#reminds me of my own demon story I'm writing
paintsplash1712 · 2 years
Started watching Jujutsu Kaisen and just found out the main character is voiced by Marco Diaz from Star vs the Forces of Evil!
That probably explains why I love him already.
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novelconcepts · 2 months
1/2 Hi novel, congrats on the running milestone. That's a long, long way to run. I wanted to thank you for writing and sharing that post. I see a lot of my own mental health struggles reflected in what you write. It's very hard for me to describe my depression, or to explain why I feel the way I do. But I guess the point of it is that it doesn't always have a rational explanation. It's rare that I find something that I can relate to so completely, something that makes me go, yes, exactly, that's
2/2 that's exactly it. Your writing does, both your fiction and your nonfiction. It helps me understand myself a little bit more, and I'm very grateful for it. It takes a lot to share the hard stuff publicly. The layer of internet anonymity helps, but there's still a lot of vulnerability. It's nice to know someone else feels many of the same things I do. Even though it doesn't magically make the thoughts go away, it still helps, in other ways. 3/2 Sorry, I still haven't figured out how to format these correctly. I really just wanted to say thank you, and I really appreciate everything you share.
Honestly, this all is...kinda why I do it. I write because I have to; I share because sometimes sharing makes the world feel a little more intimate, a little less terrifying. I share because sometimes, seeing just one other person going through what you're going through reduces the alienation factor. Makes it feel like maybe it won't be so impossible to face, because someone else is facing it and surviving. At least another day. At least one more. There's strength in numbers.
I hope that people can find themselves in the stories I write. I hope that people can build armor out of the painful reflections I put to paper. I'm grateful that you've shared this with me. Thank you, friend.
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xjulixred45x · 7 months
If you don't mind me can I request male reader who like Akaza from Demon slayer with the Hazbin Hotel.
Bonus: respect woman.
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Hello! Normally i would Say no bc My Requests are Closed but you're lucky that i'm in a good mood to write and also i am a fan of this Man✨ 😭
Thanks for the Request ❤️
(to the other Readers, don't take this as something usual, the Requests are still Closed, i'm just in the mood to write THIS for now)
Akaza! Reader in Hazbin Hotel
Genre: headcanons
Reader: male
Warnings: Reader is a fighter, violence(?), hell, slight change in Akaza story so its not a Copy-paste and make "more sense",idk, I MAKE THIS IN A RUSH OF ✨INSPIRATION✨SO ITS NOT PROFFHEAD!!
You were born and raised in the Edo era, in Japan. and it was a nightmare.
You lived in poverty all your life, practically alone with your sick father who could barely take care of himself, but he always tried to take care of you above all else.
You spent a lot of your life trying to take care of him back, but it was difficult because of money, you couldn't afford it. so you did the only thing you could think of: steal medicine.
Obviously many times this didn't turn out well, and they ended up catching you and taking you to be beaten and tattooed like a criminal, but it was the kind of life you led until your father died.
That was when you hit rock bottom, but you met certain people who helped you move forward. a martial arts master and his sick daughter (who reminded you a lot of your father).
And it was the time when you lived better, you took care of your teacher's daughter and you learned from him, you had a good life.
you and his daughter even fell in love!
everything had fallen into place in your life...
until conflicts broke out again.
You don't remember much about your last days of life, it was a cycle of going, killing whoever got in your way, returning with whatever you wanted from your group, and whatever followed...
You just wanted to go home.
but you died before that.
and just as you expected, after everything you had done wrong in your life, you ended up in hell.
It wasn't exactly like the hell you had imagined growing up, but it was definitely difficult to adjust, knowing that you were dead, in this hole of misery, far from them...
but you didn't waste your time. You discovered quite quickly that several of your physical abilities had stayed with you, so you took advantage of them and became a quite formidable demon.
You wouldn't say you were an Overlord, but you were definitely an anomaly to Hell's QUO status, a demon who had become powerful without the need for owning souls.
something very strange.
so many Overlords, feeling threatened, tried to go after you, only to never be seen again...
As for the Hotel issue, I think that Akaza! reader would be skeptical, I don't think he would have a problem offering himself as a test subject for the hotel because 1- there is Alastor, someone very strong, and 2- he has a small hope that the hotel will work and maybe, just maybe he can redeem himself and go. to heaven with his love and his teacher, what he loves most. although he wouldn't say the last thing out loud.
Speaking of relationships, Alastor and him can actually get along in a very ambiguous way, Alastor is not happy with someone who is so strong without even having souls of their own, so he is cautious, but not in a threatening way.
Although there is something these two have in common, THEY RESPECT WOMEN.
Alastor can definitely introduce him to Akaza! read several of his female friends to be more "social" and get possible blackmail material.
Alastor secretly knows of the possible motives behind why Akaza! Reader would like the hotel to work, he thinks he is naive, but he doesn't make fun, Alastor partly understands why he feels that way. leaves him alone in that sense.
...but it bothers him in every other way! using it as an armrest, innocuous phrases, crushing it with things out of nowhere, etc. He always has something up his sleeve to piss him off.
but they can ally if women get involved ;)
Charlie is so so so so so happy to have Akaza! reader as another participant alongside Angel and Sir Pentious! She constantly thanks him for his collaboration and tells him how much it means to her.
Lots of encouragement during the trust exercises! she realizes that Akaza! Reader is not very talkative, and although she does not force him to change, she "subtly" encourages him to be more open with the exercises.
Although that does not mean that she admits the fights, she tries to encourage Akaza! reader to find another way to get out his anger and energy in less destructive ways.
I think she would be the only one who knows through Akaza! reader why he wants the hotel to work, and she is SO MOVED by him because Reader wants to redeem himself and that gives him a lot of motivation to do more exercises.
Even if is sometimes a double-edged sword because she feels pressured not only by wanting to help her friends, but also by Akaza's cute motive! reader.
Akaza! reader is very protective of Charlie even if she is the princess of hell, he is like a bodyguard! or a very loyal pitbull. Charlie finds it endearing (but please don't rip that demon's head off please---)
Vaggie is scared of Akaza at first! reader for his aggressive nature.
She is afraid that he will end up directing that destructive energy towards them if he is very angry, so she is very cautious at first.
but eventually she can relax more and more with him as she realizes that (at least with women) he's not going to explode on anyone who doesn't deserve it. and that in fact he is a good man.
sparring together! Vaggie feels kind of bad that he doesn't have a gun, but is surprised at how tough he is.
If she finds out his reason behind going to the hotel, she supports him a lot in his journey of redemption, more than before, she empathizes with him.
They both have similar motives.
Vaggie really appreciates when Akaza! reader defends the female staff against Angel's out-of-place comments. she may even allow him to hit him.
You two are the main people in charge of protecting the hotel.
Let's be honest, Angel dust at first was just "flirting"/sexually harassing Akaza! reader until he beat him up and never did it again.
He thought he was simply bitter about life until he remembered that on one occasion he told him that "he was taken" and he didn't take it so personally.
After the duet with Husk, he went directly to apologize to him and they were on bad terms.
Angel occasionally likes to prank him like everyone else in the hotel, but he's considerably less annoying with Akaza! reader because he knows what he is capable of.
When he eventually finds out why he is "taken" and why someone like him is in the hotel, he can't help but empathize with him a lot (from his sister in heaven), and tries to be his "Husk" at his lowest moment. .
Even if technically Akaza!reader is stronger than him in every way, he takes care of him in his own way, watching his drink, not being robbed, etc.
Angel is definitely not used to so much respect when it comes to his gender identity, which is why he respects Akaza a lot! reader.
They generally start off on the wrong foot but manage to be friends.
Husk likes Akaza! reader, simply because it gets on Alastor's nerves and because he knows that he won't kick the ass of someone who doesn't deserve it. He knows everyone is safe with him.
He definitely knows about his reason for being in the hotel and pities him, respects his privacy a lot after that and doesn't let him talk drunk.
Husk may get to have his "loser baby" moment with Akaza! reader but in a platonic way, helping him when it is especially difficult to stay away from violence.
They can even have a father-son relationship, Husk is very similar to Akaza's teacher! reader in many ways EMOTIONALLY SPEAKING so Akaza! reader feels comfortable with him.
she definitely tells him things about her past as Overlord to entertain him.
Sir Pentious at first was TERRIFIED of Akaza!reader, his reputation was as a tough guy who went after evil people and Pentious (having his poor self-image) thought he would kill him as soon as he saw him.
but fortunately it was not like that!
but he was definitely avoiding it for DAYS before he heard from the others that Akaza!reader wasn't that bad and was actually quite nice. to give him a chance.
and Pentious did just that. and he was VERY surprised.
Akaza! reader has had to dismantle several of Sir Pentious's evil machines using his enormous strength, and although Pentious was heartbroken to see his machines destroyed, he was also VERY surprised by Akaza!reader's capabilities, even giving me more things to do. break and test their strength (imagine this pair getting to know the Rage Rooms).
Pentious Minnions occasionally go to Akaza! reader when P. is not there, which is fun to see because Akaza!reader would try to get away from the Minions that come after him like ducks.
Akaza! reader clearly notices Pentious's crush on Cherri, and encourages him to do something now that he has time.
(Can you imagine Akaza! reader's Koyuki becoming friends with Pentious in heaven? It would be Epico).
Mononeuronal pair.
Niffty is strange.
but I can definitely see Akaza! reader protecting it constantly. so Niffty likes him. But I wouldn't really say they are friends.
In general, everyone has some kind of respect for Akaza! reader. They hope you can reach your goal.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
Again, this DOES NOT MEAN that orders are open again! I'm just taking a break and deciding what things to write and what not to. thanks for the request ✨❤️
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callmegaith · 1 year
The only thing ineffable bureaucracy showed me is how hyper focused this fanbase is at seeing one thing and one thing only and everything else is a result of that one thing
1) no, Beelzebub and Gabriel are not a straight couple. Nor is Crowley and Aziraphale a gay couple. Stop the non-binary erasure or go outside and talk to an actual non-binary person cuz clearly you have no clue what non-binary is "they're straight presenting" wtf? If you think that please give me your name so I can block you. Cis people, I fucking swear.
Reminder that Beelz used they/them pronouns btw. Sorry that Beelzebub doesn't "pass" for you, it doesn't make them any less non-binary. Not to mention it was stated and already IS CANON that none of them have genders. They're god damn demons and angels, bruh.
2) "it's Gabriel's and Beelz's fault that ineffable husbands didn't get their happy ending": no. It's their own damn fault for not communicating and Aziraphale's inability to accept Crowley as he is. Gabriel and Beelzebub put each other first. Y'all sound salty as hell cuz two people managed to work their relationship out and yours didn't work out. "But if they didn't get together---" y'all really saying shit like this??? Do you hear yourself? That's so sad. Wishing for the doom of one LGBTQ+ ship cuz the other fucked themselves over. THEY CAN BOTH CO-EXIST. And you know what? They will. Cuz Ineffable husbands is clearly canon, the story just wants time with them cuz they're the main characters, not like Beelz and Gabriel who were side characters so had their story summarized.
3) "that should have been ineffable husbands" no, cuz Crowley and Aziraphale aren't Gabriel and Beelzebub. They're different characters with different backgrounds, personalities, relationship structure, and different relationship dynamic in general. They'll get together in a way that fits THEM. And that way requires ups and downs that makes them finally understand that they're perfect for each other without the need for either of them to change.
4) Gabriel was such an asshole wish Crowley got his revenge and--- bla bla BLA : Crowley was happy for them. You hold a grudge over Gabriel that Crowley himself doesn't. Y'all worse than a literal demon. Smh.
Be happy for what we got and look forward to the future where ineffable husbands will certainly become canon and it'll be worth the wait. Don't tear down the LGBTQ+ presentation we got just cuz the main ship didn't get the limelight THIS TIME.
Let things cook, that's how writing WORKS.
But I'm just an Agender demi person and tbh? I would prefer if things took their time.
I love both ships a lot but I'm not gonna hold pitchforks over one ship getting a happy end and one still developing. Come next season, that happy end for Gaberiel and Beelzebub might not last. We DONT KNOW. Do we really need to sacrifice one for the other? Why can't we be happy to have both?
Just really think the vibe of the fanbase rn fuckin SUCKS and I'm not enjoying trying to go through the ineffable bureaucracy tag and seeing people complaining about how it should have been ineffable husbands or how it's their fault.
Okay? Alright.
After this imma start blocking ppl I swear. Just had to throw in my two cents.
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valsdelulucorner · 4 months
It's-a me.
I have returned to pester ya /j
If reqs are still open, can I get a full-on list of Juniper's likes and dislikes? :D (You could write how MC discovered those details??)
That's all!
Poofs off-
why of course! Welcome back, I'm so glad you've been enjoying my little stories about juniper Juniper♡
Junipers likes<3
MC - ever since MC found little juniper, he has been glued to them unless absolutely necessary. Sure he leaves and shows up at random times but when he is around, hes always near his MC<3
Water - Mc once spilt some water on juniper in the night and he puffed up and regained all his energy back, becoming a pure ball of energy that was just fed sugar. Plants need water to survive and because juniper is half plant and only a cub, he gets extremely energized when a full cup of water is poured on him
Humans - because he was introduced to humans though you, he's grown fond of the idea that other nice humans will feed him and pet him without dieing. If you ever take him up yo the human world and people dont freak out about him being a plant, he will be over the moon by how much attention and love hes getting. He knows when he is grown he will tower over them but he cant help but find them cute
Strawberries - after a human world trip you decided to bring the brothers some strawberries (I cant have strawberries). Juniper found the containers and decided to try one, ending up looking like a kitten drunk on milk but with strawberries, the flowers on his body turning a soft shade of reddish pink
Comfort - Juniper is prone to night terrors so he whines and whimpers alot in his sleep. Ome time it got so bad it woke you from your own sleep. With a heavy sigh, you gently take him into your arms and hold him to your chest, whispering sweet nothings to him and petting his ears before he calms down. He appreciates you for this, you remind him of his parent
Juniper dislikes
Getting kicked out of the room at night - Juniper has a tendency to come find you when he is sleepy, and most of the time he is sleepy when your cuddling with the brothers or asleep yourself. He will come find you while your cuddling with your preferred brother and just promptly sit inbetween you both and start kicking him away. This causes him to get kicked out and he hates it, squreeching and clawing at the door until Lucifer wakes up
Lucifer - He owns a MASSIVE three headed dog and his face alone can make lower demons cower, if course little juniper finds him intimidating. At the start when Lucifer couldnt get near him, juniper though he was harmless but once the protection spell was placed over juniper, Lucifer became a whole lot more terrifying
Weed killer - juniper watched as his younger siblings got sprayed with the stuff down in devildom, weed killer laced with water and strong magic. Their bodies are designed to soak up water quickly so when its laced with a fast killing magic like that, its a death sentence. So when Lucifer was using just normal weed killer on the gardens outside, juniper came to you and refused to leave the inside of your shirt, whining and shaking into your chest
Solomon - Juniper gets such a strange vibe from solomon, even though he likes humans he doesnt know what to feel about him. Plus, he got up on the side and licked the spoon solomon was using to cook with, screeching at the top of his lungs now whenever he sees solomon get anywhere near a kitchen
When somebody touches you - this little guy gets so protective of you it's insane. when your giving the brothers a kiss, cuddling them, or just being around them, little juniper will be resting on your shoulders and will be staring daggers. He doesnt like sharing his human
Not proof red!
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insane-brit · 1 year
Royalty (Ch. 3)
Muzan Kibutsuji x Soulamte!Fem!Reader
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Chapter Links: Prologue, Chapter one, Chapter two, Chapter three
Next scheduled Royalty update (Ch 4.): July 30th, 2023.
Tags/Warnings: Enemies to lovers, semi slow burn, dark story/themes, GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF VIOLENCE (neck snapping, spinal shock), prostitution, attempted coercion, hatred, mentions of IRL Japanese history, slight misogyny, panic attack, blood.
A/N: It's finally here!!! Yay! Thank you all for being patient with me as these last few weeks have been hectic. I just got back from a convention and classes are a lot. I'm also going back through and adding (F/N) to the first two chapters with reader in it since I didn't do that before (I like to use it sparingly). So, be on the lookout for those edits.
I do want to say that I have a schedule planned for this series. Due to my classes and the upcoming semester I will update Royalty every other week to give me time to write properly. Other works such as requests will be filled/posted as they are completed.
Therefore, the next update (Ch. 4) will be on July 30th, 2023!
Word Count: 2.6K
The stench of rot permeated through the orifices of every human that he encountered. Death walked hand in hand with them as they decayed with each passing minute. Demons were much the same but dulled. Their aging halted and cells regenerated in a never-ending cycle until their head was severed or body burned. Flaws in his creations and himself.
Muzan’s carefully crafted work, hand-picked from the hundreds and thousands of demons over the ages, the Upper and Lower moons had defects in their own ways. Dismantling the Lower ranks proved to ease the spreading desperation in his subconscious. They were worthless beings. Unfit for their stations and yet the Upper ranks manifested to be just as disappointing as the rest. Failing for centuries at annihilating the family bound to him by blood and unearthing the blossom that would grant him the ability to conquer the sun. The amaryllis.
The only reason they proved to be of use was they kept the Kisatsutai on their toes. Terminating the lives of their most powerful and stripping them of their morality. Despite him wanting to rip the ranks to shreds and gnash his teeth on their bones, they were his strongest. He would let them carry on with their lives if they served and attested themselves to be worthy of the position so graciously bestowed upon them.
Walking the various winding concrete of Yoshiwara was not Muzan’s ideal pastime. Though it was vital to remind his Jūnikizuki where they stood and to oversee the progress, they had made both for themselves and his sake. Situating himself near a wall, his eyes observed the lowly human creatures. Their affairs exhibited in the confines of the residence they were assigned to and sought out. Women and men alike with their sultry gazes swept across the bodies that passed them. Muzan was no exception. The impure burn of their eyes had him clenching his jaw. It was revolting and he would rather them be looking upon him in other ways. They were ignorant, but one day they would understand. If they were capable of such a feat. A soft gasp from behind him had him tense.
“Aren’t you pretty?” A woman brushed the side of his arm before stopping in front of him. A smirk curled on her face as she tilted her head. Eye’s tracing over his features before going lower. 
“I know just the woman who may interest you,” her nail tapped her lower lip. “And she may be interested in return.” 
Muzan glared at her, expression stoic and lips in a tight line. “No, thank you.” 
She pouted, sticking her bottom lip out in a display that left him with a foul taste in his mouth. “Oh, come on. I promise we’re not that bad, and besides,” she drawled, smoothing out the front of her layered kimono. “I can show you a good time if the others don’t meet your expecta-.”
Her skull cracked against the building. Stone dug into her scalp as little pieces opened the skin, blood streamed from the wound. A choked sound bubbled up from her throat as Muzan tightened his grip. 
His face was mere inches from hers. “Courtesans just don’t know when to quit.” Her throat bobbed as she clawed at his wrist. Pupils blown and eyes swelled, she sounded pitiable. “Know your place.” 
His expression was callous. Complete disregard for the woman’s life. In one swift motion, her vertebrae splintered underneath the skin. The crack reverberated under his fingers as she paled. Sweat beaded near her hairline and her pulse dropped. The thrum lagged in intensity compared to moments ago. Practically tossing her against the wall, he stared down at the nearly unconscious body. The rise and fall of her chest ceased at the loss of function and urine trailed from under the slightly hoisted garments. 
Muzan stepped away from the body. A look of repugnance danced in his eyes as his shoes clicked against the alley. The sheer commotion of the streets and people engrossed in their activities served to cover the deed. No eyes to behold the barbaric and heinous force that now lay with the crumpled cadaver. Not that it made any difference to him if someone bore witness or not. The action wouldn’t beget any kind of repercussion. He had killed thousands and the sole individual who could strike him down for his immorality was long gone. 
Rounding the corner of the brothel yielded another side road. Livelier than the alleyway, but not as bustling as the main street. Muzan’s gaze swept over the scene. The mix of Chouchin and modern cast bronze lanterns emitted a golden tint. Shadowing the timber structures inlaid with ornate decor and carefully crafted sliding doors. In the time since his birth in the Heian Era, Muzan had seen the rise and fall of many and their attempts at jurisdiction. From the brutal Onin War between the Daimyō and Ashikaga shogunate to the collapse of the Tokugawa shôgun. Modernizing and progressing the country into the complex order it is today. 
He wouldn't normally immerse himself in the trivial matters of the government, especially with them being substandard compared to himself, however, it was vital to his continuity. Being knowledgeable in the ever-changing systems, inventions, and styles granted him more expertise in the art of blending in. Offsetting the swordsmen intent on his demise for over a thousand years.
Observing the bleary silhouettes of people through the translucent paper on the shoji windows, he tipped the edge of his white fedora to the side. Eyeing the Kyogoku House, where Upper moon six, Gyutaro, resided. Daki may be the outward appearance and has some finesse in fighting, but that is all she’ll ever amount to. A mere child whose sole purpose is to keep her brother under control. A pitiful feat that she thinks her lord cares for and believes in her. On her knees and practically drooling over his approval. It's pathetic.
Narrowing his eyes, Muzan strode down the street. He had more pivotal things to execute rather than linger in these vulgar places. A puddle splashed as his shoe struck it. The ripples reflected molten gold from the lanterns. He looked down at the undulating liquid before his eyes sharpened. The tightness in his wrist and the scintillating flicker of the cursed filament did not go unnoticed. Muzan felt the cavity of choler dig itself further as eyes burrowed into his stature. Halting his movements, he could feel the emotions coming off the person like waves. Kismet had its way of interfering with his aspirations as of late, and it appears no matter how hard he disregarded the incident many nights ago, resilience persevered. Nails sharpening, he turned and eyed the human ogling at him.
Her lips were slightly parted and her eyes wide. Skin pale as if she had seen a ghost. His gaze dragged over her body, and he glowered in realization. The all-too-familiar black uniform with white accents stood out like a sore thumb. The haori that encapsulated the kanji on the back of the uniform was a mix of snow and sable. Swirls of what looked to be smoke and other intricate designs littered the bottom, but Muzan didn’t put much care into what the woman was wearing. His sole focus was on what she was. A Sureiyā. A Hashira.
If there were any gods or Buddha in his thousand years of existence, they were surely trying his patience.  
(F/N) felt like her blood had been turned to ice. The glassy veins froze her in place as she owlishly stared into the eyes of her supposed soulmate. Hearing shot, ringing reverberated in her ears and the thronging behind her sounded muffled. As if she had been pulled into the unforgiving deep as her lungs screamed and begged for an end. 
He did not move, and from where she stood, she could not discern an emotion on his face. It was phlegmatic. Unwavering, constant. It unnerved (F/N) as her feelings swirled and compacted into what felt like a ticking bomb. Fury, horror, uncertainty…. contentment? It was all too much and didn't do anything to ease her palpitating heart. Eyes darted down to the thread, soaking up every single fiber and shine it emitted as she stalked its trail. It ended at his alabaster skin. Gouging itself into the flesh, and if his eyes weren't enough evidence, that's when she noticed his nails. They tapered into an acute point where deep indigo melted into pale blue. 
Breathing ragged, she took a few shaky steps back. Gaze never leaving him. (F/N) was jolted out of her stupor as a body rammed into her hard. The force sent them both tumbling to the ground. Her head and elbow cracked against the pavement. Grit dug into her flesh and tore it open as her vision doubled. Groaning softly, (F/N) brought her other hand up to cradle her head. A weight was pressed onto her torso, and it felt suffocating as it moved around. Muffled voices resonated around her, and as her vision cleared, she observed the multitude of bodies surveying the scene. Beady eyes pierced her soul, and some looked on with pity. Others glared and whispered in hushed voices like secrets carried by the wind, and she felt her face flush in embarrassment.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” A voice hissed and handfuls of her uniform were jerked forward. A man hovered over her dazed form and shook her harshly. “How dare you wench! Where is your procurer? You should be punished for your insolence.”
(F/N) clenched her teeth and slammed her fist into his chest, effectively shoving him off her. Blood oozed from her elbow and stained his hakama as he fell into the surrounding crowd. Women shrieked and men howled with laughter at the display. She staggered to her feet, clutching the laceration, and glared at the man seething on the ground.
“Nothing is wrong with me.” she spat at him. Her nerves were firing. The adrenaline from the collision, that she laid eyes on the progenitor, and that he was her soulmate no less had her on the verge of a breakdown. Something that she had not felt in years. The feeling of all these emotions flowing had her choking back the ball that had formed in her throat. “Watch where you're going next time.” She hissed. (F/N) knew it was her fault but at that moment she could care less. Her eyes darted back towards the side street. People’s bodies presented to be an obstacle as she tilted her head frantically to inspect the spot where he once stood.
There was nothing. No trace that he was there and that only served to make her panic more. The only verification that his presence remained was the line connecting the two of them. It was slack, but barely compared to the tautness of it mere moments ago. Pivoting around she shoved people out of her way as she bolted down the road. The man on the ground cursed her form which was swallowed by the sea of people.
(F/N)’s back pressed against the cool bark of a maple. She clutched the front of her uniform as choked sounds escaped her cracked lips. Her vision warped from the tears she held back; her hands shook with force and her feet tingled.
She didn’t know how far she had run from the district, but she had to get out. She ran until she couldn’t anymore and collapsed in the emerald grass and darkened trees. The thought of those eyes drilling into hers and the shifting cataclysmic ambiance that surrounded his physique had her struggling to breathe. The air came in short bursts as her chest tightened.
It was hard.
Breathing was hard.
The only relief she felt was the sight of the thread loose and gathered in ringlets on the swaying grass. He hadn’t followed her. She was out of sight of anything besides the surrounding fauna which she no doubt scared away with the distressed sounds pouring from her mouth.
Thoughts raced from Kibutsuji to her mission.
Her failed mission.
Grabbing the nearest rock, (F/N) screamed in rage and brought it down onto the blood-red tie. Beating it repeatedly into the ground. Each hit sent a shock wave of what felt like needles through her arm as a warning. Yet, it stayed constant. No fraying, no cut, no snapping. It remained in perfect condition, and she swore it glowed brighter, mocking her. Grinding her teeth together she continued to strike it until the palms of her hands bled from the grip she had on the stone.
Panting from the energy exerted, she chucked the rock at the nearest tree and watched it break into pieces and dust. Her nails dug into her slick palm as she sat there hunched over on her knees.
The thought of the pillars and her Master’s crestfallen, disgusted faces haunted her mind. If they were to see her in this state, abandoning a mission, and fleeing from their sworn enemy when she had every opportunity to launch an assault on him, well, she could only imagine the contempt that would stem from their hearts. (F/N) imagined Master Kagaya exiling her for breaking the oath she swore her life to the moment she passed Final Selection.
“I swear to battle valiantly, not show hesitation, doubt, or cowardice in the face of danger, and place the needs of the Kisatsutai before my own.”
She placed a quivering palm over her mouth as nausea threatened to overtake her. Everything she worked towards, dedicated her life to, everything, destroyed in minutes. Obliterated by her selfishness and pusillanimity. She was no valiant swordsman. The prowess she claimed to have died the moment realization sunk in. Snuffed like a flame.
A soft flutter and pitter-patter of feet landed near her as she held back the urge to purge the contents of her stomach. The crunching of leaves and soft cooing drew closer until she had no choice but to look up. Seiichi, her Kasugai crow cocked his head and ruffled his feathers at her. A small talisman was wrapped around his neck with string, engraved with designs and different Kanji. An item her grandfather gave to her before he passed that she then gave to her crow.
“Tengen, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke are almost to Yoshiwara. You must meet them!” he cawed and made her flinch from the sudden loud noise.
“No. No Seiichi,” she took in a shaky breath before reaching out and picking him up. “I can’t. Not now.”
Setting the crow on her lap, she scratched the top of his head. Effectively making him quiet down and simultaneously began to clear the haze of panic that had been clouding her mind for hours.
“Please, don’t go to the Master. Not yet. Just stay with me for a while.” she whispered and hung her head low, hair falling in front of her face.
Seiichi didn’t make a sound. Nor did he move from his position on her lap. Indicating that he heard her plea and complied with her wish, going against his orders.
The sky steadily grew a lighter shade. A blue hue cast over the scenery before her and a few birds chirped. Beads of dew rolled off blades of grass and she shivered from the chill breeze that blew through the canopy of trees. Her body felt heavy and the wound on her elbow had dried. Pulling the skin when she would bend her arm. (F/N) observed her appearance, her haori was dirty and had a few rips in it from her fall, but for the most part, she appeared to be fine.
The sound of something being sat down had her and Seiichi whipping their heads up to look for the source. The hair on her nape prickled and she sucked in a breath. Hand reaching for her blade. The sun had not come up yet. Any demon still had the chance to strike if they so desired.
“Oh, are you alright dear?”
Taglist: @shellseys @athalahild @stxrrielle @lulu-83 @nianre @sincerely-aaronette @kathleen7i @woozzz
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svsss-fanon-exposed · 9 months
I really appreciate your continued emphasis on people being free to enjoy canon and fanon as they want while providing accurate canon information! All the asks and PSAs you've shared on that recently reminded me of a fic where sj actually WAS innocent, even wrt abuse. They had to make an a/n how it was their spin deviant from canon so it'd be great if they could stop getting nasty messages pls. I just think we should all foster a nicer fandom environment, so I love what you're doing~!
Yeah, I personally might be a book-canon purist, but I can certainly recognize that not everyone feels the same way-- and at the end of the day, it is fiction, what people want to do with canon and fanon is up to them and really has little to do with them as a person. I hold authorial intent in really high regard, but no need to bully those who don't, and who want to rearrange things.
Of course, for something like you mention, I would advise using some kind of tag to indicate that it's off-script. Especially since SJ's abuse of LBH is an integral part of the story the novel is telling, changing things like that changes the entire tone of things.
If a fic where the characters are intentionally OOC gets popular, then people will inevitably start going to that fic's portrayal and mixing that up with canon details (this is, probably, why there is so much apologism and denial of SJ's canonical abuse of LBH in this fandom, though it certainly wouldn't be the specific fic you're referencing alone and is probably a combination of many different factors). I personally don't like portrayals like this, but if a writer is changing it for their story, then who am I to judge or harrass them over it? The only issue comes when it spills over into the wider fandom perception, and you have people swearing left and right that SJ had nothing to do with the fake manual (he did) or didn't actually mean to abuse LBH or want him dead (he also did, and this can't just be contriubted to unreliable narrator since it comes from his own perspective in the extras). So I think an a/n at the beginning is a good idea in situations like these. If writers don't want to spoil things, just simply tag that the character is OOC compared to canon-- no need to go into specifics, and readers will know going in that the portrayal isn't meant to be a take on canon or aligning with it.
No one knows how popular their fic will become, after all, and if it gets into the wider fandom space without proper context, things like "Shen Jiu was just treating LBH normally for the time period, he wasn't abusive, LBH was just a self-obsessed person trying to demonize him" become mainstream, widely held beliefs.
Of course, this is what my blog is for, hopefully rerouting some of those ideas, pointing back to the sources where the divergence happened, so that people can see that while they may enjoy this canon-divergent depiction, that they shouldn't bring it into canon-based analysis. I think sourcing fanon is very important for this reason-- better than just saying "you're wrong" is being able to say "this is where the idea came from."
At the end of the day, a deliberately off-script, ooc portrayal should be tagged as such and AO3 provides those tags for a reason. There's nothing inherently wrong with writing characters OOC to change a story. People can write what they want! It's the writer's job to make relevant information known, and the reader's job to filter it out and just not read things they don't like. I'm so particular that I put down probably 80 percent of fics I read before I even get through the first few chapters. That's just me though! I'm a canon snob! Other people have no issues and that's fine.
As long as things aren't skewing into abuse apologism in regards to the canon-universe, there's literally no reason I can't just ignore things I don't like, and there's no reason other people can't do the same with things they don't like.
Anyway, don't harrass artists and writers in the fandom. If you feel it absolutely necessary to leave a comment in regards to an OOC character portrayal, don't be mean about it, just say something like "<Character Name> seems to be a bit OOC here, is this intentional?" but even then, it's really not necessary to come into someone else's space like that. Make your own posts, write your own fics.
There is no reason to assume malice when there are other explanations. This is hard with topics like abuse apologism, but people also need to remember that this is fiction. SJ was abusive in canon, but he's still not a real person, and if someone wants to write a version of him where he's not abusive, then that portrayal can easily be treated as a version from an alternate universe where things were different. This is not the same as saying a person in real life isn't abusive, because in this case, it's not apologism-- it's literally a different universe where the rules of the original canon don't apply. In fictional and fandom spaces, it's a lot easier and better off to just give people the benefit of the doubt.
As long as you're not claiming that his canon behavior wasn't abusive (since that's about behaviors now, and not just a fictional story), it literally doesn't matter what people write in fanfic.
Authors, tag your fics with everything you'd like your readers to be aware of, because when a reader opens up a fic they're probably expecting the characters to follow canon unless stated otherwise.
Readers, read the portrayals and stories you like. Don't read the ones you don't. If something isn't tagged correctly, and you find out you don't like it after reading, just close the fic and stop reading.
No one should ever be harassing anyone else over fandom for any reason.
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kaledya · 2 months
Hi hi! It’s squishy_glitters from twitter! I hope I’m not being a bother! This isn’t really a question but I’m just telling ya I’m trying to plan a fanfic for Sinner’s Symphony au and I made a new oc for the possible fanfic and her name is Marie! She is Constantine’s personal guard though I feel he wouldn’t want or need one but either Lucifer or Lilith or both convinced him otherwise. She was originally assigned to protect both children but somehow became his personal guard. Still kinda working on how it happened but they became friends through their common interests! Like books, maturing too early, etc. My inspo for Marie was what if Constantine had like guard of his own like Charlie has Vaggie. Again I hope I’m not being a bother!
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HIII it' so good to see you 🌸🌸
No, of course you don't bother me!✨
First of all, I'm so glad to hear that you want to write a fanfic about SSAU!!
And second of all, I really loved Marie's design.she has a really nice design and she is very cute.
She's really cute, especially in the scene where she realizes she has feelings for Constantine!!
And is she a fox demon?
I think you've come up with an idea that could be worked into a story.If Marie comes from a royal lineage that serve The crown Or become someone who has gained the trust of noble families., Lucifer and Lilith may assign her to watch over their children.
And yes, as you say, Constantine doesn't think he needs protection(He knows he is strong etc) But with the insistence of his family, he can accept this.
Maybe Lucifer and Lilith's aim is not to provide something more than protection, but rather to provide Constantine a friendship as well as a protection since he is always alone.(Of course, this friendship turns into something different in the future🌹)
And it's really smart to decide that they bond over things they have in common. After all, they say the best love stories begin with friendship.
And your inspiration is really beautiful, what if Constantine had a protection like Charlie has Vaggie?
I seriously can't wait to see how you handle the story and Marie's character development!!
And the scene where Constantine flies withMarie is beautiful.
İt's reminded me this scene
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And also thank you for blessing me with these art!!🫂❤️❤️
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mimisempai · 1 year
Dear Crowley…
A sudden gust of wind blew a sheet of paper written by Aziraphale into Crowley's hands as a word suddenly caught his eye. His own name. 
Impossible, of course, for him to resist the urge to read it.
Not much time for today's story, but I hope it will be just as enjoyable.
On Ao3
Rating G -  1165 words
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"Angel, I'm back! It's windy out there!"
As if to illustrate his point, a gust of wind rushed through the still-open door, and by the time the demon had closed it, the wind had blown away a few sheets of paper that twirled around before falling to the carpet in the middle of the bookshop.
Crowley picked them up and stopped when he saw his name in Aziraphale's elegant handwriting on one of the sheets.
Curiosity got the better of him and he began to read what was written.
Dear Diary,
Or should I say, 
Dear Crowley,
Crowley figured since it was addressed to him, it wouldn't hurt if he read it, so he continued.
Dear Crowley, because what I'm going to write today concerns you.
As do many of my diary entries, but this is the first time I'm addressing it to you.
I have so much to say to you.
When I met you, Crowley, nothing prepared me for you. 
So beautiful, so colorful, so bright in a sky that didn't yet sparkle. So full of life and passion.
How could I not have been immediately enchanted?
Circumstances should have made us sworn enemies after your fall, but they didn't. 
For you and I never really fit the mold. Though it took me much longer than you to realize it.
I have been like a moth drawn to the flame, but I have so often rejected that draw out of blindness and fear.
But you never stopped being there, a constant warm flame that never went out.
Thank you for always being patient with me. For letting me go my own way at my own pace, even the times when I stopped moving forward or went backward.
I'm going to get even sappier, but after all, only I will read his words, so I can indulge myself, can't I?
Crowley, my love.
I call you my love here until one day I have the courage to call you that out loud.
Crowley gasped and felt his cheeks redden slightly at the thought of hearing Aziraphale call him that one day.
My love.
Overcome with emotion, he sat down on the sofa and resumed reading.
I love that you're the last thing I see at night and the first thing I see in the morning.
I love walking through the bookshop and seeing pieces of you everywhere, reminding me that this has become our home. That this is not just my bookshop, but the place where we are now building our life together.
I love what we've become. This us.
You're strong, you're my safe place, I can lean on you, but I also know your weaknesses. I know when you're hurting, when you're afraid, when you doubt. Because you trust me enough to show me and allow me to be your safe place too.
Thank you for letting me be your strength, your support, your comfort in these moments.
I could go on telling you how much I adore you, but it would take me at least ten pages to tell you how much I love you and why, and now that I'm at this point, I realize how silly that idea is. 
I'm going to throw away this piece of paper and tell you all of this in person as soon as I have the courage. Because you deserve to hear it from me. 
Until then, please know that I love you more than anything.
Crowley dropped the hand holding the letter and let his head fall back as a soft smile played on his lips.
Only someone like him could write something like that and make it so adorable. His sweet angel.
The demon stood up and carefully folded the sheet of paper before tucking it into his pocket. He wouldn't let the angel throw away such a treasure.
Seeing Aziraphale's coat hanging, he realized the angel was home and suddenly wondered why he hadn't answered when he had called him.
Seeing no sign of the angel on the ground floor, he climbed the stairs.
He called softly, "Angel?"
Still no answer.
He approached the bedroom, and there, on the doorstep, he couldn't help but smile, a smile filled with both affection and wonder.
Aziraphale slept on the bed, the book he was reading open on his chest.
The demon realized it was the first time the angel had slept anywhere but in his arms or at his side.
Crowley couldn't help but smile warmly as the words he'd just read danced before his eyes.
He approached cautiously and nestled close to Aziraphale's head. He moved his hand forward and gently ran his fingers through the angel's soft curls. Aziraphale smiled in response and awoke gently. He turned his head toward Crowley and leaned into the demon's hand as it stroked his hair.
He opened his eyes and his smile widened as his gaze met Crowley's, now very close.
"Crowley, my l-dear?"
The demon, who had clearly heard the slip of the tongue, said softly, "Shhh..." and put a finger to Aziraphale's mouth, who kissed him playfully.
Then Crowley began to speak, his eyes in Aziraphale's, "Dear Aziraphale, I received your letter.  I know I may not have had the right to read it, but I don't regret it and I will be happy to answer it."
Crowley shook his head, "Let me finish, will you?"
He kissed his forehead gently and continued, "You gave me hope when I thought I had none. When you, an angel, spread your wing to protect me, a demon. You made me forget the loneliness of being a demon of another kind when you showed me that you were an angel of another kind as well, making our two loneliness the first we."
Crowley paused for a moment as he saw a tear roll down Aziraphale's cheek. He wiped it away with his thumb, kissed him gently and continued, "You make me laugh, Aziraphale, you make me smile when sometimes I just can't. I'm not afraid to fail because I know you'll catch me. When I don't feel like going on, you're the one who keeps me going. I love that we take care of each other, that we lean on each other. And finally, I'm going to be as sappy as you, I also love that you're the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I see at night. And I like the idea of that being forever."
Crowley moved even closer and whispered against Aziraphale's lips, "I love you too..." He placed a light kiss on his lips and continued, "More than anything.
The angel, his eyes shining, whispered, "My love..." before pulling the demon to him and pressing his lips to his in a long, tender kiss.
Because sometimes words, whether on paper or spoken aloud, weren't enough to express what you felt.
Because sometimes happiness was speechless, you just had to know it was there.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Growing Love series : here (After season 2)
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here (Before season 2)
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ratratratratratsewer · 2 months
Hiiiiii! Hope I'm not disturbing you! I have this silly headcanon that Jean and Jacob are found family (Jean treats Jacob like his son although there age gap isnt even that big). If youre comfy with the concept I'd love to see you write out how'd they interact with each other as father and son. Maybe how people around them would act knowing their dynamic too. Thank you!
Hello, thank you for your request.
Jean and Jacob father-son duo is a bit of an unusual concept to me so I'll try my best to make it in-character as possible. I'm sorry if it too short:(
Fun polices please do not find me nor interact 👁️
Warning: Non-canon (Jacob survived the explosion).
- Their relationship if not, could be referred as somewhat weird and unexpected. At least to other people.
- Jacob and Jean are the last two people to be close out of all things. They're just- different, far too different from each other, there's no such resembles in their interests or line of work or they're in the same team.
- But they're here, with Jean nagging at the french engineer to stop skipping his meal, breaking a piece of bread just to feed him.
- It's unusual to see a two fully grown man with no much than a 2-4 gap in age, with one treating the other like it is a child of his. And one imprinted on the older, unconsciously recognised him as family.
- Maybe because of the lack of human connections, in the world where demons- cannibals crawling out from their graves. To the point, the two soldiers seek comfort in eachother to fill the large empty gap deep inside their hearts. Playing family, playing pretend of such.
- Jacob would frequently visit and follow Jean around whenever he can. Usually he sat (or stood) in silence, watching Jean talking about life, about his life, his achievements, his adventures, a great man he is with a great talent of storytelling. Jacob found enjoyment in storytimes as it reminded him of the time when great elders who took care of the broken child he was, tucking him to sleep with those children's story books.
- Jean would teach Jacob everything he knows, he would take the younger man for some light jog, fishing perhaps. Giving him some of his wooden carved animals he made a while before, as a lucky token..as well Jacob could utilise it in some way since it's- wood. And woods, are much necessary for survival anyway. He himself knows, Jacob is not a small helpless kid, in fact the guy is probably pushing thirties already, he's a soldier who's able to slaughter a whole group of shamblers without help.
- But careless as Jacob is, who's too accustomed with straying alone on the street of Leipzig, far too familiar with the days of skipping meals just to save it for a more difficult day. Almost lost his life due to a miscalculation and crawled back from a near-death accident. With Jean who always keep track of his eating schedule, almost everyday he no more suffer from hunger nor neglecting his needs.
- The older man finds such endearment in Jacob's small trinkets he gave, whether a flower or a coin he found. Jean keep it at it's own special place and would panicked if one of them goes missing. He always couldn't help but smile when the engineer runs to him with the 'gifts' in his embrace, waiting for him to choose which to keep.
- By the close connection, both of them started to subconsciously adapt to each other's habits. Such as Jean picking up random things during his journey or Jacob learning how the older man walks.
- 👽
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matchingbatbites · 1 year
pretty baby (got a funny feelin')
Okay so here's the deal. I haven't been able to write anything consistently for the last month, and then yesterday A Demon possessed me and made me write 3k of Steddie + Gareth, and it's surprisingly helping me get out of my funk, so here's the first 1.1k which is all just Steddie fantasizing about fucking Gareth while getting off. And since it's not actually mentioned in the story, Gareth is 18 and Steve/Eddie are 21/22.
This fic is 18+ | CW: Includes cis female Steve, heavy daddy kink & splash of mommy kink, Dom Eddie & princess Stevie, vaginal fingering, fantasizing about someone, a singular affectionate use of slut, and a shit ton of dirty talk.
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“Hey Teddy, do you think Gareth is cute?”
Eddie looks up from his laptop, from the campaign notes he’s been working on for the upcoming Hellfire session, just as his girlfriend drops down next to him on the couch and asks the question from out of nowhere.
“I mean, yeah? He reminds me of you, actually, with the baby face and the nice hair. Why?”
Stevie grins and bites into her lip, and she has that sparkle in her eye that usually means trouble. Eddie braces himself for whatever could possibly come out of her mouth next, but he isn't expecting it to be “We should fuck him. Like, invite him to join us.”
The man blinks and lets that process for just a moment, before he asks a simple “Huh?”
“Baby, he obviously likes you,” the girl replies with a shrug and a grin. “And he clearly thinks I'm hot; I've caught him staring at me during pool parties more than once.”
She leans forward to rest her chin on Eddie's shoulder, hitting him with the full force of her gleaming hazel eyes. “He's such a darling, and gets flustered so easily. It could be so much fun, daddy, having a sweet baby to play with.”
Here’s the thing. Eddie won't lie and say he hasn't thought about it before, not when the boy is so clearly in the range of Eddie's type. It's not something he's ever lingered on, Gareth's age always being a deterrent, and then Eddie's relationship with Stevie. Still, he meant it when he said that Gareth reminds him of Stevie; their soft faces and gently curling hair, their bright smiles and sweet pouts.
Just the suggestion is enough to kick Eddie's overactive imagination into gear, instantly conjuring the image of the two of them, of Eddie's sweet, pretty babies spread out on messy sheets, babbling and begging him for more more more. He inhales sharply and pushes a hand into Stevie's hair, tugging just enough to make her gasp.
“Is that what you want, sweetheart? You don't just wanna be daddy's babygirl anymore? Wanna be a mommy with your own sweet baby?”
That must strike a chord with Stevie, because she whines high and shakes her head as best as she can. “Our baby, not just mine. Want us to fucking wreck him, wanna see him cry and beg for us, daddy.”
Holy fuck. Eddie's princess seems to have a sadistic streak that he wasn't aware of. Knowing how bitchy and condescending she can be in the right scenario, it's something he can't wait to cultivate and grow, to teach her how to wield it to wring pleasure out of someone else. 
Eddie moves his laptop to the side so he can grab Stevie and pull her into his lap, her gorgeous, plush thighs straddling his own. The shorts she’s wearing are fucking tiny, and he uses that to his advantage as he slides his hand into them - no underwear today, god what a sweet, eager slut she is - and pushes two fingers into her without preamble.
“Shit, babylove, you're so fucking wet. You've been thinking about this a lot, huh? Thinking dirty things about our little Gare Bear?” he asks, and grins when she nods. “Yeah, you have. C'me on, tell daddy what you've been thinking about.”
Stevie hums and pushes her hips down, grinding her pussy onto his fingers as her hands find a home on Eddie's shoulders. “Been thinkin' about lots of things. I want him to come in me, then I want you to fuck him while he eats me out, cleans out my pussy. Wanna watch him choke on your dick while I jerk him off, make sure he doesn't come until you do. Want him to ride you while I sit on your face, daddy.”
Jesus fucking Christ, she's really out to kill him. Eddie uses his grip on Stevie's hair to pull her into a searing kiss, needing to taste the inside of her filthy mouth. He pushes his fingers deeper into her, rubbing up against the spot that makes her whole body jerk in pleasure and swallowing the needy moan it earns him. 
Nails scrape over his neck and Stevie gives a sharp bite into his lower lip before pulling back. “'m not done yet, daddy. Thought you wanted to hear all of my ideas?”
“Oh, I do, baby, I do. Tell me what other naughty things you've been thinking about Gareth, sweetheart.”
She grins and keens when Eddie adds another finger, finally fucking her properly with them as she goes on, “Want you both in me at the same time, want you to fuck me and come in me, stuff me full. Want him between us, our own lil’ daisy chain, want him so fucked out he can’t even think.” Fuck shit fuck.
Eddie can tell that she's close, the way her nails dig into his shoulders and her thighs start to shake are all the warning he needs. He doesn’t let up at all, and the sound of skin meeting skin rings though the room under the sound of their talking. “You gonna let Gare fuck your pretty tits, princess? Gonna be a good mommy and let him suck on them while he fucks you?”
The nod she gives is eager, perfectly matching her needy “Good, I’ll be so good, daddy. Gonna come, can I? Please let me come, daddy.”
"Yeah, Stevie, come for me. Come on daddy's fingers, baby."
The girl gasps as she peaks, then lets out a long, high whine as Eddie fucks her through it, drawing out her orgasm until she's trembling in his hands. Eddie could probably wring another one out of her if he wanted to, but he's so high strung himself that he's dangerously close to coming in his pants. Instead he pulls his fingers from her and scrambles to get his sweatpants down far enough to grab his dick with his slick-covered hand, needing to come as soon as possible.
Stevie whines again and drops her forehead to his shoulder, watching as he fucks into his fist. "Fuck, give it to me, daddy. Love your cock, can't wait to see Gareth crying on it like I do, all whiny and needy. You're gonna fuck our pretty baby so good right? Fuck him good for me?"
That's all Eddie needs, the mental image of his dick filling the younger boy up so good, stretching him open, and he's fucking gone. He spills over his fist with a punched out groan, stroking himself through it until he's completely wrung out. Stevie is pressing a line of kisses along his jaw as he comes down, and he hums, leaning into the touch.
"So, I think you're just as into that as I am, huh daddy?"
Eddie just chuckles weakly and wipes his hand on his pants, knowing they're probably about to head up to the shower. "You know what that means, right?" Stevie gives her own questioning hum and Eddie turns his face to kiss her. 
"We need a plan."
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mageofseven · 1 year
MC's Bra Game: The UnDateables
I still don't know what I'm supposed to call these guys 😅
I mean, I've seen some people use the term side characters, but that's including the three characters I can't write for yet because I've never gotten to read the story when they were added (Raph, Thirteen, Mephisto). So I guess I'll just stick to this name until I learn a better one.
But anyway! Time for Dia, Barb, Soli, and Simeon to play the Bra Game~ 😁
And honestly, I think this came out better than the Brothers' did~
Oh how this man loves this game!
Not in any pervy way; MC only plays it with their boyfriend when he's buried under work and super stressed
And unlike Lucifer, this prince welcomes the distraction graciously
Or like, any distraction from his work, if he's honest.
Unfortunately, that meant the game would end too quickly for the couple so MC had to add extra rules.
The human would sit on their boyfriend's lap and have him close his eyes.
Sometimes MC would bring items with them and other times, they would just take things off the prince's desk.
Eyes still closed, Dia would feel for the object and guess what his Queen nestled between their boobs.
The demon would purposely give incorrect answers just to make the human laugh
And of course, the game would be paused every now and then between kisses.
Barb always has to stop in and gently, but firmly remind his master about his deadlines
Causing the game to die down a bit till the couple gives each other just one last kiss and MC leaves their now less stressed boyfriend to his work.
It's hard to get Barb to play with them 😔
But this man has a bountiful amount of patience with his Dear so he never gets frustrated with them.
MC will show up out of no where while he's working with the same smirk on their face; Barb always knows they want to play when they have that smirk.
No matter what object the human would stick in their bra, the butler always had a spare, and I mean always.
Like, how many feather dusters do you have, man???
AND THE PENS!!! MC could steal 20 off this man and he's suddenly have 50 more to use.
Like dear devil! Did you steal all the pens from Walmart's shelves before you started work this morning???
It's funny how this starts because MC wants to play their own game but then unknowingly starts playing one of Barb's.
Once the human's mood changes from amazement to discouragement though, that's when the man calls it quits.
"I'm sorry, my Pet, but I really need to trouble with some other business." He'd lean in and kiss them before whispering in their ear. "I'll see you later to night."
And with that, the butler would walk away.
It takes a moment for MC to realize that whatever they stuck in their bra is now gone and in the hands of the walking figure in front of them.
Now grinning, the human can't wait for later that night~
This was a game that Soli was all too comfortable playing.
Like, MC started it because they wanted to see their boyfriend blush, but in truth, the man was as composed as ever.
No red face, no sign of being uncomfortable.
He just slid his wand out of their partner's bra as if he was releasing it from it's usual holder.
Suddenly, the sorcerer noticed MC deflate. That silly mood they were just in took a 180.
"Am I not playing this right? What's wrong?" He frowned
"You're not reacting..." They mumbled. "Most guys blush or get embarrassed, but you treat this like I asked you to clean up your room..."
The non-immortal just felt...so unattractive. Is their body really so boring to him?
Soli raised an eyebrow.
"Little Minx, why should I be embarrassed to touch what's mine?" He asked, looking genuinely confused.
"You freely give yourself me. So if you ask me to touch your chest, I will." He raised his hand up to their hair. "If you ask me to stroke your hair, I will."
The wizard took a finger and traced down their head, passed their shoulder, down their arm, to their waist, and curved in towards their inner thigh.
"And if you ask me to give your attention else where, I will." He said with his usually smirk. "Why should I be uncomfortable with what you give me? Especially when I love every inch of it. Every inch of you."
Now it was MC who was blushing. They went to cover their face with their hands, but Solomon took them both and held them between his own.
"Now that's what I like to see. Are you feeling better now, Little Minx?"
MC gave a shy nod.
Soli chuckled before leaning into them, resting his head against theirs.
Simeon ft. Luke:
This is not a game the two can play often.
I mean, their relationship is suppose to be a secret
And people would definitely start asking questions if they saw the angel's hand over the human's boobs.
The couple can't even imagine how they'd talk themselves out of that one.
Luckily, MC is allowed to have sleepovers at Purgatory Hall occasionally.
The human joins the three guys for dinner, plays board games with them, bakes, those sort of things.
The brothers think MC does this for Luke and in truth, they do somewhat.
During the evening, MC is at this sweet boy's beck and call; whatever he wants to play, they're down for.
But once the sun goes down and the clock strikes 9:30pm (21:30), the little boy is led to bed by Simeon (his bedtime is usually 9pm (21:00), but Simeon let's him stay up just a little longer when MC sleeps over).
That's when Solomon retreats into his room with that all knowing look in his eye and tell MC that he hopes 'you two have fun'.
Sometimes though, Luke will fight going to sleep so he could spend more time with MC.
To make it easier on their boyfriend and the younger angel, MC will join them to get Luke tucked in, make sure theres a glass of water by his bed, and even tell him a story if he asks for one.
Any outsider would see this scene as two parents cajoling their child to sleep
...If only that could be true.
On a more positive note, when the small angel falls asleep, the couple will tiptoe out of his room and head back to the living room to enjoy their alone time, something very rare and precious to them.
In the other timelines where they date the other Boys, I see their MCs as this chaotic and loving force, one who would definitely do this bra game with their guys.
It's harder for me to imagine Simeon's MC trying to play this game though. Maybe it's because of how their relationship is, but I see his MC as a very gentle, more subdued sort of person.
Still, if they did somehow wanna play...
"M-My feather..." Simeon stuttered, face red.
And no, this was not said as his usual endearment to the love of his life
But was referring to his actual feather
Which MC nestled between their boobs.
Simeon occasionally loses feathers when in his celestial form.
MC has made a habit of collecting them when they fall.
They've said they find it comforting to have a piece of him with them, even when Simeon cannot.
The angel found these words very sweet and keep them close to his heart
But he never imagined his Feather would put one of his feathers...so close their heart. Literally.
"Want...want it back?" MC asked softly, a blushing forming on their cheeks.
"That's--no, I'm fine, my Lamb." Simeon gave an awkward laugh as he rubbed the back of his neck.
MC leaned in closer to their boyfriend.
With their cute face pleading him, the angel struggled to refuse.
It's just like he's always said: he wants to give them everything and deny them nothing
And these words rang in his head as he slowly reached in to pull out the feather, careful not to touch their boobs
Which in truth, the human found funny. After all, his lips had no issues being there last weekend, but now suddenly he feels that his hand grazing their boob would be the ultimate taboo?
Still, they kept in their laughter, even as the feather gently tickled their boobs as the angel pulled it out.
Once out, MC couldn't help laughing at the red-faced man.
A small smile broke out on his face as well.
"You never fail to surprise me, my Feather."
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briskalishous · 3 months
You guys, my brain took like from April (I think) to finish this piece. I don't remember the inspiration making this, but it's part of the redesign I'm doing for a fanfic and just in general fun fluffyness becuz this fandom gets too sad sometimes. This was supposed to be done some time ago, but mental health got in the way and also the fact I didn't like the initial final sketch, so I started over, took me some time. And bruh if that wasnt enough, the app I'm using also kept corrupting or losing sketches so I don't have everything together to show the process. But anything is better than nothing. Also, please don't mind the shading, I'm still figuring out light placement and layering, especially on mobile.
Anyways, here's the final product!
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I saw some funny sketches of Alastor being carried all the time so I made a funny headcannon that he likes to be picked up or is indifferent to it, just as long the hand and body placement is appropriate with certain people (others that are close have more leniency). I don't really have a story here but I like to say that this trio hug happened becuz it's one of those once in a blue moon family get together where Husk and Alastor aren't in a powerplay and are actually enjoying each other company with Niffty being a small adorable grandma making sure her boys are okay and slightly disturbed/amused by her antics and stories.
With Husk, I kept him somewhat true to his character design, just changed outfits and details on his persona like his symbols, marks, and colors. These symbols will be emphasized in another fanart I'm cooking up. I also placed "brands" that symbolize his deal and ownership status with Alastor. These brands, instead of being actually branded on his person, are branded on any piece of clothing he wears as long as they are visible (shirt, pants, hats, etc). One is on his collar shirt, which equals to Alastor and another on his wraps on his feet of his own Overlord status. In my rewrite, I have it that in order for Husk to maintain his deal of keeping his power is to keep running his business of gambling but with restriction. I have a lot more to write about this, but I'm saving it for his redesign posts in my redesign series. Also, a funny lil hat on the side becuz it's part of his getup that got knocked over in the hug session.
With Niffty, I was going to keep her the same, just some extra bug detail to her person, but I scrapped it off. Instead, I have her as a hybrid of a poodle dog and bug. She and Alastor have a bumpy first introduction becuz of her dog hybrid side, but eventually, they worked it out in a weird, chaotic coworker/roommate relationship. More on that on her redesign post soon. She also has a brand of Alastor’s ownership over her on her apron. She doesn't have much on her appearance but her personality and chaotic mindset makes up for it :3 She's the same crazy lil lady, but with some common sense and sort of old lady behavior from her.
With Alastor, I changed his hair from my redesign, but I think I'm still going to change it with every drawing I do, so it's not permanent. He also has a brand, just not visible, unlike Husk and Niffty. This isn't from his choice of wanting to hide that he's owned but from his owner that nothing should be given away from his disappearance to not ruin his mission. However, there's still that hidden joke that every time Alastor walks, he will feel that brand on his hoof so that no matter where he goes, he is reminded of where he stands. He doesn't look gray here like in his redesign due to the lighting, but I like to say that it will probably change to another headcannon. For instance, depending on how 'human' he feels at the moment, his features and skin color will change. When he's not all powered up and feels at peace, he's more soft and human looking despite his reputation and animal characteristics. But when's he's powered up or is threatened, then his 'humanity' is zapped away, turning his look more demonic/inhuman/alien. I'm still playing with this headcannon, so I may scrap or add on to this.
That's all I have to say for this piece other than I'm proud of the coloring and how soft this looks :D
Here's the process that I could find:
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This is from the old sketch. I also had it colored it out and in process of shading but it got eaten by the app so yeah :')
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Here is the final process! I changed the positions, the wings and tail, and redid Niffty's design.
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nick-writes-stuff · 1 year
Camping with the Demon Brothers
a/n: i got inspired to write this while i was on my own trip a week or so ago. this is my first time writing about obey me so i'm excited to see what you guys think!
notes: gn!reader, one use of "mc" in Beel's section, headcanons, intentional lowercase, there is some description of fire (idk if that should be a warning), literally just tooth-rotting fluff
- you probably had to arrange some time off for Lucifer with Diavolo in order to convince him to come.
- he finds it hard to relax on the trip even though you have a strict "no work" policy on the trip.
- he helps to plan things and gather supplies for the trip to make sure you have anything you could possibly need
- will you need a 24 pack of ponchos on your weekend trip? no. do you have them? yes.
- he isn't very picky about what equipment you all have. he would prefer sleeping in a camper, but there is also something captivating about sleeping in a tent under the stars.
- also doesn't matter where you guys sleep, waking up in the mid-day with you in his arms is even better when there is no reason to rush out of bed.
- he would probably be into a lot of the traditional camping activities. hiking is definitely something he would enjoy.
- weirdly enough, he would probably enjoy fishing with you. it's a quiet activity to spend quality time together. and if you do well, you have something to brag about when you go back to the HoL.
- he's definitely baffled by the idea of campfire food. he's just not acquainted with the idea of cooking food on open flame and outdoors
- he's definitely the type to purposely let a marshmallow burn to a crisp because it "gives a good flavor"
- this man probably has the best stories to tell around the fire too
- as much as he would complain that you were dragging The Great Mammon to stay in the dirty and scary woods, he would really enjoy camping
- at least for the first time you guys definitely have a camper. he already was on the fence about camping in general, there's no way he's sleeping on the ground in a tent
- you tried to get him into a hammock, but he said it reminded him too much of being strung up from the ceiling during lucifer's punishments.
- he made it a point to avoid feeding the wildlife, complaining lightheartedly if you do so because what if you get stuck in the woods and need that food to survive
- he probably ends up getting a whole new set of clothes beforehand because he doesn't want anything to ruin his clothes
- you guys would probably play a lot of board games. there's something exhilarating about bickering as loud as you want about monopoly because no one is there to hear it
- he would probably try to make hell sauce ramen over the fire, but he would also try the more traditional camping snacks too
- if he hears a noise suggesting that an animal is in the shadows, he will leave you behind and lock himself in the camper. of course, the Great Mammon was definitely not scared ~
- you two probably sit by the fire for a bit, watching the flames and the stars above you.
- if you fall asleep on him, his cheeks will turn red definitely because of the heat of the fire and he sits frozen for a second
- he doesn't want to move and wake you up. he wants the moment to last longer so it's ingrained in his memory.
- he eventually maneuvers you to the bed, giving you a kiss on the forehead before joining you.
- it's really hard for you to convince him to go camping. like going outside is one of his least favorite things so it'll take a lot
- you guys definitely have a camper rather than a tent. you also have a place on the counter for henry to stay with you guys
- you guys stay in that camper most of the time. it's air conditioned, bug free, and overall more comfortable.
- you guys probably have a canopy with screens enclosing it to keep the bugs out. that's the closest you'll be able to get him to going outside.
- if you made the food, he would probably like a good bit of campfire food, but you guys are definitely having other snacks
- you guys essentially do what you do in the house of lamentation. you guys play games and watch anime, just outside.
- you surprised him with a projector screen and an air mattress to be able to watch anime outside.
- while he still prefers an indoor viewing experience, there was something really special about being bundled up with you and watching it under the night sky.
- you guys actually fell asleep like that, something that made him blush when he woke up with you in his arms
- maybe you guys should do this more often.
- this man does so much research into the best places to stay in either the devildom or the human realm, and also what supplies you would need for the trip.
- he probably packs a ton of books to take, so hopefully you guys have room for half of a public library.
- he wouldn't really mind what the sleeping arrangements are
- being in nature with him is really fun because he's like a walking encyclopedia. you guys would be hiking and he suddenly begins identifying trees and plants.
- satan interacting with wildlife 😍
- seriously though while they aren't cats, he still loves trying to feed the animals (and he would obviously know what foods are safest)
- over the trip he feeds one specific squirrel to the point that by the end of your trip, he is able to feed it from his hand
- you love seeing his face light up when animals come towards him. it's hard to decide which is cuter, the small sparrow hopping toward him or your boyfriends reaction.
- whether it be scary stories, poetry, anything; this man is the best at captivating you.
- he does probably get annoyed by the lack of good lighting for reading though. sometimes it is too bright to read in the sunlight, but when it gets dark his eyes strain to see. probably has a lot of book lights.
- is camping with asmo really considered camping?
- he takes glam-ping to an extreme.
- you guys definitely have one of the roomiest campers in existence
- like a queen sized bed, a bathroom big enough to handle asmo's skincare routine, and a nice kitchen
- it's also air conditioned, and he won't want to go camping if the weather is too bad or too cold
- applies sunscreen to himself and yourself obsessively. he wouldn't want either of your skin getting sunburned.
- going off the grid is definitely not going to happen. asmo is constantly snapping pics to post on devilgram
- he'll take pictures of anything. trees, flowers, animals, you.
- a lot of the traditional camping activities are off the table for him. anything that could get him dirty or ruin his clothes is a no go.
- he likes having picnics and sitting outside as long as there is a way to protect his clothes
- he also likes watching the wildlife from a distance. he'll leave some food out for the squirrels to watch them eat it
- the camper definitely has a skylight so you can watch the stars while you lie in bed.
- going camping with beel means you have a lot to pack. 90 percent of it is food.
- he puts more effort into finding ways to protect the food from critters compared to actually packing stuff he would need for the trip.
- you guys go on a lot of hikes. walking through nature is always more fun then just working out in the gym.
- you guys definitely have a tent and air mattress situation.
- no matter the weather it's comfortable because you have fans if it's warm and if it's cold, you have a personal space heater and his name is beelzebub
- you guys have a campfire going almost constantly. guys imagine beel chopping wood
- beel tries to cook everything over the fire. popcorn. pizza. cookies. everything. because the smoke gives it a good flavor.
- at first he has a hard time sharing food with the wildlife, but after seeing your reaction to a chipmunk eating a peanut, he's willing to sacrifice a bite of his snack to see you smile again
- you show him campfire recipes from the human world.
- you show him what a real smore is, having it with actual marshmallows is completely different then what they have in the devildom
- you try to show him how to toast a marshmallow but he keeps eating the marshmallow off the stick
- however when he does finally make the smore he loves it
- after you have yours, he totally pulls the "hey MC, you have something right here" and kisses the melted chocolate off your lips
- basically, the only con to this trip of yours is that you will probably have to do most of the work to set up while your boyfriend takes a nap in the car.
- get ready for some sick naps
- obviously he would prefer to sleep in his own bed at the HoL, but he would be down to just go out for a weekend and not have the comfort of his home.
- you guys would probably have a tent with a clear roof/netted roof so you are sleeping under the stars. the mattress would probably be the best air mattress that grimm can buy
- HAMMOCK NAPS!! get a hammock that holds two and y'all could sleep for hours. there's something so soothing about feeling the breeze and gently rocking.
- as much as he would like to go on a hike to see the wildlife, that takes effort. he would absolutely watch the animals scurry around from comfort of a chair, however.
- the only time you guys aren't think about relaxing is in the dead of night. the area you are in is dark enough in the evening to go stargazing.
- belphie spends a good portion of the night telling you about different constellations.
- he keeps stealing glances at you. he thinks the look of awe on your face when finally understanding the shape of the constellations is adorable.
- you also keep stealing glances at him. hearing him talk about something he is passionate about is so attractive.
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xxxregulusblackxxx · 7 months
Okay, here's my full rant on The Sun and The Star. It's contains spoilers so keep scrolling if you don't want those
I absolutely love it, it's cute, it's Sad, it's angsty, the fluffy and your scared for what's going to happen to the character. Dionysus is like a Therapist and older brother figure to Nico which I'm just loving, he admits Nico and Will are his favorite demigods, we get more Chiron which I love, we get mentions of the Trials of Apollo, we get to see Nico's grief over Jason, Piper and Nico have a talk about it and their sexualities! We get Will's POV and he's scared and self-conscious. He thinks he's not enough for Nico which is so sad but also reflected with Nico thinking he's not enough for Will and still trying to push him away suddely but they both are so deeply in love that they CONSTANTLY remind each other that they're there for each other and I mean constantly! Like 5 times per chapter once in Tartarus. We get a to see Solangelo going to PercyBeth for advice we get MORE SALLY CONTENT! We get to see how Nico got captured and put in the Jar. We get to see Will and Nico's first kiss, and how they got together and all these snippets of their relationship as they tell this other character about it. We get SMALL BOB BACK! WE GET BOB BACK! He calls Solangelo his Sun and star! It's so cute. Nyx is the villain which I kinda love. We get to see all these dreams and flashbacks of Nico's trauma, we get more banter between Will and Nico and it's so cute. NICO GAVE WILL HIS SKELETON RING! ON MY GODS WILL WEARS IT ON A NECKLACE! WILL GAVE NICO THIS COIN THAT'S SPECIAL TO HIM! THEY TRADED KEEPSAKES!! Nico quite literally gets his personal demons made into these tiny black fluffy ball demons that he and Will named coco puffs and they follow him everywhere but no longer remind him of like all his trauma, because he accepted it all and is starting to cope. The story's about self acceptance and that you can change and chose your own path and make your own choices and not have to be who everyone thinks or wants you to be and I think it's a beautiful message.
NOW! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN THEY'RE ACTING OUT OF CHARACTER?! This is a canon novel, anything Rick writes in this universe IS CANON AND THEIR CHARACTER! Just because Will's not all confident and self assured doesn't mean he's not Will. You just made a different versions of him in your head and are mad about it, same with Nico. Y'all make him this sad emo twink who can't do anything for himself and needs saving. He's a fucking powerhouse, he's strong and confident and can protect himself and not some week baby. Stop fetishising him and look at his canon character. "He's more happy and talkative" YEAH BECAUSE FROM TBTL THROUGH HOO AND A BIT OF TOA HE WAS ACTING PURELY IN FIGHT OR FLIGHT MODE AND TRAUMA RESPONSES! He was this super happy kid extraverted and he's coming into a more mature version of that as he copes and processes his trauma. I'm so sick of people making him depressed and suicidal, he's snarky and sarcastic and self confident, he's coming into himself and is actually happy with that, he's recovering from an eating disorder too which we see that the end and he's happy about it. He likes himself and is happy which is such a wonderful thing for a character like him. It shows me and other fans, and even younger fans that you can overcome your trauma and it's not something to be fixed but to deal with and after all of the trauma and everything you've been through, you can be happy and love yourself, you can be gay, pan, bi, queer literally whatever and be happy and love yourself and I think that's such a good message and I'm so happy Rick made him that way because it shows everyone especially his younger audience and new fans that you're lovable.
Either way that's my rant, if you don't agree with me I'll gladly argue with you and will pull up quotes and WIN. Or you can scroll. If you do agree with me, hi welcome to my page, I'm pleased to meet you I'd be happy to talk
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good-omens-classic · 1 year
I just watched all 6 episodes of season 2 in a row and I am having a very hard verbalizing the way I'm feeling.
I am speechless, and not in a good way.
For five and a half episodes, I was on board. I didn't expect to like this, but despite myself I found myself laughing and getting emotional and getting invested in the story, in a way I haven't been since first reading Good Omens and falling in love with it all those years ago. Nearly a decade ago at this point. I had problems with season 1 and the way the fandom changed, but that felt mostly natural and just like differences of opinion and interpretation.
The ending of season 2 feels actively malicious. Especially coming from someone who couldn't stop touting over and over on Twitter about what a nice queer love story this is.
Everything wasn't perfect--but it was...nice. It was something. It was engaging and I was starting to feel excited again, not like I'm going to start writing fanfiction again excited but at the very least I'm thinking, I can enjoy watching people enjoy this from the sidelines.
And then the second half of the last episode came. And Aziraphale wants to go back to Heaven to lead the angels. Not only is that a completely nonsensical thing for Metatron to invite him to do, but Aziraphale's entire character is that he's happy on Earth. He's happy on Earth with Crowley. OF COURSE CROWLEY REFUSED TO GO BACK TO HEAVEN. The entire fucking point is they belong ON EARTH, together, with the humans. Our own side, their own side, the humans' being neither good nor evil but full of potential and power and them learning they can be that way too.
That's the point. That's always been the point. NEIL GAIMAN KNOWS THAT'S THE POINT. Aziraphale was clearly very unhappy with this decision, and hesitant. The show made it VERY clear he was unhappy and unsure after Crowley gave him a reminder of what they were supposed to be about...and he just went anyway.
And he did this right as Crowley declares his love and FUCKING KISSES HIM. In this, supposedly the cutest best queer love story. Nobody can even say "Well they just don't have that kind of relationship, they don't need to say I love you or kiss or hold hands" anymore because THEY LITERALLY DID KISS. And then IMMEDIATELY said goodbye to each other.
Tragedy is not just about making the audience unhappy. Tragedy is making the audience ache because of something sad and unavoidable, of knowing the characters could be happy in a better world. Good omens has always been about building that world, to me. I thought maybe they were going to go in that direction, with Aziraphale and Crowley building a non-apocalypse, at peace world on Earth together, with Aziraphale's newfound authority to teach all the angels and demons the benefits of humanity. That is, in my mind, the culmination of the themes of the original story, and the one I thought season 1 mostly got right except for some stumbling blocks. But this... This feels like a slap in the face.
The tragedy here is not that Aziraphale and Crowley can't be together, but that the writers....that Neil Gaiman threw away everything in the original story, everything from season 1, Hell, everything from earlier in season 2, about Aziraphale's character development and the most important themes of the story. And for what? Who finds this ending narratively satisfying, let alone is happy with it?
I was enjoying this. Maybe it was just because so much time has passed since season 1 that I've been able to more effectively separate the versions and think of them as different stories, and just enjoy them for what they are separately, or maybe it's because there was no other version of this story for me to silently constantly compare it to, but I was enjoying this...a lot more than I enjoyed season 1. I thought it was cute, I thought Gabriel and Beelzebub deciding to basically do WHAT CROWLEY AND AZIRAPHALE SHOULD HAVE DONE and make a "third side" was a great extension of the themes of the story, and all the Aziraphale and Crowley flashbacks set it up so perfectly for Aziraphale to realize at the end: The problem IS systemic, and Heaven isn't the "good guys." and Aziraphale clearly realizes this! And yet he doesn't act on it. If the last half an hour had just been Aziraphale going "I don't want to lead Heaven actually, I belong here on Earth if you want to come to me on how to run things the Earth way," and then he skips off holding Crowley's hand. To me that would be not only the happiest AND most narratively neat, wrapped up conclusion for season 2, but also THE ENTIRE FUCKING POINT OF THE ENTIRE FRANCHISE. and ALL the character development s2 had been setting up in the first five fucking episodes.
It just all got thrown in the garbage.
I'm tired. This could have been such a good, good story, and I was prepared to be disappointed, but nothing could have prepared me for this. When the clip of Aziraphale and Crowley kissing got leaked, I was bracing myself for it to be some sort of like....joke, or dream sequence that didn't actually happen. I was not prepared for THIS.
Someone please convince me it wasn't this bad. Someone please spin it in a way I hadn't thought of before that makes it make sense. Someone please disagree with me and explain why.
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