#put Dahlia in one of my fits
cann1ballistic · 3 months
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today’s doodle dump 🎉
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tarotwithlove · 29 days
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reminder that this is a general reading and messages found here may not apply to everyone. take what resonates, leave what doesn't, and don't force anything if it does not fit.
BOOK A READING WITH ME · LINKTREE · 18+ PATREON · SUGGEST A PAC TOPIC · TIPS ♡ tips, bookings, and feedback are highly appreciated!
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cards · king of swords, the lovers, knight of pentacles, six of pentacles, five of swords, moon totem - frog: the path has been cleared for you to make a change that previously seemed unachievable (reversed)
channelled songs · pride by kendrick lamar. you don’t own me by lesley gore. move by beyoncé. yours by mariah carey.
hey there group one ♡ your specific person views you as their soulmate. they view you as their other half. but… this is in a way that makes them think that this is all too good to be true, that YOU are far too good to be true.
for some, it may be because this is a same-sex/lgbt/queer connection and your sp isn’t sure they are ready for that kind of relationship. or even if they’re ready to admit to the truth of their feelings yet -- to anyone else, let alone to themselves. for others, there still feels like this major blockage between you two that keeps your sp at a distance.
you make your sp smile. you make them laugh. you bring them a lot of joy and peace of mind. but they try not to think too deeply about it. they try not to put a label onto what they think about you or the particular ways they view you. so they just tell themselves that you are very dear friend. that you are very special to them. and isn’t that a blessing in and of itself, my dear.
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cards · four of pentacles, five of swords, ace of cups, queen of pentacles, two of cups, moon phase - waning moon: let go of that which is causing you inner turmoil; now is a time for casting away emotions that are no longer serving you
channelled songs · black nails by tierra whack. you are the only one (interlude) by 112. intro / stronger than me by amy winehouse. is, this cigarettes by mick jenkins.
hey there group two ♡ your specific person views you almost exactly how you want them to view you. they view you through the lens of your carefully curated persona; through the facade that you have curated; and not as you actually are.
this may be because you are so careful about how you present yourself, or because your sp is not that observant and doesn’t look too deep into things -- or who doesn’t look too deep into things when it comes to you.
your sp views you as their ideal person, but, because it may be an act you are putting on or a point of view that you manifested, your sp may feels as if it is all too good to be true. or that it is too good that it all feels fake. feels false. and leaves a bitter taste in their mouth.
they view you as somewhat of a chameleon. as if you can be whoever the other person in the scenario needs and make anyone feel any type of way about you. which, in turn, makes them wonder if they really like you or if they’re just being manipulated by you OR just being drawn in by your natural charm and charisma, and are just projecting.
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cards · eight of swords, knight of wands, three of wands, ace of pentacles, king of swords, moon phases - half to full moon: embracing high levels of motivation and energy will bring feelings of empowerment and satisfaction.
channelled songs · falling out the sky by armand hammer. weirdo me, who fell in love by takayan. dahlia by chanmina. dumb dumb by red velvet.
hey there group three ♡ your specific person views you as someone who is more focused on your career than on relationships, and they feel that they would be second to your career and financial goals -- as any romantic partner you chose would be.
but, this is not something they think with any disdain. not at all. in fact, this is something that they highly respect.
they view you as someone who has their life together, or, at least, more together than they have their own life. or as someone who just knows what they want out of life and how they are going to get. all which only adds to this deep respect with which your sp views you.
your sp looks at you with discerning eyes. as if they are weighing you up and taking stock of everything you say. almost categorising you. through this, they have come to view you as someone strict and unforgiving -- to both yourself and others -- and feels that the standards you keep for yourself are very high.
too high for most people to reach. which makes your sp wonder what your standards for others look like -- they imagine these are just as high and unforgiving.
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cards · the tower, four of pentacles, ace of pentacles, page of pentacles, the lovers, moon signs - moon in aquarius: the time is rips for celebrating life; make the most of parties, gatherings and other social opportunities
channelled songs · heart attack by loona. void by kilo kish. best of my love by the emotions. never by jid.
hey there group four ♡ your specific person did not even notice you for a long time. to them, you were just a face in the crowd, or a friend and nothing more. you barely even popped up on their radar. and then they were suddenly blindsided by their feelings for you. they were suddenly blindsided by their attraction to you.
suddenly, they noticed how you laugh. how your eyes crinkle up when you smile. they unique way you view the world. and they had an “oh!” moment. it was like cupid shot an arrow right through their heart; like their eyes were opened to your beauty. to your attractiveness. to your depth. to your… everything.
their eyes were opened, and they came to view you as someone who is deeply fascinating, interesting, and intriguing. they realised they didn’t really know much about you, and that felt like a sin. and, in a split second, you became someone they wanted to know every single thing about. someone they want to know on a far deeper level than they know others around them.
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inflorescnce · 6 months
"They have nothing on you."
pairing : Luke Castellan x daughter of hypnos! Reader setting and time : Camp Half-blood, june 2006
warnings/content : fluff summary: in which luke only has eyes for you. word count : 2,374
authors note : This is my first time actually writing a fanfic, so this may just be very bad. My writing style also may be all over the place, I just haven't found one I like yet 😿
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“Why aren’t you dressed?”
You looked up to where the voice was coming from, only to be met with the face of your best friend, Alyssa. She was wearing a really cute sparkly dress, one that fit her perfectly.
“Don’t want to go,” you shrugged, your voice the same sleepy tone as it always was. But that comes with being the daughter of the god of sleep. Alyssa rolled her eyes before grabbing your arm and dragging you out of bed.
“Absolutely not; you are getting dressed, and we are going to that party.”
Before you could protest, you were already in the Athena cabin. “It’s not everyday we get to have a party here, and you want to spend it sleeping? sometimes I really dont get you.”
Alyssa was going through her closet, presumedly trying to find a dress for you to wear.
“It’s not my fault my dad is the actual god of sleep.” You groan. “And why should I even go to this party? I’m not a party person at all. You know that.”
“Because,” Alyssa turned to look at me. “He will be there”
“As if that means something, you really think out of all the girls he could pick at camp, he would pick me?”
“Well you’ll never know if you dont go” Alyssa finally seemed to have found something, and she turned to me once again. “put this on,” She was holding a dark grey mini dress.
You knew there was no use in arguing with her, if you said no she would probably put it on you herself. Reluctantly, you got up and changed. The dress fit a like glove, it was at times like this being the same size as your best friend was a livesaver. Alyssa gave a small clap when you went to show her how you looked in the dress and after that she spent almost 30 minutes doing your hair and make-up.
“You look so beautiful” Alyssa hugged you from behind, using the mirror to look at you “Luke would be an idiot if he didn’t think so too”
The amphitheatre transformed it to the perfect party spot, with tables full of drinks and foods and speakers blasting Rihanna and Eminem. You and Alyssa were sitting on the stone benches a few steps up, talking to a few apollo kids. You tried to listen to what they were talking about but you just couldn’t, not when he was there.
Standing in the middle of the dance floor was Luke Castellan, son of hermes. You’ve had a crush on him for almost three years now. But you’ve never told him about it, which was getting harder everyday as you had to see him every morning walking around the hermes cabin shirtless in search for his camp shirt that he had once again lost. Being the child of a minor god meant that you didnt have your own cabin, so you stayed in the hermes cabin with all the other minor god children. You had no complaints though, being able to see Luke come out of the bathrooms with wet hair, wearing only a towel was an absolute blessing. You were snapped out of your trance by Dahlia, your other best friend.
“oh my god ‘lyssa actually did it, you’re here” she faked a surprised voice before letting out a laugh “want to get a drink?”
You nodded before standing up, you wanted to aks Alyssa to come with you, but she was to busy talking to one of the apollo boys, so you just let her be.
You and Dahlia chatted about nothing and everything while walking to the drinks table.
“Have you seen clarisse’s dress?” Dahlia said while stuffing her mouth full with chips. She didn’t wait for you to awnser “I’m going to talk to her” and again without waiting for you to awnser, she walks away.
“Atleast someone has balls” You mutter under your breath. “Now what to drink?”
“I’d go for the grape juice, closest thing to wine we’ll get” A voice from behind starteld you.
You turned around to that Luke was standing behind you.
Your heart fluttered and the breath caught in your throat, leaving you momentarily gasping for air. The fairy lights above highlighted Luke's mischievous smile, his eyes twinkling with a carefree joy that only someone like Hermes' son could have. His suggestion about grape juice brought a wave of laughter that released the tension you didn't know you were holding.
"Definitely," you replied, managing to keep your voice steady. "You can never go wrong with the classics, right?" You filled two cups with the juice and offered one to Luke. He accepted it with a nod, his fingers briefly brushing against yours.
The music changed then, transitioning from fast-paced Rihanna and Eminem songs to a slower, more enchanting tune that seemed to wrap around each person like silk threads, pulling them towards the dance floor. Couples began pairing off, swaying in a rhythm that was both timeless and new.
"Would you like to dance?" Luke asked formally, extending his hand towards you.
You were taken aback by the unexpected offer. It felt surreal, as if you had stepped into one of those dream sequences where everything fell perfectly into place according to your deepest desires. But this was real; it was Luke standing before you, waiting for your response. For a moment, you hesitated, the years of hiding your feelings for him weighing heavily on your decision. Then, without thinking, you placed your hand in his and felt a spark ignite within you that threatened to consume your entire being.
Following Luke's lead, you stepped onto the dance floor and felt your heart pounding against your chest. As the music swelled around you, the rest of the world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in a sea of soft light and shadows. Luke moved with confidence but also with a gentle touch, as if he knew the power of every step they took together.
Your hands found their place on his shoulders, radiating warmth from the summer heat, while his settled lightly on your waist. The closeness between you sent waves of warmth throughout your body, reminiscent of evenings spent around bonfires and secrets whispered under starry skies.
The way Luke looked at you - with a sense of truly seeing you for the first time - melted away any uncertainty that had been building up over time. In his gaze, you were no longer just another pretty face among all the others at camp; you were the sole focus of his attention.
Your breath caught as he leaned in close, his breath tickling your ear. "You know," he murmured amidst the music, his voice rumbling softly, "I've always thought you were the best dancer out here."
A shy laugh escaped your lips. "Me? You must have me confused with one of the Apollo kids. They practically have rhythm flowing through their veins."
"Nah," Luke replied with a grin, spinning you effortlessly before pulling you back into his arms. "They have nothing on you."
In that moment, the world seemed to pause and catch its breath. His words were a ray of sunlight, piercing through the dense foliage of doubts and fears. A blush spread across your cheeks, feeling as though an artist had painted them with shades of warmth.
"Come on," you playfully retorted, trying to maintain composure despite the fluttering in your chest. "You must have been struck by Cupid's arrow to be saying such sweet things."
"Maybe I was," Luke shot back, his eyes sparkling mischievously. "Or maybe I've just found the courage to speak what's been on my mind for some time now."
"And what's that?" You couldn't help but ask, curiosity mingling with hope like vines creeping up an old stone wall.
Luke's smile softened and he leaned back slightly, relishing in the intensity of your gaze that made the background noise of the party fade away. His voice lowered to a whisper, filled with a sincerity that sent shivers down your spine.
"That you, my dear dance partner," he began, "are the most captivating person I've ever met. Not because of how you move on the dance floor or how your laughter brings joy to those around you. But because when I look at you—I see home."
A surge of emotions washed over you, like a warm blanket on a cold night. It felt as though every secret glance and unspoken conversation had led to this one moment in time.
"Luke, I—"
As you spoke, he placed a gentle finger on your lips, silencing you but igniting a deeper conversation through his touch. "Shh," he whispered with a playful yet sincere tone. "No need for words right now. Let's just…dance."
And so you did.
The music enveloped you like a vine as you danced together, the world shrinking until it was just the two of you amidst a sea of beating hearts and rhythmic feet. The lights above cast a warm glow on your union, creating an intimate atmosphere. You moved to the rhythm of an ancient dance, swaying as if on gently swelling ocean waves.
His eyes never left yours, reflecting the twinkling stars in the night sky. In this dance, all your hesitations vanished and were replaced by newfound courage. Your fingers tightened on his shoulders, anchoring yourself to the moment.
Eventually, the song ended and the crowd erupted into applause for the band's final bow. But their noise was nothing compared to the symphony that played in your hearts.
He smiled mischievously at you, sparks of adventure lighting up his features. "Come with me," he said, barely audible over the cheers and clapping.
Without waiting for your response, Luke took your hand and led you through the crowd of dancers and out into the tranquil night. The cool air brushed against your skin, contrasting with the warmth still lingering from his touch. You followed him eagerly, barely touching the pebbled path as anticipation fluttered within you like a captured butterfly.
The moon hung like a silver coin in the sky, casting its ethereal glow on everything below. The world was transformed, familiar objects taking on a magical quality – trees becoming silhouettes guarding secrets and the lake turning into a pool of liquid silver.
Reaching the edge of the lake, Luke didn't pause. He took off his shoes and rolled up his pants before looking at you expectantly. Without speaking, you did the same, feeling the cool grass under your feet and then the shock of cold as your toes touched the water.
In unspoken agreement, you walked hand in hand into the lake, its surface parting around your ankles and sending ripples through the water. The sound of pebbles tumbling underfoot created a symphony just for the two of you. As you moved deeper into the lake's embrace, it hummed around your knees, beckoning you to dance.
Luke's hand was warm and steady in yours as you both paused to take in the beauty of the world from within the heart of the lake. It was a breathtaking sight - the moonlight shimmering on the water, starlight seemingly captured beneath the surface. Your reflections were side by side, two souls intertwined in a nightly masterpiece.
Turning towards you, Luke's eyes mirrored the galaxy above, full of mysteries and silent promises. Your breaths mingled with the misty air as he stepped closer, closing the gap between you until there were only inches separating your bodies. In his gaze was an unspoken question, an invitation to a place where time couldn't touch you.
The answer was already clear to you, like a flower blooming in your heart. You felt a magnetic pull towards Luke, one that seemed to defy the laws of gravity and connect you two in a way that redefined nature.
You met him halfway, your previous shyness melting away in his presence. His hands fit perfectly on your waist, as if they were meant to be there since the beginning of time. The world faded into the background, leaving only this moment between the two of you.
Your heart beat with an intensity matching the crashing waves against the shore. As Luke's eyes locked with yours, you saw all of your feelings reflected back at you—a depth that could never be captured by words alone.
As the air stirred and the light shimmered, every breath between your lips seemed to dance in anticipation. And when he turned his face towards yours, it was as though the stars had aligned to bring you together, destined for this moment.
At first, the kiss was tender, like a feather's touch or the gentle caress of moonlight on earth. But as your lips moved in unison, tenderness gave way to a surge of passion that pulsed through your body. Your urgent response matched his own, your bodies pressing together as if trying to meld into one being under the glow of the moon above.
In the stillness of the night, time paused, allowing the world to witness the union of two hearts. The cool water around your knees could not quell the fire ignited by Luke's kiss. It was a kiss that fulfilled longings, broke barriers and crumbled walls in a silent surrender.
You gently placed your hands on his cheeks, feeling the roughness of his stubble beneath your thumbs. A smile spread across your lips as you felt him return the gesture. Slowly, reluctantly, you both pulled away and rested your foreheads against each other, trying to catch your breath. Each exhale was a shudder of pleasure; each inhale was a silent vow.
The stillness surrounding you was profound, broken only by the gentle lapping of water against the shore and the distant sounds of celebration fading into the night. In Luke's embrace, with the cool water caressing your skin and the moonlight highlighting his features, it became clear that this was more than just a temporary escape or a fleeting entertainment. This moment—it was an awakening.
"Look at us," Luke whispered softly into the night air, "dancing under the moon in a lake like something out of a romantic fairy tale."
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Divider by cafekitsune
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relicsongmel · 3 months
The dubious nature of Iris' name (and what it means)
Sister Iris Fey Hawthorne of Hazakura Temple finds herself in a rather peculiar situation for the Ace Attorney franchise in the fact that she is one of very few characters without a canonical last name. Of course, this hasn't stopped fans from assigning her one—for the purposes of tagging and categorization (or simply to distinguish her from Iris Wilson from The Great Ace Attorney series, because "Iris Ace Attorney" is no longer specific enough), every Ace Attorney fan seems to have a different answer as to what they call her, whether it be Iris Hawthorne, Iris Fey, Iris of Hazakura Temple, or simply Sister Iris. This confusion is understandable given the lack of a clear answer in canon as to what her legal last name is as well as her unusual upbringing; what with being raised in Kurain Village as a Fey, taken away by her father as a Hawthorne, and then sent to Hazakura Temple to become a nun. However, before we delve further into Iris herself, there's something a bit unusual (that I don't often see acknowledged within the fandom) that I'd like to bring up—that being, that this name drama not only affects Iris, but her twin sister Dahlia as well.
Simply put, Dahlia Hawthorne being named Dahlia Hawthorne doesn't make much sense when you think about it. Dahlia was born to Morgan Fey, the then-leader of the matriarchal line of spirit mediums of the Kurain Channeling Tradition. As such, it's safe to assume that she and her twin sister were also given this name upon their birth—so why, then, does she have her father's (or possibly her stepmother's—it's unclear) last name when we meet her in-game? Children generally do not have their last names changed when their parent remarries, so what's the deal? This strange situation makes slightly more sense when you remember that much of Trials and Tribulations builds up to the reveal that Dahlia and Iris are Morgan Fey's daughters; as such, Dahlia appearing in Chapter 1 and introducing herself as "Dahlia Fey" would be a MASSIVE spoiler for the events to come.
As for an in-universe explanation, we obviously aren't given one, but we are given a bit of insight from Dahlia (while disguised as Iris) regarding their father's perspective on leaving Kurain Village:
"He hated the place. He said it was a hick dive, and that he had no reason to stay there."
I think it's not an unreasonable stretch to say that their father wanted nothing more to do with the Fey clan after its reputation had been destroyed post-DL-6, and likely went to great efforts to separate himself (and his daughters) from anything that reminded him of it. With this in mind, who's to say he didn't have the twins' name changed? Now, obviously whether this affected Iris herself is still up for debate—it's possible she had already been sent away to Hazakura before this had all happened. But given that Dahlia implies Iris had only been sent away after their father's second marriage, I find it more likely that her name was changed beforehand. That said, it's still just a headcanon based on my personal preferences—I like the idea of Iris having the last name "Hawthorne" because I think the association with the Hawthorne Effect (in which one modifies their behavior in response to being watched) fits her really well, but I don't disagree with those who choose to use other names for her because there are good arguments to be made there as well.
However. However. The intrigue behind Iris' name doesn't even end there. We hear from Sister Bikini very early in Bridge to the Turnabout that it's Hazakura Temple tradition for nuns to choose a "temple" name—meaning that even Iris' given name might not be her real one. I hesitate a bit on this idea considering her name already pairs up nicely with Dahlia’s due to the shared flower theming (and Iris having a lack of respect for acolyte tradition in that regard would give her an interesting resemblance to her mother which I REALLY like), but if it is true it creates another fascinating bit of symbolism—Iris’ first name is a lie. A facade. Which fits in with her lying about her identity to Phoenix for 8 months and her general tendency to put up a front of whoever the person she's talking to wants her to be—whether that be Dahlia's obedient co-conspirator, Bikini's sweet and good-natured daughter figure, or Godot's accomplice and the scapegoat he can use to protect Maya. And neither of the common last names given to her by fandom accurately reflect/show the full picture of who she is either. Fey is what she was born as—but that name comes with a whole host of burdens and generational trauma that she likely does her best to distance herself from considering her tendency to run away from conflict like she did with the fake kidnapping and the aftermath of Doug Swallow's murder (she’s a lot like her aunt in that regard). Hawthorne ties her to the sister she so dearly loves—but also weighs her down due to her sister’s crimes, her role in said crimes, and the family she was sent away from against her will (even if it ended up being better for her) before it tragically fell apart. Neither one truly fits—the Iris name debacle is a perfect representation of the identity crisis of her character and that is nothing short of beautiful to me.
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synergysilhouette · 5 months
My frustration with Asha's writing
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A lot of people liked "Wish," and a lot of people didn't, and a particular concern for the latter was the main protagonist. Since I'm in the camp of "I'm frustrated with 'Wish,'" I'll discuss a little bit about why Asha feels like such a letdown.
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She's an archetype, but not an individualized character. She screams "Disney heroine," but she doesn't have anything about her that makes her character stand out (positively) among other Disey female leads. She has no flaws that hinder her, and her positive traits are vague at best. "I care too much," is the most generic thing I've ever heard a main character say. In fact, it becomes almost meaningless when a character (who genuinely means it) says it about themselves; caring too much is a statement that works best when talking about someone else. In fact...
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2. She has significant plot armor. She gets far in the process of being considered to be Magnifico's apprentice, but it's never said WHY. Considering her friend (or friends? I'm not sure) works in the castle, Dahlia putting in a good word for Asha would make sense to why Magnifico would consider her, and even him asking around town for their opinion of her would make more sense. But it feels like she gets so far in the process simply because she's the main character, despite Magnifico knowing next to nothing about her. And Magnifico has several magical powers at his disposal, but he's still defeated by her (mainly because he only uses his staff against her).
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3. She has a lot of influence, but again, it's not really said how or why. During the reprise of "This Wish," the people of Rosas side with her against Magnifico--but this is likely because she's the only one who dared to stand up against him. We only see Asha interact with the people of Rosas during the opening song with her as a tour guide (how did she get THAT job?), and it feels very professional, very timed. It doesn't feel intimate or personal, like Asha has built up a good rapport with the other citizens.
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4. Her family is poorly defined. Sabino's wish is to create a song that inspires the next generation, but as Magnifico himself mentions, that's a vague wish--plus imo, it's cheating; rather than working hard and creating a legacy for yourself, you want to wish to give something for people to remember you by. And Sabino is obviously older than Magnifico, but his life--and how he lived it without the kingdom of wishes--is never explored. Perhaps if it was explained that he experienced great hardship and his spirit was broken, it'd explain why he was so fixated on getting a wish. And Sakina's wish is never explained. She's probably the worst-characterized parent in a 21st century Disney movie, since she's pretty much just there. And Asha's father inspired her, but he isn't shown much. I'd have enjoyed it if the plot revolved around her trying to revive her father and it proves Magnifico's point that some wishes can't/shouldn't be granted.
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5. She learns NOTHING. Her whole song is about "I've lived a lie" when that's not entirely true; she takes a very black and white view on the situation without ever trying to evolve her viewpoint via Magnifico's perspective, and the people of Rosas never stop to think "we shouldn't be codependent"; they just think "we shouldn't have let Magnifico lie to us." It's a giant avoidance of guilt on everyone's behalf, and since Magnifico is a villain, no one really cares that he has some semblance of a point. When you look at protagonists like Pocahontas, Judy Hopps, and Anna, you see how they learned a new way of looking at things, that they've suffered hardships (either through their own making or otherwise) and that they've grown from it.
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6. She's "relateable." Disney's adorkable thing hasn't been too much of an issue for me up to this point; it was unique when Anna did it, and it never feels super cringey with Mirabel and Moana (though if Mirabel is cringey, it fits into the narrative). But now it's tired. I'd enjoy more mature leads like Raya, Tiana, and Elsa, rather than Disney trying to make a protagonist that tries--and fails--to be quirky. And I never really saw Rapunzel as adorkable as her later leading ladies. But Asha tries too hard; honestly that should've been one of her flaws in the film. Her desperation to meet everyone's approval would've been something neat (albeit familiar if we compare her to Mirabel) to explore in the film.
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doctorsiren · 8 months
I’m kinda curious about Godot in your monster AU. Is it a situation like Phoenix where he was ostensibly Just A Guy before Dahlia pulled a Dahlia? The people need to know (and by people I mean just me)
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Just gonna repeat what I said in the tags of one of the first SLMAU posts
Godot is a dark elf, whereas Diego was originally a wood elf. The poison / potion that was supposed to kill him put him in a coma and worked against his determination to live, turning him into a drow. This also explains why his hair is white bc dark elves have white hair
And also in D&D lore, they come from the Underdark and Godot is always talking about how he came back from Hell, so it fits
Anyways I’m accidentally causing Godot/Diego brainrot in my head and I have to do something with the ideas I have
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florsial · 4 months
It's been a while since I looked at flowers so here are Marauders era characters as plants:
James Potter: Sunflowers since he's commonly associated with the sun. Or delphinium for positivity and a big heart!
Sirius Black: Ivy, the common ivy, or English or European ivy. It's a symbol of loyalty and fidelity. Fits enough for me.
Remus Lupin: Wolfsbane. Believed to repel werewolves, and it's used in a potion in the Wizarding World. But if we want a less angsty plant there is also the tropical white morning glory. It's also known as a moonflower and symbolizes the ability of beauty to emerge in dark times, and is used to provide hope.
Peter Pettigrew: Burgundy dahlias for betrayal, for obvious reasons. But also purple hyacinths for a desire for forgiveness. Cuz I'm hell bent that Peter was regretful of what he did in canon
Lily Evans: I'm not gonna give her lily, that seems a little too obvious lol but, peonies! They symbolize love, honor, happiness wealth, romance, and beauty. Which yk, works well in my eyes
Mary Macdonald: Poppies for remembrance of the death and consolation. It's based on the headcanon she obliviated herself sometime before to during the first wizarding war because everything was getting too much for her. Also, poppies are used to create opium, which relieves pain. It's pretty sad ngl, that hc always gets me.
Marlene McKinnon: King Protea, it's very sharp-looking flower that symbolizes strength and resilience. Not much info is given about Marlene during the war except her entire family was wiped out, but given her personality in fanon. I imagine she put up a hella good fight. I would give this to Dorcas but I have another one for her.
Slytherins! (Including Pandora!)
Regulus Black: Thorns! Rose thorns mostly, but just thorns in general. From what I read, rose thorns show adversity and sacrifice. Regulus had the misfortune of being born into a family with shit views and never having a morally correct input his entire life and he basically sacrificed his life to bring down the Dark Lord. Thorns are always ways for a plant to deter herbivores from eating them, take that as you will!
Barty Crouch Jr: Bleeding hearts, cuz yeahhhh, everlasting love? Unrequited love?? Tragedy compacted into one. His daddy issues too?? Him pleading for his dad to love him?? HIS MOTHER GIVING UP HER LAST MOMENTS FOR HIM??? EVAN AND REGULUS???? CMON CMONNNNN
Evan Rosier: Venus Fly Trap for persistence. This man was not willing to end up in Azkaban and took Moody's fucking nose with him. Venus fly traps are also known to die right after digestion aka eating a fly so it fits! (I LOVEEE carnivorous plants)
Dorcas Meadows: Laurel leaves for victory and achievement. Specifically, laurel leaves in a wreath. I think it's neat since she was powerful enough that Voldemort had to kill her himself. Mf was takin them out one by one until Voldy decided she was too op. LOVE HER FOR THAT
Pandora Rosier: Not the most hottest flower (lol), but the amaranth, while it could also mean everlasting last love, but it also means hopelessness or hopeless love. This only really works if you see Pandora as a seer. Something I think is interesting is the fact that fate is fate, it's sealed and final, and there is never a way around it. If you try to get around fate, you walk right into it because you never a chance. Pandora as a seer would've saw her friends and classmates dying and can't do anything about it because fate is sealed from the very beginning. It's hopeless.
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z-shalltear · 13 days
it's kimi ! i'm too embarrassed to reveal my personal tumblr from when i was 14 lul >.< anyways ! if ur still accepting then perhaps for issac x sunflower:
‘  our love could make flowers bloom int he dead of winter.  ’
TY KIMI FOR DIS ONE <3 using it to make a quick bday blurb for issac.… - BYE im actually so late with this 😭 i wanna do other stuff with primmy but wanted o finish this first so ive been stalling also my attention span is ass 😋 on day I'll remember to redesign my dividers again
prompt source // ⚠️ requests on hold bc I gotta get through the ones I got
// no CWs this is all fluff ☁️
Issac's cheeks turn as red as you expected them to. You find it as fitting as the countless freckles that dotted his skin, and part of you wanted to reach out and trace them once again. He even lets out a small nervous laugh as he begins to process what you said.
His hands clench around the paper wrapping the bouquet of flowers he held. It was already a very pleasant surprise to receive such a thoughtfully put together bouquet, but the words you uttered afterwards made Issac's vision blur. His heart clenched as he tried to settle the many emotions that made his heart ache. He inspects each flower, trying to stave off the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes. It was an odd assortment of sunflowers, orange dahlias, daisies, and forget-me-nots.
You spent countless hours researching, taking notes, and searching multiple flower shops to put it together. You felt a bit sheepish at how haphazard it slightly looked but decided to gift it to Issac anyways before you could regret it.
To Issac, it was perfect, and he wouldn't give it up for the world. He always instinctively hid away how flustered these sorts of things made him, but after spending so much time with you, he was able to bear it at least somewhat. He brings the flowers closer to his face, the mix of scents grounding him even just a little bit.
He sniffles softly, and as you reach out to take his hand he throws his arms around you. He buries his head into your shoulder in a familiar action. The flowers in his hold gently bump against you as he does so.
Issac squeezes you gently. "Thank you... for loving me." His voice cracks in the low whisper he spoke in.
"Hey, I know I was really late but-" You begin, before Issac unexpectedly cut you off.
"It doesn't matter." He insists, nuzzling closer into you. "You're here. That's all that matters to me." Issac seems to steel himself as he continues. "I love you, my Sunflower."
You settle into the hug, gently resting your chin on his shoulder as you rub his back. "Love you too, Issac."
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euphoricfilter · 1 year
Can I request a drabble with Yoonji? If so, could it be a fluffy flower shop/tattoo parlour au with "I don't think anyone could ever be as lovely as you.", please? Thank you! 💜
summer mornings and strawberries:
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pairing: tattoo artist! yoonji (yoongi) x f. reader
genre: fluff || non-idol au || cisswap || established relationship
summary: sometimes it's hard to put your love for someone into words
word count: 1.2k
tags/ warnings: fluff, wlw, goth gf yoonji x pastel princess m/c (you know that’s right), minor suggestive content but no real smut
notes: women <3 this one felt harder to keep in the 1k boundary because they’re both just so cute :( i might write a short sequel for mommy yoonji since it wouldn't fit into this part if people are interested
drabble requests are closed
drabble masterlist || my main masterlist
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
“Over here, baby” 
You perk up, Jimin long forgotten as your girlfriend waves you over from her office. 
“Sorry, Minnie” you brush him off as you skip into Yoonji’s arms, completely ignorant to the fact she keeps eye contact with the receptionist as she presses a sweet kiss to your cheek. 
Jimin snorts, eyes flickering down to your skirt that barely covers your ass. 
Your mouth falls open into a gasp as Yoonji grabs the meat of your thigh, teasing in the way she knows has arousal slicking up your panties. You always had been easy to rile up. 
“You’re late” she murmurs, hairs on the back of your neck standing on end as her breath tickles your cheek. 
“The shop was quite busy today,” you tell her as she kicks the door to her office closed, tattoo equipment already set up for you. 
“You should really tell your boss you can’t do overtime” 
You frown, “But she says I’m the best at bouquets” 
“I’m sure you are the best, my love. Now take a seat, I canceled my next appointment so we can spend the afternoon together” 
“You didn’t have to do that” you giggle, sweater shucked off on the floor somewhere that she picks up, folding it over the back of her chair as you settle down. 
“I don’t wanna hear any of that” 
“Yes ma’am” you mock salute. 
Her eyebrows furrow, silent offer to be a brat, though by now she knows you’re aware of the consequences. 
Her chair kicks backwards as she leans down for a kiss. Purposeful as her lips mold with yours, barely enough room for either of your to breathe until she’s pulling back, and your pink blush is hiding the red that coats your cheeks rosy. 
You’d always found something so utterly mesmerizing about Yoonji, her beauty that of a black dahlia, though you think she was more of a pink rose; gentle. 
Someone you aspired to be, so confident in her own skin, she knew exactly what she wanted, and made sure she got it. 
Sometimes it felt like you couldn’t word exactly how you felt about her, ‘love’ perhaps an umbrella term for all the little things you adored about her mere existence. No amount of flowers with lovely meanings, or poems about undying love that you write in little notes for customers (that had definitely been stolen from the internet), is never truly enough. 
Your friends had drilled the idea in their heads that Yoonji was reserved, and didn’t know how to show her love the right way, ‘cold’ even. A word you had never, and will never use to describe her. 
Because it seemed like she knew how to show her love for you, better than you did for her. 
The world had always had a split view on the term ‘opposites attract’, that you’re good for each other until you’re in a relationship, and then it all goes to shit because you’re two very different people. 
Yoonji never minded how you blasted your music over her speakers, the music she would overwise despise if it weren’t you. Just like how you never liked the hard-hitting rap she absolutely loved, though hummed along as she cleaned the house. 
She never minded how your clothes had split up the blacks of her hoodies and jeans in the closet, or the cute little bedspread you insisted on having because you didn’t like her grey one.
Or how the counter in the bathroom had been permanently doused in glittery eyeshadow. Where shampoo smelt of warm summer mornings and strawberries, instead of muted and never-really-there comfort. Your existence now a permanent fixture in her, no, your home.
It felt as though Yoonji worshipped your very existence, held you in her hands, delicate like you were a daisy, or a gentle buttercup. 
Your person that you couldn’t imagine a future without.
Her art is forever inked into your skin, art that no one else in the world will ever have because maybe tattoos were one of her love languages. Something in your heart squeezing, emotions mushy, that make you want to gush like you were in high school again when you catch a glimpse of her work etched into your skin in the mirror. The work she had spent hours designing specifically for you. 
Yoonji didn’t mind initiating physical contact, something you’d always shied away from, something she’d taught you was okay to want, that yearning wasn’t bad. That touch is just many of the languages of love that the both of you shared.
She liked to cook or take you on picnics in the summer, watching you twirl in dresses made of satin, or smudge your lipstick with a kiss before she helps you reapply it. Only to kiss you again. 
She calls you pretty and loved your body in ways that showed you self-love wasn’t selfish. Because if she could love you, then it shouldn’t be impossible to love yourself.
Yoonji kissed you under the stars and liked how the moon made you shine like a delicate fairy, always so beautiful in her eyes. She held your hand while you ordered food, and visits you during her lunch breaks with coffee and cakes or little sandwiches cut into triangles. 
Every little brush of her fingers over your bare skin had been etched into your mind, hours spent apart missing her even though you knew you’d be going home to your apartment, greeted with a kiss that always has you melting into her chest. 
Over the years your love language had morphed into your job just like hers, and Yoonji found it endearing how you’d come home with flowers for her, test runs for the shop's new theme though you seem to always keep her in mind as you hone your craft. 
And as much as you worried that you were never enough, always so consumed by thoughts she knew were pointless, Yoonji loved you nonetheless. 
“I don’t think anyone could be as lovely as you,” she tells you one evening, your head resting on her thighs, careful as she brushes your hair after you’ve both taken a shower together. 
You blink up at her, tongue wetting your bottom lip, “You’re a lot lovelier than I am” 
“Not true” she laughs, thumb rubbing over your jaw, “Besides, you’re the only one that sees me like this” 
“Is it selfish that I like it that way?” 
She hums, tucking her hair behind her ear, sharp eyes never straying away from yours. “It’s okay to be selfish, you know” 
“When it comes to you, I don’t mind” you smile, rolling onto your stomach. 
You blink up at her through your lashes. 
Her lips quirking upwards, always finding it hard not to smile when she’s with you, “I love you, flower” 
“I really love you too” you smile, “And I think I’ll love you forever” 
She tilts her head, “That’s a long time. Think you can put up with me for that long?” 
“As long as you can put up with me for that long, then I don’t mind” 
“You act as though you’re hard to put up with” she pushes your hair out of your face, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips, then your cheek, nose, then each eyelid as you lean into the palm of her hand that cups your cheek. 
“Forever, then” you whisper, eyes barely open as you chase her lips for another kiss. 
She hums, “Forever it is”
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box-dwelling · 10 months
OK so as someone who just genuinely loved Dual destinies and is keeping my theis length DD apologia in the drafts at least for now. I genuinely want to know why people don't like it.
I have seen this take from so many AA fans who I completely agree about everything else with. I need to understand why it sounds like we played completely different games.
I will put some I've seen but feel differently about under the cut
Critisms I find unfair:
-it doesn't tie up the loose ends AA4 left hanging. We don't hold any of the other games up to this standard because they all properly finish up the characters arcs. Aa5 cannot be blamed for the problems we want to overlook in AA4. I do also love AA4 but it does leave a lot of dangling plot threads that the others don't and that would be a fucking nightmare to tie up *staring directly at sibling reveal*
- Clay comes out if no where. He's very well established through the game. He just isn't mentioned in AA4 just like Fran isn't mentioned in AA1 and Dahlia isn't mentioned before AA3.
Critism I acknowledge is a reasonable opinion people can have but strongly disagree with
-Spilting the game between the protagonists stops them having proper arcs. Athena is our weird girl for this game. She is our maya. We get to play as her for 1.5 cases. For the majority of the game she's taking up the weird girl screen time and she's honestly still doing that in the ones you play as her. She's just a weird girl who happens to be a lawyer. In the main game Apollo and Phoenix have a roughly equal amount of screen time by chapter. They cut the bloated filler not the arcs (yes I will argue that 5-2 is needed for Apollos arc. Its there to set up his relationship with Athena that us a catalyst later on)
-Phoenix and Apollo are OOC. No. Phoenix is still a cryptic little bitch when you don't play as him and in AA4 he was so very clearly missing being a lawyer. It makes sense. Apollo very clearly in the last case of AA4 regains a lot of his respect for Phoenix. No, he doesn't do this on screen but again that is AA4s fault not dual destinies. That's how he acts the last time we see him so that's how he's acting now.
-The Phantom comes out of nowhere. Plot wise, maybe. But so do a lot of AA villians. Thematically, he's the perfect fit. DD is a game about trust. Very, very explicitly. A spy is someone who can't trust anyone. The phantom is a man who's shut himself off so much from emotions that he no longer recognises why trust is needed. And also has an ability that directly preys on people by making them think hes a trustworthy figure. He's not an incredible villian but he is thematically cohesive.
-almost a part 2 to the last point. The Fulbright reveal comes out of nowhere. First of all 5-2 has some very very choice sprite framing lol. But beyond that it also is a thematically smart choice. We as players are conditioned in AA games to trust the recurring detective. The villain should be someone that we trust. The guy was likeable but also fundamentally always kinda hollow and did in fact pull a shit ton of strings in 5-4 that we all ignored because we trusted him. The clues are there. You're just not ment to pick up on them because of the formula of these games.
-Edgeworth doesn't need to be there. Again game with a theme of trust. He doesn't necessarily need to be there but his dynamic with Phoenix does. They spent 3 fucking games setting up how important it is that those two trust each other and in a game about trust his absence would be felt.
-I don't see this a lot but I did see it a few times. Blackquill is a bad prosecutor. Honestly this is a taste thing and I love him. He is my little bastard man. Also thematically he embodies the two people you aren't supposed to trust in these games, a convict and a prosecutor but is actually a cool guy.
-I've never seen this but I can guess it's happened. Pearl comes out of nowhere. Again theme of trust. Phoenix has just lost the two people he's been relying on to trust the most and needed to be reminded that there were other people he loved and trusted so letter from Maya and visit from Pearl.
-mood matrix. I like the mini game I think it's fun. My brain likes to sit and logically think about what emotions it would make sense for someone to feel in situations.
Criticism I agree with but really don't bother me
-Trucy is side lined. Yeah. I love her to pieces and will never complain about getting more of her but it doesn't make sense for her to not be there plot wise and they clearly just didn't have room for her. I am happy with my Trucy scraps. I would visit her and present every piece of evidence to her to get as much dialogue as I could.
-Klavier is sidelined. Also yeah. But he did genuinely need to be there for 5-3 thematically for that case. (It is literally a showdown between his school of thought and the one he thought phoenix had) but they couldn't make him procecutor because he'd be too much on their side. It had to be someone who at that point seems at least a little morally dubious. I wish there was more but I will also happily take my Klavier scraps.
-the anime cutscenes. I don't love them but I do have a little switch in my brain marked "watching anime" that I can flip and enjoy them for what they are.
-the switch of the voiced sound effects. Yes they are worse but like, I can live with it.
Stuff I don't like and won't defend
-turnabout reclaimed racism and fatphobia (also blatant animal welfare ignorance). I'm not defending it or overlooking it but it's not the only game in this franchise to be problematic.
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thetopichot · 5 months
•° The Middle Ground °•
☆ Prologue ☆
We have been all hyped for this ship & I'm glad that can finally write it for you guys. Consider this as a pilot for a multi-chapter series! I hope you guys enjoy this because I know I'm just gonna enjoy writing this series.
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Word Count: 3.2k words!
"&..there we go!" You finished up tying up a beautiful, golden ribbon on some golden dahilas mixed with some white chrysanthemums bouquet. They were absolutely gorgeous & I think you're getting the hang of this! You weren't at Finn's level of the language of flowers but Finn helped you along the way. You were setting up a bouquet for a newly-wed couple while Finn was helping a nice, elderly lady in the front.
Finn finished up talking to the kind, elderly lady & joined you in the back. "Is everything going okay, my love?" Finn hugged you from behind & kissed you on your cheek as he observed your work.
"Yep. I'm all finished with this one. Watcha think?" Finn looked at the bouquet.
"It's beautifully done! Although.." He went to the otherside of the table to see the bouquet. "I think we can add little more, yeah? So let's see what we got.." He looked at the yellow dahlias & the white mums. "How about we add one more flower to fit this theme? Like.." He waited for your answer.
"Roses? Maybe.." You look at the dark red ones. "Those ones?"
"Why the dark red ones, love?" You paused to think.
"They represent eternal love & loyalty?" You said unsure but Finn smiled at your correct answer.
"That's right!" He handled the dark red roses with care & put it on the table. He carefully cut the roses & put them gently inside the bouquet. "There we go... All done!" You looked at the bouquet with awe. It was so gorgeous & elegant. It had this gentle, warm vibe that glowed. Well, these flowers don't glow but, you could feel it glow in your soul.
"Alright, let's review these flower's meaning shall we?" You nodded. "The yellow dahlias? Do you know what they mean?" He looked you for your response.
"Joy & Happiness."
"Correct! & the white mums?"
"Loyalty & Honestly."
"Good job!" He gently grabbed the bouquet & gave you a kiss on the cheek. "You're doing wonderful job, darling. I'm very proud of you." You became a bit bashful.
"Well, I try my best." You humbly said.
"Aww, no need to be so humble! You did a great job." Finn reassured you & pat your shoulder. "Now, let's take this to Ms. Valley." You both walked out the back & went to the front of the store where the kind, old lady was waiting. Finn handed the bouquet to the old lady. "Here you go, ma'am. I hope your son in law enjoys this gift."
She carefully grabbed the bouquet from Finn. "Thank you. You both are truly kind." The lady handed her coins & walked to the exit with the bouquet in hand.
"Thank you, please come again!" Finn sighed in satisfaction. "Another job well done, hmm?" He stretched then checked the time on his watch. "I think it's time for us to take a quick tea break. I'll go heat up some tea for us. Can you keep watch & clean the shop real quick while I make us some tea?"
"Yeah, I got it."
"Thank you, darling." Finn gives you a peck on the lips as he walked to the back & prepares the tea. You grabbed the broom & started sweeping some of the dirt from the plants on the floor. You hummed a tune as you brushed the leftover residue from the plants outside. You heard the sound of Finn's teapot whistling. It sounded like it was almost ready.
"Oh, darling!~" Finn cheerfully sang. Finn peeked his head out from the back. "It's ready, love." You finished up cleaning up & put the broom back where you found it. You joined Finn in the back as he was waiting at his tea table with all of the tea cups were placed in a organized fashion. He poured you a cup first then, poured his. You picked up the cup & took a sip.
Your face gleamed with joy. "Ooooo wee!" You exclaimed happily. "That's some good ass tea, baby. You truly never disappoint with your teas."
Finn chuckles softly as he took a sip from his cup. "I'm glad you like it, love. I always try to make it filled with love & care."
You finished your cup quickly. "If this is trying then, I don't think I can even imagine how amazing your tea would taste at your max potential. Like that taste is probably beyond human comprehension because it's just that good."
"Oh, come on. My tea isn't that good." He grabs your teacup & walks towards to the sink. He begins washing the teacups. "Besides like I said, I try. It doesn't mean I'm the best in the world."
"Well, I can give ya 3 main reasons."
"Oh? What reasons are those, darling?"
"You're my boyfriend," You raised a finger. "You're the most sweetest person I've ever met," Another one raised. "& I have tasted all of the things that you make all of the time." The third finger finished the reasons off.
"Ya gotta give yourself more credit, ya know. Have more confidence in yourself, baby." You reassured him. You knew Finn was a capable of great things but Finn was always so humble about it. Many people, including you, have told him so many times in the past of how well he does his craft & within those many times he always replied with:
"I appreciate that but I just like doing my job. It's less like a job but it's something I just enjoy doing. Like a hobby!" You sighed. You wish he could see it as more than just a hobby & see it as a amazing talent that he owns. He is truly a magician at work or more like a witch at work.
"I do just fine with-" Finn was interrupted briefly by the sound of a familiar bell at the front door. "I guess we got ourselves a customer!" You both turned to look at the door but then, he froze. Like god himself struck fear into him. You, however, didn't have much a reaction since the figure was unfamiliar.
You turned back & looked at Finn's frozen stature. "Hey, ya good?"
Finn snapped back into reality & shakes his head comically. "Oh what? Y-Yeah! I'm gooooooood. I'm just uh shit fine! Sooooo fine." You raised a eyebrow.
"If you're fine then, what's with ya & tall, dark, & uhhh.." You looked at the figure & squinted. "I would say ugly but I dunno. They look kinda sexy? Not my type though but ya know. Ya like what ya like." Finn grabbed your shoulders gently & sighed nervously. Man was sweating like a sinner in church.
"T-That is another regular here that so so SO important to me, love. He is one of those um..."
"Flower Critics? Not gonna lie, I didn't know that there were ones to be honest."
"Nooo. He pays very well & by very well, I mean veeeeery well. I'm worried that I might screw up." Finn said nervously.
"Have you ever screwed up on his orders before?" You asked.
"No but I'm not planning on doing that anytime soon. I wouldn't say my arrangements are the issue. It's just that I'm huge chatterbox & the last time I talked about my floral facts, I mayyyyyyy have annoyed him a little bit & I'm just worried that he-" You cupped his face which took him by surprise.
"Finn, I think you're overthinking this wayyy too much plus everyone likes your silly facts. It shows how much you enjoy doing your job & people like that! It makes you very approachable!" You let go of his face. "I'll go with you & be your support, 'kay? So you'll stop shivering like a leaf & maybe you just misinterpreted the interaction a bit." With that bit of reassurance, Finn relaxs his shoulders & lets go of yours.
"That would be great." He gave you a nervous smile. Damn, this guy really made him nervous. You started to have your doubts but you were always taught to never judge a book by it's cover. However, you are starting to let go a bit of that analogy by how Finn described him & his panicked reaction to the mystery guest. Well let's at least meet this guy first.
'It shouldn't be that bad.' You thought of the exact words of what you shouldn't say when you hope that something doesn't go bad. You entered the front together & hoped for the best. As you both entered, you finally saw the figure more up close & personal.
The few things that you could decipher better about the figure was that they were tall, dressed in black, tied up maroon hair, with sharp eyes & rectangle, almost framless, glasses to match. You were also kinda right about the figure being sexy but at the same time, they look like Christian Grey walked outta a damn 2000's Hot Topic.
But besides all that, you could see why Finn would be scared of this supposed "well-paying" customer.
"Sorry for the wait!" Finn cut your thoughts with his cheery, customer service voice. "Welcome back to Talk Floral, Auron!" Huh, so that's what his name was.
"Good afternoon, Finn." His voice was like the feeling of silk to your ears. Well damn, Finn had every right to be nervous. He noticed you within the corner of his piercing milky eyes which caused you to be a nervous too.
"It appears you've brought someone with you this time around?"
"Oh? This is my assistant & partner! They're helping me around the shop today." Finn explained. "They do pretty fine work around here!"
"Hiya." You looked at Auron & gave him a soft smile but he remained unamused & ignored your polite greeting. Finn laughed nervously at this strange interaction as your smiled quickly faded as you raised your eyebrow.
"A-Anyway! What can we do you for this lovely afternoon?
"A rose bouquet. A dozen. That is all." He said so bluntly. Normally, the customers you've met usually weren't this blunt. They would explain the stich with some extra parts to Finn & help fit within their budget. You felt strange & scary vibes from him & you didn't really trust him all much.
"Oh alright!" Finn returned to usually cheery voice. "I assuming it's for something romantic or maybe for family? The holidays are coming by soon." He smiled at him but once again, his cold gaze remained & with the statement of family driving his expression to be even colder.
"That would not be the case."
"Ah. May I ask what's the occasion is for them?"
Auron nodded. "I'm gifting a severance package." You felt a strange relief. Maybe this guy wasn't that much of a asshole? Finn smiled in return of his answer assuming the best.
"Oh, is it a gift of someone retiring from your company? That's actually really sweet of you-" Finn was cut off by Auron.
"I never said it was for someone retiring. I fired someone just recently for his absolute incompetence of his job. So as a little parting gift since it is the holidays, I want to gift him roses." O-kay, scratch that. This guy is a asshole.
You were never really that good at handling customers that well because since you always gave that same energy back. If they were nice, you treated them with respect. If rude customers came into Finn's store, you always set them straight. However, Mr. Auron here is a wealthy customer. Finn's shop has been doing a bit more better since he could now get more better tools & better resources because of him. But god, you really want to cuss this guy out for real.
However, you gotta show restraint. Do it for Finn.
"I don't think roses would send the right message. You know the red roses are known for romance so it would mean-"
"I do not pay you for your opinions or your advice, Finn. I don't care." Finn's neck started to hide similar to a turtle's way of showing fear. "Stop wasting my time."
"Fucking asshole." You muttered quietly to yourself but it wasn't quiet enough. Finn sweated absolute bullets & Auron raised a eyebrow as his cold glare became ice.
"Excuse me?"
"Oh they said nothing! They're weren't talking about you-" Finn lightened the mood however, you intervened.
"I SAID you're a fucking asshole or maybe you're too deaf to hear that, sir." You said with a harsh tone. "I'm surprised your glasses can't see how much of peice of shit you're being right now. Laying off someone before the holidays? That's even more a asshole move."
"Not only that, Finn is trying to help ya here. He's doing his goddamn job. So maybe, you should shut the FUCK up & let him do what he needs to do." Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiit. Finn stood there speechless but his expression was filled with horror like he just witnessed a murder happened before his every eyes & which he did witness a murder but not the kind filled with blood, weapons & the sound of sirens.
The kind filled with words, reading a person, & a wrestling bell going off for the first round.
Auron smirked in response. He was unfazed by your pathetic excuse of a insult. "Oh my", He said, "You have quite the mouth on you, darling." He snarkily replied.
Okay, fuck him for real, dude because ME personally? I wouldn't let that slide.
"The fuck did you just call me?"
"Oh I apologize. I assume you didn't hear me the first time." Auron cleared his throat. "Brat." Oooooh, that pissed you off real good. "Did you hear me now?"
"Okay, FUCK you-"
"Alrighty! Let's not get so hasty towards eachother here!" Finn nervously smiled.
"You're right, Finn." Auron nodded. "At least someone knows how to control one's temper."
He was truly testing your limit & you were genuinely this close to beating this guy's ass. "Do you want me to jump across this counter because I will beat. your. ass."
"If you're feeling froggy then leap, brat."
"BITCH-" You nearly hopped over the counter but Finn grabbed you as you hopped. He placed you back down.
"O-KAY!" Finn loudly interrupted & gently grabbed your hand. "Could you give us oneeeeee moment, please?"
"You may." Auron permitted & then, Finn dragged you gently into the back. He sat you down on the chair.
"Goddess, darling! What's going on?!" He questioned you.
"That fucking hot topic wannabe bastard is what!" You could barely hold a whisper but you tried lowering your voice. "That dude is a goddamn prick!"
"But you didn't have to say it out loud or even just straight-up jump OVER the damn counter!" Finn sighed. "You. Stay here & cool off. I'll handle Auron, okay?" That was the most stern you have heard him in awhile. Whenever Finn is stern, he always sound like a dad scolding his children for fighting. However no matter how angry he was, he always remained gentle.
Finn gently grabbed the roses on the table & he left to tend to Auron as you just sat in the chair. You felt like you were put in the time-out chair which was humiliating but at the same time, you felt bad for how you acted out. Finn doesn't deserve getting a hard time because of you but the way Auron treated him just setted you off. Speaking of which you heard Finn talking to him.
"Brat? Really?" You heard Finn scold Auron as well. "You're just making the situation worse for yourself, Auron."
"Finn, you know how much I don't tolerate brats. Even you know this."
"I do but you could've been at least be more respectful. You're better than that, ya know." Finn sighed as you could the snipping of the roses that Auron asked for. "A rose bouquet?"
"Yes, please." Auron politely responded & caught you off guard a bit. The dude has been a dick to the both of you for the past fifteen minutes. Maybe it's the magic of Finn's dad voice. You got off outta your chair & took a sneaky peak through the corridor.
Auron's face was a lot more gentle towards Finn then he did with you. His face was less furrowed but his face still remained neutral. It was his eyes & eyebrows that got softer. Not only that. His voice had less authority & a demanding tone. It was how you heard it the first time.
Like silk to your ears.
"I apologize for causing you trouble. I don't like starting a confrontation especially not over that." Auron apologized to Finn but not really to you.
"It's alright." You couldn't really see Finn's face since his back was faced towards you but you could always hear the smile. No matter the situation or how bad the situation is Finn was always capable of smiling through it all.
"However, my point still stands. You gotta let your guard down a little more often. You can't be cold to everyone to see."
"I cannot afford that." His gentle voice was gone when he said that. It wasn't completely harsh or cold. However, it sounded strange to you.
Finn stopped for a second & tilted his head. "Wait, why?"
"It's just..." He paused & thought about his words wisely. "Complicated."
"You don't have to talk about it if you don't too." Auron relaxed but he didn't feel satisfied by his answer. It was like there was something more that he wanted to say but the more the room got silent with the small sounds of snipping & he pushed down whatever he wanted to say more.
Finn handed the finished rose bouquet to Auron. He handed his amount for the bouquet & both of your eyes go wide. "A-Auron! This is wayyy too much for just single bouquet! You sure this wasn't a mistake or anything?"
"I don't make mistakes. I'm always sure of things. If I gave you much more than asked then keep it. Consider as my apology & my gratitude for taking your time." Auron walked towards the door with bouquet in hand.
Before he left. "Oh, & Finn?"
"Be more confident in what you do." Then he left without anymore words. Finn just stood there in confusion. He wasn't sure what to say but:
"Please come by...again." You come out from the breakroom & knocked on the frame of the door. Finn jumped & quickly turned to look at you. He gave you a defeated look. "You heard everything, didn't you?"
"Saw everything too." You joined him at the front. "& I have several questions to ask you."
"Me too." You raised your eyebrow at that comment. "I wish I could answer all of those questions, darling." He rested his arm on the counter & his hand held his head. "I don't know the answers of any of them." Finn sighed heavily.
"Well, maybe for starters..." You thought as you looked at the counter as you thought of what to ask. You noticed a black card & picked it up. You read it & it said: 'Talent Agency 717-XXX-XXXX.'
"We could take a look at this card. Maybe it might have the information that we need."
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☆ミ Author's Notes Underneath 👇 ☆ミ
🩷 - I was editing this during a urgent care visit because my mouth hurts like a real fucking bitch right now so, I'm getting it checked out. Also during me writing this, there was a fire nearby the urgent care & I legit no idea how that happened but yeah.
I've also put the word count because I'm proud of how many words I've written. I wrote that much in a hot minute so, I kinda wanted to give myself bragging rights for writing so much & I honestly deserve it. I worked hard on something I enjoy doing & that's something that I don't really do often cause of work.
I try to write at least everyday whether that be rambling or fanfics. It gives me time to enjoy the things that I want to do. It's a small goal but I think it's a big success for me.
Also there are little secrets around here too that might foreshadow the story here. >:}
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science-lings · 2 months
I've been thinking a lot about Phoenix's family, and I got carried away so I'm going to put the whole essay below the cut, I'm so normal about him
I'm sorry there's just no way that Phoenix has any sort of normal family situation, not just because they're never mentioned even in passing as he goes through extremely major life events, but also because of how he is as a person. You cannot convince me that the guy who fell head over heels for Dahlia two seconds after meeting her had any sort of reliable support system in his life. When she got arrested the only person he could think about was a guy he hadn't seen since they were both nine instead of any current person who would likely care that he almost got poisoned and arrested for murder.
While I think it would be nice if he had lesbian moms who loved him, it just doesn't quite fit in with what we know about Phoenix. I mean, even in the WAA/WTA the only photograph on display is Zak's, and if there isn't a better person to put on the wall than the biological father of his daughter who abandoned her, that's pretty sad. (though I personally like to think that his portrait was there specifically as a target for things like darts and throwing knives). Plus, we already know from the thing with Dahlia that Phoenix's primary way of dealing with trauma and abusive people is just to pretend nothing happened and force himself to forget about them.
That's not even mentioning this guy's abandonment issues and complete willingness to adopt anyone he finds into his found family with zero hesitation. He meets Ema once for a few days, someone he has no personal connection to, but because she reminded him of Maya he stays in contact with her at some capacity to the point that he keeps her investigative tools with him and can have his name be used to gain her favor. Also, there's that new years art where she gets drunk with the Wright's and Apollo. And there are several more young adults/teenagers like that, he's got that foster kid to foster dad energy.
What I think makes the most sense is either that he was given up for adoption/ was an orphan in the foster care system who was passed around a lot, never getting too attached to one family, which led to his abandonment issues, or that he had a normal family life until something happened that estranged them from him. As a staunch believer in Transmasc Phoenix my thoughts are that he had transphobic parents so when he left for university he cut them off and changed his full name which explains why he is so desperate for emotional connection at that time. He suddenly has no one but a dream to find Miles and a girlfriend whose red flags he's completely blind to.
But honestly, there are so many reasons that people could come up with that would also make sense for his character. Maybe they were emotionally abusive and since everyone around him has dead or horrifically bad parents he's just not going to ever bring it up because who is he to complain when his besties are Maya Fey and Miles Edgeworth. Maybe they were just absent a lot and he had to take care of himself (and perhaps younger siblings) until he just couldn't take it anymore. Maybe they just tried to get him a girlfriend to settle down with one too many times and he just refuses to visit them, not even on holidays like Christmas or new years. It's just fascinating to me that there's absolutely nothing about them, I think there was even one of those little (official?) comics that poked fun at the fact that he doesn't really have parents, he may not even know who they are.
I also stand behind all of the ideas from my Phoenix Family HCs Poll because all of them would be so fun to explore even if some of them are total crack HCs. Tigre is only 16 years older than Phoenix but you can't say it's not possible that he messed around in high school and his girlfriend just gave up the kid for adoption and it would be so funny if Phoenix had to put his own father into prison after he pretended to be him.
In my Fem!Phoenix AU where I'm planning on expounding upon her relationship with the Feys and her own spiritual power (Phoenix does canonically talk to ghosts sometimes), the spirit of Ryunosuke found her and kind of became her imaginary friend who appears sometimes because I love him.
Even the idea of the goddess of law making him as an indestructible little terror on the legal system would be fascinating to expand upon. I would love to read about the whole concept of law being turned into a kind of religion, is she a single omniscient god (is she single?) or is she part of a larger pantheon? What would that mean for Phoenix?
I just can't even fathom that there's something normal going on with Phoenix and his family, I think he should pull an Apollo and secretly have the most batshit family backstory. Just looking at this guy and you know he has some kinds of issues, he was an art/theater major, he's got to be a little bit of that flavor of fucked up.
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its-crazy-its-vii · 3 months
I made a Radiostatic/silence Playlist for those who care. These are songs that fit to my personal headcanons for those two idiots so bare with me. I will put more songs on there as time progresses but for now here's a list of the songs and what PoVs I interpreted it with. (mostly vox pov cuz we like him to suffer I guess)
Vox | Alastor | mixed POV
Your Stupid Face - Kaden MacKay
The Thrill of First Love - Falsettos musical
Somebody that I used to know - Scott Bradlees postmodern Jukebox
The masochism Tango - Tom Lehrer
Schon okay - VINTA
Careless whisper - Boyce Avenue
Temporary Love - CG5, Living Tombstone
XOXO - Blind Channel
Play with fire - Nico Santos
i love you - Billie eilish
RED TAIL LIGHTS - Blind Channel
Bad Idea - Blind Channel
Feel Nothing - Blind Channel
Psychopath - Nathan Wagner
I was never there - The Weeknd
Drown In You - Cjbeards
H8 MY SELF - Escape the Fate
Ghost - Jim Yosef, Scarlett
... Baby one more time - Melodicka Bros, Violet Orlandi
Fade to Black - Nadir Rustamli
Nothing And Everything - Red
Already Over - Red
Ordinary world - Red
Forever - Red
Break my heart again - Jacob lee
Who's in control - set it off
What About The Day - Sun Never Sets
Arcade - Duncan Laurence
Black Dahlia - Hollywood Undead
Tainted Love - Chase Holfelder
Throwback - Michael Patrick Kelly
Love Of Mine - Blind Channel
The fall - half alive
Something stupid - frank sinatra
Don't you dare - Kaden mackay
Hopelessly devoted - glee cast
A little party never killed nobody - Fergie, Q-Tip, GoonRock
Died enough for you - Blind Channel
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salon-maiden-anabel · 4 months
the more i think about your mom lucy hc, the more i really adore it. if you don't mind me asking questions about it, what's her general dynamic with kieran & carmine? is she a single mom? how does dahlia fit into the picture?
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO REPLY TO MY BRAINS BEEN. TRYING . the thoughts are disconnected but by god there are thoughts everything below the readmore
But! Hi hello welcome to Oh lord this family needs therapy and counselling . ! Honestly I have been going into everything with the idea of her being a single mom w/ them! It;s very much a situation of like.... Parent that works away from home constantly, so the relationship is just unfortunately naturally more strained kinda thing .
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With all this i go with like.... The idea that they were very much born in Hoenn and lived there with Lucy until Carmine was approximately 9 or so, and Kieran was 7 [I do like to imagine they're 16 and 14 respectively as of the dlcs]. Work being so remote and stuff plus worrying about their education and all just led to living with their grandparents in Kitakami being the best decision for their development as yknow, People. I like to imagine Lucy visits periodically throughout the year and such to check in :> just takes a bit of coordinating. Also shes absolutely the reason they're able to go to blueberry for highschool via both making sure they Can go there financially and putting a word in to a battle focused school of them being kids of a facility head :p even if realistically Lucy isnt the strongest head by any means lol . it's kinda like if an E4 member put a good word in situation. And we can see with Lacey and Drayton both going there... gestures. I wouldnt be surprised if more children of different league figures go to it or schools LIKE it. But thats besides the point Lucy absolutely like, struggles with her emotions and such. Even from the small bits of dialogue we have from her? Maybe its just my autistic ass reading too much into it LMAO but . gestures .
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i feel like if this werent a kids game she'd just tell you to fuck off to your face here
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sorry just more quick looking too much into dialogue but. cmon. CMON. ...She's . definitely influenced how carmine and kieran act at least somewhat .
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Carmine might be the easiest to point a finger to as being like her mom but i genuinely think that it;s actually Kieran who ended up the most Like her, yknow it;s incredibly obvious to point a finger at Kieran during indigo disk and how he talks as being her fault a little bit :p anyways thats just me vaguely mumbling abt that. AS FOR. DYNAMICS. Kieran isnt as close to his mom as Carmine is just due to everything with living with their grandparents. Theres also absolutely like.... Very much a gap because he stopped seeing her as much when he was younger, while Carmine was only a year off of being like. Legally start being a pokemon trainer age. And its just Awkward, relation wise, just because of how little she actually sees them through the years, especially when the discussion would slowly shift to more "How are your studies?" "How are you doing in school?" "How is your pokemon training going?" once they start going to blueberry. Which i don't think was ment to come off as uncaring for them and only focusing on training as it did from Lucy's end, but I dont really think she knew what else to ask and all, because she stopped being able to really pick up on their interests as much as they got older. Plus thats just kinda How she talks... With the importance on strength and luck n all that. Then with all this I imagine she like. Probably only called once maybe twice between the dlc plots n all? And once again with just mainly the training questions it was just a sour spot. I wouldn't doubt Kieran would also struggle with not wanting to be in a shadow/the nepo baby accusations /j that I fully think if Drayton knows about he'd tease him and Carmine about. So like. All that with the instilled importance of ones strength :sob: Lucy you were not helping the Kieran situation. Hell I don't really think she would of even known about anything going down between Kitakami to Blueberry with Kieran just because neither of them wanted to tell her at all? Because again just that Awkward connection between them, just the permanent fog on all communication that feels like someone said something wrong at all times and it got too awkward to finish. IDK I think im waffling on I don't know how to formulate my thoughts the best LMFAO BUT I THINK... DYNAMICS WOULD CHANGE POST-MOCHI MAYHEM ESP. Bc i KNOW she'd find out after carmine and kieran nearly fucking DIE in the underdepths and everything hits her in the back of her head at once that she needs to repair what she can w/ them because she almost lost them. Probably means taking an extended leave from working at the Pike so she doesn't have to worry about scheduling to see them in person for only a short period of time. Especially if the times line up for them having any extended break from school . It's never going to be perfect, far from it, with their dynamics and all but. gestures. Briar needs to sleep with one eye open for a bit at least. in short
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AS FOR. DAHLIA im in turbo hell because I can not see? the siblings ending up like they did if she was also around? Shes such a force of positivity as a person im just. blinks a bit. Im in hell bc i adore the ship as my big rarepair ill die on a hill for but nobody expected the kitakami siblings especially not me so . i think if they ever do get together it'd be somewhere nearer to scarvio era which just. yeah. see image below
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griffynbird101 · 2 months
Azura: Fairytopia’s Gay Aunt
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Watching Azura scenes back to back… fully different character design they even changed her eye colour and made her skin like 10 shades more tan (part of this is changed animation style but still)
I was rewatching the Fairytopia scenes with Azura so I have a renewed appreciation for her. She is the cool gay aunt of fairytopia.
Like haircut aside she goes out of her way to help people she perceives as “outcasts”… and like… I heard a headcannon once that her whole “friends you haven’t met yet” and table that is always set is so that kids who are disowned by their families will have a place to go. I can’t get that out of my head, because that is so absolutely something Azura would do.
A middle aged woman living in a cottage and she has this random table set for people she hasn’t met and lets the protagonist who is an outcast from society in because “she has the rainbow in her eye”
… I don’t care whether or not that’s what was intended, it fits.
Examples of Azura being the GOAT
1. Before the events of the story Dahlia betrays Laverna and she tries to join forces with the guardians who rejects her and don’t believe she’s capable of change.
- Azura goes out of her way to support Dahlia even visiting her often enough. Dahlia clearly thinks very highly of Azura.
2. Random disabled fairy with rainbow in eye shows up on her doorstep asking for help
- She brings out like a special floating flower to accommodate her
- Offers her food and drink and a place to sleep without even hearing the full story
- Trusts this stranger with one of her most important possessions because she thinks she has potential to do good (just puts her whole faith in her)
3. Is kidnapped and brought to Laverna
- Is an icon the entire time. This woman is at her finest under pressure.
4. Is asked to pick an apprentice (who will one day become a guardian in her place)
- Picks the disabled (queer?) country bumpkin (who did save the country I will say)
- Is clearly leading this project, she gives all the pre training instructions
- Put Elina and Sunburst in their places, clearly favoritism is not an obstacle keeping her from tough love
5. Elina tells everyone that Laverna has returned
- She takes the threat seriously and doesn’t laugh or mock Elina for it unlike Tourmaline (hello sir?!) even when evidence point to the contrary she takes preventive measures
6. She’s friends with the toothfairy?!
7. Calls Elina ‘my dear’ and asks her to visit for tea
- This one is just evidence that she is a gay aunt.
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xxsp3llb0undxx · 1 year
The Cullens as song's // HC
Song's I think the Cullens would be, based off of their personalities and their backstories. I couldn't find a song to fit Emmett, I've been searching for the last hour :/ Sorry to all Emmett lovers, he shall not be in this little HC. I hope you enjoy reading the rest though, please do let me know what you think the Cullen's would be as songs <3
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Rosalie - Black Dahlia // Hollywood Undead
I think this song fits Rose the best because of everything she went through prior to being turned.
Like the apparent love of her life, future husband, using and manipulating her ??
He took everything from her, let others do things to her.
He's a lil bitch :)
The lyrics "and I've been abused, I feel so used because of you."
"The future that we both drew and all the shit we've been through. Obsessed with the thought of you, the pain just grew and grew."
Really sound's like something Edward would hear Rose think to herself whenever he would listen to her thoughts.
Her revenge was worth it though, she finally got to take something from him, like he had done to her.
"You just lay without a sound, seems like all we had is over now, you left to rest."
Major 'Lol I killed my stupid husband' vibes
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Edward - Parasite Eve // Bring Me The Horizon
Okay not to be one of those people, but considering Eddie boy over here was around during the Spanish influenza and almost dying from it; I kinda found this song fitting ??
'Parasite Eve' is about Covid, and both illnesses are similar; too similar in fact.
The lyrics "I've got a fever, don't breathe on me." and "Leave your flowers and grieve." Really scream Edward for me ??
We were all scared of big man Covid but imagine how terrified he must've been when he had the Spanish influenza.
Like he's just vibing one minute and then, boom, he's literally lying on his death bed.
Edward would probably really relate to this song, even if he's into classical; 'Parasite Eve' would be an exception.
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Jasper - Forest // Twenty One Pilots
Okay, I know what you're thinking but hear me out.
Lyrics "I don't know why I feed on emotion, there's a stomach inside my brain."
Signifies Jasper's gift of empathy and control of emotions.
"My brain has given up, white flags are hoisted."
White Flags were used during the Civil War to end it, a way to show they have surrendered.
Not only does those lyrics signify the Civil War, it could also be a metaphor for Jasper; he's given up that part of his life.
He doesn't want to let it corrupt him any further because he's guilty for playing a part in taking so many lives.
So, in turn, he's put up white flags to surrender and hope to start over; become a better person, vampire.
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Alice - Can You Feel My Heart // Bring Me The Horizon
Sweet little fairy.
Didn't deserve to be locked away in an asylum.
I think, in some way, this song is fitting for Alice.
Lyrics "Forgive me father, I love you Mother."
Make me feel like she would've said this a lot, thinking she was a disappointment to her parents for her gift.
"I'm scared to get close, and I hate being alone."
Definitely was something Alice had felt prior and post-vampirism, scared if she got too close to someone she could predict their fate.
But also being scared she would end up alone because people would be so weirded out by her gift.
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Carlisle - Put Your Head On My Shoulder // Paul Anka
Absolute sweetheart !
This song is just Carlisle to Esme, 100%
He's such a gentleman, even though his father was like a BIG priest dude who killed the supernatural and he caused Carlisle to turn ??
He's just full of love, no one can tell me different !!
Secretly, Carlisle is Paul Anka and wrote this song for Esme
So sorry it's short, Dr. Cullen is just an angel and didn't really have much corruption in his life ngl.
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Esme - Brick By Boring Brick // Paramore
For some reason I feel like this song definitely reminds me of Esme because of the meaning behind the song.
"The song Brick by Boring Brick is a story about a girl who escaped reality through pictures and fairy tales and anything that wasn’t the real story. This way, she’d look perfect to everyone else and we’d all think that she’s got it together. But being that it was all for show, it couldn’t last"
"Esme was born in 1895 in Columbus, Ohio, where she was treated at the age of 16 by Carlisle after breaking her leg when climbing a tree. She married Charles Evenson, but he abused her. After finding out she was pregnant, she ran away and gave birth to a son, who subsequently died a few days later."
Brick By Boring Brick resembles Esme's tough life from a young age, she was still only a child when she was to be married to Evenson, she didn't want to continue with the abuse she suffered.
So, she ran, she created a life where she would be happy, even though; if you looked a bit closer, there were cracks in her reality.
All she wanted was to be happy, but she also ended up losing her son in the process of freeing herself from the shackles of her abusive husband.
The lyrics "Well, you built up a world of magic, because your real life is tragic." Truly speaks on so many different levels how Esme presents herself to the world and everyone around, even though how she want's to be perceived is fake and in reality Esme has suffered a lot.
Not only with losing her baby but also she will never be able to have those years of her life back, it'll forever remind her of how badly she was treated. Just like Rose.
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