#seriously i feel so bad that i wasn't able to cover everything you mentioned but this was getting long ;-;;
🦋 anon again. I have another ask. So. Fatui harbinger reader trying to comfort and protect moth boy from the other harbingers. The reader is willing to do anything to try and protect moth baby. Even if that means dying for him. I am thinking if we want angst the reader does trying to protect childe from the other harbingers. Or she gets punished from the queen herself and dies in front of childe as a way of punishment. I can’t wait to see what you come up with:) have a wonderful day/night!! Bye
oh. my. goodness. yes. yes this is an absolutely amazing idea i do so love you as a Fatui member (hey now that Signora's dead *SOBS* and Scaramouche is MIA we have room for more Harbingers!!!) so let's go with you replacing Signora. you work with Dottore, learning your duties as the new Eighth by assisting him. his current fascination is what remains of the Eleventh Harbinger Tartaglia, stuck in a strange Abyssal form normally used for battle, which Dottore calls Foul Legacy and finds morbidly fascinating. you, however, have to fight the urge to cry whenever a new day of experimentation begins.
Dottore tells you not to mind Tartaglia's whimpers as you diligently watch over his experiments. but your heart always twists and turns when the Eleventh's- previous Eleventh's, Dottore makes sure to tell you, since "he's useless for most things now"- whimpers rise to screeches of agony during procedures you can't bear to watch. you're inarguably the softest of your comrades, left to clean up the remains of whatever Dottore's found as part of your routine. as the last person left in the blood-stained room, you take to comforting Tartaglia after everything, cleaning his injuries and helping him back to his shabby confinements. and every time, he leans into your gentle touch like it's his lifeline, staring at you as you stare right back with no fear.
that's one thing you have in common with the other Harbingers; you fear nothing and no one.
except you're beginning to fear for Tartaglia's life. everyday Dottore finishes whatever he's doing with a horrible, sharp grin, telling you that he's nearly done, and you know what happens to test subjects he's "finished with"- disposal. you still do your best to comfort Tartaglia, but you're so preoccupied that he continuously nudges at your hands as if to ask if you're alright, and when you look over you see none of the alleged bloodthirsty and battle hungry Eleventh Harbinger, just a broken Abyss creature hanging on by a thread. that thread is you, the small hope he has for freedom, and you know your decision is made.
no one knows you betrayed Dottore, and with him, the Tsaritsa, until you're nearly out the door. you count yourself lucky that Tartaglia can even walk, and you unceremoniously fling open the door and push him towards it. he clicks and chitters- sounds you've come to know and love- with worry, claws pulling your arm to come along with him, but you shake your head because you can hear them. you know they're coming. Tartaglia still clings to you, whining desperately, but you muster all the strength you can and press a kiss to his forehead before shoving him out the door and slamming it shut.
the lock clicks, impenetrable. just in time for Dottore's gloved hand to grab the hood of your coat and yank you back and away, that same horrid grin painting his features eternally.
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hannieehaee · 2 months
ahh i dont know if this is weird but i was just curious abt how you think svt would react to their s/o using a safeword during sex???
18+ / mdi
their s/o using the safeword during sex
content: mentions of sex, assumed established relationship, mentions of using the safe word, mentions of reader getting hurt, etc.
wc: 873
a/n: thank u for requesting!! i made it kind of ambiguous as to why the safe word was used so u can just use ur imagination for that<3
seungcheol -
freaking out internally at having hurt you but!! externally he'd immediately jump into comforting mode and do everything in his power to ensure your safety and comfort. he'd apologize endlessly for having delayed even on second in detecting your discomfort and would spend the rest of the night cooing and pouting at you as he babied you.
jeonghan -
for once in his life he'd be caught so off guard and enter a state of shock, stopping immediately and unsure of how to proceed. even though things didnt go too far and you hadnt gotten hurt or anything, he'd still feel sooo fucking bad. wouldnt be able to joke to lighten the mood either bc he'd just feel so bad to have hurt you in such an intimate setting. would coo at you and caress you the rest of the day.
joshua -
soooo worried and apologetic. the apologies would be endless as he held onto you and ran his hand up and down your back. sex would be the last thing on his mind as he made sure you felt safe and calm. would make sure he knew what made you use the safe word so he'd never do it again.
jun -
he'd go from 0 to 100 super quickly with his brain completely disregarding what you guys were doing just a few moments ago to make sure you were okay. would ask a million questions as he checked with you. if you pointed out his still massively hard dick, he'd grab a pillow and cover it, claiming it was 100% off his mind at the moment.
soonyoung -
super apologetic lol would just mutter apology after apology after apology and hold onto you so tightly whenever you gave him the green light. he would barely even allow you a word in at first bc of how many apologies he'd be blabbering. would thank you for letting him know before things got too far bc it wouldve absolutely broken him if he had actually harmed you in any way.
wonwoo -
he'd be slow at stopping, knowing that if he suddenly were to stop he might run the risk of hurting you or scare you off. he would continue to be slow in his movements as he pulled you closer and held you in his arms, always giving you time and space to create a distance or move however you pleased. he'd apologize if he hurt you and try to do anything you needed to make sure you were comfortable.
jihoon -
irrationally scared he might've hurt you beyond forgiveness at first. this was a first for him, so he'd feel beyond apologetic and like he had committed a capital crime at having hurt you, even if it was an accident. once you both caught your breaths he'd comfort you (and himself) as he held onto you and made sure you were okay, apologizing for whatever it was that caused you to use your safe word.
seokmin -
stops immediately and becomes extremely apologetic about it to the point where he almost cries. he'd NEVER want to let his lust go so overboard to the point of even giving you the slightest discomfort so this instance would stick to him. you'd have to come to him next time u wanna have sex bc he'd wanna give you space to decide if u wanted sex again on ur own.
mingyu -
jumps off you so quickly he knocks himself off the bed with a huge tud, making himself become the actually injured one. the tables would turn, making you have to take care of the bruise he gave himself but would be consistently interrupted by him wanting to tend to you in case he had somehow hurt you.
minghao -
he'd take it so seriously even if you told him it wasn't that big of a deal, that you just felt off for some reason. none of your rebuttals mattered when he entered a zone of utmost worry for you. he'd switch things up completely, telling you to lay down while he made you a warm drink and prepared a bath for the two of you.
seungkwan -
really loud lol. he'd get scared at the situation, having never been through it and not knowing what to do. he'd end up going overboard and overcompensating in trying to tend to you after having accidentally hurt you.
vernon -
another member who would be too shocked to react at first, simply pulling away from you and blanking on what to do. after a few moments of staring blankly, he'd finally move and ask if you needed anything, checking if you were okay or if you were hurt in any way. he'd feel kind of awkward but would still be sincere in his worry for your wellbeing.
chan -
jumps back immediately, eyes wide as he freezes in place. would take him a few moments to actually get close enough to you to check what was wrong and offer his comfort. would feel soooooo fucking bad. would also feel embarrassed that he had somehow hurt you or made you uncomfortable in any way. you'd somewhat have to comfort him to make him realize it was fine since he listened when you used your safe word.
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poppadom0912 · 4 months
Warnings: Mentions of fainting, diabetes, canon-typical injuries
Summary: You suffer the consequences just because your teacher thought you were making excuses.
A/N: First fic of 2024!!! I had plans that I was going to post weekly in the new year just like last year but things went downhill. This january and february has had its very good but also really bad moments and even writing this was a struggle. I've found myself in a weird place of wanting to write but struggling and all of a sudden not being able to balance my schoolwork and writing. So I took a lil step back to solely focus on my work but looking at everything now, my fic updates will be much less frequent but hopefully just as or if not, more fun to read.
I feel bad for not saying or posting anything since the new year but I'm here now and hopefully will be more alive. I've got lots planned for you beautiful people, several series and way too many fics in my drafts that I cannot wait for you all to read. This wasn't as long or as juicy as I intended but my brain completely failed me so I hope this is good enough. I initially wanted to post this at the beginning of March but I finished the final editing today so here you go!!
Final note before we start, I have general knowledge about diabetes but that's all from my grandma. I have no idea if it's the same for teenagers so I'm sorry for any mistakes. Happy reading!!
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Your biology teacher had been on maternity for three weeks now and you were seriously contemplating life.
Because of the crappy rules surrounding maternity leave, when your teacher refused to return before her three months ended, your school had a supply teacher fill in for her till she came back.
Since day one, you knew you hated her.
It was mid lesson and you knew as soon as you started feeling sluggish that your sugar levels were dropping. Your thoughts were only confirmed when your Dexcom receiver let you know of your decreasing glucose.
This wasn't a usual occurrence. Will and Jay always made sure you had eaten enough and you had the means to maintain the needed glucose levels so that nothing happened.
Alas, you were up late revising and you were stressing about keeping up your good grades. Jay was rushing you out the door because he needed to go to a scene he'd just been called to and Will was out walking Kol and hadn't seen you leave.
In conclusion, it'd been a hot minute since you last ate something.
The school were well aware of your diabetes. It was one of the very important things your brothers stressed them about when you first started.
Most students knew about it actually, having seen your Dexcom and not understanding since a diabetic child apparently wasn't common according to them.
So, when you randomly pulled out a snack from your bag mid class, no one questioned it and instead would make sure you were okay. There'd never been a problem before in school and everyone wanted it to stay that way.
However, this new teacher, Mrs Byrne was apparently completely unaware of your medical condition.
"Y/N. You know the rules about eating in class." She said strictly, pulling away all the attention from the board onto you.
She stopped you in the middle of opening the packet of fruit gummies. You frowned, looking at her confused along with your classmates.
"I have diabetes." You said bluntly, continuing to open the packet. "I don't eat this and I'll pass out."
Mrs Byrne only rolled her eyes, smiling at you condescendingly. "I've heard that excuse hundreds of times, give those to me."
You scoffed at the audacity, refusing to hand over what was yours.
It was when she started walking towards your desk with a pep in her step that the entire class got involved. Their raised voices overlapped, some angrier than others over what was happening.
However, you too were Stubborn alike to your brothers so you kept as firm of a grip of the packet. You turned a blind eye to the anger fuelled cover teacher. You continued to smile as she spewed threats of all sorts.
Due to your frustration and annoyance over the teacher who wanted to take your gummies away, you didn't notice how everything started change; how hard it was to move your eyes and lips, your limbs getting heavier and you thoughts slowly getting muddled up.
Lost in a daze, you were no longer able to fight back when she pulled harder, successfully snatching the small packet out of your hands. It was now that the class got furious, your friends were already up and at your side but now they were verbally attacking the teacher.
Fed up with her petty behaviour, you were going to get up and go to the nurses office who would take care of you but getting out your seat was harder said than done.
With one of your friends help, you weren't too sure who was helping you from your hazy sight that cleared when you blinked too many times.
You were wobbly on your feet, taking slow and hesitant steps towards the front of the classroom but before you could leave, you felt your legs give out and everything went black.
It turned out that supposed crime scene that he was imminently needed at was nothing but a prank by a bunch of college boys resulting in a grumpy Hank putting them in cuffs and having them fined for a very reasonable reason.
That's how the rest of the unit found themselves finishing up paperwork, catching up about life in general as they debated what they were getting for lunch.
Jay was smugly sitting back, eyes flickering between Kevin and Adam who were bickering over something trivial when his phone rung, catching everyone's attention.
They were all so bored and normally when one of their phones went off during work hours, it meant something came up and they were needed.
In interest, everyone turned their heads towards Jay and waited for him to tell them they got a crime scene.
Picking up his phone, Jay's brows furrowed at the number, confused as to why your school was calling him in the middle of the day. They'd only call him if two things happened: You'd gotten in trouble or you got hurt.
"Hello. Is this Y/N Halsteads brother Jay?" A voice he couldn't recognised asked, most likely some lady from the main office.
"Yeah, that's me." Jay confirmed, sitting up in preparation for whatever he was going to be told.
"So sorry to interrupt you sir but Y/N collapsed in class." The lady said with guilt laced in her words. "Your other brother didn't pick up the phone. We called to let you know we had to call the paramedics and they've taken her to Chicago Med."
"Uh yeah." Jay said, collecting his jacket and keys. "Yes, thank you."
Not waiting for a reply, Jay hung up and quickly knocked on Hank's office door frame.
"Sarge, I gotta get Y/N-"
"Go get her. We're done here."
Wanting to pull his hair out, Will rubbed his eyes in frustration, glaring at his patients scans that only confused him further. He was tired and was coming to half way through his twenty four hour shift.
"Dr Halstead- Uh, Dr Rhodes in T4." Maggie stumbled, looking down at her brick and making sure she read it correctly.
"What's wrong?" Will asked, confused as to why Maggie changed her mind which she usually never did.
"It's Y/N."
Now fully awake, Will followed Connor towards the ambulance bay where you were being rolled in. You were groggily sitting up on the stretcher, you hair a mess and a few scratches around your face and hands from when you fell.
"Sylvie, what happened?" Will asked the blonde paramedic while looking you over. He desperately wanted to check you over himself but let Connor do his thing. He really did not need Ms Goodwin on his case today.
"Teachers didn't tell us much but her classmates said she collapsed after not being able to eat." Sylvie relayed the minimal information she knew, shrugging her shoulders when the two doctors looked at her weirdly. "No one would tell us anything more."
"Y/N, it's Connor. Can you hear me kid?" Connor said while pulling out his penlight. He was like another brother to you, his concern just as high. "Can you tell me what happened?"
You groaned, mumbling nonsense with your eyes screwed closed. Your words were mostly unintelligible but Will understood them mere seconds later.
Fixing the problem you complained about, Will turned down the lights and let Connor continue fussing over you.
It didn't take long to find out the cause of your collapse, Will sighing at the news when he read the numbers from your tests.
"I thought she was always on top of her sugar levels." Connor said, closing the room door so you could sleep in peace.
And what he said was completely true but they weren't aware of why you couldn't today specifically of all days.
"She is." Will said, rubbing a hand down his face in frustration. "Maybe her dexcom malfunctioned or something."
Connor hummed, agreeing with his friend.
"Hmm, maybe."
Arriving at Med, Will gave Jay a detailed rundown of everything he new about your medical state but also the events pre your hospital arrival.
Getting a good look at you, holding your hand in his and kissing you on your forehead, Jay was more than happy to leave you in your oldest brothers safe hands while he got to the bottom of this entire ordeal.
He noticed Sylvie was still at Med, Foster mentioning they were running low on a few supplies so they needed some stocking up. Jay took this opportunity to interview the two paramedics and try to get further understanding on this situation that wasn't making much sense to him.
Arriving at your school, Jay had some thoughts in mind but they weren't very concrete and his confidence wasn't as strong as he'd like it to be.
Walking into the school, Jay immediately noticed an entire class sitting and standing around in the corridor waiting in front of the principals office.
One of the girls who had been sitting in a chair had caught sight of Jay, her eyes widening before she smiled, gently nudging the girl next to her and pointing in his direction. The girls reaction was the exact same.
This created a sort of domino effect as the boy next to her noticed Jay and everyone was telling the other of his sudden arrival. The once silent corridor was now beginning to fill with murmurs and whispers, all their eyes glued onto his figure that moved down the corridor, their shocked faces quickly changing into smiles and smirks.
It seems that Jay had a reputation of sorts.
"Why are you making so much noise? What did I just say about talking-"
The principal cut himself off from his scolding when he suddenly noticed Jay's presence, his face blanching as all the pieces clicked into place.
"Detective Halstead! What a surprise, we weren't expecting to see you so soon-"
This time Jay cut him off, not too bothered about his lack manners. "My brothers with Y/N at the hospital so I thought there was no other perfect time."
The principal remained silent.
"Now, why don't you explain to me why my sister fainted under your watch?"
The students behind Jay couldn't help but snicker knowingly.
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supernovafeather · 7 months
Fall And Learn
Leto Atreides x F!Reader
Content : angst, comfort, mention of war, throuple.
Summary : The conflict looming over House Atreides starts to affect reader seriously, and Leto intervenes.
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The sky got covered by a dark veil that remained foreign to you. Here on Arrakis, the fresh nights felt just as hostile as the burning days. This planet and its atmosphere always managed to find a way to irk you, either by biting your skin with its cold fangs or with its flaming canines.
You narrowed your eyes as an uncomfortable series of goosebumps started its crusade down your entire body as you tried to decipher some potential omens – were they good or bad – displayed by this strange climate. Intense sandstorms were harassing the high dunes close to the horizon, the orangish hell getting lightened up by the machines that just got swallowed up by these etheral titans. You wondered whether or not the worms were even bigger than those. A part of you was certain this was the case.
At daytime you cursed those monotonous tones dressing Arrakis, at daytime you cursed how dead and threatening the outside world – that world you wouldn't even dare to belong to any day – looked. A shadow more daring than others that would stab you in the back, that dull and bare-looking architecture erasing more and more the comforting memories you had from the heartwarming castle you left behind you on Caladan, those monsters and Fremens out there able to survive where they shouldn't even be able to. And those corridors the Harkonnens and their men walked across of and all those atrocities committed. May they remain anonymous and forgotten.
“The whole Arrakin could feel your anxiety rising up earlier in the morning.”
You didn't respond to the Duke's statement – not to call it a reproach, still busy examining the millenial enigma harassed by those winds so far from there. The man's footsteps stopped by your right and your heard the faint brush on his palms against the fence. Has anybody got pushed off from there?
“I am still... uncertain about your strategy concerning those Fremens,” you ended up saying, “I am fully conscious we would be unable to get ready for war against the Harkonnens if we open another frontline with them on Arrakis, but...”
“As I said, time is going to be precious. Just as much as Spice, if not more.”
The Emperor got you and the Duke's whole House just like that. You snorted at that thought, clenching your jaws as your eyes now wandered over the streets now just as silent as during the endemic heatwaves. No matter how old and pure some bloodlines or cultures appeared, nothing was sacred or safe from ambition and hybris. One day that city and palace could end up in flames or buried down those dunes.
Never before following Leto had felt like a burden but today that thought crossed your mind for a second. A stupid second that now started to slowly consume you. And with all the respect due to his son Paul, his heir wasn't ready to take the throne if anything was to happen. And with all the respect due to Lady Jessica, the Bene Gesserit turned its back to her a long time ago. Would they even be a better choice that the Harkonnens anyway?
“Is there any loophole remaining?”
“You are thinking about leaving.”
“I am not.”
Leto turned to you. You felt it. Today was the day his trust in you would collapse and you accepted that fate. Everything was over here. Too many traitors amongst the guards and maids, the Emperor was against you, the Guild started to raise its voice against the Duke due to the sabotage campaigns targetting the Spice production, the Bene Gesserit tortured Paul without batting an eye, the Harkonnens were looking for revenge, the Fremens wanted their planet back. Those giant worms longer and higher than those stupid dunes, those legends, that sand. By the Gods, you missed Caladan, its safety and its seas so much.
“You are considering fleeing away,” he stated calmly.
Without answering you lowered your eyes down to your jointed hands over the fence. Maybe he was right. Would you flee if you had any possibility to do so ? Probably.
“I sworn to serve and follow your family until my death erases me from this world.”
“I know.”
Leto Atreides was not the most talkative man you had met throughout your life but he seemed to always have the right words at the right moments. His family and duty above everything else, but many precious advices if needed. You still wondered why he accepted you in his own life in such an unexpected way, and even more how Lady Jessica did the same. Not a wife, not an official concubine, not a mistress. You were part of the higher ups and ended up there with the leading couple.
“Is death what you are afraid of? Is it what makes you reconsider your values?”
With a quick glance in his direction you noticed him squinting as he tried to understand what led you to this point.
“It doesn't make me reconsider anything my Lord. I will remain loyal. I am loyal.”
“Loyal but far away from the frontline, even before war.”
“I am loyal. My Lord.”
“Far away from the frontline and without looking at me in the eyes.”
Maybe he was right. Maybe you were a coward. Watching that city so meaningless to you felt easier than promising anything to the lord you promised to serve no matter what with all your heart and soul.
“I am not like Gurney. I am not like you or Lady Jessica. I don't understand how easy it is for you to choose war.”
“Never before would I have guessed you would be so wrong one day. I didn't choose anything in this mess, and nothing is easy for any of us. I obeyed the Emperor. Are the Harkonnens the ones wanting war or him, I can't tell for sure but I didn't. I left my ancestors' land for this hell. I brought my concubine and my son with me, as well as my most loyal followers.”
You knew this already and yet you managed to make him feel offended. How could you forget the mutual surprise and confusion that spread at that announcement that sealed his family's fate ?
“I know my Lord. My apologies.”
“There is no easy way out. I don't even know if such a thing still exists,” he sighed.
You nodded, biting your lip as you tried to guess what his son or his concubine could feel. Paul seemed to be doing as fine as possible in such a mess but you couldn't read him easily. Maybe this was a wrong impression but you were convinced things could turn wrong with him. The determination he started to show, that admiration he felt for the Fremens themselves and the most secret aspects of their culture. You hoped that this whole predicament wouldn't go as far as him turning against his father or aligning himself in a more radical way with those people that had refused any diplomatic exchange so far. The last thing their House needed was a son turning against his father. Not easy to read, but potentially easy to manipulate with his feelings. And Lady Jessica? You both hoped that she definitely turned her back to this Order but also that she didn't. The Bene Gesserit were both incredibly powerful allies and foes. However, may they be close or far away this didn't change anything about the threat they were. But they tortured Paul and his own mother let this happen to him. And yet you could feel her guilt. Who was she exactly ? That planet was changing people and the universe's stakes too much. All because of that Emperor. But the anguish Gurney hid behind anger and frustration whenever conversations started to get close to the Harkonnens...
You took a deep breath as you started to feel sick. The bravest people and most admirable colleagues and friends you knew were terrified, haunted by what was going to happen and they wouldn't be there to shield you from this just like you wouldn't be able to shield them from what was going to happen. In a few hours ? In a few days ? A few months ? Your values and promises had no weight in this universe. The laws making the world turn wouldn't care about your wishes. They wouldn't care about protecting Leto or lady Jessica or their son. They didn't care about relationships, morals, bloodlines, feelings. They existed and you had to find a way to navigate through this.
“There is none,” you started, “nothing can protect us from what the world has against us all.”
“Nothing can protect us if we decide to leave and abandon our closest allies. Your help has been precious back on Caladan, and just as much if not more on Arrakis. I need you – my whole family needs you actually – as well as everyone else to make sure that everything wil be as alright as possible once the day comes. That day that will make us know whether or not if we deserve to fight with all our will. If death is what you are afraid of, do you really think you will want to be remembered as a traitor ?”
“I am not a traitor. To be fair... if the Harkonnens invade this planet I doubt there will be anything to remain from me or their victims. I could only hope they kill me off quickly. At least no matter what they'd do to my corpse, I wouldn't be aware of it.”
You did your best not to think about what Gurney told you as well as all the depressing reports you had read throughout the last decade about the Harkonnens, and prevented your mind from wondering from all those horrors that could occur one day in this city, in this palace itself.
“I need you to focus on the present. Leaving in fear of the future is only going to feed your fear and poison your present days. That is exactly how this works. War doesn't only unfold on the frontline. Psychological war is also a formidable weapon their House cultivated for centuries. The Baron, his nephew and others are what some would call monsters and... mind is a complex thing easy to break. In theory it is also easy to protect, but you need to feel the will to do so. The will to move on, to anticipate the next threats. You need to feel ready to learn and to toughen up without refusing to get the help you need. We are all vulnerable here. If you get frozen by fear, nothing will change. You won't even have a word to say. I know what it feels like to be lonely. This is why I insist so much on creating links with Fremens. We need them as much as they need us. We have to accept that fact. I could blindly say that my House is better than theirs, that I don't need anybody else's help and that I'm ready to welcome them back on Arrakis in the way they deserve because anyone on his right mind would know they better follow me, otherwise they wouldn't stand a chance against their previous oppressor. I won't, because I accept the fact that this would be a blatant lie in order to mask my fear. I want – I have to – confront it with all my will.”
You nodded again, turning to him fully but still avoiding his eyes as you stared at his collar.
“I'm terrified,” you mumbled.
Your vision turned blurry to dark as he welcomed you in his arms silently. No loud sobbing, only a few tears dropping as you tried to gather your thoughts to finally free yourself from what you wanted to express.
“They're coming,” you added, “they're coming for us all. I refuse.”
“All our fears are linked to death in one way or another. Why are you so afraid of death ?”
You shrugged before stepping back. You got carried away and should come back on your tracks. He felt more like a confident and you shouldn't cross that line.
“Any choice could lead to your death, mine, to civilians or worse... they still live in fear of what they had to endure here. When people as tough as them shake with fear... I can't even think of being able to face it myself.”
Surprisingly, he snorted.
“Do you see what I told you this morning? You don't feel hate for them.”
You grinned in shame.
“I can only admit how determined they are to live in such conditions. And... to move on. Despite their hostility towards us. And... I think I feel in a similar way towards the ones living outside the walls. Despite the threat they are... I do respect them. More than what I let know this morning.”
“Fear corrupts and makes us turn against each other. It makes us wish for easier solutions that don't exist. War is imminent. War has always existed, exists, and will exist. Greed as well. Dignity, perversion, honor, bravery, fear, solidarity, hatred. We have to do our best and I know you can. It's a matter of choice.”
“I won't flee. I won't despite what you may think of me. I am afraid as you know already.”
“I know you won't, but I knew you needed a reminder that you're just as brave an anyone else. Make your choices. Not the right or wrong ones. Make yours.”
Embarrassed, you smiled at the way he rubbed your arms with a comforting smile. For a higher up you always found a way to waste his time. You noticed the dark bags under his eyes a long time ago, he needed to get some sleep instead of worrying for his family. After all, he had you and the others to look after him and his concubine and his son.
“You're right, as always.”
“We should have had this discussion a long time ago and yet decided to postpone it because I was afraid you wouldn't follow us on Arrakis. I'm not perfect neither. Nobody else is. But I learn and know when to apologize. Please accept my apologies.”
“I do.”
With an encouraging nod he rubbed your cheek with the back on his hand before walking away to his next destination as you went back to Arrakin, your mind trying to find new ways of protecting the walls.
- - - - -
Thanks you for reading, please comment and reblog if you liked it ! :D
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layla4567 · 7 months
I'm just a librarian ✿ pt5
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Steven Grant/Marc Spector x Fem!reader
Summary: You begin to discover things about Marc/Steven's past as your adventure begins.
Warnings: murder mention, death mention, persecution, swearing, sexual tension(?,
A/N: the next part will be the final, sorry!
Part 4
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The next morning I woke up with the horrible feeling of having only slept two hours. What's worse, I had had a horrible nightmare where some men came into my house and someone mentioned something about a giant talking dove… anyway. I slowly sat up in bed rubbing my eyes and watching the morning light coming through my window. I stretched my arms like a cat, stretching and got up, yawning, dragging my feet towards my kitchen.
"I had the craziest dream of my life.."- I said to myself even with my eyes closed.
"It wasn't a dream"
I gasped and jumped on the spot, waking up. To one side Marc was resting on my couch, he was still shirtless and covered with a blanket. He rested his elbow on the cushions and looked at me seriously.
"For God sake, Marc!! Jesus!, you scared me. I didn't remember you were here"
Marc continued seriously and stood up slowly putting on his shirt. As best I could, I went to prepare breakfast for both of them. I needed a good cup of caffeine. While I prepared pancakes Marc sat in the chair inspecting his wound. The bandage was still in place and the cut was no longer bleeding. I finished breakfast and served it on the table.
"Thanks..."- Marc murmured, surprised.
"No problem, I'm used to having breakfast alone but I thought you would be hungry too"- I said confused by his reaction.
"No, it's not that, it's just that… I haven't had pancakes in years…"
I almost choked on the pancake I put in my mouth and looked at it with my mouth full and big eyes.
"In years?! So what have you been eating??"
"What I found in Steven's refrigerator, or leftovers…"
"That sucks, I don't know how you're still alive."
He laughed softly and I smiled, satisfied that I was able to get a smile out of him, again.
"Let's say that in matters of survival I excel quite well"
"Oh well, since you're bringing it up, I want to know exactly what you do."- I said, clasping my hands and leaning under my chin.
"Are you sure? It's not a very nice story."
"You owe me"- I said pointing at him with a finger
He looked around remembering last night's disaster and nodded. He told how he used to travel the world killing people, he was a mercenary, he worked for people and he had to obey, that's what they paid him for. One day someone hired him to rescue an important statuette in Egypt, but during the expedition a member of the team betrayed him and fatally wounded him. Failing, he took refuge in a pyramid, he felt his strength abandon him when an imposing figure with the head of a bird spoke to him with a voice from beyond the grave. He said his name was Khonsu, the Egyptian god of the moon. The cunning god saved his life in exchange for him becoming his avatar, that is, his faithful knight.
"Or his slave, depending on how you want to see it"- he muttered angrily
"What happened after that?"
He sighed with reluctance. And he related that now he called himself "Moon Knight" and served Khonsu. Unfortunately, the man who treacherously escaped with the statuette, Marc suspected that he was a follower of Arthur Harrow. Obviously Steven knew nothing about this, that's why sometimes he woke up in a place he didn't know, because Khonsu ordered Marc to go to those places.
"Holy shit..."
I stared at him weighing the information. Now you felt the pieces fit together, his fighting skills, the people chasing him, even that strange figure I saw running across the rooftops.
"So.. a mercenary.."
"Go ahead, say it, I know you have a bad impression of me right now"-Marc felt how you felt aberration for his work.
"I wasn't going to say anything, I was just thinking that everything makes sense now"
He looked at me confused so I told him everything I had been noticing in him since he first appeared, at least as Marc and not Steven.
"And I thought I was being subtle, you don't know how hard it is to imitate Steven's accent"
Marc began to awkwardly imitate his counterpart's British accent and it made me genuinely laugh. Suddenly he frowned and rested his hand on the back of my hand that was resting on the table.
"I know that what I'm about to ask of you will border on the height of disrespect, but I need you to come with me.."
Before I could say anything he continued speaking quickly.
"I'm serious. It's important that you don't stay here because now they know where to find you and they won't hesitate to extract information from you by force"
A small wave of panic made my blood freeze, I didn't want to imagine what those men could do to me if they entered my house again. But I didn't want to leave so suddenly either. Marc sensed my fear and explained
"You may have to move to another place for a few days until this is all over. If you come with me we will settle in Cairo in a small house with all the comforts, you will only have to worry about the intense heat of the sun"-He tried to smile
Cairo… suddenly superimposed images came to my mind. Pyramids, sand, camels, dunes… everything I had read in the library books came to my mind like a whirlwind. Egypt was known not only for its pyramids and all the culture that came with it but also for its high temperatures and sand storms.
"I understand that this is all confusing and sudden but I need you to-"
"I will"
Marc was surprised by your quick and confident response. I looked into his eyes with determination, trying not to regret my decision, even so, I knew it was the right thing to do. Stay would have been a suicide plan
"But I still need to know things about you, such as where you lived before, your father or mother, etc"
Marc's face tightened when he heard the word mother and a look of disgust crossed his forehead. His mother was the last thing he wanted to talk about.
"Fine I promise, but not now. You must pack your bags, we leave in an hour"
I got up from the table and Marc imitated me, nervously I went to my room and grabbed all the clothes I could find, I particularly chose cool and light clothes that would help me withstand the heat of Egypt. When I was almost finishing the suitcase, I looked for an object in the drawer of my nightstand, a small ring that I inherited from my mother before she died. I rubbed it lovingly, polishing it gently, and put it in a pocket of my suitcase. When I finished, I looked moved at my room and touched with my fingers the photo frames that hung on the walls, all my photos of me, my friends or family. I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. Was I really about to leave all that behind? I shook my head to clear those thoughts and went to the kitchen where Marc was already ready.
"Let's go, the faster we get there the better, a jeep will be waiting for us outside."
Marc was about to leave when he suddenly remembered something and took two caps out of his backpack.
"Maybe this will help hide our identities just in case. And it also protects us from the sun"
With a sigh I took Marc's hand and we left my apartment. At no point did Marc let go of my hand, I didn't know if it was because he didn't want me to get lost or because of something else. When we arrived at the place the jeep was not there, it had a slight delay and we had to wait for it. Marc seemed impatient and from time to time he took quick glances towards the sky or what seemed to be the roof of a house.
"What are you looking at?"-I said looking at him
"Nothing, it doesn't matter.."
But Marc avoided eye contact with me and continued to look up, and not only that but he also made faces of annoyance by frowning and pursing his lips or making small angry pouts as if he wanted to shut someone up. I couldn't contain myself anymore and I turned around to where he was looking but I didn't find anything. I started to think he had gone crazy until I remembered the whole story about that Khonsu bird.
"Ohh I got it, It's the lunar god you told me about"
He nodded with a grunt and looked away.
"And what's he saying now?"
The middle-aged man didn't want to answer and instead returned to see Khonsu, increasingly angry.
"He says something about me?"
"He's getting involved in what doesn't matter to him."
I was going to say something else but he exclaimed again irritated.
"And he should learn to keep quiet!"
People passing by looked at us confused and worried about Marc's mental health. I smiled nervously, placing a hand on his shoulder and looking at the people out of the corner of my eye.
"Ok ok! easy man..I see you two have a lot to talk about"
"Anyway, I hope the jeep doesn't take long to arrive. I already want to get out of here."
I have never agreed more with him. We both stood a little away from the people waiting for time to fly. With my arms crossed I fixed my gaze on any point and my mind began to wander, I remembered everything I had experienced so far, Steven's arrival, his strange behavior, the thieves and then Marc's confession. All of that had happened in a matter of hours or days. They were the busiest and most chaotic weeks of my life, maybe my boss was right and I should take a break, although these were not the vacations I imagined. Suddenly a shake on my arm brought me back to reality, I looked at Marc intrigued and I could see the fear on his face.
"We have to run now"
"What? But why? What's wrong M-"
Marc didn't let me finish speaking because he grabbed my chin and turned it towards where he was looking. When I turned my head I saw four guys pointing in our direction. After exchanging a few words they began to approach at a safe pace towards where we were. A chill ran down my spine and for a second I was frozen in place.
"Come on, run!"-He said pulling my arm.
But I couldn't move and I felt stupid for that, but the shock was so great that it had paralyzed my body. Although I wanted to move because I was aware of the danger, I couldn't. The four men, noticing Marc's urgency in wanting to leave, began to advance faster. Marc grabbed my wrist firmly and with an accurate push he managed to get me moving.
All that was missing was that little push necessary for my feet to start flying. I was running so fast that I couldn't feel the ground beneath me, I even seemed to be running faster than Marc. The pursuers ran after us pushing people who fell to the ground screaming or moved away offended. We avoided food stalls, street vendors but the other men threw everything in their path without caring. Although they were far from us, they ran very fast and it was difficult for us to keep them away because I was starting to get tired, Marc was dragging me and I couldn't keep up with him well. Suddenly Marc turned a corner and we hid in a narrow alley, in the brick wall there was a hole that two people could easily enter if they squeezed together. He put a finger on my mouth to silence me and dragged me to the gap in the wall. Obviously it was very narrow and it was difficult for both of us to fit in. I had to put my head against Marc's chest and I could hear his unbridled heartbeat reverberating in his chest like a drum. The four men who were still running stopped in front of the alley, inspecting it with their eyes. My pulse accelerated and I got closer to Marc's body as if it were a protective shield, he gasped softly and closed his eyes tightly. The men said something and separated, looking elsewhere, two to the left and the other two to the right. I felt my soul return to my body, I tried to take a deep breath and moved a little further away from Marc, or at least as much as could be possible in that narrow hiding place. Her heart was still beating fast and I wasn't sure if it was because of the proximity or because of the men who were chasing us. I raised my head to see him and his eyes shone abnormally and… his cheeks seemed slightly pink, but I guess it was from the effort of running so much.
"I-I think they've already left, we should leave"
"Yeah.."-he gasped
We slowly left the hiding place although we had to use force to leave the narrow gap and I almost fell on top of Marc if it weren't for him holding me by the shoulders. We walked until we left the alley and after looking everywhere and seeing that our pursuers were not close we began to jog. But the calm didn't last long because the four of them met again, it seemed like they had emerged from the sewers and chased us like dogs again. I was already exhausted and I felt my legs burning from the effort, when I felt that my thighs were going to tremble and I was going to fall to my knees on the ground, a honk made us turn our heads. The jeep had arrived and its driver, Marc's friend, was waving at us with his arm and shouting loudly for us to get on, but we were practically surrounded so Marc decided to quickly climb a staircase of a building that led to a balcony while the confused men It took them a few seconds to react before coming up with us. When we got to the balcony the jeep was right below us on the street.
"Are you ready?"
"For what?!"-I exclaimed scared
"For jump!!"
Marc held me by the waist and practically pushed me down as he fell with me. My scream was so strident that it could practically have been heard all the way to China. With horror I saw how the ground was getting closer to my eyes, I felt like my life was passing in front of my eyes. I closed my eyes and covered my face with my arms while I whimpered in fear, expecting the worst. But thank heavens we fell into the seats of the jeep while the driver started the vehicle that skidded and smoked the tires while we left the four guys behind cursing and showing the middle finger. At breakneck speed we were able to escape safely, although it was a stretch because I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
"Are you ok?"-He asked me worried
I was about to answer him in a bad way but I stopped myself because everything that was happening wasn't his fault, but honestly it was beyond me.
"I've been better.."-I said sharply and breathlessly.
We settled into the seats trying to catch our breath and gather our thoughts. Marc better have a plan to emerge triumphant from all this shit because otherwise I don't know how we could face Harrow and his sect of lunatics, we hadn't started our search and I was already feeling fed up. To calm things down, Marc's friendly friend started a chat.
"Hi!, you must be Y/n, Marc told me that I would have to pick him up and a pretty girl for Cairo, although he never told me that you were so beautiful."-he said winking
In another context, that type of "compliment" would have made me sick, but I was too exhausted to think about it, and Marc's friend didn't seem depraved, well after all, if he was his friend, he had to be a good guy. Even so, Marc covered his face, embarrassed and wanting to kill him, a laugh left my mouth without thinking about it.
"By the way I'm Leo, at your service"
I nodded with an amused smile while Marc looked in another direction trying to suppress the embarrassment he felt right now. I looked at him to see if he would turn his face or say something but since that didn't happen I decided to tease him a bit.
"So you told Leo that a pretty girl was waiting with you, was that girl me?"-I said, biting my lip, I inferred into a smile.
Marc shivered a little uncomfortably and shifted nervously in his seat but still didn't look at me.
"And what else did you say about me?"-I said with a honeyed and innocent voice.
Leo looking at Marc from the rearview mirror was holding back his laughter but it was obvious that he couldn't, he saw it and frowned.
"Oh come on!"-Marc said looking at me angrily and then looked away again.
Now Leo and I burst out laughing, it was a relief to laugh despite the difficulties. That seemed to calm the atmosphere because then the three of us seemed more relaxed. When I realized we were no longer in the city but traveling along the empty road. In the sky the sun was slowly descending through the horizon, dyeing the sky and the clouds orange and pink. I stood admiring the colorful landscape while counting the hours to reach Cairo. Suddenly the dream overcame me and my heavy eyelids began to droop until I closed my eyes. My head hung downwards and the soft rattle of the jeep shook my body. Unintentionally, all my weight swung to one side and I fell on top of Marc with my head resting on his shoulder. He seemed to be startled because he turned his head quickly looking at me confused and uncomfortable, but he didn't have the courage to push me aside so after a few minutes, sleep knocked him out too and he fell asleep with his head on mine. Leo saw us both from the mirror and smiled to himself.
"These lovebirds will end up in love"
As the jeep traveled down the long road, a tall, imposing figure with a bird's skull watched from a distance, crouching as the vehicle drove away. Guñendo stood up and placed his cane on the ground with a sharp thump that would have made the earth shake.
"That girl will give us problems, I hope you know what you're doing…Marc"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
tag: @corpsebridenightamare @perfectprofessorloverapricot
I know I owe you a big apology for taking so long to continue this series and another apology because the next part will be the final one. But I've lost a little interest in this story and if it weren't for the fact that I respect that several of you like this series I would have canceled it a long time ago.
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chiiyuuvv · 4 months
[DAY 5] masterlist ᡣ𐭩 !
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— " i dont like most people, but youre an exception " ; classmates to lovers (not really)
♡list : @yzerpoz , @imthisclosetokms , @rizzkisworld , @hyvelxve , @dogyunslover , @starryriize
A sigh leaves junghoons lips as he tosses his bag over his shoulder, his eyes rolling for the nth time at a students shenanigans. Everyone was just so.. annoying. No one could shut their mouths so the teacher would have to stop and scold the class, couples making out in the back corner like no one could see them, the random fights that would break out for the stupidest reasons. Junghoon was annoyed, he just wanted to lay in his bed and close his eyes to forget about the awful day. Along with the upcoming ones.
Everything was annoying, everything and everyone but you. He hated to admit it, wanting to shut everyone out but somehow you always slipped through the cracks. Sure you were loud, but you knew how to control it, you made him smile effortlessly, you made him feel at ease, relaxed, able to tell you anything with little to no judgements. He was grateful, but terrible at showing it, wondering why you still hung out with him even though there was most definitely someone waay better than him.
Like right now. With quick steps you catch up to him, your hand resting on the bag strap which was on his shoulder, following him out of the building and to the lot of buses that parked outside the school. If you didnt ride the bus with junghoon, he would have already lost it. If the students were bad in school, on the bus was worse; and he wasnt sure why.
But that didnt matter, he had you. Leading you to the front of the bus and sitting on the inside of the seat, you follow suit, sitting next to him before pulling out a snack you saved earlier from lunch. "Got theses for you." You say, waving the plastic bag around of his favorite chips that he couldnt stop eating. A small smile lifts at his lips since you thought of him, muttering a "thank you" before opening it, offering you one.
Bus rides were usually like this. Students in the back roaring to their partner that was right beside them, while you sat quietly at the front. Sometimes you would surprise him with things, other times you showed him funny videos you saved from the previous night. Did i mention how thankful junghoon was for your presence? Whenever you showed him those funny videos, he would stop looking at the screen and gaze at you, happy that theres a smile on your face, happy that you're happy.
"You know.." he breaks the calm silence, turning over to make sure you could hear him well. "I don't like most people, but you're an exception." You laugh at his words. "I'm serious!! I would have strangled these kids if it wasn't for you."
"Hoon!" You slap his arm playfully, a hand covering your mouth as you fake a gasp. "If you strangle these kids.. I'll hide the bodies." It was junghoons turn to chuckle, a wide smile plastered on his face for returning his joke. "Thank you, seriously. Like I'm so serious."
"Aww is junghoon showing emotions?" You joke, resting your head on the crook of his neck. "You're welcome, im glad i have you too." Junghoon smiles at your words, resting his head on top of yours. Hes forever grateful for having you as a bestfriend.
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sailorsolar12 · 2 years
Titans Headcanons - Affection
So here is a Titan's headcanon I decided to whip up pretty quickly. Hope you guys like it!
Characters: Jason Todd and Dick Grayson
Warnings: Mentions of death and sex...stuff like that.
A/N: a NSFW one is in the works so....please be patient.
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Jason Todd
-This boy would be so touch starved after he came back from the dead…like no seriously he would be so needy and demanding for cuddles and touches from his S/O.
-Before he died, he had only been okay with their S/O showing affection in private, but that all changed once he was brought back.
-He had never been one to show PDA in public due to the kind of life he had lived and then the kind of life Bruce pushed him into.
-Before he died, and when he did show affection, he was always the big spoon. He loved holding his S/O and feeling all the parts of them pressed against him.
-However we all know he would happily be the little spoon when his S/O was particularly needy.
-After he was brought back to life, the first thing he did with his S/O was bury his face into their chest and hold onto them as he let his emotions overwhelm him. He would cry and cry for hours as he held onto his S/O while silently praying that it wasn't a dream.
-His S/O would be so patient with him even though they would get woken up every single night from the nightmares that Jason had. They would hold him, rock him back and forth, and whisper soft words of encouragement to the secret cinnamon roll.
-Jason would repay everything his S/O has done by trying to buy them expensive things and shower them in gifts. Meanwhile, their S/O would end up reselling the gifts and making sure they were able to survive in Gotham especially with the direction it was going.
-In the end, this boi is secretly a soft cinnamon who needs reassurance and love almost 24/7.
-ESPECIALLY once he takes up the mantle of Red Hood. He had to put on such a strong front as Red Hood that he could only show any "weakness" as he called it when he came home to his S/O.
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Dick Grayson
-Dick Grayson is one suave mother fucker. He will happily admit that he has moves, but what people don't know is that he...if the moment is perfectly set up...will be the one who receives affection.
-He loves giving his S/O affection whether it be hugs, kisses, light touches, words of affirmation, etc. What the team doesn't know is that he loves it just as much when his S/O returns the favor. He thrives in it.
-The only people on the team who know that he is like this are Jason, Dawn, and Donna. However, everyone on the team knew he loved receiving affection.
-Dick knew full well his S/O wasn't big into expensive gifts, but the occasional gift and lots of love persuaded his S/O to accept the gift.
-His S/O though loved to bake and cook and more often than not, when Dick came home from patrol - or a long day at work while he had been a detective - he would easily devour the food and sweets before him. After eating, he would shower his S/O in more affection than normal which typically ended with both of them very very satisfied at the end of the night.
-His favorite food that his S/O makes is the giant cinnamon rolls covered in icing and candied nuts truth be told.
-Whenever he comes home covered in bruises, his S/O is always there to patch him up, scold him for getting hurt, and then hold him throughout the night to chase away any bad dreams or nightmares.
-Some nights though, this man is frustrated as hell and needs a way to let out that pent up frustration, but in the end always is super soft with his S/O afterwards.
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ducknotinarow · 23 days
A frown on Buddy's face? Something but be seriously wrong for them to actually be upset for once. It was hard not to notice it when Rhodes answered the phone, the two having their usual video chat
"Hey Rhodes, has Charlie said anything to you recently?"
The worry in Buddy's voice was obvious,
"It's just, ever since that day you gave me lil France, Charlie has just been, weirder than normal - even more quiet and sad," Buddy points out, "I try and talk to him at school but he's sorta just blanking me, like, he just gives really short answers and won't even look at me...and he keeps avoiding us on the weekend!"
Buddy looked defeated, like they were out of ideas,
"I managed to talk to Jasper and Maple, but, they just told me to give Charlie time but won't tell me what happened," Buddy sighs, "I'm really worried somethings happened Rhodes...Charlie hasn't like, told you about anything that's going on, right?"
Buddy pouted at Rhodes response.
"I guess I just figured because we're his boyfriends he'd tell us about that sorta stuff..." Buddy paused, "You did tell him about it, right?"
| Muse interaction
Rhodes was sat on his bed phone sat beside him as he was busy taking out everything he needed, a gift bag, some tissue paper and a small little box. Looking over it a moment as it took the lid off to look over the sliver charm bracelet. Rhodes knew he find something more to Charlie's liking and he was right coming across a series of hand made charm bracelets and even better one with a Elvis theming. Setting the lid back on top he set it in to it's own gift bag meant for Charlie. Rhodes had a lot of hang ups going into this but he had to say he was feeling pretty good about it in this moment. Sure he hadn't really get to spend any more time with either Buddy or Charlie but he make up for it this weekend. Not to mention get Charlie's own gift to them since he hadn't be able to before. Rhodes hummed allowed to the song playing from his headphones he was wearing around his neck. The ear covering flipped so they would be more like a speaker hanging around his neck.
Going so far as to pull out all the blue tissue paper from the multicolored pack he had bought. Grabbing at the centered of the sheets and giving a quick and fast flick of his wrists so they were nicer looking and easier to set into the bag. He lowered that bag down once he was all finished with Charlie's little gift. Even if he had actually gotten sick after eating at that grease trap. Rhodes ended up having to bow out from the rest of the weekend and just stayed in bed. His mom pointing out this is why he shouldn't have ate all that bad food. Making up some herbal tea to help 'expel' that toxins from it out from his body. And to his request a very green drink that might as well just been nothing but grass and dirt. But it tasted so much better in his mind. Despite the fact Rhode would eat the exact same from from anywhere else that was Hamburger Hippo. But Rhodes failed to see why that fact mattered.
He set the bag down to the floor beside his bed before falling back, stretching out he just soaked in the comfort of his bed. Keeping his phone near by because he knew Buddy and Charlie would be calling soon for their usual video call. They video called pretty often more than a normal call, just a little way to be together he figures. Why he had to make sure the gift was square away thinking about it he let a leg drop off the side of his bed and carefully pushed it under so to keep the rooster from being able to spot it. Charlie may be expecting a gift since Buddy got one but Rhodes still wanted them to be a bit of a surprise after all. When the ringer went off he sat up right away and took a second to use the bit of refection he could make out from the screen to make sure his hair wasn't too messy from laying down. Accepting the call he waits for the cameras to connect before saying anything only to notice Buddy's frown?
"Hey up sunshine looking kind of cloudy today?"
"Hey Rhodes, has Charlie said anything to you recently?"
"Uh?" Rhodes took a moment to think about that, actually the last time he recalled speaking to Charlie at all was when he asked Charlie to come with him to Hamburger Hippo. He hadn't really spoken to anyone after due to feeling like he on his death bed afterwards. Rhodes tend to talk to the two them all the time but as he swiped to look at his messages, he did pay attention to the time stamp. When Charlie agreed to go with him so it's been awhile. And he barely noticed due to having a case of death. "Mm no I haven't heard from the big guy why?" Rhode did also notice Charlie hadn't phone in to join the call either. Something wasn't right here. Charlie wasn't really one to be late with out a text? and Buddy wasn't one to well ever frown. Recently uh? Has Buddy not see him at school? Maybe Charlie got sick too? they ate more if Rhodes was dying Charlie had to be worse off.
Luckily he would get that worry brushed away though the returning news wasn't any better to hear.
"It's just, ever since that day you gave me lil France, Charlie has just been, weirder than normal - even more quiet and sad,"
"Has he?" Rhodes answered with, in all fairness he didn't see them all that much outside on the weekend, why Rhodes couldn't wait for Summer break he be able to spend more time with both of them and his mom.
"I try and talk to him at school but he's sorta just blanking me, like, he just gives really short answers and won't even look at me...and he keeps avoiding us on the weekend!"
Rhodes went to their group discord where they all talked the most together. And yeah Buddy had a point anything they tried setting up Charlie kept backing out from. One excuse after the other that wasn't a good sign. Sure Charlie's a quite guy but not like this not at all like this?
"I managed to talk to Jasper and Maple, but, they just told me to give Charlie time but won't tell me what happened," Buddy sighs, "I'm really worried somethings happened Rhodes...Charlie hasn't like, told you about anything that's going on, right?"
Rhodes took a moment to think, was Charlie acting off when they hung out? He was too busy complain about the food. He was aware of his own dramatic but Charlie never seemed to mind that about him. So couldn't been all of that right? He invited him to eat with him Charlie wasn't picky like Rhodes was either so that couldn't be it either. Charlie seemed well like his usual self the whole time. Rhodes leading the conversation mainly between them but that was normal to. Though Charlie did seem to get a bit more so after he admitted why he wanted that jellyfish so badly that he order so many of those damn kid meals. Well he had a gift for Charlie lined up hell it was under his bed.
But even that seemed not right, Charlie's not like that after one to be mad over not getting a gift when someone else did. So, it wasn't the gift per say right? His lack of an answer might have been enough of a response for Buddy as they continued to voice their worry. But he answered anyway.
"I dunno Bud's Maple and Jasper may have the right idea, I mean ya can't make someone tell ya something after all. I mean I knew you guys for a few months hell you met my family before I finally told you about my Dad selling off my stuff." Buddy didn't seem to like that answer but forcing Charlie might not be a good idea.
"I guess I just figured because we're his boyfriends he'd tell us about that sorta stuff..."
"I know I know and I'm sure he will" Rhode answered thinking Buddy's pause was more an end to their thought.
"You did tell him about it, right?"
"Tell him what?" Rhodes answered back with it took a few more second for things to fall into place. Charlie wasn't upset he didn't get a gift he was upset because neither of them told Charlie how they felt about him! Rhodes hopped off his bed and started to scramble for his shoes, and wallet. Looking at the clock he vaguely knew the bus route if he ran he make it to the stop just in time. "we fuck up Buddy!" Rhodes wasn't taking the full blame here. "Look it's gonna take me like thirty minutes tops to get into town, it'll be faster if I just ride into the middle of the city not far from your Dad's coffee shop. You might get there before me but wait it's best we find him together, though he likely just at his place but still." Rhodes starts to talk already in motion only pausing to grab the gift bag for Charlie. Guess it's an apology gift now. Rhodes was out his room ignoring his step mom when she got after him for slamming the door against the wall. "Just start heading there and well get to Charlie and sort this all out alright?" Rhodes hung up easier to run when he didn't have to also talk.
Man he knew he would be bad at this whole relationship stuff he just thought it take longer before he fucked up.
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minho-hoho · 2 years
Yandere!ENHYPEN's reaction to: S/O trying to kill themselves to escape them
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Genre: Yandere AU, Angst,
Warning: Mentions of violence, reader attempting suicide, Yandere themes, cursing etc..
Requested: Yes
A/N: REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN, hope you have a fantastic day/evening/night ~ gifs have been removed because of lack of permission sorry
Lee Heeseung ¦ 이 희승
You were in the bathroom, trying to cry silently to not wake your "boyfriend" up. You were about to take all the pills in the bottle. You knew that Heeseung sometimes used them to get rid of threats more easily. It was too hard for you to live this in this hell-hole. As you were about to put the pills in your mouth when Heeseung opened the door, seeing that you weren't in bed any more and the bathroom light on. He immediately caught on what you were about to do. He snatched the bottle from your hands and scolded you for even thinking about leaving him like this. He tried to make you feel bad, to no avail. You were almost dead inside and had no remorse. You wanted the both of you to be gone.
Park Jay ¦ 박 제이
He saw you in the kitchen contemplating whether you should stab yourself or not with the knife. You didn't even hear him coming home from work, as you were stuck in your dilemma crying loudly.
He immediately snatched the knife from you and started to scold you for being so stupid.
“What the fuck did you think you were doing?!” He yelled at you while you regretted not stabbing yourself faster, earlier. You just collapsed on the floor, crying your eyes out, not able to form a single coherent sentence.
“So fucking dumb. Did you seriously think you could ever escape me?”
Sim Jake ¦ 심 제이크
He came home from work expecting you to be in living room waiting for him. This time he didn't see you. He went and looked for you. He found you on the bedroom floor crying with a knife beside you. He rushed to you, asking you every question in the book to make sure you were somewhat okay. You couldn't speak, you tried to say sorry but even a simple word couldn't come out.
He tried to calm you down, unfortunately you couldn't manage to regain your composure. After some time, Jake finally understood what happened.
“Baby... Did you try killing yourself?” He asked his voice breaking. You looked up at him, with big glossy red eyes. At that moment he was sure he was right. He brought you closer to him, hugged you while rubbing your back. He knew it was his fault, he couldn't help it. But he knew that he was atleast going to help you until you felt better.
Park Sunghoon ¦ 박 성훈
He was sleeping peacefully. Everything was going well for him until he heard someone crying. He tried touching the side of bed to see if you were there, all he could feel was the cold spot where you were supposed to be. He could sense you that whatever the reason you were gone was, it wasn't a good one, so he immediately went to look out for you.
He found you in the leaving room, holding one of his gun to your head. His eyes immediately widened at the sight and he rushed to you and took the gun out of your hands.
“Oh my god, what did you think you were doing?! Were you trying to leave me?” He exclaimed loudly, as you were now bawling your eyes out even more.
“Don't you know how much I love you? And you're trying to kill yourself?” He asked you angrily. He cooled down before continuing.
“Look, I love you ok? I can't afford to lose you, so you better stop with all that suicide bullshit.”
He went back to your shared bed, and even though you couldn't see it, he was absolutely scared of losing you, and was shaking under the covers.
Kim Sunoo ¦ 김 선우
He came home from an exhausting day at work, waiting all day to fall in your sweet embrace. He didn't expect you to be particularly happy about his presence, he knew how you felt about being here with him. However he didn't expect you to be crying and shaking on the floor next to a spilled water bottle and scattered pills.
Sunoo wasn't a genius but he immediately knew what you were thinking about, and he came to your side right away.
He was so scared to lose you, but he was so angry at you for trying to leave him. That's one of the only rule he had, and you had to break it. He kept yelling at you. He was berating you for trying to leave him and being so selfish. He wanted to punish you, but he knew that it wasn't a good idea, knowing your mental state at the moment.
Yang Jungwon ¦ 양 정원
When he saw you helpless on the floor with a gun to your temple waiting to have the courage to finally pull the trigger he felt his stomach sink so low. He felt so bad. He knew that he was probably the reason.
He called out to you softly, and persuaded you to drop the gun, which you did. He walked up to you and held you, telling you the sweetest things you've ever heard. He was comforting you and tried his best to not cry, he was really affected by your state. He hated seeing you like this.
He now realised how unhappy he was making you, and he decided that from now on he'll treat you so much better than before. Hell, he'll probably not punish you or at least rarely. He won't set you free, but seeing you in such state broke something in him, it was now his mission to never make you feel suicidal.
Nishimura Riki ¦ 西村 力
Riki didn't know how to handle his emotions when he saw you holding a knife so close to your chest. He wanted to come to you, hold you until you felt better but at the same time he wanted to yell at you for even thinking about doing such a selfish act when he was only loving you. He was frozen in his place, with his mouth slightly agape and his open wide. No one knew how long he stood there looking at you, but after a while you noticed his presence and dropped the knife to floor in shock.
He slowly came to you, you both looked at each other not knowing what to say. You could only whisper a small sorry between sobs. He started to berate you sternly in a scary way, he was towering over you which made you regret trying to do anything.
At one point his voice started to tremble and his voice cracked. He stopped talking, and before both of you knew it, tears were streaming down his face.
He was genuinely afraid of losing you, and it was at that moment that he made it known to you through his actions.
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leahblackk · 3 years
Back together
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(Not my gif, whoever made it thank you and I’m sorry)
Request: Hi! I hope your having a great day! I was wondering if you could write a fic or blurb that is Spencerxbaureader where the reader gets seriously injured while Spencer is in prison but he doesn’t find out until he gets out of prison? Thanks
Summary: Being separated from your lover hurts, but seeing them hurt it’s worse.
Warnings: Injuries, prison Spencer. Mention of stabs, mentions of blood. 
Couple: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Ugh I loved this one so much. Back with my beloved angsty angst <3
I took this request and give it a little twist with an idea I already had so, I hope you like it anon!! <3
Italics are memories.
Tagging: @measure-in-pain, @alexlovescriminalminds and @all-tings-diego
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Relations, of any kind, are as good as they are bad.
Sometimes, we are afraid of the intimacy of these we hold dearly. Because one of the rules of these is trust, trust comes with time, but even if you have the infinite evermore, sometimes it is not easy to trust.
Trust is like giving someone a daga and giving them the power to dig it profoundly in your heart; therefore, we don't always trust people whatsoever.
Do people blame other people for this?
Yes, they do.
That's why people are forced to trust in order to have a relation—friendship, families, significant others.
Spencer knew this as well as he knew the words in his favourite books, yet the fear to let someone else to really know him for who he is, and they would judge him, or worse, have pity over him, it scared him.
Apparently, the universe wanted to mess with his fears, scars, and insecurities.
Y/n, Spencer's wife and best friend for all these years knew that about Spencer. Even if it was hard at first, they made it together to the altar. But their dreams and hopes were torn apart when Spencer went to jail.
The first time she ever visited him was hard, to see him there and how people saw her.
Spencer looked around nervously, and with disgust and anger, the men watched her as she was a piece of meat, nothing but meat. That was his wife! She was the most precious thing the universe would ever create, and they were looking at her like she was some piece of meat!
"Hey, love. It's alright," she tried to calm him down. The skin burned her when the want, need to touch him attacked her. She hasn't felt his skin and his warmth, his strong arms around her waist. It killed her not being able to touch him. To hold him and tell him everything will be alright.
Spencer looked at her, turning his head around, her eyes connecting with his, and his heart stopped. Even, after all, he still felt like a schoolboy in love, and he was, for her, "I'm sorry. I just don't like the way they are looking at you," he explained, looking down at his hands.
She shook her head even if Spencer couldn't see her, "Love, look at me," she asked, "Please."
Spencer, at the softness of her voice, he looked up, and she smiled at him, "I don't care about them. I care about you, my love. I'm here for you, and if they are going to see me like whatever they are doing, let them. Nothing will stop me from being with you."
The doctor felt like crying at her words.
He had never felt so loved by another human being until he met her.
She was the peace in the storm, she was the warm feeling of a fire in rainy days, and mostly she was the feeling of a long hug, one he now needed the most, but not from anyone, just her.
Spencer has always been touch starved. He liked to hug as his life depended on it. He needed to feel touch and to feel loved, and now that he was there, everything he had been through and people pushing him wasn't as painful as not being held by her. Hiding his face on her neck and letting her scent in, one that feels like home.
Spencer missed freedom, yes, but freedom wasn't one without her. Without her touch.
And he looked at her. She tried to cover all her pain behind that sweet smile, but Spencer knew her, of course he did. He had been loving her for so many years.
Even before he had the courage to confess his feelings. When he had to love her in the shadows, and now that he could love her freely, it was taken away from him. And that hurt more than anything else.
He promised her in their wedding that he was never going to stop loving her, and he would always have his arms around her, always.
Apparently, he couldn't keep that promise at the moment, and Spencer wasn't one to break them.
He looked at her red eyes, her messy hair, and the pain, mostly the pain she tried to cover. But she couldn't.
And neither could he.
People can't hide from their lovers, because they know their hiding spots. They know them.
Y/n analyzed Spencer's face. His caramel hair was a mess. He had some purple and red spots on his temple, a broken lip, and eyes full of pain.
She has loved him long enough, even if he was great at hiding feelings, she could see him for who he was. Even in the darkest moments, she had a light strong enough to see him.
But Spencer couldn't handle her pain. Seeing here suffer in that way.
He must do something.
Spencer shook his head at the memories. Tears fell down his cheeks, and he put a hand on his mouth to stop the sobs from making sound. If someone ever heard him cry, he would be ruined. If people hit him already, he couldn't imagine if they thought he was weak enough to cry.
He wiped the tears away and cleared his throat. He sat down and wiped his hands on his pants.
He had a visit. JJ.
He needed to look like this didn't hurt, but of course, it did.
"Come on, Dr. Reid. Your girlfriend is here," the guard said.
He mentioned the 'Dr' with a smirk. Spencer knew what that meant, but he didn't say anything. He didn't care anymore.
They walked through the cold hallways all the way to the visiting area, where he saw the blonde girl. He smiled at her and sat.
"Spence, how are you?" she asked with a soft, caring voice.
"I-Im fine. How are you?"
JJ didn't believe it, yet she didn't push, "Im fine. The kids miss you. The team does as well. We are doing everything in our power to take you out of here, okay?"
He nodded and bit his lip. He knew they were doing so. He believed her.
"H-how is she?" he asked. The question he always ask.
Spencer broke up with her two weeks ago. Broke up with her like a coward, or that is what he thought.
He couldn't see her like that, in pain, waiting for him to be released, but Spencer wasn't sure if that was going to happen anytime soon. He didn't want her to hurt herself trying to help him out, going to visit him while everyone saw her like a piece of meat when he heard what they said about her just to annoy Spencer, he even got into a fight for it, a new scar to he collection he has been keeping while he was in there.
Spencer wanted the best for her, to fall in love with someone who deserves her and not him. Even if he got out of there soon, he knew he wasn't the same anymore, and he couldn't handle that. He couldn't hurt her any further.
So he broke up with her.
"Why are you doing this, Spencer?" she asked with tears in her eyes, "I-I know it's hard, but I don't want to leave you alone. You are not alone, Spencer, and I love you so much."
Spencer closed his eyes. Tears wanting to fall down, but they didn't. All he wanted was to hold her and tell her she meant everything to him, but he needed to do the best for her.
"That's the problem, Y/n," he harshly said, "I don't love you anymore. My feelings have changed since I entered here. It made me realize that," lie.
Lies, lies, lies. Pure lies came out of his mouth.
Of course, he loved her! He was doing that because of how much he cared about her and how much he loved her. His love was selfless, and even if he wanted to be selfish and keep being with the love of his life, he couldn't. He loved her too much to see her suffer for him.
So he did what he thought was right.
But it wasn't right.
She stood there frozen. Her entire world came down, her world was him, and he told her he didn't love her anymore?
She nodded, "If that's the case, I respect your decision. I-," her sentence was interrupted by a sob, sob that tore Spencer apart. She cleared her throat, an attempt to compose herself.
Spencer always pushed people away. She knew that. But, he just said he didn't love her anymore, and he said it so sure, he was sure of his statement, didn't he?
He didn't love her anymore.
She was willing to fight for him, for their marriage, but was it worth the fight if the other half didn't feel the same, if the love fell down like the tears on her cheek and faded away with a breath?
She wasn't sure.
All she knew was that her lover, her soulmate, twin flame even, stopped loving her.
JJ looked at Spencer and tried to analyze him. It was so difficult to tell what he was feeling.
She couldn't tell.
But he was worried about Y/n, that's for sure.
Spencer told JJ what happened two weeks ago, her heart breaking for the couple and trying to talk some sense to him, but it was impossible. JJ knew what he was doing because he told her but made her promised she wouldn't tell Y/n.
But even if JJ wanted to, she couldn't.
"She um," she tried to find the right words, "She left and changed her phone number. I-I don't know where she is," JJ explained.
She saw the change in emotions in Spencer. From hiding everything to heartbroken.
Spencer's heart broke.
She left the BAU?
Why? She loved to work there. Was it for him? For what he did?
What if she was hurt, or-or dead? Was it all his fault?
"D-did Garcia try to know something about her? Im, sure she would know something, or what to do. You have to tell her, JJ. You have to tell her to find her a-and," he said.
"Spencer," JJ mentioned, trying to calm him down, but failed, "Spencer, please. I think Garcia and Morgan know about her."
He looked at her with tears in his eyes, "W-why do you say that?"
"They have been acting weird since she left, and you know how Garcia is. They got all secretive, and once I tried to know about it, but Morgan changed the conversation."
"Why would they hide where she is?"
"Spence she-"
"She what?" he got impatient.
"Y/n was really bad when you broke up with her," she explained, "Like really bad. We all got worried about her, but then she stopped coming to work, and then one morning, Emily said she left. She didn't say goodbye. She just left a letter on Emily's desk with her gun and badge."
JJ looked for something in her purse while Spencer looked at her waiting, but his mind was in another place, mostly blaming himself. The blonde girl took the letter out and handed it to Spencer.
Spencer took it and opened it to read it, and he smiled at her handwriting.
Dear Emily,
I'm sorry, this is all of a sudden, and I'm sorry it has to be this way. You probably saw it coming, but I'm not good with goodbyes.
I'm leaving the BAU. Another thing I'm not good at is handling strong emotions, and you know what happened between Spencer and me, and even if I love my work and I love you guys, things have been harder than I thought they would be. I just can't keep doing this.
I can't think about another thing, which makes everything harder in the field, making intelligent decisions and making smart moves. We all saw what happened when I tried, and I am not doing the job you guys deserve, what a professional agent should. And I'm sorry if I caused you trouble, it wasn't my intention.
I'm doing this for the sake of all of us.
I don't want to put you at risk.
I love you, please don't forget that. I will not forget about you guys. You were my family, after all. You always will be, but I understand if any of you are mad at me, I am as well.
I'm sorry, it has to be this way.
With love,
And then, Spencer couldn't keep the tears in.
He let those out, those he had been trying to contain, but he couldn't anymore now that he knew what his wrong decisions had caused her.
JJ tried to say something, but he didn't listen.
He just let them out while he blamed himself, "This is my fault JJ," he finally let out, "I did this to her. How in pain she was that she left what she loved the most because of the pain I caused her?"
"No, JJ. Don't try to make me feel better when I am the reason she was like that. I made a decision I thought was going to be for the better, but I just made everything worse."
"You tried to ease her pain, Spence. I understand that, even if it wasn't the best decision, and if you tell her that, she would understand as well," JJ said and Spencer chuckled.
"Of course she will. That's the problem," he said, and JJ frowned, not understanding his words, yet she didn't have the chance to ask when Spencer spoke again, "What happened in the field when she said you guys saw how that ended up?"
"She put herself in front of the fire line to calm the unsub down. He almost shot her."
"That is something about her, you know? She is not selfish, at all. Even when she needs to be, that's another reason why I broke up with her. I knew that even if I got out of here, I know I would not be the same, and she didn't deserve that. I never deserved her love," he explained, tracing the letters in the piece of paper on his hands, trying to feel something, something coming from her. And he smiled at the simply thought of her.
Spencer missed her with his entire heart. Not seeing her at all was worse than seeing her just for a few minutes.
"Spence, you two deserve each other. You are as selfless as she is, and you know that. You cant blame yourself. And you will get out of here, and you will come back to her."
Spencer nodded, not believing her but trying to pretend he did, "I just hope she is not waiting with the divorce papers," he chuckled, trying to cover the pain in those words.
JJ chuckled as well, not seeing the real meaning of what he just said, "She still wears her wedding ring. She never took it off."
And that was it.
A light of hope in Spencer's darkness.
She never took her wedding ring Off.
The day Spencer has been waiting for so long was finally there. He couldn't believe it.
JJ walked with a smile to Spencer, but she was playing with her hands simultaneously.
Spencer turned around when the door open and saw her, JJ spoke, " We are taking you home," there was a smile on her face, but Spencer could see something deep down, yet, he didn't said anything as a sigh of relief left his mouth, and he walked to hug her.
He was going home.
The moment was bittersweet now as he thought of Y/n, she was his home, so when he got out of the hell he was in and didn't see her outside with that beautiful smile on her face and open arms for him to step in, it really affected him. But he wasn't expecting that to happen either, knowing how badly he hurt her.
Y/n wasn't there, but Morgan and Garcia were. They shared a quick glaze with JJ before they approached him and hugged him as their life depended on it. They cried, mostly Garcia, and hugged each other with all the love their hearts allowed them.
But now, there was something in the air.
"What is it?" Spencer asked.
"What?" JJ nervously chuckled, and Garcia looked at the ground.
"I know something is going on. What is it?"
"Spencer," Morgan started, "If you are gonna know, you have to stay calm. Otherwise, things will get worse."
Spencer's heart beat faster, "What it is?" he asked again. They looked at each other, waiting for one of them to speak.
"Y/n is the hospital," Garcia said.
What? Did he hear correctly?
Spencer frowned, to then his heart being dropped and smashed, once again, "W-Why? What happened?" he nervously asked.
"When she left the BAU, she was to try to find who framed you," Morgan explained, "And then the unsub stabbed her three times in the abdomen. She lost a lot of blood, and w-we don't know much about it."
Was she there because of his fault? After he broke her heart?
"Oh my god," Spencer let out tears falling down, "When that happened? Where is she? Is she alone?"
Too many questions and much more were running through his head, more than he could even mention.
This was his fault.
This was his fault.
This was-
"It happened two hours before we came here. She had information that she sent to Garcia to help you out of here, and then when the unsub knew about it, they chased her. Emily is in the hospital where she is right now," Spencer stood frozen. He-He didn't know what to say or what to do.
What should he do?
He didn't know.
His head hurt.
His heart hurt.
"Fuck," Spencer cursed. He couldn't breathe.
He couldn't breathe.
"Spence, we are taking you there. Just calm down, okay?"
Spencer wanted to scream. To yell at himself.
Calm down? He couldn't.
His wife was in the hospital because of him.
Because of him.
It was his fault.
The ride at the hospital was silent. Spencer didn't say a word while he looked at the window, everyone was worried about him, sharing glazes, but he didn't said a word.
When they arrived, he was the first out. He entered the hospital without knowing what to do until he felt the team's arms.
Matt, Luke, Emily, Tara. They were all there.
"Can we see her?" he asked, looking at Emily.
Can I see her? That was what he really meant.
"I don't know…." Emily said but was interrupted by the doctor.
"Family of Y/n Reid?"
Reid. Reid. Reid.
Spencer approached him, "Im her husband," he spoke, saying those words with confidence.
He was her husband, even if after all of that, Y/n didn't want to see him anymore.
"We have to wait for her to wake up. She lost a lot of blood, but we were able to stabilize her. We just have to wait," he explained to Spencer.
Wait? He couldn't wait.
"There are chances she doesn't?" Garcia asked what everyone was thinking about but feared to say out loud. Garcia trembled, and tears fell down on her cheeks. Her best friend was there. Her best friend.
"Yeah. In the medical field, everything can happen, so we don't assure you that she will, but we must have the hope she does."
Garcia let out a sob while Spencer contain to do the same, "Can I see her?" he asked, softly fearing his voice would break.
"Yeah, you can. Second floor, room 13."
Spencer nodded and looked at the team, "Go," they said, and he did.
He walked with his hands in a fist, stopping them from trembling, and bit his lips, trying to contain himself while he went to the elevator. The walk, in Spencer's eyes, was long. Very long and painful.
He made it to room 13 and opened the door.
She was there, as beautiful as always but with machines surrounding her.
He saw the lines that tell her heartbeat, every sound making an echo on his head. He carefully walked and sat next to her.
He watched her. That's all he could do. He didn't know if he was allowed to touch her. After all, they weren't together anymore.
Yet, he took her hand, caressing sweetly. He needed to feel her.
And he burst into tears. Her hand was cold. It didn't have that special warmth that made him feel at home. He couldn’t feel her.
He tried to contain himself, he couldn't cry in front of people, but after all, they were just them in the room. He could be himself now.
And he sobbed, kissing her hand, "I'm so sorry, angel. I'm sorry," he apologized over and over again, "You don't deserve this. I put you here. I'm sorry I said I didn't love you. That was a lie. I love you more than anything in this world. I'm sorry I've been so awful to you, but I didn't want you to suffer, and look what I did instead," he looked at her while his eyes hurt because of the tears, "Im sorry, angel. I love you. I love you. I love you," he repeated, kissing her hand again.
The ECG machine started beeping faster and faster, which made Spencer worry, he looked at her and felt a slight squeeze on his hand, not strong enough, but it was there. He stood up and looked at her.
He didn’t know what to do. Should he call the doctors? It was that normal?
Spencer was a genius, but now all his knowledge came down.
"You can't blame me for my heart beating faster. I didn't expect you to be here," Spencer heard her soft voice while she opened her eyes, adjusting to the light.
The doctor smiled and cried at the same time, "I'm so sorry, angel. I'm so so sorry," he apologized again.
"Why are you apologizing now?" she asked, and Spencer frowned as what she was saying was a joke.
"Why? Y/n I put you here, you are here because of me," he explained.
"Did you stabbed me?" she asked.
"Then you are not the reason why I'm here, Spencer."
"B-but what I did…"
"Yeah, but that isn't the reason I'm here. You need to stop blaming yourself," she squeezed his hand again, "Even if you didn't break up with me, believe me, I would've done the same."
"You didn't have to."
"But I did, and I don't regret it one bit."
"Then I should be apologizing for what I said to you."
"D-did you mean it?" she asked.
She would be lying if she said she wasn't worried about it.
Spencer's eyes softened, and he got closer to her, sitting in the bed and kissing her hand, "No angel. I would never mean it, and I'm sorry I made you think so. I will never stop loving you. I did it because I thought that would be better for you. I hate to see you suffer, and you were devastated when you went to visit me. Besides, I didn't want you to go through all of that and those men looking at you like that. You don't deserve that. And I don't deserve you, you are the most amazing woman, and I am so honoured to love you and be loved by you. Im sorry," he murmured the last thing as tears came down his eyes.
"Stop saying you don't deserve me. We deserve each other,"
We deserve each other.
Not past tense.
"Do you still love me?"
She nodded, "I do. Don't let it get over your head, though," she joked. Spencer smiled and kissed her forehead, and then her cheeks, and finally her lips.
"Believe me, it's already there," she smiled while Spencer kissed her, "I love you," he whispered over her lips.
"I love you," she answered.
"I love you, I love you, I love you," he said, kissing her all over her face. The machine starts beeping faster again. Spencer looked at it and then at her smiling, "Don't let it get over your head," he joked, and she rolled her eyes, bringing him closer by the tie and kissing him.
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amaranthineoceans · 3 years
Everything Weird About Deltarune!
Spoiler Warning for Undertale and Both Chapters of Deltarune! Really! I Literally Go Through Everything I Can Remember About Them!
This is a long post so get comfortable. Also note that my brain doesn't process thoughts into words very well so some of these might not be worded in the best way. :)
Deltarune. The first teaser chapter was released on October 31, 2018, and it came out of nowhere. We've all gone through this, but I'll try and go through every single painstaking detail I can remember. Feel free to reblog and add/correct things.
The weirdness begins right off the bat. The title is an anagram of UNDERTALE. We all know Toby likes to use anagrams when he wants to indirectly tell us when things are related, so it's no surprise that when you go to download DELTARUNE, it warns you that the game is designed for people who have played UNDERTALE. You think, "Cool, so it's a sequel? Or maybe a prequel? A different perspective of UNDERTALE perhaps?" You were wrong; so terribly, terribly wrong! I'll elaborate on this later.
Before you download the application, the terms of service that you must agree to beforehand reads simply and plainly, "You accept everything that will happen from now on." This detail was kinda brushed off in the beginning, because, hey, it's Toby Fox. He does weird stuff all the time. But even in the first chapter, it's apparent that the concept of choice, or more accurately, the lack of it, is a very present theme in the game. I would like to remind you that Toby has announced that there will be one ending in the game. One. I'll elaborate on this later.
The program (as in, what the game is called in your files) is named SURVEY PROGRAM. Why not just call it Deltarune like it is when you download chapter two?
The game launches you, without a title screen, without any setting adjustment options, straight into a reference to the theme of the entire franchise: the lack of choice. A strange formless voice guides you through "making a vessel", with what we know now as a fountain in the background. You have the option to make some very disturbing choices in this character creator, such as making its favorite flavor "pain" or expressing your feelings about it with options such as "fear" and "disgust." You name your "creation," tell the formless voice your name (which is different from your vessel's name) and watch as said formless voice muses over your name at an agonizing pace. It thanks you for your time and tells you that your wonderful creation, (cue music cutout and background removal) will now be discarded. "No one can choose who they are in this world." The screen slowly turns white as the voice says, "Your... name... is..."
It gets weirder. The next scene appears from the whiteness and showcases Toriel calling "Kris" out of bed. Kris' area of the room is very bare in contrast to the other side, which we later discover is Asriel's.
It's Toriel. Why is Toriel here?
Kris is kind of an anagram of Frisk (the protagonist of UNDERTALE) but without the F. I highly doubt this is a coincidence.
Speaking with Noelle is the only reason you can proceed (see what i did there?) while finding a partner in the classroom. This means you can't go through the 1st chapter without knowing who she is. Is it because of the Snowgrave route?
Ralsei is just suspicious to me. There's no way he was just waiting in that castle his whole life alone without some mental toil. So either he's insane or he wasn't alone the whole time. What happened? Is it related to how he can close his eyes and see what Susie is going through when she's apart from the party? Was he just watching everything? Is he related to the formless voice?
Susie's icon is the only one without color in the Dark World.
Jevil's fight is more difficult than Sans'.
Your actions have little consequence in the first chapter. If you choose to go genocide, the only difference in the ending is being run out of the kingdom, and this doesn't carry over to the next chapter. Again, lack of choice, people.
If at the end of chapter one, you walk around town, it's mentioned (notably by Noelle) that you're usually not this talkative. If you go to the hospital and speak with the receptionist, they mention that you used to play the piano in the corner. If you decide to attempt to play the said piano, an out-of-key bash can be heard and the receptionist comments on how you used to play beautifully. If you try this in chapter two, the result is the same. All this is confirmation that Kris is acting noticeably weird.
When you leave the Dark World and walk around town, you can find Sans. He "pretends" to recognize you, and if you tell him you recognize him, he tells you it's funny, considering that you two have never met before. He winks. I'm pretty sure he knows that the player is there.
The mention of Papyrus in both games, but the purposeful lack of him. Like he's avoiding you.
If you go upstairs while inside Asgore's flower shop, there are flowers in glass cases resembling his SOUL collection in UNDERTALE. There's a red flower.
You can't enter the church.
The clock in the storage closet shows a different time than all the others in the school.
If you go all the way south in town and into the woods, the music stops and you come across a rusty, double door is in a hill covered in crass. It's locked. If you go this way in chapter two, however, you watch a cutscene where you and susie happen to find Monster Kid from UNDERTALE (or someone resembling them) and an owl kid in front of the door. The owl kid is pressuring Monster Kid to (presumably) break inside, telling them that they don't want to be a wimp like Kris. Does this imply that Kris is connected to this strange door somehow?
The ending. You know what I'm talking about.
Did Kris actually rip out the SOUL (I say "the" because I'm not entirely sure it's Kris') and knife because they wanted to eat the pie? Did they only eat the pie because Toriel caught them?
Why did they look at the player? Are they sick of being controlled? Is that why they freaked out after the Spamton fight? (later)
Anyway, now we're at chapter two.
DELTARUNE Chapter Two was released on September 17th, 2021. 17. Entry Number 17. Sound familiar?
Asriel's part of the room is different from the last chapter. I don't think this means anything sinister, but I think it means Kris notices different things about the room as the story progresses. My theory is that it will become more sinister in each chapter.
Ralsei getting super excited to see Susie and Kris after a day. As in he has separation anxiety and it breaks my heart. not anything suspicious but it makes me sad so it's on the list.
Kris and Susie's rooms. Ralsei REALLY doesn't want them to leave. Seriously get this boy a therapist. Or a stuffed animal. SOMETHING.
Kris having to gather everything from the storage closet so that people appear in the Dark World????? Why??????????????? They had to do the same thing for the computer lab too.
The golden door. I don't trust it.
How/why the heck did Noelle and Berdley go into the Computer Lab Dark World? I don't see either of them just walking into pulsing void doors without Susie.
Apparently the knight has been gone for a bit and can corrupt people's minds? The king in the first chapter doesn't seem like he can be redeemed but Queen just seems,,, not bad, but a little crazy. I wonder what happened.
Then again, name ONE person in this franchise without trauma.
Horror doesn't bother me. Spamton? Spamton bothers me.
A Kromer is a type of hat invented in the '70s. Nobody named Mike is associated with it, that I can find.
The way he asks Kris is they want to be a heart on a chain their whole life. Like, dude, no wonder they were screaming after the fight.
Kris screaming after the fight and the player not being able to hear it. Don't you dare tell me that's just how the game is designed. There are sound effects characters make throughout the game. None that I can think of apply to Kris, apart from when they rip their soul out.
Ralsei brushing off the Spamton fight. Either that's his coping mechanism or he was trying to shut Susie and Kris up to protect them from... something. I'll touch on that in a minute.
According to Queen, DETERMINATION is a key factor in creating a fountain.
Also according to Queen, Kris, Noelle, and Susie all have DETERMINATION SOULS.
Ralsei freaking out about Berdley making a fountain implies that he may also have DETERMINATION. Why I'm bringing all this up will make sense soon.
How was Noelle able to cast Snowgrave... a spell that she, according to her, didn't know?
The Snowgrave route is so twisted.
You manipulate Noelle into killing Berdley and then, when you get back to the computer lab and investigate his corpse, the text box says that he doesn't seem to be awake. As if you're in denial?
Burgerpants recognizes you. Not Kris. As in the player.
The ending. I don't think I need to describe it. Kris is very methodical without the SOUL. (I say "the" because, again, I'm not 100% convinced it's theirs.) I'm saying this about how they left clues that someone broke into the This proves that they are NOT a mindless, vengeful husk.
Another point I would like to make is my theory that Ralsei knows much more than he would have us believe. I might put this into a different post because I have yet to gather my points into a coherent bullet point list, so keep an eye out for that.
Anyway apart from Toriel and Susie being VERY heavy sleepers, I think I've gone through everything. I have a few theories.
1. Kris is possessed by the player and figured out that they could make a fountain from Queen and related to Spamton freaking out about freedom. They then decided to make a fountain going by the logic that "this would tick the player off." This is one of my top theories that assumes that the SOUL is theirs.
And 2. Kris is possessed by both the player and the knight. I think the formless voice at the very beginning of the game is the knight, and they somehow needed the player to possess someone with DETERMINATION. If so, then why Kris? We know from Queen that Noelle and Susie, and maybe even Berdley also have DETERMINATION. The most plausible thing I can think of is the fact that human souls are stronger than monster ones.
I do think that the popular theory (about the one that suggests that the Dark Word is nothing but a figment of a child's imagination, and the events that occur in said Dark World are simply children playing with toys) has been thoroughly dashed due to Berdley's murder in the genocide route of the second chapter. Unless he's not dead. Regardless, how the events (or lack thereof) that occur in the second chapter play through the next will be interesting, especially considering Toby's announcement about how there will be one ending to the game. So either Berdley isn't dead, or he will be.
Aaaand I think that's it! Sorry for the long post; let me know your thoughts and if I missed anything!
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ravysu · 3 years
Sannin headcanons and thoughts
The last thing I would like to post for the sannin week. It is still 24.04 here! :D @sannin-central
This is long. Spoiler alert. Mostly Orochimaru, some Tsunade, a little of Jiraiya (because his story is pretty clear and spoken and idk what I can add). Also I recommend to read this meta about Orochimaru, it has influenced me a lot and has some good points. Sorry for any posible grammar mistakes. Also I really should put here a lot of references to the manga or anime but it was something that was piling up for a year and I'm soooooooo lazy. After all, those are just headcanons. Also: Im not excusing Oro's bad stuff here, Im trying to understand the reasons.
Ive already posted some hcs, here, here and here.
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1. First if all, the chronology pic of sannin lifetime based on the info i found on naruto wiki and also some statements about wars from this post. It was tough considering what a mess naruto’s chronology is.
2. Sannin story shows what it cost to be a legend. They're like Team 7 but more realistic. Tsunade literally carried the war but left with nothing and developed a ptsd and have problems to just live on. Also anger control issues. I think she can be pretty bossy and stubborn which is not always nice. Jiraiya is the hero of the day but also very idealistic and can ignore some important details in the real word whether its the fight (he always injured during flashbacks maybe because each time he took too much to handle and on the one hand it's heroistic but on the other is a mistake that can lead your team to situations like in that Iwa cave) or your friends issues (I bet he saw what's going on but thought it's fine until Oro actually got red handed and left). He lives in his world and may have problems to get out to see it through someone else's shoes. As for Orochimaru, it seems like he was a normal guy for 20+ years (I mean, he didn't do crazy criminal shit and had something good in him and it was stated somewhere that it was his teammates influence. It is obvious they considered him as a friend, I don't thinks it was for nothing) but we mostly know his darkest side. Despite being a moster he is a human that have empathy and some ordinary human traits (man just decorates every bit of an environment he is in lol).
3. Tsunade was the leader of team Hiruzen.
4. Tsunade sometimes hit Jiraiya for some stupid things he did or said but never touches Orochimaru even if he did something same. Jiraiya complained about it once and almost got another hit.
5. Jiraiya had problematic parents that didn't care about him much and a lot of time he was wandering in the streets.
6. Judging by the look of Oro bangs and hair, he sometimes cut it off. A stress relief huh? And the fact that he doesn't do it now in Boruto..
7. It was shown that Tsunade and Orochimaru was acknowledged before they become a team. Maybe they did just before, or maybe some longer time before. I prefer the second option and hc that they met because both had no real friends - Orochimaru seemed weird and scary for everyone and Tsunade was Senju so everyone wanted to hang out with her but didn't really care. They weren't seen as what they were - people put the labels on them. But they didn't care about each other's labels and actually saw each other in true lights.
8. Tsunade knew it was an accident and it's not right but still she blamed Orochimaru for Nawaki's death for some time. It was something that seriously damaged their friendship and the team. Orochimaru was mad but also guilty, after all, he was responsible at least as a shinobi since Nawaki was under his watch. So he started to act cold and emotionless and was trying to distance himself from his teammates.
9. Jiraiya was in Ame while Dan died.
10. The whole his orphans mission was a bit irresponsible tbh. They already fought Hanzo and as he stated the conflict between Konoha and Ame is going to an end with Konoha's win. It's weird to stay here for three years in the middle of the war while there were other lands to fight. He left his teammates for some idea. Maybe that caused another crack in their team friendship.
11. If Tsunade would have find a way to live on with her trauma and follow the will of fire and stuff it would affect Orochimaru as well just as her grief affected him. It's like he would get an example that you can live on with this pain. So death isn't above human capability and we are not just the slaves of mortality (sounds stupid but i dont know how else to describe sorry). But as we know what he actually saw is that it broke her crucially to the point she couldnt be herself again. And so the death is above everything.
12. Oro wasn’t just acting as a cold pragmatic bitch in that cave but also tried to save Tsunade. Jiraiya knew it and that’s why he showed this sign to him like "I see what youre doing here" and that stunned Oro because he would prefer to look rather like a cold pragmatic bitch hehe
13. Just a thought. People in the village probably treated Oro as a foreigner or just wouldnt accept him because he looked so differently and had a weird attitude. That's why he sometimes didn't feel that Konoha is his home. After the wars where people were treated as means and tools, even the children, he himself developed this view on people - he dehumanized them and used as the means to his goals, just as his village did. Funny thing some people were straightly dehumanizing him too like Ibiki thought that he was a demon (tho he was a child). And he probably weren't the only one. Anyways the point is that it's logical that Orochimaru don't care about anybody but some few people, he's the product of his era. He's like Naruto that would chose the hatred way. But naruto had some good and understanding people around him and.. Orochimaru had them too, but match how Iruka treated Naruto and this Hiruzen's "I sAw tHe mAliCe in This cHiLd fRoM tHe BegGinNinG". And oro didn't even have a big ass evil fox in him. sry i hate hiruzen
ANYWAYS the moral of the story is not "go criminal if they hurt you" but always treat people like people. Waving my hand to Kant.
14. The reason why Orochimaru didn't pick some good morals to stick with through the hard times no matter what (like, idk, Jiraiya or Naruto) is because 1) I think he is/was pretty depending on people around him 2) the war fucked him and his friends up too much (Nawaki incident + Tsunade) 3) twisted addictions (though I don't think he's that sadistic, we never saw him torturing randoms just for fun, it was always some science experimental shit. He tends to get fun out of cruelty only when it's personal) that maybe developed as a way to sublimate anger and sadness caused by his parents loss (that's what they share with sasuke - unlicke naruto, they knew their parents and it's other kind of pain. Sasuke developed a revenge issue and Orochimaru - cruelty pleasure which... is kinda the same but less epic and more occasional lol).
15. Speaking of that, Orochimaru cared for Sasuke because he saw himself in him.
16. Oro hold grudges against Hiruzen for not choosing him to be Hokage not only because he was ambitious and/or egoistic, but also because Hiruzen was some kind of a father figure for him and his approval was important tho i doubt he was aware of that. He also probably could tell that Hiruzen was suspicios about him when he was a child and that led to many conflicts and was hurting as well.
17. Tsunade knew things weren't pretty with Orochimaru after the wars but she never expected them to be this bad. During the week that she was given in her arc she thought not only about how much she wants to see Nawaki and Dan again despite how wrong would it be but also was trying to bury all the good memories she had left of Orochimaru so it would be easier to kill him.
18. She poisoned Jiraiya exactly because she knew he would not let her do it. Jiraiya was always hesitant to kill and inclined to forgiveness, while Tsunade, as mentioned by Orochimaru, could be merciless (so much so that he was not surprised when Kabuto suggested that she wanted to use Jira for Edo Tensei).
19. That was one of her traits that scared Jiraiya and fascinated Orochimaru.
20. Remember how Oro grabbed Jiraiya's neck when the latter was trying to cover with hair jutsu? On the snake, in Tsnade's arc. Orochimaru could have easily kill Jiraiya by pulling the sword out of the mouth (arteries are right there) but he didn't. As well as he could kill Tsunade when she was still shaking - just aim for the neck or the heart. Instead, he just injured her lung and kicked her which is not a big deal for the kind of shinoby like her at all.. Also he helped Anko not accidentally kill herself but it would be way much profitable to let her do it. "Orochimaru has no feelings".
21. The reason he suddenly wanted to kill Tsunade instead of forcing her to heal his arms as it was planned (which is weird since it will not going to get him heals and he kinda said that he wouldn't want to kill her just minutes ago) is that not only she refused to help him (he thought he could work it out) but she also prefered the village over him (from his point of view). Out if everyone she was the closest to being able to understand him since the village caused her painful losses too but nevertheless she agreed to be on it's side.
22. He wasn't fighting her back in the end partly because he thought he deserved that. Somewhere deep inside hahah.
23. Tsunade got a fear to develop deep bonds so they probably weren't very close with Shizune (also the way she knocked her down in this hotel.. oh).
24. Orochimaru will be here when she'll die.
25. Orochimaru's eng dub to Tsunade: "I often wondered what it would be like to ring that pretty neck yours". No comments.
26. Orochimaru is either bi/pan or ace. Anything or nothing lmao
27. Hiruzen knew about at least some of the Oro’s illegal experiments and was okay just as he was okay with the Foundation all the time. Because it’s useful. Then he has discovered he went too far OR he knew everything and oro just became too inconvenient because of his methods. The way Orochimaru tells Sasuke about reasons they are well treated as the criminals is based on in his experience with Hiruzen.
28. As you may know the lyrics in Orochimaru’s music theme goes “don’t talk with the silence of the heart”. It was taken from one Indian song that also had lines like “don’t question life too much”, ”pain arose somewhere in the chest”, “don’t speak to the wounds of the heart”. Though I’m not sure 100% because I was translating it with some hindi dictionary with like zero knowledge of hindi
29. I like to think that this “silence of the heart” theme and the fact that he called his village a hidden sound village are somehow connected. The hidden sound is the possible explanation of all things waiting to be listened to but the truth is silent and you know it deep in your heart and it bothers you. The world is silent just like the life is meaningless but people can only hear. *Sigh* anyways
30. Orochimaru’s journey is the one about accepting death. When he saw Karin released her chains while was trying to get to Sasuke he understood that the death is a part of human’s strength.
Can’t wait to feel that everything I wrote is wrong or not enough or stupid and obvious lol. Anyways, it’s something that I wanted to share until I move to some other fandom.
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ha-hatdog · 4 years
little one / daisuke kambe
i definitely did not swoon while writing this. again, i did not know if you wanted hcs or one shot but i'll go with one shot. this is a good time to post this since the latest episode showed pics of smol daisuke omg. also, the name of your son is kakeru - yes, as in kakeru from run with the wind lmao
and to those who are saying i should add read more to my long fics, i really want to but i don't have a laptop or computer. i write everything on my phone, on the tumblr app. so if you know how to add read more in posts using the app, then please do dm me. thank chu💛
requested by anon: one where daisuke and reader have a two year old son together? lots of fluff
Your palm concealed your amused lips, a snort emanating from your wrinkled nose as you took in the sight before you.
Kambe Daisuke was a man of little words and little expressions, and even now, after being married to you for four years and having a son who was now at the age of two, that has not changed. He was still the stoic and cool detective millionaire you have met many years ago - which is exactly what makes the unfolding scene before you much more hilarious.
Monotonous Daisuke, the same man you had seen take down criminals twice his size, was haphazardly sprawled on your carpeted ground, arms and legs outstretched, cheek pressed flat against the material of the carpet as a smaller and cuter carbon copy of him perched comfortably on his back, oblivious to the position he had set his father on, doing nothing but lie down on his father's back and sleep soundly, eyes closed, snoring and wearing such an adorable sleeping face that it was difficult not to coo.
The sight alone was already adorably hilarious, but seeing the genuine distress on Daisuke's face had you doubling over, your palm muffling your laughter.
"Look at you," You whispered at him by the doorframe, your knees bent and your other hand sliding along the frame of the door. "You look so dumb, Daisuke."
"I'm happy at least you find this amusing, but I do not." Your husband responded back in an ired puff, azure eyes glaring at you from the floor. It took all of you not to swoon.
"Don't look at me like that, my love. I can't take you seriously when our son is using you as a mattress." Daisuke's glare intensified, but as your previous statement suggested, all purpose of threat was dulled by the position he was in. "How did you even get yourself in this situation?"
"I find it unnecessary to tell you." Answered Daisuke, and from how his cheeks tinged red, you could only assume it was something embarassing. "Will you help me, love? Take Kakeru off of my back."
You shifted your gaze back to your slumbering son, and a fond smile sprouted on your brims.
Sometimes you wonder how you were even able to make this precious, big eyed, nuzzling baby. He was an exact copy of Daisuke, not a single hint of your genes. Blank face, quiet, raven hair, blue eyes, the little shine in his eyes whenever he saw you - it was like seeing Daisuke when he was a child, and it was because of this fact that you were at least feeling a little bit alright with your son having no semblance with you.
"Kakeru," You whispered to your son as you stepped closer to your best boys with quiet footfalls, and he scrunched his face ay the brief interruption of your cooing voice. You stopped yourself from squishing his cute little face, and knelt down beside them. "Kake -"
Your sentence was cut off when you felt a hand under your knee. Immediately, Daisuke retracted his hand away, hurling your way a soft glare. "Watch where your knee is going."
You chuckled at his dilemma and reached down to stroke his head. "Mattresses don't talk, Daisuke."
"Normal people don't talk to mattresses." Countered Daisuke, huffing and averting his gaze away from you. You stifled your laughter as his pout grew more prominent. It might be very obvious already with how Daisuke has everything handed over to him with a single breath, but your husband absolutely hated losing in any forms ; even in your daily banter, he must always have the last word. People often mistakenly thought that you, being his darling wife that he had persistently courted for a whole year, would be exempted to this childish pettiness you consistently deny her allegations, firmly believing you were receiving the worse end of it. This man cannot forget the times you have successfully reigned victory over his own game, months or weeks, it never failed to be permanently ingrained in his mind ; and this resulted to puzzling moments which goes by a chronological sequence - a relatively normal day, an opportunity to divulge the opening you have unknowingly presented before his feet, and then comes his last word, to which he will remind you as your confused face stared back at him when his out of the blue statement has originally birthed from.
However, there was only one person who could defeat him at that, would never let him get the last word and that is your son Kakeru. As you stared at his sleeping face, you cannot help but smile as you reminiscent that particular day.
Haru Kato has been invited to your house to meet Kambe Kakeru. Daisuke has been mildly cross with Haru meeting his son because he was petty and said that Kakeru needed no other man than him but seeing that Daisuke has become good friends with Haru in the two years they were partners, you insisted that he meets him. It was already unfair that Haru had to wait until Kakeru was two to meet him, the first and last time he saw him being after you had given birth (Daisuke only let him have a glimpse then pushed him out of the hospital room because he doesn't want Kakeru thinking he was his father).
"Kakeru," You chided as you crouched beside your son who was hiding behind Daisuke's legs and peering at the gray haired male, eyes curious yet cautious. "Don't you want to meet Uncle Haru?"
Haru stepped closer to the three of you, bent down near Kakeru's height, and outstretched his hand for him to shake. "Hey there, Kakeru." Haru greeted with a smile.
Kakeru recoiled and hid himself further behind Daisuke, hands around his pants tightening. "Daddy," He whimpered. "Bad man."
Haru's face fell at the enunciation, and you covered your mouth to keep yourself from laughing. Daisuke stared blankly at Haru as his hand travelled behind his back to stroke Kakeru's head. "You heard my son. Get out of here, bad man." Daisuke uttered his command.
A tick mark appeared on Haru's forehead at Daisuke's vocalization and before things could escalate out of the power of your responsibility, you interjected, regaiming your proper posture and clasping your hands together. "Kakeru is just wary of Haru because this is the first time he's seeing him, no need to fight." You told them off.
"No, Haru is just naturally scary." Daisuke stated with bantering finality.
"This is coming from a man who barely smiles." Argued Haru, scowling.
"And this is coming from someone who seems to be making a living screaming at me." Countered Daisuke.
Kakeru's eyes widened at what his father had said and shot Haru a small glare, yet his stance never wavered from its hiding place. "He screams at daddy . . . " Murmured Kakeru in a thoughtful trance, and pointed at Haru, shocking all three of you. "D-Don't scream at daddy again!"
Alarm made its way to Haru's facr at the accusation. "No, I have not once yelled at your dad - "
Daisuke turned around and knelt in front of Kakeru. Daisuke stared into his son's eyes and Kakeru stared back. "Don't listen to him, Kakeru. You should never listen to him, never ever. He makes daddy get all angry when we're doing police missions together."
"O-Oi," Haru inserted, fuming. "You're the one who always makes me mad! Don't turn the child on me!"
But Kakeru was not listening to Haru, as his beloved father has told him. Kakeru nodded firmly, lips curling. "Yes, daddy." He vouched in determination.
"Daisuke, stop it." You chastised, sighing and turned to the other detective that was not using your son to his advantage. "Sorry about this, Haru. Kakeru really looks up to Daisuke so he does anything he tells him to."
Kakeru, all of a sudden, began trotting away from the three of you, leaving all of you confused. After a few minutes, Kakeru returned, a determined look on his face.
"Kakeru, sweetheart, where did you go?" You asked as you approached him. "It's rude to leave our guest hanging, you know."
"Fight bad man," You and Haru gasped in horror when your son suddenly brandished a gun to Haru, not just a toy, but a real one. His tiny hands trembled as he was not used to the weight of the metal weapon burdening his grasp, and he was still glaring at Haru. "I pew pew bad guy, mommy, like daddy do with bad guys!"
"Kakeru, where did you get that gun?" You questioned, alarmed and and genuinely frightened. You looked to your husband to assess his reaction, but much to your mortification, Daisuke looked calm as he always is, as if your son wasn't capable of hurting a person as of the moment. "Daisuke, what the hell?"
You let out a yelp when Kakeru turned to you, and in the process, turned the gun to you. "Bad word, Mommy." He scolded. "I don't like."
Daisuke drawled. "It's not a big deal."
Haru growled. "Your son has a weapon! How are you not freaking out?" He then turned to Kakeru and extended his hand. "Give me the gun, Kakeru. Give it."
But Kakeru shook his head defiantly. "No!"
Daisuke frowned at his wife and his partner. "Why are you making a big fuss about this?" He questioned. "It's unloaded and the safety is on."
At the mention of those, you and Haru felt a brief sense of relief until Haru spoke out, "Just because it's unloaded doesn't mean it's okay!"
"It's basically a toy." Retorted Daisuke.
You walked towards your husband and pulled at his ear. His face did not at all change, seemingly expecting this reaction from you. "Daisuke, where did he even get the gun? Has one of yours been just lying around his reach?" This concerned you. If your son was able to get a weapon easily, what more is your husband letting him get?
"I gave him one." Answered Daisuke.
"And why would you give our two year old a gun?" You snapped at him.
"Kakeru said he wanted to hold a gun. Just like you, I said no." Daisuke glanced over at Kakery who was watching the three of you curiously. "However - " He turned back to you, and looked away. " - he's too adorable, as you might say."
You and Haru, in unison, slapped your hands to your forehead, exasperated with Daisuke's response.
"Kakeru probably looked sad when Daisuke said no." Haru remarked. "I can't blame him to be honest."
"He's spoiling him in ways too many." You added, and removed your hand from your forehead. "Daisuke, I know you love our son and pampering him but he can't just have a gun."
"Why, mommy?" You all looked at Kakeru, and immediately understood why Daisuke was forced to give him an unloaded gun. "Not love me?"
"A-Ah," You shrieked, horrified. "The secret move!"
Haru gulps. "This boy knows a little too much about his abilities."
"Even if it doesn't have any bullets?" Daisuked asked you.
You hurtled him a glower. "Even if it doesn't have any bullets and yes, even if it has the safety lock on." You immediately added when you saw Daisuke open his mouth.
Said man huffed. "Fine. If I knew you were going to react like this, I wouldn't have done it."
You and Haru watched as Daisuke knelt down in front of your son. Kakeru stared at his father, eyes wide and admiring. Daisuke lets out a sigh and extended his palm, "Give."
Kakeru shook his head vigorously, and his face scrunched as if he was going to cry but was trying to suppress it. "Daddy no love me too?"
You waited for what Daisuke would do, but he did not move. More seconds has passed, and he was yet to move. You and Haru exchanged glances before you moved over to him, checking him out. "Daisuke, love, what - Daisuke?"
A torn man was what Daisuke coukd be called at that moment. His face was deadpanned, but being with him longer than anyone else, you were able to pick up the small difference his expression held right now.
"U-Uh, Daisuke, are you okay?" You questioned in a form of a titter, eyebrows connected. "Daisuke?"
Haru walked over to Daisuke and leaned to look at him. "A-Ah, he looks like he's suffering."
"No, no," Denied Daisuke, frown deepening as he tried not to fall for his son's adorable trap. "Daddy loves you. But mommy and I agreed that you can't have that kind of toy, Kakeru."
"But," You all drew in a breath Kakeru hugged the gun to his chest, tears prodding the corners of his eyes. "My favorite toy is this."
"But why that, baby?" You asked softly. "You have so many other toys. Why that one?" You recalled the heaping amount of toys Daisuke bought for Kakeru.
Kakeru pouted, cheeks puffing. You couldn't help but imagine little Daisuke like that. "Because Daddy gave me this." Said Kakeru. "I want to be police, like daddy."
Daisuke turned to you, the internal struggle in his eyes prominent but you shook your head at him. Your husband sighed and looked at Kakeru again. He put his hand on top his head and ruffled his hair. Kakeru closed his eyes at the affection, welcoming it and his rigid frame loosening. Kakeru opened his eyes and let out a small noise of surprise as Daisuke wiped a stray tear from his cheek.
From what you can deduce, you knew Daisuke was about to say something brilliant to your son, to teach him something valuable. But before Daisuke could even open his mouth, Haru cut him off -
"A gun doesn't make a cop, Kakeru. It's the sense of justice to do the right thing and keeping people safe does." Haru then proceeded to take out his badge and handing it to Kakeru with a large smile on his face. "You can borrow this for a while, while I'm still here. As much as I want to give it to you, I need it to do my job as a cop. But maybe in the future, you can get one of your own. You'll be just like your dad."
You were impressed by what Haru had said, but Kakeru - his eyes were wide and glittering with admiration as he stared at Haru, all fear of the bad man gone. You swear that there was light all around Haru if you're ever seeing through Kakeru's eyes. But one member of the group disliked this mild change, and it was your irritated and pouting husband.
You covered your mouth to keep yourself from laughing. Daisuke was obviously feeling jealous of Haru now that his son was ignoring him - the emotion only worsening when Kakeru took the badge from Haru and dropped the gun on the ground and stared at the shiny object, whispering, "Uwahh,"
A cloud of dread hung over Daisuke and you patted his back in comfort. "There, there, Daisuke, he's just making a friend."
"But why with Haru?" Grumbled Daisuke, sulking. "And why is he looking at him like that? I should be the only one he's looking at like that. You too, I guess."
You let out a sigh. "You're really jealous when it comes to me and Kakeru."
Haru looked proud of the achievement and improvement he had made with Kakeru, his hands over his hips. "Looks pretty cool, right?"
Kakeru nodded enthusiastically, examining the badge thoroughly. "Very cool." He murmured, and then stared at Haru intently, lips pursing. "I wanna be like Mister Haru when I grow up!"
That was the first time you have seen Daisuke speechless and the last time Haru had seen Kakeru for six months. You were certain Daisuke did not speak to Haru for about two weeks, only communicating through nods and grunts, and Haru did not know whether to feel relieved or irritated at that. Maybe a little bit of both.
But, that was the only time Daisuke did not have the last word.
Kakeru certainly has Daisuke around his little finger.
You reached forward and shook Kakeru awake softly. "Kakeru," You chimed, and he scrunched his face again, not wanting to be disturbed sleeping on Daisuke's back. "Wake up, baby,"
Kakeru let out a small groan, and slowly opened his eyes. A familiar pair of blue hues greeted you, the same eyes that you wake up to every morning. Kakeru let out a big yawn and rubbed his left eye with his hand, groaning out, "Mommy," He then looked down at Daisuke who was craning his head to watch his son. "And Daddy."
You smiled at him and opened your arms, hands making grabby movements towards your two year old. "Come here, baby," You cooed sweetly.
Kakeru perked up and a glimmer crossed his eyes, the same glimmer when Daisuke had seen you for the first time. You could never forget that time, and you can never find it more beautiful than seeing that in your son's eyes whenever you offer him affection. Immediately, the two year old scrambled out of Daisuke's back - Daisuke grunted as his little feet padded on his back a few times as he struggled to get to your lap and arms - and sunk in your embrace. Your eyes grew gentler as Kakeru snuggled closer to your chest, cheek rubbing on your clothing and his hands clinging to the fabric.
"Are you tired, baby?" You questioned as you stroked the back of his head, finger running over his hair.
Kakeru nodded tiredly. "Daddy played cops and robbers with me."
"Let me guess, you were the cop and he was the robber?" You commented.
"Yes, and I captured Daddy many, many times." Answered Kakeru, proud with himself.
"Oh, is that so? That's amazing, baby. You're going to be a great cop like Daddy." You then turned over to Daisuke who was now recovering from being used as a bed. He dusted himself as he sat properly on the ground in front of you. "Is that why you were under him? Because you were arrested?"
Daisuke looked away. "I think I need to teach him how to properly apprehend a criminal."
You giggled. "When he's older, Daisuke."
He faced you with a sharp twist of his face, expression determined. "He won't grow older."
You frowned. "What?"
You and Daisuke looked down to see Kakeru fighting the need to sleep, his eyes opening and closing.
"I don't . . . " Daisuke trailed off, and a trace of embarassment scrawled on his face. You rarely see your husband embarassed and so you waited for him to continue. " . . . I don't want Kakeru to grow up."
You shook your head lightly, smile broadening. "Daisuke," You whispered, and when he did not look at you, you called him again. "Love, look at me."
He did so, and with one hand, you cradled his face. "I know how you feel. I understand where you're coming from. But - " You mused. " - don't you want to see our son grow up to be a fine man? To be the person he aspires to be? To be like you?"
Daisuke stares back at you, and took a gander at Kakeru who was beginning to fall asleep. He lets out a sigh and nodded in agreement, "I guess that would be pleasant to see."
"And he'll marry a great girl." You added.
"Marry mommy," Kakeru drawled. He was forcing himself to stay awake but his eyes was not cooperating with his spirits.
Daisuke scooted closer to both of you and brushed his knuckles on Kakeru's forehead. "Marry mommy? You're going to take mommy away from me?"
Kakeru shook his head. "Marry someone like mommy," One of his hand extended and took hold of Daisuke's shirt, the other still clinging to you. Kakeru looked up at both of you, still comfortable in your lap and chest. His eyes, again, were bright. "I want family like me, and mommy, and daddy."
Warmth swathed your chest, your heart melting. You took a gander to Daisuke and saw that the expression he wore - love, care, and the promise of sacrifice when it comes to it and when he looked at you, the emotions never faltered, and they only grew stronger. Sometimes you wonder just how much Daisuke loved you and Kakeru.
"A family like the three of us." Kakeru let go of your clothing and showed three fingers of his and quickly pressed the three digits together. "A happy family."
Kakeru fell asleep after his statement. His arm dropped and his head moved to one side, his eyes closed and lips parted.
"We should tuck him in." Daisuke declared.
"Yeah," You agreed and Daisuke helped you stand up, making sure you two aren't waking your sleeping son. You moved him to his bed, setting him down the mattress gently. Daisuke took the liberty of putting the blanket over Kakeru. Your child shifted in his spot, and cuddled to his pillow.
You sat on the bed beside Kakeru, observing your son. "Already tired when the morning has just barely started." You chuckled.
"He said he needed practice to be a cop, and I couldn't say no." Daisuke inserted.
"You can never say no to Kakeru anyways." You jested.
"Same with you." Daisuke knelt down beside the bed, arms resting on the mattress and his head level with his son's. He admired Kakeru, his deadpan expression gone and a small smile on his face. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against Kakeru's cheek, lingering for a while before pulling away.
Daisuke faced you and you raised an eyebrow as he took your hand.
"You have given me a beautiful son. Thank you so much, my love."
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greatnessordeath · 3 years
Come let's watch the rain as it's falling down
Tags: mature, aged up characters, swearing, alcohol, blood, pining, Wordcount: 4.7k
Notes: As I mentioned in a earlier post: this is the first chap of my wip slow burn Bakugou x reader fic (contains Halloween snippet). The future chaps will be posted on ao3 only (i think... I dunno. I like tumblr, but im quite confused with how to post longer fics ?) So i'd be superduper happy if you swing by :) Read it on ao3
Do not repost. Minors do not interact please
Chapter 1: After work obstacles Finally it's the end of the day. The glassdoors slide shut behind you and the cool night air embraces your figure outside the hospital.
You sigh exhausted and massage your aching neck. The overtime has been piling up lately and you’re not sure if you’re still a functioning individual. You could pass as a zombie right on the spot without any further disguise. Your skin is pale, the dark circles will soon become parents to a new pair of cute baby circles and your h/c hair lacks shine.
Then so be it, you think cynical to yourself. You don't care how you look. At the risk of sounding pathetic - it's all worth it.   You work as an intern at trauma surgery. Your days are a rush. A roller coaster ride, a box of chocolates, a lottery - whatever comparison you bring up, it all leads down to one truth: you never know what awaits you. Injured civilians, hurt heroes, the daily grind of accidents and disease and on top messed up quirks. But it doesn’t matter what you get, as long as you’re able to help.
You’re not gifted with a healing quirk like many of your colleagues who pursue the same dream of becoming a doctor. Your quirk is useful to say the least, but far away from special, or powerful. Your eyes ignored the physics of light which made it possible for you to see in the dark. That's it. You wanted to make a difference for people and fortunately you didn’t need a quirk to do so.
Your breath condenses visibly in the cold outside in small white clouds. The air is crisp and you love it. It clears your head and you can practically feel the weight lifting off of your tense shoulders. Despite that, you still pull the collar of your jacket closer to your neck. You can't wait to take a hot shower, wash off the stinging smell of disease and disinfectant, and bury yourself under your covers.
You check the time only to see that - again - it’s past midnight. When your eyes pass the calendar indication on your watch, your stomach knots in discomfort. It's only two weeks till Christmas eve. Maybe everything will be easier to bear when you have to endure the judging looks of your family as a mindless zombie, who knows? You'd just have to work harder to indifferently endure her nagging questions about your personal life.
‘Wow brain. Is this everything you can come up with?’ Another deep sigh leaves your lips. ‘ No, I can't, even if I wanted to. If I work any more, I’ll fall over ,’ you think matter-of-factly.
You’re well aware that repression is a bad tactic for dealing with pent-up feelings, but you’re only human. One, so desperate to seriously consider the zombie option for a moment and indeed one who’d rather volunteer 70 hours a week to avoid the stupid family dinner.
Of course it wasn't always like that but the couple years after your graduation passed so quickly. You threw yourself into work, finally you were ready to gain practical experience, after years of drilling. You made it to an internship at a well known clinic in Musutafu and you’re more than proud to be this privileged. You want to exert, make yourself worth the job and be the best you. You pushed your limits on a regular basis.
Although you never wanted to be a hero who fights villains, you adopted the motto of the hero academy not far away. PLUS ULTRA. Never give up, move on, go beyond . You burn so hot for your goals that your own moroseness makes you cringe occasionally. But you always smile it away. Of course, the lack of time that came with working long shifts and overtime resoluted in a puny social life. Work became your life much to the dismay of your Mom. When you cautiously dropped the info that you're planning to work through Christmas completely this year your Mom had looked at you like a deer in headlights.
At least you could talk yourself out with the fact that colleagues with children were preferred. But that usually only opened the door for the next dispute. Your desire to have children. Urghhh. Your only valid desires were the regular consumption of fudgy brownies and a good fuck. You feel the urge to hit your head against a lonely street lamp as you shuffle despondently from the clinic's huge parking lot and turn right onto the main street.
You like the quiet darkness of the night. It's the opposite of the hectic everyday life in the hospital and you appreciate the change. Given to your quirk you've always been more of a night owl than an early bird. When you walk down the stairs to the subway tunnel after a few minutes, you can already hear the rumble of the train. You’re lucky to catch it without waiting. The familiar screeching of the brakes is the only sound far and wide. You are often the only person on the platform - and today is no different.
You get in and sit down at a window place. You spread out your legs in the empty compartment and your sore feet enjoy the relief a lot. You share a whole wagon with only three more people. They are typing lost in thought on their phones, listening to music or already dozing off.
You look at your sunken face in the reflection of the glass pane and can practically hear your mother's reproachful voice. Your mind wanders to your latest phone call and replays.
“Hi, how are you, hun?”
“I’m fine.”
“Well, it doesn't sound like it. ...Extra hours again?”
“Yes. My colleague caught the flu so I'm covering up for him.” A small pause stretches between you and you already know what's about to come when your Mom speaks again.
“Would you listen to me for a sec and don't throw a tantrum, kay?” Your silence is approval enough to get her going.
“Your voice always sounds so worn out when I call you and… I’m worrying. Don't you think you’d need a break, too?”
“Mom, I told you I'm just a little tired. There's no need to worry.” You try your best to sound persuasive - like always without the desired effect. “But that's what Moms do! You’re my child, so of course I worry... I mean you can't keep doing this forever. You're young and beautiful - now's the time to live! You know? You should throw yourself out there and enjoy your life instead of giving your best years away like this.” You huff at that. “Drop it, okay? I choose this life by myself. Can you please stop criticizing me every single time about it? I am not having this discussion with you again.” “Y/n. This is not about your profession. This is about you working so hard for others while ignoring your own needs. Even you have to rest at some point! Think about it, hun. How will you help others, if your own body is collapsing?”
“You’re totally going overboard. It's not like that. And the last time I checked I was completely fine with sewing people together, but don’t mind me.” You retort sarcastically with instant regret. You’ve had this so often, you stopped counting. She always manages to flip the switch and you hate yourself for the lack of control. You don’t want to escalate things so you try to backpedal. “Listen, can we please stop talking about this?“ “You’re incorrigible. Stubborn as a mule.” she determines. “Stubborn like Dad, you mean.” You wear a weary smile and a twitch pinches your heart. You know she thought about him, too, based on the sigh you hear on the other side of the phone. “At least make sure you eat properly,” her tone softened audibly. “How am I ever going to have grandchildren, if your bony ass is useless to attract a handsome doctor?” “Mom!” “What? ... Come on, don’t make a fuss.” It was meant to be a joke but it only makes you swallow uncomfortable. Those statements  of her are pressuring you, no matter how lax they were said. You sure did wish for a change of subject, but not to open the next tinderbox. “I… I need to hang up now. It was nice hearing from you.“ “Promise me to take care of yourself, alright?” You hum in agreement. “Love you, hun.” “Love you, too. Bye Mom.“ You reciprocate the empty phrase with equivalent affection.
You lean your forehead against the cold glass and take a deep breath. You don't want to think about it, you just want to go home, call it a day.
... seven more stations. Then change and four more to go. You allow yourself to zone out and watch the endless blackness of the underground pass by. There is something soothing about it and you manage to collect yourself as you close your eyes.
When the train slowly pulls into the next stop, the doors open automatically and a small breeze refreshes the musty air. You barely notice, because you’re so used to it. You’re trying to remind yourself to buy wrapping paper when you’re going to go for groceries tomorrow morning as a noise disturbs your thoughts.
Suddenly you hear loud rumbling and your eyes search confused for the origin of the commotion. A dark figure gallops breathless down the escalator to the platform at a mad pace.
Well, the trains do arrive relatively unevenly at night - facts - but to be in such a hurry seems exaggerated to you.
The guy hastily takes two steps at a time and carries a large backpack that bounces up and down. You’re left to wonder what or who he might be running off, as he dares a big jump at the end of the stairs, but terribly fails. You can see how the extra weight of the backpack affects his center of gravity so that he stumbles and hits the asphalt hard. Based on the way his foot bends under his weight, you assume he has at least a fractured ankle if not worse.
Your helper instinct is activated immediately.
In an instant you jump to your feet and hurry to the open door without hesitation when abruptly a detonation shakes the underground. An incredibly loud bang roars through the tunnel and everybody gasps in surprise as the floor vibrates slightly under their feet. Dazzling lights blind your view and you put a protective hand in front of your eyes.
'What the...?'
You get the uneasy feeling that something is wrong.
"Excuse me, may I help you?" You offer to the fella on the floor when your vision clears again.
Your question doesn't seem to get through to him. But it shakes him out of his paralyzed state. Without losing much time, the guy gets up again. With hazel eyes wide with fear, he looks back at the escalator.
With your hands reassuringly raised you take more steps towards him. "Sir? Are you hurt? I'm a med-" you try again, but are cut off by another voice.
"You can't escape me, Extra!" "Out of the way!" The backpack guy yells and rushes towards you. Is he chased by a villain? Please no!
Just as this thought buzzes through your head, a new figure appears on the platform.
You freeze when an unmistakeable spiky blonde emerges from the moving staircase and a burnt smell fills the air.
“Still tryin’ to escape me, huh,” the hero shouts and takes up the chase with his signature explosion drive.
Realization hits you hard, but it's too late. When Dynamight is the pursuer, this will logically make the other guy the criminal. ‘Shit!’ Speaking of it - realization isn’t the only thing that hits you. The delinquent pushes you aside with a pained expression to get in the subway and you hit the ground. White dots explode in front of your eyes as the pain shoots through your head. The impact is so hard it even drives the air out of your lungs. You’re conscious but you feel strangely foreign in your own body. ‘What’s wrong with me? My natural reflexes did nothing! Wait… I can't move!’
You grimace with strain or at least you try to but your muscles won’t obey. ‘ Did he use his quirk on me?’ You can only speculate.
Out of the corner of your eye you can see how Dynamight's silhouette hurries past you.
"Eijiro ...!" He shouts urgently as his fiery eyes flicker over you for a split second.
"Yes! Go get him, Katsuki!" screams the redhead in response.
You didn't recognize another hero entering the subway. It must have slipped your attention as you were caught up with the whole situation. Red Riot kneels down by your side and looks you up and down for injuries. “Don’t worry, you’re safe now. Did he touch you?” You try to stir again, but every inch of your sore body feels so incredibly heavy. The pinky finger doesn't even twitch when you try to move it.
“… ca … n't m ...ove”, you choke out with wide eyes. His gaze softens and his kind eyes look at you knowingly. “Ah, thought so. It’ll be alright. He used his quirk on you. We assume he can paralyze people. But it won’t last long.” He tries his best to keep you calm. “Everybody get off NOW!” Dynamight barks in his usual grim voice and it echoes painfully in your head. You try to look out for him, but your field of view is too limited - and you’re petrified anyway. The few passengers shuffle out of the train immediately with angsty faces.
Red Riot takes charge and directs them to gather in a safe distance to the potential danger zone. He advises them to wait and faces you again. “You can’t stay here. I have to pick you up.” “Goo h… heel ...lllp ‘im?” Your eyes dart to the train again. “Trust me, this is a pushover.” He smiles genuinely, “I'd like to have you safe, just in case.”
You don’t protest because you can’t. The way he picks you up makes you blush lightly. Being carried bridal style by a stranger stirs something in you. The warmth of his bare chest is welcoming, the sensible heartbeat soothing against your torso. He's a hero - probably doing these kinds of things on a daily basis and albeit his very respectful touch, you feel silly. Hanging in his arms like a sack of spuds isn’t exactly how you like to picture yourself. “Ah shit. You’re bleeding.” He states concerned as soon as he notices the small red blotch on the back of your head.
A faint waft of hair gel tingles your nose, as he sits you down on a bench. He tugs at you to make sure you won’t fall. “Let me have a closer look…” He examines your wound diligently and smiles at ease. “You’re lucky. it's nothing but a scratch.”
He basically radiates off pure safety with his gentle behaviour. You do feel taken care of and it's nice in a way. But what bothers you, is the mere but heavy fact, that you’re absolutely helpless. You hate it. You don’t want to cause someone else trouble and the loss of control makes you uncomfortable.
“I suggest that you consistently try to move a finger so you won’t miss the end of the paralysis.” He says assuringly.
How the hell can he be as cool as ice while his partner is having a serious mission? What if something unexpected happens? What if-
He laughs at you and questing faces turn in your direction. “Your brows are already knitting again, I can tell it won’t take much longer.” “With all due respect, Sir, how can you stand here laughing and let your colleague fight all alone?” An older man basically voices your thoughts. You would have picked your words more sensitive, because as soon as it's spoken it appears a rude question. But the redheads' smile only widens. “That's easy. Because I trust him.” The small group of civilians including your muted self react startled. It's not uncommon for heroes to split tasks, but still... “Hm. What’s wrong with helping him anyway?” “See, he trusts me, too. He fights preferably when he doesn't have to worry about the safety of people who may be at risk. This is the best way for him to focus on the villains. My quirk is hardening, which I can use to ward off any harm they might be throwing at us. By getting you out of the line, Dynamight has the best starting point to apprehend the villain. As far as we know, this guys’ quirk requires a melee situation with body contact and Dynamight - unlike me - benefits from this. So we’re using this to our advantage. Plus, we’re at a dead end. He has nowhere to go and I think he hurt his ankle when he jumped the staircase earlier. So this is no real match up, believe me.” There is definitely some truth to his words. But you can’t help but wonder about his confidence. “Nevertheless, please stay behind me at any cost and be aware of the ones around you until this is over.” Fortunately enough it seemed like the guy - you refuse to call him a villain - didn’t want to harm people in the first place. Yes, he pushed you, but only because you were standing in his way. He appealed insecure, even scared, not coldblooded or calculating. God knows hurting people wasn’t his main goal. He must have been pretty desperate for an escape if he thought a subway appeared to be a good idea - with two heroes right on his ass. Obviously one doesn't plan on getting caught, when about to commit a crime, you guess. You don’t know enough to judge... Maybe opportunity made the thief in this case. You sit and wonder, only vaguely paying attention to what happens in the subway. The wagon with Dynamight is at least 50 metres away from you and it's unlikely silent. Naturally he can’t just blow up the train in order to catch the guy, but you can’t really picture him talk him out otherwise. ...It has been a long time since you were so close to a heroic operation, let alone be involved in the middle of it as a “victim”. Whenever you catch a glimpse of him in between people your heartbeat accelerates. He still is as hot as ever - if not hotter. He wears the fucking crown out of self-confidence with even more ease. The years made him broader, steps dripping of assurance, clear-cut features handsome as ever with those sharp crimson eyes. Dynamight … why he of all people? Like an old friend, a notable memory visits you again. You only remember fragments of that evening, except this one encounter. You can see it crystal clear as if it was yesterday. Back then, you were in med school and you had passed an important exam the day before. You had promised your brother that the two of you would go out together like in the old days. It was fun. At least for you. To this day your brother teases you about it and you can’t help but blush every time when he mockingly rants how shameless you’ve been.
Halloween eve, years ago
There's heroes and villains everywhere. It's not as packed as it was a few hours ago, but still the streets were roamed by many people. Despite Halloween being supposed to be creepy, most people plainly dressed up as their favorite heroes instead of villains. So a hero's popularity was pretty much measured by how many doppelgangers were walking around.
Needless to say, All Might fans dominated the street scene, totally refusing Endeavor as new Number One Hero. Bakugou saw loads of Froppys among the kids earlier that day. Even dumb Pickachu had fans. Seems like they’re making the best of the provisional license so far.
Unlike his colleagues, Bakugou savours the privilege of his rather bad image. People always hold a fair distance to Dynamight when he's patrolling. Especially on Halloween - nobody wanted to be the idiot who got explosions in their face for mistaking him for a clad friend. It felt inequitable. He was trying to improve his temper - but hands down - he got a long way to go. On the other side he was happy that there would be no pesky fan disturbances like selfies, autographs and chitchat.
Anyways, here he is now, walking the streets with drunk All Mights stumbling home from their night out. The smell of sugar, booze and happy chatter of the people enjoying themselves filled the chilly autumn air.
Bakugou can't help but think of the perfect cover this night would provide for crime. It would be so easy to dress up as literally anyone and hide their real identity. Piece of cake to get lost in the crowd with dozens of doubles, an opportunity he sure wouldn’t let pass if he were a villain.
Because the agencies are aware of that fact, too, they would double the patrols around Halloween. So he won’t let his guard down, even if there were only a few minutes of his shift left.
He continues to observantly strives the streets, always side eying the darker alleys, left behind candy cracking under his soles, as-
“Oh my god, look at you!” someone exclaimed loudly in front of him. In a split second his crimson eyes shift to the source of the sound.
Hawks and Shoto were standing arm in arm in front of him. Hawks had one gloved hand tightly wrapped around Shotos waist and he obviously had trouble balancing their extra weight. Red fluffy plush wings were strapped on his back and the eyeliner was on fleek. With the glasses and an ocher coat it all came together to a solid costume.
IcyHot on the other hand, was way too curvy to match the original. Bakugou could see h/c hair peek out underneath the heterochromatic wig and slender limbs being hugged perfectly in the familiar blue suit. The smile Fem-Shoto threw at him was somehow contagious.
You broke away from Hawks and staggered towards him with shaky knees. Of course you slipped and in a quick reflex Bakugou stretched out his arms to prevent you from falling.
You giggled at that and looked at him in awe. The orangey light of the street lamps gave his ashy hair a saintly halo. You shamelessly took him in and your eyes lingered disrespectfully long on his bare biceps. He halfway expects you to stretch out a hand and stiffens slightly at the thought.
“That's by far the best costume I’ve seen today”, you blurt out, “I swear, Dynamight is sooo hot! Could blow me up any time~”
Bakugou was caught by surprise and lifted a sceptical brow at the statement.
“Shushhh Onee-chan, you’re embarrassing,” whined Hawks with a hand on his neck. ”Come on now, I’ve gotta get you home somehow.”
You weren’t listening at all and grabbed one of his gauntlets to examine it closely.
“Wow, how’d you get them so realistic?” you asked with big eyes full of admiration.
“Oi hands off, Half’n’Half!” he growled dismissively. Resolute but careful not to make you trip again he drew them from your hands.
“Sooo mean~”
“Tch”, he clicked his tongue at you annoyingly.
You lifted your gaze and met his piercing eyes. He noticed your dilated pupils and the familiar smell of beer and smoke radiating off of your clothes. Your cheeks were rosy and glowing, the e/c of your eyes standing out to the red paint on your face.
“Damn you really take this shit seriously, do you? You into roleplay or somethin’?”
“Jeez, y/n stop it!!! I’m so, so sorry…” said the Hawksguy in an apologizing manner shifting his feet in discomfort but not daring to come any nearer to Bakugou. At least he seemed sober enough to recognise him.
"Don’t tell me what to do!” you snapped angry at what appears to be your younger brother and Bakugou bites back a grin hearing one of his standard answers out of your pretty mouth.
As if you were only realising now that Bakugou was still holding you, you straightened your back and made the attempt to stand on your own. Neither your heels nor your knees seem reliable, but you were sticking out your chest confidently.
“I'm sure handsome over here would say something if I'm overstepping the bounds, right?”
You throw him your best charming smile, boldly laying a hand on his broad chest leaving him startled about your straightforwardness.
There was no denying that you were indeed buzzed … and going for it.
But albeit pretty privilege, he couldn’t let you touch him like this. The last thing he wanted was involuntarily taking advantage of your situation.
“Excuse me Shoto, but this is inappropriate for me in public,” he answers with a playful grin and removes your hand.
“Huh? And beating my ass at the sports festival in our first year wasn’t or what?” You retort with raised brows and a challenging grin. You lean in close and whisper in a low voice “We both know you wouldn't stand a chance against me now~”
Goosebumps erupt in his neck where a hint of your breath tickles his skin.
‘I kind of wanna give it a shot just to see you fail’ , he thinks to himself and enhances the effort to keep his gaze neutral.
Meanwhile Hawks face was a solid beet red and he was visibly at unease about what to do about the fact that his sister was blatantly obvious flirting with frickin Dynamight.
He desperately bowed a full ninety degrees and repeated his apologies. “God, no! Honestly I’m so sorry she’s …” he wildly gestures in your direction in a loss for words ”like this. It's my fault she's had too much. I was going to bring her home anyway. I'm sorry if we caused you trouble.”
“Nugget, I can hear you! You’re so rude!” You turned swaying to your brother and raised your forefinger in a lecturing manner. “I'm the older one and I am fully responsibly aware of my limits. So would you please just shut up when I'm trying to make a move here. You're supposed to be my wingman !”
Bakugou snorts amused at the awful pun and apparently Hawks looked like he could compete against Aizawa in an I-don’t-get-paid-enough-for-this-crap-staring-contest.
After a  moment of silence it's you who addresses Bakugou again: ”Soooo, what are you up to in a more private setting, Boomboy?”
Before he could answer, Hawks steps in and grabs you by the hand.
“I can’t believe you’re making me do this. If you were responsibly aware like you say, you would’ve recognised him. Just let him be, baka.”
You tried to laugh him off, but the seriousness in his voice lets your happy-drunk confidence falter. “I - I would have… recog...nised…” your eyes flicker from Bakugou to Hawks as realization finally hits your brain.
You blink multiple times. “Oh.”
The grin on Dynamights face splits further as your cheeks begin to bloom in a scarlet hue. “I… “ You squirm to find words but not a single tone leaves your lips. He thinks it's adorable and watches how you let yourself be pulled away. You don't fight back anymore.
“My pleasure, Shoto. I hope you get home safely.” He emphasizes ‘Shoto’ in a way that makes your stomach drop to your knees and you turn to face him.
“It's Y/n. And I stick to my words...”, you bite your bottom lip and your expression is a flustered mess. “...Dynamight is the hottest.” You grin sinisterly over your shoulder as your figures slowly disappear behind a flock of people.
The last thing Bakugou can hear is the protest of your brother.
“-- I swear I'm never going to make you pancakes ever again if you don't stop simping right now!”
“What is your goddamn problem, Nugget? You know, sometimes I wonder how you manage to walk with this massive branch up your ass.”
*smack* “Ouch! Hahaha”
--- Whenever you remember this night, a lewd smile sneaks its way to your face. Yes, you were shameless but you didn’t regret anything. You had spent countless evenings imagining what could have been. Who would have expected you to run into Dynamight? To your own demise you catch yourself regretting what you thought earlier about your zombie appearance. You suddenly wish you wouldn’t have been too lazy to do a touch up on your makeup. Seconds pass and you shrug off the awful shallow thought. Now is obviously not the time to be a thirsty bitch. It takes you a moment to notice that your shoulder blades actually lifted. Awestruck you feel a strange tingling washing over you. Your whole body feels like it's dipped in a buzzing beehive. The prickling fights back the cool numbness and you gasp in joy as your muscles obey you again. You luckily wiggle your toes as the last bit of stiffness disappears. You stand up to the small group of bystanders, but your blood circulation is still slow. Your knees threaten to give in, but a sturdy arm helps you stand. “Whoa, you okay already?” “Yeah, at least I thought so.” You slyly try a pressed smile to the observant redhead. “Good. Do me a favor and take it easy, okay? You should let the emergency doc check you for a concussion later.” “I probably should.” You close your eyes to fight back the spinning of your head. “You sure you’re okay?” “Ah yes. It just took me a moment, but I'm fine. Thank god this is over.” You sigh with relief, as you regain your composure and detach from the hero. “Screw god and rather thank me!”
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reaction to Gang of Secrets!
I'm very late today at writing this because life ;-; You know it's a bigger episode when they start off with a problem. Ladybug doesn't want to detransform so she's desperate to find reasons to remain Ladybug. I love how the entire time, Chat Noir knows something's wrong and wants to get her to talk about what it is, but she just tries to pretend she's fine. If anything, Chat Noir would probably be the best person to talk to considering everything he's dealt with too both with Kagami and his responsibility as Chat! She could mention that she was seeing someone but they broke up because of her secret, and she could tell him how much being the Guardian's having an affect on her. All perfectly well and good without exposing any identities or things like that with questions for details asked. Instead she puts up a front with him and pretends she's okay in front of him and it's just so sad. :/ I understand why she doesn't, probably because she doesn't want him to know how much she's struggling. But ugh my heart hurts for her. Chat: I know where we can go where we won't have to talk! Ladybug: Yes, take me there Chat! *in the theater* Ladybug: You lead me into a trap. I MEAN HE'S NOT WRONG THOUGH! Not many places you can go where it's okay or encouraged to not talk without there being an awkward silence. But that cracked me UP. Also that casual attempt to wrap his arm around her lolol still hasn't give up, I see. I also find it simultaneously hilarious and extremely depressing that Ladybug's ranting like that in the theater because of a romance movie. When your heart is broken, that's probably the last thing you want to be doing. And Chat Noir yanking her down asking that she be quiet 😂 Literally just rants her entire love life out for everyone including Chat to hear in that theater. CHAT NOIR, YOU BETTER BE LISTENING BECAUSE SHE'S TALKING ABOUT ADRIEN HERE "She takes a long time to tell him and stutters and blah blah blah" lol sound familiar, sunshine? If anything please have him recall this later and be like, wait, didn't Ladybug say girls stutter around a guy when she likes him? BAM. Then he's off on his path towards Marinette. I can dream. Ladybug: And how do you know if he loves her? IMPOSSIBLE. Adrien: No, Marinette couldn't possibly be in love with me. *eyetwitch* But at the end of the day. This is Marinette ranting to Adrien about how she had to give up on Adrien and then couldn't make things work with Luka because of her secret. Ooof. And poor Chat having to apologize for everyone because Ladybug's disturbing them XDD THE GIRL SAVES EVERYBODY'S LIVES PRACTICALLY EVERY DAY AND THEY'RE PISSED SHE'S RUINING A MOVIE THEY CAN JUST REWATCH? 😂 She's clearly having a hard time right now, c'mon people! Chat can tell she has a broken heart. This boy is so sweet. He wants her to at least admit that and talk about it so she can feel better but you know, Ladybug's stubborn. I WANT TO GO SWIMMING LET'S GO SWIMMING CHAT, WOO HOOOOOO! Ladybug acting like Chat to hide her pain just like how Chat acts like Chat to hide his pain. YOU KNOW WHAT, IT'S FINE. :') It doesn't matter how much pain she's dealing with, those pictures mean too much to her to remove them. x3 Thanks Juleka for showing us how sad Luka is now, that's very helpful. Marinette's been going into the bathroom at school to cry, and then had planned stupid looking glasses to hide her tears so people wouldn't have to know she's cried because wearing a ridiculous pair of glasses that's embarrassing is better than being asked what's wrong. Because the pain I feel for her wasn't already enough. Ugh I adore Trixx. Trixx being the voice of reason when Tikki's not there, trying to help and letting her know that Tikki may need to rest too when she's so upset it doesn't cross her mind. And the tears in her eyes when she apologizes to Tikki for not thinking of her like she should. ;-; SO MUCH PAIN. OH DANG Alya was literally a second away from seeing a detransforming Marinette lol But she did say DETRANSFORMATION or well in the English dub it'll be "Spots
off" I love Rose, she's really sweet. and considerate But she also shouldn't be touching things in others rooms like that. I never liked it when my friends went around my room touching stuff. Also didn't help that a couple of them stole from me... but it's just not a cool thing to do. Would've probably ended up much better had she not had to desperately hide an exposed Miracle Box. But then we wouldn't have had what happens so it's all good c: Marinette saying she doesn't want to be friends with the girls anymore
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It hit Alya deep. Everyone else is like *le gasp* but her eyes all shrunken like that, you can tell it really got to her hard.
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This entire exchange right here. Alya's glance at her in the first picture is piercing, like I can feel that OOF feeling in my chest when I see it. The new music dramatizes it so well that a lot of people probably didn't pay attention to it the first time around. Can we just appreciate how these animators got all these emotions so right and did such a good job animating everything for us? And those that work on the music too? Everything's so spot on. Marinette's red-rimmed eyes is so well done. "No, it can't end like this!" Awww Alix getting super upset too x3 I honestly think Alix could be the next one.... you know what I mean BUT I'll wait until the end to talk about it. Trixx pulling a Plagg and rescuing Marinette! x3 I seriously love Trixx, I really do. I know the other Kwami's got mad, but if he hadn't done that it would've been disaster, probably. And the episode wouldn't have ended how it did! And Plagg knowing it was Trixx who caused the Eiffel Tower to be all weird xD Why do I get the feeling the relationship between Trixx and Plagg would be like that of Chat Noir and Rena Rouge? And I want to point out, we got 7 whole seconds of Adrien again! Aren't we lucky? The last time we got so little of Adrien in an episode was when we had his parallel episode Lies. I don't think that'll happen this time but I do hope it means more Adrien later on. Ladybug: They're after Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Chat Noir: Okay but remember everybody likes her (so don't go thinking she's a bad person for causing their akumatizations) Yes, I read between the lines. Ladybug being able to get through to Lady Wifi and have her deakumatize herself was absolutely amazing! I know Chloe was the first to fight off being akumatized but once you're akumatized it's obviously extremely hard to break. That says a lot about Alya. "Because you're an incredible friend, Ladybug." One, AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Two, did you notice the little jerk of her head, gesturing to Ladybug like that when she said it?? It's the little details guys that make this so good. 😍 "Chat Noir, nooooo!" Guys, we got our tiny little Marichat scene! It's not actually real, but still! (okay but why do I also get this really weird feeling like something like this may end up being real later?) Alya giving Ladybug that hug 😭 Marinette has such good, supportive friends. I love them all. x.x YES THANK YOU. Alya's finally realizing there are more things going on with her than just boys. One of the things that's always irked me since Chameleon is that any issue Marinette has, be it with Lila or otherwise, she always assumes it has to do with Adrien. Of course, at the time she didn't know she was Ladybug but she should've still listened and realized there's something else up. But now she finally is noticing and I love how she was going to respect her regardless and not push. Pushing has always been one of Alya's characteristics, but she knew whatever it was was something too big and serious to push her on. "Marinette, I'm your best friend, and I always will be." 😭😭😭 This episode brought me so close to tears so many times. Marinette admitting she's keeping secrets, lying to everyone. Admitting that that's why she draws a line between her and Adrien, and why her and Luka didn't work out. Alya saying however heavy it is, they'll carry it together (MY HEART) And then Marinette saying "If I tell you, things between us will never be the same. It's going to destroy everything, change it all." It sounds like this girl is thinking about Chat Blanc and oop there's the sound of my heart breaking again. So much paaaain. "Je suis Ladybug." YESSSSSSS Why they had to leave it off on a cliffhanger But YESSSSSSS First, the expressions she had flash on her face, the gasp 😮, then the expression like she's trying to get her mind to process. Then if you notice, Marinette gives a little nod, as if letting her know that it's true. Then the way her eyebrows furrow and pulls her into the hug as she understands all that she has on her shoulders as that music plays. I'm getting
emotional just writing this. 😭 This episode is just so amazingly good in so many ways, I don't think I can actually cover it all. I'm very impressed. I've loved nearly every episode this show has put out, even those that a lot of people seem to hate. But this one, I don't see how this could actually be hated if you're trying to think of everything that happened from Marinette's point of view, her thoughts, feelings, struggles, depression. I will say, personally I hoped Chat Noir would learn who Ladybug is first. He's been such a good partner, very thoughtful, always putting his life on the line. He's also been dealing with a lot of the same struggles. I felt like he deserved to know first. However, this isn't about who deserves what, it's about what Marinette needs. It's not that she doesn't want to tell him who she is! Don't misunderstand. There are many times throughout the past 3 seasons where she wants to or regrets not being able to. But now, Chat Blanc's in her mind. She knows what could happen if she tells him with Hawk Moth still there, so she can't do it. So instead, she tries to pretend in front of him that she's fine even though talking to him about everything would help and fix so much. In her mind, that's not an option. I just hope that when he finds out she told someone else first, he doesn't think that she doesn't trust him enough to tell him. Next I thought maybe Alix. That way it'd be more understandable to Chat that she'd know, after all future Bunnyx clearly knows and said to Ladybug that she chose her because she's capable of keeping secrets (notice how Alya said that to Ladybug in the alley? I bet Alix will find out in the near future. Maybe not this season, but she'll find out.) But that's for another time. But now Alya knows! Her best friend, the one to have her back and will no doubt have it even more so now! Watch out, Lila. Alya doesn't hold back so I can imagine how vicious she could be to her (and I can't wait). And that brings up a very interesting thought. Alya will realize Adrien has been the only one to have her back in Lila situations. Why would he do that, hmm? When everyone else was so sure Lila's an angel and Marinette must be bad for saying anything negative about her. Journalist Alya, incoming! There's also the matters of Alya bringing up Marinette's feelings for Chat Noir because duh, everybody can see how much she loves him! There are even photos of them kissing, one of which happened in front of Alya's own eyes! Though affected by an akuma, they all know that kiss didn't happen because of it. And of course, Alya has brought up twice in the show so far that Adrien and Chat Noir could be the same person. And last time Alya said that neither of them could be Ladybug and Chat Noir. Except, she's now found out that Marinette is Ladybug. So maybe Adrien could after all be Chat Noir. I look forward to seeing how their new dynamic is. I wonder how this affects their relationship with the other girls. And I'm most curious about how Nino and Adrien may react to this change. I thought during Truth and Lies both that their best friends were going to find out about their breakups. Gang of Secrets was Alya finding out. Even though I feel like another parallel episode is just wishful thinking, I can't help but think it may be a possibility. Nino and the boys are going to wonder what's up with Adrien too. They're going to wonder why he's not with Kagami anymore so suddenly. So what if i the end, Chat Noir ends up telling Nino? I could see it, if this takes place shortly after Gang of Secrets, where she tells Chat that she's confided her identity in a very close friend and somehow they agree that he can tell someone too that he trusts to make it fair. It'd be an amazing way to exercise Ladybug's trust in Chat Noir too. Then we'd have both Alya and Nino in on it, keeping their best friend's secrets for them without knowing about the other one. Oh that'd be so beautiful! And also let them keep their Miraculouses too after the charms are given to them and Alya has the ability to break
free after being akumatized. I adore Rena and Carapace so much I'd be ecstatic if they kept them. 😭 Anyway, so much potential can come out of this episode and I honestly cannot wait until episode 4!!
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join-the-joywrite · 4 years
and I don't want to (but I love you)
@jatp-week Day 6: favourite trope
Not me doing a self-indulgent and stupidly long enemies to lovers au :>
Julie Molina didn't have enemies in her life. She had competitors, sure. Everyone did. But Sunset Curve took the whole cake. She didn't have enemies but Luke Patterson came dangerously close.
Luke Patterson, on the other hand, fully considered Julie Molina his number one enemy. He had zero qualms about saying that to her face and behind her back. He knew his band was the best but Julie had a real knack for knocking his ego down a bit and he hated her for it. Maybe he wouldn't get so riled up if she was nice about it or if not nice, she was less nasty and more stern. Honestly, it seemed like she took pleasure in criticizing Sunset Curve.
The rivalry between them extended to their bands and friend circles. Well, for the most part, anyway. Julie and Luke let Willie and Alex get away with their little forbidden lovers thing because they both thought the pair was cute together. It was pretty much the only thing they agreed on. Ever.
Willie only ever talked about Alex, not the band and Alex made sure to steer clear of mentioning Julie whenever he talked about Willie. The arrangement worked for all sides.
Julie and Luke's rivalry extended far beyond their music. It crept into their classes and had them fighting for the top spot. The teachers were thrilled. It meant Luke put in as much effort as he possibly could into every assignment or test. Even if it was out of pure spite, it was working.
And then, oh dear, and then there was a group project. Obviously, they split to opposite ends of the room with their friends to choose pairs (except Willie and Alex, who were shoved together and assured it was perfect) but apparently, it was important to learn how to work with people you dislike because in the workplace you might be forced to work with people you dislike -- or something like that.
Julie and Luke had never let their rivalry coerce them into doing stupid things -- except the one time where Carrie was convinced Luke could hold his breath longer and Julie almost drowned in the school pool to prove Carrie wrong -- but the moment they were paired up, Julie and Luke both wanted nothing more than to break several school rules, vandalism being the top one and starting violent fights being the second. It was unclear if they wanted to fight each other or their teacher.
Matters were made worse when their friends got to pair off together on their own terms while they were stuck with each other. The only thing keeping them from completely refusing to do any work was that they both were still competing for the highest scores.
Their friends had never been more entertained and the two opposing groups bonded over watching the two most stubborn people they knew suffer out a school project together. The clear awkwardness between them was hilarious and it was a pleasant thing to see them sitting at the same table and not trying to verbally murder each other. Bobby turned out to be the funniest person in the whole group. He had a meme-y caption for every moment they caught of Julie and Luke sitting near enough to have a normal conversation and the others loved it. He also seemed to be able to relate all the memes to the pair and was strangely good at photoshop, which earned him the Groupchat King title. (Julie and Luke were completely unaware of this groupchat excluding only them -- which, for the others' safety, was for the best.) Flynn's favourite was a photo of Julie with a feral look on her face, miming strangling a smug Luke. Me & 2020 was Bobby's winning caption. She wasn't sure which was which and that made it even better, in her opinion.
As the weeks passed, Julie and Luke's rivalry mellowed. As far as they said, it was still going strong but their actions told another story. There were playful nudges in the hallway, now. Teasing death glares across a classroom. Locked gazes and stifled giggles at inside jokes -- the fact that they even had those was surprising enough. They willingly shared a lunch table for the sole purpose of interrupting a mini date between Willie and Alex but most of it was spent in their own world anyway. Their mockery of each other had become gentler and more harmless teasing than anything.
And then one Tuesday, Luke didn't show up at school.
Of course, Luke's band knew exactly what was up, but they -- with support from Julie's friends -- decided it would be fun to play dumb and send Julie to Luke's house, just to check up on him, you know, despite the fact that the group project was long over and she really had no need to meddle further into Luke's life. The mere fact that Julie forgot she still had class and was seriously ready to leave immediately said a lot.
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"I can promise you that it's really not as bad as it looks," Luke said from under several pillows, a puffy duvet and maybe three stuffed animals, "but there's no band practice today and I'm not coming to school tomorrow either so can one of you flick Julie's forehead for me? It's tradition."
"Band practice, huh?" Julie said, dropping her bag on the floor with a soft thud. "And here I thought you just had nothing more interesting going on in your life than disrupting mine."
Luke sat up fast enough that his head spun, his vision swam and two pillows fell off the bed. "Who told you where I live?"
"You did, dork. Here, I brought your homework and my dad's trying something out in the kitchen. He misread balf the recipe so it's the blandest thing I've ever tasted but if you're sick, it'll be good for you."
Luke responded to the bit that made sense. "I don't want bland food," he said, scrunching up his nose as Julie set a small stack of papers on the desk in the corner and walked up to him with a covered bowl.
"As if you'd know the difference. Your mom said you can't taste anything anyway."
"You talked to my mom?" Luke asked, looking mortified.
"Yeah, duh. What, did you think I climbed through your bedroom window? I don't care that much for you."
"Aww, I knew you cared for me."
Julie didn't respond to it. "So this is supposed to be a vegetable stew," she said, tapping the plastic wrap over the bowl, "but like I said, mistakes were made."
"Well, what is it then?" Luke asked, leaning over to peer at the bowl.
"I'd call it . . . semi-flavoured water with surprise veggies."
"I know, right? Anyway, I'll leave you to your . . . pillow fort? Cute stuffies. I have the same penguin."
Luke glanced at the penguin that was still secured in his arm. "Don't you dare tell your friends. Especially not Flynn. She's ruthless."
"She is not. But fine, only because you're sick. I'll be back for my bowl tomorrow and it better be empty."
Luke watched Julie leave with a look of amazement. As soon as he heard his front door close, footsteps pattered through the hallway, leading up to his mother sticking her head in his room. "I like her."
"I'm going back to sleep," Luke said, diving back into the safety of all his pillows, wondering if it was the fever or Julie that set his cheeks blazing.
Probably the fever.
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"Good afternoon, dork. Reggie says you said you liked the semi-flavoured water and my dad felt very appreciated by that so he's made some actual stew for you to try. It's beef stew this time so please don't get surprised. Did you do yesterday's homework? You should, because I brought today's. How do you feel?"
Luke, who had been staring at Julie with his mouth slightly open in a perfect picture of surprise, blinked when he realised she'd stopped speaking. "Don't you knock?!"
"Your mom said you were asleep and I could just leave everything here for you but you were awake so. . ." Julie trailed off, shrugging.
"You . . . you are so strange."
Julie shrugged as she set the homework down on the desk and walked up to the nightstand to put the covered bowl down in Luke's reach. "You need to come back to school. I feel bad bullying your friends."
"I'm sure they'll be glad to hear that," Luke said sarcastically. He paused for a second. "Yeah, I did the homework. Most of it. My mom said it'll help to get out of bed and do something. I tried to play the guitar but she was adamant I didn't do that something."
Julie nodded and walked back to Luke's desk. She rifled through the mess and picked up all the homework. "I'll finish this essay for you," she said almost absently, searching among the pages. "Please tell me you did your science homework. I got a lot of that wrong and no one wants to give me the answers because apparently, I should learn my work."
"Uh . . . yeah. Um, yeah, I did the science. Wh-- what do you mean 'do the essay' for me?"
Julie looked up as she gathered everything into a pile of messy and uneven papers. "It's on the African American civil rights movement. It's factual and ninety percent of the class will have the same essay anyway so--"
"No. No, I mean . . . why?"
"Oh. Uh . . . why not?"
Luke didn't have a response, so he fell silent.
"Well, that's all of yesterday's homework. Get some rest and then make sure you eat. I can't have my favourite punching bag get too weak to take a hit."
As Julie turned and left his room, Luke felt the sudden urge to scream, so instead, he slammed his burning face into his favourite penguin. Yes, she had called him a punching bag, but she'd also called him her favourite.
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"Music class just isn't the same without booing you. Also, Alex said you managed to keep the beef stew down yesterday so my dad thought you could try something a little heavier. This is an experimental chicken and fried rice . . . thing. I do not reccomend eating unless you're sure you're okay enough for a full meal. That said, I brought more beef stew in case you're not up for the chicken and rice."
"You can't just walk in unannounced!" Luke cried as Julie set down the two bowls on the nightstand.
"I can, actually," Julie said, flashing a set of keys at Luke.
Luke's jaw dropped when he recognized the keychains. "Hey, those are mine!"
"Wow, so observant. Your mom gave it to me before I left yesterday because your dad is at work and she needed to go out today and with you holed up in here, there wouldn't be anyone to open for me."
Luke frowned. "Oh, yeah, she said something like that but I was half-asleep."
Julie was pleasantly surprised to find Luke's homework neatly gathered at the corner of the desk. It didn't escape her how Luke seemed to glow with pride when she commented on it. She had to fight a smile as she dropped Luke's homework into her bag.
"Get some rest, dork. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call someone from Sunset Swerve. I'll be busy."
"It's Sunset CURVE and you know it."
"Really? I never noticed."
Luke pouted. "Tuxedo Sam says you're being very mean right now. I'm sick and I deserve care."
"Well, you can tell your stupid penguin that Skipper will beat his ass."
"You named your penguin after the penguins from Madagascar?"
"You call yours Tuxedo Sam."
"Yeah, okay, that's fair."
Julie rolled her eyes and turned to leave. "Take a nap, Moody McSleeveless."
Luke glanced at the penguin laying nearby as he heard Julie lock up the house again. "Don't look at me like that, she's mean all the time."
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Luke scrambled up, launching Tuxedo Sam off the bed. "Who died?"
"No one died," Julie said, picking up the penguin as she walked up to Luke's bed. "It's Friday and since you're doing a little better, I thought you could do with a small treat. Tuxedo Sam agrees."
"Give me back my penguin," Luke said, reaching both arms out to Julie.
"Did you do yesterday's homework?"
"Did you really eat both bowls of food yesterday?"
"And keep it down?"
"Yes, ma'am, now can I please have my penguin back?"
Julie passed Luke the stuffed animal. "You're adorable," she blurted, turning away immediately to hide her own stunned look. She cleared her throat as she headed to the desk to grab Luke's homework. "So, that group project? We got a ninety-five."
That distracted Luke easily enough. "What happened to the other five?!"
"We're very bad at teamwork," Julie said, glancing back at Luke over her shoulder to see him relax against the pillows.
"Ah. That . . . makes sense."
Julie nodded. "Mhm."
The silence that blanketed the room wasn't as awkward as it should have been.
"I have to go. Most of the teachers said it would be okay to get your homework on Monday, but Mr Hughes is on my tail about your chemistry paper. My dad is making cupcakes tonight for some reason and I told Willie he could have some, so I'll send extra with him to give to Alex to give to you, but enjoy that crappy store cake for now. I left proper lunch with your mom for when you feel like it."
It didn't register that the only reason Mr Hughes would be harassing Julie about Luke's homework was if Julie herself had taken responsibility for Luke. Well, it did register, but by then, Julie was long gone and the only response Luke could muster was a muffled scream into poor Tuxedo Sam.
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"Oh, ew, gross. Luke, it smells like the middle school locker room in here. What were you doing?"
Luke had never looked more sheepish in his life as he pointed to the canister on his nightstand -- right next to his alarm clock. "My phone went off about an hour ago and I thought it was the alarm so I did the smart thing and slammed it down but I missed. Obviously."
Holding her nose, Julie dropped everything she was carrying on Luke's table and tore the curtains open, pushing the windows as far as they could go. She stood there for a moment, relishing in the fresh air. "I'll come back inside when I can breathe," Julie said, halfway out the window.
Luke wanted to melt into his pillows. A week later and he was only feeling slightly better. The pros of it was that Julie visited every day with something tasty and a level of snark that only amused him. The cons of it was that Julie visited every day and left him flustered and red in the face.
He firmly believed that Julie only came by every day because she had homework to drop off, but today was Saturday. There was no more homework to drop off.
And she could have just backtracked right out the door again but instead, she headed for the windows on the other side of his room. Why?
Because she's taking care of you, dork.
Luke couldn't help but think that the logical voice in his head sounded suspiciously like Julie.
"Hey, my parents have some stupid couple's yoga thing on Saturdays. Did you break in?"
Julie pulled the windows halfway closed and stepped back into the room. "No, I still have your keys. Your dad tried to give me the spare key to the front door but your mom said it'll be fine if I kept yours until you're back on your feet."
"Wow. She really trusts you, huh?"
Julie shrugged. "I'm a very trustworthy person."
"No, you're not. I saw you lose a pen that you stuck behind your ear and then you proceeded to lose three more by tucking them behind your other ear and in your pockets. You then tried to steal mine."
"I was fourteen," Julie said defensively.
"It happened last week!"
"I felt fourteen."
Luke gave Julie a deadpan look.
"Cute pyjamas."
"I know, right? Bobby got us matching ones when we were like fifteen for band bonding. I mean, I grew out of the pants but the shirt still fits."
Julie scoffed as she stared at the dark haired cartoon smiling at her from the pink shirt. "Looks really good on you, Skip."
"Hey, I like being Skipper. She's Barbie's most intelligent sister."
"Oh, yeah?" Luke didn't even notice that Julie had made herself comfortable at the foot of his bed. "And if you're Skipper, who are the others?"
"Bobby is Chelsea, 'cause he's the youngest of us, Alex is Barbie, 'cause his summer jobs have been everywhere, and Reg is Stacie, 'cause she's Bobby's favourite and Bobby's favourite bandmate is Reg."
Julie's head tilted slightly. "You sound drunk."
"The bottle said one teaspoon of cough syrup but I didn't read and I took two tablespoons. It's okay, though. Mom panicked and called the doctor and he says the cough syrup he gave me is for kids and I'm just really, really, really intolerant. Which you should remember for me because I plan to be super famous with the band and there are gonna be a lot of after parties and I don't wanna get drunk five minutes in. I think the cough syrup is kicking in."
"Luke Patterson, you are unbelievable."
"I know, right?" He attempted a winning smile, but it came off as plain childlike.
Julie chastised herself for finding him adorable. They were mortal enemies and she had to remember that. Then what are you doing in his room on a Saturday, after explicitly telling the rest of his band to stay away?
Julie found it unnerving how much the voice in her head sounded like a teasing Luke.
"You're like, really annoying."
Julie frowned. "I -- I'm sorry?"
"You should be." Luke was sitting cross-legged now, fiddling with the ears of a stuffed bunny. "It's really messing with my head."
Julie decided she liked tipsy Luke -- even if it was just cough syrup. "How so?"
"No, it's nothing."
"You can tell me, Luke. I promised not to tell anyone about your stuffed animals and I kept it, right?"
"Yeah, but this time the secret about you. You're not allowed to know."
Curiosity more than anything made Julie lean forward slightly. "It'll be our secret."
"Okay, but you have to promise not to talk about it."
Julie nodded quickly. Luke tugged at the bunny's ears for a moment.
"You're like . . . really pretty."
Julie couldn't help the soft laugh that bubbled out of her. Adorable, she thought.
"Like, a lot of pretty. You're pretty on the inside, too."
"On the inside?"
"Yeah. On the inside. You know, your heart."
"M-my heart?"
Luke nodded at his stuffed rabbit. "Yeah. You have a really pretty heart. It beats like a drum. Making music. Like you."
Julie's mouth hung open, surprise silencing her.
"You have the prettiest music in you. I can hear it like -- like a song that gets stuck in my head all day. It's really annoying but it's so pretty. It smells like flowers and it looks like butterflies."
At this point, Julie didn't think she'd be able to speak, even if she knew what to say. Luke was talking to the stuffed animal, frowning as he struggled to voice his thoughts understandably.
"Sometimes it's just so loud and I wanna cover my ears and run away but it just gets louder and louder and then you come over and you're saying something mean but the music is there and it's not so loud anymore but I still can't hear anything else. Your heart sounds like a ballad."
Julie was frozen to her seat at the edge of the bed. Part of her wondered if it was Luke talking or the fever. Part of her desperately hoped it was Luke.
"Julie, you are music."
It was a simple sentence. Anyone could have said it. It could mean a lot or it could mean nothing at all. If anyone else had said it to her, she would have taken it as the highest form of a compliment. But that wasn't what Luke was saying.
Everyone knew that Luke spoke best through lyrics and chords. His books and desks were covered in etched notes and scribbled words. Luke lived and breathed music. It was everything to him. Without it, Luke didn't know who he was.
And he compared it to Julie.
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Julie stared at the text on her phone. She bit her lower lip, unsure of what to say in response.
Mom said you visited yesterday. I was dazed for most of it. I didn't say anything stupid or incriminating, right? Not that anything could be more incriminating than the three stuffed animals on my bed.
Ten minutes after that, another had come through. Jules, are you ignoring me? Did I do something?
Then another five minutes later. This is still Julie Molina's number, right?
Julie quickly typed out something before she chickened out again and tossed her phone to the foot of her bed once it was sent.
Hey. Got busy in the kitchen with dad. No, you're good. See you at school tomorrow?
Julie scrambled for her phone to send one last word.
A few streets away, Luke stared at the word 'dork'. He was sure he had said something. He vaguely remembered yapping on about music to Julie -- duh, what else did they share? -- and then suddenly, she wasn't there anymore. He wondered if he'd fallen asleep talking and Julie had left then or if he really had said something to make her leave.
Yeah, he wrote back, see you at school.
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Luke cornered Julie as soon as he caught sight of her in the school hallway. "You've been ignoring me and I don't like that."
Julie squeaked. "I most definitely am not ignoring you."
"Julie, you're pretty much the only person in this school that doesn't keep their phone on mute or vibrate. I know you heard my texts yesterday."
"So what if I am?" Julie asked, folding her arms. "We're not friends, so why should you care if I reply to your texts or not? In fact, why were you even messaging me in the first place?"
While Luke fumbled for a response, Julie slipped past him and continued on her way to class.
"Oh, that is just rude!" Luke yelled after Julie.
She ignored him all through any classes they shared and when lunch rolled around, she made sure to sit with Carrie and Flynn at a small table. Luke had never looked more offended in his life as he joined Reggie in sitting with Alex and Willie.
"What did you do on Saturday?" Alex asked, leaning forward to whisper. "Julie was fine when she told us we don't need to come by at all."
"Julie told you not to come over?" Luke asked, ripping his gaze from Julie to Alex and then Reggie, who shook his head.
"Bro, she actually called Alex and told him that we don't need to come see you because she was going to."
"Yeah, I remember her being there but I was drugged up on cough syrup."
"Weak," Alex whispered loudly, grinning when he made Willie laugh.
"Maybe you said something?" Willie suggested.
"Yeah, probably! But she's not talking to me. She's not even insulting me, which I would very much prefer over this apathy."
"You know where she lives," Reggie said dismissively. "Maybe you should pay her a visit."
Luke glanced across the cafeteria to see Julie quickly whip her head down to stare at her fold. "Yeah. Maybe."
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Julie was tired and wanted nothing more than to go to sleep. Her plans were thrown way off the rails when she walked into her room and found Luke petering around the shelves beside her bed.
"What are you doing here?"
Luke drew his hand back sharply. "Cute box. What's in it?"
"None of your business," Julie snapped, hurriedly closing her bedroom door. "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to talk to you but you were ignoring me and--"
"You could've just yelled at me from outside," Julie hissed. "I would have come down to shut you up! You can't be in here. Get out of my room."
"No. Not until you tell me why you've been avoiding me since Saturday. Jules, what--"
"Fine! Go and wait for me in the garage. I'll come talk to you in there."
Luke hesitated, unsure if Julie was serious.
When she heard footsteps getting closer, Julie grabbed Luke by the neckline of his shirt and dragged him to the window. "Get out," she whispered hurriedly, "I'll come down to the garage, I promise."
Thankfully, by the time her father arrived, Luke was gone.
"Who were you talking to, mija?"
"Luke," Julie said with a smile. She pointed at the phone. "He liked the cupcakes I sent with Willie."
"Oh, that's great. You didn't take something yesterday and today? Is he feeling better?"
"Much," Julie said, nodding, "in fact, we have some talking to do, so I'm gonna meet him in the garage in a few minutes."
"So late?"
Julie absolutely could not lie to her dad. But she could do half truths. "It's a long overdue discussion."
"School work?"
Julie shrugged. "Music."
"Ah. The garage makes sense. Well, do you wanna take some food down? Midnight snack?"
"Thanks, dad," Julie said with a smile, "you're the best."
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"Oh, your dad is the best!" Luke cried as soon as he saw Julie walk in with a plate of cookies.
"These are experimental, too. They're some kind of oatmeal and choc mint blend. They taste good, in my opinion."
"Everything your dad makes tastes good," Luke said, grabbing three cookies. "My mom's starting to get jealous of how much I love your dad's cooking."
Juli smiled and set the plate down on the coffee table. Was there any point beating around the bush? Sugarcoating things?
"You told me I was music."
Luke paused, one and a half cookies gone. "What?"
Julie kept her gaze trained on the tassels of the carpet. "You told me I'm annoying . . . because I'm pretty. Because I have a pretty heart. You said it beats like a drum and I have the prettiest music in me that gets stuck in your head. It --"
"Smells like spring and looks like butterflies. . ." Luke looked positively mortified.
Julie, refusing to look up, did not notice. "You said . . . you said my heart sounds like a ballad and then -- and then you told me I am music."
Had he really said all that aloud? Well, no wonder Julie was avoiding him like the plague.
Julie tensed up when she could see Luke's feet step in front of her. Almost every part of her screamed that this was wrong. They shouldn't be so close without bickering and fighting. But deeper within, beyond the confines of logic and sense, Luke's voice told her that this was the furthest thing from wrong.
"I said all that? Aloud?"
Julie nodded.
"You know what music is to me."
Julie nodded again.
"Jules," Luke said gently. "Julie, look at me."
Julie refused to, so Luke gingerly tucked his finger under her chin and lifted her head, waiting until her gaze fell on him before speaking.
"You know what music is to me," he said again, prompting another nod from Julie. "Then you know what you mean to me."
Julie blinked a few times and shook her head. "No. No, that's just the fever talking. You -- you didn't really mean all of that."
"If you really believe that, why are you avoiding me?"
"I . . . I don't know."
Luke dropped his hand to take hold of Julie's. He glanced at her, waiting for her to pull away. When she didn't, he interlocked his fingers with hers. "I meant every word. Okay, maybe not literally, but you know what I mean."
Julie shook her head. "We're not even friends, Luke."
"Hm, well, who said I wanted to be your friend?"
Julie wanted to hate Luke. She wanted to loathe the sight of him. She didn't want to like him, let alone love him.
And yet, she did.
So before the overthinker in her could stop her, Julie leaned up on tiptoes and brushed her lips against his. Luke beamed at her like a kid on Christmas morning.
"Not the response I was expecting, but definitely one I'm enjoying."
"Don't make me regret it."
"Yes, ma'am. Now, what are my chances of getting two more? And one for the road? Within the next five seconds becaus my mom doesn't know I snuck out and she think I'm still sick."
"Dork," Julie said fondly, shaking her head.
"I'm serious!"
"You can have two."
"Two will do," Luke said, letting go of Julie's hands to wrap his arms around her. He gave her a small squeeze. "Plus a hug."
"Dork," Julie said again. But he was her dork and he was her favourite.
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Before anyone comes for me about the cough syrup thing, I'm drawing from experience. I mean I never confessed my undying love for anyone but I did blurt out some weird shit. Also, THAT WAS LONG AND IF YOU SURVIVED THE ENTIRE THING, CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU
Mara's masterlist
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