#she is brand brand new and im excited to do more with her
piper-2244 · 3 months
how spencer convinces reader to stay in rather than go out
MDNI | suggestive fluff!
word count: 1217
warnings & tags & stuff: fem!reader, def some nsfw descriptions of spence, all around suggestiveness, fade to black
author's note: second piece of writing yayy!!! this was originally gonna be smut but i got scared lol. anyway please lemme know your thoughts im DYING to improve. sooo yes i hope you have a wonderful day and here this is ig! 😚
Sitting alone in your room, you tugged on a pair of never-before worn cowboy boots. They were most definitely not broken in, and you knew you were in for an uncomfortable night of baby blisters on the bottoms of your feet. However, life is full of compromises, and these were too cute to pass on.
Especially for a night of line dancing with your boyfriend’s coworkers. Who knew that FBI agents got down like that?
You stand and plug in your earbuds, choosing to absolutely blast ‘Fearless (Taylor’s Version)’ by Taylor Swift. Also known as the only tolerable country music.
Dancing out to the kitchen, you wrap your arms around your lovely boyfriend who was preparing a cup of tea, absolutely not dressed for a night of country conviviality. Spencer looks you up and down, a teasing smile playing on his face.
“Hey cowgirl,” he says, gently removing your earbuds. “Penelope has been texting me on average every 10 minutes about how excited she is for tonight. I hope you’re ready.”
“Oh god,” you laugh. “I wish you were coming too.”
“I know. But that sounds awful,” he says in his matter-of-fact way. “Hey, I do have something for you,” he mentions. You look up at him, and he runs quickly upstairs to grab his bag. He comes down and brandishes his very own cowboy hat. “From the times Penelope didn’t have you to drag along with her and I was her chosen victim.”
“For me?” You ask excitedly. He puts it on you. Although it’s a little big, it 100% completes the look. You look up at him. “Think I would make a good cowgirl?” He peers down at you, trying to tell if you’re joking.
“No,” He goes the serious route and you furrow your brow at him. “You hate the dirt. And the heat,” he explains, emphatically defending himself.
“I guess you’re right. I don’t really do well with horses either,” you murmur.
“You do make a cute cowgirl for the night though, even if it’s not your true calling.” He ruffles your hat.
“Yeah?” You smile. “It’s not too much with both the boots and the hat?”
Spencer blinks.
“Have you met Penelope? She always has a lot going on. More than this.”
You giggle.
“They’ll all adore you, JJ, Emily,” he reassures, stroking the side of your waist.
You had known Penelope for a few months, ever since you started dating Spencer. But you had yet to meet the rest of the girls on his team. You were definitely excited, they seemed really cool. But you were definitely also nervous.
Spencer, jarring you from your thoughts, whips out his very outdated phone that he somehow still manages to operate, and opens the camera.
“Smile.” You do so, showing off all your teeth. You move to look at the picture, and Spencer tilts the screen toward you. “See? Adorable.”
You stand on your tippy toes for a kiss, and he complies quickly. A little too quickly to not have any meaning behind it. Your eyes flit down, and you notice a slight bulge in Spencer’s pants that wasn’t there a few minutes ago.
You raised your eyebrows and looked up at him. “Can I convince you to stay?” He whispers, half smiling. You tilt your head.
“Maybe” you say shyly.
“What if I told you that the chances are slim to none that you are actually going to line dance tonight? Penelope and JJ always end up sitting at the bar, and Emily always gives up half a song in and joins them. Without fail,” he says. You purse your lips, heart beating a little faster for whatever reason.
“That could still be fun,” you reason.
“Not in those shoes,” he says, rubbing your hip softly. “I know they must hurt; they’re brand new and you’re already shifting your weight between your feet much too frequently.”
You look down at your feet. He was not lying. “You’re too observant. This is why you basically always have your way with me.” You exhale.
“By caring about you? I could keep going. I know that you hate country music. And no, Taylor Swift does not count. She’s an outlier. And she was born in Pennsylvania. That’s barely real country music. You’d be miserable all night.”
“Yes, you would know about ‘real’ country music, Mr. Las Vegas,” you counter.
“That would be Dr. Vegas to you,” he quips, bending down once again and giving you a kiss. You reciprocate, kissing the corner of his mouth. “What if I told you I really wanted you to stay? Bad?”
“Bad? I guess I’ll stay, if it’s bad. But you have to be the one to text Penelope,” you say begrudgingly. As if you weren’t as releived as can be. And as if Spencer didn’t know that.
He smiles and allows his arms to wrap around your waist. Spencer’s kisses become slower, you could feel every aspect of them. His lips, of course, but also his stubble. The air being pushed out of his nose. The hand swiping it’s typical resting spot, your cheek. His tongue delicately tracing your mouth. It all feels so calculated for you, so measured.
And you, on the other hand, are a mess, trying to keep up. Your heart is pounding and you’re sure your face is noticeably hot. And by the time Spencer leads you to your room and sits you down on the bed, its temperature has only increased.
You kick off your boots. He sits next to you, his hands holding your waist, ever so firm. He brings them up, thumbing the inside hem of your tank top.
“All good?” He checks.
“Yeah,” you say, head spinning with all the good chemicals.
“Deep breaths for me, okay? Gotta keep your blood flowing appropriately,” he reminds you, leaning back and taking you in. “Pretty girl.” You blush and his hands move to your lower back over your tank top, delicately brushing over in a way that gives you goose bumps. You shiver.
His eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “You’re sensitive in your lower back. God, there’s still so much more to learn about you.” He breathes out.
“Good. I was scared you’d get bored, with your perfect memory and all,” you joke.
“Bored? The human brain is limitless. Your brain is limitless. I wanna know everything I possibly can that goes on up there. Everything that makes it feel good. It’s the least boring thing I can think of.” You blush and look down.
You lean in for another kiss, this time to his jawline and neck. Your hands slide up his stomach under his shirt a little and and you look up to him.
“Okay?” This time you ask.
Spencer nods. “Okay.” Your hands trace up under his own shirt, and you immediately lean in to kiss him, holding his chin.
All of a sudden he’s everywhere. Even sitting next to you, he manages to take over every ounce of your body. He’s kissing your mouth and forehead and cheeks, one hand is holding your face, and the other is mapping your stomach.
“Can we try something new then? If we wanna do and learn everything?” You whisper. One quick tête-à-tête later, you’re sitting on his lap, shifting your hips softly as he held your waist for you.
“I guess I was wrong. You’re gonna be an amazing cowgirl.”
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onskepa · 2 months
Left Behind: Moments
Here is another chapter of the left behind series! Hope you all enjoy!
Left behind series
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Jake’s pov 
“So ummm…..I was told to vlog my day to day stuff. Guess to keep record of things I do and not lose my shit on this planet” Jake tells himself on camera. It has been a few hours since he woke up from his cryo sleep. His body ached, felt like a statue from not moving for 5 years. 
“This is year is 2154….those fuckers lied. It's been 7 years since I left Earth for this jungle gym crap. 7 years felt like nothing. My baby girl, probably in her preteen years right now. I wonder how she is doing. I wouldn't blame her if she hates me, no scratch that. She is incapable of hate. Maybe mad, yeah. But not hate. I want this mission to be done and over with.” 
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Jake’s pov
“First day in my avatar…gotta say, it felt fucking amazing. I was able to breathe the native air! Best part, I can run! WOOHOOO! YES! Oh man, never in my life have I felt this amazing. Though I did get carried away. When I woke up in my new body, the excitement got to me. I ran almost all over the fields, the basketball court, the botanical gardens, it felt great. Almost got in trouble but grace was there to save my ass” 
“Still have to adjust to this body, grace is giving me a week to get used to it. I am not the only one though, there is a weird guy named Normal Spellman. Nerdy but otherwise cool. He is the one who studies alongside with tommy. Good pals I can only imagine. He just got his avatar too”
“I bet if my baby girl was here, she would be surprised. With everything really. Maybe a bit scared. Would enjoy it no doubt. Learn how this planet works. I cant help it. I wonder what she is doing. Is she making friends? Doing good in school? So many things. But I know the sooner I get this mission done, the sooner I get home to her” 
“Gotta rest now, got a big day tomorrow, this is Jake Sully, singing out” 
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Jake’s pov 
“Colonel Quaritch, tough and kinda scary guy but he keeps people safe here. As safe as it can get on this planet. Met him in the brief meeting as a welcome home type of talk. But, weirdly enough, I admire him. He seems to know what he is doing and how to do it. Said he has a special mission for me, didn't say what yet but to expect a visit from him soon” 
“I can worry about that later. Tomorrow starts a new mission. Get samples from more remote areas of the forest. Norm was given a special task. Try to make a peaceful contact with the aliens here. Na’vi is what they are called. Grace gave me a brief on them. Some important figures too. Guess they have a system of rulers here. Like the old native tribes back on Earth. My missions is to guard and make sure grace and norm get what they need” 
“I will be honest, does not seem too bad. Was given the ok to shoot any possible threats. Practice with the guns, proud to say I have not lost my aim. It is getting late but I still have to do this. Does keep my mind busy, recalling the day’s events. I am starting to get into a routine” 
“After shutting off the camera, I look at the picture of me and my daughter. I would stare at it for a while until my eyes drop. See this? It was the day I won a little toy for her at an arcade. She was so happy. Not often was I able to give her something new. Hopefully the paychecks are getting funded for her needs. I bet she is getting nice, brand new things” 
“So many birthdays I missed. Im so sorry baby girl, but I promise, the second I go back, I will give you the biggest hug ever. Buy you all the gifts you could ever want, hell, if the pay is that good, get a better place. Maybe close to your favorite park that you like to play in. Better yet, go to the zoo like you always wanted. I know you will be much older but I dont care. You are my baby girl for life. Nothing is going to change that” 
“Guess now I better log off. Big day tomorrow, this is Jake Sully, signing off”
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Jake’s pov 
“Things didn't go right during the mission and I was split up from grace and norm. A giant weird animal, thana-something called by grace, deadly, found us. Had his eyes on me, grace told me to run so I went the opposite direction of where those to were, to not get them in the crossfire. Seriously, that animal was huge, but I guess by some miracle, a bigger animal came into view. Like in those old nature documentaries, the two giants began to fight. Either way, I made a run for cause I know it was not going to end pretty” 
“I got lost along the way, had no idea where I was or how far I was from the crew. Took me sweet time though. Admiring the pretty sights that Pandora had to offer. Felt like a kid again. Everything was bright, colorful, alive. I can see why the RDA wants to use the resources here. Crazy to think that Earth was one like this. Green, healthy, breathing” 
“Of course somewhere along the way I lost myself even more, lost my gun. Had to make a spear then turn it into  a torch because night came. Now night time felt like a whole different world. Everything glowed, pretty almost neon colors illuminated the plats. Some small creatures also glowed. Sad that I couldn't appreciate it enough. Got attacked” 
“Freaking hyena looking animals, running in a pack. The fire helped create a distance as I ran but they were too many, though I was done for. My ass got saved by an unlikely person” 
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Jake’s pov 
“Neytiri, princess of the Omatikaya clan. Scary lady but she saved me. Called me a baby, and told me that I have a strong heart. Stuff happened and next thing you know, I am in their home base. Word passed and neytiri was tasked to train me. Teach me their ways. I am where the RDA needs me to be. It is now only a matter of time. Give the Colonel what he wants, give grace what she wants. It is a win-win situation” 
“Still holding out on that little meeting Quaritch wants to have with me. Maybe it won't be that far, since now I am within the premise of the indigenous, I guess I need to collect more info” 
“A lot happened so to say. I gotta rest soon. If allowed, I can bring something from here, take it with me when I get back home. Pictures seem the best answer. Or something na’vi related. My little girl knows so little of what is being told about pandora. Or knew I should say. How old is she now….? Probably a preteen. Guess I dodged a bullet. I know pre-teen years are hell. No, I shouldn't say that” 
“Soon baby girl. The wait will be worth it. Like I promised. Training day begins tomorrow, so, with that, this is jake sully, signing out” 
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Jake’s pov 
“I am part of the people. I am the son of the people and child of Eywa. Passing my iknimaya, taming my ikran, everything. I am na’vi. It feels unreal, hard to accept. Tsu’tey and I are brothers, wasn't that long ago he wanted to kill me, calling me ugly, but now we are at the same level” 
“They celebrated my rebirth. It was fantastic, neytiri made me dance even though I was terrible at it. The whole thing felt magical. Truly, I felt like I really belonged somewhere, being accepted. It felt nice. Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, it did get better” 
“Surprise surprise, I am now mated to neytiri. She took me to the tree of voices, telling me of how sacred and precious it is, being able to connect to their ancestors. It was beautiful. Neytiri was beautiful, still is. Taking my breath away, and my availability” 
“I wouldn't change it for anything, she is someone I have come to love with all my heart. As cheesy as it sounds, it's true. Neytiri changed me, made me better, and I have no regrets”
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Jake’s pov 
“They are starting to pressure us, more like me. The RDA really want the omatikaya gone, away from their home tree. Just because it houses the materials they want. It is not easy, none of it is easy. To tell them to leave, when it's been their home for thousands of years. According to Grace, I don't doubt her. This is their home, it is us who are the aliens” 
“They are not going to leave, nothing is going to change their minds. Worst yet, I know quaritch will do drastic things to get what he wants. I was an idiot to follow him, to believe him. What he will do, knowing his tactics, he will shed blood and bullets. I need to warn neytiri, mo’at, tsu’tey. Can't believe this is coming out of my mouth, but I pray to Eywa, that she guides me. What can I do to make sure things don't go downhill” 
“I came to make good money, to finish the mission given to me and be done with. Now, I am in a moral dilemma. I am stuck” 
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Jake’s pov
“I am sorry. No amount of sorry’s that I say will ever be enough for anyone. Not to neytiri, not to eytukan, not to mo’at, tsu’tey grace, norm, anyone. It will never be enough. I brought this to them, it is only right that I help. War is coming, and soon. So many na’vi died when they destroyed their home tree. Many wounded, kids, infants, innocent lives” 
“Grace and I did our best to warn them, tell them to leave. Tsu’tey was adamant to fight, their weapons useless against the valkyries. In an instant, all was gone. I wanted to apologize to neytiri, she was furious, telling me I am not one of those people. She is right. Before anything more could be done, those damn bastards forced me to pull out. Pushed me in a tight closure” 
“Quaritch, a beast he is, heartless. Keeping me locked up yet outside of my cage he dangles the picture of my little girl. Telling me it's not too late to take his side if I ever want to go back to earth and see her again. Going on about how she will react to all of this. Her father rebelling against humanity. As much as I hate to admit…”
“He is right….I dont know if I will see her again. I hate to say….sacrifices have got to be made. I'm sorry, but I have to atone my sins. Like I said, no amount of sorry’s will be enough. Not even for my little girl, I am sorry baby girl, but daddy is not coming home”
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Jake’s pov 
“We won. Quaritch is dead, and unfortunately, so is Grace and tsu’tey. Both sides lost many lives. Yet that is war, but we won. Humans are no more, many left, only few remained. Sworn their loyalty to the na’vi. Only they can stay. We made many sacrifices, I made many.  Many I dont regret, or will look back to. This is the beginning of a new chapter for me. There is nothing left to hold me back, not my past, not my memories.  I am at peace with what I did” 
“Neytiri is with a child, I am excited, I am going to be a father. I cant wait when they arrive, I will be there, welcoming my son or daughter into a new world of peace. First born, neytiri likes to say it over and over.  She is not wrong, our first child together in a new era of peace” 
“However there is still one thing left to do. A grand celebration is going to be held” 
“This I look forward to, many are coming together for it. It is my birthday after all, can't miss my own party. So, one last time. This is Jake Sully, the human, signing out. For good” 
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Third pov
A young girl looks at the last vlog of her father, Jake Sully, eyes wide as she takes in what she just saw. This was a side she never knew, nor did she think it would be hidden.  
She clenches her hands into a fist tightly, gritting her teeth, her body shaking in fury. Hot tears streaming down her face, not knowing whether to cry in sadness or scream in anger. So many emotions mixed, creating a tornado in her mind. 
Hearing a door open behind her, she turns to glare at the man. 
“Why….” was all she could say before breaking down.
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Aaaaaaaaaaand that is it for this chapter of the ongoing series! This one I chose to have only jake be the main point, his vlogs. See how his mind changes, perspective and what lead to the final choice. Trust me, this will come back for future chapters. So until next time! See ya!
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81folklore · 11 months
call it what you want- LS18
pairings: lance stroll x streamer!reader (fc: sagemommy69)
summary: streamer yn gets on gossip sites for supposedly dating a driver, due to her being close friends with max fewtrell people assume shes dating lando, she shuts that rumor down pretty quickly
authors note: this was based on this request. i honestly wasnt sure where this was going so i hope its alright, didnt really have any motivation but knew i needed to get it done so🤷 also incase you dont know ‘bob’ is the name lando goes by on max’s and friends streams
authors note 2: kinda short, kinda sweet idk. i did this in about an hour and ive already found a few mistakes in the stream highlights but i deleted everything so you will have to make do! reminder that requests are open but currently only working on social media au requests or any that i can turn into smaus (also if you have a song/artistin mind please put that in your request along with a faceclaim if you have one!!)
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duexmoi added to their story
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liked by max_fewtrell, tokibbi and 1,263,719 others
teaching max_fewtrell valo and then 5 stack w/ max, jollz, toki + josh!! live on twitch 💐
view comments
user7 ahh ive missed the streams!!
max_fewtrell i feel underprepared
yourusername you better hope your not we need you to carry
user88 excited for max to play valo
yourusername get ready for some wonderful reyna gameplay
user6 only recently started following, who are they from?
user26 honestly no idea, shes never posted them before😭
tokibbi 🩵🩵
your stream highlights
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liked by lance_stroll, landonorris, joshseki and 1,729,179 others
i want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck not because he owns me, but because he really knows me💐
tagged: lance_stroll
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user7 she really saw the lando rumors still flying and said ‘no.’
user12 theyre both 3 apples tall🤏
max_fewtrell why are you kissing on my timeline
yourusername this is what happens when people think i’d date bob
lance_stroll my babys fly like a jet stream
lance_stroll i love you!!
yourusername i love YOU!!
landonorris which is more than they can say🎶
yourusername 🚨swiftie alert🚨
landonorris reputation and 1989 are bangers
yourusername so real and true lando norris
user60 i love how we’re all pretending these two make sense and we arent shocked😭😭
user27 RIGHT?? why are we pretending we were expecting it??
joshseki tell max im never playing valorant with him again
yourusername max_fewtrell hes basically saying you sucked
max_fewtrell not fair..reyna was harder than i expected
user8 this is literally the most insane post, we have yn + lance, lance being a swiftie, LANDO?? being a swiftie and loving 1989 and rep (TASTE) and then max and yn arguing😭
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hotpinkstars · 3 months
BORDER COLLIE: PT.2 - boothill x reader
- in the first part, you left off by telling boothill your pregnant. how does he react? part 1 here
- people asked for a second part, so here u go!!!!! i honestly lovwd writing this and im so sorry for my lack of posting... i have summer school now (i want to jump whoever decided summer school would be a good idea). anwyays enjoy!
- pre cyborg boothill, mentions of pregnancy, happy endings bc im done hurting my little itty bitty princess huhuhu, all fluff!!!, wc none this time, too lazy to check
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"You're what?"
It took Boothill a second to process what it was that you had just said. He gave you a shocked stare for a moment before a small smile creeped up on his face.
"Tha's why you were so hesitant about the dog!"
You laughed at what he had said. He was certainly focusing on the wrong thing... but he sure has the spirit, right? He waited another moment, looking between you and your first daughter.
He didn't really know how to process the fact that now he'll be a father of two. But mostly the fact that you're actually going to be carrying it this time, unlike the last. After a few more moments of thinking it over, he looked over at your daughter, who was smiling and shouting "baby! baby! baby!" in her seat.
He launched into a hug, almost tackling you to the ground with his force. He was just so excited, who was to blame him? You were very confident in his abilities to take care of a brand new newborn, and also confident that he'd get through your pregnancy with you pretty well. He was an outstanding father, so what would change in a similar, yet so different experience?
"Really?? How long have y' known?" He mumbles into your shoulder, and you swear you felt a tear embed itself into your sleeve. "Do you know anything 'bout gender? Due date?"
You laughed, stroking his hair. "I've known probably for a week now. You were super busy when I found out, and I thought now was the appropriate time to tell you, considering the mood was chill and we're all here together."
He nods, releasing his grasp from your torso and going around to grab your daughter out of her high-chair and bringing her into a three hug. She was going to be a big sister soon, and for Boothill to even think about that seemed like a dream to him. He was officially going to be a father of two!
"Whens the due date????" He questioned. You shrugged, explaining to him that you wanted to wait to go to the first doctors appointment with him, and wanted to find all of this out at the same time he does. He felt joyful at your claim, happy that you didn't want to go behind his back.
You three moved to the couch, cuddling and watching a random kids show that your daughter happened to like. It put her to sleep right away, leaving you and Boothill to watch whatever. You turn on a more mature show when you put her in her crib, settling down next to him.
"Once this ones born, then maybe we can think about a dog."
He laughs his usual, hearty laugh before nodding. "Honestly, I think this is 1000 times better than a dog."
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darkness-follows · 3 months
Wade x f!reader oneshot request?
This idea has been stewing in my mind for a bit and I would love to see your take on it!!!
A one-shot where he's nervous about the reader inviting him over her place.
Maybe she starts making a move but he is excited/nervous but wants his "first time" with a woman since his wife's passing to be savored and slow/sensual.
The reader then asks him to show what he likes ~ touching himself while telling the reader how he likes to be touched in bed, leading to a smuty good time for the reader?
Thank you so much!!!!
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Hope this does it justice:
[Hey Wade, lets say my place? 8pm?]
Wade stares at the phone in his hands, fuck!
He checks the time again, 6.15 pm. Fuck.
Of course it's enough time to get himself ready but it's not enough time to mentally prepare for that date. That kind of date. It's their..oh he lost count already, maybe 5th or 6th date?
"Wow you look like you've seen a ghost Wade" Forrest huffs. Wade doesn't answer he just shows him his phone.
"Oh Holy shit! Oh my god...it's a sex date!" Forrest slaps his hand over his mouth and does a little excited jump. He's happier about this than Wade is. "Oh is that bad? Are you not ready?" He worries.
"I uh, I.. I don't know man, I haven't really..I mean she's great! You know like great but I didn't think of..-" He frowns deeply, it's a part of dating it's normal. People date and have some casual Sex just to..to see if they match right?
"Wade you got this, our girls can hang, we keep an eye and you go and have.. fun!" Forrest smirks.
"Yes really. Promise" Forrest adds.
"Okay! I gotta get ready, i gotta..I gotta shave and shower and...- RAID my entire damn closet"
And then Wade is off.
"Shave? He doesn't have any facial..- oh!" Forrest shuts himself up after that.
Wade really scrubbed himself squeaky clean, hes also wearing a Brand New pair of jeans which probably wasn't the smartest move as they seem incredibly tight in all the wrong places. But he still sits in his car in front of his dates house, he managed to go, to go really out and do it.. and at exactly 8pm he rings the doorbell. Shifting from one leg to the other, god he's sweating! That's bad! He's so nervous he's even thinking about running away right now.
When the door opens his face lights up.
"Wade!" You smile wide, wrapping your arms around him, holding him tight 'god does he smell good' .
You missed him, you missed a lot. "You okay? You look a bit wound up" He looks like he ran here.
Wade hugs you back just as tightly, pretending not to breathe in deeply when his face is in your hair, that shampoo is such a known and comforting scent by now.
"I'm golden! I swear, just ran a bit hot in the car" He tries to play his nervousness down, a lot. Stepping inside and then you two carry on with the date idea you had, sort of watching the first Episode of a new Show you two have been dying to see with popcorn and cuddles... very nice and sensual cuddles. It feels really good, having your head against his shoulder. Feeling the weight of his hand on your thigh, thumb stroking a rhythm into your skin.
After the episode ends you move your head slowly closer to his, giving him a gentle kiss while both your lips still taste of that sweet and sugary popcorn. You wanted this from the day you two met, to just cuddle and makeout and more.. he's such a wonderful man, everything he does is a slight turn on. Even if it's just taking his glasses off so he's able to kiss you back deeper, or sucking his fingertips clean after his bowl of popcorn.
You shift slowly, feeling his hand on your hip.
Moving yourself onto his lap.
He pulls away from the kiss, standing up "You want some water?? I uh, I gotta im really...- dry throat!" He coughs a bit and shrugs running off to the kitchen.
When he returns you eye him carefully, pulling him on his belt to sit back down next to you.
When you lean in for another kiss he takes a big sip of his water, once he puts it down you wipe your thumb over his wet lips. "You sure your okay? Your not getting sick are you?" He's really warm so you place your palm onto his head. But he isn't hot there at all, Interesting.
"I'm..-" He takes a deep breath. He meant to say he's fine but..he's not and it wouldn't be fair to pretend that he is.
"I'm really nervous, about..-" He makes a funny hand gesture between the two of you.
"Oh.." You sit back once you notice.
"It's just been a while and I haven't been with anyone since.. -" He stops talking.
"We don't have to Wade! God im so sorry, please don't feel pressured!" You should have thought of that but you were too busy thinking about how he's driving you crazy lately.
"No no! It's okay I...- I want to" He smiles softly. "God believe me I really do, im just so nervous about it, I know sex. I know how to have great sex ! I mean I've been having sex since i was 18. That's a long time! I just haven't had sex with you and you make me..- god you make me so incredibly nervous" He sighs.
Its a strange but nice compliment, that you make him that nervous and that he's honest how difficult it is to sleep with someone after his wife died. It helps you to approach this with a full heart and empathy, pushing the need you have for him down a bit.
"Slow and steady?" You smile.
"YES! Yes....slow." He nods, staring at your lips and then your hands. Taking your right hand into his and that gives you an idea.
"Why don't you Show me Wade? Show me exactly what you like. I want this to be perfect for you" You squeeze his big hand gently.
His face turns a whole different shade of Red, it spreads to his ears and his chest. It's insanely difficult to not lean in for a heated kiss again. "Show you how?" He asks even though you are pretty sure he knows the answer to that.
"Move your hands on yourself the way you like to be touched so I can do it later.." your voice got a bit deeper and lower, it's beautiful to watch him fight the nervousness in this throat and hands. He gives you a quick nod. Moving his hands to his thighs, slowly running them up and down.
"I'm..- I'm sensitive on my thighs. It's little squeezes or moving a hand up slowly that really gets me" He sighs softly under your gaze. You take in the way he runs his right hand up his inner thigh, stopping before he gets too close to his crotch and then he moves it back down.
"Your doing great, show me more" You sit next to him on your knees. Hands on your thighs.
"I gotta take this off I think to show you..." He tugs at his shirt.
"Take it off if you feel comfortable enough." You throw him another warm smile and he nods. Tugging at the neck of his shirt and then he pulls it over his head, folding it neatly instead of tossing it somewhere.
The heat spread over his chest is intoxicating and it takes everything in you not to lean in and kiss his grey chest hair.
You keep a note on how his hand is still running along his own thigh, it looks like a big self soothing kind of touch.
Wade moves his other hand flat onto his chest, spreading his fingers through his chest hair and running his palm over his sternum. "That's where I feel that anxious bubble up sometimes and just running a palm along here calms me down, a lot, it's also nice when that hand wanders and squeezes my chest or uhm" He runs his thumb over his own nipple, a Sound comes out of him that suprises you a bit.
"Or that yeah" He chuckles and it slowly feels like he's calming down some.
"You are really sensitive aren't you?" It's torture at this point to keep your hands to yourself.
"I'd call it responsive? Just really react to everything very intensely and that's great! I mean it can be amazing but when it's something I don't like I just..- I react heavily to that too" He frowns a bit.
"I understand that. I get why it's so difficult, thank you for telling me Wade, seriously. I only want you to feel good." You point out.
You can see how crazy nervous it would make someone, being with the same woman for 20 years, she knew exactly how to touch him.. and now that's gone and readjusting such a set in Stone routine seems impossibly difficult.
It would be difficult for yourself too. And maybe over time you can do small tiny little changes and he Blooms again and tries out more things again. You'd love to see that Version of him.
"Thank you for being so patient with me" Wade leans closer this time, this time he's the one pressing his lips onto yours and kissing you deeply. And it really does feel better this way.
He feels a lot more into it then he did before.
When he breaks off the kiss you don't chase it, you let him continue to show you.
"Of course.." You whisper. Watching his hands work on his belt and zipper, god now the room suddenly got really really hot. The moan that comes rumbling out of his throat when he moves his hand into his briefs is sinful.
"God Wade, you look so beautiful right now. I don't think you even know how insanely hot you are, everything you do gets me. Especially watching you getting more and more comfortable for me, can I please touch you? Like one of the ways you showed me?" You can't take this anymore..
"I've never felt this way before, never touched myself that way, so please do" Wade huffs. He doesn't even think of himself as that sexy.
You nod and place your hand onto his chest just like he showed you, pressing your palm into his sternum while his hand strokes his cock in his underwear. Christ.
Your other hand moves to his thigh, tracing the inside up and down. "Like that?" You ask.
"Yes..exactly like that sweetheart" He sighs deeply and leans in for another kiss. While you kiss you can feel his hand slowly reaching out to take yours, you didn't expect that at all but he replaces his hand with yours and suddenly you have a insanely warm, thick and hard as a Rock cock in your hand. You pull back from the kiss, and the expression on his face makes your thighs clench together.
"You want to give me some more notes here Wade?" A big smirk is on your lips while you carefully move your hand up and down his lenght.
But Wade shakes his head "I..uh, I got nothing to add you are doing it perfectly" and for a moment you can see something almost like disbelieve in his eyes. That he can't believe he found a woman who knows exactly how to touch him the way he really likes it. This whole dating and finding out thing must have been really hard.
"Tell me what you like, please, it's been so about me I don't want you to feel left out!" Wade holds his hand above your thighs not too sure if he can touch or not. "I don't feel that way at all, I really want to just please you Wade, I want you to feel great and im sure whatever way you have me I'd be fantastic" You smile again when he grabs your thigh and kisses your cheek and your bodies slowly shift on the couch.
Until you find yourself underneath him, spreading your legs for him while your hand still slowly strokes up and down his cock.
His hands run up your sides, it feels like he's really taking in everything, the way you look on your back and how your clothes fall, the way your legs are at his sides. He really is a pretty slow and sensual guy, this is going to be a wild time for sure.
Your hand carefully moves out of his pants, keeping your hands to yourself for now. You have a feeling this really is only about you right now. You watch his fingers open the buttons on your thin shirt, one by one, he's being so slow and careful with it. You wear a simple top underneath which frames your chest pretty nicely, which, following his eyes he noticed.
Then he looks into your eyes "You are beautiful, really, breathtaking" He whispers. Helping you out of your shirt and out of your top as well. It's a good thing you decided on the dark blue bra and dark blue pair of lace panties tonight. His fingers stroke over the Material of the cup around your breast. These slow exploring touches really set your body on fire.
Then Wade opens yours pants, drags them slowly down your thighs and leans back to pull them off your feet. Both of his hands trace your leg back up from your ankles to your hips. Nobody ever took this much time appreciating your body before.
"You still okay? You can tell me when you want to stop Wade.." You stroke a hand over his cheek and the look on his face is adoreable. "I'm perfect, I was so nervous about this whole thing and now? Now I want to touch every inch of you, kiss every inch of you.." He whispers, leaning down to press his lips onto yours again and you move your hands back to how he showed you he likes it.
During that slow and Intense kiss you can feel his hand wander over your body again. Cupping your still clothed breast and then he drags it over your stomach, and then between your legs. His fingers stroke over the Material of your underwear and you wish your weren't wearing it anymore. It's almost as if that's what he's exactly teasing at, his fingers softly press against the fabric and you start to feel some mild friction.
His lips wander from your mouth to your neck.
"You are driving me crazy" You whisper and his fingers dig a bit deeper into your underwear. The way his lips trace your skin is so steady, so warm, so comfortable. He really meant it, wanting to kiss every inch of you. Against your will your hips move up just a little to meet more friction and instead of making you behave Wade moves his hand into your underwear, doing the exact same thing but now his two fingers rub against skin! "Wade...-" You moan out.
His fingers stroke over your clit but so painfully slow that there is no way you could ever cum from that and you are starting to think that's the whole purpose of doing it all so slow. He's savoring the moment while driving you absolutely crazy at the same time. And that works perfectly for the both of you.
Your hand wanders back into his underwear as well, stroking your hand over his cock just like she showed you. And when he moans you squirm underneath him, god that was the hottest moan you ever heard.
Wade really forgot how great it felt to be touched just exactly right by someone, when that gear just flips and everything they do is an instant turn on.. he missed that feeling, he missed that feeling so very much. He doesn't feel guilty anymore about seeking what he desires and getting what he needs, he needs a new emotional connection to someone, he really needs to be intimate with someone again. He’s truly happy that he found you. And he will make damn sure to show you his appreciation as best as he possibly can.
“Take it to the next step when you feel ready Wade okay?” You need to make sure he's okay. You can't even imagine how much meaning this has for him, how he's scared of it and how much he craves it at the same time.
When he nods and pulls back you can hear your own heart pounding in your chest. It's really happening..- After all these dates and getting to know someone, you finally get to know Wade all the way.
When he takes off every last piece of your and his clothing and suddenly you both are just…naked, on the couch. Overcome by a small wave of shyness you hesitate with opening your legs again for him, it was a different thing while you still had your bra and underwear on. Now everything is so vulnerable.
His hands stroke up your thighs and the look in his eyes asks for silent permission. Despite the nervous throbbing in your body you open your legs slowly and his hands get a hold on your hips while his body moves between your thighs.
He places the sweetest and deepest kiss onto your lips while his hand guides himself to your heated, longing core.
“Wade..” You move your hands to his face. Kissing his lips.
“You mean the World to me, if at any point you change your mind about this please tell me, we’re gonna be okay. I promise” his face lights up into a pure smile, you can see the youth in him, his age not suiting him at the moment at all, he looks like a young man drowned in love and it causes you to melt right underneath him.
“We’re gonna be okay..-” He repeats before he places his tip against you, never has a man pushed himself into you this slowly. Everytime you think that's gonna be it another inch disappears inside of you, your legs slowly wrap around his waist and when he's all the way inside he stops moving his entire body.
He's so quiet it would worry if you wouldn't know that he's going to open up if anything ever bothers him.
He feels incredible. He feels so comfortable. He gives your body enough time to accept him, to adjust to him, it's a perfect fit and somehow you knew it would be.
You didn't expect him to lift his head and look at you, holding your gaze when he starts to move his hips so carefully and gently.
Drawing a deep and long moan out of you.
Not knowing he enjoys it that slow has you melting even further into the couch, what a cruel beauty it is, every movement gets dragged out and the body building up to some kind of grand release goes on and on and on…
Almost as if there is no end in sight. But it's heaven, feeling him so closely, feeling the steady weight and gentle drag of his cock deep inside of you while he kisses your skin and moans the occasional word into your ear is heaven. The time he's able to pull while he keeps this up, keeps this so slow.. it feels like you are dreaming, as if you are connected for hours.
You touch him the way he showed you again, hand pressing and stroking over his chest when you get surprised by a deep moan. His hips barely change pace but it's enough to have you clawing at his shoulders. You can't take the building up to it anymore, he's so easily moving in and almost out of you because it made you incredibly wet to have this feeling last this long. You worry about cleaning the couch pillows tomorrow… for now all you want is his release, you need to look into his eyes when he finally spills into your body and lets go of this weight on his shoulders. Of this guilt he's been carrying for simply being a human being with needs and desires.
Your hands move his head gently closer to yours. “You're okay Wade, you're fine..- let go for me Baby.. I promise we're gonna be just fine” You press a kiss onto his cheek and then onto his other. He nods and places his lips onto yours when he thrusts just the smallest bit harder, and that added speed makes you clench around him, makes your back arch slightly off the couch while you loudly moan out his name.. “Wade…oh, fuck! Wade…” Your body is shaking from that orgasm. That pleasure. Like an elastic Band that just suddenly snapped and right after you feel him, you feel his cum fill you up while his hands clutch your hips and his head falls onto your shoulder. The moans coming out of him as he thrusts his full release into you almost sound broken, his first time since his wife passed that he made love to a woman again. That's how these moans Sound like.
When his hips stop moving you pull him into a close hug.
“God…-” He sighs deeply. “Oh why did I wait this long!” He mumbles, placing kisses onto your shoulder and collarbone. “That was incredible. Wow.” He lifts his head to finally look at you again. The mood is easy, he seems so happy, so lit up by finally letting go of this. Getting it over with so to speak. Moving on..
“It was pretty good.” You tease softly.
“How uh, how good?” He bites his tongue with a huff “You know what? Nevermind. I don't think I wanna know!” He shrugs.
“Well we can do it again…and again..and-” He kisses you deeply, starved, as if the two of you didn't just finish. “You bet sweetheart, you better be ready for that fire you started” He smirks wide. “Oh easy now cowboy!” You laugh and he kisses your head. “How about some hot coco and another Episode of this show?” He suggests. “That sounds amazing, but..- Stay for a bit? With me? Like this?” You run your hands over his back and his sides.
“Anything for you love, thank you for being so patient and..- understanding. You made me very very happy” Wade places another kiss onto your cheek before you two hold each other tightly again. You could seriously fall asleep like this, it's the most comfortable you have felt in a while…a long while.
“It was my pleasure Wade” You smile.
Hey thank you for reading and I really hope I did this prompt justice, also my very first time writing as Wade Felton !!!! Ahhh.
I did not read this for any mistakes yet so don't point out my probably plenty mistakes! Haha.
Tags: @toogaytofunctiondangit
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herstoryheaven · 2 months
Descendants Harry Hook x Reader: No Longer Invisible
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Request: Hii!! Sooo I've seen ur Harry hook x reader who is the mad hatters child and im wondering if you could do Harry Hook x reader who is the daughter of the Cheshire Cat?? I'm recently been obsessed with both lol.
Reader: Female
Word count: 1872
Average reading time: 6 min 50 sec
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: This story contains themes of mild injury description, emotional distress, sensitive themes of neglect and self-worth. If you are sensitive to these topics, please read with care.
Disclaimer: All events portrayed in my stories are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidental. Any actions or behaviours portrayed by the characters may differ from reality and cannot be connected to any actual person. This work is purely fictional and intended for entertainment purposes only.
Y/n Cat, the daughter of the Cheshire Cat, walked silently along the streets of the Isle of the Lost, her movements as sly as a cat’s. Unlike her brother, who is highly praised by their father as the one to carry on his legacy, Y/n had been left to fend for herself. Her presence on the streets was a result of his disappointment and disregard, and she had grown accustomed to the harshness of her lonely existence.
Rumors have been circulating around the isle that Uma, the formidable pirate queen, was looking to recruit new members for her crew. The thought both excited and terrified Y/n. She had always admired Uma's strength and the power of her crew, especially a certain pirate with a hook. Harry Hook, with his striking blue eyes and his natural confidence, had captivated Y/n from afar. She harbored a secret crush on him, though she kept to the shadows, too shy and insecure to make herself known.
Determined to discover more, Y/n made her way to the docks, where Uma’s incomparable ship cast a long shadow. Climbing a stack of crates to gain a better view of the deck, she leaned in, straining to catch the conversation between Uma and her crew. But as she shifted for a clearer view, the crate beneath her shifted as well. Y/n lost her balance and tumbled to the ground, pain shooting through her ankle like a searing brand.
Instinctively, she became invisible, hoping to avoid drawing attention to herself. Yet, despite her attempt to remain hidden, Harry’s sharp ears had picked up the sound. His eyes, keen and alert, scanned the dock as he stepped into view, his gaze intense yet curious.
"Lass?" Harry’s voice, smooth and velvety, cut through the air, carrying a hint of playful charm mixed with genuine concern. "I know yer around here somewhere. Come on out, don’t be shy."
Y/n’s heart raced, her fear mingling with the throbbing pain in her ankle, creating a tight knot of anxiety. Though she longed to reveal herself, her sense of vulnerability kept her hidden.
"Lass, I know yer hurt," Harry continued, his tone softening with a tender lilt. "Don’t be shy now. I’m not here to cause ya any more trouble. Just want to help."
The genuine warmth in his voice seeped through her fear, clearing up her mind. Slowly, she let herself become visible again, sitting on the dock with her injured ankle cradled in her hands. Her cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson as she avoided Harry's piercing gaze.
"There ya are," Harry said softly, his voice like a caress against the cool air. He knelt beside her with a lazy, teasing smirk, his eyes filled with both amusement and concern. His gaze was unwavering, a mixture of playful challenge and genuine tenderness. "What’s this, then? Hiding from me? I’d have thought you’d have a bit more courage."
Y/n looked away, her voice trembling as she spoke. "I didn’t want to be a burden."
Harry’s expression softened, the teasing smirk melting into a look of sincere sympathy. He gently brushed his fingertips over her injured ankle, his touch light and tender as if afraid to hurt her further. His eyes never left hers, their deep, ocean depths filled with a soothing warmth. "Yer never a burden, Y/n. Quite the opposite, really. It’s a shame yer hide so well I would have liked to see ya more around here."
Y/n's gaze met his, caught in the magnetic pull of his eyes. Harry’s touch, both firm and gentle, sent a shiver of unexpected comfort through her. His hand lingered on her leg, a steady presence that offered reassurance and comfort. "Let me help ya out," he said, his voice a low rumble of warmth and sincerity.
With surprising tenderness, Harry lifted Y/n into his arms, careful to avoid hurting her injured ankle. She instinctively clung to him, her heart racing from both the pain and the unexpected intimacy. Harry carried her gently onto Uma’s ship, his movements steady and cautious, while Uma watched with a blend of curiosity and irritation.
"Harry, what’s this?" Uma snapped, her eyes narrowing as she took in Y/n’s presence. "You’re making a scene."
Harry flashed Uma a playful grin, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Just helping out a lady in distress. Can’t have her wandering around in pain now, can we?"
Uma’s scowl softened slightly as she assessed Y/n, her gaze shifting from irritation to hesitant acceptance. "Well, come on then. Let’s get you fixed up. And don’t worry about Harry’s antics. He’s harmless, mostly."
Gil, ever the ray of sunshine, appeared with a warm smile. "Hey there! I’m Gil. Don’t be shy. You’re among friends here."
Harry walked further into the ship, setting Y/n down on a makeshift bed in a small cabin below deck, his touch careful and considerate. He examined her ankle with a frown, his fingers light as he assessed the injury. "Looks like a bad sprain. We’ll need some ice."
"Thank you, Harry," Y/n whispered, her voice trembling with a mix of gratitude and vulnerability.
Harry’s gaze softened, filled with a warmth that contrasted sharply with his usual flirtatious demeanor. "Don’t mention it. But I do have one request."
Y/n’s curiosity sparked through her discomfort. "What’s that?"
"Promise me you won’t be afraid to ask for help," Harry said gently, his voice a soothing balm. "Especially from me."
Y/n’s heart swelled with a mix of gratitude and nervousness. "I promise."
Harry’s smile was tender as he brushed a strand of hair from her face, his fingers lingering for a moment longer than necessary. "Good. Now, let’s get this sorted out."
As Harry worked to tend to her injury, his touch was unexpectedly tender, every move made with a care that contradicted his roguish exterior. The flirtatious edge in his manner was tempered by a sincere concern that Y/n couldn’t ignore.
"You know," Harry began, breaking the comfortable silence, "Uma’s been talking about recruiting ya for our crew."
Y/n’s eyes widened with surprise, not realizing she was the very one the rumours were about. "Really?"
"Aye," Harry replied with a smirk that was both charming and genuine. "Says you’ve got skills we could use. And I’d say she’s right."
Y/n’s cheeks flushed with a mix of pride and anxiety. "I’d really like that."
"Good," Harry said, his tone softening even further. "We could use someone like you. And if you don’t mind me saying so, I’d quite like to have you around more."
Y/n hesitated for a moment, her heart pounding in her chest. "You know," she began softly, her voice barely above a whisper, "even if I disappear so often, I really like being around you too."
Harry’s expression softened, a warm, genuine smile spreading across his face. "I like having you around, lass. Disappear all ya want, I'll always find ya."
Y/n’s heart fluttered at his words, her apprehension melting away. "I’d like that too."
Harry’s smile broadened, and he pulled her closer, his arms wrapping around her waist with a gentle possessiveness. He trailed soft kisses along her ear and down her neck, marking her with a possessive tenderness that left no doubt about his feelings. Y/n’s shyness flared once more, and she instinctively disappeared again, her body becoming invisible in a reflexive response.
Harry’s voice, soft and coaxing, cut through her anxiety. "Come on out, kitten. Yer safe with me."
He wrapped his strong arms around her waist, his touch both firm and gentle, and began to tenderly caress her sides. "I promise, no one’s going to hurt ya. Just be with me, and let me take care of ya."
Gradually, Y/n allowed herself to reappear, her heart fluttering with both excitement and nerves.
Harry’s eyes bore into Y/n’s, their depth and warmth creating an electric tension in the air. “Yer special, Y/n. Don’t ever doubt that.”
Before Y/n could utter a word, Harry’s lips crashed against hers with a fire that left no room for hesitation. The kiss was all-consuming, a passionate storm of longing and need that swept them both away. Y/n melted into the intensity of his touch, surrendering completely as Harry’s hands roamed her back, pulling her closer with an urgent desire.
The kiss deepened, each movement between them a testament to the depth of their connection. Harry’s lips claimed hers with an urgency that spoke of all the unspoken promises, and Y/n responded with equal passion, her body pressed against his as if they were two halves of a whole.
When they finally broke apart, gasping for air, Harry’s gaze remained locked onto hers, filled with a raw, unwavering devotion. His hand lingered on her cheek, his touch tender yet insistent. “Yer going to be just fine, Lass. And I’ll be here for you, every step of the way.”
Y/n, breathless and overwhelmed, let a smile break through, her insecurities dissolving under the weight of his fervent assurance. "Thank you, Harry," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.
Harry's expression turned serious as he looked at her. “Listen, Y/n, I insist ya stay with me. I don’t want ya out there on the streets. Not when yer can be with me.”
Y/n's eyes widened at the declaration, a mix of surprise and doubt flickering across her face. "Do you treat all girls like this?" she asked, her voice tinged with skepticism.
Harry’s gaze softened, his lips curling into a gentle, knowing smile. “I don’t treat all women like this, just my woman. And I’m not about to let ya wander around hurting and alone. If yer with me, you’re safe, and I’ll make sure of it.”
Y/n’s heart swelled at his words, the weight of her doubts lifting. She nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. “I’d like that. I’d really like that.”
Harry’s smile widened, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of affection and promise. “Then it’s settled. Yer with me now, and I’ll take care of ya. No more hiding, no more fending for yerself. Just trust me, and we’ll figure this out together.”
Y/n’s smile grew, her heart filled with a new sense of belonging. Just as they were basking in the warmth of their newfound love, the door swung open, and Uma walked in with a knowing smile, followed by Gil, who looked as confused as ever.
Uma's eyes sparkled with approval as she took in the scene. "Looks like my first mate has found himself quite the partner." she remarked, her tone light but genuine. "Y/n, you’ll make a great right hand for Harry. I’ve seen what you can do, and I’m glad you’re joining us."
Gil nodded enthusiastically, though it was clear he didn't fully grasp the situation. "Yeah, what she said! Welcome to the crew, Y/n!"
Y/n’s cheeks flushed, a mixture of pride and happiness swelling within her. She glanced up at Harry, who gave her a reassuring squeeze, his eyes filled with pride.
"Thank you, Uma," Y/n said, her voice steady and filled with determination. "I won’t let you down."
Uma smiled, her gaze shifting between Y/n and Harry. "I know you won’t. Now, rest. We’ve got big plans ahead of us, and with you on board, I’m confident we’ll succeed."
Copyright: All stories contained herein are the intellectual property of the author. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, or distribution of these stories, in whole or in part, without explicit written permission from the author, is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. Respect the creator's rights and creativity. For permissions or inquiries, please contact: [email protected].
Request Guidelines: When submitting a request, please ensure that your request does not contain any explicit sexual content or graphic depictions, and avoid any form of extreme violence or graphic descriptions of violent acts. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment for all readers. If you're unsure about your request or want to request about someone I haven't written about yet, feel free to ask me anytime.
Requested by: Anonymous
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aritamargarita · 4 months
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we are so back its not even funny.…chat put W’s and 1’s in the chat. also if u catch this on ao3 im trying to fix the spacing it just ruined everything omg. (I FIXED IT)
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WITH NEW RESURGENCE of WCW wrestlers, the WWF has a brand new problem on their hands. Under pressure, Vince decides to create the Invasion pay-per-view, an entire show dedicated to WWF vs WCW. In turn, Shane initiates your undercover plan. Oh, and Trish Stratus also gives you a proper thank you for helping her out. Lita isn't too welcoming, though. Matt isn’t either..
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All of you had heard the announcement of Invasion just this morning. Supposedly, you and your team would fight the WWF next month, culminating in a winner-takes-all match.
You figure Shane was making his calls to let everyone know. You wouldn't be surprised if you were the first to know it, but it's unbelievable. Is the WWF challenging you guys? The answer is yes, but you know they will lose that battle.
This may have been the beginning of the end for that company, and nothing brings you more joy than seeing it crumble beneath your feet. Vince must've felt incredibly pressured by WCW. Dare you say, he felt threatened if he was going as far as making an entire show dedicated to this.
Supposedly, no one knew the entire card yet. The only thing Shane knew was that one of those matches would be Team WWF vs. Team WCW and that he needed extra time to prep everyone for it.
There's an inevitable group meeting to be called; you're sure of it. You don't mind being there one bit. You have to ensure your fellow wrestlers are pumped up with a pep talk before going out there.
Hell, you might even have your own match! So exciting. The only person you could think of them pitting you against is Lita, which you didn't mind at all.
"[Name], your hands are shaking."
Torrie's speaking pulls you out of your thoughts, and you bring up your hands to look at them.
You are shaking, and you find it incredibly hard to stop, as much as you try to will your body to.
"Ooh, you are!" She exclaims, looking over you again. "Like, really bad."
The black leathery couch creaks as you shift in your spot. You two were hanging out backstage at the next show, just as Shane requested.
There's gotta be something else you could do instead of sitting around like this. You wish you could run some interference, but as of tonight, you're trying to get into Team WWF's good graces.
You grimace at the thought. That is NOT your company, nor will it ever be. It even feels wrong to think that you belong to them.
You try to twist and turn one of your hands, but you're still jittering. "Sorry." You quickly apologize. "No idea why I can't stop."
When Torrie says absolutely nothing, you turn over to her. It's like she's examining you, but the awed look on her face is starting to agitate you.
She exhaled sharply and pointed a finger at you with a smile. "I get it now! You're nervous!" She exclaims.
"No," You're quickly denying it. "I'm cold, that's all. There's a draft in this room. I don't know how you're not cold with what you're wearing." You motion to her red jumpsuit cut in possibly the most revealing way ever.
"What's wrong with this?" She asks, looking down at herself. "If we want to get contracts, we'll have to make some sacrifices."
The first thing you say is: "…Ew." And although you mutter out an apology, you still find the implication gross.
 "Anyway," Torrie moves on. "You know there's nothing to worry about. Shane has everything under control!"
"Under control?" You jump out of your seat. "Invasion is next month! We have no idea what they're gonna put on the card. I don't think any of us has control over it, WWF does!"
Whenever you get wound up like that, Torrie would always back off to let you cool off. You'd generally sort it by your lonesome. But with how you're acting this go-around, it seemed like you need her intervention today.
"It's okay! That's why we're here." She reminded. She stands up to look you right in the eye. "To figure out what they're up to."
At first, you don't say anything. All you do is look back at Torrie. She gives you an expectant look, and you suck your teeth in response.
"I know." You say. "It's—"
You two are startled by the door slamming open, nearly falling off its hinges. You can hear Vince McMahon's voice from the outside, which makes you stand on guard.
Two men enter the room instead. They look around, turn the room upside down, move chairs, and look behind some plants.
Could Vince not come in himself? Too cowardly to come in? What a pansy.
A camera follows in right behind them, and you get the notion that you're on live TV. You can't hear it, but the crowd cheers at you and Torrie's appearance.
Torrie instinctively hides behind you. In turn, you do your best to stand strong. You try not to show your nervousness, crossing your arms so that you can hide your hands.
The two men in here were still turning the entire room upside down in search of something. You're not happy that these guys are ruining your "unassigned-assigned" room.
"Excuse me! Are you looking for something?" You finally say.
They freeze in tandem, and one looks at you in realization. They didn't care about your presence at all, huh? "Get in here!" One of the men yells out. "That's the girl with Booker T!"
With those words, Vince McMahon himself storms right into the room. You push Torrie even further behind you when he enters.
"Where the hell is Booker T?!" He gives the room a once over and then turns toward you. "You! You would know! Where is he?!"
"…. He's not here." You answer. The sound of shuffling makes you turn your head to the right. One of the men decided to toss your bag across the floor. "Hey! Watch it, that's mine! What the hell is wrong with you?" 
He slowly turns around. "What?"
"You heard me! "Whoever this guy was, your patience was already running thin. "Don't you have any manners? Pick it up!"
"I'm not picking that damn thing up." He says. Now that you get a better look at him, he looks exactly like the figure you saw at WWF New York.
If your memory serves you correctly, this is Stone Cold Steve Austin. Who just threw your very expensive bag on the floor?
The other guy with medals around his neck leans down and picks it up instead. "Here you go." He reaches it out toward you.
"Kurt, what the hell are you doing?!" He yelled. "She's a WCW girl! You [Name]?"
"Oh." Kurt falters, then drops your bag right onto the floor. Again.
"That's me, yeah." Though you confirm your identity, you feel exasperated. The crowd can't help but laugh. "…Please." You beg. "STOP DROPPING MY BAG." You kneel to pick it up and gently place it on the couch behind you. This time, they won't throw it around as if it had no value.
After that whole debacle, the question remains. "Well, where is he?" Vince asks. You narrow your eyes at him.
It takes everything, and you mean everything, not to insult him. It's all too easy to beat everyone up with a makeshift weapon and leave with Torrie for the rest of the night.
"You didn't hear me before? I said, I don't know." You repeat. "Maybe you should open up your ears, ol—"
"W-We don't know, Mr. McMahon!" Torrie cuts you off quickly. It's for the best. "You see, we're so glad you came here. Our contracts are expiring, and we were looking for something new."
You're sure that they were suspicious. After you attacked Lita, you weren't sure they'd go through with her idea. Torrie, sure. You already know she'll get in because she wasn't guilty, and newsflash: she's also attractive.
You, you're not sure. Obviously, you're attractive, but you may have ruined your chance by jumping on Lita like that. You decide to decorate your white lie with another.
"I just don't want to be a leader. I was told to do that to Lita, and I feel horrible. I don't want to be involved with WCW." You kick up your act to 100 by forcing tears to spring to your eyes, which sells it more. "Shane may even fire me for talking to you…"
"That's what you get when you deal with those classless WCW folk," Kurt snidely remarked, shaking his head. "Am I right, fellas?"
Vince and Austin look at each other for a moment, then nod their heads. Then, Kurt turns to you with his hand out.
"Hi, [Name]. Nice to meet you. I'm Kurt Angle, Olympic gold medalist." He reaches his hand out for you to shake, and you use your non-wet hand to shake it. Sorry about your bag." 
Guess an apology is a good way to start.
"Hello. It's fine." You shake his hand quickly and then return to your sob story. "I guess you're right. That company is classless." 
Torrie rubs your shoulder. "It's okay. It's okay, [Name]." She then turns to Vince. "Will you consider it?"
He's still not convinced. "And you are…..?"
She fills in the blank for him. "Torrie Wilson. From WCW. We would be so honored to work with you."
'We?' You think. Torrie must've been taking French classes. 
Nothing seems out of the ordinary. Seeing as no one's jumping out at them, all three men relax at her words.
"I might be able to tell you where I think he is." When you say that, all three men perk up toward you.
Torrie looks alarmed but quickly calms down in fear of getting caught. You try to reassure her by patting the hand she kept on your shoulder.
"My only request is that you consider hiring us when our contracts go down the drain."
Honestly, you don't know where Booker T is, but you still try to compromise to get in good with them.
"Alright then. I'll do it. But Torrie, it's good to meet you. Very, very good." Vince was clearly trying to make moves on your blonde friend. "Maybe this weekend, dinner?"
Before Torrie can respond, you're quick to answer him. " We," You emphasize, "—can meet you at the show. No dinner, sorry. I don't think we'll be hungry."
Austin is pleased to hear it. "That sounds good. We don't need her. Then we'll go to dinner, Vince. I'll clear my schedule."
Kurt immediately jumps on the bandwagon. "Me too. I'll be there."
Austin shakes his head. "…We don't need you."
You clear your throat, making everyone look at you. "If you wanna know, I'm 99% sure Booker T is somewhere in the locker rooms. He could be looking for you guys like you're looking for him."
You can see them get all hyped up at your reveal, so you hope that was the push so they can get the fuck out of here.
Kurt is the only one who thanks you; he mutters it while vigorously shaking your hand one last time.
And thankfully, it was the push. They weren't sticking around for too long. At the very least, the three bid you and Torrie a quick goodnight and bolted out the door.
It must be important to find him. It's too bad you pointed them in the wrong direction. You knew that he wasn't anywhere near the stadium yet.
The more they looked, the more they wouldn't expect his appearance. They'll think he's not there at all, and the next time they're defenseless…WHAM! They won't see it coming!
God, you need to find a way to top that. Booker T is beating you in that department! You pray that Shane wouldn't actually get rid of you because you weren't performing up to standard.
You've got this. All you have to do is start plotting in your hotel room. You won't ask Shane what he thinks should be done. You'll spring the idea on him instead.
You wipe the crocodile tears, swiping a few fingers under your eye to not smudge the makeup you had on. Torrie walks over to the door and peeks out to ensure they're gone. She gently closes the door behind her afterward.
"When they came in, you looked like you were about to scream." She says.
You snicker. "I wish I could tell you how uncomfortable that entire exchange made me. Starting from pretending I'm something I'm not to that McMahon being around making me gag."
"I could've handled it myself." She starts. "But I still appreciate you saying something. We definitely wouldn't have gotten those contracts if you said anything more than that."
Yes, sometimes you could say some crazy things, but it's not always your intention to! Things tend to slip out of your mouth. You're just speaking your truth…
People have told you before that you like to speak about what's on your mind. Whether that was bad or good was always left to your interpretation.
"Pretty much. Anyway, we should split up." You suggest. "I'm going to try to apologize to Lita. Maybe I can find other people in the meantime."
"Oooh, you're finally deciding to make friends! Now you don't need to bother me and Stacy anymore." Torrie teased.
"I'm not gonna be friends with anyone in here!" You clarify. Seriously, you wouldn't be caught dead hanging with someone from here. "Besides, you guys love me and would get jealous of seeing me with anyone else."
She smiles at you. "Hmm, we get jealous? I'll have to get back to you on that."
You try to stay in your itty bitty circle for the most part, but you have no qualms about hanging out with coworkers.
Now, people from the WWF? No way. You don't think they could replicate the charm that the others had. Sure, people like Sting would stare creepily at you as you played chess. That was neat, but you can't beat him to this day!
You learn things, too. People like Randy Savage would yell at you and tell you to raise your voice to present yourself better. Fun!
And then you had people like Mona, who was friendly and calm. She's given you advice many times. It was a change of pace from the energetic characters you surrounded yourself with. 
You think there's no competition.
You move past Torrie and open the door, peaking your head down the hallway. There is someone not too far away. It's not Kurt, Vince, or Austin. It's someone else.
He's blonde, and he's holding something almost obnoxiously large. From this distance, it's safe to assume it's a trophy.
You retreat into the room. "And just like that, I already see my first target. How about I meet you back here when the show's over?"
"Fine with me." She agreed. "You know, I saw a Friday's on Time Square. Do you want to go after the show? Oh, oh, and who was it at the door?"
"I don't see why not." You don't mind hanging out. Not one bit. "And I think you're asking the wrong person. I can tell he's not a part of our team. He was blonde, and I think he was holding a trophy. No clue who that is. I need Shane to run me down on these people. I only know Trish, Lita, Matt, and the Big Show from him. I think I know the commentators, too?"
Shane was only telling you important information, so you figured these other randoms were less important to be known by you.
"Oooh, he's blonde?" Torrie's got that knowing sound in her voice, and you groan. "That's totally your type, [Name]. Everyone backstage used to say that you loved the blondes."
You look at her incredulously. "You're joking." Because she had to be. Who would even say that? It's not your fault that 80% of your friends had that hair color.
"Hehe. Yeah, I am. Wait, come here! If you want his attention, you've gotta oil up the good bits! Also, I think you need to wear something else!" Torrie exclaimed, dashing over to her bag.
Nuh-uh. No way. Not this time. She will NOT make you her Barbie doll again. You let the woman recommend clothes to you once and now she thinks she's your stylist!
"Torrie, what the hell do you mean oil up?! Leave me alone!" You exclaim. "I've gotta get this guy before he leaves!"
She's got the bottle in her hands, shooting you a pout. "Fine. But can't you lift your shirt just a little so that—"
"If you say anything else, I swear to god I will get you." You threaten, pointing a finger at her.
She backs off, holding her hands up to you. "Touchy!"
Saying nothing else to her, you open the door and walk down the hallway to approach this stranger.
You remember to keep a puzzled look on your face, then look around the room, all confused. The more ditzy you act, the more men will feel inclined to help you.
You let out an aggravated sigh, which is the one thing that caught his attention. He shifts the trophy in his hand to take a better look at you and then takes a few steps back in alarm.
"Woah, rogue WCW woman spotted. Don't attack me." He says. "I'm armed." He holds out the trophy to you warily, then pokes your stomach with one of the tiny metal prongs of the trophy.
"Ow—not a threat!" As plastic as those prongs were, they hurt like hell.  You feign panic, throwing your hands up. "I'm not a threat. I was just looking for someone! I want to tell Lita I'm sorry. Have you seen her?"
He's not sold at all, considering you cracked her head open the other day. "You want to say you're sorry? Listen, I don't care how tempting you are, I won't fall for whatever you've got going on. You're gonna try and take her out!"
This guy may have got the wrong idea. You're not into seducing him. Not yet, anyway.
"Thank you," You accept the compliment. "I, and probably you, have no idea what you're going on about." He may be in his head about you. "I'm only here to make amends because my contract may expire. I'll be out of work and out of a leader spot in no time."
They'd have to pry you from Shane's cold, dead hands. You don't have a choice but to hold onto the lie that your contract is ending soon.
"That sucks." He outright says, using a hand to comb through the top of his hair. "Uh, I mean, I'm sorry to hear that." He genuinely did seem apologetic, so he may be falling for it.
You’re still trying to be nice. "I'm [Name], but with you knowing what I did to Lita, you might already know."
"Yeah," He nods. "People've been talking about you beating up Lita. They're wondering what they're gonna do now. You're kinda gutsy for even showing up tonight. I'm Edge." He feels it's only fitting for him to introduce himself back, but it's easy to see that he's hesitant.
You smile anyway. Your following words are honeyed when you speak them. "Hi, Edge. Good to meet you. I'm gonna remind you that I mean no harm, seriously. After I talk to Lita, I'll even leave the arena. Are you sure you don't know where she is?"
"Lita.." Edge repeats, looking away from you for a second. "She might be with the Hardy Boys. I'm pretty sure."
It's part of a confession, making you think he had been holding back due to his suspicion.
"Hardy Boys, huh? Ah, do you know where catering is?" You ask. "I got so lost, completely forgot how big the Garden is." It's an exaggeration, but you should get some directions while you're at it.
…This is partly because you're hungry too.
Will the WWF's food hold its own against WCW catering? You need to put it to the test. You won't lie; your company had some of the best food by far.
It's not like you could put anything else to the test anyway. You hadn't even gotten a chance to get started on those local circuits because you took the chance and signed up for the Powerplant instead. It may have been too early, but it's gotten you far enough to be handed that beautiful contract.
It's not like you minded, you practically grew up watching it with relatives. Calling home with the exciting news was returned with happiness and playful jealousy.
Edge turns and points down the hallway. "Should it be that way to your left? Could be wrong, so don't come back trying to attack me."
You wave him off. "I won't. I think I'll give you a suplex. How does that sound to you?"
"I think I'd be the one doing that to you, [Name]." He countered. "You look pretty easy to carry."
"Edge! Been lookin' for you, man. Where'd you go?" Another voice makes you turn around to see yet another blonde man with goggles approaching you, and you fight the urge to throw your arms up in exasperation.
Maybe Torrie was right. You're not beating the blonde-lover allegations. You're losing… she's winning!! You hate it!
He looks over toward you, eyeing you up and down. Then he comes closer to Edge, muttering something else. "Who's that?"
"[Name], this is Christian, my brother." Edge introduces. "Christian, this is [Name]."
Brother, huh?
Christian looks between the two of you incredulously, then settles his eyes on Edge. "Wait, this is the chick that—"
The both of you say the end at the very same time. "…smashed Lita's head into the ground." You already knew it was coming. "Yes. That's me."
"Guess it's obvious then." He snickered.
"I may have done it, but it wasn't my intention." For a second, you pause because it was. There's no way it was just a freak accident. "It wasn't my intention to make her my enemy." You correct. "All I wanted to do was say sorry about it. It was all a misunderstanding on my end. Maybe we can work together against WCW."
You're trying your best to present yourself as a charity case towards them, and they, along with the others, are taking the easy bait.
He's not as apologetic as Edge was, but Christian still shakes his finger at you. "Work together, eh? You know what? She could help us, Edge. Those Hardy's, you know we've been feuding since 1999."
He then turns to you. "[Name], it's a big thing."
"What was the last time we won, last month?" Edge asks.
Christian takes a second to think about it and then replies. "Yeah, man. It was us and Rhyno. Eddie tagged along with them. Then we lost to him and Jeff. Remember?"
"Yep. Something happened every time." Edge reminisces about those matches. "We won that first one, sure, but Lita kept getting in the way."
"Exactly." Christian's leading up to something with this. "I hate to say it, but they've got us beat, man. We never got someone to deal with Lita, and she's done that hurricanrana crap to both of us! That's what usually messes us up." Christian continued to explain.
"If we have her…" Edge vigorously nods his head, waving his finger back at him. "I see where you're going with this man."
This was perfect! You swear you'd kiss Christian if you could. He's got you right where you need to be for the most part. A smile grows on Edge's face. "She can get rid of Lita! Dude, you're like, genius level of genius."
Genius level of genius? That’s original.
Christian takes that trophy out of Edge's hands for some reason. He snugly adjusts it in his arms, holding it as if he wouldn't let go.
Neither you nor Edge question it; they are more interested in getting rid of those Hardy Boys once and for all.
Well, you're only partly in on their fantasy. You had no idea how their feud went! The only question you have to ask is, "Are you guys going to be able to get us on the card for that?"
"You don't have to worry about that, [Name]. As the King of the Ring winner, I'll make sure it gets done!" Edge exclaims.
Aha! No wonder he had that trophy. It makes sense, but you're not sure how big of an achievement it was. As long as it got you on the card, you're good.
"Commissioner Regal is a real pain. Are you sure you're gonna be able to do it, dude?" Christian asks. "You know, it's always the Brits. He acts like he's got a stick up his ass."
"Don't worry about it. Me and you will go into his office." Edge pats his shoulder. "We'll get that match in no time."
You're down. "Okay then. You guys tell me when we go. I'll be ready. Edge, you said catering was down that way, right?"
He gives you a thumbs up, and you say goodbye. Maybe you'll see them more in the future, especially since you're teaming up now.
You turn your head behind you and see they're still watching you go. You decide to give them one final wave for real. Before you get to catering, you wait until you're a reasonable distance to pull out your phone and dial Shane up.
It's a quick detour, hitting a sharp left in the hallway. You're met with another room nearby, a gift from whatever god was out there, the janitor's closet.
It would be better to finish the call there, wouldn't it? No curious eyes, no listeners. It'll just be you. 
Your paranoia starts to spike because you're already peeking around the corner to see if anyone's there. The coast may be clear, but you won't take your chances. Closet it is.
You've already got your phone in your hand as you open the door. The only thing that would keep you company now were the cleaning supplies lined up on the shelves. 
You're already dialing Shane up once you close the door behind you. Most of your paranoia has subsided after closing it, and you keep your hand on the doorknob to ensure that no one else opens it to interrupt you.
Your back is turned, but what more should you be afraid of? Those mops and brooms? If anyone saw you going in, you'd say you needed some fresh air alone. Something like that.
"I wasn't expecting any company."
"My god!" You instinctively yell, jumping out of your skin. Goddamn it! Why would anyone be in the dark, in the janitor's closet of all places?! Your hand reaches for the light switch, flipping it on as soon as your fingers land on it. 
Just your luck. You walk into a squatter's home. You turn behind you to see a man sitting before you, slumped over with his curly hair falling in front of his eyes. "[Name], isn't it?"
Your hand is still on the doorknob. Would it be wrong to say you don't think you can leave yet? He knows your name. You're still alert. "Um, maybe. Why in the hell are you in here alone?" Other than being a total creep.
"Doing drugs. You want?"
He offers it to you so casually! You're taken aback, and it takes you a minute to reply. "No!"
"Relax, I'm joking. You're not a cop, are you? All I am here for is the silence. It's the only thing I can ever find peace of mind in." He says. 
You look at him and nod. "Right. Yeah. Okay. Well, this was all an accident. I have a really important call, so I'm gonna have to leave. Although a word of advice, maybe some pink would be good for your decor."
You're turning away from him, but he's saying something else the next thing you know.
"WCW shouldn't be alone in this fight. We need to take this company down. The WWF is fated to fall."
He makes you turn back around curiously. This may not be a squatter after all; he knows about WCW.
"Who exactly are you?"
As soon as you ask that question, the phone picks up. Shane's voice is loudly on the speaker, "Hello, [Name]? Are you alright?"
You immediately hold the phone to your ear. "What? Yeah. I'm fine. Can I call you back?"
"It's good to know it’s actually your name," the man says, setting his hands on his ankles to stand up from his spot. "Don't hang up now. The show's just starting." He comes closer to you, and you're already trying to hit buttons on your phone for some privacy.
"Don't suppose that's Shane McMahon on the phone? Let me talk to him. We're close. Real close." There's supposed to be excitement in his voice, yet it's delivered to you in the most monotone way possible.
"No, you can't talk to him! I mean, it's not Shane!" You try to cover your tracks, holding out your hand to him. "I have to go, so go do your drugs or whatever you were up to."
He doesn't leave you alone, instead reaching over and snatching the phone out of your hands. He lifts the phone in the air so you can't reach it, then turns away.
"Shane, can you hear me?" He asks, pulling the phone closer to his mouth. "Remember me?"
There's silence at first, and then Shane's voice comes from the phone. "Oh! Hey, Scotty! How're you doing?" You're in complete disbelief.
"You know this guy?!" You exclaim. "Shane, are you pranking me right now?!"
"I don't go by that anymore. It's Raven now. I'll be the first to tell you that ECW wants in. We've seen what's been going on."
"ECW as in Extreme Championship Wrestling?" Do they really want in? Any help is good, and it'd be two against one. You're not entirely against the idea. "Wait, give me my phone back! This isn't for you!"
"You're with [Name] right now?"
"Yeah. She's pretty aggressive. It goes to show what kind of women you surround yourself with, Shane." He comments.
"Who in the world told you that?" You ask, ignoring his snide remark. "Are you ECW's leader or something? I bet you don't have as much authority as I do."
"Okay, okay. There's no need to fight, guys." Shane is trying to be a peacemaker, doing his best to ease any tension. "Raven, if you can clue Paul Heyman in, we can discuss this in more detail in person. My invitation is extended to you, but I need to speak with [Name] for now. We can't proceed unless I talk with her first."
Thank god Shane was on your side. You can't fight the cheeky smile as you expectantly hold your hand out.
"Fine. I'll be the person to spread the message to him. The sooner, the better. Besides, no one wants to keep this outdated Nokia anyway." The sarcasm in his voice is the first emotion you've heard from him.
And you groan in response. For the love of god! Everyone needs to leave the Nokia alone! Raven begrudgingly hands it over and turns over to the door.
You'd think he'd say something else to you, but he only gives you one last glance before leaving.
"And stay out!" You yell behind him, slamming your palm onto the door.
"It's a pleasure to hear your voice, [Name]," Shane says. "I'm assuming you didn't just call me for some casual conversation before you were interrupted. What's going on?"
"Right, right. Before, I was so rudely interrupted." You say. "I ran into this guy Edge and his brother, Christian. They wanted me to team up with them to get rid of Lita. I figured it was a good opportunity to get myself out there. I'm also on my way to apologize to her after I finish talking to you. Is that alright?"
"Is what alright? You apologizing? I was the one that recommended you should—"
"No, no, that I'm even here. You called me a part of your dream team. Torrie told them our contracts were expiring soon. I played off that, but any smart person wouldn't get rid of their leader that fast. I don't want them to doubt me." At the end, you let out a sharp sigh.
Thanks to your explanations, no one's questioning you, but it's pretty easy to get caught up in a lie you tell.
"You worry a lot!" He laughs again, and you furrow your brows. "It'll be fine. A lot of those wrestlers aren't smarter than a bag of rocks. Trust me, I know this for a fact. My father's not any smarter. He has no idea what's coming to him, especially with ECW possibly helping us."
Talk about throwing people under the bus. It seems Shane's pretty relentless when it comes to his old employees. You're just glad you're not on the receiving end. Shane's been here longer than you, so you have no choice but to believe him.
However, you still feel hesitant. "Are you really sure?"
"How about this, then. I keep Torrie so she and Stacy can feud with Trish and Lita; you continue to play nice with the WWF since you're already there. You let them think that you're working your way to betray us when, in actuality, you're going to betray them."
Keeping Torrie after she told them that your contracts were expiring? That would be risky, along with you slotting into the roster. But you'll try and conform to it. "Okay, okay." You agree. "I think I can do that."
"Have some faith in me." It's like he can sense your hesitation. "More importantly, have some faith in yourself, [Name]. Was that all?"
The only thing you can do is try. "Yeah, I'll talk to you when I hear anything new."
"Alright then, you take care, [Name]."
Ending the call with those final words, you shove your phone back into your pocket. As much as you want to take a second to breathe, Lita's the next person on your list.
Opening the closet door, you head straight towards the double doors of catering. Oh boy, you hope Lita's in here. If not, you'll have to continue your journey elsewhere. You don't have all night, though.
You're met with a few unfamiliar faces when you open the door. They stare at you in confusion, which quickly turns into alarm. Some people even stand up from their seats.
You come in peace, for now! "Everyone can relax. I want to be on your side now. I came to apologize." You don't even beat around the bush.
Most are suspicious but still get back into their seats. What were they going to do anyway? You could defend yourself with one of these chairs if you needed to.
Scanning the room, you find the woman of the hour looking at you with wide eyes. You immediately approach her. A relieved smile appears on your face as your searching is no longer needed, tossing out your arms. "Lita!"
Just as you call her name, two men protectively stand before her. The only one you knew was Matt, although the other guy had a striking resemblance to him. Siblings, perhaps?
Matt was the one that had enough gall to get in your face. "You've got a lot of nerve showin' up here," Matt started, waving his finger at you. The southern twang in his voice almost makes you giggle. It's so out there.
You do your best to cover it by looking sad instead. "Tell me something I don't know. Sorry, but losing was your fault, though." That's one thing you had to make clear. "Tell me, was it nice when Trish kissed you? Did you even try to push her away?"
You pucker your lips toward him and kiss the air as he huffs at you. Matt is frustrated at your taunt and clenches his fist. What you say is true; you and Lita had your own business. Whatever he did in the ring was his responsibility.
Didn't mean you could tease him so freely about it, though.
He's going to say something else to you, but Lita shakes her head, getting up from her seat and stepping in front of him instead. "No, Matt. Just leave it. It's okay." And then she looks at you directly. "You must be really brave to show up here after what you did, or maybe you're just stupid."
It's the second time you've heard that tonight..
"Never stupid." You'd like to get that straight now. "Only apologetic." And for her to even say that makes you sure about your decision. You're glad you beat her up on Raw.
"I thought attacking you would prove my allegiance to Shane. He ordered it. I did it, but I see how wrong it is and how fucked up WCW is. After thinking about what I did to you, I wanted to come to this show and make things right."
It seems like you're taking a breath when, in actuality, you're trying to get your lies together. "I was sad and idling the halls. I want WCW to crash and burn. I have my allegiance and want it to be with all of you." You make sure to say it loudly enough so others can hear you.
"Well, I don't think any of us trust you." Matt cut in. "Something's not right about you."
"Matt, give the woman a break." The other guy says. "She's tryin' to help us. She apologized for what she did. I'm sure we've made some mistakes, so we could try and give her some credit."
Whoever this guy was with brightly dyed purple hair, you're glad he stepped in. You make a mental note to remember his face if he never introduced himself to you.
No, you won't let that happen. The only person you extend your hand to is him, although your proper introduction is meant for all of them. "I think we should get off on the right foot now. I'm [Name]. I want to be on your side now."
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Lita and Matt share some telepathic looks. All you did was introduce yourself to him!
He reaches out his hand. "Jeff."
Matt's the one who brings Jeff back to Earth, smacking his shoulder. It makes Jeff retract his hand before you can even take it. "The hell are you doin'?! We can't trust her!" It's a whispered shout that you're in clear range of hearing, not that Matt cared.
Jeff shrugs at him, then holds his hands up. "I thought…”
"Hardy meeting," He points toward the door, sounding as stern as they come. "Right now. Lita, you do what you need to do with her."
Jeff slunks over to the door, and Matt is just about to follow, but Lita gives him a parting kiss before he goes. She mutters, "I love you," but Matt's already storming off to deal with Jeff to even reply.
"So, you two are an item after all. It wasn't just jealousy." You comment. The urge to make another Trish jab was strong, but by divine intervention, you didn't say it.
"Yeah. A year, now." She confirms.
That information goes right into the filing cabinet. You give a half-smile to her. "All of you are friends then?"
It's a bit tense between you two, but Lita replies anyway, albeit strained. "Yeah, uh, we're a team. They're brothers. Matt's the oldest."
It makes sense. They looked similar, and Matt used that authoritative tone when telling Jeff to go outside.
Either way, you decide to jump straight to the chase. "I'm gonna take this chance to clear the air while it's just me and you. Lita, I was being honest when I said I wanted to take WCW out. I've gotten so close to Shane McMahon that it would be a shame for all of us to waste this opportunity. Even out of all this, I want a friendly rivalry from you at most."
Friendly, yes, that's what you wanted. It's not like you'll stiff her in the ring or anything.
"Like they always say, it's just business, you know? No hard feelings."
Lita takes a minute to think about it, turning her head away from you and then turning back. "You know what? Fine. No hard feelings. I'll give you another chance, [Name]. But if you screw up again, I can't guarantee that I won't fight you about it."
"That is totally fine. Trust me, I won't mess up again. I'll be there to help you when our goals align." Your professional tone was leaking out...
This is partly thanks to the many creative meetings and other ventures you've had at WCW. Reassurance and composure are two ways to worm your way inside a company. "Is the food any good here, by the way?"
And you can understand if Lita doesn't fully trust you. If you were in her position, you wouldn't trust yourself either.
Lita shrugs. "I mean, yeah. It's alright, I guess. You'd have to try it yourself." You still do think she believes you, despite her dry responses. It's just more progess you need to make.
"Oh my gosh, [Name], right?"
Lita groans and tosses her head up toward the ceiling. Whoever said your name, Lita wasn't happy to see them.
You turn your head over to see Trish. "Could I have a moment?" She clasps her hands together.
It's like Lita gives you the same look she gave Matt, trying to tell you something without using her words. It's difficult for you to understand, so she instead decides to leave you two be.
"Do whatever the hell you want. She's all yours." She'll probably join that Hardy meeting if they're still out there.
The both of you watch her go, and once she's out, Trish gives you her undivided attention. "Lita's always been...catty. I mean, she's been bullying me since my debut! How crueler can you get? I don't understand why she doesn't like me. And here I am, trying to let creative put us together in case we have to go against WCW. Not you now, of course."
"Stacy Keibler. Torrie Wilson." You offer up their names. "Only two they'll probably pit you against. They're all they have now."
On another note, you're trying to understand why Lita disliked Trish that much. Well, it's obvious why she didn't like you, but that's only because you did something to provoke her into it.
As you recall, Trish did end up kissing Matt. It all makes sense now, Lita looking pissed about it as she retaliated. They're an item! It's no wonder Lita wants her out.
You'll let Trish figure out that part by herself some time. "Guess you've gotta get to know her a little better. You're Trish, right?"
"That's me. I'm glad I caught you. I wanted to say thank you. Lita was gonna rough me up some more if you didn't step in when you did." Her fingers move a few strands of hair out of her face. "I feel like I owe you. What do you say to lunch next Wednesday?"
Lunch with Trish? Looks like you're already getting in good with these superstars! "Fine with me."
"I'm sorry about Shane McMahon, by the way." She adds. "We need all the help we can get, and you deserve this spot. Guess all McMahon's are pigs."
All? Like, all of them? Not Shane, at least. Shane's been nothing but pleasant and respectful to you. Unlike your previous boss, Eric Bischoff, who you were sure hated your guts with the way he treated you.
"Oh yeah, probably. I wouldn't be surprised. Even my old boss was a sleazeball." You mention.
You always thought he preferred Stacy to you when booked in certain segments. You and "Miss Hancock" were always set together when possible, but she was always going over most of the time.
At first, you had a time when you resented Stacy, putting a strain on your relationship for months. But you slowly came to terms with the fact that it was never her fault. It was management. You'd bring up your problems to Eric, and he'd dangle your contract over your head. He was quick to tell you that you didn't have to stay. Could head back right to your hotel.
That's something you don't miss.
"Then I guess we've both had some problems with our bosses, huh?" Trish mused. "It's not a very good thing, but it makes me feel better to know I'm not alone."
You're not sure what history she's had with Vince McMahon, but if she was comparing her situation to your own, then she's definitely seen some shit. You'll have to ask her about it over lunch.
Honestly, you're happy she was so sweet. Considering you saved her skin, it was fair, but hospitality goes a long way for you right now.
"Did you want to sit with me? I've got an extra seat right next to me." She uses both of her thumbs to point to her left.
"I don't see why not," You smile. Let me get something to eat first." You're already sauntering off towards the table of different foods as you hear her say, "I'll just be over here then."
You have no idea where to start. To distract yourself for only five seconds, you grab a plate. Then you're already back to square one. What do you want to eat?!
Fruit, muffins, salad, you name it, they've got it. Everything looks appealing, and it's damn near stressing you out.
You make a mental apology to Trish because you're definitely going to be here for quite a while.
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as i said on the ao3 ver, i envisioned 90s look raven because that’s probably my favorite iteration of that asshole. and this is actually really fun to write since I can build up relationships 😭 i kinda cringe seeing my old writing but im happy u guys really liked it!! Thanks for reading :D
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Famous y/n!! Harry going to her opening night of tour 🥺
masterlist || ask me anything <3
authors note - the second i saw those photos and videos i just knew that i needed to do something and so this is what ive come up with. thanks to the beautiful anon that reccomended jade thirlwall for the face claim because she is an actual beaut 💞 all songs used in this are not owned by me and go to there rightful owner !! and i know harry was spotted in New York but for the purpose of this ive changed it up a bit 💗
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liked by harrystyles, taylorswift and 1,463,187 others
yourinstagram, The Daydreamer’s Tour. UK & Europe, 2024.
view all comments.
username, no fucking way.
username, screaming crying throwing up rn
username, new album alert 👀
taylorswift, oh im so excited for you girly!!
yourinstagram, 😘😘
username, whys there only ten dates?
username, two london shows??
username, so does this mean she’s gonna release a new album??
username, oh my god i feel like i might cry.
yourinstagram, no because same
username, omg what a queen!
OCTOBER, 2023.
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liked by annetwist, zayn and 2,479,471 others
yourinstagram, can’t believe im saying this but my new album ‘daydreamers’ is going to be released november 1st, it is available to pre-save right now. 💗
view all comments.
username, AHHHHHH
username, i knew it
harrystyles, so proud x
yourinstagram, ❤️❤️
username, queen
username, i have no words
username, Harry being a supportive boyfriend right there
username, this isn’t about Harry this is about (Y/N)
username, let’s give her her moment pls and thx
username, I didn’t expect this ngl
louist91, proud of you girl x
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liked by username, username and 4,389 others
view all comments.
username, oh this is just the cutest
username, baby girl right there
username, HS4 at midnight
username, we wish
username, he’s so boyfriend
yourinstagram, pookie 🥺
username, nah tf??
username, she knows who harryflorals is??
username, for (y/n)??
username, is it weird that we can spot him even when he’s covering his face?
username, fr fr
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JANUARY, 2024.
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liked by niallhoran, leighannepinnock and 846,190 others
yourinstagram, tomorrow couldn’t come sooner .
view all comments.
username, umm excuse me ma’am
username, what the hell is this
harrystyles, 👀👀
username, nah tf?
username, never knew you standing on some stairs could be so attractive
username, what’s tomorrow??
annetwist, so excited darling
username, nahhhh im scared
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liked by harrystyles, madisonbeer and 1,643,901 others
yourinstagram, STYLE is out now people, go stream it, go enjoy it and I’ll be seeing you all very very soon 💞
view all comments.
username, she’s evil for this 😭
username, couple goals fr
username, this is the best thing that’s happened to me this year
harrystyles, am i the drama?
yourinstagram, 🫖🫖
username, i love these two together ngl
username, ahfjenahfjrhw
username, listened and loved it already hun
username, this video was everything and more baby girl
harry via instagram stories !!
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liked by harrystyles, perrieedwards and 743,718 others
yourinstagram, hi huns! you can read my brand new interview now with @mfasrmag and can find out all my juicy goss ! it was such a pleasure to meet all these kind people, love you bubbas 💗💞
view all comments.
username, read and loved!
username, when she mentioned harry it was the cutest thing ever
gemmastyles, adored everything about this
username, 🥺
username, you were so real and raw for this
username, when you said that you were getting emotional speaking about your tour it made me want to cry with you
username, your gorgeous!
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liked by username, username and 2,179 others
ynupdates, excerpt from (y/n)s interview with mfasrmag 🥹
view all comments.
username, okay this was absolutely adorable
username, ‘he’s my bestfriend’ like why am i sobbing??
username, this whole interview was heart wrenching
username, so your telling me you were his inspiration behind watermelon sugar?
username, LOLLLLL
username, im so glad she did this interview
username, girly you shouldn’t care what other people think about you!
MARCH, 2024.
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liked by perrieedwards, gigihadid and 931,743 others
yourinstagram, excuse perrie staring me down for drinking a cuppa mid rehearsal, but it’s the last one before tour starts 👀 can’t wait to see your lovely faces 😘
tagged, perrieedwards
view all comments.
username, im seeing you in oslo im so excited!
username, your couldn’t come sooner enough
perrieedwards, was simply just wondering where mine was
yourinstagram, uh huh sure you were
username, i swear i only got the tickets yesterday
username, your your fits are gonna rock i can just tell
gemmastyles, so excited !!
yourinstagram, 🥹😘
username, there relationship is so cute
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liked by harrystyles, kaiagerber and 2,319,385 others
yourinstagram, ‘larger than life’ a song just for you written with a very special someone. enjoy lovelie, as this is for you and everything you have done for me and continue to do for me 💞💞
tagged, harrystyles
view all comments.
username, nahhh tf is this??
username, the day of tour???
harrystyles, it was a pleasure x
yourinstagram, ❤️
username, okay now im a sobbing mess
username, power couple right there
username, her and harry are dating?
username, they have been for the past four years
username, you and harry producing a song together??
username, y’all just know this song is going to be a masterpiece
username, this is legit ultimate couple goals ngl
taylorswift, ahhh girly this is so exciting!!
yourinstagram, 🥹😘
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liked by username, username and 6,381 others
view all comments.
username, STOP IM DYING
username, she’s legit gorgeous!
username, greens her colour
username, like the colour of Harry’s eyes
username, imagines that’s why she chose to wear it 😭
username, she looks so happy
username, i think im in love
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liked by username, username and 9,371 others
view all comments.
username, oh he’s so boyfriend
username, the pink phone case 😭
username, making me go feral
username, he’s like a proud mom
username, he’s her biggest supporter
username, he better be at all of her shows 🙏🙏
harry via instagram stories !!
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/ /
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liked by username, username and 5,371 others
ynupdates, part of yns speech during London night one !
view all comments.
username, okay this is making me cry
username, she’s always have our support !
username, sobbing
username, WE??
username, i take it she means harry?
username, do they live together?
username, there so in love
username, our day one girly
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liked by username, username and 4,371 others
ynupdates, harry and yn leaving the venue tonight after London night one!
view all comments.
username, one of the best nights of my life
username, leave the two of them alone ffs
username, she’s trying to hide her face give the two of them a break!
username, this night was better then my wedding day
username, im seeing her in five days
username, lucky
yn via instagram stories !!
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/ /
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liked by harrystyles, perrieedwards and 2,381,904 others
yourinstagram, wow….last night was everything and more, thank you so much to every single person that turned up and supported me, you simply don’t understand how much it means, my heart is consisting simply trying to put it into words.
first of all, i’d like to say a massive thank you to @perrieedwards for agreeing to support me through this leg of your, you were amazing and will continue to be amazing,
and to my day one, my h. my world thank you so much for every single thing that you do and please continue to inspire me say in and day out. there’s no way i would have been able to do this without you by my side. 🥹❤️
tagged, perrieedwards, harrystyles
view all comments.
perrieedwards, 🥹
username, perrie was actually phenomenal last night !
username, I love her relationship with harry so badly it actually hurts my heart
username, if they ever break up my life will officially be over
username, I cried when she came on stage
username, best night of my life
harrystyles, we’ll always be each other’s inspiration x
yourinstagram, forever and ever x
username, Paris couldn’t come any sooner
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ada7201 · 8 months
hi ada! its ver2 anon, i had a request <3 imagine rin being shocked to seeing reader being so foul-mouthed during the game but is usually nice and, like, quiet?? also!! imagine rin spectating a game with reader and her new team and they win it due to reader being able to score 2 goals with 3 assists? and reacting to her being MVP?? he's just mesmerised to her run through the field with such grace and controlling the ball with ease. and also, reader is surprised to see rin out of blue lock bc yk, basically football prison? so she hugs him and asks him?
stop i literally just saw this. im so sorry for not completing it sooner (・Д・) i love this idea and im so disappointed i didn’t see it earlier.
also, ver2 anon, i know who you are :) i forgot to respond to your ask, so i thought i’d say it here ♡ and not in like a “i know who you are.” type of way, if you get what i mean!
foul mouth! pt 2 Itoshi Rin x female reader
Rin was feeling a bit lonely when you left blue lock. yeah, he was happy for you - but he didn’t want you to be away from him.
so, he came up with the perfect solution to fix his loneliness. watching your games!
he will never ever admit it, but he’s a bit excited to see you play again. even if it’s just through a screen.
he shakily pressed the play button on the live-streaming app, eyes widening as the camera was already focused on your figure.
“what the fuck do you think you’re doing, whore?!” your voice loudly boomed, reaching even the bleachers and camera.
Rin couldn’t help but chuckle at your words. it brand back a few memories…
“get away from me, you ugly coward!” you shouted towards another player, running away with the ball at your feet.
Rin was on the other side of the field, watching you with wide eyed and a jaw dropped. you’re a new player on the team, and he certainly didn’t expect for you to be so… vocal during games.
“get your greasy fucking hair out of my face!” you shrieked, voice louder than before.
Rin sighed dreamily, sharp teal eyes gazing down at your smaller form through the screen of his phone. he raised it a little closer to his face, eyes scanning the field for you. damn, he looked away for a second and you’re already off the screen! the lukewarm cameraman can’t even follow you - you’re obviously the best player. you were just about to score a goal!
y/n scores! 1 - 1!
Rin huffed angrily as the camera quickly shipped to your form. he’s slightly annoyed that nobody watching could even see the way you ran across the field so prettily. if he ever sees that cameraman he’s gonna teach the imbecile a lesson.
you were gliding across the field again, spewing insults from your plump lips. if the volume was off, some might even think you were an angel - however, Rin wanted to hear everything you said. he wanted to hear your sweet voice scream at each passing player.
you’re just so cute.
Rin watched as you ran after a teammate, foot slamming down on the ball as you passed to her.
score! player scores! 2 - 1!
you’re so sweet, letting your lukewarm teammate score. you could’ve scored from that distance, but you, as the charitable girl you are, gave them the privilege.
it irked him a little to watch you do that 2 more times, though.
so when you finally had the ball, and your stupid teammates were busy, he was shivering with anticipation as you got ready to score.
but just as you were about to, someone came up from behind you.
Rin could practically feel the malice oozing off of you in waves.
“get away from me, peasant.” your voice was low, eyes shaded with pure ego as you spat each word out at the girl behind you. she stopped in her tracks, watching in fear as your foot slammed roughly onto the ball and you…
y/n scores! 5 - 1! __ team wins!
Rin was surprised when he found himself fist bumping the air, smiling slightly as he watched you celebrate.
oh, of course you’re the mvp. he watched intently as you smiled sweetly, eyes locking with the camera.
it was a little like when you both were at blue lock.
soon, he found himself wandering the streets on his day off of blue lock.
what was he doing exactly? he couldn’t tell you. but part of him was saying that he was looking for something. or, someone, to be exact.
he knows you like this area, because he had heard you talk about the shops many times.
he wasn’t trying to be creepy, or anything!
it would just be nice to see you again… Rin sighs.
“Rin?!” your sweet voice calls out from behind him.
he turned around at the call of his name, only to be met with a girl hugging him. what?
“Rin! it’s me! did you see me game?!” you giggle, pulling away slightly to look the man in the eyes.
“y/n.” he says, eyes widening slightly as a faint blush dusted the tips of his ears, cheeks, and even his nose. it was almost like he was wearing makeup.
“congratulations on winning your match, you did great.” his slim hand reached out to pat your head, a little smile gracing his lips as he felt you lean into his touch.
“thank you, Rin!” you smile. “but how are you out of blue lock? i wasn’t allowed to go out.” you ask, your lower lip sticking out in a pout.
“i got a day out of blue lock.” was all he said, before pulling you into a hug.
“i missed you, y/n.”
“it’s only been a few weeks, Rin!” ( ◠‿◠ )
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moody4world · 2 years
You idk if you taking requests but you know that one award show moment where Nicki Minaj is like “Shoutout yo Donatella for custom making this dress for me and shoutout to Michel B Jordan because he gonna be taking it off me tonight” PLEASE do one where Jack says something along those lines omg 😭😂 I just feel like Jack would say that about the reader
Big shout out
A/N: This is rapper!reader i hope that’s okay. I got this request a while ago but im glad i could finally get to it.
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Jack and You have been friends for a couple years now. Both your careers started around the same time and you two became close after being part of the XXL freshman class of 2020. Jack was always very supportive of you and you of him.
He would give you advice on how to deliver your bars and flow while you would give him advice on his lyrics and beats. Things tended to get a bit hectic when albums had to be dropped and tours had to be done but the two of you always made time for each other.
Whether it’s a facetime or a brief text or a voice recording, you guys did not go a day without hearing from one another. Most people believed that the two of you were dating until you made an instagram post revealing your brand new relationship with Polo G.
That was your first mistake. Posting a brand new relationship was never a bright idea and unfortunately you learned that the hard way. You and Polo had a rough start to your relationship due to claims of him talking to other women while we he had you convinced that he was loyal. The two of you would break up and make up constantly and your business would be on gossip pages every few weeks.
On the other hand, Polo always had an issue with Jack being the friend you confided in during your fights with him. It ended up with him dissing Jack in one of his songs which simply lead to another fight between the two of you even though Jack never gave any reaction in return. December 2021 you finally had enough and posted an official announcement that Polo G no longer have or want anything to do with one another. Your comments were flooded with mixed reactions but sadly, most of them were saying how this is just another one of your stupid fights and you would take him back again.
This time you had put your foot down and wanted to start your 2022 peacefully with brand new goals ahead. Throughout all your drama, Jack never treated you any differently. In fact the two of you got even closer after your break up and dropped an album together in March. You had made an instagram post wishing him a happy birthday and it went viral unintentionally.
“The guy she tells you not to worry about.” Was what everyone but mainly men were saying. The thing is, you and Jack had never crossed any lines of friendship. Everything between the two of you has always been strictly platonic except for a couple suggestive jokes here and there but that was normal between friends. Everyone around you and Jack always say that there’s a spark and lots of tension between you two but neither of you ever acted on it.
Around may you noticed Jack started flirting with you a lot more and the lines of friendship began to blur. It wasn’t surprising but at the same time you were never prepared for the things he would say. “Megan asked you to perform at her birthday party right?” “Yeah, i’m excited.” “Isn’t it at a strip club?” “So?” “If I come will you do a dance?” He said it with such a straight face and that only made it more shocking to you. No smug or goofy smile that he usually had when he was joking.
The flirting went on for months and you were definitely flirting back.
September rolls around and it was soon to be the VMAs. You were set to perform your new song with Flo Mili and Jack was opening and co-hosting the show. You were getting ready in your hotel room with the help of your team when your phone started ringing and of course it was Jack.
“I’m getting ready what do you want?” You say while your makeup artist applied your eyeshadow. “Damn. No hello? Let me see you, all I see is the ceiling.” “Jack I can’t move too much i’m getting my makeup done.” You lifted the phone facing you and Jack let out a loud whistle that even startled your make up artist. “WHEW you look so fine my goodness.” He had a giant smile on his face just like a kid on christmas. “That color looks beautiful on you.” You were a giggling and flustered mess. “Thank you. Now show me your snazzy suit Mister Givenchy.” Jack panned the camera down to his all black suit that was snug around his small waist and just right around his wide shoulders. He looked so good you could just eat him up.
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“You like what you see huh?” “Yeah I need me some of that.” You flirted back with no hesitation. “You don’t need Givenchy, you need jesus.” “That was disgustingly cringe worthy Jack.” You shook your head at him. “I’m gonna let you finish getting ready. Can’t wait to see your beautiful ass in that dress.” “You just saw me in the dress.” “Yeah but I didn’t see your ass cause you’re sitting on it.” Both of you couldn’t hold back your laughter this time as you hung up the call.
Once you got to the VMA’s black carpet everyone went wild over your dress and how beautiful you looked. The night went very well and you were having a good time. You enjoyed Jack’s opening performance and the two of you were sitting not too far from each other so you would dance to songs together and lip sync to one another.
Jack was nominated for multiple awards and he had already won 2. This next category was his last nomination and it felt as if you were more nervous than him. “And the award goes to…JACK HARLOOOOW” You screamed of excitement as Jack got up, hugged you and dapped dj drama who was sitting next to him up, before going on stage to receive his final award of the night.
“Wow…three in a row that’s a new record.” The crowd cheered loudly as he took a moment to admire the trophy. He let the crowd calm down before yelling into the mic. “BITCH I TOLD YOU” and the crowd went wild all over again. “I just want to thank everyone on my team, my producers, my parents.” “And just before I go I wanna give a big shout out to Givenchy for custom making this suit for me and shout out to y/n cause she’s gonna be taking it off of me tonight. Thank you.”
The stadium was louder than ever. Your hand was covering your open mouth in shock of what Jack had just said live at a world known award show. You could feel your cheeks get super warm as everyone else was cheering at his boldness. You two definitely had a lot to talk about later that night. Once the show was over and you guys left together, not much talking was done. Unless body language counts….if so, more than enough was said.
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leclerced · 10 months
Maxes Birthday gifts to Oscar and Lando are custom lingerie sets for bunny to wear for them, like for Lando he gets her a fluorescent yellow set with his logo stitched somewhere on the panties.
And for Oscar it’s a set that’s the same shade of blue as the one on his helmet with this number or initials on the panties. 
i kept almost adding something ab their initials being woven into the lingerie, and bc max has them custom made, the ones he gifts bunny all have a little tag inside with his logo.
also i misread this as max getting bunny lingerie sets for them for her bday then reread it and realized so i fixed it but i kinda liked what i originally wrote so its at the end.
i think their birthdays is the one night they'd always get to be alone w her if that's what they wanted. and they do. bc as much fun as it is sharing her, they both like a bit of alone time with her too and they'd wanna go all out on their birthdays.
oscar wouldn’t really be excited for his birthday like, he’s excited bc he knows bunny will do something for him but that’s it. he’d be expecting normal gifts and that’s exactly what he would get until they get back to the hotel they’re staying at and bunny says she forgot something then leaves before he can ask what she forgot. bunny comes back in a robe and oscar’s sitting on the bed surfing the tv snd he’s like, “lose your clothes on the way back?” and she says “no, i was just getting max’s present for you.” and drops the robe and oscar’s like, “hang on do you mind if i call max real quick? i need to thank him and also ask him to have another made bc im about to destroy that thing fucking you in it.” suddenly he's looking forward to every birthday and christmas, doesn't even have to tell max what he wants because he knows him too well at this point.
with lando, she puts it on ahead of time and is wearing it all night just waiting for him to be done with his birthday party at the club and finally take her home. he'd be all bubbly and drunk and touching and kissing her on the drive home. would barely get inside before he's stripping her out of the minidress and then stands there in shock, like is it that really is his logo woven into her lace set?? he'd blink at her and just mumble, "max?" she's giggling and nodding as he picks her up and carries her to their couch. he wouldn't be able to make it to the bed after seeing the set, telling her how good she looks in his colors, with his logo on her like a brand. she'd tease him about getting it tattooed just to see his reaction and he'd go crazy, whimpering in her mouth that she should never damage her perfect skin but also seeing his initials on her body permanently… just the thought would send him reeling.
ab her birthday!
max doing custom lingerie for lando and oscar is so sexy, like a thank you gift for letting him borrow bunny so she could thank him for the party. he would make it a surprise, like when he’s done w her and takes her back to them the next morning he’d casually mention it, “oh yeah i have something in the backseat! almost forgot.” and bunny’s excited bc more gifts?? from max?? it’s been a week since her birthday and there’s still more?? she’d give him another thank you kiss and ask if he wants to come in and he’s like “no i think they’ll want some alone time with you once they see what i got them.” and she’s like oh this is for them?? and he’d just grin and tell her to get inside before she gets him in trouble.
they’re awake and waiting in bed for her, so she sets the boxes on the bed they’re cuddled up in and crawls between them to open them. as soon as she opens the first box and reveals the lingerie in lando’s color with his logo craftily woven into the lace, oscar is pulling what is clearly his box from underneath it and roughly untying the ribbon, eager to see what max dreamed up this time. it’d be a new favorite and he’d make sure max knows how grateful he is for the gift next time they’re with bunny together.
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jqmalikhsgib · 6 months
yn adjust the camera making sure it didn’t show her baby bump. she is about to do an interview discussing the album and fenty beauty. she didn’t need to world to see her bump just yet.
“rihanna! it’s so great to have you on the show!”
yn smiles. “it’s great to be here!” she states honestly. yn is really excited to discuss more about the album and she’s really excited to discus more about fenty beauty. she’s been working on her cosmetic line for a few years now! wanting everything to be absolutely perfect.
yn is now onto making her last name into an even bigger brand. she’s now getting into the fashion world and making sexy lingerie, bras, a few t-shirt designs, even making men boxers and everything you could think of. yn is ready for this new era in her life!
this just means she gets to be home more with her babies and her husband. she’d still travel here and there, but she’d be able to work from home instead of moving around too much.
aaron’s excited about that. he’d expressed he’s going to be putting in less hours as well! with derek and david willing to help out with more paperwork, he figured he could take advantage of that so he could get home to his family as soon as possible.
“so, we saw you’re currently married. congratulations are in order!”
“thank you!”
“how’s married life treating you? from our end you look absolutely stunning!”
yn blushes. “yeah, it’s been great! my husband and i got married two months back. we’re really enjoying married life. although if you talk to my mother she’d say we were already married. just made it official in the court of law.” yn giggles.
“mothers are always speeding up the process. id like to think mine just wanted me and my husband to give her grandchildren right after the wedding.”
yn laugh.
“how’s the album coming along? we hear this one’s gonna be the last for awhile.”
“yeah, im in the process of doing other projects. it just came down to wanting to spend as much time with the people i love, you know? ill get back into my music eventually. for now i think the fans will enjoy other plans i have!”
“like fenty beauty, correct?”
“how long have you been working on your cosmetics line?”
“for about two years! i wanted it to be perfect and inclusive! so many different skin tones out there, you know? i have family members with darker complexions than mine. a lot of times they couldn’t find the right foundation or concealer. i wanted to make sure that everyone feels included. not left in the dust!”
“i understand that completely. took me awhile to find one that matches my skin tone even slightly. what else can we expect from fenty beauty?”
“it won’t just be makeup, it’ll also lead to having a better skin care routine. i just got a few family members into taking better care of their skin. you wouldn’t believe what most of them said they use for their skin.” yn shivers.
“well, i for one am really excited about fenty beauty and about this next album. when can we expect another single? and do you have a date for when the album is released?”
“the next single is out the twenty-second and the album will be released the eight of next month! along with a few other surprises!” yn winks into the camera.
“you heard it here first, folks! rihanna album will be released february eight! that was rihanna. thank you for your time, ri.”
“thank you for having me.” yn waves before shutting her laptop. she turns over and spots aaron staring at her. “what?” she blushed.
“just—you’re so fucking beautiful.” aaron kisses her shoulder.
“i mean it.”
yn leans over and aaron kisses her passionately. “how much time we got?” aaron groans.
yn turns to look at the clock. jessica currently has jack. she took him to the park to give yn alone time for the interview.
“twenty minutes.”
aaron smirks. “that’s enough time!”
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hetr0ph0bic · 2 years
Okay so this is a half baked shuriri request but what about a multi part of them trying to woo a bossed up powerhouse y/n who’s supposed to be doing business with them (maybe PR for a new invention they’ve created)? Could be v spicy, esp if the y/n is bratty/dom herself
tag: shuriri x blk fem reader 
a/n: this is 3 parts yall! no smut in this one, but its sweet im super excited for this 😎😎😎. remember like in stuff if u enjoyed thank yall love yall!
your phone shakes with a green and red button on the screen
“hello” you answer in a drawn out voice.
“yes y/n i see you’re on madison ave, why?”
you roll your eyes at her energy filled tone, “well this is the way to the hotel is it not”
“y/n! i told you, you had to go network at the casino business party” she yells
“ im not fucking doing that” you say in a monotone voice.
“wait please” you can just imagine your assistant pleading eyes 
“no, look ive been working since 6am… im going to the hotel”
“please just 15 minutes in and out! plus, it could open many doors” damn, she does have a point but, no.
“no im not even dressed for that” you look down at your ripped dirty blue jeans
“you’re going to be fine, im turning the car around”
“it goes with your brand ‘young/ reckless/ genius’ plus the shirt and shoes you have on pulls it together, you're going to be fine!” hasani chirps through the phone
the car then comes to an abrupt stop. you look out the window, now seeing your front of some building. ‘casino parties llc’. stepping out of the black escalade and brown boy with a simple tux greets you with a smile. 
“miss y/n of ‘real tech’! right this way”.
 the boy ushers you through the casino. scattered loud conversations and music fill the spacious building. red and gold carpet flooring and walls all over, it seems like a business party. suits and dresses all over, old people talking about bullshit. with a sigh, you begin to join them, shuffling through bodies. time slowly passes as you network around the room. a fake smile plastered on your face, and light wine in your right hand. at last, all the pointless congratulations and empty promises stop. looking down at your phone, about ten minutes have passed, you turn to the backdoor about to leave. seeing something glisten in your peripheral view, you turn to the source.  
hand in hand, there they are. looking down on the floor from the balcony.
 the old friend. riri williams. the girl who helped push your creative mindset and motivation in college. on her arm is a known face, shuri udaku, black panther, and ruler of wakanda.
from above, shuri leans into riri’s side
“woah, that’s y/n from real tech” shuri smiles bright
“ yeah that’s y/n from my 12pm bioengineering class” riri kisses shuri’s cheek with a smile
“ huh… did she always look like that” 
“ nah that’s something new to me. don’t get me wrong, she was always good looking but-”
“she’s grew into herself” shuri finishes the sentence 
riri then leans over the railing, locking her eyes with yours. with her hand she waves lightly, grabbing shuri’s, they make their way down the stairs. the two sport similar blazer outfits. riri's has slacks and a vest, revealing more skin than the other. shuri has the same all-black outfit but with a heavy blazer coat. silver and gold jewelry paints their bodies, mixing beautifully. the couple complement each other so well, clothes and body's. as the two make their way towards you, bodies naturally part, making room for them. after a sometime, they reach you.
“hm funny seeing you here” riri crosses her arms in front of you.
“and why is what?”
“well it isn't mr. roger's stupid class now is it”
“haha thank GAWD it isnt, i hated him” you cover your mouth giggling from the joke 
“whaaa i think he for real had it out for us, but it’s good to see you” you both reach out closing the space between the two of you. riri looks to her side looking at shuri
“this is my wife shur-”
“yes, yes ms.udaku, panther pleasure to meet you” you reach your hand out shaking hers
“yes same here, how’s the party treating you?” shuri asks with a smile
“honestly? okay i guess i was only sticking around for 15 minutes then leaving”
“what why” the couple's face full of confusion 
“i’ve been up since 6am ri. and talking with old people who think you're disrespectful to their dumbass traditions isn’t really my fav pass time” you wave a waiter hand off your cup of wine to them.
“well, seems like we are not the only ones” shuri states looking down at riri.
“i had to drag her over here, literally” riri bumps her body against shuri. the other bashfully smiling.
“how about this we leave here and just get some food and drinks?” riri offers
“ yeah, but only if you are up for it” shuri gives a unsure look at you 
“nah its okay i know a diner close by”
you find yourself in the front side of the royal's car, directing shuri where to go
“yeah turn here on 47th- yeah right here”
‘carve unique sandwiches’ the old sign reads 
the three of you shuffle inside the small  shop. yall take to order food, a big pizza being the main corse. after paying, the three of you find seats close to the cashier. riri passes out paper plates on the wooden table.
“so what happened, after school. in life and appearance wise” she ask while stuffing a pizza in her mouth
“ yeah? apparently you didn’t use to look like this?” shuri chimes in.
“yeah bruh i don’t even know man. now started working for real on my engineering projects after graduation. now i did stop letting people walk over me which was a process and hell on its own. as for my body…. im still eating the same doing the same stuff, so that's truly a mystery.” you grab the pizza and ranch drizzling it on top, and taking a big bite.
“you look good” shuri comments
the compliment take you by surprise, making to choke. clearing your throat, you try to find your balance again 
“umm thanks thanks” you look down at the table, pizza, people walking outside. anywhere but them.
“yeah and we are in wakanda, but you’ve made a whole name for yourself with real tech”. riri says while sipping on a sprite.
“ speaking of that, would you like to work together on a project. i have a new idea for my soldiers and others”.
“what absolutely, how are we gonna make it work tho? when do yall head back to wakanda?”
“ well im free tomorrow i just gotta move stuff around, can we come to lab in the morning?”
“yeah i get up a 6am so be there by then” you pull out for phone putting in their numbers and calling your car. after a bit all the food is finished.
“so ill see yall in the morning?”
“ see you in the morning, y/n!”
you and the couple part, heading to their homes and beds. you quickly take a shower, anticipating the next morning. the couple does the same, the water turns on. steam filling up the walk in shower.
“ so you like her?” riri rubs the soapy rag against shuri’s back
“so do you” shuri shoots back defensively 
“ yeah do, stop being so defensive” riri smack her back lightly 
“anyone with eyes would want her” riri finishes the thought. shuri turns to face her again, looking into her eyes.
“ no matter what, shuri you have to keep your cool and take it slow”
“i know of course, but we are only here for two more days” shuri whines
the couple finishes up, bodies melting into the soft bed.
tags @karimwillia @shurismainbxtch @shuriszn @widowmakker @letitias-fav @rxcently @acommonwhor3 @garbagesleepschedule @nightlife-things @sweetalittleselfish-honey @louderfortheback @heartsforjojo 
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bunnyboowrites · 8 months
♡ (adj.) beautiful or creative; divinely inspired; peaceful and perfect.
Cat burglar Nami x BlackFem!Reader
So this is gonna be multiple parts and I'm very excited. I feel like I'm up to this task and I'd love the support so don't be scared to comment or reblog! There will be smut eventually :p Warnings: None Next
   Time and time again Nami would ask how she got herself into these situations. She was about to be late to set because she was too busy shopping again. Her heels clicked on the concrete as she hurriedly walked along the street towards the set. It was a miracle, but she made it with just enough time to get to hair and makeup. She sighed as a nameless assistant rushed to meet her 
    “Don’t call me that, Nami is fine” She rolled her eyes and handed the shopping bags she was holding to… what was his name again “What's your name?” she said with an uninterested look 
     “Oh um Oliver, Ollie” he looked down at the many bags now in his sweating palms. Some being from brands that cost more than his entire apartment. 
     “Ollie, if you drop a single thing on the way to my trailer you will be looking for a new job” She began her journey to get ready and shoot the scene of the day. She was cast to be the female lead in a romance movie about some bad boy billionaire meeting a waitress and saving her from her shitty life and shitty boyfriend. She would never go to movies like that but she understood why other people would.
Part of the appeal is that someone could just whisk you away and she couldn't lie and say she hadn't wished for it herself; when she worked for Arlong Park Entertainment. He said he was her manager but he was more like her jailer. Since then she began working with a new talent agency, she got this job thanks to Strawhat Management. It was run by a bunch of idiots but she still loved and respected all of them. Her thoughts came to an end when she heard the voice of her manager now 
         “Nami, this place is out of food.” Luffy groaned as Robin just sighed and tried to comfort him. 
         “Luffy I told you they don’t keep much food around after a certain time we have some more on the way to us right now. Please pace yourself a bit next time” Robin pushed her glasses up her nose and looked at the orange-haired girl “You have to go get ready, don’t worry I’ll take care of this' ' she said gesturing to their ‘starved’ boss. Nami just nodded, changing into her gown for the gala scene and sitting; scrolling through her Twitter waiting for hair and makeup.
Once the hair stylist arrived they styled her locks into an intricate updo and she put on the rest of the accessories to complete the look. There was a knock on the trailer door and with a rushed greeting entered a woman. She looked to be the same age as her, but what Nami was taken aback by was her beauty. Eyes sparkling behind her glasses, lips plump and glossed, she could be mistaken for another actress if it weren’t for the massive makeup kit she seemed to be carrying with her. Y/N quickly put her things down and began getting everything ready to finish Nami up and sent on her way. 
           “Hi, im Y/N i hope i can work with you for a long time.” The brown skinned woman held out her hand to Nami; she was stunned but was quick to recover and gave her hand a shake. “Well i'm Nami, im hope we do as well” She couldn't deny the attraction she felt towards the woman but Nami prided herself in not dating her coworkers and she would keep it that way. 
  But of course it wasn’t gonna be easy when she was so close to her face, the smell of honey and vanilla filling the ginger's senses. She was holding her breath like if she were to breathe she would mess up the whole look, and she was working on her eye shadow. Nami felt an awkward air settle over them and she couldn't stand the silence anymore. 
       “So Y/N, i havent had you do this before, are you new?” She inquired and Y/N gave a huff through her nose finding humor in her question. 
       “I’m not new, but you blew up on one of our other artists was breathing too loud for you” she murmured in a sarcastic tone “so i mean i'm new to you, not new to how everyone treats you like a spoiled little princess” Nami scoffed but then she bit her lip
        “Well they should’ve brushed their teeth after eating onions. No one wants to smell hot breath.” Nami just sighed, was she supposed to apologize? They were in her personal space with their hot breath.
        “You could’ve been more respectful about it” Y/N put the brush down and wiped her palms on her apron looking through her kit for the red lipstick that would match the gown perfectly. When she found the tube she let out a tiny noise of victory. She opened it up and slowly  leaned in to spread it on the other girl's plush lips. Nami watched and she took this time to actually admire Y/N’s beauty. Her skin was glowing and she had minimal make up on her face, Nami liked it anyway. 
          “Alright all done, see you on set!” The girl's words woke her from her daydream and she watched as she scurried out of the trailer. Nami decided she would read the script over again while she waited for Olive to come and get her- wait that wasn't right.. Shit Oliver. Rolling her eyes she went back to reading.
    They had been shooting this kissing scene for what felt like hours, her costar Traflager Law wasn’t a horrible kisser but she definitely felt his lips against hers more than enough today. He seemed over it as well, with the sigh he let out at hearing the director yell cut and start telling them that they weren’t selling it enough. She just looked down at her manicured nails, but she soon saw a pair of clean white sneakers enter her view. Y/N noticed that her lips had lost some of the red so she was there to get Nami back to her goddess-like beauty. 
       “Hey, you guys are doing great i don’t know why that guy has a stick up his ass” she gave a smile and continued “shouting in french like we don’t understand his vision” Nami let out a snicker and Law cut in 
      “Come on, we’re here to work not gossip” he crossed his arms over his chest and huffed “Let's get this over with so we can go eat” Y/N felt the embarrassment creep in but she kept up a straight face and whispered to Nami “Just think about someone else” and walked out of the shot. Law put his hand on her waist and Nami thought about the advice. When the director started the scene; Law was swaying them back and forth in a slow dance, she let her imagination wander. Smaller hands touching her waist, a curvier body against her, the sweet vanilla and honey scent, and when he finally leaned in to press their lips together she thought about kissing softer fuller lips belonging to a certain curly haired MUA. When they pulled apart she couldn’t help but feel a sense of disappointment when she saw the dark haired man instead. Dazed she couldn’t even bask in the praise they were getting.
       “Wow Nami, it was perfect you looked more passionate!” Sanji said with a love struck smile “You made it so believable” he clasped his hands together and leaned forward in his chair “i think we are all ready to get going so tomorrow bring your a game cause we have another long day of filming ahead of us. Get some sleep!”
   Nami sighed with relief; she was finally able to get back to her trialer and relax. The gown was getting uncomfortable and she felt as if the makeup was sweating away. Oliver followed behind her yapping about the schedule for tomorrow. She was blocking him out of course, she was trying to figure out why she was so infatuated with Y/N. She dated plenty of Men and Woman alike but never did she get the feeling she had now and it was only in her imagination. 
  Y/N was relaxed the minute she stepped foot into her shared apartment. Her Friend Bon Clay in the kitchen make what looked to be their dinner. “Bonnie babe, whatcha making?” she said walking over to the island to watch them as they worked. 
      “Well I'm making some lobster tails and some pasta” they answered with a smile “It's to celebrate your job and how you’ve basically made it” They did an excited turn and she couldn’t help but laugh.        
“Bon, you didn’t have to do anything. But thank you” She hugged them and stretched “I'm gonna go get in the shower and change before we eat” She walked down the hall into her room and was quick to grab the essentials for her shower. Her phone vibrated in her pocket; an unknown number ‘Will be my personal make-up artist?’ she frowned ‘Who is this?’ she replied and she felt a smile ‘Princess Nami ofc :p’ she sat her phone down on her bed and played her shower playlist.
It was a big decision and she didn't want to be too hasty when she finally stepped under the spray of the shower. Running her hand down her face she sighed and came to a decision. She stepped out of the steaming bathroom; towel wrapped tightly around her. She reached for her phone and typed out a response ‘We have to be friends first, can’t work for someone I don’t like lol’ She felt her heart beating faster as she watched the bubble load… ‘Well ofc princess, we wouldn’t want to be disagreeing all the time. Meet me at this address this weekend’ she chuckled and moved to finish her nightly routine.
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eunkitarot · 6 months
btw can you do eunchae's current energy reading and any solo gigs for her like magazine shoot, mc for award show , variety show, brand ambassador etc
Hi sure 💗
Current energy:
Knight of wands: little sis is busy. She is constantly moving. She is making strides towards her goals. She is doing things in a courageous approach. Eunchae is feeling enthusiastic about what she is doing currently. Seems like maybe cb preparation and she is feeling pumped up
3 of cups Reversed: I think in terms of her social life she is detached. I am getting a sense of loneliness here. She is feeling the lack of friends perhaps due to her busy schedules and idol life. She also feels lack of support from people around her. I think they do reach out to her, but somehow they are not doing it in a way that she feels supported. She dont feel the support even if people around her gave theirs. They are not doing it right. Its not reaching her is what i am hearing.
Four of Pentacles reversed: right now, eunchae is facing some difficulties of letting go. Of something that does not serve her any purpose. I think she is holding on to the point that it could affect her. So she needs to loosen her grip and be more open to sharing, whether its her time or her space. She is pretty closed off right now that explains why the support of others couldn't reach her. Eunchae is blocking it her herself bcs she is busy holding on this 'thing'.
Queen of wands: however she is feeling very determined, energetic and she is having this strong charisma with her right now. She is forming that charisma of a queen sitting proudly on her throne, holding onto a wand. So very bold . I think her being closed of and holding to that issue is making her more determined to comeback stronger. She is a phase where her passion and dynamic will start to influence the people around her.This magnetic energy can open up pathways for success and new possibilities, making it a promising time for personal and professional endeavors.
The Empress reversed:however she may feel like there is a lack of growth and creativity. This cause her to lack self-nurturing. She might start thinking that she is not good enough or all those negative thoughts like self-hate. This is suggesting that self-care or a new approach may be necessary for her. Because she is in her head thinking that this is a period of stagnation, it manifested into something real. In fact it was not the case in the first place. It could cause her to find difficulty in expressing creativity and worsen the lack of self-nourishment. The reversed Empress prompts Eunchae to refocus on her personal growth, to explore new creative outlets, and to ensure that she is prioritizing self-care as a means of overcoming these challenges.
Overall energy/eight of wands: she is making MASSIVE progress. On all aspects of her life but mostly her career. This tarot card represents a phase of your life marked by accelerated motion and bustling energy. It’s a time when plans and ideas are set into motion, and results come quicker than anticipated, propelling you forward in your journey. So she can expect rapid developments in whatever effort she put in. This dynamic energy can lead to exciting opportunities and the swift resolution of pending issues, so it’s a time for Eunchae to stay alert and adaptable.
Conclusion: her current energy is a mix of both but overall very positive. Its normal for a person to be in their head as long as they move on, let go and contihue to push through. Even now as I am writing, this i can feel a surge of excitement of happiness and curiousity as to what the future is gg to offer.
For future / solo gigs im gg to pull some oracle instead of tarot just as a bonus. So here are the cards:
Success in tranformation: yes but I think Eunchae seems to be more focused in her transformation and wanting to hone her expertise and skills. She dont really care about brand ambassador or any solo activities of that kind. (Which is crazy to me cause she is my ult and I want her to get opportunities too.) But to her its not as important as being able to progress and become better at certain aspects.( for eg: her dance skills) She care about her dance more, so if her management dont give her product endorsement or any face of luxury brands she really couldnt care less.
External Validation: people around her will start to realise how good she is when it comes to her eloquency. Its the way she speaks , her word choices will make peak people's interest. And people in the industry will probably approach her regarding this and offer her opportunities that allows her to display this skill. A lot of praises is about to come her way. She will feel very validated by people around her.
Bravely market your magic: eunchae will be attracting a lot of opportunities just by being herself. She will be able to pull ppl , business owners in because of her personality. Its like she has the pull,the aura that matches certain brands. And they will want her. In fact , the agency does not need to find for her endorsements. Its going to come knocking at their door. It is THE HONG EUNCHAE that is enough to want her as the face of your brand.
The spark of hustle: Eunchae has been working so hard behind close doors and because she is the maknae of the team people tend to oversee her talents and abilities. This is the point in life where her hardwork will pay off. Its gg to blow up. All aspects of her will be seen. And people will realise how good she is. Spark of the hustle also means that her opportunities will blow up because of her hard work being recognised. Like i said all sorts of opportunities will be laid out to her like a silver platter. Its like a domino effect of good things coming her way because of Eunchae's patience to continue grinding.
You Are the light: i think this aspect is where her postiveness as a person is going to be the very reason she is appreciated. Her being the light everywhere she goes brings her to places she needed to be and places where she deserves to be. She is just that person. And that energy of positiveness is going to pull people in. Its gg to reel opportunities in. What she wants is going to be what she gets.
I hope u like my reading this is a looooong one but yeah overall its very positive💗
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funshinebf · 6 months
vash 2 me would love wearing makeup and dresses occasionally. but usually like. like he loves doing makeovers with friends as a girls night kinda thang. he loves letting a group of children attempt to braid his hair and paint his nails. its like a social thing for him. he would love doing drag performances. but i dont think he would really care for it just like, for himself. like i cant really see him putting on makeup by himself in the morning. like i said its more of a social thing, he uses it to bond with others, ie makeovers and such. he only learns how to do decent makeup so he can participate in these social events. grah imagining younger vash seeing a group of young women talking about makeup together and he very shyly asks if they could maybe help him learn? and they all get SO excited, invite him to one of their houses and they all sit in a circle showing him the basics and giving him advice and letting him practice on them for the night. and hes SO happy, cause not only did he get to befriend these nice strangers, but also now he has this knowledge that he can use in the future to befriend MORE people. grahh i just think about vash being invited to girls nights so so much he's an honorary girl. esp for meryl and milly. m&m and vash having a girls night one day, hanging out in m&m's hotel room with face masks and snacks and painting eachother's nails. wolfwood knocking on the door looking for vash and seeing them all like this. he makes fun of them a little but u can tell his heart isnt in it and hes actually a little hurt that he didnt get invited. milly excitedly asks mr priest, would you like to join us? youre always welcome to! and he thinks he should decline and go find something else to do for the night but all three of them are looking at him hopefully with their big puppy eyes so he sighs and goes alright alright. lemme in here. meryl paints his nails black with little fancy white crosses on his middle fingers and he ends up liking it so much he keeps borrowing her black nail polish all the time, until one day she gives him a brand new bottle and tells him to keep it, for whenever theyre not traveling together. vash and milly do his makeup and at first he's kinda huffy and tells them not to make him look like a clown, expecting them to go nuts with it. but then when theyre done he sees himself in the mirror with just some lip gloss, mascara and eyeliner and hes like wait a minute. this is actually pretty good... basically m&m plus vash introducing ww to the wonderful world of being low-effort gnc and changing his life. although i do think when he was a kiddo he totally let the girls at hopeland give him makeovers, but he acted all huffy about it cause he thought he was supposed to. but really he just loved how happy it made them so he never put up TOO much of a fight when they would ask. n when m&m plus vash invite him into their girls night it reminds him so much of his sisters at hopeland doing the same to him and it makes him kinda nostalgic and fond. and hes happy that even though he cant see his old family and he misses them like crazy, hes thankful that hes got a new little family with him right here. ok this got away from me big time but its okay you all already know im insane and love to ramble. okay
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