#ros watches sunny
joeyclaire · 2 years
the most unrealistic thing is that dennis gets more bitches than the rest of the gang like get real
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on-the-clear-blue · 1 month
Dead Man's Diner pt3
Dick knew that Tim was sending him looks every few seconds.
How could he not? This places food names were honestly the best, if this was some kinda murder cult Dick would be so disappointed.
Glancing up over the menu at Danny, Dick smiled at the teen who had been whipping down the same cup for five minutes like some wild west bartender while trying very hard not to stare at the two vigilantes.
"Okay, I think I have made up my mind, Red you got what you wanted?" Finally meeting Tim's eyes, Dick mentally winced, Tim's eyes were doing that twitchy thing that happened sometimes...
"Yes. I am." Dick understand slightly but like...the puns weren't that bad
Out of the corner of his eye Dick saw Danny pop up, nearly slamming the mug he had been holding as he fumbled with a note pad, coming closer to the two, he did a pretty decent customer service smile as he waited.
Since Tim was having a problem with words, Dick went first.
"So, I'll have some Boo-berry Poltergeist pancakes, with two sunny side up eggs and a side of bacon?" Dick watched as Danny paused for a moment, let out a little laugh and then started to write before looking to Tim.
"I will have...Ugh, the Wraith waffles with the hunting hashbrowns on the side...please." Dick had seen Tim look less pained over being stabbed than say the wonderful puns.
"Alrighty, anything to drink before I head back and get started on your order?" Holding up a coffee jug in one hand and an orange juice jug in the other, Danny gave a slight smirk.
Perhaps it was the coffee but Tim looked a bit less pained after that.
As he slapped down a few pieces of bacon, Danny totally didn't use his ghost powers to bring the bowl of pancake batter over closer as he scooped a ladle full on a freshly buttered side of the flat top, making sure it set first, Danny heard a beep from the frier, heading over he paused to see French fries in there as well.
Shaking his head, he dunked them all into the oil, and moved to set the timer only to see it already clicking down, "Oh um...thank you very much." Patting the deep frier, Danny moved back to the flat top as it let out a gurgling purr.
Tim took all of five seconds after Danny rounded the corner into the back of the house to start whispering
"Wing, this place is mocking me. Apple apparition pie? Haunting Hashbrowns? Ethereal fucking eggs benedict." Hissing Tim shifted in his seat, "like I would get it if this place was ghost themed but it very clearly isnt! It is mocking me because I know this place doesn't exist!" Slamming a fist down on the counter, it very much thudded.
Sharing a look with Tim, Dick placed a hand on Tim's shoulder, "Buddy...I agree there is something up with this place but...I very much think it exists? Since we are kinda sitting here."
Dragging his hand down his face with a groan Tim leaned back in his seat, "I know and it is infuriating me..." Grabbing the coffee mug Tim looked at it with a not insignificant amount of distrust before taking a swig, pausing, than taking another, much slower sip, holding the mug with both hands as he lowered it down, staring at the dark liquid with a small glare.
"Red? You okay? Is that the bad coffee look ot oh shittake mushrooms that was poisoned look?" Dick said worryingly, looking to the cup of orange juice that was in front of him with suspicion.
"N-no...I" Tim's words cut off as he took a breath, "Just...tastes just like the kind Mom used to drink, came from this little town in Chile they passed through..." staring at the cup a little longer Tim shook his head, "They closed a few years back, the farmer that made it got killed by a drug cartel that wanted him to plant coca rather than coffee, it's just that this place should very much not have this."
There was a tension between the two vigilantes, Dick moving to speak before being cut off by Danny quickly coming out from the back.
"Order up! Got two pancakes for Mr. Nightwing, side of bacon and eggs and two waffles for Mr. Red Robin with some hasbrowns!" Setting each plate down in front of said vigilante, Danny gave them both a grin.
"And a side of Phantom fries for both of you on the house!"
After refilling the little bit missing out of Tim's cup, Danny seemed to be to there one second and back in the kitchen a moment later.
"Phantom fries?" Danny whispered to himself as he started to clean off the griddle, a grin on his face as he did, he might of left the hero business, but oh God was it funny, he wondered if other people got the same fun out of it.
Checking out on he customers through the small window to the front, Danny felt his core thrum at the sight of the two eating, it was a different kind of thrum that he got while protecting people, this one...this one gave him a full body shudder and cleared a fog in his mind he didn't even he had.
Shaking his head, Danny tried not to let the purr building in his chest out.
Screw the worries that Tim had, Dick was having the time of his life.
"We can't tell the others about this place Red...Little wing would try and place it in the Alley and B might try and buy it cus holy guacamole this shit is good..." Dick had dug in after Tim's wrist mounted computer had tested the food for any known poisons which said that there weren't any, but still went and saved a few samples for further analysis at the Cave.
Dick didn't know why but the pancakes tasted like those that Alfred made the first week he had been at the manor, he had gotten upset at Brcue and hid in the attic all day, but Alfred managed to lure him down with the promise of blueberries in his pancakes.
They were perfectly fluffy, butter soaked with that little edge around it that was crunchy, the berries were tart enough to battle the maple syrup and...it was just like how Dick remembered.
Shaking his head as he finished up his food, Dick threw a look over at Tim, who was hunched over his empty plate, holding his mug of coffee closer, at Dicks questioning look the teen spoke.
"We have to leave Wing something is just...off about this place, its...they taste like when my dad used to make breakfast after coming home from a dig...has to be brain waves or mind reading or..." Tim continued to ramble on, ideas flowing out of him like a water fall.
By the time that Danny went back to check on the two, they were gone.
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inu-mxki · 7 months
happy valentines ♡
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roronoa zoro x fem!reader / established relationship / fluff
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“for you.”
zoro thrusts the small bunch of picked flowers rather unceremoniously towards you. from the way his jaw is clenched and how his fist is almost sapping the life out of the little arrangement of flowers, you can tell the swordsman isn’t accustomed to offering a heartfelt gift. but even though his approach isn’t exactly romantic, the meaning is there all the same.
“did you pick those?” you ask softly, placing a gentle hand over his bruising fist to ease the tension in his hand, allowing you to retrieve the flowers from his grasp, “they’re beautiful, ‘ro. thank you.”
“yeah, well,” he scratches the back of his neck, a rare nervous disposition about the large man before you, “the cook said somethin’ bout valentines, so…”
“sanji wouldn’t miss valentines for the world, sappy devil,” you giggle, smelling the freshness of the flowers zoro had clearly spent time collecting for you, “they smell delightful. such pretty colours, too.”
“sorry it’s not… from a store or somethin’,” he said, leaning against the ship’s railing, eyes fixed to the ground and hands in his pockets, “i, uh, don’t have loads of berries, so i just…”
you watch as he tries to explain why he hasn’t just placed a diamond encrusted necklace into your hands. as if the gift he had gone out to personally pick for you wasn’t enough. zoro was aware that sanji had gifted each of the girls a small heart shaped chocolate cake he’d baked first thing that morning, leaving them outside of your rooms with a scented card that read: “mon amie, happy valentines.”
zoro can’t bake. or cook. or craft like usopp can. he’s just a swordsman, he doesn’t have any delicate skills like that. but he remembered, a while back whilst exploring an island the sunny had docked at, you were entranced by the different types of flowers you’d never seen before; smelling each of them and then asking him to in turn. it wasn’t something zoro would normally do, but he smelt them anyway because it pleased you, and spread a sweet smile across your face.
all he ever wanted to do was make you do that. smile.
he feels your warm palm against his face, and looks up to meet your soft, welcoming eyes. you’ve always looked at him like that - like you accept him. there’s no one around, the sun setting in the distance and a gentle, calm lap of the ocean at the base of the sunny. zoro made sure to catch you alone, as to not entice the others to ruin the moment.
with a swipe of your thumb across his cheek bone, you reach up and plant a kiss to his cheek. his eyes close with content, soaking up the feeling of your tenderness. a tenderness he never knew he needed.
“zoro,” you say his name with a soft voice, and all at once the worries burdening his shoulders are lifted, and his body, his mind, feel at ease, “i don’t need you to buy me anything. i would take flowers you’ve picked yourself over anything berries can buy,” his hands leave his pockets and you feel them take your waist, squeezing lightly, “besides, i have everything i already need, right here.”
your run your hand down his bare chest, the shirt sitting on his back getting caught in the warm wind that sweeps across the deck. his eyes never leave you, watching every move you make as your lips press against his collarbone, causing a shiver to run down his spine. “i love you.” you mutter against his olive skin, and the grip on your waist tightens.
his large hand snakes around the back of your neck, gathering your attention, and he leans down to capture your lips in a deep kiss. zoro kisses with such passion, such meaning. he’s not great with words, everyone knows that, and expressing his feelings for you has always been a challenge. so, he does what he knows best; kisses you like he’s never going to get the chance to again.
“i love you,” he mumbles into the kiss, words you don’t get to hear very often, but are a pleasure when you do. it’s not that he doesn’t want to say it - he just finds it hard sometimes. but you know that. you know him, and his actions have always spoken in tenfolds. when he pulls away, he lingers close, so you take the opportunity to press one more quick peck to his mouth. it’s not very often you’re alone, after all.
“c’mon,” you say quietly, taking his hand in yours and lacing your fingers together, “let’s find a nice place to keep them, yeah?”
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i do not own one piece or any characters associated with it
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leiawritesstories · 7 days
The First Concert
Rowaelin Month 2024, Day 16: Opening of the Royal Theater (canon) @rowaelinscourt
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: none!
posted late bc college lol. enjoy!!
The morning of the opening of the Royal Theater of Terrasen dawned bright and sunny, clear skies and a crisp chill in the autumn air. The queen had been restless, and as the sun crested the mountains in the east, she stood on her balcony, silk robe wrapped loosely around her frame, and watched the dawn paint the sky in hues of rose. 
You’re awake early. Her mate’s sleepy rumble drifted across her mind. 
Couldn’t stay asleep. 
Footsteps padded across the tiled floor, and it was only a moment before warm, thickly muscled arms banded around Aelin’s waist. It will be a good day.
She leaned back into his embrace. How can you be so sure?
Because our people love you, and they love what you have done for them. Rowan kissed the top of her head. Besides, if you get bored of shaking hands, I know you had a private box built. 
Naughty buzzard. With a half-smirk, she turned to face him, drinking in the sight of his calmness, so rare in the years they had spent together. “I just want it to go well,” she said, quietly. 
Unconsciously, his fingers traced the wings inked across her back. “It will,” he promised. 
“Good.” She pressed her lips to his, lingering in the kiss for a long, sweet moment. “When did you get all the optimism?” 
“When the world ran out of crazy-ass demons trying to kill us all.” Rowan’s tone was completely deadpan. 
Aelin laughed, bright and clear as the Orynth sky. I love you, Ro.
I love you too, Fireheart.
Aelin had insisted on coordinating finery for the evening, reveling in Rowan’s suppressed groan when she brought out the linen shirt and emerald silk jacket with silver embroidery that she’d had made for him. He grumbled, but he put on the fine clothes, and she stunned him speechless with her emerald silk dress, its cuffs and hem detailed with the same silver thread, the back a plunging V that dipped nearly to her hips, revealing her tattoos in all their glory. The kingsflame crown sat atop her head, its weight light but solid, grounding the queen in the solemnity of her position. 
“Beautiful,” Rowan murmured, touching his lips to the back of her neck. 
She sucked in a gasp, sparks climbing her spine at the subtle teasing. “Later, my love.” 
He smirked and linked his hand with hers, thumb tracing the obnoxiously large emerald on her wedding band. “As my queen commands.” Together, they ascended the cobblestone steps that led to the entrance of the Royal Theater, exchanging smiles and greetings with the crowd of Orynth’s residents that had gathered for the opening concert. 
At the top of the steps, a forest-green carpet had been rolled out, a matching ribbon looped across the handles of the soaring mahogany double doors of the entrance. Aelin’s court waited there, beaming proudly at the queen who had brought the theater back to its home, and she felt tears prickle at the corners of her eyes at the sheer joy on her family’s faces. 
Even Lorcan was…not scowling, though she supposed that had more to do with Elide than the theater. 
Aelin and Rowan stopped beside their court, and with a twist of her hand, flames curled around the prongs of her crown, adorning the symbol of Terrasen, and a twin circlet of fire wove around her mate’s brow. Aelin of the Wildfire, the crowd murmured, a soft rumble of support for their queen. She smiled. “My beloved people!” She kept hold of Rowan’s hand, drawing her strength from him lest she be overcome with emotion. “Welcome back to the Royal Theater of Terrasen!” She pinched her first two fingers together, and a fine ribbon of flame sliced neatly through the ribbon on the doors. Rowan spun out a cool northern wind, and it wrapped around the door handles and tugged them open to the people. 
And they walked into the theater, footsteps falling on plush carpet and polished hardwood, eyes wide at the marble sculptures and gilded frescoes worked into and across the walls and vaulted ceilings. Tales of their beautiful nation—from Brannon to Gavin and Elena all the way down to Rhoe and Evalin, to Orlon, to Aelin. She had protested at first when the artists showed her the sketches, saying she did not need to be pictured all over the walls, but Rowan was…very convincing. 
Overhead, a bell sounded, calling the people into the theater itself, and they slowly filed in, filling the emerald velvet seats that lined the floor and the galleries and the balconies curving around the massive stage. The thick stage curtains were drawn back for the arched tiers of chairs that filled the stage floor, and as the members of the symphony walked onstage, applause rippled up in waves from the crowd. From the royal box, which Rowan had specifically situated in the third tier of balcony boxes on stage left, Aelin was beaming as she applauded. 
The conductor appeared to joyous applause, and he bowed to the audience and to the queen before he stepped onto his podium, tuned the orchestra, and, with a flourish of his baton, launched into the opening chords of the Stygian Suite. Aelin’s hand flew to her mouth, and the tears that had been hovering behind her composure all evening broke free, dripping soundlessly down her face. 
Rowan’s hand splayed on her thigh, warm and firm and reassuring. Are you alright?
It’s…it’s been twenty years since this music was played. In her glassy eyes, he saw a reflection of the child she had been when she snuck into the opera house in Rifthold to hear the symphony, and a reflection of the young woman who had brought the music to life on the keys of a forgotten pianoforte on a spring afternoon. Did you know?
Perhaps. She flicked him a glance, and he chuckled softly. Yes. I asked the conductor if he could prepare this piece for the opening. For you.
The music swelled to a crescendo, the notes bursting into a waterfall of descending arpeggios that crested and swept through the theater like water over the audience. As the final triumphant chords echoed around the vaulted ceiling, Aelin brought her hands together and rose to her feet, leading the standing ovation with tears still tracked down her cheeks. 
She waited for a long while before she left the box, heading down the stairs to greet the orchestra along with the rest of the audience. Most of them had already gone home, and Aelin spoke gratefully to the conductor, wiping the tears from her face. He shook her hands eagerly and introduced her to the symphony members, who were a mix of awestruck and overwhelmed at the appearance and support of the queen. 
“And we have a few particularly special members,” the conductor continued. “You see, Your Majesty, these five were part of the last ensemble to perform this piece—the orchestra that vanished. Five of them made it through the war and chose to come to Terrasen.” 
Aelin’s throat thickened. “I cannot possibly express how much that means,” she choked out. “Thank you. Thank you, so very much.” 
One of the symphony members, a woman with dark hair shot through with silver, set down her violin and took the queen’s hands. “And we can’t thank you enough, my queen, for welcoming us home to Terrasen. For giving us a new home.” 
Aelin could only nod wordlessly, and she was silent all the way back to the palace, overcome with emotion from the performance and the people who had created it. Tucked into bed behind her, sensing the swirling of her mind, Rowan linked his fingers with hers. 
For you, Fireheart. All of it is for you.
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vapolis · 3 months
saw another IF blog get asked this and now i need to know: what idle animations would the ROs have if they were in a video game?
jax would do something like crossing his arms and checking his watch bc he's annoying like that
orla would right her clothes and tap her heel impatiently against the ground bc she's annoying like that too
echo would pull out random weapons and test their weight. very weapons dealer core
dante/delilah would play with the keys of their motorcycle and slip their sunnies on and off
royal would procure drinks out of nowhere or check their reflection with a handheld heart-shaped mirror. no in between
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bullet-prooflove · 29 days
“I don’t think I could love you more” with Dwayne?
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @mandy426 @keyweegirlie @luckyladycreator2 @dizzybee03
Another Sunny Day In Georgia Series:
Just Another Sunny Day In Georgia - You and Dwayne have a code phrase.
Rain - Dwayne thinks of you everytime it rains.
Dance With Me -Dwayne's happily surpised when you return home.
Atlanta - Dwayne realises something happened in Atlanta.
Lullabies - Dwayne sings you to sleep.
The Fall - Dwayne knows you're heading for a fall.
Case of the Ex - Dwayne is confronted with a face from your past.
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Dwayne finds you on the roof of your apartment building, asleep in a lawn chair, your hands tucked into the pockets of your quilted jacket. Your gun rests within arm’s reach, on the small side table you use for your morning coffee. If that isn’t a sign that’s somethings wrong in your world then he doesn’t know what is.
He crouches down in front of you, his palm coming to rest on your shoulder, squeezing lightly. You jerk awake, your hand going for your weapon but Dwayne is already there, cupping your face so that his own fills your vision.
“It’s ok.” He whispers, his forehead coming to resting upon yours. “It’s me, it’s just me.”
Your hands clutch onto coat, the fabric bundling in your fists as his thumb lightly caresses your cheek. Your skin is cool to the touch, it feels like ice underneath the pads of his fingers.
“You been out here all night?” He asks you and you nod your head because you can’t bring yourself to speak right now, everything is too raw, too painful. “Because you thought he was going to hurt you again?”
Another nod.
He’s starting to understand now what happened in Atlanta, how you ended up with those bruises on your body.
“Did he come to see you last night?” He asks you, his nose trailing over yours. “Is that why you didn’t come home to me?”
“He turned up at the precinct, he was sitting at my desk…” You trail off then, your grip on his jacket tightening. “I couldn’t let him find out about you, I couldn’t…”
“Ro, I couldn’t love you more for trying to protect me but that ship has sailed.” Dwayne says softly. “He came to see me this morning, he knows all about us.”
You break then, he watches the pieces of you fracture because you’ve been trying to deal with this all on your own for so long now and it’s just too much. You can’t keep this secret anymore, you have to tell him what Jared did to you so that he understands the type of man he’s dealing with.
“Dwayne I haven’t seen honest about what happened in Atlanta,” You say quietly as you wipe the back of your hand across your eyes. “Jared, he did it again, he tried to kill me again.”
Love Dwayne? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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florencetypemaniacs · 1 month
How would the Ros react if someone insulted them and MC who is just a ball of sunshine and can be fairly airheaded is now the complete opposite? Their usual sunny and absent minded self now has a look that is cold, calculating, malicious and promises nothing but pain.
💛 Marcel 
While Marcel watched you, he would feel gratitude fill his body to the brim, but it would be overcome with responsibility. He didn't need you, sweet and innocent you, talking in such a way on his behalf. 
Marcel would cut in. "Sorry, sir, but we are done here." He said, talking to the red-faced man, who seemed more embarrassed by the second. 
So, with a gentle touch, he will pull you away. "Thank you, my love." He said when he noticed a little pout on your face since you didn't get to finish your angry ramble. 
However, it became happy again when Marcel kissed you, and he hoped that he would never have to go against your wrath. 
🧡 Margaret 
Margaret's heart would beat a mile a minute as she watched you. She didn't like fights. She hated them. And you were in one because of her, even if it was just words she didn't like it. Margaret cared about you too much for you to get hurt over her. 
When you turn back to her, she had tears in her eyes as she jumped into your arms. 
"Don't ever do that again." 
"I don't ever want you to get hurt because of me." 
Margaret would calm down after a while and thank you for defending her, but she would make it clear that she didn't like you fighting; you were too important to her. 
❤️ Owen
Owen would watch as you went at the person, cutting them down with your words in amusement. He is a protector. Hell, he is a wrath demon. Owen is the one who is supposed to protect you, and here you were protecting him. 
Adorable you, who couldn't even swing a sword, was protecting him. 
Owen would watch with a clenched fist watching the scenario unfold. He was ready to step in if you needed him, but before he knew it, the person was walking away. 
You turned to him with a look of pride. "What a jerk." 
When you noticed his clenched fist. "What's wrong-" 
Owen would pick you up and throw you over his shoulder. 
"I didn't know you had it in you, lass/duck/lad. That had to be the hottest thing I ever seen." 
You blushed. "What are we doing?" 
"I'm going to go and thank you." 
💙 Rosemary 
She would be in a daze. She didn't usually like people defending her, not when she could do it herself. But when you, sweet you, were defending her, she could just feel her knees go weak. 
It showed you cared, not because she would owe you something afterward; with your kind nature, that thought would never cross your mind. Rosemary knew that for sure.
When you turned back to her, she was fanning her face before regaining her composure.
"Well, aren't you just a knight in shining armor, handsome/dollface/angel face?" 
Rosemary would bring you in for a heated kiss that would make you melt. 
🩵 Tai
Shocked. Tai's own words could usually take anyone down, but before he could even utter a sentence, you had taken over. 
Where has this been hiding inside you? And why did he like it? 
He liked how passionate you were about him. 
Tai's eyes widened in shock even after you turned around and dragged him away. 
Tai would probably be in shock for a while until you brought him out of it and he would grab your hand. 
"Thank you." With sincerity in his eyes, that could knock anyone back. 
💚 Zane 
So smug. Zane has never had anyone stand up for him before. To see you spitting venom at this person would send a thrill through his spine. 
With a smug smile, he would put an arm around you as you berated the person, maybe even helping you out. When the person in question left, you turned back to your boyfriend, who just brought you close and kissed you. 
The hot temper from only a few seconds ago melts away as Zane's fingers rubbed into your hips. 
"Now aren't you full of surprises, Little Lion?" You gave him a shy blush, and Zane just chuckled.
"Don't worry. I liked it." 
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kitashousewife · 1 year
storm warning
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an: i just had the overwhelming urge to write this as i watched the first warm-weather storm roll in tonight.
pairings: timeskip!kita x fem!reader
warnings: storms, thunder and lightning mentions, husband kita, food and drink mentions, eating mentions, but all fluff!
the day started out beautiful. completely blue skies without a cloud in sight, sun shining in its full glory through the morning and afternoon. it was one of those days when it wasn't too hot or cold. just lovely.
you spent the morning tidying things up, catching up on the counter full of dishes after a few days, the length of which you'd rather not admit. everything was calm, quiet, and perfect.
kita finally brought out his sunhat, just for the occasion.
it's around five in the evening once you finally finish everything. the once pale blue linen of your dress now has a few dirt and grass stains at the knees, evidence of your work in the flower beds this afternoon. that, and the brand-new bouquet that rests on the kitchen table. you smile as your fingers stroke the petals, predicting the faux-irritation your husband will give you when he returns and realizes that you have once again gotten flowers before he could gift them to you.
your bare feet pad along the worn wood floors of the house with a laundry basket on your hip. the clothesline-dried towels now returning to their respective places around the home; another chore put off until today.
and now you stand in the kitchen, drumming your fingertips on the counter anxiously while checking the time once again, sighing when you realize it's only been about fifteen minutes. another thirty and kita will be home for the evening.
sunny spring days mean an opportunity for him to plant without any distractions. hours where he can get every sprout lined up, pristine lines in every field and not have to worry about the cold or the rain. the worst part is that he's away from you all day. sure, he could just walk back to the house for some tea, but the perfectionist in him just won't let him.
the jazz record from the living room provides a soothing hum as you flip through recipe books, the kind with yellowing pages and marked corners. from the corner of your eye, you notice curtains in the living room windows swaying slightly. you don't mind them very much at first.
five minutes later, and you're rushing around the house to shut all of the windows.
kita had shared about this kind of storm before. the complete opposite of in like a lion, out like a lamb. where the day starts out perfect, only to be swallowed up by dark, looming clouds.
this is kita's favorite weather.
he's shared numerous stories about these specific times. helping granny shut the windows just as you are now, quickly bringing in any toys or loose articles of clothing he shed while playing before they get soaked. laughing as he plays in the rain, much to granny's dismay until he finally gets drug inside for a bath before the lightning comes. and, his favorite part: falling asleep to the rain on his window.
every window has been shut by the time the last bit of blue sky is tucked away, just in time for the wind to really kick up. the tire swing in the front yard now sways dramatically, mimicking the times when kita has pushed you high, swinging back and forth to the sounds of your laughter. you've double-checked the laundry room window, the one that leaks when you're hit with a terrible realization.
staring back at you from the clothesline, horizontal in the wind, is the entirety of your bedding.
"no, no, no," you mumble to yourself, throwing on the barely dry sweater lying on the dryer, forgoing shoes as you rush out the back door. your fingers work quick, frantically undoing all of the clothespins and stuffing all of the fabric under your arm. you swear you feel a raindrop hit your nose as you grab the last pillowcase from the line.
"ya better get movin' sugar, or yer gonna melt in the rain."
kita's smirking at you with rosy cheeks, but you'll get on his case later for not using enough sunscreen. he grabs the wad of sheets from you, placing a quick kiss on your lips.
"i've missed you today shin," you smile, following behind as he holds your hand. he holds the door open for you, and you quickly shuffle in.
"and i missed ya too, pretty girl. what did you do today?"
kita slips off his shoes and pads to your shared room, plopping the sheets on the bed before changing out of his work clothes.
"well," you flop onto the bed, inhaling the fresh scent that you can't wait to snuggle into later. "i did the dishes and the laundry this morning."
kita hums. "thanks for doin' that."
you nod, continuing. "i finally cleaned up the flower beds and the garden. i can't believe the weeds, i just pulled them!"
kita laughs, emerging from the closet in sweats and a very faded, but now clean thanks to your doing, inarizaki sweatshirt.
"i saw, they look great. you'll have the best flowers in hyogo if ya keep it up." he's now laying on top of you, caging you in between the sheets and his warm body. he places a kiss on your forehead, then your lips as you giggle.
"oh! i also took the rest of the lemons an-"
a distant, but loud crack cuts you off, and kita bolts to the window with a smile.
"c'mon darlin'! we gotta move or we'll miss it," he grabs your hand, pulling you into the kitchen.
"miss what?"
he leans over his shoulder, pulling the pitcher of lemonade you were so rudely interrupted about from the fridge.
"the show, of course."
he whips open the cabinets, grabbing the first two glasses he can get his hands on, before nodding towards the door.
"we've got front-row seats."
he gestures towards the handle, which you open for him, and he runs outside to your deck. the porch swing sways slightly and kita laughs.
"have a seat baby. i'll get it all set up," he grins and places the pitcher and glasses on the table next to the swing and begins to pour glasses for the two of you. you sit on the swing, feet kicking back and forth as you rest on your hands and stare at the sky.
past the tree in your front yard are miles and miles of dark clouds, some appear to be almost dripping down. a few of the fields in the distance now seem blurry, and the poor flower basket hanging from your eaves shakes wildly.
"see those clouds? the ones that look like they're fallin'?"
you nod, grabbing the glass of lemonade from your husband.
"that means it's rainin' right there," he points, finally sitting beside you. another crack in the distance sounds, and kita just about lights up. a few seconds after, light rumbling fills your ears.
"i know that a lot of people hate storms, but i love em'. i think thunder and lightnin' make for the best shows," he takes a sip from his glass and whistles as the rain begins to fall. slow at first, only a few drops hitting the grass in front of you. but after a few seconds it becomes more steady, and begins to drip from the porch roof.
kita breathes in and sighs. "smell that? that's my favorite smell ever," he breathes again, turning to you. you breathe in and smile. the once-dry ground mixes with the rain, the warm and the cool mixing together.
"you're so cute, shin,"
he blushes, and not just from the sunburn.
"i just think storms are cool, that's all."
the two of you sit in silence, watching as the lightning strikes light up the sky in the distance with a purplish hue, followed by the drumming of thunder through the fields.
"pretty," you mumble over your glass after lightning dances through the sky again, webbing through the clouds.
"isn't it?"
you smile as another strike claps through the air.
the storm rolls on, playing it's own song just for the two of you while you watch, legs draped across kita's thighs on the porch swing. a different sound grabs your attention.
kita nods. "i could eat."
you sit up and stretch, feeling a little sleepy from the rain.
"i haven't had a chance to run to the store," you yawn. "we have leftovers in the fridge."
"sure beautiful. whatever ya want. ya know i'm not picky." a playful smirk plays at his lips and you scoff.
"we both know you're the pickiest person in the relationship."
kita holds the door open for you and rolls his eyes.
"and ya still love me,"
you smile. "and i always will."
the storm continues through the evening, providing lots of entertainment during dinner. one strike of lighting even caught kita off guard, causing him to spill his tea all over the counter, meaning he got teased about it for the rest of the night.
and now, as the two of you lie together on your freshly made bed and clean sheets to the sound of rain, you understand why kita loves storms so much. the rain drums against the roof quietly, lulling the two of you to sleep. you're wrapped in his arms and he sighs, kissing you on the head one last time before he finally closes his eyes.
kita dreams of you, dancing around in the rain while he spins you, out of breath from laughter. he hopes it storms again sometime soon so that he can recreate it for you.
but for tonight he holds you close, hearts beating almost in sync under the hum of the rain.
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sanzuballs · 2 years
getting needy/teasing when hes around a friend
ft: law, luffy, zoro, sanji || fluffy suggestiveness
hi im back again! i am on wc island, heartbreaking. idk how tumblr works but i would love to recieve requests and everything! i also apologize for any grammar or spelling errors. i barely proofread and my autocorrect is always off lol n i do shit LATE at night. anyways time to get into it! ALSO (late) HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
law :
nahh he dont put up with that. while him and a one of his crewmates talked, you decided to cause some michief. you sat next to him and tugged on his shirt, kissed his cheek, and even pouted and whined. he ignored you. he wasnt going to let you have your way. the only thing he could think about is how annoyingly needy you are and how wet you probably were right now. but once his crewmate started giving glances to your short skirt that started riding up your thighs, he picked you up bridal style. he carried you to his bedroom. you whined as he started to take your clothes off.
“lawww, why did you have to ignore me?” you whine as your tits were on display.
“i dont tolerate dumb sluts that just wann get fucked all the time,” he takes your panties off and watches as your slick sticked to your tiny panties. “this is gonna teach you a lesson dumb baby. dont hold back your moans, i want everyone to know just how much of a slut you are for me, and me only.”
luffy :
its a beautiful day on the thousand sunny, ussop and luffy were out trying to catch some fish but ussop was slowly falling asleep. sadly, theres a heat between your legs that only your boyfriend could put out. he has been catching sea kings all day so he was a bit exhausted. you first decided to sit on his lap.
“ha, whats this about y/n?” he smiles at you. ussop bats a eye to you and luffy’s convo.
“i need you luffy.”you whisper into his ear. you pout at him and you press your heat on his thigh. he could feel the slick of your pussy through your panties. he wraps hims noodly arms around you.
“alright then. goodbye ussop!” he grabs you and gives you a piggyback ride to his room.
“im sorry i didnt mean to interrupt you.” you said as he pulled your panties off and flipped up the skirt you had on.
“‘s okay baby.” he smiles as he trails wet kisses up your thighs.
god bless his impatient heart. and god bless your bratty heart…
it was probably the most boring day ever on earth for the straw hat pirates. you were drifting on sea to the next island but it was a long wait. zoro decided to snag some booze from the fridge and sanji was there, sharping his knives. but ofcourse you had to follow your boyfriend into the kitchen. while riding on his back, ofcourse.
“y/n! do you want something, ive got some time on my hands!” sanji says. zoro doesnt really mind because he knows how sanji is. and he knows your his. you smile at sanji.
“a martini please! thanks sanji!” you say. he whips one right up and zoro waits patiently to drink with you. them sanji hands you a beautiful martini.
“ro’ i want you to pour it in my mouth.” you look up at him and you mix your drink around and suck the straw.
“y/n,” he says sternly. “why are you like this.”
“c’mon please!?” sanji takes a quick glance and eyebrow bat to zoro.
“a lady should get what she wants.” sanji says.
“im glad someone in this room knows how to treat a woman.” you taunt your boyfriend. he obviously knew you to treat you well but seeing him mad is too good to miss. zoro takes the martini.
“open up.” zoro says. he then pours the liquid all over your thin shirt, revealing your lacy bra.
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stellewriites · 27 days
hi stelle!!! thank you for tagging me in the wip game!! your soulmates au with demi romantic ghost sounds so interesting!!
hii ro!!
i’m excited for this one, i love soulmate aus that aren’t straight forward,, but i wanna do it right so im taking my time
i don’t really have much written, so here’s a bit i’ve just done that might not actually appear in the final draft lmao
His eyes flittered across your skin as you walked up to his table at the back of the pub; the strappy top you’d chosen to wear in the uncharacteristically sunny British weather bared your shoulders and collarbones for all to see.
When his eyes trailed down they got stuck, magnetised on your left, just above the neckline of your vest top. Your soulmate mark was written stark and clear against your skin.
They glow almost; no one knows how, but they do and Simon found that he couldn’t pull his eyes away even as you took a seat opposite him.
“He died when I was little,” you said after he stayed silent, face pointing down to your mark like a dog on a hunt. “His name was Chris. I knew him from school, we were eight. He got into a car accident a week after moving into town.”
Simon’s eyes finally flickered up to meet yours.
“It was tragic, but life can be. I’m glad I got to meet him at all, peeved that he didn’t say anything but ‘I’m Chris, do you want to play tag?’ to have stuck on me forever.” You rolled your eyes fondly. “Had plenty of people try to use it to pick me up over the years, but they soon pack it in when they hear the story.”
Ghost watched your fingers rub absentmindedly over the words, your mouth pulling down in an uneven, wobbly smile as you thought about him.
“Don’t believe in fate,” Simon admitted, refusing to think about the brand of words wrapped around his bicep. “I think y’make your own soulmate, if at all. The whole instant connection is jus’ bullshit they sell ya in the films.”
wip ask game
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joeyclaire · 2 years
so if you like the virgin mary and you like beer come on down to paddy’s pub we got em both
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clonehub · 3 months
Learning about your ocs has been fun! I was wondering if you have name origins for the clones?
OH BOY anon you've accessed the CHCU (clonehub cinematic universe) DEEP LORE
Waaaaay early in development, around the time that I a) watched less anime and b) started getting more in tune with being Igbo, I'd designed the clone's names to have short and long forms. Bliz would be "Bliz" for short, but then something else as a "full name" that sounded Igbo (to me, at least). Everyone on CS was like this. Kiki would have named them as part of a long and tricky process for all of them becoming "family".
However, then I had another perspective shift and I thought to myself, "Well, first of all coding them as such wouldn't work, secondable a Jedi naming like seven different clones? No." I wanted them all to have more of a say in their names, their origins, and their personal meanings, so that concept was quickly dropped.
Marik chose his name because it sounded nice to him. Edger as well. Ratchet used to be a noisemaker and thus he was dubbed that by his old squad in the 501st, but his personality's changed quite a bit. Also this was before "ratchet" became a classist and misogynistic and generally anti-Black term in popular language lmao.
I wanted some of their names to sound less "generic" or noun-based the way that clones' names in canon do (hardcase, kickback, etc). Hence, again, Marik, Edger, Ratchet, and Cord.
Actually Cord's name came about because when s1e16 of the clone wars was airing and they had the mystery clone (slick), my brother and I didn't know what his name was (obviously). So we dubbed him Cord until we got a name. And now I'm using it for my guy.
In-universe, Ridge chose his name because he thought it sounded tough. He was the runt of his squad, he was slow, he was picked on, and he was being abused by the drill sergeant in charge of their cohort. He wanted a "leave me alone" name, but him being your typical child, what sounded Tough and Scary to him back them is really just a normal name. I think at some point he also would have been named Ridge because he had a mohawk, also so he could look tough. Now though he just has an undercut (though in my head I do still sometimes see the mohawk).
Once upon a time, "Bliz" was short for "Blizzard", but I like how just Bliz sounds. Often, peope misread it as "blitz". He, Brucer, and Bimmie had an alliteration thing going on that I liked.
See now Jax is special because his name is deliberately generic. He chose it because it sounded decent as a name. There wasn't any emotional journey towards it like with Ridge, and there wasn't a quirky backstory to it like with Cord. Jax is Jax because Jax is normie, it's run of the mill, it's boring. Jax as a character is meant to be the Most Average clone you can imagine, besides the crippling anxiety and baldness. He's a nobody, he thinks he's nothing, he hardly even thinks he's a person worthy of desires, and he's got a big 'ol crush on Kiki. In some ways, some of the critiques people in his life have of his "runaway loyalties/feelings" is along the lines of "Who do you think you are? You're not special".
Kiki's name didn't use to be Nkerinna. That I've made closer to sounding Igbo as I made Verocia based more on Igboland than some vaguely anime-inspired Japanese inspiration (don't shoot me I was 12 and heavily into Naruto). Her original last name was Jorani, not Ogbode. I'd look up what her original name was, but fanfiction dot net is down right now lmao.
Nirisa's name hasn't changed. Her name means sunset. Kiki's means dawn. Nirisa is the older one, yes, but....idk I like Kiki's name meaning "dawn".
Sunlaou Cloen is named that because I thin it sounds nice and I like "Soni" (sunny) as a nickname. Hahkin is Hahkin because I like the sound. Persha-Ro (her last name) is like that because I wanted a hyphenation.
In general though, I try to differentiate the way I name my OCs from typical star wars conventions because Star Wars names can be...boring. Women's names are often vowel-heavy and sound typically feminine in a Western romance language way. The men's names get to have heavier consonants, but then they also get to be weirder. But most often, Star Wars names can be really monosyllabic. Luke. Han. Poe. Finn. Rey. Ben. PT and some OT names have a distinct formation to them that the ST ones lack.
Over the years, I've seen names be 2-syllable first names and 1-syllable last names, or vice-versa, and they won't be very different from one another. This is why my OCs will sometimes have longer names, and the female characters especially will get names that don't sound as typically feminine (Hahkin, Nkerina, Tysolis, Iriyunan, etc.). My one exception is As'adari, but I named her that specifically because it's a girly name for a very unfeminine, aggressive, and brutish female character.
Then you have Pailenam, Paradise, Okunna, Chiadi, Danda, Yuza, etc. And despite my best efforts, the letter A is still clearly very popular in my names lmao.
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losergames · 1 year
what were the ROs seeing this weekend: barbie or oppenheimer? (or both?) 💖
barbie - Aimee, Four
opppenheimer - i don't think any of them would see oppenheimer alone lmao
barbenheimer - Maz, Sunny (only bc Maz convinced him)
secret fourth thing - Dilani is watching insidious
alternatively, if Maz could convince every one to do the double bill, they would get kicked out for either talking too loud, bickering, or screen-recording
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 8 months
Authors On THG Writing Hiatus Masterlist (9)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 /
***Active (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer who has updated within the past year. Inactive (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer that has not been updated at all in the past year+. On THG Writing Hiatus (on this blog) is a blog/writer who has updated within the past year but has not posted a fanfic in the fandom in the past year BUT they may return to writing in the future. Lists will be updated as needed based on activity. ***
Created: November 17th, 2023
Last Checked:----
notalone91-ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: Reading the Signs Katniss' marriage is in shambles. She's out of a psychiatric facility and back in Seam City to try and fix what's left, but a new friendship might bring her more than she bargained for. T for extremely harsh language, allusions to sexual relations, mental health issues, and about a million other things. (Silver Linings Playbook AU.).
oh_wellau-ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: Wool Set in those first tentative steps towards each other, in between the healing and the growing back together. I want to tell him that I appreciate that he’s still here, that he’s hasn’t abandoned me, even though sometimes I don’t make for the best company. I want to tell him that he is more than just a friend, that he leaves me at a loss for words and my stomach doing flipbacks. And that I like how it feels. That if I could freeze a moment and live in it forever, it would be us cuddling under a soft orange blanket, basking in front of the fireplace in our home, the sun setting outside.
ohmakemeahercules-ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: Steadfast Waltz Katniss and Peeta are on the Victory Tour. Effie Trinket informs them President Snow has requested the couple dance a waltz at his annual ball. Katniss begrudingly agrees. She and Peeta were still on shaky ground since the last Games. Will they be ready by showtime?
PM Addict/addictedtopeetamellark-ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: The Call Peeta makes one bad decision one night…loosely based on the Backstreet Boys song "The Call".
Popular Fic: Where Her Heart Should Be College student Katniss Everdeen has no idea where she's headed in life. On campus, everything is strange and new, and though home is only a few miles away she feels detached from everything she's ever known. Except for Peeta, the charming boy from the bakery back in her hometown. Everlark AU, with a bit of Finnick and Annie too.
Recent Fic: Sober Heart Tumblr only! Multiple works present! 
Ro Nordmann-ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: STATUS QUO STATUS QUO: to keep things the way they presently are… Follow the Law we are bound or face the consequences. Inspired by The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood [Previously posted; revised new version for tlcullen132]
RoziCanuti/the_truth_is_in_the_tooth-ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: Seven Days in Sunny June Katniss went to relax and clear her head at the beach with her friends, meeting Peeta wasn't part of her plan. Having feelings for him wasn't either.
RunOn-ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: I Love You To Mars and Back Believing he has perished in a sandstorm, Peeta's crewmates abandon him on the surface of Mars where he must now figure out how to make 31 days worth of supplies last for 4 years. Meanwhile, recent college graduate and grunt in SatCon, Katniss notices anomalies in the satellite imagery that reveal that Peeta is alive. Her discovery unites NASA, the nation, and the world in a race to rescue the stranded astronaut before time runs out. Haymitch, Director of Mars Operations, assigns Katniss to watch over Peeta on Mars. What begins as an almost embarrassing demotion evolves into her genuinely caring for him and eventually falling in love. There's only one problem. Peeta doesn't even know she exists. What will happen when he returns home?
SabaceanBabe-ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: Treading Water They don't tell you when you go into the arena that the lucky ones are those who die.
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fic-over-cannon · 18 days
hi sunnie!!! i wanted to ask what your favorite movies of all time are and why? and also do you have any genres or tropes that you lean toward more than others? i hope you’re having the loveliest day :)
lovely ro, i hope the end of summer is treating you well 💕💕
when it comes to movies, i divide them into movies that i like to watch and movies i like to analyze. when i watch movies for fun, i usually go for movies that feel fun or relatively low stakes. i love to watch melodramas, specifically from the late 1940s-1950s, because they were some of the only movies being targeted a female audience at the time and because of the social and industry censorship these movies had to navigate. i also have a weakness for popcorn action movies, they're like fast food to me. in no particular order, these are a few movies i love:
All That Heaven Allows (1955): influenced so many other filmmakers, it's just such a good movie
Now, Voyager (1942): not your typical happy ending or romance
Babyface (1933): a gold digger succeeds! (but only in the uncensored version)
The Reckless Moment (1949): film noir technically but i'll count it here
Dolores Claiborne (1995): another movie about complicated mother-daughter relationships, the mystery will have you hooked
Last Action Hero (1993): knows that it's an action movie satire and takes delight in being one
Bad Times at the El Royale (2018): killer soundtrack - the scene where cynthia erivo sings to avoid getting shot is electric
The Gentlemen (2019): typical guy ritchie film but i'm just emotionally attached to this one
new queer cinema occupies a niche all its own, and i'm afraid if i start talking about my favourites i'll go on forever.
(i really hope you don't think i was ignoring you, i've been thinking about this ask for days wanting to get my answer right >_<)
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grotesquehorse · 9 months
My 2023 Year in Review :)
Last year I listed out my favorite movies, shows, books, that I experienced in 2022, so I wanted to do it again :)
I watched 26 movies this year, which is pitiful, but it's fine because most of them were with book club. 7 were rewatches and 15 were with book club.
Best Movies I watched in 2023:
Bottoms (2023)
How to Train Your Dragon (2010)
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023)
My Cousin Vinny (1992)
The Blob (1988)
Movies that are Still Favorites:
Shelter (2007)
Venom (2018)
The Fast and the Furious (2001)
New-To-Me shows:
The CW's Nancy Drew
Various Dropout TV
Supernatural (seasons 1 & 2)
Merlin (seasons 1 & 2)
Medium (seasons 1 - 4)
Elementary (season 1)
Leverage (season 1)
New Episodes of Shows I've Watched Previously:
Abbott Elementary
Only Murders in the Building
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
As of 12/24/23, I have read 192 books with an average rating of 3.25 stars. I DNF'ed 66 books.
The Wrong Mr. Right - Stephanie Archer
People We Meet on Vacation - Emily Henry
Red, White, and Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston
The Fiction Between Us - Julie Olivia
If I'm Being Honest - Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka
Adult -
The Roughest Draft - Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka
Holiday Romance - Catherine Walsh
While the Duke Was Sleeping - Sophie Jordan
Love Interest - Clare Gilmore
The Good Daughter - Karin Slaughter
Roadside Picnic - Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
Young Adult -
Seven Percent of Ro Devereux - Ellen O'Clover
Woke Up Like This - Amy Lea
The Folk of the Air Trilogy - Holly Black
The Trouble Series - Stephanie Tromly
Honorable Mentions:
Adult -
The Appeal - Janice Hallett
Annihilation - Jeff VanderMeer
Love, Theoretically - Ali Hazelwood
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas
Blindsighted & Kisscut - Karin Slaughter
Young Adult -
All Alone With You - Amelia Diane Coombs
Carrie - Stephen King
Hell Followed With Us - Andrew Joseph White
They Hate Each Other - Amanda Woody
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