#progenitor flower
indighostic · 2 years
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★ Resitober Day 1: Progenitor ★
The progenitor virus flower, AKA the 'Stairway of the Sun', and the flower that started it all. It is native to West Africa and belongs to the family Asteraceae, of which sunflowers and chrysanthemums are also a part. Dr. Oswell E. Spencer began cultivating these flowers in the 1960s after learning that the virus they hosted could be used to produce superhuman abilities in those with select genetic code.
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janny-aqua · 4 months
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P.S. they have to wear masks if they interact with other people. The common infected will ignore the carriers/immune people. And by genetic lottery I mean people with strong will and sense of survival.
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referring to that one that suggested endowed! reader... i think it would be absolutely hilarious and awkward if one day muzan trips and falls into reader's booba- i wanna know his reaction- HGFDGFCDFDVCXC
Looool I cannot stop thinking about this.
First part is here
Okay let's go. Mildly NSFW under the cut but mostly silly.
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That Time You Inadvertently Saved Douma's Ass.
You were waiting patiently for the upper rank meeting to end, but Muzan was pacing, which could only mean he was on the verge of a rampage the likes of which had never been seen. The veins in his forehead were close to popping and the air in the Infinity Castle was dripping with danger.
You knew this could go on for a while.
Upper moons five, four, three, and one were waiting with silent trepidation on a floating platform below, but Douma was summoned to answer for his latest mistake.
"Douma, I gave you one simple task; to locate the blue spider lily and bring it to me. And yet you have failed."
Upper Moon Two perches on Muzan's desk, pouting and swinging his legs back and forth as he watches the king of demons pace like a tiger in a cage. "Oh, Muzan-dono, you're right. I should be punished."
"And what punishment could possibly be severe enough for you to atone for the level of disappointment you have caused?" Muzan growls as he continues pacing.
"Ooh~" Douma chuckles, excitedly kicking out his feet. "You're letting me choose? Well, perhaps you should flay me, or pull out my fangs and fingernails, or-"
The Infinity Castle itself seems to hold its breath as Muzan trips over Douma's feet and stumbles face first into your ample bosom.
The only sound which breaks the silence is a deep, "mmh~" from Muzan, his groan vibrating against your sternum.
Douma's rainbow-colored eyes widen and his mouth falls open in silent gleeful surprise. "Uh... Muzan-dono...?"
A single, muffled word emerges from the progenitor of demons; "Nakime."
The sharp strum of a biwa whisks away the upper ranks and you find yourself alone with Muzan, his face still firmly lodged between your breasts.
"I am this close to destroying those worthless-."
"I know, baby, I know." You stroke Muzan's hair and let him stay in his happy place. "You good?"
"Silence." He shakes his head from side to side, burrowing deeper. He finally releases a breath and his shoulders relax. "Now I'm good."
You smile, knowing that Douma was absolutely going to send you sweets and flowers again tomorrow.
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blughxreader · 1 year
Platonic Yan!Damian Wayne x Reader
Purge AU. Info on au. You receive your official government letter announcing a yandere's claim on you in tomorrow's Purge. Accompanying it are five crimson letters from the yanderes themselves. ~500 words
Dearest [Name],
What obnoxious drudgery this whole Purge ordeal is! At first, I adamantly protested this process because of its unnecessarily long path in lieu of a simple solution.
Problem: You’re not home.
Solution: We bring you home.
Child’s play, yes? We could have met MONTHS ago, but Father and [REDACTED] wanted to do this the traditional way.
I will say, however, that this administrative route is not without its merits. I suppose it acts as a “closing of a chapter” for you to transition into your new life. At least, that’s what [REDACTED] said. Like pruning flowers, you must cut away the old to make way for the new.
However, I am confident that this arduous process will ultimately be unnecessary. Our family is superior in every conceivable way. I can’t go into specifics, but you will see the contrast immediately. You’ve been wasting away in that lackluster residence with your dull relatives, utterly unaware of your true destiny as part of OUR family.
All that said, I wish to extend to you all the patience needed for you to feel comfortable. If you want to spend these last 24 hours with your progenitors, then so be it. I don’t consider them a threat in the slightest because I know you’ll eventually see how lacking they were. After living with us, you’ll perceive them as the shoddy imitation of a family—one you were never destined for to begin with!!
I can’t wait to meet you. Life will be so much better once you’re here. Everyone has been so angsty and alight with nerves in the weeks prior to your arrival, so it will be such a relief when we can finally fall into our new normal.
I’ve been telling [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] the Cat all about you. [REDACTED] is my Great Dane. He’s a majestic behemoth of a canine—a most regal and befitting companion for us. I’ve told him everything there is to know about you, and since he already knows your scent, [REDACTED] and I will be your first true companions. [REDACTED] the Cat is a slick and temperamental creature who does as he pleases. I’m sure you’ll love them as much as I do.
We also have a cow, a turkey, and a dragon bat.
Do you like gardens? We have an ever-expanding garden on our estate, complete with a greenhouse, gazebo, and sand garden for meditation. We also have several libraries that you’re more than welcome to. Maybe we can paint together in the mornings?
I’ve always imagined that we could spend every afternoon together. You can entertain yourself however you wish while I complete my schooling, then we will dine and have tea together. After which, we can spend the afternoon
Father said my letter is nearing the word limit, so I will tell my parting thoughts:
Do not let your fear keep you from a better future. Do not fight back.
Until tomorrow,
Your little brother
Notes... Damian threw the biggest tantrum when he found out that the government censors any identifiable names in yandere letters. The first Redacted was Dick, followed later by Titus and Alfred the Cat. Damian's letter was so fun because he's still a little kid. He has endless confidence and minimal empathy, and has a tendency to go on tangents about his pets and hobbies. Nothing can go wrong in his daydreams. My boy <3
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what are your favorite tropes about monsters/fictional creatures?
Apart from what I have already posted:
Death Amnesia: A resurrected person has no memory of their death.
Foul Flower: A flower that is evil or dangerous in spite of its pleasant appearance.
Monster in the Moat: A monster that lives in a castle moat.
Monster Progenitor: The very first, original vampire who made all others.
Oxymoronic Being: A being that possesses two self-contradicting traits at the same time.
Skinwalker: A demonic creature from Navajo mythology, usually a (formerly human) sorcerer who used occult witchcraft to gain the ability to shapeshift into various animal forms.
The Wild Hunt: Supernatural beings, creatures, or entities hunting humans.
Transflormation: Some form of flora that used to be a person.
Turtle Island: Turtles big enough to be mistaken for islands or even whole continents.
Winds Are Ghosts: Winds that may contain the souls or spirits of those who have passed on.
This was hard. I have too many. Thanks for the question!
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Part 20: I speak in tongues
"I'm not like you, I speak in tongues. It's a different language to those of us, who’ve faced the storm against all odds and found the truth inside." -can u see me in the dark? by Halestorm, I Prevail
Regent Masterlist Part 19 AO3 Mundane Macabre (Main)
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When Ellie first began traveling, she’d (rightfully) assumed that she would never stop being surprised by humankind. Humans are curious creatures, capable of both kindness and cruelty in equal measure. 
(The Fentons were prime examples of cruelty)
(Cruel towards the living, dead and those who lie in between.) 
(Their children suffered, maybe even more than the ghosts they tried to hunt) 
With time, Ellie had decided to create her alter ego of Wraith, the quiet being of shadows that was just eerie enough to pass as something other regardless of what form she was in. Wraith was Ellie’s favorite mask to slip on, to hide from the living world as she tried to help where she could. 
Ellie Nightingale was a nomadic medium with a preference for punk rock, bleached hair and her leather jacket. 
Wraith was the opposite in ways that mattered, was created to help with the violence the halfa was witness to, fists bruised and weapons bloody. 
Ellie was not. 
Perhaps she’d broken herself into too many pieces, too many identities, for a solid visage to form. Cracked like a mirror, dirty and covered in old marker messages from friends long gone. Messages she’d carry with her no matter what name she went by, or style of hair, leather jacket or denim- halfa or not. 
That’s what made her unique. 
Vlad had been her origin story, her beginning, but he was no longer her master. Slave to no one, daughter of nobody. 
But she was a sister to good people. 
Sometimes Ellie caught herself thinking ‘what would Danny do?’ when confronted with an extraordinary problem, trying to channel his brilliance despite their distance. He might not consider himself very intelligent, but Danny was the cleverest (and kindest) person she’d ever met. He loved her, his clone made as a violation of his bodily autonomy and by his fruitloop of a godfather. 
(Superman had not treated his clone the same.) 
(She understood his feelings of violation) 
(Kon was a living being and needed support too.) 
However, Jazz was her idol. 
Many people would’ve written off the woman as a know-it-all golden child, but those in the inner circle knew the truth. Jazz was the first child of the Fentons, who had nobody but herself to teach or to guide her. When Danny was born, Jasmine devoted everything to caring for him, to raising him as their parents should’ve. 
(His first words, his first steps)
Jasmine Fenton was a woman who loved fiercely and so, so very deeply that she’s willing to sacrifice her own wellbeing to ensure the happiness of the ones lucky enough to be given her love. 
With the rise to Regency and the subsequent downfall of her progenitors, Jasmine Fenton was left to rot in the basement with Danny’s grave, just like the yellow flowers she so fondly left in memorial. 
(Ellie would forever grieve the loss of Jasmine Fenton, the mother she so desperately wanted.) 
Yet, the Lady Nightingale arose from the grave, ash and blood staining her name, a ghost in an inhuman shell, ready to remake the world should she have to burn it down. 
(Jazz carried so few regrets, but they weighed her down like anchors.) 
(One day they might drown her in the dark depths.) 
(Her template’s younger visage admist the spectral mist spoke volumes.) 
(Maybe one day the faces of the elder Fentons would fade away.)
(Ellie could only hope.) 
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The Regent, despite having staked her territory in the Ridge alongside Phantom, was unofficially claimed as one of the Crime Alley’s own. Defending the working girls, helping kids with homework or getting them away from ner-do-wells, the Regent had not hesitated to reach out a helping hand even after being targeted by those who would break her will. 
Black Mask, for instance, had put a bounty on the woman’s head with an eagerness that disgusted many others. People knew what a man like him would do with powerful woman, what enjoyment he’d receive breaking her. 
It was also no secret how much the Mask wanted to get his hands on the Red Hood. 
The helmeted vigilante had been a frequent pain in the ass ever since his debut some years ago, destroying his black market operations and getting the Big Bat involved. Sionis wanted little more than to rip off the fucker’s head- helmet and all. 
However, Sionis had tried his hand at subtly for once- he’d hired freelance to take out Hood’s second-in-command while the guy had his guard down with his girlfriend, a pretty red-haired civilian Sionis wouldn’t mind a turn with. The idea was to throw Hood’s gang leadership into chaos so Black Mask’s men could sweep in. Jason Todd was high in the ranks that his death would do just that. 
Figures the guy would survive. 
Jason had been seen with his girlfriend in the Ridge only days after the failed assassination attempt, no worse for the wear. Red Hood had come sniffing around his operations, with Regent stalking his men and the Phantom destroying his latest shipment of merchandise. Though, with the under-the-table job he’d hired out for, Hood found nothing linking him to the attempt on his second-in-command. 
It was time to change tactics. 
The Regent was confirmed to be in a romantic relationship with Hood, if the various Gothamite twitter posts and the sub-reddit r/RedHoodRegent dedicated to commemorating their obvious status, was to be believed. 
There wasn’t many problems with targeting the older sword-wielding vigilante; unlike Robin, Regent didn’t have the Big Bat for backup, but did have the Phantom. The ghost-like meta (or actual ghost, Sionis wasn’t sure how much he believed the rumors) was the biggest obstacle between him and Regent. If Mask could distract (or get rid of) Phantom, then his men could sweep in and eliminate Regent when the vigilante inevitably falls to his numbers. Sure, Sionis was sure he would  lose quite a few men, but it's Gotham. The numbers can always be recouped later. 
Perhaps when Red Hood tries to save his girlfriend, Mask could finally get his hands on him. 
Two birds, one stone. 
Oh yes, Sionis liked this plan. 
He had some calls to make.
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A/N: I'm back! This was supposed to be posted on my birthday back in August, but I wasn't in the best headspace for writing or even being on any social media. I have several pieces waiting in the wings to be finished and edited, but I'm back and ready to write again! (Famous last words.)
(To those who guessed Black Mask had something to do with the bomb, kudos.)
Also, for those who might be uncomforable with Sionis' thoughts about Jazz, just remember- he's a bad guy, deranged and over all not the kind of morally upstanding person you want in charge of anything. Things get really dark where it concerns Sionis and what he plans for the future. Just a warning, because those who've read my other works know my penchant for angst.
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Hello! Saw your request was opened! Can I please request Record of Ragnarok Hades with Kanae Kocho!fem!reader headcanons? Thank you!
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warning: spoilers from the manga, ooc.
Here it is! Sorry it took me so long to respond! Enjoy! :)
Let it be known that Persephone is and always will be Hades’ first love. 
Eons ago, he adored the tiny goddess of spring, and she returned those feelings wholeheartedly. But not even this witty, charming woman was willingly to change her entire life for him. How could she? She told him. How could I do such a thing when Mother still needs me?
Demeter wanted to always be in control. Not just over the seasons in Midgard and Valhalla, but her daughter’s life as well. Persephone was too precious to the harvest goddess, and she would be damned to give her child’s hand in marriage to someone like himself. 
A monster. 
That is the truth behind the myth surrounding Hades and Persephone: a passionate, yet brief romance. When it was over, he had come to accept his fate; forever alone, watching over the underworld with an iron fist. 
Just as a king would do. 
His interest in women faded with time, preferring to exert his energy into making sure his domain would thrive and there wasn’t a single cog out of place in the palace. Everyone and everything has a role to play, and by doing so accordingly, things will fall into place. Never love. 
When the Bifrost fell, demons began pouring through the fractured gates and into Valhalla, causing chaos everywhere. This catastrophic event gave rise to a fallen organization that had once combated them in Midgard many years ago, eradicating its progenitor and allowing the humans to finally live in peace. The Demon Slayer Corps. 
With its resurrection came a proposal that Hades knew Kaguya Ubuyashiki would not refuse. His family had been overseeing the organization for over a thousand years, no one knew its works as intimately as he and his predecessors. There is no one else who fit for the job as the head of the Demon Slayer Corps….but Ubuyashiki would sooner disband the Hashiras than assemble them to work for someone who operated from behind the shadows. 
The Hashiras, the kakushi, the medics….they were all his children. No one would control them like puppets. Hades’ respect for mortals was raised ever so slightly in that very moment with Kaguya Ubuyashiki in the wisteria gardens of his estate. 
Once negotiations were established, the Demon Slayer Corps laid its foundation in Valhalla. To show a sign of goodwill towards their new ‘business partner’,  the Ubuyashiki household elected a former Hashira to be the middle-man. Someone who will send information between both parties and coordinate meetings if needed. 
That person is [First Name] Kocho, known by her companions as the Flower Hashira. Although she had been offered a place in the ranks, she sweetly declined and opted to help from the shadows than the front lines. She wanted to live a peaceful afterlife with her sisters, if that is possible. 
In the beginning, Hades did not think much of the Flower Hashira beyond her excellent work ethic. She was professional, polite, and empathetic. This behavior was not extended towards him only, as he had initially expected due to being the lord of the underworld. 
She respected his subordinates, greeting them with a beaming smile and wishing them to have a pleasant day or helping someone with their workload. She followed the orders given to her, though if she had any concerns, she did not hesitate to say something once she had given permission to speak instead of raising her voice in a meeting. 
To his embarrassment, he fell for the Flower Hashira hard and quickly. Though…could someone blame him? 
The question now is…how could even approach this lovely mortal woman when she is fiercely protected by her younger sisters and an army of highly-trained demon exterminators? More importantly, how to not let his damned brother Zeus find out about it. It’d be one thing if it was Poseidon because the tyrant of the oceans knew how to keep his mouth shut, but Valhalla’s supreme god? Not bloody likely, that damned gossipmonger.
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thelampisaflashlight · 6 months
Choose Your Own Adventure; Imp Style 2
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Oh, neat, you're a little quintessence imp! (result of this poll)
Impressive that a couple of college students managed to summon you with cool ranch and soda, but, hey, being a tiny creature of darkness does consume a LOT of energy!
Now that we know what element you are, we can narrow down the list of suitable candidates for that new friend we were talking about last time.
Much like the cat distribution system, the other person in the equation doesn't get a say in whether you choose them or not, so, really, you can pick anyone, but it's not a bad thing to be a little picky.
A any rate, it's time to get a move on!
Since you couldn't find anyone nearby after your would be summoners abandoned you, you decided to scurry off into the woods to hunt bugs to survive for a little while and happened to come across this cool... house thing.
You're not really sure what this kind of building is called, but it's big and there's lots of people and a neat statue of your progenitor; Baphomet!
You'll probably find lots of new friends here, but you're looking for The One.
The be all end all of buddies to tie your immortal soul to for better or for worse.
For that, you're gonna need a ghoul, and ideally one of the same element, although who's to say your new best friend isn't a feisty fire ghoul or a demure water ghoul?
Still, we've got to start somewhere.
Well then, you're in the entry hall so...
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sourlemonsprout · 2 months
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ayooo I made this like a year ago and posted it on my original blog, I thought I'd post it here cause why not lol?
I've loved the RE games for a while now, but recently I realized I didn't know the lore that well.
Now, there are plenty of thorough videos online that lay out the lore of the games, but my silly little brain has a hard time following along. So I wrote it out in a way that made sense to me.
I haven't played all the games myself, so if something is incorrect, I’m sorry. Additionally, I left some content out to keep it as simple and comprehensible as possible!
(obv images are not mine)
Mother Miranda lives in an Eastern European village. In 1919 the Spanish flu claimed her only daughter. In a state of depression, Mother Miranda finds herself deep within a cave network underneath her village, hoping to find the sweet relief of death and be with her daughter once more. This is where she discovers a unique mold (a form of mutamycete) with regenerative properties. She spends the next several decades researching the mold in hopes of using it to reincarnate her daughter. 
In 1951, a British medical student by the name of Oswald E. Spencer discovered Mother Miranda’s research. He basically becomes very interested in the human genome and goes off on his own to run his own experiments for the next few years. 
In 1962 Oswald E. Spencer hired a man named George Trevor to build him a mansion in the Arklay Mountains, so he could continue his research privately. 
Later, Oswald E. Spencer joins forces with two other men, James Marcus, and Edward Ashferd. The trio sets off to Africa to find a unique flower, the  “Stairway to the Sun”, which has regenerative properties. Using this flower, the men synthesize the Progenitor Virus. 
In 1968, Oswald E. Spencer, James Marcus, and Edward Ashferd, co-founded Umbrella Corp.  This “pharmaceutical company” was really just a front for their viral bioweapon research.
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Above is the Umbrella Corp. Emblem  
Shortly afterward, Edward Ashferd gets frustrated with his two partners and moves to Antarctica where he starts up his own Umbrella research labs. Oswald E. Spencer dislikes this and has Edward Ashferd injected with the Progenitor Virus, killing him. 
 Oswald E. Spencer is working on Project W.  where he kidnaps children and injects them with the Progenitor Virus, in hopes of building a race of loyal superhuman soldiers. All of the test subjects die, except for one, Albert Wesker. 
In 1987, James Marcus and his assistants William Birkin and Albert Wesker created the T-Virus, by combining leech DNA with the Progenitor Virus. Shortly after this, the facility gets shut down(?), and the trio moves back to Oswald E. Spencer’s lab in the Arklay Mountains. 
Back at the Arklay Umbrella lab, William Birkin discovers that ~10% of the population is naturally immune to their viruses. So he created Bio Organic Weapons (BOW’s). His work with BOW’s is refined into making specific BOW’s, aka Tyrants.
(Late 1998) James Marcus is working with his own strand of the T-Virus, and he creates his “Queen Leech”. Oswald E. Spencer dislikes this as well and tries to kill James Marcus. This attempt fails. James Marcus’s body along with his Queen Leech are dumped into a sewage area, where the Queen Leech eats James Marcus’s body, and absorbs his consciousness. This sort of reincarnates James Marcus.
In the 1990s, Umbrella expanded, and Oswald E. Spencer commissioned a new lab facility to be constructed underneath Raccoon City. 
(William Birkin created the G-Virus around this time.)
In 1996, S.T.A.R.S (Special Tactics and Rescue Service) was created. It is technically under Raccoons Cities jurisdiction, but it's privately funded by Umbrella Corp. so they can have control over it. Albert Wesker gets assigned as Captain to the S.T.A.R.S Alpha team. 
In 1998, Rebbeca Chambers stumbled across a train wreck filled with James Marcus’s infected leeches. She ends up finding, and killing the Queen Leech (remember James Marcus’s consciousness is intertwined with the Queen Leech).
(Still 1988) S.T.A.R.S Alpha team is on a mission. Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield discover Umbrella Corp.’s experiments and learn that Albert Wesker is a traitor. They fight, and Albert Wesker injects himself with the T-Virus, and escapes. 
Raccoon City’s water supply is contaminated with the T-Virus. This infects the whole town and turns them into zombies. Umbrella uses this situation to test out their new BOW, a Tyrant named Nemesis.  Nemesis targets Jill Valentine. With the help of Carlos Oliviera, they escape the Tyrant and Raccoon City before it is nuked so the virus doesn't spread.  
At the same time, there's a girl by the name of Claire, she's searching for her brother Chris Redfield in Raccoon City. 
(All you need to know is through RE from here on out, she keeps searching for her brother and getting into dangerous situations where different viruses are present.) 
Anyway, Claire meets Leon Kennedy, and they go to the Raccoon City Police Department (RPD). The two get separated and Leon Kennedy finds the G-Virus. He meets a woman named Ada Wong, an independent mercenary who's trying to get her hands on the  G-Virus, and sell it. (She actually does this). Claire and Leon Kennedy escape Raccoon City through a sewer before it’s nuked. 
It's now 2004, Leon Kennedy was deployed to a village in Spain to rescue the U.S. president's daughter who was kidnapped. The village is plagued by the Las Plagas Virus, which has something to do with the Los Illuminados Cult. Ada Wong shows up and grabs a sample of the Las Plagas Virus to sell to Albert Wesker. Leon Kennedy saves the president's daughter, defeats the Los Illuminados, and escapes the island. 
(2006) Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine find Oswald E. Spencer’s location, and they go to his house. When they get there, they find Albert Wesker had just killed Oswald E. Spencer. (This is cause Wesker found out he was the product of Project W). 
Basically, Albert Wesker kidnaps Jill Valentine for a while and uses her as his test subject/mind-controlled dummy. (Eventually, she breaks free from Albert Wesker's mind-control)
Around this time, the B.S.A.A. was created. The Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance. (This is because bioweapons are being made worldwide) 
Above is the Umbrella Corp. Emblem  
Shortly afterward, Edward Ashferd gets frustrated with his two partners and moves to Antarctica where he starts up his own Umbrella research labs. Oswald E. Spencer dislikes this and has Edward Ashferd injected with the Progenitor Virus, killing him. 
 Oswald E. Spencer is working on Project W.  where he kidnaps children and injects them with the Progenitor Virus, in hopes of building a race of loyal superhuman soldiers. All of the test subjects die, except for one, Albert Wesker. 
In 1987, James Marcus and his assistants William Birkin and Albert Wesker created the T-Virus, by combining leech DNA with the Progenitor Virus. Shortly after this, the facility gets shut down(?), and the trio moves back to Oswald E. Spencer’s lab in the Arklay Mountains. 
Back at the Arklay Umbrella lab, William Birkin discovers that ~10% of the population is naturally immune to their viruses. So he created Bio Organic Weapons (BOW’s). His work with BOW’s is refined into making specific BOW’s, aka Tyrants.
(Late 1998) James Marcus is working with his own strand of the T-Virus, and he creates his “Queen Leech”. Oswald E. Spencer dislikes this as well and tries to kill James Marcus. This attempt fails. James Marcus’s body along with his Queen Leech are dumped into a sewage area, where the Queen Leech eats James Marcus’s body, and absorbs his consciousness. This sort of reincarnates James Marcus.
In the 1990s, Umbrella expanded, and Oswald E. Spencer commissioned a new lab facility to be constructed underneath Raccoon City. 
(William Birkin created the G-Virus around this time.)
In 1996, S.T.A.R.S (Special Tactics and Rescue Service) was created. It is technically under Raccoons Cities jurisdiction, but it's privately funded by Umbrella Corp. so they can have control over it. Albert Wesker gets assigned as Captain to the S.T.A.R.S Alpha team. 
In 1998, Rebbeca Chambers stumbled across a train wreck filled with James Marcus’s infected leeches. She ends up finding, and killing the Queen Leech (remember James Marcus’s consciousness is intertwined with the Queen Leech).
(Still 1988) S.T.A.R.S Alpha team is on a mission. Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield discover Umbrella Corp.’s experiments and learn that Albert Wesker is a traitor. They fight, and Albert Wesker injects himself with the T-Virus, and escapes. 
Raccoon City’s water supply is contaminated with the T-Virus. This infects the whole town and turns them into zombies. Umbrella uses this situation to test out their new BOW, a Tyrant named Nemesis.  Nemesis targets Jill Valentine. With the help of Carlos Oliviera, they escape the Tyrant and Raccoon City before it is nuked so the virus doesn't spread.  
At the same time, there's a girl by the name of Claire, she's searching for her brother Chris Redfield in Raccoon City. 
(All you need to know is through RE from here on out, she keeps searching for her brother and getting into dangerous situations where different viruses are present.) 
Anyway, Claire meets Leon Kennedy, and they go to the Raccoon City Police Department (RPD). The two get separated and Leon Kennedy finds the G-Virus. He meets a woman named Ada Wong, an independent mercenary who's trying to get her hands on the  G-Virus, and sell it. (She actually does this). Claire and Leon Kennedy escape Raccoon City through a sewer before it’s nuked. 
It's now 2004, Leon Kennedy was deployed to a village in Spain to rescue the U.S. president's daughter who was kidnapped. The village is plagued by the Las Plagas Virus, which has something to do with the Los Illuminados Cult. Ada Wong shows up and grabs a sample of the Las Plagas Virus to sell to Albert Wesker. Leon Kennedy saves the president's daughter, defeats the Los Illuminados, and escapes the island. 
(2006) Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine find Oswald E. Spencer’s location, and they go to his house. When they get there, they find Albert Wesker had just killed Oswald E. Spencer. (This is cause Wesker found out he was the product of Project W). 
Basically, Albert Wesker kidnaps Jill Valentine for a while and uses her as his test subject/mind-controlled dummy. (Eventually, she breaks free from Albert Wesker's mind-control)
Around this time, the B.S.A.A. was created. The Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance. (This is because bioweapons are being made worldwide) 
Above is the Umbrella Corp. Emblem  
Shortly afterward, Edward Ashferd gets frustrated with his two partners and moves to Antarctica where he starts up his own Umbrella research labs. Oswald E. Spencer dislikes this and has Edward Ashferd injected with the Progenitor Virus, killing him. 
 Oswald E. Spencer is working on Project W.  where he kidnaps children and injects them with the Progenitor Virus, in hopes of building a race of loyal superhuman soldiers. All of the test subjects die, except for one, Albert Wesker. 
In 1987, James Marcus and his assistants William Birkin and Albert Wesker created the T-Virus, by combining leech DNA with the Progenitor Virus. Shortly after this, the facility gets shut down(?), and the trio moves back to Oswald E. Spencer’s lab in the Arklay Mountains. 
Back at the Arklay Umbrella lab, William Birkin discovers that ~10% of the population is naturally immune to their viruses. So he created Bio Organic Weapons (BOW’s). His work with BOW’s is refined into making specific BOW’s, aka Tyrants.
(Late 1998) James Marcus is working with his own strand of the T-Virus, and he creates his “Queen Leech”. Oswald E. Spencer dislikes this as well and tries to kill James Marcus. This attempt fails. James Marcus’s body along with his Queen Leech are dumped into a sewage area, where the Queen Leech eats James Marcus’s body, and absorbs his consciousness. This sort of reincarnates James Marcus.
In the 1990s, Umbrella expanded, and Oswald E. Spencer commissioned a new lab facility to be constructed underneath Raccoon City. 
(William Birkin created the G-Virus around this time.)
In 1996, S.T.A.R.S (Special Tactics and Rescue Service) was created. It is technically under Raccoons Cities jurisdiction, but it's privately funded by Umbrella Corp. so they can have control over it. Albert Wesker gets assigned as Captain to the S.T.A.R.S Alpha team. 
In 1998, Rebbeca Chambers stumbled across a train wreck filled with James Marcus’s infected leeches. She ends up finding, and killing the Queen Leech (remember James Marcus’s consciousness is intertwined with the Queen Leech).
(Still 1988) S.T.A.R.S Alpha team is on a mission. Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield discover Umbrella Corp.’s experiments and learn that Albert Wesker is a traitor. They fight, and Albert Wesker injects himself with the T-Virus, and escapes. 
Raccoon City’s water supply is contaminated with the T-Virus. This infects the whole town and turns them into zombies. Umbrella uses this situation to test out their new BOW, a Tyrant named Nemesis.  Nemesis targets Jill Valentine. With the help of Carlos Oliviera, they escape the Tyrant and Raccoon City before it is nuked so the virus doesn't spread.  
At the same time, there's a girl by the name of Claire, she's searching for her brother Chris Redfield in Raccoon City. 
(All you need to know is through RE from here on out, she keeps searching for her brother and getting into dangerous situations where different viruses are present.) 
Anyway, Claire meets Leon Kennedy, and they go to the Raccoon City Police Department (RPD). The two get separated and Leon Kennedy finds the G-Virus. He meets a woman named Ada Wong, an independent mercenary who's trying to get her hands on the  G-Virus, and sell it. (She actually does this). Claire and Leon Kennedy escape Raccoon City through a sewer before it’s nuked. 
It's now 2004, Leon Kennedy was deployed to a village in Spain to rescue the U.S. president's daughter who was kidnapped. The village is plagued by the Las Plagas Virus, which has something to do with the Los Illuminados Cult. Ada Wong shows up and grabs a sample of the Las Plagas Virus to sell to Albert Wesker. Leon Kennedy saves the president's daughter, defeats the Los Illuminados, and escapes the island. 
(2006) Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine find Oswald E. Spencer’s location, and they go to his house. When they get there, they find Albert Wesker had just killed Oswald E. Spencer. (This is cause Wesker found out he was the product of Project W). 
Basically, Albert Wesker kidnaps Jill Valentine for a while and uses her as his test subject/mind-controlled dummy. (Eventually, she breaks free from Albert Wesker's mind-control)
Around this time, the B.S.A.A. was created. The Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance. (This is because bioweapons are being made worldwide) 
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Albert Wesker moves on and tries to make West Africa a diseased wasteland. Chris Redfield and the B.S.A.A. team up to go to stop him. This is where they discover the Uroboros Virus. (This is an RNA virus in the Progenitor family. It was engineered by Albert Wesker). Chris Redfeild and the B.S.A.A successfully kills Albert Wesker.
In 2012, there was this thing called the C-Virus, which can mutate bodies while keeping their consciousness. For a while Umbrella Corp.'s was under some heat, but they revived themselves as “Neo Umbrella”. Neo Umbrella unleashes the C-Virus (in China?) and basically, Raccoon City happens all over again. 
There is this crime syndicate called “The Connections”. They strike a deal with Mother Miranda, she gives them her mold and the DNA of her daughter hoping they would help revive her. The Connections use the E-Type Mutamycete mold to create bioweapons out of children.  This gave birth to the genetically modified human Eveline, who had mind-controlling and regenerative powers. The B.S.A.A. caught wind of this, and The Connections loaded a research team with Eveline onto a cargo boat to ship her somewhere safer. Eveline infected the whole cargo ship with her mold, killing everyone except Eveline's direct handler, a researcher named Mia Winters. 
The cargo ship wreckage landed somewhere along the coast of Dulvey Parish, Louisiana. An old man by the name of Jack Baker found Eveline and Mia Winters and took the two back to his house to take care of them. Eveline infected the whole Baker family. 
Mia Winters sends an email to her husband, Ethan Winters. He drives to Dulvey Parish, Louisiana to save his wife. Unfortunately, Ethan Winters gets killed pretty quickly, but he gets revived by Eve’s mold. Eveline turns into a big mold monster, and Ethan Winters does his best to fight it, until Chris Redfield comes in and saves the day. 
Fast forward a few years, Ethan and Mia Winters have a baby named Rosemary (Rose) Winters. Somehow Mother Miranda finds out about this and decides that Rose Winters is the perfect candidate to use to resurrect her daughter. So Mother Miranda kidnaps Rose and Mia Winters and brings them back to her old Eastern European village. Ethan Winters goes to save his family. He fights a bunch of Mother Miranda's experiments (i.e. Lady Dimitrescu, Heisenberg, Lycans, Dona Beneviento, etc...), and eventually, Chris Redfield comes to try and save the day again. But Ethan Winters sacrifices himself for his family and blows up the whole village. 
Fast forward again, it's 2037. Rose Winters is a teenager now, and she has Mutamycete mold powers. She hates that she's different, and wants to get rid of them. She is told if she enters the Mutamycete mold’s consciousness, she might find a way to rid herself of these powers. Now everyone who's ever been in contact with the Mutamycete mold is trapped/a part of the mold consciousness. Inside, she fights off Mother Miranda one last time, meets her father, and then decides to keep her mold powers. 
Again, I did leave some games/content out, but I hope this was enjoyable and/or useful and easy enough to understand!
- sourlemonsprout<3
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the-mortuary-witch · 6 months
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Nyx is a primordial Goddess of the night and darkness. She is a deity of infinite wisdom and secret knowledge, and she is thought to be the progenitor of the universe. She is also associated with the void and the abyss, as well as the primordial chaos that predated the creation of the universe.
Appearance: she is typically portrayed as a beautiful and radiant figure, who appears youthful and ageless. Her body is often described as being made of light and shadow, and as having a radiant and ethereal appearance. She is often depicted as having long dark hair that flows freely in the air, and she often wears black and white attire.
Personality: Nyx is often described as a mysterious and ethereal entity, who governs the night and the Underworld. She is said to be a solitary figure, who keeps to herself and observes the world from a distance. She is often portrayed as a quiet and wise figure, who represents the depths of the night and the cycle of life and death. She is also viewed as a nurturing and protective force, who guards the secrets of the Underworld and ensures the smooth passing of the dead into the afterlife.
Symbols: crescent moon, night sky, mist, shadow, black lotus, darkness, torch, three-phase moon, and stars
Goddess of: the night and darkness
Culture: Greek
Plants and trees: poppies, night blooming lilies, moon flowers, olive tree, rosemary, mistletoe, gladiolus, and forget-me-nots
Crystals: black tourmaline, cascading quartz, obsidian, amethyst, charoite (one of her fav crystals), black onyx, smoky quartz, garnet, black rose quartz, cat’s eye, turitella agate, prasem stone, Lake Superior agate, moonstone, and moss agate
Animals: owls, crows, foxes, cats, nightingales, and bats
Incense: lavender, frankincense (one of her fav incense), chamomile, myrrh, dragon’s blood, and cinnamon
Colours: dark blue, black, purple, silver, and red
Numbers: 3, 4, and 9
Zodiac: Scorpio (not official)
Tarot: The Star
Planets: Moon and Pluto
Days: Monday, New Moon, Autumn Equinox, and Sabbath
Parents: Chaos
Siblings: Erebus
Partner: Erebus
Children: Hemera, Aether, Moros, Apate, Dolos, Nemesis, the Keres, the Moirai, Oizys, Momus, Oneiros, Hypnos, Eris, Thanatos, Philotes, Geras, and possibly more
• The Moon: often associated with Nyx as she is the goddess of the night. It is a symbol of her influence over darkness and the universe.
• Stars: Nyx is also frequently associated with stars and constellations, as the night sky is her realm. Stars represent her infinite wisdom and knowledge and the heavenly lights that shine through the night.
• Void: the void is the primal, infinite void that existed before the creation of the universe. It is the primordial chaos that Nyx emerged from, and it is thought to be the origin of all things.
• Infinity: the concept of infinity is also associated with Nyx, as she is a deity of limitless wisdom and knowledge. Infinite knowledge and understanding are core values in her realm of the night.
• Destruction: Nyx is also often viewed as a goddess of destruction and ruin, as she is the embodiment of the void and the abyss.
• The Origin of the Universe: in one version of mythology, Nyx is said to have emerged from the primordial chaos and void that existed before the creation of the world. She is thought to have been the source of the energy and matter that gave rise to all existence.
• The Creation of the Olympians: in some versions of mythology, Nyx is believed to have given birth to Zeus and the other Olympians. She is also thought to have been their caretaker and protector.
• Nyx is associated with the night, darkness, and the abyss.
• She is also associated with the void, which is the space between dimensions and universes.
• Nyx is also associated with infinity, secret knowledge, and wisdom.
• She is often portrayed as a deity of creation, destruction, and transformation.
• Nyx has also been linked to the concept of fate and destiny.
• She is the primordial goddess of the night and the personification of darkness.
• Nyx is one of the most important goddesses in Greek mythology.
• She is associated with the night sky and the stars.
Working with Nyx involves taking time to set up a sacred space, cleaning and dedicating this space, offering prayers of reverence and gratitude, showing care and thought with offerings, asking her for guidance and wisdom with your prayers, being open to messages she may send, and being mindful and attentive throughout the devotion.
"Nyx, Goddess of the night and the primordial void, please accept this prayer and my offerings as a gesture of respect and devotion. I seek your guidance and your wisdom, and I ask for your protection and protection. Please guide me on this path of devotion and show me your wisdom and light. Hail Nyx."
• Feeling a deep connection and draw to Nyx’s energies.
• You are experiencing a calling or pull to work with her.
• You have vivid dreams or visions involving Nyx.
• Noticing signs and symbols related to Nyx appearing in your life.
• Having a desire or enthusiasm to learn more about Nyx.
• You feel an urge to explore spiritual practices related to Nyx.
• Experience increased synchronicity or meaningful coincidences related to Nyx.
• Milk.
• Black coffee or tea.
• Dark chocolate.
• Silver jewelry.
• Dragon fruit.
• Perfume.
• Olives.
• Dew gathered before the sun rises. Wine.
• Fire.
• Dark beer or liquors.
• Moon water.
• Feathers.
• Molasses.
• Starry and celestial items.
• White or black candles.
• Dark and protective herbs or spices.
• Flowers: lilies and night-blooming flowers.
• Moonshine.
• Poppies.
• Depictions of the stars and the night sky.
• Depictions of the moon and/or figurines of moths.
• Sleep-inducing teas.
• Telescope.
• Moonstone.
• Depictions or figurines of cats (especially black cats).
• Offer prayers and praises to Nyx, dedicating your energy to her and expressing your devotion.
• Light incense and candles dedicated to Nyx in your ritual space for an extra touch.
• Journal about your dreams.
• Create offerings and rituals to Nyx, such as offering food, plants, and other gifts, and dedicating your offerings and rituals to her.
• Read books on astrology and astronomy.
• Study and research Nyx, her mythology and energies, to get to know her better and develop a deeper relationship with her.
• Nyx and her energies, and connect with her on a deeper level.
• Spend time in nature at night, communing with Nyx and experiencing her energies.
• Go stargazing
• Staying up late.
• Sleeping.
• Nighttime journaling.
• Practicing good sleep hygiene.
• Researching the Moon’s effects on the Earth.
• Making moon water.
• Watching the sunrise and/or sunset.
It is generally safe to eat or drink offerings given to Nyx, as she is not a malevolent or corrupt entity. However, it is up to your personal discretion and comfort level if you decide to consume offerings dedicated to any deity. If you are unsure about the safety or cleanliness of an offering, it is always best to be on the side of caution and avoid consuming it.
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
Hmm...if Mac absorbs the egg - does that mean he would have a rock in his gut? How would that even work? Would the egg be draining Mac's magic as a form of sustenance to replace the umbilical cord? Imagine the panic those monkeys would have - "Didn't your rock blow up when you were born?!" "Calm down, I doubt it's gonna go all chestburster on you! I hope." "Chest-what?!" "Oh, right, you haven't seen the movies..." "WUKONG!" - or does the *baby* go to Mac and leaves an empty rock for SWK to use?
OK Im calling a Long Post warning; cus its a long answer, and gives a pretty good idea Why the plot happens.
Basically the stone "Egg" MK comes from was a comet containing Something. The Jade Emperor and a bunch of other Celestials noticed it coming right for earth and started panicing. To anyone not in the know, it just looked like an unseasonable meteor shower over Megapolis.
SWK is summoned cus the Jade Emperor had Visions of what was in the "Egg"; an infant Stone Monkey that could transform into an Eldritch Abomination. Jade Emperor gives the order of scrambled stone egg.
SWK and a bunch of other characters are Not Down For It; so they teleport to SWK's Shame Temple (seen in "Imposssible Delivery") to hopefully catch the Egg before it lands.
Coincidentally; The Shame Temple happens to be where Macaque was put to rest hundreds of years ago, and he's just Woken Up (more details on Why later) to his ex-best-friend/possible soulmate standing there.
Moskha and Nezha have to keep the monkeys apart long enough to form a plan.
The comet that contains the Egg finally crashes down, and begins leaking a horrific chaotic energy thats ripping apart the reality around it. It takes the power of SWK, Nezha, Mohska, and Guanyin herself to perform a ritual to contain the energy within a confined space.
Problem was that when The Egg hit the earth, it had cracked open. But unlike SWK and Mac, it had not developed a body for its soul to survive in just yet.
Wukong has a rare lightbulb moment.
Wukong: "Hey, if *our* eggs held us - then could we use our old shells to patch it up and let it finish cooking?"
Macaque: "Thats the stupidiest idea you've ever had. Lets do it."
Guanyin gives the thumbs up, and Macaque takes SWK's place in the ritual, summoning all his shadow powers to keep the Soul within the temple. SWK causes some chaos zipping around to Flower Fruit Mountain and the Moon for the remains of his and Mac's stone eggs.
SWK patches the broken Cosmic Egg with the remaining shells, successfully trapping the energy.
Then Macaque's control on the shadows faulter, causing the Cosmic Egg to zoom towards him (Samadhi Fire flashbacks anyone?) and hit just before Wukong can jump in for a save; the Soul contained within the Egg absorbing into Macaque's body and leaving behind a seemingly normal egg-shaped rock in Wukong's hands.
Everyone starts panicking.
Guanyin explains: since the Soul existed outside of the natural order, it couldnt just simply jump into the nearest body like a reincarnation. It needed similarly un-natural progenitors.
In essense; the undercooked MK soul was like: "Where am I?! What am I!? Why am i so cold!? Where's my parents!?" *sees SWK and Macaque fixing his egg* "Oh, there they are, my bad."
Which means that Shadowpeach just metaphorically and *literally* concieved a future mystic Monkey.
Macaque is NOT HAPPY and immediately jumps to beat the crap out of SWK.
Moksha has to stop herself from laughing cus; "Bro you just magically knocked up your ex.", while Nezha looks horrified cus he thinks he just saw what Stone Monkey baby-making looks like.
Guanyin advises the two monkeys that if they keep things civil, the Soul will likely incarnate into a physical body and get born as an infant Monkey demon do. But there's a catch:
On a gross physical scale; its not an issue. Mystic Monkeys exist outside the natural category of creatures, and are shapeshifters to boot, meaning that Macaque already had built-in "equipment" to carry a kid. Its just him and SWK never "tried" making more of themselves - a war and a bad break-up put a damper on any family planning they had.
On a magical + spirtual scale though? : Its Dangerous.
The mystical pregnancy takes so much energy from Macaque that he needs to in-turn "steal" energy from other life sources in order to keep both of them healthy/alive. SWK thankfully cannot die and can replenish his energy on his own via food and rest, but the HP donation in turn drains his powers.
Basically by deciding to spare the Egg, Sun Wukong and Macaque have become functionally Mortal until MK is able to provide for himself.
As for the leftover shell; SWK presents it to the Jade Emperor as evidence that he "scrambled" whatever was inside. The celestials present can tell that whatever was in there, isnt anymore, so they accept that SWK did as he was told.
Except for Erlang Shen who's like; "SWK would never do what he's told! This is sus. Imma keep my eye on you if anything new enters the celestial realm."
SWK: "Fine by me, imma go back to being retired and having my main antagonists sealed away."
Once its confirmed that the Celestial Realm considers the Egg destroyed; SWK and Macaque agree to hide in plain sight among the mortal world for the time being. There's a *few* hiccups along the way ofc, but by the time MK is born, they're settled into the apartment above Pigsy's, and faking being a "Completely Normal (Demon) Couple With Baby", and are getting forcibly adopted by the reincarnations of the old JTTW gang.
Cue the rest of the story, and Shadowpeach forgetting where the Fake Relationship ends and where the "Whoops, you're still my soulmate!" begins.
And the three Realms collectively crapping themselves when MK picks up the staff.
And yes; Wukong would worry about the possibly of MK being born chestburter-style. Macaque would then yell at him and banish him to his cloud for the night.
I'm close to finishing the first chapter, so please continue sending asks for more details you'd like to know, and I'll answer without giving away too many spoilers.
Tldr: No rock in Macaque's gut, just baby. Leftover cosmic eggshell used to juke the god. MK is the result of a Covalent Bond. Guanyin is an amazing Fairy Godmother
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Can you please do Hc's about Urd geales?Thank you <3
I'm not a big manga reader and whilst I have read a few volumes, this is by no means accurate and I had to look up a lot on the internet.
Tw: Yandere theme, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, controlling behavior, strictness, protective behavior, punishment, isolation, abduction
Yandere Urd Geales Hc's
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💌 Here we have a man who has power and control beyond your wildest imagination. Urd Geales is the second progenitor, the ruler of Russia and, as if all of that wouldn't be enough, he also is the head of the Progenitor Council. Really, there is very little you can do once he decides that you shall be his but how do you even catch the attention of a vampire like him? Well, Urd actually cares for the health of humans under his rule, even watches them for entertainment purposes with a special fondness for ballet. So chances are likely that his s/o might just be someone who regularly performs in theatres but let's not settle on anything. It's a slow fall into the abyss for Urd, considering how nonchalant and calm he is. He's a silent observer more than anything else throughout the stages of obsession as he grows rather fond of this particular human and if you really are someone who regularly performs, expect him to visit your performances as often as he can. Watching you on stage is a little stress relief for him as he can take his mind off anything and solely focus on you, perhaps a bit too much.
💌The signs of obsession are very subtle so that even vampires who work closely with him will never suspect anything. Urd doesn't want them too as he has a reputation to uphold and wouldn't allow himself to transform into some lovesick fool chasing blindly after his obsession. That is under him yet he knows best about his state of feelings and his currently developing obsession. It's better to do something against it soon before it might escalate and get even out of his hand. Fairly enough though, Urd doesn't harbor any ill will against you for making him feel such obsessive emotions. You're only a human after all and remain until this day just like everyone else oblivious to his growing feelings. Urd is fairly possessive because he surely won't let you belong to anyone else claim you unless it is him but he takes it slower and instead of immediate imprisonment or abduction, he almost courts you. His position makes it easy to arrange meetings with you which you have to accept due to him being the King of Russia, little dates where he simply chats with you to get to know you better and gift you flowers and rather expensive gifts.
💌 Jealousy is a big stretch as the progenitor is not someone prone to such pitiful emotions. He's almost perfectly in control of everything and exhibits a cool and nonchalant behavior. Let's be real, once he makes it official that you're his darling no one would really dare to make a move on you anyways and you shouldn't either unless you want to be reprimanded by Urd himself for your unfitting attitude. He's very serious about the subject of loyalty and expects you and everyone around you to understand that you being his official s/o implies that neither you nor anyone else should dare to go against it. That is not to say that he forbids any interaction with someone else, if you behave and follow his set of rules you have surprisingly much freedom. Now, if you would fancy someone else more than him though, he finds himself slightly bothered but unwilling to show that as he doesn't want to lose composure with his position. His jealousy is a silent yet very cold, especially if you break any of his rules for that person in which case he will put his foot very firmly down and separate you from them until both them and you have learned your lessons.
💌 He's shown to be someone firmly set on upholding the laws of the vampires and isn't afraid to reprimand someone if they have done something wrong, you experience that quite often too if you break his rules. Urd can be merciful and fair though but the rules are perhaps a bit different when it involves his s/o. Once officially his, everyone shows you more respect, even the vampires since the King of Russia demands them to be on their best behavior around you. For once he doesn't tolerate anyone discriminating you for being only a human and then he also expects everyone, including your guards, to show their best sides as strong and composed vampires. This is also about the superiority of their race and he can't let them act around you like a bunch of sadistic barbarians with no manners unless they wish to be punished. He does prefer non-lethal punishments but if a serious matter arises, Urd won't hesitate to blame someone as guilty and give them a death sentence. If anyone targets you in order to get to him, he won't hesitate to sentence them a heavy punishment, even death.
💌 A man not very thrilled for any unnecessary fuss, Urd does take it slow but only because he has the self-control and the luxury to do so. He's taking his time to get to know you and gives you the chance to get to know him too, treats you politely and with respect. Even before any abduction he tasks some other nobles, those he trusts, to give you special protection. He has duties and responsibilities as the ruler of a country, he can't watch you all of the time. It isn't anything overbearing but just enough to ensure your safety whilst still giving you privacy. Honestly, at one point you have a suspicion that he has feelings for you which is as shocking as it is startling and Urd comes clean with his feelings to you after a while too as he confesses. He's very direct in his clarifications that he'd like you to stay with him and even if it might sound like an offer on paper, his tone makes it obvious that you don't have much of a choice. If you behave yourself and follow the rules he made for you, you are allowed to roam fairly free though and get access to a lot of places and objects. Your lover cares after all and would like to treat you well but only if you allow him to do so by knowing your place.
💌 Urd Geales in public isn't very affectionate in order to uphold his reputation. It isn't often that he takes you with him though as he likes to separate public and personal matters. If you have to accompany him though, there are always guards following closely behind you and you are to remain in his field of vision. He's privately more openingly loving to his darling with gentle touches of affection and flattering nicknames he likes to call you by. You receive a lot of presents from him because he does like to spoil his beloved when they are a good darling for him. It should be pointed out that whilst he is in no way discriminating you for being a human like many others do, he still views himself as superior and for that his word is always final. You're at the end of the day still weak and have to obey him. He punishes you if you go against him because even if he is more lenient with you, you still have to know your place. Urd is not sadistic though so he only punishes you for the sake of teaching you what happens if you disobey and if he believes that you have learned your lesson, he stops. It's forbidden to consume directly from humans but in his private chambers the progenitor makes an exception.
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angrennufuin · 4 months
Elflinguistics Part 1: Eberron
Migrating my slapdash bastardized-Sindarin method of character naming here! In our first Eberron campaign, I played a half-elf from Thronehold named Linmir Celemariel. Let's get into it.
First names & rules for myself
First of all, I borrowed the Tolkien tradition of stringing a few elements together in whatever order sounds prettiest. In my usage, specifically, Elvish is a very fluid and malleable language. Syllables get chopped up and blended together to make things sound nice, and each name component probably has a few different meanings/implications layered in that your average elf grasps on hearing a name.
For example, here are some names from Linmir's family.
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Celemare = celeb (silver) + mar/bar (home, dwelling)
Henloth = hen (eye) + loth (flower)
Linmir = lin (pool/mere) + mîr (jewel)
Aelinor = aelin (pl., pool/mere) + naur (flame)
Most Elvish-speakers would read these names as, respectively: Where-silver-dwells, Flower-eye, Marsh-gem, and Marsh-flame, most of which are already pretty poetic. HOWEVER, elf names also rely on v genteel puns based on similar syllables
"-mare" has an auditory link to "mára" (good/proper/right): where-silver-(properly)-dwells
the -th/-ss sound in Elvish often gets interchanged, so -loth could be read -loss (snow): snow-eye
"Lin" can also mean "a musical sound": jewel-chime
Aelinor, rebracketed, could be ae (day) + lî (folk, people) + naur (flame again): folk-of-the-dayflame (sun)
So these alternate implications would be chilling out in one's subconscious upon hearing or choosing a name! It adds to the overall ~poetry~ of the name. My rule for naming characters in this 'verse is that the name had to make sense as something their parents would have chosen, and it had to have at least two complementary meanings.
Ae and Lin’s elf clan is matrilineal! Your surname comes from your mother’s name + a suffix:
Fem. -iel
Masc. -ion
Neu. -iwë
Pl. -iwar (any gender)
Which is why the sister sets are Linmir & Aelinor Celemariel, and Celemare & Henloth Andlîriel (Lin's grandma's name is IRON JAW, which is my fave name I've ever invented).
If one's mother was Celemare || Andlîr || Henloth, one would be surnamed:
A daughter: Celemariel || Andlîriel || Henlothiel
A son: Celemarion || Andlîrion || Henlothion
A nonbinary kid: Celemariwë || Andlîriwë || Henlothiwë
Collective term for the siblings: Celemariwar || Andlîriwar || Henlothiwar.
Surnames do not change with marriage, or ever, unless you're intentionally forswearing your birth family. If you have more or less than one mother, your parents get to argue out whose name you’ll take. Tradition dictates it’s whoever gave birth to you, if available, but that doesn’t always track. The tribe itself is named after its legendary progenitor, Glaurë; ergo they’re collectively the Glauriwar.
Elvish is super fluid though! Henlothiel could just as easily be Henliel if someone decided it was prettier. Likewise, because names are almost always epithetic, it’s not uncommon to call people a translation of their name or a translation of their matronymic, e.g. “daughter of the blackbird” “Flower-eye’s child;" poetically, the clan is the Children of Gold.
Other naming traditions
Linmir's ex Lairit was decidedly Not From Around Here (*here being the specific Glauriwar clan neighborhood in Thronehold), so their name is different! Considerably looser in terms of meaning & parts of speech used. It breaks down (sort of) to lairë (summer) + -itë (habitual suffix)
But the word laire (no diaerisis) also means "poem," as does the word lirit. So you'd initially hear the name as Poem, but the spelling indicates the other roots. Basically a pun! A pretentious Elvish pun that ends up factoring out to like... Poem-of-the-yearly-return-of-summer
The Khoravar
Lairit (and Linmir, briefly) were involved in a culturally-separatist half-elf movement. I pilfered and expanded this idea from the sourcebook Eberron: Rising from the Last War, in which said half-elves call themselves Khoravar, meaning Children of Khorvaire (the continent Eberron is set on):
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The book says khoravar is an Elvish term, but kh- doesn't show up as a Sindarin phoneme very often; we're also informed that most Khoravar speak an Elvish/Common "pidgin.*" It makes more sense to me that a group keen on establishing their own society would name themselves in their own language, so I borrowed Adûnaic for that -- not for nothing, kh- IS a common Adûnaic phoneme.
(*I went and consulted linguithusiast friends about this until we all decided that Khoravarin is much more correctly a creole then a pigin. If it's been around for generations + you can't understand it easily without both parent languages + they use it "among themselves" (all things the sourcebook specifically mentions!) --THAT'S A CREOLE, BABY! Pidgins are trade languages!!! Maybe it's a young creole, but like. Narrows eyes.)
Khoravar works well transcribed into Elvish as both a clear derivative of Khorvaire and as Khoravar -> Coruvár -> Coru (cunning, wily) + vára (other [folk]), which sounds like an appropriately snide thing to say about a race of half-elves. And then for said half-elves to reclaim and wear as a badge of honor!
This reads most clearly as a clan name, but Lairit has gone a step further by using it as their Actual Surname. A different kind of revolutionary would style themself Koravariwë or Khorvairiwë, but conceding to proper Elvish grammar in even this small way would irritate Lairit, as would the unwieldiness of the name.
And bc Lairit took the name Khoravar, ofc Lin took the name Khoravar when she joined up with them and foreswore her former identity and allegiances. She also took the first name Perin, which literally just means "half" -- it was something of an oblique joke on her part about not really feeling committed to the movement, which Lairit took as a challenge. I'm sure nothing dramatic or disastrous happened as a result. :)
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my ramble! I did something very different for my next Elvish character, which I'll hopefully post soon.
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weskie · 3 months
Reader (gn or whichever you fits for you) is a botanist who takes care of the flowers that were used to make the progenitor virus (the ones in 5?) Weskers thinks that botany is a ridiculous field of science, but he has very little time and patience to take care of the flowers himself, so he keeps them alive. I am woefully rubbish at thinking of how to make things smutty, so if you get to think of how the reader ends up at pound town called Wesker, then by all means. If not then maybe something fluffy? As much as you can make it with a juiced up blond sunglasses wearing at night psychopathic genius. I can go on about him ☠️
Love -👻
request going live in just a few minutes <3 thank you so much for sending and thank you even more for your patience while college kept me from fulfilling prompts
masc reader
femme reader
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ror-witch · 5 months
Sooooo, I’m not usually one for “sneak peaks” or whatever (mostly cause a chapter can take 180 degree turn whenever with me) but it has been such a long time since I posted anything fic wise I figured anyone who has read and left me such lovely comments on “Pressed and Faded Roses” would appreciate a sign that I am, in fact, still actual working on it 🥲
So, here you go. A snippet of what’s to come. *Spoilers obviously*
Nine months after the destruction of Torin Gulch.
Cedric clutched his prisoner's thin jaw, the small bones beneath his fingers as fragile as the brittle twigs of winter. The girl, a lovely thing who was really more woman than girl by human standards, looked desperately at the man across from her, her soft pale-green eyes watering in terror.
“Father, please! Just tell him! Please!” Her thin voice cracked with anguish, and the shifter could feel her hot tears sliding down his hands. And yet, the man, her father looked more stoic than Cedric would have appreciated. Hadn’t these yet people learned Lord Cedric didn’t bluff?
Apparently not.
His finger’s drifted down to her neck. “Now, I have been told by a reliable source that they heard you say you know the location of the rebel's base in the Western territory and we wouldn't want this precious flower here to think her father is a liar? Would we?”
The other prisoner was silent, unyielding. That was until Cedric pinched the girls windpipe hard enough to elicit a strangulated gurgle.
“No!” Came the immediate response.
Letting go, Cedric clapped his hands together. The room winced.
“Wonderful! It’s so important to set a good example for the next generation, after all.”
Cedric had never been a fan of conventional torture, well, at least, not for information’s sake. The process was slow and messy, and notoriously unreliable. More than one idiot had been dragged along on a fool’s quest following directions from a mouth who would say anything to make the pain stop. And there were much more reliable ways of gathering intelligence. In particular, humans, despite how precious their limited offspring usually were to them, allowed them to wander so freely it would make even the most negligent shifter mother aghast. He’d found this one nearly two towns away from her progenitors. An easy target if ever there was one. He certainly wouldn’t have allowed one of his hypothetical children to fall so easily into enemy hands.
“You will lead my men to this encampment, and once that little infestation is dealt with, I will allow Gemma here to return to her mother. I’m sure she is worried sick.”
“The word of a worm is no better than dirt it writhes in,” the man spat.
Cedric just chuckled. His finger’s drifted back to the girl’s face, and the air in the room chilled.
“Wait please! I—“
“You people just can not understand the concept of not having the upper hand, of not being ‘better’, can you? If someone held my daughter I would hardly be spitting insults at them. No, I would be on my knees begging for her life. But pride is the only thing that matters to your kind, isn’t it? Well, let me show what your pride buys in this world.”
There was a blur of motion, a loud snap, and the undeniable thud of a body now devoid of life hitting the stone floor beneath them.
The shrill scream rattled the shifter’s delicate ears, and his responding hiss was enough to quiet the shrieks of the fallen man's distraught daughter for a moment.
“Why?!” She sobbed, falling to her knees and cradling the man’s macabrely twisted head. “He would have told you…”
“Your father was not the only one who knew the rebels' location. Perhaps, he should have thought of that before deciding to test me. You would do well to remember this little girl. Remember it when your brethren threaten to burn my crops and disrupt my trade lines. Now get out of my sight.” As her pale blonde hair spilled over her shoulders he wondered, idly, if the girl had bastard Escanor blood somewhere in her line.
“Go find your mother,” he added, more gently, and wordlessly left her to her mourning.
Silently, ascending the stairs from the dungeons, Cedric supposed he should have handled that with a touch more decorum. But the days where he allowed humans to insult him to his face with no recourse had passed, and the man was a corroborating witness at best, hardly a truly valuable asset.
Still, a waste was a waste.
Signing, he swung open the door from the lower levels of the castle, and was immediately engulfed in the smell of salty rotting beach-cast seaweed.
The Capital seemed further and further away every day. Were it not for the rebels nipping at his tail, one could be forgiven for forgetting the dark, stormy city and all its dark, stormy inhabitants entirely.
As he slinked through the castle halls, the pale faces of servants scattered with record speed and his guards stood more rigid than oaks. He’d never been…well-liked by…well, anyone, but now most of the inhabitants of Metamoore at large had become convinced he’d gone quite insane.
But that was just as well, in his opinion. People thought insane were often underestimated, but he was thinking with a clarity that he’d not done since before…well, everything.
It was habit that had caused him to shield his eyes from the glare of sun off water as he entered the promenade that separated the two distinct buildings of this castle. After, nine months he’d gotten used to the, albeit still somewhat dimmed, presence of the sun that the areas near Capital had not seen in years. Here, in the Western shores of continents the only storms that brewed the sea caused, not…him. Cedric frowned but pushed the thought away as he pushed a great driftwood door open.
The library was, as always, deserted. The servants of the castle, wisely, did not frequent the same spots he did and Cedric was the only nobility of any note in residence. It was a small, informal setting. Perhaps twenty shelves, and one large desk facing the only window. The library of the Capital contained all the knowledge of Metamoore, but here, thousands of miles away in Wavebreak, the only records of any renown were the genealogical archives of the noble family Cedric had ‘displaced’ on his arrival and their strangely frequent travels to the sister planet earth. Which would have been useful to the Lord, and the Prince he served, should he have cared enough to read them.
Upon settling carefully at the desk, Cedric twirled a massive sapphire gem idly on the wood, and, as he had for the last seven months that he’d sat at that desk, engaged in a silent, sullen, staring contest with the singular envelope that lay upon the table nestled carefully amid a pile of papers and half-read books.
A fine layer of dust had settled on the wax seal, twinkling in the sunlight like the ground remains of a jewel.
His fingers twitched and reached out. The paper was soft and tempting under his fingertips.
“Oh dear, and you’ve been so good up until today!”
Cedric jumped out of the chair, hands clenching at his jolting heart, scales already peeking through his skin.
“Miranda! Do not do that!”
A great mass of spiky black hair blinked its four eyes languidly at him, and then burst into a cruel, raspy laugh.
He snarled at her with an intensity that would have had a human cowering, but only made her narrow her multitude of eyes to determine his seriousness. And upon doing so, she produced a thin line of gossamer from the alcove she’d been spying from and descended gracefully to the ground. Her form shimmered and in a span of a breath, gone was Beast and before him stood a waif of a girl, curtsying, though every muscle in her body exuded mockery.
“Lord Cedric,” she greeted. Her voice and body was soft and childish in sound and appearance, and yet, from their very first meeting Cedric possessed an acute awareness she was likely older than even his mother might have been.
“Miranda,” he greeted her curtly. One should respect their elders, but he was above her both in the foolish hierarchy humans arranged themselves in, and the natural order of their own kind.
“Do you have anything to report?”
“No.” She answered simply with a roll of her reduced eyes.
Cedric huffed, though he was hardly surprised. Miranda had a habit of lurking about him for no discernible reason. “Then why are you here?”
She gave a smirk. “Isn’t it obvious?”
Cedric did not answer her.
She was at his side a breath later, too close for decorum's sake, but he didn’t tense up until her fingers slid tauntingly across the table and laid delicately upon the ivory of the paper.
“What do you think will happen if we open it?” Her breath was a tickle in his ear.
He wondered if Miranda knew just how heavy that question was.
He’d received the letter two months after taking residence in WaveBreak. Two months before that he’d received a different letter between Torin Gulch and the Capital, delivered by a Royal courier on official paper, written in a servants hand, with an official seal, as if he were another servant in the Prince’s employ.
“Lord Cedric, you are ordered to take the Western Stronghold from the House of Lady Imelda. As a reward for your successful campaign I will grant you the regional capital of Wavebreak as your new seat. From there you will oversee trade between the West and the Capital evermore.”
-His Royal Highness Prince Phobos”
Perhaps, that should have stung. Certainly, it would have stung the Cedric of even a mere two days before the letter was set in his hand. Produced tears and rage or some other pitiful display of emotion. Instead, the shifter had signed, picked at a scab near his ribs and turned his troops in the opposite direction without fuss.
The ashes of Torin Gulch were heavy on his soldiers, the Prince’s biting words back at the castle even more so.
But he was no longer struggling under the weight of them.
A lifetime of servitude had left him blinded to reality. Made him a timid shell of what he’d been meant for. Oh, he’d felt glimpses of it before, in battle, after the nobles had revealed themselves as traitors, when he’d stood oh so, perilously close to the top of his Prince’s throne and looked down on those below him, and when he’d seize said Prince by the hips and had his way, however gently it had been, with him. And he’d pushed it away, afraid. Afraid and ashamed of what he was. But now? Now the truth had been laid bare with the bones of Torin Gulch. Now he, and everyone else, knew the truth of it with every haughty step further from the capital, with every broken bone, and village set to flame.
He’d not been made to be stepped on.
Not even by him.
The second letter had arrived as the blood was still being mopped up from the floors of his new castle. Delivered by Raythor who had been allowed to return to the capital, with a grim but seemingly sorrowful expression. The seal on the paper was one that was set on Phobos’ desk and was used exclusively for their personal correspondence, and this was addressed simply in the Prince’s elegant script.
Raythor had given him an uncomfortable little shrug upon handing it over, and said “His Highness said it explains everything.”
Cedric had sent him away with a snarl. And the letter remained unopened.
For as long as it did, the Prince of Meridian existed in a stasis in his mind. His everything, and nothing all at once. A god lurking in his black palace, untouchable, and a lover of whose flesh had quivered under his fingertips and drawn laughs from his breath.
Cedric pulled the letter deftly from the spider’s grasp.
“You know, interfering with royal correspondence can be met with the death penalty.”
Miranda chortled in delight at his not-quite threat.
“Do you not have anywhere else to be?”
“Do you want me to leave?”
Cedric was quiet for time, his eyes upon the paper.
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dappersheep · 6 months
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I was set to clearing all of IS4's endings and seeing as the entries found in Time-Carved Steleforest aren't readily available anywhere, decided I'd share at least my favorite ending. Enjoy!
Part 1: Terra Reborn
Following the scattered fragments in his memories, Mizuki searches for mankind’s last haven.
In these memories, humans have not gone extinct, and one last city remains standing on land.
For a human, going to the human city is a foregone conclusion hardly worth mentioning.
With such thoughts in mind, he walks onto the land, alone.
The Seaborn have completely transformed the entire continent.
There is no more Originium, no more barrens.
As far as the eye can see, the entire land has become a verdant expanse, all manner of plants teeming with life. Animals prance across the wilds and soar through the skies in packs, partaking freely of the land’s inexhaustible bounty.
After crossing a stream and climbing a hill, Mizuki feels a tinge of weariness and hunger, so he plucks a few fruits from the plants and pops them straight into his mouth.
The Seaborn have no need to taste their food, but these fruits have clearly retained their original taste. The only difference is, they are even more delicious, and more filling.
Previously, having enough to eat and drink was one of the few pursuits life afforded him; but now, such an ideal can easily be fulfilled by simply extending one’s hand—
Suddenly, he hears a loud rumble in the distance. A mountain range rises from the ground and begins to wander across the land.
The Seaborn’s departure was like a beacon, rousing these ancient progenitors from their slumber. The land to them is both familiar and foreign. They explore the flowers, plants, and trees before them with a mix of suspicion and curiosity.
When the Feranmut vanishes, Mizuki once again sets off on his journey to find the city.
He recalls the way humans identify one another, that they have various convenient and conspicuous ways of drawing borders and forming cohorts.
But even after walking for a long time, Mizuki does not even happen across a single ‘road’.
‘Did I remember wrong?’ He cannot help but to doubt himself, then scratches his head, trying his best to recall his impression of humans over the millenia.
However, apart from the human who brought him into the laboratory and the human he trusted the most, his memory contains only a hazy impression of that city’s towering walls.
Finally, he comes up with a brute-force method.
‘If I can’t find them, then I will have them come to me.’
He builds and lights fires in several prominent places, carves messages of kindness in every human script he can remember, and then climbs a tall mountain where he can see all the fires to await someone to answer his call.
Finally, the moment Mizuki was waiting for has come.
A Liberi finds a way to the mountain under the cover of darkness and holds a knife to his neck, asking him questions in a Victorian tongue laced the flavors of many nations.
Most importantly, her ensemble sports a tower-shaped epaulet with a small line of characters engraved on its lowest part.
A name that lingered on the tip of his tongue thousands of times suddenly wells up in Mizuki’s heart:
Rhodes Island.
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