#protective of myself and attempting to control everything that happens to me
aridadne · 1 year
writing this and queuing it for later so i can reread it when it eventually pops up in a couple of days
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ineffablesuffering · 9 months
Where The Furniture Used to Be (Aziraphale x Crowley x Adopted!reader)
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Hello! Welcome back! So this was a request from a lovely anon! (I hope you see this and you like it!) This is my very first attempt at angst so please be nice!
Pairing: (Aziraphale x Crowley x Adopted!reader)
Warnings: again like one swear word. Feels? (look i tried lmao)
Word Count: 2557
Note: To the other anon that sent me a request, I have seen it! It's been added to my list <3
“This is ridiculous,” you huffed, “Why can’t I go outside?” the wind picked up outside the bookshop window.
Aziraphale sighed. They, Crowley and Aziraphale, had adopted you when they you were a teenager after noting some strange weather patterns that seemed otherworldly and out of place in London. They had followed the trails and it led them to you, a then-teenager who had trouble controlling their emotions. You were a witch, a bloody powerful one at that, who could control and manipulate the elements no spell or potion needed. It had taken time, but Crowley had connected that the change in weather had come directly from your emotions whether they meant it or not.  Aziraphale and Crowley had worked hard to conceal them from their respective ex-head offices, and it had been working. Until now. You see, Heaven and Hell had taken notice of the young witch and had been watching closely for quite some time. The power they had worried them immensely, they felt threatened by it. With the planning of The Second Coming, they didn’t have the time nor patience to put up with someone who could quickly stop it.
“I just don’t want anything to happen to you, my dear, at least let us accompany you,” Aziraphale said calmly.
“To me or to other people?” you snapped, “I am old enough to go and get a coffee myself Az. You don’t need to treat me like such a baby anymore. I’m not going to hurt anyone. I can control myself now. What could possibly happen to me huh? Nothing has ever happened to me, and nothing will. I can’t stay cooped up in here forever.” The wind continued to pick up outside.
“Oi!” Crowley said from his position on the sofa, “there’s no need to speak to Aziraphale like that. We’re just looking out for you that’s all.”
You let out a deep sigh and rubbed your temples; the wind slowly calming. You loved Aziraphale and Crowley so much and were very grateful to them for everything they had done. But this was too much. You could protect yourself, should anything ever happen to you. You were a grown adult, not the once out-of-control teenager you used to be.
“I’m sorry,” you sighed, “I just think it’s a bit silly that I can’t go 10 minutes down the road to grab a coffee, on my own.”
Aziraphale and Crowley shared a look. It wasn’t that they didn’t trust you, they just didn’t want any harm to come to you. You just looked at them, as they had a silent conversation debating on how they should handle the situation. Aziraphale sighed again and took your hands in his own.
“Okay, fine. You can go but come straight back.” Aziraphale said, softly but his tone suggested that there was no room for argument. A smile appeared on your face as you launched yourself into Aziraphale’s arms.
“Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!” you squealed, “I promise I won’t be long, and I’ll bring you back something too.”
Aziraphale chuckles as he returns the hug rubbing a hand up and down your back. “Just come straight back.” He said as he pulled away. You nodded and quickly made your way to Crowley.  
“Thank you!” you said as you gave Crowley a kiss on the cheek. Crowley just winks at you.
“I take my thanks in the form of a …”
“A big cup with 6 shots of espresso, yes I know,” you laughed interrupting him.
“That’s my little angel,” he said quietly and pressed a kiss to your hand.
You smiled as you made your way out of the bookshop. “Bye! Love you!” you said closing the door behind you.
“I do hope we made the right decision,” Aziraphale said sitting down next to Crowley, taking his hand in his.
“They’ll be fine Angel,” Crowley said, “Just have a little bit of faith,” he said kissing the angel's cheek before standing up and sauntering off into the kitchen to make Aziraphale a cup of tea.
You walked down the street towards the coffee shop with a smile on your face as you took in the scenes around you. There were cars driving up and down the street, the sun was shining, and a cool autumn breeze swirled around you. It truly seemed to be the perfect afternoon. As you walked with almost a skip in your step, you bumped into someone.
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry,” you said to the stranger. The stranger was a woman dressed in white with neat dark hair.
“Watch where you’re walking,” said the stranger.
“Sorry!” you said and continued on your way.
You reached the coffee shop just moments later, and praise be, there was no queue. The shop was particularly empty except for a woman who was sat at a table dressed in white but with beautiful dark skin. Strange you thought, that’s two women in white suits in the last few minutes. Maybe they’re getting married. You shrugged the thought off as you ordered an iced latte for yourself, a large cup with six shots of espresso for Crowley and a vanilla slice for Aziraphale. You paid and thanked the barista and waited for your order. You turned around and saw the woman at the table staring at you. You offered a friendly smile, but the woman just kept on staring at them. “Okay then,” you said under your breath.
You thank the barista when they hand you your order and make your way back to the bookshop. You take a sip of the iced latte and make a face. You didn’t order any syrup in your latte, but it tasted awfully like almonds, and that’s the last thing you remember before everything went black.
Back at the bookshop, Aziraphale was pacing. “They should be back by now,” he stressed as he walked.
“I’m sure they just bumped into a friend or something Angel,” Crowley responded trying to calm Aziraphale, but deep down he knew that something wasn’t right.
“It's been over an hour Crowley,” Aziraphale said glancing out the window to see if he could spot you.
“I know Angel, they’ll be fine,” Crowley said standing up and walking over to Aziraphale placing a hand on his shoulder.
Aziraphale turned to face Crowley and buried his head in his shoulder. Crowley wraps his arms around the angel, soothing him by running a hand up and down his back. Much like how Aziraphale had done to Y/N not too long ago. “Can we go look for them?” Aziraphale mumbled into Crowley’s shoulder.
“Would it make you feel better?” Crowley asked pulling away so he could look him in the eyes. Aziraphale just nodded and Crowley sighed. “C’mon then Angel.”
Aziraphale and Crowley walked down the same streets that Y/N had. The sun was still bright in the sky, the cool breeze whipping around them, but something wasn’t right. They could feel it. They turned the corner and stopped. On the middle of the pavement, there were two dropped coffees and a dropped paper bag which seemed to contain a vanilla slice. The angel and demon turned to each other as their hearts dropped to their stomachs.
You awoke to a bright light and a pounding headache. Your hands bound to a chair and a white rag in your mouth. You wince as you opened your eyes to see the two women from earlier standing before you hold a book.
“What is going on?” you tried to speak, but the rag prevented the words from coming out.
The woman with the neat dark hair snapped her fingers and the rag disappeared.
“You! You’re the women from earlier!” you thrash, trying to break free of the material that held you to the chair.
“Women?” the woman said, “We are the Archangels Michael,” they pointed and themselves “and Uriel,” they continued pointing to the other woma- angel, “and you must be Y/N,” they said a hint of disgust in their voice.
“What’s it to you?” you snap trying to burn your way through the material bounding you to the chair.
“Oh, that won’t work here, Y/N,” said Archangel Uriel, “your gifts are of no use to you in heaven.”
You froze. Heaven? Panic coursed through your veins like ice. “No, no, no, no.” you panicked.
“Oh yes, Y/N,” the Archangel Michael smiled. “You get quite the view from up here.”
“How do you even know who I am anyway?” You said.
“We’ve been watching you for quite some time now. Quite the stir you’ve made upstairs and downstairs. You’ve had us all quite worried,” spoke Uriel.
Your head was spinning. You knew about Heaven and Hell. You always have for as long as you’ve had your powers, that wasn’t the surprise. You knew Aziraphale was an angel and Crowley a demon, so coming face to face with two Archangels wasn’t a huge shock to the system. No, what panicked you the most was that you were up here and Aziraphale and Crowley were nowhere to be seen.
“W-What have you done to them?” you shouted.
“To who?” Uriel cocks their head.
“Aziraphale and Crowley!” you cried. “Where are they?”
“You mean The Traitor and the Demon?” Michael starts, “Oh nothing, it’s not as if they’ll even know who you are in a minute anyway,” they gestured to the book that Uriel held. You’d know that book anywhere.
“Is that?” you say suddenly getting quiet.
“You’re a clever witch, aren’t you?” Uriel said condescendingly.
“But I haven’t done anything!” you shout.
“Ah, not yet you haven’t,” Uriel starts “but we can’t have you interfering with The Second Coming now, can we?”
The Second what now? Fear and dread slowly started to fill your body from your head to your toes. They were going to erase you from The Book of Life. Tears filled your eyes as the reality of your situation dawned on you. You were at a loss for words as Uriel opened the book and handed it to Michael. Your thoughts ran wild as they smiled at you. You felt as if you were about to throw up.
Suddenly, doors opened to your left and voices shouted.
“Let them go!”
“What do you think you are doing!”
It was Aziraphale and Crowley running towards you. Aziraphale snapped his fingers, and you were freed from your restraints. You threw yourself into Crowley's arms and sobbed as Crowley caught you and stroked your hair. “You’re okay my little angel,” he whispered in your ear. Aziraphale stood in front of you both.
“What is the meaning of all this?” Aziraphale demanded.
“Ah, so glad you could join us,” Michael smiled, “We were just about to get started.”
Aziraphale froze when he saw what was in Michael's hands. He turned to Crowley, a wild expression on his face. Crowley tilted his head, confused until he too saw what Michael was holding. His hand froze on your hair.
“That’s not?” Crowley started, suddenly moving you behind him. Aziraphale nodded weakly, not knowing what to say or do. He turned to face Uriel and Michael.
“You can’t do that,” he stepped forward, but Uriel snapped their fingers, and he couldn’t move any further. He was stuck, and panic took over his body. “You wouldn’t, they haven’t done anything!” he shouted. His worst nightmare had suddenly become a reality. He was going to lose you and he couldn’t do anything about it.
Crowley tried to make a dash for The Book of Life, but it was no use, he wasn’t fast enough and soon he was also stuck in place, right next to Aziraphale. “You can’t do this!” he roared, fear washing over him. Michael and Uriel ignored them as they found your name in the book. You rushed in front of Aziraphale and Crowley, you turned and faced the two Archangels.
“Please, don’t do this,” you beg tears rolling down your face, “you can’t do this!” Uriel hands Michael a feather. “I promise I won’t cause any bother. I won’t!” you tried to bargain but it was no use.
“That’s not a risk we are willing to take,” said Michael and with one swift stroke, crossed your name out of The Book of Life, and disappeared.
You turned to face Aziraphale and Crowley and stumbled forward feeling slightly tingly. You felt arms around you as Aziraphale and Crowley were released from their holds as now, there was nothing they could do.
“No, no, no, no!” Crowley shouted as he grasped onto you. You could see tears fall from Aziraphale's eyes as he stroked your hair.
“It’s okay,” you said to them bringing a hand to each of their faces, tears still rolling down your face. “It’s going to be okay,” you whisper quietly.
“How can you say that Y/N?” Aziraphale whispers.
“Because in a few seconds, you won't even remember who I was. You won’t feel any pain.” You whisper to them, noticing that your hands were fading. This was it. A sob wracked through Crowley, his emotions getting the best of him. You feel his lips touch your forehead.
“You’ll always be my little angel Y/N,” he whispers into your hair, pressing another soft kiss to the crown of your head.
“I love you both so much.” You said, feeling yourself fade away.
“We love you too, so much,” Aziraphale whispers into your hair, kissing your head softly, and with that, you faded away in their arms.
A few days later, Aziraphale and Crowley were in the bookshop. Aziraphale had decided to close the shop today, not feeling like opening up. He sat at his desk a strange feeling in his stomach like something was missing but he couldn’t quite place what it was. He sighed and stood up from his desk and made his way to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. He found Crowley standing there staring at a cup of coffee.
“Everything alright my dear?” he asked.
“Hmm?” Crowley responded looking at him.
“I asked if everything is alright?”
“Oh, yeah m’fine.” He said with a sigh, “Do you ever feel like something isn’t quite right?” he asked Aziraphale after a moment.
“You know I was just thinking about that myself,” he said leaning next to him on the kitchen counter. “I’ve just felt rather, unfulfilled recently and I can’t seem to place why.” He frowned.
“Me too,” Crowley said reverting his attention back to his coffee. “It’s very strange, it feels like looking into a house you used to own and trying to place where the furniture used to be but you just can't.”
“That’s an oddly specific way of putting it.”
“But I’m not wrong.”
“No,” Aziraphale sighed, “you are not.”
They stood in silence for a minute before Aziraphale spoke up again. “I’m sure it will pass; all things pass in the end.”
Crowley looked at the angel with a bemused look on his face, “Did you just quote George Harrison?”
Aziraphale blushed “Maybe,”
“You surprise me every day Angel.” Crowley said with a chuckle, “C’mon make your tea and I’ll get you in the main room.” He said sauntering off.
So, life went on as it always had for Aziraphale and Crowley, though they could never shift that feeling that something, or rather someone, was missing.
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ilovepedro · 8 months
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Deja Vú | javier peña x f!reader
Summary: You and Javier, your best friend and neighbor, have been hooking up for a while now. He’s infiltrated your daily life, lingering in your thoughts, seeing him everywhere - you’re unable to function without him crossing your mind. However, nothing has been exclusively established by you two. At least not until shit hits the fan when the two of you go on dates with other people. Will things between you and Javier turn into something more?
Word count: tbd (it’ll probs be long i can’t control myself)
Rating: 18+ MDNI (All ageless blogs will be blocked.)
Series warnings: friends with benefits, friends to lovers, lil bit of enemies to lovers at some point, idiots in love, miscommunication trope, flirting, mutual pining, some angst, Javi is a fucking idiot bc he is a man, jealous!Javi, possessive!Javi, protected and unprotected PIV (wrap it up y’all), fingering, oral (f receiving), spanking, some ass play, creampie, aftercare, reader speaks and understands Spanish, reader is female and has hair you can pull but has no other physical descriptions, no mention of hair type/skin color/body type, NO USE OF Y/N, translations will be available at the end of each chapter.
A/N: Mood board does not depict reader, she is completely faceless through and through. This is loosely based off Deja Vú by Beyoncé because how could i, Nini, not write a fic based off of a Bey song??? if y’all don’t know me, i am Beyhive 4L 🤞🏼i was listening to B’day and it’s so Javi coded to me, it’s crazy
Divider by @saradika
Full series here! 🫶🏼
As promised, my lil 200 followers celebration (and my WIP Wednesday) so, snippet under the cut!
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You shut the door before he can answer, huffing out a deep breath you didn’t know you were holding in, and lean against it. What a long fucking night. Padding into the bathroom, you remove your makeup and sigh into your towel. You stare at yourself in the mirror and bite back tears.
Shaking your head, you will yourself not to cry - refusing to shed tears for him. You walk out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, grabbing a glass from one of the cabinets. Opening the fridge, you reach for the open bottle of wine. Sighing, as you’re reminded of Javi, having shared the bottle with him after a hookup a few days ago. 
You fill your glass to the brim and chug half of it, slamming down the glass on the countertop. You drag your feet towards the living room, plopping down on the couch. Your head hangs in your hands as you curl into a ball.
“Javi!” You perk up at the sound of a woman calling his name. Rising from the couch, you press your ear against the thin wall that separates yours and Javi’s apartments. “Sí, Javi, sí!” Your brain is short-circuiting as you hear her moan Javi’s name. You can’t help but let your jaw fall open, shocked that he’d be so bold to rub this in your face. Tears of anger and heartache well in your eyes. You attempt to storm off until you hear your name.
A man screaming your name - Javi screaming your name. Everything goes silent. Your ears are ringing and your body is hot, flooding with emotions as your head spins. There’s no way any of this is happening.
Suddenly, you hear shuffling and shouting from outside. Running to peer out of the small peephole at the top of your front door, your jaw drops again at the scene playing out in front of you. Cassandra, the woman from earlier in the night, is fixing her clothes while screaming at a shirtless Javi in the hallway.
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i’m excited for this one! it’s like seeing the novelas in my head come to life on the page lol this is very self-indulgent for me
some moot/npt tags: @joelsgreys @nostalxgic @party-hearses @daydreamingmiller @tinygarbage @bastardmandennis @javierpena-inatacvest @amanitacowboy @undrthelights @gracieheartsspedro 🩷
ty @mandoisapunk @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @jenispunk for the wip wednesday tags <333
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kimingyuslover · 7 days
the call
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synopsis : you never thought that one call could leave you in a tearful night.
word count : 759
pairing : lee dokyeom x afab!reader
warnings : reader is mentioned wearing a dress, angst (sorry not sorry), tears.
a.n : i feel like i need more angst in my life & i want to create a oneshot that will have the readers bawling their eyes out. idk to you guys, but i cried a little while writing this.
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the white mini dress you wore is adoring to everyone's eyes. you decided that it was time for you to have a date again, after your last one, which is 3 weeks ago.
the night ends so quickly, the date went absolutely wonderful, you have to thank Mingyu– who arranged this date, with lots of food.
"yeah, the date went so excellent! i think we'd have another date next week" you say as you start to open your laptop to finish the proposal you've been writing for ages.
"should i expect a barbecue dinner next month? you probably ended with this guy" Mingyu said on the other side, making you let out a giggle.
"i don't know, but maybe—
you got cut off by the ringtone from your phone, someone calls you, "wait a sec Mingyu, i need to pick up another call" which Mingyu answered with, "yeah sure, call me again right after that"
you can't figure the name of the contacts on your phone, and you can't remember whose this number belongs to, but you answer it because you think it's maybe something important?
"hello?" you let out.
"y/n," the other person replied. you know who this is, and you're planning to hang up the call, but before you can do it, he speaks again.
"i'm sorry! please don't hang up, i need to let this out, my hearts feels heavy if i have to carry this every day." he said, you replied nothing, and he take that as a yes, he can speak to you.
"i want you to know that, i still love you. i messed up a big time while we're still in a relationship, i'm sorry that i don't take the blame even though it's my fault, i'm sorry i neglected you, neglected our relationship. i need you to know that my heart still belongs to you. i tried, i really tried to leave you alone because that's what a good ex should do, right? but when i heard you already go on dates, my heart started to aches so much that it really brought tears to my eyes. that night, i had a few drinks because of the pressure my company put me in, i shouldn't lashed it out on you that night. i'm not in my right state of mind. my mind wanders around when you leave me, i feel miserable, i feels like shit, an asshole, a prick, bastard, and other terms that i used to believe i'm not one of them. i promise your mom to always protect you, but in the end, i was the one who hurt you," you heard him letting out a silent sobs. you don't want to cut him. you feel your own tears start to huddle in your eyes.
"i never made any attempt to make time for you because i think, i need space where i'm alone, far from you, and of course, i was wrong. i never want you to be far from me, i want you to hold me close every time I had a shitty day like you used to before my work schedule demanding every time i have and i start to distancing myself from you. i regret every single second when i'm thinking about what i did to you, i never deserved you, and you deserve so much more than me," now, it's your time to let out your silent sobs.
"Everyday, every night when i see my apartment, all i see is you. every corner of this building held it memory of you, i missed you, i missed us before everything happens" notices your sobs, he pauses for awhile.
"you don't need to answer me, i just want to let you know that every inch of me loves you until now. you deserve a man who can make his time for you, who can control his emotion better than me," he stop for a second, "who can love you better than i do"
that's your breaking down point. you try to speak, "dokyeom, i'm sorry"
"it's not your fault. it's mine, it's never yours, i made us this way, so i have to accept it. " he chuckles dryly, and not long after that, he hangs up the call.
minutes later, you received a text from the same number
i'm not drunk or tipsy. everything that comes out of my mouth is proof that i, in fact, is still mourning for our relationship.
i hope you'll have a good life, away from me, goodbye, my love.
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cherrryxx · 4 months
“All is fair in love and war, but I can’t fight with you anymore,,”
(Song: Allies or enemies by The Crane Wives)
OP men and their reaction to an argument, where m!reader gets upset and avoids them.
Including: Mihawk, Kaku
Warnings: angst, m!reader, hurt/comfort, minor cursing, SPOILERS FOR WATER SEVEN/ENIES LOBBY
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- Only reason he would end up arguing with you is for doing something he specifically asked you not to, that could have resulted in you being hurt. Mayybeee also if you’re being too ignorant about things too.
“I said I was sorry! Nothing happened so it’s really not that serious!” You shout at Mihawk. He was agitated and ended up arguing with you after you had followed him into a particularly risky battle.
“Really? And what if I had cut you in half! I could have killed you, THEY would have killed you.” Mihawk snaps. He’s never raised his voice or talked to you with such an aggressive tone, and to be honest it scares you a bit.
As he continues to chew you out, belittling your own ability to stay alive, practically insulting your skills as he gives every reason that he wanted you to listen. You eventually snap.
“Mihawk I’m not a fucking child!” You shout.
And that’s when he realized how much he screwed up. He tried to quickly apologize,
“Look, love, I’m sorry, I know I was being a little har-“
But you were having none of it. You closed the door in the golden-eyed man’s face.
Throughout a week period, you avoided him. Mihawk respected it for the time being, but didn’t enjoy the fact that you treated his presence like a vile plague.
Eventually, he couldn’t stand it anymore, and cornered you in the library.
“I’m sorry, please. I know I can’t control everything you do, I just don’t want you to get hurt.”
It was the first time you’ve ever heard desperation in the warlord’s voice. You looked at him your eyes heavy with sorrow; and pulled him close to you.
“I’m sorry. I know you just wanted to protect me, I just want to show you that I can protect myself, though.”
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- Kaku would literally be too perfect in a relationship to do something that would cause an argument. Oh, besides the fact that he was a secret government agent that nearly assassinated your beloved mayor and friend. Excluding that.
You were furious with Kaku after learning of his betrayal in Water 7. Paulie and Iceburg felt obligated to tell you, especially since you were together for the past five years.
You cried through the next few weeks, only stopping to celebrate when you learned the strawhat crew had managed to get Nico Robin back, and escape relatively unscathed.
After the Luffy and his crew left Water 7 for good, you felt numbed inside. The person you had been with for the past five years worked for the government, and no less attempted to assassinate your close friend Iceburg.
One night, while you were in one of the back allies so you could dispose of your trash; there was a loud thud. You quickly turned around, spotting a tall figure in black clothes.
Instinctively, you grab the carving knife you always kept in your pocket.
“Who’s there!”
You demand, not letting your voice waver for a second.
But when the “stranger” lifted his head, your heart dropped.
“Kaku?” You croaked, your eyes welling up with tears.
“Hello.” He said, shifting awkwardly a few yards away from you.
Your sadness quickly flared up into anger as you remembered why he left in the first place.
“How could you do this, Kaku?!” You shouted, it felt like your voice was ripping through your throat as you spoke. “I trusted you, everyone trusted you!”
You couldn’t keep your tears from running down your face as sobs wracked your body.
You felt arms wrap around you warmly, pulling you close.
“I’m so sorry, honey, please,” Kaku’s voice cracked as he spoke, “I didn’t want to, please believe me. I didn’t. I just don’t have a choice anymore.”
You cried, hitting and punching at his chest. Kaku took the hits sucking in through his teeth as he held back tears.
“Please, I’m sorry. I’m sorry my dear.” He choked out.
You grip his arms roughly, your hands shaking with the gesture.
“I forgive you.”
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qtubbo-is-not-fine · 4 months
Okay, it's so so bad, but that's fine. This was inspired by Soul Eater's Morality Manipulation Machine, Tubbo's black suit and message on twitter, this fic has both fed!tubbo and poly morning crew, and mood of this work jump from angst to flirting very quickly, probably very ooc. Enjoy<3
«Was it freeing, what federation did to you?»
This is what made Tubbo finally stop in his tracks, he looked like absolutely startled, the smile froze on his face.
After a second, he regained his composure, turned to Pac and said,
«You very smart Pactw, one could say too smart for your own good»
«Answer the question, Tubbo, please»
He quieted down, then,
«Yes» second passes.
«No» another second.
Finally, Pac thinks, this is a progress. Because since when Tubbo was revived by federation, he wasn't himself, he was so so wrong. In fancy black suit, with neutral smile and cold calculating eyes, he was now working on the create mechanisms for both feds and Islanders, charging for it a small fortune. The Town of Fobo was now heavily protected, access to his farms was limited, with him asking too much money for a single use of them. All attempts at stealing from him and pranks were were repaired with extreme retaliation, with him stealing an entire storages of items, making such severe lag machines, that some people were feeling it days after, and killing, then bleeding poor soul for all their money in return for lost items.
He stopped to invite others to the quests, and refused all requests for when others invited him. Pac was wondering, were feds supplying him with cookies, that he was not allowed to to do group stuff in fear of loosing their control over him.
«Are you thinking that you could do happy pills again and make me normal? You really want to be martyr so badly?»
«Is this like happy pills?» «No, it's…. Fine, if you really want to know, I guess I can tell you, for a price, of course»
«How much?» «A five thousand coins»
«Wow, you really desperate for information, didn't even bargain with me»
«You are worth it»
Tubbo leans back in his chair, his eyes is for a moment become glazed. He then begins to talk, his voice monotone.
«I wake up in feds facility, Sunny was there, crying. They told me "we revive you", "you were dead for that long", "your job request was reviewed and approved", blah blah blah, "would you like to see one recording, please". I say yes, and… it was recording of Valentine's Day….»
«I'm dead, Sunny is in shock, and all that they do is laugh at that, and celebrate like nothing happened… They couldn't even comfort my daughter, Pac. And then Sunny begins to tell me everything…»
His voice starting to become harsh.
«You know the feeling when you overwhelmed and upset and suffering so much, you can't even cry? What am I saying, of course you do» his eyes flashed bright green for a second, «Then they said:
«Would you like to be happy again?»
There it is, Pac thinks, the information that could help bring Tubbo back.
«I said "I don't want your drugs", they said "it's not drugs, it's something better", a prototype machine, something something your emotional connections, something something empathy manipulation, I don't remember it very well»
«Did you accepted it on your own? Or did feds forced you to?»
Tubbo doesn't answer, just looks at him with unreadable expression.
«Anyway, I pleaded them to let me care for Sunny and they allowed it. I sit in this machine and….»
His face neutral, but voice starts to tremble.
«It was pure hell, like every fiber of my being was on fire. It's actually funny, after that, they told me it was so painful because I was filled to the brim with kindness. Maybe they were messing with me»
«And then suddenly, it's stopped. The pain. I felt myself so much lighter, like a big weight was lifted from my shoulders. And.. That's it, Pac. I don't think you could "fix it", he makes air quotes, even if you all try»
Pac thinks and then opens his mouth.
«Does that mean you can't make emotional connections anymore?»
«I don't know and don't care, if I'm being honest»
They sit in silence a little and Pac decided to take his chance.
«Would you like to find out?» Pac says and smiles, leaning closer to Tubbo. He's immediately becomes red in the face.
«I, wha- how- Pac, you are joking, right, are you that stupid, or insane, or, or-
«Is that a no?» Pac teasing him, taking his hand and kissing the back of his hand.
«I- Pac y-you have a boyfriend, wha- if he knows, he will just kill me-
«Who's saying he can't join us. We both were devastated when you were gone, and now when we have this second chance, we ready to work on this relationship, even if we need to do it from the start again»
Tubbo stumble over his words and covered his red as tomato face with his hands. He sits like that for several minutes.
Finally, Tubbo laughs and removes his hands from his face, «You are absolutely batshit insane Pac, with no sense of self preservation for yourself. Fine, I accept, but only if it's both of you»
Pac leaning much closer and finally, after so long, his lips are on Tubbo's mouth, and it tastes better than he could ever imagine.
«It's a date, then» He says and kisses him again.
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starogeorgina · 6 months
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Broken bonds
Paring: Ser Harwin Strong x Targ OC
Warnings: Mentions of blood
“This is my favorite part,” Harwin says, between kissing your neck. “I love it when you start to swell, and everyone can see you are carrying my child.”
You turn your head to capture Harwin’s lips with your own. You’d recently found out you were pregnant with your fourth child, and although you were delighted, you hadn’t thrown a feast to celebrate like your previous pregnancies, as it didn’t seem right. Days before the maester confirmed you were with a child, Ser Richard, Rhaenyra’s lover, suddenly died, leaving her utterly devastated. You had flown back and forth between Dragonstone and the red keep to try and comfort her, especially since she was pregnant with her third child, but no amount of sweet gestures or kind words would bring him back.
“I’ve got a gift for you,” Harwin takes your hand and leads you towards your bedchamber. He chuckles, seeing the mischievous look on your face. “That’s not what I was planning on giving you, but I could most certainly—”
You swat at his chest playfully. “I’ll hold you to that.”
When you enter the bedroom, you notice two beautiful sky blue dresses laying across the bed. The material was soft and had loose layers so that it would accommodate your growing bump. Harwin hugs you from behind; he kisses your cheek. “I know you want to feel close to your mother, and I thought wearing her house colors might help.”
Your eyes become glossy. “Thank you.”
The peacefulness of the moment is abruptly interrupted when one of your ladies-in-wait knocks on the door and then enters; her face is flushed red. “Forgive the intrusive princess, Ser, but there has been an incident during the children’s lessons today, and the maester said I was to inform you at once.”
Harwin is still behind you. “Was anybody hurt?”
She nods hesitantly, “The princess and prince's are fine, but a dragon keeper has been injured.”
Harwin starts to ask more questions, but you immediately know which son is behind whatever transpired. “Where is Vaegon?”
“In his chambers, princess.”
“Thank you,” you shake your head and go to leave, but a knight appears at the doorway before you have the chance to leave, “Ser Cartel.”
“Princess,” he greets. “Word has just arrived from the Red Keep that Princess Rhaenyra has gone into labor.”
“Unless you are accompanied by myself, your father, or you are attending a lesson, you are no longer permitted in the dragonpit.”
“You flew on Varos much younger than I am.”
You shake your head and say, “This isn’t about your age, Vaegon. You are my son; it’s my job to keep you safe, and until you can assure us you won’t do anything reckless like that again, you will lose some privileges.”
You were changing into something more suitable for dragon riding while your son continued to do anything but explain everything that happened. “I didn’t say it,” he says. “Nightmare thought she was protecting me. I told her to stop, but it was too late. I didn’t mean for anyone to be hurt!”
“We know,” Harwin says calmly. “But that still doesn’t explain why you disrespect the maester by sneaking out of your lesson.”
Vaegon excused himself to go to the bathroom during his history lesson and made his way to the dragonpit. One of the dragon keepers had spotted Vaegon climbing upon his dragon, and when he attempted to bring him down, Nightmare burned him. Luckily, the dragonkeeper managed to jump out of the way, and only the back of his hand was badly burned. You, Harwin, and your son all apologized to the keeper. The maester assured you the man’s hand would heal, but it did nothing to help with the feeling of guilt.
Once you’ve finished buttoning your jacket, which was threatening to pop, you go to where your son is sitting and smooth his hair out of his face. “Remember what your grandsire told you? The idea that we control our dragons is just an illusion, and we must always remember that. Not only for our own safety, but others as well.”
Vaegon says nothing. Since the day he could walk, he had been getting himself into mischief, but something has changed recently. He was frustrated a lot of the time, and even now you can see the rage on his face. Vaegon was an exceptional dragon rider for only being ten years old, but he often failed to see the danger he was putting himself in.
You turn to the doorway to see Aerion and Ada, and as soon as your daughter spots her father, she lets go of her brother's hand and skips over to him, and Harwin lifts her up, causing her to giggle. You smile at Aerion. “Yes, SweetPea?”
“Can I travel with you to the keep?”
“Of course, we will be leaving soon.”
“Thank you,” Aerion says, running off to his room to get changed.
Before the question leaves Vaegon's mouth Harwin answers it, “No, you will be traveling with me and Ada by boat. And you are going to attend the rest of your history lesson and apologize to the maester before we leave.”
You ignore Ser Criston’s presence as you barge into the queen's quarters, holding onto Aerion’s hand. The first person you see is your brother-in-law, Ser Laenor, who was holding a newborn boy in his arms. Laenor had deeply disappointed you by allowing your sister to be treated so atrociously. Then your eyes land on the queen herself.
“How lovely to see you, princess,” Alicent says sarcastically. “And you too, Prince Aaron.”
Your son looks up at you confused, almost as if he’s trying to process why Alicent called him the wrong name.
“Sweetling, go say hello to Ser Laenor and the baby.” When Aerion goes over to them, you glare at Alicent. “What is the meaning of this? My sister should be resting after her labor.”
“I did insist the princess should be resting.”
“Before or after you demanded her newborn be brought to you? What kind of queen abuses their power by taking a babe from their mother?” You don’t even attempt to hide the venom in your voice.
As soon as you arrived at the keep, you were informed that your sister had only given birth less than an hour before, and the queen summoned the baby to be brought straight to her. And not wanting to be away from her child, Rhaenyra walked through the castle carrying her newborn. You kneel beside your sister, who looked exhausted, and kiss the back of her hand. “I’m so proud of you.”
“I’m glad you are here,” she says weakly.
“There she is, Vaella, my girl,” your father says happily when he enters the room. He greets you by kissing both cheeks. “I’m glad to have both my daughters under the same roof again.”
You notice your father's left arm is amputated up to his elbow, something Rhaenyra had failed to mention in any of her ravens you’d received recently. You smile at him and say, “I’ve missed you, father.”
“Rhaenyra has done us proud; he will be fine knight, I believe.” Seeing the way he smiles at your sister warms your heart. He rubs at the back of Aerion’s head and asks, "Are the rest of my grandchildren coming over?”
“Yes, Harwin will be bringing them over by boat.”
Laenor stands beside you and hands you the tiny baby. “This is Joffrey.”
You lock eyes with Rhaenyra, and you can tell she’s dissatisfied with the name choice. “He is precious.”
“That he is,” Laenor says, staring at the baby with so much love in his eyes. “I believe the princess has exhausted herself heroically.”
He helps your sister stand up, and you follow them with Aerion closely by your side. When you step into the hallway, Rhaenyra informs you that Jace and Luke needed to be informed that they had a new sibling. “I’ll go,” you offer. “Do you want to come to the dragonpit, SweetPea?”
“I’d like to stay with Auntie Rhaenyra and the baby, if that’s okay.”
Rhaenyra ruffles his hair. “Of course, sweet boy. Now, tell me all about your dragon; your mother told me you flew him for the first time last week.”
You watch, concerned, as they walk away. Your sister was putting on a brave face, but the trail of blood coming from her told a different story.
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tojiscumdumpster · 6 months
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ vi. reader/suguru
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⭑๋࣭ summary page
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These past few weeks have been interesting, to say the least. After randomly seeing Suguru at my cousin-in-law’s party,  and watching Toji beat him up, let’s just say I've been a bit on edge. Not as much as my husband, though. 
 I know how overprotective Toji can be. He’s been this way before we started officially dating. Most women would hate how possessive and overbearing their partners can be, but not me. Something about how Toji acts makes me even more attracted to him. 
 His hold on me. His jealousy. His gruffness. Gosh, it freaking turns me on. I know, call me crazy, but it’s my truth. 
 Anyways. That’s besides the point.
 Since the whole Suguru situation, Toji has been by my side. When we have sex, he would pull me into embrace, tighter than usual, and his body heat would transfer to me, providing a warmth I know I can only feel from him. 
 We started running errands together. Going to sleep at the same time, but sometimes, he would wait until I dozed off until he eventually did. It even got to the point where we took all our showers together. . . That also winded into sex. 
 My speculation is that the Suguru bullshit sparked an emotion I thought he could never feel. Hearing how he forced himself on me, attempting to take my body without my permission, not only angered him, but scared him. 
  It’s my job to protect you, and I didn’t, is what he told me after we made love a few weeks ago. 
 I hate that Toji felt that way because he did protect me. Despite our fluctuating marriage this past year, there was never a time I didn’t feel protected by Toji. However, I can’t help but feel solely responsible for this mess. 
 My relationship with Suguru should’ve never happened. I should’ve declined his sexual advances the night we met. And I should’ve ignored him when I saw him at the bakery. I’m not diminishing how Toji neglected me in our marriage, but nothing can justify me stepping out on him. 
 Not for temporary lust.
 This shit with Suguru has gotten way out of control. Him saying that he loves me, suggesting I should leave Toji for him. Admitting that he listened to me and Toji having sex while we were at Naoya’s party. Thinking I’m going to be crawling back to him once Toji  (if, which he won’t) fucks up again. 
 I’m not interested in this potential fatal attraction. 
 I just hope that’s the last time I see Suguru. 
 “Sweets, you in here?” Toji calls for me. 
 “Yeah, I am.” He comes behind to give me a sweet open mouthed kiss on my neck. “Everything’s okay?”
 “Yeah. The place was quiet for a while, so I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
 I turn to face him. “Just thinking.”
 “Nothing, baby. I’m okay.”
 Toji holds my chin between his fingers, firmly saying, “Y/N.”
 It’s like he sees right through me.
 I deeply sigh. “Just everything that happened a few weeks ago.”
 “That fucker been messing with you again?”
 “No, no,” I reassured him. “I haven’t heard from him since that night.”
 He hums. “You’ll be okay while I’m gone handling this contract?”
 “Yeah, the gun is here.”
 He looks at me with skepticism because I know the last thing he wants to do is leave me for three days, especially since he’ll be in another country. But I’m aware of Toji’s lifestyle. One of the first things he trusted me with. It took some time at first for me to accept, however, knowing the type of contracts he took made me weirdly comfortable. 
 “Okay,” still sounding hesitant, but rubs my cheek with his thumb. “I’m heading out now. Be back on Friday.”
 I balance on my toes, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him into a kiss. “Be safe. . . I love you, Toji.”
 “I love you, too.”
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 Love can make you do crazy things. Well, I wouldn’t consider what I’m doing as crazy, per se. More so, passionate. Yeah, I’d like to think of myself as a passionate lover. I love hard, strong, and deeply. Others may consider my feelings as overbearing, but when being in love with a woman like Y/N, you have to be.
 She deserves to be desired. Sought at constantly. Fucked daily. Loved loudly. I possibly couldn’t deserve her because I’m not worthy enough, but she deserves to be someone like me. Not her shitty ass fucking husband. 
 I hate that piece of shit. He ruined me and Y/N’s moment a few weeks ago. We were doing perfectly fine until he showed up. Yeah, maybe she was being a bit stubborn, but a few kisses and words of reassurance would’ve helped. 
 How else am I supposed to win her back if I don’t stay persistent? Last thing I want is for Y/N to think I don’t care about her anymore. It’s shown by how I left the tag on her car the last time we had sex so I could make sure she’s safe. That’s what a lover is supposed to do. . . Protect.
 How can her husband do that shit if he’s gullible enough to take a last minute contract I forged? I’ve done my research on Toji Zen’in. I know he’s a money hungry bastard that would take anything given to him, which works in my favor.
 When I go see Y/N, I want to do so without any interruptions.
 I’ve been patient and waited for this moment for weeks. Following her around. Getting her new number after she gave it to the cashier to redeem her awards while running her errands, which by the way is very dangerous. I mean, there has to be another way of looking up an account without giving out your phone number? What if a creep heard as well and got her number? Tch, I can’t let that happen. 
 Note to self, Y/N loves that makeup store a lot. She’s been there twice since I last saw her.
 I’ll be sure to get her a gift from there.
 Once Y/N and I talk things out, I can show her how much I care about her. How much I miss her. Showering her with affection and maybe cock if she wants it. I’ll never deny my pretty girl cock, especially when she looks so gorgeous while taking it.
 Speaking of, I miss that pussy so much. She was always so fucking messy and I loved that shit, knowing how wet and creamy I make her. 
 Two times wasn’t enough. Nearly wasn’t enough time for me to deeply study her body, explore it so I could figure out different ways to make her cum. See, this is the reason why I need get rid of that Zen’in fuck. Because when there’s other people standing  in the way of what you’re trying to build with the person you love, they make your vision blurry.
 That’s exactly what Toji Zen’in is. A blur.
 And he needs to fucking go.
 Maybe tonight would be the perfect time for me to go talk to Y/N. I coincidentally moved into an apartment building across from where she lives, so this makes things easier for us. It just further proves that fate is fighting to bring us together–for good. 
 After we talk and she realizes how much I love her, we could lay down together and watch a movie. Somehow, in the midst of the movie, I can fall between her legs and finally eat that sweet pussy I’ve be thinking about since I first fucked her. Or if she just wants to cuddle, we can do that, too.
 Whatever my angel wants.
 My main goal is to have Y/N understand how I feel about her. She said no romantic gestures, but I want the world to know how much she means to me. Maybe just a small and intimate date if anything.
 No, Suguru. That’ll make her mad.
 I know, I know. 
 I need to let out this frustration, and although I can’t make sweet love to Y/N right now, I suppose fisting my cock for the fifth time today wouldn’t be so bad.
 I think of how gorgeous and thick she is. It’s like every time I see Y/N, she gets more beautiful. I think of the leggings she wore a few days ago on her daily walk to the park that imprinted her ass, showing the natural waves she has every step she takes. And how her pussy looked so fucking fat, cuffing and sucking in the material of the tights, practically begging for me to fuck her.
 “Let me see if she’s in her bedroom,” I mutter to myself. 
 I still have the photos she sent me a few weeks ago, along with the ones I took while stalk–watching her, but physically seeing her is more preferred. Lucky enough, I was able to secure a corner apartment and the distance is far enough for her to not notice me, but close enough for me to see everything. 
 “Fuck.” I began palming my cock. 
 Y/N looks like she’s reading a book (I know how much she loves reading because she always goes to the bookstore) while wearing an oversized shirt and nothing underneath. Why does she wish to fuck tease me like this? Exposing her bottom cheeks so I can have the perfect view of her ass. 
 My cock is out less than a second later and it’s crimson, and as expected, already leaking precum. I spread it across my head and length to act as lubrication. 
 I know that I’m a bit perverted when it comes to Y/N. I know. But I can’t help myself when it comes to her. She’s so perfect. So beautiful and sexy. So mine. 
 So fucking mine. 
 Playing with my cock shouldn’t be an issue, no?
 I can take it, Suguru. I can take it.
 Fuck yes, princess. You can. You know how well you take my cock in that tight pussy. Just thinking about being deep inside of Y/N makes me feel like a fucking satyromaniac. 
 I’m practically ripping the skin off myself with how hard I’m pumping my cock. My head is thrown back in pure bliss, bottom lip tucked between my teeth to contain my moans. Oh, fuck, she’s being over right now to pick up something off the floor. That pussy is dying for my touch, I know it is. 
 “Y/N,” I whimper.
 Just a little bit more, I thought. The arousal that’s burning through my cock is soon shooting through my tip. If only if she coul–
 Who… the fuck … is calling me?
 I curse myself. I’m angry that my phone notifications have been going off while I’m trying to please myself. I can ignore it. I can, but I’m technically expecting a call from–
 “Suguru, it took you long enough,” my best friend, Satoru says, on the other side of the phone.
 “I’m busy, Satoru. I hope you called with information that I want,” I bit out.
 He chuckles, baiting me. “Still not over getting your assbeat by your girlfriend’s husband? Poor Suguru. I can come there and make you feel better. Maybe change your band-aids?”  
 Sometimes I ask myself why I tolerate him.
 “You called to fucking mock me or what?”
 “Hm, maybe,” he admits. “Also to tell you that he took the contract. You fucking owe me for bringing me into your mess, dude.”
 Just as I expected.
 “Thanks. Gotta go-”
  “Suguru, wait,” he says abruptly. “Are you sure you want to get deeper into this shit with Y/N? Her husband is a fucking professional killer. Is she really worth your life?”
 What kind of stupid question is that? Of course, she is. I love Y/N. Why can’t anyone fucking see that? That we belong together? The instant connection, our sexual attraction, how I look at her. She’s mine. If anyone gets in the way of our relationship, there’s no reason for them to live. 
 “I’ll be sure to book a session with my therapist if I need advice. Bye, Satoru.” 
 The nerve of him trying to lecture me about pursuing Y/N when he had his fair share of dealing with married women.
 Watch, I’ll show him. I’ll show Y/N. Hell, I’ll even show her jackass of a husband how she’s meant to be mine. . . Not his.
 Maybe there will be mishaps along the way, but love isn’t an easy thing. Fighting for who you love is inevitable.
 And good thing I have a lot of fight in me.
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simlit · 1 month
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Chosen of the Sun | | dawn // fifty-one
| @catamano | @keibea | @izayoiri | @thesimperiuscurse | @maladi777 | @poisonedsimmer | @amuhav | @sani-sims | @mangopysims | @rollingsim
next / previous / beginning
TALILA: What’s going on? This all seems very official… EVE: And worrisome. Kyrie, you look like you’ve seen a ghost. KYRIE: I’m just upset… No, I’m passed upset. EVE: It’ll be alright. We’ll get through it, whatever it is, but first you need to calm down. KYRIE: I’m trying. EVE: Deep breaths. KYRIE: Right. ÅSE: Enough of this. Stop smacking around tree. What is going to be done! TALILA: Has something happened? KYRIE: Please, everyone, sit down. KYRIE: I made a promise to you all to be honest. Admittedly, I don’t know all the details myself, but the truth is… I’m alone in this. I expect some of you still see me as part of this system, and I can’t fault you for it. But with things getting so difficult, I don’t know who else to turn to but the ten of you. I trust all of you more than anyone else. SARAYN: And him? Shouldn’t we be introduced to our mysterious twelfth? KYRIE: Everyone, this is Elion. He’s been assigned to my protection, and I can go nowhere without him. You see, before you all arrived here, my sister, Lady Alphanei Loren, was taken hostage by a vigilante group known as the Knights of Dawn. They are ransoming her life in return for the disbanding of the trials. A plan that won’t work for them while I still live. They’ve already made one attempt on my life. If Lord Tev’us hadn’t been with me that night, surely I’d already be dead. ÅSE: Mm… TALILA: How awful! But… how are we just now hearing of it? Why wouldn’t they want us to know? THERION: I expect they don’t want anyone to know. Stirring up confusion and fear makes for panic. Panic is hard to control. INDRYR: And they are all about control. EIRA: So what? If we sit here with our thumbs up our asses, they’ll just send more people to kill you. Does your Priestess think she can lock you— and us— up forever? KYRIE: Lucien is dead. This isn’t something they can contain. The entire city will be in chaos soon enough. EVE: Lucien is dead? But why? Who would kill him? INDRYR: That is the question. Considering everything, it would be naïve to think the two matters were not connected. ÅSE: He is innocent child! What cares he about knights and dawn? It is absurd! INDRYR: Yes, the child was almost certainly innocent. I expect it is more what he represented. ASTER: Well, don’t speak in riddles! Not all of us grew up in libraries, you know! KYRIE: Represents… Of course. EVE: Oh… Lucien’s mother… KYRIE: The Aravae offer enormous financial support to the church. Aside from the Eveydan Crown, they’re the main source of funding. Unbelievable. The Queen of Kera was the leading supporter for the Selenehelion’s reformation… SARAYN: Then they are not at all interested in compromise. Bloodsport or not, it seems they will stop at nothing to bring the ceremony down entirely. I expect they have very good reason. EIRA: Being angry about how a ceremony was conducted centuries ago doesn’t make a great case for slaughtering children. SARAYN: But it was not centuries ago. Those that have been robbed by these trials still live. To lose a love, a purpose… a King. No, I doubt they have forgotten. And I doubt less they shall forgive.
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icycoldninja · 2 months
Hey there, I love your writing style especially for vergil:)
I have an angsty idea since you like angst.
Have you heard of the troupe where "the older person ruins the life of the younger one that they wanted to help." ?
I think vergil and the reader are meant for this dynamic lol.
Ayy, thanks, means a lot to hear that 💜 Though I haven't heard of that trope, I'm gonna do my best to do it justice, don't worry. Thank u for the ask, I do love angst. 🫠
Misguided (Vergil X Reader angst)
Vergil had to have been the most overprotective man you'd ever met. He hated seeing you sad, or even wearing a frown, and went to extremes to keep that from happening. He'd done his very best to protect you and keep you safe, but it seemed that what he did wasn't enough.
Or maybe, it was too much.
In order to keep you from ever having to feel sad or pressured, he scared away all your friends. In order to keep your life stress-free, he threatened and blackmailed your boss so you would receive lighter workloads. To keep you all to himself, he intimidated all the men in your life so no one would be tempted to take you away. To make sure you'd never die from an accident, he secretly sabatoged your car. To make sure you could never get robbed or assaulted, he stole your keys and never let you go out without him coming too. He also took control of all your affairs, from paying the bills to doing your taxes so you wouldn't have to worry.
Anything you could have possibly needed to do, he did for you. He took care of you the way a parent looks after a child, growing more and more possessive and jealous each day. He thought that he was doing you a favor; that taking on all the responsibilities was making your life easier, when in reality, it wasn't.
Your friends refused to contact you, your boss had fired you because he was afraid to give you work because he couldn't afford to pay an employee who did nothing, and no one you knew, even your family, would speak to you because they were afraid Vergil would come after them if they said something to make you feel bad. You now had nothing and no one except for Vergil, who insisted on taking charge of everything in your life. You felt so trapped, so alone and isolated.
Could you really be blamed you now that you wanted to leave?
"I'm sorry," You told him, tears running down your face as you dragged your suitcase to the front door. "I just can't do this anymore. I...I can't live like this."
"Why not?" Vergil demanded, gripping your arm in a fearful attempt to keep you from leaving. "You have everything here. What more could you possibly need?"
"That's the problem," You replied, furiously wiping your eyes with yor free hand. "I have everything here, and at the same time, nothing."
"What do you mean?" Vergil asked, his voice unusually quivering. "You are safe here. There is nothing that can hurt you. If you go out there, you will be alone. No one will come to help you."
"Exactly," You said, sniffling. "I'm alone. I have nothing. Thanks to you, I'm jobless, I have no friends, and my family won't even speak to me!"
"But you have everything you need here," Vergil insisted, tightening his grip on your arm. "You do not need a job, or friends, if I am taking care of you."
"But I don't want that!" You exclaimed, jerking your arm away. "I'm a grown adult, I can take care of myself! I don't need you to baby me! I want to live my own life and make my own decisions!" When you saw the shocked, heartbroken expression on Vergil's face, you felt a lump form in your throat. Swallowing hard, you spun around and unlocked the door.
"I'm sorry, Vergil, this...this is hard to say, but...it's over."
With that, you tore open the door and disappeared into the night, leaving the shocked, despondent half devil standing in the darkened hallway all alone.
Sinking into a nearby chair with his head in his hands, Vergil had to wonder what he'd done to have such a tragedy befall him. What did he do wrong? Why did you have to leave? He gave you everything you wanted, why did you still want more? Wasn't what he did enough for you?
What the forlorn half-devil failed to realize was that though his intentions were pure, his methods for carrying them out were horribly misguided.
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Ayo pls do write this if you can, I've yet to see this happen in literally any fic:
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“You stay right behind us, kid,” the villain had said, smirking at their sidekick with full confidence. The end of the world wasn’t supposed to be a personal issue that depended on the villain’s relationships. But apparently it did.
The protection of their sidekick was their priority. For someone so young, they were witty and funny. They were clever and annoying. The villain loved them like their own sibling. Someone who was just as fucked up as them, just as traumatised and hurt. And somewhere there, they could heal each other with jokes and the dream of another future.
It wasn’t like the kid had changed them but…somehow, they had made them a better person.
They’d been so sure. So incredibly sure they were invincible with the hero beside them. Finally fighting together, having each other’s backs — the villain’s and hero’s powers being perfected to a point that let them fight in sync with grace and a simplicity that made them feel oh so secure. It was heaven.
The hero was a reliable ally, a strong one that made the villain wonder how on earth they were enemies. When they fought like this, the villain felt somewhat complete. In combat, they were made for each other and the villain had enjoyed every second of it.
Both protected the villain’s sidekick whenever the situation got out of hand and both shielded each other when it started to look rough.
They’d never felt anything like this before. A connection that made them think they were soulmates. They felt so…strong. Letting them hope they could actually beat this ancient threat.
No wonder the villain had been cocky once the supervillain was their last standing enemy. A snarky comment was all they’d managed as they’d looked around the destruction of the city, ready to kick some ass.
But as it turned out, the supervillain was obsessed with the villain and apparently, they were ready to sacrifice the world to prove it.
In a last sick attempt at controlling the villain, they’d laugh-screamed their demands into the night. They’d destroy themselves and with that, this planet if the villain didn’t kill one of them. Their sidekick or their hero.
Which led them to this. An impossible decision.
“What?” the villain asked. Their voice died somewhere along the word, breaking when they least expected it. A moment ago, everything had been fine. Everything had gone according to their plan.
The supervillain’s expression wasn’t mad. It was calm. Cold. Like a salesman talking about a deal.
“I need you to kill one of them.” The villain’s head whipped around, their gaze boring into their sidekick and then their beloved hero. Both terrified beyond measure, both not sure on what the villain would decide.
Hell, not even the villain knew if they were actually going to decide.
“You’re insane.”
“Your precious hero is your only chance to save this world. And your sidekick? Like a sibling to you. So, what are you choosing? The world that always resented you? Or the family you found?”
“I will kill you,” the villain said, promised it but there was little weight to it. The supervillain could kill all of them easily. But they toyed with the villain, made them decide something like this just to see them suffer.
“Destroys the whole planet,” the supervillain said. “I’ll turn myself in after one of them is dead. Choose.”
“I have killed thousands here, millions on other planets. I can kill these two for you, if you want to.”
“No.” The villain looked back at the hero and they realised how much they were panting, how much they were sweating.
“It’s okay,” the hero said. Fucking liar. “You can kill me, it’s alright.”
They took a step forward and the villain took one back, afraid that if they touched them, the hero would wilt. This wasn’t happening. This wasn’t happening.
“I know you can find a way to beat them. You don’t need me for this,” the hero said. “It’s alright.”
“No,” the villain repeated for what seemed to be the hundredth time. Their heart was beating in their throat as panic got a grip on them and squeezed until all their adrenaline was gone.
“Choose,” the supervillain urged them. “You have one minute.”
The villain’s eyes widened and they wanted to sob. No, this couldn’t be real. This was a dream, some nightmare they couldn’t get under control.
The tears came without a command. With a blurred vision, they stared at their sidekick, a 17-year-old.
“I can’t,” the villain said, nearly wheezed the words. “I can’t do this.”
“Come on, show me what you are,” the supervillain said. They leaned back on the throne they had built out of ash and destroyed concrete. “30 seconds.”
“I don’t have a family,” the sidekick said suddenly. “You’ve been the only one in my life that has been kind to me. But so many others do have one. You have to save these people.”
It hurt. It fucking hurt to hear this. To look into the kid’s eyes and see the pain and the fear and yet, they decided to be brave and do a heroic thing.
“Please,” the villain said. They looked back at the supervillain. “Please, I am begging you. Don’t make me do this. I can’t do this. This is…this is madness.”
“Ten seconds.”
Suddenly, the sidekick grabbed their wrist and pulled them towards them.
“Do it. I want it.” The villain shook their head frantically.
“Please—” Everything was blurry.
“For once in your life, be a goddamn hero. I’ll stay with you until it’s over,” the sidekick promised but there were tears in their eyes. A yearning for a long and good life, for a family and a future that was worth something. The villain squeezed their eyes shut but the sidekick wasn’t planning on giving up that easily.
They looked at the shocked hero who was definitely going to sacrifice themselves at any given moment. However, the sidekick was faster.
“Take care of them, will you?” they asked the hero.
And with that, they gave the villain their own dagger, hands closed around the villain’s as the metal broke clothes and skin, opened flesh and gnawed on bone in a cruel, horrible way that woke up the villain from nightmares decades later.
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bella-rose29 · 9 months
Chapter 8 - The End
Final part you guys (if you couldn't tell from the title lol). There will be an epilogue, but apart from that Arranged Marriages is done! Thank you so much to everyone that's shown their support and I hope you've enjoyed :)
I might have made up some stuff about Tidemaker abilities but reader is the most powerful Tidemaker in Ravka at this point, I may have also made up some biology to do with her powers so don't hate me.
Word count: 4.2k
Warnings: death, violence, injury, fight scene, steaminess, like a lot, bordering on smut I won't lie, (edit: I've written it now and yep it's basically just soft smut I'm sorry)
Tag list: @kentucky-criedfricken, @hauntedenthusiattragedy, @kateswone, @simbaaas-stuff, @polli05927, @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @historianthesecond
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Nikolai jumped back, feeling the air shift as the arrow went past and embedded itself into the wood next to his head. The window had shattered, glass raining down on him and his wife, and he instantly went to cover her body with his own.
Not that she let him, though. She shoved him off before yanking off her cloak and pushing open the door, diving into the fight, and had Nikolai not already, he would have fallen in love with her right there. Pulling off his own overcoat, he grabbed the guns he kept at his sides, and followed Y/N, firing off at the shadows he saw in the fog.
Fog? he thought. That wasn't there before.
Someone who knew there were Grisha, then. The attack was obviously planned, but now he needed to figure out who by.
Hearing a cry of pain from his left, he turned in time to see Y/N get stabbed, and felt the demon rear up in protest. Nikolai knew that he wouldn't be able to stop it from coming up; he wasn't strong enough to resist it.
It burst free, Nikolai's consciousness taking a back seat while the demon leapt forward, charging at the man that had dared to injure his lover. The two of them barrelled over, demon over man, and Nikolai recoiled as the other part of him sliced into the enemy's stomach. Satisfied for the moment, the demon let Nikolai recognise the clothing.
A body fell next to him, and seeing the flash of blue he got scared, worried that she was dead, but when she turned his face to hers to inspect for any damage relief flooded through him.
"Are you alright, Kolya? I don't know if you can understand me, but... I just need to know that you're not hurt," she said. He nodded leaning into her hand, then growled as another Fjerdan attempted to attack from behind, axe raised. The demon readied to protect Y/N, but before anything could happen she had raised her own hands, not looking away from Nikolai, and pulled the water out of the Fjerdan's body. He landed with a thump against the ground, and the demon receded, satisfied that she would be safe for now.
"I guess you don't need me to look after you then?" he panted, out of breath from the demon.
"No I don't, I was in the army, remember? But if you could cover me while I heal this, that would be fantastic," she gestured to the stab wound in her side. He nodded, frowning.
"You're a Tidemaker though, how are you going to heal it?"
Her hands moved as she talked, concentration etched onto her features.
"Baghra taught me when she showed me that the connections between the orders are there, they just... don't get used," she gritted her teeth with the strain of whatever she was doing. "Besides, the brain is like, 80% water, and controls what we say and do and everything, so I can just... force myself to heal." The last part was said in an exhale, her hands sweeping in the air to prove her point as the wound stitched itself up. It was messy, and there was definitely a scar, but it was closed and uninfected, which was all Nikolai cared about. "Do you know who it is that's attacking us?"
"Fjerdans. Although," he fired off a few shots, "why they're attacking us this far south is strange, and I don't understand how they even got here. We have eyes everywhere." He cursed as someone (a few someones? It was hard to tell in this damn smoke) shot back. He was aiming blindly into the mist, but the demon helped guide him to his targets, using its senses to sniff them out (which was completely weirding Nikolai out, if he was honest). Y/N stood up, Nikolai only a few seconds behind, and raised her hands, eyes closing. Her head tilted, and her fingers twitched from where they hung in the air, as if she were hunting for something. All of a sudden her hands twisted, fingers curling, and Nikolai heard the squelch of water leaving multiple bodies. One Fjerdan stepped forward out of the fog, however. His walk was stilted, as though he were fighting against the movement, and Nikolai realised with a start that he was fighting it, because he wasn't the one making his legs move.
Y/N was.
Her eyes were open now, set with deadly intent on the man in front of her as he stopped a few paces away. A vein was bulging at his temple, the only sign of his struggle against her.
"Why are you attacking us?" Her voice was calm, smooth, and soft, but Nikolai was sure that everybody gathered in the clearing could hear her just fine. She had blood smeared on her face (not hers, he'd checked), her dress was torn in a few places and she had leaves and dirt in her hair.
She looked powerful.
The man seemed reluctant to speak, and Y/N's hand twisted slightly.
"For Fjerda." His accent was strong, and it took Nikolai a moment to figure out what he'd said. "Ravka is... weak. The Lantsovs... are weak." He was struggling with the words, either because his Ravkan was atrocious or because he was fighting whatever Y/N was doing to him. She took a step towards him, hand still raised, and leaned in slightly, speaking in perfect Fjerdan.
"Ravka is not weak. You may think that because we have let you, but now you have seen firsthand just how strong Ravka is. Go back and tell your country that the King and Queen of Ravka will fight for their country, should anything happen to it. Go back and tell them what happened here. Go back and tell them that we do not want a war with anyone, and Fjerda should honour the peace treaty as Ravka does. And go back and tell them that what happened here today? I can do it on a battlefield, with your entire army. Ravka is not weak. And the Lantsov family is not weak." She finished up, letting her hand drop, and the man fell to the floor. Y/N stood there, face impassive as he wobbled to his feet and turned, fleeing. All the other Fjerdans were dead.
She slumped, shoulders sagging, and Nikolai was by her side in seconds, holding her up and pulling her body into his, kissing the top of her head.
"That was..." he hesitated, struggling to find the right word.
"Horrible? Terrifying? Possibly stupid?"
"I was thinking more along the lines of sexy, hot, really hot, really really hot, but sure. Yours work too." She gave him a light smack on the chest, clearly not really meaning it, and the smile on her face when she looked up at him gave her away.
"You're ridiculous, Nikolai Lantsov."
"And you, Y/N Lantsov, are incredible." His heart fluttered at her name, having never heard himself say 'Y/N Lantsov' before. It suited her. Her responding smile was like pure joy, and Nikolai leaned in to plant a kiss on her lips, soft and full of love. Somebody cleared their throat (why couldn't they have waited another few seconds?), and Nikolai turned to see Zoya, hands on hips, mildly impressed expression on her face.
"As amazing as that was, we have a slight problem. Some of our soldiers saw the demon."
"It's alright, I've got this. Just... round 'em up in front of me," his wife said.
A few minutes later, the twins and Zoya had done just that, confusion on their faces. Well, on the twins' faces. Zoya looked bored, if anything. Y/N raised her hands again, and for a moment Nikolai panicked, thinking she was going to kill them, but when she only closed her eyes, furrowing her brow and making movements with her hands that Nikolai couldn't understand, his panic subsided. A minute or so later, she stopped, lowering her arms.
"What did you do?" Nikolai asked.
"Erased all memory they had of the demon. Replaced it with something else."
"Water, brain, control," she said.
"Got it." He hadn't got it, but he figured it would be best to just let her rest after the fight. Her skin was glowing from the use of her power, but her eyes were tired, and so Nikolai led her over to a spare horse. The carriage had been destroyed and was unusable, so they would have to go the rest of the way by a different means.
Half an hour later, the Grand Palace came into view, the sun setting behind it. Nikolai could have collapsed from exhaustion right there, but he kept going, knowing he had a very large and very comfy bed waiting for him inside. He and Y/N hadn't talked about sleeping arrangements for when they got back, but he'd been living under the assumption that they would move in with each other, sharing chambers. He was so lost in thought he didn't remember going in to the stables or handing over his horse, or going upstairs, his wife on his arm. It was only when he felt her pull back against his arm outside his bedroom door that he zoned back in, realising that she'd stopped, and was biting her lip.
"Can I... can I stay with you tonight?" She was blushing slightly, fingers fidgeting with a stray thread on her dress and trying to fix it, despite the dress being completely ruined from the fight.
"Of course. If you like, you could move in?" He knew it was a risk, and that despite everything she might not want to share his bed every night, but when she nodded, eyes lighting up, he let out an internal sigh of relief. His peace was cut short, however, when she took his arm by force and dragged him inside his room, slamming the door shut behind them. For a brief moment, he thought she was going to jump his bones, but when she charged in the direction of the bathroom he realised what she wanted instead. Y/N paused at the threshold, turning back to face him.
"Are you coming, or not?"
Now it was his turn to blush, stunned into silence at her words as he took in their meaning.
"Uh... yeah. Yes." He trailed after her into the bathroom, standing awkwardly at the door, arms hanging limply at his sides. "Do... what... why am I here?" She stifled a laugh that ended up escaping as a snort, slapping a hand over her mouth.
"If you don't want to be here, Kolya, you don't have to. Or you could turn around while I get undressed and into the bath, yeah? I just... wanted some company." His face went even redder at the thought of being in the same room as her while she was naked, and suddenly he decided that the best place for his hands was in front of his crotch.
"Okay. I'll... I'll turn around." Shit, his voice was hoarse, and he winced as he turned so that his back was to her. He heard the water running in the bath, and he heard Y/N taking off her dress. Trying to, anyway. She sounded like she was struggling, so Nikolai said "Do you need help, darling?" Saints, why had he said it so low? Her shuffling stopped, and he worried he'd crossed a line. Within moments, however, she was next to him, pout on her face.
"I think the laces got knotted and I can't undo them like this, could you help?"
"Of course," he replied, lifting shaking hands to the back of her dress. The laces truly were knotted, and whatever she'd been doing to try and untie them had not helped. After a few minutes, he got the last tie free, pulling the strands away from each other with a triumphant smile.
"Thank you," she whispered, holding the front to her chest as the fabric slipped down over the tops of her arms and gathering at her elbows, showing the space between her shoulder blades to Nikolai. He swallowed thickly, the noise loud in the room, and Y/N turned around to face him. "Are you okay?" she asked, still in a whisper, and he could only nod. "Okay then. I think the bath is done running, so I'm just gonna... yeah. Okay." She visibly winced at her words, and Nikolai could only smile softly as she walked off and out of his view. She was adorable, and he couldn't believe how lucky he had been in having her as his wife. Hearing the fabric fall to the floor and the small splash of water as she got in, he turned around, pulling up a chair next to the tub. Shrugging his jacket off, he was left in his undershirt and trousers, suspenders loosened and threatening to fall off of his shoulders. He took his gloves off and rolled his sleeves up just past his elbows, then rested his forearms on the edge of the tub. She looked peaceful, eyes closed and the afterglow from using her powers earlier still emanating from her skin.
"Stop staring, Kolya. You're making me feel self-conscious."
Her voice surprised him in the quiet room, and he replied saying "You shouldn't. You're gorgeous." She flushed pink, looking away from him, muttering a 'Thank you' under her breath.
He dipped his fingers into the water and gently splashed some towards her, laughing when she squealed in shock. "You're meant to be at one with the water aren't you? Not afraid of it," he chuckled, and she narrowed her eyes and splashed him back in the face. Given the shape the water took, he knew she'd used her powers, and that he was at a disadvantage in this battle, but he sent more water her way. They went on like that for a while, until one particularly large amount of water dropped on Nikolai's head, soaking him from head to toe. He spluttered, wiping the water out of his eyes and off of his face, slicking his hair back.
"You're gonna pay for that, Y/N. You do know you just soaked the King of Ravka, don't you?"
"So terribly sorry, Your Majesty. Oh wait, I'm the Queen, so I can do what I like, especially if that involves chucking a bucketload of water over my husband's head." She cackled, much like a witch (a beautiful witch, he thought), throwing her head back and pointing at him with glee. Starting to get cold in his now wet shirt, he peeled it off, and her laughter died out.
"Why are you shirtless?"
"The Queen of Ravka chucked a bucketload of water on my head," he responded with a smirk, taking extra time to take off his shirt now he knew the effect seeing him without one had on her.
"Oh. Okay."
She was quiet for a moment, and was definitely checking him out, then said:
"Can you sit down and close your eyes?"
He did so, unsure where this was going and hoping she wouldn't take the opportunity to dump more water on him. Instead, he heard the water sloshing as she moved, and seconds later her lips were on his, soft and careful. He responded immediately, bringing a hand up to cup her cheek and kiss her more deeply, and she sighed into his mouth. They kissed for a while, slow and loving, tongues dipping in every now and then but for the most part just softly kissing. When they pulled away, resting their foreheads against each other, Nikolai spoke.
"I love you."
He seemed to be full of risks tonight, but as soon as he said the words he knew that he wouldn't ever take them back, or say that he hadn't meant it. It was too true for him to do that. He held his breath as he waited for her to respond, to say something, anything, and when she did he could have died.
"I love you too, Nikolai."
He pressed a chaste kiss to her lips, smiling too much to make it anything more than that, and he felt her own grin as he did so.
"Can I open my eyes yet?"
"Hang on, let me get out the bath first. Not like that!" she exclaimed at his smirk, reading his mind. "Saints, you are insufferable, Kolya. I mean let me get out the bath and put on a robe, because my hands are starting to go pruny, not because I want to give you a show in here!"
"I'll go wait in the other room then, okay? Give you some space," he said, smirk turning into gentle smile.
"Alright then. See you in a bit?"
"Yep." Nikolai left right after, pausing only to pick up his sodden shirt and hang it over a rail to dry. He changed his trousers quickly, putting his own robe over the top and sitting on his bed. They'd spoken about it earlier, and Zoya had agreed that as long as he had his tonic, he didn't need to be chained down that night. David had strengthened and refined it over the past few weeks, hopefully meaning that the chains wouldn't be necessary again. His wife shuffled out, robe wrapped around her tightly in an effort to cover her body up. Unfortunately it only served to highlight her body figure, since the thin material was so close to her it was like a second skin, and Nikolai let out a strangled noise at seeing her. Luckily, she hadn't heard, and Nikolai stayed on the bed (totally not staring at her) until she came and joined him, still holding the robe for dear life.
Once she was settled, she kissed him, lightly, and reminiscent of the earlier ones in the bathroom. Nikolai responded, moaning when she bit on his lip and slipped her tongue inside.
Saints, she's getting good at this.
She'd confided in him at some point over the last week that apart from the obvious, she'd not kissed anyone before him. He'd been so elated at the feeling that she trusted him enough to share that, both the information and the experience, and had promised that if she ever wanted to practice he would be a very willing volunteer. She'd smacked him in the head with a pillow.
Now, however, she was taking control, pushing him back to sit against the headboard and straddle him, which combined with seeing her acting all queenly in the forest earlier was making him hard. He slipped a hand around her waist, pulling her closer, and the other landed on her thigh, gripping it and occasionally stroking up and down. She was grinding on him now, and fuck he needed to do something about this or it could be embarrassingly quick for him. Nikolai tightened his hold on her, flipping her gently onto her back and hands moving to the ties at the front of her robe.
"This okay?" he asked, hands fluttering nervously over her midriff.
"Yes, Nikolai. Definitely," she breathed, moving her own hands to help him untie the knot. The fabric slipped away and Nikolai sucked in a breath.
She's stunning.
"Shit, Y/N. Do you have any idea how gorgeous you are? No, don't laugh, it's true. You're heavenly, alright?" He'd tilted her head back towards his when she'd turned away with a scoff, hoping she would see the sincerity in his eyes as he said it. Now he moved in, kissing her and gasping at the feel of her bare chest on his. He was in a state of bliss, and he wanted to stay in it forever.
Y/N was in paradise, and she didn't ever want to leave. From the moment he'd taken his shirt off in the bathroom she knew she wanted to do this with him tonight, and now, lying on his - their - bed, underneath him as he praised her and told her how beautiful she was as he kissed her lips and her neck and her collarbones, she knew she'd made the right decision. When he paused just above her chest, she opened her eyes, looking down at him in a silent question.
"May I? Touch you?"
She could melt at how careful he was being, knowing that it was partly because that was just who he was and partly because he knew that she wouldn't want him to take what he wanted. She nodded in response to his questions.
"Need to hear you say it, darling."
"Yes, Kolya, you may." Saints, this man knew what he was doing. He lowered his face down, kissing gently at the skin, and within a minute he had learned how to get every kind of noise and reaction out of her. She knew that he'd had many (many) partners before her, and she didn't blame anyone for it, especially since it meant that he was practiced enough for her, but had make her a little insecure earlier, however Nikolai had been so sincere in his compliments that she didn't feel quite so worried afterwards.
He'd moved his mouth onto her other breast, lavishing it with the same attention he'd given the first one, and Y/N tugged on his hair at the pleasure, gaining a groan from Nikolai that reverberated through her body. After mapping out her chest with his hands and mouth, he moved lower, pushing the robe she had long since forgotten was still on her shoulders off, all the way, looking up to check she was okay with it. Feeling the need to cover herself up, Y/N went to move her hands, but Nikolai stopped her, staring in wonder at her naked body.
"None of that, Y/N. You're too beautiful to hide, alright?"
"Alright," she replied faintly. His hands were holding her waist, thumbs caressing her skin and making her forget everything, when suddenly a thought occurred to her. Sitting up, she brought her hands up to his shoulders, then pushed off his robe (emerald green, of course his robe was emerald green). When he raised his eyebrows in question at her actions, she simply said "I don't think it's fair that I'm naked and you're still wearing clothes, that's all." He chuckled, then helped chuck his robe off and onto the floor, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her deeply.
"Well then," he responded, voice low and teasing, "you'll just have to help me out of them, darling." She didn't waste any time, hands flying down to his waistband to undo his belt, then pulling off his trousers and underwear, throwing them unceremoniously onto the floor next to their robes.
"Shit, Kolya," she breathed out when he was bare.
"We don't have to do anything, alright? This is completely on your terms and if you want to stop at any point you tell me, okay?"
"Yeah. But, you know that... that I trust you, right?" His breath stuttered as he nodded, smiling softly.
"I know, but it's especially important now, okay? I just want to make you feel good, Y/N, even if that means we don't go that far tonight."
"Okay," she replied, then laid back down on the bed, pulling him with her. "Can we just... can we just keep doing what we were doing before?"
"Of course. You tell me where you want me and I'll be there." She nodded, then gently guided his face down to her stomach. He kissed the skin there for a while, then moved lower when her hand in his hair pushed him, legs going either side of his head. One hand gripped her thigh, the other was splayed across her stomach, lightly pressing down as he kissed his way up her inner thighs. Her own hands were tangled in his hair, urging him closer.
When he finally reached where she wanted him to, he took his time between her legs, learning every sound, taking note of every reaction, and bringing her further into paradise with each kiss he left there.
When she'd needed a break, he'd come back up the bed, sitting beside her and stroking her hair, giving her more slow kisses.
And when she pulled him on top of her, he'd checked that she was definitely okay with all of it before pushing in, being gentle and caring and careful as he did so. It didn't take long after that for the two of them to settle into a rhythm, slow and blissful, and he held her hand and kissed her lips sweetly as he made love to her.
When they were done, Y/N wiped out on the bed, Nikolai got up, bringing back a towel from the bathroom and a bowl of warm water to soothe her. He was being perfect, he was perfect, and Y/N could have cried in joy if she weren't so drained.
She curled up into his side under the blankets, tired from everything that had happened that day, and was comforted by his warmth and the hand that was gently stroking down her back.
"Goodnight, my love," he whispered into the room, moments before she dropped off.
"Night, Kolya," she mumbled back.
She fell asleep to the steady beating of his heart.
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astra-galaxie · 24 days
★☆☠♡☯ for zara tien? 🥺👉👈
I confess, Travel in Time is actually my least favourite season… However, despite not being the season’s #1 fan, I LOVE the team, and Zara is no exception!
So, let me refresh myself with Zara’s character and see what headcanons I can come up with for her!
★ - sad headcanon
When Theo started fading away while the team was stuck in Medieval Asia, Zara barely left his side, fearing that he would disappear when no one was around. If they couldn't save him, she didn’t want Theo to be alone when the time came for him to be erased from existence. Zara also took photos and videos with him to document his memory. She didn’t know if any of them would still exist after he faded from the timeline, but she had to do something to try and preserve her memory of Theo if the team couldn't save him.
☆ - happy headcanon
Zara’s grandmother was her closest relative and biggest supporter growing up. Her house was a safe space for Zara whenever she needed an escape from her life. There would always be freshly baked treats waiting for her, and her grandmother would always have her favourite snacks and drinks stocked up for Zara’s visits. Zara’s grandmother tried to help her granddaughter in any way she could and wanted the best for Zara. When Zara told her that she had been accepted into T.I.M.E., her grandmother was overjoyed and so proud of how far Zara had come from the little girl she had basically raised to a bright, confident, strong woman.
(Zara’s grandmother also really likes Kai and Theo. The two treat her granddaughter well, and she knows Zara is in good hands with them.)
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
Zara struggled with anger issues as a child. She often got into fights in school, which led to her earning a long list of detentions. As she got older, she tried to calm down, but it was hard given the violence she grew up surrounded by. When she was a teenager, she was arrested several times for fighting. Sometimes, she would spend the night in jail until her grandmother could bail her out in the morning.
After joining T.I.M.E., Zara still has some anger issues, but Marina helped her take control of them. Zara’s always the first to jump to her teammates' defences in a fight and never backs down, regardless of her opponent. But she’s learned not to instigate fights, at least not as often. However, if someone antagonizes her enough… Well, she can't be considered at fault for teaching an asshole a lesson!
♡ - romantic headcanon
Even though they got together while the team was trapped in the past, Zara, Kai, and Theo’s first official date happened when they returned to their fixed timeline in 2029. The date involved something each had picked. Theo chose the restaurant they went to for dinner. Kai then took them to a live performance of one of his favourite telenovelas. Lastly, Zara brought her boys to her favourite street food vendor, which makes the best desserts.
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
While we already know that Zara is a fan of extreme sports and dangerous activities, her favourites are skydiving, motocross, and bungee jumping. Kai is also teaching her how to surf.
In relation to this obsession, Zara hates it when people try to tell her that extreme sports aren't safe and that she should be doing something “safer.” Just because a sport is classified as extreme does not mean it’s unsafe. These sports have safety measures to protect people, and Zara ensured she learned everything she needed before attempting a new sport.
Hopefully, I did a good job with these headcanons. It's been a while since I played Travel in Time, so I’m a little fuzzy on the details of the characters…😅
Thanks for the request!
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it-happened-one-fic · 2 months
Hours In The Moonlight: Fairest Midnight - 5. Far More Charming
Summary: In a lot of ways, you couldn’t blame Vil for being annoyed with you, even though getting attacked hadn’t really been your fault. Nonetheless, you also weren’t simply going to let him fuss at you just because he could, and you had some questions for him anyway.
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ Vampire AU/ romantic/ angst/ angst with comfort/ fluff/ sfw/ platonic interactions too!
Trigger Warning: Vampire
Word Count: 1174
Hours in the Moonlight Master-List
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“You got attacked?” That question, bitten out with a special sort of venom, was how Vil greeted me that evening.
I stepped back from the window, letting him enter the room even as I sighed slightly to myself. Because there was no questioning it now. He was mad.
I could only assume that Rook had told Vil, and a tiny part of me was almost tempted to fuss at my friend the next time I saw him. But in the end, I knew it was for the best. Especially since Rook had just told me that one of the reasons he’d introduced me to Vil was so that I would be better protected.
Which was something I really didn’t want to think about. 
The fact that I apparently needed protection was beyond concerning, even though I’d already known vampires were a little overly interested in me. This new information only emphasized how bad that could be, though.
My voice was calm as I responded, attempting to calm Vil’s annoyance, “Yes, but it’s okay… I didn’t get hurt and now I even know about Rook’s secret.” 
My attempt at lightening the conversation fell flat, and Vil’s eyes were still hard with anger that wasn’t entirely directed at me. Though it did feel distinctly like my words had upset him further rather than calming him.
“And what if it hadn’t been okay? What if you had gotten hurt?” His voice was hard and I let out a sigh as my arm fell away from where it had been wrapped around me.
“Vil, you know what-if’s don’t help anything. I got attacked. It happened. There is no changing it now. But everything turned out alright and that’s what matters.” I held his gaze, fully understanding that this was just one of his ways of showing concern, but also refusing to let him run me over in such a fashion.
He stepped closer, closing the distance between us with a simple motion, “Why did you go in that building?” His voice was quieter now, more controlled than it had been but that irritation was still there in his eyes.
“Because I wanted to talk to the driver of the delivery truck and I thought I’d seen him standing there.” My voice held a levelness that was similar to Vil’s. Carefully firm but not argumentative.
Vil let out a sigh, running a hand through his carefully done hair in a way that threatened to actually send a few locks out of place.
And I felt myself frown as I watched him, letting my stalwart position crumble just a little bit as I stepped forward to catch hold of his arm, “Vil… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to put myself in such a situation, but-”
“It’s alright,” He cut me off, surprising me as he looked down at me. A frown was still present on his face, but there was far less annoyance in his expression, “It wasn’t your fault just… Please, be more careful.”
A faint smile worked its way onto my face as I looked up at him, “I’ll try.”
His lips twitched up into their own smile, his hand coming down to hang by his side, “Hopefully more than you have been. Your track record is hardly the best.”
On the contrary, my track record up until today had been pretty good. I hadn’t seen a vampire other than Vil for quite some time. But what Rook had said today about that vampire having a hand in the murders was worrying. Enough so that I did understand Vil’s concerns and even felt a little guilty for worrying him.
I frowned for a moment as I continued to consider what all Rook had told me today, “Vil, when Rook introduced you to me….”
Vil sighed as soon as I trailed off, nodding as he looked away from me, “Yes, one of the reasons he did so was so that I could protect you.”
He paused, an amused grin working its way onto his face as he seemed to remember something, “As I recall, I told him that I didn’t need any new friends, and that I certainly didn’t need one that was going to require my protection.” 
A distinct gleam entered his purple eyes as he continued to look back towards me, that smile still curving across his face, “I wonder if he knew I would accept after meeting you?”
I grimaced slightly at the memory of our first meeting, with me waiting until Rook had excused himself before immediately accusing Vil of tracking me down like food while brandishing a knitting needle like it was a knife.
I could still see his expression as clear as day. Purple eyes had rolled before he’d stared me down and spoken, “Please. Vampires don’t eat potatoes like you. I have no interest in attacking you.”
Judging from the way Vil was grinning at me, he knew exactly what I was recalling. I shook my head slightly, as if to clear my thoughts, before speaking once more, “Why did you decide to stick around?”
Vil blinked down at me in silent surprise before a smile crossed his face, “Do you remember what you said after I told you that I wasn’t after you?” I nodded slowly, because of course I remembered. I’d told him that if he was after Rook, I wasn’t going to stand by and take it before I’d asserted, with some impressively false bravado, that he would regret it if he crossed me.
“Your threat caught my attention. I suppose you could say I was intrigued.” I all but gaped at both his words and his reasoning for sticking around. Conversely, Vil just smiled at me in amusement. Either at my reaction or the memory of our meeting.
I slowly recovered, mumbling to myself petulantly, “And here I’d thought it had been because of my numerous charms.” 
He laughed at me, causing me to scowl up at him as he spoke in a teasing tone that I often wondered how frequently he used when he was with others, “Rook is far more charming than you.”
I eyed him as I crossed my arms in an almost defiant manner, hardly able to resist when he left me with such an opening, “True… Perhaps I should spend more of my time with Rook  than I do with you then.”
Vil snorted with a surprising degree of inelegance at my words, seeing through me in a second even as he played along, “Well, I suppose I don’t have to come by as often if you wish, Tater tot.”
The endearment rolled off his tongue in an almost mocking way, and I frowned, “You know I don’t mean it.”
He nodded with no small amount of smugness even as he turned to head back out the way he came, throwing a smile over his shoulder at me right before he disappeared through my window and often into the night, “Tomorrow night then?”
I smiled despite myself at him and waved, “Sleep tight.”
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yourfavoritebookclub · 9 months
WINGLEADER: A Xaden Riorson POV Fanfiction
I walk through the threshold to my bedroom and let out the breath I’ve been holding since I walked off the flight field. I feel claustrophobic, stuck somewhere tight and oppressive within my own mind.
I pull my arms out of the harness belted at my waist and throw it onto the desk with a clatter as sheathed daggers hit wood.
My head is swimming, and I have to brace my hands on the chair at my desk to keep from sagging to the floor.
I suck in breath after breath, and hang my head, exhaustion permeating every inch of my body.
There’s a throbbing in my temples and I'm overwhelmed by every one of my compounding responsibilities. My people, my city, my dragon, and now my—Violet.
Just Violet.
The kiss I witnessed between Violet and Dain has me reeling. I hate the way he touched her, held her, and spoke to her like he hasn’t spent the last few months gaslighting her. Demeaning her. Using every tool in his arsenal to make her believe she couldn’t make it as a rider.
There’s a loud pounding on my door, knocking me out of my stupor, and I straighten up, reaching for the handle to open it before they resort to breaking down the door.
Impatient bastards.
Garrick, Bodhi, Imogen, Quinn, Heaton, Emery, and a few others march in.
I stand in silence as they settle into the various seats in the spacious room.
“I know we’ve all had a long day, but this couldn’t wait.” I pause and close my eyes, rubbing my temples with my thumb and forefinger, gathering my thoughts.
Exhaustion has become a weight on my shoulders, growing heavier as the night drags on, but there are things that must be arranged before I can escape into the darkness of sleep.
“You all should now be aware that Violet has bonded Tairn, and this means a few things. She and I are now tied to each other in every way that matters. She has a direct line to my thoughts, should she get past my mental barriers, and the threats on her life are a danger to us both. Violet is target number one, especially as she and Tairn’s bond is so new. The unbonded will spend the coming weeks attempting to steal Tairn from her. This poses a threat to the safety of myself and my dragon.” I pause, grief hitting me as memories of that final showdown run through me.
“Nolan dying nearly killed Tairn. And If Tairn dies, Sgaeyl will follow.”
I don’t need to finish the thought for everyone to understand what happens next.
A dragon without its rider is a tragedy.
A rider without their dragon is dead.
The first, and most important part of the Rider’s Codex
There’s a beat of silence before Garrick stands from his seat, “So we protect her.” His eyes are hard, determined. There’s a glimmer of caution in his gaze too though, and I know where his mind is going.
My rapidly slipping control around Sorrengail.
At the back of the room, Imogen’s face has gone pale with panic, but she raises her chin, squaring her shoulders as she addresses me, “Tell us what we need to do, Xaden.” There’s a collective murmur of agreement as the rest of the room nod their heads.
My reliable, steadfast crew. Ready to defend this woman they hate without question in order to protect one of their own.
To protect me.
“Okay.” I breathe, swinging my desk chair around to face them and taking a seat. “Your job now is to stay close to her, make people think twice about attacking her knowing the company she keeps.”
I nod my head at Imogen, “She needs to be able to protect herself, and thus far her training is…lacking.”
She snorts, “Should be easy, especially since I’m not trying to get into her pants” Sarcasm dripping off of every word, and the crew snickers at the not so subtle jab at Aetos.
“Start her on weights,” I order and Imogen nods once. “Her body is weak at the joints. It won’t make the pain go away, but we can at least help her build enough muscle to avoid injury. Everything else can be worked around as needed. For now, your only job is to be at her back, help her learn to protect her front, and help keep me alive.”
“And what about Brennan?” Bodhi asks softly.
I lean forward and prop my forearms on my knees, lacing my fingers together as I look each of them in the eye, “None of you are to utter a single word. He does not exist as far as anyone here is concerned. He is dead and buried. You are to say nothing about the resistance, about Athebyne, any of it.” Everyone nods gravely.
“You’re dismissed,” I say, drawing the meeting to a close with a wave of my hand. “Go blow off some steam, it’s been a long day.”
I stand, opening the door and the crew file out in silence, Garrick pausing by the threshold, “I didn’t say anything to Liam–”
“Good. I’ll tell him myself; he deserves a night.” Garrick is my second for a reason. Sometimes, it feels like he lives inside my head. “We’ve got you brother.” He claps me on the back.
I nod, giving him a small smile. “I know. Now get out of here. Go sleep, or find someone pretty, whatever is going to keep you from being the grouchiest mother fucker in the morning”
He laughed and strides out.
The room is empty save for the redheaded woman sitting on my desk, hands braced on the edge, swinging her feet.
I raise my eyebrows at her, giving her an exasperated look.
“Orla.” I say simply, closing the door and twisting the lock before walking over to her.
She gives me a small lopsided smile and tilts her head, her long copper hair sliding over her shoulder. “Xaden.” Her tone is teasing but soft.
She chews on her lip, looking up at me, studying my face. “I was just going to offer my company and maybe a distraction. If you need it.” She says it matter-of-factly, a genuine offer for sex, for a bit of release from the day, and nothing else.
Orla and I were in the same squad our first-year, and while the physical attraction was instant, we mostly skirted around each other until the end of our second-year.
It’s never been anything other than sex. She more or less holds the same sentiments about love and relationships that I do. They’re messy. A fast track to getting you killed. So it’s worked, this arrangement of ours. And it's comfortable, a friendship and an intimacy without pain or fear. Pleasure and release for us both.
Orla reaches for my hand, and I let her take it, stepping in between her legs until I’m surrounded by her body.
Her thumb rubs a small circle on the back of my hand, and she tilts her head up to look up at me, our lips close enough to share breath
Fragments of the day flash through my mind. Jack charging toward Violet, sword raised. The fear as Tynan circled her, blood splattered in the grass, coating her hands. Violet and Dain hand in hand, their bodies pressed together, his mouth moving against hers
I grit my teeth against that last image of the way Dain touched her face as he kissed her, a searing rage traveling up my spine at the potential violation.
I can still see Violet’s face as I slip my hand under the thin fabric of Orla’s shirt, digging my fingers into her skin as I grasp her bare waist.
She hooks her fingers into my belt loops and pulls me closer until our bodies are flush, every one of her curves pressed against me.
I bow my head, pressing my mouth against her neck, and trail a line of kisses up the curve of her jaw.
She lets out a small sigh, and I bite down on the sensitive skin between her neck and ear, making her gasp in pain and pleasure.
We’ve been doing this for long enough that we know what the other one likes, what gets a reaction out of our bodies, and I love the sounds she makes under my teeth, my hands, my body.
I suck on her skin, soothing the sting of that bite with my tongue.
My cock hardens as she grinds against me, my hand traveling up to cup her breast, thumb stroking her nipple in a long, languid movement.
Orla’s soft moan fills the room, and my hand tightens on her waist. She arches her back, bracing her arms behind her as she stretches up to meet my lips.
Before she can pull me in I lean away from her and cup her chin, my thumb dragging across her bottom lip, coaxing her mouth open. She whines, frustrated by my teasing, and I let out a soft chuckle at Orla’s increasing impatience.
This is the part I love. The anticipation and need that grows with every second we spend playing.
She opens easily for me, and I move my hand to cup the back of her neck, twining my fingers through her hair and pulling with a gentle tug, forcing her head back. She hisses, and I swallow the sound as my lips connect with hers, the kiss urgent and needy. My other hand moves to cup her ass, pulling her into me and she grinds against me, harder and my hips push into her at the sensation.
Orla’s hands are warm as they glide under my shirt, and I moan into her mouth as they travel lower, toying with the waistband of my flight leathers.
My hips roll against her palm, and she moves lower, her hand now firmly tucked into the front of my pants, and I open my mouth to say something, to murmur her name.
Violet’s name.
Without warning my body has become a live wire, short-circuiting at the name hanging on my lips, moments away from being spoken.
I release my hold on Orla and step back, breaking the kiss.
My eyes are wide with shock as they land on her face, and I look down at the floor before I can read her expression.
“Xaden.” I hear Orla say warily.
It feels like I’m underwater, struggling to breathe as I realize what thinking Violet’s name, wanting to call out to her in that moment, might mean.
“Hey! Riorson!” Orla snaps her fingers at me, and my eyes dart up to meet hers.
There’s something clear and bright in her face as she studies me. A kind of bald understanding that makes me flinch.
“Riorson.” Orla pauses, hands out in front of her. A person trying to calm a wild animal. “You’re okay. You’re fine alright?”
When I don’t say anything she hops off the desk and grabs my hand, squeezing softly, and there’s nothing sexual in the touch, just a kind of gentle understanding. Like she can hear the echo of the word that almost slipped from my lips.
I look down at her, clearing my throat. “Im sorry, I–”
“Don’t do that Xaden.” She shakes her head. “I’m not someone you need to apologize to. Not for this.”
She lets go of me and I run shaking hands through my hair looking up at the ceiling. It takes me a few tries to swallow the lump in my throat.
My gaze drifts back down to Orla, who’s just silently looking at me.
I press my lips together in a thin line. “I’m so fucked” I whisper, my body slumping as the weight I’ve been carrying around threatens to crush me.
I’ve always felt comfortable around Orla; she keeps things to herself, and she’s got a conviction about her that I respect. An honesty that makes me trust her in a way very few do.
Still, I’ve never spoken to her quite so frankly, never been vulnerable in this way. Never been this vulnerable with anyone.
She moves toward me and reaches up on her tiptoes to cup my face in both hands. “You are not fucked Xaden.” There’s pure honesty in her words. “Things have changed rapidly, in a way that could compromise us all, but you’re not fucked.”
“I–it’s not just that, it’s– Violet” I stumble. Gods I can’t even get a sentence out. Can’t get my thoughts together.
Orla smiles knowingly, “I know, but I don’t think we need to talk about that. You’ll figure it out”
I offer her a small, grim smile in return.
“I can stay if you don’t want to be alone. Or if you want to come with me to the flight field…I want to be with *Faireachail while it’s quiet before everything gets crazy again.”
My friends are better to me than I’ll ever deserve.
I shake my head. “No, no I need to sleep.”
She walks to the door. “Orla?” I say as her hand grabs the knob.
“Yea?” She turns to look at me.
“Thank you. You’re kinder than I deserve.”
She looks at me with a sad smile, “No I’m not Xaden.” And she walks out into the hallway, the door closing behind her with a click.
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genderisareligion · 10 months
Sorry for all the personal posts lately but I'm legitimately scared for my life and can't leave the state I'm in right now. I have no idea what to do, pretty much no one I've ever known is helping me because I'm under a conservatorship I don't even remember agreeing to and can't possibly afford the lawyer to get me out of this. Not trying to be dramatic at all, I want to live, I don't feel suicidal, but I'm literally out of options, can't afford to feed myself the way I need to with this horrible eating disorder from Autism and childhood neglect, and feel death is imminent unless I agree to go back to these strange psych wards she can send me to where they can break the law freely like she can for some reason.
My mother is content to have me drive around in a giant van full of my things and my 5 year old cat, days after just being thrown into solitary confinement for no reason I was aware of (see pinned post), days after being denied not one but two public defenders that I am legally owed, because she's too immature to open the garage with MY LOCK AND KEY ON IT to just let me either put the rest of my things in there out of her sight or take everything and take it somewhere else. Where though??? She's spoken to almost everyone I know somehow, family friends anyone and told them whatever the fuck she wants about me, I guess, I don't get to speak for myself or correct it, even my "best friend" last year has completely blocked me. For some reason they believe her despite her ugly ass "son" (excuse for a living being) being a fucking rapist who she will protect to the death. HUH? Were you all faking the feminism allyship that entire time, like the 9-10 years you knew me, some of you? I'm about to start posting names because that's fucking insane.
I have the video and will post it, she called the police last night because I was parked behind her house out of necessity. Fresh out of the illegal solitary, spent like 8 hours getting "home," only for my landlord via the snake filled women's center (long story) to try and kick me out immediately and attempt to call the cops again if I'm not fast enough. What happens when I get to my mother's? Same shit, she's talking to me like I'm the r-slur they still say willy willy so I put my headphones in. That's illegal too, now I can't be anywhere near her house or she will have me arrested. Last night, and just about an hour ago (what my video is from).
THIS MORNING I CALLED THE POLICE ON HER because I wanted to know how the fuck she can do this and keep me away from the rest of my shit and my shit in her garage and refuse to give my cat a home even though she adopted him, when she is obviously my conservator and my disability checks have to go there and she has unnecessary financial and social control of everything right now. The only reason my address isn't where I've actually lived on the ID is because some other woman my mother spoke to got me drunk and stole my ID so that I had to put my ex's address on it. Collectively trying to isolate me out there to... what? FOR WHAT? Be trapped with the "woman" who's planning on beating me and choking me?
If you have it in you please boost this to let people know what's going on with me and why I'm not posting the same at all. Does anyone have any idea what the fuck I do??? Cannot afford a lawyer whatsoever would have to be entirely pro bono, so I'm screwed.
I don't want to die. My own mother wants me to. Unsure what to do
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