#she could have said worse about him. if we're being honest
br1ghtestlight · 10 months
yes i love and appreciate nickel as a character and his development through the series yes he absolutely fucked around and found out w/ suitcase and balloon in season two
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songsofadelaide · 3 months
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Soshiro wasn't a stickler for rules. However, he didn't like seeing officers flout rules, either. He always stood somewhere in between sticking to the rules while not being a strait-laced, by-the-book kind of leader.
With that being said, he really had no qualms about workplace relationships as long as they didn't get in the way of his officers' jobs.
Soshiro couldn't be completely against the whole thing. Not when you were around. If he were being honest, though, he would've been one of his Captain's biggest headaches if not for his great respect for her. Mina liked order, and she always took pride in an orderly Third Division. For her own Vice Captain to become the main source of mayhem would spell trouble for her.
Good thing he liked staying out of trouble. Save for a few exceptions. Involving you, his favourite Platoon Leader. Not that he'd ever outright admit it, too.
He did admit to how you piqued his interest the moment you decided to enlist in the Defense Force. You were a retired fencer, your papers bookmarked with a recommendation by the Japan Fencing Federation— but whatever skill with a sabre you have would prove useless, seeing the force's growing preference for automatic firearms. Fortunately, that wasn't the case for the Third Division. They'll always have room for blade masters, or at least that's what you've been told during the Presentation of Enlistment Certificate Ceremony.
And Soshiro liked how good you looked in your formal uniform. He'd never admit that outright, too, unless he wanted to be accused of favouritism for real. (Or worse: predatory behaviour by a senior officer.)
While you were mostly a reserved and unassuming person off the field, many of your colleagues called you a raging tempest in missions, the kind they'd get swept away in if they ever got in your way. You endeavoured to accomplish every task as swiftly and efficiently as possible— without breaking ranks, of course. Your tenacity was rewarded in the form of a promotion to Platoon Leader, an unexpected but welcomed opportunity. Soshiro seemed to agree with the Captain that you were a worthy investment and that other officers could stand to learn a thing or two from you.
You tried not to pay too much mind at the Vice Captain's growing interest in you, though you had to admit that it was pretty flattering. The second strongest person in the Third Division placed a lot of stock in your ability to get the job done. And though you've had your shortcomings, your accountability endeared yourself to him even more.
(So much so that Mina had to remind him of his position. She had no qualms about workplace relationships as long as they didn't get in the way of her officers' jobs. As long as order was maintained, too.)
Even you couldn't help your curiosity when you caught wind that this year's new recruits were an exceptional bunch— and that one happened to share tremendously intimate history with the Captain. It was a sizzling hot press release you couldn't help but sink your teeth into when Tae started talking your ears off about it.
You tried not to make that much noise as you both made your way back to your personal quarters that evening, but your topic was far too interesting to just stop and drop— it was about your usually pensive Captain...
"Do you think the Captain will start softening up?" You couldn't help but muse as you helped yourself to your canned coffee.
"Doubt it! This is Captain Ashiro we're talking about," your fellow Platoon Leader remarked. "Then again, she's still a woman..."
Pretty much, you thought to yourself. Woman or not, a person's relationships shape the way others view them. Officer Hibino's revelations about his shared childhood memories with Captain Ashiro painted her in a new light, unveiling her as a tender girl in her youth— more human than machine like everyone else thought her to be...
"I heard something interesting about you, too," Tae said, a glint of mischief in her eyes. "One of the rookies said they already knew you from before. When you were still a professional fencer."
There's only one, you sighed to yourself this time. "It must be Haruichi-kun. If you must know, Tae-chan, Izumo Tech sponsored my fencing journey, especially when I was just starting out."
"That's not all, too," she chuckled at your slight change of tone. "Last I heard, the kid might even have a crush on you."
"That is not true at all," you elbowed her and laughed at her statement. "That's probably the most absurd thing I've heard in my entire life. Haruichi-kun is—"
"Why do you think it's absurd? I think it's ridiculously truthful," came the voice of a man from behind you.
"Vice Captain! G-Good evening!" You squeaked and managed a salute as Soshiro made his approach. He didn't look like he was ready to retire for the night just yet, but was just hanging around.
"Kafka's tales have made the rounds, huh?"
"It's hard not to get roped into the gossip when it's so interesting," Tae said with a grin. "And with a Captain like ours who's so well-loved and well-respected, it's pretty tempting to hear what kind of person she was when she was just a kid."
"Yeah, she really went for her goals and succeeded," you nodded in agreement. "She's awe-inspiring."
"We're all aware of how amazing our Captain is," Soshiro stated with the same recognisable cheer in his voice. "But what's that thing about you and one of the rookies again?"
"Y-You mean about me and Haruichi-kun, Vice Captain? I-I mean Officer Izumo—"
The redhead standing right next to you could only purse her lips to prevent herself from laughing out loud, because by the gods, only she and a handful of other superior officers were aware of their Vice Captain's vested interest-turned-infatuation with you. And this was their Vice Captain getting all jealous and territorial with you.
"I'm just gonna go ahead and turn in for the night," Tae said as she nudged you before breaking out into a salute directed at Soshiro. "Good night, Vice Captain!"
"T-Tae-chan?!" You could only call out to your fellow Platoon Leader as she disappeared into the darkened hallway leading to your quarters. A little whimper of defeat left your lips as you turned back in the direction of your Vice Captain. "Vice Captain—"
"Are you two close?"
"You and the rookie."
Close wasn't exactly the right word for you two. Haruichi was your main sponsor's son. You've met a lot of times before and have nothing but great respect for each other. A silly crush doesn't do him any justice. That rumour was made in poor taste and faith.
You shook your head at your superior. "We're familiar with each other, but not really as close as everyone thinks."
"Is that so?" Soshiro said, not at all sounding convinced. "If I ask him, will he say the same thing?"
"I suppose," you replied to him with another small sigh of resignation. "I'm sorry, Vice Captain. It's not a nice rumour, if you ask me... I feel sorry for... the rookie for being embroiled in this mess."
"Don't apologise because of that," he said as he reached out for your hand. "If you're going to apologise, at least say sorry because I heard it and believed it."
You can confirm now that he wasn't there to reprimand you at all since his hold on you was both tender and solid. There was a storm in his wine-dark gaze— languid but brewing, and the way he looked at you made you want to dive right into the depths of his eyes.
"Hoshina likes you."
It was a thought you pushed at the very back of your mind ever since your Captain first let that slip when you took a bath together once. You thought she was joking at first, but she didn't take it back at all.
"But you didn't hear that from me."
And she even followed it up with, "don't let your personal feelings get in the way of your work"— like hell this revelation won't get in the way of your work!
You didn't want to think about it at all but here it was, staring you right in your face.
"Vice Captain, can we t—"
No, what were you thinking? The moment you say you want to talk about it will change everything. You'll blur the fine line between superior and subordinate. He'll cease being just your Vice Captain and become something else.
Something more.
"If you want to talk, let's do it somewhere more comfortable," he told you as you caught the twinkle of expectation in his eyes. You were likely playing into his hands now, so what else could you do but dance to his rhythm?
"Yes, of course. My personal quarters are nearby," you said, pointing in the direction of the dimly lit hallway that Tae disappeared into moments ago. "If... If it's all right with you..."
Soshiro didn't speak as he eyed your embarrassed face, but his mischievous, victorious cat-like smile did all the talking for him. It was he who opened the door and led you in, his hand warm on the small of your back even though you extended the invitation to him. And though you said you wanted to talk to him— to clear the air and rid yourself of this trepidation and hesitation that you felt— very few and far between words were exchanged that night.
You liked him too, after all. Now all those times your eyes met even though you were just about to look at him made sense. He's had eyes for you ever since.
You drank deep into his wine-coloured eyes while he helped himself to your warmth, the tempest that you were now in his arms as a single beam of sunlight he wanted to keep all to himself.
And keep you he did.
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When word got out that the female rookies caught Vice Captain Hoshina leaving your room early the following morning, you already expected to be summoned to the Captain's office that very day.
But instead of being vexed about the situation and her Vice Captain's unusually poor judgment, Mina had a rather amused expression on her otherwise normally calm face as she sat across from you two.
"What happened to not flouting the rules, Hoshina?"
"Hey, it's not like I wanted to get caught!" Soshiro shot back at her, though there was very little he could do in the face of his Captain's evident thrill at his predicament.
"I can turn a blind eye to this, but the rumours are already out there," she continued. "I suppose I'll have to mete out some form of 'punishment' for you both. Just to make an example out of you."
"I-I'll accept whatever punishment you have in mind, C-Captain!" You exclaimed with a stiff and deep bow. You've never been reprimanded by the Captain ever since you first started out in the Third Division. For you to be sanctioned for the very first time... I've really done it this time!
"On second thought, I'll just have you two file this instead," Mina stated as she handed you a single sheet of paper with a header in bold letters that read Workplace Relationship Disclosure Form. "As a formality. It's also a written promise that you won't let your relationship get in the way of your jobs."
"That's it? Piece of cake!" Soshiro said with a smile as he read out the form. "We'll file it now and—"
"You'll file it at headquarters yourselves," she said with a small smile as she stood up from her desk. "Other than that, I hope you two managed to talk things out. You're dismissed."
"Headquarters?! Captain Ashiro! We'll do anything! Just don't make us go there! It's such a pain to get there!" He pleaded with the Captain this time. "We'll tell everyone if we have to! I mean that's not a bad idea, too, so they'll know that we're together! But we're just going to be normal about things, we swear!"
"Just how normal are you two going to be?" The Captain said with a small laugh, just like the one you heard from the rumours. "Just promise me you won't let this affect your work. I have great faith in you both, after all."
"Roger!" You exclaimed in unison, followed by your shared tender laughter.
"Good. Now do 30 laps each before training starts again this afternoon," Mina replied to your enthusiasm with another small smile. "I'm really not letting you guys off the hook that easily."
"Th-That's fine, Captain! We-We'll make a start now!" You stammered before she could change her mind about your choice of consequence, throwing her a salute before eventually jogging out of her office.
"Don't make her run your laps, Hoshina. She'll do it for you without even you asking."
"Wouldn't dream of it, Captain. As if I'd let her do all the heavy lifting herself."
"What do you plan on doing about the rumours?"
"Let them talk. It's even better for us. At least they know now who she belongs to."
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sourbinnie · 1 year
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☆ regrets & replacements ☆
♡ genre ¿? ♡ -> angst again yes sir ♡ pair ¿? ♡ -> maknaeline!skz x gn!reader ♡ plot ¿? ♡ -> did he actually forget? or did someone make him forget? ♡ warnings ¿? ♡ -> swearing ♡ request ¿? ♡ -> yes!
a/n -> here's the maknae line version! and if soohee was bad on the first one, i'm sorry she's even worse on this one.
hyung line
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jisung ✉
he was the most forgetful person you knew, so was it a surprise that he wasn't here? not really. did it sting? of course it did, you wanted to spend the day with your boyfriend and your friends. it looked like you were gonna have a change of plans as you looked at your phone and you also didn't register any messages from jisung. you still had a whole day to hope he remembers so you weren't worried.
but the hours seemed to pass and there was no sign of him returning home. this took you to message minho and ask him where your boyfriend was. he responded saying he locked himself up in the studio and that he thought it was gonna be a surprise for you but he wasn't sure. a tiny bit of hope grew in you as you grabbed your things and headed to the jyp building.
"oh i'm glad you're here! happy birthday (y/n)." minho said as he hugged you and you received the hug as you smiled. you had a really good relationship with your boyfriend's best friend and it transformed quickly into a friendship of it's own. you knew they were preparing for a comeback so bothering them wasn't really what you wanted to do but seeing jisung would light up your day even if it was just a few seconds, just to know when he was coming home. "i don't know what the hell he's being doing there, can't get him out so i'm guessing it has to do with you."
"i'll be surprised if he remembered to be honest." you said and minho laughed as he recalled the times where jisung forget his birthday and the other members' too. 
"i better let you see your boyfriend but we're going out later!" minho said as he walked to the dance studio and you nodded as you went to jisung's studio.
standing in front of the door as you typed in the code, you felt uneasy for some reason. it's almost like you were hoping that everything would turn out good but there was just something making you anxious. it was beyond him forgetting, you didn't really care about that as long as you got to see him. you took in the scene of him on his laptop but next to him there was someone and that was no one other than soohee. okay that was odd but you weren't gonna question it.
"babe? what are you doing here? ah damn i forgot to text you!" he said as he facepalmed himself and you just gave him a little smile as you hugged him. you could feel the piercing stare of soohee burning through you and it wasn't weird since you've never had the best relationship. 
"it's okay sung, i just wanted to see you and ask you if you're coming by today?" you asked as he grabbed your hands and he looked so happy but then his smile faded and he looked at soohee.
"actually i had plans with soohee, that's why i invited her so we could head out together in a bit." he said and ouch if that didn't sting, you didn't know what would. even if you wanted to say that you wanted to have your birthday with him, that you didn't want him to go out with his best friend, you didn't say anything. 
"okay! i'll see you tomorrow baby." you said smiling with teary eyes which concerned jisung immediately as he nodded and kissed you to then let you go. he thought he didn't say anything wrong, maybe you were just unhappy that he was gonna hang out with soohee but she was his best friend after all and he made plans with her.
"i never would've thought you would choose me today but thank you jiji, i'm sure we'll have a good time." soohee said as she got up to go out and that had jisung so confused. what was she referring to with "today"? he suddenly felt the urge to check the date and when he saw it crystal clear on his phone he felt like disappearing. he literally chose to spend his partner's birthday with someone else and you're so kind hearted that you let him do it. he felt like he didn't deserve you at all.
felix ✉
unfortunately you had to work on your birthday which wasn't uncommon but you were kind of excited to spend it with felix. you tried to not look at the clock as time went by but it seemed impossible because you only wanted to get out of there and go to your apartment and celebrate the rest of the day. yet you were glued to your desk chair as you went by all the messages on your phone and also the endless emails that seemed to arrive when you wanted to leave the most.
it was an incoming call from australia that startled you and made you get out of your office to pick it up and when you heard who it was, you couldn't help but smile.
"(y/n)? i hope felix gave me the right number. happy birthday! i miss you." olivia said on the other side and you could hear rachel say happy birthday as well. you had a really solid relationship with felix's sisters when you visited them in australia to meet the whole family. so hearing them say nice things to you even if you were miles away from each other was really heartwarming.
"thank you so much, i miss you too!" you said and you continued to talk for a while until a sudden question popped you out of your bubble and took you by surprise.
"what did my brother get you?" rachel asked and then you realized that you haven't seen felix all day. he hasn't even texted you yet and you could understand if he was busy but he usually made time for that and sent a text or two.
"we haven't seen each other yet but i'll be happy with anything." you responded and they both were happy to hear that but since felix hasn't stopped talking to them about getting you something, they were taken by surprise as well. 
as you hung up after a while, you looked at the clock again to see work time was over and headed back to your apartment. you were expecting felix to be there since work would usually be over for you at the same time but you opened the door and it looked just like you left it. you sighed disappointed but you didn't let it ruin your day as you responded to the rest of the texts that were coming your way and as you opened instagram, you were greeted with something or rather someone.
you followed soohee mostly because she asked you to when you first met. she stopped following you a while after but you still followed her because you just didn't wanna seem rude. but here she was with your boyfriend, hanging out and just having a great old time together. to any other person it would seem like they were on a date even from how close they looked and that made you feel a level of insecurity you didn't know you had in you. the caption being "with my best friend, my everything<3" and you shut down your phone.
you felt so stupid for crying over this and as you sent a text to felix asking if he was having a good time, you felt like you were being immature. but then a side of you was saying it wasn't fair that he did this to you and was hoping he would realize his mistake.
felix got the message as he was going to soohee's apartment and he responded that he did indeed have a good time. he really wanted to see you at night though and he was excited to just drop by, have a cozy evening with you and hold you most of all.
"ugh they're texting you? i can never get you all to myself." soohee said as she took a look at felix on his phone and a frown formed on felix's face. he knew you two didn't get along but she was never really vocal about how she felt about you. "they're probably pissed that you decided to spend their birthday with me."
"that wasn't today." felix backfired and soohee just raised an eyebrow. he checked his phone again to see messages from his sisters saying that they called you to say happy birthday and that he should give you the present soon. that was only from hours ago and he stood still like a statue as he couldn't walk anymore to his friend's apartment and as he saw it was night already, he felt the tears come in because he made a huge mistake. he turned around and headed to your apartment, hoping he wasn't too late and ignoring soohee calling out for him.
seungmin ✉
you weren't sure if seungmin forgot or was acting out because he was planning a surprise. he woke up that day and kissed you on the cheek as he told you he was leaving for the day. you didn't think much of it but it was certainly uncommon for him to act that way and not even drop a "happy birthday". it didn't stop your excitement though 'cause the day just started and you didn't know what you were in for.
time was going by in a flash as you spent the day answering all the messages. no sign of seungmin though and to be honest that's the only person you wanted to see was him. you decided to go out and clear your mind, maybe visit a friend or a family member since you didn't really plan anything for the day. 
as you were outside you got an incoming call from jeongin and you picked it up as soon as you saw it.
"happy birthday (y/n)! i hope hyung planned something nice for today." he said cheerful and it had you smiling until the last part as you looked around and remembered there was still no seungmin next to you. you didn't even care about presents or having a big party, you just wanted to spend the day with your loved one.
"i think he forgot innie and i don't know how to feel." you responded and that had jeongin worried. his hyung forgetting his partner's birthday? it was possible but where could he be if he wasn't with you? especially right now since they had free time.
"i hope he's planning a surprise because i will kick him if he doesn't show up." that made you chuckle a little bit but it was gone in a second as you really hoped this was just part of a plan. "if you're feeling lonely though, drop by the dorms and we'll keep you company."
"that's okay, i'd rather not bother you during your break. besides he will probably show up, well that's what i'm hoping for at least." you said and you continued to talk for a while. you hanged up because you didn't want to bother your boyfriend's bandmate with your negative thoughts right now and wanted to head to one of your friend's houses. but something stopped you from doing that and it was the image of seungmin being not so far away from you as he talked to someone, as you got a closer look you could tell who it was. soohee and you were never gonna be friends and you accepted it, right now though it seemed like she had it all planned out from the start and it made you incredibly upset. he was too oblivious to say no and she was too persistent to give up. you headed back to your apartment 'cause that sight ruined your day alone.
when seungmin got to the dorms late at night, he saw that the maknae was still awake and on the phone with someone. he didn't pay too much attention to it but then he heard jeongin comforting someone who seemed very upset on the other side. but when he heard who it was, it all crumbled.
"(y/n) hyung/noona, it's okay. i'm sorry you had to witness that, i wish you didn't choose to spend your birthday alone and you dropped by. you're never a bother to us!" he said and seungmin couldn't hear what you responded but he heard jeongin end the call. he took in what happened today and he didn't know what was gonna happen next. "hyung you really messed up this time..." jeongin said as he saw his friend's figure standing by the door.
"i'm such a fucking idiot." seungmin said and as he looked at the time, he knew he was too late. your birthday was gone and there was no way of turning time around to make it up to you.
jeongin ✉
you woke up to an empty bed. it was okay because you remembered you had plans at night for your birthday and you knew jeongin was working today. looking at your phone, flooded with messages from the boys, your friends, your family, everyone you knew. yet there was no jeongin, maybe he was waiting to see you to tell it to you in person, yeah that was the conclusion in your head.
night time arrived pretty quickly and before you knew it you were getting dressed to go to dinner. your reservation was made by you and it was for the both of you to have a good time. you would eventually celebrate your birthday with your friends and family on another day but tonight was just for you and innie which made you smile. just thinking about seeing him made your heart beat faster, it's like you kept falling in love with him all over again every time you had a date.
when you arrived, jeongin still wasn't there and you spent the time texting seungmin back and forth. he told you that jeongin had already left practice earlier and he imagined it was because he wanted to prepare for your birthday. you hoped it was but it didn't really make sense that he wouldn't be here then if he got out of work a bit earlier. 
30 minutes passed, no sign of your boyfriend. it had you quite concerned as you looked at the door every time someone walked in but it was never him. disappointed but still with hope, you called seungmin just to keep you company for a bit.
"that's really weird. usually he's on time for everything and i'm pretty sure he told me about dinner with you like two days ago?" seungmin said and it felt like you were preparing for the worst as you took in his words. he was right though, he usually would be the first to arrive all the time and today he didn't even text you. "we should give it time though, let's just hope he's getting you a gift or something."
"he does tend to forget to buy gifts so it does seem possible." you respond and seungmin laughs as he remembers the time jeongin showed up to his birthday party, rushing from getting him a last minute present. 
seungmin had to go to your dismay and then you looked at the clock. an hour and thirty minutes had passed, you were sure you were getting kicked out if you hit the two hour mark. you grabbed your phone again and doubted if you should call your boyfriend or not but decided to give it a try. you just wanted to know if everything was okay and if something had happened. you weren't prepared though when you heard that voice on the other line.
"(y/n)? what do you want?" soohee responded to your call and you didn't know how to feel about many things. one why was she using your boyfriend's phone and two why was she there in the first place. 
"can i talk to jeongin?" you said ignoring all the red flags for now if you could only hear your boyfriend's voice justifying this even though there was no way of doing so. you already wanted to cry thinking of all the scenarios in your head but you shook them off.
"he's busy right now but i can send him a message if you want?" soohee said with the most fake tone you've ever heard and you nodded as the tears spilled. you grabbed your things preparing to leave because you just couldn't be there anymore.
"tell him to go fuck himself." you said as you hanged up and it was kinda dramatic but you felt in every right to do so as you left a tip for the waiter and stepped out of the restaurant. 
jeongin looked at soohee as he asked her to pick up the phone for him but then realized it was a big mistake because he didn't think of the possibility of you being on the other line. he knew you two didn't get along but he tried his best to make you two avoid each other.
"who was it?" jeongin asked because he was indeed busy as he was in the kitchen and soohee was sitting in the couch. she laughed as she recalled how mad you sounded on the other line and said your name. jeongin froze as he thought about you hearing his friend's voice in the other line instead of his. "what did they say?"
"that you should go fuck yourself which was kind of rude but then i suddenly remembered it's their birthday." soohee said and jeongin took a deep breath as he remembered the dinner reservation. of course you were fuming, of course he deserved to go fuck himself and of course this would be the end if he didn't make it up to you. he was panicking as he grabbed his things and tried not to cry all the way to your apartment. he needed to fix this mess that he created.
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pinkzier · 5 months
hi sweetheart
May I request a Minji smut 😿 like anything you want but with a sassy rude Minji and bottom reader 😓😓
this is my first non anon request 😭🤭
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Kim Minji x F!Reader
A/n: HI SWEETHEART!! Tysm for the request and It was fun making it! sorry bc takes so long to do bc I wrote it in full but I saw that you hadn't asked for gp and I was so behind with my studies that I couldn't finish it sooner...This is fucking long AND I'M NOT GOING TO REVIEW THIS
Warnings: smut, fanservice, Possessive jealousy, swearing, fingering, cum eating, oral(r and m) sucking breast, pet names, face sitting (m receiving) scissor and idols being mentioned in the middle of sex
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If you were to be completely honest, it wasn't your fault about the lack of attention towards Minji, you were one of the most famous people in your group and you needed to do your mc paper, promoting ships and rehearsing the songs
But Minji couldn't think, your relationship was private, but it never went this long without sex, not that she's needy obviously
And it seemed like every day that passed seemed like everything was against her, literally everything
when you arrived at her dorm wearing only her sweatshirt she could feel herself blushing, and taking advantage of the fact that there was no one in the dorm what she thought she grabbed you fiercely, your body seeming tiny against hers, her lips tasted you desperately, her red lips tasting everything of yours, going down to your neck and giving open kisses, not even minding your hand on her arm trying to push her away, but not making any effort
That is until she hears the dorm floor creaking with hurried footsteps, while the voices of what could be considered Hanni's and Hyein's voices resound in the dorms, coming from Haerin's dorm to Danielle's and coming straight to Minji's.
you hurriedly move away from minji, wiping the remaining saliva from your lips that belonged to minji, and move away from her when you see bulging eyes looking at you, it was hanni and she could already feel the tension "did I disturb somethi-" she asks reluctant "no" you and minji interrupt her in unison
"The director said we're going to do a collaboration with some groups for this year's mama" Hanni says, a smile on her face and her eyes shining.
If you knew what would happen, you would have refused, they again made you join the famous idol from each group, making 3 group formations, the first group having you, wonyoung, yunjin and Miyeon, the second group being, Hyein, Leeseo, Eunchae and shuhua, and the third group was Minji, gaeul, Sakura and yuqi, they always left you far from their members to put you with the most popular ones, last year you were with Karina from aespa and it was the most viral news of the week
now you are on the other side of the room, while the director tells you to stay in the center while wonyoung and yunjin kiss your cheek and you do aegyo, all the groups have different directors and you can see Minji never looking away from your director as if that magically makes her change his mind and she can perform with you
" did you understand Kim minji?" the director speaks while minji continues paying attention to her director until gaeul softly calls out to her "Kim minji?" then she blinks softly and her cheeks flush "I'm sorry, what were you saying?.." she mutters and bites her own lower lip in embarrassment "you're going to wear an outfit matching one of the girls" how ridiculous, that was the height of it, she never had talked to any of the girls before and was going to have to do this? "Are all groups going to do this?" she asks, coming out thicker than she thought "they're going to do worse" the director murmurs and looks at your group "they're going to do worse, believe me" the director says once again and looks back at the girls in front of him, without noticing how Minji frowns and one of her eyebrows is raised, great thinks Minji
Minji could feel herself blushing when she saw your performance outfit, she felt like a dirty girl for being horny in a particularly normal outfit, she doesn't know if it was because her lips looked so tempting and she could only imagine what they would look in her strap as your eyes sparkled and you choked on its length, she swallowed and looked away from you, her lips forming a straight line as she waited for the makeup artists to finish putting on her makeup and tying her skirt, everything seemed perfect until she heard a two producers talking about you and yunjin "they would make a perfect ship" "I think she suits wonyoung better" and then she realized that you were going to get involved in yet another dating rumor with another bitch, not her.
The way to Mama was more tense than you thought, you always tried to talk to Minji, like saying her hair was cool, but she purposely pretended not to hear you and went straight to Haerin's side, holding her hand and whispering things in her ear. You can feel yourself tensing up and you narrowed your eyes, moving closer to hanni and grabbing the upper part of her arm "Do you know what happened to minji?" you whisper in her ear, as you continue walking towards the stage, hanni jumps a little and her eyes widen "you scared me..." she sighs and looks ahead "no...is she normal?" She raises an eyebrow "ok" you murmur as you drag your hand out of her arm's reach and resume walking following the members of your group
the performance was even more tense, minji didn't take her eyes off you and didn't even hide it, it was shameful, while you hugged wonyoung and she kissed your cheek the audience went crazy and from the side you could see minji burning your side straight from the head , almost as if he wanted to read your mind, when the presentation ended, You were on your way to the van and stopped at a place for people to take photos, something traditional, your place was on the left next to Minji but surprisingly now danielle stole her place..
When you arrived at the big van, you were going to sit in the front so as not to disturb Minji, but she nervously pulled your wrist and made you sit on her lap at the back of the van, the other members were too tired to see this, you could feel yourself blushing as you Minji's nails dug into your inner thigh and her warm breath blew on your neck
"W-what are you doing minji?" you mumble softly, as you try to adjust yourself but every time you move, Minji's nails dig deeper into your thigh "nothing" she says bluntly, while looking at the window
You remain silent, not knowing what else to say "Did you have fun with wonyoung?" she says, the question hanging in the air, while Hyein's snoring and low music coming from danielle's headphones is heard" i said" She keeps talking "Did you have fun with wonyoung?" the question now comes out more like a growl
you bite your lower lip, hesitant to speak, you know that anything and she would get more stressed "I don't know" you say hesitantly, a laugh sounds softly, making your body shake slightly "You little bitch.." she says, your hand coming down your skirt, you blush and instantly close your legs "h-hey...minji" "shut the fuck up" she says rudely "if you wake the girls up, it won't be good right?" she says ironically in your ear
she opens your legs without your will, you can feel her mischievous smile without even seeing it, she puts her hand inside your panties, feeling your wetness "you're wet" she says moaning "how come you didn't want that?" She says, running her hand all over your folds, rubbing your wetness until you reach your clit, she rubs it, you can feel it throb with sensitivity, Minji circles it firmly in her fingers
" Don't make any noise okay" she says softly and inserts two fingers at once, easily entering your hot walls, you feel something hard in your ass and you already know that Minji is hard
your legs shake slightly, as minji moves in and out quickly, your body quickly becoming aroused and wetter, minji towers over you and kisses your neck, leaving wet kisses on the corner of your neck "you're so tight, i always fuck you and You always look like a virgin" she says bluntly, the comment bringing a strange feeling in your belly of excitement.
with every second that passed you felt that sensation coming, and minji could feel you squeezing her fingers, her other free hand went down to your clit and squeezed it and then rubbed it "come for me" she says, her voice hoarse, with more After a few thrusts you cum, you let out a slight scream, which makes Haerin move in front of the van, your legs shake uncontrollably, while you let out small whimpers while Minji continued rubbing your clit, after a while she pulled away, removing her fingers from you. inside your pussy, and before you can process it she shoves them inside her mouth, closing her eyes and savoring it like it's a delicious food, you blush and hit her arm "idiot" you mutter as you adjust yourself on her lap, Minji gives a mischievous smile and moves away, putting your panties in place, making you feel dirty with cum, making you uncomfortable, and she knew it.
The van didn't take long to arrive, when it arrived at the dorm, Minji was the last to get up, as you arrived at the elevator, it was silent, Minji had her hand on your waist firmly while Danielle was almost asleep standing, haerin looking at the ceiling and hyein and hanni talking about watching a movie today
" I was so scared, the van was making noises and moving strangely" Hanni in the middle of the conversation "Did you notice that too?" Hyein says with wide eyes "I think it was from Danielle's headphones, she just sleeps like that" Minji enters in the conversation, justifying, the two girls seem to think and nod their heads in agreement
when the elevator arrives the girls get out first, minji forcing you to wait for the girls to get out
She wraps her fingers around your wrist and pulls you towards her room at the end of the hall, it seems like something has finally worked out in your life
She throws you into the room, closing the door quickly and pinning you to the wall, moving her hands not so subtly to your breasts, squeezing them like balls, feeling everything you want in her hands "M-minji, not here" you try to say but her lips get in your way, your tongues meeting aggressively
"Shut up" she says her fingers going down to the hem of her blouse, playing with her until pulling her up, throwing her anywhere in the room and grabbing her waist while pressing her hips with yours, making your head to spin
her hands go up and she goes to the clasp of her bra, her fingers fumbling with the clasp until it releases with a click, falling to the floor and her breasts are exposed to minji, her eyes shining
She quickly puts her right breast in her mouth, the sensation making it harden, Minji runs her tongue in circles over it while she raises her hand to the left and holds it between her fingers, rubbing it, then let go of the right breast and move on to the other, sucking them eagerly, you put your fingers on the back of her neck and pull her impossibly closer, minji moaning and immediately stopping "I bet you're very wet" minji says her lips letting go your breast with a pop and going straight to your mouth
minji's hands go down to your shorts, fumbling with the buttons because she's kissing you, on a shelf your shorts are on the floor
"let me see this princess" minji murmurs, squatting in front of you and seeing your transparent panties in excitement, she licks her lips and gives a smile, without even bothering to look into your eyes, she had a priority
She kisses your clit through your panties, making you shudder, she slides the panties aside and immediately sinks into your wet folds.
She licks your clit and lowers it to your entrance, her hands holding your thighs that were shaking, She circles your entrance with her tongue and sinks in, you instantly moaning loudly, she looks at you "if you moan loudly I'll stop, hyein can't hear that" she growls and sinks in again the sensation of nothingness making you shudder
She takes one hand off your thigh and circles two fingers at your entrance, immediately sinkings "I can't wait to fuck you" she murmurs, her fingers opening forming scissors inside you as you hold on to her shoulders for dear life, your legs going wobbly and almost falling to the ground, the combination of Minji's tongue and her nose hitting your clit and your fingers in your pussy, hitting that spongy spot made you scream, she was hungry, and she sucked your pussy like she was starving, she was desperate for this sensation
You could feel yourself getting close to the edge with every second that passed and when minji moved her fingers inside you and doubled them that was when a sudden explosion happened, your whole body shook with pleasure and you put your hand over your mouth to try and push the fingers away. inevitable moans to come out
when the pleasure was diminishing minji got up, taking off her clothes and revealing that she was wetter than she thought, she was soaked, when she took off her own panties she pulled you to the bed, opening your leg and getting on top of you, for a second staring at you until she sits up, the feeling of your clit against hers making you and her roll your eyes at the same time
you are sensitive from the past orgasm, and the sensation of your entrance rubbing against minji's made you squirm, minji's juices were making you more wet, your pussy and minji's were in sync, your clit hitting her entrance and then rubbing her pulsating clit
“Tell me no one makes you come like me, not even wonyoung” minji growls, demanding as she puts her hand on the back of your neck and pulls your hair, forcing your head back"f-fuck minji.. n-nobady" you babble, too focused on pleasure to know how to pronounce a word, minji bites her bottom lip, her mouth opening in a silent moan as she desperately rubs against you, their pussies making a wet noise that echoes throughout the room. "Ahn..ah... I'm going to cum" minji moans, bringing her face closer to your neck and sucking, leaving a mark" please...i-i...fuckk" minji moans loudly rolling her eyes and gripping the sheet, when she cums her legs tremble against you, but you are getting close to your own climax so you continue rubbing against minji's swollen clit, seeking your own pleasure
minji was getting overstimulated because of the pleasure and tried to push you away but you didn't care, your clits collided 3 times in a row then your turn finally came, you fought not to scream, your head spinning with pleasure
after you and minji cum you look at each other for a few seconds until minji separates from you, a string of cum connecting your pussy to hers, her pussy was swollen and red "clean me" minji says bluntly, She doesn't even give you time to respond, her head fogged from the old pleasure, she just goes in front of you and opens her legs in your face, you just accept it, eyes closed and just open your mouth, leaving your tongue for Minji to use
minji immediately sits on your tongue, rubbing her clitoris on your tongue, the taste of her left you addicted, the taste of your juices mixed with hers made you drunk, despite being tired you closed your lips on her clit, sucking and shaking her language in it
minji seemed closer and closer to the edge, then with a thrust she pulls your hair closer to her, suffocating you in her pussy, you do as you are told, minji seems to be very focused on the pleasure and with a thrust she cums, closing her legs on her head, her ears ringing from how tightly she closed her legs
After a few minutes she gets off of you, laying down on your side, panting and pulling you "Sorry" she murmurs "f-for what?" you say breathlessly "I wanted to fuck you in the middle of the people in your group..but I couldn't" she says normally and closes her eyes, her body relaxing "uh..why?" you say
no response.
You groan in pain and look up, seeing Minji already sleeping "good night" you kiss her forehead and close your eyes
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slayfics · 1 year
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Eijiro gets worried when he sees you spending time with Katsuki.
1,300 words~
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Eijiro came downstairs into the common room of the dorms. Immediately he was drawn to your laughter. What he didn't expect to see was you sitting next to Katsuki.
Katsuki was never particularly funny. Usually, people even moved away from him in the common room due to his easily excitable temper. So why were you sitting so close to him laughing?
"Hey," Eijiro greeted you both and sat awkwardly in between you.
"Hi, Kirishima! It took you longer to come down than I thought, what were you up to all this time?" You greeted smiling sweetly at him. Eijiro opened his mouth to speak but was quickly interrupted.
"Probably analyzing some old videos of Crimson like a nerd," Katsuki huffed, causing you to laugh again.
"You do really like Crimson," You giggled in agreement with Katsuki. Even though your tone was playful, Eijiro couldn't help but shrink into himself as he felt made fun of. Since when did you start agreeing with Katsuki on things he wondered?
"Um, well what were you both talking about," Eijiro asked, trying to change the subject.
"How cool Bakugo was in the training today! I can't believe his team was able to capture every one of their opponents without any injuries! That was amazing!" You said enthusiastically. Eijiro felt himself shrink even further into himself at you praising Katsuki.
Eijiro himself didn't do well at all in the training today, being captured almost right away. Eijiro also couldn't help but notice the twinkle in your eyes when you spoke about Katsuki and he felt his heart become heavy.
Your phone buzzed a few times capturing your attention.
"Oh looks like the girls are ready for me, we promised to study together today. I guess I'll see you guys later then!" You called out as you left, leaving the two boys alone.
"Hey, man what was that about," Eijiro asked Katsuki.
"Hu?" He grunted.
"Since when were you two friends?" Eijiro asked, trying not to sound as concerned as he was.
"We're not. She came up and started talking to me," Katuski said indifferently.
"Oh...," Eijiro looked down at the floor, feeling his heart swell even more. You approached him, he thought. That made things even worse.
"The hell you look like that for?" Katsuki nudged his friend.
"It's just... well you're not interested in her right?" Eijiro asked softly so no one else in the common room could hear. Katsuki laughed at his remark.
"Oh man, you're asking because you're nervous aren't you?" Katuski flashed him a cocky grin. "Because if I wanted her it would be too easy for me to take her from you," He teased his friend.
"Hey man cut it out," Eijiro said, feeling himself becoming angry.
"Whatever, get yourself together," Katskui said, leaving his friend alone on the couch. Realizing Katsuki never said he wasn't interested in you, Eijiro couldn't help but feel sick to his stomach.
It ate at him the whole rest of the night as he worked out in his room, as he studied, as he showered. He couldn't get it off of his mind. Were you interested in Katsuki?
It was nearly time for him to sleep but all he found was discomfort in his bed. Tossing and tuning hearing your laughter at Katsuki's comments over and over again in his mind.
Fuck it.
Eijiro grabbed his phone and messaged you.
Hey how did studying with the girls go?
It was fun! But, I don't think I learned much to be honest. We were mainly just talking.
What about?
If I told you I'd have to kill you. What happens in girls' study night stays in girls' study night.
Oh, come on, you can trust me.
Fine, we were talking about boys.
Eijiro felt his face become hot. Were you talking to the other girls about Katuski... Eijiro figured he would never have a better moment to ask and put his mind at ease.
Was Bakugo one of the boys mentioned?
Why would you ask that?
You seemed to be getting along really well with him today, that's all.
Kirishima, can you meet me in the common room? I want to tell you something.
Eijiro felt his heart sink. Were you going to confess that you were interested in Katsuki?
Eijiro made his way down to the common room where he found you waiting on the couch. Your hands clasped together nervously on your lap twirling your thumbs back and forth.
“Hey man what's up?" He asked, sitting next to you.
"Why would you ask me about Bakugo?" You whispered trying to remain quiet and not alert anyone else sleeping in the dorms.
"Oh well uh, you did compliment him pretty hard today, and you know, you seemed to be laughing at everything he said," Eijiro said shrugging his shoulders, trying to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal to him, even though his heart was pounding a million miles a minute.
"Oh, I guess that makes sense. Well being honest I...," You looked down a blush tinting your face causing you to stop.
Fuck she does like him, Eijiro thought feeling his whole heart shatter into pieces.
"Go on you can tell me," Eijiro said, sweetly despite feeling like he was dying inside.
"I um... I've only been trying to be closer to Bakugo recently because well... because he is your friend." You said looking down at your feet too embarrassed to look up at Eijiro.
"Hu?" Eijiro was completely lost. You were talking to Bakugo because why now? That made no sense.
"Yeah... I thought if maybe I got closer to your friends I'd be able to spend more time with you as a result." You confessed your face turning an even deeper red.
Holy crap did she say she wants to spend more time with me? Eijiro felt his whole perspective flip and it felt as though he was dreaming now, one of those dreams you don't ever want to wake up from.
"You wanted to spend more time with me?" He asked, completely astonished at his luck.
"Yeah... I mean I really like being around you Kirishima," You said, glancing over at him. The look on his face was an indescribable happiness.
"You sure it wasn't Bakugo you liked being around? He's so manly with his quirk and he has been doing really well recently... and I... I blew it at today's training," Eijiro said, looking slightly downcast again.
"Kirishima, you're too hard on yourself! Yes, your friend has been doing well but he is not you. I like you... you're the sweetest person I've ever met and I can't help but have this dumb smile on my face every time you are around," You said, bringing your sleeves to your face and trying to hide your blush.
"You know... I was really beaten up thinking you liked Bakugo... Hearing how you really feel has got me feeling all kinds of stuff," Eijiro laughed nervously rubbing his neck. "Feels too good to be true, and your words are so kind. That means a lot to me coming from you. From now on you can just ask if you want to spend time with me, you don't have to get closer to my friends to do it." Eijiro spoke.
You nodded in agreement, "Well I guess we better get some sleep it's late now," you said standing up feeling completely nervous and overwhelmed with your confession.
"Yeah I guess we should," Eijiro said, standing up and following your lead, even though he wanted nothing more than to spend more time with you.
"Kirishima," You called, causing him to stop. You ran to him and grabbed his arm gently as you pressed your lips to his cheek giving him a quick kiss. "Goodnight," You said nervously and hurried away, too shy to watch his reaction.
Eijiro now stood alone in the common room, his face as red as hair.
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@unofficialmuilover @snowmist-hashira
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Misogyny in the fandom: let's talk about it
Not gonna lie, the level of interalized or even just blatant misogyny in this fandom is really disheartening sometimes. There is already VERY few female characters in the book, even fewer with speaking roles, and yet I see all of them being hated on in some way. People hate on Cherry for standing up for herself when Dally was harrasing her, and for not seeing Johnny in the hospital, which bullshit to begin with but also, you can't tell me that if the roles were reversed and Cherry sat down behind Dallas and starting talking about how stupid and classless greaser boys are, and Dally threw a coke at her, that the fandom wouldn't love him all the more for it. People hold her to this impossible golden standard, expecting her to literally be perfect instead of a conflicted and grieving teenage girl, when they embrace the flaws and give a lot more grace to much more violent and 'bad' male characters. It's a very 'boys will be boys' and 'girls mature fatser so they should know better' double standard that I really can't stand. Marcia gets a level of the same treatment, with people occasionally calling her vapid or shallow when the book makes it clear she and Two-bit actually really hit it off, and the number she gave him being fake was only Two and Ponyboy's speculation. But I digress. Moving on.
Misogyny and classism intersect when it comes to the few female greaser characters we get a little insight on. So many people LOATHE both Sandy and Sylvia because they're cheaters, but honestly, how is cheating worse than stealing? (And don't pretend they steal because they need to survive Ponyboy makes a point of claiming Two-bit doesn't really need or want half the stuff he shoplifts) How is it worse than jumping little kids? How is it worse than sexually harassing girls? How is it worse than the plethora of immoral or illegal activities the greaser guys partake in? If we're being 100% honest, it isn't. "But-but Sandy cheated on Soda, who really loved her". Yeah, she did. That was shitty of her, I'm not defending that, but she was also a sixteen year old girl in a tough situation she was trying to navigate the best she could. She could have lied and told Soda it was his and trapped him in a marriage raising a kid he definitely couldn't afford if she wanted to- but she didn't. Hell, she told him the truth and he was still ready to do that and she wouldn't let him. I don't think those are the actions of a completely terrible person, I think they're the actions of a scared kid who did some shitty things, but is trying her best and trying to do better. At the VERY least they're the actions of a multifaceted character who deserves the same level of grace and insight afforded to the male characters. (If anyone wants to read more of my thoughts on Sandy and her narrative importance, I have a post here). There's also something to be said about the poor 'greasy' girls facing harsher vitriol than the soc girls, and while part of it is because of Ponyboy's biased narration, it's clear to see that readers very much took his views at face value. Soc girls are 'good girls' and have to be perfect to deserve credit from the fans, but greasy girls are 'trashy' so it's ok for them to be judged and shit on. Spoiler alert: it isn't.
Sylvia is similar to Sandy in that her cheating and 'loose' behaviour earn her a lot of hate, which again, I'm not defending her cheating, but we need to give her the same analysis and benefit of the doubt given to Dally. Dally is NOT a good person. Ponyboy says this and makes it clear plenty of times. He's a hurt character, so we can explien why he is the way he is, but he isn't a GOOD character. he values loyalty, so he never cheated on Sylvia, but it's clear based on how he treats Cherry and casual comments he makes that he doesn't really respect women. I can't imagine Sylvia's experience dating him was one where she felt very adored. Again, not an excuse for cheating, but I can understand WHY she'd try and take back power within a dynamic and a society where she never had any, and I don't want to vilify her for that. She's also a poor woman growing up in the sixties- the book makes it clear life is hard enough for poor guys griowing up at that time, but it was probably equally if not more hard for poor women. I think, like the gang, she does what she had to to survive. If you can understand why the gang does bad things, and still be humans who can be considered good, you can extend the same understanding to Sylvia (and Sandy.) I think people need to also keep in mind that everything we know ABOUT Sylvia (and the rest of the female characters) we know from Ponyboy, a fourteen year old boy who's narration is INCREDIBLY biased and who doesn't have the full details of any of the relationships in the gang. Ponyboy sees Sylvia and Sandy as these terrible, loose women who have hurt people he cares about, so a lot of the fandom does too, but it doesn't change the fact that by doing so you're accepting and embracing Ponyboy's internalized misogyny and making it your own.
Anyway, I don't think I'm articulating this as well as i want to, and i spoke a bit more about this in this reply to one of the posts on the confessions page, but yeah, I just wish people could accept that fact that if they bend over backward to find ways to defend or explain immoral actions from male characters, but refuse to even attempt to do the same for female characters, they've probably internalized a bit of misogyny they should maybe work on.
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g1rld1ary · 4 months
lifeguard!james x reader 2
wc: 1587
cw: nowhere near as horny as the first one (my period ended), still mentions of sexual feelings, swearing
you went back to the pool the next day. was it for james? no. was it not for james? you weren't answering that. but there he was when you and the girls walked in just after lunchtime, sunglasses on to avoid the reflection from the water. you had to admit you were glad he was working, you'd forgotten your book at home and needed something fun to look at when you were tanning.
you were allowed to observe him shamelessly for a minute and a half whilst he was preoccupied explaining something to hilda, one of the old ladies who possibly spent every day of summer at the public pool (she was big on aqua aerobics). it was even better when he did see you all, though, his face breaking out into a boyish grin as he waved. the girls all waved back and you pulled your sunglasses down past your eyes with one hand, raising one eyebrow with a smile. he responded with a silly exaggeration of his heart beating against his chest with his hands, drawing an unwilling giggle out of you. he looked pleased with the reaction.
james left you all alone for a little, actually doing his job while you soaked up the sun, discussing your summer readings with lily. marlene and mary were filling out magazine quizzes next to you, occasionally asking for opinions. about a half hour later james approached you with an excited "ladies! it's good to see you back again!" mary laughed with a polite greeting in return, twisting in her beach chair to face him. you all followed, and you couldn't resist teasing him.
"hope you don't think it's because of you, baywatch." james shook his head sagely.
"i would never dare. i mean, clearly, this is the place to be." he gestured around the facility, obviously referring to the fact that you and your friends were the only people there aged between 15 and 30. lily laughed then, pushing her sunglasses up into her hair to look at him properly.
"is this your way of asking where people actually hang out?" james shrugged. "to be completely honest, most of our age group sleep through the day to do dumb shit at night, it's the best way to escape the heat," she explained.
"the few that are awake usually hang around the arcade," marlene added, "or the village -- that's the shopping centre. usually our group hang out there if it's horrid weather, there's a decent cinema and a music shop, passable food as well." james nodded, looking genuinely interested in what marlene had to say about it.
"maybe you'll all have to show me around it one time," he said cheekily, and you all made entertained noises at his forwardness.
"desperate for our company, are you?" you teased, but james just shrugged easily.
"i told you yesterday, i literally have zero friends here." there was something charming in his openness about being a complete loser, and you could tell the others felt similarly.
"don't be silly, james, we'll be your friends," lily said kindly, using the same tone she did when talking to the kids she tutored.
"yeah," marlene agreed, "you can't be any worse than the other tossers we're friends with." you all laughed at that, thinking of the boys who refused to accompany you to the pool.
"and they've not come with you?" james asked, catching onto the unsaid easier than he probably should as a relative stranger.
"they wouldn't be caught dead. sirius cares about his hair too much to even be around all these germs, and remus tries not to be in the sun if he can avoid it. poor peter refuses to be the only guy hanging out with us, I think we still scare him a little after all these years," mary joked, and james looked utterly delighted to be hearing about your lives.
he excused himself not long after to get back to the job he should've been doing the whole time, and you admired the way his arse looked in the swim shorts as he left.
"he seems nice," you muttered, and the others agreed. lily raised one perfect red eyebrow.
"are we talking about his personality or the body you can't stop staring at?" you gasped, not offended at her statement but more than willing to pretend.
"are you calling me a whore?" you asked with a hand over your chest.
"you said it," marlene quipped and you cried out in protest, lines of mock outrage spilling from your lips.
you got bored of bickering quickly, the heat taking most of the fight out of you. you sat in relative silence for a while until lily declared it time for more water, taking marlene to go buy you all bottles from the corner shop down the street. the ones at the tragic pool bar were never cold and she wanted ones from the fridge. that left you and a sleeping mary on either side of your line of chairs. you pushed yourself up to a sitting position, leaning over to grab the magazine lying on marlene's towel.
you flipped through it lazily, but couldn't stop your eyes from drifting up to where james sat in his lifeguard's chair, wiping sweat from his brow. there was something about him that interested you (aside from the god-like body). he had an easy openness that you scarcely found in guys your age; he wasn't afraid to be lame or honest and didn't seem to be interested in making himself sound any better than he was to a group of four hot girls -- if you did say so yourself. he was refreshing, and not just visually.
as if he could read your mind james started approaching, and you quickly busied yourself in an article you couldn't care less about.
"hi," he said, standing in front of your chair. you looked up, feigning slight surprise, as if you hadn't been listening to his flip-flops grow closer.
"couldn't stay away?" you asked, closing the magazine in a way you hoped didn't look eager.
"you caught me," he sighed, smile making its way onto his face.
"shouldn't you be working?"
"i'm taking my break. thought i'd come keep you company."
"how generous," you mused, "would've thought you'd gotten enough of a view of me during your shift from up on that seat of yours." james had the decency to look mildly embarrassed for a moment, but it passed quickly and he took it in stride, sitting on the edge of your deck chair, careful not to drip water on your belongings.
"i'm only appreciating the natural beauty of this town. besides, someone's gotta do it if your boyfriend won't bother coming here with you, wouldn't want such a nice bikini to go to waste." you felt hot at the compliment and you knew it wasn't just the sun. you tried to play it off.
"are you asking if i'm single?" james paused for a moment, possibly thinking through his options, then nodded, unashamed. "you don't even know my name."
"you won't tell me."
"touché." you let yourself smile a little, loving the way james' eyes crinkled when he returned it. "done anything to earn it yet?" you could see him genuinely thinking and wondered whether he'd make up a miraculous story about an epic save he made just before you arrived at the pool.
"no, guess not." he settled on, disarming you again. the near-constant earnestness in his way of speaking hadn't stopped catching you by surprise yet, and you wouldn't be shocked if it never did.
"and what, no girlfriend up north to scold you for staring at my tits?" you teased as james' eyes flew back up to yours, only relaxing when he saw you weren't upset.
"free as a bird," he confirmed quietly, "though I'm sure it's of no interest to you." the air felt electric between you, had he always been this close? you were face to face, only a few inches between you. you could feel butterflies erupting not just in your stomach.
"obviously," you answered, similarly quiet. the moment felt inappropriately intimate despite the people around you. you were equal parts glad and furious when lily and marlene returned, unsure of what you might have succumbed to right there on the deck chair if you hadn't been interrupted. james looked equally worked up, hazy look in his eyes making him appear already fucked out. he stood with a start, excusing himself to get back to work.
"see you around, baywatch," you said, strategically reapplying some lipgloss. you didn't miss his glance at your lips.
"hope so, dollface." you were glad james was leaving because the nickname made you falter, going straight to your ovaries. you'd done it to yourself yet were no more prepared, staring dumbly after him.
you tried to play it off quickly, picking the magazine up where you left off and flipping through noncommittally. you could feel your friends' eyes on you and pointedly ignored it, eyes trained down at some 'best-dressed' list you'd found.
"just your luck that you get first dibs on the hot new guy," mary complained, but you could tell she wasn't all that bothered.
"you are going to eat him alive," marlene laughed and lily nodded, the two of them already sharing condolences for james. you didn't say anything, but judging from the coil still wound tight in your lower belly, maybe it wasn't james they had to be worried about.
i need him fr
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angelsdean · 4 months
All these thoughts also prompted me to think abt what John and Mary's fights were often about, especially the fight where John leaves and Dean then comforts Mary. And I think a big part of it was Mary keeping secrets and sneaking around with regard to hunting.
We know she was still hunting in 1980, when she saves Asa Fox. Dean would've been a year old and the hunt is not local, it's up in Canada. Mary says she's been tracking this werewolf for a long time and that they have history. I do think when she says "a long time" she means years and that she hasn't actively been tracking it but it's been something on the back-burner that she's kept an eye on all these years. But that still means she left for a number of days at the very least, and I wonder what she told John. What excuse did she come up with to justify suddenly taking off when they have a baby at home. And no, I don't think she needed to be there as "the mom" to take care of Dean or that she can't spend time away from the home or that fathers are incapable of taking care of their children or anything like that. But I think John would certainly wonder what's taking her away from them so suddenly. What could possibly be so important. And with a hunt like this, I don't think she could've exactly given him a set time-frame for her return.
Now, imagine that happening multiple times. Imagine that happening again when Sam is just a few months old. She says she has to go visit her uncle who's poorly (father of the Campbell cousins. The uncle that paid for her headstone when she died). And then she's gone for longer than she anticipated. And John is just suspicious. And when she comes back they argue about it. "I know you're lying! Just tell me the truth, Mary! What, are you seeing someone else?" And Mary holding firm to her lies because her family cannot know about the supernatural and hunting. Because she doesn't want her kids growing up like she did. Because John is her suburban fairytale. He can't know. And then John snaps. He's pissed. He thinks she's cheating while he's working to provide for the family AND watching the kids in her absence. So he flings a "Is Sam even mine?" at her in his rage and she slaps him and tells him "Don't you dare" and then John storms out in a huff but then calls later to talk about it more and Mary shuts him down. "No, John. … We’re not having this conversation again... Think about what? … You’ve two boys at home. …"
I can imagine a version of this phone call going something like this:
John calls. Maybe apologizes for what he said, but mostly just wants her to be honest with him.
John: Please, Mary, can we just talk about this.
Mary: No, John.
John: I just want you to tell me the truth! What are you hiding? What's going on that you can't tell me?
Mary: We're not having this conversation again.
John: Oh okay, 'we're not having this conversation again.' Well then can you blame me for where my mind is going? What would you think, huh?
Mary: Think about what?
John: You know how it looks, Mary. And I just, I can't keep doing this--
Mary: You have two boys at home. (and ohh the delicious irony of that in the context of her being the one leaving to continue hunting in secret)
John, probably, since the convo seems to continue: Oh that is rich coming from you right now, Mary.
Anyways, this is only one of many many scenarios I can imagine of their fights. And it's perhaps a little too sympathetic to John, but! I enjoy thinking of John complexly, especially considering how Young John is presented in SPN, and also John in the opening scene of the Pilot seems like the easy-going family man, who definitely had underlying issues prior to Mary's death (thank you SPNWIN for confirming that) but clearly those issues got worse after Mary's death, and for the most part he wasn't yet the guy we see him become after he is transformed by grief and anger. Also s12 Mary's rose-tinted recollections of John being such a good father, which starkly contrast to Dean's later memories of John, I think it's not a huge leap to say John pre-Mary's death was a good father, and I think seeing Mary leave them (likely repeatedly) under secretive circumstances for days at a time would have bothered John back then and been a continuous point of contention in their marriage.
And again, this is all simply one angle of interpretation, theorizing, and headcanoning and by no means the only possible scenario.
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Submission message: howdy, would like to submit keith and lance from voltron (lmao)
Submission message: BBC Sherlock and Moriarty / BBC Sherlock and John Watson
Additional propaganda: Now Keith and Lance on the other hand was a whole fucking mess that they then shoehorned in an hetero romance to try and "fix it" but by lord it was bad, everything about voltron is so fucking bad
Anyway this is my Klance propaganda : They were actually bait
Klance's queer baiting by the team was the worst!! We had to deal with NETFLIX ALSO GETTING IN ON THE QUEER BAITING!! If you searched up Kkance during the times for season 6-8, the SHOW WOULD POP UP. The directors would make jokes about it being canon, even Lance's VA got in the joke!
Their queer baiting was the worst for anyone who was even looking for an ounce of queer rep in that show. The only queer rep we got was a man who died after not even 5 minutes on screen, and shoehorned in the credit scene of a gay wedding of a character that was neither Keith nor Lance.
I do not know Agatha and Sophie, so I can't argue that klance was bigger bait or not, I just know voltron was mean lmao. the creators said stuff like "lance will be someone's first choice!" (meaning NOT ending up in a relationship with allura bc she very much chose another guy over him) and heavily implying he would be Keith's 1st choice (or a guy in general bc of point number 2). point number 2: they also released official art showing how super cool and diverse the main cast was! race! gender! LGBT - they had shiro (who was......canon gay but that's a whole other can of worms) and lance hold the sign with LGBT on it and then did absolutely nothing with that w lance at all (he hit on allura, so obvi he's not gay, but at least bi or smt) (UNLESS you count the scenes where he's flirty with keith). I just remember going into the last few seasons being like "klance probably won't be happen be honest with yourself there's like no queer kids shows!! but damn like it so could tho!!! because of how much it's been teased both in the show and by showrunners like I can't have no hope with the way the producers talk about it!" lmao I should have had no hope, but i genuinkey believed there was a possibility it could happen. and actually I discovered after the fact that i think one of the writers for the show who was the main advocate for klance (they had a lot of diff writers for eps, which led to lots of character butchering but ANYWAY) left not terribly long into the show I believe bc he didn't like the direction it was moving in and didn't want to be tied to the show anymore. so it's not like fans just made klance up either - it was written into earlier episodes with the hope and plan to continue developing later, and then just nothing ever happened with it besides INTENSE teasing it to keep queer fans around. esp after shiro's relationship was literally only a flashback and then his fiance thing or whatever got blown up before we even got to watch him interact w shiro as we knew him in present time in s7, so I think they kept being like hmmm klance and the stuff about lance being a first choice before s8 to keep ppl around. also esp bc klancers made up such a big portion of the fan base. then they made a horrible szn and ended it w a flashforward to shiro marrying some random background character who maybe had 1 line? I just remember hitting the flashforward and being like uhhhh who is this dude??? but they did that to hit those diversity points wow first gay marriage in a cartoon or smt idk it doesn't count to me really. so anyway voltron in general is queerbait lol but klance is because it started out as a legit possibility and then they said sike! but only maybe sike bc u guys are mad at us burying our guys in s7 so maybe klance could still happen haha okay now we're serious no it's not happening. anyway I think klance is p bad queerbait and a vote for them is a valid vote, not just u liking the ship.
#im sorry but johnlock is a household name in ther queerbait trenches
I don't know much about blaze runner, but this website made me endure Johnlock FOR YEARS, that ship makes me so fucking angry, and it's so much bait, the whole fucking show is just 4 kinds of bait in a trenchcoat trying to pass as something good, and Tumblr(and the rest of the goddamn world) ate it up like a five course meal. So anyway that's why I'm voting Johnlock
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makeitmingi · 9 months
The Cat and Dog Game [Chapter 6]
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Chef!Reader, RestaurantOwner!Yunho, MaitreD!Hongjoong, Waiter!Yeosang, Waiter!San, Waiter!Mingi, SousChef!Seonghwa, SousChef!Wooyoung, PrepChef!Jongho
Summary: Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and accepted the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
Word count: 3.2K
"Where's (y/n)? Did she have dinner?" San asked first.
"Oh, she's just taking a breather. Hwa hyung already kept a portion of food for her." Wooyoung waving him off, taking another bite of his own food.
"Is she okay?" Mingi asked.
"Yeah, don't worry about her." Jongho replied. Well, if your friends were saying not to worry, who was Yunho to worry? Why was he even worrying? It's the guilt he felt from his comment before dinner service. You just started working together and he didn't want to cause any bad blood on Day 1.
"Hey." You entered the kitchen, your hands tucked into the pockets of your jeans. Yunho's head perked up at your voice. Your nose and cheeks were slightly red.
"Yah, did you not wear a jacket out?" Seonghwa frowned, leaving his food and coming over to you.
"I'm fine, Hwa." You leaned away from him before he could touch your face.
"You're going to get sick. Come, have your dinner before we start prep." Seonghwa led you over to where the group was. You opened your mouth to say something but Seonghwa shot you a look.
"Thanks for the food." You mumbled and took a bite, although everyone could sense your reluctancy.
"So, how was the dinner service?" You asked.
"It was good. The customers love the food, the feedback was all good." Hongjoong smiled, giving all of you a thumbs up. Wooyoung and Jongho hi fived.
"They liked the roast chicken, infusing western and Korean flavours. The cioppino was liked as well, reminded them of a non-spicy haemul jjigae." Yeosang added. Seonghwa wrapped an arm around you, patting your back as you smiled at each other.
"And a lot of people ordered one dessert each, they like the Western and Korean option." San grinned.
"Finally, Mr Owner, any words of wisdom?" Mingi grinned, drawing all attention on the taller male who had been silent so far.
"Uh... Well, I guess thank you to everyone here. I would say the first day of this place was a huge success, more than I'd ever imagine." He smiled nervously.
"The people like the food, they like the options of Korean flavours and Western flavours, even in combination. Even for the desserts. I think we should continue like we did today." He finished.
"We will try to make dishes that incorporate more Korean flavours, of course." You nodded.
"You're not mad?" Yunho winced, realising he said that out loud when it was meant to be an internal question.
"Why would I be mad?" You blinked in genuine confusion.
"Because of what I said earlier about the food possibly being too fancy. I was afraid that it was offensive or something. I think you all cook amazing, your skills are definitely more than I could ever imagine having, and the food is 100! It's just that this is my first time doing this and I'm afraid and nervous." He blurted.
"Yunho. None of us took what you said personally or to heart. You're the owner and our boss, we follow your direction. I'm personally grateful you were honest with us." You raised an eyebrow.
"Told you." Mingi slapped Yunho's shoulder.
"There's nothing to be worried about. Trust us, we have faced worse insults and criticisms from others before." Jongho laughed.
"Told you." Yeosang mimicked Mingi and slapped Yunho's other shoulder, making Yunho shove his friends away for slapping him with a scowl on his face.
"Please be honest with us. We always look for improvements and ways to be better." Seonghwa smiled.
"We're tougher than you think." You chuckled. Yunho blushed, feeling a little immature now and he felt like he just embarrassed himself in front of you. You noticed how his ears had turned bright red as he looked away with a small pout.
"Alright! We need to start preparing so if you aren't going to help, please step aside." Wooyoung put his hands together with a big smile. Hongjoong and San helped do the remaining dishes.
"Wait, stop. Don't go." You stopped the others mid step. They all froze, turning to you.
"Think of what we can serve tomorrow. We haven't decided that." You said, looking at the 3 chefs, who nodded in agreement.
"But we don't know anything about cooking. I don't think we can offer anything remotely helpful." Mingi rubbed the back of his neck. You grabbed your notepad and marker.
"That's fine. Yunho believed he was bad at cooking but he made the berry tuile." You pointed out.
"She has a point. If Yunho can make something that nice, we probably can too." Yeosang shrugged, making Yunho glare at him and jab his side considering Yeosang was also a bad cook. Yunho would argue that Yeosang is actually a worse cook than he was since he actually burnt the bbq last time.
"Do you know how to make a quiche? I always love quiches." Hongjoong said from his spot at the sink.
"Good idea. We should do something savoury, maybe 2 savoury items?" Seonghwa looked at you. You nodded slowly and looked to Yunho for comments but he didn't say anything.
"Let's do a quiche and a galette. Kimchi, bacon and cheese quiche. Galette can be mixed vegetables with goats cheese top." You thought out loud.
"A galette is like a french pizza but it uses flaky pastry instead of pizza dough." Jongho explained.
"Ohhhhhh." The 5 nodded.
"That sounds good. I like the quiche idea with the kimchi. I'm still not sure what a galette is but I trust all of your tastes." Yunho said. You let out a small chuckle.
"The last baked good, open faced apple danishes? Then we paint apricot jam over." Wooyoung suggested. You wrote that down.
"Now, cakes." You tapped your marker against the metal suface.
"Actually, some customer today were saying they liked that seashell cake because it was good to have on the go with coffee. So maybe we should have a cupcake or muffin sort of item for them to have on the way to work." San said.
"Yes, I did hear people say that. Maybe blueberry muffins? They seem like a nice breakfast muffin." Yunho grinned, his eyes sparkling again at the though of fresh muffins.
"No, no. You need to have chocolate muffins." Mingi wagged his finger at his best friend in denial.
"No, Mingi ah. Blueberry muffins are better, especially with that crunchy, sugar crust on top." Yunho frowned, crossing his arms.
"Chocolate muffins are the best. Everyone loves chocolate muffins, even better with chocolate chips inside. Warm, chocolate muffins." Mingi argued.
"While you two debate on that... For the full cake, let's do a carrot cake." You asked.
"I was thinking matcha cake and we use the leftover strawberries from today." Seonghwa said. You nodded, writing the ideas down. There seemed to be some sort of voting that happened between the 5 because it seemed like chocolate muffins was the decided. Plus, Mingi was doing a happy dance.
"You do know you're the owner right?" You tilted your head, raising your eyebrows.
"I-I know that! But if the rest think that chocolate muffins will be more liked then maybe it is better to do that." Yunho said, concealing his sad tone.
"Okay then. Let's start prepping the pastry dough. We're doing it for quiches and galettes." You instructed.
"We're going to need a lot of butter and flour." Jongho snorted and went into the walk in.
"Let's split. Two people make dough for galettes and the other two will make for the quiches." You said, taking the equipment and putting them into the freezer temporarily.
"Why are you putting the mixer stuff into the freezer?" Yunho asked.
"We don't want the butter to melt so we're making everything as cold as possible. The more pieces of butter we have in the dough when we bake, the more steam and flakiness we get from the pastry." You explained to him. He nodded his head.
"You guys can head back and rest for the night. We'll lock up when we are done here." Seonghwa said to the 5.
"Yeah. We've all had a long day." Wooyoung agreed.
"That's okay, we want to watch." Mingi smiled. You all looked at each other and laughed. Jongho and Wooyoung weighed everything out before you and Seonghwa retrieved the cold mixer parts.
"Looks like we'll need to do it twice. This isn't going to fit into our Kitchen Aids." Jongho sighed.
"It's fine. It's just the initial mixing stage anyway, we'll do the final incorporation with our hands." You said.
"I'll get the cold water." You went out to the front, coming back with two containers of ice water. Once the butter, flour and salt/sugar were crumbled, you and Wooyoung slowly added the cold water into the mixer for the doughs to come together. Jongho helped you to manually bring the dough together.
"Let me." Seonghwa said to Wooyoung, who poured the crumbles onto the metal work surface. Seonghwa gathered it all with his hands, pressing it together.
"Here." You threw some flour and handed them the rolling pin.
"Woahhhhhhh." The 5 said in awe at the way you threw the flour onto the dough and work surface.
"It's like those professionals on television, the way they throw the flour and make it into a cloud. It spreads so evenly." Yeosang said.
"They are professionals!" San elbowed Yeosang. It was amusing, like demonstrating things to a group of kindergarteners. Jongho and Seonghwa rolled the dough out and did two book folds.
"Do you not knead the dough?" Hongjoong asked.
"Not for this dough. Kneading the dough activates the gluten in the flour and creates chewiness. You would want that for bread but not for pastry like this. You want to avoid creating any chewiness so we don't touch it." Seonghwa explained.
"This 'book fold' just creates more layers of butter. If we were doing croissants, we would do it a few more times, that's how you get the layers in a croissant." Jongho added.
"Woo and I will wrap it." You and Wooyoung went over to wrap the slabs of dough, writing on top of the plastic to indicate the use.
"That's it. We'll roll and blind bake them tomorrow morning." Wooyoung said.
"Thank you for teaching us." San smiled kindly.
You did the washing up with Jongho while Wooyoung and Seonghwa cleaned the work surface of butter and flour. The 5 other boys waited for all of you to be done.
"Let's go." Seonghwa grabbed your coat for you. Yunho watched as Seonghwa helped you put your coat on.
"Goodnight. See you all tomorrow." Mingi waved, along with the others. The 4 of you bowed and waved before heading to Wooyoung's car. Yunho and Mingi went to Yunho's car while San and Yeosang rode with Hongjoong. Mingi played the music, waiting for Yunho to start the engine.
"So, how do you really feel?" Mingi asked.
"What do you mean?" Yunho chuckled, confused by his best friend's sudden question.
"It's just the two of us, it's the first day of opening your own restaurant. You can be honest on how you really feel after today. It's okay to hate it." Mingi said.
"Hate it? I don't hate it. For from actually... I honestly thought it was going to be a disaster but it wasn't." Yunho blinked.
"I guess we fit well with the kitchen team then." Mingi said. Yunho hummed in agreement.
"They're professionals, they've worked in so many restaurants before. So I was worried that they would see how much of an amateur I am and quit but they didn't." Yunho confessed.
"Yunho ah, you need to have more faith in humanity. See? (y/n) said they weren't made when you were honest with them." Mingi teased.
Yunho rolled his eyes, knowing that Mingi was making fun of him. But it was Mingi's way of comforting Yunho. You were right, you were tougher than Yunho thought. Something bloomed in Yunho's chest, a whole new feeling of excitement.
"Well, I hope we have a long partnership with them." Yunho said with a soft smile. Mingi turned to his best friend's side profile, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.
"You're ever so positive." Mingi chuckled.
When Yunho walked into the cafe the next morning, he was smiling, coffee cups in hand for his kitchen crew to thank them for a successful first day. But his smile dropped slightly when he noticed only 3 people working in the kitchen.
"Where's (y/n)?" Yunho blinked, handing out the coffees.
"She told us she'll be coming in late today so we started first." Jongho shrugged, taking a sip of the coffee.
"I noticed (y/n) making a drink for you yesterday so I assumed that you are not a coffee drinker... Is a berry smoothie okay?" Yunho turned to Seonghwa.
"Yeah, that's fine. Thanks for noticing." Seonghwa blinked, stunned that Yunho took note of that.
"So... (y/n) is okay?" Yunho cleared his throat.
"She is. If not, Seonghwa hyung wouldn't be here now. He would be busy nursing her." Wooyoung teased. Seonghwa turned to glare at the younger male. He took a sip of the smoothie and continued working on what he was doing. Yunho just stared in confusion but nodded his head.
"Hey, sorry I'm late." Right on cue, you walked in. There was a container you were cradling in your hands. But no one could see what was inside, there was tin foil covering it.
"Morning." Yunho followed you in while you were putting your stuff in the small locker room.
"Hey." You replied.
"Are you alright?" Yunho asked, twidling his thumbs. After putting your bag in the small cubby, you turned around to face him, raising an eyebrow.
"Why wouldn't I be?" You asked back. Your questions back made Yunho flustered.
"N-No reason." He smiled shyly, rubbing the back of his neck. You hummed and grabbed your apron from the rack, tying it around your waist. You dug into your bag to take your knives out.
"Don't worry about me being late, I told the boys I'll stay back later to clean up after them, make up for however late I was." You spoke. Yunho wasn't worried about that, he knew that you would work schedules out with your team better than he could.
"Also, here." You shoved the container you were carrying into his hands and walked out, not wanting your team to wait any longer.
"Wait, what is-" Yunho stopped when he opened the container and saw fresh blueberry muffins inside. Touching one with his finger, he felt how they were still warm.
'Since blueberry muffins didn't win the vote.'
Was all your scribbled on the post it note that was stuck to the side of the container.
"Yunho ah. Why are you just standing there?" Mingi walked into the small space, appearing behind his best friends. He curiously peeked over Yunho's shoulder.
"Are those muffins?" Mingi asked and reached out for one but Yunho slapped Mingi's hand away, quickly closing the container.
"Ouch! What was that for?" Mingi hissed.
"Those are mine. Get your own." Yunho frowned, holding the container to his chest like it was a treasure chest filled with gold. Mingi looked at Yunho but held his hands up in defeat. Clearing his throat, Yunho went out to the front, where he was alone. He grabbed his coffee and tore open a muffin to eat.
The burst of gooey, slightly tart blueberry, coupled with the crunchy top and warmth of the muffin was the perfect accompaniment to the coffee he had.
"What's Yunho doing sitting there?" Hongjoon asked after seeing his friend sit at one of the booths.
"I can tell you what he's not doing, and that's sharing his muffins." Mingi scoffed. Hongjoong cast the taller a strange look.
"I'm going to kitchen to steal samples." Mingi said and entered the kitchen. San was already snacking on the off cuts of the carrot cake that you were cutting, wanting to edges to line up to frost.
"Hey, I want some too!" Mingi said.
"Here, have this." San held a small piece out to him. Yeosang stood by Jongho's side, watching Jongho fan out the apple slices on top of the pastry.
"That's so pretty." Yeosang complimented. Jongho nodded with a hum.
"I'm not cutting through, just scoring it so the sides around the apple slices will puff up but the middle won't." Jongho explained. Once he lined up all the apple danishes on the tray, he did a light egg wash on the exposed pastry and put the tray into the oven.
"What are you doing next?" He asked.
"I have to thin out this apricot jam to brush over the apples when it is done. It will give a nice shine and sweetness." Jongho explained.
"Who is making the quiche filling?" You asked the kitchen as you were whipping up the cream cheese frosting for the carrot cake. Wooyoung raised his hand.
"Let me just put the matcha cakes in the oven before starting on that." He said.
"Jongho, when you're done with the apricot glaze, you can start slicing the strawberries that will go in the cake." You instructed.
"Sure." Jongho nodded.
"I've started the chocolate muffins. We still need someone to put the galettes in the oven after the apple danishes come out. The vegetables have been prepped and sliced." Seonghwa said.
"I'll do it after frosting my cake." You replied. After having your 3 layers of carrot cake, you frosted them with the icing.
"What icing is this?" San asked.
"Cream cheese icing. The same as the one on the red velvet cake." You took a plastic spoon from the cup and scooped out some to let him have a taste. But before he put it in his mouth, he put some of the cake crumbs on top to have it together. He ate it and let out sounds of happiness.
"So good!" San said with a big smile. You chuckled and started the frost the cake. You were not the best at cake decorating so you just topped it swirls of the frosting, it looked pretty in a rustic way.
"Let's put this in the fridge." You brought the tray to the smaller fridge and put it in there.
"What am I working on next?... Oh, galettes." You said and grabbed the metal containers where Jongho had sliced the vegetables.
"Have the aubergines been sweated already?" You asked.
"Yes. Done and rinsed." Jongho replied. Sometimes, aubergines could be bitter so you usually sprinkle salt on them to draw out the moisture and rinse off the salt afterwards.
"So what's in here?" Yeosang came up next to you, looking at the sliced vegetables.
"Zucchini, yellow squash, bell peppers, onions and aubergines. So we'll bake this then crumble some feta cheese over." You said.
"That sounds good and I don't even like vegetables." Hongjoong chuckled from the doorway. Mingi and San seconded. It slightly amused you that these men were so open about their distaste for vegetables like children.
"We'll make you like vegetables for as long as we're here." Wooyoung joked.
"Yes, we're good at making vegetables tasty." You smiled.
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
The Marriage Pact Part 3
For Better of For Worse (Slight NSFW)
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Read Part 1 and Part 2 first
Synopsis: Urban urges for Jack to tell you a secret that he's been holding onto, but of course someone else tells you before he does and all hell breaks loose
Pairing: Fiancé!Jack Harlow x Fianceé!Reader
Series Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Jack had now been on tour for two months and it was around 12 am when all of you were on the plane heading to Prague. Jack and Urban were the only ones awake as you were currently laying on Jack's chest on the couch that was perched in the back of the plane. He was currently scrolling through his phone looking for a necklace that he wanted to buy you since he noticed that you had been eyeing similar ones when Urban came and sat across from him and simply looked at him before saying anything.
"Did you tell her yet?" Urban asked and Jack looked over at him with wide eyes and gestured to you sleeping on his chest.
"Cut the shit. She's sleeping so I know she can't hear us." Urban said in response as he rolled his eyes.
"To answer your question, no I haven't told her."
"Are you? Are you fucking serious? The two of you have been engaged for almost five months! Don't you think that's important to let your future wife know!?"
"Of course I think it's important! I just… didn't think she would actually say yes when I proposed to her."
"You still should have had a plan in place! Like come on, did you really think she was going to tell you no? It's Y/N we're talking about."
"I know, I know! I'll tell her soon."
"You need to tell her like today when we land. She's probably going to be so pissed at you. No not probably, she definitely will."
"I just…. We're in a good place right now and I don't want to do anything to mess that up."
"You not being honest with her is messing it up. Now what if she suddenly decides to go public with it? Then what? And once again did you forget about your future wife being your manager? She could make this go away with the snap of her finger since it's not true. You haven’t seen her since last year, right?"
Jack didn't say anything in response and Urban simply hung his head.
"Sooo since you're quiet there's a possibility that it could be true!? What the actual fuck?"
"I saw her a week before I proposed."
"You… you cannot be serious? And you fucked her knowing that you were going to propose!? What the hell is wrong with you!?" 
"And I haven't met up with her since. I completely cut her off."
"Yeah until she sent you that sonogram pic."
"It's not mine."
"And how do you know exactly? You fucked her didn't you?"
"But I used protection. I'm not stupid."
"I beg to differ. Y/N is going to kick your ass about this. That's why I was so concerned when you told me that you two made a marriage pact.. Ain't no way in hell she would have said yes if she knew this beforehand. All your one night stands are about to come out as soon as you announce that you’re engaged. It’s literally only a matter of time."
"Just don't tell her."
"It's not my place to tell her but you better prepare yourself before you do. We've all seen Y/N pissed and it's never been directed at you and now it will be."
All Jack did was look down at you sleeping on his chest and simply sighed.
How was he supposed to tell his soon to be wife that there was a chance he could have a kid on the way? Deep down, he knew it wasn’t his, but he also knew for a fact that you weren’t going to be satisfied until there was a negative DNA test put in front of you. 
And since he was now on tour, who knows how long it would be until he was able to get one. 
Her name was Gabrielle and Jack was floored when he first laid eyes on her. She wasn't anything compared to you, but for a one night stand she would have to do. He met her at one of his shows in Atlanta and they eventually went out on a date that was actually set up by you so Jack would be able to avoid paparazzi or anyone seeing him.
You met her and thought that she was a nice girl, and didn't think anything else of it. Jack had hooked up with her numerous times with the last time being a week before he proposed to you and the next day he told her that they couldn't see each other anymore. He thought that she took the news well because she didn't seem fazed by it. It wasn't until last week when he was with Urban and got a text from her saying that she was pregnant and that it could be his. His heart immediately jumped in his throat knowing that there was a good possibility that you would leave him once he told you, but at the same time it happened when the two of you weren't even together.
So he thought to himself that you couldn’t be but so mad at him.
On the other hand, since he knew you so well he knew that as soon as he told you that shit would hit the fan and this was about to be hard for him to wiggle out of.
His main thing was breaking your trust. He had told you once he had proposed to you that getting hurt in relationships would be a thing of the past, but the two of you didn’t even make it down the aisle yet and this was happening. 
He knew that he had to tell you and soon before you found out from someone else that wasn't him.
That was literally the last thing he wanted. 
"Before the day is over, you need to tell her."
“I don’t know if it’s that simple.”
“It won’t be because she’ll probably want to murder you. And I am all for letting her at you because what you did was fucking stupid. You know I always have your back, but right now you’re on your own. Oh, and you better hope that she doesn’t tell Ari.”
Jack had been on edge since all of you touched down in Prague and you couldn’t put your finger on as to why. He typically didn't keep anything from you and your plan was to get it out of him one way or another because you always did. Between you and Urban, he couldn’t keep anything from the two of you for very long. 
The two of you were currently in your hotel room resting before he had his show tonight when you cornered him as he was sitting near the window staring off into space. You could tell that he was upset no matter how hard he was trying to hide it. 
"What's wrong?" You asked as you came over to him and started to play in his curls.
"I'm fine. Just a little tired, that's all." He replied while shrugging but you weren’t buying it. 
All you did was cross your arms and look down at him.
"How long have I known you?"
"My entire life."
"So don't you think I know when you're lying to me?"
"I promise that I'm fine and that you have no need to worry."
“Easier said than done. But I’ll let it slide for now. I’ll get it out of you sooner or later because I always do.” You answered while kissing his cheek and he smiled at you. 
"I love you more than anything and don't ever forget that." Jack quietly said and it left you wondering what he was getting at.
"I love you too and why would I ever forget it?"
"No reason, but just in case. No matter what happens your happiness is always going to be my priority."
"And the exact same goes for you. Did you want to sleep for a bit before your show and then we can get food after?" You asked and Jack quickly nodded his head.
"Will you lay down with me though?"
"Of course I will."
You got comfortable on the bed with Jack following suit and laying on your chest as you played in his hair in order to get him to fall asleep faster. 
About fifteen minutes had passed when you noticed that Jack’s breathing had slowed down so you took the opportunity to set an alarm on your phone and drift off too so that you would have energy for later. 
Jack's second show out of three was currently underway in Prague as you were watching from the side of the stage. You had always admired his confidence and was in awe every single time that he performed.
There was only about fifteen minutes left in his set when you heard him say something that caught you off guard.
"Hold on. I'm almost done, but I want to brag a little bit and for good reason. So, I finally got my shit together and did something that I wanted to do for years. Yall know my best friend Y/N who is also my manager? I mean Urb is my best friend too but this isn't about him and needs to wait his turn." Jack said while laughing and the crowd erupted in screams as you looked to Urban to see what was going on, but all he did was shrug his shoulders.
"She's been in my life literally since I was eight days old and has always been there for me and as we grew older, my love for her did also. So, what did I do? Buy her an engagement ring and held onto it for an entire damn year because I was scared that she was going to say no. But, I finally grew some balls five months ago on her birthday and asked her."
"Oh shit. I had no idea he was going to do this." Urban thought out loud and for good reason, because he knew something that you didn't.
"I didn't either, but is it really a bad thing?" You asked Urban as you turned towards him and all he gave you was a tight lipped smile. But however,  you didn't think anything of it
"Oh, I'm keeping you in suspense aren't I? Well she also decided that she wanted to wake up next to me for the rest of her life so come next year, I'm about to be a married man. I'm not asking her to come out here because she hates being the center of attention, but Y/N…" Jack said as he turned to look at you on the side of the stage as you stood next to Urban.
"I love you and thank you for saying yes for marrying me. You've made me the happiest man on earth."
You quickly mouthed the words 'I love you too.' Before you heard someone scream in the crowd.
"And it's about fucking time!"
"I know, I know and I agree!" Jack responded and laughed.
"But for now let me finish so I can go and love up on my future wife. I'm never going to get tired of saying that." 
By the time all of you got back to the hotel it was around one in the morning and Jack could tell that you were fighting to keep your eyes open seeing as you had to be up in about six hours. One thing that happened while Jack was touring was you not being able to get a lot of sleep. You embraced it however seeing as not many people got an opportunity like this and the last thing you wanted to do was take it for granted.
Once the both of you were in your shared hotel room, you slipped off your shoes along with your jewelry, except for your engagement ring and simply sat on the edge of the bed and stared at it for a few minutes before starting to play with it and twist it around your finger. Jack took notice of this and also how quiet you were being and was concerned that something was wrong.
“Umm, babe? You okay over there? Why are you just staring off into space like that?”
“I’m okay.”
“Wait, you’re not pissed at me right? Because of what I did earlier? I should have asked you before I did it but I figured that it’s almost been five months and….”
“Jack, calm yourself. I’m not mad. I swear that you always stress yourself out over the tiniest things.” You said while laughing as you took note of how much he had started freaking out. 
“Well I had to make sure, but you’re obviously thinking about something so what is it?”
You took a deep breath before answering him and you felt like it was the right time since you had been thinking long and hard about it since the night of your birthday when he proposed. 
“I’m ready.”
“Ready for what?” Jack answered you while looking at you with a confused look on his face. 
All you did was stare at him until it finally clicked.
“Oh…OH! Oh… are you… are you absolutely sure? Because the last thing I want to happen is for you to regret it.”
“Why would I regret it if it was with you?”
“I just want for you to be…”
You immediately cut him off and grabbed his hand as he sat down next to you.
“I am and I wouldn’t say anything to you until I was. That’s what you told me to do right?”
“Yes, but…”
“But what?”
“I don’t have any condoms with me because I thought that you were actually going to wait until we were married.”
“I’m on birth control so that isn’t a problem.”
“And you’re sure that you’re ready?”
All you did was nod in response and you loved how thoughtful and caring that he was.
“Shit, I told you that I was going to make this extra special, but now…”
“It’s going to be special because it’s you. End of.” 
All Jack did was smile at you before leaning over to kiss you as you felt your heart begin to flutter. Once he had broken apart from you, he motioned for you to move towards the top of the bed. When you were he simply went to hover over you as he leaned down to kiss you once more.
“And at any time you want me to stop, just tell me, okay?” Jack quietly said to you as he began to stroke your cheek. Once you nodded, he leaned down to kiss you again and slowly started to make his way down your neck and to your cleavage that was poking out of your dress. Jack didn’t say it to you out loud, but he had been eyeing you in your dress since the moment you put it on.
“May I?” Jack politely asked and as soon as you had given him the okay to do so, he slipped the dress from over top of your head and took in the sight before him as you didn’t wear a bra with it and only a black thong.
Jack then went back to placing kisses along your body and as he got lower, your heart rate then began to increase knowing what was about to happen.
He played with the band on the side of your thong before looking up at you and making sure that it was okay before going to slide it off. Once he did, he threw it across the room and simply peered down to look at you.
“You’re beautiful, baby. Inside and out. I’m about to get you ready for me, okay?”
Jack then slowly inserted two of his fingers inside of you while kissing you at the same time. Feeling how wet you were only made his erection start to become painful seeing as he hadn’t been with anyone over the past five months and simply waited for you to be ready for him. 
“And now why am I the only one who doesn't have any clothes on?” You curiously asked as Jack smiled before he leaned up away from you and reached down to pull his shirt over his head to throw it in the same direction that he threw your dress in.
“Now, we can’t have that, can we?”
“No we definitely can’t.”
Jack then hopped off the bed in order to take off his jeans and boxer briefs along with them and you were amazed at the sight as Jack quickly began stroking himself. You could see the precum leaking from the tip, but your focus was on how he was going to fit.
Jack saw the look on your face and immediately knew what you had been thinking as soon as your eyes had gone wide.
“Yes, baby it’s going to fit. That’s what you’re thinking isn’t it?”
All you did was nod before answering him.
“But how?” You quietly asked not 100% believing him.
“I’m going to go slow and take my time, that’s how.” He answered as he once again got on top to hover over you.
“Now, are you ready?”
You simply nodded as Jack told you to spread your legs a little bit more in order to give him room.
When he first inserted himself into you, it felt weird and didn’t hurt, but once he began to move further, you felt that first sting.
“Shit.” You muttered as you tightly squeezed your eyes shut.
“It’s going to be uncomfortable for a minute, but if you want me to stop, all you have to do is tell me.”
“No, keep going.”
“Just a little bit longer, baby. I’m almost there.” Jack said as he began to kiss you to take your mind off of it.
Once he was, he stopped moving in order for you to breathe for a second since he could tell that you were in pain.
“Whenever you’re ready for me to move, let me know.” He said as he placed kisses all along your neck and down the valley of your breasts. Another minute or so has passed when you felt as if you were ready for him to continue.
“Okay, I’m good now.”
“Now let me show you how much I love you and how much you mean to me.” 
You woke up wrapped in Jack’s arms as he was lightly snoring in your ear and turned to your left so that you could get your phone and check for any messages that might have been sent to you after you fell asleep. It was around eight in the morning and you knew that you had a full day ahead of you and wanted to get an early start no matter how much you wanted to lay and stay in Jack’s arms.
Since Jack had announced your engagement last night at his show, the notifications had been flooding in, but there was a particular one that caught your eye. Your heart rate ended up increasing and you were trying to steady your breathing as you shook Jack awake. Because he needed to explain this and explain it now.
“Jack, get up.”
“Hmm, you want to go for another round? Give me five more minutes.”
“Jackman, NOW.”
“Okay, okay. Damn, so impatient this morning. I’ll eat you out for as long as you want so I can get rid of that attitude.” He replied while laughing as he turned to look at you and by the look that you were giving him, he knew that something was wrong.
“What’s…. Wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“So you’ve been lying to me?” You asked quietly while Jack was looking at you confused. 
“Baby, lying about what? What do I have to lie to you for?”
“Then who the fuck is Gabrielle and why is she saying that you are her baby daddy and tagging you in a sonogram picture of her baby?”
Jack then sat up and turned towards you and tried to take your hand, but you immediately snatched it away from him.
“Hold on, babe. I can explain.”
“Then start fucking explaining and this better be one hell of a good explanation in order for me to not kick your ass.”
“We hooked up a few times and I….”
“When was the last time you saw her?” You asked while wrapping the sheet around you and looking at him for an explanation. 
“Jackman, you better not lie to me because I will find out sooner or later and you know that I’m good for it so out with it.”
“A week before I proposed to you.”
You immediately looked away from Jack and simply peered down at your hands in your lap and didn’t bother to respond.
“But, I didn’t know if you were going to say yes or not! And….”
“So you had sex with her knowing that you were getting ready to propose to me without protection and want me to be okay with this? Did I get that right?”
“I wore protection and there is no way that the baby is mine, I promise. You have to believe me baby.”
“Well, didn’t you have sex with her?”
“Yes, but I wore protection like I said!”
“Condoms are only 99% effective so there is a chance that the baby could be yours and you had still been in communication with her so you knew about this shit and didn’t bother to tell me? Your best friend? Future wife? And your FUCKING MANAGER?”
“So, what was I supposed to say? Hey baby, I think I got a girl pregnant who I had a one night stand with?”
“Yes! That is literally exactly what you say! So you were about to just show up with a baby at our house one day and say this is my kid?!”
“For you to throw the ring at me and leave me? I…..”
“You know me better than that and I’ve put up with your shit for how long? The fiance in me might kick your ass and leave you, however manager me is going to try and save your career!”
“I’ll just get a DNA test and this can all go away.”
“Didn’t you make her sign an NDA then why the hell is she posting all of this?”
“Um…. about that….”
“I know it looks bad, but….”
“That’s putting it lightly! You take my virginity one night and the next day I learn that my future husband has been lying to me, possibly has a baby on the way, and also doesn’t get his one night stands to sign NDA’s so that they can embarrass me on social media!”
“Why are you making this about you?! It’s my career that could get tarnished over this! And we weren’t even together when I hooked up with her!"
“So, you obviously don’t care how this affects me? Got it. My last name is about to be Harlow in case you fucking forgot and your career? The career that I MANAGE in case you forgot about that part too. We might have not been together but you knew that you were going to propose to me so make it make sense!" 
“Okay, baby I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that but… I’m sorry for keeping this from you.”
“This is what has been bothering you since we landed isn’t it? And I gave you plenty of chances to tell me but you decided not to.”
“Because I didn’t know how you were going to react!”
“So, you let me find out by her tagging me and you in the sonogram pic on instagram? You could have told me this before you had sex with me. I just feel used and disgusted. I thought I knew you better than that but I guess not. The fact that you know that I always have your back and do anything for you but you decide to hide this from me? We're supposed to be a team, Jackman."
“Do me a favor. Listen to me and listen to me good. I do not want to see you, hear your voice, or even be around someone that simply utters your name for the rest of the day while I try to do my best and be a good manager and fix the mess that you created because you wanted to get your dick wet. Get out and go to Urban's room.” 
“But, babe….”
You simply shook your head at him and made your way to the bathroom as you slammed the door behind you while locking it. 
Jack sighed and ran a hand through his curls as he could hear you start to cry in the bathroom not knowing how in the world he was about to fix this. He gathered all of his things while sliding on his sweatpants before making his way towards Urban’s room. He knocked a few times and Urban finally opened it while looking confused.
“Why are you over here?” He asked while moving to the side and letting him in and seeing that he had all of his bags with him.
“She found out through an instagram post and told me that she didn’t want to see me for the rest of the day.”
“About Gabrielle?”
“I told you to tell her when we landed! Why did you wait so long in the first place?!”
“I… I don’t know.”
“How are you supposed to get out of this one? Because it is literally all over social media.” Urban said as he scrolled through his timeline on instagram. 
"The only thing I can think of is doing a DNA test but I'm not back in Atlanta for another two months."
"And you know good and damn well not to ask Y/N to fly her out here in order to get it or have you fly back just for a test."
"I broke her trust and I have no idea how to get her to forgive me."
"She probably wouldn't have been as mad at you if you had been the one to tell her and not social media."
"And not to mention she finds out after we had sex for the first time last night."
"This literally just keeps getting worse." Urban responded as he hung his head.
"But that's not the worst part."
"How!? How is it not?!" 
"Because that was her first time ever so she told me this morning that she felt used."
"You are such a dumbass. And I can see why she felt like that! You had literally been fucking Gabrielle up to the point where you proposed."
"I guess I'll just give her space but how is that even possible? She literally always has to be around me."
"You better get her a lot of expensive gifts in order for her to forgive you."
"I literally just bought her a car. And besides you know that isn't her thing. I'm better off actually making her something."
"Well get her a private jet next. Shit, I don't know. But if you make something that better be one hell of an arts and crafts project. That shit better be good enough to put in a museum. See I don't have these problems because I'm not a dumbass like you."
"I beg to differ, but okay."
Meanwhile, once you had gotten out of the shower and had gotten dressed, your phone alerted you to a text from Chris who was also Jack’s manager but taught you everything you knew in order to be able to handle things without him and be with Jack full time per Jack’s request.
Chris- Meet me in the lobby of the hotel and grab Jack
You- Is something wrong? Why are you even here?
Chris- I know you've seen it trending that's why I'm here
You- It literally broke less than 24 hours ago so you aren't even about to let me do my job?
Chris- Just meet me downstairs so we can talk
You rolled your eyes at his response and sent a quick text to Urban to tell Jack to meet you downstairs in the lobby. Once you got down there, you saw him conversing with Chris and a woman who you had never seen before. Once you reached them, Chris smiled at you.
"Y/N! Okay good everyone is here so we can go to the restaurant in the hotel to talk and Y/N this is Neelam and I'm bringing her on to manage Jack as well."
"Hi, it's nice to meet you." Neelam said, but you as well as Jack looked at Chris in disbelief.
"Uh, you too but um what? So you think I'm incapable of doing my job?" You questioned Chris as your arms were crossed.
"Y/N that isn't it at all. I know you can do your job well since I taught you everything that you know. I just figured you could use extra help since…."
"Since what?"
"Well since you two are now engaged, I don't want anything clouding your judgment as it relates to Jack’s career. I mean you two were close before, but now it's completely different."
"What does that even mean? My judgment has never been clouded before. His career is just as important to him as it is to me. I will always do what is best for him." You fired back and Chris simply sighed as Neelam was standing there awkwardly while Jack was scratching the back of his neck.
"Y/N, it's just to give you help."
Despite you not wanting to speak to him, you turned to Jack for an explanation.
"Did you know about this?"
"Me and Chris had talked about it, but I didn't…."
"So no one wants to be an adult and communicate around here? And tell me things that are going on? Okay, got it. Wonderful."
"Babe…." Jack started to say, but you simply held up your hand. 
"Y/N, just come on so we can talk about this. I didn't mean to blindside you, but I thought Jack had at least mentioned it."
"Clearly all of the talking was done without me so it can continue to be done without me. Why would he mention that when he didn't even mention the possible baby he has on the way? You know what? Yall can figure it out while I take a personal day."
Once you walked away from them, you went back up to your hotel room and simply sat on your bed and the tears that you were holding were starting to come down your face at a rapid speed all while Jack and Chris were blowing up your phone.
Future Hubby- Babe, please just come back down here so we can talk. I admit that it slipped my mind and I forgot to tell you. I did it to put less pressure on you so we can plan for our wedding. I know you’re pissed at me with good reason but please talk to me. 
Chris- Y/N, I'm only doing this because I want to help you. Please understand that.
All you did was place your phone on DND as you tried to even your breathing. The calls and texts were coming in left and right including from your parents, Ari, Urban just to name a few and you just needed a second to breathe.
About ten minutes had passed before you heard a knock on the door and went to look to see that it was Jack and immediately rolled your eyes before opening it.
"Can I help you?"
"Baby please just talk to me."
"And what am I supposed to say? You left me in the dark about two things and I'm just supposed to be okay with it?" You asked while moving to the side so he could fully come into the room. 
"No and I admit that what I did was wrong and I'll try to fix it the best way I can. Neelam seems nice and I think you'll like her."
"She has one time and one time only to get on my nerves and if she does I want her gone. I don't need to be micromanaged."
"I know you don't, but this is just to have an extra set of hands and that's it. I promise."
"Hmm you've been promising a lot of things lately and have broken each one."
"And it won't happen again."
"I'll believe it when I see it but for now, I'm not believing anything else that comes out of your mouth. I never thought I would ever say that. You have literally broken thirty years of trust in a matter of three hours. You tell me everything and I do the same exact thing to you. Still can't believe you thought that you could hide an entire HUMAN BEING from me."
"I wasn't trying to hide her."
"Her? Oh, her. It's a girl then huh?"
"Well she told me that the baby was a girl. I was just saying." Jack quietly said and all you did was eye him.
"I still mean what I said. I really don't want to see you for the rest of the day."
"But…. You've never missed one of my shows."
"I can still come to your show and not look at you. It’s called being backstage."
All Jack did was sigh.
"What can I possibly do to make this better? I don't like when you're mad at me."
"Pissed and hurt is more like it and truth be told… I don't know. But tell your little baby mama to stop tagging me in shit on instagram. You can start there. As for now, I am going to the spa to relax because I know my blood pressure is through the roof right now. Also, you better hope and pray that the DNA test is negative."
"Wait! You aren't going to leave me if the baby is mine are you?" Jack asked and was low key starting to panic. 
All you did was stare at him.
"Hold on, I know you’re pissed and I shouldn’t have been having sex with her up until the point that I did but like I said earlier we weren’t even together. And I don't want to be with anyone else."
"And like I said before, you planned on proposing and you told me that you had my ring for a whole damn year. And if it's yours that's not the problem. I'll even throw you a fucking baby shower. My problem is you lying to my face about it. For now, I'm done talking about this so go find Urban and bother him."
"No. You don't get to call me that right now. And Urban knew about this didn't he?"
Now Jack was quiet.
"Yeah, you definitely aren't sleeping in the same bed as me tonight. Get out."
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gayofthefae · 8 months
Tumblr media
He's crying. But it isn't just "please come back to me, I love you". It's more complicated than that. I'm currently in the space that he's faking the romantic bits like love at first sight and telling the truth about everything else.
Mike tells him "you're the heart". He's reminded by Will "your words can help" and he knows that the truth won't but he knows what Will, and he once said "If I had said that thing..." and he has the opportunity to say that thing now to save her.
I think these tears are more in the vein of "please work. God, please work." Because this was a strategic decision. A strategic decision made with love, but a strategic decision nonetheless.
That's why Will has to encourage them. It shifts the scene from organically and emotionally begging her to come back to consciously assisting her, although still emotional, of course.
It started "El, please come back to me etc." Then Will reminded him. And he turned around and said "El, I don't know if you can hear me..." He started something new. He wouldn't have said it otherwise because before he was just begging her to come back to him. But then, he was trying to help. Ever the personal-life curse of Mike Wheeler, he tried to help and in the long run it's going to make it worse.
This wasn't just Mike begging her to come back and it managed to help. This wasn't him taking the opportunity of knowing it would help to say it like in the shed with Will. This was choosing his words specifically to help as best he could to bring her back to him. He was just trying to keep her alive. He isn't thinking "I hope you can hear that I love you, even if it doesn't help I want you to know". He's only saying it so it helps. He's saying "please believe me please work please believe me please work".
Other posts have covered how he pulls from others' words - Eddie talking about finding him and Dustin, his own speech to Will in season 2 - that's because he's choosing his words carefully. Lovingly strategic. The ideal combo to give her the most strength. That's why it sounds forced. Because he's choosing his words, not pouring his heart.
In the shed, he told Will how he felt; he told Will a story. Because he knew that the truth was filled with so much love. But here, he knew the truth wouldn't help, would maybe make it worse, so he picked his words carefully crafted to be exactly what she wanted to hear, went bullet by bullet through their fight, quoted the words of more honest people in more earnest moments, and did his best to help. In the shed, he let his filter down; poured his heart out. In this moment, he tried. That's why it felt forced. He had to try.
Even GA and some Milkvans agree, even if you think it was the truth...he was saying it for her, not him. That's why he braces himself for the effort he's about to exert the moment right before he says it.
If it was really the culmination of his arc, since we already know Brenner was the culmination of hers, he would have done it for himself. The reason it feels forced is because it wasn't written to sound unfiltered. Watching this scene, I didn't feel relief on his behalf that he could finally say it, because I didn't see any transition from not being able to say it the whole season...because there wasn't one. I couldn't root for what I didn't know was about to happen because I didn't even know he could say it yet. Because he couldn't. He forced himself to.
I was not relieved on his behalf because he wasn't. I was not proud of him doing it for him because he didn't. He did it for her. But her arc wasn't about that either. So now we're just stuck.
In conclusion, he told her he loved her because he wanted her to survive and he isn't begging "please know that I love you" he's begging "please believe me and please let it help"
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landwriter · 2 years
Sandman prompt: Dreamling roadtrip
"Remind me why I am allowing this," says Dream.
Hob casts a sidelong glance at him. Dream, in his car. Dream, stuck in the crawl of London traffic with him. Imagine that.
He reels off Dream's succession of unfortunate choices with poorly smothered glee. "Because your sister said you should spend more time among us humans, which you mentioned in passing to Matthew yesterday, who suggested a road trip, then had to explain to you that a road trip meant 'Just driving somewhere for a while', and you apparently you said-," Hob pauses to pitch his voice as low and poncy as possible, "'Ah, a pilgrimage, then. A journey for self-knowledge.' And Matthew said 'That's right, boss' and you said you would, in fact, be curious about such an experience."
"False pretenses," says Dream, darkly, under his breath.
"Indeed," says Hob, who thinks he loves false pretenses now. Matthew had shown up at his flat laughing so hard he couldn't even speak. When he finally recounted the conversation (after Hob had gotten very concerned and asked if Matthew needed a human counselor or an animal vet, and Matthew had shaken his head and wheezed 'No, a driver', before falling into fits of laughter again), Hob had immediately agreed.
"And then I canceled my plans for the weekend because I'm the only human you know who has a car, it turns out," (A reliable and bright red Vauxhall Corsa, thank you for asking.) "And because I'm a very good friend," he adds. He still relishes the new-word feel of it. It had only been four months since Dream had shown up at The New Inn. Hob was skiving off marking midterm papers for this, actually.
"Yes," says Dream. Hob realizes he'd skive off the whole term for this.
How could he turn down the prospect? His friend, literally strapped into the Corsa for at least the next several hours. Assuming Dream didn't leap out and flee on foot down the M1 - which seemed so thoroughly undignified for a being of Dream's station that Hob felt utterly assured of his company. It had all rather gone to his head.
"This will be fun," he promises. "Feel the grass under your feet, and that."
Dream looks out the window bitterly as a lorry overtakes them. Hob has never been the fastest of drivers. Never really took to it, to be honest. Bit of the medieval peasant in him, he thinks, can't quite make himself go over fifty miles per hour. But he's very safe. Hardly any accidents. Mostly minor rear-end damage.
"I see no grass," says Dream.
"Surely the Lord of Stories is familiar with figurative speech," says Hob, and glows under the heat of Dream's glare in reply.
"Anyways," he continues, "We're getting to that bit. Literally. In, uh, six hours or so? It's a great spot. But in the mean time, this is part of it too." Hob takes a hand off the wheel to gesture with a flourish at the sea of sensible hatchbacks and work vans around them, swimming like fish in the asphalt rivers of London's outer burbs. "Humanity," he pronounces, and the car drifts a little into the next lane. Humanity honks rudely at him and then accelerates safely out of Hob's radius.
Dream's sulking seems to have pushed him fully into the realm of catatonia, because Hob's passengers are usually more animated when he does exciting little things like that. Hob looks over in concern and this time the car barely follows with him.
"Bit rusty," he offers.
Dream deigns to snort softly at that. "My sister is far worse," he says.
Hob raises his eyebrows. It was hard to imagine Death bad at anything, frankly. Dream must see his look because he clarifies.
"Another sister. Delirium. An official of the carriageway stopped us. He would not have us continue our passage. So she gave him delusion of bugs crawling across his skin. Forever."
"Well, that's one way to get out of a ticket," says Hob, and makes a mental note to ask Death for a complete list of siblings and how to avoid angering them.
"He was being rude," adds Dream. He suddenly sounds very much like an older brother.
"Oh, fair play, then," says Hob affably. He'd had little sisters once. He understood.
They drive in silence for a few minutes. Hob thinks about putting on a playlist, and has just decided that nineties Britpop is perfect for this occasion when they pass a junction sign and he exclaims in recognition.
"The M25! Funny story, I know just the loveliest antiquarian book dealer who says his partner - uh, I'm assuming there, but if you heard the way he talks about him - anyways, his partner designed it. Some kind of high-flying civil engineer, I reckon."
"Really," says Dream. "A...high-flying...civil engineer." He sounds fascinated.
Hob hadn't expected Dream to be interested in road design.
"Something like that, definitely," he says, looking over to see Dream, staring at him, rapt. He looks back and brakes just in time to avoid hitting the car in front of him as it turns off onto the motorway in question. "Sorry. Saw him once in passing, actually. Dresses like you. Very fancy and dark."
"Perhaps you should keep your focus on the road, Hob," says Dream, but he sounds like he's smiling.
"Oh, we're not for a while yet," says Hob. Half truth, half optimism.
"Where are we going?" asks Dream. Hob beams. He's just won a bet with Matthew.
"It's a surprise" he says. "Now, have you heard of this band called Oasis?"
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ivyyisbored22 · 2 months
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭— 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐅𝐅
Note: Check Description and other chapters first to understand the story ^^♡
Chapter 6
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Bang Chan
There were days when I actually wanted to sit down and get to know Aria and days when I just wanted to shut that little mouth of hers. This whole thing was a complete bad idea and I regret it.
My hand was holding a glass of whiskey, swirling it around, the other hand rubbing off the throbbing headache forming in the front of my head. One day I'm gonna get my brain fall out of my skull at the way my head hurts because of a certain brunette.
I called the guys over to my place to watch the new game, we were all in the living room, but neither of us were focused on the match going on the TV.
"Where's your pretty wife?" Hyunjin asked as he popped an olive into his mouth from the charcuterie board Deliah prepared for us. The sound of the word "wife" sent another sharp pain to the back of my head.
"He's trying to get through the glories of marriage Hyunjin. Let him be" Bin said slapping my shoulder as he poured himself a glass of whiskey. "Although where is she? Is she okay with you having us here?"
I turned to him with a what the fuck looked spread across my face. "Why wouldn't she be? It's my house" I said, trying to keep my voice low and cool.
"Dude" Han looked at me with that same face I looked at Bin with, an eyebrow arched and shook his head pulling out his phone. "You really don't get it, do you?"
"Get what?" I asked, swirling the whiskey in my glass again, the liquid catching the light and glinting warmly. The throbbing in my head seemed to intensify with each passing second.
"That marriage isn't just about contracts and houses," Felix chimed in from across, his blue hair outshining the room and his Australian accent making the words sound almost musical. "It's about partnership. Even if this whole thing is a sham, you should at least pretend to respect her."
"Respect is a two-way street," I muttered, more to myself than to anyone else. I downed the rest of my whiskey and set the glass on the table with a heavy thud.
"You're sounding like a cliché," Seungmin said, his eyes never leaving the TV screen, but I could tell he was listening intently. "The brooding husband who doesn't know how to communicate." His comment earned laughter from almost everyone except me.
"Funny, Seungmin" I sighed, rubbing my temples. "You guys don't understand. This whole situation is fucking messed up. We were almost forced into this. It's not like I wanted any of this."
Bin leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "Maybe not, but you're in it now. And if you want to make it through the next 300 whatever days without losing your fucking mind, maybe try talking to her. Really talking."
"Yeah," I.N added, looking up from the game. "Just because you didn't choose this doesn't mean you can't make the best of it. You're stuck together for a year, might as well not make it a living hell for both of you."
I frowned, swirling the whiskey glass again even though it was empty. "It's not that simple. She's... difficult."
"Sounds like she's a reflection of you," Lee Know said, a smirk playing on his lips. "Ever thought about that? Maybe you two are more alike than you care to admit."
I glared at him, but his words hit like a punch to my gut. Maybe we were more alike. Both trapped in a situation neither of us wanted, both struggling to find a way to cope. The thought made my headache worse.
"Look," Han said, putting his phone down and finally turning to face me. "We're your friends, and we're here for you. But you need to figure this out. You can't just drink and avoid it."
"I know," I admitted, feeling a weight settle in my chest. "I just... I don't know where to start."
"Start by being honest," Hyunjin suggested, popping another olive into his mouth. "With yourself and with her."
"Yeah," Felix nodded. "And maybe lay off the whiskey a bit. It won't solve anything."
"Yeah you really should cut the whiskey. You'll probably make the company a trillionare, seeing the rate you've been drinking ever since you returned from Europe" Bin added, his tone half-joking but his eyes serious.
I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "It's not like I have many other ways to deal with this crap."
"Dealing with it and avoiding it are two different things Chan." Han pointed out snapping his fingers, his gaze steady on me. You know he's being serious when he calls me Chan instead of Chris.
"Drinking yourself into a stupor isn't going to make any of this go away."
"Agreed," Hyunjin said. "Maybe try talking to her sober. You might be surprised."
"At this point all of you are calling me a drunkard"
"We are" all 7 of them said at sync, looking at me at the same time, my eyes widening at their unified response.
Lee Know leaned back, his expression thoughtful. "Why don't you try to find something you can both agree on. A hobby, a project or something to focus on together. It might help bridge the gap."
"Sounds like a lot of effort," I muttered, though their words were starting to sink in.
"Anything worth having usually is," I.N said simply.
"You just have to decide if it's worth it to you." Since when did the baby of our group become a love expert?
"Okay. Okay fine! I'll deal with this hell" I put my hands up in surrender, "But do not expect any miracles or whatever" I said pointing at them.
"Nobody's expecting miracles Chris" Felix said with a grin. "Just a little less whiskey and more effort."
"And when you need to get your shit together without having to drown yourself with alcohol, you've got us" Seungmin added, his eyes focused on the TV, I couldn't help but chuckle at that.
"But just so you know, I'm still not giving up whiskey completely."
"Just cut back," Bin said with a grin. "Baby steps, man. Baby steps."
As we settled in finally paying attention to the game, my attention was distracted by the sound of footsteps descending. I turned to the stairs, and there was Aria, coming down gracefully, her hair up in messy bun and wearing sweats.
Her expression a mix of curiosity and hesitation, she paused at the bottom of the stairs, clearly surprised to see the living room full of my friends. Her eyes met mine, for some reason my breathing increased, suddenly I felt something clench my chest.
Hyunjin caught my gaze and smirked knowingly. "Hello there," he got off the couch and walked towards her, realization hitting me that I never really introduced them to her properly.
Her gaze caught Hyunjin's, she smiled warmly at him, he offered his hand to her, "Hi, I'm Hyunjin" he returned her smile, shaking her hand. Somehow that small gesture of her hand touching his made a feeling I never felt before crawl over me.
"Hi, I'm Aria," she replied, her voice soft yet confident. "Guys, we have new company" Hyunjin gestured her towards us, nodding his head at her to which she replied nodding back smiling, that piercing feeling sinking again in my chest.
What is this annoying sting?!
Before I made a fool of myself infront of my friends and my wife, I got off the couch and walked to her, she paused when I got in front of her. I moved to her side, placing my hand on the small of her back. She shivered slightly, only visible to my eyes, Hyunjin smirked mischievously at me before he went and sat on the couch, I walked with Aria towards my friends.
"You guys, uh" I rubbed the back of my neck. I was behaving like a fucking high schooler introducing his new girlfriend to his friends, it was embarrassing.
"This is my wife Aria" She looked up at me as I said that, I caught her gaze on me from the corner of my eye.
"Aria," I smiled at her, trying to hide the embarrassment behind my face, feeling the teasing chuckles of the guys, "These are my friends" I introduced her to all of them one by one.
"It's nice to meet you" She smiled, genuinely pleased and enjoying the company.
"Would you like to join the madness? We really could use some luck. We're losing pretty bad" Felix said, his strong Australian accent making Aria smile wider.
"I'd love to," she replied, her voice light and friendly.
I guided her to an empty spot on the couch next to me, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety. As she settled in, I could feel the guys' eyes on us, their curiosity palpable. Han and Lee Know looked at eachother smiling to themselves, I flashed a glare at them which made them burst out laughing.
As we all settled down again to pay attention to the game, more groans and about 40 minutes later, we screamed out loud as the player kicked the ball into the goal smoothly.
"LET'S GOOOOO!!!" The living room erupted into a chorus of cheers and high-fives. The energy was infectious, and for a moment, all my anxieties melted away in the shared excitement. Even Aria was caught up in the moment, her eyes shining with delight as she joined in the celebration, clapping her hands and covering her mouth as she laughed.
Han and Lee Know, still chuckling from my earlier glare, were the loudest among us, their voices carrying over the rest. They exchanged a quick fist bump, their camaraderie evident. I couldn't help but smile at the scene unfolding around me.
"That was insane!" Felix said, smiling infectiously. "Aria, you really did bring us the luck" He said to her, her cheeks flushed pink so easily at the simplest compliment.
"I really didn't," she chuckled, "It was definitely a coincidence" She covered her mouth again as she laughed, that gesture pulled an unusal curiosity from me.
As the game continued, the tension ebbed and flowed, punctuated by moments of collective joy or frustration. We leaned forward in unison, held our breath together, and let out synchronized sighs of relief. During a particularly intense moment, I felt her hand brush against mine.
It was a small, fleeting touch, but it sent a jolt of electricity through me. I glanced over at her, and she met my eyes with a shy smile before quickly looking back at the screen.
"Focus on the game hubby" Bin teased from across the room, having noticed the exchange. I rolled my eyes, I tried my hardest to surpress the smile that tugged at my lips.
"Shut up Bin," I shot back, earning another round of laughter from the group, including a soft smile from her.
After the game ended, the guys engaged in conversations with Aria, especially Felix and Hyunjin. I watched her, leaning back on the couch on the other side, with a new glass of whiskey.
The way her hands come up to her mouth when she laughd, how her lips move with every word and how her eyes sparkle when she is talking about something that has her full interest, somehow, all of that fascinated me.
Felix, ever the charmer, had her laughing in no time. His quick wit and easygoing nature made him an instant favorite. Hyunjin, on the other hand, was more intense, asking her thoughtful questions and listening intently to her responses. She seemed to thrive in their company, her confidence growing with every passing minute.
I took a sip of my drink, savoring the warmth that spread through me. It wasn't just the whiskey; it was the sight of her fitting in so seamlessly with my friends. A part of me had worried that she might feel out of place, but those fears were quickly dispelled. But another part of me hated how easily my friends could speak to her than I could.
I felt that same pang of stinging pain I felt before, the feeling I never felt before mixed with admiration. They made it look so easy. I watched as she engaged with them, her eyes lighting up with every new story or joke. She seemed genuinely happy, and I shook my head turning away, trying to hide the small smile forming in the corner of my lips.
But as the evening wore on, I couldn't shake the frustration. I wanted to be the one making her laugh, to see her smile, watch her eyes trap an entire galaxy, drawing out those little gestures and expressions that had become so familiar yet so elusive to me in this setting.
"Bro?" Seungmin's voice broke through my thoughts. He sat down beside me, a knowing smile on his face, "You good?"
"Yeah," I replied, though the uncertainty in my voice betrayed me. "Just... watching."
"She fits in well," he observed, following my gaze. "Hmm" I hummed as I continued to watch her.
And for a brief moment her eyes caught mine, in that instant, everything around me faded, the only person remaining was her. She played a soft smile before breaking the contact and turning to Han. She spoke to everyone equally, everyone except me, that god damn sting just kept rising and falling in my chest.
I took another sip from my glass, trying to focus on the warmth it provided, but it was a poor distraction. The more I watched her, the more the sting of being left out by my own friends and wife gnawed at me. The guys could draw her into conversation so effortlessly, while I was left on the sidelines, battling my own hesitation.
"You'll feel easier to talk to her once we leave" Seungmin said as he tapped my shoulder and grabbed his keys from the coffe table.
"Well Aria, it was amazing meeting you but I have work to catch up with, so I'll see you soon" He said, looking at her and also giving a sign to the guys that it was time for me to be alone with her.
I swear to God I feel set up in my own marriage by own friends.
One by one, the guys started making their excuses, gathering their things, and heading out. Felix gave me a thumbs-up, and Hyunjin offered a supportive smile. Han and Lee Know were the last to leave, each patting me on the back.
I made plans to catch up with Bin and I.N at the gym during the weekend and soon, it was just me and Aria alone in my living room.
Sooner or later we have to have a proper conversation and it seemed like it's happening sooner than I wanted.
Thank you for reading! xx,Ivyy
Next Chapter
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aingeal98 · 18 days
Hi, loved your recent Stephanie Brown post regarding the violence, the rage and general ruthless scrappiness that to me is an essential part of her character.
It also however has always begged a question in my mind I'd be curious to see your take on.
Namely, how do you think Stephanie's willingness to potentially kill or let someone die fits into a Stephcass relationship?
Cos, its easy to see how it works with basically any other character, but their relationship is so distinctly unique and Cass's stance on the subject quite iron-clad.
Not in the sense she won't help a murderer try to change, but in terms of not tolerating anyone dying under any circumstances.
That its hard to see how they'd grapple wither with the fact Stephanie would be willing, or more notably if it actually happened. Obviously context counts for a lot, but yeah, just generally curious.
Ooh good question. I think that overall Cass will never stop believing in Steph despite her willingness to kill. She saw that anger during Steph's Robin run when she threatened to kill Penguin but she also saw Steph step in to comfort a crying child when Cass could not on the exact same mission. Steph was also honest with her about where that anger comes from and why it still exists. So I feel like even if Steph did fall to morally greyer moments than Cass could accept, Cass would be firm in her belief that it doesn't define Steph the way Cass's kill defines her. Steph can change, Steph can be better etc. Even if Steph did kill a villain (in self defence) I could actually see adult Cass defending her? Not the act itself obviously but what it means for Steph as a person. Because obviously Steph would have a bunch of conflicted feelings and the bat's judgement wouldn't help with that, and Cass would be able to pick up on that and given where they are in current canon I can see her trying to shut everyone else out so she can get through to Steph and guide her onto a path where this doesn't happen again. Cass could never look at her fully the same but that doesn't mean Cass would love her any less. They would both be very very sad the whole time though and feel like they're failing each other even if they never verbally acknowledge it.
That said I can definitely see tension between them if they fail to save some scumbag's life and Cass is devastated but Steph is just... Flippant about it. Like oh no the pedo rapist got shot. Sucks but at least it wasn't anyone else. And Cass would be furious, likely saying something insensitive and accusatory as a response, which would raise Steph's hackles in return and get her from "Yeah we tried but there was nothing we could do." to "Actually I'm glad he's dead fuck him and fuck you for being an asshole about it."
If we're talking batgirl Steph and black bat Cass I think they're both at the stage where they're not willing to let this come between them, even if they both get their feelings hurt they'll apologise and talk it out within a week. Neither will fully accept the other as completely right but I think they'd be surprised to find that it doesn't diminish their respect for each other as much as they feared it would.
Unless, of course, during the argument, Cass gets so disgusted by Steph's lack of guilt over the death that she says those three little words:
"Batman was right."
Because in THAT case... Yeah this argument isn't getting resolved with in a week. It'll take a lot of stewing in their hurt feelings, dredging up past traumas and arguments, and probably outside intervention from at least one or two other batfam members. I have faith they'll work it out in the end! They'll just need a bit of help with the communication and apologies because if left alone they'd 100% make it worse.
Ultimately I think what it comes down to is that after Steph's first resurrection, their bond is so tight that neither of them are willing to give up on it no matter how it hurts, which is rare for both of them honestly! Anger and pride can cause them to get nasty but it's not going to break them permenantly because they tried that and it was horrible and they both kind of have ptsd about it at this point.
Thanks for the ask!
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justrainandcoffee · 1 month
Non, je ne regrette nien (Eames x fem!oc) Part II
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Eames masterlist - first part
Summary: Cobb tells the group about the new project they have to do and to Eames' surprise he knows that, somehow, her former sister-in-law is involved.|| Jasmine's life is quite chaotic at the moment and things are about to getting worse when Eames finally calls her.|| His and her friends, know about the other.
Warnings: None. || I took the liberty of using some of my mutuals' beautiful OCs. Eva belongs to @evita-shelby , Holly belongs to @cillmequick and Alice belongs to @emotionalcadaver
Words: 3.1k (believe when I say that only one hour ago, I had half of it and a massive writer's block 😭.)
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Eames' cat, named Bes after the Egyptian God of the dreams, was a fat girl who always was where Eames was. From the cat tree that Eames bought for her and put inside that warehouse, Bes was listening to the team while they were discussing the last job.
Dom was hired by a Parisian politician to perform an inception in an important judge by implanting him the idea that he was innocent and could avoid the prison that inevitably was his fate. The politician could bribe the rest of the tribunal but him. He just wanted immunity and forgiveness due some corrupt things he did in the past.
"Did you accept?" Arthur asked not believing his ears.
"We did much worse things."
"It's different, Cobb! We're talking about a man who stopped the construction of a school to buy a fucking house in the Polynesia!"
"It was a hospital," corrected Eames.
"Much worse, then! Let me ask again, did you accept?!"
"I did," Cobb looked at his friend, hands in his pockets touching the token that was there.
"You're losing your mind, Dom. Fuck. And all of you are okay with this?"
"To do this job you don't have to have morals," Eames replied. "We're not angels. You either."
"Do we have options?"
Dom shook his head and Arthur sighed. "Okay, then, let's help this motherfucker. It seems that the only honest being here is Bes."
"That's what you think. That's because you're not living with her," Eames said looking at his cat sideways.
"Better her than you," Arthur stated.
"If it helps to ease your mind, this person promised me to finish the hospital."
"And did you believe him?"
"I can destroy his life," Cobb said, "he knows that."
"Arthur, if this man doesn't do what he promised, I'm going to kidnap him and going to do the same but in his mind and in the next hour he's going to expose himself in public television. Now, can we focus on this?"
Arthur finally nodded.
They left the less important projects aside for the moment to focus on the judge. The next few days Arthur investigated him the same way he collected a good number of data for the politician as well.
The judge was a 56 years old man called Pierre Durant. He was married to an important chef, but despite the money they have their lives were still simple.
"When do we have to do this?" Ariadne asked, three days after Cobb announced the project.
"We have time. But we can't waste hours. I'm guessing a couple of weeks or a month. We can train, we can think about this detailed."
"He has a dental appointment in three weeks," Arthur said writing the date on the whiteboard. "Le sourire blanc his dentist is doctor Jasmine Prince."
"What?" Eames stopped what he was doing to stared at his friend.
"I said he has a dental appointment we can use to…"
"The dentist name, Arthur."
"Jasmine Prince. Why?"
"No, we can't use that appointment to do this."
"Why not?"
"Because I know her. The woman who greeted me the other day in the street… that's Jasmine Prince. Or Jas."
"Well, we can persuade her to help us," suggested Ariadne. "Is she your friend?"
"Not exactly."
"Is she your ex, then?"
"Not exactly."
"Eames, for god sake!" Arthur was exasperated and it was notorious. "You were the one who said we don't have morals when we're doing this job! Amazing that you're more concerned about a dentist than a senator that used people's money to his own benefit."
"We're going to use that appointment to do this," interjected Cobb before Eames could replicate. The leader of the group saw him frown "Talk to her and try to convince her."
"Easy to say, Dominic."
"You screw up somehow with the dentist?" Arthur asked again.
"How bad that can be?" Ariadne wanted to know, but Eames didn't respond, instead, he walked towards Cobb.
"I'm going to talk to her. But if she refuses we're going to find a new place to do this or I'm out."
Cobb nodded "deal."
The days that followed the moment Jasmine saw Eames were chaotic to say the least. Her patients were everything but patient, her secretary decided to start a new job and left her alone dealing with the schedule, the callings, new appointments and cancellations as well. The new rhythm of the world seemed to be affecting everyone and without help, at the end of the day Jasmine just wanted to go home and sleep for three years consecutive.
And when she was sleeping Eames appeared in her dreams. Usually it was that night but the scenario changed almost every time. Sometimes she was just with him dancing, others Sophia appeared accusing her of being an awful sister. Once, a nightmare woke her up and she spent a couple of hours trying to erase the image of Eames and Sophia laughing at her.
A friend of hers gave her the number of a girl who was looking for a job. Jasmine needed a secretary urgently or she was going to collapse before the end of the month, she promised herself to call this girl soon.
It was those days that she realised that she needed holidays. She was tired, stressed and possibly suffering from anxiety. Jasmine thought that she needed to start therapy as well. But free time wasn't something she had.
That day Jasmine started her day as usual. She fed her ferrets, prepared coffee for her and listen to the first news of the morning before parting to her job. The subway was crowded ad usual at that hour but she managed to get a seat. Music, as always, helped her. Music was part of her the same way books were part of a librarian. She couldn't imagine a world in silence, a world where songs and melodies weren't part of the humanity. She promised herself that at night she was going to play the guitar, despite the complaints from her moody old neighbour and her useless son.
Same as always, that day for her it was full of patients and few time for her. Jasmine realised that she ate anything around 4pm when her stomach growled. In less than an hour, fortunately, she was going to be able to go to her house again.
That same night, Eames was already in the apartment he was renting while he was in Paris. Every new case brought new challenges and usually he was always prepared because it never involved people he knew, but now it was different. How many dentist were in Paris in that moment? Thousands. And of all those dentists, the stupid judge had to choose her? Eames understood that she was good, but it was the problem that could cause working with her what bothered him.
He didn't want her to think that he was playing with people's minds. Even if it was exactly that what he was doing.
"Should I call her now?"
It was a serious question directed to a serious listener as Bes was.
Owner and pet were eating french fries watching Breaking Bad, popular tv show if any in 2010. But Eames wasn't paying attention to Walter White in that moment.
Arthur got him her telephone number and address. Was it legally? No, of course not, neither of what they did was legal. But Eames wasn't going to harass her either. He just wanted to talk.
"As a friend," he said out loud. Bes seemed to judge him when she heard his words.
"As a friend," he repeated. "What do you know about it, girl?"
"I know better, Bes."
Bes wasn't so sure.
Jasmine, as she promised to herself, was playing the guitar. The Beatles' song was filling the room and she was lost, feeling the strings in her fingers. She also sang. Not many people knew, but she learnt how to do it decades ago when she was just a teen.
Back then Sophia spent her days learning karate because she wanted to be part of the school team. She was really good at it, won several medals and trophies. Sophia tried to persuade Jasmine to join her, but she refused every time and seeing that, her parents allowed her to learn music and sent her to a nice academy. Jasmine thought more than once that the moment they chose different extracurricular activities it was when the twins started to be independent individuals. And for good or not, it lasted till these days.
When her phone rang, Jasmine was still playing the guitar. The ID showed a number she didn't know, so she thought it was a patient. It wasn't strange for her receiving calls from different people asking her if they could go to her clinic without an appointment or if she could give them some medicine at… 2am.
"Doctor Prince," she said without looking at the number again.
"Doctor Prince? That sounds good, Jas."
Jasmine put the guitar aside and it took her few seconds to recognise his voice.
"Eames? What…? How…? Who gave you my number?"
"Hi, Jas. Uhm. No one. Everything is on internet these days."
"Did you search my name on Google, Eames?"
"Well, no if you say it like I'm a pervert looking for my next victim, Jasmine. It surprised me to see you the other day and I barely could say hello. You ran away."
"No, it's not like that. I didn't ran away. I was tired, and I didn't know what else to say. But I was glad to see you again."
"Were you? For a moment I thought that you weren't."
"What? No. No… I was tired and you were with people."
"Cobb and Arthur, yes, my friends and colleagues. Jas, I have something to tell you and it's better you heard this from me. But it can't be over the phone. I thought, I don't know, maybe we can talk? How about a coffee?"
"Talk about what? What do you have to tell me?"
"Talk. I don't know, life? What are you doing here, what I am doing here. We're friends, after all. Or we used to be."
"It's okay if you don't want to. That's my number if you ever want to talk, just call me maybe. If I don't answer immediately it's because I'm sleeping."
Her ferrets were looking at her. Dumb idiot, they seemed to think as they were looking at her with their judgy black eyes.
"I'll save your number."
"Sounds good, Jas. I still don't know if it's true that you are happy to see me. But I am. Good night, Jas."
"Good night, Eames."
Jasmine stayed there with her heart pounding in her chest. She added his number on her phone and contemplated it several minutes, while her thumb brushed the keys ready to type a message as soon as her brain give the order. But that didn't happen.
Unaware of what the other was doing, the other day both called some friends to talk. In Jasmine's case, it was an old friend of hers. She was living in United States and they each other from the years they were studying un college. She was friends with Sophia as well, although they cut all ties after Sophia returned to Canada. Time zones were always complicated, but at those hours, it could be considered adequate for both of them.
Holly Matthews was one of the people she trusted the most of her, among with Eva Smith who was living in the USA as well. Both were in stablish relationships and sometimes, more often than Jasmine wanted to admit, she felt behind in life compared to them. Yet, the last thing she felt was envy, quite the contrary. Both Zach and Jack -Holly and Eva's partner respectively- were good men and her friends were happy. In consequence, she was too. But for now, that was something that life didn't give her. Her relationships usually ended very soon. Or very bad. Or both.
"Hospital was really crowded the last week. Suddenly all women decided to have their babies at the same time, it seemed. But I'm getting some rest now and Zach is very happy about it." Holly commented. Medicine somehow joined both friends, although their works weren't the same at all.
"For sure, he is" Jasmine chuckled. She was eating her lunch, something she didn't do the day before, while talking with her "you are lucky, Holly. Hope you know that."
"Gary didn't talk to you again?"
"He better not! I rather be alone than with someone like him again…"
"But?" Holly could hear her friend from the other side of the line and she knew she wanted to say something.
"Eames reappeared. Well, it's not like he reappeared magically. I found him here two weeks ago and he called me last night."
"Oh my god."
Only Eva and Holly knew about the whole thing about Eames and her and that infamous night when they had sex.
"Yes. That was my reaction. He wants to talk, but he didn't tell me about what. I have his number, tho."
"Well, call him then!"
"Maybe he just wants to know how you are. It's been a lot of years. Who stops you? Sophia gives a fuck about him."
"Sophia gives a lot of fucks about her exes. She collects them like limited edition figures."
"But they're people, Jas. Individuals who have a life despite what she thinks. And you do want my opinion on this matter, otherwise you will be laughing at this. Call him! Did you talk to Eva?"
"No… not yet. I'm afraid that she'll push me towards him. It was hard not to hear her years ago."
"Because she's right. You should hear her. Jas, you know what I think of Sophia."
"But she's still my sister."
"And this happened when? Four? Five years ago? And it's just a fucking coffee with him or a dinner or whatever, if you want, do it. I have to go, love, but let me know, ok?"
"Yeah, I will. Thanks, Holly."
Jasmine stared at the opposite wall for several minutes.
Five years ago, the next day after spending the night with her former brother-in-law when Jasmine called Eva her friend was categorically: "if you like him, go after him."
And to be honest, part of Jasmine wanted to go after him. But the love she had for her sister was stronger. Eva had snorted back then when Jasmine told her that Eames returned to London where he lived in 2005. "Hope you don't regret it. With due all respect, Sophia is a bitch, Jasmine. And I'm telling you this as her former friend. I sincerely regret introducing him to her instead of you. I didn't see the things clearly."
Eva was his friend back then in 2003 and thought that Eames and Sophia could be a good couple and for a while it seemed to work. But sooner than anyone expected, the arguments began and a bit longer than a year and a half, they broke up. Jasmine thought she wasn't going to see him again, but in 2005 she found him and now, in 2010, Eames appeared in her life again. Not Sophia's life, but hers. Twice.
As for Eames, he was talking with his best friend. Unlike Holly and Jas, the time zone between him and Alice Emerson was huge considering she was living in Australia. But she didn't seem to mind. He was in her kitchen (technically his boyfriend's kitchen, but now it was hers as well) talking to Eames. The phone was in speaker as she was taking advantage to be there to eat ice-cream. It was winter in that side of the world, but that didn't stop her.
"So, yes, Cobb told me about this new case and told me too, that Arthur is a bit upset. I agree, but I like the idea of Cobb destroying this politician's life if he fuck with us."
"I agree. Are you coming with us?"
"I am, yes. But not now, maybe near the day you're planning this inception. Did you do your part yet? Cobb told me you know the dentist."
"I do, yes. I do."
"I called her last night. I didn't tell this to the group yet, Al, but I'm her former brother-in-law. I dated her sister."
"Oh shit!! That's why you wanted her out if this!" Alice exclaimed while was holding the spoon near her mouth. "Did you screw up very bad with her sister?"
"No. We broke up because we're going anywhere with that relationship and we were arguing constantly. The this… Jasmine and her sister are twins…"
"I fucked Jasmine, too. It happened only once, after I broke up with her sister, but it happened." Eames finally confessed.
Alice's spoon fell on the floor to much her cats happiness who were craving a bit of ice-cream. "You did what?!"
"Only once, Al."
"You're an idiot, Eames. Tell me, for god's sake, that it wasn't because you fantazised about having sex with the two of them…"
"Well, no. I mean, when I knew that Sophia had a twin the idea crossed my mind. But I didn't have sex with Jas because she was 'the other twin'. I did it because I wanted to. Jasmine is a sweet girl, I could never do that, even if I thought about it. We both agreed, otherwise."
"Shit. Eames, you're very lucky that I'm on the other side of the world! I want to smack you! Okay, let's see. Do you think she wants to talk to you?"
"Hard to know. When I saw her by chance weeks ago, she ran away, but she says she didn't."
"Can you blame her? At least she talked to you last night, that's something. Eames, just… I don't know, just give her some time. I can talk to Cobb and persuade him to give you extra time without giving him details. He listens to me."
"That could be very helpful."
"Fine. Wait for her call, then. If not, we can think another thing. But don't screw up this time, Eames."
"I'm an angel, Alice."
His friend rolled her eyes and finished the call.
Eames remained in his apartment that day, thinking about alternatives to do the job. He also checked his phone every ten minutes.
But it wasn't until the night that he received a message.
"Can you tomorrow afternoon? xoxo, J."
He couldn't help but smile
"I can. Tell me where. <3."
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