#seductive death
weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Eustache-Hyacinthe Langlois - Seductive Death, 1852
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bizarrelittlemew · 1 year
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Crowley 🤝 Edward Teach convincing your crush to do something taboo and symbolically erotic with you
(companion piece)
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one-time-i-dreamt · 11 months
I died and went to Hell (hell was a bland but somewhat cozy townhouse) and they tried to torture me but none of their torture methods worked on me so I decided I had nothing to lose and tried to seduce the Devil (did not work - he is asexual).
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thebramblewood · 4 months
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Supernatural seduction, take two: the professor has arrived.
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Lilith: I don't think you'll be needing this anymore.
Man in Bar: [flustered] W-why's that?
Lilith: Both of our mouths are about to be very preoccupied.
Helena: [sobbing] I can't, Lilith. Please don't make me do it.
Lilith: [disappointed sigh] I suppose I can help you out. Just this once.
[sound of body hitting the water]
Lilith: But you’ll have to learn eventually.
Helena: [in a dull, detached tone] What turned you into this?
Lilith: Into what precisely?
Helena: A vampire, to start with.
Lilith: [hesitates slightly] It’s a boring story, really. Besides, my human memories have grown so foggy. If you must know, ask Caleb. I’m sure he’d love to spin our maudlin little tale for you.
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amateur-weatherman · 1 year
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get it, he's carrying the entire GO Ao3 community :D
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ourtubahero-blog · 1 year
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There’s always that one curl!
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ingravinoveritas · 5 months
Audio of Michael with Kathy Burke on the Where There's A Will There's a Wake podcast being asked who would play Aziraphale if he dies and saying that he'd want David to play both parts. Transcript below (bold emphasis mine):
KB: "What about your colleagues' response? I mean, if you're in the middle of--I mean listen, in Nye, when you're doing theatre work, you do have understudies. But let's say you're were doing a new series of Good Omens with the great David Tennant--" Michael: "Well, I don't know about the great, but okay. With David Tennant, yeah." KB: "Who would replace you? I mean, who would put up with him, do you think?" Michael: "I mean, I'm loath to say it...but really, he should play both parts. Because originally we were--originally I was--Neil Gaiman, who wrote the original book with Terry Pratchett that the series was based on--when I first started talking to Neil about it, when he told me that he was going to do it, originally we talked about me playing the other part, the part David played. And one of the sort of things about us doing it is we'd never really acted opposite each other before because we'd usually be up for the same parts for many, many years. I think it was sort of between me and him for Casanova when he did Casanova. I mean, he's far too egotistical to let me know the parts I got over him--" KB: "--Of course." Michael: "There we are. That shows what the relationship is like. I'm quite happy to say the part that he got over me. But so, the fact that we were together in this was quite unusual, because normally we would be playing the same part. So that's quite good in a way, cause they're both, they're sort of light and shade of the same person in a way. So once I did pop my clogs, maybe he would have to then--you know the way they do it, do you remember that film Dead Ringers where Jeremy Irons played twins? So I'd quite like to see David playing both parts. And it would be his homage to me."
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So, in my opinion, Athena is probably dead. I think that it’s dumb and doesn’t make sense but the listening party animatic definitely implies she’s dead
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Here we have some before and after pictures. When I first saw the livestream, I assumed that she was just gonna pass out and that people were overreacting. However, the glow fading really implies that she is in fact dead.
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Shortly before the earlier images, we see Athena kind of holding onto life with her glow flickering. We can assume she is almost dead because Ares asks if she’s even alive(I will return to this). All this considered, despite the fact she isn’t glowing in a lot of scenes in this song(such as Odysseus showing her Telemachus), her glow fading really does show that she is probably dead.
If you need some evidence from the songs, we can also get some without looking at the animatics. First and most importantly, Ares asks if Athena is dead. While Ares isn’t the most respected god and many would label him as kind of dumb, he would probably know that gods can’t die if that’s the case. Him asking this does show that a god can, in theory, die. If you want mythological precedence, you can look at how Pan died(I know that there’s a bit of debate to that but idc). Another piece of evidence is actually Calypso saying “Last i checked, goddesses can’t die.” Many people take this as proof that Athena is incapable of death but it’s already been established by major gods that a god/goddess could die and there’s a mythological precedent, so calypso may be lying. In honesty, she isn’t being entirely untruthful in saying that she can’t die. Odysseus is just a half dead mortal king and Zeus is the single most powerful god. Odysseus can’t kill calypso while Zeus could kill Athena. This segues very well into how this line fits into the larger saga. Instead of this line acting as foreshadowing for Athena’s survival, it instead acts as tragic irony for Odysseus. Athena is Odysseus’ only chance at leaving and she dies. The irony comes because Odysseus’ problem could be solved if only a different goddess had died. The wrong goddess died and now it’s up to Zeus to decide whether Odysseus should be set free.
Now, if I’m correct, then I have a lot of feelings about this. If I’m wrong I have slightly less. If I’m right, you can see my previous post for a lot of my reasons why I think athena dying is a bad decision, but I’ll give one here. Gods don’t die. Pan is the only death I can think of (not counting stuff like Helios disappearing over time) and the phrasing of pans death could also be interpreted as the cult of Tammuz praising him for his one myth. Even characters that are treated as mortal like Medea (both her parents are minor gods so she probably should be too) don’t get myths where they die. Medea just runs off to a far away land. Kronos is sliced to bits. Typhon is sealed under Mount Etna. Kronos’ children are swallowed whole. ATHENA’S MOTHER GAVE BIRTH IN ZEUS’ HEAD. IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE THAT ATHENA COULD DIE. If she isn’t dead, why is the animatic like that? Jorge had to have commissioned it. I doubt the animator would have added that in on their own. Why would it be framed so much like she’s dead if she wasn’t.
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eloise175 · 8 months
VADTD Novel spoilers - side stories chapter 32
A guide to seduction with the sillies: Penelope the girlfailure of them all who is actually very jealous over her not husband, and Callisto the idiot sandwich who is as dense as ever and got his clothes ripped to shreds because of it
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Drunk Penelope is an absolute menace hfhsbsjs ‘Mr. Regulus’ is peak rizz, W Penelope rizz 🦅🦅
Callisto shall learn the true feeling of being manhandled into submission from this moment onward ✨
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rouecentric · 2 years
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summary: getting isekai'd into a 18+ yandere romance novel is anything but nice, but you should make the best of it now, no?
a/n: man idk, i'm just posting this to see your guys' opinions on this to see if i should continue writing this
the actual work is under here!
this wasn't your bedroom, because if it was, the bed wouldn't be this.. soft. not like it was bad, it just caused you to think you were kidnapped, which you thankfully weren't, you instead just got isekai'd, which was confirmed by looking at the scenery and a diary you found on a night stand.
everything would be swell if you didn't get in the body of the unnamed saintess that died by the hands of one of the male leads in the novel. yeah... you got stuck in an 18+ yandere romance novel.
you didn't know which one was worse, getting stuck in the body of a character that'll die, or being in an 18+ novel with yandere love interests.
just... deep breaths, y/n, you might give yourself a panic attack by thinking of it too much, just think of a plan to take your mind off of it.
"ah", you suddenly, but quietly, struck out. "why not just seduce one of the male leads?" you smiled, already thinking about the man you knew you'd have an easy time to seduce.
arden burimm, a priest-like knight that worked in the same same temple you currently resided in, shy and timid on the outside, but actually rather obsessive and possesive over his obsession, which in the story was the female lead, claudia lennari.
he was the perfect candidate, you just hope he wouldn't move on from his obsession with the female lead to you, it'd be quite tiresome.
anyways!~ it's time to set my little plan to motion, you cheerfully thought, getting up from your bed and grabbing a black shawl, draping it around you before going and quitely opening the door.
"Ah, mister obelon, do you know where brother arden is? i was thinking of talking to him today.." you questioned the guard next to your door, masking your bored expression with a more innocent and cutesy one while tilting your head downwards on the side.
"Oh! yes, grand saintess y/n, he's near the gates of the temple, do you want me to go inform him of my lady requesting his presence?" the older man, obelon, hurriedly answered, it seemed like he didn't expect you to peek your head out of the door and tell him something.
grand saintess. a title that's only granted to saintesses that worked for multiple years, being seen as seniors and mentors to younger saintesses. that title was too holy for someone as lowly as you.
"yes, please, but before you can do that, could it be possible for you to go to the chef and tell her to prepare multiple cookies and get the gardener to bring me some yellow roses? you can always get servants to bring the things to me." you "shyly" asked, puffing out your cheeks to maximise whatever charms you had.
of course, the man nodded before running off to do the things you requested, what a gullible fool. oh well, whatever he does after that doesn't matter to you, at least your plan is still going along!
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one-time-i-dreamt · 11 months
I was a student at UCLA and I was some sort of secret agent. I had to seduce and kidnap Ben Shapiro, but they wouldn’t let me kill him, so I let him go out of spite.
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aechlys · 3 months
Honestly, I see misty, mossy forest pictures and all I hear now is a desperately sung "私は獣にあなたは妖精に生まれ..."
"I a beast and you a fairy were we born... Just for this one twinkling of a human moment tasting each other, we live..."
"Body like willowy torchlight softly cast The color of the lake shadowy but also rather of a deep lamentation"
"Even breath forgetting... Your voice far away... 'You will know I...am not...here...' "
"If there is writhing agony In your heart's depths... 'I have known that you...are not...here...' "
"I a beast and you a fairy were we born... Just for this one twinkling of a human moment tasting each other, we live..."
"No one even knows..."
"On the b e d of the l a k e..."
"If this is a dream I beg to just remain in it...always...forever..."
original lyrics by Atsushi Sakurai, music by Masami Tsuchiya, translation by myself, Aechlys. >DO NOT REPOST ANYWHERE or I will send ghosts after you.
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#sakurai atsushi#Tsuchiya Masami#my translations#chiisana mori no hito#小さな森の人#buck tick#this piece is more poem than song and I've tried to preserve that here#many of the end words of the english lines are the end words of the japanese lines#it felt important to preserve that for some reason#this is not a typical song at all#this was insanely tricky because despite how stingy with words it is there seems to be a lot going on with the kanji to deconstruct#so like the second line seems very over the top but that's the color of the kanji coming through- he chose very specific and unusual kanji#or at least it seemed to me that way so I tried to work it in while preserving and reflecting everything else#sparse on words *massive* in ideas and suggestions- he really outdid himself on this song#many of the comments on the initial video I found for this song had native speakers wishing he had published his own book of poetry#his son is an award winning writer and they were saying Atsushi could have done so as well- not to outshine his own kid but we missed out#and after translating this and fretting over it for weeks I have to agree#this song brought me to tears repeatedly when I first found it#this weird strange seductive lullaby where you don't know who's alive & who's dead- all you know is the sound and the glimmer and the taste#the taste is everything!! under the water on the BED of the lake where nobody even knows!!! God!!!!!#I hope when I am on the edge of death Atsushi calls me to the afterlife with this song- there's no other reasonable way to go honestly
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seductive-suffering · 17 days
Choking back tears.
I hate you.
I fucking hate you.
I hate that you got to leave, you never have to feel again.
If anyone asked id say im glad your free from your pain.
But inside I hate you, you gave up, you promised to fight.
In the end we would always be, but you stopped.
You decided I was strong enough. You told me I was strong enough.
You lied.
Now I’m alone and broken and you’re gone.
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ourtubahero-blog · 1 year
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I swear to God, the fandom will join in if we don’t get season 3.
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
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| NTAs red carpet 2021 vs. Pride of Britain red carpet, 2023.
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ardentpoop · 9 months
anyway s2 will always have a place in my heart
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