" to me, instead of "social media". But I'm prob part of the problem, because I'm a rather shy, paranoid and untrusting person. Especially when it comes to people on the internet. Meaning that I most likely won't make the first move in any social interaction, even though I'd love people to force me out of my comfort zone more, interacting with me.
I will still make daily posts (if possible), because honestly, judged souly by the "media" aspect of this app, it became my favorite. I love all of the different ways you can make your posts and entire blog completely individual. Being able to bring many parts of your personality into it. I love how much though and creativity is put into every aspect of Tumblr. I love making posts, even if I'm not really connecting with anyone, feeling rather lost and alone.
So I guess this will be more of a personal blog then. A tool for me to sort my thoughts, opinions, story related things and more. I guess this means there will be something for pretty much everybody on this blog. (More on this in my pinned post)
If somebody wants to join me on my journey, feel free to do so.
But I don't want to force anyone, nor do I expect anyone to interact with me. I don't want people to follow me, like my content, reblog stuff, comment on it, etc, just out of pity either. But them doing so because they actually care and like what I'm doing, instead.
But anyway...
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ji-yaaan · 4 years
Anonymous asked:
Hello! I like your blog and the little comments here and there makes me laugh at times hehe ^^ May I request headcanons for Vil, Leona, Mal, and Floyd reactions and what they'll do to reconcile w/ the reader after a very hearted argument to which Reader may have said "I hate you" before storming out. Would they wait for a bit? A few days or hours? Or would they be upfront with their apology immediately? Reader also apologizes at the end, crying slightly if that's okay. If you notice me, thanks! 
°•°•𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐌𝐞?•°•°•
HC's with: Leona, Vil, Floyd, and Malleus.
Note: Ofc, I was late yet again. Pls forgive me dear sir... And ofc tumblr hates me so it won't cooperate! Drafts got deleted 3 times.... so if it somehow becomes inconsistent... I DEEPLY APOLOGIZE! STONE ME GENTLY! anyways, i hope you enjoy this, actually no, I beg that you enjoy this?! Idk lololololololololol.
[𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚝𝚎𝚊 𝚑𝚊𝚜 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚠𝚎𝚍? 𝙸𝚍𝚔 𝚕𝚘𝚕]
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°•°•°•𝙇𝙚𝙤𝙣𝙖 𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙧 •°•°•°
“I HATE YOU!” with bits of tears in your eyes, you slammed the door shut behind you leaving Leona dumbfounded all by himself.
You hate him?You hate him!?!? Is that like for real??? He’ll scratch the back of his head in shame of pushing things too far to the point you were in tears.
But what can he do? His pride caught the best of him and he acted rash in the heat of the moment. This prideful lion just doesn’t know when to shut up smh.ಥ‿ಥ
He’ll try to remember when did everything started to go wrong, but he'll just get more and more guilty the more he thinks about it.
“Tchhhh... I messed up big time...”
It's not his style to give up easily, but his mind was set in a frenzy the moment he thinks about you leaving him.
A day without you started to become dull and boring the moment he grew fond of you. So it somehow became a habit of his to constantly seek you unconsciously. Whether it's a whiff of your scent, your voice ringing in the hallways, even the sound of your footsteps is something he could easily recognize.
But now that the two of you fought, this lion will find any way possible to avoid you seeing him.
Yeah... it will probably take a while for him to apologize...(꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)
But when the time does come, expect Leona to prepare a simple yet sincere apology.
“Oi herbivore... Sorry about the other day ok? I missed my pillow for a while now...I lose...”
Simple yet sincere :') The prideful arrogant lion somehow learned to apologize despite his ego way ahead of him. He can't stand the thought of loosing you ok? (。•́︿•̀。)
°•°•°•°•𝙑𝙞𝙡 𝙎𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙚𝙣𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙩•°•°•°•°•
“VIL STOP IT! I hate this! I hate everything! I hate you!” you quickly ran away to the door as vil stood in his spot stupefied.
You hate him? You hate the Vil Schoenheit himself?Then so be it...
Vil is basically pissed and angry™. Moreover, you had the guts and audacity to tell him you hate him. His pride was shattered in front of him. And he's not happy about that (꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)
Nope. Nah. Never. He's not apologizing anytime sooner now. He'll be waiting for that spicy well deserved apology you have for him...
He'll try his best to avoid you and give you the sassy cold shoulder treatment™. It will probably last for a few days or maybe a week. He has his pride y’know?
Not until he hears a muffled sob in the hallways and realized it was your voice. You looked visibly upset and sad as you cried your heart out, all alone in the empty hallways.
Oh no... What did he do? Was his nagging that bad? Did he take it too far with the makeovers? Guilt ate his soul away as he tried to sort out his thoughts with the clear image of your crying face embedded in his mind.
“Okay... Maybe I did take it a little too far...”
Making up his mind, Vil will try to make everything set for tomorrow and apologize to you to fix this feud  you both have. ( ╹▽╹ )
When classes are over and the two of you finally get to be alone, Vil will try to straighten this misunderstanding now! ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
“Hey Y/n I just want to tell you... I'm sorry.�� “Vil I'm so sorry for the other day!-”
The both of you stared at each other with shock... Did the both of you just say sorry at the same time?
“Pfffttttt-” The both of you laugh from how hilarious this moment was. It felt as if the fight you had didn't happened at all. (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
“Y/n I'm sorry... I took it too far with what I do without asking your opinion first...”
“Yeah... I'm sorry I lashed out at you too... That was petty...”
Vil will definitely make a million dollar once in a lifetime seen smile, so you better treasure this rare sight!!!(。•̀ᴗ-)✧
“No more fighting, okay? ”
•°•°•°•°•𝙁𝙡𝙤𝙮𝙙 𝙇𝙚𝙚𝙘𝙝•°•°•°•°•°
“Floyd I hate you!” you slammed your way out of the table, running away from Floyd.
Angering Floyd was not the brightest Idea in the book. His infamous “bad moods” was not something anyone would like to experience. But somehow, he was really pushy and annoying today and you were fed up with it.
“Ahhhh~ Koebi-chan hates me now? what do I do?”
Thankfully, Floyd wasn’t really angry, though he was sad and heart broken that his favorite person said they hated him.(╥╭╮╥)
Floyd is an impulsive boi, so he might secretly follow you to see your face or something lol.
Ofc, Knowing Floyd, he’d definitely skip classes and skip his job at the Mostro Lounge  due to his mood swings. Ofc, a certain octoboi wasn’t really happy with this.
Azul will probs tell Jade to help out his brother or something, lol Azul be secretly worrying for the two of you loooool.
However, with the help of Jade, the mushroom eel himself, he can guide his brother to make up with you!!!
Thank god mushroom eel is here to save the day! ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)
A fight with Floyd won’t really last long. Because Floyd being Floyd, he’ll naturally come to you like nothing ever happened! That’s why you have to be patient and understanding when it comes to Floyd ok?
With the biggest hug from behind you. There was a cute eel boi that has come to ambush you with love!
“Shrimppy! Don’t avoid meeee! I miss you so much so hang out with me at the Mostro Lounge againnn!”
Floyd is not really good with his words nor his apologies. Though, his blunt and honest demeanor is definitely one of his charming points!!!! (☆▽☆)
“Shrimpy! I have some takoyaki with me! let’s share them together ok?!”
Ugh, Floyd is too cute... It would be a capital sin to not forgive him and decline his offer! Tsk I’m watching you, you better accept that apology!
•°•°•°•𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙪𝙨 𝘿𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙖•°•°•°
Shock. Pure shock. You hate him? The last thing Malleus wants is to hurt your feelings. In his eyes, humans are delicate and vulnerable beings, so he tries his best to protect you and treat you with utter delicacy. Yet it seems as if he failed to do that...
Just before you slam the door behind you and escape this fight, a hand grabs your wrist in attempts to stop you. Nonetheless you still make your way out, leaving Malleus standing there alone.
Malleus was deeply hurt and sorry for making you sad and angry. His heart was shattered with the thought of you leaving him, someone who made their way this close to his heart, someone he cherishes deeply.
But this fight wont really last long because Malmal would definitely try and apologize as quickly as possible!(ᓀ˵▾˵ᓂ)
Malleus is the soft type of person and I feel like he’d give up easily if it was you lol.(。•́︿•̀。)
Even if his apology was heard but not accepted, he’d gladly say his sorry no matter how much time and patience it will take, just for you to forgive him.༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
He’ll try to give you and Hour or two to clear your mind, then he’ll apologize!
Standing in front of your room, he’ll knock lightly at the door in front of him... No answer... So you’re still mad huh?
Leaning his forehead at the door, He’ll try to talk to you in hope for you to come out of your room. But nahhh, no signs of you leaving your room soo (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
He’ll mutter apologies after another just in case you hear them :’D
“Y/n I’m sorry for hurting your feelings earlier... that was rash of me to say, so I truly apologize... I hope my feelings reach you.”
Hearing his voice, it would prolly sound as if he’s ready to cry any moment by now. You’d be a monster if you don’t forgive this fae cutie!!!(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻
When you finally come out of the door to see him. I bet you he’s moment away from his tear dripping down. Ó╭╮Ò
“You’re not mad now right? Then is it fine to ask if we eat some ice cream later?”
You bet that Malleus would give you the biggest  cheeriest grin in the entire world! oh the things you keep doing to him never surprises him. Pls dont leave this cinnamon roll or else-
That's it cuties! I need to sleep now- my classes are thriving, but I'm not!!!
God, school stuff are taking away my precious freedom and time for writing smh.
Oh god, I'm ranting again... What's new? AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Anyways, I need to woosh now and I hope you enjoyed this one!!!
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Whacky Gotham, Goofy New York, and Chaotic Paris.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8)
Chapter 6: Evade The Bats, and Beat The Crows
The girls are in the old living room setting up clues (that are absolutely... useless) around Gotham. One being a picture Harley and Multimouse took earlier that day.
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"They might think to look here after they realize the clues are fake." - Steph
"Then where else would they not think to look?" - Maria
"W.E, I can get you and Harley in without them knowing easily." - Barbara said with a confident smile.
"But they'll have to go incognito... especially you Harley, no offense, but your outfit stands out just a tad." - Steph
"Ehhh, none taken, I'm sure I can tink of somthin' else tuh wear." - Harley
"I can help with that, but I'll need some clothes and some sewing supplies." - Maria said already thinking of what she could make.
Cass gave a nod and headed out of the room, after a few minutes she came back with t-shirts, jackets, sweaters, shorts, jeans, etc. and droped the pile of clothes infront of the group. She then handed Maria a sewing set she got from Alfred.
"Thanks Cass. I'll get to work on making our costumes." - Maria
"Let me help yuh wit' dat hun." - Harley said as she picked up most of the clothes for Maria
"Thanks." Maria
•—–·Let's see the Chaos shall we·–—•
"You never told us she could use magic!" - Red Hood looking under the table
"I wonder if she can infuse magic with coffee..." - Red Robin said looking in the cabinets for the third time.
"Stop looking for coffee!" - Red Hood
"She could've hidden in here." - Red Robin said while crabbing a mug
"I haven't had enough sleep to deal with this." - Selina then walked over and flopped herself on the couch and proceeded to fall asleep on impact.
"Maria get your tiny self back here right now or else!" - Tony
"Or else what? She Knows MAGIC! What else does she know that you haven't told us?!" - Red Hood
"... I never told you becuase it's meant to be a secret!" - Tony
"Oh, so now you agree with keeping things a secret?" - Red Robin grabbing the coffee
"What else can she do Tony." - Batman
"Well... she's great with tech, can kick butt in a LOT of different ways, has magic, and if she wants to, she can find and know where everyone or anyone is, but I think she gets massive headaches from a wide search like that." - Tony
"Anything else?" - Batman
(Tony thinkng of all the tiny gods she has in jewelery, and that she keeps Paris/friends and family safe on a daily basis, and that she is the well known designer MDC...)"No..." - Tony
As ivy was listening to them talk, she continued to search her garden, until one of her plants had a message fo her.
"Hello Ms. Ivy, please don't help Batman and Iron Man find us, we promise we'll be careful." - Maria
"Where are you?" - Ivy asked whispering into the plant.
After a few minutes Ivy got a detailed plan that Maria, Harley and the girls came up with to evade The IronBat group (Maria thought that would be better than ManMan group 'But it's Bat MAN and Iron MAN, so it has tuh be The ManMan group.' was Harleys defence, but Maria won that one.) and Ivy agreed to help as best she could.
•—–· Over to the Miraculous gang ·–—•
Plagg is cackling like there's no tomorrow.
"Guys something must be wrong, Plagg won't stop cackling, he won't even touch the cheese I gave him!!!" - Adrien
"There's no time for that, we need to find out where the hell Maria is!!" - Chloé
"Hahahaha, Ti- heheh Tikk- pffhaaaaaaahaha!!!" - Plagg
"He's trying to form words!" Adrien cradling Plagg in his hands "What is it my friend? Don't do this, you're to young...*sniff * you're to beautiful!"
"Hehehehe Shhhh- hahaha, she- she- haha...heheh- I'm so p-hehe-Proud wahahaha " - Plagg
"Proud?! She?! Where?! Who, is it Maria?!" - Chloé
"Hhhhhhhhahhaaaaaaaaaa" - Plagg
"Oh God he's wheezing!" - Adrien
"Hey guys, Peter and I got the snacks, found out where Maria might- oh kwami." - Alix walking into the room to a zombie looking Chloé, a panicked Adrien and the Kwami of death/bad luck/chaos laughing himself to death.
"Has he finally lost it?" - Peter
"She has become a true cat! hahahahahaaaaa heheheheeeeeee." - Plagg
Everyone in the room but Plagg "Oh fu-"
•—–· Over to the Batfam ·–—•
So everyone is panicking because for the past hour none of them could find Multimouse. Robin is sitting on the couch next to a now fully awake Selina, Red Hood and Nightwing are once again feeding each other the worst possible situation she could be in, Tony may or may not be hyperventilating, Red Robin is drinking coffee, and Batman is as stoic as ever... well on the outside anyway, on the inside, it's a warzone. Ivy is drinking her tea, slightly worried, but also hiding a small smile.
"What if we ask Oracle to try and help us find her?" - Red Robin
"... Right... Yes, ok let's do that... Bats you do it, I need to sit down." - Tony
•—–· Back to the girls ·–—•
The girls moved everything to the Bat-cave so they could set the route they would take, then the Bat-Computer started ringing.
"Hide!" - Steph
"Where, dere's nuttin' tuh hide behind!" - Harley
"Quick under the Bat-Computer." - Barbara
As soon as Harley and Maria hid under the Bat-Computer, Batman and the rest of the Batfam was on video call.
"Hey guys, what do you need?" - Barbara acting like nothing happened
"We need you to search for Maria, she's in a dark gray suit with pink accents, and she's with Harley." - Batman
"Ok, no prob, I'll contact you when I've found something." - and with that Barbara exited the call.
"Should we start heading out?" - Maria
"Yup, and here are your ID badges, don't lose them. I'll give our Batfam fake sightings, and lead them far away, then once you reach W.E I'll slowly start leading them closer to you." - Barbara
"Thanks, keep in touch if they decide to split up." - Maria
"Roger that." - Steph said giving a solute
Soon Multimouse and Harley are running over roof tops again, doing tricks, and stopping petty crimes, Barbara is leading the Batfam all over Gotham, and then they got to W.E, after Maria transformed back, they entered the building. Thanks to Babs, they entered without any problems and had free roam for the entire building, with some exceptions like new weapons designs, or the roof. They were hiding in the building for about an hour on the 7th floor when Barbara called in.
"Hey girls, you might want to be careful, I spotted some of Scarecrows goons a few blocks away, they seem to be heading in your direction, I'd say about 6mins tops until they reach W.E. Best to find a good room to stay in, or get out of there." - Barbara
"Thanks fawh de heads up Babs." - Harley
"Ok, we'll try to get out, let us know if we should turn back or not." - Maria
"Got it, and be careful." - Barbara
Maria and Harley then made their way back down, they were taking the stairs, because they figured it would be quicker, once they were on the second floor, they started to calmly make their way through the doors of the stairwell. That's when Scarecrows goons busted in, shouting for everyone to get down, Harley made sure to stay as close to Maria as possible as the goons gathered everyone to a wall. They were told to not move, talk, or do anything to anger them, once everyone was up against the wall, that's when Scarecrow came in. As he entered the room some of the employees started to look very scared, when Maria looked over to Harley, she saw her mouth 'it's ok', afterwards the goons had them all tied up and on the floor sitting down. Scarecrow scanned them before speaking.
"One of you will be testing my newest and most potent fear toxin as of yet. We can do this one out of two ways." He said lifting up two of his needle syringed fingers. "1. You can be a hero, and let yourself be my newest test subject, aka the boring way or 2. I pick whoever I want, aka the slightly less boring way. Now, who wants to go first?"
•—–· Over to Batman ·–—•
The Batfam was running around the other side of Gotham, now without Tony, because someone ( ehem Thor, ehem) was making a giant mess at Avengers Tower, and was fighting Loki... again. It was when they decided to call Oracle that things took another turn.
"Oracle have you foun- " - Batman
"They're at W.E. and Scarecrows there, I can't get in contact with them, and I can't get into the cameras at the moment, I need you to get your butts over there now!" - Oracle
"Wait you were in contact with them?!" - Red Hood
"Not the time! Just get over there before someone gets hurt!" - Oracle
"We're on our way." - Batman
They all then kicked it into high gear and were running to W.E, and out of everyone, Damian seemed to be the most visibly panicked, if him running twice as fast as everyone was any indication. At the speed they were going, they would be there in 20mins or less... hopefully.
•—–· Back to Maria and Harley ·–—•
So while Scarecrow was giving his little speech, Maria whispered into a plant to let Ivy know their situation, she wasn't able to get an answer before she and Harley were pulled away from the crowd.
"And what do we have here? Harley Quinn and a child. How interesting, well then, which one of you would like to test my new fear toxin?" - Scarecrow
"Eh, do me, I bet I got a lot o' trauma and fears from my time wit' Mistuh J. dat yuh would just love tuh see." - Harley
"... As tempting as that sounds I think I'll test it on your little friend here, after all, I know better than to mess with one of the Sirens." - As Scarecrow said that, one of the goons dragged Maria over to him. She didn't panic, she was actually really calm, which worried Harley even more because, remember all that emotional trauma she saw Maria had? Yeah, not the best match for the fear toxin.
As Scarecrow grabbed Maria, she locked eyes with Harley, and gave a brief smile before she felt a sharp jabbing pain in the side of her neck. Her vision went hazy, and from Harleys' point of view, she went a little limp from it.
As Maria started to see again she could hear screams, car alarms going off, and explosion in the distance, when she looked up, she saw them, her friends, her team... her family, they were all there lying infront of her... none of them moving, all of them were lifeless, looking as though turned into a gray husk of what they once were, and beside them were all the Kwamis, and their respective Jewelery, broken and shattered. She felt the tears fall as she looked around. Paris, the once beautiful city of lights, was now a wasteland, everything had a gray tone to it, people, animals, everything that had life... was dead.
And then she heard laughing, a sick disturbing laugh that was all to familiar... Lila. When she turned and saw Vulpina, she felt sick just looking at her.
"You have failed Maria, everyone you knew and loved is gone, all because you weren't here." - Lila
All she felt in that moment... was pure anger, she began to struggle, but somthing was holding her. She kept hearing that stupid laugh, and kept struggling harder and harder.
"You were never good enough, you were meant to always be our everyday Ladybug, but you never were, you never cared for us, and that's why, they're all gone, because you weren't good enough." - Lila
The last four words kept playing over and over in her head, until something clicked, she wasn't in Paris, so how did she get there? The last place she was at... was with Harley, she was in the W.E. building, and had fear toxin injected into her. As she came to that realization, she could hear the laughing fade just a bit, she closed her eyes and focused on finding everyone's souls, when she did, she saw that Scarecrow was right infront of her, a goon next to Harley, and a goon behind her, the other goons had left and were on the first floor. She snapped back when she heard Lilas' voice again.
"You always were stubborn and never accepted the real truth, as class president aren't you supposed to just roll over and do as you're told." - Lila
Maria was done listening to her, and decided to kick Lila in the face (since someone didn't think to tie up her ankles.)
"Just go rott in hell already you lieing fox!" - Maria
Maria didn't get any answer, all she knew was that she hit whatever was really infront of her hard. Maria then heard Lilas' voice morph into a heavier, more distorted voice.
"That's a first, guess I'll have to increase the dosage." - Scarecrow
She then felt another jabbing pain in her neck, all she could do was scream from the pain, her head was spinning, and all she could hear was laughing, sickening laughter that came from both Lila, and now Hawkmoth. One thing Scarecrow didn't account for, was the deep hatred Maria held for both individuals he made her see. Because soon after he gave her more fear toxin she got her footing, pushing back into the goon behind her before using the goons' grib on her to do a half backflip into kicking the guys face in, quickly knocking the goon out, when she stood back up she only saw Hawkmoth, surrounded by her lifeless team and family, she only saw red, and charge right at him. She kept punching and roundhouse kicking him, giving one final charge, ramming into Hawkmoth before she felt weightless. She never heard the panicked scream Harley let out, she never heard the shouts that came from the Batfam just reaching the second floor, before she hit something... something rapped around her holding her from falling any further, causing her to start thrashing around thinking it was Hawkmoth, before seeing he was also grabbed by something. She struggled ignoring the slight pain that went through her harms and legs. She slowly calmed down as she felt her feet touch the ground again, she then saw another Hawkmoth that was now mixed with Lila hug her, she tried to break free, but realized that it wasn't Lila or Hawkmoth... It was calming, and her voice was gentle, it was Ivy. She only heard a few words, that's when she felt something blow on her face, and after a few seconds, she lost conscientiousness.
Harley came sprinting down and was by Ivys' side in less than a minute. Ivy could tell Harley was worried and joined her in hugging a now sleeping Maria.
"I'm sawhry Ives, It all just happened so fast, and she was so awesome at kickin' Cranes @ss, I din't get her out of dere quick enough." - Harley said as she looked Ivy in the eyes, with tears threatening to escape.
"It's alright Harley, none of this is your fault." - Ivy replied comfortingly to Harley
As the two hugged Maria Batman came over.
"We'll take it from here." - Batman
"Hell no. We ain't leavin' her side." - Harley
Batman just let out a sigh, after he dealt with Scarecrow and his goons, Batman, along with his sons, Ivy and Harley, all headed back to the Bat-cave where the other girls and Alfred were waiting.
If anyone noticed Robin looking over to Maria with a concerned look, they just ignored it, and continued their way back home.
Chapter 6 complete! Hope you'll liked it, and are havin' a fantabulous day, stay safe and rock all those positive vibes. !BUG-OUT! 🐞💮🐞
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Tag List 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
1st Place★: @animegirlweeb☕ , 2nd Place★: @jumpingjoy82, 3rd Place★: @zalladane, 4th Place★: @jayjayspixiepop, 5th Place★: @arty-shadow-morningstar, 6th Place★: @smol-book-nerd, 7th Place★: @irontimetravelflower, 8th Place★: @fandom-trapped-03, 9th Place★: @meme991001, 10th Place★: @buginetye, 11th Place★: @blackroserelina, 12th Place★: @jessigurl-design, 13th Place★: @adrestar , 14th Place★: @moon5608, 15th Place★: @little-bluestar, 17th Place★: @myazael, 18th Place★: @our-preciousss, 19th Place★: @wolf2118, 20th Place★: @nyx-in-line, 21st Place★: @kking13, 22nd Place★: @lunerlover2024, 23rd Place★: @moonlightstar64, 24th Place★: @corporeal-terrestrial, 25th Place★: @kashlyn, 26th Place★: @tbehartoo, 27th Place★: @heart-charming, 28th Place★: @solangelo252, 29th Place★: @t1dwarrior-of-earth, 30th Place★: @lady-phoenix-of-tardis, @lupagrimm
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lunasblipsandblurbs · 4 years
How do Max P., Marcus P., Marcus M., Din, and Whiskey react when you're finally about to consummate your relationship, but you won't (or won't let them) remove your bra because your breasts are visibly uneven? I've been embarrassed by this my whole life. ☹
Oh love theres no need for insecurities I promise you any normal person won't give a damn about your breast sizes.
Afab reader, female reader, anyone with breasts
No gifs below are mine credit goes to the artist who created it
Max Phillips
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If it's one thing I've come to realize with men and tits they don't care what they look like. And Max is definitely in that category. For real if you bend down and your shirt dips a bit revealing some cleavage/ swell of your breast his mind just instantly goes "oh my god BOOBS" so when you shy away from his hands after he reaches for your bra clasps he's immediately pouting and asking 'whyyyyy whats wrong sweetheart?' In a whiny but playfully light tone. Once you explain a bit more he will get it, everyone has their insecurities. He will however, build you up to the point where you yourself don't give a fuck and encouraging him to literally rip off your bra.
Marcus Pike
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Oh I'm sorry did someone say perfect boyfriend? Because this is the material it's made out of babyyy. Marcus is seriously such an angel he never ever wants you to feel insecure so he is totally cool if you want to wear your bra during sex. However many times you need he doesn't care. Its not like he won't still have access to the tops of your breasts to suck and kiss.
Marcus Moreno
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Another one to really not make it a big fuss. He's confused as to why you think he would one, notice and two, care? He won't push you for much of an explanation because you don't owe him one to be honest. He's just going to make it his personal mission to get you comfortable enough with him and you in your own skin to make baby steps towards removing your bra. In fact he will probs encourage you to go braless on your days off so you can get more comfortable in a non sexual atmosphere.
Din Djarin
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Again so confused and does not give a flying fuck. It helps since you are both shrouded in darkness so you can have this conversation somewhat hidden. Din is just going to listen as you feel his head gently nodding and shaking against your body while you quickly tell him whats wrong. He's another one that will just say "okay" only to have you ripping off your own bra 20 minutes later because fuck it, you two are in the dark anyway. Din's nonchalant, I really don't give a fuck attitude regarding bodies is truly liberating.
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This cowboy is yippy-ky-confused. He does not care about the fact your breasts are different sizes. He does care that you are so affected and insecure over them. He's going to try and make the situation fun and flirty again by cracking a few jokes at his own expense. "You wanna talk uneven? Darling one of my balls is smaller than the other and let me tell you back on the ranch-" oh jesus he is helping but shut him up now before he goes off on random tangents on his favorite little lamb and chicken back on the farm.
179 notes · View notes
nexyra · 3 years
RWBY's Love Language - Part 2
Hello friend ! I'm back at it with a second part and whatever character I can think of ! (Among which best boy Oscar because he deserves it, and also more adults)
Let's go !
Oscar Pine
So ! While I love Oscar with my whole heart, honestly guessing his Love Language is no easy feat. One thing for sure : touch isn't is thing even if it's how everyone else chose to communicate their love.
I saw a post a while back detailing how Oscar is always putting his hands up as a barrier when he's scared or uncomfortable and that makes me cry a little instead but it's true TT. Anyway...
In the latest volumes we've got quite a bit of comforting Oscar-talks but I have to wonder how much of that is due to Ozpin's influence really. As a result I've decided to settle on... Acts of Service or Quality Time ! This is based on a few details : when people are upset with him in one shape or form, Oscar was always very eager to prove himself useful, give some aspect of concrete help (such as cooking a Casserole, ringing any bell ?). Plus I imagine that's the exact brand of help his Aunt would have needed most on a farm. Added to that, he always seems fairly happy to be included, be with the others no matter what's going on. Training ? Yay ! A movie with Jaune & Weiss ? Smiling puppy look. Fancy party ? Shenanigans together ! So yea, I love seeing my boy loved and hugged but please everyone settle for the loving he's most comfortable with <3
“She made a choice! A choice to put others before herself! So do I.”
“Oh, uh, yeah. I thought you guys would appreciate a hot meal after... spending all day looking for me, apparently.”
“No, it's okay. These past few days, I've been scared of the same things you were. I don't know how much longer I'm going to be... me. But I did some thinking, and I do know that I want to do everything I can to help with whatever time I have left.”
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- - - - - - - - - -
For our favorite immortal wizard aka not quite dead Headmaster... I think the answer is rather obvious. When you're so careful with your words, but also so fiercely devoted to humanity, Words of Affirmation is a must. Ozpin constantly does his best to calm, to reassure. He's good at controlling the conversation and getting people where he wants... Except he more often than not use it to make them think and help them reach an healing ore motivating conclusion. This man is so insisten on giving and cultivating hope, so painfully aware of just how much words can change... There's no doubt in my mind that it's through these very same words that he tries to fight the darkness in others' mind, even when they don't want to let themselves be persuaded. And with some help from the farmboi, Ozpin is gaining in honesty and earnestness. And that can only help in giving comfort.
But to be honest... If you offer him a hug I doubt he'd refuse, and he definitely deserves one. Also therapy. For Oscar too. Everyone in therapy 2k21.
“Ruby. I've made more mistakes than any man, woman, and child on this planet. But at this moment I would not consider your appointment to leader to be one of them. Do you?”
“It's not every day that friends are able to come together like this. Time has a way of testing our bonds, but it's nights like these that can help keep them stronger than ever. Nights like these are ones we'll never forget.”
“Don't worry, Mr. Arc. Your journey is far from over, and the same might be said for all of you. Unlocking your Semblance isn't the end. It can still grow and evolve. Providing you are willing to put in the work, who knows what could happen?”
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Emerald Sustrai
Now here I'm gonna go ahead and say that the way Emerald has been taught to express her love and the way SHE would rather preffered to be loved most likely do not align. At the side of someone like Cinder, and even Mercury who isn't exactly the most emotionally vulnerable person; the only brand of love that gets an easy pass is Acts of Service, and that's probably what Emerald is the most used to. I can go on a mission with you. I can help. We go right back to the "I can be useful" mentality and I'm not sure she's been shown any other way honestly. Let's be real though : if someone offered a hug or some gentle words ? She'd probably pout & fuss but I hardly doubt she'd object.
“I don't care about Salem! But I owe Cinder everything. You want to fight her that bad? Be my guest.”
“I just... Cinder was the only family I ever had. She cared about me, taught me things... But without her here, I don't know if what we're doing--”
“I've been working on my Semblance. I can help. I won't tell anybody.”
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Pyrrha Nikos
What's with everyone and dedicating their whole love toward just helping their teammates anyway they can ?! Stop ! But any way, you guessed it. I'm pretty sure one of Pyrrha's top way of showing love is Acts of Service, and nothing means quite as much to her as Quality Time. For someone who's been put on a pedestal and has a hard time relating to people; both touch and words can be a bit awkward. But if they're wrapped up neatly in a training session or semblance explanations ? Well that's already a more familiar area. Pyrrha gives her whole to her friends and those she cares about. And in exchange, if anyone can simply... be there and spend time with her... May it be at the ball or simply sitting in the courtyard... I'm sure our girl would be delighted.
“Jaune, you know if you ever need help, you can just ask.”
“I'm constantly surrounded by love and praise; but when you're placed on a pedestal like that for so long, you become separated from the people that put you there in the first place. But thanks to you, I've made friendships that will last a lifetime.”
“I'll do it. If you believe this will help humanity, then I will become your Fall Maiden.”
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Qrow Branwen
If I say Gift Giving for the corvid, is someone gonna hit me ? Come on it's fun ! Okay, more seriously... I think this kind of love conversation is kind of a necessity for Qrow. With a semblance such as Bad Luck, making everything complicated... Qrow tries to keep his distance from those he cares about. And since he's an emotionally repressed (but caring) asshole on top of it... Well that kinda narrows down his option. You know what DOESN'T put anyone at risk but can still bring smiles on their face ? GIFTS. Shiny things, souvenirs from his missions all over the world to give to 2 smol nieces. Sounds safe right ? That said, as any good emotionally unavailable character in this show, I gotta say Qrow probably has a thing for helping out and making himself useful in relation to Oz, Tai or the rest of the inner circle. So you know what that means *whisper* Acts of Service.
That said ! When it comes to receiving some love back... Qrow probably likes everything he doesn't allow himself to have. Soft touches, loving & comforting words, spending time with a friend without his semblance making everything complicated... We know that's all he wants.
“You idiot. I know you didn't do this.”
“Look, pal, I'm not sure who you are, but you need to leave my niece alone.”
“No one wanted me... I was cursed... I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world... I thought I was finally doing some good...”
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Clover Ebi
And among our newbies (and gone too soon) friends we have Clover ! Clover was a very good contrast to our dusty old crow but also a great help. Kind-hearted, perceptive and honest; he knew just how to put Qrow's self-loathing in his place and push him to give himself some credit. He always had a nice word or a joke for everyone, and visibly the rock of the Ace Ops : an expert a keeping the moral up and the mood companiable. Evidently, Words of Affirmation was his expertise. Had things gone differently, I'm sure we'd have had time for many more earnest and helpful conversations with this teal-eyed fisherman.
“It's a good thing they had someone to look up to and get them through it. Not everyone is so lucky.”
“I meant deflect a compliment. Those kids wouldn't be where they are without you. You've had more of an effect on them than you realize.”
“We don't have to fight, friend.”
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Winter Schnee
And today in the "emotionally unavailable" category we have... Winter Schnee ! TALK ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS PEOPLE ! Just - I would say look at Ruby but even she doesn't talk about her bad vibes... Nor does any of the "Words of Affirmation" peeps. Honestly what's wrong with y'all people ? Anyway Winter cares so much. Is it hidden behind professionalism and a stern *big sister* demeanour ? Sure. But it doesn't negate just how much she loves her closed ones. She's fiercely loyal, and even if she doesn't let her personal feelings get in the way of her duty and doing what needs to be done, no one is allowed to say she doesn't care. Countrary to Weiss, Winter doesn't seem as good nor as aware of the love that exists in simply *being* with people. Rather, she's dutiful and ready to help any way she can when given the chance. You guessed it, yet another Acts of Service kind of love... Maybe I'm doing this wrong XD. I'm on the fence about Words of Affirmation as well. Despite her standoffish looks, Winter has always been very open & reassuring during her discussions with Penny. But she's more stern when it comes to Weiss so I dunno x)
“I don't recall asking about your ranking, I'm asking how you've been. Are you eating properly? Have you taken up any hobbies? Are you making new friends?”
“You've grown up a bit, haven't you? You're not the little girl clinging to the family name anymore.”
“You can't just buy trust like everything else! You have to earn it!”
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And that's it for Part 2 ! I might do some other characters if people suggest some but I don't have a pressing need to right now. I have many ideas of songs to apply to various characters however so that's prob what my next posts will consist of (or fun templates)
If anyone has tips to create RWBY gifs or links to download the eps in good quality I'll take it ! Good day everyone !
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“Guardian hands”
Summary: Spencer has a hard time in the academy, he meets Morgan who tries his best to help him through.
Prompt: "You are disgusting"
Warnings: Minor injury, Bullying
Relevant Tags: Autistic Spencer Reid
Word Count:3991
First Chapter:
It is the third group of students coming in, always seven at the time, prepared to train clearing a simple building and Morgan doesn't notice much off of the group accept that one of them looks like he is still very young but sometimes they just do and even if he likes to drill the recruits from time to time he has no intention of making fun of them for something like this.
He knows there are colleagues that do this but he finds it more degrading than motivational, the kid won't be able to grow a beard and be ten times stronger by next week just because you said he still looks like he goes to elementary school.
"You all know what is going to happen, but are there any questions?" He asks standing in front of the group. "You can better ask the question now before I kick your ass for failing this. I won't judge you now."
"If one of us fails do we all?" A man with dark hair asks.
"No it was a figure of speech, you can't fail anything we are just practicing. Besides it's a team effort."
"We didn't get so lucky with that." Another one jokes and Morgan can see Spencer nervously biting his lip. But he ignores the comment, he has no meaning getting involved in their business.
"Okay get your vests on."
"Why do we need the vest?"
"So you get a feeling for it. The guns are probs but I am sure you already know that." He watches them get into their vests and orders everyone working inside the prop house on their position.
When he comes back he sees them joking around. "Okay focus now everyone." He speaks and takes notice of Spencer leaning his head towards his shoulder for a moment a hint that that was to loud for him and Morgan stays quiet for a second hoping he didn't overlooked something important in the paperwork he got for this exercise.
"Man what's wrong now?" One of them asks when Spencer knuckles his eyes.
"Kid you okay?" Morgan asks approaching him and Spencer nods and then looks up to him but breaks of eye contact pretty quickly. "It's okay to be nervous everyone. Now I will go upstairs from were I can see you and for the first try you guys can just try everything you want to clear this house. You have every time,talk it through first."
Morgan leaves them to it walking up the stairs from were he can look inside the house.
He normally likes to work with students who have been longer in the academy but every ones in a while this is fun too. He always with the younger ones is hoping that they leave this encouraged for their next ones,he is harsher on the older ones.
In the beginning he didn't want to teach at all but Gideon had convinced him to do one weekend and now he does it as often as he can.
He sees them debating and then they split in three groups, two people staying outside, three going in through the front door and two through the back door. He has seen worse.
Morgan got in trouble before for being to soft someone had said but he values Gideon's option more than the ones of some agents that already made his life in training a living hell.
The group would have been dead pretty quickly one of them didn't clear the first room correctly so when they all come back out they look unmotivated. "Alright the start was not bad, but you got sloppy then, take enough times to clear the rooms it doesn't help you when you do it fast but overlook someone."
"Dude how could you not see him?"
"I don't know he was hiding good." The man answers one of the two girls in the group.
"That's why you need to be more careful, check behind furniture, don't just light into the room ones and then go back out. Your attempt to leave agents outside was good and you need to watch eachothers backs, the unsub would have had you and you if you don't clear correctly." He points at the different agents.
"I am sorry what's an UNSUB?"
"UNSUBS means Unidentified subject of an investigation, suspects are often referred to it as such."
"What he said." The kid shots him a quick smile and then looks down again playing with the prop gun in his hand. "So try again, more carefully. And concentrate, pay attention to the details."
Morgan goes back up and they do better next time, it's all still pretty unsure but he wouldn't expect different so he talks it through with them step by step and let's them try again when they come back out "Alright everyone we walk through this together, you didn't pay attention to a lot of things but you will learn."
They walk together into the house and Morgan shows them what is important to pay attention to in the house. "Can you even reach that light switch Reid?" One of the students asks.
"Yes,its 4.9 feet above the ground." He answers and looks slightly annoyed.
"Guys attention" Morgan reminds them and continues walking them through and then let's them try again but when it again doesn't work because they miss an important detail he tells them off and sends them in again and again and eventually they start blaming Spencer for their misery simple because he doesn't talk back and is the youngest so Morgan stops them. "He did things wrong but not more than the rest of you,focus. This is going to be your last try."
"He can't even hold his gun right."
"Its not about the gun right now. Keep your flashlight at the right high and I am okay with it." He is about to send them in another time when he sees one of the girls touching Spencer to encourage him and he shrinks away letting out a whine and then turning away from the group. "Reid you okay?"
"Now that starts again,great."
"What starts again?" Morgan asks approaching Spencer.
"I don't know this guy freaks out over the weirdest things. How could he even get into the academy?"
Morgan steps around him facing him now. "Hey kid, you alright?" Spencer shakes his head and then moves his hand up to his head forgetting the gun so Morgan takes it out of it and puts it on the floor while Spencer hits his head with his fist.
"Can I do anything to help you?" The kid,that he has never met before doesn't stop and just stumbles around. "It's okay take your time." Morgan doesn't know what is wrong,but if he would name one thing he would guess that he is having a meltdown that people on autism spectrum can suffer from and he knows profiling with this less time and evidence often doesn't work but if he looks at how the kid acted he is pretty sure it's that. "Does any body of you know anything?" He asks the group.
"No, Sir."
"No we don't know him really he doesn't talk to anyone."
"Alright,you can grab your things, its would have been over in a few minutes anyway." He dismisses them and looks for signs to help Reid.
He is not as informed as he wishes to be right now and the agents that helped come out of the prop house but look clueless too and then Spencer bits out a word.
"What about it?"
"Off" He presses his fingers into his eyes. "Off. Vest off. Need the vest off." He yells and Morgan steps forward resolving the patches.
"I need to get this over your head."
"I am taking your vest off but you need to take your arms down." He doesn't seem to understand Morgan's words so he waits for a moment and then asks again and Spencer takes them down and Morgan can get rid of it and Spencer practically slumps down to the ground and needs a long moment but then calms down sniffing from time to time and playing with his watch and Morgan gives him some space getting some water and his stuff. "Is it okay if I sit down with you?"
Spencer nods but then anxiously rips his jacket and bag out of Morgan's hand.
"Do you need anything?" He gets ignored while Spencer struggles to get into his jacket. "It's okay,no need to stress this. You are safe here."
"Here" Morgan gently helps him and then the man gets up from the ground hanging his bag around his neck. "Are you sure you don't want to wait for a few minutes in here? I can go out if that helps."
"I go"
"Okay,that's okay."
"Sorry" Spencer mutters and then storms out of the room.
More chapters on Ao3:
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citrusinicake · 3 years
just had a weirdass dream that i felt i just had to write down before i forget it completely even tho it's been past an hour already and generally dreams that i remember past the hour mark are ones i can remember for a long time even if not as vividly
so it first starts out with four people, two women and two men, i am in the pov of one of the women specifically the one in the backseat (take note that i am not any of these people but will use first person language to make things easier) and we've been friends for a very long while now (i assume since childhood and adolescence depending on the friend)
we're on a roadtrip on a very pretty mountain it's filled with greenery and, despite the fact that i'm inside the car, i can feel how crisp the air is
at some point we reach a section of the mountain that has a cliffside which has smaller mountains beside it since it's a bulubundukin (idk the english word sorry :() and for some reason that i forgot we ended up swerving and falling off the cliffside very melodramatically (like it's on slow mode and everything), somehow i predicted this would happen and i made my body limp but protected my neck since i read somewhere that that's what you should do in the event of a car crash
our car hits one of the smaller mountains and the car ended up bouncing off it and i saw the ocean very clearly as we fell since the car wasnt there anymore
gonna describe it here since i cant really draw it rn: it's a very vivid sparkling caribbean blue (which honestly doesn't make sense cause it's an ocean not the sea) and there's like?? gigantic flat "mushroom" thingies that are so colorful they look like oilspills except they look too organic to be oilspills so you can immediately tell they're natural thanks sto their creases or whatever, a really expansive array of underwater flora, and there's also some other dark shapes in there that i unfortunately don't remember what but i assume they're rocks
anyways there's three of us now, the fourth person just straight up disappeared and i can't tell what anyone's gender is now but it doesn't matter and it's perfectly normal (the fourth person simply never existed and our genders were never present according to this section of the dream)
we just kept swimming and the origin of us ending up where we are changed from a car crash to falling off a very large cruise ship that Knows that we fell off but couldn't rescue us for whatever reason and now it's too far away but i somehow Know like genuinely Know that they're looking for us except we're too far away and they probs won't be able to find us anytime soon
so me and my friends who i now know from college just kept swimming to a certain direction and i just keep seeing Things (i can't remember if they're flora or fauna or both) that i know are perfectly harmless but keep freaking me out nonetheless along with the "mushrooms" esp when they brush against my legs
anyways the sky is a very pretty yet cloudy sky blue, the sun is out but it's cold because ofc it is and it's generally just very pretty and we just kept swimming into the night without getting tired and this is where things start to get really fuzzy despite the fact i can remember images of it perfectly
for whatever reason i had to i think??? be left behind??? i'm saying this cause i can't see my friends anymore but that could just honestly be just dream inconsistencies cause i see them later on but at the same time i can remember being lowkey panicked like i Know there's something chasing after me and i'm trying to lose it but like in a way that doesn't it make it seem like i know something is chasing me
but anyways, at some point i lose whatever it is that was chasing me and i'm relieved and i'm sitting on one of the mushrooms and it feels like it's daytime but when i look around it's obviously still night/really early morning but no i'm treating it like it's 10 am or something
for some reason i (as in me the dreamer) gain consciousness?? sort of??? that it's a dream, not in any particularly significant way just enough to make me go "wait me and my friends should be looking for land" since we weren't looking for anywhere to settle on, the mushroom is just coincidentally somewhere i (my friends weren't there at that point) settled on to wistfully stare at the ocean in an overhead view despite the fact that the mushroom its right below the ocean surface and also it does actually look like 10 am but when i look back in first person pov it's back to looking like night
and then i (the dreamer) replayed to a certain section that takes place at night but i'm treating it like it's 10 am or something and me and my friends are swimming towards a rocky shore that we had no trouble climbing onto and sat on in relief and at that point my (the dreamer) subconscious went "hey wouldn't it be cool if there were cannibals here?" and then there were cannibals who ate me and my friends even tho it was devoid of all fauna before
so i (the dreamer) looked at that scene and went "no that's stupid" and it replayed to when me and my friends are just relaxing at the shore and i'm just wistfully staring over the ocean
and then it's morning (like it actually looks like it's 10 am this time) and i'm on something that i can't see or distinguish staring wistfully at the ocean all alone this time and that's when i woke up
0 notes
amjustagirl · 3 years
ive told you i like the catcher in the rye wdymm i love character driven stories (*coughs* love knows not its depth *coughs*) that's partly why i enjoy your work so much
headcannons and scenarios ("how would x react to y" basically) are some of the most popular forms of writting in this fandom, i won't say they're bad but i prefer you who takes the time to explore the characters and peel back their layers of behaviour, insecurities, and flaws, to reach their core and what they genuinely yearn for... so character driven story? still cheering in the back of your blog, maybe even louder ngl 😌
im sorry to hear that's the the case over there,,, but you see, in our attempt to be fair and not greedy we tend to step on our emotions from time to time, i believe. it's a not a matter of whether you do or do not have the right to feel sad, rather it is a question of the fact, do you feel sad at times? if yes, rather than accusing yourself for feeling so, why not try to focus on the good stuff? i know that's probably what you're doing but the wording is important! you do have the right to feel sad but perhaps you don't have that many reasons. but even then it is okay to be taken over by irrational emotions from time to time, we're still humans after all
im sorry !! i feel like i've said too much again !! i just felt a little sad knowing you were feeling down
im doing good, finally got used to being here! met some of my colleagues at the university (+flirted with some nice guys, ill fistfight my social anxiety and and try to land myself a date next weekend i think :3 ) , it's been raining all day, we have a short clocktower here and jokingly call this city the greek London, it's nice, thank you for asking <3
hey ellie - yeah, i mean i'd prob be the last person to denigrate anyone's fics, because every single writer contributes to the fandom, and i'm glad to see it thriving. but that said, my personal preference has always been for character driven stories, longfics, things that dive deep into the character's psyche and motivations and yeah, i hope i pull my osamu fic off! i hope i truly do. thanks for your support, bb :3
yeah sometimes, just sometimes. i feel sad for no fucking reason at all. i beat myself over it bcos i have no right to? like, i have everything i could possibly want, and it's greedy to want more but yeah i can't help my emotions going haywire sometimes haha. but like you said, i should prob allow myself to process these feelings and yea. anyways. don't mind me!
omg HAHA i love it, love your adventures, and i'll be over here cheering for you to triumph over your social anxiety! go grab a cute boy, go enjoy yourself on a date! i love greece sm - need to go back one day. my four days in athens was fking amazing, and i've been in love with greek food ever since, kinda pissed that singapore doesn't really have decent greek food that doesn't kill my pocket. i do try and cook greek food from time to time cos mr. nikki loves it too (hummus is my loveee) and see - i can't stop myself from talking about food!
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