#running up that that hill
ohwaitwhatdamn · 1 year
Accidentally came across that fucking Kate Bush song.
God dammit Tracy. Fuck cancer.
I know you're here with me.
Preservance, Preservance written on a card with a red pen.
You always come to me in my dreams wearing the blue hoodie that somehow was as blue as your eyes.
When I see bees I am still terrified.
I think it's you flying around and reminding me we heal with time. The toxin leaves our body, and our skin covers the puncture.
I felt you when I was climbing up the steep hill to get to the other side of Nicholls Oval Park.
I heard a "woot" and wondered if you were an owl perched on a branch observing.
Reassurance that I am safe in this place.
Preservance. Preservance.
I hate using past tense to think about you.
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neil-gaiman · 5 months
Like Bardcore is a thing and nobody was going to tell me about it?
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70sgroovy · 9 months
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kate bush photographed by barry schultz, 1979💐
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parthenosvenus · 5 months
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come on, darling let me steal this moment from you now oh, come on, angel come on, come on, darling let's exchange the experience
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kuzoowl · 7 months
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"Let me steal this moment from you now Oh, come on, angel Come on, come on, darlin' Let's exchange the experience" 💘
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teamfortraven · 8 months
Follow up-follow up-follow up post. I just spent the last 4 hours on this guys I think I have a little bit of a problem, just a small one /s but yeah here's the promised revenge bit. Man can NOT handle his own medicine.
And now I will go sleep for a billion years and eat a basket full of eggs when I awaken because mmm iron deficiency.
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willbyersabyss · 2 months
I feel like the only person who doesn’t really want Heroes to play over their first kiss…
A song with lyrics would take away from the power of the moment for me. Heroes doesn’t really have a build up that would reflect the emotional intensity of their first kiss (obviously they could tweak it a bit but). An original score would be so much better. I need a song that builds and CRASHES at the kiss, then ends with a delicate fall.
That being said, I wouldn’t necessarily be upset if Heroes was the song choice for that scene because I do think the lyrics fit really well, but I want that original score so bad.
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aerial-tal · 2 years
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Kate Bush in her Red Shoes - The Line, the Cross and the Curve, 1993.
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katebushsource · 3 months
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Kate Bush, The Ninth Wave (1985)
Photographed by John Carder Bush
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weirdasshomo · 5 months
the moment i got Charons keepsake n saw this my delulu ass went straight back to charmes train
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Court case for the jokers punishment
So the joker got an infection and eventually kicked the bucket
Bruce is nutral if a little sad
Jason is pissed he couldn't kill him
And all of the other batfam are releived that the jokers not out and about anymore, and atleast the family fight on the joker ends
During a family meeting to discuss the jokers death a Lazarus pit opened up and a...butler? Servent? Footman? Who knowes! someone in a suit...
Oh and he was floating off the ground and translucent
The batfam were on high alert and instant attack mode, damian tried to stab the guy and ended up tumbling through him
Bruce walked up and intended to intimidate him, but the guy walked through him...and right for jason
:you are jason todd, correct
:why do'you care
:you are the jason todd killed by the joker and reserected by currupted ectoplasm, correct
:my death is none of your business!
:mr todd, as a victem of the joker you are entiteled to a say in the jokers punishment
The whole room got quiet, jason was freaking out but...also calm. The pit was reacting to this guy like...comradery? Companionship? It wasent negative but not positive either
Bruce was still trying to intimidate the guy into giving them answers
Tim and dick were just staring
and damian was making another swing with his sword
:w-what do you mean, jokers punishment ???
The guy pulled out a seat and told everyone to sit, he pulled out a file and put it in front of jason, bruce went to grab it but the guy slapped his hand away
:only mr todd and trusted members of the ghost kings high court may read it
That was the first time he acknowledged bruce and he didnt like being ignored, jason couldn't hold in his chuckle at B getting frustrated
Slowly jason picked up the file and began to read, the paper on the top was a basic file of jason todd before he died, age,school, adoption date, birth place basic things though the thing that stood out was the words at the bottom
Cause of death: joker
Following it was the date, time, wepon and location of his death
He flipped to the next page and saw a similar file to robin, the day he started training, his first day out, how he met bruce, an analysis of his fighting gear from that time, his patrol rout
And at the bottom was the same thing with the same information
Cause of death: joker
Jason was starting to worry why he wasent freaking out about this file he was kinda a numb giddy if that made sense, the batfam were all looking at him expectingly and the butler guy was just watching him
:why are you watching me??
: oh, you see, some ghosts tend to...loose themselves a bit when confronted with...sensitive information, I'm just making sure you wont panic
That got a look from dick and tim, bruce just "hmm"ed and damian was still glaring at the guy
Jason turned to the next page and saw another thing like the last pages, except this one was much more recent, age, height, the day he came back to the public eye,
But there was alot more concerning writing
Death date, date of reserection, level of corruption, death age, core growth, manifested abilities
Jason gave a look to the guy but didnt freak out, though everyone at the table saw the look and was starting to get concerned, jason didnt know what to make of the information let along what it ment
He turned the page and saw one for red hood, age, number of wepons, occupation, date he made his davew, number of times he tried to kill the joker, ect;
Jason tried to ignore all the things that stood out and gave him a sinking feeling and the pit had an...odd reaction
He flipped a page and rather than another log thing there were pictures, mostly id photos and things accessible to the public, but there were also alot of photos that looked like tim took them when he was playing watchdog
He flipped the page and read the following:
You jason todd, due to the crimes and atrocities commiced to you by john, kur aka:the joker
One week after the jokers death he will be tryed and condemed for his actions, and dispite the unusual circumstances surounsing your existence you are entiteled to a say in how the joker is punished
Due to your previous and current occupation you have much more sway over the outcome of the trial then most of his other victmes though they will still have their say
You will not be forced to attend any trial or judgement, as this selecting processes is voluntary and you may reject having any involvement in the case of the jokers soul, condemnation or punishment
And dew to your unique standing with parties that for whatever reason (the big bad bat, you know who) may want to joker to get a lighter sentence than diserved the batman will not have nor get any power or say over the conditions of the joker. he will not have any say and you do not have to lisen to him on any matters concerning this trial
I thank you for your time and any question you may have berry( the ghost who delivered this to you) will answer any and all questions
High king of the infinet realms: phantom
P.S: most people in the infinite realmes kinda have a grudge against the batman so don't be shocked if berry dose something to him
Jason closed the file, handed it back to berry and just...sat there for a good 5 minutes
:mr todd do you have any questions you need answering
l:... I've been out of the loop d'ya think you could...give the the details of...whatevers going on...and what court trial for the jokers soul?
:ah i can do that mr todd.
So 24 hours ago the joker passed away, dew to the ambient ectoplasm in gothem he bacame a ghost in the infinite realms
At jasons confused look he said he'd explain later
:the high king of the infinet realms immediately had his soul captured and he is currently waiting for his trial
The joker has killed alot of people in the infinite realms and they want their pound of fleash, and king phantom is beyond willing to give it to them
So anyone willing is going to his trial next week to condem him
You were killed by the joker and are under unique circumstances, in fact it was up in the air weather to let you have a say or not, but you were dead and thus entitled to a say in his punishment
Because you fought the joker and died to protect gothem you have a larger sway over the outcome than most
:... so what your saying is... i can fuck over the joker even when hes dead?
:hhahaha hell yeah!!!
Jason jumped up and started laughing like a lunitic, now it made sence why the pit was giddy, it knew he'd finally get his pound of fleash and B couldn't do shit!!!
Batman: that cant be fair
: whyever not
: he's already dead just let him rest
:after all the things he's done...never
: he's already been punished leave him be
That was the wrong thing to say as berry jumped out of the chair, knocking it over and jamming the table into the rest of the batfams ribs
:he die-
:WE ALL DIED!! HE'S DIED, I'VE DIED, HELL YOU'VE DIED! That dose not excuse his crimes! Besids! What do you think he'd do in the infinite realms! Think you egotistical furrie a madman with no punishment, developing powers and access to multiple universes! Its a disaster waiting to happn you idiot
:it's still unfair, i will stop it
: how moron! you have no say in this you are naither a victme or a trusted member of the high kings court, you have no power
:then I'll talk to this king
:*snort* sure you will...mr todd do you have anymore questions?
Jasons giddiness froze at being put on the spot so suddenly he froze mid-cackle and had to stand properly before he answered berrys question
J: uhh... how to i get to the trial, thing on the right time
: a servent will escourt you,AND ONLY YOU, to the event. Good day and fuck you!!
Berry opened a portal, stepped through and gave bruce the finger
Everyone kinda stared at where the portal was, jason was the one to break the silence by giggling
: hahaha i still get to fuck over the joker and, for once, you can't stop me, later you egotistical furrie
Jason ran to his bike and floored it out of the batcave, he has to plan
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bhaalsdeepbat · 4 months
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I accidentally set them on their worst possible outcomes together.
Gale became the God who ignores the prayers of mortals so they can pull themselves up by their bootstraps with their own ambitions.
Astarion Ascended and found that every sacrifice he made to get there was worth it. No remorse. And certainly no joy.
And they chose a life of seclusion where they can spend eternity in each other's presence rather than experiencing life in its entirety. Two mortals who know the silence of the Gods passing that same silence forward once they achieve Godhood. It's a life marked by isolation and silence.
When they hear fraught prayers like those Astarion once echoed in the dark of his tomb, those prayers will be met with the same deafening silence. but they'll be together chasing ambition for eternity.
Thank you @justabiteofspite for the screenshots AND the fucking amazing game
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truehauntings · 5 months
Remember this doodle by Jonathan Stroud?
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Yeah, he confirmed that this is Lockwood with his arms around Lucy which afterwards became the back garden scene in TEG
(Liv's screenshot)
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crustyfloor · 5 months
Ivan’s idealization of MiziSua - A (personal) analysis
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As a child, Ivan was shown to be very detached from the other kids around him in Anakt garden. Admired, but never approached because Ivan had problems processing emotions and expressions like other kids, which is a sure way to be excluded. besides, he was never interested in them in the first place.
So really, he had nobody around him until he met Mizi, Sua, and Till.
Ivan is an observer, he didn't know how to get closer to Till so he observed what other kids did and went along with what held the best results, now taking all this into account, naturally he'd be the same way around his friend group.
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Mizi and Sua held a strong bond and love. They held eachother on high pedastals and basically saw eachother as their gods because they were so special to each other. And Ivan was always seeing that.
He even saw that sentiment in way Till loved Mizi, Till admired and looked up to Mizi (in the same way Sua did) because of her bright kindness and flowery purity that was was such a rarity in the world they lived in. She was his light, savior, she was his goddess.
And Ivan wanted Till to look at him like that too. He wanted what MiziSua had.
And so, Ivan put Till on a pedestal too because thats the only way he's known how to love. Ivan saw Till, his light, his god, his universe, everything. He loved Till like he loved a god. Even when Till wouldn't acknowledge him, he was only a hopeless follower to still attach to him. He held Till in such a high regard because Till was genuinely special to him. If Ivan couldn't love Till enough to worship him, did he really love him? and if Till couldn't see him in that way either, did he really love him back?
But, Till isn't a god. Till isn't his god.
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zoluulife · 6 months
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“And if only could I make a deal with god, and get him to swap our places.”
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