#probably the first one b/c i like the key change
The Problems With TMNT 2012 April O'neil (And Why It's The Writer's Fault)
(side note this accidentally low-key turned into an April O'neil defense post, and I apologize.)
Hello everyone! This post was seven pages on google docs so that's fun :D
When I was younger, I thought April O'neil was so cool. She was part Kraang, had multiple guys chasing after her, and was training to be a kunoichi.
As I got older though, and rewatched the show, I realized that while her character was cool, there were a lot of issues with said character.
Now, before I really start, I want to clarify, I do not dislike April! In fact, I still think she's a really cool character with a lot of potential. Unfortunately, said potential has been lost to the grasp of time and space, but that's not her fault.
A lot, and I mean a LOT of people don't like April. The most common complaints I hear about her are as follows. A, she led Donnie and Casey on. B, she's a Mary Sue. C, she got too powerful too fast. D, she's just annoying and two-faced.
Let's start with point number 1.
The Love Triangle between Donnie, April, and Casey is one of the most controversial things in the show. Some people love it, most people hate it, not that I blame them. The biggest point against the love triangle was that it deterred from the characters, and was honestly just kinda gross and cringey.
This could not be more true.
I could make whole other posts on why Donnie and Casey's characters would've been so much better without the love triangle, but this is an April post, so let's talk about April and the first point where the writer's screwed up.
Introducing April as a love interest
If there was one thing that I could take away from TMNT 2012, it would be the fact that they introduced April not as her own character, but a love interest. The fact that they did this set the stage for what April's character was meant to become.
If they had simply introduced April as her own character, then we would've been able to get a better grip on her personality.
But no.
April had never really been a love interest in the iterations before tmnt 2012, and that was because she usually stood in as an older sister figure for the turtles. Yes, some fans shipped April with the turtles, but it was never implied in any of the previous shows that any of the turtles had a crush on April or vice versa.
I don't know why TMNT 2012 decided to change that, but they did.
Making April the same age as the turtles wasn't the problem, and honestly, neither was shipping Donnie and April in the show.
It was how they did it.
In shipping the two of them, they dumbed April's character down to just a love interest, and made her seem bitchy. They wrote her having romantic moments with both Donnie and Casey, and supposedly turning both of them down at other moments.
A Foot Too Big is one of the most controversial episodes in TMNT 2012 period. The episode consists of Donnie rescuing Bigfoot. Bigfoot then proceeds to follow Donnie around like a lost puppy, invade his personal space, touch him without consent, blah, blah, blah. This causes Donnie to realize that just like how Bigfoot is acting is making him uncomfortable, how he's acting around April is probably making her uncomfortable. He then proceeds to tell April that he was going to try and start leaving her alone, and that he understood he was probably making her uncomfortable.
Then, in one of the most controversial moments ever, April grabs him and kisses him, saying "You're my mutant."
Prettttyyyy bad.
I think this incredibly out of character for April, and I think that the entire reason this scene happened was so that they wouldn't lose their most played gag, well tied with making Mikey look stupid after proving him to be smart time and time again, but that's a post for another time.
An excellent point that I've seen made by others was that the whole love triangle was never planned to have a solution, it was there to be played for laughs, which in turn, made April's character suffer for it.
I do believe that April's character would've thrived if not for the love triangle, and I believe that Donnie and Casey's characters would've been better off as well.
Point 2: April's a Mary Sue
Boy oh boy.
First of all, let's look at the definition of a Mary Sue.
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"Unrealistically lacking in flaws or weaknesses."
So...people want to call April bitchy, and then call her a Mary Sue, as if being bitchy isn't a character flaw?
This is argumentatively one of my LEAST favorite arguments against April's character, because usually the argue-r defeats themself when they say the statement.
"She's annoying." That's a character flaw.
"She leads people on." That's a character flaw.
"She let herself get controlled by the stupid crystal." That's a character flaw.
April has a lot of flaws, and that's one of the reasons why I think her character could've been really interesting!
Let's take a look at some of the things that build April's character, and therefore make her not a Mary Sue.
April is shown from the very beginning of the show to be more of an action-oriented person, not always thinking things through.
(i.e. in S1 EP6 Metalhead when she went to go investigate the Kraang warehouse by herself or even in S1 EP1 Rise of the Turtles when she tries to come up with a plan to escape the Kraang's holding her hostage)
This is a character flaw, and it's one that we see a lot throughout the show.
April is also shown to be very empathetic. You can see this in multiple instances, such as when Karai admitted that she believe Splinter was her father, and April believed her.
This isn't necessarily a character flaw, but it has gotten her into trouble a few times. Usually her empathetic attitude helps more than harms.
April stands up for what she thinks is right. This is an important piece of her character that ties into her empathetic attitude.
April is sassy sometimes.
April can hold a serious grudge.
But, she can also be forgiving.
April is stubborn.
So, as I've pointed out, April definitely has a personality. It's just that usually, these elements of her character were ignored in favor of the love triangle, dulling down her character overall, and making her sometimes seem like a Mary Sue.
Speaking of the Mary Sue argument, let's take a gander at another requirement for being a Mary Sue, which is "everyone likes them, and people who don't like them are shown to be wrong for not liking them."
This is NOT true for April.
TMNT 2012 had no problems making Karai and April have serious beef, and Karai was never shown to be in the wrong for disliking her, except for when Karai took it a step too far.
Obviously, most of the other characters (who aren't villains) like April, because the other characters that are shown are her friends, or friends of friends.
Another aspect of the Mary Sue argument was that the character was usually too powerful without a reason, or out of nowhere.
This also ties into point number three:
April got too strong too fast/April's too strong
So let's get into this point.
When I was a little younger, I used to think that people who argued this had a point, but again, as I've gotten older and applied my critical thinking skills, I realized that this isn't actually true.
Some people didn't like that the show made April half-Kraang, claiming it was too strange, just a way to make a female character seem like a 'girlboss', and of course a variety of sexist comments.
I am among the lovers of half-Kraang April, mostly because I think it was a really interesting take on the character.
But! A lot of people claimed that her "kraang" powers were too strong, making her unlikeable.
You want to know how the writers remedied this?
By making April get possessed by the Aeon crystal! (In my opinion, this was actually a really interesting writing direction)
Whiiichhh...of course a bunch of people also had a problem with.
Look, I can't make you like the Aeon crystal writing choice, and I'm certainly not about to try, but, by making April get possessed, the writers inadvertently added a flaw to their apparent "flawless" glorified love interest.
Now, it's been a hot minute since I watched any of the later seasons of TMNT 2012 (mostly because paramount plus is my mortal enemy (side note if anyone has seasons 3-5 downloaded feel free to DM me wink wink)), but I think I remember April losing some fights.
It wasn't like the narrative made her invincible, is my point.
So yes, April was strong, but she wasn't insufferably strong to the point where it was annoying.
I often see this argument used against Captain Marvel from the MCU as well, and I loathe it with my entire being so.
Now for the "April got too strong too fast" complaint.
I just gotta ask, did we watch the same show? /hj
April was shown to have something strange going on with her since season 1! Her powers were alluded to multiple times, so it wasn't like this was a last minute writing decision.
Her power grew stronger as the seasons went on, and there were a few episodes in each season that showcased this, such as S3 EP7 Eyes of the Chimera.
Yes she was strong in season 5, but that's because it was the last season!
As for her ninjutsu skills, it's the same thing. She'd been training since season 1! She grew as a ninja over time.
Now, for the last point:
April's just annoying.
Yeah, if this is you, I don't know if I can change your mind. Also if this is you, there a many times per season where I agree with you!
But let me tell you dear reader the same thing I tell myself.
It's not the character, it's the writers.
Unless the very idea of April O'neil makes you mad, my guess is that most of the gripes you have with her character are the writers' fault. The not choosing between Donnie and Casey, the 'character trait swaps', all of that was the writers.
None of those things are April's character.
If you made it all the way down here, and read all of it, I applaud you.
Overall, I can't make you like April, but I can attempt to analyze her character and give you the finished analysis, that is mostly just me blaming all the problems of her character on the writers.
April had the opportunity to be an amazing character, and that opportunity was poured down the drain.
But, there are still some redeeming things about her character, and those things are the things that made me like her.
So, like most things in life, if you focus on the positives, you'll be okay.
This was CJ and her April O'neil analysis, that accidentally turned into a defense post.
Sorry if none of this post made any sense, I wrote it at midnight after a very long day.
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spaciebabie · 2 years
Hey spacie if you were to sing a song for Springtrap as a love serenade what song would it be?
tie between Charlie Wilson's You Are and Only Girl In The World by Rihanna
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louloulemons-posts · 1 month
Saw that alphabet headcanons are starting to become popular and I was wondering if you could do both versions of the alphabet too ( SFW and nsfw alphabet head canons) for Logan?
SFW Alphabet
Wolverine x Reader
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authors note : this is such a cute idea! i love reading these so much - i probably won’t do a NSFW one because i don’t write much content like that 🫶🏻
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A = Affection
(how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
heres the thing, in public he’s barely affectionate at all, it’d be a hand on your waist or rubbing his fingers on your shoulder. in private he’s the opposite, he is all over you like a leech, cuddles, kisses. at one point you had to stop him holding your hand when you went to pee.
B = Best Friend
(what would they be like as a best friend? how did the friendship start?)
just like he is with everyone, logan is quite standoffish with you when you first meet. you met through charles at the mansion, but after a week or so, and many smiled, logan warmed to you. you became really close really quick, talking about anything and everything.
C = Cuddles
(do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
logan is an cuddle bug, he loves a hug. as soon as you get, or him, get back from a mission he’d be on you. wrapping his arms around you and holding you close, your own legs wrapped around his waist.
D = Domestic
(do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
as soon as you and logan get together, he knows he wants to be with you for the rest of your lives. he wants a simple life, no more fighting, a little home away from everything. he’d be better at cleaning than cooking, you’d cook and he’d wash up and dry.
E = Ending
(if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
logan would never want this, it would be worse comes to worse. you were in danger. he’d hate it, say it was to protect you, which would break your hate, and in turn you’d hate him in a way. but he’d always come back - logan always did.
F = Fiance(e)
(how would they feel about commitment? how quickly do they want to get married?)
he’d probably wait a year or two, promising to love you forever. you’d have a small private wedding a few months later, with your closest friends and wade would fight to be bestman.
G = Gentle
(how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
he’d learn to be more gentle with you, forever gentle with you, never wanting to cause any harm. soft touches and words are key for logan.
H = Hugs
(do they like hugs? how often? what are their hugs like?)
as said above, big bear hugs, holding you close. it’d be secure, you’d feel so safe when he hugs you. rests his head on top of yours and presses his lips on your hair constantly.
I = I love you
(how fast do they say the L-word?)
either a couple months into the relationship, or as he’s first asking you out - no in between.
J = Jealousy
(how jealous do they get? what do they do when they’re jealous?)
ha. so yeah he is kinda jealous, he’s just scared you’ll find someone better than him (logan that’s not possible btw babe), he’d become more touchy or death glare anyone who looked in your direction - definitely would end up in you comforting, kissing all over his face and telling him how much you love him.
K = Kisses
(what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they liked to be kissed?)
kisses with logan are always full of love and passion, his favourite place to kiss you is your lips of course, but does place his head in your neck and kiss your pulse point on a regular. he’s a sucker for forehead kisses for sureeee.
L = Little ones
(how are they around children?)
he’s scared of them.
when he meets laura that doesn’t really change, but my god he’s a good dad and you take her in as your daughter - he absolutely adores the both of you and seeing you together melts his heart - but not when you join forces and gang up on him.
M = Morning
(how are mornings spent with them?)
slow and soft. waking up slowly with kisses all over your face, shoulders and back. gentle whisperers to bring you from your slumber and hushed voices when you wake up.
N = Night
(how are nights spent with them?)
soft giggles, hushing you to sleep, but obnoxiously loud laughter if you’re quiet for too long. your head rested on logan’s chest, feeling it shakes as he tries to hold in a giggle. but soon wrapped around one another, fast asleep.
O = Open
(when would they start revealing personal things? do they say it all or tell you slowly?)
logan doesn’t know why but he feels so comfortable about you, he speaks about his childhood, his brother, the wars, the adamantium … everything. he tells you everything, you hold his closely and quietly as he does so, running your fingers through his hair, just letting him talk.
P = Patience
(how easily angered are they?)
… this is logan we’re talking about. he doesn’t get angry at you, annoyed yes, if you hurt yourself doing something silly. his claws slip out with ease when he sees someone making you upset or uncomfortable, not even thinking before acting.
Q = Quizzes
(how much do they remember about you? do they remember every detail or forget everything?)
he would not forget a single thing about you, even silly small things. you stopped believing in the tooth fairy at 7? he knows it. your favourite smell is vanilla? logan’s got a vanilla candle. you love green? guess what? he’s got you a green blanket.
R = Remember
(what’s their favourite moment in your relationship?)
your first kiss for sure, he could never forget it, he was being broody and rambling about issues you may face in the future. you just grabbed him by his worn flannel and kissed him straight on the mouth - he instantly shut up.
S = Security
(how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they want to be protected?)
so fucking protective, he’d protect you with his life. you walk on the inside of the path away from the cars. an overly bark-y dog approaches, you’re behind him. you feel uncomfortable, claws are drawn.
logan needs mental protection more than anything, whatever he tells you in confidence, stays with you, it stays quiet, never used as an insult, it’s precious and makes him him.
T = Try
(how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
as said above he never forgets a thing about you, so if you ever make a passing comment, he will remember it. gifts are forever heartfelt and unique. anniversaries are quiet and just for you, same with dates, never one the same. and every day tasks, logan will sit you down and do everything if you asked.
U = Ugly
(what are some of their bad habits?)
takes an ungodly amount of time doing his hair. that’s it.
V = Vanity
(how concerned are they about their looks?)
okay okay, his outfits are always great. he looks good all the fucking time, but he’d look great in a bin bag. i think he throws on whatever … but as i said before … hair.
W = Whole
(would they feel incomplete without you?)
oh 100% a second without you is too much. he wouldn’t know what to do with himself, he’d feel lopsided if he was on a solo mission.
X = Xtra
(a random head cannon)
scared of frogs. you’ve chased him around the mansion with one.
Y = Yuck
(what are some things they don’t like, in a partner, or just in general?)
someone who doesn’t listen, like at all, just someone who is totally self obsessed. he couldn’t deal with that.
Z = Zzz
(what’s a sleeping habit of theirs?)
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this was so much fun to do, thank you for the request i loveeddd it.
leave any requests, they’re slowly coming i promise 🫶🏻
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moonybug444 · 4 months
toxic connie freaking the fuck out when your period is late and calling you a cheating whore :/
a long night
tw: physical abuse, very toxic relationships, connie’s calls reader all types of names. just mean
“no—no you think this shit is a fucking game, (name).”
connie’s grip on your arm is impossibly tight and at this point you don’t know what to do. you’ve been going back and forth with him for hours and he’s really not letting up. you’re tired and your arm hurts.
“can you fucking listen?! i swear if you don’t get the fuck off of me m’gonna—!”
connie’s twisting your body around and he’s in your face in a instant, pushing your back flat against your bedroom door you were just trying to open to get the fuck away from him.
sometimes you let yourself forget. you forget how dangerous connie really is. you forget. although he’s seems like a joking and lighthearted guy in people’s faces, he’s been fighting for years. he can really change his whole persona with one blink of an eye.
“you’re gonna what, (name)?” his jaw visibly clenches. “what the fuck are you gonna do ta me?”
he looks down at you and waits, like he really wants an answer to the question—
“c-connie i promise you…!”
“shut the fuck up!”
in a second you go from against the door to on the fucking floor, he pushes you hard and he means to do damage.
honestly this day couldn’t get any fucking worse.
you and connie actually started off good this morning. you woke up to him wrapped around you like a blanket before you guys got up and decided to make breakfast together. it had been sweet, sure it was basic. all you did was make pancakes together for heavens sake, but you’ve got to treasure that with a relationship like yours, it’s not often you have good morning together. most you’re already waking up with your gloves on ready to pounce. so of course you were greatful for the sweet acts this morning, too bad it didn’t last long. it wasn’t until later at about three o’clock, while you were getting ready to get a shower is when everything started.
“(n,n,)” connie calls into the bathroom swinging his keys around his finger and rushing to put a t-shirt on. “m’runnin out for a minute, you want me to pick up something?”
you were too busy getting all you shower stuff together to hear him of course, you guess that was your first mistake. he gets real mad at little shit like that.
not listening. you were too busy humming to yourself and looking down at your acrylics, need to book that appointment.
“(name!)” you heard that alright, no mistake. “what the fuck do you need from the store?”
you explained to him you don’t need anything, not before weakly defending yourself, telling him to stop fucking yelling. all he does is roll his eyes and search the place a little deciding himself what you need. he’s not about to go through this little annoying ass cycle like always. you say you don’t need shit then he leaves out and comes back and all the sudden everything’s popping in your dumb little head now. it pisses him off.
he starts with the kitchen. not much, probably some condiments, some of those like strawberry milk packs you like, and some more paper plates, you hate doing dishes. but God forbid you bring the ‘ugly’ paper plates, make sure to bring back those cute pink ones. he moves on to where you’re at the bathroom.
when he goes in there you’re still naked and humming to yourself while you look in the mirror spaced out. still not in the shower.
“watch out baby—”
“oh connie don’t worry about getting pads in stuff ok? don’t think i’ll need them in a minute.”
the words nearly fly over connie’s head until he really stops to think. ‘don’t think i’ll need them in a minute?’ what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
connie quickly gets irritated and worried, immediately jumping to all types of conclusions. honestly you’ve been with each other for too long. he should know by now how irregular your periods are, just shows how little he pays attention to you.
you try to explain it to him but connie’s making shit up in his own head, finding a solution in his own head.
you had went out last weekend right? yeah last weekend. he doesn’t know what the fuck it was for, maybe a girls night? he doesn’t fucking know, he knows he didn’t want you to fucking go though. you looked too fucking good. of course you being you trying to go out in your ‘sluttiest outfit’ as he’d say. he made you change like four times before getting pissed off and going home, cussing you out on the way out the door.
so what, you went out the other weekend, with your other slut friends and what now magically you just don’t have your period? you’re a fucking liar.
and once connie decides on something, it’s set in stone for him, no going back.
that shit started till three o’clock in the fucking afternoon and it’s twelve at night and you guys are still going.
you’re back where you were on the floor looking up at him with wide scared eyes, shocked by just how fast he gets mad.
“i don’t fuck anybody but you, you’re fucking crazy!”
“yeah, yeah?” he picks you up off the ground with just his one hand and drags you towards the bed, trying to straddle himself on you.
“get-get the fuck off connie,” here come the tears, you try your best to block his view from your face but he pins you on the bed and has both of your wrist with just one hand while he clenches his hand around your tear soaked face.
he’s all in your face yelling and it’s too much for you to take honestly, you break down even hard trying to push him away with all the strength you have but you just can’t.
“oh you’re fucking crying? you wanna fucking cry you fucking slut—?”
“st-stop calling me names connie! i didn’t fuck anyone else—“
you’re lying and he knows it. he swears if he looks at you any long he’s gonna slap the shit out of you. wouldn’t be the first time, but that doesn’t mean it makes it any easier. he gets off of you and watches you hop of the bed crying and shaking, immediately jumping up and doing everything you can to hurt him. it doesn’t do shit to him though, it just makes you look like a fucking idiot.
“you’re a fucking slut y’know that? know how fucking disgusted i am? my girlfriends a fucking cheating whore. a cheating pregnant whore.” you slap him. you don’t know how hard but your hand is stinging red it hurts. bad.
you’re still crying—sobbing when he looks down at you, a look of anger, disgust prominent on his face.
“couldn’t even use a fucking condom right? right you stupid bitch?!” he grabs both of your arms and drags you out the room, whispering you wanna keep fucking playing, to himself as you stumble behind him and try to regain your footing..
“where the fuck is your phone?” you’re still crying, you don’t even care anymore. all you wanna do is cry and role around on your floor and scream.
“g-get the fuck o-off, connie.” you try to move somewhere else but he’s got a tight grip on your little arm.
all you want to do is get away from him right now, so you grab the closet object to yourself with your free hand and repeatedly hit him with it. oh that gets him mad real quick. everything after that is a blur and by the time you’re fulling aware again, your lip is bleeding and your head is pounding. connie’s sitting on the crunch going through your phone. you look at the clock that reads 1:23am.
it’s gonna be a long night.
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zoro-chwaan · 5 months
I’d like to say, this is my first time writing something like this. So if you don’t like it, then go ahead and skip! Also, this is a trans!m reader, so if you’re a ‘she/her’ or a fem! Identifying person. Please leave, this isn’t for you!
Word count: 1.2k
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Not-so sweet thinking…
Whenever you would test your scores aren’t that bad, they’re not beyond shocking ‘A’s’, but they’re decent. You would tend to get B’s or B+ on your test. Sure, there are times when you would get a few A’s. And other times when you would get a C or two, but that’s normally when you aren’t paying attention to the test and allow your mind to wonder.
Your professor would praise you for keeping and semi steady good score and he sometimes question how you do it. You would tell him that you study when that isn’t even the case. It’s been years since you last used notes to study for any test, you found it a waste of time so you stopped.
Now there’s another student in your class who keeps up the perfect straight A’s scores in every test in that class, but unlike you, he would rarely get any praises from the professor. He didn’t mind it at first since it’s doesn’t really bother him. What does bother him is when he found out that you not once have ever studied for any tests in that class. I mean, sure, you take notes in the class; you just don’t use it. It irritates him, so much that he hates the idea of you catching up to him.
No!! He’s worked too hard to be top of his classes, he isn’t going to let someone like you ruin that for him! He hates it! He hates you!! You, on the other hand, don’t pay attention to any of the other students in your class. Why would you? It’s not like you care for them, just the class. So of course you would be unaware of the unseen rivalry between you and the ‘Straight A’ student.
One day in one of his other classes, he had a project that he had to work with one other student. That student just so happens to be your dorm mate. Your dorm mate told him that they had something that they needed to do and gave him the keys to your dorm and told him that he’ll be there in a few hours or less. Of course he doesn’t know that you two are roommates! He sighed and walked up to the dorm and opened it. Once he was in he heard water falling, he thinks that his partner’s dorm mate is probably taking a shower.
He sat down on the couch and waited. While waiting he decided to get on his phone. The shower in the bathroom was turned off. You stepped out of the bathroom and went to your room to go change. Once you were done, you went to the kitchen to make yourself an instant ramen since you were tired and lazy to cook some food. When the ‘Straight A’ student heard the microwave go off he decided to look up to see who the dorm mate was.
To his surprise it was you!! The guy he hates the most!! His blood boiled in anger!! When you turned your head, you saw him and waved at him. He just continues to look at you with a cold stare. You tilt your head a bit and question if he was the project partner of your dorm mate. He doesn’t respond. Like how dare you try to question him! You decided to ask him what is name was.
“HUH?!” He stood up now fully enraged. This startled you a bit and asked him what’s wrong. “What’s wrong?? You mean to tell me you don’t remember who I am?!” He yelled out. You apologized and looked at him for a bit.. ahh no wonder he looked familiar. He’s that one guy that would give you snarky looks or remarks whenever you got a question wrong or whenever he got one right.
“Now you remember? Seriously! What’s with you?? First you don’t study and yet somehow you get decent grades, now you’re trying to act like you don’t even know who I am??” He sighs at your idiocy. That’s when an idea popped up in his head. “Well if you want to forget, all you could’ve done was asked..” He said as he made his way towards you. You questioned him was he was doing, but he doesn’t respond.
“Fuuuuck- you’re so tight. You know that, right? Of course you do, fucking slut..” He says as he pounds into you boycunt roughly yet slowly. You moaned into your pillow as you tighten around him. Right now, he has you face down-ass up. Oh how cute you look under him ♡.
He grunts as he hears you pleading. “Awe.. does the little dumb boy want something? You’re gonna have to speak up, baby.” He smiles sadistically, when you didn’t speak up he stopped. “I can’t hear you, slut.” You babble incoherent words. You were trying to ask him to fuck you faster, but your brain turned into mush from the overstimulation of coming three times and him not even once!! How??
He grabs your chin and pulls you up, your back hitting his chest. “What do you want?” He asks as his hand slides down to your clit and starts rubbing it slowly. You whine and try to buckle your hip. Again, you ‘try to’. When he sees you do this, he tsk and slaps you boycunt, how mean :(! You moaned and squirt a bit at the action.
His eyes widen slightly as he laughs at the display. “Wow, I knew you were a slut, but squirting when I slapped your boycunt? That’s too cute!” He starts moving his hip once again as his hand moved from your chin to your neck. He angles himself to the point where his tip is kissing your cervix beautifully ♡. His lips end up on your neck, giving it kisses and marks that would last for a few days.
He pounds into you faster and harder as he lays your head down and grabs onto your hips. “Haah.. in or out?” He asks. It took you a minute for it to be processed fully. You managed to moan out ‘in’. He nods and after a few more rough thrust he cums in you, you cum along with him. After a few minutes, he pulls out and climbs off the bed.
You on the other hand lay flatly on your bed. A couple minutes passed and he came back with a wet rag and a glass of water. He starts cleaning you up and gives you the glass of water. You thank him and drank it all in one go. When you set the glass cup on top of your nightstand you look at him. Oh how sweetly he’s treating you after making you forget who you were ♡. Which reminded you.. wasn’t he supposed to work on a project with your roommate?
When he was done, you asked him. His face turned slightly red. He was about to speak up, when he heard a buzz. He went to check, and lo and behold. It was your roommate, telling him to just go to his dorm for today since they’re dealing with something. He sighs and looks at you. “Looks like I was embarrassed for nothing.” He turns his phone towards you.
You laughed and laid back down. Maybe getting on the bad side of the ‘Straight A’ student isn’t so bad after all. You get a good dick down, and a sweet aftercare ♡.
Also if you a request, feel free to put something in <333
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sgiandubh · 3 months
Fitness Anon here…
Just had to run a few errands this morning and there I spotted him - I will call him ‘local S’. Whoever he is, is not really important at all. It is about the perception - or the non-perception“ - of the  ‘rest of us’ towards him. 
He is an actor who lives in our neighborhood with his family - played leading roles in some TV series in the last 20 years and also plays theatre frequently. I think he has the same level of recognition C and S may have in Scotland. 
The first time after moving here I met him at the post office. But with a toddler and a crying baby in tow I did not recognize him immediately. A few weeks later a friend of mine (who grew up here) and I went to a park with our kids and  ‘local S’ jogged past us. I asked my friend if he was the one I thought he was. She looked a little bit confused at first and then said: Yes, and he is living here since a few years! Nothing else - no chatting, no gossip - nothing. And that hasn't changed to this day.
‘Local S’ lives here and is part of our community. None of us would think of taking a photo of him waiting in the line at the local bakery or anywhere else. And we certainly wouldn't post anything on social media about seeing or meeting him. None of us are impressed when we meet him or ask him for a selfie. It's also not a bad thing that none of us here are interested in 5 minutes of Instagram fame.
In the situations where I meet him, I never realise him as an actor and semi-famous. Because his every day appearance is completely different from his TV roles. In his most well-known TV role, he had to wear an unusual costume like Sam. So when you see hin in his normal attire, he looks totally different.  
I meet him in normal everyday situations, just as I do with many other people. This could be one of the reasons why we don't consider the ‘local S’ to be famous. Meeting him in a jogging suit, sweating and buying rolls has nothing glamorous at all. The other reason is probably that he doesn't appear to be recognised as someone famous. He lives a completely low-key everyday life. Sometimes he is featured in the relevant magazines to promote his TV roles. As far as I'm aware he hardly talks about his life at home there, only about his projects.
What I have just described probably also widely corresponds to Sam's (and C's) life in Scotland. They are known in their community and neighborhood. However, it is not considered that an appearance of them is a sensation. They are part of the everyday life there, just as ‘local S’ is part of my everyday life. And that is not glamorous or exciting - neither in Scotland nor anywhere else in Europe or in the world. That's why probably little or nothing is known about their everyday lives at all. 
Dear (returning) Fitness Anon,
While living in Paris, I spotted (not necessarily in that order):
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a) Kristin Scott Thomas, at the (now defunct) posh, Waitrose French wannabe, INNO supermarket, in Montparnasse. Her caddy chock-a- block full with Tŷ Nant Welsh spring water (very classy cobalt blue bottle and a novelty, in 1997). Now, The English Patient is easily in my top 5 movies. I chuckled in my Barbour and quickly busied myself with paying and getting out of that store ASAP. Everybody knew who she was - TEP's movie posters were all over town and in each and every métro station. Nobody flinched.
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b) Daniel Auteuil, one of my favorite French actors. Formidable in Patrice Chéreau's La Reine Margot (and pretty much everything else), insane chemistry with the beautiful Isabelle Adjani. He was hailing a taxi, somewhere near Avenue de la Motte-Picquet, steps away from my flat, circa 2001. I grinned like an idiot and passed my way.
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c) Catherine Deneuve, The Legend. I already wrote about it, a while ago. We were in line, at the movies, I (loudly) betted it was her and she smiled. That's all. And that is all it should be.
About my Greek experiences, I have written here, by the way: https://www.tumblr.com/sgiandubh/748463393458061312/im-interested-to-know-whether-you-came-to-enjoy?source=share . Even in a warm, expansive Southern European country nobody gave a flying duck, ever. Just humorously mentioned seeing them having coffee around town, while gossiping, Nothing more.
You'd have to be overly obsessed and/or really parochial to think people who live in the same neighborhood with actors, business tycoons or politicians would ever give a damn about it, every single time they spot those people somewhere.
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accio-victuuri · 9 months
inorder to fully understand this cpn/clownery, then you should first read this incident. it’s the main reason why we think that whatever we’re speculating here is probable. that’s because wyb is known ( at least from that example ) to do and hide things like this. i swear sometimes his galaxy brain is beyond our imagination 😂😂😂
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for the single preview of WYB’s song we had a very small clue that goes:
Something I like - Fresh // Something I like - Old
one of me likes freshness // one of me likes obsolete
you can interpret this in a number of ways, general meaning being wyb is someone who appreciates the old and new. whether that’s in his career, personal life or preference etc. it is logical at this point. however some people noticed when they typed the initials of the words ( fresh / old ) using 9key, what will come out is b’j’y’x 👀👀.
there is a whole thread here of people who tried it and said it works. what is this. the universe has clowned us once again. tho from what i know, they both prefer the 26 key. but it could probably be why 9key stuff is better to hide things cause 26 seems more popular.
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and it doesn’t help that the c position in xzs post today is him holding his phone. we have clowned the other elements of b&w, the 380 fan and phone case. but maybe that isn’t even the point. the clue is there is something we should be doing on our phones after wyb released the teaser. notice how the studios posted these so close — 23 mins apart.
add to that the whole bjyx clowning over at weibo voting. it’s fate. 🤡🤡🤡🤡
it also reminds me of the time when wyb changed his ig username so many times. what he ended up with at some point, if you use 9key will spell out xiao.z85 🤯🤯🤯🤯
his username now is still very close yibo.w_85
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this is all a coincidence! 💛
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noir-fem · 3 months
daisy's thoughts on *that* scene
the scene itself
obviously, the show couldn't adapt B&C verbatim without traumatizing child actors in the process, so i'm happy that certain changes were made and that the actual murder happened off screen. i still think they could have kept small details that made it so horrific in the books without hurting child actors though.
the problem is mainly within the writing because there's really no build up. there's no scenes of Helaena being loving with her kids beforehand, no slaughtering of guards or bed maids to make Blood and Cheese look scarier, nothing that builds an impending sense of dread. also B&C being confused/low key cartoonish villains didn't help. these guys are supposed to know the Red Keep's secret pathways like the back of their hand; showing how intruders could get into the keep so easily definitely would have made the scene scarier.
also making B&C into a "misunderstanding " and having Aemond be the original target completely downplays the most evil thing the Blacks ever did and further shows that the writers are unashamedly biased towards the Blacks. the main message of the story is that both sides were war criminals who did awful things!! the senseless cruelty of targeting a toddler for something he had no role in was literally the point of B&C!!
i get that maelor doesn't exist yet, but they still could have done "a son for a son" and kept Helaena being forced to choose between her kids. one person on here suggested having her point to Jaehaera in order to spare Jaehaerys (the heir to the throne), but B&C killing Jaehaerys instead. i think something like that would have kept the psychological torture of having to choose and could still have been done without scaring child actors.
overall, if the writers were trying to out-do the Red Wedding in terms of horror, it didn't work. What made the Red Wedding so terrifying in the first place was the psychological aspects of it and all the tiny clues the audience was given beforehand, the small details telling the viewers that something bad is coming.
that being said, the show's adaptation of B&C still captured the horror of a child being murdered in front of his mother without showing it/being gratuitous. they did an amazing job with just letting you hear the sounds and leaving the rest to the imagination.
in conclusion: r.i.p. sweet baby jaehaerys. daemon targaryen, your days are numbered.
Helaena's reaction (or, rather, lack thereof)
i didn't properly understand/appreciate Helaena's reaction to B&C until i saw other people's takes and rewatched the scene for myself.
at first, i would have liked to see some sort of desperation like there was in the books (like Helaena begging and offering her life). HOWEVER, book!helaena and show!helaena are obviously gonna have some differences, especially with show!Helaena being a dreamer. and with her being coded as autistic/neurodivergent, her reaction makes total sense to something that i myself would do.
say it with me: there is no "right" or "wrong" way to react to trauma!! your brain is literally just doing whatever it has to do to get you out of that situation, and that looks different for everyone. a lot of people freeze or fawn! it doesn't mean that they're "emotionless" or unaffected by what's happening!!
now looking at it, Helaena's silent shock and horror were more gut wrenching to watch than any amount of screaming or begging imo. she's probably already seen this happen in her visions and knows that there's nothing she can do to stop it: all she can do is get herself and Jaehaera out of there. her resigned facial expression, her eyes, her quiet little pleas as she's carrying Jaehaera, her literally dissociating in order to get her and her daughter out of the situation and clinging onto her baby for dear life. Phia's acting was incredible and i believe she did her best with what the writers gave her.
now lastly....
the alicole scene
why???? just WHY????
look i'm all for alicent and criston being hypocrites and alicent finally getting to experience pleasure, but having helaena walk in on her and criston RIGHT after watching her son get brutally murdered.... i don't even need to say any more about this. nobody needs to explain why that is a bad writing choice.
my opinions on the show's take on B&C will likely change depending on how they handle helaena and alicent's reactions to it later on in the series. might even dabble in writing fics and drop my own take on this storyline sometimes hehe.
in conclusion, somebody PLEASE take Helaena's pain, quadruple it, and give it to daemon NOW.
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astro-can-write · 10 months
Hey pookie ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
Do you think you could do a SFW Alphabet for Tobio Kageyama from Haikyuu? Please and thank you!!!
hey pookie! ofc i can! this is my first time doing a sfw alphabet, so please tell me if i should change anything!
𝕊𝔽𝕎 𝔸𝕝𝕡𝕙𝕒𝕓𝕖𝕥 | 𝕂𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕋𝕠𝕓𝕚𝕠
A = Affection (how affectionate are they?) Tobio doesn’t really know how to show affection. He’s not very fond of PDA unless it's just holding hands when no one’s around, but he loves cuddles and just basking in your warmth when you two are alone. He gets all flustered whenever you ask him for a kiss, and starts mumbling and stuttering like it's the end of the world. Physical touch isn’t his favourite love language, but he’ll still show affection in different ways, like attempting to make your favourite food. (Key word: attempt)
B = Best Friend (how would they be as a best friend?) Tobio would definitely be a lot more comfortable around you since you're his best friend than he is around other people. He would maybe talk more, express himself more, and even laugh at silly jokes you make. He would make a mental list of all your dislikes and likes, and even pick up your favourite drink for you if you’re ever late to school. He knows everything about you, and you know everything about him. He’ll probably try to listen to your problems but it doesn’t work out too well because he’s rather straightforward and oblivious at the same time, so he offers stupid advice. “Just ask them out,” is probably what he’d say if you said you had a crush on someone. He has full faith and trust in you and literally doesn’t care if you hang out with other people instead of him, although he’ll probably get all pouty if you spend time apart for too long. “I thought I was your best friend…”
C = Cuddles (do they like to cuddle? How do you guys cuddle?) Tobio only likes it if he’s super duper tired, like after a hard game or after fighting with Hinata. He likes it when you hold him in your arms, because it makes him feel like a child again. Although, you’re probably shorter than him and your arms probably die after a little bit. Occasionally, if he knows you're feeling down, he’ll hesitantly hold you in his arms and you guys will cuddle for, like, 5 minutes until he finally goes, “let’s play volleyball now.” 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) Tobio’s parents were at work all day, and his grandpa was old, so he and his older sister would help around the house a lot. While his sister did all the cooking, he would clean as fast as he could so that he could play volleyball again. He wanted to put his volleyball career as his very first priority and was hesitant about settling down because he needed to travel a lot, so you guys had a very quick wedding with close friends and family (and his Karasuno team, of course) and you accompanied him everywhere. Whenever he came home from practice or a game, he would clean the apartment or wherever you guys were staying, but there wasn’t much to clean so you let him watch some volleyball games while you cooked. He cooks if you're sick and tired, but he only makes pork curry because it's the only thing he knows how to make (and it's his favourite food).
E = Ending (how would breakups work out?) If you broke up with him, he’ll wonder what he did wrong and go to Sugawara or his sister for advice. He won’t cry - he’s just confused, and he hopes that you were just mistaken. He apologizes for whatever he’s done wrong. If you don’t talk to him at all after the breakup, he’ll start getting angry at himself and project it into volleyball, therefore making him return to his tyrant self. If he breaks up with you, it's probably because you were getting in the way of his career. He’ll definitely regret it and come back to you at one point, but it's up to you to accept or reject him.
F = Fiance (how do they feel about commitment?) Like I said before for Domestic, he’s hesitant about committing so much to a relationship that he lets it get in the way of volleyball. Volleyball is love, volleyball is life. He might not want to commit too much, but he’ll eventually come around because you're his second biggest priority (after volleyball). He knows his life will fall apart if you weren’t there for him, so he wants to get married quickly so you guys can travel together as a real couple.
G = Gentle (how gentle are they?) Tobio is very strong. You’ve seen his serves before, and you’re scared he might accidentally break your hand while holding it. His hands are calloused, but he’s surprisingly gentle with you because he’s also scared that he might hurt you by accident. He can get a bit too strong and grip your arm when he’s excited, but he’s quick to calm down when he sees you in pain. 
H = Hugs (do they like hugs?) The same with cuddles - he’ll lean down and put his face into his shoulder if he’s tired or sad, and you guys will stay like that for as long as he needs. He gives you quick hugs for motivation or comfort, but it rarely happens and he only does it when you guys are alone.
I = I Love You (how fast do they say the L-word?) He had never thought about saying it until Hinata yelled, “YOU GUYS HAVEN’T EVEN SAID ‘I LOVE YOU’ TO EACH OTHER YET?” and then Tanaka and Noya started bullying him as well, so he was basically pressured into doing it. It had only been, like, a month since you guys had started dating. He started getting paranoid - were you going to say it first, or should he? Just to test it out, he said “I love you” in the most nonchalant voice before you guys parted ways at night. Flustered, you didn’t reply, which led him to thinking that you didn’t love him back. The next day, it happened to be his game against Shiratorizawa, so you said “I love you too” right before the game. This made him happy, and he did exceptionally well during the game.
J = Jealousy (how jealous do they get?) Tobio is extremely oblivious and doesn’t think much of it if you talk to other people. If someone’s flirting with you, he won’t do anything about it until he sees that you're visibly uncomfortable. He’ll come up behind you and glare at the flirter, making them (most of the time) run away. He doesn’t get jealous unless you’re hanging out with Hinata or anyone from his team, because then he gets worried that you might think he’s uncool compared to his teammates and leaves him. He’ll glare at his teammates, making them scared, and hide you from them. It's funny, but you had to tell him that his teammates weren’t gonna do anything to her. One person he gets really angry at is Oikawa, and after a slight incident, Oikawa now does not come near you anymore. Other than this, he’s not a relatively jealous person.
K = Kisses (what are their kisses like?) It depends. He can be gentle, he can be rough. He finds it hard to crouch down all the way to your lips, so he kisses you on top of your head a lot. When he does kiss your lips, it's usually a quick peck or just a full out makeout session. He’ll kiss his favourite part of you a lot, whether it be your nose or your hand or whatever you think is your unique feature. You like his kisses because he doesn’t do it a lot and it feels special whenever he does it. Whenever you kiss him, you probably need to stand on your tiptoes, and once your lips meet he doesn’t want to let you go.
L = Little ones (how are they around children?) Kids find him scary but he doesn’t know that so he doesn’t understand when they always hide from him. He’s kind of like Ushijima. He tries to make an attempt to play and talk with kids if you ask him to, but the kids don’t like him so they don’t reply or anything. But if there was a kid that did like him, he’ll probably have them hitting cross spikes and service aces by the end of the day. It all depends on the kid, but Tobio will definitely try his best around little ones if it benefits him. Only if it benefits him. 
M = Mornings (how are mornings spent with them?) He’s usually up and about at, like, 5am. He goes for a jog, watches some games on the TV, tries to make breakfast, and then wakes you up at around 7 or 8am. He doesn’t let you sleep in unless you're really tired, because he wants you to have a healthy lifestyle by sleeping early and waking up early. Your mornings are always spent apart unless he drags you out for a run or if he sleeps in as well (after a game).
N = Nights (how are nights spent with them?) He either goes to sleep really late or really early. If it’s early and you go to sleep after him, he unconsciously wraps his arms around you and you guys stay like that till he wakes up. If it’s late and you go to sleep before him, he admires your face and purposely wraps his arms around you to keep you warm. There has never been a time where you haven’t woken up in his arms.
O = Open (how long would it take them to be open with you about themselves?) He didn’t talk about his ‘king’ phase until you tentatively brought it up. He isn’t the type to bring something up first, and rather waits for you to mention it. It doesn’t matter how long it’s been since you guys started dating or started being friends, he’ll answer every one of your questions honestly because he thinks there’s no reason to hide anything if you’re gonna know it in the future anyway.
P = Patience (how easily angered are they?) Tobio is not a patient person. He’s very short-tempered unless he’s on the court, and he finds it hard to control his anger (especially whenever Hinata provokes him). He can get upset easily, but usually he’s just confused and tries to hide it. With you, he tries to be more patient and relaxed.
Q = Quizzes (how much do they remember about you?) EVERYTHING. No cap, he remembers EVERYTHING, even the things that you can’t remember. He makes mental notes whenever you mention something you like or dislike, and knows if you're uncomfortable with something. You might not like something but smile and say, “that’s fine!” and he’ll immediately go “no, it’s not. Last week, during lunch, you said you didn’t like it. Let’s go somewhere else/let’s do something else.” He knows your favourite colour, favourite hobby, favourite animal, birthday, favourite food, favourite book series, favourite type of scented markers, favourite flower, heck, even your favourite brand of hair shampoo.
R = Remember (what was their favourite memory of your relationship?) Your first kiss, and when you said “I love you too” to him before the game against Shiratorizawa. You kissed him after Karasuno won, making him even happier. Now, it's a tradition that you guys kiss before and after every game, no matter what the results are.
S = Security (how protective are they of you?) He knows what you're good at and what you're not, so he’ll either leave you be or insist that he helps you when you’re doing something. He also shields you from Hinata, Noya, and Tanaka, because he believes that they’ll accidentally suffocate you or something. He’s willing to throw punches at anyone who touches or speaks to you inappropriately, although most of the time they run off after seeing his scary face. He doesn’t want to be too protective, but sometimes he can’t help it and understands why you sometimes ask him for space.
T = Try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) Tobio either forgets until two hours before the event, or starts planning a month before. If it's a huge event like an anniversary, he makes sure that everything is perfect and tries his best to impress you. He consults with Suga about what he should do for surprise dates and anniversary parties, and he’s extremely nervous that you might find out/you might not like it, so he pours all his knowledge into planning. For a date, he doesn’t dress up or anything unless you ask him to. He’s pretty chill and lazy with dates, especially if you’re the one planning it. If he’s the one planning it, it’s the same as before - frenzied planning, secrecy, surprises, and more. He puts effort into everything that involves you.
U = Ugly (what are some of their bad habits?) He tends to scare you with his temper a lot, so he’s trying to get that under control. Some other random habits probably include hyper fixating on volleyball and nothing else, shaking his leg, biting his lips, and tugging at his hair aggressively. The main thing he’s working on is his temper and volume/tone of voice when talking to you.
V = Vanity (how concerned are they about their looks?) The only thing he cares about is staying fit. He works out everyday, and files his fingernails to make setting easier. He doesn’t care if he gets acne, or how his hair looks, or if his clothes are wrinkled. As long as it doesn’t disturb his physical health, he has no care for his outer appearance (but still manages to look pretty every day!).
W = Whole (would they feel incomplete without you?) Definitely. After meeting you, you became a part of him. Without you, he goes back to his tyrant self. Without you, he feels like there’s no one that truly understands him. Without you, he feels misunderstood, and he has no one to actually talk to. Even if he loves volleyball and has limited time spent with you, he treasures every moment with you because you’re what keeps him going every day and night. Even volleyball won’t feel the same without you.
X = Xtra (an extra headcanon about them) You help tutor him because he’s a dumbass that can’t even get double-digits in tests. Either before or after practice, you guys meet up and you run him through all the topics learnt that day. His personal punishment is 15 finger pushups if he gets a question wrong. Unsurprisingly, he’s done a lot of pushups ever since you started tutoring him. 
Y = Yuck (what are some things they wouldn’t like?) He probably hates plain cheese pizza. 
Z = Zzz (sleeping habits?) He air-sets when he sleeps. One time, you woke up for a drink of water and saw Tobio with his hands up in the air, doing air-sets and mumbling “dumbass Hinata! Snrrkkk zzz…run faster! Jump higher!” He also moves around and twitches a lot. He once woke up on the other end of the bed, and since he holds onto you while he sleeps, you woke up on the other end as well.
and thats it! hope you enjoyed it! more requests welcome~
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on a very random note (and hope you don't mind me talking about it ^^;), I do think Studio Bones is doing a great job at adapting Season 4 and I'm really enjoying it!
Though sometimes, I wish that they didn't omit some manga panels because it makes me a little sad that the weight of certain moments is taken away:
Exhibit A: Dazai laughing at Chuuya's impression
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Exhibit B: Chuuya talking about Dazai leaving the mafia
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Exhibit C: Dazai getting arrested
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Exhibit D: Ango visiting Odasaku's grave
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and the last one because this moment destroyed me when I read the manga and cause he's my personal favorite:
Exhibit E: Rampo facing Mushitarou on his own
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genuinely, I'm really enjoying the adaptation right now and it's not that I don't appreciate the effort put into this <33
And it's true, these are minor manga panels so it wouldn't be too much to change or discard it and yet in taking away such minor panels, it also takes away the grand depth and complexity of what the characters are thinking and feeling in those moments.
It takes away the weight of the scene.
And that's the thing, bsd is a series that has so many complex characters with intricate dynamics, thoughts and moralities that it's a little bittersweet to know that the anime falls short sometimes when capturing certain moments and deprives us of the struggles, humanity and genuineness that these characters have and are going through.
again, nothing against Studio Bones but I often think of the things that could have been :<<
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Hey you two! First off, I want to apologize for the huge delay. I was trying to think of what to say in response and I think I always make responding to asks way more work than they ought to be...
But anyways. Here are my general thoughts on the BSD anime, which I'm probably only going to elaborate on here once, and then drop it.
I enjoy the anime, really I do. But it's strange to think how drastic the difference is in the way the characters are interpreted between those who have only seen the anime and those who have also read the manga (and perhaps also the light novels).
First off, let's go over what the anime does well, since I want to ensure we're appreciating what is still a lot of effort from everyone in that studio. Animation, and all the things that need to happen to get a show off the ground, is not easy. Here are some things that stand out to me:
Those backgrounds: you know what I'm talking about. The stained glass, the sunsets, the city shots, the imagery. Beautiful, stunning work honestly.
Use of imagery and clever animation choices: there are some things that are going to change by necessity when adapting from page to screen. The clever animation teams will use this to their advantage - I don't think Bones always does this effectively, but when they do... oh man, is it ever good. I, for one, really liked the kind of projector effect over Dazai's farewell to Chuuya in s5.
Use of colour and light: go back through any scene and pay attention to who has what colours and the way the lighting is positioned. Again, these are those smart animation choices I was talking about.
The music: Score's really good. I wish the music was used a little more consistently (there's some weird choices made... why Wake Up Call for the Tachihara fight???) but the music itself is catchy and sets a good tone.
The voice acting: It's so good. See, even when I wasn't convinced about how the scenes were going to be framed, I never doubted the voice actors would carry it. (I'm talking about the Japanese actors here specifically, but the English dub is pretty good too... sorry I can't speak on any other dubs though...) I really love Kyouka's seiyuu (Morohoshi Sumire) and the way her voice takes on more inflection through the series as Kyouka comes into her own especially.
The abilities and the use of writing: Love the way the abilities are animated. And the use of text to emphasize character intros and key scenes was always good, but I legitimately freaked out when they used it for the Page's narration over Nikolai's speech in Season 4 - good! artistic! choices!
And we're lucky enough to have an adaptation that follows the major plot beats pretty much to the letter! ...so. Why does it tend to disappoint fans of the manga so often?
Well I know a lot of people have their opinions on it. owlyflufff I agree with you - the exclusion of certain panels make for very odd characterization choices - as in, it totally changes the context of the scene and what the character might be thinking. See Exhibits A through C for the best examples. For Exhibits D and E, I personally feel that we got enough in the scene to draw the same conclusions about motive and intent, but that Ango panel... oof it hurts so much. I'm ok with the Dark Era flashbacks personally though: same character motive, just with different artistic interpretation.
langdahling, you're also right though. Pivotal emotional moments aside, I feel a lot of shows (not just BSD) don't know how to let their characters breathe. Pacing is a huge issue in a lot of things I find. You have to let us know who these characters are. Let the characters breathe, and give us, the audience, time to breathe with the characters. It's important. It's really important. It's something the manga does well - it's endearing. Every character gets a little endearing, silly moment. This is necessary for a series that is fundamentally about humanizing its cast.
As for my own opinion on what the adaptation lacks... well, I have a bit of an interesting view because both my mom and I actually watch this show. I, as you all know, am a deranged little weirdo about it who has literally gone through everything BSD I could find and inserted it directly into my brain cells. My mom, on the other hand, has only seen the anime, but is privy to other information about the series um. Because I talk about it non-stop (sorry mom). I happened to be visiting her when season 4 started airing and we watched the first little bit together - the Untold Origins adaptation. To be clear - this adaptation was good. I think it was probably the best after Dark Era. But. My mom turns and looks at me at the scene where Ranpo breaks down shortly before Fukuzawa lies about him having an ability (because I've told her the rough summary of it before) and says "I don't think Ranpo's desperation came across". She said it felt like a breakdown, sure, but it's not the same as the pent-up frustration and fear that was made so incredibly clear in the novel. She said if I hadn't explained that Fukuzawa realized it was kind of his last chance to reach Ranpo, that he had to do something to save this kid, that she would've been left completely bewildered as to why Fukuzawa would tell him such a massive lie. (Never mind the exclusion of his parents, which was why nothing but a lie would work but I digress...) This happened later in the series too. Kunikida was given a prolonged fish-eye closeup through Jouno's entire speech about his ideals instead of the balloon symbolism used in the manga (literally one of the most baffling changes to me - I don't really feel any which way about the fish eyes in general, but imo doing any kind of prolonged like 20 second close up of one character's face during what is a pivotal moment for them is uh... a weird, if not outright poor, animation choice). Poor Akutagawa's death scene being... like that. He dies with grace! He DIES WITH GRACE! That's important!!! He made a choice and was satisfied!!! For all of the Bones and Asagiri Dazai favouritism, he's probably one of the worst examples of watered down emotion - it's no wonder so many people mischaracterize him. Why is he smiling when Jouno arrests him? Why does he look unbothered when he realizes Chuuya's been vampirized? Where is the scene after Q attacks where he conflictedly realizes he'll have to resort to underhanded tactics to win??? Thank god for Miyano Mamoru and his voice acting because otherwise. Geez. And then Sigma. Oh my god. You need that scene where he helps the casino guest. That's his first scene. They condensed his backstory. Sigma's entire character was watered down. And I knew it was going to be before I even watched Sky Casino arc, because this is the core problem I have with the anime in general -
There is a lack of desperation. And it comes, primarily, from the watering down of intense, pivotal moments, and then, the removal of some of the more lighthearted or kind scenes in favour of getting quickly to the action.
I feel that contrast is what's necessary to give these emotional beats weight. And often... it just doesn't hit. It's odd to me, as imo one of the core themes of BSD is desperation. Every character has this desperation at their core - a desperation to succeed, a desperation to live, not having a reason to live and being desperate to find it. It's all desperation - and this really, really does not come across well in the anime. Not consistently. I think the most egregious example is the Sky Casino arc. Both Sigma and Teruko are just as desperate as each other. Teruko stopping the plane was not a guarantee but a play on her part that could very well have resulted in her death. There's heavy implication the bones in her arms shattered in the manga. Her and Tachihara had to take a quick breather after it. That's not in the anime. Sigma's backstory being condensed does a great disservice to explaining why he is so desperate to save the casino - I felt we were primarily told rather than shown. And so the Sky Casino arc, with desperation at its core... was underwhelming. As I figured it would be before it even came out, as the anime already had a history of cutting details out, rushing through the build up, and making odd artistic choices that dampen the emotion of said pivotal scenes. It sucks, really.
And while it's fun to get two seasons in one year, I find myself very, very worried on behalf of the animators and the workers in that studio. I would've been happy to have two in one year... if I thought they were at all prepared for it. But I don't think they were. Season 5 feels very rushed and I know I'm not the only one who's said this. Makes me worried for the pressure everyone's under to churn this out so quickly.
In the end, I rationalize most adaptations of anything as having two (or multiple!) cakes. The BSD anime is enjoyable! And fun! I love seeing my little guys walk and talk and use their cool powers. It's a completely different experience to the manga. Unfortunately, for anyone who's read the manga, it's... a bit of an underwhelming experience, but still. It's a fun watch - even if it's not really what I was hoping for.
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performativezippers · 7 months
As a non writer I’m curious about something. Do you decide to write a specific genre and then work an idea into the genre or do you write the idea/story you want and then look to decide which genre it is? I guess I’m curious if the story or genre comes first?
Great question!
For fic: I write whatever the fuck I want and don't worry about it! I mostly write things that end happily because that's what makes me happy, but as long as I tag things appropriately (AU, platonic, IN SPACE, whatever), I don't let any of that bother me. Fic is so fun because it can so easily slide between genres. And most fic is romance AND something else; romance and crime/mystery, romance and scifi, romance and fantasy, or simply contemporary romance. There's a big thing in the publishing world right now where people are like "omg, ROMANTASY, aka fantasy with a primary romance, HOW THRILLING" and I'm like...dude...this not new! Welcome! Have you heard of a lil fandom by the name of XENA WARRIOR PRINCESS??? Do not cite the Deep Magic to me Witch. I was there when it was written.
For novels that you're trying to get published: I had to learn what book genres were! I queried my first novel—which is when you send it out to agents like a job application, with a cover letter and writing sample, and hope they want to represent you, aka help you sell it—being like THIS HAS NO GENRE and it turns out the genre was romcom with speculative elements. Aka low key romantasy, lol. Anyway, that book was Revelations and it didn't sell, I think primarily because the genre conventions were not met and it was confusing. It worked great as a fic, but required several big overhauls and ground-up rewrites to get it to place where it meets genre expectations and is maybe sell-able.
Usually the idea that comes to me is clear what genre it is, now that I know what they are. I primarily write romcoms, some speculative and some not, and so the ideas that percolate for me most are romcoms. However, my agent said recently a new idea I have might be more on the line of romcom and women's fiction* which surprised me. But that's fine! It doesn't change the book I write; it might change how we talk about it in the pitch process and, if it gets sold, how the marketing team frames it. But that won't change the story structure from a drafting perspective, I don't think.
Some genres are very close to each other (upmarket vs. book club fiction vs. women's fiction), while others are quite distinct (if you want it set in space, that's probably going to be sci fi). I think the main questions are:
(a) Setting: Is it on a space ship? (sci-fi) Are there dragons? (fantasy) Can people use magic? (fantasy or speculative) Is it in our world, in our time? (contemporary) In our world but in 1250? (historical)
(b) Character motivations (what do they NEED): To repopulate their planet? Save their mother from the evil magician? Fall in love? Save her bookstore from capitalism?
(c) Obstacle (why don't they have it ALREADY): If the obstacle is primarily internal, like she can't fall in love because she hates herself, then we're looking at a straight romance or literary fiction. If the obstacle is world-building related, like the spaceship is broken or the magician is too powerful, that's going to be firmly sci-fi or fantasy or whatever.
There should always be at least 2 obstacles: one internal and one external, but you should know which one is paramount, or which would win in an epic battle. And that will help you figure out if you're writing, say, romance with speculative elements (soulmates) or fantasy with a strong romantic element (fourth wing, i think, i haven't read it because it seems bad). Whichever you list first is your primary genre, aka which section of the bookstore it'll be in. Are you shelving this in fantasy (fourth wing) or romance (Revelations) or "fiction," and then the rest gets more specific from there.
*also, just like, FUCK the name "women's fiction." Men's fiction is called "fiction."
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ink-and-hedera · 6 months
"Brewed in academia, we sip knowledge, each cup filled with life's realities. In the shadow of ancient trees and hills, we find comfort, learning to endure our shared existence. Like an over-roasted coffee, life blends bitterness with inexplicable charm."
My go-to is black coffee - drip when I'm in a rush, or filter when my favorite barista is working at the coffee shop near the dormitory. The other barista over-roasts the coffee beans and brews it without passion. I'd rather skip coffee altogether than face that disappointment in a small white cup.
You can always tell when a person loves what they do.
I'd love to say that I wake up to the first rays of the sun sneaking into our room through the solitary window, but the truth is we live in the shadow of a hill and old trees. It's unusual, given that we're in the center of Kyiv, but neither my roommates nor I complain. In the summer, the shade provides welcome coolness.
Our room, a cramped 10 square meters, houses four of us. There's no such thing as privacy here. It's not a life, but a fairy tale. But you get used to it. The options are limited: a) find a third job, neglect studies, and rent an apartment; b) sell a kidney; c) endure.
Since I don't have a spare kidney, and a day only has 24 hours - the first two options are out. As for the third - I'm a born endurer.
Back to the room and its inhabitants. To protect privacy, I've changed the names, ages, appearances, and some biographical details. Girls, if you're reading this, know that I love you. Probably.
We're four girls of different ages, tastes, and views. Essentially, we're strangers forced by circumstances to share a roof. In such a situation, you must find common ground. Living together requires rules and responsibility sharing, and quarrels over household matters are inevitable. Sometimes, someone might eat your dinner, the one you've fantasized about all day during tedious lectures. Sometimes, you spend two hours deciding who should pay for the internet and who should take out the trash.
It's like a family.
“Alaska, are you busy?”
A friend messages me while I'm sitting in class, rubbing my forehead. My students are in an anti-bullying lecture, so I'm doing my own thing. Teaching in college at 22 while studying for a master's? It’s a cruel joke. Don't get me wrong, I love my students. But the administration, colleagues, standards from the ministry, and bureaucracy that has me rewriting the curriculum for the sixth time...
I sigh heavily and return to the message.
“Yes,” I answer, though I'm not really bothered. I have at least 20 free minutes.
“Come outside.”
“Why did you even ask then?” I text back, irritated.
“Just come, grumpy.”
I sigh again, shut off my work laptop, and leave everything in the office. I put on a black trench coat with a packet of two remaining cigarettes, a lighter, and keys in the pocket.
"I hope you didn't call me just because you're bored. I have zero desire to climb back to the 4th floor," I say as I exit the building. The cold autumn wind hits me as I descend the stone stairs of the old building.
Oliver is sitting on a bench next to an abstract statue. He waves as I approach. We study Computer Science together at the university, though we don't fit the programmer stereotype.
Oliver, half a head taller than me, has red hair and freckles covering his nose and cheeks. He might seem cute to some, but his snarky sarcasm ruins that image.
"And I missed you too, grumpy. Let's grab a coffee," he says as I stare at him in disbelief. "You're a jerk. Couldn't you just come to me? I'm gonna die climbing back to the classroom."
"I care about your health. Maybe you'll finally quit smoking."
"Shut up," I snap, though I still follow him through the green gates marking the college territory. "So, what brings you here?"
"Had some business around, decided to stop by, check on our grumpy," Oliver says, smirking.
"And who told you I'm at work, and not in the dormitory or elsewhere?"
"Mary. She's worried because you've been acting strange lately," he says as we reach a coffee shop.
The coffee shop is spacious and not crowded - it's the middle of a workday. The interior is green and white, and I momentarily drift away from the conversation, observing every detail of the décor.
The spacious café is cozy and calm, as if immersed in a peaceful oasis in the middle of the city, where time meditates to the rhythm of coffee drops. Modernity intertwines with elegance in every detail. The walls, made of fresh white brick and adorned with green accents, seem to reflect the trends of nature that seep into the modern urban landscape.
Filling the space, the soft light shimmers from stylish pendant lamps with glass shades, creating an atmosphere of tenderness and tranquility. Tables, made of glass panels and metal legs, embody the spirit of innovation and refinement. Interwoven green and white accents add whimsy and refresh the space, creating a sense of lightness and harmony.
Meanwhile, the café does not lose its functionality. Comfortable chairs with soft cushions invite you to relax and enjoy the aromatic drinks brewed in copper coffee makers on the kitchen windowsill. The taste notes of coffee, complemented by the delicate aromas of freshly baked pastries, awaken all your senses, prompting instant relaxation and rest.
Thanks to its refined design and sophisticated approach to decor, the café in green and white color becomes not just a place where you can enjoy the taste of coffee, but also a true masterpiece of modern urban life, inviting you to discover new horizons of taste and aesthetics.
“Are you even listening to me?” Oliver asks, and I just stare at him, momentarily forgetting that I'm not alone here. “I asked what coffee you'll have.”
“Yes, sorry. Americano,” I finally respond. He smiles again and turns back to the barista, while I decide where we should sit.
My gaze lands on a table by the window, and I head there to claim it.
After a few minutes, Oliver joins me, holding two sandwiches. I look at him with a silent question in my eyes.
“You clearly haven't eaten anything,” he says as if he knows me like the back of his hand.
Indeed, I haven't eaten because I overslept three damn alarms and ran to work as if I had been scalded.
“Thank you,” I say gratefully and unfold the bag. The smell of food makes my stomach somersault, and just from that, I let out a pleased “mmm…”
“God, don't rush. When was the last time you ate properly? You're losing your mind with your work. Mary said you were acting strange, but I think I see that the reason for it is your workaholism,” Oliver says, taking a sip of his cappuccino, which the barista has just brought.
“Just... a lot of work,” I say, just having chewed my long-awaited food. “Mary worries in vain.”
“I think she is doing the right thing worrying. I, of course, call you a workaholic, but that doesn't mean you should actually become one, for God's sake,” he says, looking straight at me and exhales with disappointment. “Anyway, we'll talk about this later. Anyway, I came with a proposition.”
I stop eating and look at him in surprise.
“I won't marry you,” I say, with a note of sarcasm, joking.
“Hey! Actually, I'm a great catch,” he adds, laughing openly. “But no, you're wrong. Not that proposition. I know a guy who really wants to open a private educational institution. Somewhere in the summer. The building is great, and so are the ideas and programs. They promise a room, food, and decent salary..." he says, and I look at him with irritation.
“Oliver, you must be joking? I dream of escaping this teaching pit, and you're offering me to dive deeper into it... sorry, frankly, this shit? You know how I'm counting down the days until the end of the contract,” I add, exhaling.
“Alaska, wait and don't get heated. I know, I know, you're planning to go into the gaming industry. And yes, I know how much you like teaching. But this is a really cool opportunity. At least temporarily, until you finish your master's degree. You've been needing to move out of the dorm for a long time, get away from all the problems and start... living. Come on, where else will you find a job with such conditions? And there's a young team there. Lots of opportunities. You'll be able to balance everything appropriately and finally take care of your health.” Oliver says with such determination, trying to convince me. “You don't have to answer right now. Just think about it. It's a good start... Considering... events. Don't refuse right away.”
I take a sip of my Americano.
The beans are over-roasted again.
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el-doesnt-exist · 5 months
Assigning Fable characters ghoul types from the band ghost because combining hyperfixations? why not?
this will be a long post so under the cut if you please :)
Im starting with the 8 characters I would put as band ghouls, and probably talk about ministry/non-band/retired ghouls in a separate post
Rae - Quintessence
personally when i think of quints i think of space. you know who is also a lot like space? Rae Morningstar. enough said /j
also the healing aspect of quintessence ghouls just really fits with his character
Aax - Water
I'm pretty sure we all saw this coming. First of all, the obvious of Fish Guy Gets Water Element(tm) but also i think it would be really funny to see aax carrying around a bass that is 3/4 of his size /j
Centross - fire
I went back and forth a lot about this one. I've come to the conclusion that he is a fire ghoul (it makes sense for his personality) who used to be quintessence and underwent an element change (explains the purple a bit)
Arisanna - Air
First, allays are very much air creatures. second, she's blue. come on. Also she has the same elegant vibes that keys have
Athena - Air
Now, this one might be a bit controversial. Yes, canonically Athena is Fire Guy(tm) but they dont strike me as a fire ghoul. I see them as very similar to chAir ghoul/Zephyr, because they would probably be sitting down most of the time during a show.
Caspian - Earth
I had a few reasons for this choice. a) he is very outdoorsy (*cough* adventurer *cough*) b) storybook duo. its gotta happen c) Caspian is a human space heater. you know what ghouls are very warm?(besides fire obv) earth!!
Icarus - Multi
I go so back and forth about whether Icarus should be multi or air. I have come to the conclusion that he is mostly air with a little bit of earth (mostly so they can have antlers). I imagine they mostly do backing vocals, with a bit of extra percussion like tambourine if needed
Easton: Multi
I imagine Easton being a Swiss figure, like a jack of all trades. They have some quintessence, air, and earth in them, and do some exra guitar and percussion during shows when needed, as well as general backing vocals.
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blackfilmmakers · 1 year
i'm super late to the astv discussions, but i wanted to add that peter ramsey was only directly involved in itsv as one of the directors. he's only the exec producer for astv and btsv which is just a fancy title and the writers for astv and btsv wrote for the voltron series, so like it's NOT looking good lmao. peter ramsey is a black man and he GETS it and he honestly was the key itsv was and still is so good!
it also explains why astv doesn't have the same beats as the first one and feels less cohesive and more disjointed. i think the writers and current directors do not have the nuance to write miles' (and the other spideys of color) properly. gwen getting the first what 20 minutes of the film and probably more character development than miles in his OWN story is proof of that. and honestly gwennie deserves her own post bc i got feelings about that girl and why she and peter b. are perfect examples of how yt (and non-black) fandom as a whole continually center yt characters to propel their narratives while characters of color are either sidelined, mistreated, one-note, or susceptible to racist stereotypes
also, i think one of the directors stated that he openly hated miguel and used him in the film as a means to make fun of him and like miguel in the comics is white passing (half mexican / half irish), so saying this about a now visibly latino man I C K.
this series should've been peter ramsey's project and have up and coming black directors / directors of color really bring a new breath to further the spiderverse franchise. i keep thinking about how much work and love jordan peele, boots riley, nikyatu jusu, RYAN COOGLER, etc have put into their works. i'm not saying that yt writers / directors shouldn't make stories about characters of color, but they need to put in the work and make it a collaboration with the ppl who are these characters.
like i'm just tired bc black nerds / fans can never have true escapism in media and when we do it's barely supported and regaled as it should be. i love miles, like that's my boy fr! spider powers are so cool so seeing characters that look like me have them was supposed to be something i can truly get lost in, but honestly can't :/
i feel similar about wakanda forever and wakanda being in the mcu, but that's a different issue since ryan and his team still committed to making something i can still at the very least enjoy.
Something definitely changed in the writers’ room here, because this movie’s message went into a whole other direction(s) from where we left off of ITSV
Miles and Gwen’s relationship in the first movie was at best a mild one-sided attraction. So how’d we get from that to now all of a sudden they are constantly in each other’s minds? They had to stretch this belief that Miles and Gwen’s relationship was so unique and important that we ignore everyone else crucial to Miles’ character.
I get Ganke is practically MCU’s Peter’s best friend, but they could’ve involved him more. All this talk of how Miles feels alone, when the guy he told his secret to(to ease that load) is right there
It doesn’t help Voltron writers were also involved in the project, and from the looks of it a significant portion of the story
Also wtf is with the Miguel bit I never heard of that. I wouldn’t be surprised, but I’m curious where thwt information came from
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all-for-the-simps · 2 years
ROTTMNT characters x Platonic!male reader
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles {INCORRECT QUOTES}
Context: Reader could be a human, mutant, mystic creature- whatever. He could be another brother, a friend, a friend who’s basically a brother– you get it. A/N: Quick and easy content for my completely empty mind.
🚫female-aligned people DNI🚫
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1 -
Raph: Time for plan G.
Leo: Don’t you mean plan B?
Raph: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.
Mikey: What about plan D?
Raph: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.
Y/N: What about plan E?
Raph: I’m hoping not to use it. ‘Cause Leo dies in plan E.
Donnie: I like plan E.
2 -
Mikey: Croissants: dropped.
Raph: Road: works ahead.
Leo: BBQ sauce: on my titties.
Donnie: Shavacado: fre.
Y/N: Miss Keisha: fuckin dead.
Splinter, grumpy: I didn’t understand a single word of that and I hate every single one of you.
3 -
Leo: Hewwo.
Mikey: Hihiiiiii!
Donnie: Greetings, Humans.
April: Three kinds of people.
Raph: I want pudding.
Leo: Four kinds of people.
April: Five kinds of people.
4 -
April: Dumbest scar stories, go!
Mikey: I burned my tongue once while drinking tea.
Leo: I dropped a hair dryer on my leg once and burned it.
Donnie: I have a piece of graphite in my leg for accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil in the first grade.
Y/N: I was taking a cup of noodles out of the microwave and spilt it on my hand and I got a really bad burn.
Raph: I have emotional scars.
5 -
Leo: Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something?
Raph: Nope, absolutely not.
Mikey: I hope it sucks, whatever you're going through.
Y/N: I hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life.
April: I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you.
Donnie: I can't wait to go to your funeral, knowing I could've changed that outcome.
6 -
Raph: We need to distract these guys.
Donnie: Leave it to me.
Donnie: Ahem… Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
Leo, Mikey, and Y/N: *Immediately begin arguing.*
April, watching in horror: Oh, this... I don’t like this... I don't like this at all.
7 -
Leo: Rules are made to be broken.
Raph: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.
Y/N: Uh, piñatas.
Donnie: Glow sticks.
Splinter: Karate boards.
Mikey: Spaghetti when you have a small pot.
Leo: Rules.
8 -
*Reactions to being told ‘I love you’*
Leo: Thanks, fam!
Y/N: Oh no.
Mikey: *Cries* I love you too.
April: Sounds fake, but okay.
Raph: *A flustered mess*
Donnie: Can I get a refund?
9 -
Y/N, walking into his house: Hello, people who do not live here.
Leo: Hey.
Raph: Hi.
Donnie: Hello.
Mikey: Hey!
Y/N: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only!
Mikey: We were out of Doritos.
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker*
Splinter: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.
Mikey: … I did. I broke it.
Splinter: No. No, you didn't. Leo?
Leo: Don't look at me. Look at Donnie.
Donnie: What?! I didn't break it.
Leo: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Donnie: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Leo: Suspicious.
Donnie: No, it's not!
Raph: If it matters, probably not, but Y/N was the last one to use it.
Y/N: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Raph: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Y/N: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Raph!
Mikey: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Dad.
Splinter: No! Who broke it!?
Raph: Dad... Leo's been awfully quiet.
Leo: rEALLY?!
*Everyone starts arguing*
Splinter, to April: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it.
Splinter: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.
Splinter: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
I’ve recently discovered that Rise was a thing and now that my remaining brain cells have latched onto these characters… I had no choice but to write something for them. (Ignore the fact I’m still working on requests–)
All incorrect quotes were randomly generated from here:
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3gremlins · 1 year
okay so somehow my thembo druid managed to Steven Universe their way to the "good" ending with astarion's romance (after quite a LOT of save scumming and everyone applying skill buffs to them, because we are not good at persuasion checks in this house) and it *is* worth it but getting there was so hard.
a lot of the guides i looked at mentioned the global consequences of the end of the pale elf questline but not the personal ones (for the romance/astarion) so i've written out each of the possible endings if you want to go in knowing/with a plan (and also drew little comics)
spoilery thoughts, art and path recs behind cut ⬇️
i tried all the other options you can do with the end of his personal quest all of them SANS ONE are fucking tragic, so when you get to that one persuasion check absolutely do not fail it whatever you do (unless you like tragedy, then you do you ofc).
you've got a chance to save post cazador fight/before the important cutscenes so def do that!
major spoilers below here ⬇️ .
. i was kinda gratified that despite all appearances my "kind to children and animals, maybe a bit naive" druid tav was actually the right choice to get him there (and not an evil/morally grey aligned character as i've seen a lot of people say they're going to romance him on).
like not compromising on their values was what did it, not just letting him do whatever he wants (i did try the worst path first which felt bad b/c it went against my tav's core hard lines so glad i re-did it instead of writing it off)
here are the choices:
bad ending #1 -> prevent him from doing the ritual but fail the persuasion check (that convinces him it's not really what he wants). he gets real upset at your lack of support, tells you to go fuck yourself, and leaves permanently :c bad ending #2 (worst one imho) -> help him finish the ritual. the power consumes him, he loses all sense of self. all your other companions hate it (take big relationship approval hits), you have to kill the gur* on your way out. you will either have to break up or become his spawn (he will esp hate you and himself if you do the latter), his personality completely changes and it's really fucking sad (upside, he's very powerful now so i guess if you want him to be tankier purely for combat...) T.T
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bad ending #3 ->*same as #2 except on your way out, you side with the gur instead and have to kill astarion. he will be permanently dead :c
the one good ending (for ast/romance) -> prevent him from doing the ritual by convincing him that it's not really what he wants (this is the persuasion check that you cannot fail). you get some lovely closure scenes with him afterwards and the rest of your party approves (he will be stuck w/vamp weaknesses for post endgame stuff probably)
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so yeah there's lots of ways this can go off the rails, the core thing with his romance is pretty much giving him back his agency but also being willing to stand up and be the guard rail when he gets tempted by things that are objectively bad for him (he's def got a self destructive/addictive streak).
It was a bit difficult to navigate b/c he does like it when you do low-key crimes early on (stealing, lying) and protecting him (the gur hunter, the other vamps) so you need a bit of that to win approval i think? but at the end of the day, your tav having integrity and believing he's got integrity and making him believe it is the more important thing.
it was hard but totally worth it, his funny little squawks when he realizes you like him are so sweet and cute 10/10 will probably romance several more times lol
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