#she gets to meet some happy(er) kids
panaceatthedisco · 30 days
Charles was actually so right we he told the Night Nurse that she didn't know anything about them.
She tries to prove him wrong by showing him that she knows his past, and more specifically, his trauma. She tries using that move on Kashi too. But the thing is, people are so much more than their pain, but as someone whose work is solely with dead children who were unable to pass on, I doubt she understands that.
The Night Nurse only begins to actually know who the boys are as people and what motivates them when she looks into Charles' mind the second time, to see the beginning of his greatest joys. She starts tearing up Charles' memories of Edwin and I wouldn't be surprised if that was the first time she'd seen one of the kids she was charged to find happy.
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foralternateuniverses · 5 months
One again pulling what I wrote on the discord server and putting it here:
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Sora and Ivankov are friends (also Sora is trans) and so Ivankov helps Sora and her children escape Germa.
It's a surprise attack, it was supposed to be a secret quick in and out, but they needed to do STH to stop Judge from immediately going after them, so goodbye laboratories. Sora can barely stay up but she manages to get all her children before Ivankov finds her. They don't take them to Baltigo, they meet up at a meeting up first with Dragon.
However, their disguised ship ends up being attacked by Zeff's pirates, and it happens as canon, till they're rescued by Ivankon and they finally go meet Dragon and he's to suggest windmill village, so they take them there. (Zeff stays with them)
It doesn't take them long to meet Makino, she befriends Sora instantly and decides to help them out, Ivankov has treated the kids to try to undo what Judge did, but it obv won't go away that easily, they're a little lost on how to help them be normal-er but they're trying, and Sanji is flourishing as a cook with Zeff and Makino. Theres a lot of kicking on Zeff's part.
Finally, Makino decides that they should have some friends their age, and who better than Luffy and his brothers? So up the mountain they go, Zeff doesn't go with them but Sora does, she and Sanji baked some pastries as a gift.
ASL and 124 obv clash on sight, they end up brawling until Zeff arrives and kicks them all.
Sora decides to regularly go up the mountain, even tho she doesn't really have the strength to do so, but she insists it'll be good for her and her children, and she manages to become Dandan's bestie much to the other woman's chagrin.
ASL adore Sora, Ace specially practically imprinted like a baby duck, it awakens some jealousy in the quadruplets (that's *their* mom after all)
Their rivalry becomes more and more friendly with time.
When Sora ends up bedridden, ASL and Dadan end up going down the mountain to visit regularly
They're very shaken up by Sabo's "death", Yonji is with Dogra when looking for Sabo, meaning, he gets to see the explosion and be extra traumatised by Sabo's "death", later he'll realise Sabo was his first love
And then it'll turn out that Sabo ain't dead uwu
It's the first time they cry.
Sora ends up dying some time after that due to her illness, but time goes on, Ichiji leaves with Ace, then Niji and Yonji also go on their own, and Reiju waits until after Sanji leaves with Luffy
Ichiji is sticking to Ace's ass when he confronts White Beard and later when he goes to look for Teach, he pulls the "We always done everything together" which is technically incorrect but still works because Ace ain't leaving him behind after that
The Alabasta reunion is very cute, Ichiji internally judges Zoro; Luffy, Sanji and the others think Acechiji are already together (they aren't yet) and Sanji denies having any kind of attraction towards Zoro when Ichiji brings out the topic (also Sanji might had once a little crush on Ace, one which Ichiji noticed and won't forget and which might have stopped him from starting a relationship with Ace until Impeldown and Marineford, when he's forced to accept his feelings and maybe do STH about them. Ofc he's unable to hold back after Marineford, and so is Ace, and they end up together but Ichiji still feels guilty because he doesn't know that Sanji got over that years ago and is busy being together with Zoro (they get together after Thrillerbark) so he tries to hide it until Sanji finds out Ichiji apologizes and Sanji is like "what for? I'm happy for you".)
Ace on the other hand is forced by the confrontation with Teach,when his impulsiveness and no-backing-down thing almost cost him Ichiji, but they're both taken and later separated in Impeldown so he can't do much about it.
Ichiji sees Ace's silhouette forming between Akainu's punch and Luffy, he barely has any energy left, and some of his old wounds may have reopened, but he can't simply stand and watch, somehow, he manages to throw himself in Akainu's way, arms hugging both Luffy and Ace, dragging them together. Akainu's punch burns through his arm and onto Ace's back, thankfully, before Akainu can do more damage, Reiju and Sabo finally catch up to them and intervene and drag them away from Akainu's lava.
Ace passes out, his vivrecard keeps shrinking, Luffy is screaming, their siblings pick them up and run away now that they have cover, Ichiji barely manages to catch Ace's vivrecard.
ah yeah, I put Niji and Yonji with Law and Reiju with the revolutionaries, she drags Sabo to rescue Ace and Ichiji
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ace-tiredtimes · 2 years
A/N | These are kind all over the place lmao Just some headcanons of younger ASL with a Tired Older Brother that probably needs some therapy lmao (Maybe some reactions of Straw Hats / Whitebeard Crew of finding out they have another brother and meeting) (GIF found on Pinterest)
Pronouns used | Reader is male so He/Him but its in 2nd perspective so You/Your
Pairings used | Platonic ASL x Reader, Platonic Straw Hat x Reader, Platonic Whitebeard Pirates x Reader, Slight Thatch x Reader
ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ?!
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ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ You were the first kid Garp gave to Dadan, you were around 4 when he dropped you off on the mountain and just left
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Dandan found out quickly that you were low on energy, which she was happy about, so you weren't much trouble
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ However she was worried as she has never seen you sleep, even though you keep reassuring her that you do indeed sleep (Er somewhat)
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Now when Ace was introduced to you, he instantly loved you
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ You don't know why and you don't honestly care but he seemed to cling to you, follow you around, and try to prove himself to you
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ He would drag you out into the forest and 'teach' you how to hunt the animals there (When in reality you already knew how to but let him do his thing)
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ However as he got older he started going out on his own and leaving you be, seeing how much more tired you became (Ofc he still drags you out everyone in a while)
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Once he met Sabo, he instantly (like 2 weeks after meeting) brought him home to introduce him to you - he wants his new best friend to meet his cool older brother (Even though he never admits either)
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ When Sabo met you, he understand why Ace talked so highly about you over the last two weeks
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ He could tell you were strong, he could tell you would do anything for your family no matter how much energy it took
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Like Ace, he stuck to you, followed you around, and tried to prove himself to you (Not as much as Ace but still)
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ They looked like Ducklings to you, A Mother Duck and her Ducklings (You had to admit it was very cute)
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ When you went to the village, them trying -and failing- to follow you secretly, wanting to see what you do throughout the day they're in the forest
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ They will ask for cuddles, discretely, but still
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Like that one time you were laying in your bed eyes closed trying to sleep when your bedroom door opened and in came a whispering Ace and Sabo, they then snuck into your bed -not very quietly- and cuddled up to you and fell asleep
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ And if you said anything about and I mean anything, Ace wouldn't join in these 'Nap Cuddles' for a while (Sabo on the other hand wouldn't care, an embarrassed blush at being caught but still join you)
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ When Luffy was introduced to you, he was just like the other two, although he doesn't find the need to prove himself to you
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ He did sit at the table with you just talking and asking questions for a bit before Ace returned
"So there's another boy living here?"
"Mhm..he's out right now"
"Is there any food here? I'm hungry"
"...Dinner will be served soon I think"
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Most of his questions are about food and the 'boy that lives here' but mostly about food
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Now when Ace returned with a Hippo, he was jealous mad to see another boy in the house
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ He sat right next to you, a glare on his face as he stared at Luffy
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Dinner was fucking crazy
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ That's all you're going to get about dinner labuogr-
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ It really annoyed you how rude Ace was to Luffy, but you didn't say shit. It would pass over eventually (Plus Luffy was persistent to be friends)
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Let's skip to the others finding out cause I'm getting lazy lmao
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Let's say Luffy mentioned you right after Alabasta "Oooo! I wonder what Aniki is doing!" Well it was more like he was talking to himself and the crew overheard
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ At first they thought it was about Ace, but Luffy never called Ace 'Aniki'
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ After a few more overheard mentions of this 'Aniki', Nami finally asked who it was
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ And the crew was shook
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ While Luffy just laughed with a cheeky smile on his face like he did something (which he kinda did lol)
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Chopper was asking questions and Luffy answered with excitement, he loved telling stories about his childhood, especially all the different things you taught him
"And this one-time Y/n kidnapped me from my bed in the middle of the night and left me out in the forest for a whole 3 days telling me that I needed to learn how to survive on my own! It was soooo fun!"
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ The crew was shocked, to say the least (again) that you did something like that (in reality you just needed a break from the boy)
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ They started to think you were this mean, angry monster from all the stories Luffy told lmao
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ When they met you, however, they were shocked once more as you look done with life and just wanted to sleep
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Luffy was overjoyed that they found you sailing the ocean in a small boat (Usopp, Chopper, and Nami were shocked that you were even alive as you used a small simple boat, like how?)
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ They found your tiredness and blunt words hilarious, as you poked and argued playfully and calmly with Luffy
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ They saw the similarity between you and Ace tho, you said some similar things he did (they conclude that you were the one that raised him)
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Plus Luffy followed you around like a duck when you where aboard
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ He even shared some of his food which the crew didn't know was possible
"He always shared his food with me when we were younger! Plus he doesn't eat enough!"
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Proceeds to shove food down your throat
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ When you had to leave he wouldn't let go of your leg, he just whined and whined saying you shouldn't go and should join his crew
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ It took almost all of the crew to get him off lmao
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Now let's go onto Ace and the Whitebeard Pirates (Aka my favorites ghruw-)
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ They knew right away-well when the bounties came in and Ace saw Luffy's and Yours
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ He was shoving the papers into Whitebeard's Face, into Marco's Face, and into Thatch's Face (Everyone wasn't excluded to having a paper shoved in his face however those three got it the most lmao)
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Whitebeard just laughed, as he's actually met you before but didn't say anything to Ace about it
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Marco was with Whitebeard at the time too but never actually meet you, you know? He saw a glimpse of you as you talked with Pops but never approached you
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ He was kinda excited to be able to see the face of the man Pops was talking to a couple years back but it didn't show on his face at all
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ When they found you sailing the Grandline in a tiny boat they were just staring with wide-eyed and mouths touching the floor
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Ace excitedly welcomed you aboard, rambling on and on about what happened over the past couple of years and yadda yadda
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Pops had a small smile on his face as he watched you interact with his sons
"It is good to see you again Y/n"
"You too Pops"
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Ace kinda just stared between you and Whitebeard before connecting the dots
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ His reaction was funny lmao he was yelling incoherent words and shit as he freaked out
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Marco simply pushed past him (Almost knocking him over) and introduced himself to you
"I'm Marco, 1st Division Commander"
"Ohhhh you're the Bird Boy Pops was talking about"
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ He kinda stiffened up as 'Bird Boy' left your mouth, Ace snickering behind him with a hand covering his mouth
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ There was a big party that night with alcohol and cake and everything you could think of
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Thatch was proud to hear that you loved his food and was even blushing when you asked to talk some with you when you left
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Like yes he's been complimented before but damn you look good, your tired and sleepy voice just flustered him
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Thatch may or may not have gained a teeny weeny crush on you (Which Marco teases him about)
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ And the nickname 'Baker Boy' hm hm HM he's a puddle on the floor
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Ace would also notice a couple hours into the party and become protective over you, glaring at Thatch every time he got 'too close'
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ It was hilarious to watch, like a Chihuahua trying to keep 'the danger' away from its owner
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ You could tell Thatch was catching the case of 'Love sick Puppy' but didn't do anything about it besides the little teases (You found his reactions adorable)
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Once you have to leave, Ace and Whitebeard are asking you to join the crew
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Ace was specifically persistent on keeping you here, seeing as he didn't want you to leave and he wanted to protect you from the other love interests or 'Dangers' in his words
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ However you simply shook your head, took the bag of sweets Thatch had prepared for you, and left
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Now when you ran into Sabo -let's say he was on a mission or something- he didn't remember you
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ It took a few minutes for you to figure this out and he wasn't just joking around
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ It broke your heart, it did but you just brushed him off, saying you thought he was someone else, which he understood somewhat
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ However when you met again and he did remember you, he felt absolutely horrible for forgetting (He also remembered the time you approached him and he didn't remember you, he remembered your eyes and how hurt you looked)
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ He instantly asked Dragon if he could go searching for you, he wanted to apologize and hug you (He really missed your soft, tired hugs)
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ After begging and pleading, he finally was able to leave for a week but that's it and he left right away, only packing a few necessities
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ After about 5 days, he finally found you on an island with a small village (He wasn't paying attention to what the island was called)
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Once he spotted you he fucking bolted towards you tears streaming down his face
"I'm so fucking sorry I'm so sorry I can't believe I-"
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ He wouldn't stop apologizing and clinging to you and it surprised you, seeing as you didn't expect it
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ You guys spent the next 2 days talking, catching up, and you comforting Sabo
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ He clung to you throughout the two days, whether it be on your arm or waist (Platonic Cuddles at the hotel room you had)
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ It was an emotional meeting and emotional hang out for the next 2 days
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ But you two did go shopping right before he had to go back
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Here is one story about you and child ASL
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ There was this one time Ace and Luffy dragged you out into the forest at the ass crack of dawn just to show you the tree house and flag they made
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ When you saw it a smile was instantly on your face as you spotted a small sideways Z in the background of the flag, it looked more like a zigzag than anything but Luffy had excitedly explained it to you
"You're gonna be the First Mate of this Crew! And I'm gonna be the Captain!" -Luffy
"Nu huh! I'm gonna be the Captian!" -Ace
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ It went back and forth for the next few hours and it got so annoying for you that you took Sabo and quietly left the treehouse to just walk around the quiet forest
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ When they noticed you and Sabo were gone they instantly rushed out of the treehouse and into the forest, yelling for you lmao
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ And that's all I'm going to do I'm tired-
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aziraphales-library · 9 months
I read a Fic I really enjoyed that was for Good Omens where it was human au, enemies to lovers, both were at Anathema’s wedding. The wedding was outside and I remember that Crowley was playing with the kids at the wedding. Spinning them around, playing pirate with them. It was several chapters long. It was along the same lines as “or be nice” by charlottemadison. But that wedding was inside. (I may have a type) if you know of any along these lines. Please let me know. I shall happily dive into them.
Not sure on the exact fic, but here are some getting together at weddings fics...
Two Weddings by Lexitennant2 (T)
Aziraphale and Crowley are invited to Anathema and Newton's wedding. Which means a minor breakdown from Crowley in front of his plants, a meddling witch, and Aziraphale is finally talked into some sense so he finally decides that Crowley is NOT going too fast for him.
The Nice and Accurate wedding of Anathema Device, Witch, which went just as expected by Nenchen (G)
Wedding planner Anathema Device is the Number One. She can organize anything for a wedding, flower arrangements, catering, a marching band or an emu. The name Device is a guarantee for a picture perfect wedding - and the perfect pictures will be taken by her top wedding photographer, and best friend, Anthony J. Crowley. Both of them see weddings mostly as business, until Anathema meets Newt, Love of her life, walking natural disaster extraordinaire, and very much not a person it’s possible to have a perfect wedding with. Which is perfect since Anathema frankly never wanted one for herself. She just wants a fun party, good food, and all of her friends to attend - including Crowley. For whom this might just as well be the apocalypse because no, he is not allowed to work on her wedding. Strictly invited only as a guest, Crowley finds himself at a loss. What the hell do you do at weddings? Well, if you are Crowley, the answer is some James Bond-like action, some worrying about fly swarms and their sources, having a lot of emotions, drinking some very funny wine, putting your foot in your mouth and just maybe meeting someone to share all of that with. Oh, and there’s always cake, isn’t there?
It's Not The Journey by cosmya (T)
It had been going so well. They’d averted the apocalypse, averted their punishments, averted further investigation or attention by their respective organizations. They were left with little to do but bask in the happy ending. Therein had been the problem. Another champagne, sir?” interrupted the flight attendant. Aziraphale’s eyes snapped open. Oh, I shouldn’t, he thought. “Yes, please,” he said. “Thank you.” Anathema and Newt are getting married, and two of their wedding guests are in a bit of an awkward place. An all-inclusive resort with unlimited alcohol is precisely what they need to re-break the ice.
The Christmas Wedding Scammer by Aracloptia (T)
“And - thank you for saying yes on such short notice! I tried to plan the thing myself, but … sometimes you actually do need help, right?” “Yeah”, Crowley mumbled, grabbing his phone to write down the name of the restaurant. “Yeah, absolutely.” “That’s what everyone kept telling me; it’s always better with a wedding planner. I guess I should have listened earlier.” “Er”, Crowley said. “Did you say-“ “Anyway, I have another call to make! I have to fire the costumer, the dress we agreed on turned out horrendous. Hey, in the future that’ll be your job! But I’ll do it just this once. See you tomorrow! And please bring suggestions for the bridal wear. Bye!” “Hold o-” The famous wedding planner Antonio Cowley is retired, sworn to never plan a wedding again. Perhaps the right sum of money can persuade him? He is not to be mixed up with out-of-business Anthony J. Crowley, former florist, currently unemployed. OR: In which Crowley accidentally becomes a wedding planner.
District of (un-)Certainty by jamgrl (M)
Aziraphale is a PhD student who needs a roommate so he can continue to afford his house in the U.S. capital of Washington D.C. Luckily, the family he tutors for on the side just happened to find him one! He doesn’t think he will like him much since he is in the states to work on Mr. Dowling’s senate campaign, so he’s probably a terrible person (even if he is good looking). Crowley is pretty independent and doesn’t really have a lot of what you would call “friends”. But he doesn’t mind his new roommate. He would much rather hang out with him than his coworkers, anyways. His roommate’s best friends Anathema and Newt aren’t too bad, either. It’s nice to have some friends. Maybe he likes it in D.C. --- They are millenials! But still British and still old fashioned- just a little twist on our favorite husbands.
Something That Happens To Other People by Caedmon (E)
Anthony J. Crowley is a hotshot political reporter who's landed himself in hot water with his editor. He finds himself demoted to the society desk, where he is assigned to cover the wedding of Anathema Device and Newton Pulsifer. He'd rather chew tin foil than lower himself in such a way, but if he's going to claw his way back to the top, he's going to have to prove himself. Aziraphale Fell is the most sought-after wedding planner in all of London, hailed as the 'angel of love' due to his knack for picking couples who have the most successful marriages. He spends his working hours making other peoples' dreams come true... but his own dreams of romance died long ago. To his mind, love is something that happens to other people. Sparks fly when these two cross paths, and they find themselves instantly attracted to one another. But can Crowley prove Aziraphale’s belief about love to be wrong?
- Mod D
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Last Updated: 2024-03-15
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Disclaimer: I am not the author of these stories, just sharing my favourite Tom Hiddleston stories. Find the authors' links below. If you want your work removed, message me privately.
Legend: 〔E〕 ⇢ Erotic/Steamy | 〔F〕 ⇢ Fluff | 〔A〕 ⇢ Angst/Hurt 〔M〕 ⇢ Minor Angst/Hurt | 〔C〕 ⇢ Comfort | ♥︎ ⇢ Established Relationship | 𑁍 ⇢ Pregnancy/Children | 🚫 ⇢ Content Warning
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✑ Against the Odds by holdmytesseract & ladycamillewrites • 18+ • 〔F᜶C〕 •
Summary: "After a toxic relationship with [you, dive] into the world of acting. No other than Tom Hiddleston, an old crush, turns out to be [your] charming, British co-star. Soon, love blooms and [you start] to heal from [your] past trauma. [However,] life is far from a fairytale and old demons [threaten] to shatter [your happiness]."
✑ One Look and They'll Know by muddyorbsblr • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "You go to work on the set of Thor Ragnarok one day and you're greeted with the sight of one Tom Hiddleston on his knees and your coworkers whispering about how he perfected his posture."
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✑ Anesthesia│Prt. II by just-the-hiddles • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
Summary: "You are a nurse in the ER Department in [L.A.]. At the start of one of your shifts, you are called in to deal with a stunt gone wrong, the patient, Tom Hiddleston. Tom requires surgery and the anesthesia has some weird side effects on the poor man."
✑ Argument, the by anonymousfiction211 • 18+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: After a heated argument with her boyfriend, y/n has to go back on set and film a kissing scene with another male actor and Tom isn't too happy.
✑ Best of Friends by just-the-hiddles • 〔F᜶M〕 •
Summary: "Since meeting on the set of Avengers, Tom and you have been inseparable. So much so that all your friends and costars think you are secretly dating. A photo by Mark brings the situation to a head."
✑ Breaking Down Walls by just-the-hiddles • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "The reader has a writing deadline looming but she has hit a roadblock. Tom returns home and helps with a bit of hands on inspiration." 
✑ Breathless Desire by bsara100 • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "A moment where Tom can't contain the need to feel his lover wrapped in his arms any longer."
✑ But He Loved You by your-highnessmarvel • 〔A〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "It started slowly. Conspiracy theories. Photoshopped, grotesque, and obviously faked pictures... "
✑ Cabin Get-a-Way by idontgiveaflyinggrayson69 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Tom takes [you] on a cabin get-a-way with plans to propose."
✑ Can We Have One? by screw-real-life-i-pick-fandoms • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
Summary: "You and Tom have been married for three years now, and things are going great... One day [your best friend] and his wife ask you to babysit there two kids... After the day goes on Tom becomes very attached to the two kids."
✑ Cat is Out of the Bag by holdmytesseract • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
Summary: "Baby Hiddles is on the way —and the plan was to keep it a secret for as long as somehow possible. But from one day to the next, the news are suddenly spread all over the internet, tabloids and social networks. The question? Who let the cat out of the bag..."
✑ Dark Delights by just-the-hiddles • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Tom has been having late night shooting the new Loki series. When he comes home late at night, he makes a startling discovery about what you dream about at night."  
✑ Don't Make a Sound by muddyorbsblr • 14+ • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "During a press junket interview, Tom uses one of the questions addressed to him to his advantage and distracts you from your peculiar mood."
✑ Don't Want to Miss a Thing by lykaonimagines • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Tom arrives home late one night after months gone filming; and realizes how much he really missed his fiancé." 
✑ Ending the Discussion by anonymousfiction211 • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: Despite your boyfriend's continued protests,
✑ Every Step of The Way by lady-rose-moon • 18+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "After a long day... Tom comes home to his beloved being all romantic."
✑ Falling Star by mochie85 • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "It's Hollywood's biggest night and Tom is hoping to win more than just an Oscar"
✑ Foolish by hopelessromanticspoonie • 〔F᜶M〕 •
Summary: "A date with Sebastian Stan brings your friendship with Tom Hiddleston into a whole new light."
✑ GPS by jpat82 • 〔F〕 •
✑ Hide & Seek by holdmytesseract • 16+ • 〔E᜶F᜶A〕 •
Summary: "Tom asks you to accompany him to Ben's birthday party. On the way there, you get stuck in traffic. A misunderstanding reveals long harboured feelings and things come how they had to come..."
✑ Hotline by anonymousfiction211 • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: {…}
✑ It's Always the Little Ones by bellesque • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
Summary: "You wake up in the middle of the night to find [Tom] staring adoringly at your cute newborn."
✑ I Have Never by muddyorbsblr • 〔F᜶C〕 •
Summary: "[After confessing] that you've never had a positive experience kissing anyone, let alone a good experience doing more than kissing, Tom visits you in your hotel room to rectify that situation."
✑ Liquid Courage by just-the-hiddles • 18+ • 〔E〕 •
Summary: "When the hotel loses you reservation, you are forced to turn to the last person you would ask for help, Tom. [However,] you are not facing him without a liquid courage, in the form of whiskey."
✑ Luck Be a Lady by hopelessromanticspoonie • 〔F〕 •
Summary: {…}
✑ Make It Hard for Me by just-the-hiddles • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 •
Summary: "The hotel lost... [Tom's], hotel reservation. So now you are sharing a room. A room with one king sized bed. Add in that you are hopelessly in love with your best friend. This is a recipe for disaster. Tom has a very arousing dream the first night in the room which only further complicates matters."
✑ Mirror on the Wall by anonymousfiction211 • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: {…}
✑ Oh Crap by lykaonimagines • 〔F᜶M〕 •
Summary: "[You've] been best friends with Tom forever and hidden [your] crush on him for nearly as long. The problem with... secrets is they're hard to keep in when you're not in exactly the soundest of mindsets."
✑ On the Wet Marsh by lady-rose-moon • 18+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "When Tom is away filming the Essex Serpent, you get lonely. Next day, you head down to visit."
✑ One Kiss by bellesque • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "Whenever one of you is upset, you and your best friend Tom head to your favorite ice cream parlor to vent and eat your feelings. Usually you feel better afterwards. For some reason, this time, a cone of your favorite flavor and a rant doesn't quite do the trick."
✑ Party's Just Getting Started by angelkurenai •
Summary: {…}
✑ Rumour Has It by just-the-hiddles • 18+ • 〔M᜶F〕 • ♥︎ ∙
Summary: "When Tom’s big love scene comes up, your jealousy bubbles up and threatens to ruin the secret bliss you have created."
✑ Slow Hands by just-the-hiddles • 18+ • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "Tom and you are old friends, but how you wish [you were] more. Tom decides to [have] a quiet birthday with you. [Turns out] a birthday wish and a few beers can change your life."
✑ Stage Kiss by your-highnessmarvel • 〔F〕 •
Summary: {…}
✑ Starving by lykaonimagines • 〔F᜶A〕 •
Summary: "[You deal] with [your] newfound crush on [your] co-star, Tom [Hiddleston]."
✑ Thank You by your-highnessmarvel • 〔A᜶C〕 • 🚫 •
Summary: Tom comes to your rescue when one of your Co-star won't take no for an answer.
✑ Unexpected Delivery│Prt. II by just-the-hiddles • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
Summary: "At 9 months pregnant, [you're hesitant to spend] the holidays in a secluded [mountain chalet]. Tom assures [you] everything will be fine, but when your water breaks and the snow is hip deep, Tom is forced to help deliver your firstborn."
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✑ A Little Too Short by your-highnessmarvel • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ After Party, the by lokispet-blog1 •
✑ Almost Too Late! by lokidokieokie • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Best Man, the by the--blackdahlia • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Blue Sweater by mostly-marvel-musings • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Clingy by your-highnessmarvel • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Daddy! by your-highnessmarvel • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Distracting by babybluebex • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Don't Wait by lady-rose-moon • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ French Toast by just-the-hiddles • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Glasses by your-highnessmarvel • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Good Morning by tomhiddleston-is-mischief • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Heroes and Villains by the--blackdahlia • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Hiddlesbum by tilltheendwilliwrite • 16+ • 〔F᜶E〕 •
✑ Hiddlestons Plural by idontgiveaflyinggrayson69 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ I am Arriving by just-the-hiddles • 18+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ I am Yours and Yours Only by your-highnessmarvel • 〔A᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ I Missed You by hopelessromanticspoonie • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ I've Got You by lokidokieokie • 〔C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ I Wish You Could See by idontgiveaflyinggrayson69 • 〔C〕 •
✑ Just a Preview by lokispet-blog1 • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Little Boxes by just-the-hiddles • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Lock Screen by hopelessromanticspoonie • 〔E᜶F〕 •
✑ Lucky by the--blackdahlia • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Magic Hands by caramell0w • 18+ •
✑ Now and Always by just-the-hiddles • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ On Set by your-highnessmarvel • 〔F〕 •
✑ Only Mine by multific • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Press Release by mochie85 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Promises by jewels2876 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Shakespearean Disguise by high-functioning-lokipath • 〔F〕 •
✑ That Voice by fanficshiddles • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Thunderstorm by the--blackdahlia • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Tipsy, Giggly, and in Love by avenging-fandoms • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Uncle Tom! by just-the-hiddles • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ What Changed? by mostly-marvel-musings • 16+ • 〔A᜶F〕 •
✑ What is Mine by just-the-hiddles • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Why Are You on the Floor? by just-the-hiddles • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Why is Daddy Dressed Like Loki? by the--blackdahlia • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
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✑ Dating Tom Hiddleston… by hiddlywiddly81 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Dating Tom Hiddleston… by lokispet-blog1 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Waking Up w/ Tom Would Include... by tomhiddleston-is-mischief • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
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See Also: Navigation || Tom Hiddleston Master Index
Authors: @angelkurenai || @anonymousfiction211 || @avenging-fandoms || @babybluebex || @bellesque || @caramell0w || @fanficshiddles || @hiddlywiddly81 || @high-functioning-lokipath || @holdmytesseract || @hopelessromanticspoonie || @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69 || @jpat82 || @just-the-hiddles || @ladycamillewrites || @lady-rose-moon || @lokidokieokie || @lokispet-blog1 || @lykaonimagines || @mochie85 || @mostly-marvel-musings || @muddyorbsblr || @multific || @screw-real-life-i-pick-fandoms || @the--blackdahlia || @tilltheendwilliwrite || @tomhiddleston-is-mischief || @your-highnessmarvel ||
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hardcandycigarette · 1 year
Long Way Down Final-Part Five
Okay here it is. The Fifth and Final Part of a Long Way Down.
Warning- Language, discussions of suicide and depression.
Those triggers are not a major part of the story as far as the details but I do want you to know ahead of time if those subjects would cause you distress.
And you guys are getting all, the feels, the angst, and dad!rry as well as a few unexpected things
Aside from that I hope it meets your expectations.
Word Count 6.5K
While trying to process the words, Harry chokes back tears and feels his heart race. When the news finally registers that Y/N is safe and the search is over he leaps off the sofa and races down the hall. Relief pumps through every part of him as he runs toward the guest room. He's been so afraid of never seeing Y/N again. But now, she's coming home and his heart overflows with happiness. He knows that nothing could ever replace the love he feels for his Y/N - his prayers have been answered
Harry's shouts startle Liam as he crashes through the door. "They found her. They fuckin' found her." he yells as tears stream down his face.
Liam shakes his head and rubs his eyes as he sits on the edge of the bed. “Wha's that?” Liam asks in confusion, trying to make sense of the news. Suddenly, he realizes that they have found Y/N. He is both surprised and relieved. "They found her? Is she okay? Where is she?" He is happy to abandon his much needed nap when he hears the happy report.
“She’s in some small village in Scotland. They said she’s fine. I think she’s fine. I dunno, but we gotta go. Y/N's mum can stay here with the kids. We gotta go. Up. What ya’ just sitti’ there for? We need to hurry and get her."
"Let's go get out girl." Liam stands and slips on the jeans draped over the end of the bed. He walks over to the corner and picks up a sweatshirt from the floor and puts it on. “Well, what are you standing there for? Let's go. I'm ready."
Just as Harry steps into the hall, the door to the next room opens. "What's the matter, love? What's wrong?" Y/N's mother asks.
“They’ve found ‘er," he says.
“Oh please tell me she’s ok.”
He pauses, taking a deep breath before finally giving her the news. "She's alive," he says with relief. Harry nods and smiles. "She is. Well, that's what the detective told me."
“Thank God,” she says. She releases a long, deep sigh of relief, feeling the weight lifted off her shoulders.
“You’ll need to stay here with the kids. Liam and I are heading to get her.”
“Where is she?” she asks.
“Lil village in Scotland.”
“Scotland? What on earth for?” she asks.
Harry shrugs and dashes toward the stairs. "I've told ya all I know. We'll call you when we get there. Can you please talk to the kids when they get up from their naps? It'll just delay us if I wake them up now."
She nods, wiping away tears. "Yes, of course. Please hurry. Tell her I love her."
"'m callin' Jeff to get a plane ready," Harry calls out as he runs down the hall, and up the stairs. Once on the second floor he darts into the couple's bedroom. He grabs his phone and hits Jeff's contact. He demands they get a plane ready ASAP, so they can fly to Y/N.
As he speaks to Jeff he shoves on his sneakers, clips back his bangs, and brushes his teeth- all in a matter of a few minutes. As he scans the room, he wonders what Y/N might need. It appears from his discussion with the detective that she had all of her belongings with her. He says to himself, "You got me 100% from now on, baby." After emptying his Pleasing tote of its usual 40 tons of stuff he grabs some clothes, his keys, wallet and other essentials tossing it all in the bag as he heads down to the living room.
When he arrives downstairs, Liam is waiting for him. "I've called for a car. They should be here soon. Good thing everyone was on standby, otherwise this could've been a logistical nightmare," Liam says, emphasizing the urgency of the situation.
"No it wouldn't. Would've driven us m'self if I'd had to. Oh, Liam, man I've never felt better in m' life. Y/N's comin' home. 'm gonna love her like no man has ever loved a woman. She's gonna get sick of me I swear it." His anticipation causes him to jump up and down with excitement. His smile is wider than Liam has ever seen it.
Harry is so frantic to get to Y/N that he nearly shatters the glass of the sliding doors as he runs into the hospital. He is desperate to find his wife and unable to wait for the elevator to arrive he rushes up the stairs. As sweat dampens his forehead and an intense sense of urgency propels him forward.When he reaches the second floor he pulls the door open with force.
"I'm sorry sir this floor is closed. You'll have to take the elevator to the next floor," a police officer says to him.
"No, it's ok. She's m' wife the woman you all are protecting. Y/N Styles, she's m' wife." He repeats with growing resolution, "Y/N Styles is my wife and Detective Reeves knows I'm here."
Before Harry can proceed, Detective Reeves approaches him. "It's alright, he's the husband."
Harry stands tall and speaks firmly, "Yes, I've come to take her home."
The two officers nod. "Sorry, sir."
"It's alright, thanks for looking after her," Harry says.
"You can come this way, Mr. Styles." Reeves walks down a desolate hallway."Let's step into the waiting area," he says.
"Where is she? Wanna see Y/N. You said she's ok, right?" Harry adds with a hint of irritation in his voice.
In response, the detective motions towards a couch. "Please have a seat, Mr. Styles. I need to speak with you about your wife." Harry sits down, his patience wearing thin. He knows something is wrong and he needs answers.
"Where is she? Wanna see m' wife. What's happen'?" His voice quivers with worry. "Tell me, Detective. What's going on with my wife?" Is she okay?"
As he nods his head Reeves replies, "She is indeed, but I still need to speak with you before you see her."
Harry stands and paces the tiny room. "Tell me, ya worryin' me."
"I know you're anxious," Reeves continues, "but I need you to stay here for a few minutes so we can talk."
He throws his hands in the air and asks, "Why can't I see her?"
"I understand how you feel. I know you're eager," Reeves says calmly, "but I need you to trust me and stay here while we talk things through."
"Spit it out then."
"Sir, it appears your wife wasn't truly missing in the traditional sense. Do you remember when we first spoke, and I told you adults can leave without a trace, and it's perfectly acceptable?"
"Yeah. What do ya mean?" he asks. "What are ya sayin'?"
"I'm referring to a concept called voluntary disappearance. It's when an adult chooses to leave their current life behind and start a completely different one elsewhere. It's not a crime and it's not illegal. It's a personal decision to break ties and start anew."
'I don't understand what you are sayin' when you say start a new life. I am growing more and more impatient with you," Harry says.
"Once the doctors give you the okay, I'll let you talk to your wife about it in depth, but it seems that she really did leave you. It seems she wasn't happy and didn't want to be there anymore. It was determined after lengthy discussions with myself, my partner and the medical staff that she had personal reasons for leaving. As for the details, you'll need to speak with your wife."
 "Details? Details like what? You know what? Fuck you Reeves." He points his finger at the man, then places his hands in the pockets of his sweats as he clinches his jaw. "Lemme see m' wife. 'm not playin' this game with ya', dancin' round the subject, tryin' to be cryptic. Where is she?"
"I am simply trying to let you know what our investigation has uncovered. You are welcome to see your wife, but it might be beneficial for you to understand the full scope of the situation before you enter the room."
"Go on then, tell me how ya know m' wife so much better than me," Harry says.
"You see your wife seems to be very unhappy. She suffers quite a lot. The woman in that room is much different from the wife I suspect you've known all these years."
Harry steps toward the door. "Where are the doctors? You aren't telling me shit. And how did she even end up here?"
"Said she took a bus, then rideshare to the old lady's house." The detective shrugs. She can explain where she left the car and all that when you talk to her." Reeves walks to the door and opens it. "I'll get the doctor. Please just wait here."
"Sure, whatever." Harry waves his hand.
The detective steps out, but returns within a minute or two, followed by a small woman in a white jacket.
She enters the room and extends her hand and nods. "Thank you for speaking with me, sir." Harry shakes her hand. "I'm Dr. Thomas. I've been here with your wife since she came in last night. I think there are some things you need to know before you go in, but there are also things you need to hear directly from your wife." She wants to make sure Harry is prepared to support her.
"Are you gonna dance as well? Jesus need to take you two on tour with me for all the dancing around you do."
"Sir, let's have a seat." The doctor motions toward the same sofa.
"'m tired of bein' asked to have a seat." But Harry does as the doctor asks, and sits.
She sits next to him, straightening her coat. "Mr. Styles, your wife overdosed. She said that the depression and anguish, as she described it, had become too much for her to continue. I'm so sorry," the doctor said softly, "but now we must focus on helping her through this difficult time. These maladies affect everyone differently, so what depression might look like for you or for me, looks different for her. Does that make sense?"
"Yeah. Yeah, course I understand everyone's experience is different. But depression? Anguish? Where is all of this comin' from? She never let on. How could I have known she was sufferin'?" Harry stands.
"Your wife is suffering from a major depressive episode. It's not unusual for women in her situation to experience this."
"Her situation?"
"Yes, but that's something you'll need to discuss with your wife."
"This is ridiculous. Say what you've got to say or le' me to speak to 'er." Harry walks to the door and opens it.
The doctor follows him. "Mr. Styles, she's very fragile," the doctor says apologetically, "and I must stress that it is essential that you handle her with care."
"When can I take her home?" he asks.
"My advice would be to transfer her to a psychiatric hospital. I know that you have the choice of any facility you wish, so that should be left up to you. I think the transfer would be appropriate sometime tomorrow if she remains stable through tonight."
"Okay." He steps into the hall. "Thank you, doctor. I appreciate what you've done for my wife. I'll see to it we get her in the right place. I'll have her therapist and doctor coordinate with you once we determine where we are taking her. Can I see her now?"
"Yes." The doctor and detective step into the hall, and walk a few doors down, and Harry follows. "I'll be here the rest of the evening if you have any questions. Just have one of the nurses contact me." She and Harry shake hands before she walks away.
"Mr. Styles, our work here is complete, so we are going to make our way back to London. You know how to reach me. While the circumstances aren't ideal I'm happy we found her, and that she's safe. Don't be too harsh on yourself. These things happen."
Harry has the impulse to hug the man but stops and settles for a handshake. "Thank you. Thank you so very much for all you've done."
"Not at all sir. All in a day's work isn't it?"
"I suppose. Thank you." Harry nods.
"Good luck, Mr. Styles." He walks away.
"Harry, just call me Harry."
"Alright Harry. Goodnight."
Harry is excited, but apprehensive about seeing his wife. He looks down the hall and sees Liam talking with officers guarding the stairwell.
He taps on the door. There is no response, but he pushes the heavy door open.
Y/N lays in the bed staring out of the window.
"Hi, Angel. It's Harry, love." His voice is soft and steady as he slowly walks toward the bed.
As he sits in a chair next to her, he sees in her profile that she is awake. As he takes her hand, he whispers, "Love, it's me.". "Missed you. Had me going crazy wonderin' if I would ever see you again.". He brushes her hair away from her face. "I love you."
She remains silent, moves around, but still won't look at him.
"Y/N I don't know what's wrong baby. I know things are rough at home, but we'll fix them. No, I'll fix them. We don't want you to leave us ever again. I'll do anything you want." He starts to cry. "I'm here for you," he promises, his voice breaking. "We'll get through this together, whatever it takes."
Y/N doesn't respond.
"Tell me what you want, I'll do it. We've built so much together, a beautiful family. I thought we were happy, baby. I'm so sorry."
When she turns to him she avoids eye contact."I don't love you."
"How can you say that?" he asks, his voice trembling with emotion .
"You can go now. I told them not to call you." Her voice is cold and dry.
He stares in disbelief, his world crumbling around him. He shakes his head. She has just spoken words he would've never predicted. He can't believe that she is so callous and that she has given up on them without even trying to work things out. With his free hand he pours a cup of water from a small pink pitcher and offers it to her. "Here, have some water. Your throat is dry."
She doesn't accept the water. Even before he came home from his tour, she realized that the connection they once had was missing. She couldn't pinpoint when she fell out of love, but it had been a while. It was time for them to separate so that she could move on and find true happiness. He deserved happiness too, and she wanted him to find it. He was a very decent man, but he just wasn't the man for her. Not anymore."
He shakes his head. "No, baby, no, that's your depression talking. We're gonna get you some help,yeah?" He rubs her hair.
"Stop it." She swats his hand away.
He removes his hand from her. "Sorry, love. It might take you some time to feel better, but I'm home and I'll look after the kids. You can have all the time you need. We'll find the finest place in the world, anywhere, and you go and take care of yourself." He tries to hand her the cup of water again.
She shakes her head. "No, I'm not thirsty."
"Baby, your voice is dry. You need to drink something."
She pushes the water away. She tries to be polite as possible, and she removes her hand from his while saying, "Please Harry, please don't make me be rude. I'm trying to be decent here. Just leave."
He stands, placing the cup on the tray. "Decent? Is that what this is? Desert your babies? Disappear without a trace knowing we were lookin' for ya? I'm here Y/N. I'm waiting for you to let me help ya', but just like the day ya left I'm lost. I don't know what to do." He sniffles as he tries to stop crying , and focus on her, and what she is saying.
She returns her gaze to the window. "Leave. That's what you can do. I'll get the help I need, but I still don't want to be married to you. As for the kids we'll figure it out, but honestly I just need to be by myself. I don't want to wait for anyone to come home, or change a diaper. I can't take the pressure anymore."
"But ya don't have to baby. I'm home now, got all the help you could want."
"Is that what you've been doing since you've been home? Helping?"
"I know I haven't been perfect, but I swear I'll try. Please at least give me the chance."
"Leave, Harry."
"Harry there's someone else." She looks down at her lap. "Is that better? Someone who doesn't make me feel like a maid or just a fuck toy."
Harry punches the wall. "No!" He grabs his hand, shaking away the pain. "You brought another man into our home, our bed?"
"No. I didn't have sex with him. But Harry, he makes me feel heard and seen. That's something we haven't had for a long time. I want a divorce. Is he the man I'll be with?" She shrugs. "I don't know, but he made me realize there is someone out there who can appreciate me as a complete woman and not just the parts that serve him."
"No, Y/N. You're not getting off that easy. You don't get to just walk away from nearly a decade at the flick of a wrist. You don't just get to leave and not give it a chance, not talk to me about how you're feelin." He wipes his face, then rubs his hurt hand.
"I'm trapped then, aren't I? Have to just keep my mouth shut and act happy. I can't Harry. I've tried and I just can't do it anymore."
"What are you talking about Y/N?" Harry walks back over and tries to hold her hand again.
"I'm a mum and a wife, your wife of all people and I'm not happy." With a shake of her head, she frees her hand from him.
"We'll work on it. I promise." He looks into her eyes, his voice firm but compassionate as he adds, "I need you to believe that I'm worth the effort."
"No matter how much we work on it, I simply don't get to be me. I'm still only a wife, your wife no less and a mother. That's all I am. It's a bitter reminder that, while I'm capable of so much more, I'm still often defined by my roles within our relationship." She closes her eyes holding back tears as she bites her lip.
"No. No, love, you're everything, that's what you are. You are a beautiful and powerful force in this world. You bring light and hope wherever you go, and nothing can stop that."
She rolls her eyes and sighs, fidgeting in bed until she finally sits up. "Harry please leave. You know I'm fine now. I'll get some help finding a place to transfer to, but please let me be. It's okay to stop loving someone. You don't get to be mad at me because of the way I feel."
He shakes his head and walks back and forth. "You know Y/N you are really a piece of work. I felt sorry for ya when they told me 'bout the shape you were in. I really did, but I see now you're just selfish." He looks at the door to check that no one is coming in. "You're bein' a coward," gritting his teeth he points at her, "not taking responsibility for your actions. You're bein' selfish."
"Oh," she says in a voice louder than she intended. She lowers her volume. "You have to be kidding, Harry. That must be a joke. Me?" She presses her hands to her chest. "I'm selfish?"
"Yeah, Y/N tha's what I said. Selfish."
"That's not true!" she declares, her voice indignant. "I'm not selfish!"
"Then what is Y/N? What are you? Those kids need their mum!" Harry shouts this time.
Y/N drops her voice. "No more than they've needed a father."
A twisted expression appears on Harry's face. "Is that what this is about? Tryin' to teach me a lesson at the expense of the kids?"
"Quit being so fucking narcissistic Harry, everything in the world isn't about you! Don't you get enough attention already? This isn't about teaching you anything."
He steps toward the bed. "Oh really? Well, Lola, you remember her, the littlest one? Big beautiful eyes, chubby cheeks, you remember her don't ya? Been sick since you left. Archer, the oldest one, gorgeous boy, ya remember him? Well he busted his foot. No to mention ya leave the whole of the world lookin' for ya." Harry chuckles as he tugs at his lip. "You can't take it anymore. Bullshit. That's what it is. How about your mum and sisters? All of our friends? You've had lots of people outta their minds Y/N"
"You think I don't know the trouble I've caused?" She asks her voice rising with each word. "You think I don't care about the kids? Well, I do! That's why I left."
"Leavin' 'ems not helpin' 'em is it? Wonderin' where their mum has gone, leavin' me to make up lies, promisin' you'll be back." Harry kicks the bed.
The door opens, a young male nurse interrupts. "Alright in here?"
"Yes," Y/N replies.
"Are you sure?" the nurse asks.
"I'm sure." She nods.
"If your visitor is upsetting you I'm sure we can have the officers remove him." The nurse looks Harry up and down.
"No, I'm fine. Thank you," Y/N says.
"I'll be right outside if you need me." He closes the door.
"It's not about you or the kids, or anyone else. Don't you see that? It's about me. It's about what I want." She stands.
"Marriage doesn't work that way, and building a life together doesn't work that way." Harry reduces the space between them, stepping toward her.
She looks at the floor, then at Harry. "Marriage is about two people and if one person is only focused on themselves, then the marriage is not going to work. This marriage is about you, and I'm not angry anymore. You can't help who you are and I can't help how I feel."
Harry grips her shoulders, leaning down to look her in the eye. "I'm sorry," he whispers. "I don't know how to make it work, but I promise I'll try."
"Harry, you can't fix it. I've fallen out of love with you." Tears fill her eyes. "Do you think it makes me happy to make you upset? Of course not. I love you, but I'm not in love with you." She speaks the words that are the kiss of death to anyone on the receiving end. "That's why I took the pills."
He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "What do you mean?"
"Death would be easier than leaving. I'd rather be dead than hurt you or the kids. I wish that old lady had let me be." She sighs heavily, looking away.
Harry kneels, grabs her legs and hides his face in her thighs as he pleads with her. "Don't say that. Never, ever, ever say that again." He sobs at the mere mention of her harming himself. "I know you're in pain," he whispers while rubbing the back of her legs. "But I need you to understand that no matter what, I'm here for you. We can get through this together."
She touches his shoulder. "Don't feel obligated to say what you think I want to hear."
"'m not, swear it love. I'd give up everything just to see you smile again. If that means splitting up, then I'll accept it. Walking away from my career, I'll do it. You hold all the cards love."
"Let's be serious Harry you're never leaving your career."
"But I'm willing to make this sacrifice for us," Harry said, determined to make his point clear. "I would. If that's what you want I won't fight you. I'll post on Instagram or Twitter or whatever, and announce m' retirement." He looks up at her. His eyes are full of dedication, sadness, and desperation.
She shakes her head and looks at the ceiling. "No. I don't know why I can't just let it all go," she whispers. "But it's like my heart won't let me. I don't even know how to love you anymore."
"Go, Harry."
"But would you at least discuss it with a therapist before we make a final decision? Please."
"Harry, please go home. Please tell the children I love them, and I will see them soon." Out of habit she rubs his thick, dark curls, holding him to her for just a moment. Tears roll down her face. "Please go."
He releases himself from her and stands. He takes her face in his hands, scanning her eyes for a glimpse of the old Y/N but she's not there. After placing a kiss on her forehead, he says in a soft, gentle voice. "I love you Y/N. I always will. Nothing you can do will change that. I will never give up on us, never." He's determined to be there for her.
With a trembling lip, she steps back and gives him a final nod of her head, her heart aching as she watches her husband walk away.
At the door he turns to her. "Meant what I said. Anything in the world to make ya stay, to work this out."
She nods. "Sure," she says.
"Speak with your doctors, and once you decide on a place I'll make sure it's paid for, but please let's at least talk about it again when you're feelin' better."
It's been two months since Harry rushed to Scotland to see his wife. It has been two months since she left, saying she no longer loved him. For the last month they have worked with their therapist to try and fix what's broken. Y/N lives in an apartment they own on the other side of the city. The kids remain with Harry. For the first few weeks Anne stayed with Harry to help, but since then he's been on his own with the children. They don't fully understand why their Mummy doesn't live with them. When she sees them it is difficult when Harry takes them back home for both Y/N and the children. There are always sobs in the car as Harry drives them home, buying their contentment with ice cream and toys and amusement parks. However, he know that isn't a sustainable way for them to cope.
With the help of a child psychologist they are adjusting a bit. But the transition is difficult for everyone and their wounds remain deep .Each day is a little bit easier. He works his schedule around theirs, and makes certain he is available to them at any time. He leaves Lola with a trusted friend or Gemma when he can't take her with him. That's usually only for therapy appointments with Y/N. During the day the two older children are in school so his only immediate concern is Lola. He has put all his plans on hold. He's even asked Jeff not to call for the time being. Jeff is one of his best friends, but Harry also knows it's all business in the end. He can't let anything distract him. The three shows in Manchester are around the corner. He's decided to stay with his mum so she can help with the kids while he rehearses and puts the final touches on the show.
Manchester Night Three
Harry is near the end of his final night in Manchester when he walks to the mic stand.
"Thank you everyone for welcoming me home. As most of you know I grew up not too far from here, and it's always a pleasure coming home. It's been an honor returning to Manchester and getting the chance to perform for all of you these three nights."
The crowd erupts into cheers and barking. Harry gives them a moment before he continues. In spite of the noise of the crowd, he speaks, "Thank you so much for everything, but the evening isn't quite over yet! I have something very special and unexpected for all of you."
Harry and the band have had a tremendous impact on people, as evidenced by the crowd's enthusiasm and appreciation. The cheering and applause are not only a sign of gratitude and admiration, but they also serve as a reminder of the show's success. A clear indication of the joy it has brought to countless people.
"Thank you." Harry chokes back tears, pausing for a moment as he looks at the ground. He clears his throat and continues. "Throughout our show's run, we have had the opportunity to share our message of joy and positivity with people from all walks of life. We are overwhelmed by the amount of support we have received and we are truly thankful for the encouragement and love we have been shown." He stops and looks around, taking it all in, the enormous stadium filled with people who love him, but there is one person missing, the only person that matters. "There should be glow stick necklaces in your seats. I see many of you have them already. Please make sure that you all wear them for the last few songs. Come on then, I want this room to look like a sea of stars. I usually end the show with Kiwi, but tonight we have changed up the setlist. I hope you'll like what I've got in store for you." A cheer breaks out. Harry walks to the other side of the stage.
"But before I do that, I want to share a few things with you." He looks back at the band, giving a half-smile. "I rarely talk about my personal life or business endeavors, but tonight I would like to share a bit of that with you. My contract will end after tonight's last song."
A few in the crowd murmur, mumble, cheer or shout, but most of the fans are quiet as they await his next words. Some are predicting a surprise release of his next album tonight.
"But this time I didn't renew that contract. No one, not even my wife knows that. Instead, I'm taking a break to spend some quality time with my family and reflect on the past as well as consider my next steps, whatever they may be." The stadium falls silent as he continues. However, some decide to boo Harry during such a vulnerable moment.
"I know, and believe me I'm sorry to say that, but it's important you hear it from me, and not the press or social media gossip. As most of you know I have a beautiful family, and I love them more than words, even mine can describe. They are true treasures. A pair of beautiful, sweet, and amazing daughters, as well as a handsome and gifted son. But there's one person who doesn't get the credit they deserve and that's my wife. She truly is a Sweet Creature. Everything that is good and happy in my life stems from that woman. She has been with me for almost 10 years, and that alone makes her a saint." Harry holds back tears as his voice cracks. "While I have been traveling the world doing what I love, she has been at home with our family. However, somewhere along the way I forgot how difficult it must be for her. She always shared me with you without reserve or hesitation. She inspired some of you favorite songs. I also realized just how much I'd missed with my kids. And for those reasons I am embarking on a long hiatus."
The jumbotron catches women and girls sobbing, some holding their hands to their hearts praising him for being such a wonderful husband. His gesture of love and dedication resonates with many, as evidenced by the reactions of the crowd.
"And I hope during that time you don't forget me, and that you love the music I come back with, but I want to take some time to be with my family and hopefully grow as a person as well as an artist. Now, my kids are backstage, and if you're good I might invite them out at the end of the show. " Everyone screams and yells.
"The songs I'm about to play have meant a lot to me recently. After looking through the catalogue of songs I've written or just sang over the years, some really stuck out as very significant right now. So, if you'll be patient for one more moment I'd like to ask some special people to join me on the stage."
As a customized riser comes from beneath the stage, four silhouettes can be seen. The roar and stomping that comes from the crowd can probably be heard in Liverpool.
"I think some of you might recognize these guys, but just in case I'll let them introduce themselves." The crowd begins to quiet down. The stage lights shine down on the four men as they turn toward the crowd.
"I'm Niall." The crowd cheers.
"I'm Zayn." The crowd only grows louder.
"Hey everyone, it's Liam" And the cheers continue to grow.
And finally. "I'm Louis."
The stadium is so loud that the guys can't talk to one another so they just smile and wave at the crowd. The atmosphere is electric, like a thunderstorm that has been brewing for days and is finally ready to unleash its power.
Harry laughs into the mic. "Weren't expecting that were you?" His quip elicits a roar of laughter from the audience, further encouraging their enthusiasm. Everyone seems on the verge of hysteria.
So I'd like to start off with a song that has really hit home for me lately. This one is called "Long Way Down."
Niall begins,
We made a fire Went down in the flames We sailed an ocean And drowned in a wave Built a cathedral But we never prayed We had it all, yeah And we walked away
Harry belts out his iconic, soulful lyrics
Point of no return And now it's just too late to turn around I try to forgive you, But I struggle 'cause I don't know how We built it up so high and now I'm fallin' It's a long way down It's a long way down from here
The voices of the stadium singing along all but drowned out the boys completely. The song continues with all of the boys singing their parts with absolute perfection.
"Now, this next one's even further back in the catalogue, and it's called Infinity," Louis says. Music emanating from the stage even further excites the fans, as the boys grin with joy at being together and sharing a stage with each other. Once again they are in complete harmony as though it had been days and not years since they sang together.
"And I think the fellas got one more left in 'em. Do ya guys?" Harry asks with his signature smile.
They agree.
"This one has been on my mind as I made these recent decisions about my career. Y/N I hope you're listening. "If I could fly". Harry begins.
If I could fly I'd be coming right back home to you I think I might Give up everything, just ask me to
The song is as beautiful as it was the first time the crowd heard it so many years ago. After the final note. Each of the boys nod, and say thank you. The five gather at the center of the stage and engage in a long, tearful embrace. The entire crowd is crying and cheering. Eventually the boys wave and say goodbye one last time before exiting.
"Thank you so much, guys, and to you our fans thank you for loving and supporting us as individual artists since we played as One Direction. I think I speak for all of us, when I say we are immensely grateful for each and everyone of you." The fans cheer and shout.
"Okay. So I promised if you were good I'd let you see my adorable bubs. I think my mum has them backstage. Sarah, would you mind going back and helping bring the babies in?"
Sarah nods, steps away from her drum kit and walks backstage. Harry entertains the crowd by reading signs. Soon everyone is indicating to Harry that there is activity behind him. When he turns around Sarah has Poppy by her hand, and Archer walks ahead of them. "Where's my Lola?" he asks Sarah.
"She's coming."
"What? She can't even walk without help." Harry laughs.
He turns back to the crowd, "Okay baby Styles is somewhere."
He leans down to Poppy. "Can you tell my friends your name?"
"Poppy." She grabs the hem of her lace dress and tucks her face into Harry's chest. The crowd ooh and awws.
Archer pats his dad's leg. "My turn."
"I think he's gonna be the performer in the bunch."
Harry squats as he asks, "And what's your name?"
"Archer, and I busted my foot, but it's better."
The audience laughs hysterically. Suddenly, they scream almost as loudly as they did for the One Direction guys. Harry turns around to see Y/N carrying Lola.
He mouths "What are you doing here?"
She smiles and shrugs. He extends his arms to take Lola. "And this little bit is Lola." He kisses the baby, then gives Y/N a peck on the cheek, not wanting to step across the boundaries they've set for the time being. He puts his arm around Y/N's waist. "And this is Y/N. She's everything I could ever ask for in a wife. She's the only reason I'm still doing this for you, but now it's her turn." He points to the kids. "And their turn. Like I said I hope you don't forget me and are still here when I come back. I don't know how long that will be, but no matter how long it is I'll never forget any of you, or any of this. I love you all. Thank you so much. And with that I'd like to ask the band to join me for a wave and bow."
The band walks forward and in a line they put their arms around one another, some smiling, some crying as they take the final bow.
"What are you doing here?" Harry asks Y/N.
"Your mum told me there was something I really needed to be here for."
"Does this mean?"
She shakes her head. "Not yet Harry, and I don't know if or when it will be, but tonight was a start."
She hugs him and kisses him on the cheek.
"That's all I need, some hope, at least a start."
"Okay." She nods and takes his hand. "A start."
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punsmaster69 · 3 months
[After checking the page again, the words have ACTUALLY been written properly this time - with a working pen.]
[A small attached sticky note reads, "heheh. couldn't not, sorry."]
i'm carried out of bed and immediately served chocolate pancakes as papyrus briefs me on the day's plan - all before i even finish waking up fully.
" 'k."
"sounds good."
he looks over his shoulder to see me still yawning, giving an eyeroll gesture and placing a cup of hot coffee in front of me.
"...doesn't work, remember?"
beside it, he places a cup of ice water.
i mumble an affirmative response. papyrus takes this as good enough.
undyne high-fives papyrus, then grabs me for an aggressive noogie.
"Excited for today, you decrepit bag of bones?!"
this diverts her wrath onto papyrus instead.
me and alphys fistbump.
"Good choice."
"figured you'd approve."
"S-Still wish they hadn't plastered that creepy ice cube's face EVERYWHERE in this place. Can't even have one bare wall."
"whaaat? ice-e's an icon."
"Of weird c-corporate marketing."
"and unsolvable puzzles."
"They were always that way, then?"
toriel and frisk - flowey wrapped around the kid's arm - wave as they approach.
frisk nods.
"Even the first one Sans and Papyrus set out for me back in Snowdin was unsolvable."
"IT WAS?!"
"Weird letter inconsistency."
we chat for a while more before actually going inside -
- and splitting off towards the games each of us preferred. toriel simply stuck by me to observe whatever i decided on.
somehow, at some point, we ended up just playing air hockey really badly.
𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬. 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬. 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬.
"Is this how you play??"
"is this how you play???"
repeatedly smacking the pushers together, the puck was ignored.
papyrus won a scary amount of tickets and used them to redeem two dart guns. one was instantly hijacked by undyne, who cackled after ricocheting a dart off papyrus' skull. she was going to fire at me, but
"You're spared for today. Don't think I won't get you another time, though!!!"
grillby's wasn't far, and the weather was pleasant, so walking was actually pretty alright.
the bar erupts into noise as we show up. there was a barrage of questions and comments about everyone and everything, but the chaos made any recollections of it blurry. (fun chaos, don't get me wrong.)
i waited for the right moment - somehow, i knew it would happen.
my brother raises his glass of milk.
a roaring sound that resembles a "YEAH!!" as everyone in the restaurant rises to their feet.
i move quickly, placing one on each seat - unnoticed amidst the commotion.
appearing beside my brother as if i'd not moved at all, i clink a bottle of ketchup with the various other beverages being lifted.
and then a loud,
as everyone sits back down.
it was beautiful. enough to make a grown man cry.
tears of laughter, that is.
a magician clown never reveals his secrets, but i sure was asked "HOW?!" a lot.
the sun has just finished setting. for the first time today, it's quiet. a gentle breeze cools the day down. toriel and i hang around on the porch to take it in - myself sat upon the rail.
"Are you truly alright with not getting much...?"
"spendin' time with you folks is all i wanted."
"and i got it, so."
"seems like a pretty good birthday to me."
"Still, it feels lackluster to have shown up empty-handed."
"i mean. you brought cake."
"That is a given."
"if you're really concerned about me not getting any gifts..."
i gave her a goofy grin.
"gonna be corny for a sec, hope you don't mind."
"I do not have a 𝘤𝘰𝘣-lem with it."
"In fact, I am all 𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴."
in that moment, i couldn't have been more certain.
i push myself up into my knees to deposit a quick kiss on her cheek.
"...that can be my gift."
dropping myself back down to sit on the porch rail.
". . ."
"sorry for suddenly 𝘱𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 that onto you. wanted to 𝘦𝘢𝘳nestly-"
puns were halted as my mouth became suddenly occupied with something else.
when she eventually let go, i found myself sputtering momentarily trying to find my words.
"There. You being on the receiving end makes it much more of a gift, does it not?"
"i, uh."
"thought i was supposed to initiate it??"
"The cheek is close enough. And that one, you did."
"I will count it."
"there's another thing i'm s'posed to do."
"a ques-"
toriel puts her hand over my mouth.
"Do not ask it today."
"We would have to celebrate our anniversaries on your birthday."
"what? you don't want a double-event?"
"There is a multitude of reasons."
"gimme 'em. gimme the reasons."
"Firstly, birthdays are to be spent with a multitude of friends and loved ones. Anniversaries are for spending with the romantic interest. To do both of those at once would be impossible."
"Secondly, it would subtract from the specialness of each as well."
"it'd be easier to remember."
she hadn't noticed me slowly inching my face closer and closer to her own until i spoke.
"birthversary rolls right off the tongue, too."
"I'll show YOU a tongue."
she suddenly sticks out her tongue. my proximity causes me to have to back away quickly.
too quickly.
toriel leaps forward and wraps an arm around me to stop me from going completely backwards off the rail.
"I did not mean for that to happen."
"good catch."
"Oddly, not the first time you have fallen from my railing."
"yeah, i'm gettin' 𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘭 good at doing that accidentally."
"Do I need to install rails for my rails?"
"gonna box me in, huh?"
"If it will stop you from falling, then maybe I will."
𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘤𝘬, 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘤𝘬.
we both looked to the back door.
with a blanket draped over his right arm, papyrus stopped speaking to stare at us blankly for a moment.
arms wrapped around each other, being bent over the rail, her hips between my legs...
"might be a minute."
promptly spinning 180 on his heels, papyrus went back inside; carrying the same expression the whole time.
immediately bursting into laughter, tori lifts me up the rest of the way and places me on the porch.
"Awkward-looking situations seem to be your forte, my dear."
"no kidding."
"At least it was Papyrus."
"so, can i ask you the-"
"Another time."
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marymary-diva17 · 1 month
The older kids part time jobs (morden au)
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There was seem to be a time or right of passage when it can to teens on pandora, and that was getting a part time job. Getting a job of their own and being able to make their own money. That they can either save or spend maybe it can be both. This always seem to be important for older kids, showing they can take responsibilities and live a teenhbood they wish and want.
Jake x reader x Neytiri
A cafe in the towns mall was looking for part time workers one day when Neteyam was in there, and he had taken one of the job application. He enjoyed coming to this care with his family and friends, and wished to have a job here. So after speaking with you, Jake, and neytiri he was given permission from you three and signed parent signature as well. After the interview he had gotten one of job slot and taken to the work easy. Aonung soon applied there as well and started working with him, which made work a bit more fun. He is always on time for work and will always make sure to give his family and friends discounts, when the stopped by at times.
bath bomb store
A new store had opened at the mall it was soon revived to be bath bomb store, and right away kiri loved the idea and it was also from her favorite brand as well. She had taken a job application when they ere being handed out and later that night, spoke with you and your spouses about working there. She was given approval and parents signature as well. When she went to the interview and later heard she was hired she become happy, and she later found out trisreya will be working there as well. She was having a good time working there and will always share when it time to get the good deals or sales. There had been times when her family and friends will come by the store to see her.
skateboard shop
When the skateboard shops was looking for part time workers, when lo'ak was at the mall the boy become super happy. Yes his siblings had jobs here and now it seems like he will be joining them here. He had taken the job application and later called for meeting with his parents. When he was given premisosn from all three parents he had become super happy, he had celebrated it with neteyam and kiri as now they all will be working in the mall with their friends. he was not working alone at the store as spider and rotxo are working there as well. He will also get the visits by his parents like his siblings, which he will enjoy just like his siblings had done.
Jake x tsu'tey x reader x neytiri
retail store
The store in the mall had gotten a makeover and was now looking for, new employees and that had gained neteyam attention. He had taken one of the job application that was stack on table, he had read over it and decided it will be good for him. So when he got home he worked on his speech to you and your spouse, until it was ready and he gave it you his parents. he had been given approval and had was given parental permission. He had a good time at the store and there had been the times when his family and friends will come to see him at work.
Crystal/clothing store
When kiri had heard her favorite store in the mall was hiring part time employees she had job application right away. Neteyam was already working here, and she did have some free time for a job. She had practice on what she was going to tell her parents knowing, she will need their approval and permission to have this job. She was happy when all four parents agreed with her getting a job and singed the application for her. She love working at the store and when her family and friends came, she would become happy as well.
Game store
the store in the mall is looking for new pastime workers, and lo'ak right away wanted to work here. His brother and sister were already working here and he felt like joining them here. Now he just need to work on how he was going to share this news with his parents and get, them to approve of him having a part time job. He had been able to have some words with his parents after family dinner, he had become happy upon hearing yes for him to take on this part time job. Like his siblings he enjoys his job as he had been able to do well here, and enjoyed having bis family visit like his siblings.
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— 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓲𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵 𝓲'𝓿𝓮 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓼𝓮𝓮𝓷 — (kiri, tsireya [separate] x gn!reader)
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pairing: kiri x gn!metkayina!reader, tsireya x gn!omatikaya!reader
tags: teeth-rotting fluff
warnings: lowercase intended
a/n: characters are aged up! i made this while i was in the er lmao. it's short but i hope you enjoy!
word count: 1.0k
+ gif not mine. ctto.
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— 𝓴𝓲𝓻𝓲 —
when the sully's arrived at awa'atlu for safety, everyone was cautious because not only were they forest na'vi's, which in turn is useless in the life in the reefs, but the patriarch of that family was a sky person in their previous life. how can the metkayina clan be sure that war won't befall them?? are the sully's worth taking in?
when the olo'eyktan had accepted them and had them learn their ways, he got his children, ao'nung, y/n, and tsireya to help the omatikaya kids. ao'nung was annoyed that his dad added another chore to his evergrowing list while y/n and tsireya were excited to see new faces in their everyday lives.
y/n and tsireya helped carry some of the sully's belongings and y/n began interacting the what looks to be the oldest sully daughter.
kiri was cautious and was slightly confused as to why the child of the tsahik was so different from their mother. after all, they were criticized for having 'demon blood' because of hers and lo'ak's extra finger. y/n was just happy to see new faces and wanted to get to know them (kiri more specifically) and know what it was like to live in the forest.
upon arriving at the unoccupied mauri pod, they all set their belongings down, tsireya and y/n jumping in surprise at the louder 'thud' that came from the matriarch of the sully's. y/n can feel the annoyance and anger the mother was feeling. after all, their own mother criticized the family who was only searching for a place to seek refuge.
tsireya told them once again that training starts tomorrow and that they get a lot of rest since they had all just come from a long flight. y/n added that they would be bringing housewarming gifts (more specifically food) a little while later after they all settled in.
when jake sully thanked the two, the kids followed suit while neytiri kept her mouth shut, gazing away from the metkayinas standing in front of them.
when the two left, tsireya immediately slaps her sibling's shoulder softly when they were further from the pod as she squealed in delight. "have you seen the older na'vi girl's gaze on you?!"
y/n looks at her with eyes wide and immediately shushed their sister, face and ears flushed in a darker blue shade as their freckles glowed slightly. "you totally did!!" tsireya once more squealed in delight and excitement because she never saw her older sibling blush this much.
the older could only flatten their ears against their head as their tail swayed in a small but fast phase. they can't deny that the omatikaya had their gaze linger for a bit even if this was just their first meeting.
"isn't she just so pretty?" tsireya nudged her sibling in a playful way while doing a small dance to egg on her sibling more. y/n could only nod and mutter, "the prettiest girl i've ever seen."
they can't wait to train with the sully's tomorrow and get to know the na'vi more.
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— 𝓽𝓼𝓲𝓻𝓮𝔂𝓪 —
it was months after the sully's came to the reef to seek refuge. the kids were getting better and better at learning the metkayina way and tsireya couldn't be more proud than she already was.
in the time she spent with them, she can't help but be intrigued with the second sully kid, y/n. the words tsireya could describe y/n as eager, kind, and humble. eager to learn their ways and how they lived for as long as the clan could remember. kind to all the metkayina, surprisingly including her brother despite him bullying them and their siblings. to this day, tsireya is still in awe that y/n was able to assert dominance over her brother and made him stop tormenting kiri and lo'ak. last but not the least, humble. despite being the child of the toruk makto and former olo'eyktan, they didn't use their title to get what they want. instead, they work hard for what they want and still be thankful even for the smallest thing.
maybe that's what got her to fall for the older omatikaya. it was their nature that drew her to them. and she could only hope they could feel what she felt for them.
little did she know, y/n felt the same. they could only tell the stories to their older brother, neteyam, and he could see how smitten his sibling was for the metkayina princess. he would always encourage y/n to take their shot but to their words, 'i don't want to ruin our friendship.' very cowardly, but understandable. of course, you wouldn't want to ruin that special bond that one worked hard for just for it to crumble and have the other be uncomfortable.
"you'll never know unless you try." neteyam pats y/n shoulder to encourage them. "if she doesn't see your feelings, it's fine. the great mother has someone special made for you. you just have to be patient."
but if that special someone isn't tsireya, what's the point? they wouldn't want to spend this lifetime with anyone else besides the future tsahik of the metkayina clan.
just as y/n was in deep thought, neteyam repeatedly hit their shoulder, causing them to hiss at their older brother but was then held on the head and moved to a certain direction. that direction showed tsireya walking with the younger metkayinas for their lessons.
oh eywa, what if they had kids in the future? tsireya would be the prettiest mother in pandora. but that's for future y/n to gush about.
neteyan could only laugh at the lovestruck stare his sibling was sending tsireya's way. "she's the prettiest girl i've ever seen." he hears y/n mumble to themselves. if they don't tell tsireya their feelings sooner or later, he's going to snitch to their siblings about y/n's feelings for tsireya so they can torment them into finally confessing.
for now, he will let y/n's gaze linger on tsireya. just for a little bit.
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taglist: @nyotamalfoy
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stiveroon · 2 months
This is my first ever real fic, so spare me if there's spelling mistakes and all that sort of stuff X)
This is like dad Daryl-ish, where he meets a little girl and soon enough becomes her "father", or that's what it feels like.
Warning: nothing rlly
"Rachel!" You heard your mother whisper to you, pulling you into a closet.
"What are you doing mama?" Rachel asked, looking up at her mother who's pushing herself into the closet aswell.
"We're going to play a game of silence, yeah? Who stays silent the longest wins, ready?" She whispered into her ear, holding her close. Rachel nodded, keeping her mouth shut, not knowing what was going on.
Soon they both heard people breaking into the store they've been hiding in, and due to the sudden noise, Rachel starts to tug her mother's shirt.
"Mama?" She whispered, but quickly shut up when her mother puts her hand over her mouth.
And soon, the closet door flew open, her mother taken out and Rachel being left alone, in a cold, dark closet. All she heard for the last few minutes were her mother's prayers, praying them to not hurt her baby girl, to leave her alive.
A few days later Rick, Daryl and Glenn went on a run for food, water, whatever is and will be useful.
Rachel was still in that same closet, hungry, cold and absolutely terrified. But then she heard people come close. So she decided to carefully step out of it.
At the sudden noise, Daryl, who is grabbing some canned meat, turns his head around. Only to see a little girl whose no older than 7.
"What're ya doing here?" He asked, frowning at the little girl.
Which Rachel didn't reply to, only staring at him before taking a step back. She shook her head, too afraid to talk.
"C'mere kid, I ain't gonna hurt you." He mumbled, holding his hand out.
"No talking to strangers." Said Rachel, knowing that her mother taught her to never talk to people she doesn't know.
"You saw me, I saw you. We ain't strangers no more." He said in a slightly annoyed tone, slinging the bag over his shoulder.
"We got a save place, food, water, shelter..." He added, walking towards the little girl.
"C'mon. Just come. We're gonna get food for ya." He said as I held his hand out once again and Rachel took his hand into hers this time.
Daryl, Glenn, Rick and Rachel all came back to Alexanderia, where others were surprise that a little girl came by.
Everyone accepted Rachel though, and Daryl took her in. Mainly because Rachel trusts him, and wouldn't let go off his side, like a damn koala.
But he'll gladly accept it, if she's happy he's happy, if she thinks of him as her father then she's his daughter.
"Kid. I gotta go." I mumbled, trying to get her to listen.
"No! Dont go!" She whined, holding onto his hand.
"I'll be back soon. Might get ya a toy or sum'." He sighed, pushing her hand away before walking off, leaving Rachel alone.
She doesn't like being alone, not after her mother died, but she's willing to accept it since she might get a new toy.
Hours later Daryl came back, putting his crossbow on the coffee table before taking a deep breath.
"Rachel! Come 'ere!" He called out, which Rachel heard and ran towards her father.
"Yeah?" She said with a smile, hoping she got a new toy.
"Got you somethin', you like cats right?" He asked, which Rachel nodded excitedly to.
"Here ya go." He said as he gave her a cat plushie.
Rachel quickly took it from him, her eyes lighting up with excitement.
"Thank you! Thank you daddy!" She smiled wider, hugging the plushie to her chest.
She hugged Daryl soon after, which Daryl first reacted a bit uncomfortable with but soon enough hugged her back.
"Glad you're happy with it." He whispered, smiling softly as he saw his daughter with a bright smile on her face.
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fe-fictions · 1 year
Could we please get some Claude baby train? 🙌🏻
(YES!! Here's Claude meeting his twins for the first time ;;; U ;;; )
The man whose feet were sore from fidgeting and pacing and running around the castle to rid himself of his anxiety-induced adrenaline stopped moving for the first time in hours.
“Er… something… something’s happened.”
Immediately the panic slammed into him like a ton of bricks.
“What do you mean?” He launched forward, grasping Marianne’s shoulders when she opened and shut the door, the delivery room having been sealed off to him for hours on end, already.
He had taken you there nearly a full day ago, let them whisk you inside, lock the doors, and get to work delivering your child.
His child.
A baby you’d made together and you had been suffering hours on end to bring into the world. He couldn’t help the pangs of guilt he felt between rushes of excitement and general worry, and this was one of those moments.
“I-it’s not necessarily bad.” Marianne continued with a nervous glance towards the room, “It’s just… there’s a bit more than we anticipated.”
“Marianne, you’ve gotta tell me what’s going on. Talking to me like this isn’t making the situation any less terrifying.”
“I know, I-I’m sorry, we just… we weren’t expecting to deal with so much! Granted, Byleth and the babies are fine, but it’s still going to be difficult considering-”
Claude’s eyes narrowed, expression darkening. 
“Did you say ‘babies’?”
“I… they’re… twins, Claude. Byleth gave birth to twins.”
His expression morphed into one of shock and disbelief. He released her, hands limp at his sides. “Twins?”
She nodded. “Twins.”
“Twins…” Numbly, he sank onto the nearby bench (if it hadn’t been there he likely would have collapsed), running a hand through his hair “Wha… twins?”
“They’re both healthy, as far as we can tell… they’re just very quiet, and small, and… well, they’re like Byleth. Their hearts don’t exactly beat.”
“…Are they dead?”
“Claude, please- I just told you they’re like Byleth!” Marianne chided him, “Don’t think like that!”
“I-I’m sorry, you just… they’re missing heartbeats, but they’re… they’re okay right?”
“Right… As far as we can tell. Byleth seems to be happy with both of them, and they are breathing normally, so… w-we just need to monitor them for a while. That’s what I meant to tell you.”
“I see.” He exhaled shakily, leaning forward with his elbows digging into his thighs. His hands locked together in front of his face, staring into space. “…Twins…”
“Are you okay?”
“I’m- I think so. Are you fine?”
“I’m not the father of two new heirs to the throne.”
“Oh gods.” He chuckled nervously, leaning back as his hands went through his hair again. “Wow. Two babies. Two- what are they? Boys? Girls?”
“One of each.” She smiled at him, “It’s too early to tell which one looks the most like which parent, but… I think the girl looks more like you.” 
He laughed weakly; it was more out of shock than humor. “Oh my gods. How are we going to handle two kids at once?”
“You’re royalty, Claude- you don’t have to worry about any of that stuff.” Marianne reminded him, “Besides, if anything you’re the only one worried about this in the first place. Byleth’s perfectly calm.”
“She’s always calm.” He said with a shrug and a wobbly smile, “And… I’d like to see her.”
“I hoped so.” She replied as she rose, “Let me see if she’s awake.”
He watched as she quietly returned into the room, mumbling something to the other nursemaids. He tried to peek past her, spotting the top of your head in the bed at the back of the space, though he couldn’t see much more.
What he heard, however, were the squeaks and curious noises of some very small newborns. He nearly burst past Marianne at the sound.
“She’s ready for you.” She told him before he had a chance, “Just remember to be quiet, and gentle. You don’t want to overwhelm them.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He brushed past them, waiting impatiently for all the nursemaids to exit and give the royal family some much-needed alone time.
The second it was shut he turned on his heel, slipped off his boots that clicked a little too loudly on the floor, and slipped the gloves from his hands, wanting to have as few barriers between him and his new family as possible.
“You’re… fidgeting.” 
He perked at your voice, his head snapping up to find you watching him with amusement in your eyes. He just shrugged and slid his cape off, tossing it onto a chair nearby before he made his way to your bed.
“I’m just trying to make this as easy as possible. I just want to really hold you, y’know?” Claude responded, searching the sea of blankets for the bundles he’d been waiting to meet for nine months. “I, uh… I heard a rumor we had a little surprise during the delivery.”
“Two surprises, technically.” You told him with a tired smile, shifting against the pillows and lifting your arms just enough to reveal a pair of swaddled up blankets. “But one that was most unexpected. She��s… full of surprises, just like you.”
“I heard she’s got my hair.” He breathed, trying his hardest to find a joke, or some sort of levity.
But the gravity had never felt stronger. This was real. You, his wonderful, beautiful wife, had just given him two brand new little lives. This was all real and happening, after months and months that made it seem like a dream.
“Would you like to hold one?”
“I want to hold both of them,” He said honestly, “But I guess sharing is caring, huh?”
“You should meet your firstborn. Only by a few minutes, but… he’s a handsome little prince.” You mused, shifting closer as he settled onto the bed beside you, cautiously holding his hands out to receive the precious cargo.
The second that bundle of blue landed in his arms, Claude melted.
He could only stare in awe at the teeny tiny, soft and pink little person that was barely visible in his wrap. He definitely had your nose, and without a doubt the fair color of your hair was sticking out from the fabric. He tucked the little one to his chest, his face splitting into a warm grin.
“Hi there, little man… look at you… you’re definitely gonna be a mama’s boy, aren’t you? I can see it already.” He whispered, “Gods, he’s beautiful, Byleth. He’s so, so beautiful.”
You sank back into your pillows, sneaking a look of your son who was happily snoozing away in his father’s arms.
“He’s quite cute, isn’t he?”
“He’s gorgeous.” Claude exhaled softly, “Wow, he’s… I just… I love him so much I feel like I could burst, y’know? He’s so small… to think he’s gonna grow up to be the Archbishop’s heir. Maybe it’ll be a family thing.”
“I don’t know. It’s an awful lot of responsibility to put on a newborn. Besides, he seems to have more of your curious personality. I think it’ll suit her, better.”
“Her?” He looked over as you gently pulled back the blankets around the baby’s face. His eyes widened as he found himself looking at a tiny little girl with a shock of dark hair and a crinkled nose, annoyed that she was being revealed to the world.
“Ohh, ho ho. Look at that little girl.” He gave a teary laugh, drawing you into his chest and wrapping his free arm around you, peering down at his daughter. “Hi, sweetheart… look at her- she’s not a thing like her brother.”
“Marianne said they were… fraternal.” You explained with a yawn and a smile, shifting your daughter closer so Claude might look at her closer. “They’re still twins, they just won’t look alike as they grow up, and… you’re crying.”
Claude paused at your observation, blinking. “O-oh. Am I? I hadn’t noticed.”
“You silly man.” You beamed at him, reaching up to brush away the tracks down his cheeks, “To think I was worried about you being a father. I think you’ll take the role on, well.”
“You kidding? There’s nothing I want more than to just stay in bed all day and be with you three. Haha, can you believe it? Two babies! I think we killed it on our first try.”
“Are you implying there are going to be more in the future?” You asked him with just a hint of worry that made him chuckle. He kissed your forehead, squeezing your shoulder.
“I’m not in any hurry, sweetheart. We’re gonna have our hands full as is, but… I’m not opposed to more tiny bishops and nobles running around if you’re not.”
“Let’s wait and see how we do with our first pair of gremlins.” You giggled, brushing your finger across your daughter’s nose. She squeaked in surprise to the delight of her parents, snuggling closer. 
Claude settled down beside you, the two of you lying there with newborns settled on your chests, reveling in the beauty that was your precious family. It had been a long, trying delivery, but now… you had never been happier. You had your new family, now, altogether.
And you loved them with all your heart.
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eggcompany · 4 months
Starlight Boy
Little Hannibal Lecter, a kid looked over by nanny Will Graham. They go to the park, they eat, they take naps together. However one day Hannibal's parents drink and drive and crash, perishing in the blink of an eye. From then on it's Will and his little Starlight, Hannibal. By the time Hannibal was in highschool he knew he could never want anyone the way he wants Will. He holds out until one day soon after his 19th birthday. Threats of tearing himself apart pushing Will to finally give the boy what he wants. Sex. But what if it makes him finally realized that Hannibal truly really loves him.
“Hannibal, this is your new nanny. Will, this is Hannibal.” Said the modestly dressed older woman as the boy sat at his work desk writing. Standing behind her was a teenaged man, not very tall, wearing a pair of cheap tan slacks, a blue flannel button up, he had thick black rimmed glasses, and had a plain brown canvas backpack on his back. 
“Say hello Hannibal.” The woman prompted and the boy quickly stood up and stuck his hand out, hair gelled back perfectly and nearly like a robot he held his hand out and looked Will dead in the eyes. Will noted he had very beautiful eyes, nearly red. 
“Hello Will, it’s nice to make your acquaintance.” Will smiled and crouched down to shake his hand lightly. The boy had little hands, warm little hands. 
“It’s nice to meet you too Hannibal, I’m glad we’re gonna be friends.” Will answered and the boy nodded and went back to his desk. 
Will had been looking for another job. He already worked at the lab at night, cleaning. He just needed a little bit more a month and he wouldn’t starve, he’d be able to take some days off sometime and rest. 
He found an ad for ‘Nanny needed, experience in childcare, tutoring, and must clean. Trustworthiness will be tested regularly.’ Will had looked into it, sent his resume, talked to the old nanny, talked to the mother, and after a week of background checks and such he had a week to win over the boy. 
Hannibal was an easy boy to take care of. He likes having his hair combed for him but he could do it himself. He likes bubble baths and he doesn’t like being washed, he can wash himself but he likes when Will sits in the bathroom with him and reads books to him. He likes eating fine food from glass only, but he also loves laffy taffy that he ‘sneaks’ from Will’s backpack. He likes being held for a bit before bed, curling up into Will’s side and staying snuggly warm. He likes when Will picks him up from school and they go eat snacks on a bench that oversees the dog park. He likes when Will lets him run around the house in his pajamas, but only when mommy and daddy are away. And he really really really loves Will Graham. 
“Willy! Look, I stacked them all up! Aukštas bokštas!” Will would come over, trying to think of what the Lithuanian word meant. Hannibal was being brought up with three languages, English, Lithuanian, and Danish. Sometimes the little boy would get words all swapped up. ‘ A Tall Tower! ’ Is what the boy had said. 
“Yes! Very very tall, good job Hanni.” Will always called him Hanni when they were alone. He’d gotten chastised when he’d called him ‘Hanni’ in front of his mother. The boy liked when Will called him that. He liked that Will was… different than the other kids he’d met. Will wasn’t very stuck up and he was… free thinking and fun. 
Everything was perfect, fun and happy and Will was getting paid enough he gained weight and bought new shoes. He played with Hanni during the day, and left for work and night classes at six. It was perfect.
That was until the day Hannibal lost the last of his family. He’d already lost a sister when she was born, and that day… he lost everyone else. 
“I’m here for the Lecters, I’m their nanny. The boy, Hannibal, where’s the boy, he's my ward” Will said frantically as he ran up to the ER counter. People were rushing around and the nurse looked at him solemnly. 
“I’m sorry sir but that crash caused two casualties. Mrs and Mr Lecter both perished at the time of the crash, I’m so sorry.” The nurse said but Will was confused. He’d just gotten the call from the hospital saying Lecter’s were in a crash. 
“Two? No, there were three. Miss and Mister Lecter and Hannibal. There should be a young boy. He’s six. He’s in kindergarten. He was wearing a pair of shiny black shoes and a cashmere sweater he likes- he likes wearing cotton undershirts. He had on a blue cotton undershirt.” Will explained, he felt dizzy, like he was gonna barf. Or pass out. Or that his heart was gonna stop. 
“Sir there wasn’t a child. Only two adults. No children were brought in from that scene.” The nurse said and Will felt like ice traded places in his veins. 
“No, no, you guys didn’t find him? He’s only a baby! You don’t have him! Fuck! Where is he? Is he still there?” Will said and started to panic as he ran back to his unlocked car. He hadn’t even parked it right but that didn’t matter cause he was already racing to the site. 
Damnit Hanni, where are you? Will thought as he hit his palm against the wheel a few times. He’d dressed the boy for the dinner party before he’d left for class. 
Will was frantic as he shoved the key into the door and ran in, turning in circles for a sign. He ran looking for any sign. 
“Hanni! Hanni, come here! Hanni are you here?” Will screamed at the top of his lungs and heard a small thud and ran to the library. The phone was dangling off the desk, the wire holding it just above the carpet. 
“Willy?” Asked Hannibal who was dressed in his little white nighty with his white slippers on and his head covered in a nightcap. 
Will ran to him and fell to his knees to hold the boy in his arms. Will felt tears roll down his cheeks. The baby was okay, the sweet poor little baby was okay. 
“Oh Hanni, I was so worried.” Will said and held Hannibal tightly against his chest. 
“What happened? Why’re you sad?” Hannibal asked and looked at Will’s face. He didn’t like when Will was sad. Hannibal rubbed at the tears rolling down Will’s face, little hands clumsy. 
“Oh Hanni, I’m so so sorry. Mommy and Daddy got in an accident. I’m so sorry sweetheart but they aren’t coming back.” Will said and watched the boy scrunch his eyebrows and cock his head to the side a bit. 
“N-never? Mummy’s never coming back?” Hannibal asked, his hands shaking and his lip quivering. Will shook his head and sat down, crisscross, and pulled the boy into his lap. 
“No Hanni. Mummy’s not coming back.” Will told him and Hannibal grabbed ahold of Will’s button down. Hannibal hiccuped as tears welled up and his nose became leaky. 
“But- but where am I gonna go? Wha’s gonna happen?” Hannibal said through tears and snot and the heaviest of sadness and fear. 
“I'm gonna stay with you. We’re gonna be okay, you’ve still got me. We’re gonna stick together okay? Just like always, me and you.” Will reassured him and rocked back and forth, one hand holding the boy around the middle and the other petting at Hannibal’s soft blonde hair. The little boy started to sob, little body shaking. 
“Don’t leave Willy. Please don’t leave.” Hannibal begged as they both sat together on the cold library floor, crying over parents who were never there anyway. Hannibal was crying for his own loss and Will was crying for the boy who was being left alone just as he was so long ago. 
Will was appointed guardian, the Lecter’s will made it that much easier by giving Will power over the assets and the boy. Which helped because for six months and eight days, Hannibal Lecter was a wreck. Six months and eight days is what it took for him to get in counseling, back in school, and for Will to get guardianship and move in fully.  
Hannibal never wanted to let go from Will. He was always hanging onto a pant leg or thrown up on the man’s hip. He often stayed up all night crying or worrying, nightmares rattling through him, so he was usually found sleeping in Will’s lap anytime the man was sat down. 
Will took time away from school and the job. He threw himself into getting Hannibal stable. He brought his things into the Lecter house, he chose the room at the end of the hall, he made it his own. Well, somewhat. 
“Willy?” Said a small voice from the tiny crack in the door. Will woke up and sat up, his hair sticking to his forehead. He felt groggy, his eyelashes stuck to each other. 
“Yeah Han?” Will grumbled and wiped the back of his hand against his eye as he clicked on his yellow lamp. The golden glow from it reached out from his bedside to show where the little boy was standing in the doorway, nighty pulled to one side and his hair a mess. Will looked at him for a moment. Hannibal had stopped wearing his cap claiming they were for babies and he wasn’t a baby anymore. 
“Willy can I um- may I- I had-“ stuttered the small seven year old. He looked down at the floor, hands picking at the front of his nighty. He’d gotten into the habit of picking at one spot near his belly button to the point Will had put little patches on some because the boy had picked a hole all the way through. 
Will sighed and gave a pitiful smile and waved the boy closer. He pulled back his blankets, he was usually too hot to actually get under them. 
“Oh come here Star, you can come lay down with me.” Will said and tapped the side of the large bed that was empty. The boy crept a little closer but looked nervous as he fiddled with the seam on the pocket of his nighty. 
“Are you sure?” Hannibal asked and stood beside the bed. 
He was always nervous when it came to touch. His parents never touched him. His last nanny never touched him. Willy was the only one who did and he did a lot. Will gave him hugs and carried him and ruffled his hair and would put his hand on Hannibal’s shoulder and held his hand when they walked and and well Hannibal still couldn’t ask for it. 
“‘Course Hanni, we all need some contact every once in a while. Especially special little starlights like you!” Will said and smiled as he lifted the boy to lay down next to him. The boy giggled and kicked his feet a bit before he was laid back down next to the man. Hannibal liked Will’s nicknames for him. Star, starlight, those were his favorites. 
Will laid back down and Hannibal curled up closely resting his head on Will's shirt clad chest.
Will wrapped an arm around him and rubbed at the boy's boney back. He didn’t know why Hanni was skinny, or why he wasn’t really growing as much as the other kids. Those kinds of thoughts flooded his mind as he clicked the light off  and Hannibal let his small fingers play with the ribbed fabric of the undershirt’s neck. 
Will kept a smooth, gentle rhythm with his hand on Hannibal’s back but the boy started to sniffle. 
“Mommy never let me sleep in her bed…” Hannibal mumbled and sniffed his nose, Will could feel his shirt getting wet. 
“Sh sh sh, it’s okay Hanni, it’s alright baby. I’m right here and you can always come sleep in my bed. Just try to sleep, Starlight, get some rest, yeah?” Will whispered and kept rubbing the boys back as he sniffled and let out small sobs. Hannibal never really got upset, never let himself lose control like a usual toddler, so his crying was so stressful on him. It was hard to calm him down from it. Except one thing. 
Will sang to him, an old lullaby his mother used to sing him. It was filled with Cajun French that Will never fully picked up but knew enough of. The lullaby hummed deep in his chest. 
Hannibal slowly stopped his sobs and soon was drooling lightly on Will's chest. Will pulled the blankets tightly around them and made sure the boy’s face was uncovered and that he was warm. 
“My special baby, we ain’t goin anywhere, just me and you.” Will whispered and let himself fade to sleep. 
“Cmon Hanni we’re gonna be late! You still gotta get ya shoes on!” Will yelled as he did up his belt that was for some reason in the laundry room. He grabbed Hannibal’s lunch box that the thirteen year old had made himself the night before. 
Hannibal was in eighth grade already. He’d taken half a year to complete third grade so he was caught up with his age group. Will was substitute teaching and working on getting his degree in forensics and taking care of Hannibal and well… It was a lot some mornings. He had to make sure he had everything and that Hannibal had everything. Hannibal had lacrosse and track and cooking classes, and Will had no time to run back home so everything had to be had then . 
“Coming Will, give me a second. I couldn’t find my hair gel.” The boy said as he walked into the entryway and sat down and pulled his little loafers. Will checked his backpack and threw it on his back and then put Hannibal’s lunch box and backpack next to him on the little bench he was sitting on. 
“Well we’ll have to make sure to put it back in your bathroom next time we do my hair.” Will said and smiled at the way Hannibal nodded and grinned at him. Hannibal’s smile was something wonderful to Will. Wolfy and bright. 
Will just looked at him for a moment as he gathered his things and double checked himself in the small mirror by the entry. 
He was nearly as tall as Will. Growing into a handsome young man, even more handsome than his father. Tall and strong and handsome and so helpful and sweet and smart. Such a different boy than the thin little thing he was before yet when Will looked at him he was just the same baby boy. 
“Willy? Why are you crying? Are we that late already? I’m sorry I’ll go get in the c-“ Hannibal said worriedly as he watched his guardian tear up and cry. 
Will pulled him into a hug and kissed his forehead. 
“You’re such a big boy and you’re getting so grown. I remember when you were so small and now you’ve grown into such a handsome young man and I love you so much.” Will said through his tears and hugged Hannibal’s solid strong body tightly before letting him go and holding him at arm's length. 
“Thanks Will, you look very handsome too. I like the scruff” Hannibal said and scratched Will's cheek which just caused more tears. Hannibal giggled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. 
“Oh you evil little boy, stop being so nice.” Will said and playfully shoved the boy’s hand away and headed for the door. 
Will got sick. Not much after Hannibal started highschool. It started as some nausea and body pain, and then fatigue and vomiting and headaches, and then hallucinations and fever and having to have some help walking. 
Brain scans and many days in the hospital, Hannibal stopping by every evening, and it came down to it. Encephalitis. Take it easy, rest, take your injections, take your pills, and don’t irritate your symptoms. 
Will did most of those! He rested… some. He gave himself his injections, he took his pills. 
But life kept moving. Hannibal had track meets and practice, he played soccer with his friends on the weekend, he had a full schedule. Will had classes but he’d managed to get most of the notes sent to him and he only went in for tests and labs. He cut down on the days he substitute teaches down to once or twice a week. 
He fell asleep a lot. Everywhere. And Hannibal, tall, strong Hannibal, always carried him to bed. 
The boy was taller than Will now, much taller. He was broad and strong and smart and loves to cook. Hannibal still took cooking classes, advanced cooking classes at the college now, and he was on honor roll for the third year now that he was a junior. He was the star hurdle jumper on the track team, and did well in long jump. He went to all sorts of cooking courses around the state, often driving himself since Will had lost his license. 
He loved Will. More than anything in the world. He never felt love like it for anyone else. He craved Will. When Will got sick… Hannibal had started having panic attacks, he was nervous, he didn’t want to go to school, he didn’t want to leave the hospital. He wanted to be beside Will taking care of everything. 
When Will got home two years ago Hannibal had… changed. 
He did everything for Will. 
He cooked, cleaned, drove when he could, he went to appointments with Will and took notes, he was everywhere Will was. He carried Will and put him in his bed, when the older man fell asleep elsewhere. He would sit and watch Will sleep sometimes. He would hold Will when he had seizures, he held Will after the seizures, he held Will’s hand every time they walked anywhere. He wanted to crawl into Will’s skin and hold his heart in his hands. He wanted to be more than close with Will. 
Will was like a proud Grandma when it came to Hannibal’s sports. He was always right there, front row, hat on, dressed as nicely as he dressed, backpack sat next to him, shouting for the world to know. 
“Yes! That’s my boy! Woo! Hannibal! Good boy! Good Job!” Will screamed and stood up only to get dizzy and sit back down, fists raised in the air. It was a very important meet, championships for their district. And Hannibal was the best . 
The blonde waved and jogged over to where Will sat, behind the wall. He was sweating like crazy, hair sticking to his forehead in a mess, jersey a shining white and deep blue, school colors, and his shoes still squeaky from being new. 
“I’m so proud! Star, you're so amazing! Tell the boys we’re having a pizza party at the house, I don’t care what you tell the parents, I’ll go along. Doesn’t even matter if you win! Hanni, that was your record! I’m so proud, baby!” Will ranted and Hannibal laughed and leaned his hands on the short wall, catching his breath. Will threw his arms around his boy, not caring if he stank or if he was sweaty. 
“Are you sure? I’ll take care of everything, you’ll need to rest when we get home.” Hannibal said and hugged Will back and kissed his forehead. Will smiled and shook his head, sitting back down taking a drink of his hydration drink. 
“I’ll admit, today’s been hard on me. This was your last event right?” Will asked, he was sweaty too, he hadn’t eaten all day and was feeling a bit fevered. Hannibal smiled knowingly and nodded. 
“Yeah, I just have to wait for medals. Why don’t you go home and call in the pizza? I’ll tell everyone else we’re having a homemade Italian night.” Hannibal suggested and wished Will was back in his arms. His mind raced with how it would feel to kiss the other man right then, kiss him and hold him and touch him and- these shorts show everything he reminded himself and thought of gross stuff like mcdonalds and 7-up. 
“Course. I love you, I’m so proud of you, be careful.” Will said and hugged Hannibal again, kissing him on both cheeks and then the forehead. 
“I love you, Will.” Hannibal said as Will walked away… man he looked good in those jeans…
“Be quiet. Will’s sleeping. Just shut up for a second, lemme put him to bed.” Hannibal snapped quietly at the laughing and joking boys behind him. They’d all come over in the promise of cheap greasy pizza and nasty movies in Hannibal’s room. They were rich kids, cheap pizza was like gold . 
“Okay, mom .” 
“Yeah, alrighty mom ” 
The boys heckled him but kept it quieter as they caught scent of the pizza, bags being slung into the coat closet in the entry hall. 
Hannibal made it to the living room where Will often fell asleep reading his textbooks. Sure enough, Willwas in his chair, curled up under a blanket, book spread on his lap. Hannibal closed the book and sat it on the side table, on the stack that was there already. He then just looked down at Will. His hair was shorter than usual, he just got a haircut a few days ago but it looked so soft… Hannibal indulged himself and let his fingers skim over his hair… but then they drifted down to his rough stubble and the soft crest of his cheek and then across his soft pink lips… Hannibal swallowed thickly as he let his fingers run across Will’s bottom lip. The older man’s mouth was open slightly, breath creasing warming in a smooth rhythm. He pushed that soft bottom lip down, showing Will’s teeth, and pulled his hand back when he felt all the blood rush south, he was wearing a pair of tight pants, he didn’t need to be heckled for a boner. 
Hannibal bent down over Will, wrapping the man in his blanket, and picked him up. One arm under his back, one under his knees, making sure Will’s head laid on his shoulder. It was a practiced thing, he’d carried Will like this a thousand times. It was muscle memory as he made his way up the stairs and into Will’s room. 
“Into bed, sweet Will. Into bed.” Hannibal whispered as he placed Will down on his mattress, blankets tossed over to the side. He pulled the blanket that had bunched up around his waist to lay nicely over him. Over his socked feet all the way up to his neck, over his hands, and made sure his head was on the pillow. 
He just stared at Will. So beautiful. So soft, so sweet, so pretty, so warm… So his. 
“I love you. I do, I love you Will. I want you.” Hannibal whispered to Will who slept on, exhausted from the day. Hannibal sighed and left the room to go celebrate with his friends. 
Will got better. Will gained a little bit of his weight back, he had so much more energy, and he looked incredible. Hannibal was often staring at him, head resting on his fist, drool practically dripping from his mouth. He often stared at Will’s handsome face when he wore his glasses, so focused on doing work or studying or reading. He often stared at Will’s butt, he gained ten pounds and his ass was so plump and practically begging to be bitten into like a ripe peach. And he was very very often staring at Will when he was out doing yard work, something he’d banned Hannibal from doing after he cut his hand with rose clippers. Hannibal would sit in the paved driveway and watch Will. He made the excuse that the sun was good for him but he just wanted to stare at Will as he stretched and sweated and oh wear those little shorts and flip flops and Hannibal would waddle back into the house claiming sunburn or ants and jerk off in the shower. He’d turn the water on, just warm, not hot. He’d be so worked up he’d barely get his pants off and a hand on himself and he’d be ready to bust. 
Just picturing Will, his body, his face, feeling up and down his solid body, kissing his lips, slipping his tongue into Will’s wanton mouth. Imagining how Will would sound as Hannibal fucked him, how he’d beg and whine and whimper sweetly. How Will’s ass would look as he fucked it, how Will’s body would move full of cock, how how- 
“ Will ” Hannibal would moan into the tile and spend the next ten minutes standing under the water thinking how mad Will would be if he knew Hannibal came thinking of him. 
It all came to a head when Will broke up with his bar fling named John and Hannibal had nearly drowned in the school showers because he was blowing two guys at once and they thought it would be funny to turn the shower head to spray over his face. They were Juniors and he was a senior, they assumed he could ‘take it’... He beat them up before he left. 
Neither wanted to talk about why they were sad and pissy. 
Hannibal was huffy in his room, watching all sorts of bad porn and jerking off just to be unsatisfied and then kicking dirty clothes around his floor just to dig under his bed again and look at a pair of Will’s underwear he’d snatched from the laundry room. 
Will was being sad and eating ice cream curled up in the living room watching romcoms and telling himself John was just using him for notes and test answers. Then knowing John wasn’t even in the same classes and crying again. He was so horny and so bad at dating. 
Hannibal just kept going around his loop, trapped, Will moved on but Hannibal couldn’t. He kept feeling more and more edgy and aggressive. He felt like a balloon blown up too far. 
And then he did something irrational. Irrational and irreversible. 
“Hannibal, what are you doing!?” Will yelled as he stared at the boy who was kneeling in the middle of the living room, back to the roaring fireplace. He was kneeling down low, knees spread wide, chest uncovered, his robe flowing around him held up by his arms still being through the sleeves. His chest and shoulders were bare, all the way down his toned torso, down passed the neatly trimmed blonde happy trail, down to his pink cock and the veiny hand that was wrapped around it. His other hand was holding him up from where he’d bent back, head thrown back, exposing his muscular neck. 
Will was in shock. His baby boy. His kiddo, His Starlight. Putting on a goddamn show. 
“Will, I want you. You’re the only person I need. Please Will, the other boys aren’t nice to me they hurt me, they won’t treat me like you do” Hannibal begged as he let his head loll back forward to face Will. It made him feel a bit less confident when he saw Will’s shocked face. 
“What do you mean? What are you doing? Hannibal, we have neighbors!” Will said and rushed around to close the curtains that were thankfully mostly closed. What was Hanni doing? And when did he get so… grown. They had just celebrated his 18th birthday but still when did he get so big and and strong and handsome and since when did he have such… When did he act like this?
“Will, please, please, take care of me. Like you always do…” Hannibal said in a grumbling rolling way with a little innocent smile on his lips and he held his cock in his hand. He was looking at Will over his shoulder and he moved so the back of the robe dropped down to cover nothing . His back and ass on display. Will stared at him and felt a wave of heat hit him. 
“Hannibal we can’t. You shouldn’t do this.” Will said and came up behind the boy and pulled the robe up to cover his back and pulled it closed in front of him. 
“We can’t. You don’t want to.” Will said and Hannibal felt something break in his chest. He slumped, confidence gone, he held the robe closed as his cock softened quickly. He sat down on his butt, crossing his legs and covering himself. He stared at Will who was rubbing his eyes and who let out a loud sigh. He looked like he was so… upset. 
“Take me Will, take me apart, touch me, Will please, please I can’t take another day.” Hannibal begged, shamelessly as tears welled in his eyes, his chest hurt. He felt tears starting to roll down his cheeks and Will turned around with that we-can’t-kill-someone-for-being-rude lecturing kind of look. 
“Hanni-” Will started but Hannibal snapped, yelling. 
“I’ll kill myself. I’ll tear my veins from my flesh, I’ll flay myself open and hang myself up.” Hannibal screamed, opening his arms to show Will his long perfect arms, making his point he stared right into Will’s eyes. 
“Hannibal…” Will said calmly and put his hands out to calm the boy down but Hannibal jerked away, crying loudly, sobs wracking his body. Will felt himself losing his restraint.  Hannibal was his. Since the second he’d seen him, Hannibal was his . 
“I can’t take a moment more. I love you Will, I love you, I love you, I need you I can’t can’t take-“ Hannibal broke off sobbing. He looked so defeated, sitting naked on the floor, crying like a baby. Will smiled. 
The older man knelt down and shoved away tears with his thumbs and held Hannibal’s sharp beautiful face in his hands. 
“My little starlight, you evil little boy, you mustn’t do this again. There’s far too many windows. And now you’re mine. No one else’s to see.” Will whispered to Hannibal who’s eyes seemed to be blood red in that moment. 
“Wi-” Hannibal had started but was cut off with a powerful long tongue filled kiss. They both could taste his tears, neither cared much though. Hannibal’s hands caught Will’s neck and pulled him down. 
“I love you.” Hannibal gasped when they pulled away, he meant to pulled Will down and fuck him right there but Will pulled away and pulling Hannibal up to stand, robe opening. 
“Not on this floor, not on a floor, my room, now.” Will said and pulled Hannibal down to kiss him again. Hannibal was getting whiney, hating to wait to have what was finally his. 
“Slow” Hannibal bit out as Will moved to kiss down his jaw. Will pulled back to say something but Hannibal already had him from behind the thighs and was hualing him up to carry him. Will squeaked which made the young man smile a big wolfy grin as he made the memorized walk to Will’s room without stopping their deep kissing, Will’s hands pushing the offensive silk off Hannibal. The blonde let it drop from him the second Will was thrown onto the bed. 
“Hannibal, my star, when did you become so…” Will said as Hannibal crawled up over him on the bed, unbuttoning his shirt and grinding down on his lap. Hannibal looked up at him, breathing heavily, eyes manic and hazed. 
“Such an animal.” Will finished and Hannibal grinned and pulled Will’s belt from its loops, slightly picking up the man for a moment. He let Will wiggle them down his hips before yanking them off, pulling Will’s legs straight up in the air. Will let out a surprised noise as Hannibal shoved his legs apart and leaned back down to kiss him. 
“Mine, Willy, You’re mine.” Hannibal growled as he ground down, his cock covering Will’s completely. The brunette let out a moan as he grabbed at Hannibal’s shoulders and back. Their lips met again, teeth and tongues clashing this time, Hannibal taking over and throwing Will’s legs up, one over his shoulder and the other around his hip. 
“Hanni…” Will whimpered and pushed his hands down to stroke the boy’s heavy hard cock. God that would feel so good inside…
Hannibal was moaning, long and low, right into Will’s neck where he was hiding his face. Will kept on stroking, not even being able to reach the base. 
“Hanni… is this what you want? Me to only touch you like this?” Will asked as he let his thumb run and rub gently at the perfect crown of his star’s cock. 
“Wanna fuck you, wanna, wanna fuck you” Hannibal stumbled through. Will smiled and let his nail lightly graze the fever hot skin, each movement causing Hannibal to let out groans. His little starlight taken apart from prim and proper to begging messy little slut. 
“I’ll let you fuck me. My way only. You little beast.” Will whispered and let go of Hannibal as the boy sat up, eye’s wide, smile playing at the corner of his lips. Will stretched his arms above his head, showing himself off, and squeezed his leg that was around Hannibal’s hip, pushing the boy to thrust against him. Hannibal moaned, lips making a beautiful little O. 
“Willy, please, please, please” Hannibal begged as he thrusted against the older man, cock slipping beside Will’s to rub in the crease of his thigh. Precum tracing lines into Will’s short brown pubes. Will shushed him and tried to straighten his thoughts. 
“Baby, calm down, sit back. Can’t jus fuck me, Star. Gotta get ready.” Will explained and pushed Hannibal’s shoulder so he’d sit up. Hannibal growled and kept thrusting for a moment before Will had his hand in his hair, pulling him back. 
The boy let out a whine and sat back on his heels. He pouted, bottom lip poking out a bit and gave Will the biggest pair of puppy eyes. Will laughed a little bit and reached over to his bedside and dug around for a long moment before finding the probably expired condoms he had and the small thing of lube that he rarely used. He preferred lotion of jerking off, but lube was best for this activity. 
“Do you know how to do this or do you want me to show you?” Will asked as he held up the foil packet and small bottle. Hannibal stared at him and shook his head. He’d never done it to someone else… himself sure sort of and a girl one time but that wasn’t- they weren’t nearly as precious as Will. He’d cut his own hands off if he hurt Will. 
“Lemme see your hands.” Will ordered and Hannibal held them out, palms forward, which made Will giggle as he turned them around to look at Hanni’s nails. Short and smooth. Will held Hannibal’s hand open, fingers spread a little with one hand and popped the top on the bottle, pouring some over his three fingers. 
“Will? I thought you were going to do it…” Hannibal said curiously as he pinched his fingers together just to spread them apart. The lube was thick, cool but warming quickly, and felt oddly like film on his skin. Will huffed and scooted up on the bed, getting into a comfortable position. He wasn’t a young man anymore, he was 37, he could keep up. Just needed to make sure he was in the right spot. 
He laid his head on his pillow, grabbing the other on and shoving it under his hips. He shuffled for a bit and decided he needed more behind him and wadded up his blanket and stuffed it behind him so he was curled up a bit, hips up, shoulders up. 
“You’re beautiful.” Hannibal whispered and watched Will huff and wiggle his shoulders against the blankets. Will looked at him and shook his head. Course his little starlight would say that, of course he’d have the mind to compliment even when his cock was drooling and cherry red. 
“Star? Do you know how to do this?” Will asked, his voice dropping, dragging itself from his throat as he let his hands wander over his own body. One hand staying up at his chest to rub into his chest and pinch and pull lightly at his nipples, the other roaming over his flat stomach, pulling a few times at his cock, and down to handle his balls for a moment before moving lower to run a dry finger over his hole. Hannibal was staring, his eyes focused exactly where Will was circling, he nodded, his eyes not leaving the show. 
“You know you need to be gentle right? You gotta use one finger… then another… then another. So big, I need three. Then you can fuck me.” Will said in a sultry way that had Hannibal’s cock jumping up as he moved in closer so his cock was nearly touching Will’s hole.
Slowly one of his sticky slick fingers started doing circles like Will’s had been and then pushing around and then finally slipping in. All the way in, and rubbing right across Will’s prostate. 
“Fuck! Oh Baby, baby, don’t touch there yet. Don’t don’t turn your fingers up. Keep em straight. Can’t cum more than once, honey. Wanna cum with you. Don’t be rubbing on me like that.” Will panted out, little shivers racing through him. Hannibal nodded, unable to tera his eyes from where he was inside . Even just his finger. He was fingering Will. 
It was slow, Will telling him when to add another, when to speed up, when to spread his fingers, and soon Hannibal was spreading his three fingers inside Will, spreading his rim. 
Hannibal was dizzy, his cock was so hard and had been for so long. And Will was making such amazing sounds, whimpering and panting, his hands leaving their positions playing with himself to hold his legs up and open, gripping behind his knees. 
“No more, fuck me. C’mon baby, fuck me like you wanna.” Will bit out, tears welling in his eyes. He was ready and Hannibal was such a good boy. 
Hannibal hastily rolled the condom on his cock, it was a little uncomfortable because it was a little snug but it wasn’t gonna make him stop. 
He leaned over Will, letting his ankles rest on his shoulders, and guided his cock to Will’s slick messy little hole.  He was barely pressing in, he didn’t wanna hurt Wil-
“You fuck me right now or I’m gonna do it myself.” Will said and grabbed two handfuls of hair on the sides of Hannibal’s head. He had a crazed look in his eyes, and Hannibal couldn’t resist letting himself go, matching that look. 
He slammed into Will, hips slapping the backs of fuzzy thighs. And he didn’t stop. Shoving his face into Will’s warm neck, feeling each one of his moans, he fucked Will like he wanted to. He fucked him hard and fast, grunting and whining, hands sliding under Will’s back, holding him close, lifting him up from the mattress. 
“Star, Star, Hannibal! I’m gunna cum. Oh god, Hanni, good boy, good boy, cmon keep going, baby don;t stop, so close! So close!” Will begged, his hole tightening around Hannibal’s cock. His hand moved to jerk at his own drooling cock as Hannibal, kept thrusting as hard and as fast as he could. 
“Willy, Willy, I love you. I love you Will, I love you.” Hannibal whined as Will moaned out louder and louder, Hannibal was holding on but he felt like he was going to explode before Will came. 
Will pulled his legs to wrap around Hannibal’s waist and pulled him in, yelling out, cock spilling out over his belly. He grabbed onto his boy, who was still fucking him roughly. 
“C-cmon sweetheart, my pretty, precious little star. C’mon baby, cum for me” Will whispered into Hannibal’s ear. He was sweating, hair sticking to his forehead, grunting each time he slammed into Will’s hole, he looked up at Will with wild eyes. 
Will was crying, it was too much, way too much. He smiled and pulled Hannibal down for a kiss. Hannibal let out a little strangled sound as he shoved as far as he could into Will’s body, his hips twitching and his cock jerking where it was deep inside Will’s body. 
Hannibal panted as his arms shook, he dropped down to lay on top of Will, who automatically carded his hands through Hannibal’s blonde hair. 
“Starlight, so good to me. How could I have not noticed? I love you Hannibal.” Will said as he caught his breath and pet down Hannibal’s back and pushed his fingers through his sweaty hair. Hannibal kept holding him, face smushed into his shoulder. 
“Of - ew- ill” Hannibal said into Will’s skin, ‘Love you will’ . Will laughed and kept on petting till Hannibal had his fill and then they went to the bathroom to bathe together. 
“Welcome home Will.” Hannibal said from the kitchen as Will walked through to set his briefcase down and kick his shoes off. 
His hair greying at the edges, his scruff gone grey in patches too. Hannibal found him even more handsome even in his very thick glasses. 
“Hello Star, what are we having for dinner? I’m starved. I worked through lunch.” Will said as he wandered over to his husband, wrapping his arms around Hanni’s middle. 
“You shouldn’t do that Will, you’ll get weak.” Hannibal said, chastising Will for his self neglect. Will nuzzled in between Hannibal’s shoulder blades. 
“You fret on me too much, I had a granola bar and an aspirin.” Will said and let his head rest against the broad strong back in front of him, loving the strong beating of Hannibal’s heart. 
“We’re having long pig and I made fresh gelato. Chocolate with brownie bits, you’re favorite.” Hannibal said and Will groaned, squeezing his love. 
“I love you Hanni” Will said and moved to pull Hannibal down by his neck. 
“I love you too Will, forever.” Hannibal answered and pressed a loving kiss onto Will’s soft lips.
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gomzwrites · 1 year
Have this little drabble I have with Gaz because we need more Gaz content and im also working on the monster of a fic for the 100 followers special (a total of 7 characters to write ah hA-) ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖
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y/n! Come join us, Laswell brought grapes
The captain beckons as you walk through the mess hall, having just completed your routine training and drenched in sweat, you glance over to see the rest of the members there as well.
Ghost leaning against the counter, Soap eating multiple grapes at once and Gaz smiling back at you with a wave.
Later boys, leave some for me Soap! that earned a laugh from them as Soap rolls his eyes and gives you a michievous look,
cannae promise ya!
You politely rejected the invite and went to your bedroom. Technically you would’ve loved to join but one, you’re in need of a shower and secondly, well, you don’t feel like eating grapes in front of them. 
A few hours passed after you shower and rested for a moment in your bedroom. You waited because now most of the members will be busy doing their own thing, be it meetings or working out in the evening. So you finally exited your room and walked to the fridge, thankful that there’s a green lid container that has the grapes. You silently take them out and sit on the further corner in the room. 
You start peeling the skin of the grapes one by one, putting the skin in another bowl while plopping the naked grape in the original container. 
This habit has started since you were a kid, your mom always didn’t like eating grapes with skin on, especially the purple one so she’ll always slowly peel them away and eat them afterwards. You, on the other hand, don't mind the skin but you had always helped your mom out in peeling them because she was struggling a lot without much fingernails. So overtime, it became a habit for you. Anyways, you’d admit it tastes better because the waxy texture can be quite irritating. 
You idly hum as you tear down one skin after another as you drown yourself out, frankly it is a pretty therapeutic and mindless activity, so you always do it whenever you have the chance. But not in front of anyone because you have gotten weird looks or been bullied for this behavior before. 
“You don't like the skin?”
A voice startled you as you look back with a pale face, to find Gaz staring back at you with a blank expression.
Er, not exactly-
He stares at the bowl and container and chuckles. You watch curiously as you stare back at him, expecting him to make a comment about it, but instead he takes a seat next to you and starts taking a grape and removing the skin as well, albeit struggling a little.
There’s nothing wrong with liking things differently.
He gives you a reassuring look as you nod and smile back with a bump at his shoulder. After helping you out, you share the grapes with him and enjoy the evening in peace with random chatter. 
Since then, whenever the group has fruits you’ll always find a container with grapes that has already been deskinned with a sticky note.
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a/n: this is for my friend who always gets bullied for peeling grape skins, let people be happy smh
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So I need you all to imagine for me. murderers Wanda and Scarlet Witch, but they'd never hurt kids so it kinda balances things out.
lets be honest, even if Wanda was a murderous evil witch from the beginning we'd all love her as we do now
This is very rough and probably the beginning of something but I've not decided yet.
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Evil's new fangirl
There was a knock at the door that broke the witches out of the happy silence they'd built up throughout the evening "who's at the door?!" Wanda sat up from her desk eyeing the door suspiciously.
"Well gee Wanda I can't see through doors can I?" Scarlet reluctantly got up from the couch rubbing at her tired eyes and moving to the front door "if its someone trying to kill us I'm gonna be pissed" she opened the door and looked down to see a bright eyed woman staring back at her.
"Er hello?" she stepped back a little, you didn't look like you wanted to kill her, maybe a spy?.
"Wow! The actual Scarlet Witch! It's an honour to meet you! Is Wanda here too?" You were so excited, the witches were evil sure, but they were so alluring and your friends bet you $20 that wouldn’t actually go and find them but here you were
“Wanda! There’s some weird girl here and I need your people skills to help me!” Wanda groaned getting up from her desk and stomping to the door seeing you and instantly turning on her charm that she was known for “hey sweetheart, are you lost?”
You shook her head and smirked a little, you knew all about the witches seduction techniques but it was still cute none the less “no I’m exactly where I want to be, my friends bet me $20 I wouldn’t come and find you, but jokes on them because I think you’re awesome!”
The women were a little taken aback, no one liked them, they were killers, according to the news anyway but you were definitely different
“Well okay then, how about you come in for a bit, it’s getting dark” Wanda widened the door to let you in which you happily did so.
“Are you sure this is a good ideas Wanda? What if she’s a spy?” Scarlet asked while keeping a eye on you as you walked around the small home’s front room
Wanda just shrugged her off “I read her mind, she’s got no ill intentions, she’s even a little starstruck”
Scarlet blinked in confusion “okay fine whatever, she is cute maybe we could play-“
Wanda cut her off “no, you don’t deserve anyone else to play with, not after the last one” that was one kill none of them wanted to make
“Well if they didn’t run away I wouldn’t have had to shoot them, I didn’t want to get blood on the collar they wore, it was so pretty” they didn’t notice you sit down on the couch and try the TV
“Why isn’t the TV working? You need to fix that” you shouted breaking the two women from their conversation looking over to you "what are you doing?"
"Well I wanted to watch TV but i'll make a snack instead, you got any sandwich stuff?" The way you pondered around the house and found the kitchen made the women nervous "can you tell us what your name is before you run around the house?" Scarlet said trying to assert some dominance over this strange strange situation.
You turned back through the house and to where they stood "I'm Y/n and not to sound weird but I think you two are amazing"
Scarlet hummed "yeah you've said that already"
Wanda decided to take control of the situation since Scarlet was doing a terrible job "come on darling let's sit at the kitchen counter okay?"
You agreed and moved to the kitchen taking seat on one of the stools with Wanda following and sitting with you, taking your hand she rubbed small circles on the back of it "you know sweetheart not many people choose to come here willingly I applaud you for that"
You blushed at her praise lowering your head "thanks Wanda I just wanted to meet you both"
Wanda nodded along "let me ask you something personal"
You shrugged "sure"
"Do you have an evil side? You came up here to find two mass murders, do you even realise the amount of danger you could be in? I could keep you talking wile Scarlet comes up behind you and slices your throat" Wanda smirked at you and you shrugged
"I don't think I have an evil side, I just don't think you two deserve the hate because of all the shit you guys went through"
Wanda agreed "see thats what we keep saying, we've lost so much, we deserve a little fun" she was starting to really like you.
Scarlet came into the kitchen still suspicious of you "so, are you planning to kill us? Because you'll definitely lose" she sat next to Wanda but you just shook your head.
"Sweet Y/n here just thinks we're misunderstood" Wanda assures the other witch "fantastic, hey do you want to stay for dinner?"
You thought about it for a little bit "yeah sure! What are we having?"
Wanda thought this whole thing was so strange, you'd just turned up completely unannounced and said you liked them even if they killed and tortured and did other things that would be considered bad to the general public.
"I'll go and get takeout, maybe kill a few people on the way back" Scarlet jumped up and headed for the door "I'm getting alcohol too because I still don't know what the fucks going on!" With that the witch quickly left the two of you alone.
After some silence Wanda stood up from the stool bringing you with her "how old are you darling?" She stepped closer to you her breath being felt on your face making you shiver "old enough" you whispered.
Wanda let out a soft laugh "I may be a murderer but I don't want to get a minor drunk" she stepped back and you felt embarrassed, a red blush covering your face "shit okay, I'm 24 so old enough for alcohol, drugs, absolutely anything you want to do I'm legal for" god why were you so embarrassing?
Wanda bit her lip to stifle a laugh "oh darling you're funny, I'll keep all that in mind" she winked and went to her alcohol cabinet pulling out a bottle of red wine "you like wine?"
"I've never had wine so I don't know" you accepted the glass and brought it too your lips, instantly regretting it when the liquid burnt your throat "nope don't like that"
"The first drink is always bad, come on take another sip" she used her fingers to tilt your head up and used her thumb to open your mouth "come on pretty girl, open your mouth" you parted your lips slightly and the witch smiled moving the glass and pouring the liquid down your throat.
"There you go, isn't that good?" You gulped down the liquid ignoring the way it burned but instead focused on the way Wanda's eyes connected with yours, the red mist covering her eyes and then clouding your mind too "you want to stay here don't you my love?"
You nodded slowly and Wanda smirked proudly "Scarlets going to love breaking you, but don't worry I'll be there to pick you up when you're too broken"
Your whole world slowly went dark as you were picked up by Wanda and carried away. Well you did want to spend time with the witches, they would give you exactly what you wanted.
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We'll always have (more than) Paris
Different Meeting Tedependent AU where Ted had planned a trip to Paris for him, Michelle, and Henry, but before he can tell her she hands him divorce papers.
But after so many months of researching places to go and things to do and food to eat he finds he still wants to go. So, he and Henry go to Paris without Michelle.
They're wandering toward the base of the Eiffel Tower when a little girl darts past him giggling and screeching that ear splitting high pitched happy screech kids that age can so easily hit.
A few moments later a harried looking man with amazingly white streaked hair trot-runs past him, trying to catch up to her without full out sprinting.
But Ted knows how toddlers can be when they're in that darting away phase and she's not going to stop until she's scooped up.
He also knows no parent actually wants to look like they can't get their child back without yelling or running, so he turns to Henry,
"Hey Henry, why don't run up past that little kid there? Get her to chase you and get her back to her dad, hm?"
Henry doesn't need to be told twice and takes off, dashing past the man and then the little girl.
Ted speeds up his walking pace to tap the man on the shoulder.
"Excuse me! Er- Excusez moi! Uh parlez um- inglese? My son's gonna bring her back, don't worry! Toddlers love nothing more than chasing big kids!"
Ted tries to make himself look as encouraging and friendly as possible in case the man doesn't understand him. The man had turned to look at Ted at his shoulder tap so Ted finally got to see that magnificent hair up close.
"Oh! Uh yes, thank you. Though he might have his work cut out for him, she hasn't been a very good listener today, I'm afraid," He looks back to the kids who are giggling and zig-zagging around the green, before turning back to Ted looking slightly bewildered, "And I'm sorry, was that supposed to be French earlier? I think there might've been some Spanish in there."
Ted huffs out a laugh and puts his hands in his pockets.
"Yeah, I tried to learn some French on that owl app before we came here, but three years of high school Spanish keeps slipping through instead," He nods toward Henry, "He's actually taken to it a lot quicker. Probably cause it's like it's just another game on his tablet."
He holds out his hand, "Ah right, Ted Lasso. That's Henry out there."
The man gives him a bemused look and takes it, "Trent Crimm. And she's Darcy"
"Well, nice to meet you Trent Crimm," He nods toward where Henry and Darcy have flopped down on the grass, breathing hard, "Looks like someone's been tuckered out."
"Well, thank you for that. Fortunately, our hotel isn't far and it's just about time for a nap," He starts toward the kids, before pausing and turning to Ted, "Have a good vacation Mr. Lasso. You should make sure to visit Musée d'Orsay, they have a little art scavenger hunt Henry might enjoy."
"Thanks for the tip. And please. Ted." He smiles at Trent.
"Ted." Trent holds his gaze a moment longer, a faint flush spreading across his cheeks, before glancing away. He turns and calls out, "Darcy! Come on! It's time to go!"
Henry and Darcy sit up and clamber to their feet. Darcy races over to Trent, slamming into his calves, "Daddy! Can Henry come picnic with us?"
"No darling, we're done picnicking for today. And I'm sure Henry's dad has plans for them."
"T'morrow?" She gazes up at Trent with glistening eyes.
Ted wouldn't wish those big crocodile tears on anyone, let alone his new friend.
"Well hey there, little Miss Darcy!" He bends down to address her where she's still wrapped around Trent's legs and she turns her eyes toward Ted, "You guys have been picnicking? That's fun! Henry and I love a good picnic! We'd love to join you sometime!"
He stands up to look at Trent, smiling gently at him "If that's alright with you?"
Trent blinks a couple times up at him, a slow smile over taking his face, "We'd love for you to join us." He pauses and breaths out a laugh as he glances away, "But tomorrow we actually have plans. To visit the Musée d'Orsay, in fact."
Ted smiles wide as he realizes, "Why Trent! And here I just heard a great recommendation for the Musée d'Orsay! And an art scavenger hunt, I believe?"
He glances over at where Henry's attempting to do cartwheels in the grass. Darcy notices as well and abandons Trent's legs to run over and start somersaulting alongside him.
Ted's smile softens as he tilts his head to the side and looks at Trent from under his lashes, "I'm almost sorry I messed up our "Accidentally running into each other for the second time" meet-cute, but at least now we can spend the whole time together! Then grab lunch afterwards? Besides, art scavenger hunts are much more fun with more people, everyone knows that."
Trent smiles up at Ted, "Well, if everyone knows that. Who am I to disagree?"
For a moment they gaze into each other's eyes, picturing the rest of their time in Paris; Visiting museums and tourist spots together, meeting at cafes for breakfast, finally making it to the top of the Eiffel Tower, ice cream along the Seine, Henry gaining a Darcy shadow, Ted and Trent spending their every moment learning about each other and falling in love faster than either thought was possible.
But for now, Ted and Henry walk Trent and Darcy back to their hotel for nap time. And as Ted looks at Henry skipping ahead of them while Darcy chatters on and he feels Trent's sliding his hand into his own, he suddenly knows they're going to have so much more than Paris
post scripts: Before their flight, Ted got an email and was offered the Richmond coaching job, but hadn't thought much of it. He's definitely going to accept it now. Michelle always wanted to travel and move abroad, but Ted never wanted to leave Kansas. She studied abroad in London and would actually love the opportunity to move there with Henry and Ted (but not with Ted) Trent is overwhelmed when Ted tells him he was one of the deciding factors for Ted accepting the Richmond coaching position. He never imagined someone could ever love him so much they'd move across the ocean for him. It takes time, but he finally starts to believe it
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jmagnabo92 · 5 months
GGSB Fest 2024 - New, Hot Professor
Prompt - Professor Sirius
When Sirius returns after the war is over, McGonagall surprises him with a job offer for Harry's redo of his seventh year, which Harry is happy about until the girls try to use him so that they can get close to the new, hot professor.
“I’m sorry, you want me to teach?” Sirius asks, looking unbelievably at McGonagall.  “I’ve only been back like ten seconds, and I really just want to spend time with my godson –”
“Which is why you’re perfect as my successor,” McGonagall states.  “You’d have the opportunity to spend even more time with Harry once he’s returned to school.”
“Yeah, but I – I mean, he’d be in the dorms…”
“He could choose to stay with you in your rooms if he’d like?” McGonagall offers.  “I suppose with the attention he’ll gather; he might prefer some privacy.”
Sirius can’t deny that.  Harry has been rather… determined… to be out of the spotlight and was contemplating not returning to Hogwarts at all due to feeling like he’d be some sort of spectacle.  
“Okay, let me talk it over with Harry and… I’ll let you know.”
“Thank you.”
“You’ll be at Hogwarts?” Harry asks, delightedly, that night when Sirius had told him of the meeting with McGonagall.  “We could stay together in your quarters?”
“Er, yeah.  That’s the offer – if you’re okay with it?”
“It would make me feel a lot better about returning – having you there.”
“Well, alright then, I guess I get to be a professor.”
Harry’s grinning from ear to ear as Sirius is announced as the Transfiguration Professor in place of McGonagall, who’s now Headmistress.  He’s so happy to have Sirius here.  This past summer had done them both a world of good when it came to recovering, but Harry could admit that he still felt like he needed Sirius’ presence at times.  Someone to just be Harry with and someone who loves him for him.  
It's perfect.  
He’s so excited.
Well, until he hears the girls all chattering about how hot Sirius is and the things that they would love to do with him. 
Lavender, even being brave enough to ask Harry, “Hey, Harry, do you think the hot professor might be into breaking some rules together?”
He nearly gags on his food as Ron and Neville pat him on the back.
“Er, Lavender, you realize that’s my godfather, right?  He’s been like my parent – I don’t really want to be thinking about that kind of stuff.”
“Oh, come on, he’s young and hot, and he probably hasn’t gotten any action since before Azkaban –”
He does gag at that.  “I am so leaving this conversation.”
Then he moves as far away from Lavender as possible.
Of course, it doesn’t stop there.  So many of the girls around him kept trying to be his friend to be around the ‘new hot professor’ or get detention with him just so they could spend more time with Sirius.  
It frustrates Harry to no end.
“How is this worse than when they thought I was a cheat or deranged?” Harry groans as he plops down on the settee in their sitting room.  
Sirius chuckles.  “You don’t find this funny at all?”
“Clearly, you do.”
“Well, I admit – it’s nice to be considered attractive after all that time in Azkaban.  Plus, at least no one’s bothering you about the war and things?” Sirius offers, a smug smile on his lips.  
Harry huffs.  “I suppose that is better, but you should hear some of the things they want to do to you – it’s all… “ he gags.  “… I don’t want to hear about that stuff.”
“Sorry, kid.  Just use silencio on them whenever they get too graphic, that’ll teach them a lesson.”
“Shouldn’t you not be encouraging me to use my magic like that?”
“Maybe, but I never agreed to be a good influence.”
Harry snorts.  “McGonagall didn’t know what she was doing when she hired you.”
“Oh, I think she did, but she realized that after everything… it was good to have me here.”
“Do you think you’ll stay after I leave?” Harry questions.  “I mean – do you like it?”
“I do and as long as you come visit and I still get to see you… I think being a professor might just be perfect for me.”
“Good, then I guess I can just make do for now.  As long as you’re happy with it.”
“I am.  Are you?”
“Yeah, yeah, I am,” Harry answers and he means it.  He’d put up with anything if it means spending time with Sirius.  “It was a great decision.”
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