#probably will not continue to do so very often but it’s neat how much it actually affects
sevens-evan · 4 months
first time ever squatting with clips and it actually does feel a lot better. crazy how that works
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dunmeshistash · 5 months
How do you feel about Milsiril? Like what do you think of her interactions between the canaries, her goals, her intentions and morality? I keep seeing people with mixed feelings about her, some saying she's just toxic or morally grey or doing bad but with good intentions or that she's just a mentally ill and literally so much more, also with the comic about Otta calling Milsiril love for her children/Kabru as just love for a pet, I always saw people take it at face value and say yes, Milsiril did love them more as pets instead of children, did she take up raising/adopting non-elf children because she felt like none of them could ridicule her like the elves did because they didn't know what an elf was supposed to be like (and also because they were children) or did she inherently view them as less? I mean the canaries and I'm pretty sure almost all of the cast in dungeon meshi have some sort perspective on different races especially because how they were taught about them, i just think it was interesting to finally see someone interpret it as Otta just misinterpreting Milsiril, I'm just really interested in her, i think shes neat, sorry for the rant!
Ooh, well to preface this, I hadn't really realized Milsiril was such a controversial character before my last post, I kinda live under a rock. She's really not a character I had given much thought besides what I wrote there before it, but I can do my best to express what I have thought since, with sources for it. I'm not sure what order to go thru so I'll just go by manga appearances and then extras, this will probably be quite a long post
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This is the first time she shows up in the manga (ch55) Kabru is wondering about what future they might have if the elves take them into custody because of the ancient magic, he thinks about Milsiril as a get out of jail card, and mentions "There's a chance they would make us become permanent resident of the elven lands." with the image of Milsiril holding him. I don't think that means she would be the one to not let them leave, since this would probably be an legal issue, and the fact Milsiril lives away from other Elves. It does set up that Milsiril is quite overprotective tho, with Kabru's reaction to her teary hug. (rest is under a cut)
The next time she shows up is in ch61 right after Kabru falls down the dungeon along with Mithrun, he faints and has this flashback
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She's being her overbearing self treating Kabru's small injury as if its something you need to be in bed for, hand feeding him like he's a toddler, and when he insists he wants to learn how to fight and be strong like her, she hugs him revealing to us for the first time her arm scars, she's cleary in distress too, so you wonder "what has happened to her?"
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It continues in the next pages, as she tells him to stay there, where it's safe and there's cake, and describes the bad things he might encounter. Until he tells her he will go with or without her help
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Honestly this is a Kabru we don't see often, this is the version of him that is usually in thought bubbles, he's blowing out in frustation over being smothered and demanding straight up what he wants, instead of trying to manipulate Milsiril, very blunt for him. Milsiril seems to flip a switch into battle mode, when she decides to train him for real.
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I really thought this was funny, the visual of these cuddly toys and this Mom that was being so soft just a second ago completely flipping into something menacing is very amusing to me. She says "I'll give you an exhaustive, thorough training in how to use a sword... until you finally decide that you're ready to give up." although it sounds cruel, it seems she really trained him as best she could to make sure he would survive the dungeon. If he couldn't take the training with her there was no way he would be able to take on the dungeon, but he could, so much so that he managed to make her let him go. I can see this being seen as her trying to prevent him from going but to me it seems more like some tough love from a traumatized war veteran in this case.
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The last thoughts he has is admitting his Mom was right, "Not only were there plenty of traps, monsters, and malice... but there were times when I felt so hungry and cold that I couldn't stand it."
And he concludes with "I never once thought that I wanted to go back there. That room where I could eat all the cake that I wanted..." While I can understand the interpretation that he means he would rather go thru all this than go back, perhaps cause he hated it there, I think it's rather a statement to how committed he is to defeating the dungeon, the visuals show him in rubble vs him in a soft big bed, the rough reality he fought to be able to face and the comfyness of what his life could be. Plus is mirroring exactly what Milsiril said to him. Admitting she was right about the bad things but that he won't give up for the safe easy life he had.
After that visuals of Milsiril are used while Kabru tries to sus out Mithrun but she shows up again in Mithrun's backstory.
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Here she's straight up called Gloomy, which wasn't really the version of her we saw so far, gotta remember this is also how Mithrun saw her and that she was called gloomy as a way of bullying. Kabru mostly cuts off her part in the story until the end, when she's the one to find Mithrun after he was eaten by the demon
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She doesn't really care much for Mithrun as we see in some extras, and she was ready to mercy kill him, but she is also the one to spare his life. This could be seen as her thinking he can still be of use, and it's how it sounds with how Kabru tells the story, but I do think this was also a merciful act, Mithrun was in rehabilitation for 20 years after being saved, by the time he was actually useful for anything Milsiril had already left the canaries and adopted Kabru.
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Now for extras... About Mithrun/The Canaries, Milsiril was cleary someone that hated the people around her. This is her extra in the Adventurer's Bible
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Milsiril seems to be the type that hates "popular kids" so to say, her description says she was bullied by other elves for being so introverted so I believe she holds a grudge against people like Mithrun that seem to have succeeded where she failed. But realizing he was a twisted person like her seemed to make her feel more sympathetic towards him, that's why I think she really did act with mercy when she saves Mithrun, he's now someone she sees as similar to her, she sees he also suffered like her
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Her decription also mentions she left the canaries specifically because she was disgusted with how the Utaya situation was dealt with. Yet it seems like she came back to help Mithrun with his rehabilitation once she quits.
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There's an interpretation to be made that she did this only to get "revenge" on the demon since she just saw the destruction of Utaya, and that she's using him. On the other hand maybe she wants to help him find a motivation to live, she's no longer a canary and she has time to actually help him now. I don't know which one is the truth but it's not obviously something self-serving if you ask me. Especially in the context that right before this scene Milsiril admits she wishes they could have talked before.
My interpretation of her relationship with the canaries and other elves is that she's someone depressed that was mistreat for her 'quirky' side, the dolls are clearly one of the ways she used to cope with anxiety/depression but it only caused her to be bullied by her own kin, she's the daughter of an important family and it's shown in other extras, including one about Mithrun, that nobles often send out the kids they don't want around to become canaries. It's an easy way to get rid of someone undesirable and I think it was the case for Milsiril. (Pattadol even assumes her parents love her less than her sisters for sending her to join the canaries).
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No wonder than that now that she's finally free from the canaries she chose to seek her own happiness away from the society she felt she could never fit into, she clearly likes to take care of children too, I think it's mean to assume she only likes them because she feels superior to them when there's no indication that this is the case.
And I don't think it's a coincidence she's so overprotective of Kabru after Utaya, it's literally the tragedy that was the breaking point for her, and he's a surviving small child from that tragedy, Milsiril cares about Kabru and wanted him to have a comfortable safe life after everything he went thru...
This ended up getting way too long so I'll make second part tomorrow about the rest of the extras and Kabru, and some other things I've seen said about Milsiril, but to answer the questions...
I don't think she treats her children as pets, Otta is just salty she was called out for dating like Leo Dicaprio.
Every single dungeon meshi character can be called morally grey because they all have flaws that in our world can be considered unforgivable, but they don't live in our world. To me Milsiril is doing her best in the context she lives in.
Who even is neurotypical in dungeon meshi, Milsiril is yet another flavour of a neurodivergent traumatized character among so many.
I believe she thought of the other canaries, especially Mithrun, as the same type of people that were cruel to her, probably because some of them really were, but that she generalized it to the point she thinks of all of them as bad by default. You can only get hurt so many times before you assume everyone will hurt you.
Part 2
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etsuven · 2 years
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rating: sm-t cw: none i don't think!! includes: current anemo men as of the end of 3.2 (venti, kazuha, heizou, scaramouche, xiao) modern au, reader is pretty and i'm saying pretty because i think it's gender neutral everyone should be allowed to be called pretty summary: let's rank the anemo men as least to most brattiest subs <3 (also them as lovers!)
note: lets rank the men of my favorite element, anemo!!!!!! we're not reallyy ranking them as bf's only as subs- but uh this is just a small headcannon thing to pass the time between my writing!!! should i do these more often?? maybe you guys should give me headcannon asks (???) idk how to explain it, but i just want to have them as something to schedule or whatever- anyways, feel free to reply with your opinions!! (repost AGAIN bc my last post didn't show up in any tags <3)
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in my opinion, xiao is probably such a sweet boyfriend! even though he's not the best when it comes to talking to people, he always has you there to help him <3 (unless you're also quiet, then he'll be the one to talk for you.) he's not shy, he just doesn't like talking to people.
your innocent kisses on his cheeks and lips get him so flustered sometimes, and even though he's embarrassed by how you ended up catching him off guard so easily, the cute smile on your face makes up for it.
now, i feel that xiao is probably the sweetest sub. much like his in public self, he's not very loud- but that's only because he's hiding his moans. it works for a little bit, but every time you fuck, you end up touching that one spot that makes him moan louder than his hand can hide.
after that, he's unable to hide his noises anymore. instead- he opts for clutching the sheets next to his head or hips. his moans are breathy, with the occasional gasp or groan into the air.
he prefers receiving oral more than giving, but only because he likes how you can so easily reduce him to gasps and almost tears. (also he loves the look you give him from in between his legs)
i feel like he'd like it if you held his hand while fucking him- like he thinks it's intimate and it allows him to feel closer to you (well, he probably can't get closer than literally being inside him/you being inside him, but that's besides the point)
all in all, very sweet, not a brat at all!
kazuha my love my only limited 5 star besides the traveler who's higher than C0.... he's definitely a wonderful boyfriend. he's very kind, sweet, and he has a way with words that make you fall harder for him every time he says them.
he likes to give you sneaky kisses just to watch you jump in shock, and he's definitely the type to be like, "i'm sorry, love, but you were too pretty, i couldn't help it!"
kazuha is also a very sweet sub, and he wants to please you! you wanna touch him until he's on the verge of tears? go ahead! do you want him to sit in between your legs and make you cum as many times as you'd like? well, that's actually his favorite thing to do!
this pretty red clothed man LOVES to please you. in his eyes, he doesn't get to cum until you do. he's very good with his mouth and tongue, and it often leads to some situations where you're a little too distracted to continue your work. after all, how could you focus when there was a gorgeous man with furrowed brows and a flushed face sitting in between your legs?
when you finally get to touching him, you'll find that he has quite pretty moans. they're a bit more on the groany side, but they turn onto full on moans when he really gets into it. he doesn't hide his noises, in fact- he prefers that you hear just how good you were making him feel. you've almost gotten caught many times because of that...
he definitely likes it when you pull his hair. although he makes sure his hair is tied up perfectly when he's in between your legs, a ton of strands will always find their way outside of the previously neat ponytail thanks to your wandering hands... perhaps he should keep his hair down while like that? only to keep it from getting more messy- and definitely not to give you more to pull.
summary: he's very sweet, very attentive. if you'd like, get yourself a lover like him!
i feel that venti would be a wonderful boyfriend! contrary to popular belief, he isn't the type to date you only to abandon you in the name of freedom. he knows exactly how to cheer you up when you're feeling down, and he knows when to leave you alone when you need space.
he's very energetic, often times chatting your ear off when it comes to something he likes. he also loves giving you random things he finds in stores that remind him of you. you like a certain show? i can guarantee that he will buy a cute little keychain for you and give it to you when you're least expecting it.
if you're the more quiet type, he will gladly speak up for you. he wants you to feel as comfortable as possible.
now i feel that he's lowkey a tease in bed. he likes to leave lingering kisses on your skin just to get you worked up, and when you ask what he's doing, he'll pretend to be oblivious and walk away.
he wants you to throw him down, and the quickest way to get you to do that is to tease you until you can't handle it anymore. light teasing is all he does, as he doesn't want to accidentally annoy you and ruin the mood.
he has THE prettiest moans, kind of high and breathy, and he gets a bit choked up when you touch a particularly sensitive spot. he's also not the type to hide them, but he will do so if you request.
he loves it when you grab him by his hips as a way to keep yourself steady. you always manage to fuck him even harder when your hands are grasping his hips, something he very much enjoys when he just doesn't want to think anymore.
summary? very much a tease, but he knows how to tone it down when he needs to!
SCARAAA!!! thanks for you and your weapon but do you mind coming home one more time, i need you at c1- i don’t know what to call him here, but i’ll just stick with scara for now.
anyways, scara is such a good boyfriend he’s so sweet but it’s like backhanded sweet. like ‘i won’t admit that i really like you and i really want to kiss you but that’s embarrassing to admit so i’ll stay quiet until you do it first’ kind of sweet.
we all know from one of scara’s idle lines that he’s not afraid to speak up. he’s literally like “you didn’t like that? well that’s your problem.” so i feel like he would totally stand up for you if someone were treating you badly. but like he would insult them and leave them questioning if it was really worth messing with you.
he hasn’t experienced many romantic things in his life, as most people were too scared to even go up to him. so when you came along and absolutely turned everything around from how affectionate you were, he was quite shocked.
despite being bold and unafraid of consequences in his usual life, he’s quite shy when it comes to romance. holding hands gets him all embarrassed, the way you look at him like the answer to the life itself is right in front of you makes him so flustered. i can only imagine how he’d be like if you kissed him!
he’d be such an adorable sub, i can already feel it! he’s still a bit of a brat, thanks to remnants of his old personality being retained, he’ll talk back to you, but only because he’s flustered, and he feels that he doesn’t deserve to be touched in such a loving way.
he’ll try to egg you on, little things like “i bet i could do so and so better,” just to have you treat him a little bit harsher. he’s not glass, so don’t treat him so gently! he wants you to turn his mind into mush, he wants you to please him until forgets everything he did that day.
he loves it when you’re able to fuck him until he’s on the verge of passing out. he has quite a bit of stamina- due to not being human and all, so he’s able to go on for a while. he enjoys the feeling of everything building up until it eventually bursts, it’s overwhelming and he can’t help but get addicted to it. waking up to see you tending to him is just a bonus.
but there are times where he’ll be a bit vulnerable, and those are the times where you can be a bit more gentle with him. he won’t talk back, he’ll just embrace you and let you praise him for how good he’s being.
summaryyyyy: he’s a bit of a brat, but at the same time- not really. he’ll talk back, but at the same time he wants to be a good boy for you. it really just depends on what scara you get that day!
pretty boy heizou <3 i have him but i don’t really read much on his personality and stuff, so i’m writing this based off of what i saw in his hangout quest.
he’s very much the flirty type of lover, always knowing what to say at certain times to get you all flustered. while he’s an expert at flirting at you, he gets quite embarrassed when you do the same to him.
forehead and back of the hand kisses are his fave, as they’re simple and sweet. though he isn’t opposed to a quick peck on the lips when you’re least expecting it.
as a detective, he is naturally attuned to your needs, knowing exactly what you want based on your body language. if you’re a bit fidgety in public, he’ll guide you away to give you a break. if your hands start to wander during what originally started as a small kiss? that was a sure fire sign that you wanted something more…
heizou is lowkey kind of a brat. the flirty nature of his doesn’t fade away when he’s about to get his brains fucked out, so prepare for him to sweet talk you and tease until he eventually can’t talk anymore.
he’ll always try to annoy you, whether that be by small remarks or outright disobeying you when you want him to do something. but unlike venti, he won’t tone it down. why? he wants you to wreck him. treat him like he’s just a toy for you to use.
his moans are on the sobbier side, as he cries pretty easily. he loves loves LOVES getting pinned down, so feel free to push his arms down into the bed as you’re fucking him so he’s unable to squirm away as he cries and pleads for you to let him cum.
summary: i don’t know much about him but he’s cute! very bratty, but he’s the fun kind of bratty. the kind where you don’t mind because it was so fun seeing him slowly lose his composure.
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moronkombat · 11 months
I beg you please do kuai liang nsfw alphabet! thank you so much😘
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Kuai Liang is very tender after sex. He holds his partner close, practically wrapping out up. He whispers how much he loves you and how happy you make him. You are his soulmate and he will treat you with a tenderness that not many know
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
There have been a great many hours spent on training and honing his skills. He is exceptionally athletic and well refined. However he is particularly proud of his arms. There is strength and power within them that he uses not to harm but to protect
Kuai Liang is not the type of man to love you for how you appear. He loves you for who you are but that does not mean he doesn't find you attractive. He does, he loves all of you completely but is very attracted to your eyes. He can lose himself within them, see the future you two can create together. He could stare upon them endlessly
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He's rather traditional and likes to cum inside his partner. He feels they are much more connected that way. To feel himself completely unravel inside you, to know his seed is flowing through you, truly sates a man like Kuai Liang Kuai
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Kuai Liang is relatively calm and collected. He doesn't typically let people know what he is thinking. Well, he's thinking quite a bit. In fact, he's thinking a lot about you. You are always on his mind every moment of each and every day. These thoughts are not solely pure, however. He often finds his mind wandering to places rather wretched and lewd. He thinks about how he wishes to make love to you, he thinks about how he wants to fuck you. He'll feel guilty and a bit ashamed about it but still continues to fantasize about you and him entangled together
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Rather inexperienced. He is a quiet and simple man, not one for seeking out life's most primal pleasures. He has sex with meaning and so he only wants to engage in the intimate moments with someone he truly cares about
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary. It may be a bit vanilla but he feels close and connected to his partner. It's his favorite way to make love to you, so deep within you and holding you close. He is also open to other positions if his partner requests them
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Overall, rather serious as he wants to be respectful. However, he is not always stoic in the bedroom. He can be lighthearted and fun too. It really demands on the overall mood and situation he and his partner are in.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Kuai Liang is well groomed. He's clean and neat, with his hair trimmed and well taken care of. He doesn't wish to irritate his partner during sex and it is more comfortable for him too. He is not entirely hairless as there is still a clear and light path leading to his more intimate area
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
A complete and utter romantic, probably even a hopeless romantic. He expresses his love for you through words and actions. It is his goal to let you know just how much he loves and cares for you. You are his everything and he owes everything to you
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Though he may come off as rather reserved. He is not immune to the call of flesh. Yes, he masturbates a healthy amount but not endlessly. He does it when he feels the urge of sex but it is not an option. Overall, prefers to express his desires with his partner but will handle himself if he unable to do so
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Shibari- Kuai Liang sees this as art more than something purely sexual. The body is a canvass for creation and the ropes are another form of paint. He finds the process of binding his partner and himself extremely intimate and special. It is his favorite additional to the bedroom festivities
Temperature Play- Kuai Liang's connection to fire runs deep. It is a natural part of him and sometimes he simply cannot control it when his mind is too unfocused. It was an accident at first. His hands gripping onto your hips began to heat up and you began to moan so licentious. Kuai Liang had paused for moment, realizing what he'd done but there isn't guilt. There is desire and the need to do it again. You beg him for it and he cannot deny you
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Somewhere meaningful for the both of you. A place that is just for you and him, no one else. It can be his bedroom, your bedroom, by a lake or river. As long as it is a special place between the two of you then Kuai Liang will make love to you there
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
His partner turns him on. The way you move, the way you speak...everything about you drives him crazy and wanting for you. If someone where to ask him what it is about you, he wouldn't be able to describe it. You are just perfect for him, simple as that
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He finds betrayal and lack of patience as major deal breakers. Not just betrayal against him but of core values and believes. Selling out for something, changing who you are so that you can achieve something shallow rubs him in all the wrong way
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Happy to give or receive. Either option is enjoyable for him. Although, he does secretly thrive when you give him oral. He feels his stress and worries melt away as you pleasure his aching cock. He'll lean his head back, rest a hand on the top of your head and just become pure bliss
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow and sensual is how he prefers to start out. He wants to get close to you and really take his time enjoying you. It's not the pace he keeps, however, he can get rough and fast overtime and then switch right back to slow and sensual. It can be quite unpredictable at times
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Would definitely engage in such activities. At first he questions just how pleasurable something so quick can be but you show him just how amazing it can be and Kua Liang actually becomes pretty hooked on them
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Not the type to shy away from something new but is cautious about it. He wants to make sure he is never hurting you too much or causing you unpleasurable discomfort
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
If he can train for hours than he can certainly do many activities for hours. He is quite impressive with just how many rounds he can do and if it were truly up to him, he'd have sex with you all day and night never once leaving your warmth
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Does not own any toys and has generally never thought about using them. That doesn't mean he's not open to them, he is just hasn't really thought about using them yet
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Although he wants to pleasure his partner, he sometimes gets too wrapped up in the moment and can turn into a bit of a tease. It's actually very refreshing for his partner, to see him become just a bit more playful with his fingertips and tongue
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
In terms of expressing his own pleasure, he's relatively quiet. You'll get breathy grunts from him most of the time. What he is vocal about is his love for you which he often whispers into your ear or when in between you legs
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
It is not often but he does actually really enjoy being rough and dominant with you. He's never rude or degrading but exceptionally rough and wild. He becomes quite the beast of man as he fucks himself into you. That's when he gets loud, grunting and groaning into your neck as all control fades away and something darker takes over
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Kuai Liang is physically fit and well sculpted. He is pure muscle and like something you'd see out of a museum. He's not massively muscular but extremely well-toned. In terms of length he is average but a bit girthy. He knows how to use it well and can and will absolutely fuck you senseless
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Despite his humble nature and quiet demeanor, his sex drive is above average. He enjoys sex often but only with someone he loves. The higher is sex drive the more he loves his partner
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He prefers to fall asleep with his partner after sex. It's not that he's tired but he finds it extremely endearing to fall asleep in each others arms right after making love
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god i love kuai liang so much thank you so much for requesting content for him
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katareyoudrilling · 10 months
The Sweepstakes: Dave York (Porn Star AU)
Pairing: Porn Star Dave York x Female Reader
Summary: You’ve never been able to explore your kinks with a partner.  Could a night with a porn star give you that opportunity?
Word count: ~2.6k
Rating: Explicit (18+ only. NO MINORS)
Content Warnings: kink negotiation, some choking and breath play, unprotected PiV (paperwork is involved), oral sex (m and f receiving), multiple orgasms
A/N: This is rougher sex than I have written before, and I definitely got in my head about it.  Please heed the warnings, but also know that it’s still me writing it, no matter how much Dave York tried to say otherwise.  The company mentioned is heavily inspired by Bellesa.  Bonus points to anyone who can guess which performer in particular inspired this one.  Enjoy!
Comments and reblogs are always greatly appreciated!
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You can’t believe you’re standing in the room you’ve seen so many times on your laptop and phone.  White walls, hardwood floor, gauzy white curtains, and most importantly… the bed.
You take a deep, calming breath and wipe your damp palms down your leggings as pace around the room waiting for him to arrive.
It all started when you saw an ad for “The Sweepstakes” advertised on your favorite porn site.  It said, “Enter for a chance to win a night with your favorite porn star!”  You filled out the form before you could even stop to think about it.
You won and now you wait anxiously for your choice to arrive – Dave York.
You love Dave’s videos.  He can go from laughing and flirting to intense and demanding in the blink of an eye. It’s ridiculous how much that dichotomy turns you on.
You don’t feel turned on right now, though.  You feel very, very nervous.  You take another calming breath just as the doors open and Dave York walks in.
In his more scripted videos, he’s often cast as a businessman, wearing a suit and tie, or maybe just a dress shirt and slacks.  In the casual, unscripted ones, he wears all black.
That’s what he’s wearing today.
His black sweater strains across his broad, muscled shoulders.  Track pants hang low on his trim waist.  He’s clean shaven and his dark hair is short and neat. If it weren’t for the intensity of his gaze, he would probably just look like an average guy.
He’s anything but.
Dave extends his hand to you and introduces himself.  You manage to fight through the haze of nerves and arousal to do the same.
“Erin asked me to go over your sexual interest survey with you to make sure we’re on the same page, since your tastes run on the rough side.”  His deep, gravelly voice vibrates through your body sending jolts of need to your core.  It’s so much better in person than through a tiny phone speaker.
You met with the director, Erin, earlier in the day to sign releases and fill out paperwork related to your sexual history, health, and interests.  You even agreed to be filmed for your private use.  A chance like this doesn’t come around every day.
You nod and Dave looks down at the papers he’s holding.
“Let’s start with spanking, how hard do you like it?” he asks, warm brown eyes meeting yours.
“I… uhhh…. I don’t actually know,” you stammer.  Dave waits patiently for you to continue.  “My partners have never been willing to uhh… try things with me.”  That’s an understatement.  Not only have your partners not been willing, they have looked at you like you were crazy.  “I like watching it.  I like it when you do it,” you choke out, heat flooding your cheeks as you look anywhere but at him.
Dave sets the papers down on the bed and reaches for you, lifting your chin up so you meet his eyes.
“There’s no need to be embarrassed.”  His hypnotic, liquid chocolate gaze starts to melt the tension you’re holding in your shoulders.  “We can try these things and find out if you like them, but you have to talk to me.  If you can’t, then we can’t.  Can you do that?”
You nod.
“Say it,” he commands, but not unkindly.  Heat floods your center.
“I can do that,” you answer, a bit breathlessly.
“If you say no, or stop, or anything else to indicate something isn’t working for you, I will stop immediately.  Understood?”
“I understand.”
“Good,” he smiles and picks up the paper again.  “Let’s talk about breath play.”
A burst of adrenaline floods your body as Dave moves closer to you.  Holding your gaze, he lifts his arm and places the heal of his hand against your collarbone.  Your heart beats loudly in your ears as he gently wraps his fingers around your throat.  You can still breathe normally even as he squeezes gently.
“I will not squeeze harder than this, is this ok?”
“Yes,” you whisper.
“Good, remember at any time you can tell me to stop, and I will.  Now…” he removes his hand from your throat and brings it towards your mouth.  “I will only cover your nose and mouth for five seconds at a time, ok?”
“Let’s practice.”
Staring intently into your eyes, he covers your nose and mouth and counts to five.  Your fingers and toes tingle as the adrenaline courses through your body.  Dave’s pupils dilate as he watches your reaction.
Five seconds isn’t very long at all, but you gulp in air when he removes his hand.  The rush goes straight to your head and you sway towards him.  Large hands steady your shoulders.
“How was that? Are you ok?” he asks, his voice husky with his own arousal.
“That was… very good,” you reply shakily.  Your pussy is already throbbing, and you’ve barely begun.
“Good,” Dave murmurs.  He’s still so close.  You can feel the warmth radiating off his body, he squeezes your arms before letting his hands drop.  “Is there anything else you want?”
“I want…” you take a shaky breath, locked into Dave’s hypnotic gaze, “to be thrown around a little.”
Dave licks his lips, “Fuck yes,” he replies, closing the distance between you.  “You want me to use you?”  His eyes are as black as his sweater as he crowds your vision.  Desire ripples off him in waves.  It hits you that he desires you and it and makes your knees weak.  You nod, hypnotized by his gaze.
“Can I kiss you?” he practically growls.
You whimper yes and melt into him as he plunges his tongue into your mouth.  He’s so intense and overwhelming.  God, you hope the cameras are already recording.
Your head swims with arousal as he explores your mouth, pulling you tighter against his broad frame.  Your hands fist in his sweater as you fight the urge to climb up his body.
You break apart panting.  Dave steps back, his large hands helping keep you steady.
“I have to take this back to Erin,” he swallows and holds up your paperwork, now slightly crinkled from getting crushed between your bodies, “and give you a few minutes to make sure you haven’t changed your mind.”
Dave steps away from you and heads for the door.  You can’t help but notice the bulge in his pants that wasn’t there before.  You lower yourself to sit on the edge of the bed on wobbly legs.
He pauses at the door and turns back to you, “One more question.  Are you wearing underwear?”
“No,” you blurt out, surprised.  He smirks and leaves the room.
You collapse backwards onto the bed, taking in a deep lungful of air to try to calm down.  You’re embarrassingly wet between your legs.
Not embarrassing, you correct yourself.
Just because your previous partners haven’t been open to trying these kinks does not make it embarrassing that you are into them.  There wouldn’t be a whole industry devoted to these things if you were the only one.  Dave certainly seems to be.
You push yourself back up to sitting.  The nerves you felt when you waited for him the first time have burned away in the wake of your arousal.  Your knee bounces impatiently as you wait for him to come back.
You pop back onto your feet when you hear the door handle begin to turn.  Dave enters the room with a question in his eye.  You nod.  There is no way you have changed your mind.
He stalks towards you like a jungle cat and pulls you into another kiss, hands cradling your face.  He’s less desperate this time, but still eager, confident, demanding.
You allow your hands to run down his sides, over the rippling muscles under his thin sweater.  You feel the divot at his hipbone, but instead of trailing down to explore the swell you feel against your abdomen, you slip your hands under his sweater and draw them up his back.
Dave chuckles and breaks the kiss, allowing you to pull his sweater off over his head.  You drag your fingers down the smooth, golden skin of his chest.  You whimper as your fingers get to the waistband of his pants.
He reclaims your mouth with a curse and turns you, so the backs of your legs knock against the side of the bed.  His large hands roam down your body and hitch under your thighs.  Before you realize what he’s doing, he lifts you up and tosses you onto the bed.
You squeal as you bounce.  But before your bottom hits the bed a second time, Dave whips your leggings down past your ass and pushes your knees into your chest.  He dives into your pussy like a man starved.
Your squeals of surprise rapidly turn into moans as his expert tongue sweeps over your throbbing cunt.  His question about underwear makes sense now.
Your hands scrabble for purchase on the bedding as Dave presses you open and feasts at your core.
All the buildup of being here, discussing your list, and finally getting to kiss and touch the subject of so many of your fantasies has you pulsing against his mouth in no time.
Dave pulls back from you to stand by the bed with a satisfied smirk on his face, pulling your leggings the rest of the way off and tossing them on the floor.
As your orgasm fades, leaving you boneless on the bed, you can’t help the huge smile that spreads across your face, or the laugh that escapes your chest.
“What’s so funny,” Dave watches you from beside the bed, eyes twinkling.
“You just… just…. that was so good and I’m just so glad I’m here,” you smile up at him.  You’re no longer nervous.  You’re excited to be here and experience all of this with him.
“I’m glad you’re here too.”  Dave begins to pull down his track pants and you scramble up and over to him to kneel eagerly at the side of the bed.  Now it’s Dave’s turn to laugh.  “Do you want something, beautiful?”
You preen internally at the nickname and don’t even bother to hide your enthusiasm.
“I want to suck your cock.”
“Look who has things to say now.  I think that orgasm loosened your tongue,” he teases you gently, his eyes flashing with humor and want as he frees the cock you’ve been dreaming about.
He’s so perfect.
You lick your lips and pull your top over your head before lining up to take him in your mouth.  Dave hisses as you draw him in.  He strokes your cheek and neck as he watches you.
With every flick of your tongue the ache between your legs builds, until you’re moaning around him with every stroke.
You pop off to catch your breath and Dave eagerly claims your mouth.  He climbs on the bed, pushing you onto your back and crowding your vision, never taking his mouth of you.  He kisses down your neck and nips at your shoulders and breasts as he lines up at your entrance.
“You ready for this cock, beautiful?”
You nod and pull him towards you with your heels.
“So eager for it,” Dave growls as he presses into your wet heat.
Your eyes roll back in your head as he fills you so perfectly.  He plies you with long, firm strokes, pressing you deeper into the mattress, covering your body with his.
He’s all you can see and feel and you melt beneath him, giving yourself over to the force of him.  Your orgasm begins to build in the distance, but before it can take hold, Dave rolls the two of you so that you’re now on top.
His hands stroke up your torso, cupping your breasts and tweaking your nipples as you adjust to the new angle.
Dave pistons up into you, his abdominal muscles tensing with the effort.  His strong hands hold your hips firmly against him.  A boldness you’ve never felt before washes over you as you grasp one of his hands and bring it to your throat.
He places his hand exactly as he said he would, at the base of your throat.  You lean into him, knowing you are in control and could lean back at any time, but the theoretical danger of it sizzles under your skin.  His strong fingers squeeze slightly sending dizzying waves of pleasure through your body.
You stare into his eyes, never breaking contact, as he brings you to the brink.  Your clit throbs, seeking the friction of his body, you’re so close to breaking when he pulls out and flips you over onto your stomach.
He drags your hips in the air and presses your shoulders down onto the bed as he drives into you and smacks your ass.  Your pussy clenches in response.
“You like that don’t you?”
“Yes, oh my god yes,” you babble incoherently.
“I feel that tight pussy grabbing me.”  He smacks your ass again for emphasis and you clench around him again.
He is so deep in this position.  He thrusts into you slowly, dragging his cock against your sensitive walls, allowing the orgasm to ebb away in favor of slow sensation punctuated with the stinging of his palm.
You press your hips back into him, savoring every thrust and allowing your mind to drift.  You are not in control here.  He will move you when he’s ready, you don’t have to think, just feel.
Seemingly to prove your point, he pulls out and flips you once again.  This time onto your side before pulling you into his chest.
His strong arms band around your hips and shoulders as he enters your slippery cunt from behind.  You are at his mercy and nothing has ever made you feel more alive.
He nibbles at your ear as he spews praise and filth under his breath – how good you feel, how wet you are, how he’s going to make you come so hard.
You don’t doubt his promises and when his hand comes up to cover your mouth, all you can do is take and take and take his cock.
You are only need and sensation, unable to move other than how he moves you.  Everything else falls away except the white hot pleasure taking over your body.  He has edged you over and over and you half expect him to do it again, but this time your climax is barreling towards you at full force.
“Give it to me,” Dave demands in your ear, and you launch off a cliff.
He removes his hand and you gasp for air, sparks clouding your vision.  He doesn’t let up as you pulse and scream around him.  He presses on your mound, intensifying the waves of pleasure wracking through your body.
He stutters and moans raggedly behind you, emptying himself into your fluttering pussy.
You sag against him, spent and floating.  He presses kisses between your shoulder blades and up your neck as he helps disentangle your bodies.
You catch your breath, staring at the ceiling above you and then over at the glistening man next to you.
“That was…. amazing.”  A whole new world has been opened to you, and you definitely like it.  “Thank you.”
Dave props himself up on his elbow and looks down at you, angular jaw and aquiline nose catching the light of the fading sunset.
“That was just round one, beautiful.  You have me all night.”  He winks before kissing you once again.
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fancyfade · 4 months
Post theme going around on LoCG where people say whre they want the batfam members to end up.
I figured I'd share my post (link) here on tumblr b/c I have way more tumblr followers and post many dc thoughts here anyway
original post:
Anyway, where the Batfam members end up in a couple years in my opinion:
Bruce: I honestly think he should retire. Is this ever realistic? No, he makes too much money. But he’s got to be getting what close to 50 by now? He needs to quit before he dies RIP. I’d love to see him trying to do what he can to help the community as Bruce Wayne (which I don’t think he never does as Batman – we see comics involving it. But like more emphasis).
Cass: I view Cass as the logical successor to Bruce. She deserves to be Batman (and wants to be and embodies his ideals very well).
Barbara: I think it’d be neat if Babs (as Oracle) kind of expanded BoP so we have different subgroups… we got a tiny bit of this might be happening at the way tail end of New Earth continuity, with babs faking her and oracle’s deaths to get the heat off and allow herself to dedicate more attention to major operations rather than being everyone’s problem solver, and her training Wendy as a protege… just pick that up. I like Wendy Harris being involved, and I think Helena is a good candidate for an op leader (more on that later)
Helena: Helena should work with a small team of Birds and take on missions that require some convincing undercover work – shout out to both her mob deconstruction plan in Simone’s BOP and her past as a Spyral agent in this continuity. The team should be flexible, but I’d like to see Steph occasionally team up with her… her forgotten-by-continuity adopted son, James, should also help on tech stuff IMO.
Damian: I like the idea of him doing Batman and Robin stuff in Gotham and more globe-trotting stuff on his own, using Maya and Suren and other friends. He also definitely will try to reform any kid/teenage supervillains he comes across, so he should probably fight mostly adults :p
Duke: I think Duke should stay as the Gotham daytime hero, in contact with the kids from We Are Robin, but… get more appearances. Him being in everyday contact with more normal people could be an important storytelling avenue.
Dick: What Dick’s currently doing is fine, no need to change. He’s already got his niche.
Tim: DC doesn’t know what to do with Tim… I think Tim should honestly go into semi-retirement, coming out for big stakes plots and to train younger heroes. In my head this would be after a 12 issue mini series where Tim contemplates how much his life has changed since he started being Robin, with his initial goal that it was going to be something he does his time in and then gets out, out of obligation, and then slowly he had no normal life to get back out to… we’d bring back Dana as a character to bounce thoughts off, as well as the YJ kids especially Cissie who has also retired as a superhero.
Jason: I think what Task Force Z was doing for Jason was perfect, I’d love to see things continue along that line where he like *wants* to do good and to not be the person he used to be, but he sometimes (often) fails… and leading around a team of other equally-or-more corrupt people is fun. That’s as heroic as I feel like Jason should get, if he’s just turned into pretty much another hero it’s like… offbrand nightwing???
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medra-gonbites · 1 month
Baldur's Gate 3 Companion Head Canon Filmmaker Edition
Depending on your crew, filmset can be the best time or the worst time of your life!  While kicking back and playing Baldur’s Gate I started to wonder what kind of positions would the gang assume on a filmset.
Here is my personal HeadCanon for the tadfools (+ Jaheira, Halsin, the Dead Three and Withers) if they were to be on a film set.
Astarion | Costume 
Of course Astarion would be in charge of the costume department! Not only because he can sew and design the best costumes with utmost skill, if you provide him with nothing but rags, but also because he would make sure the actors are always decent and taken care of. End of a risqué scene? Boom, he is already there with a robe, some blankets and a water bottle. “Let’s take you back to the changing room darling!"
Besides he is very fast and stealthy which would be a perfect time saver for in between takes: last minute check and tweak before we start rolling? Watch him dash to unwrinkle fabrics or refasten pins: 0 second lost.
Shadowheart | Production Design
Shadowheart would love to be in charge of the decor. Already in pre-production she would have a blast skimming flea markets and brocantes to find props and elements to create the perfect set, although she would probably be able to craft it from scratch if needed be, and could create an atmosphere with nothing but cardboard if she had to. She would keep track of all the props and organize them in a neat fashion. She would be so focused there is no chance you would end up with a continuity error (not in her department anyways!).
Karlach | Light Technician
Karlach has a light crew vibe to herself. She would run around rolling and unrolling cables, carrying and setting up C stands, activating generators, going as far as powering them herself if she has to. Watch her set up the lights and filters like it's nobody’s business. Sandbags? No worries she can carry 20 at a time. She can hold a reflective panel above her head for hours without breaking a sweat. Friendly and motivated, she is a wonder to work with and the camera crew has no issues communicating and coordinating with her. Tell her what needs to be lit and she will make sure it is. Let there be light!
Wyll | Acting
The charisma, these dance skills, the whole blade of frontier performance that radiates main character energy? You cannot convince me Wyll is not born to stand under the spotlight or in front of the cameras. At the beginning of his carrier had a preference for theater but he prefers cinema because it gives him the opportunity to do several takes and indulge his perfectionist side. He would be on set early to rehearse and he would be an absolute treasure to the rest of the crew. Very talented and humble, the best actor to work with!
Gale | Director of Photography
I will not budge: Gale would be in charge of the imagery. What angle, what move, what ratio, what color? He'd know what’s best to tell the story and his composition would always be on point. He’s got 10 different lenses, he made the shotlist six months before the shoot and he went on all the location scouting rekkie, even the ones he did not have to attend. He also checked the location at different hours to have a look at the natural light change through the day. He is very patient with his assistants and with the lighting crew which he would always give a hand to set up the lamps (literally thanks to the old mage hand). Don’t touch his camera though, he will fight you.
Lae’zel | First Assistant Director
“Ok, we have a schedule and we have to make sure we respect it. How much time do you need to build this scene? 10 minutes? Do it in 5!”. Lae’zel would be such an efficient first AD but she also would become the scapegoat of the set because of how demanding and blunt she would be. She doesn't mind and she knows its a status that often comes with the job. At the end of the day, everyone would get to leave on time though (or barely a few hours of overtime) and everyone would be grateful for it. You can and you will have a drink with her afterwards and all will be forgiven.
Halsin | Safety Coordinator
Obviously, Halsin would be in charge of safety; because film is fun and should remain fun, no matter how serious it is for some: nobody is getting hurt on his watch! 
Intense traumatic scene with an actor? He will be a perfect intimacy coordinator: he knows how to handle personal space and aftercare. Tricky stunt? He’s got a first-aid kit ready (not that you will need it as he made sure all equipment necessary for the stunt are secure). Animal Handling? Yes, he got that covered too, the creatures will be treated as royalty and he can even shape shift to keep them company. Child actor on set? Did he mention he can take care of that too? Beyond all this he will make sure everyone in general is keeping healthy, calling for breaks, making sure everyone has enough to drink and/or eat which he will remind the whole crew to do because they tend to forget.
Minthara | Production Manager
Yes, Minthara has arranged the location, the catering, the shooting authorization and pretty much all the rentals that you need for the day. You better be on time on her set: the call sheet is precise and so should you. She will make sure everything that has been arranged will proceed as expected but should the unexpected occur last minute? Well that’s not a problem because she is cool as ice and can perform under pressure like none. There, she fixed it, and with an hour to spare. After the production, she will chase you and spam 3 reminders a day for you to send your invoice and receipts (she gotta book everything for the accountant!).
Jaheira | Location Manager
Jaheira is the first and the last on set. She gets the keys to places, she relays the instructions on where to find what, what is off limits and what can or cannot be used.  She will make sure everyone parks at the right spots, that people that are outside of sets are not hindered by your crew, and that the place is given back clean (or cleaner even). She is always very sweet to the person in contact, be it the owner of the location you're shooting at, the caterer or curious bystanders who come to investigate. She also keeps an eye on the carpooling schedule. Nobody will be forgotten on her watch.
Minsc | Boom Operator
Minsc is in charge of taking sound. He listens carefully to every take to make sure there are no parasites or interference; if he doubts he will ask Boo to double check for him. He will mic up the actor very gently, giving them funny lines to say to test the mic. He finds it hilarious to call out farts when he hears them in his headphones; he will then ask loudly who it was. Often it is himself.
Tav | Writer/Director
It is their story and you better believe they will see it through. They wrote the damn thing, they gathered the right crew and they will direct it all. They call the shots and make the decisions. At the end of the day they call action and cut. Whether it is a happy or bad ending, the story will have 3 to 5 acts and it will be sent out to all the A list festivals of Toril.
Durge | Director/Producer
It is their story too but they did not write it, however they did make sure it was possible to make it by any means necessary! They are in charge and they even have a cap and a chair to prove it. They had a megaphone too at some point but it was misplaced (stolen by Astarion who got fed up with all the yelling).
The Dead Three | Executive producer
These three are power hungry, ruthless and bloodthirsty, of course they are producers! They know where the money is, they know how to get it, they know who to play and sweet talk to get it. Orin tends to be more artistically involved in the project but Gortash has the people’s touch and will be in charge of handling communication and distribution. Ketheric will make sure the money gets where it needs to go and will be in contact with the subsidies and fundings to provide reports and deliverables.
Withers | Storyboard
It is Tav and Durge’s story but Withers illustrated it. Visualization goes a long way for the whole crew and it is nice to have something to fall back on when the chaos of the shot list overwhelms you. Thanks Boneman!
Do you agree with this? Do you have other characters in mind that could be useful on set?
Did this spark an AU fanfic idea within me? Maybe...
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morninglarkspur · 4 months
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This took!!! Way too long!!! But I made refs for the eldest three Light kids!!!! Now all my old art is outdated but that's fiiiiiiine. These guys are probably the only ones getting a ref pic for each era of the AU but I do wanna do some refs for some of the side characters like Tempo and Bass!
Putting the info written on the sheets plus some added details below the cut
DLN-000 Blues Light/Breakman
Blues goes by Breakman for basically all of the Wily Era and skips right over Protoman to go by Blues. Due to how his relationship with Rock develops in this au it just doesn't feel right to try and slip Proto in. Break continues to be a name that Rock specifically can still call him even after the switch in names.
He's buster is on his right arm.
Instead of using his faulty core as leverage for getting him to kidnap Kalinka, Wily uses Mega as leverage. This means he doesn't learn about his core still being faulty until after the Wily Era. Haven't decided if he learns about it pre or post Decommission Era tho
Helmet got broken by Mega post MM4. It gets repaired when Dr. LaLinde repairs him after that incident. She also repairs the visor on it, no those are not just his sunglasses. I kept forgetting his sunglasses when drawing him so they just don't exist anymore sorry.
His eyes are visible when his bangs are neat.
Early into the Epilogue Era Roll fixes his core. She can't completely fix all the damages but he's no longer dying and is able to live a much more comfier life now that he's got access to proper robo-health care
Stays weaponized, but rarely needs to use his buster and armor.
DLN-001 Rock Light/Megaman
Answers only to Megaman while under Wily's control. He does respond to Rock when used by Dr. Light and Roll. Post Wily has him slowly re-learning to be Rock. He still always responds to Rock from Roll. By Epilogue he is mostly transitioned back to using Rock. Blues is the only one who can call him Mega without causing distress. Bass calls him Megs and is the only one who does.
During the Wily Era his eyes are capable of becoming blue again in certain situations even while infected. This ability is lost by MM5.
His buster arm is his left arm.
Post Wily has his Copy chip removed, however he refuses to get the virus removed.
His arm was blown off by Roll. He refuses to get it replaced. Dr. LaLinde repairs it to the point where a new one can easily be attached should he change his mind.
He does eventually get it replaced but tears it off himself not long after. When he is finally able to get proper repairs for this, it is permanently sealed. To replace the arm would require entirely reworking his shoulder.
Early into the Epilogue, he has the Megaman armor removed from him entirely and any remnants of his weapons system is also removed. He is entirely un-weaponized. He still retains the virus.
DLN-002 Roll Light/Gigawoman
Roll hates the name Gigiawoman. It is the name given to her by the public. No one important actual uses it so don't expect to see it mentioned often. (Shout out to my friend Axo for the name suggestion tho) She stops using Megaman to refer to Rock very soon after he got fully infected by the virus. She calls Blues Break for the Wily Era and drops it the first moment she feels like she can get away with it.
She loses her right arm to Mega when she happened to encounter him on their activation day. She insists that her arm be replaced by a weaponized one and Dr. Light concedes. Her right arm is her buster arm.
A lot of the choices going into her weaponization is based on avoiding a repeat of what happened with Rock. Her base buster is stronger and her copy chip is altered and given an advanced anti-virus built-in. She is capable of holding up to 3 weapons indefinitely and make it a point to avoid copying new Wily bots when possible.
Her hair got damaged during the same encounter she lost her arm in. She requested that it simply be cut/shaved rather than replaced so she could have a visual reminder of what she was fighting for.
She is the de-facto leader during the Decommission Era, every bot in their group acknowledge her as the leader, even those that give a hard time about who should be leader will default to her lead when it comes down to it.
She makes it a point to not wear her helmet around Rock, hoping that it'll help him readjust to being Rock again.
She remains weaponized but rarely needs to use her buster and armor anymore.
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druidshollow · 1 year
infodumping about rain world ancient ocs- about that ask i just answered
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just in case the incredible @inkycorvid wanted me to talk about my ancient ocs instead of my ancient headcanons im making a post talking about my idiot guys in a very annoying structure. gotta cover all my bases
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he/him, bisexual, sometimes has beard barbells sometimes doesn't. middle aged (in genetically modified to live for a longass time terms), very much divorced. admin to eleven rivers, not very nice to eleven rivers.
-like never smiles, always looks either pissed off or miserable
-his mask is very wedge-shaped. big karma 10 symbols on sides
-practically every time red is used in the context of my rain world ocs it relates to him. either symbolically or literally. see red highlights???? probably flowers' fucking fault!!
-two strands of hair always fall in face
-wears wrappings often. once my bf said he probably wouldnt get divorced so hard if he wasnt dressed like a weird mummy
-no left ear
-comes from a considerably privileged background. family had incredibly high expectations
-traumatized by everlasting fire's attack and afraid of iterators. will not enter a puppet chamber unless entirely necessary
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-creates strong emotional attachments and reacts to rejection with self-isolation and bitterness
-late game, before he begins his plan to demolish eleven rivers and ascend himself but after the twins are awake he begins drinking an unhealthy amount and projecting his anger all over the place, especially towards rivers
-likes vultures. thinks they're crazy neat
-does not and can not have any comprehension of the ramifications his douchebaggery will bring about in the future (huge rammies. absolutely massive rammies)
-becomes an echo when he tries to ascend. his echo sits right snug over eleven rivers' chamber!
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she/her, bisexual, sometimes wears fancy shinies on her hair. middle aged in modified to live a very long time terms. flowers' ex wife. doing WAY better than him. admin to a fleck of flame, very nice to a fleck of flame.
-blue, cream stripes, frills on upper back
-short face, short hair, short body. short
-walks with cane after everlasting fire's attack
-implant in right ear later game, ear still there
-does in fact smile! makes lots of smug faces. she is in general very emotionally intense and expressive, and is also very morally headstrong. quick to jump to anger when she thinks lines have been crossed.
-she was named "flight to the sun, thirteen sparks" at birth, and changed it when she was enrolled in the school of solutions
-punk by ancient society terms. not big on ascension, very much a "don't we have it pretty fuckin good? why are we in such a rush to leave" kind of person
-stayed in the iterator project after fire's failure because in losing him she realized how human the iterators were. spent her life working to make their rights more solid and complexities more widely understood
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-very close friends with fleck. looks at fleck as her son, looked at fire as her son as well
-met flowers at the start of their schooling. they quickly bonded as they got to work together and were endorsed for esteemed position together
-left flowers in part because of the trauma surrounding the situation with fire, but more because she didn't like what she was beginning to see in flowers. he invented the first model of the demolishers after fire's attack, which descent hated. they would have split up eventually even if fire had lived and they'd continued work on him together. i think their political views and morals are too different, and their personalities too headstrong for it to've been avoided forever
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she/he/they, genderfluid and swaps pronouns often. pansexual. like in their late 20s early 30s equivalently. admin to glass incident. flowers' younger sibling, probably a nepotism hire
-shithead or confident expression
-lots of ear piercings, bridge piercing. no permanent ear implant
-three "bangs" fall on face. tends to let hair down when feeling more feminine and tie it up when feeling masculine
-frills on arms
-dresses a bit... revealing sometimes to be fully honest. wears a mask the least out of their group, doesn't like it for sensory reasons
-quite similar to flowers in shapes and colours, just with green stripes instead of red
-actually quite intelligent and insightful, but their primal need to cause chaos and keep everything lighthearted often overpowers this
-since flowers did so well in school and had his first project be a massive failure, lots of higher eyes were on wander throughout school
-joined the iterator project to stay near flowers
-was VERY happy to be selected to work with corners
-puts maybe too much energy into caring for flowers and trying to help him, when he pushes back so hard
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bark, cloud, smoke, west and journey are less important background characters! ive never even drawn bark or journey until right now, lmao
bark is a very old man who just wants to do his work in peace. cloud is an introvert who is very calm and professional. smoke is pretentious and self-involved. they're a teacher at the school of solutions and endorsed flowers and descent for the esteemed position. west is a hot guy flowers knew in school that he had a short-lived fling with after his divorce. journey was rivers' admin before flowers, but then she went to the void so she had to be replaced.
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hope this suffices and everyone is properly tired of seeing these guys!
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jazzy-art-time · 3 months
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Paprika - Jarble AU
[ Paprika belongs to @skoodledoodledoo ] [ I had permission to Jarble Paprika / Skoodle sacrificed her to me for me to practice on ]
diagnosis and information below the cut
Job: Boutique (either owns her own or works at one)
Rather lackadaisical at her job, Paprika does still do good work, or maybe it's just that intimidating stare that pressures people into purchasing?
A very stern woman, very to the point and short with her answers most of the time. She probably doesn't find you that interesting to begin with, so why waste her words on you? Good luck chipping through that stone.
She is very much a perfectionist despite how she doesnt want to admit it. "i dont care about my job or you or anything" but is still found being extremely meticulous about every little thing. How dare you not face all the coat hangers the same way. That shade of blue may be the same but it has more green undertones, idiot! How did you not notice that! Oh whatever hand it to me ILL do it and ILL do it RIGHT.
She lives well as she is able to live within the inner city, most would be rather satisfied with her life.
But deep down there is a insecurity to her life choices. Did she make the right choices? Is she actually happy? She stares out the windows of the boutique often, glancing at the travel advertisements that flicker on the large ad screens outside. Does she long for more? To travel? To go on adventures?… No.. That's not her.. It couldn't be her. So she sighs and continues to sort her fabrics.
Brass Knuckles with fist spikes and a side knife.
Is conjured by snapping a specific claw on one of her hands. The nail used to conjure is usually painted a different color than the rest. Originally used to identify which nail but now is just for pure aesthetic and more of a power move to show off which one does it.
The entire set can be charged with electricity, causing a blunt force Stab/Shock/Punch combo. But this can only happen within a certain percentage of her power.
The side knife on the side can retract in and out depending on the scenario. Great for sudden right hooks on others.
Regularly a bright yellow color but during sunrise it will glow a faint red.
-> Her dress is supposed to resemble the cherish ball. I thought it would be a cute nod to her OG design. But also designed to have a more vampire red goth look? It looked more intimidating in my head. I think it would be neat if she had various dresses based on each pokeball.
-> BIG hair, like absolutely massive head of hair. I know Luxray is known for their mane anyways but like good god. The hair on this woman. She has to be rich to afford all that hair care.
-> She has the more Right Ring Circle sparkle effects on her body, that naturally fade when leaving that ring. In HER case, the sparkles appear near the tail tip and as extra freckles on her face. One primary one being on her cheek. However, her sparkles seem to fade quicker than most when leaving the limits... could be a sign of her desire to change? Or nothing at all.
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blushblushbear · 1 year
I was wondering if you can do husband headcanon for Cole, Volks, and Cashew?
Thank you💕
on the surface it's a very sweet domestic life
he plays the role of the loving, doting husband well
mostly cause he is actually a loving, doting husband
he's a bit strange but then again who isn't
but over all life with him very pleasant
just don't go in the basement though
that's his private space for his personal hobbies
don't worry about what hobby-- they say that the best married couples are ones that continue some level of personal life after marriage you know
he defiantly keeps the house clean
he's actually a bit of a neat freak
but he's also a pretty decent cook
he's not about to work at a 5 star fancy restaurant or anything but he can make some very solid dishes and is actually looking to learn more for you
I will say he tries to keep it all healthy though
he's not as much of a health nut as Kelby but he does constantly worry about your health
"why, if I lost you, I would have to spend every waking moment mourning at your grave until I withered away into nothing! and frankly that sounds too sad and boring to be how it ends for me"
definitely watches you sleep
sometimes stays up late just to watch you, all sweet and peaceful and helpless
is also very affectionate now that he's "claimed" you as it were
also is very open to letting all others know that you are well and truly spoken for, in case any ideas might think about wondering into their heads believing otherwise
god help anyone that has the misfortune to break into your home
he will love you until the day he dies and probably the eternity after too
is much more openly affectionate after tying the knot
once you agreed to marry him and he knew you were the real deal and weren't going anywhere, he didn't really see the point in holding back
he actually partakes in a lot more little romantic gestures after your married, though all of them still not directly to your face cause he's still him and he gets embarrassed
little stuff like notes around the house telling you how much he loves you left in places he know you'll find it
or flowers waiting on the kitchen counter for you
or "I love you" written on your hand that you wake up to (also there might be some marker on either the pillow or your face or both oops)
also a card carrying member of the watching his spouse sleep club
he can't really cook but he makes decent money and also comes from a well off enough family so he can afford to get take out basically every night
if you cook then he will also try to learn to cook but it's very rough at first
he's very proud the first time he made pasta and it was edible and stuff
keeps his home very cozy
lots of blankets and pillows everywhere
he likes to cocoon himself up and will very much want you to join him
aside from the pillows and blankets and a few knick knacks he has very little in the way of home decor so either you have to bring all the flare into the home or you're both gonna be living pretty modern minimalist
really really really really really wants a dog
you have talked about getting a dog probably 10000 times
probably not as actively doting as Cole but he def pays attention and tries to make things happen or fix things quietly for you before they even become a problem
likes to take you camping with him, calls it a family camping trip
very into referring to the two of you (and maybe some dogs) as a family (since his kind of sucked A LOT)
is very proud to call you his spouse and will brag about it any chance he gets
doesn't get jealous too too often but he's still territorial so he WILL use any attention you get as a chance to brag about how he's your HUSBAND *points to his ring* for anyone who will give him the 5 seconds it takes for him to bring it up
the house is very cozy cottage nook vibes
a little hobbit hole esque
except there is def some kind of play room and/or a least a chest and something risque built into your bed room (pole, swing, whatever)
he has a library, he NEEDED to have a library
but there is also book shelves in every other room in the house as well
tries and fails to be a decent cook but now that he's a husband he's actually a little more set on getting gud scrub
he wants to be a supportive husband to you
I know I've said doting before on both other guys but yeah he is also p doting
loves your sunday rituals of snuggling up together under a bunch of blankets on your sofa and reading
he can't really cook but he knows how you take your coffee and can make it PERFECTLY
is very much one of those spouses that likes to do everything together
it can't just be you going to the store or him going to the store, you both have to do it
you can't just go straight there you have to re-group and THEN go to the store
he will act like happy newly weds with you well into your 20th anniversary
he has a lot of pictures of the two of you together all over the house but ESPECIALLY in his library/office
lots of sleepy early morning head kisses and leaning on each other as you wait for the coffee maker to get done making coffee vibes
lives you lots of notes everywhere
sometimes they're just normal house stuff ('DON'T LET ME FORGET MILK') but he's just as likely to write something romantic and sappy ('the sunlight through the trees this morning reminded me of your eyes <3')
big dorky snuggle nerd makes for big dorky snuggle HUSBAND
also he's gonna give off some slight dad vibes regardless of if you guys end up having kids
I think he's one of the only dudes who would definitely want kids eventually though??
he's very open to adopting
he wants to scoop an orphan up into your loving family and whisk them away on the strange and grand adventure called LIFE!
honestly though, kids or no kids, as long as he's with you he's happy
often looks at his ring and thinks of how lucky he is
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shinehyuk · 2 years
loverboy | yang jungwon
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| Genre : yandere, horror(?)
ㅡ Summary : a mysterious secret admirer leaves love letters in your locker every morning. but one day, love letters become a thing of the past.
Word Count : 2.4k
tw/cw : obsession, toxic relationship, abuse, kidnapping, implied murder, violence, heavy themes, please do not read if sensitive/uncomfortable with such themes!!
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“lover boy” – "one who is enamored, person in love"
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Good morning, my love.
I hope you slept well. Have you packed lunch? Make sure to eat. You have an exam today, right? I put the answers to the test in your Math book in case you need them. It wasn't easy obtaining them, so I truly hope that you will appreciate my gesture.
As always, I love you very much, my pretty. I wish that I can tell you that in person one day.
With love,
Your Loverboy
You frown as you read the note, rolling your eyes and tucking it into the corner of your locker where all the other letters resided. There were quite a good amount of them.
It all started about a year ago, when you transferred schools. You just felt like you didn't fit in. But with your new class, you were at home. Everything was amazing, other than the letters and a particular classmate that you found secretly staring at you quite often. Whenever you tried to talk to him, he'd avert your gaze or stutter – which was completely fine; he may be just really shy, you thought. But the staring was different. It wasn't shy at all. It was.. dark, somehow. You instantly got an odd, nervous feeling every time you accidentally locked eyes during his staring. Of course, he'd always instantly look away and try to be more secret with it the next time.
But maybe it's just you. You decided not to think more about it, quickly gathering your books and shutting your locker. The notes were way more creepy than the male in your class. They were never sweet, cute love notes. It was more of an obsessed feeling. Whoever was writing them must be very desperate. They never missed a day. You already contacted everyone you could about the strange letters, but nothing came out of it.
They were not afraid of going overboard, either, for example, the exam answers. How did they even gain access to your locker to be able to put the answers in your Math book? You definitely weren't going to use them, especially since they probably used some shady method to obtain them; and who says that the notes can't be wrong? You didn't want to fail your test, not because of a creep that just can't get the hint that you do not wish for the love letters to continue. You tried everything. Covering the openings of your locker, waking up extra early to guard the locker, all of it. Somehow, the letter still always managed to get in there, often associated with the irritation of the author of them. They'd express their anger on paper, sometimes by scribbles over words, writing in red ink or the paper being all creased up. Usually, the note would be neat, the handwriting fancy, maybe a couple red hearts on the other side of the paper. But not on days you'd get the author annoyed.
You walked to your class, greeting all your classmates with a slight bow and sitting on your seat. You decided to take a look at the answer exams that your secret admirer has acquired for you, searching for them in your Math book. The answers were, in fact, there. And they made sense, too, but you weren't going to cheat on such an important test. Even if they were good, you'd still be risking getting caught. You crumbled the note in your hand, throwing it back into your bag so you can safely throw it out at home.
The classes passed by quickly, but once again, you could feel that you had a certain pair of eyes on you. Finally, it was time for the exam. You did well, not using any additional help like the previous answer note.
The week went by quickly, as always filled with love letters every single day.
'Did you use the notes I gave you? Did you do well?'
'Are you eating well at home, too? Or should I start preparing you meals, too?'
'I saw you looking at that boy yesterday. He's not your loverboy, so don't even think about it. I'm joking, of course. Or am I?'
However, on Monday, you got quite a memorable note, as it came with a gift. It was a photo. A photo of you walking home. Clearly taken from a hiding place.
Good morning, my love.
Did you sleep well this time, too? I hope so.
Today, I wanted to do something special for you. You may not remember, but it's actually our anniversary. It's been a year since I've given you my first love letter and introduced myself as your loverboy. This is a gift from me to you. Don't worry, I've got a copy, so you can have this one. I sincerely hope that you appreciate your beauty as much as I appreciate it.
With love,
Your Loverboy
You wanted to puke. You could not handle this anymore. Running to the bathroom, you slid down the wall and buried your head into your hands. This has gone too far.
But who can help you? Everyone, including the police, thinks this is some sick joke that your classmates are playing on you, especially since you're "new". They think they want to play with your feelings. Students are ruthless sometimes, they say. But you know that this is not a joke. It can't be a joke. It just can't.
"Wrong door?" A familiar male voice had you putting your head up. It was a popular male student that everyone loved. He wasn't the typical bad boy or selfish, spoiled type of popular boy; he was nice to everyone while also maintaining a sense of charisma. You liked him, too. Maybe even a bit too much.
"I'm sorry" You stood up, hurrying out of the bathroom in embarrassment. No way that your crush just saw you like this.
On the floor. Crying. In a men's bathroom.
Just why did this have to happen to you? Nothing seems to go your way. Maybe it's time to transfer schools again.
"Wait" He stopped, gently holding your arm. "Want to talk about it? You look like you need someone who will listen."
"..in the men's bathroom?"
"No, silly. I know a place, come on." He smiled, leading you out. The next thing you know, you were standing on the rooftop of the school, watching more and more students enter the school. "So, what's the matter? You can tell me, I won't laugh."
"It's just.. someone's been putting these weird love notes in my locker." You said, explaining your situation to him. His gaze shifted from worried and sweet to an angry one as you spoke.
"What the hell? That 'loverboy', however he calls himself; he's obviously insane." The male scoffed, gifting you a pack of tissues from his backpack so you could wipe your tears. "If no one will do anything about him, we will, okay? How about we switch lockers? Mine's in a more visible spot, so more people can keep an eye out for him."
"N-No, I couldn't possibly ask that of you. It's okay." You assured.
"No, it's not. The next thing he could do is hurt you or someone else. You have to fight back, and I'll help you." He smiled, wrapping you in a tight hug. "It'll be okay."
You trusted him. It's not like you had anyone else to turn to right now, anyways. Everyone could be the 'loverboy'. But not him. He was too popular; people would notice.
The entire time you were talking, you couldn't shake off the feeling that you were being watched. But no one else was on the rooftop with you, so why? It surely must've been your mind playing games on you again. You've had a tough day and needed rest.
"You should go home. Get everything out of your locker and we'll exchange keys tomorrow, okay?" He smiled warmly, patting you on the head.
"Thank you so much" You returned his smile, having new hope that this entire chaos can be finally stopped with the help of your new friend.
A day passed. You exchanged your lockers. Surprisingly, when the male opened your locker that was now his, there was no note there. You went to open your locker. A familiar love letter appeared before your eyes, making you bite down on your cheek in frustration. Hopefully someone saw the culprit, at least. Deciding to let it go and not read the letter, you put your stuff in the locker and went to your class.
Jungwon sighed out, leaning against the wall as he watched you leaving the locker room, not even bothering to glance at the contents of his note. That's just too bad, isn't it? That letter, just like all the others, was important, but this one was important in particular. It contained a warning. But if you're that ignorant of his love, then so be it. It only makes everything more fun. He smirked, running his fingers through his hair. Soon, he won't need to write you any silly love letters anymore. He had a better plan.
You don't have to read love letters. You can just throw them out, like you always do. But you do have to listen to someone who forces you to listen, whether you want it or not. You can't throw that person out. Jungwon thinks of it as an upgrade that he will bring to life very, very soon. Sooner than you might expect.
But not tonight. Tonight, he has a different mission. It's a very simple one.
Eliminate the threat.
This day passed quickly for you, and you could move straight into the next one, hoping that today, something may have changed.
And it did. You couldn't find two things.
First, your new male best friend. Second, a new love letter.
You had mixed feelings. You felt like something very, very bad was about to happen. It was almost like you could feel it. Aren't you supposed to be happy about not finding a new note? Maybe the 'loverboy' has given up, seeing that the locker is now more visible to the public and he doesn't want to put himself at risk? You truly hoped so.
The day slowly came to an end, and you didn't notice anything weird at all. It was just a very calm, normal day for you. The most normal yet.
You finished packing everything into your locker, ready to head home. Suddenly, you were stopped by the male that you always had odd feelings about.
"Jungwon?" You thought out loud, the male nodding.
"I, uh, know that this is sudden, but would you like to be my partner for the Art project? I'm not sure I understand the theme very well, and you're good at Art, so.." He scratched the back of his head, an innocent smile on his face. "Help me out?"
You weren't sure what to say for a good few seconds, surprised. He never spoke to you first before. His sudden question was surprising, but maybe it was a good chance for you two to get to know each other better? You think that everyone needs a chance to prove themselves, and so you decided not to turn him down. Maybe you can even become good friends?
"Yeah, sure!" You smiled. "So, uh, do you mind if we do it at your place? Mine is kind of a mess right now."
Precisely, you have spent the night trying to figure out who might be your secret admirer. Jungwon was also amongst the many suspects, but you thought that he was too shy to bother you to such an extent. Your room was a big, big mess, and you didn't want the male to know what was going on. Perhaps if you became closer?
Jungwon's smirk appeared as quickly as it disappeared, the male nodding. That was the plan, of course; the plan was also, if you didn't agree, drag you there by force, but he was glad that he didn't need to resort to such drastic measures towards you. "Yeah, why not? Should we go now?"
You ended up at his house, which was surprisingly close to the school. You walked there while chatting and getting to know each other for a bit, feeling bad that you thought he was weird before. The more you talked with him, the more you changed your mind about the male. He was actually kind of sweet.
"You've got a nice place" You said, putting your bag in the living room.
"Thanks, I try my best" He chuckled, going upstairs while gesturing at you to follow him. You followed him to his room, the male closing the door behind you. "Well, make yourself at home." You're going to spend some time here, so might as well already start adjusting, no?
You looked around his room while he got the supplies needed for the art project you were going to be working on together. It was a very neat, organized room. Nothing was out of place. You actually kind of liked it; it definitely suited someone like Jungwon.
A few hours have passed before you finally finished the project, high-fiving Jungwon for your hard work. One thing you noticed is that while doing the project, he was the one doing the most work. You didn't know that he was so good at art. Was he lying about not understanding the theme?
"Well, I should really get going. It was fun" You smiled, searching for your phone that you were sure that you put on his desk.
"So fast?" He chuckled. "Can't you stay a little longer?"
"I really have to go, sorry. But I'll see you tomorrow"
The male blocked the door, locking it. "I don't think you understand," He snickered. "You aren't going anywhere."
"What?" You frown.
"I'm not letting you go. Maybe if you read that last note, you'd know."
"I-I'm sorry, I'm not following–"
"Silly little thing, can't you connect the dots already?" He chuckled, coming up to you and caressing your cheek. "I'm your loverboy."
You widen your eyes as he lightly kisses your forehead. No, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening.
"N-No, Jungwon, please–"
"I waited for this for so long" He sighed, putting his forehead against yours. "And now, you're finally mine."
The last thing you saw before you blacked out was a scrap of metal hitting you and Jungwon's obsessed gaze. It's the end. But don't worry.
The loverboy is going to take good care of you.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩ a/n ✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
once again i hope you enjoyed it!!! I HOPE ALL YOUR BDAY WISHES WILL COME TRUE!!! <33 ILYSM
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
‣ Taglist :
@atiny-chocolate-chip @lmaoskz <- the bday girl!!!!! @sunoo-bby  @heemingyu @nikipedia07 @effulgentfireflies @annoyingbitch83
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nkn0va · 6 months
On you write for Blazeblue, neat.
do you have any basic relationship headcanons for Bullet, Litchi, and Makoto?
Well I technically did HCs for Litchi already but that was a lot more story driven. Fuck it, we ball.
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-Bullet is a very naive, brash lover. That's by no means negative, but that's just how she is.
-As show in the Spectacles of Eros reel, she sorta just follows whatever advice she's told, calling you whatever pet names she comes across and tries to show affection in some rather...odd ways.
-If you have a bad day, she'll try doing the "hot pants" thing she read in the Ikaruga Walker. As tempting as the idea is, you'll have to stop her from doing that in public.
-Conventional dates aren't exactly her forte, a safe way to ease her into it is with training/sparring dates. If you're not the most adept fighter out there she can get you at least up to a level where you can confidently defend yourself in an emergency.
-If you weren't part of the squad she was in, you'll have to come to know about it eventually, it's her entire motivation for why she's doing what she is.
-You're probably already travelling with her to help her find her Captain if you end up dating her. She really appreciates the company. It helps her feel less lonely when things get tough.
-If you want to sleep in the same tent at night it's probably gonna have to be initiated by you. Bullet's too nervous to do so, she thinks that would be too forward of her.
-If you're the more physically affectionate type, you're basically a godsend to the poor woman, she is so unbelievably touch starved.
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-There's a good chance you're a fair bit younger than Litchi. She's not old obviously by any means but she's probably going to take a more dominant role in the relationship though you probably don't have any qualms with that.
-She tends to default to being a caretaker due to her background as a doctor. She makes sure that you're eating well, getting enough exercise, etc. She can be a bit nagging at times, but she does have your best interest at heart.
-You help Litchi out in her clinic often whenever Linhua isn't available. She appreciates the extra pair of hands when things get particularly busy or when Tao gets up to her shenanigans again.
-She knows she can't always be there to help you as much as you both wish she could, so she's sure to drive how to at the very least do first-aid into you.
-If the way she's so hellbent on saving Roy is any indication, Litchi is the most dedicated partner you could ever hope to have. She will go 200 percent of the way to help you, no matter what it takes. Her heart is huge as a lover, she'll make any sacrifice necessary to make sure you're safe and sound.
-You very quickly become one of the most important things to her. Call and she'll be there in an instant for anything you need. She'll make sure you're as fulfilled as she can make you.
-As mentioned in the last Litchi ask, a relationship with her is fulfilling in every possible way. Yes, that obviously includes the bedroom. You're down for a "physical exam" anytime with a doctor that hot.
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-Makoto's feelings towards you probably start off in your days at Torifune together, after you defend her from racially motivated bullying.
-The only other person to stand up like that for her was Tsubaki, it wasn't an everyday occurrence for her. Such continued kindness even after that meant she fell relatively quickly.
-Makoto tries not to fire back at the bullies, it never ended well for her, but if you're a human yourself you don't have to worry about that, always coming to her defense at the first sight of discrimination.
-A very outgoing, wear her heart on her sleeves type of person overall. She's quite physically affectionate, and PDA is no problem for her, but she'll at least refrain from that if you're not comfortable with it.
-When you're alone though, expect to see no mercy from the onslaught on hugs and cuddles. You welcome it though, especially when she wraps her tail around you to make sure you're extra comfy.
-Makoto absolutely shows you off to her friends, namely the rest of the Remix Heart team, who immediately take to you. If you were able to earn Makoto's heart, they know they can trust you.
-It's honestly only a matter of time before you inevitably find out she was acting as a mole for Kokonoe, whether she likes it or not. It's a long conversation to sit down for as she explains all the business about the Imperator, the corruption of the NOL, and whatnot. Thankfully you're pretty inclined to believe her as she's your girlfriend, and especially as you see Tsubaki being taken by the Mind Eater.
-Even without that, you wanna return some of the loyalty Makoto has so gladly shown you for all the time you've known each other. You'll stick by her no matter the consequences.
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averageartistamber · 6 months
Heavy Spoilers for Godzilla X Kong under the image
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Text reads:
Rodan, the Fire Demon
Height 70 meters, Wingspan 150 meters and Weight 16,000 metric tons.
Okay, so as I said yesterday, I ended up having a pretty good time with Godzilla X Kong. It's very Showa in it's tone, complete with all sorts of goofy stuff. Probably the funniest movie in the Monsterverse so far.
First of all, the pacing's pretty fast and quite a lot happens. Like, we get a lot of Kong stuff, he's pretty much the protagonist and the main plot revolves around him looking for and finding others of his kind, then noticing that they're in a bit of trouble, and well, doing something about it.
The Humans were rather enjoyable this time round. I think over time Legendary's just gotten way better at writing their human characters. New human Trapper is pretty awesome, beimng this Steve Irwinny crazy-awesome guy, and I think Bernie's come out much more likeable. Less of the paranoid conspiracy nut and more of a guy who just really wants to see the Hollow Earth.
I really like how Jia's story ended up coming full circle, with her almost confirming that psychic powers are a thing in Godzilla again. Then she gets to find other members of the Iwi people in Hollow Earth, and kinda becomes like a Mothra priestess? I wonder if they'll be anywhere further she goes in the future, but if not it's a really cool ending for the character.
Suko ended up being a suprisingly engaging character, starting out pretty antagonistic at first, but gradually warming up to Kong as the story continues. His character, particularly his perpetual nervousness, starts making so much more sense when you're shown what his home is like. He ends up being an MVP in the final fight too, which is kinda awesome.
Speaking of which, the introduction of Scar King is absolutely fantastic. Like, everything about the scene with the miners/slaves up to actually seeing the guy himself tells you we're dealing with a proper bastard. And Kong ain't gonna stand for any of that crap.
I didn't care much for Scar King before the movie...Now I kinda wish they didn't kill him off so soon. Dude's very much a love-to-hate kind of character with a neat fighting style, and he probably could have worked as a recurring villain (maybe slinking off back to Hollow Earth to find new ancient evils to awaken and weaponize, which would be an easy way for a few old monsters to be brought back. Gigan and Megalon, perhaps?).
Then for new characters we have Shimo. And while we don't get much of her (especially not when she's allowed to act of her own volition), what we do have is neat. She's definitely gonna be a fan favourite for the Monsterverse Original creatures. It's kinda funny how I think many people were expecting this (literally) cold-hearted villain/lackey, but instead we got a mild-natured woobie.
I really hope Shimo gets to be in a comic or a future movie, she's got a lot of potential now that she's free.
Godzilla is here too, being the angry jerk we all know and love. Honestly though, I feel like the "Godzilla needs to power up" thing is probably gonna end up being more foreshadowing for a future movie, since I dunno if he really needed to power-up to fight a balding orangutan who wields the power of slavery (you could argue Shimo was the real threat, she almost got him in the anti-gravity fight if it wasn't for Mothra).
I wish the whole team up thing lasted a little bit longer, but it was hella fun what we got. Hope this opens up the possibility of Godzilla fighting alongside his allies more often.
Rip Tiamat she did nothing wrong.
Oh yeah, and Mothra. Her involvement in the plot is very short, but sweet, telling Godzilla to cut it out for five minutes then helping out in the first half of the final fight. It's nice to see her again. Now we just need Rodan to make a comeback.
Lastly, the fights in this movie are an absolute delight to watch, especially the hilarious pyramid fight (that's like, peak Showa antics) and both parts of the final fight.
The first half with the zero-gravity is one of the most fun and unique ideas for a kaiju fight, getting even better when the humans get to help out (by first activating the gravity, then Trapper fires a Chekov's Gun with these bird things that produce and electrical field to drive off Scar King's minions).
The second half on the surface is pure catharsis, seeing Scar King finally get his comeuppance thanks to some quick thinking (and a bit of luck) from Kong and Suko, freeing Shimo so she can put her abuser (again quite literally) on ice, ending his reign of terror for good. I really love that trope where an abuser is ultimately finished off by their victims.
Overall, Godzilla X Kong is peak cinema. I love the Monsterverse, and although the wilder tone isn't for everyone, I had a great time, and would recommend. There's a ton of interesting possibities for the future too, with Kong's ....New Empire and all.
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crestfallercanyon · 8 months
@its-tea-time-darling thank you, actually, for driving me to headcanons again, because you’ve inspired one that I have to talk about more —
Gally is ABSOLUTELY the guy who calls someone if they so much as text him more than two times. Especially if they are paragraphs, he’s just going to call someone. Some people like this/aren’t bothered by this most of the time/know this about him and accept it (I’d say probably Teresa, Alby, and Frypan respectively) but everyone else is absolutely fed up with it (Thomas doesn’t answer, Newt answers but reminds him that he was texting for a reason, Minho straight up declines the call and continues to bombard him, Brenda likes to answer his call and start saying the most fucked up shit just to make him stammer and wish he’d never called).
Minho responds to someone with memes almost always. He has a meme or a gif for literally every single situation. Eventually though, whenever someone has bad news he will respond with “BUMMER” but then send an actual “ah that sucks man,” after because personal growth. He does however love to vent in text and will also send paragraphs of funny rants about his day.
Thomas sends paragraphs. All the time. Where three words would suffice he texts out fifteen. He also is the one who asks too many questions and if the group is meeting up somewhere he always has to ask again what time/where/dress code/parking etc. (Brenda actually secretly really appreciates this). He also sends out videos and articles but he’s not a big meme person (he’s never sure he’s using em right but he laughs at Minho’s and Brenda’s).
Newt doesn’t actually text the group that often and usually just texts people directly, but he does pin things if the app they’re using has that capability/answers Thomas’s questions and pins it (or reminds him that it’s already pinned, ffs, can’t you read?). He occasionally sends pictures of what he’s doing and has to be reminded to text someone where he’s going so that if something happens people know where he is because he often goes out on his own.
Teresa sends news articles, and other things she thinks others might enjoy learning about. (Alby and Thomas always feel the need to actually reply instead of just react like “this is neat!” Which actually Teresa really enjoys). Teresa also sends a bulk paragraph of plans or is the one to initiate “okay, we talked about hanging out, but what is the plan” and forces people to actually commit to things.
Alby has not mastered that certain apps are for certain things and always tries to talk about subjects that are in other apps in the wrong one. Do not start a serious conversation in the Instagram group chat, that’s for texting, the insta is for memes, articles, videos, etc., not convos. Facebook messenger is for meetups in person, discord is for FaceTime calls, etc. and he always mixes them up and someone (Newt or Teresa) usually gently delete and redirect him every time or don’t even say anything and just ignore it.
Brenda, like Minho, knows her way around memes and gifs and could be a comedy/influencer if she wanted to but she has no desire to post every day. She and Minho would have absolutely killed it on vine. She texts a lot and seems to know how to keep a conversation alive if it seems like it’s stalling.
Frypan is typically more of a responder than one to start the conversation. He actually engages with a rant and says things like “that’s rough!” Or whatever and also reminds everyone to text when they get home from an event safely. He actually has the most active social media following because he’s starting a restaurant and always posts videos about his new food and things like that and it looks delicious. He didn’t really mean to get big on Instagram it just kind of happened because his food looks good and he just wanted to share his food with his friends or his home recipes but things spread much quicker than he expected outside his own page. He’s known for being very wholesome and having super delicious food.
And maybe I’ll do a follow up about whose location is shared with who but I think that’s all I got for now 😂
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blakeswritingimagines · 8 months
Kink list with Bjorn Ironside:
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
I do not really care for physical affection after the act. I may cuddle or stroke your skin with my fingertips, but I tend to be silent, and will stare out into the distance. I do not like to reveal my emotions easily and certainly not at times like these.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I am quite fond of my back. It is long and muscly, and is very pleasant to the touch. I like to have it stroked. I am extremely fond of my wife's hips and thighs. She is curvy, and her flesh is very satisfying to squeeze and caress.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
On my partner's body, it could be anywhere - anywhere my partner feels comfortable with. Maybe on their chest, or their face, or even their stomach. It all depends on the moment and the preferences of both partners involved.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I am a bit of a voyeur. I have enjoyed watching other men with their wives when the chance presented itself.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
I have had my share of lovers. You could say that I have some experience under my belt. I believe I know enough to satisfy most women. I have had enough experience to know what I am doing. I am not a mindless brute when it comes to this.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
One of his all-time favorite positions is the cowgirl position, as it allows for a different level of control and dominance between partners. He enjoys the feeling of being on top and dictating the pace, as well as the view from this position.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He is usually more serious during intimate moments. He is not a fan of idle chit-chat in moments like this. He feels that a man who cannot give his full attention to someone they are lying with is no man.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
His hair grows in quite fast. So he tries to keep himself neat and tidy, but he cannot help but let his hair grow in from time to time. The carpet certainly matches the drapes. He grows a lot of hair, especially in certain areas.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
He knows that romance and passion are important to most. If you cannot feel a connection, then there is little reason to continue with the act. He personally likes to kiss and stroke. He also enjoys words of affirmation toward you. He often tells you how beautiful you are during his time with you, and how much he desires you. He does his best to make you feel wanted and loved.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
If I am to be honest, it is something that he has little desire for. Mainly because his needs are always met by someone else, so he has no reason to pleasure himself when he can just be pleased by others.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Dirty talk: He finds it to be a great way to express desires and interests and to build anticipation. He doesn't mind being on the receiving end of it either.
Experimentation: He is open-minded about trying new things, so he is always open to exploring different ideas, toys, positions, and locations.
Confidence: He likes it when you are confident and take the initiative to explore and try new things.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
He quite enjoys the bed. The soft sheets and the smooth pillows are quite nice to lie upon as well as watching you writhe in pleasure. However, there are times when he finds himself wanting a bit more excitement and a bit more room to move. When those occasions come up, he quite enjoys doing it out in the wild. The grass and dirt are not quite as comfortable, but there is a certain thrill to doing it where someone might see you two. There is also something exciting about the risk that you might be caught.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Many different things get him going, but if he had to narrow it down to just one thing, it would say when you show him that you really want him, and you are willing to do anything with him because you desire him so much. It is a truly intoxicating feeling to him.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
There are several things I would never agree to do. That would include feet, blood, or anything that would cause him pain. He also absolutely refuses to allow another man into his bedroom for such intimate activities and to share you. He does not enjoy being with an overly aggressive partner. He likes his partner to be submissive.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He often finds himself more in the mood to receive. I would say that he is quite skilled. He does not lack in either the ability to give pleasure or the ability to receive it.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He is quite versatile in this regard. He can be quite fast and rough, but he can also be slow and sensual. He enjoys exploring what you like, and finding what works for you. Sometimes, the slow and sensual approach is more appropriate, and sometimes the rough and fast is more appropriate.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He believes that a quickie can have its place. It can be an interesting and even exciting change of pace from longer sessions. He thinks that they can be quite fulfilling and enjoyable.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He is quite open-minded and is open to trying most things once. He thinks that one of the most pleasurable parts of sex is exploring and discovering new things. Taking risks can be quite thrilling, and trying something new can be an exciting experience.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
It depends on many factors. He can go for quite a while, depending on the circumstances. Sometimes he can go for over an hour. It largely depends on how long he wants to enjoy it, and how much pleasure he wishes to extract from the situation.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He does own some toys. He uses them on you as part of the foreplay process. He also sometimes uses them on himself, when he is feeling particularly imaginative and is craving a little extra stimulation.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He enjoys teasing you immensely. He has a fondness for playing with your senses and using those senses to tease you. He takes immense pleasure in seeing you squirm with anticipation and lust, and the feeling of power and control at that moment is quite intoxicating to him.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
It depends on the situation and how long it's already been. He is generally a bit vocal during sex, but he does manage to keep himself quiet most of the time. When the moment gets too intense, however, He finds himself more vocal and loud, with grunts and moans. He has been told that he has quite the voice in those moments and that the sounds he makes are quite primal and passionate.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
His most wild dirty secret is one that he has never spoken of outside of the bedroom. He is quite fond of dominating his partners. The thought of having total control over someone's body and mind, of taking you and using you, excites him quite a bit. When he is with a partner, he likes to be extremely assertive and possessive. He tends to hold you down and take you aggressively. It is a part of who he is in the bedroom.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He is fairly above average in that category. He is quite happy with his size, and he believes that he has more than enough to satisfy most partners.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Quite high, he has a very passionate nature and he tends to become easily aroused. He is one for adventure and exploration, and so he is happy to engage in sex quite frequently.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It depends on the situation and the partner. If it is a long and tiring session, he can fall asleep quite quickly afterward. However, if it is a particularly intense session, he may not be able to sleep at all. His mind often likes to linger on those moments and replay them again in his mind.
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