#rhodey cosplay
pandagirl45 · 2 years
Fury: I need you group of fuck ups to attend a comic con to find our villain of the month
Tony and rhodey: power rangers
Bruce: star trek!
Bucky: what about the fellowship? Sam makes a pretty annoying hobbit
Sam: screw you! Anyway, we dressed up as the Smurfs
Natasha: *quietly slides sailor moon into the suggestion box*
Thor: Greek Parthenon (lowkey doing it to piss off odin)
Steve: why not all of it?
[The ugliest but gorgeous mix of cosplays was born but they caught their villain]
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petergender · 6 years
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finally rested up from the nonstop con run, so here’s my pictures!!!
con highlights:
-guy on the street serenaded me with the spiderman theme on his ukulele in Chinatown (a real tobey maguire throwback)
-tiny captain phasma (girl was INTO IT, she was like 4 but Mighty and Terrifying)
-SO many little kids just staring up into my face like :0 and then whispering (or yelling) “hi spiderman” 
-one dad of those little boys asked me where I got my costume (he actually approached me while I was sitting down and I was rlly happy abt it bc ppl don’t usually do that!!!), and true to peter parker I got to say “I made it myself!!!” so ty random dad for validating me, and I hope ur little guy gets his costume made for next yr!!!
-one kid looked me in the eye, deadly serious, and flipped me the spidey sign and I honestly dont know if it was a threat or a gesture of solidarity. Kudos, kid, I’m very scared of you.
-I saw a kid dressed up as miles morales and I gotta be honest I was rlly hoping he or his dad would ask to take a pic w me bc his costume was Spot On, but I didn’t wanna ask kids for pictures in case they were shy
-one little boy had the plastic mask and silly string webshooters and his dad lifted him up so he could see me and he waved v slowly cause he was lookin at a Full Size Spidey and it was rlly wholesome that dad was So Pumped to see me.
-one kid just fuckin LOST IT when he saw me, like straight up staring at me In Awe, and I’m ngl, that really made my Whole Life, I felt like I rlly was spiderman
-EVERY Deadpool I ran into was nothing but cool and respectful, and I was honestly a little nervous going in, so thanks to all of you who managed to stay in character and not cross the line cause u did a Stellar Job 
-there was this one Thor and he was there all three days I was and I stg he always had a little plastic beer cup in his hand and I saw him drinking it but it was always full???? 
-I yelled “mr. stark!!!!” Every Time I saw an iron man cosplay to get their attention for a picture (I hope they were amused, I rlly tried)
-spEAKING OF IRON MAN that first guys costume was the Coolest Shit I Have Ever Seen In My Life, his mask flipped up like on command??? mr stark??? hook me up blease??!!
-I had the Actual Backpack and no one commented on it but it made my whole experience 2000 times better
-got to ride public transit in a full spiderman costume???? wow 11/10 experience 
-saw a J Jonah Jamesson and when he saw me he just yelled “MENACE!!!!”
-a guy dressed as green goblin saw me and said (in the low scary voice and eveyrthing) ““really??? you know no one like spiderman!” and I was cackling
-got to see the lotr panel???? so wild
-also the last quarter of the justice league panel, Ezra miller and ray fisher are both Delights
-flipped off some protestors from the west boro Baptist church (only after they verbally attacked my family personally, which was super gross and I hope they fall off the Ben Franklin bridge!!!) but it was rlly a freeing experience flipping them off in full spidey costume 
-and oh my god the parade-like line on Saturday, that was amazing
-a dumbish thing, but no one looked at me and said “:0 spidergirl!!!” Like everyone called me spider m a n, they rlly knew I was tryna b peter parker and it felt good ngl
-this one girl filming on the balcony above the escalator (I genuinely didn’t notice she was waving at me for a long time but it made my Entire Day when I realized she was???? @mystery girl where r u hmu w that vid) was So Happy to see me??? wow. 
-oh and every now and then??? ppl just Snappin Pics. Not even asking to take a picture w me, just takin em, I Love It I hope I get to see some of them online sometime 
-oh and I Love when I was an absolute moron and ppl had to ask me like 4 separate times for a picture bc I had No peripheral vision and two layers of fabric over my ears (every time I told my family to wait up they just said “lol use ur spidey senses” and Id be more mad if it wasn’t so funny)
-wildly, i was actually one of the Only girls I saw dressed up as spiderman, and it kinda made me feel good for no reason??? Especially since no one treated me differently than the boys dressed up as spidey idk. (that being said, every girl I saw dressed up as spidey added 10 yrs to my lifespan)
-saw a star Lord carrying a sign that just said “sorry guys”, and the other side said “justice for Gamora” and I’m fuckin dhdndns
-every friend group dressed as the guardians really made my Whole Day
-group of four guys dressed up as the anchormen, all walking in formation. I tried to get a picture w them but I stg they just fucking disappeared after passing behind a pillar and I never saw them again
-I probably actually seemed a lot like peter parker to everyone because I just started jumping up and down and gasping every time I saw a Single Avenger, I was really just losing my fucking mind
-dressing up as your favorite superhero really does improve ur quality of life
-not a highlight but For Real If u dress up as spiderman I’m begging you to drink water and take off the damn mask when you can bc holy shit I went home after each day and just Died Immediately, please take care of urself lol
-if you recognize me and have pic PLEASE tag me in them, I’m a hoe and love seeing myself lmao (and if you see yourself, hmu and I’ll tag you in the post if you want!!!)
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srona58 · 5 years
I just realized I have met all four of the Iron Man cast while dressed as Pepper. My cosplay goals are complete.
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the-almighty-pen · 6 years
Peter: *cosplays as Captain Marvel*
Rhodey: One of us is going to have to change.
Rhodey: *fixes blonde wig* and it ain’t gonna be me
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The real questions. 😂😂
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Yeah, how much people know about certain events seems to differ from project to project. 🤔
I haven't seen Ms Marvel so I can't comment on Scott's podcast or the cosplaying (I assume there was a convention or something in the show?) but yeah that's all over the place. I can somewhat defend Monica on what she said about Wanda because she's working for Sword so I assume at least a few top agents will have all the info on what happened with Thanos.
I don't know why they didn't go the easiest route with the EG battle: Stark, Rhodey and Pepper were all wearing suits, those suits as far as I'm concerned can record video, right? Then why not say Sword recovered footage from the battle and somehow it ended up in social media and now every citizen on Earth knows what every hero who fought there looked like?
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wenellyb · 4 years
My journey in the MCU fandom on Tumblr: Sharing my thoughts on the Falcon and the Winter Soldier, racism in the MCU fandom and the best and the worse of the fandom
I wasn’t going to write this much but here I am… I don’t even know where I’m going with this but since The Falcon and the Winter Soldier just recently came out, I wanted to share some thoughts.
I joined Tumble because of a show I loved but most of you don’t know it “ Hit the Floor”
I stayed on Tumblr for two reasons only, Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan.
Before the Captain America:Civil War premiere, a friend sent me the link to the Sebastian and Anthony ET interview, and I was hooked. In just one interview. I discovered Anthony Mackie. The guy was hilarious!!! I just couldn’t get enough and I knew I had to know more about him. How could he improvise so many funny lines on the spot? He was just amazing.
I had pretty much watched all the avengers movie but that was it. I was not involved in the fandom. So I knew Sam Wilson’s face, but I couldn’t even remember his name if my life depended on it. That’s how much the MCU treated him as a side character.
I was like how the f*ck don’t I know this guy?
His talent reminded me of Eddie Murphy, Jim Carrey or Robin Williams, like yes they can make some emotional or serious movies, but when they want to make you laugh, you will laugh. Whether you want it or not.  I kept wondering how this guy wasn’t more famous.
And the banter with Sebastian Stan? Wow, you could tell their friendship was strong, the way Sebastian lighted up when Anthony was talking, and keep bouncing off his jokes. It was art. the way Sebastian said “ I love you” at the end of the interview. Pure gold.
I then started to watch some of the interviews and boy was that a mistake!!! I literally couldn’t get enough. So I watched all and I say all their interviews, it was the best. We got some gems:
“Why aren’t you looking at me as much”
“Which way is the beach Seabass”
*Them saying nonsense in Spanish and then Sebastian Saying Papi Chulo*
 ¨And so many more, ....
I watched other solo Anthony interviews and he was still HILARIOUS, but you could also tell he felt a little bit more at ease with Sebastian around. I won’t pretend I know him or his personality, but Sebastian seems like a little bit more of an introvert and looks like he doesn’t enjoy the interview experience unless Anthony id around him. Just my thoughts
I watched the interviews before I went to see the movie, I even cosplayed as the Winter Soldier to the movie premiere and I was IN!!! When I saw Captain America Civil War, I became a SamBucky shipper, these two were hilarious and I really so the potential for a great realtionship I love enemy to lovers stories.
I also shipped Stucky because, to me, the trope of the movie was Superhero gives up everything to protect his long term friend” Hollywood movies have some codes and if Bucky were a female character, there is no doubt in my mind that the movie would have been marketed as romance.
Stucky really was an easy ship! But then the MCU fandom of Tumblr fandom messed up everything for me. You see I really liked the CACW and I I liked Stucky, I liked Sambucky, and I loved the introduction of t’Challa’s character, but one of things that affected me the most in the movie was that it was the first blockbuster I watched with 3 black main characters, Rhodey, Sam and T’Challa. That, and the fact that they were planning to realease a Black Panther movie in two years, I was super excited, and that’s the main reason I got involved in the MCU fandom so much, when before, I was just a casual watcher.
If this seem weird to you, then you have no idea how we were only getting crumbs before. For me it was soo huge, I even told all my friends, and they were laughing at me. But usually blockbusters, especially superhero movies get one black character and that’s it, usually the best friend or something and never the leads. So, for me it really was a big deal. How sad is that by the way…
I became more involved in the fandom and, at first, I wasn’t focusing on anything special, Sambucky, Stucky, Stackie, the Black Panther, and even Zemo, whose character I really liked.
But soon I noticed that the CACW tags were always flooded, and I mean flooded with the same two white characters: Steve and Bucky. I told myself, ok that’s fine Steve is the lead after all, but it would be good to see the other characters too.
And then I noticed another interesting trend: Evanstan…. Wait what?
Chris Evans, and Sebastian Stan… did I miss something? Listen, obviously I’m sure they must be friends or something, but you’re going to tell me you watch all MCU the actors and you’re going to focus on Steve and Sebastian? I’m sorry what?
Sebastian and Anthony are right there… Or Chris and Anthony, they even have a secret handshake, only the 2 of them do… what more do you want?
Tell me one iconic Evanstan moment… go ahead tell me… See??? There isn’t.
Because of this and because of how badly some Stuckies were treating Sam and Anthony. I became less and less of a stucky shipper . I mainly focused on SamBucky, Stackie and the Black Panther,
And then the Sebastian Stan stans saw how popular Stackie, Sambucky, were becoming and I started to see some problematic stuff in our fandom too.
I don’t want to generalize, but when you go into the Stackie tag, and you see cropped pictures of Sebastian without Anthony, it’s easy to assume that a Sebastian fan did that. And we know damn well you cropped out Anthony because we watched all Stackie interviews and know exactly which interview your picture was taken from. We know that Anthony was sitting right next to Seb.
You post a picture of Sebastian laughing but you crop out the person who was making him laugh??
“but it has nothing to do with race” How do you know that?
“Sebastian had more screen time” More screen time than Anthony in CATWS or CACW? I don’t think so.
“I have been a fan of Sebastian for longer”, that’s fine but don’t go out cropping Anthony, just post gifs of Seb in his usual, sad, and Anthony-less interviews, not the ones where he’s smiling because his best friend is next to him.
Some of you really are the worst. And just so you know, your fave Sebastian is Anthony’s biggest fan, if he saw pictures where you cropped out Anthony, he would block you on the spot.
When I realized that Anthony Mackie would be the next Captain America I was screaming, no actually, I was crying, Sam Wilson will be Captain America, and Anthony would finally get the recognition he deserves.
You would think that the MCU fandom would focus on Captain America or at least one the two leads, instead of just Sebastian? Right? Right? WRONG.
Anthony is handsome, he’s funny, he’s a great actor, he went to freaking Julliard, he’s at the top, I don’t see what else the man can do??? He should already be a superstar, but no, you will side-line him even to he is the lead of the show.
Even when they are the actual leads, you guys would do anything to bring up the White characters even if it means ignoring the Black characters.
I remember I was having a conversation about Black Panther with my friends and I asked one of my white friends who was his favorite character in BP was and he told me Martin Freeman (don’t even remember his name in the movie) Martin Freaking Freeman, there are half a dozen of great characters and your fave is the only white man??? Ok, ok, that’s great.
Don’t give out automatic reply like “It has nothing to do with race, if you haven’t thought about it first”, because there’s a high probability that it is indeed about race. Stop saying it isn’t, sit down and ask yourself, “Am I biased?” “Why am I reblogging only stuff related to the white characters”.
One of these days you guys are going to make me hate Sebastian with the sh*t you are pulling.
I looove the Stackie friendship and the Sambucky dynamic but after seeing the way some of you treat Anthony and Sam’s character, it make me want to focus on Sam’s character and forget about the rest.
 I remember they were some posts about how Anthony was problematic, and I just lost it. Apparently, there was an old article that resurfaced were Anthony was making a joke about women making sandwiches or something.
If you were offended by the sandwich joke, that is totally ok, and I can understand that.
But if you were offended by the sandwich joke, and saying Anthony is problematic BUT you still stan Chris Evans, Jeremy Renner, ScarJo or even Sebastian Stan, just know that there is a high probability you’re racist.
They have all said or done problematic stuff, and people only seem to remember stuff related to Anthony, which was probably just a joke by the way.
Chris Evans and Jeremy called Black widow a wh*re, ScarJo took roles that she maybe shouldn’t have and I didn’t forget Sebastian shady Instagram post, when Kaepernick was kneeling. There are so many more things to be said about Jeremy Renner but google is your friend.
Anthony also got hate for hating on Tom Holland? Like what? Do you guys even hear yourselves? Don’t you have any friends you like to tease? If you hate someone, do you go around talking about him every chance you get? It was obviously friendly banter but some people wanted to turn it into something it was not. Sigh.
I really cannot with this fandom
 The stackie fandom was small at the beginning and the Sambucky fandom even smaller, but we were there and it was amazing. Sebastian and Anthony received the same amount of love from the fandom and I wish we could go back to those days.
Stop pretending the fandom isn’t racist. Stop saying “it isn’t about race” when you haven’t even thought about.
Saying “it has nothing to do with race” only shows that you haven’t thought about anything but don’t want to be called a racist.
There is racism in this fandom and it will always be there, but if you guys want to do anything about it, you have to acknowledge it first.
You can’t be pulling off stuff like “I don’t see colors”, “ it has nothing to do with race”. Stop, sit down, think about it and then we can have a conversation.
If you’ve made it till the end, I apologize for the typos and grammar mistakes, I wasn’t planning on writing this much.
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Cosplay And Confusion by The_Mishamigo Peter goes to Avengers Con dressed as his idol, Tony Stark. Not expecting to win, he enters the cosplay competition because of his best friend Ned’s insistence. Tony ends up inviting him to the compounds. Secrets and misunderstandings ensue. Words: 5223, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Iron Man (Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, May Parker (Spider-Man), Avengers Team Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark
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kilgarraghforever · 4 years
So I asked my mum and stepdad to try and name Marvel characters
Stepdad Mum
Tony: Red suit beard man big dude
Steve: Mr. America Captain America
Thor: Big hammer man Thor
Hulk: Hulk Hulk
Natasha: Ginger girl Biker girl
Clint: Gordon Ramsay Flip flop master
Vision: Captain Ming Star Trek extra
Dr. Strange: Superman 80's man
T'challa: Will Smith Black Panther
Scott: Also Superman Antman
Peter Quill: Boris Star Trek hottie
Gamora: The Wicked Witch of the West Hulk's sister
Drax: Dwayne Johnson Big bald dude
Groot: Cabbage patch doll Sprog
Rocket: That little bloke from Over The Hedge Star Wars creature
Mantis: Lady Grasshopper Bug Lady
Nebula: Radiation 2000 Cyborg
Peter Parker: Spiderman Spiderman
Rhodey: Some black dude Police officer
Sam Wilson: Another black dude Goggle man
Bucky: Jack Sparrow Loki
Ned: Some fed up Indian dude Fat American
M'Baku: Bloke called Brent Cook Stupid plonker
Grandmaster: Buffy's tutor Jeff Goldblum
Fury: Samuel L. Jackson Samuel L. Jackson
Maria Hill: Cap's girlfriend Lady on a ship who gets eaten by sharks
Wong: Mr. Flaming Hands Oddjob from James Bond
Okoye: Big boob lady Trekkie cosplay
Shuri: Megan Markle Another Trekkie
Loki: Joey from Friends Loki
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pandagirl45 · 9 months
Drawing steve in war machine merch, he will be wearing a sweater and maybe a war machine earring.
Also, I was working on a wip for a chapter, and I realized steve and rhodes can do the superior and subordinate thing. Or even a boss and employee.
Rhodes lifting steve chin up with a finger only, something something sauve and seductive. Steve being so down bad.
I should link that story, but Steve knowing his type. His hot pansexual ass mess. He doesn't push it because rhodey sometimes isn't even about it. But when he does, rhodes takes satisfaction of seeing steve all happy and blissed out.
Little twitches from the big blonde.
People look at steve and say, "you dominate, until rhodes grabs his neck gently from behind, only for steve whine and hide into rhodes back."
Yes, steve is bigger in muscle, rhodey got the height and domineering personality. He knows how to wrangle short stacks. Steve is just in permanent cosplay with his height. He'll always be the 5"5 short bastard he is. Yes, I think Tony is taller than pre-serum steve. UwU
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Chapter 3: Retirement
Summary: Steve and Bucky discuss the future.
“So you’re actually going to do this, punk? After all these years?” Bucky was spinning Cap’s shield on his finger like a frisbee.
Steve snatched the shield out of his hands. “That’s not a toy! ……plus, you’re spinning it wrong.”
Bucky chuckled as Sam came into the room. “Hey, that’s my new toy!”
“Not yet, it’s not. Not until Steve surrenders it.”
“At this rate, he’ll be buried with it.” Sam flopped down onto one of the game room couches. “How did Sharon convince you to retire anyway?”
“She bribed him with kids.” Steve swung his shield playfully at Bucky, who easily dodged it. “What? That’s all you’ve ever wanted besides serving your country. A family. You’re a lucky bastard.”
“You’ll get there, Buck.”
He chuckled darkly. “Let’s be real, Steve. This isn’t like the 40s. Girls today are interested in me either because I’m an Avenger or because I used to be the Winter Soldier and they love that supposed ‘bad boy’ side of me. Forgetting the fact that it was all programming. Then they find out I’m a hundred-year-old science nerd who would have a cat if the stray would just stop following Stark around.”
There was a serious pause before Sam broke the moment. “Maybe that just means you’re really a dog person.”
“Ok, that’s it. I’m the new Cap. Sam can go back to his bird costume.”
“Bird costume? This coming from the guy doing Cable cosplay!”
“Listen here, you little shit-”
While the two bickered, Steve snuck away to the common living room/kitchen on the main floor. There, Rhodey was going over a mission file while Tony and Pepper were discussing what sounded like the budget of a very big project.
The couple looked up at the sound of Steve’s footsteps. “Uh-oh, Pepper. What is Tony trying to talk you into this time? Extravagant fifth birthday for Morgan?”
“You’re not too far off, Capcicle.”
Pepper rolled her eyes and sighed. “Tony.”
“Just make sure he only rents a petting zoo instead of buying Morgan one,” Steve pulled a beer out of the fridge.
“Normally I would think a petting zoo would be a good idea, but I’d be afraid of the goats eating all the food before your guests could enjoy it,” Tony commented nonchalantly.
“Good call,” he took a swing of the beer. “Wait. My guests?”
Pepper looked up from the spreadsheets. “Sorry, Steve. The party being planned isn’t for Morgan. Tony already knows he has a limit on spoiling our child.”
Steve sighed, “Damnit, Tony. Please don’t tell me this is what I think it is.”
“Of course not!” Tony pretended to act offended. “How dare you think this is for the retirement party you told me we couldn’t have.”
Rhodey didn’t even look up from his mission files. “Be afraid, Steve. Be very afraid.”
“Don’t we have bigger things to worry about? Like catching that person destroying all the Hydra facilities before I retire?”
“Why? They’re doing a far better job than we ever could.” Tony munched on some blueberries.
“Are you talking about Project Mirror?”
Everyone immediately dropped what they were doing to look at Bucky as he entered the room. Steve set his beer bottle down.
“Wait, what? Buck, you know who’s doing this?”
Bucky sighed as he pulled up a stool on the other side of the kitchen counter. “Yes and no. Project Mirror was a very hush-hush program that only a few people knew about. Supposedly, Rumlow met the person first hand. The rest of us only had rumors.”
“And what rumors are those?”
“That she is the perfect killing machine. One step up from the super-soldier project.”
“Great.” Tony rubbed his face.
“She? No name?” Steve questioned.
“Not that I know. Nothing about where she came from, why she was recruited, or if she’s still with Hydra. Or even what she looks like. But with how quickly and efficiently the bases are coming down, it looks like her M.O.”
“So if it is this Project Mirror, why would she turn on Hydra? Sounds like she was Hydra’s prized possession.” Tony stood up to grab a drink from the fridge.
Bucky shrugged, “that’s the biggest mystery. From what I understand, Pierce had her under lock and key.”
“Pierce?” Steve was becoming more and more agitated. “It’s been going on since then?”
Everyone looked up to see Fury walk into the room, Maria right behind him. He ordered FRIDAY to call the rest of the Avengers into the room before taking a seat at the table.
“This can’t be good,” Sam muttered as he walked in, trailed by Wanda and Vision.
Fury waited until everyone was situated. “We got some intel from Coulson. Turns out Project Mirror has been around since the Red Skull.”
“Wait, what?!” Came the collective gasp.
“That can’t be right,” Steve’s voice carried above the crowd. “Buck and I would have heard of something back then. Why would they have even bothered with Bucky if they had Mirror?”
“Now just because the project has been around, doesn’t mean the end result has been. Coulson is still trying to dig up intel, but as far as we know they only had the bones for the idea.”
“So when was she recruited?”
“That’s the biggest mystery of all: no one can find out anything about her. Her name, age, where she was from, none of it. It’s like she’s a ghost.”
“No, I was a ghost. This woman is something more. Like an urban legend.” Bucky ran his metal hand over his hair. “Do you think we could flush her out?”
“Buck, you know better than anyone how unlikely that would work.” Steve sighed.
“Not if we gave her something she couldn’t refuse.”
All eyes were on Tony and Pepper sighed. “Tony, I know that look. Whatever you’re thinking, the answer is no.”
“All I was saying is that we make it easy for her to find us. Not a trap, but to get an idea of who she is. We invite her to Cap’s going away party.”
The room was painfully silent before Fury spoke up, “Stark, that’s a crazy idea even for you.”
“What makes you think she would even come? She’s hunting Hydra, not heroes.” Rhodey closed his mission folder. “And how would you even get her to come by? Open the party to the public? That would be mass chaos.”
“Chill out, Platypus. I’m not talking about opening our doors, per se. Still invite-only, but looking the other way if one or two uninvited people show up. Yes, she’s only hunting Hydra right now. But she is running out of bases. She’s running out of targets. So we double brand the party. Half Cap retires, half Hydra going down party.”
“Are you suggesting we take credit for the bases being destroyed? Steal her thunder?”
“Exactly. Provoke her into coming out of hiding by claiming what’s rightfully hers.”
There was another silence while everyone thought. Finally, Fury sighed, “well, I wasn’t planning on working that night but maybe I can convince Coulson to stop globetrotting with his team to come lend a hand. You better know what you’re doing, Stark.”
“We need answers and this seems way easier than trying to hunt down rumors. Worst-case scenario, she doesn’t show up.” Tony shrugged.
“No, worst-case is she kills someone that night.”
“Then we don’t give her a chance,” Steve concluded. “We watch her and we cage her if the opportunity presents itself.”
“You heard the old man. Let’s prepare for the party of a century.”
Chapter 4
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In a few hours we start! 
*Excited bouncing*
As promised, reposting the FAQ’s and Rules.
Also, I present to you, very proudly may I add, the official AO3 Collection!
What is this?
This is an event celebrating James “Rhodey” Rhodes, otherwise known as Platypus, and also the very best bean!
When is this?
May 24th - May 30th 2020  (And hopefully again next year!)
How do I participate?
During Rhodey week, you can submit new content to show your appreciation for our darling Colonel Rhodes.  We will have both themed days and prompt days, and an entire day just for reccing and reblogging old and new favorites!
What kind of content is welcome?
All kinds!  We accept fic, art, poetry, gifsets, edits, comics, crafts, cosplay, anything you can think of!  It just needs to be new stuff.
Do I have to stick with the prompts and themes for each day?
Yes, please do!  Use them for inspiration.
Can I cross post with another event?
Yes you can!  Bingos, bangs, other events, we’re happy to share!
Where can I post?
Here on Tumblr, as well as our AO3 Collection! If you still have
more questions, drop us a line!
Rules and Dates
The event will be during May 24-30, 2020
New content only please,
except for Rec and Reblog day!
Make sure to @ us with your new content, and use the tag #rhodeyweek2020 so we can find it.
See the FAQ for more info!
Respect the mods and your other creators, no bashing, and make sure to appropriately tag your work.
24th -  Art/Fanworks Day
25th - Prompts: Roommate, Home, “Are you kidding me?”
26th - Prompts: Overprotective, Drama, “I dare you”
27th - Rhodey the Diplomat Day 
28th - Prompts: Engineer, Yearning,  “Stop that.”
29th - Tony Perspective Day
30th - Rec and Reblog Day
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diazevan · 5 years
xvill. muffled scream
Peter thought it would be an easy night in, after he let Tony, Pepper, May and Happy go out for the evening, on a double date, while he entertained Morgan at his and May’s apartment. Granted, he wasn’t sure if he totally understood May and Happy’s budding romance, but they were happy, which was genuinely nice to see. Although, Tony didn’t stop teasing, or joking about it at every given chance.  It was meant to be easy night in, right? In Peter’s life, nothing was ever easy. About an hour in, the hairs on the back of his arms stood on end, and dread settled in his stomach. Morgan tugged his jacket sleeve, “What’s wrong?”  There were voices by the front door, followed by the unmistakable sound of someone picking the lock. Peter leapt into action, he looped his hands under Morgan’s arms and hoisted her up into his, he beelined for the cleaning cupboard and pulled it open. “Petey?” Morgan squeaked, her voice shaken. Luckily, the cupboard was essentially empty as the vacuum was in Peter’s bedroom, yearning to be used. Peter placed Morgan down in the far corner, and knelt, placing a hand to her cheek. “I’m sorry, Munchkin.” He apologized softly, the front door rattled, as someone kicked it; Morgan flinched, “I need you to stay here, okay?”
She hiccuped as she clung to his wrist, “Are they the bad guys?” “Yeah, I think so.” Peter told her, “You have to be super quiet.” He tucked her hair behind her ear, “I’ll be right back.” Tears glazed over her eyes as she reluctantly let go of his arm, “Okay.”  Peter pressed a kiss against her forehead before stepping out. He closed the cupboard door and tip-toed across the living room. He quietly switched the lamp off and grabbed his web-shooters from the coffee table. The nanotech weaved around his wrist, and he concealed them with the cuffs of his jacket. He tapped his watch and clicked the panic button. Tony would come running, until then, he had to keep whoever it was, away from Morgan. He leant up against the cupboard, knowing there was no time to grab his suit from his bedroom floor. Damn his secret identity, he had a sister to protect.   The door crashed open. Two sets of heavy footsteps entered.  “This place is a shithole.” One commented upon entry. He sounded young, a few years older than Peter, maybe. He was inexperienced, sounded like he’d never done anything like this before. That worked in Peter’s favour. “This is the address we were given, Mark.” The other said sharply. His voice was low, ragged, sounded like he’d smoked most of his life. He was older and definitely experienced. That didn’t work in Peter’s favour.
Peter knew he could take them out easily, but he wasn’t in his suit and he couldn’t put Morgan in any more danger than she already was. “Why would Gargan send us here?��  Peter knew that name, it was one of the criminals who’d been on the Ferry. Last he had heard, he got a life sentence. There were five years left unaccounted, Peter hadn’t taken the time to revise his knowledge on the whereabouts of past felons he’d faced. “Guess we’ll find out.” “The guy doesn’t have to be so cryptic.”  “He pays our bills.” Not-Mark (Peter had to call him something) snapped, “So, shut your mouth, and look around.” Peter knew they were closest to his room, and like an idiot, he’d left the suit on his floor in plain view. In his defence, it was rare that someone entered the apartment that didn’t know his secret. “Hey!” Mark screamed; Peter’s stomach dropped, “Look what I found!” “Bingo.” Peter’s leg involuntarily jerked back, kicking the wall, “Shit.”  The bandits charged around, guns raised, they skidded to a halt. Not-Mark smirked as he jerked his gun towards Peter,  “Hey there.”  “Sorry…” Peter took a step forward, “I think you’ve got the wrong apartment.” Not-Mark raised an eyebrow, and sneered, “I don’t think we do.”  Mark tossed Peter his suit, he caught it in a single swoop, that seemed like a dumb move, “And what does this prove?”  “Pretty quick reflexes you’ve got there, kid.” Not-Mark complimented, “What are you? Fifteen? Sixteen?” “Seventeen.” “Still a kid.” He pointed out, “Can’t imagine you’ve been through shit like this before.” Peter shrugged, half-heartedly, “Rough neighbourhood.” “You don’t seem scared.” Peter let out a long breath, “Of you?” Not-Mark turned his head to the side to conceal his smile, “Give up the act, Spider-Man. We know it’s you.” Peter laughed humorlessly, “You think I’m Spider-Man?” He squeezed the suit in his hand, “This is a cosplay.”  “Pretty accurate cosplay.” Mark praised. “Thank you.” Peter quipped, “I’m committed.” “Gargan didn’t send us here for a costume.”   “Doesn’t sound like he sent you with intelligible instructions,” Peter muttered under his breath but he could tell by the anger in their eyes, that they heard him. A quiet whimper echoed from the cupboard, and Peter couldn’t help himself, his head snapped to look. Worry for his sister pushing against his chest, making it hard to breathe. For a split second, Peter’s sixth sense was off-kilter So, he didn’t notice Mark’s finger pull back on the trigger.  He didn’t realise until the bullet hit his shoulder and his senses were forced to catch up. Morgan screamed. It was muted, behind the door, but loud enough for everyone to hear. “Fuck.” Peter cursed as the floor beneath him soften and he collapsed to his knees. “Petey!” Morgan bellowed as she slapped the palm of her hand against the door. Non-Mark advanced towards the cupboard, “We’ve got company.” “You touch her and I’ll kill you.” Peter’s threat was laced with venom. He was surprised. No, he was terrified that he meant it. Spider-Man didn’t kill, but Peter Parker might if someone dared lay a finger on Morgan Stark. He pressed down on his web-shooter, catching Non-Mark’s wrist, and trapping him against the wall. He did the same with Mark, securing him against the opposite wall.  Non-Mark, even in defeat, grinned, “Gotcha, Spidey.” Peter weakly got up onto his legs as he ignored the pain in his shoulder, “No, you don’t.” He rushed to the cupboard, he pulled it open and hurried inside, slamming it shut behind. He knew they wouldn’t be able to escape the webbing but he wasn’t letting Morgan bear them. His vision blurred and he collapsed in a heap next to his sister,  “Petey…” Morgan bounced up. At first, he thought she was going for a hug, but instead, she pressed her hand against the wound. He was impressed, but also disheartened, that she’d seen him injured so many times, that she’d grown accustomed.  “Hey…” Peter mumbled, "Thank you, Morgs.” He winced, he bit his lip to distract himself.  Morgan choked out a sob, “I’m sorry.” “No, it’s not your fault.” Her shoulders trembled as she cried, “I don’t wanna hurt you.” “You’re not hurting me.” He reassured her, “You’re helping.”  “Yeah?” “Yeah.” He brushed a hand through her hair, “I’m proud of you.”  The familiar sound of the thrusters echoed outside the cupboard, followed by three all-too-familiar voices; Tony, Pepper and Rhodey.  Peter reclined his head back as he sighed in relief, “Finally.” He waited until the noise died down before calling out, “Hey, we’re in here!”  The door was yanked open, at considerable force, it was a shock the hinges didn’t break. Tony fell to his knees in front of them, no longer in his suit, “Hey….” Peter glared at him, jokingly, “What time do you call this?” Tony rolled his eyes as he placed a hand on Morgan’s back, “Traffic was a nightmare.” He leaned over to look at Peter’s injury, “Let’s take a look, hey?” Morgan shook her head and shuffled away. Peter nudged her chin, “Hey.” He cooed, she looked at him, “It’s okay, Munchkin.” Morgan released his arm, and Tony moved close to investigate. Pepper rushed into view, panic etched across her face, “Morgan!” “Mummy!” Morgan jumped to her legs and crashed into Pepper’s open arms. Pepper picked her up, she let out a startled yelp, “Honey, are you bleeding? Are you hurt?” “It’s just mine.” Peter called up, “No biggy.” Pepper looked at him, with wide-eyes, she shook her head at his self-deprecation.  “No biggy, my arse.” Tony scoffed, “But it’s a clean shot.” He pushed curls out of Peter’s eyes, “You’ll live.” “Oh, no.” Peter mocked; Tony narrowed his eyes in disappointment, “So, did you get them?” “We got them.” Tony looked to the broken window, “Well, Rhodey’s taken them in.”  Peter swallowed the dread in his throat, “They know who I am.” “I know.” Tony gently tapped Peter’s cheek in a repetitive motion, “Trust me, they’re not gonna talk.” He jumped to his feet,  “Come on then, let’s get to the medbay, Spider-Man.” Peter flopped against the wall and shot Tony a mischievous smile, “Carry me.” Tony let out a heavy sigh as he bent down, scooping Peter up into his arms, “You’re lucky I love you.” 
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lsktinthemachine · 4 years
I’d just like to say I’m so hyped for the Armors War TV series.
I hope War Machine gets to be the efficient killing machine he his, and has the dark humor Don Cheadle can deliver so well.
Now I’m slightly disappointed it comes up now, cause if Tony were still alive he could be Jim’s guy in a chair. And if Nebula was still on Earth she could be his snarky sidekick but she probably won’t be back even then.
What I hope get to be integral parts of the story are his handicap and reliance on exoskeleton technologies (not just as a ‘fun’ physical trait or cosplay detail which up till now has been the case but for a 2 second speech to Nebula), his past as both a soldier and MIT graduate (expand on his visible efficiency with guns and hand to hand combat shown in Iron Man 3, and add in the extra detail that he’s smart and educated in engineering), his rising through the government ranks (like him being in charge and respected by a decent amount of people), his friendship with Tony (and the void his death must have left in his life), and Pepper (I hope she makes an appearance as a supportive friend that he would need), Also would not mind an appearance by old Maria Rambeau or adult Monica, he would have met them through Carol.
Anyways it was such a long shot I’m just thrilled Rhodey will get his time in the spotlight. I mean I would have gladly traded Hawkeye in the Avengers for this guy
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Alright so your whole ship for a ship thing is so cool omfg. Okay so first of all, since im gonna ask for a marvel ship I like one hundred percent ship you with Steve Rogers. I mean the minute you mentioned history and political science my brain went to everyone’s favorite star spangled activist fossil. Steve would definitely love your interests and you’d bond over them so much. Along with that you both value family so much and are incredibly selfless. You’d be the dream team, helping people together and bringing such goodness to the world.
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Alright so here’s me:
I’m female/straight. My names Anshu. I am an ISTP/Slytherin/Chaotic Neutral/Enneagram 8w7. I’m 5’1, athletic build, with long black wavy hair, brown eyes, tanned skin, and cat eye glasses. I’m quite the lone wolf and extremely independent but I can be outgoing with very close friends. I’m creative, independent, confident in my own skin, and quite laid back. However, if someone tries to control my thoughts and actions I can be very stubborn, hotheaded and rebel. I have a sarcastic and witty sense of humor and love banter. I love digital art, digital design, fashion design/cosplay, and 3D design. I also love kickboxing. I love video games too. I dislike when things stay the same, small talk, overly clingy people, dealing with drama and when people overthink things. Thank you!
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just let me explain
Both of you hate doing other people's dirty work, being control, or told what to do.
However both of you are very stubborn so when you guys fight things can get a little heated. But Tony is always quick to apologize.
THE LAUGHS YOU GUYS HAVE my God it's perfect.
100% would help him design his suits on computer. Like in the first iron Man when he was picking up the colors and uploading it to the computer? You would definitely do that.
I know it's not quite the same but you kickbox and Tony actually boxes. You can be you guys end up in the ring every once and awhile.
Tony would love your confidence.
And honestly Tony tends to be a lone wolf too for the most part. He really only had Pepper and Rhodey and now you too.
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He's just so damn pretty all the time
And he's smart
Like . . .
I would go down on this capsicle
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anthonyed · 5 years
Day 7: Cosplaying (crack-ish)
Tony likes to say it’s Clint’s fault even if technically it was Bucky who asked what ‘Cosplay’ was and proceeded to look with wide eyed interest at the images Tony pulled out from online.
Thus, it’s Clint’s fault.
It’s Clint’s fault that Steve asks Tony about cosplaying later that night and it’s Clint’s fault that Steve comes back from his run the next morning and suggests they have a Cosplay themed party for his approaching Birthday this weekend.
Tony spits his coffee out. Steve looks offended so Tony chews and minces his word before he decides that nothing he says in that moment is ever going to save him so he shuts his mouth and glares at Clint’s shaking shoulder behind the couch.
Later, he corners Steve in the bedroom and asks in privacy, “Are you sure about the – um – cosplaying? I’m not judging, just to be clear. I’ve done worse.” He holds up his hands, erect.
Steve wipes his wet hair and sighs, “I’ve never seen him so interested.”
And that’s when it clicks for Tony. Of course this is about Bucky and if this is about Bucky, then this is surely about that one single fucking -, “Bastard Barton.”
Because Bucky and Clint have been hanging out like some weird interconnected limbs lately and by the way Clint bursts out laughing every time he sees Steve is suspicious enough. So Tony does the one thing he’d be refraining himself from doing. He switches the coffee in the communal kitchen with decaffeinated beans; it’s only Clint who drinks it religiously from there so that’s fine. Although sometimes Steve does a cup or two and Tony feels bad about it, it was the only reason why he never switched before but things have come to head and Tony has snapped.
That still doesn’t stop the Cosplay themed Captain America’s Birthday Party from happening. Thank god it’s only family and friends because Tony couldn’t live with himself if public saw him in his Batman costume and a fucking cape at forty three. Steve looks delicious in a Superman outfit and they go hand in hand to where the party takes place; the communal floor.
Besides the team, Pepper, Rhodey, Fury and Maria’s invited. Fury looks bored in his usual black, floor sweeping coat and when Tony confronts him about the party rule, he rolls his eyes, pulled out a shoulder length wig from somewhere under the coat and declares himself, “ - the black Severus Snape.”
Fair enough.
Maria’s Wonder Woman and Natasha’s Harley Quinn. Pepper is stunning in her Cat Woman costume. Tony checks them all out surreptitiously. At least he thought he’s subtle until Steve clears his throat pointedly. Tony leers and leans in to kiss him, but Steve nudges his side and tilts his head to the right.
Black cloak sweeping the kitchen floor, carrying a long stick with a duck taped curved blade at its end, Bucky Barnes struts around hauntingly with a short white sheeted – poorly cosplayed – ghost in his arm.
“Jesus Christ.” Tony cusses under his breath. “Tell me that’s not Barton.”
But it is. It can only be Clint because Bruce is in an embarrassing neon green tights with Rhodey and Thor on the couch. And every time that black cloak flicks, there’s that metal glinting under the dimmed lights which means the Grim Reaper is Bucky and that ill-fitted ghost – that - that is Clint! – Tony swears to god –
“Cute.” Steve chuckles next to him.
Tony reels back in and stares at him. “You’re kidding me.” He hisses. But Steve rolls his eyes fondly and kisses Tony on the cheek. “They are cute.” He says again, muffling Tony’s snipe with a kiss to his mouth.
Tony glares at the white sheeted Clint, narrowed eyes following the couple as they strut their way out of the kitchen to the couch where the rest of the guests are; Bruce whipping out a HULK fist – ah, he’s hulk – and Rhodey’s in his full bodied armour and wig playing Aragorn – typical. Thor is, well, Thor. “I am a Norse God, my friends,” he cheers with his Thor-sized beer glass and Tony heaves a heavy sigh because this is looking more like a college Halloween party more and more.
But the look on Steve’s face is pure glee and it’s his birthday today. Tony cannot deny him anything to begin with and this stupid thing is clearly making him so happy. So he ignores the deep seated shame he feels for playing dress up at this age and leans closer to him, kissing his cheek. They are all old – Fury is ancient even – and they are all playing dress-up with him for Steve. Somehow, that makes the shame fell thousand times better.
His gaze flits back to where Bucky Barnes and Clint are seated close in an odd blur of black and white in one corner of the couch and he has to admit, they do look adorable.
Doesn’t mean he’s switching out the decaffeinated beans though.
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zios-plotbun-farm · 5 years
I just had the BEST MCU Crossover Fanfic Idea ever :D
Ok so I was looking around on pinterest and was looking at a bunch of MCU fanart of IronStrange, then supreme family and then it snowballed from there. So I end up coming across a bunch of crossover fanart of all kinds which included another OTP of mine, Spidypool (and not with MCU spidy ok ew). 
I saw BBC Sherlock and Dr.Strange, Spiderverse plus Deadpool, Tony and Bruce [IronDad & BatDad], Ant-man and Night at the Museum, Tony and RDJ Sherlock, Wonder Woman and Thor, etc. 
Lots of crossovers as you can see.
So considering that in canon alternate dimensions/timelines are an actual thing I had the idea what if all these characters actually meet. Like it would be a slice of life thing focused on fluff, humor and drama. Maybe a lil angst considering I'm having it be after endgame with Tony having lived but him never having gotten together with Pepper after Civil War (so no morgan) and instead gets together with Stephen after Endgame (OTP IronStrange <3) with supreme fam [peter, harley & lil sis] and has it to where some people keep accidentally traveling dimensions or coming to theirs. 
Could possibly consequence from the time-traveling Idk or just people screwing around with shit they shouldn't or accidents all accidents lol. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If anyone takes this up they are definitely gonna have to do a ton of research or have been in all these fandoms cause wow so many characters. I have decided to write these in parts based on fandom. Although the story doesn’t have to be written in arcs since it’d probably be better as connected one shots instead.
1) Spider-verse Portion (Humor & Romance)
Starts off with Miles accidentally getting taken to the MCU dimension while trying to travel to Peter B's using a device made by Peni and ends up meeting MCU Peter. Device either is busted or malfunctions so Peter takes it and Miles to Tony for help to see if he can fix [he tries but can't which he's mad about]. 
So Tony ends up having to call in Stephen to help which gets them bickering while Stephen looks for ways to send Miles back to his home with Tony still trying to fix the gadget. Miles ends up asking Peter if they're together which Peter says no but that they have so much UST that they might as well be together. Miles sympathizes and tells him about his Spidy Mentor also doing the same with his partner Deadpool, who had when first meeting Miles, promptly said he is his and Peter's new adopted son/nephew. 
Then Peter and Miles get into a few shenanigans trying to get Tony and Stephen together after Peter asked for his help (they include the cloak too). After which Miles gets sent back, Peter goes home to tell Ned about his latest adventure and Tony & Stephen schedule a date after finding out about each others pining curtesy of 2 spider kids and cloak.
Inspiration X  X
2) Hero Dads (With Fluff & Angst)
Tony after awhile gets the device that Miles left behind to work. Although not enough to send a person through yet, but he can send a couple machines he made that he can connect to even across dimensions (may have had a little help from Stephen). 
Ends up using them to connect to the other dimensions internet to see how different they are and he first tests it in the DCverse and sees all these other heroes just like the avengers. Finds out about Batman being a billionaire (and dad) like him after using his awesome hacking skills to find out who Batman is and his fellow heroes. Ends up later messaging the man after Tony ends up being confronted by the realization he was the adopted dad of a bunch of kids (Peter, Harley + sis, Riri, Vision, FRIDAY, bots) queue inner crisis. 
Bruce is at first suspicious but then later amused after talking and messaging with Tony as they both bond over their kids. Both sharing stories, pictures, and videos about their kids then later their lives and how similar they are. They become inter dimensional pen pals and complain to each other about their fellow heroes too. 
Could be spaced out into one-shot chapters about certain topics. Like kids, childhood, their hero coworkers, maybe love lives hmmm. 
[Ok I just finished reading some Tony & Bruce fanfic and yes I now have another fav Brotp that involves Tony. It can be added with the Science Bros(Tony & Bruce.B), Iron Bros(Tony & Rhodey), and Snarky Bros(Tony & Loki)]
3)BBC Sherlock (Romance Drama & Humor)
While working on the device with Stephen besides him Tony gets visited by Everett Ross and T'Challa for 'reasons'. But something happens that causes it to malfunction for a bit and transport all those in the room to another dimension. 
They end up coming across BBC Sherlock and Watson who Strange asks if they can stay with for a bit since the group have no place to stay until Strange can get a message to Wong to help them back. Queue lots of shenanigans with alternate selves with boyfriend(s?) nearby [not sure about having everpanther or no]. 
Tony definitely flirts a little with Sherlock causing Strange to be mildly jealous and even more so when Sherlock finds some interest in Tony for how smart he is. Maybe during the stay they help solve a crime and apprehend the suspects. With Everett showing his awesome agent skills, Tony his god level hacking, T'Challa his hand to hand no suit, and Stephen his magic. 
Sherlock and Watson are totally shocked and fascinated about them. Before they return to they dimension Tony leaves a device like the one he sent to DC so that they can communicate if they ever want to.
ADD-ON: Maybe have Sherlock and Watson visit the MCUverse at some point and have them get into an adventure with Strange and Ross. Lots of magic and gun fights abound poor Sherlock and Watson too much chaos in this universe. lol
Inspiration X  X  
4)RDJ Sherlock
Tony finally gets the device to work complete and begs Stephen to go with him to test it out just in case it can't do a return trip. Stephen reluctantly agrees and Tony ask him to look for a dimension that has a look alike of him since last time they meet one of Stephen's. 
So Stephen decides to be cheeky and takes him to the one where now Tony's look alike is Sherlock. Tony finds this hilarious and gets along with him while Stephen regrets his decision cause he wanted to get payback for the flirting last time but that didn't work. Queue Tony and Sherlock getting into shenanigans while Stephen and Watson try to rein them in (and falling). They then use the device to return home after maybe solving a crime or two with Sherlock.
5) Night at the Museum (Humor)
After hearing about the alternate dimensional shenanigans Tony, Peter and others have been going on. Scott is quite curious and asks Peter to ask about his own counterpart and so Peter offers to see about look into it with the help of Miles (they have been keeping in touch through Tony's devices). 
After the talk they go looking to for a dimension but end up accidentally activating the transportation function which takes Scott, Cassie and Peter to the Night at the Museum dimension. There they end up meeting Larry and his son who had come to visit the museum and get talking. 
Larry decides to show Scott and others what happens after dark in the museum with the help of Tilly and Mr. McPhee. Considering that Peter was able to send a message to Tony about what happen and when they can come back they were okay to stay a night before leaving.  
Inspiration X
6)Thor's Foodie Friend (slice of life & fluff)
At some point Thor ends up interrupting Tony while he was talking with Bruce and gets introduced to his fellow billionaire/hero. Bruce then ends up mentioning Diana aka Wonder Woman after remembering what Tony said about the God and how similar the two are. Thor is intrigued and wishes to meet her and so Tony let's him borrow a second device he made after Bruce gives Wonder Woman another device that Tony made to pair with Thor's. They end up being buddies like Tony and Bruce and talk about all the weird cultural stuff they have learned and still are after living on earth. 
Don't have much ideas for this one since I don't know much of Thor or Diana ^_^;
7) MCU Actors (Humor, Drama, Angst, Fluff & Romance just every thing   >.<)
This is Tony just screwing around with the device until he ends up stumbling across a dimension where there are no heroes at all and everyone he knows are actors instead (essentially its like Supernatural but with MCU instead). He starts looking through their internet cause his interest is peak which is where he finds out that in that dimension his and everyone's lives are movies and comics. 
Which he finds both disturbing and yet awesome at the same time although he finds its not completely the same considering the ending and who he ended up with. (Later learns its based on the main dimension that their world branched off of. He's so glad they aren't the main one.) 
This could then have one-shots about multiple characters seeing all the fandom stuff they have based off them in this other world. You know conventions, cosplay, AMVs, fanfiction etc. Possible have some kind of viewing night to see stuff with everyone together. Maybe at some point they get the smart (dumb) idea to travel to that world to talk to their actor counterparts. [Those being Tony, Loki, Stephen, Steve, Bucky, Thor, Peter and who ever is a fun idea to write] Maybe even attend an actual convention in that dimension by replacing their actor selves for fun and also bring those conventions back as ways for good PR who knows. 
[God so many interesting ideas I have that I’ll never write ugh]
And that’s all I got for this mass crossover fic that kicked me over the head and wouldn’t leave me until I wrote it out phew~ 
Anyone interested or wanting to write this can just message a link or add it onto this post I want to read them. :D
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