#safely confined in a box for us to point and laugh at
kodakorpse · 2 years
it just occurred to me that i literally just saw you on instagram idk when exactly but it was recent
anyway- may i request something for mc doing cove's hair, or anything related to it? have a good now, too! 🌊
okay hello gamers i can write again so i’m doin this frfr (sorry it took so long homie LMFAO)
shout out to this ask for breaking my no writing for 6 months streak :party:
no specific step, just as long as cove has long enough hair
not beta-ed or proof read (i wrote this in 20 minutes)
The night outside lay still as Cove and yourself sat in the living room of your home. A cheesy movie played in the background as the two of you chatted, occasionally breaking conversation to make fun of said movie.
“Dude, he’s such a fucking idiot, why would he willingly jump into that thing?” You asked incredulously, smacking your forehead with your hand with a sigh.
Cove snickered, shaking his head at your exasperation. His ponytail swayed side to side at the movement, which caught your eye.
“Hey Cove? Can I do with your hair?”
The random question made his eyes widen a bit, his hand automatically going up to his hair. “Uh, sure I guess?”
You smiled deviously, going to sit up on the couch from the floor where the both of you hand been previously sitting. Cove eyed you nervously at your immediate change in expression.
“Under the conditions that my hair stays the same length and colour as it started.”
You simply smiled with faux innocence, gesturing to the spot on the floor in front of you. “C’monnnn, sit downnn,” you encouraged. Cove folded under your stare, sighing and scooting to sit between your legs.
You tugged the hair elastic from his hair, watching as it fell from its confines. For a moment, you sat and just stared at the green, thinking about what you should do. You could be nice and just brush it. Orrrr… you could put it into Sailor Moon buns.
The second option was the obvious answer.
“Stay here, I’ll be back,” you stated, standing up and leaving the living area. You grabbed some bobby pins and elastics from your moms’ room, shoving them in your pockets.
When you re-entered the room, Cove was miraculously still sitting there and giving you an inquisitive look, head cocked to the side a bit. You pulled the small box of bobby pins from your pocket and shook it menacingly. “Weapons of choice.”
Cove groaned, which you decided was from excitement.
You sat back down as you scrolled back to the tutorial you remembered seeing a few days ago. After successfully fishing the video out of your camera roll you got to work.
You followed the tutorial closely, with complaints from Cove:
“You’re pulling my hair.”
“That’s how you get it to go where you want it.”
“Ow, those bobby pins hurt.”
“It’s so it stays!”
“How many bobby pins are you going to use? They’re jabbing into my head.”
Finally, you finished, beaming at your hard work. You fumbled to take out your phone, opening the camera once it was safely in your hand. “I’m done! Look,” you exclaimed, handing Cove your phone.
He blinked at the screen a bit before turning his head to get a better view of the style his hair had been beaten into.
“Hey, that’s the way that one anime girl has her hair,” he pointed out, gently tugging at the ends of the hair that stuck out from the bun. You nodded happily. It was a lot less neat as your would have liked it, but it made the both of you laugh until Cove took the hair accessories out and returned it to his normal ponytail. Boo.
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numericalbridge · 7 months
Title: Mallow (part 1/3)
Fandom: The Owl House
Rating: G
Word count: 2922 (Full fic - 9340)
Main characters: Darius, that one little abomination (Mallow)
Other characters: the previous Golden Guard (Virgil); in the full story - Eber, Raine, Luz, various palismen
An AU where the little abomination was the previous Golden Guard's palisman
x - [part 2] - [part 3] - [full story]
Darkness and the deep connections of the old nerves. Whispers. All of them. Fewer of them. Hands, molding. Then – a shape. The desire: a childhood that never was, days on a beach under the sky that is blue; new places to explore, new magic blends – out of the box, out of the confines; new magic shaped to move; wild curiosity, but anchored by deep, sentimental connections.
Two bright mauve eyes opening, the form unfolding from the wood.
The voice, rendered childlike with wonder: “Wow, you are so unique! Our eyes are almost the same!”
Mallow. The name was Mallow.
1. Mallow.
“Aren’t they cute?” There was a hint of an amused smile in the corner of Virgil’s mouth.
Darius stared at the round abomination-shaped creature on his mentor’s palm. They stared back at him with curious eyes. Their colour resembled Virgil’s.
Darius sighed. He was no fool and could see the real pride hiding behind the nonchalant amusement on his mentor’s face. Still…
“Isn’t it forbidden?” Forbidden means dangerous. Surely Virgil understood how risky this was. Nothing is safe.
“Well,” Virgil’s face darkened, “I know you can keep a secret. What’s done is done.”
He shoved the creature at Darius, and Darius took them. They walked up his arm, balancing like an acrobat and murmuring softly. They did look kinda cute, but Darius felt a little bitter that this was an abomination – his domain. And he didn’t talk to you when he decided to create them. Are you already falling behind?
“An abomination but made of wood?” Darius wondered aloud. He sat the palisman down on the only table in Virgil’s Latissa apartment, then created a small abomination of his own – made to resemble Mallow, but with bright green eyes. Mallow gasped and toddled towards it, babbling. They seemed enthralled. Darius snickered.
“I knew you’d like them!” Virgil laughed and roughly shook Darius by the shoulders – an almost brotherly gesture that meant he was extremely happy with himself. Yet he didn’t tell you how he got the palistrom wood.
“Ugh, it’s interesting,” Darius freed himself and adjusted his clothing. Great, now his scarf was all askew. “But why an abomination?”
Virgil shrugged. “You know that I find the magic fascinating. And…” he stared at the two abominations – the palisman and the real one – circling each other on the table, “and it felt like it would mean… But you are evading! Admit that you like cute things!”
“Oh, please!” Now, who was evading? Darius shook his head. He understood that the palisman business was a very personal matter. And a lot of things about Virgil were a mystery. He loves experimenting with magic and discovering new, borderline forbidden uses for it, that’s true… Strange how he trusted Darius with the secret palisman, but not with his deeper concerns and troubles. Darius supposed they were similar in that regard... yet Darius had opened up to him, no matter how hard it had been. At least he will be less lonely back in that place…
“It should be nice to have company in the Castle?” Darius guessed.
“I suppose,” Virgil followed the palisman with his eyes. “Do you ever want to have a palisman of your own?”
Oh. Darius poked at the abomination he had created. That. “No.”
“No? Never?”
“Maybe when I was very young. But I had a rust-toothed cat when I was in school, and she was… she seemed better than any palisman.”
Darius remembered Raine showing off their newly carved Foxglove. That terrible rat Alador had. Nissa was smart too. Darius’s free hand played with his scarf. Perhaps palismen lasted longer than pets, than family even…
“Besides, what’s the point? The whole connection with you, the hidden desire, is sort of creepy. And they would probably outlive me.” He could still picture his great grandmother’s palisman, suffering so. “Figure out your desire, connect with something, leave it behind, alone forever… That is, if they aren’t…”
The word hung between them, heavy. Virgil’s jaw tightened. Mallow stopped playing with the abomination and stared up at them, their perpetual frown frozen.
“It would just be a bother to make one, anyway,” Darius concluded with a sigh and a mildly annoyed pout.
“Hmm...” Now Virgil looked… sad? Uncomfortable? Because of all the palismen he’d been confiscating while keeping a secret one for himself? Because of what Darius thought about palismen in general?
Darius patted Virgil's palisman on their round bald head. “I think you should’ve carved them some decorations. Their head looks empty,” he graciously suggested in an attempt to change the topic.
Virgil payed him no mind. “I think Mallow is worth it,” he muttered softly.
I hope you won’t get into trouble. Virgil was changing, and it perplexed and troubled Darius, even though he was glad that his mentor’s loyalty seemed to shift towards helping the common witches and demons rather than being just the Emperor’s loyal guard. But gone was the almost boyish, at times almost cruel recklessness. Virgil was now more thoughtful, more composed. Still ruthless. And he still never talked about his personal life, at least not directly. And part of Darius was afraid to prod, to push him towards wrong decisions. And the change... how would it affect their relationship? Wondering this was selfish, but Darius knew very well that friendships didn’t last.
“Have you thought about getting a new rust-toothed cat then?” Virgil asked.
Darius’s grip on the scarf tightened. “No.” He hated the look on Virgil’s face. “I don’t have time for pets.” He doubted that some random cat would be as smart as Nissa.
“Anyway, I have to go. I have a report to give at the Coven meeting this evening,” he very timely remembered.
“And you’ll be the best prepared, of course.”
“Just don’t get into trouble.”
Darius allowed himself a scoff. “With whom? All those old people?”
He readjusted his scarf one more time and headed towards the exit.
“I won’t let you get hurt, I promise,” a voice whispered, so softly that Darius thought he had imagined it. Yet he turned. Virgil was talking to the little abomination in his cupped hands, and it was cooing quietly back at him.
Hurt. Once safe and warm, now hurt, surrounded by cold stone walls. Hiding, hunted. The voices are beckoning – far away yet welcoming. But the secret passages are now as familiar as the old nerve-routes. He had used to send them into the passages – to help, to uncover. But now he is gone. And their head feels strange. Weak. There is a dent, an injury. He had send them away. Follow the voices or stay? What was his wish?
Mallow remembers.
They stay.
2. Secrets in the Castle.
Darius paused and listened. He was on his way back to his rooms after yet another dreary, exhausting Coven Head meeting. He was tired and he needed a bath and his skincare routine to soothe the anxiety that was eating away at him.
Desperate shuffling behind the walls.
He could imagine all the dirt and mold behind the shiny new panels, golden and cold and always damp.
The kitchen staff had complained and complained about strange noises – can’t be just a usual hamsteroach infestation, they insisted – until Terra decided to get rid of the source herself. Not out of generosity, obviously. She just wanted to sic her freshly grown plant monstrosities on something small and defenseless.
The shuffling grew closer, more desperate now. Cornered.
“It’s something the old cook used to feed,” they’d theorized. “Now that she is gone, it is grown hungry.”
Darius hesitated for a brief moment. He could just picture Raine Whispers teasing him if they were there with him. But, of course, they weren’t there. Too damn pure and principled for the Castle. For him. Spoiling Terra’s game would be good, he thought. Only, nothing felt good anymore. These last years – just a hideous blur. The only thing he felt was being tired and being cold. Was it like this for Virgil too?
Sounds of movement farther away – Terra’s thorny snaps gaining on their prey. The thing in the wall thrashed and scratched. An abomination tendril shot towards the brass vent cover and pulled it open. Easy.
Something fell out, dirty and covered in webs. Dark purple like an abomination, but its eyes the colour of a delicate flower.
“Mallow?!” For a brief terrifying moment he almost felt relief… or hope… or... Because if the palisman is alive…
He stared at the thing. They scrambled out into the corridor and tried to escape into the vent on the opposite side. Darius caught them with the abomination tendril, and they snarled at him almost like a real animal, like no abomination would have ever done.
“They don’t like you very much,” Virgil’s voice laughed, distorted by time. Never mind. With a snap of his fingers – so easy, so effortlessly perfect – he translocated the palisman to his rooms.
How many years have passed? Were they hiding the whole time? he wondered, horrified. And the thought that if the palisman was alive, then he could be… That thought would have destroyed Darius. What does Mallow know?
The plants, hungry for their prey, reached the vent, and he dispatched them – annoying eyesores – with another twist of his fingers. Perfect. And sometimes almost cruel. Perhaps it was a good thing that Raine wasn’t there with him.
Bile in his throat, he headed for his rooms. Act normal. Perfect, effortless. Practiced ad nauseum. Should be easy. Hand clutching at the cloak. Why now?
Couldn’t he be left alone? Just be left alone to – as his aunt had angrily spat – self-destruct in the cold indifference of the Castle.
Mallow was sitting on his bed, stuck in the abomination matter, once cute downturned squiggle of their mouth melted into an almost sinister grimace. The eyes were dimmer than he remembered… or was he misremembering?
How long had it been? Could they recognize him?
He almost laughed, imagining how he would introduce himself to this palisman. Or was all this part of some particularly cruel trap? Some of the other Coven Heads might know… He turned abruptly, checked the doors and the protection spells. One, two, three, four. And again. Again.
The mauve eyes followed his compulsive writhings until Darius practically fell to his knees in front of the bed, exhausted. He felt like his whole body was trembling, and he couldn’t stop it.
The abomination… the palisman stared and stared.
“Mallow?” There was a significantly sized dent on the side of their normally round head, under all the dirt. “What happened?” To you. To him.
No response.
He released them from the abomination trap. They sprang up and made several wobbly steps as if to escape. But they seemed sluggish, perhaps disoriented. Perhaps they were tired. Perhaps they have been hiding in the walls for too long…
Darius dimmed the lights in the room. The palisman sat down and blinked.
“Better? Now, come here. No need for this attitude, just let me clean you.”
Did they remember how they used to play? Darius’s hands were shaking, and there was an uncomfortable heaviness inside his head, so the little abomination he summoned turned out all wonky. Mallow didn’t react, just stared, but they allowed him to clean them up, and when Darius finally collapsed on the bed, they didn’t run away.
Perhaps they knew what happened to Virgil? He couldn’t bring himself to ask. And how would they even communicate? If only he had paid more attention to Virgil’s talk about the palismen… Was this why Virgil has been so insistent on introducing them?
What did Virgil want? Someone to keep his secret? A co-conspirator in a rebellion?
Mallow shook their head and tried to pat the dent with their stubby hands. Why an abomination?
Perhaps there could be a use for them...
Before Darius fell into an uneasy sleep or a half-dazed stupor, full of echoes of the familiar voices, Nissa’s purring, and Mallow’s eerie staring eyes, he thought: This can be a start of a working partnership.
3. The Change.
The new arrangement was strange, but he had wanted Mallow’s help – spying, sneaking, seeing what he couldn’t see. And so they would do it again, even if every memory was painful.
Everything was so different now. Distant. “Run,” the voices whispered. “You can be with us, safe.”
Something compelled Mallow to stay. Maybe the curiosity and readiness for novelty – that desire that had awoken them and gave them their form. But that special love, that longing for a family – that’s what was missing ever since he was gone.
“No,” the strongest of the voices insisted, “I’ll give you a home if you come to my Forest. You can’t have that in the Castle anymore.”
Fear and pain and memories, again and again in circles.
Mallow stayed.
Darius said they had an arrangement. That Mallow could still help. At first Mallow didn’t believe him, but then they began to understand what Darius wanted to do. Darius – hollow and cold, frozen by the same moment that had taken him from Mallow. This wasn’t a true bond, oh no. But even Mallow could see that their goal was the same…
Fear, pain. Again. Just wanted to help. Almost caught. Almost…
Blindly running. Blindly falling, down and down... then a crack. Hurt. Blinded. Knew the hidden Castle passages so well, yet now down here, can’t see.
Something essential seeping away.
Mallow ran and ran. Hurt, more than before. Why? In the past: his voice ordering them to hide. In the present they ran, and then they stumbled along. No way to escape the blinding hurt…
“Mallow? What happened? Did you deliver my…” Darius rose from the table, eyes round.
Mallow keened in pain. Save me, help me!
What would he think? He’d never begged.
Now Mallow was being undone, and he wasn’t there with them.
Mallow, cracked and seeping green like all their broken brethren who screamed in terror in the Beating Heart Room.
Darius, stooping to pick them up.
Darius, frowning.
“Head hurts,” Mallow moaned, but Darius couldn’t understand them.
Darius, pacing, voice strange, “I can’t trust anyone… Eda, perhaps? No, no. No time.”
Then Darius’s face was set. “Can you… go to your staff form or whatever it’s called?” Impatient.
Mallow raised what remained of their head to look at him… It was so long ago… the old routes called… They could do it. The shell hardened, the consciousness dimmed, but the voices grew louder, soothing them.
Voices, far away and nearby. Even the stooped motionless one from the Castle.
“Just as I thought, that dent was a weak spot…” Then there was scraping, and cursing under the breath, and angry muttering.
Mallow, surrounded by the voices, dreamed of the moment they were given their form. But this was different, artificial – no connection, no calling… Their head hurt less.
“Now, I’ll try something.” Something cool and alien, covering their head, almost soothing, slipping through the wood, merging with it.
“Mallow? Can you hear me? You can, ugh, transform back?”
They sprang back, animated. The pain was almost gone, and Mallow blinked at the suddenly bright room with their one remaining eye. The fracture – where the dent used to be – it felt covered and mended. Artificial… They reached up with their hands, but their arms were too short…
“What are you doing? Ah, fine, look here.” Darius, holding up a mirror.
Mallow squeaked. The abomination cap blended perfectly, reinforcing the wood.
“I did what I could to close the wound. I tried working with the wood, as much as I dared, but there just wasn’t enough, so I reinforced it with abomination.” Darius sighed. “This was too close to a forbidden magic blend,” he muttered. He looked tired and weak, and there was a cruelly sharp vertical crease between his eyebrows.
“Yes, yes, I’m sorry. I didn’t have any spare palistrom wood, so I had to improvise. It should be flexible enough, and it won’t decay – a special formula used for… What?”
Something didn’t look right.
Mallow gestured and gestured. Darius pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed dramatically and shook his head. “I don’t understand… and don’t run around just yet!”
They climbed onto his drawing table and pointed at one of his sketches.
“What? Oh. Oh, really?” Darius looked surprised. Like he couldn’t believe them. “Well, I suppose it could help you to blend in, in a pinch... hide in plain sight and all that, yes? Hmm, and it might help you see.”
He scratched his chin, then drew a spell circle, expanding the abomination on the top of Mallow’s head. An eye opened, and the eye was green.
Changing, changing... shouldn’t be like this. What would he think?
“You all right?” Darius asked. Mallow crooned, admiring their new hair in the mirror. Their own eye – now also green. “Is it a yes?” Darius sighed again. “You surprise me, palisman.”
Mallow had discovered that they liked surprising Darius – he was different then, less cold. Almost like before, with him. They liked the little pals Darius made for them too. They weren’t like Mallow and their brethren, but instead gooey and hollow, yet the way Darius treated them was almost like they were special and dear to him.
“You know,” Darius muttered, setting them down on the sofa beside the table, “my old vice-principal back at school had a palisman that helped him see…”
Mallow settled down, listening.
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angryschnauzer · 4 years
Jingle My Bells
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Summary: Continuing my AU Rugby Teacher theme that was so brilliantly plot bunny’d by @feelmyroarrrr​, Henry finds himself bored at home having been put onto quarantine due to cases at the school he teaches at. With his school shutting early for the holidays, when his wife needs help at her school, she calls in his assistance for some festive fun... with some after hours fun for themselves too.
Pairing: AU Rugby Teacher Henry Cavill x Teacher Wife
Warnings: Bad Puns, NSFW, 18+, Established Relationship, Public/Risky Sex Workplace Sex, Henry dressed as Santa Claus (yes thats a warning in itself).
Gif by @littlefreya​ and used with her kind permission.
Previous Rugby Teacher Henry Ficlet.
Masterlist on AO3, and old fics can be found at @angryschnauzerwrites​. I don’t run a tag list.
Jingle My Bells
Henry was bored. Two weeks of quarantine after another faculty member had tested positive had meant he'd been confined to the house 24/7. Just as his test results had come back negative and his return to work for the last week of term had been scheduled, the high school had been notified that two students had come in contact with confirmed cases, so to cut their losses the board of governors had simply implemented end of term a week early.
And sure, Henry had done what he could to help keep himself busy; online gaming, World of Warcraft, hell; he'd even helped you mark homework for your primary school class. He cooked dinner for you so it was ready the moment you arrived home, and the house was the cleanest it'd ever been, but without you home with him he was just… bored.
"Just one more day, then its the end of term" you'd reassured him as you'd kissed him goodbye that morning, and he'd pulled you into his arms;
"Will you wear the elf outfit home tonight?"
"Oh, does someone have an elf kink?" You'd grinned and raised an eyebrow.
Henry lifted his hand to the little bells that were attached to your green knit dress;
"I kinda want to find out how i can make these jingle… i have some ideas…"
"Well you can fill my stockings after work, but i've got to go or i'll be late…" you pressed a kiss to his cheek; "Got to set up the area for Santa" 
With a groan your husband released you;
"Fine, but i want you to sit on my lap later"
Henry was standing at the fridge contemplating whether eating Babybell cheeses wrapped in Parma ham sandwiched between two slices of toast counted as lunch when his phone rang. Seeing your school's number on the display he was half curious and half worried, but visibly relaxed when he heard your voice;
"Hennn…." You purred
"Oh god… you only use that voice when you want something i won't like…"
"Are you free this afternoon?"
He sighed over dramatically;
"What do you need?"
"We need a Santa. The guy we booked was someone's grandad but he's been on the sherry and we had to send him home because he was slurring his speech and referred to the kids as 'crotch gobins'"
Henry let out a snort of laughter;
"I've met your class… some of them are…"
"Nevertheless… could you stand in? We've got the suit, and you've been quarantining for 3 weeks so are safe… pleeease…"
"Hennn, please… i've got a thirty kids that still believe…"
Henry sighed;
"Okay… i'll be there in ten minutes"
“You’ll need to walk…there’s no space left in the staff car park”
He sighed;
“Okay, make it thirty minutes”
If there was an award for best/worst performance as Santa, Henry would have got it hands down. Putting on his best pantomime Brian Blessed voice, he'd Ho Ho Ho'd his way through the three youngest classes of wide eyed Little Ones that had thoroughly loved meeting Santa. When it had come to the older kids in the Junior years, generally 8 years old and above, he'd taken a different tactic, instead filing them out to the playground and if they could score a hoop through the Netball net, he'd deem them nice rather than naughty.
By the time hometime rolled around every single child had a smile on their face, excitedly rushing out to their parents waiting at the gate, pointing out Santa to their younger siblings sat in Pushchairs and Prams.
When you’d finally waved everyone off you made your way back to your classroom, the security door alert sounding as you entered the corridor, the hallways quiet where your colleagues had already packed up their stuff and left for the day. Henry trailed behind you, chattering away about what the kids had told him, shedding himself of the fake Santa beard and the scratchy jacket, leaving him wearing the hat, his plain black t-shirt, and the Santa trousers and boots. He flopped down into your chair as you busied yourself around the classroom, his feet up on your desk. 
Moving around him you stacked papers ready to be archived when he wrapped his hands around your waist and pulled you onto his lap;
“Come and sit on Santa’s knee”
Abandoning the papers you laughed as you settled on your husband's lap, turning to kiss him and the little bells on your dress jingled as you moved. The kiss went from chaste to needy in a matter of seconds, and you could feel Henry harden beneath your ass as you wriggled on his lap. His hand groped at your breasts through your dress as his lips started a trail along your chin and down your neck;
“Have you been naughty or nice this year?”
You wriggled on your lap;
“Oh I've been Naughty…”
Suddenly you were spinning as Henry fluidly moved to his feet, pushing you over your desk and stood behind you;
“Well i guess i’d better do something about that then” he pulled your dress up with a jingle of the bells attached and smoothed his hands over your ass, the green and white stripes of your tights framing your buttocks. With strong fingers he grasped the thin fabric and tugged, ripping a hole in them and letting out an appreciative grunt when he found you wearing a lace thong;
“You’ve been parading around in that little dress with this poor excuse for underwear beneath all day? You really have been a naughty girl” he purred in your ear as his fingers tugged the elastic aside.
You tried to move away, painfully aware of your location;
“Hen! We’re at school!”
“Shhh… the door alarm to the hallway will sound if anyone comes… so how about i make you cum before that happens, eh?”
His fingers had found your clit as he’d pushed his thumb into your velvet channel, and any further arguments were lost on your tongue as you sighed in pleasure;
“Hen, make it quick… the cleaners will be doing their rounds soon”
Looking over your shoulder you watched as Henry quickly shoved the Santa trousers and boxers down, his thick and meaty dick springing free where he was already rock hard and dripping with need;
“I’m gonna jingle your bells darling…” he positioned himself and quickly thrust in, making you gasp at the sudden stretch of it; “Gonna fill your stockings…”
“Tights” you corrected
“Same fucking thing” he grunted as he started to pound into you, the rhythmic thud of his efforts topped off with the delicate jingling of the bells on your dress. His hands moved and grabbed at your breasts, his breath hot and heavy against your ear as he filled you hard and fast from behind; “Want me to come down your chimney tonight?”
Grinning you turned your head;
“How about we save that for when we’re at home…?”
Henry paused, his eyes going wide when he realised you were agreeing to the one thing in your sex life you hadn’t tried yet, even after being married for a number of years and him dropping numerous hints;
“Well, i know you didn’t put it on your Christmas list but if a elf is gonna be naughty she might as well be naughty all the way…” you winked at him; “But you gotta hurry up now…”
With a grunt of determination he started to pound into you, one hand moving down your stomach and pushing between your legs, rubbing at your clit as he did his best to quickly bring you both to orgasm. Your moans started to get louder, and he clamped his other hand over your mouth as he started to feel you cuming, your body shaking and the loud thuds of his thrusts filling the room as your desk squeaked on the linoleum floor. With a grunt he thrust in deep and at the height of your orgasm you felt him flooding your womb with rope of his creamy seed, his massive hands pulling you to his chest as he buried his face in your neck whilst your cunt milked the last of his cum from his body. 
Breathless and glowing, you rested your head on Henry’s shoulder, your chest heaving before he carefully pulled out of you, pulling your underwear back into place as he tucked himself back into his boxers and Santa trousers. As you shimmied your dress back down you heard the thrumming of the floor polisher along the corridor, your eyes going wide before Henry turned you and rested his hands on your shoulders;
“C’mon, lets get home”
Taking a deep breath you smiled;
“Help be grab the last few bits then we can go”
Five minutes later you were stepping out of your classroom, Henry holding the large box of things you wanted to bring home for the holidays including your peace lily, pulling the door shut when you heard footsteps, turning to see the after hours cleaner;
“Night Mr Howell, have a good Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas Mrs Cavill…” he paused when he saw Henry standing next to you
“This is my Husband, he stood in as Santa today”
The old man nodded and smiled, carrying on with his mop as you walked in the opposite direction. Just as you got the security door you heard him starting to whistle, your eyes shooting up to meet Henry’s as you heard the tune;
‘Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way…’
Henry wrapped his free arm around your shoulders;
“C’mon my naughtly little Elf, i’ll drive you home” he grinned at you; “Then we can see about that chimney of yours…”
You clenched at the thought, your body already tingling at the thought of it. And hey, if you were going to let your husband finally fuck your ass, at least you had the entire school holidays to recover.
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toadwarts · 3 years
Special Delivery
Companion piece to Safe At Last.
After two humans escaped from an abusive home and found a new home working alongside Duke, they have begun settling into their new lives as merchants and their polyamorous romance with The Duke. Our primary character (aka the Reader) is struggling with the way he is perceived by the villagers, but is pleasantly surprised when The Duke returns with a special gift... Just the thing to help him feel better.
Fluffy hurt/comfort poly oneshot written in first person but made so that you can insert yourself if wanted. This story centers on a transmasculine protagonist!
Read on A03 or Fanfiction.net!
I sat in the back of the Duke’s caravan, lonely and bored. Both the Duke and my primary partner had been out for hours, making deliveries around the village and to the factory. I had stayed behind to look after the caravan and make sales to anyone who might approach--not to mention I wasn’t terribly keen on meeting any of the four lords yet. It had been months since we began staying with the massive enigma of a man, and only a few days less of that time since we had become a delightful little polycule. 
Life in the village hadn’t been easy--there were a lot of mysterious dangers, and you had to be cunning with both your words and weapons. Even still, it was as if The Duke commanded respect of all who lived within the confines of this little world, and so the three of us were safe/ When asked, The Duke would simply flash an award winning smile and say, “I suppose it’s one of the perks of having world class customer service!”
Still, The Duke being so...enigmatic could be exhausting, and perhaps a little bit annoying at times. But he was a good friend and even better lover, and always made sure that we were cared for. If he wanted to keep his secrets, I suppose it was his business. One day, after building up plenty of trust...perhaps we would be privy to them. After all, we had our own secrets too.
“Hello? Is anyone there?” 
I startled at the sudden noise, hopping up to my feet. No one had approached the caravan all day, but I needed to make sure my customer service was perfect, else The Duke would be most displeased!
“Hello,” I said, my voice chipper. “How can I help you out today?” The customers seemed to be a couple--a thin man and woman, dressed all in black with their hats pulled low on the crowns of their heads. Their hands were intertwined, both of them shivering in the cold. 
“We were looking for meat. Sausage, if you have it. And a few nails so we can fix our fence.” The man said, fidgeting with his jacket. 
“Of course! Anything to help out a loyal customer. Just let me go and grab them from the back.” I said cheerfully, forcing a big smile. I wasn’t prone to very much facial expression myself, but trying to mimic The Duke definitely helped. It was almost like putting on a costume.
I traversed back into the caravan, rooting around for what was needed. I kept my ears perked to listen to the customers as I unraveled a rope of thick sausages, placing them gently into a pristine paper bag. 
“I wonder where that girl came from. The boy too.” The woman said. “The Duke has seemed to take quite a shining to the two of ‘em, and it looks like The Lords don’t mind them too much either. Surprised Dimitrescu hasn’t taken that maiden for herself.” 
I felt ice shoot through my bloodstream. The girl. The boy too. A sour feeling entered my mouth. My partner didn’t go by any gender, and me… Well, it seems that my binder didn’t work well enough today. Really, I suppose it was my voice that gave me away. I had always felt disconnected from its lilting, high pitch. I hunched my shoulders and huffed, finishing packaging their order. It couldn’t be helped. A lot of people couldn’t understand.
I approached the front of the caravan, wanting this transaction to be over as soon as possible. “Here you go.” I said, doing my best to open up the back of my throat and make my voice sound deeper. Foolish and a waste of time, I’m sure. “Everything is packed up now. I hope that you find it all to be of the highest quality. If you have any qualms, please come back to see us.” 
“Thank you ma’am.” The woman said as her husband dug around in his pockets for the appropriate amount of lei. “Such a sweet young girl. Where did you come from, dear?” 
My stomach twisted, and I did my best to keep the discomfort out of my voice. “Um… Further away. I left home, and stumbled across the village while looking for somewhere to camp.” I didn’t see the point in correcting them and starting up a whole new conversation that they likely wouldn’t or couldn’t want to understand. 
“How unfortunate. We’ve been having a lot of problems lately, miss.” The man said, counting up his lei. 
Tch. Did they have to keep gendering literally everything they say?! Geez.
“Like werewolves?” I couldn’t help but smirk a little. “Well, it’s definitely a step up from where I came.” 
“I suppose so. Especially with special treatment from the merchant.” The man sniffed, flinching when his wife elbowed him. 
“I’m sorry about that. He didn’t get enough sleep last night,” The woman apologized, handing me the lei. 
I nodded, smile tight and strained. “No problem! I do hope you get to feeling better.” I handed them their items and swallowed hard. “Have a wonderful rest of your day and good luck fixing your fence!!” 
They waved me off, and I slunk back into the caravan. I knew the village definitely had a few gossips, but I hadn’t imagined it would be so annoying. I had already heard some adolescents talking about how funny it was to see a woman with such short hair and a flat chest, chattering about my partner and I… I’d argue that the most dangerous thing in this village wasn’t the werewolves, but perhaps the strain on the villagers that had them biting at each other’s ankles… Or mine, at least. Maybe they’d eventually warm up to me like they did The Duke though. Even my partner was having an easier time settling in to it all. 
I guess I just felt out of place. The only time I did feel right was when I was curled into The Duke’s soft side, my hand entwined with my primary partner’s across his ample belly, their soft breaths lulling me into a comfortable slumber. 
My ears perked as the door to the back of the caravan opened. My primary partner stood there with a broad grin, eyes shining. “Hey there, dear!” They said happily. “We have a surprise for you. Well, Duke does, I’m just happy and along for the ride!” 
I cocked my head. A gift was certainly something to perk up the mood--and The Duke was certainly top tier at finding the perfect gifts… Who knows what he may have brought?
Speaking of The Duke, he leaned on his cane as he squeezed into the wagon. “Hello, my dear boy!” He said happily. His words sent flutters of delight through my stomach, making me smile. “I’ve got a bit of a gift for you. Something you’ve mentioned a few times. I hope you might like it!” 
I stepped forward, eyes glinting curiously. The Duke turned a bit, shutting the door to the wagon behind him. When he turned, a small black box was in his hands, seemingly procured from thin air. Without skipping a beat I came closer, feeling my cheeks pinken with shyness. “What is it?” 
“Well, you’ll have to open it to find out, won’t you?” The Duke smiled broadly, holding the box out. 
I took the box from his hands as he sat down, my partner bouncing with giddiness. I carefully unfolded the top, seeing that whatever was inside was wrapped in deep red satin, the color of blood. Fitting, for the village. Gingerly, I pulled the satin back, curiosity thrumming through my fingers. 
I gasped. 
A little vial, full of clear liquid, and a set of alcohol swabs, syringes, and band-aids. 
It couldn’t be. 
“Is… Is this…?” The words were so small in my throat, barely breaking out of my mouth. 
“It is.” The Duke nodded, clasping his hands together and smiling softly. “Testosterone.” 
Tears sprung to my eyes, a laugh emerging unbidden from me. Ever since I had come out, I had wanted to transition--but I had never had the opportunity in my old abusive home, and I imagined somewhere out here would never hold the chance either. I had dreamed of the changes for so long--a deeper voice, bottom growth, body hair, facial hair… Hell, even building more muscle easier so I could achieve the musclechub look I had always been enamored by! 
“How did you do it?” I choked out, pressing the back of my hand against my watery eyes. My primary partner was at my side, arm around my shoulders. They planted a kiss on my head, holding me tight. 
“Why, I can procure any goods I need!” The Duke laughed heartily. “It is only a matter of time before an item is in my hands. And now it’s yours, free of charge.” 
I sniffled. “Duke… I don’t know what to say. This is amazing. This is my greatest dream. Thank you. Thank you so much!” I handed the box to my primary partner and ran to him, throwing my arms out. He leaned forward, hulking arms wrapping into me and pulling me into him. “Thank you!” 
“Of course, my dear! Anything for you.” He planted a gentle kiss on my forehead as he pulled me up to his chest. “And I know from our conversations about hormone replacement therapy before that you had concerns about vaginal atrophy and hair loss. Remedies for those are on the way as well!” 
“You are amazing.” I said breathlessly. After all the abuse my primary partner and I had endured over the years, I never could have imagined that we would have ended up in a place so terrifying and yet...so safe. So like home. A place where dreams could come true. 
“Well thank you, my dear. The customer is always right!” He said cheekily. 
My primary partner approached, holding the box as if it were the most prized thing in the entire world. “My good sir,” They said with a flourish. “I believe it is time for your first injection of boy juice!” 
“Boy juice.” I repeated. “Wow.” Then took a deep breath. “Yeah. Let’s do it.” 
“Let me administer the first shot for you, to show you how it’s done.” The Duke said, lowering me into the seat next to him. 
I nodded, suddenly feeling my palms get sweaty. “Yes. That sounds nice. I’m a little scared of the needle.” I laughed nervously. “Hey hon...you think you could hold my hand?” 
My primary partner nodded, fingers intertwining with mine. “I’ll be right here.” 
The Duke took the box, balancing it on top of his belly. Carefully, he loaded up the syringe with the testosterone, making sure to get the air bubbles up and load the approximate dose. “Now now, my boy, the friend I got this from let me know that this is a subcutaneous injection, and we’ll be starting off with a lower dose to start, and then you can choose if you want to go lower or higher from there. If we can get a bit of your blood later, I’ll have another friend of mine run tests on it to make sure it’s safe.”
“Wow, you really can do anything and everything…” I smiled, shaking my head in disbelief. “You’re incredible, Duke.” I lowered my pants, revealing the skin on my thigh.
“Perhaps so, but you must know that you are just as wonderful. It is a pleasure to get to share my life with such a wonderful man.” The Duke said pleasantly, swabbing some skin on my thigh. “Truth be told, I had grown a bit lonely myself. Having you two as companions and then something more… Well, I have to say it’s the happiest I’ve been in a long time.” He sighed. “Ah, to love and be loved. One of life’s greatest joys, right next to lei.” 
My primary partner grinned. “Always with the lei.” 
“I’m a man who knows what he wants in life!” The Duke tapped the syringe with one finger. “Now, are you ready?” 
I looked to my primary partner, feeling as if some holy light was glowing behind my eyes. Starting now, I would be transitioning. I would be something new, something self made. I would be myself. They squeezed my hand, nodding encouragingly. “You got this.” 
I took a deep breath. “Alright, Duke. I’m ready.” 
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katsukikitten · 4 years
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♡ Nothing but fluff baby, - 1k words comments are appreciated
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A word that had eluded you for most of your life. Warmth of a home, warmth of a family and the warmth that blooms in your chest when you look at someone a certain way. Despite all of the cold nights and the even colder hearts, you had somehow managed to push through, to watch the hallmark movies and other holiday specials from the outside looking in. Dreaming and hoping that you too would trim the tree with tensile, place the ornaments just right and let the star atop the pine shine brightly. 
And now you felt as if you were in one of them. Curled into the side of your seemingly lanky boyfriend, tucked away beneath an old festive blanket as the house twinkles in the low light of multicolored lights. The star atop the tree slow blinking as if it were one of the cats that curled on the back of the couch, reminding you that you were well, that you were warm. The TV winks low between scenes of a festive movie showing people preparing for the large holiday. Suddenly an idea forms in your head as you spring from the couch. The dark haired man had grown used to your jumping movements, allowing his eyes to lazily follow your form.
"Yes dear?" He asks, sipping at the hot cocoa you insisted he'd have, peeking at your matching pajamas you surprised him with just an hour ago.
"Cookies for santa!" You shout, bouncing on the balls of your feet. Finally fulfilling the promises you kept to your inner child, that once you were safe, once you were warm, you would believe again. 
And believe you did. You pull at the tall man who gives you a pointed look and a sigh. Following you into the kitchen where there surely would be a mess in a few moments. You gather the ingredients with lightning speed as you decide to bake everyone's favorite, chocolate chip.  Fumbling with the old radio in the small kitchen, breathing life into the neglected electronic as it crackles out a familiar tune. You crank the radio as high as it will go.  
The holiday tune dances it's way up the garland wrapped stairs and into the ears of a young silver haired girl who was cresting into womanhood. Her teen angst kept her confined in her dark room, brooding over "homework" to avoid you. You who might take away her Papa's attention. Absentmindedly she hums the tune as her hands busy themselves with pencils and ink, when she realizes how the song wrapped itself around her tongue she sighs. Lifting herself from her spot on the floor to allow curiosity to take over. 
When the young woman descends the stairs she finds the low murmuring of the TV in the living room and your loud laugh carrying from the kitchen. She thinks to turn around until she hears the rare sound of her Papa's real laugh. Her heart squeezes in her chest, threatening to fall into the endless pit in her stomach. Her feet get the best of her as they glide down the steps and into the kitchen to see just what the two of you are doing. She spots you both covered in flour as you've started another batch, the warm rich smell of chocolate and sugar fill the air. Dark eyes relax as they watch you, gazing at your form with soft, loving eyes. 
The young woman's heart feels again, a negative emotion blooming in her chest as she reverts in memory. Feeling as if she were somehow left out. 
"What are you doing?" She snaps, crossing her arms as she glares at you.  Ever optimistic you seizes the perfect opportunity to hang out with the elusive Eri. 
"Eri-chan Papa Aizawa and I are making cookies for Santa! Wanna join? I had just enough stuff for sugar cookies. We can decorate them once they cool." Your smile is too bright, your voice too cheery, her cherry red eyes slide to her father. He nods with encouragement. With a dramatic eye roll only a teenager could perfect, she plops into a stool as you clap your hands with delight. 
Taking your time to place the cookies onto a cooling rack so they wouldn't over cook the oven timer beeps again. All the while cherry eyes watch you with a bit of distaste or maybe more so of misunderstanding. 
"Why are we baking for Santa anyway. You know he isn't real." She scoffs before biting off the head of an undecorated reindeer. With a smile plastered to your face you look down at the cooling cookies, eyes softening as you remember what it was like to not believe in much of anything. 
"If even he wasn't real, there just is something warm about baking with family isn't there?" You turn to Eri wearing a smile you had wished others had given you as you hid away in tattered clothes and cardboard boxes. You pass her a Santa cookie she watched you and Aizawa decorate. For a moment she loses herself, becoming little again as she thinks of the first time she felt safe, warm. Hoisted on the broad shoulders of a blonde haired boy who had sacrificed everything for her. The sound of music touching her for the first time, her cheeks burning from smiling so hard. Thinking of moving into this townhome, picking out her room and bedspread for her very own bed. A real bed and not just some hospital cot either. 
The young woman's throat goes dry as her eyes steal all the moisture. Aizawa places his hand on her shoulder giving it a soft squeeze. 
"Yea, I guess there is something about it." She places the cookie you passed her onto the plate that reads 'Cookies for Santa' before picking up an undecorated cookie. Staring down at the blank canvas as she mustered the courage to ask.
"O-oneechan. Can you help me decorate this one?" Nervous cherry eyes lock with yours, heart bursting with joy, with warmth you thought you'd never have. Another bright smile aimed towards Eri as you pick up an icing bag.
"I'd be more than happy to help make you Santa's favorite." 
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devilrising · 2 years
Don’t mind me popping in with another fic from my 25 Days collection
Mature | 1k | Getting Together | First Kiss | Pre-Slash
Confined Quarters
“Come on Potter!”
“Absolutely not, Malfoy. I am not freezing my balls off just to entertain you.”
Malfoy shook his head in disdain, the blond strands falling over his eyes. “But it would be fun,” he whined. Harry never would have taken Malfoy for a whiner. 
Harry scoffed. “For you, maybe.”
“Oh come on,” he tried again. “I bet you don’t want to do it because you think you’ll fail.”
“What an obviously Slytherin attempt at manipulation, Malfoy,” Harry retorted. “Besides, just because I don’t think it’s safe to skinny dip in a frozen lake, doesn’t mean I would fail at it if I did do it.”
Harry watched Malfoy roll his eyes. “Fine. We’ll have to find something else to do.”
Being stuck in a cabin during a snowstorm wasn’t exactly Harry’s idea of a good time, but he supposed that wasn’t the point. Robards had sent them there as punishment, after all. 
“Apparently, we need to learn to work together,” Harry said, deciding that the sooner Robards thought they could get along, the sooner he could get home. “So, what’s something we could do together?”
“Besides kill each other, you mean?” Malfoy scoffed. 
Harry nodded, a smile pulling at the corner of lips. “We already have plenty of practice with that.”
 The comment startled a laugh from Malfoy, but when Harry looked over, he was trying to cover it with a cough. 
“Chess should do it, then,” Harry suggested, already moving to the conveniently placed box on top of the coffee table. 
Malfoy made a show of sighing, but as Harry sat down and set the pieces out, he could see Malfoy already thinking over strategies. 
“I don’t see why we have to get along,” Malfoy complained for the sixth time. “We aren’t even partners! We never have to see each other.”
Harry shrugged. “What if one of our actual partners is away, and we have no choice but to team up? Robards just wants to trust that we can work together.”
Malfoy sighed, moving his rook to take Harry’s bishop. “Check.”
Harry rolled his eyes, moving his knight in front of his king and blocking the attack. 
The game continued on, with Malfoy eventually moving from complaining to mocking. Harry reflected every attempt at getting a rise out of him, and the mocking morphed into teasing. 
The truth was, Harry found Malfoy quite appealing these days. He had seen him half naked nearly every day for the past three months—Auror training, not because he was a perv!—and the man had a body. Harry would have had to have been blind to not notice. They were also in the same theory classes, and Harry knew that Malfoy was wicked clever. He could hold a conversation with just about anyone, on just about any topic. 
If Malfoy wasn’t quite so insistent on being an arsehole, Harry might actually be attracted to him. 
“Checkmate,” Malfoy crowed, and Harry’s head snapped back to the board. 
He cursed, but nonetheless watched as Malfoy’s queen revealed a sword, and drove it into his king’s chest. 
“It’s so bloody cold,” Malfoy grumbled, curled up on the couch in front of the fire. He was cradling a mug of tea in his hands, and Harry could see the steam rising off it. 
“Maybe if you shut the window, it wouldn’t be,” Harry quipped, not looking up from his book. 
Malfoy muttered something under his breath, but otherwise remained silent. 
“You know,” Harry leered, “there is something else we could do to warm up.”
“Oh?” Malfoy said, turning to fix his silver eyes on Harry. “Such as what?” If Harry didn’t know better, he’d say Malfoy was actually flirting back. 
“Does it involve your balls freezing off?”
A shocked laugh ripped free from Harry’s chest, and he found himself gasping with it. He took a couple of heaving breaths before glancing back at Malfoy. “Maybe.”
Malfoy stood, placing his mug down on the window sill. “Let’s go then.”
Harry balked, his eyes widening. “Wait, you’re serious?”
“Yep. It’ll warm us up, and it’ll please Robards.” 
Harry raked his eyes over Malfoy’s face. The longer he kept still, the more nervous Malfoy appeared to become. His shoulders were turning stiff, his hands closing into fists, and Harry stood before he could take back the invitation. 
“I’m not sure that’s quite what Robards had in mind, but come on,” Harry said, raising his hands to gesture Malfoy closer. 
Malfoy swallowed hard, his throat bobbing, before approaching Harry. Harry grabbed him by the shoulders and turned them around, pushing Malfoy up against the wall. Malfoy gasped, black pupils swallowing his silver eyes, his legs wrapping around Harry’s waist. 
“You should really call me Draco,” Malfoy murmured, his forehead leaning against Harry’s, panting into his mouth. 
“Alright, Draco,” Harry replied, and closed the gap. 
The first brush of lips sent electricity skittering down his spine, and he gripped Malfoy—Draco—tighter. Draco breathed something that sounded suspiciously like ‘Harry’, and he kissed him even harder. 
Their mouths opened further, and Draco’s fingers turned bruising on Harry’s shoulders. Harry sank his teeth into Draco’s bottom lip, pulling a moan from him. 
Harry pushed back off the wall, still holding onto Draco. He pulled away slightly, murmuring, “Let’s take this somewhere more comfortable.”
Draco nodded enthusiastically against him, his legs wrapping tighter around his waist. “Salazar, you’re so strong.”
Harry chuckled against him, walking them through the cabin to the only bedroom. Without any warning, he dropped Draco onto the bed. The covers rustled as he fell, and Draco glared up at him from his sprawled out position. Harry rolled his eyes, stuck out his tongue in a show of complete maturity, and flopped onto the bed himself. He shuffled up to the pillows, laying back and dragging a hand down his chest.
“You’re bloody attractive, Draco, and if you don’t come over here right now, I will—”
Harry never got to finish that sentence, with Draco’s mouth over his cutting off any remaining words rather effectively. 
It turned out that all they needed to cooperate was a game of chess, and a snowy day in confined quarters.
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djarinbarnes · 3 years
can I have number 8 with Mando, if you write for him?
Evanescent Sparks - The Mandalorian
8. Hands brushing unexpectedly.
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pairings: din djarin x female reader
word count: 1.8k
warnings: none other than the reader being an absolute klutz and an awkward, blushing mess
a/n: so this is basically Chapter 5 canon, which I've done a twist to... This is my first time writing for the Mandalorian.... Seeing I have little to no knowledge of the Razor Crest’s interior other than what I’ve seen in the show, I've just freestyled the things from the events of chapter 5...... I don’t even know if this is good, please don’t come after me, but HERE YOU GO I love you guys and <3 stay safe
a/n 2: I’m trying to quit using y/n, so don't mind me.
I don't own the Mandalorian, © Dave Filoni, Chapter 5, The Gunslinger
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You remember clearly when you met him the first time. One day he was just there. At the hanger where you worked for Peli, along with her droids. You’d heard him from around the corner, that modulated voice insisting on no droids, and you immediately knew you had to investigate.
There was something interesting in the way the armor on his body caught the light of the dual suns of Tatooine. You’d heard about Mandalorians in the brief years of school, the stories of the Clone Wars still fresh in your mind. You hadn’t ever thought you’d see one in real life though, yet here he was.
You knew he had to be sweating under all that heavy beskar and the clothes underneath it. He didn’t say much though. He never really talked about himself, you noted. You watched him from afar when he took off on one of Peli’s speeder bikes.
“SPARKS!” you cringed at her tone, knowing you had a long night in store for you. You reluctantly made your way down to the center of the hanger, stopping dead in your tracks when the giant crest came into view.
“Holy shit.” You muttered under your breath, taking in the holes from apparent battle, the dripping of uncertain fluids coming from the exterior.
“We have a fuel leak among other things that needs to be fixed. He requested no droids, so it’s all on us, unfortunately.” You watch as she makes her way around the crest, her indicator constantly beeping as she points it to the aircraft.
“I’ll handle the leak first, then fill it up.” You mutter out, finding your welding tools before getting to work on the Razor Crest. You feel a hand on your arm just after finishing the weld, turning to find Peli standing in front of you.
“Don’t fill it all the way. He only paid us 500 credits.” You nod and push your goggles up to your hairline, wiping your brow with the back of your hand, the warm, dry air on Tatooine making you sweat more than you’d like. “You should really be careful next time, you know. Sparks can ignite fuel, you know.” Peli let out a laugh as your eyes widened.
“Dank farrik, oh my maker.” You laughed at your mistake, realizing you could’ve easily blown up the hanger. “I wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry Peli.” You look at her apologetically, to which she just lets out another laugh.
“He’s something, I know that. A Mandalorian, here in my hanger… It’s crazy.” Peli makes her way into the makeshift kitchenette of her hanger. She comes back quickly with a cup of ruby bliel, handing it to you with a nod.
You quickly gulp down the gooey drink, relishing in the way it sated your thirst. With a nod, you move around the crest, welding over holes from the blaster fight it’d taken a toll in. You quickly locate all the holes, welding them quickly but efficiently, climbing the ladder way more times than necessary.
You were sweating buckets, your whole t-shirt soaked through under the dual suns. You jumped and slid down the ladder quickly, gliding to your feet with a heavy puff. You let Peli know that you were done, and that you were going to cool off.
Once inside the confinements of the living quarters, you pull off your soaked shirt, letting it fall to the floor with a dull thud. You pull out a wet, cold cloth from the cooler, dabbing it all over your bare torso to cool yourself down.
You find a clean shirt and pull it over your head, grabbing another cup of ruby to cool you further. You make your way to the doorway of the hanger, looking over the dusty terrain of your planet. You sigh in content before squinting your eyes, trying to see something in the distance.
It was almost never boring working and living with Peli. But sometimes, you did miss the rush of Mos Eisley. You could barely see the city from 3-5, but you could dream. Dream about the cantinas and the bustling life you left behind.
You turned after a few minutes, walking back to where Peli had sat down with her droids and started a game of sabacc. You knew Peli was a master at the game, which was why you never dared to challenge her. Yet you sat down across from her, watching as she laid in three bolts and a motivator.
You silently laughed, damn well knowing she was going to win the hand over those stupid, no-good droids. You watched as she threw around the cards, making the droids tilt their heads in her direction, clearly confused as to what she was doing.
Your ears picked up the sound of something you didn’t recognize. Your head whipped toward the crest, your head tipping to one side. “Peli?” you carefully spoke up, making her look at you. Then she heard it too.
“What is that sound?” You carefully asked, and she shrugged her shoulders, pointing to a droid and asking it to fetch her blaster rifle. You both got up and you reached over, grabbing your own small blaster, holding it in front of you as you both walked towards the crest.
“I’d stay in that ship if I were you!” you heard her yell, before you both lowered your weapons, your eyes landing on a small, green creature making its way out into the sunlight from the dual moons setting on the hanger.
It looked… sad? You and Peli gave each other a look, before both your heads snapped back to the crest, from the sound of the creature giving a little wail. You watched as Peli handed over her blaster rifle to one of her droids, before crouching down, slowly.
“It’s just a…. child?” you spoke softly as Peli lifted the thing off the gangway, arms stretched in front of her.
“Let Peli take a good look at you...” You heard her say before she turned, her eyes catching yours. “Alright, there we go… Did that bounty hunter leave you all alone in that big nasty ship?” you smile at her chosen words, listening closely as the child let out another small wail.
“What… is it?” you spoke softly, stepping closer to her.
“How do I know what it is? Give me a second!” she stared at you, before turning her attention back on the child in her arms. “Alright! Would you like some food? You hungry?” The child let out another sound, and you sighed, putting your blaster into the hands of one of the droids.
“You feed it; I’ll get back to work.” You said as you grabbed your toolbox, making your way into the crest. You welded up the holes in the hull quickly, before strapping the box over your shoulder to climb the stairs to the cockpit where, what you suspect to be the navigation log, has been beeping your ear off for the past half an hour.
You sigh when you finally enter the cockpit with both your hands over your ears, trying to keep out the brain-numbing noises that are way more prominent in the closed-off space. You light all possible bulbs in the cockpit quickly before locating the log and the red alarm button, that’s been going off.
You quickly lay down on your back under the panel, finding a few detached wires that may have set of the alarm. With swift fingers you untangle the wires from the main panel, before reattaching them to the navigation log. You grin when the beeping stops and push yourself from under the panel.
You rise from the floor and, unexpectedly, comes face to face with the dank farrik Mandalorian, startling you. You feel your heart pick up the pace of its beating, and you find yourself just standing there… Unable to do something. You hadn’t even heard him come in, and the crest was barely what you could call soundproof.
“I… I’m sorry, Mandalorian, I was just fixing some wires under the panel and…” you try to look everywhere but the helmet, where you’re certain a pair of eyes are judging you. “Um… excuse me…” you whisper quietly, before brushing past the statue of a man in front of you.
You stop in your tracks as you feel your hand glide over fabric, then finding a certain warmth you hadn’t expected. Skin? You stutter as you feel something that could go for electricity and take a step back, turning to face the elephant in the room, and finding that elephant to have discarded his fucking gloves. A blush creeps into your cheeks, and it makes you want to crawl into your own oblivion.
Was he allowed to do that? Possibly. You just hadn’t expected it. You had expected a pair of leather gloves, but they were nowhere to be found. You quickly made your way around him to grasp your toolbox, before quickly muttering out a sorry, leaving the cockpit faster than your own feet could carry you, causing you to drop your toolbox on the way down the ladder.
“Dank farrik!” you yell out, quickly getting your toolbox upright, before hurriedly pushing your things back into the metal box. You scurry out of the crest, hiding your reddened face from where Peli is sitting with the child. You didn’t need her to ask questions.
Once inside the, what you assumed to be safe space of the hanger, you quickly pour out the contents of your toolbox to rearrange everything the way you like it. It a fairly easy task, except when you come to the conclusion that you’re missing one of your favorite screwdrivers. You used it in the cockpit and you- fuck - you probably forgot it there in the midst of your trembling, blushing mess of an encounter with the Mandalorian.
“You forgot this.” You let out a yelp as the modulated voice speaks up behind you, startling you yet again. You turn and find him right there, in your hanger, screwdriver in his not-so-glove-covered hand, making you gulp down a fair amount of saliva that’s gotten caught in your mouth.
“Thanks.” You whisper before taking the tool from his hand, the warmth of his palm sending even more shockwaves up your fingers, though your arms and right into your heart. He had to notice the way your skin got clammy and your heartrate picked up, but he just turned on his heel and left the hanger, leaving you to think over what the fuck just happened.
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sylvanfreckles · 3 years
Fever Dreams
Summary: Castiel caught a bad chest cold and Sam stayed behind to look after him.
Just some soft times with these two, because I don't give them enough time together.
The Flare 'Verse, if you're not familiar with it, started Here and continued Here. Basically, Cas is human because Naomi burned his grace out in a ritual to elevate herself to a higher level. It's left him with scars and chronic pain, and the Winchesters are doing their best to take care of him. I'm still working on the first chronological story, but this one grabbed me and wouldn't let go.
Sam looked up from his book as the blankets on the bed rustled. He waited for a few seconds until the figure in the bed shifted around again, then set his book aside and gently pulled the blankets down enough to reveal Cas's tousled hair and pinched face.
He rested the back of his hand on the ex-angel's forehead, frowning a little at the temperature, then carded his fingers through the dark hair until he reached Cas's neck. The muscles there were tight, and Sam gently rubbed his thumb back and forth while he half-sat on the bed to be closer.
“Just a dream, Cas,” he murmured. “You're home safe. Just a dream.” It was just the two of them in the bunker at the moment—Dean was on a case, Eileen was meeting up with some old friends, and Jack was still trying to find something to help Cas's condition.
A sympathetic smile crept across his face when Cas's eyes cracked open, only to turn to a grimace of concern when the dark-haired man started coughing.
“Up you get, come on.” He slid one arm behind Cas's shoulders and gently pulled the other man up, then fumbled for the box of tissues to pass a handful to Cas.
The ex-angel might have muttered his thanks, but the tissues were pressed against his mouth as he leaned against Sam and coughed. Sam winced in sympathy and gently rubbed his friend's back, careful to avoid the sensitive scars left by Naomi's ritual.
“Ready to eat something?”
Cas shook his head and just leaned his weight against Sam. They didn't know if it was because of the way his grace had been burned out of him or just a consequence of taking human form, but Cas had trouble maintaining his body temperature now. He usually ended up curled up against the closest warm thing, whether that be a heating pad or a Winchester.
“C'mon, Cas,” Sam pleaded. “If you don't eat something Dean will never leave us alone again. He texted a dozen times while you were asleep, I'm surprised he didn't ask for a picture so he could make sure I was tucking you in the right way.”
That earned him a snort of laughter, and Sam gently pushed himself off the bed and started to lay Cas back down. “I'll bring you something, okay?”
“Wait,” Cas, voice still crackling with congestion, caught Sam's sleeve in one hand. “Not here.”
Sam raised his eyebrows high enough that he felt his hairline shift. “You need to rest, Cas. This is the best place for that.”
Cas shifted uncomfortably and stared up at Sam, somehow managing to look far too pathetic, even for a chronically ill ex-angel with a chest cold. “I need to move. I feel...confined.”
He understood that, a little. Dean could be a mother hen sometimes, and a chest cold rarely needed strict bedrest. Besides, the TV room had a deep, comfortable couch now, and Cas could rest there.
“Wanna watch a movie?” Sam offered as he helped tug the blankets away from Cas's legs. “We've still got the rest of that documentary series on deep-sea plant and animal life.”
They'd been actually really fun to watch together. When he'd been an angel, Cas had liked to venture to the depths of the ocean to study the patterns of life there, and there had been a few times he'd actually recognized the filming locations from personal experience. Sam had also ordered another set of documentaries on the ancient world, but that was mostly so Cas could point out the errors and explain everything the archaeologists were getting wrong. It was one of the things Dean rolled his eyes about and called them nerds, but they were all secretly pleased to see Cas's enthusiasm after those first long months of pain.
Sam started to hook his arm under Cas's legs to carry him out of the room, but the ex-angel waved him off and scooted to the edge of the bed on his own. So Sam stood back and held his arm out, bent at the elbow, so Cas could use it to pull himself to his feet and steady himself to walk.
“How is Dean?” Cas asked as they shuffled down the hall.
“He's pretending to be mad it's the library that's haunted and not the gym,” Sam said with a shake of his head. Dean took it personally when kids were in danger, and word of a poltergeist at a middle school had him out the door in less than an hour. “I think he's more relieved it's a spirit and not a psychic phenomenon.”
“And no one's around for his Ghostbusters references,” Cas added blandly.
Sam had to laugh. “Those too. 'Imagine, Sammy, a ghost in a library and it's not even an old lady',” he said, pitching his voice a little lower to imitate his brother.
“'He slimed me',” Cas whined, though it dissolved into a cough and they had to pause while the ex-angel caught his breath. “'They're here' might be more appropriate.”
“He's got to stop making you watch those movies,” Sam shook his head as they squeezed through the door to the TV room (not Dean Cave. Never calling it that). “This whole 'Hunting 101', it's not how it works. Real hunting isn't anything like that.”
Cas didn't answer until he was settled on one side of the u-shaped couch, sitting up in one corner so he was facing the TV with his legs stretched out along one leg of the couch.
“Isn't that what makes it entertaining?” he finally asked, wrapping a blanket around his shoulders and leaning back into the cushions.
Sam bit back his first reaction. This was Cas. Cas had been an angel for millennia before his grace had been torn out of him and left him with this frail mortal body. As much as his friend might seem innocent or naive at times, he still knew how to separate fact from fiction. “Sorry.”
“Just don't let Jack see them,” Cas continued, and Sam had to laugh at that. God...or demi-god? Elevated nephilim? Something more? Anyway, powerful though Jack might be, Sam wasn't sure he could ever see him as more than that wide-eyed kid who just wanted his father.
“I'll be right back,” he promised, patting Cas on the shoulder. There would be cream of chicken soup and apple slices in the fridge, and that would be enough to satisfy Dean the next time his older brother checked in.
They were forty-five minutes into a documentary about the Great Barrier Reef when Sam noticed Cas was shifting uncomfortably in his place on the couch.
“Cas?” Sam paused the movie and half-turned on the couch to study his friend. “You okay? Need to go back to bed?” He was sitting beside him, close enough to touch if Cas needed help, but did his best to make sure his friend didn't feel too crowded.
Cas shook his head, but Sam could still tell something was wrong. He had drank the entire mug of soup and eaten almost all of the apple slices Sam had brought, so he probably wasn't hungry. He wasn't due for more cold medicine for over an hour. “Do you need to use the bathroom?”
There was a heavy sigh, then Cas slumped against the couch. “It's cold.”
Cold. They'd learned to hate that word. If Cas got too cold he could have one of those awful flares of pain, and end up curled up and miserable for hours. They tried to head it off by tucking him back in bed with hot water bottles and heating pads, but he'd actually been enjoying sitting on the couch to watch a movie so Sam was reluctant to pack him away in his isolated bedroom.
“Hang on, here.” Sam scooted closer and tugged Cas's blanket free. He slid one arm behind his friend's back and tucked Cas in close against him before spreading the blanket back over the two of them. “One Winchester heating pad, at your service.”
“Hey, I have body heat to spare,” Sam teased. “Come on.”
Cas was still reluctant. “You might get sick.”
“I might get it anyway,” he replied. “Colds get passed around, Cas, that's the truth of it.”
There were a few more seconds of hesitation, then Cas practically melted against him. They spent a few moments rearranging themselves on the couch, ending up with Sam propping one foot on the side of the couch next to Cas's legs with his arm around Cas's shoulders, and Cas leaning his head on Sam's shoulder until his hair almost brushed the tall hunter's neck.
“This isn't personal space?” Cas asked. He probably didn't mean to sound so pathetic, it was just the cold making his voice croak like that.
“I don't have personal space,” Sam joked. “You think I could live in the car with Dean for so long if I did?”
Cas seemed to consider that, then nodded and seemed to relax even further against Sam. “He's very sensitive about such things,” he murmured sleepily.
“What's that?”
In answer, Cas mumbled something into Sam's collarbone. Sam glanced down, grinning when he realized Cas had fallen asleep almost as soon as they'd gotten re-settled. He left the documentary paused and reached for his book, figuring it was time to get a few more chapters in.
His phone buzzed on the couch beside him and he picked it up, seeing yet another text from Dean.
“Hey, Dean wants to know how you're feeling,” he whispered to Cas.
Cas grunted, face still buried in Sam's shoulder. “Sie koennen hier nicht Baseball spielen.”
Sam bit back a snort of laughter. “No baseball,” he agreed. Cas talking in other languages in his sleep was nothing new, though at least it was German this time and Sam could almost understand him. He texted back that Cas had eaten and was sleeping, then after another moment's thought held the camera out and took a selfie.
He looked the picture over with a smile before sending it off to Dean. In it Sam was leaning back against the couch with a big grin on his face, and Cas had his face squashed into Sam's shoulder, already sleeping so hard he was practically drooling.
Setting the phone face-down on the couch, he picked his book back up and ignored the repeated vibrations of his brother's reply messages. Cas was all right, Dean needed to focus on his case, and he really wanted to get through another chapter or two before he had to wake Cas for his next dose of medicine.
“No baseball,” he repeated, squeezing Cas's shoulders in a sideways hug. “Just get some rest.”
End notes:
The first two quotations Sam and Cas say are from the first Ghostbusters movie, and the second one Cas says is from the Poltergeist movie.
“Sie koennen hier nicht Baseball spielen.” - rough German translation of "You can't play baseball here". I used an online translator, so I apologize if it's incorrect. It's not a line from anything, I just wanted some random dream-talk. (Now corrected thanks to the lovely @slipper007! I couldn't do accents in my word processor, so thanks for the alternate spelling! I'll remember that!)
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fictionalabyss · 3 years
Protector : Back to therapy.
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Pairing : Dean x Reader, Sam, Alex (OC), Abby (OC)
Word count :  1,545
Warnings : Panic/fear,  stalking/following, pissed Dean, prison life : threat of solitary confinement. Series TW : Domestic Abuse is a constant topic- be it mentioned, or actually happening.
Continuation of this series was commissioned by : @iflostreturntosteverogers
Part 18 of Protector.
Masterlist • Patreon • Ko-fi.
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You heard whispering as you started to wake up, eyes gently fluttering open just to close again a moment later. Opening them once more, you blinked a few times to get your vision straight. Down by the door you saw a familiar too tall figure with your young daughter in his arms. “Hey, baby.” you smiled. “Did you have fun with Uncle Sammy today?” She chatted away and you looked to Sam with a smile and a stretch. But as you started sitting up, you noticed you hadn’t seen your son. “Where’s Alex?” Sam didn’t answer. “Sam? Where’s my son.”
Sam put Abby down, letting her run off to play with some toys that were still scattered around the living room from earlier that morning.
“Where the fuck is my son, Sam?”  Panic and fury were taking over.
He opened his mouth to answer, but from outside you heard a bike pull in. Shooting up from the couch you rushed to the front door and pulled it open. He was killing the engine as you stepped down that first step. He stepped off the bike and looked up before pulling off his helmet. “Hey, mom.”
You rushed for him, wrapping your arms around him as tight as you could and held on to him like he’d get pulled away if you let up in the slightest.
“You’re grounded.” you told him, letting the fear that had gripped you a moment ago leak into your voice. “You understand me? A week, Alex. You're at school or at home, no garage, John can find someone else.”
He didn’t fight you, didn’t argue. “Okay, mom.”
You pulled away, wiping at your face with your sleeve. “Go to your room.” Alex just nodded before heading inside, but you couldn’t follow him, not yet.
Sam stood in the open doorway behind you, watching you. “He left when you did.”
“Then why the fuck didn’t you call me?” you turned, snapping at him.
“You needed to relax.”
“I need to know my fucking son is okay. I trusted that he was with you! I trusted you to bring him home!”
“He went to Dean.”
“He- Are you sure?”
Sam nodded. “Dean called me. Only reason I came home without hunting his ass down, Dean told me he’d been there and Dean had talked some sense into him, got him to agree to stick with school. I knew he was on his way back home.”
“I didn’t want him to go.”
“That’s probably exactly why he went.” Sam pointed out.
“I didn’t want him to see Dean like that.”
“He’s seen Dean like that before..” You shook your head. “Dean’s been shot since you two have-”
“It was summer, Sam. Alex spent a week camping with his friend. Alex has never seen Dean bloody. Never seen him that broken.” you looked up meeting his eyes. “Dean is- he’s our protector. Alex’s dad, he was… nothing was worse than that to Alex. Nothing. And Dean.. Dean got rid of the big bad evil in our lives. He’s up on a pedestal, invincible almost, to Alex. He needed that to be true to get through it all, he needed to think that nothing could hurt Dean in order to feel like he was finally safe. So we never let him see it. He’s seen the scars and such, once they’ve healed but you know Dean, it's a story. He laughs and talks about how worse off the other guy is like it’s no big deal. He’s never seen Dean broken.”
Sam glanced back into the house quickly, seeing Abby still playing quietly with her toys on the floor, he stepped out and towards you, cupping your face in his hands and making you look up at him. There was so much pain and guilt in your eyes that it hurt him. “It’ll be okay.”
“Will it? He barely sleeps, I know the nightmares are back. He won’t say anything but I know they are. I don’t know what to do, I don’t know how to make it easier on him-”
“I’ll be taking him to therapy,” he promised. “I’ll drive him and walk him in there to make sure he goes. Once a week, right?” You gave Sam a nod. “You’re not alone, it’s not just you. I’m here.” You gave him another nod, trying to blink away the tears. “Right now, I’m going to head home. Gonna grab my shit, and Brutus and I are moving in.”
“Dean told you.”
“Yeah. Honestly, though, if you would have just asked I would have sooner. So, get ready for someone who drools on everything you love.” Sam gave you a half smile. “And Brutus.” His smile widened when he saw the light smile grace your lips despite your sadness.
“I’m used to the drool.”
“Yeah, I forgot Dean drools in his sleep.” Sam chuckled.
“I meant Abby.”  you rolled your eyes. “But yeah, he does, doesn’t he.”
“You good?” You gave Sam a nod. “Alright, I won’t be long. And don’t worry about dinner either, I’ll bring something in. It’s been a long day for everyone.”
“Thanks, Sam.”
“Anytime.” He gave you a chaste kiss on the forehead before he pulled away and headed for the car he’d driven Abby home in.
You watched Sam pull out of the driveway and start down the street. He gave you a smile and a wave as he went past, and you returned the smile before it fell from your lips again. Sighing, you were turning back towards your house when the car parked across the street caught your attention. The driver seemed to be looking down at his phone, his car still running like he was waiting for someone. Ignoring it, you turned and headed inside.
You were passing the living room window as the car pulled away and disappeared down the street.
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“Alex!” Sam called out as he put the pizza box on the table. Abby was squealing from her chair at Brutus who was sniffing happily at her feet. You were bringing plates over to the table, smiling at Abby when Sam called out a second time. “Alex, come on, supper time.”
“Mom?” You turned, and Alex stood just inside the kitchen. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I took off on Sam without telling anyone I just-”
“I know.” You opened your arms and Alex stepped into the hug. “I was so scared when I woke up and you weren’t with Sam. Please, please don’t do that to me again.”
Alex nodded as he hugged you tight. “I’m sorry.”
“Sit and eat, both of you.” Sam motioned to the table as he sat. Alex pulled away and sat in his usual spot next to his baby sister. “No more shit, Alex.” Sam tried to sound like a stern Dean.
“I know. I’ll be in school tomorrow, no more skipping, I promise. I’m even working on catching up on my work.”
“Dean gave you an earful, huh?” you asked. Alex nodded, taking a slice of pizza and putting it onto his plate.
“I’m not just talking about school, Alex. You’re going back to therapy.” Alex looked to Sam. “Your mom already made the appointment. We’re going every Thursday.”
“We?” he looked from Sam to you.
“I’m going to take you.” Sam took a slice of pizza of his own.
“I can go on my own, I promise I won’t take off.”
“It’s not just that, Alex. I know Dean being gone is hard for you guys so I’m going to do what I can to show that I’m here for you. So Thursdays, I’ll drive you, I’ll wait for you, then we’ll stop somewhere after and have dinner. Sound good?” Alex nodded. “Good.”
“Dean gave you an earful too, huh?” Alex teased, making Sam smile.
“Something like that, yeah.” Sam chuckled. “But you two.. You really need to learn to ask for help when you need it. Or you’ll be getting and earful about that, too.” Sam smiled, glancing from Alex to you while bringing the pizza slice up to his mouth and taking a bite.
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It was three days after seeing you that Dean got a letter in the mail call. The return address was nothing more than a PObox, no name. He wasn’t surprised to find it had been opened, of course they’d go through his mail, they went through everyone's mail.
Opening it up, he saw it was just pictures. No letter, no hint as to who sent it. Just pictures. Tossing the envelope onto his bed, he turned the pictures over and his face paled. That was his house. His family.
They were pictures of you and Sam standing out in the front yard. Your face in Sam’s hands as you looked up at him. He flipped to the next one and it was much the same. Your face in Sam's hands as he stood close to you. The third and final one, was Sam pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Son of a bitch.” Dean growled, throwing the pictures and turning to pace the room.
A bang sounded on his cell door. “Winchester! Calm down!”
“Fuck you!” Dean spat back at the guard.
“You want to go back to solitary, asshole?”
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Tagging :  Protector : @jaycc7983 @volleyballer519  @meganlpie  @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo  @londoncallingbutiwontpickup    @valsworldofcreativity   @samsgirl93
Dean - @akshi8278  @adoptdontshoppets   @evyiione @karikatz12481 @idksupernatural  @deandreamernp
SPN -  @sandlee44  @just-another-busy-fangirl  @mrswhozeewhatsis   @deanandsamsbitch  @deans-baby-momma  @thebescht @67-chevy-baby @supraveng   @musiclovinchic93 @holyfuckloueh  @ksgeekgirl   @hobby27 @maddiepants  @roxyspearing @onethirstyunicorn    @fandom-princess-forevermore     @kalesrebellion   @deanwanddamons   @thoughts-and-funnies
All tags - @sorenmarie87 @artemisthebadger @winchesterprincessbride @iflostreturntosteverogers @akfonkin @rebelminxy @foxyjwls007 @onethirstyunicorn @shaelyn102 @supernaturalenchanted  @kazkingdom   @babypink224221  @emoryhemsworth    @ilovefanfic86  @pie-with-hunters   @anaelsbrunette @lazinessisalliknow  @feelmyroarrrr  @letsdisneythings   @cdwmtjb8   @notyourtypicalrose​  @xostephanie​ @ilovedeanspie​ @defenderrosetyler​ @amandamdiehl​
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disneygirl626 · 4 years
Peter Parker x Reader :Journey: (2/2)
(Y/n) stood sideways in front of the mirror, a frown etched deep in her features.
“If you keep frowning like that your face is going to get stuck.”
She jumped and turned, watching her husband walk over to her. “Haha, very funny.”
“What’re you doing anyway?” Peter asked with a chuckle.
“Pete, look, the baby bump is already showing! They’re going to see right through me!” (Y/n) said, looking back at the mirror and placing her hands on her stomach.
While she was right, there was a bump, that’s also all it was. A bump. Barely even that, to be honest.
“Honey, I don’t think they’ll notice it,” Peter said, wrapping his arms around his wife from behind. His hands landed on her stomach and she smiled.
“What time is dinner again?” (Y/n) asked.
“Pepper said to be there at 6, but Tony said 7 so I have no idea,” Peter said, earning a laugh from (Y/n).
“May and Happy are coming too, right?” (Y/n) asked.
“Yep. How do you think we should tell everyone about the baby?” Peter asked.
“I don’t know. There’s so many options!” (Y/n) had been watching YouTube videos all day in preparation. She figured this is something they should’ve planned beforehand, but time had gotten away from her and before she knew it it was the day of the dinner and they still had no plan.
“We could do the picture thing,” Peter suggested.
“But who would take it?” (Y/n) asked as she went back to getting ready.
Peter plopped down on their bed with a bounce. “Oh yeah… Why don’t we do the onesie thing? Where it says ‘coming soon’ or something like that.”
“I think you have to have those custom made,” (Y/n) said.
The couple sat in silence, each racking their brains to think of something.
“What do you think of the ultrasound idea?” (Y/n) asked.
“Nah, it needs to be more creative,” Peter said, making his wife smirk.
“What’s that look for?” Peter asked, grinning.
“You’re just adorable,” (Y/n) said.
Peter’s grin widened before it slowly started to fade. “Have you.. have you thought anymore about telling your parents?”
His wife’s smile faded as well. After (Y/n) had gotten engaged to Peter, she and her family had gotten into a huge argument with her family. Her parents highly disapproved of Peter and wanted (Y/n) to go back to school instead of settling down so quickly.
They’d been invited to the wedding but no one had shown up. When Tony found out about that, he had offered to walk (Y/n) down the aisle and give her away. To say that she had started crying was an understatement.
Anyway, she hadn’t heard from her family since before the wedding so she hadn’t planned on telling them about the baby.
“I’ve thought about it. I just don’t know, Peter. There’s only two ways this could go and neither of them are good.”
“It’s completely up to you, (N/n). I’ll support whatever you choose,” Peter said. (Y/n) gave him a small smile.
She finished getting ready, but couldn’t shake that thought out of her head. If she did try to call them they could either ignore her or answer and give her a lecture about how she’s too young to be a mom and yada yada yada.
Her and Peter discussed how to surprise the rest of the family during the whole ride to the compound and came up with the perfect plan.
(Y/n) began shaking with nervous excitement as they pulled up to the compound.
“You ok?” Peter asked, frowning a little bit.
“Mhm,” she replied, climbing out of the car as May came to greet them.
“Hi guys!” she said happily. She ran over to (Y/n) and squeezed her in a hug. “I’ve missed you both!”
(Y/n) laughed as she hugged May. “We’ve missed you too!”
“Are you ok? You look… different. Not bad different, just different. Like you’re… glowing almost.”
(Y/n) froze for a split second. Peter saved her from having to answer as he walked over and squeezed his aunt in a hug.
May eyed (Y/n) suspiciously as the trio headed inside, but she didn’t say anything else about it.
“Hey, lovebirds,” Tony said with a grin.
Peter rolled his eyes but (Y/n) just smirked. The night continued on with (Y/n) on the verge of a nervous breakdown. She was sure they saw right through her. What if they weren’t happy about it? What if they thought they were too young to be parents? Her mom had been in her life, but she wasn’t exactly the best mom in the world. What if she wasn’t a good mom? What if-
(Y/n) pulled herself out of her spiral of worry and looked up to find her husband watching her with a frown. “You ok?” he whispered, giving her hand a squeeze.
She forced a smile and nodded. “I’m ok. Just… tired I guess.”
Peter didn’t look like he believed her, but they didn’t have the chance to talk about it before FRIDAY announced the takeout they ordered had arrived.
As they sat around the living room and munched on the food, (Y/n) caught her husband’s eye and nodded, biting her lip in a smile. Her hands trembled as she handed May and Happy and Tony and Pepper a small gift as the conversation died down.
“What’s this?” May asked suspiciously, eyeing the small rectangle box with a little smile.
“A present,” (Y/n) replied, sitting next to Peter and taking his hand.
The couple’s opened their respective boxes, pulling out a sandwich baggie with ‘Spider-baby coming soon!’ written on it and a positive pregnancy stick in it.
Pepper was the first to catch on. She let out a happy little scream and jumped up, throwing the baggie at Tony in the process.
(Y/n) stood as Pepper practically bounced over and threw her arms around her and Peter. (Y/n) laughed as May caught on next, having about the same reaction as Pepper. Happy and Tony caught on shortly after that. They were excited but their reaction was a bit calmer than the women.
The months seemed to fly by after that. The first trimester had been rough. Morning sickness had hit (Y/n) like a brick wall. Most of the time she could only eat a couple saltines and drink some chicken broth.
There had been one point where they’d almost had to go see Helen, but thankfully everything worked itself out. They did call Dr. Cho a couple times, but without being able to actually see (Y/n), she had to guess it was from the radiation that changed Peter’s DNA.
“But-but he or she isn’t going to be an actual spider-baby, right?” (Y/n) had asked, having gone pale.
“No, I don't think so, (Y/n). He or she might have some powers, but I highly doubt it,” Helen had replied.
During the second trimester, the morning sickness gradually left and (Y/n) was hit with a whole bunch of cravings. The second trimester became (Y/n)’s favorite part of the pregnancy. She was able to actually eat normal food without puking her guts out ten minutes later and she felt great!
“(Y/n), are you sure you should be up there?”
“Ned, relax, it’s just a ladder.”
“Exactly, it’s a ladder! It could topple over at any second!”
“It won’t if you’re holding it.”
Ned tightened his grip on the metal ladder as he watched one of his best friends attempt to paint the wall in front of her. They were keeping the baby’s gender a surprise until he or she was born, so they had been a pretty sage green for the walls.
Peter was returning tomorrow night from a  business trip with Stark Industries, so (Y/n) had called Ned and MJ to come help her decorate the nursery to surprise Peter.
The puking from the first trimester had taken its toll on (Y/n). She was a lot thinner now, except for the growing bump, and got dizzy pretty easily.
(Y/n) inched closer to the wall, much to Ned’s dismay. “(Y/n), do I need to call MJ?”
“No, I’m perfectly capable of doing this,” (Y/n) said, tongue poking out the side of her mouth as she concentrated on not hitting the ceiling.
“Capable of doing what?” MJ asked as she walked in. She carried bags from various baby stores, which she set in a pile in the middle of the room.
“(Y/n)’s trying to give me a heart attack,” Ned replied.
Said woman glared at him. “Am not.”
“(Y/n), do you really think you should be up there? What if you have a dizzy spell?” MJ asked, crossing her arms.
“I’ll be fine. Just let me get this last part then I’ll - oh!”
MJ and Ned raced over, but (Y/n) didn’t fall. Instead, she dropped the roller as her hand flew to her bump.
“What? What’s wrong?” Ned asked.
“He or she kicked!” (Y/n) said, grinning. She got down from the ladder and grabbed her friend’s hands, placing them on her belly. The baby kicked again, making grins pull at Ned and MJ’s lips.
“I wish Peter was here!” (Y/n) said, smiling bigger than she had  in a while.
“(Y/n)?” someone called, making all three heads turn to the living room.
“Peter!” (Y/n) said happily, running to the doorway. She planted a kiss on his lips before grabbing his hand and putting it on her belly.
“(Y/n), what-?”
“Shh! Just watch!”
Sure enough, the baby kicked Peter’s hand. “Whoa!”
He grinned and wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug.
The third trimester brought cramps, swollen feet, and weekly checkups. As the baby grew bigger, (Y/n)’s body began having a hard time adjusting. She became iron deficient and was confined to bed rest within the last couple weeks of her pregnancy due to other complications.
“Peter, I swear, I’ll be ok. Go be Spider-man for a little bit. I’ll call you if anything happens,” (Y/n) said, giving her husband’s hand a squeeze.
“No buts. Baby and I will be ok, I promise.”
“What if you have to go to the bathroom? Or what if you get hungry?” Peter asked.
“I called MJ. We’re going to have a girls night,” (Y/n) said, one hand rubbing her large stomach while the other held her husband’s hand tightly.
Peter hesitated. “You swear you’ll call me if anything happens?”
“Yes,” (Y/n) said with a loving smile.
“Fine. I’ll only be gone for a few hours though, ok?”
“Ok. Stay safe, love,” (Y/n) said, pecking his lips before he got up.
“You too,” Peter said. He gave her belly a kiss before suiting up and jumping out the window.
“I will never get used to that,” (Y/n) sighed.
MJ showed up half an hour later and the girls filled up with junk food and cheesy rom-coms.
“So when are you due?” MJ asked as she left to refill the popcorn bucket.
“Two more weeks. But we don’t even know if it’ll actually happen on that day,” (Y/n) said, resting her head on the pillow behind her as she scrolled through Instagram.
A sharp pain shot through her body, making her wince. She didn’t think much of it, it’s been happening a lot lately. Then water began pooling under her thighs. She paled and muttered a curse.
“Uh.. Michelle?”
“I’m coming! Don’t play the movie yet!” MJ called back.
“MJ, my water broke!”
A crash came from the kitchen as MJ ran back into the bedroom. “Are you ok? Does anything hurt?”
“No-no, I’m ok. What-what should I do?” (Y/n) said as the situation began to set in.
“Call Peter. I’ll get your bag and your shoes,” MJ said.
(Y/n) had never been more thankful for her friend’s calmness before now. She tried her husband five times before giving up and leaving a message. She then tried Tony, who answered on the third ring.
“Hey, (Y/n), what’s up?”
“Tony, my water just broke and I can’t get a hold of my husband. I sent him out to be Spider-man for a little bit, but now he’s not answering!”
“OK, stay calm, (N/n). I’ll go look for him and make sure everything’s ok. Are you by yourself?”
“No, MJ is here with me. Call me when you find him!” (Y/n) said as MJ ran back in with (Y/n)’s sandals and hospital bag.
“Will do, kid.”
They hung up and called the hospital. Due to all of her complications so far, they told her to come in right away.
So MJ hailed a cab and helped her very pregnant friend down the stairs and into said cab. ON the way, they call Ned who met them at the hospital.
(Y/n) was called back into a room almost immediately with her friends by her side.
“Anything from Tony?” (Y/n) asked MJ.
As if on cue, her phone began ringing. MJ put it on speaker and said, “Tony? Did you find him?”
“Yeah, he’s fine. We’re on our way now. How’s she doing?”
“I’m fine, just get here quickly please!” (Y/n) said.
“We’re almost there!” Tony said before they hung up.
Well, after that phone call things rapidly went downhill. They gave her an epidural, and shortly after that (Y/n)’s blood pressure began dropping drastically, resulting in some panicked nurses and doctors.
(Y/n) began having trouble staying awake and the epidural wasn’t even working, which meant she was still in pain.
MJ and Ned looked up from the seat they’d claimed as Peter and Tony ran in. Peter had a black eye and a cut on his cheek, but other than that he looked ok.
“Where is she? Is she ok?” Peter asked.
“Her blood pressure is dropping. They kicked us out,” Ned said.
“She’s in that room,” MJ said, pointing discreetly to the room across from them.
Peter raced in to find his pregnant wife pale and asleep while a doctor and nurse talked next to her. They both looked up when Peter walked in.
“I’m Peter, I’m her husband. What’s going on?” he said quickly.
“We’re going to have to do an emergency c-section, it’s not healthy for your wife or your baby if we try to wait,” the doctor said.
So that’s what happened. Almost three hours later, the Spider-baby was brought into the world and (Y/n)’s blood pressure started rising back to normal. She woke up almost thirty minutes after the baby was born to find Peter sitting next to her bed and holding her hand.
“Is the baby ok? Where-what happened?” she asked weakly.
“The baby is great. They have her in the NICU just to be safe for a couple days, but they said as soon as you feel like it we can go visit  her,” Peter said, a soft smile on his face.
“Her? It’s a girl?” (Y/n) asked, smiling.
“We have a daughter, (N/n),” Peter said.
They found (Y/n) a wheelchair then went straight to the NICU.
“You must be Baby Parker’s parents. She’s doing great, she should be able to leave in a few days,” a nurse said with a kind smile.
“Thank you,” Peter said.
“Pete, she’s so beautiful,” (Y/n) said with tears in her eyes.
“What should we name her?” Peter asked.
“You pick the first name and I’ll pick the middle name,” (Y/n) said.
“Clara,” Peter said almost instantly.
“May,” (Y/n) said, just as quickly.
They smiled. “Clara May Parker.”
A/N: Hey everyone! Thanks for reading! I know I brought up the parent thing, then never did anything with it so I was thinking of doing a little spinoff oneshot of this later on. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed these twoshots!
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we-dragons · 3 years
I'm from a different dimension actually Chapter 4 Damian x reader
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Pulled away to another world, Y/N uses magic science and a Little bird to help her get back home and possibly be rid of an apocalyptic event. "So, will you succumb to your doubts completely or step into the sun of this new world?"
We didn't stay in the library very long, in fact as soon as I stepped foot in the space I was dragged back out by the back of my collar by my science partner. And despite showing my protest was thrown into the back of a black car with a surprised boy on the other side of it. Other than the look of shock on his face, his black hair was styled to part down the middle and wide tired-looking blue eyes. He regained his composure and displays a nervous grin on his face his eyes twitching as Damian slid in beside me.
"Damian who's our guest, and why is she here?" There was a hit of displeasure in his voice but not necessarily aimed at me.
"This is my project partner since father made it very clear I was grounded," Damian replies coldly, glaring at the male in front of him. The air was deathly still and I could feel a cold chill travel between them.
"Master Damian, Master Tim are we ready to leave?" an old man peers back at us from the driver's seat, his eyes land on me and he smiles slightly. "You must be Ms. (y/n), master Damian said you we coming over to work on a school assignment on scientific devices."
"Y-yes, sir!" He nods turning back to the wheel, we leave the parking lot, and out the window, I spot Molly waving in my direction as the school pulls out of view.
The ride was short, to say the least, and filled with air so thick you could make egg drop soup with it. Tension only seemed to rise as Tim tried to talk to me he was immediately shut down by Damian growling or glaring at him. For me this ride felt like an eternity in reality it was about ten minutes, and my stomach dropped when we pulled up to the building. The building fits perfectly to the name of the city towering behind spiked gates that creaked as it opened, the odd feeling of the place increased recalling the last time I was in a similar place, and I swallow the feeling pushing it back. The car pulled to the doors letting me leave the confined space of the car, being pulled out of it of course by Damian who marches on faster than I can keep up and he doesn't stop till he gets inside the door where he is tackled by a Great Dane. I pull my wrist to my chest rubbing the now sensitive skin, a laugh erupts from beside me, Tim stares down at Damian as if he won something.
"You should be more careful about your pets Damian, it seems this one got the better of you." He says attempting not to smile too widely, the boy on the floor however was not impressed pushing the dog off of him.
"Screw you, Drake." He grumbles getting up and points the dog out the door, the Dane happily obliged leaping out just as Alfred move out of the way.
"Master Richard must be home, shall I call him for you?" The boys both winced at the name, the looked over at me then back at Alfred.
"No!" they said in unison then peered at each other in disgust.
"Umm" I start gathering their attention. "listen I need to get home by 6 so I can feed my cat It's already 3:10 so.." I clap my hands together tilting my head slightly. "are we ready to get this show on the road?"
Even after we had gotten upstairs to their enormous library we found nothing about the Astrolabe anywhere not even in Islamic art or Greek sciences. So I used my knowledge on the subject there was plenty on the subject so I pull out my notebook and start writing.
"What are you doing?" a gruff voice says. I look up and see Damian glaring down at my notebook.
"Writing down what I know starting from Greece," I pull my finger down the outline I made, " to Mariam Al-Astrolabiya, and sailors. Ending with mathematic importance and finishing with overall importance." He looks at me a little surprised but his face pulls back into his regular scowl.
"How do you know any of that already?"
"Well from many sources really, I had books on the Islamic golden era and Greece's people of importance, the Minnesota renaissance festival, and my mom," I said quite proudly reminiscing the times my family would spend there, well my dad was only in it for chain mail, we would learn about the past, see the fire shows, we would always have so much fun, especially when we were with mom.
"Was your mother a historian?" He moved over and took my notebook to read over what I had.
"Not really she was an archeologist by trade, but I guess, she did teach Islamic golden age and Mid-evil centuries of Europe."
"Was your mother professor Astrid Hopperfeild?" My heart didn't beat, I stare at him, disbelief filling my core as that pit built up some more.
I smile in hopes that I cover up any nervousness, "Yes that's my mother, did you know her at all." He gives me another off look and gets up. He goes to a chest on the far left of the library and opens it he taking out a large file box and sets it in front of me. "I don't know her personally but," he takes out a book from the box and hands it to me. "she left very detailed journals about her findings." The book was a light purple and leather-bound with an old fashioned clasp in the front, I didn't believe it at first, then open the book examining the ink and I smell the pages.
"These are differently her's only, my mother was the only one I know who would write with Lilac scented ink and a classic dip pen." My eyes start to water and I close the book so I don't get any of the pages wet. "How did you get this by grandma said they were stolen." He scoffs.
"They were sold two years ago at an auction in South Dakota, my father bought every last copy"
"I knew it.....they were too greedy to look past the fortune they would bring." I look up at Damian. "How did you know? Why show me these? I could have gone my whole life without needing to know they were still around."
"Your handwriting is very similar and It was convenient," he shifts putting the box on the floor so he could see me better, "I was going to ask you myself later but being paired with you on this project was just perfect. I wanted to know the disappearance of the (L/N) family and Astrid Hopperfeild, along with the last three of her books."
I push myself out of my chair making it leave a loud clattering noise, I quickly gather my things and put my mother's book in his hands. " Thank you for your hospitality and your time, I will be leaving now. I will finish this report at my house and we can decide on a project later at school." I run as fast as I can to the door taking my jacket from the coat rack and rush out, running as fast as I could from this place. I hear a thunderclap and before I feel the rain, I pull my hood up and hide my skin the best I could. I run for ten minutes before I reach my apartment, my body soaking wet and my skin burning. I rip the wet clothing from my skin and rush to the mirror to see the damage. I wasn't going to school tomorrow or even the next, my body was covered in scales that are going to need to be removed I was going to be ill when I wake up the next morning, I knew that this wasn't the first time anyway. I just needed to call the school tomorrow. I sigh giving Nightmare his food and heading once again to my closet pulling out three books bound together by brown twine that are dear to me. A note was attached to it, Lilac ink wafting the air as I reread my favorite line from it, over and over again.
It was 8 when I decided I needed to go to bed the weight of today's experiences sinking into me. People here still know about the books, they aren't safe, and neither am I. My mother's last note to me played to me in my mind and I feel the tears run down my cheeks.
Just remember I love you my little one, and this secret is only ours.
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numericalbridge · 5 months
Title: Mallow
Fandom: The Owl House
Rating: G
Word count: 9340
Main characters: Darius, that one little abomination (Mallow)
Other characters: the previous Golden Guard (Virgil), Eber, Raine, Luz, various palismen
An AU where the little abomination was the previous Golden Guard's palisman
If you prefer to read it in smaller parts:
[part 1] - [part 2] - [part 3]
Darkness and the deep connections of the old nerves. Whispers. All of them. Fewer of them. Hands, molding. Then – a shape. The desire: a childhood that never was, days on a beach under the sky that is blue; new places to explore, new magic blends – out of the box, out of the confines; new magic shaped to move; wild curiosity, but anchored by deep, sentimental connections.
Two bright mauve eyes opening, the form unfolding from the wood.
The voice, rendered childlike with wonder: “Wow, you are so unique! Our eyes are almost the same!”
Mallow. The name was Mallow.
1. Mallow.
“Aren’t they cute?” There was a hint of an amused smile in the corner of Virgil’s mouth.
Darius stared at the round abomination-shaped creature on his mentor’s palm. They stared back at him with curious eyes. Their colour resembled Virgil’s.
Darius sighed. He was no fool and could see the real pride hiding behind the nonchalant amusement on his mentor’s face. Still…
“Isn’t it forbidden?” Forbidden means dangerous. Surely Virgil understood how risky this was. Nothing is safe.
“Well,” Virgil’s face darkened, “I know you can keep a secret. What’s done is done.”
He shoved the creature at Darius, and Darius took them. They walked up his arm, balancing like an acrobat and murmuring softly. They did look kinda cute, but Darius felt a little bitter that this was an abomination – his domain. And he didn’t talk to you when he decided to create them. Are you already falling behind?
“An abomination but made of wood?” Darius wondered aloud. He sat the palisman down on the only table in Virgil’s Latissa apartment, then created a small abomination of his own – made to resemble Mallow, but with bright green eyes. Mallow gasped and toddled towards it, babbling. They seemed enthralled. Darius snickered.
“I knew you’d like them!” Virgil laughed and roughly shook Darius by the shoulders – an almost brotherly gesture that meant he was extremely happy with himself. Yet he didn’t tell you how he got the palistrom wood.
“Ugh, it’s interesting,” Darius freed himself and adjusted his clothing. Great, now his scarf was all askew. “But why an abomination?”
Virgil shrugged. “You know that I find the magic fascinating. And…” he stared at the two abominations – the palisman and the real one – circling each other on the table, “and it felt like it would mean… But you are evading! Admit that you like cute things!”
“Oh, please!” Now, who was evading? Darius shook his head. He understood that the palisman business was a very personal matter. And a lot of things about Virgil were a mystery. He loves experimenting with magic and discovering new, borderline forbidden uses for it, that’s true… Strange how he trusted Darius with the secret palisman, but not with his deeper concerns and troubles. Darius supposed they were similar in that regard... yet Darius had opened up to him, no matter how hard it had been. At least he will be less lonely back in that place…
“It should be nice to have company in the Castle?” Darius guessed.
“I suppose,” Virgil followed the palisman with his eyes. “Do you ever want to have a palisman of your own?”
Oh. Darius poked at the abomination he had created. That. “No.”
“No? Never?”
“Maybe when I was very young. But I had a rust-toothed cat when I was in school, and she was… she seemed better than any palisman.”
Darius remembered Raine showing off their newly carved Foxglove. That terrible rat Alador had. Nissa was smart too. Darius’s free hand played with his scarf. Perhaps palismen lasted longer than pets, than family even…
“Besides, what’s the point? The whole connection with you, the hidden desire, is sort of creepy. And they would probably outlive me.” He could still picture his great grandmother’s palisman, suffering so. “Figure out your desire, connect with something, leave it behind, alone forever… That is, if they aren’t…”
The word hung between them, heavy. Virgil’s jaw tightened. Mallow stopped playing with the abomination and stared up at them, their perpetual frown frozen.
“It would just be a bother to make one, anyway,” Darius concluded with a sigh and a mildly annoyed pout.
“Hmm...” Now Virgil looked… sad? Uncomfortable? Because of all the palismen he’d been confiscating while keeping a secret one for himself? Because of what Darius thought about palismen in general?
Darius patted Virgil's palisman on their round bald head. “I think you should’ve carved them some decorations. Their head looks empty,” he graciously suggested in an attempt to change the topic.
Virgil payed him no mind. “I think Mallow is worth it,” he muttered softly.
I hope you won’t get into trouble. Virgil was changing, and it perplexed and troubled Darius, even though he was glad that his mentor’s loyalty seemed to shift towards helping the common witches and demons rather than being just the Emperor’s loyal guard. But gone was the almost boyish, at times almost cruel recklessness. Virgil was now more thoughtful, more composed. Still ruthless. And he still never talked about his personal life, at least not directly. And part of Darius was afraid to prod, to push him towards wrong decisions. And the change... how would it affect their relationship? Wondering this was selfish, but Darius knew very well that friendships didn’t last.
“Have you thought about getting a new rust-toothed cat then?” Virgil asked.
Darius’s grip on the scarf tightened. “No.” He hated the look on Virgil’s face. “I don’t have time for pets.” He doubted that some random cat would be as smart as Nissa.
“Anyway, I have to go. I have a report to give at the Coven meeting this evening,” he very timely remembered.
“And you’ll be the best prepared, of course.”
“Just don’t get into trouble.”
Darius allowed himself a scoff. “With whom? All those old people?”
He readjusted his scarf one more time and headed towards the exit.
“I won’t let you get hurt, I promise,” a voice whispered, so softly that Darius thought he had imagined it. Yet he turned. Virgil was talking to the little abomination in his cupped hands, and it was cooing quietly back at him.
Hurt. Once safe and warm, now hurt, surrounded by cold stone walls. Hiding, hunted. The voices are beckoning – far away yet welcoming. But the secret passages are now as familiar as the old nerve-routes. He had used to send them into the passages – to help, to uncover. But now he is gone. And their head feels strange. Weak. There is a dent, an injury. He had send them away. Follow the voices or stay? What was his wish?
Mallow remembers.
They stay.
2. Secrets in the Castle.
Darius paused and listened. He was on his way back to his rooms after yet another dreary, exhausting Coven Head meeting. He was tired and he needed a bath and his skincare routine to soothe the anxiety that was eating away at him.
Desperate shuffling behind the walls.
He could imagine all the dirt and mold behind the shiny new panels, golden and cold and always damp.
The kitchen staff had complained and complained about strange noises – can’t be just a usual hamsteroach infestation, they insisted – until Terra decided to get rid of the source herself. Not out of generosity, obviously. She just wanted to sic her freshly grown plant monstrosities on something small and defenseless.
The shuffling grew closer, more desperate now. Cornered.
“It’s something the old cook used to feed,” they’d theorized. “Now that she is gone, it is grown hungry.”
Darius hesitated for a brief moment. He could just picture Raine Whispers teasing him if they were there with him. But, of course, they weren’t there. Too damn pure and principled for the Castle. For him. Spoiling Terra’s game would be good, he thought. Only, nothing felt good anymore. These last years – just a hideous blur. The only thing he felt was being tired and being cold. Was it like this for Virgil too?
Sounds of movement farther away – Terra’s thorny snaps gaining on their prey. The thing in the wall thrashed and scratched. An abomination tendril shot towards the brass vent cover and pulled it open. Easy.
Something fell out, dirty and covered in webs. Dark purple like an abomination, but its eyes the colour of a delicate flower.
“Mallow?!” For a brief terrifying moment he almost felt relief… or hope… or... Because if the palisman is alive…
He stared at the thing. They scrambled out into the corridor and tried to escape into the vent on the opposite side. Darius caught them with the abomination tendril, and they snarled at him almost like a real animal, like no abomination would have ever done.
“They don’t like you very much,” Virgil’s voice laughed, distorted by time. Never mind. With a snap of his fingers – so easy, so effortlessly perfect – he translocated the palisman to his rooms.
How many years have passed? Were they hiding the whole time? he wondered, horrified. And the thought that if the palisman was alive, then he could be… That thought would have destroyed Darius. What does Mallow know?
The plants, hungry for their prey, reached the vent, and he dispatched them – annoying eyesores – with another twist of his fingers. Perfect. And sometimes almost cruel. Perhaps it was a good thing that Raine wasn’t there with him.
Bile in his throat, he headed for his rooms. Act normal. Perfect, effortless. Practiced ad nauseum. Should be easy. Hand clutching at the cloak. Why now?
Couldn’t he be left alone? Just be left alone to – as his aunt had angrily spat – self-destruct in the cold indifference of the Castle.
Mallow was sitting on his bed, stuck in the abomination matter, once cute downturned squiggle of their mouth melted into an almost sinister grimace. The eyes were dimmer than he remembered… or was he misremembering?
How long had it been? Could they recognize him?
He almost laughed, imagining how he would introduce himself to this palisman. Or was all this part of some particularly cruel trap? Some of the other Coven Heads might know… He turned abruptly, checked the doors and the protection spells. One, two, three, four. And again. Again.
The mauve eyes followed his compulsive writhings until Darius practically fell to his knees in front of the bed, exhausted. He felt like his whole body was trembling, and he couldn’t stop it.
The abomination… the palisman stared and stared.
“Mallow?” There was a significantly sized dent on the side of their normally round head, under all the dirt. “What happened?” To you. To him.
No response.
He released them from the abomination trap. They sprang up and made several wobbly steps as if to escape. But they seemed sluggish, perhaps disoriented. Perhaps they were tired. Perhaps they have been hiding in the walls for too long…
Darius dimmed the lights in the room. The palisman sat down and blinked.
“Better? Now, come here. No need for this attitude, just let me clean you.”
Did they remember how they used to play? Darius’s hands were shaking, and there was an uncomfortable heaviness inside his head, so the little abomination he summoned turned out all wonky. Mallow didn’t react, just stared, but they allowed him to clean them up, and when Darius finally collapsed on the bed, they didn’t run away.
Perhaps they knew what happened to Virgil? He couldn’t bring himself to ask. And how would they even communicate? If only he had paid more attention to Virgil’s talk about the palismen… Was this why Virgil has been so insistent on introducing them?
What did Virgil want? Someone to keep his secret? A co-conspirator in a rebellion?
Mallow shook their head and tried to pat the dent with their stubby hands. Why an abomination?
Perhaps there could be a use for them...
Before Darius fell into an uneasy sleep or a half-dazed stupor, full of echoes of the familiar voices, Nissa’s purring, and Mallow’s eerie staring eyes, he thought: This can be a start of a working partnership.
3. The Change.
The new arrangement was strange, but he had wanted Mallow’s help – spying, sneaking, seeing what he couldn’t see. And so they would do it again, even if every memory was painful.
Everything was so different now. Distant. “Run,” the voices whispered. “You can be with us, safe.”
Something compelled Mallow to stay. Maybe the curiosity and readiness for novelty – that desire that had awoken them and gave them their form. But that special love, that longing for a family – that’s what was missing ever since he was gone.
“No,” the strongest of the voices insisted, “I’ll give you a home if you come to my Forest. You can’t have that in the Castle anymore.”
Fear and pain and memories, again and again in circles.
Mallow stayed.
Darius said they had an arrangement. That Mallow could still help. At first Mallow didn’t believe him, but then they began to understand what Darius wanted to do. Darius – hollow and cold, frozen by the same moment that had taken him from Mallow. This wasn’t a true bond, oh no. But even Mallow could see that their goal was the same…
Fear, pain. Again. Just wanted to help. Almost caught. Almost…
Blindly running. Blindly falling, down and down... then a crack. Hurt. Blinded. Knew the hidden Castle passages so well, yet now down here, can’t see.
Something essential seeping away.
Mallow ran and ran. Hurt, more than before. Why? In the past: his voice ordering them to hide. In the present they ran, and then they stumbled along. No way to escape the blinding hurt…
“Mallow? What happened? Did you deliver my…” Darius rose from the table, eyes round.
Mallow keened in pain. Save me, help me!
What would he think? He’d never begged.
Now Mallow was being undone, and he wasn’t there with them.
Mallow, cracked and seeping green like all their broken brethren who screamed in terror in the Beating Heart Room.
Darius, stooping to pick them up.
Darius, frowning.
“Head hurts,” Mallow moaned, but Darius couldn’t understand them.
Darius, pacing, voice strange, “I can’t trust anyone… Eda, perhaps? No, no. No time.”
Then Darius’s face was set. “Can you… go to your staff form or whatever it’s called?” Impatient.
Mallow raised what remained of their head to look at him… It was so long ago… the old routes called… They could do it. The shell hardened, the consciousness dimmed, but the voices grew louder, soothing them.
Voices, far away and nearby. Even the stooped motionless one from the Castle.
“Just as I thought, that dent was a weak spot…” Then there was scraping, and cursing under the breath, and angry muttering.
Mallow, surrounded by the voices, dreamed of the moment they were given their form. But this was different, artificial – no connection, no calling… Their head hurt less.
“Now, I’ll try something.” Something cool and alien, covering their head, almost soothing, slipping through the wood, merging with it.
“Mallow? Can you hear me? You can, ugh, transform back?”
They sprang back, animated. The pain was almost gone, and Mallow blinked at the suddenly bright room with their one remaining eye. The fracture – where the dent used to be – it felt covered and mended. Artificial… They reached up with their hands, but their arms were too short…
“What are you doing? Ah, fine, look here.” Darius, holding up a mirror.
Mallow squeaked. The abomination cap blended perfectly, reinforcing the wood.
“I did what I could to close the wound. I tried working with the wood, as much as I dared, but there just wasn’t enough, so I reinforced it with abomination.” Darius sighed. “This was too close to a forbidden magic blend,” he muttered. He looked tired and weak, and there was a cruelly sharp vertical crease between his eyebrows.
“Yes, yes, I’m sorry. I didn’t have any spare palistrom wood, so I had to improvise. It should be flexible enough, and it won’t decay – a special formula used for… What?”
Something didn’t look right.
Mallow gestured and gestured. Darius pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed dramatically and shook his head. “I don’t understand… and don’t run around just yet!”
They climbed onto his drawing table and pointed at one of his sketches.
“What? Oh. Oh, really?” Darius looked surprised. Like he couldn’t believe them. “Well, I suppose it could help you to blend in, in a pinch... hide in plain sight and all that, yes? Hmm, and it might help you see.”
He scratched his chin, then drew a spell circle, expanding the abomination on the top of Mallow’s head. An eye opened, and the eye was green.
Changing, changing... shouldn’t be like this. What would he think?
“You all right?” Darius asked. Mallow crooned, admiring their new hair in the mirror. Their own eye – now also green. “Is it a yes?” Darius sighed again. “You surprise me, palisman.”
Mallow had discovered that they liked surprising Darius – he was different then, less cold. Almost like before, with him. They liked the little pals Darius made for them too. They weren’t like Mallow and their brethren, but instead gooey and hollow, yet the way Darius treated them was almost like they were special and dear to him.
“You know,” Darius muttered, setting them down on the sofa beside the table, “my old vice-principal back at school had a palisman that helped him see…”
Mallow settled down, listening.
4. Introductions.
“What is this? Who is this?” Eberwolf chirped and pointed at Mallow’s hiding spot.
“Nothing, it’s just…”
“I can smell them!” Eberwolf sniffed the air, intentionally loud. Darius cringed. Disgusting.
“It’s just an abomination of mine. Useful for certain types of covert work.”
“Nah, I can smell the difference. The old wood, hiding under the goo. Smart.” Eberwolf grinned, pleased with herself.
Darius considered her. They were tentative allies for now, and he thought he could trust her… for the most part. “Trust no one in the Castle,” Virgil would’ve said. Open up to no one. And trusting her with Mallow especially…
“Come out, little one,” Eberwolf barked. Then she whistled. Loud.
“What’s this accursed sound?” Darius scrunched up his nose. The damned demon was capable of making noises that would awaken the Titan himself!
“Palismen love the whistling,” Eberwolf chittered. “Oh, Hell-o!”
Mallow emerged, blinking sluggishly in the light of the room, and slowly toddled towards Eberwolf, evaluating her with their perpetually serious green eye. Then they looked at Darius.
“Mallow, this is Eberwolf the Huntsman. She is my ally.”
Eberwolf yelped happily. Mallow considered her in silence. They were thoughtful just like that.
���And this is Mallow...”
“Hi, hi, hi! Nice to meet you,” Eberwolf greeted in a sing-song... growl… and offered them her paw.
Mallow blinked, nodded to Darius, and retreated back to their hiding spot.
Eberwolf stared, crestfallen. Perhaps even a little hurt. Her ears flicked.
Darius snorted, “Oh, they are not like one of your obedient beasts. Mallow doesn’t trust just anybody.” He considered his nails. “I’m sure it’s nothing personal.”
Eberwolf turned her head away. Her ears twitched and lowered in embarrassment. Or shame. Ah.
Ugh, perhaps Darius was far too generous for his own good: “Don’t worry too much about it. They clearly accepted you in their own way.”
Eberwolf gave him the side-eye.
“They don’t really have much experience working with others. So if you want to work together with them, you should be considerate and… Wha...” She was climbing onto his shoulder. She was climbing his cape.
“Stop this immediately!” he spat.
“I just want to hear you better,” she sang innocently.
“No! Behave yourself, you’re acting like some... feral mutt!”
Eberwolf growled into his ear.
“Get down!” He tried to shake her off. “What a nerve!”
She was doing it on purpose! Moreover, he spotted Mallow’s green eye following them with an almost amused expression. Traitor.
Something is changing again. Mallow doesn’t know whether they like the change. Before, Mallow and Darius were the same: disconnected from everyone, but united in their strange alliance. Now there are others. Darius is talking more, in a weirdly animated way, and Mallow doesn’t understand what this change in him will bring. In the past, when he was alive, Darius didn’t pay Mallow much attention. He called them ‘cute’, but they weren’t his ally.
Now Darius has new allies.
“Foxglove, no! Stop it!”
The fox was clawing at the wall of Virgil’s old Latissa hideout. Titan-damn, Raine and their palisman.
“Rein in your fox!”
“He’s just curious about something,” Raine replied lazily, zero apology in their voice.
“It’s because of Mallow,” Eber offered from the bunk bed where she was lounging and sharpening her claws on a whetstone.
“Mallow?” Raine raised their head and adjusted their glasses, curious.
“Yes, I suppose I should introduce you now,” Darius decided. “Since you’ll be working with them. Just control your uncouth beast.”
Raine clicked their tongue. Foxglove trotted up to them and circled their legs excitedly.
Darius knocked on the secret panel, and it slid aside. Mallow stepped onto his palm.
“Mallow. Raine Whispers.”
Mallow squinted at Raine, then looked up at Darius, questioning.
“What? Yes, this is the Raine I’ve told you about,” Darius admitted in a low voice. Can’t let Raine hear.
“A palisman?” Raine leaned forward to have a good look at them, Foxglove yapping from the floor. “I didn’t know you had one.”
“Well, I don’t,” Darius replied. “Mallow’s not mine.” He set them down on the big table in the center of the room.
Mallow warbled. Foxglove yelped something at Raine that made them look at Mallow even more intently. “Oh?”
Mallow cooed. Eber was staring too. Darius’s ears twitched. Were they all onto something he didn’t know?
“We are working together. I’ll use Mallow to send you and your associates – students or whatever – messages. In the Castle too. You understand?”
Mallow waved at Raine. Eber groaned – still bitter about Mallow’s standoffish attitude towards her.
Raine either wasn’t convinced of Mallow’s abilities or they didn’t get what ‘the palisman is not mine’ meant. Their eyes glinted mischievously. “Why do they have your… em… hair, then?” they asked.
Darius groaned.
“Because,” Raine continued, “I remember you’d thought that Alador’s miserable rat was, I quote, ‘cringe’?”
Darius sighed. Checked his gloves for dust. This meant ‘don’t ask me any more stupid questions, don’t give me a headache’. “Stop being silly, Raine. The hair… that was to make them blend in with my other abominations.”
Mallow warbled again, fast.
“Ah, yes,” Raine grinned, “because all your other abominations having the same hairstyle as you is absolutely not…”
Foxglove yapped and growled.
Raine blinked. “Oh? Emergency operation? Ah, really? He saved you?” Raine addressed Mallow this time, but Darius noticed the quick look they gave him. What was that? Surprise? Of course it was…
“That was very sweet of him,” Raine grinned wider.
Eber jumped from her bunk bed and hopped up to the table. “What? What happened? Because Eber wasn’t told the full story,” she demanded.
Darius paid her no mind. Raine… “How do… how would you know what happened to Mallow?”
Raine reached down and scratched their palisman behind his ears. “Foxglove told me. They have very deep connections of their own, you know? The palismen.”
Darius looked at Foxglove. Then at Mallow, propped up royally on the table, their eye glimmering mysteriously. Darius often wondered, perhaps a little obsessively, what were they thinking about. What do they know?
And now even Raine, who was willing to let him and Eber die just a few weeks ago, could understand them? Raine would have happily destroyed Virgil’s legacy as if it is nothing.
“Wait, how do you communicate with them?” Raine suddenly asked.
“I… we just sort of guess?” Darius squirmed under their stare. No, he couldn’t be bitter over a palisman that wasn’t even his. No way. “They can sign a little, and they can point at writing or pictures to communicate with me. We have a perfectly fine, well-thought-out system,” he assured them.
Mallow nodded sagely.
But this wasn’t a real bond, Darius guessed, looking at Raine and their fox. Was it disappointing for Mallow? Painful? It wasn’t even like the connection Eber had with her beasts.
“Ugh, time to go back,” Raine sighed heavily, checking their scroll. “But I’m looking forward to seeing you again, Mallow.” They winked at the palisman.
Mallow waved at them and then at Foxglove.
Eber copied Raine, but Mallow ignored her as usual. It was a sort of a game between the two... or so Darius hoped.
He translocated Raine and Eber back to their places. Then he finally was able to sink into the bed, groaning.
“Praise the Titan, now I can rest,” he grumbled to Mallow. “But, oh, that bard and their Foxglove…” Of course they had been hiding their palisman successfully, didn’t have to give him up. Just like a real hero.
A tug on his cape. “What?”
Mallow signed: “There is another.”
“This again?” Darius had assumed Mallow meant Foxglove, but now it seemed that they thought there was a different hidden palisman in the Castle, and for some reason it made them nervous.
“Are you sure?”
Mallow nodded, agitated. A bird, very old. A boy.
Darius put his chin on his hands, thinking: the youngest scouts and staff… that one weird guy Steve – it seemed like he wasn’t a complete doormat…
Mallow was very persistent and kinda upset about the palisman, but the limited communication between them just wasn’t enough.
Darius felt another headache coming on. “Well, maybe you can explain all this to Raine’s palisman, and then he will tell them, and then, finally, they will inform me.”
He wasn’t showing his bitterness, right?
“What? Don’t give me that look. I saw it! And don’t pull so hard on the cape, thank you very much!”
Mallow glared at him, then crossed their arms and turned away. Pouting. Or just thinking about something. How could Darius tell?
This was Darius’s closest ally in the Castle for years! Yet, Darius realized, even they were as distant from him as everybody else. What could they be thinking about? He couldn’t even guess.
A palisman, not his own. A rebellion where he was playing a villain. When he was little, he had a bond even with his damn rust-toothed cat. Now?
This was probably concerning. Disturbing even.
Was this what the look Raine gave him after he introduced Mallow was really about? Of course, Raine had had the luxury of staying away from the Castle for so long. They still were able to get bothered and to worry about their secrets from Eda and all that nonsense. Acting like a nice person. Teasing him, like they weren’t looking down on him for all these years.
Eber claimed they were ‘buddies’… Yet just how well did they know each other, really? Darius was always annoyed, and his particularities clashed with hers. How long would she tolerate him once the rebellion is over?
Does any of this matter? The rebellion and the Day of Unity were the only things that mattered. Virgil would’ve thought so too. Looking up to a witch who is long gone.
And what kinds of relationships and bonds did Virgil, ever so secretive, have in his life? Darius wondered, tickling Mallow with an abomination tendril, the way they usually liked. But they were still pouting.
Only the Day of Unity mattered right now. Don’t waver, don’t doubt, don’t get distracted.
Finally Mallow shuddered and tried to push the abomination away, cooing with what – for them – was laughter.
There is another palisman in the Castle. He is old and independent in a way that almost scares Mallow. He calls for them just like the others, but there is something else. The loss. It frightens them – the connection so unwanted, yet so familiar.
But it’s all right. Mallow doesn’t want to talk or bond or chirp. They are all right. The others – their brethren in the forests, the bird in the Castle – lose someone, and they find new connections. But Mallow has their job to do.
The Big Day is near, and Darius seems busier, more haunted. Mallow has their own duties – spying, watching, conveying. Always one step away from the Monster of the Heart Room. So it’s all right, even if the promised big changes scare them so much that sometimes they almost forget his wish.
Darius was surprised to find the human child in the kitchen in the middle of the night. His aunts surely would have made a great fuss and send her to bed immediately, but, honestly, he had no energy to argue with yet another teenager.
“Are you supposed to be awake at this hour?” he asked just out of obligation. “Any responsible adult would greatly object to you staying up this late. And you will probably fall asleep during the day,” he added.
The girl raised her head. She looked very young and very tired. That little outburst of hers over Eda must have been exhausting. Darius couldn’t imagine how she managed to find the energy to get all aww-y over Raine and some stupid team name… Perhaps Raine does actually possess some kind of teacher’s intuition.
Darius put his hand under his chin and narrowed his eyes. “Although I suppose Eda isn’t one to reinforce the curfew,” he noted. Has Eda actually managed to become some kind of responsible adult? he wondered.
“Oh, I just wanted to sit with…” the girl gestured at the egg-shaped palisman carving on her lap. “I’ll stay just a little longer, if it’s all right?”
Yes, there was a stark difference, Darius decided, between her chirpy, bouncy attitude from before and this more subdued, almost depressed demeanor.
“Hmm, so this is your palisman?” he asked.
“Well, yeah,” she perked up. “They haven’t hatched yet. I decided to give them a chance to decide themselves what to be, right?”
“An interesting choice,” Darius conceded. All he wanted was a cup of char tree tea to drive away the headache. Just two more days… Two more days, and then... it’s over?
“And I wanted to ask,” the human raised her hand like she was in school. “Ah, is this, like, your super secret cool spy hideout or…?” She looked around, as if distracted by a completely different thought. “Because there are all these cool weapons around, and King will, maybe, want to play with them when he isn’t so tired…”
Darius tensed. “No, those aren’t mine.” Should he really explain this? “And I’m just using the place. It used to be Virgil’s… my late mentor’s apartment. He liked to collect old weapons.”
Or he was preparing to arm himself and others in an insurrection against the throne. And was Darius really going to blabber on about his dead mentor and the good old days to this human child? Right now, just before the Day of Unity, when he needed concentration and all the rest he could get?
But the girl sat up like she was waiting for a story. What would be the point? At least when Terra recounted her youthful adventures during the Coven Head meetings, there was always some sort of bloodthirsty moral to it.
Don’t get too attached, it will hurt you and twist you into something you won’t like. Here, the moral.
“But those weapons are certainly not toys,” he forced himself to say instead. He hoped this marked an end to the conversation. He turned to rummage in the cupboard.
“So, was your teacher a rebel too?” The girl certainly didn’t get the hint.
Was he? A rebel? Darius didn’t know. He certainly imagined Virgil as a rebel, but that was just a guess poisoned with sentimentality. Mechanically, Darius pulled a cup from the cupboard. A mournful green eye stared up at him. Mallow! How did they get in there? Were they listening? Did they understand?
“Oh, I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! Did I ask the wrong thing?” the girl practically leapt out of her seat, fumbling with her palisman carving.
Mallow. The girl. Whatever. He could do whatever Raine could do.
Darius slowly turned the cup upside down, and Mallow fell out.
“Don’t apologize. It’s not a big deal. Please, stop apologizing! He’s gone, and that was a long, long time ago. I don’t know where his true loyalties lay, or what his real motivations were.” Mallow might know. Maybe even other palismen. Darius nearly laughed out loud at the thought, but stopped himself. Ah, yes, do what Raine would do.
“This is Mallow, by the way. His palisman.” He stepped aside so that she could see. “This is Luz the Human, the Owl Lady’s ward... And her future palisman, I suppose.”
“They are sooo adorable!” Luz made a gesture as if to pinch Mallow’s face. “Who is the adorable squishy?”
Mallow cooed, mildly offended.
“Aww, do you work for the rebellion too?”
Mallow nodded solemnly.
“Well, they have a talent for, as you would call it, spy work,” Darius explained. He was glad that the talk about Virgil was seemingly over, yet a part of him, he realized with disgust, yearned to reminisce more. This wasn’t the girl’s problem, though. Judging by her reaction to Eda’s capture, she knew all about loss. How strange, to picture Eda in Virgil’s place. It would have been unsettling to imagine someone in his own role. Trapped by one’s own mind.
“But they are not your palisman now?” Luz asked suddenly, frowning in her sad way. “You don’t have a palisman?”
“No, as I’ve said…” What was on her mind? Her thoughts seemed to move from one thing to another very fast, and he couldn’t follow. And why was this reminding him of that old conversation? Should he talk about his cat now?
“A-ah! I know! Have you heard – I suppose you should’ve, being a Coven Head and all – we have a program at Hexside now, adopting out the palismen who had lost their witches or demons,” she jumped up again, excited. “Sooo?”
“So?” He supposed when everything would be over Mallow might want to find someone new. It would be good for them. Darius didn’t look at them. Then, the last reminder of Virgil will be gone. But Mallow wasn’t Darius’s property. It was ridiculous and cruel to feel bitter. Yet he couldn’t look at them…
“So you can adopt Mallow as your own palisman!” Luz threw her arms wide as if already celebrating the adoption.
Darius startled, yet again strangely and vividly reminded of Virgil. But could he? He met Mallow’s eye. Their expression was as unreadable as ever.
“No.” The connection, the one Hunter had spoken about, the one between Foxglove and Raine, it just wasn’t there. “I think our situation is different.”
“Oh.” Luz’s face fell for a moment, as if this was, somehow, her fault again. “I… I see…”
Darius leaned back against the kitchen counter. “It’s not like it’s a bad thing,” he said. “We already work very well together. Right, Mallow?” They nodded and murmured.
“And…” Darius threw a deliberately exasperated look in the direction of the doorway that led to the main room, “unlike my other colleagues and co-conspirators, Mallow is well-behaved and isn’t prone to bringing in dirt from outside. They definitely have more sense than some people I know.”
Luz giggled, and Mallow muttered in agreement.
And, perhaps, it really wasn’t so bad? Was it weird? Darius supposed it was weird, to seriously ally himself with his dead mentor’s palisman... but it wasn’t bad; and with Eber and the rest of them – he supposed he should’ve given up by now on not being weird. And, if it wasn’t for Mallow he would have…Did he need that special magical bond to connect with the creature? He just wished he knew their thoughts on the matter.
“We can work with what we have…” he concluded. Would have…
“Oh, I get it, I think…” Luz said, now contemplative.
“Still, I wish this little guy would hatch soon,” she added, looking down at her palisman carving and patting it gingerly. “Is it bad? Am I impatient? Or, like, selfish? But humans don’t have palismen, so what if…” she trailed off. What if I did something wrong?
Darius shifted uncomfortably. Titan, even navigating the Coven politics was so much easier than this. “Well,” he started. “You are young, so it is natural that you are impatient…” He knew how to shut his fellow Head Witches up, how to spot a trap… but this? This?
Mallow warbled and gestured with their arms.
“What? Well, I am glad to announce that, if I understand them correctly, Mallow doesn’t seem to think that there is anything wrong with your palisman. So that’s not a problem.”
Luz raised her head. “Ah, thank you, Mallow,” she muttered awkwardly.
Darius hesitated. “And there is nothing selfish in you wanting this, I am sure anyone will tell you the same thing. Look, even adults need time to sort things out – just ask Eda!”
“Yes, I suppose,” Luz looked contemplative again, gently cradling her palisman.
“Now, child, go to bed, it’s too late,” Darius remembered that it was the middle of the night. He made a shooing motion with his hand. “I swear, if my aunts were here, they would have given you an earful.”
If there is a change, if there is someone who will call to them again, who will find them again… Mallow trembles at the thought. Is there a future if the Monster is still in the Castle, and his voice still calls to them and orders them to run and hide?
Yet isn’t the Castle their home? The Castle is not as terrifying as the Forest of the Voices or even Latissa where they were given form.
Yet the Castle is a trap.
Both their home and a trap.
5. The Time of Miracles.
“Are you sure?” Darius shook his head again. “Why do you have to be so stubborn, palisman?” Why was everyone around Darius so stubborn? “You really should just stay in Latissa. I can translocate you back to the base right now.”
Mallow shook their own head in protest.
Stubborn. Stubborn little… squishy creature! Why this need to return to the Titan-forsaken Castle? At least Darius could understand Raine’s logic for being present at the ceremony – they were a powerful witch and could protect themselves. Mallow, of course, wouldn’t answer him, as mysterious as they pleased.
“All right then, not my fault if something happens to you!”
Perhaps it would have been smarter to send them on the ‘mission’ with Hunter and his palisman, since Mallow seemed weirdly in awe with that bird. It would have been a more subtle move. But they also seemed afraid of the bird and didn’t want to see him face-to-face. So they might have refused.
Did they really love the Castle so much? Loved to live in the passages behind those secretly rotting walls? Darius thought they would have favoured Virgil’s Latissa apartment. The place where they were probably born, the place that was peaceful and quite, and safe. Darius surely preferred it to the crypt of the royal residence or the stuffy buildings of the Abomination Coven, even if it was so quite and empty that sometimes it made him want to crawl out of his skin. But it was safe. Mallow barely tolerated it. Are they afraid of the outside world?
“Stay put. If everything works out as we planned, I’ll return for you after the Eclipse,” Darius told them.
The rebellion would still need to deal with Belos… if they didn’t get exposed during the ceremony… if they got past the other Coven Heads… Darius was sure he had the skill and the rage to get to the Emperor and… What then? It shouldn’t have mattered, but there was Eber, and Hunter, and… something touched his hand. Mallow had grabbed his fingers and was looking up at him, their eye gleaming.
Did they even have a chance to explore the outside world before Virgil was murdered?
They shook him by the hand, muttering quickly, worriedly.
“Yes, yes, I’ll… everything will be fine.” He reached down and gave them a pat, then turned and walked away towards the waiting Blimp. He didn’t look back.
A sparkling, twirling nightmare. The brightness burned Mallow’s eye. The tinkling and the clanking of the stars deafened the voices of their brethren – those of them far away, hidden and scared, and those of them who were trapped. More and more and more of them trapped, frozen in the forms that were wrong. Not like Mallow’s changed form – it healed, it soothed – but twisted into a mockery of themselves, simplified into dolls.
Everything was wrong now. Even more wrong than before!
And Mallow was alone again, but this was worse! Before, even when they were a fugitive in the Castle, and cold and scared, it wasn’t like this! They knew how to hide, what to do if they needed to escape. They knew what to expect from the Castle.
But when the Sparkling Change had begun, and the Castle shook, and the stars started to fall, Mallow was truly lost.
And Mallow wasn’t a toy, they weren’t!
So Mallow hid, as they always did, like he had told them to do, but then they couldn’t hide anymore.
Darius had said that he would come back for them, but he didn’t return. Yet Mallow waited and waited. For how long? And then they searched, but the old Castle was empty – there was a new castle above, the scared voices rustled and hissed – and all their old hideouts and nooks and tunnels were suddenly twisted and alien and intimidating, and it terrified them. And the outside was impossibly bright.
Darius and the others, were they in Latissa? His old hideout, his favourite place. Not Mallow’s.
Did Darius forget about them?
That’s what the voices of the Forest used to whisper about: abandoned and forgotten, cast aside... Just as it was after… When the Monster had raised his arm to strike, and he had told them to run and hide. And Mallow had hid.
Not a toy to be broken and discarded!
Mallow was his palisman, and he was brave and wanted them to help.
Had Mallow abandoned him?
It has been so dark and so cold.
Maybe it wasn’t safe for Darius to return.
And even the ancient route-connections were twisted now. Foxglove was almost silenced, the bird was missing. Mallow could barely hear the whispers from above because those palismen were so scared. Was the Monster-Emperor still somewhere out there?
Maybe Darius, too, was confused and disoriented.
Was Darius scared?
Did Virgil think about Mallow, the red seeping out of him, all alone?
And so Mallow left the Castle. They stepped out into the unbearable, colourful brightness. “Run, hide,” the voices pleaded. Mallow was also a spy, a part of the rebellion. They crawled and climbed, and they flew up, holding up the staff form on their own, even when they couldn’t see because of all the light…
“Edalyn, look!”
“Ah, it’s the little guy.”
“It looks like… Is it crying?”
“Hey, little fella, don’t worry. Here you are… Ouch! Oh… They bit me?!”
6. In the Aftermath.
And so, the other Coven Heads will continue to cause trouble, Darius mused. As much as it made him nauseous, it was easy to think about them – what should be done, how to mitigate the damage. The other matters… The other matters were different. He didn’t know how to even start processing everything that happened.
So, once Eber left to search for her precious beasts, and Hunter was safely transported to the Owl House, Darius made his wary way back towards the rubble of the Castle. He wasn’t foolish enough to sift through the debris all on his own, but there was an old Abomination Coven building nearby, so he climbed its stairs and sat on its balcony, resting his aching everything and observing the ruins of the wretched place. He thought he could smell its dust and its rot even from the distance. Through the years that specific Castle smell had become so familiar, and the phantom of it was hiding underneath everything. As if the Castle itself had become a parasite, intertwined with Darius’s very being.
So many years, spent trapped in that bright coffin. And, in the end, everything Darius did was for nothing. Couldn’t even take one swing at that bastard Belos. So many regrets. The work in front of him – and the rest of the rebels – was tremendous.
Darius looked up at the vibrant, bluish sky. What a strange colour. Should he see it as a dawn of some bright new day?
Something tapped him on the leg, soft-soft.
They looked unharmed.
“I thought I’ve lost you!”
Mallow glared at him. There was something taped to their back. A note.
“The lil guy’s been searching for you. Really panicked when you wouldn’t move. They probably thought you were dead or something, crying and everything. So, now that everyone’s out of the Archives, I’m sending them out, since they are restless and want to find you. See you. Eda. (P.S. Did you carve them teeth???)”
Could he dimly remember Mallow trying to reach out to him when he was… when he was immobilized?
“I’ve told you Latissa would’ve been safer!”
Mallow crossed their arms and shook their head. Stubborn as usual.
Crying and everything.
Darius relented, “Glad you made it. How did you get out of the Castle and found Eda?”
They plopped down, still glaring, and leaned onto his ankle.
“Yes, I suppose she’ll tell me later.” Darius patted their head. Mallow crooned mournfully. “Because of Hunter’s palisman? Something happened to that bird, yes?”
Mallow closed their eyes and keened.
“We… we will get through it, I know. And…” Darius felt a lump in his throat, and his head started to hurt for real. He closed his own eyes, because it was so hard to say it aloud, but he had to. Look at him, almost as bad as Raine during their inauguration! But he had to say this. He owed it to Mallow, and to Virgil, and to himself.
Now or never. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there when that monster, our Emperor, died. But they say he is gone. So I think the Isles are free now. And… we can find Virgil’s remains, you know?” Mallow stiffened under his hand. So unlike an abomination. Darius swallowed. “We can give him a proper burial or at least a memorial or something.” He was exhausted, and his grief – over Virgil, over everything – was overwhelming him again. Trapping him. But he had to try. “We can start over.”
“Sorry,” he wanted to say, and he didn’t even know why.
“Or at least we can have closure,” he said instead. “We can mourn him.”
He opened his eyes and met Mallow’s green gaze. Mallow nodded.
A closure… Darius couldn’t imagine closure for himself, but he couldn’t let Mallow down, right? So they will finally have to face it. Together.
“You did a decent job as a spy, squishy thing,” he added and pocked them playfully.
Mallow crooned and closed their eye again, trusting.
7. The Beginning.
Mallow woke up early – in the dreams they shared with their siblings they could feel the new voice arising – but the sunlight was already bright and strong. They decided they would need Dell’s present today.
Darius was still asleep, of course. Mallow shook him, and he groaned. “Wh… already?” He tried to turn away. “What time? Too early… And you look ridiculous, by the way.”
Mallow didn’t grace him with a response, just kept shaking him until he got up. Then they waited comfortably on the drawing table, basking in the sunlight, just like many of their siblings loved to do. The little pals ran around the room, busy with housework. Mallow didn’t have time to play either. Not today.
“Darius is very fond of his abominations,” Virgil’s voice had told them, a long time ago. “He is really sentimental about them. But this is a secret,” he laughed.
Finally, Darius emerged, dressed casually yet immaculately. “So, are you ready?” he asked. Mallow nodded and climbed onto his palm and then onto his shoulder.
They walked through the town, and sometimes Darius stopped and talked to the witches and demons he knew. The old Coven armorer, the potioner who supplied the Owl Lady with her stuff, some teachers and students from Darius's old school. So different from the old days, when it was just Darius, and just Mallow, and Darius had to pretend.
And Mallow? Now Mallow wasn’t so afraid. They still disliked the crowds and the brightness – and even the shaded domain of the Bat Queen scared them a little – but they liked the warmth of the Sun, and the gentleness of the wind on their composite body.
“What a strange one,” the Bat Queen had said about Mallow, appalled at first at their modified form. But she came around.
“So, did you decide?” Darius asked once they left the town and entered the woods. Mallow shook their head. No. Hesitated. Not yet.
Maybe someday.
Darius looked partly relieved, partly saddened. But not so afraid anymore.
Mallow thought they were almost ready to answer to a new calling - similar but different, the old nerve-routes connecting them to someone else, someone who wasn’t Virgil. But not yet.
“You know,” Darius turned his head away, strangely bashful, “even if you decide to find yourself a new witch or demon, you can still keep in touch and even visit.” His ears twitched. He laughed: “Maybe we can set up a penstagram account for you?” Mallow pushed with their arms. “With these very fashionable accessories – Dell Clawthorne's finest work, I am sure – you can be a star. Don’t push on me! You and the Noodle could even text each other… Stop this!”
“Darius can be so...exasperating,” Virgil had complained. Exasperated and grinning and worried at the same time. Mallow didn’t understand it back then. “I just hope it won’t be stolen from him,” Virgil had confessed to them in a whisper.
They reached the clearing. It was quite a way from the town, and far away from where the Castle used to be. Sometimes Mallow still missed their secret tunnels and hideouts. The memorial for the Golden Guards stood in the clearing.
Darius lowered his head. Mallow sighed and crooned. Long ago, he would have understood, he would have replied. For Darius Virgil was a memory, now half-forgotten, distorted by time and vanishing behind all the new experiences. For the palisman the memory was untouched, the pain always acute. Virgil’s hoarse voice was always ordering them to run and hide.
Yet, Darius looked at the memorial wistfully, and Mallow understood that he too, in the witches’ way, would always remember him. And now Mallow could focus on the other memories: Virgil laughing, daydreaming, his wishes, the words that he had told them before, unsullied by those last moments. “A closure,” Darius had said.
“I wish I knew him as well as you probably did,” Darius muttered. “But it’s all right, that you keep your secrets.” Darius smiled, sad. “I understand.” His mouth twitched. “We can keep each other safe in our own way.”
Mallow gripped Darius’s shoulder and whispered mournfully at the monument: Always with Mallow, always remembering. Then they signed.
“Ready to go?”
Mallow nodded. Darius’s eyes darkened, and Mallow felt their abomination parts reacting, soothing-smooth. Everything shifted, and they were surrounded by different trees, in the different clearing, in front of the familiar gates.
Something leapt up, and Darius staggered.
“Good morning!” she purred. “Hi, Mallow.”
Mallow gave her a careful once-over, waiting for her to notice how Mallow was on Darius’s left shoulder. In Eber’s place.
“Are you okay?” Eber asked Darius instead.
“Of course I am. What? Yes, a good day to you too, Eber. You finished your work early?”
Did she not notice that Mallow was sitting in her usual place?
“I am here today in an official capacity,” Eber pointed at her ribbon. Teasing, but also proud of herself, Mallow noticed. “Since today is such an important day.”
Mallow shifted to let her see them better. Was she not bothered? Mallow glared.
“You go ahead, I have to bring in Daisy-wyrm and Gobler.” Eber jumped up and sprinted into the woods where her worms were probably grazing. Before disappearing into the trees she turned around and gave Darius a thumbs up.
No attention for Mallow?
Darius followed the path under the canopy, wincing at the branches and the dirt. Mallow, too, was still apprehensive of this place. It reminded them of the old days. Yet the whispers that greeted them sounded softer, not as desperate.
But no reaction from Eber? No attention to Mallow at all? They wrung their arms.
“What is it? No use tormenting Eber? She certainly took to heart Raine’s advice on how to handle you.”
Mallow yelped.
“What? Foxglove didn’t inform you? Tricky, tricky fox. Just like their witch.” His face grew contemplative for a few moments, but there was no real bitterness anymore.
Something nearly flew into them and hissed.
“Noodle!” Darius grumbled. “Of course.”
Mallow croaked their greeting. Stringbean hissed again, turned upside down and tried to imitate Darius’s hair. “This one is even more strange,” the Bat Queen’s voice whispered in a resigned manner.
“Ah, there you are! Oh, hello, Darius,” Luz appeared from behind the trees. It looked like she had been running. “I thought I was going to be late! Human school… Hi, Mallow!”
Finally, attention to Mallow – where it rightfully belonged.
“No, but their little sunglasses,” Luz crooned, “they are just too cute for words!”
“They look ridiculous,” Darius scoffed. Mallow muttered in protest. “But the glasses help to protect their eye from bright light,” Darius conceded. Then he looked at Luz.
“Big day today…” He hesitated. “Are you ready?”
Luz laughed, a little tense, and shrugged her shoulders, “It’s not my big day…” She laughed again but, under Darius’s gaze, stopped and sighed, “I think… I’m ready. I’m super happy for Hunter and all…” Stringbean glided back to her and coiled around her arm. “Yes, Stringbean. I guess it just, like, brought back difficult memories.” Luz looked down at her feet. “Sometimes I still feel like Flapjack’s death was my fault, like I shouldn’t even be allowed to be here today…”
Stringbean hissed in protest. Mallow groaned.
“Well, Mallow says it was not your fault. Never has been.”
“I know. I know it now, but still… sometimes my mind, like, goes in circles around my mistakes. It’s stupid, I know.” She kicked a fallen tree branch out of her way.
“It is only natural,” Darius said. “Most people can’t just move on at once, and, I gather, for some it is harder than for others. And, Mallow says, everyone needs time to figure these things out. Even the Great Human Witch. But there are all your friends who are excited for you to be here today, so maybe you should trust them… and believe in yourself too? That’s what Mallow tells me.”
They were nearing the palistrom tree. Mallow could see the others gathered in a semicircle around Hunter.
“Didn’t you also rescue some palismen from Kikimora?” Darius asked.
“Oh, yes, that was fun,” Luz snorted at the memory. Then her eyes narrowed, “Wait, you can’t know what exactly Mallow says…”
Darius pointed, “Look, everybody is waiting.”
“Well, there they are, just in time,” Dell Clawthorne called out.
The wood unfolded, changed, responding, blue wings spreading for the first time, and Mallow felt the new-old nerve-routes surge and expand, the voices singing in unison.
“Waffles,” the boy’s voice called, and the palisman's song answered.
0 notes
spookyboywhump · 3 years
Oooh boy, this got LONG (3,036 words), and the whumpiest part ain’t even till towards the end, my bad
 It’s Valentine’s day in the Bad Timeline and nobody is really vibing
CW: Pet whump, creepy whumper, intimate whump, very brief nsfw mention, brief emeto mention, hand whump, beating, strangulation, nonsexual noncon touch
 He had a bad feeling about this, staring down at the boxes in front of him. Nicholas had presented them to him that morning before locking him and Cain in the bedroom, after warning him it would be in his best interest to accept the gifts and be looking presentable in the next few hours. Hours had passed though and he still hadn’t done much but stare at the white boxes, decorated with blue silk ribbons. 
 “You should be thankful,” Cain said, and Wren almost hit him, “The last gift he gave me was my fucking collar.” He said bitterly.
 “I don’t think any of this is going to be better than a collar.” He muttered.
 “He’s going to be back any minute now, you might as well get it over with.” He hated to admit it but he knew he was right, he wasn’t in the mood to deal with more than Nicholas’ attitude. Finally, he started opening the gifts, discarding the ribbons to the side, which Cain didn’t hesitate to pick up and start fidgeting with. Wren could tell he was bitter that Nicholas hadn’t left him anything, and he would’ve felt bad for him if not for the fact that he already knew he didn’t want a single one of these gifts. 
 Inside the boxes he found a new outfit to add to the growing wardrobe Nicholas had for him. More pretty clothing that he only hated because it came from Nicholas, and he wasn’t particularly fond of the new earrings, or the headband with a bow hanging off it, however, he did like the idea of kicking Nicholas with the new shoes he’d been given. Nicholas had gotten rid of his beloved red converse a long time ago, and barefoot kicks simply weren’t cutting it. 
 “He’s disgusting…” He muttered more to himself.
 “It could be worse.” Cain said. “You’ve seen the kind of things other owners will make their pets wear. I think we’re lucky he’s not that bad.”
 “Would you stop making excuses for him?” He snapped at him. “I know you have some sick crush on him but I don’t, and I don’t give a damn how good he is compared to other owners.” He said, not looking up at Cain as he looked over the envelope Nicholas had left him, addressed to Love. He opened it, and cringed at what looked like a typical flowery Valentine’s Day card. He didn’t even bother reading it, opening the card to see if there was anything worthwhile inside. A part of him thought it would be really funny to find money, but instead he found something else, he found photos. His breath caught in his throat, he dropped the card and frantically shuffled through the photos, Cara, Lila, Alec, Zander, even Alondra. They were all clearly taken without the subject’s knowledge, they were all recent, and Wren swore he was going to be sick. Cain had picked up the card when he’d dropped it, but now he was holding it out to him.
 “You might want to read this…” He said softly, and Wren snatched it from him. Nicholas hadn’t written anything exceptionally creepy, not in the way Wren expected anyway. Instead he’d just left a simple, direct message.
 ”Behave and you can keep the photos- and keep the people in them safe.”
 Out of anger, he dropped the photos and tore the card in half, tearing it up into small pieces before getting to his feet, angrily pacing the room. He was more scared than anything really, his heart pounding away in his chest.
 “That fucking creep.” He muttered angrily. “I’m so-so fucking sick of him! What the fuck is he gonna do, he- he can’t- he can’t hurt them-!”
 “If he got you, then he can get them.” Cain said, looking through the photos. “Fuck- Zander looks like a wreck.” He muttered, and Wren stormed over, snatching the photos from him. He held them close to his chest for a moment, anxiously looking around the room before going over to the bookshelf, grabbing a random book off it and sticking the photos between the pages, memorizing the title before putting it back where he’d gotten it. He’d never seen Nicholas touch any of those books, and he knew that his safest bet to keep the photos would be to keep them out of sight. Even if Nicholas wanted to take them he likely wouldn’t be able to find them, and while he couldn’t do much to keep the actual people safe, it did make him feel a little better. 
 He knew he was running out of time so he finally changed into the clothes Nicholas had left for him, swearing and muttering the entire time. He felt ridiculous when he looked at himself in the mirror, though he was glad it wasn’t one of the more revealing looks, he still didn’t like the big bow hanging off the shirt, he thought the headband was a bit too much, and he got so frustrated trying to get the earrings he was wearing out to switch them that Cain had to get up and help him. He hated letting him near him, he was still getting used to the shift in their dynamic, really he wasn’t sure he’d ever get used to it at all. 
 He’d just barely finished getting ready when Nicholas returned, the sound of the door unlocking startling both of them. Cain backed off of him, and for now, Wren tried to play nice with his new owner. He didn’t flash him a big fake smile and greet him with love and adoration in his voice, but he did tone down the glare he gave him, keeping his hands behind his back for now so Nicholas wouldn’t see his hands clenched into fists. The man smiled as he looked him over, he seemed pleased with his work and that was enough to make Wren angry all over again, though he kept his face blank. 
 “You look beautiful, Love.” He said as he approached him, and Wren held still as he stood in front of him, reaching up to tilt his chin up. 
 “Thank you.” He said through gritted teeth, and Nicholas seemed more amused than anything. 
 “You’ll behave for me, right?” He asked, and Wren nodded as he subtly pulled away from him.
 “Of course, sir.” He said, having to force himself back into the behavior he’d exhibited with Cain. Nicholas slipped his arm around his shoulders, and spared a glance at Cain. 
 “We’ll be back later, darling.” He told him, and Wren could see the way his face fell. He didn’t like it, but he couldn’t help but feel slightly bad for him. He knew if they could trade places he’d gladly return him to Nicholas’ attention. For now he was stuck with him, led away to simply be a pretty accessory to the man for the time being.
 He knew he shouldn’t have been angry at him, he didn’t have a say in it, he didn’t want to be here, but Cain couldn’t help it. He sat on Nicholas’ bed with his knees pulled up to his chest, struggling to blink back tears. 
 Things weren’t good before. He was still a pet, Nicholas treated him like a toy at the best of times and like a horrible, misbehaving mutt at the worst of times. But the longer that Wren was here, the more he was beginning to feel that maybe, being a toy wasn’t so bad. It hadn’t even been that long but he missed Nicholas’ affection, he missed being held by him and he missed the feeling of his hand carding through his hair. He wasn’t sure if he was doing it to hurt Cain on purpose, but it was obvious which pet he liked more. Wren was at his side more often, Wren was treated like a delicate, fragile thing when he behaved, and when he was good Nicholas would let him sleep next to him- more like he forced him to, really- while Cain was confined to a cage. At this point, he only gave Cain attention when he wanted to hurt him or when he wanted to fuck him, though the two often overlapped. 
 He reached up and angrily wiped at his eyes. He never once thought he’d be this hurt and jealous over Wren of all people. He’d been jealous of Zander before, incredibly so, and really he knew that Nicholas was unnaturally, creepily interested in the boy since the beginning. He didn’t think it would turn into this though, and he should’ve felt bad for Wren, he should’ve wanted him safe but he hardly cared about the circumstances, he just wanted him gone. 
 He hated to admit it, but he wanted his master back.
 He had been walking on eggshells the entire time he’d been with Nicholas. It was easy through his meeting, if not a little embarrassing to kneel at his side like an obedient dog. He’d tried to keep some distance between them but Nicholas had grabbed him by the hair, forcing him to rest his head against his leg and let him play with his hair, the most attention he gave him while he talked with the other man. He couldn’t stand to be so pliant with him, typically he’d have acted out the first chance he got, but Nicholas hadn’t really given him much reason to. Aside from tugging on his hair, he’d been almost nice to him. Wren couldn’t stand it. 
 He managed to last through the rest of the day, for once keeping his mouth shut, wearily watching Nicholas’ every move, waiting for him to snap, waiting for him to just do something. His fear and anxiety finally got the best of him that evening, not only had Nicholas been generous enough to feed him, he was letting him sit at the table, something he’d never done before in Wren’s short time here. 
 “What’s the point of all this?” He finally asked, failing to hide the irritation in his voice. 
 “What do you mean, Love?” Nicholas asked him, as though this was all completely normal.
 “All… all of this.” He said, gesturing with his hands as he spoke. “The- The gifts, the keeping me at your side all day, and now this.” He said, gesturing to the table now. “What’s the catch, huh? What are you fucking doing?” 
 “I’m just treating my love the way I should.” He said with a laugh. “I must say, I didn’t expect you to behave the entire time. I like it though, obedience suits you.” He said, and Wren glared at him. His questioning was interrupted when dinner was finally served to them, and it had been so long since he’d eaten that he couldn’t help but eagerly go to dig in. He paused though, the fork halfway to his mouth before he looked at Nicholas, who didn’t seem to find anything wrong. 
 “You try it first.” He said, holding the fork out to him.
 “Why?” Nicholas asked, one eyebrow raised.
 “So I know you aren’t trying to fuck with me. How am I supposed to know whether or not you had them slip something into my food specifically?” He said seriously. 
 “You’re far too paranoid, but fine.” Nicholas said, allowing Wren to feed him the bite of food, and it took all his self control to not shove the fork down his throat. It did ease his fears though, now that he knew it was safe he finally started eating. At one point Nicholas had to warn him to slow down, he was eating as though it would be taken from him at any moment, he couldn’t help it though. He’d just barely been getting accustomed to eating whenever and however much he liked when Nicholas had taken him, leaving him starving more often than not. 
 He sat back in his chair when he was done, though he couldn’t bring himself to relax. He knew something was coming, he could feel it, he just didn’t know what. Typically he tried to ignore Nicholas, but he found himself talking to him before he could remind himself to shut up. 
 “You really don’t have something fucked up planned?” He asked.
 “I do not.” Nicholas said, that amused look on his face again. Wren wanted to hit him. 
 “You want something.” He said bluntly. “The gifts, the card, the fucking photos. You want something and I’m not going to fucking give it to you.” He said, sitting up straight again. It made his skin crawl to think about the things he knew Nicholas wanted from him, but even then if he wanted that so bad he could’ve drugged him, and he didn’t. 
 “All I want from you is your obedience.” Nicholas told him. “You were perfect for me today, that’s all that I want from you. You just need to be my sweet, well behaved Love.” He said. “My quiet, lovely pet.” Wren was quickly getting sick of this, that rage and defiance he’d buried all day finally bubbling up. He abruptly got to his feet, his hands slamming down on the table.
 “I’m not your fucking pet!” He snapped. “I’m not your pet, I’m not your “Love”, I’m sure as hell not your fucking doll! You can’t fucking keep me like this!”
 “Can’t I?” Nicholas smiled at him. “Nobody is looking for you. It was all too easy for their miserable, alcoholic friend to simply disappear, likely an accident. Nobody is going to stop me, and nobody is going to rescue you.” He said, speaking calmly, which only further angered Wren. 
 “I don’t need somebody to rescue me, I’ll get out of this place myself if I fucking have to. You don’t, and you never will own me.” He snarled.
 “Are you done?” Nicholas asked him. “You know, I really don’t like lying, Love.” He said, and Wren noticed him grab the steak-knife too late, before he could move Nicholas plunged the blade into his hand, pinning his hand to the table. Wren clapped his other hand over his mouth to muffle his scream, the pain so severe he nearly collapsed, his legs feeling weak all of a sudden. Nicholas stood up now, roughly grabbing Wren by the wrist, pulling his hand away from his face. He leaned in close to him, that cruel smile on his face now. “And saying I don’t own you is a terrible lie.” He let go of his wrist, and Wren sobbed as he wrenched the knife out of his hand. He instinctively pulled his hand close to his chest, struggling to hold back his cries, but Nicholas was quick to drag him away from the table, throwing him to the floor, angry enough to carry out his punishment there in the dining room.
 All Wren could do was try to cover his head as Nicholas kicked him over and over again, a particularly well placed blow to the stomach almost causing him to vomit. He tried to get up before it could get worse, but Nicholas hit him hard enough to knock him back down, hard enough he swore he blacked out for a moment. He didn’t get a chance to defend himself, Nicholas got down on the floor with him, straddling his waist and landing another hit on his face, causing his nose to bleed. 
 “Is this what you wanted me to do to you?” He snarled, his hands wrapping around Wren’s throat, the boy desperately grabbing and clawing at his wrists in an attempt to make him let go. “Do you want me to treat you like a disobedient little bitch? You were doing so well all day long, what do you gain by ruining that?” His grip around his throat got tighter and tighter, cutting off his cries for help, effectively silencing him, only the slightest wheeze escaping his mouth. His vision was going dark, finally his arms fell limply at his sides, and that was when Nicholas let go of him, not moving from his spot on top of him though. Wren gasped for air, taking deep, heaving breaths, only stopping when a cough would wrack his body. 
 “You stupid, ungrateful bitch.” Nicholas muttered, looking down on him disdainfully. “I’ve been nothing but kind to you all day and you still reject it. And look- you got blood all over your new clothes, you really are good for nothing, aren’t you?” He said, finally getting off him. Wren didn’t move though, he laid there trying to catch his breath, holding his still bleeding hand close to his chest.
 He’d been worried, waiting for something to happen all day, he’d been so sure that Nicholas planned to harm in, and in the end it was all his own, stupid fault he got hurt.
 He stared his reflection down, shuddering as Nicholas trailed a hand down his bare back. His torso was painted with bruises, dark, ugly splotches against his skin, the punishment he earned for daring to lie to his master. On some level he considered himself lucky, he hadn’t been allowed back in the bedroom the night before and when he saw Cain he looked rough, but that didn’t change the fact that he was in so much pain, sore and aching after the beating. There were even bruises around his throat where Nicholas had strangled him, his pretty blue collar doing nothing to hide them. 
 “It’s a shame you made me do this to you, Love.” Nicholas said, his voice excessively gentle compared to the way he dug his fingers into a bruise on his ribs, causing Wren to wince in pain, screwing his eyes shut.
 “I didn’t make you do anything…” He muttered, glancing down at his bandaged hand. He couldn’t believe that simply snapping at him got him all this, he hadn’t even bit him or tried to hit him like he had in the past. He had a feeling that Nicholas was getting tired of him, his defiance was losing its charm and though he didn’t want to admit it, Wren was terrified of what would happen when Nicholas was finally and completely over him.
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puckngrind · 3 years
Skating Lessons: Part 33 - J. Anderson
Summary: Josh and reading tie the knot
Warning: language, quarantine, mentions of the bubble
Word count: 1,500
Series Masterlist
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"J, you are sure?" You look at the pavilion sitting on the river. Josh's arms tight around you. Mason watching for the next train to come by so he can wave.
"Baby, we can get married in our living room, Cam's backyard, the rose garden. This is open but also not confined." He moves your body to focus your attention to different aspects of the brick building with windows on either side giving the best view of Columbus.
"At least if it rains we won't get wet." You move your head to attempt to press your lips to his. Josh meets them softly.
"Ew!" Mason's voice bounces off the wall making you both laugh. "So is this where we are getting married?" He spins around in the open space like an airplane.
"Do you like it?" You lean down and hold his hands.
"Yup, you can almost see the arena from here plus the train!" Mason's attention moving to the train tracks over the river impatiently waiting again.
It was settled. Wedding plans were simple and easy even in the middle of a pandemic. Beth, your parents, Seth, and Oliver were the only ones attending. Josh coordinated the whole thing from calling dress shops, having a small cake, getting a minister to perform the ceremony, and making you feel so relaxed by everything.
Josh took Mason with him to Seth's to get ready and Beth picked up your mom to get you ready at home.
"You aren't even a little nervous are you?" Beth fixed your hair after slipping on your dress. It was simple, white lace dress that hit the floor. "I'm not even going to comment on your shoes." Beth giggled noticing the new Bride converses Josh somehow found.
"What?" You fixed your dress and looked at your mom in the mirror.
"They are perfect. You are perfect." Mom interjects and you see the water in her eyes. She knew the rumors about trades. She knew you and Mason moving was a real possibility but the smile said how happy she was for you.
"Let's get you married!" Beth does a little dance in her dress and moves you all to the door where you didn't realize your dad would be waiting.
"So, Josh told me to give you this." Your dad pulls out a small box and opens it up. A blue enamel lapel pin you knew was his grandfather's placed on top of a note. "Something borrowed and blue." Your dad hands the the pin to your mom and hands you the note. While mom pins it to your dress you read Josh's handwritten note.
Today begins our new adventure together.
See you down the aisle. I'll be the tall one in a dress shirt.
Love, Josh
You wipe a tear from your eye and laugh.
Before you realize it, you are hidden behind a brick wall waiting for the music to play. The sun was setting and the sunlight danced off the glass. Mason with Josh and Seth at the front while your mom, Oliver and his girlfriend sat in chairs spread apart.
Dad offers his elbow as Beth heads in.
"Ready baby girl?" He whispers.
"I hear our song. Let's do this!" You exhale and start to walk.
🎶'Cause every single day, before I knew your name I couldn't see your face, but I prayed for you Every heartbreak trail when all hope failed On the highway to hell, I prayed for you I kept my faith like that old King James Said I'm supposed to It's hard to imagine, bigger than I could fathom I didn't know you from Adam, but I prayed for you 🎶
Josh's eyes are the only ones you see. Full of love and only looking at you. Once you get to him you finally look around. Mason's little hand holding onto Josh's suit pants waiting for his part of the giving away the bride. You lean down and kiss his forehead.
"You look so handsome!" You tug at his matching tie.
"Momma, you look like a princess." Mason's voice echoes and you hear more than the few voices in the room laughing. Josh sees the confusion and points to Oliver. There you see the Anderson family and a few of your extended family members on a zoom call.
"Josh!" You clutch the 77 necklace and wave at the loved ones.
"Everyone can be here even now." He brushes your cheek and you feel him lean to kiss you then stop. "And Mace is right. You look like a princess." His face is flush and you feel the fire in your cheeks as well. The moment is broken by the officiant clearing his throat to start.
"Who gives this woman to wed this man?" You grip the flowers in your left hand trying not to giggle at the formality.
"I do." Mason's hand shoots up like he's in class. "And my grandpa!" He points over and your dad shakes his head.
"Well, perfect." The officiant continues.
The ceremony was short and sweet. You said your vows, exchanging of rings, Josh's mom read a passage from their family bible, and then the moment you could tell Josh had been waiting for.
"Josh, you may now kiss your wife." The officiant gestured towards you and Josh pulls you in by the waist.
"Wife." He smirks and presses a kiss to your lips bending you back just slightly. Cheers erupted from those on the screen and in the pavilion. You heard the distinct sounds of his teammates at the very end too. The sound of a camera lens made you jerk your head.
"She's been here the whole time. Masked and out of our way. You really thought I was going to marry you without wedding pictures?" Josh kisses your lips again.
"I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Anderson."
"Does that mean it's cake time?" Mason looks up at the two of you.
"Yes it does Mace. Want to help cut it?" Josh puts his hand in yours and you all walk to the other end where a small cake is placed. The three of you cut the cake. Feeding each other small pieces while Mason licks the icing. Oliver hands Josh the tablet and you say your goodbyes to those in person and online.
"Ready to go Mace?" Your mom chimes in.
"Go?" You look puzzled and look up at Josh.
"I may have gotten two days off to take you on a mini-honeymoon." Josh whispers in your ear.
"What? With the pandemic?" You are sure your voice cracked.
"It's a friend's place and it's been cleaned fully plus it's close." Josh kisses your temple. "It's safe. Promise." You nod and lean down to kiss Mason.
"How did you orchestrate all of this?" You finally asked Josh as you headed out of town. He lifts your interlocked hands up and kisses the back of your hand.
"Like your band?" He moves the two rings with his finger.
"Avoiding the question Mr. Anderson." You try a stern voice but laugh as he tightens his grip.
"Well, Mrs. Anderson." He stops and looks at you. "Damn it feels amazing to say that. Well, Mom did a lot of work from home before I asked if you wanted to get married before the playoffs. So she knew it could happen. And as for this honeymoon," he turns down a dirt road you didn't even see with the headlights. "Well, a former teammate owns this cottage." You see the porch light come into view. Josh turns the car off and jogs around the car to open the door.
"What about our bags?" You question.
"Seth brought them and a few groceries for us." the look of accomplishment clear on your husband's face.
"Wow." Is all you can say as Josh turns the door knob and you try to walk in.
"Hold on!" In one motion, Josh picks you up. "Gotta carry my wife across the threshold." He plants a kiss on you as he gracefully maneuvers your bodies into the doorway and kicks it closed. You kick a little thinking he will let you down but he peppers kisses over your skin as he makes his way to the bedroom. Finally placing your feet on the ground. His hands finding the zipper.
"Let me turn around." You whisper and turn so Josh can ease you out of your dress. He takes in your body like he's seeing you for the first time. "Josh..." You gulp.
"What baby?" He presses close to you and you slide your fingers down his buttons releasing them one by one. "Ready?" He pulls your chin up so you look him deep in his familiar pools of blue.
"For new adventures?" You cup his face and he leans into it.
"For a lifetime of me loving you? We are in this together." Josh pulls you further into him.
"Same, J. Forever." You lose your words as his lips find yours again.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch 1. Back Into The Field
Intro: Picking up a few months on from the events of Stark Spangled Man, Katie finds herself on desk bound duty following a disciplinary for ignoring Fury’s orders. But when she’s finally released, and disaster strikes on the first mission she’s run in months, she kinda wishes she’d stayed there.
Warnings: Bad language, mentions of blood, injury, angst and a minor character death.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Katie Stark
A/N: So here we go. A relaunch of SSB thanks to my other blog being flagged. For those of you who are new, welcome! I hope you enjoy. And to all you current Stark Spangled Readers, welcome back, You might spot a few subtle differences as we go through, as things I’m not happy with have been rewritten but don’t worry, nothing will impact the mine lines in the hot mess that is Stark and Rogers.
As always, please leave your comments or send me messages, asks, anything. I love you all!
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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March 2013.
Any doctor would cry if they visited SHIELD; the caffeine and alcohol intake of pretty much every worker there would way exceed a dose construed to be healthy. Mind you, if you asked any agent whether they’d give up coffee or alcohol, they’d say alcohol in a heartbeat.
Well, most of them.
Katie couldn’t imagine surviving without an ice cold beer on a hot summer’s day, but she also didn’t function until she had her morning cup of Joe. It was a tough choice to make.
Not today though, she needed coffee. And lots of it. After ‘going rogue’ to chase the Mandarin with her brother, month’s later Fury was still pissed and as such was basically giving her the most boring thing he could think of- working through piles of mission reports to analyse and cross reference with others to pick up on common threads .To be honest, she didn’t mind it too much. After the excitement of the festive period she had welcomed a relatively quiet return to work, and didn’t particularly give a shit what Fury thought about her either.
She circling a part of the hard copy of the report she was working on with highlighter pen, before glancing back at her computer screen to cut and paste it into the Scrapbook App she used to trace trends with, letting out a groan. Who was she kidding? Desk duty sucked ass.
Steve’s morning wasn’t going much better.
Whilst he wasn’t desk bound, after a particularly gruelling Ops Training session during which one of the newest kids suffered a broken nose after colliding painfully with a stray shock baton, he was almost wishing he was. Following a quick debrief, he checked his schedule on his phone and found he was free now for the rest of the day so he showered and headed up to find Katie. He found her in her office, paper in her hand as she stared at her computer screen, eyes narrowed. Steve watched her for a moment, taking in the way her nose crinkled as she read something, her bottom lip being dragged under her top teeth as she continued her work, completely unaware he was there. With a groan she dropped the notes she’d been holding to the desk and ran her hand through her dark hair.
Steve felt he was interrupting something, even though he knew he wasn’t, but he also didn’t want to appear like he’d been watching her either, which he totally had. So he gave a little cough and, as she turned round, her pretty face cracking into a smile which he returned. 
“Hey! How was training?”
“Don’t ask.” He let out a snort.
“That bad huh?”
“In a fashion.” He nodded, leaning on the door frame. “You had lunch?”
“Wanna come get some?”
She nodded instantly “God yes. Can we get FroYo after?”
“Yeah but don’t let me pile it with all that crap this time!” he shot her his best playfully disapproving look as he remembered his first trip the Frozen Yoghurt stall. He had loaded his with all sorts of different things and the result had been beyond foul.
Katie gave a laugh and picked up her jacket, shrugging it on. Standing up straight, he moved to allow her to step through the door and followed her to the elevator.
“Stick to chocolate chip, mint and cookie dough.” She said, stepping into it. “Trust me.”
They strode across the foyer and into the early spring sun. Katie pulled her jacket tighter around herself as they crossed the street, shivering a little in the cool breeze.
“How are you just wearing a shirt?” she looked at Steve as he fell into step besides her, making sure he was on the side nearest the road. He noticed that she’d long since given up chiding him on this old fashioned habit after he had revealed it was something he used to do for his mom too, and Bucky’s younger sister. In fact, today, he swore he saw something that looked like a soft smile flicker on her lips when he positioned himself on her left, but as quick as he noticed it, it was gone.
“It’s not too bad.” He grinned. “I’ve been through worse.” He opened the door to the Deli for her and followed her in as they took their place in the queue. After a moment or two he became aware that she was looking at him.
“What?” he asked, turning to her exasperatedly. Katie couldn’t help but grin, she enjoyed winding the usually mild mannered man up
“I’m trying to imagine how you would look with a beard. And with shorter hair.” she mused, causing the Captain to roll his eyes.
“Not gonna happen.”
“What the hair cut or the beard?”
“Spoil sport.”
“Captain America doesn’t have a beard.” he shook his head.
“No but, Steve Rogers could…”
She was impossible, but Steve couldn’t help but want to laugh. This playfulness was the thing that he enjoyed the most, how she could just treat him like any other punk she knew.
“Did anyone ever tell you you’re exhausting?” he rolled his eyes, a smirk playing on his face as she stepped forward in the queue.
“Yeah, you.” she spun round to face him, grinning “Several times. But you still come back for more.”
“Well I have the distinct impression if I didn’t you’d hunt me down anyway”
They ordered and ate their lunch, Steve filling her in on the ops drill and after Fro-Yo they made arrangements to slob out that evening at his with a film. They walked back to the Triskellion where Katie headed back to her office to continue sifting through the Mount Everest of reports she had to do. As with anything, once she got the bit between her teeth, she completely zoned out. It was only when she heard a gabble of voices all bidding each other goodbye that she looked up from her work. It was dark outside, and past six.
“Shit.” she groaned as the realisation washed over her. She was supposed to be at Steve’s for half past. She clicked to save her work whilst calling him at the same time, phone sandwiched between her cheek and shoulder.
“So…I’m running late.” She apologised the instant he answered. He chuckled.
“I thought that you said the one good thing about being confined to desk duties was that you set the hours.”
“Yeah, well I got caught up in something, but I’m leaving now. Do you want me to grab pizza on the way?”
“Sounds good, not Chicago Style though. I’m hankering for a proper piece of pie.”
“God you’re such a New Yorker.” She rolled her eyes.
“You say it like it’s a bad thing.” His voice took on a mock hurt tone and she could imagine him pouting on the other end of the phone.
“Hmmm, I’m undecided. Right, I’m leaving now. See you soon.”
“Drive safe.”
“What are you my dad?” she snorted at his stern instruction.
“Old enough to be.” he shot back.
“Touche.” she sniggered, cutting the call
“Boring New York style for Mr S Rogers…” she spoke into the intercom at the main door to Steve’s apartment complex and he buzzed her in. By the time she’d climbed the stairs to his floor he was waiting, leaning on the door frame.
“Bout time.” He muttered, taking the boxes off her “Was about to send a search party.”
“Mario’s was packed.” Katie said, kicking off her sneakers and heading straight through to his kitchen to grab a beer out of his fridge without waiting for him to offer, knowing he wouldn’t. He didn’t need to. 
Steve headed into the living room, depositing the thee boxes on the coffee table before he sank onto the couch and reached straight in for one of the pepperoni slices. A few moments later Katie flopped down next to him, handing him a beer.
“What we ticking off the list tonight?” she asked.
“A Few Good Men.” he said, nodding at the TV where he had queued the movie up ready.
“Wait, did you manage to navigate that Android box all by yourself?” She looked at him and he sighed. 
“I’m not completely useless ya know.”
“Jury’s out.” she teased, curling her legs up onto the sofa next to her.
They watched the movie. Steve got most of the references within it. He chuckled in the right places, and laughed out loud when Katie was unable to stop herself uttering the immortal line You can’t handle the truth. When the credits began to roll,  Katie unfolded herself from where she had been sat and they launched into Steve’s favourite part of Movie Nights- the post film analysis.
“Who was the guy who played the colonel, Jessup?” he looked at her.
“Jack Nicholson. Amazing actor. He’s in a few on your list.”
“He was good. And I know he was supposed to be the good guy so to speak but Kaffee annoyed me a little. He was so arrogant.”
“He reminds me of Tony” Katie sniggered.
“Well, I didn’t want to say anything” Steve gave a little smirk and Katie shrugged.
“I get what you mean though. He is an ass, and it pisses me off a little the romance angle they take with him and Galloway. I mean, she’s portrayed as this strong woman, in the male dominated military woman and they still have to go there.”
“It does seem to be a tried and tested format.” Steve nodded, leaning back against the cushions on his couch “Boy meets girl, boy likes girl, boy wins girl over…even the movies I saw back in before I took a sub-zero nap were the same.”
“I suppose it appeals to the hopeless romantic in all of us.” Katie shrugged.
They continued to chat for a bit longer until Katie glanced at her watch, and seeing the time, decided to call it a night. Steve walked her down to her car, he always did without fail, another thing she had given up chiding him for and when he came back upstairs and got in the shower, he found himself straying back to the first time he had seen her, the minute she had stepped into the light in the boxing gym and he’d found himself looking into the greenest eyes he had ever seen in his life.
The more he stood there in the stream of hot water, thinking about her, the more he started to feel something…well…different. And he couldn’t put his finger on it. Was it that he found her attractive? Well of course he did. To be honest, he reckoned you’d have to be blind not to. And if he was totally honest, since he’d seen her the first time in that little boxing gym in New York he had noticed how pretty she was. She had the figure of the stars of his time. Hour glass waist, brunette hair, shapely ass and legs and quite large breasts considering she was so slim. But what did it for him were her eyes. Deep, sparkling emeralds that he could lose himself in quite happily. And that smile, that fucking smile that could make him stop in his tracks when she flashed it.
But it was more than just that, she was…well…just Katie.
It was strange, really, she reminded him so much of Peggy in some ways, but in others she was so different. Both were vivacious, smart, strong willed and beautiful. But where Peggy had been harsh, after a military upbringing, Katie had a softer edge to her. She was still ferocious at times, but she was a people person, and somehow knew exactly how to explain and understand what he was trying to say even when he struggled to himself. She made him feel at ease. With that in mind it wasn’t surprising they had grown so close. He could trust her and knew that she would do anything for him because she was a good person. And she made it so easy to be around, he didn’t feel a shred of awkwardness around her. 
He hadn’t thought he’d ever find himself a friend he could be as honest and open with again, one he would happily lay his life on the line for, not just out of a sense of duty but out of a sense of love and friendship.
Who you trying to kid, Rogers? 
He knew his feelings went deeper than that. All those times he’d felt irritation at other men looking at her or touching her, all those times he’d looked at her and just wanted to smile because she was just her… the fear he had felt when he had known she was off chasing the Mandarin and he wasn’t able to help…none of that was anything to do with mere friendship. 
He leaned his forehead against the tiles of the shower cubicle and groaned. He was crushing on his best friend.
He was so fucked. *******
Katie’s desk arrest didn’t last much longer. Two weeks later she was catapulted back into the field, on what was supposed to be a simple op, simple by SHIELD standards, anyway. They had a request from the Cuban government – all very hush, hush, of course –to take down a drug lord who ran a cartel SHIELD had tangled with last year.
Katie, in her role as Mission Analyst, read the files and all the intel, pulled together a briefing and delivered it, answering questions that came her way from the team and then handed over to Steve when it was his turn to take the floor. He started issuing out his orders, and informed everyone that the three newest recruits would be joining them as it would be a fairly straight forward op to ease them into.
And it had been, for the most part, until one of those new recruits, Jack Adams, had frozen mid fire fight and as a consequence he’d taken three bullets to the chest. Which shouldn’t have been an issue given the armour they all wore. But when the man failed to get up, Katie knew there was something very, very wrong.
“Adams is down!” she loudly spoke into her radio as she took aim at the hostile responsible. As soon as she was sure the round she had let off had hit her target, she broke cover to get to Adams, as she was closest to him. She skidded to the floor, pressing her hand to his chest and her other reached to his face, turning it to look at her.
“I got you, Adams, look at me.” she urged gently, her hand warm, wet and slick with the young man’s blood. Steve dropped besides her and she turned to face him.
“Armour piercing rounds.” She shook her head. “Steve, I can’t stop the bleeding.” Her tone left the Captain in no doubt as to how worried she was and he looked around frantically for help.
“Medic, NOW! We need emergency evac…”
“Stay with us, Jack.” Katie reached into her belt and retrieved a tab of morphine as he young man’s hand gripped her other whilst she administered the pain relief.
“Son, you’re gonna be fine.” Steve spoke and Adams’ horrified eyes turned to Steve. The soldier swallowed, fighting to keep his face calm. He’d seen that expression so many times on the battle field, the one that told him the man who lay injured knew he was injured beyond repair, that there was nothing to be done for him. But this was now seventy years into the future, medical science had worked so many wonders since then, they had to be able to do something, right?
“RUMLOW WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT MEDIC?” Katie screamed, her tone frantic.
“Still got hostiles on us!” Rumlow replied over the coms. “Evans has taken four down but they’re approaching from the right! We need to cover the medics in and now you’re down there…”
Steve instantly looked round before he looked back at Katie “We’ll have to take him ourselves”
She bit her lip, looking at the young man, then up to Steve again. Everything in their training told them not to move casualties, but Steve knew if they stayed here he was going to bleed out. Katie seemed to come to the same conclusion and she nodded.
“Alright. Brock, we’re coming to you. Have the medics prep the bay on the jet.. Evans, we need top cover.”
“Roger, Cap…”
“Jack, we’re gonna move you now.” Katie looked at him, her voice calm and level as besides her, Steve moved to take the injured man into a lift over his shoulder. Once he had him positioned, he gave a small jerk of his head and Katie picked up his shield in one hand, and her pistol in the other as they broke cover, sprinting across the front of the industrial yard towards the jet. In the corner of his eye, Steve spotted two hostiles moving but before he could shout a warning, Katie had fired off two shots, the thumps and lack of returning fire meaning each bullet had hit its target. Soon they were joined by Rumlow and Rollins who flanked them up the ramp where Katie dropped Steve’s shield to the floor with a clang and offered her hand back to Adams as Steve placed him gently on the stretcher.
“It’s gonna be ok.” Katie soothed him as the medics bustled around, her eyes glancing up every so often to watch what they were doing.
“Can you tell my mom I love her and, and my dad.” Adams was mumbling now and Katie shook her head.
“You can tell them yourself.” She told him fiercely. “You’ll be fine, I promise.”
“We’re locked down outside, local authorities are handling it now.” Rumlow informed Steve who had stepped back from where Katie was knelt by the injured man. “How is he?”
Steve turned to Rumlow, shaking his head sadly. “Not good. He lost a lot of blood.”
At that point Katie suddenly drew back slightly, looking at the hand held in hers, before she glanced at the medic who was sadly shaking his head. Katie’s shoulders slumped as her eyes closed, face screwing up into a pained expression and Steve pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and middle finger as he realised that the young man had lost his final fight.
“Shit.” Rumlow muttered.
“Radio base” Steve turned to Rumlow his voice soft “Let’s get him home.”
Writing mission reports wasn’t Katie’s favourite thing to do, but this one was awful. So she’d treated it like ripping off a band aid, and after a horrific night’s sleep, she’d been at the Triskelion early to get it done. As a result it was little after ten am, she was done for the day and was about to head home until she heard a familiar voice.
“Eat me…eat me…” The voice was accompanied by a bag from her favourite bakery, which was hovering in the space between the door to the office and the frame, before Clint Barton’s head poked round the side, a grin plastered on his face.
“Hey!” She beamed at her friend as he dropped a cup holder containing two coffees and the bag onto her desk before taking a seat, scooting the wheeled chair over the floor towards her.
“Heard you had a rough time of it yesterday so I brought donuts and almond croissants. And coffee.”
“Hawkeye, you are a godsend.” Katie smiled, taking a large drink and leaning back, closing her eyes.
“That the first time you’ve lost a man on a mission?” Clint asked.
“Other than Coulson.” she shrugged. “Shit, Adams was twenty-three Clint. He had his whole life ahead of him.”
Clint watched as she rubbed at her temple before reaching into the bag and pulling out an almond croissant. She couldn’t remember when she had last eaten, it must have at least been before the mission.
“How’s Cap taken it?”
“On the outside he seems okay, but I know he blames himself. Keeps saying he shouldn’t have taken him.” Katie shrugged “He’s gone with Fury to see Adams’ parents. Rather him than me.”
“This job is hard.” Clint said after a moment or two pause. “We fight to keep everyone safe, but y’know, sometimes not everyone makes it. Thing is, if we can’t find a way to deal with that, then maybe next time no one gets saved at all.”
“You mean like Collateral damage?” she snorted, shaking her head.
“No, I mean that everyone one of us that are out in the field know the risks Nova, hell last year 7 of us took on a horde of Aliens in New York. For hours we fought them, and did any of us give a second thought to our own safety? No, because that’s what we do.”
His words made sense. She knew they did, but that didn’t stop the feeling in her stomach that if she had done her research more, maybe she could have spotted something that would have told them about the armour piercing rounds.
Adams’ parents already knew he was dead. Fury had the local authorities call ahead, common practice now, but still, Steve found himself sat on their couch, talking, informing them all about their son’s last moments. They hadn’t shouted, hadn’t screamed or blamed him. Instead, they’d thanked him for what he had done and for bringing him back so they could hold a proper burial.
By the time he got back to base, he was exhausted.
“Here.” Fury handed him a glass of scotch from the bottle he had pulled out of his desk. Steve took it, dropping onto one of the sofas at the side of the large office, Fury settling into the other. Steve knew the drink couldn’t get him drunk, but he liked the momentary buzz he got that lasted all of sixty seconds post sip, and the comforting burn it gave when he swallowed.
The pair of them sat in silence for a few moments before Fury sat forward, his eye fixed on Steve.
“Ever done that before, a death message?” he asked.
“Can’t say I have. Wasn’t really my job back in the day.” Steve shrugged, undoing his tie and popping the top button of his dress shirt.
“Worst part of the job. Doesn’t matter how many times you do it, never gets any easier.” Fury ran his hand over his face, and it struck Steve how tired his boss actually looked.
“Yeah, it isn’t exactly up there with my favourite thing to do.” Steve rolled his tie up and shoved it into the pocket of his old Army uniform pants.
“How’s Nova?” Fury asked.
“She’s upset.” Steve sighed “But she’s strong, she’ll be okay. I’m gonna head over and see how she is later.”
“You two spend a lot of time together outside of work.” Fury commented, innocently enough but there was something in his tone, something that was almost good natured accusation.
“Not a problem is it, Sir?” Steve asked, keeping his face straight.
“No, not at all.” Fury said “Why do you think I partnered you up in the first place? She’s a people person…”
“She’s a good friend.” Steve nodded “We get on.”
“Glad to hear it.” Fury nodded. There was another moment’s pause before he spoke again. “There’s going to be a debrief with the Secretary of Defense tomorrow.”
Steve sighed “If they’re looking to blame someone, the buck stops with me. I should never have taken the kid.”
“Bullshit.” Fury said simply “I’ve read the reports. From what they say, he just froze.”
“He wasn’t experienced enough.”
“Taking risks is part of this job. It’s a dangerous gig.” Fury held his gaze. “It was a straight forward in and out job Captain. What happened was an accident. A tragic one, but an accident none the less. From the reports, neither you nor Stark could have done any more to save his life.”
Steve shrugged, the words were kind but didn’t help him feel any better.
Three glasses of scotch later, Steve shook the director’s hand and left the office, pulling out his phone. He didn’t want to appear like he was checking up on Katie, so he pinged her a text, dressing it up like it was him who needed to see her, which wasn’t a complete lie. He did. He was craving the normality she gave him.
Can I come over? I could do with seeing a friendly face
He read it a few times, before deciding it was casual enough before he sent it. The reply was almost instantaneous.
My door is always open for you. And I made Mac and Cheese. Plenty left.
He couldn’t help but smile. One of the best things about this new life was the food, and her Mac and Cheese was frankly his favourite thing to eat on the planet.
He changed into a pair of sweats and a hoody, hastily making his way to Katie’s penthouse and the smile she gave him when he walked into her place instantly made him feel at ease.
“Hey.” she crossed the space towards him and gave him a hug which he happily melted into, a hug they both needed.
“How did it go?” she asked, pulling away.
“As well as can be expected.” He sighed as he followed her into the kitchen, dropping into the stool on the other side of the breakfast bar. “His mom broke down but they didn’t shout or yell.”
Katie flipped the lid off a beer and handed it to him. He took it, with a nod of thanks and pulled a large swig before he rest his hands on the counter, staring at the bottle.
He was brooding and blaming himself, Katie could tell, so she gently lay her hand on his, reaching over the counter.
“It wasn’t your fault Steve.” she spoke softly and he looked at her.
God, she did that all the time, knew what he was thinking. It gave him the unnerving impression that sometimes she could read his mind.
“I should have spotted that shooter.” he shook his head.
“I’m the fucking mission analyst.” she sighed. “I knew from last time those guys were packing, if I’d done more research, maybe I would have found out about the armour piercing rounds.”
“You can’t seriously blame yourself?” Steve’s frowned.
“Why not?” she shrugged sadly. She’d been over it a million times in her head that day and had come to the same conclusion every time. She should have spotted something, dug further. “I didn’t do my job.”
“Yes, you did.” he implored, his eyes locking onto hers “Your report clearly set out the layout, the learning from previous missions…Adams was just too inexperienced, I should never have taken him.”
There was a pause as the microwave pinged and Katie turned to look at it.
“You know, Clint made a good point before.” she reached in for the plate and the smell of the food made his stomach grumble again as she continued “This job, it’s hard. We fight to keep people safe but not everyone makes it back all the time…and if we can’t learn to live with that then maybe next time no one gets saved.”
“It feels like trading lives.” He took a deep breath as she placed the plate down in front of him “It’s just wrong.”
“I know.” She said, handing him some cutlery and sat down next to him.
“You eaten?” he asked, looking at her, suddenly aware she didn’t have a plate. She nodded.
“Couldn’t have waited until now, I’d have starved to death.” she said, shrugging.
“Hardly.” he replied, mouth full, instantly realising he had said the wrong thing as she narrowed her eyes at him.
“Is that a fat joke?” she asked, making him roll his eyes as he swallowed. That hadn’t been it at all, he was referring to the fact that she never actually stopped eating, despite her tiny frame she gave him a run for his money.
“No, that’s not what I meant. You’re tiny.” he said, almost choking on his food through his protests.
“So now you’re making short jokes?” She shot back. Steve looked at her, dismayed she thought he was being mean to her but then he spotted the look in her eyes and rolled his own.
“Jerk” she shot back. 
It was the perfect way to escape the trauma and stress of the last few days. Once they had finished eating the two of them flopped down on her large L shape sofa, Steve’s legs extended along one side of the L shape, her legs tucked underneath her as she leaned against his shoulder. He couldn’t help but notice the smell of her shampoo…apple, he thought, along with her perfume. Her proximity was making his head buzz but he wasn’t about to move her, the contact was comforting. And it clearly was for her too as about an hour or so into the film- the first in the Lord of The Rings trilogy- he felt her head growing heavy. He glanced down and saw that her eyes were closed and, as he watched, her head slipped slightly. He shifted so that he could catch her gently, and grabbed a cushion from behind him, placing it against his leg. He manoeuvred her head so that she was lay down, gently brushing her hair off her face. She stirred slightly, snuggling down further into the cushion as he absentmindedly rubbed between her shoulder blades as her breathing grew gentle and even.
Steve stayed like that, engrossed in the film right to the end, surprisingly. He had enjoyed it. Katie hadn’t woken up, and he looked down debating whether or not to wake her or simply carry her through to her bedroom. In the end he decided to do neither, instead he reached for the remote as he sifted through to find something else to watch. He didn’t want to leave just yet, he was too comfy and too at ease. Picking one of his favourites, Casablanca, he settled down, getting himself comfy as he immersed himself in the familiar world of Rick’s Café Americain. At one point he felt his eyes growing heavy and he lay his head back, deciding to rest them for just a little while…
**** Katie was jolted awake, quite violently, and as she jerked into an upright position she saw exactly why. Steve was thrashing in his sleep, his face contorted in horror, small murmurs and whimpers slipping from his plump lips. She placed both her hands on his shoulder and shook him. Softly at first, then a bit stronger, trying to rouse him.
“Steve…” she gave him a harsher shake and his eyes flew open, wide in panic and she reached up to cup his face in her hands. “Hey, it’s okay. It was just a dream.”
Her soft voice filled Steve’s senses and, as he realised where he was and whose eyes were looking at him, he took a shaky breath and lay his head back.
Damned it, he’d fallen asleep and had a nightmare. On her sofa.
“Sorry,” he said, his voice croaky, “I err…”
“Don’t apologise, it’s fine.” Katie shook her head gently “I’ll get you a glass of water.”
Whilst she was gone he leaned forward, swinging his legs off the couch so his feet touched the floor, wiping his clammy head with his hands, the memory still flashing through his dream.
Cold air was blasting his hair back…there was a hole in the side of the train…then a flash of light and Bucky flew straight through the hole. “BUCKY…” he yelled, grabbing onto the side of the train, the bar in one hand as he stretched to reach his friend with the other.
“Steve…” The voice was louder, but not loud enough. No, he had to get to Bucky…
But he was gone, Steve was grasping at nothing but air.
Just a dream, Katie had said. It was anything but…
She appeared back in the room with a glass of water and he thanked her as she passed it to him. He took a large gulp, swallowing and was relieved when his breathing began returning to normal.
“You ok?” she asked, kindly as her hand gently knotted into his, her concern evident.
“Yeah, just a nightmare.” he nodded softly “I’ve not had one for a while.”
“Understandable with what’s happened. Wanna tell me what it was about?”
“It was Bucky.” he swallowed thickly “I was replaying the moment he fell. The moment he plummeted to his death from that Hydra train and I didn’t save him.”
Katie stayed silent for a moment before her hand curled round Steve’s shoulder and she pulled him to her, causing him to lay his head on her shoulder. “You know it wasn’t your fault.”
“I should have done more” The guilt ate Steve up every day, that he had survived. Why had he deserved that any more than Bucky?
“How?” she said again. “How could you have done anymore?”
"I should have gone after him.” he said quietly.
“What would’ve changed if you had?” Katie asked. “There’s no way he could have survived that fall.”
“He wouldn’t have been there if it wasn’t for me.“ He replied, "I should have gone after him, brought him home, done something.”
Katie remained quiet, her hand gently running through his hair which was nice, far too nice. He took a deep breath and sat up moving away from her touch.
"What time is it?”
“Nearly six in the morning” Katie glanced at her watch.
“You’re kidding?” Steve snorted.
“Nope. You want some coffee?” she stood up, stretching her arms above her head.
“Yeah if that’s ok.” he replied, following her to the kitchen. From her body language he could tell she was rolling her eyes, even if she wasn’t facing him.
“I don’t know if your Ma ever told you, but it’s rude to run out on a girl after you spend the night with her.”
“And as you know, I’m useless with women.” he sat down at the barstool on the breakfast bar. He watched her, but he didn’t say anything as she bustled about, throwing some bread in the toaster and then went to the fridge for the butter, marmalade and jam, sliding them onto the island. At that point Steve held his hands up.
“You don’t have to-” he started to say, but she silenced him with a glare, similar to the ones Peggy used to give him, the look that could stop him in his tracks it was that stern.
“Shut up.” she poured them both a cup of the coffee before adding milk and a spoon of sugar to each, passing one to him. The bread popped up from the toaster, and she put it on a plate before sliding it over to him and adding more bread to the machine.
His stomach rumbled and he gave in, smearing butter over his toast. He eyed the jam curiously. He’d had marmalade before but…
He looked at Katie and she nodded. “It’s good.”
So he added some, and after a bite he concluded she was right, and nodded in agreement. Once the next round of toast was done she sat next to him.
“So, when did I fall asleep.” she asked, swallowing her food.
“About an hour into the film.”
She shook her head “What an ass…”
“It wasn’t a problem.” He replied honestly as he took a bite of his breakfast. “To be honest I enjoyed it.”
“What, me drooling on your leg?”
He swallowed, his eyes wide “I meant the film.”
“I know.” she smirked.
***** Chapter 2
**Original Posting**
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squidpro-quo · 4 years
AN: Happy holidays @lohaku! I was your secret santa for the @dcmkkaishinevents exchange, I really liked your prompt for the two of them getting stuck together and confessions ensue, so I hope you enjoy!
“New meaning for ‘getting close to someone’, right?” KID jokes, shifting on his back and the crick in his neck is alleviated. For now.
“You would be the one to find this funny. Didn’t think you’d stoop this low, though.” Shinichi’s voice comes from the dark above him, voice muted in the enclosed space but Kaito can feel the puff of his breath ghosting across his face. They’re closer than he’d first thought, the space smaller than he’d first thought too, and he’s still working on figuring out just how they’re positioned. But first, to set a wrong right. 
“It was meant to be funny! Some officers fall in here, have an embarrassing, but very humorous time...learn some things about each other. It was for the bonding experience, I swear. I was thinking of police morale the whole time,” Kaito hedges, hands spread to show his innocence but it falls short in the pitch black and he gets the impression his goodwill has gone unnoticed. At least his hands are free, he couldn’t imagine being confined like this without being able to move his arms. 
Above him, Shinichi shifts and Kaito feels a hand on each side of his head, wrists taut where skin meets skin. Reaching out tentatively, Kaito feels the buttons of a shirt and jacket before the warmth seeps through even his gloves and he realizes that the detective stuck in here with him is braced over him, precariously positioned parallel to where he lies on the floor of the constrictive box. When he was designing the entire setup of the trap in question, he’d never once considered he’d be the one stuck inside it during the heist. Even if he had, he’d never have guessed his partner in the debacle would be the one he’d wanted to avoid at any cost. There was only so much composure he could keep, and it had an inverse relationship with the distance kept between them. 
After a few more moments of silence, Shinichi huffs out a question. “What exactly would they learn about each other?” 
“You know, the usual juicy secrets that only come out when you’re in a small, dark, space with someone else. Who’s claustrophobic, who smells like grass and weirdly, like arsenic,” he realizes he’s getting a little too literal and he plows on in an attempt to save himself. “True feelings, who’s had their eyes on whom.” 
He curses every instinct he’s ever had, that was three truths where he’d meant to be telling three lies. What kind of magician is he if this is what makes his poker face slip? A magician should be equally at home on a tightrope as in a locked box of swords, a closed safe, in his own trap. 
The silence sounds louder in such a close space and Kaito can hear his own heartbeat drumming away at his chest, he’s sure Shinichi might too and he knows that the heaviness is his own doing, letting those kinds of thoughts slip into the space between them, not that there is much of it. 
“You smell like smoke and, weirdly, fresh laundry,” is Shinichi’s reply, softer than before. Fabric rustles near Kaito’s ears and he suspects Shinichi sank lower to spare his wrists if the exhale of relief is anything to go by. 
“Why is that weird? Do you know how much maintenance keeping everything this white takes?” Knowing he’s spewing nonsense at this point, Kaito doesn’t want to face that his face is burning at the idea that Shinichi is so close. 
“They’re just…” This time, Kaito wonders when the hesitation crept into Shinichi’s tone. “They seem like things that you don’t expect together. Even if they fit together.” 
Kaito knows he likes veiled meanings and hidden secrets as much as anyone in his particular line of occupation, but that one line is enough to make him question everything. The detective currently leaning over him, by necessity he must admit, isn’t suggesting what he thinks he is, it’s the decreasing oxygen capacity and while he knows his own opinions on just how well some things that seem disparate can really go hand-in-hand, his mind can’t compute it. 
“The whole point of one is to get rid of any trace of the other,” he says weakly, the best he can offer when he thinks he’s single-handedly making the small space overheat. 
“However, you’ve just proven they can co-exist.” The sigh that floats down from Shinichi only makes Kaito more aware of how—somehow, despite the already limited maneuverability—there’s even less space between them now. He’s certain that he didn’t design the trap to become smaller as time goes on, but what else could explain the way he can almost see the vaguest shadows of Shinichi’s face taking over his vision. They’re far too close and he can’t find a suitable reply when Shinichi’s elbows hit the bottom of the box with a dull thud. 
“You can’t be sure.” 
“Didn’t you say that the whole point of this contraption was to learn something new?” Shinichi murmured. The next second Kaito feels a nose bump into his own, lips finding his chin first, then his cheek, before finally he uses his hands for the first useful thing since they got trapped. Fingers sinking into Shinichi’s hair, the gap closes and the weight settles on him, making him forget everything else outside their small sphere. The inky black is the darkness behind his closed eyes, the sides closing him in Shinichi’s arms and the heaviness is the pure disbelief that he’d somehow managed to fall into something that he’d only wished for. 
Pulling away enough to push KID’s hat off Kaito’s head, Shinichi tugs at the monocle’s chain. “A new meaning, huh?” 
“It worked, didn’t it?” 
“And what about when we’re free?” 
“Think outside the box?” 
Listening to Shinichi’s quiet laugh, Kaito finds himself wondering what else he can steal tonight besides his original target.
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