#sacral chakra sound healing
thesirenisles · 2 months
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♄ Utilizing Chakras to Heal your Saturn Wounds
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Chakra is a Sanskrit term used to describe each of the energetic power stations within the human body. These stations, when balanced, ensure the flow of divine energy from our root to our crown.
Balance is also significant to Saturn, which is exalted in the sign of the divine scales, Libra. Saturn’s placement within the natal chart creates restriction, either self imposed or through uncontrollable fated circumstances. As a result, the native lacks or struggles with the themes of whatever it touches, creating an imbalance among the Chakras.
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This pursuit of balance becomes a tasklist with progress reports every 27-30 years (Saturn's Return). The goal is to balance and master this energy.
Embracing the energy of the weaker chakras can assist in this process and in healing. This is a cohesive list (with recommended placements) curated to suit the emotional wounds or lack created by Saturn in the signs and houses. Of course, this can be used as you please! The frequencies can be found on youtube.
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7 - crown chakra
“I am divinely guided, inspired, and protected."
Imbalance Symptom: Attachment Enhances: Spirituality, Enlightenment, Intuition, Empathy, Awareness, Intelligence Right: To know and learn
Location: Top of the head Sound: Silence Gland: Pituitary Colors: White, Violet
Stones: Clear Quartz, Moonstone, Amethyst, Labradorite
Healing Frequency: 963 HZ
suggested placements:
🔮 saturn in pisces / 12th house
🔮 saturn in sagittarius/ 9th house
🔮 saturn in cancer/ 4th house
🔮 saturn in scorpio/ 8th house
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6-third eye
“I trust, honor, and follow my intuition."
Imbalance Symptom: Illusion Enhances: Awareness, Intuition, Thought, Insight, Vision, Mental Clarity, Memory Right: To see
Location: Center of forehead Sound: Om Gland: Pineal Colors: Indigo
Stones: Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Azurite, Sapphire
Healing Frequency: 852 HZ
suggested placements
🧿 saturn in gemini/ 3rd house 🧿 saturn in sagittarius/ 9th house 🧿 saturn in aquarius / 11th house 🧿 saturn in pisces/ 12th house
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5 - throat
“I feel safe to speak my truth and honor my voice.”
Imbalance Symptom: Lies Enhances: Expression, Communication, Diplomacy, Personal Voice, Creative Identity Right: To speak and be heard
Location: Throat Sound: Ham Gland: Thyroid Colors: Azure Blue Stones: Turquoise, Blue Lace Agate, Aquamarine, Blue Howlite Healing Frequency: 741 HZ
suggested placements
🪬 saturn in gemini/ 3rd house 🪬 saturn in libra/ 7th house 🪬 saturn in aquarius/ 11th house 🪬 saturn in leo/ 5th house
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4 - heart
“I am worthy of receiving all that I desire.”
Imbalance Symptom: Grief, Depression Enhances: Love, Healing, Acceptance Right: To love and be loved
Location: center of chest, heart Sound: Yam Gland: thymus Colors: Green/ pink Stones: Jade, Green Opal, Rose Quartz, Rhodonite Healing Frequency: 639 HZ
suggested placements
💚 saturn in taurus/ 2nd house 💚 saturn in cancer/ 4th house 💚 saturn in leo/ 5th house 💚 saturn in libra/ 7th house
💚 saturn in sagittarius/ 9th house
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3 - solar plexus
“I am confident in my ability and stand in my power."
Imbalance Symptom: Shame Enhances: Power, Vitality, Manifestation, Self- Definition & Idenitity Right: To act and be an individual
Location: Belly button Sound: Ram Gland: Pancreas Color: Yellow Stones: Topaz, Citrine, Fire Opal, Amber Healing Frequency: 528 HZ
suggested placements
☀️ saturn in aries/ 1st house
☀️ saturn in leo/ 5th house
☀️ saturn in capricorn/ 10th house
☀️ saturn in virgo/ 6th house
☀️ saturn in aquarius/ 11th house
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2 - sacral
“It is my birthright to receive pleasure and I radiate with joy."
Imbalance Symptom: Guilt Enhances: Sex, Creativity, Abundance, Self Care/Gratification, Emotional Intelligence Right: To feel and have pleasure
Location: Lower stomach/ pelvis Sound: Vam Gland: Gonads Color: Orange Stones: Carnelian, Tiger's Eye, Sunstone, Orange Calcite Healing Frequency: 417 HZ
suggested placements
🔥 saturn in leo/ 5th house
🔥 saturn in pisces/ 12th house
🔥 saturn in scorpio/ 8th house
🔥 saturn in cancer/ 4th house
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1 - root
“I am here and the Earth supports, nourishes, and nurtures me.”
Imbalance Symptom: Fear Enhances: Security, Trust, Grounding, Prosperity, Stability Right: To be here
Location: Base of the spine, Perineum Sound: Lam Gland: Adrenal Colors: Red/ Brown Stones: Garnet, Ruby, Red Agate, Bloodstone Healing Frequency: 396 HZ
suggested placements
🌹 saturn in capricorn/10th house
🌹 saturn in scorpio/ 8th house
🌹 saturn in virgo/ 6th house
🌹 saturn in aries/ 1st house
🌹 saturn in taurus/ 2nd house
Thank you for reading!!
check out my blog for in-depth astro & mythology posts!
@thesirenisles | masterlist | ko-fi? ☕️
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dasenergi · 21 days
it’s very out of the blue, but I feel like you might have an answer: do you mind sharing a way to ground or open your sacral chakra? I was told that might be something I need to work on but engaging with it eludes me
Hello, Friend,
First, let’s clarify a few concepts:
Grounding refers to becoming more centered in your body and present in the moment. It's about connecting with the earth to bring your energy down from the upper chakras and distribute it evenly throughout your body. Grounding stabilizes and connects you, forming a foundation for removing blockages and allowing energy to flow freely through your chakras.
Opening a chakra, on the other hand, is about activating and energizing the chakra.
As a reiki healer, I have worked with clients who have experienced different blockages — overactive (which can feel hot) and underactive (which can feel cold) chakras. In my experience, while reiki and sound baths can support chakra healing, the most significant progress happens when clients actively engage in their own healing process. This work requires patience, consistency, and commitment to a daily practice.
I am curious why you specifically mentioned the sacral chakra. Understanding your experience with this chakra could help identify what might be blocking it and how best to balance it. Below I will speak in broad general terms about my experience with grounding, the sacral chakra, and ways people recommend to balance it.
The Sacral Chakra: Creativity, Emotional Expression, and Sensuality
When the sacral chakra is unbalanced, it can manifest in various ways:
Emotional instability Insecurity and anxiety Addictive behaviors (overindulgence) Resentment and guilt Lack of creativity Feeling unmotivated Lack of desire
When this chakra is balanced, you feel emotionally grounded, creatively fulfilled, and physically vibrant. You are inspired, creative, sensual, passionate, playful, energetic, joyful, balanced, and connected.
Grounding Techniques When I work with clients on grounding, we usually use meditation, breathwork, and visualization.
Tree Visualization/Meditation: We hold hands, close our eyes, and synchronize our breathing. I then guide them to imagine themselves as a tree, with roots extending deep from their feet into the earth. They feel the energy from the earth rising up through their roots, stabilizing and centering them. Their arms and hands become branches reaching for the sun, feeling its nutrients invigorate them. They imagine their branches swaying in the wind, taking in carbon dioxide, and releasing oxygen back into the atmosphere. Their body is the tree trunk, feeling strong, connected, and supported — energy flowing freely.
Barefoot Walking: Another effective grounding technique is walking barefoot on natural surfaces like the earth, grass or soil. Whether it’s a walk in a park, forest, or beach, this direct connection with nature can be incredibly grounding.
Connecting with Nature: Touching nature, hugging trees, talking to plants, and listening to their responses are other powerful ways to ground. Gardening can also be a deeply grounding practice, even if its just potted plants inside of your home. If you don't have any plants, visit a plant nursery and become a plant parent. If you are nervous about being a plant parent, start-off with a small succulent. They tend to be easier to care for, although a few have died while in my care.
Physical Exercise: Physical activities like swimming, walking, or going to the gym can help ground your energy and bring awareness to your body.
Water Connection: Water is especially beneficial for grounding. Whether it is taking a dip in a stream, river, ocean, spa, swimming pool, or even a bath or shower, water can help you reconnect and stabilize your energy. Practice luxurious bathing. Water is my personal #1 healing & spiritual practice. (It is not out of the ordinary for me to take 3 showers a day.) If I don't swim every day, I feel it. I just got back from a multi-week silent meditation Buddhist retreat in the mountains, and I brought with me a glass bottle of my swimming pool water to anoint myself everyday. (I also used it to water some of the trees and plants around that I was connecting with.)
Dance: Movement is another way to ground yourself AND release blocked energy. Don’t worry about how you look—just move! Create a playlist of three songs that get your body moving, and let your body guide you. Dance as if no one is watching, allowing your intuition to lead the way. (Here is a link to a Spotify playlist of songs for intuitive dancing.)
Sensory Connection: Engage in activities that bring pleasure and engage your senses, like:
Enjoying a favorite meal mindfully. Turn off the TV and electronic devices. Close your eyes and take your time to chew slowly, savoring each flavor as it unfolds on your palate. Pay attention to the sensations of eating, how the food feels in your mouth, and how your body responds to it. Allow yourself to be fully present, appreciating the nourishment and pleasure that each bite provides.
Mindful Tea or Coffee Drinking. Make a ritual out of it. Pay attention to the sound of the water boiling, the aroma as it brews, and the warmth of the cup in your hands. Sip slowly, savoring each flavor note and texture, and allow yourself to be fully present in the experience.
Textural Exploration. Spend time exploring different textures with your hands. This could be anything from soft fabrics, like silk or velvet, to natural textures, like stones or leaves. Close your eyes and really focus on how each texture feels against your skin, allowing yourself to be absorbed in the sensation.
Opening & Balancing the Sacral Chakra involves a combination of the grounding techniques (above) and also some suggest the below:
Color and Crystals: Some believe that the sacral chakra’s association with the color orange means that eating orange foods (like oranges, carrots, mangoes, and cantaloupe) or carrying orange crystals (like Amber, Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Gold Tiger’s Eye, and Moonstone) can help balance it. This also includes wearing orange clothes, perhaps a new orange scarf or shoes? October is coming up!
Yoga Poses: While I am not trained in yoga (and only practice sporadically) certain poses are often recommended for opening the sacral chakra, such as Mountain Pose, Tree Pose, Warrior Pose, Crescent Pose, Goddess Pose, Forward Bend, Bound Angle Pose, Triangle Pose, Pigeon Pose, and Butterfly Pose. Aromatherapy: Mindful breathing with scents. Using essential oils like jasmine, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, orange, or patchouli can also support sacral chakra healing.
Creativity: Expressing yourself creatively is key to sacral chakra health. Write, draw, paint—let your creative energy flow. Even if you are not feeling particularly inspired, just start. A single brush stroke or word on a page can lead to more. Make creativity a daily practice, whether it is doodling, writing a sentence, or something else.
And probably the most important recommendation on how to balance your sacral chakra—
Emotional Exploration: Since the sacral chakra is closely tied to your emotions, consider exploring any underlying emotional issues or traumas that might be contributing to the imbalance. Journaling daily, therapy, or talking with someone you trust can be powerful tools in this process.
Even though I tried to be as thorough as possible above, I should note that I am NOT actually an expert in the chakras. I disagree with the common western belief that there are only seven chakras. I believe that there are A LOT more. Each finger has at least four! Chakras are energy vortexes. And I have a lot of opinions about them.
But like I mentioned above, doing the grounding work that I mentioned along with a daily practice, should help you.
If you want to come off Anon and send a personal message, I will be happy to provide more thoughts on the subject specific to your circumstance.
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teopatra · 1 year
✨🤭 BIENVENUE 👋🏽👋🏻👋👋🏿
Let me preface by sayin, I went on Google, found some images, saved these images, but I DO not own them and i am NOT citing my source 😆 BC I CAN *karlie red’s voice* teehee yes I did yes I did somebody plz tell ‘em who the EFF I IS 🤪 I’ll give updates if someone takes legal actions 🥳
♍️Pick a fictional Virgo♍️
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Since it’s both Virgo season ANND mercury rx im going to be doing a lot of readings themed around this season for research 🧐 purposes 🤓
1. Rue (real life ♍️ Zendaya)
What do you need to work on?
Either you have an unhealthy addiction or attachment to something OR you need to be focusing more on something like your life depends on it due to either procrastination, laziness, self loathing/not believing in yourself ENOUGH OR just not dedicating enough time to something. If you have an unhealthy attachment to something like social media or video games, know that it’s okay to indulge in certain things but you have to have balance and know wen it’s time to take a break.. your screen time could be high but if that’s the case how are you using that time to create content or make that fun thing lucrative for yourself. You can make tiktoks even if you may think it’s stupid bc the views will bring more traffic to your page but only if the intentions are good and you aren’t harming anything or displaying inappropriate behaviors. Also if you play video games you can stream, if you like to read you can do voice memos and turn it into a podcast, reel, YouTube video and you don’t even have to show your face. I’m getting mercurial energy from this pile bc it’s something to do with your voice and hands .. maybe you build, play instrument, make beats, sing, do ASMR whatever ..
Additional Messages: while mercury is in retrograde this is a good time to work on your craft not perfect it just work on it.. beginning stages will not exhibit perfection so if that’s what you expect out of yourself there is where the shadow work needs to be done. You need to make a schedule; it doesn’t have to be time exact focused but you need to have better intentions for your day.. you need to strengthen your upper body especially the arms.. practice breath work and work on healing and or balancing your lower chakras: root chakra, sacral chakra and or solar plexus whatever one resonates with you..
2. Hermoine Granger 📚
What is holding you back?
Your mouth is holding you back because you don’t understand what it means to move in silence. Just because you didn’t tell people about it or show the internet doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Learn how to enjoy the beauty of life on your own. People will begin to see right thru you and not take you serious if you’re always posting every little thing. Know your own worth, other people see it but it doesn’t seem like you’re being authentic to your true self. Maybe you tried doing shadow work and wanted to reinvent yourself; but who are you trying to be like? If you’re not being you then you’re being a carbon copy and that will just lead you down a path of self destruction.
Additional Messages: I see you’re experiencing some type of food allergy maybe gluten or dairy and hormonal imbalances. You will benefit from journaling, sound baths, and meditation music. Gemini energy somewhere in your chart maybe your moon; if it’s difficult for you to quiet the mind rn maybe bc of issues within the family relating to health or finances then you have to unwind the mind. It’ll take time, (bars) maybe you want to write music is so then do it.. work on the crown chakra, heart chakra, sacral and solar plexus chakras, you really need to recalibrate cuz you’re out of wack and your body or tummy is stressed
3. Bella Swan 🦢
How can you hold yourself accountable?
You use other people’s problems as a way to distract yourself because you want to feel needed by other people. You refuse to do things for yourself or by yourself bc maybe you realize that wen you’re by yourself you’re really sad or lonely.. figure out the root of this sadness and loneliness and heal your trauma. Tell yourself that what happened to you is NOT YOUR FAULT. People will still love you even if you aren’t available for them at the moment, if they’re meant to be in your life they’ll understand. But you don’t want to accept the fact that the people you hold dear to you are probably not meant to be in your life at this time.
Additional Messages: are you using your financial status and material meals to define your happiness? Who would you be without those things? Who are you? Do you even know? You’ve been going thru the motions for so long, that you’ve put your true desires in life aside bc you feel guilty . Heavy guilt issues, check your sun sign and your Saturn and the houses they’re in.. Heal your root chakra and if you’re going thru a Saturn return you better understand what that means for you now since the start of it until the end or else you’ll have to wait another 27 years to really dive into what you love…
4. Frodo Baggins 🧝🏽‍♀️
Where you need to communicate better…
If you have a speech impediment or your first language is diff than those around you causing language barriers do NOT be afraid to express yourself. If anyone makes fun of you for the way you speak they’re a loser and work on your confidence so this doesn’t bring you down. You know what you’re trying to say so maybe work on how to express yourself better with words. You may deal with self doubt, insecurity, trauma, and you may shut down when you feel like others don’t understand you. It’s mercury retrograde and I see for the next 3 weeks people just may not listen , that doesn’t mean talk louder, that doesn’t mean argue, become a better listener and this will help you with your communication. I feel Aquarian energy like you’re different and the ones who know you understand when you speak but you have to have balance and be able to speak in all aspects don’t be afraid or shy it’s okay.
Additional Messages: check your 11th house, and aspects to your Aquarius house, work on your throat chakra and your root chakra. If you’re in school for psychology or you’re an astrologer then you already have the answers you seek you just don’t trust yourself so work on the heart chakra as well.. idk why you don’t trust yourself you’re actually very intelligent but you have some type of disability maybe, confidence and time will strengthen this
5. Jorah Mormont 🗡️
What isn’t working for you anymore?
other people opinions aren’t working for you; you keep allowing people to put their 2 cents in when you need to trust your gut. You have a very keen eye and people feel important wen you ask their input. It’s okay to ask advice from others time to time but ask the universe, the divine, your spirit team, and or your higher self to enlighten you. There may some evil eye around you in regards to your work, others see that your hard work will lead you to success but people feel left out and want to siphon all your energy. Insecure and low vibrational people aren’t working for you. Your challenge rn is to know wen is a good time to just put your phone on DND and do you whether it’s rest or meditation. Strong Leo energy, check your sun sign your 5th house and anything aspecting your Leo house.
Additional Messages: you may need more sunlight or you may need to use more sunblock so you don’t get radiation poisoning. Or some of you could be outside n the sun too much which is draining you in some way. Vitamins could benefit you or orange foods like oranges and carrots. Maybe try drinking smoothies, cut out carbonated drinks and snacks high in sodium, it’s causing brain fog and memory loss. Fatigue is happening to you bc you’re probably over worked and don’t drink enough water or the right type of water.
6. Neo 👽
How to be more productive?
Be more imaginative , be more delusional, exercise your neptunian or piscerian energy by making your dream or fantasy world reality. You need to strengthen your psychic abilities maybe by asking the universe or higher power to give you a sign.. work on your telepathy by imaging a certain object you want the universe to use to communicate with you to affirm. Stop doubting your intuition just because it may scare you. If you believe that we live in a simulation and nothing is real then why are you allowing this reality to bring you down. Pretend you’re in a video game or movie and you’re the main character or final boss. You may need to move your body more bc your blood isn’t circulating enough or properly esp if your body parts have been falling asleep lately
Additional Messages: it would benefit you to detox, drink more water and take on a healthier diet or lifestyle because something is clouding your judgement and intuition. Check your chart for what planets are in your 12th house or aspecting your Pisces placements. You’re in a self deprecating mode rn and you have to snap out of it. Eat less meat especially if you’re a water sign bc you’re taking on the energies of those unalive animals your eating you feel their pain.. also stop eating GMO food for 60 days…
3:03 on the clock
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thejournallo · 8 months
Explain the method: Frequency and vibrations.
As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!).if you are intrested in more method check the masterlist!
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Discleimer: This is not to be taken as a substitute for therapy; it is a way to find some peace of mind when we struggle with something light. I will explain better in this post. I just wanted to make this clear!
The universe responds to your frequency. It does not understand your desires, wants, or needs. All it recognizes is the frequency you're vibrating at. For example, if you vibrate at the frequency of guilt or shame, you will attract things that resonate with that frequency. If you are vibrating at the frequency of love, pleasure, and abundance, you will attract things that match that frequency. It's similar to tuning into a radio station. You have to be tuned into the radio station you want to listen to, just as you must be tuned into the energy you want to manifest in your life.
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I already once used the example of changing radio stations, but here is more in a "literal" manner.
Let me explain. We have our own frequency, right? right. So if we have to adjust our frequency to the right radio, we have to listen carefully so we don't miss the station that we want. That's how we work with various frequencies.It is like a subliminal, but instead of affirmation, we get brown or white noise, depending on the frequency. Especially for their relaxing sound, frequency is often used during meditation!
You can find many frequencies online, but I won't leave you hanging.
MEDITATION FREQUENCIES: 174 Hz: Removes Pain 285 Hz: Heals Energy Field 396 Hz: Removes Guilt, Fear, and Root 417 Hz: Resolve past trauma (watch the discleamer) and facilitate change/sacral chakra 432 Hz:Miracle Tone of Nature 528 Hz: Repairs DNA, Transformation & Miracles, Solar Chakra 639 Hz: Heals and connects relationships/heart chakra 741 Hz: Attracts Soul Tribe/Express Truth and Communication/Threat Chakra 852 Hz: Awakens intuition/third eye chakra 963 Hz: Connects with Spirit/Connects with the Divine/Crown Chakra
aura health : I did not understand if it had a price or not because I usually use YouTube or Spotify. But I fond this site that is great for learning to meditate, and it gives you frequency directly connected to your problem!
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arrenlebanen777 · 2 years
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"This post is going to be different, so if you don't want to read it, that's OK." So let's begin....If you hit rock bottom, your life is down, you want to put your life in order, you want to glow up, you want raise your vibration, or you just want to live better...follow me on this: Chakras, why?...Well because chakras are energy centers which rules different areas of our life and where our needs/desires/talents resides, and they are expressed in different ways in each of us (natal chart), but deep down are the same needs: 🌿Root Chakra (Muladhara): Earth(Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): In the houses where you have this signs, are the houses where you ground yourself, and where your stability is compromised. And the planets that you have in these signs too, are the planets that are connected to your root chakra. When you work your root chakra you activate and heal this planets/houses. 🌿Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): In the houses where you have these signs, are the houses where your creativity, emotions, and sexuality resides and is compromised, the planets that you have in these signs are the planets that are ruled by your sacral chakra, when you work your sacral chakra you activate & heal this planets/houses. 🌿Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Fire(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): The houses where you have these signs, are the houses where your willpower, identity and wisdom is expressed/compromised, the planets of fire signs are ruled by this chakra, when you work your solar plexus chakra you heal and activate this planets/houses. ☾There is a point between the Sacral/Solar plexus chakra called "Nabhi" which is three fingers below your navel, this point is alive, actually if you put three fingers under your navel and dip them a bit, you can feel a throbbing point, this point processes all life experiences before your mind does, this point controls your entire nervous system, and if you really work this point and make it alive, nothing is going to touch you (yes, you still can have shitty experiences, but they won't affect you as much)☾
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🌿 Heart Chakra (Anahata): Air (Geminis, Libra, Aquarius): in the houses where you have these signs, are the houses where your humanitarian side, compassion, curiosity, wisdom and altruistic love is expressed and compromised, if you have planets in air signs, they are ruled by your heart chakra. And when you work with your heart chakra, this planets/houses are activated and healed.
↓-Postscript: to all the people that will say that Gemini is throat chakra and Aquarius is third eye type of shit. Air signs are social signs and a good love/social life is only beautiful when your heart chakra is open/balanced and awakened.(I know they represents the mind but real intelligence only comes when there is Mind-Heart Synergy, because the mind is nothing without the heart) Gemini represents our curiosity, innocence, childlike nature which resides in our heart chakra, Aquarius represents our humanitarian, altruistic and detached side(almost all people misinterpret detachment with disinterest… is the opposite, it is inclusiveness without entanglement, when you are detached you know how to use/be with everything), and Libra represents compassion, love, justice, relationships, beauty(not the egocentric beauty like fashion and trends, but the ability to appreciate the beauty of life & creation) which is our heart chakras nature/ability-↑
There could be some asteroids that could talk about these chakras, but usually these chakras go beyond astrology:
🌿 Throat chakra (Vishuddha): Here we enter in more etheric realms, which is sound/reverberation, this chakra it balances through Mantras, Creative/honest expression that is only through well balanced Sacral/Heart Chakras. 
🌿 Third eye Chakra (Ajna): This chakra represents awareness, intuition, perception and spiritual communication, it is activated and it is balanced through meditation. 
🌿 Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): This Chakra represents our true self(higher self), enlightenment, transcendence. The only way this chakra could be awakened/activated or reached, is through spiritual practices or being crazy enough to jump into existence/nothingness.
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So...what spiritual practices can i do for this?: Kundalini Yoga, Yoga in general, Meditate, Tantra, Mantras, Connect with nature, I highly recommend dopamine fasting (and if you want to take it seriously, do it for 30 days), study metaphysics, study the laws of the universe (Hermes Trismegistus), Mindfulness, Isha yoga, Kriya yoga, sports. Yoga is not contortions or a sport to take away your anxiety(dumb), the word yoga means union, union of your individual consciousness with all existence/creation (universal consciousness), these practices are made for the development of your consciousness, so that you reach your Maximum potential in this life. A gift to the astro community: 1)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uhmyb782MJA 2)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KozsnmNiFkk&list=TLPQMDExMjIwMjIzzQOCzwLsbA&index=2
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madamlaydebug · 10 months
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It is believed by many Eastern Cultures that we have life force energy, or “chi” (also known as prana, qi, ki) that runs through us and everything in our world. This idea is not so far fetched when we can see the amazing vibratory nature of our cells through a microscope (which vibrate at an even deeper level when we get down to our molecules and atoms). It is from this perspective that we are able to see the #energetic force that creates our bodies, and ultimately our physical world.
The word Chakra is #Sanskrit and means “wheel” or “turning”. It is thought by the #Buddhists and in the Hindi tradition (in Yoga) that the human body has upwards of 72,000 (or more) #nadis or lines of energy that flow through us and exit at certain points through-out our body. It is believed that the flow of this energy keeps #balance within us, and that each meridian is resposible for a specific function of the body. In this belief, there are seven major energy centers, that govern the well-being our major glands, and are responsible for our emotional, physical, #mental spiritual well-being.
If one of these Chakras are out of balance, either by too much, or too little, it will manifest in our #physical world as dis-ease.
There are many ways to heal the Chakras, including Reiki Chakra Balancing, but here we will focus on what crystals, colours, and sounds are known to help balance each individual chakra. Please click on a specific Chakra for detailed information on each and how you can begin to bring balance to each, healing your life.
Mudladhara – 1st or Root Chakra (Muladhara, Mooladhara)
Svadhisthana– 2nd or Sacral Chakra
Manipura – 3rd or Solar Plexus Chakra
Anahata – 4th or Heart Chakra
Visuddha – 5th or Throat Chakra
Ajna – 6th or Third Eye Chakra
Sahasrara – 7th or Crown Chakra
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theic-manic · 2 months
I'm feeling Very conflicted because I.. am genuinely attracted to the gods, and it's far more complicated than I can or will explain in ask but, I feel Really Bad about it.
I'm trying to do my research and all I can think of is. sex. sex and love and romance and how they're Hot and I Don't Like It. I don't feel guilty for thinking they're hot but I'm very worried about reaching out to actually worship them when I am so heavily attracted to the idea of them (I've never felt sexual attraction for anyone who isn't a god either, it's. a problem).
Plenty folks speak of being in love with their gods, including godspousing, but this isn't agape or spiritual marriage this is physical attraction to a metaphysical concept that Isn't Even Them because I haven't reached out to actually meet them because I'm scared.
Hey there Godpsousing is something I intend to include in a future post so thanks for the reminder and I'll address your concerns here:
Thank you for being vulnerable enough to share your experiences. With your current experience of only thinking of sex etc. please rule out any mundane medical causes such as hormonal imbalances, dietary issues, Hyersexuality attributed to certain Psychiatric & Neurodivergent conditions etc.
Please also look into Chakra balancing, particularly what sounds like an overactive sacral chakra. Yoga and meditation are very useful for this.
If you've never worshipped a deity, absolutely do not just spring sexual worship onto them as this is super inappropriate, disrespectful and non-consenting.
If you're a minor, do not engage with deities sexually and I will add the caveat that I will not provide guidance on sex acts within paganism to minors.
If you're too scared to even approach a deity then you should certainly avoid springing sexual energy onto them so please look into medical and spiritual practices to control your energy and urges so that you're not inadvertently breaching consent. If you feel incapable of approaching deities without controlling this energy then yes, perhaps take some time to work on yourself first prior to engaging in deity worship. This is similar to feeling incapable of approaching a person without sexually harassing them, learn to control your urges first so that you're not hurting yourself or others.
You've mentioned only feeling sexual attraction to deities, my experience is that this is typical of practitioners who have experience sexual trauma and feel safer feeling attraction to non-physical entities than humans. Please seek professional counselling if this is the case. May Apollo help guide your healing and may Hermes assist you in finding the correct resources that you need.
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enchanted-moura · 2 months
what do you know about chakra healing apart from meditation? all my chakras are blocked/out of balance but my throat chakra is the strongest. the worst ones are the sacral, solar plexus, heart and crown
Is your root together? Are you safe, secure, sound? Eating right? Sleeping? Having fun and pleasure? Sex?
Get that together and your perspective will shift
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harmonyhealinghub · 1 year
Unlocking Your Inner Balance: Understanding Chakras
Shaina Tranquilino
July 29, 2023
Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel" or "disk." Within our bodies, there are believed to be seven main chakras that form a part of our energetic system. These spinning wheels of energy are said to be responsible for our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Each chakra corresponds to specific organs, emotions, colours, sounds, elements, and even life lessons. They are interconnected and influence one another's functioning. When all chakras are in balance and open, energy flows freely throughout our body, promoting harmony and vitality. However, if they become blocked or imbalanced, we may experience various physical or emotional ailments.
Let's explore the seven chakras individually:
1. Root Chakra (Muladhara): Located at the base of the spine, it represents our foundation and connection to the Earth. This chakra governs feelings of safety, security, stability, and survival instincts.
2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): Positioned just below the navel area, it relates to pleasure, creativity, sexuality, and emotional balance. This chakra encourages us to embrace joy and passion in life.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Situated in the upper abdomen region near the diaphragm area, this chakra influences self-esteem, personal power, confidence, motivation, and willpower.
4. Heart Chakra (Anahata): Found at the center of the chest near your heart area; this chakra symbolizes love—both for oneself and others—as well as compassion, forgiveness, and emotional healing.
5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Located at the throat region, it governs communication, self-expression, authenticity, and speaking one's truth. This chakra encourages clear and effective communication.
6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Positioned between the eyebrows, this chakra represents intuition, inner wisdom, insight, imagination, and perception beyond the physical senses. It is often associated with enhanced spiritual awareness.
7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Situated at the top of the head or slightly above it, this chakra connects us to higher consciousness and divine energy. It embodies spirituality, enlightenment, and cosmic unity.
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Now that we have a basic understanding of each chakra let's explore how to balance them:
1. Meditation: Regular meditation practice can help activate and align your chakras. Focusing on each individual chakra while visualizing its specific color and chanting its corresponding sound can be especially beneficial.
2. Yoga Asanas: Certain yoga poses are known for their ability to stimulate specific chakras. For example, grounding standing poses like Mountain Pose (Tadasana) can activate the Root Chakra while heart-opening poses such as Camel Pose (Ustrasana) target the Heart Chakra.
3. Affirmations: Repeating positive affirmations related to each chakra can help reprogram your subconscious mind and promote energetic balance. For example, "I am safe and secure" for the Root Chakra or "I express my truth with clarity" for the Throat Chakra.
4. Energy Healing: Seeking assistance from an energy healer or practicing self-healing techniques like Reiki can aid in clearing blockages within your chakras.
By becoming more attuned to our chakras' needs and addressing any imbalances or blockages we may encounter along our journey, we give ourselves a powerful tool for self-healing and personal growth. Remember, achieving balance in our chakras is a lifelong process, so be patient and compassionate with yourself as you embark on this transformative path.
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Let’s talk about: Body Ascension Symptoms
So I had some insight over the past few days about body ascension symptoms, such as why we get them, what some common ones are, and what to do.
Common Body Ascension Symptoms
Dairy intolerance—for you body to integrate higher frequencies, sometimes it will become intolerant to the heaviness of dairy, you may adjust and it becomes fine
Sugar issues— blood sugar drops, feeling sensitive to sugar, feeling dizzy when having something with sugar
Seasickness or motion sickness—your soul is remembering how to control a human but from a higher state. It feels very different. You may be more sensitive to movement
Chronic exhaustion—this can happen because your body takes in so much energy that it’s almost like you are buzzing, you struggle to sleep or stay asleep
Twitching—this is also a sign of energy overload and it just means you didn’t properly prepare your body for the energy download, this is why what you ingest and how you workout can impact so much, a more fit body can more easily handle more energy
Falling or other motor function based injury—when your soul is rising in frequency, it can struggle a bit with controlling the body so you may notice you fall or seem to have some issues when you walk, getting a crick in your neck, basically the soul and body have to get back in tune and adjust
Horniness— yeah, it means that your sacral energy is getting a boost from just the sheer increase in energy flowing through you.
Random headaches— as you take energy in through the crown, your mind works double time to interpret the energy, it can cause a headache
Sensitive to sound— you may notice that you listen to things more quietly than you used to or crowded spaces seem to be louder to you
More vibrant colors— the sky may look more brightly blue, or the grass more deeply green, the world literally looks more beautiful
Improved fitness— you may naturally have more energy to workout or crave healthier food and implement better habits
Period issues— part of all the energy being managed through the root chakra, and part of healing collective feminine wounding around our reproductive organs
Food allergies and intolerances— you may develop other types of allergies or intolerances to things like meat, nuts, alcohol, etc. Celiacs disease or Chrohns disease as well.
**note: I am explaining a spiritual cause and this does not serve as medical advice, you should still seek medical assistance.**
Why do we have these issues?
Because sometimes for spiritual growth our body also has to go through upgrades. Most of us who are spiritual and sensitive have repressed so much of that in order to survive. We become used to suppression. When you move into thrival mode, you have to open yourself up and that means making yourself sensitive again. Being an HSP (highly sensitive person) means I’m not just energetically or emotionally sensitive, but I’m sensitive to scents, and foods, and sounds, etc. It opens you up across the board. In the past where I could repress nausea, now I can’t. Not well. Forced authenticity.
How to handle it
My advice is to listen. If you feel the need to switch something up, follow that prompting. That’s part of what prompted me to stop nicotine, to start taking medication, etc. This change, you don’t have to view it as permanent, you can tell yourself you’re just doing it for now, but it’s critical we listen to our bodies.
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100 blog topics for a Kundalini Reiki course
Here are 100 blog topics for a Kundalini Reiki course:
Introduction to Kundalini Reiki
What is Kundalini Reiki?
The History of Kundalini Reiki
Kundalini Reiki vs. Traditional Reiki: Key Differences
The Benefits of Kundalini Reiki
The Energy System: Understanding Kundalini
Who Can Practice Kundalini Reiki?
Attunements and Levels
Understanding Kundalini Reiki Attunements
Kundalini Reiki Level 1: What to Expect
Kundalini Reiki Level 2: Deepening Your Practice
Kundalini Reiki Level 3: Mastering the Energy
The Role of the Kundalini Fire
How to Prepare for a Kundalini Reiki Attunement
Techniques and Practices
Basic Techniques of Kundalini Reiki
How to Perform a Kundalini Reiki Self-Healing
Kundalini Reiki for Emotional Healing
Using Kundalini Reiki for Physical Healing
Meditation Practices in Kundalini Reiki
The Importance of Grounding in Kundalini Reiki
Symbols and Mantras
Understanding Kundalini Reiki Symbols
How to Use the Kundalini Reiki Symbols
The Power of Mantras in Kundalini Reiki
Creating Personal Mantras for Healing
The Significance of the "OM" Mantra in Kundalini Reiki
Chanting Practices in Kundalini Reiki
Chakras and Energy Centers
The Chakra System in Kundalini Reiki
Balancing Your Chakras with Kundalini Reiki
Activating the Root Chakra
Healing the Sacral Chakra
Empowering the Solar Plexus Chakra
Opening the Heart Chakra
Clearing the Throat Chakra
Awakening the Third Eye Chakra
Connecting with the Crown Chakra
Advanced Practices
Advanced Techniques in Kundalini Reiki
Using Kundalini Reiki for Spiritual Growth
Kundalini Reiki and Past Life Healing
Healing Ancestral Patterns with Kundalini Reiki
Using Kundalini Reiki for Manifestation
Integrating Crystals into Kundalini Reiki Practice
Healing Others
How to Perform Kundalini Reiki on Others
Distance Healing with Kundalini Reiki
Group Healing Sessions with Kundalini Reiki
Using Kundalini Reiki in Professional Practice
Creating a Healing Space for Kundalini Reiki
Ethical Considerations in Kundalini Reiki Practice
Kundalini Awakening
Understanding Kundalini Awakening
Signs and Symptoms of Kundalini Awakening
How to Safely Awaken Kundalini Energy
Coping with Kundalini Awakening Symptoms
The Spiritual Journey of Kundalini Awakening
Integrating Kundalini Awakening into Daily Life
Kundalini Reiki in Daily Life
Daily Practices to Enhance Kundalini Reiki
Using Kundalini Reiki for Stress Relief
Kundalini Reiki for Improved Sleep
How to Incorporate Kundalini Reiki into Your Morning Routine
Creating a Kundalini Reiki Evening Ritual
Using Kundalini Reiki in the Workplace
Kundalini Reiki and Relationships
Healing Relationships with Kundalini Reiki
Using Kundalini Reiki for Self-Love
Strengthening Bonds with Kundalini Reiki
Resolving Conflicts with Kundalini Reiki
Enhancing Intimacy with Kundalini Reiki
Kundalini Reiki for Family Healing
Kundalini Reiki and Personal Growth
Setting Intentions with Kundalini Reiki
Overcoming Fears with Kundalini Reiki
Building Confidence with Kundalini Reiki
Using Kundalini Reiki for Personal Empowerment
Kundalini Reiki for Creativity Enhancement
Achieving Goals with Kundalini Reiki
Kundalini Reiki for Specific Conditions
Using Kundalini Reiki for Chronic Pain Relief
Kundalini Reiki for Anxiety and Depression
Healing Trauma with Kundalini Reiki
Kundalini Reiki for Digestive Health
Enhancing Immunity with Kundalini Reiki
Kundalini Reiki for Heart Health
Kundalini Reiki and Other Modalities
Combining Kundalini Reiki with Yoga
Using Kundalini Reiki with Meditation
Kundalini Reiki and Aromatherapy
Integrating Kundalini Reiki with Acupuncture
Kundalini Reiki and Sound Healing
Kundalini Reiki Community
Joining a Kundalini Reiki Community
The Benefits of Kundalini Reiki Support Groups
Sharing Kundalini Reiki Experiences
Organizing Kundalini Reiki Workshops
Finding a Kundalini Reiki Mentor
Professional Development
How to Start a Kundalini Reiki Practice
Marketing Your Kundalini Reiki Services
Building a Client Base for Kundalini Reiki
Continuing Education in Kundalini Reiki
Writing and Publishing on Kundalini Reiki
Kundalini Reiki for Children and Pets
Kundalini Reiki for Children: Benefits and Techniques
Teaching Kundalini Reiki to Kids
Using Kundalini Reiki for Pet Healing
Kundalini Reiki for Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation
Creating a Family Kundalini Reiki Practice
Special Topics
The Science Behind Kundalini Reiki
Kundalini Reiki and Quantum Healing
Exploring Different Lineages of Kundalini Reiki
Kundalini Reiki and Shamanic Practices
Future Trends in Kundalini Reiki
Would you like more detailed information on any of these topics?
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theoptimistpriya · 3 months
Best Chakra Healing In Ghaziabad
Chakra healing is a holistic practice that aims to balance and align the body's energy centers, known as chakras. There are seven main chakras, each located at a specific point along the spine, from the base of the spine to the crown of the head.
Here's a brief description of each chakra and its associated healing properties:
Root Chakra (Muladhara): Stability, grounding, and physical well-being.
Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): Creativity, emotions, and sexual energy.
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Personal power, self-esteem, and willpower.
Heart Chakra (Anahata): Love, compassion, and relationships.
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Communication, self-expression, and personal truth.
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Intuition, insight, and spiritual connection.
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Spiritual awareness, enlightenment, and connection to the divine.
Chakra healing techniques may include:
Meditation and visualization
Yoga and breathwork
Sound and vibration therapy
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Chakra | Meditation
(Unsure if this is a closed practice or not; most people say it is meanwhile most people say it isn't so idk)
Rules of Manifestation:  Vision: Focus clearly on what you want Ask: Ask universe- send it out to the universe Action: Work towards your goals
Trust the powers In order to manifest- you have to believe it will
Receive: Acknowledge and accept what you receive Raise Those voices You attract what you put out into the universe Let it go
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Energy is Everything
Your Ascendent is what type of energy you give. Your Sun is what gives you energy. Your Mercury is how you process energy. Your Venus is the type of energy you effortlessly possess. Your Mars is how you expend energy.
Examples: Moon In libra takes in energy from relationships Mercury,Virgo processes energy critically. Mars in Tuarus expends energy slowly. Sun in Aquarius gives energy when the native feels free to be themselves. A pisces rising can give off a very elusive/vulnerable energy.
Aura Colour Chart:
  Positive- Courage, strength, energy, creativity.
  Negative- Irritable, fiery- temper, destructiveness. 
  Positive: Vitality, joy, loves life
  Negative: Irritable, lazy, self-indulgent
  Positive: Wisdom, spiritual, peaceful.
  Negative: Fearful, lazy, careless,
  Positive: Ingenuity, Practical
  Negative: Materialistic, selfish.
  Positive: Artistic, spiritual seeker, imaginative
  Negative: Moody, critical, snobbish.
  Positive: Inspirational speaker, teacher, artist
  Negative: Prejudiced, Liar, disloyal
  Positive: True greatness, high spiritual nature, mystic
  Negative: Selfish, cunning, spiteful.
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To be able to see your past lives you must meditate, these memories are deep within you and you use some magical help. 
Before meditating, drink lavender or lilac tea.
Scry with a mirror or fire for a glimpse of a past life.
Use stones or lapis lazuli or amethyst.
Psychological Chakras blockage.
Root Blocked.
Overly fearful about security and survival. Ungrounded. Flighty. Generally Fearful. Feeling of not belonging. Anywhere. Poor Health.
Sacral Blocked.
Emotionally cold. Difficult changing. Difficulty experiencing joy. Holds back OR Hyper-emotional. Overly sexual. Overly focused on physical pleasure, guilt.
Solar Plexus.
Lack of confidence. Difficulty manifesting desires. Lack of self-esteem. OR Misuse of Power. Dominance. Over-reliance on will. Shame.
Loneliness. Lack Of emotional fulfilment. Difficulty. Accepting or giving love. Lack Of compassion. Unhealthy relationships. Loving too much. Love manifesting at a low vibration. A lack of sense of connection to the divine or to nature.
Inability to communicate ideas. Problems with self expression [expression of own truth] Problems with creativity. Uncontrolled. Low-Value. Inconsistent communication manipulative. Deceptive of self or others.
Third eye blocked.
Lack of imagination. Lack of vision. Lack Of concentration. Blocked or clouded intuition. Can’t see ‘big picture’ OR Distorted vision. Delusional. Distorted imagination. Misuse of Intuition. OR Overly reliant on logic/intellect.
Ungrounded. Impractical. Indecisive. Difficulty with finishing things. No common sense. Depressed. Alienated. Confused. OR cut off from spirituality . Plagued by sense of meaningless. Delusional. Grandiose. ______________________________________________________________
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Root Chakra - [Red] 
 Lam: Base Of Spine On Perineum, Muladhara. *Thumb & index fingers touch, Arms Straight hands on knees, Chakra Sound Long: L-A-A-A-A-M
Element: Earth.    Emotion: Safety/Security  Body: Spine, Reccum, legs, arms, circulatory, system.
Balanced Behaviour: Safe, secure, centred, grounded, happy to be alive.
Blocked: Fearful, anxious, insecure, self-pity, self-doubt, aggressive.
Overactive: Greedy, Lust for power, aggressive, materialistic, cynical. 
Healing: Beets, parsnips, apples, rutabagas, pomegranates, protein. 
Crystal: Garnet, smoky, quartz, red jasper, obsidian, jet, black, tourmaline, bloodstone.
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 Vam: Hips. Creativity, Swadhisthana. *Place Hands in your lap with your palms faring upwards. Right Palm, resting on top or left, Chakra sound V-A-A-A-A-M
Element: Water.   Emotion: Sexuality, desire, pleasure.   Body: Reproductive organs, kidneys, bowels, immune system. 
Balanced: Passion, creative, healthy libido, optimistic, open.
Blocked: Low Libido, fear of intimacy, aloof, destructive dependent.
Overractice: Over emotional, fixed on sex, hedonistic manipulative.
Healing foods: Beets, parsnips, pomegranate protein.
Crystal: Carnelian, orange adventure, orange calcite, peach moonstone.
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Solar Plexus Chakra: [Yellow]
 Ram: Two-inches below Naval. Will power. Manipura. *Place your hands between your heart and your stomach. Chakra sound Long R-A-A-A-A-M
Element: Fire.  Body: Central nervous, system pancreas, liver, skin, digestive tracts.
Balanced: Confident in control, optimistic, ambitious, joyful, easy-going.
Blocked: Low Self-esteem, powerless, pessimist, over analytical.
Overactive: Power hungry, domineering, perfectionist, critical.
Healing: Yellow papers, yellow lentils, bananas, oats, corn, squash. 
Solar Plexus: Citrine, Tigers eye, Amber Topaz, yellow calcite. __________________________________________________________
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 Yam: Love [Heart] Anahata. *Right Hand: Index finger touching at heart centre, left hand in same mudra resting on the knee, Chakra sound long Y-A-A-A-A-M
Element: Air   Body: heart thymus, lower lungs, circulatory system, immune system. 
Balanced: Generous, loving, compassionate, peaceful, open empathetic.
Blocked: Lack of empathy, bitter, hateful, trust issues, bitter jealousy.
Overactive: Jealous, self-sacrificing, codependent, give too much.
Healing foods: Spinach, broccoli, kale, peas, other leaf, greens.
Crystal: Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite, malachite, amazonite. ___________________________________________________________
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Throat Chakra: [Blue]
 Ham: Throat. [expression] Vishuddha. *Hand by stomach, fingers interlaced & thumbs tips touching. Focus on Throat Chakra. Shakra sound long H-A-A-A-M
Element: Ether.  Body: Throat. Respiratory system, teeth, vocal chords, thyroid, 
Balanced: Expressive, good communicator, trustworthy calm, honest.
Blocked: Cant express self, secretive, quiet, shy, moody, not good listener,
Overactive: Opinionated, loud, critical, gossipy, interrupt, harsh words
Healing foods: Blueberries, blue raspberries, kelp, figs.
Crystal: Blue lace agate, turquoise, amazonite, blue topaz. ___________________________________________________________
Third Eye Chakra: [Indigo]
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Element: Light.   Body.  Pituitary gland, pineal gland, eyes, brain, sinuses, 
Balanced: Intuitive, faithful, imaginative, integrous, clarity of mind.
Blocked: Poor judgement, lacks focus, poor imagination, depressed.
Overactive: Nightmares, delusions, hallucinations, obsessiveness.
Healing foods: Purple potatoes, blackberries, plumps, purple grapes.
Crystal: Amethyst, lapis lazuli, sapphire, sodalite, ___________________________________________________________
Crown Chakra: [Violet]
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OM: Crown. [Spiritual connection] Sahasrara. *Hands in front of your stomach, fingers interlaced, little fingers pointing upwards. Chakra sound Long: O-O-M-M-M-M
Element: Air.   Body: Mind.
Balanced: Connected, present, wise, universal love.
Blocked: Learning difficulties, disconnected from reality, anger, lack of faith. 
Overactive: Dogmatic, judgemental, ungrounded, spiritual addition.
Healing foods: Fresh air, sunlight, nature. [Okay I’ll just ‘eat’ nature]
Crystal: Clear Quartz, Selenite, Moonstone, amethyst, labradorite.
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It’s been about 2 months since my sacral chakra has felt blocked and painful (can’t orgasm) and last night I finally, directly asked my body, “girl what’s goin on down/inside there? What do I need to look at to heal? What information is missing that I need to understand in order to heal?” I’m trying to ask my body directly what’s going on because I really believe that aspect of me will tell me in mysterious ways. What I’m seeking is seeking me type situation.
Cut to the dream!
Im pregnant, about to have a baby and im so excited (but also confused how it happened so fast in the dream). Mom is with me the entire dream. I have the baby and the first night shes sleeping with me on my chest. It was the most precious amazing feeling I’ve ever felt, this baby was mine, she came from my soul lineage. I remember feeling how special it was to have her skin sleeping against mine.
But all the sudden, she was kinda slipping away from my body and the next morning she wasn’t alive anymore, and she looked like Angelica’s doll from rugrats… tiny/skinny/mummified practically. Honestly this dream sounds horrifying. I was soooo upset and sad. Mom helped me thru it, nothing really happened after that.
Last night I did 60 min of breathing life force energy in and out thru my primordial sacral entrance (i felt so horny and wanted to climax so bad, and almost kinda did but it felt minuscule). I kept going and pushing the boundary of my pleasure bc I wanted to research / understand what’s going on and where the pleasure stops and the pain starts. After I was able to climax somewhat, my body didn’t feel excruciating pain like before, so I felt positive about it, like some healing amends have been made this far. But now this morning, in tandem with that dream, my sacral chakra feels backed up, hard, dysfunctional. I’m pretty constipated this morning. So my body is def still working thru some things (love you girl take your time!!)
It makes me feel like my body still needs to process my 2018 chapter of abortion, copper wire birth control that fell out, horrible lemon size clotting for 2 months, weight gain and depression. I really don’t think I’ve processed all of that….
I feel happy knowing moms around for all of this, I know she’s helping me and watching over the souls of my past and future babies 🤍. Side note- at the pool last night I mentioned I can’t wait to have kids and Barco was like shocked ! But yes it’s true!!!
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SACRAL CHAKRA Healing Vibrational Sound Bath w/ OCEAN Sounds | Emotional...
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alusa12 · 6 months
Balancing the Chakras through Massage: Energy Centers in Harmony
In the realm of holistic healing practices, balancing the chakras through massage has emerged as a powerful method for restoring harmony and vitality to the mind, body, and spirit. Originating from ancient Indian spiritual traditions, chakras are believed to be spinning wheels of energy located along the spine, each corresponding to different aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When these energy centers become blocked or imbalanced, it can manifest as physical discomfort, emotional distress, or a sense of being spiritually disconnected. Through the art of massage, practitioners aim to unblock and harmonize the flow of energy within  promoting a sense of balance and well-being.
Understanding the Chakras
Before delving into the intricacies of chakra-balancing massage techniques, it's essential to understand the role of each energy center in the body. There are seven main chakras, each associated with specific organs, emotions, and spiritual qualities: 서천출장안마
Root Chakra (Muladhara): Located at the base of the spine, the root chakra governs our sense of security, stability, and connection to the earth. 
Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana): Positioned in the lower abdomen, the sacral chakra is linked to creativity, pleasure, and emotional well-being.
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Situated in the upper abdomen, the solar plexus chakra influences our sense of personal power, self-esteem, and confidence.
Heart Chakra (Anahata): Found at the center of the chest, the heart chakra governs love, compassion, and emotional healing.
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Located at the throat, the throat chakra is associated with communication, self-expression, and authenticity.
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Positioned between the eyebrows, the third eye chakra is linked to intuition, wisdom, and inner vision. 서천출장마사지
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Situated at the top of the head, the crown chakra represents our connection to the divine, spiritual enlightenment, and higher consciousness. 
The Practice of Chakra-Balancing Massage
Chakra-balancing massage techniques vary depending on the practitioner's training and expertise. However, the underlying principle remains consistent: to facilitate the flow of energy through the chakras, promoting balance and well-being. Here are some common methods used in chakra-balancing massage:
Aromatherapy: Essential oils are carefully selected based on their corresponding chakras and used during the massage to stimulate and balance energy flow. For example, grounding oils such as patchouli and vetiver may be used for the root chakra, while uplifting oils like bergamot and rosemary are chosen for the solar plexus chakra.
Energy Healing Techniques: Practitioners may incorporate energy healing modalities such as Reiki or Pranic Healing to channel healing energy into the chakras, clearing blockages and restoring balance.
Crystals and Gemstones: Crystals and gemstones are placed on or around the body to resonate with the vibration of each chakra, amplifying the healing effects of the massage. For instance, amethyst may be used to balance the crown chakra, while citrine is chosen for the solar plexus chakra.
Sound Therapy: Tuning forks, singing bowls, or chanting may be used to produce sound vibrations that resonate with the frequency of each chakra, helping to clear stagnant energy and promote harmony.
Visualization and Meditation: Clients may be guided through visualization exercises or meditation techniques to focus their awareness on each chakra, encouraging relaxation, and energetic alignment.
Benefits of Chakra-Balancing Massage
The practice of chakra-balancing massage offers a myriad of benefits for the recipient, including:
Stress Reduction: By promoting relaxation and reducing tension in the body, chakra-balancing massage helps to alleviate stress and anxiety.
Emotional Healing: By releasing blocked energy and unresolved emotions stored in the chakras, massage can facilitate emotional healing and promote a sense of inner peace.
Physical Well-being: By improving the flow of energy throughout the body, chakra-balancing massage can help alleviate physical ailments and promote overall health and vitality.
Spiritual Growth: By connecting individuals to their higher selves and the divine, chakra-balancing massage can facilitate spiritual growth and awakening.
Balancing the chakras through massage is a holistic approach to wellness that addresses the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit. By clearing blockages and restoring harmony to the energy centers, individuals can experience profound physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Whether used as a standalone therapy or as part of a comprehensive wellness regimen, chakra-balancing massage offers a transformative journey towards greater health, happiness, and inner peace.
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