#she is essentially rearranged human.
griffworks · 2 years
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Mfw i make my s/i so wierd and off putting 😏
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five-rivers · 3 months
Prompt: Danny’s birth was an accident.
A lab accident, to be precise.
The problem with researching something as esoteric as ghosts was that you had to source all your own materials. If you wanted to know how high ectoplasm concentrations affected human cells, you either had to buy from ethically dubious medical supply companies or use your own.
Maddie used her own. Or Jack's. They worked together, and he was fine with it, so it was essentially the same thing, ethically, if not biologically.
Either way, they kept a whole variety of tissue samples, sourced from themselves. Cheek swabs, bone marrow samples, skin, hair, a tooth Jack had to get pulled, blood, serum and whole, a couple biopsies from different organs, spinal fluid, sperm, a collection of egg cells.
If they were going to market their inventions as family friendly and safe, they needed to know it wasn't going to render anyone sterile. They had Jazz already, and one child was quite enough, but other people might want more. Or assurances it wasn't going to mutate their children, before or after birth. Although in Maddie's opinion, that was quite ridiculous. Ectoradiation was quite different from electromagnetic radiation, or alpha radiation, or other traditional types.
So, that was what Maddie was researching now. Eggs and sperm. She wasn't about to do anything fertilized, of course. Too many ethical problems. But she would put a different concentration of ectoplasm in each test tube for one set, then duplicate those concentrations for the second set, then set up some eggs in one set of vessels, and a sample of sperm in the other, then run them for the same amount of time. Fourteen with eggs, fourteen with sperm. A bit of an odd number, but that's what happened in independent labs. Test tubes broke, and then if you wanted to control your experiments, and keep everything the same, you had to do things in odd numbers. Or buy new test tubes. But the more time you spent shopping, the less time you spent experimenting.
She started with the eggs. One by one, putting them into the the test tubes. One... two... three... four... bottom of the column... five... six... seven... eight... bottom of the column... nine... ten... eleven... twel--
"Maddie! I'm taking Jazz out to see you know who for you know what!"
"Dad!" said Jazz, her two-year-old voice squeaky with outrage. "I know we're going to the doctor!"
"Oh, right!" she called back. "That was today, thanks you for remembering, hun!" Usually, she was the one of them to remember important dates, but Jack was really on top of things for Jazz. It was nice.
"No problem, Mads! Good luck with the mutation experiment!"
"Thanks!" She turned back to the rack of test tubes. Now, where was she? She'd just finished that row... She had sorted them by row, hadn't she? Of course she had. So, she should start with the sperm. Right
She picked up the pipette and started from the top of the column. One.. two... three... four... She kept going, until she hit fourteen, and still had two test tubes left.
Well. That wasn't good. She must have-- Had she overlapped? Or had she just not finished filling the egg test tubes? If the latter, she could just put the last two eggs in the last two test tubes. And label them a little more carefully. She rearranged her worktable and peered into the container she'd carried the thawed eggs over in.
One. One unopened egg.
Hands shaking slightly, Maddie counted back to the thirteenth test tube. The one with the second-highest concentration of ectoplasm. The one that she had almost certainly put both an egg cell and sperm into. She pulled it out of the rack and set it in an empty one, then sat and stared.
This was a serious mistake.
Oh, she knew she could just dump it out in the sink or in the biological waste box, or any number of other things. Even moving at their fastest, sperm took a while to get into an egg. It might not have gotten there yet. And even if it had... Few people would consider a single cell a human being. But... Maddie had been raised Irish Catholic. She couldn't...
She sighed. Before she got carried away, she needed to check to see if it had even... taken, she supposed she should call it. If there was any life there. The ectoplasm could very well have acted as an inhibitor.
She licked her lips and reached for a microscope. First, find out what had happened, then talk to Jack, and then... then they would decide what to do. Together.
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bestworstcase · 5 months
are you willing to share the details on tdt! zhan tiri
behold my incomprehensible diagram!
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um. after v9 i lost all sense of restraint, on the grounds that the blacksmith is an aspect of the tree and therefore the tree reasonably might have other aspects, and then there were four, and then there were twelve. lmao. (the artisan is the blacksmith—she’s depicted as a wood carver and lewis called her ‘the lively carpenter,’ so i figured she’d give herself a more nonspecific name.)
because i am also shaking heraclitus between my teeth like a terrier with a rat, Only One ever exists at a time; the tree is always becoming itself and its aspects shift and flow and transform into each other. in various directions and by varied means. ANYWAY,
those quartets (was/is/will-be) are not temporal categories but rather (copying straight from my lore notes here):
Presiding over forethought and remembrance, the Was concerns itself with what may be known: prophesy before, and memory after, for Time is the circle which remembers itself. It would be a mistake to say that the Is presides over, because the Is does not rule; but it might preside at the choosings, the turnings, the changings, and so the Is circumnavigates the Soul. Some things do not change—some things can never be changed—and over what is unchanging and unchangeable, the Will-Be presides: over strife, over hunger, over graspings, over flux.
was is about the flow of time and knowledge, is concerns action and choice, and will-be are manifestations of inevitability—things that Always Are. if you are uh. familiar with bitter snow zhan tiri i’m sure you can guess where she Goes…
The Reaper, called the Sitient Thorn and the Black Vulture and the Flower-Maker and the Goat-With-One-Thousand-Teeth and the Lady-of-Wilds and the King-of-Beasts—for she has been known by many names in many places—appears however she pleases, and it pleases her to change. Her fur and feathers are oil-dark; she crowns herself with the coal-black horns of a ram; her eyes glitter green; she reeks of vegetable rot and brine. Her true name, if she has one, might be the Wrathful Sky. All things want. Her season is Spring.
she is—as in bitter snow lmao—a little unusual in that she’s not a quote-unquote true aspect of the tree but rather something hungry that came from somewhere else, from the dark country which is nowhere. it is ESSENTIAL FOR HER CHARACTER that she’s a strangler fig. always. so she is kind of a quasi-parasitic trespasser into this Situation but also, in the same way that real stranglers protect their living host trees from being uprooted by storms, not an adversarial one necessarily.
what that means in practical terms is the reaper is the exception to a lot of the, for lack of a better word, “rules” that define the tree’s nature. in her aspect as an aspect of the tree, she takes on its nature; when she isn’t manifest within the tree, though, she exists outside and independent of it. so she can, for example, go for walkies in the backyard
by which i mean remnant. lmao
on remnant, the reaper is the god of animals. she didn’t make the fauni but once they came to be she decided she liked them Best and has favored them ever since. many, but not all, fauni receive her blessing, which (like that of the brothers) confers a magical gift, specifically a form of shapeshifting.
NOT like what the branwens can do—more in the vein of ‘cultivating’ the animal-like traits you already have as a faunus, so if (for example) you were born with shark teeth you might learn to rearrange your respiratory anatomy and grow gills, or give yourself sharklike skin. this can be done in a way that is permanent (this is called ‘ripening’) or not (‘borrowing’). most fauni who learn mix and match a bit (and there are different formal ‘paths’ that combine techniques in different proportions and intensities).
the gift itself is called khime and the practice is khimancy; humans often misunderstand khimancy as sort of a fauni tradition combining auralerie and konurgy (dust-magic) into a single art, but that is. um. Wrong.
(it is possible for master khimancers to fully turn themselves into an animal, but it takes a lot of dedication and many years of training to get there. the ones who get there are called turnskins and they’re rare, like on the level of silver-eyes rare.)
anyway the Reason not every fauni in the world receives khime is she only gives it to the ones who ask. asking is Really Simple—just a small ritual to get her attention, though the specifics vary a lot between different sects—and in many fauni cultures it’s seen as a rite of passage marking the end of one’s childhood. but because it’s a religious practice specific to khimerism, obviously not everyone Does It.
conversely, it isn’t Just For Fauni in the sense that a human could petition the reaper for her gift if they so chose, and she might say yes. for all intents and purposes this is Converting To Khimerism and under khimeric law makes you a faunus—although it won’t cause a physical alteration right away, there is a process for revealing your true form.
this is PRETTY RARE but not unheard of. there’s a handful of fauni folk heroes who are said to have been born human and either left in the wilderness as infants and being saved by fauni parents or outcast from human society and turning to the god of animals for solace; mythically speaking, the idea is that, just as the god of animals offered their gift to some humans who refused, perhaps there might be a very few humans whom they missed, or who weren’t born at the right time, and such people will find their own path to where they truly belong.
(IN CASE IT ISN’T OBVIOUS i’ve chosen to veer off the ‘racism allegory’ angle by leaning into the religious aspect of fauni identity; the narrative in ‘the shallow sea’ is essentially “we are our god’s chosen people and through this covenant we were changed” so—in the context of TDT where the god of animals and their shape-changing magic is real—if one chooses to convert and accept that covenant one can become a faunus. the reverse however isn’t true: one can leave the religion and relinquish the gift, but that doesn’t get rid of the fauni traits. nothing is erased, nothing forgotten.)
salem knows about her. (her opinion is chiefly “stop. trying. to eat. my. grimm.” they have tea sometimes it’s complicated.) ozpin thinks the god of animals is a myth, if a curiously persistent one. and the reaper is also like… at least half of remnant’s cryptids because when she’s out for walkies in the backyard most of the time she does it as a horrible mishmash Creature. when fauni characters say the Lady or the King they’re talking about her. she is both the Lady and the King because she doesn’t know what a gender is (and at this point she’s too afraid to ask) and she picks her pronouns on the basis of “i’ll have what my friend is having :)”
the god of light. HATES HER. she crawled in through the jabberwalker (no relation to the walker) (theophoric name) and latched onto the tree before the brothers could Get Rid of her and then made herself part of the tree Somehow!!! (you are what you eat) so now she just exists outside of his power.
(the brothers were both actually far more powerful than the tree when they left the ever after, because the tree is a passive force, it cannot act outside of itself, but the brothers had no power over the tree. so the reaper can’t overrule the god of light on his ultimatum—although she’d like to—but he can’t do anything to stop her from going for walkies. he just seethes impotently.)
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romirola · 2 years
Headcanons for the Shaw Pack’s Favorite Modes of Relaxation
David: He likes to take a long, hot shower. Having the ability to linger underneath the water for as long as he wants makes David feel alive and refreshed. Although he doesn’t have many products beyond the essentials, he takes the time to indulge himself in relishing each subtle scent. It’s a ritual where David washes away the stress that’s built up so that he can start fresh. 
Angel: They sprawl out on the floor (maybe with a few pillows, maybe not) while listening to music that suits their current mood. They take up all the space they can. They stretch out and crack all their joints. Angel lets the entire world melt away and becomes completely lost in the music. 
Asher: He goes on a leisurely hike. Asher takes every possible moment to smell every flower, look at every cool boulder, listen to every crackling leaf or singing bird. In short, he purposefully doesn’t hurry. Being in nature soothes him. Consciously deciding to meander, slowly and thoughtfully, allows Asher the periodic pause he needs to sustain his high-energy lifestyle. 
Babe: They break out their coloring book and colored pencils. Babe will work on one image until it’s complete. They don’t get caught up with what colors the objects in the picture “should be” and instead, take the liberty of letting their imagination guide them. They have full creative control over what they create. Babe loves to see the image come to life, full of color and style. 
Milo: He gets wrapped up with a crossword puzzle. Milo is a crossword whiz! He loves to sit back in a comfy chair (preferably Aggro on his lap), unwind, and figure out each and every clue. Milo loves to see the tangible progress he makes as he works through the clues, plus he gets the chance to indulge (and, when Sweetheart is also home, to show off) his logophilia. 
Sweetheart: They practice yoga. Sweetheart adores how a yoga practice gets at every muscle and joint in their body. Some days, it feels like the only time they can be gentle with themselves is when they are on their mat. A consistent practice helps them feel stronger and helps them be more deliberate in everything they do. 
Darling: They binge hours and hours of a franchise (film, TV, books, whatever) that they have not yet had the chance to view. This way, Darling can fully devote themselves to the ins and outs of the story without distraction. Darling loves to see all the narrative pieces come together without having to wait for the next part to be released. 
Sam: He sleeps during the night, just like he used to do when he was human. Even though he doesn’t need sleep like he did when he was human, every now and again, Sam craves the nostalgia and normality of crawling into bed and burrowing under the sheets before turning off the light and losing himself to the darkness. 
Gabe: He rearranges… anything. Everything. Whatever he can get his hands on. Gabe declutters a closet, organizes the inside of the refrigerator, or even straightens out the papers on his desk. Alpha duties often consume Gabe’s time, so when he gets the rare chance to spend some time on himself, it makes him feel good to use that time to make the house nicer for David and himself. 
Marie: She gets a professional massage at a nearby spa. It’s a rare treat, but Marie works hard. She deserves to rest easy. The whole experience simply delights her. Checking in and changing into the robe, choosing the type of massage she’ll get, smelling the oil, and feeling that tension get rubbed, squeezed, and coaxed away. 
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heroes-in-green · 1 month
3, 5, 7, & 28 :)
Whew, this took tooooo long to write. Here we go!!
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3: What Is the Lair Like? The Lair is below a quieter part of the city, built around rotting sewers from centuries ago. It has 2 Entry Ways and 3 Escape Exits, all leading horizontal from the surface, tucked behind an alleyway. Minimal natural lighting but very, very warm and damp (good for cold-blooded turtles!); candles & lanterns make good lighting when the electricity fuzzes out, but be cautious of flammables.
2 Bathrooms at different ends of the Lair. Sewage areas in the living space are covered up by boards and carpets.
1.5 Bedrooms. Sometimes the turtles will rearrange whose bed goes where & end up sleeping over in each other’s spaces; Dontallo claims a loft for extra work space, but Leo is free to stay. Raph and Leo always take the darkest corners of the bedroom. Mikey will literally sleep wherever, whenever, bedroom or not. Splinter has his own room but it’s honestly more like a closet with sheets on the floor (he claims he doesn’t need a lot of space).
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5: What Is the Origin of the Mutagen? Mutagen is essentially just real-world radioactive pollution gone viciously potent. It’s commonly in thick liquid form, glowing green and slow-moving, but can be found as gases and solids. After heavy periods of fuel harvest by The Foot, Mutagen is present in fog and/or rain. A large majority of scholars and theists alike in NYC (those who have access to much older texts, at least) believe there was some influence in the Mutagen by Utroms (see below).
7: Are There Aliens? TL;DR, not tangibly! By 5584, science, fiction, and religion has mixed beyond distinction. Scholars and theists alike have pieced together a sort of nature religion with cosmic entities. The most commonly known deities are the Utroms and Kra(a)ng.
The most universally accepted pantheon includes the Utrom-Krang, Triceratons/ Styracodons, Rock/Stone Soldiers, and the Inuwashi Gunjin. Some subscribers have attempted to connect the deities to the four elements and/or four temperaments despite several factors in every deity’s mythos overlapping in elements; they are not seperate from nature and instead are of nature, all possessing both positive and negative characteristics.
The Foot (or leading Ōshiro family, at least) are heavily invested in and lead by in the Utrom-Krang mythos. Closest thing I can relate them to is Zhar & Lloigor of the Cthulu Mythos. If Krang are a devastating storm, then Utroms are the agricultural growth in its aftermath.
28: Is There a Mona Lisa? Y’know what? Why not. She’s not a huge part of the overarching story but probably appears in a side mission or two. Mona Lisa is a (formerly-)human physicist working for the Filch, a powerful group of nomadic pirates who have mostly settled on the waters. Her seaside village was destroyed and Mona was tasked to develop Filch’s submarines while also working with the crew’s cartographers. Over 2+ years, she was affected by animal Mutagen and grew painful scales around her body. Mona Lisa appears more human than animal, however.
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phoenixiancrystallist · 11 months
I couldn't help but agree so much on your tags on my gifset of Frey not immediately forgiving Cinta. It adds so much to her as a person. For years she created this image of her mother being a cruel woman, for bloody 21 years. It's not something you can toss away in a blink of an eye.
And like, we see her struggle with that so much after that revelation from tanta Prav. She can't or doesn't want to face that image, because the hurt she thought could only get worse (like opening up old wounds?).
But when faced with Cinta you see a tiny bit of that resentment, but also that yearning of trying to get to know her. A sense of relieve and yet doubt (when she is about to take Cinta's hand. Oooof. The feels).
It's such a deep things of feels and I am bloody feeling the feels. There is such a thick layer of depth right there and *sobs*.
The entire thing is handled so well, imo. She had all that time after Prav to wrap her head around who her mom is, and wrestle with all of those horrible feelings and put them into a perspective she never had context for before then. I distinctly remember sobbing "she did it to save you!" so many times while Frey was questioning why Cinta—who personifies love—abandoned her, tears streaming down my face because I'm a huge crybaby, lol.
But for Frey, it's gotta be so, so hard to come to that conclusion when all she's known her whole life is that she wasn't wanted. All those years of anger and grief, all the resentment building up anew now that she has a name and a face to aim it at instead of a nebulous hypothetical figure. It's no wonder she reacts the way she does! I'd blow up, too!
And later, when she learned how deeply, desperately she was wanted, and how much it tore Cinta apart to send her away after essentially no time with her, only to watch Athia's doom follow her through the Torana. You can clearly see Frey just sitting there and processing all this new information, rearranging the worldview she'd carried with her for as long as she can remember. And you can see the moments of panic, where she's completely overwhelmed by everything she's learning about herself, about Cinta, about her dad. She's bombarded with emotional revelation after emotional revelation in rapid succession with no time to reconcile them with everything she'd believed for her whole life.
There's so much emotional depth in this game and it's all handled in a way that I can wholeheartedly believe. It's messy, it's irrational, it's so profoundly human and it's so, so beautifully told. Frey has every reason to feel the way she does and she reacts in a way that an actual human person would. She's allowed to feel and express her emotions through the entire story and there's not a single moment I can recall where her humanity is pushed aside for the sake of the narrative. Frey and her story are handled so, so well and my only complaint is we probably won't get a sequel.
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what-gs-watching · 10 months
"I WILL get you home."
Let’s be real. No one cares what I’m up to right now (it’s nothing, I’m up to nothing) because the second Doctor Who special came out the other day.
Wherein 14 and Donna end up in an abandoned spaceship at the edge of a wormhole and they meet their own evil not-selves. 
This one was so ridiculous, I absolutely love it. It’s so Doctor Who to drop them somewhere and just make them run through insanely long corridors the entire time. It’s one of my favorite motifs. 10 was always running and licking things and obviously 14 had to, too. 
Before the spaceship nonsense though we get the silliest opener, the Doctor and Donna ending up in a tree in 1666 where they come across Sir Isaac Newton - who didn’t know he was a Sir of course and 14 just said “spoilers!” and I lost my shit a little bit. River effing Song, for liiiife.
But the joke Donna intended on making, the Doctor trying to stop her, I’m dead. The two of them delivering the punchline together. It was all about the banter in this episode. The banter, and sheer terror, of course. But I am 97% here for the banter. I guess I’ll take a little bit of a scare, whatever. 
Anyway, they end up crashing in this spaceship and Donna’s all worked up and it’s gotta be the most posted scene: 14 grabbing her hand, holding it to his chest, kissing her knuckles, promising he’d get her home safe.
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Here’s the thing, friends - 10 never got to be affectionate, ever. He couldn’t tell Rose he loved her before he was cut off from her. And even when she got to keep his human clone, we didn’t get to hear it then. He was all fury and intelligence and closed off to protect everyone and I’m so excited 14 gets to be more…human. The Doctor has been through a LOT since he last saw Donna and he knows she deserves to know how much he cares about her and it’s just pouring out of him and I’m so fucking smitten. It’s beautiful. He’s beautiful. 
Anyway, to try and fix the situation he sticks the sonic screwdriver into the keyhole of the TARDIS, encouraging it to rebuild itself while they investigate their surroundings. Which leads them to the long ridiculous hallway. Wherein some of my favorite banter comes in: Donna thinks that Isaac Newton was hot, and 14 agrees, “He was, wasn't he? He was so hot. Oh! Is that who I am now?” Donna’s response of “well it was never that far from the surface…” was perfect, and if you’re not squealing at this point, what’s going on with you? That’s a serious question. Can 14 be my favorite if he only gets three episodes? Is that wrong?
Just kidding though! Banter interrupted. They hear the TARDIS powering up and when they pop back into the hold they crashed in, she disappears. The Doctor thinks that she’s detected an imminent threat, and will return when it’s passed. 
Not great news. But Donna fucking Noble says “There's something on this ship that's so bad the TARDIS ran away? Then we... go... and kick its arse!” because she’s a BAMF and it’s best we don’t forget that. 
Back out in the hallway they get back to bickering and it’s all nice and easy but then they hear the ship say something and the hallway rearranges themselves which is disconcerting. They’d seen something in the hallway at a distance, so the Doctor figures out there’s a transport vehicle hidden in the floor and they hop in. They reach the thing and it’s a ridiculously old robot that moves one step, barely, and they’re perplexed by that but they hop back into the vehicle and I love Donna mocking 14’s love of “allons-y!” and they’re just cute and amazing and my favorite.
They find what I’m assuming is the control room and the Doctor sets to figuring out what’s going on. No life signs on the ship, but an airlock door was opened and then closed three years ago. They send out a drone they find, and slowly 14 realizes where they are: essentially the edge of the universe. Further out than the Doctor has ever been. And he’s so fascinated by it. And then they hear the ship announce another word, and it rearranges itself again and they wander to try and find more information. 
In some room with a bunch of shelving, 14 pulls out a drawer with a bunch of circuit things that look like they’re covered in honey. When Donna asks if they’re dangerous, he LICKS one and then fakes like he was poisoned, like, baby boy probably not the best time, but again! The banter, the playfulness! It’s giving everyone life. 
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He tells her to move up a bunch of the circuit things into the tray above and then he leaves her to go investigate another room with a bunch of water tubes? Sure. They should be able to hear each other while he adjusts water levels. Next thing we see is 14 rejoining Donna, and they’re chatting as usual, she wondering how long her family will wait for her in that alleyway, after seeing the TARDIS disappear in distress. 
Then we see Donna entering the room the Doctor is in, saying she finished moving the circuits but it doesn't’ feel right, and then they’re cutting back and forth between Donna talking to the Doctor in one room and the Doctor talking to Donna in another. Boop, y’all in danger. 
Like this should be disconcerting but my favorite part of the entire sequence is the Doctor that Donna is with says “my arms are too long” and she just brushes it off like, ‘yeah you’re gangly AF’ and then the Donna that the Doctor is with says “my arms are too long” and he reacts like ‘humans are super weird, I get it’ like neither one are at all put off by the non-sequitur. They’re such best friends. 
But then the Donna the Doctor is with DOES have an arm that’s too long and panic sets in and then there are 2 Doctors and 2 Donna’s and isn’t that fun?! The duplicates tell them that they came from the nothingness, they’re “not-things” and then they start GROWING so of course it’s time to run. 
I’m sorry, but watching the two of them be pursued by weird stretched out versions of themselves is actually kind of hilarious. Creepy as hell, but also extremely entertaining. As they run they figure out that the not-things are making copies of them, their bodies and their minds, they have their memories, and that’s not gonna be great y’all, how are they gonna tell each other apart?!
Eventually the copies get so big they get wedged in the hallway and the Doctor spots a ladder so he starts to climb it along with Donna, but then the hallway rearranges itself again and they get separated, dumped into different corridors. 14 yells at her to stay put but she doesn’t, she starts moving and he starts moving and eventually they both find doors, and on the other side of both of those doors is the Doctor, and Donna. 
We don’t know who is who, either, and that’s really the stakes of the whole thing. How do the real Doctor and Donna know it’s each other, and not a copy? Y’all want a perfect excuse to yell at the tv? Because this is yell-at-the-tv territory. Just me curled up in a blanket shouting, “I don’t think that’s him, baby girl! That’s not ya boy!”
And so they try to figure out a way to tell who is actually who, and it’s bumbling and they’re trying to reason it out and it just doesn’t go well. The Doctor that’s with Donna says he’ll take off his tie because maybe the duplicates don’t understand matter like that. The Donna that’s with the Doctor asks him where she was born and launches into some crazy story and they’re just muddling through it. 
At this point I’m like, ‘well it’s got to be that each of them are with a duplicate because if the duplicates came upon each other then they’d just like, keep moving? Because they know they’re duplicates’ but it’s fine, whatever. Here’s where it gets sad - The Donna the Doctor is with starts to tell him that when she was The DoctorDonna she saw all the things he went through in those fifteen years, and she mentions The Flux.
I have a lot of problems with The Flux, I can’t lie. But let’s ignore it, because I guess it’s canon now, maybe? And the Doctor is devastated by the mention of it and that tips him over the edge, he just wants someone to understand the utter shitstorm he went through and so he thinks it’s Donna, he says, “all those years, I missed you”  but JK IT’S NOT. He falls for it. But the duplicate sinks into the floor because they’re bad at being solid and she’s so intrigued by what he is because he’s basically controlled the universe and I can imagine that’s super attractive to a not-thing made of nothingness.
Meanwhile Donna figures out the Doctor she’s with is a duplicate, because he doesn’t maintain the tie on the floor that he took off, and then everyone is running again and the ship rearranges itself and all 4 of them  end up back in the control room, still trying to suss out who is who. 
The Doctor is talking fast and the duplicate is trying to do the same and one of the Donna’s says they’re stupid and they both reiterate it’s true but then the Doctor says that Donna thinks she’s stupid but she also thinks she’s brilliant because humans can believe different things at the same time. So they look at each other, realizing they’re both the right ones and Donna says “brain box!” and 14 yells “earth girl!” and they hug. So much hugging in this episode.
The point is though, the duplicates are copying them because they’re thinking and their adrenaline level is up so the real two of them try to calm down and not think but we all know the Doctor,  he has to run a mile a minute always and forever and he can’t give up on the puzzle they’re in: who opened the airlock? Why is the ship rearranging itself? What’s the random clanging they keep hearing? 
He realizes the duplicates don’t know the answer either. But they know the TARDIS will come back for the Doctor and Donna and they want to escape and apparently cause a bunch of wars throughout the universe? Because of course. Perfect sense. Why wouldn’t not-being be blood thirsty? Then the skylight opens in the control room and they see a body tethered to the ship, floating in the nothingness, the captain. 
The Doctor realized the captain did something to trap them in system and he has to work out why, which is not great because that’s what the duplicates want but the Doctor’s gonna doctor. They figures it out: the airlock opening was the captain going out, killing herself. She realized what the duplicates were doing and came up with a plan and then died so they couldn’t unravel it. The ship’s in a holding pattern because she pulled out an old robot they couldn’t copy and set it to basically destruct, slowly. The robot is walking toward a button, and the ship is rearranging slowly, marking out a countdown. 
The duplicates know they need to stop the robot, and the Doctor knows they need to speed up the countdown. So everyone’s running again. And there is a hilarious fight  between the Donna’s, and the Doctor is pursuing his duplicate and it’s a perfect chase sequence and everything is going nuts but the Doctor knows the TARDIS will come back when the danger is passed and then they hear “ONE” and there she is, to save the day. 
The right Doctor gets in and he does a hilarious little thing where we props the door open and propels her like a skateboard to where the Donna’s are fighting and he has to choose who is who. He picks the wrong one. And Donna is screaming and screaming begging not to be left behind and the duplicate is approaching the Doctor like she’s going to eat him and then he says “your arms are too long” and expels her and grabs actual Donna, and they hug and huddle against each other at the foot of the console and it was all very HARROWING. 
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Eventually, he asks her if she can see his memories from those 15 years, but she can’t, it’s gone. She asks him to tell her what really happened, what he went through, but true to 10 form, he doesn’t. He may be more human, but not enough to reveal how even more broken he is. She asks him if he’s okay and he says he will be, “in a million years.” But no matter what form the Doctor is in, I doubt that will ever happen. 
Meanwhile, here’s what most of us are waiting for - when they get back to the earth, the exact spot they’d flown away from, Donna flings the doors open and there’s Wilf, waiting. Like he always was. And the way the Doctor reacts to him, “Wilfred Mott! Ohhh, now I feel better. Now nothing is wrong, nothing in the whole wide world! Hello, me old soldier!” is so SWEET. 
Wilf’s face, seeing the Doctor again. He’s 94 and he had to lie to Donna for YEARS about what she’d been through and all that he knows, and he never thought he’d lay eyes on the Doctor again. It’s devastating, but even more so, because after the scene was shot, Bernard Cribbins fucking died. So yeah, everyone is sobbing. 
But there really isn’t time for that, turns out that people are just randomly attacking each other in the street and Wilf says everyone’s gone mad and it’s the end of the WORLD so they pull him into the TARDIS and off they go.
Woof, y’all. It was a lot. But also a perfectly encapsulated Doctor/Donna romp in the middle of bigger things, and I just love all of it. I would watch the two of them run around together until the end of time. I think we all would. The final episode is gonna break me, but oooh weee it’s been a good ride so far. 
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amethystroselily · 2 years
I genuinely can't wait for you to get to acts 5 and 6 of Gaiden, those rearranged my brain chemistry forever and gave me 5 new mental illnesses + 2 brain parasites. Asagiri really poured his heart and soul into Gaiden, and it pains me how underrated it is
Yeah. Ayatsuji absolutely fascinates me as a character so far. And I’m really curious about his relationship with Kyougoku. And I know Ango is an important character and Chuuya makes a cameo, so that’s fun. And Tsujimura, while not super interesting YET, is really funny sometimes, and I really like where her dynamic with Ayatsuji is going. Because I know Bsd Gaiden is heavily inspired by Sherlock, and she’s Watson, and that’s always a fun dynamic. But also it’s sweet that he’s like “I don’t want a babysitter” but he actually clearly has a soft spot for her and I think she’s his only friend.
But also there is so much world building in Gaiden. Which is wild bc no one fucking reads it. So yeah it’s very underrated because there is So Much information people are missing out on. Like if anyone ever wanted to know more about the special division, read gaiden.
I just got to a part where they casually mentioned the special division studies singularities. And that Ango apparently knows quite a bit about them (he hasn’t appeared yet but Tsujimura talks about him a lot). Which like yeah, maybe that was obvious, but it’s making things Connect In My Mind. Like that’s probably why at the end of the fifteen light novel it’s revealed that it’s apparently a report Ango was writing for the government. (Which I think might be the reason 15 is written the way it is. Because Ango can see all of their memories so he can get a good grasp of what happened, but the writing is so removed from either Chuuya or Dazai’s actual thoughts. So I’m assuming Ango was approximating the best he could.) Because Ango’s job probably ties somewhat to keeping track of something like a government experiment on ability singularities. Which ALSO might be why they sent Ango to infiltrate the mafia. I already talked about how I think the government sent a spy in after the incident with Verlaine because they brought a lot of attention to themselves but were desperately trying to keep a low profile afterwards. So if it’s related to two human experiments by ability researchers, send in a guy who knows a thing or two about the subject. Also I’ve heard apparently Chuuya says he owes Ango in Gaiden for something in their past, and I think it may be related to that. Like perhaps Ango did something to hide Chuuya from the government, because we know Ango is willing to go behind the government’s back for stuff like that. Still checks out even though it wasn’t hinted at in Dark Era, because it’s not like Oda would know anyways. That man wasn’t actually that observant and he did NOT actually work with them. It’s all coming together. It may not be a fully fledged idea yet but I think I’m on to something.
Sorry I got carried away. Anyways, to anyone else reading this, read the light novels if you can. They’re weirdly essential to the characters and world building.
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lastcompact · 1 month
>> You felt it before you saw it, like suddenly being caught up in a wave. An invisible shimmering something seemed to come out from the ceiling and go through everyone and everything. A phenomenon so large that you could do nothing but accept it. No one else in the room, the Vatican Templars, seemed to notice what happened.
>> But before you could shout a warning, numerous blue screens popped up into your view.
[ The current Domain has been overwritten because its Creator has been killed. ] [ You have entered a new Domain. ] [ You do not have Approval of the domain creator. ] [ -20% stat penalty has applied. The status effect Mutation is applied. ] [ You are currently undergoing Mutation. ] [ Duality has provided resistance against Mutation. The nature of your soul is currently protecting your body. Warning: It is advised you leave the area. ] [ You are at the center of a Reality Revision. Warning: It is advised you leave the area. ] [ Fourth Wall has triggered. You have resisted. ] [ Fourth Wall has triggered. You have resisted. ] ...
>> It feels like something - like a tendril - is trying to enter your ear and get into your head.
>> It's giving you a massive headache. Unfortunately, you have no time to dwell on it as four of the five guards around you suddenly contort like a mockery of the robot-dancing song, bones inhumanely cracking and snapping as red vine-like appendages come out of the joints.
>> They become thinner and thinner as if their bodies were being used to fuel their inhuman transformation. In less than ten seconds, vaguely-human husks in metal armor hang off from what passes for a tree.
>> Oh, and the spined vines, thicker than a person's thigh, all whip towards you and the untransformed man.
>> You pedal backwards towards the conference room, avoiding the vines. You vaguely perceive a whistling sound behind the door and immediately duck. The door explodes into shrapnel, and you can see a greenish bark-like bullet sail over your head. The screaming and fighting are even louder now, and you could spot Sato moving at superhuman speeds - using Battle Song - to stay ahead of a man with a Funny Hat - except he's not so funny when he's standing a gangly 9 feet tall with vines replacing his torn muscles and shooting bark spires from his ribcage.
[ Observe ]
>> Instead of the nice orderly description you normally get, an uncontrolled flood of information hits your already strained mind. Instead of words, you get blasted by conceptual ideas instead, containing more information than a human mind is meant to process. You're pretty sure your nose is bleeding from the taste of copper on your lips. Ultimately, the gist of the ideas was essentially < mutation, transformation >. In other words, don't get hit."
>> Something that Sato most definitely didn't do given the smoldering blood and bark in her right side. You immediately dash towards Sato and deflect the next batch of bark spires that Funny Hat sends her way. The other men who managed to survive the initial Mutation are all trying to placate Funny Hat and their colleagues who have turned into vine-tree creatures.
>> With that momentary reprieve, your mind addresses the other elephant in the room.
>> A black portal, reeking death, could be seen at the back of the room. The placement of everything in the room is somewhat awkward as if everything inside was rearranged for the purpose of putting the portal up front. Combined with all the Cross imagery and a weird crucified man, you can't help but wonder if these guys caused what's going on. Eerie black portal, cult imagery, crucified person - etc.
>> Yet despite the obvious answer provided to you, you just know that it isn't the right answer.
>> Sato reaches you, holding her wound. She seems confused, her eyes squinting and the first thing she says is:
"I think something just messed with my memory. I don't remember why I'm here."
"Ugh, you too? Damn it."
>> Funny Hat fires another torrent of bark your way while the vinefolk lash out at everyone in general.
"Oh, screw off!"
>> You manifest your Nihil Bat into existence and mold it into the form of a javelin. You immediately throw it forward, augmented by both Battle Song and your Kinesis. It nails tall and angry into a wall, who proceeds to seeth at everyone.
>> The distraction buys you time for both of you to head out another corridor - and as you quickly make your way outside the fancy-looking compound - was this a religious city? - It becomes evident that "Exiting the Area" will be easier said than done.
>> Fuck. Did whatever happened hit the entire city?
>> The world is covered in a faintly green hue, but what caught your immediate attention was the humongous red-and-green trees everywhere, taller than most buildings, sundering the earth and blotting out the sky. The trees has both flowers and fruits - the large fruits, shaped like a cross between an apple and a pear, fall to the ground with a heavy thud.
>> There's a dangerous sweetness to the air that's already started to ping Fourth Wall. Sato's visibly wincing and pressing her temples in an headache. You offer some cloth to act as a mask, which she silently obliges.
>> There are more vine-people-trees in the street, whipping their red-green vines towards anything and everything. Creatures similar to Funny Hat wander aimlessly with their gangly limbs, stumbling on occasion as if not used to walking.
>> Fire is everywhere. So many crashed cars in the streets - and roads and pipes have been overturned by the roots of the enormous trees. And from the looks of it, the roots can move too as fire agitated them.
"...What the heck is that?"
>> You turn your head in the direction that Sato is facing.
>> A Green Sun in the middle of the night, glowing ominously.
>> It doesn't take a genius that this was probably the source of everything.
>> Habit makes you want to [ Observe ] it, but you know you can't afford to. Not after nearly getting brained by using it on Funny Hat. You becoming incapacitated now will get both of you killed.
"Not sure, but it's probably the cause of this mess. We have to get away from here. I'm going to see if Crowley, Erna, or Kris are availa-No luck."
>> You can't seem to access a Daydream to access Tunglr, just a vague normal one. The reason could either be the black portal in Fort Cult or the Green Sun in the sky, but you're shit out of luck from that direction.
>> Sato takes out her satellite phone out of a purse and proceeds to dial a number.
>> You worriedly look at the wound in her side and begin opening your mouth. Sato interrupts you though.
"Lev, I'm fine. I'm sturdier than I look. I'm not gonna turn into one of those things. Hmm, damn it, no signal."
>> She then clicks her tongue and shuts off her phone.
"I'm guessing we run through this mess and hopefully stay intact."
"It's better than staying still and turning into those plant-people for certain."
>> She sighs dramatically as she stands up. You can feel her usage of Battle Song, internal energy cycling through her body, as she prepares for the trek.
"I'm supposed to be a rich gal hanging out with my girlfriend, getting high on designer drugs and making other bad life decisions."
>> You roll your eyes.
"Well, coming here counts as a bad life decision, so you have at least two of the three down."
>> Sato sighs.
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iwtvdramacd18 · 8 months
What do you think would’ve happened if Claudia successfully changed Charlie?
I think it would have still ended in tragedy just more gradual. Like we don't learn a whole lot about Charlie's home life but he seems to be doing pretty alright, I think it's safe to assume he has family and friends he talks to and cares about so he likely has multiple ties to human life that Claudia definitely didn't have the moment she was turned and Lestat was pruning from Louis when he was turned. So it would probably be traumatic as hell for Charlie to have to sever those ties or like change them dramatically and that's just on his side. We still have Louis and more imposingly Lestat to account for and we know the latter definitely would not be ok with Charlie being turned so I feel even if Louis and Claudia were able to persuade Lestat to be chill with Charlie it would be like a pot waiting to boil over. Another facet of like the whole family Americana horror but we bring in a boyfriend to the horror house. And like if Claudia and Charlie were to try and run off together it would still be very hard too cuz ofc it's Jim Crow and they're both young black people by all appearances they can't just buy a place and try and settle somewhere. And I wonder how Claudia would have gotten along with Charlie on a longtime frame you know? We're shown this very love at first sight attraction and obv they see each other for a bit but not even close to a year, extended love for Claudia is strictly based (so far ofc idk what's happening next season) in the familial and it's also a family that she's essentially trapped in. (And one that at least at one point even when rearranging her role within she's still doing it through a very dependent lens "I was made to be Louis' sister") Especially with her as his maker that would be a very complex relationship unfolding.
Sorry this turned out so negative I feel you might've been looking for something more fun like I'm sure they'd have at least some fun moments. Mini mid-season vampire teen romance movie vibes?
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redrobin-detective · 2 years
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So I was donating blood and was thinking of an AU where Billy knew he was Captain Marvel, knew how to access his powers but retained nothing of Marvel’s memories. A consequence of the magic is that the human mind can’t comprehend it so Billy transforms and essentially blacks out until he changes back. I can only imagine the sheer frustration of Bill having No Idea what he was up to as Marvel. His street buds think he’s the biggest Cap fanboy because he’s constantly tracking down down info on the heroes fights and missions in a desperate bid to understand. 
Marvel himself would be Billy but maybe he too has a hard time connecting to his mortal self’s memories. He knows he’s from Fawcett City, that he struggles and barely scrapes by under difficult circumstances but he really can’t recall any details or information about Bill’s life. He may even forget that his true self is child. Pretty ironic if Cap is voting down introducing child sidekicks to the League.
Freddy is shaking Billy down for info about what the Justice League is like and Bill is red faced from frustrated tears because he knows Nothing. He knows via interviews that the JLA loves Marvel, trusts him and talks to him alot but he doesn’t remember. Superman probably told Marvel his identity but does Bill know? Nope and its incredibly annoying.
2,576 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
2,612 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
Listen, we know Bruce was traumatized by his parents’ death but I hold that even before they were killed Bruce Wayne was a little weirdo. Like his paranoia and difficulty with emotion and attachment are from that terrible night. But I imagine 8 year old Brucie was OCD as hell and painstakingly arranging and rearranging his things to his satisfaction. He was meticulous, even as a child, very detail oriented. Highly intelligent, showing a boundless curiosity and determination to understand everything from a young age. I bet he was hell to enforce bedtimes on, always to do much to do and too little hours in the day. 
Bruce was that kid who dragged bugs in the house for study, pulled down all the books on one shelf so could arrange them in height order, skittered around the house’s many passages like a little rat. He was the kid who was happy and cheerful but a bit awkward from growing up a Wayne, he would much rather squirrel away somewhere with a book considered too old for him than talk with people he didn’t know. He loved the macabre in the way weird little kids too, he wanted to see Zorro for the action and the violent fight scenes. Thomas and Martha Wayne had to listen to their precocious son ask them time and again how they thought they would die and listen to his speculations.
I want the Justice League to have to go back in time for whatever reason and they expect Bruce to be a delightful, happy, normal child. Instead, they find a kid with a lovingly worn Sherlock Holmes omnibus under one arm, an entire bag of raisins in the other, dark circles under his eyes from late nights reading and he’s covered in dust and debris from getting stuck behind the drywall again. 
“You’re not mom and dad’s friends,” he’d say in a petulant voice with a familiar set of his mouth. “I’m gonna call my butler and he’s going to kick your butt.” And the whole League loses their mind because Bruce really has always been Bruce.
4,426 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
I’m so glad ‘rotating X Favorite Character around in my mind’ came into fanon lexicon because !!! It’s so true. I love my favs but sometimes I’m not actively fic planning or character analyzing or whatever. Sometimes you don’t do anything with them but fiddle with their general vibe like one rolls a coin between their fingers. Sometimes you just, rotate them in your mind while thinking absolutely no thoughts about them
9,343 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
After careful consideration and going over multiple options I think the best choice is stay warm and cozy in bed forever.
76,684 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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archaeval · 2 years
ooc. no writing tonight just copypasting a long writeup about ruby’s modern verse for @matriarchsdevotee and ruby’s future scooby doo mystery solving
so like. she appears mostly human for the most part, the general public  just sees the library as a private library that functions similarly to a  public library only she gets to choose the organizational system.  allegedly it's been passed down through her family for generations, the  building is a protected historical site, but in actuality it's just  always been ruby, there's no ancestors about it. her eyes are a bit  weirdly reflective and her teeth are a lil sharp but nobody really  notices enough to comment on it.  the building is an extension of ruby herself. there are two floors open  to the public that function as the library, and sub floors 1 and 2 for  storage and offices. there's a 3rd floor that used to be apartments but  now are study rooms and the like and need reservations. underneath  basement floor 2, things get. weir.d though to be fair, the doors to  basement floors 3+ aren't always in the basement, but at least they're  always clearly marked as staff only.
it's a gorgeous old building that was fitted with gas and then electrical lights over the years. the wifi and computer systems have always been buggy and ruby is honest about it, though she claims its just because it's an old building and it's not in the budget to update the computer systems. in reality, newer tech that relies on processors and wireless connectivity and data will get affected instantly bc they're essentially inside her body, which is a swirling vortex of eldritch nonsense in the shape of a beautiful private library. Phones are also iffy when they do or don't work.   i think. in her modern verse. she is also able to shapeshift freely into spider form, and possibly have 2-3 avatars of herself running around to assist people who got lost in the periodical section of the library that is the worst-organized of them all. she's  a mostly benevolent/neutral eldritch being in the middle of an old  metropolitan area, and not enough people look closely to realize what's  goin on. or, if they do, other people pass it off as who cares or she's  just some rich weirdo from really old money of course she's gonna be  disconnected from reality
yes she eats people occasionally. or more specifically, she drags them down into the basements and lets them get lost and starve to death there for wholly justifiable reasons in her mind. she used to be human, and she isn't going to kill someone just for dog-earing a 40 year old book even if she really wants to. the extras spider hands absolutely help with reshelving at night. jane is there also, and is a good baby girl whom i love.
also. she loves her lgbteens. theyre so weird. she doesn't understand  what theyre saying half the time. 
some really nice things about the library itself: open every day. almost  no late fees. she does mention them in the library policy but unless  you annoy her, they get taken off automatically. since its privately  owned, she gets to set all the rules and if someone has a suggestion or  complaint they have a direct line to the person who makes decisions  around here. the kid's section is the only organized section of the  library and has an adorable mural and benches so it looks like you're  reading in the 100 acre wood. 
the bad: no, she will not rearrange her books. if oyu want to know where  something is instead of going on a grand adventure, you ask her and  she'll tell you how to get there. yes this requires landmarks such as  "the creepy light that always sways as if there's a light breeze" or  "the tiny door on the left side of the hallway. do NOT go in the one on  the right" 
she has a very small amount of employees who are paid well.
if someoen's shitty and asks for the manager, she always lets you come get her to deal with the situation and she is always on her employees' side, especially if someone’s being shitty about book displays.
it's Her building, there isn't a free speech debate goin on here, there's no customer is always right because this is a service being provided to the community on her dime  the only time she makes money off this is through donations. the haunted house is 2$ suggested donation that's always going to a local charity. she may be fuckoff rich and struggles to adapt to modern tech but she also hates shitty people and has no patience for anyone trying to talk down to her. she's solitary and snooty so if you've passed her vibe check tm and got a job there, you're p much set for life. the other big downside is that you swear the paintings are watching you as you go past. you're wrong of course. she doesn't need fake eyes to see where everyone is in her building and what they're getting up to
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feministdragon · 5 months
a surprisingly feminist argument from our man Graeber:
”Most languages have some word that translates at least roughly as “work,” but the precise borders between what we’d designate “work,” “play,” “teaching,” “learning,” “ritual,” or “nurturance” tend to vary a great deal from one culture to another. The particular tradition that has come to shape sensibilities about work in most parts of the world today harkens back to the Eastern Mediterranean, where it is first documented in the early chapters of the book of Genesis, and in the works of the Greek epic poet Hesiod. In both the story of the Garden of Eden and in the myth of Prometheus, the fact that humans have to work is seen as their punishment for having defied a divine Creator, but at the same time, in both, work itself, which gives humans the ability to produce food, clothing, cities, and ultimately our own material universe, is presented as a more modest instantiation of the divine power of Creation itself. We are, as the existentialists liked to put it, condemned to be free, forced to wield the divine power of creation against our will, since most of us would really rather be naming the animals in Eden, dining on nectar and ambrosia at feasts on Mount Olympus, or watching cooked geese fly into our waiting gullets in the Land of Cockaygne, than having to cover ourselves with cuts and calluses to coax sustenance from the soil.
Now, one could argue that this is simply in each case a poetic extrapolation of the two key aspects of what has become our common definition of work: first, that it is something no one would ordinarily wish to be doing for its own sake (hence, punishment); second, that we do it anyway to accomplish something beyond the work itself (hence, creation). But the fact that this “something beyond” should be conceived as “creation” is not self-evident. In fact, it’s somewhat odd. After all, most work can’t be said to “create” anything; most of it is a matter of maintaining and rearranging things.[173] Consider a coffee cup. We “produce” it once. We wash it a thousand times. Even work we think of as “productive”—growing potatoes, forging a shovel, assembling a computer—could just as easily be seen as tending, transforming, reshaping, and rearranging materials and elements that already exist.
This is why I would insist our concept of “production,” and our assumption that work is defined by its “productivity,” is essentially theological. The Judeo-Christian God created the universe out of nothing. (This in itself is slightly unusual: most Gods work with existing materials.) His latter-day worshippers, and their descendants, have come to think of themselves as cursed to imitate God in this regard. The sleight of hand involved, the way that most human labor, which cannot in any sense be considered “production,” is thus made to disappear, is largely effected through gender. In the familiar lines from the story of the Fall, from the book of Genesis, God condemns men to till the soil (“By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food”) and women to bear children in similarly unhappy circumstances (“I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children”.)[174] Male “productive” labor is thus being framed here as the equivalent of childbirth, which, from a male point of view (not so much from a female one, but it is very much a male point of view being presented here), can seem about as close to pure creation ex nihilio—the infant appearing fully formed apparently out of nowhere—that human beings can perform.
Yet it is also painful “labor.”
This conception is still with us, for instance, in the way social scientists speak of “production” and “reproduction.” Etymologically, the English verb “produce” derives from the Latin producere, “to bring forth,” or “put out,” as one might still say “She produced a wallet from her handbag.” Both the words “production” and “reproduction” are based on the same core metaphor: in the one case, objects seem to jump, fully formed, out of factories; in the other, babies seem to jump, fully formed, out of women’s bodies. In neither case, of course, is this actually true. But as in so many patriarchal social orders, men like to conceive of themselves as doing socially, or culturally, what they like to think of women as doing naturally. “Production” is thus simultaneously a variation on a male fantasy of childbirth, and of the action of a male Creator God who similarly created the entire universe through the sheer power of his mind and words, just as men see themselves as creating the world from their minds and brawn, and see that as the essence of “work,” leaving to women most of the actual labor of tidying and maintaining things to make this illusion possible.”
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mushroom-for-art · 1 year
Chibi references of the Newtwo bloodline (so far) that's canon to my art universe, in order we have IMP, MIA and AI
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Imp is my world equivalent of Newt, I've changed her lore a bit in that she was made using the fossilised dna of one of the original 7 mews but with the damages the scientists put fairy pokemon dna in to fix the gaps and to make Imp more docile and obedient hence 'improved' compared to Axel who was more violent. It's also why her design is different fingers less pronunced tail thinner like a mews ect.
As Axel is a rebirth child (my mews when like tired of immortality can essential go to sleep have their dna body structure rearrange and scramble itself to be remade into an entirely new mew/s, sometime it makes a whole new adult sometimes many babies) of an original mew, it means him and Imp are actually quite similar coming from the dna directly from one of the originals, and while he envies her and did likely despise her for escaping the trauma he suffered he came to realise she has her own different but just as significant and heavy trauma and thus ends up feeling sorry for her and looking out for her.
Imp developed and had working reproductive organs and without her knowledge or consent had them harvested so that the group that made her had her eggs to make more mewtwo in future if she was deemed a success or failure.
When Imp escaped MIA was created, though she likely had a different designation upon birth, they figured they were too friendly with Imp gave her too much chance to realise they weren't good so kept MIA as purely a fighting unit used in battle and not coddled. This also failed as she felt no loyalty nor care for her human handlers and was sedated and put into a tank to be kept there indefinitely body harvested for parts or used for growing new twos as they saw fit. The sedatives however wore off quicker than anticipated and she managed to flee, rather than accept blame for this major fumble they changed her file to Missing In Action and assumed Killed in action to cover their own asses.
MIA knows she had a mother unit as she'd heard more than she let on but didn't care enough to get any strong feelings about it. Imp doesn't know MIA exists.
Before escaping MIA also had her eggs taken and from them her daughter AI, coddling didn't work neither did using for battle so this one was going to be kept in a purely scientific environment with her only purpose being making more mewtwo when physically able. AI came out prematurely due to complications meaning she is only a teenager physically and mentally and therefore isn't ready for incubation but she is authorised to be used for such as soon as she's able.
AI was told her mother abandoned her and that her handlers took her in caring for her in her sickly newborn state and thus they've created an artificial sense of familiarity and that AI owes them and must behave accordingly to thank them for their care. MIA doesn't know AI exists, and neither does Imp.
Something something metaphors of motherhood and daughter bonds maybe? Idk
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blogdemocratesjr · 1 year
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Joan of Arc #1 by Rewind Collective
She was only a girl in her teens. If we could think of her as a managing woman of fifty we should seize her type at once; for we have plenty of managing women among us of that age who illustrate perfectly the sort of person she would have become had she lived. But she, being only a lass when all is said, lacked their knowledge of men's vanities and of the weight and proportion of social forces. She knew nothing of iron hands in velvet gloves: she just used her fists. She thought political changes much easier than they are, and, like Mahomet in his innocence of any world but the tribal world, wrote letters to kings calling on them to make millennial rearrangements. Consequently it was only in the enterprises that were really simple and compassable by swift physical force, like the coronation and the Orleans campaign, that she was successful.
Her want of academic education disabled her when she had to deal with such elaborately artificial structures as the great ecclesiastical and social institutions of the Middle Ages. She had a horror of heretics without suspecting that she was herself a heresiarch, one of the precursors of a schism that rent Europe in two, and cost centuries of bloodshed that is not yet staunched. She objected to foreigners on the sensible ground that they were not in their proper place in France; but she had no notion of how this brought her into conflict with Catholicism and Feudalism, both essentially international. She worked by commonsense; and where scholarship was the only clue to institutions she was in the dark, and broke her shins against them, all the more rudely because of her enormous self-confidence, which made her the least cautious of human beings in civil affairs.
This combination of inept youth and academic ignorance with great natural capacity, push, courage, devotion, originality and oddity, fully accounts for all the facts in Joan's career, and makes her a credible historical and human phenomenon; but it clashes most discordantly both with the idolatrous romance that has grown up around her, and the belittling scepticism that reacts against that romance.
—George Bernard Shaw, Saint Joan
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@blupjeansweek day 2: clown
Thursdays at the antique shop mean a couple things; strictly speaking, the shop isn’t open so Barry can do intake of everything that people have dropped off during the previous week. Truthfully though, most of that requires sifting through the garbage people think would work well in an antique shop. There’s some good stuff, he can’t lie, but there are only so many commemorative Hercules plates from McDonald’s that he can sell, you know?
Tedious as the work is, it’s nice to have a midweek break, especially before the weekend where he’s guaranteed to have a veritable deluge of customers and browsers alike.
Several hours of mildewy, dust-filled boxes later and Barry’s nearly done. Everything stickered and reorganized and Barry’s already thinking about the large stack of still unread books on his coffee table at home; tonight he might start on a fun classic, if those words aren’t mutually exclusive, that is.
Three short raps on the front door interrupt Barry’s grand scheming for the rest of his evening. He suppresses an eyeroll as he makes his way through his self-made labyrinth. Thursdays also mean people will essentially ding-dong-ditch boxes of their family junk outside the door. Which only means he’s bound to be at the shop for hours and hours longer than he plans. Waiting for him on the doorstep is a plain brown box. It looks to be no bigger than the size of a shoebox. The only note on the box is a hastily scrawled label indicating that the contents are fragile. He peeks around just in case the previous owner of the box is there. No such luck. Judging by the ease with which he lifts the box, there can’t be too many items inside. He just might get to tackle Dracula tonight after all.
Barry’s no stranger to…peculiar items. People give weird shit to antique shops all the time. He was once given a box of human hair. Another time someone dropped off their mom’s long dead stuffed cat. He’s dealt with a lot. But the contents of this newest box are puzzling, to say the least. Upon first inspection, it’s just a porcelain clown doll; seems to be a harlequin style dressed in reds and golds. There’s a faded tag attached to it that says “Item one of two of set.” Odd, but not outrageous. As far as clown dolls go, this one is finely crafted. The face is hand-painted with soft and sad features, delicate embroidery weaves over the smooth satin clothes, and the tips of her hat even have little bells.
Barry does a quick appraisal, gives her an appropriate price tag, and places her on a shelf near other dolls he’s got for sale.
He then goes about his closing duties, locking the back door and wedging an old dresser in front of it because the lock is more decorative than functional at this point and he frankly cannot be bothered to replace it. Quick wipe down of all the large furniture pieces, rearranging the little bowls of knickknacks at the register, putting the new clown doll back with the other dolls, and he’s nearly done.
He stops and stares at the doll. She almost looks like she’s smirking. He must be losing his mind, he decides. That’s the only explanation. No time to dwell on that. Besides, if he leaves now, he can grab some takeout on the way home.
Barry has to be hallucinating. Maybe he ate some unwashed lettuce or something. Because that is the only explanation as to why that goddamn clown doll is sitting sentinel at the register when he walks in on Friday. He shakes his head and returns the doll to the shelf of all the other dolls. The Raggedy Andy almost looks sorry for him. He has half a mind to put her back in her box to collect dust but that feels cruel. Instead, he sends her a stern look, feels ridiculous for doing that, and sets himself about doing opening tasks.
Barry really and truly thinks he is fully losing it. Like “I-must-spend-the-summer-by-the-sea-for-my-health” losing it. Because that’s the only explanation as to why this godforsaken clown doll is back by the register when he emerges from the back of the store.
 He stomps over to the counter and crouches so he’s eye level with the doll. “I’m a grown man and I’m talking to a doll. This is what this has come to, huh? You are impossible and I for one cannot wait until some poor bastard comes in here and buys you so you can be someone else’s problem.” He shoots her a look and goes to open the door.
“Well, mister, that’s not a very nice way to talk to a lady, now is it?” A voice behind him says, a few bells jingling as she sasses him.
Barry turns in horror to see who he can only describe as the life-sized version of the doll sitting on the counter, idly swinging her legs.
He goes down like a sack of bricks.
Barry’s dead, he thinks. Dead or dying and the lack of oxygen going to his brain is causing this end-of-life horror show. His eyes are still screwed shut because he frankly doesn’t want whatever “gift” his subconscious is giving him in his last moments, especially since this gift is tapping him on the forehead with an icy cold finger.
“Leave me here to die,” Barry moans, acutely aware of the fact that this fainting spell has undoubtedly done something to his back.
He hears a few bells jingle in annoyance before the voice begins again. “Not gonna do that. You’re not dead yet so up and at ‘em. Besides, I have several bones to pick with you.”
“Are any of them my spine?”
“You’re the one who decided to be dramatic and faint.”
Barry opens his eyes in protest and looks up at the woman squatting at his side, examining him like a worm. “I didn’t do it on purpose, you know.”
She hums noncommittally before standing up and beginning to wander around the shop. Barry scrambles to his feet as quickly as his complaining body allows. “So is it safe to say that this isn’t some kind of freaky vision I’m getting because the shop has some kind of carbon monoxide leak?”
“Nope, it’s all me.”
“Uh-huh. A-and who are you, exactly?”
She holds up a wooden turtle in front of her face, scrutinizing it a little. “You can call me Lup. That’s what I got called a long time ago. I like it.”
“Okay. Lup. Okay. Well, I’m Barry. Uh, next question, and don’t take this the wrong way, but what are you? Like are you the doll?” He gives her a wide berth and watches as she picks up and examines items as though she’s in the mood to make a purchase.
She huffs and rolls her eyes before motioning back to the counter. “Obviously I’m not actually the doll, Barry. She’s still hanging out on the counter.” And clear as day, the doll is slumped against the cash register. “I just live there.”
“You live in the doll,” Barry echoes numbly.
“Sure do!”
“Of course a goddamn haunted doll showed up on my doorstep. Love that for me. Absolutely great trajectory my life is on,” Barry tosses his hands up in the air and paces around.
“I dunno that calling me haunted is very polite, you know,” Lup says, suddenly back over by the doll.
“Jesus Christ, can you not do that?” Barry asks as he whirls around. This is a lot to deal with before 10 AM. He can’t tell if he hopes for customers to stay away or to start banging on the door. Truth be told though, he’s not quite sure how Lup would react to that.
“Not do what?” Lup’s voice is syrupy sweet and directly in Barry’s ear. He jumps at the sudden presence.
“That!” Barry jerks away from Lup and frowns. “Okay, fine. I won’t call you haunted. Just please, please stop…evaporating like that.”  
She rolls her eyes before walking over to the counter and hopping on it, throwing her arms out. “Happy?” she snarks, pulling her legs up under her.
“Little bit,” Barry affirms. He pulls up a rocking chair and sits in front of the counter. “Now, I do have a few questions for you if you’re amenable to that.”
She nods and cringes as the bells on her hat jingle. “Yeah, sure. What’s eating at you?” She asks, removing her hat and setting it beside her.
“So, you say you don’t like being called a haunted doll. What exactly are you, then?”
“Mmm. Hard to say. I’ve been here for as long as I can remember. Always with her,” she motions towards the doll next to her. “Hard to say who came first, chicken or the egg. I like to think it was me, though.”
“Right. And uh, your tag says you’re part of a set?”
Her face falls and the makeup only serves to make her look truly like a sad clown. “Yeah. Me and my brother. Don’t know where he is though. It’s been at least….God, human time is so weird. Maybe ten years? Yeah. Ten years since I’ve seen him last. I’ve been trying to track him down but it’s real hard to do it by myself.”
“Well, I can help, maybe,” Barry blurts, his mouth moving faster than his brain. “I mean, he’s uh…also a doll? Right?”
She huffs out a little laugh. “Yes, we’re both functionally dolls if that makes following this line of logic easier for you.”
“Oh, I bet I could find him easy then.”
She brightens almost in spite of herself. “Really?”
“Sure! I mean, it’s probably gonna take some time but I know enough people in the industry that if I start putting feelers out now, I might be able to get you two back together by the holidays.” The look on Lup’s face seals it: Barry’s gotta find this doll. He grabs a piece of paper and scribbles a haphazard note letting customers know that regular hours will return in the next day or so. A hasty tape job and Barry returns to where Lup is sitting, the doll she lives in now sitting in her lap like a kind of security blanket.
“I’ll tell you something else, Barry, $35 is really underestimating my value.” She says, ripping the price tag off.
“Right. Well, there wasn’t a lot of information to go on. Sorry.” He sheepishly grabs his laptop from his bag and boots it up. “Now, let’s work on finding your brother.”
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