#rimuru tempest x readere
luxthestrange · 3 months
TTIGRAAS Incorrect quotes#48 Mad skillz
Y/n*looking at the residents of the Jura Tempest Federation*...
Y/n: Everybody's tragic backstory gave them mad skills and all I got were trust issues and anxiety…
Rimuru + Main members*Looking at you worriedly*
Rimuru:...Ok meetings over someone bring y/n their existential dessert-
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What's your guy's existential crisis comfort treat/dessert mine gotta be...danish butter cookies-
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an-idyllic-novelist · 6 months
rimuru tempest with fem!tanjiro!reader headcanons
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Hey guys, welcome to another collaboration with @deathmetalunicorn1, though the credit on the concept of the pairing and these headcanons go to my dear friend. I really hope you will enjoy what we have written. If you'd like to see more content like this, or an extended version of these headcanons, please let us know!
So with that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy! :)
Although Rimuru Tempest  knows his significant other and her little sister are strong, he will not stop worrying about Tanjiro!reader’s wellbeing, especially when she and Nezuko  leave Tempest on a mission, and he is unable to join them for whatever reason. His anxiety will increase tenfold when his relationship with the former Demon Slayer evolved from being friends who just happened to stumble upon each other’s paths as soon as he left Veldor’s cave to being lovers. 
It will be very hard for the demon lord to sleep for the first few nights when he is so used to curling up next to Tanjiro!reader and Nezuko, the latter sprawled out and almost always in her toddler form. However, when she does return, Tanjiro!reader will always bring back a souvenir from wherever she traveled to, normally a tasty treat or a cute little knick-knack she saw at a market. 
[To ease his lord’s worries, Diablo will mobilize a few of the Black Numbers to keep a discreet eye on the Kamado siblings, personally delivering periodical reports on their whereabouts to Rimuru when it was an appropriate time between meetings and inspections around the capital. After all, an excellent butler must be able to anticipate his lord’s every need and alleviate his concerns so that he may continue to focus on his duties in the land. If something does happen, Diablo will act immediately and make sure Tanjiro!reader and Nezuko return to Tempest safely.]
Tanjiro!reader unwinds from her journey with a big hug from Rimuru in both his slime and human form. Rimuru would receive affection from Nezuko if she isn’t sleeping in her box in the form of bone crushing hugs or his hair being ruffled by a clawed hand. If Rimuru hadn’t eaten, she would whip a simple home-cooked meal that is either a traditional recipe from the Kamado household, or one that Mitsuri, the Love Hashira, had taught her when they were alive back in her old world. 
Rimuru will definitely join in and help, even all she’ll allow him to do in the kitchen is wash the dishes. 
After he had been reincarnated in this world, he took the Japanese cuisine he had eaten for granted, even the microwaveable ramen noodle cups he’d heat up in the company break room when he had to work late at the office. Back then, Misaki Satoru didn’t care much about his health so much as worried about forever remaining a virgin because he couldn’t score a date with a cute girl. 
He honestly couldn’t have anything resembling his homeland’s cooking until his country was developed further, including the dwarves’ metal-working and the orcs’ infamous work ethic. He couldn’t remember how many times he had told Geld and the others to rest even when they insisted that they kept working. Now, he could share a meal and enjoy a hot bath with someone he loves very dearly.
Nezuko is, of course, welcomed to join them in the bath since she loves swimming around the large hot spring he had built in the back of his home. When she joined them, Rimuru reverted to being a slime to protect Nezuko’s innocence.  If he’s alone with Tanjiro!reader, he’ll either be a slime or his human form, depending on his mood. 
Speaking of which, Nezuko is the little sister everyone in Tempest adores and will be fiercely protected. Rimuru is her favorite person, but when Milim decides to stop by for a visit, she is Nezuko’s new favorite, no matter how much he bribes her with newest confections that were created or toys. But between these two….Nezuko will always pick Tanjiro!reader, if she’s an option. 
Rimuru’s love language includes quality time, words of affirmation, and gift-giving. But what he enjoys the most is having afternoon tea on the porch, him sitting in her lap as a slime and munching on sticks of mitarashi dango or different flavored onigiri.  
If anything happened to either Tanjiro!reader or Nezuko because an enemy nation was jealous of Tempest’s flourishing economy and thought it would be a brilliant idea to hold them hostage or try to hurt them….they had better be prepared to have another kingdom falling into ruins. 
Remember what happened to Falmuth?
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master-muffinn · 10 months
That time i got reincarnated as a slime
When their s/o sitting on their lap in public.
The first time you sit on their lap they get extremely nervous and blushing. They look around them to see peoples reactions “What will they think? Is this really ok?” are their thoughts. Poor souls aren’t used to this kind of thing. They probably tell you it is inappropriate but they don’t have the heart to push you away, they love you too much for that. Where are they going to put their hands? On your shoulders? On your thighs? Around your belly? Or should they first ask for your permission to even touch you? Help them s/o!! Try not to do it around too many people or even in front of their friends/leader, they might die of embarrassment!
Even when you have done this a couple of times they are still blushing and are a little nervous, but now they can put their arms around you and be a little more confident.
^ Benimaru, Souka, Geld? ^
These people LOVE it when you sit on their lap! You can do it whenever you want! When they sit and talk with their friends? Yes! While they are working? Of course! During the meetings? No problem! They will basically drag you to their lap and hold you with such pride and happiness. If you decide not to sit on their lap they might even look a little hurt and pout, but it gets over quickly.
If anyone questions it, they will be greatly offended. Like “How DARE you question us?” Is pretty much their reaction. (They might even start a fight, depending on who it is). They will continue to hold you anyway, it’s none of other people's business, they do as they want. 
^ Veldora, Milim, Shion, Rimuru, Ranga, Rigurd ^
They get surprised at first and blushing, but they adapt pretty quickly. They don't mind at all, in fact they think it’s cute and nice that their s/o want to sit on their lap. It makes them feel happy that you trust them enough and want to protect you even more. It’s fine anytime, as long as it’s not in the way of work or during meetings. These people are pretty confident so they don't care what people think and say, what are they gonna do? Push you off? Then they must be very brave. However if their leader (if they have one) would tell them it’s inappropriate then they would simply tell s/o so, but if not then they would continue holding their s/o and looking at them with that loving and found smile of theirs. 
^ Souei, Diablo, Shuna, Treyni, Guy, Kaijin, Shizu, Rigur, Carrion ^
“No dear s/o! No PDA, all cuddles and lap sitting is only for privacy!” They probably told you already from the start. If you decide to do it anyway, they will push you off and give you a glare that pretty much says “Not now. Later”. Teasing won't work either, sorry. BUT when it is finally just the two of you, they go all out! They hold you while they work, giving you a little peck sometimes. Putting you on their lap and might even feed you little sweets <3. If anyone disturb them while they have their bellowed alone time with s/o they will glare at however disturb them, still holding on tightly around their s/o. “Is it very important? Someone dying or what? No? If so, please leave”. 
^ Leon, Gazel, Luminous, Hinata ^
These people are most likely the ones who are sitting on YOUR lap. Don’t get me wrong, they LOVE it when you sit on their lap, but they prefer to be the little spoon and getting ALL their s/o attention. They don’t care if people stare, in fact they get a little cocky and get a confident/ego boost. “Yes this is my s/o, aren’t they amazing?! And only I get their attention. It’s fully understandable if you get jealous”. They would most likely be a little jealous if you pay your attention to someone else but them.
^ Gobta, Milim, Gabiru, Ramiris, Rimuru? ^
Thank you for reading! If liked, reblogs are very appreciated! :) 
I do not take requests.
Post made by @master-muffinn
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inezdeortiz · 3 months
Anonymous asked: Can I request a scenario with Rimuru, with an fem reader who's touch-starved, and when Rimuru gets close to kiss reader she get away and is unsure how she should react, and when he gets close to hug the reader she just moves away to and is very flustered, she isn't also used to his teasing and flirting.
Oh my gosh! I love this request as a touch-starved person myself! Although I can type the teaisng part although flirting part just ain't it for me, so please have some mercy on me when I try typing flirting lines but I'll go get some pick up lines cause I have no idea on how to flirt. I accidentally deleted the draft that had the request-
AU: None
Character: Rimuru Tempest
OS/HCS/IMG: Imagine/Scenario!
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Rimuru loves you reactions even he may look like a sweet and gentle boy but he's very ruthless when it comes to teasing and flirting!
Sometimes he even gets close to give you a little kiss on the forehead but you always move away and is very unsure on how to react so he uses the situation to tease you or flirt with you.
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"Oh? are you shy? Hmm??"
"Hehehe, your reactions are cute as always!"
"Are you money?"
"Huh? Nooo???"
"Cause I always need you everytime I go out~"
Cue to you blushing oftentimes when you're with him.
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It's also the same when he hugs you or he turns into his slime form and often jump into your arms that are crossed on your chest and always caught you off guard nethertheless you just let him stay there but with a huge blush across on your face that could almost rival with Benimaru's hair—
Physical touch is his thing since he's used to everyone touching him or carrying him around the nation, so you have to do the same to him too! And he uses that to his advantages to tease you more.
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"Come on~ [Name]~ You have to do it you know! I'm tired!"
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There are times you tried to decline his request to carry him or hug him back but he always remains victorious in any way cause he is your favorite boy and you can't decline it!
We've come to a conclusion that he will tease you and flirt with you, maybe even try new things with you! (I'll leave it to your imagination dear~).
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Rimuru with an Kitsune S/O fluff headcanons?
Rimuru + Kitsune s/o
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Always had a kink for kitsune, even back in the human world.
Something about their adorable ears. Their fluffy tail(s). Sharp, mischievous features.
Kitsune also typically have a mild shapeshifting ability. Not as pronounced as Rimuru, but it is something they can bond over.
Back to their fluffy tail, he loves to lay on it. Either in his slime form or ‘full body’ form.
Alternatively he finds their fox form very sleek and elegant.
As he likes to lie on them, he also likes it when they curl up beside him in their fox form; either at their full size for him to lean against or petite size to lay in his lap.
Gifts them with lots of meat and shiny things since that’s what foxes like.
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saltyfruitbat · 11 months
Hellou (⁠•⁠ө⁠•⁠)⁠♡
May I request something? I've seen that Rimuru from TTIGRIAS doesn't have much content, so... Rimuru meeting his significant other, but they're a slime just like them? I think he would kinda freak out, but in a good way!
This is really cute 🥰 I made the slime reader the color light pink with a some roses stuck on its slime head
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He’d be really shocked, it’s not often you see another slime, especially one that can talk.
I’d like to think when he saw you he thought you were kinda adorable, he never saw a pink slime before and one that had roses on its head. He was quickly shocked when you talked to him and asked him where the nearest restaurant was.
What made him even more shocked was that you could also transform like him, into a person, and that form was also really cute.
it honestly made his heart beat whenever you smiled at him, and when you decided to leave in his country, it made him feel really happy because now he didn’t feel lonely because he had someone who also shared the same trait.
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coolkat223 · 14 days
Once again another idea coming from me which might be interesting A reader that's the dictionary definition of opposite from death-seeking. A reader that can go straight in and out of Imposter AU and be alive (Though not unscathed) and the next time anyone see's of the reader they are either: "How the fuck is this imposter still alive???" or "I'm starting to believe you're the actual creator"
Now this one I have to research this to think of what type of character the reader will be like. The first thing that I thought about is Rimuru from That time I got reincarnated as a slime. To me this is more straightforward for this idea.
Idea concept
~Base intro~
When the reader died for the first time they immediately noticed that they had self-resurrection ability from going back and forth to each world.
Now this will branch out to other ideas depending on how the reader reacts to this resolution. Along with other characters that go from this.
Rimuru route: they will get stronger from the help of the monster because they recognize the reader being the real creator. They will give the reader some parts like a broken mask, scroll, cores, pretty much enemy drops that the reader absorbed and give them more buffs that they be hard to die fast. It pretty much became a game of chase with an endless lives with the reader running from one region to another and dying along the way to their next destination. Once they are done and no longer dying they straight up start to fight back and make the characters see some sense that they are the real creator and the one they have on the throne is the REAL imposter. The characters are in deep shock of the truth and everyone immediately went to kill the REAL imposter that tricked them to hunt down you, their real creator.
Mare Bello Fiore (Overlord) route: I focus on his nature magic and nothing else. I believe that every time they died and come back the more that the reader is connected to Teyvat to the point that Teyvat will just outright mess with the characters like random weather like heavy snow, constantly raining (where Neuvillette explains to everyone that it was not his doing.), open random holes in the ground, make them be lost in a forest or cave. Make it harder and harder for the characters to get the reader. To the point that they have to believe that the reader is the real creator because of Teyvat.
Blade (HSR) route: Pretty much like a loose version of Blade. They are fighting back, get 'killed', teleported to their world to heal, come back again and repeat over and over again. Once the reader reaches where the REAL imposter is located at they then throw their sword at them stabbing them on the shoulder to show the characters that the REAL imposter is bleeding red instead of gold. Proving them that they have deceives them to hunt down them, the real creator.
That's all that I can think of with that concept. It sure is fun to think of a different way it could happen.
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Anon asked: Hello! May I ask for some Rimuru jealousy HCs? Either Reader accidentally hasn't been giving him much attention and is worrying about someone else, or maybe someone who's taking THEIR attention away from him for a while, up to you! It's just interesting cuz I wonder how he'll handle it ahaha
Hello anon and thank you so much for requesting with us! I hope you enjoy!
>Admin T
Rimuru isn't one to really get jealous
But when he does, he lets people know
He would pout and frown and cross his arms until the person he wants the attention gives it to him
So when he notices that you were talking more and more to Benimaru, hanging out and asking about how Benimaru was and everything in between
you bet your ass Rimuru wasn't happy about it.
Rimuru would keep you occupied with things he wanted to do with you, making sure that if you wanted to go anywhere near Benimaru, he'd have you do something for him.
Like have him lie in your lap for a nap
or write letters to other nations for him when he doesn't want to transform into a human
he does anything he can to make sure you and benimaru are separated
Soon enough you notice his antics and his clinginess and ask him what is going on
he confesses that he is jealous of how you have been spending more time with beni instead of him
you would laugh at his pouting face and kiss it, reassuring him that you weren't being taken away from him
And you noted as you kissed him on the cheek and lips, that when he is jealous he was clingy, pouty, and tries to keep your attention on him at all times.
You would giggle to yourself, giving him a big hug
"You cute cute slime"
of course, this would make Rimuru feel better!
Though he would never know why you were with benimaru so much
but it didn't matter, especially since he admitted to his jealousy, you would spend almost all day with him!
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a-weird-writer · 2 years
I want to hear about being Rimuru's wifey 🥺
(How long would it take for you to be killed by his many jealous wannabe wifeys though LOL)
OK, FINE. I can give a little juice.
Rimuru Tempest is confident in a number of different things. Lords are not without their pride; Rimuru undergoes significant evolution-literally and figuratively-as a monster and as an individual playing his role as King of Monsters.
But marriage sure ain't one of them!
Can't tell the first thing about it, not diddly squat.
Not all hope is lost, however. You're a team in this, together till the end. Sworn by hearts, promised in bonds. Tethered by fated rings, by your fingers. Even with his face in the ground, glued in the sand, you're dedicated as ever, stubborn in the face of conflict. By his side forevermore, inspiring. He just has to get back on track, stand again, puff his chest to swallow some big boy pills; boost his esteem, maintain faith and confidence. Lovers help each other, so prop up! Words cannot describe his appreciation, his respect. And it's not just you, he isn't as alone as he thinks he is, never. A whole kingdom of monsters is watching your backs, a little too eager to lend a hand in serenading you both.
Rimuru isn't that stupid! There's a groom and bride with a bunch of lovely dovely flowers and shit, literally all he knows. His previous lifetime was kind of pathetic and unromantic. Pretty depressing in entirety, sad in truth. He never married or attended weddings in his lost world, let alone the current one. Is marriage even the same here as it is in Japan? For all Rimuru knows, marriage kisses ass and costs butt loads of unnecessary money.
So fucking clueless, tree stumped.
Rimuru is a slime, but a Demon Lord slime, not to be looked down upon. Power, wealth and a whole kingdom by his side! He can learn to husband, no sweat! He can do this! And do you.
Something he always does is dot on you like you're the next Tom Cruise. Bubbly and bashful, all to delight you. No strings attached, anything you might like; can only hope it hits a not too big dent in his wallet. He doesn't want to overdo, come across as too zealous. But doing so makes him do exactly that (Overthinks sometimes, stresses, running Tempest requires a great deal of weight and planning). Appropriate gifts left and right, showering you in attention. Things you favor, as if he needs to prove himself over every little thing. Things Shuna told him you favor. His wife is the best thing that ever happened to him since his rebirth. The closest thing to his heart, a part of his family, the family he would die protecting. Being King isn't paradise. Its plenty stressful and he worries, a lot.
To Rimuru, you work wonders just by sitting down with him. His wife's presence eases everything his horrible day threw at him, accepting a place shaped with your legs, fitting perfectly. A seat perfect for a king, your leggy pot full of bubbly blue jelly. Your hands drag across him in smooth feathery strokes, his slimy form flowing along the slow movements as thick ocean currents. Carefully gliding, washing away the negativity and pressure off his shoulders. Replaced with care and comfort, a love only a wife can give. In this embrace, a tangling of different bodies, your gentle pets are heaven. Warm water, slipping through your fingers like glass. Holding him so tenderly in your lap, afraid he will slide off at any moment. Don't worry, he stays right where he is. Careless of how "jealous" the others might get. Will get. Take a hint Shion. He just snuggles deeper, instantly relaxed. Chill in your own makeshift hug.
Rimuru especially loves travel. Sightseeing, a passion Satoru Mikami dreamed of before reincarnation. Exploring, experiencing and visiting every corner of the world, seeing places in the glorious landscapes of his thriving nation. A piece of Eden Heaven can't hope to compare. Beauty exists to be seen.
It won't take a mile to enjoy himself, Rimuru is a regular guy who likes regular things. Married anime couple things. Simple things. Like counting clouds and trees, wishing on shooting stars, telling fairy tales. Minty to your taste. Breathing fresh air and enjoying food together, basking in beloved company. Even with that in mind, still gives it the best he can provide, turn it more meaningful and loving, memorable. The best views, best stops, best everything. He can't go out to genuinely enjoy life with his wife as much as he wants to, until retirement. Every moment must be worth treasuring, so when he does have time aplenty, its twice as entertaining.
Nothing wins Rimuru over faster than a tasty meal. Consider food dates his favorite type of date; since Rimuru lost his sense of taste as a slime, he incredibly values taste. One of the few things left of his humanity. From breakfast, lunch, dinner and desserts. Bonus points if you cook for him; Rimuru quite literally melts, enjoying these get togethers is the prime of his day.
May even muster up the courage to do that cliche anime trope. You know the one.
That single trope all anime protagonists do; a classic, desperate loser move to flirt with their lover. Rimuru cringes at the mere thought of it, drowning in sweat. Shuddering. Makes him sink into himself and never peek back out. Embarrassed. Rimuru will blame it on cold weather. Wants to do it so damn badly but...
Fucking cliche, like his life isn't already an anime. He wants to run in the opposite direction and quickly slip into a lonely hole in the ground because he was not made for this:
Feeding you directly from his spoon.
Kill him please.
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luxthestrange · 6 months
TTIGRIAS Incorrect quotes#38 Not on my watch...
Guy*Looking at You and Rimuru*Stay foxy~
Y/n*Putting an arm around Rimuru and pulling him close, looking up and down at him unimpressed* Die lonely~
Rimuru"Now I get why women fantasize about this-I feel so safe"*Happily latched to your side*...
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sunshinearc · 1 year
I have a busy life so do not come for me if I don't do your request fast.
This is a mlm/nblm blog only. Fem aligned dni
When requesting as state character, plot and gn or male reader along with whether or not you want fluff, angst, smut etc.
No scat piss or rape
I do cc x cc as well although this is mainly a x reader blog
I will do some ships as well as other posts besides reader such as character angst. Feel free to request no readers or ships, as well as angst.
Fandom list + characters I write for.
Twisted Wonderland
Leona Kingscholar
Ruggie Bucchi
Malleus Draconia
Lilia Vanrouge
Rook Hunt
Seven Deady Sins
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Kim Dokja
You joongyhuk
Genshin Impact
Obey me
Literally everyone
Luke is sfw only
Dc Comics
Nightwing/Dick Grayson
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Jason Todd/Red Hood
Tim Drake/Red Robin
Damian Wayne/Robin (sfw only unless aged up)
Black Clover
Yami Sukehiro
Nozel Silva
Finral Roulacase
Zora Ideale
Luck Voltia
Fuegolian Vermillion
William Vangeance
A Certain Scientific Accelerator
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
Rimuru Tempest
Blue Exorcist
Rin Okumura
Tokyo Revengers(this includes bonten,etc)
Hanagaki Takemichi
Mikey/Manjiro Sano
Percy Jackson and the Olympians(includes Heroes of Olympus and Trials of Apollo)
Percy Jackson
Nico di angelo
Will Solace
Jason Grace
Leo Valdez
Avatar (James Cameron Movies)
Jake Sully
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master-muffinn · 23 days
Tensura slime
Y/n: How do you kindly tell someone to “fuck of”?
Milim: Punch them in the face!!
Veldora: Fight them!!
Diablo: Stab them.
Rimuru: Guys, stop! That’s not how we handle all problems!
Shuna: Have you tried telling them to just leave you alone?
Y/n: Yes, it’s not working.
Rimuru: What did they do? And what do they look like?
Y/n: An annoying red-haired guy follows me around and flirting with me.
Shion: HOW DARE HE!!
Shuna: Y/n i will have a serious conversation with my brother for you. 🙂
Benimaru: Wait- I haven't done anything?!
Hakurou: That’s right, he has been training with the youngsters today.
Rimuru: Y/n can you tell us more?
Y/n: Weird black clothes that show his belly and lower chest…
Rimuru: Okay, I think I know who he is..
Souei: Y/n let me kill him for you. Where are you?
Rimuru: Don't be stupid! He’s a demon lord, you don’t stand a chance!
Diablo: I can stab him for you! 😊
Rimuru: NO!! Why do you always choose violence to solve problems!! STOP!
Rimuru: Y/n come to my office, i will talk to him. See if we can solve this pieceful.
Guy Crimson: I don’t know what you are talking about~ 💅
Diablo and Souei: 🙂🔪
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inezdeortiz · 4 months
Can I request a headcanon, Rimuru Tempest, with an female reader who is like Nezuko Kamado from (KNY?)
Of course dear anon! I love Nezuko sm, she's just so adorable.
Characters: Rimuru Tempest
This was during the battle with the four demon brothers, I forgot their names somehow. Forgive me I don't really remember their names.
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You first met Rimuru with your brother Tanjiro was looking around in the Swordsmith Village(?) along with Mitsuri.
A red demon who's always mad wqs going towards you and shock you but instead of seeing Genya or your brother coming to save you, it was a blue slime.
There was a flash of blue that passed you when that slime attacked, soon enough you guys managed to defeat them and now you can walk in the sun too!
You love cuddling with Rimuru! If you're both are alone without you also clinging to your brother—If you're brother is in the room, your favorite suddenly changed to Tanjiro and Rimuru tries his best to get your attention back to him though-
He just loves your attention okay?
Not only that you have a new person to protect you from a certain simp! Zenitsu-
Anyhow! You're overly very loveable, sweet, and powerful too! So it's a win-win to Rimuru—Both cute and powerful!
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Well! I hope you liked it! It actually took me a while to remember things and summarize it without having to watch the anime again-
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Can we get the aftermath of Y/N giving birth of them and Benimaru's child? Where the executives are celebrating and Rimuru gets to be the honorary uncle to his right hand man's child? Please?
“I hear by call this meeting of the official naming ceremony to order.” You let out a sigh as Shion tapped her gavel on the table. Rocking your new born infant in your arms.
The baby was doing well. All plump and pink now, with a tuff of flaming red hair that refused to stay down. It had been a few weeks since you had given birth and everyone had given you & Benimaru space to bond with the baby. Coming over occasionally to sit and coo, but in uncharacteristically calm order.
Then, today, out of the blue, you got a note that you and the baby were summoned to a meeting of what seemed like every person you had ever known. “I still don’t know what’s going on….”
“It’s time we all came to an agreement on what [B/N] is going to call us.” Shion explained. “We all can’t be called the same thing. That would be confusing, and unfair.”
“They can’t even talk.” You remind her again. The first time you reminded her was when she was at the house and trying to get them to say ‘Shion’ as their first word. “Besides, can’t they just call you Aunt or Uncle what’s-your-name?”
The unanimous shouting startled the baby, who began to cry, but you quickly calmed them down.
“Now, I will start us off.”
“Why do you get to start us off?” Milim squawked.
“Because I have the gavel.” Shion snarked back. The two women glared at each other for a considerable moment before they broke off in a huff, and Shion continued. “Now, I’ve thought long and hard about this and I would like to be called…Aunt Shion.”
‘Didn’t I just suggest that?’ You thought to yourself.
“Excuse me, Shion.” The sickly sweet voice of Shuna spoke up. The sickly sweet voice that usually meant danger was near. “I believe, as Benimaru’s true blood sister, it should be I that [B/N]-chan calls Aunt.”
“We can both be ‘aunt’.”
“Didn’t you just say that it would be ‘confusing and unfair’ to share names?”
Shion huffed and folded her arms. Bested by her own words. “Fine! Come back to me. Souei, what do you want your name to be?”
“You can’t just be called Souei. Besides, the name is too hard for a baby to say.”
Shion sighed. “Hakurou-san, what’s your name?”
“I think I would like to be called ‘Jiji’.”
“You want to be called ‘grandpa’?” You asked. Just to clarify.
“I’m much older than any of you.” He said. “ ‘Uncle’ just doesn’t seem to fit with a man my age. Plus, I must admit, the feeling of the word ‘grandpa’ warms my soul.” He even let out an old man ‘ho ho ho’ at the thought.
“I wanna be called Onee-chan!” Milim announced.
“That won’t do.” Shuna told her. “What happens when Onii-chan and [Y/N] have another baby? You’ll have to change it all over again.”
“Another baby?” Did you not just have this one?
“We can cross that bridge when we come to it.” Shion said. Making an executive decision and hitting her gavel. “Now, I have come up with my name and it shall be….Auntie Shion.”
The room clapped as if Shion had made some brilliant discovery, while the secretary beamed at her brilliance. “You guys are weird.”
The doors then opened and Rimuru-sama and Benimaru walked in. “What’s going on?”
“Apparently everyone decided they needed a meeting to figure out what our infant child will call them.” You explain.
“Oh. Can the baby call me Muru-kun?” Rimuru-sama asked, and the room erupted in another fit of excitement. Waking the subject of the meeting again from their nap.
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beelbeni · 7 months
Hey guys, I'm writing for these Animes/Video game(s):
•Jujutsu Kaisen
•The Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime
• Haikyuu
• Blue Lock
• Genshin Impact
Send me a req if you want :)
( Specify if it's a fem/male char. Plat/Romantic.)
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rimurufan18 · 8 months
Chapter 8: Impact of the Orc Lord
New skills
Unique skill: Eye of the Ancients
Allows the user x100 thought acceleration, more efficient analyses of things around them, 360-degree vision, view of their hp % and magicule %, status effect durations, as well as detect spiritual energy and concealed presences.
Unique skill: Copy Machine
A more efficient copycat can take in more at a time and requires far fewer magicules to fill in the gaps for skills.
Part 1: Our First Felled Demon Lord
After consuming his former master, Geld began evolving into a Demon Lord Seed. He was on the verge of reaching a form that could potentially defeat me. However, my comrades and I were determined to stop his army from claiming more souls.
"You were on the cusp of greatness, but it's time to bring you down a peg.” I said, slashing at him with all my might. My blade grazed his arm, leaving a deep gash. I quickly drank a few drops of his blood, hoping to gain an advantage. But before I could react, a blade was aimed directly at my forehead. Time seemed to slow down, allowing me to dodge the attack by a hair's breadth. What just happened? I knew I had thought acceleration, but he appeared almost motionless. "Notice: Through the ingestion of the Demon Lord Seed, conditions have been met. The Unique skill Magic Eyes has combined with the Extra skill Sense Spiritual Energy to create the Unique skill Eye of the Ancients, and the Unique skill Copycat has combined with the Unique skill Starved to create the Unique skill Copy Machine. Obtained Demon Lord Seed." So that's the answer.
"Well... it seems we're both Demon Lord Seeds now. But you won't win," I declared, my voice filled with determination. I unleashed a barrage of attacks, rapidly cutting him up with decay and caustic flames to prevent his regeneration. The battlefield was engulfed in a chaotic dance of destruction.
Geld retaliated with a powerful swing of his blade, aiming for my head. Before I could react, it pierced my skull, but I managed to move just in time to avoid a fatal blow, but the force of the attack sent me crashing into the ground. Pain surged through my body as I struggled to regain my footing. My mimicked skull shattered, and I felt a true sense of terror like never before. The fear threatened to consume me, but I refused to let it overpower my will to survive.
With a surge of determination, I healed my shattered skull, nursing the throbbing headache. Shaky legs carried me back onto the battlefield, where I faced Geld once again. Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I prepared to unleash my next attack. But before I could make a move, a searing pain shot through me. I finally understood this was reality, not some video game or anime, he wouldn't wait for me to recover. I fell to my knee, witnessing my now severed leg, and saw him preparing for a killing blow. I roll to the left, barely dodging his blade and grounding myself with thoughts of Rimuru, I regenerate my leg and get back into the fight.
Adrenaline coursing through my veins, my eyes start glowing as I activate my eye of ancients. I remember one move that I haven't tested in combat yet. I fire multiple corrosive bullets at the Orc Disaster, blowing holes all throughout his body, and like the abomination he is, he just regenerates. “What the hell even are you?!!” I shout as I realize that he is now staving off the corrosion and flames and regenerating through them.
The orc lord grins evilly and takes a bite of something in his hand. “You can call me what you want, but you are making me stronger.”
“Y-you didn't… You couldn't have.” I say as the horror unfolds, in his hand is my disembodied leg, and he's eating it like a snack. I go to chop off his head with my scythe but it's far too late, he grabs me out of the air and takes a bite out of my shoulder. I scream at the top of my lungs, the pain wracks my body as he rips off a piece of my flesh with his teeth. I try to escape his grasp but he puts rot on me. Slowly my consciousness fades as I succumb to the pain of my injuries. In one last ditch effort, I use thought communication. “ Rimuru!! Help me!! ” I say to Rimuru then see a blinding blue streak hurtling to me and the orc lord.
"ROBIN!" Rimuru's familiar voice echoed through the battlefield as he descended from the sky, his aura radiating power. He unleashed his predator skill on the orc lord, halting my imminent demise and absorbing the orc lord. The ground trembled beneath us as the battle reached its climax. I could feel as the Orc Lord became no more, his soul disappearing as Rimuru absorbs his body. Held tries to escape but he's too far gone and fades away as Rimuru consoles him in his dying moments.
I tried to speak, but the words eluded me aswas still in a state of shock, golden slime oozed from my shoulder and side where he took big bites out of me. The fear still lingered in my mind, but the pain was all I could focus on, urging me to give up, wanting me to lose all hope. But I clung to my will to survive, my determination to see another day, and my unwavering desire to be with Rimuru.
Rimuru gently scooped up my body as I remained frozen. I didn't know what to do. If I needed air to survive, I would have suffocated by now. Crushed by my own body giving up on me. However, Rimuru's voice became my ray of hope. "Let's celebrate this victory, so you better not die on me." Confidence resonated in his voice, but there was also a hint of worry.
His words grounded me, and I managed to speak. "It'll take more than that to take me down for good." I said, trying to convince myself as much as Rimuru. "Let's have a feast, with plenty of booze. I bet we can have Kaijin and the dwarves get some for us, if they haven't already started brewing it." I attempted to distract myself from the fear and pain with humor, though it brought little results.
"I'm sure I saw them drinking some once or twice.” he chuckles. “Let's do this!" Rimuru replied with determination in his voice. The battle may have been won, but the journey was far from over. Together, we would face whatever challenges lay ahead, united in our unwavering resolve.
The scene unfolded in the heart of revelry, a magnificent feast set before them and spirits flowing freely. Laughter danced on the breeze, an infectious symphony that echoed the joy of the festivities. Even Rimuru, known for his composed demeanor, had succumbed to the allure of the drinks, much to the amusement of the crowd.
On the outskirts, the once-hostile orcs observed, their apprehension slowly giving way to a glimmer of hope. The banquet had brought together former enemies, now united by a shared optimism for a brighter future. The pain and fear of the battle, dulled greatly by the alcohol and comradery of the moment.
Carrying the lively atmosphere, I swayed my way over to Geld One's son, a mischievous grin playing on my lips. A friendly slap on his back, and I playfully suggested, "How about a name, buddy?" I chuckle as I don't give him a second to reply. "From now on, you're Geld, You admired your father, didn't you? Either way, it's a good name for you." I say having forgotten how dreadful the battle was, was it due to the alcohol or did I suppress it, I may never know, but right now I was happy.
Geld's eyes widened in surprise, gratitude warming his expression. "Lady Robin... I don't even know what to say. Does this mean my people have a chance?"
"Absolutely!" I exclaimed, fueled by the spirit of the moment. "Just swear your loyalty to Rimuru and me, and your people will find mercy."
Geld's voice trembled with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. "Yes, Lady Robin."
"Perfect!" I chirped, my enthusiasm unabated as I made my way back to Rimuru, who was now clearly under the influence. Giving him a playful pat on the back, I quipped, "How's it going, Rimuru?"
His response was a merry drawl, his words melting into each other. "Livin' the dream~ or somethin' like it~"
Raising an eyebrow, I couldn't help but tease, "And how much have you had to drink?"
"Only... two~" Rimuru replied, his words elongated with a playful slowness.
"Wow, lightweight!" I laughed, realizing he was in no condition to navigate his way home. "Looks like you're staying at my place tonight."
With a bit of effort, I hoisted Rimuru onto my back and set off, leading us to my house as Rimuru's house was locked and Rimuru was mysteriously asleep, however, my inebriated mind thought nothing of it. Gently settling him onto my bed, I intended to leave, but Rimuru's grip on my wrist changed the course of events.
He pulled me down, flipping our positions as he lay atop me. His voice carried a longing tone as he whispered, "Robin~ I've been waiting so long to say this... to tell you that I lo-"
Swiftly, I maneuvered, cutting him off and straddling him, and confessed my own emotions, unburdening myself of the feelings that had silently grown between us. "No~ It's my turn to speak~ I love you, Rimuru~ I've been feeling this way for a while~"
His blushing face reflected a mixture of emotions: surprise, hope, and a touch of disbelief. "Robin... you mean it?" he ventured, a note of hope threading through his words.
I respond by burying my face in his chest, I sought closeness, the exhaustion of the night finally catching up with me. Great sage let Rimuru sleep as well, silently approving of me and my love for Rimuru. The lightweight sleeps under me, as I lovingly hold him tightly, hoping and praying that when I wake up he is still here as I drift off to sleep.
Part 3: Time For Payback, After Rimuru of Course
As the morning sun bathed us in its gentle, golden light, I relished the warmth of Rimuru's body pressed against mine. Our hearts danced in perfect harmony, and the world beyond our embrace faded into obscurity, leaving just the two of us in this tender moment.
Resting on Rimuru's chest, I gracefully rose to meet his affectionate gaze. A warm smile adorned my face as I drew nearer. "Good morning, Rimuru," I whispered softly, leaning in closer.
Rimuru, now free from the haze of the previous night, blushed and stuttered, "G-good morning, Robin."
With a tender smile, I gently brushed a stray strand of hair from Rimuru's face and murmured, "Last night was truly beautiful, wasn't it?"
Rimuru's eyes glistened with affection as he nodded, his breath quickening with emotion. "It was, Robin," he admitted, his words slightly tangled. "B-but perhaps we should s-start our d-mmph?!"
I silenced him with a loving kiss, our lips meeting in a soft, lingering embrace that solidified the love that had blossomed between us. Smiling, I say “I agree, let's start our day~”
Rimuru is too flustered for words and just nods in response. We get ready for the day, wearing similar outfits. Rimuru wore his blue coat, white fluffy scarf, black pants, and blue fur lined boots, and I wore the darker colors of a black scarf, black coat, black pants, and black fur lined boots.
“Looking good, cutie~” I say to Rimuru.
“T-thank you, R-Robin.” Rimuru replies flustered.
Wait… we never officially stated what we are. “Hey Rimuru… Are we like… together now?”
He blushes and has to think for a moment before he finally replies. “Yes, we're… together.” he says softly, too embarrassed to speak loudly.
I wrap my arms around him in a loving embrace. “Thank you, my cutie~”
He makes a quite adorable squeak of fluster and pouts. “I'm not cute, I'm a really cool and strong dude.”
“That I can pick up like a little doll and play with.”
“Ok, maybe I'm a little cute… b-but you're cuter!” he retorts while blushing.
I laugh, “Thank you, now let's set off and start our day, I have a few people to talk to.” I say in a sinister tone.
Rimuru nods and we part ways for the day. I go out to first find Soui while Rimuru goes to name the orcs.
I find Soui and Benimaru conversing over some tea. I approach in a friendly manner so as to not raise suspicions of my anger at Soui. Why am I mad at Benimaru too though? I guess Rimuru does think him to be a hot guy, so that does make him competition in a way… eh, I'll beat him up too.
“Heya, how are my Kijen doing?” I ask in a comeraderous tone, belying my hatred of them.
“We’re doing great, lady Robin, how about you?” Benimaru replies in a chipper tone.
“Well, I'm doing perfect, Rimuru and I are a thing now, so isn't that neat?” I brag. “But I was thinking, since you've gotten your names, I haven't fought either of you, so how about a little friendly spar?” I suggest with mischief painted on my face.
“Oh… uh… lady Robin, are you sure? I mean, you must be a little hungover from last night, right? Also… congrats on the relationship… I guess.” Benimaru says nervously.
I grin evilly. “Absolutely sure.”
“Ok then, but if you lose, don't get mad.” Benimaru replies.
“Oh? You think I might lose?” I laugh. “No no, I'll fight you both two on one purely because I need a quick and easy win right now.”
The Pair’s eyes widen in shock and Benimaru attempts to ask, "What are you trying to-"
But his words are interrupted as I swiftly seize both Benimaru and Soui by their collars, dragging them towards the training grounds. Their protests are muffled, and their attempts to free themselves are futile. My laughter cuts through the tension. "By the way, the loser will have the 'pleasure' of indulging in Shion’s cooking for an entire week, so give it your all, boys~" I tease, a smirk playing on my lips.
The mere mention of Shion's cooking instills a deep-seated dread in the pair. As soon as I release them onto the field, they immediately assume their battle positions. Soui mutters, "With those stakes, winning is our only option."
"We'll overcome this. Give it everything, and together, we have a chance." Benimaru states, his voice steely with renewed determination.
A playful giggle escapes my lips. "Whatever helps you sleep at night." I retort, lowering my hood. The power of the Eye Of The Ancients activates, my irises radiating an intense blue. My scythe materializes in my hand. "I'm waiting." I taunt.
Benimaru draws his blade while Soui melds into the darkness. Relying on my heightened perception, I parry Benimaru's incoming strike with my scythe. Simultaneously, I swing the end of the shaft, catching Soui squarely on his face. The impact knocks him unconscious, and his body hurtles hundreds of feet, crashing into a distant tree. Seeing his comrade downed so easily, Benimaru's bravado falters. "Mercy?" he asks, hope slowly diminishing in his eyes.
I scoff, "Coward." Swiftly, I deliver a kick to his midriff, following it with a slashing motion that severs his sword arm.
Tossing him a healing potion, I remark, "Freshen up, you're a mess." Contemplating my actions, I concede, "Perhaps I did go a bit overboard. No need to suffer Shion’s dishes."
To my surprise, gratitude replaces the pain in their eyes. "We promise to train harder, Lady Robin. Next time, we'll present a true challenge!" Benimaru pledges, cradling his mended arm.
I raise an eyebrow, bemused. "Well, I look forward to it." Struggling to maintain my composure, I add, "For now, I have to check on Rimuru." Then walk to find Rimuru.
I find Rimuru engrossed in the task of naming the orcs, his expression a picture of boredom. To speed things up and perhaps to steal a few moments with him, I initiate another line, eager to assist my newfound love interest.
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