#save the amazon rainforest
olowan-waphiya · 8 months
A huge ancient city has been found in the Amazon, hidden for thousands of years by lush vegetation.
The discovery changes what we know about the history of people living in the Amazon.
The houses and plazas in the Upano area in eastern Ecuador were connected by an astounding network of roads and canals.
The area lies in the shadow of a volcano that created rich local soils but also may have led to the destruction of the society.
While we knew about cities in the highlands of South America, like Machu Picchu in Peru, it was believed that people only lived nomadically or in tiny settlements in the Amazon.
"This is older than any other site we know in the Amazon. We have a Eurocentric view of civilisation, but this shows we have to change our idea about what is culture and civilisation," says Prof Stephen Rostain, director of investigation at the National Centre for Scientific Research in France, who led the research.
"It changes the way we see Amazonian cultures. Most people picture small groups, probably naked, living in huts and clearing land - this shows ancient people lived in complicated urban societies," says co-author Antoine Dorison.
The city was built around 2,500 years ago, and people lived there for up to 1,000 years, according to archaeologists.
It is difficult to accurately estimate how many people lived there at any one time, but scientists say it is certainly in the 10,000s if not 100,000s.
The archaeologists combined ground excavations with a survey of a 300 sq km (116 sq mile) area using laser sensors flown on a plane that could identify remains of the city beneath the dense plants and trees.
"The road network is very sophisticated. It extends over a vast distance, everything is connected. And there are right angles, which is very impressive," he says, explaining that it is much harder to build a straight road than one that fits in with the landscape.
The scientists also identified causeways with ditches on either side which they believe were canals that helped manage the abundant water in the region.
There were signs of threats to the cities - some ditches blocked entrances to the settlements, and may be evidence of threats from nearby people.
Researchers first found evidence of a city in the 1970s, but this is the first time a comprehensive survey has been completed, after 25 years of research.
It reveals a large, complex society that appears to be even bigger than the well-known Mayan societies in Mexico and Central America.
Some of the findings are "unique" for South America, he explains, pointing to the octagonal and rectangular platforms arranged together.
The societies were clearly well-organised and interconnected, he says, highlighting the long sunken roads between settlements.
Not a huge amount is known about the people who lived there and what their societies were like.
Pits and hearths were found in the platforms, as well as jars, stones to grind plants and burnt seeds.
Prof Rostain says he was warned against this research at the start of his career because scientists believed no ancient groups had lived in the Amazon.
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Hi guys, I don't usually post stuff like this, but this is an actual emergency, and I need your help. As a Bolivian, I am morally obligated to share about this:
The rainforests in Bolivia are being consumed by violent wildfires that have been caused by human activity and drought. These wildfires have been happening for the past 4 years, but this year, they got to its highest peak.
More than 4 MILLION hectares of untouched rainforest have been consumed by the wildfires these past few weeks in the eastern region of Bolivia, which is more extensive that Belgium and Switzerland to put it on a scale. These devastating wildfires have burned MILLIONS of trees and plants, killed thousands of species of animals, and left people and animals alike without homes. Whole ecosystems have been completely consumed by the fires, which have (and will have) devastating environmental consequences.
So far, the air quality for over 4 regions is over 100 AQI, which is extremely contaminated air and is already damaging for people. Obviously, the areas that are closer to the wildfires have AQIs over 200, which is even more damaging for the environment.
Due to the fact that the Bolivian government and local authorities FAILED to do anything about wildfire control (they went as far as to pass laws that authorized industries and others to burn whatever the hell they wanted for agriculture in the 2010s), the citizens and private companies are the only ones taking an initiative to stop this devastating situation. Hundreds of volunteers are spread across the regions of Beni, Pando, Santa Cruz, and part of La Paz to stop the wildfires and rescue animals, and many campaigns have been started to donate money, medical supplies, food, water, tools, and other things to the volunteers and for the intensive care of animals.
That is why, I need your help so you can donate money if you are abroad. We need all the help we can get to save our rainforests and our ecosystems, because the consequences these disasters could have in the future are critical. Below this, I've linked some Go Fund Mes and QRs so you can donate if you are living outside of Bolivia.
If you cannot donate, at least be kind enough to share this post and/or the links to the donations.
Please help us save our country.
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QR from @ imagine_bo on Instagram
I will post more links and information about our current situation.
Please help us
-Lux <3
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Misha Collins and Alex Clavert have teamed up to help save the rain forest you can help too
Help donate money Amazon watch help rainforest
Here live stream of misha and alex discussing this fundraiser:
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The recent satellite data from Brazil's space agency Inpe reveals that deforestation in the Brazilian portion of the Amazon rainforest hit a new record high last month.
As the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) states, the Amazon “is of vital importance because people around the world, as well as locally, depend on the rainforest. Not just for food, water, wood and medicines, but to help stabilise the climate — around 76 billion tonnes of carbon is stored in the Amazon rainforest. The trees in the Amazon also release 20 billion tonnes of water into the atmosphere per day, playing a critical role in global and regional carbon and water cycles.”
On the International Day of Forests 🌳🌲🌱, learn 6 things you can do to help the Amazon Rainforest!
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talmagemoorehead · 2 years
"Every good tree bears good fruit." - the Nazarene
Consider this energetic young man, Paul Rosolie, who's living big in Peru, doing something of epic value for humanity in the Amazon Rainforest. His life-and-death encounters are spellbinding and should rattle the cages of us complacent US citizens.
I just finished watching a video documentary that connected a lot of depressing dots between Hollywood, the news media, the giant corporations that sensor free speech, a global cult of powerful religious pedophiles, and the apparent partial takeover of the CIA by Nazis who were brought into the US after WWII via “Project Paperclip.” There’s no end to real (as best I can tell) conspiracies where…
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greenecosystem · 26 days
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Every Drop Counts: Effective Ways to Save Water.
Every drop matters. Learn how to save water and protect our precious resources. Our comprehensive guide offers easy-to-follow tips for water conservation, both indoors and outdoors. Join the movement towards a more sustainable planet."
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reasonsforhope · 3 months
People ask me sometimes how I'm so confident that we can beat climate change.
There are a lot of reasons, but here's a major one: it would take a really, really long time for Earth to genuinely become uninhabitable for humans.
Humans have, throughout history, carved out a living for themselves in some of the most harsh, uninhabitable corners of the world. The Arctic Circle. The Sahara. The peaks of the Himalayas. The densest, most tropical regions of the Amazon Rainforest. The Australian Outback. etc. etc.
Frankly, if there had been a land bridge to Antarctica, I'm pretty sure we would have been living there for thousands of years, too. And in fact, there are humans living in Antarctica now, albeit not permanently.
And now, we're not even facing down apocalypse, anymore. Here's a 2022 quote from the author of The Uninhabitable Earth, David Wallace-Wells, a leader on climate change and the furthest thing from a climate optimist:
"The most terrifying predictions [have been] made improbable by decarbonization and the most hopeful ones practically foreclosed by tragic delay. The window of possible climate futures is narrowing, and as a result, we are getting a clearer sense of what’s to come: a new world, full of disruption but also billions of people, well past climate normal and yet mercifully short of true climate apocalypse. Over the last several months, I’ve had dozens of conversations — with climate scientists and economists and policymakers, advocates and activists and novelists and philosophers — about that new world and the ways we might conceptualize it. Perhaps the most capacious and galvanizing account is one I heard from Kate Marvel of NASA, a lead chapter author on the fifth National Climate Assessment: “The world will be what we make it.”" -David Wallace-Wells for the New York Times, October 26, 2022
If we can adapt to some of the harshest climates on the planet - if we could adapt to them thousands of years ago, without any hint of modern technology - then I have every faith that we can adjust to the world that is coming.
What matters now is how fast we can change, because there is a wide, wide gap between "climate apocalypse" and "no harm done." We've already passed no harm done; the climate disasters are here, and they've been here. People have died from climate disasters already, especially in the Global South, and that will keep happening.
But as long as we stay alive - as long as we keep each other alive - we will have centuries to fix the effects of climate change, as much as we possibly can.
And looking at how far we've come in the past two decades alone - in the past five years alone - I genuinely think it is inevitable that we will overcome climate change.
So, we're going to survive climate change, as a species.
What matters now is making sure that every possible individual human survives climate change as well.
What matters now is cutting emissions and reinventing the world as quickly as we possibly can.
What matters now is saving every life and livelihood and way of life that we possibly can.
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webcallon · 2 years
make money
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rabindranaath82 · 2 years
Endangered 5 Monkeys In The Amazon Rainforest.
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ghcstao3 · 29 days
(part 1) (cw blood/violence)
Shifters should be born, not made. That’s one of few things that science has been able to say for certain about the biology (and ethics) of the species.
John MacTavish was born, not made, and all his life he’s told that’s something he should be grateful for. And he is.
Because it’s his heightened senses that aid him in excelling in his career. It’s his inhuman abilities that give him an edge; it's his differently-wired brain that deepens his perception, his instinct, and lends him a better gut feeling to tell right from wrong.
And Simon "Ghost" Riley is nothing but wrong.
John could sense something was off about the lieutenant from the moment they met—the man smells human beneath the smoke and dirt and gun oil, but he carries himself too strangely to not be something else. His voice, though obviously naturally gravelly, rasps like his vocal cords don’t take too kindly to words, and his limbs are slightly, almost imperceptibly disproportionate, and it's unsettling, but John just pastes on a friendly smile and promises to save you a seat, sir.
Ghost's stare weighs heavy on John's shoulders as he retreats, something dark and piercing and haunted. It bores a hole through John’s gear, burns the nape of his neck, but he has to continue walking away. He can’t pause, can’t look back, because somehow he fears he won’t like what he sees if he does.
It’s animal instinct that has his hackles raised in Ghost’s presence from then on. John acts unafraid, is unafraid, but there’s something about the man he needs to know but cannot, and it’s eating him alive. Ghost may say he’s human and Price might back that claim, but John isn’t stupid. He isn’t so naive to think that something isn’t wrong.
Then John gets his answer. Stranded alone with Ghost, exhausted and irritated and sticky with sweat in the middle of the Amazon, he gets his answer.
Their makeshift camp would offer scant protection, but being in the middle of nowhere John anticipates their worst enemy would only be the fauna—regardless, though, they’d take turns keeping watch. Or they might take turns, given Ghost has a track record of taking the first shift and never waking John up until they had to move.
Sometimes John thinks that the man might not actually sleep.
This time, however, John is roused by the tearing of flesh and the squelch of blood, by gargled screams and snapped bones. It’s too dark to make anything out, but rather than investigate John wills his body still and breath quiet, preferring he not get caught by whatever monstrous thing he can hear growling low in its throat.
As wary as he still is about his lieutenant, they’ve grown close enough that John itches to reach out for his assurance, to make certain the man is still alive.
But then there’s one last nauseating rip of limb from torso, and a desperate, choking plea, and then there’s silence.
John has to bite back his own scream when a wet snout suddenly nudges his face.
A cold nose brushes his skin followed by a whiskered, bloodied maw, the creature sniffing at him while John keeps his eyes screwed shut. He begins to worry that this is how he dies—like the other men that must have found their position just in time to get torn apart—but then the creature moves away from his face, wandering elsewhere, but not far, before it slumps on the ground.
After its breathing has evened out, John dares take a peek, and while the rainforest’s canopy blocks out most moonlight, he can still faintly make out the form of what he thinks is a jaguar, a black panther—but it’s too big, too gangly, its fur patchy and matted with crimson. John is tempted to pick through his gear for a flashlight, the moonlight too dim to pick out the details, but he ultimately resists. Just squints into the night at the strange disjointedness of the maybe-jaguar, its composition wrong, almost like it’s an amalgamation of animals rather than just one.
Eventually John rolls onto his back, staring up at the silhouettes of branches and leaves high above, trying not to think too hard about the massacre he’s going to find in the morning, or about the beast, or about where the fuck Ghost had gone.
He doesn’t really fall back asleep, only drifts in and out of consciousness, his mind restless and battling with his fatigue. When dawn mercifully breaks, John wastes no time getting up, unable to stay still any longer—he’d been right, of course, about the grisly sight of their camp’s perimeter.
A dozen or so dismembered and disemboweled bodies are strewn about, remnants of gear and weapons telling John they had, in fact, been the enemy caught up to them—and the culprit of it all, John remembers, is still asleep on the soft earth as if it hadn’t so easily caused all that carnage.
And Ghost is still missing.
John turns, tentative, to observe the jaguar-thing, and as his gaze sets upon it in the growing light, a violent shiver rolls up his spine.
What he first decides is that’s it’s not quite a jaguar, but nor is it really anything else. John’s eyes had not deceived him in assessing its size and too-long limbs; it’s almost grotesque in form, malformed, uncanny. Corded muscle is uncomfortably prominent, as are the ridges of its ribs, its shoulder blades, its hips. Teeth and claws long and sharp and deadly, fangs so lengthy they poke past the jaguar-thing’s lips like a sabre-tooth tiger.
It goes beyond mutation, John thinks, but he also doesn’t know how else an animal like that could exist without some kind of unnatural intervention.
No. No, that’s a stupid thought. No one becomes a shifter, and if they do they certainly don’t live to tell the tale. No, that can’t be possible.
But it would make so much sense.
The jaguar-thing stirs, then, blinking open eyes the same dark colour of the spongy soil beneath them.
Not the right colour for a cat of any kind.
John doesn’t move. Considers shifting himself not to fight but to give him speed in fleeing, but he needs his gear, and he needs to know if this thing is Ghost, so he remains glued in place as the creature stands and stretches, moving lithely in spite of the way its body so wrongly exists. He stands his ground even when it approaches, even when it stands much taller than a jaguar should, almost like the beast is half-bear.
Then its presence shifts, and he sucks a sharp breath through his teeth.
What stares back at John is not human.
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glitchlight · 8 months
honestly somebody should introduce the zoomers to all the c-tier or failed memes that have accumulated like storm tossed driftwood on the distant shores of long lost memory. tumblr is to the wider internet as the dust of the barren sahara is to infnite diversity of the amazon rainforest; a vital resource little known save to those who watch the winds blow. do they know about forearm laser. has anyone told them about jo crystals. I could teach them so much; I could be a prophet to them. A messiah.
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averageallogene · 1 year
What are your thoughts on Tighnari x Modern!reader? Like reader gets transported into Genshin, and Tighnari finds them wondering around the forest confused or sum like that! I feel like that could be something interesting to think about. Thank you, and have a lovely day <3
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Gender neutral reader ; fluff. Scenario format.
notes. Hello dear anon! ♡ That's such an interesting idea, I feel like Tighnari would definitely be one of the most fun characters to come across a modern reader! I hope you enjoy the ideas and I apologize for the wait! Enjoy! ✧˖°.
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Tighnari would definitely, at first, be a little ticked off upon finding some lost soul so dangerously prowling through the Avidya Forest! All his hardwork only to have people ignore his well deserved warnings had him prematurely growing white hairs, seriously.
He would at first watch from afar as the person, seemingly confused, walked slowly as their eyes gawked at the fauna and flora around them, fingers carefully brushing through the folliage as they attempted to figure out their surroundings. He would jump into actino however, upon noticing how they approached some fungi with a smile on their face- Did they not know they were a dangerous threat!?
Turns out, they didn't. The unknown individual would nearly scream at the sight of one of his arrows flying through the air, hastily dealing with the problem. The forest ranger would watch as they fell back, eyes soon landing on him before inquiring why did he do that.
"Why? Because they're a danger, isn't that obvious?" Would be the first words he'd ever throw at them, hand resting on his hip before his eyes narrowed. "Hey, you listening to me?"
They weren't. I mean, how could they? They had someone with real ears and a tail in front of them, wagging and wiggling at every little sound. The sudden urge to touch them was strong, but they had to find out where they were first and foremost.
Tighnari was definitely a little ruthless at first, even if there were some alarm bells that the person before him wasn't from Teyvat. Hinsight's 20/20, and their clothing definitely should've been enough for him to inquire more. Still, his attitude definitely stemmed from the worry of them being injured.
It would all change upon them bashfully cutting him off. "Yes, yes, I understand but- Where exactly... Am I? What place is this?"
Well, Tighnari had been with the traveler before, so despite the initial surprise of their question, he quickly realized what was the issue. It was as though the pieces finally connected, his tongue clicking silently before he offered an apology for any worried smothering.
He helped them get up, checking for any injuries before they made their way back to Gandharva Ville. Their eyes would wander between the forest and his ears, but he simply ignored as he explained to the best of his abilities. He went into deep detail to try and ensure they grasped their situation, explaining a little bit of their history all the while.
"A rainforest... So like the Amazon!" Their eyes would sparkle as they thought aloud, Tighnari hesitantly responding with a 'yes?' even though he had no idea what the 'Amazon' was. He would definitely inquire about it later, he first had to ensure they recieved food and water.
Only upon ensuring they were alright and rested, would Tighnari ask more personal information like their name! After all, he wished to let them know they were safe with the Forest Rangers. Thankfully, despite the initial shock, they were cooperative and overall positive. Perhaps it was due to the initial shock of being somewhere far from home.
He would listen super attentively to everything they had to say! From their name, where they were from, what was it like... The researcher would simply nod his head and even take a few notes, most likely for some follow up questions he'd save for later.
"It's like you're my therapist, taking those notes, haha!"
"A 'therapist'?"
Oh boy.
Praise the Archons they were very patient, for Tighnari's curiosity knew no bounds. In truth, it was endearing. His tail would wag slowly from side to side, his ears twitching ocasionally as he hummed over whatever they had to say. He most definitely took notice, that was something he was used to, after all. A few days later he even took the initiative to ask something regarding the constant staring.
"Do you want to touch them? They're quite fluffy."
"Can I?!" Their excitement was adorable, in truth.
He bent his head down so they could reach his ears, their touch much more soft than what was the norm. Tighnari let them explore his ears with a small smile, followed by his tail. His trained eye knew it wasn't something they were used to seeing, yet still he asked.
"Do you... Not have hybrids back where you're from?"
"No! These aren't a thing back home, so that's why- Oh Goodness they're so soft."
Throughout the course of their stay, he would inquire if they'd feel comfortable sharing more about their home, and the two of them would sit together as he listened more about their life before they had stumbled upon Teyvat. Tighnari got to learn a lot of strange things, like what a smartphone was. How exactly could... A small, artificial rectangular device be smart, he had no idea, but he surely wouldn't let Cyno know of that term no matter what. He already cringed with the jokes even when miles away.
Another topic Tighnari liked to revisit often was the botany field. He'd inquire if they had similar flowers to the ones in Pardis Dhyai, the two having tranquil walks as he listened to interesting facts about the flora of their home, if they knew any. He would ask questions that would be nothing less than endearing to them, inquiring aloud how if they had no Padisarahs how would they season their food, for instance. And speaking of food! Him and Collei adored cooking for them, watching with curiosity if they enjoyed the food Sumeru had to offer. Turns out, they themselves knew how to cook pretty well, so it was a treat whenever they would cook a specialy of their home, or the closest thing possible given the difference in ingredients!
And despite the good times and the seemingly seamless adaptation process, homesickness was bound to come. Tighnari was more than aware of it, so he would do next to anything he could to try and help them cope. If they have any particular hobbies, he would do his best to indulge with them. Drawing? He's not great, but he'll join them. Writing? He'll offer to read whatever they write, if they want! Music? Perhaps they can visit the Grand Bazaar and search for an instrument for them. Speaking of the Grand Bazaar, some strolls through Sumeru City are sure to help! Hell, even if Cyno's joke's help ease the melancholy, he will deal with them for a month straight if needed.
He would also exchange more regular mail with the traveler, inquiring if they'd yet found a way to return to their own home. Perhaps they had an idea how to do so? Or even better, maybe they could meet his new friend? After all, only someone who shares the same homesickness can perhaps have a deeper conversation regarding the emotions that such a thing stirrs within. Even if he'd like for them to stay... He totally understands if in the long run that isn't a viable option. Tighnari will support them either way.
Case and point, Tighnari is a great friend, going the extra mile for those he cares about. ♡
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What are y'alls favorite ecosystems?
Laios: The Australian Outback is full of some of the most amazing and deadly species on the planet, with unique adaptations that are rare to find anywhere else on earth. It has some of the most incredible views, and the arid environment is always persevering and thriving in the most unexpected ways. The outback is a place of constant wonder and nostalgia for me. Ever since I was a kid, and up until recently really, I always struggled to find a place where I could fit in and be myself. Me and Falin grew up on a small Emu farm in the bush, so I spent a lot of time on the outskirts of the outback, sticking to the same paths so that I wouldn't get lost, and despite it being dangerous, as long as I was careful, it ended up providing a safe haven for me until I saved up enough to leave the country and forge my own path in the world.
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Falin: Definitely Tropical Rainforests, they hold the largest number of insect species on the planet (2.5 million in the Amazon Rainforest alone!) and are endless in their importance. There are so many things left to discover in them, from hundreds of hidden cave systems, around 80,000 plant species and, along with the ocean, they act almost as the lungs of the earth, providing most of the oxygen we need to survive. Last year, Marcille and I worked with SPUN trying to map as many mychorrzial fungi as possible, in several tropical forests of South America, Africa and Australia. After a year spent buried in the undergrowth, among the ferns, moss and mulch, it's like you can feel Earth's beating heart. I would love to return to one of them soon.
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Marcille: Archipelagos. Groups of islands, both tropical and temperate are my favourite places of study. Every island has it's own unique ecosystem and these multitudes of them contain the secrets of evolution, genetics and cultural changes throughout history. From animals adapting to each island and forming new species, to ethnobotany and traditions that change and adapt, stemming from when people first took to the sea, and the legacies they leave behind to this day.
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Chilchuck: The Irish Countryside. Valleys, Vales or Dales, whatever you wanna call them, there's nowhere I like being more. Despite having travelled the world with Laios, Falin, Marcille, and later Senshi, there isn't much that compares to the rolling hills of home.
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Senshi: Microbiomes of all habitats. People often overlook the importance of the little things, and all the good they do for us in return for leaving them be. Macrophotography has always been a large passion of mine, and I'm fortunate enough to have landed a career in capturing the beauty of it all.
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salvadorbonaparte · 9 months
Broaden Your Horizons 2024
A Non-Fiction Rec List by Salvadorbonaparte
Adventures in Yiddishland: Postvernacular Language and Culture - Jeffrey Shandler
A Good Man in Evil Times: The Heroic Story of Aristides de Sousa Mendes -- The Man Who Saved the Lives of Countless Refugess in World War II - Jose-Alain Fralon, Peter Graham (trans.)
Brief Answers to the Big Questions - Stephen Hawking
Erebus: The Story of a Ship - Michael Palin
Every Word Is A Bird We Teach To Sing: Encounters with the Mysteries and Meanings of Language - Daniel Tammet
Federico Garcia Lorca: A Life - Ian Gibson
Getting to Yes: Negotiating an agreement without giving in - Roger Fisher, William Ury
I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban - Malala Yousafzai
Ice Ghosts: The Epic Hunt for the Lost Franklin Expedition - Paul Watson
Identity and Violence: The Illusion of Destiny - Amartya Sen
If I Understood You, Would I Have This Look on My Face?: My Adventures in the Art and Science of Relating and Communicating - Alan Alda
Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism
Iwígara: American Indian Ethnobotanical Traditions and Science
Lingo: A Language Spotter's Guide to Europe - Gaston Dorren, Alison Edwards (trans.)
Monsters in the Closet: Homosexuality and the Horror Film - Harry M. Benshoff
One River: Explorations and Discoveries in the Amazon Rainforest - Wade Davis
Watching the English: The Hidden Rules of English Behaviour - Kate Fox
What's Your Pronoun? Beyond He and She - Dennis Baron
Bowling for Columbine
Break It All: The History of Rock in Latin America
ReMastered: Tricky Dick and the Man in Black
She's Beautiful When She's Angry
Street Gang: How We Got to Sesame Street
Clear+Vivid with Alan Alda
Freaks and Psychos: The Disability in Horror Podcast
Ologies with Alie Ward
Root of Evil: The True Story of the Hodel Family and the Black Dahlia
The Sewers of Paris
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 1 year
Yandere Demon Lord with an Angel Darling!
Daeman is a Great Demon feared by many,demons and angels alike. He's known as one of the worst in the Underworld,one day while he was strolling in a forest of the mortal world
He met her,the Darling,an angel who just happened to be there,he heard her sweet voice singing from afar,she was so sweet and kind. She wasn't even disgusted at the sight of him,she was different than all of those pretentious angels who would scoff at him if they see him
It was true love at first sight
They met eachother more and more in that forest. But Daeman knew he couldn't stop his growing love and lust for this innocent doe
He knew if he keeps letting her go,she would fly away from him one day. So he pulled her down to the Underworld with him
Darling was terrified ofc,she was so naive like a bunny caught in a trap. Daeman claimed her in bed afterwards ofc,while doing so,he told her that her God isn't here, only he is here
She became his darling wife afterwards, she's not getting back to Heaven anytime soon,now that she's defiled by him
Daeman was a sick bastard,he even puts a sigil on her womb called the Love's sigil, it's a mark of possession over her,it will even help him track her down should she escapes, when he activates the sigil,Darling would feel unimaginable lust,but ofc it prevents her from laying with any man beside Daeman himself~
After all he only wants her to lust after him and only he's the one to satiate her lust
A/N: Sorry this took so long to answer. I have two papers due in a week. Also, this is pretty tame, but hopefully, you still like it. I mainly based some of this work off of Hades and Persephone.
Also, here's a song to go with it, if anyone wants to listen:
TW: Smut, blood
You were a blessing to Earth. Everywhere you went, miracles happened. Ghosts went to the afterlife when you walked on their grounds, the darkest beasts bowed down and became domesticated, and life bloomed on your footprints. Your favorite spot is a quiet spot in the Amazon Rainforest. You love the biodiversity and the never-ending sounds of the forest.
"Ooh, ooh, just for the flowers, sea, and me," You sing, combing your hair.
In the clouds above, the most feared man in the underworld, Daeman, is watching for trouble or humans to mess with. Then, he hears your voice, and before he knows it, Daeman is behind you.
"Your voice sounds beautiful," Daeman says, sitting next to you.
You turn around and look him up and down. You see his wide frame, 6'5 figure, and long dark purple hair. You smile at him, light filling the forest floor.
"Hi, what's your name?" You ask, slowly moving your feet in the water.
"Daeman, you probably know me. Most people in the Underworld know who I am," Daeman says, unsure why you're nice to him.
"I do know. My angel friends tell me all sorts of things about you. But I saved my judgment until I actually met you. Which would be now."
Daeman's mind couldn't help but scream, "She's different! She's different than them!".
It was true love at first sight. Unbeknownst to them, two cupids are watching them from behind the trees. They pull out their bow and arrows and shoot at Daeman and you. An explosion of pink happens around the two of you, neither of you can see it, and the feeling of love settles in.
"I can't wait to talk to you again," You say, flying away. The sun eventually covers your figure.
Daeman's hand is in the air, reaching for you but out of reach like you are his Icarus. He sighs and returns to the Underworld.
"Boss, what's wrong?" A fellow demon asks, seeing him reappear.
"Nothing, I just saw Icarus fly away," Daeman responds, walking into his mansion.
Daeman returned to that same spot tomorrow, and soon enough, you two met each other there every day. You two became closer and traveled the human world together.
"I wanna stay with you forever," You say, holding Daeman's arm.
"You shouldn't say such things around me. I'll drag you down like Hades did Persephone," Daeman responds, putting a hand on your cheek.
"It's ok. I heard what you said. I know you're afraid of me flying away from you. But I'm not. I'll gladly give up my wings and live a mortal life with you," You say, kissing Daeman.
"No. No! No! No! Stop! You're making it worse! Stop it!"
"Daeman, I want to be with you!"
"Don't! Please, don't!"
"I love anything you do. I love you. You know, even If I listen to music that is not my style, or even if I eat food that I don't like, or even if it's raining without an umbrella and all soaking wet, it's alright. I love it because I love you."
Daeman hugs you, and suddenly the ground beneath you disappears. You fall into the dark abyss with him and wake up in a bed with him.
"My angel, would you do me the honor of being my bride?" Daeman asks, pulling out a blood-red ring.
You were terrified. The walls were gothic and black. There's no sunlight. Only a red moonlight peeks through the velvet curtains.
"Y-Yes," You answer, stuttering as you feel something bad is happening.
Daeman slips the ring on your finger, and you feel a burning sensation on your wings.
"AAAAHH!" You shriek in pain, arching your back.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Daeman exclaims, cradling you.
Your wings burn away until they are nothing. Daeman's long nails go to your stomach and draw a love sigil. He couldn't help but follow his instincts. He had to mark what was his.
"What have you done to me?" You cry, tears falling onto Daeman's clothing.
"My love, you're my bride now. You've chosen to be with me. Your God has forsaken you for choosing a demon like me. I'm only here for you. You, my Icarus, flew too close to the sun," Daeman says, kissing every piece of skin showing. "The love sigil should be taking effect any minute now. How does it feel to only feel lust for me and no other man?"
Incredible lust overtakes your body, and you fiercely kiss Daeman. Nothing matters in the world more than him.
"My dear Hades, won't you show me how it feels to be with you?" You say, taking off your dress.
Daeman undresses, and soon enough, you both cave into your worldly desires. He strokes his dick, then puts it into you. Your pussy is unbelievably tight, and you cry in pain.
"Daeman, it hurts," You weep, crying onto his chest.
"I know it hurts, my love. Stay still, I'll help you," Daeman comforts, kissing your lips.
The love sigil glows and suddenly, your pussy is dripping wet. Daeman starts to thrust and you're overtaken by these new feelings. No one made you feel the way he did. Even in romance or in sex.
"Ah~" You moan, holding onto Daeman to keep whatever is left of your sanity.
"Yes, baby! Keep going!" Daeman encourages, trying to keep you from orgasming too early.
Your stomach feels weird, and your love sigil glows.
"Daeman, I'm cumming!" You moan, trying to hold it in.
"I know, my love. I'm cumming too," Daeman moans, thrusting faster. His long nails scratched your skin.
"Oh, Daeman!" You exclaim, throwing your head back.
You both cum together, and the love sigil becomes a faint mark. Daeman pulls out of you and carries you to the bathroom. He turns on the hot water and places you in the bathtub.
"My angel, are you upset with me?" Daeman asks, washing your body. The blood from your first time turning the water red.
"I don't know. I chose to be with you knowing the risks. I just didn't expect them to hurt so much. I never knew I wouldn't be traveling Earth and its skies again," You reply, hugging your knees.
"You said you would live a happy life as a mortal with me. If I became a mortal with you, would you be happy?"
"Of course. There's nothing I wouldn't give to see Earth again."
"Then, so be it. I will be a mortal too. And when our time comes to enter the Underworld again, we will be together. Forever."
You kiss Daeman and look into his eyes. He goes into the water with you, and you continue to make out with him. You both go underwater, feeling like you're on cloud nine.
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bvbyacid-666 · 2 months
𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕓𝕝𝕖𝕞𝕤
Reminiscing on the Day you met the one and only druig
Warnings: None
Originally Written: 04/08/2024
Word Count: 645
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“ You know it’s rude to stare right?”
You and druig were currently sitting under the tall trees of the amazon rainforest, admiring the billions of stars that resided above you. Well at least you were, it seemed as if druig decided to admire something else. 
“ Does my staring make you nervous, darling?”
Turning to face his narrowed eyes, you looked him up and down. Unable to think of a quick witty response that would match the multitude of his own. 
Laughing and turning away from him is the only thing that broke the intense silence between the two of you. No matter how many centuries had passed, druig was still able to make you laugh like the first time you met. 
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5000 B.C: Mesopotamia
After protecting the locals from the deviants and essentially saving their lives, the eternals had split up, exploring the lands in which the locals occupied. 
You sat at the edge of the ground, where the waves crashing against met with the main rocks that littered the shore. The serene sound of the water crashing against the rocks created a sort of peace inside you, letting you calm down from the adrenaline high of fighting those deviants.
You heard his footsteps before you saw him. He still adorned his black suit that didn’t disappoint in showing off his muscles. He sat down next to you, not close enough in which your bodies were touching but close enough in which you could practically feel the heat emitting from your body. 
“What’s a beautiful lady like you sitting down here all by her lonesome?”
“ Am I not allowed to have some time to myself?”
“No, I just thought a beauty like you would prefer to be within the thick of the welcoming activities.”
“ Well lucky for me, I'm not that kind of girl.”
Turning to finally face him you could finally see the face of the man that had mysteriously wandered over to you. 
His face looked like it had been carved by Zeus himself, with not a single imperfection present and his eyes looking like the same waves you had watched for the past hour, clashing against each other in a sequence that could only be described as serene. 
It seemed as if you had gotten yourself lost in those very eyes, with him suddenly turning towards you with a questioning look on his face.
“Sorry did you say something?”
‘It’s alright beautiful. I was just introducing myself, my name’s druig”
He even had a perfect name.
“My names Y/N”
“Well it’s lovely to meet you darling”
Simultaneously as he said that he took your hand and pressed a light kiss to the centre of the back of your palm, making it feel like a touch from the gods themselves.
Flushed with embarrassment, you turned away from him. Deciding staring back out at the waves would give you less of an opportunity to embarrass yourself.
After several minutes the guilt of seemingly turning around and ignoring him seeped in. Deciding to try to climb out of whatever hole you’ve already dug yourself into, you agree that trying to strike up a conversation is probably your best bet at not perceiving yourself as some self indulgent asshole to this guy.
“It’s beautiful isn’t it?”
“It sure is.”
Turning around to face the man, you came face to face with his eyes looking straight into yours.
“You idiot, you weren’t even looking at it”
“I know, i was looking at something much more beautiful”
Laughing to shield the bashfulness that his bold statement has caused you, you can’t believe that such a man could say something on your first encounter.
“Is that seriously your way of flirting? Because if it is, it really sucks”
“Maybe, but does it work?”
You didn’t realise then but that was the start of everything for you.
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