#quinn rants
thehollowwriter · 10 months
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thewitcheslist · 10 months
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Everyone who uses the website etsy as it is meant to be, loves etsy very much. But things have slowly been getting worse.
As a seller, the platform UI has changed drastically, and every time I log in, I am prompted to allow customers to haggle for lower prices on my handmade items.
I needed to update my email address on my account a few months ago, and way too many different representatives emailed me, and refused to help me unless I provided my personal SSN in an EMAIL. I was not comfortable giving my SSN to at least eight strangers via email. It took almost two weeks to update the contact information on my etsy account, despite being able to log in just fine.
Other sellers are reporting massive reserves on their earned money, and the AI bot etsy uses to check for safety is auto deleting any listing containing the word "Amber." -- even listings when that's just the Artist's first name.
The site is also starting to be over run by drop shippers and spam bots.
I also have no way to prevent someone from harassing me via etsy messages, and if I don't handle harassing, rude or spam messages fast enough, I will not be eligible for Star Seller Status.
These problems are FIXABLE. I know something can be done. I just want to #KeepEtsyHuman
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nakitengoku · 1 year
I'm fucken..... .. . Dying
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reinnette · 2 months
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thinking about the canucks being led by huggy and millsy:
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I know people were thinking about jt when the captaincy hadnt been announced, but it eventually went to quinn, which makes sense ! this is a fairly young team being led by a young guy ! but quinn always said hes continuously learning how to be a leader and him having the C doesnt diminish jt’s own leadership.
now we’re at the start of our playoffs run its becoming apparent how effective the sharing of leadership is between these two !! along with rick and management, theyve created a hell of a team.
jt miller is undoubtedly the heart of the canucks he keeps the team pumping and they keep pushing but quinn has always been the team’s soul; they wouldnt be able to push as hard as they have without quinn leading the way in values, habits, mindset. it helps that these two guys have their heart on their sleeve and the skill to back it up, with leadership like that you gotta strive ‼️
with the team in the hands of these two, i have full confidence for a deep run yaknow 🤝
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also theyre constantly yapping even in game and i love that for them :DD
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iworkforthescoops · 2 years
Listen, I LOVE Steve (he IS my favourite ST character after all), but honestly I’d rather they had killed Steve this season, because the way Eddie died? FUCK THAT.
This just shows that the whole purpose of Eddie‘s character was to be a filler death because the Duffer brothers are unwilling to kill one of their main characters. We saw it happen with Bob and Alexei and now with Eddie and we’ll see it again when in season 5 they’re going to introduce a loveable new character whose sole purpose is to be there as a cheap cop-out death, because god forbid that one of the main characters actually dies.
And the way that apparently Dustin and Eddie‘s uncle are the only ones who’re actually mourning him? They way that they just left Eddie‘s body in the upside down? The way Eddie died to protect a whole town that was out to kill him? Fuck that.
And this is just one of my many issues with volume 2 (looking at the whole mess that was Will‘s feelings for Mike being used to further the Mileven relationship).
God, I’m bitter. I need a fix-it fic. Or possibly a whole lot of them.
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chellonihaoma · 1 year
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May I present for your enjoyment this meme I made while reading Harrow the Ninth?
[ID: A heavily edited tweet by dustin Couch @/Dustinkcouch that reads: magnus: oh hey u guys are back early abigail: harrow's haunted magnus: what? abigail: *loading a pistol and getting back on the rocket-ship* harrow's haunted. End ID]
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lexyscross · 2 months
Ghostface isn't a "he"/"him"/"his." Ghostface isn't a "he"/"him"/"his." Ghostface isn't a "he"/"him"/"his." Ghostface isn't a "he"/"him"/"his."
Ghostface is a bunch of people, including women. Ghostface is a persona, not a character.
Ghostface isn't a "he"/"him"/"his." Ghostface is not a fucking "he"/"him"/"his."
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kurtsroo · 2 months
Joe being pro palestine and making the other bitches mad is so special to me 🫶🏼 Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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poisonousquinzel · 2 months
"I'm nobody. I haven't done anything with my life like you have."
Todd Phillips, Scott Silver, Lady Gaga genuinely, lovingly, fuck you.
I will never forgive you. I hope every day your bones get softer and softer and then one day when you're not expecting it, I shall be there, and I will gnaw through your Achilles heel<3
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thehollowwriter · 7 months
it's funny how i started the event thinking that there'd be at least a few asks about the tweels and mythical sea creatures
there's none lmao, so i did a fine, i'll do it myself' and queued a jade drabble :'D
Jddjdhfhfi I'm so sorry I didn't notice this! I'm excited to read your drabble! Sorry I haven't requested anything, in trying to think of smt
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thewitcheslist · 2 years
Decided to make my own post to follow up with my previous rants.
Every single person with any religion or spiritual practice has a personality. We all have things that are meaningful to us. We all have favorite colors.
Goth witches deserve to the title Witch. Garden witches are witches. Bubblegum witches are witches.
No Callthoic Father would tell a catholic grandma to not pray with her pink beaded rosary. He would simply appreciate that she prays and loves their faith.
Witches should be allowed the same grace.
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jewishcissiekj · 9 months
So much about current DC is so casually or clearly antisemitic it's just painful at this point.
So I was going through the Solicitations for Dc's December comics and I got so fucking mad To start it off, one of the first things I see when I open Instagram after Rosh HaShana is Superman drawn as Jesus/a Christ figure for an official cover by Jorge Jimenez. Then, there's an entire event throughout November and December in DC that's centered around Santa Claus. All well and fine, but two of the leading characters that have been chosen to hang around Santa are Harley Quinn and Damian Wayne, both very much ethnically Jewish at least.
These two characters' Jewishness is ambiguous and barely mentioned, so maybe DC just forgot? But that's exactly part of it, how these characters are very much Jewish going into their families and heritage, but DC chooses to ignore that repeatedly, making that part of their identities irrelevant and unmentioned. Not only that, but DC keeps hiring the same artist who's known to be a N@zi (and a CP artist), Otto Schmidt, for some of their Christmas and Santa covers. It makes me soooo mad and it's so, so wrong on so many levels.
The last time in recent memory I can recall a character's Jewish heritage being acknowledged in a recent DC comic I read, was with Hal Jordan, in Knight Terrors: Green Lantern, only because a Twitter user told the series writer Hal was Jewish, or he wouldn't know otherwise. I never understand why it's the fans' obligation to remind a writer of a character's heritage or ethnicity, why isn't it already known to the writer? Why are these things, which are a big part of so many people's lives are so largely ignored in stories that discuss these people's lives?
It's a gut kick at the worst level and it hurts like hell. It makes it a million times worse that it's not only Judaism and characters' Jewishness. It's all aspects and types of culture, from Selina Kyle's essentially erased and forgotten of ethnicity to whitewashing Damian Wayne and so on. God I hate it.
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slaymiedrysdale · 4 months
Yk what I HATE about twitter… is that the ppl on it don’t understand that the Hughes charm is them looking like they have every Victorian sickness. Like the fact that they look like they haven’t had a good nights sleep since 1426 is the REASON people are attracted to them, well mostly Quinn and Luke girlies tbh. But like they don’t understaaaaaand the charm in them is the fact that they’re like decently attractive zombies from some fantasy romance where the human falls for a zombie. Also the fact that I’m hella mentally unstable is also why I find them hot so idk.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 4 months
To the people in the Steddie tag and anywhere else,
Some people are still misinformed about Chrissy's age. Either they aren't aware of her actual age because other people have misinformed them, or they're making Chrissy intentionally younger, so that way Hellcheer looks gross. It needs to be rectified. Chrissy was not 16 or anything younger than that. She was 18 and a senior in high school. Eddie was barely even 20. They were only two years apart, and that's NOTHING. It's been said by the people who worked on the show that Chrissy was of age. If you didn't know, because someone intentionally misinformed you, you're forgiven, but if you are intentionally making this shit up to make people who ship it look disgusting, please grow the fuck up. I am a multishipper. I ship Steddie, Hellcheer, Stancy, and many others. Hellcheer is a harmless ship. If you don't like it, then block the tag and move on, but do not actively try to make up shit about it. That's not cool. And yes, I'm aware that it's not all Steddie shippers, but it's enough, and it's quite frankly, annoying.
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theofficialdailyplanet · 11 months
dick is constantly made to be the prime example of how dc is shit when it comes to male rape survivors and continues to either make them the but of the joke or hypersexualise them
i've already talked about how hbo changed the name in a gag they made abt tarantula raping nightwing - making him out to be whiny and implying no one cared about what happened
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and now theyre continuing to hypersexualise him apparently making it a "major plot point" in season 4
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was a fan of this show for how they changed ivys character from the sexualised female rapist to a chill, clothed, eco-terrorist activist that isnt a rapist (honestly one of the only iterations i can stand watching her in as it isnt insanely triggering like most of the dcau versions)
but whats the point if they continue to maintain the narrative that male survivors are constantly a joke? that theyre weak, whiny, annoying? that no one cares? honestly shame on dc- again
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thevillainsfangirl · 23 days
"We need more female villains"
You musty bitches couldn't handle Harley Quinn or Alicent Hightower! 🙄 The writers victimized them and warped them into completely different characters, and y'all applauded it. (And with HQ, that shit was done specifically because of you dumbasses who didn't even like her!)
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