#reactionaries live on both ends
tkrr · 9 months
I don’t think “dumpster baby” sees enough use as an insult. Henceforth I will be using the term to anyone whose politics are clearly just weapon used abandon issues. First person I used it on was a tankie. I wonder if I’ll wind up using it more to describe unhinged leftists or the right in general.
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badolmen · 1 year
I think maybe we should all go stand in the rain for a bit.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
What's most amazing about people who hate that birds are dinosaurs is that, without the discovery of birds being dinosaurs in the 1960s, none of y'all would have ever actually cared about dinosaurs
the history:
dino craze in 1800s. people thought, birds are very similar to these guys. Dollo fucked it up, made a bad theory, and people stopped thinking that
Early 1900s, dinosaurs deemed sluggish, stupid, pointless evolutionary failures. most people not really into dinosaurs anymore. this continues until
1960s: Deinonychus discovered. suddenly, dinosaurs interesting again: vibrant, lively, warm blooded animals. Also... birds might be dinosaurs?
from the 60s through the 70s, a slow buildup of dinosaur culture - both in crappy stop motion movies, but also in children's books and other media
80s cladistics revolution shows birds are living dinosaurs, though not without flaws. documentary after documentary is made, causing the major dinosaur boom of the late 80s and early 90s
the peak of this boom are the A&E and PBS documentaries, which both outright state birds are dinosaurs
cartoons like land before time and other dinosaur content keep coming out too, especially at the end of the 80s and the earliest 90s
the book jurassic park, referencing the birds are dinosaurs thing, is written in the late 80s. in the early 90s, is adapted into one of the greatest blockbusters of all time. now dinosaur interest is MAINSTREAM.
jurassic park isn't the start of the dinosaur boom, it is the apex
90s becomes the decade of dinosaurs, with tons of new discoveries, television shows, documentaries, and other programming
1996 first feathered "nonavian" dinosaur discovered. birds are dinosaurs is the closest thing we have to proven phylogenetic fact
1999 walking with dinosaurs premieres, revolutionizing the dinosaur-documentary genre.
early 2000s becomes the age of Period-Type Dino-Docu-Dramas
velociraptor is determined to have feathers
suddenly, dinosaur mania starts to die in the later 2000s
even though discoveries keep happening and we learn so much in the 2010s, the 2010s becomes a very regressive time - a sort of reactionary response to the birdification of dinosaurs and the dinosaurification of birds. the height of this is jurassic world
we may be in the middle of a dino-docu-drama revitilization thanks to prehistoric planet. stay tuned on that one
like, everyone was fine with the birdification of dinosaurs up and until they looked "feminine" on the outside, because of feathers.
It's just all such transparent misogyny and homophobia and people who react against feathered dinosaurs or birds being dinosaurs are just... so transparently parroting conservative talking points
Anyways, yeah. without birds are dinosaurs, you wouldn't have jurassic park. Sooooo
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disruptivevoib · 6 months
Long Ramble about CCCC and my overall feelings on what the album means and such
Something I find important about CCCC is like.
The fact that all three of them are, in some way, trying.
Heart is emotion, he is prone to himself and being reactionary, in the moment. Prone to the past of learned behavior and trauma. Reactive and rapidly changing. He isn't going to make pure sense because he isn't based in logic or in societal ideals or views. He is an instinctual response to the environment and circumstances. His manipulation is not intentional. He has very little control of himself in the end. Its why Mind talks about claiming to relish entropy yet clearly needing help. But, Heart in earnest wants them to be okay and safe. He believes that Mind's control will drain the life from them. It will make things monotonous and the same. Too much order.
Mind in turn, believes Heart is manipulative with intention. He wants to control Soul or wants to just drag them all down with him into this depressive state. Mind is logic, he is the reasoning out of your emotional instinct. Your inner critique, and when unchecked, that inner critique goes from a guiding hand for your emotion to one that debates and bullies it. Invalidating its responses. Ultimately, though. Mind just believes he is helping. He is doing what must be done and telling the "hard truths" to Heart. And that Heart is being the petty child. Which- I mean. Sort of sure. But Mind is definitely fucking petty and childish. He's stubborn! Prideful! So ofc he is. Admitting you're wrong? No.. why would he EVER do that.. nuh uh.
Which is what makes Light so crucial. Mind asking Heart for help- but also. There is Soul.
Who while ambiguous in purpose, is mostly that background voice. Your inner narration. If Mind is Logic and Reason then Heart is Emotion and Instinct,, Soul is all that lives between it. And he is constantly silenced or spoken over or around. He does not get a word in edgewise until TSE. He may show up in the background occasionally but as much as Heart and Mind claim to want to keep him alive and help him, they also fail to actually acknowledge what he says.
Which is that they both are right and wrong. That this fighting is doing directly what they both feared it would. Soul is desperate by the end. He is angry and resentful because.. well. Self hatred due to intense self awareness and reflection is rather ig. Common. Im not a professional here but from personal experience, you get so tired of rehashing the same shit with yourself over and over. It all feels pointless.
The only out, by the end of it all to Soul is that if they cannot be Whole, whats the point? He is desperate. He does not want to die but he feels theres no other solution.
And. About Whole, Soul throughout the album seems to want that. At the beginning, to be Whole or Harmonious is to be mentally healthy, maybe even "normal" by society's standards. To be able to put a mask over your problems and be, again, "normal". It takes the entire album for Soul to realize that this:
1. isnt possible
2. There isn't anything evil or wrong with him for that.
Mental health is a struggle. But you are not evil and should not be othered because you struggle. You also do not need to be fixed for being a little different and people's opinion of you is not what matters most so long as you are happy (and not hurting others. Lol).
Thats what Two Wuv is entirely about as a song. Its a "fuck you. Fuck this! I thought I needed to be this! But I DON'T. Stop telling me who I am! How to be! I'm gonna be me!"
His entire arc is parallel to Heart and Mind's and is crucial in the culmination of becoming yourself again and accepting yourself.
But, as mental health will always be, this period of respite and self acceptance is not always forever. And as life continues or as you lapse back into a depressive episode.. you cannot help but forget what it is like when you're not this way- and hell! Vice versa too! Some people have this disconnect between the periods. Where the things from the depressive state seem dramatic or obtuse to you while you are doing better. And from the other end, you just want to be happy again.. but you get so lost in it all you can struggle to feel like you've ever been happy.
The album is about the human experience. It is about self-sabotage, mental illness, self-hatred and reflection and it is, maybe more importantly about self-acceptance and healing. Having a bit of mercy on yourself. Accepting that you are imperfect and that this is okay. And whatever flaws you may have that need to be mended or worked on, can be. And that who you are, for example, if you are queer, is okay. And no one has the right to take that identity from you! That the internalized ideas of how someone should be are not always correct or right. Not for you, at least. Stuff like that.
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yaksha-lover · 1 year
Introduction (Part 1)
this au will center around seven different kingdoms, with one representing each dorm. the stories for each kingdom all happen in the same universe, and thus the reader is a different ‘character’ in each part
cw: arranged marriages, political hostages, slightly yandere in malleus’ part, gn!reader
Kingdom #1 - Queendom of Roses
Riddle Rosehearts is the crown prince of this kingdom, with his mother being the current ruling monarch.
You are from another prominent noble family. There have been discussions of a potential arranged marriage to unite the two families, and so you are sent to live in Riddle’s castle to see if this deal can be made.
Riddle is initially internally opposed to the idea of being in an arranged marriage, but as he gets to know you, he begins to realize that the world he’s grown up in - full of rules and empty of care - is far from what he could have with you.
Unfortunately, Riddle’s mother quickly becomes opposed to your union, seeing it as you attempting to change Riddle and pulling him away from her and their ‘perfectly good’ way of life.
It will be a challenge for the two of you, forced to try and convince his mother to still let you marry, while helping Riddle break free from the restrictive life he’s been forced to live.
Kingdom #2 - Sunset Savanna
Leona Kingscholar, the second prince of the kingdom of Sunset Savanna, has studied and worked his entire life to be the best version of himself. A great leader, a strong swordsman, someone politically astute and aware of more than what goes on in his own castle.
Still, no matter what Leona does, he has practically no way to use his skills to better the Sunset Savanna. His brother, the king, has offered him positions on the high council, but his advice is hardly taken seriously.
Practically resigning himself to live a meaningless life, Leona is suddenly faced with a choice when you come to the Sunset Savanna to offer your hand in marriage.
The future heir to the royal kingdom of the Shaftlands, you’re looking to form a strong alliance between your family and Leona’s.
Leona has, so far, resisted any of his brother’s attempts to set up marriages for him, and so Falena thinks it will be the same. He finds himself suprised when Leona accepts your offer.
By marrying into your kingdom, Leona will become the prince consort, and you’ve promised him actual power and influence. The two of you will govern your kingdom together, and Leona will finally be able to do something with his talents.
The fact that you and Leona were once childhood friends certainly helped in his decision to agree as well. Now that you’ve both grown up, Leona is eager to rekindle your relationship. However, he’s up for a challenge when he realizes you aren’t exactly the agreeable child you once were.
Kingdom #3 - Coral Sea
Azul is a famous travelling merchant, known for his ability to grant practically any wish - at a cost, of course.
When you make a deal with him to save your younger sibling, and find yourself unable to hold up your end of the contract, the fine print comes into play: you’ll have to serve as his assistant and travel with him across the seven kingdoms.
Unfortunately, the mask of Azul’s benevolence seems to decay before your eyes, as he forces you to uptake all sorts of demeaning tasks.
However, you find the mask of his charm slipping off just as fast. The real Azul is hardly as confident as he presents, and you think this may finally be your opportunity to take advantage of a flaw and escape this situation - then you start to feel bad.
For the rather strategic and unfeeling side you’ve seen of Azul, returning to his home kingdom of the Coral Sea, you begin to realize by the way he’s treated that his demeanour may be more reactionary than you first believed.
For better or for worse, the two of you are forced to become a team when an unruly customer begins to hunt the both of you down. The two of you escape the kingdom together, but it won’t be long before you’ll have to go on the run again.
‘Partner in crime’ wasn’t exactly on the job (contract) description, but Azul is lucky that you’ve grown fond of him.
Kingdom #4 - Scalding Sands
Kalim is the prince of the Scalding Sands, with Jamil as his retainer.
You are sent by your family to marry Kalim, but it’s Jamil that seems to capture your interest more.
You wed Kalim, but the feelings between you and Jamil boil over until you begin a secret relationship.
Both of you are hesitant - if anyone were to find out, Jamil and his family would suffer endlessly, and you would lose your status, being disowned by your family.
Things only become more confusing after you begin to see Kalim in a different light, thinking that perhaps you sized him up too quickly.
However, Kalim may be less oblivious than you and Jamil both realize, and he may be more okay with the two of you than you think.
While things may still be dangerous if anyone were to find out, things are certainly much easier with the three of you to cover up any rumours.
The relationship between Jamil and Kalim even improves as a result - you come to get Jamil to have a more kindly outlook of Kalim, while being able to make Kalim more aware of Jamil’s needs so he doesn’t continue to be overlooked.
The three of you still have lots of work to do, but as the future of this kingdom, you hope Kalim will do well with both yourself and Jamil behind him.
Kingdom #5 - Shaftlands
Vil Schoenheit is the son of a prominent noble family in the shaftlands.
Known as the ‘Knight of Oleander,’ Vil is famous for both his swordsmanship and his great beauty.
Due to his family’s involvement in a current political skirmish, Vil is taken as a very valuable political hostage.
You are a knight who works for the side that has taken Vil hostage.
You are eventually told to take him and travel back to his family, in order to try and come to a resolution of this conflict.
Vil is eager to escape and get back himself, so that his family will not have to give in to the demands necessary to get him back.
The two of you seem to fight and bicker every second of the trip back, but when it becomes dangerous for the both of you, you’ll both end up seeing a different side of each other.
While Vil has tried to take advantage of your insecurity and the fact that you are often made fun of by the others for your looks to escape, he begins to see a different, attractive side when he sees how truly good you are, so different from the other knights he has met.
Conversely, you’ve only ever thought of Vil as a shallow noble, unable to understand what it’s like to be imperfect in any way. When his beauty is taken away and he feels like he’s left with nothing else, you teach him that he’s so much more than his looks.
If you’re a asoiaf fan, Vil will have a similar story/character arc to Jaime, with dynamic with the reader being that of Jaime/Brienne.
Kingdom #6 - Island of Woe
Idia’s family are nobles who have been outcasted from the main kingdoms because of their perceived threat and treachery.
Idia is sent as a political hostage to stay as the ward of the reigning noble family of the Island of Woe, in order to prove his family’s loyalty and rejoin the rest of the kingdoms.
You are the child of the reigning family, and the one who helps him adapt to his new circumstances as best as possible.
You know he’s hardly responsible for his family’s problems, and you want to lessen Idia’s suffering as much as possible.
When others in your kingdom begin to harass Idia for being a ‘traitor,’ you impulsively decide to announce your marriage to him, making him royalty and therefore practically untouchable to others (unless they are willing to face severe punishment from the royal family).
Idia, while somewhat thankful for your help, is less than thrilled with this development. He’s going to be a royal? Don’t you know what kind of responsibility this means for him? Why would you force him into the spotlight like this?
Even more than that, Idia knows, no matter how sympathetic, you still believe the narrative set by your family that the Shroud family did betray the kingdom, when that’s far from the truth.
When he confronts you with this, you become frustrated with him, stuck in between the truth and the lie your otherwise kind family has always told you.
Neither of you are able to give up loyalty to your families, and this makes for a very difficult marriage indeed.
Kingdom #7 - Briar Valley
Malleus, the future ruler of the most powerful of all the kingdoms, has nobles travelling to Briar Valley from all over the world to ask for his hand in marriage.
To the annoyance of his grandmother, he turns down every proposal. Partially because he knows they only wish for his throne, that they do not know him nor do they really care to…and partially because of you.
You are part of his Kingsguard, alongside Silver and Sebek, trained in both swordsmanship and magic to keep him safe at all costs.
Unlike your fellow knights, you actually approach and converse with him. Perhaps foolishly, if he’s being honest. You would hardly have known his temper beforehand; many think him to be cold and quite scary.
You already spent time around him when it was your rotation to guard his current whereabouts instead of the castle perimeter, but you begin to do so even more when he requests that you stay on this rotation.
Flattered and thankful, you remain oblivious to the true reason Malleus desires you close to him at all times. It would be unthinkable for anyone of your station to believe that Malleus would have any kind of romantic interest in you.
Thus, you continue to remain unconvinced of the prince’s casual touches, of the way he favours you above all his other guards.
When you begin to reciprocate his feelings but believe them to surely be unrequited, you request to be dismissed from his service, it being unprofessional and too difficult to continue with your love for him.
Malleus, also unaware of your feelings, takes this as you trying to escape him. He knows you’re confused but in time you’ll see; he’ll take care of you, just like he’s always wanted.
You just need to stay in the dungeon until you’ve gotten over this little tantrum of yours. He keeps your cell decorated with luxuries and comfort that you’d never experienced in your time as one of his guards, not wanting you to suffer unnecessarily.
When you wisen up and decide to be his, all will be well again - but you won’t be returning to your previous position.
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pumpkinbxtch · 6 months
hi pumpkinbxtch, a request please, as percy and sally reactionary, when percy meets his twin at the camp (she was stolen as a baby in the hospital)
double trouble ✧⁠*⁠。
— percy Jackson and reader being his twin.
summary: You and Percy know each other, and you have more than one thing in common with each other. Maybe family blood.
warnings: swear words
a/n: What's up. I love the idea of ​​Percy having a twin. It's like a mentada de madre (an intentional rebellious act to annoy) to the gods from Poseidon. I hope you like it. Kisses from Mars.
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The gods did nothing. As usual.
You always blamed them, but at least you had a safe place to be, yes, maybe Hermes' cabin wasn't the most spacious, and they crowded you with a bunch of unrecognized people (like you), but you couldn't complain. At least you were there, alive.
Until the new one arrived. A boy with eyes like… yours and black hair like… yours, the same age as you.
Halfway into the cabin he cut the pace, and he saw you with his eyebrow raised, his teeth peeking out slightly as he exaggerated the grimace even more.
— Hello?
— Hello.
The sons of Hermes laughed and others whispered. Within a couple of hours, they would have spread the news of your horrible similarity. Still, you just passed by and decided to ignore him.
Percy Jackson, they said his name was.
“Good,” you said, “so what?” you added. So you did your tasks for the day and started helping.
The days passed and of course, you had to live with that Percy, but it really scared both of you at the level of synchronicity that you sometimes had. Literally, one day, you couldn't stop talking at the same time.
The Stoll brothers looked at you strangely and analyzed every movement. —We may not be twins, but absolutely you are.
You and Percy denied, throwing them some bread at the same time. Both saw each other again and began to murmur the same things, totally annoyed and awkward.
Then catch the flag day arrived. They put the two of you in similar positions and right next to the beach, you began to fight. For no apparent reason, but you were so upset, so confused.
— STOP FOLLOWING ME! —Percy shouted, kicking some sand while he faced you. The tone of his eyes was exactly the same as yours, and they always told you that this was unusual.
— WE HAVE TO WORK TOGETHER, DUMB — And you stuck your tongue out at him. As you dragged, the spear and your armor echoed.
— BUT YOU'VE BEEN ACTING STRANGE — You looked at him frowning.
Percy had the apparent feeling of affection for you, but he also found you tiring. But why love someone he didn't know?, ugh.
When you noticed that he was silent, you couldn't stand it and pushed him to the shore, causing him to soak his tennis. He glared at you and stumbled with the little rocks.
And he pulled you into the water, but when you held him tight, both ended up falling and having a fight.
Percy didn't want to hurt you, so he just threw water at you, but it didn't do anything to you, actually it filled you with energy. you, pushed his face away with your hand and tried to nudge him, but you didn't succeed either because Percy moved naturally in the water.
Some campers noticed the fight and called Chiron, others joined the fight, singing and inciting.
Several were betting on Percy and others on you.
Then, without measuring your strength, you punched the black-haired and accidentally scratched his cheek with your rings. He grunted, but the wound was already healing instantly. That surprised you.
The distraction was an opportunity for Percy, so he took your arms and pulled you in with him. Still fighting in the water, you started kicking, and the other campers stopped cheering. They ran towards you.
You felt panicked, and stupidly let out your breath, trying to yell at the boy to let you go. But what happened was stranger.
Your voice rang clearly in Percy's mind, and he was stunned, all fighting and struggling ceasing. You looked at him confused and took a sigh, a sigh? Could you breathe underwater?
“How do you do that?” You heard in your head, opening your eyes wide.
“How do you do that?” You replied.
You were suspended in the water, breathing and speaking telepathically.
A seawater glow shimmered over the water, and rose to the surface.
Damn, there was Chiron with his mouth open, looking right above you.
Both looked and managed to make out a figure.
—Two tangled forks? —Percy asked.
But you had been at the camp long enough to know exactly what it meant.
— Percy… — You said surprised. He looked at you, it was the first time you said his name with such seriousness.
Chiron trotted in front of you, and you grabbed the boy's wrist. You walked a little further to the shore, but stayed in the water.
Percy didn't understand anything.
— Hail the Jackson twins! Children of Poseidon.
Your heart raced and you looked more closely. Two Tridents, but at the last point they both got tangled. They looked like they were doing “Pinky Promise.”
Everyone bowed before you and you looked at Percy, who didn't seem to have a different expression than yours, literally.
You were called to The Big House.
Mr. “D” rubbed his temples as he sank into the chair.
Chiron drummed on his lap with a smile on his face.
— twins? — You said.
— she was stolen, and my mom didn't tell me? — Percy claimed, he seemed really offended. Was that how great he got along with his mother? You thought and stumbled over your own thought. Or your mother?
—It is a difficult question.
—Unfair, — you murmured. —I've been here for as long as I can remember, and now…— you took a breath and your cheeks turned red. Percy looked at you and felt bad. His sister, she has been there, he could never help her.
— Yes, yes, how sad. The misfortune here is that it's not just one, it's two sons of Poseidon that I have to put up with now! — Dionisio let out another grunt and took a sip of his Coca-Cola. This behavior wasn't strange to you, so you didn't say anything, but Percy grabbed your shoulder and leaned towards the god of wine.
— Don't talk to my sister like that — his tone sent a shiver down your spine. His sister…
The comfort you felt couldn't have been normal, but you were really looking forward to having someone by your side, and now you had a brother. Strangely, you felt happy and excited. Almost overlooking the question of why. So why were you separated from your family?
You put your other hand on top of your brother's and told him it was okay with a look.
The connection you found with each other was out of this world. Of course.
—So I just throw this strange coin while you throw water on the grass? What the fuck is that? — You growled and turned the hose towards Percy, half of his person getting wet and the other not. You looked at each other again with raised eyebrows. Would find an answer later.
—Throw it, Percy, damn it!
Percy threw up his hands, fed up. And he threw the coin through the curtain of water, it disappeared.
Your brother looked for answers with his eyes, but you shook his hand, then you will explain to him.
— Oh, Iris, goddess. Accept our offering and let us talk to… — Well, you hadn't learned your mother's name. Because you didn't know her. Percy raised his hand.
—Sally Jackson
The rainbow began to reflect a woman, with brown hair and freckles on her nose. Pretty.
— Mother? —Percy said, surprised with the technology he had come across.
The woman was cooking, but she dropped the shovel when she saw the reflection of her son in the middle of the kitchen.
—Percy? — She approached, her eyes locked on the boy, and you squeezed the hose.
— Mother! —He shouted, full of joy. You didn't need much to know that they got along well.
—My son, how are you? I can't contact you, but how are you? And Grover?
You almost got dizzy with everything she said, but Percy seemed to keep up with him without any problem. Your brother assured him that everything was fine.
— Mother, in fact, I want you to tell me something.
You were about to tell Percy to abort the mission, but he looked at you confidently.
—What happened to my sister?
The woman's face darkened.
—How do you know that, dear?
Percy stood up from the grass and motioned to you. He would take the hose, then you appeared within your mother's field of vision, and she opened her mouth, letting out a sob.
— It just can't be
— Hello — You said awkwardly and let out a nervous laugh. Sally couldn't deny it, it was you.
Finally, you had found your family.
But the gods would pay you back.
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Was not prepared for the thesis statement of the specials to be “the doctor needs to take a freaking break and also get therapy”
Genuinely such a gripping hour of television I was on the edge of my seat the entire time did not lose my attention for a SECOND
ooh such good creepy moments in this episode too
I love Mel in this!!! I obviously haven’t seen classic who but I loved what they did with her here
The social commentary on the reactionary nature of modern social media culture was so well done!!!
Screamed when I heard that little bit of The Shepard’s Boy
Neil Patrick Harris in his doctor who villain era was everything I wanted and more oh my god that Spice Up Your Life scene is going to be living in my brain rent free (the goofy German accent gave me Count Olaf flashbacks tho)
loved the puppet show scene, both visually and narratively
ooh the tease of the master and possibly an even bigger baddie than the toymaker has me INTRIGUED
Oh, David. Such a BEAUTIFUL final performance full of weariness and tragedy and genius and courage and bittersweetness and joy. Truly the swan song his doctor deserved all along.
I’m glad that even though fourteen didn’t ultimately end up having to die we still got to see him accept regeneration without having to die alone or scared, having “allonsy” be what he thought was going to be his last words was BRILLIANT
“I’m the happiest I’ve been in my life” OH TEN!!! OH TEN MY DEAR MY SWEET
cannot say ENOUGH good things about Ncuti Gatwa oh my gosh he is a DELIGHT. He’s going to breathe so much new life into the show we’re in such good hands with him. His physicality his delivery his EYES
also omg the biggest perk of the bigeneration aside from fourteen getting to live was SEEING DAVID AND NCUTI PLAY OFF EACH OTHER they have such good chemistry and oh my gosh that hug healed my SOUL
overall quite possibly entering my top ten or five favorite Doctor who episodes possibly the most cathartic tv experience of my life literally my ONLY gripe was that the defeat of the toymaker felt too easy
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
And then Steve's ending sucks and is bad.
Steve's ending infuriated a lot of Stucky shippers for obvious reasons. But. Like. Here's the thing: From a filmmaking standpoint, the Stuckies are right. Sending Steve back in time just doesn't work for multiple reasons, both in and out of universe.
This is going to be a longie.
#1 - Time Travel Doesn't Work That Way
The first problem is the in-universe one. This ending is so busted that the directors and writers actually have separate interpretations of what happened, and they're both wrong.
According to the directors, Steve created a parallel timeline where he's lived with his Peggy. He used the time machine to return to this timeline and go to that bench, but only once he was super old for, uh, some reason?
Problem is, according to this movie, you can't do that. You can't make a new timeline without removing an Infinity Gem from it, and also making new timelines is bad, remember? Further, the film gives no indication that Steve time traveled here. He doesn't appear on the Quantum platform. He's not wearing his time suit. He's just chilling on a bench, staring at the horizon.
The reason the film gives no indication for how Steve arrived here is because of the writers' interpretation: Steve arrived in the past of this, the main timeline. Steve himself was Peggy's mystery husband back in Winter Soldier. Old Steve has always been here, waiting for this moment.
That's actually worse than the directors' explanation. The movie has been very clear on the point that you can't directly change the past. Even after they prune the timelines, Loki didn't actually escape in 2012. That never happened. The events of the Time Heist never happened, from a historical perspective.
The internal logic of Steve's jaunt doesn't work out, no matter which way you slice it.
#2 - The Future is Scary and You Should Run Away
The second problem is what it does to Steve as a Man Out of Time. The white-hot core of this character direction is that he is an old man living in a world he doesn't recognize, and having to adapt to changing times. That's something we all have to deal with eventually.
So what is Endgame's final statement on Steve's efforts to fit into society? It's that he can't. Trying to live in this world he doesn't know is a futile gesture. In the end, Steve gives up, sinks his head in the sand, and rejects modernity. He embraces the shallow image of a woman he once loved was attracted to and lives out the rest of his days in a reactionary fantasy world.
I guess there is no value in changing and growing to adapt to the new world around you. What a shitty ending.
#3 - To the End of the Line
And finally... yeah. I'm sorry to tell you this, but the Stucky shippers were right. Not necessarily about Steve and Bucky's relationship being canonically romantic. But about Steve and Bucky's relationship being the driving emotional throughline of the entire Captain America trilogy.
In the end, this ending is the epitome of the problem with the way writers write platonic relationships versus romantic ones. Throughout the trilogy, Bucky is the most valuable and important person in Steve's life.
Steve defied orders and officially joined World War II, venturing deep into enemy territory alone, for Bucky. He was ready to die for this man. He laid down his shield and accepted the Winter Soldier's violence out of love for the man behind his eyes, and that sheer unrelenting loyalty brought him back from the monster he was programmed to be. Steve went to war with the Avengers out of love for Bucky.
And whether you take that love to be romantic or platonic, it doesn't change the fact that this is what drives the films. Not Peggy. Never Peggy. The films occasionally pay some attention to Peggy and Sharon, but they aren't actually interested in using these characters as characters.
(In fact, they're so disinterested in Sharon that she drops off the face of the universe in Infinity War and Endgame. Not even a namedrop. The moment the filmmakers decided to send Steve back to Peggy, Sharon ceased to have any value as a character and was consequently erased. They do not care about these women and their stories. The Carters are just the obligatory love interests.)
Instead, Peggy is merely the symbol of what could have been. She represents the life Steve lost, but is barely treated as a person in her own right. She's just a picture in his wallet that he can pine after. She doesn't move the story along, and his feelings for her rarely amount to more than Steve being sad for a little bit and then continuing along with what he was doing.
And this is how it always is. The best friend is the diehard series-defining relationship that moves mountains and saves the universe. And the girlfriend is just there, getting little focus or development. Steve and Bucky prove their importance to each other again and again, but no attention is paid to why Peggy is important. "She's a woman. He's a man. What more do you need?"
I'm not, personally, a Stucky shipper. But "I'm with you to the end of the line," still meant so much to me. This was the emotional core of the Captain America trilogy, right up there with "I can do this all day." Steve suddenly quitting on the future, quitting on Bucky, and running off to bury his face in Peggy's bosom felt like a betrayal of everything the films have ever told us about these characters. Peggy just wins. Because we need to marry him off somehow if we're going to tie up his journey!
It is neither a joke nor an exaggeration to say that the trajectory of Captain America throughout the MCU was ruined at the very last possible second by the straight agenda.
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jedimaesteryoda · 2 months
Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow are somehow very much the image of their forebear Aegon V "Egg" Targaryen.
Egg is called the "Unlikely" for a reason. He was the youngest son of the youngest son, the trueborn grandson of Daeron II furthest from succession, yet he managed to become king. Daenerys likewise is a girl and an exiled, dispossessed royal with no lands, wealth or swords to her name at the start of the series, and by the end of the first book, lost her khal with seemingly nothing left. Yet, she manages to hatch dragon eggs and build an entire kingdom and army from the ground up. She is the exiled prince played straight. Jon is the supposed bastard son of Eddard Stark who joins the Night's Watch, yet he manages to rise to Lord Commander and could possibly become a king by the end of the series.
Jon and Dany both can relate to Egg with regards to relationships with his brothers. Daenerys had to deal with a half-mad abusive older brother in the form of Viserys while Egg was terrorized by his own half-mad sibling Aerion, and in the end, both their fraternal bullies ended up dying by fire. Jon had a good relationship with Egg's brother Maester Aemon, his fellow black brother who counsels him like he did Egg to the point he gives him the same advice of "kill the boy."
In "The Mystery Knight," the dragon egg at Whitewalls is believed to hatch a living dragon but it refers to Egg's maturation as he is unveiled as the Targaryen prince while Daenerys hatches living dragons eggs which connects to her maturation and rise.
(Note: Daenerys and Egg make their egg hatching attempts after having tragically lost their sons and spouses. Eg g and Jon both burned down places with Summerhall and Mormont's tower respectively.)
Connections are also found with physical transformation and taking on a new humble identity as a disguise under which the young prince learns about the trials of those less priveleged. Daenerys goes bald after hatching her dragon eggs, signifying her transformation from a weak, frightened girl to a "true Targaryen" just as Egg shaved off his hair to signify his transformation from Prince Aegon to Egg, squire to the hedge knight Dunk.
Aegon took on the guise of Egg as the squire to the common born hedge knight Dunk as he stayed away from royal court traveling the countryside. Daenerys grew up away from royal court in Essos always traveling from place to place while Jon (unwittingly) hides his Targaryen identity posing as Ned Stark's bastard son and rode with wildlings, associated with the smallfolk of the Night's Watch. Both Egg's descendants' views were impacted by their upbringing as Egg's was. Egg's years among the smallfolk gave him more sympathy towards them or as he was called "half a peasant" just as Jon was called "half a wildling" for having ridden with the wildlings and his upbringing as a bastard gave him more sympathy towards the marginalized along with good teachers. Daenerys's past as abused childhood growing up in poverty who sold into marriage made her sympathetic towards the slaves and children, the most marginalized and least protected members of society.
"Why do the gods make kings and queens, if not to protect the ones who can't protect themselves?" -ASOS, Daenerys III "I am the shield that guards the realms of men. Those are the words. So tell me, my lord—what are these wildlings, if not men?" -ADWD, Jon XI
Put into leadership roles as Jon is elected as Lord Commander and Dany becomes queen as Egg was elected King at the Great Council, the two show solidarity with the downtrodden as Egg did.
They face frustration in pushing through needed popular changes in face of reactionary opposition up to and including rebellions. Daenerys liberates slaves and supports their rights against the slavocracy, but faces opposition in the form of the Harpy and the Yunkish coalition as Egg supported the rights of smallfolk and faced opposition in the form of rebellions by the lords. Jon pushes for reforms such as naming a former prostitute as his squire and allying with the wildlings, but faces opposition in the form of Marsh's faction.
Daenerys and Jon are Egg's spiritual successors as they try to make the world a better place, and deal with realities of ruling and leadership.
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octuscle · 1 year
Dear Chronivac Support
Our prison system in california is overstrained and really expensive for the people financing it. So we from law enforcement are looking for alternatives making bad guys to good ones serving the community. Is there a way for a collaboration testing the system on maybe 2 really bad inmates transforming them to good ones working in solid jobs, going back to college or something in this direction?
The whole thing was anything but simple. But we coordinated it with the Department of Justice and the California Supreme Court. On a transitional basis, Chronivac TFs can replace jail time. The following conditions must be met:
No use in homicides No use for aggravated and dangerous assault No use in security detention for mental disorders The TF must be humiliating The TF must be recognizable to the social environment of the offender. TF must be beneficial to society The offender must not derive any benefit from the TF after it has ended
There are three trial cases, if successful, the operation can be expanded.
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Mike and Gary were accused of being members of a terrorist organization. Both belonged to an extreme left-wing circle that planned various attacks on infrastructure. The TF of the two begins during a meeting of the association. While everyone else is lounging around in their chairs, the two suddenly stand at attention. Their long and unkempt hair becomes fresh buzz cuts And the stubble beards become freshly shaved chins. You begin and end every sentence with "Sir". And they begin to talk only of law and order. Their scruffy hippie clothes become bright white and freshly ironed. Their comrades start calling them reactionary assholes. They call their former friends associative riffraff. The two leave the building to the jeers of their former friends. Over the next few weeks, you will work as good Marines with uncovering all of their plans.
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These three are in jail for drug trafficking, weapons trafficking, and receiving stolen property. When the TF is started, they are just pumping with their buddies. Suddenly, their gym IDs become street cleaning IDs. And their muscles disappear. What's left behind are puny youngsters. In hi-viz clothing. Their show-off cars have become a garbage truck. None of their customers or business partners will take them seriously again, if they ever get back into business.
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These two were Masters of the Universe before prison. Filthy rich investment bankers. Unfortunately, you did tax evasion on a very large scale yourself and for your clients.
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Now they live in a trailer park and repair farm equipment when they're not wrenching on their monster trucks.
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Your idea was really good, bro. Now it just has to prove itself in practice. Let's see if I can report on other cases soon.
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bookishfeylin · 10 months
bestie can u elaborate why don’t u like the barbie movie (i also don’t like it but i just love giving people the opportunity to be haters)
I feel like I should preface this response with several things:
I liked PARTS of the Barbie movie. Some of the messages in it were really good, and were delivered in a hilarious way. The pure love for humanity and LIFE was very evident and I loved Barbie’s arc. I also appreciated the underlying “redpill ideology is harmful and misleads men” message.
I knew Greta Gerwig was a white woman so I did not expect much in the way of intersectional feminism or even acknowledgment that white women are often the weakest link and tend to be 'class traitors' more than any other marginalized group, so that was not my issue with the movie
It's pretty! And bright! And colorful! It was FUN!
That being said… it did not sit well with me the more I thought about it.
My main problem with the Barbie movie is that it equates Barbieland with real life patriarchy and argues that both are equally bad, when that is demonstrably not true even as shown in the movie itself. When Barbie enters our world, she is sexually harassed, assaulted, and objectified. This is... not how the Kens are treated in Barbieland. They're just... ignored. That's it. The Barbies don't mistreat the Kens, and when Ken gets hurt in the beginning of the movie while beaching the Barbies all rush around him to get him medical attention and worry over him. The Barbies aren't cruel, and they certainly aren't treating the Kens as objects. They're just... ignoring them most of the time. And before someone brings up the Kens being homeless I'd like to add that, given their attempts to build a wall in the movie, there is certainly nothing STOPPING them from building their own homes. More than that: if it really bothered them so much why didn't they ask the construction Barbies for help with making one? I'm sure they would've said yes. There is literally nothing and no one stopping the Kens from making their own houses or having their own little Ken village because the Barbies DO NOT CARE what they do. At all.
The worst Barbieland offers men is being ignored by women. And that's not nice, sure. Hence why barbie apologized at the end. But the worst patriarchy offers women is being abused, raped, indoctrinated into patriarchal religions, and murdered by men. Those two things are not the same. So not only could this movie not commit to actually making a real matriarchy that is actually as bad as patriarchy (because don't get me wrong, I don't doubt that a matriarchy in actual practice would be bad y'all), it then argues that this fictional watered down version of a matriarchy is somehow the equivalent of the much more violent real world patriarchy as a ~warning~ to women's rights advocates to not get too carried away I guess? AND REACTIONARIES STILL CAME AWAY FROM THIS MOVIE THINKING BARBIELAND WAS JUST AS BAD AS PATRIARCHY AND BEING UPSET THAT BARBIELAND RETURNED UNDER BARBIE CONTROL (despite the movie's message that Kens were still going to get rights in Barbieland and would one day have the same rights women in our world have but I digress--) And then the reactionaries felt this movie was anti-Men???
So no. I don't like this movie. The fact that a lot of normie people walked away from this movie like "Yeah! It critiqued Matriarchy AND Patriarchy! It critiqued feminism and the red pill!" indicates to me that this movie failed. The premise of this movie was inherently flawed: that women ignoring men=matriarchy=just as bad as the violence and dehumanization of patriarchy. But more than that, the fact that so many agree with this premise concerns me, and suggests that misogyny is much more deeply rooted in the human consciousness than I had expected. If women merely ignoring men and living life without centering men is viewed as matriarchy, as misandry, as "just as bad" as patriarchy, then perhaps the advocacy for women's rights was always doomed.
Sorry to end this on such a downer btw
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nesiacha · 3 months
Pierre Gaspard Chaumette
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Chaumette is, in my eyes, one of the most complex revolutionaries of this period. He is very interesting, but at times I wanted to applaud him and shake his hand, and at other times I wanted to booed him or even punch him in the face. It's really strange, and this feeling lasted until the end. Frankly, the mix of admiration and exasperation (an understatement for the two feelings mentioned) he inspires in me is disconcerting even to myself.
In a way, he embodies one of the most generous aspects of the revolution and, at the same time, one of the most conservative, even reactionary, aspects, sometimes verging on the lamentable. He is truly a paradoxical character, much more so than other revolutionaries. That’s why, in my eyes, he is one of the most fascinating figures of the French Revolution to study.
Positive Aspects:
He went much further in the fight against slavery than others (notably compared to Olympe de Gouges); for example, he supported the Haitian revolts with great enthusiasm. One could say he was an anti-colonialist, which demonstrates that he firmly believed not only in the freedom of metropolitan France but also in the freedom of other peoples (perhaps this idea took root when he was a naval officer in the American War of Independence, but we know his fight against slavery was due to his stay in the West Indies).
Like other revolutionaries, he was against the issue of war, a decision that proved to be the right one.
He sought to emancipate the French people from religious aspects that infantilized them.
Contrary to the black legend, he did not participate in the September massacres.
Let’s not forget that he lived with other revolutionaries in a very complicated and infernal period, aggravated by a war he did not want and fight. Plus the royalists threats were not empty words
He fulfilled his role as the prosecutor of the Paris Commune with great care. He championed the principle of providing individual beds in hospitals, for example, and the equality of funeral rites for both the rich and the poor. He advocated for the maximum and only intervened in the Convention with the sections of the sans-culottes when he deemed it necessary for measures that proved to be good, such as the maximum and the raising of a revolutionary army. He fought against poverty. He did not use armed force to throw deputies out and get elected (at the same time, the sans-culottes would have dismantled him if he had tried, and he wouldn’t have succeeded). As for the Girondins (the 21 placed under arrest), let’s not forget they were responsible for a war that Chaumette and many others did not want, which worsened the revolution’s situation, and moreover, the Gironde wanted their heads and other deputies had gravely disrespected them (an understatement when we consider Isnard's speech). I feel that Chaumette did not want power; he was part of that group of revolutionaries who would oversee the government to ensure it responded to the people's needs and would only intervene if he deemed it necessary, which is ultimately a good thing. Moreover, he was pragmatic and more reasonable than others; he refused to rise alongside other Hébertists for an insurrection against the Montagnards (some argue he was satisfied with the Convention's compensation on the Ventôse law, ultimately not applied, and knew the Convention was in a tough situation and it was better not to push). Ultimately, his execution was a grave mistake. One could say he was a man who lived for the revolution until the end and died with disinterest.
Negative Aspects:
The gross opportunism he displayed, along with others, to eliminate the Enragés and resume his petitions. Just a big no for me.
Apparently, but this needs proof, so maybe what I'm saying is false, he was complicit with Hébert (alongside Pache and Jacques-Louis David) in the disgusting false accusation concerning Marie Antoinette and her son (so horrible I won't repeat it). He should have died of shame for even thinking of doing that.
His great misogyny, which is appalling, even worse than other revolutionaries who refused to grant more rights to women's citizenship. Just reading his speeches makes you facepalm and want to hit him. And apparently, it was worse for prostitutes.
When he invaded with Hanriot and the sans-culottes to demand the arrest of the Girondins, they made a grave violation of the law, regardless of whether they had good reasons or not.
It’s true he supported the harshest laws, no matter how understandable his frustration was with many others, you don't "play" (forgive the expression) with judicial safeguards. He let Hébert, his deputy, unleash demands for executions, including those of innocents (General Custine among many others). So in the best case he is responsible and in worst case he encourage or maybe give him orders as Hebert was less senior as he didn't have the same rank in Commune than him although Hebert acted freely.Plus somewhere it allowed madmen like Carrier, Barras, Fouché (although more out of opportunism than a fervent revolutionary, especially when we know Fouché well) to try to exonerate themselves from the horrible acts they committed while trying to rely on the unusual harshness of certain aspects of the revolution.
The imposition of dechristianisation of people that didn't want that. Can't answer intolerance by other intolerance . Yes secularism is very important but cannot prevent people from following a religion. Plus it exasperated a lot of French people at that time bad move ( already talk in one my post of this https://www.tumblr.com/nesiacha/744960791081631744/the-difference-in-treatment-between-the-indulgents?source=share)
It's interesting to see that by lowering "the safeguards" and legal security, the revolutionaries programmed their own disappearance in a way (I simplify because it's more complicated than that they were not bloodthirst and there is too much black legend on them). I know wartime laws cannot be the same as peacetime laws, but one must be very careful even if there was an infernal situation. And if Chaumette’s execution can rightly be judged as unjustified, he, in a way, also programmed his own disappearance with others. But whatever happens when we analyze all the aspects of the frev we can only be admiring but also disappointed in the missed appointments of this period which could have been magnificent. And that’s really what comes out of Chaumette
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bonefall · 1 year
Question about Tiger- what WAS his end goal? We know that he wanted to be TC leader but he really quickly pivoted to "world forest domination" after that failed, which is one of those things that feels like thistle's law would oppose. Also why did he start going after half clan cats while also preaching for the clans uniting under him and him alone one leader? Other than kitty racism of course.
(Gently) If you think that Thistle Law would oppose total forest takeover, then I really recommend you head over to the masterpost on Thistle Law as a concept. Nothing about Thistle Law is isolationist, never has been
The ideology sets itself apart from Hard Traditionalism because it becomes willing to enforce some standard of xenophobic purity. That's what Tigerstar wanted to do. There is no "other than kitty racism." That's it. Stonefur, Mistyfoot, Stormpaw, and Featherpaw's lives are the result of codebreaking and that makes them lesser than other cats.
There is no logical reason for bigotry. It's not a principle. It doesn't make sense. It's reactionary discomfort and cruelty given form.
Tigerstar wanted to decide who was pure enough to live and who was filthy enough to die. These categories are arbitrary.
(Under the cut TW: speaking frankly about miscegenation, segregation, and genocide.)
"But if they all united under one Clan, then they'd just start mixing in the end, wouldn't they?"
No. They wouldn't. The steps go like this;
The groups live together and mingle too closely. To prevent them from interbreeding, the code is emphasized.
Someone breaks the code. They are punished.
The kits are dealt with; either eliminated or considered lesser.
But every birth of mixed children poses an "existential" threat. "Purity" is a concept that has to be protected, if a Pure parent mixes with the wrong parent, ALL of the resulting children are dirty. It is a threat to the concept of purity.
And this continues to happen, and "purity" must be protected, so... the groups need to be kept separate.
There is no such thing as "separate but equal." One group is an underclass, prevented from moving freely. This would have been RiverClan.
But the groups continue to mingle, people won't stay put in a ghetto. More extreme measures are taken. Sterilization, kidnapping, execution...
But that still doesn't work. There's only one solution; Genocide.
The logical conclusion of this ideology is genocide. That's where it ends. It doesn't matter if the fascist believes this at the stage he's at or not; that is the built-in conclusion.
Fascism is a death cult.
Tigerstar's goal was to take over the forest and arbitrarily decide which cats would be "True" cats of TigerClan. He would have weeded out cats seemingly at random, but heavily favored ShadowClan. Eventually, the Clans would shift into various classes, before each one is systemically eliminated.
IF he went unopposed. Fascism is unstable. Hyperemotional, self-obsessed, frothing egotists are REALLY bad at organizing government and its very structure is prone to infighting.
The enemy is everywhere, both strong and weak. You live in a constant state of paranoia. You waste all your money on ridiculous vanity weapon projects and overestimate your abilities to absurdity. You kill off all the intellectuals because you're too fragile to be told no. The biggest liar in history is the person who equated any kind of fascism with "evil genius," spite is blinding and insecurity makes you do stupid things.
Turns out, that's really bad for holding onto power. These regimes crumble like a shitty jenga tower eventually; problem is, they're deadly before that point and drag down thousands of innocent people on the way down.
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markerbirthday · 4 months
How does Sam know stuff about alchemy?!?
“That most regrettable protocol”
Note Robert Boyle, might be important later (Scientist in the late 1600s)
“Purgation of all that most dangerous and unfit knowledge was both necessary and good”. Okay. So. What if there’s a big ol conspiracy, DARK related? THINK ABOUT IT. Alice could be involved? Just think about it think think think 
“Dread emission”…
Theory: Because the Web’s plan won’t provide an end to itself or the other powers, and The End desires an end, perhaps it’s a form of The End trying to wipe out all of the other dread powers through “the protocol”, and that protocol continues on through OIAR, with externals being used to essentially pit the dread powers against one another? Maybe it’s some sort of web-end agglomeration, because that much planning and manipulation might require some web involvement? 🤨🤨🤨
Is Isaac Newton dealing with… Alchemy?
“Knowledge of good and evil” (the translated latin) THIS REFERS BACK TO MY DARK THEORY
Another statement about something taking root?
I did not have “Isaac Newton the Eye Avatar” on my Magnus Protocol bingo card
This “Protocol” is definitely Dark related, or at least reactionary to the Eye
“Are the computers listening to us?” YES SAM YES SAM THEY ARE DONT LISTEN TO ALICE
Lena is MADDDD at Gwen’s classism
Colin what is happenniiiiing
We can’t let “him” know how much we know WHO IS HIM
“Doing mummy and daddy Stasi proud” Stasi is slang that refers to the German secret police. WHO IS HIM COLIN WHO IS HIM?!!?!??!? WHO IS WATCHING YOU
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duskmachine · 4 months
the newest chapter of chainsaw man and the reaction to it is actually making me feel like i've been blasted into a wall and broke every bone in my body. chapter 167 is the cumulation of everything denji theoretically wanted. he lost everything: his family, his home, his normal life. yet, he wished to become chainsaw man and wanted to "have tons and tons of sex!!"
it's happening all over again: denji was given a family, a home, good food, a normal life. but he, in his mind, killed aki. the guilt is eating at him; "there's no way i could ever have a family. i mean, i killed my own dad." nayuta even says, "i'll fill him up with happiness... then destroy it." and denji, failed to protect his only family, nayuta, ultimately "killing" her. (at the time of this post we don't know of her status)
so what does that have to do with chapter 167? the abuse has become part of denji's heart. he has no solid understanding of familial love, just that he seems to have an instinctual want for it. the same type of instinctual want that is his sex drive. he's moving purely with his heart which is driven by desires— desires that are fulfilled by a devil.
in chapter 167 both asa and denji have been assaulted. asa was not in control and denji did not utter a single word throughout the entire interaction. both are confused teenagers who function under selfish and conflicting wants. asa, who wishes to save denji because really she wants to be revered as a hero and seem like a better person. denji, who even in the face of great loss, wants to have "tons and tons of sex" because it's the only coping mechanism normalized for men.
these are desires of the heart and these devils exist to manipulate these desires into truths that exist in the most twisted way possible. chapter 167 is horrifying, not because "fujimoto how could you draw two teenagers in a sexual situation!!", but rather because these two teenagers will be irreversibly changed from their traumatic experiences because of the world of adults. they have been forced into using tools adults weaponize against each other: literal weapons, but also concepts of "justice", "love", and "sex". denji and asa are constantly being told what to do, and even worse, forced to do the biddings of adults and devils alike.
the chainsaw man church who claims all americans are "ultra violent" is immediately met with doubt from denji because he has been exposed to real americans who have all been relatively normal (at least, according to denji's definition of "normal"). denji can think for himself, but it requires him to be exposed to healthy and safe environments that allow him to learn... just like any other kid! this applies to asa too! she has never learned how to have healthy friendships, the one friend she has ever made put the adult responsibility of "justice" onto herself and became a monster. and asa had to kill her.
kids become monsters under heavy pressure from adults and the cycle of abuse never ends. i feel deeply sad that the reaction seems so reactionary and trivial. the horror of chainsaw man is the horror every teenager has to live through.
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transmutationisms · 11 months
Genuine question, what is your opinion on Canada's model (both present and future plans) of medical assistance in dying?
i believe people should have the right to die and to choose death; legal and available physician-assisted suicide will probably always be a critical piece of the infrastructure providing that option. the problem with MAID in canada is not the suicide in itself but the fact that it is taking place in a capitalist state that therefore has eugenic interests in eliminating unproductive ('unfit') people, and in that capitalist context MAID can absolutely be used as a way not of protecting the right to die but rather of killing disabled people the state refuses to economically support. the issue here is the capitalist incentives to terminate certain lives, not the fact of having suicide available as an option (& make no mistake that without MAID, suicide is still an option, only often a more painful and messy one).
it is also worth noting both that in the course of current normal medical practice doctors make calls every day about whether/when their patients should die, and that some (certainly not all) moral outrage over canadian MAID has come from open reactionaries whose concern is not disability justice but religious and moral objections to suicide that they believe override another person's right to end their own life. again though this is not to dismiss or downplay the legitimately eugenic uses of MAID as implemented by capitalist states. although i don't advocate for ending MAID or in general for making suicide more difficult to access, i want the right to die to be a genuinely non-coercive option and i don't believe that will ever be possible so long as it is one offered/protected by capitalist states that necessarily have the biopolitical aims that lead to eugenic policy.
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