#recently saw the new one and it uh wasn’t great
theemporium · 7 months
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[3.3k] a friendship begins to blossom between you and luke as he begins to feel more settled in new jersey. the jump from college was intense, but he was somewhat glad he had a supportive group around him. and maybe his makeout sessions with you were a great stress relief too. (less smut and more heated makeout)
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cherry🍒: i don’t believe you can cook 
cherry🍒: sounds fake tbh
Luke snorted to himself, his lips twitching upwards as he stared at your message. You had sent it at some point during practice, continuing the conversation the two of you had been having the night before.
The irony wasn’t lost on him.
Less than two weeks ago, he was practically dry heaving on the ice at the idea of meeting up with you and now there hadn’t been a day the two of you had gone without talking. 
He didn’t even text his brothers this much when they were apart, and now he was practically glued to his phone whenever he got the chance—something Jack loved to point out. 
Pre-season training was intense, he expected as much when he entered the NHL. Both his brothers had warned him about it, too. He just hadn’t realised how intense it was going to be, or how big the jump between college to professional hockey would be. 
And he didn’t realise how much more he would be eating. 
Jack had found it fucking hilarious. He continuously chirped his little brother for always having a snack in his hand. Whether it was in their apartment, on the road or in the locker room, Jack would be the first to laugh, teasing him about being a ‘growing boy’. The rest of the team were a little more sympathetic, but that didn’t stop them from making some jabs themselves. 
It meant that Luke had to adapt, meaning he had to learn to cook more meals beyond the three staples that had got him through college when he wasn’t relying on any meal plans. And it meant he was getting pretty fucking good at it too, much to his own surprise. 
hockey boy: i cook so well, you’re just jealous
He paused, his shirt still half-hanging around his neck as he saw you typing. 
cherry🍒: prove it then
Luke grinned. 
hockey boy: i’m about to blow your mind with my steak subs 
He felt a rush of anxiety—a good kind, for once—when he saw the bubbles show up on his screen again. He waited, anticipating your response. He had practically forgotten about the fact he was standing in the locker room, half-dressed after practice until he heard someone calling his name. 
His head snapped up, turning to find that most of the boys had already left. There were a few stranglers, still packing up their stuff with no real rush. But it was Nico who had called his name.
“Uh, yeah?” 
“You free to talk?” Nico asked, a kind smile on his face like the other boys on the team had always said. It was hard to feel anything but welcomed by the Swiss. “After you’ve changed.” 
“Oh,” Luke glanced down at his phone, seeing a notification that you had replied but quickly shoved his phone down on his bag. “Like, right now? Because I kinda had some plans—”
“It will be quick,” the older man assured him.
“Yeah,” he cleared his throat and smiled a little. “Yeah, I’m free.”
Luke moved pretty quickly after that, ignoring his phone as he quickly changed back into the sweatpants and hoodie he had thrown on this morning when Jack had banged on his door at some ungodly, early hour. He shoved most of his things into his bag, trying to act like he felt completely normal and stress-free about a one-on-one conversation with his captain.
He tried to act nonchalant as they made their way to the lounge area where some players crash before or after a practice. Fridges and shelves were stocked with a variety of trainer-approved snacks and protein shakes, it was probably one of Luke’s favourite rooms recently. But now he felt too on edge to even grab one of the lemon muffins he loved. 
“Calm down, you aren’t in trouble,” Nico eventually spoke up, settling down on the couch as he looked at Luke expectantly. “I just wanted to talk.”
Luke cleared his throat, settling down on the couch too. “Yeah, so you’ve said.”
Nico’s lips twitched. “How are you finding Jersey?”
“It’s good,” Luke nodded.
Nico raised his brows. “Just good?”
Luke blinked. “...really good?”
“Hm,” Nico hummed, but he sounded amused. “Usually I have trouble shutting Jack up, you’re like the opposite.” 
Luke laughed a little. “Jack was always the yapper.” 
“He’s kinda what I wanted to talk to you about,” Nico added, almost far too casually. He briefly wondered if his captain was waiting for an in to whatever the real reason behind this conversation was. 
“You know I’m your captain too, right?” Nico asked, and this time he sounded a lot more serious than he did thirty seconds ago. It was how he sounded on the ice, how he sounded on the bench during playoffs last year. He hadn’t seen much of this side of Nico, but he recognised it well.
Luke frowned. “Is this a trick question?”
“No, I—” Nico paused, shaking his head. “I just want you to know that I see you as one of my boys. Not just Jack’s little brother. When I played with my brother, I know sometimes it feels like you’re just…there. In his shadow, sometimes. I just don’t want you to feel like that here.”
Luke relaxed a little. “I don’t—”
“But you’d tell me if you ever did, yeah? I’m your captain too. I want you to know I’m there if you need me, as a captain or a friend.” Nico had a sincere but serious expression on his face, and a small part of it reminded him of Quinn. That warmth and comfort that came from someone a little older, a little more sure of themselves—a true captain.
“I know,” he promised the older boy with a nod. 
“Good,” Nico said before his face broke out into a smile. “Do you need a lift home? I told Jack he could go and I could drive you back—”
“No!” Luke blurted out before blinking, seeing Nico’s slightly surprised face at his outburst. “I, uh, meant that I didn’t need a lift. I was just going to get an Uber.”
Nico’s brows furrowed together. “There’s no need, I can drive you back. I know where—”
“No, I just,” he paused, feeling his cheeks heat up in response. “I’m heading to a friend’s house. Not going home. So.”
“I see,” Nico murmured, and there was something shining in his eyes that Luke didn’t fully understand. He wasn’t sure he wanted to understand. “I can drive you to your…friend’s house, if you want.”
And let you watch him get dropped off by his captain? Yeah, he would rather not.
“I’m fine with an Uber, but thanks,” Luke said with a slightly strained smile, only hoping he didn’t look as guilty as he felt. He didn’t even know why his whole body felt on edge, he knew he was doing nothing wrong. 
But something about the way Nico was staring made him feel like he could see right through him, through everything. 
He was almost convinced his captain knew exactly where he was going and why, and that was something Luke didn’t want to think about.
“Back off!”
“But I’m hungry!”
“There’s gonna be nothing left if you keep eating everything.”
“But it’s taking so long.”
Luke shot you an exasperated look, though he didn’t bother to hide his smile as you slumped against the counter beside him. “It’s only been forty minutes.”
“I was hungry before you got here,” you defended with a huff.
“And you’ve practically eaten all the cheese I was gonna use,” he retorted. 
You crossed your arms over your chest. He tried to ignore how endearing he found the act. 
“C’mon, give me five more minutes and your food will be done,” Luke tried again, and he managed to finally crack a small smile from you.
“This better be worth it, Hughes. This is my first meal of the day.”
“I—” Luke frowned a little. “Yeah, we’ll dive into that later.”
You raised your brows, something like amusement painted across your face. “Worried about me, Hughes?”
“At the fact it’s one o’clock and you haven’t eaten a single thing?” Luke pointed out. “Yeah, actually, I am. And I think that is a justified reason.”
You waved him off. “I had coffee.”
His lips parted. “That’s not—”
“Cook for me, Hughes,” you interrupted, a grin stretched across your face as you playfully slapped his ass. “You said you would prove yourself.” 
Luke’s cheeks flushed. “You’re bossy.”
“And you like it.”
He didn’t disagree.
“Stop looking so smug.” 
Luke glanced over at you. “I never said anything.”
“But you have a smug smile on your face.” 
“I don’t.” He definitely did. “But I am waiting for you to admit I was right.” 
“Fine. You’re a good cook or whatever.” 
Luke beamed in response. 
He was never an overly confident or arrogant guy, not even on the ice. He knew when he played well, he knew when he made people eat their doubts that the youngest Hughes brother wasn’t as good as the other two. He was never the kind to go fishing for compliments or praise either.
But there was something admittedly satisfying when he got to see that expression on someone’s face, the one they got when he proved them wrong. 
Whether it was something as big as proving his high school coach that he was good enough to make it into one of the best college’s hockey team, or as small as proving to you he was a damn good cook, and he made a damn good steak sub.
He didn’t like asking for compliments, but it was nice to receive them. To have that reassurance. To know that maybe he wasn’t as hopeless as he sometimes felt in his own body.
You raised your brows. “What? No cocky follow up?”
Luke shrugged, leaning back into the plush cushions of your couch. The plates and the rest of the dirty dishes had been shoved in the dishwasher, some random old sitcom was playing on the tv and the two of you were sprawled on your couch with your feet on his lap. Not that he was complaining.
It was sweet. Relaxing. Domestic. 
Almost like you two were just friends hanging out.
“Not really my thing,” Luke admitted. “You said I was right. That’s enough.” 
You tilted your head in interest. “That’s enough?” 
He missed the heat in your words, the shift in tone in your voice. His eyes were aimlessly focused on the tv, trying to work out what was going on after he zoned out for a few moments. He missed the way your eyes dragged over his body, lingering on the way his shirt stretched over his shoulders and clung onto his arms. 
“Yeah,” he nodded absentmindedly. “Jack is the one who would—oh.”
You grinned at the way he fell silent, as he blinked in surprise at the way you planted yourself in his lap. 
“I—” Luke cleared his throat, no further words coming out as you placed your hands on his chest. 
“Just wanted to say thank you,” you told him, your eyes following the way you ran your hands over the expanse of his chest, the way his heart thundered under your touch before your fingers traced along his neck. “For cooking for me.”
“Right,” Luke said, swallowing a little. 
“Can I say thank you, Luke?”
He nodded.
“Words, baby.”
“Yes,” he rasped, his wide eyes staring up at you. “Please.”
“So polite,” you teased before you leaned down, your fingers fisting the material of his shirt in your hands as you pressed your lips together. 
It took Luke a few seconds before he eased into the kiss, into letting you take control as your tongue swiped over his bottom lip. He sunk further into the couch, his hands hesitating a few moments before they rested comfortably on your waist, just like they always did.
And you waited. 
You waited for them to move as you deepened the kiss, as your tongue explored his mouth. You waited as your hands ran up and down his chest, feeling the way his body shivered under your touch, at the way your nails lightly raked down his stomach. You waited as you felt his hands squeeze your waist, like he was finally giving in.
But his hands remained where they were.
“Luke,” you murmured, a little breathlessly between kisses. “Move.”
He paused, pulling back as he looked up at you with a confused expression. “What? Like, from the couch?” 
You couldn’t help yourself as you snorted. “No, I meant your hands.”
“My hands?” He repeated dumbly.
Your smile softened a little as you reached for his hands, squeezing his wrists tightly. “Your hands are your friends,” you told him, biting back your laugh when you noticed his confusion grow. “There’s more to making out with a girl than kissing her.”
“Right,” he cleared his throat a little. “I knew that.”
“You like it when I touch you, right?” 
He nodded.
“So, do the same,” you told him, squeezing his wrists again. 
Luke blinked, swallowing hard. “I—”
He quickly closed his mouth, his cheeks flushing as a familiar feeling of embarrassment washed over him. He looked a bit hopeless, and it tugged on your heart strings a little to see him so hesitant.
“You can ask me anything, Luke,” you reminded him, your tone soft and void of anything remotely mocking like he almost expected. “I won’t judge.”
His eyes flickered back to your face. “Where…do I touch you?”
You tucked your bottom lip between your teeth. “You want me to show you where I liked to be touched, baby?”
He nodded, his face flushing a deeper shade of red.
You never tore your eyes away from his face as you placed your hands over his, trying not to focus on how much bigger they felt than your own. You watched the way his brows furrowed, like he was trying to concentrate as you guided his hands along your waist until they dipped down to cup your ass.
He swallowed. “Is this okay?” 
“So okay,” you told him before you leaned down to kiss him again. His hands remained still on your ass and it made you smile against his lips as you prompted him, as you let his hands experimentally squeeze your ass. “Girls like this.”
“O-Okay,” he breathed out.
“Feels nice when you wanna take a bit more control,” you told him, lightly nipping his bottom lip as he let out a choked noise of surprise. “Control the pace.” 
“Mhm,” he hummed, his eyes fluttering shut as you began to guide his hands over your body again. 
“Sometimes a girl just wants a little more when you’re making out,” you continued to whisper between kisses, taking his hands to the hem of your shirt. You felt him freeze a little beneath you as you guided him under the material of your shirt and softly squeezed his hands in reassurance. “You’re okay. I’ve got you.” 
“Just wanna make you feel good too,” Luke murmured, a little bashful in his admission as his fingers skimmed over the skin of your stomach.
Something inside you twisted, in a good way. 
“You’re making me feel good, Luke,” you told him, your lips grazing his as you spoke, as you continued to move his hands further up your body. “Just doing exactly what I tell you. Such a good boy, such a fast learner.”
“Shit,” he breathed out as you rested his hands over your tits. He paused for a moment before giving them an experimental squeeze, finding the smile you gave him in response much more rewarding than anything else. 
“That’s it, baby, just gotta be a little more confident,” you murmured before you dipped your head down, finally pressing your lips against his again. 
And yeah, it was a little awkward at first when you dropped your hands from his. You were kissing him, your tongue swiping against his and his hands were just lingering on your tits like he wasn’t quite sure what to do with himself.
But then you rolled your hips against his, snapping him out of whatever brain fog he was lost in and he decided to just let himself sink into it. To just let his instincts take over. To trust the fact you would help him if he was doing something wrong.
And, fuck, Luke thought he might have to listen to his instincts more often if these were the results he got.
One of his hands slipped back down to your waist, to keep you on his lap as the other squeezed your tit over the fabric of your bra. You keened under the touch, almost panting against his lips between kisses as you gripped his shoulders. And then his other hand moved lower, moved to cup your ass and squeeze until he was helping you rock against him. 
Your nails dug into his skin, but the pain was dull and desirable. It showed him that you were enjoying this, that you were enjoying the way he pawed at your tits and squeezed your ass. It showed him that maybe he did just need some confidence, to just trust that sometimes he would just instinctively know what to do.
His head dipped a little as your pants became heavier and the kiss was harder to continue. He tucked his face into the crook of your neck, experimentally mouthing along your skin until he found a spot at the base of your neck that made you shiver under his touch. 
He slowly ran his tongue along the spot, smiling a little when your fingers moved to grip his curls and tug a little. His teeth grazed the spot, a small voice in the back of his head wanting nothing more than for him to wrap his lips around the spot and suck until—
Both of you jumped at the shrill of the phone echoing through the room, both of his hands dropping to your waist to hold you tightly before you fell on your ass. His eyes snapped over to where his phone sat on the coffee table and groaned when he realised who was calling him. 
“For fuck’s sake,” Luke grumbled, eyes narrowed on his phone as he watched Jack’s call ring on until it stopped.
“For someone who was desperate to get you laid, he sure knows how to ruin a moment,” you commented, though your voice was amused and lighthearted. 
“I told him I’d be back later,” Luke huffed out. “I don’t know why—”
He was cut off by his phone buzzing again. And then again. And then again. He sighed deeply as he reached over, not moving you off his lap—and you made no move to slide off either, so he wasn’t complaining. He swiped, unlocking his phone as his brother’s messages came through.
jack attack: yo how did the thing with nico go? 
jack attack: also idc what you said, we are having a birthday party for you and the boys agreed
jack attack: bring your lady friend ;)
Luke groaned a little, rolling his eyes and locking his phone instead of replying. 
“Not a fan of parties?” 
“Not a fan of Jack’s parties—especially ones that are three weeks after my actual birthday,” Luke corrected, his lips twitching downwards as his hands rested casually on your waist. “He tends to be a little…”
“Much?” You supplied. 
“Yeah,” Luke snorted. “He also said he wanted me to invite you.”
You raised your brows. “Do you want me there?”
He raised his brows in response. “Do you want to come?”
“I’ll never say no to a party,” you said with a smile that was anything but innocent, leaning down until your lips were brushing his. “Plus, it’s your birthday. I think you deserve a little treat.” 
Luke gulped a little. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you grinned before kissing him, whilst his whole body flushed at the implications of your words. 
jack attack: i know you read my texts
jack attack: stop fucking and reply, asshole!!
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confused-simp-jpg · 4 months
Pairing: holland!Peter Parker / reader
(no pronouns used for reader as far as I know)
Warnings: brief mention of bullying (and a shitty ending cause I suck at writing those)
General Plot: You are on a quest to befriend your awkward schoolmate and find that you might become something a little more
Genre:                fluff
Words:               1.2k
A/N: Honestly, I just wanted to try posting on here for the first time so I put together a little fanfic, so it might not be the most well written and thought out story, so please excuse all the plot holes and poor writing.
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A new schoolyear had begun and like every year you had devoted yourself to making a new friend. Having been the quiet kid with no friends you had decided to overcome your fear of talking to new people and after finding a great group of friends you started to look for new additions to said group every year.
At the end of last school year, you had noticed a small duo, a cute brunette and his best friend, you’d never see one without the other. But recently you had picked up on the near constant flow of bullying directed at the two by a kid named flash.
Truth be told you always were the kind of person to search for the good in someone even if they were being an asshole and it’s not like you thought Flash was the scum of the earth or something like that he just had the sort of personality most people perceived as arrogant, annoying and overall disgusting, their words not yours, although you had to agree. He was by no means an evil person per se he just seemed to lack basic human decency in its entirety.
So when you became aware of the two victims of Flash’s idiocy and their almost unbothered attitude towards him, you decided to get to know them a bit better in hopes of befriending them.
It was Monday where you had an irregular lunch break at a time no one else did, when you saw your opportunity.
“Hey… is this seat taken?”, you smiled down at the completely surprised brunette.
“Uh…yeah… I mean no… I mean you can sit…if you want obviously”, he stuttered out, stumbling over his words and trying his best to keep his voice from completely giving out.
You giggled and sat down:
“Thanks, I was worried I wouldn’t find a good seat anymore, I’m Y/N btw”
“I’m Peter”, a soft blush adorned his cheeks.
Peter looked around in the mostly empty cafeteria and his brows furrowed slightly:
“Uhm, you know there are like a lot of free tables. Not that I want you to leave but… you know?”, he hesitantly brought up.
You looked up at him a smile tugging at the corners of your lips and answered:
“Yeah, but it’s not a good lunch seat when you sit alone isn’t it?”
“…I guess…yeah”
There was a bit of comfortable silence between you before you spoke up again.
“You’re not usually alone here right? I think every time I’ve seen you he was right next to you”, you chuckled
He seemed a bit caught off guard by you breaking the silence but recovered fast.
“Yeah, Ned wasn’t feeling all too well today, so he stayed home and left me alone here.”, Peter said jokingly.
“Oh, tell him I hope he feels better soon then, he seems like a nice dude when he’s not abandoning you.”
Talking about his friend came easier to Peter than small talk and the conversation flowed seamlessly from how Ned had ‘abandoned’ him to what things they got up to recently.
In turn you shared some stories from you and your friends taking the opportunity to invite him and Ned to come along with you to the arcade at the end of the week.
Although hesitant at first, with a bit of convincing he agreed to meet the following Friday.
Your talk with Peter in the cafeteria had not been the last time the two of you had interacted and every conversation with him made you more excited for the next.
Peter really was such a sweet soul and hanging out with him always felt comfortable.
Friday rolled around and you were waiting on your friends and Peter in front of the arcade. It was a common occurrence for them to be late so when a out of breath Peter ran up to you and started to apologize profusely you just smiled and reassured him that he was fine.
You noticed Ned wasn’t with him and when asked about it, Peter explained that he still wasn’t feeling better.
Slowly but surely the rest of the group came by as well and soon enough everyone was present.
The entire afternoon went by in a haze filled with laughter, everyone enjoying themselves and even though Peter was a bit shy at first, he fit right in, and everyone welcomed him with open arms.
Even without really noticing or intending on it, you and Peter stayed close and stole innocent touches here and there along with soft looks.
Unbeknownst to you your friends had noticed the fact that you and Peter seemed joined at the hip and shared smiles about the clear interest both of you displayed for the other.
You felt a tap on your shoulder and were met with one of your closest friends MJ, who led you away from the group.
“Can you two go on a date without us? It’s getting a bit pathetic with the way he’s looking at you.”, she deadpanned, catching you off guard. Your mouth dropped open and blood rushed to your face.
“What?”, a confused chuckle escaped your throat.
“Come on Y/N, you two are clearly interested in each other. Everyone has noticed at this point. So just tell him and get on with it!”
MJ never was the kind of best friend who talked to you about relationships unprompted, you loved to tell her about crushes and troubles simply because of her objective and brutally honest advice and comments, but she never started these types of conversations so this was new.
“MJ, he’s sweet sure but I’ve only known him for a week and yeah of course I like him but calling it a crush would be a bit rushed don’t you think?”, you smiled at her.
“Obviously, but I’m just saying, you two have been smiling at each other so much even I felt giddy” MJ shuddered overdramatically
You laughed and hugged her. “Oh MJ, I love you so so much”
MJ scrunched up her face and awkwardly hugged you back, never having been much of a physical touch kind of person but tolerating it for you.
The two of you returned to the group and the afternoon continued without another hitch although you were more and more aware of the shy smiles shared between you and Peter.
At first the two of you were shy and awkward on dates but once you got more comfortable with eachother you shared inside jokes and and started teasing eaxhother playfully.  
A few months after the arcade meet up which were filled with almost daily texts and constant talking, Peter awkwardly asked:
“ So… are we…are you…I mean, am I your…”
His stressed expression and the more and more panicked waving of his hands had you chuckling slightly once you realized what exactly he was trying to ask of you.
“I think we are and I am and you are. If you want to that is”, you answered with a soft smile, your hand ever so slightly reaching for his.
Relief washed over Peter and you thought to yourself, how bad he was at hiding his true feelings, it felt like you could read him like an open book, like he couldn’t possibly have secrets that you didn’t know about with how open he seemed.
“Thank god!”, Peter exclaimed and engulfed your hand in his, tugging you along to his home for the movie night you had planned.
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The Harpy and The Hawk Chapter 1: Attacks at Meridian “This is Meridian, a great city filled with the best spices, best food, and home of the great Sun King Avad…the only problems are the pests…you see, a lot of places have rats, foxes, boars…but our issue…..Harpies.” “My name is Talanah Khane Padish, and I’m a hunter…well..not the best hunter according to people in the lodge, I have yet to kill a Harpy. Father says if I do, I’ll become Sunhawk. Recently there have been sitings of a rare Harpy, wings red like blood, fiery hair, and an ear piercing screechy roar. We call it the Red Harpy. No one in the whole city has ever brought one down. That’s why I’m going to be the first, I’ll become Sunhawk for when I bring in those wings.” Talanah was told to stay inside this hunt, but of course the stubborn young hunter wasn’t going to listen. She made an invention that launched bolas into the sky, “RED HARPY!” A guard yelled, Good! this was her chance to go test out her new invention. She ran up a hill, set up her weapon, and waited in silence. She heard screeches and roars, suddenly a fire arrow blasted an outpost nearby, Talanah took her shot. The blast from the invention threw her back, she got up to look and she heard a loud roar. “I hit her?….YES I HIT HER! Talanah cheered, she headed for the kings throne immediately to tell him. Once she arrived, she saw her father with him as well. “Sun King Avad!…I..I shot down a Red Harpy!..I…uh oh” Talanah said as she realized her father was there as well, “You were told to stay inside Talanah, and you disobeyed me!” Her father said. “But…I shot down a Red Harpy! I’m not playing games with you, it went down near the spire!…” Talanah spoke but was quickly interrupted by her father “STOP! You do what you are told is that understood? We can’t keep doing this Talanah, You just aren’t strong enough to hunt yet” he sighed “Talanah, May me and your father speak in private?” Avad asked softly. “Yes, your majesty”. She walked down the stairs and headed to elevator. She was going to look for the Harpy and prove that she is strong enough to hunt, especially Ahsis, that big jerk definitely needed an ego check, these were some of the thoughts that went through her head as she headed into the forest. Meanwhile, Talanah’s father Talavad and other members of the hunters lodge came in to have a meeting on what to do about these Harpy attacks. He suggested finding out where their nest is, as people in Meridian can’t afford to lose more food to these monsters. “Either we finish them, or they’ll finish us!” Talavad said proudly, all the hunters in the lodge cheered, especially Ahsis who decided to let his mouth run again. “Bet you wish your daughter was as strong as me, I’ll kill a thousand Harpies before she gets the chance to kill one” Ahsis laughed. “Ahsis, my daughter just needs more time, she’ll become a great fighter like the rest of us, you don’t become a great hunter overnight. She’ll be ready soon…maybe even find the whole nest before any of us do” Talavad said. “HA! Like that little runt would find all the Harpies, what’s next? She’ll own the lodge too?” Ahsis kept pushing then Talavad finally told him to stop. “That’s enough Ahsis…now if you’ll excuse me, I have a lodge to run” Talavad said. He then sighed and thought about what to do for Talanah. “What am I going to do with that girl?” He asked himself.
Ligan walked by and put his hand on Talavad’s shoulder. “ Ligan I know what you’re—“ Talavad said before being cut off. “ She’s gone Talavad” Ligan said, “ What?!….but..where—?” Talavad asked, “ She is in search of the Harpy sir, she’s positive she caught her.” Ligan said. “ We’ll see about that” Talavad said.
Annnddd that’s chapter 1, hope you like it :D
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The writing in chapter 2 is finished, I’m just waiting for an artist to finish a piece that was claimed.
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velvet-brain · 1 year
bad idea right?
Yae Miko x Reader
You were out in a bar with your friends until you received a text from a person you hadn't thought of in months. Yes, she’s your ex, but can’t two people reconnect?
Tw: alcohol, exes, implied sex.
Hello! This one was inspired by the song of the same name by Olivia Rodigo. Give it a listen, it's great.
The mood was light and fresh as you raised your glass to a cheer.
“For us!” Lumine said followed along by the clink of your glasses. You were out with your friends drinking yourselves under the table in celebration for surviving another grueling day of work.
You watched your friends with a warm smile as they messed around the table, Lumine holding her brother in a chokehold as she downed her drink, Sara going on another rant about how great their boss, Ei, is to a half conscious amber. You couldn’t help the warm bubbles of laughter that came out of you, you wouldn't ask for a better group even if they were all a little weird.
Then your phone buzzed. Odd, who’d message you at this hour? All the main culprits were with you right now so you hoped it wouldn't be work.
You look at your phone screen and raise an eyebrow, an unknown number? You would have passed it on as spam if it wasn’t for the actual content of the text.
‘Hi Darling~’
Huh. A wrong number situation? maybe someone thought you were their partner or maybe someone managed to give your number to an unwanted flirt.
‘I know what you’re probably thinking right now but don’t go blocking me just yet! I just changed my phone recently so you won’t recognize it.’
You dropped your head on your hand with a lazy smile as you watched what this mystery messenger had to say, maybe it might be someone you know and if not then it would make a fun story.
‘So here is a picture to refresh your mind~’
The moment the image came through all the booze that had clouded your mind completely disappeared.
Long soft pink hair, eye-catching golden accessories, soft fair skin, plump and teasing red lips pulled into a smirk and sharp purple eyes that threatened to swallow you whole.
You could never forget her.
‘It’s Miko!’
Your ex.
Lumine is the one that notices first.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” Dammit, the siblings have always been really perceptive.
“Uh, n-nothing!” You try to stuff your phone into your pockets but somehow Sara swipes it out of your hand much faster than a drunk person should and stares at the picture with intensity.
“Who is this?” Sara was actually a new addition to the group so she wouldn't know much of your own romantic life, actually the only ones that would are…
“YAE MIKO!?” Lumine screamed the moment she saw the sly woman’s face, while you could only cover your face with your hands. The twins are your oldest friends so they know about her.
“Why is that fox texting you!? What does she want!?” Lumine immediately enters protective mode at the mere sight of her.
“I don’t know…” You drag your hands down your face. “She just suddenly started messaging with a new number.”
“Ooooh, she’s preeeettyy!” Amber coos which stuns Lumine.
“No! Amber, don't fall for her face!” Lumine pulls her girlfriend back. “She’s a sly and cunning liar who will tear you apart!”
“I think I’m missing something here.” Sara states.
“Yae Miko was Y/N’s girlfriend through almost all of university, prettiest girl in school, super popular and came from a rich family. She basically had it all.” Aether explained as he took a sip from his glass while Sara nodded along.
“But in our final year that woman left after her family got an opportunity to branch out in Inazuma, she dropped our beloved Y/N like an old rag in seconds and disappeared without even a goodbye!” Lumine ranted as if somehow she had been the one who got dumped.
You sank into your seat as you recalled that day. It was a completely normal day so you didn’t expect anything of what happened.
First Miko completely disappears from campus, she doesn’t answer any of your texts or calls and only when you were about to fall asleep did she send you a single message.
‘We’re done.’
The last thing you heard of her for months. You spent the last few months of university like a zombie and only recently started getting back on your feet so this sudden message is a real gut punch to you.
You carefully take your phone back from Sara and stuff it back in your pocket as you force yourself to smile. “It’s no big deal, I don’t know what she wants and I don’t care to find out, so if you’ll excuse me I need the bathroom.”
You walked through the busy bar between drunk people and rowdy tables until you reached the, thankfully, empty bathroom and slumped over the sinks. Your reflection in the mirror didn’t look any better than how you felt and you couldn’t help but let out a sigh, of course something would happen to ruin the mood.
You groan once more as you feel your phone vibrate once more and reluctantly pull out your phone, planning to black her number to get it over with.
‘Aww, leaving me on read is so mean! Has my little Y/N entered their rebellious stage?’
Even through text you could hear the teasing tone she always had when trying to fluster you and you hate how it’s working!!
You glare at the red faced reflection on the mirror, you shouldn’t feel like this to your ex! She left you! Just block her!
‘Or maybe you need more proof?’
Your brain turns to mush at the new image, your thoughts turning into a mess as your face heats up even more.
It’s a selfie of her laying on her bed, a loose black shirt that hugged her in the right places and raised just high enough to let you see her slim tummy and just tantalizing enough to leave whatever was lower to your wild imagination and her wide hips hugged nicelly by a pair of gray shorts that stuck to her figure.
God that is so unfair and she knows it!!
‘Well, I’ll be waiting my little treasure~’
She even dares to use the nickname she had for you before sending you her new address, only a few minutes from here.
You push away your phone and use the sink to splash some water onto your face to try and fail to erase the raging blush on your face.
If it was anyone else you would laugh at their attempts but this is Yae Miko you’re talking about. Seeing her tonight would be a bad idea.
But your brain has already started to go over the moment you spent together. The monet at school where you would sit together and chat as you waited for class to start. The little dates after school to small restaurants or even just for coffee where she would hold your hand, her delicate and perfectly manicured fingers interlaced with yours.
Seeing her tonight would be a bad idea.
The nights you would spend together either talking to each other or just enjoying the other's presence until the sun rose. The way she would rest her head on your shoulder, humming out a tune on the bus ride to school.
Seeing her tonight would be a bad idea…
The way her hands would touch you so softly as if you were something precious or holy and she’d call you her treasure. The intimate and soft smiles that she would save only for you.
Seeing her tonight would be a bad idea… right?
You glance again at your phone…
You walk out of the bathroom and back to your table. “Well, I think I am done for the night, so I’ll be going to sleep now.” Lumine booed but couldn’t do much with a sleeping Amber on her shoulder.
You leave your part of the bill on the table and go for the door.
“You’re not planning to go meet her, are you?” You stop at Aether’s voice,worried that he might have figured you out. This guy can be really dense in most big situations but annoyingly perceptive to the smallest things.
“N-no?” Oh you blew it! Why did you say it as a question!!
Aether stares at you for a few seconds before he hiccups and his face turns slightly red, the alcohol taking over once more. “Alright, good night Y/N.”
You let out a sigh of relief as you leave the bar and wave a taxi, you think about it for a second before giving him the directions that Miko gave you.
It’s fine, it’s fine. You are just going to… talk! Yeah, talk. You are just going to reconnect, maybe be friends…
God what a bad lie…
And suddenly, even in the dark of the night, you spot her.
The same pink hair, black shirt and shorts that she had in the picture she sent you. And she’s nervous.
After such a long time you still have her mannerisms memorized. The way she picks at her nails would seem like she’s bored but you know she’s tense, her body rigid and an arm wrapped around herself in comfort.
Her eyes immediately lock onto the taxi, her eyes wide and expecting. The moment you step out her face brightens like a little kid on Christmas, her eyes sparkling as if she just looked at the brightest star in the sky. That’s not the way you would usually look at your ex right?
But you aren’t any better, your heart threatening to jump out of your chest at the mere sight of her.
“Hello, my treasure~” And that does it, like the last nail in the coffin.
You said you were going to sleep but never specified where so… under her sheets should be fine, right?
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masonmiamor · 2 years
Surprise Surprise - - Mason Mount x reader.
summary: a surprise taken a different route when you suddenly meet his mother at his house…
based on a recent request i received 🫶🏻
Your feet were starting to ache as you stood in the checkout line at the grocery store. Your eyes roamed at the small cart filled with different veggies, pasta, garlic bread, meat, chips, and snacks. Making sure to get Mason his favorite chocolate chip cookies and red wine, along with a deck of cards to play.
After a disappointing game at stamford bridge, you wanted something that’ll cheer him up. Originally your plan was to stay at your flat and have a nice relaxing night, but he deserved it after the week he’d had.
You gently placed the items for the young woman to scan. “Give me just one sec!” you pleaded as you ran off to get a bouquet of roses. After paying you loaded the bags of groceries into the back of your car making your way to Mason’s house.
“Hi Andre! How are you?” you greeted the security guard at the community gate showing him the authorization code. “Great Ms. Y/n! He isn’t home yet, but I'm guessing you have something up your sleeve?” his tone coming off in a teasing way. You smiled and nodded.
“Nothing really, just a nice meal and relaxing night,” you replied, he gave you a nod understanding. “We’ll i’ll make sure he doesn’t suspect a thing, have a nice evening Ms. Y/n!”.
“You as well! Be safe and careful!”
Soon enough his house smelled wonderfully. With the food on the stove, the cookies baking, the mixture of spices! You stirred the alfredo pasta slowly, making sure it didn’t thick up or didn’t get runny.
You cut up the cooked chicken into small slices, as well as the garlic bread. After washing your hands, you took out the cookies and set them up in the glass plate he had on his marble countertops.
Mason wouldn’t be long, after a game like tonight, the team gives each other pep talks. Avoiding being up how they played for another day. Your phone began to ring, seeing Andre’s name flash across the screen. You frowned and answered the call quickly.
“Hi Andre! Is everything okay?” your voice was shaky, he stayed quiet before answering. “Well Ms. Y/n, Mason's mother is on her way. Along with her husband and Lewis.”
“I figured I'd let you know, since you were planning to surprise him,” he continued. Your throat closed up, unsure of what to say. “Uh thank you for letting me know!” you quickly said goodbye running your hand over your forehead.
Your relationship wasn’t fairly new or old. The two of you talked about meeting your families, but not under these conditions. You’ve heard nothing but great and supportive things from them. Always being there for your Mase.
Did they know who you were? Has Mason ever brought you up? Would they think you’d be enough for him? All the questions unanswered blocked your senses. You knew if you started to overthink it would lead to a small panic attack.
After practicing some breathing exercises you’ve done with Mason, you ran to the bathroom fixing yourself up, applied a bit of perfume on your wrist and threw your hair up in a bun. Your outfit was one of his black nike hoodies with some slight boot cut jeans.
You stayed in the kitchen coming out when they appeared in the living room. “Smells good in here, did he cook before leaving?” his mother asked. You stood in the hall unsure. She gasped when seeing your figure, the rest of them following her movements.“I’m sorry dear, but who are you?” she asked.
“I’m sorry, so rude of me! I’m Y/n, it’s very nice to meet you,” she saw you as a nice person and shook your hand. “Likewise. Please call me Debbie, this is my husband Tony and my other son Lewis. Mason didn’t mention he’d have a friend over?”
Friend? So they didn’t know about you… Disappointment grew inside you. Becoming kinda sad at the thought. You’d figured maybe, just maybe, but you stood corrected. Did he even want to introduce you, after saying he would? Or keep you private like always?
You shyly waved seeing them chuckle. “No no! Me being me wanted to surprise him after tonight's game.”
“Ohhh I see! Well I'm sorry, if I had an idea Mason was going to have a friend over I would’ve helped you sweetie,” she walked beside you into the kitchen seeing the area lit up with candles and the roses in the middle of his dining table.
“You did this? It looks amazing! Don’t get me started on the smell! What did you make?” She appreciated your work walking around seeing how everything was decorated. “I made some alfredo pasta, with garlic bread, and some chocolate chip cookies,” you said, becoming more comfortable around her.
“His favorite,” she teased, seeing you blush. “Lucky guess?” you shrug your shoulders. “There’s more than enough food if you’d like, please help yourself,” you urged. They gladly took the white bowls and filled them up with pasta and bread.
After offering drinks they settled with red wine. “I'll help,” Lewis offered and you nodded. You excused yourself and went to the front of the house where he kept the wine cooler. “So you’re the infamous Y/n! They might not know you but I sure do. I’m Lewis, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you!” he said.
So maybe not his parents but his brother knew you? “You’re the infamous Lewis, likewise,” he pulled you into a comforting hug, laughing then pulling away. “I didn’t want to mention anything in front of them, respecting your guy’s relationship of course,” he said leaning on the doorway.
“Thank you, truly! I’m still in shock, I've heard amazing things from them, and meeting them under different circumstances threw me off guard,” you admitted. He shook his head understanding. “Talk to him about it, I saw the flash of sadness wave over you when my mother said ’friend’.”
You shared another laugh before grabbing the wine glasses and the red wine. Seeing as Mason wasn’t coming soon, you as well grabbed a bowl. Before you sat down Mason walked in, and took a step back in confusion. You avoided his eyes knowing they were staring right at you.
“Mason, honey!” his mother stood up and hugged him, comforting him after the match tonight. You still refused to look up into those brown eyes you deerly love. “Hello everyone! Y/n nice seeing you…” his voice stern yet so gently and nice.
You started to think this whole surprise idea was a terrible mistake. Maybe you should’ve stayed home and facetimed him like you did. He wouldn’t be in the mood to have this many people after today’s results.
You patted the inner corners of your mouth before replying back, “Hi Mason, I made some dinner if you’re hungry.” They didn’t suspect a thing only Lewis as he gave you those eyes. Mason frowned at your words or maybe how you looked kinda upset.
Mason wanted to talk to you, get some answers to the whole ordeal. He was expecting to come home to an empty and lonely place, but seeing his family and you here was a major throwback. He walked over and pretended to look for something. “Y/n, can you come help me find something in the cellar?”
“I can?” Lewis peeped, but Mason glared at him. “No, it's fine. She knows where it’s at,” he motioned his head over, making you sigh before excusing yourself once again. He interlocked your hands, practically forcing both of you out the room. You flushed seeing the veins on his hands.
He closed the door to the office, placing you on top of the black desk. “I’m sorry! I know this isn’t what you wanted. It was meant to be a surprise, some dinner then a game of cards. I had no idea they were coming, if I did I wouldn’t be here, respecting your time as family of course.”
He shushed you, knowing your body as how it responded to being under lot’s of pressure. He stood between your legs, hugging you tight by your waist. You let out a small sob, but refused to cry. “It’s okay baby. It’s not your fault. Trust me I love the idea of just us two enjoying your surprise. Just calm down and listen to my voice.” He kissed softly across your forehead and temple.
After a few seconds of silence you pulled back and sniffled. You looked up into his face, seeing his bright smile. “I love you Y/n. The little things you do like this. I was already planning for us to meet them at my next game. I mention stuff about you and they tease me because I don’t give them a name. But it looks like you’ve gotten it down my love.”
“They think I'm your friend. A friend who cooked, baked, decorated, and even bought you roses,” you cringed and laughed loudly. He snorted before grabbing your cheeks, you leaned in and kissed him, hearing him hum. “This friend of mine sure is special then,” he joked, making you whack his arm playfully.
“I’m sorry I am. I told Lewis about us way long ago,” he reasoned. “Mason I'm not mad, maybe disappointed at first but none of that anymore,” you reassured him, seeing him relax his shoulder a bit. “I’m all yours after they leave, promise.”
“Okay handsome. Let’s go back out there,” you stood up leaving but he gripped your wrist turning you around, you saw him shake his head. He placed one final kiss before walking off in front of you saying nothing.“You little…”
True to his word he did what he promised. You got along with his parents and Lewis just fine, more than great. Lewis sensed you talked about it slightly and felt comfortable. His parents told stories of him when little, including a time, he refused to leave the training ground because he lost a game to Declan. You told them more about you, them happily hearing even cheering on your success.
Days later it was the Chelsea v Westham match. You had Mason's black jersey on, walking into the tunnels as he led you up the cubbies. There you saw Lauren, Sophia and Paula, waving over at Andrea. After saying quick hellos you followed him to his family. You grew a little nervous but they knew you. As a “friend”…
“Mom. Dad. I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Y/n.”
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Chapter One : An Unplanned Run-In
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Notes: Hi, everyone (or no one if no one bothers to read!) This is my first ever attempt at posting fan-fiction that I have written, although I have been a reader of it for years. I’ve been in multiple fandoms through out the years but never had the guts to post anything out of fear of not being good enough or no one liking it but I figure - if one person likes it or one hundred people like it, it will all mean the same to me which is utter gratefulness that will swell within me. I am posting under a side blog so no one will know it’s me although I think there is someone who has found me (if so, hi Elise I love you.) Even if you hate it and it sucks and is boring be nice to me please I am baby. That is all - if you have made it this far I am grateful for that too.
Warnings: SLOW BURN. Hang in with me folks once we get to the good stuff it’s promising. Also, new writer - that’s a warning in itself too.
Word Count: 6545
Ashley Tisdale would argue that at times she knew her best friend better than he knew himself. Since the first day they met their connection had been instant and not even time or distance had proven able to dispel the friendship they both helped to nourish.
Not seeing him for three years didn’t change a thing between them and the older sister intuition kicks in when he’s over for the first time upon returning, meeting Jupiter in person now that he’s home, when he says, ‘Member Isabela?” And a lightbulb goes on over her head.
Ashley remembers a pretty, young eighteen year old interning for Austin’s personal assistant in 2013 to 2014. Isabela had been kind to a fault and so gentle as a person that Ashley–and Austin–had developed a protectiveness over her. She had fit into their group effortlessly and there was a close friendship that had developed between Austin and her. So close they were, Ashley would joke about being replaced. It all went downhill after the Great Incident of 2014 and Ashley never heard Austin nor Vanessa speak about Isabela again.
She exits her kitchen, resting against the doorway with her arms crossed. “Yeah I do,” she replies wondering where he would take it next. Austin hums but doesn’t reply as he continues stroking Jupiter’s back, the toddler asleep on the couch beside him. “Did you run into her or something?” She probes.
“Nah, just been… reminiscin’, I guess.” But Ashley knows her best friend, knows by the clench of his jaw and glint in his eyes that he has more to say. Things he may not want to admit or isn’t sure he should admit. “When Lydia told me she was stepping down after havin’ her baby I asked if she had any contact with Isabela but she said they don’t talk anymore.”
Ashley does a double take. “You wanna offer her the job?” She isn’t sure how to explain to him that if someone reached out after years with no contact , she would have a lot to say to that person. Granted, Isabela would never give anyone a piece of her mind but to save Austin from rejection she knows he is in desperate need of some womanly advice. “Don’t you think that’d be, uh–I’m not sure these are the right words but–awkward and mean after what happened?”
“It doesn’t have to be for the job, Ash.” Austin shrugs his shoulders. “With all these new changes in my life I guess I just uh–I know what people I want in my life now.” Ashley has seen firsthand what he means. While paparazzi had always been a part of their lives, the recent attention and invasiveness being introduced to Austin’s life was something new. A level of fame even Ashley hadn’t achieved with High School Musical..
Ashley had faith in Austin and his talent, even if he wasn’t as confident in himself. She could see his wildest dreams coming true but with Elvis, Ashley also knew he had learnt some lessons scary enough they would never shake. She saw he was frightened to death of being made to be someone he wasn’t, of being put on a pedestal and failing to meet expectations. Most importantly, Austin was made aware of how quickly people came around for the wrong reasons, ready to take advantage of success, money, and fame. Someone who freely gave loyalty and honesty expected it in return, a betrayal of that nature would hurt Austin the most. Ashley had seen Austin lose himself and have to find who he was again, but the man who reemerged was skeptical, with a new point of view.
“So you want to make amends?”
It takes Austin a while to look at Ashley, his hand rubbing soothing circles on Jupiter’s back. “More than anything I just wanna talk to her.” But she sees the longing in his eyes when they meet hers and pieces of the puzzle begin to fit together.
That’s how Ashley ends up at Chucky’s Bar in Los Feliz on a Thursday night. She didn’t tell Austin that she occasionally chats with Isabela over Instagram because she didn’t want him to do something embarassing like slide into her DMs with a lame greeting and possible emoji. Austin was smooth and charming in many ways, but at the end of the day, he was only a man and this situation was better handled with a woman’s touch. All it had taken was a ‘miss you! when are you free?’ before Isabela responded saying that this was where she’d be on her last night in LA before she traveled to Hawaii for a work trip.
“Ashley! You came!” There’s a girly squeal and arms squeezing her from behind before she turns to face Isabela. There’s a wide smile on her face and her hair frizzes with the humidity of the crowded bar. Sweat shines on her face, mascara smudged under her eyes, but Ashley has to smile– Isabela never let perceived-imperfections dull her shine. “You look hot.” Isabela checks her friend out with an impressed grin.
“I feel out of my element. I can’t remember the last time I dressed up.” Ashley giggles, taking in her surroundings. “I’m also scared I’m going to start leaking and ruin this dress.” She gestures to her enlarged breasts, made more noticeable by the deep V-cut of her dress.
Isabela lets out a loud laugh. “Some guys like that,” she whispers conspiratorially and Ashley slaps her on the arm. Isabela grabs Ashley by the hand and begins leading her to a table, “Come on, a friend saved us a table. Victoria’s got bar duty tonight but she’ll be checking in occasionally.”
“Victoria’s still working here?”
Chucky’s Bar brought back many late night memories for Ashley. There were many drunken nights spent at the low-key bar where Ashley, Austin, and Vanessa had never been recognized. It was at this bar where Ashley met Isabela and her tough as nails cousin, Victoria, who was cold the entire night and would only make rounds to their table to make sure Isabela was drinking enough water to go along with the tequila. It had taken almost a month for Victoria to warm up to the former Disney kids. Ashley was sure any kindness on Victoria’s part was thrown out the window after the Incident.
Ashley would have found Victoria’s over protectiveness creepy if she didn’t understand why. Isabela was sweetly naive, always seeing the best in the world and people around her. An innocence that had probably broken her heart more than once. It hadn’t taken long for Ashley to feel the same way towards Isabela, like she was a younger sister.
“She practically runs this place. Derek’s one year away from retiring and he’s already promised to leave it to her.” Isabela’s face beams with pride. As they approach the table she turns to face Ashley briefly and catches the uncertainty in her eyes, the awkward hunch to her shoulders, that only comes when someone feels unwelcome. Isabela reaches to hold Ashley’s fingers in hers. “She’s gonna be on her best behavior, okay? I told her you were coming and anyways, everything that happened that day had nothing to do with you.”
Doesn’t it, Ashley wants to ask. Guilt gnaws at her, knowing she was meeting up with Isabela for selfish reasons. To do her best friend’s dirty work, get him into contact with someone who probably, most likely–definitely–wants nothing to do with him.
“We talking about how Victoria breastfeeds you?” There’s a busty redhead seated at the table. She’s loud in her proclamation and beautiful in a sheer silver dress. She’s gorgeous, her hair swept back in an updo and her legs crossed, the hem of her dress rising dangerously high. Already there’s more than a few curious eyes glancing towards their table. She smiles at Ashley but it drops when she catches sight of Isabela’s empty hands. She guffaws, offended, “Where are the shots? You get up and come back with no shots?”
Isabela tumbles into the seat beside her, laughing good-naturedly at her friend’s offense. It was obvious the girls had started drinking before her arrival but Ashley didn’t mind; she was planning on an easy night. Hangovers tend to be a multi-day affair once you hit thirty. “Luis said he’ll bring ‘em out to us,” Isabela tells her friend before presenting her to Ashley. “This is the worst influence in my life and the devil on my shoulder — Ash, meet Sky. She was my college roommate and yes, Victoria hates her. Doesn’t give you any right to talk shit about her though,” Isabela pinches Sky’s underarm for good measure.
“I wasn’t talking shit about her, I was making fun of you. The pretty princess stuck in the tower–you’re twenty-six.” It must be a sermon Isabela has heard before because all she offers in response to Sky’s mocking tone is an exaggerated eye roll and a shake of her head.
“Don’t worry, Victoria hates me too,” Ashley tells Sky. “She’s just always gonna look out for Isabela. No judgments here.”
Sky puts a hand on Ashley’s arm,eyes twinkling. “Oh my God. We should totally start a club.”
“I think you two booze hounds have had enough,” a blond waiter approaches their table, balancing a tray of shots. He looks toward Ashley, clarifying, “I mean those two. Especially this one,” he shoves an elbow into Sky’s side, the woman yelping and returning the hit.
Isabela leans over to touch his shoulder, imploring.. “Luis, you’re just in time. Their conversation was sobering me up.” She pouts, her lower lip jutting out.
“You just don’t like hearing the truth–”
“Not you too!”
“Ladies,” Ashley holds up her shot glass and a wedge of lemon, a strategic distraction, putting an end to the conversation. The constant back-and-forth chatter is definitely enough incentive for her to break her own self-imposed sobriety. “Are we taking this shot or what?”
“I like you,” Sky states, preparing her lemon with salt.
“Wait! We have to cheers to something,” Isabela insists when both Ashley and Sky go to throw the tequila back. She purses her lips to the side in thought, “What’s something all three of us can cheer to?”
“How about this,” Ashley begins, leaning forward on her elbows, “Sky’s here for you and so am I. So how about a cheers to Isabela for bringing us together tonight?” Isabela flushes, her lashes fanning against her cheeks as she avoids eye contact, flattered and flustered all at once. Ashley momentarily feels like she’s kissing ass, knowing she’s still wrestling with guilt over her ulterior motives, but she isn’t lying about her affection for her friend.
Sky extends her shot glass forward. “To Isabela.”
The night is a whirlwind after that. Ashley remembers a Pitbull song coming on that had Sky pulling both she and Isabela to the middle of the dance floor, smack between other dancers. There was another shot–or four–taken and by the time the girls are dancing to the fifth song of the night, now joined by a group of girls they had befriended at the bar. Ashley has to momentarily return to the table, ridding herself of her jacket.. It isn’t lost on her that the reason for her random request of a girls’ night out hasn’t been brought up once, but she doesn’t have it in her to ruin what has been an amazing night so far.
She could always try again. Preferably when it wasn’t her first time reuniting with an old friend in months.
As Ashley saunters back over to their spot on the dance floor, she catches sight of Sky’s silver dress towards the bar with Luis, no doubt asking for another round of shots. Ashley hopes–and doubts–that Sky forgot to order her one, the beginning of a headache pounding behind her eyes. Isabela’s still where she left her but a man has since joined her. He’s handsome, Ashley must admit, and standing almost a foot over Isabela who’s lacing her fingers together in front of her repeatedly. She has a smile on her face though,so Ashley doesn’t feel the need to interject as she nears.
“You’re sweet, but I’m here with my friends. Sorry,” Ashley catches Isabela apologize, her lashes fluttering as she blinks rapidly, and her teeth gnawing at her bottom lip. In anyone else Ashley would have taken the actions to be coy or flirty, but in Isabela she sees them for what they are–nervous tics. More words are exchanged and Isabela moves away when the guy places a hand at her hip. Ashley is debating on whether or not she should intercept and tell the guy to get lost, knowing it would be quicker than Isabela’s kind approach, when he throws his hand out beside him in a fist in annoyance before storming away.
Isabela stumbles back, flinching violently at his outburst, and Ashley’s beside her in the next moment, a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“Are you okay?” She asks, scanning over Isabela. She didn’t see the guy touch her, but Isabela’s response worried her, as if he did more than utter cruel words to her. “Did he hurt you?”
“No, no.” Isabela shakes her head and attempts a smile but her eyes are glossy with unshed tears. “He just got mad and it caught me off guard, I guess. I’m fine.”
“Isabela—” you don’t seem fine, is what Ashley’s going to say but she’s cut off by the arrival of Sky–who did conjure up another round of shots–and two blonde girls they had been dancing with earlier.
“I got us more shots, bitches,” she whoops loudly, pumping a single fist. She drops the act once she takes in the heavy atmosphere. “What’s wrong?”
Ashley hesitates. Some guy was rude to Isabela and she almost cried, which was technically true, but her reaction hinted at something deeper–although the man hadn’t seemed to lay a hand on her. What worried Ashley was the possibility of someone else having done so..
“Some guy was a dick and caught me off guard. Ashley’s never seen my freak outs before.” Isabela shrugs, feigning nonchalance and maintaining eye contact with her friend. There seemed to be a million words said between them but their mouths didn’t move once. It was a look shared between best friends with no words necessary.
Sky shakes her head, turning to Ashley with another smile and extending the tray of shots again. “Isabela doesn’t go out much, so every time she does she gets shocked at what big assholes guys actually are.” She said by way of explanation, handing a shot to Isabela. “She’ll survive; it just takes her a couple seconds to shake it off.”
Ashley detects the bullshit lie, but it isn’t a topic she wants to press so publicly. Instead she politely declines the shot, “I need water for the next hour before Ubering home. It’s Jupiter’s birthday party tomorrow and I need to be up early to set up.”
“Oh, no,” Isabela’s brows pinch and she places her shot back in Sky’s hand. “I’m so sorry, I wouldn’t have asked you to come out to a bar if I knew you had to be up early tomorrow.” She interlocks her elbows with Ashley’s, pulling her to Luis’s section of the bar and signaling him for two glasses of water.
“I’m a grown woman, Is. And lack of sleep is nothing new to mothers. Having a newborn is like a hangover that lasts for months.”
Isabela chuckles, sliding her glass of water over. “What a lovely comparison!”
“I love being a mom,” Ashley defends, laughing. “But it’s not as easy as people make it out to be. At least it wasn’t for me. I called my mom crying so many times, sure that I was failing or ruining this perfect little person somehow.”
“You’ve officially talked me out of ever wanting kids.”
“Come on,” Ashley rolls her eyes. “You put everyone before yourself; you’d be the perfect mom.”
Isabela shrugs a shoulder, her elbow leaning on the table. “I don’t know. Maybe. I wanted kids when I was younger, but the past few years have basically been about my career. One thing is for sure though, I’d want it to happen on my terms and at the time I’m ready. No time soon.” The conversation and glasses of water have helped both of them sober up and, for that, Ashley is glad. The room isn’t spinning as much as it was before. Now, Ashley just feels drowsy as the alcohol leaves her system. Isabela must catch her tired expression because she hums, “What time should I be at your house tomorrow to help you set up?”
Ashley shakes her head vehemently. “You’ve got a flight tomorrow, miss. You’re going to need all the sleep you could get.”
“I could sleep on the flight,” Isabela returns smartly, her tone matter-of-fact. Ashley pushes her knee, sending her spinning on the bar stool. Isabela continues. “I feel guilty I had you come out! No way in hell are you setting up alone tomorrow before hosting a kids’ party. I’m helping!”
Luis interrupts their conversation, throwing a rag over his shoulder and refilling both glasses with more water. Ashley smiles. “Two beautiful ladies like you must be starving. My momma always said the way into a girl's heart was through her stomach.”
“I think your mom had it wrong; isn’t it supposed to be a man’s stomach?” Ashley laughs, but she has to wonder because food certainly sounded like heaven then.
“Two burgers to go please and then an Uber.” Isabela shoots him a dazzling, cheesy grin, her cheeks dimpling as she throws a hand over Ashley’s shoulder. “We’ve got an early morning tomorrow.”
Waking up early after a night out is harder to do the older she gets. If Isabela hadn’t offered to help Ashley with Jupiter’s birthday party set up and have a flight scheduled for later on that day she would have stayed in bed nursing her hangover for the next forty-eight hours. The breeze is fresh as she waltzes up to Ashley’s front door to ring the doorbell. It’s early spring and as is regular for Los Angeles the sun is bright and scorching but the wind is a welcome reprieve from the heat. Various trees are surrounding Ashley’s front yard but Isabela doesn’t dare take off her glasses. Her eyes were probably swollen and red from lack of sleep and overdrinking the night before. Come to think of it, she still felt slightly drunk.
She had been woken up two hours earlier when Sky had crawled into her bed. Ashley and Isabela had left the bar before anyone else and the late time Sky showed up at her apartment meant that Luis and Victoria must have let her and a few others continue drinking after closing time. Isabela doesn’t understand how Sky did it. Isabela hadn’t drank half as much but knew she would be suffering twice as hard compared to Sky.
“Hi, sunshine.” Isabela can only grumble in response to Ashley’s greeting, letting her usher her inside the house with a laugh. “I told you to sleep in. I’m making Chris do all the heavy work anyway.”
“I’m perfectly able,” Isabela insists, sliding her glasses atop her head. She claps her hands, taking in the balloons and empty candy bags surrounding the living room coffee table. “Put me to work.”
There were fifteen other children in Jupiter’s daycare class and each one had a specific diet request which meant each candy bag must contain different items and not be confused. Ashley handed Isabela a list of the kids name and items their goodie bag must contain and sat her down in front of all the miniature snacks and toys. Jupiter’s party was space themed and the small moons and planets that Ashley had bought to go in the bag made Isabela coo. Why were tiny things so unfairly adorable?
“I want to make sure they are perfect,” Isabela defends with a fond eye roll when she sees Ashley arching an eyebrow as she triple checks a bag. There’s a small smile on Isabela’s lips from Ashley’s teasing but when she puts her mind to a task she always has to make sure it is done right. Not to mention that focusing her full attention on the goodie bags had her paying less attention to how sick she still felt. Even when she was younger she had never handled hangovers well.
“Do you want me to place the trash can beside you? Need a reminder as to where the closest bathrooms are?” Ashley teases her friend, noticing the large inhale and exhale she’s continuously doing and knowing it is in efforts to tame her growing nausea. She had offered Isabela tums and breakfast but Isabela insisted the only thing she would be able to keep down was water.
“I hate you,” Isabela returns, leaning back to let the couch cushions swallow her. “Drinking is not meant for me. I don’t know why I keep letting Sky talk me into nights out.” She closes her eyes for a few moments. Her eyelids feel heavy and she wonders if her eyebags are as horrible as she imagines. Isabela knew she looked a mess when she was tired. She wasn’t lucky enough to be a cute drowsy girl. No. It was all dark eyebags and swollen eyes for her.
“Think of the memories,” Ashley insists. “Memories are all we leave behind anyway.”
Isabela pops one eye open. “That was dark,” she laughs, never having known Ashley to be anything but optimistic. She gets what she is trying to say though. It doesn’t matter how much money someone left you if they were pieces of shit throughout your life, you would have rather had good times with them.
There is a shift in Ashley’s attitude, a tension in the air and Isabela knew it would come up sooner or later. She remembers being back at the bar. Crowded and sweaty and that guy had been an asshole but it was nothing new — it wasn’t until he had turned his hand into a fist and swung it beside him that she had reacted. Isabela had flinched and it made her feel weak but knowing Ashley had caught sight of it caused anxiety to flare up in her chest and overtake every feeling in her body. Hangover and shame be damned. She was sick to her stomach deciding whether she wanted Ashley to know the truth or not.
“Is,” Ashley begins, leaning forward to rest her elbows on her knees. Isabela doesn’t want to seem flippant or uncaring of the worries her friend is bringing up so she sits up and mirrors her position. Showing she’s listening but keeping what she hopes is a blank expression on her face so nothing is given away. “Last night at the bar… when that guy asked you to dance —” Ashley cuts herself off and Isabela has been through this before. Knows that the people in her life care about her and it hurts them to think about and they can hardly bear to ask. “If you don’t want to answer it, that’s fine. We’ll move on and I promise I will never bring it up again but I have to ask at least once. What happened with that guy at the bar?”
Isabela thinks back to her sophomore year in college, freshly twenty and in love with the new usual that had taken up residence at Chucky’s Bar. He’d been a couple of years older and had only recently graduated from university, he was on his way to taking over his family restaurant. He was sweet and funny, his family had been warm and welcoming and within a blink of her eyes her sweet dream had turned into her worst nightmare. His tight grips became punches, his jealousy became delusions, and the hopes of him changing for her were flushed down the drain. She knew the saying, ‘if they did it once they will do it again’, but she had been so young and dumb and blinded. She considers herself one of the lucky ones. The incident had only escalated once and she had managed to get away.
It’s been years and she’s had therapy. Isabela isn’t angry at the world. She doesn’t hate all men. Hasn’t sworn off to ever date again or anything like that but the memories still feel fresh in her mind. Sometimes more than others and they always succeed at making her feel weak because she can’t help her body’s physical reactions. She can admit that the memories paralyze her every single time she has to deny someone something or she is in a position to displease someone, even minimally. It’s what had happened at the bar: Isabela’s palms had begun sweating the second the guy approached her because she knew she was going to turn him down. He had been kind in asking but not so nice once she had declined his offer. It hadn’t been the curses he had called her that made her flinch. The flinch had been in response to the arm he’d thrown out in exasperation and more than anything she’s only embarrassed of her lacking strength.
It’s one thing to have your weakness known and another entirely to have to explain it. It was like baring your soul to every person you came in contact with and Isabela trusts Ashley but she’s not ready for the way Ashley looks at her to change. She doesn’t need another person in her life viewing her as needing to be protected.
“My ex boyfriend wasn’t so nice,” is what Isabela settles on and she hopes that it’s enough for now. She remembers her mothers tears and Victoria’s anger when she woke up in the hospital. Ashley’s eyes soften and tear immediately and Isabela isn’t ready to draw out any other reaction. She reaches over to place a comforting hand on her friend's knee, assuring her she was with her now. “Oh Ash, don’t cry,” there’s a wobbly lip accompanying her chuckle. “It was a long time ago and I’m fine, okay? I’m right here.”
There’s astonishment in Ashley’s eyes, wonder over the strength of the woman sitting in front of her. Talking of her pain and still choosing to comfort others. “I hope Victoria killed him,” is all Ashley can think to say and Isabela lets out a watery laugh with one last pat to her knee before bringing her arm back.
“Let’s move on to these balloons, yeah?”
Three hours are spent blowing up balloons and taping them together as well as convincing Ashley to not change every detail over the chosen theme. Chris had been seconds away from crying when Ashley suggested for the tables to be moved and it was only when Isabela convinced her otherwise that the tension in his shoulders seemed to release. He had made a crazy motion behind his wife’s back and Isabela had to bite back her laugh. She sympathized with the stress on Ashley in ensuring the party was perfect for Jupiter and she was glad if she was able to ease a sliver of that.
After meeting the gorgeous and chatty Jupiter she found herself bummed that she was unable to stay. Jupiter was kind in providing Isabela with a tour of her playroom and allowing her to color in her favorite art book. There were lots of gibberish and babbles that ended with Jupiter looking up at Isabela waiting for a response so all she could do was pretend she understood the little girl with responses of ‘oh yeah’ and ‘wow’.
“I don’t want to let her go,” Isabela complains with a pout, squeezing Jupiter for a goodbye hug that the toddler was more than happy to return. “She’s perfect. I don’t understand how you guys get anything done, I just want to have her in my arms all day.” She takes advantage of having her in her arms and decides to take one last whiff of her baby head before letting go. “Have the best birthday party, little lady. Eat cake until your heart's content.”
“Uh oh, someone has baby fever.” Chris cocks a playful eyebrow in Isabela’s direction.
“No, no, no. I’m more than fine being the cool aunt who gets to spoil them rotten and hand them back during tantrums,” she replies, placing both hands on her knees to rise from her couch on the entryway, Jupiter having disappeared to the backyard. “You two should have another one, though.”
Chris’s wide eyes and immediate head shake have Isabela laughing. Ashley elbows her husband slightly, rolling her eyes at him before responding. “That one runs us ragged. We wanna wait until she’s a little older.”
Isabela can understand that. “My flight is in three hours and I still need to shower —”
“Is that what I smell?”
Ashley rolls her eyes at her husband, “Ignore him. It’s what I do.”
There is a bright smile on Isabela’s face, content to be around friends and their marital teasing. Maybe she missed them more than she thought. She feels guilty for believing Victoria when she said Ashley must have had ulterior motives for an impromptu girls night. Isabela had been nervous and taken more shots than she should have before Ashley’s arrival, convincing herself it had something to do with the mishap from years before. Fortunately Victoria and Isabela were both wrong and she found herself letting tension release in Ashley’s presence.
“Make sure to send me lots and lots of pictures of Jupiter. I want to see her chubby cheeks smothered in cake frosting and her little face when she opens her gift.” The adults peek over in the direction of the distracted toddler. “Thanks for having me over.”
“Are you kidding? Thank you for helping. I would still be stuck in a stress frenzy if you hadn’t been my sound board today,” Ashley replies, pulling her old friend in for a hug. Chris has the door open for Isabela behind them as he lets them say their goodbyes in peace, knowing it may be a while before the girls would be able to see each other again. “Let’s not go that long without contact again, ‘kay?”
Isabela shook her head. “Now that I’ve met your little monster you aren’t getting rid of me.” There’s another round of waves and goodbyes before Isabela exits their home and they close the door behind her. She feels lighter than she had when she arrived that morning, sleep deprived and slightly hungover. The air breeze against her no longer has the morning freshness and the LA heat has managed to set in.
She takes solace in the fact that in a few hours she was going to be in Hawaii. It was a light work trip with her client only having one single interview and photo shoot so she knew she would have downtime to hit the beach and local restaurant. Isabela’s making a mental note to text Jessica, her coworker and client’s social media manager, as well as opening her notes app to see the packing checklist made the day before when she hears footsteps trudging towards her and her name being called.
There's a sinking feeling in her gut. A part of her wants to run away and hide, remembering the embarrassment and shame that was brought upon her that day, but there’s a voice in her head telling her to keep her head held high and act like nothing was off.
“Austin, hey,” she hopes her tone isn’t filled with the dread she feels.
There’s a pause before she allows herself to face him for the first time in seven years. Isabela has seen him on television shows and movies, on the cover of magazines and gracing the front pages of tabloids with his then girlfriend. She would have to be in hiding to not have seen him this past year alone with all the Elvis promo, but seeing him in person manages to take her breath away. He’s handsome and that hasn’t changed. If anything, time and new opportunities have done him well. She remembers a sad boy who had just lost his mother and didn’t know what to do with his life; he was skinny and lanky and hadn’t got a haircut in months.
The man in front of her had life in him. He’s filled out since the last time she saw him and she sees a gleam in his eye that wasn’t there before. Austin must be happy, its the only guess she would make, and no matter what he put her through, happiness and health is all Isabela would have ever wished for him.
“Ash didn’t tell me you’d be here,” he says as he approaches closer to where she stands. Isabela expects the hug, finds herself accepting it, and then she immediately hates herself after. “It’s so good seeing you. I’ve been thinking about you.” Austin has never been one to shy away from his feelings, he’s always been one to wear his heart on his sleeve, but this once she wishes he wasn’t so honest because it somehow hurts more to know she’s crossed his mind and he never reached out. “My assistant, uh, Lydia, remember her? She's pregnant. Told me last week and she was really happy. She’s gonna become a stay at home mom after, I think.”
There’s a brow arch because she’s unsure of how the news pertains to her. Isabela has talked to Lydia frequently through the years and the woman had called her a few days prior to share the news. “Yeah, she told me. Her and Raul are really excited. I mean, good for them, I know they’ll make the best parents.”
Austin looks like he’s gonna continue as he nods his head along in agreement but, “Hang on, you keep in touch with her?” He asks and he looks genuinely confused. It makes two of them because Isabela has no idea what’s going on in this conversation or what she could possibly have to do with Lydia being pregnant and why on earth it would be the first thing Austin wants to share with her after six years of no contact.
Isabela nods slowly. “She’s been a great help to me through the years. Helped me finish my internship and get an interview at this agency I’m at. I tell her she makes me feel like a nepo baby with all the connections she offers.” The fond eye roll shows all the love between the two women and transports Austin back in time to when there was a genuine friendship between them and he remembers to put the conversation back on track, where he wants it to head.
“Well, the job’s yours. If you want it.” There’s a dead silence that takes up the space between them. Quiet enough where he can hear the sound of the leaves rustling on Ashley’s front yard and the faint sound of a car honking from a block over. Austin feels the need to explain, “The past year has been amazing, Is, and I’ve actually got some of my favorite directors asking for me to read for their films. And with Elvis coming out, despite how it makes me sound like a complete dick, things are changing for me and I want people I can trust around me. You know, people who won’t come around for the wrong reasons or with bad intentions. When Lydia told me she’d help me find someone new all I could think about was offering it to you. I’ve got James, Kate, and people I trust around me and I wanna keep that going. I trust you. And I already know you’re damn good at your job.”
The betrayal that has simmered beneath her skin for six years - a betrayal from a friend and former employer, a betrayal that Isabela had forced herself to forgive without apologies being exchanged for her own emotional health - she feels the betrayal awaken in her chest as if it’s the day of again. She didn’t need anyone to plead for forgiveness and she didn’t need to be fought for but she always hoped that if a thought from him was spared for her it was because of more than him needing her for a job. A job he was only offering because he was big and famous and people were out to use him now.
Did Austin wake up and think, “hey, she was humiliated and treated like shit in my backyard and never spilled the beans to any tabloid so I must be able to trust her?”
Isabela reminds herself to take a deep breath. Austin was many things but he was never selfish or inconsiderate of others. His mom and sister would have never allowed it. Isabela had to come to terms with the fact that a moment of great disappointment and disloyalty in her life didn’t create an impact in his life. He hadn’t spent three days crying in bed afterwards or had a hard time getting hired for months after because gossip had made the rounds. Nope. The humiliation, sadness, and shame was left for her.
“I, um,” she knows that anyone else would have a lot to say. She wishes she had the guts to do the same but she doesn’t want to engage in an argument or have him give a meaningless apology. She doesn’t want him to know how much she still cares when he obviously had moved past it. “I’m taking a year off. Gonna take some time to travel and all that, but thank you. For thinking of me and offering.” She hopes her eyes aren’t brimming with tears because they sure are currently burning.
Austin looks disappointed and she wonders why he’d be anything but aware of the fact that she wouldn’t want to work with him again. Do they remember the day differently or something? She doesn’t have the gall to say any of that and she bites her lip to stop herself from easing any discomfort between them so the awkward silence grows between them before Austin moves to break it.
“Let me take your number down, at least,” he says as he reaches into his back pocket to pull his sleek black iPhone out and hand it to her. She takes it, noticing no phone case on and she cringes because her phone wouldn’t survive a day. “In case you come back from vacation early.” There’s a teasing lilt in his tone and she offers a small smile as she inputs her number for him, “Or just so we could catch up. You’ve been missed.”
There’s that eye roll again and it makes his stupidly handsome grin immediately return. For her part, she offers another small smile and wave as she heads down the pathway, “until next time, then,” she replies and when she turns she takes a deep breath to disperse the tightness in her throat. Although it’s unlikely, she wishes the next time is never because she wouldn’t survive another experience.
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gaias-space · 9 months
Dean Winchester X Fem!Reader (Part Two)
(Mark of cane Dean, unprotected sex, fluff, smut…so much smut, aftercare, NSFW 18+ minors DNI)
If you’d like to read part one (it’s not necessary but will make some more sense & is pure smut and angst) : https://www.tumblr.com/gaias-space/736696927531548672/dean-winchester-x-fem-reader
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You couldn’t look Sam in the eye as he began to continue his research. You leave in a hurry finding your way to your room in the bunker. ‘Did we really just do that?’ You thought, still panting from the adrenaline. You lay on your back on your bed taking in every kiss, tough, praise, and every filthy degrading word he said to you. It hurt for weeks seeing Deans personality change when he got that mark. You and Sam had been trying for a very long time to find a cure or a spell. Everything happened so fast. You were angry at him, the way he’d ignore you all week, how he would huff and groan when you were in the same room as him. And every time you spoke he’d have something to say. You knew deep down this wasn’t him or how he really felt, and you would never hold it against him. But you couldn’t help but admit it hurt. You thought for just a moment you had the ability to actually stand up for yourself and put him in his place a little. But instead he fucked you like he hated you and it was the most addictive experience. You lay for hours thinking hard about what he had done to you. The way he yelled, how or caused goosebumps over your body, the way he pinned you down, the whispers of seductive threats in your ear. You were getting hot and bothered just thinking about it again. He was so rough with you. And you can’t deny Dean was always dominant but this was a new level. Your mind looped one scene over many times; the way you wanted to make him feel good, taste his hard and dripping cock in your mouth. But instead he slammed into you your gasps were a mixture of shock and pleasure. He used your body like it was only for him and god, you needed more.
In the library where Sam and Dean sat to read up on a recent case Sam finally began to speak. “So Dean…is everything alright with you and Y/n?” He clears his throat. Dean smirks, but doesn’t move his eyes away from the laptop. “Yeah, everything’s great actually. Just had some business to take care of”. He sends Sam a small smile. Sam wasn’t buying it, he saw the way you ran off and how cruel he’d been to you beforehand. “Did you two …get into a fight or something?” He questions. Dean rolls his eyes and sighs loudly. “Uhh not quite Sammy boy…”
“Yet…you seem happier. Did you two sort it out at-least? Why did she run off?” Dean chuckles to himself ‘man this boy is really asking’ for it’ he thinks. “Yeah I uh…guess you could say that we did. Shes fine I promise you that”. Suddenly he perks up and looks at Sam with his famous ‘I-Just-Got-Laid- look’ and Sam’s face glows bright red. “Oh… OH DEAN! On the couch!? I didn’t need to know that!” Sam connected the dots quite fast, all Dean could do was laugh and share a proud look on his face. “Welp…it’s been a long day I think we should get some shut eye and tomorrow we’ll touch back on this case alright?” Dean says standing up and beginning to walk away. Sam stares still in shock, confusion, and disgust. “Uh…yeah good idea Dean. Well for everyone’s sake I’m glad the two of you sorted things out…you’ve been kind of an asshole to her”. Deans eyes look away for a moment, pained. He hates this mark, he hated how it made him feel. It made him do bad things and it felt so good! But it was so wrong. He prayed a cure or spell would be found sooner then later. He didn’t like how he treated you…but he did like the moans and how hard you came from him. Perhaps he’d do that more if he ever got better. Dean says goodnight to Sam and makes his way to your room. On the way there he can’t help but think about how hard he fucked you earlier. The way your cunt clenched around his cock, he could feel you cumming around him. Your walls tightening and sucking him in when he squirted hot ropes of cum inside you. He likes the control he has on you and the way you would react. Seeing tears fall down your face and your cheeks blush. The taste of your pussy still lingered in his mouth, you tasted so delicious. God the thought made him harden. And he meant what he said about a second round. He opens your door and sees you laying there, cheeks flushed, your eyes looking at the ceiling deep in thought.
“Y/n?” You jolt up as Dean interrupts your thoughts. “Oh..h-hey..” you stutter. You weren’t doing anything but it was obvious you were thinking about something from how hot your cheeks were and how shaky your composure was. “Is it alright if we uh…talk?” Deans voice was low and soft. You nod and pat the side of the bed gesturing for him to sit beside you. “I uh… just wanted to say that I’m sorry. I’ve been a huge ass to you and I feel terrible. Ya know it’s not me baby…” he sighs. “It’s this stupid mark. I hate what it’s doing to me.” He turns to look at you and places your hands in his. His scarred and callous fingers tracing small circles over your hand. “I love you sweetheart, don’t you ever forget it. Those horrible things I say to you..it’s not true. You don’t bother me, I love giving you attention it’s not”- you slide your hand out from him and shush his lips. “Baby- I know. It’s okay. I can’t lie…it hurts a little the things you say but, I know it’s not you, it’s not real and I’m not taking it to heart. I love you, nothing will change that.” You say with a smile. Deans heart flutters at your words. He was so damn lucky to have a woman like you. “Oh and about earlier I’m sorry …I was so rough with you I”-
“I like it!” You blurt out, your cheeks heating again. Dean looks at you puzzled for a moment. “Wait..what?” You gulp a little embarrassed. “I uh..kinda liked it. That side of you I’d never seen before and I- it’s hard to explain. But that was the best sex I think we’ve had” you chuckle nervously. Dean smirks now, loving what he is hearing. “Oh? Well…I don’t like the stuff I said leading up to it…but yeah. Fuck that was really something.” A devilish grin crossed his face, lips twitching. “Well maybe I might just have to do that again” his voice deep and seductive. You blush hard and all you can do is nod, too flustered to speak. C’mere” he says and suddenly his lips connect with yours, softer and more delicate then earlier, but full of love. Your body relaxes instantly all the nervous tension leaving your body. When you two finally pull away you look at him starstruck. “I promise you we will find a way to get rid of the mark. Please don’t beat yourself up for it. I love you. And I’m not going anywhere”. You reassure him. Dean smiles and pulls your body onto his. “I’m the luckiest man Y/N I really am.” He plants another kiss on your lips, and you fall away into the sensation.
You wanted this moment to last, not knowing when he will turn again, and what you two will face. But whatever happens you would always be by his side. Your lips collide in a desperate passion and need. Your tongues dance with eachother and teeth and lips make a mess. His hand snakes up your waist, your stomach and lands on your breasts squeezing it causing a gaps to escape your lips. “God I love the way you sound” he whispers. His hands caresses your breasts and his fingers begin to tease and pinch your nipple. You could already feel yourself getting wet. He was gentle with you, caressing and loving your body tenderly. He wanted to savour and drink in every sensation of your body. He loved every curve, every bump, the softness of your skin and the way your body would heat up at his touch. You loved him in every phase of life, and you needed him right now. The way he was tugging and teasing your nipples and biting your neck was sending you into a frenzy. “Dean…” you gasp. He stops immediately with worry he had done something, crossed a line. “ is everything okay?” He cups your face and strokes his thumb across your cheek. You humm at the sensation. “Mhmm…” your eyes look at his with lust and you bite your lip. That sexy mischievous look you always gave when you two made love. The worry he felt disappeared, and he raises a brow. “I want to make you feel good…” is all you say before tracing your finger across his zipper. Dean smirks understanding now. “Well baby I’m all yours”. Those words snap something feral inside you. You sit up on your knees and lay him down your eyes never breaking contact as you pull his pants down. He was already aching hard from kissing you and hearing your moans when he played with your breasts. His large cock sprung out and you gasp. “Mmm mmm” you groan hungrily. You grab his cock and he instantly gasps at the touch. “God you make me so fucking hard baby.” He groans, his hips already desperately thrusting into your fist. You bat your lashes at him and slowly stroke your tongue over the base of his cock. “Ah- oh god!” Dean groans. Every sound he made as you slowly teased his cock made you throb and ache for him. You needed some release, you sit back on your heels and grind, relieving some of the tension. You begin to take his tip in your mouth, swirling your tongue over his watching him struggle to make a coherent word. “F-fuck baby your mouth feels so good.” He grunts and that was your queue. You take his whole cock deep in your mouth feeling his tip sliding down your throat. The guttural sounds that left his mouth made you throat fuck him so hard and fast you were afraid you’d gag or vomit. “Oh shit, fuckkk”- his eyes roll back as you suck and lick his shaft and tip taking him all the way in. Your head bobbed up and down from tip to balls and you could feel him begin to pulse. His hands grip harshly at your hair and he thrusts his hips into your throat. “Yeah baby taking me like a good girl. Taking me so fucking well” his praises were all worth the lack of air and the pounding of his cock deep in your throat and mouth. It was all worth it. “Oh god! Come here” he quickly pulls his cock out of your mouth feeling himself close to cumming. He sits up and pulls you in for a deep, passionate kiss. He hurries to find your shirt and pulls it off over your head, your tits bouncing in front of him. “God…I love your tits baby”. You giggle and blush at his words, he made you feel so beautiful and sexy like no other. His lips collide with your tits kissing and nibbling one while his other hand teases and pinches the other. “Oh Dean…fuck!” You groan and gasp. His warm and wet mouth tasting your tits made the ache in your core deepen. You hadn’t worn panties after the last round and you could feel your slick begin to slide down your thigh. “Oh god I need you- now dean please!” You cry out. Your cunt was hot and throbbing, if you didn’t have him now you’d explode.
A pleasurable noise rises in his throat as he hears your words he wraps his arm around your waist, in one quick motion he turns and lays you down on the bed. He stopped for a moment taking in the sight of you. Your hair sprawled over the mattress, your tits hard and bouncing with each heavy breath, your beautiful lips that were parted, your cheeks that flushed and your sexy waist and thighs. “Fuck me you are so damn sexy my love”. He could stare at you all day, and if he had the skills he’d paint you like a renaissance art piece. he sucked in a deep breath trying to keep his composure. He leans down and kisses you again starting slow then picking up the pace. Soon your tongues were tangled together again. He took his time, embracing every touch and every taste. He bites your lower lip, then nibbles at your neck and he enjoyed every gasp and moan coming from you. Deans hand trails over your thigh already feeling how wet you are as his finger teases your clit, his lips never leaving yours. You main into his touch, so desperate for him you could cum just from his finger alone. “G-god Dean!” You cry out. His finger circling painfully slow and teasing you. “Need you” you cry again. Dean chuckles now and slides two fingers in your dripping pussy. “Ah!” Your head presses harder into the pillow as his fingers took some of the ache away. Dean gets on his knees slowly and kisses all over your body. Your lips, your neck, chest, breasts, stomach and thighs before stopping at your cunt. “Y/n your body is so perfect. I can’t get enough of you” he whispers. Deans cock was aching now if he could have a recording of your moans he could jerk off to that and that alone. He never needed porn when he had you. Dean opens your legs and slides himself between you. “You want my cock baby?” He teases. His tip gently thrusting between your folds. You can’t help the gasps leaving you, your body needing him like a starving woman. “Oh Dean yes. I need it please” you cry out. “I need your cock inside me” your words send dean o we the edge, he slides his cock inside you bottoming out and watching you moan loud. “God you’re so wet for me. F-feel so good” he stutters slowly thrusting into you, enjoying every motion. His slow thrusts teased you, sending you closer to a climax. He thrusts into you again and kisses your lips. You could of his hard warm cock deep inside you, his tip hitting your Cervix. “My baby” you whimper looking into his pretty eyes. “Yours” he replies before trailing kisses lovingly over you and thrusting in and out over and over. He could feel your walks tightening over him, squeezing his cock. He began to pick up the pace feeling close to his own climax. Your arms wrap around his neck pulling him in, your tongues dancing once more. “D-Dean I’m gonna cum!” You cry out suddenly feeling your orgasm arriving suddenly “cum baby cum for me, cum all over my cock” He chants. He could feel your body convulsing, he rides your orgasm out with long, deep thrusts watching you cum apart around him. Your cries and moans sending him into a spiral. “Fuck! I’m close too baby…where do you want me” he looks down into your eyes, your panting heavy. You just came all around him, yet seeing him about to explode- god you’d probably be able to cum again. “Inside me…please” even though he already had before when he was angry, this side of him asking for consent was so sexy to you. He looks at you in doubt “are you sure coz - fuck I don’t think I can hold back much more I-“ you suddenly pull him onto you his cock bottoming out in you “I need you inside me- cum” you demand. Those words were enough, with a few more pumps Dean squirts a huge load deep inside you, more cum than he had before. You could feel the hot ropes pooling inside you than seeping out. The two of you still, panting snd trying to gather your thoughts. Dean plants soft kisses on you again before pulling out. “God I love you princess. I can’t say it enough”. He says between pants. You smile and kiss him once more. “Then never stop” you giggle.
He pulls you into his arms and the two of you lye there for a while enjoying each others company, not saying a word until Dean perks up. “Come on baby let’s clean you up ok?” He stands and pulls you up with him, then walks you into the bathroom. He turns the shower on to your preferred heat setting and he steps into the shower with you. The warm water felt good on your skin. Dean pumps your favourite fruity scented body was onto a sponge then gently washed your body. He washed your hair, massages your thighs, washed himself then wrapped the both of you in towels. You were both exhausted from the long hours of sex and your heart couldn’t be more full (or your pussy for that matter). Dean made the bed while you slipped on cozy pyjamas before the two of you slid into bed. “Get some rest sweetheart” he whispers, pulling you in and holding you tight. He never wanted to let you go. “I love you so much Mr Winchester” you say with a small giggle then kiss his lips once more, before your eyes felt heavy and the two of you fell into a deep and peaceful sleep.
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coupleofdays · 7 months
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Another little story based on my theory about Programs reflecting the User's ideal selves:
Archi was feeling a little bit nervous, but mostly excited. She had only recently arrived on the new Grid, and this was the first time she would meet its creator, the User Flynn, face to face. He had requested her presence to discuss some designs for buildings in the city, since she was an architectural Program.
As she entered the room, she saw Flynn standing at the opposite end of it, his back to her, looking out a great window at the vast landscape outside where the city was being built. He didn’t seem to be aware that she had entered. She was a little unsure how to properly introduce herself, but finally settled on saying “Program Archi present and ready to work, User Flynn.”
Flynn turned around quickly, and Archi noticed that he seemed surprised when he saw her. He looked her over from top to toe, frowning, before he spoke.
“Wait… you’re Archi? The architectural Program?”
She shuffled a little, feeling more nervous. “Uh… yes, that’s me.”
“And your User is... James-264?”
“Yes, she’s the one who wrote my code.” Suddenly, Archi got excited again, remembering the voice of her User that she had heard many times when visiting the I/O Tower in the ENCOM system. “Oh! Have you met her? Do you know her?”
Flynn was still looking puzzled, but his expression was changing to one of dawning realization. “Yes, I know him… uh, her. One of ENCOM’s best programmers. Though I guess there are some things about her that I didn’t know.” He kept staring at Archi.
“Er, if you don’t mind me asking, User Flynn, is there something wrong with my… appearance?”
Flynn blinked, shook his head and smiled. “Oh no, nothing wrong at all. I was a little surprised at first, but on further thought you really do look like… her. Your User, I mean.”
Archi felt like there was something Flynn wasn’t telling her, but she stayed silent. She had heard that Flynn could act a little strangely at times. Probably had something to do with being a User. “Anyway, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Archi” Flynn continued. “Now, let’s get to work.” He motioned her over to the window to look out at the city.
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vidjausers-fable · 8 months
Pen Pals (Veneer X OC)Chapter 8
Previous chapter
Thank you @tinalbion for beta reading for me <3 Loves youuu
Keeping in contact with Veneer was one of the best decisions Avery had made. She was glad that she had given the male a second chance. It only made her feel more connected with him, and now when she sent him a letter, she signed his real name and he signed his back. At first, she had been so hesitant—for a while Veneer and his sister were one of the most hated people in Mount Rageous. Though in reality, Avery viewed Rivers as being the most hated person in Mount Rageous, at least to her. She had a feeling that Veneer never would cast her out in the streets, and that was the difference between the two of them. 
Veneer felt the same way. He found that most of his thoughts revolved around Avery, as to when he would next call her or see her. They had kept a consistent schedule. Every Friday she would call, and every other week she would visit in person instead. Sometimes he was lucky and got a call on Sunday before she had to work. Talking to her made him feel normal again—the normal he had felt before he had become a pop star. The normal he felt when in the morning, he would have his parents’ homemade and “healthier” breakfast and then ride the bus to school. At times he wished that he hadn’t followed his sister in her dreams to become famous and go to cosmetology school like he originally planned to. Then, when he remembered Avery and how she smiled, he was glad that he hadn’t. 
In fact, Veneer thought of her so often that he was distracted and off in his own world. Today wasn’t any different.
Sitting in Dr. In Graham's office, he had drifted off mid sentence as he was in the middle of a conversation about his plans for after this program, leaving off on a little: “Uh…” Tonight, he had another phone call with Avery. 
Dr. Graham didn’t mind however and smiled at the male. At first, she had been worried that there would be some sort of rejection and that the weight of that rejection would crush him, and make them restart this whole program. Veneer had worked so hard to get where he was that she didn’t want that for him. When the news had gotten back to her that Avery wanted to give the real friendship a go, she had been thrilled to hear it. Just as she suspected, she saw the after effects immediately. Veneer’s mood and confidence skyrocketed, and then she knew that there would be no more trouble. 
“So, Veneer…” Not knowing if he would finish his thought or not, Dr. Graham interrupted him kindly. Veneer snapped out of it immediately, so she continued, “I wanted to share some great news with you…” She took out one of her neatly organized folders and opened it, “After your most recent evaluation and talk with my supervisor, we both have been brought to the conclusion that you have…” She leaned forward, “COMPLETED THE PROGRAM!” She threw her hands up. 
The news came as quite a shock to Veneer, his jaw was slacked and he stared at her with wide eyes. “I…Completed the program.”
Smiling, she nodded, “Yes, and with flying colors I might say.”
“I didn’t realize that there had been a test.” 
“Every evaluation is. You get points, which gives you a grade. We monitor your behavior and moods. When all three stay in the same good range for a while, we give you that final observation and evaluation. We don’t think there’s anything else that we can do to help you…” She tapped Veneer’s folder down on her desk before tucking it away, “There’s just one problem. Your parents still haven’t contacted us back, even after several phone calls.” As much as she didn’t want to bring it up, it was something that she had to bring up, “So I wanted to talk about some alternatives that might help you get back on your feet.” Even if she had to do it herself, Dr. Graham wanted to make sure Veneer would be secure with a job and a proper home before she officially said goodbye. It would be cruel of her to throw him out into the streets with something. 
Veneer crossed his arms. He had long wanted to give up on the thought of his parents reaching back out to their only kids. “That’s not surprising, really.”
“Does that bother you?”
“I mean, it does. A little. I’m just not surprised by it at all. I was hoping, but I guess what’s done is done. They had to sell their whole practice because of us, so I’m not really surprised. Just hurt by it all. But if I put all my energy into them, then I won’t be able to live like I want to, yeah?”
A proud smile crossed his counselor’s face. “That’s exactly right, Veneer. Well, I just wanted to let you know that we will house you here for just a bit until we figure out what to do. What we’ll try and do first is hook you up with a job, and then find someone who is willing to room with you. After we can do that, we’ll be able to release you officially. You will still have to follow our rules and such, but since you technically pass, you’ll be able to go for a few hours every week, as long as you’re back before curfew. I will have to tell you about the rules and how we will technically be supposed to track you at all times to make sure you don’t run away from Mount Rageous at all. For the first few outings, you’ll have a chaperone, but after you prove yourself further, you’ll be allowed to go out by yourself. And Veneer…” Her expression became serious, which told Veneer that he needed to listen closely, “Be good okay? Others have abused this system and had to restart it because they thought that they were home free and could do anything they wanted. It’s a test to see if you’ll slip up, but you didn’t hear that from me, okay?” She winked. 
Veneer sat back with many thoughts running through his head. His first thought was of Avery. He spoke without thinking, “I need to tell Avery!! I can’t wait to tell her the good news!”
Dr. Graham smiled widely. It was always encouraging to see someone complete the program. She loved her job and was proud she could help young individuals like Veneer through tough times and tough emotions. “I will expect around four then. I would say don’t be late, but you never are. Now, have a wonderful lunch. I can’t wait to dig into my wife’s burger!” She waved goodbye to Veneer as he left the room, feeling like a new man. 
Veneer did his best to make the time fly faster, taking his time with lunch and then watching some of his sister’s shows with her. Velvet was a bit moody that day, so he kept the news to himself for now. 
When it became time for his call with Avery, Veneer raced back to Dr. Graham’s office as fast as he could. The way that the phone calls usually worked is that Veneer went to Dr. Graham’s office and was given a phone he was allowed to take into the next room over. He was only allowed one phone call, so if he was caught dialing another then he would be in trouble. Veneer wasn’t sure how he could be caught, but he didn’t want to take the risk and get his privileges taken away. They probably had good tracking on it or something. 
Veneer stepped into his counselor’s office for a second time that day. Dr. Graham already had the phone set up for him. “Here you go, all you have to do is press the call button once you’re in the other room. Have a good time, Veneer.” She waved as he stepped out. 
Waiting until he was in the other room, Veneer closed the door behind him and pressed the green call button. The phone rang only twice before Avery’s voice was on the other side, greeting him, “Hey Veneer!”
All the excitement Veneer had in him came bubbling through his response, “Avery! I’m so excited to hear from you today!” 
Avery laughed softly. “Oh, you are? What’s got you all excited to talk to me today, huh?”
“Well, two reasons really! One, I miss you—like a LOT. Then two, I have some really good news.”
“I could use the good news, so tell me!”
“Wellll…I guess it’s more than one good thing. I technically passed my program!”
Veneer smiled when he heard Avery gasp on the other side of the phone, “You DID? Oh my god, Veneer, that’s so amazing!”
“I’m so happy and just so…proud of myself. I feel much better, especially with everything I’ve learned. While I passed, I still have to stay here a bit…My parents haven’t reached out, so my counselor is going to try and find me somewhere to live before they technically release me from here. But since I passed, I have more privileges…Like…supervised outings. If I prove that I won’t be any trouble, then I won’t need supervision at all…”
Avery’s eyes widened. “So that means…”
“...That you and I could go out together. We can do more than visit! I could maybe even go out to your job and see where you work and stuff.” Veneer smiled to himself. 
Avery giggled and teased him, “And why would you want to go to such a gross place like that?”
“Honestly, I’ll take greasy pizza and extra fried potatoes over the bland stuff they make here for us any day. Plus! I still want to learn how to roller skate, remember?” He bounced, “So, do you think that we can go out sometime?”
“Of course, we can, Veneer. I’m actually both surprised and honored that you would want to do something like that with me…”
“Why wouldn’t I? Girl, you’re like my BEST friend. I would pick you any day, you hear?”
“Well, what’s the process of how this would happen? Do I have to call in and schedule time with you like with the visitation?”
“I honestly don’t know, but maybe I can ask Dr. Graham before we hang up today. We could do it on the day you’re off if you’d like. Then I'll have her contact you and work out a day since we’re working around your schedule.”
Avery teased him, “Sure, because I like to go to the place I work on a day I have off~”
Veneer rolled his eyes playfully, snickering, “I can’t help it. I’ll be getting out for a while, so I’ll just be excited to be getting out and doing something for a change. I taught myself to play CHESS with myself here because I’m so bored. Can you imagine that pain?!”
“That’s fair…But how are you going to feel, being back out in public like that for everyone to see…? How do you think people are going to react to seeing you again…? And how’s that going to make you feel?”
Veneer honestly hadn’t thought about that at first. He had been so focused on going out with Avery that he didn’t think that others would want to pay attention to him. After spending so much time in the program, sometimes he forgot that he had once been famous. Stepping out in the world would be uncomfortable, especially with those wanting to get close to him and snap a photo. Some might even harass him. No wonder why it would be so difficult for Dr. Graham to find a job and a place for him to live. He was glad that he and Avery were on the phone rather than in person, otherwise, she would be able to see his disappointed gaze at the moment, and he didn’t want his best friend to worry. 
“I’ll be honest,” Veneer finally spoke up after a moment of silence, “I’m not sure what will happen. I’m just glad I won’t be alone now. Are you going to be okay with that? Being seen out there with me? The last thing I would want would be for you to feel uncomfortable around me.”
“I’ll probably be uncomfortable with any photos that might be taken.” Avery’s first thought was Rivers but she brushed off her own insecurities, “But I would never be uncomfortable being seen around you, Veneer. Just wait until everyone sees how you’ve improved and how you grew from this experience.”
Veneer sighed. Yes, he learned. He was disgusted with the teen he had been before he grew. Honestly, if he could right now, he would try and find Floyd and apologize to him. Floyd had been almost killed. If he had let him go that one time he tried to escape then maybe he wouldn’t be in as big of a hole that he was in now. 
“I know. I’ll prove it to them. Even if it’s just a little at a time. I promise you, Avery.” 
Avery smiled proudly. She wanted to pat Veneer on the back. “I know you will, Veneer. I believe in you.”
Veneer loved how she said that to time. He basked in the positive attention. It made him feel warm inside and made him feel like maybe he could do more in the end. He was excited to be out in the real world and to be able to move on from the past and wrongs he had done. He felt as though Avery helped him achieve that sort of life. He couldn’t thank her enough for the opportunity. 
“Hey, Avery?”
“Yes, Veneer?”
“Thank you for being my friend, even when I didn’t deserve it.”
“And why wouldn’t you deserve a friend?” 
“Because I’ve…hurt people. Scammed them and basically robbed them. I’m not sure if I can forgive myself for that.”
“You have to one day, Veneer. You can’t move on and heal if you can’t forgive yourself. If you don’t, how are you truly going to make it up to others? I know it’s going to be hard, but I know you can do it. I’ll make sure of it, I promise.”
Veneer couldn’t stop smiling. “I can’t wait to go out with you for the first time…”
Avery giggled softly. “You almost make it sound like we’re going on a date.”
There was a long pause and it made Avery wonder if she offended Veneer somehow. “Do you…Want it to be a date of some sort? I mean—!” He stumbled over his words, and Avery thought it was the cutest thing ever. “It can be a friend date or a date-date…Whichever you’d prefer.”
“A date-date is just fine. Though sometime we’ll have to have a date-date somewhere that isn’t my work, you hear.”
“I hear you loud and clear, miss!” He laughed. Their phone call was slowly coming to an end, and he didn’t want it to. But he also knew that by next week, he would see his friend—his friend—in person, and be able to take her out on a proper date like a gentleman. “Goodbye Avery, have a good day okay?”
“You too.”
The two hung up the phone and Veneer released a sad sigh. If he could take the phone with him into the cell to text her, he totally would, but that would jeopardize any opportunity he had to get out of that place. So, he came back and gave his counselor and thanked her for the time he got to spend with his friend. 
“Did you have a nice chat?” Dr. Graham asked him sweetly. 
Veneer smiled. “Yeah, she’s as excited as I am. She says she’s also proud of me…We’re going to want to go out sometime, but we have a question about how we would set that up. Does she have to call and schedule? How much time do we get?”
“Yes, but that’s mostly because it’ll be convenient for her. Do you want me to call? You guys are allowed to be out as long as you want, but you do have to be back by your scheduled time, or curfew. Do you want your normal hours?” 
Veneer nodded. “Yep, next Friday. I hope this week goes by fast…”
“It will, just remember to stay on top of things.” Dr. Graham gave him a proud thumbs up, and Veneer left. 
Veneer was just in time for snacks to be handed out in the rec. He needed to hurry since it was also his and Velvet’s show time and if they missed the season finale, then Velvet would make him watch the whole season over again as punishment. He thought long and hard about it and realized that she would question where he would be next Friday, especially if the two of them would be out the whole time like Veneer wanted. He would have to tell his sister the truth, no matter how explosive her reaction might be. He dreaded it. 
Velvet was looking for Veneer when he came to the rec room. Velvet spotted him the moment he entered and waved a hand at him dramatically, “VENEER, hurry or you’re going to miss the finale!”
“I’ll hurry, I’m here, sis!” Veneer rushed and joined Velvet by her side. The two settled down. Veneer allowed his sister to enjoy her trashy show while he enjoyed his peace for now. However, his sister could read him like a book the entire time and noticed how unusually quiet he was. Without trying to, her brother had given himself away, making her frustrated at his lack of responses toward her show. 
Halfway through the show, she finally spoke up, “If there’s something you’ve got to say, then just say it already. What’s going on, Veneer?” she asked with a small huff.
Veneer sat straight up, “Oh, uh…! Sorry. My brain blanked. I wanted to tell you something but then got distracted with the show and didn’t want to disrupt it.”
“Well, what’s so wrong that you feel the need to be quiet during the show?” 
Veneer closed his eyes and took a deep breath, preparing himself for the worst kind of outcome from his sister, “I’m being let out of the facility for a while. With Avey.”
Velvet was dangerously quiet. Veneer was prepared to jump up and run if he had to. He looked at his sister’s face and saw how her nose scrunched up in a way that he knew things were about to go South. He felt his legs flex, ready to stand up given a moment’s time.
Taking a deep breath through her nostrils, Velvet did her best to calm down. “That…That’s great…I guess…” She grumbled, feeling her stomach tie in a way that must be jealousy. She gripped the couch so tight that if she still wore press on nails like she used to, then they probably would have popped her real nails off with them. Take deep breaths…she told herself. “I want…I want to do that too sometime. I miss going to sushi.”
“Maybe…If you do really well,” Veneer tested the waters, “Then you and I and Avery can all go out to sushi.”
“That would be great,” Velvet mumbled under her breath then went dead quiet. 
Veneer scooted closer to his sister and patted her shoulder. He knew that she would be upset for a while, but he was proud that she was trying to change her anger patterns and to not let herself succumb to outbursts. He was proud of her as well. 
The days passed quickly and Veneer was glad that it was Friday. He was practically bouncing off the walls waiting out in Dr. Graham’s office. For once he could wear STREET clothes!! Of course, his stripped orange Facility garments would catch too much public attention. He was glad to at least let those clothes go. He also chose to let his hair down this day, so it wasn’t slicked up in that familiar mullet. Plus, it’s not like he had access to a lot of gel within this facility. They were waiting for Avery to arrive. He knew that if she showed up within an hour, she was still technically early. She didn’t have a car, so she always made sure she was early rather than late. 
The guard stepped into the room and looked directly at him. She’s here…! He screamed to himself and stood without even waiting for the command. He was waved over and taken into the room. He was then promptly patted down then given the heads up.
When Avery saw Veneer, she saw that he was wearing a plain gray hoodie and jeans. He looked very different than what she was usually used to seeing, but she could also tell he looked more comfortable. 
“Veneer!” She rushed over and hugged her friend. Their arms wrapped around each other immediately since both had already been checked over. “Are you excited for today?” She didn’t pull back but still looked up at him. 
Veneer was already looking down at her. He patted her back. “More than ever! I can’t wait to get out, but I also can’t wait to spend the day with YOU. Can you believe that we made friends over the piece of paper?”
“Yeah, it’s like an old school version of social media. Better too.” Avery nodded with a smile and pulled back. Naturally, her hand dipped down and their fingers linked together. Veneer wrapped his own fingers around hers with a big blush on his face. “I made plans to go to a good coffee shop before we hit the roller rink. We’ll be able to sneak the coffee in since the cook knows our coffee there sucks. Does that sound like a plan?”
Veneer nodded and wiggled his body excitingly on the spot. “Oh PLEASE, I haven’t had a good macchiato in a while and I’m DYING for one.” He laughed. 
With the guard right behind them, the two left the facility. Veneer didn’t know, but Dr. Graham was watching him from her window with a proud expression on her face. She was so excited for Veneer to make new steps into the world. She just hoped that the world would forgive him and treat him kindly. Yes, he did awful things, but she truly saw the vulnerable side of him that was trying to repent for what he had done. 
Avery called for a taxi rather than take the bus. Since they were on limited time, she didn’t want to experience the agony of waiting for the bus to take her where they needed to go. She had specifically bought only necessities for the past few weeks so she could treat herself and Veneer today. When the taxi sped over and screeched right in front of them, Veneer reached for the door first and opened it. She stood there for a moment, thinking he was going to climb in himself, and then blushed when she realized he had opened it for her rather. She climbed in and he got into the car next to her, sitting in the middle. The guard pulled into the front seat, earning the two some questionable stares from the taxi driver. For a second, he caught a glance of Veneer in the center of his vehicle through the rearview mirror, making the male want to sink down. Had he already been caught by the media?
No words were said whether he recognized him or not. Veneer put his hoodie up and checked in on Avery, who smiled as she looked out the window. Their fingers never left one another, and he discovered that holding her hand felt like a necessity in his world. He didn’t want to let her go, not even for a second. 
“The Blue Bell Coffee shop, please,” Avery told the taxi driver as politely as she could and slipped him his money. 
Not much had changed about Mount Rageous. The roads were still as wild as ever with cars racing in every direction. He did notice however that there were more tracks built, probably to accommodate the growing population of tourists and the Mount Rageous themselves. He hadn’t driven since that night he had been arrested, but he remembered the thrill of being on the road and missed it. 
Avery allowed for some quiet in the taxi, noticing how Veneer couldn’t stop looking out the window. She wanted him to savor the moment of being out. It’s not like they didn’t have hours to spend already. 
With the fast-paced driving of the Mount Rageons, they were to the coffee shop in no time. Everyone got out quickly to let the taxi driver continue on to his next client. Avery snuck him his tip before getting out last. She smoothed out her skirt and looked to the side, seeing Veneer’s hand held out expectantly. Avery smiled and put her hands in his again. She couldn’t imagine how he was feeling right now. Scared? Nervous? There was so much going on for him, she knew so she took his hand without a complaint. 
They entered the coffee shop together. Veneer squeezed her hand so she squeezed his back, trying to tell him that she was right there and was promising to take care of him. 
There were only two girls at the counter, which Avery was thankful for. However as they stepped behind the two strangers, they turned around. The girls gasped and right away Avery knew that they recognized Veneer. At this point, his grip on Avery’s hand was painful, but she refused to let go. 
“Oh my god!” The girl sounded excited and squealed. She got her phone out and snapped a photo of the two holding hands. Avery was stunned at the flash that went off in her eyes and used her free hand to rub her eyes. “Veneer, are you out?! That’s amazing. Can I get a selfie with you?” she asked. 
Veneer couldn’t find the right words. He was stunned. Why weren’t these two getting mad at him for the scam he and his sister ran? He was completely uncomfortable with all of this. 
Veneer raised a hand and shook his head. “Uh, no thank you…No pictures please. Thank you.”
The girl frowned and lowered her phone but didn’t put it away. “What? Why? Is this your girlfriend? Does she not like photos? That’s very controlling of her, Veneer…”
Veneer saw how Avery blushed and looked away. He turned back to the girls, frowning, and then spoke confidently, “No, I don’t like photos. Please leave us alone. If you’re not going to step up in line, then let us through.”
The girls didn’t move so the two stepped forward with Veneer leading the way. He looked to Avery as she made the order for them and she paid. The entire time, he felt all eyes on him. The Barista was staring at him and whispering to her coworker when they thought he wasn’t looking at her, and the girls behind him made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. Even his bodyguard couldn’t tear his eyes off him from where he stood near the front and only door. Now, he swore that everyone’s eyes were on him and he wanted out of the shop as soon as possible. 
Avery whispered to Veneer, “If you want to step outside to breathe, then I can get our drinks and meet you there.” 
Veneer shook his head in disagreement, “I’d rather not let go of your hand at the moment, if that’s okay.”
Avery nodded and together they waited until their frappe mochas were done. They grabbed them and headed out the door as fast as possible, avoiding eye contact with the girls as much as they could. Veneer suspected that they had taken more photos of them without his knowledge. This was an awful feeling in his chest right now. 
The guard followed them outside and stood right behind the young too. Veneer released the nervous breath he had been holding inside the shop. Even with his hood up, others still could see his face, and for some reason, those girls liked him even after the confession he gave at his last concert. They were superfans, whether he wanted to admit that or not. He didn’t like the thought of all that. 
“Are you okay, Veneer?” 
Veneer nodded but Avery wasn’t sure if she was convinced. “Okay, then let's get back to the diner. Usually, there’s not a lot of people there at this time of day, so it’ll be a perfect time for us to sit down and eat.” Avery gave his hand a reassuring squeeze before she waved down another cab. 
This time, Veneer was quiet and didn’t say anything. His smile had perished. Avery didn’t like that and wished she knew a way to help him smile. She tapped him on the shoulder and caught his attention. 
“Do you like your drink?” she asked and leaned her head against his shoulder, “I don’t know what it is about it, but mocha frappes are an addiction.”
“Oh man do I know it.” Veneer’s smile finally returned, allowing for Avery to feel relieved. “I used to drink them a lot. It’s probably why I was so hyper and anxious all the time.” He laughed before taking a sip of the frappe. The flavor was so extreme that it caught him off guard, reminding him that he had not had one in over the year he’d been in the facility and shouldn’t go overboard. If this flavor was out of this world, then he wasn’t sure how he was going to feel about a large greasy pizza. Either way, he was excited for it. 
They arrived at the diner. Veneer got out of the taxi first and helped Avery out. If Veneer was still his old self, then he would have looked up to the diner in disgust but now he looked up to it in wonder and familiarity. Avery had talked about it so much that he felt as though he knew the place without really being there. And now he was! 
The diner was not modern like the style of what he was used to in the growing world of Mount Rageous. It was older, some of the buildings when the city had first been established. It also belonged to the poorer side of Mount Rageous. There was a strange and different emotion growing inside him—it was empathy for Avery. Not judgment. He wondered how an amazing girl like her could end up in such a place, and how he wished he had been smart with his fame and riches. So he could treat her and make her feel special. Oh, Avery…
Veneer allowed Avery to guide the way. 
“So yeah, this is where I work. It’s actually a lot nicer on the inside,” Avery spoke as though she could read Veneer’s thoughts. Both of them stepped inside and found a booth in the center. 
Avery was just as nervous as Veneer. She wasn’t sure how her coworkers would act when they saw her with the former pop star. 
“Avery, what the hell are you doing here?” The cook asked, but in a playful manner. It still made Veneer flinch. The cook looked to Veneer and then to Avery but didn’t seem to suspect a thing, “Are you really having a date here, at work? And, you bring coffee without bringing me any? You wound me, girl. You want your usual? What does your date want?” Being a waitress like Avery had benefits—she could skip the line. 
“Yes, that’ll be great. And hey, you didn’t bring me anything that one time you brought in coffee. This is payback.” She swished her drink with a smirk before sitting across from Veneer. 
“I don’t think he recognized me…” Veneer said and sat stiff across from her. He still didn’t want to take his hoodie down in case another person would come in. The diner was bare, which was normal after lunch hour. Avery had timed the meeting perfectly. 
“He’s so old that he gets my coworker and me mixed up all the time.” Avery waved a hand dismissively, “He’s never talked about enjoying music, so you should be okay.”
“Is it just him?”
“Maybe…But my coworker Gracie is on the shift but probably on lunch. She’s a friend of mine, and she’s only a few years older…I’m a bit nervous about her reaction, but no matter what we’ll prove to her.” She reached across the table and held his hand smiling. 
What the two didn’t know was that the women from earlier had uploaded the picture of Avery and Veneer onto social media. Soon the hashtag #VeneerOUT was trending across all the social medias. The two sat unaware across from each other, happily eating as the food was brought out to them. 
“Oh my god…This looks SO good.” Veneer looked down at the pizza and fries he had ordered and nearly drooled. He didn’t care if the pizza was pooling with grease, he just wanted something that didn’t taste processed or plastic-like back in the facility. He wondered if he would be allowed to take leftovers back to the facility and share them with his sister, or if he could give the leftovers to Avery. He knew that he wasn’t going to eat all of this by himself. Luckily Avery would share the pizza and fries with him, it would make him feel less guilty about wasting food. 
Avery whispered to him while the cook’s back was turned, “It’s not the best pizza in town, but it’s better than nothing, huh?”
“Or the crap that I eat back in the facility,” Veneer scoffed and started with a large slice, watching in amazement as the cheese barely wanted to let go of the whole pizza. 
Veneer looked over to his guard, who was in the booth behind him and closest to the door. He smiles and leans over. “Do you want a slice?”
“No thanks,” the guard responded gruffly but Veneer swore he saw a smile on his face. He turned back and continued to eat with Avery, sharing both a soda and a milkshake with her. With the included coffee, Veneer felt close to bursting. 
After two and a half slices later, Veneer leaned back with a hand on his stomach. “Oh, I’m stuffed! This is heaven.”
Avery giggled, wiping her greasy fingers off on a napkin. “If you think this is heaven, then maybe you should taste my cooking at home. We can make that our next date if you’d like,” she teased him, making the male blush and nod. 
“I’d really like that. Thank you.”
Avery stood. “I’ll go grab some to go boxes for the rest of the pizza. Wait right here.” Avery smiled and took the napkins to throw away along the way.
There was the ring of the bell as someone came through the front door. Instinctively Veneer looked over and his eyes widened as he saw who walked through the door. It was Rebel Rivers. The infamous pop star who rose to fame shortly before he and his sister were arrested. In fact, the reason she rose to number one was because he had exposed himself and his sister as frauds. He remembered how Velvet wouldn’t shut up about her for the first month. Oh god, she just walked through that door!
Veneer made sure his hoodie was up and kept his back facing the door, hoping she chose a spot behind him so they couldn’t face eye-to-eye. He knew that she would know who he was. 
Two men were behind Rivers, who waved friendly like at the cook. “Hope you don’t mind, but my guards are going to watch the doors and make sure that no one comes in~ I’ll pay extra. I just don’t want any fans smothering me while I’m just trying to eat my lunch. You understand, yeah?”
Indeed, there was a crowd of people outside of the door, wanting in but luckily being kept out thanks to the two bodyguards at the door. 
The cook looked at her with a confused expression as he cleaned a glass and shrugged it off. “Alrighty then, just means I won’t have to cook as much. What do you want to eat?”
“Oh, I need a minute. In fact, hey waitress!” 
Avery stood right across the room, holding two styrofoam to go boxes, frozen to the spot. She would have dropped the boxes if they weighed anything then she would have dropped them, but instead she crushed them slightly in her hands. “Y-Yes?” she squeaked, both her flight and fight, and even her work instincts were kicking into overdrive, making her anxiously listen to Rivers.
“Can I have a menu to decide what I want to eat?”
“Yes, of course…” Avery took a menu from the counter. She felt herself shaking as she walked across the room, feeling as though she was stuck in a death march where Rivers would be the enemy on the other side, ready to execute her. Avery came up to Rivers, seeing how much more beautiful and expensive her former friend had become. She placed the menu down and was about to turn away from her to return to her seat, but Rivers grabbed her wrist and held her in place. 
Veneer watched the scene by slightly tilting his head to look at the two. His eyebrows were furrowed. 
Rivers put on her best fake smile as she leaned closer to Avery to whisper, “You and I need to talk. I saw a photo of you on social media.” She leaned away, releasing her wrist, and then spoke in her fakest voice, “Can you show me to your restrooms?” 
“Oh…Uh, absolutely…Follow me.” Avery took a deep breath and led Rivers to the restrooms. As she passed Veneer, she cast a quick and anxious expression toward him before disappearing behind the door with Rivers. 
Veneer frowned. What was she doing?
Avery knew that the moment she closed the doors Rivers would scream at her. Sure enough, Rivers grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. “What the HELL do you think you’re doing?” she growled, getting up in Avery’s face, “I saw the pictures of you and Veneer up on the socials. You think I’m going to tolerate this harassment?”
“What do you mean?! I’m not harassing you! If some girls posted some pictures of me and Veneer online, then it’s because Veneer got out a little today and they think I’m his girlfriend!”
“Are you?” she snarls. 
Avery wasn’t sure if they were official and crossed her arms, “It’s none of your business, Rivers. Stop being so narcissistic and thinking that everything revolves around you!” She threw her hands into the air, “I wasn’t trying to do anything to piss you off, so can you leave me alone and stop harassing me.” She tried to push River’s hand off her forearm but Rivers refused to let go. 
In fact, Rivers pulled her closer and growled inches away from her face, “I’ve got my eye on you, Avery. Don’t do anything stupid, you hear me?! I’ll make your life a living hell in a heartbeat.”
Rivers shoved Avery into the wall and took her way out. She pulled money from her bra and tossed hundred dollar bills at the cook, making him flinch and try to catch the bills mid air. “Consider this my tip for the inconvenience, I’ve decided not to eat here.” As she walked past Veneer’s table, she slowed down and whispered to the male in the hoodie, “You’re not fooling anyone with that stupid get-up sweetie. What a fraud you are.” She laughs and snaps her fingers for her guards, who pushed through the crowd of people and helped her leave the diner. 
Confused as to what happened, Veneer rushed over to the bathroom door. “Avery!”
At the same time, Gracie walked in through the staff door, holding her purse, seeing the hooded figure run into the bathroom, gasping her best friend’s name. “Avery??” She followed behind the figure with her purse, ready to smack him upside the head with it. Instead, as she entered the bathroom, she saw the figure holding onto a crying Avery.
“What’s going on?” a male voice asked, hugging her friend close. “Are you alright, Avery? What did she say to you?” It didn’t matter to Veneer if he understood what was going on, he just wanted to make sure his best friend was alright. 
Gracie approached them from behind, not wanting to ruin the moment, but also wanting to check in on the person who was also her friend. “Avery…? Who’s this?”
Avery opened her teary eyes and looked at Gracie from over Veneer’s shoulder and pulled away. “Oh uh—This is…My friend…A friend.”
When Veneer turned around, showing his face, Gracie dropped her purse and gasped, a hand over her mouth. “You’re…Veneer…The former pop star…”
Veneer nodded but waved a hand dismissively, “Please, let’s worry about that later.” He turned to Avery and held her by the shoulders, “Please, Rivers said something to you didn’t she?” he asked, squeezing her gently, “What did she say? Do you know her?”
Avery didn’t want to say anything, but it was hard not to. These two were her only friends in this world, but also her very best friends. Deep down she knew that they wouldn’t get mad at her, but there would always be a part of her that would always be afraid, “Yes…Rebel Rivers. She’s a fraud. She’s a fake. I know that because we worked together.” She clenched her fist at her side, “Rivers is an awful person inside and out. We made music together. She played the instruments and I sang the music.”
Gracie frowned, “You sang the music? But it’s always been Rivers on stage or in front of the camera.”
Avery acknowledged Gracie with a nod, “Yeah because I asked her to lip sync for me cause I had bad stage fright. But I asked her to stop the moment I finally had the confidence to sing! When I told her that, she took everything from me and kicked me out of our condo. She gave me only a hundred dollars to live on. That’s why I’m here, working in this crappy job and living in apartments that I fear will fall in on me in my sleep.” She sucked in a deep and shaky breath, “I would sing for you, but I haven’t sung since the day she kicked me out. But I swear everything I’m telling you is true.” She tried to not cry more as she looked back and forth between her two friends.
Many conflicting feelings swirled in Veneer. Avery was friends with him—he is the shell of someone like Rivers. He didn’t like that thought. He touched Avery’s shoulder before bringing her into a big hug, “You’re clearly upset about this…I believe you…I promise.” He allowed his chin to rest against the top of her head as he held her, letting her sob her feelings out into his chest. Normally, he would have been grossed out by tears, but over time he had learned that being sad and emotional wasn’t bad at all. He rubbed Avery’s back comfortably. 
“I believe you too.” Gracie hugged Avery from behind, the two wrapping her in a warm embrace. 
Avery choked back tears and wiped her eyes with her palm. “Thank you both…You guys are amazing people…” she hiccuped and smiled up at Veneer, then at Gracie. 
Outside of the bathroom stood Veneer’s guard. The door was cracked open, just enough for him to peek inside. He had heard everything Avery had said. 
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uncannysam · 8 months
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PARTIES: @magmahearts, @uncannysam TIMING: Early December SUMMARY: What's supposed to be a fun hangout sesh turns serious when Sam shocks Cass with a secret she's been harboring. WARNINGS: grief tw
If it was one thing that had become valuable since Zach’s death, it was spending time with the other friends that Sam had made over the years, and even more recent friends, like Cass. And the planned get together had given her something to look forward to all week. Of course, anything that was related to comics and cosplay had been right up Sam’s alley as well, even though she had promised she wouldn’t take part in the sewing of her friend’s new Marvels costume she was working on, but Sam would put her hot glue gun skills to use.
With her apartment looking cleaner than it had in weeks, and Scout laying curled up on the couch, Sam was ready for her company. The only thing that might have been a bit of an issue was her lack of sleep and the rambling that had seemed to come from her brain going a hundred miles per hour, but that was okay right? As long as her foot didn’t live in her mouth like it normally did, Sam would be okay. But that was also banking on the fact that the weird shit that had been happening to the twenty-eight year old lately wouldn’t bleed over into their hanging out time tonight.
Getting to talk comics with people was always exciting. With most of her friends, Cass was very much in the process of converting them to her various fandoms. Some, like Milo, were already as deep in the world of superheroes as Cass herself, but others were just getting into it. She’d given Alex and Aria recommendation lists about as long as her arm, and waited with excitement for them to finish each issue. Even then, she wanted more. Sam was someone who could provide her with that. The two had a lot of shared interests. It meant that, when they were together, there was scarcely a moment of silence between them, each breath filled with rambling discussions on the latest issues or casting news.
So she was excited as she made her way to the door of Sam’s apartment, practically skipping over. She rapped her knuckles against the wood rhythmically, settling back on her heels as she waited for the door to swing open. When it did, she wasted no time, preferring to launch into discussion immediately. “So, I’m thinking bright colors. The movie was great, but I’m not big on how muted everything is in those movies, you know? Like, comic books are so colorful, and the movies are like ‘oh, no, it would be silly if our people who fly around and shoot lasers out of their hands are wearing bright red! It would —” She cut herself off, noting the odd look on Sam’s face. “Hey, are you good?”
When Sam heard the knock on the door, she knew it was go time. Her hot glue gun was going to get some use, but even better, having someone to hang out with again wouldn’t make things seem so quiet and lonely in her apartment. Sure, Scout was a great companion, but he couldn’t talk – at least she didn’t think he could. She wasn’t really quite sure anymore, but that's besides the point. Though she couldn’t help but glance down at him as the thought briefly crossed her mind, No. Don’t even go there, Sam.
As she shook the thought from her mind, she moved to the door and pulled it open with a smile, but the smile quickly faltered when she saw what looked to be a talking pile of rock standing in front of her. Which must have been pretty damn obvious, because when Cass – if this was even Cass – had commented, she blinked a few times and forced an uneasy smile on her face, “Uh, I…I thought we were doing The Marvels cosplay…not The Thing from Fantastic Four. But hey! If that’s what you’re currently vibing with…” Sam had completely ignored all the stuff Cass had been saying as she opened the door. I’m losing my mind. I’m losing my fucking mind. That’s what this has to be…
Sam was still looking at her strangely, and Cass took a moment to glance down at her outfit. Maybe she’d done a poor job washing her clothes. She’d been using the washer and dryer at Alex’s cabin instead of the stream lately, but the last time she’d cleaned this particular outfit, she was pretty sure she’d done it in the cave. Had she missed something? Maybe it was ripped? But, no — it looked fine. Clean, normal. So why was Sam staring at her?
The question, too, was perplexing. “Uh… I don’t even know how you’d cosplay the Thing? I mean, styrofoam, I guess? But I’d need to be a lot taller to really sell it, and I don’t really want to commit to all that right now. I’d rather just do the Marvels?” Why was Sam bringing up the Thing? In a moment of panic, Cass wondered if her glamour was unstable, but… She’d feel that, wouldn’t she? It took concentration to hold it up, sure, but it wasn’t as if her concentration could fall enough to be noticeable without her being somewhat aware of it. “Sam, are you okay? You’re not making a ton of sense.”
The look on Cass’s face had left Sam even more confused. Is this some kind of joke? Cass didn’t seem the type, but Sam had only known her a couple of months. Still she couldn’t help, but cock her head to the side and raise an eyebrow. Moving forward she even reached out to touch Cass on the cheek. It was legit rock. Firm and not giving when the twenty-eight year old pressed in on it, “If that’s styrofoam…How did you make it so hard?” This didn’t make sense. And as rude as Sam was being right now, she couldn’t get past Cass’s firm rocky exterior.
Hearing a couple of barks from Scout is what had seemed to snap her out of the trance she was in and also made her realize how close she had become to her friend, “Okay, I’m, wow, I’m really sorry. I just, uh…I wasn’t sure if this was a joke or…I mean, it looks great. The rocks look super realistic. You must have worked months on this.” Sam had completely ignored what Cass had said about making a Marvels costume, “I’m being rude though. Come in.” Her mind didn’t want to believe what she was seeing. She wanted it to be a costume, and that’s what she had defaulted too until Cass said otherwise.
Sam touched her, and Cass pulled back uncertainly. The glamour was only a visual thing, she knew; beneath it, she was always what she was. She’d come up with a few lies here and there over the years — a skin condition, a need for more lotion, all kinds of things — but with Sam already asking questions she didn’t particularly want to answer… She swallowed nervously, eyes darting down to her body again. The glamour was there, so why wasn’t it working? Nora saw through it, but Nora had always seen through it. Sam, as far as she knew, hadn’t. If she had, she would have said something before now, right? 
“I — I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Was that sick feeling in her stomach because of the lie or the nerves? Maybe it was both; a tag-team of nausea delivering a brutal punch. Cass took a step back. “Sam, seriously, you’re freaking me out.” Not a lie. “I didn’t — I’m not wearing any costume.” Not a lie. “What are you talking about? Please tell me. Please. I don’t — I don’t understand.” Definitely not a lie. 
Sam had felt horrible for touching Cass, and when her friend further explained about being freaked out, the twenty-eight year old stammered, “I - Uh…I’m…I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have touched you. I just…Why do you keep saying you don’t understand?” Now, she was starting to panic. Was this real? Did Cass really have rocks all over her body? She had to by the way she was denying everything Sam had said. Unless, Sam really was losing her mind. The only thing she could do would be to actually straighten this out and have a discussion. That or slam the door in the girl’s face and never come out ever again. And as much as she wanted to go with the second option, she knew she couldn’t.
“Cass, please come in…We need to talk. I need to figure this out…I…” Sam was trying not to let tears come to her eyes, but the realization of the whole thing was freaking her out and now, with Scout barking, it seemed as if he was confirming what Sam knew was true in the back of her mind, despite how much she wanted to deny it and hope it wasn’t. But she wasn’t about to have a discussion about being made of rock, in the hallway, even if nobody was around at the moment.
“Because I don’t understand,” Cass repeated, a little bit of frustration bubbling up. Her glamour was there. It was in effect, it was hiding her from view. So why was Sam giving her the same look Kuma had when she’d stumbled upon the oread without it? The confusion, the fear… Cass felt a panic gripping her chest, constricting her lungs. If her glamour was messed up somehow and she didn’t know it, no one would want to be around her anymore. No one would want to be her friend, no one would like her.
She took another step back, still uncertain. “Figure what out, Sam? I — I have no idea what you’re talking about!” Nausea rose up, her stomach churning. Was it because she was lying? She didn’t know. She didn’t know if she was lying or not. “I’m not coming in until you tell me what’s going on. I don’t understand what’s happening.”
It was like they were talking in circles. Sam didn’t understand what was going on with Cass and Cass didn’t understand what was going on with Sam. It was frustrating to say the least, and she was starting to hear it in Cass’ voice. If Cass said she wasn’t wearing a costume, then this meant that she was like the other things Sam had seen around town. The unexplained that always seemed to occur after little sleep. How did she explain that to someone who swore up and down that they weren’t in a costume and believed they were normal? She had always seen Cass as just a human. Nothing strange, except for maybe her taste in comics sometimes. But then, would Cass think Sam was losing her mind if she told her what she had been experiencing lately? And did Cass know she was covered in rocks? Someone was going to have to give in, and by the looks of things, it was going to have to be Sam.
“Fine. But as soon as I tell you, you have to come in. I haven’t told anyone this…ever, and I’m not about to start with any of my nosey ass neighbors.” Sam took a deep breath trying to find the words that sounded the least…ridiculous. Looking at the ground, she took in a deep breath and let out a long slow sigh, before looking back up at Cass, “So a few months ago I saw something really bad happen to my best friend, and I started going to see somebody about what I saw, and I thought that everything was good, right? But I started having nightmares again and started, pretty much, not sleeping. Well since then if I don’t get enough sleep, I start seeing weird shit. Like people with horns and wings, and now, you…with the rocks. It’s like my comic book obsession has come to life, and I don’t know what to do about it…” She knew Cass was probably going to turn around and run, but there it was. The truth. “Please, don’t say anything to anyone…” Sam stammered before looking down and kicking at the floor embarrassed.
“Deal.” It was an easy enough bind to agree to; after all, Cass wanted to know what Sam was talking just as badly as Sam wanted her to come inside. The best deals, Cass knew, were the ones where everyone involved got something out of the agreement. But even knowing that, there was some part of her that would always prefer the deals where she was the one getting more. It was selfish and meanspirited, but that was her, sometimes, no matter how well she hid it. She was getting the better deal here, too. Stepping inside an apartment was easy. Telling someone something you’d never told anyone else? That was a lot more complicated.
As Sam spoke, Cass listened. She felt a mixture of different things: sympathy for what Sam must have seen happen to her friend, understanding for the nightmares that had followed, curiosity for what the lack of sleep had done to her, relief that her glamour wasn’t failing. She ducked into the apartment, taking a deep breath and motioning for Sam to shut the door. “I’m sorry,” she said in a small voice, shifting her weight. “I wasn’t — Um, I wasn’t totally honest with you. About the rocks. I can — I can tell you, but… I mean, I’m gonna sound crazy, so…”
A wave of relief seemed to wash over Sam when Cass agreed to step inside, but she still didn’t feel any better about the revelation of her big secret coming out. However, she shut the door and made her way over to the couch to sit down. If Cass wanted to follow, she could, but so many questions were popping up in her mind. Would Cass break the couch? Was it comfortable being rocks all the time? Was any of this actually real or was she just stuck in some nightmare of a former life she once knew? All questions she wanted to ask, but felt ashamed to, “You’re more than welcome to sit wherever. Do you…want anything to drink or?” Do human rocks need water?
Sam didn’t want to outright admit that she was a bit nervous. Never had she invited anyone that wasn’t strictly human. At least to her current knowledge. That could have all been a lie. At this point she was starting to wonder if Zach had been lying to her… “So…you’re telling me, you…are covered in rocks right now? I’m not just seeing things because I’m tired?” Sam let a yawn escape her lips at the word tired. A bad habit that had started to pop up in her life, since all of this started, “Sorry.” She yawned again, covering her mouth and blinking a few times, before setting her eyes on Cass again.
Already, Sam was looking at her differently. Cass could feel it. She thought of Kuma, of the way her attitude towards Cass had changed so quickly the moment she saw her without the glamour. Sam wasn’t screaming, wasn’t demanding that Cass leave, but she was looking at her differently and it hurt just a little, so she shrugged. “I’m okay.” She didn’t want to be a burden, didn’t want to give Sam any more excuses to hate her. It was funny — she’d met so many people in this town that thought nothing of her glamour that it felt strange to meet someone who considered it strange at all. She longed for the underreactions of her friends now, or for Alex, who thought it was a thing of beauty. 
She shifted her weight a bit, shaking her head. “Well, it isn’t… I’m not covered in rocks. It’s more like… I am the rocks. And it’s not just right now. It’s all the time. I don’t know why you can see it right now. You shouldn’t be able to. I have a — it’s called a glamour. It makes me look more… um… human. Because I’m not. Human.” She glanced up just in time to see Sam yawn. “Are you okay? You seem… really tired.”
Not human? Cass is actually made of rocks? Sam was so confused. Comic books had been one thing, but all she had experienced within the past few months had been more than nerve-wracking. She couldn’t quite put her finger on any of this. Why was this happening to her of all people, but regardless, at least it hadn’t been Deer Lady sitting in front of her asking her to pay her debts for being bad, “Does…Does it hurt? I mean being rocks?” She didn’t know what she was saying. “Look, I’m sorry. I’ve just...There are stories that my family has passed down, but none of rock people or half of the other types of people I’ve seen walking around Wicked’s Rest since this…thing happened. I don’t know whether to call it a gift or a curse.”
Sam squeezed her tired eyes shut for a moment, before looking back over at Cass. “I’m sorry if I seem judgemental. I don’t mean to be, but I’ve just never experienced this before, and all of this happened so fast…And what do you mean you’re not human?” She paused for a moment, “If I don’t sleep, I can see through, what did you call them? Glamours?” She sighed, “Aka…I’m afraid to go to sleep…Afraid that what got my friend, might come for me too or worse…Deer Lady…”
Did it hurt? No one had ever asked her that before. The question confused her a little, and that confusion was written clearly on the oread’s face. “Not any more than it hurts you to not be rocks, I guess?” There were probably ways of being that did ache a little, but Cass didn’t think hers did. The things that hurt her were outside forces. Not what she was, but other people’s reactions to it. “What… kind of stories do you have?” Maybe she could find some explanation that fit in with what Sam already knew, some way of explaining things that would slot nicely into her existing worldview. If nothing else, at least it would help her to know that Cass wasn’t nuts or anything like that.
“I’m fae,” she replied. “A nymph. An oread, to be, like, super specific. A rock nymph. Or, um, technically a volcano nymph, in my case.” How many times had she explained this now? She was starting to lose track. It never got any easier, especially if the person she was explaining it to wasn’t someone who already knew what a fae was. “What do you mean by that? What… got your friend? And who’s Deer Lady?”
Cass’s answer made sense. Sam didn’t physically hurt as a human unless she was injured or sick, which almost led her to her next question, but she refrained. She could see the hurt on the girl’s face. This had definitely not gone like it should have. They were supposed to just be working on a cosplay together. Not discussing what Cass actually was or that Sam could see the truth of what people really were, “That makes sense.” She nodded, before stopping for a moment. There had been many legends from her people, and sharing them could take a while, so instead, she tried to aim for something that might have sounded familiar or really just aimed for the first one that came to mind, “As for your question, my stories are legends passed down from my Mohawk ancestors that my grandparents, aunties, uncles, and parents have shared with me growing up. You may or may not have heard some of them, but one popular one, Sky-Woman, is about Atsi'tsiaka:ion, a celestial being who fell from the sky after being cast out the heavens for doing something wrong. Some versions of the legend even tell of her bringing strawberries and tobacco to the Earth.” Sam had loved hearing legends and tales from her family. Even to this day, when she would occasionally return home to visit her family in Canada, she would get her aunties to tell her the same tales she had heard many times before. But now that some of these things were coming true in their own ways, Sam was struggling to adjust.
“Fae…” Sam repeated the word over and over in her head, and the more Cass described, the more familiar it all started to sound as she began to recall more of her people's lore. She had heard of something similar, but Cass looked nothing like what she imagined in her head, “You’re Gahongas!” She figured Cass probably didn’t know what the word meant, “It means Stone Thrower. But you’re taller than what I was taught, and I don’t believe there was ever any mention of Gahongas having rocks for skin. I’m sorry for prying, but do you happen to live in a cave?” The legend had spoken of such, and if Cass had said yes, her family’s legends were starting to become reality. Her realization soon faded into something else though with the question of what happened to Zach and the mention of Deer Lady.
Sam stood up from where she had been sitting and walked over to the window to look outside. Did she really want to rehash this? Cass had been kind enough to explain herself when she could have easily told Sam to fuck off, “You’re probably going to think I’m lying, but…I’m pretty sure it was vampires…There were puncture marks all over his body, and he was as pale as the snow outside when they were finished with him…I ran though. I did nothing to help him…” She trailed off, tears coming to her eyes as she continued to stare outside, “It’s why I fear Deer Lady is after me. She comes for people who have been bad. And if you’re living proof of the Gahongas, then that means that Deer Lady is real too, and I’m never going to be able to sleep again…”
The story wasn’t one Cass was familiar with, though she wasn’t familiar with most human stories aside from the ones she’d immersed herself in on television or in comic books. She liked this one, though; liked the idea of something bigger than herself, just as she always had. For Cass, and the oreads she’d grown up around, that bigger thing was the Earth. The stones, the volcanoes, the mountains. “What did she do wrong?” It was hard not to wonder. What could be so bad to see someone cast out from their community? If Cass understood, maybe she’d be able to work out why she’d been turned away from hers.
Her brow furrowed a little at the unfamiliar word. “Some fae are shorter. Some are taller. Like everyone else, I guess.” She thought of the nymph she’d met in her cave, the one who towered over everything, or of the one at the BMV who was shorter. “I, um…” She hesitated. Would Sam judge her if she admitted to living in a cave? Shifting her weight, she nodded sheepishly. “I do, yeah. I lived in a volcano in Hawai’i, but…” There were no volcanoes in Maine. She used to think about leaving to find one somewhere else, but that was long before she’d made connections and carved out a place of belonging for herself here. Now, she couldn’t imagine leaving. Not unless someone forced her to. 
She watched Sam walk towards the window, wondering if she’d said or done something wrong somewhere along the line. “I wouldn’t think you were lying,” she replied quietly, trailing behind her friend at a safe distance. “I… Vampires are real. I know a few. So… You could be right.” Was it okay, telling Sam all this? Would she feel better knowing it, or was ignorance bliss? Cass didn’t know. She didn’t know what she’d want if she were in Sam’s shoes. “I don’t think you were bad, Sam. It sounds like you were afraid. Anyone would have been. Being afraid isn’t the same as being bad.”
Sam hadn’t expected the question of what Skywoman had done wrong, “Different versions claim different things. But it’s a story that represents creation and sometimes the contrast of good vs evil, because some legends claim that Skywoman had twins.” She took a moment. Was there still a lesson that Skywoman could teach Sam at this moment? Good vs evil? It was something she could ponder on another time. She had other things to discuss with Cass.
“That…makes sense about the height differences.” Sam listened as Cass continued to explain Jogah as well as admitting to living in a cave and once a volcano. There was no judgment from Sam at all. Instead, the more she knew about legends and the reality of some of the creatures in them, the better prepared she would be if she were going to keep seeing the world for what it really was. Turning around to face her friend, she let her eyes stay focused on Cass’s. She had seen what the woman was made of and there wasn’t any need to study her rocky exterior, “That’s actually really cool, Cass. Thank you for being honest with me.”
A small smile had slipped over her lips, eyes still holding lingering tears, but soon dropped again with the confirmation that vampires were real. Knowing that Cass actually knew vampires was something that scared her, “How…aren’t you afraid of them?” Had that been a dumb question considering her friend was made of rocks? Vampires couldn’t bite rocks. But they could easily bite human skin, “But I could have done something. I could have fought. Tried to get them off of him. Anything! But I hid like a coward, Cass. And then ran! I left him there to die!” By now the tears were streaming down Sam’s cheeks as she found herself collapsing to the floor defeated.
Good and evil were difficult concepts to understand. Cass knew that. Even in the comics and stories she adored so much, there were gray areas. No villain was completely wrong, no hero completely righteous. The truth always fell somewhere between two extremes. She could only assume that the stories Sam’s family had shared with her were similar. Skywoman may have done something wrong, but it was wrong to cast her out, too. It had been wrong for Cass’s aos si to cast her out, to leave her to fend for herself as a child. There were no right answers; that was the hard part.
Sam didn’t seem to be judging her for what she was, and there was some relief in there. Cass almost took the thanks reflexively, almost tightened a bind around her friend’s throat before remembering herself. She didn’t want to do that to friends, except… except she did. There was something she could never quite shake, some inclination towards chaos that was hard to rid herself of. She forced it down now, forced herself to swallow it like a dry loaf of bread that she needed to save herself from starving. “You shouldn’t thank me,” she said, the words hard to force out because she didn’t quite want to say them. “Or people like me. We can use your words against you.” 
She hummed at the question. “I know some who are kind,” she replied. “Vampires, werewolves, fae… they’re like humans. There are bad ones out there, ones who are cruel and violent and evil. But there are good ones, too. A vampire I know has been more of a parent to me than my actual parents ever even tried to be.” She ached a little as Sam continued. Her pain was so obvious, so tangible. Cass was gentle when she spoke again. “What could you have done, Sam? Honestly? If you hadn’t run, they would have turned on you next. I didn’t know your friend, but… I don’t think he would have wanted you to die with him.”
Sam looked at Cass through tears. What had she meant? Shouldn’t thank her or people like her? This hadn’t been in the lore she had heard, at least, if it had, she couldn’t remember. She would have to go back. Call her elders for clarification. If there were more Jogah living in Wicked’s Rest, her sight would give her the answer. But she knew not all people were Jogah. Not all who walked around with wings and hooves and horns, “Right…” She nodded softly, forcing down the words of thanks out of respect for the warning she had just been given.
Sam wiped her eyes and forced back the knot in her throat. The confirmation of more than just what Cass referred to as fae, included a creature Sam was already fearful of and another she had grown up hearing many legends about. But Cass’s words, and the way she explained how a vampire had taken her under their wing was slowly opening the young woman’s eyes to an idea she let slip her mind the night Zach was killed – that not everything in this world is made of evil intentions. Though it’d have to be something she reluctantly experienced for herself, and with the way things were coming to light in this town, she knew it probably wouldn’t be far off. Until then, she opted to remain quiet on the subject.
“I…I don’t know. And I know you’re right. But I was a coward in the face of fear, and I’ll never be able to get the sound of him screaming out of my head.” Sam released a quivering breath. Cass was right. She knew Zach wouldn’t have wanted her to end up in the same position, neither would her parents. Wiping her eyes one final time, she slowly got back to her feet. “I’m sorry again, about earlier. This…new ability, it’s taking a lot to get used to, and it’s a lot to take in. Can you forgive me for earlier?”
“I can tell you all the rules.” Because wasn’t that what she’d want someone to do for her, roles reversed? Whether she wanted to be or not, Sam lived in this world now. And living in any world without knowing the rules of it was a very dangerous thing, a very risky ordeal. Binds could kill people; Cass had seen it. And the idea of something like that happening to Sam, who talked about comics and made cosplay with her, was absolutely nauseating. She couldn’t even begin to accept it. 
Sam had been through enough already. That much was clear. It seemed unfair, seemed unjust. Cass had been born into this world and, as a result, the things she suffered made sense. They were expected, they were normal. Not deserved, she didn’t think — imagining that she’d somehow earned her experience with Rhett made her angry just to think about — but not unfair, either. For Sam, things were different. She shouldn’t have been attacked and victimized by a world she hadn’t even known existed. It wasn’t right.
“You weren’t a coward,” Cass insisted. “You saved yourself. That was the only thing you could have done. What happened isn’t your fault. The only people who are to blame are the vampires who did it, okay?” There were bad people out there. Cass knew that better than most. But she also knew that Sam wasn’t one of them. So it was easy to offer her a small smile, to nod her head. “Of course I can forgive you,” she said quietly. “You didn’t mean anything by it. I know that. It’s… a lot to take in. I get it.”
“You’re not gonna get in trouble or anything right? I-I don’t want to get you in trouble.” Sam had cared deeply about Cass. She was starting to see her as her kid sister, and now, an even cooler kid sister, because she was practically a volcano. It didn’t get any more badass than that the more it started to sink in. And as much as she wanted to tell her parents that the Little People were real, she didn’t want to break Cass’s trust nor put her family in any kind of danger. This town was full of scary things, and Sam was only seeing the tip of the iceberg.
Sam further listened to Cass knowing the younger woman had a point. As hard as it was to accept, it was fight or flight in that moment, and as much as she had hated herself for it, she had chosen flight, which had given her a second chance at life. Now, the best thing she could do was educate herself. Learn more about the creatures and people of Wicked’s Rest, so she hopefully wouldn’t be caught off guard and would be able to do something about it.
But first she wanted to make it up to Cass, “I can’t say what I want to say, but you’ve really opened my eyes today and given me a chance to see a different side of this new world. It means a lot. And I would love to hear about more of Wicked’s Rest’s residents, if you have time. I’ll spring for pizza, and we can work on that Ms. Marvel costume?” She knew it was a lot and wouldn’t be just a one evening thing, but Sam had seen the true identity of her friend, and there was no doubt in her mind that Cass wasn’t anything other than her friend.
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theemporium · 1 year
okaaaaaaaaaaay i just the new dialogue prompts so prompt no. 1 with sirius but please feed us with a lovesick fool!sirius <33333
1.”Okay, maybe I have a crush on you! So what?”
Sirius Black loved to do anything that would piss his mother off and take her a step closer to an early grave. 
Whether it was proudly sitting amongst those who weren’t purebloods or part of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, or wearing his house colours with pride despite the stain it left on the Black name. Whether it was embracing muggle culture, or picking on every little fight he could when he stayed under her roof. 
Sirius liked to push her buttons. He liked to poke the bear and he liked watching that vein on her forehead look as though it was seconds away from exploding. In fact, it had been another one of her fancy dinners that he attended on a whim in hopes to find a way to piss her off. 
What Sirius hadn’t been expecting was to meet you. And what he certainly wasn’t expecting was to fall head over heels for the girl his mother would ship him off with before he could even blink. 
He had tried to fight his feelings for as long as he could. He reminded himself that you were probably a pureblood elitist like the others in that room, that you were a Slytherin and you probably turned your nose down at people who he considered his closest friends. 
But then he started noticing you around Hogwarts and quickly realised that wasn’t the case. And it became a quick—and borderline pathetic game—for Sirius to find any excuse to be near you, to be on your radar.
He made jokes whenever he knew you were in the room and eagerly sought out your reaction to see if you laughed. He would make funny comments in classes you shared together to see if you’d lift your head from your textbook to notice him. He would throw peas at you during dinner to see if you would turn around to find him in the chaos of the Great Hall. 
His most recent attempt wasn’t even meant to be anything grand. Just a simple question he made up so he would have an excuse to walk over to you during potions and talk to you. 
But then Snape had made a point of kicking his bookbag in Sirius’ path and the wizard didn’t have enough time to catch the movement before he was stumbling forward, crashing down on a table full of potion bottles that smashed around him.
“Holy shit, are you okay?”
Sirius blinked, the blaring lights above slowly being covered by your face as you stared down at him with a concerned expression, eyes glancing over him to make sure there were no physical injuries. 
There was a slightly bitter, citrus-like taste on his lips that he didn’t have a chance to question before he was blurting out the first thought that came to his head when he saw your face in his line of vision. 
“You are really pretty!”
You paused, glancing down at the boy with a slightly surprised expression. “What?”
“Like, genuinely one of the fittest witches I have ever seen in my life,” he kept going, unable to stop himself. “Maybe even the fittest.”
“Thank you?” you said, a little unsure by the bold statement. 
“I think you might actually be the girl of my dreams but you make me nervous to talk to you and I have never had that with a girl before,” he told you, his eyes widening a little at just how easily that confession slipped from his lips. 
Sirius quickly scrambled to sit up, not caring about his soaked uniform or the mess around him as he glanced down at the bottles smashed on the floor. His eyes landed on a certain label and he tried not to let out a string of curse words.
Of course out of all the potions he could have possibly accidentally consumed, it had to be a truth potion.
“You feeling okay there, Black?” you asked cautiously.
“I like the way you say my name!” Sirius blurted out before slapping a hand over his mouth. “I—uh, pretend I didn’t say…anything that I just said in the last few minutes.”
However, to his surprise, you smiled and let out a small laugh. “Anything else you like?”
“You!” Sirius said confidently, though his face and ears burned as red as his house tie. “I…fuck. Okay, maybe I have a crush on you! So what? You’re pretty and smart and you make my heart feel funny.”
“I make your heart feel funny,” you repeated, sounding amused by his confession.
“Yeah, like a good funny,” Sirius continued even if his hands were clenched into fists at his side, nails digging into his sweaty palms. “Makes me wanna kiss you.”
You raised your brows. “Yeah?”
Sirius contemplated if a sinkhole swallowing him up would be too far-fetched to occur right now. “Yeah.”
“Well, I don’t need a potion to tell you I wanna kiss you too, Black.”
His eyes widened. “You do?”
“You’re not as subtle as you think,” you told him with a grin. “But it’s cute.” 
Sirius grinned back at you. “So, if I asked you out on a date, you’d say yes?”
“Ask me, Black, and then you’ll see.”
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a-had-matter · 1 year
Heads Up 7 Up
I've decided to do the Heads Up 7 Up Challenge. Thanks @aether-wasteland-s for the tag!
Rules: Post seven lines/sentences/paragraphs of a recent WIP, and tag people 7.
These are literally the only paragraphs I've written for this new WIP.
Theodore was attracted to Jesse, but he never noticed him. Not like he wanted him to. Actually, of course he didn’t know he was there— no one ever did. Theo made sure of it. He only looked at most people when they were looking the other way, and then he made sure no one saw him. He didn’t know what he’d say to him if he ever spoke to him. He’d probably think of a non-verbal response. But this never stopped Theo from noticing him. Jesse was tall, taller than him, and about 2 years older. He had golden brown skin, and had lean muscle from running and playing soccer. Theo knew this because he played too. Jesse was a goalie. And he was gorgeous. He was 99% sure he had brown eyes, but he definitely had earrings. (The former was positive earrings made cute people look cuter.)  He also had fluffy brown curls. He had observed all of this from afar, and never told a soul. He couldn’t. He didn’t have a lot of friends, only 2. Camryn and Levi. Twins. Cam also played soccer, and Levi was an artist. He had come out as trans earlier that year. Theo was the reader of the group, but he did a little art, and shower sang. Though Levi said he was great, at art, he thought he was decent. Theo was hopeless. He wanted to be friends with Jesse, but he’d read enough romances to see that either worked out amazing or didn’t work out at all. He knew for him it just wouldn’t work. He had a crush on him for the gods sake (habit from reading Percy Jackson). And Jesse didn’t know he existed!  Well, he exaggerated that part. He did know he existed because of how terrible Theo was at soccer. The coaches repeatedly called him out to tell him how bad he was, except they didn’t say how bad he was because they were trying to be nice. Actually, that was his coach, not Jesse’s. She had no problem telling him that he wasn’t kicking the ball far enough. It was kind of a joint group, but there were two different teams. They scrimmage together sometimes. The teams did, he means. Not Theo and Jesse. He keeps going though. To soccer practice. ‘Cause he wants to be better at it. And maybe, just maybe, so he can keep secretly looking at Jesse. He’d never know.
Tagettes: @rainisawriter @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @gwenthekween @firesmokeandashes @fire-but-ashes-too @yesireadbooks @ashwithapen and an open tag
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bluejaysandblackbats · 4 months
The Flames That Burn The Brightest
Fandom: DC Comics, Titans (Fab Five), Arrowfam
Summary: Donna Troy is working as a teacher at a high school, and to her surprise, she comes face-to-face with an old flame who just so happens to be the new guidance counselor.
Chapters: 2/?
Characters: Donna Troy, Roy Harper, Jade Nguyen, Lian Harper, Garth of Shayeris, Dick Grayson, Wally West
Relationship(s): Past DonnaRoy, Past CheshRoy
Additional Tags: Teachers AU, No Powers AU, Donna Troy-centric, Platonic Soulmates Dick & Donna, Parent Roy Harper, Lovers to Friends, Friends to Lovers, Romantic Fluff, Reunions
Chapter Two: Kindergarten (Roy's POV)
I awakened to the gentle purring of Fanta as she rubbed her furry face against my cheek. “Good morning, Mama. Let me get cleaned up, and I’ll feed you. I promise,” I whispered. Fanta was a pretty orange Maine Coon. She technically wasn’t mine, but I kept her when I left her the first time. Part of me hoped it’d give her an excuse to call me. She never did. Being in love made the world move faster, and I was prone to reeling out of control. Maybe I left to protect her from that. It’d been five years, and I finally learned I can’t run from everything that makes me feel something. I couldn’t have abandoned my most recent love even if I wanted to. I stretched out and sprawled across the bed. Then I felt a weight on my chest. I welcomed its heavy-handed warmth. I wrapped my arms around her as I playfully rocked side to side.
“Good morning, Daddy,” Lian whispered. I chuckled as I let go and opened my eyes. She leaned over me. “I want to brush our teeth together.”
“Yeah?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “Do I have stinky breath? D’you wanna smell?”
“Yucky,” Lian laughed as she jokingly pushed my face aside.
I sat up, and I saw Lian was already dressed. My breath caught for a moment. “You start kindergarten today,” I whispered. I covered my face, hiding my mortified expression in my palms. Lian pulled my hands away.
“Uh-huh,” Lian smiled, “Are you okay?” Lian asked.
“Yeah, I can’t believe you’re going to school today,” I replied.
“Like you!” Lian grinned. I nodded, brushing my knuckle against her chin.
“Yeah! That’s right!” I exclaimed.
“Are you still gonna take me, Daddy?” Lian questioned.
“Of course, I promised. I wouldn’t miss today for anything,” I replied. Lian jumped from my bed, and I followed her to the bathroom. I put toothpaste on her toothbrush for her while we rinsed with mouthwash.
“Is Mommy coming?” Lian asked. I nearly choked on my mouthwash. I spat in the sink and brushed my teeth.
“Um… I don’t know if Mommy’s dropping you off with me or if she’s only picking you up. I’ll call her during breakfast,” I replied. Jade and I were so hard on each other for so long after the breakup… But Lian was a constant reminder that we loved each other once. Deeply. It was nearly impossible to be upset with each other when we had to focus on co-parenting our daughter.
I was still a dumb kid when Jade told me we had a daughter, but I grew up fast. At least I think I grew up. I finished school, and I started counseling at one. I planned on coming in later because I had to get Lian settled. We brushed our teeth, and Lian sat in the kitchen watching me make pancakes. “Can I call Mommy?” Lian asked.
I reached into my sweatpants pocket and gave her my phone. “Stand here, okay?” I requested while I flipped pancakes. Lian nodded and called Jade from my phone. She put the phone on speaker and sat it beside me on the counter.
“I’m on my way right now, Roy,” Jade answered on the first ring. I chuckled. I was so relieved she’d drop Lian off with me.
“I’m not calling you. Lian wanted to talk to you,” I grinned as I winked at Lian. Lian giggled.
“Good morning, Mommy!” Lian shouted.
“Great morning! Did Daddy make breakfast?” Jade asked.
“He’s making pancakes,” Lian answered.
“Tell your mommy I’ll make her a plate,” I whispered, “We can eat together since everyone’s early.”
Lian lit up. “Mommy, Daddy’s gonna make you breakfast too,” Lian announced. We didn’t usually do meals together, but I figured Lian would enjoy having Jade with us for breakfast.
“Oh, well, tell him I’m using my key when I get there… Roy, are you dressed?” Jade asked.
“Nah, not yet. It only takes me a second to get dressed,” I replied.
“Okay… If you want, I can do the dishes after breakfast so you can get dressed… And I know you have work, so I wanted to let you know I can pick Lian up and take her out for lunch,” Jade offered.
“That’s good with me,” I replied, “Lian, do you wanna go to lunch with Mommy after school?” Lian stood on the tips of her toes.
“Uh-huh! I can’t wait!” Lian exclaimed. It was my second year at the high school, and Jade was super supportive about taking Lian when I had emergencies at work or a meeting that ran late. I had to give it to her. Jade was a great mom.
“Lian, we can go wherever you want,” Jade replied, “I’m in the neighborhood, so I’ll see you when I get there. Okay?”
“Okay, Mommy. Bye-bye,” Lian replied.
“Bye-bye, Lian. Love you… And tell Daddy I love him too,” Jade replied. I choked.
“Love you too, Mommy. Daddy’s choking, I gotta hang up,” Lian replied as she hung up and got my water bottle out of the fridge.
I took a sip and thanked her. “You know your mom means as a friend, right? She loves me like a friend,” I explained.
“Okay,” Lian replied, “How do you love her?”
“What do you mean—?” Jade walked in and picked Lian up, showering her in kisses.
“Hi,” Jade smiled. “Breakfast ready?” I nodded as I took a sip.
Jade grabbed plates and sprayed whipped cream on everyone’s pancakes. We sat at the table, and Jade snapped a picture of Lian with me before scooching in on Lian’s other side to get all three of us. It was nice.
After I ate, I slipped away to get dressed. I put on my pants and a colorblock knit shirt that Jade got me for my last birthday. It sounds weird, but things were complicated. We shared a daughter. We were family. And I desperately needed that. There was nothing more to want from life. Anything else would’ve complicated and confused things too much. I was finally content with life as it was. My phone rang, and I chuckled. “What’s up, Fish-breath? Don’t you know what today is?” I asked.
“Yeah, I called to tell Angelfish I hope she has a great first day at school,” Garth replied, “Oh… I’m canceling next Friday’s swim practice because Cerdian’s got his checkup, and Dee’s busy.”
“Okay, I’ll type up the announcement before lunch today if you forget,” I replied. We always talked about our schedules together. Because on top of being sports coaches, we were school counselors. So, whatever I couldn’t handle, he picked up, and vice versa. Garth was the one who got me the job at the high school. We’d known each other since we were kids, and he wanted an excuse to hang out. To be honest, it felt nice to stay in touch with some of my friends from the past. It was a simple life, but it was my life. I couldn't ask for anything more.
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ibijau · 2 years
How to Woo a Lan part 12
it’s the end! I’ve managed to finish one of my wips! Let us all rejoice! /o/
Phoenix Mountain was as beautiful as ever when members of every sect, small or big, started arriving to enjoy the great Night Hunt the Jins were organising there. It had better be beautiful, because Jin Ling had wasted countless hours of his life making sure everything was perfect, and in doing so earned a new level of respect for his late uncle Jin Guangyao. All the more so because Jin Ling hadn’t even wanted to organise that damn Night Hunt in the first place, but everyone in his life had conspired to make him do it. 
The other sects were always happy to see the Jins waste time and money of course, and they also enjoyed the chance for a free feast, no surprise there. The Jin elders were equally happy to see Jin Ling preoccupied with something other than uncovering their shady practices, so they’d been very vocal about that important tradition needing to be revived. But to Jin Ling’s shock, horror, and betrayal, Jiang Cheng too had agreed it’d be good to have an inter-sect Night Hunting competition at Phoenix Mountain, because it would once again prove that Jin Ling was a dependable sect leader in spite of his young age, and that the Jin sect remained as powerful and rich as it had ever been in spite of recent scandals.
Jin Ling could still have refused, but regrettably Jiang Cheng’s advice for political matters tended to be pretty good. So Jin Ling had announced that damn Night Hunt, and he’d organised it, and now he was going to both supervise it and take part in it to prove that he was just as skilled as any young master (while knowing he shouldn’t actually win the stupid contest, or else people would say he had rigged it in his own favour).
And of course, there were just so many bills to deal with… not to mention daily affairs on top of all that.
Still, Jin Ling was pretty satisfied on the day of the event when he saw all the results of his hard work, the surprised expressions on the faces of his enemies, heard the loud approval of his smarter enemies, and witnessed the general good humour of anyone who wasn’t secretly wishing that Jin Guangyao had killed him when he’d had the chance.
Nie Huaisang, whose sect had been one of the first to arrive, congratulated Jin Ling for a job well done as they waited for the other sects to reach Phoenix Mountain. And if Nie Huaisang looked dressed for an evening in town among courtesans and poets rather than a Night Hunt, all decorated in gold and precious silks, Jin Ling generously chose not to comment on that, because he was in a very good mood at the moment.
“Really, your uncle would not have done any better,” Nie Huaisang insisted. “It’ll make it all the more impactful when you announce your engagement tonight. And may I congratulate you again on finally getting the elders of your sect to accept your engagement? They put up less of a fight than I would have expected of them. I thought you wouldn’t get married for a year or two at best.”
Jin Ling shrugged. “Your suggestion to have Wei Wuxian make sure that Lan Wangji was favourable turned out to be surprisingly effective,” he grumbled, annoyed that he’d had to resort to such a method. “His reputation really is that effective, uh?”
Nie Huaisang opened his fan, which did little to cover the way he snickered.
“Most people think Hanguang-Jun is noble and nearly entirely detached from matters of the political world,” he claimed. “But he’s really nothing but an asocial petty little bitch who’d rather travel hundreds of li for an insignificant Night Hunt than have a single conversation with another cultivator.” He sighed, and fanned himself, revealing a grimace. “I wish I could do the same. Maybe I really should have been more serious about sabre practice, then I too could abandon all my duties and run off to the countryside for months on end.” Nie Huaisang sighed again, and shook his head, looking truly despondent now. “I can’t believe I’ve reached such a low point in life that I now envy Lan Wangji. I remember studying in Gusu and swearing I’d never be like him, how dare I think something like that?”
"Speaking of which, I hear you too have recently abandoned all your actual duties and run off to the Cloud Recesses for a couple of weeks?" Jin Ling innocently remarked.
Nie Huaisang stopped fanning himself and glared at him.
"Hmf. You’re a very rude young man, have I ever told you? And I see the Lans are still a bunch of nosy gossips."
"It's not gossip,” Jin Ling countered, although he privately agreed. “It's my fiancé informing me of the events of his daily life, and telling me that his beloved uncle keeps improving and seemed very happy to have a guest." 
"We did have a very pleasant time together," Nie Huaisang confirmed with a satisfied smile. "We were able to talk about a number of subjects. Mostly unpleasant ones at first, but that was regrettably necessary so we could eventually talk of more pleasant things and come to a renewal of our old agreement.”
“Then I guess there’s many mothers who’ll be disappointed that the honourable Zewu-Jun is out of the marriage race for good,” Jin Ling mocked. “He is, right?” he asked, a little more seriously.
Nie Huaisang nodded, looking more smug than he had any right to be considering the only reason he was back together with Lan Xichen was because other people had put in the effort. 
“The Lans take marriage very seriously, and firmly believe in marriages of love, as you must have found out. A charming quirk of theirs, and very frustrating for the other sects’ political games. Lan Xichen has confirmed that his uncle would prefer to see him married, but he has also told me he never really considered it as an option for himself, not even when he was most angry with me. And it’d be a political nightmare for him to marry another sect leader, a male one at that, so he shall remain single.”
Jin Ling nodded. He opened his mouth to ask something, but the arrival of another sect whose leader he had to greet delayed that. As soon as that other sect leader had gone to join his own friends though, Jin Ling went back to the matter at hand.
"And I suppose you won’t marry and have children either?" he asked. “Not even out of duty to your sect and all that? You’re a Nie, not a Lan, you could get married for politics and just to have kids. It’d be hilarious to see you try to raise a child, I think you should do it.”
"It's a Wen custom to favour one’s blood, I refuse to follow it longer than necessary," Nie Huaisang replied, more seriously than Jin Ling thought his joke deserved. "I never understood why my Da-ge did. I’ve always thought he'd have been a good deal less unwell if he hadn't so stubbornly insisted that I be his heir. So I will return to the old custom, and promote whichever of my disciple appears best suited for the job." 
"How clever." 
"How impossible to even think of marrying someone I do not love," Nie Huaisang sighed. "How impossible to marry the person I love, now more than ever. So what choice do I have but to find another way to secure my sect's future?"
Jin Ling nodded. The question of children had been an important part of the various negotiations surrounding his engagement to Lan Sizhui, with the Jin elders insisting that the marriage contract should allow Jin Ling to take concubines as necessary, while the Lan elders thought such a clause disrespected their own traditions. The Jins had won in the end, mostly because Lan Sizhui himself had argued in favour of the tolerance for concubines. Jin Ling wasn’t quite sure how he felt about the whole thing. He didn’t want to even consider the possibility of sleeping with anyone who wasn’t Lan Sizhui, who was his one true love, his perfect match… but he did want children, several if possible. 
And even if he hadn’t wanted them, he needed to have children. Otherwise the next in line to inherit the Jin sect would be his cousin Jin Chan, who really wasn’t improving with age, and Jin Ling couldn’t let that happen.
Besides, he also wanted to prove wrong to everyone who’d started saying that there was something rotten in the blood of Jin cultivators that made them dangerous and power hungry. He knew people were still waiting for him to turn out as dangerous as his uncle and grandfather (and some others before them), but Jin Ling intended to remain sane and reasonable and to raise children who would also be sane and reasonable (if only because Lan Sizhui was going to raise them with him).
Even though he’d been the one to bring up the topic of children, Jin Ling was somewhat relieved as more and more sects started to arrive, meaning it was no longer possible to talk about such personal topics lest they be overheard by someone. As Jin Ling greeted everyone he rather expected Nie Huaisang to get bored and either look for wine or find someone to bother, but the older man stayed at his side, chatting about idle things whenever Jin Ling wasn’t busy with others. He was probably just waiting for the Lans to finally arrive so he could have time with Lan Xichen, but Jin Ling liked to think that his own company was also enjoyed by Nie Huaisang.
“You know, I’m impressed,” Nie Huaisang said after a while, when most of the sects except the Lans had arrived.
“Yes, I’ve also noticed what sect leader Yao is wearing. It’s not terribly flattering, I agree.”
“Well, I’m also impressed he thought that was a good idea, yes,” Nie Huaisang conceded with a grimace. “But actually, I’m impressed by you. I was thinking I should compliment you again for organising all this, to make sure you know I really mean it. It promises to be a very interesting day, for people who enjoy Night Hunting. Even for those who’d rather merely watch it happen, you’ve gone to great lengths to make this enjoyable. And I’m sure we can count on excellent food being served later, hm?”
“It was a pain in the ass to prepare, you mean,” Jin Ling grumbled, embarrassed by the unexpected compliment. “I didn’t even want to organise this, but everyone started saying they miss the tradition, and they all hinted that maybe Lanling Jin isn’t as good as it used to be, and… stop that!”
Nie Huaisang just kept on laughing, barely trying to conceal it behind his fan.
"I've told you, your mistake was wanting people to acknowledge you are as competent as any of your elders,” he stated, as if sharing some great wisdom. “Well, wanting it wouldn't have been so bad, but you had to actually be competent! How could those useless fools not try to take advantage of someone smart and desperate to prove himself?"
"We can't all be Headshakers."
"No, I suppose it'd be too much to ask, after being raised by San-ge and Jiang-xiong. They've ruined you with their ideas of duty and dependability. Turned you into a smart and efficient young man! They should be ashamed." 
"You don't need to sound so shocked that I'm smart," Jin Ling grumbled. 
Nie Huaisang brought up his fan, watching Jin Ling for a long moment.
"It really is a surprise, though," Nie Huaisang said at last, no longer laughing. "I can imagine the fact you turned out so well must upset a number of people who were hoping for a weak sect leader to manipulate, but personally I've really been… pleasantly surprised by you. I thought you were going to be another Jin Zixun, using his power and status only for his own entertainment but you’ve proven… well. I remember when your father was around, how angry it made him whenever he discovered something unpleasant about Lanling Jin. I don’t think he ever knew how rotten his father truly was, but I do know he wanted to make his sect a better place, and he died before he had the chance. But you’re here now, doing what he never could. You are changing Lanling Jin, you are fighting to make its good reputation a reality. I think your father would be so proud of you if he could see you.”
Jin Ling felt his cheeks heat up, while his heart started beating so hard it made him almost dizzy.
People often said that his father would be proud of him. He’d grown up hearing it, and he’d learned pretty early on that it didn’t mean much. Adults just said his father would be proud of him to make him do things he didn’t like, or to manipulate him into taking their side, or just because it was what you were apparently supposed to say to a rich and powerful orphan with a bad temper who might ruin your life if you annoyed him. Jin Ling had stopped listening to people who pretended to know what his father would have thought of him.
But Nie Huaisang wasn’t just another dishonest grown-up. Jiang Cheng, when asked, had reluctantly confirmed that Nie Huaisang had really been Jin Zixuan’s close friend. If there was one person alive who might have an accurate opinion of what Jin Zixuan’s feelings and opinion would have been on any given topic, it was Nie Huaisang.
Jiang Cheng had never hesitated to say that Jiang Yanli would have been proud of her son. It was nice to know from a trustworthy source that Jin Zixuan too would have been.
More than just nice, really.
Thankfully, before Jin Ling could do something embarrassing like crying in public (again), another sect approached the foot of Phoenix Mountain, their robes an immaculate white that shone against the dark of the forest. At the head was Lan Xichen, looking as handsome and healthy as he’d ever been, no trace of his past struggles lingering on his face. Right next to him stood Lan Sizhui, more elegant in the simplicity of his outfit than anyone else was in their best embroidered robes. If Jin Ling hadn’t been in love already, he would have fallen for Lan Sizhui right at that moment, awed that someone so impossibly perfect could exist.
“You’ll never get used to it, you know,” Nie Huaisang said next to him, his voice oddly soft, as if he too were in the process of falling in love all over again. “At least I haven’t, and I know Wei Wuxian hasn’t either. We’ve found you never really stop being amazed that, somehow, a Lan decided to fall in love with you.”
“Well, we should be amazed,” Jin Ling mumbled, nearly fainting with joy when Lan Sizhui, from a distance, smiled at him. “We are pretty lucky, right?”
“Luckier than I deserve in my case,” Nie Huaisang replied, “and far luckier than Wei Wuxian deserves either. You might be worthy of it, though. But just barely, so don’t mess it up.”
Jin Ling nodded, and promised himself he would never stop trying to be worthy of seeing Lan Sizhui smile at him like that.
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falconflight123 · 2 years
Stuck In Doors (Obey me)
You find yourself introducing Levithan to a new human world game called Doors on Roblox, what you don’t know it that thing were about to get a lot more spooky then just playing the horror game.
No warnings really. This idea came to mind when I was watching some random person speed run doors. I was supposed to fall asleep but then got this idea and woke right up. So I hope you enjoy it! ~♡
word count: 578
Not proofread, excuse any errors
   You slammed opened Leviathan's door with your D.D.D in your hand, excitement fizzing in your chest. Leviathan almost leaped out of his skin when he heard his door open. He turned around ready to yell at whoever it was, but quickly stopped in his tracks when he saw you.
   “Y/n?” He asked, taking off his headset and placing his controller down. “Whats going on?”
   You wasted no time plopping down right beside him and explaining this new game you found called Doors. His eyes lit up in curiosity when you finished explaining all the rules.
   “It sounds fun right?” You asked with a smile. “I was wondering if you could play it with me?”
“Me?” He asked. “Are you sure?” 
   Before he could go on rambling about how he was a yucky excuse of an otaku, you shushed him and nodded. 
   “Your the only person here who would most likely understand the rules” You explained. “And plus, your great at games, I can rely on you to help me.”
   Levithan was now a blushing mess and you couldn’t help but smile. What he didn’t know though, was that you were mainly trying to test something that he didn’t know. Your smiled turned into a wicked one when he wasn’t looking. Oh how fun this would be.
   “We should invite one more person.” You suggested. “It’s better to play together.”
   Before Levithan could protest about it, Mammon suddenly burst through the door with a huge bang which startled you both. He scrambled to your side in an instant.
   “Where were ya?” He demanded. “I’ve been looking all over for ya and your here with him!”
   “Quit being clingy Mammon.” Levithan sighed. “It’s cringe. And what gives you the right to burst through my room like that?”
   “What do you mean?” he hissed. “I’m not clingy! I’m just looking out for Y/n!”
   As you could clearly see, Mammon was now clinging to your waist with a glare. You just chuckled. 
   “Here’s the deal.” You suddenly spoke, getting their attention. “Whoever makes it to the end of this game first gets a kiss from yours truly!”
   At the sound of that, Mammon and Levithan both looked up in surprise. You knew this would only fuel their motivation to play this game with you, so what better way then to give them a prize.
   “A k-kiss??” Levithan stuttered. 
   “I’ll play, but it’s not like I want it or anything!” Mammon mumbled. They both were clearly blushing furiously but you paid it no mine at all.
   “Alright! Get your D.D.D’s ready!”
   You watched as they pulled out their D.D.D’s, their gaze turning to a determined look. You were glad they were about to experience this with you. 
   “I’m sure you’ve played horror games before.” You suddenly spoke. “I’ll explain more of what happens when we’re in the game.”
   “Ha! Like a silly horror game could scare me!! Mammon declared.
   You only nodded at his comment. He was bound to get scared at least twice. You turned to Leviathan.
   “Your not scared are you?” You asked, He almost flinched from your voice.
   “N-No! I’m not!”
   When you finally saw everyone in the elevator, stifling a laugh at Mammon’s character, you watched as the doors shut. Suddenly you felt really nauseous. You looked around dazed before the light on your phone flashed upwards out of the screen. Leviathan let out a gasp when his and Mammon's did the same. So it was working!
   “Mammon! What are these recent payment-”
   You faintly heard Lucifer's voice boom throughout the room as the sound of the door slammed open before your vision blacked out.
Honestly, what? Why did I write this? I have no clue. If you wanna see more uh I might do more. I honestly was just bored at the time but yeah I might make more ^^
I don’t know what to put, should there be a tag list or something? I don’t know i’m new to all this technically. But i hope you enjoyed!
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gerdavonrinnlingen · 2 years
Tumblr media
Since I recently cracked the 1 million word mark on AO3, I want to revisit my old fics. This is my third GR fic, I really like this one - my first Longfic ^^ I'm still proud of it.
Read it on AO3
The wonderful art is by @zlatokryletz - thank you <3
She checked node after node, at the seventh she found a single burnt out chip. She replaced it and studied the node. There was a room right next to it. She closed the panel and got up. Perhaps she should take a look? She chewed on her lower lip. Was she too rash?
In this moment the nightly energy mode kicked in and the lights in the hallway she was standing in dimmed. Well, it seemed like a good moment.
Rose took the scanner in her right hand as if she wanted to scan the next node and stepped closer to the room. To her surprise the door slid open, the room itself was almost dark – there was only one large holoprojector in the middle of the room, its blue light painted the surroundings in a cool light.
The holo showed an enlarged blue print. She gripped her scanner tightly. This was it, it had to be. The new weapon the Order was building.
She stepped closer, eager to take a look- suddenly she heard something on her right. Instead of trying to hide she just froze and gripped her scanner so hard that her knuckles turned white.
A tall black figure stepped into the cold light of the holo. Rose felt all colour drain from her face when she recognized Hux. He stopped dead in his tracks and narrowed his eyes.
“Who are you? What are you doing here?” he asked sharply.
Kriff! Why hadn’t she just waited?!
“Specialist Phan, sir. I- uh I noticed that through the ship’s isolinear chips burnt out before expiration date and I-” Crap, that sounded unprofessional. She cleared her throat. “I’m replacing chips in the nodes on this deck, sir.”
He stepped closer, only now she registered that he looked positively tired and worn-out. His usually meticulously slicked back ginger hair looked as if he had carelessly ran his hand through it. From the corner of her eye she saw a black great coat lying on a table with pads. From the looks of it he was working here … but why would Hux work in the middle of the night on weapon prototypes?
“You’re replacing chips? And this couldn’t wait until the morning I take it?” There was a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
He was right of course – there was no way she could explain why she was so eager to work this late. Suddenly she remembered what Poe had told her: ‘Try to be as honest as possible, lie only in the details.’
Yes, the only way out of this was to grasp the rancor by the teeth. “May I speak freely, sir?”
He clasped his hands behind his back and stepped even closer, apparently using his height to intimidate her. She was almost two heads smaller than he. To her dismay it worked, she felt uneasy.
“Go on.”
She lifted her chin. “I’m a civilian worker, sir. Since I arrived here I did mostly boring maintenance work … its fine of course. That’s what I’m here for. But when I discovered a pattern to the burnt out chips today I- uh, I got excited. I wanted to get to the bottom of it. There was a burnt out chip in the node in front of this room – so curiosity got the better of me and I came to look.”
Hux scanned her face with his ice-blue eyes, apparently trying to decide if she was lying to him. “What kind of pattern?”
It was working! She pulled her pad from one of her pockets and activated it. “As you can see, the energy surges seem to originate from this deck, the WDD to be exact.”
He took her tablet and looked closer; she noticed that he wasn’t wearing his black gloves. That and the fact that way his hair wasn’t immaculate … seemed almost casual. What the kriff was he doing here?
He suddenly seemed to lose interest in her, he turned on his heel and stepped to the holo. He zoomed out of the blue print, and checked it with Rose’s diagram. Strange, but since he didn’t seem to be interested in her presence anymore she slowly approached the holo.
She realised that she wasn’t looking at a weapons design but at the energy and power systems of the Finalizer. There were readings on the lower corner of the holo – someone had increased the energy output by 0.3%. It was marginal, but the increase of power in the whole ship had caused a local spike in some nodes ... and fried the chips.
Should she just stay silent and wait for Hux to kick her out? Or should she try to gather some intel? Well, she was here …
“The additional energy would improve the performance on some systems, but the GXP-chips used in the nodes can’t compensate for the additional power,” she said while continuing looking at the holo.
He snapped his head around. “GXP-chips have latitude for 0.4%.”
She shouldn’t contradict him, the Force knows how a guy like Hux would react to that. She bit her lower lip. But on the other hand he was simply wrong. “Theoretically yes, but in real life they can’t handle more than 0.28. Especially in a large network like the one on this ship. There is simply too much voltage.”
He scoffed. “Nonsense! The overall performance was increased.”
“It will fry even more chips over time!”
“A few burnt-out chips are easily replaced.”
By the stars! Why didn’t he get it? “Every burnt-out chip has to be replaced with new ones! A crate with 200 chips takes about two weeks to deliver. At this rate we’ll be out of chips by end of the month.”
He stared at her with his icy eyes, she crossed her arms and glared back.
Suddenly she had an idea, she stepped to the holo and pointed to the aft section of the Finalizer. “The problem is the size of the network, but if we add buffers to every section the voltage wouldn’t be as high. It would even be possible to bump up the energy output to 0.33%.”
His eyes went wide and he quickly added the suggested buffers to the holo. He rubbed his chin as he stared at the simulation. “You’re not wrong.”
She almost rolled her eyes. Of course she wasn’t wrong – she was right!
He eyed her. “What exactly is your profession?”
The smug feeling from before disappeared. Damn her stupid pride. She was supposed to keep a low profile. “I don’t have a profession, sir. Back home I was a jack of all trades and simply fixed what needed fixing.”
He wiped over his face and suddenly looked exhausted. “Dismissed.”
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