#she didn't respect the cat's boundaries
weaselle · 4 months
had an interaction with a cat at my mother's friend's house (we dropped by to feed her while my mom's friend was out of town) and my mother said "i was surprised how much that cat liked you, she doesn't usually let people pet her but she followed you around and let you pet her a lot"
and in explaining to her my interaction with the cat i put into words a thing i'd never put into words before, having always automatically understood what i was doing. But once i put it into words my mother said she'd never thought of that and it felt like something worth sharing here.
This cat did a typical cat thing where she sniffed my fingers i was holding out, and then acted like she wanted me to pet her, but then when i started to move to pet her, moved her head away slightly to prevent it.
I instinctively understand this interaction, and stopped trying to pet her and moved back to a neutral position and waited to see if she would re-initiate an interaction.
Because this is basically a consent test. This is how a cat can assess "how closely are you paying attention to what i'm telling you" and "how respectful of my boundaries are you".
If i am responsive to her yes/no game, moving to pet her when she indicates i can, stopping immediately when she seems to change her mind, then she knows she can trust me to understand her, and also to respect her choices. That's what i did, so then she knew she could trust me and relax around me and enjoy my company. She was actually a very friendly and social little cat, who clearly wanted to make friends with me.
But if i had insisted on trying to pet her when she seemed to change her mind instead of simply understanding that she didn't want to be pet in that moment, she would have known she couldn't trust me to understand or respect her, and she would have treated me like she has to treat 90% of the people who visit that house, evidently.
I work mostly with dogs these days, but i grew up with cats too, and am generally good with animals. Many shy animals will also do this same "sniff sniff okay touch me nope just kidding" routine, especially if they've had experiences with people that make establishing that kind of communication and trust important to them.
And in fact, a lot of animals will do some version of this kind of consent test in a whole variety of situations. When well socialized dogs do that thing where they are rough housing and then they both stop suddenly for a moment until one of them play bows or makes a little pouncing motion and then they fly back into rough housing mode, that's what they are doing, they are doing a consent check-in, like "whoah this is getting wild, are you still in? are we still playing, is this still a good time for you?"
anyway, that's why this lovely little cat followed me around asking me to pet her the whole time we were visiting that house, because i showed her that i understood her signals and respected her boundaries, which is something i see a lot of both men and women not doing when interacting with cats and dogs.
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wordsinhaled · 2 months
just musing about how niko was one of edwin's biggest unconditional supporters and gentle guides in his self-discovery of his sexuality, and i think it's so interesting that we still never saw edwin confide in her overtly about his feelings for/attraction to charles, though he easily could have at any time.
before the cat king ever shapeshifts into monty or charles to tempt edwin to realization, niko's there to tell edwin that it's okay for two boys to like each other, to let him know it's okay if he noticed monty when they first met, or if he enjoyed the idea of monty liking him; and she plainly tells him that he's completely allowed to want explicit things with another boy.
they talk about edwin's feelings and desires multiple times - he admits to her he's never kissed anyone, and even that the idea of kissing has become appealing to him. she asks him, does he want to kiss monty? does he want to kiss the cat king? but she never asks him directly, does he want to kiss charles? charles is the elephant in the room of that conversation, so to speak; the only other boy they know, the one she knows edwin is actually closer with than anyone else.
but she doesn't ask edwin about charles.
i think it's actually one way niko shows her love and care for edwin, her perceptive understanding of his boundaries, and her respect for his comfort, that she never pushes him to open up to her about this most vulnerable and newly-developing aspect of his truth—that his feelings are for charles—who is already the most important person in his life, and thus so much more life-alteringly consequential to him. even though she hasn't known edwin a long time she seems to grasp that he needs both the push and the personal space to come to his deepest realizations, even as she opens the door for him to come to them.
(i did consider for a split-second that maybe she never realizes it's charles that edwin's in love with, but i vetoed that thought immediately because... edwin just seems too deeply unsubtle for that to ring true. monty can see he's been passed over for charles. the cat king knows it immediately and asks about their 'special friendship,' and not just because he can literally read edwin's desires. crystal is going through amnesia and an identity crisis, and she still clocks that edwin and charles are like a married couple. so it only makes sense that niko can see it as well.)
plus, niko's got excellent reading comprehension, by her own admission; and she and edwin bond over both being great, astute detectives—getting to the bottom of a case is a love they share. and so i just think it's neat that between niko and edwin, the conversation about charles seems to remain deliberately unspoken even when it could easily become overt.
instead she speaks to edwin about charles in metaphors. she starts their conversation about physical intimacy and romance specifically with drawing edwin's attention to the red and blue starfish. "isn't it romantic? they're in love." they proceed to talk about monty, and about the cat king, but i doubt either she or edwin could fail to notice the color symbolism there. and when edwin tries to get scientific about it, she reminds him, "luckily, love requires no logic." and finally she gives him the red sea glass, for courage. courage to help him come to terms with what—and whom—he really wants, whoever it could be.
and in the end... edwin tells niko, "i did actually tell the boy i like that i like him." this is directly after niko tells edwin she's sorry monty turned out to be an evil spy crow and she and edwin commiserate about how things with monty didn't work out for him. and obviously, it was never the cat king edwin really liked. so, just like that, through process of elimination, edwin can only be talking about charles. and even then, they never say his name. they never have to.
i just think there's something awfully soft about how edwin's feelings for charles are first so deeply ingrained and natural to him as to be something he had to be woken to rather than something that happened to him suddenly. then once he was awake to what he felt and wanted, there's something i find lovely about the deep bond niko has with him, that she understands and honors his need to speak around his feelings for charles while holding space for him to still share them with her in his way. something about how charles is so deeply loved that it is easily understood, that he is there in the conversation without his name ever needing to be spoken.
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thistlecatfics · 4 months
Talking about Incest in Public
(both the painful traumatic kind and the hot fictional kind)
As it turns out, lots of the people who read and write taboo fiction have survived some deeply fucked up shit. After talking about incest with other survivors on the Moon, Sun & Stars discord and answering questions, I decided to share more about my experiences and the things that helped me survive and the things that helped me heal, because there are a lot of us, and a lot of us feel very alone, and maybe there are other people who aren’t incest survivors but who might want to know more to better support the survivors in their life.  
Incest is not just a sexual act between two family members -- it's a larger system of absence of boundaries within a family, and it's almost always part of multiple incestuous dynamics, even if only one might be the obvious or explicit dynamic. 
If you’re an incest survivor, you’re almost certainly not the only one in your family. 
“The true characteristics and dimensions of incestuous abuse have been masked by the taboo and silence that have surrounded its occurrence. Recent research demonstrates that incest occurs regularly in our society, perpetrated by individuals who, for the most part, would otherwise be regarded as fairly normal. The taboo on incestuous relations is a deterrent to some would-be perpetrators but not to others. The taboo contradicts the reality of incest prevalence, a fact which led Armstrong (1978) to comment that th taboo has been on the open discussion of incest and not on its perpetration.”
-Christine Courtois, “Healing the Incest Wound: Adult Survivors in Therapy” 
To use my family as an example - 
My (similarly aged) brother did sexual things to me as a kid, and I had a range of reactions to it including pleasure and enjoyment. And confusion. And fear. I do not think he is bad or even what he did was bad. I think we were both two kids who existed in a family with incestuous dynamics, and we were both shaped by those dynamics and trying our best to survive. 
From a young age, I existed as a physical comfort object to my mom (when she was sad she'd get into my bed to hold me until she felt better while I dissociated), and I took on the idea that my role in the family was for my body to be used to make other people feel good. The sexual behavior by my brother felt like an extension of how my mom held me. 
My mother was the victim of incest from her uncle, and her parents sided with her uncle over her when she spoke out about it (even after he was facing legal consequences for his behavior with kids outside of the family) (even after he fled the country). She didn't know how to emotionally regulate herself, and I don't think she had (or has) the capacity to understand a child's need for physical autonomy and boundaries because her own were never respected. 
There were other incestuous behaviors and dynamics within my family which I'm continuously discovering and unpacking. I think my mom’s uncle abused my grandmother too but I’ll never know for sure. It’s deeply uncomfortable to look back on a happy family story or a childhood nickname and see something sinister underneath and wonder if you’re being paranoid or if it’s actually that bad.  
Things that have helped: 
Long term relational therapy (5+ years). EMDR. Adopting a cat. Adopting more cats. Antidepressants. Reading about incest (realistic, terrifying, academic). Reading about incest (fictional, hot, amateur). Being a competitive athlete. Getting a graduate degree. Going on long walks late at night. Telling my family I had Covid so I could skip a family vacation. 
These books specifically: Healing the Incest Wound by Christine Courtois, The Myth of Normal, Dissociation Made Simple, Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents, The Narcissistic Family Unit, Clementine Morrigan’s writing x1000. 
The protector parts: Eating disorder. Self harm. Drinking. Perfectionism. Depression. Suicidal ideation. I’m grateful to these imperfect protectors I’ve leaned on over the years. 
Things that have not helped: 
You will be shocked to hear that people on the internet yelling about how people who find fictional incest hot are disgusting and bad and dangerous did NOT in fact help me unlearn the belief that experiencing incest made me disgusting and bad and dangerous. Luckily, I’m built of spite. But it certainly did not help. 
(If I think about my vulnerable pre-teen/teen self reading those things, I become deeply angry. How dare you hurt her in the name of protection.)
- I don’t cater to all these vipers Dressed in empath’s clothing God save the most judgmental creeps Who say they want what’s best for me Sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I’ll never see
-Taylor Swift, But Daddy I Love Him
After I discovered fanfiction in middle school, and then after I realized that there was a world beyond OFC/Draco Malfoy fic, I read a lot of Blackcest. I devoured any I could find, hopping through rec lists on LiveJournal. 
Reading Blackcest fics, first Bellatrix/Sirius then Sirius/Regulus mostly, allowed me to see my experiences reflected. Those fics gave me a way to contextualize my family and my role in it. I hate the expectation that kids who experience bad things should go to a safe trusted adult rather than find art that romanticizes their experience. The whole point is that there isn’t a safe trusted adult. The whole point is that I needed the art. I got to hold the romanticized narrative until I got far enough away that I could put it away in a box until I had enough therapy that I could safely open the box and build a new, more honest story. 
Obviously plenty of people love incest smut and fic and art. It’s taboo! It’s angsty! It’s a classic! Probably most of those people don’t have direct personal experience with incest in their families. I’m glad they read and write fics too. 
But for me – have you ever experienced something you believe so strongly you will never be able to say aloud? That any time you see your secret referenced it’s in shock and disgust and revulsion? You can pretend – you’re very good at pretending – but you know it’s real, and you know it’s your secret you’ll hold onto for the rest of your life while the world reminds you how disgusting you are? 
Then you find that people are writing about what you experienced in a thousand variations that all contain some nugget of your truth.
I cannot express in words how important it was that I found those stories at that time. 
I never commented on a single fic. I never made a single account on any of the sites I read fanfiction on. I clicked the “yes I’m 18” box without hesitation every time. I wish I could go back in time and have my adult self articulate the enormity of my gratitude for each and every author who helped save me whose work exists on sites I can only revisit with the Wayback Machine. 
I understand why people might feel horrified at the idea of a 11-12 year old reading smutty incest Harry Potter fanfic. People aren’t wrong for feeling that way. 
That said, I truly don’t care what people who aren’t incest survivors think.
I’m so proud of that child for finding a way to survive. She might have hated herself, might have fantasized about death, but she survived and kept the truth of her experience wrapped up in a fictional world where it could be safe to explore and kept it there until years and years of therapy made it possible to engage with it in reality. 
- I’m a real tough kid I can handle my shit They said, babe, you got to fake it till you make it And I did
-Taylor Swift, I Can Do It With a Broken Heart -
No one is writing about incest the way Clementine Morrigan is right now. I’m so grateful for her. I’m not sure this little tumblr post would exist without her essay series. 
"Incest functions as a spell of unreality. A structure of nothingness. A completely normal and unremarkable family life in which something unnameable is ominously and terrifyingly wrong. You know in the summer when you can see the heat making the air go squiggly? Imagine those squiggles as an indication that in the seeming nothingness, there is something there. Incest is like that. Subtle, pervasive, unthinkable, unnameable. But present, felt.
As a teenager I came up with this metaphor: Imagine you are in a house full of bugs. There are bugs crawling all over all the walls and all the furniture and in your food and even on the fork you are lifting to your mouth. And you feel disgusted, you feel like something is really wrong. But your whole family is acting completely normal, laughing and eating and talking as bugs crawl over their faces and into their mouths. When you tell them you think there are bugs in your food your family says it’s just pepper and not to worry about it.
There is no way to talk about incest without feeling that you are lying. This is because incest lives in the realm of unreality and everything in the realm of unreality cannot be thought or said or named. When you speak of things that happen in the realm of unreality it will always feel like a lie and be treated like a lie. You are breaking the fundamental rule. You are not allowed to talk about what goes on in the realm of unreality because it isn’t real."
Read more and pay for her writing if you can on her substack.
Without a doubt, the not-explicitly-sexual incest from my mom fucked me up more than the explicitly sexual incest from my brother, but I only feel confident claiming the incest survivor label because sexual stuff was done to me by a family member, and I still feel like I’m lying sometimes because it wasn't bad enough to count. 
I’m a literal mental health clinician who can map out various incestuous dynamics within my family and who has clear memories of a family member doing sexual stuff to my child body, and I still feel like I’m lying. 
I believe you if you feel like a liar because I bet you do. I believe you if the incest never included anything directly physical. I believe you if you enjoyed it. I believe you if you don’t remember but feel like it’s true. 
I love us. 
If we’re monsters, I love our courageous monstrosity.
If we’re liars, I love the way we make up stories to survive when reality is impossible. 
If we’re an uncomfortable truth, good. 
It still impacts me. I’m not over it. 
It’s very difficult for me to imagine love that does not include violation. To be loved and to be allowed to maintain a self. 
But I’m open to learning otherwise, and that openness is new. 
I was so, so good at living in unreality. I could make myself perfect, such a flawless object until I couldn’t think of anything except killing myself, but even then I still maintained the image of perfection my family expected. 
It’s cool I never actually killed myself. 
I find it hard to be around my family now. There are advantages of living in unreality. I drink a lot more when I’m around my family than I ever did before, but I don’t think about killing myself nearly as much. Reality is worth it. Being able to exist as a person is worth it. 
- I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart. I am, I am, I am.
-Sylvia Plath
- I’m not afraid. I’m not afraid. I’m not afraid. (I insist.)
It didn’t kill me then. It’s not going to kill me now. (I remind myself.) 
My life is worth living, and there are fights worth fighting, and it is undeniably true the world is full of horror, but it is good to write and create and be alive, and it is good to try. I’m a little afraid to post this, but the fear and shame isn’t mine to hold, and I never should have been the one holding it. 
Consider this a thank you note sent out to the universe in the hopes the sentiment echoes towards those authors who saved me then and to all the writers who are saving people now. Your art matters. No matter how weird or niche or dismissed or hated it is. It matters. 
Thank you.
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sleepyangelkami · 8 months
You having a secret crush on ellie and you keep it to yourself but she finds your diary one day and she can't help herself so she reads it when you go to the bathroom
DEAR DIARY e.williams
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 ☆ WORD COUNT - 3.4K
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 ☆ SUMMARY - you and ellie have been best friends for as long as you can both remember. she was the artist, you were the writer. you both respected one anothers hidden sketchbook and diary. until one day you're taking much too long in the shower and it's just... sitting there! ellie can't help herself and she finds out a little secret.
 ☆ WARNINGS - snooping? tinsey bit of angst if you can even call it that, touch starved reader, sort of loser!ellie a little, lil crying, petnames, use of y/n like once, intended lower case, nothing i write is ever proofread 🩷
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for as long as you could remember, ellie had been your number one. she was your best friend in the entire world, you told her everything and she told you the same in return. okay maybe not... everything. there was one thing you'd been having an awful hard time keeping to yourself. though, you were sure it was much better in than out.
you and ellie were like an orange and black cat, you were fire and ice, the sun and moon, a writer and an artist.
ellie drew a lot. you'd seen multiple of her drawings before. you remembered the first time she'd doodled a frog onto your arm during a boring lecture from tommy and maria. she gave you a confused look to your state of shock. but you were merely surprised. sure, you knew she could draw. but you didn't know she was that good.
you were the writer. ellie was well aware of this. whether you had your laptop propped up on your knees, writing away or a pen in hand scrawling letters around the little pages. ellie always thought your handwritting was nice. it was much better than her fat chunky lettering that everyone always seemed to have trouble reading. she'd always watch the way your pen would dance across the page, so easily and smoothly. she was almost jealous.
you'd both grown to understand the boundaries of her drawings and your writing.
two things were off limits. one, was her big black bulky sketchbook that she often brought around to your house or sat under her arm. two, as your pink journal. she'd seen it once, questioning you what book was falling out from your locker drawer. you were honest with her. you told her it was your diary, the book you cherished the most, the book she could never read.
at first, ellie was a little taken aback.
sure, she knew everyone had their own secrets but it was you. you told ellie everything, or so she thought.
"oh, thank god." she spoke, pushing her jacket off as she walked into your house, right through the front door. the snow from outside decorated the crown of her head and the tip of her nose. "i was looking everywhere for that." discarding her wet boots at the door. "thought i lost it."
"nope." you chimed from your place at your kitchen counter. your stools had been the very ones joel had built for you. well, not for you. he really built them for anyone but when no takers raised their hand, you sort of felt like you had to. ellie laughed at you, stating nobody would want to sit at your kitchen counter ever again. "right here."
ellie soon made her way across the kitchen, taking the sketchbook from your hands softly. "you didn't... look at anything, did you?"
you shook your head from side to side. "'course not, els." that beloved nickname that had her cheeks turning pink. "'s the same way i wouldn't want you reading my diary. i wouldn't look at your sketchbook like that." god only knew what ellie williams was drawing on the cream coloured paper.
she breathed a sigh of relief, believing you. "okay, thank you." though she still had a gnawing feeling at the bottom of her stomach. what if you did? i mean, you wouldn't do that much less lie to her afterwards. but what if. once the thought entered her head, she had a hard time getting it to leave again.
"wanna watch a movie?" you questioned, placing your chin on your hands that had been propped up by the elbows onto your kitchen counter.
ellie sat herself on one of the white stools, not the wooden ones joel had made. "whatcha have in mind, sweetheart?" it wasn't often that ellie came over for less than a day. i mean, you two were practically attached together by the hip. if ellie was at your house, and even just for something as small as to collect the sketchbook, she was more often than not staying over.
you hummed, your lips pressed together. try as you must but you never were able to play off the stammering and flustered appearance as she called you those pretty names. but that was sort of the whole point, she liked the way your cheeks heated up. "something christmassy." you spoke. "like the muppets or something."
the girl merely raised a scarred brow at you. "it's november."
you huffed out a sigh, rolling your eyes. "'s never to early for christmas, els."
that was enough for ellie, she supposed. after this short interaction in the kitchen, you both ended up sat atop your living room couch, you fishing around with the remote. thankfully, she'd agreed on the muppets christmas carol, and you were not about to give up the oppertunity to watch your favourite movie with your favourite person.
a hand came down to your side, gently rubbing up and down gently. suddenly, the buttons on the controller seemed hazy and you blinked not once, not twice but three times, a breath falling from your lips. her fingers were so long and pretty, gently soothing the bare skin from underneath your shirt, barely hitting against your stomach. it wasn't much but for a touch starved girl alike you, it was enough to have your stomach in knots, your mind blurring into one big watercolour.
ellie seemed to have taken notice to the way your entire demeanour changed, her brows barely moving. "something wrong, baby?" you couldn't tell if she were being serious or not. perhaps it was because everything seemed hazy but truly, you couldn't distinguish whether or not she was trying to fool around with you or if her words had really been spoken with such innocence.
did she know what she was doing to you?
you cleared your throat, bee stung lips rolling. "lets jus' watch the movie, els." pressing what you assumed was the start button and watching as the screen lit up. avoiding the question completely.
you'd missed the way her lips curved up into a smirk.
of course, ellie williams was well aware of the effect she had on you.
you see, you'd been hiding this 'crush' on your best friend for quite a long time now. but it was times like this that you swore she knew, she had to. of course, she had to be aware of the way you stumbled upon your words around her or the way your face seemed on fire when she used those pretty nicknames on you. that was the thing, she called you the names, nobody else, not even those fuckbuddies of hers.
it begged the question, where did you stand to her?
you'd been best friends for so long now, you were sure she merely called you these things and seemed so impossibly close because she was comfortable with you. otherwise, there'd somehow be a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why she treated you so differently. though, the bigger part of you, the one consumed by romance novels and love letters, the one that consumed romantic films as if it were food, that part of you wanted to believe it was because you were different. well, not you necessarily. you didn't want to be different to all the girls she fucked, well, you didn't really care. you just wanted ellie's feelings for you to be different.
you didn't want ellie to look at you like you were one of those girls that'd spend the night then leave by morning without so much as a breakfast or goodbye.
you wanted her to look at you like you were worth a million stars. the way you looked at her.
you'd been enamoured by her since the day you'd met her and it appeared as though it were obvious to just about everyone other than her. your best friends dina and jesse had instantly picked up on it when you were kids. it was a wonder to both you and them how ellie still hadn't found out.
but even when dina and jesse brought it up, whether there was a teasing tone etched to their words or perhaps they were asking a serious question, you did exactly what ellie told you to do in every other situation. deny, deny, deny. probably the only time you ever took on ellie's advice.
the one person or thing, i should say, that actually knows about this little 'crush' on the auburn haired girl was the little pink notebook tucked away in the side drawer of your room, right next to your desk.
seeing as it was merely ink to a page, you didn't have to hide. you didn't have to become flustered the way you did when talking to ellie and you didn't have to lie the way you did to dina and jesse. you could simply breathe again.
it was the thing you admired most about this little book, the freedom.
you could say anything you wanted about anyone you wanted and nobody would ever know. it'd never leave the little pink book. besides, the only person that knew about your diary was ellie and you trusted her enough not to look through it. the same way you'd never pick up ellie's sketchbook and look through it.
not only because she asked but because you too know what it's like to have something of yours worth so much value. not in money, of course, but in a sense that it truly was yours and nobody elses.
"yes i could." you bit back to the auburn haired girl that sat atop your bed. the movie had ended hours ago, you'd even thrown on another one. this time, ellie got to choose and as always, she chose a horror. you hated horror movies and yet every single time, without fail, ellie was throwing one on.
"no you couldn't." she rolled her eyes. the current debate was whether or not you would be able to survive the scream movies. you were sure that you would, without a doubt but ellie wasn't so sure. "you can barely sit through a horror movie let alone be in one."
"they're just not interesting." you all but pouted, your stomach leaning against the bed as you looked up at her, tight lipped smile on your lips. "they always have the same plot and they're so... gory." it wasn't that you were scared of them necessarily. don't get me wrong, sometimes you're halfway behind ellie, screaming in her shoulder at what you're watching but even then, you still wouldn't choose to watch horror movies even without all the jump scares.
"yeah, yeah." she rolled her eyes again, she seemingly always did that when you were around. "just say you're a pussy."
you narrowed your eyes at her. "am not."
"annabell." the one word sent shivers down your spine.
"that's different." you defended. you hated the movie more than anything else in the entire world, probably even more than you hated ellie's silly jokes (you loved them really).
she cocked a brow. "how so?"
"because!" you exclaimed, flopping onto your back. "that's a scary doll that'll break into my house while i'm sleeping and―i don't know find some really creepy way to kill me. but ghostface?" you huffed out a giggle. "I could take him on."
this time, ellie tilted her head, a smirk on her lips. "really?" as if she didn't believe you at all.
you frowned at that, did she not think you were strong? you liked to believe you were strong, strong enough to take on ghostface? perhaps not. "i could take you on." you scoffed, looking at her arms.
although you wish you hadn't. the way they flexed under her shirt was enough to have your stomach rolling. her arms were the very thing that had you squirming, they were so defined and toned, along with her stomach, showing you what true muscle she had. your head felt nauseous merely looking at her.
she was getting closer to you, watching as you observed her, eyes never leaving her body. "that so?" teasing voice.
but you didn't respond with words, a mere "mhm." falling from your lips though it sort of sounded like a mix between a hum and a whine, you were failing so horribly at keeping your little secret inside.
"show me then."
you'd done this with ellie before, giggles falling from the bedroom door as you attempted to pin ellie down but right now felt so different. the air was off and the tension was rising.
at first, you tried to play it off. you playfully grabbed at her wrist, trying to push her onto the bed. usually, she'd let you win. she loved to see that victorious smirk on your face after she let you beat her. in the back of your head you'd know, though. you could never beat ellie.
but this time, she didn't let you win.
this time, she flipped your wrists and then you completely. your eyes widened when you realised how strong she was. you always knew she was strong, don't get me wrong but never had you been pinned down by her with such force behind her hands. you felt your face heat up and your stomach swirl as the girl landed above you, her head looking down at you with a smirk playing on her lips.
this time, she won.
"whatever." with a little shove, you manged to push her off. she let you, grinning as she sat back on the bed, pride swelling in her chest as she watched you flusteredly try to hide your face. "i have to go shower."
"good." she joked, watching you get up from the bed. "you fucking stink." she watched you grin and stick your tongue out at her, she did the very same in response, watching you enter your bathroom with clothes that had been sitting on your chair now in your hands.
and then, she was alone.
you'd done this the other day, about a week ago and everything changed. it was the day that ellie did the very thing she swore she'd never do and yet she did it anyway.
she just couldn't help herself.
when you were in the bathroom, showering, she'd reached over to the nightstand to look at the photograph you had on it, you and her, icecream on her nose and smeared on your cheek. a week ago, she'd grinned at it, thinking it was the most heartwarming thing she'd seen in months. then, her eyes had glanced to the little pink book that lay beneath it.
a month ago, she'd swear she'd never go near the thing, ever.
a week ago, she opened it and her eyes scanned the page.
she hadn't had any bad intentions, not really. she was just curious as to what you wrote about, what you were keeping so hidden from your dear, beloved best friend. and when she started, she couldn't stop. she soon realised that the lovely words scrawled across the page weren't about how the sunlight peeked through the clouds or how the rain fell into the puddles collected on the ground. the words were about her.
soon enough, she'd made herself believe that if the words were about her, surely, she should be allowed to read it, it was only right.
she waited until the batrhoom door closed before she reached over to the side of the bed. she knew it was wrong, so wrong, it was an invasion of privacy and she knew you'd probably burst into tears if you'd seen it. but you know what they say, curiosity kills the cat.
she placed the book on the bed, attempting to pick up where she left off.
i just can't help but like her!! what does any of this meannnn??? you don't touch someone like that as a friend, you don't call your 'friends' names like that, it's not normal!! i'm reading into this. i always fucking do this, i read into it and then bam! that's it! i'm gonna loose her to this stupid crush. it's not a crush, i think i'm in love with her. no, i can't be. it's a silly crush and it'll be gone in a day. EVEN THOUGH IT'S BEEN YEARS!! i hate myself and the only option is to throw myself off of a fucking cli―
"els, i think i left my―" she'd never shut something so fast in her entire life. ellie's wide eyes shot up, looking at you standing in the front of the bathroom doorway. "w-what are you doing?" you'd barely registered what'd happened, your eyes already burning.
"shit." there really was no way of defending herself. you'd caught her red handed with the book sitting on the bed. "darling, i didn't―"
"you read it." you deadpanned, feeling the tears begin to well up in your eyes. "you read it, you promised me you wouldn't read it!"
but ellie was already standing from the bed, discarding the book completely. "i know, angel, i know, i'm sorry i jus―"
she was attempting to race to the other side of the room, get to you and presumably comfort you. she couldn't stand the tears in your eyes. "do you know?" that you've been helplessly in love with her the past four years and running? her silence gave a response but not one that you were particularly happy with. "do you know?"
her voice was a meak whisper. "yeah, baby, i know."
humiliation, embarrassment, shame,
all you could feel.
you'd been helplessly and hopelessly in love with ellie for as long as time yet never have you truly worried about it getting back to her. dina knew but she'd never squeal, neither would jesse if he knew what was good for him.
that little pink book didn't just know briefly of this 'fleeting crush' it knew everything, every minor detail. ellie consumed the pages, every pen stroke had her name on it. you were sure that the book knew more about this crush than you could ever grasp.
"hey, hey, don't cry." she was up in your face, hands attempting to hold your face, soothing you gently. "hey, i'm sorry, i'm sorry." she kept repeating everything but nothing could stop the way your lip wobbled and your eyes filled to the brim, the dam breaking as a fat tear rolled down your cheek. "okay, just―"
ellie was panicking. she knew how you could get, once you started crying it was damn near impossible to get you to stop. the way your lip trembled served as a constant reminder that she had been the one to put you in this situation, she had made you cry.
before you could even thin, there was a big black book being shoved in your hands. you didn't think to look down, mind to foggy and far away but ellie was already opening it up for you. "angel, look, see?" finally, you pulled your eyes away from the little pink book on your bed, eyes trailing down to the sketchbook. ellie briefly flickered through the pages, your brows pinched together. were they... drawings of you? "i do it too, see?" had anyone ever put their heart on the line merely to get you to stop crying? no. then again, nobody else had ever been quite like ellie williams.
you sniffled, glancing at one of the pictures. it looked so real, as if you were looking at yourself right now, eyes shut and lips sort of smashed against the pillow. "am i sleeping?" you sniffled, mouth sort of dry.
ellie found herself a dark crimson. "well―yeah." she only now realised what she'd done. she just wanted you to stop crying, she didn't think of what she was doing to herself, outing herself like that. then again, it was only right as she'd outed you before.
you swallowed thickly, wiping the tears away with your sleeve. "'s really stalkerish, els." you mumbled and she couldn't help but grin at you.
"i'm really sorry." her voice low enough to have you glancing up at her, straining your ears. "i shouldn't have read it."
you nodded your head. "you shouldn't have." but you couldn't help but feel a little weight lift off your chest. she knew now, at least you'd no longer have to hide it.
once again it left you wondering where you stood.
ellie could see the way your eyes went sort of foggy, blocking her out. she wondered what you were thinking now. "y/n?"
finally, you pulled your eyes away from the ground, looking at her perfect green eyes.
"i love you too."
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main masterlist/ellie's masterlist
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bonebabbles · 20 days
Ivypool's Heart: Finished
Just completed reading the new super edition! I'm pleasantly surprised by this one. Overall, this was a very good book, MUCH better than the past 3 which were some of the most boring and unnecessary entries to the entire franchise.
If you were on the fence about this one, I'd recommend it. Just take this warning; it does the Warrior Cats thing where it harps pretty strong on parenthood and nuclear families being a borderline essential part of life, including a ton of bashing on how uniquely horrible this makes the Sisters.
If you can get past that, it's a pretty solid story about grief that makes some really fun additions to the WC lore, including the wildcats, StormClan, and a broad expansion to the afterlife system.
Meandering thoughts below the cut;
One of IPH's biggest flaws is pacing, but it's not nearly as bad as the past 3 SEs.
Not to mention, this is a pretty small SE. If you're ever bored, it won't last long.
Before the book introduces the Wildcats, it REALLY meanders. It'll pick up, but you will have to wade through relatively uninteresting scenes of the cats traveling and talking about their feelings unprompted.
A lot of "quicktime events" happen out of nowhere to fill pages with cats running away from random bullshit.
There's a horse carriage, an apple picker, dogs, weasels, foxes, a storm, traffic, humans, boats, sandwhiches. It's endless. My eyes glazed over during most of these scenes.
I know a lot of people were dreading Ivypool being nasty and unreasonable during this book, but honestly? I was hoping for it and didn't really receive it.
I find her most compelling when she's holding a grudge, acting on her anger, and generally working through messy issues. But aside from her just thinking about being annoyed or angry, she's really not snappy at all.
I feel like there could have been a lot more interesting and organic conflict between Icewing, Dovewing, and Ivypool's personalities instead of boring Quicktime Events. In fact, I felt like Icewing and Dovewing were kind of underutilized.
The conversations often feel quite stiff, especially in the first half. Everyone is very understanding of each other, respect boundaries and knows not to push too far, resolve their personal issues very easily, etc. It's kinda... unnatural.
Personally, I found that disappointing because I WANTED to see the cats actually process their grief over the course of the book. Watch them act out, maybe get in an fight or two and resolve it for the sake of the mission, have them come to a greater understanding of each other, etc.
Because Icewing and Dovewing are both so motherly and gentle and we're in Ivypool's POV, we don't really get to see them process their grief because of that.
They're not TOTALLY neglected though! I just... wanted more from this group.
However. I wanted LESS Rootspring.
I understand he's there to process the loss of Bristlefrost with Ivypool but god, every time he was on screen I wanted to push him aside and talk to Icewing lmao.
Stop trying to sell me "cool, mellowed from grief" Rootspring. He's a silly little hyperactive man and you will never be able to convince me otherwise.
As a silly little hyperactive semi-manthing myself, it would have been a lot more cathartic to see a clown like me going through grief. Not to mention just generally make for better chemistry with the group.
Between Ice and Dove who are already quite chill as characters, Whistle could have used someone more goofy to bounce off of.
I REALLY didn't like the whole implication that Rootspring is going to move on from Bristlefrost and "find a mother" for the kittens he wants so badly, though.
Erins PLEASE remember that adoption exists. He does not need a wife to be a dad. I'm beaming myself directly into your brains and telepathy-ing directions to the nearest cat adoption agency
aaaaaand on that note.... yeah. I did not like the way that this book leaned so hard on the whole "nuclear family" dynamic. Ivypool has had like two major interactions with her husband and one JUST happened in this book.
It especially bugged me that they leaned into Ivypool having been a very active mother, when we saw very little of that in the ACTUAL book. It wasn't even mentioned that Fernsong was allegedly the primary parent of the kittens when they were young.
But... I was able to look past it and just accept the book in a vacuum. There's a lot of good here.
Like the wildcats.
While I'm still wary of these being Scottish Wildcats and reserve my misgivings about the misuse of species that are very unlike domestic cats... I LOOOOVEEE the culture they've set up for them
I LOVEE the way that individual spirits reach out to the kits, guiding them through life
I LOVE the connection to StormClan
I LOVE their idea of the elements and general spirituality
And I LOVED the fact that a big part of Ivypool coming to terms with her grief was the expansion of her worldview. The way that she realized the religion she was raised with is quite small, and that there is an immense beauty in coming to understand other cultures, accept their advice, and see the world as they do.
I just wish the book had been able to tie that to a flaw that Ivypool has expressed since her very introduction back in OotS-- that she's smallminded.
It would have been a FANTASTIC way to really tackle and address that flaw, and pay off literal decades of set up. I really wish she had been messier in this book because of that!
But, digressing.
I'm over the moon that the team's actually playing with the series' spirituality! After such a long time of them outright avoiding some of the weirder elements in the series, like Rock and Midnight, it's exciting that they're finding some freedom in making new magic lore for themselves.
Hopefully, in the next few super editions, we'll be able to get some more insight to StormClan and the Wildcats.
The book really hits its stride in the second half because of this, and the ending chapters are actually fantastic. Some of the best stuff that's come out of the series (on purpose) in a loooong time.
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mylifeisfruk4ever · 1 year
"What the fuck?"
Selina felt that those three words were enough to describe her whole relationship with Bruce Wayne. First as Batman, then as Bruce.
She had thought there might be something between them. Luckily it had passed, and a weird friendship had developed between them. Which might make some people turn up their noses since she was a thief and he was a vigilante but Bruce hasn't been so uptight lately and as long as Selina didn't kill and steal only who deserved it, they were fine.
Still, what the heck?
"Oh, Brucie is growing up," Harley said, all too pleased.
She was upright on the bed, while Pamela sat on the other side trimming her nails, seemingly ignoring the ongoing conversation.
Fuck house arrest for both of them. Why had she accepted? Oh yeah, they were friends.
Alsp, Bruce hoped that with her, Pamela and Harley could direct their impulses towards more correct forms of fighting for their principles, without involving innocent people.
So far it wasn't going to be great, but at least Harley had dumped her clown ex, for good this time, so it was a win.
(Probably more thanks to Pamela than her, but details.)
"Let me get this straight…you, mister, I don't look anyone in the face and if you talk to me for more than five minutes I'll start crying, you want….I can't believe I'm about to say it…learn how to seduce a man."
"Exactly," Bruce replied, as he petted one of Selina's cats.
"Who cares?" Harley broke in.
"He finally wants to step outside his boundaries! You have my respect!"
"It's not about going outside my boundaries. It's about planetary security."
"Really?" Selina said, half joking.
"Superman is powerful enough to destroy the planet."
This knocked Harley over, and Pamela finally stopped pretending not to pay attention.
Selina didn't know whether to laugh hysterically or slap him on the head, "Do you want to seduce Superman?!"
"To discover his weaknesses and use them against him when his powers drive him insane."
"Wow, talking about trust issues," was Harley's comment.
"I like to be prepared," Bruce said.
"What did the boy scout do to make you fear that he might become world dictator at the slightest provocation?"
The man pouted adorable, and grumbled. Selina still wasn't an expert at translating each other's mumbling but she swore it was something like smiling too much, and I don't trust him, he's got something to hide.
Harley said, "Isn't Superman having an affair with that reporter? Lois Lane?"
"She is General Lane's daughter. A close relationship is not advisable."
"She seems to know him well. Why don't you ask her?"
"She wouldn't answer me, so as not to betray him. Everyone says he's a hero."
"And you obviously don't believe it," Selina suspected.
"What makes you think he might be interested in men?" Selina asked him.
Harley laughed, "Cupcake, no completely straight man would wear pants that tight."
"Same conclusion I came to."
Oh good. The fate of the world was entrusted to a pair of tight trousers.
"Besides, I've done some research on him, and I might be his type. At least physically. What I lack is the ability to seduce him to lower his defenses and believe me harmless."
"Ability you think we have?" Selina asked, not sure whether to feel offended or not.
"Gotham is very sexist," Bruce said.
"You did your best to manipulate men who thought they knew better."
Pamela smiled, "I'm liking this one."
“I told you Brucie's one of the good ones,” Harley genuinely smiled as she said it.
"And he's a weirdo, like us."
Selina wanted to moan. This is what happens when you make friends with strange vigilantes. She said, "So Superman has a thing for brunettes. Good to know. Have you thought about what to do in case your brilliant plan fails?"
"It won't fail," he said confidently.
"You don't know," she insisted, trying to give him some common sense. A futile undertaking, it was Bruce she was talking to.
"Superman is overconfident. He will fall into the net."
"Definitely not dressed like that honey," Harley commented, taking a long look to Bruce.
"What's wrong with the way I'm dressed?"
"You look like a creepy stalker," Selina said. Army jacket, hat, scarf to cover her face and mascara for her eyes. Bruce was a walking fashion insult. They're definitely going to have to fix his wardrobe, make him wear things that flatter his body and…
Oh god, she was totally on board with that plan, right?
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judgementdayslittle · 3 months
Okayyy but how would the Judgment day react to their princess being upset/just having a bad day/maybe the got in trouble
So Princess gives Them all the silent treatment?🩷😭🙏🏻
-You were grumpy and causing chaos all day! Your caregivers kept telling you that you need to be a good girl, but no!
-So what if you don't want to be a good girl? You should be able to play with that glass vase if you want to, darn it!
-So for the rest of the day, you just sit there and ignore them.
-They first notice this when Papi comes up to you and asks "Would you like a snack, princesa?"
-And just.... nothing! You humph and turn away from him with your arms crossed.
-It was both adorable and concerning to him. "Come on princesa, are you still upset? How about we play together to get your mind off of things?" He suggested. Still nothing.
-He called Rhea over to see if she could help.
-"What's the matter princess? Did a cat bite your tongue?" She asked playfully. Trying to make you laugh. Still nothing.
-The she tried to ticket you, but you scooted away, a sign that you didn't want to be touched. And if course Mami respects your boundaries! No matter the situation.
-Then Finn came in and came up with an idea of his own.
-"She wanted to use the vase for a cooking pot, right? Why not give her something else to use?"
-They got a pot from the kitchen and placed it in front of you.
-You do want to play...But you don't want to acknowledge them. So your baby brain came up with the perfect idea!
-You say "Dis pot telwaported.", pick it up, and walk away.
-They sighed. Trying to brainstorm ways for you to talk to them.
-They thought about maybe saying something like they're going out for ice cream without you, or even go as far as to say they're gonna get a new baby because you went missing. But they very quietly shot that idea down. Manipulation is not the way to go.
-In the end, they decided to try one more thing. If it didn't work, they would just let you get your steam out.
-They come up to you and start talking to you.
-"Princesa, we're sorry if you got upset because we wouldn't let you play with the vase. We were scared that if it ended up breaking, you could get hurt from all the glass shards. And we don't want our baby hurt." Damian said.
-"Papi's right, sweetheart. We don't want our little princess to get hurt. We love you too much to let that happen. And right now, we really want to play with our baby. Will you let us play with you?" Rhea said.
-Well... You did feel bored playing alone. And you guess you can understand them not wanting you to get booboos.
-So with a big grin, you say "Okay! I make you soup then!"
-All three caregivers happily agree to try your soup.
-Even though your "soup" is warm water with you foods in it, they still enjoy it. More happy that they have their baby back than anything.
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icycoldninja · 2 months
Can you write the DMC boys with a reader that likes to snuggle up to their man boobs and act like a cat abt it
Basically you know how cats rub their heads on your shin to get your attention that starts being cuddly to you…yeah that’s basically how she acts when given the opportunity to snuggle their boobs
They have nothing against it of course, it’s good knowing your boobs are snuggly and comfortable enough for your gf to be pudgy around it and kneed it like how cats start making biscuit
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But at the same time, they kind of wondered what it’d be like for them to return the exact same gesture to her. A lot of times when they mess around with each other, they’d slyly suggest to ykyk but she’s like “🤨 I saw what you did there 😏 so no DUH!!”. It kind of disheartened them but they’re respectful of her boundaries so they never push her (For Vergil, he would be too prideful to admit he like being kneaded and wants to return the gesture so it’d take a lot for him to even suggest it or even dropping hints)
One faithful day tho, they went back home all moody and tired so that’s when the reader suggested them to lay on her boobs for therapeutic effect and boy…if they didn’t drift off to heaven because of how comfy it is, their soul would have gone somewhere else instead. Basically it’s just normal stuff like laying and burying their face into her breasts for therapy to kneading it for extra comfort, like a soaked moody kitty kneading biscuits
P/S: You can write it from merely suggestive or it can be smut depending on how you want it
I'll keep it mildly suggestive so it can be fluffy, that ok?
Sparda boys + V x Kneading!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-So, you guys were just cuddling when out of completely nowhere, you decided to snuggle up to him and knead his chest.
-He was a little surprised, yes, but he doesn't stop you or express any discomfort. He just lays there and lets you continue, enjoying every second.
-Why you did this was beyond his understanding, but he knew that you loved doing it, every single night.
-As time passed, he wondered if he could he could return the favor. Being the goofy dork that he is, he tried to get it to escalate to something different, but you refused.
-Dante respects boundaries, so he backed off, still wondering silently what it would be like to knead your boobs the way you kneaded his. He thought he would never get to find the answer to this question until one day you came home, exhausted, and asked him to lie on your chest.
-He loved this, so much! Now he had the chance to return the favor and knead your boobs like soft, pillowy dough. It was a dream come true for him.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil had no idea why you liked to knead his chest so much, but he enjoyed it, so he allowed you to continue.
-Oftentimes, he'll have you lying on his chest while he reads, enjoying the oddly comforting sensation of having his muscles worked like dough.
-He tried to return the favor once, but you thought he was trying to initiate you-know-what and denied him.
-Vergil was way too prideful to tell you the truth and left things at that, not attempting to initiate anything else from that moment on.
-When you came home one day, absolutely drained, asking for him to lie on top of you, Vergil seized the moment and began to fulfill one of his life's ambitions.
-He's never regretted it, not once.
□ Nero □
-Nero didn't really know what to do when you randomly climbed on top of him one day and started toying with his moobs.
-He could push you off and complain, but he was kinda liking this, so he let you continue.
-After a week or so of this treatment, Nero decided he was going to return the favor, but you took it the wrong way (assuming he wanted a little something) and rejected him.
-He was prepared to resign himself to a life of one-sided chest massages, when one day you came home, feeling rather moody, and asked if he would lie down with you.
-Naturally, he agreed, and naturally, he took advantage of this situation to rub his face between your breasts and squeeze them, moving them around and massaging them like you did to him.
-You enjoyed the special treatment and he enjoyed getting to do the thing he'd wanted to do for so long.
● V ●
-V didn't understand what you were doing or why you were aggressively kneading his chest.
-Keep in mind, V's pecs aren't as defined as the other boys', so there was certainly less stuff to mush around than usual, though you didn't mind.
-V ended up enjoying what you did to him, but he didn't feel like it was fair for him to recieve this treatment alone.
-Unfortunately, you just seemed to not want that, rejecting his advances. Not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable or anything, V relented and allowed this one-sided attention to continue.
-Then you returned home, grumpy and upset after a long day of work, and decided to have V lie upon your breasts to comfort you. V would never turn down something like this, so off you went.
-This was his chance; he got to turn your boobs into bread while you relaxed, his ambition now achieved.
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sosa2imagines · 13 days
You, me and Vegas! Part 16 (Epilogue)
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Warnings- None.
After much contemplation, Peach and Bucky had decided to annul their drunk marriage. Both of them had realized that they wanted to start their relationship from a clean slate, without any rushed decisions hanging over their heads.
Bucky had been more than willing to go through with the annulment, as he knew it was the right thing to do. But secretly, as he watched Peach sign the papers, he couldn’t help but feel a pang of regret.
As Peach signed the annulment papers, she couldn't deny the mix of emotions bubbling up within her. On the one hand, she felt a sense of relief, knowing that they were finally doing the right thing. But on the other hand, a pang of regret tugged at her heart as she watched Bucky stand silently beside her.
Both Peach and Bucky were aware that starting their relationship afresh, was the best way forward. They were excited about this new chapter in their lives.
The annulment process had been a necessary step, but it didn't alter the fact that they cared deeply for one another, and this new beginning was an opportunity to explore those feelings further.
After the annulment, Peach decided to continue living with Bucky in his apartment. They had already grown comfortable with each other's company, and besides, moving out seemed like too much effort.
So, they continued living under the same roof, their relationship transitioning from married to something more undefined.
Living together brought them closer, allowing them to learn more about each other's quirks and habits. And deep down, both of them secretly enjoyed the fact that they were still sharing a space.
Several months after the chaotic scene in city hall, Peach and Bucky, were now officially a couple.
Life had settled into a comfortable routine for Bucky and Peach. They had navigated the ups and downs of their relationship, and their love had only grown stronger.
As time passed, Peach's writing career started taking off. Her book gained, popularity and good reviews, and she found herself penning down her thoughts, freely with Bucky being her reviewer.
On the other hand, Bucky discovered a new job that not only paid well but also granted him ample free time. He was able to dedicate time to his hobby of photography, which he had always loved but could never fully pursue due to his previous work commitments and his parents.
Speaking of his parents, as expected, they continued to be a source of frustration for him. They attempted to meddle in his life once again, disapproving of Peach and their living arrangement. But Bucky was unyielding in his determination to live his life on his own terms.
He set clear boundaries with his parents, making it abundantly clear that he wouldn't tolerate any interference in his life, especially when it came to Peach. Bucky firmly asserted that he intended to decide how to live his life, without any outside influence or control from his parents.
His parents, while unhappy with Bucky's defiant stance, eventually had no choice but to respect his boundaries. They begrudgingly accepted that Bucky was an adult and was entitled to make his own choices, even if they didn't approve.
Bucky's unwavering determination to keep his parents at bay, allowed him and Peach to live peacefully and focus on their own lives and budding relationship, free from outside interference. And his parents thinks, they are still married.
Meanwhile Andy, had taken a break from work after the chaos in the city hall. But he made sure to keep a respectful distance from Peach, not wanting a repeat of the incident.
And as for the kid with the cat toy, he had become an unofficial member of their makeshift family, often tagging along on adventures.
Despite the initial chaos caused by their unexpected marriage and the subsequent annulment, Bucky and Peach were developing a strong bond. They continued to live together, enjoying each other’s presence and growing more comfortable around each other.
Bucky's protective nature and Peach's independent spirit clashed at times, causing a few disagreements, but they always managed to find a way to resolve their issues. Their mutual respect for one another's beliefs and values helped them navigate through any bumps in the road, strengthening their connection.
Their love was a slow burn, growing quietly but undeniably with every passing day. They shared moments both big and small, from lazy afternoons spent watching movies to quiet conversations on the roof at night.
They knew each other’s favorite take-out orders, the songs they sang in the shower, and the way they took their coffee. They would catch each other's gaze across a room and know exactly what the other was thinking, without a single word being spoken.
Bucky, who tended to hide his feelings behind a gruff exterior, slowly let his guard down around Peach. He would surprise her with little acts of kindness, like leaving a note on her pillow or making her breakfast in the mornings.
Peach, in turn, made Bucky laugh. She had a sharp wit and a habit of saying exactly what was on her mind. She would tease him for his overprotectiveness and gently nudge him out of his brooding moods.
Their love for each other kept on growing.
Every time Bucky and Peach passed by the chapel where they had gotten married, they would exchange a knowing smile and laugh. They had a running joke about how they had ended up there in the first place, and they never failed to find amusement in the memory.
Bucky, despite the chaos of their beginnings, was enjoying the moment, relishing in their relationship as it continued to grow. Though, in the back of his mind, he harbored a secret, hopeful thought – that one day, they would go back to that chapel sober, with proper vows and rings, to make it official for real.
Bucky would subtly glance Peach's way, watching for any sign that she was thinking the same thing he was. He was eager for the day when they could make good on their secret hope, but he didn't want to pressure her into anything.
Peach, sensing Bucky's hidden desire, occasionally gave him a sly smile. She knew exactly what was on his mind, but she was enjoying this slow burn, savoring the build-up to the future they both secretly longed for.
Bucky and Peach were sitting on a park bench, the setting sun painting the sky in hues of orange and pink.
Bucky's arm was draped over Peach's shoulders, his fingers idly playing with a strand of her hair. Peach was snuggled into his side, a small smile on her face.
As they watched the sun set, Bucky looked down at Peach and gently tucked the strand of hair he was playing with behind her ear.
“You know what I just realized?” he said, a lopsided grin on his face. “I still don't like Andy.”
Peach had a hearty laugh, “Please be civil with him, he only tried to help you.”
“Okay, okay…You know what else I just realized?” he said, again with lopsided grin on his face.
“What?” Peach asked, looking up at him with a curious expression.
Bucky leaned down and planted a soft kiss on her forehead before answering. “I can't imagine my life without you,” he said, his voice filled with a rare vulnerability. “You've made my life brighter, more exciting. I don't ever want to let you go.”
Peach's heart fluttered at his words, and she reached up to caress his cheek. “Good, because you're stuck with me,” she said, a hint of humor in her voice. “I'm not going anywhere.”
“I love you Peach.” “I love you Bucky.”
As the last streaks of sunlight faded, Bucky, unable to resist any longer, turned to face Peach. He gently cupped her cheek, his thumb caressing her skin. She smiled up at him, her eyes reflecting the soft light of the setting sun.
Without a word, Bucky leaned in and captured her lips in a tender kiss. The world around them seemed to shrink away, leaving only the sensation of their lips meeting and the sound of their shared breaths.
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Part 15 - ✅
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AITA for threatening to kick my cousin out for breaking my house rules?
For context, I (28F) live alone with my golden retriever and two cats in a reasonable spacious house. I work from home as a baker. This is all relevant to the story so I decided to clarify from the beginning.
My cousin Lily (26F) broke up with her girlfriend. They lived together, but the apartment belonged to the girlfriend so Lily had to leave. Since I'm the only one in our family that didn't cut ties with her due to her sexuality (as I am also a lesbian like her, although I'm closeted to our relatives except her), she asked to stay in my place while she looked for somewhere to leave. She also asked if she could bring her pug too, since the dog was hers to begin with and the girlfriend didn't want to keep her. I said yes.
I have to clarify from the start that, in almost every aspect, Lily has been a great guest. She helps me with house chores, with the bills and the groceries, she's not messy or noisy and she respects my boundaries. Her pug (I'll call her Daisy) is also a very sweet, docile dog who gets along well with my dog and cats. Separatedly, both of them are perfect.
The problem is that, in order to spoil Daisy as much as she's used to, Lily keeps breaking some very basic rules I established when she came to live here. One of these rules is that no pets are allowed in the kitchen. My kitchen is my workplace and it has to be impecably clean at all times. One day I came home earlier than expected from the market and Lily was in the kitchen feeding Daisy. I reminded Lily that Daisy was not allowed in the kitchen and she laughed it off, although she looked a bit uncomfortable. I asked her if she let Daisy in the kitchen everytime I wasn't home and she tried to derail the subject, which was enough of an answer for me. I had to clean the whole kitchen afterwards because I had a cake scheduled for that day and I almost didn't finish it in time because of the delay.
Another rule Lily broke is that she couldn't give Daisy my dog's snacks. My dog has heart issues and I give him some (very expensive) medicinal snacks that help him with his condition. It was pretty obvious Lily was giving Daisy the snacks anyway by how fast they ended and, when I confronted Lily about it, she just said Daisy loved the snacks and she just couldn't deny her baby what she wanted.
The worst happened when she broke the most important rule: never, NEVER leave the backyard door open. My cats are indoor cats and my neighborhood has heavy traffic and also a bunch of malicious people who hate cats. The outdoors are very dangerous for them, so the backyard door needs to be left closed at all times. One day, I came home to a desperate Lily that, after a lot of hesitation, said that one of my cats ran through the backyard door and disappeared. When I asked (kinda yelled, I was panicking) why the fuck that door was open, she confessed she let Daisy walk a bit in the backyard and, since she needed to keep an eye on her but she also wanted to stay on the couch, she left the door open and one of the cats left.
I had a lot of luck that one of my neighbors found my cat the following day and was able to return him to me, but it was then that I decided that a serious talk with Lily was in order. My cat was okay and back home in a miracle, but a lot of horrible things could have happened to him.
So that's what I did. I sat down with Lily and told her that, although she was very dear to me and it was a pleasure to have her and Daisy with me, she was breaking several rules that I established on her first day with me and, after what happened to my cat, I couldn't stay silent anymore.
When I started to cite the rules she broke, she would always answer something in the lines of "but I could do this in my house". Pets aren't allowed in the kitchen? Daisy was allowed everywhere in her house. Daisy can't eat my dog's snacks? Daisy could eat whatever she wanted in her house. The backyard door has to be always closed? In her house the doors were always open.
Here is where I probably was the asshole. In a very calm tone, I told her that this is not her house, it's my house. She's not my roommate, she's my guest and, as a guest, she's in no right to choose which rules she wants to follow. She has to follow all of the rules and, if she's not okay with that, she will have to look for another place to stay.
She understood that as me kicking her out (I'm not, if she start doing things right she's welcome to stay as long as she needs) and now she's deeply upset with me. She's not leaving her room (neither is Daisy, I guess she thinks I have a problem with her dog too) and she's ignoring all of my attempts to talk to her.
I'm feeling really bad about this outcome, since this isn't what I wanted at all, but I do think I endured a lot and her endangering my cats wasn't something I could ignore.
Should I had handled this in a different way, tho? Was I TA?
What are these acronyms?
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turvi · 1 year
Helloooooooo! I saw your clingy Severus fic, and absolutely loved it so muchhhhhhh!
If possible, could I request something a bit like the opposite? I would love to see Severus with an s/o who’s BEYOND cuddly, and will kind of just find him between classes (or whenever they can rlly) and just cling to him like a needy cat XD.
They won’t do it if he’s not comfy with it, but I could also see Sev melting if s/o would just cuddle up to him even if people are around lol
Ahh, thank you so much for this request. I am glad you loved the fic. I hope you enjoy it.
Severus was returning back to his office for the lunch break. The students make way for the potions master. His ominous presence scares all the living souls present in Hogwarts. All except one.
His wife.
She waits in his office preparing tea for him. As soon as he enters his office the smell of cinnamon and tea fills his senses. He never liked the strong smell of spices. But he never even told his wife either. He wondered why. He would always look for opportunities to ridicule or critique people. But he could never do that to his Y/n.
His sweet Y/n. She is an angel really. But Godric it feels like she keeps making an excuse just to cling to him. But he doesn't hate it. No. Even though he doesn't show it he accepts the warmth Y/n has for him. He has been cold and lonely without her.
She feels like the spring that comes after a harsh cold. The kind of spring that mother earth celebrates. The kind of spring that brings out life.
As if on cue Y/n turns back and smiles brightly at his sight. He thinks she might be the only one who is this happy to see him. And he is thankful. And as expected before Severus could even greet her she took him in her arms.
Even after being together for Godric knows how long (because it feels like he has known her for his whole life), his heart still flutters when she holds him like this. He can only pat her back. And she gets it. It's his way of saying he loves her. He loves how she gets he is still not used to this type of affection.
As she busies herself in making tea for him again he remembers how she had unexpectedly shown up in his life. So full of love and life. He previously hated how bright she is. How she could find the good in the bad. Heck, she found something great in him hence she decided to spend her life with him.
He remembers how he would be annoyed at how clingy she is. How he would grumble and groan when she would hug him tightly. How he would frown and tell her she is constricting his breathing. But he wouldn't admit how he would look up at his office door every time it would open, expecting her. How it would break his heart to find it was someone else and not her. When she got sick and had taken leave for a few days..he missed the feeling..he craved it. How when he finally saw her he had to control himself from taking her into his arms then and there.
Like usual she put his tea on the coffee table and took a seat right beside him, nuzzling her nose in his neck. He shivered when he felt her breath against his skin and surprisingly his hands as if they had their own mind dragged her closer to him.
He didn't even pay attention to the tea sitting on his coffee table despite its strong smell. His onyx eyes focused on her. The sunlight seemed to have been glowing brighter as it hit her skin. He was almost afraid to touch her even though he had ravished her last night. He was afraid his touch would ruin something so beautiful like her.
He looked into her eyes. They always looked soft and kind. His touch is featherlight on her cheeks. She leaned into his touch even though it was light. His heart raced as she leaned into him, her eyes asking for permission.
He knew he couldn't love her anymore. His eyes teared up watching her still being respectful of his boundaries as if he will say no and she will still love him as much as she did on the day she met him.
He met her halfway and kissed her passionately. Y/n was surprised when she felt his arms tightening around her waist. She smiled at him as they broke from their kiss. He was slowly but surely accepting the kind of love she had for him.
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essenceeater · 11 months
"Unusual Love" Mileena x reader
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Can you do Mileena x Reader? I was thinking MK1 Mileena. Where Reader is a half human and half cat. And she only has cat ears and a tail. Mileena saw her and she was surprised.
THIS IS SUCH A CUTE IDEA I LOVE ITTTTT! I love writing for Mileena she's literally my wife. This is for MK1 Mileena! Reader is gender neutral and this goes from a friendship to a romantic relationship :) I kinda picture her being like 😮 This was requested by @twinklestarslight
Character: Mileena, Tanya(Mentioned) Kitana(Mentioned)
Triggers: None, lmk if I missed any
Requested: Yes
🔓Requests are open🔓
Link to rules
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The soft clicks of heels fill the area as a figure strolls through the lush gardens of her palace, a woman wearing beautiful pink clothes with black and silver accents. Her gentle features watch the plants around her until her path unexpectedly crosses with you, an extraordinary individual with cat ears and a tail. Mileena's eyes widened with surprise and curiosity as she approached you.
"Your presence is as unique as your appearance," she said with a warm and friendly smile. "I've never met someone quite like you. What brings you to our realm?" she asked, never before seeing someone like you before.
You blushed, feeling slightly out of place but warmed by Mileena's welcoming demeanor. "I was exploring, and, well, I got a little lost... I didn't mean to intrude." You mumbled, avoiding eye contact.
Mileena reassured you, "You're not intruding at all. I'm Mileena, the Empress of Outworld. But titles aside, I believe in understanding and friendship. What's your name?"
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As days turned into weeks, you found yourself growing closer to Empress Mileena. The palace, once an imposing and intimidating structure, had transformed into a place of warmth and friendship. Mileena was a delightful companion, welcoming you to stay with her. Giving you a safe place to stay within Outworld.
One afternoon, Mileena introduced you to the palace's grand library, an ancient and vast collection of knowledge from countless realms. The two of you spent hours there, reading and discussing the wonders of the different realms. Mileena's insatiable curiosity was infectious, and you both found common ground in your thirst for knowledge.
In the evenings, you would often explore the same gardens the two of you met in, where the colorful flowers seemed to bloom brighter in Mileena's presence. The palace's chefs prepared sumptuous feasts, introducing you to the exotic flavors of Outworld.
Mileena's family, Tanya and Kitana, were just as welcoming as she was. Tanya, in particular, showed a deep respect and affection for Mileena. When it came to you and your care she treated you no differently, at least after she knew you and Mileena were actually friends. Especially after Mileena told you about her condition with Tarkat. Eventually, the relationship between the two of you became a source of joy and comfort, and you soon realized that you shared more than just friendship.
One starry night, while sitting in the palace's garden, Mileena looked at the stars and whispered, "I never imagined I could find such happiness and connection in my role as Empress. You've brought light and laughter into my life, and I am truly grateful."
You smiled and replied, "Empress Mileena, you've shown me a world of kindness and beauty that I never expected to find. Our bond means everything to me."
Under the canopy of stars, your connection with Empress Mileena grew deeper with each passing day. The gardens, once silent, now whispered the secrets of your blossoming romance. Mileena's laughter became music, and her eyes sparkled like the brightest constellations.
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With a tender smile, Mileena drew you closer and leaned in, her lips gently meeting yours in a sweet, romantic kiss. The world around you seemed to fade as the two of you embraced the magic of the moment, sharing a love that transcended the boundaries of realms and time.
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Essenceeater © 2023 ┃ do not copy, modify, steal, or repost ANY of my content.
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snootlestheangel · 2 months
I would pay you my two kidneys for wolf!Simon licking and grooming otter!kyle
many please and many thanks
I won't take the kidneys but I'll take some cold chocolate cake to make me feel better about losing all the progress I had made very slowly throughout the day because now the first part is slightly different than it originally was supposed to be and I'm very upset now (which is why it ended up taking me like 2 weeks to get this done I'm so sorry 🥲)
Ghost definitely grooms everyone he can. He's learned not to lick Soap when he's shifted, otherwise he has to deal with a very upset bird. So what he does instead is lays his head down near where Soap is and sighs while licking his lips. Sometimes Soap will tease him by grooming himself, which usually leads to a husky level of dramatic tantrum. Nik and Price tolerate it, but Price laughs every time he sees their adopted daughter Bailey, a cat shifter, looking very angry with wolf slobber on her.
Granted, she's the one he's the most gentle with, and it's a form of bonding.
Enough yapping, here's the good soup.
Tagging @stuffireadandenjoy @bringinsexybackk69 (anyone else that wants tagged for this au please let me know. Even though this may not be an actual formal fic for a while its still gonna be something that stays consistent on my blog for at least a while)
The first time since the team's formation, the boys finally had some downtime. As shifters, they were familiar with the idea that the others would have different behaviors and quirks related to their respective species. It was rather easy for them to adjust to casual life together, yet for the most part, they still didn't understand where different boundaries were. Excluding their captain, they were all social creatures, yet bonded in different ways, and expressed their companionship in different ways. There was a good week where the sergeants and Ghost had awkwardly danced around each other as they learned individual boundaries.
Unfortunately for Gaz, Soap and Ghost had already formed a bond, something unique forged during their time in Las Almas. It wasn't surprising, actually. Gaz had heard stories of wild ravens and wolves forming close bonds, seeming friendships, and that sort of relationship was evident in Soap and Ghost. The two had quickly learned that Ghost didn't mind having his personal space invaded, much to Soap and Gaz's shock, and they learned Soap rather enjoyed sitting perched on Ghost any way he could. It was not an entirely uncommon sight to see a large Raven sitting on Ghost's shoulder as the lieutenant went about his daily duties.
But Gaz wasn't so lucky. He was an Otter, a seemingly oddball addition to the team. Bear, Wolf, and Raven all seemed to just work, it made sense. It's not like Gaz felt rejected, in fact he could see the desperation to include him on Soap’s face, the passing huffs from Ghost that Gaz never truly understood the meanings of.
So it's why Gaz was so grateful to have a space to himself where he could shift and take time for himself. The pool reserved for him was hidden away from the main portion of base, surrounded by a sprinkling of trees and a tall, thick fence for privacy. He spent a long afternoon doing laps around the pool, ducking through the tunnels placed inside, and jumping onto the platform along the far side. It kept him active, and after having been out of the water in proper otter fashion for far too long, it was stimulating. Something exciting and different from the dull thrum of life on base.
And nothing was better after a long afternoon swim session than heading to the nearby concrete pad and sunbathe after grooming himself. But as he approached his concrete pad, he noticed a glaring problem. A large Wolf was laying sprawled out on his side, soaking up every inch of sun.
Annoyed, Gaz ran up to Ghost's tail and lightly tapped it with his front paws, an annoyed squeal accompanying the action. The tail flicked but Ghost showed no other sign of acknowledging the otter's annoyance. So, Gaz moved on to attacking Ghost's large back paws, only earning a small grumble and slight kick. Desperation kicked in as Gaz hopped towards Ghost's head, and he jumped onto the Wolf's large head and nipped his ear. Ghost sat up with a start, and Gaz backed away to glare at the other as best he could. Gaz squealed and bobbed his head up and down in the most threatening way he could. Ghost stared down at him, mostly bored, before letting out a grumble, a yawn quick to follow. Gaz's efforts to chase him off must have been falling on deaf ears, or Ghost was lost in thought as he just watched the otter's antics. With a single swipe of his tongue, Ghost effectively silenced Gaz, pacifying him just like the otter were a wolf pup.
Gaz couldn't tell what made him angrier: the audacity Ghost had to treat him like a pup, or the fact it worked.
Gaz couldn't even think as Ghost continued to lick him. Well, lick wasn't the best term to describe the situation, it was more grooming behavior than anything else. And Gaz had quickly realized it had been too long since someone else had groomed him. He slowly curled against Ghost as the Wolf continued to groom him, using his teeth to gentle nibble Gaz's sore muscles. The repetitive motions were slowly putting Gaz to sleep, and he had rolled over onto his back. To think he had been so worried about fitting in with the other two's social circle, yet he had completely forgotten that he wasn't the only one to social groom. By the time his coat was dry, Gaz had fallen asleep between Ghost's front paws, and the Wolf had gently rested his head against the otter as he fell back asleep.
Gaz had nothing to worry about, after all.
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IOTA Reviews: Protection
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In this episode, Lila is once again going to test the boundaries of Marinette's bond with her best friend, Al—Kagami. Uh, yeah, it's Kagami, not Alya. Because it's not like we saw that four episodes ago, right?
Let's get into the sixteenth episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fifth season: Protection
We start off with Kagami hanging out with Lila to establish the fact that Kagami still trusts Lila over Marinette for some reason before cutting to scene where Marc and Nathaniel reveal a plan for Marinette and Adrien to have their first kiss. Somehow, they believe kissing will allow them to be more honest with how they feel about each other based on what they've seen in fairy tales, shoujou manga, and Hollywood romantic comedies. I'm not making this up. Marinette and Adrien go on the Ferris wheel to try and have a romantic moment as part of the plan, only for Nino's terrible guitar playing to ruin the mood.
Nathaniel: Nino, have you never touched a guitar before?
Nino: Uh, no dude. This is my very first time!
Nathaniel: Well, then why did you replace Luka?
Nino: Well, it didn't look so hard when he was playing it!
Hey, to be fair, I'm there's at least a few people think Nino and Luka are the same character.
After the plan fails, we cut to Gabriel and Tomoe having tea as they discuss moving up the date of something called the Diamonds Ball. Gabriel claims its a scheduling issue, but Tomoe is able to hear his heart beating erratically. Because like in every TV show ever made, being blind somehow gives Tomoe the powers of Daredevil. Also, check out what Tomoe compares Gabriel's heartbeat to.
Tomoe: Your heart beats louder than a taiko drum!
After Gabriel reveals that he doesn't have a lot of time left (even dramatically showing his Cataclysmed arm to Tomoe when she can't even see it), we see Adrien and Kagami talking about how long Adrien was in the dark about Marinette for. All due respect, this is actually a pretty good scene. I like how Adrien admits that he doesn't want to force anything while also admitting that this is something he has to do on his own. It shows off their friendship and how far both of them have come. Of course, it's ruined by the fact that somehow, Gabriel and Tomoe never learned that Adrien and Kagami broke up over a season ago. Marinette is invited to Adrien's house, and in another good scene, she decides to stop worrying about what to do around Adrien and plans to go there in her pajamas.
Meanwhile, Gabriel and Tomoe argue about how their children were supposed to be the perfect couple, neither of them acknowledging that they didn't even know they broke up in the first place.
Tomoe: All of our plans are falling apart! You were supposed to control your son, Gabriel!
Gabriel: And you, your daughter!
Tomoe: My daughter's so perfect she doesn't need me to control her!
Gabriel: Well, it appears she does.
Tomoe: It's not my child who's falling for someone completely wrong for her!
Gabriel: But she seems to be the one encouraging him!
Tomoe: Take control of your son, and she'll have nothing left to encourage. Organize the dance as soon as possible. Don't fail in capturing Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous. It is imperative that this situation be resolved before you... leave!
Where is he going to, the Shadow Realm?
After Tomoe leaves with Kagami, Gabriel talks with Adrien. He tries to convince him to get back together with Kagami because they're “Of the same design”, and when the camera shows Gabriel touching his ring, he forbids Adrien from continuing his relationship with Marinette.
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Gee, I wonder how Gabriel is able to do this. I wonder what he means when he used the word “design” to describe Adrien and Kagami as if they weren't human. I wonder why we keep getting shots of Gabriel touching his ring whenever he orders Adrien around when this show has already established that creations of the Peacock Miraculous can be controlled with whatever object they were in and—Oh my God, just say Adrien and Kagami are Sentimonsters already!
We also get a scene where Tomoe tries to convince Kagami she still has feelings for Adrien, once again reminding us that she's Japanese.
Kagami: He loves Marinette, and Marinette is my friend. Some knots can't be undone.
Tomoe: When the knot cannot be undone, the samurai cuts right through it.
Ah, yes, just like the well-known Japanese legend of when Alexander the Great cut the Gordian Knot.
Adrien follows through on the order Gabriel gave him, until Nathalie gives him another order to do what he wants to do for his love life. For some reason, Gabriel is shocked even though I'm pretty sure Nathalie has had the ring since the end of Season 4, so this one's on you, dude. Meanwhile, Lila lies to Kagami about Marinette being a terrible friend, and once again, Kagami falls for it. Lila tips Gabriel off to what happened, and decides to send a Megakuma (and yes, I know the English dub always uses the term “Megakumas”, but this is the first time in a while where using one makes sense) towards Kagami, akumatizing her into Riposte Prime.
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Riposte Prime is... literally just the same as Riposte, only now, she has a different sword, and not even a cool sword at that. Rather than the sword beams she used back in Season 2, Riposte Prime now has the Turtle Miraculous' Shelter power, which she uses by tapping people with her sword, trapping them in red spheres. Why they're red in the first place when the last time an Akuma used Shelter, it stayed green is beyond me. Even weirder, she can only use one Shelter at a time, and I don't even think she knows about this, since she uses it on Adrien and assumes he'll stay in one place. So to summarize, Riposte Prime looks about as creative as Sole Destroyer and needs the Turtle Miraculous to do something Penalteam had the ability to do with ease.
I also need to point out that the whole reason he did this was to ruin Marinette and Adrien's date. Because somehow, a near-death experience at the hands of Adrien's akumatized ex-girlfriend will convince him that he wants to get back together with Kagami. For comparison, there was an episode of Power Rangers Time Force where one of the villains, Nadira, fell in love with Lucas/The Blue Ranger thanks to a misunderstanding. Do you want to know how Ransik, her father, reacted? Not only was he willing to show mercy to one of his mortal enemies, he showed a level of dedication to his daughter and threatened Lucas to treat Nadira kindly, only going back to trying to kill him after the two broke up. The point I'm trying to make is that it says a lot when a mutant crime lord from the future is still a better father than Gabriel is.
Adrien tries to get Marinette to safety, only for him to be trapped in Riposte Prime's Shelter. The tension from that scene is resolved almost immediately as Marinette is then trapped in Riposte Prime's Shelter, giving Adrien the chance to transform into Cat Noir, who then frees Marinette with his Cataclysm. Marinette gets to a safe place and transforms into Ladybug.
Ladybug uses her Lucky Charm and gets a bottle of olive oil. Her master plan is to... just throw it at Riposte Prime. Yeah, all Ladybug does it throw the bottle of olive oil at Riposte Prime, Riposte Prime then cuts it in half, causing the olive oil to spill on her, leading to her losing her grip on her sword for Ladybug to break.
Ladybug de-evilizes the Megakuma, gives Kagami another useless Magical Charm, but she chooses not to accept it, so both Ladybug and Cat Noir head off to detransform so Marinette and Adrien can convince her that Lila lied to her, leading to her forgiving Marinette.
Marinette and Adrien get another chance to be together, but for some reason, Marinette decides to go home, so Gabriel and Lila call this a win. And so the episode ends with Kagami confronting Lila and telling her that she's not going to fall for her lies anymore.
Kagami: I'll still be your friend if your friendship is genuine.
Oh for fuck's sake...
This is the third time Lila has tricked Kagami, and she's still going to trust her? Why? She caused you to get akumatized three times! Yeah, Kagami claims she isn't going to be Lila's puppet, but it's hard to see this as character development when she was already made a complete idiot for no reason! Hell, for all we know, Lila's next plan is to trick Kagami into handing over her mother's social security number.
But I'm just kidding... because this is the end of the Kagami and Lila subplot for the season. Yeah, seriously. Once again, despite being built up a lot, just like with a lot of stuff last season, the writers decided to abruptly end this subplot, as Lila and Kagami have their own plotlines later on. You know what? Screw it, the episode's over anyway.
Like “Sentibubbler”, this episode actually started off pretty strong, but started to fall apart towards the end. I liked the character moments Marinette, Adrien, and Kagami all had, and it really highlights their friendship, and Marinette and Adrien continue to have some decent romantic chemistry. The problem came from how stupid the conflict was. Not only was it out of character for Kagami to be this gullible, but the entire conflict stemmed from Gabriel deciding to ruin his son's date. The Akuma was underwhelming, the resolution felt phoned in, and once again, the cliffhanger doesn't go anywhere for the rest of the season. It's not terrible like “Illusion” or “Derision” were, but it's still a pretty mediocre episode.
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While Kagami came very, very close to getting the award, Gabriel ended up edging her out and became the first character to get the Biggest Idiot Award twice in a row. Not only did Gabriel have no idea his son broke up with Kagami, he didn't even know he started a new relationship with Marinette, forgot that he gave Nathalie one of the two things capable of overriding the orders he gives his son, decided to send an Akuma to ruin his son's date after he learned he and Marinette were dating, even though said Akuma was the girl he was trying to make Adrien develop feelings for again, and he did all of this right after the episode that ended with him vowing to be a better father to Adrien for what little time he has left before he dies. He's clearly spending what could be the last few weeks of his life well, isn't he?
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drumcanister · 8 days
okay so im doing it anyway and this is about djevel's post kinda but im also just kinda talking out my ass about my opinion on cupanny (I LOVE U MOOT BUT I NEED TO LET THIS OUT IM SORRY 😞)
(to be clear im not attacking the person who made the post im just putting my opinion and thoughts here or else i might start eating the furniture)
The question about why can't colly just stay friends , especially coming from someone who ships cupanny is just,,kinda?? idk
The whole thing with cup and fanny is that he just wants to be friends , nothing more so why use that argument with a ship that clearly has more to offer?
I personally groan out loud when any mention of cupanny being together is mentioned purely because their dynamic is NOT going to benefit either of them at all. Neither respect eachothers boundaries and personally it feels like watching a really bad situationship unfold. (still love them being sillies tho)
They know barely anything about eachother and honestly in my eyes they dont have enough of a connection to really be anything more than friends. the "flirting" is just really stale in my eyes and lacks depth. Plus shes exactly the kind of girl hes dated like 3 times before , it's just going to be a cycle of him getting hurt again.
Cupanny is obvious , it's predictable and literally everyone and their grandma is expecting it to happen. Colly (if its done right) has the potential to be a really good slow burn. It has everything cupanny lacks in my opinion.
Holly has seen everything cup is afraid to show and she doesn't judge or get disgusted , she knows what kind of person he is which is the entire reason she didn't trust or like him at first. He can be himself around her , his childish self , without the fear or uncertainty. He can be open and honest , he can cry and be scared around her.
Fanny hasn't and she never will because he doesn't trust her enough to tell her that like he does with holly. Theres a clear lack of connection and trust with them.
Considering fanny's situation as well i don't think she should be dating anyone for a long time , she needs to heal from this and being with someone like cup isn't going to help that at all. Same would apply to him as well , he needs that genuine love and understanding and unfortunately , in my opinion , i don't think fanny can provide that for him.
honestly all in all idgaf who bro dates (if anyone at all) just get him a cat , heaps of candy and a goddamn vacation.
(once again this isn't an attack i just wanted to share my thoughts on this whole thing , its my personal opinion so if you don't agree then don't read it lmao)
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hal-1500 · 1 year
Extremely important to me that Jenny spends the entirety of her canon relationship with Giles being flirty and bantery and taking great delight in flustering him and deliberately pushing him out of his comfort zone and generally broadcasting an aura of, "Haha, this is such a fun, light-hearted, casual, sexy distraction with no feelings or strings attached!! Haha!! I can stop any time I like!!"
BUT pretty much any time Giles expresses insecurity or uncertainty about their relationship or tries to give her an out or pulls away, she metaphorically steps closer to him, totally giving the lie to her already-paper-thin assertions of detachment.
A non-exhaustive list of my favourite examples of this:
Exhibit A: Even in I Robot, You Jane, every time Giles tries to escape Jenny and her needling, she follows him around like a little cat, or reminds him that, hey, we were fighting, actually, so come back here and pay attention to me!!
Exhibit B: At the end of Some Assembly Required, when Giles is clearly thinking that their first date has gone badly off the rails, *she's* the one who floats the idea of a second date.
Exhibit C: In School Hard, when Giles suggests that he'd understand if Jenny didn't want to see him anymore, she *literally* takes his arm like they're the romantic leads in a Golden Age Hollywood film, and the look on her face shows she knows *exactly* what she's doing.
Exhibit D: During Ted, after the conversation with Giles in her classroom, she fucking chases him down mid-patrol, in a cemetery, at night, in a vampire town, on the Hellmouth to patch things up - even though he's the one fled her classroom after failing to respect her boundaries.
And the best bit is that so much of Jenny's character and arc are the result of shoddy writing but it all combines to create this situation where she's both transparently in love with Giles and completely in denial about it.
She's holding him at arms-length all the time but, if he even *looks* like pulling away, she holds on so tight! If he runs, she chases. She's got it so bad and she doesn't even know!
And, really, how can you not love her for that??
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