#seriously why is my heart so [screaming noises] bc i miss him like this
lqcb97 · 10 months
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alovesongshewrote · 4 years
Kiss Me | Hisirdoux Casperan
Plot:  A fight between Douxie and the reader attracts some unwanted attention, and the only way out is to kiss.  At least in your opinion.  [Hisirdoux Casperan x Gender Neutral! Rival!Rreader]
Word count:  1,734
Warnings:  fighting, rivalry, tension (owo),  a lil’ spicy (bc rivals to lovers, so you know how that goes), swearing
A/N: I used some dialogue prompts from the blogs corvidprompts and dialogue-prompts because witty banter is hard to write
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Magic was weird.
It was colourful and glowy, and it lit up the night.  Magic was super pretty, but also super noticeable, and that made it really hard to fight your arch-rival in the dark of the night without anyone noticing.  That didn’t mean you weren’t going to try.
And try you did!  With a blast of blue light, your back collided with a tree, ripping the breath from your lungs.
“Oh, come on Casperan,” you wheezed, “I know you can do better than that,” you paused again to violently cough, supporting yourself with the tree you had hit.  The tree was loose.
“Seriously (L/N)?” Hisirdoux emerged from the tree line, “Now is not the time for witty banter,”
“This isn’t banter, it’s flirting.  Now keep still, it’s harder to hit you when you move around like that,”  
He groaned as you steadied your hands, taking aim at the wizard.  He did the same.  The two of you moved against each other in sync, letting your magic fly towards your opponent.  Red and blue collided in the air, illuminating the night sky with a purple glow for the briefest of moments.  Your hits landed, and you were both blown back.
“Ugh,” you groaned, making your way up from the ground, “You… suck,”
“Oh, what, no more witty banter, darling?”
“Ok, you know what?  Fuck you, fuck this, when I’m done kicking your ass I’m going out and buying white flowy shirts and tight pants and we’re doing this like proper rivals!  You wanna insult me?  SEND ME A LETTER,”
“You talk too much,”
“Shut up,”
Red magic threw him back this time, you ran to his body, eager to kick him while he was down.  And you did.  He groaned, “Ugh, harder dadd-”
“Jesus, Casperan, you could at least buy me dinner first,”
“Cheeky,” he laughed out.  You allowed him to rise from the ground, getting yourself into a combative position.
“You’re so strange, you know that,”
“Yeah, I’m not the only one,”
You ran at him, throwing punches and spells in his direction.  Red and blue mixed, turning the world around you purple.  Eventually, it was enough to knock him onto his back.  Unfortunately, he took you with him.
You also landed unfortunately, straddling his lap, “Like I said emo boy,” you exhaled, “Dinner first,”
He made a noise between a groan and a screech, flipping you onto your back and jumping off of you, “Bold of you to assume I could afford that,”
“Oh god, do they not tip in this town?”
“Oh, honey, I’m sorry,”  you let your guard down for a moment, relating to the hell of retail all too well.  Douxie, of course, used this against you, taking your legs out with his staff.
“Ahhh, ow.  That hurt, you bastard,”
He sighed, kneeling next to you, “You know we could avoid this if you just did as I asked,”
“Never gonna happen,”  You sprung up, grabbing his shoulders and pulling him to the ground.
“I will smite you,”
“Yeah, yeah,” you said, struggling to your feet, “You couldn’t smite a paper towel if it set itself on fire.  Get some perspective,”
You threw another spell at him, the red light threw him back a few feet.  He crawled to his knees.
“Awwe, Doux you’re on your knees in front of me.  Looks like you’ve really hit rock bottom,”
“It might, but I’ve brought a shovel and I’m ready to dig!”
“You really didn’t understand what I meant,”
You lifted your fists, red light surrounded them, Douxie did the same, still on his knees.  His frame was illuminated with blue light.
“I should’ve left you on the street corner where I found you,” he said, preparing to curse you. “BUT YA DIDN’T,”  you wasted no time, springing at him from your spot.  This time it was Douxie who hit a tree.
“C’mon now Doux,” you stalked over to the wizard, “Why do you hate me so much?  Is it really you?  Or did Merlin tell you I was a big bad bad influence and you instantly believed him?”
Douxie growled,  “That’s enough.  Get out of Arcadia (L/N),”
“Awe, but I was just starting to like it here,” you smirked, “Just tell me,” you dragged out the last word,  “Why do you want me gone so badly?”
“Because you’re a threat!”  the wizard sprung up and threw a spell your way.  It just missed you, but there was no time to celebrate.   Another curse was headed your way,
“You have no morals!  You don’t care about anyone but yourself!”  Douxie’s magic shot out at you.  With each spell, his control lessened, the blue light becoming more and more chaotic, and more and more of a threat.  
You too were losing control of the situation, and now you were struggling to regain it, mostly through banter.
“That’s not true!  I care about my dog,”  Your response only enraged the wizard further, making the situation worse.  More spells came your way.  You did the only thing you could and kept dodging, backing up and away from Douxie, who advanced on you.  It was becoming more and more clear that Merlin was not a card you should have played.
“You don’t take anything seriously!  You’re cruel and unusual, and,” Douxie stopped talking.  You took the moment to catch your breath, staring down your opponent.  Usually, the rivalry between you and the wizard was light-hearted, but the look in his eyes told another story.  Your heart sunk as you realized he might actually hate you.
The thought made you sick.  Did you even want to keep fighting if that was the case?  
You didn’t.
So, when Douxie came at you, you did nothing.  You just stood there as he advanced, backing you into yet another tree and pining your arms above your head.  You gasped slightly, feeling your heartbeat pick up speed in your chest, the sound of it roared in your ears.  Could he hear that?   You hoped not.
He leaned closer to you, his lips beside your ear.  You pressed your eyes shut.  If he hated you, what came next?  This was a very strange way to kill someone.
“You’re cruel and unusual, and you keep distracting me,” “What!?”
“I said, you keep-”
“Sorry to interrupt,”  Archie’s voice nearly drew a scream from you, “But someone is coming!”
You took a moment to curse the light show that was magic before looking around.  You could see bushes moving nearby.  Someone was definitely headed your way.
“Shit,” you muttered.
“Archie, hide,”  Douxie’s familiar did as he asked while you pondered what the hell to do next.  If anyone found you and Douxie in this position it would raise a lot of questions.  There was only one thing you could think to do.  It would also raise questions, but hopefully, there would be fewer of them because there were no other options.
“Kiss me,”
There was no time.  Whoever it was was only moments from finding the two of you.
So, you broke from the wizard’s hold, grabbing his face and bringing your lips to his.  The kiss was soft.  His body was warm.  Your eyelids fluttered closed as you moved a hand from his face to the back of his neck.  His hands moved too, finding their way to the small of your back, pulling you closer to him.
The two of you moved in perfect sync as if the universe had made you for each other.  The kiss became more passionate, stealing your breath and making your heartbeat even faster than before.  Sparks ran through your body, demanding more, more what you didn’t know.  Every nerve was on fire.  Your body burned like an ember smouldering in the night.  
Unfortunately, you couldn’t focus all of your being into the kiss, as much as you wished you could.  You stated alert, listening for whoever had come to investigate the bright lights in the forest.  You said a little thank you to the gods when the person missed you entirely and disappeared back into the trees.
And then you cursed them because that meant you had to separate yourself from Douxie.
Your lips came apart, leaving both of you breathing heavily.  You shut your eyes again and brought your forehead to rest on his chest.  He didn’t let go of you.  If anything, he only brought you closer to him, burying his face in your hair.
You looked up at him, “That was nice,”
“It was totally nuclear,”
You smiled slightly, before moving your hands from his neck to encircle his waist, “I’m sorry.  For what I said about Merlin, I’m sorry,”
“I’m sorry too, love.  For everything, all of this.  I-I didn’t mean-”
“I know,”
“And I know you care about the world outside of you, and your dog and-”
“Just shut your mouth and kiss me again,”  
The wizard did what you told him.  This time, you let yourself melt into it.
The kiss was too short in your opinion, but you had more questions, “So, I guess you don’t hate me, huh?”
“(Y/N), darling, I could never hate you.  I think you’re amazing.  You’re so strong, and fearless, and you’re one of the most skilled magic users I’ve ever met.  You distract me because you’re just so-”
“Beautiful,” you cut him off, not talking about yourself, but rather to yourself about Douxie.
“Yeah, that,”  
You kissed again, this time, the length was more satisfactory.
“So, what do we do now?”
“I still wanna go to dinner sometime.  And I’m getting the bill because the tips in this town suck,”
“No, seriously, I got it.  I invested in Apple back in the day,”
“You’re brilliant,”
“Thanks, I know,”
The two of you shared a smile, reveling in the moment until a small cough came from one of the bushes.
“Oh, yeah, hey Arch,”
“Hi, Douxie.  (Y/N),”
“Hey Archie, how are you?”
“I’m just fine, but right now Douxie and I need to get back into town.  The bookstore won’t guard itself,”
“It literally will with warding, but ok,”
“Go home with your familiar emo boy, your bookstore needs you,”
“What about you?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be around.  I’ll pick you up sometime on Saturday for dinner?”
You giggled again, pecking him on the lips one more time before letting him go.
“Goodnight. Casperan,”
“Goodnight, (L/N),”
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bellamyblakru · 3 years
For the Bad Things Happen Bingo, can I request ‘passing out from the pain’ with hurt!Merlin/protective!Gwaine ???
YOU SURE CAN. i have like a list of prompts that came before this one that i should be doing,,, but i really wanted to try and write merwaine so badly isksksksk thank you for this opportunity. i hope i can do them justice with my first time🥺 (also lol i fangirled at your request bc i love your account sm asbskakak)
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here it is on ao3 and under the cut! i hope you like it!!
Merlin watched Gwaine from his peripheral, thinking about everything and nothing at once. Gwaine has been with the knights for a few years now, right when Arthur took the crown, and Merlin hasn’t seen any indication that the man wanted to leave. But he will one day, won’t he? He has told Merlin many times how he doesn’t like staying in one place for too long, so Merlin never expected him to stay here as long as he has.
Merlin frowned at his thoughts on top of his mare, Honey, as Gwaine chatted with Percival and Leon. He was making them laugh, that smile of his shining through the darkening thoughts floating in Merlin’s mind. Merlin couldn’t help letting the soft smile slip through seeing how happy Gwaine made them—it seemed like Gwaine had that effect on everyone, Merlin mused.
Arthur was talking with Lance and Elyan, so Merlin let his mind start wandering. His magic was itching to escape—it has been since the morning they left on this hunt. Merlin knew Arthur just wanted to flee the restraints of the castle, and, honestly, Merlin had been feeling the same way for days.
Lately, Gwaine had been avoiding him. Well, Merlin thinks Gwaine had been avoiding him, at least, and Gwaine never does that, ever. He’d been thinking that he must have hurt Gwaine somehow, but every time he thought back to their last interaction, where nothing seemed wrong, he had no idea where the distance was coming from. He had been making Gwaine laugh at training, and after that day, he hadn't been able to get more than five words to him.
He missed Gwaine.
That thought made him frown once more at the offending trees they were passing. He missed Gwaine because Gwaine was his friend, nothing more. The more he tried to convince himself of that fact, the more unlikely it became. Frustrated, Merlin let some of his prickling magic flow out his fingertips to his mare, smoothing away her small aches.
Merlin patted her neck with a small smile as she sighed out in contentment—at least he could do one thing right lately. Magic, he thought with heart panging a bit, still wasn’t free and Arthur has been on the throne for about five years. It hurts, still after all this time, that something as pure as this would lead to his death—but he knew deep down that he wasn’t afraid of dying, not anymore. No, Merlin was terrified of how his friends would react after years of deceit and pain.
Just out of reflex, Merlin looked towards them. He found Gwaine staring at him, concern written on every feature, but the second their eyes met, his friend quickly started up another conversation with the others.
Merlin ignored the deepening pang in his chest and the nausea rising in his throat—this was nothing, he told himself, Gwaine didn’t mean anything by that.
The lie left a bitter taste in his mouth.
He was about to suggest they stop, wanting a distraction, when he heard the noise. His mare also stopped, feeling him stiffen. Merlin whipped his head to the side, his eyes narrowing.
“Merlin?” Gwaine quickly came to his side, but Merlin’s head didn’t move, “Do you hear something?”
Merlin wished he didn’t, just so he could use this as an excuse to talk to him, but he scowled lowly in response, “Bandits—ten, if I’m right, and many have magic.”
He knew Gwaine wouldn’t ask how he knew—he never did.
The man nodded, and Merlin’s heart lightened a bit when Gwaine didn’t say “to relax” or that “he was paranoid” like the rest of the knights would’ve done. It always felt good to not be second-guessed.
“How long do we have?”
Merlin tilted his head, “Two minutes, at most.”
Gwaine grunted in response, galloping towards Arthur. Merlin didn’t like the void he felt in his heart the second Gwaine left his side, but, shaking his head, he knew there were more important matters to think about. Merlin watched, amazed, as the knight got everyone’s attention so easily. The way he talked, with his rare seriousness expression, captivated everyone just as much as his joking did.
And although Merlin tried to convince himself that the knights would listen to him that way if he told them, he knew they would never.
Merlin was a simple country boy, wasn’t he? He had no credibility to them. He couldn’t truly blame them—it’s not like Merlin was an open book. He lied, but never completely. His cheerful, idiotic personality was a cover of sorts, but it was just another part of who he was. He wasn’t only the clumsy fool, but what could he do to show them otherwise? They knew Gwaine hid his problems in jokes and clever remarks, so what was so wrong with Merlin doing the same? Merlin didn’t know, and he didn’t think he wanted to.
Showing them the magic, the part that was so integral to who he was, would lead them to fear him, not respect him as one of their own. He didn’t want recognition, that’s never why he did what he does, but some form of understanding between them all is what he craved, what he wished. To not be second-guessed when he knew everyone’s lives were at stake and that he could save them...but that was only a fool’s dream.
He stopped with the rest of the knight when Gwaine convinced them that something was coming.
“Merlin,” Gwaine said from the top of the group, “go to the tree line, you won’t get hurt there.”
Merlin nodded with a carefully blank face—the battling emotions, of love and irritation, whirling inside of him.
They don’t know you can protect yourself, the logical part of his mind reminded him. After all these years, Merlin thought, I should be able to accept the coddling with a full heart. It showed that they do care about him, but why did it never feel that way? Merlin felt like an obstacle in their way—someone to protect, to always watch out for, a hindrance.
Merlin felt silly for the negative thoughts—none of this could be helped right now, so why dwell on these facts?
Aiming for the most advantageous spot, Merlin saw the first bandit pop out next to Eylan, who effectively took the man down. Percy patted him on the back as they moved around Arthur, flanking their king in preparation of the ambush.
As the air pulsed with anticipation, Merlin’s eyes strayed towards Gwaine, like always. The man’s face was grime, ready for battle, as he surveyed the surrounding area.
Merlin was distracted as a noise came from behind him, and he quickly spun around to face the intruder. The bandits with magic were walking smoothly towards him and Merlin panicked—do I attack? He changed his mind quickly, not thinking about it too much, as he turned around and ran towards his group to warn them.
Merlin guessed the obvious panic on his face spurred the knights to run towards him, but it was too late. One of the bandits threw a spell at him with a force that threw him to the side, hitting a nearby tree.
He vaguely heard the shouting of the knights as the attackers surrounded them, all eight of them chanting under their breaths as they did so, forcing the circle of the roundtable knights to still. Merlin groaned in pain, lifting himself.
Protect them. Protect them.
His only goal—and it has been since the beginning. In that moment, Merlin realized how unimportant it was that they never knew about the magic. The knights knew how much Merlin loved them, so everything else was secondary. Merlin, with or without his magic, would always put himself in danger if it meant his friends can see the next day.
Pulling himself up with the tree, he shook his head and listened to the droning monologue of the leader.
Same shit, as always.
Merlin couldn’t help but laugh—loudly. The monotonous speaker abruptly stopped talking as they all stared at Merlin laughing.
He couldn’t help it, honestly.
The leader narrowed his eyes at him, “What’s so funny, boy?”
Arthur and Gwaine shook their heads in looks that screamed “shut up, Merlin,” but Merlin held his stomach as the laughter subsided, the smile still on his face as he replied, “Nothing, I swear,” but then another chuckle escaped as the leader frowned at the answer.
When one of the lackeys stepped forwards with a sword pointing at him, Merlin sobered up, a smirk in place, as he lifted his hands in surrender, “Okay, okay. I’ll tell you! It’s just...every time this happens, one of you always explains why you are doing what you are doing. And every time, and I mean every time, it is revenge for what Uther did. Who, by the way, is long dead. Arthur, like always, gets blamed for his father’s actions. Are you guys just daft, or does everyone truly believe Arthur is actually Uther? It’s quite simple, really. Uther was a tyrant—I think we can all agree on that, but attacking his son? What’s the purpose? To show the King that magic can never be used for good? You know when all he sees is magic being used against him, of course he will hate it. What other choice would he have, hmm?”
Merlin’s smile dropped off as he shook his head, walking towards the stunned group, “Honestly! I get it, I truly do, but this will never solve anything. You are perpetuating the violent cycle, you understand?”
At Merlin’s question, the leader growled, “All I see is a stupid servant running his mouth.”
Merlin’s face lit up, “Interesting. Nothing took, then?”
He heard Gwaine sigh, “Merls?”
Merlin looked over at the knight, who had a small smile on his face, “Yes, Sir Knight?”
Gwaine laughed a bit, “You might be slightly more dramatic than me, and that’s impressive, to say the least. You think your lovely wit could save us?”
Merlin smiled at the knight, his heart feeling more full than it has all week, and winked, “Well, it was worth the shot?”
And as they just continued smiling at each other, Merlin saw the leader blink and shake his head, muttering something to one of his followers with nothing but malice on his face.
Merlin watched, almost in slow motion, as the next spell was directed at Gwaine.
That wasn’t the plan.
Merlin yelled, “No!” as he sprinted and leapt in front of the knight as the spell hit home. Merlin gasped in pain, staring in shock at the sizzling hole in his abdomen, and he heard the leader laugh.
Merlin's focus narrowed solely on the leader, everything else drowning out as that malicious laugh continued. The bandits all started chanting once more, circling the group, and when he started hearing the grunts of pain from his friends, Merlin’s mind, in a moment of pure clarity, repeated: protect them.
So, with a hole in his stomach, Merlin straightened up and locked eyes with the people hurting his friends.
“This stops. Now.”
And before they could get another word in, Merlin’s eyes burned the brightest molten gold. The wind whipped, the sky darkened, and the ground shaking with Merlin being the center of it all. The bandits backed up hastily, staring at Merlin like a newly found god, and Merlin blinked at the action—their actions full of desperate fear, and that wasn’t right. He never wanted to be feared.
Merlin let the power steep into his voice, “Leave now and never hurt anyone ever again. Do you understand?”
They all shook their heads, bowing at the waist for him, and right before they ran with their tails between their legs Merlin could swear he could hear their whispers of Emrys.
The minute they were out of sight, Merlin sagged. His entire body felt like it was on fire, his brain had pulsating pain that felt like lightning behind his eyes. And when his strength left, he felt two people’s arms wrap around him.
Looking up with all his effort, Merlin saw Lance and Gwaine on either side of him, the latter with a sword up at the abnormally silent group.
The world was blurring when Merlin heard Gwaine snarl at the king, “You take one wrong step and I will run you through.” And even in his state of delirium, Merlin knew Gwaine meant it.
“Gwaine,” Merlin whispered, the pain lacing through his body in waves, “it’s okay.”
“No, it’s not,” Gwaine bit back still facing Arthur and the knights with his sword raised high.
Merlin smiled sadly, staring at his knight, “Gwaine?”
That got the man’s attention, the anger draining out of him the minute their eyes met, and Merlin continued quietly, “Thank you.” The “thank you for not hating me for having magic, thank you for protecting me, thank you for being here” went unsaid, but not unheard.
Merlin saw Gwaine’s eyes water, “You’re going to be fine, Merls, you’ve been through worse, you know? This is nothing.”
Merlin let out a wet laugh, “Yeah, maybe.”
Gwaine was speaking again, but Merlin couldn’t hear him anymore. The pain became too much then, so Merlin let the black spots in his vision take over, and he welcomed oblivion with a smile.
The next few times Merlin woke up, he was against someone’s front with a horse galloping at full speed underneath him. He would groan, but quickly succumb to the pain again.
The first time he could actually open his eyes completely, he was staring at a very familiar ceiling. Merlin gasped as he tried to move, his hand flying to his stomach.
“Merlin! Don’t move, my boy,” Gaius’s worried face came into view, “You need some rest, but you’re going to be just fine.”
Merlin figured as much when he took the hit, knowing his magic wouldn’t let him die that easily.
He blanched, remembering what happened, “Gaius?” he rasped out, his voice felt scratchy like he had been screaming for hours, “Is everyone…?”
Gaius frowned, but Gwaine, who Merlin just noticed was sitting right next to him, answered for him with nothing cheerful on his face, “Everyone is fine, thanks to you.”
Merlin sighed in relief, looking back up to the ceiling, and he heard Gaius pat Gwaine as he moved out the door leaving the two of them alone.
They sat in a comfortable silence until Merlin asked, his voice small, “Gwaine, what happened?”
Gwaine huffed out a breath, out of anger or pain, Merlin didn’t know, as Gwaine moved to sit next to him on the cot. Merlin grunted a little as he moved to make room for him, and Gwaine frowned at the noise.
“I’m fine, I promise.”
Gwaine looked at him in clear disbelief, “I’m sure.”
Merlin sighed, looking up at the knight, “Tell me?”
Gwaine nodded in defeat, “I threatened princess, as you know,” Merlin nodded, a frown forming, “I was going to throw you over my shoulder and run for it.”
Merlin blinked, “That was your plan? Even when you’re mad at me, you were still going to take me with you?”
Gwaine’s eyes widened, “I’m not mad at you! What made you think that?”
Merlin looked to the side, “You’ve been avoiding me, Gwaine, I know it.”
Gwaine flinched, “Oh. That.”
After the moment of heavy silence, with Merlin’s heart feeling like it was breaking, he moved on, “Whatever, you obviously didn’t need to use that plan since I’m home. What happened?”
Gwaine smiled a bit here, “Well, Sir Lancelot and I stood our ground. Lance had a lot to say about you for a man of such a few words. While I lifted you up, and took you away from the group, Lance told them everything. Arthur,” Gwaine shook his head, “he looked betrayed and hurt at first, but after a day of Lance’s tales of you, and mentioning how you literally just saved us once again without bloodshed, Arthur finally came to his senses—especially when I kept threatening him.”
Merlin started crying, unwillingly, blindly grabbing for Gwaine’s hand, “So, what now? Everyone knows and I’m not dead? Am I banished? Hated? Feared?”
Gwaine’s face was uncharacteristically soft as he wiped the tears from Merlin’s face with his other hand, “Now...now, we make history and show these assholes what they’ve been missing. Merlin,” he tightened his grip on his hand, “I always knew something was different about you. And I never, ever, feared you for a moment—even as you made those bandits shit themselves.” Gwaine let out a small laugh at that, the soft smile returning to his face, “I don’t know how many times I need to say this until it gets through that stubborn head of yours: I came to Camelot for you and you alone. No princess or wealth keeps me here, you do.” Gwaine stilled his hand on Merlin’s face, “And if I needed to, I wouldn’t have hesitated to grab you and run—I’ve always been prepared for that, actually.”
Merlin kept crying, “Then why?” Why have you been distancing yourself? Why did you make me think you hated me? Why are you so loyal to me?
Gwaine's face fell at Merlin’s hoarse and quiet question, “I’m not good enough for you. I knew how I felt, and I knew you deserved better than me. I haven’t stayed in one place this long before, and I thought if you knew that you were the only person keeping me here that I would scare you off before we even had a chance.”
Merlin stared at his knight, understanding and sadness flowing through him, “Gwaine,” he choked out, “you’re an idiot.”
Gwaine gaped, undignified, “Hey! Bold words for a man who is utterly vulnerable at this moment.”
Merlin laughed lightly, “An idiot,” he continued, “who I love.”
Gwaine’s eyes shone brightly, “Love,” the disbelief in his voice hurting Merlin’s heart, “You love me? Merls, are you sure?”
Merlin laughed again at the absurdity of the wild man in front of him, “Yes, Gwaine, I am sure. Only if you wouldn’t mind facing the uncertainty of my future—“
Merlin was cut off with a loud, surprise gasp when Gwaine threw himself on top of him for a hug, then grabbing his face, and placing a rather soft kiss to his lips.
“Merlin. I would rather be at your side, with the threat of the world crushing us, than anywhere else. You, my magically beautiful friend, will never feel alone again in this life. I give you my sword, my heart, and everything I am—if you will have me.”
Merlin nodded, his eyes watering once more, and smiled into the next kiss with his knight.
Merlin felt the burden of destiny in his soul lift in his embrace with Gwaine—and he knew, deep in his heart and soul, that with Gwaine at his side, they could face any uncertainty coming their way.
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mythicamagic · 4 years
19 for spots to kiss?
19: a kiss on the side of the neck.
This is a continuation of prompt 29 which you can find here: link
Rated too hawt for tumblr bc smut so again, it’s under the read more line. 
Kagome eyed him with confusion. Since when had the mighty Lord Sesshoumaru deigned to proposition her with anything? She'd had scattered conversations with him since returning from her era but they weren't exactly 'friends.'
Still, she'd be lying if she said she wasn't intrigued.
"I'm listening."
His lips twitched. "Clearly you are dissatisfied with your first sexual experience. I, therefore, extend the offer to bed you."
Kagome choked on her own spit. "E-excuse me?!"
"You are excused."
"No, I mean- why would you ever offer me that?"
He looked rather magnanimous, sipping his saké with relaxed features. "No reason. I desire company tonight. If you are not averse to it, then accept."
He said it so simply. As if he extended such offers every day. Maybe he did. He had the looks and status to do so.
Sesshoumaru's mouth turned down. "This one does not offer such things easily."
Kagome jolted, wondering if he was a mind reader. "O-of course not," she took a moment to steady herself, considering. "But don't you hate humans? I mean, I know you don't hate all of us, since you care about Rin and Kohaku. This is another thing entirely though."
Sesshoumaru inspected perfect nails boredly. "By no means will I ever revere humans as a whole. However, 'hate' is a strong word. Putting that aside, my business is not with the human race tonight, it is with you," his attention slid back to her. "And past interaction between us hints to me that we would be...compatible in the bedroom."
Kagome felt faint. Like those swooning women in period piece movies. Except she wasn't swooning from any crush, more like her corset was too tight.
"Oh really?" she said thinly. "What tipped you off? The arrow I sent to your face?"
His brow rose as he gave an indulgent chuckle, "power calls to power. You were a brat- but so was this one, to an extent. I desire strength, beauty and will. Are these not qualities you possess?"
Heat bloomed upon her cheeks and Kagome reeled. She couldn't believe she was seriously considering it. Inuyasha would be hurt if he found out. Kagome frowned and curled her hands resting upon her knees into fists. 'It's not as though he has any say in this.'
There was one thing still bothering her though. "If I agree to this, would it happen just once?"
Golden eyes visibly darkened as a foreign expression tightened his jaw, muscles becoming tense. Kagome almost thought she'd angered him before a velvety tone revealed his true emotion; "this agreement may happen as many times as we wish. Over a period of time. Weeks, months if need be."
He was hungry. She realised. Into it. Into her? "S-slow down! We don't even know if we'll enjoy it enough to do it again yet!" she squeaked. "Besides...a secret fling, no strings attached…" Kagome had never thought she'd be the type. "Using you for pleasure, is that really fair to you?" she murmured.
Sesshoumaru let out a noise of frustration, and she found her vision swallowed by silver as her back hit plush furs, sinking into their cloud-like softness as he bent close. His body had never been so near. She could practically feel the heat radiating off him.
"Must you be so vexing?" dark tones purred, a nose grazing hers. "This arrangement is mutually beneficial. We both take. Moreover-" claws skimmed Kagome's waist- her damp sweater clinging to her frame. She shivered violently, heart stuttering. "I am a demon. There is no danger of wounding me emotionally- for I am beyond your reach. So be selfish. Greedy. Be every ugly thing you have repressed, miko- for it can exist here without repercussions. That is what it means to indulge baser urges."
Inexplicably, tears pricked Kagome's eyes again. It was the strangest thing anyone had ever said to her. But wonderfully attractive. She wanted it. She wanted to massage her wounded ego with wicked lips and all the licentious attention he could offer.
Carefully, as though raising a tentative hand to a wild animal, Kagome lifted her palm. Touching his striped cheek and feeling its warm smoothness, the contours of his handsome face- she exhaled in a rush, acknowledging the true weight of the action. "So it's...it's just casual?"
Pale, long lashes slid half shut. Sesshoumaru leaned a little closer but ultimately waited for her to make the first move. "Just casual."
Kagome nodded slowly and brought another hand to his shoulder, feeling the muscle there, before hesitantly pressing a kiss to the side of his neck.
She felt him swallow against her lips. Those claws at her waist bit in through the thick material. Lifting her head- Kagome accepted his heated kiss, falling deeper into the mass of endless furs.
They were not gentle nor sweet that first time. Rather, there had been an endless blur of fangs scraping, sinking into flesh- nails dragging and lips colliding in desperate fervour.
Kagome's legs locked around his waist, back arched and chest bared when she surfaced a moment from their lust ridden haze to note the bizarreness of watching Sesshoumaru lick and suckle at her nipple. She tangled shaking hands in sublime hair and rocked her hips needily against his.
"Do it now- don't mess around," she grit out, soaked from a few ministrations of his fingers. Kagome never thought the day would come when she'd dismiss foreplay. But the demon tortuously undid her, cruelly denying her by coaxing desire higher and higher- her thighs were hitched up over broad shoulders as a sinuous tongue lapped and roved and played inside her.
Kagome choked and sobbed her rapture, trembling beneath him as she came against his mouth.
Blue eyes flashed then and the miko yanked her legs away, squirming and righting herself. Sesshoumaru blinked- before he was shoved back. Kagome stood with him, placing a hand on his chest.
"You said I could be selfish," she grit out, red-faced. "Why didn't you just take me as I asked?"
His lips- covered in a faint sheen of her juices- curved up at the edges. He licked them slowly, slit pupils dilated. "This one also said our symbiotic relationship would benefit me as well. I am also allowed to be selfish."
Growling, Kagome grabbed his shoulders for leverage, dragging him down to her mouth and kissing him hard. She bit his bottom lip and sucked, tasting herself lewdly. Sesshoumaru shuddered and panted, cock straining against her.
The miko pushed herself up on her tiptoes and wrapped both legs around his waist, forcing him to stagger back just as the carriage lurched mid-air from a harsh gust of wind. This resulted in them careening back- Sesshoumaru landing against the shutter that burst open, letting cool night air swamp their rutting bodies. Hands scrambled and pushed clothing aside- the demon sinking inside her with some difficulty despite how slick she'd been rendered.
Twin groans were stifled in each other's necks. Kagome had never once been so overcome with lust that she disregarded everything- didn't pause to shut away the chilly draft, didn't wait to ask permission to begin- her hips greedily moved of their own accord. She sank herself down on him and let out a keening noise, mouth falling open.
"C-call my name," she blushed, gritting her teeth. "Please say my name."
His hands locked beneath her thighs to keep her in place, back against the partially open shutter. Sesshoumaru hissed and snarled, his own hips undulating with hers.
Cruel lips pressed against the hollow of her throat. "Kagome," he breathed and kept on repeating it like a mantra.
Something wounded and fragile unfurled within her heart.
It wasn't like how it had been with her ex. In fact, Kagome wagered the powerful thrusts and erotic graze of sharp teeth had ruined human men for her forever. Only demons would likely satisfy her now unless she wanted a life of paltry blunt canines and smooth nails with no dark aura to latch onto. His youki practically drowned her, seeping down her throat and causing her to choke and push out holy powers.
Hands scarred with marks from archery slid over his chest, leaving trails of steam. Sesshoumaru groaned- gaze flashing red, and their harsh, frantic movements combined with lusty cries reached a crescendo. He pushed her down to the floor and slammed inside her to the hilt. Kagome threw her head back, screaming.
The rest was mildly difficult to remember. She was fairly certain, however, that golden eyes had been surprisingly gentle when he'd caught her glazed blue gaze once more. It was only later, when he dropped her off at the edge of Inuyasha Forest, that Kagome pointed out his missing earring.
Sesshoumaru had hummed, removing his remaining pale one and handing it over to her.
Kagome understood what it meant. An agreement, a promise that this was theirs; and theirs alone.
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hueningshaped · 4 years
★ plan b | b.sk
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▰ genre: fluff, nice fluff
▰ word count: 1301
▰ synopsis: when you're really busy and you and seungkwan have barely any time to go on a date and the one chance you have, you knock out but no worries bc seungkwan is the best thing bf ever! + gender neutral! reader
▰ notes: hope u enjoy ; ___;
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"Hey, how about tonight?" Seungkwan suggested, through the other end of the line as you finished highlighting some bolder words on your notes.
This question wasn't new to you, since it circulated around the same thing: a date. With you, being a full time student in university and juggling a job, and he, being the centerfold of light of the universe, among other roles he had, left little room in both of your schedules to hang out with each other, let alone have even a date. Even a short date would do.
His voice made your eyes shimmer a little bit because to be quite honest, you were really in love with him and you seriously, seriously missed him.
You both worked and lived in the same vicinity, with the distance calculated to be at least 5-10 miles away from each other, but everything was too hectic for you both to be able to sit and relax. Not to mention that recently, you had been getting little sleep.
"Babe?" He called out and you sobered, clicking your utensils shut. Your exam was in a few days and your shift at work today was a bit short compared to the typical 10 hours they had you working.
"Yeah," you were smiling now. "Yes, tonight. Let's do it."
You could literally hear him smile through the phone. It made your heart soar as if you were on a hot air balloon.
Upon that, it was decided that he'd meet you at your place and from there, as much as your lack of energy begged you not to oblige, you'd go ice skating, eat at a café, and maybe go shopping from there on since he'd been meaning to buy you both matching sweaters.
The rest of the afternoon tipped off from your shift, which was tiring as always, but the sleep deprivation from the week was beginning to get to you. Your boyfriend was taking an exam today and meeting with some friends for the day so it eased you to know that he wasn't straining himself.
Your punctuality with exams increased along with the upcoming date of your finals. This meant: more studying, less sleeping. All in all, for today, you were running on at least three hours of sleep.
When you came home from work, your body throbbed and ached in ways only exhaustion could have you and the bed enticed you more than ever but you had to shower.
When you did, your eyes felt heavy and this weight followed you even when you were putting on your makeup.
seungkwannie: hey i'm on my way  💗
You missed him so much you would've cried but again, you had things to do. There was little motivation to do your full on look so some concealer and foundation would suffice. This left extra time for waiting, which is why or how Seungkwan found you napping facedown on the table.
He was shaking your shoulder and you knew it was him because only his hands were simultaneously cool and warm. His voice had you coming to, as well.
"Hey," he uttered, above a whisper almost. "Babe?" Seungkwan called and you finally craned your neck to look up at him. He smiled so warmly, the little dip his mouth made when his lips curved so easily into a gesture that meant the world to you. His hair was dark, a color your eyes were yet adjusting to, and the hoodie he wore localized his prince like aura. He was your boyfriend. You still had a hard time believing it.
"Aw, Y/N," he cooed, pushing back some hair from your mouth, which was now adhesive from some drool. You sat up immediately despite your eyesight being limited from the small amount of swelling. "Good morning!" Seungkwan teased in that decadent yet candle like voice of his. You realized as his hand fell to cup your chin, mirroring the smile he wore.
"Seungkwan, I'm sorry you found me like this," you apologized in a slurred tone as you stretched a little. "I'm ready to go now. Shopping for skates at a café?"
He shook his head at you, smirking now, squeezing your chin before dropping his hand.
"Not quite," he chuckled. You merely blinked at him. "It's ice skating, then café, then shopping. Y/N, you look and seem a bit tired. The weather isn't even up to par for a date. Let's just put a rain check— ”
"No!" You shot up, stammering your retort as your hands grabbed at the coat he wore over his hoodie. How could someone look so cozy and handsome at the same tight?
"Let's go right now. I'm ready." You attempted but he just gave you a look, playful yet scolding.
"God, why are you so stubborn," he whined like a child as he found your hand to hold. You both looked down before meeting each other's eyes. "We could just have a stay at home date if you want, like we've always wanted. Yanno? Be cheesy and watch movies and stuff."
You pouted but eventually obliged.
Plan B became a movie marathon with some snacks on the side with cuddling, despite the fact that it'd be impossible since you had insisted to watch The Conjuring.
"Are you sure you want to watch this?" Seungkwan asked gently into your hair as your laid your head down on his shoulder and intertwined your legs. You nodded quietly, fighting the urge to yawn. He shuddered already as the first scene exhibited itself onto the screen, rubbing your arm back and forth.
The explanation paragraph scene entered and before you knew it, you were snoring on his shoulder. Of course, the music was beginning to get louder and this caused Seungkwan to shiver into you.
"Oh my goodness, what's with the music?!" He exclaimed softly but relaxed as the story finished rolling by.
"Y/N, how are you not even reacti—"
Seungkwan snickered as he lowered the volume of your television and kissed your head, reaching over to grab your phone. Your schedule for work and plan for studying was somewhat in your notes so he was able to see why you were so sleepy, or at least to guess; you saved some photos around four in the morning and took a photo of your notes at six.
Seungkwan's heart dropped further than the center of the earth as he couldn't even imagine the fatigue that was affecting you. He still wanted a date as much as you did but considering the fact that he himself was a bit tired as well and that you looked so cute just on him like this, he wouldn't give this up for the world.
Before a few screams could resound from the movie, he turned it off and adjusted himself so he could hold you against his chest. You made a few noises and nuzzled your face more into him.
"Sh, sh, sh," he snuggled with you a little intimately. "Why didn't you tell me you were working so hard, baby?"
Your ears caught that, despite his little whisper, but you kept your eyes shut as you murmured,
"I do nothing compared to you. I, I, I...I missed you so much and I'd literally deprive myself of all my sleep if it...meant that I could be with you, even for just a moment." You found yourself wanting to cry a little bit but he did it for you by sniffling and enveloping you more.
"I love you so much, oh, God..." Seungkwan cried into your hair while running his hair through it.
"I love you so, so, so..."
"Shut up and go to sleep," he moved his fingers to your lips before pecking them. "My love."
Your date would continue tomorrow morning at breakfast.
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Kill Me Hardly (Last Ch.)
Notes: Last chapter!!! This chapter is straight up Fluff, with nsfw, bc I’m a simple being :’) Those who just want a sad ending, can pretend that this chapter doesn’t exist, lol.
Warnings: mild Smut (or, milder than what I’m use to writing)
@youtubequeens: I tried my best, haha
 Light. Warmth. Softness. Beeping. Everything dawned slowly onto you at once as you stared at the wall with half-lidded eyes, regaining your focus as your fingertips felt something soft. Feeling something. You jolted awake, sitting upwards. Your legs felt heavy, everything felt warm and safe, the ghosts were gone, and you wondered if this was how newborns felt, for everything seemed to be new and yet familiar.
Like a new dawn, you felt your own heart beating as the monitor beeped in with excitement. You also felt weak and tired, your frame was sick and paler than the healthy flush that it had use to be, and a soft snoring jolted you out of your thoughts as you looked at your hands.
“T-” You tried, yet your vocal chords were unused for a year, but you still felt a strong sense of relief and peace, and your heart thrummed with searing warmth as the man who you had beginning to develop feelings for, had his head and arms nestled comfortably within your lap, your fingers threading through his hair gently.
  “…” You tried clearing your throat as you looked around your surroundings. Cards, flowers, stuffed animals littered the table next to you, no doubt from your friend and family, you and Taishiro were alone within the room, and yet, you also desperately missed your parents.
A thought struck you, how did he get in here? Where were your parents? Did they leave before he came here? It was such a miracle that you were alive, and yet, you were so confused.
“Ta-Tai-chan.” You croaked out lowly, looking down. He only stirred slightly. You huffed out a small noise of adoration. Alive. You were alive and feeling, and he came all this way….
 “T..” You shook him gently. He stirred. He groaned when you pinched his cheeks, squeezing them softly as finally, his eyelids slid open, and then widened as he stared at you, taking you in. You didn’t have a chance to really think, before he lifted himself up in such a haste, and then lunged.
 Surprise. You were surprised that he had leaned you down in which he was now hovering over you, staring at you thoroughly as one hand held himself above you, and the other clasped onto yours, rubbing a calloused thumb over your palm rather gently.
“Tai..” You tried, reaching up to caress his cheek. He leaned down, resting onto his elbows now as he surprised you with a soft kiss on your forehead.
“Shush. Ya damned woman. Makin’ me worry an’ shit.” He said softly, his own voice cracking a little. You smiled a little, he was trying so hard not to let the tears flow, and yet you were rubbing away the wetness with the gentle sweeping of your thumb.  
The next thing you knew, he was holding your face gently as he began kissing you. Your eyelids, cheek, jaw, and finally, mouth with a fervent hunger, and you couldn’t help but whine with surprise want, gripping your hands tightly in his hair, him groaning as his face slid down to the crook of your neck. You jumped, but he kissed the scarred up wound so softly, threading his hand through your own hair, feeling that you were very real.  
“Fuckin’ hell, ya scared me last night.” He said, voice muffling in your neck, sending tingles down your spine.
The both of you jumped as loud knocks echoed on the door. Taishiro reluctantly pulled away with a scowl on his face, placing himself back on the seat where he had been presumably all night as the familiar doctor walked in with a glass of water, and a closed packet with some rubbing alcohol.
“Why, hello! You must be very confused and exhausted, am I correct? I’m Doctor Fujiharu Akashi, I’ve been in charge of taking care of you. Please relax, I need to take your vitals, and explain to you what’s been happening.” The gray haired doctor said with a bright smile. Taishiro stood up so that the doctor could talk to you as he set the cup of water next to the desk, you took it and sipped on it slowly as he continued talking.  
“Your body will need time, but there’s a high chance for it to recover wonderfully. You’ll need to eat soft foods, and drink things that have electrolytes in them, such as chicken broth or Gatorade. My nurse assistant should be printing you out a list of foods in which you can or can’t have.” The doctor babbled, you listening as you winced at the needle.
“-as you understand, you are a very, very lucky person. Your heartbeat had picked up at an abnormal rate last night, and we concluded that you were close to waking up. After...um...a year.” He stalled, looking guilty as he adjusted his glasses. You didn’t blame him, for he didn’t know that you were a ghost.
“Year?” You played along, tilting your head.
“Yes. I’m sorry, Miss (Y/n). I know it’s not easy to take in, but you’re safe now. Your parents had left you in the care of your friend. They needed to go..um...well, I’ll let him explain it to you later, alright? Your voice and organs should be up and running fine in a few days. Until then, we’ll have to keep an eye on you to see how you’re coping well, alright?” Dr. Akashi finished, taking the tube with him as he bowed, leaving you and Tai alone.
You turned towards him, raising an eyebrow.
“They were confused as hell, but long story short, I told ‘em that I was a pen-pal overseas, and told them of what I knew ‘bout ya. They seemed wary, but friendly enough. Of course they couldn’t stay, long. Yer brother had court, today. They’ll be here, later.” He explained, rubbing his hand softly over yours. You squeezed gently, making a humming sound in your throat.  
You wanted to say something, to bring up the elephant in the room, but you were oddly, very happy and surprised, and didn’t want to break the spell. As if sensing your confusion or unrest, Taishiro sighed.
“Ya know, I thought a lot last night. Watchin’ ya sleep- don’t give me that look!” He huffed as you squinted at him with a judging stare.
“Oh, whatever. Anyways, I thought about ya. Me. Us. What ya might do after ya heal...and...it’ll be weird livin’ without ya, is what I’m sayin’! If...if ya wanna..kami, this is hard.” He bit his lip, a pretty red flushed to his cheeks and neck, and he sighed, looking at your own reddening cheeks.
“Look, I like ya. More than I’d thought I’d like anybody. You’re a little worm, crawlin’ into people’s heart-ow! Okay, that’s fair.” He rubbed his shoulder, squinting at you as you glared. He took in a breath as he then stared at you with a stern seriousness, his hand clasped onto yours as the other smoothed over your cheek.  
“You’ve gotten close to me. Ya’ve caught me. I..I don’t wanna be the kind of man that you or yer parents should hafta fear, or look down on. It took such a fuckin’ scare from ya for me to get my ass in gear. I’ve made up my mind, thinkin’ last night,” He gave you such a soft look, and briefly you wondered if this was the same person months ago, yet you held his endearing gaze as he continued to finish his speech.
“-that I wanna protect ya. N’ everybody who’s been through that shit. Ya, yer parents, hell, even Dabi’s girls, knowin’ that their job ain’t easy, an’ they got mouths to feed. I hafta go home, let ya be with yer parents and friends, but I’ll be here everyday, if ya want. I’m gonna get rid of all that villain shit, buy some more vanilla candles, an’ look fer jobs.” He finished, and you stared at him with such surprise and shock, you felt tears welling in your eyes.
“O-oi! Don’t start cryin’ on me! Ya sap!” He squinted, eternally screaming on what to do, and you smiled.
“Beautiful.” You mumbled out, but he heard you, his blush darkening at your own wonderstruck stare. His expression softened a bit through furrowed eyebrows as his eyes met yours. As if to say “hell with it”, he leaned in, silently asking for a kiss, and of course you breached the distance between the two of you, catching him off guard as you grabbed the front of his hoodie, bringing him down to meet your lips. You grinned, catching him off guard as he made a muffled groan.
He pulled away, huffing out a laugh.
“Damned woman. My damned woman. Ya know, I’m gonna get ya later fer all the shit you’ve pulled. Just you wait.” He promised darkly, and you shivered with an odd mix of excitement and anticipation.
“For now, though, I gotta go. Rest up, Babe. You’re gonna need it.” He gave you one last kiss, before reluctantly heading out of the door.
To say that you were relieved, was an understatement. Your parents were so damned happy to see you, your mother and father enveloping you in a tight hug, but not too tight. Your body was a little frail, not as strong as it use to be, so you had to stay in the hospital until you could be discharged.
Of course, you were far from being lonely. Both of your parents and Taishiro would meet up with you regularly, them telling embarrassing stories about you, and you, gaining back your voice, would hush them in embarrassment or change the subject, quickly as your partner, yes, partner, laughed.
However, when your parents were too busy, Taishiro would be more than happy to spend his time with you, telling you how he was getting noticed quickly by the police, but in a good way. He grinned, showing off his badge, and your eyes glittered with excitement.
“That’s great! Who did you steal it, from?” Slipped out, and he rolled his eyes, pinching your cheeks a little roughly as you complained.
“Figured that I’d try my hand at somethin’ that I do know about. Fightin, criminals, fightin’ criminals, ya know. Hafta do trainin’ classes, but so far they’re impressed. Heh, they should be. Fatgum was a notorious villain, after all who was good at shovin’ down police officers.” He wiggled his eyebrows, and it was your turn to roll your eyes.
“Heh. Says the college lady who’s takin’ online classes.” He pointed out. It was true. After word got out of your recovery, your old college had promised to continue your education, since it was already paid for, and you were close to graduating, anyway. Of course you took online classes, and joined the classroom through a camera, but you healed and studied, while Taishiro stayed busy, he did offer a solution to your loneliness if he or nobody else could visit you.
 Cue a gaggle of giggling women, fawning over you as they babbled among themselves, fixing their makeup and painting your nails. At first, you were flabbergasted, but a grinning Dabi dropped in and told you that Taishiro said that you were the one helping him bring food and stuff for the girls. Although the scarred man didn’t know how, he trusted Tai, and thought that it’d be nice for the adult women to keep their savior a bit of company.
Not having much lady friends, you agreed reluctantly, but quickly took a shine to the bright-eyed ladies and their adorable children as they told stories that surprised and shocked you, and of course made you blush furiously, for they were still sex workers, and you were not use to such stories.
“Always use lube~! Even aroused, it’s normal for some people to just not get wet. So don’t hurt yourself, Babe!” One chirped.
“Oooh! Glass dildos are easy to clean, and are soooo much smoother than plastic or silicone. Any lube can go on them, and won’t wear the toy down.”
“I got one! Always pee after sex. You can and will get a urinary tract infection if you’re not careful.”
Yeah, you’ve learned a lot other than your college classes.  
When Taishiro wasn’t busy, he’d bring you his favorite snack, Takoyaki, as the two of you talked about everything and nothing. You liked these days, where it was just you and him, how he’d say that you smelled like vanilla, that’s why he has so many of those candles, and you telling him that you’re learning too much things from the girls. He’d wink at you, saying that if you wanted to, you could teach him, and then laughing at your frustrated yet flushed face.
 Two months had passed so soon. It was nearing Christmas, and you’ve gained back your own weight, skin looking healthy and you were about to be discharged. Of course you wanted to move in with Taishiro, and with your parent’s knowledge, he moved your things to his apartment. Or, so you thought.
“Wait...so...my things aren’t at your apartment?” You quirked an eyebrow. He grinned.
“Neither are mine.”
“What the fu-”
“Language, young missy.” He tutted, mocking a teacher as he wagged a finger. You laughed.
“No, but Tai, where are our things?” You pressed, and he grinned. You glared.
“I moved them.”
“Wheeeeeere?” You drawled out in a whine, and he switched out his grin for a smug smile.
“To our new home.”
“Wait, what?”
“Ya heard me! Figured that I’ve been savin’ a lot of money from my old “job”, that you an’ I could, I dunno, moveintoahouseorsomethin’.” He said it so fast, but it caught your attention.
“Taishiro...you? Got us a house?” You asked softly. He looked away sheepishly for a moment.
“Well, yeah. Should’ve asked ya, first, but, it was in the middle of the city, an’ a heh, “steal”, an’ it’s near plenty of job opportunities for yer career. If ya don’t like it, I’ll-”
You shushed him in a kiss, pulling away for a moment before beaming from ear to ear.
“You sap. It sounds perfect.”
“Shut up, I know.” He grinned, kissing you in turn.
“No, but seriously, please inform me of important decisions from now on. I don’t need more anymore surprises.”
“Will do, Sweetheart.” He hummed, tucking a stray hair behind your ear.
“So. Does this place have a stripper pole?”
“Tch, Cheeky woman, who do ya think I am? I was goin’ to ask your permission to install one in our bedroom.” He joked, and yet you oddly didn’t mind the idea.
“Only if your service is free.” You giggled, and he laughed.
“For you? Only.”
         After being discharged, you had finally gotten to get some more fresh air, getting out of the hospital bed as you looked around your surroundings, glad to be free of the grisly spirits, even on the streets. Of course, Taishiro had taken you to your new home, the both of you standing outside and he grinned proudly.  
Although he mentioned house, he didn’t mention almost a mansion. You gave him a look.
“Taishiro, as I am beyond grateful, isn’t this a bit, much?” You asked, solemnly. He frowned, and already you felt bad.
“Ya...don’t like it?”
“Kami, I love it, it’s beyond perfect! It just caught me off guard, a little, and I wondered if it’ll be lonely? You know, such a big house, and so many rooms…” You glanced at him, and he found himself smiling.
“Ya know? I think there’s a way that we could use up the rooms.” He drawled, and already you found that you were blushing furiously.
“Not that, you pervert! Well, maybe that, but only in like, two rooms! Anyways. Even if I’m in the police force, now, I’m still on good terms with Dabi an’ his boss. The lady’s and their kids...really need a break from livin’ in the slums….” He drawled out. You quirked an eyebrow.
“Our home isn’t going to be ran like a brothel.”
“I know that! I was sayin’…maybe we can set up a daycare? For their kids? So that they can grow up more safely. So they don’t hafta resort to gang violence, ya know? It’s not a permanent home, but it’ll be a place for each parent an’ kid to be in their own rooms.”
“As much as I like that idea, Taishiro, we need a solid plan to make this work. Okay, so each room-” You began babbling as he listened, giving you his own ideas, which you also liked. The two of your continued your conversation after taking a look inside of the house, pointing out which rooms were the two of yours, and which rooms could be spared. It was a lot to think about, but you genuinely wanted a more safer place for your lady friends whom you’ve grown fond of, and of course, for their children.
Calling Dabi, said man gave his own insight on the idea, and said that that would work, perfectly, as he could make sure that his girls and their kids were safe and more sound, knowing that they’d be in a safer neighborhood.
  All in all, the plan boiled down to, was that each parent and child had their own daycare bedroom for a limited amount of time per day. Although they couldn’t permanently live in there, because of food, rent, and you really not wanting to have a bunch of women living with you, constantly, the children could be in a safe place while their parents worked, Dabi’s other girls who didn’t have kids, looked after them, giving you and Tai plenty of space and time for each other. Although, you didn’t mind being a babysitter, as long as you weren’t overworked.
  Even though you had gotten close to the ladies, cameras were set up so nobody could bring unwanted guests. To the both of you, it sounded like a good plan.
   It didn’t happen overnight, of course, as you had finally had gotten hired at a really well paying job, the two of you stayed busy, yet made time for each other as you possibly could, while in both of your spare times, made funds here and there to remodel each room. Although working, you didn’t stress yourself, for you were still healing, a little, but you tried to help Tai in anyway you can as you decorated the rooms, laughing as you smeared orange paint onto his face, leaving him to growl playfully, kissing you senseless as he quickly returned the favor, grinning with pride as you had a poorly drawn red heart on your arm. You smiled.  
When all rooms were finished, Dabi was called, and thus a small group of women and their children came to look at the place.
 Cue a bunch of teary eyed women, hugging you as they sobbed out how grateful they were, and how their babies were now much safer away from the crappy parts of the city, even for a little bit. Taishiro smiled a bit fondly as you held onto one of their kids, leaning in and whispering in your ear.
“Hey, I want one.” He grinned darkly, and you shrugged.
“What?” His brain seemed to stop, still, and you chuckled at his frozen expression.
“We both have stable jobs, and a good home. Plus some very awesome babysitters. Tit for tat.” You winked, and he grinned.
“We still haven’t-”
“Oh, and did I mention? Rubber toys can absorb bacteria-”
“Yuna! There’s children, here!”  
   It was nearing spring, you were getting more acquainted with seeing happy, hyper children, and learning more from the ladies, whether it be parental or other advice. You didn’t mind them, liking the way they’ve kept you company on your days off, helping you clean and cook as Taishiro was at work. If you were at work, he’d rather be out and about with his work buddies, saying that he felt uncomfortable being around a group of ladies when his own woman was away. It touched you, really.  
Of course your parents started visiting, more often when they could, learning that you were taking care of others, they were very proud of you and although wary that so many women lived in your home, you reassured them that you trusted your partner. They’ve brought news about your brother, saying that he was going through rehab and therapy. Although he didn’t want to bother you, nor pressure you into forgiving him, he passed the word to your parents, that he was thinking of you, and wished that he could have been a better sibling. All you could do is wish the best for him, and wait and see for yourself.  
With Tai’s and your jobs, the two of you made a very good team, splitting the bills and chores equally, as the two of you had taken time out of your rather busy schedules to go on dates, help with charities, taking care of your friends and their children, and support each other. He was still a grumpy Tsundere, but you were his cheeky smartass, so it all evened out.
You were fully healed when the two of your’s first anniversary came around. Physically, as well as mentally, you were ready. Although dating for a year, the two of you were so busy with work, looking after the girls, going to local charities, and learning to love and cope within society, the complete act of sex wasn’t a thing between the two of you. Sure, after heavy kissing sessions, you’d cum around his fingers and tongue, and vice versa, but neither of you had the time to take to really slow the world down and appreciate each other, and that’s what you’ve wanted, and he couldn’t have agreed more.  
So the two of you planned to use your vacation days to use on Halloween, or the two of your’s anniversary. Nobody was in your home, the vanilla candles lit up, making the bedroom have enough flickering light that the two of you could still see each other.  
He kissed your scar rather more gently than the rest of you. You whined as feather-like kisses adored you, while in contrast, his hips had moved against yours, lifting your leg on top of his shoulder, he buried himself more deeply inside you as you made a keen whine, threading your fingers within his hair tightly. With his free hand, he had cupped your cheek, making it easier for him to kiss your face as your body moved under the shaking bed due to his sharp thrusting.
“I-it’s…warm.” You murmured, feeling the intense heat making you sweat, sharply contrasting the cold, dead feeling as a spirit. He must’ve known what you were talking about, as he then kissed you tenderly.
“I know, Baby. Mu-must’ve been rough, huh? H-heh.” He chuckled quietly at his own dirty joke, and you let out a breathy huff of laughter mixed in with a moan. He worked himself into you, feeling your walls grip him as he churned them, hitting your sensitive spot as your legs trembled as they tightened around his waist and shoulder blade, toes curling as you felt yourself scrambling for that high.
“Th-that’s it. Feel ya...squ-eezin’ onto me. Let yourself go, Baby.” He urged, slowing down, only to aim sharp, powerful thrusts into you as you felt tears of frustration pool. Having none of that, he kissed your eyes, forehead, and mouth as you trembled all over, squeezing him as if he was a lifeline as you bit out his name, finally cumming onto his cock as your orgasm ripped through you.
Seeing such a sight, and on the verge of his own release, he quickened his hips, paying no mind to the squeaking of the bed-frame as the headboard slammed into the wall, you whined out as your sensitivity heightened, saying his name in a mantra of sentences as he fucked you into the mattress, precum, lube, and your cum soiling the bedspread underneath.
In what had seemed to be a looping moment, he gripped your hips towards him in a final, harsh thrust as he then stilled, cussing and letting out your own name as he shot his release inside of you. The both of you panted, as he rested his forehead against yours, hips shallowly moving on their own as he pushed his cum deeper into you as you hummed gently with approval.
“You alright, Honey?” He asked, and you nodded tiredly as he gently pulled out, you whining at the loss as your opening clenched onto nothing, pearlescent fluid dripping out of you.
“Mmm. Better take those lady’s advice an’ use the bathroom. I’ll clean up and meet ya in the shower for round two.” He purred, and you flushed, yet grinning wildly.
:’) I just went straight ahead for domestic fluff and Tai and reader taking care of everybody while living their best lives, especially after all of that angst. This was a field fic, I’ll tell you what.            
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fancat-not-fangirl · 4 years
Welcome to my Nightmare
a/n: another one of my hurt!Dean fanfics! Tag to 4.06 Yellow Fever bc I wanted Sam to comfort Dean more (as always)
Summary: Dean has another one of his hallucinations during his time with the ghost sickness. Can Sam snap him out of it this time? 
Sam woke up to the sound of his name.
He immediately recognized the voice as his brother’s. After all, when you’ve spent more than twenty years listening to him say it in millions of different ways, you find that it’s easy to identify. And Sam’s heard every possible pronunciation of his name from his brother, whether it be happiness, annoyance, worry, fear, relief, or reassurance. He’s heard it all.
Which was why when his name flew out of Dean’s mouth in a horrified gasp, Sam knew something was wrong.
Well, more wrong than it already was. Because how could anything not be, when Dean’s caught a little something called ghost sickness and was due to die in T-minus 7 hours. Only one month, one week, and two days after hell. After Sam finally had his brother back. And it wasn’t fair. Sam had thought - no, he had hoped - that he’d have more time with his brother. More time to simply enjoy Dean’s presence again. To savor it. To commit the smiles and laughs and smirks to memory, just in case he was taken from Sam again.
But the ghost sickness stripped that away. The years Sam was looking forward to spending with Dean had dwindled down to mere hours.
He wouldn't think about that now.
He had to focus on helping Dean.
But that would’ve been easier if Sam knew what it was that he should be helping Dean with. Because Sam didn’t know what was wrong.
“Dean?” he tried, sitting up in bed. “Is everything okay?” It obviously wasn’t, but he had to try to get an answer out of Dean before acting.
But Dean didn’t answer. If anything, his face got paler and his eyes widened even more. He choked out another “Sammy?” before scrambling out of the bed covers. His eyes seemed to be glued to the spot where Sam’s head had been resting on the pillow just moments before. 
“Dean?” Sam tried again, but instead of getting a normal response, Dean started moving backwards on the bed, as if trying to get as far away from Sam as possible. His mouth was moving, at first too fast for Sam to decipher what it was that he was saying, but then the words increased in volume. Sam realized that Dean was repeating a litany of “No, no, no, no, no,”s and his heart sank. Dean must be having another hallucination.
What was it this time?
It didn’t matter. He had to get Dean to calm down.
Throwing his covers aside, Sam climbed out of his own bed and leaned over Dean’s. “Dean? Dean, you’re okay. You’re fine, man. Look at me.” But Dean wasn’t having any of that. The “no”s just got louder and louder and then his hands were in his hair, pulling at the short strands. Oh god, what was it that he was seeing? His reaction was worse than before, much worse. And that was saying something, since the last time Dean had one of his ghost sickness hallucinations where Sam had apparently wanted him back in Hell, he had almost choked himself to death on the air he had been breathing.
“Dean, look at me.” Sam desperately tried to get his brother to listen. “You’re okay, Dean. Everything is fine, you hear me? Dean? Please man, snap out of it.” But Dean was only getting worse. A high pitched keening noise was now ripping its way out of Dean’s throat and Sam’s heart broke at the sound. Dean’s hands pulled at his hair with increased vigor, his eyes still wide and horrified, staring at Sam’s bed.
Sam had to get him to stop.
Taking a deep breath, Sam reached across the bed and took Dean’s wrists into his hands, trying to pull them away from his head. A pair of green eyes snapped to him. Dean went feral, snarling at him and twisting himself out of Sam’s grip. “You killed him!” Dean’s voice reached the point of screaming as he scrambled away from Sam, getting tangled in the bed covers. A voice in the back of Sam’s head whispered that if he couldn’t get Dean to quiet down, one of their neighbors would surely call the police. “You killed him, you son of a bitch!”
Dean thought that Sam was dead.
Well this certainly complicated things.
“Dean! Dean, I’m okay. I’m right here, man.” Sam leaned closer, trying to get his brother to understand that he was alive and breathing. Dean just fought harder, swinging at Sam’s head, trying to land a punch. Sam ducked, narrowly avoiding getting knocked out. “Please, Dean! It’s not real, none of it is real.” Sam was attempting to talk Dean out of his hysteria, protecting his head from being bashed in, and at the same time trying to catch Dean’s flailing arms. And he was failing miserably.
“I’ll kill you for this, you black-eyed bastard!” Dean growled, baring his teeth. Instead of punches, he was now trying to claw at Sam’s face. Great. Just great. Dean thought that he was a demon.
Sam made a split second decision and leapt onto the bed, manhandling Dean onto his back and then settling his weight on top of him. Dean writhed and snarled but could not move, and for once in his life Sam was thankful that he was bigger than his older brother. 
Dean’s arms were still clawing at Sam, but now it was easier to stop them and soon Sam had them both pinned to the bed. He leant forward, trying to get his brother to look at him.
“Dean, listen to me. I’m right here, you hear me? Right here. I’m alive, I’m okay. And so are you.” Dean’s head turned away towards Sam’s empty bed and his previously furious eyes now glistened with unshed tears. Dean really still thought that Sam was dead. Sam, who felt utterly helpless. 
Sam was sick of it. That feeling of helplessness that has been his constant companion for the last few months. He couldn’t get Dean out of his deal, he couldn’t find a way to get Dean out of Hell, he couldn’t figure out who had actually done what he couldn’t when Dean got back, and now he couldn’t find a way to calm his brother down. To comfort him.
But damn him if he would let that stop him from trying.
“Dean!” His brother flinched at the John-like tone Sam used. Sam didn’t have time to feel guilty. “Goddammit Dean, look at me right now.” And Dean, never being able to refuse a direct order, obeyed, hands still straining to get out of Sam’s grip.
His eyes locked onto Sam’s, who leaned down even further, so far that their noses were almost touching. 
“Dean, listen to me. It’s not real, okay? I’m not dead. I’m right here, and I’m not going anywhere. It’s the ghost sickness, it’s making you see things that aren’t there.” Dean’s eyes darted again to Sam’s bed, but returned back to Sam moments later. “Whatever you’re seeing there isn’t real, Dean. I promise. But you know what is real?” Sam kept his grip on Dean’s wrist and brought both of their hands up, laying Dean’s palm flat against his chest. He wondered if Dean could feel Sam’s racing heartbeat through the thin fabric of his shirt. “I’m real, Dean. Feel that? That’s me, Sammy, alive and healthy.” And Sam used his brother’s nickname for him, hoping it would help calm his brother down. “Please trust me, Dean. Please.”
And slowly Dean’s eyes began to clear, his straining arms and torso relaxing. Sam didn’t let himself ease up, though. Not until he knew Dean was fully calmed down.
It was said in a whisper, as if Dean was scared that what he was seeing now was a trick.
“Yeah, Dean. It’s me.”
The amount of relief that rushed into Dean’s face almost had Sam sobbing. Dean was okay. Dean recognized him. Everything was going to be fine.
“Sammy.” Dean breathed his younger brother’s name again. “You’re alive.” His eyes then flickered down and his eyes widened. “And you’re sitting on me.” 
Sam let out a breathless laugh and finally relaxed his own body, leaning forward the remainder of the way and letting his forehead rest on top of Dean’s. He breathed deeper now, more relieved than he could say at the fact that Dean was now back to normal. Or, as normal as he could be considering the circumstances.
“Dude, seriously, do I look like a loveseat to you? You’re squishing me into a fricking pancake.”
Sam smiled softly and clambered off of his brother, knowing that Dean was using humor as a defense mechanism again, not wanting Sam to see how badly he had been shaken up. Dean was blushing, but his eyes still held traces of that initial fear they had when Sam first woke up. Sam didn’t push it, though. God knew Dean had enough to deal with at the moment.
“You gonna be okay?” Sam asked softly, admittedly reluctant to go back to his own bed. What if something else happened to Dean while Sam was sleeping but Sam wouldn’t wake up? He didn’t know if he could risk that. Sam shuddered to think at what would have happened if he hadn’t woken up when he did this time.
Dean nodded, face still red and eyes still wide, and settled back into his covers, turning to face away from Sam. Sam sighed and got into his own bed, not trusting himself to go to sleep in fear of missing something.
It was a good thing, too, because not half an hour later Dean was mumbling Sam’s name and tossing and turning in his sleep, eyes scrunched shut and an expression of pain etched onto his face. 
Sam was immediately out of his own bed and whispering his brother’s name as he tried to shake Dean awake. This time it was easier to get his brother to calm down. Dean’s eyes had opened right away and Sam’s heart had almost broken at the look on Dean’s face.
There was no way they’d both be able to sleep if this kept going. So, steeling himself against the teasing that was sure to come, Sam took a deep breath and crawled into the bed next to Dean.
Sure enough, Dean balked and moved away, hissing, “Sam! What the hell do you think you’re doing? Just cause I’m acting like a scared little girl doesn’t mean you get to act like one, too.” He schooled his features into a glare pointed at his brother. “Get out of my bed.”
“No.” Sam said simply, making himself comfortable under Dean’s incredulous gaze. “You know as well as I do that this will help you. So shut up and go to sleep.”
Dean was silent for a while but then gave up, murmuring something about how Hollywood might as well make a chick flick movie about them now. He layed back down, scooching as far away from Sam as the bed allowed. 
Sam huffed out a breath. Now he just had to find a way to convince Dean to let him keep a hand on his older brother’s back as he slept. It had always helped them when they were kids. Any time either of them had been sick or tired or hurt, the other would help them fall asleep by rubbing the other’s back, an equal sign of ‘I’m here for you’ and ‘You’re safe’. Except now they were older, and Dean had a strict No Chick Flicks Law Enforcement thing going on, making it nearly impossible for Sam to do anything without being shut down or deemed a ‘girl’.
But Dean needed the contact. Tonight especially. Sam just had to figure out-
The quiet around them was broken by a car alarm and suddenly Sam found himself with an armful of Dean, who had been scared senseless by the noise. And in the blink of an eye Dean now had his arms wrapped around Sam’s waist and his face buried into Sam’s chest.
Getting over his initial shock, it didn’t take long for Sam to bring his own arms around Dean, resting one on the back of his brother’s neck while the other started rubbing Dean’s back in soothing motions. Sam smiled. But not an I’ll-hold-this-over-your-head-for-the-rest-of-your-life smile. No, this one was in relief. In reassurance. Because now he finally had a chance to make his brother feel better. He could be the one to take care of Dean for once.
Dean mumbled something into Sam’s shirt, but it was too soft for Sam to pick up. He ducked his head closer to Dean’s. “What?”
Dean hesitated before repeating, “I thought you were dead.”
Sam tensed a bit. He hadn’t expected Dean to talk about it. He had expected Dean to shrug it off as he usually did, to deny that he was being chick-flicky by choice. But not talk about his feelings. Never that.
“Yeah, Dean. I know.”
Dean continued his unexpected streak and kept talking, his voice barely above a whisper. “No, Sam. You don’t.” He took a deep breath, voice wavering. “I thought you were dead. After everything I did to keep you alive, after all those years of looking after you, after I made that damned deal. Everything. It was all for nothing. I failed. I failed dad. I failed you. I couldn’t keep you safe, no matter how hard I tried.” Dean’s voice cracked. “I tried so hard but it was all for nothing.”
“Dean, hey man, look at me,” Sam tried. Dean’s eyes rose to meet his. “You didn’t fail, you got that? I’m right here. I’m alive. I’m not going anywhere, okay? And neither are you. We’ll find a way to cure the ghost sickness. I promise. But you didn’t fail dad. You didn’t fail me.” Sam’s voice dropped so low, he didn’t think Dean would be able to hear him. “You’ve never failed me. And you never will.”
There was a moment of silence where the only thing Sam heard was Dean’s deep breaths and the faraway sounds of cars. Then Dean spoke. “But what if we can’t?”
“We will.” Sam vowed. “Trust me, Dean. We will.”
Another few seconds of silence. 
“I do trust you, Sammy.”
“Good. And it’s Sam.” That earned him a soft jab in the ribs and he chuckled, wrapping his arms tighter around his brother and resting his chin on Dean’s head. The short hair felt nice against Sam’s face and he inhaled deeply, taking in the smell that was just oh so Dean. The smell of home.
Soon Dean was asleep, lightly snoring into Sam’s chest. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. So vulnerable. And Sam wouldn’t let anything happen to him. He would fight tooth and nail to keep Dean from leaving him again. He would go to the ends of the earth to make sure Dean was safe and alive and happy.
Dean wouldn’t die, not so soon after Sam got him back. Sam wouldn’t let him. Sam couldn’t let him. Not after those months and months after Dean went to Hell where Sam didn’t know which way was up and which was down. Not after Sam had experienced a life on Earth that was a living breathing nightmare. 
No, Sam refused to go through that again. Even if it was the last thing he did, he’d save his brother.
Pressing a soft kiss to the top of Dean’s head, Sam too then fell asleep, lulled by the feeling of their hearts beating as one.
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redgillan · 5 years
I’ve got you under my Skin - 3
Bucky Barnes x Reader ♀️
Summary: Modern!AU  We’ve been sleeping together on and off for almost a year and I know it’s angry hate sex but I got you a little gift because it reminded me of you.
Word Count:1,658
Warnings: Language
A/N: Why are people always eating pizza in my fics? Anyway in this chapter, you’ll see some Kindergarten teacher!Bucky bc I couldn’t help myself. Hope you enjoy this, let me know what you think :)
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Bucky stood in front of the class, his students reciting the alphabet in unison. They were sitting cross-legged on the carpet, looking up at the smart board with mild interest. They could hear people gathering in the hallway, signalling the end of the day.
From the corner of his eye, Bucky saw a shadow run across the deserted playground. He turned his head just in time to see you opening the front door. The sound of your high heels clicking rapidly across the linoleum floor brought a grin to his lips.
Steve had texted him earlier and asked if he didn’t mind taking care of his daughter after school. He couldn’t leave the precinct, something about a solving a major case, and Peggy was in London, visiting family.
Normally, Bucky didn’t mind babysitting Sophie. She was a student in Bucky’s class, and also his Goddaughter, but today, he had a meeting with other teachers. They were discussing details of their upcoming field trip to Washington.
Steve asked you if you could watch over Sophie until Bucky was able to leave work, and you agreed, even though you had an important meeting the next day.
Bucky could see you through the window beside the door and he laughed to himself when you sagged against the wall, out of breath.
He realized that you had come straight from the office and had not had time to change clothes. Your business outfit was simple, but the pencil skirt and high heels commanded respect. Bucky always found it strangely exhilarating.
He said goodbye to each kid individually, giving them either a hug or a high five. Meanwhile you were growing frustrated and impatient because Bucky seemed to take his sweet time. Yes, you were upset and it had absolutely nothing to do with the conversation you had overheard before Bucky opened the door.
“Damn, that is a man right there!” one of the dads had said. “He’s so sweet with the kids and he looks so soft,” one of the moms agreed, the others made a needy sound in the back of their throat. “I bet he’s into some kinky shit,” said another mom, giving a little eyebrow pump as she said it. “Mr Barnes in the streets, Daddy in the sheets.”
You wanted to scream. And the worst part was that they weren’t wrong. Everyone adored Bucky –well everyone but you. He had an athlete's physique, tall, broad-shouldered and powerful, and today, as you watched him high five a little girl, you realized he looked incredibly cuddly in that cable-knit sweater.
Bucky turned to you when the kids and their guardians were gone. Sophie was sitting at his desk, eating some biscuits. She greeted you with a toothy smile.
“You’re an ass, Barnes,” you grumbled when you walked past him.
Sophie pointed her finger at you. “You said a bad word,” she exclaimed with her mouth full.
Bucky grinned mischievously at you.
If a kid used inappropriate language, he calmly explained to them why they shouldn’t curse. Some teachers still had ‘naughty corners’ but Bucky believed that making a child stand in a corner for several minutes was humiliating. You, on the other hand, were an adult, and he loved riling you up.
“This is unacceptable,” Bucky said, using his teacher voice. “Go stand in the corner for five minutes!”
His words made Sophie gasp, her small hands coming up to cover her mouth. Bucky kept his expression blank while resisting the urge to laugh.
You stared at him, blinking slowly. “You serious?”
He nodded. “I sure am, doll.”
You gritted your teeth. He wasn’t sure what made you angrier, the naughty corner thing or the nickname. With a defeated sigh, you walked over to the corner of the room and threw him a dirty look over your shoulder before you faced the wall.
Smiling brightly, Bucky pulled out his phone and took a picture of you, making a mental note to post it on the group chat later.
“Okay, Soph,” he turned to the child. She had chocolate all over her mouth. “Time t’go home. Go wash your face, bug.”
Thankfully, she did not have to leave the classroom to use the restroom so she didn’t need an adult with her. Once she had shut the door behind her, Bucky made his way over to you. He let his eyes linger on your legs.
“I gotta say,” he whispered in your ear, “I’ve always had a thing for women in straight skirt and high heels. That’s kinda hot.”
“You know what else is kinda hot?” you whispered in a faux sultry tone, then continued without missing a beat, “My foot in your ass.”
He chuckled, his warm breath tickling your neck. “You’re not allowed to use your phone in the naughty corner,” he said, nodding toward the phone in your hand. “You’re grounded.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not going to stare at the wall for five minutes,” you replied with a sigh. “Don’t you have somewhere else to be?”
He stepped away from you, walking backwards toward his desk. “Meetin,” he said, scrunching his nose up in distaste. “I’ll see ya later.”
Bucky climbed the stairs to Steve’s apartment, a duffel bag slung over his shoulder. He was in a good mood, his meeting hadn’t taken as long as he’d expected. He had dropped by his apartment to pack an overnight bag and arrived at Steve’s place just after seven.
“Aw,” your face fell when you opened the door and saw him, “I thought it was the delivery guy.”
“Tadaa!” Bucky held up the pizza box. “I was behind him when you buzzed him in.”
“You paid.”
“No, I grabbed the box and ran away,” Bucky deadpanned. “Of course, I paid.”
“It wasn’t a question,” you said with a roll of your eyes. “Well, I guess I should thank you, but since you ate my entire box of cookies the other day-”
“Talk ‘bout holdin a grudge,” Bucky cut you off, setting the box on the coffee table, “t’was two months ago.”
You sat next to each other on the sofa. Bucky handed you a few napkins before he lifted the lid. He had been craving pizza all day so this was a happy coincidence.
“Are you fuckin kiddin me?” he groaned, looking down at the pizza. “Spinach? Who the fuck puts spinach on a pizza?”
You leaned forward and picked up a slice, ignoring his offended look. “Gotta eat your greens.”
“Doll, I eat plenty of greens,” he said with a pointed look. “Here’s a list of things you’re not allowed to put on pizza.” Holding up his fingers, he enumerated, “Pineapple –no. Cauliflower –no. Spinach –big fuckin no.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think I was going to start World War III.”
“Seriously though,” he continued, undeterred, “stop turnin junk food into healthy food. What’s up with that trend?”
“Just pick them off and stop whining,” you sighed.
“Spinach on pizza is like toothpaste and orange juice,” he kept rambling, “it’s pretty gross.”
You shook your head. “I’m sorry, but who drinks OJ immediately after brushing their teeth? That’s just dumb.”
He gave you an annoyed look. “Ok, fair enough. So I guess it’s like-” he trailed off while he tried to think of a new example, “it’s like vampires and garlic. It will kill you.”
You snorted. “Now, that’s an exaggeration!” Bucky turned his head to look at you, a glint of mischief in his bright blue eyes. “Why are you looking at me like that?” He didn’t answer. “Stop it!” He didn’t stop.
Bucky bared his teeth and hissed like a vampire. He used to this when you were in college, it annoyed the hell out of you. He bit back a grin when your eyes widened. You wrapped your hands protectively around your neck and shook your head.
“Don’t you dare!”
He pounced on you so suddenly that you let out a high-pitched scream. He fell on top of you and jokingly tried to bite your neck. You squirmed under him, your legs twisted at odd angles.
“Jerk,” you said, laughing.
Bucky dropped the act and laughed with you, planting his hands on the sofa on either side of your head. You turned your head to face him and his laughter quieted down. You were so close that he could see the flecks of colour in your eyes. He kept his eyes on yours, unable to move.
You tucked a loose strand of hair behind his ear, but the disobedient strand didn’t stay there. It tickled your cheekbone as Bucky leaned into your touch. It was soft, warm, real.
Something was changing between you. He wondered if you could feel it too.
“What are you doing?”
You pulled away from each other as Sophie walked into the living room. Bucky felt dizzy, his pulse pounding in his ears. Sophie rubbed one eye with her fist while she made her way toward the sofa.
“Did you have a nightmare?” you asked, avoiding her question.
“I heard noises,” she replied, clumsily climbing into Bucky’s lap. “Is my daddy home?”
“Not yet,” you said, gently tucking a curly strand behind her ear.
Your hand froze in mid-air, the gesture felt oddly familiar. When you looked up to meet Bucky’s eyes, he was already looking at you. It dawned on the two of you that you had shared something special, something innocent and sweet.
You cleared your throat. “Now that Uncle Bucky’s here, I’m gonna go home.”
“No, stay!” the little girl begged. “I want to watch a movie.”
“Stay,” Bucky mouthed the word but no sound came out. “Stay until she falls asleep.”
It didn't take you long to decide. “I’ll stay.”
You settled back into the sofa cushions and took the remote, aiming it at the television. You laughed at something Sophie said and Bucky felt his heart lurch. Goddammit, he thought. He had some thinking to do.
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lantern-inthenight · 5 years
How would each of the boys react to finding a pregnancy test like in the trash before you could actually tell them you were pregnant?
Since our boys are still p young, I’m gonna ask y’all to imagine that these take place in a Future!AU, where everyone is like,,,30 idk
Special thanks to @youmakeme-wonder for helping me brainstorm for these ❤️
You and Danny don’t necessarily plan to get pregnant
Sure, you want to have a kid, but the two of you figure it will just happen when it happens
You’re sitting in the living room, thumbing through a book
Danny is going through the house, emptying the bins bc tomorrow is trash day
There’s a loud crash in the bathroom, prompting you to look up
It sounded like Danny dropped everything he was carrying
You get up to go check on him, and find that that’s exactly what happened
“Babe, are you okay?”
You round the corner and see Danny standing there, surrounded by the trash he just dropped
He’s holding the pregnancy test you took a couple days ago, staring at you in shock
Oh shit.
“Babe, it’s okay,” you start to soothe him
But Danny laughs, actually laughs, and runs to you there in the doorway
His arms are around you in an instant, for the tightest hug you’ve ever gotten
“You’re pregnant?” He breathes, his voice almost a shout from how excited he is. You nod into his shouder
“Yeah,” you giggle
He picks you up, and you feel yourself spinning as the two of you laugh
“How long have you known?” He’s not critical; he genuinely wants to know
You start crying, and touch his face gently
“Only two days. But I have a doctor appointment next week.”
Danny’s eyes are welling up with tears, and he just hugs you again, because words couldn’t come close to how he’s feeling
When he sets you down, he immediately falls to his knees in front of you and kisses your stomach
“You’re gonna be an amazing mom,” he tells you, as you run your hand through his hair and cradle his face
“You too,” you quip, and the two of you laugh before hugging again
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Jake usually greets you at the door when you bring home his favorite Chinese takeout, but he’s nowhere to be found when you walk in
“Jake? Honey, I’ve got dinner.”
You set the food on the kitchen counter, and look around
The TV is on, but Jake isn’t there. You check the backyard. No Jake there, either. Bedroom? Empty.
Lastly, you go into the bathroom to see if Jake is taking a shower where you could happily join him
But the thought leaves your head the moment you see Jake, sitting on the edge of the bathtub
His right hand is closed around the pregnancy test he’s holding
The screen is peeking out from his fingers, revealing the little pink + sign
Jake doesn’t react when you walk in
He’s just staring at the wall, completely motionless
“Jake?” You ask cautiously, inching nearer to him
You sit down next to him, rubbing his arm to soothe him
You had been trying for almost two years.
After a moment, Jake whispered
“When did you take this?”
“Yesterday,” you answer. “I have a doctor appointment tomorrow to confirm it. But I missed my period last month.”
“This is really happening,” Jake mutters, still staring at the wall
But after a moment, he just cracks
He looks at you, tears spilling down his cheeks
“We’re having a baby?”
You nod. “We’re having a baby, Jake.”
The look on his face is indescribable, and he just buries his face in your shoulder, weeping softly
You hold each other for a few minutes, crying tears of pure joy and relief
You eventually pull away, brushing his tears away with your thumbs as Jake’s hand falls to your belly
“I hope she likes Chinese food,” you joke, and the two of you burst into laughter
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Josh finds out you’re pregnant the night you come home from your first OB appointment
But he didn’t exactly find out the way you wanted him to
He was digging through the bathroom drawer for a pair of nail clippers, complaining loudly when he couldn’t find them
“Just grab mine out of my purse! It’s in the kitchen,” you yell from the couch
But you freeze stiff where you’re sitting
Because your purse is currently full of prenatal vitamins and pamphlets about what not to eat when you’re with child
And you just told your unsuspecting husband to open the very same purse to get nail clippers
You stand up quickly, but it’s too late
Josh is standing at the kitchen counter, holding a bottle of pregnancy vitamins, looking like a curly-haired deer in the headlights
“Babe, this is a bottle of prenatal vitamins,” he says to you, apparently not absorbing the information in front of him
“Yes...” you answer, a few feet away, waiting for it to hit him
Josh laughs. “But these are for pregnant people.”
You raise your eyebrows at him
Josh gasps, looking from the pill bottle to you, and back again
There it is, you think
“You’re pregnant,” he breathes. You nod. Josh takes a deep breath, and you brace yourself for the noise
Josh just starts making guttural shrieks, gesturing at you and flailing his arms while he runs to you
Seriously, he can’t stop hollering
You know he can’t help himself, though, and you just nod and laugh along
Josh is beyond joyful, and actually manages to hyperventilate between screaming excitedly and kissing your face
So much so that he quite literally passes out in the living room
Well, you think, putting a pillow underneath his head, At least the living room is carpeted
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Your arms are overflowing when you come through the door
“Hey babe, let me help you with those!” Sam bounds up to you, grinning widely, but you push past him in a manner that is nothing short of shady
Sam frowns, but shrugs it off
Little does he know that you went to the bookstore for a reason: research
You set the books down on your desk, making sure to cover up What to Expect When You’re Expecting with other books and clutter
You and Sam settle in for a nice night of watching movies on the couch
It’s quiet and peaceful, until Sam gets up to pee
On his way back from the bathroom, he bumps into your desk
The carefully arranged pile of books comes crashing down, sending your things everywhere
You frown, and sit up on the couch
“Babe, is everything okay?” You call out
“Yeah, it’s fine! I just knocked over some of your new books--”
Your eyes widen
“--but it’s okay, I can just put them b-- wait. What?” He mutters that last part to himself, and you close your eyes
You hear Sam shuffle back into the living room, and you open your eyes to look at him
He’s holding the very book you didn’t want him to see, his mouth agape
You give him a scared smile, your heart pounding
“...Surprise?” you guess.
“You--you’re--we’re,” Sam can’t find the words. You can only nod, chuckling to yourself
Sam sprints across the room and drops to his knees in front of you
He presses kiss after kiss to your tummy, and you notice his eyes shining in the dim light
“You’re really--?”
“Pregnant, yeah,” you finish for him
Sam laughs, a musical and beautiful sound
He has questions, so many questions, but you answer them all as best you can. At one point he frowns
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I was gonna do a grand reveal,” you reply, embarrassed. “You weren’t supposed to find out like this.”
“That’s okay,” Sam answers, hugging your middle, “I don’t want it any other way.”
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Tag List: @mr-stank-i-dont-feel-so-dank, @jeordinevankiszka, @that-glassbottomed-ego, @kissthesun-fightthefire, @lover--leaver, @myownparadise96, @satans-helper, @songbirdkisses, @bluewillowmom
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
so i wanna write more headcanons on here but to do that i feel like i need to actually explain my main headcanon about Stranger Things/Billy in general??? and i’m trying to write a fic (and i S W E A R i’m gonna finish it at some point/better finish it this summer or it’s never getting done i just am a Mess TM so bear with me here bc i have 3 WIPs right now) but I’m gonna give a run down of the main points bc otherwise I end up just saying “Billy got adopted by Hop” and I feel like that’s a major step so maybe I need to explain my thought process there. so my fic plan is gonna be going through Stranger Things S2 focusing on Billy (I know, how Original, right?? I’m rolling my eyes at myself but I’m excited to think about the thought process of our Crazy boy) but i’ll just go through the major stuff (mainly with him and Hopper)
((this is so damn long good god i’m so sorry))
so Billy is the local Menace and Hopper briefly hears about him from Officer Callahan, knows a new family just moved in from Cali, but the first time he sees him is when he pulls the boy over (with a bit of difficulty because how the hell is this boy going so fast??) and he’s pissed. Bc kids still run around this town like it’s nothing and how is he ever going to be comfortable letting El run around this town with this maniac here? so he intimidates the boy and enjoys it until he sees a bruise on his cheekbone and legitimate fear in his eyes and it gives him pause. bc Billy just got back from a beyond rough night with Neil who showed even less mercy than normal and told him to find another place to sleep tonight.
Hop catches on that something’s wrong. he doesn’t feel good about kicking a boy this broken into the drunk tank (even though the only reason Billy stopped for Hop was bc he felt sitting in the drunk tank might be better than sitting in his car through the cold night). Hop sees a bit of himself in the boy, back when he was young and stupid and fighting back an angry, drunken father. So he asks Billy who he can call to get him home safely, bc no fucking way is he letting him drive his car anywhere when he’s drunk. and when Billy comes up short, Hop curses and makes a split decision to bring him home. bc it’s way too late and the boy has school tomorrow and he sees Billy in obvious pain. and it’s not like Hopper is totally unaware. word gets around fast in a small town filled with gossipy elders. he already knows enough about Neil to know that he has some anger issues and he knows exactly what anger issues mean for a kid like this. so he thinks he’s going to regret it, but he convinces Billy to come over and crash on their couch. (and you best he’s immediately thinking of getting a CT scan tomorrow bc how many kids is he planning on adopting?? this man favors solitude over just about anything and now he’s bringing ANOTHER abused child into his home?? and he’s thinking about how hard he’ll have to threaten Billy to not say anything about El)
Billy puts up a fight, but gives in bc fuck it’s been a long night and he thinks being under a drafty cabin roof might be better than sleeping in his car, maybe. he meets El, who’s super strange (and billy isn’t well versed in the actions of 13 yr old girls but El doesn’t seem super normal to him). Hopper tries to keep their interactions as short as possible. and in the morning, when Hopper drives Billy to his house, he refuses to let the boy go in there alone. He walks Billy up to the door, explains away Billy’s absence, and sizes Neil up in his own living room as Billy gets ready for school so Hop can drop him off. Billy finds the care stifling and alien and so unnecessary, but something about Neil shaking in his shoes makes Billy cackle inside.
and back in Cali, Billy used to avoid cops like the plague, but now in Hawkins he goes speeding through the streets on nights that Neil tells him to leave just so he can get picked up and taken to Hopper’s cabin. sometimes on nights where Neil doesn’t, and he feels psychotic doing it. Billy gets to know El a lot better, and he wonders why Hopper had to threaten him so aggressively about not telling a single soul about this girl that he claims to be his daughter. She’s caring to Billy in a really weird way, giving him glasses of water and extra blankets after Hopper has gone to bed and Billy is cowering on the couch trying to go to sleep. One night Billy wakes to her screaming and crying and sees Hopper rush into her room and hears him lull her back to sleep. He asks her about it in the morning while Hop is showering and she mumbles something into her Eggos about Papa and pain and bad men. he asks her to speak up a bit, trying not to take his growing anger out on her, and she explains that Papa is a bad man who hurt her too much. Billy thinks he understands. He definitely doesn’t.
So he follows Hopper outside as they head out and swings at him. immediately swings at him bc all he can see is red bc here he thought a grown man could be something other than an absolute trash bag but here’s this man proving Billy a fool bc he hurts that poor sweet girl. he misses, and Hopper gets furious, immediately yelling, asking the boy what he’s doing. the two argue loudly, and Hopper tells Billy that he put them all in danger just for bringing him here, so Billy gets pissed as fuck and doesn’t come back.
and this entire time Billy’s trying to lay low at school about being gay. it’s nowhere near as lenient as Cali was and he can’t exactly show off his boner for Steve “the King” Harrington. so when Billy gets forced on an expedition to find his precious step-sister, he figures following a crazy as fuck noise seems like the best idea, esp after being told to go to the house of basically every child in Hawkins. hey, if he’s lucky, maybe it’ll be a hungry bear or something. but instead he finds a gross junkyard and what looks like his kid sister on top of a bus with that Sinclair kid, so he drives up fast, seeing red. it’s not until he’s out of the car that he sees King Steve himself barrelling towards Billy and dragging him behind the bus and handing him a piece of sheet metal and telling him to make do.
naturally Billy flips his shit, confused as hell and asking what that loud noise is, but Steve prompts him, telling him he knows he has something to be mad about bc he’s not exactly meditating on the basketball court so maybe he can channel the source of that anger to “maybe, I dunno, help us?” 
So they fight. and when the demodogs get called off, Billy demands a fucking explanation, getting pissed as all hell at Steve for letting his sister and her punk friends be here when it’s obviously infected with some crazy as fuck monsters?? “and what the shit is a demodog??” but they force a dazed Billy into the car and ask him to drive them in the direction of the noise, to which Billy says they’re nuts but it’s 4 against 1 and his mind is racing and he’s just angrily compliant at this point, speeding towards the sounds that they try to hear through the open windows. so billy gets dragged through it all, and learns about it all, and when they get to Will’s house he thinks he’s going to be sick and it’s Steve who helps him through it, awkwardly rubbing his back as he dry heaves in the bathroom bc “fuck this, seriously fuck this, you’re all nuts!”
Hopper briefly asks if he’s all right when Billy goes back into the living room obviously shaken. He accepts El’s hug when she comes in dressed up like a crazy punk and everyone is confused as hell as to how they know each other, esp Steve, who has never seen this girl in his life. Billy compliments her look, tells her she’s “looking rad”.
“Oh, excuse me. Bitchin’.”
He tells Hop and El to be safe, and he feels stupid about it but it earns him another hug from El and a nod and a small smile from Hop and he doesn’t like that it makes him feel so warm.
he tags along with Steve when they go into the upside down, making sure the kids are safe and bringing up the rear as Steve trudges ahead of them. He’s confused as fuck when Dustin talks to one of those things like it has a fucking heart. thinks maybe he can consider it some kind of metaphor of how even monsters can be friends sometimes.
when it’s all over, he’s damn glad and damn happy and feels damn lucky to be alive. he feels a weird gratefulness at having his sister alive and starts thinking of her as his sister. he hugs her and smacks her shoulder lightly and tells her to never go running off to fight monsters again if she knows what’s good for her, “especially not with prissy little Princess Harrington”. She just gives him an exasperated laugh and a roll of her eyes and he winks at a blushing and pouting Steve.
the abuse doesn’t stop. he’s out driving drunkenly again when Hop pulls him over. Hopper talks to him, explains himself a bit, with light irritation. Billy feels indignant, says he’ll just sleep in his damn car for the night, thanks, but Hop doesn’t allow it. He asks Billy to at least come to the cabin to see El, bc she keeps asking after him and his well being. and when things get worse, and Billy hashes out his shit with Hopper pretty hot headedly, he goes over to the cabin more and more, a brief and small and very young part of his mind wondering if Hopper would lull him to sleep too when he wakes up screaming from nightmares.
He gets closer to Max now that he almost lost her. he drives her to the arcade or Lucas’ place a lot more bc he sees that Sinclair is a good (enough) kid and he kind of wants to protect the little punk from his racist asshole of a father. now that he knows the boy isn’t making her cry anymore he feels a hell of a lot better about it. but his relationship with Neil is only getting worse and he doesn’t know it but when the Snow Ball comes around and he sees Max getting fawned over by her mother and he thinks about his own mother (bc tell me that boy’s expression isn’t sad when he sees her in that scene) it’s the last time he sees Max in a home that they share. That night Neil drunkenly shouts homophobic slurs at him and Billy’s done with it He can’t take it. Hopper has been telling him for a month now to just file a report, he’s sure he has enough evidence to catch Neil on an abuse charge, and so he finally does.
Hopper promises to fight for his custody, so that he has a safe roof to live under at least until he turns 18. Hopper cashes in on a favor with the judge bc somehow and for some fucking reason he says there isn’t enough substantial evidence to say anything + people are confused as to why it’s Hopper asking for custody of Billy. So Neil stays living with his wife and Max and gives away custody of Billy pretty angrily but not out of any love of him. (and is it realistic for this to happen?? i’m not sure about it but either way, i melt over Hopper adopting Billy and being brought into a family with Hop and El and Joyce and Jonathan and Will. and no matter what happens with Neil, i just can’t see Max leaving her mom. i think she would cling to any blood relation she has bc yeah, she has friends now, but her mother is her mother) Billy still drives Max to school every day and he makes her promise him she’ll tell him if anything bad ever happens bc “Hey, I have a pretty decent in with the Chief of Police now, alright shithead? You need anything done, I’ve got you.”
so now think of the POSSIBILITIES!! Billy and El as brother and sister, bickering and messing around with each other and Billy showing her new music much to Hop’s dismay but he likes that El has company! Joyce and Hop getting together and Joyce becoming a good mother to him bc lets face it, Joyce would mother the world if she could!! Him finally getting to be with Steve and not being called homophobic slurs and getting closer and closer to Steve as they become boyfriends and dads to the children!!!! the possibilities are endless for Billy Hargrove/Hopper!!!!!!!
(jury’s still out on how to fit S3 in here and how much of canon i want to put into this headcanon but imagine Billy having people in his corner after he’s been possessed and they notice a lot quicker when he gets possessed so they help him faster!!)(or he can just be at home playing board games with El on the night that he was supposed to get possessed and he’s able to be a supportive and sassy figure for El and the kids bc babysitter Steve was off trying to fight russians.)(!!! imagine concerned Billy wondering where the fuck Steve is and getting jealous that he’s out with a girl and Steve is like: “I was literally inches away from death and you’re STILL being a jealous bitch, are you serious????”)
ANYWAY this was so long and a bit unnecessary but this is the gist of what I think and when I write headcanons I’m talking about a universe where all of this took place (unless otherwise specified). Sorry for this mess, but it was good for me to write this out and if anyone is interested in my dumb ideas of how Billy’s story could have gone differently, here’s a preview of whatever dumpster fire of a fic i put out eventually. + you can always talk to me here, i’m open to excitedly yell with you ♥
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Bimgle HCs bc hell yeah
AKA Bimgle ideas that are (probably) too short for a fic but still own my heart
Bim is the only person who can make Google laugh bc everyone else tries to tell their ‘smartest’ joke and those are always too obvious. He and Bim will be watching a quiz show together and the question will be like “this 14th century war general was born in Spain” and Bim just says completely seriously “oh, that’s Beyonce” and Google loses his shit
Bim has a necklace with a little ‘G’ on it that looks just like the one on Google’s shirt
“Google, put Taylor Swift’s discography on shuffle.” “I’m not going to do that. Remember what happened last time?” “I just wanna listen to some music it’ll be fine I promise.” (5 mins later) *screams in Google’s face* “THEN YOU COME AROUND AGAIN AND SAY ‘BABY I MISSED YOU AND I SWEAR I’M GONNA CHANGE’“ (5 more mins later) *on the floor, sobbing* “sO I’LL wAtch youR liFe in picTURES like I USed to wAtCH yOU SLeEp and I’ll FEEL yOu forGET me likE I usEd to FEel you BREATHE” (5 more minutes later) *head on Google’s shoulder* “the way you walk :) way you talk :) way you say my name :) is beautiful :) wonderful :) don’t you ever change :)” (5 more minutes later) “THEY SAY I DID SOMETHING BAD, THEN WHY’S IT FEEL SO” *claps* *breaks a plate* “GOOD?!” *yeets his phone out the window* *roundhouse kicks Bing in the chest* “GOOD?!”
Bim always sits with Google when he’s updating, even though Google has to pretty much ignore him because his system is focused on what he’s doing. He’ll put on a movie that Google wouldn’t normally watch with him and do some paperwork, or paint his nails (and then Google’s, for his own amusement), or nap or whatever
He pretty much always calls Google ‘Blue’ but occasionally if he’s really Soft will shorten ‘Google’ to just ‘G’ and people who know him from work or whatever are Confusion when they hear him do it bc he always talks about his boyfriend ‘Blue’ who’s this ‘G’ initial person??? The scandal.
Bim’s room is perfect for cuddles he has so many blankets and fairy lights everywhere so you can turn off the overhead lights and still be able to chill and talk or watch Netflix but dim enough you can just drift off to sleep after a while
He tries to send Google memes but he always captions it ‘have u seen this’ and Google’s like ‘I’m the internet, Bim, I’ve seen all the memes”
Bim is the lightest sleeper out of all the egos; Google (along w/ maybe Bing) is the heaviest bc when he’s in sleep mode, he can’t really be woken accidentally by noise or anything like that - he has to either finish charging or be intentionally woken up by someone else. It’s a good sleeping situation bc Google doesn’t move or make any noise when he sleeps, so he doesn’t disturb Bim, and Google feels safer bc he knows Bim will wake him up if there’s any sort of danger (bc let’s be honest Wilford sets the house on fire at least twice a month)
Bing is essentially Google’s annoying little brother like personally every time I watch the ‘Google Gets an Upgrade’ video it just strikes me as peak Sibling Culture. Anyway Bim and Bing actually end up being pretty good friends after he and Google start dating and Google’s like ‘oh fuck’ because now whenever he and Bing fight Bim’s like “hey he’s your brother you have to be nice to him” and Google’s just “I hate this fucking family.”
Bim can cook and do math which means by gay law he can’t drive but that sure as shit doesn’t stop him
Bim is actually really good at math bc he has to be able to keep up with the points on his game shows so sometimes he and Google will ‘race’ to see who can solve a simple math problem first and Google’s always faster because he’s literally a robot but sometimes he lets Bim win ;)
Have y’all ever seen that picture of text convo where the girl’s like ‘I’m in the shower’ and her bf’s like “Oh cool, send me a pic of your hair all spiked up with shampoo?’ That’s Bimgle.
Google has a very factual approach to life, obviously, but humans are just not rational at all. He’s so confused about why Bim eats food that’s really unhealthy, or likes things that are pretty but don’t serve a purpose, or will watch a movie/TV show he’s already seen. When he asks about it, Bim just says that it makes him happy. Now when people tell them that their relationship doesn’t make any sense, Google tells them “maybe not, but it makes us happy” ok that’s really cheesy sorry I just wanted to end with a cute one
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justwritingscibbles · 6 years
A Fine Welcome
Fic Request: 
“How about a fic where zombie Robbie finds nb reader, bc u smell nice he later reveals, walking ur dog and he hugs u u can barely scream bc his body pressed against u. He gets scared but it tickles and he holds u closer when Anti knocks u out. The septics freak bc "we told you to find rob not kidnap someone" but u+ur dog are treated nicely by the Septics who only keep u to make sure Anti+rob didn't hurt u, complimenting your dog that chase defo plays with and its the start of Robs first romance”
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“What the hell do you mean ‘they can’t stay’? You do realise I had to knock them across the head, right? We let them go, they’re gonna start a riot somewhere.”
It was the warmth of a familiar furry body that began to stir you from the heavy sleep. The scratchy voice further stirring you from the black. The same voice you heard before something heavy struck the back of your head. 
“No! They....stay.... pup too.” Another voice spoke. It was familiar too. The scent of heavy cologne tickled your nose. The memory of a shambled walk. A violet head of hair and the sensation of being crushed by his arms. 
A hug.... one you don’t remember asking for. 
“Robbie, the dog and your new friend cannot stay.” A softer voice spoke up. Closer to you. Like they were sitting directly beside you. “We need to get them somewhere else. A hospital. O-Or a hotel.” 
“Zat vould be a mistake. Vhat if they remember Anti? Ve cannot risk letting them go. Not until ve know zey aren’t a threat to us.” 
Their words were swirling in your mind. They all sounded so similar you were sure it was just one person speaking. 
You groaned and you felt something cool press against your head. It was damp, providing a sense of ease to the discomfort behind your skull. 
The bed dipped and a wet nose prodded your cheek, followed by a whimper as the warm body moved closer to snuggle into you. 
Silence settled for a few heart-beats and you could feel the burning sensation of multiple gazes on you. 
You were beginning to worry now. 
“Friend...scared.” The slurred voice mumbled. “P-Pulse...faster.” 
“Zen they are avake.” The more heavily accented man hissed. “Ve need to decide now.” 
“No!” The damp cloth fell away as you felt the world shift. Cold arms wrapped around you and you felt your head roll onto the fabric of a shirt. That same heavy scent of cologne filled your nostrils and you forced your eyes open. Coughing weakly. You were ignored as the person holding you curled around you; almost protectively. “Friend stay!” 
Around the room, you glimpsed four men. Almost all identical in looks stare at you in defeat. 
To them, they were at a stand-still. They couldn’t tear you away from Robbie without causing a very dangerous situation. It would risk Robbie Turning, or you getting injured or panicking. 
The man with a baseball cap sighed and looked to the other three. His gaze close to pleading. 
“Let’s talk to them. They’re human after all, and they have a dog. Dog people are trust-worthy.” 
“Chase, that is so stupid even I’m surprised it came from your mouth.” The scratchy voice came from a man with a scar across his neck. His green hair messy and all over the place. His eyes a vibrant green, like they were glowing. “You do realise dog-fighting is a thing. And they consist mostly of dog-people.” 
The man, Chase, frowned and glared at the more menacing guy. But said nothing, he looked a little heartbroken. 
The arms around you tightened when Anti turned back to look at you. Meeting your confused gaze with a sharp scowl. 
“I still think Marvin should hex them.” He said after a moment. Receiving a gurgled growl from the person holding you. “Hey man, it’s not gonna hurt them. Just put them to sleep for a bit. And make them forget us.” 
“No.” Robbie snarled. Falling quiet when your dog glanced at him.
Panting happily.
Your pet was probably overjoyed to be on a bed with you. Despite the fact that there were many strange men around you and you were practically trembling with fear. (Y/D/N) didn’t care. They were probably expecting a cuddle or even a treat. 
Seeing that these guys weren’t taking you seriously yet, you decided it was time to test out your voice. Your head was pounding, you were being held hostage by a man who reeked of cheap store deodorant and you had no idea what was happening. 
“My name is (y/n). Look, I don’t know what is going on, but I promise not to tell anyone. J-Just let me go.” You were surprised by how calm you sounded. But one cold look from Anti and you were back to shaking. 
This Robbie guy moved you so he was shielding you from those neon green eyes. His teeth bared in a snarl. 
“Rob, buddy, mind explaining why you attacked this person?” The baseball cap guy, Chase, crouched beside the bed. Catching Robbie’s attention and you felt the guy instantly relax a little. 
You liked this Chase. He was more friendly and obviously knew that demanding something or arguing wasn’t going to help. 
You turned your head enough so that you could see the man that held you. 
At the park he looked horrible. His skin had been dry and flaky. Eyes dead and almost emotionless; shambling towards you like a horror film zombie. 
It had been a terrifying experience and before you could sprint off, you had been captured in his arm. After that, it was a blur. 
But here, Robbie’s skin was smooth. Despite a small cut to his lip. 
Had you done that? When you tried to fight him off? 
“Smell... nice.” Robbie said and Chase’s lips quirked in an uncertain laugh. Pressing a hand to his lips as Robbie continued. “Pup wanted...to play. (Y/n)’s hair..smelt...pretty.” 
“Oh dear fucking god, Robbie.” Anti huffed and beside him, a masked man had to hide his grin behind a cough. All of them seemed to find this a little humorous. But you were very confused. Had you been kidnapped because of your shampoo?? 
“An-i tried to... hurt them...” Robbie’s tone dipped into a growl and all eyes turned to Anti. Who quickly raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. Cutting off a rising scolding from the last man in the group.
“No. No, that is not what happened! Robbie had them in a headlock! He was hugging them so tight they couldn’t breath. I was trying to remove him off them. Schneep you said so yourself; that the, uh, thingumabobs, on their neck is like they were being strangled.” 
The man who has started the scolding, Schneep, sighed heavily and nodded. Fixing his glasses to sit on his nose as he crossed his arms. 
“It iz true. (Y/n) had abbreviations around their neck and shoulders zat could be early signs of strangulation. Robbie vouldn’t have tried to kill zem. But he iz known to get.... overexcited.” 
“Robbie not hurt (y/n)!” The man’s voice sharpened and became clearer with the rising anger. But his strength increased too and you were quickly feeling the same sensation of being crushed like before. 
(Y/D/N) whined and started barking when you flailed, trying to push the man off you. Managing to dislodge the guy enough to almost knock him away.
Chase was quick to grab you and Anti glitched in behind Robbie. Peeling his arms off you and pinning him to the bed. 
“No! Let go, An-i!” Robbie screeched. His hands reaching for you as Chase escorted you out. Making soft whistle noises to your pup, who bounded after the both of you. 
Schneep slammed the door shut the moment you and your dog were free of the room. The sounds of Robbie’s cries echoed after you as Chase guided you into the kitchen. 
“I’m real sorry about this,” Chase said. Offering you a seat on a stool by the kitchen counter. “Usually Robbie is better behaved. He must really like you if he had tried to hug you in public. He’s not one for stranger interactions.” 
“To be honest we’ve met before. He was walking by my house and (y/d/n) started playing with him through the fence. I didn’t really recognise him till now.” The words tumbled from your lips as the memory flooded back. Was that why you hadn’t attacked the moment he hugged you? Did you think he was coming over to say hi?
It was still a blur. And it frustrated you trying to piece it all together. 
Chase gave you a sympathetic smile and flicked on the kettle. Preparing to make you a warm beverage. 
“To be honest, it’s kinda our fault this happened. We try to keep Robbie indoors so he doesn’t disturb anyone. But sometimes we forget to lock the doors and Robbie has a way of finding an exit out of yards. He’s an escape artist, I’m telling you. Anytime you need a way out of prison, I’d suggest going to him.” 
You chuckled and shrugged. “I’ll keep that in mind.” 
The two of you fell into an awkward silence. What were you meant to say to one of the five men that kidnapped you? 
Chase clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. Scrambling to find some topic to fill the silence. 
Glancing at your dog as it pushed it nose into the trash can; almost knocking it over in it’s determination to explore the smells there. 
“Your dog is adorable. Robbie has a way with animals. They seem to love him, even when he’s Turned.” 
Suddenly realising that he shouldn’t have said that; Chase clamped his lips shut and looked at you hopefully. 
“Ignore that. Please? I don’t wanna get dragged into the scolding from Schneep when you leave. I’ve already heard the whole ‘no secrets to outsiders’ rule.” 
It was obvious that something was going on here. But they seemed like pretty cool guys. Even though, yes, they did kidnap you and seemed like they were threatening to dump you in a random location after... “hexing” you. 
But they were still to try any real threats to you. And they were half being polite.
“I promise not to tell anyone.” You said. And Chase didn’t miss the flash of fear in your eyes. He smiled softly. It reminded you a parent trying to comfort their child after a nightmare. 
It was warm and friendly. It surprisingly comforted you, even despite his next words. 
“Don’t worry. We won’t do anything to you. Robbie will make sure of it.” It was meant as a joke. But Chase was never good at those. 
After Chase made your tea and you both fell into a silent understanding that there was no more talking; you both fell into a tense quiet. 
Up until the rest of the group came out to join you both. 
The masked man and Schneep were the first to come out. Watching expectantly as Robbie and Anti followed. They looked like two kids who had been caught with their hand in a cookie jar. 
Schneep crossed his arms and nodded to you. “Apologise. Or Marvin makes you cluck.”
“Sorry~” Robbie said instantly. His gaze was gentle; matching the same gaze (y/d/n) gives you when they’ve chewed up your shoes again. “I...didn’t mean.. to hurt you....” Robbie concentrated on every syllable so his voice carried them clearly. It was obvious to you that he had some sort of speech impediment.  
Anti however glared at you and glanced away. Mumbling under his breath; too quiet for you to catch. 
The masked guy, Marvin you guessed, rolled his eyes and withdrew a wand from his cloak. He waved it once and Anti’s eyes widened as his lips opened and a loud chicken like “cluck” burst from his mouth. 
Robbie giggled as Anti muffled the rest of the series of chirps and clicks. Eyes shining like sparks of green hell-fire as Marvin returned his wand to his cloak.
“Louder this time.” Marvin said and Anti groaned. 
Head bowed and shoulders slumped, Anti stuffed his hands into his jeans and forced through clamped teeth. “I’m. Sorry....for kidnapping you.” 
You didn’t really know how to respond to that. But you smiled and nodded. 
“I, uh, forgive you. Just... don’t do it again.” 
“Ve can promise zat,” Schneep said. His gaze turning to you; hardening as he continued. “Only if you promise us zat you vill not share vhat happened here. Ve mean no harm. But ve vill if you push-” 
“No!” Again, Robbie’s arms caged you against his chest. Almost pulling you off your chair as Robbie hugged you tight against him. “No hurt, (y/n).” 
You chuckled at the collective groans from the other men. This was probably something that happened often. Not to strangers, but it did look like Robbie liked to take hold of someone and not let go. This was further showed through the exasperated tone Chase had. 
“Robbie, we aren’t going to hurt them. We just want to make sure they don’t spill the beans on us. Alright.” 
“They...promised.” Robbie snapped. His hold much more careful now he had you again. He didn’t want to hurt you anymore then he already had. “They...friend.” 
“Alright, alright. Look Robbie, just let them go and we can talk, ok?” Marvin smiled under his mask. Hoping to coax his brother into releasing you. 
But Robbie shook his head, his bottom lip trembling a little and everyone tensed when his eyes began to turn grey. 
“Uh, Rob, it’s ok. You can stay with them until we work it out. It’s ok.” Chase moved closer and Robbie continued to shake his head. He was trembling and you didn’t like the small whimpers that were slipping out of his chest. It was sad.
You reached up and squeezed his fingers. Hushing him gently. 
“Hey, it’s ok Robbie. I’m not going to leave yet. We can sort this out, ok? Let go and you can sit with me.” 
“Robbie...can’t.” The violet haired man whimpered. And everyone froze, expecting the worse. His eyes turning down to you and your heart nearly broke upon seeing the distraught expression he was wearing. “Robbie...stuck.” 
You weren’t sure what that meant, but everyone around you started to laugh. Chase covered his face with his hat as Marvin shook his head, his shoulder shaking from his cackles. 
Anti wore a grin of dark amusement as he came closer and took a seat next to you. 
“Better get use to it. He’s a zombie. Robbie get’s rigor-mortis whenever he stays in a certain position for too long. So get comfortable. Because he can stay that way for hours.” 
“.... What do you mean he’s a zombie?!”
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thecrazyanimegirl · 6 years
Heyo! Could I request a scenario where lan jingyi, lan sizhui, Jin ling, and mo xuanyu(wei Wuxian) wake up in the modern world (specifically the reader’s house) and they can’t find a way back so they stay with her and they start having a crush on her ?? (Maybe a little blushy bc they see the reader in shorts and that’s never happened in ancient China lmao) sorry if this is confirmed but tysm 💕💕
We didn’t even notice how long this got lol
Istretched on the couch, my back crackling pleasantly as I changed position andcontinued reading my book. It’s so nice when it’s peaceful and warm like this.
I turnedanother page when I heard a rumble. I looked towards the sound immediately. Itwas coming from the room next door.
“Are youokay?” I heard a soft voice.
“I will bewhen you get off me”, second voice said and then there is a crash.
Did theybreak something?
“Where arewe?” another voice asked.
“I don’tknow, let’s explore”, a cheerful voice answered.
Instantlysitting up I could feel my heart staring to beat violently. Who’s in my house?I turned around panicking, looking for my phone to call the cops.
The soundof several footprints and voices started coming my way. And my only escaperoute was right through that door.
Four menbarged in, all dressed in ridiculous clothing. Large swords hung on their hips. What’s with the weird costumes? Thefirst one, dressed in red and black clothing and was grinning widely, noticedme first.
And I alsonoticed something. My phone.
I sigh.
It’s onthe cabinet behind his back.
I’m goingto be murdered by a four cosplaying lunatics.
Wait, that sounds so wrong. And how did they get in myhouse because I am sure they didn’t use the front door.
“Who areyou?” I ask, going on the offensive.
“I’msorry, miss. We didn’t mean to scare you, we don’t really know what is goingon”, one of the men in white practically bows, but is still looking away fromme.
Now when Ilook better, they are all looking away. The cheerful one was grinning. “Sorryfor the intrusion, my lady”, he winked, taking a part of his robe of andhanding it too me. “If you wish to cover yourself.”
Covermyself? I’m fully clothed!
“It is distracting”,the man in yellow shook his head and his long hair swayed. They all have suchlong hair. And it doesn’t seem like a wig.
“Whatcentury did you come from?” I huff, meaning it as a joke, a sarcastic remarkthat is about to blow back in my face. I mean, you don’t see people lookinglike them everyday. Especially not in your house.
One of themen in white told me what year it is. What year it is to them. Is this somekind of aggressive roleplaying?
“What?” Ilooked at him skeptically, actually getting a bit mad.
“Well, itwas the last time I checked. Now dress yourself, please”, he begged.
I threwthe robe around me and the cheerful one spoke again: “Don’t give him that deathstare. We got on the wrong foot, haven’t we? Let us introduce ourselves! I’m MoXuanyu.”
“I’m LanJingyi. Nice to meet you”, the one who asked me to dress myself was finallyable to look my way.
“I’m LanSizhui”, the other white one gave me the warmest smile I have ever seen. Thenhe jabbed the yellow one in the ribs, making him talk. “Jin Ling”, he hissed.
I givethem my name and only then I realize that I might have been stupid for doingthat.
“Whatexactly is going on?” I try to stay calm.
“We kindof don’t know either”, Lan Jingyi scratches the back of their head nervously.
“What?”Are they joking with me?
“Well,this doesn’t seem like our world”, it’s Mo Xuanyu who turns around his heel,looking around.
Our world?
“No, thisis my world and my house. So explainyourself!”
They allstare at each other for a while, everyone mostly afraid of me it seems. Butthen just when I decide to speak again, Mo Xuanyu cuts me off. “As much as Ican see, we are not from this world, or not this time”, he pokes the plasticplant on my cabinet, weirded out by its texture. “And I sense no energy fromyou”, he looks at me, still smiling. “Not that you would believe me thateasily, huh?”
What. The.Hell.
“Seriously?”I look at him angry.
Instead ofanswering he draws his sword and throws it in the air.
“What areyou…?” I don’t finish when I see the sword floating in the air.
I sit onmy sofa, too shocked to stand.
Am Idreaming?
“Tell memore.”
And that’show I ended up living with four gorgeous idiots. I sipped my coffee, watchingthem. It was still hot as hell, but I had a long dress on with a sweater overit. They couldn’t even look at me otherwise.
“Whathappens now?” Lan Sizhui stood in the kitchen.
“You’llsee, just wait”, I waved my hand. Loud noises from the living room annoyed me.“Mo Xuanyu, stop changing tv channels and come get breakfast!”
“Coming!What’s there to eat?” He looked ecstatic as he ran into the kitchen. Modern dayclothes really looked good on him. Even though I spent almost all my money ongetting them dressed, it was worth it.
“Eggfs andbeffon”, Lan Jingyi was stuffing his face. I guess he liked the food at least.
“Theremight not be enough sugar”, Mo Xuanyu laughed his ass off when he saw Jin Lingon the other side of the counter, putting cube after cube of sugar in hiscoffee.
“Why don’tI just make you tea next time?” I offered even though I knew he would refuse.My tea tasted terrible apparently. Next thing I’m going to need to buy isproper tea making set.
A popfollowed by a scream came from behind my back. Lan Sizhui clung onto me.“That’s how a toaster works. See”, I gave him his bread and he seems a littleless scared now.
I’mactually really enjoying living with them. They are admiring and looking in aweeverything I show them. It is really cute. Not to mention they are all reallyhot.
“No fair!”Mo Xuanyu looks like he is pouting, then he launches himself on me and Lan Sizhui,pulling us both in a hug. “You can’t be the only one who hugs her”, he stickshis tongue out playfully.  
I feelblood surging to my face. “Get off, you’ll make me spill my coffee”, I try tokeep a cool head. Needless to say, it’s useless, because Mo Xuanyu is still notletting me go. On the contrary, he placed both hands around my shoulders.
“Youremind me of a cat”, I sigh in defeat. I’ll just have to somehow manage untilhe lets go.
Others arelooking at him funny, almost like they are glaring. Don’t tell me they aresnugglers to? I’m only one, they should all snuggle together.
“You aremaking her uncomfortable”, it was Lan Jingyi who first said it. “You should lether go.”
“You’rejust saying that so you could hug her”, Mo Xuanyu rebelled and held me tighter,Lan Sizhui now backing away a little.
I sigh andhead chopped Mo Xuanyu. That makes him cry out and let me go.
“Youdeserved it”, Jin Ling huffed.
Lan Jingyichuckles while Lan Sizhui just smiles.
I findmyself watching them with fondness. I haven’t known them for a long time, butthese few days were enough for me to grow somewhat attached to them.
“It is myday off today so is there somewhere you want to go?” I ask smiling at them.
“Amusementpark!” Lan Jingyi exclaimed.
“Zoo”, JinLing shrugged like he didn’t care, but I can see he really wants to go.
“I want tosee a museum”, Lan Sizhui said shyly.
“I want tosee a movie in cinema!” Mo Xuanyu expressed his wish.
They areall so different. How should I decide this?
I guess Ihave no choice. “We should hurry then if we want to see it all”, I sighed, butstill smiled at them.
“It’s adate!” Mo happily clapped his hands.
“A date?”They all looked at him in shock.
I decideto call his joke, but before I could the rest respond.
“Thatsounds great!” Lan Jingyi smiles.
“You watchtoo much television”, Jin Ling deadpans, but then adds quietly. “Not that Iwould mind if it is date.”
Lan Sizhuilooks troubled, like he is in conflict with himself. “I guess it would be nice…but don’t bother her, remember she is taking care of us here.”
“I said itwas a date first! You children should just stay out of it”, Mo tells them, buthe looks somewhat amused and grins when he sees their face.
“Notfair!” The rest shout in union.
It is never boring withthem, I laugh watching thembicker.
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savetheblackpaladin · 7 years
Hey I love your blog! It's my favourite! Could you do a Shiro imagine where it's years after Voltron and him and his s/o have children and it's all cute and fluffy! 💖💖💖
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ok, so I got a lot of this type of request so I’ll just do random HC’s, yeah? Mostly because if I broke these all up they would probably be extremely similar
Shiro’s got twin girls and he’s Blessed™ every morning he gets to see their beautiful faces
we’re continuing with the twins from earlier posts: Astrid and Hayden
if you didn’t think he cried when he got his first ‘#1 Dad’ you’re fucking wrong because this man bawled
it’s his favorite mug
until his daughters grow up more and start making him one every year, then those are his favorite
also he loves the crazy ties they choose for him each year. 
you thought he was romantic before marrying him? Well buddy, i have some news for you
takes every opportunity to say “Wifey” any time he possibly can. You are his ‘wifey’ and he loves saying it.
or ‘husband’ if that is what you prefer. every time. “Hey Husband.” what is your name? Husband.
flowers/chocolates/food/gifts weekly. just because he likes the look on your face when he comes home
you know that Roseanne post where dan gets her flowers? Yeah, that’s him
date night every wednesday (bc Fridays are busy) and sometimes it’s fancy, other times it’s not (”What do you mean Panda isn’t romantic? This is peak romance right here.”)
randomly massages parts of your body without asking
“What are you looking at Shiro?” “Only the most beautiful person in the universe.” “You’re a loser.” “But a loser who’s in looove~”
*soft sigh* “How did I get so lucky?” you’d think you’d be used to this, but it still makes you blush years later
“You’re so perfect, absolutely perfect.” “Shiro…I’m picking up dog shit.” “Yeah~”
has pictures of you, your daughters, and your pitbulls (3) all over his work area
there’s a small voltron dedicated area too, but it’s tiny compared to his family area. Lance is appalled.
“You won’t believe how cute my girls were this weekend!” proceeds to whip out the new 63 photos long album on facebook
speaking of, amateur Dad Photographer Shiro
he’s got a fancy Cannon with a bunch of different lenses
weekend daughter photoshoots are a hoot
your girls grow up loving it, being dramatic, imitating tyra banks, wearing ridiculous outfits, they are owning that back yard
they continue pretty much until the girls are like 13, because “It’s embarrassing dad!” “Ok, but I’m supposed to be embarrassing?” 
Soccer Mom Shiro
he’s got shirts that say his daughter’s names and numbers for every sport
he’s got noise makers and flags
the obnoxious parent who heckles the refs
“Hey ref! Did you come from FootLocker!? Because that was BULLSHIT!”
he gets red carded, a lot.
you don’t even fight it anymore
the team loves him though because he’s super supportive of the other girls and he brings some killer snacks
not homemade though, he can’t cook for shit
remember his Expedition? He finally traded her in for a new version and is the official Mom Car™ for team/friend trips
let me repeat, he can not cook for shit. but for some reason he can throw it down of the barbecue
convinced it’s a perk you unlock after childbirth
very protective of his daughters, but respects their right to privacy and right to do their own things
but he taught them how to fight, so every fuck boi within a 10 mile radius knows not to fuck with the Shirogane Twins
he chugs that Respect Women Juice
wants to break a kid the first time a daughter cries over a romantic partner. but then he remembers murder on Earth is illegal. 
overly supportive in whatever his daughters and you choose to pursue
just overly supportive in everything really
he basically lives for you guys 
doesn’t get sick for some reason, so whenever someone is sick in the house, Nurse Shirogane/Dad is on it
“Who wore their shoes in the house?? Seriously?”
*pinches his nose with a deep sigh* “I’m sorry, my daughter punched Travis. But frankly, he kept harassing her even after she told him to stop snapping her bra strap. So the question we should be addressing here, Principal, is why your teacher allowed this sexual harassment to continue and did nothing to help my daughter?” Guess who got detention? Not his daughter.
Wants to cry a bit when his daughters start asking questions about sex
but he’ll be damned if they don’t know everything
it was actually a good family talk, after the initial awkwardness
The Hot Dad
his daughters’ friends all have a crush on him and he can’t figure out why
it’s totally not because he’s hot
or that he’s actually interested in what they have to say
or that he does yard work shirtless
or that he remembers random facts about them that they thought he would forget
his daughters are grossed out
you think its hilarious because you get to tap that
drops off his girls at school
“Have fun! I love you! Make good decisions! I miss you already!”
goes to pick them up and has a little sign like people do at the airport that says “Shirogane” with like glitter and hearts and shit
the twins are embarrassed each time but they secretly love it
threw up the first time he had to change a poopy diaper
he did it though. he did it.
sings around the house a lot, just little random song parts or to the dogs
“Where oh where are my pup-py dogs~?” the dogs come slipping and sliding around the corner every time you guys come home
*badly and purposely out of tune* “And there’s the love of my liiiiife!!!~” “Oh stop it Shiro!” “She thinks I’m talking about her~. but I’m talking about the noo~odles~” *you throw a noodle at his head*
accompanied by bad dance moves
speaking of puppy dogs, has 3 pitbulls that look vicious as hell but they’re just as sweet as him
they are wonderfully trained and big babies
his ‘other children’ 
wouldn’t hurt a fly, but ain’t nobody fuck with you guys on walks
Their names are Mr. Murder (Murds for short), Cupcake (Cakey), and Rebel (Bells). He didn’t name them. The girls did.
There is also a grumpy house cat that nobody knows how old it is or how you acquired it. The Captain has just, always been…
Cappy showed up one day and never left
he’s a solid grey Blue Russian/Siamese mix with green eyes that rules the dogs
only loves Shiro and tolerates everyone else (he loves you guys really, but Shiro is his person)
Shiro baby talks him, “Who’s a good murder cat? You are! Yes! You!!!”
the house cleaner, his house and yard is spotless.
once broke out a ruler to measure the grass. you made fun of him.
“I swear to God, if Jim’s nasty ass tree grows over the fence this year, I will cut it down. I don’t give a fuck.”
fond of power washing
hot mechanic, does his own car work
head kisses for everyone! you are a well kissed family
also you’re the couple that’s always got your hands linked, arms wrapped around each other, or just leaning against each other
you’re always touching. always.
family Halloween costumes
Halloween is his JAM
lives for Halloween decorating
watches House Hunters religiously
The one who drags the family to World Market and Kohl’s for house decor
the house is definitely decorated for every major holiday
and he’s actually really good at decor? Like, you wouldn’t think so given with his clothing style and bad hair cut, but wow. you’ve got a nice house. (yes, i’m dragging Shiro)
you’ve come home routinely to the girls doing is hair and makeup and nails
“Hey honey, look how pretty I am. Didn’t the girls do a wonderful job?” “Just…marvelous dear.” “Right? Your turn is next.” oh no…
doesn’t wash off the nail polish, nobody makes fun of him. nobody.
tries to make you breakfast in bed on your birthday and valentine’s day
he can only make harboiled eggs and toast
when the girls get older, it gets more elaborate because they can help
super excited to teach the girls how to drive, but worried about dying
screamed more than once in the car and tried to slam on his invisible break
“Please…stop… you’re making my hair whiter…”
Hands are pressing on the roof of the car and he’s twisted in the seat trying to brace himself
one day he figures out how to work the crockpot and can now contribute to family meals
loves taking you guys camping
tent camping, because RV camping ‘isn’t real’
a pyromaniac
everyone needs a personal bear mace and a dog at all times
the cat goes too, on a harness
family snuggles in the hammock for star gazing. including said pets. it’s a big hammock. 
everyone has an absurd knowledge about space. he was an astronaut and lived in space for a few years, so yeah
routinely uses Scary Aunt Allura as a threat
selfies!!! he has a lot of surprise ones where he just comes up and kisses you and takes the picture
the girls are selfie queens too family pictures happen. a lot.
“Family selfie!!” “We’re at Albertson’s????” “Don’t care, get in here.”
just, embarrassing but totally authentic dad!Shiro melts me
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wri0thesley · 7 years
y'know that one post where it's like *best friend calls me and asks abt what color my dress is for prom so he can get a matching tie and i asked "since when were we goin to prom and he's all like "fuck i forgot"*? how about that but with josuke bc i can totally see that happening with him, sweet precious babby (please and thank you, i need more josuke fluff in my lif e)
Having a crush on your best friend isn’t easy.
Having a crush on your best friend, who happens to be one of the most popular boys you’ve ever met, who has girls falling over his feet and friends hanging on his every word and a cool and mysterious aura that makes people just want to be around him - that’s even harder.
You’ve long since accepted that Josuke Higashikata would never be interested in someone like you. You’re awkward and he sees you as a friend and sometimes when he looks at you too long you blush and pray he doesn’t notice - he treats you like he treats Koichi and Okuyasu. You don’t think he’s ever imagined you in a romantic way in his whole life.
Still, it doesn’t stop you from dreaming. You think about holding his hand and going out for ice cream together, about running your hands through his hair when he takes it down from the pomp and playing with the zippers on the front of his shirt. Sometimes he puts his hand on your shoulder and it’s so warm that you feel like you’d die if you ever got to cuddle him. Sometimes he smiles so widely it makes your heart hurt.
Josuke Higashikata is a ray of sunshine in your life and you’d never, ever tell him how you really felt in case it makes him act . . . strangely around you. Sure, it hurts a little that you’ll never get to feel quite how soft those full, pillowed lips are, but it’s worth it to be able to call him a friend. Josuke’s the best friend anyone could ever ask for.
You know it’s hopeless, but as prom approaches you can’t help but think about what it would be like to walk into the room on Josuke’s arm, as his date. You think about wearing little golden peace clips in your hair, about how handsome he’d look in formalwear, about it would be to kiss him whilst you slow danced--
After you’d found the date, you’d tried to teasingly lead Josuke into revealing who he was planning on taking to prom and what he was wearing. You’d mention it and he’d go pink, mess with his hair, try and laugh it off - after a week, you’d dropped it. Maybe he wasn’t going at all? It wouldn’t be like Josuke to miss a party, but you guess he probably did have girls begging him to accompany them--
For the past three months, he’s mentioned prom exactly once, when he’d sent you a text saying he wouldn’t be able to meet you for lunch at the cafe like he’d said because he was going prom suit shopping with his mother. Your heart had done a funny little twist - he’d just out and out told you he was going, and he was taking it seriously enough to buy a suit, and you had no idea which girl was about to be on the lucky end of Josuke Higashikata’s presence. It had stung a little that he hadn’t said, but you guessed you got it - maybe he didn’t want the poor girl to be the object of jealousy.
He’d added a smiley face to the end of his text so you’d added one to yours, telling him it was fine and you’d take a raincheck, and then you’d bought a pint of ice cream on your way home and watched a sad movie and kidded yourself you were crying because the impossibly pretty lead actress had just been dumped.
You buy a deep purple dress without even realizing it because apparently you have Josuke on the mind.
* * *
It’s two in the afternoon and you’re still in bed, but when your phone starts ringing you groggily begin to grasp around for it, hands closing around nothing a couple of times before you locate the source of the noise.
“H-hey?” You mumble into it, without even checking who the caller is. “Hey?”Josuke’s voice comes through the speaker, chipper.
You’re instantly awake hearing his voice, a smile obvious in his tone even though you can’t see. The way he talks just makes you imagine an excitable puppy on the other end of the line.
“Oh! Josuke! Hi!”
He says your name with a light laugh that’s almost teasing, and repeats a greeting to you in a way that’s affectionately teasing and makes your heart twist with desire to hold him and tell him how you feel.
You don’t know when you turned into such a romantic sap or what it is about Josuke Higashikata that makes you act like your brain and heart have both turned to jelly, but whatever it is they should bottle it and sell it in stores.
(You think about the first time you’d teased him, when you’d first met him, about the way he’d blushed when a pretty upperclassman had asked him if he was alright and how he’d blushed and held up his hand and protested; “N-no! I’m not like that! I’m a love kinda guy!”)
“Why are you calling me?” You ask him. “Not that I mind! But aren’t you supposed to be out with shopping in S-City today?”
“Yeah! I’m out right now! I bought the best new pair of Bally shoes to wear from prom, I can’t wait to show you them--”
“Josuke,” you say, laughing, “come on. I know you didn’t call me to tell me about the shoes. I know you well enough to know that you’d wait until we were all together to make a big deal and bask in our adoration.”
“They’re really good, in fairness!” He says, cheerfully. Josuke always manages to be cheerful.
He’d mentioned he was going shopping with Tomoko this weekend, to pick up some final bits and pieces and because his Dad had sent over some money from the US to celebrate him getting good exam results.
“Come on, then, Fashion Boy,” you say, “what’s the situation?”
His tone takes on a shyness.
“I. . . uh. I guess I forgot to ask you? Or I forgot what you told me. Um.”
“Spit it out!” You say, shaking your head and grinning. His unsure voice is so fucking cute. You think about the lucky girl who he asked out to prom and how she got to hear that voice directed to him and you want to die. Does she even know how lucky she is?
“I forgot what colour your dress is and I need to get a tie to match so uh-what-colour-is-it?”
His words all come out in a garbled rush, so quickly that at first you think you must have misheard it.
“Josuke?” You ask, and he makes a frustrated noise. “I. . . don’t understand?”
“What colour’s your dress?” He asks, again, obviously trying to be a little slower. “I want to get a matching tie.”
“Josuke,” you say, eyebrows drawing in in confusion, “That’s. Generally a couples thing?”
“Yeah? I know! That’s why I’m askin’!”
“Josuke,” you repeat, trying to process. “You should probably maybe call your date and ask her? We don’t all like, convene to plan dress colours? She might be wearing something entirely different to me.”
“I’m talkin’ to my date right n--!” He starts saying, frustrated, but then his voice cuts out. You hear a very soft; “Shit.”
In the distance, Tomoko rebukes him for bad language.
There’s a moment between you two where nothing happens and you can practically see Josuke in your mind’s eye, biting on his plump lips and toying with the tails at the back of his pompadour, cheeks beginning to flush red.
“Josuke?” You ask, as the silence begins to get too much for you.
“Shit.” He repeats. “I can’t believe I didn’t ask you--”
“Ask me what?” You say, even though a traitorous part of your mind has already begun to celebrate. This can only mean one thing, right? Is Josuke going to--
“Willyougotothepromwithme?” Josuke says, voice out in a rush, words tumbling over one another so quickly you can barely make them out. He takes a deep breath. “Sorry. Will you go to the prom with me?”
You bite your lip to stop the smile from sounding too obvious over the phone, even though you’re longing to beam out to the world what just happened to you. This kind of thing doesn’t happen outside of a romance movie cliche, does it?
“It’s deep purple,” you say, and then promptly slap your hand over your mouth to stifle the excited giggles that seem to want to issue forth. “A-ahh,” Josuke says, “I-is that a yes?”
You want to scream out. Of course it’s a yes. Anyone who said no to Josuke would be a fool. But instead you just make a coy little noise of agreement and you swear you hear the whoosh of air moving quickly as Josuke presumably fist pumps.
You hear one last thing before he disconnects the call - the voice of who is unmistakably Tomoko, Josuke’s mother hissing;
“You FORGOT to ask her?”
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fraiseblond · 7 years
our hearts are starting to show
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
A/N: This fic is not phan, I’m posting it here bc my hq blog has like zero followers
Ship: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Tags: Getting Together, Fluff
moments (little pockets of time, hushed) when they fall in love
and falling in love is easy, it's second nature really
Warnings: Making Out (?)
read on ao3
They are in the quiet forest behind Hajime’s house. To his 7-year-old tiny body, it is gigantic. He is only allowed to visit the place during vacations when his mother deems him and Tooru to be good. The days are rare because Tooru likes to cry a lot. Or Hajime assumes he likes to cry because he does that, a lot. Tooru is timid and shy around people, but with Hajime, his Iwa-chan, Tooru bursts with energy. Hajime likes that. Likes the fact that little Tooru opens up more, speaks up more clearly, smiles more with him around.
Maybe that is why they are best friends.
Or maybe it is because two years ago when Tooru had moved into his neighbourhood, his mother had introduced him to Tooru and Tooru had clutched his hand, tightly.
“Hajime, introduce yourself to Tooru-kun,” his mother had asked him gently, with her hand in his other hand.
“I’m Iwaizumi,” Hajime had said then, a little tentative, staring into the eyes of the other boy, who looked a little afraid.
“Iwai-z, Iwa-chan!” Tooru had exclaimed.
Hajime had scrunched up his nose and pouted.
He had shaken his head violently, “No, Iwaizumi.”
“Iwa-chan! Iwa-chan!” Tooru had not listened to him.
Instead, he had pulled Hajime to the sand pit to play. Hajime had been annoyed but had followed Tooru anyway.
The forest looks magical today. It had been raining earlier, and now there is a slight wetness to the leaves so that they gleam in the sunlight. Everything smells like the first rains of the season and Hajime absorbs it all. He looks over to Tooru who has the same shine in his eyes. Tooru doesn’t like insects and bug catching as much as Hajime; instead, screams when Hajime catches grasshoppers with his bare hands.
Hajime knows Tooru likes plants more. He collects leaves and flowers; sticks them to a book worn out by now. Hajime gives all the leaves and flowers names of Pokemon that earns him shrieks of “Iwa-chan you are so dumb!”
Hajime takes Tooru’s hand and makes his way down the rocks to a bush he knows houses a bug that is an exciting shade of red.
“Tooru there is that bug I was talking about,” he points to the direction of the bush. “Be careful.”
“Iwa-chan all bugs look the same!” he whines but tightens his hold on Hajime’s hand and walks hesitantly.
They make their way carefully towards the bush. Hajime kneels down to examine it with a magnifying glass, a birthday gift.
He faintly registers Tooru chasing a butterfly and then stopping to look at a tree. He is like a butterfly too, Hajime thinks.
He focuses his attention back to the bush. He gently prods at it, not wanting to disturb the creatures. He catches glimpse of the insect and smiles to himself. He had wanted to catch it since he had seen it, it was fascinating. Hajime quietly pulls out the glass he keeps his insects in (for a day only, he releases them at the end of the day). His hand accidentally brushes the leaves and the insect runs away.
“Tooru! Look it’s that bug there! Can you catch it?”
Tooru looks over at him and nods, his face, young but determined.
He runs towards the general direction of Hajime’s finger, tripping and regaining his balance. Hajime gasps, surprised at the sudden confidence Tooru shows.
Hajime smiles widely.
Tooru skips over the rocks and Hajime’s heart clenches. He hears his scream before he sees Tooru fall because his eyes close on their own.
“Iwa-chan!” Oikawa cries and his heart clenches again. This time he feels tears prickling his eyes.
He runs towards Tooru, uncaring about the rocks. Tooru sits on the ground, new shorts forgotten, crying, clutching his knee. There is a scrape there. A wave of relief washes over him, he’s not seriously injured. It is soon replaced by a sharp spike of guilt. He caused Tooru to run towards the bug. Tooru’s tears are his fault. He wipes his own tears hurriedly and crouches near him.
“I’m so sorry Tooru it’s my fault that you are hurt.” Uttering his apology makes him cry again.
Tooru looks at him, there are tear stains on his cheek and his lips are quivering.
“N-No Iwa-chan! You missed your shiny bug. I’m sorry I could not get it.” He looks down, hands still clutching his knee. His eyes are wide.
Hajime knows he is pretending to be okay for him. He doesn’t know how he is able to tell.
He laughs. Tooru looks up, surprised and is ambushed by Hajime’s arms. “You are more important than a shiny bug, stupid.”
“I’m not stupid.” Tooru hugs him back; there is a hint of mirth in his voice.
“Climb on my back, I’m going to carry you home.” He pulls out of Tooru’s arms. There is no strain of joke on his face.
Hajime is taken aback by Tooru’s burst of tears. “You a-are so g-good to me Iwa-Iwa-chan.”
He hugs Tooru again, smiling now, the guilt replaced by joy.
His hand holds on to Tooru’s and stays that way through their mothers’ scolding. He only lets go when they have to return to their own homes. Between holding his hand and letting it go, Hajime makes a promise to himself to always protect Tooru; Tooru who cries a lot, but also the Tooru who runs after his fear because his Iwa-chan told him to.
Tooru knocks at Iwa-chan’s door. Friday nights mean movie nights. Tooru guesses they will watch Godzilla again like they have been for the past month when they are at Hajime’s house. But he’s carrying CD of Alien in his pocket. He feels good about his chances of convincing Iwa-chan to watch that instead of the film about a wretched lizard. He has realized a smile works as a charm to sway him.
Iwa-chan doesn’t even look at him when he opens the door, ‘Come on in quick,” he whispers.
“Why are we whispering?”
“Because I am finally going to get to watch a horror movie and I don’t want to get in trouble.” Hajime’s words are solemn but his eyes are wide and he’s smiling.
“But are we ready to watch something scary.” Tooru is uncertain.
“Yes Tooru!” Hajime is shaking with excitement. “I am a big boy now, I’m not scared.”
“You will be scared,” Tooru sing-songs.
“No!” Hajime says firmly, pressing play on the movie and curling on the sofa with a blanket with Tooru. Tooru goes for the bowl of popcorn with an unwarranted gusto. He settles comfortably, tugging the blanket from Hajime and covering himself with it.
Tooru keeps busy by munching on the popcorn. Occasionally, he tugs at the blanket just to rile Iwa-chan. He registers noises that he thinks passes as jump scares. He’s watched too many alien movies to be afraid of bad CGI. He’s there solely because it’s a movie night and he’s meant to and wants to spend time with Iwa-chan.
He looks over to him. Hajime has clutched the blanket tightly, his knuckles almost white. He seems to have shrunk, only his eyes peeping out of the blanket. He’s clenching his eyes shut between the screams that come from the TV, seemingly unaware of Tooru. Tooru finally looks at the screen. He sees a little girl, dressed in white, staring at the screen.
Tooru blinks. He cocks his head to the side, ‘Iwa-chan is scared of this?” he thinks to himself.
A smile creeps up to his face. He loosens his hold on the blanket that Iwa-chan quickly swallows. “I am a big boy now, I’m not scared.” Iwa-chan’s voice plays in his voice on a loop.
He scoots towards Hajime, who jumps a little at the contact. He glares at Tooru, his eyebrows furrowing. “Cute,” Tooru’s mind offers. Tooru frowns at this. Hajime returns to grasping the blanket, now shaking a little.
Tooru’s heart softens at the sight. The notion of taunting Iwa-chan seems forgotten when he looks at how tiny he looks, covered in what he remembers now is the blanket they used to share when he used to sleep over at Hajime’s house when they were little. He keeps muttering to himself. Tooru thinks he caught the words ‘I’m okay’ and ‘this is just a movie’.
Tooru’s lips curls into a gentle smile at this sight of Iwa-chan. He touches Iwa-chan’s shoulder, tenderly this time. Hajime turns to him, more confused than ever, his mouth a little wide.
“Iwa-chan, I’m a little scared,” he whispers in Hajime’s ear. Hajime peers out of his blanket, a new expression on his face. He seems… grateful.
“I-It’s okay Tooru,” he shimmies out of his blanket fort, “We can hold hands.”
He smiles at Tooru, soft and mellow. He takes his hand and brings it close to his chest.
Tooru looks at him, now looking more comforted. The chance of teasing Iwa-chan has slipped through his fingers, but this feeling, this feeling of almost being held for comfort by Iwa-chan makes him feel lighter. He tightens his hold on Iwa-chan’s hand and rests his head on his shoulder. At peace.
The sound of the ball bouncing echoes throughout the gym. Tooru is breathing heavily, his mouth wide open.
He feels disconnected from his body. He feels a sharp sting on his face. His mind is fuzzy. Iwa-chan is standing in front of him, his face pained. He doesn’t like the look on his face. A fear closes up his throat suddenly. He has never seen Iwa-chan look at him like this, like a criminal. He feels dirty, compelled to wash and scrub away at his skin. Kagayema is standing behind Iwa-chan. He looks scared, but he keeps staring at Tooru. He’s shaking a little.
He remembers everything in pieces.
Tobio-chan asking him for help.
Approaching him.
Him getting very angry.
Screaming and his throat closing.
His hands coming to hold Tobio-chan’s collars.
Blind range.
Iwa-chan suddenly holding his collar.
Anger and disbelief.
Green eyes getting menacing.
A sharp sting on his face.
Tooru closes his eyes, feels himself crying. He chokes back the tears, fingernails digging into his palm.
“Oikawa!” Hajime’s voice booms in the empty gym. Hearing Oikawa from Iwa-chan’s lips threatens another wave of tears. He’s not used to hearing Oikawa, even after years of Iwa-chan dropping his first name from his vocabulary. It hurts. He’s used to being the number one in Iwa-chan’s life. He feels that slipping away from his fingers.
He opens his eyes. He knows they are red, they sting. “I’m sorry Tobio-chan,” he bows his head to a shocked Kagayema. He runs at the other end of the gym, pretending to busy himself with keeping the balls in their places. He knows Hajime is talking to Kagayema, apologizing for his behavior. He doesn’t need to look behind to know that Hajime is using the gentlest of his voices, the kindest of his smiles and ushering Kagayema out of the gym.
He feels guilty and mortified. His head is a mess of jumbled thoughts; he can’t separate one from another. He drags the trolley of balls to the middle of the court. He takes his position and begins to serve.
Before Hajime enters the gym again, he hears the smack of the volleyball hitting the court with a dangerous speed. Fear clouds over him. He jogs inside and sees Tooru, serving ball after ball.
“Oikawa! Stop!”
“No Iwa-chan,” he pauses and looks over at him, his face blank. “I made a huge mistake today and I need to learn from it.” His voice is eerily calm, it almost seems like it’s not Oikawa who is speaking to him, but a ghost of him.
“Oikawa, we can talk about it,” he’s louder now. “If you want.”
Oikawa doesn’t stop this time. “No, Iwa-chan, there’s nothing to talk about. I’m a horrible human being and you don’t deserve to have me as your friend.”
He smacks the balls with an alarming momentum. “Tobio-chan is a junior and I almost attacked him. What does that make me?” His voice breaks at the end.
“No,” Hajime’s voice comes out softer this time, laced with terror.
More smacks.
“He’s a genius and I will never touch him. Never.” The tears are visible now, but Oikawa keeps going.
Hajime stands afar, a spectator. He looks down at his hands. He can’t help Tooru like this. His heart tightens at the sight of Oikawa. His breath is coming in heavy pants, he’s sure that he can’t feel his right palm, but he keeps going. His form weakens serve after serve but its speed increases. The only sound in the room is coming from the volleyballs and the occasional whimper from Tooru. He’s limping but he doesn’t stop.
Hajime seems to be fixed in his spot. Fear takes up residence in his throat and clogs it. Nothing comes out of his mouth. His chest feels heavy. He wants to cry, wants to scream at Oikawa but all he manages to do is look at Oikawa; Oikawa who looks dead behind the eyes but still picks up the ball smacks it with a deadly precision.
He sees the ball in the air for a moment before he hears a gut-wrenching scream. He runs towards Oikawa, his previous fear now multiplied.
“Where are you hurt?” he’s crouching beside Oikawa now, whose mask has been lifted. His face is contorted in pain and terror. He’s sure his face matches Oikawa.
“It hurts Iwa-chan,” Oikawa seems to be holding back his tears now. His voice is thick with panic.
“Where?” Hajime is trying to be gentle. Oikawa points at his knee. He examines it with his hands. It’s swollen. A flood of relief crashes over him.
“Oh, Tooru,” he says it so softly; he can barely hear it himself. Oikawa bursts in tears, his chest heaving.
He clings to Hajime, crying, crying. Hajime’s soul aches. He can’t bear to see Tooru like this. He hugs him back, tightens his hold over him and lets him sob. It’s all he can do for him right now.
Time passes. He doesn’t know how long they hold on to each other. He knows he has to respond to both their mothers but that is a faraway concern. Tooru is the present, his well-being the only thing on his mind.
“Come on, climb on my back, I’m going to carry you home.” The words seem familiar, from a time that was sacred. For a second, he’s transported there.
He carries Tooru to his bedroom. Feeds him soup. Puts an icepack on his knee. Calls his mom, shares half the story.
Tooru looks shaken up. He’s no longer crying, but his face is tear-stained.
“Iwa-chan I’m scared.” he breaks the silence first. “What if I never get to play again?”
“You’ll be alright Tooru.” Tooru seems to be fitting at this moment. “I’ll not lie and say you’ll be perfectly fine by tomorrow, but I know you. You’ll fight and be the best.”
Oikawa is staring at Hajime. A tear rolls down his eyes. “Iwa-chan, why are you so perfect, so good to me?”
Hajime approaches him and sits by his side. “Because you deserve the best Tooru.”
“Can you sleep beside me tonight?” his voice is delicate, almost fragile.
“Of course Tooru,” he pushes the cover up and joins Oikawa. They are touching at both sides of their bodies. This position, at this moment, seems new but familiar. Hajime turns to his side and looks at Tooru.
“Stop crying now, you know you are an ugly-crier.”
“Iwa-chan why would you hurt me like that?” Tooru is frail but he sounds like he’s smiling. Hajime doesn’t know in the dark.
He tentatively slides closer to Tooru, raises his arms and puts them around Tooru. He mirrors Hajime’s movements. He can feel Tooru’s heartbeat this close now. Their breaths rhyme, lulling them to sleep. They lie there like that, stronger together.
Kitagawa Daiichi seems like history now. There is the future in front of them. There is also a fear of leaving, of getting lost behind, becoming a mere memory.
They leap into the unfamiliar, not knowing where they’ll land. They seem to have forgotten that they are tied, always connected.
Losing to Karasuno is hard. Watching Karasuno enter nationals harder. Oikawa ushers him out of the gym with a “Come on, let’s go home.” His heart skips a beat at home.
He turns back, looks at Oikawa who is smiling. He sees the smile and he sees the hurt. It’s unsettling to see both so clearly, Oikawa’s face is open and vulnerable. Hajime’s face warms. The wounds from the last match are still open, fresh. The third years missed their chance of going to nationals, Hajime shares their pain. They will never play again as a team. The finality of it all is heavy. Seeing Oikawa smile so genuinely touches Hajime. They will be okay, as long as they are together.
Exam season is hectic. Tooru was prepared for it. He burns in pain of the loss at the game, but his determination to move forward burns brighter. He’s smart, he knows that. But he works and works. There are eye bags under his eyes that he puts concealer on carefully in the morning. Nights are filled with alternating cups of coffee and tea and exhaustion.
Iwa-chan calls him every night during exam week. He calls him in the dead of the night when the only sounds he can hear are the bugs that they used to catch together. His voice always sounds heavy and tired. There is a trace of something in his voice, he recognizes it but doesn’t want to face it. It sends an ache of longing in his body.
Iwa-chan’s voice is hoarse. It’s always, “Take care Oikawa.” and “Have something to drink.” Oikawa doesn’t have it in him to make fun of him. Sometimes he talks about studying sports medicine at university to distract Tooru. He likes to go on the roof and look at the stars then. Tooru thinks he hears something akin to yearning and melancholy; it’s easier to brush it off as something he imagined.
The post-exam season is easy. School insists them on coming even though exams are done and the only thing to look forward to is graduation. Tooru likes going to school; even though it bombards them with various aptitude tests and university scares. Going to school is an easy routine. Iwa-chan waiting for him to get ready, walking together to school, morning practice, lunch on the roof with Hanamaki and Matsukawa, more practice and the walk home. He doesn’t need to think about this, it comes naturally.
Routines also become peppered with something.
Tooru lets go off doing his hair every morning in favour of waiting for Iwa-chan just to see him surprised. He realizes Iwa-chan’s open and unabashed smile makes his heart race. Their walks have always been silent, comfortable allowing them to wake up properly. Now Tooru wants to fill the silence, not wanting to let go of any moment they are together. They bump shoulders as they walk; each touch simultaneously new and at home.
Morning practice is sitting on the bench and teaching the second years to take rein of the team. Volleyball is exhilarating even to watch. Each smack of the ball takes him back to when he first started playing (because Iwa-chan introduced it to him. Everything was because of him).
Volleyball is his future but it is also his past. He has memories linked to learning every new move. And all the memories lead back to Iwa-chan. It’s scary and grounding to know that he has a constant.
Matsukawa and Hanamaki ditch them at lunch and they end up sitting on the roof alone. The roof was a safe haven from Oikawa’s fan club, but it has become a place full of reminiscences. The sky is pretty today, uncharacteristically so. Oikawa looks beautiful sitting under the sun. His hair is blowing in the wind, showing more of his face. He looks younger, prettier.
“Makki and Mattsun are a thing.” Oikawa trails off. He has been doing that a lot nowadays.
Hajime doesn’t process that. “Hmm?”
“Iwa-chan is so dense, like a caveman.”
Hajime opts to laugh. He’ll miss this teasing if…
“Makki and Mattsun are dating, Iwa-chan.”
Hajime is surprised, but not really. The constant glances, touches, hushed whispers make sense now.
“Yeah oh, Iwa-chan.” Oikawa looks him in the eye. “You’re really blind.”
Iwaizumi doesn’t get to answer back. The bell rings and he hurries back to the classroom. Hajime remembers Oikawa’s look though and it unsettles him.
Oikawa is outside a ramen shop, their ramen shop. He is dressed in new clothes; he hopes Iwa-chan doesn’t recognize that. He sees Iwa-chan walking towards him. He’s wearing a jacket that Tooru has never seen before. Tooru blushes. Iwa-chan is messing with his clothes as he walks. Tooru can’t help but stare. He is gorgeous. There is a slight colour to his face; the new jacket accentuates his already broad shoulders. Tooru likes to make fun of Iwa-chan’s height a lot, but he looks taller now. Tooru puts on a smile.
“Hi, Iwa-chan! Going on a date?” he leans closer to him and drapes himself over him.
“This isn’t a date dumbass!” He jerks Tooru’s hand away, but he is blushing.
“Don’t worry, even you will get a girlfriend one day,” he says sweetly. The words are hollow and bitter.
Someone taps him on his shoulder. He turns around; it’s a couple of girls. He groans internally.
“Would you like to sit with us?” They don’t look at Iwa-chan.
The girls look nervous. He can feel Hajime’s eyes on him as he follows the conversation.
He takes Hajime’s hand in his suddenly and grips it tighter. “Aw sorry girls, I have a date,” he brandishes their linked hands. The disappointment on their face feels good. The girls stare at Hajime, who’s avoiding eye contact.
“Now, if you can excuse us.” He turns around, his hand still linked with Hajime’s.
“What was that about?” Hajime whispers.
“Nothing Iwa-chan. We always spend Saturday together. I’m not going to let some girls come between us.”
Hajime doesn’t say anything after that. Their hands stay connected.
They talk about everything. They tease each other. Oikawa flirts with the waitress, Hajime feigns exasperation. Occasionally, Iwa-chan rubs circles on his palm with his thumb. There is a lot of things unspoken in the air. There is hope for a forever. For a future like this.
They don’t leave each other’s hand until they are at home, on the phone with each other.
Oikawa is at Chuo University, Hajime at Keio. Oikawa plays volleyball for the team and will go pro. Hajime is studying sports medicine. They share a home in Tokyo. These are facts, irreversible.
Their home is tiny, cramped with goodies, opposite a cranky cat lady. The furniture is not reliable for two grown up men. It takes forever to travel to their universities. But it is theirs. It is above a ramen shop, so it always smells lovely and a little bit like Miyagi. They love it.
It was natural, getting a home together. Nobody questioned it. Their home, like them, fell into place effortlessly.
Different universities mean new groups of friends, going out without each other, coming home at different times. But traditions continue. Friday still means movies even if they’re in the afternoon. Saturday still means spending time together. Even if it’s spending time in their little home, which doesn’t have reliable water and electricity. Sometimes they lay down on their too small couch, heads resting together when it rains and talk about Miyagi and things they miss. It’s painful in a sweet way, but shared breaths and hushed whispers make up for that. It would hurt more, Tooru thinks, if Iwa-chan wasn’t here with him.
Living together is a journey in itself. Tooru learns that Hajime could wake up at 7 and still make his 7:30 class on time with all the traveling. Hajime learns why Tooru smells so good and steals some of Tooru’s vanilla shampoo. Getting ready together in the morning is terribly intimate. They catch each other completely vulnerable. Breakfast is sometimes a granola bar or sometimes a treat prepared by Hajime. It is always mussed hair and sleepy eyes, though. There are a lot of yawns and drowsy goodbyes. Everything feels right.
Exam season comes too quickly. They are settling in, navigating their shared life in Tokyo and then suddenly, it’s the end of the first year.
Teacups pile in their rooms. Conversations reduce to one-word answers and grunts. Exhaustion shows up in the form of eye bags and hair that’s been combed by hands only. Hajime finds Oikawa’s concealer and teases him. It’s unlike school but his heart smiles.
Hajime finishes his exam a day before Tooru. He comes home, cleans all the cups and prepares a warm meal. Hajime waits for Tooru, busies himself with cleaning the rest of the house.
Oikawa comes in late at night, probably from an 8 hour-long study session at the library. He walks into the kitchen, his eyes droopy. He faintly registers how clean the apartment looks.
“Iwa-chan, so good to me,” he nuzzles his head into Hajime��s neck. Hajime laughs. The vibrations send a tingle down his spine.
“Let’s eat, okay. I made something warm and nice.” Hajime’s voice is tender. Tooru almost sheds a tear.
They eat on the couch. Their legs touch each other. Hajime talks to distract Tooru. It’s raining, he can hear the raindrops fall on the roof and clatter. Tokyo is different from Miyagi, but in this little pocket of town which they have made their own, it hardly matters. Hajime’s voice is soft. He focuses his attention to its texture; he doesn’t want to fall asleep. The exam tomorrow is far away, what is present is Hajime, strong Hajime who manages to be so tender, it physically hurts Oikawa.
He keeps his bowl on the coffee table and leans into Hajime. Hajime is running is fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp. It’s lovely.
“Hey, why don’t you take a shower? Then you can go to sleep, you’re tired.”
Oikawa leans into him more. “What, am I stinky now Iwa-chan?”
“Never.” Hajime is honest.
Hajime is on the bed, flicking through some magazines. Today was special. The four walls around them seem to contain happiness today. The easy smile on his lips doesn’t go away.
He hears the bathroom unlock. Tooru steps out in his favourite alien pajamas. They are worn out but soft. Hajime knows them by touch. Oikawa enters his room. His hair is wet and his clothes are sticking to his body.
“Hey,” he says.
Tooru climbs on his bed. It is a small bed, so Tooru is very close to him. His heart begins to race.
Tooru looks so beautiful like this; in tattered pajamas and messed up hair. His skin is pink and it seems to be glowing in the dim light of his bedroom. He’s close, so close to him.
The word is whispered. He can feel Tooru’s breath on his face. Proximity is heady. It feels warm, he wants to wrap this warmth around himself and never let go.
Up close he can see how long Tooru’s eyelashes are. He can see his freckles, faint but all over his face. His eyes, magnetic. He knows all these features, sees them every day but up close, it’s something else.
It’s all he can manage to say. His head is full of thoughts but nothing comes out of his mouth other than Tooru; sweet Tooru.
They kiss. He doesn't know who kissed first but it doesn't matter really, they're together.
The kiss is electrifying. His lips feel kind they're set alight. It's so sweet, so gentle. Hajime doesn't know what to do with his hands so he grips the mattress tight. The glide of Tooru’s lips over his is addicting. Tooru’s hands come up and wrap around his neck. Hajime follows him, his hands roaming over the expanse of Tooru’s back. He touches the bare skin where his t shirt rides up. The skin is hot to touch there, he wants more.
Tooru’s mouth is soft, hot. His tongue runs over Hajime’s lips, he opens his mouth, Tooru’s tongue slips inside his mouth. He hears Tooru moan, it sends a hot shiver through his legs. He sucks on Tooru’s tongue, grasping at his hair, trying to bring him close, closer. Tooru’s hands are at clutching his waist, stroking with his thumbs. It feels incredibly personal and real. Tooru bites his bottom lip, runs his tongue over it. Hajime moans, a guttural sound.
Tooru pulls back; Hajime chases his lips, his eyes half- lidded.
“Hajime, I love you.”
He never knew Hajime could sound so sensuous. The Ha- coming out as a ragged breath.
He presses a firm kiss on Tooru’s lips, “I love you too, of course, I love you Tooru.”
“Say it again,” Tooru mutters. He leans forward, his mouth ghosting on Hajime’s neck, leaving open mouth kisses near his jaw, on his neck.
“I love you,” Hajime breathes. He grips Tooru’s hair tighter, tugs at it a little. Tooru bites at his skin there. Hajime can smell Tooru’s vanilla shampoo. It leaves him throbbing.
Tooru kisses him again. It is animalistic now; needy and urgent. Their teeth clash as they lick into each other’s mouth. Tooru puts his hand under Hajime’s shirt, hot hands roaming over his chest, his hard abs. “I’ve imagined this so many times,” Tooru says, his mouth on Hajime’s jaw.
“Me too,” he rolls them on the bed so they are lying side by side.
Hajime pulls away this time. Tooru lets out a whine that Hajime laughs at.
“We have a lot of time ahead of us.” he resorts to stroking Tooru’s hair. Once he starts touching Tooru, he can’t seem to stop. It makes his head dizzy.
“We wasted a lot of time though didn’t we?”
Hajime opens his arms wide, Tooru cuddles up to him.
“It doesn’t matter, it was always supposed to be us.”
The dark of the night makes it easier to say this. It’s Tooru he’s holding, the reality settles into his belly, fires it up.
“Yeah, always us.”
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