#project introduction poll
toribookworm22 · 2 years
Project Introduction
(StormWatcher is the weather story with Kib.)
(Prinz Charming is the dark fairytale retelling.)
(4KoF is my one romance novel.)
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intotheelliwoods · 6 months
I have one more thing I want to work on before I get back into updating 2AL regularly, but until then......
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fullscoreshenanigans · 2 months
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(Chapter 32 | TPN Light Novel 1: A Letter from Norman - "The Ghost Incidents at Grace Field House" | Shirai's Highlights for Volume 4 | Chapter 140 Post)
The most common route I see is he regains his love for it after he's out of the oppressive environment of Grace Field (myself included), but I've also seen some people opt for him to focus more on cooking, photography, machines, or archery.
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(Chapter 4 | Questionnaire Translation Source | Mystic Code Book Chapter 7 Q&A)
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ashwii · 9 months
Masterpost WEEEE ₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊
Hi :D I'm AshWii, and I make lots of fan art -w- I'll edit this masterpost depending on what I'm working on and/or I'm most interested in at the time. Mostly, I'm drawing TMNT content right now.
General Tags
All of my ROTTMNT works
All of my TMNT works
All of my VLD works
All of my Klance works
All of my OC works
General Artworks
All art I've ever posted (doodles, renders, and more)
Just my doodles and sketches
Just my finished and/or rendered artworks
Art tutorials and/or art advice
Personal favorites
Text Posts and Misc.
"Ash Rambles" (text posts)
"Ashask" (ask box posts)
"Ash Polls" (polls I've made)
Fanart people have made for me!
Personal Projects
Celestial Au artworks
TMNT:SN artworks
Night Time (ROTTMNT sona) artworks
If there is anything else you would like available on this tag list, let me know :D
More Info + Tags On My Personal Projects Under The Cut
Includes Celestial Au, TMNT:SN, and Night Time!
Celestial Au
All celestial au artworks
Celestial au info
Celestial au FAQ (masterpost)
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My "rottmnt celestial au" is an au where the turtles are portrayed as different celestial bodies. Leo embodies the stars, Donnie embodies the moon, Raph embodies the sun, and Mikey embodies the comets. No real lore here, mostly just fun shenanigans!
"ash sona"
All Night art/posts
All "sona fam" posts
An introduction to Night
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This is Night Time, my rottmnt sona! He was made in early 2023 when rottmnt sonas were everywhere XD He's heavily based off of my celestial au turtles — Star!Leo, in particular, felt to me like he was more or less already my rottmnt sona. However, it felt strange to make an "au Leo" my sona, so I tweaked him some. Night is the embodiment of night sky and all of the celestial bodies, not just the stars. He also has his own and unique personality, and his own way of thinking (as opposed to Star!Leo, who's just regular Leo with a star theme). Night is generally pretty quiet and collected. He has the vibes of an older, formal man. He enjoys his solitude and he is not a fan of talking to other people — he enjoys being alone with his night sky. However, when he's in the presence of others... he's a bit more of a prick and an asshole XD. He's very much and introvert and has a low tolerance for bs.
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idiot son by @viverrz
But you know... he can be a softie to others at times -w-
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other idiot son by @daedelweiss
TMNT: Splattered Neon
all tmnt:sn artworks
tmnt:sn information
Music and composition by @jokingmaiden
TMNT:SN is my own tmnt version :D I made my own designs for the boys and for the rest of the main cast, along with some other characters that are coming out soon :D If I'm being honest however, I still don't have a solid enough of a plot-line that can be put into a synopsis. I do however have a lot of bits and info about where I want everything to kinda go and what I want to do, and all of that information can be found in "tmnt:snINFO."
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The State Birds Initiative - Introduction
Before I do ANYTHING else, and before you read anything else...let's start this with a little poll, shall we?
...Look, I'm an overly ambitious person by nature. It's a problem, I'm fully aware. So, in the midst of writing character essays, imagining my own version of the DC Cinematic Universe (I promise, I will return to the Legion of Super-Heroes series; been having writer's block, not gonna lie), and about a dozen other projects that don't include school and my job (one and the same thing, and I love both, but I'll get to that one day)...I had another thought. That I would like to present to the good people of Tumblr (and perhaps beyond).
The state birds suck.
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Most people on Tumblr don't know this about me, save for a select few that no me in real life (hey guys, 'sup), but I'm an avid birdwatcher, and am currently working in ornithology as a profession and student. As such, and as a former (and future) teacher, I have a vested passion in spreading the word. And one of the first ways most of us in the United States engage with birds, other than through the world and people around us, is through our national bird and state birds. Oh, and for anybody reading this not from the USA, don't worry, national birds are included here, too.
Now, in case you don't know for whatever reason, each one of the states in the United States has a bird meant to represent the state, designated by the government and often nominated by the state's citizens. This tradition started in 1926, with Kentucky's national bird, the Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis). Now, most states have an official state bird, although Pennsylvania technically has a state game bird, rather than a state bird. We'll get to it. But in any case, there's a bird associated with every state.
But, uh...most of them suuuuuuuuuuuck.
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Now, for example, I'm not saying that the Northern Cardinal sucks. Far from it! I love cardinals, and honestly, who doesn't? They're handsome birds, they have a lot of character, they're recognizable in most states in the Union by most people. I love them! But, uh...cardinals are extremely overused as state birds. Kentucky chose them as their state bird first, and were followed by Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, North Carolina, West Virginia, and Virginia. That's ridiculous. Also, wait, really, Virginia? You saw that West Virginia had it already, and STILL went for the cardinal? What the hell?
But why? Maybe there's a good reason for all of those states to choose the cardinal, after all. Obviously, it's present in all of those states, because...well, the Northern Cardinal is basically everywhere. But other than that, why? Well, let's see.
Kentucky: Unclear, but it's likely because of its prevalence, songs, and nonmigratory behavior, at least according to some sources; there isn't a lot of evidence online as to why outside of this.
Illinois: For this one, we blame the children. Yeah, kids voted this one sd the symbol, choosing it over the bluebird, meadowlark, bobwhite, and oriole, according to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. So, yeah, probably because it's familiar and red.
Indiana: For...reasons. Yeah, even less is known about this choice. Safe to assume, though, that it's because it's familiar and red.
Ohio: Apparently, this is because it's red and has a cheerful song. 'Kay. Again, not a lot of evidence for this one, but we'll go with it.
North Carolina: This one also came down to public vote, after a campaign initiated by the North Carolina Bird Club in 1943. It won over the red-winged blackbird, wild turkey, scarlet tanager, and gray catbird. Apparently, this was the second attempt at a state bird, as the Carolina Chickadee (Poecile carolinensis) had been chosen ten years earlier, but only retained the position for a week because the bird's other name is, and this is true, the tomtit. And that was apparently too lewd for the title of state bird. Jesus. We'll get back to that when I address North Carolina officially.
West Virginia: Again, chosen and voted by schoolchildren, and chosen because it's familiar, red, and has a cheerful song. 'Kay.
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Virginia: No idea. Also, don't listen to the sites that say their bird "exemplifies the quality of the state" unless they have the GODDAMN PAPERWORK to back that shit up. If I had to guess, it's possibly because the northern cardinal is one of the first birds seen in the state by settlers to the continental USA, who landed in...Virginia. So, the state's got a historical connection to the cardinal, meaning that the last state to ratify it as a state bird is the one to make the most sense to do so.
So, yeah...only one of those makes sense to me. Otherwise, it just feels...random. And by the way, many of the state birds do make some sense. Utah's choice, the California Gull (Larus californicus), has roots in a Mormon miracle, which makes perfect sense for the Mormon state. Louisiana's Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) is an iconic species to the American southeast, and a massive proportion of the species breeds in the state. Same goes for the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus forficatus), the state bird of Oklahoma. Iconic and unique grassland bird, and it breeds within the state in high quantities for the global population.
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But others? Why does New York (a state I grew up in and around) have the Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) for its state bird? Because it's blue and nice-looking? Why exactly do Wyoming, Oregon, Nebraska, Kansas, Montana, and North Dakota ALL have the Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta)? I love the song too, and it's an iconic grassland species, but really? All of you? And Maine? Maine...Maine. I mean, you didn't even go for a specific species and just listed "chickadee" as your state bird. Why? There is a MUCH. BETTER. OPTION. OBVIOUSLY. But...I digress.
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Seriously, what the hell? It's the only state IN THE UNION where the Atlantic puffin breeds, and it's an incredibly iconic bird! I mean, look at that thing! They're adorable, fish-eating, clumsy-flying, feathery orbs with a Froot Loops beak (for part of the year), complete with their own fucking cereal that I ate constantly as a child. And their babies are called pufflings! PUFFLINGS!!! DO YOU HEAR ME MAINE WHAT THE FU
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...OK. OK. I'm good. Look, this genuinely irritates the SHIT out of me, both as a hobbyist and as a professional. There are near 1,000 bird species that can be found in the United States, and the state birds are, honestly, some basic-ass choices that doesn't BEGIN to explore the incredible diversity of this taxon. And honestly, maybe if we changed up the state birds, we could increase awareness for these animals and their conservation stories and needs. There are so many missed opportunities here for us as educators, birders, ornithologists, backyard birdwatchers, and even Birdblr, to educate those around us who aren't as ornithologically-inclined. Imagine being able to convince a friend to go find the state bird on a trip some weekend. It could be a fun activity, and a fun way to get into birdwatching and the natural world! IT'S GOT POTENTIAL!!!
And look, I realize I'm not alone on this front. Various people have proposed changing up the state birds, including some more powerful professionals than I. If you haven't seen it yet, check out this essay series from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology that came out last year, which asks whether or not eBird could be used to identify better candidates for state birds. And I'll be using it for what's coming next. Because here's the thing. I'm tired of ranting alone in the dark towards nobody while my fiancee is trying to sleep about this. I need to rant to you poor people instead. And what's more...I want people to rant with me. If they want to. So...
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I propose an initiative to create a new list of state birds for the United States of America. And I'm talkin' EVERY state, baby! Even the ones that have fitting birds, as mentioned above. We live in a GODDAMN DEMOCRACY, and I say that we put this to a vote. So, Imma make a series of polls, one for each state. And yeah, that's 50 polls. Each will have a selection of birds, including the current state bird for that state, and I'll present the options in each case. The rules and selection criteria for the birds I'll present are as follows:
The bird has to be wild and breed in the state in question. No migrants, to accidentals, no introduced species (looking at you, South Dakota), no domestic species (looking at you, Rhode Island and Delaware). They're from the state, they breed there, and they're wild. Don't have to be endemic to the state, but they need to be found there, at bare goddamn minimum.
No repeats! Every state will have a different species! No more repeats. If there are any ties for states to get a given bird, another set of polls will be made at the end to determine which state will get that bird, and the second highest bird will claim the spot for that state. I'll try to avoid that for each state, but we'll see how things go.
There has to be a reason for their selection. For each of the birds presented for each state, I'll make a solid argument for their nomination. This also goes for any birds submitted to me for suggestions (and yes, I mean to say y'all can make suggestions if you want to for each state). If you have a bird you think would be good for a state, especially if it's your state, please give me a reason. Not that it's pretty, not that you like it's song, not that it "represents the spirit of the state's people" for no easily defined reason. GIVE ME A REASON
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And for now, that's it! And hell, if this gets popular or demanded (and I'm saying this if, like, 30 people pay attention to this post), I'll also do the District of Columbia and the U.S. territories. And hell (again), I'll even consider doing other countries if that gets demanded, definitely starting with Canada and seeing how things go from there. And finally...if people want it, maybe even the Bald Eagle (Halieetus leucocephalus) will go up for debate as the USA's national bird. Although, not gonna lie, I think that we're stuck with that one. Still, there are other questions that can be brought up if this gets popular enough. For now, though, let's focus on one thing at a time.
So, hopefully you answered the poll at the top, because I am curious as to what you think about your state bird. And just to set this up, the first state on the chopping block is Delaware, which has one of the most offensive state birds, in my opinion. Because seriously. What the fuck, Delaware? What the fuck.
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See you soon, hopefully! And happy birding!
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Introduction to the State Birds Initiative
Delaware - Poll | Results Pennsylvania - Poll | Results New Jersey - Poll | Results (coming soon) Georgia - incoming!
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mayakern · 5 months
hiiii it's me! devin! ur favorite!
maya is still banned from doing big business things on social media while she takes time to rest and detoxify from the poison that is running social media full time for ten years. everybody clap! yay!
i'm here to share some info on our button-up shirt and dress preorders!
as many of you already know, i lost my anti-preorder campaign due to the high minimum per design. there's been some confusion and uncertainty. carsyn's doing her best but preorders are overwhelming and i have some time today
how close are you to hitting the minimum goal for the button-up shirts and dresses?
not close lol. as of 4/26 we're at about 8% funded. i refuse to panic until after may 3rd
why the funeral design?
the funeral design won our design poll
initially we were going to run preorders for two designs: funeral as well as astronauts. when we got news that the minimum would be 400 garments per design (we're able to spread that across the button-up shirts and dresses) we decided to cut back to one design. we're really not big enough to expect 800 orders on an $80-90 item
why not another design?
another design did not win the design poll
what would have been chosen other than funeral or astronaut?
deadly florals, hiss from a rose, microorganisms, and hands were all the top placers in the design poll after funeral
can you do solid color?
why didn't you do solid color?
you can buy a solid color button-up shirt or dress from anywhere. the plan has always been to introduce these garments in solid color after their initial introduction
...so can you do solid color?
we will consider doing solid color preorders if these preorders bomb
how much would solid color cost?
probably the same. it's not much cheaper. it's faster to make tho
how much would the ecovero viscose cost instead of cotton?
maybe like $10 cheaper
it's really soft tbh but it's a different weave from the viscose for the skirts. it's my number one fabric for the button-ups but alas the cotton fandom won for now
what happens if preorders bomb?
we cancel and refund all preorders.
maybe we'll try again with a different design or with fewer features after we have some time to decompress from the nightmare that is running preorders (can you tell i hate preorders). if they bomb bad enough we may completely nix patterned button-up shirts and dresses. we don't know yet!
does that affect the picnic top?
the picnic top is completely separate. since it's made out of a different fabric it has its own minimum, so it will not be affected by button-up shirt and dress preorders
and like, to be totally honest, it's way cheaper to produce. we can eat some of the cost and just make them. they're small enough to store easily and they're at a lower price point so we can expect to sell them after we receive them, like the wrap tops
btw, we have other ready-to-ship things already in production. we've been working on a whole secret project. surprise!
why did you launch preorders for the button-up shirt/dress at the same time as the picnic top?
the picnic top sample came in with the button-up dress sample and it needed very little alteration. also maya liked it. also we may be developing an entire line inspired by the picnic top so keep an eye out for that next spring
why is the new button-up shirt more expensive than the old button-up shirt?
it's more expensive to make
why is it more expensive to make?
this is a different factory from the one we used before. it's more expensive because they pay their staff a higher wage and likely have other costs
this is a different fabric from the one we used before. it's a stretch cotton with a GOTS certification
this is imported from a different country from the one we used before. turkey has much higher import fees to the US
what is a GOTS certification?
the short version is the fabric itself is more environmentally friendly and produced with more fair labor practices than standard cotton
you can read the long version here here
can you do fulfillment from somewhere other than the US?
we're working on it. it probably won't lower prices tho, since fulfillment centers also cost money
none of this is to shame someone for not preordering. groceries are expensive and things are tight, plus it kinda sucks to spend on a tight budget and not get what you ordered for a few months
(can you tell i hate preorders)
i think there's a lot of surprise since we've never done preorders on a single design before, and that's fair! we debated on doing a kickstarter but a) i hate doing kickstarters b) kickstarter takes a percentage of sales and our profit margin on these is already lower than we'd like it to be
i'm tired and i can't remember anything else i wanted to say. i may answer any additional questions from my own tumblr (@punchyemblem and now i'm gonna get a notification that i'm gonna be jumpscared by) but carsyn will be handling most questions
also don't worry, when you say nice things we still show maya. also she's fine, she's just in her (forced and highly necessary and possibly permanent) limited social media era
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meroif · 11 months
A Hundred Years of Sleep
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Far, far away from home, you awake to a world changed. Everyone had their time to grief,  with the exception of you. Then I ask, what would you give to fix what is broken?
A Hundred Years of Sleep is an interactive fiction novel taking place in a universe of magic and machinery. It aims to guide you through a journey through the stars, one that begins and ends with your very home.
The Story
You come from Vaeravel, a small and peaceful planet orbiting around an even smaller star in a corner of the universe. You live with your aunts in your quaint neighborhood until you're considered a young adult by the standards of your long-lived species.
Then without fanfare, everything ends.
The Collapse is a terrible accident that completely destroys your planet and most of its inhabitants. You manage to survive, taken to one of the few emergency vessels fleeing disaster, but slip away into a deep sleep.
You wake up again, in an unfamiliar room, in an unfamiliar galaxy, alone. Everywhere you look, life has gone on without you.
So when you hear rumors of a ship departing for what is now called The Collapsed you can't help but embark on the journey home, so that maybe by the end of it you'd be granted peace, or at least instructed on what to do with all your loss.
Character customization. Choose name, pronouns, appearance, personality and ambitions of your character.
Moral compass. Be bad, play nice, decide how you want to interact with the world at large and see for yourself where your actions take you.
Romance. Meet and fall in love with four different characters, all gender selectable, or don't, if you prefer to the take the romanceless path.
Flirt options with various NPCs, with future extra side-stories to give them the space they deserve.
Multiple endings, good and bad, once you reach the end of your journey.
Romantic Options
Riel Rosenquartz (he/him, or she/her, or they/them), the heir of the Rosen Crown, lost monarchy of Vaeravel. Elegant, kind and diplomatic, they're overjoyed to meet another survivor of the disaster. Although you're not sure why they'd wait for so long before making the journey back home.
Khael (he/him, or she/her), the Captain of the Chrysa, the ship travelling to reach The Collapsed. Highly perceptive and infuriatingly charming, Khael is undoubtedly the person in charge. But what could they possibly stand to gain in embarking on such a dangerous journey?
Nathaniel (he/him, or she/her), allegedly a researcher hailing from afar, they seem to be unfamiliar with how the entire galaxy works. Mysterious, reserved and stubborn to a fault, it's undeniable they're hiding something big. Yet as complete strangers, you have no idea why they'd be so opposed to your presence onboard.
Aelinor (he/him or she/her), your old neighbor and childhood friend, miraculously found again in the mists of the ship's crew. Although they're just as sweet as you remember them, you can't help but wonder...where were they as you slept?
Portraits (1, 2); Aesthetics (1, 2, 3, 4); Playlists ; ROs Introductions (1, 2) ; Side Stories (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
A Hundred Years of Sleep is currently in development and will be released episodically, the current build includes the Prologue and the entirety of Chapter One.
If you've enjoyed the story so far, please consider supporting me on Patreon, it really does make a difference in the time I'm able to dedicate to the project.
Patrons receive access to the alpha demo, which currently adds the first part of Chapter Two to the public build, as well as side and themed stories, polls, and other exclusive benefits.
Thank you for your support, and for playing A Hundred Years of Sleep. 🌙
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thewickedbohemian · 4 months
Yet another idea poll regarding my projects, this time it's for stuff I'd want to make into stage musicals if I could (but stuff slightly B-list enough that people might not think to adapt it)
Some clarifications
a MLP: FIM stage musical would adapt the pilot or something else that could stand on its own yet still be adequate character introduction and characters would be conveyed in a similarly symbolic way to how Spongebob's musical does it with appropriate-color hair (YMMV on if they'd also need body paint) and a tail the same color on their tush, horns for the unicorns and wings for the pegasi, and evocative-of-character outfits (like what they wear in Equestria Girls) with their cutie mark displayed prominently)
making a stage musical out of the Luke Cage or Jessica Jones shows wouldn't necessitate speedrunning the whole plot but finding an adequately standalone piece of it
Unlike my ideas for MLP: FIM and Little Bear, a A Bug's Life musical wouldn't try to convey character through entirely symbolic-clothing-and-relevant-animal-parts a la Spongebob (unless this initial idea is impractical) but would have costumes that can actually more clearly convey what kind of bug everyone is (and my ideas have taken some cues from The Masked Singer in order to not make things look too theme-park-show)
A Little Bear musical would adapt a handful of episodes of the show that have a common theme and/or featured-side-character and just like my vision for A Bug's Life the music would be kinda country-folk-bluegrass-y to convey the rustic setting
Sure Psych would need some lengthening to make up for the commercial breaks but some of the songs could stand to be longer anyway
no I'm not sure how the spider-robot-hat-thing would work in Meet The Robinsons, yes I still think it'd make a cool musical
If Broadway can handle Sweeney Todd it can handle Midsommar (which would be another folk musical) or The Menu
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Sekai Undead Introduction!
Hello, hello and welcome! To the Sekai Undead Tumblr Page!
[Originally Started June 17th, 2023; Rebooted July 17th, 2024]
Follow us on Twitter! @/sekai_undead
On July 17th, Sekai Undead will relaunch and post on Tumblr and Twitter! Every 2 days a new part will be released until the comic is caught up with the Instagram. From then on, parts will be released monthly. (Please note older parts have an extremely distinct style change, and aren't written as well as current ones)
Sekai Undead is a Project Sekai Zombie Apocalypse AU, that focuses on the 20 cast members of Project Sekai and their feeble attempts to survive a new zombie-ridden world.
The AU will be in comic and animatic form! All written, drawn, and animated by yours truly, @rinnyriin
Sekai Undead takes place before the 3rd Anni, right before the "Light Up the Fire" event. All characters retain their original ages and classes. The AU will attempt to stick to canon as BEST as possible, with the exception of the popular "Toya Tenma" as well as the not so popular "Minori Shinonome" headcanon. All other relationships are up to the reader's interpretation
This AU is also interactive! During certain times within the comic, polls will be set up to determine what happens next. Interactive Character QnAs will also take place!
That's all you need to know for now! Happy reading!
-> Character Sheets
-> Table of Contents
-> FAQ
-> Strawpage
(If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Question box is always open!)
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one-piece-aus · 1 month
Unbottle Your Emotions
Eustass Kid x Reader (Part 5)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Taglist: @lingxio @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @tremendoushorsepatrolgoth @lil-skelly-bones (ask or comment if you want to be added)
Ahoy! Part 5 is here! I took inspiration from ask-bolthead-crew for the crew's names (aside from Killer, Heat, and Wire). You should check their blog out because the art style is metal(/pos). Also shout out to the people who voted in Killer poll, it was helpful :3
Without further ado, enjoy the story ^-^
Okay, calm down. You'll be fine. Hawkins said the cards said you'll be fine so you'll be fine, right? You just need to stand here, where Kid told you to meet him at lunch. Is this the right one? Well, he did say to be by the glass-stained window by the south entrance, and you're staring at a glass-stained window as you lean next to the doors.
Surely it's been a few minutes, and it'd be understandable if you left, right? You did wait and he hasn't shown up so-
"Is that her?"
'Oh great, they're here.' You internally groaned.
You glance over to see Kid and his gang approaching, internally thanking there's a security camera monitoring the hallway. Bouncing off the wall, you wave.
"And I thought you would've been late." Kid smirked at you.
You roll your eyes. "I was only late to class this one day."
Truthfully, you had shown up late to English class (when Makino started attendance) because you didn't want to go knowing Kid's your work partner. You only showed up because you feared what Kid would do if you didn't. You've been early to class otherwise.
"Enough chit-chat, let's go. I'm hungry." A guy with sunglasses and a tall mohawk took the lead, and you all followed outside.
You felt assured that they were heading in the same direction you went yesterday, when you had lunch with Hawkins and Apoo, at least you'd know your way back in case you needed to run. Still, you were dragging your feet, lagging at the back of the group. The blond with long hair took notice, slowing his pace to walk next to you.
"Kid forgot introductions, didn't he?" He guessed.
You nodded, pushing away the urge to question why he wore a face mask. "Yeah, uh I'm [L/n] [Y/n]."
"I go by Killer."
You try to keep a straight face. That doesn't stop the thousand questions erupting in your brain. Main one being: Is that part of the teenage edge phase or has he genuinely killed people?
Killer begins pointing out the others to you, starting with sunglasses. "That's Haikei, Oscar, Noe, Wire, and-"
"You already know him?" Killer raised an inquiring brow.
"Yeah, he uh- he was in one of my classes last year. He probably wouldn't remember though."
Normally would've forgotten your classmate's name, but the few times Kid came to your classroom after the lunch bell rang because Heat was there, not only made you aware of who the loud redhead was, but you also took note to avoid him in order to not encounter Kid.
"I see," Killer said. A moment of silence passed, well at least between the two of you, Kid and Haikei were loudly arguing about something in front of the pack, before Killer spoke to you again. "So you're Kid's partner in English?"
"Yup." A nonchalant answer.
"You must be smart."
"What makes you say that?"
"Kid normally complains about group projects. He hasn't said a word about you."
You're taken aback. Letting Killer's words sink in, your mind does its best to keep the shock invisible. Does that mean Kid enjoys working with you? No. It means he tolerates you, that's the reasonable conclusion. He's only interacting with you because you have a project, as you are with him.
"Find us a booth." Kid grinned as he walked up to the counter.
You were about to follow when the guy with the beanie called you, Noe you think it was. "Woah, where ya headin' off to, dollface? Kid's already ordering for us."
"I'm gonna make my order," you simply stated.
Last time someone ordered for you, you got a salad. You were pissed to say the least.
Killer face palmed. "Kid didn't tell you, did he [L/n]?"
"Tell me what?"
"The whole point of Kid inviting you was to help us finish this challenge," Haikei said.
"What challenge?" You didn't have to wait for your answer when Kid approached your table with a giant platter full of chicken wings.
"Alright boys, you know the drill!" Kid set down the platter and took his seat. He glanced at you, looking at you with a gaze that questioned why you were standing. Rolling your eyes, you sit down across from him.
A waiter came by a set a timer down. "600 chicken wing challenge, finish in one hour or less and your meal is free. Your time begins now." He hit the clock and the others dived in.
You blinked a few seconds, confused as hell. 'An hour? We didn't have an hour, lunch is only 45 minutes, and we'd have to leave in 30 minutes if we didn't want to be late for class. Are they stupid or do they not care?' You glanced at Kid, a frown present on your face. Though one of them spoke up before you got a word in.
"Whatcha waiting for? Dig in," Noe told you, his mouth full. 
"The three who eat the least gotta pay the bill," Heat informed beside you. "But I'm sure you won't have to since it's your first go."
"We only have half the time the restaurant gave us, shut your yaps and get to eating!" Kid ordered putting four chicken wings in his mouth.
"Guess we have to, princess over here must not like chicken," Haikei remarked.
Oh hell naw. You got up and walked to the counter. Kid briefly glanced at you before looking back at the platter. Maybe he should've let you order something while he got the chicken wings-
"Let's do this!" You slammed a large glass of milk down and took a handful of chicken wings. Kid's gang stared at you wide-eyed and jaws dropped as you began wolfing down food. You glared at them during your milk break. "Come on, I don't wanna be late to class."
Kid snapped out of it and continued eating, as did the rest. Killer took notice of his friend's demeanour shifting. The blond glanced at the rest who were now glancing at you with interest, however, a quick stern shake from Killer made them drop it. Humming, Killer ate another chicken wing under his mask.
"Alright, we finally beat that stupid challenge!"
The gang cheered as they exited the restaurant. You simply smiled, satisfied with your lunch. Maybe you'll have that burger tomorrow. You felt someone pat you on the back.
"All thanks to [L/n]! Here here!" Noe exclaimed. "No wonder Kid brought her."
"Kid knew you weren't going to be any help," the one with the short blond mohawk remarked.
"Fuck you, Oscar." Noe flipped him off.
You laughed along with the others, though you felt that irritation from earlier begin eating at your mind again. Did Kid invite you because you were extra help? What would he have done if you didn't help like the others expected? A sour taste sat in your mouth, at least you tuned into the conversation.
"Is she not part of the gang, already?" Heat's the one that asked.
"What?" You blink confused.
"This was [L/n] initiation, wasn't it?" Oscar asked, looking at Kid.
The redhead didn't say anything, making brief eye contact with you. Tossing the sourness out the window, a mixed puzzle settles in your mind instead.
"Hey, Kid just invited me for lunch since I'm working with him in English. I accepted since wasn't working on anything else, though I'll likely be busy studying tomorrow."
Sweet, you corrected the situation and made an excuse so you don't have to go tomorrow. He can't get mad if you're studying, right?
"I'll invite you again when we get the A on our project," Kid said.
"Alright," you say nonchalantly, internally dreading the idea of coming back. You barely survived today. The only reason you didn't struggle to hold yourself together is because you did more than they were expecting so Kid's barks were directed at the others. You can't go through that again now that you've raised his expectations.
"How 'bout we get something else for lunch," Killer suggested. "Since we completed their challenge, I'm sure it'll be a while before they let us take it again."
Well, that was a relief. At least, you know you won't have to deal with that. You half-tune out of the conversation now that they're chatting about other food joints. Slowly the school building came into sight, your eyes passively precepting your surroundings, until you heard an annoying voice. Not just any annoying voice.
Trying to stay cool and invisible, you glance in the direction you heard the voice. Sure enough, it's Helmeppo who is talking to Koby. Shit. You're dead meat if Koby spots you.
You slowed down by some plants and stepped into nature, walking for a few moments before hiding in the green. Silently, you counted up to a minute and stepped out. Glancing around, you sighed, relieved before heading to a different entrance than the south, blending in amongst the crowd.
For a moment, the thought of Kid getting mad because you disappeared without saying anything crossed your mind. A drop of fear swirled in your mind, not knowing how he'd react when you'd see him again. However, when comparing it to the latter, an angry Kid is far less worse, he's only in one class and you know how to hide in the crowded halls. He's easy to escape from, unlike the alternative.
You stand by your choice.
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aaronwaltke · 6 months
Hey folks!
Not long ago, I conducted a poll to see if anyone would be interested in a Substack newsletter about my current projects — as well as opportunities for more in-depth Q&As about some of the cool things I’ve worked on like Star Trek: Prodigy, Trollhunters, and more.
The answer was a yes, so here it is!
Subscribe, read, and enjoy.
Oh, and I’d appreciate it if you’d give this a reblog here on Tumblr, if you’re so inclined. It would help me out as a start things up over there.
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velvetwyrms · 5 months
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Another updated WIP of my DunMeshi BioSciences AU. This askblog is already in-progress and I will publish it just as soon as I finish this intro. A poll is up to see which endangered animal will be covered first by the party outside of this fun introduction. Can you guess what animal the boys have found this time?
[Please do not repost, reblogging stops my hours of work from dying in your likes, lets others enjoy this too and spreads the word of this project I'm making! <3]
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Strange Bedfellows Pt. 1: Moving In
[Drywall won the fic poll, so here's a short introduction to this new series, in which Mountain and Dew navigate being roommates.] Below the cut.
Ever since the ghouls' den was built, there had always been open rooms; The ministry wanted to ensure that there was enough space for everyone, and part of that meant making sure each member of the pack had their own accommodations, even if they elected to share them with others.
For a number of years, this was not a problem -there weren't nearly as many ghouls wandering the halls of the abbey, and several of the "old guard" had abandoned their corporeal forms when their tenure was complete, meaning they didn't require much of anything, let alone a place to sleep- however, in the time since Copia's ascension to the leader of the band and then to Papa and further still to Frater Imperator, the number of ghouls remaining in their physical bodies had increased significantly.
And, now, watching Aeon bed down on the couch in the common room for the night, it was obvious space had simply... run out.
Aurora had lucked out and gotten Sunshine's room after the ghoulette left the church, but her reluctance to share it had been apparent from the moment it was suggested, and no one could fault her for wanting her privacy.
But from a practical standpoint... Aeon needed a room with an actual bed, both because having the common room acting as his bedroom meant no one could really use it after a certain time, and because Aeon deserved just as much privacy as the rest of them, especially as the new summons adjusted to their new vessels and life on the surface.
To further complicate matters, Aeon was also put off by the idea of sharing a room with someone else, not because he disliked the thought of bunking with another person outright, but rather because the poor quint could be... restless... at night.
It hadn't taken more than a night on the surface in his new vessel for the pack to discover that the younger ghoul was a sleepwalker.
The discovery had been mortifying for Aeon, and, ever since, he'd been vocal about wanting a room with a room with a lock on the door, afraid that he might get himself lost even as he steadily got used to the layout of the dorms; All it would take is one open door and he could wind up outside, and that scared him most of all.
But therein lies the rub; There was simply no way to build a new room downstairs.
When they remodeled the ghouls' den some years ago, they had maximized the space as much as they could, but that had also meant rearranging beams and adding immovable walls and pillars to support the weight of the building on top of them.
It had taken six months to complete and cost the ministry a pretty penny to have it done, so there was no way even Copia -who loved his ghouls immensely- would spring for another huge construction project, especially when the next project on the docket was renovating and repairing the defunct west wing of the abbey.
During a majority of the back and forth on what to do about the lack of space -from finding a room for Aeon upstairs with the siblings to trying to convince the groundskeeper to let the ghoul stay with her in the cottage for a time (a firm "No.")- Mountain had remained quiet, watching the others throw ideas around as if the solution wasn't obvious.
"I could share with someone." He'd said finally, raising his hand when he saw Aeon curling into himself, not wanting to inconvenience anyone, "My room is a double, so it would only be fair."
Like Aurora, Mountain had inherited his room from another ghoul, Zephyr to be specific, but the circumstances had been slightly different; The older ghoul's vessel was unstable, slowly deteriorating the longer they remained trapped within it, so they had been given the biggest available room with a wonderful view of the ghouls' private courtyard so they could spend their final days comfortably.
When the air ghoul was close to the end, Mountain had made it a point to bring them outside and lay them down in the grass, to bring them flowers when they couldn't leave their bed, and to simply make his presence known to the other in the moments where it was clear they just needed a hand to hold...
He and Zephyr... they'd never been close; They'd been acquaintances at best, but because of the wishes of someone else, Mountain had made sure Zephyr never felt alone.
That person, the one who begged him to stay by Zephyr's side had been-
"Finally, a chance to get out of that fucking shoebox."
"Aeon can have my old room." the hybrid announced, "It's small, but it's better than nothing."
And just like that, Mountain and Dew were officially made roommates.
Moving all of Dew's belongings into his room hadn't taken any time at all, the most tedious part of it all had been gathering up the ghoul's extensive t-shirt collection... and not entirely because of the volume.
"You have the same band t-shirt in three different sizes..." Mountain scoffs, holding up the offending piece of fabric for a third time, "Do you like the design that much, or did you just steal them from other people's laundry, because this one is definitely a double XL-"
Dew swats him with a sock, "Oi, that's the one I wear the most!"
Mountain holds the shirt up, doing a one to one comparison, then holds it out to Dew, "Your dress, sir-"
"Sleep shirt! I use it as a sleep shirt, Einstein!" Dew hisses, snatching it away, "Excuse me for liking to be comfortable."
The earth ghoul hums and pulls another piece of clothing from the pile on Dew's bed.
"So you're really okay with sharing with me?" he asks, turning to look at Dew as the other works on rolling up a pair of socks, "You don't have to give up your room..."
The shorter ghoul snorts, "Dude, getting out of this room is all I've wanted to do since I moved into it. Aeon'll probably curse me for giving him my room instead of somebody else offering up theirs, it's cramped, it doesn't have room for anything, and the one window it has might as well be painted on because it doesn't open."
"I'm glad to be rid of it, and if the consequences of having more space is moving in with you, I think I'll be just fine." he continues, tossing his socks into the bin, "Plus, it's not like I haven't roomed with someone before. Aeth and me were roommates up until our first tour together, remember?"
Mountain nods, "I remember you complaining about his snoring, and he'd argue that you were worse, because you wouldn't leave the room to fart-"
"At least the smell went away after a while, his honk shooing ass would go on and on for hours..." Dew interrupts.
"-and then would laugh about it, because you think farts are the funniest thing in the world." Mountain finishes.
"Farts are top tier comedy, and I'm tired of pretending they're not."
"Well, thank the lord below I have so many plants, they'll save us both from you off-gassing constantly."
As the pair fall back into silence, sorting through Dew's laundry, they both feel a sense of calm.
A bit of casual bickering aside, the two have always gotten along fine; They've been friends for years, having joined the church around the same time, albeit under different circumstances, along with Aether, they'd developed an inseparable bond.
They were comfortable around each other, so it was unsurprising that, of all the ghouls to board together, they would be the ones to do it.
That being said, the rest of the pack seemed to be waiting with bated breath for... something.
Even if Mountain and Dew weren't readily aware of it themselves, there was a certain... tension... between them; The sort that made itself obvious in the way Mountain could pull a pair of Dew's underwear from the pile of laundry on his bed and not even think twice about it, having folded half a dozen pairs already, and how Dew didn't even bat an eyelash seeing him do it.
Perhaps tension isn't the right word; Tension would make more sense if Mountain felt even remotely flustered handling Dew's undergarments that came in varying degrees of scandalous, or if Dew felt some kind of way about seeing the earth ghoul's big, calloused hands holding the silk briefs he'd gotten as a gag gift a year ago and actually wore more often than not, because they felt nice.
There wasn't anything like that going on, certainly not with how calmly they're both carrying on with the task at hand.
Not that Mountain's ears are turning pink with every brush of the soft fabric against his fingertips...
As far as the two are concerned, this is just a normal, casual thing to do that holds no extra baggage at all...
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memoriesndew · 21 days
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intro to “coquette life planner” by the notion nest
In the last poll I did (on my kofi page), the majority of you wanted a 2024 coquette - mainly pink aesthetic and trust that I will always deliver. I wanted the life planner template to be everything so I put so much energy into this, most templates I make take about 2-4 weeks depending on the simplicity or complexity of it, but this took a month plus to make. I tried to include everything and make it aesthetic and cute. it comes with a travel planner, a daily, weekly and monthly planner, a general to-do list, a goal tracker connected to tasks and more. it includes 30+ pages. I made sure to add the goal tracker into the different pages each goal is related to. i added a goal view to fitness page for your fitness goals and to the school dashboard and others. This template is beginner-friendly and is not as complicated as some of my other templates and I tried to include only the things that are necessary to reduce distractions. it also includes a Pomodoro timer and page for those who would like to use the Pomodoro method to work. I hope this template works for you as much as possible enjoy.
More about the template
Enter the Notion Coquette Life Planner, a digital tool for bringing the coquette lifestyle to life in an organized and visually appealing manner. Whether you're new to Notion or an experienced user, this article will help you construct a calendar that captures the essence of the coquette aesthetic while keeping you on track with your goals.
Why Choose the Coquette Life Planner?
Aesthetic Appeal: With its soft pastel colours, delicate fonts, and elegant layouts, the Coquette Life Planner turns the mundane into something magical. Every time you open it, you’re greeted with a visual experience that motivates you to dive into your tasks and plans.
Comprehensive Organization: This planner isn’t just about looks—it’s packed with functional features. Every aspect of your life can be neatly organized in one place, from daily, weekly, and monthly calendars to habit trackers, goal-setting pages, and project management tools.
Customizable Layouts: Notion's flexibility allows you to tailor the planner to your specific needs. Whether you need extra journaling space, a dedicated brainstorming section, or a simple to-do list, the Coquette Life Planner can be easily customized to fit your lifestyle.
Mindfulness and Self-Care: Life isn’t just about productivity; it’s about balance. The planner includes sections dedicated to mindfulness, self-care routines, and reflections, ensuring you’re not just crossing tasks off a list but also taking care of yourself.
How to Use the Coquette Life Planner
Getting started with the Coquette Life Planner is simple. Once you purchase it from my Ko-fi shop, you'll receive a pdf that will lead you to a link to duplicate the planner into your Notion workspace. From there, you can begin customizing it to your heart's content. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Daily Planning: Use the daily layout to organize your tasks, appointments, and personal notes. Add motivational quotes or images that inspire you to make each day beautiful and productive.
Goal Setting: Break down your big dreams into actionable steps with the goal-setting template. Whether it’s launching a new project, learning a skill, or cultivating a new habit, the planner will keep you focused and motivated.
Self-Care Tracking: Monitor your self-care habits with dedicated trackers. Whether it's maintaining a skincare routine, keeping up with exercise, or practicing daily gratitude, you’ll be able to track them all.
Ready to embrace your inner coquette and transform the way you plan your life? Visit my Ko-fi shop and get your hands on the Coquette Life Planner today!
Shop Now: [Ko-fi Shop Link]
Follow Me: For more aesthetic digital tools and resources, be sure to follow me on social media and stay tuned for updates on new products!
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WIP Announcement (and re-re introduction)
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Hello everybody! I've been busy for a while and I haven't been able to respond to a lot of the tag games and asks that I've recieved, but now finally I am done (for now) and I can get back to responding to y'all and posting about my WIP!
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(Left) My MC'S Narul and Ninma courtesy of @faeporcelain and (right) Narul courtesy of @veggiebr0th !
For those of you who haven't seen me before, Hello! You can call me C. I am currently working on a series of fantasy novels, The Testaments of the Green Sea. The story follows the journey of the giant Narul and the princess Ninma as they travel the lands of Kishetal. Along the way they encounter spirits, monsters, demons, magic, war, gods, pirates, and slavers.
The setting and story is based around the mythologies and cultures of the Bronze age, no knights here sorry to say.
Genre: Epic Fantasy
Themes and Tropes (Or more accurately a random assortment of words vaguely related to the plot): Found Family, immortality, loss, love, war, power, memory, magic, insanity, political shenanigans, The passage of time, growing up, queerness in the ancient world, violence, spirits, fantasy outside of medieval europe
I finished the second draft of the first book (and started book 2) and I thought that I was happy with it, but lately I've been thinking more about a lot of the characters that I've included and the stories that I want to tell and I have realized that even with 208,000 words, I wasn't able to fully capture everything that I wanted to. And so I have decided to give myself more work and to split my first book into three separate books which will let me give all of the characters and stories the attention they need without overcrowding.
And I have finally come up with titles! The series overall is called The Testaments of the Green Sea and the three new books are as follows:
The Giant and The Princess
The Pirate and The Poet
The Hammer and the Spear
Some things you can expect in the next few days:
An absolute deluge of tag game responses and ask answers, I have a lot of catching up to do ( @illarian-rambling , @mk-writes-stuff , @elizaellwrites , @elsie-writes , @willtheweaver , @phoenixradiant , @agirlandherquill , @the-ellia-west , and anyone else that I might have missed)
I will finally be posting the intro to my OC, Zatar (I'm including a drawing of him down below), and will be posting a poll or two about other characters that y'all want to be introduced to you.
I might do a poll about a poll, to see what sort of thing y'all would be interested in seeing
I will be posting a recipe for a cheesecake recipe from my world, this is a way to celebrate 200 followers (thank y'all so much btw!)
I'm excited to show y'all some new things about my WIP and to introduce you all to my OCs and world! Also, I don't think I've ever actually made an official taglist. If y'all are interested in being in a taglist for this project, send me a message or comment on this post!
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ane-doodles · 1 year
Eclipse Repair Mission!! (presentation)
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Your vacation has just started, you are relaxing at home resting while having a cup of your favorite drink. Out of nowhere you hear the doorbell ring, who could it be at this hour?
When you open the door, you only see a box at the entrance, it has a label with the name of that amusement company of which you were a fan, but that a couple of years ago one of its most impressive complexes had been consumed by fire. Perhaps your friend who used to work there had sent you more salvaged merchandise, you were excited to think that they could be more clothes or toys of the curious daycare attendant that you liked to visit so much.
You lift the box and hear noises inside, you get scared and end up dropping it noisily. You hear more noises, like scratches and blows coming from the inside of the box... what joke was that silly friend of yours trying to play on you?
You carefully opened both lids of the box, only to find a pair of shimmering bright eyes fixed on you.
That was definitely not what you had in mind
Phew! Finally, after several inconveniences, I have been able to introduce you to the introduction of this little game/comic.
Here are brief explanations:
• Have you seen those posts where it is necessary to reach a certain number of likes and reblogs to reach an update or second part? Well this is something similar
• I don't plan on setting exorbitant interaction goals because the reason for this is to have fun. But I would really appreciate if you share this little series of mine
• Each publication will have a specific dynamic. Sometimes they will be likes, other times comments, questions, polls, reblogs, etc...
• Decision making will affect the telling of the story, but not the ending.
• At a certain point you will be able to interact with Eclipse! wait for that moment and give him lots of pampering! (poor baby needs them)
• This series is a kind of storytelling mixed with illustrations and comics. Sometimes in sketches and on special occasions complete illustrations
• If you have ideas of situations for the story you can leave it here in the comments!
• Please be patient with me. I haven't written a fanfic in more than 10 years, and English is not my native language (actually I depend on a translator for my posts). Sometimes work and studies make me draw slow, but I plan to do weekly posts
• This series isn't going to be toooooo long, but I do plan on having a little fun with everyone.
And that would be the main thing! I'm so excited to share this little project with such a warm and welcoming community, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
As I said before, if you have ideas or suggestions you can leave them in the comments (or in my question box if you prefer to do it privately).
Btw if anyone is interested in a version of the cover image as a wallpaper (no text) let me know and I'll share it
See you soon new friend!✨
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