#regrow that tooth
ryllen · 10 days
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the next thing u know, yuu would have the possession of malleus' bones
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vivi-mire · 1 year
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being an artist means you can do anything you want with your oc
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llycaons · 1 month
the reason teeth decay and bones do not is because teeth are literally not bones and do not act like them
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thethingything · 21 days
anyway on the plus side we get to keep the tooth we are having extracted and I think that'll be cool. we keep joking about putting it on a necklace or something
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bingjourney · 8 months
Approximately last year (2022), I made decission to pull off my cracked molars. I wasn't ready to let it go, but I have to. I've been chewing with only left side of my mouth for years, and I can feel my teeth are screaming for justice and equality.
As someone who believes in miracles and the posibility of the impossible, i googled whether there is a way to cure cracked tooth. I've been listening to brainwave frequencies, searching of possibility to reattach it with special glue, but my intuition made it clear that I have to let it go.
And this breaks my heart:
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I have to say goodbye forever and it is gone, no longer with me. I have to deal with it and accept it.
On my way to dentist, I feel my heart is pounding, I'm nervous because I almost never visit dentist or hospital, or any other health centre. Somehow my body is strong enough to keep it healthy for 3 decades, but I just took it for granted because I thought it was normal.
In front of dentist, I remember it was Ocean dental, I check pick a card tarot reading on youtube to see if I made the right decision with pulling it off. Hey, I'm a libra, it's tough for me to decide something, especially cutting my body part off.
The pick a card reading was from Terri Nichols "yes or no", and it's around 15-20 minutes. But the only sentence I remember is when she said "you will feel nervous right now, but eventually you will feel much better after this. It was the right decision after all."
After the encouragement from my spirit guide through Terri, I entered the dentist and pull my tooth off. I still remember the "crack" sounds echoing in my skull. It was pretty much like breaking ice, and the ice breaks. To celebrate my liberation from the cracked tooth, I decided to eat chicken noodle from Mie Gajah Mada, and I use my right side of mouth to chew.
Yes, there was tears of joy. Streaming like a waterfall.
And so I apologize to my teeth, i told them I'm sorry for abandoning your hygiene so one of you shall go. And I promise I will take care of the rest that still remains.
I go to dentist for scaling, and always brush my teeth for at lest once a day. I never again abuse my teeth by chewing overly tough rock food, and always be gentle when I chew. Of course, whenever I consume sugar, Always rinse with mineral water.
Today, I go to the dentist again to treat the captivy, and received shocking news.
The dentist said that my lost molar is regenerate!!
It's about to regrow!!
I was so happy I cried on my way home. I can't stop expressing my gratitude to God, Angels, Universe, Spirit guides, Ancestors, and my body for this miracle.
I thought it was gone forever and apparently it regrow!
Thank you, thank you so much for this gift, this miracle 🥰🙏
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ali-yona · 4 months
girl help i am once again confused by the tarkatan arm blades
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blujayonthewing · 11 months
one downside of deciding one of my OCs' dads is a dentist is that I've spent more time than I ever would have expected thinking about the biology of different fantasy races' teeth
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mindblowingscience · 9 months
It's been announced that clinical trials for a potential tooth regrowth treatment are set to begin in July 2024, building on decades of research in the field. If those trials are successful, therapeutic drugs could be available by 2030. A team from the Medical Research Institute at Kitano Hospital in Japan is in charge of the trial, which is targeting people with anodontia, a rare genetic condition that prevents baby teeth and adult teeth from growing in the normal way. The treatment would initially target young children with the condition, but further down the line, the researchers think it could also be used more broadly – with people who have more common dental problems, such as gum disease, for example. "The idea of growing new teeth is every dentist's dream," Katsu Takahashi, head of the dentistry and oral surgery department at Kitano Hospital, told The Mainichi. "I've been working on this since I was a graduate student. I was confident I'd be able to make it happen." Here's how it works: having found a link between a specific gene called USAG-1 and limits on tooth growth in mice, the researchers then moved on to tests that tried to block the expression of USAG-1.
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sciderman · 1 year
What's your hc for how Wade's teeth regenerate? Is he constantly growing them like a shark? Do the teeth themselves heal? Do they only regrow when he loses them?
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this is... this is such a strange ask... i.. wh... i don't know, i think his teeth grow back if he loses them, i guess. the shark thing is terrifying. i guess if he chips a tooth it grows back too.
i think wade has the most perfect teeth in the universe. i think he has a hollywood smile. i think dental hygiene is very important to wade and he thinks his smile is his best feature. i think there's very few bits of wade's appearance that he can control and you know, make glamorous, but he can always maintain his smile.
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mikkeneko · 1 year
amusing myself with a little snippet of SVSSS lore that I may not ever end up using for fic purposes:
In the world of Proud Immortal Demon Way, there is a special kind of symbiotic barnacle that grows along rocky beaches, the Bone White Bleached Teeth Barnacle. Its shells are ivory-white and come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes that are all roughly that of humanoid teeth. With the right techniques, these barnacles can be harvested, shaped and coaxed into acting as tooth implants that are visually and functionally indistinguishable from the human (or demon’s) original teeth.
The reason the Bone White Bleached Teeth Barnacle exists is that Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky really, really liked a particular dramatic turn of phrase in a combat scene where a character would take a punch across the jaw, slowly turn their head to the side and dramatically spit broken teeth fragments onto the ground. In fact he liked it so much and reused this phrase so often that some fans actually made a spreadsheet of how many times it had occurred in the course of PIDW and determined that Luo Binghe had lost at minimum 17 teeth throughout the story.
Airplane argued that Luo Binghe, with his Heavenly Demon nature, can simply regrow teeth at need (as can any of his demon wives.) But there were enough instances where a human wife had teeth punched out and then showed up in a later chapter with a perfectly intact pearly-white smile that he eventually had to cave.
Three chapters after the spreadsheet was posted, Luo Binghe had a dramatic showdown with a storm demon on a beach where it was specifically noted that a colony of Bone White Bleached Teeth Barnacle grew. Noted anti-fan Peerless Cucumber initially pitched a fit about this blatant ass-covering, until someone else in the forum drew a fanart of the scene. The resultant panorama, with thousands and thousands of humanish teeth growing in profusion along the jagged rocks with the roiling dark clouds in the background, was so unsettling that even Peerless Cucumber admitted that it was pretty fucking metal, actually.
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Being a harpy, Grian doesn't actually have teeth, but has instead what is essentially a beak shaped like a human dental arch behind his lips.
The keratin cover of this beak is very close in colour to his lips and general skin tone, resulting in the "no mouth" look, as it can be hard to tell from a distance wether or not his lips are parted.
Keratin is of course weaker than enamel, but it's easier to maintain as well. It doesn't require brushing, or at least it only requires it to stop bad breath rather than tooth decay. It also, much like hair or finger nails, continually regrows. This is the reason for Grian's chewing habits. Much like rodent teeth, the beak needs to be kept from overgrowing that way.
(This or variations of it can be applied to any other hermit you'd like to imagine as a harpy.)
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oltammefru · 11 months
Specter is a shark and so she's probably capable of continually regrowing her teeth over her lifetime like sharks are. I imagine that whenever she feels a tooth coming loose she just pulls it out and gives it to the nearest person. At this point both Skadi and Gladiia have a pretty extensive collection. The first time Specter gave a tooth to Irene she never really bothered to explain and she was just like "oh I feel one coming loose" and then pulls out a tooth and gives it to Irene (Here. Have A Tooth.) and Irene is just like a combination of confused and freaking out, until Skadi explains it to her.
One time, in a fight, Specter got hit in the face hard, knocking a tooth loose, so she pulled the tooth out and just fucking murdered the guy with it.
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autism-corner · 6 months
Sweet tooth, for you
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During class you learn an interesting fact about demon teeth, and it takes over your mind for weeks after. What began as pure curiosity grows into something more passionate, but you can't just ask Belphegor to have a feel at his teeth, right?
Belphegor x reader || you/yours pronouns. reader has a dick. reader gets referred to with mr. once but otherwise unspecified gender. || lil bit of both comfort & smut || 3.3K words. || ao3
Usually, anatomy class at RAD discusses the biology of non-demons, striving to educate their demographic on bodies that are different from their own. The bodies and its functions of werewolves, ghosts and even humans have been thoroughly discussed. But, with the upcoming exam, a revision of their own person was needed. 
Of course, demon’s anatomy wasn’t the only topic to be revised, so they only spent about two hours on it until they moved on. Still, despite having done a fair share of your own experiments with certain demons’ bodies, there were a few new neat things you picked up on. Their blood gets darker depending on general power and rank, horns need to shed and regrow every couple of centuries, et cetera, et cetera. The one thing that really stuck with you though, was the fact that, apparently, teeth slowly shift into a form closer to their respective animal over the years. 
It was strange that you never noticed. Even though Levi rarely opened his mouth (and when he did it went too fast to take a proper look), he did seem to have longer and sharper canines, which closely resembled a snake’s fangs. Satan, although you’d never say this out loud, did also have a rather horsey (unicorny?) teeth, especially evident when he was once again grinding them down in his fits of rage. All the other brothers’ animals didn’t really have teeth at all, so they all have pretty regular mouths. Well, all, aside from Belphie. Cows had teeth for sure.
It’s been a couple of weeks. The exam had gone by, and it went okay, you guess. There’s not much reason to care about grades if you’re stuck here anyway. What you do care about is the thing that still hasn’t been able to leave your mind for all those weeks. You watched and watched, but nothing about Belphie’s teeth seemed much more fundamentally different than, say, Beel’s. It kept you constantly awake at night, and your entire search history was filled with research on cow’s teeth. You even tried the oldest books on bovidae you could find in the library. Nothing mentioned how these animals affect an associated demon’s teeth.
What you also didn’t understand was the reason for your fascination with his teeth. You and Belphie had been more than platonic for a good bit now, so it wasn’t like it’s weird to be interested in him. But this enchantment, spending day and night thinking about such a specific part of him, it felt strange. Too strange to just ask him about it. 
As days and weeks continued, your interest never diminished. No, it grew stronger the longer you held off simply asking him. Now, anytime he decided to nap near you, you couldn’t keep your eyes off that mouth of his. A few times temptation got the better of you, and you moved closer to get a better look. It wouldn’t be rare to walk into a room where you and him resided, and to find you with a finger in his mouth. Just to get a better look of course. Nothing more. Simple curiosity. Or so you kept telling yourself. 
You didn’t know how you managed to hide your interest from Belphie for this long. Maybe he was just too stupid, or maybe he was too enamoured with you in turn to notice. Beel picked up though. How could he not. He just didn’t think anything of it. It wouldn’t be the first time he walked in on something strange, and it sure as hell wouldn’t be the last. You don’t know what finally made him bring it up to Belphie, but you did know that a very amused cow is now standing in your doorway, and will not leave until you spill your not-so-secret-anymore passion. 
“Ugh” You groan. You knew it would eventually come to bite you in the ass, but that doesn’t mean you were prepared.
“Hi!” Cheerfulness is a scary look on Belphegor. You just know he is up to anything but good. “Beel was telling me about a little thing you’ve been doing to me…” The smile turned into a frown, clearly played up. “Why didn’t you ask me about it? I am very hurt you know…. Won’t you comfort me right now?”. Christ. He won’t let you get out of this. If you absolutely had to discuss this with him, better to do it in private. You huffed, grabbed him by the hand and pulled him inside. After pushing him on the bed, you made a quick trip to lock the door. Better safe than sorry.
When you turned back to the bed, Belphie had made himself plenty comfortable. It’s a mystery how he does it this quick, since the door can’t be more than two metres from your bed, but there he was. Somehow already under the blankets, unashamedly sniffing your pillow. For some reason his boots and pants were already thrown on the floor. You were entirely grateful for choosing to lock the door immediately. 
As you stood there, admiring the likely half-naked man in your bed, you had to force yourself to move. Prolonging the topic wouldn’t do you any good, and you were all too keen to reach the ‘good ending’ that has been so clearly presented to you by the demon in your bed. So, you sat down on the edge of your bed, way more nervous than you have ever felt in your own room.
“I-. Look.” Belphie didn’t move. You don’t mind. You needed to have your say, and a pair of piercing eyes on you while you did so was not going to help. “I don’t know how much Beel has actually told you, but all of it is probably true.” You couldn’t bear to look at him either, shame endlessly growing with intensity, but the warm hand that had reached out to hold yours helped. A little.
You told him everything. The anatomy class where it all started, your ever-growing curiosity for his teeth specifically, and the eroticism that started to develop for them as well. You decided to let out the details of your nightly pleasures to him, but he got the gist. The idea of big molars, and teeth in general, was very hot to you. Alright.
During your spilling of the embarrassing obsession, small tears had started to form in your eyes. You know Belphegor loved you and he had his own kinks as well, but this felt too weird. You couldn’t find anyone at all that shared your interest, and there were only a few videos online to satisfy your needs. Imagination was becoming harder to use, always having to be more aware that you could just ask the object of interest. But, in a way it felt good. Better. Halfway through your ramblings Belphie had gotten up and next to you, draping a blanket over the two of you. He hadn’t interrupted. He wouldn’t have known what to say anyway. Feelings weren’t really his strong suit.
Once you were finished with most of your difficult feelings, your tears having dried a bit, you gathered the courage to look at your boyfriend. Your voice was a bit sore, but you managed to talk again. “So. Have I turned you off with my weirdness?” It was a half-joke. Something like this couldn’t stop Belphie loving you, but you couldn’t shake the fear off you that easily. Luckily, the one thing regarding feelings that Belphegor was good at, was affirming his admiration to you. 
As his fingers continued fidgeting with yours, like they had for the past while, he responded softly. “You really think something like that could stop me from being with you?” His eyes reached yours for the first time today. “Darling. All of us have little secrets like that. If anything, I’m more upset that you've waited this long to tell me.” A small smirk formed on his face. “Do you know how much fun we could’ve had with this already? I know you see me as your little pillow princess, but I do want you to enjoy yourself as well. I am totally not opposed to you getting a feel, yaknow.” His face inched closer, his soft lips pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek. “Are you up to satisfying your curiosities right now?” 
You felt a bit stupid for doubting he wouldn’t be eager to please you as well. So, as soon as you gave him a smile and a nod, his coyness dropped and a huge smile came to his face. “Awesome!” Within the next second, he put his arms around your neck in one swift movement, and pulled the both of you down to lay on the bed. In a poor attempt to not put your entire weight on his fragile-looking body, your legs put you in excellent position to straddle Belphegor. He let out a sweet giggle at the feeling.
“So, Mr. Curious-About-Teeth, care to tell me what you want to know?”. The look he gave you was addicting. His arms were still around your neck, keeping you close, and forcing you to put all too much weight on the arms you have braced around his head. Unfortunately, you have a little too much dignity left in you to fall limp all over him by the mere mention of his teeth.
His teeth… 
As soon as you were brought back to reality, you returned to being very aware of the situation and everything it held. But, all the fantasies you had really didn’t prepare you for the real thing. Hmm. Where to start?
As you pondered over the next best thing to do, Belphies expression softened. His lustful gaze never lessened, but it became clear to him that this was still difficult for you. Understandably so. Neither of you had ever been this unprepared for a new ‘experiment’.
Finally, you grunted. “Argh. Listen, I don’t know.” The thinking was too energy-consuming, and you begrudgingly let your arms give in, making all of your weight fall onto the man below. If it did hurt, Belphie didn’t let you know. “Just. Let me do my thing. Please?” You had to start somewhere. And thus, comfortably splayed out on your demon, you began where you had left off a couple days ago. Getting your fingers all in that hot mouth of his.
Now finally being awake during your indulgence, Belphie immediately opened up obediently for you. With his mouth wide agape, you finally got to look at that which you so desperately longed for. Your fingers, which were already close to his lips to begin with, were able to properly slither in at last. Your eyes were instantly mesmerised by the look of you, reaching into that holy place.  
Your fingers reached his molars before your eyes were able to get a proper look at them. You made sure to remember to ask Belphie again later for another look and proper, non-horny research. Despite the current hard-on that was slowly developing in your pants, you were still fascinated by the entire concept from a scientific standpoint. Not right now though, no. Any logical or reasonable thought had long left your mind. 
They were pointy and flat. Anything you thought they would be. Grinding your finger against them, you could only imagine what your dick would feel like in those same dangers. God, they felt divine. Even better than you ever could have hoped. How can a demon like this feel this good? Although that would probably remain a mystery, you were all too keen to keep exploring. 
As you marvelled in his sharp wetness, another one of your fingers joined you. They travelled along either side of his jaw. You started at the front, with his smooth incisors. Not too much different from your own teeth. But, continuing to where you would have expected some canines, it turned into a smooth transition to his premolars. The premolars were a bit sharper than the molars farther back, and gave a very nice resistance. At this point though, the two fingers were getting a bit much for Belphegor, spreading his mouth out more than comfortable. Although he was known for his big mouth, you guess that this wasn’t what they meant.
Too entranced to notice, WAY to turned on to stop, you decided that the least you could do was give him something to pay with as well. So, alongside the two already in his mouth, another two fingers went in. It took a bit of shuffling to fit it in proper, but your index and pinky finger were now on either side of his jaw, your ring and middle finger keeping his tongue pressed down. 
As you continued, your focus finally able to shift to his molars fully, you let yourself go again. Bephie seemed a bit more contend as well, now leisurely licking and playing with the long forgotten fingers formerly resting on his tongue. You asked yourself later how he was even able to handle so much business in his mouth, but you guess there’s indeed plenty more to learn about demons’ anatomy. For now, back to the teeth.
The molars had been the most fascinating things for you. They are the teeth anyone sees when asked to imagine one. Big, square, pointy bits on the bottom (which were now still in his gums, luckily enough). The classic. Oh how you had longed to feel his like this.
They were bigger. Longer. One could have mistaken one of Belphie’s molars for two of a humans. It was hot. You couldn’t help but wonder how far back they went. So, your hand wondered, without any regards to the man whose mouth you were currently evading.
It had gone too far. The molars kept continuing, and your hand wasn’t going to stop by itself. But despite his unusual physique, Belphegor still had a gag reflex. Somewhere far back. 
He bit. You thought you heard a bit of a moan, but you weren't sure. It hadn’t ~hurt~ per se. If anything, your pants got impossibly more tight. But it couldn’t have been pleasant for Belphegor. So, regardless of your own burning needs, you retrieved your hands out of his sharp warmth.
You merely looked on while Belphie coughed and tried to get his breath back. You noticed that his eyes were a bit dazed, like they usually were after an eventful night, and was happy it wasn’t all that bad for the other party. Still, he clearly needed some space to wheeze for a moment. While he got his breath back, you got up and quickly slid off your pants. Those would not be necessary for anything that would follow.
It’s unclear how you got here. One moment you were hurrying your belt off, and the next moment you were sat on belphie’s chest, the demon under you already licking at your tip. Did he manage to pull you back here somehow? Reaching for a bit of stability in your new-found position, you placed your hands next to his head. As you did so, his eyes reached you once again, and he flashed you a smile. “Ready for the ride?” he asked with a sultry tone. At least, you think he did. Despite the loveliness of it, you couldn’t really focus on his voice. Everything you’ve longed for over the past months was right in front of you, and nothing but those pearly ivories could inhabit  your mind at the moment. Belphie didn’t mind your absence, pleased enough to pleasure you for now. This time, he didn’t cover his teeth as his enveloping warmth embraced you once again. 
It was rough. The scraping and tugging wasn’t exactly like what you tried to imagine so many times, but it felt good. Way too good. Something you hadn’t considered before but was certainly a plus, was the danger surrounding it all. You knew all the better that if Belphie really wanted to, he could properly bite down right now, and snap off your entire dick. The signs of thrust and love surrounding it all made you appreciate it even more. 
Up till now, Belphie had been giving you the regular ol’ blowjob. Definitely nothing wrong with it, especially so with the added roughness of his teeth, but you wanted, no, NEEDED more. You grabbed a handful of his hair and forced him to look up, shifting your hips to be in a position with more controle. “Belphs,” Fuck. His eyes met yours, and you were once again reminded how addicted to him you were. You smiled. “I’m gonna take charge for now, alright?”
He couldn’t respond of course, your dick still halfway in his mouth, but he managed to give a slight nod, accompanied with a little smile. Adorable. “Please, if it gets too much, tap me somewhere twice, alright?” It’s important to set up safeties, especially since you weren’t sure how aware you could be when things got further. He smiled again, a look of determination settling on his face. It’s a shame that in your current position, you weren’t able to kiss his face. Oh well. There were more important things at hand right now.
As your hips slowly started up again, Belphie placed his hands on your thighs. He pulled you closer, encouraging you to let loose. He knew what he was getting himself into. 
You manoeuvred your hips a bit, searching for the delicious points and dips of his molars your fingers had explored so well earlier. As you found your place, sandwiched between your lovers teeth, you noticed them bite down on you. As they did so, shivers went up your spine. It didn’t hurt at all. Alright, maybe it did a little bit, but it only added to the pleasure. It made you long for more, harder. Would Belphie like the taste of your blood? That’s something to find out later, you didn’t want to go that far this first time.
While getting used to the frankly weird and strangely hot situation, your hips gained movement again. You couldn’t focus on anything but grinding against this foreign sensation, hoping to remember every nook and cranny, and make them yours. It was delicious. 
Belphie’s teeth provided the perfect amount of resistance to rut against. With each movement of your hips the feeling increased, and so did the pressure. As your tip dragged along the sharp edges, you let out moans like you hadn’t ever before. And Belphie’s own grunting, as much as he was able to do so, only spurred you on. Slowly, you felt yourself get lost in the sensation, chasing and relishing in endless pleasure. 
You don’t know how long you used Belphegor. You came twice, thrice maybe? And he must have swallowed it all, since you definitely did not stop after your first round. Admittedly, all your memories of it are a bit hazy. You remember quick movement and relentless bliss, but not much more. All the more an excuse to do it again someday. But for now you were spent, and the boy sound asleep next to you clearly was as well. Come to think of it, had he even cum? Were you really too lost in your own thrill to care for his needs?? Surely that wouldn’t do, and you made a mental note to make it up to him extensively, once he woke up. Later.
As you pulled your demon closer to you, you placed a sweet kiss on his forehead. “Thank you” you murmured softly. Subconsciously, Belphegor moved closer to you as well, and you closed your eyes. Content after a night well spent you went on your way to join him in his dreams, hoping to give him more love there.
HI thank you for reading!! its a pretty niche fetish so I need to make my own contend for it but im pretty happy with how it turned out =w=b just another reminder that I also posted this on ao3, and to comment and like/reblog if you enjoyed my silly lil teeth groping & fucking <3
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leebrontide · 1 day
This could be such a game changer. I've been following this technology for YEARS. I'm so pleased to see it continuing to move forward as a promising future option.
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modern-inheritance · 29 days
After a particularly nasty bonk to the head…
Eragon: *spits out a pre-molar* 😰 Ah man! My tooth!
Saphira: Don’t be such a baby. It’ll grow back.
Eragon: No, it won’t! Human teeth don’t work like that.
Saphira: Really? Well that’s stupid.
Arya: What’s the problem?
Eragon: I lost a tooth in that last fight!
Arya: Oh. *unceremoniously grabs him by the face and tilts his head up, examining the space* Eh, no big. It’ll grow back in a week or two.
Saphira: That’s what I told him, but he’s not listening.
Eragon: ??? No! It won’t! Humans don’t regrow teeth!
Glen: Lose a tooth?
Eragon: YES! And before you-
Glen: Eh, give it a few weeks and it’ll grow back, good as new.
Eragon: *choked noises of flabbergastry*
Brom: Could you all stop bullying my son for once? The tooth will grow back, stop-
Eragon: *frustrated scream, runs off*
Eragon: *sheepishly knocks on Arya’s tent*
Arya: What, I’m off duty.
Eragon: okay so. Saphira’s no help, she just keeps saying ‘I told you so’ and offering sticks to chew on.
Eragon: *opens mouth to show a familiar looking pointy feature poking out of his gums* What the fuck??
Arya: Awww, Babby’s first snaggletooth!
Arya: Unfortunately you came to one of the two elves in a probably over three hundred league radius that prefers the ancestral pointy set, so…
Eragon: …
Eragon: Getting help from Glen it is, then!
Arya: Correct answer!
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pokemonshelterstories · 3 months
Do you have any advice for taking care of a capsakid? A friend of mine found one injured somewhere out west, but they're already caring for a whole team of other pokemon, so they asked me to take it. It'll be my first pokemon, so I'm doing all the research I can to be able to give it a good home.
capsakid are such fun pokemon! you're gonna have a great time with this little guy.
capsakid need a really warm, dry environment with plenty of sunlight. unless you build an outdoor enclosure, you'll need to provide it with a UV lamp and a nice basking space. most of their energy comes from sunlight, but they need a desert grass type supplement added to their diet of grass hay (in the wild they get these supplements from licking mineral deposits).
they tend to be super active in short bursts, so they need a safe area to get their zoomies out and then a nice spot to nap after. they also need plenty to chew, as their tooth sheds regularly and then regrows. they do a lot of teething! you need to teach bite inhibition early, too, because those bites are NOT pleasant. make sure there's nothing sharp at the little guy's level, because they have a tendency to run headfirst into things and accidentally headbutt stuff.
keep in mind they evolve when exposed to fire stones, so dont leave one lying around if you're not ready to handle a scovillain.
good luck with your new buddy!
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