venus111 · 5 months
Astrology observations
🌞 Pluto in the 3rd house have a high risk of getting hit by a car & road accidents
🌞 Sagittarius rising & Virgo rising attract people that gossip about them good or bad
🌞 Pluto square ascendant feel like they are being watched all the time
🌞 venus in Scorpio degrees have been betrayed so many times they end up becoming players and don’t believe in love
🌞 if you have water in the 7th house people want to know who you’re dating they don’t have privacy
🌞 don’t think about cheating if you’re in a relationship with a Taurus rising they become very hostile and end up being criminals.
🌞 Taurus placements are smart people they are math whiz
🌞 Scorpio and Gemini placements experience hormonal imbalance
🌞 cancer placements hold onto emotions and words of the people who hurt them they don’t forget things easily
🌞 Air signs men are prone to being homosexual
🌞 I bet 90% of astrologers in tumblr are Virgo rising lol. Virgo rising tries hard to be anyone and everyone to too many people, if they like someone they’ll google &find out everything that they can about that person
🌞 Scorpio placements have the most beautiful eyes
🌞 Leo sun like being in control they can be bossy
🌞 8th house synastry is difficult to forget you’ll always hear their names being mentioned or reminisce the past
🌞 Mars-Pluto aspects can sense danger very easily
🌞 you can recognise a Gemini rising by their chin it’s pointy
🌞 Scorpio placements honestly have the kindest hearts
🌞 mutable signs attract each other they get along well with one another
Pls don’t copy my work🦋
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caturnmoon · 2 months
The sun 🌞 through the houses!!(7-12)
•Part II•
•Sun in the 7th•
With your sun in the seventh your identity and ego will have a major focus on relationships of all kinds. This could also indicate a competitive personality in your relationship sphere; whether that be your work environment, sports, intimate relationships, etc..Similar to that of Mars in the 7th house in a way. Partnerships will be an important part of who you are. You are a naturally assertive person who knows what they want out of live and isn’t afraid of pursuing that! Networking will be of the utmost importance for you and how these qualities will be expressed. Teamwork means a lot for you and an equal exchange of give and take. If aspected positively, this can show that you understand the value of healthy boundaries. Your relationships with others and yourself will teach you a lot in this lifetime and you’ll learn more about yourself through them as well. Having your sun here could also show a healthy and influential relationship with your father or paternal figure unless negatively aspected. You could also be known for your relationship(s) with your spouse too. You could also love art and beautiful things and carry yourself with Venusian grace since the 7th house is ruled by Venus!
•Sun in the 8th•
With the sun in the house of intimacy, debts, inheritance, joint finances, transformation and death, you’ll most likely have a lot of experience with any of these themes. With your solar luminary in this house, you’ll be seen as someone who undergoes many transformations in your life. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, so will you. Time and time again. You have a natural knowledge and respect-if positively aspected to reinforce this- of life and death. This cycle applies to the many ego deaths you’ll experience as well. Perhaps your father or someone you looked up to as a father figure passed early on and left a huge impact on you as well. Inheritance from the paternal side of your family could be possible too, whether material or spiritual gifts or karma. This also stands out to me as someone who’s meant to end some generational curses and karma in their family and break those cycles. You could also exude a very powerful aura to others and come off as very scorpionic as well. You have a natural sensitivity to all the hidden nuances in life and the unseen; your bullshit radar is unlike any other. This placement heeds you to listen to your gut, because it’ll never lead you stray!
•Sun in the 9th•
Your ego and identity are tied to the themes of the 9th house of Sagittarius; expansion, higher learning, philosophical pursuits, and foreign travel. These are themes that will have an over arching role in your lifetime and the sun will shine a spotlight on this. If there are many aspects to Mercury, this could further highlight an importance on education and a knack for teaching as well. Seeking a deeper understanding of life around you- and abroad- are mostly likely going to be of great significance to you and your identity. If positively aspected by Jupiter, this only gets magnified for you as Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius and the 9th house. With your sun being in the 9th house, this can also indicate that your father settled abroad in a foreign land from his home of origin. Settling abroad and moving often could be a potential for you as well, as 9th house placements and heavy sag in the chart can show this as well. You will be constantly searching for the next biggest thing to learn and experience, being known as a student of life itself. You could also grow into being known as a really seasoned and wise person that people can count on for rich anecdotal advice and guidance. This is another “gets better with time” placement similar to the 2nd house sun but rather than solely material wealth, this wealth translates to wisdom and experience/knowledge.
•Sun in the 10•
Ahhhh yes, the ever so overemphasized “fame” placement. (Sorry, I just had to, cause having this doesn’t automatically grant massive fame. 🫶🏼) Having your sun in the 10th shows an emphasis on being known for taking on responsibilities and an enterprising spirit at some point in your life since this house is ruled by Capricorn and Saturn. The solar luminary in this house will shine a spotlight on your hard work and accomplishments in your career! You will be known for what you do for a living most likely and known as a hardworking and accomplished person. This also rules legacies and since the 10th house is ruled by Saturn and both Saturn and the sun can represent the father, he could leave his legacy for you or you could be inspired by him or his work as well. A great example is my little brother; he has his sun in the 10th and he decided to follow in my dad’s footsteps and become a nurse as well. “Taking on the family business” can be another possibility with this placement and you could be highly favored by your father or he could have a huge impact on you. How you’re seen and perceived in public could also be very important to you and you more than likely will be very popular especially in your field of work. You will have natural talent and ability to accomplish anything you set your mind to, as the Sun illuminates the more positive attribute of Saturn in this house. This can indicate fame if the rest of the chart supports this, but at the very minimum, this means you have the drive to better yourself and lead whatever venture you go on with diligence and success!
•Sun in the 11th•
The 11th house is another underrated wealth and fame placement if positively aspected and supported by the rest of the chart. With the sun shining its light on the house of larger communities, wish fulfillment, philanthropy, and technology, this can indicate a person with a wide network of friends that help support them in life. They can be the leader of a community or cause and volunteer work and charity work could be of great importance to them at some point in life. If supported by other benefics in the chart great wealth could be a real possibility and popularity on a massive scale. Since the 11th rules the realm of technological advancements as well, you could be very popular on social media or online in general. Blogging, astrology, or even work in the government could also appeal to you since these are associated with “larger” groups of people. Your friends can also be family to you and they will have a huge influence in your life. If you also have Pluto in this house then there’s a possibility of being supported by powerful friends and people. Politicians are know to have heavy 11th house activity. You are seen as one of a kind and original, never replicated! The more you step into your authenticity and embrace your quirks, the more you will shine in life. Those with this placement could have felt ostracized and isolated at a young age whether from their families or peers for being different and are very sensitive to others and making sure everyone feels seen and included. You have a strong desire to be socially recognized and you most likely will be known for this.
•Sun in the 12•
Last but never least and a very misunderstood placement like a lot of other 12th house placements. The sun in the 12th house of endings, losses, spirituality, isolation and dreams is such a profound placement to be treated with respect. It is thought that those with their sun in the 12th were royalty in a past life (also a common placement in a lot of royal’s charts in general.) and since the 12th rules the hidden, this could be in their subconscious in this lifetime. The 12th rules hidden talents and the subconscious mind so with these placements there’s usually a lot to be gained from the planet it’s in which can hint towards these talents. Since the 12th is ruled by Neptune and Pisces you may come off very soft spoken and introverted to others and only show parts of yourself that you’re comfortable revealing (the sun). The suns attributes can be quieted here at first; perhaps you felt you couldn’t take up space as a child and had other family members that took priority over you. This can also indicate foreign settlement and estrangement from your father. You are an absolute light and joy to everyone around you and you most likely won’t see this quality in yourself but others most definitely will! With the 12th also being known as the connector from this world and the spirit world you could also have a natural sensitivity to this as well. Vivid dreams and astral travel can be pretty common. Spirituality will be an area of focus you will be leaning into most likely and have aptitude here. You will need a lot of alone time to decompress from harsher energies because you’re like a psychic sponge. You could have the ability to read auras too, since the sun shines a “light” in these matters as well. I have this placement in whole sign and can see auras! Always remember that with this placement, how you view yourself is almost never how others perceive you. Thoughtful, kind and artistic; this world needs more souls like you!
Until next time! 👽🖖🏼
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astroismypassion · 6 months
Astrology observations 🌞🌞🌞
Credit @astroismypassion
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🌞 Taurus Venus child in the family is known to be someone “you need a lot of money for”, they are the high maintenance of the family. They are also quite particular in how they want their things to be made, for example no homemade coffee, just Starbucks.
🌞 Aries Sun, Venus and Mars need their windows open for fresh air as often as possible. They feel as there constantly no air in the room.
🌞 Pisces Vesta women don’t compete with other women for male attention or approval ever. They also have a very “if you can steal him, then you can also have him” mentality.
🌞 Libra Vesta native has a lot of female friends.
🌞 There is a reason why Taurus Venus is actually really good at shopping (and it’s probably their favourite hobby as well). It’s because they find the best price.
🌞 I have not met a single Scorpio or Aries Moon that does not like rap, R’n’B or hip hop.
🌞 Aries Moon woman or man was often not picked as the crush or romantic interest when younger. That’s why some of them have player vibe around them when older. Because they want to know how does it feel to have options.
🌞 Also, for some reason Aries Moons often attract people that don’t want to commit or are scared of partnerships.
🌞 I noticed that Scorpio Venus often has very private partnership later with age. And the reason for this privacy was because when they were younger, their relationship was super public. Or other people got involved, had their opinions about the relationship.
🌞 I noticed Aquarius Suns really don’t have a lot committed partnerships when younger or may stay single in their younger years when their peers are dating.
🌞 Ceres being like a “second Moon sign” indicates also the traits of your own mother. But also how you might act as a parent yourself, most likely your parenting style.
🌞 Cancer Vesta is often found in a Natal chart of a native that is part of a family that has had daughters every family generation.
🌞 The beauty of having Scorpio Venus is absolutely transforming your lovers, but the downside is low self-worth and that’s when jealousy kicks in.
🌞 I think that the placement that often ends up thinking that they will stay forever alone is Aquarius Sun, Aquarius Jupiter, Sun Uranus aspects or Sun at an Aquarius degree, especially women. But the reason for this is often in younger years, they attract unserious people, that’s why they rather stay single. These people also have very high self-love! So it takes them a lot to enjoy someone else’s company.
🌞 Libra Ceres has a tendency for dramatic partnerships, they experience high highs and low lows.
🌞 Virgo or Gemini and Aquarius placement always find each other. Both live pondering on life. And often Aquarius Sun is found in a partnership with someone who has a Virgo or Gemini Moon I noticed. One celebrity example is Matthew McConaughey who has a Virgo Moon and his wife Camila who is an Aquarius Sun.
🌞 Sagittarius Mars women love a partner that is very very fun, but often end up attracting someone who doesn’t take life seriously.
🌞 I think Gemini and Virgo Venus, also Venus in the 6th house are the only people who get “impersonal” compliments, such as “I love how you take care of yourself” rather than relating something with their physical appearance, style.
🌞 Composite Capricorn Rising might experience either family supporting the connection or family being “open enemies” against the connection. Also, they deal with a lot of pregnancy scares.
🌞 I noticed Scorpio Moon or Moon in the 8th house and those with Moon Pluto aspects tend to develop feelings for whoever they spend the most time with! Because it takes them a long, long time to get truly comfortable with someone.
Credit @astroismypassion
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Astrological observation
Virgo women always have a perfect straight noses 👃
Scorpio  SUN s are not as intense Scorpio moons or Scorpio Mars? 🌑
Gemini men and women observe everything going on in the world and they’re very very good at multitasking and having many friends and being many different types of people,🧚🏼
Leos can’t count, whether your man or Leo woman, you find it really hard to add up and do anything mathematically 💰
Virgo can talk the ear off you more than a Gemini can Geminis tend to observe the world more? Where is Virgo like to talk about everything I had it be the other way round where Virgo is brain diarrhoea and Gemini is verbal diarrhoea but I think it’s the other way around sometimes except when Virgo do you get obsessive thoughts ,🤨🗣️
Pisces men and most feminine man of the zodiac , along cancer men ,🌸

Cancer  be more aggressive than Scorpios in a lot of way there were a lot more verbal about it. Where is Scorpios? There a lot tend to do things a lot more sneaky, especially Scorpio Mars and Scorpio mercury.🫥
Virgo  men are not like Virgo women, they can be very annoying and very annoying, they are very so so dub dub, they are very wishy-washy 🤨
Signs most likely to be narcissist and the type of narcissist they were, Leo malignant narcissist, Pisces covert narcissist, sagittarius psychopathic narcissist Aquarius coercive narcissist .😎
Capricorn Placement can actually be very emotional just as much as cancers they just have a different way of expressing it. I need somebody well it’s actually my mother who is a Capricorn Stellium and she’s very emotional but she just doesn’t know how 🤪to put it into way 
All the signs of water signs and the fire sign he tried to be the cool mum,👩🏼
Sagittarius are as vain as Leo but in a different kind of, they care about clothes and how they look they just aren’t as extreme about it 🌞
If you have your Mars in a fire sign, you are awesome, especially if it’s Leo or Aries 🔥 
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mellowellez · 1 year
back with more 🌞astro observations🌞🍀 (again if you don’t resonate/relate than simply scroll hun)
-someone with too much fire in their chart can be toxic, jealous or even very possessive. Or can just simply drain you like I mean yea they’ll be be loyal and like a typical fire signs , but especially if they have a leo or aries stellium they can be very draining too be around/with.
-earth placements are really introverted and awkward like the more earth signs I meet the more I’m like we’re really introverts lol. Now I know not every earth sign is like this depends on their other placements.
- underdeveloped aquarians are loyal… TO THE WRONG PEOPLE.
- uranus/aquarius 11th🤝unstable friendships.
-9th house/sagittarius placements can be very outspoken and blunts af🔥🗣️.
- libra moon/pisces/12H moons are very much ambiverts or introverts. And they can also be manipulative in friendships , relationships etc. they are also very shy people and don’t talk about their feelings really.
- cancer placements can be motherly figures too people that don’t have no one too talk to or get advice from. They might even be the figure that didn’t have themselves growing up.
- the whole thing about Pisces being “majestic” , “dreamy” is true because look at Justin bieber for example💕♓️
- gemini placements are really funny. If I had too pick who was on my team in a roast session I would 100% pick gemini yup!!!!!
- bad aspects to mercury can cause tension, trouble and problems with communication/thinking.
- scorpio placements 🤝revenge on their ex(s).
that’s all for my Astro observations😁. Thank you so much!!
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midheavenastrology · 2 years
🎉🧁Super rando 🎉🧁Astro Observations 🎉🧁
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🍥I do not recommend dating someone who has ur chiron sign- in one way or another they will hurt you unconsciously and trigger you 😔😔😭😓🫣of course this is good in a way because all trauma is meant to be healed ❤️‍🩹🩺🩻but you have to be with someone who is conscious of the hurt they are causing. The chiron person is only really meant to surface these hurts not heal them. Think about it: ur chiron sign is literally embodying the wound that u have so to date that sign is like dating a walking red flag 🚩
🍥People with prominent Jupiter aspects to their ascendant, sun, midheaven will naturally just emit light ! ✨🌞🌻 u shine ! U so sparkle ! Jupiter expands anything it touches, so imagine having sun 🌞 aspecting Jupiter: big energy, big beam of light !!! They also have the loudest, biggest laughs lmao- this is me and everyone always tells me they love how much I laugh at everything/have the biggest guffaw- sound like a dang donkey🐴 sometimes srry not srry 🥲🥲🥲
🍥Someone with a lot of mutable placements absolutely needs fixed energy to ground and stabilize them 😇🥺when it comes to synastry. Especially when it comes to moon sign compatibility. Mutable moons are legit the most moody 🌝😩🌚Cardinal can work too but sometimes feelings will burn out quickly 🐒🔥🌪️💦
🍥However with that said: have y’all ever dated ur opposite moon sign ??? Because that sh*ts fire 🔥
🍥Be careful who you meet romantically during mars or Venus retrograde ⏪⏮️these are past lovers that come back to try sumthin, sumthin out again. Like I went on a dating app 🤪during mars ☄️retrograde and had a super casual fling that burned out super quickly💥💥💥but not with some big lessons. The seggs will be ahmazing because youve fucked around before lol 🍌✨ are the lessons worth it tho, who knos 🥲
🍥Libra and Taurus placements will always be attractive ! trust ! Venus blesses them in some way or another 🌸💅🧖‍♀️ pretty privilege y’all ✨Scorpio and Aries placements will always be sessy, trust ! mars gives them sexy privilege 🍌🍆🌶️ if u got both in ur big three, boy r u trouble 😈
🍥I read somewhere that when you’re embodying your true soul essence you take on ur vedic/sidereal placements: literally have been feelin my triple fire 🔥 placement in vedic ! 😬🌶️🔥
🍥Neptune+mercury placements ….you literally manifest when you speak so be careful what u wish for 🫶 it’s because Neptune: higher spiritual plane, angels 👼, ancestors and then mercury: communication: u are literally speaking to angels mmkay 🥲✨🫶
🍥If you lack fire 🔥 in ur chart, u tend to run V cold 🥶 like ur probs the friend who has cold hands and feet constantly ! Me 🙋‍♀️
🍥Too much mercury in ur chart or air placements can make u constantly in ur head: like u can’t detach ur mind from ur body and soul. It’s gonna be hard 4 u to meditate 🧘‍♀️ tbh. I recommend breath work 4 y’all, so u can get more in tune with ur body/or working out, running, moving ur body 🕺💃🏃‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🤹‍♀️
🍥biggest flirt placements of the zodiac goes to Aries, Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius- if u have all four shidddd…I hope ur significant other is ok 🥲 honorable mention: Pisces (but it’s cus we fall in love like 5 times a day…doesn’t mean we actually know how to flirt tho..we’re just sweet lovers by nature) Aries, Gemini, libra and Sag are the ultimate smooth talkers of the zodiac 🥵
🍥biggest non flirts of the zodiac goes to Capricorn, Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus. Ur flirting style is basically being mean, uninterested or cold. Earth+ Scorpio is very self contained, they like to keep it together and flirting feels stupid and petty. When in a mood, they don’t want to talk to anyone unless there’s a reason for it..like what do u want ? Tell me what u want, set a date and make a plan. Also lez be real: their main love is cash money 🤑
That’s all y’all 🍭🎨🤹‍♀️🤹‍♀️🤹‍♀️🤹‍♀️💅💅💅💅💅☎️☎️☎️☎️☎️☎️🧋🧋🧋🧋🧋🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞
Hope y’all have a magical day 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
Thanks for reading+scoping !! 🥰
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Your Emotional Superpower 🌙
Your Moon sign reveals your inner world, emotional needs, and instinctive reactions. Discover your lunar superpower
♈ Aries Moon:
Lightning-fast emotional processing ⚡
Courageous in facing feelings 🦸‍♀️
Passion that ignites inspiration 🔥
Emotional honesty and directness 🎯
Resilience that bounces back quickly 🦘
Enthusiasm that lifts others 🎈
Instinctive leadership in crises 🚀
♉ Taurus Moon:
Emotional steadiness like a mountain 🏔️
Comfort-seeking nature 🛋️
Deep appreciation for beauty 🌹
Patience that weathers any storm ⛈️
Loyalty that lasts a lifetime 🤝
Grounding presence for others 🌳
Ability to find joy in simple pleasures 🍓
♊ Gemini Moon:
Emotional flexibility and adaptability 🦎
Quick-witted responses to feelings 🧠
Curiosity about emotional experiences 🔍
Skill in articulating complex emotions 🗣️
Youthful spirit that uplifts 🎈
Ability to see multiple perspectives 👀
Emotional intelligence and communication 📞
♋ Cancer Moon:
Intuitive understanding of others 🔮
Nurturing nature that comforts all 🤗
Deep emotional memory 📚
Protective instincts for loved ones 🛡️
Ability to create a sense of home anywhere 🏡
Empathy that heals wounds 🩹
Emotional depth like the ocean 🌊
♌ Leo Moon:
Warmth that brightens any room ☀️
Generous heart full of love ❤️
Dramatic expression of feelings 🎭
Natural ability to uplift others 🎉
Confidence in emotional authenticity 💪
Loyalty that stands the test of time 👑
Creativity in emotional expression 🎨
♍ Virgo Moon:
Analytical approach to emotions 🔬
Ability to find practical solutions to feelings 🛠️
Attention to emotional details others miss 🔍
Desire to be of service when others are down 🤲
Skill in emotional problem-solving 🧩
Modest but deep feelings 🌱
Perfectionism in emotional care 💯
♎ Libra Moon:
Diplomatic handling of emotional conflicts ⚖️
Charm that soothes ruffled feelings 💫
Desire for emotional harmony 🕊️
Ability to see all sides of an emotional issue 👁️
Natural mediator in disputes 🤝
Appreciation for emotional aesthetics 🎭
Romantic approach to life and love 💖
♏ Scorpio Moon:
Emotional intensity that transforms 🦋
Ability to dive deep into feelings 🏊‍♀️
Intuitive understanding of hidden emotions 🕵️‍♀️
Passionate approach to emotional life ❤️‍🔥
Resilience through emotional extremes 💪
Loyalty that borders on possessiveness 🔒
Power to emotionally renew and rebuild 🏗️
♐ Sagittarius Moon:
Optimism that brightens dark moods 🌞
Philosophical approach to emotions 🧘‍♀️
Adventurous spirit in emotional exploration 🗺️
Honest expression of feelings 📣
Ability to find humor in emotional situations 😂
Freedom-loving emotional nature 🦅
Inspiring enthusiasm for life's journey 🚀
♑ Capricorn Moon:
Emotional self-control and maturity 🧘‍♂️
Responsible approach to feelings 📊
Ability to stay calm in emotional storms ⛈️
Determination to overcome emotional challenges 🏔️
Practical wisdom in handling emotions 🦉
Long-term emotional planning 🗓️
Quiet strength that others rely on �oak
♒ Aquarius Moon:
Unique and unconventional emotional style 🦄
Ability to detach and analyze feelings 🔬
Humanitarian approach to emotions 🌍
Innovative solutions to emotional problems 💡
Friendship-oriented emotional needs 👥
Open-mindedness to new emotional experiences 🌈
Visionary emotional intelligence 🔮
♓ Pisces Moon:
Boundless empathy and compassion 🌊
Intuitive understanding of others' feelings 🐬
Artistic expression of emotions 🎨
Ability to emotionally merge with surroundings 🌌
Dreamy and imaginative emotional life 💭
Spiritual approach to feelings 🕯️
Healing presence for others' emotional pain 🌿
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loveemagicpeace · 1 year
💜Astro Notes💜
🩵Neptune in 1st house-many times you attract the attention of children. Because you give energy as if you are some kind of character and then they see you as some person who is not real and is more of a dream. Dreamy things often suit you. You look like a fairy. Makeup looks best on them.
🥳Sagittarius placements are soo funny. They always have the best jokes. And if you can laugh with anyone, it's them. But the funniest thing to me is that sometimes they also laugh at their own jokes.
🌙Moon in 6th house- can make you emotionally unstable and overly concerned about your health. Many times you can think the worst about situation. The moon here has a good instinct, but it can deceive you many times if you are too nervous. Your day often depends on how you feel. So your health also depends on your well-being.
🌵Mercury in 6th house- you can become obsessed with your treatment or think too much and research (when you are sick) what could be the cause and why it is so. It is good for these people to work on themselves and to do things that add as little stress to them as possible. Especially if you have a scorpion in this house.
🧸Taurus moon- they don't like to change the environment, and they don't like new people around them. They mostly like to stick with people they have known for a long time. I have the feeling that even if they see new people, they still like to stick with the old ones. It's the same with the Cancer moon - they are tied to emotion. On the connection they have with people. They do not like to change the people around them, because they feel that the new ones will never perceive them as emotionally as the old ones. It is difficult for them to let go of the emotion they feel for someone. Both moons are tied to a feeling of familiar. Both moons love someone they met in the past or childhood love can be at the forefront here many times.
🎈Aries & capricorn placements-these people are obsessed with winning in business. They will do everything just to be better than their competition, to prove to others that they are the best and that they can succeed. I won't lie these people can devote their lives to their careers.
💙Pluto in 1st house- These people will always have secrets that they will not confide in anyone. This is not about them lying, but their energy tends to keep their secrets to themselves, so as not to burden others. But the secrets you find out about them can be really, really dark. They can be dying in the hospital or have a serious illness and they won't tell anyone. These people are every strong inside.
🌞Leo placements -if they love you they will do anything for you. If they don't have you then they can be very selfish.
🍀Mercury in Virgo- analyze every situation and think a lot about how they acted. Many times when they tell a story, they go into detail. But it depends on where mercury falls in their house. If mercury is in the 3rd house then they will be very talkative and sometimes won't stop talking. If mercury is in the 12th house their thoughts will be more poetic.
💫 3rd house is house of gossip so people with a lot of planets here will be very interested in what others are doing or what is happening in the neighborhood.
🎸I think people with sagittarius placements can be very generous, passionate and devoted in love. People underestimate their love. They will give you all the love in the world. They will show you all their favorite places and everything that brings them happiness. They will want to travel and discover the world with you.
🔥Fire signs always wear colorful clothes or someting fiery. 🌊Water signs always wear something which is related to emotions (inscriptions or something that is emotional). 🪴Earth signs always wear simple and grounded clothes . Something that is appropriate for society. 🌬️Air signs always wear something cute and fun.
🪴People don’t talk about this but capricorns love nature, flowers, earth and gardening. They like something that is not related to people, work. Also cap risings many times they feel responsible for the people around them. They sound cold and can be stubborn, cruel and even rude, but inside they will always feel bad for people, even if they don't show it outwardly. If you really want to get to know them, you have to know that you have to hang out with them more than just once.
🎁5th house-the inner child-this house describes how you are as a child and how you can keep the child inside you. So thats why leos are child their whole life. They know how to keep passion alive. Planets here reflect the essence of this inner gift.
🌊The difference between a virgo and pisces rising is that virgo often worry and become anxious when something doesn't go their way or when they can present themselves to people. Many times they give more attention to others instead of themselves. Pisces don't worry so much about how they will stand out in front of others or how they look. They have a lot of illusion in them and many times this leads them to emit a different energy outwardly.
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astrow0rldx · 10 days
jhene aiko birth chart notes ⭐️
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- pisces stellium in 3/6 of her main placements. sun moon and mercury. while neptune falls in her first house. we can definitely see that energy in jhene aiko character, look, music, voice, personality, etc. so ethereal, dreamy, spiritual, idealistic. neptune/pisces rules substances, sleep, astral projection, escapism, etc. she quite literally makes music on sleep, sound bath frequencies, lsd, sativa (marijuana), soul etc. people with neptune in the first tend to draw people in with their ethereal trippy aura. adrina lima, marilyn monroe, kylie jenner, ariana grande, kim kardashian, etc.
- her saturn and uranus is also in the first house. first house plays a part to your physical appearance and saturn in 1st could be why her bone structure is emphasized and she’s slim. uranus in her first house makes her a rebel, free, independent, revolutionary, a freak. pushed in her 1st house she probably is seen as someone with great ideas and fans. added to her sagittarius rising/1st house, emphasis on free and adventurous. independent and experiencing. humanitarian, ideas, and REVOLUTION. different from the norm, unconventional, rebel and inventive.
- just admiring her big 3. pisces sun, pisces moon, sagittarius rising. sagittarius is higher education. she like a pope, a pastor or something. not literally but she has a very spiritual smart big 3 while sagittarius in her 1st house, outlook on life makes her an adventurous experiencer, life of the party.
- her mercury and moon is in the 3rd house. her third house is something that we get to perceive in her word, language, music, poetry etc. she can express her feelings through music, and she can express her way of thinking and communicating through communicating aka music. mercury in 3rd house makes her a great writer and communicater, while also being in the planet of her comfort. Mercury in 3rd house is also her 10th house ruler so to her career, status and reputation she’s a lyrical person. actually her life purpose (north node) is in the 3rd house of communication.
- in her 5th house where we can see her inner child, pleasurable, playful creative side where she shines. she has venus there 💞 and jupiter 🏇. so jupiter is her luck and blessings. so it’s in her creativity, playful, funny party even sexual and pleasurable side. venus is her love life, romance, love language, attraction, aesthetics, beauty, fashion, style. which also falls into that house. so her hobbies can include being blessed and pretty, in love lol. of course more complex than that. but you know. her venus is also in taurus and i love people with this placement. you can tell in her naturalistic aesthetic. outside in nature, jewelry, materialistic but earthy stuff. they usually smell so good and look so put together and natural.
- Pluto in 11th house. Mars in the 2nd house in Capricorn. Heavy Famous Money Making Potiential. Pluto is where her power is, 11th house is all about your fans, your groups, communities, humanitarianism as a whole. revolutions, ideas and inventions. Mars is where her drive is, her motivation and ambition. her passion. it’s in her self worth, her values, her material possessions, her income, her money. in Capricorn it behaves seriously and disciplined.
- Euterpe (27) is an Asteroid of Music, Poetry, Song, etc. it’s also in her 11th house of groups social media fans and communities. it trines her moon & sextiles her mars so in good relationship with her comfort and peace. also her passion and motivation.
- Tone (1266) is her tone of voice. in her 6th house, it plays into her job. where 2nd house is her income, 10th house is her career. 6th house is your slave house the hard work the routines.
- Chiron is in her 7th house. one placement (not the only i know i haven’t mentioned others) that we share. but Chiron is where your wounded at that you can become an expert in to heal others. In her 7th house of relationships.
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝑨𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒚 𝑳𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒔!
The next lesson is on Mars; this planet is known for what makes us tick, our passion, what makes us angry and how we express that anger. It also represents our desires and how we go about getting it. The sign of Mars reveals a lot about our basic animal nature; our instincts, sexuality and our drive.
First Lesson: Sun🌞
Second Lesson: Moon🌙
Third Lesson: Rising/Ascendant💫
Fourth Lesson: Venus
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Mars is the planet of action, energy, and initiative. In a micro sense, it's your drive.
○ Zodiac sign Mars rules: Aries
○ Exalted in: Capricorn
○ House Mars rules: 1st House of Self
○ Mars retrogrades: Once every 2 years, each retrograde lasting around 10 weeks
○ Mars stays in each zodiac sign for: 6-7 weeks
○ Mars makes a complete trip through the zodiac: About every 2 years
○ Physical Energy: Athletics, Sex,
Mars represents these people:
Leaders, Athletes, Aggressive people
and these things:
Weapons, sharp or dangerous objects
Mars rules the Head.
All of us have Mars somewhere. If we do not respect him and give his energy an outlet, if we bottle up our anger and frustration, the energy will eventually force its way out in ways that are unconscious and potentially destructive. A blocked or frustrated Mars can bring injury and illness to the physical body, aggressive persons, impatience, rudeness, hastiness, or inappropriate competitive urges. That is one reason why exercise of the physical body is so important to our physical and mental health.
If Mars is Retrograde
Mars retrograde turns Mars energy inward.
Bottled up anger, fighting, aggression, assertiveness, confidence, initiative. With Mars retro in your natal chart, Mars energy turns inward and you may accept aggression from others. You tend to internalize anger and be really hard on yourself. You learned to swallow it all up in childhood, and you can unlearn it if you deal honestly with your past and turn towards the positive use of Mars.
𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑅𝑎𝑚
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Weapon: Ram’s horns, head-butting
Mars is at home in the sign of Aries, meaning it can do what it does best: act! That is because it is the natural ruler of Aries, meaning it is at home or “domicile” in this zodiac sign.
People with this energy are unafraid to take action and often tend to be quite courageous.
However, that can also make them quite brash and impulsive — diving in first and thinking about it later. They will have a feisty temper and sex drive, easily ignited but then just as quickly dissipated once it has been released.
When it comes to sex, these individuals like to jump into the action, as their libido is especially high.
Despite Aries getting much of its reputation for feistiness from the god of war, Ares, your Mars sign is actually named after the ram in the Golden fleece mythology. Nonetheless, Mars is still Aries’s planetary ruler, and is super powerful in this sign!
Celebrities with this aspect:
Steve Jobs: Mars in Aries, Pisces Sun.
Stephen Hawking: Mars in Aries, Capricorn Sun.
Kate Hudson: Mars in Aries, Aries Sun.
Russell Crowe: Mars in Aries, Aries Sun.
Tyra Banks: Mars in Aries, Sagittarius Sun.
Bernie Sanders: Mars in Aries, Virgo Sun.
Joe Namath: Mars in Aries, Gemini Sun.
There is an obvious link between each of these people: Ambition.
𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐵𝑢𝑙𝑙
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Weapon: Bull’s horns, bullheadedness, and brute strength
These individuals take action, pursue their goals and express their sex drive in a more refined and practical way.
People with this placement are slow and steady in tackling what they’re after — but once they set their minds upon it, there is nothing stopping them!
Usually slow to anger, their patience is also quite strong. However, once frustrated, they will dig in their heels and likely become quite stubborn and adamant about what they want.
“Slow and steady wins the race” could easily be a motto for Mars in Taurus. These goal-oriented people are not known for their speed, but their staying power is tremendous.
Generally calm and easygoing people, Mars in Taurus natives can have powerful tempers when they’re overly provoked. They generally don’t fly off the handle as quickly as others.
Celebrities with this aspect:
Madonna: Leo Sun, Mars in Taurus.
Lucy Lawless: Aries Sun, Mars in Taurus.
Muhammad Ali: Capricorn Sun, Mars in Taurus.
Kanye West: Gemini Sun, Mars in Taurus.
Stephen Colbert: Taurus Sun, Mars in Taurus.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy: Gemini Sun, Mars in Taurus.
There is an obvious link between each of these people: Authority/Power
𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑇𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑠
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Weapon: Words, hands, and the mind
Individuals with this aspect are extremely focused on logic, discussion and connection.
When it comes to conflict, they will use their words and messages to punish or destroy.
People with this energy are often highly social and prefer spontaneity and adventure when it comes to their lives.
They tend to be fascinated by ideas and crave interaction or else they will become bored quite easily. These individuals have a high level of energy and enthusiasm for life and can communicate quite animatedly.
You’re quick on your feet, but your mouth moves even faster. If you don’t slow down every now and then, you’re also prone to cutting people with your words. Just because you can say it, doesn’t mean you should. Speaking carefully is important if you don’t want to hurt others unintentionally or have your own words used against you.
Celebrities with this aspect:
Martin Luther King: Mars in Gemini, Capricorn Sun
Chris Evans: Mars in Gemini, Gemini Sun
Uma Thurman: Mars in Gemini, Taurus Sun
Al Pacino: Mars in Gemini, Taurus Sun
Sandra Bullock: Mars in Gemini, Leo Sun
Meryl Streep: Mars in Gemini, Cancer Sun
There is an obvious link between each of these people: Charm
𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐶𝑟𝑎𝑏
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Weapon: Small but sharp crab pincers, protective shell
People with this placement are often extremely emotional individuals and become very fired up about everything they feel.
Emotional connection is a top priority and they often express the need to be a caretaker or nurture those around them.
However, when it comes to conflict, they will only use anger as a vehicle for their emotions if it is absolutely necessary, more likely to stew in their moods.
They can also be quite passive-aggressive.
Like the side-walking crab, you’re known for playing defense in a less direct manner. Like Mars in Taurus, Mars in Cancer expresses itself in a unique way, contrary to its planetary nature. When you respond to an argument or an invitation to bone, you come prepared, but it also hints that you may have a tendency to overthink things.
Celebrities with this aspect:
Cardi B: Mars in Cancer, Moon in Aries, Libra Sun
Steven King: Mars in Cancer, Moon in Sagittarius, Virgo Sun
RuPaul: Mars in Cancer, Moon in Scorpio, Scorpio Sun
Dolly Parton: Mars in Cancer, Moon in Virgo, Capricorn Sun
Keanu Reeves: Mars in Cancer, Moon in Cancer, Virgo Sun.
Miley Ray Cyrus: Mars in Cancer, Moon in Scorpio, Sagittarius Sun.
Robin Williams: Mars in Cancer, Moon in Pisces, Cancer Sun.
There is an obvious link between each of these people: Memorable
𝐋𝐞𝐨 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐿𝑖𝑜𝑛
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Weapon: Teeth
Mars in Leo gives someone the energy to be the star of the show — eager to express themselves, entertain and achieve everything they’re passionate about.
They are charismatic and driven and aim high both personally and professionally.
Living a fulfilling life is a top priority for them, as they struggle with following a path that doesn’t give them the freedom to follow their dreams.
In conflict, these people can be quite fierce, unleashing a fit of rage — especially if their sense of ego has been offended.
No one wants to mess with a lion, so you’re quite proud to have Mars in Leo! Your roar is loud—and your bite is hard, too. You command respect and have a regal air about you. You almost have to laugh when someone picks a fight with you because it’s unbelievable that someone would imagine confronting you! In the wild, lions commonly strangulate prey by crushing their airways with their teeth/jaw force…you do this by stealing the spotlight from your nemeses. Just like lions that hunt in prides, you possess social influence and know how to sway people in the direction you want, particularly to turn on those who have wronged you and others.
Celebrities with this aspect:
Beyonce Knowles: Virgo with Mars in Leo
Michael Jackson: Virgo with Mars in Leo
George Clooney: Taurus with Mars in Leo
Paul McCartney: Gemini with Mars in Leo
Sting: Libra with Mars in Leo
Robert Redford: Leo with Mars in Leo
There is an obvious link between each of these people: Star-Power
𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑀𝑎𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛
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Weapon: Holier than thou, will condemn you
Mars in Virgo grants someone a strong work ethic and a goal-oriented nature. They tend to be highly analytical and able to manage many projects and people at once.
These individuals are excellent planners and organizers and favour productivity above all else.
They also are often highly communicative and practice restraint and practicality in life. This also applies to how they exhibit anger or their sexuality: with logic, balance and intellectualism.
With an eye for detail, you’re also talented at finding weak spots, flaws, and holes in arguments—and asking considerate questions is one of the ways you catch your opponents off guard and break through their defense.
However, when frustrated, they will become highly critical and can exhibit perfectionism. People with this placement can be very service-oriented, eager to aid others and please. When it comes to sex, they are often slower to interact and prefer sensuality and relaxation over intense or short fits of passion.
Celebrities with this aspect:
Barack Obama: Mars in Virgo, Sun and Mercury in Leo.
Diana, Princess of Wales: Mars in Virgo, Sun and Mercury in Cancer.
Gordon Ramsay: Mars in Virgo, Mercury in Sagittarius, Sun in Scorpio.
Mother Teresa: Mars in Virgo, Sun and Mercury in Virgo.
Will Smith: Mars in Virgo, Sun and Mercury in Libra
Britney Spears: Mars in Virgo, Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius
Robert John Downey: Mars in Virgo, Sun and Mercury in Aries
There is an obvious link between each of these people: Influential
𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑆𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠
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Weapon: Kills you with kindness, the pen, and contracts
These people favour harmony, peace, fairness and justice over personal victory.
They may also be especially passionate about partnerships and always have a key person they’re working with or aligned with.
Mars in Libra likes to be seen as a jovial and fun person, so they avoid situations or relationships that are intense.
They want to live a life of peace and harmony, nothing can come between them and tranquillity.
Still, they always play innocent when they are challenged, and can generally charm the birds out of the trees to win your favor.
Passive-aggressiveness is practically the hallmark of this position.
Mars in Libra people are adept at predicting when problems and discord will occur well in advance. They know how to compromise and are excellent at conflict management. They don’t want to look like they are ever being mean or unfair, but aggression has to go somewhere! Too often, this results in sneaky behavior and subterfuge.
Celebrities with this aspect:
Abraham Lincoln: Mars in Libra, Venus in Aries, Sun in Aquarius.
Nelson Mandela: Mars in Libra, Venus in Gemini, Sun in Cancer.
Bill Clinton: Mars in Libra, Venus in Libra, Sun in Leo.
Bill Gates: Mars in Libra, Venus in Scorpio, Sun in Scorpio.
John Lennon: Mars in Libra, Venus in Virgo, Sun in Libra
J. K. Rowling: Mars in Libra, Venus in Virgo, Sun in Leo
There is an obvious link between each of these people: Innovative
𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑖𝑜𝑛
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Weapon: Stinger, poison, secrecy
In this sign, Mars isn't motivated to compromise or even consider what anyone else has to say. Mars in Scorpio gives us the gift of the ultimate cosmic backbone, causing us to feel totally in charge of our actions.
This placement gives someone a cunning and intense nature. Once they set their minds on something and desire it, they will stop at nothing to get it.
You’re very calculating and often eight steps ahead of everyone else, making sure that all bases are covered before others have the chance to make a move!
Intuition and focus grant you talent in uncovering and addressing every weak spot your opponent possesses, so you’re keen on taking your time to make the right move.
Psychological warfare is your game, and no one plays it better than you. As someone who is highly empathetic, you know how to get under someone’s skin, but you also know what to do to make someone desire you. Instead of taking information at face value, you rely on sharp psychic senses to suss out insecurities, weak spots, and hidden desires, and then weaponize them or use them to seduce others.
Celebrities with this aspect:
Liam Neeson: Sun in Gemini, Scorpio Mars
Shailene Woodley: Sun in Scorpio, Scorpio Mars
Jennifer Connolley: Sun in Sagittarius, Scorpio Mars
Charles Dance: Sun in Libra, Scorpio Mars
Joaquin Phoenix: Sun in Scorpio, Scorpio Mars
Morgan Freeman: Sun in Gemini, Scorpio Mars
There is an obvious link between each of these people: Intensity
𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐴𝑟𝑐𝘩𝑒𝑟
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Weapon: Bow and arrow
Mars in Sagittarius people are born adventurers and sojourners. They hunger to experience everything that life has to offer and above all do not like being caged.
They have a “go big or go home” mentality and hunger for change and spontaneity wherever they turn.
They can often become quite bored if they are in the same physical or mental place for too long, so they need a constant supply of stimulation and interaction to keep them busy.
That restless nature provokes them to seek new ideas, experiences and opportunities that will satiate their wanderlust and pursuit of knowledge.
As a Mars in Sagittarius native, your fiery temperament makes you both a passionate lover and fighter. If there were one word to describe your Mars sign, it would be “loud.” There’s usually an air of drama about you when you get upset and you’re not one to hold back.
Celebrities with this aspect:
Jennifer Lopez: Leo Sun, Mars in Sagittarius.
Vladimir Putin: Libra Sun, Mars in Sagittarius.
Prince Harry: Virgo Sun, Mars in Sagittarius.
Kendall Jenner: Scorpio Sun, Mars in Sagittarius.
Christopher Reeve: Libra Sun, Mars in Sagittarius
There is an obvious link between each of these people: Opportunistic
𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑆𝑒𝑎𝑔𝑜𝑎𝑡 
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Weapon: Will end your career
 The ambitious, strategic and driven energies of Mars can be focused in a harnessed and patient way. These individuals tend to be quite hardworking and are always after the long game, unafraid to put in the effort because of their innate desire for victory.
When it comes to conflict, these people are cunning and practical, understanding that drama is a waste of energy unless they are coming out on top.
They will often refocus their passion and emotions back into their goals or career.
With fiery Mars in the more orderly sign of Capricorn, natives with this position have a subdued and controlled style of approaching life. Most don’t come across as particularly enthusiastic; rather, theirs is a low-key but determined energy.
Celebrities with this aspect:
Lady Gaga: Aries Sun, Capricorn Mars
David Tennant: Aries Sun, Capricorn Mars
Florence Pugh: Capricorn Sun, Capricorn Mars
Olivia Cooke: Capricorn Sun, Capricorn Mars
Emmy Rossum: Virgo Sun, Capricorn Mars
Alfie Allens: Virgo Sun, Capricorn Mars
There is an obvious link between each of these people: Intimidating
𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟-𝐵𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑟
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Weapon: Isolation
Mars in Aquarius grants someone a quirky and eccentric air in regards to how they exhibit their energy. They often are highly idealistic and intellectual and put their passion into their goals and group interactions.
They have a progressive nature and tend to be quite social and highly communicative.
Aquarius never cares about fitting in, yet this sign is always in the cool kids club.
With Mars in Aquarius, you may exclude people when you go on attack—you know that rejection stings! Aquarius is a rebellious sign, so having natal Mars here also means you don’t care to follow the rules.
Battling with you can be intimidating to people because your judgement doesn’t tend to get clouded by overwhelming emotions. You’re not a robot, but your ability to remain objective during an argument can frustrate others and translate into a lack of passion. But you’re not dispassionate; you’re passionately independent, challenging others to think for themselves. The secret is that you might also act detached because you know it presses people’s buttons, giving you an upper hand in certain situations.
Celebrities with this aspect:
Emilia Clarke: Libra Sun, Aquarius Mars
Scarlet Johansson: Sag Sun, Aquarius Mars
Charlie Cox: Sag Sun, Aquarius Mars
Rosamund Pike: Aquarius Sun, Aquarius Mars
Christopher Walken: Aries Sun, Aquarius Mars
There is an obvious link between each of these people: Unique
𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐹𝑖𝑠𝘩
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Weapon: Love
Mars in Pisces brings an individual an emotional and sensitive nature. They tend to be more fluid individuals who become passionate about their feelings and lead with their hearts.
Their ideals and dreams are of great importance to them, and they trust their intuition and empathy over their minds when pursuing goals or sex.
They also will tend to be quite creative and romantic people, eager to express themselves and connect.
Your strength is less about divisiveness and more about flexibility and raw emotional power.
Water is reflective, and having Mars in this sign makes you empathetic and compassionate.
You intuit what competitors and opponents are feeling, but you don’t necessarily weaponize that information.
Emotion and sensitivity aren’t a weakness, especially when you have Mars in Pisces. Similar to the other watery Mars signs, you’re driven to fight for who and what you care about, but you need to be mindful about when you play the role of the martyr.
Celebrities with this aspect:
Marilyn Monroe: Mars in Pisces, Sun in Gemini.
Heath Ledger: Mars in Pisces, Sun in Aries.
Elizabeth Taylor: Mars in Pisces, Sun in Pisces.
Denzel Washington: Mars in Pisces, Sun in Capricorn.
Tom Hanks: Mars in Pisces, Sun in Cancer.
Tina Turner: Mars in Pisces, Sun in Sagittarius.
There is an obvious link between each of these people: Expressive
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Chara karaka
Atmakaraka: A planet with the highest degree of Longitude is called Atmakaraka. It Represents Desire of Heart and Soul.
Amatya karaka: The planet with the Next Higher Degree Is Called Amatya Karaka. AK is Called 'King' than Amatya karaka is know as 'King's Advisor'.
Bhratru Karaka: Significator of Relationship you have with Sibling.
Matru Karaka: Signifies the Relationship you have with Mother.
Putra karaka: Signifies the Relationship you have with Children.
Gnati karaka: Signifies the Relationship you have with your Opponents.
Dara karaka: Signifies Relationship you have with your Spouse.
See in your D1 Chart which Planet Holds the Highest Degree ( Atmakaraka planet) Now Check its position in the Navamsa Chart D-9. It Signifies Your Thought Process and Mindset Generally In Life and Marriage.
See in your D1 Chart which Planet Holds 2nd Highest Degree ( Amatya karaka). Check its Position in the D9 Chart. It is Responsible for the Execution Of Your Thought Process.
If The Atmakaraka and Amatya karaka Planets are placed Together in the D9 chart, A Raj Yoga is Formed.
🌀Yoga karaka Planets For Every Ascendant In Vedic Astrology🌀
'Planet which Gives Good Result'.
Aries Ascendant ♈: Planet Sun.
Taurus Ascendant ♉: Planet Saturn.
Gemini Ascendant ♊: Planet Venus.
Cancer Ascendant ♋: Planet Mars.
Leo Ascendant ♌: Planet Mars.
Virgo Ascendant ♍: Planet Venus.
Libra Ascendant ♎: Planet Saturn.
Scorpio Ascendant ♏: Planet Moon.
Sagittarius Ascendant ♐: Planet Sun.
Capricorn Ascendant ♑: Planet Venus.
Aquarius Ascendant ♒: Planet Venus.
Pisces Ascendant ♓: Planet Moon.
I am not professional still learning Vedic Astrology 🙏
Thank you so much for love and support 🤍🧚‍♀️
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caturnmoon · 2 months
The sun 🌞 through the houses!
• Part 1 •
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• Sun in the 1st house •
The sun naturally finds its joy here in the house of Aries! The first house rules individuality and how you personally come off to others in this world and self. So with the sun in the 1st house you are someone that naturally has this radiance about them and is not, and I repeat, is not afraid to take up space! It’s giving main character energy for sure. You could have been an only child where the world literally revolved around you (like the sun) or you’re the favorite. The sun in the 1st house creates a natural born leader and others are easily inspired by you and look up to you. For better or worse, you influence the climate of any room and relationship. If not kept in check, this placement can point to some narcissistic qualities. At its best this placement inspires others to embrace their own light and fearlessly takes action in whatever it is they aim to achieve in life. They are blessed with a strong inner compass and drive to set out to achieve whatever it is that they want to. This could also indicate a natural talent and or interest in self-help and awareness platforms; you know who you are inside and out and like to help others discover this for themselves. What you see is what you definitely get with this placement. Especially if placed in signs like Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius.
• Sun in the 2nd house •
With the sun in the house of values both material and personal, you are someone who can naturally exude the qualities of a Taurus. Strong, authoritative, and sensual. Physical security means the world to you in this lifetime, and you have all of the tools in your arsenal to achieve just that. You could have an uncanny knack for investments and finances in general. You are meant to step into this role of security both material and emotionally. This placement to me just gets better with time and ages like fine wine if positively aspected especially. You will most likely be someone who aims for financial solidarity and independence and could be the breadwinner of your family and you take great pride in this too. Those with this placement are most likely to be very generous with their resources as well, giving to others that need their resources and help especially if positively aspected by planets like Jupiter, the moon or Venus. You have an eye for beauty and beautiful things and like to invest in art and the best luxury this world has to offer you. Style comes naturally to you and you could also find yourself interested in interior design or fashion if placed in signs like Taurus, Libra or even Pisces. People look up to you and respect you quite easily with this placement and you’ll naturally navigate positions of authority with ease and steadfastness.
• Sun in the 3rd house •
Mentally active and always on the move. This definitely marks someone with the sun in the house of Gemini! You will most likely be known as a jack of all trades and someone who is difficult to pin point doing just one career during their lives. Highly intelligent and with the propensity to mental restlessness, you need constant mental stimulation for that big bright brain of yours! You also thrive in areas of communication as well, as Gemini rules this. Blogging, networking, and writing may be some natural callings for you. You could travel quite a bit in your professional career especially shorter distance trips, and you also could’ve had a very active childhood too. Perhaps your parents sent you on many different summer camps or boarding schools growing up. Unless negatively aspected, you could have a very close bond with your siblings as well. You could also be someone who naturally enjoys learning and school and are insatiably curious, soaking up information like a sponge. Unless placed in more introverted signs, this placement normally highlights a very social extroverted person. Look to your Mercury in your chart as well with this placement, because the themes of that planet could be a larger portion/theme of your identity!
• Sun in the 4th house •
With the sun being in the house of the opposite luminary the moon, this could indicate a night time birth! You are naturally someone who is in tune with their inner world and incredibly private one at that. Emotional security is everything to you, as well as a safe space you can call home. Your childhood home environment (unless negatively aspected) could have been one full of love and cozy vibes. A safe haven you treasured coming home to after a long day of school and your mom has a lovely dinner awaiting you. Both parents had a huge impact on you but especially your mother or maternal figure. Maybe you were raised by your mother and she was a single parent. Matters of family and the domestic environment will be a big focus for you in this lifetime. You are most likely a homebody who enjoys being at home as much as possible. Perhaps working from home is a huge goal for you! This is also a placement that can show an interest in social work careers as well especially having to do with the domestic sphere. This placement also could show major inheritance as well, it makes me think of it being a trust fund baby placement if the rest of the chart supports this as well. Overall, you are highly motivated by personal, domestic and familial concerns. Look to your moon sign and where it’s placed in your chart as well, as it can highlight more concerning its influence in these matters!
• Sun in the 5th house •
All the world’s a stage!!! With the sun in the house of pleasure, hobbies, drama, children, and affairs this very much rings true for you. The 5th is a Leo house, and invoking your inner child is of the biggest importance for you and your outward expression in this lifetime! You could be known for how you shine in creative endeavors and bringing joy to literally any atmosphere. You feel the most fulfilled when authentically creating and expressing yourself; whether that be through painting, songwriting, acting, sports, or even raising children. You have a healthy sense of self and your ego is strong in its expression. The 5th house literally speaks to me as the house of joy and pleasure and so you find yourself always looking to experience these things in life. Just be careful to keep this in healthy balance with discipline as well, for it could indicate some hedonistic qualities too. A healthy aspect with Saturn could be a great balance with this placement to buffer this. This could also indicate a love for love and affairs could be a potential struggle here as well. Regardless of this, those with their sun in the 5th house have a huge heart and are in tune with their heart chakra naturally. You could also be known for your many talents as you’re someone who is blessed by the solar luminary and puts the spotlight on these qualities for you with ease. The sun is at home in this house of the lion. You’re the supreme ruler of your identity.
• Sun in the 6th house •
The sun in the house of Virgo is such a gentle and diligent placement. The sun infuses its warmth and energy into the house of service, health and routines and as such, you could be a natural healer! The sun here shines the spotlight on your daily routines, matters physical well-being, and services. Virgo is the natural healer of the zodiac and this could be an area of focus for you in this lifetime and what you’ll naturally evolve into being in one of these areas. Perhaps medicine is an area of interest or physical therapy and you love working with wellness routines. This placement also indicates someone who has a green thumb and has a natural knack for gardening! Small animals could bring you so much joy and healing as well, and you could love working with them as well. Such as a veterinarian, or volunteer in a shelter. Animals could love you and are naturally drawn to you. The sun highlights the best qualities (and lighter ones) of the 6th house. Like the 3rd house, this house is also ruled by Mercury. Mercury tends to fare really well in the solar luminary. You have a natural knack for details and are wonderful with matters that require meticulous study. The tiny details that others overlook you naturally comprehend with ease. You are also someone of a resilient nature as you have the ability to work through the petty issues and obstacles life may throw at you. Viewing them as another problem to be solved, you’re able to view things through a logical rational lens.
•Houses 7-12 coming soon•
Until next time! 👽🖖🏼
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jupitersdoll · 1 year
Possible Career Paths for the Sun Signs🌞
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As I explained in my second Astro Observations post, the sign and house your sun is in can tell you where you naturally shine best. Working in a career where you stand out naturally can benefit you in many ways because when work does not feel like work, you have more room to thrive.
Sun in Aries/1H - Management, Military, Self-Employed Entrepreneur, Acting*, Modeling.
Sun in Taurus/2H - Banking, Finance, Singing*, Chef, Real Estate.
Sun in Gemini/3H - Writer, Radio/Podcast, Middle Education Teacher (ages 7-14), Athlete*, Entertainment Critic
Sun in Cancer/4H* - Family trade (Nepotism), Early Education Teacher (ages newborn to 7), Interior Decoration, Family Therapist, Historian
Sun in Leo/5H - Entertainer, Relationship Therapist/Dating Coach, Film Director/Producer, Youth Advocate, Late Education Teacher (ages 14-18)
Sun in Virgo/6H - Healthcare, Social Work, Human Resources, Comedian, Politician
Sun in Libra/7H - Lawyer, Mediator, At-Home work, Visual Artist*, Business Owner
Sun in Scorpio/8H* - Insurance Agent, Funeral Services, Sex Therapist, Addiction Counselor, Acting*
Sun in Sagittarius/9H - Theology, Post-Grade School Education (ages 18 and over), Travel Agent, Life Coach, Blogger
Sun in Capricorn/10H* - Business Leadership (ex: C-Suite), Family Trade (self-starting), Board Member, Politics, Entertainment Executive
Sun in Aquarius/11H* - Socialite/Influencer, Entertainer, Entrepreneur (with others), Humanitarian, Project Manager
Sun in Pisces/12H* - Psychologist, Executor, Jail/Prison Employee, Artist*, Occult Worker
Actors, Singers, and Artists are usually found in all houses, but the work they go towards depends on the house they’re in. For example, Actors in Leo/5H tend to go for lighthearted roles like Will Smith, while Actors in Scorpio/8H tend to have darker-themed roles like Nicole Kidman.
Sun in Aquarius/11H can usually succeed in whatever career they venture into if they have passion for it because the 11H rules over hopes and dreams. It’s why most celebrities have 11H Sun.
Sun in Cancer/4H, Scorpio/8H, and Pisces/12H tend to have more mysterious or behind-the-scenes careers because the Sun prefers the attention to be on their work rather than on the person themselves.
Sun in Gemini/3H is good with athletics because the 3H is a social house along with 7H and 11H. Also, most professional athletes or athletic employees learn multiple languages to tend to their teams, which are made up of people from different cultures.
Sun in Capricorn/10H careers usually take time which is why the careers I listed are mostly leadership positions. These natives are ambitious so not being in charge is not a good direction for their sun energy.
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Tagged: @222-justfornow-333 @nummer626 @bcjkxs @starry-sky01 @mercurydombaby
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Astrological placements
I’ve noticed in the acting industries there is a lot of Scorpio Sun, and Aries moons.🌓 mainly the porn industry the acting the reality TV or any other kind of industry.If you look it up and you’ll see exactly what I mean the Kardashians 2 of them have Aries placements Kendall is a Aries moon with a Scorpio sun so there you go kris is a Scorpio 🌞
 alt alternative girls either have a lot of air replacements, fireplace Ments and possibly water rising
Can moons the easiest people to vent to because they like to vent themselves, especially me who is a Scorpio 🌒 to the love of my life was a cancer moon and we used to sit in bitch all day, sense of that we just both needed to learn about our emotions a lot
As I’ve said before, Pisces moons of cult, who like to think that they can make women be exactly the way they want them to be and it’s proven to work here were a few examples Kanye West, Hugh Hefner on a larger scale, and Prince on a large scale to
Cancer women as it was some of the most strongest women I’ve ever ever met in my life, they hold extremely well, and not crybabies like everybody calls them  to them in the house and everything they’ve ever owned has been in their house.
Aries or actually very nosy people,. on the down low.
Sagittarius people are actually very passive aggressive, the rising ones and other placements same with Libra moons 🌙 I know two people are close to me who have this placement both placements, don’t know which one is which sometimes.
Capricorn mars  very weird in bed, like a dead stare and if you’re into that and you love them, maybe it’s not so bad but when I was with someone who was supposed to love, it was very creepy
Scorpio Mars, are the best in bed they’re so dirty they will literally let you do anything, golden showers putting stuff up you know where, and letting you Degrate them.
Andrew Tate, is a Pisces Mars, and they’re actually very good at debates and delegating.
And being objective. they are, quite good at playing fake as well, look at Paris Hilton and she did it for years. She did the baby voice the blue contacts.
Cancer rising can come off is quite an abrasive, but I think there’s some of the best parents and some of the best people too .
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😈✨Let’s get to it✨😈
Hello traveler! You look tired, stay for a little while 💜
Welcome to my little corner in the world.
I’m 25 years old.
She/her is most preferred, but any pronouns are acceptable. Bisexual.
ENFP agent of chaos!
Sagittarius 🌞, Aries 🌙, Scorpio ⬆️.
Friendly neighbourhood succubus.
⛧°。 ⋆༺♱༻⋆。 °⛧
Some of the things you’re going to see here:
All things nerdy and geeky. I love video games, fantasy, sci-fi, reading, dnd, comics, anime.
Witchy vibes. I’ve been practicing for the last six years. Mostly kitchen work, divination, old Slavic practices, astrology and energy work.
Cars and bikes🥰
Makeup. I’m a self taught makeup artist, mostly focused on sfx, g0re and body painting🖌️
How to smell amazing 101. I’m a perfume girly and I have a pretty nice collection. So expect some reviews and lots of rents😂
⛧°。 ⋆༺♱༻⋆。 °⛧(• ◡•)︻デ═ 一·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
MDNI! 18+ please have your age in your bio.
Blank blogs will be blocked.
Any serious flirting attempts will be answered with fingers bitten.
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🌞 - Surya , The Atman , The Animus, Father Archetype
The sun represents the true essence of the higher self of the personality.
That which we truly are when we let go of the bindings that pull us down.
It's the king , the royal , charishma , spotlight , father figure , expression of creativity , self esteem , pride , selfishness too.
Sun in Aries ♈ - Mesh Rashi.
The Sun finds it truest expression in the sign of it's friend Mars. Here he is free to express himself in a true manner , to shine bright, to take initiative, to create , to create something worthwhile, self confidence runs high , goal driven.
Sun in Taurus ♉ - Vrishabh Rashi.
Here the Sun indulges in the pleasure of accumulating resources , wealth & sensual pleasures. Pleasant , companionable & comfort oriented. Focus on beauty & wealth . Strong financial intelligence . Artistic taste & collection of valuable resources.
Sun in Gemini ♊ : Mithun Rashi.
Here the Sun deals with life with intelligence and humor. A touch of adolescence and a penchant for communication. Dexterous , eloquent speaking , crafty skills and a light hearted approach to numbers , life and living :).
Sun in cancer ♋ : Kark Rashi
Sun in it's friendly Rashi seeks rooted environments of caretaking, nourishment , emotional attunement , sheltering and schooling. It shines bright and feels patriotic towards its motherland. Sensitivity is enhanced . Supports & defends home. Home is where one's heart is. 😌🌞🪄
Sun in Leo ♌ : Simha rashi
Sun here likes to shine bright . Loves to express itself in various forms . Dramatic. Romantic, needs to be centre of attention, self confident , regal , loyal , a bit self centred, generous and large hearted , full of vitality & life :).
Sun in Virgo ♍ : Kanya Rashi
Sun here inclines itself toward service , healing and intelligently dealing with life. Analytical and intellectual. Healing energies. Kind and helpful . Hardworking & sincere .
Sun in Libra ♎ : Tula Rashi.
Sun here immerses itself fully into the relationships with the other , thus forgets itself. Likes harmony, beauty & sense of fairness. Love to serve their partners . Can make great lawyers & attorneys . Should maintain a healthy balance between self & others :)
Sun in Scorpio ♏ : Vrischik Rashi
Here the Sun imbibes the power of Mars in astral waters and subconscious and thus undergoes death , transformation and an alchemy of its innermost nature and leads a life of power & strength backed up by the depth of its intense emotionality.
Sun in Sagittarius ♐ : Dhanu Rashi
Sun here follows the adventure of his lifetime. Righteous , carefree , kind and optimism guide his heart . Helpfulness and generous nature . A happy go lucky. Honest , blunt , creative and full of vitality . A traveller of life itself. Expansive spirit.
Sun in Capricorn ♑ : Makar Rashi
The Sun here takes up life seriously and imbibes a sense of maturity. Responsibility and a sense of oldness . Father in his son's sign. Here he yearns to contribute to the society. Status conscious, financially conscious & hard working.
Sun in Aquarius ♒ : Kumbh Rashi
Here the Sun loves to connect with all the networks of society. Lucky and gains through connection. Friendly and fair. Values friendship and loves the exoticness . Detached yet connected. Intellectual and broad minded . Galactic and spacious . Full of ideas . Evolves.
Sun in pisces ♓ : Meen rashi
Here the Sun loves to swim in the oceanic waters of the subconscious, the astral world. Kind , patient , artistic, poetic, compassionate . Highly intuitive . A healer , shaman. In this world but not of this world. Is slowly learning the art of letting go.
Looking for the self in addiction does not help. :)
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