stormandforge · 2 months
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Is it me or does the new X-Force have big bisexual energy?
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heckcareoxytwit · 23 days
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Forge's X-Force are stranded and lost in the jungle since their X-Jet had crashed in the middle of nowhere. While Forge and Sage are working to find their missing teammates, they see Betsy Braddock is in pain from a mysterious force. It turns out that the mysterious magic had not only corrupted Betsy, it also corrupted Rachel Summers, Surge and Tank. They are brainwashed along with the Wakandans who are showing hostility to Forge and Sage. Before the unbrainwashed duo could access the situation; Forge and Sage get chased off by the brainwashed Wakandans and the mutants. When Forge leaves her to work out on his crashed X-Jet, Sage is surrounded by the brainwashed tribe so she surrenders herself as a ploy to find out what or who is responsible for the brainwashing. Sage is brought before the throne of the Fake Black Panther. Sage accesses the throne and finds that the Fake Black Panther is using Anansi's drum to reshape reality. Sage manages to grab a gun from a brainwashed Wakandan guard to distract the Fake Black Panther before running off to the jungle. Sage is chased by the brainwashed Rachel, Betsy and Surge until she manages to subdue the latter (Surge). Sage gives Surge the special goggles and tells the young mutant to look for Forge.
Surge runs off and reaches the place where Forge is working on the X-Jet. Before Forge could ask her what was going on, Surge gives the special goggles to him and he realizes that not only her goggles is magic-proof, Sage is also immune to the reality-altering magic. Turns out his analog is also what's making Forge immune to the magic. Science counterattacks magic. Meanwhile, Sage is brought to the throne-room again but this time, she is ready to be executed. Just before the Fake Black Panther could erase them, Forge charges in and stops him from using the Anansi Drum. Once the magic drum is hit with a special analog, the reality-altering spell is broken and everything goes back to normal. The Fake Black Panther is changed back to Nketi of the Hyena Clan and he is arrested by the Wakandan agent. Although the Wakandan agent thanks them for their help, she tells the X-Force to leave Wakanda or they might be arrested for trespassing.
X-Force v7 #2, 2024
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braveclementine · 2 months
Back Together
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC Elizabeth Lightwood. I do not condone any copying of this.
"Tony? Are you okay? What's going on?" You asked as you spoke into the phone.
"Yeah. I'm fine." Tony responded. "I just think we might have to push our um pretend restaurant reservation back."
"Why?" You asked in a warning tone, looking at the TV screen. Elizabeth was laying on the couch, staring at the screen with hazy eyes. She hadn't stopped crying once since she'd gotten here, the waterworks alternating on and off.
Rhodey was there, trying to help with the kids. The two older children were talking with Everleigh in hushed tones in the corner. Sam was there too, looking a little skittish of Rhodey almost, but not quite. Rhodey hadn't tried to arrest him yet at any rate.
"Just cause I'm probably uh, not gonna make it back for a while." Tony mumbled.
You closed your eyes in understanding, and also a little bit of apprehension, "Tell me you're not on that ship."
Rhodey looked over at you.
"God, no. Please tell me you're not on the ship." You said, cradling Arlo in one arm as he slept there.
"Pumpkin, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't know what to say."
You closed your eyes. "Just. . . God Tony please. Elizabeth just. . . I can't lose you."
The connection was getting worse with the phone. "I love you." You whispered as you heard F.R.I.D.A.Y. say, "Boss, we're losing her."
You closed your eyes, falling backwards into the couch, holding Arlo tightly to your chest. He needed to be safe. He just had to.
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Wanda was curled up under the covers of her bed, wearing Visions white shirt and a pair of his boxers. They had just finished having their nightly round of sex and he was pulling the drapes back now while she had a cup of tea.
He let out a small gasp that sounded almost as though it was in pain. Wanda looked up. "Vis? Is it the stone again?"
She slid out of bed and walked over to where he was standing. He was in his human form at the moment, the way he usually was these days. But the yellow stone glowed out on his forehead and he screwed his eyes up and clenched his teeth in real pain.
"Hey." She said, sliding her hands up on his face. His other hand came up to cup hers and he tilted his mouth so he could kiss her palm, before pulling her hand a little closer to kiss her palm again. They he placed the part he'd kissed to his forehead.
"Tell me what you feel." He asked softly.
"I just feel you." Wanda whispered back.
And he bent down to kiss her.
Later, they went walking down the street, holding hands, "So there's a ten a.m. to Glasgow which would give us more time together before you went back."
She was trying to get more time, knowing that he was alternating between staying at the Avengers Compound and sneaking to see her.
"What if I miss that train?" Vision asked in a slightly teasing tone.
"There's an eleven o'clock." She responded.
"What if I missed all the trains?" Vision asked, turning to face her at the stop. He smiled a little and then asked, "What if this time, I didn't go back?"
"But you gave Stark your word." Wanda frowned a little. As much as she wanted to spend more time with Vision, she also didn't want him to get in trouble. Even if they couldn't contain him, he would go like a normal person.
"I'd rather give it to you." Vision responded.
"Well, there are people who are expecting me too, you know?" Wanda asked quietly. Steve and Nat would often have her travel with them so that they could all stay together and all stay on the run. "We both made promises."
"Not to each other. Wanda." He placed his hands on her shoulders. She loved and hated that he seemed to tower over her, but loved it even more, "For two years, we've stolen these moments trying to see if this would work and-" He tripped over his words and then said, "You know what, I'm just going to speak for myself-"
"It works." She answered.
"It works." He echoed.
"It works." She repeated, nodding and smiling, happy. This was what she wanted all along, but wasn't sure if it was something she deserved.
"Stay." Vision whispered. "Stay with me."
When she didn't answer, he quickly backtracked, shaking his head, "Or not. If I'm overstepping-"
But Wanda walked past him, staring at the TV that was playing in the window behind them. It showed the destruction of New York, the alien spaceship that was over them. "What are they?" Wanda asked in a shaky voice.
"What the stone was warning me about." Vision answered.
They watched the news change, saw how it was reporting Tony Stark as missing. Wanda caught her breath in her throat, immediately thinking about Y/N, Everleigh, and Arlo. Vision turned to her, catching her hand, kissing the back of it. "I have to go."
"No, Vision." Wanda said, her voice still shaky, trying to become firm. "Vision, if that's true, then maybe going isn't the best idea."
"Wanda I-" He suddenly cried out in pain as a large spear was shoved through his stomach. He was lifted into the air on the end of it, shifting from his human form back to what he looked like as a robot.
"VISION!" Wanda screamed, immediately calling up her magic. Vision was flung off the end of the spike, rolling on the ground.
She was hit in the back, sent flying through a window. She leapt up on to the top and saw they had pressed some sort of blade against his stone. She sent them flying with her magic, lifting Vision into the air. She flew into the air and carried both of them over into a neighboring courtyard. She helped Vision to his feet.
"The blade." Vision panted, having trouble walking, "It stopped me from phasing." He slid down against the wall.
"Is that even possible?" Wanda asked, kneeling in front of him, hopping they couldn't find them here.
"It isn't supposed to be." Vision said. "My systems are failing." Wanda tried to heal his wound up with her magic, "I'm beginning to think, we should have stayed in bed." He suddenly pushed her out of the way, being rammed by one of the new creatures.
He flew through the air, trying to fight the creature off.
"Give up the stone." He growled at him, while he could hear Wanda fighting someone else down below, "And she lives."
Anger took over, Vision wrapped his hand around the aliens throat, and pushed off from the wall he was being held against. He punched the alien and then tried to use his light beam against him. The weapon blocked it somehow, amazing alien technology. He was hit with his own light in the stomach.
The alien was upon him immediately, once again trying to take the stone out of his head. The alien turned and he heard Wanda's voice, "Hands off." She blasted him through the window and then took Vision and used her magic to fly them into the sky.
They were blasted from the air and they crashed through the glass ceiling of the train station. Vision groaned as he rolled across the floor. "Come on. Come on. Come on, you gotta get up." Wanda begged him, lifting him up by the arm. "You gotta get up. Come on. Hey." He slumped against the railing. "Hey, we have to go."
He shook his head, cupping her face. She was bleeding across her forehead. "Please. Please leave."
"You asked me to stay." She panted. "I'm staying."
Wanda stood in front of Vision as the two aliens crashed through the ceiling. A train ran behind her and she suddenly felt a familiar presence. She turned to see a dark shadow standing on the other side of the train platform.
The female alien tossed her spear at him, which he dodged and caught at the same time, before stepping into the light.
The glorious.
The handsome.
The radiant.
. . .
Um, Sorry.
Captain America.
. . .
Wanda smiled as Sam crashed into one of them, though she hadn't remembered him being with them before. Steve threw the trident weapon to Nat, who ran behind the woman, knocking her legs out from under her while Sam fired his rockets into the male alien.
Nat threw the trident at the woman, who caught it. Steve picked up the spear, blocking the woman's kill thrust.
The three of them knocked the aliens to the ground.
"Get up." The woman growled.
"I can't." The man said.
"We don't wanna kill you, but we will." Nat said.
"You'll never get the chance again." The woman said and they were suddenly gone, a beam of blue light lifting them into the sky. The spear also left Steve's hand, even though he hadn't let go of it.
"Can you stand?" Sam asked. He seemed jittery, Wanda noticed, though he was here.
Vision was helped to his feet by Sam and Wanda, "Thank you Captain."
"Let's get you on the jet." Steve nodded.
"Now, I thought we had a deal." Nat said once they were safely on the jet, the door closing up behind them, "Stay close, check in, don't take any chances."
"I'm sorry." Wanda said, sitting next to Vision on the Quinjet. "We just wanted time."
"Where to Cap?" Sam asked.
"Home." Steve said.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
"Still no word from Vision?"
Elizabeth was hiding as she spied on the holographic meeting going on between a board of the Government and Rhodey. She knew she was probably on the wanted list too, but she wanted to hear what was going on. And besides, she didn't have anything else to do.
"Satellites lost him somewhere over Edinburgh." Rhodey said.
"On a stolen Quinjet with four of the world's most wanted criminals."
"You know they're only criminals because you've chosen to call them that, right, sir?" Rhodey asked, pointing at him.
"Go Rhodey." Elizabeth muttered under her breath.
"My God, Rhodes. Your talent for horseshit rivals my own." General Ross grumbled.
"If it weren't for those Accords, Vision would've been right here." Rhodey argued. Elizabeth finally stepped out, walking silently up to Rhodey's side. He glanced at her, but said nothing. General Ross narrowed his eyes at her, but continued to address Rhodey.
"I remember your signature on those papers, Colonel."
"That's right. And I'm pretty sure I paid for that." He was still wearing braces, which Elizabeth felt guilty for. She hadn't had much time to heal him before she had to get back to Asgard and escape the German police. She had offered to heal them again, only a few hours ago, but he said he felt better like this.
"You have second thoughts?" General Ross asked in a slightly threatening tone.
"Not anymore." Rhodey said, and looked over at the entrance way. Elizabeth looked up dully to see Steve, Natasha, Wanda, Vision, and Sam there. Sam had left to go and find them, a little help from a wizard named Wong. He quickly slipped between Steve and Nat, coming over to her side and pulling her into a hug.
She relished the hug, but turned her head so she could still see what was going on.
"Mr. Secretary." Steve greeted him. He had a beard now and his hair was more brown than blond. He looked good in his outfit, Elizabeth noticed offhandedly. It was a little tighter, darker in colour.
"You got some nerve." Holographic General Ross said, walking towards them. "I'll give you that."
Nat was blond now, a little bit on the thinner side, perhaps even a little bit more muscular. Her hair was shorter as well and she looked like an entirely new person from the last time Elizabeth had seen her- and fought her.
"You could use some of that right now." Nat responded.
"The world's on fire. And you think all is forgiven?"
Elizabeth snorted quietly.
"I'm not looking for forgiveness." Steve responded. "And I'm way past asking for permission. Earth just lost her best defender. So we're here to fight." He took a step forwards, "And if you wanna stand in our way, we'll fight you too."
"Arrest them." General Ross said and then pointed at Elizabeth, "Her too."
"All over it." Rhodey said sarcastically, hanging up on the holographic call. There was a beeping sound. "That's a court martial." Then he smiled. "It's great to see ya, Cap." He held out his hand and Steve shook it.
"You too, Rhodey."
Rhodey hugged Nat, "Hey."
Elizabeth looked over at Wanda and Vision and she pulled away from Sam. Her body started to shake and she knew she was going to cry any second now.
"You guys look like crap." Rhodey informed them.
"Well the hotels weren't exactly five star." Sam retorted, looking after Elizabeth.
"Well, I think you guys look great." Bruce said awkwardly and everyone looked over at him. He chuckled awkwardly as well, "Yeah, I'm back."
"Hi, Bruce." Nat whispered.
Elizabeth stopped near Bruce and looked at him. Tears were shining in her eyes. He gave one last awkward wave, put his arm around her, and the two of them quickly walked off.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
Steve couldn't stop looking at Elizabeth. She was in the back of the room, rocking a little girl that she called Sage in her arms. She had Loki's black hair, but Elizabeth's eyes. Actually, all of the kids except for Tove, who looked the most like her mother. Halfdan was the spitting image of his father however, even at the age of eight.
He could almost imagine Elizabeth's pain because it probably mirrored his own when he was certain he lost Bucky. It had been such a pain that had ripped through him. . . and that wasn't even for his death. But it had been bad enough Steve was certain he had died. And with Loki actually dead. . .
Y/N was there too, already dressed for battle. Tony had been missing for a while, along with Stephen- Sam's soulmate. The spider kid that had fought with them was rumored to be on the ship as well.
"So we gotta assume they're coming back, right?" Rhodey asked, looking at the hologram of the aliens that had attacked Wanda and Vision.
"And they can clearly find us." Wanda said.
"We need all hands on deck, where's Clint?" Bruce asked, looking at Natasha.
"After the whole Accords situation, he, Scott, and Y/N took a deal. It was too tough on their families. They're on house arrest."
"Whose Scott?" Bruce asked.
"Ant man." Steve answered.
"There's an Ant-man and a Spider-man?" Bruce asked. Steve felt bad for the man. He'd just lost his soulmate too and had been missing in space for two years as the Hulk only. Bruce paused for a moment and then said, "Okay, look. Thanos has the biggest army in the universe and he is not gonna stop until he gets. . . Visions stone."
"Well we have to protect it." Nat responded.
"No, we have to destroy it." Vision spoke up from where he was leaning against the window, looking out. "I've been giving a good deal of thought to this entity in my head. About its nature. But also its composition. I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source," He walked closer and closer to Wanda with each word, "something very similar to its own signature, perhaps, its molecular integrity could fail."
"Yeah, and you with it." Wanda whispered. "We're not having this conversation."
"Eliminating the stone is the only way to be certain that Thanos can't get it." Vision said.
"Until he gets the Time stone and reverses time to this exact moment where you destroy it and then gets it anyways." Elizabeth responded.
"That's too high a price." Wanda argued over Elizabeth.
"Only you have the power to pay it." Vision said, cupping Wanda's face. It was to intimate for Steve, his attention returning to Elizabeth. She was looking at the floor instead, tears falling down her face.
Wanda walked away from Vision and so he spoke, "Thanos threatens half the universe. One life cannot stand in the way of defeating him."
"But it should." Steve spoke up. "We don't trade lives, Vision."
"Captain, seventy years ago, you laid down your life to save how many millions of people? Tell me, why is this any different?" Vision asked.
Because Vision still had something to lose, unlike Steve. Sure, Steve could've lived out a life with Peggy, had kids, but without Bucky he wasn't sure he wanted it. He could see Bucky again.
But Vision still had Wanda. Still had a future with Wanda, if possible. If everything worked out. That was the difference.
"Because you might have a choice." Bruce spoke up before him. "Your mind is made up of a complex construct of overlays. Jarvis, Ultron, Tony, me, the Stone. All of them mixed together, all of them learning from one another."
"What are you saying?" Pietro asked at the same time Wanda said, "You're saying Vison isn't just the stone?"
"I'm saying that if we take out the stone, there's still a whole lot of Vision left." Bruce responded. "Perhaps the best parts."
"Can we do that?" Natasha and Y/N asked together.
"Not me, not here." Bruce shook his head.
"Well you better find someone and somewhere fast." Rhodey ordered. "Ross isn't just gonna let you guys have your old rooms back."
"I know somewhere." Y/N said.
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Me and my darling, Elizabeth had a wonderful date by the river together! She enjoying the fresh air while I enjoyed some lunch :3
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sleepyy-jayy · 10 months
so remember how i said i love sage...like REALLY REALLY love sage...like UNHEALTHY love....
well i also love fnaf. especially circus baby. especially wizabef aftin. to the same degree if not more.
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i made this over my summer break and still am proud of it so im sharing it 🐈
rare moment when i can draw somewhat legitimate hands
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inhumanhacker · 2 months
📱 ( the treasure hunters )
Ashley to AJ: "Where are you? You're missing Mark Hamil. We came here for him!"
Sage to Charlie: "I know I love you, but right now, I am so mad. I can't believe you sent me in to deal with the beaurocratic red tape for the Avery dive."
Rafe to Elizabeth: "I didn't say earlier, I didn't want to embarrass myself you, but you looked beautiful today.
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annon-guy2 · 3 months
More Than Anything - Daughter/Father Voting Poll
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Note 1: Please note that for some of these pairs, there doesn't ALWAYS need to be blood ties for them to be family.
Note 2: The daughters will be in Charlie's role while the fathers will be in Lucifer's role.
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krispyweiss · 1 year
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Toward the FUN(ds): A Concert Benefitting Camp Winnarainbow at Herbst Theatre, San Francisco, Sept. 28, 2023
- Steve Earle, Rickie Lee Jones, Peter Rowan, John Craigie and John Popper perform pre-Hardly Strictly Bluegrass benefit with Wavy Gravy in attendance
Seeing how they all were in town for separate appearances at Hardly Strictly Bluegrass, Steve Earle, Rickie Lee Jones, Peter Rowan and John Craigie got together and donated some time to a guitar (and mandolin) pull to benefit Wavy Gravy’s Camp Winnarainbow.
The round-robin performance is “an efficient way for a concert to raise funds … you get a lot of us for your buck,��� host Earle told the crowd - which included Gravy, 87 and wearing his trademark clown nose, in the front row - assembled Sept. 28 for Toward the FUN(ds) at San Francisco’s Herbst Theatre.
This informal setting was an opportunity to hear Jones fumble through an untitled work-in-progress - “it’s like a lesson - a bad one,” she deadpanned mid-song - while earning the loudest applause of the evening for “Weasel and the White Boys Cool.”
“That usually happens to me when I host these things,” Earle said.
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Jones would later wow the crowd by turning a false start of “Bury Me Under the Weeping Willow” into a singalong “Hand Me Down My Walking Cane.”
For his part, the host dedicated “Jerusalem” to Gravy, played mandolin on “Copperhead Road” and duetted with Rowan on “Train a Comin’.”
The incongruous grouping also found the 43-year-old California native Craigie - who was hysterical when talking about needing, and eventually quitting, oxygen when playing gigs at altitude - swapping licks with the 81-year-old Rowan, who played mandolin and guitar, sang high notes like a man half his age and slipped Elizabeth Cotten’s “Freight Train” inside his own “Panama Red.”
“Now my roots are really showing,” Rowan said upon playing the first notes of “Freight Train.”
Cragie’s songs, like his banter, can also be funny (as on “I Wrote Mr. Tambourine Man” and “Laurie Rolled Me a J”) before he slips into wistful homesickness on “I am California.” He punctuates both sides of his songwriting with mournful bleats on harmonica.
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Unannounced guest John Popper, whose daughter attends the camp, appeared to perform a take of John Lennon’s “Imagine” with Craigie on guitar and participate in the all-hands-on-deck closer “Rivers of Babylon.” The Sour Widows Duo played an opening two-song set. But it was the four-way pull that pulled the crowd in and delivered huge payoffs during their 90-minutes on stage.
Grade card: Toward The FUN(ds): A Concert Benefitting Camp Winnarainbow at Herbst Theatre, San Francisco - 9/28/23 - A-
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hxtties · 1 year
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nia1sworld · 2 years
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AAAA! More BATDR Ocs! I really wanted to keep making these! So..hope you enjoy these!
Part 5:
Anthony Persephone (20)
Veronica Caspian (19)
Eliza Bigos (11)
Sage Ascella (21)
Benno Gunder (21)
Calla Larkspur (19)
Part 6:
Elizabeth Margaret (90's)
Rina Zylren (20)
Bellamy Bo (26)
Olci Vus (14)
Part 7:
Lady "Admatha" Ahimot (21)
Meda Valora (20)
Ginger Acai (12)
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cass1x1 · 1 year
✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ all of themmmm
is that 2 each? i'm going to assume it's 2 each or i'll be here for 20000 years writing headcanons
sage's ex-fiance left her the ring (it was cheap and he just wanted to be rid of her) but adrian gets her a ring eventually anyway. he says it's to make this seem more real but we all know the real reason...
sage starts tucking little notes into the books he's reading but since he reads so many she doesn't always know which one/ones he'll see first so she puts a little code on them so she can keep track
the first time astrid had a vision that they were able to prevent involving zara was actually in person. they just happened to be at the store (definitely not trying to figure out if it would come true or not) and ran into zara at the exact moment where they could pull her away from the falling sign
because zara is a celebrity, once they do start going out, they agree to try to hide astrid's identity for a little while so they can have privacy. they both blow it pretty much immediately though
chan yeol/jae
there's one (1) girl jae thinks is good enough for chan yeol of the ones he is forced to go on dates with, but it turns out she's not interested either and jae finds that Proof in some way
once he's comfortable/secure that he's not gonna get fired, jae starts slipping little meetings or briefings into yeol's schedule with people who could actually improve the world in hopes that yeol accidentally greenlights one of their ideas without knowing he's been set up
after the wedding, victoria lingers back home/near charlotte for an extra week before going back to california because she's not ready to face her real life yet
when they dated the first time around, they used to go to really pretentious museums and stuff like that because they both thought the other one liked it, oops
their original plan/contract includes a breakup date
elizabeth starts keeping clothes (work outfits mostly) at ryan's place way before the first time they have sex because they go back to his place just to hang out more often than they go to hers
movies are one of the kinds of "dates" they can go on where they can hide well, but they also do a speakeasy in downtown that none of their friends like
they do eventually make friends with the other person being cheated on (barry's other bf's bf) and have a little circle of "fuck barry tho"
after their first kiss, wynter pretty much avoids julian until he gives her a sign that she didn't mess things up between them
their moms have absolutely no idea they're together until they tell them. charlotte, on the other hand, knows right away
when sonia graduates, miles takes her on a li'l vacation to celebrate (idk where he'd take her but it's super cute regardless)
sonia never sabotages any of miles's dates but one of her coworkers (who works in the kitchen) DEFINITELY purposefully makes worse food for the date because she's rooting for sonia/miles from day 1
before wren figures out who linette is/why a hit's been taken out on her, she tries really, really hard to hide who she is from him. not because she knows who/what he is or anything, just like...it's so nice for someone to seem like they're taking an interest in her that's not about her ex
wren audits a few of her lessons (for recon reasons i assume) and linette becomes really determined to figure out what kind of art he likes
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kimsgoeun · 2 years
🤍 + any/all
Who cooks meals for the other?: Ooh, neither. I don’t think either of them would be safe in the kitchen. Adrian is also not a safe person to find places to eat at because he somehow always manages to eat at places that cause people to get food poisoning (a talent and a curse). 
Who spams the other with memes?: Both. They could probably communicate for a while just by using memes. 
Who likes to tidy around the house?: Neither... (These two are not going to be functional adults if they live together)
Who likes to play pranks on the other?: Sage. Adrian would attempt to but it would end up being too complicated and she’d miss it completely. 
Who asked the other to move in with them?: Adrian, and then warns her that he’d have to figure out where to put his books so she could actually move in with her own stuff too. 
Who is in charge of the music during a car ride?: Sage. Adrian would not be picky about the music, so he wouldn’t mind her choosing what they listen to. 
Who is more likely to tickle the other mercilessly?: Neither? Sage? If she does, Adrian just lets it happen and awaits his death lol. 
Who needs to hold the other during scary movies?: Sage or neither. I think Adrian overthinks movies and points out illogical plot holes, so he manages not to get freaked out by them.
Who has to help the other when it comes to technology?: Neither probably. 
Who likes to get a bit frisky in public / an inappropriate setting?: Sage or neither. 
Who wakes up first, and do they wake up the other or let them rest?: They must take turns because I don’t think either of them really wake up at a normal time... But if Sage wakes up first, she probably wakes up Adrian. And if Adrian wakes up first, he’d let her keep sleeping (probably because he ended up reading and forgot that she was still sleeping). 
Who is always taking pictures of the other when they aren’t looking?: Sage. He questions her every time as to why she does that. 
Who always forgets their wallet and never ends up paying for anything?: Sage. Adrian never minds though. 
Who can’t sleep because the other snores or moves too much at night?: Adrian, though technically he wasn’t trying to sleep to begin with, he just notices that he wouldn’t be able to sleep if he did try (he has mild insomnia). 
Who is better at video games, and do they let the other win or show no mercy?: Adrian? Both? If both, I don’t think either of them show mercy. 
Who always gets up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and accidentally wakes up the other?: Sage wakes up probably, but it’s like half and half whether or not Adrian is still awake. 
Who cooks meals for the other?: Yeol probably. 
Who spams the other with memes?: Jae. Yeol hates it. 
Who likes to tidy around the house?: Yeol. A tidy house just makes his life easier. 
Who likes to play pranks on the other?: Jae. And he finds it very amusing how annoyed Yeol gets over it. 
Who asked the other to move in with them?: Idk... I don’t think Yeol would, because then they’d be forced to live in the complex his parents own, so it would probably have to be Jae if it came to that. 
Who is in charge of the music during a car ride?: Jae. Yeol doesn’t care anyway, unless Jae is blasting it super loudly. 
Who is more likely to tickle the other mercilessly?: Neither? 
Who needs to hold the other during scary movies?: Neither. But Jae probably tries to scare Yeol when they’re watching them. 
Who has to help the other when it comes to technology?: Neither, unless we’re talking popular apps. Then Jae has to help Yeol figure out how to use them. 
Who likes to get a bit frisky in public / an inappropriate setting?: Jae or neither. 
Who wakes up first, and do they wake up the other or let them rest?: Yeol would wake up and purposely wake up Jae unless Yeol had work he wanted to take care of alone.  
Who is always taking pictures of the other when they aren’t looking?: Jae. They are all unflattering pictures and Yeol is constantly trying to delete them off of his phone. 
Who always forgets their wallet and never ends up paying for anything?: Neither. I don’t think they’d be irresponsible enough to do that, nor would they want the other to pay for them (willingly or accidentally). 
Who can’t sleep because the other snores or moves too much at night?: Yeol. He definitely smacks Jae with a pillow or shoves him off the bed. 
Who is better at video games, and do they let the other win or show no mercy?: Jae and he never lets Yeol win lol. Yeol would attempt to learn how to play the games, but still wouldn’t be able to beat him.
Who always gets up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and accidentally wakes up the other?: Yeol. In general he also sometimes has a hard time staying asleep, so yeah. 
Who cooks meals for the other?: Charlotte? That or they both take turns ordering take-out to bring home. 
Who spams the other with memes?: Victoria (all the memes are left unread for hours at a time because Charlotte forgets to check her phone lol).
Who likes to tidy around the house?: Charlotte, but only because she wouldn’t be able to find the things she needs to get out of the house. 
Who likes to play pranks on the other?: Victoria or neither. 
Who asked the other to move in with them?: Charlotte. 
Who is in charge of the music during a car ride?: Victoria. It’s probably always something upbeat and fun that they can both sing along to. 
Who is more likely to tickle the other mercilessly?: Victoria or neither. 
Who needs to hold the other during scary movies?: Charlotte or neither. 
Who has to help the other when it comes to technology?: Neither probably. 
Who likes to get a bit frisky in public / an inappropriate setting?: Victoria, though Charlotte is always game for it lol. 
Who wakes up first, and do they wake up the other or let them rest?: Charlotte and she would let Tori keep sleeping. 
Who is always taking pictures of the other when they aren’t looking?: Both. They just both find the other oh so pretty. 
Who always forgets their wallet and never ends up paying for anything?: Victoria or neither. 
Who can’t sleep because the other snores or moves too much at night?: Neither? Charlotte at least is a heavy sleeper and doesn’t move around, so once she’s out, she’s out. 
Who is better at video games, and do they let the other win or show no mercy?: Charlotte. She’d let Tori win though. 
Who always gets up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and accidentally wakes up the other?: Neither, maybe. 
Who cooks meals for the other?: Ryan? Neither? Liz would make him cereal... That is the extent of her cooking abilities lol. 
Who spams the other with memes?: Liz. Half the time they don’t even make sense. 
Who likes to tidy around the house?: Ryan. Though if Liz is the one tidying, she’s probably stressed out about something and is looking for a distraction for herself. 
Who likes to play pranks on the other?: Liz. She likes to stick sticky notes or random small stickers on him and sees if he notices. 
Who asked the other to move in with them?: Ryan most likely? 
Who is in charge of the music during a car ride?: Liz. She’d have a very eclectic playlist. 
Who is more likely to tickle the other mercilessly?: Neither.
Who needs to hold the other during scary movies?: Ryan. Liz would insist on watching them even though she’d jump at every single thing. 
Who has to help the other when it comes to technology?: Neither probably? They’d probably be both rather tech savvy. 
Who likes to get a bit frisky in public / an inappropriate setting?: Liz. She definitely does not mind laying on the PDA rather thick. 
Who wakes up first, and do they wake up the other or let them rest?: Ryan. Probably lets her sleep, but eventually makes her wake up since she’d otherwise sleep past noon all the time. 
Who is always taking pictures of the other when they aren’t looking?: Liz. 
Who always forgets their wallet and never ends up paying for anything?: Liz. But she’d pay him back, or at least try to when she remembers she does in fact owe him money. 
Who can’t sleep because the other snores or moves too much at night?: Neither. 
Who is better at video games, and do they let the other win or show no mercy?: Liz. She would definitely show no mercy. But would also try to find games he’d be good at too. 
Who always gets up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and accidentally wakes up the other?: Liz. 
Who cooks meals for the other?: Both. Wyn would make more interesting meals, though Julian might make meals more consistently? 
Who spams the other with memes?: Wyn. Julian doesn’t understand half of them lol. 
Who likes to tidy around the house?: Julian. 
Who likes to play pranks on the other?: Wyn. Julian just glares and sighs at her every time. 
Who asked the other to move in with them?: Julian, maybe? It’s probably something that comes up and he asks about it because she’s over a lot already. 
Who is in charge of the music during a car ride?: Wyn. 
Who is more likely to tickle the other mercilessly?: Wyn or neither. 
Who needs to hold the other during scary movies?: Wyn. Julian does not like scary movies lol. 
Who has to help the other when it comes to technology?: Wyn. Julian really just uses it to call, text, and read stuff. 
Who likes to get a bit frisky in public / an inappropriate setting?: Wyn or neither. But if she does, Julian definitely gets flustered every time. 
Who wakes up first, and do they wake up the other or let them rest?: Julian wakes up first. Depending on if they have plans, he’ll wake her up. But if nothing is going on, he’ll let her keep sleeping and then enjoy the quiet lol. 
Who is always taking pictures of the other when they aren’t looking?: Wyn. 
Who always forgets their wallet and never ends up paying for anything?: Wyn or neither. 
Who can’t sleep because the other snores or moves too much at night?: Julian. He always considers smothering her but manages to fall asleep somehow. 
Who is better at video games, and do they let the other win or show no mercy?: Wyn and probably shows no mercy lol. But eventually Julian figures it out and then they both end up being competitive. 
Who always gets up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and accidentally wakes up the other?: Wyn. He’d also complain because he’s now awake and cold because she left the bed. 
Who cooks meals for the other?: Miles or both? He’d at least have a reason to cook if he’s with Sonia. 
Who spams the other with memes?: Sonia.. And then she has to explain half of them to him. 
Who likes to tidy around the house?: Miles. He’s got an aesthetic going on lol. 
Who likes to play pranks on the other?: Neither. 
Who asked the other to move in with them?: Miles. 
Who is in charge of the music during a car ride?: Sonia. She probably introduces Miles to a ton of new music in doing so. 
Who is more likely to tickle the other mercilessly?: Neither. 
Who needs to hold the other during scary movies?: Miles. He does not mind in the slightest. 
Who has to help the other when it comes to technology?: Sonia. 
Who likes to get a bit frisky in public / an inappropriate setting?: Sonia or neither. If she did, Miles would definitely try to get them to leave and head home instead lol. 
Who wakes up first, and do they wake up the other or let them rest?: Miles maybe? He’d let Sonia sleep. 
Who is always taking pictures of the other when they aren’t looking?: Sonia. 
Who always forgets their wallet and never ends up paying for anything?: Neither. 
Who can’t sleep because the other snores or moves too much at night?: Neither. They are cuddly and comfortable. 
Who is better at video games, and do they let the other win or show no mercy?: Miles or neither. Miles probably also says how he doesn’t play a lot of video games but still ends up doing rather well on them. He would let Sonia win when they’re playing though. 
Who always gets up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and accidentally wakes up the other?: Sonia maybe? Or neither. Miles would mumble and complain for her to come back to bed though. 
Who cooks meals for the other?: Ethan or neither. Noah would attempt to but most likely burn it by accident. She will happily order-in food though. 
Who spams the other with memes?: Noah. They all remind her of him so she has to send them to him. 
Who likes to tidy around the house?: Ethan, maybe? Noah isn’t a slob, but she also doesn’t mind a mess. 
Who likes to play pranks on the other?: Noah or both maybe. It’s never anything big or elaborate. Just something small, stupid, and/or silly that’ll make the other laugh. 
Who asked the other to move in with them?: Hmm. Idk, Noah maybe? It’d be one of those things where her lease is up and she’d ask him if he’d want to get a place with her as an option. 
Who is in charge of the music during a car ride?: Noah. She’d still play things Ethan likes, but she’d want to make a playlist for them to listen to. 
Who is more likely to tickle the other mercilessly?: Neither. She wouldn’t want to do that and if Ethan did, she’s probably kick him in reaction. 
Who needs to hold the other during scary movies?: Ethan or neither. Noah enjoys them and probably pokes fun at them.
Who has to help the other when it comes to technology?: Noah or neither. Noah would at least ask Ethan if he’s tried out x, y, and z apps that are popular. 
Who likes to get a bit frisky in public / an inappropriate setting?: Noah :)
Who wakes up first, and do they wake up the other or let them rest?: Ethan wakes up first and probably lets Noah keep resting since she can be grumpy when she’s sleepy.
Who is always taking pictures of the other when they aren’t looking?: Noah. 
Who always forgets their wallet and never ends up paying for anything?: Neither. I don’t think either of them would do that to the other (but Barry would totally do that to Ethan 😔)
Who can’t sleep because the other snores or moves too much at night?: Ethan. She doesn’t snore, but she might move around too much. 
Who is better at video games, and do they let the other win or show no mercy?: Ethan or neither. If he is better at them, he might try to let Noah win, but Noah also has no patience for video games so she’d give up half way through and try to get Ethan to do something else. 
Who always gets up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and accidentally wakes up the other?: Noah or neither. 
Who cooks meals for the other?: Astrid or neither. Zara will happily read out recipes though and take out all the ingredients needed. 
Who spams the other with memes?: Zara. 
Who likes to tidy around the house?: Astrid or neither. Zara isn’t necessarily messy, but she does have a lot of stuff so you can’t completely tell if things are clean or messy. 
Who likes to play pranks on the other?: Neither. 
Who asked the other to move in with them?: Zara. She tries really hard not to ask Astrid to move in after a few months of dating lol. 
Who is in charge of the music during a car ride?: Zara. She’d want to introduce them to a bunch of stuff she’s planning on airing on the radio. 
Who is more likely to tickle the other mercilessly?: Neither. 
Who needs to hold the other during scary movies?: Astrid? Though Zara would definitely be faking the whole ‘I’m scared, please hold me’ just so Astrid will hold her.
Who has to help the other when it comes to technology?: Zara.
Who likes to get a bit frisky in public / an inappropriate setting?: Zara, but she’d most likely say something on the risqué side to get a reaction out of them rather than do something. 
Who wakes up first, and do they wake up the other or let them rest?: Astrid maybe, and would probably just let Zara sleep. 
Who is always taking pictures of the other when they aren’t looking?: Zara. She has whole folders labeled with ‘love of my life’ and ‘gorgeeooouusss’ for such occasions. 
Who always forgets their wallet and never ends up paying for anything?: Neither. 
Who can’t sleep because the other snores or moves too much at night?: Astrid, maybe. Zara is a slightly restless sleeper. 
Who is better at video games, and do they let the other win or show no mercy?: Zara, and she’d let Astrid win. But she’d also teach Astrid how to play them. 
Who always gets up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and accidentally wakes up the other?: Zara. She apologizes and gives Astrid little kisses as she comes and goes. 
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rainydetectiveglitter · 3 months
꒰ ♡ ꒱Astrology and The Female Archetypes ꒰ ♡ ꒱
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I've always been fascinated by Carl Jung's archetypes, and I thought it would be interesting to merge them with astrology. Take a look and let me know what you think—it's all in good fun, so if it doesn't quite line up, no worries!
꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎ
The Sage
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Key Traits: Wisdom, knowledge, philosophical insight, intellectual depth.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Sun: Typically in Sagittarius or Capricorn, emphasizing a quest for truth, higher learning, and wisdom. Sun conjunct Ascendant highlights a strong personal identity tied to wisdom.
Mercury: Often in Scorpio or Sagittarius, indicating deep thinking, insightful communication, and a probing mind. Mercury conjunct Pluto intensifies depth of thought and investigative skills.
Jupiter: Strongly placed (in Sagittarius, Pisces, or in aspect to Sun/Mercury), emphasizing expansion, optimism, and a philosophical outlook on life.
Pluto: In Scorpio, contributing to a transformative approach to knowledge, deep psychological insights, and a profound understanding of power dynamics.
Celebrity Example:
Oprah Winfrey (Sun in Aquarius, Mercury in Aquarius, Jupiter in Sagittarius)
Jane Fonda (Sun in Sagittarius, Mercury in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Capricorn)
The Mystic
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Key Traits: Spiritual depth, intuition, connection to mystical realms.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Neptune: Strongly placed in Pisces, indicating a deep connection to spirituality, dreams, and the subconscious. Neptune conjunct Venus enhances sensitivity and mystical experiences in relationships.
Moon: Often in Pisces or Cancer, enhancing emotional sensitivity, intuitive abilities, and a deep connection to the collective unconscious.
Pluto: In Scorpio, contributing to a transformative spiritual journey, profound psychological insights, and the ability to uncover hidden truths.
Celebrity Example:
Stevie Nicks (Neptune in Scorpio, Moon in Gemini, Pluto in Leo)
Björk (Neptune in Scorpio, Moon in Sagittarius, Pluto in Virgo)
The Wise Old Woman
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Key Traits: Maturity, wisdom, nurturing, emotional depth.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Moon: Typically in Cancer or Taurus, highlighting emotional nurturing, intuition, and connection to natural cycles. Moon trine Venus or Jupiter enhances emotional intelligence and nurturing qualities.
Mars: Often in Cancer or Capricorn, indicating protective instincts, emotional strength, and caregiving abilities. Mars in aspect to Saturn can add discipline and responsibility to nurturing roles.
Saturn: Well-placed (in Capricorn, Aquarius, or in aspect to Moon/Mars), emphasizing wisdom gained through experience, structure, and a grounded approach to life.
Celebrity Example:
Meryl Streep (Moon in Cancer, Mars in Leo, Saturn in Leo)
Judi Dench (Moon in Virgo, Mars in Cancer, Saturn in Aquarius)
The Queen
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Key Traits: Leadership, sovereignty, regal presence.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Sun: Often in Leo or Capricorn, indicating leadership qualities, strength of character, and a sense of authority. Sun trine or sextile Saturn enhances leadership abilities and a structured approach to authority.
Venus: Strongly placed (in Taurus, Libra, or in aspect to Sun/Saturn), emphasizing grace, diplomacy, and a balanced approach to relationships.
Saturn: Well-placed (in Capricorn, Aquarius, or in aspect to Sun/Venus), highlighting discipline, responsibility, and the ability to lead with integrity and longevity.
Celebrity Example:
Queen Elizabeth II (Sun in Taurus, Venus in Taurus, Saturn in Capricorn)
Cate Blanchett (Sun in Taurus, Venus in Aries, Saturn in Pisces)
The Mother
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Key Traits: Nurturing, compassion, caregiving.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Moon: Typically in Cancer or Taurus, emphasizing emotional nurturing, protective instincts, and a strong bond with family. Moon conjunct Fortuna enhances themes of emotional security and caregiving roles.
Mars: Often in Cancer or Virgo, indicating caretaking abilities, nurturing energy, and dedication to others’ well-being. Mars in aspect to Moon or Venus adds passion and protective instincts.
Fortuna: Well-placed (in Cancer, Taurus, or in aspect to Moon), highlighting themes of home, family, and emotional security.
Celebrity Example:
Angelina Jolie (Moon in Aries, Mars in Cancer, Fortuna in Taurus)
Michelle Obama (Moon in Pisces, Mars in Gemini, Fortuna in Cancer)
The Maiden
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Key Traits: Youthfulness, innocence, new beginnings.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
North Node: In Leo or Aries, indicating a path towards personal growth, independence, and creative expression. North Node trine Sun enhances self-expression and leadership potential.
Mercury: Often in Gemini or Virgo, enhancing communication skills, curiosity, and adaptability. Mercury conjunct Uranus adds originality and a progressive approach to learning.
Venus: Well-placed (in Libra, Taurus, or in aspect to North Node), highlighting a playful, flirtatious approach to love and relationships.
Celebrity Example:
Emma Watson (North Node in Leo, Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Virgo)
Taylor Swift (North Node in Cancer, Mercury in Sagittarius, Venus in Scorpio)
The Huntress
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Key Traits: Independence, strength, courage.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Mars: Strongly placed (in Aries, Scorpio, or in aspect to Uranus), emphasizing assertiveness, courage, and a pioneering spirit. Mars conjunct Uranus adds a rebellious streak and innovative energy.
Uranus: Well-placed (in Aquarius, Aries, or in aspect to Mars), highlighting independence, originality, and a progressive approach to goals and challenges.
Jupiter: Can enhance optimism, exploration, and a quest for freedom and adventure.
Celebrity Example:
Serena Williams (Mars in Gemini, Uranus in Libra, Jupiter in Capricorn)
Amelia Earhart (Mars in Aries, Uranus in Gemini, Jupiter in Sagittarius)
The Lover ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
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Key Traits: Passion, emotional depth in relationships.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Venus: Strongly placed (in Taurus, Libra, or in aspect to Moon/Mars), indicating a love of beauty, harmony, and a deep emotional connection in relationships. Venus opposite Mars can highlight tension between desire and affection.
Moon: Well-placed (in Cancer, Pisces, or in aspect to Venus), enhancing sensitivity, empathy, and emotional receptivity.
Mars: Can contribute to passion, desire, and intensity in romantic pursuits.
Celebrity Example:
Beyoncé Knowles (Venus in Libra, Moon in Scorpio, Mars in Leo)
Marilyn Monroe (Venus in Aries, Moon in Aquarius, Mars in Leo)
Each archetype can be further explored through additional astrological traits that uniquely resonate with individuals. Feel free to explore and see what aligns best with your personality. This is all for enjoyment and entertainment, so share your thoughts—I'd love to hear what resonates with you!
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inhumanhacker · 2 months
☎ ( the treasure hunters )
Send ☎ for your muse’s info in my muses phone (name, ringtone, picture, last text received/sent).
Name: The Finn to My Rey
Ringtone: Currently, but changes often
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Last text sent: I got us tickets to San Diego Comic Con!
Last Text received: omg! I love you!
Name: Charles
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Last text sent: What about Rome this weekend?
Last text received: What about Venice?
Name: Elizabeth (he doesn't bother with pet names)
Ringtone: Currently (Ashley messes with his phone remotely. He just hasn't figured it out yet)
Picture: (sneakily snapped)
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Last text received: I'm going to a baseball game this weekend.
Last text sent: shall I accompany you?
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marsmarauders · 2 months
Marauders Full-Name Headcanons!
I have these in my character profiles (anyone wanna see those?) for the marauders characters and I just wanna get them out there!
James Fleamont Potter
Sirius Orion Black
Remus John Lupin
Peter William Pettigrew
Lily Jane Evans
Mary Anne Macdonald
Marlene Elizabeth McKinnon
Alice Louise Fortescue
Frank Oliver Longbottom
Kingsley Desmond Shacklebolt
Emmeline Rose Vance
Dorcas Camille Meadowes
Severus Tobias Snape
Regulus Arcturus Black
Bartemius Crouch Jr (He doesn't have a middle name).
Evander Felix Rosier
Pandora Sage Rosier
Xenophilius Augustus Lovegood
That's it!! Let me know your thoughts! <3
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theflyingkipper · 4 months
a short crappy essay about emily
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The writing of girl characters in TTTE genuinely infuriates me. There’s a lot of girl characters who were done absolutely dirty, but it always comes back to Emily for me.
Emily had agency and attitude and purpose in S8-12 and it was erased in favor of a “hi. I’m nice. Im the girl character” nothing one-note personality. What do we know about post HiT era Emily? (And honestly, S7 Emily too. Her introduction is kind of weak in my opinion). She wants to help out. She’s safety oriented. She’s… I don’t know. You could replace her with Rosie or Rebecca or whoever in the cgi episodes where she’s driving the story, and nothing would change. I can’t name any major differences between Emily post-rewrite and Rosie in her entire tenure. Aside from how they’re introduced to Thomas and interact with him, really… which sucks. They don’t have major differences in characterizations outside interacting with a male lead. 
AND the worst part is that there are moments where you can SEE they were crafting bold, interesting girl characters and they were either completely sanitized or forgotten about. Molly has a very particular basis. It's not a flashy type where the engine’s basis is the center of the character’s entire personality/marketing/etc (Mighty Mac and Hank come to mind). It feels clear to me that Molly was going to be more important. And then… she wasn’t. She appeared like 3 times, said nearly nothing and never appeared again. I wish I lived in a world where Emily kept her bossy personality and had this contrasted by Molly’s shyness and timidity. 
In my perfect world, Emily is bossy and important, and has some complexes about not needing help or knowing more than others. She’s intelligent and rambunctious, feeling like she’s made for more than the fast express duties that she was designed for. She wants to be involved and get dirty. (Which is a sentiment that I think a lot of young girls can relate to!) Maybe this causes other engines to view her as childish, but we know it's because even if she’s an old design- she has youthful zeal. I think that's a compelling personality and character to make from a Stirling Single, rather than just making another “old wise sage” character (we’ve got plenty of those and in different flavors!) An old engine that's hard to register as “old” at all, though not like Edward, she reads like this because she’s childish and immature- Someone immature, but in a distinct flavor of immature than Percy or Gordon. This Emily has so much room to bounce off other characters, and she does. The way she acts in Respect for Gordon comes to mind. Emily’s bossiness brings a much needed shakeup to the monotony of seasons 8-12. 
In addition, big, snooty, important characters are a staple of TTTE, but it's an archetype almost exclusively reserved for male characters. You could make an argument that Daisy and Elizabeth support these, but I think they’re different (or underdeveloped) enough not to fit this. Emily is the exception here. I think it's why she’s remembered so well as the female TTTE character that immediately comes to mind. Emily could be great, and she was great. 
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