#s1 tim would be fine but s2/3 tim would not
identityarchitect · 10 months
If you got stuck in a lift with any tma character, who would you want it to be?
jon or elias no question
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obsessedftshit · 6 months
Young Justice S2 Ep8
Tbh I get Roy because how did Oliver not know that the Roy he found after 3 months was not the actual Roy? But I also understand y Oliver didn't realize because he was worried about Roy to the extent that he was just relieved and content when "Roy" showed up and didn't bother to think it's weird.
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Ngl I feel like Oliver in Arrow CW would have known if the clone Roy was fake cause Oliver in the TV show is really serious compared to Oliver in the cartoons. But that doesn't mean I don't like both Oliver's. I actually love both of them cause they're both different.
I'm happy that Connor found someone else. I mean yeah they rnt dating or anything but I just want Connor to be happy. I don't want him to suffer anymore. Megan put him through a lot and won't even acknowledge it. Also, idk y but they give me Superman x Lois vibes. I have no idea y but they do.
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NOW I'M ACTUALLY LOST. IS ROBIN DEAD?! AND THE ROBIN WE HAVE NOW IS JUST ANOTHER RANDOM KID BATMAN ADOPTED? I'm actually so lost. No matter how many times I read ur guys's explanation I still get lost cause u guys keep saying Batman adopted 3 kids: Dick Grayson/Nightwing, Tim/Robin & Jason Todd/Red Hood (I think) but then y did they change Robin's name from S1 (Dick Grayson) to Tim in S2? Also, Idk if I'm right and what u guys r saying is what I will say rn but I think the Dick Grayson/Nightwing in S2 rn was Robin in S1 because he said smth like he and Zatanna had a thing in the last episode and literally in S1 Robin and Zatanna were flirting together and kissed in the second last episode. So technically, whenever Batman adopts kids, they always end up training as Robin and then grow up into whatever superhero they want to right? Because the Robin in S2 looks younger then Zatanna and Zatanna and Robin were a thing in S1 and the only explanation is that Dick Grayson/Nightwing was Robin from S1 cause no way that new baby Robin is the same age as Zatanna now.
Tell me if I'm right guys.
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They're so fine.
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Gifs made by moi
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
Happy Weekend all :) Watched this ep last night wrote down my thoughts and thought kick off Saturday with a review. Another really good ep ahead. S2 adds onto the base built in S1 in the best way. Off we go.
2x02 The Night General
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We catch our first glimpse of our fine duo at the end of roll call. Grey has a new book for Tim to read for his Sergeant's exam. Tim doesn’t look excited in the least. Lucy calls out the book for its dated title. Grey explains to Lucy it's from the 60s. Lovely. Tim asks how this book is relevant with 21st century policing? Grey tells him 'Ours is not to reason why' LOL Basically saying he has to read it whether he wants to or not Poor Tim.
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They're not in the shop two seconds before Tim hands her the book to read to him. Of course Lucy is going to give him some push back. She wouldn’t be her if she didn’t. Would you love her Timothy if she was anything but who she is? haha This is how they're going to spend their shift whether Lucy wants to or not.
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Lucy suggests just to let her drive so he can read it while they work. That doesn’t fly with Tim baha Lucy doesn’t understand (yet) why he can’t just read it himself. Thinks Tim is just making her do it for him just cause he can. You'll find out soon enough my dear. Lucy knows when to pick her battles at this point. So she decides not to fight Tim on this one. Gives in and cracks this old fossil open and begins to read to him.
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Mini marriage scene going on right here. It's their back and forth that I love so much about them. A comfortability has settled between the two of them and it shows. Instantly Lucy is being smug and sassy about the material. One of my fav things she does with him. Pushes his buttons like only she can. Instead of being immediately grumpy he dishes it right back. Oh how they’ve grown. Giving him crap with the book saying he shouldn’t generate fear but respect.
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Tim is snarky as well firing back of course she would like this book...We all know she has thrived under his leadership. She's not really taking shots at him so much as using it to mess with him. She can't help herself. Lucy is taking full advantage of this scenario. Tim is painfully aware she is using reading this book to punish him. I mean it's only fair since he's forcing her to read it between calls.
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I love her face in the gif above. She’s enjoying herself far too much for Tim’s liking haha He tells her to just keep reading LOL Like Lucy wasn't going to read this book without running commentary. Come on Timothy you know better than that hehe Lucy continues on and you can see him trying so hard to absorb it as she speaks.
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Lucy ends up on another quote she likes. Of course its about patrol officers having value. So she chooses this one to have him parrot back to her. She is agitating the crap out of him and knows it. Telling him he needs to repeat it in order to memorize it. Using her psych degree to justify it. He begrudgingly does it and she asks him to do it again lmao Lucy is pushing her boundaries today and is fine with it haha
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They get a call interrupting her and Tim is so relieved. Lucy responds to dispatch then says 'Ok 3 min out more reading.' LMAO She is relentless and begins up again. Tim's face above I���m dying. LOL He looks like he’s being endlessly tortured by her studying methods. This episode is absolute gold start to finish. He is at her mercy with this and knows it.
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We rejoin them in the shop after their call. Lucy has moved onto chapter 3. ‘The Healthy Habits Of Command’ She goes on to read out loud ‘Delegation is the key to leading men in times of stress.’ Which leads to the line above. She follows it up with That’s so true don’t you think? Tim snaps back it’s hard enough to listen to this stuff without her editorializing haha Honestly Tim what did you expect from her? She tells him she’s happy to stop anytime and get back to her paper work.
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Lucy goes on to tell him that he’s going to have to re-read all this again anyways to memorize it. You see the panic in Tim’s face. It’s here Lucy finds out he learns best when he’s hears it. That response immediately gets the wheels in Lucy’s head churning with her response of Really? He then asks what? Why? She tells him nothing…. Doesn’t take Tim long to figure out she’s holding something back from him. He says ‘Boot...’
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Lucy tries to mumble her reply at first. Telling him he has a learning difference under her breath. It’s kinda funny how she tries to hide her answer. She knows he’s going to take it the wrong way. Tim makes her speak up and Lucy bites the bullet. Then try’s to soften the blow by saying he’s just wired differently. That he just processes information differently than others. She is digging herself a hole and knows it. Tim is bristly af as she tries explain this to him. He tells her he doesn’t have a learning disability. Flat out refuses to accept it.
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Lucy digs her hole even further when she brings up Isabel. Tim has grown but that continues to be a sore subject for him. Lucy is trying so hard for him not to take this as a bad thing. Minute she brings Isabel up and their time at the academy he shuts down. Tells her they’re not talking about this. Lucy looks crushed she’s offended him. That comfortability and banter from earlier gone. You can see how much she wants to fix it. Unfortunately they get a call before she can rectify the situation. It's about a suspicious mini van casing a house. She tries to fix it as they drive to the call but he is shut off completely. Lucy is defeated and says never mind….
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They pull up and its an old colleague of Tim's. He is a bounty hunter now. Lucy is assertive right off the bat saying they've received multiple 911 calls about him. Rex bites back calling her boot and to watch her tone. Tim steps in right away. No one calls her ‘boot’ but Tim good sir. So sexy when he tells Rex she’s the police now. Even though he’s grumpy about the studying he still has her back on this 100%. Such growth Tim. I love me some protective/supportive Tim. Lucy doesn't let Rex's behavior shake her. Lets this surly grump of a man know that. It’s like she has experience with them or something heh
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Tim's face when Rex says 'You let her talk to you like that?' It’s a 'Watch it...' We all know Tim likes it when Lucy talks to him like that. It’s that assertive confidence that attracts him to her. One of many reasons But It’s far too early to delve into that fully haha We all know it’s true though. Lucy tells him his bounty Nico is a very dangerous person. Rex tries to rattle her one more time. Saying how he’s been dealing with dangerous men since she was in diapers. Lucy tells him these days you have to call law enforcement for this stuff. She cracks me up and says maybe he should read Tim’s book LMAO
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Lucy tries the next day to mend fences with Tim. Asking him if he'd like her to read to him? Trying to offer up a olive branch. He instantly shuts her down. Says no. Lucy tries to implore him to let her. That he needs to learn it. He grumpily replies ‘I can do that on my own.' Oof she really hit a nerve with this one. Before Lucy can fight him some more they pull back up to Rex’s van. Tim is wanting to do a welfare check on him. He didn't report his bounty last night. Lucy calls him out for it and Tim says he wouldn’t put it that way to Rex though. But he's being a softie and she knows it.
They find blood and broken glass and call it in. Rex has been assaulted and Tim sees red. He takes off once Rex says Nico is headed to his aunt's. Lucy calls after him saying they need a warrant. Tim doesn’t listen as he takes off and Rex tells Lucy go with Tim.
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Tim busts in raging says blood on the door enough reason for them to search. Lucy takes control of the situation quickly. Makes the aunt call Nico. Says they’ll arrest for aiding and abetting if she doesn’t. Does this to calm Tim down a bit. She’s so good at that. Not the first time she's taken charge to rein him a bit. The aunt calls it doesn't take long to find him in the house Then comes this bad ass fight scene. Last episode I said they’re like poetry in motion in the field. This gif is the definition of that. Look how well they work together to take Niko down. It’s a thing of beauty really.
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First off let’s enjoy the fact we’re getting Tim all sweaty and guns out to play shall we? Ovary explosion for me. It's a very nice visual for me to start this scene. *fans self* Never get over how fine this man is honestly. Now let’s move onto the beautiful moment that’s about to commence. Lucy finds Tim working out. Ask's if he's training for his next re-match with Nico haha She hands him the little Audio book he looks so confused as to what this might be. His confusion continues after she explain its the audiobook version of his book.
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Lucy looks so proud of herself when she explains she recorded it for him. She should be. You know she spent whatever free time she had off shift doing that for him. That is no small feat. Also the fact that she reached out to Isabel for him. I can’t imagine that conversation wasn’t a little awkward for her. But guess what? She did it anyways to help him. Even when he’s obstinate af with her she is driven to help him no matter what.
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That psych degree comes in handy when she’s deciphering Tim. Why he acts the way he does. He lashed out cause he was embarrassed by the fact that he learns through listening. This is why Lucy does this for him. So he feels better about the way he learns. Doesn’t feel shame about it. He is much more receptive to her explanation this time around. You can see it in his face in that second gif above. She is so kind and gentle while she does it. Letting him know hey it's ok you learn this way. Nothing is wrong with it or you.
I can totally relate to Tim too btw. I am a Kinesthetic learner as well. I absorb audio books far more than sitting down and reading. I have to be moving while I listen or I’m instantly bored and disengage. If it’s a fic I’m fine for most part if it’s a one shot. But anything I have to read at massive length? I gotta be moving. So I get it Tim I’m same way my love.
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She ends her explanation by complimenting him in the best way she can. By letting him know that the way he learns is why he’s such an excellent cop. Building him up and letting him know its why he excels the way he does at his job. Reinforcing his way of learning isn’t a bad thing at all but a strength for him. You can see it in his face he finally accepts this about himself. He replies 'Yeah.' with a small smile of gratitude. Like she's just taught him something about himself and he's not mad about it. Tim can't help but let that Lucy light of hers in.
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Lucy says she will see him tomorrow. Wants to let him get back to his work out. You can tell Tim wants to say something before she goes. He builds up the courage to say 'Thanks' as she’s leaving ❤️ It's such a loaded Thanks for him. The absolute gratitude he has for her in this moment. I’ve said it many times and I’ll continue to say it. Eric says so damn much with just a look. If her recording an audio book isn’t an act of service and love to him I don’t know what is. The look on this man’s face as he says 'Thanks.' He is blown away she took the time to do this for him. Has to make sure Lucy knows how grateful he is before she leaves. Because she saw he had a need and fulfilled it for him. Put him first and took care of him in best way she could think of.
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Lucy’s smile Is everything after he says this. It's the most honest and genuine 'Thanks ' she's ever received from him. She almost can't handle it. Why she nervously smiles back instead of replying. She is adorable. Gah no one gets through like Lucy does for him. Makes me wanna cry honestly. They’re written so damn well it makes me happy. Truly just make one another better in the best way.
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That little smile of his when he hears Lucy’s intro. My damn heart. She truly is the best rookie he’s ever trained. Damn straight. If you weren’t shipping them before, this scene has to get you hook, line and sinker. She recorded an old outdated book for him in her personal time, built him up, made him feel better about how he learns, and reached out to his ex for clarification in order to help him better.
Actions speak louder than words they say for a reason. Her actions are screaming right now. Makes you wonder if he listened at night at all? Did he ever fall asleep to her voice during his studying? Maybe he did maybe he didn't. A girl can dream though haha Such a good ep for them start to finish.
Side notes non-chenford
Mmm Tim laying into Jackson about the hole he’s in. Yes please. Defending Angela when Jackson makes a joke if he’s late his dad is gonna light up Lopez. Tim goes on to tell him she’s going to pay the price if he doesn’t get his shit together. That she will be the target of his fathers aggression if he goes belly up halfway through training. That Jackson owes her his career. Whew lord I love me some protective Tim.
Also Lucy and Jackson living together ❤️ such a good friend to take him in like that I love it. First thing he needed to her back on track.
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
MAG 65 - Part 3 of the apple pie baking session
Lol, Tessa info-dumping and Jon is totally overwhelmed.
"Magnetic tape. Everyone thinks it’s analog, but it’s digital." - I mean, not all magnetic tapes are digital. Digital tapes came up in the 80s, but before then they were analog. Especially the kind of tape we usually associate with TMA, the "Compact Cassette", is analog. Look it up on Google pictures! And then compare it to it's digital successor, the "Digital Compact Cassette". Looks different. Mini- or microcassettes used for dictation are also analog (I think, there are digital minicasettes?). And yes, it's STILL in use for that. We use analog minicassettes and I have a tape recorder standing around, catching dust, on my desk at work in case the system's getting a service update and is not accessible for a longer period of time.
"the units of data that a computer works with are by their nature discrete and definite, while the words we use are clumsy, vague things, always at the whim of interpretation and decay." - unless you're working with a printer… They are also clumsy vague things XD
"I have a blog, actually, but I haven’t posted for almost a year. Almost too embarrassed to, now…" - info-dumping and oversharing! Jon is in for a ride…
Holy shit, she's constantly talking over Jon, it's so funny xD
"I mean, yes, there’s drug stuff on there, but it’s mostly just paranoid geeks who don’t want to be caught pirating Photoshop." - Deep Web's a bit overkill for that mumbling. If this was written in 2019 it would be "it's mostly Youtubers buying overpriced trash advertised as 'Deep Web Mystery Boxes' or faking them themselves and needing an excuse to give them a spooky backstory" xDD
I love how this is just a creepy pasta!
"Whatever version you’re told, the story goes that it actually worked, and the police found a pile of floppy disks full of impossible code next to the mutilated body of Sergey Ushanka." - Remember when floppy disks could destroy/save the world?? XD (insert Sailor Moon, Gargoyles, Street Sharks, Ninja Turtles pictures here)
"it was only for a moment, but I could have sworn I saw some of the symbols twitch?" - oh speaking of oversharing earlier - so when I'm not doing good mentally or also when I'm simply sleep-deprived I see all kinds of movement and shadows out of the corner of my eye. When I drew my fanart for "Statement Remains" in October (the dark shape of an Eldritch monster Jon with 7 green-glowing eyes in front of a tape recorder…) I saw all 7 eyes blink. I know it's just that quirk of seeing shadows/movement but it was sooo eerie and fitting.
"there’s no feeling, but the no feeling hurts" - Makes me think of the people in the Catalogue of the Trapped Dead. I don't know if they weren't able of feeling things, but they were basically just a memory (which could be seen as similar to Ushanka uploading himself) and that this existence hurt.
Jon's interaction with statement-givers back in S1 versus now in S2 is also very binary xD ("You are crazy and just imagined everything and I don't believe you" versus "I understand you have experienced something horrible and I believe you")
Tim and Jon arguing is so hurtful to hear. It was different in the intervention but now it's really personal. There is not just anger in Tim's voice I think, there is also hurt. And Jon is just so paranoid and he's right to be paranoid, he just doesn't know why and where it's coming from.
TIM "we didn’t kill Gertrude" - not including Elias, true. (cont.) "and no one wants to kill you" - not true…
TIM "No, no, you listen for once. I was fine in research. Happy. Then you asked me to be transferred here, and suddenly it’s all monsters and killers and secret passages, oh my!" - That's not Jon's fault though? I'm pretty sure, Tim could have said no to the transfer and the stuff going on with the Archives is even less Jon's fault.
TIM "like I didn’t suffer the worst right alongside you." - I really think, this is it. This is not about the actual act of stalking, it's about the betrayal of why Jon did it. Tim was there with Jon, probably also for Jon. And then he suspects him of murder and of his own betrayal against Jon.
JON "Well, excuse me if my experiences have made–" - Well, while in conflict solution and prevention it is advised to talk about yourself and how you have experiences things rather than accusing others, it is not a good idea to shuffle the conversation to yourself while the other one is pouring their heart out about their difficulties in such an angered manner. I know, a lot of people do this to show the other party that you can relate (I do this myself) and in that case it often works out, but I don't think that's what Jon's aiming for here and it seems rather dismissive of Tim's problems. It looks like both are fighting over who is the most miserable here and no one ever wins that fight. There's only losers if you make misery a competition.
TIM "Fuck you, I got eaten by worms because of you!" - And there we have it. It escalates and heavy blame get thrown around. And it's, again, not Jon's fault. How could any of them be at fault that Prentiss attacked the Archives and Elias wanted them to get hurt.
JON "Jane Prentiss was not my fault, I did not bring her to the archive–" - Tim started unfair blame, not Jon has to defend himself and getting defensive is not helping the situation.
I think Jon already suspected that they were bound to the Archives? It sounds like he already thought about offering Tim to transfer but somehow couldn't do it. Now he tests it, if Tim can leave by his own free will.
JON "I’m sorry, Tim. Truly I am. But I cannot and will not trust you." - It's hurtful, for both of them, Tim and even Jon himself. But given the situation Jon's in I think it's kind of fair. He is influenced by a Stranger's presence. He knows something is wrong, he knows the Archives are not normal. TMA is a lot about making decisions based on the knowledge you had at hand at that time and at that particular time I think it was actually best for Jon to stay wary and watch his back.
Tessa is a queen of oversharing, and I am sad for Jon.
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alphinias · 2 years
After all the brouhaha about Wednesday I thought it was gonna be good or at least decent but so far 3 episodes in and it is the most generic supernatural school for teenagers with a mystery and romance I've ever seen, everything is so formulatic from the characters to the teen relationships to the trendy teen dialogue that's extremely cringy ajshddhhdk like am I watching a different show, what is this? So far it's like barely a step above Winx fate saga it's basically same show different font. The new special girl who's got something to do with the mystery, the hot guy with the bitch ex girlfriend who's mean to the lead girl, the headmistress with secrets and usually that's fine there's only so much you can do with this kind of set up but the writing is so questionable??? If this was on the cw everyone would be shitting on it calling it another basic cw garbage show.
I haven’t watched a single second of Wednesday (yet, I’m still too mad about all Netflix’s cancellations) but this made me giggle anon. I think the popularity is because Netflix put more energy into promotion, Tim Burton is involved, and it’s based on a classic franchise. It’s really frustrating to me how they put money into having something made and then decide just not to promote it because they don’t care, though. They should put at least a little of this energy into all of their shows.
I don’t think I’m the best person to comment on actual quality of something considering I unironically loved Fate S2 (and was sat for S1 even with the cringe), but this take has me very curious to see what I eventually think when I watch the show. I have a feeling I’ll enjoy it but I’ll enjoy it fairly normally. I don’t have a problem with formulaic if the show has some heart but it doesn’t look like it has anything I’ll be totally obsessed with.
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forbiddenship · 3 years
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ahhhh my portwell tweet has almost a thousand likes!! idek how that happened bc this post is literally just me freaking out about getting them back on my screen but hey 🤷‍♀️
just a reminder that the toxic r*nas on twitter are nothing but a small, (very) vocal minority that goes out of their way to shit on portwell. almost every fandom has that one set of shippers or subsection of the fandom whose full-time job is being miserable and making the people around them miserable. literally. i’ve seen it time and time again. tv shows, movies, books, everything.
at this point, i’ve learned to stay in my lane, let them live in their bubble of delusion, and just use the block button whenever i have to. and yeah, it does suck that there’s always gonna be people who wanna come into your lane and block your line of vision. in our case, we keep seeing r*nas post about how portwell isn’t gonna last, they’re gonna break up over the summer, r*na endgame, yada yada yada.
and look. i get it. everything is really uncertain right now. none of us fully trust tim after some of the switcheroo’s he’s pulled on the characters and just the fact that show runners are hard to trust in general.
but we’ve already got plenty of people rooting against us and trying to bring us down. we don’t need to do that to ourselves. i know it’s hard not to get in your own head about literally every single thing that could go wrong in season 3. i’m well aware that portwell has some cards stacked against them.
and yet, i’ve still got nothing but hope and an open mindset going into this next season. like, i’ve been waiting in agony for so long to get this announcement and i was literally screaming in public when the confirmation dropped. my heart was overflowing with joy just thinking about all the canon!portwell content we’re about to enjoy. like come on - portwell hugging, kissing, holding hands, cuddling, a forehead kiss, a dance, a whole lotta flirting - it’s honestly a lot more than i would’ve dared hope for.
it’s so so important to learn to see the good things in life. we’ve been given so many blessings. there are people who complain about the writing/music of season 2 (which i might be in the minority here but i genuinely loved all of the development we got this season and the soundtrack is way better imo), but just the fact that they put out a full season to entertain us in the middle of a pandemic is something that we take for granted.
and to be honest, i sometimes take for granted portwell itself too. like how much thought the writers put into crafting the relationship, all the parallels and the tropes and the way their relationship in s2 mirrors and complements their individual character trajectories in s1. all of the little details and the hints they gave us. and ofc the s2 finale. like yeah i was disappointed that we didn’t see the kiss, but the ending was honestly so them. the characters got the happy ending they needed and the audience got the reassurance we needed, but it didn’t overstep where ej/gina were in their relationship at that point in time and didn’t try to overdramatize it too soon. it left something more to be explored in season 3, a lot more, which is precisely why we’ve all been so anxiously awaiting this announcement.
so why all of a sudden do we think that that exploration isn’t gonna happen? that we’re gonna be let down? is it what the r*nas are saying? because remember they also said portwell would stay besties (proven false), portwell was one-sided (proven false), portwell’s age gap meant the writers would never go there (proven false), portwell was a plot device (proven false), and that portwell was like siblings (proven very false by literally the fucking script itself).
the haters can say what they want, but it’s becoming increasingly obvious that everything they say is shrouded in delusion - trying to comfort themselves as they come to the realization that their ship is not only pretty much bones, but it’s also overshadowed by an unexpected pairing that is now possibly the best love story on the show.
so what we’re not gonna do is let r*na or anything else (including our own fears and anxieties) ruin this for us. we’re gonna be fine.
i’m sorry if this sounded harsh at all, i just thought it was important to say. stay positive y’all!! and portwell will stay winning :)
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it’s a fucking metaphor!
Titans 3.08
i’ve finally gathered the mental and emotional resources to do this thing, so let’s go! as always, i’m typing this up as i see the episode.
1. on watching this opening scene, i was thinking back to how gar was in s1, or even the early bits of s2. the way he idolised the others, particularly dick, and his readiness to go along with whatever they said, and the way he practically bled the need for acceptance. and here he is now, openly defying dick, fully open to and aware of the flaws of the people he loves and admires, knowing he is accepted no matter what and extending that generosity elsewhere. it’s a remarkable bit of character growth that’s... sort of blossomed in the background and so rewarding to see and acknowledge. 
1.25. i guess what i really love about this conflict over how to respond to jason--as clumsily as it is sometimes written--is how their histories and individual traumas inform each character’s reaction. dick is torn between his guilt over what’s become of jason and his drive to do what batman had essentially given up on doing: he is motivated to track down red hood at all costs but there’s a sense that he’s not completely sold on the idea that the only way to stop him is to kill him. (he might go the comics route and try to put him in arkham? god, imagine if the season ended with jason in arkham.) kory’s never had much of a connection with jason in the first place, and jason has done one of the worst things he could do in her book: track and kill a member of her newfound family and is threatening to kill more. 
and gar... sure. look. the idea of jason and red hood as separate entities appeals to him; that red hood emerged when jason was drugged to the gills by scarecrow and lost his usual inhibitions. gar’s struggled with what he becomes when he’s pushed to his limits, too--he did rip open that experimenting scientist with his teeth way back in 1.07, after all, and he was brainwashed by cadmus in s2 into becoming a literal monster. he needs to think, to know, there’s a dichotomy, a line that can only be crossed under extreme duress or by outside influence. 
and he says--and we say--that he was accepted back into the titans in spite of what he’d done, but was he really? gar’s always struggled with his footing in this group; relegated to the caretaker, the tech guy, the gatekeeper, and sometimes punching bag even though everybody’s paying lip service to how much of a family they all are. perhaps gar reaching out to jason and offering acceptance is aspirational on his part: perhaps this is the effort he hoped the titans put/or will put into getting gar back, even when it would seem like he’s too far gone.
1.5. anyway my point is that i don’t think it’s worth discussing this in terms of right/wrong decisions because all of their reactions make a lot of sense given their backgrounds/personalities. gar is doing a fine job here of tracking down jason’s friends and trying to find him that way, but we the audience know that jason is ultimately going to end up an anti-hero/eventually-hero character, so with that knowledge in mind we know that gar’s reaction is the right one. it’s knowledge that the other characters don’t have, so to judge them on it is... uh, unfair.
1.8. also, molly is awesome, yay!
2. dick and barbara flirting over the phone is so cute! i love to see this side of dick: lighter, peppier, willing (even if somewhat reluctantly) to put his mission aside to go out on a date with his girlfriend. and i love how easy this makes his dynamic with kory too: it’s all very domestic and utterly delightful. 
(also, re: the water leak in barbara’s office--you’re saying GCPD could afford fancy-schmancy table-wide touch screen computers and evil-lair lighting but needs its frickin’ commissioner to catch leaking water from above her desk with mugs and fishbowls????)
2.2225. this is probably a teeny tiny thing and i’m not sure i want to bring it up at all BUT. the fact that dick feels compelled to lie to barbara about not liking fancy gala food and eating something more substantial before the date? not a terribly great sign, though i wouldn’t call it a red flag per se. 
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“this from a man who forced his students to eat cauliflower crust pizza...”
3. so.... conner and kom are a Thing. huh.
in theory i really like the idea of them bonding over an innate alien-ness and longing for a place they could really belong. both of them are alien twice-over: conner a mix of kryptonian and human, practically generated in a test tube, and kom being somebody that was born different and rejected by her own people, now stuck on a planet dominated by an entirely different species. i even like them exploring this bond physically. i guess it’s the sense of... uneasiness around what we do and don’t know about kom that makes this scene land slightly left of centre to me. i think titans, especially through s2, has cultivated in its audience a sense of distrust even until the final episode, just in case somebody vital to the season is suddenly revealed to have had ulterior motives (i’m even low-key suspicious of leslie). i really want to see this kom-conner dynamic play out but the anticipation of watching the other shoe drop is sucking out the enjoyment.
4. for fuck’s sake dick, gar’s not your gatekeeper.
4.5. i love this nod to tim’s origins in the comics, the way he just comes in and lays out all his evidence and makes it clear to dick that he needs tim’s help as robin. the fact that he was there at the flying graysons’ last performance, he was obsessed with their acrobatic moves, and was observant enough to connect those moves with that of robin and later nightwing... all of this came together to put him where he is right now.
(i also love how he can’t contain his giddy excitement when talking about the day dick grayson’s parents died... to dick grayson. even if dick weren’t nightwing, that would be a deeply uncomfortable thing! yet tim can’t help himself, and i love him for it.)
4.8. it’s a testament to how much dick’s caught off-guard that he can’t come up with a better response to tim’s allegations other than “uh... he stole my moves! as you know, no two gymnasts in the world are allowed to do the same moves. now, let me escort you out while pretending poorly that i’m not at all shaken by this...”
4.9. i’ve talked about this before, but i find the logic around secret identities in this universe utterly fascinating. the titans don’t make much effort in keeping their identities secret: everybody seems to know that kory is starfire for instance, or that gar is beast boy. dick grayson is seen hanging out with kory a lot, especially at crime scenes. it won’t take a lot of sleuthing to find out that the titans are currently camped out at wayne manor, and to put two and two together.
my theory was that superheroes and villains have become such an integral part of daily society that it’s almost not worth it to seek out their secret identities, or that it’s just not a big deal anymore. like politicians or diplomats, not everybody bothers to look into who exactly their local politician is, but the people who know just... know. it’s a sort of unspoken social contract.
tim’s broken this contract by confronting dick about his identity, and dick’s not ready to deal with it. not entirely.
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look at him! *pinches his cheeks*
5. ngl, it was quite satisfying to see jason knock the scarecrow out like that. 
5.5. i guess... the question of jason’s culpability is always going to be a thorny one and would make for a great courtroom drama spinoff. there are a number of factors to consider: jason’s personality, the rough circumstances under which he grew up, his undoubtedly stressful transition to being robin, bruce wayne being... well, bruce wayne, never feeling accepted by the titans and having most of them turn on him, being roundly defeated and almost killed by deathstroke, alfred’s death, a fuckload of ptsd, his violent death, crane’s manipulations, coming back to life, crane plying him with a drug. but there is no easy line to draw between any of these factors to his actions. i think it would be a disservice to jason’s character to attribute his actions entirely to these things and rather irresponsible to do so. i think jason has to reckon with the fact that when he took crane’s drug, he wasn’t reckless and chaotic like the thugs he gave it to; the planning that went into hank’s death was meticulous and the way hank died--dawn essentially tricked into pulling the trigger that blew her lover into bits--is so drawn out and cruel. 
5.75. it’s occurring to me that crane might have given jason a placebo. maybe jason’s dependence is psychological, and he’s externalised his fears in such a way that he believes crane’s drugs literally wipe them out, however temporarily.
in any case, the boy needs (more) therapy.
6. “he walked like robin...” fuck, tim
“gait recognition sweep” god, this show. i don’t know whether to laugh or cry. hey, once we’re done doing this gait recognition thingy, can we get a goddamn plumber in the house??? or move the commissioner’s desk so that sewage water isn’t dripping on her head or the million dollar touchscreen desk???????
6.5. oh no dick!!!!!! i am delighted that you got hurt but i feel ashamed about it! that looked like it really hurt!
he’s really not having a good time of it, is he. from being shot by a sniper to slamming at full speed into an suv, he’s got to be really fucking battered by now. and that’s just the physical side of it.
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“can you believe that just over a week ago i was sitting in san francisco eating cauliflower crust pizza and feeling good about myself for the first time in five years...”
7. kory’s having visions again! now that she’s figured what they are, do you think the show’s just dropped justin? it’s curious that HPG hasn’t been brought up in a while after featuring relatively heavily in the beginning. hmmm.
8. dick’s in hospital but... he looks remarkably whole for someone who took a spill like that. you’d think he’d at least have a bruise to show for it. on the other hand, i love that the first thing he says is ‘i need to call home’. reminds me of season 1 dick and his clumsy attempts to explain away his found family as an ‘alliance of necessity’ or some bullshit. what a long way he’s come!
*gasp* dick’s hallucinating again!!!!!!!!!!!! i’m doing the dick’s hallucinating dance! can you believe that we’re carrying over these huge honking issues unearthed in season 2 onto season 3? can you believe?!!! all that time and effort i spent talking about dick’s mental health from last season has not gone in vain!!
... ahem. anyway. more on this later.
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“hold on barbara, i think kory gave me the number to this therapist that she kept calling Hot Psychiatrist Guy...”
9. just an interlude to say that i’m barely halfway through the episode and i’ve already written 2k+ words... ugh. i’m going to try and be more concise.
10. man i fuckin love it when titans goes all out with its weird mindscapes and i’m extra glad that kory’s the focus this time. is that baby kom or maybe a secret sibling that neither of them knew about? was that lady luand’r? and is this place where kory was circling where the secret sibling is? it’s all very intriguing. 
(if justin turned out to be that sibling... we’ve a real luke/leia situation on our hands.)
11. aw, i knew that nice security guard was going to die, but it still hurt to see him go :(
12. this show is so bizarre. like i get the mindscape as a narrative device, but jason using sex workers to try and vocalise his guilt about killing hank was just weird. like. i have to use tamil, sorry: idhulaan yaaru pa room pottu yosikara??? some things just can’t be translated into a second language.
i guess one way to interpret jason’s reckoning with what he did to the titans as a sign of him coming off crane’s drug, but i think it’s more to do with the disillusionment of realising that he was a mere pawn in a more sinister plan, and not, as he thought, a player in control of his destiny, rising to the purpose of liberating gotham of its fears in a way batman never could. along the way, he’s done some truly irreversible damage. it’s a bitter pill to swallow.
13. another hallucination! it’s really intriguing that it’s a young dick(?), younger than we’ve ever seen him, wearing an early-era robin costume from way before he even became robin. (this is also interesting in that it gives credence to the idea that ‘robin’ is an identity that dick created entirely on his own, and as a possible homage to his family.)
“old road, old house... it’s all gone.” i wonder what it all means.
13.5. it’s entirely likely dick’s hallucinating because of a brain injury from the accident, though just hallucinations without any other focal neurological deficit is unusual. he might’ve been microdosed with fear toxin at some point, though i wonder when... did jason do so after dick’s accident? did he get dosed at the factory from last episode? 
it’s also possible it’s a continuing manifestation of dick’s issues from last season--which, if you remember, he never told anyone about and therefore never properly addressed. maybe he was hallucinating bruce wayne in a psychotic episode accompanying an acute stress reaction and maybe that’s what’s happening now. nobody’s denying that he’s under an extraordinary amount of stress right now. another way to look at it is that this is how he externalises conflict that he can’t bear to suppress anymore; if in s2 halluci!bruce manifested his insecurities and self-loathing, then these hallucinations... something to do with his fears, no doubt.
yet ANOTHER way to look at it might be: rachel is reaching out to him through their, well, psychic bond. after all, they were able to use that bond unconsciously last season to get the titans back together; maybe rachel has learned to gain a degree of control over it in themyscira and is sending across warnings? it’s all very intriguing.
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“i hear you skipped over the discowing suit in your evolution to nightwing... how could you??”
14. can you imagine, gar did all the work of reaching out to jason via molly and jason wants to meet dick? smh.
14.5. “i’m just a regular guy doing regular things” he says, standing at the opening of a secret old tunnel, like a secret person doing secret things, confronting someone who can now officially be called his stalker. neither of you guys are ‘regular’
14.8. ‘my dad was a cop and he taught me how to investigate’ - hmmm. i guess they’re trying to Explain Tim but i don’t think that’s really necessary. so he’s smart and he’s obsessed with batman and robin--that should be enough, imo. 
15. that scene with scarecrow and his mother was... wow. i’m just laughing here helplessly, because what the hell? for a while i thought it was an extended dream sequence and i’m still not entirely sure that it isn’t...
anyway. i still love that titans is happy to throw out its plot in favour of extended character-exploration sessions.
15.5. it seems to me that this scene with crane and his mother (i have no idea if there’s anything in the comics similar to this) serves to move forward this season’s theme of harmful legacies and how parents can damage their children in the name of their mission. in a way it’s been the underlying message of the entire show but we’re really seeing it being reinforced this season. the titans, serving as a foil to scarecrow, are using the damage to rebuild themselves and actually work through their issues together, instead of spiralling further and further into the morass of their issues.
other than that... god, that scene was painful to watch. i can’t say i like this version of scarecrow or how this actor plays him at all.
16. i wonder what’s jason’s play here. i think he’s smart enough to realise that the titans aren’t going to just forgive him and let him be a titan again after what he did, and that dick agreeing to it is just a bid to pin both him and crane down. maybe it’s a ploy to trap them, get back on scarecrow’s good books so that he can have the drug again. who knows.
17. i absolutely felt dick when he said “we’ll bring him in and then re-assess the situation.” what the fuck else is he going to say? the priority is to get him.
so kory and dick are both hallucinating while potentially trying to rehabilitate their murderous siblings. CONFIDE IN EACH OTHER ALREADY
18. TIM NOOOO! you beautiful, reckless fool!
18.25. just to quickly address it here because i know it’s been brought up before: i think it’s perfectly justified to not have conner take tim to the hospital via superspeed because a) i don’t think we’ve seen conner do that with anybody so far and b) it’s probably not a good idea to submit tim’s body to that kind of stress without knowing what it would do to him. the paramedics with actual equipment and experience would be there in a few minutes, so on a risk assessment, i would say dick and conner absolutely made the right call.
18.5. i guess we won’t know what jason really intended to when the titans came to the pump to see him, but this is definitely going to set a big wedge in his relationship with crane. then again, crane got what he wanted--using starfire’s powers to blast through to the underground pipes--so jason can argue that this is exactly what he was working towards, too. 
anyway, mortal peril, hallucinations, murderous family members, creepy visions and robins sprouting left and right. time to get rachel and donna on the scene, i think.
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heartsgallery · 2 years
another thing: i'm almost 70% sure next season the musical is the little mermaid (ugh I wanted it this season with rina so bad I feel the 'world'/outcast thing could have worked) Rewatching s1 they mention BAB a few times in s1 then in s2 they mention frozen and now in s3 they have mention the little mermaid + it could been such a good promo for the movie next year with halle my bet is kourtney could get ariel maybe
ohhh tim is so silly so i wouldn’t put past him to drop little easter eggs about next season’s musical so this is definitely a possibility! i wouldn’t mind but i’m definitely hoping since there’s a chance is graduation season for most of the characters + maybe the last season of the show (this is just me assuming) that they would do a kind of hsm 3? a show about themselves and the senior year and stuff? but since they’re not all graduating they might definitely choose a new disney one to do! either wine is fine by me
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litgheadcanons · 2 years
Favorites & Least Favorites
This list is meant to give a glimpse into my types/who I like. I admit, I like a lot of unpopular LIs and I dislike some well-liked characters as well, but hopefully this gives some insight into my fantasy world.
Season 1 – Levi & Jake
Levi is fine as hell, like, god damn! I always play Cherrygate being coupled with Mason, so Levi can be my knight in shining armor who whisks MC away from her shitty relationship, so that may have a lot to do with it.
Jake is not my type physically, but he’s sweet and I absolutely wish we could’ve had more time with him if he’s your endgame.
Season 2 – Ibrahim & Noah
Ibrahim is the sexiest man out of all four seasons, idgaf what anyone says. That lip bite alone is enough to make me forgive the damn Shannon nonsense (though, I have A LOT to say about that). He’s actually really sweet and sensitive though, and that coupled with him being so fucking fine makes him my forever number one.
Noah is also gorgeous, sweet, and sensitive, though his route is admittedly some bullshit.
Season 3 – Camilo & Bill
Camilo is the best looking guy imo in S3, and he’s also the most sensual & caring.
Bill is attractive & his personality is tolerable most of the time, and in S3, that’s about all we can ask for.
Season 4 – James & Will
James is such a sweetheart! He was honestly my second choice when the game first started releasing because I wanted fucking Kobi, but we all know how that worked out. To me he’s like a more confident, more mature version of Ibrahim, who I adore. He’s also really hot! I just wish they’d given us a hair-down look for him as well, cause yum.
*sigh* Where do I begin with Will? Ok, I hated him when the promos were being released because I honestly thought, ‘what self-respecting woman would be with a man covered in those 25 cent tattoos?!’ Then the game started and his personality gave me Rocco ~ I go where the breeze blows me ~ vibes, and again, this was not appealing to me. Then he had his confession moment and all of a sudden I was like, hmm, do I want to try it with him? Because confessions just do something to me. So I coupled with him out of curiosity and fell for him fucking hard, like a full-on dumbass.
Season 1 – Jasper & Tim
Jasper not only acts like a tool, he looks like a creeper to me, so I just can’t with him. I always save Miles because at least he’s ok to look at.
I know Tim gets A LOT of love, but that whole joker/rapper persona is just such a huge turn-off for me, I cringe when he’s on screen.
Season 2 – Felix & Arjun
Felix & Arjun are both unattractive to me – and no, it’s not because of Felix’s body type; if he was built like Noah, it’d still be a hard pass for me. And they both suffer from being the two pushiest CA boys, which isn’t entirely their fault, but I find both of their personalities grating anyway.
Season 3 – Rafi & Harry
Rafi crying when MC didn’t want to hang out with him alone was an instant boner-killer for me. I appreciate that he doesn’t steal MC if you don’t want him to, but again this is a product of the writing, and not really a character choice since he is ok stealing Elladine if MC is paired with a woman.
Season 4 – I actually don’t dislike any boys this season!
Season 1 – Talia
She comes across a little weird sometimes, but she’s the only one I wasn’t annoyed having conversations with in S1.
Season 2 – Priya
Priya is the only girl from S2 I can stand. I hate it when she takes MC’s partner, but it isn’t her fault she’s coded that way. And I’m always nice to her so she doesn’t try anything with my man and once I get him back, she quickly becomes MC’s bestie every time.
Season 3 – Elladine
I like that Elladine is a super nice girl without being portrayed as a doormat like poor Hannah & Thabi.
Season 4 – Cora
I’m always besties with Kobi, which turns into being besties with Cora once he leaves, and I like that her conversations are interesting without being too heavy. She also doesn’t really have any problems that she looks to MC for advice about, and I love that. We all complained we didn’t wanna be the villa’s therapist in S2, and Cora literally never asks MC for advice.
Season 1 – Erika
Erika’s bitch moment happens whether you’re her best friend/biggest supporter or you completely antagonize her from day one, and she never apologizes for it! She actually rubbed me the wrong way right from day one, but we don’t find out just how shady/petty she is until the aftermath of Cherrygate. And again, she’s NEVER held accountable for that shit.
Season 2 – Hope
What I hate most about Hope is her fakeness. Hope is a smart woman, and I’d be willing to bet she knew within the first few days that A – her and Noah were not each other’s forever, and B – if she stayed with him from beginning to end, her chances of winning would go through the fuckin roof. I’m sure she did have some feelings for Noah, but I guarantee it was about winning for her, not finding love. Then the nerve to dub herself & Noah the greatest love story ever from day one pissed me the fuck off. Whether you go for Noah or not, Hope is dismissive of any relationship that isn’t hers, and encourages MC & other girls to graft – as long as it’s not on Noah because how dare you?!  
Season 3 – Lily
I get that she comes in and has to basically decide who to break up, but I don’t understand her going so consistently hard for MC’s partner 100% of the time. She’s constantly touching and flirting with your partner, and doesn’t even try it with anyone else? Bullshit. At least Priya came across as being potentially interested in multiple guys and not really sure how she was gonna decide.
Season 4 – Juliet
First of all, Juliet watching MC & her ex hook up in the lover’s nook is creepy!!! Why was there no option to call her out for that nonsense?! Anyway, she annoys me because she grafts Will while being with my poor bestie Kobi and he doesn’t deserve that, plus she sticks her nose in MC’s business. It’s bad enough she brings it up in the first place, but to wait and theatrically do it in front of the whole group was a real cunt move. Sorry, not sorry.
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annapogorilayas · 3 years
LoD season 4 rewatch Thoughts
there is surprisingly little complaining about the trajectory of the writing in this one lmao. this season was fun! the kate vs steve stuff has its own section at the end
jason watkins is such an underrated actor and it's a shame we only got him for one episode :(
everything about kate vs buckells is hilarious in light of recent events
i don't think it's ever made clear why tim tried to get hana to visit his flat/why he went to her flat to have sex with her? i think that's the only red herring this season that didn't quite make sense
kate worked with buckells and hilton at the same time back in S1, and yet she isn't worried at all about hilton recognising her when he walks into the office in 4x02... even though they had a whole conversation in 1x01 where he addresses her by name! there's no way he doesn't remember the woman who threw a fire extinguisher through a DCI's door?
again, the whole "buckells is a blundering fool" angle had not quite taken off yet. he's a bit flustered when ted confronts him in the alley, and he's clearly ~one of the lads~ but other than that there's nothing to suggest he's an idiot.
buckells clearly didn't get the memo about michael farmer being balaclava man. i'm not against show writers making it up as they go along (this essay makes a good case for not planning too far ahead), and i do think he was the one who left roz the "someone is watching you" note, but if hilton appointed him SIO of trapdoor to keep the investigation on michael farmer he doesn't do the best job - he keeps pointing out evidence that supports michael farmer's innocence!
steve and kate take a backseat in 4x04 and yet it's my favourite post-S3 episode! the scene where roz turns the interview on ted is one of my favourite interview scenes and definitely my favourite post-S3.
the nerve of ted and kate to drag buckells into his office for "blowing kate's undercover" when she's clearly just... bad at keeping her cover
i think the roz-tim murder plotline could've been more interesting if we hadn't seen their fight. like maybe if we'd just seen roz walking into tim's flat? then again i could be biased because i thought the ending to 4x01 was ridiculous
this season had its silly moments, and it was the start of the H storyline which i think was the downfall of the show, but overall it holds up better than i remember? almost all of the red herrings actually go somewhere/make sense in hindsight (except for the tim/hana thing). this was also the last season before the dialogue, particularly ted's, slid into self-parody. that being said, i think jamie's character could've been better developed.
the kate vs steve subplot
kate and steve spend the first two and a half episodes bickering. steve seems to have a problem with her promotion (why tho?), and she makes a jab at him about lindsay (fair enough, but it sort of came out of nowhere). it goes as far as steve accusing kate of colluding in the framing of michael farmer! it seems like it's heading somewhere, when i first watched i thought it would culminate in a massive come-to-jesus fight... and then kate brings him a lamb madras and suddenly they're fine, with no acknowledgement of why they were fighting or what the problem was?
i'm not sure if J*d wanted us to make a link between the sexism subplot and the bickering; did he want us to think that kate thinks steve is sexist? or that steve actually is sexist and can't handle his female partner being of equal rank to him, even though in the previous three seasons steve never pulls rank on kate and they treat each other like equals? in fact, if you watched S1-3 without knowing what ranks they are you probably wouldn't know that steve was kate's superior. and when he finds out she passed her inspector's exam, he is genuinely happy for her?
the scene where ted and steve meet in the pub to discuss his promotion (an opportunity he denied kate) reminded me of S1, where tony gates decides whether kate is fit to be on his team based on how well she fits in at a drink with the lads. (i don't think ted was wrong to not want to have a drink with kate - he does have a point about what people might think - but it was a dick move to then go with steve)
who deserved the promotion? on one hand, steve had much more experience as a sergeant than kate, who had probably only been sergeant for ~1 year; that's a perfectly legit reason to pick steve. i also don't think that identifying the caddy should make kate a slam dunk - solving one case doesn't necessarily make someone better leadership material. however, steve has done something to earn a bollocking off ted about once a season at this point (going rogue in S1, the nurse in S2, lindsay in S3) while as far as ted knows, kate is always on her best behaviour (he doesn't know about rich akers).
this line from the script made me chuckle. you and me both, steve.
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upslapmeal · 4 years
Since it seems as though Everything Is Happening Right Now then I suppose I’m back on here and doing something I was tagged in what seems like eons ago (thanks @ilwinsgarden !)
Pick 5 shows - rather than going for the usual suspects, I’m going to pick 5 things I’ve watched recently:
Peep Show
New Girl
Fresh Meat
And yes I am very aware that these are all in varying places on the spectrum of comedy show about housemate shenanigans but moving past that...
Who is your favourite character in 2? Winnie the Bish!
Who is your least favourite character in 1? I mean...surely part of the appeal is that they’re all terrible
What is your favourite episode of 4? I’ll pick a fave from series 2 since that’s what I was watching, so I think I’ll go for the one with the burglars since it was nice seeing the ghosts interact with Mike for a change (and I know I said s2 but the one looking at Pat’s past in s1 was also great)
What is your favourite season of 5? I think series 2? you properly know the characters, Sabine arrives, but tbh I enjoyed all 4!
Who is your favourite couple in 3? are there any couples? oh wait yeah there’s not-Jim the artist and the friend (I’m realising now I can’t remember a single name from the show) but I think I’ll have to go for *checks imdb* Tim and Daisy, even though they’re only a fake couple
Who is your favourite couple in 2? idk, they’re all pretty wholesome but rn I’m enjoying Cece and Schmidt, and Winston and Ally
What is your favourite episode of 1? oh man there’s a lot but I’ll probably go with the wedding one, at least so far
What is your favourite episode of 5? I thought the one with Vod’s mum was heartbreaking as really well done
What is your favourite season of 2? I think I’ll go with 2 or 3 but I’m finding them pretty consistent tbh
How long have you watched 1? I started watching a few episodes every week with my housemates a few months ago when they were shocked to find out I had never seen any lol
How did you become interested in 3? It was a show I knew about and thought I would probably enjoy but just never got round to watching it until recently! I did know it was Edgar Wright but I had forgotten when I started watching (and was then reminded by...everything about the first episode)
Who is your favourite actor in 4? ooooh tricky, they’re all so brilliant as their characters but I think I’ll go for either Jim Howick or Lolly Adefope
Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? oh they’re all quite different (when it comes to comedy shows about housemate shenanigans at least) - I think Fresh Meat? it’s tricky because there’s so much more of the other two, especially New Girl, but I think Fresh Meat edges slightly ahead of the other two
Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3? Peep Show, simply because it is an anomaly and in more typical britcom style, Spaced has a whopping total of 14 episodes
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you like to be? Well I’d like to be alive so that narrows it down somewhat lol - it’s a tricky decision between Mike (knowing there are ghosts there and not being able to keep track of them, but also not being pestered by them) and Alison (being pestered near-constantly but being able to talk to the ghosts and help/use them)....I think I’ll go with Mike, I’d be fine with just seeing the ghosts in the house but Alison has to deal with them everywhere
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? Spaced except Daisy can see the gaggle of ghosts living in their flat? oh absolutely!
Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? oh I would’t inflict any of them on each other lol
Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? neither really has a storyline since they’re both fairly episodic sitcoms, but I guess Fresh Meat does follow them on the journey through uni so I’ll give this one to them
Which has better theme music, 2 or 4? New Girl gets credit for (originally at least) having an actual theme song but this one has to go to Ghosts
I don’t know who’s already done this so if you fancy it then consider yourself tagged!
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ashesandhalefire · 4 years
this is gonna sound dumb but i think it’s interesting that i found it very easy to make teen wolf seem cinematic in gifs or at least to conceptualize of how to make it seem cinematic and i just don’t have that feeling with rnm. i haven’t felt like making gifs in a while but even when i did, i struggled a lot with finding shots that spoke to me, and i’ve started to wonder if it’s the result of the constantly rotating cast of directors.
like okay just hear me out for a second because i got curious and looked it up and this seems absolutely bonkers to me and i gotta write it down.
rnm s1 had 10 different directors across 13 episodes.
tw s1 had 3 different directors across 12 episodes.
rnm s2 had 11 different directors across 13 episodes.
tw s2 had 2 different directors across 12 episodes.
like... that just seems like too many points of view to be trying to use to tell a story. and i’m not saying you can’t have guest directors (like when your celeb friends need a hook up or a cast member has been shadowing or w/e) but it seems insane to me that you would willingly decide to have almost as many directors as episodes. how could anything possibly feel cohesive at the end of the season? how can the show feel like it has a signature or a unifying aesthetic? they couldn’t even manage to wrangle a written story into some sort of logical narrative in s2 with all 14 different writers. how were they going to then turn that mess into a cohesive visual story when they had 11 different people putting their individual spins on it?
not to mention the fact that crucial material (like communication and meaningful character development) was constantly cut in order to fit the episodes into their allotted time already means that we don’t get a lot of scenes designed purely for the aesthetic. we don’t get lingering shots of characters. we didn’t get a closeup of alex touching michael’s arm or hesitating and not touching michael’s arm after caulfield exploded. that was certainly A Choice by the director and i’m certainly still mad about it. it used to be very easy to make faceless teen wolf gif sets. i started making my faceless malex set after 1x05 and i couldn’t finish it until after the rest of the season had aired. and it’s only six gifs. and maybe that says more about my gif making skills (which lol fair) but still i feel like i might be onto something.
it’s subjective and i’m sure different for each viewer, but i personally have found it very difficult to connect with rnm on a cinematographic level and i really just wonder if it’s because each episode is like a little hour long mini-movie with nothing to visually connect it to other episodes beyond physical sets and the actual actors. but like GOD please don’t ever think that i’m holding up mtv’s motherfucking teen wolf as a paradigm of quality television programming. i’m just saying that sometimes the sweeping shots of the hale house made me want to cry and i don’t know that i’ve ever felt that invested in HOW rnm was showing me things outside of what was done with malex’s morning after in 1x03.
also, as an interesting side note, one of the rnm directors (tim andrew of 1x02, 1x06, and 1x13) directed 3 episodes of tws1 and 7 episodes of tws2. so like... i’ve seen tim’s shit before and he does fine. i vibed with tws2 aesthetically. my man tim directed “abomination.” he directed the pool scene. the motherfucking pool scene. i know how to vibe with tim. timmy’s not the problem for me.
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cannot-kill-the-sun · 4 years
When do you kill the Archivist?
167 tells us that the death of the head archivist free’s the assistants and then the questions is asked “If you had died would the others have been able to quit? [...]If you had, would you have told them? Would that have, have changed what happened?”
So when do you kill the archivist? from episode one to episode 160 when do you ‘fix’ things the most?
Through most of season 1 I don’t think you help much if you kill Jon. In season one no one really knows the stakes and no one knows they’re trapped. Jon hasn’t really become the Archivist just yet, statements are recorded by "the head archivist of the Magnus institute", so people still actually like being around him and would feel bad if he died. S1 Jon is fresh faced and shiny and has 1-2 marks depending on which episode we kill him at. Sasha was thinking of quitting, so maybe she does and we save her, or maybe it’s too late and Not!Sasha wouldn't leave because holy shit imagine going on a job to figure out where the eye out your skin and that goes down . Tim might leave depending on when it happens, but S1 Tim hadn’t tried to not go to work. Martin was still desperately trying to keep a job he wasn’t qualified for, would he leave? Is the trauma there enough to get him to leave? Best case: Jon dies, Time and Martin and Sasha leave.
Average case: Jon dies, Sasha finds a new job, Tim and/or Martin stay
worst case: Jon dies, no one takes the chance to leave because they don’t know they need to. Sasha is already dead. 
In all of those, Jonah just plugs in another archivist. He hadn’t even made it that far with Jon, it would hardly be a set back.
So S2 then? At this point we’re all talking supernatural and Jon is starting a decent into paranoia. Not!Sasha is running around and so is Leitner. Honestly if you’re going to kill Jon I think this is the best season to do it. Let’s say Jon smashes the table and then Not!Sasha smashes him. It runs off, Leitner hides in a hole. Tim and Martin are free! They can quit and at this point probably know that they should. They’re balls of trauma but they can quit. Do they? Now Martin might leave, but Tim just lost another person to the Stranger. Tim isn't going to leave now, because the things that killed Danny just killed his boss, who was his fried even if he spend the last few months being a creepy stalker jerk. Sasha's dead and doesn't get a say anymore. The other characters we've met aren't connected enough yet to have a major influence 
Jonah plugs someone else into the archive role, it's not much of a setback.
In season 3 Jon is kidnapped about every 12 seconds, so we can assume a few of those might have killed him. He starts the season on the run because of someone else's brutal pipe murder so let's kill him while he's running. Daisy stays on a hunt path and continues committing police brutality and also murders. Basira continues to ignore the dead bodies. Tim doesn't leave because this is when they really dig into the unknowing, he was not ready to give up on revenge. Does Martin leave? Not here I don't think. Martin wouldn't abandon Tim how he was. Melanie might leave, but there's a bullet rotting pipe music into her. She can escape the eye, but not the slaughter. 
Here Jonah us probably annoyed, but can still plug in another archivist. 
Well maybe Nikola skins him? What a way to stick it to the eye Huh? Honestly I don't think anyone leaves in this death. For the time Jon's kidnapped Jonah is telling everyone it's fine, that changes? They'll try and get revenge on Jonah and the Stranger. Tim still dies, this time with 2 people to get revenge for. Martin and Melanie put together that trap Elias plan but I don't think he'd play along, too pissed that Jon's dead and he has to start over to go to jail and sit there for a while. Or maybe they don't stop the unknowing, it still doesn't work but more people die. Daisy hunts.
Jonah sticks another archivist in place. Bitter, sure, but even more certain that you can't just bring in one entity. 
Or, Jon drifts through a coma that would, for anyone else, be death and Oliver Banks gives him a statement and a choice. And the answer is inevitable. No machines blear warnings of Jon's final passing because for all intents and purposes he was already dead. I think this might be the worst time actually, because Daisy stays stuck in the buried, Melanie rots with the slaughter, Martin falls pray to the lonely. Would Basira think to leave? She thinks Daisy's dead, so maybe. 
Jonah would be the angriest here I think, so close to an archive, so close to the watchers crown and with an archivist who was getting so powerful. But still, in the grand scheme of things another few years is nothing. 
Through season four everyone is very ready to tell Jon they'll kill him if he looks at them worng. Depending on when they go through with that you can save Melanie and her vision. You might even save daisy, so long as she and Basira both leave, because if one stays so will the other. Martin might quite, but he'd go straight to the lonely. Jon was his anchor too after all. 
Jonah would be the most annoyed here, Jon only a couple marks and a speech away from the ritual. But when you're functionally immortal a little time doesn't matter too much. Not really. 
Because really the eye was not the only issue any of them faced, it was just the one they blamed. If you really want to free the staff? You don't kill Jon. 
You kill Jonah. 
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tonystarkbingo · 4 years
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TSB Week 23!
But first, congratulations to Juulna and sharkie335 for earning your Participation badges, and to Chel for earning your Bingo badge!
We are closing in on the end of the bingo!!!  Our last Discord party is THIS WEEKEND, and all fills should be posted by the 30th.  Masterposts are due by July 4th. Let’s make these last couple weeks AMAZING!
You can start by perusing the fills from last week and leaving the creators some love!
Title: Winter Tony and Iron Bucky Collaborator: journeythroughtherain Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S2 - Wearing each other’s clothes Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: fandom craft Summary: Fridge magnets in polymer clay for my @tonystarkbingo square S2: Wearing each other’s clothes (card 3058). It’s Winter Tony and Iron Bucky! They probably did it for Halloween or something. (Bonus word cloud of things that apply to them both.)
Title: Poker Night at the Casino Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R2 - Poker Night Ship: Tony & Bucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: Moodboard, Gambling Summary: Poker Moodboard Word Count: N/A
Title: Do You Love Me? Collaborator: Von_Gelmini Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A1 - Secret Admirer Ship: Starker Rating: Gen Major Tags: College Student Peter Parker, Professor Tony Stark Summary: Moodboard Word Count: N/A
Title: Squad of Two Collaborator: cami-chats Link: AO3 Square Filled: R5 - Holding Hands Ship: IronWidow Rating: Gen Major Tags: None Summary: Natasha was worried about telling Tony she was asexual, but it turns out there was nothing to worry about.  Word Count: 586
Title: Untitled Collaborator: chel Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A4 - Tony Stark/Bruce Banner Ship: ScienceHusbands Rating: Gen Major Tags: None Summary: Moodboard Word Count: None
Title: Bot Shaming - Part 1 Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K3 - Writing Format: Breaking the Fourth Wall Ship: Tony & Dum-E Rating: Gen Major Tags: Moodboard, Bot Shaming  Summary: Dum-E broke the fourth wall, and Dad is shaming him on social media. Word Count: None
Title: Hot for Teacher Collaborator: ceealaina Link: AO3 Square Filled: Adopted - AU: Teacher Ship: Stony, IronBros Rating: Teen Major Tags: Mutual Pining, Getting Together, Humor Summary: Tony is the established physics teacher, Steve is the truly terrible new guidance counsellor. It's not quite love at first sight (but it's a pretty close thing). Word Count: 10,660
Title: The Problem with Almost Collaborator: newnewyorker93 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Adopted - Flashbacks Ship: Pepperony Rating: Gen Major Tags: Nightmares, Pepper Potts Needs a Hug, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort Summary: Pepper accidentally wakes Tony up after a nightmare. Word Count: 1846
Title: Twelve Months - 13 Collaborator: RiaRose Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 - Soulbond Ship: Stony Rating: E Major Tags: None Summary: 23,443 Word Count: The story of Steve Rogers and Tony Stark, told in increments, month by month. "It's been a hell of a year."
Title: Show Yourself (It’s Your Turn) - Chapter 2 Collaborator: chel Link: AO3 Square Filled: T3 - Shawarma Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Fluff and Crack Summary: Where Tony Stark refuses to let Bucky Barnes catch him doing "uncool" things, Rhodes thinks he's an idiot, and Bucky finds out anyway Word Count: 1909
Title: A Momentous Occasion Collaborator: periwinklepromise Link: AO3 Square Filled: T2 - Tony Stark/James Rhodes Ship: IronHusbands Rating: Teen Major Tags: None Summary: James Rhodes is introduced to his soulmate by his vomit. All over Jim's shoes. Word Count: 565
Title: These Things I’ll Never Say Collaborator: chel Link: AO3 Square Filled: S5 - Confessions in Desperate Situations Ship: IronHusbands Rating: Gen Major Tags: Implied/Referenced Abuse Summary: 5 times Rhodes confessed his feelings to Tony, and one time Tony did it for him Word Count: 1343
Title: Beauty and the Beast Collaborator: Von_Gelmini Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A4 - Labyrinth Ship: Starker Rating: Gen Major Tags: None Summary: Peter is in his armor. Fighting the Minotaur. Only when he’s about to kill him, after having fought and nearly vanquished him, he sees a human glint in his bull-raged eyes. And he kisses the bull instead. Turning into the beast into a handsome man covered in the wounds Peter dealt him in their fight. Word Count: N/A
Title: The Name You Gave Me - Chapter 2 Collaborator: Fighting for Creativity Link: AO3 Square Filled: A1 - Spy, Secret Agent, Assassin, or Hitman Ship: Bucky & Natasha Rating: Mature Major Tags: Hydra, Red Room, brainwashing, trauma, child abuse Summary: The girl—Natalia, the Asset remembered—was there every now and then. She was there with her green eyes, watching. She was there, so small in front of his prison-like quarters, talking with him. But the Asset knew he wouldn’t be staying much longer. He never did. Word Count: 2150
Title: A Cat’s Curiosity Collaborator: hddnone Link: AO3 Square Filled: R5 - Cat!Tony Ship: James “Bucky” Barnes & Tony Stark Rating: Teen Major Tags: Animal Transformation Summary: Tony has been turned into a cat and dumped in an unfamiliar place. He's finding life difficult, until a strange man with a metal arm picks him up out of the trash. Word Count: 1843
Title: those arms saved my life Collaborator: peachy Link: AO3 Square Filled: T3 - Sharing Body Heat Ship: Stony Rating: Gen Major Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Cuddling for Warmth, Fluff Summary: It takes Tony nearly getting hypothermia to tell Steve how he feels, but it's fine, it's worth it. Word Count: 933
Title: neither of us dares bleed vii Collaborator: Simi Link: AO3 Square Filled: K4 - Skrulls! Ship: WinterIron Rating: Mature Major Tags: Not Team Cap Friendly, Post CW AU, 616/MCU Crossover, so much salt Summary: Some people would think that it starts off when Tony touches an infinity stone and gets transported to another universe.No, it doesn’t.It begins when the Rogue Avengers come back to the United States, and Tony is forced to put out a welcome party. Word Count: 32,256
Title: The Gods of Culinary Chaos Collaborator: tinydragontony Link: AO3 Square Filled: R3 - Wealth as a Disadvantage Ship: FrostIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: culinary au, Asgardian Tony Stark, prince Loki, referenced sexism, friends to lovers, Tony is a pastry chef, the avengers are all cooks in the royal kitchens  Summary: Odin decides it's time Loki finds another outlet for his chaotic energies and figures the royal kitchen is as good a place as any. Thankfully the pastry chef seems to agree. Word Count: 4025
Title: Shiver Collaborator: FestiveFerret Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T2 - Psychological Horror Ship: Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Torture, Ambiguous Ending Summary: N/A Word Count: 906
Title: Hail Hydra Collaborator: Von_Gelmini Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A5 - AU: Hydra Won Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: None Summary: Moodboard Word Count: N/A
Title: Cookie Crumbs Collaborator: FestiveFerret Link: AO3 Square Filled: T1 - Image: Iron Man and Pepper Ship: Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: Steve didn't want to be a work friend, he wanted to be more than a friend, but some of the walls between him and Tony seemed impossible to break down.Still - he looked down at his lumpy cookies - he had to try. Word Count: 3594
Title: Antici-Pation Collaborator: Von_Gelmini Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S3 - Anticipation Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: None  Summary: Moodboard. Manip in square 7 by tabbystardust Word Count: N/A
Title: CEO’s New Assistant Collaborator: cami-chats Link: AO3 Square Filled: S5 - AU: Nonpowered Ship: Tony Stark/Maria Hill  Rating: Teen Major Tags: None Summary: Maria was offered a great job at Stark Industries. She didn't really want to bring up things from a lifetime ago, but Ms. Potts was the CEO, and what were the chances that she'd even see Tony?  Word Count: 1183
Title: In Body, In Soul Collaborator: cami-chats Link: AO3 Square Filled: K2 - Physical Therapy Ship: Stuckony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Past Breakups, Scars, Pre-Slash  Summary: Tony had 2 soulmates: one that he had dated a couple years ago and gotten dumped, and one who was in love with the first. When they do a little rotational bodyswap, Tony manages to work it out where he doesn't have to deal with it. Until 3 years later when the happily married couple comes in to be part of the prosthetic limb trial that SI is doing.  Word Count: 4964
Title: A Space Romance Collaborator: cami-chats Link: AO3 Square Filled: A5 - Kink: Aliens Made Them Do It Ship: Tony Stark/Gamora Rating: Mature Major Tags: References to Rough Sex Summary: Making intergalactic booty calls would've been ridiculous if Gamora wasn't the best person Tony had ever been with. Besides, he wasn't on active duty, and space was pretty cool.  Word Count: 3110
Title: The Works Collaborator: tisfan Link: AO3 Square Filled: R2 - Hydra Won (Exchanged) Ship: WinterIron Rating: Mature (for horror) Major Tags: Hydra Won, Ambiguous Ending, Incomplete Summary: It had been his last act, getting the sleep-pods onto the ship and launching it, the whole time, holding Hydra at bay, keeping her here, keeping her distracted.And then she’d struck, casting some evil magic over him, over--He couldn’t remember. Word Count: 2346
Title: One Collaborator: LBibliophile Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T2 - Time Travel (To the Future) Ship: Tony Stark & Morgan Stark Rating: Gen Major Tags: Canonical Major Character Death, Angst, Time Travel Summary: Time travel is real, and Tony has to make a choice: to ignore this chance to restore the Dusted, or to risk all he has gained since. Strange had told him that there is only one future in which they succeed; he needs to know if this is that one. But… he has a time machine. Word Count: 170
Title: espresso yourself Collaborator: peachy Link: AO3 Square Filled: S2 - AU: Coffee Shop/Bakery Ship: Stony Rating: Gen Major Tags: Getting Together, Fluff Summary: Bucky's been telling Steve to tell Tony how he feels forever, but he hadn't planned to actually be there when it happened. Word Count: 886
Title: Used up Good Collaborator: HogwartsToAlexandria Link: AO3 Square Filled: T3 - Slave Fic Ship: Starker Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Shameless Porn, Master/Slave, Dom Peter, Sub Tony, Implied Public Use, Verbal Humiliation, Don't Like Don't Read (and I mean that) Summary: Peter fucks his slave within an inch of his life and Tony loves it. That's it. Word Count: 825
Title: The Other Side of the Coin Collaborator: FestiveFerret Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - Free Ship: Stony Rating: E Major Tags: BDSM, Subdrop, References to Painplay Gone Too Far Summary: Tony's a brat. It's just the truth. There's always that voice in his head that tells him to push, refuse, disobey. And that means no dom has the time or patience or skill to take him down into the subspace he craves.That is, until he meets Steve Rogers. Word Count: 9866
Title: The Plague Collaborator: Von_Gelmini Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T4 - Writing Format: First Person Ship: Starker Rating: Teen Major Tags: POV First Person, Autobiography, Reminiscing, Post-Endgame, Not Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant Summary: So there I was, having made it through my entire life—What age? That doesn’t matter. You’re just supposed to sit there, take dictation, and get the royalties from sticking your name on my autobiography even though you’re not gonna write a word. Pepper insists you be here. Now shut up, let me ramble, and write it down. Word Count: 529
Title: Parachute Collaborator: FestiveFerret Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R1 - Music Ship: Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Angst, Mutual Pining Summary: Fanvid Word Count: N/A
Title: Gift of the Universe Collaborator: LBibliophile Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S4 - Resurrection Ship: Tony Stark & Infinity Stones Rating: Gen Major Tags: Moodboard, sentient infinity stones, resurrection Summary: Tony Stark. We see you, we know you. Everything comes with a price, but you – our champion – have paid enough. Accept our gift, and wake!  Word Count: 150
Title: Breaking Up is Hard to Do Collaborator: betheflame Link: AO3 Square Filled: A2 - Journals/Diaries Ship: Stony, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker Rating: Gen Major Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers, Fluff  Summary: Peter's at summer camp, Tony and Steve are at home, and we hear about Peter's summer camp romance via letters to them and a diary to his A.I. Word Count: 939
Title: these violent delights have violent ends Collaborator: simi Link: AO3 Square Filled: R5 - AU: Alpha/Beta/Omega Ship: Stuckony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: ABO AU, Omega Tony, Alpha Steve and Tony, Infertility, Fertility Issues, Explicit Sexual Content Summary: It’s the third pregnancy test that Tony’s taken in six months, and there were fifteen before that, over the last two years.It comes back negative, and Tony throws it at the wall in a fit of fury, covering his face with his hands.There’s a knock on the door.“Tony, is everything okay?” Bucky’s voice is soft, as it comes through.Tony’s eyes are stinging, and when he raises his head, stares at the image of him in the mirror, all he can see is abject failure.His eyes are swollen, his face wan, his brown skin sticking to his muscles and bones.He doesn’t look like the sort of omega that someone would want to have children with. Word Count: 5627
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