#rosekiller microfics
💫 02/06/24 💫 @rosekillermicrofic 💫 prompt: die 💫 word count: 149 words
“You absolutely slut, Crouch!”
She leaned forwards and punched him so hard Evan could almost feel it too.
Barty gave a dramatic gasp and clutched his hand to his chest, before letting out a laugh infused “why thank you,”
The girl looked ready to breathe smoke.
“I hope you die!” She spat, before storming off, yanking her bag so that she didn’t straight up murder him.
“Kinky,” he muttered.
Evan snorted. It was easier to laugh at his numerous exes and ignore the gradual hollowing of his hopes. The way his eyes burned when another person was making out with him against a wall, another person sitting on his lap. They never lasted more than a week, and always ended in tears, but they slowly drove Evan insane.
He didn’t care if Barty was the biggest bitch Hogwarts has ever had. He just wants Barty to be his bitch.
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orchideous-nox · 5 months
@rosekillermicrofic // may 4th - hopeless // word count - 355
tw: mention of a dead animal
“This is hopeless, Rosie, it’s okay to give up.” Barty sighed, following Evan through the forbidden forest in the middle of a Saturday afternoon. Evan had gone missing some time in the morning, Pandora seeming unconcerned when he turned up in the library out of breath with a sheen to his brow, dragging Barty to his feet.
What was supposed to be a chill day doing homework was now being spent trapsing through the undergrowth, wading through ferns. Barty’s best Converse were now soaked in a mixture leftover dew and kicked-up dirt but for the look on Evan’s face whenever he checked Barty was still following it was worth it.
“It was here, just past that tree that looks like Dumbledore.” Barty squinted at the old oak before letting out a loud laugh the way certain branches hung looked like his hair and some moss grew like a beard. Suddenly he had the motivation to continue.
As they passed the tree, there was a trough in the forest with a clearing devoid of ferns and trees. There, in the middle as if placed there purposely, was the carcass of a creature Barty didn’t recognise.
“Merlin…what is it?” Barty scrambled down the slope towards it, swiftly followed by Evan who wanted a closer look.
“Mooncalf, must have been there for weeks but now with how much it has decomposed.” He stood there as Barty knelt down to looked at the body, kicking the leaves around it.
“I hardly recognised it.” Barty murmured.
“I was looking for small bones for your jar, I get some good ones out here and then I got distracted by a Bowtruckle and-” He was cut off when Barty looked up suddenly with wide eyes.
“You were looking for bones for me?” Evan blinked before letting out a huff of a laugh.
“Yeah, I know you’ve had a rough week with all that studying for your OWLs and-” Barty stood up and cut him off with a kiss, smiling against his lips.
“I bloody love you.” Evan pulled Barty back to him, dumping their bags and stumbling away from the Mooncalf carcass.
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
knew - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 215
“He doesn’t know your favorite color.”
Evan looked up from his book, shocked to see an emotional-looking Barty staring at him from the doorway for their dorm. “Hmm?” he asked, a bit nervously. Barty was never emotional.
“Adam. Your boyfriend,” Barty said the last word like it was dirty. “He asked me just now if I knew your favorite color.” He looked horrified. Disturbed. Like this piece of news was life-changing.
“A-alright,” Evan nodded, confused, trying to figure out the punch line. “And..?”
“And you’ve been dating for months, Rosie! Months! And he didn’t know your favorite color?” Barty cried, his chest heaving, eyes wild. “I know! I know your- your favorite color, and how you take your tea, and I know that you prefer to do your Potions homework on Wednesdays because you think Potions and Wednesdays are the same color for some reason! But your fucking boyfriend didn’t even bother learning your favorite color?”
But Even sensed that there was something more there. Something he was trying to say. “So?” he asked softly, heart beating rapidly.
“So how are you with him?” Barty asked, shrinking down, anger dissipating from his body, resignation replacing it. “How are you with him and not me?”
“I…” Evan trailed off, hardly believing his ears. “I didn’t know.”
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theprongspotter · 27 days
Update - Jegulus - @stag-microfic - Day 28 - 480 words
“So…” Barty drawls out, smirking from where he’s lounging in between Evan’s legs on the dormitory floor, his back resting comfortably against Evan’s chest.
Regulus, who had just sat cross-legged on his bed, quirks a brow. “So?”
Barty sighs dramatically, rolling his eyes as if he’s been burdened with the most tedious task. “Merlin, do I have to force this information out of you? I swear I will.”
Regulus narrows his eyes suspiciously. “What information?”
Barty’s smirk widens, eyes gleaming with mischief. “Is his dick as big as we thought it was?” he asks, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper.
Regulus flushes a deep crimson, nearly choking on air. “Barty, I’m not telling you that! I’m not telling any of you that!”
“You’re our friend, you’re supposed to tell us this stuff,” Barty insists, feigning hurt. “You said you’d update us!”
“Yeah, well, I didn’t think that you’d be asking for inches!” Regulus retorts, throwing his hands up in exasperation. “Besides, who even said we fucked?”
Evan, who’s been silently enjoying the exchange, grins wickedly from behind Barty. “Mate, you look thoroughly dicked down.”
Regulus scowls, his embarrassment boiling over into frustration, and he hurls a pillow at Evan’s face. Evan catches it with a laugh, the force barely making him flinch, clearly unfazed by Regulus’ flustered reaction. Barty leans forward, eyes gleaming with curiosity and amusement.
“Well?” Barty presses, inching closer as if Regulus is about to reveal the world’s biggest secret.
Regulus groans, burying his face in his hands as if he could will himself to disappear. His voice comes out muffled but audible enough for his eager friends to catch every word. “Even bigger.”
For a moment, there's stunned silence as the words sink in. Then, as if on cue, Barty and Evan burst into loud, raucous laughter, whooping and hollering like they've just won the lottery. Barty practically doubles over, clutching his sides, while Evan punches the air in triumph.
“Go, Reggie!” Evan cheers, his grin practically splitting his face, the teasing laced with genuine pride. “Knew you had it in you!”
Regulus groans again, this time louder, and falls back onto his bed, wishing the mattress would just swallow him whole. Barty, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye, crawls onto the bed beside him and slings an arm over Regulus’ chest, still chuckling.
“You’ve made us proud, mate,” Barty says, voice dripping with mock solemnity. “Really, you’ve exceeded all expectations.”
Regulus can’t help the small laugh that escapes him, despite his mortification. “You two are the worst,” he mutters, but the warmth in his voice betrays his fondness for their ridiculousness.
“And you love us for it,” Evan quips, flopping down next to Regulus on the other side, effectively trapping him between the two.
“Unfortunately,” Regulus sighs, a small smile tugging at his lips as Barty and Evan grin at him.
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marauders-bs · 1 month
Regulus & Dorcas microfic
Okay. First things first, Regulus Black is fine.
He's fine. Everything that just happened meant nothing to him at all. So what if Lily likes girls? It doesn't mean anything to him. He couldn't care less.
So what if the way she described Mary felt like he felt at James? It didn't mean he was in love with James. It meant nothing, nothing at all.
"Reg? You alright?"
It's just Dorcas. She's standing on the staircase to the Astronomy tower where Regulus comes to stargaze. "Fine," he calls back. "Everything is perfectly fine."
He can literally feel her raised eyebrow, even if he's not looking at her.
"Bullshit," she says plainly.
Regulus sighs. "Dorcas, did you know girls can like girls?"
Her footsteps pad over to him, and he looks over to her. Her hair is tucked into a bonnet and she's makeup-less. She looks tired and puzzled.
"Reg, you know I like girls, right?"
He stares at her, shocked.
"You didn't," she sighs. "Well, I do. Never fancied on a guy in my whole damn life. And Dora and I have a bet going on how long it'll take Barty and Evan to realize they're gay for each other."
Barty and Evan?
"What's brought this on?" Cas asks, sitting down beside him.
He thinks about saying nothing, briefly, but Dorcas knows him too well. "Lily likes Mary," he says. "They're dating, I think."
"They are," she supplies.
"I didn't know you could do that," Regulus whispers, and he can feel every emotion he's ever suppressed flood him at once, all the feelings just errupt inside him, and he doesn't know what to do but collapse into Dorcas's arms. He feels the tears on his cheeks and he didn't ask them to be there, and he still doesn't know why.
"Oh, Reg," Dorcas says, holding him. She's not judging him, not calling him weak, not doing anything but accepting him. It's so foreign that the tears only fall harder. "Who is it?"
He doesn't offer an answer, and she doesn't ask for one. They just sit there with just the stars and Regulus's tears to keep them company.
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ecstarry · 4 months
@rosekillermicrofic / forever / 183 words / @fromagony
Barty and Evan were 14 years old 
“Are you ready?” Barty hesitantly asked. 
“Are you?” Evan countered in a tone that lacked as much certainty as Barty’s.
“Fuck it. Let’s get this over with.” 
They looked at each other once last time as they walked through the doors that were sure to change everything: High School. 
Then, Barty and Evan were 18 years old 
“Are you ready?” Barty asked, a little eager this time. 
“Are you?” Evan replied with a smirk.
“Fuck it. Let’s get this over with.” 
Once again, they looked at each other once last time as they walked through new doors: College. 
And then, Barty and Evan were 27 years old 
“Are you ready?” Barty asked, excitement all over his body. 
“Are you?” Evan replied with something reserved only for Barty: tenderness.
“Fuck it. Let’s get this over with.” 
They looked at each other again, as they had been doing all their lives. Two boys that grew up with nothing to care for but each other. They were on the other side of a new door, placing a ring in each other’s fingers. A forever. 
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starboy-sirius · 4 months
may 9 | captivate | @jegulus-microfic | 671 words
Regulus enters the party with one goal: to captivate.
He struts through the painting, the Fat Lady complimenting him as he does so. “My, you look wonderful, dear. Trying to impress someone in particular?”
He hums, a smirk growing on his lips. “Maybe.”
The Fat Lady’s eyes twinkle at him. “Good luck to you, dear.”
Barty and Evan are on either side of him, towering over him like barking bodyguards ready to glare and bite anyone who dares to get too close. After all, Regulus isn’t trying to gain everyone’s attention. He’s after one boy and one boy only. Barty and Evan, who have watched him fail time and time again to seduce the oblivious and stupidly loyal Gryffindor, were all for Regulus’ new plan. 
“Ready for this, Reggie?” Barty croons, winding one of Regulus’ curls around his index finger.
“Honestly, if Potter doesn’t get the hint after this I’ll fuck you stupid instead,” Evan smirks, eyeing Regulus up and down appreciatively. 
Barty glances over at him, smouldering eyes on fire as they dart between his boyfriend and his best friend. He can't say the idea hasn’t crossed his mind once or a thousand times. “Well, now I’m hoping he doesn’t get the hint.”
“Slut,” Evan purrs.
Regulus rolls his eyes at them, but a small grin does grace his lips. “I’m going to need you two to have more faith in this outfit.”
“More faith?” Barty exclaims. “I was the one who designed this little get up, thank you very much. It’ll work, trust me.”
Evan hums. “Maybe we can get Potter on board with the whole thing.”
They walk into the Gryffindor common room, the party in full swing with people already drunk and disorderly. Some are smoking by the tower windows, their eyes ringed red and their giggles floating around in the air with the smoke. Sirius, Remus and James are sitting with their usual gang of friends on the sofas by the lit fireplace. 
It’s safe to say that everyone’s eyes turn Regulus’ way when he enters. Barty smirks triumphantly. 
Regulus is wrapped in lace, his entire torso on display as it peeks through the leafy patterns on the lace top. His creamy skin causes quite the stir at the party, no one daring to dress as seductively as this. He has more skin on show than anyone has ever seen of him before, the long sleeves falling down and hooking over his middle fingers. His long, lean legs are enclosed in sheer trousers that shimmer whenever he walks, making him look like pure sex as he walks in and comes to a halt, eyes searching for the boy he came here for. 
His eyes, thanks to Evan, are lined with a sharp wing of black kohl, bringing out the silver in his eyes and making them look pearlescent. His lips are rosy and shiny, giving the impression that he’s been biting them, or that someone else has been licking and biting them for him. He looks delectable. 
Regulus meets the brown of James Potter’s eyes and lifts one corner of his lips up, eyes glittering like his namesake. James stares at him with a gaping mouth, his entire body frozen as if Regulus has stolen all the breath from his lungs. Sirius is adamantly trying to get his attention, his own grey eyes flickering between his brother and his best friend, trying desperately to understand what is going on. James ignores him, solely focused on Regulus. 
So much so, that when Regulus raises a hand and beckons James over with a crook of his finger, James is stumbling upwards like a newborn deer and tripping over himself to get as close to Regulus as he can. He’s blushing as he walks over, hands fluttering at his sides giving away his nerves. 
Regulus grins like a shark and leans into Barty, listening as his friend whispers, “Mission accomplished.”
“Well,” Regulus hums. “The night is young. Maybe Evan will get what he wants by the end of it.”
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bri-cheeses · 6 days
| September 16th | Prompt: Choke | Word count: 175 | @rosekillermicrofic |
When Evan had, earlier today, casually asked if he could borrow Barty’s practice jersey to wear to the Quidditch match, Barty had agreed readily. What he hadn’t done was afforded much thought to the potential consequences of his actions, such as the fact that Evan would indeed be wearing his, Barty Crouch Jr.’s, jersey.
But there Barty was, standing in the common room chatting to Dorcas, when Evan came sauntering down the stairs in all his green-and-silver glory. His eyes were bright blue against the dark fabric of the shirt, his hair was shining even in the dim lighting, and he was grinning wide at Barty even from across the room.
But more than that, Barty’s name was written across his back, all but proclaiming Evan as his.
Barty choked on his drink.
Beside him, Dorcas cut him an odd look.
“You alright, Bee?” she asked, a hint of worry in her voice.
“Yeah,” Barty managed, but his eyes tracked Evan’s path across the room like his life depended on it. “Never been better, really.”
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ultravioletbrit · 8 days
“spin” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 410 words
CW: drinking / smoking
“Ok! We’re playing fuck, marry, kill!” Barty announces, overly excited.
The party has been over for a while, but there’s still a group of them lingering in the common room playing random drinking games and they’re all fairly drunk by this point.
“Alright…” Barty thinks, looking around the circle “Reg! Fuck, marry, kill–”
“James.” Regulus answers instantly without letting Barty finish.
“Ugh. Reggie, you have to wait for the… wait what?!” Sirius starts then cuts himself off when he registers what Regulus said.
“You want to fuck James?!” Sirius asks looking shocked and appalled.
“You want to marry me?” James swoons with hearts in his eyes.
“I think you’re both focusing on the wrong thing here.” Peter tries to interject.
“I think we should have played spin the bottle instead.” Marlene grumbles under her breath from the other side of the circle.
“The bottle’s pointing at James!” Regulus yells as he starts crawling across the circle to James.
“No one even spun the bottle, Reg.” Dorcas tries to grab Regulus but he’s too far away, so she just falls back to where she was laying in Marlene’s lap.
“I don’t think Reg knows how to play any of these games.” Remus says as he passes a joint to Peter so he can try to grab Sirius who just got out of the chair the two of them are sharing.
“Stop that right now! What is happening!?” Sirius trips on his way to try and pull Regulus off James to stop what has turned into a rather intense make out session.
“Is no one concerned that Reg wants to kill James?” Peter asks seriously as he lets out a puff of smoke.
“He doesn’t actually want to kill James, you high idiot.” Mary rolls her eyes and smacks Peter on the back of the head as she steals the joint.
“I wouldn’t be so sure, Reg has some weird kinks.” Evan says as he’s reaching for the half empty bottle in the middle of the circle that was never spun, but is pointing at James.
“I think everyone’s really drunk and we should all go to bed.” Lily announces from her spot on the floor, dropping her head on the couch behind her.
“I think you’re really pretty.” Pandora looks at Lily from where she is laying upside down on the couch with her legs hanging over the back, her head laying right beside Lily’s.
Regulus and James continue to make out, completely oblivious to everything else around them.
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💫 03/09/24 💫 @rosekillermicrofic 💫 prompt: dressed 💫 word count: 171 words
Barty wouldn’t be caught dead in a suit. But Regulus threatened to kill him if he didn’t look presentable at his wedding so he was actually caught alive in a suit much to his humiliation. He’d do anything for Reg, and he was using that to his advantage, the manipulative bitch. James Potter had agreed to a small gathering of everyone they knew which meant just under 500 people but hey, who was Barty to judge? If Barty ever got married he would have the most overly extravagant wedding just because he could. But he wasn’t about to get married anytime soon.
“Merlin Bee you’re in a suit! That’s a day for the history books!”
Oh. Oh wow. Maybe Barty would get married. Evan had his locs tied back with a silver ribbon and little silver rings were studded through his hair. And his suit sharpened his shoulders and his waist, and Barty’s gaze.
“Look at you Rosie all dressed up,”
“I’d look better dressed down,” he smirked quietly, “wanna see?”
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orchideous-nox · 3 months
@rosekillermicrofic // june 28th - best // word count - 186
Barty knew he couldn’t offer Evan much.
His previous attempts at relationships had ended swiftly, so much so that to refer to them as relationships was laughable. The odd broom cupboard make-out session, a tragic Hogsmeade date, sitting next to each other at dinner in the Great Hall.
But Evan deserved more than that, Barty wanted to give him everything. He wanted Evan to feel appreciated and special and as beautiful as he was in Barty’s eyes, but expressing these things didn’t come to him easily. Growing up without a good example of a healthy relationship meant Barty was left completely in the dark about how to express his feelings to Evan.
So one day, rather than sitting opposite him at the Slytherin table, Barty sat down beside Evan and took his hand wordlessly for the first time, squeezing it when the boy looked at where they were linked together. And that was that, unspoken but undoubted.
Barty knew he couldn’t offer Evan much, he didn’t know if love was what he truly felt, but he would do his best to give him everything he could.
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
scratch - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 189 - slightly NSFW?
"Ev....what the fuck happened to you?" Dorcas breathed, taking in the sight in front of her.
Evan, looking startled, gave her a blank look. "What?"
But everyone could see it. As Evan removed his shirt to swim in the lake, his back was revealed. And on it, it looked like a war had taken place.
Scratch after scratch, some obviously having bled and scabbed over, crisscrossed over his pale skin, making it look more like a city road map than a torso. It looked like he had been attacked, the way the marks stretched from the base of his spine to the bottom of his neck, crossing diagonally and laterally as well. It looked painful.
But instead of looking sad or like he was in pain, Evan blushed. So deeply, the red stretched down his body, making the already-marked up skin look mottled and blotchy.
He didn't talk, though. As the silence stretched, it was Barty who spoke first, a positively triumphant and wicked grin on his face. "Whoops. My fault," he smirked, chuckling to himself.
It took about five seconds for Dorcas to realize. "Oh, gross!" she yelled.
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accio-sriracha · 5 days
September 19th ~Rosekiller ~ Word Count: 316 ~ Prompt: Cheek @rosekillermicrofic
Evan stopped Barty in the doorway, “You're drunk. Stay somewhere else.”
Barty recoiled, “Excuse me?” 
“You need to go.”
“Don't tell me what to do.” He shot back.
“You know, maybe I’d be nicer if you weren’t drinking yourself to death.”
“Oh, fuck this. I'm leaving. I’ll be the good guy and turn the other cheek.”
“The good guy? You're always manipulating me!”
“Bullshit! I’m not the one kickin’ you out!”
“You just always need a reaction from me. Why? Does it get you off? Is that it? Is it some sick fantasy of yours?”
“Shut up!” Barty shouted.
Evan kept going, “Why me, huh? I'm the only one you do this to. Does making me angry turn you on? Did it finally click that you're just a pathetic, sadistic, closeted little-”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Barty's words echoed in the silent room. He sighed, “You're right. I- I don't know how to... I'm in love with you, okay?” He blurted, "And I hurt you because it was easier than facing the truth."
It was a while before Evan managed to speak,
"You love me?" He whispered. Barty nodded,
"I always have."
Evan blew out a breath, “I love you too... Even though you’re a fucking maniac.”
Barty snorted, his eyes filled with tears, "Like you aren't just as crazy."
They jumped when a voice came from nowhere,
“Finally.” Regulus groaned, “I’ve been waiting for three years.”
“When the fuck did you get here?”
Regulus rolled his eyes, “I’ve been here all morning, nitwit. I’m still waiting for you idiots to kiss.”
Evan looked back to find Barty was already staring, he looked nervous. 
Evan didn’t hesitate, surging forward to kiss the absolute mess of a fucking man that he loved with all his heart.
Sure, they were toxic, maybe even a little insane. But somehow, they worked. And what kind of love isn’t a little crazy?
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isabel-lillah · 5 months
may 1 - prompt: rose - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 209
"Fair warning, Pandora is about to come here to ask what your favourite flower is, and she doesn't take I don't know, I don't think about fucking flowers as an answer," Barty says, bursting in their dorm, where Evan and Regulus are trying to get their potions work done.
"She literally didn't let me leave until I told her a flower. I'm kind of afraid of whatever she needs this information for," Barty continues, oblivious to how little attention his friends are paying to what he has to say: "If she shows up with a bunch of roses, I don't know what I'll do."
And with that, he finally caught the other two boys' attention. Except, they burst out laughing.
"Roses? You told her your favourite flower is a rose?"
"It was the first thing I could think of!"
"Yeah, I'm sure rosie is the first thing that comes to mind," Regulus comments, and Evan laughs again. With the amount of rosie, black and crouching jokes that are being thrown around their dorm every day, he would have been more surprised if Regulus didn't point this pun out.
However, as he turns around, he notices something that normally doesn't happen when these jokes are thrown around.
Barty is blushing.
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ecstarry · 4 months
@rosekillermicrofic / lips / 323 words / @fromagony
“Hey, baby doll,” Barty said as he rested his arm on the small wall of Evan’s cubicle. 
“I hate it when you call me that,” Evan quipped. His eyes not leaving his computer screen, hoping that if he ignored the office flirt he would be able to regain some composure. 
“Next time try not to blush and I’ll believe you.” Evan didn’t have to look at Barty to know that a grin was spreading across his face. 
“You’re an ass.”
“And you’re gorgeous.” Barty got closer and sat on Evan’s desk. “You look stressed.” Barty pouted at him. 
“I was fine before you started bothering me.” He couldn’t stop his gaze from traveling from Barty’s thighs next to him all the way to Barty’s lips. 
“I'll take it all, baby doll… Whatever's been weighin' you do-”
Evan interrupted with a loud laugh, “Are you using a fucking Dominc Fike song to flirt?”
Barty blushed, clearly caught off guard, but not backing down. “Is it working?”
Before Evan could answer, a text distracted him. It was Regulus, he wasn’t going to be able to give him a ride home that day.
“Fuck,” Evan muttered to himself. 
“What is it? Is the damsel in distress?”
Evan returned his eyes to Barty and saw the eagerness on the man to keep their game going. 
“My car is at the mechanic and Regulus can’t drive me home today, so I need to find a new ride home.”
At once, Barty jumped from the desk, placed Evan’s bag on his shoulder and extended his arm towards him. “Your chariot awaits.”
Evan laughed at the gesture, “You don’t even know where I live.”
“I’m HR, I actually do know.”
“That sounds creepy.” 
“Only for you,” Barty quickly added with a wink.  
Evan tried to conceal his excitement as he got in Barty’s car. 
“So is Dominic Fike okay, baby doll?”
“Just drive.” A small smile adorning Evan’s face.
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jameskinniesrise · 5 months
and they were roommates *gasp* and they were roommates
but its rosekiller
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