#say what u want about GoT- and it deserves it- but im a simp for jason momoa
defrostedhoward · 4 months
// y'know.... Khal Drogo/the Dothraki could slip fairly well into the FO universe... a swath of tribals who ride the most impressive sleipnir anyone has ever seen....
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thegoldencontracts · 7 months
Too Late!
You and Azul are texting each other one day when he accidentally sends you some more honest texts.
Note/Warnings: Azul/Reader, fluff with a smidgen of angst (specifically Azul insecurities, he gets comforted tho)
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You loved Azul. A lot. You'd been dating him for quite a while now, after all. But you couldn't deny that it felt like he was a bit- formal with you, to say the least. Sometimes, it felt like he was playing the role of a perfect boyfriend in a Romance Novel's screen adaptation. How did he really feel? Was he happy to be somewhere, or was he just playing along so that the other students in his dorm could see how attractive and understanding he was while they seethed in envy at the fact that they were single and he wasn't?
Which was why when Azul slipped up one day when you were texting, you were very, very happy about it.
It was a boring evening, like always. You were texting Azul, complaining about your homework while lounging in your bed like always. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Zuzuuu <3: You know, if you'd like, I'd be happy to assist with your homework. It'll even be on the house, just for you.
Me: cant believe im dating a capitalist mf /lh
Me: really tho, tysmmm for helping <3 I don't deserve u bbg...
And then, something completely out of the ordinary happened.
Zuzuuu <3: how could you say that you're literally so perfect? I love you so much I keep doodling you bc you're so. Pretty. I simp so hard for you plz never say that again <3
At first, you wondered if Floyd wrote the text as a joke. It was pretty in character for him, after all. But that didn't make sense. This wasn't Floyd's way of texting, nor did it even attempt to imitate Azul's. When Floyd was in the mood to prank someone, he put in the effort to make it good.
Whatever. You took a screenshot of the message so you could treasure it forever. And lucky you, because right after you did, the message was deleted.
Zuzuuu <3: Please don't say such things about yourself, even for comedic purposes.
He was not being slick with that. You sent a text in response, giggling all the while.
Zuzuuu <3: Regardless, would you like to come over later today?
Me: Real slick hehe... Plz show me ur doodles of me they probably look so good bc you're good at art just like everything else somehow
After a while, Azul replied.
Zuzuuu <3: I don't know what you're referring to. Regardless, would you like to come over?
As much as you wanted to press, you decided not to. Too much pressing would just make Azul clam up more. You'd just have to get him in person, where it'd be harder for him to run away when you showed him the screenshot.
Me: Sureee! Heading over right now
And so, you set out for Octavinelle, evidence in hand. You were going to make him admit he sent that text.
By the time you got to Azul's room, you had everything planned out. He wasn't usually so candid with you, and he was clearly ashamed of it when he was. You were going to figure out why.
You knocked on the door, and Azul opened it, letting you in.
"Come in," he said, tone even more formal than usual, by some miracle.
"Thanks," you said, taking a seat.
"So, about that text-"
"I don't know what you're talking about," Azul said, quick to cut you off.
"So quick to interrupt, Azul!" You said with a mock-pout, before grinning as you pulled up the screenshot on your phone. "But I think you do."
First, Azul's mouth hung open in shock. Then, his whole face turned red, lip quivering as a high-pitched whine left his mouth. Then, he moved to snatch the phone from your hands.
You narrowly dodged, and you couldn't resist sticking out your tongue at him.
"Too slow!" You laughed as he tried to grab the phone from you again, only to fail even more without the element of surprise on his side, because for all of Azul's many strengths, speed wasn't one of them.
"Delete that at once!" He shrieked, voice cracking in the middle.
He kept trying to grab it for a while, before finally giving up.
"Fine, fine," he grumbled, pouting like a kid. Cute. "You win. Are you satisfied now?"
"Very," you said, "because I get to see you. Your actual thoughts. Not just the ultra-filtered version."
Azul scoffed at that, seemingly in disbelief, though you saw the way he stifled a smile.
"Don't flatter me," he said. "My 'true thoughts' are not something you'd want to see in the slightest. Merely a more pathetic, messy version of what I already tell you."
"And that's precisely why I want to hear it," she said. "You sound so perfect all the time that I wonder whether you're really being honest with me, you know. It's just so refreshing to see you be gushy and candid about things. And pretty cute."
"How odd," he said, before turning to you with a face more genuine. "Thank you. For what little it's worth, I'll try to be a tad more honest with you. I can't promise anything, though."
You smiled.
"That's all I ask."
And really, truly, that was enough.
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"So, how'd you learn so much internet lingo? Never took you for that kinda guy."
"I'm in the board games club with Idia Shroud. What did you expect?"
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ma3mae · 1 year
No one likes syringes!
Summary : You gotta take your weekly syringe but you're afraid of needles so how can these mfs (Dazai, Kunikida, Atsushi, Aku, Chuuya) convince you to take it 🤷
Genre : bit cracky and fluff, prob lots of teasing bc u know who tf im talking about 💀
Warnings : heartattacks bc we all simp too hard for these men 🛐 maybe a bit of suggestive themes at the end
A/N : managed to inject myself for the first time (aint no drugs, need them bc HEALTH) and bro, my hands r still shaky bc fear 😭 how do ppl do this so easily 💀 also the syringe is like a pen (also for this story) but broo its still scary and i need some bsd character comforting me 😩✋✋
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Dazai Osamu
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Lets say yall live together and hes at work while u r home alone
cant bring yourself to do it alone bc bro syringes are scary (even if its just a pen bc NEEDLES BRO) 😩😭
So you text him and ask what hes doing and tell him if hes got time to come home asap bc we r nearly crying at this point
hes gonna be SO ANNOYING like "i was just waiting for a text from you~ dont worry, your knight in shining armor will save you"
BROO he prob knew that you gotta take them today and also knew that nothing would be going on at the agency so he couldve stayed at home but nah 😭😭 (sadistic a** fr fr)
but hes still hurrying nonetheless bc hes not that MEAN -right???-
arrives at home and finds you on the couch holding the pen with shaky hands and his heart does feel a TAD bit guilty bc fr he couldve stayed at home and u would have gotten this shit over asap
gon be all like "dw im here now, okay? Lets just get this over with and then we'll cuddle, how about that?"
homegirl is about to cry at this point bc just FREE HER from this misery
sits next down to you and takes the pen from your hands
If you do wanna try it out yourself, he'll gently guide you through it
He knows how afraid you are and teasing would just make you sob instantly bc the pressure is already too much to deal with YEAH U BETTER STFU U TEASE !! jk still love him
will try to change your mind tho by sayinf stuff like "Really? ~ i mean its brave and good of you to try it yourself but I really love helping you, you know. Want to do everything for you, darling." he knows EXACTLY what hes doing to us by saying that
Is prob gonna give us that look and whisper in our ear and shi im sorry im too down bad for this man at this point 😩
if you dont wanna do it yourself then, he'll tell you to look at him while hes pressing the pen onto your thigh or stomach
You still cant keep your eyes off of it? Sry girl, theres only one solution
He'll just click his tounge at you while having that fking smirk on his face as he says "still too distracted, I see? Well seems like theres only one way to help you"
gives you a kiss on the lips and just deepens it while looking STRAIGHT into your eyes got my knees weak for him fr
you only feel a tiny sting and as soon as a "click" is heard, he'll break the kiss and just grins at you as if he didnt trick you lol
but who are you to complain, he sees that you liked it and will def comment on that
"see, love? Wasn't so hard after all. But you still did well. Proud of you as always"
pecks you on the lips again before setting the pen onto the table and wraps his arms around your waist bc NO WAY in hell is he gonna let go after that
"i think i deserve a reward for that~" "you said you were waiting for a text so you KNEW i had to do it today, right?" ".... welp, not gonna apologize on that 🤷🤷🤷"
u can understand why kunikida has to SIGH all the time as soon as dazai opens his mouth but oh well, you're too whipped to care about at this point
wont let you go so guess you'll have to reward him 💅 no ones complaining LOL
if you tell him to help you next time before hes gone for work, he'll def do it bc he loves u but poor kunikida gotta expect him arrive at work late more often bc he wont leave home without rewards 🛐
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Kunikida Doppo
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You already know that he got the exact day, hour, minute and SECOND written down on when you gotta take your pen
You tell him that the day is enough and that the time doesnt matter but NOO 😤 YOU WILL take it at the exact time
If its at ungodly hours like 3am or smth, bro he'll wake you up like no mercy for his schedule 😭
If u complain to him tho then dw he will rearrange it for u bc he may love to stick to his plans but he wont ignore your needs and stuff either get urself a man who takes care of u like that 😤😤
will prefer to do it before work, so if you're not an early bird then he'll wake u up but dw you'll get a forehead kiss and bro's already fully dressed n' stuff BUT waking up to him looking at you with such a loving gaze will make u forget that its 5-6am or smth 😩
will first let you get up in peace and make u some calming tea bc he knows what will come next ✋
"Y/N, I know you don't like it but you have to take your pen today, okay?"
if we start a tanthrum then he already knows about it like bro's prepared for everything!!
"Kuni, do we really ha-" "Yes." "But you know I dont li-" "Yes and yes. I know you hate it but don't worry, I've already written everything down on how to do it and what to be aware of so its okay to feel afraid but don't worry because I'm here. Nothing will happen and I've already bought your favorite snacks so you'll feel better but dont eat too much of it when I'm gone. "
u already know he spent a night or smth just researching everything about it as soon as you told him
prob even went to a library and once came back home with multiple books in his hands, hes THAT dedicated UGH I LOVE HIM 💕
you could just sob rn bc how did the earth bless you with this man KUNIKIDA I NEED U 😭😭😭
If the pen is kept in a fridge then dw he already put that shit out for it to not be cold anymore (prob counted the minutes and seconds LOL)
he'll sit you down on the bed or couch, disinfect the place on where you'll take it (lol that sounds WRONG) and he'll give you a peck on your forehead before asking if you're alright and ready to go through with it bc no way in hell is he gonna do it while you're too shaken up for it
If you wanna try to do it alone then he'll take your hand into his as you're grabbing the pen, slowly guiding it while praising you for how brave you are for trying this and that hes proud of you IM SOBBING
will also tell you to look at him if you get more afraid by seeing it on your skin
Honestly even if you dont wanna do it yourself, he'll make sure to be there and will praise you every time you get through with it bc you KNOW he means it
Honestly makes you tear up everytime and u just wanna kiss this man fr
you thank him and tell him how glad you are to have him, he'll be smitten even more than he already is
Cup his face with your hands and kiss him bro's gonna find it really difficult to not stay at home and just be in your arms
at the end of the day, his love for you exceeds his ideals so he wouldnt mind arriving at work some minutes later if he gets to have you in his arms for a bit longer
Will arrive at work with such a good mood that hes prob gonna freak dazai out with it especially when he overlooks some dumb remarks from him the power of love YALL but who can blame him, his heart is thumping louder than dazai's rambling LOL
maybe yall will continue when hes back home, who knows 🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐
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Nakajima Atsushi
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when you told him about the pen for the first time, he was literally thrown off like "wait, so you have to.... stab yourself regularly with that?????"
hes just SO precious bc his heart's squeezing at you asking him if he could help u bc you just feel so comfortable and just knowing that makes him SWOON
But at the same time hes panicking bc HOW CAN HE DO THAT WITHOUT HURTING U
Ngl hes prob also afraid of needles and stuff 😭 is gonna look at u like the pic above LOL
will ask yosano or even recommend that she should do it but you're like "NO!! im sorry, tsushi but im too scared of her and i feel safe with u :(((("
you got him WHIPPED and DEDICATED bc he'll def research that shit through and through
Will ask his coworkers (prob kunikida) how to best handle the situation
has everything ready but will stumble and be kinda hastily about it at first bc hes prob even more nervous than you are 💀
either it implifies your fear more or its just so ridiculous that you're legit like "ily but im not gonna die or smth 🤨🤨🤨" you cant blame him tho 😤
hes gonna be all like "OKAY OKAY, we got this. No, I GOT this s-so no worries, okay?" bro, BREATHE. Hes just about to pass out at this point jk jk
if you decide to try it out alone, he'll be a bit saddened bc does this mean you dont want him to help you after all?? :(( was he not good enough of a choice to be of help :((( TSUSHI STFU ILY
dw just reassure him that you obviously appreciate his help and still need him to be there bc no way in hell can u do it alone without ur hubby
will tell you everything he had learned about the pen and how to use it with a bit of a tremble in his voice but he pulls through with it!!
You manage to do it and BOY get ready for a rant on how proud of you he is
will want to pamper you with kisses on ur face "tsushi, i know that look. Go ahead and do it, dont hold back" "really, y/n!!?" "😩 bro do it ok" will try to hold back with gluing himself onto you but how can he NOT
If u dont wanna do it urself then it will prob go like this:
its time for yk what and he sees the genuine fear in your eyes but dw he got you
hes prob gon be like "my s/o need me rn and i have to help them!!!" hes actually gonna remember everythinf he looked up and prob memorized for you bc hes AN ANGEL will put his forehead against yours and tell you to look at him "i wont let anything hurt you and happen to you. You're afraid and honestly im afraid too but you and i will get through this, okay?" gives you the most lovestruck smile ever before he looks down and counts to three
"breathe in, y/n. It will be okay" he ignores his slightly trembling hands and at the count of three inserts it. GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER📸📸📸
as soon as yall hear a click, he quietly counts to three before pulling it out and BROO the relief is refreshing af
"WE DID IT, Y/N!!!" Is hella giddy bc how can he not be proud of the both of you!!!! You did it!!! will honestly pull you in a hug bc hes just so happy
prob gonna realise that he just did it without asking u and will be sheepish all like "o-oh sorry, i just got too excited" "no tsushi. We should be happy about this so dont let go!!" no need to say it twice bc hes gonna wrap his arms even tighter around you and nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck ILL GIVE U A KISS TSUSHI 🛐🛐
will he feel bad for arriving at work a bit later? Maybe but a scolding from kunikida wont hold him back from holding you for a tad bit longer
He'll be a bit less nervous for the next times and it will surely decrease with each time bc practice yk but will obviously still hold you until he made sure that you're feeling okay afterwards
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Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
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Bro's nearly flabbergasted bc why are you making such a FUSS 🤨🤨 im sry dont sue me
"Calm down, you idiot. It's only a pen. You dont even SEE the needle."
dont ask him why hes staying with you if its JUST a needle then bc bro will prob just straight up get up and leave if you point it out 💀
will prob be the first to not even suggest but just TELL you to do it yourself aku im hurting over here 😩
will prob make an effort in atleast roughly skimming through a website about it prob smth weird like wikihow LMAO
If he does see you how afraid you really are of it, hes rly trying his best to ignore the small ache its giving his heart bc he takes no pleasure in witnessing u be so afraid✋ its still JUST a pen in his eyes at the end of the day lol
will just sigh and snatch that shit from your hands bc he cant bear to see you like this any longer are we looking that pitiful, probably LOL
But he'll be surprisingly soft with his touch, nearly just ghosting you with his hands is that even a term, nvm yall know what i mean
Hes just gonna be straightforward with it bc the faster its over the better. He wont admit that he just wants to help but cant convey it bc what even are feelings 🤷
He'll tilt your chin towards him and just say "Look at me, Y/N. Stop overthinking it. You won't get hurt from this stupid thing, okay? If smth does happen, I'll just destroy the factory thats making this."
You dont know if hes joking to lighten the mood or if hes serious bc its aku
But hes prob joking
anyway hes gonna ask you like smth rly random like "What do you wanna eat later" which will confuse you but you'll answer nonetheless bc hey hes initiating a convo!!
as you start to talk and he notices you're relaxed enough for him, welp yk whats happening
Actually makes you wince a bit bc it just caught you off guard
"Ryuu, what the f-?!" "Just bear with it." ok we have been silenced 🛐
yall hear the click of relief, he counts in his mind to three and quickly pulls that shit out
you're slightly trembling from relief from finally getting it over you and bro just clicks his tounge like "You're such a fool. Cant believe something insignificant like that makes you nearly shit your pants."
you lowkey glare at him for that bc BRO needles r spooky 😭 but dw before you even open your mouth to tell him off, he'll look to the side and say "... You did good for holding that out though... but its still stupid."
just give him a peck on the cheek or smth bc this boy is prob craving some praise after having helped you like that
"Thank you, Ryuu. I couldnt have done this without you. You're the best boyfriend I could ever ask for"
Give him a tight hug, kiss and boom you got him around your finger
he'll take a second to wrap his arms around you and will just hide his face in the crook of ur neck like our other boy tsushi
"Of course, I'd help... I'll still blow up the factory for scaring you like that."
"NO!!" jk he wont if u tell him not to but hes just trying to say he doesnt like seeing u like that we know aku, dw 💕💕
if his coworkers ask why hes arriving a bit later at work, he'll just tell them to shut up and continue with their work
If you look closely you'll see his ears turn a bit pink as he keeps thinking of you and your words 💕💕😭
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Nakahara Chuuya
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Honestly its gonna be a mix of every reaction possible I think
Like if you tell him about the pen, hes first gonna feel a bit pressured like "O-Oh wait so you want ME to help with it??"
Like no offense hes obviously feeling pretty happy about that you are asking him for help especially for smth important as your health
But he knows hes not the most gentle person and does have his worries that he might accidentally hurt you or smth
wont ask anyone for advice bc its his love of his life can i be that pls that asked HIM so he'll do it at the end of the day!!
but if hes feeling rly unsure then he wont mind slipping a question about it when hes reporting to mori
which means being not subtle at all
"So was that all for today's report of the mission." "Yeah." "Then do you need something or why are you still standing there?" ".... *pulls out a picture of your pen* do you know how to use this?..."
you def know that chuuya's feeling so embarassed that hes asking his BOSS but its a sacrifice hes willing to pay
mori will have mercy on him and tell him what he should be careful of and summarise on how to use it
Will prob throw in a "good luck~" bc how can u not TEASE him
anyway our boy's done his research and now comes the hard part
dw as soon as he sees you trembling, he'll be softer than a marshmallow
a chuuya one
"Oi, look at me. I'll make sure nothing's gonna happen to you, alright? Will just sting a bit and thats it. Will take care of you after this so you'll forget this ever happened."
he'll even take off his gloves so you'll be more relaxed if you can feel his skin bro the gloves are giving off doctor vibes in this scenario, will make us panic more LOL
if you really cant keep your eyes off it then well....
"Damn it, love. Stop looking at it." will just press his lips onto you for a second before breaking it and inserting that shi*
"Ch-Chuuya!" "I know, i know. Dont worry, its gonna be over real soon."
And boom thr click is heard and yall are finally done
Honestly his shoulders are gonna relax instantly, boy was tensed up even more than you skskskks but who can blame him
"OMG chuuya we did it!!" "Yeah, you did it, doll." bro's gonna latch onto you again bc that kiss from earlier wasnt enough for the both of u 😩
is it riling yall up? Probably but welp you 're already either shirtless or pantless so only one clothing to pull off less work for yall
Mori's just gonna be like "I see, you managed to get through it" and chuuya just tiltd his fedora down so u cant see his face bc he REALLY wants to ignore that his boss knows whats been holding our boy up cant blame him 🤷🤷🤷
Lol that was WAY too long but honestly this was so good to write 😩 now im just gonna be sad that none of them r here to do it irl but oh welp, will just read more stuff about them ✋💅
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popponn · 4 months
hi dear, hru? if i could eat your theme for breakfast, lunch and dinner I'd die a happy human it's super cute and crunchy even though i forever will memorise the green themes you'll still manage to pull it off
BUT i genuinely need your opinion on bllk side characters (shidou, ness, aiku, barou and maybe karasu) rate them spell your favourite and last favourites because I'm ready to set up a chair with side of tea and listen to them rambles :3
im currently running away from deadline hello. pls don't tell them im here bae : D (i really need to lock in);;;; my love, as someone whose country is full of sour strawberries you kinda scare me. but i heard overseas strawberries are sweet tho so!!! also girl :(( im :((( wait im bad with praises but pls know i love ur themes and u especially skskdhfsf
now. to my bullshit. (please do know YOU are asking for this okay ^^) so while i put my yappings down the read more to spare some poor souls, tldr: honestly i cant really pick faves simply because my ass is indecisive as hell and i constantly switch rankings lololol and like when it comes to fictional character honestly as long as they manage to catch my eyes (whether by being amusing, complicated and so on) they are immediately an okay to me. and bllk is pretty good at making entertaining charas no matter how much of an asshole they are. so, yeah, this ranking rn is more of "what i can see from whatever spotlight was given to them and how much it makes my personal taste raises an eyebrow character-wise rn": aiku > shidou > ness = barou > karasu (give crow man more spotlight im begging)
shidou: honestly he is like. a force of nature himself. and also remember that one trivia on why he cries? yeah, that trivia honestly raise him up so much in my eyes it's kinda insane. but he is hard to write because i do n o t get him. i wish i do tho, he seems interesting and he praised isagi. already a pretty cool guy in my book, if we ignore the whole other package on the side but hey what is someone without spice. solid 8/10. the fact the first person he really kinda gets on with was sae is also hilarious. like talk about not seeing it coming. common knowledge that bllk side charas deserves more screentime bUT BOY. does this guy really deserve and need it (going back to isagi for a bit but i really want to see isagi work with types he really clashes with like shidou and reo. not even as a simp, but isg is our main pov so. like. isagi dissect this guy's brain pls. or hey light novel pls)
ness: despite his whole relationship with isagi i don't wanna deck him the same way i do to kaiser. absolute soggy wet meow meow to me, whoever calls him babygirl has taste. if i have to say anything is that i really hope his growth will be outside of kaiser. when a character is connected to much to another character in a canon setting, let's just say i can see why people like it but i prefer it when the narrative forces them to face the horror and save themselves in one way. honestly, a goofy guy who i wish to see develop more in the same way barou did. like we know kaiser will (unless the plot twist is twisting) but seeing a character like him who gets stereotyped as a "masochistic, dependent sidekick" by most getting more dimension and spotlight? yeah honestly i really want that. but for now... yeah im sorry but my personal score is 6/10 (but i really hope he will rise up because him being a dark horse in the narrative will be a breath of fresh air honestly)
aiku: i left bllk the first time right before u20 so let me tell you how amused i am when this guy is more than what i expected. if bllk wc team doesn't have him as captain im asking ego WHY. like as a captain? aiku really got my respect. like his canon cheating aside, one of the most decent dudes who can admit their faults out loud. if bllk was about defender instead of striker he would SHINE as a main rival. he kinda already does tho. the whole cop roleplay with isagi was so funny in an amusing way. honestly i really like his writing as a character. very mature, but his selfish bet was really telling of the another side of his character too. 7.5/10. minus point because i cant write him and im mad about it!!! (aka in all serious: 8.5)
barou: first time reading bllk, when isagi chose him i think it becomes one of those moments that really cements bllk. like?? the canon fodder villain who usually was just relevant in the first arc???? become one of the main rivals now???? also he is so housewife and why lmao. also put him and rin in a room. it will either end with a massacre or just them ignoring each other. honestly tho, he is funny to me because this guy has the Deep Voice but then he opens his mouth, call himself king, also dye his hair before uber vs bm match, and i remember how he truly is lmao. also the bowling and his whole dynamic with nagi are so entertaining. like nagi doesn't have to try to piss him off. hilarious. as a chara, 7/10, minus point simply because while dating him in rl sounds like a healthier option, i like my man a blaring red flag. on field a 9/10 because his whole asshole personality comes out and things get interesting
karasu: this guy is like. i am really mixed about him because i think fanon give him more dimension and raises more interesting points than canon has done him so far. but honestly, considering self aware he was and the rare moments the series gave him? he is an interesting character to have in a sport manga. this guy is realistic as shit, and he is also very self-aware of his own downsides. like. read his trivia. this guy is interesting honestly. another one i wish will work with isagi simply just to see more of him. also he is such a little shit but he is funny about it so it's okay. so, yeah, canon wise i don't really can say much about him (yet? idk). but there is this version of him i seen in a gen fic from the red white holy websites of fanfic that just makes me: yo. i wanna see more spotlight on this crow. so uhhhh 6/10 too?
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coolsosha · 1 year
Do you hate Asmo, or know someone who does?♡
Sosha, as a pro Asmo simp, will explain you, why this cute little boy deserves some love!♡♡♡
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A lot of people dont really like Asmo-chan. But why? In this post Sosha will tell you more about this lusty man and will prove that this precious baby doesn't deserve so much haters. Also ASMO SUPREMACY!!!!♡♡♡
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«Asmo is just a whore»
No, he is not. It's a part of his trauma. He was always just a cute little boy. Just an accessory. Just some pretty guy who is walking around Lucifer.
And only after coming to a human world parties, people started paying attention to him more thn just "a pretty boy".The more lusty Asmo gets, the more attention he receives. That's why our precious boy is often feels like some public bicycle.
However he has a looot more personality than "just a horny/pretty boy". He is not a whore and he is not sleeping with everyone who he sees in 25 millimetres.♡♡♡
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«Asmo only loves himself»
Nu-huh. Even tho this boy is called narcissist, i dont really think that he is actually narcissist. At least not fully. Narcissist people love only themselves, while Asmo can truly love MC.
He is one of the affectionate of all brothers. Unlike of, for example, Satan, who doesn't actually shows his feelings often. Asmodeus is always so lovey-dovey around you. He also cares about your skin, almost same as he cares about his (i actually have a screenshot of one of his lines in season 3, something like "Mm, your skin is nice and smooth, you definitely get enough sleep tonight!"). And im also 100% sure he get MC some skincare products, but i don't remember when.
Asmo often says how much he loves MC and even if he is not, he does a lot of things to prove his love.♡♡♡
«Asmo doesn't have any type»
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That one is less obvious. Asmo have an ability to see good in everything, but does that mean that he can fall for literally everyone? Not really. Asmo also have a taste. He won't fall for someone nerdy like Levi. He wouldn't fall for someone who doesn't have a taste or who is boring and home-sitting. Just because he is optimistic doesn't mean that he doesn't have a type.♡♡♡
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«Asmo will cheat on u»
No. In one of the cards(Princess event one) MC complements another model from the poster. And that makes Asmo a little bit jealous and, after some spoilers, he says that he wants his precious human to look only at him. Also, i think i have a lot of horny screenshots where he tells that "i want you only to myself♡".
So, Asmo is not a open relationship type of guy. I don't think he can handle sharing his human with someone else. And, that means, that MC can also have their cute little demon only by themselves. That would be soo weird and soo not-Asmo if it wasn't like that. This loving and caring boy is not someone who would go on the side while he have his favourite human.♡♡♡
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I saw some posts about "Demon brothers when you are sick". And a lot of them are saying that "Well, Asmo wont take care of you, being sick is not pretty, so he is not being closer than 25 meters to you". I think thats kinda wrong. After all, Asmo is taking care of your skin and face, Surely, he won't be very happy with MC being sick, but he will definitely sit next to you and making sure that you will get your rest.♡♡♡
If you have some things about Asmodeus that makes you hate him, or, you maybe dont agree with my simp ass, when write in is the comments..messages.. uh.. idk how do you use Tumblr, i just got here. ♡♡♡
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animaniacsxposed · 1 year
Im someone that was in saneytwt around the time A! first came out in 2020 and let me tell you I've NEVER seen so many people cry "you better not ship the Warners!" or "ThEyRe mInOrS U cAnT sImP for ThEM" by SO many people who claim they can't stand that stuff just for them to do it!
There was a massive saneytwt block list going around and the people thay were added weren't even genuinely shipping it but the person was going through the warnercest tag to look at warnercest art to get the names of people thay were leaving likes. Do you see how NUTS of an exscuse that is?! The list got long enough to about 100+ people until OP realized she was getting nowhere with this and deleted it because everyone used it to follow each other.
Then there was a popular yakwak author we kicked IMMEDIATELY once it came out he brought a child into a nsfw server and groomed them into being their bf. The moment that happened saneytwt notified each other and he was exiles and kicked out of the fandom entirely.
Then the funniest thing to happen so far was one die hard anti was trolling a few authors accounts because they wrote yakdot fics and to counter that, she wrote a disgustingly gorey fic about the warners canabalizing a saneytwt fan (but you know the saying 'dont like dont look' and nobidy looked lmao!) The die hard anti also went undercover to "infiltrate saneytwt" I swear to God! They were so into their "role" that they drew tons of yakwak and shipped it hard. Then the day came where she admitted she was the anti harassing the authors in the beginning for the same thing she likes.
And then a big gimmick account with 100K following told their following of minors about warnercest and made them flood the #Warnercest with spam and hateful messages telling people to kill themselves etc etc...the evidence is all still there if you ever wonder why you see a bunch of brainwashed piss babies spamming the tag.
That's just the tip of the iceberg. As someone who's experienced ALL of this first hand from zanytwt and much from most of the people mentioned below, I want to thank you so much for exposing these losers and creeps. No one would listen to us for years and people have bothered us for no reason for years, the only exscuse they had for harassing us was because we shipped, wrote and drew warnercest, as if there isn't bigger problems in the world like people dying, uneducated kids and real child abuse going on around them everyday. Fuck all of these guys they're getting exactly what they deserve.
Good lord I cannot imagine being this uptight about cartoons. I am terribly sorry to hear all you guys have gone through anon and I hope this blog can bring some sort of closure or peace if it has deeply effected you. These guys are just depraved and jealous that that you are not afraid to say the things you love out loud and they are afraid because they build their following on hating the thing they really like. Then it all comes crashing down when they can't keep up the facade or have no one to talk to about the thing they really like.
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thehare1234 · 16 days
Recent TV Roundup
Soooo much television to watch…so litttle time (but I find it)…maybe this is the year I watch 100 TV shows
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QL Shows
🎹First Note Of Love (Ep 2-6): it’s happeningggg they’re bonding…👀 Orca showed up and I’m immediately obsessed like whole aura and whatever is going on with the manager…all in all a great string of episodes and every time we see a flashback with the brother my heart aches…okkkk okkk episode 6 and I am officially hooked on the show I am really liking the exploration of grief and I like the side couple a lot…the preview for next episode?? I’m deceased
☀️I Hear The Sunspot (Ep 10-11): I think if I view this show away from the lens of BL and more of a coming of age, I see the vision a bit more…I just feel like the romance was going at a slow but sure pace and now has stalled…which has hindered my enjoyment slightly…I like the scenes between Taichi and his grandpa a lot though…also I been saying Maya is now shifting to just confusion as to like “why would you like this man of all people what is wrong with you” but her character doesn’t feel crucial enough in the story to get her own POV episode, although I do want to know more about her and have her be a more fleshed out character
💄Cosmetic Playlover (Ep 3-8)(end): this show was simple and cute…and felt very Japanese BL lol but I don’t know how much I’ll be thinking about it after like a week or two…like it’s not a bad show it just didn’t make a huge impression on me. (7/10)
🦜Takaras Treasure (Ep 10-11)(end): eeeeeeeeeeeee I loved this ending so much! Then opening up and Takara basically just showing how much he loves Taishin is just so beautiful and I hope they live a happy life together ❤️❤️❤️ thank god we got the special episode so I can be with them a bit more…ok the special was also cuteeeee I don’t think I liked it as much as the finale because I do feel like Takaras character became like a lil back to his closed off self but overall I liked this lil show a lot (9/10)
🐢Monster Next Door (Ep 5-6): boyfriend era? Soon? Okkk! This episode leaned a lil too much in the « fluff sequences with no point » at points but it still works for this plot because at the end of the day it’s not super complicated….okkkk this series is still cute and I like how the two mains talk to each other and sometimes do mess up…it’s just like a warm comforting tea of a series at this point and I’m excited to see what the boyfriend era will be
🤝Affair (Ep 1-2): toxic yuri? Possessive jealous behaviour? Cheating? I guess! I’m in and ready for the meds that will be this series…anddd we already have the obligatory GL bath scene (in episode 2?)…and I’m so sorry but I have never seen such unhinged « platonic » behaviour in my life…also I kept seeing comments on YouTube of people being so annoyed that we are getting so many scenes with Ek but like…I disagree? I think yeah obviously the main reason people are here is for the girls but like the show has a plot outside of just them like fight-flirting with each other so to me it makes sense to focus at least a bit on the guy that presumably one of them will be cheating on? Idk
🔙 Reverse 4 U (Ep 1): im so excited this show is on Netflix! And the first episode was cute and a great set up! I like how they showed their powers and really set up the sibling bond well…also I’m biased but I love Four but I am a simp for mean lesbians whoops
🕓4 Minutes (Ep 6-7): we’ll welll welll they were all trash in the original timeline…no notes….i hope everyone gets the revenge/justice they deserve and that Tonkla gets away with murder lol…I’m hoping next episode we see how Tyne gets shot since we now have Greats storyline…also who tf is that woman in the gallery with great….still many questions to answer in the finale but I like how we’re also getting answers and everything is making somewhat sense like I see where the seeds planted earlier are coming back up! I legit have no idea how this will end buttttt I’m thinking it’ll be like an open ending..and lowkey think they will both die and stay in the fix it timeline forever together lol
👔The Trainee (Ep 10-11): wow the discourse on this episode is something else…I never really saw Judy and Bahmee being developed as a lasting relationship and now I see why…I’m sort of disappointed she ended up with Tae again I was really hoping for her choosing to be single and both of them growing but….alas….and to be fair I have been her lowkey (minus the cheating) so I get itttt. Jane and Ryan continue to be cute and I like the way each intern is going through a journey and growing as an individual character outside the relationships…okkk one more episode to go and I like how they reflected on like how each trainee has grown and have given more of Jane’s backstory and how he ended up the way he did…I also like that some of the Ryan/Jane relationship progression was done off screen but discussed like them having 1 hour phone calls…like their relationship is just a good progression…I’m mostly just annoyed by how little characters développement they have Judy like she really was just there for? What?
🥭The Loyal Pin (Ep 5-6): welpppp the ending of this episode was wild…I like how they Pin acknowledges like…it would be really hard for them to be together (impossible even) and just the angst and yearning that comes from their situation is done really well but you can also just feel how attached they are to each other…omg this episode was so romantic and you can just feel how much they love each other…guess they could only give us one episode of that though before they are separated again 😭…also I have a weird theory that Prik is going to end up marrying the other brother but idk that seems kinda unlikely
🍫Happy of the end (Ep 1): definitely a more intense story from Japan…I definitely want to continue but maybe when I’m in a different headspace or will maybe binge this one when it comes out
📓On1y 1 (Ep 1-2): ok thé gifs on Tumblr got me…so far, this is setting up the story really well and I like the push and pull we are already getting with the two characters…I’m ready for this show to break me lol
🔫Kidnap (Ep 1): idk I’m here…nothing drew me into this toooo much but I feel a bit of the chemistry…I’ll keep watching
🃏Jack and Joker (Ep 1): omfg this show is so wild I love it…I love love love heist media so I’m in fully 100% and also I like the action so far and I love Joker like of course I doooooo
Non-QL Shows
🧛Interview With The Vampire (Ep 2-3): I’m still entertained and I like how complex each character is and I just think Louis is a really compelling character in particular…at the end of the day…imma keep watching
🏠Love Next Door (Ep 5-8): oooofffff this is still good…I think it’s definitely got every trope that has ever existed like we got the exes, we got illness, we got childhood friends to lovers…we got potential cheating like it goes on and on. While I like the romance…I think some of the strongest parts of the show is Seok-Ryus journey with her parents and the weight of the expectations and just a lot of really powerful scenes…based on the reveal in episode 8 I’m hoping for a happy ending 😭 but I also wouldn’t be as mad as other people I’ve seen talk about the show if we don’t get one I think
🏥Hospital Playlist (Ep 5): I think one episode a week is perfect for this show because as much as I like it…an episode feeels really long lol…I like how we learn things about the characters gradually and naturally and as you learn them it sort of makes previous episodes and scenes make sense…also « do you have someone you’re interested in? » « the lord » iconic no notes
☕️Ripley (Ep 3-5): I had to watch multiple episodes because it is heating up! Not the cat being what’s gonna get him caught! These episodes were so delicious the suspense and the way he is going to have to keep covering and covering his tracks now…looking at everyone with suspicion…it’s great
💍No Gain No Love (Ep 1-4): why am I watching so many KDramas at the moment? Who knows….but I just felt drawn to this one…and I’m a sucker for a fake marriage plot line so here I am…so far this show is pretty decent. I already know I probably won’t like the second couple…but the main storyline is fun…and I do feel like it’s exploring some interesting themes around women and the small ways in which being a woman in the workplace and in life is difficult and just how women can have desires and it shouldn’t be something to shame (although this show is sort of taking that as a punchline to a joke rn hoping it’ll change as it goes on)
🩲Don’t want no old man’s underpants (Ep 8): this show continues to slay like the festival was so cute and just some good old father and son bonding and like actually listening to each other it’s just really nice to see…I really love this lil show
0 notes
chenlesfavorite · 13 days
i’ve been way too level headed in my recent asks but chenle is about to GET IT and NOT in the good way. he’s making my eye twitch, i want to pummel him through the screen. he needs an intervention NOW his besties need to get in there and knock some sense into his big ass head (i say with love).
as for y/n sweetie i get it “we accept the love we think we deserve” but come on stand up they’re just men (even if he is an incredibly attractive biker) at this point i say we throw in the towel until chenle gets to groveling and i mean he BETTER G. R. O. V. E. L. hands and knees, ridiculous ass gifts, COMMUNICATION, quality time he doesn’t FUCK UP!!!!! i want to see this man SIMP like no man has ever before him and only THEN will i be happy with him. we got the ji redemption ark chenle needs to STEP THE FUCK UP before SOMEONE decides to take his girl. ☀️
(i hope you’re doing well i’m really proud of you and your story, it’s getting so much love. i fully understand what you mean about got my ion you but for what it’s worth i think it’s good because not every relationship is the same. everyone goes at their own pace and so it’s nice to see straightforward every once in awhile. also i’m not ready for this story to end either but i just know you’re cooking up something good with the love consultant idea and i will be waiting to hear which of the boys needs help ❤️)
OUUU HE BETTER WATCH OUTTT😭😭🙏🙏 CUZ U ARE NAWTTT PLAYINGGGG‼️ we should all gang up on him and beat some sense into him 😁 (with love ofc as u said!!)
THEY’RE JUST MEN. EXACTLY. 🙏 you don’t need a man in ur life!!! in fact ITS BETTER TO NOT HAVE ONE IN UR LIFE CZ FUCK THAT‼️
OH TRUST. HE WILL BE SIMPING HAAARDDD, like he’s gonna be on his hands and knees for her EVERY HOUR, EVERY MINUTE, EVERY SECOND. y/n will make sure he never fucks up again. 🙏 she’s literally gonna be training him like he’s in the NAVY
yess im doing well!! ty for asking 🫶 hope you’re doing just as good!
im really overwhelmed with all the love and support night rider is getting like WOW😭 u guys r truly the best and i love y’all SO MUCH :(( <3
OOHH so true, every relationship goes differently, some may be slower and some may be faster 🤔
i am cooking up something indeed… 🤭 it’s gonna be a pretty cute and silly smau that’s for sure!! i can’t wait for yall to start reading it hehe
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timmymyluv · 2 years
i hear a symphony
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fem! kpop idol reader x timothee chalamet 
been so long since my last au! going to try to queue up my drafts in the two weeks i’m gone but we’ll see. 
hope u guys like this its really fun to make. it just seems so easy to put them together but sometimes i do end up forgetting some usernames that can comment haha
as always my inbox is open please talk to me im lonely here send requests/say hi/talk/say anything about my past work i wanna interact with yall :((
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liked by zendaya, oliviarodrigo, bellahadid and 39.9m others
now playing: boy in a rock & roll band by the pierces 🎶🎵
tagged tchalamet
enemyuser omg a bad boy trope
ynfan ok yn does love her wattpad bad boy rockstar fanfics
sanduser omg how she's the musician but he's her rockstar bf that's so cute
timonation love this song omg
zendaya if you ever leave him just know I'm first in line
florencepugh no I am I've been here first stop cutting in line
yourusername noted 👌
tchalamet hello?
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liked by devonleecarlson, giuliang, anyataylorjoy and 44.2m others
there she is.
yourusername missed you sm 💗
liked by tchalamet
bpfan she's so excited to see him after so long soulmates I think
ynforever that tour was so long yet it was amazing and arenas/stadiums cleaned out she and the girlies deserve the break!!
yourusername love you guys sm!! 🫂 gonna miss y'all till the next tour
undeaduser WHAT NEXT TOUR UMM!?
haileesteinfield my best girl ily
florencepugh yn ily when will we run away to the forests
yourusername just say the word and im yours.
tchalamet and what about me!? 😐
florencepugh now who are you?
devonleecarlson come home my bebi
yourusername visiting soon ✈️
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liked by saoirse_, kiernanshipka, emmawatson and 38.2m others
last week.
reduser omg I'm sure she's been enjoying her break after tour
datuser saw her alone at mud coffee like yesterday didn't want to invade her privacy
user6 saw her later that evening at a resto with timmy aww glad she got her solo me time too before date night I love my parents
user1 love blonde yn kinda missing the other hair colours ngl
username7 she's been blonde forever for as long as I remember 😭😭 her scalp must be fried fr skdkd
evanmock simp
jessica.chastain you guys are so sweet!
yourusername thanks mama!
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liked by taylorswift, kidcudi, lanadelrey and 65.5m others
let me love you.
comments are turned off on this post.
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liked by pauline.chalamet, frankocean, gigihadid and 50.5m others
tagged cartier, tchalamet
can't thank our cartier family enough. 💗💗💕 amazing collection as always.
usernamehere oh to be cartier ambassadors with the love of your life
user7 so if timmy gets their wedding ring thru cartier they can't tell their other ambassador skdkd
tchalamet 🤫🤫
ynwashere yn chalamet soon ?? 👀
cartier 💍
yn763 UMMM???? 
dualipa so when’s the wedding?
emilylind calling the shots on bridesmaid! 
theweeknd dibs on reception song sorry
221 notes · View notes
sj0228 · 4 years
astro notes for fun lol
HEY! this is my first astro observations post so don't be too hard on me lol unless u wanna then sure maybe i can improve them somehow BUTANYWAYZ this is for entertainment purposes only!! obviously these are just my own observations so if they don't resonate with you don't get offended or you're a big ol' 🅱️uss so here they are!! also SHOUTOUT TO MY AMAZING FRIENDS fyi i got sum help from them by asking them billions of questions to confirm my suspicions so uh hope that makes the observations more accurate LOL ANYWAYS HERE THEY ARE!! i'll probably make more in the future cuz i think they're super fun to make :D also if u couldnt tell uhm this isnt very professional im not professional BUT I TRIED TO MAKE IT PRETTY so pls dont be bothered lol im just doing this for fun i didnt even wanna make an astro page so yea </3pretty unreliable LMAOOO
👩🏻‍🦲 the house your mars is in is what pisses you off the most!! (eg. 1st - people assuming things about you, 5th - people beating around the bush, 7th - things that disrupt the harmony of your environment, 9th - the need to hold back your opinions because others get bothered by them being "offensive")
👩🏻‍🦲 cancers are true ambiverts and i've truly never ever seen a cancer who wouldn't be both introverted and extroverted at times. they are always either social introverts or quiet extroverts lol. or both!! (somehow 0_0) they enjoy people's attention, whether it's wanting to be noticed or appreciated or generally cared for, and they need their alone time. they tend to be very productive at those times, too.
👩🏻‍🦲 ok i have a lot of notes for cancers so it's gonna be a lot lmao sorry anyways!! i've also noticed they LOVEEE breaking loose every once in a while, if not every time they're given the opportunity! thing is, it's usually only if someone else is there to convince them or do it with them. they don't like taking risks alone! they are very impressed and fond of the 'wild child' persona people because they bring out the cancer's wild side!
👩🏻‍🦲 libra moons are absolutely loved by people, it's so crazy! like, no matter what they do they always have attention on them. this can manifest badly if the moon person is actually pretty horrible, things they do tend to be overlooked and others move on pretty quickly from their mistakes, letting them do whatever they want. i wanted to give an example but uh,,,,, i shall.. refrain😳
👩🏻‍🦲 libra suns with water moons are so scary when they're angry..
👩🏻‍🦲 cancer moon is what i deem as the zodiac sign cute-ifyer lol. literally any "tough" sign like capricorn, scorpio or aquarius becomes a super cute goofball with this moon. WEIRDEST THING EVER THOUGH is that it doesn't work for cancer suns?! like if a cancer sun has a cancer moon this just makes the person very confusing but very funny. they can brighten anybody's day without trying!
👩🏻‍🦲 okay JUST SO THIS WHOLE ARIES MENTION ISN'T JUST A POINTLESS LOVE CONFESSION - i've noticed a lot of ♥aries♥ people use the laughing crying face emojis (😂,🤣) unironically and it's honestly.....the best thing ever
👩🏻‍🦲 taurus suns do this sometimes as well
👩🏻‍🦲 THE MOST UNHEALTHY PERCEPTIONS OF ZODIAC SIGNS ARE PUT ON FIRE SIGNS, NOT THE WATER SIGNS AND THIS IS COMING FROM A PISCES!!!!!!1 every stereotype is always showing fire signs as those sunshine of the group people, the baddies, and the ones with the biggest 'idgaf' attitude. and while this can totally be true sometimes, most of the time it's super different! sad fire signs break my heart pls i just wanna hug you guys T-T they have it the hardest because unlike water signs who are already expected to be emotional, they often repress their emotions for the sake of others and because of the fear of betrayal or judgement, or just generally the idea of "it's better to have fake friends than to have zero friends". YOU GUYS PLEASE. cut these people off from your life you deserve soo much better i know it can be super hard to open up for you u just need a hug omg EVERYONE PLEASE CHECK UP ON YOUR FIRE SIGN FRIENDS ASK THEM ABOUT THEIR DAY N STUFF THEY WILL APPRECIATE YOU CARING FOR THEM! pls stay best and take care sweethearts ily!!!
👩🏻‍🦲 i've also noticed that some of the signs tend to show their sadness through anger - this is not just astrology though so if your friend has been jumpy lately please just check on them they are probably going thru sth😳 anyways the signs i mostly saw this in are pisces, aries and libra.
👩🏻‍🦲 cancers with feminine moons (earth and water) tend to be pretty introspective. they often think they're the ones being mistreated, and while this of course might be true, in reality it usually goes a lonnng way back lol. they often pay very little attention to others!! (masculine moon sign cancers (fire and air) can often be too focused on others more than themselves) this can be good because they don't snoop in other people's business but oh my god, guys, please pay attention to your friends, too! this WILL lead to lost friendships because, let's be real, nobody wants a one-sided friendship with someone who only cares about themselves! i don't want to target anybody here but this is just a pattern i've noticed wayyyy too often, so you might want to look into it and if you think this is you all you need is just to enlargen your perspective and it will all be okay. but please, PLEASE. think about your friends
👩🏻‍🦲 i needed to get this^ out because people often put this on leo placements but tbh i notice that leo placements are THE MOST generous of the entire zodiac and they always think of others first and that's what really makes them so popular. they very rarely are as egocentric as everybody says, they're just really loving and that makes them very lovable!
👩🏻‍🦲 scorpio risings are the prettiest people i've ever seen. not even kidding bruh i could stare at them for EVER their eyes are absolutely gorgeous and their mannerisms are just perfect pls marry me
👩🏻‍🦲 gemini and taurus placements make an individual soooo chill to the point where it often makes them lazy and a biig procrastinator lol. tho i love how they make light of it by using their amazing humor!
👩🏻‍🦲 you most definitely have your IC be one of your family members' sun sign or one of their personal planets. i have a taurus ic and my sister is a taurus sun!
👩🏻‍🦲 sagittarius suns are the best huggers cause THEY REALLY NEED A HUG SO GO HUG THEM RIGHT NOW. pls guys why r u so sad..
👩🏻‍🦲 scorpio mars aren't even as sexual as everybody says tbh. but they definitely do have some interesting.....interests ;)
👩🏻‍🦲 pluto aspects to personal planets are very prominent, but very hidden. if you have them, most likely you will be the only person to know about this side of you and it can be pretty dark..
👩🏻‍🦲 planets conjunct your sun will be the people you attract most in your life (venus conjunct sun - taurus and libra, jupiter - sagittarius and pisces, mars - aries and scorpio EVERYWHERE)
👩🏻‍🦲 your moon sign will be the sun sign of most of your friends
👩🏻‍🦲 if you don't quite relate to your ascendant, look at the sign you have in your 3rd house and at your mercury sign. this is how you communicate, convey your ideas etc. and will often be a major factor in people's first impressions of you :)
👩🏻‍🦲 lilith aspecting your sun may mean there's a side of you nobody knows.. 👁👁 you're also probably very convincing and people can be very drawn to you and they can't explain why. this also goes for lilith in 7th, especially in girls!
👩🏻‍🦲 you and your friends probably have each other's sun signs as your personal planets!!
👩🏻‍🦲 the kindest person you know is probably either a virgo or an aries.. and the meanest person you know is also probably a virgo or aries LOL
👩🏻‍🦲 capricorn suns & risings are THE hardest to read!! if they don't say what they mean people will just assume and they're never going to be right it's wild 👩🏻‍🦲 also capricorns definitely have the most dad energy, while sagittariuses are more like actual dads jdbshxcvb
OKAY THAT'S ALL!!!! im sure i have more but its 2 am i have school tomorrow or actually its today now so bye uh anyways there will most likely be more so if u liked these stay tuned!! oh and let me know if they were true witchu :o thats it love u stay awesome and super cool i love u byebye!!
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corpse-husband-simp · 4 years
Fic recs masterlist
Masterlist part 2
❤️ =means smut :). 🧡 = social media au. 💛 = headcanon 💙 = blurb/drabble (short Fic). 💜 = oneshot (Long Fic). This means deleted.
Last updated 17/11/20 (Im taking a break) <3
none of these belong to me, full credit goes to the writer
If you know any fics that are not on here please let me know :)
Let me know if any links are broken :)
If you are the owner of any of these fics and dont want it to be on here, Please tell me an they Will be removed from the list :)
I Can only add a hundred links to one post so to Read the fics listed tap “Read here” :)
@fairysimp. Read here. The prettiest flower 17/10/20. 💙 If you’re a fairy, so am i 18/10/20. 💙 Corpse classic 19/10/20. 💙 You’re on! 20/10/20.💙 Sucks to suck 23/10/20. 💙 What are you afraid of 24/10/20.💙 Cupcakes, sugar and sundresses 24/10/20. 💙 I told the stars about you 24/10/20 💙 Feather light 27/10/20 💙 Soft vibes 27/10/20💙 Danny devito 17/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@ewritesthangs. Read here. Blurb 17/10/20.💙 Q and a time 18/10/20. 💜 Oneshot 22/10/20.💜 Blurb 23/10/20. 💙 Oneshot 25/10/20. 💜 Cake tasting 26/01/20 💙 The Big day 31/10/20 💜 Losing a pet 03/11/20 💙. Extrovert reader 15/11/20 💛~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@marvelandsuchstuff. Read here. Sleepness nights and Golden sunlight 17/10/20💜 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@corpsehusband-simp. Read here. Lazy day 15/10/20. 💙 Opposites attract 16/10/20.💙 Oops 1 20/10/20. 💙 Oops 2 26/10/20💜 Insecure 08/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@laysfics. Read here. Spell 16/10/20. 💜 Spell 2 18/10/20. 💜 Spell 3 19/10/20. 💜 Dinner 20/10/20 💙 Happily ever after 23/10/20💙 Bad days 01/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@bastillewolf. Read here. Shinigami eyes 1 13/10/20.💜 Shinigami eyes 2 16/10/20 💜 Panic attack 28/19/20💙 Kinda sketchy 29/10/20💜 #corpsebride 09/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@sttalkr Read here. Your voice 15/10/20.💙❤️ My little pet 19/10/20 💙❤️~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@artist-bby. Read here. Deadass 1 12/10/20.💜 Prepare for trouble... Make it double 2 14/10/20.💜 A tired man needs his Well deserved cuddles 25/10/20 💙 Belly rubs 27/10/20💙 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@fandomlit. Read here. Voice impressions 13/10/20. 💙 Destracted 13/10/20. 💙 Mad 13/10/20.💙 Fangirling 13/10/20.💙 Daddy (deleted). 💙 Flustered 25/10/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@skyeet-the-writer. Read here. Id never snitch on daddy 9/10/20. 💜 My mind is restles with the toughts of u 13/10/2 💜. You have my heart 26/10/20 💜 This is a shoutout to my ex 26/10/20 💜 And if you wanna stay, Please stay 07/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@ghostgamer. Read here. Comforting you 8/10/20. 💙 Calm nights 11/10/20. 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@iamsuchasimp. Read here. Simp 12/10/20. 💙 Simply simping 15/10/20. 💙🧡 Extra 16/10/20.💙🧡 Making amends 16/10/20.💙 Headcanons 1 17/10/20.💛 Headcanons 2 18/10/20.💛 Miss you 19/10/20.💙 Meant to be? 19/10/20.💙 Alibi 20/10/20.💙 Trending 22/10/20.💙 Ship 25/10/20 💙 Headcanon 27/10/20💛 Popular 29/10/20 💙 Bodyguard 08/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@introverted-mushroom-san. Read here. Just a human (series) 16/10/20 💜 Confession 07/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@harleysarchive. Read here. Among you and me 13/10/20. Among you and me 2 19/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@storiesforallfandoms. Read here. Propostion 19/10/20 Caught feelings 04/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@star-gaz3rs. Read here. Unspoken words and read messages 19/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@locallolli. Read here. Corpse head canon 19/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@corpsedaydream. Read here. #concepts. Neon banter 19/10/20. Sore loser 20/10/20. Cold hands, warm neck 21/10/20. It’s fine 21/10/20. Beach baby 22/10/20. Im okay 25/10/20. Wine night 001 25/10/20. Flappy bird 26/10/20. Yeah baby thats Nice 26/10/20 Monthly 27/10/20 Painted nails 27/10/20 Pet names 26/10/20 A Long week 27/10/20 Crash 01/11/20 Wet hair and warm cuddles 04/11/20 Chaotic s/o 05/11/20 Car 05/11/20 Spooning 05/11/20 Carry on 05/11/20. Corpse does Your makeup 06/11/20. Healing kisses 06/11/20. Fruit salad 06/11/20. Stress and refresh 06/11/20. Pre/post streaming 07/11/20 A fright 10/11/20. Paint wars 11/11/20. See you in the morning 11/11/20 Golden hour 12/11/20 Swing 13/11/20 Carrots 17/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@randomafwritings Read here. It’s 2 am dude... 19/10/20. Missing prank 28/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@corpseglider Read here. Soft!boy hours 20/10/20. Mute Your mic 20/10/20. Attention seeker 21/10/20. Want some company? 22/10/20. You’re sus 23/10/20. Flower fingers 24/10/20. Jealous tendencies 25/10/20. Mirror 26/10/20 You’re beautiful 27/10/20 Flower fingers 2 29/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@moonjelly-princesa Read here. Simp 12/10/20 Next time 20/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@bakubabes-hatake Read here. Muted infatuation 20/10/20. Sweater weather 24/10/20 Sleepy sessions 31/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@divinecorpse Read here. Date and snowman’s 20/10/20. Podcasts and announcements 22/10/20. You are in love 25/10/20 It’s never not for you 31/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@foxypuppy Read here. Secret snuggles 20/10/20. Back to you 21/10/20. Sweet Cakes and first dates 25/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@breathygasps Read here. A scarier possibility 1 21/10/20. A scarier possibility 2 23/10/20. Sick day 24/10/20 A scarier possibility 3 29/10/20 A muffin run gone wrong 30/10/20 Odd hours 12/11/20 A scarier possibility 4 14/11/20 French tongue 16/11/20 💙. Dog days 16/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@xoxoyourdad Read here. Blurb* 22/10/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@bitch-im-your-biggest-nightmare Read here. It doesnt matter What they say 23/10/20. Stars 1 23/10/20. Stars 2 23/10/20. Welp, i guess the cat is out of the bag 23/10/20. Stars 3 24/10/20. Stars 4 24/10/20. Stars 5 25/10/20. Sick boi hours are over 25/10/20. Disaster 25/10/20. Allergies are not fun 25/10/20. Tears falling down at the party 25/10/20. Stars 6 (finale) 26/10/20 Panic attacks suck man 26/10/20 Goddamit kid now they know Im a single father 27/10/20 Parents fucking suck bro 27/10/20 No! This isnt how you’re supposed to play the game 28/19/20 The blood on our hands is a Bond 31/10/20 Happily ever after 01/11/20 Parenting 101 03/11/20 Parenting 200 05/11/20. Summertime Sadness 07/11/20. Panick attack in gorcery store 07/11/10 Headcanon 10/11/20 Riddle me this 15/11/20 💙 Sorry 15/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@flowersforcorpse Read here. Under the bus 22/10/20. To distraction 24/10/20 The cat Got out 27/10/20 Marination 30/10/20 Limbo 08/11/20 Zoned out 10/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@apricauts Read here. A sleeping corpse 23/10/20. A lovely day 24/10/20. Nsfw headcanons* 24/10/20. Nsfw headcanons 2* 25/10/20. Nsfw headcanons 3* 26/10/20. The lion sleeps tonight 26/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@crystalg6m Read here. Trust 23/10/20. Secret player 04/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@monsterenergysimp Read here. Permanance 24/10/20. Reckless endangerment 25/10/20 Oh my god, they were roommates 27/10/10 Feel better 27/10/20 Forget today 28/10/29 Interruptions 28/10/20 Father of the year 29/10/20 Lock screen 30/10/20 Building Snowmen 31/10/20 This is halloween (father of the year 2) 01/11/20 Closer 02/11/20 Unravel 02/11/20 Snap, crackle, pop 03/11/20 Fluffy concept 04/11/20 Sleepy 05/11/20. Mute 07/11/20. His anxiety 07/11/20 Forgetful 13/11/20 Permanance 2 17/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@myherotrashbin Read here. Soft smiles and warm hugs 24/10/20. Just let it out 25/10/20. First kiss 25/10/20. Cuddles are needed 25/10/20. Well this happened 26/10/20. Just a little love 04/11/20 I just wanna hold you damn hand 04/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@mmonamona Read here. Beautiful 23/10/20. Petty fights and lonely nights 20/10/20 I Think Im in love with you and Im terrified 26/10/20 Halloween 28/10/20 Alls hair in love and war 02/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@uhithinkthefucknot Read here. Respectful simp 25/10/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@letsloveimagines Read here. Crush 25/10/20. Forever 26/10/10 Crush 2 05/11/20 A friend that is a Girl 09/11/20 Murderer 12/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@flowersbby Read here. Drawn to you 25/10/20. Hard day? 26/10/20 Dont overwork yourself 27/10/20 Star struck 31/10/20 Nobody compares 03/11/20 I need you 11/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@kakyoinsimp Read here. Anything for you 26/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@thefanficmonster Read here. Falling faceless 25/10/20. Unlucky 25/10/20. You Call it a mess, we Call it baking 26/10/20 Switch blade 28/10/20 Caring 29/10/20 Lucky me (Unlucky 2) 01/11/20 Power couple 02/11/20 Love for the faceless 02/11/20 Inky memories 05/11/20 Just two sad roommates 08/11/20 Whats it to you 15/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@sloppythots-com Read here. Reaction 24/10/20 Nails and reassurance 24/10/20. Hugs 27/10/20. Sweetie 29/10/20 Innocent 01/11/20 Believe 01/11/20. Eyeliner 06/11/20. One time 06/11/20 Favorite Girl 12/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@flowersandcorpse Read here. Shes optimistic (not me) 1 22/10/20 Shes optimistic (not me) 2 27/10/20. Marinanation 30/10/20 💙 Clasped hands 16/11/20 💙. Marinanation 2 16/11/20💙 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@readerwriterandteadrinker Read here. Pillow talk 27/10/20. The ten hour stream 1 27/10/20 The ten hour stream 2 28/19/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@euphoniumpets Read here. Agoraphobic 27/10/20. Haunted 27/10/20 Cuddle buddy 01/11/20 It’s snack time 03/11/20 Cuddles and thunder 05/11/20. Break my baby 05/11/20. Cooking 06/11/20. Nap time 07/11/20. Oppostite attractions 07/11/20 Baby bump 13/11/20 Flirty interactions 15/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@literatureteachervibes Read here. Opportunity 1 24/10/20. Opportunity 2 28/19/20. Opportunity 3 30/10/20 Where corpse saves her from a creep 03/11/20 Opportunity 4 31/10/20. Opportunity 5 11/11/20 Simp 17/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@struggling-with-time Read here. Dinner for two (at Home) 28/10/20. Translucent 28/10/20. Cuddle time 28/10/20 Outfit for the day 28/10/20 Movie night (horror movie) 28/10/20 Can i have my sweater back? 28/10/20 Size difference and snuggles 28/10/20 Dont turn green on me now 28/10/20 Sykkunos biggest simp 28/10/20 Rainy days 29/10/20 Dog parks are a good place 29/10/20 Penpals from across the sea 29/10/20 Cloudy afternoons 30/10/20 Stressful streaming 30/10/20 Comfort 30/10/20 YouTube video (ASMR) 31/10/20 Blind date 31/10/20 Halloween party 31/10/20 YouTube singer!reader 01/11/20. Cuddles 01/11/20 Funny S/O 01/11/20 Ocular migraines 01/11/20 Kitten calling 02/11/20 Our cat child, our precious son 02/11/20 Gifted collar 02/11/20 Suprise song 03/11/20 Fun fact 03/11/20. Comedian 03/11/20. Cat Girl 03/11/20 Ruben moves in 03/11/20 Painter 04/11/20. Lost connection 04/11/20 Lost connection 2 06/11/20. Cousin of a cousins wedding 07/11/20. Pokis friend 08/11/20. Pokis friend 2 08/11/20. Bedside confessions 08/11/20. Uncertainties 08/11/20. Working together 08/11/20 Among us promises 08/11/20 Spilled tea 09/11/20 Stuffed animals 10/11/20. Dungeons and dragons 10/11/20 Corpses brother 12/11/20. Off cam kisses 12/11/20. Being corpses sister hc 12/11/20
Mothers arent always the best 12/11/20 Soft voices 13/11/20. Shy reader 13/11/20. Without you Im just a sad song 14/11/20. Actress/actor reader 14/11/20. Faceless YouTuber reader 14/11/20. Reader owning an etsy. 14/11 Simping for 2 16/11/20. 💙 One last time 16/11/20n.💙 Nightmare 16/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@corpserose Read here. Mornings 28/10/20. Paint my nails 31/10/20 Snack time 02/11/20 Home 04/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@shelswrites Read here. The Sound of a voice 28/10/10. 💙 Blurb 28/10/20.💙 Livestreams 28/10/20💙 Q and a 29/10/20 💙 Famous!singer reader 29/10/20 💙 Fight 29/10/20 💙 Tall!reader 30/10/20💙 Hand 30/10/20 💙 Nicknames 30/10/20💙 Roommate 30/10/20 💙 Nicknames 30/10/20 💙 First night at corpses House 31/10/20 💙 Painting nails 31/10/20 💙 The feel of a touch 31/10/20💙 Playing with his hair 01/11/20 💙 Period 01/11/20 💙 24 hour livestream 01/11/20💙 Corpse in maid dress 01/11/20 💙 Knitted blanket 02/11/20💙 Dyeing eachothers hair 02/11/20 💙 Taking Care of his hair 02/11/20 💙 Playing with his hands 03/11/20 💙 Sharing clothes 03/11/20💙 Bisexual 03/11/20 💙 Imposter duo 03/11/20💙 Cat ears for corpsie 04/11/20💙 Holding grugdes 04/11/20 💙 Laying on Your lab 05/11/20💙 Studying 05/11/20💙 Helping him with his anxiety 05/11/20💙
Laying on Your chest 05/11/20 💙 Eyeliner 06/11/20 💙 Plus size s/o 06/11/20💙 Your hands 07/11/20💙 Putting eyeliner on him 07/11/20💙. Corpse failing at cooking 08/11/20.💙 Eyeliner and skirt 08/11/20. 💙 Cooking 09/11/20 💙 Like real people do 09/11/20.💙 Sleepy corpse 09/11/20. 💙 Comforting him 10/11/10.💙 Blushy corpsie 10/11/20💙 Holiday 13/11/20. 💙 Tired corpse laying in Your lap 13/11/20. 💙 Corpse having a bad day 14/11/20 💙. Bf not gf 16/11/20.💙 Long distance 16/11/20. 💙 Making a yt Channel together 16/11/20.💙 Playing and answering questions 16/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@rxvenclawwriting Read here. The aftermath of scary videos 28/10/20. Internet trolls 29/10/20 Sketched conffesions 02/11/20 Tiktok famous 03/11/20 Just a slip of the tongue 04/11/20 The Challenge of Touch 05/11/20 Q and a 14/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@imjustpeachyme Read here. Bumpy roads and broken promises 28/10/20. The mirror always lies 01/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@ruby-lavorre Read here. Ramen 29/10/20. Dating corpse HC 30/10/20 Dating corpse HC 2 31/10/20 Holding out 01/11/20 Best friends hc 05/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@rock-c Read here. Kandi 30/10/20. Shortstack 30/10/20 The bassist 30/10/20 Movie marathons 01/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@b-star-wonder Read here Headcanon 30/10/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@moonlightsimp Read here. Cuddles headcanon 01/11/20.💛 Choose me 03/11/20 Simp 05/11/20 Needy 06/11/20 Shower feels 10/11/20 Social media au 13/11/20🧡 Social media au 13/11/20 🧡 Moving in 14/11/29 Pretty baby 16/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@anata-e-no-izon Read here. A Big whoopsie 25/10/20. Rivalry 30/10/20. Ignorant opinions 09/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@antisocial-dumb-ass Read here. Sleepy time phone Call 02/11/20. 💙 The impostor among us 02/11/20. 💙 Cuddle time 17/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@bibliofilia Read here Ships passing in the night 03/11/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@reaperxrex Read here. sunkissed 29/10/20. First fights 29/10/20. Sports star 03/11/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@withcolebrock Read here Full of suprises 05/11/20. Close Your eyes 06/11/20 Distracted 12/11/20 Amazingly beautiful 15/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@souljoon Read here. Sweet 05/11/20. Infatuated 05/11/20 Whats up baby 07/11/20 Roommates 09/11/20 Roommates in among us 10/11/20 Mutual pining roommates 12/11/20 Comfort 15/11/20 💙. Not making fun of you 17/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@impala-1979 Read here. Dead 05/11/20. Their life had barely begun 08/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@abluecorpserose Read here. Pretty boy 25/10/20. S/o with Anime voice 06/11/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@the-writings-of-a-simp Read here. Roommate 04/11/20. Corpse in a skirt 05/11/20. Rainy cuddles 06/11/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@marvelfreakbrynnlee Read here. The elf in the café 07/11/20. The elf in the café 2 10/11/20 The elf in the café 3 15/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@syukkunii Read here. Cuddles hc 09/11/20. Corpse flirting during livestream 11/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@pepinotpepe Read here. Wildflower 08/11/20. Wildflower 2 08/11/20. Wildflower 3 09/11/20. Wildflower 4 11/11/20 Wildflower 5 12/11/20 💙 Wildflower 6 17/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@auramindedd Read here. Oneshot 08/11/20. 💜 AccidenTell 10/11/20💙 First meet 11/11/10 💜 Under the weather 13/11/20💙 Period pain cuddles 13/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@takenbyheartstrings Read here. Burden 10/11/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@the-winter-sxldier-posts Read here. Moments 12/11/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@glxwingbakugo Read here Takeout and horror movies 12/11/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@softboiicorpse Read here. Always forever 12/11/20. 💜 Grocery shopping 13/11/20 💜 Final goodbyes 13/11/20 💜. Grocery shopping 2 15/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@nekomacam Read here. Not even okay 13/11/20 🧡 Not even okay 2 14/11/20 🧡 Not even okay 3 17/11/20 🧡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@thotasshoebitch Read here. I know you did not just grab my Boob 15/11/20💙 Rain on me 16/11/20💙. My hair 16/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
3K notes · View notes
eternallytxt · 2 years
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[23:35]     Your Fridays weren’t normally this quiet. Typically, they were occupied by your boyfriend, whether they were indoor or outdoor dates. Tonight, however, your beloved was out with the rest of his band mates celebrating completing the recording of their new album. 
Your phone buzzed and you reached to pick it up, the lock screen showing it was a message from your boyfriend. Before you could swipe up, about five more messages from Jimin came through in rapid succession. You chuckled as you read.
my jiminie💗: _____….
my jiminie💗: Jagiyaaaaaaaaaaa
my jiminie💗: My prty jaggi
my jiminie💗: Jagi im druck
Of course he was shit faced. You weren’t mad, though. Heaven knows him and the rest of the boys had been working so hard lately. They deserved this break. Your only worry was that at least one of them was sober enough to make sure everyone got home safe. 
You shot two quick texts back before setting your phone down to brush your teeth.
you: lmao i’m glad you’re having fun baby
you: what time are u coming home? imy
As you flossed, you couldn’t help but grin about your boyfriend’s messages. Jimin was definitely a flirty drunk, not that you were complaining. The last time he had drunk and texted you, it was a confession. Alcohol was seriously the reason you had gotten together. Around a year ago, Jimin had dragged you out to the club to “let loose”, as he had said. You weren’t really much of a drinker, or a party animal like he was. But that time you had made an exception just for him. Who could say no to Park Jimin when he’s pouting like that?By the end of the night, Jimin was plastered and hanging off of you, whining about how pretty you were, and how much he “really really really” wanted to kiss you. 
And that, kids, is how I met your mother.
By the time you had crawled in bed, it had been 30 mins with no response from Jimin. A small jab of worry pricked at you as you reached for your phone. Right then, your phone chimed, signaling a text from Taehyung. The image he sent had you busting out laughing.
No wonder why Jimin wasn’t responding. There he was, sprawled out on what looked to be a couch from the nearby karaoke bar, fast asleep. His cheek was squished against the cushion, pushing his plump lips into a pucker. His phone was in his hand, unlocked, and on the screen was a zoomed in picture of you.
tae🐻: What a simp.
tae🐻: I’m bringing him back. You can deal with him lmao.
43 notes · View notes
ssamie · 3 years
them getting caught simping for their s/o (part 1)
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·˚ ༘⌗ just hq boys simping for you and getting caught simping by their friends
·˚ ༘⌗ characters include: tanaka ryuunosuke, oikawa tooru, iwaizumi hajime
·˚ ༘⌗ gender neutral pronouns were used.
·˚ ༘⌗ warnings: swearing and fluff lol
gen masterlist.                      hq masterlist.
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honestly are we surprised?
he's already a massive simp, so why should he hold back when it comes to his s/o
he simps by literally any and every way you could think of
hyping you up? ofc, no need to say anything he already does that on a daily basis
want cuddles? say less,, he's already waiting with his arms wide open
want to go on dates? who cares about practice, he'll go on a date with you anytime, no matter what the consequence he may face
want to meet up at 3am for no reason at all? wdym, he's already up and waiting outside your house
you're sick? no no, he's already in your room taking care of you with meds, soup, and cuddles <3
i could go on but...you get the point
he gets caught simping by the team when they walked past you and him sitting by a tree on the school yard
he had you sitting on his lap with a gleeful and lovesick smile as he brings his chopsticks up to your mouth to feed you
"do you like that, baby?" he asked you with a smile. "yeah, it's very good" you said. "did you cook this?" you asked him
tanaka proudly smiled and nodded "yup! i have to make sure my baby gets only the best food there is!" he exclaims as he wraps his arms around your waist
you laugh lightly and playfully smack him in the chest "you're too sweet, ryu" you said "but thank you."
"hmm, anything for you, babe" he muttered in reply as he pressed a soft kiss on your cheeks and temples
the whole team is watching with varying reactions lmao
first of all, noya and hinata are crying from jealousy (suga too but he won't admit that 🙄)
tsukki, yams, and the other second years are snickering while daichi and asahi jokingly join along
they tease tanaka about it, but it's not like he cares lmao 💀
"damn what a simp."
"you're so smitten it's actually sad."
tanaka: "you're just jealous you don't have an s/o!"
it's true. they were just jealous 🙄🤞🏼
they're still very happy tanaka actually found someone that loved him back. they all knew he had a heart of gold, and he deserved every bit of love he received from you
i love him :(
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oikawa is actually a very affectionate partner
he does have a high ego, but he will succumb once he gets a quick glimpse of you
to him, you're the most beautiful being to ever walked the earth, not even kidding.
that's usually how he simps lol
he just praises you about pretty much everything
gives you never ending compliments and aims to make you feel like the most perfect person alive, because thats how he sees you
also loves physical touch <3
doesn't have to be sensual,, he just likes feeling your skin on his.
his favourite is when you're holding hands because his hands are much bigger than yours and he finds that cute >:(
"tooru, practice will start soon" you said to him as you comb your fingers through his hair, though being careful enough to not mess it up.
"hmph" he said, though it only came out as muffled murmurs, seeing as his face was buried into your chest
"you're very clingy today" you hummed "something wrong?" you asked him
his hand, which he felt the need to intertwine with yours, squeezed yours tighter as he brought them up to his lips
"mm, i just love you that's all" he said as he went back to burying his face into his your sweatshirt.
you smiled and kissed the crown of his head, making him sigh in content. "love you too, tooru"
they clown him.
the whole team just clowns him.
it would start with iwaizumi quietly snickering, though he wasn't really that fazed since he sees oikawa like this with you a lot
but makki and mattsun saw you too and just burst out laughing. idk why either they just did
they, along with yahaba, would just laugh and throw in some teasing comments
he usually responds with petty replies
"damn, what a simp"
"didn't think the oikawa tooru would like anyone but himself"
oikawa: "shut up! stop teasing me, you're all dumb! you're just mad i have a god/goddess of an s/o. you probably don't know what that's like cus you're all ugly. unlike me ofcourse. though blah blah blah.."
oikawa sweetie... shut up <3
kindaichi laughs along,, kunimi and kyotani just doesn't care lol
i love tooru sm :(
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i love you sir 🛐
anyways, iwaizumi is a very loving boyfriend!! very protective and affectionate, but more showy when you're in private
he could never say no to you, no matter the request
you could probably ask him to eat cat shit and he'd do it for a kiss ngl
okay.. maybe don't go that far.. but yeah
you want kisses? he's not the biggest fan of pda but he'll do it if u really want it
wanna go on a date? can't say no to that
want him to buy you food/clothes? he'll do it no questions asked.
i could list down more things but my brain can't think of anything else so no <3
you were outside the gym, getting drinks and snacks and just talking
and you thought it would be a good idea to try on some clips you got on his hair
"please, hajime" you pleaded with a pout "i got these really cute clips yesterday but im wearing enough already" you said
"so i want you to wear the rest" you present him a small bag of colorful butterfly clips with a smile
iwaizumi looked at it with dread, not really wanting his head to look like a rainbow. but one glance at your hopeful smile and he just ~melts~
"ofcourse, baby" he said with a small smile "do what you want" his smile only widened as you cheered, excitedly picking out the colors to accessorise him with
"would you like blue and pink or blue and purple?" you asked
"which do you like more?" he asked "hm. maybe blue and pink.. i dunno though. you'll look cute with both" you said
"just do both then" iwaizumi shrugged as he leaned his head back on your lap, closing his eyes and humming as you comb through his hair with your fingers.
"thank you for letting me play with your hair, haji~" you cooed with a soft laugh as you press a kiss on his nose
"anything for you, love" iwaizumi replied with a chuckle
everyone just stops for a second. just pause.
they definitely didn't expect to see iwaizumi to enter the gym with his hair decorated with blue, pink and purple butterfly clips.
oikawa gasps in shock and would probably ask to borrow some.
he already knows its from you since iwa is his best friend, and he really didn't want to get a beating so early into practice.
"iwa-chan! can i have some?! give me the blue ones!"
iwa: "no way, shittykawa get your own fucking clips!
makki and mattsun would tease him to death. they were the only ones brave enough to do so :p
"damn, y/n really had you wrapped around their finger, huh?"
"ah, the things we do for love~"
"what a simp"
makki and mattsun came home with a bruise that day.
kunimi and kindaichi are quiet. they didn't want to end up like the two idiots. though kunimi may or may not have snapped a quick photo
kyotani thinks its iconic. he's an iwaizumi supremacist, what can i say.
i love iwa sm pls 😖
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i think im getting better at making headcannons,, idk tho jjsbsnabs
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heliads · 2 years
Oh my god congrats on 5k my icon! U deserve it 100% 🥰 I’m so happy for you
Could I get a personalised drabble (w Tom’s Peter Parker) and ship (Harry Potter, Star Wars and Percy Jackson) & playlist ? 🥹
Here’s stuff about me:
Im blonde with blue eyes. My hair is like super long like down to my butt and I have bangs. I have ADHD (I’m very much adhd LMAO - like it shows) and I’m an INFJ-T - I’m usually the quirky, funny, nerd friend who always makes references to marvel or Star Wars or lord of the rings and plays video games. Everyone says I have a really really unique personality. Im a Gryffindor an child of Apollo. Im also a theatre kid and currently studying musical theatre. I’m a huge film nerd - I know too much about cinema and movies for my own good lmao. Music nerd as well. Im very into hard rock although I don’t look like it (like I don’t look like ur typical tattooed and dressed in all black metal head, but I’m very much one)
I hope this helps :)
thank you!! you're my icon tbh
personalized drabble:
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“Dude, she’s, like, totally your soulmate.”
Peter scoffs, trying not to let the words obviously shake him. Ned has been wheedling Peter for what must be half an hour, trying to convince him to just ask out Y/N L/N, already. No matter how many times Peter says that it’s not going to work, that Y/N may be his absolute dream girl but that doesn’t mean she likes him even half as strongly as he likes her, Ned refuses to abandon the cause.
Peter still can’t stop himself from inserting at least an ounce of realism into the conversation. “She’s not my soulmate, Ned. Soulmates aren’t real.”
Ned snorts. “Yeah, that’s what I thought until I met the two of you. You guys are practically the same person. She likes Star Wars, you like Star Wars. You’ve watched Lord of the Rings about a hundred times with me, I heard her weighing the benefits of Narsil or Sting in a battle just last week. Admit it, Peter, the two of you are just meant to be.”
Peter sighs. “I wish it could be, but you’re missing one massive point. She doesn’t like me, Ned, and no amount of shared interests are going to fix that.”
Ned groans, but before the other boy can try and persuade Peter that this isn’t a problem, he’s cut off by a new voice. This one comes from somebody standing just behind them, somebody who’s been listening into their conversation.
“Who said I didn’t like you?”
Peter’s eyes widen at the same time as Ned’s, and he turns around slowly to see none other than Y/N L/N grinning at him. There’s no way this could ever be happening, but as Peter stands there and gapes at her, Y/N’s smile just broadens.
“Well?” she asks, “Don’t you have something to ask me?”
Peter nods hurriedly before he can convince himself that he’s dreaming. “Yeah, absolutely. Would you, uh, like to go out with me?”
No question in the history of the universe has ever been wrought with so much peril. At the same time, though, Peter thinks he’s got a pretty good chance of getting the answer he wants. The delighted look on Y/N’s face tells him that much.
I ship you with Draco Malfoy!
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The last thing Draco Malfoy planned on was falling in love with a Gryffindor, but he couldn't help it when it came to you. He was minding his business in class (as well as Draco can, let's be real the man has an unhealthy interest in keeping up with gossip lmao) when he overheard you making a sarcastic comment to your friend. He had to literally cover his mouth to stop from laughing, and ever since then, Draco was hooked. It's love, babey.
I ship you with Lando Calrissian!
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Ok, I am SUCH a Lando stan, and I just think the two of you would get along so well. Lando would watch your favorite movies with you as many times as you want, and gladly listen to you talk about the hidden details for hours. He's a simp, and especially a simp for you. It just makes sense.
I ship you with Leo Valdez!
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Leo, my beloved, is absolutely thrilled to find someone as awesome as he is. Never one to shy away from a music rec, Leo listens to your favorite hard rock albums with you while he's working on his latest project. It's worth it for the Tony Stark energy, alright? He's also tried to make high tech instruments for you as well.
Capital Letters - Hailee Steinfeld
My Alcoholic Friends - The Dresden Dolls
Midnight City - M83
Cruel Summer - Taylor Swift
Someone New - Hozier
i hope you enjoy! thank you for taking part in my celebration!!
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Watching the Rise of the Titans movie and I'll be documenting all of my thoughts/reactions here. [Spoiler Warning]
So instead of reblogging every new update, I'm just going to have this post up on my phone as I watch and type my reactions in a bullet list format.
Nari's human disguise is so cute. As someone who does have a cottagecore aesthetic, I want to cosplay her so bad
Are Skrael and/or Belroc non-binary coded? Regardless, I'm also obsessed and I want to fuck Skrael and be Belroc.
STEVE CARING ABOUT JIM BEING HURT YESSSS!!! My god his redemption has probably been one of the greatest there is because he doesn't just suddenly go from being a bully to a completely good person. You can see the gradual shift in learning better throughout the shows which is awesome.
The mugshot montage reminded me of season 1 of trollhunters when toby and Jim were arrested at the museum.
STRICKLER PUT A RING ON IT??? HE'S THE ONLY DILF IVE EVER ACTUALLY AGREED WAS HOT WYM I CAN'T HAVE HIM??? well I'm still really happy about his arc over the series probably one of my favorite character growths.
Eli my guy got his growth spurt!!! As an 18 year old who is still 5'0", I'm happy but envious for him
So I went into this movie without watching any trailers or promo, but I doubt anything could have prepared me for the existence of mpreg. In fact, I wasn't going to document my reactions until I saw that.
The coach teacher just called the kids zoomers so I have to dock one point from my final rating just because of that. Unforgivable
Those husky animation models suck lmao
Oh fuck the titans got power ranger zords!!
God why did they include the mpreg??? This movie would have been perfect without it.... After that plot point being revisited only one time I'm already beyond done with it
Like it's bringing me back to the v*ltron days where they're was a suspiciously high amount of klance omegaverse and mpreg fics and art created and it physically hurts because Steve and Keith's voice actor is the same person meaning this is especially cursed to me since I was unfortunately in the v*ltron fandom and remember all of that
But like on another note, how old are these characters again??? I haven't checked any wikis because of spoilers but is Steve an adult??? I know aja might be technically a lot older than 18 because alien but is whatever age she is equivalent to an adult as far as emotionally and physically in Akaridion development??? IS THIS A TEEN (M)PREGNANCY IN A KIDS SHOW????
Like bruh I saw a singular post on here before going into the movie that was like "rott spoilers without context" and there was a pregnant belly but I was absolutely not expecting the actual context of it. I'll find the post after I finish and edit this post to tag the creator right here: @makoden
This entire post is just gonna be me ranting about mpreg huh
Anyway I love the whole roundtable allusion to the legends of king arthur (not the toa version but the one he's based off)
THERE'S 3 TO 5 BABIES????? I need to take a break bruh this is just too much
Alright I've taken a 30 minute break got some food and did some things i love (decompressed by tactile stimming with some owl plushies and watched some videos on my favorite owl, Garu. He lives in Japan with his owner and is a domesticated eagle owl who basically just acts like a sky cat. If anyone else needs some eye bleach, here is their YouTube channel)
Blinky and ARRRGHHH!!! saying their "if one of us doesn't make it" talk my god one of them is going to die I can see it and I will be utterly crushed. Jim can't lose another father figure and Toby can't lose his wingman again I will riot if this happens
On a similar but unrelated to the movie note, can we just talk about how toa started with Jim having 0 dads and (if strickler and blinky live to the end) will end with 2 dads? Like I just really feel happy for him that he has two dads who actually figured out how to put the past behind them to not have any infighting between them so that both of them are healthy father figures. Jim has already been through literal hell and back losing his actual humanity in the process so if he loses one of them, I'm going to be really pissed because at this point, this is just Jim torture porn. Y'all know how as SpongeBob SquarePants went on, the show just became Squidward torture porn? It's starting to feel that way for toa and I really hope they cut the shit by the ending
Jlaire is such a good ship but like I feel like it's too perfect they never disagree with each other
YESSSSSSS Someone finally doesn't treat toby like a fat waste of space who messes stuff up!!! I think out of all the characters that would have been most deserving of a rewrite, it's Toby. Sometimes I just feel he's only comic relief and any heartfelt moments he's had in the series was also born of stupidity (ie his flour baby project being unharmed was seen by him as divine intervention from his parents but was actually just Eli and Steve behind the scenes).
Ohhhhh yesssssss Archie's father!!! I was hoping I'd see him again because we got so little of him last
Ooooooooooh Asian trollmarket!!!!!
Oh never mind slavery trollmarket
Bruh titanic camelot
I feel like we're not seeing enough of the villains because I completely forgot about the power ranger zord things
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh thank God I don't want to know anything about that person
For the record, I call that man Jim's sperm donor because he has no business being called a father to him. All he did was donate some swimmers to the creation of him and give him abandonment issues
Oh another blind troll elder???? This fucker is just if vendel was a bad guy
Bruh I was grieving
PACIFIC RIM WITH GUN ROBOT VEX AND THE BELROCZORD? I've never seen that movie but I know the reference
Bruh Blinky doesn't read horoscopes? Does he realize conspiracy theories are just the manly version of horoscopes?
Oh thank God he's okay
oh never mind they're just gonna coup de tat I believe in them :))
But I want to see him again
But I'm glad to see vex
Yay they're in arcadia!
But yeah I wondered why the trolls and Merlin didn't keep the whole "daylight doesn't hurt trolls" feature from the eternal night but now Guillermo del Toro I see you were playing the long con in that just to kill my girl Namora :(((
Oooooh I love the animation of the Narizord over Chihuahua!! It looks very good and realistic (if only they could have put some of that into those huskies from before smh)
Bruh the character designs of the arcane order are so good I want to be them
Nari making sure the Skraelzord doesn't crush the bus
Bruh I'm just glad we finally have an answer on why arcadia had everything going on as opposed to literally anywhere else!! I always found that as a weird coincidence for plot convince.
Oh that's real convenient that the ninth configuration meant all of them. Way to not decide which character gets more attention. Though it probably was a smart way to not have any infighting in the fandom between each character's stan group.
Bruh I just realized where is Barbera did they just ditch her on the Camelot ship???
And where are the other trolls that migrated at the end of trollhunters s3? They said something about new jersey but obviously Jim and the other main characters got on Camelot instead.... This feels like a plot hole
And we never learned the process of how changelings are made and bonded to humans and stuff. We just know it's super painful but I'm curious ffs!!!!
Plus the main audience for this series is little children (the rating for the movie is literally TV-Y7) so even though my adult ass is not in the target audience, I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND WHY WOULD MPREG AND ANAL BIRTH WOULD BE AN IMPORTANT THING TO 7 YEAR OLDS???? THIS IS A LITERAL FETISH HIDDEN IN KIDS CONTENT ITS ELSAGATE ALL OVER AGAIN Y'ALL 😭😭😭😭😭
Though it's probably hypocritical of me to think fetishes don't belong in kids tv when I've openly admitted to thirsting for strickler and namora
Alright good job just missed the directions at first but you fixed it
SEVEN KIDS?????????
T O B Y ????????????
TROLLHUNTER TOBY????? You know what forget the whole rants I had on how toby was written they just redeemed it all
And that's all! I'd rate it a 6.5/10 because it's definitely the weakest of all the sequels but still had amazing animation and some good plot points. It's just really hard to look over the bad stuff enough to rate it any higher.
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saintobio · 3 years
I actually really enjoyed the latest chapter! And you handled Sera’s arc in a very smart way. She can never be redeemed fully (at least in my eyes, but I’m petty) because she did too many awful things and she literally tried to induce a miscarriage in y/n—I know she was manipulated by Eula but she is a grown ass woman, she still knew 100% what she was doing. So instead of trying to fully redeem her—(she only did what she did to soothe her own conscience, so still selfish reasons showing that her pride is still a major vice) having her be knocked down a few levels and being humbled and admitting that y/n was in the right all along was the right decision for her character, and was more realistic.
also, y/n’s call out of her was SO SATISFYING TY FOR WRITING IT. 10+ chapters of slow burn and angst totally paid off in that FANTASTIC speech rightfully ripping her apart for what a selfish, self victimizing a-hole she is. AND SHE GOT THE DIANA SHOES BACK IM SO HAPPY ASJFKDKKDKD
anyways just wanted to let u know not to be too hard on urself, I thought the chapter was 10/10!!
Anonymous said
im honestly in awe that sera apologised and tried to right her wrongs. her pride is very potent (??) and it was refreshing the see she acknowledged her mistakes.
DADJO!!! MF!!! ok i rlly dk what to say bc i don't want to say he deserved it but he kinda did???? like???
also i hope yuuta is doing better with the guilt off his shoulders. im so proud of him for coming to terms with the fact that his mother is not a good person as it must have been a difficult epiphany. he deserves so much better and i hope satoru comes around and accepts him as a brother. all my love to one (1) okkutsu yuuta
@x-avantgarde-x said
Saint, the way you have built this all up is simply mesmerizing.
Sera’s humble attitude had my shocked when I first read it, it was such and intelligent move. Y/N finally putting her on her place and standing up for herself was just delightful to read. And Lady Diane’s shoes after Y/N has clearly shown how recently she’s feeling insecure about herself and Santoru’s past affairs with Sera… Poor man is gonna have so much work back at home.
Yuuta’s intervention was simply fantastic. I really can’t wait to see if this makes Satoru start viewing his step-brother under a different light and they are able to start to build a healthier relationship. Dadjo suffering from locked in syndrome is a sad yet extremely fitting way of making him pay for all his wrongs.
I kinda missed the Zenin’s, but I can’t wait for Toji’s and the kids interactions with Y/N’s baby once the little munchkin is born!
Anonymous said
saint omg this new chapter was just !!!
im so so so happy y/n holds sera and gojo accountable without comprising her kindness. like she’s making it clear she’s not spiteful or vengeful enough to drag other people into their mess but she’s definitely not letting gojo/sera off that easy, especially with the pain they caused her.
also yuuta my precious cinnamon roll. too good too pure for this world.
@thatminniechick said
Also returning the shoes?? Proud of Sera for taking the big step in order to let go of Gojo. Now there isnt anything to hold on to and she can properly move on, which she really needed. It probably wasnt easy to self-reflect esp after all the bad things she's done, but it's the start of hopefully healing for her. I wonder if that'll be a conversation that Y/N will bring up to Gojo 🤔
Anonymous said
I'm so happy because of Sera's redemption🤧🤧, I mean I still don't fully forgive her but I'm happy that she is slowly changing for the better.
(Naoya is still ours though:)jkjk)
Anonymous said
Hi Saint I just read the latest chapter and wow that is a lot I loved the yacht scene with gojo and geto being simps for shoko and y/n, and the scene with y/n and Sera like Y/N was spitting straight facts and put her in her place and I like how Sera let down her pride for a second and saw that Y/N was genuine with her actions for what she did for her brother, and Shinzo... welp buddy that's karma and it smacked you right in the face I hope E*la suffers in the most miserable way for k word Nana and hurting others I hope she doesn't hurt Y/N or Naoya 😢😭🥲 and that ending though YESSS YUTA TELL THE TRUTH #EULAFORJAIL2021 PLEASE, but I really hope that Satoru and Yuta can work on there brotherly relationship in the future Uncle Yuta when🥺🙌 but I hope you are doing well Saint and thank you for putting out amazing content for us and don't listen to those hateful anons they don't mean shit and are just jealous because you are amazing baby and don't forget that👌😁☺👊💖💓 and question after SN Season 1 is done how long are you going to take a break for I hope this doesn't sound rude I just wanted to make sure after the finally of season one that you have time to recover and focus on yourself, and has the gender of Satoru and Y/N's baby been relived idk if I missed it in the previous chapters or if it was never relieved and you don't have to answer if it is a spoiler for the rest of the chapters💖
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yessss aaaa i feel like it’s not logical for sera to do a complete 180 and suddenly be all nice to yn. it’s more of a gradual process of her awakening to her own reality, realizing what she’s done wrong, and generally progressing as a character. she’s a character that has a lot of pride, so humbling herself down instead of directly apologizing to yn seems like the most accurate move for her character. so glad u guys liked the development :)
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