#reduce risk of heart attack
aayu-live · 2 years
How to reduce heart attack ( prevention + yoga )
Yoga and exercise can help prevent or manage several heart diseases. Yoga has a calming effect on the mind and the body, provides better balance, is good for the heart and promotes better functioning of the organ. Yoga involves a series of body poses and breathing exercises that can improve flexibility, strength, balance and relaxation.   Heart attack occurs when there is a blockage in the flow of blood to the heart. You may experience common symptoms like shortness of breath, chest pain, discomfort that spreads to the shoulder, arm, back, fatigue, heartburn, light-headedness, nausea, etc. 
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The role of Yoga   
Regular yoga has shown significant benefits in coronary heart disease prevention. It reduces stress which is the root cause of increased blood pressure and heart diseases. The deep breathing and mental focus of yoga works as an overall treatment plan. 
Yoga is a heart health booster 
Yoga may help lower blood pressure, blood cholesterol and blood glucose levels as well as heart rate. People who practice yoga regularly have lower blood levels of markers for inflammation, which contributes to heart disease. 
Yoga as smoking cessation aid 
Yoga might be a useful tool in helping a person quit smoking and reduce risk of heart attack. Smoking is one of the biggest causes for rising heart diseases. 
Yoga strengthens your heart muscles
Yoga helps build muscle strength, it tones muscles and also helps burn calories. Vinyasa yoga will raise your heart rate and burn those extra calories. Obesity is bad for the heart and yoga can help improve overall physical fitness. 
Yoga ensures better sleep 
After a long day, you can perform some yoga which includes breathing and meditation techniques that slow down your heart rate, eliminate stress and prepare you for a good night's sleep. Some of the best Yoga's to try for managing heart disease are: 
Hasta Utthanasana 
Prevention and Control of Cardiovascular Disease
There are a few things you must do right in your everyday life in order to prevent a heart attack. Yoga must be a part of your daily routine, follow a healthy lifestyle, diet, maintain a healthy body weight and manage other health conditions like diabetes. You must stay in touch with the doctor, regularly monitor your blood pressure and diabetes, which can increase the risk of heart attacks and do not self-medicate. Make sure to take the medications as directed by the physician.
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onlinephyarmacy · 1 month
Vabcard 5mg Tablet contains Amlodipine, which is a calcium channel blocker. It is primarily used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension) and certain types of chest pain (angina). Here's a detailed overview:
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure): Helps lower blood pressure, reducing the risk of stroke, heart attack, and kidney problems.
Angina (Chest Pain): Used to prevent certain types of chest pain by improving blood flow to the heart.
Coronary Artery Disease: Can be part of the treatment plan for conditions affecting the coronary arteries.
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genderqueerdykes · 1 month
I've heard smoking can harm the effects of estrogen, does this apply to nicotine in general or just smoking?
thank you so much for asking this question, this is an extremely important matter to discuss! smoking while taking estrogen HRT is highly discouraged for 2 reasons.
the first is that smoking (nicotine) has been shown to completely neutralize and eliminate the effects of estradiol altogether:
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nicotine reduces the amount of circulating estrogen one has in their system, which can lead to menopause in many individuals.
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the second reason is that smoking nicotine can increase risk of life threatening clotting disorders like stroke, heart attack and pulmonary embolism:
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many folks are not informed of the fact that estrogen hrt can cause increased risk for pulmonary embolism and heart complications- this is why it's vital to make sure you get testing done by a professional to make sure what levels will be safe for your body, or what complications you may face if you have blood clotting or heart issues.
i can't find too many studies that disseminate different types of tobacco usage (chew, vape, patches, etc.) but it does in fact seem like the nicotine itself, no matter how it's administered, greatly affects one's estrogen levels.
overall, i would say it would be best to completely quit using nicotine if you are planning going on estrogen HRT. not only will you see more of the effects you're looking for, but you'll feel better in general, and have a way reduced risk of stroke and heart attacks. there's little to no point in taking a medication that will become completely useless once administered. i had a problem with smoking cigarettes for a while and i wish you the best if you do, yourself.
i hope this information has been helpful, thanks for stopping by! good luck out there
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rtoffanin · 2 years
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Bempedoic acid lowers cholesterol, and a study found a modest effect on cardiac illness. But whether patients are any more willing to take it remains to be seen, experts said.
By GINA KOLATA | NYTimes Health | Disclosure
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nothingbutsweetwords · 3 months
ɴᴏʙᴏᴅʏ'ꜱ ꜱᴏɴ, ɴᴏʙᴏᴅʏ'ꜱ ᴅᴀᴜɢʜᴛᴇʀ
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ᴀᴇᴍᴏɴᴅ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ!ɴɪᴇᴄᴇ
"...ᴛʜᴇɴ ꜰᴀʟʟ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴛᴏɢᴇᴛʜᴇʀ."
Word count: 3000.
Fandom: House of the Dragon.
Pairing: Aemond x Reader!Velaryon!Niece.
Warnings: Angst, mention of injury, medical procedures.
HOLDING — 6. Him.
The days had become an endless parade of maesters, and his company had been reduced to their constant presence and that of his mother. The few hours he managed to spend alone vanished into a pit of lethargy, lying on the cold bed, too drowsy to engage in any activity. Pain, a constant intruder, forced him to rely on the milk of the poppy for any relief, as small as it might be.
Several days passed since the grand maester, with a worried face, began to show signs of alarm at his condition. However, he was too weakened to interpret his look. His body, in a terrifying contrast, burned while his skin bristled with cold, and his left eye, swollen and red, struggled to heal despite the scar that crossed it progressing slowly.
“We need to remove the eye, your grace” the maester had informed his mother, in a grave and urgent tone. “The eye is becoming infected. We have tried everything to prevent it, but it is useless.”
He heard his mother’s sobs as she held his hand. He didn’t need to ask what had to be done; the answer was clear and painful.
“When will you do it?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper.
“As soon as possible. It’s a risky procedure, and there is a chance that…” He shook his head. “But if we don’t do it, the infection will keep growing, and there will be no turning back.”
“Very well” Alicent said, nodding as she braced herself, though her eyes were still full of tears. “My son is strong, he can endure this.”
“Yes, your grace.”
He started to see things that weren’t there, his mind distorting reality in a feverish delirium. He moved restlessly on the uncomfortable stretcher in the Grand Maester’s room. The old man gave him more milk of the poppy, mixed with other herbs in a steaming tea. As he drank it, he slowly sank into a restless sleep, not deep enough to drown out the suffering.
The pain of the original wound paled in comparison to the agony of the procedure. He was sure his screams could be heard in the farthest alley of King’s Landing, but he was unable to contain them. His chest broke with each cry, and time stretched into an endless torture. The intervention, a macabre dance of pain and resistance, seemed to last for eternal hours, and his body couldn’t withstand it, collapsing before it was all over.
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The room was in dim light as he began to regain awareness. A dull pain throbbed on the left side of his face. The bandage pressed tightly against his skin, covering the empty space where his eye once was, while a persistent dizziness kept him on the verge of unconsciousness. The air, filled with the scent of different remedies, did little to mask the underlying stench of blood and suffering.
His mother was there, as she had been every day since the attack, sitting by his side with eyes red from crying. Noticing him stir, she took his hand tenderly, her voice breaking in whispered words of encouragement. However, he could barely process her words, his mind shrouded in a dense fog of confusion.
“You’re safe now, my son. The maesters say the procedure was a success” she said, trying to hold back tears. “The Mother has heard my prayers.”
With a blend of incredulity and resignation, his mother mentioned that the princess had opted to accompany them back to King’s Landing. Skeptical that a young lady would forsake her family to be there, and she had warned him of the risk it entailed, urging caution; if a brother could act thus, why not she? He lacked the strength and resolve to let her know she was wrong.
His mother did not fully understand the reason, ignorant of what had driven her to be there, but he did. He knew, deep within his being, that she had come for him. His heart, which had been steeped in despair, began to beat with the intensity of that first real encounter in the library so many moons ago.
However, the endless days without news of her had plunged him into anguish, making him doubt his own sanity. The conversations with his mother, which once had been a source of comfort, turned into a constant torment. Where was she? And why hadn’t she come?
Every movement was torture. Lifting his head from the pillow caused intense dizziness, and every deep breath sent stabs of pain through his skull. And if before the operation he had felt overwhelmed by the presence of the maesters, in that moment he was completely suffocated.
They came and went, insisting on the need to monitor his progress. Each day, they carefully removed the bandage, exposing the sensitive flesh to the dim light of the room. They applied ointments that burned like liquid fire and cleaned the wound, the sharp pain of these treatments a cruel reminder of his new reality. The fever was a persistent enemy, alternating between chills that made him shiver uncontrollably and sweats that soaked his clothes and sheets.
The bitter substance remained his ally, dulling the pain just enough to allow him to rest, yet never fully erasing the suffering.
Only when the sun set completely did they leave him in peace, with a jug full of the familiar infusion, and the promise to return at dawn.
And like every night, he opened the rear door, hoping to catch a glimpse of her face, waiting for her arrival, only to close it with the last ounce of his energy, enveloped in profound disappointment. Had it all been another cruel illusion, a fever-induced hallucination?
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The following days were just like the ones before, a blend of pain and drowsiness. Sometimes, the pain became unbearable, and his cries filled the room, his strength sapped by the constant battle between torment and the sedatives that kept him in a fragile balance, barely afloat.
And although he deeply valued the newfound closeness with his mother—a relationship previously limited to meals and sermons—his heart desperately yearned for her. His mother's eyes, full of worry and love, were a great comfort, a light amidst the distress, but even that devotion did not ease her absence, one that could not be filled by anyone else.
Daily, as he shared moments with his mother, he hinted at his desire for visitors, without daring to name her directly. The response was always the same: if anyone wished to see him, she would let him know. But for now, he needed to conserve his strength and rest.
But that night, despite the pain that enveloped him like a blanket of thorns, a flash of happiness that had abandoned him in recent days—leaving him in his solitary room, steeped in deep melancholy—appeared out of nowhere, like a ray of sunshine piercing his dark reality. That night, against all odds, he saw her sweet face again, though marked by sadness and worry, she was there, present, tangible, an almost unreal vision in the somber castle.
In that moment, she was there, in his arms, whispering that she had tried to see him every day, that her desire to be by his side had never faltered. That confession was like a new anesthesia, a wave of immense calm that spread throughout his being. Helaena had heard his prayers, and his princess had responded to his call.
A silence full of meaning reigned in the room, his pain easing with each calm breath he heard from her. He didn't want to ruin the moment or exploit his weakened state and her compassion to obtain an easy forgiveness, but he needed to get it off his chest and ensure it wouldn’t be a stumbling block for them later.
"I'm sorry" he whispered, his voice trembling, slowly stopping his caresses in her soft hair.
"What are you sorry for, Aemond?" she asked softly, though her voice reflected the tension of someone who fears hearing the answer. He wondered for a moment if she was even aware, but he continued anyway.
"I said some things that... It was never my intention to insult you" he said, trying to find the right words to offer her a sincere apology. He felt her tense, almost imperceptibly. Her breath hitched for a few seconds at his confession, yet she did not move from his chest.
"It was a... mistake. And I do not blame you for it, you were just trying to defend yourself."
"I shouldn't have..." the remorse weighing down every word.
"I know it won't happen again" she said, interrupting him in a manner that brooked no argument. "Let's not talk about this anymore" her voice a bit firmer, though her sweetness remained. He could do nothing but accept, though he still felt guilty.
The room returned to silence, though somewhat more tense. He resumed his gentle caresses on her disheveled curls, each movement of his hand releasing more of her typical sweet scent of roses, easing his tension, and helped him relax. A few minutes passed before her breathing became slower and more regular, falling into a deep sleep, and dragging him along with her.
He briefly wondered why his mother had forbidden her visits, but soon dismissed any speculation. He knew she believed she was acting in his best interest, thinking he needed rest and peace, not knowing that a single glance at her face would alleviate his pain more effectively than a hundred doses of the best remedy ever could.
That night, with the princess nestled against his chest and her arms holding him with infinite tenderness, he felt hope blossom again in his heart. The darkness completely dissipated with each synchronized breath, replaced by the warm certainty that, no matter what, he would not be alone. And the sweet promise of a better dawn arose anew.
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Over time, the sharp pain began to subside. A sensation of emptiness and pressure appeared in the place where his eye once was. The fever slowly abated, and the maesters seemed more optimistic in their assessments. The wound was healing, slowly but steadily, and his body started to regain some of its former strength.
His body, weakened by fever, rest, and interventions, required careful and constant rehabilitation, the maesters had said. Walking, something he once did without thinking, became a monumental challenge. At first, even getting out of bed was a test of endurance. His legs, once strong and agile, now seemed weak and shaky, as if they might fail under the weight of his own body. The maesters offered him a cane for support, which he proudly refused, and his mother was always nearby, ready to hold him if he faltered.
Every step was a struggle against dizziness and lack of balance. Without the vision in his left eye, his perception was distorted. He had to do recommended exercises, such as walking in a straight line and performing slow, controlled movements. These sessions, though exhausting, began to strengthen his muscles and restore some of his lost confidence.
However, physical recovery was only part of the battle. Days turned into weeks, and another kind of hurt gave him no respite. 
The weight of loss continued to crush his spirit. Afternoons were the worst, as darkness began to fall, enveloping him, and the loneliness became unbearable. Everyone else was training, attending classes, fulfilling their duties, while he remained there, a prisoner. He would close his eye, wishing he could go back to being his old self, or at least imagine it, but the void remained, relentless and omnipresent, and every time he passed by his mirror, he avoided looking at his reflection, fearing to face the image of his own mutilated face.
Returning to combat training was an even greater challenge. The first time he held his sword, he felt a mix of relief and irritation. The familiar weight of the weapon in his hand was comforting, but every movement felt clumsy and unbalanced. Exercises that he once performed with grace were now arduous and erratic.
Criston Cole, the young guard with infinite patience, became his guide on this difficult journey. He taught him new training methods to compensate for the loss of his eye. Balance exercises were essential, standing on one foot, shifting weight from one foot to the other, and slow movements with the sword, all aimed at strengthening his stability.
They worked on improving his depth perception, something crucial for any swordsman. He was made to practice with fixed targets, the straw dummies. Cole would have him approach and retreat until he could better judge distances. At first, his strikes were imprecise, and his frustration grew with each failure. But slowly, with patience and determination, he began to improve.
The first sparring sessions were exhausting. Each bout was a bitter confrontation with his new reality, often ending with him on the ground, his pride as wounded as his body. However, she said that each fall was also a lesson, an opportunity to learn and adapt, and a victory on his path to recovery. He began to adjust his movements, relying more on his instinct and the feel of the sword moving through the air.
Despite everything, the constant presence of his mother, the nightly visits from his princess, and the tireless efforts of the maesters began to bear fruit. The scars, both visible and invisible, were now a part of him, hardening his spirit, and marking the beginning of a new stage in his life. A stage that, although painful and full of challenges, was also a testament to his resilience and ability to survive even the hardest trials.
He still remembered the night of the accident with unsettling clarity. The pain, the sudden darkness, and the fear that had wrapped around him like a suffocating shroud. Yet beyond the despair, he had found a new resolve. He would not be defined by it.
Over time, his body began to respond better to training. His balance improved, and although he would never regain full vision, his perception sharpened. He learned to use the field of vision he had left more effectively, moving with renewed caution and precision.
Although his movements still showed signs of his arduous journey, he had regained enough skill to face an opponent with confidence. Finally, the day came when he felt strong enough for a real practice duel. Aegon was his opponent, who seemed indifferent to the fact that he was still recovering. Everyone watched with expectant hearts. 
The duel was intense, each strike resonating with the force of his determination. He lost, but he did not feel defeated. He had proven, especially to himself, that he could still fight, that he could still be the warrior he had promised to be. His loss, far from being a sign of weakness, had become a symbol of his strength and perseverance.
However, his life did not revolve solely around the sword. There was a constant, warm presence that filled all his nights and, slowly, his days as well.
They had resumed their visits to the library. She had encouraged him to take up reading again. When she noticed his eye beginning to tire, she would take his book into her hands, setting her own aside, and read aloud. He could not complain about that, as her sweet voice turned any book into a masterpiece full of colors and nuances. 
He had also helped her immerse herself in the world of their mother tongue, High Valyrian. He was pleased to say that his princess was as intelligent as she was beautiful, learning with a speed he never had in his time. 
But their encounters in the library were limited to that, as the shadow of his guard, by order of his mother, never left him except to sleep, and they couldn’t help but feel withdrawn, observed. Now, in the comfort of his room, in the solitude of the night and away from any prying eyes, they could open up. They were under the covers, each in their place, facing each other, whispering their confidences.
“Your nameday is coming up” she said, looking at his face, still covered by a bandage. The maesters had provided him with a patch, but he still couldn’t get used to the discomfort of the hard material, which was irritating against his scar and didn’t completely cover it. So, during the nights, he still required the soft linen bandage. The maesters had not dared to ask why he didn’t just sleep without anything.
At first, it had caused him some inhibition that she looked at his face so attentively, as if memorizing every feature. He used to lie on his back to try to spare her any glimpse of the left side of his face, and she never questioned him nor asked otherwise. It was he who, over time, realized that there was no safer place than there, with the princess who had set everything aside to be with him and accompany him, though he still wasn’t ready to reveal himself completely.
“Yes, it's true” he said, remembering. His mind had been too pained and preoccupied. He had come to think that he would never get better or that it was something he would never overcome, so any form of celebration hadn’t even crossed his mind. But now, with his princess in front of him, his physical wound healed, and his gait almost restored, the idea began to excite him.
“I’m sure your father will throw a grand feast in your honor, to celebrate you and your recovery.” He almost laughed at the thought, certainly far from reality.
“I do not believe so. The king has never hosted a feast for me” he replied softly, and though he still felt some sadness over the strained relationship with his father, he set it aside. “Besides, I’d prefer something more modest.”
“I promise I will make it special” she vowed, and he believed every word. What he couldn't bring himself to express was that each day with her presence beside him was special.
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afeelgoodblog · 11 months
The Best News of Last Week - 13 November
🦔 - Who knew Attenborough's echidna was just camera-shy?
1. New state law prevents animal abuse offenders from owning pets
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The law bans those convicted of animal cruelty, including those involved with dogfighting, from owning any kind of animal for five years after their first criminal offense.
2. A door at a Swedish library was accidentally left open — 446 people came in, borrowed 245 books. Every single one was returned
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The library was supposed to be closed for All Saints Day — a celebration sometimes also called All Hallows Day, the precursor of Halloween. But the library staff had forgotten to close a door. So people came in, thinking the library was open. Some visitors realized the library was technically closed and went home, but others did not.
3. Ohio votes to legalize marijuana for adult recreational use, becoming 24th state to do so
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Ohio voters approved a measure legalizing recreational marijuana on Tuesday, defying Republican legislative leaders who had failed to pass the proposed law.
Passage of Issue 2 makes Ohio the 24th state to allow adult cannabis use for non-medical purposes.
4. First ever images prove 'lost echidna' not extinct
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Scientists have filmed an ancient egg-laying mammal named after Sir David Attenborough for the first time, proving it isn't extinct as was feared.
An expedition to Indonesia led by Oxford University researchers recorded four three-second clips of Attenborough's long-beaked echidna. Spiky, furry and with a beak, echidnas have been called "living fossils".
They are thought to have emerged about 200 million years ago, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth.
5. Dog leads family to missing cat that fell into 30-metre mineshaft
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An incredibly lucky cat has his canine companion to thank for saving his life after the dog led rescuers to a 30 metre-deep mineshaft the cat fell into.
The cat, Mowgli, disappeared on Oct. 20 and had been missing for six days. Owner Michele Rose told the BBC that she had “almost given up hope” of finding her cat.
6. World’s first whole eye and partial face transplant gives Arkansas man new hope
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A surgical team at NYU Langone Health in New York has performed the world’s first successful whole-eye transplant in a living person: Aaron James.
After an accident at work led to the loss of his left eye and part of his face, Aaron was given a new window to his soul, as well as a partial face transplant.
7. Obesity drug Wegovy cut risk of serious heart problems by 20%, study finds
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The popular weight-loss drug Wegovy reduced the risk of serious heart problems by 20% in a large, international study that experts say could change the way doctors treat certain heart patients.
The research is the first to document that an obesity medication can not only pare pounds, but also safely prevent a heart attack, stroke or a heart-related death in people who already have heart disease — but not diabetes.
That's it for this week :)
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(Genshin Impact) Furina and a Bodyguard!Reader
No one requested this, I wrote this at 3am in a slight angry haze at the lack of Furina content on the internet. The file is literally called "FINE I'LL DO IT MYSELF" on my phone. Also, POST-ARCHON QUEST SPOILERS BELOW THE CUT!
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Furina was beside herself the moment she saw (Y/N) collapse onto the dirt, their injuries finally taking hold of their body.
She remained stuck in place like a statue, trying to process the fact that only a few minutes ago, she was taking a stroll barely on the outskirts of Fontaine, her bodyguard close at hand.
Then, a group of rogue Meka ambushed the two. With barely enough time to react, (Y/N) managed to push her out of the way of an incoming shot, and leapt into the fray with a fury unlike anything she had seen.
And all she could do was run behind cover until the sounds of shrapnel flying and bullets whizzing had stopped.
When there was nothing but silence remaining, she poked her head around the log she had been hiding behind.
(Y/N)'s pristine blue uniform had been reduced to tatters, blood and bruises plastered all over the skin that was showing.
Furina's heart dropped when she saw what they did.
They didn't bother to try and stop their own bleeding, frantically looking around their surroundings until their eyes locked with Furina.
Seeing her completely unscathed, they smiled before it vanished, alongside their consciousness.
(Y/N) got hurt because of her wish to walk outside the city for some fresh air. Even though she insisted that their presence wasn't required, they still tagged along anyway, something she was quietly thankful for.
Even though she wasn't the Archon of Fontaine anymore, that didn't mean all the targets on her back magically disappeared. And it was for that reason, (Y/N) had sought her out. To accompany her would give them, Clorinde, and Neuvillette some peace of mind, knowing that she'd be alright.
And they were right to worry after all.
Disgruntled treasure hoarders unleashed the Meka on them, and though (Y/N) had stopped the attack and those responsible, they were bleeding out on the floor because of Furina.
And now, the chances of them dying were climbing fast.
Furina didn't even realize her body began moving, she felt lightheaded as she suddenly grabbed their shoulders, feeling her mouth call out their name, but the only sound she heard was the ringing in her ears.
After a few moments, the chirping of the birds and wind blowing faded back in, hearing her own frantic movements as she opened (Y/N)'s bag to grab any kind of bandages to stop the bleeding.
(Furina) "A-Are these the bandages?! I-I think this is it!"
It seemed damp and had a strange scent, but she did not hesitate to start trying to wrap it around (Y/N)-
Immediately, (Y/N) cringed in pain, their body recoiling from the contact of the "bandage", inadvertently causing Furina to yelp out in surprise.
Her mismatch colored eyes darted to what she was holding and read the label.
(Furina) "What the-Alcoholic wipes?!"
Why in the Archon's name did they have towels wrapped in alcohol, are they stupid?! That's for drinking, not for healing!
With a newly added sense of annoyance for such a egregious blunder, she finally found the proper bandages (after triple checking the label), and began stopping the worst of their bleeding.
(Y/N)'s breathing was still heavy, but their body seemed to relax, and the pained expression on their face appeared to lessen ever so slightly.
Furina couldn't help herself, letting a hand gently caress their face, any comfort earned fading fast the moment she literally felt their blood on her hands.
(Furina) "You…You idiot!"
Any sign of her usual eloquence was completely absent as she felt tears running down her cheeks.
She was nobody now, no one important that was worth dying over.
Yet here (Y/N) was, having risked their life just to protect this nobody.
Furina had every intention of yelling at them for such a stupid stunt, but first she had to get them to safety.
…Oh Gods, she had to get (Y/N) to safety.
Furina looked at (Y/N), then herself. She repeated this motion three times before puffing out her chest and rolling up her sleeves.
(Furina) "Don't you dare die on me, (Y/N)! I will never forgive you if you do!"
She shouted, knowing fully well that they weren't conscious enough to reply.
She knelt down behind their head, arms reaching underneath their shoulders, and she lifted them off the ground.
(Furina) "HNNNNGGG!-"
…Or at least, attempted to.
Furina only managed to get their upper half in the air, before struggling to even budge.
(Y/N) wasn't exactly the heaviest person in Fontaine, but there was no way in hell that she was going to drag them away like this.
Furina exhaled loudly before her eyes trailed down to their legs.
Then, Furina had an idea.
Granted it was an awful one but…-
If anyone could see the former Hydro Archon at this moment, she was currently dragging a battered and bleeding body by the feet, grunting in stressed effort all the while as their body left a small trail in the dirt as she vanished into the wilderness, body in tow.
Furina was completely out of breath as she nearly collapsed herself, getting (Y/N) to a cave behind a waterfall, the area being surprisingly clean, apart from the rocks scattered amongst the dirt.
And considering the current state of (Y/N)'s clothes, more caked on dirt wouldn't really be that noticeable.
Thankfully, the cave appeared to be bug free, given its location and how small it was, much to Furina's relief. She wasn't sure if she could handle a spider crawling on her beloved retainer.
She'd probably injure them further trying to slay the foul beast.
(Y/N)'s body was resting against the cave walls as Furina knelt beside them, diligently checking their temperature with her hands on their forehead.
Before she could question what to do, (Y/N)'s eyes twitched before finally fluttering open again, making Furina's emotions take over.
(Furina) "YOU'RE OKAY!"
She screamed out, crushing them in a hug and making them yelp in pain. Furina didn't register that and held onto them with a crushing pressure similar to a Ruin Guard's fist clenching.
(Y/N) "ACK! FUR-…INA!"
They barely choked out, finally feeling air renter their lungs when she let go.
(Furina) "You absolute cretin! Why did you allow yourself to become this injured?!"
(Y/N) opened their mouth to say something, before realizing how puffy and red her eyes were, new tears running down her cheeks.
(Furina) "You…! You made me so scared, I thought I would lose you! I-…I!"
(Y/N) "I'm…sorry.-"
NO! Why were they apologizing?! How dare they, this was HER fault!
Her emotions threatened to completely pour out right then and there, but she could barely hold it back.
What happened instead, was (Y/N) wiped away one of the tears with their thumb, their motion so gentle, it made her pause for a brief moment.
When they moved to wipe away the other tear, she grabbed their hand and put it against her cheek, shutting her eyes fiercely and leaning into it.
(Furina) "Don't you ever do that again…! I'm not your boss, you don't need to-"
(Y/N) "Maybe not. But you're still my friend."
Furina paused for a moment before shaking her head violently and letting go.
(Furina) "No, I'm not! You're friends with the other Furina! I'm no one now, and-"
She feels the cuff of her wrist grabbed by (Y/N)'s hand putting it next go her.
(Y/N) "As far as I'm concerned, there's only ever been 1 Furina I've cared about."
Her heart skips a beat at their words, making her previously pale cheeks flushed with pink.
(Furina) "You…!" Sigh "Promise me that you'll make it, then."
Her voice becomes softer, Furina leaning into their hand as it drops to their lap.
(Furina) "Promise me that you won't die, because of me."
(Y/N) smiled as they pulled out their rapier, psuedo-posing as much as they could while sitting down.
(Y/N) "I'd never die for you, Furina. I'll live instead, for you."
…Live for her.
She didn't like the idea of anyone doing anything of the sort for her, but…this was a better alternative.
She averts her gaze, focusing on the waterfall as her cheeks darken in, hearing their promise.
(Furina) "…Do well to remember it, (Y/N)."
Why was she feeling this way?
(Y/N) had protected them plenty of times before, Clorinde included.
And yet…this one felt different.
Was it because she was no longer keeping up a persona? Or…perhaps…?-
(Y/N) "Speaking of which, thank you for saving me. I'm actually surprised you managed to get the bandages on me without it falling apart."
Furina squawked as soon as she heard that jab, making her blush disappear in an instant, replacing it with an insulted expression.
(Furina) "Excuse you, I saved your LIFE! I do not need these kind of back-handed comments!"
(Y/N) "I can tell with how tightly these bandages are wrapped around me. It feels like I'm losing circulation.-"
(Furina) "Would you prefer I leave you to have your guts spill out onto the grass?! Hmph! The audacity you have, is this how you repay someone saving you from certain doom?!"
Furina's eye twitched involuntarily at their teasing smile.
(Y/N) "I recall you making very similar comments before. Remember when I accidentally allowed a smidgen of my own blood taint your hat?-"
Furina had gone on a nearly ten minute long tangent of (Y/N) not doing their job properly by letting even a sign of the fight linger on her clothes, in front of a crowd no less.
(Furina) "T-THATS NOT FAIR! I was a completely different person!"
(Y/N) laughed hearing her voice crack, making her pout and cross her arms.
Putting the teasing aside, (Y/N) gave her a genuine smile as they closed their eyes, trying to ignore the pain from laughing too hard.
(Y/N) "…Thank you, though, Furina. I'm just glad you didn't come under any serious harm."
Furina gave a smile back as well, one softer than anything they had seen before.
While it was true, Furina is a different person, or rather she's now allowing herself to be just herself: one thing remained the same.
A smile better suit Furina.
(Y/N) "Give me a few moments so I can regain my strength. I'd rather not get dragged again."
(Furina) "Dragged-I DID MY BEST!"
(Y/N) eyes glanced down at themselves, seeing more dirt than the blood and soot previously on them.
They were going to need one hell of a bath to clean this off, not to mention the tailoring needed. Chiori was probably going to kill them herself, not the injuries.
(Y/N) "I know you did, Furina…"
Maybe they should get her to lift something other than macaroons and cake in her life.
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swampgallows · 9 months
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There is more COVID-19 transmission today (January 2024) than during 94.7% of the pandemic.
💉 Please get the updated (new, not a booster) Covid vaccine. If you're in the US, ask your local pharmacy about the Bridge Access Program for free vaccines. You can also search vaccines.gov then select Bridge Access Program participant.
If you do not want an mRNA vaccine for whatever reason, consider Novavax: it is protein-based like other typical vaccines from the last few decades, and many (including myself) report minimal side effects. Talk to your doctor if you have questions or concerns.
😷 Wear a mask in public and/or any enclosed areas. "Mask" means a respirator of KN95/N95 filtration or higher, not a cloth or surgical (blue) mask. Covid is airborne, so an airtight seal and particulate filter is necessary for protection. Different kinds of respirators are used for everything from toxic fumes to asbestos removal; when worn properly, they greatly reduce risk.
Here is a guide for proper use and fitting of a respiratory mask.
Here is a short video by 3M (respirator manufacturer) on the importance of fit-testing.
🧪 Have tests ready. With the new variants it can sometimes take 5-8 days to test positive, so be sure to test twice, 48 hours apart. If you're in the US, you can get 4 free rapid tests sent to your home through USPS. Local schools and libraries also may have free rapid tests. If you qualify for the Test to Treat program, you can receive free at-home NAAT tests and treatment for both flu AND Covid, and access to telehealth. The earlier you test positive, the more likely you will be eligible for treatment with Paxlovid.
🔁 If you can afford it, air purifiers and HEPA filters can help reduce transmission. Making a Corsi-Rosenthal box is simple and inexpensive. If weather permits, keeping windows open helps. Ventilation allows fresh air to circulate.
👃 Nasal sprays and CPC mouthwash are other useful prophylactic measures when used in conjunction with PPE and other modes of mitigation like masking and distancing.
🚬There is still a risk of Covid when outside, similar to exposure from secondhand smoke or a fire. Since Covid is spread through aerosols, it can hang in the air like smoke.
🐶 As with other coronaviruses, many household pets can get Covid. If you have been exposed, avoid contact with animals.
"But I'm not old or weak. Why should I care?"
☣ Covid can still kill you or disable you for life, even if your initial sickness is "mild". Even if you are young and have no preexisting conditions. 90% of the original "long haulers" had "mild" cases.
🩺 Covid increases your risk of stroke, blood clots, and heart disease by 2 to 5 times within a year of infection. It can also cause brain damage, which is part of the loss of taste and smell and cognitive symptoms like brain fog.
🩸 Covid is able to infect multiple organ systems because it travels through the bloodstream and attacks the mitochondria, leading to dysfunction and chronic fatigue.
⚠ Reinfection doesn't make your body better at fighting Covid; it just does more damage to your immune system, akin to HIV. A damaged immune system is worse at fighting off illness, more susceptible to infection, and can lead to serious complications like pneumonia. And with every reinfection, your chances of developing Long Covid increase. Therefore, the best protection for your immune system is to avoid getting Covid as much as possible.
I know everyone is tired of this. But if there was any time to be vigilant, it is now. Please, let's protect each other.
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deadpresidents · 4 months
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Brigadier General Theodore Roosevelt Jr. -- the eldest son of the 26th President of the United States -- was the only Allied general to land on the beaches of Normandy with the first wave of soldiers during the D-Day invasion on June 6, 1944.
Crippled by arthritis, hobbled by old combat wounds from the First World War, and forced to use a cane as he landed on Utah Beach with the U.S. Army's 4th Infantry Division on D-Day, General Roosevelt was the oldest man to take part in the opening stage of the invasion. He had made three requests to personally lead the assault on Utah Beach before finally being given command despite concerns about his health. During the confusion and chaos of the largest seaborne assault in human history, Roosevelt realized that tidal currents had carried nearly two dozen of the initial landing craft to the wrong location and was said to have announced, "We'll start the war from right here!"
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For his actions on D-Day, General Roosevelt would be awarded the country's highest military decoration, the Congressional Medal of Honor, on September 21, 1944:
For gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty of 6 June 1944, in France. After two verbal requests to accompany the leading assault elements in the Normandy invasion had been denied, Brig. Gen. Roosevelt's written request for this mission was approved and he landed with the first wave of the forces assaulting the enemy-held beaches. He repeatedly led groups from the beach, over the seawall and established them inland. His valor, courage, and presence in the very front of the attack and his complete unconcern at being under heavy fire inspired the troops to heights of enthusiasm and self-sacrifice. Although the enemy had the beach under constant direct fire, Brig. Gen. Roosevelt moved from one locality to another, rallying men around him, directed and personally led them against the enemy. Under his seasoned, precise, calm, and unfaltering leadership, assault troops reduced beach strong points and rapidly moved inland with minimum casualties. He thus contributed substantially to the successful establishment of the beachhead in France.
However, the Medal of Honor would be awarded to Theodore Roosevelt Jr. posthumously. On July 12, 1944, thirty-six days after landing in Normandy on D-Day, General Roosevelt died in his sleep at the age of 56 after suffering a heart attack. In a letter to his wife, General George S. Patton would write, "Teddy R[oosevelt] died in his sleep last night. He had made three landings with the leading wave -- such is fate...He was one of the bravest men I ever knew." General Patton would join General Omar Bradley and numerous other generals as honorary pallbearers at Roosevelt's funeral. Roosevelt was buried at the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial along with thousands of his fellow American soldiers who died in Europe during World War II. He is buried next to his youngest brother, Quentin Roosevelt, who was killed in action in 1918 after being shot down over France during World War I.
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aayu-live · 2 years
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Aayu: Yoga for Heart Health | Heart Disease Prevention
Heart disease program is designed to prevent and manage Cardiovascular Diseases with Yoga. Get Daily yoga practices by experts. Download App for Free!
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Hello! I hope you're well :)
Would you so kindly be able to do an Emily Prentiss x victim child!reader where reader is kind of young, maybe like between 6-10 and they've been held captive by the UnSub for weeks now and when the team finally finds the location, reader has gone mute and very cautious/scared of everyone and only allows (to an extent) Emily near them? Since she's the one who first finds them? Emily is very patient and comforts reader even if they don't speak and such. But reader eventually becomes comfortable enough to speak again, using short sentences and few words with Emily (maybe even some other team members, too).
Emily could possibly take them in but that part can be up to you!
I can't wait to see more of your work btw, you're so good!! Thx! Xoxo 💘
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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ This one-shot includes the topics of abuse, trauma, child neglecting, punishments and the plots are presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
Authors note: I have tried my best to accommodate this request. I have to say that I changed the request a little because I didn't want to write a 6 year old child being kidnapped by a stranger, so I just had to do it with the father who has a criminal record. I also had to shorten it and basically skip a period of time in order to fulfill the second part of the request. I hope it is still okay. Also had to split it into two parts, Tumblr wouldn't let me post it all at once ♥
Walls. Excessive tightness.
You did not know how long you had been in that closet, and you did not want to know either. Far too exhausted from all the panic attacks and the walls threatening to crush you. Your stomach was growling like it had been ever since your father decided to punish you for everything you did.
Your hands were shaking, your eyes were glassy, but you were long past crying. That only made things worse. Your father knew no mercy, and certainly not for his scared and crying little daughter.
Sometimes you imagined what it would be like if you actually suffocated in that closet. Better to suffocate from the reducing air than to be suffocated by your own father. You would not grow old, you would not reach the age of 10. You were sure of that. You were convinced that something would happen to you before your next birthday. But so far you had gotten older every year and every birthday you were sure that it would be your last.
Your father would not let you sleep in your bed anymore, but at least today it was in the closet and not in the gazebo that you had to sleep in. It was late autumn and in the arbor, the roof of which had tiny holes, there was a risk of hypothermia and finally freezing to death. Your hand, which was squeezed between the closet door and your thigh, had now fallen asleep and despite your constant shaking, you felt immensely hot. You noticed your face starting to glow again- you had a fever from the cold that blew through the room at night. You carefully pulled your hand out from under your leg, hitting your head on one of the wooden insert panels of the shelves, causing a dull thud as it came loose and fell onto your body.
Your heart skipped a beat before stopping briefly, you squinted for a moment, hoping that the noise had gone unnoticed and that your father had disappeared from his guarding position in front of the closet and was downstairs in front of the TV. But then you heard footsteps, quiet and muffled through the ajar door and the wood that surrounded you. It sounded nothing like your father and his firm, jagged steps and you begged that you had not misheard and were now in for a lot of trouble.
The door creaked and your breathing became increasingly quicker. You did not mishear. You closed your eyes tightly, trying to calm yourself and prepare yourself for what was to come. If your father saw you so upset, he might keep you here longer or deny you food for the next few days.
The key turned in the lock that locked the two doors together and you heard them slowly open, but did not dare to look outside. The fear of provoking your father when you greedily gasped for fresh air and light was too great. You felt a slight breeze on your bare shoulders and cheeks. Still, you kept your eyes closed, hoping to avoid your fate.
Instead of your father's disapproving shouts and rough hands that would normally drag you out of the closet, there was only a careful, barely noticeable touch on your shoulder. When you raised your eyes, you saw a strange woman with black hair. "Hey, sweetie. I am from the police, you are safe now," the older woman's eyes were glassy. She seemed unsettled, as if she was afraid of breaking you with one wrong move, as if you were made of delicate mass. "You can come out now, your father can not hurt you anymore."
You nodded and a few moments later she had pulled you out of the closet, carefully and slowly so as not to hurt you, and immediately drawn you into her arms. You just let it happen, completely unable to understand that this was a foreign woman you were clinging to.
Your father had forbidden you from speaking to strangers and your fear of upsetting your dad was huge. But something about her voice made you give in. "I am Emily. What is your name?" she asked and rubbed your back soothingly, your courage to speak failing you. When the rest of her team stormed into the room a moment later and looked down at you in front of the open door, you panicked and shook yourself away from her before returning to the closet where you felt safe.
A hand signal directed to Derek and Hotch, they disappeared silently from the bare room with the remaining SWAT workers and left her alone with you. It took some time for you to gain confidence and crawl out of the wooden wardrobe again. The young woman had talked her head off with various topics in order to give you a feeling of reassurance.
You followed Emily's hand movements carefully, and at the sight of the little package of gummy bears, your mouth watered and your stomach began to make itself known. "Someone is really hungry!" She whispered and smiled softly before opening the small package and holding it out to you.
You carefully sat up, occasionally glancing at the door so that you could move back into the closet as quickly as possible in case of an emergency. But nothing happened. The black-haired woman pointed uncertainly but grinning at the package. "The green ones are my favorite. And what are yours?" you rummaged through the tiny package with your fingers until you held a red gummy bear between your fingers and showed it to her. "The red ones? Uhh, they are yummy!"
You jumped away while the first bite, she had raised her hand too quickly. She shook her head, swallowing hard. Emily had not thought for a split second. “Can I feel your forehead?”she asked after a short hesitation and you nodded, afraid of upsetting her like your father, granting her permission.
She gently placed her hand on your sweat-covered forehead. You were feverish. She slowly lowered her hand carefully again and watched you as you hesitantly gnawed on a gummy bear. Your father did not like it when you just wolfed down your food and often had taken it away when fell into a deep hunger.
Emily continued to watch you, her eyes sad and exhausted. You cocked your head, wondering if you had done something wrong. When your eyes met for a moment, you hesitantly reached for her free hand and placed her favorite gummy bear in her palm.
You found a kind of care and hope in her presence. Hope that you can still lead a normal life and never be locked in the closet by your father again. Emily caught the very first smile you gave her before you stood up and carefully fell into her arms. "Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?" she giggled softly, her heart swelling and beginning to pound wildly.
Surprisingly, she widened her eyes while keeping her mouth wide open. After hours spent in this cold room with only forensics downstairs doing their work, she had finally managed to hear your gentle and childlike voice.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 4 months
What's the First Class trio's favorite candy?
Genesis: Red hots or anything else that's spicy and cinnamon-flavored. He also likes Banora White-flavored lollipops and anything apple flavored in general.
Angeal: Also a fan of anything Banora White-flavored because it tastes like home—or in his case, it tastes like afternoons sprawled out on Genesis' bedroom floor, playing while Genesis insists that he try the sweets his parents gave him. Though he secretly prefers minty flavors and gum over anything else because he's addicted to the feeling of eating candy but not having it feel like he ate candy since his breath is so fresh.
Sephiroth: Honestly, not picky at all when it comes to candy. He's happy to have anything offered to him since he has so little experience of what he likes/dislikes. HOWEVER, he's very opinionated and likes to keep track of his thoughts.
Lollipops: 7/10. They're practical because they're essentially hard candy with a handle, reducing choking risks. But after he's finished, he's left with a plastic stick. 3 points reduced for pollution concerns.
Gummy Bears: 8/10. They're chewy and the variety of flavors is a plus, but 2 points have been reduced because they get stuck in his teeth.
Sour Candy: 2/10. Genesis didn't explain what sour candy was beforehand, so Sephiroth had a heart attack.
Jawbreakers: 1/10. Uncomfortable to chew and his jaw was not broken. False advertising.
Cotton Candy: 3/10. Sweet and delectable, but doesn't last very long, reducing the amount of pleasure he experiences per bite. Sephiroth once tried to solve this problem by purchasing a cotton candy machine. Angeal still has war flashbacks from dealing with Sephiroth on a sugar high.
Banora White lollipops: 100/10. They smell like Genesis and Angeal. Sometimes he likes to eat them and imagine he's the third child sitting in Genesis' childhood bedroom, playing with them and having a better childhood than he did at Shinra.
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sorcerous-caress · 1 year
I would like to maybe request the different BG3 party members finding out a Tav with a tough guy act was secretly ticklish? Just fluff all around
Finding out you're ticklish
[ fluff, nb!Reader, several characters ]
[ reader is a tough cold badass person ]
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Absolutely abuses it.
She has been trying to get you to loosen up for a while. As cool and badass she thought you were, she was sure there was a fun side to you.
Took it very personally to try to get you to laugh, bad puns, slipping on a banana peel, and even asking Gale to borrow one of his nerdy type jokes. Alas, you were as expressive as a stone wall.
Just when she was about to give up, she thought "ah what the hell?" and just went for it, full on tickling your sides. Worst case scenario, she will get put on clean duty again.
Imagine her surprise when you started cackling up. Pure sincere laughter coming from your own lips, very contagious too. She found herself laughing along as she kept denying your attempts to push her away.
Now she has a secret weapon, one she plans to use at whichever chance she gets.
Very amused.
Ah, how the tables have turned. You know he did have a theory on your aversion to touch and the distance you keep from others, and this was the most pleasant of outcomes.
"Accidentally" brushes against your ticklish spots, claims absolute innocence each time. Batting his eyelashes as he swears ignorance.
He'd have prefered a more subtle method than Karlach's, but really, who is he to say? Maybe he could learn a thing or two from her, that sometimes the easiest way is the best answer to a problem.
Teases you about it.
She threatens to do it in her "maybe I'm joking, maybe not" way. Does she ever do it? Who knows.
But mostly, she can relate to you. She gets teased about her fear of wolves a lot, so she understands if you want her to drop the topic.
Defends you.
He was always the kid in the playground who'd chase bullies away, and while this is a more light-hearted teasing between friends things, he will still defend you from Karlach surprise attacks.
You're safe next to him, don't worry, he will never use your weakness against you no matter how tempting it is to get this tough ice cold person to fall into a pit of laughter.
Those aren't his thoughts, just the devil's on his shoulder.
Doesn't get it.
What do you mean ticklish? What even is that.
Gith don't really get tickled. Their skin doesn't allow it much. She is a bit fascinated and curious about it. After all, it must be a great weapon if it reduced a formidable person like you into a jumpy offbalance prey.
Yes, she will keep it in mind if she needs to take you down one day. It is the excuse she allows herself on why she keeps staring at you whenever you laugh.
While Wyll will attempt to defend you, Minthara doesn't even have to try.
If everyone in here wants to keep their throat unslited, they better not even think to place their grubby hands near you.
Says she did use it as a form of torture in interrogations before. It wasn't very effective since the target would end up incomprehensible.
you poor thing.
His bullying puts Shadowheart's light hearted teasing to shame, he WILL fully throw digs at you every chance he gets.
Brings it up always, asks if you're at risk of falling prone to laughter because your shirt's fabric was too soft. Jokes about how feathers must be knives to you huh.
He isn't big on touching, so your physical body will remain safe. Your mentality, however, is a different case.
He is too, very ticklish. How did he get people to stop bringing it up? Simple, turn into a gaint bear.
It's not so fun watching someone fall on you from laughter when it's a gaint cave bear with rows of sharp teeth.
But really, it's not so bad. And here he will help you practice your bear exaggerated laughter to make your teeth look sharper.
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mindblowingscience · 7 months
The drug finasteride, already used to treat hair loss and enlarged prostates, could also help to cut the risk of heart disease. In an analysis of data from both male humans and mice, the drug was shown to improve health and reduce levels of cholesterol. Too much cholesterol in the body is well known to increase heart disease risk, as it encourages atherosclerosis: fatty deposits in blood vessels, blocking the flow of blood through the arteries. Eventually, that can lead to strokes or heart attacks.
Continue Reading.
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drdemonprince · 7 months
What are the risks and costs of choosing not to connect with other people sexually? I've never heard anybody mention it before!
You should first reflect upon what the specific costs of not having the kind of sex you wanna have are for *yourself*. As this is a conversation about personal risk mitigation.
For some people it might be things like: touch starvation, reduced immune system functioning due to touch starvation, increased risk of heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems due to loneliness and touch starvation, increased depression and anxiety (with all of the downstream effects that might have on your health-related behavior, and consequently, your health), lost social opportunities, lost romantic opportunities, atrophy to specific sexual tissues if relevant, sexual frustration, the grinding and all-encompassing existential dread of never getting to pursue the things you've fantasized about all your life, fewer events to look forward to in life, reduced exercise if you enjoy using sex as a form of physical activity, higher cortisol, reduced sleep quality, reduced pelvic floor health, poorer understanding of oneself as a sexual being (particularly if you are queer), a feeling of lack of recognition and/or belonging within the queer community, reduced self-esteem or a reduced sense of one's own desirability, a lack of a legible sense of how the self is perceived by the people one is attracted to, reduced feelings of agency...
Not all of these things are consequences of not having sex for everybody, not all of these are risks you might care about, nobody has to have sex if they don't want to, and there are plenty of ways to mitigate many of these risks by seeking out an alternative source of connection, touch, community membership, identity exploration, and so on. But for someone who actively wants to have sex, has sexual fantasies, and has a libido, abstaining from sex in order to prevent STI's means incurring a whole lot of potential costs in their own right.
others feel free to share your own. many of these are ripped from the pages of my own life, but others are just pretty widespread findings in the literature.
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agirlwithglam · 28 days
forgiveness to others.
forgive people guys. accept apologies and forgive. even if they haven't said sorry even if they really should have, don't hold a grudge. not just for the sake of moving on and being happy but also literally for your actual health and wellness!
recently studies have shown that not forgiving someone can hinder and negatively impact your health and increase risks of diseases
website "Whether it’s a simple spat with your spouse or long-held resentment toward a family member or friend, unresolved conflict can go deeper than you may realize—it may be affecting your physical health. The good news: Studies have found that the act of forgiveness can reap huge rewards for your health, lowering the risk of heart attack; improving cholesterol levels and sleep; and reducing pain, blood pressure, and levels of anxiety, depression and stress. And research points to an increase in the forgiveness-health connection as you age. “There is an enormous physical burden to being hurt and disappointed,” says Karen Swartz, M.D., director of the Mood Disorders Adult Consultation Clinic at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. Chronic anger puts you into a fight-or-flight mode, which results in numerous changes in heart rate, blood pressure and immune response. Those changes, then, increase the risk of depression, heart disease and diabetes, among other conditions. Forgiveness, however, calms stress levels, leading to improved health."
of course, do not tolerate the same behaviour again but don't hold a grudge or resentment against them either! like what good is that gonna do you? get past things so you can glow up and be genuinely happy so that if you do come across them again, it doesn't trigger you, doesn't make you feel happy or sad. it doesn't really make you feel anything.
That’s why, forgive. Not for them, for you.
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