#she really doesnt make it easier for herself
globodamorte · 9 months
she's not even home. what the fuck girl
#overheard my mom yelling at my sister bc she hasnt been home since yesterday#and shes always going out and never cones back by the time she says she will (WHEN she comes home)#and she also keeps my dad awake bc it's fuckin 2 in the morning and she needs a ride#and we all worry bc she barely answers her phone and shit#but anyway mom was yelling at her#and turns out she was on the phone and this girls not even home yet#so idk#she really doesnt make it easier for herself#like come on#“oh i wanted to see this friend and leave but they were 3 hours late” just leave then. just fuckin leave man#and like maybe its easier for me bc i have no friends and i dont go out#but idk man#if your nights out are making your mother consider kicking you out then maybe reconsider some things.#like i dont care that she goes put a lot#but shes really inconsiderate towards my parents#i thought my mom was yelling at her bc she just got home#but shes not even here shes still out#like idk everyone gets worried and she just doesnt care and keeps us awake when she could just come home at a reasonable time#and while i do think its funny bc some years ago i did spend 2 days out bc i didnt feel like going home they were fine with it#but i guess its because i let them know first??? or they just dont care about me as much#delete#and shes always like “oh today ill go home early im really tired ill leave in like 1 hour” and she literally comes home like 8 hours later#shes so bad with time but bitch you gotta work on that#you cant teehee your way out of everything
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pigeonwit · 6 months
we the people seriously need to consider a pirates of the caribbean javetherine au
#davey as a blacksmith whos been pining for heiress katherine for years#but has always resigned himself to his status and passively accepts it just cant be#and then pirate jack comes swinging into his life and makes him realize he can be more than just a life spent in the background#katherine as an heiress who knows she could be so much more but everyone keeps telling her no#and she doesnt believe it! she doesnt! she CAN be more! ... but god its exhausting to be the only one believing in herself.#and then in the wake of a pirate attack shes helped by the blacksmiths apprentice who always seemed to just hide himself in the background#and he refuses to let her feel even slightly guilty about what happened.#and then in comes this ABSURD pirate who sees her fire and shows her to throw a punch. tie a knot. wield a sword.#he listens to what she says. he takes her advice and she takes his.#and she finally feels like she has people who believe in her. who SEE her.#and jack as a pirate whos always been deternined to be alone. to live as his image and not himself.#its easier that way. to just say 'pirates life' and move on before someone can leave you. better to hide than be pushed aside.#and now here are these two annoyingly insistent city kids who keep acting like jacks worth keeping#and it's everything. but he knows it cant last. it cant. (he really wants it to last)#i mean really what are pirates if not sea cowboys#newsies#davey jacobs#david jacobs#katherine plumber#katherine pulitzer#jack kelly#javetherine#fic thoughts
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pithyorangecurd · 1 year
My favorite part of being into stuff is that i bring things to my sister and we like things together so a lot of content i like i send to her, so she has a lot of in jokes from here in her hands bc i send jokes and things from my mutuals to her.
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lesbiten · 2 years
acacias not doing too hot :(
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rosebudfics · 6 months
Professor!reader and severus being married but hiding it from the students, bc they dont want the gossip and are just private people in general BUT one day sev forgets to take off his wedding ring and the golden trio go on this whole mission to find out who hes married to; completely freaking out when it turns out hes with reader cause theyre complete opposites while teaching
(Sorry if this is too long or doesnt make sense :^ i had this scenario in my head for some time lol)
Secret Lovers
Severus Snape x Professor! Reader
Warnings: use of the name "git" a lot lol, reader is the astronomy teacher but you can swap it out for any class, Snape smacks Ron and Harry
A/N: I LOVE THIS REQUEST SO MUCH OMG!?!?!?! also this isnt really set in any specific year but its more leaning towards where theyre older since snape you know.. hits ron and harry over the head and harry has the map <3
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You and Severus had managed to keep your relationship secret for a couple years now, with the exception of only Minerva and Dumbledore knowing.
Why does anyone else need to know anyway? It was none of their business!
So one regular morning when you and Sev were getting ready for the day in the early hours of the morning, he had somehow forgotten to take his golden band off. You both would usually keep them in a little ring box at home so they were hidden but safe and put them back on at night, but today Severus had just forgotten to take it off.
You would bid your goodbyes at home before you left together, getting one last kiss in before heading back to Hogwarts, then Severus would put his usual cold face back on.
You both headed to your classrooms like normal, Severus still failing to notice the wedding band still on his finger.
When classes started, everything was going how it usually would: he would deduct house points, snapping at kids whenever they would interrupt his teaching, etc. That is until Hermione noticed a particular shine off her teachers hand.
Hermione looked closer before very quietly gasping. "Holy cricket!" She whispered so only Harry and Ron could hear her.
“What?” Ron asked curiously but not very quietly, earning the attention of Severus.
“On Professor Snape’s hand, he was wearing a wedding ring!” She said in a hushed voice.
“You must be crazy Herminone, there's no way that he’s married to someone.” Harry chuckled.
“Yeah, no ones gonna want to let alone be in any relationship with that old git-��� Ron was interrupted by getting smacked over the head by Severus, followed up by Harry getting smacked as well.
Hermione just kept quiet, keeping her giggle to herself.
“Would you mind repeating yourself Mr. Weasley?” Severus sneered down at him.
“...no, sorry.” Ron grumbled.
“Mhm. 5 points from Gryffindor, and that's me being generous.”
After class, Ron, Hermione, and Harry all gathered at the library at break. “Are you sure you saw a ring, Hermione? Was it even on his ring finger?” Harry asked as he sat down some books in front of him.
“I'm certain! The real question is though, to who?” Hermione thought for a minute.
“Harry, why can't we just use your cloak to spy on him?” Ron questioned like it was obvious.
“Brilliant!” Harry exclaimed but Hermione smacked him in the arm.
“That's invading his privacy! It's terribly rude.” She scoffed.
Ron then mocked her, earning a smack. After a while of begs and pleas, she finally caved.
“Alright, alright!” She sighed.
They then all made their way back to the dorm to get everything they needed. Harry also grabbed the Marauders Map so it would be easier to find Snape. And then off they went on their little adventure to hunt down his wife.
They had to do some weaving and dodging to not bump into anyone (they bumped into Neville at some point, terrifying him) until they made it to the staff room. Harry looked down at his map to find Snape and you, they're astronomy teacher, alone.
“What are Professor Snape and Professor y/n doing together?” Ron asked in a confused voice.
Harry hushed him and then looked into the keyhole to find Snape and you talking to eachother.
“Are you sure no one saw the ring?” you asked again.
“Yes, dear, I am sure of it.” Snape said in a somewhat annoyed tone. “If someone did see it, I would be getting hounded with questions!”
“Yeah well not if all the students are terrified of you!” you sighed. “Look I'm not mad, I don't want you to think that, it's just we've gone this long keeping it secret it feels weird to just slip up like this”
Severus stepped towards you and grabbed your face in his hands. “Listen love, no one will know. Maybe in the future we can be more open about it.” He then bent down and kissed her gently, and you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him closer.
Harry gasped quietly and backed up. He was about to say something before he heard footsteps walking towards the door. “We gotta get outta here!”
They all then scurried off down the hall back to the dormitory.
“Harry, what did you see? What were they doing in there?” Ron asked.
“Its professor y/n, that's who he's married to!” Harry was slightly out of breath from running.
“Professor y/n?? But they're so.. so different!” Hermione was shocked.
“You must be seeing things mate, there's NO way Proffesor y/n is married to the old git.” Ron scoffed.
“I'm telling you! They were talking about how he had forgotten to take his ring off or something and then they kissed!” Harry gushed.
They then talked about why you would ever want to marry Snape for the rest of break. Interestingly enough they next class was with you!
Since you were an extremely nice and open teacher, they felt more comfortable talking to you about it.
"So professor y/n, have you been seeing anyone lately?" Ron asked before class actually started.
You were caught off guard to say the least. "Well... I dont really see how my romantic life concerns any of you," you laugh whole heartedly.
Ron then smirked. "You never denied it. Perhaps another Proffesor that teaches here!" Hermione pinched his side as a warning to shut up.
"I don't know what your getting at, Ron" you chuckle becoming a little worried.
"Well the man I'm thinking of is a mean, old, cranky git that likes potions-"
"Thats enough! You don't ever talk about another Proffesor like that!" You scolded him.
"Alright, sorry proffesor... but im right, aren't i?" Ron smirked.
Harry and Hermione perked up to listen.
You sighed, before making sure that no other student or teacher was around, nd then said "You must not tell anyone."
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cryptoseraphim · 2 years
I want to have more meaningful conversations with my gf
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the-s1lly-corner · 3 months
Various HH characters x autistic!reader
Prize 1/5 for @coldsushisworld ! I hope you enjoy!
This post includes: charlie, vaggie, alastor, Lucifer, adam, and lute
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Honestly I can see Charlie herself being somewhere on the spectrum! So she can relate to you in some way when you're having some struggles. Shes so so accommodating when it comes to your needs, quite literally bending over backwards to make sure the hotel is a safe space for you. Theres likely a sensory room somewhere in the hotel, where you (or really anyone!) Can go to unwind and just vibe. Protective of you, as she is with everyone else she cares about. You.. may have to get her to cool it if things get a little too heated. Warm and smells like apple pie, and I dont know about you guys but that's possibly one of the most pleasing and calming combos
Very quick to shut things down if someone tries to get on your case for your needs for whatever reason, same goes for anyone who does it without intending to be harmful/doing it unknowingly. Shes your guard dog, and shes going to make sure you're safe mentally and physically. Likely stands trying to choose between different fidgets to pack for an outing trying to determine which one might come more in handy. Packs both. Actually she definitely has a pack somewhere for you that has a bunch of items to carry on you to help you out (water, headphones, ect ect). Despite that she does think you're capable and will step back if her worries cause her to overstep and make you feel bad. Vaggie does tend to have trouble gauging how much effort and feeling into things
In the nicest way possible, he does not care. Obviously he doesn't care in the "I dont care that you're ND and I'm not going to avoid doing things that trigger you", it's a "I dont care because it is what it is", and besides hes got manners! Sometimes the static ambience around him can be comforting, like white noise.. sometimes he hums or softly plays music if you need something to focus on during an overwhelming moment. However if it makes things worse it's getting cut the second you say something. You're the only person allowed into his radio tower, if you need an escape
As stated above I headcanon that Charlie is somewhere in the spectrum so he already has an idea of what to do to make things easier and more welcoming for you! Thankfully his home isnt too chaotic and he doesnt usually switch up his routine so if routines mean a lot for you Lucifer is your man! Puts his crafting skills to good use and makes you personalized fidget toys! He loves talking to you but if you need him to be quiet for a while he'll be understanding and work quietly on his ducks. Similarly to his daughter he doesnt let anyone try to make you feel bad for trying to tend to your needs. Though hes less of a pushover/holds his temper a little easier than charlie, but hes still quick to shut anything down
In the beginning he can be a little.... how does one say this nicely? Not the best.. hes not at all educated so you're probably going to have to sit him down and find a way to get him to listen. Hes a little misguided when it comes to helping you moving forward but there is a new added effort in there. Takes you away from environments that are too overwhelming for you, or tells everyone to shut the hell up.. which might make things worse thanks to his shouting. He's got the spirit but his methods are not the best. His wings are soft and as long as you dont pluck anything out, he let's you run your fingers through his feathers. Would get sucked into those sensory and/or asmr videos with you
I can see her being on the spectrum too tbh but I dont think shes aware, so anytime you try to bring up the possibility of her being ND she kind of just dismisses it. "Everyone does that," mindset. While she doesnt totally understand all of your habits and needs, she still does her best to make sure you're satisfied. She can be callous with others, often causing conflict to those who choose not to listen to an exterminator.. though to heavens citizens what status to exterminators have..? Shrugs. Shes a little.. tense? Harsh? No harsh sounds mean. Shes not used to being tender for someone else, so this is all a learning process for her.. its going to take a while before she grows accustomed to you autism or not.. but shes trying, because she does love you even if shes not used to these feelings!
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cameronspecial · 8 months
hi hi hi i saw ur requests were open, no pressure ofc just wondering if u could do smth like rafe (established bf) giving reader the silent treatment for like weeks and shes so confused because she doesnt know what the hell she did to piss him off so she decides to confront him about it and just angst -> fluff yk??
also i literally love you and your fics so much u dont understandddd <3333
Miscommunicated Silence
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of Sex in The Beginning.
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.9K
A/N: You are literally the sweetest. You made my day and I love you too, anonymous. I know Rafe isn't pissed at her, but I can't imagine Rafe being mad at Y/N for any reason because he gives me such she can do no wrong vibes like how he is with Ward.
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Rafe’s head throws back in pleasure as his dick spews his hot seeds into the condom. His arms grip Y/N to him as they both come down from their high. She carefully lifts herself from him and goes to get some clean clothes from his drawers. “Where are you going?” Rafe questions, expecting her to stay the night. She comes over to give him a peck on the lips, “I want to stay, Rafey. But I have an early meeting tomorrow morning and my house is closer to work than yours. Plus, we both know that if I stay here, I’m going to run late because of that tongue of yours. Bye, I love you.” “I love you too. Drive safe, Baby,” he calls out, watching her leave with a soft look. 
Y/N has been trying to text Rafe all week but he hasn’t been answering her at all. Every time she sees him in public, he somehow doesn’t see or hear her and then disappears when she gets close enough to him. She tries meeting him at Tannyhill, yet he is never there according to his various family members. She would be more worried if she didn’t know that he is ignoring her. His text receipts, only on for her, shows that he is reading them. In all their years of dating, Rafe has never gone more than twenty-four hours without talking to her. So she isn’t sure what she could’ve done for him to give her the silent treatment for a week. It couldn’t be because she had to leave after sex last week because it wasn’t the first time one of them decided to sleep at home after sex because it was easier for them the next morning. 
Her anger towards the way he is icing her out finally over takes her and so she’s had enough. “Y/N, Rafe isn’t home,” Wheezie tries to argue, but Y/N knows it is not true. His truck and his bike are in the driveway and she knows Kelce and Topper are playing golf without him, so he couldn’t have been driven somewhere by them. Y/N gently nudges her way inside, “I know that isn’t true Wheez, I need to talk to him.” Wheezie doesn’t stop her as she runs up the stairs toward his room. She throws his door open with a slam to find him shirtless on his bed, scrolling through his phone. His annoyance flashes through him as he looks up to yell at the person. He freezes at the sight of his angry girlfriend. “I don’t know what I did, but we are never going to fix anything if you keep ignoring me,” she yells, placing her hands on her hips. She waits for a response and her anger grows to fury when he doesn’t answer. She violently shakes her head, “Are you really going to continue this childish game?” 
She stares at him and he can only return the stare with a hint of pleading she isn’t sure what to make out of it. “You know what? If this is how you deal with your problems, then maybe we shouldn’t be together,” she spins on her heels, storming toward the door. With her back to him, she doesn’t see the tears and panic cross his face. He rushes forward, wrapping his hand around her wrist. It is gentle enough that she can break from his hold, but as she turns to yell at him, she can see the pain in his eyes. This causes her to worry. If he is willing to show emotion to her at this moment and still not say something, then something must be wrong. His mouth opens, “P-Please don’t go.” The words that come out are so low and raspy that she wants to get him to a doctor immediately to check on him. “What’s wrong with your voice?” she worries, placing her hands on his cheeks. He holds his finger up and goes to get a notepad and pen from his desk. 
It takes him a second to write on the notepad before he hands the pad to her. I lost my voice this week. “Why didn’t you tell me? Or at least answer my texts. You don’t need to talk to do that,” she questions, giving him the pad back so he can respond. I was embarrassed about why I lost my voice. And texting always leads to phone calls with you. You know just talking to you isn’t enough, I love hearing your voice. “How did you lose your voice?” He gives her a sheepish look and then writes the answer down. I think I lost it when we had sex last week. I must have been too loud. She giggles at his words, looking up to see him looking away. “Aww, Rafey. Don’t be embarrassed. I think that’s hot. I love it when you are loud for me. It lets me know that I am making you feel good,” she explains, wrapping her arms around his neck. He brings his head to her neck and gives it a kiss. She plays with his hair to help stop his tears from spilling. He pulls away from her and writes something down. I’m sorry I ignored you, but please don’t break up with me. Y/N gives him a soft look and then a kiss on the lips. “It’s okay, Rafey. I forgive you.”
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b1mbodoll · 10 months
Can you write about roommate Kazuha?
pairings: nakamura kazuha x f! reader
warnings: noncon to dubcon + perv! zuha + masturbation + toys + cervix fucking + panty sniffing + pillow humping + gaslighting + oral + spit
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roommate! kazuha is the sweetest girl ever! she loves taking care of you n constantly makes your bed or does ur laundry while you’re running errands. you think nothing of it, accepting her kind gestures n buying her lil gifts in return <3 what you don’t know is that kazuha takes the opportunity to play with her cunt on your bed n sniff your dirty panties ^^ has even humped your pillow n squirted at the thought of you catching her.
when you do catch her in the act it’s like she’s a woman possessed. ur sweet roomie is long gone and in her place is a sicko. “don’t act all innocent, yn. ‘s your fault, you’re a fucking tease and you know it.” her words send your mind spiraling, wondering if it really was your actions that caused her perverted behavior. she doesn’t even stop grinding her clit on your pillow, keeps goin’ until she cums with a cry of your name <3
after her first orgasm you think she’s just gonna leave you alone n head to her room but you’re so wrong. she does go to her room but returns moments later with a black box in her hands. “what’s that, zuha?” you gulp, praying your voice doesnt show the slight terror you’re feeling. “you’ll find out soon enough.” there’s a weird smile on her face and it makes your stomach drop. you know what’s coming and decide not to fight it, hoping that if you comply she’ll go easier on you.
kazuha opens the box and takes out one of her bigger dildos, it’s long and thick and so intimidating because how is that gonna fit? “open.” she says and slips the silicon cock between your lips making you choke on it, drool coating the entire thing and even leaking down her hand. your gags are music to her ears but she pulls the toy out of your mouth, pushing you on your back n making her way between your legs. “gonna fuck you so good, angel. promise i’ll make you cum.” the tip of the dildo is so girthy it makes you whine, pussy spasming around it as your roommate makes you take every inch.
kazuha sets a fast pace immediately. doesnt give you time to adjust to the stretch before fucking your pussy like her life depends on it. “you’re so wet, are you sure you didn’t want this?” a high pitched moans escapes you n you start second guessing your feelings because if it’s wrong why does it feel so good? why does kazuha have you creaming around a toy you’re certain she’s used on herself?
she slaps your clit with her free hand and it has you cumming instantly, hips lifting off the bed at the overwhelming pleasure coursing through you. “god, zuha! f-feels so fucking good, i love you,” your mind is completely empty n kazuha continues abusing your cunt with the dildo. the head hitting your cervix over n over is the last thing you remember feeling before passing out, body limp as she slips the toy past the opening of your womb. you’re unconscious n all you can do is take it but that doesn’t register in her head. the only thing she can focus on is how far she’s able to push the dildo inside n it makes her cum untouched <3
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ganondoodle · 10 months
wait i just realized... the mastersword isnt even important enough to warrant zelda doing to such extreme lengths to repair it bc its NOT EVEN REQUIRED FOR DEFEATING GANONDORF
idk about you but the mastersword being not just this weak after all this but also not even required is like ... hurting the whole plot SO bad for all that zelda knew she was basically killing herself by doing the dragon thing ONLY for the mastersword, which isnt even needed to reach the end why do the dragon thing at all??? she could have put it in some other divine place for it to recover (she knew where the springs are, she knew where the krog forest is, heck she even knew where the forgotten temple is BC THEY WERE ALL THERE* and im not going to belive any of them came into existence afterwards), in botw it took 'only' a 100 years to regenerate the damage it took in botws past which, while not as extreme as in totk, was pretty bad! yeah it gets outright broken in totk but like ... really? far over 10 000 years to recover it? through ZELDA? one of the most divine being IN THE FORM of one of the most divine beings aside from the very gods themselves?? whats the use of it being able to regernate if it takes THAT long?? feels easier to forge a new one for that matter?? and the excuse that "it needed to be able to resist miasma" is like .. why tho? yeah ok fine i could do the entire bossfight with JUST the mastersword, but again, its not required! i can do it with anything else!! and its doesnt cleanse miasma either, like the sword did in tp when you could do away the twilight stuff when it got the super glow stuff so its really like ... she did that JUST for the sword? really? the fact that her becoming a dragon is the way to get her back into her time isnt something she could have known and it working out like that makes it feel like a massive fail of the writers bc it makes it feel less like an actual decision she made for good reason and more bc its a decision the writers made bc the writers already knew where it would end, the writers knew shed be turned back in the end no problem so they had her do the dragon thing despite it being pretty senseless from her perspective
(wouldnt it have felt more in character and logical to put the mastersword somwhere safe where it can recover over all those centuries and search for a way to return to her time herself? like in these two games ZELDA feels like the more important thing that the sword, -zeldas prone to sacrifice herself for other- WHY! its better for everyone if you are alive rather than dead! you got to this time by yourself and also somehow not jsut shifted the time but also PLACE bc you sure as hell didnt appear in a cavern in the middle of the land, you have wielded incredible magic before and are a researcher, surely theres some way for you to at least TRY to return on your own?? how cool would it have been to find little markers and spots where clearly she has left you some sort of message, maybe like a way for you to do something that helps her in the past, USE THE WEIRD ASS TIME BUBBLES FROM THE TUTORIAL AGAIN!! send back something she needs to return! go and talk with impa and purah to determine what shes trying to tell you, help her along the way and in the end she makes her triumphant return, having grown and learned with what she did instead of regressing her chaarcter to the big eyed maiden that you get as a reward at the end through unsatisfying bs reasons and hurray she doesnt even remember, perfect little fairytale of no consequences wahoo- im salty about this let me be salty-)
you can absolutely combine a free to explore open world with good story without restricting it by much, like locking the bossfight behind aquiring the mastersword doesnt feel like that big of a change and its not making it a whole lot more linear, most people do it anyway right?
(also a thing im doing in my rewrite of it is locking certain things for some parts, it just makes sense if you are trying to tell a story, but its pretty clear now they werent trying to do that, just throw you into a box of virtual toys, and i think thats just sad)
*yeah actually whats up with the sonau/rauru putting their little nuclear super weapon storage room inTO THE ANCIENT RELICT OF THE FORGOTTEN PAST TEMPLE BEHIND THE BIGGEST STATUE OF HYLIA IN EXISTENCE?? you cant tell me all those ancient ruins (springs, forgotten temple) were made AFTER all of the shitshow that went down in totks past; putting it behind that statue? building it into there feels incredibly disrespectful, maybe it makes more sense if you just see it as the devs wanting to put somethign new there, but if you consider it in universe its just ??? also HOW is any of it in such a good shape??, it looks like they buried sonia there a year ago, the structures look like they just came out of a 3d printer despite supposedly being older than their recorded history??
on that note ... how does the room with the order and location of zeldas tears make sense .. are you telling me someone of the past ran around after dragon zelda recording where her fucking tears went down and what markings it made on the ground and then built a room next to the nuclear weapon storage room with the laughably unceremonial grave of the fucking queen just to put all that into statue form? also none of the geographical things changed in ALL that time?? the castle is drawn on there too so i guess that was super fresh then since it "was built above ganondorf as a symbol of royal blahbla" at least in botw you had the photos on your SHIEKAH stone to recover them once you found the place they were taken in, it felt so organically integrated ..
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acid-comet · 4 months
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Someone asked me for my rant on MLP Gen 5 so ima post as much as i can remember here.
I wanted to redesign Sunny Starscout and Izzy MoonBow. Sunny is gonna be mule based and Izzy crystal pony based, also i personally believe gen 5 is in their teens compared to gen 4 in their college-adulting age. I hate that she calls herself a princess... like i dont like that mlp treats alicorns as a royalty thing and not a demi-god thing but Sunny just ticks me off bad
Gen 5 has minimal and uninteresting story, character personality, character design, etc. Most of the main cast look like background recolor ponies, their designs have nothing to 'grasp on to' and their personalities dont have anything to care for or about. And their names SUCK! They tried to continue a; Twilight Sparkle and Lyra Heartstrings, type name but failed. Their all duplicates of eachother besides their personal 'thing': Main pony, artsy pony, influencer pony, tomboy pony, guy pony, weirdly in-depth character pony.
Whats worse than that is looking at the concepts. Their new gen had decent concepts, but seeing that they were going to recreate gen 4 was devastating. Monster high is doing the same thing?? They have the same characters but with small tweaks and differences. i think it would have been easier to just remake gen 4 instead of making a new gen, ugh.
Also the story doesnt make since/ sounds so weird if its the same timeline as gen 4 but n/a time passed. Gen 4 ended with P!Twi making a school for magic for all races, and gen 5 opens up to REVERYONE separated? By race and pony race?? And everyones left in the dark about it since none of the main cast are relevant enough to know, and no one to give that info besides the villain but why would she just tellnthe audience??? if everyone separated again wouldnt Windigos be affecting this? Wouldnt a windigo villian make more since than a continuity error 'alicorn'???
Theres more to add but i cant think without combining my own headcannon in right now, bleh.
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unidot · 8 months
Some Fade Valorant headcanons from my twt
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-Since her powers are not mind reading and not clear, she also uses her psychology knowledge to base assumptions on people and use their fears against them more affectively
-Fidgets with her hands a lot. She either uses an object to keep her hands busy or uses her nightmare tendrils
-Doing henna and drawing are some kind of meditation for her. They help her to keep herself grounded when the nightmares and visions get especially bad
-She prefers bitter coffee
-Born in the city of Bursa, later moved to İstanbul
-She doesnt have a cat of her own, mostly takes care of street cats
-She loves homemade food but is not that good at cooking so she mostly goes to restaurants that makes homemade like food
-She is around 172 cm (5'8") tall and is 27-28 years old
-since its confirmed that the nightmare is not a seperate entity, the prowlers act on her most basic emotions deep down (playing with people she likes, hissing at people she dislikes etc)
-She cant shut down her powers because they work like a 6th sense in a way. She constantly feels the fear and discomfort around her but choses to not focus on it
-Designed her own nazar symbol
-She is really bad at singing
-likes photography and she is good at it thanks to needing to take a lot of photos in her job
-Knows hacking because she hacked into Cypher's computers and compiled all the information on the protocol without being detected
-she sometimes plays chess with Cypher
-Her favorite color is blue (color of nazar, her vest and her ult)
-does coffee fortune telling for her friends
-her favourite food is mantı
-didnt really had a good education but has a lot of knowledge on stuff thanks to reading a lot and doing a lot of research on stuff she is curious about
-She was really skinny when she joined vp (mostly because she didnt really took good care of herself as she did research for her blackmail attack) gained some fat and muscle after vp's food and training
-she learned some German in middleschool and highschool. With that vp has 2 agents who both knows Turkish and German (Kj being half Turkish from her mothers side)
-Omen and her dms are full of cat videos they found
-her prowlers name is Karabasan
-her favorite book genres are books that explore the human mind or detective books
-she tans easily
-she dislikes swimming. Prefers to read a book on the beach
-she is generally tidy but can get messy when she is focused on a mission. Her desk especially becomes a mess
-she smells like coffee and burnt sages
-she doesn't really care about other agents' opinions on her. She is still friendly sometimes and civil to them, but if they don't forgive her, she honestly doesn't give a shit. And agents that still dislike her are mostly civil towards her
-if she is feeling down, she often goes on walks outside. Helps to clear her mind
-its hard for her to care for something or someone. But if she does, she cares so much
-she has a motorcycle back home. It's easier and more efficient for her since Istanbul traffic can be hell
-she is great at gambling or games like gambling since she is observant and can just feel the peoples fear or anxiety of losing
-she sometimes falls asleep (passes out) on random places if she hasn't slept in a really long time
-Omen knit a sweater and a scarf for her
-she gets along with Harbor really well. They share books and talk about their experiences with working in Realm while drinking tea or coffee
-she can really relate to Neon with not being able to control her powers fully and that affecting her life and relationships. She doesn't admit it, though
-she plays backgammon with Cypher and Harbor
-she spends a lot of time and effort on her "messy" appearance
-she is one of the busiest agents. She gets a lot of assignments (mostly intel work)
-she knows all of the agents' most secrets and fears but she honestly couldnt care less. Your secret is safe with her (If you are on her good side)
-she prefers to use a Phantom than a Vandal
-she finds Dizzy cute because she looks like a sleepy kitten
-she is still secretly salty about KAY/O catching her
-she and Skye dont really like eachother that well but they see eachother often during the early mornings (Skye going for a morning run and Fade still not sleeping) and Skye's tiger and Fade's prowlers likes to play so they end up seeing eachother more than they would like
-Used to go to clubs and bars often. Mostly to stay awake and keep her mind busy
-She is actually kinda rich. Her bounty hunter job paid her well
-Secretly wants Neon's black cat plushie but would never admit it
-she is really great at reading people but she is bad at interacting positively towards them. Her compliments or her comforting words can be awkward or just not appropriate
-other than cats, one of the other animals she really likes is octopuses
-she and Chamber trade expensive coffee
-she has a lot of scars on her body
-she is not that psychically strong compared to other agents
-she has high alcohol tolerance
-names all the cats she looks after on the streets. Either gives them cute names or just normal human names
-she is superstitious. Mostly about nazar
-her hand writting is really messy
-she was born left handed but she is now ambidextrous
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Ive. Had this one idea stuck in my head for WEEKS and i feel like you might get a kick out of it so!
The idea is that sam is basically forced to go to a gala in gotham and shes well aware of the crime rate so to protect herself what does she do? Obviously she has fenton technology but she knows if shes mugged itll be a little difficult to get discretely so what does she do? She uses a hideous bag her parents made her take thats suspiciously brick-sized and packs a little surprise! However, at the gala the joker attacks and makes the horrible mistake of turning his back on the one person crazier than a gothamite. Sam whacks him with her purse and takes him out before any of his like. Secret planted goons or whatever get the chance to reveal themselves and so theyre like FCK this job and everyones like. Kind of just waiting for police or batman or whatever to show up. Sam and any other amity parkers are just like. Fully going back to business even easier than some of the actual gothamites. When the cops or whatever get there sams neglects to inform them she put a FKING BRICK in her purse in case she got mugged so hes gonna need medical attention and shes gone by the time they realize oh fk the joker has a severe head injury and the joker dies. (Or doesnt, but its really funny to have mysterious outsider come in, one hit KO the big bad and then fking completely vanish bc amity is super hard to find.)
This got so much longer than i expected lol didnt realize my silly little idea of "sam packs a brick and slaughters the joker on accident" would be so complicated lol. if you or anyone have any suggestions to add that would be awesome! :]
Jason goes to find Sam to congratulate her in person. You know he would. They also 1000% start deep dive searching for anything and everything about Sam because this girl just killed the joker
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roseworth · 2 months
its all about lili to me. she was the only person rose was close to for the first 15ish years of her life, then she dies and rose has no one left except wintergreen who she barely knows but he sort of knew her mom so she stays with him. she hates slade because she blames him for her mothers death, she hates herself because her mother died saving her but she refuses to think about that too hard and directs all her anger toward slade and wade. she cant talk about lili to anyone because a part of rose that shes buried deep deep down blames herself for her death, so its so much easier to deflect and never talk about it. she clings to scraps of hope that her mom is alive because if she is it means she didnt kill her, and the only person shes ever let herself love is still alive
and lili was never fully open with her, she always wanted to protect her and keep her away from danger so there was so much rose didnt know. and once lili's dead rose realizes that there was so much she didnt know and now she never will, so she tries so hard to connect with her because its all she has!!! she avenges lili's death by killing wade multiple times but its not enough and she has to know more about her but now theres nothing of lili's because their home was ransacked and she has nothing left. and rose throws herself into trying to understand her mother. she joins slade--even before he drugs her, even though she hates him--because hes giving her the chance to avenge her mother (again), and lili always had good things to say about him on the rare occasion she actually talked about him, so rose wants to know what lili knew because there had to be some reason that she loved him, and she just wants to understand her. and the drug makes her think less about her mother, makes her want to be more like her father instead of her. but the closest she ever feels to her mother is when slade is carrying her to safety after she gets stabbed in the throat, because maybe he IS kind and caring in the way lili used to describe and she finally feels like she knows the version of slade that her mom talked about. but then slade implants radioactive material in her skull and she thinks lili was wrong about him, but the bright side is now she knows what its like to love slade for what she wishes he was instead of who he is, just like lili did.
but she doesnt know what lili was really like. lili put up a wall when she was with rose because she wanted her to be safe and didnt want her to be involved with her father. so she would always keep her close but never tell her everything, so the person rose knew as a mother wasnt who everyone else knew lili to be, and rose will never know because she refuses to talk about her. but rose IS her mother's daughter. she says in fresh hell that growing up, she knew what traits she got from her mother and just assumed that the rest were from her father. but she doesnt know that she got (some of) those traits from lili too. she says that she imagined her father was "defiant, aggressive, and cunning" because she doesnt know that was her mother. lili never let rose see that side of her because she needed to keep her out of danger, and rose didnt see what lili was like when someone she loved was in danger. rose didnt see what lili was like when rose got kidnapped. and now rose spends the rest of her life worrying about how she's her fathers daughter because she'll never know that she is truly and completely her mothers daughter. all she knows is that the life rose is living was never what lili wanted for her, so she thinks shes disappointing her. and in a way, shes right.
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bumblebeehug · 3 months
I've watched season 1-3 of winx in less than 4 days, and I'm so glad I grew up on that instead of cocomelon. Even when the script seemed cringe and not as fleshed out as it could be, they never made the people watching the show seem stupid (they made Bloom seem stupid instead, lol (half-joke)). The dialogue could be simplefied and sometimes a bit naive, but at the same time they never made it feel very simple? Maybe I'm just blinded bc I'm a sucker for illustrated animations, but the fact that they could make a complicated storyline with a lot of character arcs, while keeping the dialogue simple enough for kids to follow, is just amazing. And as if that wasn't amazing enough, the show had good balance in the art - it was colourful, the characters were dynamic and unique with different siluettes (something i rarely see in kids shows today), while also appealing to the preteen audience: the winx girls are strong, stylish, girly girls, who can seek out love from men without needing them to save them. They show that you can be unique in your friend group, and you can still be loved and appreciated (thinking about Musa, Techna and later on Aisha/Layla, who all aren't the stereotypical sweet/soft/stylish girls, but who still find friends who love them for who they are). (More analysis beneath the read more thing - mainly a discussion on how family is represented in the show and how important it is for children to be able to look up to female figures that can represent them. + some other stuff.)
Winx also casts light on a lot of different family dynamics - something i've only really seen Bluey do well recently. Stella's parents are divorced, Bloom is adopted, Musa's relationship with her dad is strained ever since her mom died, Aisha/Layla is an only child who struggled with lonliness despite having both of her parents together (they were absent bc of their royal duties), Techna doesnt seem to have any mayor issues, nor does Flora. And the thing is - these struggles are shown in such natural ways in the show. All of these dynamics turn out to be part of their journeys - Bloom struggles as a fairy because of her unknown past, so she must resolve it and find out more to be able to become a fully fledged fairy. Stella has dealt with her divorced parents most of her life, but in season 3 the entire Valtor thing strains her relationship with her father, and she has to overcome it so she can save him from Cassandra or whatever that duchess was called (girlie practically gets banned from her home planet, don't you forget). Faragonda brings Musa's dad to her first concert, which once again strains their relationship, but then strengthens it when he sees how capable she is, both as a musician and as a fairy. Aisha/Layla displays how it is to have more traditional parents - as a child she had lots of expectations to be a proper princess, which she for a long time still had trauma from, plus that her parents wanted to pick her future husband for her (they were all lucky that the two of them matched well lol). And then we have Flora who showed off sisterhood in an amazing way - worrying over and scolding her little sister, but never doubting for a second that she'd risk her life to save her. To the point though - everyone faces difficulties that can be reflected in most people's lives, and the show makes these journeys meaningful and important. I personally never had a need to see myself represented in my family situation, but my friend had divorced parents, and she told me that Stella's viewpoint made it easier for little her to deal with it. If Stella could overcome it (reminder that she still allowed herself to feel sad about it) then so could my friend.
Now, while I'm at it, I might as well continue ranting:
Maybe I'm just not updated in modern shows, but isn't there an entire market of preteens who are missing these types of shows today? We're always talking about how clothing trends and social media is forcing younger people to grow up eariler, but let's not forget that these kids have nothing if they don't decide to grow up immediately. There's no shows, no "toys" (i'm mostly talking about merch that caters to young people - "H2O just add water" pillowcases and diaries etc) and no older teens in these shows setting appropriate clothing trends. Shows aren't cool enough nowadays for preteens to see the appeal of being young. Too many shows are changing their target audience to younger and younger children - and not only shows! Just look at the Nesquik bunny! He went from 100% drip and style, to 100% millenial.
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Ik this isn't anyone in particulars fault, but this is just my way of saying: go back to unique styles and outfits! Shows aren't cool anymore, and removing the illustrated style and exaggeration is absolutely part of that.
I also saw someone on TikTok critique the pace of the earlier seasons - they said everything was too slow-paced and boring, and honestly? I couldn't disagree more. Now, I don't have any difficulties concentrating, so maybe it's a bigger problem for people with ADHD or similar diagnosis, but the slower pace gave more time for me to immerse myself in the winx world. They added amazing vocals and soundtrack, that could either showcase heartbreak or joy, and these details made the show reach much higher quality, despite looking like it was made in the cheapest animation program ever.
I went off on a tangent, but I'm getting back to winx now - what I mean is that kids nowadays have no authentic way of finding shows like winx, mainly because there aren't any! Most shows are made for kids under the age of 8 or over the age of 13, and there's almost no inbetween. Shows don't do it like winx did anymore - they don't make the art appealing enough (bc the shows are never illustrated - fair enough i'll add, bc illustrated animation is too expensive to be profitable nowadays, but not even the animation is appealing anymore, they're all rapunzel-lookalikes/wannabes), they don't trust that the watchers have brains and critical thinking, so they make the stories too dumb, they don't have the guts to make scary storylines, and they try so hard to be inclusive without actually succeeding at it (making all the fairies even paler than what they were in the beginning of the show).
I'm sure everything I've said here has been said before a trillion times, but I wanted to get it off my chest. I won't blame anyone if they decide that they ain't reading allat bc i really ran with this. If u did read this though, thanks! And sorry if i spelled things wrong, I'm writing this on a Swedish computer that insists that every single word is spelled incorrectly, lol.
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rewritingcanon · 1 year
next gen characters and their favourite parent 🫣
victoire: fleur but maybe only by a margin (very close, bill should not take it personally that victoire just specifically admires fleur more because they are more similar in character, she really loves her dad)
dom: bill because he let her get tattoos before she was 18 and he will brush her hair in the morning when she’s too tired to do it herself
louis: fleur because their mother would never allow louis to leave the house looking ugly and they really appreciate that
molly: percy, because they are similar in person and when he gives her approval it just makes her feel more satisfied yknow
lucy: audrey because her mother lets her get away with more stuff than her dad does, so she feels more comfortable being goofy with her than her dad
fred: george because his love language is irritating people and george will just give the same energy back without any qualms
roxanne: angelina, she feels they have a greater understanding between them and she goes to her mother for advice more often
james: ginny, he is the definition of a momma’s boy who would always go soft on her
albus: ginny, even though he feels he’s more similar to harry, sometimes ginny just saying shit as it is gives him a rare sort of calm he appreciates
lily: harry, she loves making her dad interested in anything and everything shes interested in and he’s always genuinely listening to her
rose: no. she genuinely has no preference she loves her parents the same. she is very consistent in her love for them
hugo: contrary to rose, it honestly depends on the day. ron will sneak him toffee and hot chocolate late on a saturday evening and hugo will deem him the favourite parent, the next day hermione buys him a squishmallow and she is
teddy: …andromeda
scorpius: even though he would rather keel over than ever think of liking one parent more than the other… he was closer with astoria growing up (due to their likeness she could bond with him easier), but obviously as scorpius grows up he gets closer with his dad, and he’ll have more experiences with him than he ever had with his mother.
lysander: rolf because he takes lysander all over the world to pursue his interests in geology. rolf will be trying to tame some swedish serpent whilst lysander is inspecting the pebbles in its cave and thats a normal father-son bonding time for them
lorcan: luna. lorcan has been illustrating for the quibbler since he was 13 because luna genuinely doesnt believe there is any other artist that can perfectly mirror the complexity of peculiar fantastical creatures as her son (it’s literally a stick figure)
alice: neville. she’s a daddy’s girl who has her dad wrapped around her finger. i mean, he loves her so much that he forgives her for hating gardening
frank: hannah. she forces him to help her fold the laundry with her and he hates it, but he still loves her (forcing him to help her with her chores just so she can spend more time with him, i see you hannah)
delphi: voldemort 😻😻 (she needs therapy immediately)
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