#runaway teen home
julianightmare · 1 year
Built a little home for Maggie, as well as came up with a story reason why she is in a house even though her story is a take on runaway teen.
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muttgirl · 3 months
Someone tell that teen girl running away from her broken home that she might run away from the next set of arms that will take her. When she leaves that new broken “safe” place please tell her she isnt the common denominator of all the chaos in her life, she feels that way all the time. Let her mourn the life she never had. Hold her in her grief. One day she will see the life she gave herself the opportunity to have and thank you.
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blinkpen · 2 years
“wait so where IS Paisley in the Less Than Ideal timeline/AU” i don’t want to bum us out that badly, is all i’m gonna say
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somedayonbroadway · 2 years
You’ve already done something similar but “I’ll Be Home For Christmas”
I’ll Be Home For Christmas is quite possibly the only Christmas song that makes me cry and I was getting a bit emotional while I wrote this. Let me know if you wanna see a bit more of this story! I had fun writing it.
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Once upon a time, Christmas Eve was Jack’s favorite night of the year. He’d be the first to admit that his childhood hadn’t exactly been something to brag about. Addicted mother, abusive stepdad, dead brother, the whole nine yards. But Christmas Eve had always washed that all away when he was young. His mother would pretend that they were a whole, normal, loving family. She would tell Jack to open up one gift on Christmas Eve and then they would decorate cookies for Santa Claus, hoping that this would be the year he might come.
It didn’t matter that deep down, Jack had always known there would be no more gifts for him beneath the sad, dead Christmas tree. He could at least dream that night that things could turn out different.
When he held his child in his arms for the first time at fifteen years old, he vowed he’d never disappoint the kid on that Christmas morning. He’d spoil the boy rotten, he didn’t care if he had to hold down three jobs to do just that.
And now here he was, looking down over a city that he hated, on Christmas Eve, wondering where everything had gone so wrong. Maybe it started when he’d knocked up some girl he hadn’t even known the name of at first. Maybe it was when he’d promised to marry her even though they made each other miserable. Maybe it was when he’d told his son that he would never ever lie to him. Maybe it was when he had started kissing other people behind their apartment building. Maybe it was when he’d decided he wasn’t happy and quit his job without telling his wife or maybe it was when his ten year old son found him with a lawyer he’d met at a coffee shop.
The divorce had been brutal. Jack lost just about everything he had. None of it would’ve hurt so much. Things were just things. But his son… his son was too much for him to lose.
When the judge made his final decision, they’d gone out to find him, but Tyler James Kelly was nowhere to be found. Eleven years old and gone in New York.
Just thinking about it made Jack shed a few more tears for his baby boy. His little Racer. He remembered setting Tyler on his lap while he opened up a new set of pajamas every Christmas Eve. He remembered dressing the boy for bed and watching him fall asleep before he set out gifts beneath the tree. He remembered watching the wonder in the boy’s eyes as he rushed towards those gifts and he remembered holding the boy tightly as they danced around to cheesy Christmas music.
Jack used to go all out for Christmas. He used to get a tree and lights and pillows. Now he was in an empty apartment, up on the tenth floor. The ceiling was leaking and the lights didn’t turn on. Jack had a few candles lit but he was sitting in a crummy chair, watching the snowfall outside. He could see some families through the windows, eating Christmas Eve dinner and laughing, dancing, and listening to music. He bit his lip as his mind involuntarily thought about the possibilities.
The police told Jack four years ago that the probability of Tyler surviving out on the streets alone wasn’t high. He wondered if his baby was already gone. He could picture him in his head, curled up, purple and blue with no one to hold him. He wondered if he was still out there, all alone, scared, wondering if someone would come to find him. He went over it in his head every night. His therapist told him to let go, to come to terms with the fact that Tyler James was gone.
It was the most ludicrous thing Jack had ever heard. He’d stormed out of that session faster than he’d left anything else before. Sometimes he tried to imagine that his son had found a new place to stay, somewhere warm with lots of food and a bed for him to sleep in. Sometimes he wished that if he couldn’t look after his son, that someone else would.
The boy would be fifteen now. Just as old as Jack had been when he’d held him for the very first time.
When Jack’s phone rang, he was snapped out of his thoughts. He needed a distraction, anything to make these images in his head stop. “Hello?” he answered in a hushed voice. He was sure if he talked any louder, his voice would break. Not that it mattered, as he was expecting a machine.
What he got instead, was a young voice. “H-hi,” the voice said. “I-I’m with… um… I’m with the news. I’m calling to take a survey if you have a few minutes?”
With a small scoff. “You’re with ‘the news’?” Jack challenged. “You sure?” His Brooklyn accent was thick. He cleared his throat to try and get rid of it.
“N-no— listen, will you take the survey or not?” the kid asked.
With a small sigh, Jack nodded. “Sure, I will take a survey. What do you want first? My bank information or my social security number?” he teased.
A small laugh came through the speaker. “I mean, your bank information would be wonderful, but we can start easier maybe? Like… like, do you celebrate Christmas?”
Once again, looking over the city, Jack bit his lip. “I did…” he admitted.
“Okay, and when do you start celebrating during the year?” the person asked.
Swallowing hard, Jack answered, “Normally the day after Thanksgiving.”
The boy hummed in response. “Oh, me too! What a coincidence!” It sounded sarcastic, so Jack squinted a bit. “What is your favorite Christmas tradition?”
Jack shook his head. This wasn’t helping. “Look, kid, I don’t have time for prank calls, okay—?”
“Wait! Wait, just one more question! One more question,” the boy insisted quickly. Jack sniffled and waited. “C-can I come home?”
The whole world seemed to stop spinning at that question because Jack didn’t understand what was happening. He stood up and looked around, wondering if he was dreaming. “What?” he whispered.
The person on the other end of the line sniffled and let out a shaky breath like he was trying not to cry. “Daddy… Can I come home?”
Jack stopped breathing for a long moment because he knew he had to be dreaming. He shook his head, trying to snap out of it but he couldn’t quite get over the shock. “T-Tyler?” he whispered. Something in his chest pinged with pain when he thought about this being some random trick, some prank where the people on the other end didn’t know any better. But he couldn’t stop the tears from streaming down his face at the mere idea that any of this was real.
A knock came at his door and Jack jumped at the noise, dropping his phone out of instinct. He looked out the window and then back to the door, hesitantly opening it.
There stood a beautiful blond boy outside the door with these crystal blue eyes that tore Jack’s heart in half. He was wearing sweatpants and a few sweaters, his gloves torn through at the fingers. “H-hi, Dad,” the boy breathed.
Jack’s mouth hung open in terror and relief. He took a small step to the boy and shakily brought his hands up to the child’s hair, grasping it in his hands and running thumbs over the kid's face to make sure he was real. “Tyler?” he breathed again. The boy grabbed one of Jack’s wrists and held it gently, moving it so he could kiss Jack’s palm. His nose was freezing. Jack shook his head. “I-I d-don’t care if I’m dreamin’, just don’ lemme wake up,” he begged. “Tyler James?”
The boy finally looked up at him. “A-actually… I go by Anthony now. Anthony Higgins…” There was no doubt in Jack’s head. This was his child. This was his Tyler James. It only took a moment for Race to slouch forward a bit and rush into his dad’s chest, hugging him tightly, not only to reassure him, but for warmth. Jack almost lost his footing at the impact, but he gripped at the child, closing his eyes and letting this happen, letting himself believe that this could be real. “Y-you still give the best hugs,” Race whimpered. “I tell everyone that my dad gives the best hugs, ya know?”
Jack didn’t even think of letting go. Anger tried to build up inside of him but the worry shoved it aside, the astonishment subdued it and the love that he held for this boy killed it completely. “Is this real?”
The boy in his arms sniffled and pulled away enough to look up at Jack. “I really hope so,” he muttered. “I can’t keep doin’ this… it’s so stupid—!”
Jack shook his head, taking his son’s cheeks between his hands. “Hey, monkey,” he whispered. “What? What happened? Where did you go?” he nearly sobbed. “Why didn’t you come back? Why didn’t you call me to come get you sooner? Why did you leave me like that?”
The boy sniffled. “Can you please just hold me?” he whispered.
The request was so small that Jack had no choice but to abide. He hugged his son tightly in his arms. The boy was freezing. “Daddy’s got you,” he promised quietly. “I’m right here…”
The boy all but clung to him. Jack just closed the door behind him and scooped the boy up, carrying him to the couch and rocking him back and forth, letting tears stream down his face as he wrapped a blanket around the child’s shoulders. The kid was freezing. So Jack cuddled up close to him, trying to warm him up. Race giggled a little bit, but they were watery laughs.
He was terrified to ask where Race had been for these past few years. So he didn’t. He just held him, not understanding what had just happened.
And Race just closed his eyes and fell asleep in his dad’s arms, like everything was normal. Nothing was. Nothing was normal, nothing was familiar anymore. But Jack wouldn’t give up this moment. Not for anything.
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asexualdindjarin · 2 years
i relate to sethbullock because i also think that randomly moving 300 miles away with my bestie would fix me but it absolutely would not
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donotdestroy · 2 months
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feardrummed · 1 year
verse tag drop
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donniefigurine · 1 year
star trek prodigy is the first star trek show ive ever watched and all i have to say is...um it sucks?? sorry i know it's super popular but i just dont like it like at ALL lol
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autumnmobile12 · 5 months
My Hero Academia AU: Ambush Simulation
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Aight, storytime:
So awhile back, I was thinking about Episodes 4 & 5 of the anime Soul Eater where the gang is tasked with capturing two villains, the zombie Sid and the guy who resurrected him, Professor Stein.  (There’s also the added stakes that if they fail in this task, they’ll be expelled from school.)  After a somewhat harrowing fight, defeating Sid and losing to Stein, the plot twist is this was never a real fight, Stein and Sid were not villains, and this whole thing was just a test that was orchestrated and sanctioned by the school and definitely skewed more toward hazing than actual education.
And I thought, what if that’s all the Vanguard Action Squad was during the Summer Camp Arc?  Just a test orchestrated by UA that skewed more toward hazing than actual education. (Note:  These are the traditional LoV members, so Muscular, Mustard, and Moonfish are not part of this line-up.) At the very least, that would probably be the meanest ruse Aizawa has pulled. And you can't tell me Principal Nezu wouldn't have been all in for this plan.
"It happened once at the USJ. Despite our precautions, it could happen again. Let's teach them how to prepare...by scaring the absolute shit out of them."
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"Ambush Simulation" is playing off my earlier AU comic with Shigaraki being the adopted nephew of All Might and leading a pretty normal life.  The rest of the squad is more or less in the same boat. For context, Touya’s canon divergence is he returned home after the three-year comatose and actually stayed there, but since nothing about that household environment really changed, he’s still an unhinged mess, but that is a whole other kettle of fish best saved for another comic. (Clearly getting a kick out of the prospect of scaring a bunch of kids, including his brother, half to death, though.)  Toga’s home life is rocky at best after ‘the incident,’ but she’s no longer a runaway teen.  Everybody else just kinda fell in with each other.
Their role as a vigilante team was inspired by the series Durarara!, specifically Kadota and his crew for anyone who's familiar. I genuinely forgot the Vigilantes spinoff existed...sigh, it's been awhile and I only recently got back in this fandom. The Vanguard is pretty much living by a 'you're only in trouble if you get caught,' philosophy. (And the nepotism has probably saved all their asses a few times because it doesn't look good for the No. 2 Hero if his eldest son is busted for vigilantism.)
Anyway, there's a few other details that I can't fit in this post, so head over here if you want to read more behind the scenes of making this thing.
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seravphs · 11 months
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Gojo realizes that adopting Megumi doesn’t just entail calling himself a DILF as a joke. It has responsibility. He doesn’t know how to live with that.
wc — 1k
tags — hurt/comfort, coping with recent chapters/leaks, spoilers for anime onlys, title from Runaway by Aurora, somewhere in the timeline of teen dad gojoverse, in which you and Gojo raise Megumi together  
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Gojo doesn’t see the point of road trips. He can get there and back in an instant, so there’s no point. 
But you like commutes, and Megumi likes what you like, so it’s two to one. Gojo tries to angle for his vote counting as three, being the savior of the Jujutsu world and all, but Megumi is already climbing in the car without him. If there’s anything Gojo hates more in the world than being ignored, it’s being left out, so he’s climbing in too, acting as if it was his plan all along. 
Halfway in, Gojo cracks like you knew he would. Somehow, road trips are just the perfect vehicle for heart-to-heart conversations. The monotony of the highways create an itch for vulnerable conversations. That, and Gojo has a bad habit of blurting out whatever’s on his mind anyway. He’s never learned the meaning of the word filter. 
“I don’t know how to be a dad,” Gojo admits. “I don’t even know if I want to be one.”
You turn to double check that Megumi’s actually asleep before you give him an admonishing look. He should’ve checked first. 
“See,” he says. “This is what I mean.” 
“It’s okay, Satoru,” you say. “We’re still learning. This is new.”
“I’m not ready. I don’t think I’ll ever be.” 
“Me neither,” you admit. “I’m so scared I’m going to mess this up.” 
Gojo laughs. “And here I thought you knew everything.” 
A comfortable silence falls between the two of you. It stretches for a few miles as you turn the conversation over in your head, trying to think through the answer. 
“How do we do this?” Gojo whispers. “This is a kid. I can’t- what I usually do isn’t going to work. If we fuck up, we fuck him up.”
You know what he means. Every mistake feels irreversible. Some days, you want nothing more than to take Megumi back to campus and demand Yaga do something about it, even though you feel guilty immediately afterwards. This responsibility weighs heavy on your shoulders. 
“I don’t know, Satoru. We just have to try. The other option-“ 
“There’s no other option,” he says, his lips pressing into a thin line. “I’m not giving him to the Zenins. He deserves to be a kid.” 
“I agree with you.” 
“Sorry. I know you wouldn’t. I just- Sorry.” 
Without looking, you reach over and pat his knee lightly, accepting his apology. It’s alright. You understand. 
He’s silent for a while. Then he says, “You missed the exit.” 
It throws off your calculations for estimated arrival by nearly thirty whole minutes, but somehow Gojo finds that he doesn’t mind, even though this is the perfect opportunity for him to say I told you so. 
Megumi is still sleeping in the back when you stop. Gojo opens the passenger door just in time to catch him as he slumps forward, having been leaning against it. He stirs a little, but goes right back to sleep after twitching like a puppy. 
“Come on,” he coaxes, “time to get up. We’re here.” 
Megumi snuffles a little. He must still be half asleep, because he raises his head just enough to place himself over Gojo’s shoulder and wrap his arms around his neck. Megumi’s still young. He still remembers what it’s like to be carried by his father, especially when he’s dreaming. 
Gojo freezes, caught in this awkward hug that Megumi would never willingly be giving while awake. You laugh at the face he’s making. Carefully, gently, one hand goes to Megumi’s back. He scoops him up to carry him out of his seat, holding him as you lock the car. 
Somewhere in the future, Gojo Satoru steps onto the battlefield and knows he’s going to have to kill his boy. He only hopes to bring his body home for Yuuji, for the woman he loves, and for himself. Megumi deserves at least that much from him. 
Here, in the present, Gojo cradles this little body in his arms, more fragile than anything he’s ever been allowed to hold before, and feels his heart swell with an emotion he can’t quite name. All he can do is hold on, gripping your hand as he gives himself over to a force greater than himself for the first time. 
There’s a rising sense of panic in his throat. He’s never been in charge of something so small. It feels as if he’s holding the world in the palm of his hands and it terrifies him. He looks at you, pleading. Asking you to take it from him. It’s too much. 
He’s the strongest, but his heart feels stretched to its limits. It’s hard to breathe with how much he feels in this moment, overwhelming love and a desire to protect. He wants to keep this thing safe from everything in the world that could hurt it. He doesn’t understand what he’s feeling - it hurts. 
It hurts so good. 
This pain is the most beautiful thing he’s ever felt in his whole life. It’s a holy kind of hurt. It feels like Toji sticking the knife through his throat if he had willingly lowered his head and let it happen. He’s so scared of it, drowning in a riptide he can’t control. He wants you to save him from himself. 
He needs you to take this away from him. 
This is something he would ruin himself for. He can’t bear it. 
You press closer, laying your head on his other shoulder as you wrap your arms around them both. He’s breathing shallowly, trying not to disturb the quiet dreamer in his arms. The burden is enormous, but you don’t take it from him. You shoulder it with him, letting yourself fall into the current too. 
It’s humbling to be trapped by a force that Gojo had always thought he would be free from. The first time was bad enough. He had never wanted to experience it again, especially not like this. He made himself strong so he wouldn’t have to feel that vulnerability ever again. 
Even the strongest makes mistakes. This feeling is inescapable.
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muttgirl · 10 days
I just wanna put this since ive never said this and feel strongly about it. I do not encourage or condone the act of minors running away from home. I think running away from home and cutting ties to family is an extreme reaction that is absolutely necessary at times. I found it necessary for me. I also think the threshold for it being helpful is extremely high because it carries a low rate of success (my measure being: living in a better situation than your previous one/not enduring additional trauma along the way). It’s incredibly dangerous to promote the idea that is it a solution when it is not. It is, at best, the lesser of two evils.
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the-badger-mole · 2 months
What is your NUMBER ONE headcannon for each person in the Gaang (Katara, Zuko, Aang, Toph, Sokka, Suki [and Appa and Momo if you feel so inclined])
Katara: After the war, she goes back to the NWT to train with Yugoda and becomes a master healer as well as a master of the NWT fighting style. From there, she goes back to the Foggy Swamp Tribe and masters their bending style, too. With the help of Sokka, Zuko, and (in some headcanons) Hama, she also rediscovers SWT waterbending and not only masters it, but teaches it to the new benders in the SWT. By the time she leaves the SWT, there has been a school established where all bending styles are available for study. She's one of the few who actually has mastered them all, though.
Sokka: He is eager to return home after the war. He throws himself into infrastructure and policy revamps, and he almost singlehandedly staves off the soft colonization attempts of the NWT. Under his efforts, the SWT rebuilds and reestablishes parts of its culture that had been lost during the war. With the discovery of oil on SWT land, he is also instrumental in establishing eco minded extraction techniques, and in trade ties with the rest of the world (although he is very much helped by his sister's deep ties with the Fire Lord). It's a surprise to no one when he's chosen to lead the SWT after Hakoda retires.
Toph: She does not become a cop. Instead, she goes back home and takes over the Earth Rumble, taking it from an underground even to a world wide phenomenon. She eventually allows benders of other elements to join, and the Earth Rumble becomes pro bending. She does also establish a metal bending school. In the end, she is wealthier than her parents, but because she couldn't really care less about money, she keeps enough to live at the standard she wants, and gives the rest away to causes that interest her...like the guy who wanted to set the record for the biggest bao bun ever, and needed funding for an oven big enough to cook it. She also establishes a halfway house for runaway teens.
Zuko: During his tenure as Fire Lord, he establishes a robust social services program that includes subsidized healthcare, education, and housing for the lowest income families. Under his reign, the Fire Nation becomes home to some of the earliest pioneers of mental health. At his wife's advice, he also makes paid maternity leave standard across the nation, and includes several programs to help single parents stay afloat. Taking inspiration from the SWT, Zuko makes some changes to how his advisory staff is selected. Instead of choosing from among the nobility, Zuko has the different provinces elect a representative to speak on their behalf. A lot of the nobles hate this, blaming his wife's influence, but the people adore their monarchs and despite their best efforts, there's little the nobles can do except start campaigning in their home provinces. It's not a perfect system, but it does open the door for the Fire Nation to end the monarchy within a couple of generations.
Suki: She continues to lead the Kyoshi Warriors for a few years after the war. She also helps train troops around the world as they pivot from active war service to more local work. She helps establish something like the coast guards for several different countries. Eventually she retires from that to help her husband run the SWT. She and Sokka make a wonderful team as he handles the domestic policies and she handles foreign affairs. She often jokes with her sister in law, Fire Lady Katara that they ended up with the same job.
Aang: I'll go with my most optimistic headcanon for him. He's an okay Avatar. Not great. Not the worst. After the war, he tries to take part in rebuilding efforts around the world, but he finds his help isn't needed much. He turns his attention back to salvaging what's left of the Air Nomad legacy, and discovers that there are actually airbenders still around. A few of them are even interested in learning to live like the Air Nomads. Many of them aren't, though, and after learning how to actually use their powers, they go off and do their own thing. To Aang's shock and dismay, eating meat has no effect on the strength of their bending, He does learn to deal with it and enjoy his time with the air benders who embrace the Air Nomad culture. He does go on to have kids, and he still favors the benders over the nonbenders. Ultimately, his legacy as Avatar boils down to taking Ozai's bending, and that's it.
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thoushallnotfall · 22 days
Walkin' After Midnight
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Pairing: Marko x Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Note: *finger guns* Ehhhhh...so it’s been a minute. How ya’ll been? So completely ignoring that’s it’s been...a long time, here’s another of my ‘imagine the boys in a decade prior to the 80s’ fics--and we’re moving right along to the 50s!
I started this...a very long time ago, and then I didn’t like it so I just left it in my WIPs with like 15 other ideas/half-written fics/updates. I still don’t love it, but upon further reflection I don’t totally hate it--and it was already started so I didn’t have to work as hard to finish it, so there’s that.
That being said, I'm kind of interested in writing a part 2, so we'll see...taking babysteps here.
(I’m really having to dig deep for these gifs)
Every kid from Santa Carla grew up knowing two things: Don’t go out after dark if you ever want to make it home, and stay away from the greasers who hung around the boardwalk.
It never really occurred to you that those two things could be related.
Unlike a lot of the teenagers in Santa Carla, who’d run there with nowhere else to go, you’d lived there all your life. You’d never left the city, and the older you got the more you doubted you ever would. Your dad had been killed in Vietnam, and your mom was around so little you half expected one day she’d just stop coming back home at all. You may not be one of the runaways, but you were still alone in Santa Carla.
Still, you were young; and while you knew you’d have to find a way to live on your own sooner or later, you decided to try and enjoy what little youth you had left. One day you’d have to grow up and start providing for yourself somehow, but for now you just wanted to live your life to the fullest before that all got taken away.
With that in mind, you’d taken to going to plenty of the dances and social events in town. You didn’t have a curfew, and no one was around to care about where you were, but even so you tried not to be out too late after dark. That’s always when the people went missing--and they never came back.
That’s why it was the first rule of Santa Carla: Don’t go out after dark.
The official numbers were never right, given how many of the people who disappeared were runaways, but the amount of missing people in Santa Carla had always been unusually high. The only thing they knew for sure was that they always seemed to vanish at night.
The prevalent theory among many of the local teens was aliens. They came out with their flying saucers and abducted unsuspecting people in the night. Others were more practical--they just thought there was a really good serial killer in town.
It could be anyone! They’d say.
But people have always gone missing in Santa Carla--is he an old man, still killing people in his 70s? Someone else would question.
Okay, so a family of serial killers! They’d say back.
Personally, you had no idea who or what was making people disappear. You only cared about surviving it, and the best way to do that was stay in at night.
Then, there was the second rule of Santa Carla: Stay away from the greasers.
There was a particularly nasty group of punks who usually hung around the Boardwalk at night. No one knew who they were--probably just another group of runaways--but people had grown to know they were trouble. A gang of greasers who didn’t care about the law and would sooner gut a man than say hello. That’s what people said about them, anyway.
So imagine your surprise when you broke both rules in a single night.
The night in question started out well enough. You and a friend had gone to the beach in the afternoon, and spent most of the day there. At one point, the two of you had attracted the attention of some boys--who ended up spending the day with you.
So when the sun got low and it was time to leave, your friend decided to accept the invitation from the boys to go get some dinner at the local diner. You however, weren’t as excited about the prospect. Not only did you not want to be out too late, you frankly just weren’t that interested in any of them. Your friend tried to get you to change your mind, but you held firm.
And so it was that your friend headed off with the guys. At least she brought you into town so you wouldn’t have so far to walk to get home. And while you weren’t jazzed about walking home alone you figured you could make it back quick enough that it’d be okay. Unfortunately, it was nearly dark before you even made it back to town--and well into the night by the time you walked past the Boardwalk.
You tried to hurry your way through the crowded streets of tourists and late-night couples walking hand in hand without any trouble. But of course that's exactly what you find.
"Hey there pretty lady, going my way?" A big guy in a varsity sweater asks. He looked like a jock--maybe home from college? You didn't know him, and you certainly didn't want to.
"Sorry, I'm in a hurry." You say, hoping to sidestep him and continue on your way. He moves to stand in front of you.
"Aw, don't be like that doll." He says, looming over you. "I just want to get to know you."
"Well I'm not interested." You say, trying to push past him. He grabs your wrist, squeezing so tight it makes you wince in pain.
"Not so fast girlie--we ain't done talking yet." He says, pulling you back.
Oh God, this is it. He's a part of that serial killer family and you're about to get murdered.
Your frantic thoughts are interrupted as the creep let's you go. He screams as he looks to his other side. You follow his gaze and see a greaser with blonde, curly hair standing next to him--the jock's wrist in his hand. He squeezes it tighter and the jock falls to one knee, yelling in pain.
"Don't like it so much on the receiving end, do yah punk?" The boy says, squeezing even tighter. Despite being smaller than the other boy, the greaser was still clearly stronger.
"What the hell man? Let me go!" The jock begs.
"You want me to let you go?" The greaser smirks. "Alright." He lets the guy go, before quickly using his now free hand to punch him square in the face. The boy falls back, holding his bloody, broken face in his hands. The greaser grabs the bleeding boy by the collar and pulls him up, smiling at him. "Now beat it before I decide to get serious." He says, dropping his collar. The boy scrambles up and runs off, disappearing down an allyway.
You watch him run off, stunned by what had just happened.
"You okay?" The blonde asks, having turned his attention to you. You practically jump out of your shoes.
"What? Oh." You look down at your wrist. "Yeah, it's fine--I mean, um, I'm fine." You stumble through before looking back up at him. "Thank you."
"No problem. Punks like that deserve a good beating." He says, before he smirks. "And I couldn't let him hurt a pretty thing like you, now could I?"
Uh oh, you may have just gone out of the frying pan and into the fire.
"So what's your deal anyway? You know it's not safe walking around alone at night, right?" He asks, ignoring your apprehensive look.
"We'll um," You hesitated, unsure of how much you should say about yourself. "I was out with a friend, but she had other plans. She drove, so..."
"So now you're stuck walking back. I get you." He says. "Pretty uncool of your friend, ditching you like that. But hey, I'll make sure you get home safe."
"What?" You nearly shout. "Um, no really that's not necessary. I'm fine now, so--"
"No way. I already told you--you're way too cute to be out here on your own." He says, cutting off your attempt to protest. "My bike's nearby, let's go."
"I would really hate to put you out," you try once more to worm our way out of the situation, but he wasn't having it.
He smirks, "I offered didn't I? Don't worry about it." He grabs your hand and all but drags you down the block.
Soon enough, you arrive at a parking lot, and he leads you towards a row of four motorcycles lined up in the corner. He lets you go, moving to the bike at the end and throwing his leg over to sit. He looks at you, holding out his hand. You were pretty sure you couldn't get away from him even if you tried, so you took a deep breath and accepted his outstretched hand. He helps you onto the back of the bike, smirking as gravity slide you down towards him.
"So princess, were are we going?" he asks, tilting his head back to look at you sitting behind him. You hesitated giving him your address, but at this point if he wanted to do something nefarious he didn't need to take you home first.
You were in too deep now.
You tell him, and he nods, "Yeah, I know the place." He starts the bike, giving you one last smirk as he revves the engine, "Better hold on tight."
Your arms instinctively wrap around his waist as the bike shoots forward. You gripped him tightly, you head resting on his back. You squeezed your eyes shut, fear coursing through you as your heartbeat raced. As much as you knew you should watch where you were heading, you were too scared to open your eyes. He was going fast--very fast--and with each bump and turn, you were sure you would crash and that would be the end of it.
But the two of you didn't crash, and before you knew it the bike slowed to a stop. You dared to open an eye, and saw you sat in front of your house. A little run down and a bit worse for wear, but still yours. You sat up, shocked you had not only survived the ride, but that he had actually brought you home.
"This it?" he asked like he already knew the answer. You turned to him,
"Oh, um--yes, it is."
"Doesn't look like anyone's home," he commented absently, and you felt your shoulders tense.
"Oh, my parents are here--they just go to bed early," you lied. Something told you he knew you weren't telling him the truth, but he didn't say anything.
You hoped off the bike, smoothing the wrinkles from your skirt out of habit. You took a step towards your door, then stopped. You turned, looking back at the smirking, curly-haired boy sitting lazily on his bike.
"Thank you again. For bringing me home, and for helping me with that guy earlier, " you were still scared of him, but he had helped you. It would be bad manners not to at least thank him for his help.
He laughs, the moonlight catching his blue eyes as he stared back at you.
"Anytime, princess," he replies. He started his bike, glancing back up at you, "I'm Marko, by the way."
"Oh, I'm y/n." You had certainly not planned to tell him your name, but at this point could it really hurt?
"Well, I'll see you around, y/n," he says, his smile wide and mischievous. Before you could say anything more, he rode off down the quiet street, disappearing into the darkness.
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cod-dump · 9 months
Teen!Ghost AU: Random Facts
Ghost already has his first tattoo. It’s a small skull on his chest that Nik helped him get. They’re both terrified of Price finding out about it. Ghost likes to draw designs on himself with markers, mostly for fun but also to help hide the tattoo in case Price sees it. Ghost wants to work with Nik on site but Nik has continuously redirected him towards other lines of work.
Alex is Laswell’s son. He has gauges in his years and is working on growing a mustache. Laswell hates the scrawny mustache so much already. Alex is honestly terrified of Price and is convinced the man will try to kill him for dating his son, so he does everything he can to make the man like him.
Gaz and Alex have been dating in secret for a year. Ghost knows about it and has helped keep it a secret from Price because he tends to be very protective. Gaz has a lot of stories written in journals in his room. He wants to be a writer so he’s constantly reading books for inspiration and to look at different writing styles and check different genres.
Nik is a construction contractor who does shady stuff on the side. He keeps his side business and the rest of his life separated, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if something happened to the people he cares about because of the work he does. Nik is practically Ghost and Gaz’s second father and considers them his sons even though they’re not.
Horangi is best friends with Soap and hangs out with Gaz only if Soap is there. Despite being very loud and confident, he’s actually very nervous about new people (especially people he finds cute). So, Horangi has a hard time being open around Gaz even though he really wants to get to know him.
Soap lives across the street from Ghost and Gaz. He befriended Gaz, being unaware that him and Ghost were brothers. When he found out, he had already developed a crush on Ghost and was talking about him to both Horangi and Gaz. Thankfully Gaz doesn’t mind and teases him over having a crush on his brother.
Price is very secretive about his work. To most, he’s a musician who settled down to have a family, but Laswell and Nik know exactly what he gets up to when no one is looking. Price is very protective of his boys. He knows people would try to hurt them to get to him so he doubles down on keeping an eye on them.
Laswell works along side Price. She disapproves of his relationship with Nik (which Price denies is a thing). She helps look out for Price’s boys and often will watch them when Price is away. She knows about Gaz and Alex’s relationship and finds it cute how they try to hide it.
Graves runs a boys home for runaways. He’s very protective of the boys under his care, that protectiveness extends to others around him. While he has very shady ways of protecting his boys, the people under his employment can be trusted. Graves works with Price and Laswell but he also has been on jobs with Nik. Graves is considered the richest man in town.
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abravesoul03 · 5 months
Warning: ( Illegal age gap!/GP!Chocol/ Angst / Reader being forced/ Reader's virginity being taken away /somewhat of drunk Chocol?)
A/N: Hi sweeties I'm back, with another Devil within series. Actually my first one for a non DC character. Hope you loves enjoy ♥️♥️♥️
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"such a fucking slut aren't you hmm?" Gayoung grabs your hair in a ponytail, tilting your head so could make eye contact.
"awnser me pretty girl? Standing at the side of the road, with that slutty outfit raising your hand for a dirty fuck to pick you up?"
You were really scared, You were so new to this. In fact this is not what you wanted at all. You were just a runaway teen. No home, no food, no one to help you. You tried to shelter yourself at a local park for a few days. Until one night a man approached you to be a sex worker under him.
"you'll get your own palace and food, on top of that money. Just one thing is exchange, be my sex worker? What do you say?"
The offer sounds like a fucking shit wreck but you needed the money so you agreed half hearted.
It was your first night out working. You were given a really revealing outfit . And there was a girl who helped you with your hair. The van was filled with a few other girls too. The guy who was now your boss stopped at a dark alley in Gangnam.
"ok girls we're here, and remember. What you earn, half of it is mine. Everyone get out except for y/n."
The girl who sat beside you could feel your nerves rolling up, she offered her hand in a comforting manner.
"hey, it'll be alright. You'll get used to it. It's the only way of survival we have." You nod keeping your head low.
Each girl got out one by one leaving you and your boss lastly. From the driver seat he turned to you and handed you a little cell phone. The ones which you can only make phone calls with.
"here take this, you have a special client tonight. She's one of our important ones. She specifically booked you. You'll get a phone call from her soon, and once your done call me and I'll pick you up from her place. Got it? Oh and don't get on her bad side. You can go now."
You got out from the van, as he drove away.
What did he meant 'she'?!
Special client?
Specifically booked me?
Your thoughts were burnt away as the cellphone rang. You hesitantly picked it up.
"look to your left, there's a black Supra right? Go to it and get in." The call was hanged up.
(a/n: yes sweeties I'm a Toyota Supra gal😍)
It was a woman's voice. Her voice was a little deep. You saw the Supra at far end of the alley and went towards it. Your steps got heavier as you neared the car. You got in and met by women who looked like she was in her thirties. She was wearing a hat, and somewhat had a light toned hair. That's what you make out of the darkness.
The air was getting awkward. You kept your head low. She didn't say anything and just drove off. Around 20 mins later she drove into a parking lot and parked her car.
"follow me." She spoke up and got out.
You did as you were told. Then you realised she had brought you to a hotel. She looked at you with cold eyes, you could have sworn that it would have pierced through your brain. She grabbed your hand walked with you. The both of you walked in the hotel, she pulled you towards the elevator.
You took a small glance at her when the doors opened. Her slender hand still holding onto yours. She was already staring at you. There was something in her that you exactly couldn't tell but she looked pissed, you weren't sure if she was pissed at you or something else.
Once the elevator doors opened at floor number 7, she walked out still holding your hand. She stopped at room '825', taking out a keycard and scanning it.
When you got in, she closed the door behind you took of her shoes and cap. You did the same. Soon she pulled you further into the room. From the looks of it, the was prebooked or something.
A few bags and clothes here and there.
She let go of your hand a sat on the bed, patting the space besides her initiating you sit with her as well, so you did. She turned onto the tv to break the silence as took a glass bottle from the bed side table. It looked like liquor.
She took off the cork of it and drank some of it, and yes you were right it was some type of alcohol. Great it was already worse enough to be sex worker and now you have to deal with a drunk one? Great, just great.
Minutes passed as you felt movement from your side. The women scooted over to sit closer to you. Her hand rubbed over your exposed thigh.
"Get up." Her voice was low. You did, waiting for her next command. She unbuckled her belt and took of her pants, to your surprise she was wearing boxers. She motioned her index finger telling to come closer. As you did she took of her remaining clothes, leaving her only in her boxers. Once you were beside her she pulled you on top of her.
"Take off my shorts." She commanded you. It surprised you, what was really behind that piece of fabric. A little soft looking cock was presented to you. This was your first time coming face to face with one. Both a dick and a women with a dick.
"Suck it."
You were still stunned as to what you were seeing, which led to your lack of response.
"I asked you to suck."
Again no response. She snapped the third time. Her left index finger and thumb holding your jaw. As she spat out through her gritted teeth.
"I. Asked. You. To. Fucking. Suck me!!"
Her right hand made contact with your cheek. She slapped you. Her eyes were hooded, with both lust and anger. She got up and pushed you onto the bed roughly.
"Didn't that fucking bastard told you not to get on my fucking bad side whore?!"
"H-he did, I'm s-sorry-"
Another harsh slap was delivered to your cheek. Tears filled up at the corner of yours eyes threatening to fall any minute. Your vision was being blurred. Is this what meant as in speacial client? Who's gonna treat you like shit? This is not how you wanted things to turn out.
"such a fucking slut aren't you hmm?" Gayoung grabs your hair in a ponytail, tilting your head so could make eye contact.
"awnser me pretty girl? Standing at the side of the road, with that slutty outfit raising your hand for a dirty fuck to pick you up?"
She pulled you closer and stuffed her dick into your mouth. Tears streaming down your cheeks, your cries and pleades being muffled by her cock. A few minutes later she pulls out from your mouth, tapping it againts your lips.
Your tried your best to beg her to let you go. This was disgusting. You just wanted die right now.
"P-please let me go, I-I don't want this a-anymore-"
This time her came up to your throat, choking you. "Let you go? Fine, let me use that fucking cunt of yours first whore."
She flipped you over, ripping of your panties off. She got behind you thrusting her fingers in you. It hurt you.
"p-please I'm begging y-you s-stop- Ahh!"
She smacked your ass harshly.
"Shut the fuck up. One more word and your done!!" She warned with another smack.
Your felt disgusted. Giving up your virginity to a complete stranger let alone like this, a sex worker.
You tried to spare yourself by trying to keep quiet. Excepting your fate. Tears streaming down your face, as you thought it couldn't get worse. She pulled out her fingers, thinking it was over.
Not until a sharp scream was elected from you due to the piercing pain at your core. Something big, hot and wet being pushed in. You felt her hand pushing your head down on the pillows, muffling your sounds.
The pain was getting unbearable, your insides were burning. And soon after it all went dark.
A pair of strong arms were wrapped around your waist. Soft heartbeat ringing through your ear. Your arm draped over her belly.
Your eyes slowly opened, scanning the unfamiliar surrounding as memories from last night flashed out. You tried to move your arm, you were aware that she was sleeping besides you. You were careful to not wake her up. God knows what she'll do to you again.
But may luck not be on your side, she woke up from your movements. She gripped thightly onto your wrist looking at you. With that same cold eyes.
Your heart was pounding, is she going to do something to you again? But the thing she did was unexpected. She placed a gentle kiss your wrist and spoke up with her deep voice.
"I'm sorry."
Her words were more than enough to push you over the edge of your already overwhelmed state. Which made you break done on her chest.
"H-hey look please don't cry, I'm sorry if I hurt you."
Gayoung was confused, why were you crying? Did she hurt you badly? Did it still hurt?
She tried stroking your head as you pushed her hand away.
"D-don't touch me please, p-please don't h-hurt me."
Her eyes softened. She felt bad, she did pay for you but still she was sympathetic towards your state.
"look, let me help you. Do you need anything?"
Gayoung got out of bed put on her shorts and got you a glass of water and a painkiller.
"please take this, it's just a painkiller. I promise, please trust me."
You were really hesitant but did so, in hopes of your pain being reduced.
The room was once again silent. You staring at your hands. Gayoung sitting at the edge of the bed staring at the wall. A few moments later She got up switching on the TV, in hopes of breaking the silence.
But Gayoung wasn't definitely prepared to see the news. As the TV flashed today's headlines, one specifically caught her attention which made her whole body go numb and her face pale.
Your pic was then flashed on the screen.
Gayoung turned towards you, as your head hung low hearing the news as well.
"Y/N L/N?"
A/N: Btw should I make a part 2 of this? Maybe where in Chocol discovers the truth about the reader?
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marksbear · 1 year
Could I request a Vance Hopper x Male reader (boyfriends)? Plays a few months after Vance got kidnapped. The reader gets kidnapped too (and gives the grabber a really hard time because he doesn’t back down) and Vance ghost uses the chance to properly say goodbye to his boyfriend and helps him to get out of there. A lot of angst and heartbreak (the readers usually a tough guy too and doesn’t show much emotion but completely breaks down in the basement after Vance called him the first time) the grabber could show him the spot where he killed Vance to mock him idk make it hurt 💔💔💔I hope you have a great day and thank you!! <3
Sorry this took a while I took a lil break! But I really hope you enjoy this and that I wrote everything you asked for!
And I write this in a way so you won’t get much spoilers.
Warning:Angst! Mentions a toxic home, evil stepdad, kidnapping,trauma, grieving, sad and emotionless reader, blood, stabbing, survivor guilt.
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Y/n was inside his room laying on the floor as the TV played. Y/n's eyes bore into the screen not noticing a muffled shout from downstairs. The TV screen played Y/n favorite show ever.
Sadly it was hard for Y/n to even pay attention to the show. Y/n kept glancing around his room looking at the pictures hanging around of his boyfriend.
Every time Y/n caught himself looking at the pictures he’ll whip his head around as his mind runs wild about his boyfriends disappearance.
“Vance… We we’re supposed to runaway with each other. Get out of this stupid town together.”
Y/n thought to himself knowing deep down inside that Vance would never leave him on purpose. Y/n knew it was a deeper meaning as to why his boyfriend disappeared. But sadly it’s been months and most people stopped caring for the missing teen. It wasn’t like many people was searching for Vance anyway.
The door swings open hitting the wall on impact.
“Y/n! Your mom has been calling your name for the past three minutes! Go down there before she starts getting on my ass!” Y/n’s step dad says staring at Y/n.
“There’s something wrong kid? All the sudden you can’t hear?” His step dad says with a mug on his face.
Y/n rolls his eyes and stands up from the floor walking up to his TV turning it off. “And good lord take your boyfriends pictures off the wall son he left you.” Once those words came out of his mouth Y/n shoved his stepdad out of his room before slamming the door shut.
“You brat!”
His stepfather calls out slamming his hand on the door before walking away.
After making sure his stepdad was completely away Y/n opens his door walking downstairs to see what his mother needs.
When Y/n made it to the bottom of the staircase his mom was already waiting for him.
“Glad to see your dad listens to me.”
“He’s not my dad… And I’m sorry for not hearing you earlier.” Y/n responds back crossing his arms as his mom rolls her eyes.
“I need you to go to the store. Get some groceries and then get you and your sister some snacks to eat. And after that go to the corner store and get me and your dad some cigarettes.” She says before grabbing Y/n’s arm using the pin in her other hand writing the list of groceries on him.
After she was done she gave Y/n the money and extra just in case.
Y/n grumbles complaints under his breath as he takes the money and go back up stairs to change.
After changing Y/n goes back downstairs and walk to the front door about to leave.
“And please Y/n, come straight home. No looking for Vance or clues for his disappearance. I know you miss him honey we both do. It’s just that he’s gone now Y/n. He ran away…” She says before giving Y/n a sympathetic look.
Y/n listens to her words before leaving shutting the door behind him.
Digging inside his pockets Y/n gets the Walkman out and puts on the headphones before putting it back inside his pockets.
Y/n was finally halfway to the store walking on the sidewalk as he blasted music through his headphones. Y/n eyes were glued to the floor as he walked not bothering to look up.
Suddenly tapped into Y/n's foot.
Stopping in his tracks Y/n looked to see what touched him. It was a can and a few other things behind it. Y/n looked up seeing a man in white face paint on the sidewalk trying to but clumsily picking up his things.
Usually Y/n would have just avoided helping. Like going to a different direction or just out right to ignore them completely. But this time Y/n couldn't just fake his way out of this.
Y/n crouched down picking up the items that were scattered around the sidewalk. The stranger puts the fallen nearby items inside his bag before walking up to the teen.
Y/n hands him the items while imagining how Vance would have picked light fun at him for helping calling him "soft."
"T-thank you so much! Please let me pay you back for your kindness." The stranger says grabbing the teen's arm forcefully trying to pull him to the van.
"Hey man get the hell off of me!" Y/n shouts as he yanks his arm back. The man lunges for Y/n wrapping his arms around him. Y/n tries to fight back by kicking and stomping on the man's foot and also by scratching his arms.
The man swung the teen around in his arms yanking him to the van.
Y/n swung his head straight back hitting the man with the back of his head causing his nose to bleed.
"You brat!" The man shouts as he uses one of his free hand to pry open Y/n's mouth before using his other one to spray something inside his mouth.
Y/n continues to fight and sway around until his own body gives up on him slowly becoming unconscious the man swings open the van door angrily tossing Y/n inside of it before slamming it shut.
Opening his eyes slowly Y/n raised his head from the dirty mattress he laid on. As he looked around the more his brain processed what just happened before he got unconscious.
The walls were dirty and rusty and so was the floor. The only thing that kept Y/n company was a black phone besides the mattress on the wall. Y/n sat all the way up leaning his back against the wall.
The only door insight began to unlock and twist open.
Y/n quickly stood up and clenched his fist. Sure Y/n didn't fight much, but all the times he did he won and thankfully his boyfriend was a fighter so he knew a thing or two about beating the hell out of someone.
With the door opening Y/n got into a fighting stance just as his boyfriend taught him.
A man stepped into the empty basement staring at Y/n menacingly.
"Step any closer to me i'll kick your ass." Y/n says not even trying to threatening him. The teen told the man as if he was stating a fact. The man only laughs and step a few feet closer.
"Kick my ass? How cute." The grabber teases.
"Trust me I've been doing this for a long~ time. You won't be the first kid I snatched who fought back." The grabber says before adding."hmm... You know you sounded just like a boy who I kidnapped a few months ago. That's right Vance Hopper."
Y/n's fist clenched tighter as his whole body went into a state of shock and pause. "Y-you what." Y/n says with his voice cracking slightly.
"Vance~ I remember the day I kidnapped him. When I was driving around in my van I saw you two hug and kiss outside of your house. Y'all two looked so inlove as you wished each other bye. Even after he left after walking you open he still had a dopey smile on his face." The grabber says as he smirked behind his mask.
When he thought he would get an outburst from the teen Y/n stayed silent and on guard not even flinching.
The grabber lets out a frustrated noise before turning away leaving slamming the door shut.
With the new information Y/n lets go of the breath he was holding as he laid back down on the mattress thinking. As he thought his eyes wondered around looking before landing on the telephone.
Getting up Y/n walked over to the telephone picking up the phone and dialing 9-1-1. Much to Y/n's guess it didn't work and Y/n put the phone back into its place before sitting back down on his mattress.
For the past few days it has been weird and scary for Y/n. For numerous times him and the grabber fought and argued. Y/n refused to eat and drink and even one point threw the tray of food at the grabber once he came to collect it.
And even one time Y/n had gained advantage on the grabber taking him to the floor, but sadly he sprayed the same thing that caused Y/n to be unconscious the first time in his mouth.
The teen even met the ghost of the Grabbers old victims. They taught and helped Y/n against the grabber. Giving the teen tips and how to avoid the same fate they met.
The grabber haven't checked on the kid all day, so Y/n was just in the basement looking at the open scars from the previous fight he and the grabber had.
*riiing* *riiiing*
Y/n head whipped around looking at the black phone that was shaking. The teen quickly got up and walked to the phone. Picking up the phone Y/n glanced to the door making sure the grabber wasn't there.
"Hello?" Y/n says into the phone.
It was silence for a while until...
"Y/n you still sound like a fucking dork."
That's what caused Y/n to freeze. From everything that Y/n went through for the past few days this is what shocked him the most. The voice that he loved and cried for months.
"V-Vance! Is that you?!" Y/n's own voice began to betray him as tears threatened to fall.
"Yes babe it's me!" Vance's voice rings out through the phone causing Y/n start to break down.
"Vance! I'm sorry! I'm sorry that I wasn't there. For months I used to believe that you ran away without me. I-I'm so sorry Vans." Y/n sobs out as he spilled out the nickname he used to call him.
"Babe, don't start crying. I don't like hearing you cry." Vance says as his own voice began to crack.
"I miss you so much...I-I *sniff* " Y/n couldn't even finish his own sentence as he cried leaning his body against the wall.
"I know... I miss you everyday. And I guess it's my fault that we couldn't run away with each other as we planned---"
"Don't say that. It's neither of our faults okay!" Y/n cuts him off as he tried to wipe away his tears.
The phone grows quiet.
Finally breaking the painful silence.
"Promise me Y/n that you'll kick this guy's ass. Do it for the other dumb asses here... Do it for me." Vance says softly.
"I promise. You have my word babe." Y/n voices crack out knowing that he'll have to hang up soon.
"You better god damn it! I'll be there with you okay!?!..."
The two grow silent once again.
“Don’t go…” Y/n breathes out to the phone clenching onto it tightly.
“I have to.”
“Don’t please…even if I— I survive I won’t be able to live without you Vance! You told me that we were soulmates!” Y/n begins to sob again.
“Goodbye Y/n…”
With those last few words the phone rings silently.
With tears blocking his vision he drops the phone letting it hang. Y/n began to cry and shout screaming and cry out for his boyfriend.
“So you do cry?”
Y/n’s head whips around looking at the man that stood by the door.
“After everything this what makes you break? You miss your pathetic boyfriend? Well your in luck because I feel a bit generous today.” The grabber teases before walking towards Y/n.
Once he was close enough Y/n tries to push him away, but the grabber was fast taking a fistful of Y/n’s hair yanking him to him.
The grabber pulls Y/n to the bathroom area.
“This is we’re he died.” The grabber says yanking Y/n’s head to the wall forcing him to look at the pool of dried blood on the walls.
“I took his head just how I am with yours and banged his head against the wall until he was bloody and limp.” The grabber says whispering into Y/n’s ear.
With the picture painted in his mind Y/n eyes started to water as the grabber went on and on about how he killed him.
Since his last call Y/n and the ghost began to communicate more and more.
Their calls became more helpful and strategic preparing for what’s about to come or really the day he’s supposed to be killed. Y/n had been staring at the door for the longest.
Y/n looked to the side of the room seeing all the ghost standing by the wall. Who really stuck out to Y/n was his boyfriend looking at him with so much guilt and confidence.
Vance’s eyes softened once him and Y/n met eyes. Y/n gave Vance a small smile before turning back around looking at the door again.
With the door slowly opening Y/n stands up from the bed.
Bracing himself Y/n gets ready to fight with everything he got. With the door opening Y/n’s eyes glare.
First a dog steps inside the room with a steel chain wrapped around his neck. The grabber walks inside behind the dog with a smirk.
“You really are just like your boyfriend. Never backing down from a fight.” The grabber taunts as the dog bark and growl.
“Keep his name out of your fucking mouth.” Y/n says with a straight face showing no emotion.
The grabber ties the chain around a pipe as he takes a knife from his back pocket.
“Too much of a little girl to fight me with your fist.” Y/n says as he’s the one who’s taunting now.
Out of nowhere the grabber strikes pouncing in front of Y/n before swaying the knife to Y/n’s arm. Y/n dodges just in time right before the grabber tries to stab him again.
As the grabber misses a swing Y/n winds up his own arm before giving him a quick hook to the cheek.
The grabber reacts fast using the closeness to his advantage giving Y/n a quick slice to the arm.
As the two fought the ghost watch in different parts of the room. Watching intensely.
Soon enough The grabber begins to play dirty by tackling Y/n onto the hard cold dirty floor. Raising the knife above his head The grabber swings his arm down directly at Y/n’s face.
With luck Y/n swiftly moves his head out of the way making the knife dig into the floor. As the Grabber tries to pull it back Y/n punches the man straight in the stomach causing the Grabber to hunch over and gasp.
Y/n pushes the grabber off of him before quickly climbing on top.
Similar to how Vance got arrested Y/n started to punch the living shit out of the grabber. The grabbers face quickly became bloody.
Once the man under the teen became weak Y/n stood up walking to the knife that was stabbed into the floor he pulled it out before walking back to him.
“You killed those innocent boys… More importantly you killed my boyfriend.” Y/n says as he crawled onto him.
Sitting in his stomach Y/n wrapped both hands around the knife handle bringing the knife above his head he angled the knife above his heart.
Without any more words Y/n plunged the knife deep inside the man’s chest. Y/n drive the knife deep before pulling it out and back inside stabbing him repeatedly.
“You killed my boyfriend you fucking asshole!” Y/n shouted as he stabbed him again and again.
Finally calming down Y/n dropped the knife before getting up and looked around.
With all the ghost staring at him Y/n knew what they wanted to do. Y/n ran up the stares leaving the basement before running to the front door that was surprisingly unlocked.
The only thing Y/n could do now was shut and find someone.
Sprinting out of the yard Y/n ran with all his might. What Y/n didn’t notice that his boyfriend was in the middle of the street watching him run away watching Y/n with a proud expression.
“Good job babe…”
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