#serial storytelling
kimboo-york · 6 months
Serial Beats for Long Stories
My book Become an Unstoppable Storyteller: How to Craft Compelling Serials was based on the work I did creating this spreadsheet. It's free to copy and use for yourself, no need to buy the book! (But I'd love it if do buy the book!!!!)
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hezekiahwakely · 5 months
Silt verses returning from its final mid season break on Thursday....... TMAGP premiering to the public with the new voice for Alice on the 18th...... Night Vale returning from a cliffhanger in February....... MALEVOLENT SEASON FOUR FINALE NEXT MONTH ......
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un-pearable · 2 years
the secret ninjago truth is that lloyd isn’t actually an anime protagonist, kai was the traditional anime protagonist and got usurped by lloyd, a comic book protagonist
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grassbreads · 5 months
Serialized media is so good I love you serialized media. I love you experiencing a story slowly I love you waiting and building excitement and theorizing every week/month between releases. I love you trails of breadcrumbs I love you cliffhangers and mysteries and suspense. I love you looking forward to installments I love you regular release schedules I love you having a story become part of your routine. I love you serialized media.
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matt0044 · 3 months
While it is interesting to bemoan the lack of filler for a chance...
...I'm not sure if that makes for a good conversation about pacing.
See, I often want to just a show based less on what it could be if XYZ external factors were different like how many episode per season.
Can they convey the stories they wish to tell within 26 episodes per season or 13 episode per season? 10 can seem pretty tight and is becoming the norm.
There's also how some shows seem keen to, rightfully, assume that their show will be lucky to make two seasons. Thus there will likely be a sense that a plotline that could've been delegated for a future season but too many are aware of how companies are allergic to paying taxes like "peasents.
Even so.
While we can take Streaming to task for not giving show even the bare minimum of thirteen episodes, what I care about it how well the creative teams manage with the hand they are dealt with.
Can this "eight hour movie" pace itself well?
Can it feel like a chapter book where its it real page-turner?
Does it know what ideas are important to keep?
Can it give itself time for the characters to just be before the next big plot beat?
Can it juggle characterization with plot progression? A lot of stories are actually more about a character's decisions than just things that happen to them.
I get that good pacing is something terribly hard to judge when pacing itself is only noticeable when it's bad, when it jars you out of the immersion of storytelling. But I feel like if we want to appreciate storytelling better, I think we need to actively be more conscious about these sort of things.
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dragons-ire · 3 months
All The Colors Of Love
(For Holi Festival 2024)
In a time long ago, there dwelled a king whose power and grace were matched only by his cruelty. He ruled his lands with a jealous heart, ever wary of anyone or anything that could threaten his reign.
The story begins with him, but it is not about him.
Guided by the advice of his court soothsayer, the king believed that the child of his own sister would one day grow up to slay him and usurp his throne. When his sister fell in love with a neighboring chief, he had them both held under guard, ready to kill their child as soon as it was born.
However, by luck and by her own cunning, his sister managed to save her child’s life. He was delivered in a thunderstorm that caused a flood in the surrounding country, keeping the king from snatching the infant to kill.
The child’s father, holding the baby over his head, waded out into the storm. The waters seemed to part for him, as if the divinities themselves were watching over their plight. He waded until he came to the home of a simple animal herder, where he arranged for the child to be hidden until his destiny could be realized.
Though the child was the son of a princess and a great chief, he was raised in the humble life of a herdsman. He was called Madhav - ‘honey’ - for his sweet nature as a child and grew up playing with the children of the countryside, the sons and daughters of other herders and milkmaids.
The early years of his life were idyllic; spent wandering the countryside looking after his herd, playing the flute and getting into mischief. And as he grew older, his playfulness turned into flirtatiousness behind it. He was popular among the girls of the village, the milkmaids and herders' daughters, always chasing one or another of them. 
And not an idle pursuit, for he truly loved each of them, and they loved him in return. 
Until there came a day that would change his life forever.
Madhav was wandering in the forest, playing the flute, when he came across a procession of riders and carts bound for a nearby shrine. Immediately, he stood to watch it pass, half-hidden from the road.
And amidst the pilgrims and guards, he saw the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Madhav's heart skipped a beat as he caught sight of her. Her grace, her elegance, her sheer aura of nobility lingered with him, like a haunting melody that refused to fade.
Then, as if drawn by his attention, she turned her head to look straight at him.
It was as if time itself had paused, and all he could see was her ethereal beauty. And as she gazed back at him, sensing his presence in his hiding place, her eyes reflected the feelings that stirred within his own heart back at him.
In that moment, he fell deeply and powerfully in love with her, and could tell that she too, had fallen in love with him with but a glance. He vowed to learn more about her so he could truly win her heart entire.
He went to her to learn her name - Radhika. She was the daughter of a neighboring village chief, visiting the shrine to give devotion before returning to her marriage and her home. Madhav, though disheartened to learn she was promised to another, was resolute in his admiration.
Though he thought also of his status as a lowly herder in contrast to hers, the darkness of his skin marked by the sun next to her - fair as moonlight. As time passed, he began to doubt that he may be able to win her affection, or that he was even worthy of it to begin with.
He went to his mother with his doubts. And, like mothers often can, she knew what to say to her son to try to assuage him. Though she had raised him as her own child, she revealed to him then his true origins - how he had been hidden from his cruel uncle in their village to spare his life. 
This was no comfort to Madhav’s heart, for as he looked ahead, it was as though he could see a greater destiny unfolding before him. Greater than the simple stirrings of the heart - something ordained by the providence of the divinities. There would come a day he would need to confront his uncle and slay him. It would take him from everything he had known, and part him from his beloved Radhika.
As for his second moment of hesitation, his mother only smiled. She suggested: ‘if it is the difference in your colors that troubles you, why not paint your beloved in any color you care to.’
Meanwhile, Radhika also vowed to learn more of this man with whom she felt nothing but great affection. Though, as she moved about the village, all she heard of Madhav was of his sweet and mirthful nature. And more, of his affections for every milkmaid and herding woman that they seemed to share with him.
Her heart was then struck by jealousy and anger. Her mind filled with doubts of her own. To her mind, it seemed only that her feelings were not reciprocated with the same devotion. That she was to be somehow diminished, perhaps unworthy in her own way.
She vowed to confront Madhav about it one night when they were due to meet. And when the night arrived, she dressed herself in fine robes of white. With her pale face floating above like the light of the moon, she shone like a divine being herself.
She met him in the forest where they had first laid eyes on each other and confronted him about his behavior. And he laughed to hear it, though not out of malice or any unkindness, but simple amusement.
And he explained to her that though he loved and was beloved of many, she held the highest place in his own affections, and that there was no other who could compete with it.
On hearing the words from his lips, Radhika’s heart was lightened again, though only somewhat. They both knew that circumstances would not permit them to marry and truly be together, despite their great and enduring love for the other. She would need to return to her life one day, and he to the great destiny laid out before him before his birth.
But that night, they were together, and the challenges to their love they would need to overcome were as far away as the stars overhead. And they danced together, there in the forest, and put it out of their minds.
And Madhav, remembering his mother’s advice, took colored gulal to smear across the face of his beloved, painting her features and her white clothing in all the colors he liked, as a symbol of their love for each other. And she reached for him in return, to mark his face and clothes by her own hands.
And they vowed that, whatever was to come, they would remain devoted to each other. And the obstacles of the future would be those that they would face together, with exuberance.
As life is meant to be lived.
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through-your-eye · 1 year
> Query. Location.
[Oh. I'm not sure.]
[On the side of the road.]
[I guess.]
> Query. Why?
[I'm tired.]
[It's night out.]
[I need some rest.]
> Query. Night?
[Oh. Right.]
[It's uh.]
[It's when the sun goes down.]
[The sun is the big ball of uh. Of light.]
[In the sky.]
[Night time is when the sun goes down, and it can't be seen.]
[So everything gets dark.]
[Means I can't see, like you.]
[Well, I mean, I can.]
[The moon is up.]
[Big rock in the sky.]
[Like the sun, but for the night.]
[And there's stars in the sky.]
[But it's still harder to see.]
> Description catalogued.
> Query. Stars?
[I uh.]
[Don't know what they are.]
[There used to be more of them, I think.]
[They're just there.]
> Query. Number of Stars?
[Uh, I think there was.]
[I'll check.]
[Dut, dut, dut, dut, dut, duh.]
[I think a few more have gone out.]
[Wonder what it'll look like when they're all gone.]
> System Command. Let there be light.
System Notice. Radiance engaged.
[what the fuck]
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simptasia · 1 year
the best reminder that LOST is a masterpiece is to watch any other drama series
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slowly-unspooling · 1 year
Happy Pride 2023!
As we get into Pride month, it’s important to celebrate and recognize the unique voices of queer creators, especially in genres that have traditionally been exceptionally lacking in good representation, such as horror.
Aspen Rayne, the creator and writer of Slowly Unspooling, as well as the entire cast and crew, are members of the queer community and are honored to collaborate and bring their individual experiences and perspectives together to create something twisted, surreal, and above all, authentically terrifying.
Slowly Unspooling is an upcoming horror podcast centering around the journey of Kai, a nonbinary acearo radio host and podcaster, as they search for answers regarding strange cassette tapes that have begun showing up filled with alarming recordings– recordings of their voice that they have no memory of making.
Whoever, or whatever, is sending the tapes, only one thing is certain: the person in the recordings is in trouble, and Kai will do whatever it takes to unravel the mystery and make sure that they and the people they love are safe.
Make sure to stick around and meet the rest of the characters as they join Kai in traversing the nightmare unfurling around them, and keep in mind that things are rarely, if ever, as they seem.
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houseofyork-info · 10 months
How to Become an Unstoppable Storyteller
Learn to write serials that draw readers in and never let go! 
I have written a book! It is book for authors all about how to create, structure, and write a long running serial story. It's a bit of history, a bit of advice, and a lot of information you can use to help you build a story that can go on...and on...and on...
If you love writing epics and have always wondered how you can make your stories even more monumental, this book can help you make that happen!
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z0mbi3-s0krat3s · 1 year
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The Hatter and the Crow
"You can use it only once," the Hatter warned him, the golden tincture he offered humming with the potential for deceit. "And it must be within purposeful proximity of your intended victim." His voice was steady for a man who's frame looked as though it had endured the bitterness of three life times. But a man such as he had the mind to endure four more.
"I see," the Crow sang, his words coming from a throat better suited for a sneaking reptile or scavenging Corvus, has his namesake implied. "But how could I hide a sigil with such…bedevilingly vibrant markings? Would not its…its glistening--" he hissed the word with distaste, "--catch the trollop's eye?"
"Hmph," the Hatter answered, amused. "Not if you cover it with blood…"
"Ahhhh…." The Crows wicked delight in the suggestion was blood-curdling. "Yes, yes. That would subdue its spirit, wouldn't it now…"
"Better if it's the blood of a child."
"A human child?"
"A child of any walk-of-life, but the warmer the better, Crow. My magic prefers the offering of creatures akin to its creator."
"You mean devils," the Crow teased, his levity more vile than any talk of murder or deceit.
And the hatter chuckled at the insinuation. "If only it were the case," he conceded. "But no; mammals, as repulsive as it is to admit. Creatures of warm blood and living births. Fresh blood smeared over the sigil will silence it. And if you are clever in your placing of it, it will remain subdued until 'the trollop', as you call her, has lost her will to live."
"Ghehehehehh… The more desperate and disillusioned the better," he cackled.
"You truly are a depraved son of a shyster, Sir Crow. It has been both an insult and a dishonor to partake in such business with you." His insults were accompanied by a morbid and twisted smile. Somehow, they hardly sounded like insults at all.
"Oh, believe me Hatter, the disgust is all mine." The Crow's chuckle was like the sound of laughter dying, and his eyes burned with his wicked intent.
He had been casing his victim for months; he could hardly wait another night to feast on the air of her demise. Beasts like him cared not for pleasures of flesh or purse. His riches were that of a woman's tears, and his lust only for her desperation. His last victim had only lasted several days before she died… Too quick and too messy; too obvious and acutely suspicious. But with the Hatter's magic, he could watch this jewel of prime womanhood descend into despair for weeks on end. She would wither from her lively youthful self to that of a sick old woman. It would be written off as some blood-fever or flu of the mind. And when the time came that she was finally near her end, he would personally deliver it to her…and no one would be the wiser. -cm
More of these types of stories will accompany the art I cook up from Midjourney and be reserved for subscribers only, so hop on board my deviant art account subscribers' list for $1 a month if you're interested. And look out for other deviations there with premium downloads that have PDF stories attached.
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skinnypaleangryperson · 7 months
I feel like it's just me but considering that that Rick's trauma and his issues with not being able to find peace romantically is a huge if not the main plot point ultimately with Rick and Morty, I feel like the most satisfying thing character development wise would be for him to find at least one consistent partner at least for a little while before the show ends
What would be the most endearing would be for him to fall in love with a partner that is basically a mirror of Jerry, similar to the way that it sounds like Diane was in some ways except for her sharp tongue. It would be hilarious but also endearing to see him humble himself to take care and to love someone that isn't some hyper complex surreal species like Unity (who always seemed to be a little bit too narcissistic even for his taste anyway with the whole taking over people thing)
Could have a lot of character and emotional development layers to it. I would never actually expect anything to be that serialized, but I think about it frequently. 🤡
They were kind of leaning in that direction with Birdperson every now and then with a more surreal partner and obviously Unity but they were both mostly just on and off little gags to show how unhealthy and unhealed Rick is more than anything else and why
This show is really good at relationship development and family fluff and development. It would be so cozy, in my opinion, to see him get all snuggly with just some average idiot from Earth from the human race. Imagine a Jerry and Beth and Rick with two grandkids and some cute little partner snuggled up beside him. ❤️
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foggyoutline · 9 months
The September issue of the Foggy Outline newsletter is out! Our serial continues with part 3, which sheds a little more light on what Callum's doing at this party, and why no one there has been paying him any attention (even as he rifles their purses and snoops through their wardrobes).
running order
prologue: generating a character with Spindlewheel
tonight's performance: in which Mari is late to the party
asides: what's new with Merely Roleplayers, what else I'm making and enjoying, #pinspiration
fin: oracles and divination
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incomingalbatross · 2 years
It's FASCINATING how installment size/pacing affects the way people engage with stories.
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zentrodada · 1 year
just tried to recruit my whole english class for dracula daily 2023
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