#seeing him finally cru
pokeattorney · 8 months
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Based off of the Finn and Altena dialogue once you recruit her
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jgracie · 6 months
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masterlist | rules
jason’s version | leo’s version | frank’s version | travis’ version | luke’s version
in which he pauses and says, "you're my best friend"
pairing percy jackson x fem!reader
warnings mention of a scary quest where percy almost died
Dating Percy is like dating your biggest fan, because he is. You are dating your biggest fan
It takes him a while to realise he likes you and that all the things he’d do for you aren’t just because you’re his friend, but once it finally clicks it's all he can think about 
From that moment, he becomes #1 loverboy
“Percy, what are you doing?” Annabeth asked, watching as Percy frantically sifted through his many blue t-shirts. Acknowledging her presence, Percy breathed a sigh of relief as he pulled two of them out of his closet and held them up next to his face.
“Gods, Annabeth, I’m so glad you’re here! Now, I’m about to go see Y/N at the beach and I need you to tell me which looks better with my eyes: the teal or the aqua.”
(They are one hex letter apart)
It's very endearing and he doesn’t even try to hide it!!! But of course you’re the only person who doesn’t notice, thinking he just really wants to be your friend, because Percy’s nice and friendly with everyone
He follows you around everywhere trying to find out more about you so he can plan the perfect first date
You’re an Apollo kid who works in the infirmary? Percy’s first in line for Will’s first aid summer course. You harvest strawberries with the Demeter and Dionysus kids? Percy’s there before everyone else with 3 wicker baskets on each arm
Eventually, you do end up becoming really good friends because he’s just always there and really fun to talk to and super nice and good with kids and maybe he’s a little cute, you’re allowed to have cute friends! 
You would’ve been teetering the thin line between friends and dating for ages if it wasn’t for Annabeth, who devises a plan to get you alone and somehow managed to get the whole camp in on it
That’s how you both ended up at the beach, Percy with a note in his jean pocket that read, “tell her or I will - A” 
Turning to you, the corners of Percy’s mouth couldn’t help but lift as he watched you admire the way the waves lapped over the shore. That moment would be ingrained in his head forever, because it was the moment he fully understood he had to have you
His nerves betray him
When you ask, “what’d you wanna tell me?” Instead of saying some heartfelt confession that’d make you swoon, Percy states a simple fact: “You’re my best friend.”
It turned out fine though, because you knew what it was. You felt the same way. (listen to you are in love by taylor swift!) 
Once you start dating, you are practically attached at the hip. Wherever you go, so does Percy and vice versa
When dating Percy, you truly get the best of both worlds because not only is he your boyfriend, he is also your best friend and truly someone you can lean on when needed
Loyalty is his fatal flaw so expect a LOT of loyalty. Like a concerning amount. He would find ways to justify you murdering a whole family if he had to
However, what comes with loyalty is protectiveness and jealousy. He doesn’t get that jealous because he knows that you two were literally written in the stars by Aphrodite herself, but he still can’t help but get a little jealous when he sees you with some other guy
Just kiss him a little and maybe stay the night at Cabin 3 and never speak to that guy again and he’ll be fine
Inherited motherly traits from Sally. Always checking you for cuts and scrapes after capture the flag, makes you a lunchbox before quests and then insists he goes with you to make you more food when needed and definitely not because he’s worried you won’t come back alive!
He knows you can handle yourself and all but he can’t help it. Out of everyone at camp, Percy’s your number one guy when it comes to dangerous quests
One of his biggest fears that kind of kept him distancing himself from you when he was crushing on you was that he didn’t want you sucked into all the dangers he goes through on a daily basis. He’d rather watch you date someone ‘safe’ from afar than put you in harm’s way 24/7
You’d choose him over a literal God though, so he has no choice but to be stuck with you. Power couple! 
After a really bad quest, one where almost died, Percy sat you down at his cabin for a talk. Part of him didn’t want to tell you what happened, but he knew it’d be unfair on your end if you were left in the dark.
“Look, I understand if you don’t want to stay with me. If it weren’t for Grover’s quick thinking, I don’t know what would’ve happened to me, and it’s not right for you to be stuck with a guy who’s basically friends with death. You deserve someone more sta–”
You shut him up with a kiss :) “Percy, when I agreed to date you, I didn’t just agree to all the good things, I agreed to the uglier parts of your life too. Sure, I was really worried while you were gone, but that’s just part of being a demigod, and it's a price I’m willing to pay for all the amazing moments we have together, so don’t even think about me leaving you.”
Anyways, he introduces you to Sally and Paul as soon as humanly possible. They already know a concerning amount about you considering you guys never met, but that’s just because Percy would rant to them about his crush on you on a daily basis
He's so incredibly happy watching you get along with his family. All of his favourite people gathered <3 very sweet
He also loves to see you interact with Estelle!! Percy is a huge fan of kids so he can’t help but stare as you play peekaboo with his younger half-sister (babysitting Estelle fic here!)
Percy also introduces you to the ocean and everything about it. You liked it before, as it was beautiful and reminded you of camp, but Percy painted it in a whole new light
He’d constantly take you on trips under the sea, using his Poseidon kid powers to allow you to be able to see and breathe underwater like he does
This also means lots of making out underwater. After that one time you two got caught kissing by the Stolls, suffering major consequences, he hasn’t been able to risk it
Overall, dating Percy is very fun & your relationship never ever gets boring trust
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hanafubukki · 1 year
Can be seen as a part 2 to this fic
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You were avoiding Lilia.
Ever since the Malleus overblot, you had tried your best to stay away from Lilia.
It helped that everyone was busy dealing with the aftermath. In addition, the four from diasomnia that caused all this needed time to heal and deal with their relationships.
It didn't mean that you didn't see them on campus, but you had a group of first years who would negate anyone that made you uncomfortable.
And that turned out to be Lilia in this case, though this was all thoughts they assumed and not confirmed by you.
But it did let you run away.
Surprisingly, even Sebek helped. He had mentioned he did not agree with your methods in the dream world, but you had helped him and those he cared about. He said that he would help until you were comfortable to talk with them, with him.
You don't know if you would ever be ready to talk to Lilia.
To confess your thoughts and your feelings. To be vulnerable in such a way.
But you knew you would have to be.
It is during these moments when I’m glad I don’t have magic and I can’t overblot.
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You knew eventually you would have to talk to him.
Maybe that’s why you had worn your comfiest clothes, and taken a blanket with you to watch the stars outside today of all days.
A feeling called you outside.
“Couldn’t sleep, YN?”
“Hmm…you could say that. How’s the boys?”
“They are recovering, many feelings are being expressed.”
“Family communicating? Working? Wow, who would have thought?”
Lilia laughed as he settled next to you.
“Should you be speaking?”
“I have no idea what you are talking about.”
“The cliff?”
“Maybe I was feeling jump-OW!”
You rubbed your cheek as Lilia smiles at you, the hint of danger in his eyes had you shutting up real quick.
“I just wanted to wake you…without unneeded heartbreak.”
“Yet you believed your actions wouldn’t cause any?”
You couldn’t meet his eyes.
You remembered how Grim scrambled to you, crying and calling your name.
You remember shocked faces, guilt, and tears.
You remembered Malleus and how he looked somehow even paler than when he put you all to sleep. How magic circled around him uncertainly.
You knew you hurt them, but at least they were awake you reasoned to yourself.
At least, they were able to stop Malleus.
You couldn’t bring yourself to apologize.
Finally, finally, you were able to do something.
Finally, you were able to help.
You weren’t stuck on the sides, watching helplessly.
You heard a hum from next to you.
“Taking such heartbreaking actions. And for what? A foolish crush?”
That had your attention. It had you turning, heated.
“Its more than a crus-”
You abruptly stopped yourself.
The look in Lilia’s eyes spoke of the hunter catching his prey.
He brought up his hand, tilting your chin up towards him. The look in his eyes has you slightly shaking.
Anticipation? Excitement? You couldn’t tell.
“My dearest, faes love intensely. I won’t ever let you go. If you wish to be free, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
“I love you. Who said I wanted to be free?” You finally spoke the words you were afraid to say before.
The glowing magenta eyes were the last you saw until you were enveloped in warmth.
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“Let me go!”
You tried to leave Lilia’s room to attend class but he was literally holding you down with all his strength.
While his bed was comfy and you wouldn’t mind sleeping more, you had class!
“I can’t miss class! We have potions today! Grim might burn the school down!”
“I told you I wouldn’t let you go khee hee hee.”
Silver, Sebek, and Malleus watched as you struggled against a clingy Lilia.
“Why not join their class, Lilia? Would that not be the obvious choice?”
“Tsunotaro, no!”
“Human, you should know better than to take deals made with fae lightly!”
Silver smiled, his family was complete and whole again.
They were healing.
He felt the love for those around him increase.
And it seems, his family had a new addition as well.
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wheneverfeasible · 1 month
So we all know the mechanic Eddie aus out there, all love a greasy dirty Eddie Munson in coveralls, but what about mechanic Steve?
Steve, who has a nice car, who learned how to take care of it himself. Steve who found that he was actually pretty good with his hands, and a knack for fixing things. He understands cars, likes to tinker with them in his spare time, even if he had to teach himself at first.
Eventually he sees a Help Wanted sign at the mechanic’s and…well, why not? He applies, and he’s inexperienced, but they hire him. He sweeps and keeps things clean and tidy at first, and then he learns some hands-on experience, moves up in the job, and eventually he becomes the guy everyone wants to work on their car.
When the owner retires, it’s Steve who takes over the place, making the shop his own and making certain that it’s a safe place in a town where safety isn’t always guaranteed. The kids he used to babysit who aren’t kids anymore all learn car basics, Steve making certain they’re not caught in a jam and unable to help themselves, especially the girls. In the window, a small picture of Dorothy from Wizard of Oz rests, letting those who know…know.
And then maybe one day rockstar Eddie Munson returns to the small town he blazed out of after finally graduating, packing his shit up and high tailing it outta there like the bats of hell were chasing him. Maybe he’s still driving a shitty van, or maybe he got something a little more fancy. Maybe fame and money got to him a little bit and he’s got some fancy high end sports car and a bit of a dick personality. And this car breaks down. Who does he have to call?
King Mechanics.
And Eddie is huffing and complaining at it all, at his car for crapping out, for being late to meet his uncle, for having to wait for some mechanic to show up. And one does, not too much later after that first annoyed phone call. And the mechanic has surprisingly well-styled hair, and a body firm with muscle, filling out those oil stained coveralls nicely, and maybe Eddie starts to sort of flirt with the guy, until he looks at him properly.
Until he sees it’s Steve fucking Harrington.
And maybe they don’t get along well at first, and it’s all Eddie’s fault really, who is now huffy and puffy about having to deal with King Steve. Steve, on the other hand, is nothing but polite and professional, maybe even friendly. He might have taken back the moniker of king for his shop, might have even taken it as his last name after his parents disowned him when he came out as queer, but he’s far from who he was in high school.
And honestly? Teasing Eddie is kind of fun. Watching him get flustered and annoyed is funny because enough time has passed that Steve is comfortable with who he is and everyone in town knows he’s turned over a new leaf and it’s just amusing watching Eddie not realizing this yet.
They didn’t really have the parts he needs to fix Eddie’s car at the moment, however, so he orders them in. Offers to give Eddie a ride to wherever he needs to go. Maybe even mentions Wayne, with whom he actually got kind of close with, and who sometimes comes around for a cold drink now that he’s retired and has more free time on hand.
Eddie is incensed Wayne never told him he was friendly with King Steve, but Wayne never cared much for gossip, and Steve has been a godsend more than once when Wayne’s old clunker died frequently.
And so Steve and Eddie are thrown together, and Eddie realizes that maybe there’s more to Steve than meets the eyes, and that’s even before he discovers the Dorothy in the window. Sadly, he doesn’t discover it until after he goes on some rant about how Steve is clearly homophobic, but Steve just stares at him amused because he hadn’t even known Eddie was gay back in high school.
Eventually, Eddie realizes he and Steve have more in common than he ever realized. Realizes he’s become the sort of people he always despised and was a bit of an ass. Steve meanwhile was already aware of his crush on Eddie and was merely waiting for the right time to make his move.
Anyways. I just like the idea of done-up Eddie, slick and fancy, and dirty grubby mechanic Steve.
hostage tag: @derythcorvinus
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drymushroomfics · 1 month
Sandor Clegane x Female Reader
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Chapter One
"You don't want this, girl."
"It's all I want."
You take in a breath, thoughts drifiting back to what you lost... To who you lost.
Your brain drifts to him less and less as time goes on. The pain of what happened hurts less and less as the time passes too.
You'd never been one to trust or love anyone.
You kept to yourself when you worked in the kitchen at the Red Keep.
He always waited until there was no one left in the kitchen, then he'd come in and ask for dinner. It became like clockwork. You'd finish all your cleaning duties once everyone had left and he'd walk in and sit at the table. You never understood why he never ate with the other Kingsguard but you never bothered asking. For at least a month, you never spoke to each other; just sharing silent glances.
When you had spoke to him finally, he only gave small responces. He was not one for social situations and you were almost glad for it because you were just the same.
Everyone was always so scared of him but you never felt that fear. You only felt curious toward him. You wanted to know more about the King's guard dog and you had learned more than you expected all those years ago.
Taking a break you step down from your horse. After tying her to a tree off the trail, you move to find anything to ease the ache in your stomach.
You're greatful to whatever gods looking down at you when you manage a rabbit and two apples.
You feed the apples to your mare, relieved to see her not hungry anymore.
Moving to the fire you'd started, you began skinning and cooking the small rabbit.
Digging into your small find, you let more memories play through your head.
  One day while working the kitchen, you had heard the servants talking of King Joffrey. He had apparently been rather cruel to Sandor. He had been the object of Joffrey's amusings all day. You knew it was bad if the servant's had thought it was cruel treatment to Sandor.
You expected him not to show that night but there he was, right on time.
You had just finished cleaning up the kitchen when he walked in. You pushed the plate toward him and gave him a small smile. He looked you right in the eye. He never did that and you felt sometime shift inside you.
When you turned your gaze away out of embarrassement, he scoffed.
"Can't stand to look at me either, girl?", he had asked you.
"I have not a problem with you.", you had told him, moving to continue your duties.
"Don't lie to me, girl."
"Just because you've had a shit day, doesn't mean you can can come down here and be crued towards me, Clegane."
You had watched him stand up and move toward you. He had you pinned against the counter, trying to intimidate you.
"You don't scare me.", you told him.
"Why's that?", he smirked.
"If you're a dog like everyone says, then all dogs can be tamed by certain people."
"Think that'll be you just because you set my supper aside and I don't yell at ya every time I walk through the fuckin' door?"
"May be... But I'm not sure if you deserve to be a tamed dog."
"Have no need for being tamed. Especially by a little bunny like you."
That's where the nickname he gave you started. You remember it all too well as you eat the meat from the rabbit.
It was weeks before you saw Sandor again. You always left him food anyway, just in case.
When he did come back, you could see his surprise that you still left out his dinner.
"Starve?", you asked with a smirk on your face, "Figured you'd have to return to eating down here some time."
He didn't reply as he sat and scarfed down his food.
"Why'd you call me little bunny?", you had asked me a few moments later.
"You're always hopping about the fuckin' kitchen like a rabbit.", he had told you.
You had laughed and nodded in aggreement.
That's how your friendship with Sandor Clegane had started. From that night on, you did start talking and the romantic feelings had seemed to just seep into the both of you.
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xkaidaxxxx · 5 months
Shoto x Reader
Mentions: Characters are aged up! Body image, Plus size reader, Drinking, NSFW, Virgin reader, cute aftercare, fluff morning,
No proof read sorry for errors
Reblogs are appreciated.
“ You should totally go on a date with him. He sounds very nice. I’ll be there at a distance just in case you don’t want to be there anymore or something goes wrong okay.” Mina said and Momo agreed. Girls gotta help each other.
Shoto’s name on the online dating: Senju 
Senju: We can meet up at weston. 
(weston is a fancy restaurant) 
You made very good money but you weren’t stupid rich
y/n: oh um Isn’t that too much? I’m a simple girl. Plus I don’t have that type of luxury.
Senju : You doll up and I’ll pick you up okay. Is 8pm good? 
Y/n: I’ll meet you there and yes that's perfect.
Senju: Okay see you there then. I’ll be waiting. I’ll be wearing black tux with a white and red brooch.
y/n: I’ll wear a red dress then! See you later.
You were so nervous and scared. You hadn’t shown him a picture of yourself. You’re a plus size woman. That was something you’re so insecure about which is why you didn’t date at all. Even in highschool. You did have crushes here and there but when you confess to them they’d instantly reject you, not even in a feel sorry for you way. They were rude. 
They’d say things like:
“Hell no you look like a blob”
“ You’re a piggy and I don’t date such an ugly thing”
“Maybe in your next life you’ll be pretty”
“ lose a few pounds and even then maybe not.”
“ Come on let’s get you ready! You’ll look like a princess once you’re done dressing up.” Momo said. 
You wore a simple but classy red dress Momo created for you. It was short, had a slit to teasy a bit with one strap. Your make up was simple as well. Overall you looked Amazing! The girls dropped you off. You noticed a tall,handsome man with the white and red brooch that matches his hair color. You walked up to him nervously. “S-Senju or should I say Shoto ” you said. He looked down at you shocked. It wasn't that he didn’t like what he was seeing, if anything he was trying to control himself from devouring you. “ Y/n?” he replied smiling. “ Yes. It’s nice to finally meet up with you.” you said. “I lied about my name because…being one of the greatest heroes causes relationship issues.” he said walking inside with you. You were nervous about how dinner would go. “Reservation for Todoroki.” he spoke to the host. The host checked his table. “Yes sir, right this way.” you both followed the host. You were confused on why you were lead to a room with Shoto. “ The waiter will be right with you.” the host said and left, closing the door behind him. It was so beautiful. A private room. Every single detail screamed romantic and sweet. “ Is it to your liking?” Shoto asked as you sat down and he helped you tuck in your chair. “ It’s beautiful. Thank you. You’re very kind.” you replied. He sat down and started looking at the menu and so you did the same. About 20 minutes later the waiter shows up taking out his pad. “ We’ll have Cheesy Potato Croquettes as appetizers. I’ll have Lemony Salmon with potatoes and tensoba. Cold please.” Shoto said then looked over to you. “ I’ll have a lobster risotto,” you said. “ Drinks?” the waiter asked. “ Armand de Brignac Ace of Spades Demi-Sec and 1999 Andre Beaufort a Ambonnay Grand Cru Doux Rose” , Shoto said. You trusted him. He knows his champagne. After an hour you were having an amazing meal. You loved the taste of the champagnes and couldn’t get enough and so while you ate the more champagne you craved. Shoto was concerned about how much you drank. “Uh you should take it easy. It might not taste strong but it sure is.” he said. “ S’fine I’m not a lightweight. I swear.” you replied. Biggest lie. You guys had to leave through the back and since you were too drunk to speak correctly he had no other choice than to bring you to his house to spend the night.
You were at his house by 12am. 
Being drunk makes you tell the truth on how you enjoyed the night and how sexy Shoto looks. 
“ Did I..tell..handsome sexy so much.” you said and hiccuped. He chuckled and opened the door while holding you. “No ma’am you haven’t told me that.” he replied walking in with you. You were getting touchy. Playing with his hair and leaving a peck on his cheek. He set you down. “ Careful now, okay.” he said, locking the door. You looked around walking wobbly. As you were about to fall he caught you. He was tired of holding back and so he kissed you. You let yourself go and allowed him to have all of you. You are a virgin but you thought fuck it why not? He carried you upstairs to his room . The moment was so heated you guys quickly took your clothing off, so desperate for each other. 
“ You’re so cute my baby.” Shoto said, tossing you on the bed.“ Let me claim you.” he whispered in your ear. “ Yes please.” you replied. He reached down to your pussy and played with your clit. You moaned softly. He felt all your wetness dripping onto the bed, spreading your legs further as he pressed a kiss on your pussy. Your cheeks turned red. Eating you out was heaven for him. He hummed as he sucked and slurped so sloppy.. You grinded yourself against his mouth. “Nasty girl. You’re so needy.” he slapped your pretty cunt which made you jump and close your legs. “ Obey me.” he ordered, spreading your legs. Your cunny was aching thinking about the need of being stuffed by him. “P-please. I need you inside of me.” you said with glossy eyes. Your pussy clenched around nothing. He smirked, liking the power he has over you. “ m’kay baby.” he replied, running his tip teasingly at your folds. You whimpered as he finally stuffed your tight cunny making you wince in pain. He groaned. “F-fuck.” you sniffled.  He noticed how very sensitive you are.. There were tears slipping from your eyes. He eventually figured you’re a virgin and he didn’t want your first to be after a 1st date. “ I can't.. I won’t allow this to be your 1st time. It isn’t special.” he said. You nodded. “It hurts.” you cried. You never imagined it being painful then again every woman's  body is different. Even after foreplay some women still aren't relaxed enough to be penetrated. He pulled out carefully. You gripped his arm. “I’m sorry. You must be upset to not receive anything” you spoke as you noticed he was staring. He left and came back with a warm wet cloth. He cleaned you up thoroughly and carefully. You did bleed a bit. “Thank you Shoto.” you spoke. He nodded and tossed the cloth in the trash can. It was definitely a night to remember. You slept comfortably cuddling with him. It felt so natural. The following morning was shocking as you woke up in his arms remembering the event of last night. “Morning y/n. I hope you slept well princess.” he said, giving you a soft kiss. You decided to let fate take over. You smiled feeling happy,“Morning Shoto. I did sleep well." you replied. He couldn't help but carry you and head to the bathroom. You giggled. He was very strong so to him you felt like a feather. "Put me down sho." He refused to obey you. "No ma'am." you pulled his hair lightly. He set you on the counter as he got the bath ready. " Ready for a warm bath?" He asked winking at you, you understood he'd be washing you. You were insecure..no man has ever seen your body, let alone worshiped it. Shoto watched you as you let the warm water surround your body. "You're very beautiful." he commented. You blushed as he started scrubbing your back. " Just so you know. You're mine. Forever." he said kissing you. Your body was trembling with happiness. "Forever." you replied. His heart was beating at a fast pace. He knew that its you he wants to date, to get married someday and have children if you wanted. He wants to raise them and watch them grow into wonderful strong people as you two grow old. He wants forever with you. He kissed you again leaning in closer. He slipped inside the tub. He was drenched as well. Thank goodness this man is stupid rich otherwise there would be water all over the ground. You both laughed, bubbles on your cheeks and foreheads. You began to wash each other up. It was relaxing and intimate.
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prinzrupprecht · 2 months
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Anubis x Mesopotamian Goddess
Since a lot of you like Anubis HCs/oneshots so imma be continuing my Anubis fics. We lack information on him in RoR, so I’m adding some of his mythology in this one shot as a heads up. Set and Osiris will be presented. As many of you may know, Egyptian mythology has too many variations. So I’m doing the most known mythology on him, and probably will edit it later during Anubis’s round.
Synopsis: Set never liked you, not even for a moment. He hated how his nephew/son, was all over you like a dog, while Isis and Osiris were completely fine with you courting Anubis. Things could get heated between Anubis and Set.
TW: some violence.
WC: 866
Egypt was normally hot and humid during the day. You were visiting King Osiris with your father Marduk to discuss important diplomatic exchanges with Egypt since your country was neighbours to them.
You had grown rather accustomed to Egypt traditions and admired the wall decorations and architecture in the palace. As you found your way to a room with a fountain in the middle of it while your father and Osiris were discussing trade relations, you took notice of how quiet the area was. As you sat down near the fountain and was about to touch the water, you felt someone’s presence behind you and quickly turned your head nearly panicking. “Ah—! Sorry if this area is restricted!” You weren’t very good at socializing, in fact, your head apologizing silently.
“Huh? It’s not a problem! Besides who are you? Wait, wait you’re not from here actually… hmm,” he was getting really close to you making you nearly step back and trip over your own feet. As you finally glanced up at him, he looked joyful and not mad at all. His long hair was tied behind him in ball sections, and he wore a hat with the face of a jackal. He couldn’t be… no way. Anubis?! You were screaming inside your mind. You met him when you were kids and he has forgotten you. It stung a bit that he couldn’t even remember you.
“No one… it’s fine, I’ll find my way back to my father.” After you tried to dismiss yourself, he called your name making you halt. You basically confirmed his suspicions.
“No way! It’s you! It’s you!” He ran over to you giving you a bear hug of your life squeezing every ounce of air out of your lungs. You were confused by his actions. “I almost couldn’t recognize you, you look prettier and cuter now!” He still hadn’t let you go even when you tried to free yourself. His strong hold on you meant that he definitely missed you all these years.
“My boy! What the hell are you doing?! The king is calling for you.” Another man approached the two of you. Set… he was cold and stoic. Anubis lowered his head as if he was depressed.
Anubis turned to you and gave a cheeky grin. “I’ll see you later—"
“Absolutely not,” Set interjected Anubis who was growing irritated and was ready to defy his uncle. Set mostly hated Sumerians and looped you into his hatred. You were worried about being left alone with Set and silently hoped Anubis wouldn’t leave.
He didn’t, thank god. “And why not?!” Anubis shouted, he was angry. You had never witnessed him like this before. He was seething, Anubis wanted to fight Set.
“No Egyptian god should meddle with the likes of her kind.” Ouch. Set clearly hated Sumerians and you couldn’t help but wonder why. His brother was king, and his adoptive son, Anubis was defying him. Anubis saw your expression change as he was in pure shock at his uncle’s words. He didn’t like seeing you sad after Set put you down along with your people.
“Set, I think that is too harsh.” Isis approached the three of you to stop a potential fight. “This is no matter for you, Isis.” Set was about to raise his hand to Isis but Anubis jumped at him throwing Set against the wall.
“Don’t speak to her like that!” Anubis was pulled back from Isis. He wanted to kill him, the room tension was high. Isis was trying to hold him back and was angry at how her brother was acting this way. Set was cruel and always loathed Osiris and others' happiness.
“You inconsiderate piece of—" Set was caught back by Osiris entering the room with your father next to him. You were thankful that the conflict was stopped. You were saddened by how things turned out. You wanted to catch up with Anubis over the missing years but it seemed like things were impossible for such.
“It seems that I interrupted your squabble,” Osiris turned his head to Set. He was at a loss for words before Osiris told him to leave. He was fuming on the inside and you could tell.
“Are we leaving?” You turned to your father. You had regretted being in the middle of their family conundrums. It seems like your people will never be accepted here.
“What? Now?! Can’t you stay just a little bit longer?” Anubis was practically pouring and it hurt leaving again without any closure like last time.
“Sorry—" you were interrupted by Isis cutting in.
“How about you stay for a bit? I think you can do that, yeah?” She came up behind you and placed a hand on your shoulder. You were blushing a bit since Anubis was excited. Isis knew how depressed he was when the last time you left and it broke her heart seeing him sad for days, if not months.
Marduk and Osiris weren’t opposed to it at all, since they had other discussions regarding you as part of their alliance. It would be for another time to tell you.
You were already set to be wedded to Anubis.
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fl0weryannie · 1 year
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His sunshine
grumpy!remus lupin x sunshine!reader
word count:1k
summary: Remus lupin was always grumpy especially before the full moon but what if there was a girl that was the human embodiment of sunshine, what if he was in love with her but what if she was the sister of his best friend
As the warm sun began to peek through the Hogwarts windows, Y/N Potter bounced into the Gryffindor common room, humming a tune that Remus Lupin had never heard before. He couldn't help but notice how she radiated positivity and happiness, even at such an early hour.
Remus had always been a bit grumpier than the rest of his friends. The full moon always took its toll on him, and he didn't always have the energy to put on a happy face. 
But somehow, Y/N's presence seemed to make all of that disappear. Whenever she was around, Remus found himself drawn to her infectious laughter and her endless optimism. He couldn't quite put his finger on why he liked her so much - after all, after all, she was his best friend's sister - but something about her made him feel happier than any prank he could pull with his friends, any piece of chocolate he could buy and any book on earth. 
As Y/n talked with her brother about the upcoming summer vacation, Remus couldn't help but notice how her eyes would brighten while they talked about their plans. But after he heard Sirius snicker he turned his attention back to his book trying to ignore him.
"I see our little moony has a little crush on sunshine," Sirius said into Remus' ear. "I have no idea what you're talking about," Remus said, looking at Sirius. "I don't have a cru-" "Don't lie. We can all tell you have feelings for her. Except for Prongs, you know him, he's weirdly overly protective, but I'm sure if you talk to him, he won't kill you, but if he gets angry, I found this really cool cave outside Hogsmead that's pretty cool; I bet you could live there for a while." Remus scowled at Sirius. "How the hell did you find a cave?"
Before he could respond he was interrupted by lily storming into the common room towards James, looking furious "YOU TWAT!! Lily yelled at James. Remus smiled to himself, glad that the attention was now off of him and his supposed crush on Y/N. He continued to read his book, glancing up every once in a while to see what was happening.  
Eventually, the argument died down and everyone went their separate ways. Remus couldn't help but catch Y/N's eye as she walked out of the common room, and he felt a flutter in his chest. Maybe Sirius was right - maybe he did have feelings for her. He decided to take a walk around Hogwarts, trying to clear his head and figure out what he was feeling.
As he walked through the castle, he couldn't shake the image of Y/N's smile from his mind. Maybe it was time for him to finally admit to himself that he had feelings for her. But how could anyone as happy and kind as her like someone like him, a cold grumpy monster. Remus continued to ponder as he wandered around the castle. 
He decided to head back to his dorm and collect his thoughts. As he walked back, he couldn't help but think about the conversation he needed to have with Y/N. Maybe he could tell her how he felt, or maybe he should keep it to himself - he wasn't sure. But one thing was for certain: he couldn't get her out of his head. 
When he walked into the common he saw Alice Prewett of y/n's roommates-  "hey Remus is everything alright, you seem distracted?" she asked with a kind smile on her face. Hearing her voice made him snap out of his daydream  "oh hi Alice yeah everything's fine do you happen to know where y/n is?" she looked at him with a knowing smile a nodded and went up to her dorm. 
Remus's heart skipped a beat as he waited for Alice to tell him where Y/N was. He couldn't stop thinking about her and how he had been feeling lately. Alice paused for a moment before speaking. "I think she's in the library. She said she had a lot of studying to do."
Remus nodded and thanked Alice before heading out to the library. As he walked through the halls, he couldn't shake the feeling of nervousness that was settling in his stomach. What if Y/N didn't feel the same way? What if he ruined their friendship? All these thoughts were swirling in his head as he approached the library.
When he saw Y/N, his heart skipped a beat. She looked beautiful, as always, with her hair pulled back and her nose buried in a book. Remus took a deep breath and approached her. "Hey, Y/N. Mind if I sit here for a bit?"
Y/N looked up from her book and smiled. "Of course not. What's up?"
Remus fidgeted with his sleeves before speaking. "I've been wanting to tell you something for a while now. But I've been too scared because I didn't know how James would react, but Sirius shockingly helped me see that it doesn't matter. I know we've been friends for a long time, but I've been having these feelings for you lately, and I just wanted to let you know."
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise before she looked down at her book, trying to hide the blush on her cheeks. "Remus, I had no idea. I've actually been feeling the same way." 
Remus felt a weight lift off his shoulders as he heard Y/N's words. He felt like he was walking on clouds, and he couldn't help but smile. "Really? You feel the same way?"
Y/N looked back at him with a smile. "Yes, really."
And with those words, Remus knew that everything was going to be okay. They had both been hiding their true feelings for years, and now they could finally be together. He leaned in and kissed Y/N, feeling like the luckiest guy in the world.
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yangkitties · 5 months
bros before hoes ✰ chapter 06: new MCs in town
wc: 0.6k
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The contrast of your stylist’s cold fingers against your warm face feels jarring, giving you something else to feel other than jittery nerves.
You concentrate on the way she carefully places each strand of your hair, pushing and twirling it to perfection. You watch the mirror intently, observing the way your face transforms. 
It feels natural, like stepping into your home after going on vacation. 
But even your intense focus couldn’t deter the course of your anxiety, mind swarming with what ifs. 
Being on stage had never scared you. You’d been performing for as long as you could remember, from school shows to award shows, the stage has always been your safe place. But today it was different. 
Although you had done several run throughs with and without Sunghoon, going on stage to MC gave you butterflies. 
You vaguely hear your stage queue as the stylist helps you, adjusting your outfit one more time. You like it, it’s simple, yet classy, and gives you enough confidence to not turn back and run away. 
As you get closer to the stage, you spot Sunghoon. You can’t help but gasp at his appearance, decked to match you. It makes you heart race and your cheeks burn, and you swear you fall a little bit in love with him. 
You stand next to him, nervously shuffling and un-shuffling your cue cards. He gently places his hand on yours, halting your moments. You turn to him in shock, only to be greeted by a calming smile. 
‘It’ll be fine. Don’t be too nervous, you were great during our rehearsals, you’ll do well now too.’ You smile at him, grateful for his presence. 
The music cue begins, and suddenly you’re emceeing with the ease. 
You remember to laugh in all the right places, ask the right questions, and welcome each artist. Every second is a bit of a blur, the time flying. 
Soon enough you’re off stage, letting out a huge breath. Your shoulders relax, body hunching over in relief. You can hear Sunghoon laugh beside you, joining you as you walk back to your dressing room. 
He smiles, ‘You were a natural up there! You did so well.’ You smile in response, glad to hear his natural voice again.
‘And you were incredible too. I thought I’d-’ Your words get cut off as Sunghoon comes to an abrupt stop. Following his line of vision, you instantly spot what got him to stop.
Tsuki. There she was, in all her pink haired glory. For a second, everything feels weird. And then you’re swept off your feet as she hugs you, laughing in your ears. 
‘Y/NNIE YOU WERE SO GREAT ON STAGE! I watched the entire thing from my phone while waiting for you, oh I wish I could’ve seen it on the big monitor!!’ She looks at you with a bright smile, hugging you again. 
Laughing, you hug her back. ‘Thank you Tsuki, that means the world.’ You smile at her, glad to have her with you. 
You finally realise Sunghoon standing towards the side, twisting his rings again. He looks wide eyed, the tips of his ears a flaming crimson. He awkwardly clears his throat, waiting for you to introduce him.
‘Oh! Tsuki, Sunghoon. Sunghoon, Tsuki!’ You smile brightly, swallowing everything you felt. 
Sunghoon raises his hand in timid greeting, face somehow turning even more red. Tsuki seems oddly skeptical, waving back to him. 
She bows slightly, ‘Nice to meet you, but we have to go unfortunately! See you next time.’ She drags you away into the dressing room, shutting the door firmly behind her. 
You want to be bothered by her weirdness really, but as you move to change for the rest of your schedules, you are too happy to care. Today was a success, and you were determined to carry this feeling with you for the rest of the day. 
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synopsis > with the help of fukutomi tsuki, park y/n finally gains the courage to face their long time crush, the one and only, park sunghoon. park sunghoon thinks it's love at first sight when he sees her. paired up as the new mcs of music bank, shenanigans ensue when y/n learns about sunghoon's crush...
note: yawl i am so sorry... i rlly dont mean to keep disappearing >:(
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©️ yangkitties 2024 do not copy, plagiarise, or repost
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mytheoristavenue · 4 months
MHA Mezo Shoji x Reader - Make Believe - III
Summary: You ask Shoji to pretend to be your boyfriend for a dinner with your parents.
Warnings: long, muli-parted, mutual pining, fake dating trope, fem!reader
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Embarrassed, you both disembark from the train, stepping onto the platform, Shoji's arm still securely around your shoulders for stability on clearing the gap. There's an obvious elephant in the room, but it's almost as if it's a secret, even for the both of you, neither wanting to speak on it for fear of the other being unaware.
Eventually, you feel his touch begin to slip away, making your heart sink, missing it as you both begin to walk toward the train station exit. Finally, you break the silence. "My parent's place is pretty close by, just a few blocks from here, actually."
"Living so close to the tracks must be difficult," he thought allowed eyes stuck forward.
"It isn't so bad, once you get used to the noise. Before I moved to the dorms, it was like I couldn't even hear it anymore." Shoji could care less for the idle chatter, his mind still on the ride here. He was never one to beat around the bush, so he decided to speak up.
"Hey, (Y/N)? Why did you say that this was a bad idea on the train?" He asked, voice calm, but with a hint of somberness. "Do you regret bringing me?"
You glanced up at him, surprised by his genuineness. "What? Shoji, no! It's nothing to do with you, you've been perfect!" You confess, stopping on the sidewalk, and staring down at your shoes. "I'm the problem."
"How so?" he asked, eyeing you with uncertainty.
"I feel like I should have planned this out more..." you admitted. "I mean, what am I gonna do when the holidays come around? I could just say we broke up but if my family likes you, they'd be sad, or they'd belittle me for bringing someone home before the relatsionship got serious-"
Your rambling was put to rest by a sturdy, comforting hand on your shoulder. "Hey, calm down," he soothed, stroking his thumb over your skin. "We can cross that bridge when we get to it. For all we know your parents could hate me and be overjoyed to hear we broke up." he laughed, comforting you.
"That won't happen..." you said, awkwardly rubbing your arm. "I...I picked you because you have all the qualities they'd love to see in a partner for me. You're strong and protective, kind and gentle, intelligent... You're a walking green flag."
Shoji could help but avert his gaze, cheeks aglow from your praise. "T-That's not true," he dnied, weakly, secretly hoping you'd continue to disagree, and to his delight, you did.
"No, Shoji, I'm serious," you persisted. "You're caring and passionate about your friends, you're handsome... You'd be the perfect boyfriend to anyone... I'm just sorry you're having to waste that on me."
"I don't consider it wasted..." he confessed bashfully. "But, for the record, I'm willing to be your fake boyfriend as long as you need. Even if it means coming back for the holidays."
"Shoji..." you mutter at his words, stunned by what they could potentially mean.
"Please, call me Mezo," he corrected, wrinkles forming beside his eyes, indicating a sweet smile under his mask.
"M-Mezo..." you stammered, unsure of whether or not to let the words fall off your lips. "There's another reason I asked you over anyone else..."
"Oh?" he stiffened a bit, offering you space to continue. "What is it?"
"Well...I think I might have a little cru-"
Suddenly, you jump at the sound of your phone ringing, startling you both. Taking it out of your bag, you notice that it's your mother calling. Anxiously, you slide the button to the right and answer the call. "Hey, Mom-"
"You didn't miss your train did you?" she immediately asks, worried.
"No, Mom, I made the train on time." You groaned lightly.
"Was it delayed?"
"No, Mom-"
"Well, did you make it to the station?"
"Well, what's taking you so long? Did you get lost? Do I need to send your father to pick you up? Where are you-"
"Mom, please," you begged with an annoyed sigh. "We're like a block away, we'll be there in a few minutes."
"We?" she asked, confused before squealing. "Oh, you brought your boyfriend?!"
"Yep," you replied, nonchalantly.
"Well, hurry up and get here, we all can't wait to meet him!" Your heart suddenly sank. There were only supposed to be a few people there, what did she mean 'all'? Before you had a chance to ask, she spoke again. "Listen, I gotta go, honey, the soup needs stirring! Hurry home, love you!" With that, the line fell dead. Slumping your shoulders, you turned to face Shoji again.
"My mom says to hurry home..." you trailed, wishing to pick up the conversation where it left off. "And I think she might have invited more people than she told me. I'm sorry in advance."
"Don't be," he smiled. "I'm sure they can't be that bad." Reassuring you, he offered an arm for you to take as he began to walk forward again. you took it gratefully, not even caring about touching him anymore, you were just happy to have a comforting gesture from him. Within minutes of walking, you crested a hill, and your parents' apartment building came into view. It was a tall complex with many floors, the eighth being the one you called home. Stepping into the front entrance, you were greeted with a familiar smell which gave you a warm feeling of nostalgia as you made your way to the elevator, followed by your 'boyfriend'.
"What floor?" he asked, stepping forward to push the button.
"Eighth," you replied with a smile. "Thank you." You stood stick straight, hands clasped in front of you, overly chipper grin plastered on your face.
"Are you alright? You seem anxious." He noted, inching closer to your side, wrapping an arm around you, something that was beginning to feel like instinct at this point.
"I am a little," you admit, smile faltering as you glance up at him. "I want this to go well."
"You don't think they'll believe it?" he asked, tilting his head as he looked down at you.
"Not that," you sighed, perfect posture crumbling against him. "The last time I saw my parents, it didn't go well..."
"I see," he realized, nodding. "I won't push, but if you'd like to talk about it, I'm all ears." he offered, morphing all his extra limbs into ears. "Literally."
You snickered, shining a bright and genuine smile. "Maybe another time,"
"There she is," Shoji teased, ers morphing back into hands and lightly tickling your neck. "Knew I could make you smile. Your real smile is so much prettier than your fake one."
It was moments like these that made you question the reality of your relationship with him. If this all was fake, would he say things like that? Would he say them if they were real? Though the honeyglow in your cheeks and butterflies in your stomach were hard to ignore, his sweetness confused you so much. Before you could bring it up, a chime filled the air as the elevator slowly ascended to a crawl before stopping entirely. Glancing at him for reassurance, you stepped out of the elevator when the doors opened and turned left to make your way to your parent's door.
Standing in front of it, you glanced at him again, this time finding him already staring back. "Well...this is it, I guess?"
"I guess it is," he smiled, bringing up his fist and knocking firmly before stepping back. His warm embrace retracted from you in order to take your hand in his. He thought it'd be a better look for him to be holding your hand when the door opens, rather than having his arm around your shoulder, though he couldn't explain why.
Within moments, the door opened revealing a woman that looked remarkably like you, though a little more than twice your age. Excitedly, the woman threw her arms around your neck, hugging you tightly. "Honey, you're finally home, I've missed you so much!" As the woman's eyes fluttered open again, they landed on Shoji, prompting her to squeal. "Oh, and this must be that Shoji boy you're always telling us about!"
Your cheeks burned at the revelation, but you were too stunned to say anything.
"That would be me, ma'am," Shoji, bowed, offering her his hand as she released you. "And you must be (Y/N)'s older sister,"
The woman shrieked again, giving her hand for him to shake."Oh, stop!" she gushed. "Hun, you didn't tell me he was so charming!"
"Yep," you gulped, nervous about what to say next. "He's my prince charming!" Anything would have been better than that, you cringed. "A-Anyways, Mezo, this is my mother, Mom, this is Mezo Shoji, my boyfriend."
"A pleasure to finally meet you, Shoji, welcome to our humble home!" your mother greeted, bowing her head slightly.
"Please, the pleasure's all mine."
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Hello Mousey!!! This will be a long one but I want to ask for the Castle Village adventures and mages' reactions to developing a crush or falling for someone.
How long would it take for them to realise it and what would be the thing that made them do so? Would they be in denial, try to hide it, or be accepting of the fact? Would they be shy or open about making advances? Would they be more absentminded during the day, would it affect their day to day life or would they be completely unbothered? How would they approach that person from then on? Some stuff along those lines.........
Awgehdhhsgshdhhsdhgsshhhsgsg ^^
Ayooo, good to see you again! 😊
Sorry for the long reply (got a bit longer headcanon than I planned). Enjoy, thank you for your ask, and have a good day 💕
I think Lance will immediately accept the fact that he has fallen in love with a certain person. He is quite honest with himself and others, why deny the call of his heart. But before he starts courting his crush, the gallant adventurer will first assess the situation to see how much chance he has at all.
For all his appearance as someone who has a crowd of admirers and lots of light romances behind him, Lance doesn't strike me as a homewrecker, so he'll keep a respectful distance if he finds out his crush is already married or in a serious relationship with someone else. A little sad, but he'll quickly accept that fact, and It won't affect his work too much.
It's also concerning if his crush is the first to start hinting to Lance that they want a relationship, but are themselves still officially in a relationship with another person. So Lance's crush will either honestly end the old relationship before starting a new one, or Lance doesn't need this (headcanon that he despite cheaters and lying in general).
If his crush is single, and reciprocates Lance's compliments, the pink-haired man will take that as a green light and openly court and flirt with the person. He won't be shy here, and he doesn't care what others gossip about. He likes this person - they like Lance too - and the rest shouldn't matter to them both.
Denial. Total denial that he's even in love with someone. And he actively lies and denies not only to everyone who asks him, but also to himself. No, Isaac's cheeks don't blush at the sight of his cru - uh, not crush, not crush at all! - it's just from the heat in Crimson Baldlans. And no, he doesn't think about them, sitting at the table drinking his beer - they're annoying! Stop bothering him!
He will deny it until he hears from Alesia/his colleagues that his crash was found wounded/beaten/on the verge of death. That's when his heart will clench in pain and he will finally accept the fact that he has fallen in love. In love with a person he may never see again. The adventurer will later find some excuse to visit them and make sure that at least they're okay.
Even if his crush already has a partner, Isaac will worry about them and keep an eye on them to make sure they don't get into another mess. He won't babysit them, thought, as he's busy with his work. Isaac will try to forget about this person, if they are already busy. And if they are single - it will take him a long time to force himself to make the first move (his crush will most likely make the first move themselves).
The state between "I'll finally go to my crush and confess my feelings to them" and "I'm afraid that they will reject me" happens almost every day for Jadu. It's at home/in his room, standing in front of the mirror, that the young wizard is not afraid of anything, but as soon as he meets this very person, everything is forgotten and instead an incoherent set of words comes out of his mouth. He's also as red as a tomato ("Ugh, whyyyyyy.").
Senior wizards will often scold Jadu and ask what's wrong, because for the last couple of days he almost blew up the alchemy lab by pouring the wrong liquid into the cauldron, burned a couple of scrolls (fortunately, it was possible to restore them) and in general he seems to be in the clouds. You can guess that all his thoughts are filled with his crush, and no matter how hard he tries, he can't get his mind off it.
Jadu is a bit shy, so he'll start with secret letters to find out the information he needs. He'll also casually ask around to locals and friends (but NOT Camilla, or she'll figure him out quickly). He's going to be sad for a long time when he finds out that his crush is already taken, so the other wizards will still have to scold Jadu for being inattentive more than once.
Alesia will not immediately realise that she has fallen in love with a particular person. At first there will be just interest and curiosity, later she will realise that her (future) crush is quite a good, honest and nice person. Sniper would like to make a friendship with them - tell each other about the latest missions and interesting rumours in the Guilds (if her crush is also an adventurer), share their thoughts, rest together.
Then already, when in one moment Alesia sees their smile, hears their ringing laughter, how cute they look in their clothes, how they shine, the sniper's realisation will hit like a hammer. "Yoba, I'm in love..." Yeah, it's been about almost a month now, Alesia, but thanks for noticing.
Of all the candidates, Alesia will be the most honest and straightforward. She won't start courting and flirting with her crush until she knows what their current relationship status is. If married/in a relationship - then no. She'll back right away, not wanting to come between them (though it stung a bit inside her to be sad). If single - then she'll honestly say she likes them and ask if the feeling is mutual.
Camilla saw a person she liked - Camilla will get them. This witch knows no boundaries and is willing to do almost anything to get her crush to pay attention to her. She starts right away with some light flirting to see their reaction. And given that a lot of people are used to this way of talking to her, no one is surprised that Camilla is flirting with someone again ("Just another Tuesday in Castle Village...").
At times, the person that Camilla is partial to believe that the witch is almost stalking them. She often teleports to them (slightly scaring them in the process), always flirting, always there for them. Little gifts, more flirting, and more, and more. But if she feels any awkwardness or discomfort from her crush, she will apologise immediately (whether she apologised sincerely or not is hard to tell).
If, however, her crush is in a relationship... To be honest, I thought it would be out of character at first, but I feel like Camilla can play dirty. If she notices a crack in her crush's relationship with their current partner, she will do anything to make the crack bigger by getting her crush being single. I don't know about what she will do in the case of a crush who loves their partner and that one is mutual. Maybe she will go far. Maybe she won't. Unpredictable woman...
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mixtape-racha · 1 year
it's a scream, baby! | hyunlix
chapter four: movie's dont create psychos
words: 1.54k // warnings: cursing, crying, hinted panic attack
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once (y/n) had showered and got ready for the day, she checked her phone again to see another message from hyunjin. he had asked to meet him in town to grab lunch together - he had also added that he hoped it was an official date, but if she wasn't comfortable with that it would be okay.
a rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins, grinning as she replied, confirming its role as their first official date, and rushing to get ready to meet him. after all, it wasn’t every day your crush of four years finally asked you out. especially after the horror the town had endured the day before.
as she finished preparing herself, she heard a knock on the door. seungmin and minho still seemed to be dead to the world, so she took it upon herself to answer - surprised to see felix stood there, hand still raised to continue his incessant knocking.
“can i help you, lixie?” (y/n) smiled, ushering him into the house. “seung and minho are still home i think, but i’m about to head out, what’s up?”
her answer seemed to confuse felix, his brows quirking in a squiggle, and a small pout forming on his lips.
“where are you going? who are you meeting? you’re not staying out tonight, are you?”
(y/n) giggled at his bombardment of questions, gently shoving his shoulder. what on earth was his problem today? felix was never protective or cautious like this, often being the one to remind the others that she was, in fact, an adult when they got too overbearing. 
“i’m meeting hyun for a lunch date, lix. no, i’m not planning on staying out today. what’s going on with you?”
“(y/n),” he started, looking at the girl like a fragile doll vulnerable to breaking on the spot. “yeji’s okay, don’t panic. but nari and her girlfriend areum were killed in their dorm last night.”
and like that, (y/n)'s world seemed to crumble on the spot. her mind stopped, and suddenly tunnel-vision had taken control. she needed to get to her friend now.
“oh, god. oh, fuck. no, yeji–”
was the last thing felix heard before she sprinted out the front door, frantically scrambling on her phone to call her closest friend.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
“yeji, babe, oh god-!” (y/n) cried out, throwing her arms around the girl where she sat on the grass outside her dorm building. her face was swollen and streaked with tears, entire body trembling and a green sheen over her face. she looked like shit. probably felt like it, too.
“i found them, (y/n). they were just in the living room. when i saw the front door was open, i– i was so scared…” she whimpered, tears freely throwing again into (y/n)'s hoodie as she sobbed against her body. “i shouldn’t have gone out last night, if i was home i could’ve saved them. i shouldn’t have gone.”
shaking her head frantically, (y/n) pulled yeji away from her shoulder and cupped her cheeks.
“no. no fucking way, hwang yeji, you are not blaming yourself for this. don’t you dare. in fact, i’ve never been so grateful you weren’t home last night, because if i lost you i don’t know what i’d do. don’t you ever blame yourself for this.”
the two of them sat there in their spot in the grass for what could have been hours, and it probably was in all reality. (y/n) simply held her friend in her arms, stroking her hair softly as her sobs slowly turned into dry sniffles.
yousheheld her closer still, having to turn her head away too as the coroner’s came out of the building entrance with two evidently full body bags. it was almost like the world stood still, people simply watching as both girls’ parents clutched onto each other - areum’s mothers cries resounding across the entire campus.
but still, (y/n) stayed in yeji’s bubble - she needed her more than anyone else could in this moment. once the area had cleared a bit of the people watching in shock, she gathered yeji up and allowed her to lean on her body as a crutch.
she wrapped her jacket around yeji's shoulders, and rubbed her arms as she slowly lead her away from the building and towards her own. she could stay with (y/n) as long as she needed - knowing minho and jeongin wouldn’t mind at all. 
(y/n) were also positively sure that the others would volunteer to go back to her dorm and collect her things for her as soon as the police allowed entry. she needed a big support system right now, and (y/n) couldn’t think of anyone more supportive than her boys, her big, crazy chosen family.
it was only once she had ushered yeji into the dorm, locking and double-locking the door behind you that you realised you had failed to inform hyunjin of why she couldn’t make it to your plans a few hours earlier. 
luckily, it seemed felix had gathered everyone into the dorm due to the way she had run off, given the seven shocked expressions around her as she followed yeji to the floor as she collapsed, sobbing again.
lifting her head from yeji’s broken form, she shook her head at her friends, praying they’d get the hint and not stick around to bombard the girls with questions. she gave a silent exhale of relief as minho ushered everyone except chan and jisung out of the room quicker than she’d ever seen before.
peeling your neck and torso away from yeji’s body, you allowed her to sink further into your lap - her cries quickly turning into hiccups and sniffles again, but the trembling of her body showing no sign of stopping any time soon.
“chan, a favour?” (y/n) started, with him nodding his head quickly in response, ready to do anything to help. “get a cup of cold water - use a plastic cup in case the shaking gets worse. also grab my weighted blanket from my room, a clean set of clothes and some towels so she can shower. the wash kit she keeps here is in the box under my desk.”
she watched as he made a mental note of all the requests and darted off towards the other end of the apartment. (y/n) stroked yeji’s hair back out of her face, speaking in a hushed voice so as to not startle her.
“babe, we’re gonna get up now, okay? i’m gonna sit you on the sofa so you can have a drink, and then i’m going to take you to shower, yeah?”
unable to get the words out to reply, she simply nodded, breath coming out in shudders as chan returned with a water bottle full and with a couple of cubes of ice. jisung quickly darted forward, almost coming out of a daze, to help (y/n) lift yeji from the hard flooring and steer her stumbling feet towards the couch just to the left of them.
(y/n) held onto the bottle for yeji as she took a few deep sips, the redness slowly dying from her cheeks. but once her breathing was kind of stabilised, she did something (y/n) weren’t expecting. honestly, it seemed no one was expecting it - but she flung her arms around jisung, mumbling against his hoodie as she inhaled his scent, breathing becoming much calmer.
once she’d successfully drank half of the bottle, (y/n) again helped her stand, and seeing her newfound comfort in (y/n)'s best friend, instructed jisung to keep an eye on her while she showered. he quickly agreed, offering to stay with her while she had something to eat and napped on the sofa so (y/n) could shower herself.
“honestly, (y/n), you look a mess. i mean that with all love and respect but - you look exhausted. i’ve got yeji, go look after yourself for an hour, okay? shower, have a nap, talk to hyunjin. whatever you need.”
she nodded, tears finally building up behind her eyes as the events of the day caught up with her. she embraced jisung in a tight hug, him planting a soft kiss on your forehead before he lead yeji to the communal bathroom with the things (y/n) had instructed chan to collect for her.
shrugging off her hoodie, (y/n) headed towards the kitchen, not recognising her own broken and hoarse voice as she called out hyunjin’s name. he came bolting towards her, cupping her face in his hands to judge how she was feeling, before pulling her into a long hug.
“god, i’m so glad you’re okay. what do you need, angel, i’ll do anything?” he rushed out, his heart hammering in his chest as she wrapped your arms around his torso.
“just need some company, honestly. would… would you wanna come and cuddle with me while i get a power nap?”
“of course. i mean it, anything you need and i’ll do it.”
she chuckled tiredly as she pulled away from the hug and started pulling the other boy towards her room.
“if you could stop whichever fucking psychopath is going around killing people, that would be great.”
oh, if only (y/n) wasn't facing the opposite way to hyunjin. maybe then she would’ve caught the way his jaw hardened and his brows furrowed.
if only.
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tinycoded360 · 5 months
Jack and the Beanstalk One-shot
Author note: You gotta do the Beanstalk story at least once, lol. My own spin and twist on a classic giant/tiny story. 
The sun dipped below the horizon as Jack Whittaker, a ten-year-old homeless boy with dirty blond hair and blue eyes, sat huddled against the cold stone wall of an alley. His tattered clothes barely protected him from the biting wind. Jack's stomach growled loudly, but he ignored it.
"Have you ever heard about the land of giants up in the clouds?" asked one of the boys, his eyes wide with excitement. "They say there's a whole world up there, just waiting to be discovered."
"Giants? In the clouds?" Jack echoed, his eyes sparkling with wonder. "What do they look like?"
"Massive! Bigger than any building you've ever seen!" replied another boy, stretching his arms wide to emphasize his point. "And they live in houses so tall, they reach the sky!"
"Imagine what treasures we could find if we could get up there," mused a third boy, his voice filled with longing.
"Treasures?" Jack's heart skipped a beat. The thought of finding something valuable enough to change his life, to lift him out of poverty, was too enticing to ignore.
"Of course! They're giants, after all. Everything they own must be worth a fortune!" said the first boy with a mischievous grin.
"Jack, you should come with us next time we go up there," one of the boys suggested, noticing the younger boy's interest.
"Really?" Jack asked hesitantly, torn between excitement and fear. The idea of climbing into the clouds to explore the land of giants was both thrilling and terrifying.
"Sure, why not?" replied the older boy, his grin growing wider. "I heard one of the older bandit guilds got their hands on some magic beans. They grew the giant stalk just north of the kingdom. It's still there; neither the giants nor kings men have cut it down yet. This is our chance!"
"Maybe...maybe I will," Jack whispered.
One day, Jack found himself surrounded by a group of older boys who were eager to embark on their next adventure
"Jack," said one of the boys, his eyes twinkling with mischief, "we're going up tonight. You've heard our stories, and I know you're curious. Don't you want to see it all for yourself?"
Jack hesitated, torn between the allure of the unknown and the fear that gripped him at the thought of facing the giants. He stared at the ground, scuffing his worn shoes against the cobblestones as he weighed his options.
"Come on, Jack," urged the first boy, slapping him on the back. "You've got nothing to be afraid of. We'll keep you safe."
"Alright," he breathed, his voice trembling with anticipation. "I'll do it. I'll climb the beanstalk with you."
"Welcome aboard!" the boys cheered, clapping him on the back and ruffling his hair.
The massive beanstalk loomed before them, its twisted tendrils reaching for the heavens like the arms of an ancient god. Jack's heart raced as he gripped the rough surface of the stalk, feeling the pulse of life beneath his fingertips.
"Remember, just follow our lead," one of the older boys whispered, his eyes shining with anticipation. "We'll have you up there in no time."
As they finally broke through the cloud barrier, a vast expanse of verdant green stretched out before them. The sight took Jack's breath away – everything was enormous, from the blades of grass that towered above him like redwoods to the insects that buzzed lazily through the air, the size of small birds.
"Come on," the first boy beckoned, gesturing toward a distant mansion that appeared to be carved from the living rock itself. "Let's claim what's ours."
As Jack tiptoed through the immense hallways, he couldn't help but marvel at the sheer scale of everything around him.
"Stay close to me," said one of the boys, noticing Jack's unease. "We'll find something valuable soon enough."
Jack nodded, swallowing hard as they pressed on, acutely aware of the danger surrounding them. What if the giants discovered their presence? Would they be crushed like insects beneath their enormous feet?
"Look!" the boy beside him hissed, pointing to a door slightly ajar, golden light spilling from its edges. "That must be where the treasure is!"
The door swung open to reveal a vast, glittering room filled with treasures beyond their wildest dreams. Jack's eyes widened as they took in the shimmering gold coins and precious gemstones.
"Quick, start grabbing what you can!" one of the boys whispered urgently, his voice cracking with excitement.
As they scrambled to pocket their loot, the ground beneath them suddenly jolted, causing Jack to stumble and drop a handful of sapphires. 
"Guys, I think we need to leave now," Jack stammered, his heart pounding.
"Too late," another boy replied, his face pale as he stared at the colossal figure that had just entered the room – the giant.
"Thieves! You dare steal from me?" the giant roared, his voice shaking the very foundations of his home. Panic set in as the boys realized they were caught, and they frantically searched for an escape route.
"Run!" Jack shouted, darting towards the nearest exit. His friends followed suit, scattering like mice before a cat.
"Come back here, you little vermin!" the giant bellowed, his massive footsteps echoing as he chased after them.
Jack's mind raced as he sprinted down the hallways, desperately trying to remember the way back to the beanstalk.
But in his haste, he took a wrong turn, finding himself at a dead end. The giant's thunderous footsteps grew closer and closer, and Jack knew there was no way out.
"Caught you, little thief!" the giant bellowed, reaching down to snatch Jack up in his massive hand. As the other boys continued their frantic escape, Jack stared in terror at the enormous face looming above him, knowing that he was truly alone.
The giant's eyes burned with rage as he stared down at Jack, his tiny form trembling in the grip of the massive fist. "What were you thinking, stealing from me?" the giant demanded, his voice thundering through the room.
"Please...I didn't mean any harm," Jack stammered, tears streaming down his face as he looked up at the gargantuan figure above him. The disparity between them was overwhelming.
For a moment, the giant's expression softened ever so slightly as he considered the fear-filled face of the human child before him. "You're just a kid," he muttered, although his tone remained harsh. "But that doesn't excuse your actions."
"Please, sir, I'll do anything to make it right," Jack pleaded, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew that the other boys had managed to escape, leaving him to face the consequences alone.
"Fine," the giant grumbled. "You will work off your debt to me."
Jack resigned himself to his fate as the giant's prisoner. He was carried to a small cage in the corner of an enormous room and locked inside.
The giant man leaned down so he could peer into the cage.
“My name is Argus. You can call me Sir or Master Argus. Now, if you listen well, we’ll have no problems, do you understand?” Argus gruffly asked his tiny captive.
Jack quickly nodded, not wanting to upset the giant man.
“What’s your name, boy?”
“J…. Jack….Sir.”
“Humph, I’d say nice to meet you, but considering you’re a little thief, it’s not.” Argus grumpily grumped. “Now what ever I ask you to do, I expect it to be done, or I will have to punish you.”
Jack nodded his head again, not wanting to gain his wrath.
“Good, now you’ll sleep here tonight. We’ll talk more in the morning.”
True to his word, the giant kept Jack busy, forcing him to perform various tasks around the house. Jack was often caged or leashed by a collar around his neck, the gold chain connecting him to the giant's wrist like an unbreakable bond. When the leash was on, Jack had no choice but to sit in the giant's palm, feeling utterly helpless and vulnerable. Argus wasn’t too rough with him. Seeming to take great pains not to crush him. He even made sure Jack got a bath and clean clothing. Jack hated to admit it, but the giant kept him well-fed as well. When Jack gathered the courage to ask about the leash and collar. Argus just chuckled, saying he'll take it off when Jack has earned his trust.
"Hand me that paintbrush," the giant ordered one day, sitting at his desk. Jack, for once not attached to the leash, was given free roam of the giant’s desk. Argus knew full well that the tiny thief couldn’t get down on his own.
Jack grabbed the requested brush with shaky hands and handed it up, his entire body quivering at the thought of accidentally dropping it.
"Good," the giant grunted, using the brush to add delicate details to his canvas. Jack couldn't help but admire the skillful strokes from such massive hands. "Now, hold still. I want to paint your portrait."
As Jack obeyed, he couldn't help but wonder if this was his life now – serving a colossal master, forever bound in servitude. His thoughts turned to the other boys, who were undoubtedly in their own world again, free and enjoying the treasure they stole. It was unlikely the other boys would come to save him. They probably believed his bones were ground up to make the giant's bread. Or they simply did not care enough to risk their lives for him, a simple street rat. Despair settled heavily on his heart as he realized there was no going back for him.
For a while, Jack was despondent, missing his freedom and his friends back home. But gradually, as days turned into weeks, his curiosity got the better of him. He started asking the giant questions about his people and their world. Though gruff, the giant seemed pleased by Jack's interest and would spend hours telling the boy tales of his ancestors.
Argus would often scoop Jack up in his colossus hands and place him on his shoulder as he talked to the boy. Jack felt like a parrot on the giant shoulder, perched there. He had no choice but to grip the giant’s shirt. While listening to Argus talk about his society and history, he felt less afraid of the giant man. Maybe the giant wasn’t as terrible as the stories made him out to be.
The sun was setting as Jack sat on Argus’s shoulder. The giant sat on the hill overlooking the breathtaking expanse of the world below. From this vantage point, nestled among the cottony clouds, Jack marveled at the beauty of the land he had only ever known from the ground.
"Um, excuse me," Jack whispered, tugging at the strands of Argus’s beard. He had scooted closer to the giant’s neck. "I... I need to tell you something."
The giant tilted his head, trying to look down at his tiny companion, a mixture of curiosity and concern etching itself onto his rugged features. "What is it, little one?"
Jack swallowed hard, steeling himself for what he was about to confess. "I... I'm sorry for stealing from you when I first came here. It was wrong, and I shouldn't have done it."
"Thank you for your apology, Jack," the giant said gently, a hint of sadness in his voice. "It takes courage to admit one's mistakes."
Jack felt a wave of relief wash over him. "I want to make things right," he continued, his voice barely a whisper. "And... I want to go home."
Argus frowned. “And what will stop you from returning to thievery? Can you even survive on your own? From what you’ve told me, you were a homeless child begging on the streets.”
Jack flinched at the harsh words. “I won’t, I promise. I’ve learned my lesson!”
“Boy, your human world isn’t as kind as I’ve been. I’ve heard they hang thieves, even as young as you, for stealing. Sometimes, they take their hands.”
Jack hunched his shoulders up to his ears. He found it hard to argue. When he saw it happen to other thieves in his group.
“So, I’m waiting. What will you do to survive on your own? Hmmm?”
Jack felt his lip tremble. “I’ll get a job!”
“Will you know? With what skills…. what kind of job can you do?”
“I…... I’ll…. figure something out! You’re being mean!” Jack cried, feeling anger burn in his gut.
Jack yelped in surprise and fear as Argus reached for him. His humongous fingers curled around his tiny form, pushing him into the giant palm. The giant fingers curl around him, forming a fist trapping Jack there. Jack found himself pressed against Argus’s chest.
“Hmmm, I guess I’ll have to teach you then.” Jack could feel Argus’s words rumble in his chest.
“Really? Then will you let me go?” Jack asked with a bit of hope in his voice.
“Only if you learn well,” Argus warned.
Over the next few weeks, the giant man took it upon himself to teach Jack lessons that would prove invaluable in his world. Jack's days were filled with tasks ranging from cooking and cleaning to gardening and sewing. The giant observed him closely, offering guidance and gentle corrections as he worked.
When it was time for bed, Argus gently placed Jack on a pillow on the nightstand instead of the cage. Smiling up at the giant, Jack felt happier than he had in a long time. He was no longer a prisoner here but a friend.
After months go by Jack feels confident and comfortable. One night at dinner Jack decided to confront Argus, asking to be let go.
Jack felt like a tiny mouse sitting before a giant lion as it ate its meal. Jack was thankful Argus had no interest in eating him.
“Have I done well, Master Argus? Have I learned the life skills you’ve given me?” Jack asked once he got his courage. He tried to ask it politely, sweatily, hoping to gain favor from the giant.
“Hmm, you have. You’ve done very well.”
Jack smiles brightly. “So, does this mean you can let me go? And take me back down to the human realm?” Argus was the only one that could take Jack down there. The giant had poisoned the beanstalk, making it wither. No one could go up or back down. But Argus seemed to be the gatekeeper of sorts. He could plant a new one if he wanted to. Otherwise, Jack would have tried to escape long ago. But with the beanstalk gone, there was no point in risking his life in a giant world where giant animals could eat him, or another giant could find him and maybe live up to the stories and grind his bones into bread.
Jack's smile faded as the giant's massive fingers curled around him, enclosing him firmly but gently. He looked up, confused, as Argus picked him up and brought him close to his face.
"What are you doing?" Jack asked.
Argus regarded him solemnly. "I have reconsidered. You are not yet ready for the world below."
"But you said-" Jack protested, pushing against the giant's grip.
"The human world is filled with danger and temptation," Argus rumbled. "You are still a boy. I will keep you here until you come of age."
Jack's heart sank. "How long?"
"Eight years. When you reach eighteen, you will be a man fully formed and can fend for yourself."
"No!" Jack cried, tears stinging his eyes. Eight years as a prisoner, even a pampered one, was unbearable. "Please, I want to go home!"
The giant shook his great head. "My mind is set, little one. Do not fight your destiny." Argus gently smoothed Jack's messy hair out of his eyes. Jack tried not to flinch as the giant finger pushed back his hair. “Don’t look so sad. You won’t be a prisoner. You’re just a kid. Think of this as an apprenticeship. This is more than you would get down there.”
Exhausted, Jack slumped in the giant's grasp.
“How will I not be a prisoner? You’re keeping me here against my will!?” Jack asked, his anger getting the best of him.
“Hmmm, I promise, no more cages, collars, and leashes. I’m only keeping you safe as my ward, ok? I’ll even set you up with your own room in the west wing.”
Jack looked up in surprise at this, locking eyes with Argus. “Really? I’d get my own room?” Jack asked. He had trouble imagining it. He’d get his own giant-sized room. More space than he’d ever have on earth.
“Yes. It will be your own space. I’ll even make some tiny doors for you and other ways for you to get around.” Argus was looking at him with a soft look. Which was rare for the grumpy giant.
Jack relented with a huff and a warm fuzzy feeling in his stomach. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad here. Argus had become like a father to him in some ways. He was stern, but he had protected and taught Jack a lot.
So, Jack would make the best of it. And when the day came that Argus unleashed him on the world below, he would be ready.
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xflippinfrogx · 1 year
Tickletober Day 5~ “I’m not ticklish”
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ FANDOM: Voltron
LEE: Keith
LER: Lance ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ 💙WARNING~ THIS IS A SFW TICKLE FIC, NSFW DNI!!💙
“LAHAHAHANCE STAHAHAP IHIHIT!!!!” Pidge squealed, batting at her attackers hands. Lance was in a very playful mood today and he was on a mission to make all of his friends smile. They’d been up in space for a good few months at this point and we’re all much closer with one another than when they started. The biggest relationship development onboard the ship was between him and Keith, their resident emo as Lance like to call him. It was still new to them both but there was something between them that they couldn’t ignore but neither had mentioned it just yet. Of course days like these definitely pushed them a bit further in their closeness.. as you’ll see.
Soon enough Pidge got a good kick to Lance’s stomach and escaped the clutches of the teams newly established tickle monster. He had already gotten Hunk this morning and Coran very briefly that afternoon but he decided he wasn’t even going to try Allura because she might eject him off the ship. Shiro was busy working on something so he’d leave him be as well.
Only person left was Keith and lucky for Lance he had just entered the room. Lance wondered if he had witnessed his attack on poor Pidge. “Damn she’s got some kick in her for someone so short huh?” Keith commented lightly chuckling to himself. “Or maybe you’re just extremely weak?” He was smirking as he spoke and Lance took this as his opportunity to see if perhaps his cru- friend was ticklish aswell. “You better reign in the attitude Mullet or you’ll be next~” A sly smile made its way to his face as he teased Keith. “Well sucks for you because I’m not ticklish.” He said it so confidently that Lance almost believed him, but he knew Keith too well now to miss the signs of slight panic in his eyes. “Hmm I think you’re lying Keith.” He leaned forward from his chair towards Keith who had sat in front of him on the ground for some reason??
“I promise you I’m definitely not!!” He was getting defensive and Lance could tell. He was going to have some fun with this..
“Alright, well if you’re ‘not ticklish’ then I guess you won’t mind if I do this?” He had moved from the chair to reach his new target. He experimented by prodding Keiths sides, but he kept a straight face. Lance walked his fingers up his ribs and began pinching lightly and Keith looked as if he was close to breaking but the boy was stubborn. It was going to take a little more than this to get him laughing Lance thought.
He didn’t have to search too far because Keith made the dumb decision of practically marking out his worst spot. His arms had automatically hugged around his stomach protecting it from Lance.
“Okay Keith last chance to admit that you’re actually ticklish or else I’m gonna have to do this the hard way..” Lance was really enjoying this, whilst he spoke he grabbed both of his FRIENDS hands and pinned them either side of his head. “Lance really, this is dumb, I mean c’mon i haven’t laughed yet so you’re obviously wasting your time here.” Keith seemed.. nervous as he spoke. ”Well there goes your last chance pretty boy, remember you asked for this.” Lance internally cringed at the nickname but soon forgot about it as he was too preoccupied trying to make Keith laugh. He started by scribbling his fingers over the taught muscles of Keith’s midsection and he could now see him visibly struggling to hold in his laughter. It wasn’t until Lance reached his lower stomach that Keith finally cracked. “Aha I found it!!” Lance cried out with excitement. “LAHAHANCE NOHOHO THIHIHIS ISNT FAHAHAIR!!!” Keith began to twist and buck his torso in attempt to get away from Lance’s very tickly fingers. That was a big mistake because not only was he no further away from his attacker but his stupid shirt had ridden up exposing him even more.
Lance didn’t waste a second and absolutely took advantage of the vulnerable area. He spidered his fingers all along Keith’s waistline relishing in his loud cackles. It was nice to see the usually brooding teen so carefree for once and god his laugh was just amazing. Lance could listen to it forever, but he didn’t put Keith through more than maybe seven minutes of torture. “Not ticklish you said?? Well I think I proved that wrong don’t you Keith?” Lance smiled down at him noticing how content he looked. Lance would give anything to stay in this moment all day. A tiny blush spread across Keith’s cheeks as he smiled shyly up at Lance. His arms were still pinned but neither of them seemed to notice. Then Keith did something he never thought he would..
He leaned up and slowly placed his lips against Lance’s. He quickly pulled away for fear of rejection but Lance immediately let go of his arms and pulled him back into their first kiss. It didn’t last long but to them it was the most perfect kiss either had ever had. Lance smirked his signature smile and spoke up. “Who knew you lying about being ticklish would’ve made this happen..”
“Oh shut up you dork.” Keith chuckled and wrapped his arms around Lance. That’s how Hunk walked in on the two cuddled up on the ground asleep an hour later. He couldn’t have been happier for them.. and himself because Pidge owes him ten bucks.
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sardonic-the-writer · 4 months
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↳ notes: middle art by @alecz-obssesionz. warning for topics relating to violence and typical tua content
↳ playlist: tua/cru playlist
basic info
• named cru
• thirty three years of age when the series starts as it's revealed later
• does not have powers. he is an ordinary human
• has incredibly bad luck and the scars from accidents to prove it
• absolute best friends with klaus. met two years before the start of season one through cru's cousin, who had gone to rehab with klaus for a bit
• he follows the hargreeves siblings through time. blames it on always being in the wrong place at the wrong time, but later he's very glad to have met and gotten to know them all, even if it's through the most unfortunate of situations
• cru is a post opp trans man. can be seen taking testosterone a few times throughout season one with the help of klaus, but sadly is unable to keep doing it in season two, as it is the sixties. so when the siblings finally see them again in dallas, his voice is higher and he stands stiffer and more uncomfortably than usual
• has tattoos! his main ones are over the top of his top surgery scars, and they're the hands from michelangelo's "the creation of adam," reaching out for each other over his chest
• cru is the type of person to wear boxers with red hearts on a white background on them
• his normal outfit in the modern days of season one and three consists of band shirts and jeans. but season two shows him assimilating to the time periods style and wearing a jean jacket with various tie-dye shirts. also, he got a pierced left ear as a way to signal to other gay men that he's one of them; a popular indicator of the time period
• a list of things cru cant do thanks to his awful luck goes as follows: cook (he's burnt down two kitchens to ash before), drive (the amount of cars that have been hit or broken down while he's been in them is immeasurable), operate machinery/technology (it always goes on the fritz), or walk up and down a pair of stairs normally (he always stubs his toe, or steps on a splinter, or just plain falls flat on his face when trying to scale them. he has a small but deep scar across his left eyebrow to prove that last one)
• a list of things cru can do, and is rather good at also goes as follows: pack a solid punch (it's just a question of whether he's lucky enough to aim correctly or not), remember details (he can retain knowledge beautifully the only problem is that most of it is useless. occasionally he managed to pull through), and bandage wounds (he's had lots of practice on himself; ranging from disinfecting small wounds, to self-stitched wounds, to cauterizing stab wounds. that last one's a pretty rare occasion, though)
• cru doesn't have any immediate family besides his cousin that's always traveling. his parents died in a car accident when he was young (he's always blamed himself & his bad luck for that), and his aunt & uncle basically disowned him a few long years ago, so he has no real familial ties
• he is so paranoid about messing up the timeline in season two. tried taking extra special care to avoid interacting with major historical figures or events while in dallas, but still ends up getting involved with a place called stonewall inn and accidently almost spurring along the stonewall riots six years before they're supposed to happen, much to him and five's chagrin when the latter finds the former
• cru tends to avoid his problems. it's a big problem of his. he doesn't necessarily run away from them, just avoids them with a passion like no other. the finest example being his feelings. particularly when it comes to five in season two
• he wants to help the academy save the world mostly so he can do something with his life that's good for once. and, as he discovers about himself later on, so he can spend more time with five without being awkward about it. even if nine times out of ten its under less than fortunate circumstances
• he fucks with delores so hard. literally loves her so much. is the only person to even try & treat her like anything other than a mannequin besides five. delores even reciprocates these friendly feelings, from what cru can gather while listening to five go back & forth with her, which makes five a little tense (he doesn't like the thought of a random stranger bonding with his wife after being alone for so long. plus, he doesn't exactly trust cru when they first meet, so that puts him on edge)
• doesn't really like the commission. maybe it's because hazel & chacha shot him twice on the same day, or because the handler only refers to him as "five's distraction," but he's not the fondest of the cooperation
• is always prepared for injuries. band-aids are always on his person, and peroxide is cru's best friend at this point
• he has a lot of noticeable scars. that includes the formerly mentioned one across his left eyebrow, a little slash over his lips, burn marks at the top of his ears, and much much more. and these are just ones that are there before the show begins. he gains a lot more throughout the course of the show
• cru has his own plot going on in each of the seasons; his character & his development doesn't solely revolve around the hargreeves. he's his own person
• in the first season, he goes on a mission to find out when he was born. knows he wasn't born on the same day as the umbrella academy as klaus suggests for some time (for one they don't have powers, their mom had physical evidence of a regular pregnancy, and reginald hargreeves didn't attempt to buy them at birth, so that's a dead giveaway), but he had a suspicion that there's more to him than his parents let onto before they died.
• in season two, he gets caught up in conflict with police over stonewall & it's residents (hence cru almost being involved with the riots years before they happened), and he's also being stalked by the commission. or more accurately the handler. she absolutely tries to take advantage of them for her own personal gain and to take five out of the picture seeing as he cares about cru like he does his siblings, but they don't have power, and are therefor easier to target. it's a mess
• season three they throw themselves into helping the siblings figure out what the hell is going on and eventually how to fix it. also does a shit ton of independent investigation work on reggie & unearths some things in the last few episodes that ends up getting him killed
random and important moments throughout the series with cru — (not entirely chronological)
• cru accidently snapping the handle to the academy's front door off the first time visiting it with klaus for reginald's funeral [season one]
• the giant blue portal appearing in the umbrella's courtyard and cru immediately thinking it's him and his lucks fault, to which everyone but klaus is bewildered by the implications of [season one]
• cru playing fashion show with delores in the back of five's stakeout van the first time he meets her [season one]
• cru finds out when he was born via a file that had been left open on the handlers desk at the commission. five had managed to snatch the first page up on his way out of there while running from the commission, and once reading through it it's revealed that cru was born on october first, 1985 [season one]
• klaus just hugging cru silently the first time he sees them since getting back from vietnam. after a moment he says, "i told dave he would have been so excited to meet you..." [season one]
• cru going bat shit on hazel & chacha for kidnapping klaus from the academy and legitimately being a little scary [season one]
• when five is trying to blink everyone out of the orchestra hall, cru yells over all of the noise that he regrets not being able to know five better before dying; which is basically his way of saying that he sort of likes five [season one]
• in dallas, cru listens to the radio in his window every night for news on anyone that might sound like the hargreeves. starts to believe that they might have abandoned him for being 'dead weight,' and that really gnaws on him [season two]
• cru getting 'hello' tattooed on his right ankle and 'goodbye' on the left two months after getting dumped in the streets of dallas. he missed his best friend, and couldn't think of anything else to do [season two]
• cru being talked to by a fellow stonewall worker who wants to let them know that they kicked out a 'kid in school shorts who looked like a police plant,' and cru hesitantly reuniting with five after being stuck in dallas for eight months [season two]
• elliot wanting to hang out with cru & get a coffee as a way to bond with the only other 'normal' person, and getting shut down by a standoffish five who proclaims that cru has "better things to do" [season two]
• lila gaining the upper hand in the warehouse fight with five after saying, "i wonder what your little boyfriend would think of you murdering a board room full of people, yeah?" [season two]
• cru meeting reginald officially for the first time in dallas, and not even being offered a chair at the lunch table like the others since he was "insignificant and of no importance," and "hadn't even been invited anyway."[season two]
• luther, five, and cru meeting five's doppelganger in dallas for the briefcase, and a lot happens. (cru breaks a glass at the bar and accidently gets them all kicked out, cru realizing that five is kind of dapper looking as an old man and saying as much, five in a bout of paranoia refers to cru as "his cru," and tells his doppelganger to get his own, cru hesitantly waves at his past self through the portal when it opens and gets waved back at, the fire extinguisher klaus threw through the portal forever ago in the past hits cru in the face, and five experiencing a rare moment of frustrated embarrassment when it comes to an end and realizing how he acted about cru) [season two]
• when jayme spits her venom at him mid battle, cru's brain opts to conjure up a hallucination of something the viewer at home isn't let in on. his trance is only broken when one of ben's tentacles whack him in the stomach. he doesn't talk about what he saw in his minds eye to anyone later [season three]
• five drunkenly singing a love song at the wedding & looking at a tipsy cru the whole time he does it [season three]
• both five and cru going on drunken shenanigans on the wedding night that none of them remember very well ad=bd waking up in a random hotel hallway together with cru drooling as five lays splayed over the taller mans lap [season three]
• five & cru having a giant fight the morning after the wedding. the last thing five says to cru before he dies later is "well maybe you should have stayed in dallas, then." [season three]
• cru also getting chased around the sparrow mansion as they try to make it very clear that they don't have powers, don't pose a threat, and just want to leave alongside the umbrella's. it doesn't work [season three]
• cru going on the road-trip with klaus and five; two out of his three favorite people! (the other is his cousin) [season three]
• cru dying in klaus' arms at the hotel oblivion and klaus bringing five to his body afterwards. he was killed via a alien tentacle slash to the face, so he's practically unrecognizable by the time both of them reach him [season three]
• five being unconsolably angry that he doesn't have time to give cru a proper funeral; with the impending doom of the end of the world and all [season three]
• luther & klaus throwing each other through the afterlife while fighting and landing in the dull-colored streets of dallas at the end where cru is found sitting silently on a curb and looking at a picture of five and them from the wedding that the bellhop had taken [season three]
• ghost cru materializing to help five tie his arm torniquet during the hotel obsidian battle, and five demanding klaus to bring them back when they fade away with luther afterward [season three]
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texanerection · 2 years
 that’s a good little pet. (afab-ish reader/asa emory)
You had been in his lap for hours now, his erection rubbing against your squirming thighs ever since he returned to you in his hotel. He set up a projector; Showing you his most recent projects and those who got in his way who were turned into pieces of art he simply discarded. With each slide he clicked past, he ran his hands down your stomach and up to your chest, groping and grabbing until bruises formed. It was difficult for him to not just toss you onto the floor and take you, but he wanted to torture himself just as much as he did you. Such sweet agony...
You had taken to calling him “Master” a few months ago, and he was almost giddy with delight. Ever since then if you called him anything else, you were punished. You felt the nose of his mask drag up your neck and to your ear, where he gently blew air across your skin to see the goosebumps raise on your skin. He absolutely loved every single one of your reactions to what he did, ever since he found you.
You had been spared time in his red trunk due to the... way you looked at him the first time he caught you. Absolute submission. Obedience. He licked his lips thinking about that day. Such a sweet specimen. He couldn’t silence you, not like the others. No, he kept you. You were his from that day, and you showed no signs of resisting your role. It was absolutely clear that you loved every second of it as opposed to the others. Your little noises ringing out into the silence of his entire room. Your Master groaned out loud and squeezed your legs around his dick as he thrusted up a few times, every so often grazing against the sensitive bundle of nerves still covered by the panties he had stolen for you to wear.
You could tell he was getting impatient, though. He loved edging you both, but he was reaching his limit. He grabbed your chin and turned your head so he could face you, crashing his bitten lips against yours as his hips started bucking up. He was close, you could tell. Shivering middle and jerking hips. You settled one hand against the side of his head and with the other, scooted your panties to the side to grant him access to your core. He licked your lips and grabbed his cock, positioning himself against you before roughly shoving himself into you.
You let out a loud, loud whine from the white hot burning pain it caused from not being prepared at first; A merciful grip dragged you upwards, before slamming you down again; Making you mewl out again; A gloved hand grabbed your jaw and squeezed. Louder. He wanted you to be louder. The other hand not making you moan out snaked down between your legs; Grinding ground it against your clit; Meanwhile his other hand gripped your face, making your eyes roll back in your head. You squealed out almost immediately for him and he let out a rough sigh. He loved it when you cried out for him. All for him. His little specimen...his little pet.
He quickly flipped the two of you over and slammed you down on one of his work tables still soaked in blood. He was snarling a bit as he rutted into you, his head tilted back and his fingers grabbing your legs so hard you knew you would have a tough time walking tomorrow. With one final, harsh slam of his hips, you felt the warmth of his seed filling you up. You were both a panting mess. You looked down at where you were both connected and gave a weak, tired smile. You loved it when he filled you like this.... and so did he. It meant you were his. And you loved watching him come undone above you.
With a soft mumble he pulled out of you and shimmied the panties he gave you back onto you so you could feel himself dripping out of you and against the fabric. He sighed with contentment, watching his seed drip out of you; and leaned over to give your forehead a soft kiss; A few kisses trailing down to your lower stomach; Before he licked a stripe back up to your navel and gave your lips a slow, sugary kiss before biting down on the crux of your neck; making a bolt of arousal surge to your groin; Sucking on your neck hard enough to leave a huge purple mark. Helping you up on your shaking knees, guiding you to the bedroom he lovingly made for you. As usual, you proved yourself to be his favorite; His one and only.
You’re such a good pet, aren’t you?
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