#same goes for herb with sparkling
quintessencewrites · 1 year
queen! Ramonda x king! reader
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“Your Highness-”
“King. Do not be afraid to say it.”
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Warnings: ANGST, explicit language, implied homophobia, mentions of misogyny and sexism, character death, gore, mentions of blood, violence, etc, ends in fluff
Word Count: 8.5k+
@percsanej @k3nn3dyxo @doms-fav @sweetalittleselfish-honeyy @g4yforu @widowmakker @becauseimswagman11 @zayswriting @inmyheadimobsessed @malltake12 @msudaku @faeriah-thvv @mbakuetshurisprincess @honey-teaaaaaaaaa @pinkcorns @takeyakii @yamsthoughtss @thethickersidee @shurisbathwaterr @shurismainbxtch @justariellovee @blackgirlfariyy @chocoflagcutiii @taiiunknownn @zhanylai @ziayamikaelson  @beautybyfire @pinkwrightt @jenlouvre @letitiasleftfoot @6-noir @kya-rosee @saintwrld @ilikegecos @shurismainbxtch @motheroffae @marsolgy @verachiii @shuriszn @playgurlxoxo @ashleighshaw @te-23 @iminlovewithdomandtish @limbozqueen @letitiamyevangeline @youralphawolf72 @biganimeweeb246 @vampzxi
Requested by: @mysteryofthe90s
A/N: Takes place in an AU where Ramonda marries reader instead of T'Chaka. Reader is of a royal bloodline and Wakanda is far less progressive than we see in our movies.
The request was literally just "reader gets kidnapped and Ramonda goes to any lengths to get her back", but of course I had to take that and run with it, but yall, I'm sooo freaking proud of this one and of the work I've been putting out recently. I hope you guys enjoy!
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No greater love story exists than that of Wakanda’s rulers. 
King and Queen.
Bound together since childhood, she didn’t make a move without your hand intertwined with hers. 
She had a calculating young mind, moving about life like a chess piece in a game she was never to lose. 
Truly, Wakanda had no greater ruler than your queen. All the kingdom’s operations, all its policies were in her hands. Behind the scenes, nothing moved unless she did, not even you.
Her bronze eyes fluttered back and forth with apparent boredom. What others thought was her simply blending into the background, you recognized as profound observation. She stood, soaking in the fast-paced words of the elders far quicker than you could have imagined. 
Game plans came to play right before her with everything they tried to throw at you. 
This meeting was truly pointless, and it only called for you, but today was special, and you weren’t about to leave her out of any of the day’s events.
The elders were strategic. One fuck up on your behalf, that’s all it would take for the unforgiving geriatrics. 
“What do you foresee you are to do if the country is unsatisfied with a female as their sole protector?”
She saw the way your brows furrowed at the question. The corners of your mouth barely moved south, just a millimeter or two. You were growing frustrated with the hypotheticals. They’d been throwing them at you for over an hour now and it was taking the patience of a God to keep you respectful. 
You hadn’t ingested the heart-shaped herb yet, and you were sure telepathy wasn’t a power it would bestow on you, though you would see no use for it. King and Queen have been together so long, you’d become one- mind, soul, and body. 
Your pitch-black irises sparkled with fury, settling on her much softer ones. Her brown beauties extinguished the fire within you, even if only for a moment.
Words didn’t even need to be exchanged. You could hear her voice in your head loud and clear, though her lips remained sealed. “Control.”
Control yourself. Walk with grace. Handle your shit. 
The mantra flowed so smoothly through your mind. It was comical, how tired you’d grown of hearing it. She’d been repeating the same words, over and over and over again since you were adolescents. She found no other way to control your temper than that statement, so simple, yet so effective. 
“I do not believe my father left his throne for his daughter to be disrespected on, hm?”
Your distinguished voice led the elders to drop theirs to a mumble. What should have been complete silence at their King speaking were whispers instead. 
“Should’ve been a son-”
You couldn’t pinpoint who had said it. A disadvantage of not yet having the panther-like hearing. 
“And yet, it wasn’t; perks of being an only child. My father was proud to have a daughter, Elder. He brought me up as an heir, so that I may one day take over the mantle, both as king and as Black Panther, so with all due respect, hold your tongue.”
The smile may not have played across her face, but it danced behind her eyes. Your queen was proud; you so often attempted to ignore her when she vocalized what you did not want to hear, but clearly, you’d been listening. You spoke in such a way, the older aged Wakandans winced as though they’d been burned. 
“Your majesty, tradition states that you were to marry and-”
You did marry. She was right there in the room with you with the title of ‘Queen’ having been bestowed upon her for quite some time now.
“I did marry.”
And that was her cue.
With her head held high, the queen made her way across the board, past the onlooking pawns, through the bishops and rooks, not a knight in sight, straight to her place beside her King. 
What a handsome couple the two of you were. Her white dress contrasted deeply with your dark suit, creating a beautiful eyesore. Night and day, black and white, a menacing pair.
Though her head was absent of its crown, she stood beside you poised perfectly as though a line of string ran from her spine to the ceiling, holding it in the straightest of lines. 
“We mean no disrespect to the queen, however-”
They always mean disrespect, regardless of what they said. 
“Then I suggest you quit talking before I get disrespectful.” These closed-minded seniors could get your blood boiling like no other. Your voice wavered with anger, though your Queen’s steady words rang in your ears. “Control, my King.”
A deep breath was all it took for you to continue. “Our country is far more advanced than the small-minded council that attempts to run it. They reacted with enthusiasm when I took the throne after my father’s passing. They welcomed my Queen with open arms. I do not foresee them having a problem with my taking of the Black Panther mantle, just as my father did before me, and his father before him.”
Her hand rested on your shoulder before you could continue. To outside eyes, it was an empty gesture; to you, a hidden “well done.”
“Your Highness-”
“King. Do not be afraid to say it.”
Their hesitation proved that they were indeed, afraid to say it. The council continued to speak, your title not daring to utter from their lips. 
“What are you to do if they are not as welcoming to a female protector as they were to a woman King?”
All heads swiveled when it was not you to answer, but instead your Queen. “Do you see any reason why they would have a problem with it?”
What a funny sight, the view before you. Five ancient leaders, all mouths gaping like fish out of water. 
“Ramonda, the question was directed to the throne holder-”
Rage fueled you to your feet. “You dare speak her name, yet refuse to utter mine?”
Their cowardly forms sat silenced. Ramonda stood behind you, unfazed by your outburst, still standing straight and proud. 
“We are through here. Meeting adjourned.”
Hands intertwined as they always were, you and your Queen made for the door. You were through with this damn council, with these damn elders. How your father put up with it for so long, you had no idea. No wonder he’d rather the ancestors than this-
“Your Majesty, uh, King-” The word was spit from their lips like it hurt. “What are you to do if someone were to challenge you for the title?”
Truth be told, this question sounded more like a threat than a hypothetical. Your steps froze in place, your Queen standing just before you. “I shall fight for my title, council.”
They could hear your footsteps retreating from the room with an echo that could surely be heard across the country.
The giggle she let escape as soon as the throne room doors were closed was far too loud. The queen’s lips were pinned to your cheeks, pecking at your nose, your lips, your forehead.
It broke your hardened exterior, planting a too-wide grin across your cheeks. “Did I handle my shit, my love?”
“Yes, ukumkani wam (my King), you handled your shit.”
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The waters rushing your feet were a good distraction from the loud chanting that came from the crowd of onlookers surrounding you. 
She stood at the front of it, baring a corset far too tight and a face of armor, both of which she’d expressed her hatred for. 
“Will this be long, sithandwa sam? This corset is very uncomfortable, and I’d like to get it off-”
“So long as nobody has the sense to challenge me, my love, this won’t be long, no. Then I can peel that corset off of you myself.”
You hadn't needed to see her cheeks redden to know your words caused her to blush. Even now, though she stood quite a bit away, you knew they burned with the wideness of her smile. 
The rocks beneath you were slick and admittedly hard to walk on. You truly prayed that this would be an unnecessary occasion, one that would go by uneventfully. 
The chanting ceases, producing an eerie silence. Zuri’s voice was booming, his royal purple robes being soaked at the hem due to the rushing waters. You stood, tall and ready, spear in one hand, shield in the other, with lightweight clothing adorning your figure. 
“Victory, in ritual combat, comes by yield, or death! If any tribe wishes to put forth a warrior, I now offer a path to the throne.”
“Yuh!” It was loud and resounding, coming from your furthest left. The members of the tribe ingested the call and threw it back into the crowd. “The Merchant Tribe will not challenge today.”
“Haye! The Border Tribe will not challenge today.”
“Ibombe! The River Tribe will not challenge today!”
Three tribes refused to challenge. Perhaps this would be easy after all.
“Aye! The Mining Tribe will not challenge today!”
Four down- one to go. 
“Mayafa!” His tribe doesn’t take the liberty of repeating him as the other tribes did. A silence passes over all Wakandans present. Your Queen is doing what she does best- observing. 
You can feel the uneasiness present in her bones as your eyes never leave the Jabari warrior. 
“Zakar, what are you doing?” Zuri’s usually thunderous voice is brought down to a whisper. He can’t hide the shock that rings in his words. 
“It is Challenge Day; and I, Zakar of the Jabari Tribe, wish to challenge for the throne.”
Gasps and murmurs sprinkle across the crowd. Between your pulled-together brows are anger and surprise as well. Even your calculating Queen seems thrown off. 
Zakar was nothing more than a muscle man with an ape-like brain to match his ape-like proportions. 
If it was a challenge he wanted, a challenge he would get. 
All eyes were on you as you stepped toward the brute. Shoulders squared and chest out, you stood as your father taught you to. “I accept.”
“My King-”
Bast-bless Zuri. His worry for you was not very well hidden beneath his aging features. He’d surely watched your father through his own Challenge Day, standing amongst him as a friend more than a mentor and it would be your will that he stand beside your own son or daughter for theirs as well.
“It is okay, Zuri.” His hands squeezed yours with a passing gesture as you stepped toward your newfound enemy. 
Nose-to-nose and eye-to-eye; Zakar showed no signs of intimidation. His breath was hot, his nostrils flared, and a disgusting grin plastered across his face. “Well, Princess?”
“King,” you corrected. “I am your King. And I accept.”
Ramonda’s breath caught in her throat. 
His facial armor was replaced and a weapon identical to yours was thrown into his hands. 
Your eyes wandered to his primate-like shape. He and you would have surely trained in different weight classes. His reach was much larger than yours and it would take quite a few hits to get him down. You didn’t want to have to impale him to get him to yield. 
You were sure, though, that he would not show you the same mercy. That spear of his weapon would pierce your flesh with no mercy and you’d be damned if you were to die in front of your Queen in such a brutal way. 
Someone grabbed her hand, but she wasn’t sure who. Everything around her went blurry, fading into a mess of colors. Ramonda’s only focus was you. 
How dare you accept such a challenge? The two of you hadn’t spoken of you fighting today and for you to just go and accept it- You were going to die. Zakar wouldn’t hold back; the larger man’s strength was what yours wished to be. He was going to kill you, for sure. 
How dare you take the chance to drop dead in front of your Queen?
The Dora Milaje and Jabari Warriors barely had time to take their stances before the blunt end of Zakar’s spear came swinging toward you. 
The ugliest sound echoed through the waterfall as your shield just barely saved your fate. His quick actions confirmed what you already knew- He would not be playing fair. 
Ramonda could feel every muscle in her body tense. She so badly wanted to jump in, to help you, save you, fight with you. You more often than not trained together; she was just as skilled as you were. 
And had it not been for the strange hand squeezing hers, she probably would have. 
Every swing, every jab, she followed. She waited, breathing ceased, for you to take the upper hand. His spear swung hard to your left, so you dodged right. He came at you with his shield, so you retreated. You couldn’t even pick up your own weapon, too busy escaping his. 
The edge of the waterfall grew closer and closer. The rocks beneath you held no grip and exhaustion filled your lungs. 
Zakar’s patience was dwindling. “Stop running, Princess.” 
Princess. That’s all you would be to them. A princess beneath her father, the true king. A princess who was handed the title and did not earn it. You were still that little girl adorned with bows and lace, and not Wakanda’s king who would bear the crown proudly. 
The elders saw it, Zakar and the Jabari saw it, hell you wondered if your people saw it as well. You didn’t have time to meet your Queen’s gaze, though you could feel it stuck on you. She was watching; she was always watching. 
Ramonda was watching, counting on you, rooting for you. She saw you as Princess and now she sees you as King. 
The flesh on your arm burned as Zakar’s spear sliced it open. The ivory color of your bone peeked through. It was the arm that gripped your weapon and it nearly buckled out of your hand. The breath was knocked straight out of your lungs when he followed up with a fist to your gut. Your scream pierced the air, fueling Ramonda’s body forward as yours fell to its knees. Several hands attached to several invisible bodies held her back, though they could not hold her tongue. “Sithandwa sam! Sithandwa sam-”
“I will give you a moment before I finish you, princess. Address your wife.”
Your eyes fluttered upward, vision blurry and hazed as it rested upon your Queen. “M-Mondie-”
Her loose curls bounced to and fro. No nicknames, no affection. Maybe later, but not now. 
“Zilawule, sithandwa sam!”
Control yourself, my love. 
Your gaze bore into her distressed features. Your lids were heavy and your arm hurt like hell, as did your ribs. 
“Hamba ngobabalo!”
Walk with grace.
Your head fell, eyes filling with tears that fell into the waters beneath you. 
“Ndijonge (Look at me) Y/n!”
“Ndijonge, sithandwa sam,” she begged, much softer. 
Your gaze was drawn away from the rushing waters and back onto your wife. 
“Phatha ikaka yakho.”
Handle your shit.
“I am your Queen, my love! That is an order.”
Every damn thing hurt when your injured arm moved to pierce the rocks under you. Your legs were shaky, barely able to hold your weight.
Zakar’s chuckle was booming. “You attempt to get up, girl? Fine, then. I’ll just knock you right back down.”
“Remind me to have you banished for the way you speak to your King, Zakar.”
“Banishment will not be possible when you are with the ancestors. Just ask your father-” 
Had he said it loud enough for everyone to hear, they’d surely react the same way you had. 
The roar that came from you was ugly, followed by the crumbling sound of Zakar’s mask as your spear came in contact with it. Your backhand swing had been too quick for him to foresee and the clay mask shielding his face broke into many pieces as it fell into the water. 
The headache that would plague him tonight would be one from hell. Your foot came in contact with his chest, barely knocking him back with the first kick, but succeeding on the second one. Thank Bast for the slippery rocks that you stood on; there was no way you’d have been able to get him down otherwise. 
His large body hit the ground hard and you could see the anger flickering behind his eyes. The blunt end of your spear almost broke with the force you used to shove it into his shoulder. You were prepared to pop the bone right out of its joint.
“Yield, Zakar.”
He stayed silent, stare never leaving you. Your weapon dug further into his aching body.
“Yield. I can not let you up unless you do, because I am certain you will not let me live, and if that is the case-”
Your spear flips, drawing the sharp end into his flesh instead. “If that is the case, Zakar, then I can not let you live.”
It feels as though the entire kingdom of Wakanda is holding its breath. Slowly, the sharp weapon sunk further and further, disappearing within his tissue. His face was contorted with pain, teeth-baring a grimace. “Yield, Zakar, before you bleed out!”
His eyes were animalistic, his voice low enough so only you could hear. “Is that not what you want?”
Zakar gave you no chance to answer. “I yield.”
In unison, everyone in the crowd breathed a sigh of relief. You felt a weight lift from your shoulders and nodded a ‘thank you’ to the warrior on the ground. “Take a deep breath.”
He did and in that same breath, remained silent as you pulled the spear from his shoulder. Zuri rushed over as the Jabari tribe picked their leader up from the ground. 
The pendant that your father wore on his challenge day, and his father before him was heavy, adorned with panther teeth as it hung around your neck. Your right hand was lifted into the air, fist up as Zuri’s deep voice declared “Y/N Y/L/N, King of Wakanda, and the Black Panther!”
Louder than any other screams and cheers was Ramonda, leading the chant, fist-pumping into the air. 
The chambers that held the heart-shaped herb were way too hot and way too dark. You wanted nothing more than to be in the presence of your Queen, your Mondie, promising that she’d be awaiting your return from the ancestral planes. 
You couldn’t ignore the impending feeling of doom as you lay down, arms crossed over your chest in a salute. The herbal drink had been prepared and it was your move as to what happened next. Zuri stood above you, placing the bowl to your lips as he spoke. 
“Allow the heart-shaped herb to bestow the powers of The Black Panther and take you to the ancestral plane.” The drink was bitter and burned like liquor as you swallowed. Convulsions wrecked your body as your system digested it.
“Azzuri, we call on you. Come here, to your daughter.”
The sand. That was the part you dreaded the most. It began to cover your body and you inhaled deep, thankful to breathe while you still could. Everything became muffled when the first grains hit your face. 
“Praise the ancestors,” Zuri’s voice was barely above a whisper. 
Everything was dark.
The gasp that came from you was desperate, as though you’d been drowning. Dirt surrounded you, and you willed your eyes to adjust to the low light. 
The garden you sat in was familiar. You hadn’t been in it in quite a while, but you’d never forgotten its layout. You stood, allowing the white garment you were clothed in to flow around you. 
It was instinctual, the way your feet led you to a bench in the far corner, concealed with desert roses and blue lilies. It wasn’t a surprise to see your usual place already occupied.
The gentleman wasn’t as old as he should have been to leave this life. He was dressed in white clothes of his own with a gentle smile greeting you as you approached.
“Baba-” You sat next to him, in disbelief that you could see him again, so alive, though he wasn’t.
“Uyenzile (You did it), intombazana yakho (my daughter).”
Your smile was bright, though your eyes were dull with the tears that threatened to spill. “I did it, Baba.”
“You are King.”
“I am King.” It hurt to get the words out. It was the only time you’d said it and truly fucking meant it. 
His shoulder pushed into yours, joy prevalent in his features. “Who did you have to fight, hmm? Who dared challenge the daughter of Azzuri?”
“Nobody at first. Then the Jabari made their entrance-”
Just as quickly as it came, his smile was gone. “The Jabari? Zakar?”
Your head bobbed. “Zakar.”
“Are you- were you hurt?”
You couldn’t look at him and tell him you’d gotten injured. You attempted to pivot the conversation instead. “I did it, baba.”
He wasn’t swayed. Your father was too smart a man. “Be careful, y/n/n.”
“Be careful? Of what? I won. I am King, I am The Black Panther; he can not challenge me again.”
His head hung, shaking slowly. “Tradition says he can not challenge you again.”
“As it says, then it shall be!”
“Ukususela nini, intomba (Since when, daughter)?”
Your silence failed to satisfy him. 
“Tradition says that when your mother and I had you, we were to conceive again, for a son, an heir.”
You didn’t want to hear him.
“Tradition says that when I died, you were to marry a man, and he was to be king.”
You didn’t want to listen.
“Tradition says that he- your husband- was to be the Black Panther.”
He knelt in front of you, grasping your hands in his own and squeezing tight. His hold on you caught you both off guard; neither of you could have fathomed a second chance at a moment like this. 
“You have broken tradition since you came out of the womb, y/n, my girl. And I am so proud of you for it. Wakanda needed to progress, and you-” His hand released yours, gently holding your cheek instead. “You are exactly what this country needs.”
Tears fall down your cheeks at your father’s hold. You embraced it, knowing that after this, you’d never feel it again. “Am I truly meant to be King, baba?”
“Have I not raised you so?”
Your bottom lip curled back into your mouth and your head nodded ever so slightly. “But heed my warning, my girl. Zakar will not take lightly being bested in front of the country, especially not by a woman. Especially not by my daughter.”
Your brows pulled together into a focused furrow. “I’ll be careful.”
His lips press to your forehead gently. “I know you will do wonderful things. You were born to do wonderful things.”
He stood and began to retreat. You panicked when his hand left yours, not ready to say goodbye again. “W-wait, Baba. Don’t go-”
“Eh? Y/n, what have I taught you?”
“Y-you said you’d never leave me, but-”
“And have I?”
Your hands outstretched to beckon the unfamiliar world around you. “What would you call this, Baba?”
His steps grew closer to you and his fingers lightly pierced your chest. “I have not left you. I am here.” His hands moved to your temple. “And here.” They moved once more to cup your face. “And here. You look just like me, you know.”
“Now go. Rule your kingdom.”
“Baba,” You hated the way your voice sounded, so whiny and helpless. “Ndiyakuthandana (I love you).”
He was fading away fast and you could feel yourself being pulled back to reality. His words were so faint, you thought you’d imagined hearing it. “Ndiyakuthandana, my girl.”
Zuri’s face was filled with worry when you shot up from beneath the sand, gasping in the dusty air that surrounded you. “Are you alright?”
You accepted the hand he was offering you, using it to stand. “Never bury me alive again.”
Night fall crept on the Wakandan horizon and Ramonda’s usually still mind was flooding with unease. The hem of her skirt swept the palace floors as she wandered aimlessly. 
It was such a large space for just the two of you and without you there, it was so quiet. Dora stood at every outbound door and while they shared her polite smiles, they didn’t speak. 
It had been hours since Zuri swept you away for the ancestral planes and while Ramonda was uncertain how long the private ceremony would take, something didn’t feel right about the seven hours you’d been gone. 
She was an hour into her mindless stroll down the same halls of the royal residence before it was abruptly interrupted. 
“My Queen, are you alright?”
Had they not spoken, Ramonda would have run them over. She blinked slowly, taking in the figure before her. She hated to admit she recognized neither the face nor the voice, yet she did recognize the armor; red and gold with beautiful neckplates and shoulder pads to match.
“General- I apologize, I didn’t see you there-” Her words are steady through the nerves that shake her being. 
“It’s alright. Are you?”
“Am I what?”
“Are you alright, your Majesty?”
Hesitation almost silenced the Queen. How would it appear that she be so disheveled and muddled?
But she needed help. There were many royal customs that were foreign to her and she had no way to navigate them. 
“General, has my wife returned from the ancestral planes yet?”
The worry Ramonda tried so hard to shove down resurfaced when the General’s face contorted to a look of confusion. “She left the planes hours ago. She was making her way back toward the palace last I saw of her.”
Ramonda’s legs almost gave out underneath her, but the composure she held was truly that of a Queen. “S-she left-”
“Has she not returned, your Majesty?”
Ramonda’s head just swayed back and forth.
The General was quick to turn on her heel with a brisk walk that the Queen struggled to keep up with.
“Qokelela (Gather)!” 
A sea of red poured into the halls, all heading toward the throne room. Dora Milaje, all with their spears drawn and their steps nimble. They were surprised to see the white crown among the swarm of bobbing bald heads. 
The throne room scarcely seemed large enough for the bodies that rapidly filled it. In the forefront stood the General and their Queen, heads held high through the dread that sank to the pit of their stomachs like cement. 
The Dora General was silent, awaiting Ramond’s orders. All eyes were on her and it was a feeling she was unsure she’d ever get used to. 
A deep breath steadied the rapid drumming of her heartbeat. Control yourself.
“General, around what time did you see my wife returning home?”
“1300 hours, your Majesty.”
“It’s going on 2200 hours now, ladies. I’m hoping this is just an overreaction, but really, I’m not sure. Go to the grounds, the tribes, the herbal garden, search even the castle. Bring my King home, please.” Walk with grace.
With a harsh tap of their spears on the stone floor, the room empties just as quickly as it filled. Only the General and the Queen remain and Ramonda feels the deep breath she was holding finally release. 
“Your Majesty-”
Many coily curls frame the young royal’s face and they bounce when her head shaked to and fro. “I will have to grow used to being called that as well, hm?”
“I believe so.”
“You won’t just call me Ramonda if I asked you to, will you?”
The smile that plays on the General’s face is sympathetic and she can see the idea form in the Queen’s mind before she even says it. 
“General, I am just Ramonda. Call me Ramonda.”
Pearly white teeth shine behind her dark smile. “Queen Ramonda, I am Esi. Call me Esi.”
“Esi, are you the first friend I have made here?”
“If so, then I am honored to be.” With a bow of her head, she begins to walk off, but not before Ramonda calls her back.
“Esi, bring me Zuri, please. And keep me updated. Once I have finished speaking with him, I will be joining you and your army in the search.”
“We’ve got the search covered-”
“I have no doubt that you do. However, I will be joining you regardless. I’m bringing my wife home.”
Zuri hadn’t expected to be awoken in the dead of the night, nor was he expecting the Queen of Wakanda to be awaiting his arrival.
“Your Majesty,” both of her hands fit in his like a glove and his tight squeeze is full of compassion. “What is the matter?”
Ramonda doesn't appear to be a spouse in distress. Every feeling of fear, or doubt or dread was unreadable on her features. “Zuri, my friend. Where is my wife?”
“Y/n? Is she not here?”
“She is not. She never returned from the herbal gardens-”
The older gentleman’s head shakes in disbelief. “She did. She had to have returned; where else could she be?”
“That is what I am trying to find out.”
A beat of silence passes between the two, unspoken thoughts swarming their minds. 
“Zuri-” The Queen hesitates, knowing that what she is about to ask is such a personal question. “Do you know who she saw? When she went to the ancestral planes?”
His nod is slow and sad. He can never hide how much he misses his old friend and Ramonda knows the answer before he even speaks it. “Baba?”
“Azzuri, yes.”
“Was it- Did she say anything about it? Did anything happen that would cause her to run away for any reason?”
“Not that she mentioned. You know how that girl was with her father; I can not foresee it having been a bad encounter.”
Ramonda is silent. It was a stretch that you would have willingly not return to her, but your genius Queen had to dot all her I’s and cross all her T’s.
“She did repeat something he told her-”
Ramonda was all ears, focused in on every word Zuri spoke. “What did she say?”
“He told her to watch her back. That Zakar wouldn’t take too lightly to having been defeated by her.”
An insincere chuckle left Ramonda’s lips. It was an ugly sound as anger flooded her body. The corner of her lips curled into a grisly pucker and Zuri scanned her face, interpreting her reaction.
“You suspected Zakar, didn’t you?”
“I did, however, as Queen, I can not go throwing around false accusations.”
“Is it a false accusation if you know it to be true?”
A sad smile looks so out of place on Ramonda’s mouth. 
“Zuri, you know how this works even better than I. I have no proof to accuse Zakar and I can not start a civil war with the Jabari that she will have to clean up when she returns.”
“If she stays in the hands of Zakar, that when will become an if.”
The cloak covering the Queen’s shoulders floats to the floor with a slight shrug. The crown atop her head is removed and underneath, her bountiful curls are braided tightly against her scalp. She’s stood aside long enough, talked long enough. Thoughts of bringing you home were all that played through her mind and the mountainside home of the Jabari tribe was her destination.
“I will not let that when become an if, old friend.”
Handle your shit.
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She’d never stepped foot in the land of the Jabari before and was illprepared for the snow that coated the ground and the below zero temperatures. She realized it foolish to have come alone, and had she been in her right headspace, she would have realized it sooner. 
Eyes of the Jabari watched her from every direction and the entrance to a cave drew closer and closer. It was guarded well, by bulky men whose faces were concealed by gorilla masks. The opening of the cavern was blocked off as she approached.
“I need to see Zakar.” Though her body shivered from the cold temperatures, her voice remained steady and firm. The men didn’t budge. 
“Zakar is not taking any visitors. He is healing.”
Had smoke been able to come out of her ears in a cartoonish fashion, Ramonda was sure it would have. Her composure did not sway, nor did her expression change. “I need to see Zakar.”
One of the men bent to the Queen’s height, meeting her eye-to-eye. Her knees didn’t buckle and her gaze didn’t dare look away. “What did I just tell you?”
Ramonda’s set to respond, hell, she’s set to exile the whole damn tribe. A faceless voice breaks the tension between the two; the voice she’s there to see. 
“Let her in.”
It would have been a childish thing had she stuck her tongue out at the bruly warrior as he stepped aside to let her in, so she refrained. Instead, she walked through the wall of broad men, straight to the wide throne that held their awful leader. 
His thick brows were deep set on his eyes, weighing heavy on his face and his left arm and midsection sported a collection of white bandages. 
He didn’t look thrilled to see her and she mirrored the feeling. “My Queen,” 
How disgusting it sounded coming from his mouth. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Your calculating Queen stood silent for a moment, scanning the room around her. It was cold, so fucking cold, with icy stares to match. Every corner held a warrior, equipt with armor and weapons. She couldn’t help but wonder if that was the norm or if it was only due to her company.
“Zakar-” She hated how his name tasted, rolling across her tongue. “I think thanks are in order.”
“For what?”
“For giving us quite the eventful day. My wife couldn’t just take the throne that was rightfully hers and go about her way, hm? You had to step in and give us a challenge.”
“You are thanking me for getting my ass beat in front of the entire kingdom? And by a princess?”
Ramonda’s jaw was hardset and it took every ounce of control within her body to respond respectfully. “King. Your King.”
When Zakar stood, Ramonda couldn’t help the slight intimidation she felt at the way he towered over her. Her body took a step back without her permission and she cursed herself for it. 
“My king would have balls, your majesty-”
“It is common to want in a leader what we cannot have ourselves-”
Zakar laughed at her rebuttal and it angered the Queen. He continued as though she hadn’t even spoken. “You see me as the villain in your little happily ever after, but that is not the case. It is the other way around, honestly. You and your wife come in and shake up tradition, age old tradition. Excuse me for trying to put things back the way they should be.”
“Who is to say that is the right way and my way is wrong?”
Hmm, Zakar’s deep voice rumbles the entire cave. “Why have you come here, your Majesty?”
“I have reason to believe you have something that belongs to me.”
“Are you accusing me of thievery?” At his words, the Jabari soldiers in the room draw their weapons across their chests, armed and ready.
Your wife is quiet, choosing her next words carefully. Before she can get them off her tongue, Zakar speaks once more. “Let’s say I do have something of yours; I suggest you act tactically. You want this thing back in the same condition that I received it, do you not?”
That’s all she needed. That was enough proof, hell, it was a whole fucking confession. 
Ramonda stepped toward the gorilla-like man, not caring of the weapons that were pointed at her. 
“Unlike my wife, Zakar, I will not hesitate to kill you.”
Her words were so low, the brutish man barely even caught them. His eyes were dark and angry when the Queen pulled away and began to retreat further into the snow, toward the cave entrance once more. 
“Leaving so soon, your Majesty?”
Ramonda’s middle finger was pointed to the sky, directed straight to the Jabari leader as her back stayed turned to him.
The sound of her name bouncing off the stone palace walls caught her off guard. She hadn’t heard it be called in such a way since childhood. 
Her entire body swiveled to see Esi running straight toward her, anger dancing across her features.
“You’ve finally referred to me by my name-”
“You went to the Jabari tribe, alone?”
Ramonda winced at the General’s tone of voice. Her scolding was loud enough for outside listeners to pick up. “I did-”
“What were you thinking? They could have killed you-”
“They have her, Esi.”
Esi’s sigh was annoyed, her eye roll expectant. “Yes, your Majesty, we know that.”
The Queen didn’t have time to focus on the formal terms she and the General seemed to be back on. “You know?”
“We know. We have dozens of Dora surrounding their borders as we speak. We’re trying to find an in without jeapordizing her safety. We still do not know where in the land they are keeping her, though we assume its close to Zakar so that he may keep tabs-”
“Let me take lead on this-”
It would not have been possible for Esi to control the surprise that overtook her at the Queen’s declaration. “Let you what? No! Absolutely not-”
“She’s my wife, Esi-”
“And she is our King-”
“She’s my wife! Damned with your king, she is my wife, and I need her home.”
Ramonda was becoming emotional. The day’s events were catching up with her, as was the reality that you were laying cold somewhere in his midst, hurt or worse.
“Ramonda,” Esi’s voice was soft, her gentle hands grazing the Queen’s forearms. “We are trained for this; willing to die for this. We can not let you-”
“Esi, I hope you can still consider us friends after this.”
“After what-?”
“I am stripping you of your title as General. Step down. That is a direct order-”
“I am appointing myself General and-”
Tears swam behind Esi’s lids. “Your Majesty-”
Ramonda grabbed Esi’s hands and held them. She needed a deep breath to continue, fighting back tears of her own. “I will reinstate you, my friend. I am sorry, but I-” Her voice broke, and with the grace of a true Queen, she continued. “I must bring my wife home.”
The Dora Milaje stood in salute, awaiting instructions from their new General. Ramonda stood before them, silent with Esi on her right, face set hard with an emotion impossible to read. 
“The Jabari have Y/n.” This wasn’t new information to anyone in the room; they didn’t stir. Ramonda continued.
“We’re bringing her home, by any means necessary. We have suspicions she is being kept either in or just outside Zakar’s throne room. It is a cave covered in snow and ice and flooded with Jabari warriors who are just as willing to die for this as we are.”
Her eyes searched through the crowd. Staring back at her were various hues of brown, all armed, all ready. 
“We’ve already got the border surrounded; they know we’re coming and what we’re coming for. Get her out, alive.” The stress she put on that last word didn’t do justice for how much she meant it. Alive was the only option.
“Get me as close to Zakar as you can. I do not care if he gets out of this alive or dead; I will distract the ape man while you locate and retrieve the king. Understood?”
“My Queen,” Esi’s voice is quiet and still holds the authority it did before her title was stripped from her. “Aren’t we to get you out alive as well?”
The words were hard to get out, but Ramonda knew she meant them. “Get her out, alive,” she repeated. “If the King has been located and retrieved, then retreat.”
“Your Majesty-”
Ramonda’s clenched teeth were bared, displaying the force it took for her to echo herself. “Retreat.”
Nobody dared question her again and with a quick nod and cross of her arms, the Queen was satisfied. “Masihambe (Let’s go).”
It seemed as though the mountainside had grown colder since Ramonda was last there just hours ago. The Dora Milaje marched in step behind her, Esi at her side. The cave entrance was just before them, and it was blocked off completely. Jabari men and women stood, shutting off the cavern to the outside world and they didn’t budge when Ramonda approached. 
Nobody spoke, not a single word uttered. Their curved staff mirrored that of their leaders and they seemed angsty, ready for a good fight. 
“Shukuma (Move).” Ramonda’s voice was loud and declarative and still, they stayed. 
A voice even louder boomed over the brigade of bodies. “Let the woman through.”
Zakar’s men move at his command, but not before one of them tries to be ballsy. His staff swings for Ramonda’s head, just missing clipping her scalp before his weapon falls to the ground with a clank. The Queen turns just in time to see the spear of a young Dora fly through his thigh.
She can’t hold back her gasp when the large body drops to the ground, crying out in pain. Everyone is frozen, awaiting the move of another. The Jabari warriors let the weight of what just happened sit on their shoulders for a moment before preparing to attack. Another readies his staff to swing, preparing to rip the girl’s head straight off her body, but Zakar’s words keep him in place.
“Yibambe simile (Hold off).”
His men recollect themselves, reestablishing their blockage of entry to the cave. 
“Yiza,” His command is directed at Ramonda now, and she continues her trek to his throne. 
“Your Majesty, I was trying very hard to be nice. But you align your army at my borders, push your way into my home, and injur one of my men.” He rises from the wooden seat, staff ready in his uninjured hand. “I do not take very kindly to that.”
Ramonda doesn’t speak. Her eyes are on his movements, his actions. He’s slower to move on his injured side, which makes sense. It’s the side you impaled and he hadn’t allowed himself enough time to heal before starting shit with your kingdom. 
His right side, however, is much stronger; she has to guess it’s his dominant side. And though he may be damaged on the left, he had a room full of people to make up for his handicap. 
Realistically, it’s too many people. She’s unsure if the large army is due to the impending threat looming over everyone present, but it still wouldn’t make sense. They’re all huddled around his throne, not spread about where they could be more useful.
She takes a closer look at the large seat that Zakar refused to leave unattended. It was wide and tall, which wasn’t unusual, because of his size and stature. But why leave a wooden chair guarded?
Your Queen truly was a genius. It didn’t take her long to figure it out and when she did, it took everything she had to remain expressionless. 
“I do not take very kindly to kidnapping, Zakar.”
“There you go, making empty accusations again-”
The spear in Ramonda’s hand is itching to take out the gorilla man’s other shoulder. “I am not willing to play mind games with you, indoda embi (ugly man). Is this really something you wish to do? Cut the Jabari off from Wakandan resources and protection? Risk the greatest country in the world turning against you?”
“What good is the greatest country in the world if it is run by imbecils whom are incapable of-”
“What makes me incapable? What makes my wife incapable?”
The brute man is silenced.
“You and the elders of this country are so focused on what we have between our legs, more so than the minds we have. We have shown you no reason to doubt us, and yet you do because we are women? I thought we were supposed to be more progressive as a nation than that.”
Zakar is flustered, unable to find the right words and vocalize them.
“Tradition states-”
“To hell with tradition!”
“That is your problem, your Majesty-”
“Thula (Be quiet), Zakar.”
Silence once again. Zakar is frozen in place as Ramonda takes timid steps toward him and his throne. 
“To hell with your misogynistic, sexist, homophobic traditions. This is my kingdom now.”
She gets closer, ignoring the staffs drawn and pointing at her from every direction. 
“This is our kingdom now.”
The sharp end of her spear is pointed to the wooden throne. Ramonda has no doubt that the thick wood will give way with a stab or two of her vibranium weapon, but she’s worried. She doesn’t know how far underneath the piece you are and she doesn’t want to risk stabbing you. 
It’s a chance she’s going to have to take.
“This is our kingdom now!”
The first hit cracks the wood and debris fly back at her. The Jabari warriors surrounding the piece prepare themselves to swing at the Queen, but their hesitation is their downfall. The Dora outnumber them by hundreds and it only takes a second for their staffs to be pressed against their windpipes, holding them in place and out of Ramonda’s way. 
“This is our kingdom now, and we shall make new traditions!”
The second swing of the sharp object shatters the wood and splinters take the air. Zakar wasn’t expecting the throne to breakaway. His thick staff coming in contact with your Queen’s thigh release the gut-wrenching sound of bones crunching. 
Just as quick as he was able to get his hands on her, they hit the flood with a disgusting squelch. The bright crimson of his blood shines on the fresh white snow and his scream causes the entire cave to shake on its foundation. 
Where his hands once were are gorey blood and flesh. Esi’s spear is covered in the same blood that spurts from his body. 
You’re curled up in a hole underneath the space where Zakar’s throne once sat. Ramonda’s heart breaks to see you in the fetal position, unconscious and unresponsive. 
Her breath catches in her chest as she watches, waiting for yours to rise and fall. It does, but it’s so slow, that she worries it won’t continue for long.
It’s an agonizing pain, one that travels through her very being, trying to stand on her now broken leg. Her spear is used more as a crutch as she hobbled over to the giant, brought to his knees. 
“W-What did you do to her?”
He doesn’t respond. 
“Answer me, Zakar!”
Esi’s still-bloody spear digs into the side of his neck, just enough to draw a fresh cut. “Unless you want your head to roll with your hands, I suggest you answer your Queen.”
His voice is strained when it finally speaks. “I did nothi-”
“Lies! She is lying here, unconscious! What did you do?” Esi’s anger mirrors Ramonda’s.
She turns back to your body, lying so still and quiet and the hole full of ice that you lay in. Her calculating mind goes to work once more. “Wait, Esi. Zakar, did she take the heart-shaped herb before you took her?”
“Took sounds so harsh-”
Esi’s spear presses deeper, drawing a steady flow of blood, causing the big man to change his words. “Y-yes, she had already taken it.”
“So she already had the powers of the Black Panther?”
Ramonda nods, a sigh of relief escaping her. “She’s in hibernation.”
“Hibernation? Your Majesty, you’re telling me that if our protector experienced too-cold temperatures, then she’s down for the count?”
“No, Esi, not usually, but she’s been buried in a box full of ice.”
“Is she okay?”
“She will be,” Ramonda’s head points to you, her beloved, still curled into yourself. “Yiza,” she commands. 
While your army come and retrieve you from your frozen slumber, Ramonda hops over to a still-kneeling Zakar. She drops until they’re face-to-face, thankful to relieve some of the pain radiating through her leg. 
“I should have had them kill you.”
“Then why don’t you?”
Ramonda is hushed. Why doesn’t she? He shattered her leg, took you prisoner-
“I don’t know, to be honest.”
Zakar’s eyes are filled with surprise as he drags them upward to gaze at the Queen sitting before him. He’s even more surprised to see hers full of empathy. 
“Come back to the palace with us. We have a lab, filled with doctors who can fix you and your injured men-”
“Why should I accept your help?”
“What other choice do you have?”
The sound of your voice is truly melodious to Ramonda. Her head spins and if her leg weren’t shattered, she would have run right to you. 
Your words were shaky as your body tried to regulate its temperatures. Dora surrounded you, wrapping you in the garments of their winter wear and as you stood on unsteady legs, they moved with you, every step. 
“You ought to be thankful of my wife, for showing you mercy. Had it been the other way around, I would have let Esi behead you.”
Her snicker could be heard from her place behind the Jabari leader. Ramonda’s eyes were on you and they refused to leave, too afraid you’d leave her presence again. 
“If you do not accept her offer to be patched up, you’ll surely bleed out here, will you not?”
He didn’t respond and you bent beside your Queen, lowering yourself to his level.
“Zakar, as beautiful as this red looks, contrasting with the white snow, I believe it best you accept.”
“Well, unlucky for you, to have a stubborn King. Aye,” You called out to your army, awaiting their attention. “Mthathe (Take him), and his injured men too. Esi, notify the lab that we’re on our way.”
Ramonda was all too grateful when you scooped her into your arms, bridal style. Her arms fell into place wrapped around your neck and you held her close, tight, too afraid to let her go. 
“My Queen,” you greeted softly, rubbing the tip of your nose to hers. 
“My love,” the tears she’d been holding back for far too long finally spilled over and her hands moved to cup your face, pulling you close. 
“I see you handled your shit, sithandwa.”
Ramonda’s chuckle was full of relief and my god, it was such a beautiful sound to hear. 
“Yes, my love. I handled my shit.”
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redrowletart · 1 year
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06 October 2021
Ohhhhh my god Pacific Rim is still so good, top tier movie.
If I remember correctly I was honestly planning on writing a fanfic to go along with this comic but this was before my hard drive fully shit itself and I lost all my projects with it. So, I guess we'll never know.
Media description under the cut. Please do not repost or edit my art.
[Media Description:
This post features fanart for the film series, Pacific Rim.
The image is a short comic featuring the characters Newton Geiszler and Hermann Gottlieb, and probably Raleigh Becket but I'll be honest I've forgotten if that's him or Chuck Hansen. The scene goes as follows.
Newton is drawing a colourful cat on his schoolwork. Hermann looks over his shoulder watching and asks, "What is that?"
Newton responds, "Oh! This is my warrior cats OC, Flashpelt. He's from RiverClan and he helps the injured cats and studies herbs to help them get better—"
He is cut off, however, by Raleigh. Or Chuck. Who says, "Is that your fucking fursona? That's cringe."
Both Newt and Hermann respond at the same time, shouting, "You're cringe!!!"
The final panel shows them looking deep into each other's eyes, inexplicably rendered with much more detail and surrounded by pink sparkles.
End of Media Description.]
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auckie · 7 months
Ok no actually I wanna hear your Trader Joe’s opinions I’m really into the orange strawberry banana juice, the bruschetta sauce, the cranberry lime juice sparkling water and cinnamon schoolbook cookies
You and I agree on the CLSW (cranlime sparkling), haven’t tried the others but I’ll look into them. The normal lime one is also amazing on its own, as well as a mixer for both alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks. Summer must!
There’s so much shit I’m obsessed with, I’ll try and list the most important ones
English crumpets
Mango kefir
Brown sugar oat creamer
Chocolate oat milk
Simpler wines brand sparkling white canned wine
Chocolate babka
Brioche sliced bread
Danish Kringle
Pinks and whites shortbread cookies
Joe Joe’s gluten free classic Oreo knock off cookie
Madras lentils (boxed kind is good too)
Canned giant baked beans in tomato sauce
The non joes brand oat milk coffee and kombucha but you can get those anywhere
Their candles, two in one grapefruit mint hair wash (I despise two in one products but this one doesn’t foam and is more of a cleansing conditioner I use in between shampoo and regular conditionings), and many other non food items. I’ve bought their towels, seasonal decor (usually those felt garlands), face lotions and oils. Loved all of them. Usually I only restock on the lotion, hand soap, and lavender laundry bags. Their detergent is nice tho, and I’ve also gotten their wool laundry balls but you really only ever gotta buy them like once. They also usually have pretty cute cards at the checkout! I like their cheaper flowers too, but there’s also a lot of very cute seasonal items they carry that I just can’t justify buying bc of price (have you seen their felt sunflowers? So adorable)
Simpler times potato chips
Crispy Crunchy Champignon Mushroom Snack
Fruit leather bars
Dried orange rings
Lox (labeled as smoked salmon iirc)
Both their Tunisian and kalamata olive oil
Vodka sauce
Roasted red pepper and tomato canned soup
Canned vegetable soup
Gone bananas chocolate covered frozen bananas (gone berry crazy strawberries are good too but like a dollar or two more expensive)
Jasmine rice in the frozen isle
Lime popsicles
Steak and stout meat pie
Pastry Bites Feta Cheese & Caramelized Onions
Canned tuna*
*especially with the gluten free microwaveable mac n cheese (I’m not gluten free if you’ve noticed, I literally just prefer some of their gluten free products. Same with the oat milk. I’m not lactose free but I just really like it)
Most of the frozen wontons I’ve tried
Chimichurri rice (goes great with the aforementioned roasted red pepper box soup, and chopped onions, green peppers, and spinach cooked in a wok)
Chicken sausage
Butternut squash gnocchi, iirc the potato gnocchi is good too
Most of their dried pastas
Almond and chocolate filled frozen croissants
The bars of chocolate you find at the check out that come in packs of threes
The weird meat sticks at the checkout too
Frozen hashbrowns
For whatever reason, their frozen green beans and asparagus is so much better than other generic brands I’ve tried
Any of the canned olives but esp the kalamata
Sun dried tomatoes
The produce is okay, a little pricey but they had brown Mexican tomatoes once that fucked hard. The herbs trustworthy too but really where is it not
Any of their chocolate covered nuts
Their fucked up chocolate covered chips, sometimes found in their snack mixes
Peanut butter pretzel snacks
Their dried seaweed isn’t my fav, but it’s not bad. I think it’s overpriced tho but tbf I usually get huuuge, less flavored packs from Costco
Pine nuts but good Gd are they expensive
They have cute, weird heirloom hybrid squashes during the fall a lot too that are pretty tasty
Things I’ve gotten from there that I hated? I didn’t like their orange chicken, ANY of the cereals I’ve gotten from there oddly enough, their pecorino Romano only comes grated and mixed iirc and I didn’t care for it. Some of their beers have made me scowl but also those are all random brands. But their wine (yes, even SHAW. But shoutout to coco bon red blend and blue fin moscato RIP!) has never does me wrong…except for any other flavor of the simpler wines canned ones. I can only do the sparkling white and literally no else I've forced to drink it has liked it! some of their salads have done me wrong. the canned chickpeas and dolmas were off. and some of their pricy juice mixes left me a bit disappointed.
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izar-tarazed · 5 months
🥃🥃 have at thee
Izar glances down at the small glasses placed before her, filled with a shimmering liquid: transparent but ever so faintly sparkling with silver as if there was fine stardust whirling within. Well, whatever this is, it’s just the right thing to lure an astrologer into drinking it. She downs the first glass—because apparently that’s how it’s done—, coughs, waves her hand and then inhales deeply.
‟So. Something personal... I don’t recall ever drinking something like this before but I love tea or whatever you call the concoctions you can make with a handful of herbs and boiling water and just the right amount of patience. The nomadic merchants sell some that I’ve come to love. I’ve also tried my hand at throwing together something myself but while the results are drinkable, they taste nowhere near as good as what the merchants come up with. They do have a blend that’s both very spicy and sweet, I like that a lot. But I also like the ones that taste a little bitter or tart at first, with all the other tastes hidden in between, and you have to study them sip by sip, taking your time, figuring them out. They’re easy to dismiss as unpalatable but they actually are if you take your time.
It’s the same with coffee. I don’t think anyone but Kalé sells that? I found it a little tricky to prepare at first—I only make it when at the Roundtable Hold, not when travelling—, but if done right, the smell is divine and then it’s like drinking pure darkness, all bitter and burning but eventually revealing a richness in flavors that is unparalleled. Kalé says you can sweeten it, but I don’t do that.”
She gently puts the empty glass aside, then goes for the second one, eyes sparkling as she empties it. Thinking, she spins it between her fingers.
‟I said for a long time I wasn’t good with blades and it was true, but I also didn’t do anything to improve? I had the rapier Rogier had given me. In hindsight, it was a parting gift. I carried that with me for ages, but I never really used it. And when I did, it felt just… wrong—in part because I wasn’t good with it. But I didn’t want to put it away, either, because it had been a gift. I felt like swapping it for any other blade would have been like disrespecting the gesture. Even with Rogier gone… or maybe because he was gone, I couldn’t bring myself to do anything with his rapier other than carrying it with me.
Then Ensha insisted I should get better in melee and started teaching me how to actually use the rapier, and while I still wasn’t good with it… I got a little better. He insisted I try out different things, and I was like the most stubborn child claiming that he was wasting his time because I’m obviously just not good with blades of any kind.”
She chuckles—maybe about the memory, or maybe because she’s already a little light-headed after these two shots.
‟I ended up trying anyway, because clearly Ensha is even more stubborn than I am, and eventually I understood that I wasn’t irrevocably bad with melee weapons—and that it wasn’t merely about practice, either. I always struggled with the rapier, but I felt more comfortable when I tried different katanas. And I finally went through my collection of ashes of war that I had been carrying around for a while. I asked Master Hewg for help and explanations. And as he glanced at my collection, he looked like I had opened up a treasure chest. Then we all discussed which ones might be of actual use for me, he got to work, and well… Suddenly I had weapons that felt like mine. I wasn’t holding onto them out of nostalgia but I actually used them.
I’ll always be a magic user first and foremost, but by now I can decently defend myself in melee when the need arises. I no longer carry the rapier; I keep it in my chamber at the Hold… I don’t think Rogier would mind that I don’t use it. He’d probably be happy to see I found something that works for me.”
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bakersstreetirregulars · 10 months
2023 Cookie of the Year: Kingdom Edition
☁️ Heya! I’m sure you got the note my colleague Kit sent you and pinned at the top of the blog. She’ll be working her way into being part of our main contributor panel over the next couple months just as I and Strawberry Crepe Cookie have, which is how we ended up becoming frequent contributors on this blog. How she got into this is a long story, and one for another time. But moving on to the main topic here, it’s time to vote for 2023’s Cookie of the Year! In case you missed it last year like Vanilla Meringue Cookie (Your ACTUAL Editor, who also goes by Meringue) did, here’s how it works:
Every playable Cookie (minus the collaboration Cookies including Sonic, Tails, and BTS) in CRK will be split into a tournament bracket full of 1v1 matchups
In each matchup, pick the one you like more. There WILL be matchups where your vote will force you to choose favorites OVER your favorites.
Finalists will receive special prizes of all kinds which we don’t know yet!
Everyone might receive different matchups.
All times listed below are in KST (GMT+9)
R1: Update launch - 12/17, 11:59 AM (top 64 of 110 will advance)
R2: 12/17, 1 PM - 12/20, 11:59 AM (top 32 of 64 will advance, this is where the bracket goes to the real 1v1 situations where one goes home in each matchup)
R3: 12/20, 1 PM - 12/23, 11:59 AM (top 16 of 32 will advance)
R4: 12/23, 1 PM - 12/25, 11:59 AM (the top 6 of 16 will advance to the semifinals, more than half of the quarterfinalists will be eliminated)
Semifinals: 12/25, 1 PM - 12/27, 11:59 AM (the top 3 of 6 will advance to the finals)
Finals: 12/27, 1 PM - 12/29, 11:59 AM
Results Announcement: 12/29, 1 PM
☁️ Anyways, let’s move on to the first round with some matchups that appeared on Meringue’s end. There WILL one-sided matches because of high rarity or reputation and splitting-hair rounds because you gotta choose between favorites. It’s possible you could have different matchups though, as more than half the competition is still moving on. Once you make your vote in a round, you can’t take it back. Vote in every matchup in a round for 200 Crystals.
Sorbet Shark vs Peppermint (Good luck choosing between them…)
Kouign-Amann vs Twizzly Gummy
Lilac vs Frilled Jellyfish
Strawberry Crepe vs Cherry Blossom (So pink! And also so loud!)
Oyster vs Financier (Which side of the Crème Republic is YOUR favorite?)
Werewolf vs Blackberry (Since the beginning and somewhat found a place in the meta)
Pastry vs Schwarzwälder (A continuation of a closing story.)
Chili Pepper vs Sea Fairy (The first Cookies of their rarity to be seen in the game)
Almond vs Black Pearl
Frost Queen vs Sherbet (They did this on purpose.)
Herb vs Onion (Since the beginning and left behind…)
Burnt Cheese vs Milky Way (Introductory guides in the latest World Exploration updates)
Affogato vs Muscle (Brains or Brawn?)
Golden Cheese vs Vampire (Back row Arena Destroyers)
Clover vs Prophet
Fettuccine vs Raspberry
Wizard vs Carrot
Custard III vs Tea Knight
Icicle Yeti vs Alchemist
Crimson Coral vs Tiger Lily
Candy Diver vs Cotton (Witnesses to Legends)
Fig vs Kumiho (Forest residents)
Pancake vs Crunchy Chip
Devil vs Stardust
Cherry vs Capsaicin
Pinecone vs Carol (The second holiday round)
Parfait vs Moonlight
Ninja vs Gumball
Strawberry vs Pitaya Dragon
Adventurer vs Dark Cacao
Mala Sauce vs Cream Puff
Moon Rabbit vs Snapdragon
Tarte Tatin vs Poison Mushroom (Boss Destroyers)
Captain Caviar vs Crème Brûlée (the newcomer)
Licorice vs Pure Vanilla
Princess vs Dark Choco (Royal descendants)
Pumpkin Pie vs Latte
Milk vs Avocado
Knight vs Cream Unicorn
Linzer (the other newcomer) vs Red Velvet
Sparkling vs Rye
Angel vs GingerBrave (Consider this a practice round /j)
Beet vs Mango
Royal Margarine vs Shining Glitter
Macaron vs Clotted Cream
Purple Yam vs Caramel Arrow (Fierce fighters…)
Eclair vs Mint Choco (They have the same EN voice actor)
Rockstar vs Squid Ink
Snow Sugar vs Espresso (Since the beginning, new Magic Candies!)
Space Doughnut vs Black Lemonade
Blueberry Pie vs Black Raisin (Intelligent. Reserved. They both know what they’re doing.)
Madeline vs Pomegranate (The vanguards of light and dark.)
Hollyberry vs Wildberry (Did they seriously do this on purpose???)
Olive vs Prune Juice
Mozzarella vs Cocoa
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rosejigglypuff76 · 2 years
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A brand new post featuring our dear little plant known as Herb Kimura (aka; Herb Cookie) 🪴 I felt like trying out the Character Pairing Meme Chart for quite sometime, just like most meme templates that I've looked at over the years 🎀 Now finally managing to get the idea to use this particular chart, and succeeding in filling up every given spot that's showcased 💞 Feel free to tell me your thoughts on any of these choices that I made 🌿 - - - - - - - My NOTP: Herb Cookie x Carrot Cookie I've seen it a few times in the Official Cookie Run Comics, however I felt like it was a bit too cliche between the two Prefer Herb and Carrot as friends or even co-workers in the same garden My BROTOP: Herb Cookie x Gingerbrave Mostly going on the fact that I made them the only two characters in my CRK Kimura AU that can break the 4th Wall And while they don't get along that much in the aforementioned Cookie Run Comics, both Herb and Gingerbrave act like siblings that fight as much as helping one another out My OTP, Fluffy Pairing, and Underrated Pairing: Herb Cookie x Dark Choco Cookie This became a thing all because of my CRK Kimura AU, but even so I still see this becoming a thing Herb in the Cookie Run Comics is the son of a goddess, while Dark Choco in the Cookie Run Games (especially Kingdom) is the son of an ancient ruler It's not written or drawn that much by most people that are into the Cookie Run Franchise, but I see them being the immortal version of "Soft Boy x Tough Guy" Ship I can imagine Dark Choco being pretty protective and showing his soft side to Herb when he gets the chance to hangout with him, an underrated and oddly wholesome ship My 2nd Favorite OTP: Herb Cookie x Sparkling Cookie Despite it mainly being fandom based, I can see this making a lot more sense than other Herb Ships that revolve around him with other plant-themed cookies Think about it as two soft but hardworking boys that understand each other's flaws and simply enjoy being together as boyfriends Plus both Herb and Sparkling seem to be on the more peaceful side of things, and would fight only to protect those they care about and protect each other My Platonic Pairing: Herb Cookie x Cherry Blossom Cookie Originally my OTP, but I started to lose a bit of interest in this particular ship It's cute though, and would be considered as my 3rd Favorite OTP which revolved around Herb Cookie The dynamic between Herb and Cherry Blossom is still amazing in my opinion, showing the malewife and the girlboss concept of ship My OT3: Herb Cookie with the rest of the Juice Bar Regulars Broke the rules with this one by making it into an OT4 instead cause I didn't want to leave behind anyone from that particular CRK Bond Just four dudes chilling by the Juice Bar, enjoying time together as a lovably romantic group This can be a Harem Ship as well if I were to include Cocoa Cookie, a playful person that gives me a bit of girlboss vibes My Crack Pairing: Herb Cookie x Crunchy Chip Cookie Kinda blamed this on the fact that I would be see as Herb Cookie in the Discord sometimes, and same thing goes with a friend of mine who would be shown as Crunchy Chip Cookie in the same website This is more of my 2nd BROTP since I'm personally not into being in a romantic relationship and would rather have friends But I see this as the Crack BROTP, mostly because of my interactions with my crunchy friend with it being a bit too silly at times My Guilty Pleasure Pairing: Herb Cookie x Cream Unicorn Cookie Both healers that look like they would NOT hesitate to fight back for the sake of protecting those they care about Cream Unicorn would dare say "Shantay You Stay" to Herb, although they would question whether or not to say the same to Eclair Cookie My Crossover Pairing: Herb Cookie x Rantaro Amami I drew Herb dressed up as Rantaro once, and I'm planning to do that again! Or I could draw them hanging out together, since they're both adventurous but also pretty chill characters My Overrated Pairing: Herb Cookie x Clover Cookie Similar to the ones shown as a BROTP, I just see these two as great friends and close as siblings Just like with Carrot Cookie, I don't like Herb pairings that have him shipped with other plant-based cookies, and Clover is no exception to that Not to mention that I see these two in a romantic pairing with other characters, which would be Dark Choco Cookie and Licorice Cookie respectively
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akremodelingturnkey · 1 month
Why Hire Pros For Fire Damage Restoration in Houston and Sugar Land, TX?
It is only possible to be happy when the kitchen at home is purely functional. The concept of a kitchen being ugly and required for cooking only needs to be updated, with the modern kitchen being inviting in multiple aspects. Many homeowners feel the need to resign their kitchen, which is one of the most important rooms in their homes. One may have many ideas about altering the design, but the final touch needs to come from a professional adept at kitchen renovation in Houston Heights and Greenway-Upper Kirby, TX.
Sure, it involves some expenditure, but the outcome is likely to be stunning when engaging a contractor with a proven track record. The homeowner's ideas may be incorporated, too, but the professional is sure to be well aware of the current trends that can transform the kitchen into one of the finest rooms in the house.
Some of the unique concepts that can be transformed into reality today are:-
· Bold Cabinet Designs- Storage is an aspect of the kitchen design that cannot be overlooked. Sure, they were purely functional just a few years ago, but modern-day kitchen cabinets can improve their aesthetic appeal manifold. The bold and in-your-face look appeals to the modern generation with sleek glass doors displaying the beautiful kitchenware inside! One may opt for a contemporary look with bold Mediterranean patterns showcased by the cabinets.
· Green Wall—One cannot risk adding another carbon footprint to the tired environment. Installing a green wall is an exciting idea that is eco-friendly and provides ready resources at the same time. It is also fun to have a live green wall added to a kitchen panel. This area may be lined with small pots to hold living herbs, small veggies, and even edible flowers. Plucking the herbs from the wall to serve the guests will create a buzz.
· Hardware- Well, numerous kitchen hardware types are available now. Classic kitchens may have ornate hardware everywhere to create the right ambiance, but a truly modern kitchen can make do with shining metal hardware. Metal goes well with a rustic design as well. Sparkling stainless steel handles and joints will not look out of place at any point in time. Moreover, the best quality metal hardware is not prone to rust and will retain its charm and functionality for years.
· Multifunctional Kitchen Island- A kitchen island does take up space. One can utilize the additional space most innovatively thus allowing for bonding time with the family. The island is not only used as a dining area but the installation of a mini refrigerator, a workstation, and a study table enables the entire family to remain focused on their respective work and remain together simultaneously.
Sure, the home is the safest place on earth, but a momentary lapse or natural disaster can damage it extensively. Once the fire has been extinguished properly, it is essential to use professional services for fire damage restoration in Houston and Sugar Land, TX.
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thelordturnip · 2 months
Ophelia x Torveas Snippet: Boar Encounter
Some background: Ophelia is a human healer who has come to the wood elf lands to learn healing from an Elvish university. Torveas is a wood elf who goes to the same university as Ophelia. The two have become friends. Then this happens, which changes some things.
That fateful day was the end of the school week. I came to the glen right after classes. I wanted to pick some herbs to study. I was sitting under a tree taking notes in my notebook when I heard a branch snap from behind me. I turned around to see a familiar sight. Dark brown hair with tight curls that moved with the slightest breeze. I knew without a doubt it was Tovyeas who was walking up to me. His glowing smile and sparkling green eyes always brightened my day. 
“Hello, Ophelia,” Tovyeas said with a smile.
I smiled as soon as his eyes met mine. I stood up and closed my notebook. “Tovyeas! It is so pleasant to see you today.” 
“I am glad to see that you have found this spot. It’s beautiful here,” he said as he walked closer to me. By the time he finished speaking, we both were underneath the tree.
“I can’t argue with that point. Like how we can argue over whether or not nymphs exist.” I ran my fingertips over the tree's bark as I spoke. 
He stared at my hand and then at me. “I wouldn't argue with you about that. I couldn't bring myself to argue with someone as delightful as you.”
“Me? Delightful? How?” 
He chuckled. The sound that I longed to hear for over a week. “Your intelligence and vivacity delighted me so much I wanted to talk to you again.”
I felt a rush of happiness at hearing him say that. My smile was bigger than it had been in months. “What kinds of things do you wish to discuss with me?”
“Whatever makes you smile like you did just now.” He said. I assumed I’d see a naughty glint in his eyes thanks to his tone’s flirtatious nature. He did wear a small playful smirk though. 
“Oh, nothing I could talk about could make me smile like you can.” My words came out of my own mouth without hesitation. His smirk did grow upon hearing that. 
“Then I shall have to get more acquainted with you. I do wish to make you smile more. When I see you smile like that, it makes me feel peaceful. Like absolutely nothing is wrong with the world. It makes me want…” 
Tovyeas’ words trailed off at a distant rustling of leaves. He turned towards the deeper part of the woods. The rustling got louder as it got closer. Then there was a loud grunting that turned into a bellowing sort of roar. It was a wild boar. I had only heard stories of these creatures. They rampaged through the forests, eating just about everything in their path. They plowed through their obstacles using their massive tusks. They had a reputation for killing those who stood in their way. My panic increased as the boar came closer. I raised my arms as if that would ward off the impending attack. 
Tovyeas stepped out in front of me. And in the boar's path. I felt as though my stomach dropped as the boar came closer to him. I didn’t want to see Torveas die in front of me. I didn’t want him to get hurt because of me. I tried to move towards him but I was frozen in place. He placed one hand on the handle of a dagger he had sheathed. I had no idea what he was intending to do. It took a human hunter training with a special spear and a pack of trained hunting dogs to take down a boar. I wanted to scream at him that a single half-elf with a dagger would not be a match for a rampaging boar. In my fright, I remained silent even as he put his free hand out towards the boar with his palm facing up.
The boar kept its pace until it could see Tovyeas’ hand. Only then did the beast slow down. The boar’s charge had diminished to a leisurely gait when it came within attacking distance. Then Tovyeas spoke some gentle elvish to it. His tone was sweet and endearing. The boar made a soft grunting noise of some kind. It was almost as if the boar agreed to do something Torveas had asked. Then the boar turned around and left. 
With the boar’s retreat came a flood of relief over me. I let out a huge sigh that made Torveas look at me. There was a mix of emotions I could detect in his eyes: mostly happiness, a slight bit of fright, and something else. There was something else on his mind as he looked at me. It was just a gut feeling I had. 
“I… I’ve never seen one before,” I managed to say. 
“Are you okay?” Torveas asked. 
I wasn’t sure how to answer that. I wasn’t hurt but I was startled. My heart was racing and my mind was reeling. I tried to think of how to answer but it only worsened my feelings. Torveas said something that I didn’t bother to pretend to understand. 
Torveas touched my arm. Even through the sleeves of my tunic, I could feel the warmth of his hands. He was so close to me that I could smell that he carried peppermint leaves and he lived somewhere that burned cedarwood. A typical incense offering for the deities of the Wood elves, or so I had been told.
I put my hand on top of his. I wrapped my fingers underneath his palm. His hand had been on my elbow. I softly squeezed his hand, seeking some kind of response from him. 
“Would hug help?” Torveas asked. His tone was so sweet that his words might as well have been pure honey. 
I didn’t have to think twice. I nodded. He let go of my arm and then wrapped both his arms around me. He kept his hands on my upper back. I buried my face in his chest. His calm heartbeat helped me reach a sense of calm. I wasn’t sure if I was still awake at that point. This felt so pleasant that it had to be a dream. A faint, distant dream that I could never chase in reality. Everything about him in that moment was what I needed. His warmth, his arms holding me close, his herbal and woodsy scent. Nothing mattered in that moment outside of him holding me. I felt him squeeze me gently once and I squeezed him gently back. I did not wish to let go even though I knew the hug had gone on long enough. I would have let him hold me for an eternity. I had felt utterly safe in his arms. Safer than I had ever been in my life. He lightly started running his fingers through my untied hair. It was lovely having his delicate fingers combing through my thick hair. His embrace lifted any distrust I had in him. I trusted him. He trusted me. This was a moment that was meant to happen. My gut, my heart, my soul all told me that it was true. My brain tried to reject it but my visceral reaction was to ignore my rational thinking. I can trust him, I can want him. The thought hit me like a stack of books hitting the floor. I opened my eyes when I fully understood what my current feelings were. 
Neither one of us spoke for a long moment. His heartbeat and breathing stayed calm, even as I looked up at him. He smiled as he looked into my eyes. A smile that reminded me of the thought that made me open my eyes in the first place. 
“Do you feel better now?” His tone was unchanged from before. 
“Yes,” I said. 
He hesitated in letting me go. Please, I remember thinking, please hold me longer. Then I looked over my shoulder. The sun was setting. What light there was happened to be diminishing right in front of us. He let me go as I looked at the sky. 
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souredvalentine · 2 years
stop giving me boring sparkling only exists for herb twink content
give me nonchalant sparkling give me sparkling whos seen the most insane shit known to man and keeps his bar open give me sparkling secretly changing his customers orders if he thinks they have bad taste give me sparkling keeping his bar open during extreme weather warnings on the off chance somebody needs a drink GIVE ME SPARKLING WHO IS HIS OWN CHARACTER OUTSIDE OF BEING A PARTNER FOR HERB
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eupheme · 3 years
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Penny For Your Thoughts
Alfred Pennyworth x F!Reader
Rated E - 5.2k
Tags: age gap, oral sex (f & m rec), light daddy kink, praise kink, fingering, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, PiV, creampie, fluff, Alfred is a service dom and a gentleman
A/N - I don’t know what this is - I just thought Alfred looked pretty dilf-y in The Batman and then I ended up here (and a big thank you to some sweet, encouraging friends when I casually brought this up 💕)
You can’t help but wonder about the Wayne family. But it’s not Bruce, the young billionaire, who’s caught your eye… it’s someone else entirely.
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You could see them from your seat at the crowded bar the moment the two men enter. It was a bit of a surprise, given his reclusive reputation, but at some point anyone who was anyone showed up at the Parliament.
It was a place of wealth, of secrets, trading pieces of paper worth more than their weight in gold in dark, tucked away corners. You'd already done your part for the night, a sealed envelope subtly tucked into a purse as you kissed their cheek in greeting, pulled them in for a hug like an old friend. Nothing more than a messenger, never stepping beyond the open bar floor to the split pathways of deeper, darker rooms.
They separate, the younger man's face grave as he moves on, and you’re more than a little curious how he knows the way, maybe a bit more so if you didn't dislike him so much.
Bruce Wayne was fascinating, you couldn't deny that, but you'd already spent your share of evenings in his company - galas by your clients, and over the hours had experienced little more than a few minutes of conversation, and even less than that of eye contact.
You'd done 'moody' before, and that was an unpleasant experience - but they had nothing on him.
No, your interest was turned elsewhere, to the older man leaning against the bar, sharply-dressed, cane in hand. He had become your idle fascination - Alfred - Wayne’s butler. But personally, you weren't so sure.
Accents and fine clothes were common, you had a few wealthy friends and had observed first-hand, but they all seemed to fit into a mold that he did not.
They did not hold themselves like he did, have scars that cleaved one of their brows in two. Watched with careful eyes, like he was now - too focused on Bruce’s retreating figure to notice you sliding, drink in hand, onto the stool next to him.
“Mr. Pennyworth.” You greet him, and he takes your offered hand, squeezing it gently.
He greets you, your name sounding sweet on his tongue. If he’s surprised, he does not show it.
"Always a pleasure to see you, miss."
You adjust, smoothy crossing one leg over the other, the hem of your dress riding high on your thigh. He throws a quick look towards the arched doorway in the back, the one painted a deep, burgundy red, where Bruce stands talking to two men, their heads bowed.
But then his attention shifts, those grey-blue eyes just on you.
“I didn’t expect to see you here. This doesn’t seem to be your usual spot.”
Alfred smiles, voice friendly but evasive, “Just here on business, miss. What about yourself?"
“Same,” You smile back, “Though I've already done my rounds. I've been waiting for the traffic to die down so I can grab a cab."
There’s a brief lull as you tip your drink back - a cocktail of sparkling water, fruit and herbs that makes your throat burn, almost missing the quick, subtle path his eyes make down your form.
You’ve wondered about him before, what he does all day. If he ever goes out. For the most part you’ve only seen him with Bruce, as a driver, or escorting him like this.
Does he ever get lonely, up in that tower? He’s a handsome man, does he have someone? A lover, an old flame, that he returns to, night after night.
You’ve thought about that last question more than you’d like to admit.
Fortune favors the bold, and you don’t know when you’ll see him again.
Carefully, you prod.
“Too bad you’re not here for fun, instead.” You set your drink down on the napkin, creating a second, matching wet ring, “That would’ve been even more interesting.”
He hesitates, blinking as his lips part, and you wonder if he interpreted it the way you meant, or maybe another way entirely.
“You flatter me,” He says after a moment, smile is small, rueful, “But I think I am far too old for that sort of thing."
That makes you grin, a surprised laugh bubbling from your throat, “That’s ridiculous.”
Your smile softens, your chin balancing in the cupped palm of your hand as you lean in, just a tiny bit, "Maybe you haven't met the right girl yet."
“Ah.” He breathes out the word, and your eyes drop to his mouth, “Perhaps someone more like Master Wayne…”
That grabs your attention and you laugh, a small shake to your head, “I am certain Mr. Wayne is not interested, nor am I-“
Your words are cut off, as the man himself appears just over the older man’s shoulder, his brows furrowed. But Alfred’s eyes linger, just a moment too long, before he’s turning to greet him.
“Just missed them. They’re at the other-”, Bruce’s voice is gravely, tinged with irritation. It’s then that his eyes flick up towards you, and he halts, while you smile politely.
He takes a step back, turning again towards Alfred, “I have to go. I’ll be home later.”
To his credit, he does incline his head towards you in farewell, your eyes meeting the briefest flash of blue before he’s sweeping out the door, his long coat billowing like a cape as he steps into the street.
Your eyebrows raise. Moody, for sure.
“My apologies,” Alfred’s smile is tight as he turns back towards you, “It appears my business has been concluded.”
“Seems like,” You smile, “It was really nice seeing you.”
He hesitates, before making a private decision, “Allow me to offer you a ride home. I believe you’re on the way, and it’s the least I can do.”
The crook of his arm is offered and you take it, slipping your hand under his elbow to rest against a strong forearm, your own coat tucked under your arm.
“Thank you. That would be lovely.”
“This is me.” You gesture towards the brick apartment just up the street, the tidy concrete steps leading to a sage-green door.
The drive over had not been long, the leather seat soft under your thigh, the heat turned up against the perpetual sprinkle of rain outside. Though short, you had plenty of time to think, letting your mind wander.
Wondering if he’d stay if you invited him. If his calm, strong presence would flow into that space. His voice low in your ear, strong hands on your hips as he ruts into you, fills you-
These lewd thoughts are interrupted as the car slows - there’s an empty space nearby, and he effortlessly parks, the engine idling quietly.
“Thank you for the ride, Alfred,” Your hand rests on the door, as you pluck up the courage again. You’d both been dancing around something before, and the heavy weight of it still seemed to linger.
“Would you come up if I asked you?” You glance sideways at him as you ask, barely catching the way his hands go still on the wheel.
“Oh,” Alfred blinks, caught off guard by your question, but it’s not a rejection - the leather seats slick under the silk of your dress as you adjust to face him, your elbow resting against the center console.
“It’s uh, been a while.” He hedges, eyes flicking from your face as you inch closer, to where your fingers reach out to touch his knee.
“I don’t mind if you’re nervous,” Your smile is small, encouraging, “I’m a little nervous too.”
At that he laughs, little more than a low huff of breath, just as your hand splays across his thigh. His head tilts, close to yours, enough to where your noses almost brush.
“That’s not what I said, dove.” His voice is low, an edge to it that makes your thighs press together, your head tilting as your eyes close.
It’s an offer, and after a moment he accepts, lips warm against yours as he leans into you, swallowing your soft moan - his palm cupping your jaw, the space under your ear. He kisses you, his touch firm, groaning when you deepen it, prickles of heat running up your spine when he lets your tongue brush against his.
Your eyes are heavy-lidded when you draw back, watching the way his tongue swipes over his lower lip, “Come inside.”
For a second his jaw tightens, another soft, low, almost incredulous sound - before he shakes his head in gentle resignation.
The ignition turns off, the headlights going dim in the evening light.
You take the steps two at a time, a nervous energy making you jittery - while he takes each one at a slow, steady pace, always one step behind, his coat and cane tucked under his arm.
His hand covers yours when you fumble with the lock, strong fingers wrapping around to fit the key in, the other hand at the small of your back to guide you inside.
Your apartment is how you left it - small, but tidy, a combination living room and kitchen filling the entrance, your white bedroom door tucked off to the side.
“Bedroom?” You ask, taking a step towards the door, but his hand is still on yours, using it to tug you against him.
Alfred turns, taking you with him, your back pressing against the front door as he crowds you, head tilting to kiss you again.
Your hands wrap around his shoulders for balance, his hands bunching the soft fabric at your waist, tugging up the hem so he can fit a thigh between yours - rocking it snugly against you, giving you something to grind down on.
His tongue is sweeping into your mouth, warm hands cupping your jaw as you grind against him, low sounds coming his throat when you whine. You can feel him, half-hard from where he pressed against you, and you want more - want him.
Your hand comes down to cup him, fingers wrapping around and squeezing - breaking the kiss as he groans out loud, rocking into your touch.
“Bedroom.” He answers huskily, keeping you steady as he steps away, fingers trailing from your jaw to your shoulder, down your arm.
You lead him there, through the doorway, into the little safe haven of your room. The bed dips as you sit down on the edge, reaching for the criss-crossing straps of your heels.
“Allow me,” He’s already kneeling, palm cupping the meat of your calf, fingers deftly tugging at the straps, gently removing the shoe from your tired foot before tucking it next to your nightstand.
He repeats the motions, warm hands brushing over the bare skin of your legs, until he carefully places your other foot on the woven rug. It’s hot, really fucking hot, and you’re not sure why - his touch gentle and not all that scandalous, but just seeing him between your legs…
You let your thighs fall open as he still kneels, wide enough to stretch the hem of your skirt across your thighs, watching with baited breath, your lower lip pinched between teeth. Watching as his eyes follow the path of skin, up your clothed cunt, where you can feel your heartbeat thudding.
He breathes out a rough breath, before murmuring, “Stunning.”
You don’t know if he means you, all of you, or just the scrap of fabric that has to be soaked through, but you hike your dress up a little further, just as his hands slide from your ankles up to the outside edge of your knee.
With careful fingers he pushes your dress up the rest of the way to your waist, fingertips pressing into your hips as you lean back on your elbows, letting him fit between your thighs.
“Please, sir.” His natural elegance feels like it needs a title, though there’s a short jerk of his head as his mouth and then nose brushes over the bare skin your lower stomach.
“Not sir.” Alfred grits out, lips touching the lace covering your mound now, so close to where you want him.
“Mr. Pennyworth?” You offer lightly, and his eyes flick to your now, bright and glittering as he gives his head a minute shake.
“No, not that either. Just-“
“Alfred,” you coo, smiling as your hips shift, a shallow rock upwards, “If you wanted me to call you daddy, all you had to do was ask.”
Fingers dig into your hips, harsh and pinching, his focus forgotten as he gives an involuntary groan, his hips rutting against the side of the bed.
Your eyebrows lift, your lips forming a soft “oh” of interest, but he’s giving you a warning look, his voice low, “That mouth, darling, is going to get you into trouble.”
But he’s wrong, it’s his own mouth that will - because it’s pressing against your lace-covered pussy, his tongue flattening against the damp patch. Your hips jerk against his lips as you cry out, his hands moving around your hip to cup your ass, to keep you pressed flush against him.
He groans against you, loudly, the fabric darkening under his tongue and your wet cunt, tasting you over it - until his fingers tug the fabric to the side so he can lick you properly.
The trace of his tongue is slow, a low groan in his throat as he parts you, tongue pressing between warm, soaked folds.
“Oh,” he grits out, only pulling back to peel your panties down you legs, “I could eat you all day.”
Alfred’s mouth covers you then, licking and kissing, beard scraping your inner thighs as he presses himself as close as he can, tongue teasing at your clit until you’re moaning, chasing the building pleasure.
You skin feels hot - confined in all these layers - fingers tugging clumsily at the hidden zipper of your dress, wriggling the fabric over your head the second it’s loose enough, losing it over the edge of the bed.
When you look down again he’s watching you, lifting his head as your slick clings to his lips, eyes roving over the matching lace covering your breasts, the bare expanse of your skin.
“Can I touch you, dove?” He asks, his breath hot against your thigh, all the while carefully removing his cufflinks, a wink of his gold watch disappearing into his trousers, before he rolls his sleeves up.
“Yes,” you all but beg, watching more skin appear with each roll, until both arms are bare.
Alfred hums a low sigh, hand drifting from your arm to between your spread thighs, almost reverent in the way he glides a finger across your clit. You hope he stays there, teasing the sensitive bud, but he keeps moving downwards, tracing your opening, gathering your slick before pressing in. Your stomach jolts as he sinks deep to the knuckle and thrusts, easing your ache for more.
His position adjusts, pulling back so he watch as he works another in - and this time you whimper with the gentle stretch. But you’re watching too, the flex of muscles in his wrist, the base of his fingers slick and shining.
“Gorgeous,” Alfred murmurs, before his head dips down, kissing your clit before he licks it, making your thighs tremor, your fingers claw at the sheets. The pump of his fingers match the steady flick of his tongue, before he curls and drags them against your inner walls.
He’s watching you as you yelp, doing it again, pushing in, curling, and your mouth falls open in along moan, your hips flexing needily into his hand, his mouth.
“Again.” You whimper, and you think he smiles, his lips replace his tongue as he sucks at your clit. Always dragging over that same spot, each one drawing your breath faster, heat growing in your belly as his fingers thrust.
Your chest feels tight, unable to get enough air with each of your short breaths, vision going hazy as he fucks you on his fingers, and fuck - you’re so close, your muscles going stiff as you clench down around him.
The words that spill from your lips are babble, a whimpered mess of your desires, “Fuck me, oh god, please-“
His head lifts for a moment, his fingers pounding into you, his voice gentle and coaxing, “I will, darling. Anything you want. But I need you to come for me first. Can you do that for daddy?”
Oh god, this man is going to ruin you, and you can feel the heat in your cheeks, blossoming across your chest at his words. You’re impossibly wet, wound up, and all you can do is nod, barely squeaking out a “yes” before your vision starts to go hazy, eyes unfocusing as the pleasure crashes within you.
Your head tilts back as your back bows, gushing against his tongue as your cunt pulses around the fingers that continue to move - wave after wave until your hand grasps from him, almost pushing you into overstimulation.
“Oh god,” you moan in a sort of dazed shock, your limbs going limp as he carefully withdraws his fingers, before kissing down until his tongue can slip against you, tasting your release and making your thighs flex.
“I thought you didn’t like that name.” You accusatory question is soft in your afterglow, the pleasure still blooming in your core.
“Ah, that’s not what I said, either.” His lips quirk up, moving to stand next to you by the bed, working at the shining buttons of his vest, you rising quickly to help.
He’s hard, achingly so, his hips jutting into your touch as you loosen his belt, seeing how he strains against his trousers.
“In fact,” Alfred considers, watching the way your hand reaches for the button, “I seem to really like it when you say it.”
That makes you preen, leaving him to work on the small buttons of his shirt, his tie, as you wrestle with his belt. You make short work of the zipper, tugging his trousers down, seeing the dark, soaked mark against the tent of his boxers, where he’s leaked through the fabric.
You mimic his movements before, kissing the clothed curve of his cock, earning a low, moaned curse. Fingers bite into his hips, dragging the boxers down to his calves, his length bobbing free.
It should be the first thing you notice, but it’s not - your eyes are drawn to the snarl of scar tissue curving up his hip, the healed slashes near his stomach now that his shirt is unbuttoned.
He’s gone silent, giving you nothing. Secrets are treasures here, more precious than gold. Maybe you’ll earn them, someday, but that someday is not tonight. Instead of asking, you press a kiss to his hip, then lower, until your lips drag along his cock, down to the flushed tip.
“Christ, darling-,” He groans through gritted teeth, as you take him into your mouth, your lips wrapping around him as you bob your head, slicking him up.
You make it down, slowly, to the base, his cock choking you, filling your mouth. After the way he touched you, fucking you until you saw stars - you’d deep throat him, swallow him down if he wanted.
But instead his lips part, his hips carefully still except for the occasional small thrust, his hands cradling the back of your head as you gaze up at him, watching. Seeing the way he groans appreciatively when you suck on him, when your fist wraps around him and pumps, your tongue licking at the sensitive glands at the tip.
He’s thick, achingly hard in your hand, the tip of him salty as he leaks onto your tongue. Your hand drifts down between your legs, to where the slick clings to your thighs, teasing at your clit - and he does jerk then, his cock sliding against your wet fist.
“You are, god-“ He tries to find words and fails, sucking in a shaky breath, “I promised to fuck you dove. If you keep doing that, I won’t be able to.”
You press harder at your clit when you hear him say “fuck” in the nice voice he has, your eyes drifting closed. You want to make him say it again, say more filthy things to you.
But instead, you’re eased off his cock, leaving it to hang heavy between his thighs as he steps out of his pants and boxers. Smiling, you scoot back on the bed, leaning back against the pillows, watching as he peels off socks, laying all the folded garments on the chair by your desk.
The bed dips as he eases onto it, settling smoothly on top of you, fitting between spread thighs. You lean back, just as he mouths at the soft skin of your neck, down to your breasts, your other hand reaching for him, fingers digging into his shoulder.
Teeth scrape over a lace-covered nipple, the slight pain blooming into pleasure, his lips closing around the tight bud and sucking. Fingers pluck at the clasps, until his mouth is on your bare skin, leaving both of you moaning.
“Oh, just like that.” You beg, his thumb swiping over one nipple, his tongue running over another. It has you clenching around nothing - molten, and you think that would come just from this if you could.
His hips dip down, grinding into yours, his cock trapped against the curve of your thigh. Mouth meet as he moves, sweeps tongue and soft sighs, liking the taste of yourself on his lips.
Slowly you rock against him, seeking friction, until you feel his cock brushing against your folds, moaning into his mouth.
You press your lips greedily against his cheek, mouth at his jaw, “I need you in me, now.”
He groans, the shift of his hips slicking his cock against your cunt, sliding over your lips, almost frictionless with how soaked you are.
“Indulge an old man darling, once more.” His voice is low, teeth gritting, “Use that smart mouth.”
Oh. You can feel yourself clench, your muscles tightening, breath hot against his neck, “Fuck me, daddy. Please.”
The sound he makes is sinful, a hand working between the two of you to line himself up, his tip pressing against your entrance.
But then he stills, lips parted in effort, pulling back to look at you, “Do you have protection?”
You nod, leaning and stretching to hook a finger around the knob of your bedside table, cracking the drawer open, “I have condoms if you want them.”
“If I want them.” He repeats, lips brushing your temple, “But what you do want, dove?”
You were right about him being perceptive, and you squirm beneath the weight, of both his body and his gaze, your eyes sliding away.
“Tell me.” Alfred draws you back with a palm against your cheek, an assertive edge to his voice, “Anything you want”.
Under his gaze it’s hard not to feel flushed, needy. Your confession slips out, coaxed by the look in his eyes, “I want-… I want you to come in me. I’ve been thinking about it all night.”
You’re scrambling to explain as his eyes close, his head dropping to the crook of your neck, “I’m clean. On the pill, too, I-“
“Fuck.” His hips shift, just staring to sink into you, your hands gripping his biceps, “Perfect, oh-“
His head lifts as he shifts his hips, as the blunt tip of his cock nudges forward, watching the way your lips part on a rough moan, your eyes widening as he sinks into your heat.
Slowly, he thrusts, pulling out half-way, before sliding back in, and you’re clenching at the feel of the sweet drag of him against your walls.
Again, and then again, the sharp punch of him filling you, the clap of skin on skin as your heels dig into the mattress, rocking your hips to meet him.
Until he’s pushing up onto his knees, hands on your waist to keep him deep, your thighs spreading wide as he curves over you.
The harsh slap speeds up, the thick stretch of him sending your body jolting, a slow bounce and rock of your hips beneath his hands. It’s more than you could’ve imagined, your earlier fantasies disappearing with wisps of smoke, replaced with the way he’s grinding against you now.
“Look at your tight, perfect cunt,” he murmurs, his hand sliding over your breasts, stomach, down to rub against your clit. “You’re taking me so well, aren’t you?”
The wet swipe of his fingers steals your words, any response you might have disappearing as you stare up at him, breathless, the grit of his jaw, the downcast eyes as he concentrates on where you’re connected.
He shifts, your legs catching on his hips, knees pressing against his chest, the angle changing until he’s hitting that spot he stroked with his fingers. You tremble under him, finding your voice with a hoarse cry, and those eyes flick up to yours.
“There?” He rasps, his hips drawing back, rutting against the spot again, “Like that?”
“Please,” you beg, and he obliges, an arm wrapping around your bent leg to hold you in place, his fingers rubbing your clit in small, tight circles.
You can feel it build, the hot pressure in your core, the tight wind until you feel like you’re about to snap.
“Oh, don’t stop,” You whine, rocking your hips to meet him, chasing the pleasure that’s about to spill over. Your head tilts, muffling your cries into your arm, bent so you can hold onto the sheets.
“Don’t hide your sweet sounds from me,” Alfred groans with an effort, “Let me hear you.”
You wonder if he’s close too, and it’s his voice the thought of him that has you gasping, clenching hard around his length. Your vision goes hazy, his face, the room around you dimming as you pulse, muscles feeling tight and you moan.
“God you’re gorgeous when you come.” His hips slow, but his fingers continue to circle, more gently, slick with your arousal, the seep of your release on his cock.
It twinges, your pussy still sensitive from your orgasm, and you’re still breathing hard as you come back down, pushing up on your elbow as you find yourself again.
His brow is furrowed, held still above you except for the smallest rock of his hips, lips parted as he exhales through them, holding himself back.
“What are you-?” You ask, your skin feeling alight, tingling, his fingers continuing to work at his clit.
The look he gives you is heavy, dark with need, “I want you to give me another, okay?”
Your laugh is strangled, half-whine, half-groan, but you can’t ignore the soft coaxing of his fingers, the feeling of his cock pressed so deep.
“I, haven’t, I-”
But he continues, his hips moving just a little bit more, keeping himself as deep as he can with short shallow thrusts, “You can do it darling, I know you can.”
You clench and he groans, a rough, broken sound, pushing forward until your knees are brushing your breasts, your head tilting up as his tilts down.
The slap of his hips is loud, your cunt soaked and taking him easily, your hand hooking around his neck so you can drag his mouth to yours, swallowing his groans.
Your breathe him in, the feeling of his weight on you, the tight feeling in your core. The harsh gasp of your breath, you body jolting with his thrusts, fingers scrambling against skin as you cling to him.
His name is sweet on your tongue, choked out as it hits you by surprise, your back bowing as your thighs clench, warm, sharp waves radiating from your core. You’re coming again, not as strongly as the first time, but it still leeches the energy from you, leaving you soft and boneless.
“Fuck,” Alfred groans, feeling your tight, wet heat gripping him, “There’s a good girl.”
He’s been holding back, you can feel it in the way he grips you now, wrapping his fingers until they grip the flesh of your hips, the way he thrusts, chasing his own pleasure now.
Sweat beads both your foreheads, your mind still swirling with sweet clouds and limbs leaden against your bed.
He implied that you might get into trouble, and now you know you are - knowing that after tonight you’ll want this again, want him.
But from the way he’s gazing at you, like he’s still unsure this is happening, like you might be just a dream, makes you hope he’ll want it, too.
“Oh fuck, I’m going to come.” Alfred grits out, his hips not quite as steady, a tremor in his arms, “Going to give you want you wanted.”
You plead for it, the slap of his hips turning into a sloppy grind, and he falls over the edge to your voice, the soft sighs of “please, come in me, I want to feel you, please-“
His groan is rough, broken, as he buries himself in you, face against your neck, bodies molded together as he spills inside your tight cunt. Filthy groans and praises twining together until it turns into wordless groans, until he’s spent all of himself in you.
The weight of him presses against you as he catches his breath, his exhale hot against your cheek as you wrap your arms around his shoulders. You feel sleepy, content, and it’s only when he stirs, sliding himself carefully from you, that you can bring yourself to move.
“That was-“ You smile lazily, unable to find words. The only time you’d come more than once was with yourself, and the memory already makes you feel flushed, even with the dull ache between your thighs.
“Quite.” There’s a softness to his smile, one that makes your chest feel tight and fluttery. He helps you sit up, and you leave him to clean up, slipping on the soft bathrobe hanging from the hook in the bathroom.
When you come back he’s already dressing, shrugging on the dark vest, adjusting the watch on his wrist. You feel shy then - young, unsure what to do.
He sees you then, hovering in the doorway, and his look falters, “You want me to stay.”
You’re not sure if it’s a question, and neither does he.
“I would if I could, and I mean that.” His voice is gentle, soothing, moving until his palms can run over your upper arms.
And you believe him, because how could you not - after all that has happened?
Walking him to the door, you shiver as you open it, the rain outside still coming down. It was a strange feeling, like no time and yet hours had passed, but it was still the same night, the same rain.
But now there’s a bright spotlight above that seems to cleave the sky in two - it’s been appearing a lot more often these days. You don’t know him well enough to say “drive safe”, but you wish it, quietly in your mind.
The doorway digs into your shoulders as your lean against it, pulling your fluffy robe tightly around you.
"Will I see you again?" Your voice sounds small, caught by the sharp wind outside.
He pauses on the step, his head tilting just barely to the side, "If that is what you want."
You worry your lip between teeth. You do want that, right now more than you’ve wanted anything. But you still feel nervous about putting the thought out there, exposed, “What about what you want?"
Lips curl in the hint of a smile, illuminated by the light on your doorstep. His hand lifts yours, lips brushing across your knuckles.
"You will see me again.”
You watch until the car disappears into the night, until the cold creeps under your robe.
Even then, you can’t hide your smile.
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(If you made it this far please know that I appreciate and love you so much 💖)
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namusthetic · 3 years
Stuck Inside a Dark Academia RPG
You find yourself stuck inside a Dark Academia-inspired RPG (Role-Playing Game). You started living with six others away from society, pursuing arts and science.
That is, until a dead body is found in the woods surrounding the mansion, and you all start investigating the mysterious murder.
The musician
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listens to classic or jazz music at the oddest hours of the night
enjoys the latest Pop and R&B Hits as well, but nobody has to know
always hums to themselves while doing chores
carries a notebook to write down new melodies
can't really stay still
actually likes silence so they can listen to the melodies stuck in their head
has stage fright but it disappears when they start playing
very sensitive, wears their heart on their sleeve
you have tea and pastries with them everyday at 5PM sharp
Gentle hands and shy smiles, the swirls of poured milk in a cup of earl grey tea, the reflection of light shining through a crystal chandelier, the icy elegance of fresh snow, the cold breeze of the first days of autumn, scribbled music sheets
The artist
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compulsively collects art supplies
believes that every surface and material can be doodled on if you try hard enough
playful, laughs easily and with their whole body
pulls pranks on the others and asks you for help
would draw you, but with mustaches
likes to explore, takes pictures to get inspiration for their paintings
always has pencils and brushes hanging from their pockets or tucked behind their ears
"excuse you, what do you mean I don't have enough money for this paint?"
no attention span whatsoever
golden retriever energy™
always trying to make everyone laugh but can be really mature if the situation requires it
hates monotony and boredom
Soft golden light, that feeling of satisfaction and happiness of feeling loved, pretty hands, sparkling laughter and tight hugs, jeans overalls and warm sweaters, excited talking and the gentle warmth of the spring sun
The writer
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leaves half-written journals and diaries laying around
reads several books at the same time because they want to switch between different genres depending on how the feel
goes to bed at 6am because 'I just had to finish writing that chapter'
always gives their own opinion in a calm and controlled way
is always very collected except when there are cute pets involved
has several writing spots that rotate regurarly, but is especially fond of small independent coffee shops
has always black ink splotches on their hands and cuffs
has a several calli on their hand, exactly where they hold the pen
changes often writing tools, feathers and ink, old ballpoint pens about to run out of ink, typewriters or old computers with CRT monitors
people watching helps them find inspiration for their stories
Old soul, warm eyes that look like they have seen and experienced so much already, a warm hand on your shoulder, cardigans and big glasses with a thin metal frame, ink stains and the rhythmic sound of typing on a mechanical keyboard
The mathematician
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every surface is a good surface for writing down formulas
solves problems as a coping method for anxiety
always tries to trick someone into play chess with them
follows a strict routine, waking up at 5am for a run
'healthy body healthy mind'
always looks very apathic but actually cares about everyone in a subtle way
hates small talk
ambitious and competitive
struggles to open up to others
highly organized and analytical
silently sits near you and leans in to give you their shoulder to rest your head on
Minimalist aesthetic, the sound of fast scribbling with a sharpie on a whiteboard, dress shirts with rolled up sleeves, black framed glasses and a glint of understanding in their eyes, green apples and sparkling water
The biologist
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takes care of the greenhouse and grows peculiar herbs and plants
draws plants and animal species on their journal
takes you birdwatching every Sunday morning
goes often for long walks in the woods to search for roots, herbs and fungi
knows the scientific name of every plant and animal
always there to be the mediator during heated discussions
goes to bed early and wakes before everyone alse to have deep discussions with the mathematician, when the house is still dead quiet and only the birds can be heard from outside
tries new herbal teas mixtures and makes everyone else try and rate them
plays the ukulele for their plants
Summer breeze and dandelions, straw hats and sweet smiles, almond milk and honey in the morning, chamomile brew before going to bed, long bycicle rides in the late afternoon, small potted plants on the windowsill, pressed flowers and soft purring
The historian
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always found reading some heavy-looking old book and taking notes
knows several languages, including ancient Greek and Latin
appreciates literature works from different countries and cultures
always knows the answer somehow, even if it's has nothing to do with their field of studies
has a serious coffee addiction
spends most of their time in the library, often staying up until sunrise
leaves written pieces of paper inside library books "to make them more interesting, you know?"
likes to play Devil's advocate during heated discussions
listens to vynils in the dead of night
tries to hide their emotions to look cool and aloof, but brings you your favorite snack and drink when you overwork yourself, and covers you with a blanket if you fall asleep on the couch while reading
Sarcasm and knowing smiles, old secrets and rushed kisses on the cheek, silent laughter and rushed notes, worn out notebooks and ink smudges, the last sunlight casting through the bookshelves of an old library
The astrophysicist
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tells you the name of every constellation and star in the night sky
spends their nights on the roof stargazing
has poor eyesight for always working at night
the walls of their room are covered with planetaries and has several models of constellations and galaxies
over-works themselves to avoid dealing with their emotions
forgets to take care of themselves sometimes
takes you stargazing and brings food and cake as well
quietly listens to you, the most reassuring person
Quiet but extremely sweet, shy smiles and long hugs, the glow of the milky way in the dead of night, black coffee and chocolate cake, the soft swirls of galaxies in space, fairy lights and large astronomical maps
Experiences by Ludovico Einaudi
Salem's Secret by Peter Gundry
Angel of Small Death & the Codeine Scene by Hozier
Reflections by Toshifumi Inata
Little Dark Age by MGMT
Vivaldi Storm by 2CELLOS
Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths
Take Me to Church by Hozier
Cold Cold Cold by Cage the Elephant
Art Deco by Lana Del Rey
Visions of Gideon by Sufjan Stevens
You're in Love by Joe Hisaishi
Claire de lune by Claude Debussy
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tarithenurse · 2 years
Bookish - 2
Fandom: MCU AU Pairing: Loki x fem!reader Content: More awkwardness, an arrangement is suggested. A/N: Let me know what you think, if I should continue it. If you want a tag – send and ASK or reblog.
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You have had to go digging through your dresser to find a skirt (a pencil skirt of all things!) that works with your button-up shirt from work and as you look yourself up and down in the mirror, you can’t help but feel that you seem a tad too professional. Like a secretary at a big business.
Is this what he meant? A part of you doesn’t want to disappoint him.
A pair of pumps and some light makeup will have to finish the look and there’s nothing more you can do about it because it’s the only thing remotely similar to neat that you own.
Jittery from nerves, you’re out of the door way too early and have to wait by the now closed antiquarian long enough for the grocer next door to notice and start eyeing you curiously.
You’ve just about made up your mind to walk around the block when you spot Loki coming from down the street. He looks dashing as always. Sharp suit and a tie fastened with a pin that gleams with gold and emerald green in the sun. Mostly it’s his small smile that captivates you, though.
Then he notices you and the smile grows.
“[Y/N],” he beams and you notice the tiny nod of approval as he looks you over, “I hope you haven’t waited long?”
“Not at all,” you lie, butterflies crashing around in your stomach.
Small talking, the two of you begin to make your way up the street and you notice how Loki adjusts his pace to your smaller steps.
“So where are we going?” you ask.
“Wait and see...but we’re almost there.”
Thank fuck, you’re not used to wearing heels and your feet are already complaining.
Loki leads you to what appears to be a small Italian restaurant on a busy street. The facade is quaint and the moment the door opens, you’re greeted by the scent of fresh basil and other lovely herbs. A maître d’ stands at the ready and politely ushers the two of you to a table in a corner after Loki has stated his name.
The place itself is...well, you’re under-dressed, that’s for sure. Sparkling cream walls and heavy royal-blue velvet offsets the cherry wooden floors. There are tiny crystal chandeliers hanging over each table, fragmenting the light into rainbows that dance on blue tablecloths and pristine, golden cutlery.
The few patrons are all sharply dressed in much the same impeccably rich style as Loki and you can’t help but feel out of place. More so as the waiter holds out the chair for you. You know theoretically how to behave in a place like this. Know to accept the chair without looking or reaching for it even if it goes against your instincts. You’re also not surprised when the menu that you’re given doesn’t hold any prizes and either way, you’ve already guessed that this is far above your pay grade.
“We’d like two prosecchi,” Loki orders.
The man nods. “Yes, mister Laufeyson. Right away.”
“Loki,” you mumble once the maître d’ is gone, “are you sure about this?”
“Absolutely,” he smiles. “Now if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.” He must have noticed your bewilderment at the many options on the menu because he continues on the same breath: “I’m going for a starter and a single main course but you can decide on anything you want.”
“Thank you,” you say and mean it.
A waiter comes with two tall glasses of bubbly wine and leaves again without a word, giving the two of you time to make up your mind what to eat and drink.
Most of the dishes are things you’ve never tried but you spot a starter that seems safe in its simplicity (a so-called Insalata Caprese with mozzarella, tomato, and basil) but you’re stumped when it comes to the main course.
“Their saltimbocca is impeccable,” Loki murmurs discreetly.
Of course you end up going with his suggestion once the waiter comes to take your order.
“Now,” Loki begins after you’ve both have a sip of the bubbly drink, “I’m sure you want to know what this is all about?” You nod. “It is, quite frankly, something I’ve never attempted before and I hope you won’t think ill of me for suggesting this but -” he pauses to taste the words before uttering them -”I would like to be your...sponsor. A monthly allowance and whatever gifts I deem appropriate in exchange for you to focus on your studies and your company when required.”
A sugardaddy arrangement?! Never in your wildest imagination had you seen this coming and you can’t help but sit with your mouth open. Just then the waiter comes with the first wine and you quickly snap your mouth shut. Both of you wait (more or less patiently) for the waiter to finish and leave.
“Excuse me?” you blurt in a hush. Loki recoils visibly and you can’t help but feel sorry for him: he’s put himself out there to come with this offer and you...well what are you meant to say? “Don’t get me wrong it’s quite an offer, but...why? How?”
“I find you intriguing, find your company soothing and your mind fascinating. I know you still haven’t found a new job but that you need the financial buffer to see you through university...and I do hate to see a brilliant mind wasted. In other words,” Loki is speaking faster and faster, “it is mainly for selfish reasons because I enjoy the time we’ve spent together.”
You take a big swig from the prosecco, the tart bubbles prickling your nose. “So what would...would we...is this...?” You can’t find it in yourself to ask what really bothers you: do you expect sex in exchange? You don’t know much about these sort of things, but you’re well aware of how romance novels and smuttier books portray this sort of relationships.
Green eyes dart around the place to ensure no one is listening in. “I am not soliciting you to have sex with me.”
A part of your body heats at the thought and you can’t help but consider what it would be like. I could have survived it, maybe liked it, you realize with horror.
“Then what sort of company do you mean?”
Loki breathes out slowly as if to rid himself of the nerves that you feel too. “I’m often required to attend formal events of various types. They would be much less boring if you were to come with me.”
“So a plus one sort of thing?”
The waiter appears with the food and silence engulfs the table until he leaves, having briefly explained various details about the dishes.
You dig into your starter (or antipasto, as the menu had called it) with shaking cutlery. Across from you, Loki is doing the same although he seems somewhat elated now that he’s made his offer and you find yourself to be considering it. Am I crazy?
“Tell me more about this arrangement,” you hear yourself prompt him.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Heyo could you please provide general Sparkling cookie x reader headcanons?
Please I need some x reader content of himmm
-Rhinestone anon
Sparkling already knows you as a regular at his juice bar.
In fact you're one of his favorite customers besides Vampire, Mint Choco, and Herb!
You're just a delight to chat with (and leave good tips, too, but he values company more than anything tbh).
The moment you come up to the counter, you don't even need to say a word as he's already mixing up your favorite drink.
"Glad you got my back, Sparky. I'm parched from my adventure out there. It's been hot for days on end."
"Well, not to worry my friend! This will refresh you in no time." He speaks with such charisma, keeping that charming smile on his face at all times.
Even when not working, Sparkling carries that same tireless energy everywhere he goes--whether it's the tropical soda islands or when he hosts costume contests and other events in the kingdom.
If he's part of your exploration team, he mainly stays behind you and throws magic cocktails if he sees you or another cookie struggling.
He usually only goes if there's a chance for him to grab ingredients for his establishment (and only he knows the safest ones to grab).
But even then it takes some convincing since he's...not exactly dressed for combat.
If the situation calls for it, he'll do his best to serve you and everyone else with healing powers.
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Relationships Masterlist
I decided to make this so I can list every single relationship in this story. It may spoil a little bit of the story but it's fine.
Premier Custard & Custard Junior - grandfather & grandson
Pure Vanilla & Premier Custard - brothers
Elder Custard & Pure Vanilla - cousins
Elder Custard & Premier Custard - cousins
Elder Custard & Clotted Cream - grandfather & grandson
Clotted Cream & Strawberry Crepe & Custard Junior - cousins
Pure Vanilla & Strawberry Crepe - adoptive father & child
Black Raisin & Strawberry Crepe - adoptive mother & child
Hollyberry & Princess - grandmother & granddaughter
Hollyberry & Tiger Lily - grandmother & granddaughter
Princess & Tiger Lily - twin sisters
White Lily & Red Velvet - adoptive mother & son
White Lily & Poison Mushroom - adoptive mother & child
Red Velvet & Poison Mushroom - adoptive siblings
Dark Cacao & Dark Choco - father & son
Sea Fairy & Moonlight & Herb - mothers & son
Sea Fairy & Moonlight & Mango - mothers & child
Herb & Mango - siblings
Eclair & Earl Grey - twins
Eclair & Earl Grey & Roguefort - siblings
Blackberry & Onion - adoptive mother & child
Latte & Espresso - cousins, adoptive siblings
Gingerbrave & Muscle - brothers
Cherry Blossom & Cherry - sisters
Alchemist & Vampire - siblings
Raspberry & Raspberry Mousse - twins
Romantic Relationships
Sea Fairy/Moonlight - married wives
Dark Cacao/Golden Cheese/Hollyberry/Pure Vanilla - polyamorous dating
Hollyberry/Pitaya Dragon - dating
Rye/Chili Pepper - dating (background relationship)
Princess/Knight - platonic couple
Hollyberry/White Lily/Dark Cacao/Golden Cheese/Pure Vanilla - past polyam lovers
Latte/Kumiho - past dating
Wizard/Gingerbrave - crushing
Blackberry/Adventurer - crushing (background relationship)
Wildberry/Crunchy Chip - crushing (bg relationship)
Kumiho -> Latte - one sided love
Raspberry -> Latte - one sided crush
Madeleine -> Raspberry - one sided crush
Red Velvet -> Madeleine - one sided crush
Sparkling -> Vampire - past one sided crush
Latte/Pomegranate - short term love
Latte/Almond - short term lovers
Mint Choco/Cocoa - lovers (background relationship)
Vampire/Rockstar - in love (bg relationship)
Dark Choco/Madeleine - in love
Obviously with the romantic relationships, not everything happens at the same time. Many of the relationships develop as the story goes on, some for the better, some for the worse.
I am not listing friendships since it would take ages plus most friendships change throughout the story so there would be no point in doing so.
I will likely edit this because I am 90% sure I am forgetting at least one relationship haha,,,
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Hello Miss Raven! Headcanons for S/O in the same club as the twins please. I think it'd be cute if they did activities together, same hobbies and some such uwu
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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The Mountain Lovers Club activities tend to start with rising bright and early! Jade comes to personally wake you up and make sure that you’re all set for the day’s expedition, complete with breakfast in bed. It’s nearly served on a trey, and even comes with a decorative little vase with a single rose.
Hiking in the mountains can be an arduous task! It’s not unusual for you to stumble in a patch of rough terrain—but whenever you do, you can count on Jade to catch you, cushion your fall, or offer a hand to help you back onto your feet.
Out in the wilderness, you can enjoy one another’s company without any interruptions or prying eyes. It grants Jade many opportunities to show his more vulnerable and affectionate side. His hand might find yours, and his shoulders may lean into yours, bringing you ever closer.
Jade has sharp senses, so he’s typically the leader on club trips. He’ll point out the call of birdsong in the distance, or the sun just peering over the horizon. At certain points, he’ll coax you onto the ground, belly pressed against the earth, to see a particularly curious mushroom up close, or flowers still set in the sparkle of morning dew. “Fufu. But, of course, none of nature’s offerings could hope to match your beauty.”
Jade can whip up a tasty meal for the two of you at your campsite! He’s an expert when it comes to wild herbs, plants and fungi, so leave it to him to know what’s edible and what’s not. (He catches your wrist on a number of occasions before you make a dangerous brush with poison ivy or a toxic lookalike mushroom.)
It’s cramped but cozy in your shared tent. You each have your own sleeping bags, but you sleep side by side, basking in the presence of your partner as you slowly drift off to sleep. Jade is the last thing you see when your vision starts to fade to black, and he’s the first thing you see when a new day greets you.
Every so often, you’ll stay up late for a spectacular sight: the starry night sky, a meteor shower, the blood moon... some celestial phenomenon. Jade will have a thick blanket and a thermos of hot tea prepared for those occasions. You’ll wiggle under the blanket with him share a snuggle as you watch the stars blink into existence—hoping for a shooting one to wish upon, to ask to be by Jade’s side forevermore.
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It’s a given that you walk to and from practices and games together! (The coach usually asks you to wrangle Floyd for him, since you’re one of the few people that can reason with the eel.)
Floyd packs a bunch of post-practice/game food to share! Sometimes it’s just pre-packaged snacks, but other times, he goes out of his way to make feasts (which he somehow manages to cram into his duffle bag). It’s great fun (and good shooting practice) to try and toss small tidbits into the other’s mouth. He also makes sure to include bottles of water so you can stay hydrated, making a show of pressing it in the crook of your neck or on your forehead to catch you off guard and squeak.
Though he loves you, Floyd’s competitive and selfish side comes out in full force during club activities. He hogs the ball and goes for flashy dunks! Floyd wants to show off how good he is at basketball, even if that means he has to beat you in practice matches to prove it. You’ll praise him lots, won’t you?
Floyd’s competitiveness serves as a major driving force for your improvement. You’re both always striving to get better at your sport, which leads to shopping for new gear together and special training sessions for just the two of you.
You may occasionally get a little reckless with your maneuvers. A slip, a twist, an injury—and Floyd’s the first to rush to your side (sometimes tackling his other team mates out of the way to access you). He’ll carry you to the nurse’s office and treat you himself, staying by your side, chatting, and making silly faces until you’ve stopped sobbing. Floyd will even give your injury a cheeky kiss once it’s all bandaged up. “It’ll help the boo-boo heal faster~”
You’ve got your own team jersey and jacket, but nothing’s stopping you from stealing Floyd’s for fun. He gets back at you by swiping your own jersey and jacket (though they’re too small for him to wear normally, so he just ties them around his waist and dares you to try and reclaim them). It just becomes an endless cycle of “borrowing” one another’s clothes.
You and Floyd are a force to be reckoned with on the court. You have an unexpected play style that leaves your opponents guessing for what’s to come, but that unpredictability is what makes you synergise with Floyd so well. You’re perfectly coordinated, able to reach the other’s movements and react accordingly—it’s a testament to how much faith you have in each other!
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ellitx · 4 years
Beguilement | Albedo x Reader
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Klee asks for Albedo’s help to make bombs with her.
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word count: 2.9k
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           “What are you doing?”
            Albedo peered at you from the corner of his eyes, raising an eyebrow why you were holding his cheek. His work ceased when he felt your warm hand touched his face, bringing down the papers on the desk.
            “What am I doing?” You echoed with a slight tilt of your head. “I’m checking if you’re okay. You’re overworking yourself again.” You sighed, placing your hands on your hips. 
            “I’m not.”
           He latched his gloved hand on yours and bring it down back to your side. “Hm…” Your [eye color] eyes had a tint of a doubtful frown as you pout. Seeing the Chief Alchemist stuck in his research lab worried you. It’s been a while since you’ve last seen him and that’s why you’re here today.
            He didn’t mind when you waltzed in suddenly while he was mixing different kinds of herbs. He knew you wouldn’t cause a ruckus inside considering how dangerous his and Sucrose’s works are.
            “Klee really wanted to play with you, you know.” You started and took a sit on a nearby chair in his workshop. 
            “And so are you.” He placed back the various types of equipment to their rightful place and chuckled when he noticed your cheeks reddened. 
            “Albedo!!” The door slammed open surprising the two teens. The said male felt someone glomped onto his leg. He looked down and saw the Spark Knight wrapped her little arms on his leg so tightly, her ruby eyes scintillating so brightly that was donned with a big grin.
            “I saw the sign wasn’t in your door anymore!! Does that mean you’ll play with Klee?!”
            Albedo rested his hand on the top of her head but threw a confused glimpse at her. He’s a hundred percent sure last time he checked, the “Experiment in Progress” sign was still hanging to let everyone know he’s busy.
            His aquamarine eyes landed on you who was innocently reading his notes, awing at his written discoveries and sketches of a place you've never seen before. His fingers pinched the bridge of his nose, heaving a sigh. The Kreideprinz knelt down before Klee and ruffled her big red hat whose eyes were bright as the sun and smile so innocent.
            “Yes. My research is almost done so might as well take a break.”
            Your ears perked up at his words and lifted your head away from the notebook. “If that’s so, then I wanna make more bombs with you!!” The child tugged his lab coat and pulled him to the table, laying her hefty backpack on the chair. 
            She let out her collection of bombs to the Chief Alchemist and stretched her arms to showcase her invention. “Ta-da!! I tried to make a different Jumpty Dumpty!” Albedo placed his fingers on his chin as he inspected the object.
            You peered over his shoulder and eyes glimmered admiring the cute little red bunny device. “Woah!! This one seems different from your usual Jumpty Dumpty, Klee!” You leaned against him to get a closer look. 
            The blonde child giggled but let out a yelp when she felt that her feet weren’t touching the ground. Her small hands were now laying on your shoulder as you carry her small stature in your arms.
            The Alchemist’s focus was now on the timer hidden behind Jumpty Dumpty, surprising him. “It’s dangerous if we keep the bombs here. How about we go to Stormterror’s Lair to test it out?” His suggestion made the two girls looked at him with sparkling eyes and nodded eagerly.
            You put down Klee and helped her pack her stuff back inside her backpack. Both of you were chanting happily making the corner of his lips tugged upwards at the adorable scene. 
            “Well then,” He said, taking their attention. “Let’s get going.”
            Before Master Jean scolds us. He said to himself, sweat dropping.
            Both of you threw your arms in the air to cheer. Before you head off, you hung the strap of Klee’s bag on your shoulder and patiently waited for her to come to your side. She clutched your hand a bit tightly but one that won’t hurt you.
            Albedo took his own satchel and kept his notebook and some other materials needed in their experiment. He left a little note for Sucrose, letting her know he’ll be away for a while in case she goes looking for him. 
            Once he was ready, the two girls were already outside the room sticking around until he appears. Klee beamed in delight and grabbed his hand tugging both of you together. She was in the middle while you and Albedo were by her side.
            She started humming joyfully and marched towards the exit. 
            “Klee, Albedo, [Name], and Dodoco are off to Stormterror’s Lair!!” You chuckled at her cute declaration whilst she swung both of yours and Albedo’s arms, sauntering to the old ruins to do the experiments.
             “We can try using flaming flower stamen.”
            “Oh, you mean those burning flowers?”
            Albedo nodded as he tinkered with the Jumpty Dumpties, and letting out the contents carefully on the cloth. 
            “There are few scattered around here, so it’ll be no problem for us to find one.” He lifted up his goggles, placing them atop of his head. 
            “Oh! Klee knows all the locations!!” The said girl jumped from her sitting position, raising her hand like how a student wants to be called by their teacher. “There are few around the lair and some almost at the end!”
            “Waaah!! That’s Klee for you!!” You praised her as you pat her head fondly. She giggled hearing your flattery and clasped your hand with hers. “I’ll go look with big sis [Name]!”
            “Ah, wait—!” But before the Chalk Prince can stop them, both of you were already running carelessly in search of the flaming flowers. He sighed in defeat and continued tinkering with the gadgets.
            Not even a minute later, he heard a loud KABOOM and the cries of the hilichurls in the distance. Several monsters flew in the air and slowly dropped onto the ground while some slimes were running for their lives.
            Thank goodness your vision wasn’t Electro or else the elemental reactions between yours and Klee’s attacks will cause massive damage to the ancient city.
            Sighing for the umpteenth time, his focus went back on dabbling with the bomb, pretending he wasn’t involved with their mischievousness.
             “Oh! We should bring some bone samples for Sucrose for her research!” You exclaimed, watching the hilichurls’ bodies disintegrate in the thin air. You picked up the arrowheads and some horns from the ground left by the monsters.
            “Klee will gladly help big sis!” Your shoulders shake with laughter and ruffled her hair. “And I’ll happily accept your offer~”
            “I think she’ll accept anything as long as their bones, right? I did see some of her collections…” You muttered to yourself as you looked around the area to find anything interesting. 
            “Does fish blasting work as well to find bones?” Klee questioned innocently whilst holding her Jumpty Dumpties in her hands ready to throw them away. “No, Klee. Fish blasting is not good. If Master Jean caught us, you’ll be confined again!”
            “B-but… I’m sorry… Please don’t get mad at Klee.” She clamped her hands behind her back, eyes cast downwards turning glossy. Your heartstrings tugged and felt like an arrow pierce right through you, immediately feeling guilty at your words. 
            “Ah… Klee, I’m not mad! I was… I was worried about you, that’s all.” You raised her and carried the little girl between your arms and nuzzled your noses together. Her ruby eyes brightened up and giggled, slithering her arms around your neck to hug closer.
            “I can’t bring myself to get angry at you and Dodoco! I cherish both of you!” 
                      “Is big sis [Name] saying she loves me and Dodoco?” 
            “Absolutely!” You puffed your chest like a proud mom and rested one hand on your hips.
            “Klee and Dodoco love you too!!” 
            The two of you shared a few laughter and wholesome moment. From the corner of your eyes, a camp of hilichurls spotted you both, ready to attack. You shared a glance with the Spark Knight then smiled, sharing the same ideas. 
            “Hilichurl bones would be a good sample for Sucrose’s research!”
             The Chief Alchemist was busy gathering glands from the frogs, carefully extracting the mucous from them. Others would be grossed out seeing this, but for him— it’s almost like an everyday habit for him to perform this.
            He became inquisitive and wondered where you and Klee are. You were just going to gather a few flaming flower stamens, why are you taking so long? 
            Too distracted from his concern for your state as well as Klee’s, he didn’t notice a figure creeping behind him. Albedo’s perception then blackened and a shiver ran down his spine when he felt something blew on his ears and whispered. 
            “Guess who’s back?”
            His fingers wrapped around your wrist and gently pulled down your hand back to your side. His eyes were met with your own [eye color] gems as you smiled down at him. 
            “You’re finally back.”
            “Bzz! Wrong!” Your arms formed an X, indicating his incorrect answer. The Chief Alchemist snorted at your childish antics, failing to see the Pyro-vision user jumped on him.
            “Albedo, Albedo!! We brought the flaming flowers! Oh, and we also got these!!” The child poured out all the contents inside her bag and showed them to him like she won the biggest prize. Various materials were scattered all over the ground; masks, horns, arrowheads, scrolls, and a bone…?
            “So that’s why both of you haven’t come back for a while.” He observed the items gathered together and nodded to himself. He didn’t dare questioned them what and why were there cartilages included. 
            His eyes caught onto the flaming flower stamen. The cores were still emitting heat even though it was already extinguished. This can be a good time to create a flaming essential oil. The needed ingredients were already here, all he needed to do was to create it using alchemy.
            Good thing they don’t need to come back to Mondstadt just to make a simple potion, as long as the Chief Alchemist is with you, he can create anything. He put out a portable alchemic table— one of his inventions— and commenced to perform his alchemy.
            You and Klee watched him crushed the stamen until it turned to small particles. He then poured the extracted frog’s gland and mixed it together. The scent was odd and strong making you almost puke. How in the world can this man handle the smell?!
            Klee almost looked like she was about to faint as she held on to your coat to maintain balance. Albedo apologized and told you you can take the mint grass inside his satchel to get rid of the smell. 
            Wow, he’s already prepared…
            It brought a smile to your face at the thought of it. You rummaged inside his bag and saw the mints were kept inside the ziplock pouch. You motioned for the little girl to come with you, straying away from the Kreideprinz’s works as to not ruin it, and opened the pouch letting the cool smell waft around you.
            You both breathed a sigh at the refreshing air, forgetting the awful smell that lingered inside you minutes ago. Albedo was already done making the essential oil and attentively spewed the liquid in one of Klee’s bombs.
            A small smoke emitted from it and he cautiously set the cover back to its place. 
            “Is it done?” You asked. The male shook his head and threw the device at an empty area to see the result. He told you to stay back as he used his geo skill to cast a shield to all of you. A sound of a clock ticking can be heard from it and the three of you patiently waited for the outcome yet nothing happened.
            “Did it fail…?” Your question was answered when you sensed the ground shook and a massive outburst greeted your view. Your mouth gaped open in shock and awe, watching many sparks flew in the air almost resembling fireworks during Ludi Harpastum Festival.
            Klee was the one who’s more amazed than you, her eyes wide open and crimson orbs sparkling in admiration at the tremendous explosion. 
            “Waah!! Klee has never created a big kaboom like this in her entire life!!” She faced Albedo and tugged his coat repeatedly. “Can you please teach Klee how to make that? Please please please pleeease with a cherry on top?”
            The male furrowed his brows, slightly troubled whether he should accept it or not. He was quiet for a while, still contemplating his decision. His eyes darted to where you were standing to ask for help but when he turned around, you were gone. 
            In his rear vision, he noticed you used your elemental skill to stamped out the burning grass. His face paled and heart raced when you knelt down and slowly approached the small remains from the bomb to touch it.
            Albedo immediately dashed towards you and extended his arm to reach for you. He screamed your name so loudly surprising you. You felt your hand heating up and your instincts kicked in telling you to run away, but even if you do so, a bright light has already blinded your eyes and ears ringing from the loudness of the bomb’s blast.
             “What are you doing?”
            You peered at the male from the corner of your eyes, raising an eyebrow why he was holding your cheek. Your hands stopped midway from the plate when you felt his warm hand touched your face, bringing down the spoon on the table.
            “What am I doing?” He echoed with a slight tilt of his head. “I’m checking if you’re okay. Your face is red again.” He sighed and took out a thermometer to check the reading. 
            “I’m not!” 
            You latched your hand on his and bring it down back to his side. “Hm…” His turquoise eyes had a tint of a doubtful frown as he sighed. For some reason, this brought a sense of deja vu to him.
            Your behavior was odd after the explosion incident. You’ve been so cold towards him, making him slightly worried. He knows it was his fault that caused you like this, but he didn’t expect you’ve been so hostile to him these past few days.
            It’s like a sudden switch of personality.
            Every time he checks up on you, you just puffed your cheeks and turn your head. He asked the other Knights of Favonius about your condition and all they said was you were perfectly fine.
            How is this perfectly fine?!
            “[Name]!!” The door slammed open surprising the two teens. The said female felt someone jumped onto her bed, making her stomach hurt at the sudden weight. “Klee is so worried about big sis! When I heard you were sick, Dodoco and I were going to give you gifts! Klee thought you were fine yesterday. Diona even said she saw you going to the plaza—“
            “A-Ah— you and Dodoco brought me gifts? That’s so sweet of you! Ahaha..” Your nervous chuckle made the Chief Alchemist raised his brow at you in suspicion. You were fidgeting underneath the bedsheets and avoiding not looking at him in the eye.
            “Klee, what did Diona said about [Name]?” The girl’s attention went to him before she could rummage inside her bag. “She said that she saw big sis walking around the plaza!”
            “K-Klee!!” Your face flushed even more than before. You were stammering so much and you felt like the world was spinning around. 
            Albedo wanted to confirm his suspicions, and so he kept on pushing questions at the little girl, ignoring your attempts to shush him.
            “What kind of gifts are you going to give to her?”
            His question quickly made you sat up and threw your pillow to his face. “Th-that’s none of your concern!! It’s something private okay?!”
            “[Name] told me if I can give her the bombs you made to me. I tried to copy what you did and she seems satisfied with it!”
            Your hands were flailing in the air, not knowing whether you should continue pressing the pillow on Albedo’s face or to cover your face in embarrassment. You didn’t want to clasp your hands on Klee’s mouth to silence her, she might get hurt from your sudden actions!
            Bombs? What is she going to do with those?
            He snapped out from his train of thoughts then eyed you conscientiously. His brain connected the pieces of information together. The heat from your body, the smell of the mint grasses, and a faint of ash from it made sense. Especially how your body temperature dropped all of a sudden.
            He grabbed your wrist and intertwined your fingers together as he pressed his forehead with yours. The close proximity between you two made your head go blank and your attention was solely on his eyes, mesmerized by their colors.
            Klee naively looked at you two with a curious gaze.
            Your body heat skyrocketed and your lips quavered after his words reached your ears.
            “You know, you could’ve just told me you wanted me to take care of you instead of putting an effort to do this.”
            Your shoulders shook in aggravation and embarrassment, smothering him with the pillows to shut him up.
            “I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you!!!”
            Albedo just let your antics be, not bothered by the fact you’re slapping the pillow on him each word escaped from your lips. 
         His lips tugged upwards thinking he caught your trickeries once again.
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 reader was pretending she's sick just so he can take care of her lol           
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