#relationships and opinons
rise-my-angel · 4 months
In your opinion is Cersei a dom? I don't think I've heard that before!! (Tbf I'm really not well versed in things about the Lannisters) Would love to hear your thoughts on this!
Its actually sort of in the same realm of why I think Jon is, a lack of control in life.
Cersei has spent most of her life never actually in control of things, it's partially why I think her relationship with Jaime was as intense as it was, it was the one secret she had that was hers alone and no one had a say in.
So as an adult, Cersei is married to a man she hates, stuck in Kings Landing a city full of smallfolk she hates, and she is trapped within a system that looks down on her for being a woman. So what does she do? She uses it to her advantage, she takes that system of female oppression and twists it to oppress other woman so she can boost herself higher then them. She takes control of her life in ways most women in her position dont. She poisons her husband, places herself as Queen Regent beside her son in a coup, she starts sleeping with other people who cannot say no to her to feel powerful when she felt helpless when it was Robert she was with.
Cersei isn't really a dom in a kinky sense, but rather I think at this point in her life she refuses to submit to anyone let alone a man. She has worked to hard to use the system that opresses women to be able to stand beside men as powerful and thus she becomes almost addicted to that level of power.
She's not a dom because its naturally what she likes sexually, shes a dom because she refuses to go back to any version of her life where she did not have that power and control over other people. Cersei needs to be in charge in the bedroom because even when things crumble around her, thats still the ONE place that the outside world has no say in what she does and commands.
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llumimoon · 2 years
thinking abt when sparrow said he was gonna erase normal’s memories after they dealt with the doodler, which would effectively leave him friendless again. Wtf was that 😭
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sleepyyflowers · 2 years
I feel like there’s not a lot of people out there that you meet in this life time that just feel like an instant soul connection. The feeling of fate lining up perfectly that you can just feel it almost radiating off of the moment. Even as complete strangers or not, I feel more understood and seen. I tend to reflect on moments that feel like this where time stands still. Makes me feel more human. When I’m down this keeps me going. I look forward to more moments like these. I long for this deep connection to feel seen and understood once again. How beautiful moments like that truly are.
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glitterandsalt · 1 year
I'm done being ppls starter relationship
If I'm the first bi/trans/autistic/alternative/kinky person you've been attracted to, nah we're staying just friends bc I cannot do this anymore
If you aren't educated about shit about me on your own, I'm not doing the emotional labor to get you there. I wanna have conversations, not "how to date ppl like me 101" classes.
I'm cool with learning together but you gotta be pulling your weight too.
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eurydike-on-media · 1 year
I've been listening to the If Books Could Kill podcast, and the Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus episode was a really exciting find. Maybe exciting isn't the best word for it, but it's the closest. For one, I could now know what the book is about without wasting my time reading it which brings me to point two, I can now feel very grateful towards my laziness for never following up on my aunt's recommendation to read it when I was still a teenager.
Over time I intend to comment plenty more in much more detail on feminism, but for now, let me lightly address this book based on the podcast's summary and quotes. A book like this can be very damaging if someone is already in a vulnerable position. To be told that you are simply asking for help from your partner in the wrong way as a justification for why your partner is willfully ignorant and uses weaponized incompetence can be harmful. You are in essence asking for someone, namely married women in the context of the book, to remain in positions of subservience and potentially domestic abuse. By implying that marriage is a hierarchy rather than a partnership, the author asks that the misogynistic and controlling roots of marriage be upheld.
We live in an era where we are beginning to more widely accept the unpaid labor women participate in. A husband is not helping out his wife by looking after their children, he is being a responsible parent. Not every act in the home from a husband must be a show of love, some acts are chores that must be done one way or another and they should be shared, such as emptying the dishwasher or changing the baby's diaper. This book asks for women to place further pressure on themselves to make the life of their husbands easier, never once questioning whether these men may need a lifestyle change instead. To ask women to remain in relationships, to carve themselves out to fit into the mold of these relationships, is harmful.
To return to point two, I am glad I hadn't read this when I was younger and more impressionable. I am glad that I hadn't read this book at a time that may have lead me down a path of belittlement and subservience. We are not half-people meant to complete each other, but entire beings who should be willing to complement each other.
Sadly, as I grow older, I question my aunt. What kind of person is she if she read this book and whole-heartedly recommended it to a self-conscious teenage girl? How can I mend the gap that is growing between us as I learn that the woman she is doesn't align with the woman I thought I was looking up to? My aunt was such a powerful figure in my childhood, a whirlwind always pursuing something new and exciting. In my adulthood where I can see her more as a peer, I find that she is not as progressive and decisive as she once was, as I once perceived her. Today, I find it hard to bond with her as she sits on her couch binging romantic dramas and cooing over men speaking lines with sexist undertones and silencing the female lead with a kiss.
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When I was a child I thought never fighting was the sign of a good relationship
Now I think differently. I don’t think fighting means a relationship is bad. Now I think not being able to disagree without deeply hurting each other means it’s bad. I think people can fight. Disagreements happen. There’s just lines everyone agrees not to cross. At least that’s what I think now
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lorarri · 4 months
★ . . . 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐆𝐅 , 𝐋𝐇𝟒𝟒
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summary , Junho has started dating once again and has decided to try a different approach on hoe to introduce your child to your new partner - safe to say Nana is pissed
pairing , step dad! lewis hamilton x fem! young teen! reader
pervious part | series masterlist | main masterlist | f1 masterlist | lewis hamilton masterlist | next part
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DAD ❤️
hey sweetheart
pack your bags
I've talked to your mother
and your gonna stay with me
until your school suspension is over
she agreed to it?
DAD ❤️
DAD ❤️
yes sweetheart
now pack some clothes and what ever else you need
as well as your school stuff
why I'm suspended
DAD ❤️
doesn't me you have to fall behind on your studies
dw I asked your teachers to send all the work you will miss
and try my best to help you with your homework
and then we can go out a get ice cream or watch a film
just the two of us
like old times
what about your girlfriend?
DAD ❤️
mina understands that daddy daughter time is important
don't you want me to bond with her?
DAD ❤️
I do but I don't want you to bond with her because I forced her into your life
so take your time sweetheart
when you are ready to form a relationship with her
whether it be as friends or as family
mina will be waiting
and if you don't want to have a relationship with her and prefer staying at your mothers house
that's fine as well
what ever you decide to do we will respect your opinon
as long as your happy sweetheart
now I'll be there in an hour so get your bags ready okay
I love you and see you soon ❤️
love you too dad ❤️
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liked by lewishamilton danielle 73,923,984 others
yourinstagram when your third wheeling your dad and gf getting ice cream 😑
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Y/N baby when are you gonna be coming home?
hi sorry Y/N isn't here right now she's gone to get the popcorn
we are watching a movie right now
anything I can pass on to her?
it's mina talking by the way
oh um just ask her what day is she coming back
I wanted to have a girls night with her
just the two of us
before she goes back to school
yeah sure I'll pass that message on
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keep that bitch away from my daughter
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saw everyone talking about getting bangs (and i say you should do it but)
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slashercult · 10 months
pick a fruit bowl to find out how you will recognize your future spouse
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reminder that not all of the messages in this reading may apply to everyone. so with that i urge you to take what resonates and leave the rest. don't force anything if it does not fit. this reading is mainly just for fun. don't forget to follow or reblog if you want to see me do more readings like this.
pile one
you will know that your future spouse is your future spouse because the connection will be instant between you two. it will feel completely different from all of the other relationships that you have been in, a lot more passionate. i feel like with your past lovers, you would make them out to be a lot better than they actually were to you. but this isn't the case for your future spouse because they are the real deal and you know it. your future spouse could be an air sign (gemini, libra, aquarius) or could be a talented artist. i feel like they enjoy doodling in their journals, they seem like a daydreamer kind of person, their head is always in the clouds. they have strong arms, i feel like they could be a bit buff and like working out. they won't be shy with their displays of affection in public but i also don't see them trying to do anything that could possibly embarass you. they value you your feelings over everything.
pile two
you will recognize who your future spouse is because of how calm and peaceful you feel whenever you are around them. they won't sugercoat things when talking to you, but not in a negative way, more of like if they feel something is upsetting you they will go ahead and ask you what's wrong because they don't like seeing you feel bad. communication is something they do not take lightly, and this works in your favor because i don't see you two arguing with each other as much because of this. this person could be a lawyer or could be in a profession that has somethng to do with law. they have a well defined chest and back area, nice neck area as well. i feel like they enjoy being outdoors and taking care of their plants in a garden. they are wise and may look a bit intimidating at first but they are actually super sweet and understanding.
pile three
you will recognize your future spouse because of how optimistic and confident they are. this person is also be extremely lucky, they may have some sagittarius placements. they just radiate golden retriever boyfriend/girlfriend energy. they are a deep thinker and they are not afraid to voice their opinons. you both may share the same political beliefs (or just beliefs in general). you could come from the same religious backgrounds and may have a similar childhood. this person enjoys watching sunsets with you and their favorite holiday is halloween because they love pumpkin flavored things. they definitely play a sport, i feel like the sport could be hockey or lacrosse, something that involves a stick. you will know your future spouse is your future spouse because their beautiful wide smile. they are soft, warm, and love cuddling on the couch while watching a sports match. your relationship with them could help heal your inner child.
thanks for reading! if you enjoyed or resonated please heart and reblog so i can do more of these readings.
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tacobellabeanburrito · 7 months
Let’s talk about Phoenix and Miles’ red/blue gay color scheme.
I love the fact that the colors are switched. You’d expect Phoenix to be the red gay because he’s firey, kinda dumb and silly, and is way more extroverted. He’s such a sweetie and that’s kinda what makes a red gay a red gay most of the time.
And then, you’d expect Miles to be the blue gay because he’s calm, collected and cold. Wears glasses for crying out loud and doesn’t do well with feelings and people which is the recipe for a blue gay.
But then, you also think about how well they go with their colors too. Despite Phoenix being spunky, he’s still such a straight man to literally everyone in the Ace Attorney universe compared to how red gays usually are. He’s such a smartass and actually very intelligent although he doesn’t get to show it often. He’s also one of the most chill characters in Ace Attorney and that makes him such a good blue gay.
And then you have Miles who in my opinon, is already super fiery. He’s so passionate about his work and gets fired up over the slightest things. He’s dorky and kind, just like a lot of the regular red gays and is very confident. He has absolutely no chill factor at times (especially when he’s angry). Despite them being the opposite of what their colors are supposed to be (considering my the fact that most red gays act like Phoenix and most blue gays act like Miles) they fit their other colors so well.
Sorry if this doesn’t make sense. I’m basically just talking about how Phoenix and Miles sort of switched colors but the colors actually really fit them.
This can also fit for some other rival romantic relationships and I think it's super cool when it gets switched up.
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thatstonedwriter · 7 months
⋆。˚ 「 Relationship Headcanons 」 ⋆。˚
Vash the Stampede
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Well, well, well, looks like the Humanoid Typhoon has swept up another unfortunate soul. Hope you’ve got some good cardio, because with the Vash, you’re almost always on the run.
Ever since you came into his life, keeping you safe has been Vash’s top priority. Frequently shoves you out of the way of any potential danger (and has definitely taken a bullet for you more than once). Because of his tendency to prioritize your safety (and the safety of others), Vash suffers many injuries, but always attempts to play them off as nothing.
Vash is incredibly insecure about his scars, so early in the relationship, it’s unlikely he’ll let you tend to his wounds. When he does eventually allow you to take care of him, Vash tries cracking jokes the whole time (most of them at his own expense). Be gentle and reassuring- he doesn’t trust just anyone with seeing him like this
Frequenting saloons is one of Vash’s favorite past-times. Just don’t try to keep up with him during drinking games. You will lose. Whether you’re his drinking buddy or designated sober companion, Vash just appreciates your company.
Vash is big on giving/receiving verbal and physical affection. Doesn’t need to be anything big either- ruffling his hair or a whispered “good job out there” is enough to fluster him beyond belief. On the flip side, Vash loves giving you hugs, or throwing an arm over your shoulders- he’s also very open in complimenting/praising you. He’s all about spreading the love, after all.
Bless his heart, Vash is so easily distracted. Be it someone in need, or something shiny, Vash is all over the place. Keeping up can be a struggle, but rest assured, he never leaves you behind.
Of course, his pacifist ideals, while noble, can cause tension- especially when he all-too-easily forgives someone who was just trying to hurt him or someone else. This will probably be the thing that causes the most friction in your relationship. Vash is always quick to apologize to clear the air, and does genuinely try to balance your safety with his ideals, but communication, especially in the beginning, may be a bit rocky, since he has the tendency to shut down in the face of negativity.
Vash is incredibly playful, and enjoys being able to joke around with you. In his opinon, having your own little inside jokes is top-tier intimacy. Seeing your smile and hearing your laughter are what keep Vash going most days.
Despite his cheerful demeanor, Vash's smiles are almost always hollow and.. Sad. You're one of the few able to discern his empty smiles from the genuine ones
With all the chaos and danger that follows him, Vash is painfully aware of how you could be taken from him at any moment. He makes sure to tell you every day how grateful he is that you’ve decided to stay in his life.
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Al-Haitham Headcanons 02
All SFW here! For More Al-Haitham content: Tumblr MasterList
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He likes playing with your hair.
When you're curled up into him and each reading your own books, he starts absentmindedly playing with your hair, twirling it around his fingers and whatnot.
He kinda enjoys when you cut your hair because then you have to be closer to him in order for him to be able to play with it. Even if there is less of it to play with...
I get the feeling he would buy "strange" jewelry.
Say you like earrings, he will buy things that look interesting.
Kaveh would probably balk at them.
They're not ugly they just look kind of nonstandard and weird.
His relationship with you is very much a way of him learning more about himself and the world.
He's curious about how he responds to you
how you respond to him
the different emotions / wants / feelings you manage to elicit from him
I struggle to imagine him using pet names
But I know he's very capable of sarcasm so he might go with a "habbouba" towards you from time to time when he's being annoying.
Habbouba is a cute-ified(?) cutesy? version of habibti, that you'd usually use with younger kids. So there's your undertone.
Habibti (my love) is another he might use.
With time and him becoming more comfortable and accustomed to his position as your husband, he might go for Rouhi (my soul).
Though for the most part he's just using your name. Also these adages usually follow him calling your name.
Petnames in Context
What is it habibti? When you call for him
[Name] Rouhi, I'm tired, can we just go to sleep now?
My asks are open if you all wanna talk some more about headcanons / opinons / drabbles!
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princessmotif · 7 months
as i said while discussing iroh as a character, despite the comics being a mess, i feel confident saying that at the end of atla, zuko not only realizes that azula has been harmed too, but he rightfully blames ozai for that harm (although ozai is not solely responsible for traumatizing azula).
as big of a win as that is for the possibility of the fire hazard siblings healing their relationship (zuko absolutely has to take the first step there in my opinon; azula would not be willing to at this point, and their relationship has been unbalanced in terms of care historically), their relationship is still quite tragic even with this realization.
there is no way that zuko actually understands what ozai did to azula. he doesn't even know what ozai did to azula. yes, he knows that ozai abused azula, but zuko only understands and knows abuse as he endured it.
there's also almost no way that azula is going to tell zuko about it. not only would she not want to discuss something so vulnerable in a serious or honest manner (see the way she discusses ursa in the beach), but she's also just had a serious psychotic break. it's very possible that she's not fit to see zuko at all right now, let alone discuss her trauma with him even if she wanted to.
so zuko is left to fill in the blanks about the how of azula's trauma. given his pattern of relating other people's trauma to his even when it's not actually the same (i.e. how he relates katara's trauma about kya being killed during the fire nation's genocide against her culture to his own trauma about ursa's disappearance after committing high treason), he would come to understand and conceive of how ozai abused azula through his own experience with ozai's abuse. while zuko's abuse was clearly always an implicit threat dangled over azula's head ("you can't treat me like zuko!") and ozai absolutely used some of the same tools against her that he did zuko, zuko was ozai's scapegoat child while azula was his golden child. their abuse did not look the same, it did not function the same, and it did not impact them the same.
it's also unlikely that he has the perspective at this stage in his own healing process to apply any of his (false) perceptions of azula's trauma to how it would have shaped both their childhood and his perspective of azula. he probably doesn't even realize just how deeply his perspective of her is colored by ozai's abuse of them both.
furthermore, since he's accepted his recollection of their childhood (which is not his fault. he is a victim of abuse who did not have the means or opportunity, as a young child, to see beyond ozai's more obvious abuse of him, which he couldn't even admit, to notice ozai's more subtle abuse of azula), he likely can only conceive of azula's childhood trauma in two ways:
as the byproduct of his own trauma, existing not because of azula's own traumatic childhood experiences but because of her witnessing his, such as the agni kai
as the product of his exile, occurring because he was no longer physically there for ozai to abuse and thus had to find a new target in azula
the former seems less probable given his belief that azula enjoyed his pain when they were children, so he would likely think that she was abused not when they were younger but exclusively after his exile began.
this isn't even touching on how zuko's perception of ursa and iroh clouds his ability to see how they both harmed azula too. that muddles things a lot more since zuko struggles with black and white thinking.
i think azula and zuko could heal their relationship with time and mutual effort, but as long as she refuses to confide in her brother and as long as he assumes she should experience and respond to trauma the same way he has, they're doomed to remain static in relation to each other.
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fandomwe1rd0 · 2 months
Okkkkaaayyy so. Someone on youtube is saying that the show Rick and Morty isn't complex...now as someone who absolutely considers this show to be complex, let me debunk their points! (If you see the video, please don't send hate, everyone is allowed to have different opinions!)
The characters are not complex. I obviously disagree with this point (Wow, shocker, the person that made multiple analysis posts on Rick, Morty, and their dynamic thinks they are complex) Now, while they may seem pretty one dimensional at first glance, just an asshole scientist and a nervous wreck, there is a lot more to them when you watch the series. Rick may be an asshole, but not because that's what he wants to be or because that's just how he is, he feels like he needs to be to keep the people he loves safe (I have made serval more analysis posts on him buttt I won't get into it here) and he also suffers from depression and a deep sense of guilt and self-loathing. Morty is usually a pretty sweet kid but as the series goes on, he progressively becomes more desensitized to violence (Thanks to Rick) has low self esteem, repressed rage, (Also courtesy of Rick) and becomes more codepedent to Rick each seasons, despite knowing how horrible Rick is and how unhealthy their dynamic is. They also argue that Jerry, Summer, and Beth are not complex. I don't really have a defense for Summer, but Jerry and Beth are emotionally neglectful parents, and we see Beth attempting to make an effort to be there for her son, and Jerry is trying to be less of a pathetic man-baby.
The themes are not complex. This is another point I disagree with. While Rick and Morty does prefer to be a comedy show and is a comedy show first and foremost, they do sometimes talk about deep themes, like Rick and Beth dynamic is a good metaphor for emotional neglect, and Rick and Morty's dynamic is a wonderful show of codependency, toxic famial relationships and the effects of emotional abuse. Rick and Unity is another portrayal of how relationships can be toxic even if both people are happy and if there is no obvious abuse. They also do dive into deep themes like depression, what grief can do to a person, emotional abuse, etc. while these are never exactly major themes of an episode, they are still important and make the themes complex. Although the person in the video talked about the theme of nilhism, despite the fact that Rick isn't one and just pretends to be one to keep the people he loves safe.
The plot isn't complex. I will concede a bit on this one, but the plot still has complex moments, like Evil Morty is a great representation on what can happen when abuse victims can have enough and abuse victims that aren't "perfect" and his desensitization to violence, seeing how many people he will kill with no guilt. Rick's backstory is also pretty complex and explains a lot about his character. And stuff like Beth and Jerry's divorce actually changed and made an impact on both characters, and that's not even getting into the latest seasons or how much Rest and Ricklaxation revealed about Rick and Morty.
Now was making a massive post about a video that was made 3 years ago that has an opinon that I personally disagree with a bit much...maybe but also hey shut up. What do y'all think?
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elysian-writing · 4 months
thoughts abt canon bartylus?
okay so. this ended up being a lot longer than i expected so i'll keep it mostly under the cut aksjnd i could talk a lot more about how i personally see them in canon and their actual dynamic but that's another conversations so here's the bare bones of their canon relationship ( in my opinon )
canon bartylus are honestly so special to me. i definitely don't think it would be a 'healthy' relationship persay but it's definitely more than a simple word can explain. like. i don't think any of them would label it, especially as the war begans to play more of a role in their lives, and their relationship starts to feel a lot more desperate. it's like-- holding on to something that has always been constant, so much that if you let go you don't know how you'll live without it, or whether you can live without it. they definitely wouldn't be making each other better, or even healing them in a way. it would be very much a 'i don't care how bad you get, i will still be here, i will always be here' type of thing. especially on barty's side. to me, canon-wise i feel like barty would've been able to join voldemort / joined voldemort because of regulus. he doesn't actually care all that much about blood-purity, but it's both in spite of his father and because of regulus. however, somewhere along the line, it starts to blur between whether he's doing this for regulus or for himself. regulus, on the other hand, i see as a lot more delusional. he's rather brutal, even more brutal, in a way, and watches as barty descends into something he can't return from in a very apathetic way. he sees the cracks and the fractures but refuses to aknowledge them. i do think he cared about blood purity, but as time passed on, everything would've started to feel a lot more futile as time passed on and nothing seemed to change. honestly i think the further they went into the war, the wider the rift between them would've grown. not in a way where they don't know each other, or their feelings become less intense, but in the way where they're in it too deep and the further they go, the worse it gets, but there's nothing they can do about it. the two of them know each other in a way that is so integral to who they are. it's not always about understanding but just about knowing and seeing and still being accepting regardless of anything. however, i think they would lie to each other a lot. not because it actually works, but because they both want to hold on to what they have for as long as they can, knowing that one day one or both of them are going to have to let go. in the end, it's regulus. ( i have so many thoughts on what changes his mind / motivates him to do it but that's for a later time ) he knows he's going to die. he enters the cave regardless. barty, in a way, knows what's going to happen because they can never truly hide anything from each other, but by that point they are both so cracked in a way that he refuses to truly see it. he hears the news and something inside of him breaks so completely that he knows he'll never be able to repair it. and he's completely fine with that. barty always knew that if it hadn't been for regulus, he would've turned into something to be afraid of so much sooner. i think it's around this point that barty truly stops caring about much of anything. he knows he wants to survive, he knows he wants to serve voldemort-- because if he doesn't have one constant, he's going to be left adrift, but he doesn't really feel anymore.
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xaytheloser · 5 months
opinon I always saw White Lily and Elder Faeries relationship as more platonic like a father and daughter ElderLily shippers please don't hurt me-/silly
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