#scared potter?
lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt 8 - Silk
@jegulus-microfic May 8, Word count 486
Previous part First part
James finished what would have been his final loop of the quidditch pitch, before he went back to the changing rooms, when he spotted a figure clad in green rising to meet him. 
Regulus smirked at him as he flew closer.
“Going in already, Potter?” He drawled. James’s heart was pounding, and it wasn’t from the exercise. “Fancy throwing the quaffle around for a bit? I never get the chance normally.” He said as though he wasn’t bothered either way, but James had the feeling he really wanted James to say yes. 
“Sure,” He furrowed his brow. “This isn’t some clever ploy to take out Hogwarts’s best player is it?” Regulus’s face flushed red and his eyes widened in horror. 
“What—what do you mean?” He stuttered. James furrowed his brow further. 
“Is this a friendly practice or are you here to make sure I can’t play next week?” Relief washed over Regulus’s face and his patented scowl settled back in place. 
“Scared, Potter? Do you think I need to incapacitate you for my team to win?” A wicked glint flashed in his eyes as he suddenly sped towards James. James didn’t have time to react as he watched Regulus spin upwards at the last second and sail upside down over his head. He was so close his hair brushed against James’s forehead, it felt like silk. Soft and smooth and not yet drenched in sweat like James’s was. 
“Oh, it’s on!” He said to the wind and spun his own broom over and chased after the Slytherin seeker. 
“So has my brother said anything to you yet?” Regulus asked when they’d finished racing each other and were lazily tossing the quaffle back and forth. 
“No, not yet,” James replied. Should he say something about himself now? He felt rather nervous about voicing it and absent-mindedly chewed on his bottom lip. 
“What’s eating you?” Regulus asked when James hadn’t thrown the quaffle back. 
“Doesn’t matter.” He shook his head, “I’m quite tired, think I’ll call it a day, if you don’t mind.” He tossed the quaffle to Regulus and slowly descended to the ground. 
As he jumped off his broom, a hand grabbed his sleeve. He looked over his shoulder at Regulus. 
“What’s the matter?” If James didn’t know better he would have thought that Regulus was actually showing concern. He just shook his head again and tried to pull away, but Regulus had a vice-like grip. “Tell me what’s wrong.” 
James spun. The movement dragged Regulus against his chest. Regulus looked up and James stared right into his eyes, pouring everything he had into them. His chest was heaving with the effort. Regulus let out a gasp and his hand dropped from James’s sleeve. James felt his heart crack. 
He jumped on his broom and raced as fast as he could make the broom go back to the castle, leaving Regulus behind on the pitch.  
Next part
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plvt0-booked · 1 year
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Malfoy, Draco Malfoy
“Scared, Potter?”
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drowninkystar · 3 months
Regulus *flustered and feeling his heart in his throat but trying to act indifferent*: I have something stupid to give you
James: I'm sure it's n-
Regulus: Shut up *proceeds to stuff a sappy love poem in James' pocket and then runs away to hide for days*
[After James reads the poem and finds Reg]
James: I lo-
Regulus: No. Shut up. We don't talk about it.
James *fighting a smile*: No idea what you're talking about. On an unrelated note, I love you too.
Regulus *simultaneously about to throw up and rip James' clothes off*
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del-stars · 2 months
barty and evan have that phineas and ferb dynamic in which barty literally cannot shut the fuck up and evan says maybe 10 words a day to people who aren't barty
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lilithofpenandbook · 3 months
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Pov your mum makes you sit next to the shitty aunt so she doesn't have to
Edit: he's literally got his left leg moved away from her he's subconsciously trying to run away omg
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iffasart · 7 months
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Sebastian "i kill people and use unforgivable curses on my friends but is all to cure mi sis so is ok" sallow
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allysketches · 2 years
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*'the love club' by lorde plays in the background*
Not me coming back to tumblr in almost-2023 to post marauders content of all things 🤡
In the last few months I've fallen back into a deep hole of watching yt and ig edits and reading a bunch of fics (not even joking when I say this got me through the year) so here's the result...
Obviously based on "The Breakfast Club" poster, and the fancast from the edits that burned these faces as these characters in my brain forever 🫠
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kairospy · 1 year
Woke up to the thought of Regulus beating the ever loving daylights out of someone and letting James clean his knuckles
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shrimpalbuspotter · 3 months
Imagining some pompous rich kid coming to Hogwarts a few years late and having one goal in mind: Befriend the richest people in his year.
Just to find out that the two richest people in his year, aka the two richest families at Hogwarts, are Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy. Complete utter losers, outcasted from even their own house, and currently giggling to eachother while picking out their bags that had been thrown into the black lake.
Maybe networking isn't that important...
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jediwizard · 4 months
what the hell is happening????? why are the holy Trinity trending all at once
should I get ready for the apocolypse?!?!?
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jameskinniesrise · 5 months
@jegulus-microfic | april 29 | prompt: fixate | words: 237
Remus couldn't understand why James had suddenly become so fixated on books. He was in and out of the bookstore almost every day. It first started on Lily's birthday. James had forgotten to buy her a gift and just went to a random bookstore near her house. Since then, Remus has noticed James buying a new book every week. James hated reading, so why would he go to a bookstore so often?
James was late for his shift again, so Remus decided to text him. Then he realised he could see James' location on Snapchat. Sirius had forced Remus to download it, but it had one good use. He could track Sirius and James.
Upon checking James' location, he realised that James was at that bookstore. Again. Remus decided to go to this bookstore himself. What was so great about it?
Remus reached the bookstore and peeked through the window, and there was James, chatting with the cashier. The cashier had short black hair and grey eyes, kind of like Sirius'. He smirked at something James had said. Remus then realised what was going on. James fancied the cashier. No wonder he's been emptying his wallet on books for the last three weeks.
Just as Remus was about to leave, he noticed James lean in for a kiss. He sighed with a smile and walked back to his car. James probably wasn't going to make his shift that evening.
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noblehouseofgay · 1 month
Harry "I am my father's daughter so maybe I can fix him" Potter
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soup-of-the-daisies · 4 months
just saw a tiktok claiming both harry and remus were in the wrong during the “it’s what your father would’ve wanted”-scene in DH, because harry was arguing from the perspective of a nuclear family dynamic (which supposedly doesn’t make sense because “he should believe those are lies with his experiences”) and because remus was only thinking about himself (with the arguably good reminder that tonks was in danger being pregnant in general; like the harm was done, and running away wouldn’t have helped). though i vaguely agree, i think the tiktoker missed one point: it takes two to tango.
remus is the one who knocked tonks up. they had sex and she got pregnant, and that half-werewolf child is half-werewolf because a werewolf (remus lupin) gave the foetus half his dna. he’s the father. they got in that highly dangerous situation together (what with bellatrix thinking about killing tonks and still-cooking teddy) because they had sex and that resulted in a pregnancy. like i cannot stress this enough, remus did half of the work for the conception.
and that’s where i only vaguely agree with the video, because harry wasn’t arguing from a corner of romanticising the nuclear family—he was arguing with his parents and sirius in mind, that a parent should only abandon their child when they’re dead. because it’s not abandonment at that point, it’s death. and remus decided to run until he got the sense knocked into him by a 17 year old kid who didn’t have any parents because his parents died while actively being parents.
harry was in the right actually. a parent (biologically related or not) shouldn’t abandon their child unless they have no other choice.
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lulublack90 · 1 month
Prompt 23 - Diving
@wolfstarmicrofic August 23, word count 435
“Come on Padfoot, stop being such a scaredy-cat!” Remus yelled from the pool below, slowly treading water. “Even Peter’s jumped from there!” Remus shouted again.
“Hey!” Peter splashed Remus. “What do you mean even Peter has? So rude!”
Sirius’s knees were knocking together at the top of the diving board. He’d had no idea he was afraid of heights before he climbed to the top of the ladder and stepped up to the edge of the bouncing board. He swallowed nervously and looked down again. He squeaked and took a clumsy step back. 
“Come on Padfoot!” They all called up to him. He watched as James hauled himself out of the pool and headed towards the ladder. Fuck. James was so just going to push him off. 
“Hey, Padfoot, if you jump I’ll snog ya!” Remus called, cupping his mouth with his hands to make sure Sirius heard him. 
Suddenly his fear was gone as he stared in disbelief at Remus bobbing below. He’d been trying for months, years, to get Remus to kiss him, and now he was just offering! He blinked, strode forward and jumped off the end. He heard an oof as his feet left the solid board and leapt into the air. He turned his head and James was falling with him. His body was flat in the air, not like the elegant bough Sirius’s body was stretched into. 
“Serves you right!” Sirius yelled a split second before they hit the water. He barely made a splash but James’s belly flop was so loud it echoed off the walls. Sirius could hear it under the water. 
He kicked out with his legs and pulled himself forward with his arms under the water, popping up directly in front of Remus. “You owe me a kiss,” He smirked. 
“Yes I do,” Remus murmured back, wrapping an arm around Sirius’s back and dragging him closer before pressing his chlorine-laced lips to Sirius’s. Sirius’s knees went weak, and he slipped from Remus’s arms under the surface of the water. He spluttered as he broke through the surface, trying to right himself. 
“No, that doesn’t count. I want a do-over. No!” He couldn’t believe he’d done that. After all this time and he'd swooned, what an idiot! 
“Hush, I’ll kiss you anytime you want,” Remus huffed out a laugh, dragging Sirius close again. Sirius relaxed. A grin that could eclipse the sun spread across his face. “You’re still a scaredy-cat though,” Remus snickered, kissing the top of his wet hair. Your scaredy-cat, Sirius’s brain supplied, and he hoped that one day soon it would be true.
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solarisburns · 6 months
Barty Crouch jr. who was smarter than his father ever could be. Who could remember an entire text book after just a night. Barty would spend years pretending he was stupid just to spite his dad until Dorcas pointed out it would be better to beat the old man at his own game. Barty was never favored by any of teachers, he was a slytherin who was loud and cruel and a know-it-all if you got his started. He never got a McGonnagal to be concerned for him when he came back after breaks far to quiet and would jump a foot in the air any time someone pointed a wand at him. There were no adults who cared when he decided to be angry instead of scared. He wasn't James Potter with a blinding smile and a heart big enough to care for everyone around him. He wasn't Regulus either, who could detach with vicious cruelty and a reputation to match. He was just Barty the boy set to live in a man shadow despite being so much more than his father could ever dream of.
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lilyevansmywife · 1 year
Remus: why are you crying
Sirius: I'm very scared and I don't understand what's happening to me
Remus: *hugs Sirius*
Remus: It's normal to feel fear and not understand where it comes from. Can I just stay with you until you feel better and then for the rest of my life?
Sirius: yeah... sounds fine
Remus: deal. now please stop writing obscene things on the walls of McGonagall's office.
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